Creating A Pokemon Factory In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon

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Can’t be the one time where I don’t wait oh my God wait am I I’m at a beach no you know who’s loose wow you’re lying today my friends and I create our very own Pixelmon Tycoon with a goal to make as much money as possible

To buy master balls rare candies and all sorts of items and then setting out to catch a team of six Pokemon before the time is up the battle is on here we go guys one and let’s go oh yo cap is cheating out here yeah I I’m actually willing to throw that away

Wait what what happened one extra iron ingot one iron don’t listen don’t don’t fall for monkeys don’t listen to don’t you know that Mr Burns the most philosophical Man Of All Times that the cheating is the gift man gives himself that is that is uh I mean

Oh yeah it’s not I can’t see that that’s a real school [Laughter] I mean hard to disagree with wrong doesn’t make it right but oh you know what is Right Rising blame the 30 stream tip to give Jerry 10 rare candies yes bring them to me bring them to me intern man

Hoist them thank you ten whole rare thank you Rising blade it’s gonna come in big handy actually because every time we do this we usually end up a couple short so that’ll be uh that’ll be nice how much is the Pokeball 16 yikes uh Pokeball is 400 000.

For a Pokeball yeah yeah it’s inflation that’s how it goes yeah has anyone ever tried to convert Pokemon money into real world money like in traffic well it’s just based off of the Japanese Yen so you just move it two decimals and that’s about what it would

Cost like a Pokeball is like two dollars uh like two dollars yeah that’s ridiculous yeah you’re not you’re not getting as much money as you think you are like when you beat that poor kid with the caterpiece he’s giving you like seven bucks like it’s not it’s not as

Much as you think it is that’s probably his life savings drops yeah it’s jeez wow oh my God a whole lot more difference fennel with a 50 stream tip which is for Cappy to get an exploding Pokemon non-legendary of his choice oh you know I gotta go Metagross oh Fair

He doesn’t enter every time that’s his go-to explosion it’s a good choice last time I went licky licky you’re not wrong I remember that cause I’m gonna be like what the problem with the problem with these is that they spawn in at like level 50. so they’re

Never as valid as the ones I find out in the wild because there’s no way to get 50 rare candies yeah less unless insane like if you want me to be a World’s class pain in the keister don’t do this don’t do this Broden Charlotte 25 stranger said steak Bob on

Jerry it begins you will not be able to outstake me they might be able to they might be able to I think that’s entirely a possibility I think that sounds like someone’s asking for another stream full of steak no not after the ant farm not after the

Great Ant Farm incident of 2023. if you missed that stream for 23 minutes they had me going on it Donovan Adams my goodness with a 150 stream tip for dropsy to get a random legendary Pokemon oh my God it’s been like five minutes dude I’m getting rare candies Kathy’s got

Exploding Metagross yeah don’t say anything just also Luke you can poke you you don’t have to give it to yourself and gift it to me you can just give it to me yes you can Michael Thomas with a 60 stream tip Bruh Bruh dropsy they are helping you big

Time Michael Thomas 60 streamed it for drops to get 20 rare candies bro I need me some of that yeah I was gonna say what’s going on here today Chase come on can’t you give it to to me and Kathy oh sick or me yeah no

Wow no sorry Steve this is you know this is for only mediocre uh people only I’m sorry buddy what’s wrong with that I don’t want to be a mediocre there’s nothing wrong with mediocrity the coke more approach Jerome Mercedes guide on the rise to Media it’s probably because uh dropsy was cheating I guess you guys to give each of us a rare candy yeah the council has spoken that’s fair that counts all I’ve spoken well this would be a perfect time to remind you guys about the last dab hot sauce that could be coming home in my stomach today um

Aren’t you already at home yes any more questions how is it going home with you today then in my stomach um oh my God cat they’re gonna set you up my dude Donovan Adams is a 50 straight tip for Cappy to get another explosion Pokemon he also reminded me on a few low

Level I need help to get them boom boom ready oh guys he’s not he’s got a point if he doesn’t get those rare candies then I’ll just get trashed yeah okay so for the second exploding Pokemon it has to be non-legendary yes uh yeah they all have to be non-leginer

Yeah that’s in the uh the fine print of the stream tip it is actually I’m not just making that up I guess God dude it’s rough because I want to choose one that he would spawn in that would be at a high level uh nose foreign for sure dude

Ah God I think I’ve gotta go turtonator all right reasonable Choice yeah yeah that’s a fire dragon type it’s just like it’s good he’s good also um what is it dropsy you got your 10 rare candies or 20 rare candies in your legendary I did yes no okay answer me this job

Okay oh are you gonna tell us what legendary you got yeah oh never mind I want it all legendary was it gonna be a deal or like what no I was just gonna ask what level it spawned in at oh 70. 70. oh yeah which the rare candies will definitely help with that

But um I got a Lugia there is one whoa that’s a flying mon that’s huge it’s so bulky yeah yeah that’s raw I need rare candies help me dads is the ability That’s wrong okay posted in all likelihood it’s got pressure which is fantastic because if it had multi-scale we would never kill it oh geez the interns over here cleaning up my steak bomb as if they’re not gonna drop another one in like five seconds I’m having frames gone when I look that

Way yeah he’s trying to clean it up you can feel free to burn the ones that are on top of the it’s just iron they missed their intern it’s fine it’s fine if you want to burn those just how much summon the lightning Luke okay oh getting some Goods I’m moving quick

Today I’m moving extra lickety-split ude oh yeah I’m ready Mr Luke you can get rid of my iron now to Max up my jeez I’m Jim Donovan Adams with a hundred one for Cappy to get rare candies Oh no Mr intern oh no we have a 25 shooter for Michael Thomas for a steak Bob on Jerry I told you was it worth cleaning up he just goes please no cap you’re gonna have a good position now backing up to avoid looking at ninja

Right that gets my Metagross to level 90 which is that’s doable that’s doable but turtonator the sacrifice there is that turtonator is going to stay at 49. oh look I’m just saying Metagross overshadows Terminator every day of the week I mean you could honestly get a stronger

No bro it’s all the 25 stream tip to hit me with the steak bomb again but it’s okay because Rising blade thank you buddy and with a thirty dollar stripper to give me a rare candy set again there’s 10 more rare candies coming my way after the steak bomb while

Look you don’t have I mean you kind of do that huge same here okay got my diamonds online I got that first one fully upgraded immediately Sam the first diamond yeah same I got the first uh two now nice you can probably break my iron Gins over here now

I don’t want to collect him so I can use it yeah I’m good on the island but I am also good on the iron no buns dude the steak bombs are so annoying like getting rid of all the steak there it is I was able to pick up my diamonds ever

Because of the stake bombs just covering everything oh my goodness dang I didn’t max out that second one I’m gonna ruin someone at some point oh it messed up cap what yeah I didn’t have to write a number of gold ingots for that one steak bomb at the right time on

Someone it can really ruin them because they could be forced to drop the item in their stake wow guys I have bad news for all of us not named Cappy Reese with a 50 stream dip cat that is another exploding Pokemon for you I need more rare candies

To make these valid guys yeah like if this isn’t gonna work unless I get like all the rare candies ever the only way this could possibly work is if I only get rare candies a stack and a half per Michael Thomas no the 25 streamer said Jerry you seem hungry does this look

Hungry to you do you see the hamburgers everywhere happy birthday it’s not my birthday so God what is your neighbors think during the day so for I think it’s his birthday yeah so for the next one I want a gallerian wheezing oh buddy oh interesting out of pocket

Uh also don’t forget I did just get a steak bomb and sit in turn everyone clear your uh pick up your diamonds Luke said we’re gonna need an item clear or we’re gonna crash okay all right give me an item clear buddy uh I’m on my diamonds if everyone else ready I’m on

Them yep then turn man but now that you cleared it it has more steak yes yeah that was cool great thing so you can’t yeah you can’t tell Steve buying uh buying rare candies with diamonds is just not viable like at all well it’s because it’s a singular rare candy

For 96 diamonds it’s just too much it’s rough if you get the things to get like Pokemon it you need the rare candies oh Dragon Wrecker with a hundred dollar stream tip said a pinch for Jerry and Cappy I’m not sure let’s fit 250s for rare candies no 250. this is give Cappy

Exploding Pokemon but that doesn’t work for me uh we’ll let you in the chat let us know do you want to give Cappy two exploding Pokemon is that I’m gonna need so many rare candies guys I need some help I need help you’re getting here guys you’re getting all the Pokemon but

The rare you’re right because they’re not gonna be high enough level it’s just gonna be poop intern could you I’m still down one Pokemon from earlier and it was gallerian hilarious said in chat that he doesn’t think it’s in this version hold on oh that’s valid that’s valid uh I think it

Should be it should be I might this might be earlier I I think it should be luke give yourself a regular wheezing and then grab the Pokey editor and try to change its form like that well I’ll try and think of something else I’d want

Oh and in the meantime cap Rhys Larson a 60 strength for Kathy to get 20 rare candies dude Michael Thomas with a 60 stream different campaign to get 20. rare candies and it don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming I’m built different oh my God

Dude they are they want you to have these rare candies my dude they want it page right now for obscure ones I have a question yeah it was the desert I think it’s literally always the same yeah it’s very sad we need to eat okay what’s up with that

Where is every once in a while not in the desert okay it’s not only just the desert but it’s also the fact that it’s like it’s genuinely the same exact world every time all right cap you were saying I want a Cloister oh that’s big that’s you better help us

Yeah I do I do hope that very much so I want Cloister and shiftry I just found a Typhlosion out in the wild when you’re done with that um you can destroy my iron gens if you want buddy if it’ll help out the Lagoon not like okay

I’m gonna grab one more thing of iron I need more rare candies Feed me more how many more rare candies you need cat what are you looking for a Preposterous amount really oh yeah but then I’ve got a 61 shiftry and a 49 turtonator yikes dude so you

Need a ridiculous amount you need a lot more rare candies like these kind of frightening teams still he might like still go out and try and like catch some replacement mods at level 90. to be fair it’s not undoable cap because you need about a hundred rare candies so

Reese Larson with a hundred dollar stream tip TP player to buy them of choice he said moves theme to The Ocean yeah Steve you were complaining about the map go take a swim good take a nice little take a dip buddy I’m fine with that I can get some water type Pokemon

Oh my god dude I love that two hopefully it’s a hundred out okay like out to level 100 that’s what I meant so upside of getting Metagross Metagross can fly yeah true cap I actually totally think you’re gonna get the 100 candies you need I I dude they

Are charged up for you today clearly they want it I’m feeling it who wants the boom boom okay let’s go find something she’s not wrong anyway um I I I I heard the shovel going instead’s mine he was digging yeah no he was definitely he was digging for Treasure there

Michael Thomas Thanks for the 100 stream tip uh he said stead to ultra that counts setting him through the worm send him into the Wormhole okay let’s go Luke send me send him into the ultra space me too all right Luke’s gonna instead there’s an ultra work full

Portal like right outside oh there’s no there is all right wait almost always intern I have a suggestion for you to find for um for Steve do slash locate and locate an underwater Guardian thingy whatever it’s called Stephen If your name is Cappy that is Josh Burley with a 60 stream tip yeah to get those 20 rare candies yes Ultra Wormhole like you don’t have to worry about it all right I didn’t see it so Luke I mean not Lucas said you get to teleport into the ultra spaces Rachel

Larson with a 25 stream did for Steve to have a steak Bob in the middle of the ocean well now you’re gonna be puking all over the ocean outside of your house a rock gym give me a second fire gym huge that I’m wasting so much time trying to do this 24

Minutes left that’s our great news yeah gotten Golden Apple just for dudes I love this cap they’re helping you out as much as they can’t Dragon record with a 60 screen tip another 20 rare candies did I told you they’re gonna help you okay welcome adventurer’s dead

God speed mental gin I found in alolan Doug Trio I’ve got 40. what do you mean you’re gonna die before we run through all these intern making sure you’re caught up today you got Cappy the 40 rare candies yes bro that’s insane because there’s more there’s more stream tips

Coming through I just want to make yes potato toe could be the 60 stream to imagine a Pokemon handing a trainer a master ball here we go Jerome all I ask is that you don’t capture me yeah we’ll see about that but instead of a master box I’m already gonna actually I could

Use one more extra mess but that’s fine yeah yeah let it rip then turn let me add them as well thank you because now I have a bonus one so if I get out there and I catch I can catch up to seven of them right instead of without coming

Home so that’s that’s big that is pretty bigly thank you and then we have a 125 streamed it from Daniel good to see you Daniel as always TP dropsy to my favorite biome the snowy Tundra oh good luck finding that one Luke it goes bruh

And then he also has steak bomb on Jerry as well in there there might be one ahead of me if you want to just keep looking all right Mr intern literate buddy you could steak bomb me let’s see thank you potato Togepi thank you for that Master role by the way

I can figure out how to open a wormhole through space-time you can find the snowy Tundra I believe in you and while you’re looking make sure you stink bomb me and then also 25 tripping from Broden shot a steak bomb Cappy oh I’m flying through the air meat falling as it pleases

Oh my gosh oh my god dude uh Luke is preoccupied so I’m going to create it to break my generators uh there you go yeah nice guys like burger stars all right I’m heading out now I could really use some beef right now beef right now beef right now

I’m going what is this Flying Saucer I just found on the gym it looks like a flying saucer up in here like legitimately so caps how many rookanis do you have now uh 44 total you still need like probably 60s well I’m about to get the shiftry to

Level 100 real quick okay let us know give us the rundown on how many years down 58 total to have all my Pokemon maxed out dude my guess was close I said 60. so you need just yeah that’s not dude you’re gonna get it you’re totally gonna get that I might

It’ll be fine if you need another one outside your house I might summon another one right here I can’t believe they sent sped to ultra space this is so hard to Traverse I can’t see yeah if you had a flyer you’d be fine but yeah I’m just eating here now right

Is that how that works oh and the ultra space we’ll say you have to spend like just spend a decent amount of time there you know what I’m saying like maybe catch a Pokemon or so I don’t know have fun I call it two Pokemon out in the

Middle of the ocean there you go see Steve saying I’m gonna be using them on my team or not they’re still looking for a tundra for driving too so um Daniel with a 60 stream tip once 20 rare candies on dropsy not Cappy sorry cap thank you yeah Adventure Time yeah

So I I picked up a classic uh Graveler I’m gonna turn into a Golem so um that sounds delicious dang it now I gotta try and play you found snow all right Donovan Adams I mean technically Donovan Adams keep it Luke did you finally finish sending her because they need to send me

To the end now thanks to Donovan Adams it’s hilarious if you don’t mind bringing me to an end portal frame that’s one you can locate so yeah you told us locate that and then fill out the portal oh my God is there anything in there for me to catch

Yeah there’s Pokemon that’s are uh a lot of ultra rare Pokemon that you try to get in the Overworld are a lot easier to find in the end but in the wonderful version though yeah okay I can’t uh there might be a dragon but there’s there’s Pokemon

That’s spawning here all right Luke why are you talking about live long enough Dragon Wrecker with a 30 stream tip said here Jerry have some rare candies thank you sir can I have 10 rare candies Luke before I go on this adventure Tiny Bird nope okay I’ll pickaxe out of here also

There’s an Ender Dragon which I didn’t think yeah what do you think was gonna happen yeah there wouldn’t be wait wait there’s a level 100 Grandpa isn’t Grandpa good yeah a giraffe Dragon it’s height it’s all right it’s decent there’s also you found me the tiny snow biome in

Existence let’s go dude sending me to the end you were probably thought you would take it back I found a cool Pokemon he probably thought it was being a memester meanwhile dude I just caught a level 95 Cadabra oh yeah let’s see spoon trade Sim two oh would you look at that

An alakamazam yeah that’s what I was saying like like finding Alakazam in the Overworld he’s ultra rare but in the end it’s a lot easier that had drops uh confirm or deny this if you know offhand do you know if uh if Kadabra is the one that learns all

The moves and then when it gets to Alakazam it’s a no you can just hope it matters I don’t think it matters for that line specifically it’s it’s Pokemon like like Cloister that you have to do it before yeah it’s most of the stone Evolution I

Was gonna say I I always learn it was Donuts yeah some some trade Evolutions are like that but I just don’t remember which ones but I simply do not have the time to get his happiness up to evolve is Bohemian good no okay and drampa you guys could have seen

Convince was good so it’s probably not it’s fine but like this is better Pokemon it’s just not a very good one better option he’s just he just looks cool it’s just all right rare candies shout out to 1300 people watching by the way thank you thank you so much for

Being here guys reminder today could be the day that we do the last dab hot sauce it’s up to you guys if that happens or not man I’m trying to find my last expl oh wait look at tongue lick a tongue attack him Cappy I will he’s uh

I don’t know what but I don’t like it I I just didn’t expect it that’s all yep and so I don’t like it hey I found a village it’s like um unexpected one for the ice dragon Wrecker with a 30 stream dip said hey Cappy open up here comes some rare

Candies that brings you closer cap Captain only needs 50 rare candies to get all this leveled up I’m almost done with the engine though I think alexand might be the only great grab here for me it’s our time like Luke I’m surprised there’s not more dark types in the and

There’s unknown I see 10 minutes Absol lunatun Wobbuffet all right let me just make sure I’m just sitting here trying to get my first Pokemon’s please let this Pokemon win the battle I want him whatever you’re fighting win fluff Masters right I should just catch the Ender Dragon dude at this point yeah

Probably no way this is good and bad dropsy it could be worse for you because I only have one Pokemon Michael Gentry with a 200 stream tip said that Force trade drops he’s Lugia to drone but it’s okay all I have is an Alakazam level 100

So you’re not ooh you’re not losing it out completely uh I was gonna say I did I did not rare candy anything yet so it’s still Level 70. I definitely lose still but it’s not as you lose as bad as it could be luke can you uh make that transfer somehow

What I can just you guys just slash trade each other that’s a thing I don’t think so oh yes come here right thank you Michael though let’s go dude uh Jerome Pokey gift to me whatever slot your Alakazam is okay you got it sorry I’m in the middle

Of evolving my new album exam that I just caught dang oh my goodness you were still over there weren’t you okay slash Pokey gift can you pick me up no I’m not picking up a Wobbuffet slash Pokey gift dropsy one there you go I mean hey can I uh

You’re lying I just got a hasty nature to Alakazam so even faster and just lower defense but who cares with the defense uh it’s basically a glass Cannon I also use a glass Cannon anyways it doesn’t matter yeah thank you which his name is the physical

Defense of a wet paper bag oh man now cap now I’m in the same boat as you I need more rare candies because of dropsy’s um they’ll still do a lot of a lot of work Avro keeps yelling at me to get Absol I don’t want apps okay but then again

There is oh I see what people are talking about now okay let’s see if I can pull this off what people are talking about then maybe see what are people talking about I can’t tell you what they’re talking about if I tell you what they’re talking about that would be yeah

Are you talking crazy out here dude well let’s keep in mind he has to beat it so I know but and there’s probably gonna be legendary difficulty but yeah whoa that’s still a terrifying thought yeah I found a Venusaur terrifying thank you for a 90 streamton that is 30 rare candies for Jerry

Hoist them hoist them in turn potato Togepi is trying to help me out tremendously today Jerome you shouldn’t have given up this Alakazam you should have checked it out first he’s got 21 special attack and 27 speed IVs he didn’t exactly the second one

No I caught it and I I felt like that would be cheap I caught it after Ah that’s fair that’s funny enough dude I just got that Absol in in just in time because an Ender Dragon uh slapped me off the edge so that was literally like it couldn’t have been better timed

Hmm yes we need a flying type so was there a uh was there a Mega Absol in their dream ah no that’s good just Burley with a 25 stream tip steak bomb for drunk bro I was just about to complain about this yeah he wants me to catch the Ender Dragon and

Call it a Shadow Lugia I’m not sure it works like that that’s exactly how that works sure it will oh my god oh boy I hundreds well I’m okay to extend the timer a tiny bit if you guys want to round it up to this 12. I’m down to do like 20 minutes

I’m fine I’m fine yes all right okay everyone else I’m good with that they want to post all right close listen my team isn’t going to become any less explosive so unless not now Diglett my God playing so irritating they’re so necessary and so obnoxious to catch I know

This whole time and I can’t I’ve just spent the last like 15 minutes collecting rare candies I forget like the last 20 minutes got it I got it finally ow why at least want to find one yeah I’m trying to use the movie learner oh my gosh

Cap so how many exploding Pokemon did you get three or four you got a lot oh my my team’s full I just need rare candies oh my spawn no I got couple out there I got a Golem and the licky licky from just my own efforts

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me I accidentally just lucky dip the Pokemon like full-blown oh that is so obnoxious what do you mean like how does that what do you what I threw a master ball at a at a flying Pokemon it missed and it hit him

Something yeah oh no so you just lost it I just have him a choke now oh I mean there’s a chance Steve’s right there are definitely worst Pokemon than about champ yeah but it’s kind of it’s got an attack lower Adventure oh that’s not ideal that’s worse things dude

I I like all the Gen 1 trade evolution Pokemon I think it’s fun but at the same point I’m horrified because there’s a Lugia and two of you have have alakazams you know that is oh no we don’t yeah so uh dropsy what’s he talking about yeah his mind

I meant month the same time you guys did dropsy literally hit him with the I don’t know this man I literally I wasn’t on the servers the same time he was oh yeah so anyways really I don’t know why I always thought you guys knew each other for years no no no

So I’m honestly tempted to go home structures to see if I can get any interesting elements salami a legendary huge God this better not make what I told Luke early come true oh my gosh Alan guo thank you dude so much helping out the squat dude I think I’m gonna win today

You have uh yeah drops he’s a Lugia in another wait why do you why did you say LOL what does that mean does that mean it turned other means it’s really good or what I just said is oh it’s really good really bad no it’s really bad I’m probably not

Even gonna use them um desperate oh that guy can learn all right yeah desperate like I can learn explosion you should you should use ooh maybe I will maybe maybe oh he’s in another business man I’ve got some TM traders that you can access if you really want all of

Them in other battles Jesus oh no I need more rare candies now though I don’t know yeah I need a bunch of rare candies still cat needs them more than I do at this point I’d say I need I only need four so like I need 35

To get them maxed out I guess no I have a nighttime evolution Pokemon is it gonna change tonight at all or probably not yeah probably not I just mean it’s the daylight cycle oh there it is there you go oh thank you Destructo the Beast of the 50 stream tip cap he

Wants you to pick out another exploding oh my God what says it’s going to be low level ah God exploding Pokemon what would even fit in right here uh uh let’s see I could go for so difficult oh I know look out for my boy Gengar dude

Oh can you explode true yeah he can learn explosion man he’s valid it’s a cap gets a Gengar and Alan go with a 30 streamed it for me to get 10 rare candies let’s go Alan out setting me up today dude yeah now my Messenger will be level 100. oh yay

You are kind of kind of forming a mono type team here Jerome oh yeah yeah if you want I can’t use Gengar because I would need 50 rare cane candies to get them up like a tolerable level I won’t these level 60 actually he spawned in a level 40. oh man that’s wrong

That is rough all right let’s see what is it I’ll be an interesting one for everyone not bad all right I’ve never heard of this in my life We’re good here like yeah yes I found the Dialga but I’ve never seen it before and if I tell you about him he’ll break the fabric of reality reminder guys not that I’m asking for but the last dab is on the table today I kind of just want to get it over with

Because I know this is going to ruin the rest of the live stream so I’m kind of just wanting to get it over with and out of the way but yeah yeah you can break just don’t touch my diamonds they’ve been stacking up for a second yeah I need more diamonds too

Yeah I’ll leave the diamonds I also need diamonds I found a jungle temple that’s cool I’m really kind of hoping to find something that’ll if I could get a normal gym that would be so Opie okay one second I’m gonna beat up for uh talk to Weston what’s that he made God a

Fighter yes he is the god of New Jersey he has a fighting type hello hello you needed yeah I’m just strategizing that’s all right okay I I don’t think I’m gonna find anything out here broke my ankles shout out to the almost six watching let’s go that could be interesting stuff Master traitor

Okay so just with my own diamonds I’ve been able to get turtonator up to level 76. she’s oh all right all right I found some interesting stuff here can I teach this I might as well just like baby my team a little bit I’m kind

Of bummed that I won’t be able to use uh Gengar but it’s okay oh my gosh Kevin I’m rooting for you to get the uh the rare candies yeah I’m a big fan of it this is the closest I’ve had to a viable team in this Challenge and for a long time

This can’t be the one time where I don’t wait oh my God wait am I I’m at a beach no you’re lying is it a battle with a private you better not lose it lose lose no shot wow you’re alive dude just demolish I cannot wait to

Watch that back on the video oh my God first I might actually find it without worrying for five minutes and it just dies oh my God that’s kind of crazy oh that’s amazing dude that is hilarious oh glitches messaged me a Pokemon pun guys I’m feeling real confident in this

Team I think we’re gonna straight up win this whole thing all right to decide who gets the buys how many of us have all level 100s me I think we all do for once we all do okay I have a level 99. ah Steve’s in it

About the Battle and oh I have legendary I have Legend two legendaries I have no life I have three legendaries sorry no legendaries all right so mean drops you get to buy all right you guys battle it out Donovan line with a 25 stream dip

Said Bop and get rid of your what what’s it cap that’s not extreme dip a 25 stream tip does not get rid of a god Pokemon what are you talking about oh my God I didn’t hear the amount and I thought he did I was like oh my God we

Uh separating calls for this bit or uh yeah yeah let’s separate calls I will I want to watch I want to watch your guys’s battle cap so I’m actually going to join you guys on your call oh research for whatever you face me well I

I I I just kept you just you know what I just find you know the battles more entertaining than others sorry bud okay let’s move on down all right I’ll be joining you Hello friends okay instead uh you choose do you want to choose or just first Pokemon we go I

Think we choose like old times okay you choose first I’ll do four okay uh I will choose two cap oh a challenge arrived this man take clothing advice from Steve what’s going on here cover it up dude cover your chest there you go send them out in battle rules we

Do team preview right Jerome yeah yeah and uh yeah unless both parties agree to do randomize that’s fine but yeah I usually just do team preview nowadays okay firm okay okay let’s go let’s go Golem that was a bad first pick for me yeah oh my gosh dude

Yeah you you have the type advantage though you can crush him with a rock to the Head earthquake I love that that’s like some Pokemon it’s like oh it’s super effective it’s like I’m pretty sure a rocker the head of any Pokemon would be super effective okay let’s please please do you ever

Think that they’ll come out with dude I I want two Pokemon types that’d be super aggravated I want one Pokemon type that everything’s super effective to it but it’s super effective to everything and then I want another type the antithesis of that where it is not very effective

To everything and everything is not very effective to it it’s not just normal type already no no normal like uh fighting super effective to it yeah we’re just waiting on something right now is that yeah meaty shoes well there you go yeah there you go cap you found out what

You were waiting for there you go okay let’s go Cloister okay oh that guy because he’s also ice type jeez dude don’t don’t lose your lunch over there steady oh my gosh Dad okay shell trap instead my witness one dude that’s a killer man you might have it um I don’t know

I only have one water type so that’s the only downside here and if I switch to it now it will end up immediately dead mm-hmm so I have to wait okay Dragon pulse oh huge uh I’ll risk it all right there you go okay shell trap let’s see yeah it’s hurting

Aters beefy oh man that’s big cap Doug Trio please explosion no oh no oh cat that’s the noise bro Metagross oh I think stead is the type advantage here though a ghost go meteor Mash oh man you know cap outside of you I’ve never really even considered turtonator like a

Viable like Pokemon but he’s good like very good go licky licky Phantom Force ha dodged it oh but what shall you do Mr fast it was a good battle so far instead I missed the fast what will you do knock off huge okay let’s see rollout

Cap you hit him with the angry dad knock it off the Flinch the Flinch that was huge rollout again all right oh come on yes it’s boosted rollout too so it’s gonna start doing more and more damage no huge come on Thunder face come on roll out no yes it’s a slug Fest

Oh all right roll out yes oh my gosh dude let’s go I forgot to teach this guy explosion knock off I’ll teach that guy explosion in a second yeah you can’t you can’t be going to battle without it yeah yeah this is It’s the rules to be fair cap that did save

You though because if you exploded on a ghost type that wouldn’t do anything right oh that’s fair that’s fair I totally forgot about that sometimes I just get quieted with the Hideous of Destruction this is the haze inside of his head full of explosions huge good battle my dude GG instead you

Had him on the ropes for the start dude yeah I I ruined it because I didn’t have any moves on my drifloom but constrict that’s rough dude you know if you wanted you could have just asked me drifling can learn explosion no I don’t

Know I didn’t I I want let’s go see what their battle’s shaping up to be like yeah yeah let’s do it let’s do it and blah blah blah blah the first the first Swords Dance didn’t matter on the first one because I didn’t one shot the teacher only why I used three crunches

And two confusions and he didn’t get flinched he didn’t get confused nothing well the confusion doesn’t surprise me but the crunch does you got a defense drop on the crunch the confusion isn’t surprised because I never get like I never confused Pokemon with confusion but bite bite flinches crunches defense

Trap wait really crunch doesn’t Flinch wait what yeah the so Fang moves Flinch as well yeah like the thunder so that’s why I got it oh no that’s what I said that’s why I was saying you got the special or you got the thing invited dude uh well Steve

It’s two against five I think we’re right I think it does yeah yeah I mean honestly yeah yeah never wrong all right well um I guess I will take on I’d be wrong with me to take on Cappy after scouting his team like that so I’ll take off

Your guys’s battle Steve oh man I’ll take on the monk band and dropsy you’ll take cat good he beat my pants up twice you okay monkey hello we’re in the field as soon as you do that in other words all right all right monkey um what are you thinking of drum here

Well we’ll do um the the preview the preview you know what I’m saying okay battle rules oh no don’t raise the cap um all right anyways yeah Fair um okay okay um all right let me let me give you the intern special the intern special you say yeah the intern special right here

The shark is not fighting is he no he’s dark Steel night and he does learn sword stance intent nudge nudge you know who else learns Swords Dance who else drum Mega absolute God Mega Absol yeah for what does I think one of the first times of Pixelmon Tycoon someone got a mega Pokemon

That’s pretty humongous dude honestly that’s pretty bad all right here’s here’s the intern special it’s it’s fling oh my oh my god dude goodness why are you putting magmarizer on him because I couldn’t give it a dusk stone called kidney stone oh my god dude all right well that did

Massive damage this thing’s defense isn’t is really high so much damage yeah your Pokemon’s defense though is too much he’s too mad I don’t want to hear that you have a Lugia yeah told Steve what the help of with Kendra is but we’ll see if it comes into play

Move aren’t you oh that was not what I was expecting oh no I was not oh I was totally expecting you to do something no he doesn’t actually learn any ice type moves oh my god dude Frozen my hopes my drama my hopes and dreams oh man well that’s unfortunate oh

Yes it is quiet here’s that plan for dealing with Lugia’s oh hit him with it princess boom defense now I shot yes oh I should have you sucker punch dang let’s go dude big police um oh you gotta be dead the rights here yeah yeah it’s unfortunate bro I can’t

Believe you got the freeze no dude that’s that was that’s a 10 off of Ice Beam oh welcome and that is real unfortunate for you because I’m packing Dragon claw yeah well I’m packing outrage wow that did not do anything anything Jesus yeah dude that is oh my gosh

All right well let’s let’s go sand castle oh come on how’s that um this wasn’t your last turn you gotta be I’m confused though oh but he hit through it oh through the confusion all right well come on hit through the confusion again I believe I believe

Oh he snapped out of it oh my God bro I snapped out of the cake oh my I didn’t even realize that snapped out of confusion already dude this is ridiculous my RNG has been insane this battle what type is he poisoned ground flying he loses boys

He was never poisoned yeah I knew that okay ground flying I think you’re thinking of scrooopy and that evolves into uh I ain’t never happened before I thought that Glee score learns some poison moves yeah well it does ggs Jerome GG mystery BG’s bro that’s insane yeah

Let me use it as a club come here oh god oh you’re in survival actually spikes hello I I don’t have an answer for you okay I don’t think I outspeed this so hello explosion go Metagross okay let’s see meteor Mash you probably outspeed my Metagross

Yeah but it is an Alakazam so that doesn’t matter much are you punching my medical assistant incredibly rude of you GG oh man who won I was too busy punching Metagross I won all right Cappy it’s on friend okay you must choose a number oh no okay

Um or we can start from one I’m okay with starting from one no I’ll choose a number I’m gonna choose number five okay okay I’ll choose number two no all right number two yeah poop number no I mean I don’t mind it’s just a solid starter alakamazam

Okay that’s kind of a neutral match up for us I think yes um I don’t really need to team preview yeah we could just go into this yeah because we got the we got picked up also hey Jerome I heard from an anonymous source that really bopped

Okay kill him oh wait we can’t I I do have a very iconic move for licky licky lick oh no that’s gonna be super effective too oh Um I’m trying to think I’m trying to be smart here I don’t know this is gonna be smart or dumb but call mind in these situations I’m really hoping that’s enough to let me kill him with a psychic it was okay so let’s go Metagross yikes bullet punched oh I’m totally dead I’m

Not sure okay yeah you’re good okay uh let’s think here oh I got a good idea Absol huh absolutely yes and Cappy Mega absole oh that’s huge yeah I think that it’s the first time in Pixelmon Tycoon history I can’t think of another title where he had a mega dude that’s insane

I got very lucky with this oh dear God that’s right fighting type baby okay let’s think psychic steel psychic Steel all right does that answer that okay good I think we’re on the same thing oh dude here we go okay uh I think I just gotta go for

Meteor Mash on this if I okay that you outsped me yes that’s a dragon type go Cloister yeah maybe I see it probably yikes maybe ice ice type drum yeah I know yeah yeah probably okay but just the setup for the rest of the game fire type too toxic spikes oysters half water

True huh Oh you got me you got me dude I almost didn’t pick that move alternator I literally almost didn’t pick that yikes dude that was oh I don’t think I win this I think I think you’ve got me like you’re dead to rights here all right no okay there’s only one

Thing to do then when the cards are down and there’s nothing to be gained explosion oh no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s oh you’re totally gonna get me explosion oh guys I didn’t even get to use but for it look

S like you like my best friend it was ours yes wow you’re such a strobe what do you mean it says dude

This video, titled ‘Creating A Pokemon Factory In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-08-25 14:00:27. It has garnered 17409 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:24 or 3624 seconds.

Creating A Pokemon Factory In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Server IP: Bedrock: (Port 19132) Discord: Sponsored by UnderBlock

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  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

Creating A Pokemon Factory In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon