Creating THE BACKROOMS in Minecraft

Video Information

Where are you going i’m just gonna go chop  down some trees all right well don’t be long   it’s getting dark don’t worry i’ll  only be a few minutes see you soon hello hello anybody there hello what the [ __ ] is that is anybody there hello

Recently i’ve been obsessed with these things  called liminal spaces you know those places   that just look normal and boring but something  just doesn’t feel quite right about them they   make you feel uncomfortable or creeped out and you  don’t really know why i’ve been so obsessed with  

The idea of these places that i really wanted to  create some of my own so i decided to try it out   in minecraft and here’s how it went alright so  the first liminal space that i want to create  

Is actually the picture that started it all this  image right here of some weird looking place with   just some carpets and some walls it gives you  like this really weird feeling that you can’t   really quite describe but yeah so to recreate  this i’m using a texture pack and this texture  

Pack re-skins sandstone and also oak planks into  these blocks here so this will be used for the   walls and then this will be used for the floor so  i’m pretty much just going to create a giant box  

And then we’ll work from there okay so here’s our  big room to work with and what i’m going to do is   pretty much just create a layout that i’m happy  with i’m going to use these walls to create some  

Rooms and create like a nice kind of wall not  really nice it’s going to be a creepy looking   spot i’m also going to create some openings and in  these openings instead of just having it like this   i’ll be putting some black concrete behind there  to make it look really ominous and creepy behind  

It kind of gives you an idea of how it’ll look  obviously going up to the uh the ceiling there   and then in photoshop we’ll go back and make this  look really nice not again not nice but uh we’ll  

Make it look creepier and also we’ll be using  some sea lanterns as well just for the lighting   and also to achieve like this realistic kind of  lighting look i am using a specific shader called   complementary shaders and i also have the ray  tracing setting on so that we can get the lighting  

Looking pretty realistic now what i’m going to do  is just kind of spend some time and get a little   area looking nice and creepy and how i want it to  look all right so here’s the final look i’m going  

For obviously it’s not very exciting but it works  it does the job and i have two openings here that   look really ominous and creepy looking and we’re  gonna make it obviously look a whole lot better  

In photoshop as well and so i’m thinking the angle  will be kind of back here keep in mind this will   be for instagram as well so the sides will be  chopped off it’ll just be like the central square  

Resolution of the screen and uh yeah so let’s take  the screenshot and then head over into photoshop   alright so instead of boring you with the whole  process i’m just instead going to show you exactly  

What i did so here you can see our screenshot once  again like i explained the sides will be cut off   so it’ll actually kind of be this shape here so  it’ll make more sense and pretty much all that  

I’ve done is kind of created a little gradient  between the black and then the light here and to   do that i use an exposure layer let’s just turn  this on and you can see exactly what i did right  

Here so i made the whole area a lot darker as  well and then we also have like this kind of   gradient like i said that leads into the darkness  so it doesn’t just instantly go into blackness it  

Kind of fades into the blackness and it looks just  a little bit more realistic even though i mean the   light here should be lighting up the area in here  a little bit but the fact that it doesn’t kind of  

Makes it feel not right and gives you this kind of  otherworldly feeling and then to finish it all off   i added a little bit of a camera raw filter and  you can see that right here we kind of increased  

The contrast a little bit saturated the colors a  little more kind of added a bit of vibrance and   it doesn’t really change that much but it makes  it a lot more interesting looking i guess and yes  

That’s pretty much it for the first room now let’s  head over to the second one all right so with the   next one i found this image here and oh i don’t  know about you guys but this one really creeps  

Me out just the peacefulness of the water and  then the blackness of like the back areas it just   i love it but i hate it and i’m really excited  to see what we can do with this in minecraft so  

Let’s go ahead and create a big box i’m thinking  i’m going to be using some smooth quartz blocks   for this one all right so here’s our big smooth  quartz box and as you can see the reflections  

Are really shiny which is exactly what i wanted  and i’m really happy about that so let’s first go   ahead and lay out the kind of area and we’re going  to start off with the pool so i’m wanting this to  

Probably be maybe two blocks deep and we’re just  going to just destroy a big rectangle for the pool   alright so here’s the pool all done i’ve also gone  ahead and filled in the water just because it’s a  

Bit boring to watch that of course and now i think  the only light source i want for this entire thing   is to be from the pool i feel like that’s gonna  make it look a lot creepier so let’s go ahead  

And chuck in some sea lanterns i don’t really want  to do too many but let’s just chuck one in at the   end and also at this end and then hopefully i made  this odd yes i did so there we go we can place one  

In the middle as well now let’s just repeat this  on the other side and yeah i really like the way   that looks that looks so nice with the reflections  there and in the water it kind of makes it ripply  

I think i’m just going to leave the lighting at  that because i think if i add too much more it’s   going to overdo it a little bit so next i’m going  to go ahead and kind of lay out the areas i want  

Around it i don’t want to copy the image too much  like i said before i do want to definitely utilize   those big open black areas so i think i’m going to  make some pillars kind of like this on either side  

And then we’re going to extend these all the way  up to the roof and then in between these a little   ways back i want to put in some black concrete  like this and then we’ll do the same trick that  

We did for the first one and kind of make it more  of a gradient towards the black and give it this   really creepy look and then i think i want to  add an opening here and then we’ll have a wall  

That comes across this way and then probably add  in a door as well just to kind of make it look a   little bit more interesting i guess all right so  here is pretty much the final product don’t worry  

About this here but um yeah this is exactly what  i wanted we got like this opening up here that has   some darkness as well then we got the darkness  over here here and also here and then we’ve got  

Our door as well and then i think there’s one more  thing i want to add in and that’s some chairs kind   of like in the original picture so i’m thinking  maybe right here we’ll chuck in a stair and then  

Coming away from that a quartz slab and that  just looks like a little kind of lounge chair   that you’d see near a pool and then let’s maybe  actually add in another one maybe i don’t know  

That’s yeah we’ll put it there i think yeah that’s  good something as well that kind of makes this   really creepy is that usually the chairs would be  made out of something kind of comfy looking but  

This is made out of all of the same material for  the rest of the place which i think makes it kind   of a little bit more unsettling like why would the  chairs be made out of this and not something more  

Like comfortable i guess but yeah so yeah i’m  actually really happy with the way this one   turned out the lighting the reflections everything  is amazing so let’s go ahead and line ourselves   up for a screenshot and then uh send it over to  photoshop alrighty guys welcome to photoshop once  

Again and like we did with the first one i’m going  to just show you exactly what i did instead of   going through what else this video is going to be  like 100 000 hours long and it is pretty boring  

Anyway so basically what i did for this one  once again i kind of blended these really dark   areas into the light areas so instead of just  being like a really harsh line here we instead  

Made it more of a gradient kind of into the  darkness so i added that in over here here and   also here and we added it in up top here as well  as you can see this is how it looked before and  

After and yeah that just really adds a lot to the  kind of ominous vibe of the place and then i felt   like it was a bit too bright up here so i added  in this as well which makes it a little bit more  

Darker kind of like the light is fading off as we  get into the higher areas and with this layer i   also added in a little bit of darkness in the door  because i kind of forgot to do that with the other  

One and then the last thing to do which really  just made me really happy when i saw it was adding   a camera raw filter like the last one but we  went a little bit crazy with this one as you can  

See right here we changed the temperature so it’s  really cool looking it’s not cool as in like cool   but like cold looking i guess so we made the whole  area really blue and up to the contrast a little  

Bit it gives us this really like otherworldly kind  of vibe about the place and uh yeah i’m actually   really happy with the way this one turned out so  now with this pretty much done let’s go ahead and  

Head back into minecraft and create the third  build alright so for this one i found this post   on reddit which is actually a video and while this  is playing i will just let you guys know that all  

Of these posts are actually from reddit except for  the first one and the links to them will all be in   the description so as you can see for this one  it looks really creepy there’s like a big void  

Outside of the parking lot and i really want to  try and recreate that in minecraft so let’s go   ahead and create a giant box out of black concrete  and uh see what we can do with that all right so  

Here’s our big box i also went ahead and set the  ground to undecide in this texture pack it kind   of looks like this road or like path texture and  i really recommend this texture pack if you want  

To go and create any of your own liminal space  builds but yeah as you can see this place doesn’t   really look the way i wanted it to look it’s  not really dark in here and we got this weird  

Fog effect going on so what i had to do was go  and find a different shader to use and actually   found that sonic others unbelievable shaders  the ray traced version is now free so we can  

Go ahead and switch over to that and see how it  looks and now yeah that’s definitely dark and uh   yeah okay so let’s go ahead and just place a light  block down and wow that is perfect that’s exactly  

How i want it to look we do have this weird  kind of light over on the sides here which   i don’t know what’s going on there actually if we  go down to this angle it does kind of go away but  

We’ll figure it out but yeah so with this uh it  is obviously really dark for this build so it’s   going to be kind of hard to show you exactly what  i’m doing but i’m going to be creating some light  

Posts that just pretty much go up really high  kind of like in the original one and instead of   them going on both sides with the light i’m going  to have it on just one side and then we’re going  

To create this kind of rectangle with some grass  in the middle as well all right and here’s the   final design that i’m happy with as you can see we  created these light posts actually changed over to  

The andesite walls and then we have like this  light design here it’s kind of hard to show it   because it’s so dark but yeah then we got this  grass kind of platform and then i went ahead and  

Pasted this in a few other locations as well and  that’ll give a hopefully a similar kind of vibe   to that video now let’s go ahead and take the  picture and once again head over into photoshop  

All right so for this one i didn’t really need to  do much all i did was just add a camera raw filter   like all of the other ones and here you can see  the difference so you can see the lights are a lot  

More kind of i don’t really know how to explain  it but they emit a lot more light than they did   kind of before i made the whole thing a little  bit cooler so it’s a lot more blue looking and  

Yeah that’s pretty much it this one kind of looks  great on its own alright so for the very last   liminal space we will be creating in this video  i found this image here over on reddit once again  

And this one’s kind of like a school hallway or  something like that it looks really creepy i love   it i also have a really cool idea for this one  that we’ll have to do in photoshop but you’ll see  

So for this one i’m gonna have to obviously create  a big long hallway and i think for the floor   i’m going to be using andesite as it kind of looks  really similar to the picture and then for the  

Walls we’ll be using probably stone bricks maybe  something else i’m not entirely sure but let’s   just go ahead and create the big hallway all right  so here’s pretty much the final hallway it is a  

Bit of a weird setup i’ve got like this light back  here that yeah because if if i close this off then   you can see it gets really dark really quickly  yeah obviously this is just way too dark it’s not  

How i want it so i’ve got this light here and then  i’m going to place this block and then quickly go   to the angle i want and take a screenshot at like  the perfect lighting because this like this is  

Just too bright yeah as you can see we’ve made  this kind of hallway i’ve added in this block   as well along the sides just for a little bit of  extra detail these as well are meant to be kind of  

Lockers and then these are like all of the rooms  and then we’ve got this one room here that is   emitting light and i’m going to be doing something  pretty special in photoshop i’m going to add in  

A little shadow that’s casted along this as if  someone or something is standing in there kind of   makes it just a little bit extra creepy but yeah  so what i’m going to do is head back here to the  

Angle i want i’m going to place a block in front  of this and then take a screenshot at the exact   lighting level that i want all right so here’s  the final picture pretty happy with the way this  

Turned out it took quite a lot of tries to get the  lighting looking right but we did end up changing   it a little bit as well in photoshop and i’ll show  you exactly what i did so the first thing i did  

Was make it a little bit brighter and then i added  in a little more brightness so it’s kind of just   easier to see and then like i said for the shadow  here i went ahead and added an exposure layer and  

Painted in this kind of shadow being casted from  the door and it kind of makes it look like some   weird entity is standing there or something just  gives it a little bit of extra creepiness like i  

Felt like in the original picture if that shadow  was there it would have made it look 100 times   more creepy but i feel like i just needed to add  that in and then to finish it all off i added in  

A camera raw filter as you can see we just kind of  darkened the already darker areas and just kind of   added a little bit of extra color into everything  and yeah so that’s it for the four liminal space  

Builds if you enjoyed this different kind of video  be sure to leave a like and subscribe so you don’t   miss any future videos cheers for watching  everyone and i’ll see you in the next video oh you

This video, titled ‘Creating THE BACKROOMS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by disruptive builds on 2022-03-06 06:59:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video I’ll be creating some Liminal Spaces/Backrooms levels in Minecraft! I also created a little short film to go along with it …

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: ——————————— Twitch: TikTok: ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! My gear: Want to give me a donation? Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! Join the Farcross Reddit! Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

Creating THE BACKROOMS in Minecraft