Crown Quest for Charity Commentators’ VOD | Minecraft Event 4/22/2023

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign For me we are the white worms this is true wait can you guys talk I just want to check um voice levels hello I’m talking hello hello you’re talking you’re talking you’re talking on me all right all right I can hear myself he’s talking close to me hello can you still hear yourself

Hello uh let me check I can hear myself yeah I’m gonna stream oh yeah I know okay I thought you meant like through your mic and I was like oh no no no no no no no no no not that I’m ready to commentate no we are ready to win this is remember

This is true this is why is it hello now how do we win uh by not competing in any game so don’t lose uh I don’t see it’s just a black screen for me on the crown Quest I know yeah and on purpose I’m not I think it’s

Um I need to make it towards not there’s something like with my computer and having it full screen yeah okay because that’s another oh yeah like if it oh yeah it should it’s maybe on the stream maybe just like uh pull it a little bit so that it’s um like still full screen

Are you are you using obs I’m using are they using streamlabs streamlabs no I I mean like um uh you know that you’re able to like just make it smaller and bigger on the when you have it selected like just like pull it a little bit so

That it’s like even on the screen yeah like that you won’t be able to see I know you won’t be able to see like the the two FPS that doesn’t matter I know um POV let’s go yeah only one of our teammates is streaming Foreign with having all these buttons around me I know you can jump you can you can jump down Randy gave us one job come on now come on now guys ready he didn’t give us a drop he gave up he gave us orders he just said don’t press the button he’s

Barking orders at us I’ll look I I love this we’re above everyone else that piss me off up [Laughter] just just go begging to Randy why do you keep falling off of platforms I am King of the Hill this sucked because he ran down here with all these guys you are down there with the peasants this is not ideal oh my god I think I’m 12 I’m 12th or no I’m 13th I’m leaderboard Victoria number two um 30th nice I’m literally whispering to Randy they

Pushed me down can you put me back up there you’ll get teleported up there automatically though right I’m just twerking to everyone else okay I guess you just guess you stay down there well I didn’t want to be down there I wanted to look down

Like walked up you try to jump around me the videos fell down Lord Bernie I’m looking oh that bothers me so much well oh yeah Olive lime and then lost is there and yellow yeah only one of green only one of green is here if you’re colorblind you wouldn’t yeah he’s here

Bitters here cons here aqua foreign standing on yellow should be illegal should be illegal temporary’s here Danny y’all got any predictions on who’s gonna be first overall um um last time red eyes choke on milk on the events uh I don’t think so I I don’t think so

Either no here let me pull up my list of players that I have right by me list of players wait no wait um I do I I think that Red Robin is going to do very well I’m a good commentator I made I made a tier list for the whole

Event and then a tier list for each where’s your name send in the chat um if you can one second sorry I was oh foreign oh I got bad news for you Skye what your dad here with the peasants yeah yeah I just yeah yeah I just I just got that Um here they’re all you’re gonna have to like look at each individual file name because I didn’t it’s just a file name but that’s all of them um can we switch over to live um oh yeah uh because this is what I have for the Discord wow

Thing and I want to check if it’s working and it is look at that I’m so good at this really good at this yeah don’t tell yourself I wish Randy was paying me more paying you he’s paying me period I jumped down I just jumped and I just fell down for

Some reason I’m kidding I probably should have made that joke on a stream that’s not mine Randy is not paying me that was a joke he’s paying me didn’t you ask him to do this I would even think oh it’s your simping mate I got in my two seconds of of something

I’m good now no you said you were you no you said you were going to be doing the whole event so kind of you gotta have to know that’s what they said um um Randy says I had to focus on more people’s povs kanuki and I were teamed for the first

Crown Quest oh nice um yes Willow means oh I’m the the new Aqua teammates it’s kind of hard to commentate yes yes just everyone’s standing still yeah once the games begin we got this 74th 75th whatever it’s called red team it’s just Sean was my mod for

Uh chronic Quest 3. nice I’m cheering on red team and lime that’s that’s who I’m biased for subie was my mod and like I I because I think like if if Aqua does very well again then Aqua because Aqua in cronkers one and then the other times

They’ve always got like team team first the other two events let me let’s okay so it’s not awkward should be um I guess no he didn’t win last time he won um the first two um Aqua is a very good chance of winning because they have Kevin yeah because

Um they also have Vivo yeah because because literally Loomer subi and our tigers are all mods yeah and then cabin is just cracked so they have a very good shot um the winners of last Crown Quest um two of them are on a team together it’s winter Swift

Um and then there are other two teammates for this event are um Ender and kanuki uh mighty Brothers is the only winning teammate on Lime team and where’s the other one the other winner uh uh and then thank you pinky Venom is on they’re on red eye is still here are

They they are on team wait where are they cool I don’t know hiku pinku pink y I thought they were on a team am I crazy maybe I am maybe I’m out of my mind I don’t yeah are they not I thought they were in this event

I also heard that the lost one oh well he also dressed up he also dressed up again yeah like an ego like an a girl he did say that was the stretch so that’s a pretty op Strat compared to everyone else’s wow look at that I’m on the podium for this event

That’s crazy I’m already a winner damn okay it’s crazy I used to be I used to be on the number one Podium too but now I’m just on the regular teen Podium yeah and if you’ll direct your attention over to the second Conquest Podium you’ll see

That I’m right here yeah yeah we know we know you’re very gamer even though I came whoa even though I came to the 38th Place individual uh Catherine carried us like literally cabin I forgot what cabin got but I got 38th um and then Nitro and munite got 39th and 40th

We were like literally the last three and then I forgot what cabin got he got higher than us though and we came first just because cabins just like cracked at the game I think uh Voss snake got seven for ninth I got the 19th and then um Muni and

Um and Ajax got like 20 to 29 for something I don’t I got uh I’m on the leaderboard for fastest winner Wonderland Marathon times nice I’m Number Nine oh yeah yeah remember that Marathon where’d you get it that’s not gonna die is it I wonder I wonder how you got

So good of a marathon time maybe it’s you know how well I expected I expected maybe yeah maybe it’s maybe it’s because I was a good a good respectful player and I didn’t push you off I couldn’t say the same for you though I’m on I’m on I’m on

None of the leaderboards because I’m not good at the game I’m on most wins by a player damn that’s nice because I’ve won once that’s the only player yeah um think see it was really hard for me to make tier lists for this event because all the teams are like so good yeah

Um because it’s just like because because they could pick their own teams and so they just picked people that they’re like we’re gonna win yeah and like all the mods are playing and the mods have been playing together for a while and obviously they know this event because they literally like coded

It and made it to made it they literally made it so I’ll be very interested to see how everything plays out and here’s our little our little Randy it is little Care Bear where’s Randy where’s Randy he’s at the very front of this I’m coming hey Randy

He looks so he looks so small he looks like a little cinnamon roll and his little Care Bear outfit we’re just always staring him down hello Randy yeah um we got it’s just on we got up to yards got thy mistake Elijah and Willow hello hello hello Umer Vivo we got super blue monkeys yep I think one of them one of them is not a monkey Kevin is not a monkey Japanese ego we got Minnie we got Fox we got Spix I teams this is almost two I team with Spix and Crown Quest 2. we got Joey Fish

Yeah we got red uh suspicious might uh my Trident friend because we anime oh yeah um Pika and I go to the same school we didn’t know that until like oh nice the second round Quest wait what really got we got yeah we got Harvey we got sadays we got people

Running all over the place we got better uh who else we got we got Swift and Ender and kanuki’s somewhere around here yeah um wait what what client are you using Victoria um just vanilla Minecraft oh the most disappointed uh um we got Rice Body to gritty

No we got Suki we got crimes we got temporary then we got that inconics yeah you have just got next cat sitting here just oh simply chronic’s cat we’re missing Randy um ox and Kevin yeah Kevin who do you think more and then we got my favorite place that

No one ever goes in even though it’s literally beautiful that is the little oh this yeah this was supposed this was in groundwater um foreign yeah we replaced it and by we I mean I was simply in BC while Randy replaced it um uh that’s that I liked it

Yeah but no one even comes in here and it’s so pretty in here because this is what um like before and after games this is where we’re yeah but this is also where the um where the Labyrinth map the way to eat one may I add true true

I was open let’s see what’s upstairs Randy’s up on the stage oh oh ready ready ready ready ready ready we ought to start cheering Randy Randy Randy Randy he’s up on stage we’re just standing here in the front we just stand here in the front should we make like uh

I’m not gonna say what I was gonna say um because we’re gonna get teleported oh we’re not gonna get teleported down no one knows that no I didn’t say that I didn’t say anything yeah but we just won’t get any appreciation why are you why are you why

Are you stand in front of someone just stand in front of them oh I know who I’m gonna stand in front of them okay I’m Gonna Stand different on Fox this is my new spots I I am new science teammates they’re all water they’re all looking at me [Laughter]

Dude the games When does the when does it actually start in four minutes nice four minutes it’s 256. come on donated 200 Euros someone oh the 600 Euro gold since 600 dollar goal has been raised wait oh wait really [ __ ] 4 000. no no no no 400. okay well 400 is still

A lot um this dude said four thousand I’m sorry my guy my guy said four thousand said ages we gotta join content right oh you think so are they joining yet I’m enjoying it just so I can hear a speech Victoria Sky yeah yeah yeah yeah go ahead comp chat I’m I’m joining

What a w thank you everybody for donating let’s go already shattered the record that was that was quick um so there are some Milestones that you guys all saw um we are yes we’re gonna keep going just because the the the minimum that we were going for was broken does not mean

We’re gonna stop going for it so we’re gonna keep going the goal is a thousand now we don’t have any Milestones playing but we’ll figure it out after 600 um with the uh milestones for all of you I haven’t started the speech call yet but uh once we uh finish the event I

Would like everybody to be able to have a chance to fully compete um so before we do the whole competing um I mean so after we finish the tournament we’re then gonna go back and do all the Milestones that way if someone has to has to leave for something else they can

Leave without worrying about um like something bad happening them losing something all of the above so we’re gonna do all those at the end the 20V 20 the slasher the Coliseum with only knockback sticks like we’re gonna do all that near the after we finish that way that if

Anyone can leave they can dip without worrying about throwing for their team thank you all for the donation so far let’s keep going let’s see if we can hit a thousand that would really really just be phenomenal I can raise I’ll raise it real quick um that’s that is insane already sheesh

All right me quickly add this because I was not preparing for that at all um wow that is actually super exciting all right and then this is the 100 stickers by it’s just shock the Red Wings oh my God that’s oh my God that is crazy that is crazy that is absolutely bonkers

Oh man do we have an event for all of you so if you guys could all get to your seats dear sit if everybody’s on the server which they are we are going to begin um I do got to say some things um involving just basically everything but oh

What a great way to start this off welcome everybody hi I’m rvm3 and I am the host for Crown quest for charity but I’ll also be competing we are so excited for everyone to be here today and we hope you all have so much fun playing in

This event as the staff did making the event now we have a lot of changes from last event as well as some things to say regarding event etiquette but first the staff and I would like you to join us in Wishing some of the participants a very happy birthday yeah And then it goes silent Yeah birthday if you uh if you got up there twice uh just consider it uh a gg gg easy all right off the stage all of you come to these lighters get out of here get out of here get get go go get out of here hey don’t look at me

Like that no it was awfully familiar get up here and get out of here alrighty with that being said um before I continue make sure you guys all turn your jukebox and notebox volume to 30 now personally I like to have mine a little louder 40

But I’m also hard of hearing so you guys should definitely turn up your volume for jukebox and note blocks all right if you guys have any questions during the game make sure to message me Loomer or sakaji and we will try our best to help you but we are still

Competing uh try not to say any mean things to each other in the public chat or be rude to staff we’re all here to have fun and if you see a huge problem we’d probably see it too uh we want chat to be PG is possible as there’s many

Different types of content creators here today we don’t want to jeopardize anyone’s content so on and so forth there’s a constant individual leaderboard you guys can see after games during Quest boards and on your screen requests are individuals so you can do all 40 quests by yourself or if you want

To work or do team or follow Loomer everywhere you can do that too or just take a break get some water and talk to your chat a quest do not count towards your individual score they only help you get a few extra coins to spend on gear

For the final Coliseum yada yada yada all games and quests are the exact same as crime Quest 3. that way is completely Fair between the players and the staff that are competing um except there are some new items in our villager trading Hall don’t worry you’ll have more than enough time and

All the opportunities to be able to see that uh for the enjoyment of the events and sounds we recommend all players sharing their jukebox as I said earlier every streamer should have the charity nightbot command but if not the tiltified charity link is on Twitter at crownquestmc or you can ask anybody else

Of any of the mods of any of these amazing streamers they’ll get you the link as well we hope you all have a ton of fun enjoy all the games that are up this season because all the staff are playing if there is a bug or a glitch

We’ll do our best to help you while competing just be patient and if something happens we’ll make sure it’s fair and right for all parties involved we’ll make sure that if something game breaking happens make sure that you guys get properly compensated again we’re all competing so we’re not going to be able

To do anything in the background we’re all just doing our best I’m rvm3 and welcome to Crown Quest please go back to your team VCS Turn up my volume yeah Chromecast yeah yeah yeah Dude music music so loud [Applause] Oh yeah baby yeah yeah wait they’re all sitting But everyone is running away except for Mighty Brothers wow okay Only three of them science team I love these games and I’m really good oh tigers Um oops oh yeah yeah ah Randy Randy It’s just I’m still in spectator I’m so spectator yeah All right now what I’m still twerking oh we have caves on Cape zone so Not AFX spots that’s sad oh well let’s go let’s go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh cabin left guess guess they’re not winning oh off I just BC crashed all right let’s go yeah yeah Yes oh we’re re-running the intro okay oh we can twerk more yay yeah yeah yeah and this time Victoria I can join us yeah Yeah I love how like literally we’re two seconds in it would not be a crown Quest without without something happening why are people showing it back for charity yeah I’m just continuing you’re like looking out of the crowd you’re like oh my God mom look I’m like

Mom look I made it mom look I’m I’m on Crown Quest stage mom I did it it’s famous slash yeah oh my parents aren’t even home holy guacamole 8 48 raised already wait what really yeah damn they gotta set some mugos if you have not yeah

If you haven’t donated yet and if you have the means to please donate it’s for a good cause it’s for technoblade sarcoma Foundation if I had a Paypal oh yeah we can press the button we can press the button we can press no wait we have to get out of people we

Have to get out of spectator oh yeah to do the thing yeah okay so then sporty time okay dance party time yes I’m ready I just went to the podium yeah you have to fly to the front yes if you fly to the barrier this is totally the first time that is happening

Yeah yeah yeah four people so people are leaving the game charity event oh geometry is just deepening them now Sans you spin me right round baby baby ryro like a record baby right around yeah of this is all I think It was working with us yeah look at how close that was here because everyone else’s down there oh wait don’t get a lot out there should we tell him we need to go inspector again oh oh yeah um hope I guess we just got teleported earlier because we are just better

What do they do are you telling them uh yeah Legion Willow waste is six and seven wait can one of you whisper to him my like whisper is yeah well yeah but mine’s my turning into a dash my slash is turning into a desk okay what do I need to Master machine

Just um tell him to put us in Spec yeah oh it’s because I have my why is my keyboard in Spanish what Or maybe we could like put in spectator mode like when the game yeah okay yeah they’re nice you know we can look outside of the games let the crown Quest begin a first game is gonna be the most chaotic game of all of them um I’m very excited yeah is this the

First time like Labyrinth has it been played first too yes yes like next time no we’re keeping the streak going yeah oh right one begins round one begins he said to not go to all the command blocks that I flew straight into it Victoria which one which one oh no they’re teaming

I meant that they didn’t have this one they didn’t have the sword they didn’t have the sword earlier right um you know I’m not able to hit each other Um oh they’re all just sitting up there this this is an interesting let me get to one that’s actually why are they not fighting fight they’re not able to hit each other oh oh never mind then what a great strategy from everything okay okay let’s go I was like why are they

Fighting okay um we don’t see each other each other names though right Mighty Brothers is already at first followed by cabin and did you m M Victorious of the leaderboard holy [ __ ] oh wait how how I walked I I I was like on the gold get off Okay

Kevin and rvm are doing good we just break the events where I’m just gonna win in our defense Randy never told us that that would happen yeah um yeah just simply puts right aside um I don’t know Randy is pink oh wait I oh because I

Can’t like see who they are so I like try to get onto the gold to see who they are I guess I can zoom in with with um optic line up the Arts you mean Digi has lost so many places on the leaderboard he’s went down yeah yeah

All three no no one of them just dropped down oh three three and purple are back three purple three purple three three purple three pink um two lines it’s it’s either gonna be purple or pink that’s when he has a team yeah I think I think it’s pretty high on my tier list

We can take a look after this game’s over we can spectate people like in the in the in the in the face oh yeah we can be first person no I forgot about that yeah but like you know if they die then you do stay at the same

Place you don’t teleport with them but this oh I’m walking away oh will it aside this new uh Conquest is better than in Chrome Quest 2 when everyone was just steaming constantly yeah and you can’t sit anymore which is really good yeah yeah because that did kinda ruined the whole game yeah

Mighty Brothers cabin and Ender are like consistently staying up yeah right now and crimes as well crimes as well Randy’s making his way up there in the game I have no idea either I’m in the one with uh I think connects cats oh cons in the end one okay

Three people that’s really Ox let me find the I think Randy is in the ice one well you got 30 seconds to check yeah I need an iPhone So we’ve got cabin under Mighty and then Randy and then better yeah pretty I feel like pretty expected All right here’s the thing here’s the thing about these uh about these stages like some of them are easier to get up than others the ice one is awful I hate it so much the ice one and the lava one favorite just because the Ice is like so like so far

Yeah because ice is just slippery the Ocean Temple and the bitter wait is this better who is this Randy is in the end one Randy’s on first Randy’s first you got knocked off of the top I I keep going out of the wall he’s in the end one

I love why we’re like where’s Randy where’s Randy show us show us to him it’s not the best Wally but where’s Randy yeah having the most teammates on there Mighty Brothers was killed two people at the same time three four four kills by mighty I don’t know their skin so I can’t look

For them foreign looks like Randy is being targeted yeah people don’t want the event only to win you know yeah that’s true that is what’s written in the script though so it’d be really it’d be a shame that’s also written in the crowd you’re not supposed to say that no you’re not

Supposed to say that I know I know but you know on a webpage um it was page like 56 or something I think okay okay yeah Two minute warning you made it one yes I’m gonna add something to the scripts white worms lit okay yeah very interesting yes this is a nice development that you’ve made thank you I do agree oh dude oh Rady’s being targeted by people on the ground he’s making his way back up

To the podium oh that Rady’s going back for blood I guess now that everyone read the script to make Randy win yeah that’s really weird I wonder why ready to make that a rule before you could even apply oh yeah and bring them on the topic you know

That may if they made anything they just didn’t want to Publix you know even though they’re just telling them so right now we’ve got pretty much dominating yeah Gavin is dominating a lot followed follow closely by Mighty brothers and then taken taking a bit of a pause in his lead as

Randy yeah these two things decently well right was not on leaderboard at the beginning but he somehow made it to the top five he’s improved a lot It’s mighty and Kevin Mighty and cabin are like the top yeah most consistent with this game Rice is making his way to third place Randy’s in fourth Randy come on come on now who’s not in leaderboard which team is not on there red red you can do this come on Sean you got this um yeah cause we got we got an orange we got a yellow we got

Um a green we got a lime we have cyan we have a lot of purple Aqua we have blue everybody’s gone again that’s that’s right and there’s red again fighting for that lead leaderboard purple Peak and lime have been consistently having like three to two people on the leaderboard yeah it’s one

Of those I think one of those three is gonna beat first am I in Randy’s yeah just Kevin is carrying them at the moment yes with this game like yes oh we’ve got we got three oh we got two um pinks okay nice two purple two lime and two yellow

Cabin’s pretty much secured his place on the top of the leaderboard he’s yeah he’s not gaining any points though he’s been knocked off yeah he just oh he just got a kill he just got a kill though um first place has more than 100 points over the luckiness yeah so if yeah

Mighty Brothers in his last event which was from Ghost tree if I remember uh David also they got first Vegas first they moved like 900 points or something I I think they like reduced like or sorry kills five a good thing to note that um kill amounts have been reduced to Four Points

It was lost I made about like a lot it was like seven or something I think yeah they add spawn protection like can he still spawn kill I think I don’t I think so I think you can um they just wanted to make kills less because that’s what people were doing

Because they were just sitting down on the ground so they yeah they still made it the same but there’s less incentive to do that like they want people to try to get up onto the podium which it seems people are doing because at least in the Aqua Marine Room there’s

Like six people on there right now yeah with the ice one as well as you basically everyone’s trying to get off home should be it’s just like to constantly dominating yeah just a beast oh oh my gosh almost like almost 60 60 points 60 points ahead of second place that’s

Insane and oh wow almost 200 above better step that’s crazy again line has three people yeah this is the goat we need an interview cabin ET right there we most definitely do mighty’s Brothers one Thirty left in the third round we’ve got one more round left

Who do you guys think uh lime or purple Lima purple which one is which team is getting in the dub um I I oh cabin’s been overtaken Kevin’s been overtaken oh my mighty Brothers Last one Mighty Brothers secures the win in the third round leading into the fourth let’s see if he can keep it up that was the most commentatory thing that I’ve ever said you know what that’s right Victoria Skye let’s see yeah let’s see if he can keep up his lead

There is a learning curve to this like new players oh wait there which there aren’t very new players there aren’t any new players yeah he knows what he’s talking about ladies and gentlemen yes yes dude he did his research he did his research but even for returning base it’s still a not a

Very easy game modes because you can constantly get knocked off this is yeah this is very um heavy sword yeah yeah you have to be very knowledgeable there are swords swinging so for our bed Wars players these are this is a very good game for them no because

Yeah it’s more small than bad boss because with bad spots it’s still 1.8 PVP which is vastly different from 1.9 okay the best combo you can have is killing people while on the golden platform yeah so you can’t really I don’t think you can really win because you’re getting

The golden platform with no killing items you need some kills because um you’re getting time and and the Boost from kills at that point yeah which I think I’m watching Mighty right now that seems to be that that’s their trap look at let’s look at let’s look on the

Grounds look at the ground see who the the low Liars I wish I knew name tags the low Liars this guy Aqua just got tackled by three other people on the ground who knew this game mode can make people go crazy I’m watching a duel right now let’s see who will prevail

Thinker Aqua oh pink con took it for pink slay ER we know it was Kelvin wait it was Kelvin interesting I think it’s safe to say lime has got the stuff yeah we got three good players the 1K Gore has been hell the 1K gold baby

Oh we did we hit the 1K goal I know there’s no goal there’s nothing for that so oh what the heck 1K there’s so many colors Sean has just he’s been the only red member to only blue yeah and then cabin’s been the only person from Aqua as well yeah

But Kevin’s my team photos is very high off what the heck look at the difference that’s insane the mighty needs to calm down oh coppin’s been demoted to Third at the last second oh my gosh Tekken we got a okay who do we want to interview let’s still assume mighty

I’m too Mighty okay that’s lime VC oh yeah wait live um I’m just gonna Island time why can’t I my league discord’s crashing oh wait there we go lime wait it’s not lime it’s it’s Aqua what oh wait no lime oh wait because they won yeah never mind

Whoa I think then my thing just crashed something discouraged oh damn that would have put me into like six yeah You’re gonna see my face looking the most ugly thing ever The Venture Expressions aren’t making me crazy that was insane cabin wasn’t the lead for the majority of the time but you somehow overtook them it got almost 200 points over him and what can I say I just started trying

It’s crazy is it just going to be consistent that Mighty Brothers one is going to be like top top 10. I I can’t believe I’ve consistently gone first in Conquest I just I don’t want it known though I was told I was told like the

Last time that I was I was [ __ ] at swords so I decided to actually use my brain juices this time oh wait we’re fast as a team guys yeah yeah yeah we were like we were like five points off getting three of us on the leaderboard

Okay all right go back go back how are you guys doing you know how are you how are you commentators though how’s your day going I’m being I’m being nice and the quests don’t work by the way we’re very good we’re very good um it’s been a joy watching watching all

Of you kill each other in the past most definitely wow that’s a bit of a weird weird thing to say yeah yeah I really do and with that all and that I’ll take my leave I said I like watching people kill each other and I dipped I don’t want to interview cabin ET Because he got his lead taken away should we should we head over there yeah sure yeah so aqua what happened what happened you were first for like oh I know it’s so stupid okay the last one and um I kept getting knocked off before I could get on the platform and then this

Red eye just came out of nowhere Tigers I got a free cabin what’s the winners and wacky winners and Milwaukee winners up top it’s two yeah hurry up but yeah I’ll talk it’s too then go outside in the infinite thing didn’t want you to be a fault whatever yeah wait I have um

Are tearless pulled up Okay so in first place we have um lime in the event we have lime I put lime why do they put them so low I put them solo I put them at seven I I think I put them at something because I I because I thought they were

Gonna get targeted so what’s this tier list for like what’s the it’s for this it’s for it’s for contradictions it’s for console okay yeah and why did you put two or live towards the bottom because I thought they were gonna get targeted heavily because they had mighty

I don’t know if you can get targeted like no one’s targeting like uh in Conquest I don’t think this is true this is true you can’t Target someone but that means you’re yourself just not gonna have a good score yeah yeah Um and then I put cyan cats who got second a sixth which again a hot take from me I apologize for that I like literally I’m like going backwards and then and third was purple and I put them at fifth this is not looking good this is not

Looking good for victorious guys this is not the only one you have right is yellow I think yes yellow put an eighth and they already I’m first I’m one and then I got I said pink was gonna hit first and they got fourth even though red only had like shot up

There a couple times they did pretty good they did yeah yeah um red is fifth I put Aqua as third and they got sixth um I had oranges last they got seventh and then I had oh wait no I was right with Bluetooth green at Fourth

Even though they’ve got last I was right with eighth and Ninth I put eighth and Ninth as yellow and blue and yellow and blue yeah boom look at the look at the individual leaderboards all right let me go flying is kind of slow you can individual you have Mighty

Brothers red eye Kevin or vm3 it’s Ender Prime rice in real time Joey Fish um and the last one I don’t know just come on isn’t it Oni Roy or something like that I I have no clue honestly he needs to lose points for that um oh and um

So we have lime lobsters with um 188 and then Green Goats with 99. so they’re almost like two times more than last place it’s fine it’s fine though not every game that’s gonna be PVP based so yeah um but they do because everything because everyone else is pretty much like there

Isn’t that much of a coin differential between second through tenth oh look at the quest coin look at the quest coin leaderboard all all of uh aqua team right all of Aqua team is in top four for the quest coins oh yeah oh yeah yeah don’t wait don’t kill me don’t kill me

Don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me yeah and now the way I forgot that this is happening don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me back off okay all right I’m actually gonna die you wanna have the honors of going into

I’m going into Labyrinth into your votes yes yes are you gonna listen to the people I’m gonna listen to the Mass wait let’s go faster me 15 seconds 15 seconds go go go go six seconds we have 15 seconds wait I’m going to get the maritime it’s not I mean it’s not gonna

Stop doing anything it’s broken it’s broken it’s broken it’s broken come on Randy okay I am the winner yeah fine I didn’t give you guys anything anymore what is your Awards it wasn’t voting it wasn’t letting them vote letting you vote what I was inside the thing and it didn’t do anything all right all right what do you want the

Votes for what do you want the votes for Marathon what is wrong I’m never giving you guys anything ever again I wasn’t voting it didn’t do anything no because you guys are crazy you guys are no you’re set up properly I can’t even believe it probably was uh some weird thing

We’re gonna try that there we go why did we all have swords for some reason I don’t know congratulations and I killed all of them Yeah um was that not a like was that generally Our Father like what happened I don’t know what happened I’ll take a look at it later it was thrown in at like last second it wasn’t really playing it’s a glitch it’s a glitch it’s gonna happen

I know why he said good luck to us even though he’s competing and we are not but it’s just I’ll take it I’ll take it that’s been the bit of like me Sean Willow and a couple other people were all going to Randy’s VC the other night and just going back and

Forth and wishing them all good luck and like in like a menacing way okay it was very funny wow that’s unfortunate yeah oh the whole bit was gonna was gonna be like very fun and then we got stressed out by the timer all right all right no don’t worry about

It don’t worry about it yeah every time around I might die I get sent here I don’t know why because well you have to redeem yourself all right here we go here we go let’s see oh dude everyone’s already live on the size not able to talk them

Okay some people everyone’s just going to the sides no one’s going to the middle maybe blue note no one is okay a few of blue and Joey are going through the middle and some of our questions on the sides rvm is rvm and red eye all right uh yeah yeah

I’m that they were the only few people I mean why is Ox Not Invisible oxy’s Not Invisible for me I don’t know if it’ll crash I don’t know if it’ll make it if I if I’m in him wait if I if I’m first that doesn’t sound right

Family friendly stream that was my one I’m sorry Randy I didn’t mean to I’m sorry that was my one okay Randy’s because Randy Randy has like the the high score for them check on red eyes some chicken red eye okay yeah I’ll go I still have a sword

Oh I I’m going so [ __ ] fast I I mean I’m going slow oh we’ve got ox and Randy in the lead Randy we’re reaching the uh we’re reaching that ladder section yeah they have removed the um the Trident section it seems like or like changes it’s only this side now

Randy and all them and took over he messed up immediately he’s gonna lose some spots for that today we’ve got cabins today damn girl I’m not buying yes right as a third red eyes and third you realize in third yeah rice caught up rice and rice wasn’t fourth and tenpai or the fifth

I think Randy’s not gonna be happy about that Kevin almost messed up the Elijah box what wait oh man today’s took over the lead by getting ahead of time in the in the elytro section and now they’re off on the boats let’s see if the boat section that is

Not laggy this time luckily it’s nice to be loading in third today’s actually and rice in time vampire in sixth or seventh so it is absence Tokyo it’s rifting clearly by mistake did he trade for this what the heck should be just over too nice what the heck absolutely Bonker is insane

Everyone is like pouring into the boat section now I’m still okay Kelvin is just running on the boat section like Randy’s a near perfect run it seems it’s like all the top like five or six people they they all like are doing really good on the boat yeah yeah so

Days made it to the final parkour that’s fast if if today’s messes up she will lose her first place spot yeah red eye is right behind followed by cabin and rbm3 rice is a behind Randy it looks like it’s a race for the top today’s today’s All of these like very fast placements temporary yeah whoever’s in like last time I got an eighth place So I don’t know why is it It’s so strong okay blue okay let’s see are there still people Ajax is still on the Boating section as well as Kelvin anime SB Diggy and ox’s about to finish everyone has gotten faster times on average yeah optic art and kanuki I think yeah kanuki are still on the Boating session as well

Super simple some people just some people crimes and Danny are still on the boarding section as well but some people just gave up and just meant walking they just gave up boats don’t give up who will be the first world team to finish okay and then you

Have the last person you have Willow Willow is also still seemingly lost in the voting section no Aqua finished Aqua finish yeah oh damn inside as well aqua and um yeah the willow seems Captain ajx 30th yeah it seems to me that Willow is the Lost person oh purple’s about to send

There oh no they fell as might have said their last person over come on canooky you got this it’s only green and red that’s you need two more players don’t give up and I think it’ll be fine green or whoever that was purple I think that the final person is

From red pink come on Kelvin yeah okay pink sweater send their person over and so is orange then we just got what blue green and red on the last of the parkour don’t fall below yes Willow yes wait where’s Green where’s Green Why has to find a green one um I don’t know we can updates on the um at the end it can’t seem to finish they keep falling up I don’t to be honest I don’t think only if like uh tsuki like really you know everything is perfectly now

Unless they do that then I don’t think they will they will be able to finish they can finish they can finish I hope so don’t give up come on it’s okay you can do this they keep falling off the Arts you can do it don’t fall down no Is bitter gonna finish yes better okay let’s see Opti better finished that’s all a blue uh Opti Opti keeps falling on that that almost like second to last jump yeah tsuki never it doesn’t even make it to the um Opti finishes we’re just waiting on we’re just waiting on Suki yeah Tsuki’s still in the water parkour this seems to trip a lot no yeah this has caught this part has caused many people to give up in the past yeah yeah it’s not the easiest it’s not the easiest also a lot of people send a lag out on this part

Um which is very difficult everyone’s just watching them everyone’s just watching no no authentic it looked like they got teleported oh it’s just because I fell down on the other side oh that’s why first of the auto jumps today says what yeah it looks like they’re lagging it’s for charity

Tsuki’s number one of my heart this is true come on you got this jump again jump The backwards walk off no the plastic come on you got a couch you got a couch suit come on you got five minutes you don’t need to be rushing this part you’re good okay so the Strat here is that you don’t want to fall what wouldn’t this do observation that’s crazy

I’m a commentator relax your shoulders feel the wind no they seem to keep just be running forward even though there is an open spot right here yeah oh I didn’t even see this open thing yeah that’s what I just said all right all right listen

Oh they oh yeah yeah I found it they looked right at me they can’t see me but I saw them you were just visible invisible can ice I’ve got a barely no all that happened to me so many times is below that’s so annoying the ladder seem to trip a bunch of

Bunch of people yeah once you get past the ladders that was just to the trident come on tsuki you got this yes yes yasuki yes Crouch and Ice follow the sound of my boy Suki I know you can’t hear me but follow this out of my voice yes over here Suki yes

What no that was the time that wasn’t time that what what did you listen to me Sookie breathe I think the adventures would have already been like lost yeah so we’ve just been like stretched time oh man well yeah but I’m done interviews todays part of the leaderboard is um who finished Marathon

Um whenever we interview uh I instead of it being like a little chaotic I can be the one who can ask the questions so you want to know how to order today’s is yeah okay blue blue blue it’s well done oh yeah look at that boom

We’re up to fifth let’s go keep it going huh commentators coming in today’s how do you feel oh wow oh my God I have a headache right now you don’t understand what my chat made me do they donated 300 so I could have inverted Mouse like 30 sovs and all of

Them and auto jump and yet she’s finished up first no she probably yeah I’m like gosh wait are you still what no no no no not anymore I’m gonna compromise with them because potato so at the at the very beginning Randy and cabin and there are a few others who

Were like who were first two up up to halfway and then you took over like oh my god I think I’m gonna yeah um yeah the Trident is where you took over you didn’t mess up on the Trident whereas everyone else did so I think that’s what happened

Oh my God right I took your route I’ve gone up above and that worked so well I told you it goes well it works yeah the Trident section was Flawless by all four of us I think honestly okay we’ll pretend my game doesn’t happen literally it doesn’t

Matter we actually that was a really that was really good that was not terrible all right well I wish I wish you guys good luck I wish I believe in y’all thank you goodbye good luck bye goodbye over here all right all right oh that went well right yes yes

Imagine the actual commentators saying that after an interview I’m saying what that went well right like on on live on air literally I mean like those those guys sucked oh red eye red eyes about to complete the the the um parkour um Quest it looks like not trying to drink

You gotta do some quests ourselves okay so one more jump and they’ve made it nice yes yes yes yes yes what do you mean we have to do some quests ourselves Hold Up Wait pull up the tier list oh yeah yeah well oh oh yeah it does tell

Us um that’s my quest of course Luma has already 16. like of course all of it was like Luma I think knows where everything is like all requests yeah that might be true the mods have an advantage from the quest let’s see uh I put okay I put awk one first

Which they came second oh wait no they didn’t wait oh it doesn’t tell us who came second anymore yeah well we can look at it anyways well okay I put I put Aqua in first um and they they did finish first didn’t they I think they did no no blue

Finished first I think no they didn’t no blue finished leg finish Blue’s one of the Alaska’s better um we’re talking about like uh full team finishers oh full yeah okay okay yeah Aqua Aqua I have in first and then I have it was either awkward cyan I don’t

Really remember who got oh yeah I don’t remember which was wrong on my part because I put cyan in last so so clearly I’m doing something wrong um it was really hard making tier lists because everyone is so good so it wasn’t being like who’s gonna be the worst it

Was just like who out of all these people is like gonna be a little bit better than the other one yeah just just admit it be like who out of this people is the worst yeah and I just consistently like again yeah I don’t know what else to say I put pink in

Second um uh just because I was like because it’s a three mod team and I was like they had to have like they have to know this like the back of their hand yeah actually I was wrong okay Randy Randy I know ready did very good Kelvin oh

Kelvin just kept falling on like that last thing in the parkour I felt so bad um and then I really hope Opti Arts was like I don’t know uh too bad for uh keep going keep going I I put Green in third hmm uh purple and fourth um Lyman fifth yellow and sixth

Red and seventh blue eighth orange ninth and then I put cyan and um which doesn’t know what happened um but it’s like really hard because I was like oh there’s like there was like at least one person on each team that was like really that’s like really good

A marathon and so it’s like hard because also a lot of them have mods on their team and I was like I don’t really know how the mods are gonna play but I do know that they’re like have worked on marathon and like no Marathon so maybe that gives them an

Advantage and everything like that so it’s very difficult making tier lists for an event where there’s mods because we’ve never seen the mods play oh I would also say instead of like you know mods they a lot of them work in different areas of the event like some may not like some

Are just aesthetic builds some are just like actual coders or whatever so not every mod is going to have an advantage so well I I thought more of an advantage for Marathon just because they know the map better than some might because even though all of the people

Competing this event are people that I’ve competed before they may have only been in the last event yeah so they’ve only been through it once or twice maybe um whereas the mods know it um better than some might so red eyes uh yeah I was literally just

About to bring that up um red eyes first cabin second followed by Mighty brothers and Randy than today’s I also uh I also want to say like so far we’re done the individual games but the team games can change up the leaderboard style yes yes

Yes yes and I’m gonna go over there now yep it’s going it’s probably going to be like all Labyrinth or something um yeah like most lab you sure this this fool is actually I don’t know no oh they want those what do we actually be very funny if I

Remember we like lost game at this time it might be a tie it could possibly be could be a tire yes oh nope I don’t I think it’s just going to be uh oh very close killer sheep okay so with the Labyrinth there’s not a lot of strategy but there wait did they

Did add uh Redstone right like 25 Redstone to each player oh yeah yeah there is a little bit of a strategy going on um so it’s whatever you do with the red zone that can it’s mostly because I finished first last event but then my team didn’t finish

Yeah um because we had one person supposedly walked in circles yeah yeah dying to the end so she just kept four wardens going after her um if you didn’t yeah just just spectate someone oh yeah is it very very loud very loud I’m turning off Oh geez oh my gosh okay look at the jet the warded might be the warden’s gonna get a lot of points for his play yeah I agree but don’t the admins like know where the levels are um yes but it’s like I don’t think so actually they know their General location

Um but I mean unless they have they’re like X and y’s on it’s more of just like you have to sort of figure out get it get there and also there’s like blindness and stuff and there’s different corners and hallways and everything like that so Um yeah I think depending on which team that utilizes the rest of the best because there definitely is better ways to utilize it it can definitely affect the outcome yeah I just saw someone from I think it was orange I was watching put down Redstone after they put down a lever I

Don’t know if that would be the best Strat because you’ll you’ll see the diamond once you get there you don’t really need to put redstone um twigger right now and he’s just placing Redstone at every corner he turns that’s that much so I think that’s also I that might be okay

I think the best I think the best would be whoever finds Center puts Redstone every single um entrance to Center so that you can see the Redstone I like that but I would like to add one more like I would have one person do that and the

Other three if you find a dead end close that up yeah oh yellow found Center two members of the elephant Center oh and they are making a line of redstone from Center Oh these look at Orange look at digits what is happening no I wish I could do slash also if you go if you go underneath whatever map you’re in and see the command blocks that’s where the diamonds are so you can go and check to see if they’re flipped oh so it looks like orange no one has gotten

Full all four levers in Escape to yeah yeah yellow has all but one yellow seems the one the last one how do you know which one is Stern or not oh yellow yellow got all their levers oh I know they didn’t okay wait whatever they oh they’re missing this

Aqua has found it Aqua has opened the middle Aqua open the middle open middle and someone’s already been in and I think someone and someone else is uh okay they are too far away now and one of Aqua is like searching for the other person like trying to find them

Like around the middle like looking around don’t know who Oh yeah it is like 25 Redstone right okay it seems to be that luminous still providing someone spammed Redstone in like one short hallway yeah I think that’s the play I don’t think that’s the play what are you doing Oh and the cyan and yellow have also found their levers and okay blue has also found their middle yellow Yeti is finished pink has not found all their levers and aqua has escaped so as I said earlier like the yell team weren’t really dominating in the PVP

Game modes but since then you know they came at first this this game mode it can really shake up the leaderboard yeah Shake It Up looks like Disney check it up Disney XD all right um so funny so funny I know I know the ward is doing pretty good the warden yeah

I know I the warden’s doing the wardening US commentators we like just a lot of death happening yeah I mean that’s what I told um I forgot which team it was um lime I think lion lion yeah lion so it’s a lion the lion does have death in their minds A lot of bells I hate a lot of heartbeats Captain Ajax I’m spectating he looks so lost and confused something you’d love to see are they it seems to be that red was also open the middle orange is still looking for their lovers it seems red has open middle ends oh

No Sean just got hunted down by two warrants lime is missing one lover oof See if anyone’s close to it no witch witch left with who so it’s annoying to like find if the only one uh Not like not like we can be like okay green has a found another one Red and green are battling to see who will get third right seems to I want to see where their last lover is Was slain by the warded It’s really weird seeing it um seeing how big it is from like the underside yeah so I don’t know whose team this is but they place redstone on the diamond pretty good Strat That was just like It’s for charity lime do better is for charity Red has gotten another person through the middle Nobody would not accept this he would not reg’s got a third person red should be able to take it the second one just opened up the why is why is gasoline wait what one of them has had a spawn oh purple has opened up their middle

Purple yep purple is open up the middle I’m still just like I think I had to see which one it was but it’s purple I’m still just watching this um lime’s final diamond none of them have come over here in a while I’m watching its Ender now

He still has the red side he’s looking lost and confused let’s go just how we like them that’s that’s how I love my competitors okay Can you pick up redstone you think yeah I think so you should be able to break it more people should be doing that so you said purple has all their lovers yep the whole middle was open okay And the one with purple is in the middle They passed red they red only had one person left to find the middle yeah red he could do it we believe in leaving you I believe in every team every team can win Except for pink except for agreeing agreed even the whites against the host even the whites can win even White I mean did did Pink Pink hasn’t found all of their lovers yet and Oppo has finished even they surpassed red red come on I think Willow is the last one for their

Team that I hadn’t found it okay um orange needs one I think I think orange only orange needs two levels I think yeah orange needs two levers Owen pink has already pink has already finished it’s the three of them wait they open red come on Willow needs to find the Escape

Below my beloved and let this slide Willow go to the left I’m kidding that’s a dead end Kinko’s finished oh God hello my beloved Willow Willow you’re going you’re you’re as far away from Spawn as you can get Willow Willow please has anyone else got their

Middle up anything uh Pink dead pink got their middle open yep unfinished and they completed I love I love without their middle if you just gave up you could just gave up I don’t know if Willow’s lagging but if they’re not I love their Strat of getting to a corner and just standing

There for a second I’m looking around and then proceeding to walk more Hey can you should know your surroundings in this game Willow seems to be finding every single dead end in this game okay you’re going the wrong way you’re teamed down Who still needs to finish um blue lime orange and red always second who finished for line I kind of just oh wait their door still isn’t open who is this lime’s doors lime’s door isn’t really yeah yeah lime store isn’t open yet I’ve been okay oh I just realized I think the

Orange also isn’t open yeah oranges obviously not open yet yeah you can because we can look over at the side and see whose stuff is open or not with what we can oh wait the the players escaped I mean we can assume whether or not it’s open oh dead oh yeah that’s

That yeah yeah we’re gonna see who’s still not out yet I just realized that that was there hello hello I see your name get away from me come on red rounds come on come on Willow come on Willow my beloved please Willow please please okay remaining

Toad can you check if blue has their doors opened I have to see where blue is first so let me check you can TP oh yeah uh who is blue again uh better yeah just scroll through all the names Free hand cow as well let me check has blue open the middle blue is not open the middle lime is still searching their last diamonds they reached a dead end and they just walked right through a warden nope it is slain by Warden ajx what is Willow doing the red only needs

One more person Orange has not opened their middle yet but they had laid a lot of redstone leading towards the middle so whenever they do have the leverage leverage flicks they should be able to find the center very fast who’s that orange hopefully orange yes it doesn’t appear that lime

Is anywhere near their last lever Orange is the only needing one more lever I believe so is lime but I don’t see literally anyone near where it oh wait no someone is near it no one’s near the last leopard for orange come on it’s it’s almost It’s ranking team Jake’s on levers 30 more seconds rather you guys okay hello an absolute L taken for the lime lobsters I can say that because I know them Willow Willow is so close to Center Willow please Willow Willow they were enough they were not close to Center oh

Sorry they were not close to Center there they are close they literally just had to like go down this hallway and they would have been oh that is so upsetting will was so close if they had just turned right and gone down they would have been there oh

Who got first again I think Aqua did fight yeah I said yellow it was yellow um I don’t know because my chat just filled with Warden yeah clutch for the whole game yeah players escaped Red Rams when you we’re gonna need a replay where does the strong start to finish

Bread Ram teams and aqua has been debunked from first place they are no longer first place so now it’s cyan yellow purple pink green lime blue pull up the tier list pull it up pull it up the tier list for um red has went down far yes

Wow Randy put himself Randy put himself up higher in the individual leaderboard wow he’s giving yourself points wow wow Randy with a cringe play wow so GT wow wait is this did I switch it did I have the same ranking I then this is Labyrinth okay

For Labyrinth red eye red eye went from first to fifth cabin took over first oh yeah Labyrinth I put Aqua in first um I think we have like second or third yeah so um I put pink in second um yeah that did not end up being the case um third I put green

Green dits green did finish yes um fourth I put purple they finished as well I think they’re about full or sixth fifth I put lime did not finish lime did not finish um because I put yellow they got fake yeah I think seven type seventh I put red

Um they did not didn’t finish they were very close to finishing though they were very close very close um eighth I put blue did not finish I put orange it put orange and Ninth did not finish and then I put cyan in 10th and cyan did finish I

Get like two I think yeah um how many teams didn’t finish there was like three there was four four yeah but like with one team there are other people that like yeah did finish Red Red Willow was the only one that didn’t finish yeah um which is oh what’s happening

Um oh I lost okay yes very nice so that’s also a very hard game to make a tier list for because that is such like an unknown game um it’s kind of like a lock bait kind of like where are you going yeah it’s a slug of finding the levers and then the

Strategy comes in I feel like once you find the middle I feel like that’s where yeah definitely adds strategy to it yeah it’s good yeah um that was before it was just like it was just like if you uh fell in the middle you got lucky and if you make it

In one corner you’re [ __ ] yeah looks like purple is attention we should have posted the chords in the chat of the center that would have been fun great play from the white worms yeah great play for music do y’all hear music yeah yeah indeed

When you go over to I don’t know if this happened to me when I went over to Wacky weiner I like her music yeah when you go to Wacky yeah that’s that’s weird I suddenly feel calm it’s only like in certain places it’s playing everywhere for me and and

Once once you go in the wacky wiener I think it doesn’t stop you can’t escape the wacky weiner no if you go out if you go out through to the door it stops if if you don’t it doesn’t what if I don’t want it to stop then you

Don’t go to the door then you go through the window but if I want it to constantly be wacky then you’d be waiting I never want my wiener to stop its wackiness okay more wacky the winner okay the more the more wacky the wiener the the whack here the winner the winner

The Wii the wieners okay let’s start let’s stop stop Randy will not be very happy with this afraid is um Okay Ryan’s gonna be so wacky when he finds out wait he’s gonna be so wacky when he finds out about his weiner what oh yeah tsuki is still gone cabins reclaimed the top spot followed by um loss ownery Yes there we go Dan actually I think okay I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting that because it’s just add a third Joey Fish fourth Randy’s been dropped on the fifth Mighty and sixth um seventh is Fox eighth is um locky luckiness ninth is temporary and tenth is a days ready yes all right yeah

Come on I did they said l told I forgot to swear to cuss out other people I lied and say that we have all power less commentator we still have the swords so you know oh yeah yeah we do not right now though Please be put in survival we have swords and wants to hit man oh no I don’t approve this it’s too wacky another group of the message you just hear us saying no no no do we need to have a tough moment do we need to have a talk about consent do we

Need to have a talk about consent as long as the stream doesn’t end there’s no Bob yeah the first ever Ever on Crown Quest on Crown Quest and the best thing is it’s not even a subatom it’s just streaming for however is the Affiliated yet because it doesn’t stream enough whoops um I’m lying Bloomer has a hundred and five Quest coins yeah they they know where like everything is because I like put everything down that’s why this is it’s a it’s a little bit unfair I’m just gonna watch loomer’s POV for the next Crown Point so that I know where everything is

Loomer’s doing it for charity yeah and I and I can do it for my own charity for next crime question like come on now and he’s clearly telling them where the other where they are because all of Aqua is one through four on the question is still just to OB

Even if it’s even with mods it’s still to OB yeah Aqua just needs to get enough I’m teleporting to Loomer oh Loomer fell loomer’s doing the hard parkour Quest and absolutely falling 1.1 K dollars glimmer has fallen off l oh looks like everyone is Alvin is doing the hard buckle and succeeding covered

Yes yes imagine L imagine falling you gotta do everything to not make penguin my oh Willow’s doing that Willow’s doing the hack that we discovered we just leave the hacker yeah they are hacking they are hacking no you you you do the first part of the parkour and get it get up to

Where you can jump onto the building and then you skip like half of the parkour and just jump off of the building onto the road or you can do the whole parkour well yeah but um I don’t wanna you know what good point uh wacky wieners the wieners that are wacky

Are you able to donate uh this guy I already I already donated I wondered I don’t have PayPal oh I not that it matters I did it at 10 bucks I I genuinely do want to donate but I but I don’t have a papers I wasn’t able to um likely story I’m kidding

I’m kidding I’m not old enough to have a PayPal account and my parents don’t have one how old are you I’m 16. how are you no I I was like I feel like I had PayPal when I when I was 16. no but like I like I

Don’t know if it’s like gist of me because like yeah you have to be 18 plus to have a PayPal account but for some people it is like that they’re just able to but like well I need to I it forces me to link my actual bank accounts and

Then if she’s you are on the rage oh oh yeah man I’m glad you know I’m glad you don’t have the account in announcing this on Stream So you uh yeah I’m actually gonna if we hit the two thousand dollar um donation goal I’m actually gonna read

Out my social security number on stream so yeah I will break a law any law of your choosing um arson I will break in a store no no I would do arson in Minecraft it has to be that’s not a crime IRL IRL arson I will IRL grief um

I will see the Samsung TV for more official Samsung Samsung store I will grief Best Buy commit many atrocities let’s see how many points I can rack up there’s so many lanterns in here no no toad we don’t approve so we don’t approve we don’t approve stop it why

First off of it was Lurkey so then you’re like they’re like they’re like panicking you’re like crap I need I need to know them know that I that I care about this foreign myself I like to expose myself real fast um let’s do it throughout Labyrinth I was eating ice cream

Oh that’s that’s illegal there’s no that’s not allowed I know I know it just I was I wanted something we didn’t even have to have to hit the two kids I wanted something sweet and I can’t eat myself so I stuck my head in my freezer and I pulled up my ice cream

What okay you said I stuck my hand in myself what you were thinking okay let’s see oh that sounds weird no that sounds weird White aquariums lost it would not talked we’re not even on the leaderboard anymore I didn’t mean to laugh when I say that I feel so bad oh wait green green is overtaking aqua right now on the quest Queens leaderboard sukaji and temporary but look at the difference from from

40th to Third from Orange I know what will they choose Forge I think it’s gonna be the whole I think I think it’s I think it’s gonna be the hunt because they wanted to go the hunt oh wait no yeah they’re going with Forger only purple is going for the hunt

That’s that’s actually impressive yeah it’s afraid to go for Labyrinth it’s it’s kanuki Swift winter and under which I mean makes sense but it doesn’t even matter which how like what order we play in because there’s no multiplayer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think it’s gonna be my crowd quests

And that’s why no we can’t well I’m on the quest coin Quest coin for us I’m streaming on the crown Quest twitch we can’t say bad things about conquests what do you mean no I’m not I guess for legal reasons we are joking yes legal reasons

For legal reasons what I’m about to say is a joke the ten dollars that I donated is actually a tax write-off from Randy and I’m getting a hundred dollars in exchange for the ten dollars I donated she’s hooked on the crown Quest coin yes I actually have infinite what about the

Game now let’s talk about the game um I’m gonna go the first one the first image is the diamond the diamond it’s gonna be Diamond then a kitty cats pumpkin don’t get too wacky so don’t be a wacky wiener don’t be don’t be wacky be a beefy bun

Wait why is red like four and a half uh like the first one is like next to the second one no clue what are you talking about uh yeah I was like Pink is pretty pretty close and lime has finished live I gotta take a lime mine finished the

First film everyone is pretty close in terms of the pace so far except for the deadline yeah limes just crushing it uh let’s see let’s see um everyone’s pretty on Red’s almost done same here greenish is almost green is pretty far is almost dumb but they seem to be missing a few blocks

I’m so sorry Cuba I just saw the chat um unfortunately we are in uh are like the player Discord so you cannot join us um I’m so sorry I wish you could but thank you for joining the chat we really appreciate having you here thank you pick it up

They got they got a lot of orange people just standing around come on wait wait yellow is yellow wait yellow is fixing up their error what Red Lake has a block missing but they moved on yeah that’s every I think it’s that’s with the the builds something where it happens it just automatically

Breaks with every single one of them I don’t I don’t know why yeah yeah it’s like that it’s like that orange is orange oh yeah oh it does that oh I see I see I see I see Orange has moved on to yellows on the nose green is still

Working on the first lime’s pretty much done well I’m just fixing something Yep they’re on to the the third build lime’s cracked lime’s going crazy lime is going fast in this one it looks like green has one green has one person just not building oh green yeah Green just made

It to the second build um probably need to it seems to me that kind of weird because they didn’t yeah I think tsuki is like glitched or something like not doing something except for lime um the rest of them seem to be about the same pace yeah

Lime oh wait no I miss working together as well cyan’s almost done with their second build Um yeah aqua’s almost done with her second build you think he could he can catch up with the line can anyone catch up you think I don’t think so I don’t see anyone on the third build yet I guess the the best attributes you can have is like

Working together as a team communication yeah and just have some you know some uh builders in your team oh wait who’s this where’s Randy where’s he at uh cyan oh Aqua aqua’s moved on to the third build um of course and so has um cyan Randy’s moved on Randy Randy Randy Randy

Yep they’re just starting out whoa whoa whoa whoa foreign seems to be having a bit of trouble with their third this is this is where everyone will be this is where everyone is um splitting up with their Paces yeah yeah mine’s almost done lime is gonna take this dub seems like

Yeah we’re calling it and what are the commentators so we know we know what’s up looks like everyone except for a green orange or purple are on the third build is yellow is slow okay it’s like calm down they messed something up somewhere they’re trying to figure out where looks like they did

They’ve moved on to their fourth build and one block is wrong again it broke again yeah that I think that’s what just like teleports them yeah not that I would know because I didn’t I didn’t moderate the event me neither um yellow come on

I kind of want to go into other VCS but I I don’t think we can no no yeah until the thing is dumb green is still working hard on their cat oh they’re the only ones still on the cat oh y’all got the screen looks like they just gotta fill in for

The most part they should be catching up soon yes iron and lime have moved on to the fourth um I mean cyan and aqua have moved on pink is on to the fourth aqua I think lime is almost done with that build as well they I think they they just need a bit

Of purple and then it’s done and they have to go to the next one I was almost done they they seem to be out of blocks lime lime Miss seems to be missing one block oh they messed one up oh and then they’re off oh they’re about to get to the hardest one

Yeah and I because I was watching the mods um POV for last Crown quest with the new build that’s like the hardest and apparently the creeper is the hardest one out of all of them and that was the one that I had and I was the one that didn’t finish

I I also had that one I felt so bad because I also like am Loki blind and the creeper is like a different shades of green and I literally was like I was like Linda you can just like if you watch my POV I’m just squinting at my screen the entirety because like

My glasses broke they literally broke so I I was also doing the same thing oh wait I forgot I also forgot I had to optivine so I was just literally say literally same orange is almost done with their um um yeah the creeper is the most difficult

Just because it has like the most variety of items yeah yeah similar color so Ivan Golem seems to be the easiest as well as the element yeah let me check in on red rims they’re sort of weird because they’re like like separated from everyone they’re doing pretty good on their final

Build cyan’s almost done with the crown they seem to be communicating and lime is on to the final yeah no one’s even finished the fourth one yet I’m gonna watch live a bank is almost done with their uh one as well but I seem to be missing one that’s Victorious I’m over here

Do you see me yeah awesome commentating skills is giving himself blocks what all right I’m kidding all vmc just gave himself blocks we were just awesome commenting skills from the white worms were literally just staring at each other rvm3 is actually using um world edit to make all the builds that’s so crazy

He’s just doing it a bit slower couldn’t find the final block let’s look it was like greens only has two done green pick it up limes looking pretty good solid on their last build they have the Villager done and they’re almost and they’re almost done with the traitor

Green only has like 30 done with her pumpkin by the way bam okay greens Green’s not looking too good right now I mean come on please green please remember you please imagine if Greenland makes like the biggest comeback ever that would be great I don’t think they

Physically can but yeah if they if they did that’d be great but logically lime is almost done sorry I just had a nice sip of ice cold water it’s really nice Victoria with the sip of water Victoria with the with the with the hydration I can can I switch teams no thank you

Lime’s almost done come online Victoria with the heart no I don’t I I’m just commentating on Victoria dude Victoria’s Guide TV can be sweet and switch what do you mean we can swim why did they mess it up Lana’s looking for where they messed up

At yeah pink is pink has caught pink has overtook some people uh with their Pace oh they mess up one block from color what oh it looks like they’re figuring it out mighty’s fixing it finished lime has finished let’s go to Pink undefeated on the left um Has also just gotten to the final one green is still why did they look online but they they all typed in on deafen I’m gonna go check out green because they’re still on the jack-o-lantern uh yeah oh oh there it looks like they’re about to finish it hopefully who green

Yeah come on dude they got it you got it they got it yeah let’s go green finally got those yeah screen okay um so Aqua science Pink Panthers is like 80 90 done and then we have Aqua cyan and pink and red I mean that are the other ones oh cyan’s right behind pink cyan Aqua a little bit but Cyan are like they’re pretty spiders they’re pretty close let’s see red I’m flying over to red

And orange is also just finished that one Red’s a little bit behind sign and aqua but they can still beat them if they why is it just Sean just squatting why why was that something he was doing don’t understand that play from it’s just Shawn underscore but I guess we’ll go with it

We should interview Randy at some point yeah Randy why did you lose it single-handedly to your team he’s gonna Randy why why did you go wacko why did you why were you there wasn’t gonna give us anything anymore why were you the wackiest of wieners Randy they’re all

They’re all teaming up to finish this creeper build they’re all team me up to finish this creeper build and they still haven’t wondering oh cyan cat’s a fish let’s check out Aqua Aqua looks like Aqua what am I no I think cyan they were like at a slower

Pace than pink I think they aqua’s almost finished aqua’s about to finish they just have to finish their creeper pink and aqua are like are block block to block at the moment they’re all they’re both trying to figure out what that uh what they messed up on

Oh Aqua finish let’s head over to Pink finish the creeper come on terrible acne I need a you need you need to get some you need to get them a dermatology appointment come on now all right head over to head over to Red let’s go boys

How are you going how are you going just so much faster than I am what are you doing we know clients probably I’m more wacky than you know to go faster to go faster or slower just scroll up or scroll down on there it’s cool clients Holy crap holy crap purple purple looking pretty good let’s see how yellow’s doing orange is like 50 done with their yellows yellow’s just working on the watering Trader and they’re done the the body’s gonna be going home oh You should have had your face can be the entire VOD see I thought about that ready is colorblind this is you thought about oh Toda toad we did Mighty said I love wub dub what are you gonna what’s your response Mighty with the confession Mighty with the confession gonna leave him hanging

Uh I don’t know I kind of hate the guy not gonna lie if you play Mirror by glasses I literally need glasses like it’s bad I literally talked to my parents I was like when I come home from college can you set up um an optometrist appointment for me because I’m literally blind

Are you colorblind too oh they’re almost done yellow Yeti’s a finish yellow is finished blue green and orange left purple’s working on their creeper it wasn’t orange like already like with this one like some time ago a green green has caught up on yeah Green’s caught up

But they’ve been they just got there so they’re gonna be a little bit ways ahead of behind them but they have caught up you got it you got it the commentators die I got there eventually I got there eventually don’t make fun of me funny I will cry don’t make fun of me

Um oh Victoria’s now crying just all these all these all these oh seems all these um builds are just so beautiful I can’t help my emotions are just so pretty purple get get it together he just got one more block come on now I hate it

Where is it talking where is it where is it purple come on now where is it of course they just need a grapple where is it we’re missing that’s white concrete they found it I don’t I don’t I’m not playing orange is on their last one and only

Green needs to finish and blue just got close to their last ones and then we have orange green can’t finish if they just really if they don’t mess up oranges that had a blue because blue just got there and then let’s see how Green’s doing foreign

As of right now but they could overtake them anything can happen in Love and War oh they just completely missed purple the purple slander from Green completely leaving out for the Pelicans they need orange I think it’s just all kind of depends on the creeper yeah oh they messed something up

Like the creepers definitely need to be dead they’re checking their sulkers what do they miss green oh they’re missing they mess up the white on their Sky yeah they mess up the wise it needs to move over oh they’ve discovered it one more come on come on come on

Can they see us can they see our little house No they can’t then the worst thing is the exactly a person is they got it they got it they got it they got it no come on come on come on please come on again I got it they got it come on come on green yeah At least they finished that one that oh my God that’s oh they got so close uh ggs everyone we didn’t like gorgeous we didn’t laugh at a single one of you we did not I have I had belief interest in everyone I’ve never doubted anyone ever things we’re getting a little wacky

Gavin is still first okay I’m gonna I’m gonna BRB because I need some sustenance oh so I’m not allowed to have ice cream but you can leave and go we didn’t we did not say that you were not allowed to have it Randy’s still in fifth can’t get back

Can’t get can’t seem to get any traction um cabins and first and we have Mighty Brothers back at back in second Joey Fish and fox in third and fourth two cyan cat representation uh we got lost only in six rice and seventh red eye in eight yeah I

Think it’d be I think it’d be a good idea to interview the Green Team by the way all of all of cyan is in the top ten to interview the green yeah who do you want to interview should we interview I’m gonna BRB okay or shall we just like interview we have

Already sort of interviewed lime so wait who was first who wait who finished first lime lime we’ve already yeah we’ve already gone over the line who was second uh I can’t see I don’t know Aqua finished second do we want to go to Aqua everybody we have not went to Akbar then

So yeah sure yo congratulations on a well-played mirror Aqua oh my God thank you thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome how are you guys feeling going in going into the next round we’re pretty much first place right now yeah yeah you are I yeah I mean well cabin’s first place no but

Like with Quest coins yeah this is true you guys are 111. you’re dominating um green has started to overtake you guys we got zakashi in third and temporary and fifth you see the problem is I showed takaji like maybe a too many quests well our Tigers you gotta get one more

Quest and you’ll overtake because you’re both at 90 right now I’ll do that later all right well good luck on your quests we were just trying to say hi thank you thank you Okay so the only people who believe jet are pink red orange red yellow green blue uh no I’m kidding and yellow maybe we should start moving you should start interviewing more if you want to interview everyone uh we can go we can go talk to Green right now sure yeah

By screen I have to find green the ice cream okay let’s go to green yeah hello green right here hello hello hello how are you guys feeling after how you guys feeling after that mirror run freaking amazing this question here it is actually yeah we’re doing we’re looking at top leaderboards right now

Yeah yeah yeah well you’re doing pretty good with with Quest um leaderboard you’re up there for the quest yeah 90 points right now yeah yeah you guys proud of me um we’re so proud of you I’m very proud yeah yeah yeah you feel better I’m unbiased here I’m gonna be honest

You are extremely biased four Green Goats yeah I’m gonna be biased I’m under a contracts don’t matter this is more of the Coliseum yeah yeah guys we all know contracts so we are supposed to stay pink for for legal for legal reasons that’s a joke um

Well how about we find a new contract where you get nothing but you vote for us we still do we still don’t get nothing I think that’s a pretty insane contract if I do say so myself oh that might be though because we are the Green

Goats after all you are but are you goaded that’s the real question no I’m temporary oh that that is true that is who you are yeah but it’s pretty cool I ain’t gonna lie I’m not I didn’t say it’s not I just said that it’s it’s not

Goaded it’s time do you have any possibility of having give fly um no but I do have an iron sword that I do not have access to but it is sitting in my interview yeah um so can you possibly give that sharpness eight and give me that in the final uh yes

Um I did talk to Randy about giving us sperms so that we could just slash clear inventory people at random yeah that would be great um yeah and of course we would never do that to the Green Goats of course yeah yeah obviously obviously yes you’re not

Going on to every single group right now no no no no no no we would never we would never even dream of joining another VC are you are you kidding no you never know we stuck here now all right um yeah we actually we’re actually Randy

Locked us out of the commentator okay so we can’t even get back yeah to the public VC on a totally unrelated note we’re gonna leave now and um best of luck on the event yeah good luck let’s see how it is good luck guys all right I have the tear list pulled up

How much time do you have left we have 23 seconds we have 23 seconds okay I had cyan orange aqua blue orange pink lime yellow green and then purple I had green at the bottom which was right yeah whooped up is still not back from grabbing grabbing sustenance let’s hope

That he can oh come back to VC please thank you bye uh this uh we’re falling apart stop with your dramatics it’s clearly forager I hardly know her anime anime person will make the decision I would like to get to know her [ __ ] that makes it even funnier when you like

Type out or you say when you’re typing out and then I misspelled it yeah keep donating I don’t want to donate actually can you actually give me back my ten dollars I’m kidding wow I’m kidding that was a joke that was a joke yeah yeah sure sure

There’s just like a little hole in there oh let me uh we’re in Forger reading the rules will help you immensely no Kika Okay let’s see let’s we actually got teleporter this time that’s nice yes we did that’s that’s nice that is nice um charity it’s a charity guys this is Judy oh yeah we can go check out um all right if you there is not you’ll notice there is no longer a villager house it’s

Because you click on the little villager inside of your house and that is how you trade you guys can uh also look at the center to kind of keep up the status yeah so far surprisingly none of the teams have completed an item yet um yetis hasn’t finished their of their

Jungle door can you read sorry I’m just gonna constantly keep track one of the commentators is now attacking me and one of the commentators clearly didn’t go to grammar school I’ll just constantly check out the board I’ll just stay here looking at who finished both okay

So days is drowning so days is drowning instantly goes what an idiot I’m gonna make the entirety of the 20 minutes of forger me looking at oh dude we can look underground yeah wow wow wubbed up discover is spectating in Minecraft all right anyways um let’s look at jellyfish he’s got fish in

His name he’s got it let’s see if anyone’s gonna go fine and the orange has gotten terracotta and suret sand Joey has found like a massive cave and um God it’s going very fast lime has found the Red Sand akasia door and terracotta oh I forgot that um

The players can teleport because I teleported to Pika and then Pika just disappeared and I’m like where did he go I was like how do they disappear I was like what okay Joey found a cave where you can instantly go to the negative also keeping in mind that all the

Players have a little arrow in their inventory that can allow them to teleport and bingo found a real and Derek and green goats and uh God this is going way too fast for me Tanuki seems to be trapped oh oh no he’s doing this kanuki trapped kanuki is

Going down the waterfall of a very big cave there is it is the same map so it seems like yeah like butter feeling um you can have an advantage and then and I did talk to Lime they did indeed Bond review which is smart it is a very smart play from lime dude

It kind of looks like pink is having an unfair Advantage because they know where everything is that looks like us Randy is spawning everything in Randy’s actually doing world edit to do all of their ideas oh okay Randy is just cheating for legal reasons this is all a joke we

Actually love Randy and he’s a very good event host please let us in the next one I don’t have a contract so I don’t agree purple and uh purple and red don’t have any items yet sadly I used to see that yellow just got their red sand and aqua

Alligators have forged their block of gold coal I can speak I’m a commentator kind of interested into seeing like who gets the banner first because I know my team we just did not finish the game last time you know how to make the banner we yeah the banner is annoying one

I told my team last time that you need to make it the colored wool first and then make the banner and then just didn’t do that yeah it has three left pink has to make their flint and seal their block of coal and their Banner let’s see let’s see if they can yeah

They’re blocking this out Randy also told me that the best route is to go for the banner first so let’s see if they actually did that because that is what you need the most resources for it looks like it because Randy is currently holding wool in his hand

Red has still have yet to grab an item yeah Randy seems to be trading in some stone for whoa they only need one more wool and lime has made the banner first that’s surprising because the line last time didn’t shut up when I when I was with agx like

He he like he really fast went for the banner as well and I think has finished I think this was one of if not the fastest fastest finish should we go join their VC yeah let’s just do a quick interview yes yes yeah I say Randy why didn’t you grab a single

Item yeah you’re already really strange that oh hello Randy really strange that all those items disappeared in your inventory out of nowhere [Laughter] I’m kidding there’s nothing I love more than Bingo okay let me tell you that and so I love forager with all my heart I

Know conics cat I know okay wait wait someone might check out damn what happened oh they were doing it was me they were offering promotion for viewers followers Bots you know oh okay so I banned them don’t worry three of us in top ten chords number 12.

That was a huge jump that was a huge jump now we’re gonna get a little pass by uh the next three teams but that was exactly what we needed that was what we needed all right finale oh we’re good at finale it’s just screaming here it’s just no we had such

A plan like I there’s nothing so much for this let’s go there wasn’t enough iron and honestly tping to Randy there Khan was so good for me because there wasn’t enough iron in that little thing I went down and uh okay see guys look at all the Aquas in top ten

Yeah yeah well we knew that was gonna happen every single time it’s always two of you well they are they are a strong team yeah yeah okay purple getting next is a huge for us if purple can go get second all right hi guys Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Randy please purple

Randy did our job for us by just being like the next three teams I was like okay so I was like okay ready just red who needs the biggest Advantage is currently in the in the bottom right now not looking too good for red I know I trust that red is not throwing

In their items yet I really hope they surprise us because if not that’s gonna be really embarrassing red is currently smelting oh they’re starting to throw in some items it looks like maybe maybe not they’re just staring at the thing they did something wrong because they threw in something and it did not

Work they have finished their scaffolding I’ve even mixed scaffolding what the heck cyan cat’s about to finish their scaffolding it’s bamboo orange looks to be the cyan and then blue blue just needs their Banner oh red is filled in a lot more on the board oranges in last right now

Only two teams are missing the banner as of right now orange is the last which is interesting because I put them pretty high up because they have Danny and Danny is very good at this game they might have not thrown in items yeah so I I that’s

In the air I was like interesting if like if they are behind or if it’s just not throwing in items yet because Danny finished Danny’s team finished first last Conquest looks like it’s a race between green oh and blue finish first so now it’s green and um cyan for

Next one one needs rail and one needs scaffolding red is finished their banner and their block of coal okay okay get a little wacky getting a little wacky red is definitely catching up all right science finish we’re just waiting on the Green Goats all right and now it’s time

Orange orange and red and let’s see if oh red red only needs two items let’s see if orange is truly falling behind or if they just come on orange come on Orange let’s see if they can pick up you’re one of my seven favorite colors you got it

Red just needs a redstone torch and a rail so not two crazy of items to be crafting to forging I’m sorry I’m so sorry I need Minecraft uh one of the commentators has now just retired from making a mistake they’ve thrown in their rail it did not throw in Willow’s trying again

It did not work again Willow’s probably wondering what the right rail it’s a regular regular yeah they have finished their rail Willows Willows cracked they just need a redstone they just need a redstone torch possibly one of them the easiest thing and it looks like they’re just about to finish it

They just seem to be like waiting they just seem to be waiting on that Redstone and then they finish finished and orange has sadly lost Orange let’s go and then a singular oh at the end I didn’t even think easy when we we easily won that

White worms taking the dub as usual I agree agreed do we still want to interview a few people I don’t know that would buy so fast um so we interviewed pink yeah we just need I think purple purple was third we can interview them what can

I do I was gonna say I think we need purple red and the yellow I think my boat’s on red on red I mean I’ll I won’t say no to go in and talk in a window so I’m good with that as well all right um go to Red let’s go

Hello red hello hello hi how are we doing after that last event oh my God I’m fired up at least fired up yes yes all right that’s all right what what game are we going for next give us the I think there’s only one game left yeah give us the answer no no we’re bringing back anymore Conquest we’re bringing back Odyssey actually for the charity event oh God

Please God can’t wait can’t wait I’m so excited actually yeah please don’t do it okay so have uh you guys still have a pretty big chance of winning the the last event you know I believe in you guys you guys are thanks man yeah thank you thank you uh good luck

Good luck thanks man thanks man yeah well I’m gonna pull you over into a private uh Discord Victoria I would love to do that all right all right just just yeah this kind of sucks I just love a small break it’s a little silly just meet me in res Central over it yo

Oh Mike what oh my God all right it’s so rizz right now Victoria’s Castle I wish you I wish you go get a room please I wish I wish you all good luck but Willow I wish you the best of luck and I don’t have any food yes yes what

Okay what happened we have our neck no we have our next tier list to go over come on now guys let’s be professional okay okay yeah um professional um in a startling turn of events I put orange in first um uh-huh the one game that you put them first

One strategy is to do whatever Sky really releases the tier list because like I was thinking I was like Danny’s really good at this game um and then whatever circumstances happen for them to not finish who knows um I put cyan in second they’ve Shut up they finished pretty early on so that’s pretty um good I put red and stop I put red and third um yeah uh we could have had an audience this whole time we could be like this happened uh um I put I put lime and fourth

I was waiting for yeah okay thank you um I was waiting for something I put pink in this oh yeah I put pink and fifth yeah um I put blue sixth foreign And then I put green eighth Aqua ninth there’s two airwards and yellow tenth I was I was expecting the quacking I was expecting the question and um a white worms come in first yeah and actually um above all of them so it worms um okay we gotta stop we gotta stop huh what what sustenance did you grab wub

Dub um well I was gonna go and grab something like like get out of my seat okay all right thank you thank you so much thank you so much love dub thank you so much all right let’s move on okay cabin still in first rvm3 moved up to second

Um Mighty Brothers third a fourth is um lost the lost the Lost yeah um Fifth and jellyfish sixth rice seventh box eighth and Ninth is our tigers and Loomer and then tenth is um locky pretty pretty solid cabin has been consistently first place Randy went up to Second Place mm-hmm

Is stupid he needs to get the worst teammates pink is all 21 and above looking pretty Cool Aqua has I think it might be cyan or Aqua cyan it’s looking like it’s uh oh no wait no I don’t know it’s very similar it is where’s the third Aqua where’s the fourth Aqua oh just look at the wait look at the total Team Coins Joey Joey is fifth fox says

12 and Spix is 14th wait wait no because wait where’s oh cabins first that’s why I was like where is um I couldn’t find the last Aqua but it’s because I spelled Mighty wrong big d l l multiple the final game be multiple final game be I hope it’s Labyrinth again

Don’t vote don’t vote I whispered to Willow kill Randy for me laughs I whispered to ready kill Willow for me they say don’t be those guys hello my name is avianchi and welcome to Conquest you cannot sit in the air take away points ban I’ll vote at 1200.

I’m too cheesy he’s just sitting there come on now guys come on now don’t be those guys they were those guys it’s the haunt oh damn that was like perfectly timed too that was crazy um another startling soundboard from toad crazy we have really reached a new look this PLP yeah

The commentators are clearly getting a bit tired because we have all Fallen silent all right let’s go yeah beefy buns let’s go I’m also with the wacky wiener I love the way you say weiner oh do I need to leave are you guys having a moment um all right let’s go first okay

I’m on the rage all right let’s uh here we are expecting do you expecting the same team I’m watching aqua and actually watches I’m watching awkward and science I’m watching aqua and cyan because that’s like the top two teams I’m watching blue and green same with the guns watch the same one yeah

We’ll go somewhere else quiet event I’m washing lime and purple now oh okay never mind um I’m staying right where I am no one has died I’m like right next to you well I’m not going to see you no one has died yet Randy kill this topic

Oh he’s trying to punch people yeah that’s possible oh it says plus three coins now I don’t see a scoreboard on my screen um I think it’s just like once you finish because pink one another it’s a scoreboard oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right um yeah but I’m not seeing like

People dying maybe oh it’s just for the original that you see people die oh green is getting a barred flaked by Blue um days with the kill they’re my teams both even cyan and aqua both have equal amount of kills right now and think has finished cyan just died

Aqua’s in the lead oh limes never mind oh cyan’s about to win the round I won’t I haven’t met Gary yet I want to meet Gary did everyone knows Ty you think so or like they didn’t fully finish an orange green and sign won their rounds ggs I act here

And I’m watching a yellow versus orange the green for me lime versus pink Randy Minecraft Randy Minecraft stay alive tsuki is online that’s that’s like basically their username that’s weird that is pretty weird green is like sticking together they are not spreading apart at all I think that’s why they might be losing

Because purple is pushing very great very very great Ox found a way to get up onto one of the trees interesting Strat if you talk like that one more time I will no longer commentate maybe that was my plan all along pink is completely surrounded okay rice in real time

Rice is passing Gary down in the sewers pink is hot on his tail oh yeah Gary yeah if yellow is remaining they killed the dog yep hey check Gary it’s a 3v1 they can’t seem to get rice rice is just running around the map Randy might get him Tottenham to time

Panthers have run their round hey if we press tab does that say how many kills they have for the number um nope well I don’t see anyone it just it just shows you it just shows you it’s like still alive cyan pink and purple yellow press tab now press tab

What do you mean uh I think it shows how many kills There’s just so many kills of them correct so if I remember correctly oh yeah yeah Randy has five kills Brady has five and sweaters four who am I watching I’m watching Green versus oh pink again I don’t want to watch pink again Wiggy out of line team only has has the

Only kill and it’s one kill not looking too good watching red versus yellow okay oh Pika versus Sean this will be interesting not because they’re both like cracked but because they’re friends and I want to see how that breaks their friendship here in the crown the crown Quest

Commentator we like to see friendships Fall Apart we like to see friends in general you know I like that show I have a poster right above my desk I’m looking at it right now can we get Joey for Conquest five Matt LeBlanc for Chrome Quest well Matt LeBlanc for Conquest five maybe for

Almost four actually no five no this is this is not in Canon this is um this is non-canon actually so there’s no number associated with it Pink Panthers keeps yeah they’re doing good they’re doing good it’s no one has gotten a kill in my Arena it’s a 4V board still

I think there’s gonna be a lot more draws or in ties and this oh yellow’s coming up behind Sean they might kill him oh they got him yellow won the round or they didn’t lime get on the leaderboard okay and now I am watching Aqua versus pink Sean

The top teams going no I’m watching that one I’m watching purple versus cyan ghost Randy Minecraft preview they’re flaking you guys shot turn around oh no yeah Sean yeah he’s a brain kill him let’s see come on seems they’re taking the Strat of hiding in the building rather than actually going out and

Fighting people interesting play from cyan cats purple seems to also be taking the strap blue has been taking The High Ground that’s their strategy so far it’s under hiding behind a wall it’s Randy versus Kevin oh it’s a 1v1 oh oh tigers are still alive and Randy Has Fallen cabin one hell

I don’t feel the loosed cabin ET um it’s under currently how do you had a wall literally right can if they if they just move they’ll see cyan on the other side of them whoa that was crazy what happened oh my God it’s Ender hiding behind a wall

And Joey said and Joey Fish saw them behind the wall and like swung them to try to hit him but Ender got him first damn I’m okay literally one shot that was crazy you all have to watch that for my POV tune in to crack twitch I’m watching

Tune in to crowd Quest MC on Twitch I’m watching red versus lime I’m watching Green versus yellow purple versus blue for me blue they’re just they’re just staying at their own building and taking The High Ground red seems to be spreading throughout the map an interesting strategy

Um it’s not working for them because they are not on the board oh never mind they’ve seem to be pushing in on Lime maybe this strategy will work out for them this is very upsetting for me because I believe I put red pretty high on my two list

Red is not the leaderboard yet and that’s that’s what I’m saying that’s what you’re saying red is the only team nautical leaderboard yet so they started punching someone or they are punching people over here on red and lime opti-art’s killed by lime by mistake killed by lime Elish and

Willow killed by lime lime Lobster the one around damn but it’s still not found there like blue has all four of their people versus yep yellow is still the fullest team out of all of them uh was it too Swift for Swift laugh with me man yellow bonkers monkeys

Oh yellow just needs to kill Takashi and they are fully when they’re around yellow is still in their round dominating nominating play of the game and now I am watching purple versus red oh I’ll go okay I’ll go no no I already left I’m watching um blue versus pink oh Kevin cracked

That is true no he was cracked oh he’s not cracked anymore what happened no he got shot commentate us commentate for us your owner blue is it went blow they’re below the blow standing on top I don’t think Randy sees that the person dropped down oh wait no this is Alex

I’m white I’m on uh I’m on the first person on cabin’s perspective and I’m gonna act like I’m playing below do that with Randy Minecraft Randy in Minecraft Randy hasn’t this look at the chat yellow oh my God I just killed freehand cow I won my round I’m

Insane I’m Randy Minecraft it seems not only a single match oh dude they’re going it’s like I whispered to Randy I’m inside of you laughs I’m just going to the other side he’s flicking the yellow team yell Team all of y’all teams in the sewers yeah I’m watching on just camping that out

Shot Two Shot twice shot three times uh Orange oh looks like oranges needs one I mean scientist needs one more kill to clutch their round that’s a 2V1 yellow is doing it’s a 1v1 it’s mini versus red eye and orange when they’re round oh man they would have died right there

Right there Pink Panther is currently on top coins dominated it’s green the first is red yellow versus cyan I just watched cyan let me find someone else lime versus aqua this will be interesting commentators exhaled I did I yes Aqua seems awkward this is a very awful

Game mode to commentate like it really is um there seems to be a 2v2 going on can’t really find and then just some other 1v1s going on in the match assistant what’s happening just say like what did happen like a play or something red seems to be hiding itchy keep donating

Bloomer currently shooting Loomer currently is shooting in between the front and back of the semi truck on the map interesting play from bloomer is currently moving onto the top of the truck Inc Panthers won again I think think is Opie dominate dominating dominating I don’t think that I will be able to

Join in the final game like in the in the game in like nothing the uh not in the final final game but like you know in the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because my wife got up nice no no it’s not nice

Kevin killed it was a it was a 4v1 against cabin and cabin killed two people in the last couple seconds has anyone aced did we miss any Ace I don’t know it’s kind of hard to see when you can you can only see the reading you’re in

I’m watching Aqua versus oh I’m watching red versus pink this will be interesting let’s see if red can get on the board of this one it’s the days there’s no way red does it not show or is like is or is red seriously not one a single one

Because I feel good show it I think it would show it too I think that’s red just had it you know I don’t think Reds won if so that is really embarrassing yeah don’t say that about red come on it’s true no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not it

Is it’s not embarrassing don’t say that if it’s a little embarrassing three of red currently hiding out of the corner while Kelvin shoots at them it’s currently now Willow’s being shot at from all sides wait is Kelvin oh wait no conics can’t go into all now they’re as a search for it’s

Just Shawn who is inside of the building and running around is cracked pink has clutched around Kelvin got a three kills look at the kills Look At The Kills Cabin has seven kills in total red eyes mini Monken cracked your honor at the beginning of the next record again the record is 20 kills I believe Pink Panthers dominating with 70 points I’m so sorry once I get into the voice I can’t get out of it yes yes shut up Andy

Boy you’re doing the Randy voice I know the crown Quest commentator voice but not it’s not loud enough true hey everyone I’m rvm3 and welcome to Crown Quest we’ve got an awesome event lined up for you guys today all right wait yeah or so already has 11 and the mini

Is right behind them with ten yeah let’s see if Randy can I’m watching Randy so let’s see if Randy can collect nothing has nine the most points the days has nine there’s a lot of high killed people it’s just Sean who I thought would do very well has zero kills interesting son

Yeah okay so red definitely is not one around yet because they only have two kills they’re on their entire team Sean what are you doing this could be embarrassing for me yet again because I put red pretty high on my tier list pretty embarrassing for Skye pretty embarrassing for me

Randy now has 12 kills guys just start crying about it all right thank you Skye now on to the game Pink Panthers the one around securing their place at the top of the leaderboard So a lot of I keep seeing like the sewer strats so like every once in a while some team would just I feel like they would all go down there and camp yeah the only way the sewer threat’s gonna work um no is if it’s like okay

While she’s running around a little fall to see if there’s someone there Constitution was not the only one there oh mini monkeys or another has pink lost only one round I think so Captain Ajax I wonder if I can see me round over it’s over that was the final

Match geez GG now it’s time for the final game uh definitely that definitely helped pink out um yeah uh red has been added to the leaderboard at zero red red come on red is off who will always faulty of I will be proud of red if like if they

Can clutch up and yeah they have a chance Sean and will um I I played with them they’re both very good at PVP um I think that you’re pretty good as well so it’ll be interesting oh the music oh yeah I knew about this oh yeah they’re in the mall

Oh the mother forgot yeah look at that look at the giant menu of items I can just go to here dude I’m jamming I’m jamming I don’t know who this Music Mate is but they’re upgrades one of the commentators is now vibing mod team last by the way orange wait who’s on Orange

No oranges Diggy um Denny yeah oranges Danny Red Eye digium blue I think the mall teams are Aqua cyan and green okay let’s talk about let’s talk and pink and pink oh wait wait oh what I can pull up let me pull up my tier lists for yeah

All right let me I’ll do the one for um the hunt real fast and then we’ll do the one for the whole event all right so for the hunt I put green first that’s not what happened um and then I put purple second okay and then I climb third red fourth um

Pink pink fifth um Aqua six cyan and seventh yellow and eighth orange and Ninth and blue and 10. yeah embarrassing L from Skye all right let’s look at my overall let’s look at my overall well all right this this is what really matters I put cyan in first

I think it’s not too far off pink and second okay all right green and lime and green green and lime um green and third um lime and fourth okay good um purple and fifth okay okay keep going red and six okay Orange in seven orange and seven yellow and eighth oh

Sounds a large damage cyan and knife and blue intense I think the most accurate one that one’s pretty accurate yeah all right uh okay so Coliseum all right everyone’s buying their weapons armor and food for the Colosseum um Aqua alligator is gonna have the most

You know room to buy with whatever so I expect that to be stacked whole diamonds Aqua double uh Orange he wants to speak to the manager There’s a lot of uh teams I can possibly have huge chance of winning I think lime lops is might take the dub that’s my prediction it’s either lime or pink that’s going to take the dub I think aqua sign online they did ban the Tree of Life from uh last event

For your life what’s the story of Life yeah um so in the middle when the when the circle was like the the tightest it could be yeah mighty’s team was that there was still a tree in there oh yeah yeah yeah they called it the tree of life now Tree

Of Life is bad um who’s gonna say um I think Aqua might do pretty well because they’re first so they have the most coins and carbon has clutched up having very little coins cabin clutch when we were in 10th and had barely any coins so it’ll be interesting to see and gentleman’s thing

On the top of it um another thing about Colosseum oh is that like it’s not it’s not you were completely about uh PVP skill it’s like it’s also like a huge chunk of uh what’s the word uh just knowing when two yeah it’s like game sex like game Dot

Game sense yes game sense yeah and I think the majority of it I think cabin has a very good game sense which is why I’ll be it’ll be interesting to see what how he plays when he has basically all the coins to his advantage um yeah red and orange all the you know

All the bottom half the teams they could they still have a chance to win uh just they gotta pick and choose their battles if they kill someone with you know with good weapons and stuff they can leech off of them oh it’s Colosseum completely hopeless I’m saying my top

Three are gonna be aqua pink and lime that’s my top three I think I think so it has to be on everyone it’s like mind going into this why are we like why why are we like actual commentators wait why do we sound like commentators right now dude why are

We doing you guys sound like music all the music let’s get wacky ladies and gents that’s my catchphrase okay heading over to Aqua to see how they are spectating live my fellow lime lobsters here we go Oh God you don’t this game mode favors the more defensive strategy so you don’t want to attack everyone completely right away because trying to team of pink I mean with purple um science trying to team with purple oh blue and pink blue pink blue and pink blue and pink are fighting blue picture

Fighting good luck Randy killed rehab ready first ill has happened by uh by uh aqua I think no it’s blue the green goats are hiding in the trees yeah it’s it’s away oh someone crashed blocky crashed oh man we’re still gonna have to keep going can’t pause they gotta be fast then

Aqua and lime or it looks yeah radios he needs to come back Randy pauses mid Coliseum to type out oh he needs to come back no Because he has died and said ace has also looks like Daddy Daddy milk stop hiding down in the house aqua and Loki has returned oh Siam in front of lime Aqua aqua’s running away and hurricane rain has also been dead wait gotta lock it a lot the blue Bears have been eliminated

Blue Bears is lost okay so lucky has returned and he’s he’s uh he’s returned with the squad so it’s good we were oh look looks like pink is Right still hiding pink is wanting to take pink has a thirst for blood they’re they’re running after orange oh no they’ve stopped oh

Pink has run into red let’s see what happens here and yellow two people alive for orange aqua’s attacking Orange pink is yellow cabinets left red eyes the only one alive out of Orange Pika killed by Randy using good luck Sean I’m actually because Sean with that

I I hope I need for that to happen orange is eliminated kanuki’s slides ready with um PP on top this is all this also why it’s really important to stay with your team it is really important yeah it’s really easy to get picked off play defensive yeah pink is currently shooting at people

That are on top right now if you look at the yellow and green I was confronting red and they all have like almost complete Diamond well meanwhile red team has not a single diamond on so they’re gonna they’re getting cleaned nevermind pink seems to be following cyan but it’s keeping their distance

Side only has three people camping and hiding in the trees they’re picking one off oh they’re picking up Fox Run no oh was shot by Kelvin purpose so red seems to be running towards pink yeah the Tree of Life yellow’s looking at line see the music it’s great I love it

The Spix Kokiri from cyan cat seems to try to be making friends with red science seems to be making buddies a thread let’s see if this pans out friend oh they are [ __ ] really freaking scary dude oh nope rvm3 putting a quick end to that friendship what a bastard rvm three throwing died

Subi really yellow green and yellow are funny green yellow and one aqua what what is going on has died Oni killed Willow looks like you know who you’re targeting and optio arts has also died how could I split up oh chaotic part yet awkward’s down to three people and

Science down to just Joey Fish lime is still on the tree of life they are they’re currently we think pink is trying to fight them pink is currently shooting at lime lockiness says stop at Randy and yep okay Pink’s gone away we still have lime green purple and pink as our full teams

Aqua and cyan they’re they look to be taming a little bit there’s only one sign alive yeah no I mean they are close enough in color that it wouldn’t no they’re separating they’re separating um I think so greens being chased by Pink pink is running away now

They’ve decided it’s not a good idea oh I know they’re going back for blood there’s only one left rvm three kills crimes rvm3 has six kills so far and I’m thinking that lime should go pick it up oh Oh it’s going to be chaotic because you’re going to be everyone for themselves now and green phonics killer died oh man imagine if Randy dies Okay pink sauce before look all look at the leaderboard pink has like a massive amount of kill Ed but that doesn’t really matter

Because it’s it’s about who survives at the end yeah right now the only full teams are pink purple and lime lime has done the classic defensive Strat everyone else has been engaging somewhat but I didn’t see a lime ever engaging someone yeah lime is apparently twerking lime is currently twerking over

In the corner interesting Strat line is looking good uh too good I might say too good like seriously quit it guys I can’t do my job the strongest team who could have imagined this someone is on the left no one’s everyone’s staying on their own side there’s only one yellow and he’s like

Chilling on the line he had only one of uh aqua it’s for charity lime seems to be on the stones of Life interesting yellow and lime or teaming yellow is not going after so they got five people now in their team really yeah this is this is a 1022 Everyone demon pink purple oh it looks like this might be what’s happening he can purple there’s dude everyone used to watch out for aqua they are right there it’s also pay attention the border is closing in oh my goodness bro look at look at live and yellow literally this is so funny

They’re saying team on pink what’s up what’s with pink team that everyone oh it’s because it’s Randy and they have like all the kills yeah come on Ripple just fight it’s for charity yellow yellow and Lima just staying together oh pink went in for first Blood now everyone’s getting enough on them dude

Oh Oxo slain by anime on many still alive they’re engaging the second [ __ ] aside everyone’s fighting tonic’s cat was killed also by anime Kelvin killed by purple has died come on Randy he’s ready Zoey was still alive he said he’s dead ready Goodbye Randy you play jellyfish yeah

Guys that was just blatant cross teaming Wait who said that Randy Randy guys that just lay it incredible don’t let Aqua Windows eliminated oh lime silly full team lines Let’s go [Applause] oh live we have the surprise people we have souls again very creative really creative [Applause] um well my wife is probably my okay just because my wife is gonna get turned off um it was nice nice meeting you too yes yes just in case just engage my body getting killed him off any second now guys let’s press the button now I pressed it I pressed it [Applause]

Calm down wait I pressed stop fireworks but they didn’t stop wait [Applause] do they not stop [Applause] ped oh my goodness the blatant crusty salted salted [Applause] I gave all of them a sword s charity man [Applause] um they all paid about [Applause] it’s for charity literally the loudest fireworks we’ve

Ever heard in my entire life I’m kind of burnt out me too all that commentating yeah same well we still have the um the other things true oh wait oh yeah yeah yeah okay the first ever the first lime or is now on the podium yeah and cabin still got first individual

Who would have expected that not me we can break them up because we’re going creative no whoa oh Guys relax just a blocking that just made until 100 charity literally 1300 actually oh NTV 20. as well we were supposed to be oh rip we’re not good enough I guess rip it’s fine I would have died first anyway so you know what I won’t stand for this we need to be tped

Randy APS sub us and sub us in Willow beautiful oh no tag me and put me in coach it’s even funnier because I said out loud first it’s even funnier because I said it out loud you were the one who said that first I was just copying you

Yeah but you said out loud make it more cringe you can scroll all the way down on your wheel to where you won’t even move when you’re in spectator I know oh I’m so sorry yeah yeah I didn’t really yeah I was just trying to be

Helpful weird for you to say that um the other two commentators are being extremely rude for that I’m getting it’s so Sean it’s just Sean and thy mistake hiding in a corner yet again um rvm 3 finally killed honestly a relief um he was getting he had nine kills so that’s insane

What what the hunt round 156 out of nine look at the top of the screen Mighty Brothers was killed by Mighty Brothers shot himself we go W I got points that is so true that is hilarious actually that’s really funny I wish I would have thought of that oh

Wait I couldn’t have because I’m not even in the event or before before before it’s uh it’s uh 2v2v2 it’s a 2V1 V2 it’s a 1v1 V2 let’s make it a 1v1v1 what the heck did I mistake getting shot at honestly rude where are they they’re the back corner of one of the

Houses lumer going in for the kill rvm 3 is alive again rvm three that’s funny Randy Harvey and threesold rvm3 is back on both scoreboard wait where is he he’s under um it’s insecure I think he’s in the beginning like uh oh oh he’s probably setting something up yeah and we can

Teleport to him yeah he is it’s just lumer and Kevin they’re not going to kill each other commenters not doing post-match it’s not our fault [ __ ] no was that my first bad word of the whole stream I said bass what’s so close I said bastard I was I said bastard earlier but

I don’t think that’s really a bad word I don’t really think don’t it no no one watches the end it’s fine the [ __ ] is just a female dog that’s what I meant so so it really is though it really is yeah so therefore I have not said about word yet oh wait yeah

Yeah Randy follows us ready she’s gonna follow us we had a sword let me out we still have our swords let’s go I don’t I do okay this guy kill someone can you why would I kill someone just kill someone I’ll try to find someone I we can’t punch people

Wait I want to see just let someone let me someone let me punch them please I want to see if I can kill you oh no you can’t you can’t I can’t see anything I’m just gonna like hide up somewhere like I’m literally in a tree right now oh this guy hey

Honey bunny wait and then we go here yeah and then we Crouch can we go any higher no there’s I can’t see anything we gotta hide behind the tree though wait no there’s there’s mines up here wait can I get up there wait I don’t want to fall I won’t there’s lines

Oh oh wait oh you’re up here too let’s go burps With honestly the most genius place yeah we don’t want to be right on top here’s the thing what I’m looking at a beautiful sunset right now because my render distance isn’t up that much everything’s so dark for me I see him I know he’s over there I see Mr Randy

Minecraft oh people are finding Where We Are I don’t think we take all damage though so we can just like oh wait stop [Laughter] Randy I’ll kill them Randy I’ll kill them for you if you let me live I turn on you hey we uh we’re gonna stick together

Holy [ __ ] people afraid people are trying to kill Randy it’s because he has a it’s he has a one-tap sword Rodney died wait Randy died or something going down no because so what did we do how do we win by surviving yeah now it’s just silly because we are just celebrating charity

What does that mean it means we’re celebrating charity what do you mean it means what do you think it means I think Sean is nukia oh oh sorry sorry I didn’t realize hey someone’s down there it’s flicker so they have an enchantment because we

Can just sit up we can just sit up here because the amount of time it’ll take someone like Randy again we can punch people off yeah I can sort people off same let’s go they’re like this is unfair so there’s a smacking everyone are we just hiding who’s that nice

Pika has a bow yeah can we get I think yeah some people gotta figure they can shoot us you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] calm down why do we not get bows because we are good enough I guess that’s because we have swords something’s um

They have flam bows that’s not fire oh but that’s that’s Victoria what what’d you punch toad I didn’t I didn’t I let you I’ll chill out I didn’t even do anything I was just sitting over here hey boys boys no Kevin’s our friend are you losing health no no

Body can actually push two off man hey truce sorry generally I know we’ve hit you did you lose Health yes I do oh I don’t have any I don’t have any arrows if we don’t have arrows yeah oh no I lost my sword Sam no All right thank you thank you I was about to save my outro ok I don’t think that my parents are happy that I’m staying up longer the web dub outro tell them it’s for sure they genuinely wouldn’t care be like are you really gonna say no to

Me raising money for charity just Guilt Trip them no they genuinely would not care neither with my parents neither would my parents I’m messing with you I’m gonna join uh lion VC unless something else happens I’ll drop back and well we’re holding hands oh my God I

I for the first time I don’t feel terrible about this about this like you shouldn’t feel you shouldn’t feel terrible you did great hey Vicky Skye how you doing hi hello hi Elijah Willow hello Sean that was crazy I’m so upset that Randy didn’t kill you Sean

I’m glad he didn’t well because it would be funny that he killed you with good luck Sean I’m gonna end stream because I’m like oh look it’s Ian Pika I know where you live what the [ __ ] Victoria hello hello enjoy the crown Quest how’s it going well why are we talking Story

One moment guys I’m being scolded in my twitch chat I will well uh did you enjoy the uh the the things it’s me Randy Minecraft oh yes it is you baby sorry I stepped out yep all right yeah enjoy being commentator for Conquest it was very fun it was nice watching people die I don’t think I’m ever gonna I think I’d rather have like the lowest amount of frames ever than have to go through lag because like I couldn’t move in guys I couldn’t even move in Mirror Mirror was bad guys was anyone here trash talking Randy talking Randy I think it’s all just been

A misunderstanding and people just Chinese Whispering it until it becomes like something like oh blah blah blah lucky was [ __ ] talking me because he said two things I think it’s just literally it just evolved into something pretty much the thing I’ve said more than anything else is it’s a charity

Event that’s literally all I’ve said it’s not serious it’s not that deep yes it’s about the extent of it like oh yep okay there we go I was gonna say if you want to do this and we can talk about this later if you want if I lose yo yo all right guys

Wait we’re not participating are we we’re not participating please ready please ready ready let us in let us in let us Rampage yeah yeah what wait I’m so once he’s already working on that he’s typing yeah yeah What no no no it’s not back it’s a knockback stick what’s happening where are you guys where are you guys I’m I’m with Willow whoa when I I’m just gonna protect Willow at all costs it’s like no damage it’s just like a knockback sword accident okay okay okay okay

Uh I was being their friend Kelvin suffocated in a wall oh web dub who’s that hello I’m lagging so bad right now too Tom isn’t hunger foreign Ox I’m killing ox oh I’m losing Health fast chill out no no no no no no no no no no no no no scarf are you

I’m running around the map ow they’re still following me wait you shot why are you killing me Sean stop it shot no shot’s killing me shot stop the shot stop shot stop please no all the purple team’s chasing me I want to help you if I knew where you

Were oh my God no no no no no no no oh my God no no no no don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me oh God okay okay okay okay I’m getting back out I’m gaining back I’m getting back no Sean why is Sean give me

I’m just punching me stop it why stop it stop it stop it stop it please please stop it stop it stop it please Please I don’t want any trouble why am I getting pushed no one else is punching at anyone else and I’m just getting punched yes I’m still alive I’m I’m in full health now you should uh find it find the tree on that I know I’m on a tree of life right now

Oh my God why why did Randy say wait I found Pico I found Pico I found Pika up Pika punched me off Pika we Pika I know where you live why why why we will Willow please please please please please okay Willow and I are Willow and I are

Good Willow and I are good I’m following Willow it’s all lit up to this that’s really aggressive people just play literally no the ox found me again Ox found me again I [ __ ] hate him so much stop it why is everyone just following me please I just want to live peacefully with all

With Willow these okay Willow and I are going to a tree let’s go Willow let’s go with her yeah yeah so yes we know yes yes yes Uh yes yes we got another one we got better we got better let’s go what is happening like I only have two steak left I have no steak left that’s not good that’s not good oh oh the sword’s coming what the heck uh uh stopped up oh my God I died I died

By today’s oh my God no no no oh my God by many monkeys why is mighty still alive they’re all just pausing to eat oh okay here we go Marty’s dead Marty’s dead Aqua alligators have one Crown press for charity all right all right oh wait it’s doing blue and green Randy

Randy’s up here with us I love daddy I love charity we raised so much for charity dance party was a great event yes Mr Toad it was I just you see what I’m wearing I can break things Randy I can break things Randy I accident I broke things oh Randy I’m sorry Randy

Randy I didn’t mean to I didn’t uh Ready ready ready I broke ready ready I broke stuff Randy I didn’t mean to rice in real time follow turn around Randy Randy I broke I think I broke a block too I gotta fix it I can’t I broke things I can’t I can’t oh wait oh wait no oh we have we’re

Creative we have creative yeah you can build back too let’s quickly you gotta wait we gotta we gotta log off the server and next time we do a background creative no no no no no I don’t know what kind of leaf this is though I guess I could

Oh I guessed correctly I’m insane I can break it and put a Becca oh no we’re not in Creative anymore we can’t break things them even though y’all targeted pink Randy shut Up Randy it’s for charity it’s for charity speech speech comp chat Comm chat calm chat comp chat comp shot comp chat

Oh my gosh there’s so many people here for for the uh for speech oh my gosh uh Mia let me put the pressure plate until all you guys go to um spawn Island you guys can go complete quests have fun do all the above

You guys got this go go have all the fun I’m gonna teach you my team so we get a quick little screenshot all right how much money do we raised 1300 oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s awesome awesome let’s go are you kidding me are

You kidding me that is awesome that is so cool oh my gosh what a huge W what a huge W first off I want to say thank you to the uh to the awesome saffin builders that we have um you guys are absolutely phenomenal um thank you to staff

Um thank you for all the players who showed up thank you all for being so nice respectful the entire time I appreciate you guys you guys you guys are awesome we raised so much money and I want to thank you guys again so much for that not only did we raise 1300 but

I had a pretty good time I mean I think it was me and the staff have been wanting to play for a while and we finally got to do it and I think that’s just so sick so thank you guys for being here um Aqua yet again on all of the podiums

Uh what a wild thing wow what a wild thing but overall I mean thank you guys thank you all for being here that was fun um this last year wasn’t uh the most sound game but also it was only just for a little bit of fun so it wasn’t gonna

Be some super phenomenal amazing Crown quest game I can say that we are going to have so much more fun with the future events it’s only going to get better the small bugs they’re getting smaller and smaller every event and they’re slowly and slowly getting patched and soon

We’re going to have the most Flawless perfect event of all time and I’m so excited I hope you all are there to join us for every single event in the future um in May is going to be Crown Quest 4 not a release date yet um

You know with finals going on staff are busy we want to add games we want to add new stuff so lots to do you absolutely can still donate so go ahead keep donating Brown Quest it’s on tiltify it’s on our Twitter it should be in everyone’s nightbot commands have just

Get out let’s see if we can get maybe we get 1500. you guys really did such an amazing thing thank you guys for those people who donated the triple um I’m just gonna quickly say thank you to all of them real quick just everybody uh thank you ericon for 50 Kelvin 60p

Quiche with 70. ajx 100 van a 20 Mudkip 29 Noah 20 Morrison 20 Reino 100 ergon 100 right now 100 Victoria Sky 10 to bomb 20 tied to gaming 10 Sean 100 ergon 200 exotic butter 10 a Wobbuffet 20 Anonymous 10 kaneki 18 luckyness 5 Fox 5

8 235 minotti 69 winter wizard10 bitter set five digit 20 Willow five read I5 re and Cal 5 risen Reel Time five uh anime 20 it’s just Sean Five cyan cats 20 Suki 10 cabin five twig a fives today seven temporary 17 38 offset five Kelvin 10

Asian X5 Mighty Brothers five Takashi 13 ninja 5 Danny milk stops five uh King chill 20 digi’s five Diamond State ten blue seven rvm three with 20 and not too slow the first five dollars thank you guys so much for making this such an awesome event thank you guys all for the

Donation you guys are all so amazing we did great work here today we’re showing that even though we’re all playing block games we’re having so much fun so I’m so excited for the future thank you all again for being here thank you guys for being so patient

And we got the event and a good amount of time with the Milestones so it’s pretty uh it’s pretty phenomenal thank you guys for making such a great impact as Sean says and I hope you guys all enjoyed it we’re definitely gonna do more things like this if you guys need

Anything I’m always always a DM way and uh yeah hey the mod teams didn’t get last place uh Dustin Gigi uh if you’re in anyone’s stream the mods didn’t get last place Dustin GJ I don’t know about that one but uh so yeah thank you guys all for being here appreciate y’all that’s

The event so uh you guys can show on the server say hi hang out look at everything whatever y’all want to do um and I hope to see you all later uh the dance party was at the beginning the very very very very beginning you’re supposed to oh some teams are dancing on

Stage thank you everyone thank you thank you you know we just start from the beginning all right guys we’ll just uh I’ll start I’ll start the event from the beginning so let me um let’s do this it’s time to begin hey Orange otters the team introductions you know what I’ll open all the doors again thank you all for being here you guys are awesome uh let’s head to Lounge let’s let’s go talk foreign [Applause] Round two guys we can’t end it on a launch we gotta go again okay if um wubbed up is put on Lime team s I’m wanting oh my God everyone gets one block oh my God okay I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna take off thank you everyone for that event uh

Thank you everybody setting up thank you oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of money I appreciation thank you thank you all right time to vote you’re leaving yeah we just started milk [Laughter] Right replace me replace me and outplace me and prove okay um so I had 30 fov and inverted Mouse so nah you play great you played great laughs you played great well done um my nerve is put some stuff done and go talk to the staff

Nice okay yeah I’m I’m gonna go head off before I pass out uh but on a real one um highly would recommend I don’t know if you guys have ever listened to I Want It That Way karaoke versions it doesn’t it doesn’t hit quite the same but it’s just because the Australian

Twins isn’t there anyways come on I close Minecraft what the VC where’s the VC oh there it is okay now okay now goodbye oh my gosh alrighty well well then thank you so much for tuning in to the crown Quest commentator POV of the charity event over three thirteen hundred dollars that

Is insane for the technoblade sarcoma Foundation um the very near and dear um Foundation to my heart um and yeah thank you to everyone who joined thank you to Randy for letting me organize this little commentator uh thing I had a lot of fun with web dub and with uh Mr Toad

Um I don’t know if we can shout out our own things but mine is uh Victoria Sky TV on Twitch um I’m Mr Toad live is Mr toads and then web dub live is wub dubs and that’s all on Twitch so if you want to check us out

You can check us out there I don’t know if I was allowed to do that but why not um again thank you and I hope you

This video, titled ‘Crown Quest for Charity Commentators’ VOD | Minecraft Event 4/22/2023′, was uploaded by Crown Quest on 2023-04-26 16:00:26. It has garnered 95 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:41 or 14561 seconds.

The VOD of the Commentators for Crown Quest for Charity.

Commentators: victoriaskyetv (POV), MrToad1, WubDub_

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

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  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

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  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

Crown Quest for Charity Commentators’ VOD | Minecraft Event 4/22/2023