Dame Jeena – 【Minecraft #6】Building a base!【VTUBER】

Video Information

Hi hi hi so good morning to all you european folks because it’s morning it’s early sunday for me and for you and for all you asian oceanic people good day or good afternoon maybe even not so sure about new zealand time at the moment for you

African folk i have no idea what time it is for you guys but probably good morning good day i don’t know which the late which time zone like the easternmost of africa has so i’m not so very sure about that but to all you american people

Uh why are you awake it’s probably very late at night ye so if you live in america i should probably go sleep but but but hello anyway hello willow hello sis hi hi thank you for coming i still have my tea because streaming tea is important

So that is something that i have gotten i had coca-cola yesterday but i accidentally opened it up and now it’s empty and i opened it up yesterday so i can’t really things happen sometimes you know coke just suddenly gets opened and then it’s normal it was good though i haven’t had coke in

Quite a while because i generally don’t drink or eat that much sugar i try to stay clear of it but yeah it exactly will accidentally it it just so it sort of fell down you could you could say or like like a pen fell down from the from the pen singing

And then it accidentally opened the coke and then it disappeared my sushi day was wonderful yesterday ah it was i haven’t had sushi good sushi in a really really long time and i also don’t have anyone to eat sushi with because my family really my family don’t like the idea of eating

Raw fish which is kind of weird because since because in sweden we pickle raw fish and we eat it so yeah and i’ve also tried telling them multiple times that hey there is teriyaki which is cooked chicken in a in on a stick you can eat that but but no yeah so no

I i’ve tried but i’ve also been nagging ophelia about it a bit so she has finally relented and yesterday i got her to try some sushi and she found this wonderful place in berkham and we went there and it was so good i look like the tuna just fell apart when i

When i it just the sushi just fell apart and melted in my mouth and i have never never tasted something like that i mean i’m just a good sushi and to be fair i have tried tasty sushi that had better flavoring i think in a place in edinburgh um but but ye

It’s also very much sushi is very much better when you have it together with people you like so yeah it was awesome all right after dice i’m finally able to join another stream yee hello sabre hello uh my day has been fine so far i’ve just sort of i’ve sort of woke up

An hour ago because kitty was hungry so i kind of had to feed kitty and um now kitty is sleeping behind me so she’s she’s satisfied they’re satisfied and then i had some breakfast for me i made some tea so my tea is of the correct temperature at the moment which is awesome

And yeah although i must say that i’ve i mean i’ve been scrolling on youtube a bit and to be fair if i were able to stream the pokemon leaders in of archers i probably would have done so too but i can’t because i don’t have the capture card thingy

And that is on my to buy list but like i don’t have it so i can’t stream it and i sort of really hyped over this and i’m gonna be able to play it for the first time after this stream and i’m sort of like no don’t just go

Post all the latest arcades movies and just be gone because i don’t want spoilers because i am so spoiler free i i’ve ever been in a pokemon game like i know that pokemons and safaris exists and and i know that there are pokemon and i know that it is ancient isuzu

Which makes me really excited because i like i love ancient cultures um and that is more or less all i know okay i know the starters i know foshaward cinder quill um roll it roll it like any of those three and i don’t know what they evolve into i was sort of

Hesitant should i look it up before i choose but right now i think like i have i have chosen i’ve chosen my starter and i will go with with that lovable little little cute face no matter what the final evolution will be and if i sort of hate it then i will

Grab any grab something else but yeah like i like being blind because i haven’t been blind in a pokemon game even since i first started playing oh no you have to go zebra well thank you for coming the little time that’s fine too bye bye

Bye bye have a good day sabre and thank you for coming and hello riga that was quite a while ago i remember you when you like the scene like the giant others i have some bad news for you if you haven’t watched which yeah we had we had some

Problem with the giant daughters i’m sorry and yes is zelda is my little kitty because because she she can be a ninja she can be a pirate she can be a princess and she randomly chooses between those three so so zelda is a perfect name uh

What kind of pokemon game the arcade one um legends of arceus is i hope it is the breath of the wild of pokemon games that is sort of my hope for him my hopes will be probably crushed so i’m prepared for that and if you mean the first game i’ve ever

Played that was it was the diamond pearl one but on the wii so it wasn’t diamond and pearl but the battle arena thing not too sure what it was called because i i thought it was diamond and pearl but on wii instead of ds because i didn’t have a ds at the time

So i was hyped to play pokemon on my tv and then sort of new i can’t wait to see my badass rhinos yeah yeah yeah i can’t wait for those either and i generally play planetsu on weekends because because i i kind of get stuck i lose track of all time

But right now i am so overly hyped for building the base so i sort of went like nope we are playing minecraft but we we we work on those rhinos next week i think and then i also have almost one week of work i had to work one day um on week seven

So we can play and stream a lot a lot a lot like hey i think we’re gonna play a new game too so it’s not just minecraft on planetsuit because i’m gonna play other stuff too hello tommy hello hello good morning um shrink me just a tease it times a bit

Ah we’re gonna play i probably should get him get a lot of streaming things but i haven’t had the energy to stuff but okay i’ve seen one who does amazing um pre-stream things so i’m thinking my i might order from order from them soon i’d also like

Lobby music thing because i i like i want to have lobby music yes so yeah and yeah we are starting so this is where i stood when i took the um the photo towards the pre-stream because photos are needed and i get the urge to just uh

Jump up off this thing but that’s probably not a good idea so let’s just go down no dying today i already died once while trying to get that photo so luckily for me this isn’t a hardcore series because that would have been difficult to explain just to go like hey hey everyone i

Accidentally died by taking a photo so this world is no go it’s gone i would i wouldn’t have liked to explain that yeah yeah cool elevator yeah i i like those things those are awesome when you build like you can easily go up and you can

Look at places and they are very easy to take down unlike dirt scaffolding and stuff i don’t like this thing let’s remove these things i say by a slow listening to the bottom and driving yay i see these things i kind of go like hey i don’t like those those should those

Should be gone and there are scary deep water there so we don’t look there [Applause] that’s not as deep as a scary holder that hell is kind of fine [Applause] that’s rock so um there we go enough leg i love the leg so so yeah this is this one is probably properly floating we can’t have floaty things i don’t like floaty things

But i do want to have a floating island base sometimes but but that floating base island will will be will be purging these random blocks are not pretty that’s a big difference master okay there we go uh let’s go sleep first yeah where is the big cabin

But when it’s sleeping right now because monsters and monsters are not good i don’t like these girls i should probably download the results back at some point like i like grass it’s just that i think the default cross in minecraft is too big and especially the two block tool cross they are

They are annoying and should should be much shorter than it is and so when i download resource pack i usually go for and we’re here yeah here i usually go for resource packs that have shorter grass because that is more or less the main thing that i want to change in minecraft

Yeah you see me i thought you might wait you’re kind of fun to explore those things when when they can’t hurt you and yeah underwater caves and underwater holes like oh this lighter no there is not light here we should go up just in time confuses Yeah i should get some enchantments soon yeah i should i definitely should but i wanna build a base so ye i also have little to no idea what we should build this base out of which probably is a bad thing to not know um man i got the feeling that i’m gonna

Play minecraft again yeah that’s kind of the weird thing like you see people playing minecraft and all of a sudden you go like hey i want to do that too um yeah kind of goes like that for me too you can’t see my pointy thing because i

Disabled that because i got annoyed with it showing on the main menu and i have enchanted stuff i have a sharpness five thing and i have a powerful boy bow and a power one and breaking one bow and an enchanted fishing rod like i have in charlie stuff not really but

I have a second saddle that means i can have a second horse oh yeah oh yeah we wanted to do an axe because we need wood that’s what that’s what i was thinking about i’m focused i don’t lose track of what i’m doing i’m professional oh yeah glowberries we probably should grow glowberries

We can set it up with that that’s fine so let’s set that up and then and taco is upset because dogo is hungry because dogo is always hungry and so and jump it down so i can go there and now we go top at the top

Uh well er willow says that sword is probably stronger than your iron yep probably is probably hurts more than my ironman one you’re correcting that the problem with gold though is that it breaks so incredibly quickly that it’s kind of worthless because of that so i’d rather have a weaker sword that i

Can use for a longer amount of time than a strong sword that will break on me so that’s more or less my reasoning behind that hello I don’t know i’m sorry if you pronounce your name wrong but hello glad to have you we are doing some building today at least i hope we will well we probably are because i’m chopping down resources but i’m not sure what i like i know what style i want to build

I’m not so sure how i’m going to make it though so mistakes will probably be made but that’s funny too like you can see the process i use when i’m building um i feel bored about the game these days but when i experience some new updates i

Feel satisfied yeah that’s sort of true and as i’ve said multiple times before like what i like in a game is the new start so for me it’s kind of always fun to start a new world and just run around explore mine cave a bit going to the nether but i kind of

I kind of get bored after that like i want new things and new things for me is a new world most more often than not which kind of makes me restart the game and we do everything from the beginning so i never kind of get to the late game and

This time like i really really want to get to the late game i really really want to go there so and this is on hard difficulty so we are doing the ender dragon on hard mode and i have never battled the under dragon before so

Uh i built a dirt shelter it’s way more fascinating yeah kind of is i usually go like if i have a mountain cliff face something like that i usually just dig a hole and i have a mountain not mountain base but like i’m like a hole

And i have that as my starting base that’s usually what i do like like a hidey hole then i build also but i don’t build big things i more or less build smaller scale like the same scale as the villagers are not the villagers but the village

Hello cliffy hi hi welcome to stream i’m gonna try to build it build today and also try to manage drink by tea before it’s cold so i need to hurry on that too there we go all right it’s easy when it comes to pokemon then yeah i

Despise the easy nature and the pokemon games that they have at the moment like at least let me choose to have my exp share off if i would like to have it off it give me that give me that choice and i’m happy i hate the modern xp sure

That is the bane of my existence and have ruined a lot of like it it has ruined both shining diamond and shield for me like the exp share is my main gripe with pokemon at the moment yeah i’m glad you can catch it too clippy and good luck with dragon yeah thank you

Probably won’t do it today because because um yeah uh but we will probably do it uh sometime sometime I’m not sure not so sure when but we will do it i’m doing cute let me do cute okay maybe i might think about it like when i burp after drinking this tea the burp really tastes like pineapple kind of weird and maybe yucky to know but but it does it tastes like

A sort of dried pineapple that’s what that’s what it tastes like and when i drink the tea it doesn’t taste that way it was made more tastes tropical ish And i also found i was already turning but i was i was gonna stop building and now you turn to knight all my elves and poop face uh barm’s just quickly gonna recap what we will do with this base because i found this hole when i

When i fell down and died i found this hole so i’m also thinking we can have our mind there which also makes kind of sense but you never mind there there will be a farmhouse and the farms will be around this sort of river we will also make this river go down

To here in some way like something like that so it goes out to the lake um and then we will have a bridge over the gap there and we will also have like a guard house there maybe and a village on top of the hill because the hills mountain sort of goes around

And up and we will also do some and like another portal will be on the other side of this mountain it’s where the nether portal would be so what we will what we were gonna do kind of has changed a bit because at first i was just like we’re gonna have a

Mountain base with with with the caves and cute cool stuff in the caves like a crystal cave and a green cave and everything and and then then then yeah plants have changed because this mountain sort of more landed its way to more to a village base oh such a beautiful occasion thank you

Thank you I can’t sing that disney’s probably gonna be upset with me so let’s hop let’s just hope they don’t didn’t find out Well that’s a beautiful sign i can’t sing it in english though because i don’t know it in english so there is that I just have two white blues i don’t have more why do i only have two white wolves that’s 50 i guess we’re gonna go share some sheep because cheering sheepish sheep is important i feel random today very random uh because you can sort of use oh this is where we’re gonna have the

Animals by the way uh you can use she pool as like a planning tool when you’re building because sheeple is easy to get and it’s easy to uh move and search and i also need it for making a second bed because i have no idea where my second bed has went

So that is also something we need and a gaming cave oh thank you zero thank you i know have it have a trolley part yep and yeah mickey’s sending the lawyers let’s get what make it us okay now i’m here now i forgot what i was thinking about but of course i see

My horse is of course a horse and the horse is of course very cute this is a hole what kind of hole is this maybe that was the hole that but that room that hole probably won’t go as well yeah maybe that hole is better because the road is probably gonna be

Around here-ish so that would work so yeah we could do that jump jump jump and inside here we also have a spawner so we are going to do something with that one way shape or form okay scary yeah kind of can you sometimes it’s windy today well yesterday when i came home from

Burkham it kind of was really stormy like i had to go i had to be very careful when i got home drove home because i did not want to not want to just sort of go out the road because it was it was bad um

I usually kind of goes easier on the day after but this time it didn’t and now i have youtube open and not obvious but that’s fine it’s fine no it’s this this thing i would do that’s why that’s why it went so slow um and usually

What happens when you have like a storm at night on the evening and afternoon what happens is that it will be much much better in the morning so it could even be fine weather but today it’s um it is still it’s still stormy which isn’t which isn’t fun it is decidedly not fun

But that is what we have to deal with at the moment it seems like there is there is that that’s what make me why i was confused but i will we have some oak leaves oh cleaves are important we can remove these two because these will not be here and a woof

A woof is upset about something i have a very she she’s special but she’s cool she kind of goes like um she kind of barks she’s very deci determined in what she wants and what she doesn’t want and if you don’t listen to her she sort of goes louder and louder and louder

Until you listen to her and until she gets her way and that that sounds kind of spoiled like you shouldn’t you should probably shouldn’t just giving giving to a dog like that but but she’s determined you know like there there is no no saying no to her it’s

It’s about as easy to say no to that dog as it’s to say no to philia so yeah like dogo gets her way almost always but if it’s like she wants more food then she will not get more food but if she wants a pancake then she

Will probably get a pancake after we’re done eating but she wants what she wants and she’s cute but but kind of funny yeah i like it yeah exactly when she was a puppy and i was up on the upper floor because like your puppies they can’t they can’t go stairs stairs are

Dangerous for human babies too and they are very dangerous for dogo babies so she really couldn’t i’m gonna cover this hole because this all doesn’t look like a good idea to have and and i got a lot of that so let’s cover it up so i was on the upper floor and she

Was on the lower floor with my mum and dad and she was upset because because i was upstairs and she would did not like that and she couldn’t go up so what she did was she more or less plopped herself down on the basement base of the stairs and sort of just

Started barking and whining and she was just like hey help me i have a problem help me i can’t fix this on my own help and then yes mom and dad just had to open the gate and they took her up and then she was happy because because she wanted to

Check where i was so yeah she she has her will and she gets her will through and i should probably and do i have i do not have any more we will probably get some more of these scaffolding things because i’m thinking we should probably start with the um farmhouse

That’s a good idea to start with and then if we have enough resources we can start on the terraces for the farms so that’s first trace of doing so we get our farms going so we got food food is important after all disney food is important disney i know japanese

At least a couple of words something uh leaves we should probably bring we should bring some iron and we can switch the helmets because that helmet is um and this i love so we’ll bring that i’m thinking we shouldn’t bring build the farmhouse in um those things

I’ve got to start hunting well i have i have fish that’s going to be good enough Well you’re just 40 minutes late it’s fine there’s gonna be a long stream and sense if you think this is boring then you don’t have to watch it’s that simple really if you think that my stream is boring then you go to a streamer that you don’t find boy

I’m not stopping you you know it’s not like i hold your family ransom or something like that you’re free to go more torches are needed more of these things i’m full let’s get rid of that because that is not needed and then we can get the cobblestone do i need underside

Might need some underside might need some dirt that is really good when you’re building so let’s bring that and sun is setting again are you kidding me [Laughter] like it let’s make a bit because very clearly we will need another bed we will also need more torches so

And we probably will not make it more cold than that and scaffolding scaffolding scaffolding was what i came here for we have 15 that’s probably gonna be enough for just uh my horse is surrounded by a dutch wall yes it is because um the first time we came here we found like um

Like a wandering trader with llamas and um i trapped the llamas inside of him so the leads broke so i kidnapped the llamas and then i went caving and when i came back that poop face trader had stolen my llamas that i had stolen from him and i am still upset about it

Uh and then we got a horse and we tamed it and horse is really slow but i put the horse in here because then horse can’t escape and we don’t have a pasture for it yet so i probably should get past you going to but i don’t have enough resources for

That because i think we should build it with cobblestone and i don’t have enough cobblestone but that is that is the um story behind the dirt wall yeah it was a poop face trainer i stole back something that i honor honestly stole from him well i didn’t steal i confiscated

It it’s called confiscated right when some when when a knight steals something it’s called confiscated and not stealing i think very poopy trader i mean we all hype some or not yeah that’s fine you’re allowed to like what you like it’s fine if i’m not to your liking i mean

Some guys like my streaming so that’s fine enough for me uh yeah farmhouse is here so let’s pop up um Here it’s probably good enough to have like a sort of not far away from base base but okay and if you want to remove scaffolding just go this is for scaffolding it’s awesome and then you go up you can sort of see everything you can plan a bit ahead

So this is the side of the farmhouse now the question is the road is gonna go here and sneak its way up there so we can remove a bit of this mount uh which we probably should do or or we can build like the house here or more like here is probably

A bit better and then that can be like the earth cellar like old farmhouses a couple of hundred years ago or just not just a couple but a hundred years ago they didn’t have refrigerators so what they did was they put all the potatoes and food and stuff inside of an earth

Cellar because that would be more cool than it was outside so let’s make this into an earth cellar yeah and we need to remove this because because we we do already know what we’re supposed to build here uh we have a tool that’s not going to be a lot

That’s going i have to do I’m thinking about materials because this i don’t want to use for the farmhouse because the farmhouse is going to be a bit more cheaper looking and deep slate is not cheap looking it is the opposite of cheap looking i need a little bit more so and no that’s not

I i i know how to minecraft i know how to make chests and stuff i’m good at that ah let’s pop that down there let’s pop down bed there and make a chest and just can go there and just pop some things down well these things can go here and cobblestone

You can go there random stuff there dirt i’m gonna keep on me because dirt is important i’m also gonna plant some trees so we have those close at hand yeah and there we go and i see badness approaching and i do not have a shield which i

Probably should do so let’s go grab a shield i’m not sure which one you mean kill but i’m gonna kill those people over there i’m just gonna grab a shield first yeah i forgot to bring the iron and i’m hungry with it but that works oh and all my buddha’s up there now

Maybe i am the poopy one uh that’s induced with plans for build do you not know where to recreate hyperbaria and as i said it’s it’s more or less i kind of also feel like i don’t have that much of a plan because i’m not even sure what which materials to use But like what i want to create is something that feels complete like a village that’s lived in and to be able to do that i i’m not going to go back for you and to do that i kind of need to have a plan see

Uh so that’s kind of what i like doing and i have forgotten to turn off sounds um that’s fine i should probably mark where the road is going to as a problem for not today i’m kind of sure where the road is going over here at least

Because what i like doing when building is sort of looking at the terrain and sort of seeing what would be natural what would people actually do because if i look at this mountain where if i were to go up this mountain i would probably go here and then to there and

Cross over a bridge like that is what i would do sort of go like that and down there and over the river in that case if i want to go there but i’m not so sure where we are going after this mountain base but but red is going to start there and just

Wind this way up and then over there after that then i’m not so sure so then we’re going to need i’m going to have to up the planning part so i know where to put hose houses but over here i’m kind of certain where things are going like the water is going

Go there twist this way around there and there so you’re gonna have to build a bridge over that river that we’re gonna make but yeah now which materials should we use um i’m thinking cobblestone but cobblestone is gonna be a bit difficult as well we could go with stone bricks

I almost fell down um if we go with stone bricks we kind of also need do we want stone bricks or do we not want stone bricks hmm that is a very good question i’m thinking actually we don’t want stone bridge the stone bridge yes stone bricks

We don’t want a stone bridge either we want a wooden one um and kidnap some villagers and to make them your servants well we are going to kidnap some villagers that is something we’re gonna do we are also gonna make an automate automated um killing things for uh for zombies

Suddenly i got this all of a sudden nice point i’ve had a really stressful week that’s why i kind of dizzy a bit uh because there’s been a lot of parent meetings and meetings like i’ve been working from well let’s say i’ve been working from

Eight to at least five each day and more often than not i’ve also been working to six each day and i’ve also [Applause] been a bit of a bad girl and i haven’t skipped lunch i’ve worked throughout my lunch not not optimal it’s fine if it’s just a week but yeah

I’m i’m struggling a bit with stress at the moment that’s kind of why dizzy also happened yesterday it was worse yesterday but [Applause] nice long days yeah cannabis like you come to work you start work at six and then you go home and not start work at six but you start

Work at eight and then you go home and it’s six o’clock when you came from home not good yeah no skipping meals but yeah it is it is but it’s also kind of difficult to get meals because of corona restrictions and stuff like if there are eight people in the dining

Hall then i’m not allowed to go in there which makes it even more difficult to actually eat like i can’t grab my food and go somewhere else to eat even because yeah so yeah but that’s it’s um it’s gonna be better this week i’m gonna

More or less go home as soon as i can so right this week the plan is to work eight to four so regular week smallest and also to maybe go home at three o’clock so like i work um like eight to three so so that’s the plan now so i kind of

Loosen up a bit of that and you know having a diet well i probably shouldn’t have a diet like i i i don’t need to go on a diet and then it’s it’s fine if it’s just a one week off thing but but i’m i’m not the person that should be an alberta

Okay i can lose a couple of kilograms that’s fine but i’m not even close to being overweight so i’m more the person that should be a bit careful um i just eated my desk but that’s just as bad yeah that’s true i also kind of

Don’t want to eat at my desk because i have co-workers really close by we like have desks real close and if i eat by my desk then i’m gonna be a bit of a nuisance towards them so that’s also why i kind of don’t want to do that

And we want odd one one two three four five six seven and seven is probably going to be good enough two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen 13 is not a good number 40. so

And this is not going to be made out of out of this material i’m just sort of want to i just want to have a look at it so this is where the road is going to be as you cross this hole that’s the road

Gonna be here yeah it kind of has to be there well it kind of doesn’t i can’t twist around here the road can go here too and that kind of makes sense so then we want the entrance to be somewhere here ish two three four five six seven so these two are the

Middle blocks that’s probably not going to be good so let’s offset it just a bit and have the door there yeah i think that works because then it’s close to the road but it’s also going to be close to the cellar so that’s good we can have a tree here

And i think we should have an oak tree here there um maybe we can have a chicken coop here i have that that should also be really good so chicken coop i’m gonna have to look up um tutorial on how to make a good chicken coop because there are really good ones

Out there i’m not gonna go really good at what i want this scale i want yeah this is gonna be good that’s how i build build houses counting and measuring well it’s kind of good i also should get shovel but it kind of feels good to dig your hands

In the dirt sometimes also so let’s go to nerf if i’m going to get a shovel it’s going to be enchanted no half measures here uh half measures is massive in swedish which is kind of weird i think we kind of took it from english and sort of

Turned in swedish because it it means nothing when i don’t you stop people scream at me [Applause] not because you have you have pretty hands i don’t i have working hands you don’t you have delicate hats that’s why people yell at you i think people are also kind of just in

Awe at me for sort of planning stuff like i know where the road is supposed to go uh and stuff i don’t like those corners i don’t like those corners and i think regular underside will be good enough maybe well let’s just start with that

And if we hate it we can change the materials later so let’s just go round and round we probably had don’t have enough stone so we’re gonna have to go grab some more stone and i already sort of hate this cobblestone thing i don’t like it i don’t like it okay okay okay

Let’s tear everything down again because i don’t like it i love mill aluminum smart and mel is awesome so everyone should love mel yeah that’s very true the advantage of being friends is you can be mean because mel is one of my oldest friends there we go corner um

Now the big question is do i want to run back to base and fetch the call or i don’t uh i’m sure you’re a very beautiful milk but jean is beautiful too well i don’t know have you figured out which one which one of the photos i am yes

I’m not so sure if you have or not maybe you have though and smart be right back i’m going to make some tests oh choice with nutella that sounds awesome well that seems also i kind of want that now i don’t think i have any nutella left

And i think i also just randomly decided that um and that i’m going back i finished the call wait um i’m not sure if he stalked me too yeah but but i mean he knows what um offi looks like then he probably kind of maybe knows what i look like i do not

There is a possibility We have cod probably should do a stone block but i don’t care about that wait no i’m not a stalker are you sure about that that’s fine it’s fine very sneaky cut yes much much sneak sneaky sneak and to be fair i must rather go find out

The weak spots and not anyone else i trust in famous last words or something like that yeah you have pictures of me in my prom tip all right okay i’m pushing recap because i want a little cap that [Laughter] i generally thought i was falling down there I’m a good minecrafter yeah english is an absolute yeah it really is and that was a clip that was a hole in the ground yeah i almost fell down exactly that was some good fault that wouldn’t would have happened if i wasn’t chatting about it i’m good so it’s a good fault

I can see that you like it though i know you do i know you do purple he can survive that he’s a tough one he can deal with that and i went there and there i’m probably there too [Applause] that is a zombie and i have forgotten to bring my shield

A shield was what i was supposed to do thank you for the helmet very much appreciated and just kidding behind me just in a sleep went [Laughter] i know wrong wrong button i have a weird cat and i have one piece of iron that was supposed to go for a shield but i’m thinking i probably need a shovel why do i only have one stick i can’t i can’t do stuff with just one stick

One stick is poopy i need two sticks so and that i don’t need for the time being i don’t need the underside for the time being the stone is good though let’s refill that uh the leaves i definitely don’t need for the time being so let’s plop those down

Well i can’t i can have those on me that’s fine geek is called out i need a shield more than i need a spoon nevermind i can go back and fetch another spoon not another piece of iron are you eating banana or breakfast banana hello h hello hello i am from

A place called edinville if you want to go lore wise and edinville is sort of mountainous kind of rural as well uh if you want to go where i live at the moment where i stream from that is from sweden why do i always keep just forgetting what i was supposed to do

She’s from angelheim that was i’m not from angelhaim actually i’m from edinville but i understand why you think that i’m from anglais because angela haim is sort of what i brought i am most of the time um but i do come from edinburgh from the beginning then sort of poopy things happen

And i became friends with the queen of angelheim it is almost about like that i know i have caps on that is how you spell it uh sweden i oh i like a white person well there are people of color in sweden too so that was a bit of a random question but

Yeah i look kind of white that cliff is dangerous this is like the third or fourth time i’m sort of just almost going in there okay where are the many things many persons yes not have they despawned just when i sort of finally went to fetch a shield let them see them

Oh well no ways put up a warning sign i probably should but to be honest i’m sort of just i’m probably just gonna run by and sort of just like hey that’s a random warning sign and fall down anyway i’m not i’m i’m actually not sure if that would work

The best course of action would probably be to actually make the road that i’m supposed to go on instead of just running yeah yeah that’s sorry a weird question i never talk to people outside of my continent wherever they are it’s fine to be curious curiosity is the engine of a lot of

Things so yeah i’m not going to fault you guys for being curious yeah troll by a cliff or a hole it’s probably more a whole lot than a cliff that is a cliff that thing over here i think it is here yeah this is just a hole what i should probably do actually

Is to fill it up because then i wouldn’t have to worry about it but i live for danger hey look a sign drops into the abyss yeah exactly that’s that’s exactly how things were turned out i’m so sure what kid is dreaming about but it’s probably something [Applause] so [Applause]

This is gonna be too small so we need a bigger hole and this is probably what i’m gonna do like i build and start on something and then i’m randomly just skipping to another related thing at least um i’m probably gonna need some maybe concrete powder to make that thing look

A bit better the absolute that is um but we are gonna need some of these guys yeah that’s probably gonna be enough so and let’s grab these planks soon and real earth sellers doesn’t have wood as an opening but that’s what i’m going to use because i think that will marry a bit

Nice into the surrounding space let’s also build this thing up a bit something like this no not that one yeah that works and there we go yeah that i like this whole feels kind of random but i can put some decorations there and then it won’t feel as random

And that is also what i want and i also want a block there yeah yeah that is what i want and now to make this sort of actually look like it will work and hold its structure and shape yep that’s good and now we are in focus mode that is why

We are silent um something like that and then we need light in here uh how about you cover that hole with dirt so you can be safe yeah that’s kind of what i thought about doing but i live for the danger um i want this hole to be a bit bigger

Something like this i think [Applause] and then like that because earth cellars are kind of long and long and narrow normally and one two blocks so here we’re gonna go yeah just straight in like that and we made that for three blocks so and now we need pickaxe so

One two three i can’t do three in there i think i want to do a three in there so um not that one though i took a block too much so something like that and this could will be the storage for the farmhouse and to be fair this is kind of too big

Too tall but it’s going to be good enough no one will know probably uh it’s a nice shack we’re gonna turn it into an underground city that’s what we thought about first but now i’m thinking new that’s just gonna be um like storage more or less like in the

Olden times when people didn’t have refrigerators they stored things in earth sellers so that is just an earth cellar and the city is gonna be on top of the mountain in the most part we are gonna have some parts inside of the mountain like the um

Not the ender dragon we are not gonna have the ender dragon inside of the mountain but we are going to have the nether portal inside of the mountain um i don’t understand youtube sometimes because youtube right now is sort of like hey your transfer speed is too high necessarily okay

You mean you mean okay it’s bad i don’t understand okay youtube picky be weird sometimes so i am not going to have enough yeah this is gonna work much better but i will need more rocks than this which is kind of bad because right now we don’t have that many rocks

So we are going to need some more rocks we could dig up this floor because this floor is not going to be here so let’s do that first and looks like a german bunker from world war ii yeah yeah that it does and that’s probably also because bunkers

In world war ii not just the german ones but a lot of bunkers in the trenches were made of um earth because earth is easy to get so that’s sort of why it looks like that adventure time or no i’m just gonna mine random rocks And random music as well so um now the question is i want one more do i have more underside that is good because the corners are gonna be three tall so that is a good thing to start with now the question is do i want a flatter

House or do i want a point your house i think i want to point your house okay so that means we are going to go up there and then sun and then so what do we think about that profile that profile works it looks just great kitty agrees

This building is now kitty approved yes and there we have a couple of more morocks you also should start on the roof roof things which means i need to cut down and cut down and cut down things yeah we need more of everything cutting down trees

Oh hi ravenna by the way i don’t remember if i said hi to or not uh disappointing house help with no it definitely does the pointer your house is the more easily snow will fall down of it if you have a not pointy house like a flat house or even just a

Pointy house that isn’t pointy enough then snow will sort of stay on top of the house and it won’t fall down which will make your roof very heavy and maybe you’re a full cabin in you and having a roof filled with snow caving on you is not a fun thing

So that is why we have pointy roofs in sweden and in italy because there is no initial especially on top of the mountains uh i remember that time person gordon ramsay mean on my youtube channel and youtube said i was posting nudity yeah youtube really is weird that that sounded weirder than most

Things i’ve heard this far which can obsess a bit and there was that tree and this was this three and this three and there we go so and now we should really go sleep asleep before the before the monsters come yeah roof caving is bad for sure

Especially if you have snow on top that is not that is not a fun thing to have happen and they were good now we have 36 more that should probably be enough and we won’t stress mostly foot is probably gonna be enough we are gonna need some of these guys too

Something like that probably and for these guys we are not gonna need a lot of these guys but probably a few so let’s grab those two this is not gonna be enough but close so we enough start with these and that’s not going to be one of those guys there we go

And that should be a half slab that should be a half slab and now we go into the dark things and me go here and there and there there there we go i feel like i’m gonna fall down at a minute now so so this is gonna be That yep yes yes yes yes and now we go up and we want that to happen and then that and then that do i want something more pointy afterwards or because that looks great i don’t like the square look of that so is it fine if i just remove this one

Because i don’t want this to be too fancy this is a farmhouse i do not like that okay okay do i like that then i don’t think we like that because i don’t like that even now so that this is just gonna be way down weirder because now i kind of

Like and like to have another piece So back to this one we go yeah that’s probably that’s gonna be good enough um a medieval house mask yeah yes it’s uh now you could say it’s medieval house you could also argue that it’s viking inspired it’s not by this vikings didn’t live like this but

An argument could be had of it being viking inspired at least because viking houses in games and movies usually have these kind of pointy things so that is an argument that could be hard i’m definitely gonna need more because i know i don’t like this one either

Yeah that is that is how we do it so turn that thing and this thing on so now we need to chop it to chop some trees because we do not nearly have enough spruce wood for this we don’t have nearly enough wood for anything roofs really takes a lot of resources

Like a lot a lot and i know placing spruce in a square will make will give me more wood but it’s also going to ruin the um not the floor but the dirt is going to ruin the dirt and turn it into porcelain which i am not a fan of

So i will not do it and no i would like that works it doesn’t need to be in the same spot no i’m actually running on the road i i can follow restrictions sometimes another one too i mean the only problem i have with minecraft is well not the only problem but

I think it’s kind of weird that you place six of these guys and you get four of these guys it’s kind of weird like typically you are just chopping a bit off of the of the block which means that i should get six pieces back but apparently not for some odd reason

And give the wood to me and we have another tree growing and some dirt up so well we’ve been chatting a bit about what i’ve been doing this weekend but how about you guys what have you been doing have you have a nice weekend so far is it okay

Mobile is still being upset about something um or have you just taken a chill or what’s been going on for you because i had a lot of plans not a lot of plans it’s more like gaming and meeting friends but but it also would have been nice to sort

Of just go up with the horses a bit but it’s kind of stormy and being outside with the horses when it stormy is not not fun very much not fun so are you done you are done that’s nice i’m so sure i will need more but thank you

I would definitely need more of these guys not not clam fish i don’t need clown fish so now i have 62 stairs that’s not gonna be enough there we go and we need more of these guys had a relaxing weekend back to work tomorrow settling in for the night right now yeah

I hope you have a relaxing night and clippy and it’s it might be tomorrow yeah i usually have like a bad sunday anxiety that’s also kind of why i stream on sundays because that helps me feel like i’ve done something good so that helps with my sunday anxiety quite a bit

Okay sunday excited is the worst not fun but i really hope you have a nice monday and a nice sunday evening as well could be i’m gonna be here doing my best to help with having a nice sunday evening at least and i just fell short okay yeah four is gonna be enough

Because i just need it there we go on the stairs there’s there so yeah right this block tube and now darkness is falling yet again i also probably should light this house up because there will be spawns in it really soon and having a creeper spawn inside of the

House is kind of bad hello chicken Just gonna light things up a bit uh thank you gina i wanted to be productive today but i wasn’t feeling great so i made dinner and relaxing watching stream well that’s good i mean sundays are also made for being relaxed relaxing in a way that’s kind of what i’m trying to do

Having sundays being as relaxing as fun as possible and it’s also fine to not have a productive day sometimes it can’t be perfect all of the time right even if you try you can’t be perfect all the time because that’s kind of life well i think that’s kind of what makes

Weekends difficult because you don’t have the time to do at home stuff during the weekdays because then you are really busy with work and all of the other stuff going on so when you come to the weekend you sort of go like hey i really need to do this

I should do this i should clean i should do whatever needs to be made done with the house i need to do laundry i need to do well whatever because you haven’t had time to do that during the week but then at the same time you have been working

Really hard during the week during the week so your body also really needs to relax and i think that’s where the difficulty comes from like you want to your body really needs to relax but you don’t want to relax because you want to do all of the other stuff

And it’s it’s a difficult it’s difficult to balance that well that is a whole block i can’t i can fall down that is what i can do oh no i can’t place oh yeah that’s gonna be on top so still need that so i’m out of those case that’s not good

And this was a full block if i’m not mistaken yeah full block upside down stair slab so full block one is an upside down stair now this this feels this feels not correct and it is not good thing i checked ah well this is you can’t be perfect all

The time unless you are dna well uh i am not perfect all the time spoiler alert i would definitely like to be perfect all of the time but i am not i’m just human no human is perfect all the time i can try my best but at the same time i

Don’t like being perfect because being perfect comes with a lot of expectations and you put generally you put these expectations on yourself um and you can be really harsh towards yourself sadly more often than not i am myself i am my own worst enemy and so i really not struggle towards

Perfection i just want to be happy so i do what makes me happy and that will be good enough unless it should be hi tony hi your live stream suddenly came out of nowhere on my home screen this is the first time i’ve seen your live stream and you are the first cnv

And your japanese is full thank you thank you for coming and jay i’m your first one [Laughter] thank you welcome to stream i hope you like it here we are kind of doing building minecraft things am i reading it correctly if it’s mafia i don’t know mafia indonesia i’m

A bit off on my hiragana katakana game welcome welcome welcome oh yeah and this was just it’s a bit annoying when you just randomly forget what we were doing but there we go and we need food and we probably need more stairs i know we may need more stairs but okay so

Upside down then full block on top of the upside down so this is the upside down here we want a full block so luckily for me i had one left because i kind of forgot that i needed one and then an upside down there and then we want

A slab on top of that and also slapstick i think this is what we did right yeah this looks symmetrical hey yeah yeah we do still need a way out because we are not done with the roof but i’m going to remove that for the time being

Because it will be in the way very shortly and we have done that so that side is done no nothing that is not what we wanted there we go no i don’t want there do i want three white i do not want a three wide there we go

That side should probably no that side is where we want the chicken coop hmm we can probably fit both but i really like this being a chicken coop area so we can still have we can’t have it facing this direction um what i’m chatting about by the way because i am

Realizing i am a bit cryptical is the chimney so we can have the chimney on that side i think that will be good um yeah that kind of is a nice life lesson just don’t be perfect be what makes you happy i don’t like that do i like this more you can don’t

Yeah i really don’t like this either okay the question is how to deal with the windows on this side since we are not so sure we will just do not have any windows for the time being uh symmetra sake but that is gonna be where the oven is

So let’s try and find it yeah so this is where the oven is of the fireplace so this is gonna be the kitchen area which kind of means that we don’t need a window there because we’re gonna have other things going on on the inside we can have a high set window

That is something we can deal with and have the window up here which definitely works from the outside i can decorate around that so that makes sense now this side we’re gonna have the coop so we don’t need a window from the outside and i think we can handle it not being

On the inside either now the big question is do we want a second window because the door is here so we could have a window here if we would want to hmm antoni’s japanese name is long well i’m thinking it’s more of well it is a name in and of itself but

What i think is going on is also like there are birds inside as well which makes it longer like you know my name is justina but my name on um youtube is damina because i add my title as well and yes i go please keep it in english

So that everyone understands this is an english stream so it’s the most fair thing for everyone is to keep it in english that way everyone will be able to understand and i need more rocks as per usual so let’s remove these one two three one two three almost grab the dirt

I hear zombies so there’s probably a cave nearby ish i hear an enderman as well but that’s fine probably the best dream of the area yeah i’m the only jaime in the area yes i’m defeated now we have a more couple stone I don’t need that because what i’m going to do is do a bit over this i want that going on and then this is where the chimney is going good to go up i want a bit of a lean do it why do i always need to need to grab more

Goblin i don’t have much couple left also i can smoothly take from this place so i guess we’re gonna have to go down okay sometimes soon So on hungry good girls do some errands have fun bye bye willow bye bye bye bye bye now i’m curious this is tony in the summer section it says royal night of angelheim but for some unknown reason you were swept away to a decent island and left alone i’m just wait

You said that uh which kind of desert island are you talking about are you chatting uh are you talking about my about thing to do What doesn’t say a lot um yeah i’m not so sure what you’re talking about but yeah i’m from i’m not from eglahim i’m from edinburgh that’s a neighboring country but i am a royal knight of anglehead but right now i’m playing minecraft he did because i need to do stuff on my free

Time otherwise i kind of go insane free time is important and i’m not so sure this is a just an island either it’s not just because it’s not a desert but deserted yeah sort of sort of i guess well that i don’t like i don’t like that

Which will make it a bit difficult on the inside but i don’t care i don’t like that on the outside so it’s not gonna be there nice hello vegas hello hello so six is probably gonna be enough four is probably not gonna be enough but i’m gonna grab those anyway

And i also need some of this guys and i don’t have any space left hello a i’m not so sure how to pronounce your name i’m sorry but your name also kind of reminds me of one of my one um a guy that works at my job

He has a name that sounds kind of like yours he’s nice yep that was a full block no no no not that that there that’s gonna have to be good enough no no no no it’s not good enough nope i hate it so yeah that’s better that’s much much better

Much much much much better so now we just need to find a way up because i have removed everything that can even be remotely considered as way up and why do i only have one cobblestone step left i told you there would not be enough okay yeah because that is something that i

Will need later on so we’re just gonna have to manage with these guys nope nope nope nope nope that works and now we just need a way up again and now we have a difficult decision to make do we want a functioning one well am i guessing of kidding of course

When you want a functioning one that is out of the question um hello i’m just gonna guess i am a bit off of my katakana game bye i say skeptically i’m sorry but hi hi welcome you’re very welcome even if i maybe not able to pronounce your name

But hello hello welcome to stream kafka we are playing some minecraft for the time being and we need four and i there we go and we also need coal and i also need to just dump stuff because well i’m gonna need these guys though i don’t need that one don’t need the sticks

So i say and i do need the sticks and i do need some of those so let’s see if i remember how to do this i did i am a master i am awesome i just need to go up and go on top of this thing again

And i fill them i fell down again but i’m gonna show you how to make a working work in one of these guys if i am able to actually build it that is the same so if you put a campfire on top then there will be smoke

But we do not want a campfire showing so we take chapters and we go around the thing ow and we try not to hurt ourselves and we put these guys up and now we have a working chimney but that is supposed to be oh but i’m not happy with it

So we need to redo it because of course we do because i am too much of a perfectionist for my own good that was a waste of resources because why would we be clever about these sort of things i don’t know i want it there

And i feel them but if i fall down we can if we can we can go to bed so yep skeleton miss me that’s good ow root achievement it’s actually working yeah it’s kind of good i learned it from another minecrafter a very good building it’s called b double o

B w 100 and he does really good things so i have most of my building skills i’ve learned from him because we kind of he kind of leans towards a smaller scale and that’s also what i want to build in because because i do not have the time to build massive things

So yeah so here’s one of my um well one of the minecrafters i look up to when i build things here we got a stick stick stick and now we have a new campfire we also have lost two spruce doors but they should be somewhere around here here’s one

Now it’s just one that is missing we have a trap door that is missing missing in action i can’t have that the question is where is this you scared me good sir hmm it is rude to scare people and jump up here and is the trapdoor somewhere around here

Yes yes yes i saw it the trapdoor is back i cannot make the job dance let’s just go well just a second ago not a second ago but a little while ago i was chatting to you about how good it is to have scaffolding and look at me using dirt instead of scaffolding

Or not something almost almost smart and up and up and up and up this is this is better this is a very tall chimney for this little house but i don’t care they probably cook a lot that is that is a very long chimney for this one

And i’m sort of wishing that this was not two and a half blocks tall but rather one and a half blocks tall but i am not gonna change that that is good enough that is good enough so now we need to fix inside stuff so there we want that blimp

It’s just the mobile which is which is it did that now english has disappeared but mobile is definitely allowed to make the blink player playing sounds and i sort of despise you for stealing my llamas even though i stole from you but you don’t even have any good things and luckily for you

I don’t have a way to set you on fire because if i would have had a set way to set you on fire i would have him i really don’t have a lot of cobblestone left i do have stone but that’s not helping the cobble situation oh well two three

I don’t want the fireplace to do a bunch like like one of these guys one of these guys is probably better so yeah i’m i’m i’m passing my way towards that one um and i forgot things what i was supposed to do oh yeah building the chimney from the inside because the chimney

Is not good if it’s if you can watch out through it so yeah these blocks need to be here we can probably get away with that uh hi ethra please keep it in english that way everyone will be able to understand you a bit better so that’s more okay to kind of

Turn towards everyone yeah because i don’t like those full blocks being there and i’m probably not going to like that block either we need stairs desperately and i also need don’t like that but i’m not sure i like that either it’s fine probably i need more rocks where do where can i

Get rocks from i think it’s a good idea to put a fireplace inside so we can say it’s obviously chimney yeah but i’m thinking that we can put one of these guys inside as well because there is a fire inside of this one a sander thunder means we can have skeleton horses

So i’m just gonna take a break from all the building because there can be skeleton horses and skeleton horses are awesome too don’t don’t mind the horse crazy person i think you guys are that’s a regular skeleton i am probably gonna regret this decision later but i don’t care

That is a hole in the ground ow i’m starting to get hungry it’s been streaming for two hours that’s usually when i start to get hungry it’s weird how hungry you get when you’re streaming it’s really really weird yeah i don’t care about you somebody i want a skeleton horse

Skeleton where is this heroism and this is a big hole in the ground which you probably should do something cool with because this is a cool hole in the ground no skeleton horses i want a skeleton horse that fired like i’m definitely struck there it’s weird because it probably should

Strike the mountain but crazy come on horsey horsey horse that’s a that’s a chicken jockey chicken jockeys are not fun that is someone with golden armor i actually got struck by lightning that was the first time that ever happened to me okay okay um okay lightning storm is storms kind of

Kind of um kind of dangerous kind of dangerous yeah but okay okay uh i see no skeleton horses that means they haven’t spawned this time and if they have spawned then they are somewhere where i am not so i’m going to sleep because i do not want to be struck by lightning twice

That is something i do not do not enjoy they also need food peaceful with the exception of the creepers and stuff but we can deal with the occasional creeper that’s fine oh this looks so good from here i like this house do we actually want to ruin it maybe we shouldn’t

Because that’s pretty that is pretty yep that will be good enough i can do some creeping wines on top of the build that is something i can do i should also deal with the inside kitty is agreeing with me she just humped and up we go

They’re also very very lucky that i do not have some way of setting you on fire oh yeah stone stone i need a stone i am good at remembering stuff oh we can take this down from here i also need to light this thing up a bit because this is dark

Dark and scary and now i’m stuck so there we go now we aren’t stuck anymore and my pickaxe is breaking my pickaxe is in the process of breaking which is not good i think we’ll be we’ll be fine okay that one there you go guys this is kind of good because i

Want to make some um some brown cement and we already have the cocoa beans and having the having gravel close at hand is good i am gonna set him on fire i definitely am i think we need to switch to angry mood killing mode yes fire Maybe i’m in a hungry mood let’s say that we have one thing we need and there we have the other thing we need and you place them together and you get a way to set people on fire i think i’m gonna i’m starting a war with with wandering trade trading trader

G murder spree that’s a lot of big trees that’s gonna be a pain to cut down anyway right now we are gonna murder and slaughter and murder burn uh-huh so we first need to remove okay we can move we can move that is fine that is definitely fine

If you can just stand still and let me set you on fire that would be awesome yeah yeah there we go because if i murder you this way the llamas won’t be angry with me and now you’re falling down that will not help you the screams of pain satisfy me

Don’t injure the llama i think these are my llamas now but we need to go down and fetch your body i dropped you how do i get under this hole so i have stolen my llamas back if you can just come down a tad it will help

I also wonder where your lid is because you definitely should have a lead and i smashed my face um and yep where did your lead fall down you should have a lead i did only get a get one lit and i smacked my face again stupid rock no that is not helping

That is the opposite of helping actually because now i have to find a way to get you out as well so now we have a way out we have one lead one lead is enough oh there is the second one so now we have one

Do you know how to get out of there you kind of don’t don’t you okay that works that works now the big question is how do i build a way out for you because you are stupid this was this was not planned i mean i could tower up and hope they

Can follow oh you can follow me that’s good i don’t think you can follow me now though but this you might be able to follow [Applause] and let’s go this okay yeah exactly that is how you follow i have a llama you guys i can’t sprint there back home okay

Oh wait i can’t be angry now i have a lava oh i forgot about the angry face i don’t mind much so and we sprint because um it sounds like you are with me because nighttime is falling and nighttime is not fun it is the opposite of fun and you are coming good

Good good good um now you go in and this was your place when you came here last time and the first time i stole you so you are going back into the hall what no this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad is it bad that is very rude

Especially since i now have to take it down with an axe if i don’t want to injured my my voice ye but you don’t have hats so i can just sleep i cannot sleep because you are poopty and then you can burn in the sun Because you are stupid and did not do not put clothes on ye and i’m realizing this horse is kind of kind of worthless you are cute you are very cute but not being able to jump a two block tall thing is a problem it definitely is a problem that was

Are you kidding me okay that was too early i was too early i mean that is the best jump you can get and you okay listen you are cute but i have never never seen a horse perform worse that was a perfect jump and you still couldn’t get out

Because you are slow too and you don’t have many hearts what are you a pony a shuffling pony or something i don’t know because all you do is eat that was weird like normally horses are um like they they have something that they are good at i’ve never seen a horse be

That bad at everything we definitely need a new horse yeah yeah we do i’m sort of flabbergasters i’m okay i mean what on earth And we need to go to get the llama there is a llama that is left so so so let’s uh let’s go there and try and forget about the horse this is the first time i’ve seen a horse not being able to jump two blocks from a fully charged thing i mean the

Last one i charged perfectly and he he still couldn’t jump two blocks now this this is the wrong hole right where is this yeah this is the wrong hole move yeah where where is llama is it over here i forgot is it it is hit hello my dude yeah

You can’t be a worse disappointment than that horse because that was that was an experience and now we need to find a way up because you have fallen even further down and this is the hole we talked about eventually filling over so maybe we should just start on that because now i

Am a bit tired of this hole this out is breathless yeah move it lama we are going up yeah we are don’t don’t be contrary so we’re just gonna light it up so that there won’t be any mobs spawning because that would be an annoyance so come

No no you jump up up up and then you jump up here no if i go like here do you understand yeah you understand that’s good now we have two llamas yeah we do and that is a good thing we have two llamas and a worthless horse not a worthless horse horses aren’t

Worthless but he’s cute but but but but but it’s it’s not gonna be very good to ride into battle let’s just put it like that yeah no never every horse is cute but he’s not much more than cute oh t is called t is called t is very cold yeah

She’s very very cold yes sir now you come and now you’re jumping good day and then i try and catch the lead from the outside which i wasn’t able to do where is that lead there was the lead me me and there we go i can actually probably find a find a donkey

That is more quick and able to jump which is weird because donkeys are usually kind of kind of slow they aren’t worthless because they are really good at um quickity crack donkeys are really good at their carrying stuff so that is why i usually go for mules

Because mules are as cute as donkeys because they have long ears but mules also have more have a story space they are quicker than than donkeys they’re stronger than horses but they can still carry stuff like toki skin so what are we doing we are doing that

We are building the chimney because we are still not done with the chimney he’s taking quite a while to build this house but it’s a pretty house which means it is all worth it and this time we actually are gonna fill in this hole because that was annoying and i do not

Wish to ever have to have to take something out of this cave this is the the best feeling right it’s probably not but i’m going to fill it in either way this i don’t like this is just a random piece of dirt um yeah yeah this was what we were doing

So we are gonna need more of those guys we are also gonna need more of those guys let’s just make a couple of more because four is probably not going to be good enough and let’s place them in order so um okay so we need that because otherwise

That is gonna be visible through let’s do it on like these guys oh that’s good that’s good that’s awesome that is awesome we also have these guys so we could actually do something now that’s not that’s not playing nicely but it’s not playing nicely at all uh we could do something like that

Instead which definitely works well that also means that we need that no i don’t like these guys anymore nope yep what kind of form is it that i want there because i want something tapering in i could probably go for that vinyls means i have to do something like that

Which might actually save every time i use this pickaxe i’m so nervous that he will break um that could work that could definitely work i kind of like how this turned out i didn’t expect that but i kind of like this actually i kind of do we can play stuff there yeah

This is good this is good now we need to slip slip slip because it’s dark Okay there we go and you can burn in the sun that’s fine with me don’t come here though no no you made me burn that is rude you’re gonna you’re not gonna die i am crafting very rude extremely rude honestly i thought i was going to survive that so um

Where’s my shield well that’s supposed to go in number two that is number one that is number five number four and number three is there number five no five six i mean this is the last one yeah my shield’s gone i will well there was some

I don’t i don’t feel like dealing with that not at the moment but here we have a campfire so sisa and in the bottom here i’m thinking that no not grandma i think cobblestone would probably be the best thing and there we go now we have a campfire and if we want to

We can switch that block out because i think we actually do want that i want that double uh double thing that can come from having this there so now we can start moving in i’ll just start because if i place the furnace behind it’s kind of visible

But at the same time can if not so that works that definitely works so now we have now we have a place we can cook food and we can smelt other things too function we also have a random corner here that’s not going to be easy to deal with but

Maybe we actually don’t deal with it that is also something we can do and let’s also start working on the roof because this roof is a bit booty i was not making it easier for me maybe that was not what i wanted to do that’s not what i wanted to do

Uh i’m not so sure we can’t do anything good with that space though to be honest so then the question is do we want to make something good with that i mean i don’t like this thing happening there the question is what to do about it hello hello hello hello love you too

Yes um we are trying to build a kitchen with an emphasis on trying because i do not know what to do with this roof because i don’t like this harsh turn here so we need to do something but when if we do something then this thing will look worse there it

No we can’t change our minds anymore and that probably works but i need more more oak tree more actually is needed so we need to go chop it up it’s kind of weird how many resources you need for building because i actually thought about it when like

Not a couple of months ago but a couple of weeks ago ago when i was getting ready to start building the base one of my plans was actually to sort of collect resources upstream just because it takes so many resources like to just go on and grind an evening

And just get a lot of wood a lot of stone a lot of everything just to make sure that everything is ready but at the same time that does take time and time is not something that i have all of all of the all everything oh yeah the english has disappeared yay but

But like resource gathering takes time as well is what i’m trying to say oh no to remove that that is there i don’t know where to put it so let’s just put it over here for the time being not that i really needed it but i need it for this so um

No no that’s not what i wanted so and this that is a half block of another material so is that is the sky above no it’s not oh thank lord for that thank you that makes everything very much easier hello hello i think welcome to stream and thank you for

Coming and wow you’re about to reach 100 subscribers and just checking on yeah i’m doing some cleaning here yeah you can lurk i i sort of enjoy having someone to listen to about clean and do other stuff but i mean i know i’ve said this before but

I i really didn’t expect hitting a hundred subs this quickly i mean compared to others some others it’s not quickly but but this is something that i never expected would happen not this quick more or less not ever so I mean i’m i’m so very grateful for a few guys wanting to come here wanted to listen to me ramble and wanting to join me on this journey but i i i i i never expected us to be this many for this from just so little time that’s what i’m trying to say

And i know i’ve been really emotional about it in another stream uh and not so much today because i’ve i’ve more grown used to it than i was last time because then it kind of came to me as a shock because last time i we talked about it it was just after my

Break like i had a break a week ago so i was kind of like really overwhelmed because i thought that i was gonna lose a lot of us over the break and i didn’t and i actually gained some new ones not many but one or two um so

I’m so incredibly thankful for all of you guys i i never expected it and i’m very very thankful for it i’m very exciting for you you deserve it thank you clippy thank you thank you thank you it means a lot i mean it’s also like i’m happy where streams are at the

Moment i don’t need i don’t feel a need to grow big and break through or anything like that i’m i’m having fun the only thing maybe being that it would be kind of cool to just go to go post to my students saying like hey i got this many

Subs because apparently someone else in school has 200 subs or something like that so they are sort of like well if you tell us then you’re gonna have like 500 subs immediately and i’m sort of like yeah i know i know i know but but that’s not why i’m streaming i’m not

Streaming to have a lot of subs so so so my students kind of know that i am streaming i’m not sure actually they know that i’m streaming they know that i have a youtube channel and i’ve refused to tell them what i’m called on youtube there we go

I don’t want to make that any bigger that’s just going to have to work unlike me it takes me nine months to reach 50 subs alone but yours is getting faster because you’re a beginner i don’t know yeah that could be like i’m very new to uh youtube youtubing

So that could definitely be it and youtube also likes being regular so that could um that could have something to do with it too like i’m usually very regular i stream at 8 p.m on wednesday 9 a.m sundays and youtube kind of likes that and i think also youtube realized that i

Was gaining people very quickly when i started out so they tried to show me off to other people because they thought that hey people are liking this let’s show it off so i think that’s what happened to you yeah uh imagine your students getting here then asking about homework etc

To be honest i would probably answer them sort of go like well hey you just do this this this and this if you don’t understand we’ll take it on monday because like i i like helping my students i like i like being helpful and i like them asking for help

Because that kind of shows me that they care which is awesome all right gotta go prepare dinner bye bye bye bye seuss i should probably prepare dinner in a while too but not yet not just yet we need doors i am out of space i do need that

And i want this kind of door yeah this is the conductor i want so i’m gonna have to switch that block out to something else so time for floor because we can’t have a dirt floor that is something we cannot have even if this is a farmhouse you do not have dirt floor

That would be extremely cold in the winter no here is a suitable but i like i like being a teacher i like my students i like i like helping people learn that’s more or less it nothing more nothing less i just i like learning and i like helping people learn

So if i can help someone learn then i’m happy there we go now we need more more logs because we didn’t have enough but this is really turning good turning not good not too sure what we should do for the kitchen corner i like we should have some cabinets probably and a cauldron

We can do a cauldron i don’t like having chests inside of this i’m more thinking of um i don’t know here here i’m gonna do the same here just to have it done on the outside at least it’s not done on the inside um i do have this but i don’t like using

Those no i forgot what i was talking about it probably wasn’t important probably i don’t know and these these i don’t need and anymore is always needed especially when when we’re gonna build the terraces i’m not so sure we’re gonna be able to do that today

I hope we were gonna able to build this house and at least one terrace but i don’t think we’re gonna have the time for that um yeah looks looks looks looks now i want them there thank you thank you and if we go inside of here so

Okay so this is where we come in that should probably have been the bedroom but but now it’s the kitchen uh the best way for a teacher to be yeah i think most teachers are if they aren’t then they are either at the wrong place or they’ve been burned out because most new

Teachers would really just love to help the students with anything more or less like what’s normal teachers are really prone to burnout and that is because of um because they really like helping the students and that is generally a good thing students also kind of take advantage of

That sometimes so as a teacher you also have to be very careful and be very aware if you’re being close to burnout because it can happen and it happens easier than you would like to realize sadly i have a few teacher friends in real life so yeah it’s a very demanding job

It really is i mean the students the kids really take they they can take a lot of energy from you they really can uh so you really need to be mindful of that no that was not what i wanted i wanted you to face upwards i wanted you to face upwards

Yes i think i do want to face the boards maybe i don’t yeah i do i do um i want this to turn the other way hello nasri hello hello hello i’m from indonesia well that’s that’s a pretty country at least i’ve heard i haven’t been to indonesia so

I wouldn’t be able to say say but from what i’ve heard it’s really really pretty remove that and let’s do that that’s good then you can sort of cook and then you have a preparation space here you do need a crafting bench as well crafting bench can maybe go there

And we are probably gonna need more storage um no that’s not how you make storage this is how you make the barrels the barrels all the burps again or actually maybe new now the other question is what do i want to put there because there i won’t be able to touch anything

Let’s just go like that and then i can go that way um no no i liked it better before i don’t want this to be an upwards facing one because we can do an upwards facing one like that yeah yeah yeah i like that one uh we need two more at the very

Least and one two one two so because i would like one there and one there hey this is cute this works and we can have a carpet there and then we have some storage and we have the fireplace we really need a coffin crafting table too yeah cutie’s humming

Hello zombie i’m just smashing my table because i want it back thank you for understanding and where there there went and we can place that there no no no no we can’t no i didn’t like that hmm this is my house this is very rude you know

I do realize i have my door open but that doesn’t mean you can just walk wander in like that that it this is rude let’s just sleep first ninja genius zombie slayer well that didn’t work out uh yeah now they’re trying to break out you don’t break my door

No you’re still in my equipment so this isn’t good yeah take it off this is my stuff take it off so thank you um i’m going to get all of my other stuff back the worst thing about hard mode is that even if i close the door they can break through the door

So that’s why i just were a bit not very careful and close the doors and stuff because they would have just smashed it down anyway but we were breaking this barrel because we thought that it might not be very fitting and that this might be better i like it

But at the same time i don’t i really should get some better better better tools because this is taking some time we can put that down there and then we have that that that now it’s not as much scented but the crafting bench is yeah yeah this is better this is much better

They wanted to sell you cookies well they can sell me cookies another time you don’t just wander into someone’s house to sell them cookies you ask you knock and you might peek in and you you ask them very carefully like hey i have some scouse cookies do you

Want some do you want to buy some and then the person obviously says yes because cookies are awesome but but that’s not what they did today no they just they just came in and they started hitting me even when i politely said that no you can’t call me into my house

They just wandered in then then they were root to see that’s it we need to carpet there and no we don’t want that this instead so and if i have this another color it kind of looks like a doormat so that’s kind of where like if i have a oak floor i

Have a spruce pressure plate on the opposite as it sounds now so now the big question is what to do about the bedroom because this is obviously the bedroom we can make sort of a half wall that’s gonna be really crowded there but that could be sort of

The entrance as well so we can make a three by it’s three by two gonna be enough maybe oh yeah the crafting brush is in here now um i said make a few you can you can never have enough spruce trap tools so the question is i should probably do it this way

And here we have a half wall so when you come in you sort of see this that does not seem like a tall enough one that’s not what i wanted my only issue with this is that there is gonna be a weird gap there no that was not what i wanted

But it’s probably going to be good enough could you spruce doors as well buddy nope nope nope nope so now we have sort of a half wall so this is an amazing trick to have if you have a small house and you really want another wall because it’s

Yeah if you stand like here you can see that this block is a bit tiny but it doesn’t it’s not very viewable from here so that is a neat trick if i would really want to have some privacy i could even just make another thing here maybe i want that actually

Okay we need a lot more trapdoors much more than these i just have two now which is facing that direction no no no that was wrong i think this torch is in the way to be honest um um yeah i think i do want some sort of doorway

And that’s gonna be the easiest way to deal with it because privacy is kind of good to have so we need more wood again let’s just take all of the wood hi hi viebu hi hi welcome to stream we are we have built this house and now we are sort of trying to

Make it look like someone lives inside because houses are made food to be lived in they aren’t made to just look pretty so um so if we come in this is what we see Yeah i do not like that so this needs to be removed so i think that’s enough for a bedroom like just some sort of hey this is this is my space it doesn’t need to be a big thing i think that will be good okay let’s move in the bed

The to be fair i would like it to have another color but we can fix that later when i’ve decided what color rug i want because i haven’t decided that yet oh yeah i believe my bedroom is here we can’t place the bed there you can place it there but that’s kind

Of weird as well so let’s just do that i’m not too crazy about that either i you want it to be there i think so and then we can have some storage there suddenly that is on the inside so let’s move this as well and just move it to the outside instead

Because even if it is so tiny it’s still a bit obstructing so if because it was sitting on this block technically which meant that i wasn’t able to use it now it’s on this block instead and we can make an end table there something like that no no no not like that

But like this no it was better before and so and like that yeah let’s push just a torch there for the time being i will go grab a lantern later on and here we can’t do anything with that space and it’s fine we don’t need to do anything with that space

A bit of a rug beneath it would be good too a bookshelf you need a bookshelf i don’t have any books there are cows however so books that was what i was missing i knew there was something because because even that’s a cool tree i haven’t seen that kind of tree before huh

Minecraft has up there tree game that was a good tree so let’s go see if we can find any cows and horses drop leather too but we don’t speak about that um hello horses have you seen any cows nearby i know there are cows nearby because i’ve been eyeing them donkey

I don’t have anything with me so you can you’re going to be good enough for now but have you seen it in curves nearby maybe there are cows i see a cow hello good sir oh ma’am do you have any leather for me you do not have another that’s poofty were you alone

Oh dear me oh no you weren’t luggage like one letter that is one book we need three books for a bookshelf so um we need more caps and we need ink come here thank you they also need food because i am starving apparently oh that’s another one of those kind

Those nice looking trees maybe i have seen them before just didn’t think about it oh let’s just grab some more ink while we’re at it okay now come come here i just want i just i just need your bodily fluids okay then if you’re not going to give me your bottle of flutes

Then i’m just going to take your friends instead so there we go so more cows interesting design i think if you mean the tree yeah kind of is i mean it’s more realistic in that there are branches branching out oaks are kind of massive they don’t oaks don’t just grow straight up and

Being kind and pretty and pitied oaks spread out they are massive they don’t just go in a straight line i mean even this for an oak you would expect it to be that size oaks are Really really pretty i like oaks but but yeah they are hard to make justice had a bit of a training aching since i took the vaccine third shot this saturday i’ve sort of also had a bit very sore arm so i haven’t been able to train much to

Get rid of the training egg see um i’m stiff i’m very stiff and also moose has been more of a breath than usual so that also helps with making sure that i’m stiff and sore and tender everywhere there we go that wasn’t so hard was it We also have a lot of beef and stuff so that’s good so now we can make the bookcase because books are important especially when you read that’s why i try to what i try to say to my students at least hmm i like that house i really do

I was pretty this village is gonna be very pretty one and we also have a fireplace to keep to cook the beef and we also have a trash can that is what that is oh yeah we want the water that’s right we can make a well outside somewhere

Because we’re probably gonna need a well sugarcane is also needed we need paper to make books only leather is not fine we need we need the paper for the pages too so um my zombies everywhere kind of wearing kind of not nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

I hear someone else is currently playing games not streaming though but playing games at least um and we need paper paper paper i know i remember that is not gonna be enough there so let’s go grab some sugar okay there we go we need nine pieces so we can replant

Some and that is growing very slowly yay glow berries i think you can eat them but they’re kind of expensive as well so let’s not but the question is also if because i didn’t make it grow then i just plopped berries on top of it is it just that slow growing

Because now it’s three but when i did all of the berry stuff it was just two what was it three i don’t remember ah sugarcane into paper because that is apparently how sugarcane works sugarcane meats makes sugar not pip on bookcase bookshelf sorry bookshelf and also um five pieces left

Five plus nine is fourteen we need it to be divisible by eight fourteen 24 24 s divisible by 8 that was 23. it’s not divisible by 60 this however because i do not like wasting so um me sure say so you can come it’s always good to have a cat around

When you’re building because creepers creepers are the enemy and just sort of slowly wander it past here there we go yum yum yum and zelda sort of looks like him she’s a very quiet cat except when she’s extremely hungry and except when she’s sleeping i have a weird cat here we go so

Now the question is if i put that on top that’s not gonna work is it if i place that there will unlike it there i’m not so sure i would [Laughter] at the face random cat face okay you can come in if you want yeah you sit there that works um

We can’t use that space because that space is too it’s it’s not a space and same with that so all of these are useless so we can only decorate with these three and we do want somewhere to place the clothes and that is taking so i can’t even place

That there otherwise that would have been an option could place things up there but thoughts could have some storage there that could work but the other question is what do i have there or do i have the bookshelf there i said i have a two bookshelf and then storage on top Because that could work that could most certainly work and that way we can also go like that on top of there at least yeah let’s get let’s go with that that means i also need more bookshelves but we can sort of cheat a bit we use bookshelf there

How do you make a loom by the way a loom could work really well because let’s remember this is kind of a poor farmer i’m gonna have to check that loom minecraft plume recipe a string and two logs that’s that’s very doable don’t have a string on me right now but

It’s dark so we can definitely get some you see hello spiders spoody that is a skeleton come on we have to have some spiders somewhere that is nasty there is also a spider let’s let’s just let’s let’s let’s not be stupid let’s sleep sleep no it’s a cute

Did they get present i did not get present okay then uh spooky scary skeletons ye i do find this dude with the enchanted bits a bit more scary there where did the spooder go the scooter was right here at the speeder i will take out my frustrations on you then there we go

Spider spider spider spider i would like a spider so i might slay you and take your string it’s not really so much to ask because i don’t think so we can climb up here and check there is the cat i don’t know sure not so sure why it’s there i know where else

Where on earth did all the spiders go i see cows everywhere i don’t see a spider anyway i’m sort of tempted to try and jump into that piece of puddle but that’s probably not gonna work hemp hello red hello hello and delightful you can turn up when you want to

And sleep is something it is difficult sleep cancer can definitely be difficult but if you always slept you always slept that’s that’s life sometimes you know don’t crack on yourself too much for just sleeping uh sleeping is what your body really needs so don’t be upset i’m not with you

I mean i’m not upset with you string string zoom now we now we have loom and now my screen went black because second screen is a bit poopy it doesn’t realize that hey i am still using you just because i haven’t clicked buttons meanwhile doesn’t mean that i am not using said screen

So i haven’t used a lumen ages so i have actually no idea if i’m supposed to place this in some different manner i’m probably supposed to do that so another question is if we maybe should try placing this from outside maybe that will work better because this place is this thing is probably

Gonna face me when i place it down which is not what we want we want the other side we want the back side to be front okay that is what we want so let’s jump in here i am stupid and i do not have a pickaxe um

I do not have a axe either so let’s just grab both it’s supposed to go there and this is supposed to go there so and now let’s remove this block here and place this down yes i think it worked okay me yeah that works maybe we should place a new bookshelf there

That’s probably good me or a lectern we want electron there i don’t know it’s it feels empty there we’ll fix it not at the moment but we’ll fix it we also have some new white pool i’m thinking i want dark green for carpets but dark green requires cacti

And i’m kind of sure that i don’t have any cacti which tend to be a problem if you want to do green stuff you need green to do green oddly enough because i think if i mix yellow and blue i get the light green and light green is not what i want

Let’s grab a few anyway just for experiment’s sake and here is a corn flour this is called blue or clint in swedish and it is incredibly pretty very very pretty flower meow woof of meow there we have a few um so there we have blue dye yellow dye and

If i now mix the two what what wait wait what what we can’t mix colors anymore are you serious the what but if i ever do that and that i have white eye and if i mix white i would like you can’t mix yellow and blue to make green the what why

That makes no sense that makes no sense at all we use am i am i am i crazy wasn’t that something we could do could do like mix blue and yellow when you get green like the lime green okay i guess uh i guess that yeah i guess not

Uh do we have any cocktail we do not have any character which means we cannot do anything green and i think that gray is a bit boring i do want the light gray bed though so let’s just grab that yeah that is poopy you are very correct kitty

Do not i’m not so sure about kitty but whichever kid it is you are correct but i also think that blue is probably what we’re gonna go with which means more current flowing sadly i don’t like using cornflowers because because they are very they’re pretty and i like them

Maybe an update broke the feature yeah probably i’m kind of poopedy yeah i do not trust you guys with holes in the ground so yeah just cats are notorious for falling down into lava now green is a ye maybe kelp i don’t think so and i don’t have any kelp right here either

So as far as i know you can dry kelp and it makes dried kelp and that is a food source i don’t think you can actually use it to dye things i found this about lime lime a secondary color is carving by placing cactus green tie and a bone meal anywhere in the

Crafting yeah that’s that’s kind of what i figured and that makes more sense because what it used to be was that to get green you had to have cacti and to get lime green you mixed yellow and blue which i mean yellow and blue they are kind of

Well they are strong colors but they are kind of normal colors and then when you get lime lime is a very bright color which kind of made no sense the two normal colors would sort of make a very in your face color is it one to one poop face um yeah

But light gray let’s just yeah you can sleep in the white bed first uh and yeah for us by the way i okay i know that’s why i didn’t answer it but i kind of know that you can dye beds and stuff with that was what we were doing um but now

We want color now we have a bit of color not much but a bit and four well thank you for the raw chicken wait what wait what what i no no no no what 92 subs are you are you serious what are you serious oh my lord okay i’m getting teary-eyed

Is that 93 what oh oh okay tears tears yeah actual tears i thought okay what oh my oh yeah thank you thank thank you guys yeah um now you have broken me again for like the second time this week 90 ice i mean that oh oh my um yeah

Very awesome i’m just i’m just like i never expected that i never expected that money and i i i was at 73 when i started streaming that’s like 20 subs today um i mean i said this before but my goal for january as far as growth comes

Because i started with 40. on the 1st of january i had 40 subscribers my goal was 60 uh and now it’s the 30th of december and i almost have 100. like what like i’m i’m super happy i’m just so confused where all of you guys come from i mean i mean um

Yes smash that girl you could say that i mean i knew i probably would gonna i was gonna surpass that i knew that was probably gonna happen but when i when i hit that goal two weeks into january i sort of went like okay okay this this is going past ex pass

What i thought but i was just like okay well i’m happy i’m really happy about it and growth isn’t an important thing for me the more important goals is the ones i actually haven’t made but yeah let’s go 100 subs yeah that’s that’s yeah um oh yeah uh yeah uh yeah

I’m not sure what to say about that other than yeah that that’s that’s getting close that we should probably start working on other stuff too oh my hello mariella and hello kinero and hello frost hello jesse joshia joshua uh hello everyone i’m super grateful to

Have you all guys i’m just a bit a bit a bit fondled uh try to hit 200 subs by the end of february to be fair might be possible to be fair but i wouldn’t put my hopes up on that so i think more like

Like a goal for me isn’t to just grow more and more and more and more my goal is more or less to not lose subscribers um but 200 okay okay okay um the 200 might be possible but you have to uh oh and i’m a youtuber too we can

Collab sometimes if you want yeah sure and we generally like to collab with people i’ve known so let’s just talk a bit and let’s see how things work out from there that really works for me like i’m like if things like to collab well you need to have some sort of chemistry

Or to have like a game you really like to play together that could also work but it’s definitely easier if you know each other so that’s sort of why i collab with ophelia like we have a really good chemistry on screen and off screen too but that’s because we are very long time

Friends so that is more or less my take on collabing like sure sure would love to but hit me up and we can chat for a bit and see how we like each other first and you’re a youtube youtuber youtuber too first it’s just figuring out how to

Upload and animate some kind of toy at the moment yeah it’s definitely definitely easier to to stream so that’s why i’m also kind of happy that streaming is working out because otherwise i would have to let’s check okay you can go there if you want to because otherwise i would probably do

Uh videos and i have no idea how to make videos so yeah yeah uh yeah now you can follow yeah we can shout on twitter that works that was really well are you make videos on you on the phone that sounds even more difficult so yeah i can see that

I’m at least on computer but well there are youtube shorts though they are kind of popular uh you do have to run clippy d have an awesome dream thank you to be fair i’m sort of probably heading out because i’m really hungry but yeah okay oh yeah

I’m not so sure what i’m doing i’m just running around uh blue dye we can fetch blue dye because i wanted more more things more carpet carpet is what it’s called so there we go um i think you have becoming a tick tocker yeah tick tock works to be with a word of

Warning though i’m not doing reset i have not done this research research myself so i’m not sure about it but from what i’ve heard tick tock pays less than youtube shorts so my advice would probably be to maybe do tick-tock but upload it on youtube as well as the youtube shorts

Because youtube shorts are doing very well at the moment and i think they will probably continue doing very well as well there we go okay i will send you a chat on twitter soon thank you thank you thank you i have one piece of carpet left let’s just put it in that’s fine

Yeah youtube shorts yeah that that’s what i’ve heard at least that youtube pays more than tick doctors and tick tock is a bit iffy when it comes to rights of the creators as well as far as i know um Youtube isn’t perfect but from what i’ve seen youtube is among the better ones um i mean i’m streaming on youtube i’m not streaming on twitch even though definitely most youtubers aren’t twitch that is because well mainly because i don’t like twitter as much at twitch as much and i also like having

My streams be up for a long time and on twitch they get raised after a bit and i would like to have my streams up um so that is the main reason the second reason is i don’t like the community on twitch i found twitch a bit confusing as a platform

In the past so that is also why i prefer youtube okay because i prefer watching and being entertained on youtube so that’s why i’m here as well and it’s also a monetization thing like youtube youtube kind of does pay good kind of this i don’t get a paid though i’m too small

And i don’t have any goals of being monetized either but if i do it’s a plus they play they pay more but my main my main thing about being on youtube is that i like the platform more but it’s the best thing the poor horse is not poor seriously i i

This is the second time i placed two llamas inside with the horse not inside with the horse the first time the horse wasn’t here but i i i put two llamas here and now they are gone have you eaten the llamas or have you eaten the llamas you you

Always you are you are the only thing that’s in common right now with this have you eaten the llamas have you I saw that hesitation you ate the llamas didn’t you yeah you can’t trust no one is trapped in a 2×3 turtle but he’s a peptidy horse he can’t jump yeah they despawned i want i’m wondering because i didn’t actually tame them because the wandering treatments llamas usually already are tamed

But maybe that has to do something use the name tag on the hospital i only have one name tag and it’s hey and if i should use the name type i should probably use it on kakashi because he’s my first first pet The horse is actually the fifth fifth pet i’m a bit confused where the other dog is though because i have two kitties and two dogs and the dogs oh the horse won’t despawn because he’s he has a saddle he’s tamed he won’t the llamas apparently does despawn but that’s also probably because they

Are the wandering tradesman’s llamas and not my llamas so that’s probably the main reason to be fair but but the sun is setting it’s almost night but yeah but i should probably um go eat i’m a bit hungry my stream has been going on for four hours almost so yeah Thank you for the string string is needed uh see yeah my first survival in minecraft i had a llama instead of hole two he was tamed yeah pets instead of holes are kind of awesome see that to be fair i do have a lead so i could bind him but

Binding horses is not very well or donkey yeah i’m gonna have a donkey too donkeys are over there so we’re gonna fetch one and we’re gonna fetch a lot of horses too because other courses we will build a stable uh we can sort of do

Like a recap of what we’ve done and what the plans are um so over there behind that we’re gonna do like a pasture for the cows and for the sheep you don’t need to hate yourself red that’s fine the water is still up you can re-watch it if you’d like to

And if you’re late you like you if you sleep you sleep that’s fine that’s fine i don’t hold it against you do the same with ungo and go came late calipi also came late um came late that’s fine um everything i care about is that you have fun so

We have built a house and i will decorate it a bit with leaves so it’s we have like a creeper vine sort of wrapping around the house it feels a bit more lived in uh so that’s something we’ll do or i’ll do later maybe not too sure might do that off stream

Uh we have player plan to do some terraces with um like carrots and wheat and stuff on here because this is gonna be the farm bit then we will have a road etching down over here and up there there we will have a bridge over there

And on top of there we’ll probably have a guard house and maybe a smoothie something like that more working houses outside there we will have our village later on and on top of here we will have more towers more pretty houses but we will definitely build a village that’s what we’ll do

Well let’s just head down unable to catch that but i didn’t that’s fine this is the whole i’ve randomly fell almost fallen down into a couple of times already we should make a mine soon too yeah but this i kind of like this i’m gonna play some bushes here i think

And some plants to make it a bit more lively and decorated a bit with items and such but otherwise i’m really really pleased about this but the first trade on it was but i lost so many resources and my armor broke and it got corrupt corrupted

In other words i couldn’t break a thing that that really just sounded like it sucked i even lost the radio raids are rates are horrible raids are not the most fun thing to deal with they really aren’t but in this world we are on hard difficulty and we’re

Gonna beat the dragon even though i have never beaten the dragon but we are gonna do it yeah but for now guys i kinda have to go so thank you everyone for coming thank you very very much and i hope you have a an awesome day and take care

And also have an awesome week but yeah bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft #6】Building a base!【VTUBER】’, was uploaded by Dame Jeena on 2022-01-30 12:51:40. It has garnered 291 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:20 or 14120 seconds.

My name is Jeena, and I’m a royal knight in Angloheim who loves horses and good stories.

Today I’m streaming Minecraft. Last time we planned the mountain village base, and I’ve been itching to start ever since. So now it’s time to build and chill!

___________________________________________________ Rules: Don’t talk about other vtubers or steamers unless I’m the one bringing them up No backseat gaming No spoilers! Please don’t ask about or share any private information Be kind and have fun 🙂 ___________________________________________________

Model and Design 2D Artist and Animator → ロブ ROB https://twitter.com/rubrta Logo and Design → Ungu Bungu https://twitter.com/ungu_bungu

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  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

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  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

Dame Jeena – 【Minecraft #6】Building a base!【VTUBER】