Video Information

Hello everyone happy New Year uh I have a few technical difficulties on my side give me a few seconds while I address it um I just got to update a plugin before I actually play in the server too so gives me time to chat how’s everyone

Doing how is everyone start to the new Year I think Graves is still offline don’t worry I’ll get that fixed and then git needs to be Updated and then chest sort needs to be updated Hello hello is this hyper PVP I don’t know if this mic sucks cuz it’s a new headset you say it’s a new headset yeah so I don’t know if the mic’s like garbage or if the mic’s all right you sound low you sound very low but you sound very clear

But very low volume hold on let me see if I can get close there you go hold on so you got a new mic for Christmas no I got a new headset cuz I had to I literally my headset broke the day before Christmas so I had to buy myself

One you have to buy yourself a headset for Christmas yeah it’s it snacked where one of the one of the head actual headphones snapped off I don’t know how oh kind of lame what happens to this place man looks so weird whose lame Tower is this uh I think that’s minor

Kings so everything here minor Kings pretty much he’s actually been the only one well mostly been the only one playing yeah no one else play no one else plays on This Server some have like recently they’ve been playing so in fact I got on because

They wanted me to play so I said why not oh yeah there’s always going to be one or two people asking you to play but they’ll never play let’s be real here actually did you see yesterday’s stream there was quite a bit of people on I

Didn’t see yesterday well when I when I got on people got on yesterday when did you stream yesterday um oh yeah you were streaming when I was at work and then I got off work and I was like oh let me Che oh man this are clo I was like oh

Let me see if JD is still streaming and actually it wasn’t even yesterday it was the day the day of New Year New Year’s Eve it was new no it was it was not New Year’s yes it was cuz I I said I had to go to uh

Church it was New Year’s Eve yeah that’s the last time I streamed oh yeah it was cuz I was working New Year’s Eve you worked on New Year’s Eve yeah I didn’t work New Year’s day cuz we were close but yeah I worked New Year’s Eve so so

That’s when you did it yeah I don’t I wasn’t going to hop on anyway cuz I was going to my friend’s house the same friends that I thinking of uh probably I only have a couple friends well I know one of them a darn it GE it’s still not updated I thought I

Updated it the ones you talk to yeah oh my gosh the server is a slow cuz I resetted it and it’s not resetting okay now it just did something happened I’ll try to do this maybe all right it went down and it went back up we’re good let’s try this

Again all right now I can share my screen hello everyone um welcome back to Minecraft Happy New Year for those that I didn’t say happy New Year 2 it’s uh so far been a great start for me I had some good news and on top of that

I’m excited to see oh my goodness I’m excited to see my old friends or not my old friends my new friends and all the people that uh why is it a blood night now when I came back oh my gosh runners okay so let me check the plugins

Maybe they’re not all updated because yeah it says G it’s I don’t understand this don’t understand this at all it’s okay we we can play Minecraft without G great is this e e oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious me good

Grief what’s it going Ezekiel H it’s going good that’s good good to hear yeah making music like usual yep I I might know recording Breath of God and you you’re streaming as as not as usual anymore I was to say like not as usual well I have been busy especially like

December normally I would be free in December but I actually traveled like I literally traveled to Ontario and I went to Quebec for a few days and I’m back finally at home and I’ve just been getting back into the grind again I streamed a few

Days ago come think of it but um on top of that I’ve been playing with my new gifts well not playing I’ve been interacting with my new gifts I got books that I’ve been getting into I’m not a bookworm but I’ve recently been reading books a lot more

Lately I got this really cool book it’s called um what is it called anyway it’s a Star Wars book and it’s about zombies a fan effect yeah it’s actually really cool I’m I’m still big on Star Wars and I thought oh let’s let’s expand my knowledge on Star Wars by reading these

Books have you read new Star Wars books hyper Uh read a ton of Star Wars books like actual like branded Star Wars books but yeah yeah I used to be I used to be a big reader Star Wars the death Troopers yes trer oh did you see the Instagram yeah I just saw yeah so it’s pretty it’s really

Interesting like you you wouldn’t think that Star Wars would have zombies but the way it’s told it makes sense and and uh of course like it’s it’s it’s in a contained region so like you’re not going to see zombies in like the movies or in other books because this is

Explicitly happening in this book in this particular case which isn’t like I thought app I thought was pretty cool because uh you know Gary’s Mod also has death Troopers in them which got me confused like why are these stor Trooper zombies like now like when I read this

Book I’m like okay that makes sense now but that’s just little lore and stuff like that I’m just out on you guys my aunt got me um 300 writing prompts to be to to make me become a a better writer oh my god oh wow so one day you’ll you’ll buy one of

My own books that’s cool you’re going to be like actually like writing like books I’m actually writing a book really o a novel look at you being a musician and an author and a script writer and all these other cool things that you’ve been doing lately so basically I’m I’m a

Writer well since I’m been reading I could be your critique I I’ve been reading books and all that stuff so I’ve been paying attention to like little details and and accuracy and all that stuff that’s where I like I think my strengths are hello trusty trusty channels here by the

Way I’m o we my king and nois I this I this this novel is going to be very very graphic are you sure going going to be critiquing that is it going to be like mated I’ll it wait how much is it are you actually going to sell on like

Amazon maybe maybe I’ll buy it I’ll buy it if it’s on Amazon for sure but first i’m but first i’m going to release it under a pen name because I don’t really want people to like like like like see like top makes me that way yet right

Right because the book is like really really really violent oh my goodness is it fictional yeah yeah it’s Fiction it’s like it’s like I I would expect is eel to be like a Hitman in real life you just don’t know it that’s why that’s why he has to do do a secret name

Myography biography we we didn’t know but time he actually just a Hitman oh my operation Victor would not approve this just kidding maybe he would but yeah like about M weren’t you like we I think we kind of briefly talked about this last time we I think

It was like a few months ago Ezekiel wanted to find a name for a town remember yeah yeah yeah that’s one of the that’s one of the names oh okay this is cool so I I was actually a part of it remember we were trying to find names for like a town

Let’s call it Ezekiel Ville or something like that and chose one I think I forget we should chose but I think it’s going to be a novel I hope it’s a norel oh yeah that’s nor Norville Nebraska is the town I I created for this fictional

Place ooh oh my gosh Runners MK kids it’s funny yeah this Tower is really cool by the way uh minor King oh and by the way nais says trusty channel oh okay what you remember trusty hyper remember I haven’t heard I haven’t heard the name trusty channel in a while like a hot

Minute quick history lesson you were actually around when trusty was playing on the Bedrock server I was that’s that’s why I said I haven’t heard the name in a hot minute speaking of Wich we have to finish the adventures of Liam Yong like this year remember yeah right one episode

Year for real oh my God year what if I um one episode per two weeks no that’s not doing that’s not happening do I mean you can give hyper a job right wi one one episode a month at like at the most hey I I was able to do two weeks before

Remember no no two weeks is not going to work dog I have my I’m so busy you have no idea oh yeah it’s right cuz you’re you have a life I I have I have a life now I have a I can’t do this crap anymore he to leave one day M listen

Minecraft the whole Minecraft thing that was fun back in 2022 but it’s 2024 now guys y’all forget that is true Minecraft was like either way big like back then like it’s been a solid two years since I’ve actively like played on on your server let’s be real here that’s

Wild you were so invested oh my gosh J did I meet you in 2021 or20 or 2020 was it 2020 December it was December of 2020 yeah 2020 like right at the very end of December November November of 2020 so I’ve known you for like three over three years now huh oh

My gosh over three that’s wild yeah cuz I was actually yeah cuz that makes sense three years ago was when the Bedrock server was like big then and then we switch over to Java like last year it was it was the end of 2020 because then

2021 was the whole um oh goodness you’re making me bring back this interesting memory I had now 2021 was the uh VI the Josh and vice Ser yeah okay guys listen to this starting I think it’s either this month or next month is actually the second anniversary the second year

Anniversary of the Java s SMP the very first one really that’s that’s when Munch and cloudy said coming around like two years it’s going to be two years oh my goodness they’re getting so old we’re all so old I joined the server when I was like hey how’s it going technos snip

Oh my gosh wish I could talk yeah you can talk sorry about that uh you can talk now nais oh speaking of uh nois uh have you been Whit listed on This Server because it’s a new s SMP again it’s season three hello hello Ezekiel do you still see trusty

Yeah and someone grieved my Highway oh listen I don’t even think we should be worried about griever nowaday it’s been it’s it’s been a long time I wouldn’t doubt I wouldn’t doubt people been hacking on This Server since we. soon what does GJ mean as a text line

Good job oh okay thank you yeah just made myself some Curry noodles I’m able to join VC yeah of course you can technos snipe you can VC’s uh open but uh you have to buy yourself perms and welcome to the stream by the way have we met cuz I feel like you’re

Talking to me like we know each other nope I’m at a point now in my YouTube career where like I know so many people but I can’t keep track of them no more you’re at a point now where someone where someone could have joined the stream right now and you haven’t talked

To him in over a year I know well it happened before like you know um what’s his name there see I’m already get any names cuz there’s so people now that play the server that on an off kind of basis you sound like another YouTuber most likely

Okay isn’t Tokyo back again yeah Tokyo is back he’s been back well he’s in front of me right now L Cherry Susa or Sosa I’ll hop on see what’s up and Miner King’s here and Hyper ow I’m trying to think who you sound like apparently I sound like cloudy we

Had a big discussion on New Year’s about this you do not sound like cloudy what no that’s what I told everyone like who who thought you sounded like Cloudy cloud has a higher pitch voice to me dude if you sound like cloudy I would not be your friend I’m

Sorry oh that’s the reason why you don’t like him is just yeah it really is oh that’s right there he made us presents what’s Happ oh presents go to the Christmas tree oh oh yeah Cherry did not get well with the old man old the old man still

Apparently I’m defin okay uh sorry about that there is rules behind the VCS and all this stuff like um one I kind of like protect uh let’s just say Discord I follow the Discord rules I don’t let little kids talk let’s just say let’s put it nicely little kids have has no freedom

Of speech Yes here I dislike them right here hyper have to I got a gift yes you got a mushroom gift oh am I supposed to open it okay what’s in here ooh oh my gosh oh my what what dog you 19 okay well I think

Oh as long as he don’t like drop an F bomb oh my goodness who has all these with them who brought their friends maybe it’s me it’s probably me need I feel like I need to give you something in return but I’m poor those are my friends I’ll go home and sleep

What do you what do you uh what do you what do you collect what do you collect heads he collects heads I got I got I got here I got I got a head I got a head for for you it’s a it’s a fake hyper PVP

Head like oh wait I’m stupid there you go it’s a fake hyper PVP head well you’re in luck techos SN because I’m I’m in a good mood today so I will unsuppress you I did say on a couple days ago that I would keep people and suppress well people that I choose uh

Till January 3rd then we’ll see what happens from there this is crazy this is so much stuff what yeah like it’s all it’s to protect my monetization I don’t want to like deal with legal stuff or anything that would you know hate crimes in the server or in a community or just overall

YouTube in General all right guys I’m going to unsuppress technos snipe all right I forget his name what’s your name is it tomu woo oh tomu woo probably all right he can speak hello hello going it’s going good man uh are you in the server like are

You in M uh no no not at the moment but I probably could join2 yeah4 all right okay all right I’ll I’ll jump on Minecraft quick question are you from England I am yes okay what time is what time is it for you it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s 3:00 a.m. 3:00

A.m. oh my goodness let’s just say I’m a bit of a night hour so wait do you do like YouTube or like yeah Okay cool so I guess you must be used to the schedule yeah 100% yeah and understand that uh obviously you got to keep people suppressed because you know

There’s some weirdos out there yeah I had some bad experience know who I was I still don’t know who I am I could literally in the next five minutes say the f bomb but obviously I won’t cuz I know what it’s like but like I said I’m

In a good mood like the past few days I’ve been like been a little bit more generous with my community allowing them to speak especially on stream hello dve and edits yes you can join uh I forgot to give you my Discord link but I guess I’m getting back into the grind

Hyper people are showing up and this is how this is how we get back into like because you have it’s cuz you have the clout you got the clout from uh what’s his name way back when way back no no no then the clout from way back when oh

Yeah but that was like way back when way back that gave you a okay so little history lesson here back way back when uh I got a big time like he’s still big time actually he has over is it 2 million now like oh I’m sure what’s his

Subscribers jerton jerton right the this guy actually raided me like my YouTube channel and it started with this simple question he’s like hey are you wholesome and then I took like a couple seconds and I thought about that I’m like uh yes I’m actually like I I’m definitely

Wholesome so as I as I replied yes he’s like oh good to know and then he sends all of his like people like that was watching his stream to my stream which was like thousands of views and or viewers and end up like getting like over close to 1,000 Subs that day well

Close to 1,000 Subs it it was over 1,000 well okay you got you got almost 1,000 for that you got 700 ini initially I had like what 500 Subs you had 400 or 400 yeah I was here back in the day back in the day that was actually it’s going to

Be years share with us yeah about I think you had about 500 600 Subs when I join I believe oh wow so you’re definitely been around then yeah I just haven’t been joining I’ve just been busy in it uh with YouTube but um just just life so is this the first time I

Interacted with you then I think so yeah okay this is interesting yeah oh DAV want to join I can uh I can still white list you just send me your username in the chat we’ll do old oldfashioned way and I don’t like how Discord does this weird thing when I’m streaming it

Puts everyone’s name as Ellipsis ellipses yeah like I I see e dot dot dot I see uh Minecraft no like on Discord it’s cuz you’re in stre mode mode and’ll fix oh and when when I click on their profile file it just still says e dot dot dot you know like I’m just

Picking Ezekiel cuz to protect your friends and or other popular YouTubers name I see I see yeah yeah it’s just for I believe there was an option um but the thing is I most of the the popular streamers has Discord servers so we’re going to see their Discord names anyway

Right yeah that’s like the weird thing I don’t know it’s thing they do yeah it’s youing man I appreciate it’s only certain people like lollipop it’s l ezekiel’s e only the important people only the important people I know like it’s I think it’s just the mods like the

Ones that are in like orange have roles and special guests they like for example willah when he join says w dot dot dot it’s mainly it’s mainly protecting the uh it’s mainly protecting like the special guests and the moderators bro speaking of will I was talking about him

The other day he’s actually moved to Canada he’s actually 3 hours away from me of course he did oh yeah meet up yeah well the meet Up’s happening tomorrow well actually Friday like Friday the whole day I to meet that guy too oh my God no he he has his own

Place and he’s separate he’s a separate life from me he can he can stay there oh yeah Tom uh this guy that I’m talking about good friend of mine another big you to be big uh YouTuber is he was from England and he moved to Canada very recently used to be

A big YouTuber well I don’t believe it did did you see did you see his channel nope I’ll send you link I don’t look at I don’t look at losers YouTube channels anyone else a oh sorry what’s up yo y what’s up what’s up tomu anyone else from the UK

Here or is it just me no just you and will W just will is not here we are we are from Canada which which on our $20 bills we have the Queen of England Queen of England oh really yes r i really yes we have the we have the Queen of

England bills not anymore it’s going to be it’s going to be the king now Canada W I had no idea I no idea I didn’t think Canada Canada teritory I think I am our our our $10 bills are like is Victoria yeah oh yeah Canada Canada simps for

England Canada simps for England why well we we literally have like if you if you know thaten elizeth was the head of state of our country yeah yeah yeah but we did gain some independence from them like obviously we have our own government system and all this stuff now but for a

Long time it was actually England making the decision for us back in back in the day back in the day yeah yeah even for us people oh yeah which which was not really great JD when you coming when you coming to visit me man we need to do the meet

Up one of these days I told you may may okay I thought it was May but I was just trying to figure out up you’re up the PC for Nate as well yes well that’s the plans okay cool like I’m hoping you’re I’m not going to like ruin your life

Taking away dude I don’t even my computer see here’s my plan here’s my plan I was going to sell it but you know how hard it would be to sell my computer cuz I have I have pirated pirated windows so I don’t have a legit copy of

Windows no no one want wait so the your PC doesn’t have an actual version of Windows on it yeah it’s pirated hyper is a hacker wait wait how would you even how would you even do that though like cuz I uh it’s it’s I acquired it from somebody you get an ISO

From Microsoft and you can download it right yeah there is a tool you can use to get rid of the verification thing I don’t it does so like my my activate Windows thing is only there like half the time and to be honest I don’t even

Notice it I don’t know how people get so bugged by it yeah no it’s fine is it yeah it’s literally just like it’s almost invisible it’s it’s so translucent I see it but yeah I don’t mind but that’s why I’m myp yeah that’s why I’m just giving it away instead cuz

Like it’d be so hard to sell no one no one’s going to want it so I’m just giving it away what spe does it got I5 10 600k 30 60 160 GB of RAM which really needs did you just say 3060 yeah GTX 306 RTX yeah you’re giving it away yeah I’m

Giving it well okay see here’s the thing I’m giving it away because it’d be hard to sell and also I only watch YouTube nowadays I don’t even play Minecraft anymore wait do you do YouTube yourself what are you doing right now okay he

Does he did no no no no no no no no no I do not I used to I haven’t uploaded in like 6 months he has the skill though and he made really good videos I got a couple thousands here and there listen listen listen I used to be good I don’t

Think I’m good anymore I tried I tried editing on my old software can’t do it anymore also free software Da Vinci nah not it it doesn’t cut it doesn’t cut it it doesn’t cut it I used to be I used to be pretty good but I I don’t think I

Kind of joined I kind of joined my my niche in the during the end of its life so I didn’t get that much attention yeah well I kind of went downhill as of late I see it’s okay yeah but I I pretty much quit I I did what I

Wanted to do it it’s a it was a hobby and it kept me busy so but now I have to now I have an actual life so I I can’t do it anymore just a matter of you buy another one too right or build another one well

I my plan is just to get a laptop like just like a decent gaming laptop so I so if I wanted to play Minecraft I could but I don’t I’m not probably not going to and I could can obviously used to watch YouTube and do a school crap like that

That’s I don’t plan on I do YouTube you do yes he does music mostly I I just watch it then yeah I also do you the thing is with me I like to support people um I just you know watch people’s content and you know back in the day I

Used to do that all the time really yes we need more people like you like I I really do that I really look at I do sometimes look at my friends stuff but I don’t go and search another SNP and join that and say hey

I’m K you know that kind of thing yeah I should do it more if I want to do more collabs I need to definitely reach out and I I I I haven’t been doing any YouTube at all lately because of the the homework has been really showing me down

And and and now I’m not really used to it anymore and and I want to look at my at my at my recent recording I am boring well no we we all start somewhere right when I look at myself yeah know what is this a blood Knight has start in noj Boogie

Yes what is that it’s it’s like you know like a Seventh Wave or like a wave where mobs start spawning and they’re like op like they’re invisible or oh there they are have swords diamond armor that kind of stuff come man I like ezekiel’s music

I I his last one is really good I like it which one okay Z you know I did the other day I’m going to be honest with you I actually listen to all your music in one day yes and yeah it was actually few like it was last week and I I started

With the very first song he wrote Most Wanted and then I was listening to the very first song I wrote no it’s like one of the first ones it’s the first one that I recorded yeah yeah but like it it was like on Spotify so that’s like the one I chose

And I listened to like the evolution of like oh like this is the next song after and you have gotten like really better like in terms of like yeah your first music suck no Kidd no no like the first time like when when I when I say like

Better I’m talking about like how fancier you’ve gotten with the chords and and your playing has gotten like like you you’ve developed like a lot of skills so you’re able to do cooler rips and add more fillings let just say so and plus you use more instruments

Too which I thought was pretty cool cuz your first one was guitar right guitar and a little bit of drums and well I think it was Jess guitar for most wanted right yeah so and then your last song it was so cool cuz he had like a cool scent

Action uh tag or something like that that was like playing throughout the the course or something and you had that cool like like you can actually play piano really well like that’s what I’m trying to say so I I listen to the evolution of your music and it’s just awesome how

Much you’ve improved hello Katie how’s it going yeah you can play I saw that you joined Discord um do you know how to join I think I see someone here what is what is hurting me invisible zombie dude I got got I got you know how I used to um commission

Builds for computers back in the day you do that yeah yeah yeah I I used to like commission I used to be like hey you want your PC belt hit me up you know now you’re stuck with the job that you have no I literally I literally got a job

Like a couple weeks ago someone wants me to build him a PC well there you go like I’m Rusty man right now what’s up build me one I’ll send you a th000 right now 1,000 uh how much how much how much is 1,000 uh uh whatever English English is probably

Like I’m joking I don’t have 1,000 I wish I did I was just say isn’t 1,000 a lot if you want to build your own computer I’ll I thought I saw Herobrine I lowkey thought I saw Herobrine like I was I was looking at this pen in my

House I turned around I see Ezekiel like down the [Laughter] hallway switch is good for I know it’s so funny cuz like cuz I couldn’t see his username cuz he was standing like under a door so it was like not like like appearing and then I quickly look back

Again I just see Ezekiel like oh my goodness that I thought for a second Herobine was in this world uh if you could say a random thing but it happens to 15 to 20 random people in th W world what would you said huh I think he’s I think he’s saying

Like if you could if you could be a voice in I don’t know actually okay okay sry what did you say yeah follow me okay I don’t even know what he’s trying to say oh no I know where he’s taking me you guys want if you anyone anyone you

Want a part list I can make what the heck happened to my room I am uh it’s under construction it’s been construction for like it’s it’s been in a under construction started and I and I can see the upstairs so it’s all done it’s all done all done

I triy jording to I’m definitely qualified are you on Bedrock Katie if you’re watching the Stream okay I added you oh ooh o is that you your profile picture uh Katie oh you know when we’re talking about um countries I forgot there’s another person that’s not from Canada

Which is um uh minor King Brian yeah I think we said that he was from Zimbabwe what is going on hey trust’s here now I still have it wait which’s trusty skin um flesh it looks like a turtle when I click tab the last last time I’ve

Checked like you know how Intel break brings out new processors every year or so mhm yeah the last processor I remember them releasing is the 12th Series where are they on now are they all like 15 I I see lowy want to check cuz I have I literally have not been keeping up

With that crap hold on what they what have they been what have they been up to recently in Ultra core Ultra what is that what what yes kill this is how the whole krenova SMP began I I still remember the very first video well not the very first video but

Like yeah when I when I killed when I when I when I killed Mr slowness no I was thinking about the horse yeah yeah that was the horse’s name you remember the name yeah Mr slowness ult that’s wild how come oh uh hyper what would you say what

What would you say till you were world if you could say a random thing but it happens to 15 to 20 people in the world what would you say I would say your legs looking skinny go stop skipping leg day you still work out yeah dude I’m I’m ridiculously buffed

Now like you haven’t seen a physique update in a minute I’m buff as freak now I haven’t even met you in person yet and like I didn’t even know how you looked before I took a break I took a break for a little bit because like I got I lost motivation

But then I acquired motivation and hit the gym some more and just blew up like in my mind I still think you’re like skinny skinny I was never skinny well yeah like back well okay yeah years ago Way Way Back maybe but the side effect

Is that the person in your family has a 30% to 35% to die what the no hyper was was born buff I literally came out the room who w why am I so fast all of a sudden cuz you’re you’re your near minor King say he has he has a light show

Going on here oh okay he’s the he’s the only one that’s been grinding and has so many the only one has been playing let’s be real here do I even have a I’m trying to see if I still have my webcam oh I do hold

Up we we’ll do we’ll do a we’ll do a face you think these things you have you already have done a face reveal we’ll do a we’ll do a new face reveal face part two hyper face reveal part two it’s going to be like a muscle

Man I’m just going to be like jacked you have no no I’m actually I’m not super buff I’m not super duper both I’m I’m wa how tall are you I still think you’re 510 oh I’m okay I’m 511 with shoes on I’m 5’7 I’m so I’m 51 so you’re slightly taller than me

Then well if I’m wearing shoes no cuz if I’m wearing shoes I might be the same height too I just don’t measure myself with my feet on oh or with my shoes on I need a haircut I forgot Min King 66 6.6 don’t make of my hair I need a

Haircut I swear I’m getting a I’m literally getting a haircut the camera ising on oh it is on oh my gosh pvps face reveal part two this time but with I have still in the subway shirt as usual yeah we going to change that I don’t have any food

Either must be so gross it’s to get so worn out is that a Subway shot still work there yeah you just leaked your job still I still work at the old Subway now people now these five people watching the stream or four I should say are going to be looking at every Subway

Trying to find me y every Subway in the world I’m pretty sure it’s only North America Miner King is there a Subway in your country no no of course there is of course there is now now that I know where he works all I need to do is find his location yes okay

So the world then that makes sense ly I can’t run as I just need to take that shelf I’m sorry see who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa sorry sorry I get out what I do need to do is get into the better lighting cuz this lighting sucks

Booty what happened to your room it looks me looks like a man cave now looks the same as it used to no like a year ago it looks so new like there’s like nothing inside it and uh there wasn’t any like like equipment or there wasn’t even a Star Wars curtain either yeah

There was that’s been there forever J don’t even don’t even that’s been there freaking oh actually I was never mind I was thinking about the other room with the the stuffed toys the dolls what oh that’s the old that’s that was when I was out there yeah now we’re in here is

It still the same yeah well kind of I can’t get back far enough cuz this headset hold up hold up I don’t even no cuz I won’t you won’t be able to hear me oh God why do everything that to be so complicated oh sorry uh I was looking at something uh

Leroy yes he can join if you had one wish for anything but it would has it it has a 40% chance to to the opposite of what you asked I wonder if he ass has my yet learn how to like never mind I guess you’re not talkers give out words we are

Talking okay we get back far enough now okay now we can get kind of into the light what are you trying to do yeah I am I Amy needs food I have potatoes potato all right see lero I’m I’m much less I’m much less fat nowaday

I’m actually like kind of I’m I’m kind of aesthetic H me I’m more fat no Ezekiel Ezekiel is just fluffy what ezekiel’s fluffy no I’m fat no He’s fluffy bro Ezekiel that guy he’s like I I’m trying to get I’m trying to get built like Ezekiel dude a mass

Monster you just got to eat yeah yeah like UN in order for you to do that you have to eat unlike you seven full bags of chips a day unlike you hyper Ezekiel eats I have I have he doesn’t St himself I have a shoulder instability in my right

Shoulder so it hurt it hurts like crap instability but like we the arms come on now you know I wish I love myself that much to just Flex hyper do you love yourself no I hate myself why do you think I’m so buff I I literally I look at myself in the mirror

Every morning and go you’re ugly Pizza you know there there’s someone in the world that will truly love you for how you look and who you are and all that stuff how you treat yourself no they I already found that special someone there was one yeah where is I’m trying to find him

He’s gone Esther more oh don’t bring that up no not that was 3 years ago actually oh my God oh my God you kind of look like tubo oh that’s right there I’ll I’ll show you a picture hyper hyper in the hot dog kind of looks like a little bit I

Know he hyper remember that picture I sent you the hot dog suit no you in a hot dog suit no you have that bad of a memory yeah I have I have dementia bro what are you dementia have dementia I love sticks I can’t even like do good spins

Anymore this is a little heavy too it’s metal guys do you want do you want to see hyper well here he isal yeah face reveal part three and and this is and this is him with his friends right here what look look at the general oh what general this is hyper with his

Friends no what is friend I wish my friends were just were that rich they’re not even that rich are wait who’s that anyways what do you mean they aren’t that rich these are the multi-millionaires of YouTube Buddy how do we know the one on the left

Or the one the Donkey Kong you know the one on the left no oh oh the one I only know Wilbur that’s definitely not George not found is Wilbur even in that no no I just see tubo and I just see Wilbur Amy is Amy is on the right of tubo

And Row’s all right those are like those are multi-millionaires I wish I was like them I wish I was rich like those guys I’m a Brokey I work at I work out Subway for now then then get a high paying job I need to I need to go for engineering

Work in Canada and be like a for it come to can get a job in the the logging industry cut down trees you’ll be making money or brush cutting not a very good job though let’s be real here I don’t make that much I mean I probably make less than all of

You yeah that’s true I make $10 an hour right you’re earning more than me soy ridiculous well not making any money have YouTube so more than $10 in pounds I don’t know probably like um hey Siri what is $10 million Hey sir what’s $10 I can’t find trusty let me teleport to$

791 oh I teleport the wrong person no that’s me $7 917 the wrong person yeah you’re earning like I’m earning £7 49 oh really okay so the minimum wage must be low there that’s Minimum you’re so poor you can’t even hit me I’m working like I’m working my butt off though I work 25 over 25 hours a week school I have so many butts with school that’s ridiculous that’s literally 4 hours that’s like five four or five hours after school

Every day which is like 4: to 9 5 to 9 and then work on week my mental health is great I don’t think about killing myself every day you know what I relate to that food can suck I hate when I I hate Subway Subway food

Sucks work at McDonald’s no cuz I don’t want to work in a grey a greasy restaurant you then work at like a um like Circle K or Kmart Circle K I don’t know where Circle K I don’t know what that actually how you doing that not I

Know Subway I need to be at least 50 that’s my minimum cuz I I need that much at least I’ll give you the statistics right now um You can be like a manager at Sonic uh a shift manager sh a manager I can’t be a manager and also there’s no Sonics near

Me me really I thought there was one actually there is one it’s like downtown though but I I don’t want to work downtown that’s CRA um they make 20 an hour 20 USD an hour I believe it 20 an hour is ridiculous well they make 26,000 per year is that good that’s

Crazy we I don’t what even is Sonic I’ve never heard of that I’ve heard of Sonic the Hedgehog but it’s like it’s like food restaurant yeah you just park you park and they give you your food like in this parking lot yeah all right do you even know what Sonic is

Seill uh yeah you know the the the blue guy yeah yeah yeah I’ve been to the US before oh that’s right he almost passed away in the US oh oh that’s yeah Syracuse got shot up oh oh that’s yeah that’s that’s how that’s how we are in the US hey how’s it going

Beans what’s good uh it’s going very good by the way how has your New Year been so far actual guy chat called beans yeah but it’s a picture of banana if you banana yeah of a banana if you ever heard of any stereotypes of in the US of

Like everyone getting shoot a shot up oh I love that word I love a banana the accent oh that’s I I I have a new favorite English word now Banana ban banana oh my gosh can we not make fun English guy well no I’m not making fun I just love the English

Language come on this guy is in England and and we’re in Canada he’s above us I would like a cup of tea and biscuit tea and biscuits yeah I had a I had a couple come into my Subway one day they’re definitely visiting from England but they came in like a big old

American truck but they walk like do you guys have hot water for tea hot water for tea no no we don’t have hot water for tea I’m sorry and then they left you’re supposed to boil hot water for them so cold tea there there was

Still hot water for tea yeah we have we have cold tea oh that’s gross oh that’s snarly do you guys have hot water no no no sorry get that for a team why do you not have kettles no that’s that’s too that’s too much work for a Subway we can barely put

Together sandwiches well surely surely there’s like coffee machine or something we had a coffee machine but then it broke oh and the funny thing is we got a new coffee machine it just sits in the back though cuz no one wants to actually deal with it uh I have a question for

You uh tomu do I can I call you tomu or Tom for sure you can go in Tom okay Tom water um what’s the term that you describe someone who who drinks too much alcohol and the alcoholic whoa I drunk drunk do you know drunker do you

Know what like do do some people say like pissed yeah they say pissed yeah so when someone’s drunk in England they say oh I’m pissed right now I’m not drunk I’m pissed like that’s the word what is happening I thought I thought you were family friendly why you cussing that’s

Not a cuss word I just said I’m drunk context cuz someone cuz someone went to a Australia one time and and asked and asked for beer and oh you want you want you want to do some piss or how about this here um you you know when someone’s playful in Canada or

United States in England they say uh they say cheeky what when someone’s cheeky cheeky yeah we do yeah yeah and uh oh yeah lovely say nauy or you can say naughty or nauy naughty hyper little naughty hyper do you do you call your girlfriend lovely yeah she’s hella lovely a yeah

Because in England they they don’t say beautiful they say lovely dude what do y’all girlfriends call you like b or baby my girlfriend calls me bro bro dude no you’re you’re supposed to call her that my my girlfriend calls me bro or dude then what do you call

Her I call her I call her by her name I call her by her name or I’ll call her dude sounds like you’re mad sounds like sounds like you get mad at her no great Ezekiel what my food what blast you that’s the S

Is it oh oh that was you oh that was a you’re right H blast you’re okay thinking about like oh and and my favorite one rubbish that’s rubbish so are you are going to move to the UK no I would never move there carry everywhere uh well I don’t know anyone

There I I have a higher chance to the states hey you didn’t know one person from the from the UK yeah but he moved to Canada oh he’s he actually moved 3 hours away from me he’s like down the road and this Friday we’re doing the meet up see I

Don’t that’s that’s what I don’t understand about you JD down the road is not 3 hours away down the road down the road is 5 minutes max that’s another thing that’s Canadians and Americans are so different like in America you guys have like cities like 15 minutes that way and 15

Minutes over there this guy Tom I like him he he just said what did you you just said five you said 3 hours across the country for you yeah L literally 3 hours is across the country for you guys and this guy’s like oh just down the road okay you used to

Didn’t you used to commute like 45 minutes to work that’s ridiculous no not to work takes me an hour and a half to get to work he travels more than me to get to work halfway across the country to go to work oh yeah work is just down the road

Is I can’t believe these guys no me and just down the road me and Ezekiel would have to travel 45 minutes to get to the store grocery store that’s like that’s like me that’s like me saying that’s like me saying me that’s it’s like oh my

Gosh it’s like me saying that me and Munch are neighbors yeah you are no down the road he in California he lives 12 over 12 hours away from me yeah down the road yeah yeah just that’s just down the road you know you can get there in a

Day down the road is in a day for you guys that’s now you wonder how I feel yeah you know I am if you drive 19 hours in a in a straight line in on Ontario you’re you’re you’re you’re still in in Ontario that is true ridiculous that’s

Ridiculous I thought I thought like States and I thought the UI states were bad like I have to go here yeah take this what what’s that oh hyper here’s a here’s an interesting fact you and E zekel right now are 8 hours away from me

8 hours away from you y I’m visit right now off in your car you’ll be here at what well I I visited I visited Ezekiel like a couple days ago actually he wasn’t there he didn’t go that night no you weren’t never no I was I I saw your parents P up right

Now and you’re watching a movie right no I I was I was I was I was watching the the the 46th at Ked Center Honor awards no honor honors you pull up right nowy where where my George is I was actually being honored Ezekiel didn’t want to see me

Because he was watching this TV show oh my God you’re in the US but it was but it was only like I one night only so I I’ll never see it again oh yeah I would do the same thing too if George I found was going to be somewhere I would go

There instead of VIs shut up stop talking stop talking oh my I I don’t I don’t I don’t mess with that George not found kid no more not after not after he disrespected my boy technoblade uh-uh uh-uh was it him I thought it was someone else no it

Was it was George not found I started playing Discord soundboard sound effects while they were doing a speech about technoblade oh we don’t we don’t mess with that that’s actually to be honest I don’t think he never really did care like he he was never friends with him he what no he I

Don’t think he evened anything when he passed away I got to kick this JD guy out of the VC real quick well no no I’m not defending him I’m just letting you know that he never said anything when he died I don’t care if you like the guy or

Not don’t go up to his don’t go up to practically his funeral and start like what yeah I understand that that that was disrespect for him to do that stupid whatever whatever again he is human you can keep sing for that George not found kid Geor not full develop I mean I’m not

Overall impressed with dream either he must have heard no I I don’t even like the dream guy either dream guy uhuh I don’t care about the I don’t care about all the accusation that dreams gets I don’t care I just don’t like a guy he just doesn’t seem like a h gu

Have fun to hang out with let’s be real here like go talk to miners I don’t care if you want to talk to miners in your free time you do that I don’t give a crap just don’t just don’t to hang out with me hey

Did does that too n j does do that you talk Min J right now oh my goodness Mak dream I I don’t like dream I literally don’t I always make fun of him too J if you’re the next stream you you better give me all your money J you’re

Like a millionaire I don’t want how many didit thr your bank account seven I know I already know seven JD JD’s a millionaire he St he’s load I’m a secret I’m secretly a millionaire he’s actually loaded the government P him to exist hi JY yeah it can give me access

To it do do everything on the Minecraft SC Talent thingy you want to destroy it no no no no no no just why why would I destroy it I’m I’m I’m one of the judges oh what are you going to do I just want to see do what these all these colorful

Buttons do what colorful buttons ah darn it I ruined the stage I I I hit the wrong button which part do you want to trust to there’s two parts there’s the stage and there’s the the judging panel no he said all of it JD and that is true yeah all stand right

Here right I just destroyed that I didn’t mean to destroy that party J now go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go you’re not you’re not supposed to tell me out loud now you have trust now then then

How am I supposed to let you know huh you could have just came up here and judged him and open the switch okay okay you stand here look oh you missed I have a lot of farming to do I’m letting my crops overgrow I’m tired man do you work

Tomorrow I’m hanging out I’m hanging out with my girlfriend tomorrow the whole day not the whole day until 3 oh on lunch thing sounds sounds like a date to me you say you know go third person again which Resturant are you going to we’re going to a chickfly O broke

Is that the place that Clos on Sunday 12 10 7 name and talent the heck whoa that’s trash whoa are you in the server uh tomu no no what is happening right now what is happening ezekiel’s ezekiel’s judging calm down like jump scared oh my God

I was slame by try channel oh what lame H are you still a pvper no are you still amongst the best no no no no no I sorry JD once amongst no once once okay Among Us I once was the best I’m sure you still have it it’s

Like if you’re if you’re a cook you’ll always be a cook problem is I’m stuck I’m stuck in 20 I’m talking 2020 PVP that’s the issue I I can probably still cook anybody in Sword PVP but I doubt I doubt I’m doubt I can do all that other

Crap does Up victory still still have the Holy Malone he does where uh upstairs anymore I can I can I feel like I’m sword still but nothing else maybe axe the old kits the old no cares about him anymore though wait who you talking about huh who are you talking about I

Just I was just saying I could probably be competitive in sword and axe kits but none of the new kits I’m I’m I’m stuck in 2020 PVP so I’m good at the I’m good at the old stuff so he just going to go back to that year where

You dude I was watching some of my old videos a couple days ago I was cooking I was I was like destroying people left and right I can’t do that I can’t do that anymore I was actually you cooking beans beans yeah no I was actually

Destroying people I I I’m not not as good as I was before give me diabetes I used to be so good back in the day well the best in my respected in my sub genre of Minecraft PP I’m not the best but I’m the best you

Know I think I think what I think what it’s refer to is I’m the best mCP Sumo pvper I was the best mCP Sumo P Sumo yeah cuz I was like cooking on the number one worldwide for for like a couple rounds then he left and called me a hacker

You know you know you’re you know you’re good when the best in the world when best worldwide calls you actually he wasn’t the best worldwide is it baiting for you Miner King he was the best EU so he was like the best in Europe so K representative of the uh of

The best Minecraft year which cooked on by me back in 2019 2020 here chuste would it be it would be so cringe if I put x x number one PVP worldwide in my thatd be so funny though I get called cringe they be like who are what are

Youing on that’s not something to be proud about I know but I’m proud about it being top pvper of all time in your respected sub genre wow I could totally get that here trusty I have more carrots for You I don’t want to get what PC should I get what kind of PC should I get cuz I don’t want to get anything ridiculous I said you’re going to get something like a laptop I want to get like a decent laptop like from Walmart nah nah well depends on what

They have there I want to get like an actual gam laptop but I don’t want to spend more than like $700 still we’ll be using much like watching YouTube maybe getting maybe playing Minecraft once while but you don’t need that much to do that what was that game that everyone

Was trying to give me to play yesterday I forget who was in the call wait you Ni Call oh munch munch I was talking to munching he sounds old dude I saw I saw have you seen Munch’s new Instagram profile picture he looks like he looks old I know and he

Sounds old too like I I talked to him when’s the last time we talked to him I haven’t talked to him I it seems like going yesterday when he had a high voice I know even hyper too my boy mun no I was I always had a deep

Voice don’t even no me too me too don’t even don’t even I I’ve always had a deep voice I’ve never had a high voice my voice stayed the same since I was 15 you know that how long did you know me for you for a while bro really just and

We’ve never interact with each other no oh wow dude so what what made you decide to like say hey can I honestly I was just bored oh fair fair fair and I didn’t have anything else better so fair honestly fair I don’t I don’t blame I feel a lot better join I

Don’t blame also were you like at a at a at a down point in your life I’m always at a down point in my life I was literally about to say that I was about to say that I you guys your dark humor ha it’s notor dark humor CU it’s

True me this guy maybe this guy what’s your name what’s your irel name is it actually Thomas yeah it’s Thomas oh my God oh my you are me hey yours too I know how bar feel is his name B is is your name is your name operation Victory that’s

Such an old song I got to publish that song I really got to publish that song I I don’t I think the lyrics have been lost the time who’s your name the lyrics True lyrics griin who’s your name I I can easily pull an old video and found the lyrics

For it that’s true you can find the original video yes I will find the original video we it was actually done on Bedrock too oh yeah way back when it was way back when it was actually the time that you uh um built that weird looking Tower in the middle of the ocean

Was it actually yeah because I was joking around like oh what’s his name you know like that was so long ago and then I started singing it when we got to the courthouse I just remember that for some reason it’s crazy that was so long ago it was it was ancient it’s history

Now speaking of History Munch has this book somewhere oh no it’s the old server old world his book his book the book remember the book of the history book no oh you guys have all slimers dude we got I wonder if I could write book mcraft J you should make like you should

Make like a Ezekiel like a cinematic video of the history of the I know I got I just thought about that just now I was going to have Ezekiel write a book of all the events but in written format yeah make it okay so you can like make a

Book and then make the video like a story reading of the book with like cool animations little animations or we can have or we can have like get clips from old videos or you can like make up new clips yeah that that’s what um someone did that for the gmmp like they just

Made a book and read it out loud and did these little animations and had like little recordings of players re re re like creating these moments that kind of thing that would be crazy I’d watch it that’d be such a good video that would be a good video would it get published

It be on like Barn Nobles a what Barnes and Noble missing something here he’s talking about what the book be published or like released or sold I mean we can sell it to the community members right they would love to know the history and understand all the inside

Jokes am I right Tom I want a discount I want a discount on the book discount employee discount inlo no I want a main character discount I carried the I carried the Lord don’t even oh uh you had to go to the stage okay I carried yall’s

Lore the lore would have been garbage without me let’s be real here main character moment I still like the Liam young stuff that’s like my favorite I like Hyper’s character oh yeah cuz I’m I am the m character you want know besides Li young were you there in the first uh bck

Server no I was in yes you were no e was he was ezekiel’s house is still there that’s how we had ezekiel’s Throne Room remember oh top of your house the foundation the found yes exactly found but he was but technically he was there during the Empire days too because um

That house oh my goodness thank you for the $1 how does the how does it’s not $1 M you what’s the what’s the progression is it the Empire the foundation and the first one’s the Empire the second one’s the foundation happened to the names it stopped that Foundation didn’t it check

Check your uh check check the the L image oh there’s a l Channel I get I the chel is the channel still there um I don’t know first Bedrock was it Conrad yes it was yes trusty had it right look I’m going to send you a picture yeah send me

It I I I know what you’re talking about I’m just I don’t know I didn’t see it oh that’s the museum timeline though wait hey hey J yeah how how I’m going to write a book about the details of the server yes would it work and you can

Make up stuff too like you have my full mix up stuff yeah back in the day back in the day the day back in the day should I add I am operation victories origin story that I made for him and if you need art or animations let me know I can do a

Few where is this it’s like it’s lost the time bro it’s old that’s crazy um I’m trying to find it now blow up the whole building we’re on like season what are we onig War yes I I trying I’m trying to find the image now are we technically still

On season 3 or is it like season 4 now season 3 it’s still season 3 mhm I thought it was like season 2 and then season 2.5 and then season 2.58 or whatever is it under oh it’s it’s right here two this is the third season but

This is like the fourth server here look at General chat there it is right there oh my there it is Nova HQ that’s what it was and then Nova Scotia God’s land that was a good one Nova Scotia God’s land was a good one actually well oh hold on wait

My favorite one’s still like the Nova HQ yeah Nova HQ had the best build yes and it felt a little more uh like homey too cuz the buildings are like more person I yeah yeah yeah and then but Nova Scotia God had the best lore yes it did but it

Had the most builds and it had like the most crazy builds too like tallest skyscrapers and yeah yeah yeah no no ghost godsland had the best lore had the best had the best build under facility I think NOA HQ had the best builds the empire was like the start of all like it

Was just a tall house with like a little flag in front yeah and then I think the foundation I think the foundation and okay the the one that had the most lore was the foundation and the cre of Scotia Gods landl like those were like the biggest lore eras but Nova scoa godland

Was better lore in my opinion cuz it’s like the wars and everything oh yeah I mean the Empire had a lot of Wars too that’s why there’s a thing called the attack of the ex genetics W oh I remember I remembering that I remember recording that what wait

Which one what’s the found found the um was the foundation the court case uh no the the empire was the court case it’s actually between between really was it way back it was way back then yeah we did more of it like the foundation had more of it though but the start was

Actually during the Empire days cuz we when when uh the the Peaceful Valley was built um the pyramid area you know where you built that giant house that area was actually during the Empire days and the first Courthouse was built there oh my gosh yeah okay so Nova HQ

Was when I had my super big my mansion in the snow bio now I’m going to I’m going to tell you guys a little spoiler okay you see the question mark era like before the the Empire is that okay this is a long time ago me and operation

Victory and David dun we built uh a restaurant it was called Port Vu I think must have heard about that a little bit cuz I was telling oper Victor remember Port Vu and he’s like yeah so that’s there wasn’t too much lore at that time but there was something funny that

Happened that kind of sparked everything like how we how me and operation like behaved and acted throughout the series it was all from this restaurant and we haven’t told you guys yet but I want to like bring back Port Fu to like I guess you can say int reintroduce the history

But have more context to it with it cuz literally poor boot was the one that started it all because me me and operation Victor me and the old man built this restaurant together and uh it was called Port Vu and that’s why the old man doesn’t like

Me still well I I’m not not I’m not saying that like in real life but like in Minecraft we have this little grudge against each other because it just reminds us about this restaurant that happened a long time ago that we once owned together there it kind of like fell apart

After but I won’t go into details cuz it’s it’s I don’t want to like leak too much I think so I think I I think I’ve known you for over two years now because it was it was 2021 when I met you because the court case happened in middle of

2022 so you met me at the end of 2020 2021 2021 because yeah yeah because that would make sense I was I would I would been around for about a half a year at that point and it was I found the video if you want to watch it oh so the end of

2021 then right yeah it was December 2021 when I joined so you only made sh for 2 years yeah apparently it felt longer well yeah well I don’t know because this the court case video would had Munch in it no no you’re you’re not reading the

Right you’re not reading the right no no no no no corruption corruption had Munch old skin wait which video is that you’re talking about hold on I think no wait a minute wait a minute hold on no you’re you’re you’re reading it wrong no Munch yeah no Munch

Was there no Munch was not there Munch was there no he was corruption m is there I’m on I’m on the video right now JD do you remember G Charmy who Gad Charmy yeah yeah Munch was never around during Gad Charmy well Munch was there during the corruption

Court case that happened later though cuz it must have yeah that happened a lot later like if if you know the um uh the gaded Charming happened before that it happened actually a lot like wait was there another court case there was the GED Charmy court case yes nuh Gad

Army you remember him G Army there’s a Gad Army court case there is hold on I see how the oldest video I have and there’s something else that happened too do you remember the the horse that got killed oh yeah yeah yeah that also happened before geted charm me too okay

So so okay so the oldest video that I have the oldest video that I have how do you have it YouTube video that I made that you made yeah the I have is is the is the one is the video I recorded of uh the goodbye video remember that

One when I when I left the Empire yeah I remember that did that get published yeah well I think it’s is it it’s still public okay I’m looking at this right now okay so miss uh we’re talking about okay were you there when we fought Herobrine hyper in

Bedrock fought Herobrine yeah how long ago was that was that like that was two years ago I don’t remember that that was actually I don’t remember I have known you for 3 years have you yes because we fought Herobrine in December 20 well no no no it wait how come it

Says three years ago I my my math is not right something’s not adding up here I don’t know I don’t know if I was there when you fought Herobrine we are in a New Year by way so that’s true yeah say for is all right uh let’s let’s do a

Little bit of History together here uh let’s take a look at this video the oldest video I have is January of 22 so two years ago it’s a goodbye video but that was Josh and vice server so it must have been longer because you played a my server before that remember okay no

No no it was it was because I because Josh and vice server was definitely later on because it was a lot later on yeah yeah yeah okay so yeah it was three years because this is January of 22 so it must have been December of 21 when I

Met you so that was a it was all a year before we did that that makes sense yeah it was a year after Bedrock when we did Jos what is up welcome back to another you know very it has to be very soon I can’t

Wait any longer oh is that what I got thank you all can you guys see this I’m starting reallying or screen yeah he has already watch this okay stream or screen share very soon but oh so he’s uh he’s getting on this happened uh oh you w December 24th 2020 y so

Um we are getting I do remember this and that’s going to take place I remember the house looking like that was that the same is that the original house yeah it’s you remember this it’s all the same times I want to do it did you expand the

Original house a lot cuz it was yeah okay okay iric wait I don’t know yeah yeah think am I there yeah what did I do am I going that’s a poor editing mistake right there I’m trying to turn machine on yeah do you remember the do do you

Have a general idea where the map is no okay I’m going to jump off guys take okay yeah I don’t think I’m there see you later bye wait wait wait I’m going to I’m going to like end the stream so I can like address this issue all right uh

If you want to watch hop on Discord I’m going to do a little bit of a history together oh take I can’t me wait so yeah cuz these are

This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft Java/Bedrock SMP | Livestream’, was uploaded by CreeNova on 2024-01-03 19:10:00. It has garnered 84 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:19 or 5179 seconds.

Version 1.20.4

Hello everyone, welcome to the new CreeNova SMP. This public 24/7 SMP is joinable for both Java and Bedrock players (please read below how to join).

I want to thank everyone who has been a part of my Minecraft community since the beginning of this year. We made a lot of memories and friendships from the previous SMPs that we did together. I am looking forward to all the fantastic events, creations, friendships, and lore that will take place in this SMP, so put on your best caps and feel free to join anytime.

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*Bedrock Players must attempt to join the Minecraft server before being whitelisted to resolve technical issues with the whitelist system. Also, cracked players are sadly unable to join.

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  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More