Dangerous Minecraft Horror Mod: Loud Mic

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as since when did this happen in Nan seconds bro the fast sweet mod is act is actually like insane I added so many FPS mods please tell me it’s going to work all right let’s do this [Music] I’m going to try my best not to scream too loud oh uh you will scream y uh who I wait uh what’s the name of the guy flying like literally like it was on my back and was flying the knocker that’s a knocker yep was like a weird face yep that’s the knocker think my game crashed and not enough crashes is working is not working yeah it’s a it’s a savior mod not enough crashes amazing mod it’s not working though what do you mean it’s oh yeah if I crash even if not enough crashes crashes because of the mod crashing not enough crashes is going to crash which means that your game is going to crash I don’t understand what you said said I said the word crash like 15 million times in a row did you know Google Chrome just got an update cool I don’t even use Google Chrome good point okay let’s see if this works wait is that man from the F guy with the big mouth sure yep yeah is it that guy y really okay Daniel you’re not in the world invite me yeah my game crashed remember oh but I don’t remember oh my God is it just too much mod that like Minecraft it’s like taking so long to load Daniel your PC sucks no it’s not it’s better than average if I can say something better than average but like did you mess with your bios no yes right [Music] so you’re say telling me that not enough crashes is the one who’s crashing the game no I’m not saying that I never said that what did you say then not enough crashes got it like one of the crashes even crashed the other mods and that other mod happened to be not enough crashes so that mod just didn’t do anything it’s just there to help you in a place where it can okay you make a new world like it’s mine mine crashed again cool I also added like 15 million new FPS mods okay start and now I wait I I very long time for something ow okay I’m just going to create a new world actually stop actually [Music] stop stop it sorry what happened nothing okay so I can continue no please stop yes why I I was just copying [Music] you I hate you why what I do what I do I’m making a new world by the way okay cool oops don’t don’t tell me it’s going to crash again no way how do I even play Minecraft when it always crashes because it’s a you problem what does it say in the task bar uh it says uh 74% CPU using in Java it’s not 100 there we go did you add any mods from like yesterday no what would I why I don’t know yesterday the same thing is happening the same thing it ain’t happening for me because of the goat mod Goatman is not even [Music] existing man got deleted what if you were offline when it got deleted it’s I don’t know still I there are other ways of getting it [Music] still a hell no what the the knocker just appeared yo things don’t fly anymore so your reaction is oh hell no no that thing just like is here and he scary ah is that a piranha please tell me that’s not a piranha thank God that’s not a piranha is it a piranha nope y’ the knocker is drowning let’s go man can’t even hey it is a piranha I just died to a [Music] fish oh wow Minecraft 1.9 2.2 not responding not responding cool that’s my honest reaction died to a fish you died to a fish yep couldn’t be me bro why was that why was that so delayed you can invite me now is it a new world I mean you said we’re going to make a new world so I guess yeah yeah okay just invite me I’m starting the game one second it’s been more than one second sorry I light I’m not really sorry though also the combat is from Minecraft dungeons what the combat is from Minecraft dungeons oh yeah oh yeah probably I think it is yeah it says better combat easy spectacular and Fon melee combat from Minecraft dungeons oh I never really read that so it was okay so basically the cool combat is from Minecraft dungeons yeah oh hello can you invite me oh your mic disappeared one you just use your phone bro fine let me give me like two seconds yo I invited you did I not accept yep it’s loud and not clear but you can hear me like you can understand what I’m saying right yep okay good mismatch mod cell what did you put FPS what is this mod name you have 1.19 one three the dark D the create mod dweller [Music] Kong how many things did you remove bro I removed an added things H nice I can tell I I can hear speaking Arabic bro Daniel it’s going to turn night dude I have to remove the mods you removed fast paintings remove paranoia you know I uploaded all the every mod to uh mod folder so you may want to create yeah Waller I like it though man just a m just a m i want to hear that though say go I can open Minecraft again [Music] look at that my Minecraft is mod EAS oh my God EAS for Diana [Music] yeah Daniel I’m back yeah I made it I made I made this uh a world for us now no I made a world no I made a world I I just joined me I just join me I’m stuck in the screen just you join me I’m stuck in the loading screen and stuck in the creating World screen so it’s best for you to join me since plus plus it’s going to be coming night time in yours no it’s not I left the world yeah you can join me now y we go I just had to remove some mods and the mods are the one uh Google Drive like [Music] bro oh what is that where is there Tower I invited you by the way o I’m joing safety instructions we don’t need that connecting to server and en crypting oh come on mismatch mod mod Mis match mod channel list connection clo this what what what mods I have to remove some mods from me that I have FPS things so and I want I want to keep my FPS yeah and I don’t want to add FPS things why is the FPS think you added our server side and client side some are client side some are server side and some are both oh look at that hey my game crashed from what yeah that’s why you’re Daniel this is why you it’s recommended that you get my mod pack CU I fixed a lot of crashes as well because the crashes has been has been fixed at least I think so n just just remove some your things you’re sure my thing just just a one time thing I I think I think think yeah you think yep I think why would it not be why would it not be what yeah think yeah Shad up why would it not be why would it not be what jeez dud I wish we could have just used the could have used the uh my from the fod mod pack it was so much better because no crashes no Daniel it’s kind of a you problem now no crashes I joined the wrong I joined the wrong world ha let’s go um oh I’m in the game nice good job Daniel look what I Daniel I sent you this thing why I don’t want to download it takes like 30 minutes to download the mod pack no no I am not but that one is only the mods that’s only the mods oh my God like none of the other so it takes less time because it’s only the mods oh my yay for Daniel to it’s still taking the same time dude yeah it’s not it’s gonna take like five minutes then don’t cancel it just keep it man stop I don’t want I don’t want this anymore bro dude it’s been 20 minutes we can’t even play because you keep adding mods and I don’t like it no no no I more mods trust me I won’t I you said that yesterday and the day before no I didn’t that’s cuz uh okay maybe I did but then the game kept crashing so I was kind of forced to remove and add and remove and add so like yeah trly horrifying I’m downloading another mod pack yay do I could just give you the from the fog like it’s so much better the from the fog line is so much better no crashing no other things it doesn’t have all the scary things it only has a few scary things I want truly horrifying not just from the fog horrifying I want truly horrifying Y is it done is it done downloading 86 no I’m downloading the mod pack so in in like in mod R launcher okay so like just tell me when it’s done and then just click play I make the world though fine but you’re going to leave what you’re gonna leave leave where if you got you leave if I get what if you get scared you’re gonna leave I won’t trust me you will I might it’s fine not fine but sure fine [Music] whatever that’s for what is this consider what you’re about to do what happened done nothing nothing yeah I’m about to die I just watch video no it’s done downloading I have to change every single settings change every single GUI things change every single thing okay LIF shift is binded with you know you can copy the settings from the other old mod pack to the other to this one just copy the config folder and the options here okay Daniel who’s making the world go [Music] on make the world and then change your settings oh my God make it’s so annoying when I have to change the settings over no over [Music] again [Music] motor something is still [Music] binded no way something it’s fine it leave it leave it that thing is not going to kill your game so just keep it now start the world cuz you want us make it dude this not my binding is not working fine I make the world no no stop when then make the world go on fine just come the world the world and then world you can fix your settings it’s [Music] [Music] [Music] fine I hate the Minecraft music I hate the Minecraft music I hate the Minecraft music I hate the Minecraft [Music] music the The Nostalgia one is the only one that’s good the Nostalgia Minecraft music is the only one that’s actually good the rest is just bad okay Danel start the world come on yeah it’s done I’m in the game invite me yeah man I forgot the most important part I just I I just got in the world though invite me then there man say the world’s name it’s just called New World wow I’m going to equip my class by the way I’m going to me just got a sniper guy hi oh that’s a cool Tower yo equip your class what torches we need torches I’m going to take whoa wait there’s a village there what is that uh no that’s a witch NOP that’s a witch that’s a that’s a witch that’s a witch I almost got scared when you said what I’m going I’m going to go up the tower I have one FPS right now what the yeah Daniel I have 100 and my game is going to crash oh maybe that’s why I should host the world yeah maybe anyways can you can you use the uh same seed I used still because it looks looks good I I can’t do SL seed cuz your game is going to just crack I’m just going to check the seat then your and I can’t do SL seats so I can’t get it I I I’ll send you the seat then just uh just just call just calm down game calm down game oh okay here’s the seed here is the Seed where I sent you okay I got it single player new world is going to be changed to horror okay I’m making the world [Music] Daniel I invited you ah nice uh e hello I can’t hear you by the way yeah I wasn’t talking now join the world I invited you okay uh what is that is that m maybe that’s a bison oh he’s trying to kill me right now that’s a mammoth then oh a bison no oh it’s a bison it je yay where’s the uh there’s no starting chest no I chose the ranger class change the M uh tick Mage class so we both have a little bit long range should I should we go to that Tower over there that Tower and that’s what that’s where my stuff is ah freak this man that’s how this is why I died I took too much damage you absolute dog never mind I shouldn’t be saying absolute dog yep yeah I’m on one heart yeah I should probably kill myself anyways I’m just going to what’s there’s a well here whoa that is cursed what happened where come here come here come here I’m going to kill myself first I found you I come oh I found this oh what is that bass boosted sound when I died I don’t know oh it’s a village Wait no that’s not a village that’s the one of the old 1.12 Villages uh the what do you hear that The Stomping sound and the growling that’s the Bison by the way did you see the well you see the well it looks cursed did you hear the screaming no by the way you see the well like the one I showed you it looks cursed I did see it yes it looks like there’s something below it yeah yeah there is something there also Daniel just a warning do not trust any sheep villagers Tak so long to mine a mine one single block of the tree I don’t even get it what oh I can see do where beside you beside you I’m out bro is that a bison tall white whoa Daniel it’s very tall white dude how do you know it’s gender anyways it doesn’t have a gender oh oh oh my ears stop it stop it thank God I escaped finally let’s go to that Village Daniel that’s not a village that’s a scary villager dude and he’s very scary still hear the sounds shi shi shift can jack footsteps [Music] maybe why is it spawning the day why is there a village there like Daniel that ain’t no Village what that is not a village that’s a that’s the house of a scary dude okay uh and you do not guy looks like uh can you get wood though I’m going to get first food please get us food oh that’s a GU that’s a that’s a guy crucified from the oh wait is that lobsters guys I think we found a jackpot where are you just get food just get food where where’s the food you said you’re going to get food don’t worry about it I am getting us apples I’m getting us apples from trees I’m going very [Music] decent yo a ruined portal wow this SE is good never mind what the hell where’s the r portal oh I got all the loot beside you I’m beside [Music] you oh wait wait why is the Apple still there it’s floating the apples are floating wait actually no right click it don’t don’t don’t waste yeah I was going did it did that no that’s that’s how I was grabbing food and I’m going to go up there don’t mind me don’t waste food I it’s actually very good valuable food apples I’m going to I’m going to right click everyone and you catch them okay oh my god dude really just go down go back down I’m just going to right click them I’m going to right click them can you give me an axe ow man shut the hell up he’s hungry well I think he ate something never mind he ate something oh ruin portal hey why did he look like that I it see you that’s the most goofy animation I’ve ever see in my life the what the walking animation of that thing so goofy where are you staring him down in the eye yeah I’m out for see you what kind of running animation is that we need TR a sacrifice we need just a sacrifice bro you got you got to what the disappear God oh yes we escaped it he escaped us we’re just better anyways we should check out that ruin portal I already did oh hell no what’s up hey you know that big crazy dude that was that looked like a all no let me go stare at him so he can come so I can show you no I can hear crunch oh wa never mind ah I guess I can see it’s very good it’s very good [Music] [Music] oh it’s almost night time [Music] bro accept it we need to go to a village quick someone the ocean I don’t know where he is Daniel you’re goingon to be chased Daniel Daniel the Steve dweller Daniel Steve dweller Daniel Daniel Daniel Steve dweller Daniel it’s fine I got him he’s he’s aggroed on me hello hello what happened what happened St dweller tried to murder you dweller or the man from the par yes the Steve dweller yeah I can I can I saw that I didn’t have sounds because I accidentally turned off my volume oh my God what the get me out of here zomos zomos oh now it’s a very fast zombo at least they can’t fly yep probably should get some food you still have apples oh yeah feeling watch hell no man from the fog byebye Daniel oh that’s that’s the knocker knocker what does it do he’s very angry at me oh Daniel look at look at that look at his look at his eyeballs they’re so shiny look at him nope I saw that it made my my screen dark it made my screen dark okay can’t blame me hisi broken it’s fine you can join his AI broke what do you mean oh that’s another dweller I can’t see anything he’s gone no he’s [Music] not this door can climb this doorer can climb this door can climb he despawned he despawned the dweller yeah he despawned dude this dweller was climbing bro I was like yo okay he climbed a tree he’s now climbing up to me and he started climbing up to me Daniel he despawned come back I if it uh can lava kill dwellers uh uh yes can lava uh sure I I think so I I think so okay sorry I’m so scared of the thing I just I’m just not used to this it’s just weirdly are you sure are you sure it despawned yes think so uh El said yeah are you sure Daniel can you there no stop it that’s bad very bad I have this we have to go to that Village bro what do you mean that Village is possessed what do you mean there’s like a little village house there and you know who’s in there who you know how the Steve dweller looks with his very scary mouth ah so no the Steve dweller isn’t there but it’s a villager dweller in there yep villager dweller ah I can see what kind of things she put we should visit something like uh we’re definitely not going to a cave yet nobody likes you yeah what are you saying so someone said Can lava kill dwellers can it probably uh no I don’t think so remember last time no I don’t why the last time from the fog uh thing and it didn’t kill dwellers when it went to the lava take the risk couldn’t be me w w there’s nobody at spawn that’s the first nobody’s trying to murder me wow I’m actually we are lose all our wood just just to run away yep that’s my last thing go wood Daniel I’m back that is very scary what the hell is that I heard a squeaky sound yeah that’s Daniel I heard a squeak sound I heard a dweller running yeah yeah he was under you a head oh I can see something actually that’s a that’s a skeleton Daniel I’m going to die because of that could it be me I actually want to check out the villager oh that’s squeaky sound that’s is that never mind it just like a who wait Daniel thank thank you uh you can jump to the Water by the way here I did this on purpose you can do it oh oh that’s a that’s a car whatp of Creeper where s back I want to go up there Daniel that’s my TPA thank you you know I have like no stuff you know what should we make a run for it hold up let’s make a boat yeah sure actually I’m so stupid what what did you do oh wait how what how did I place my sapling there Daniel get in the boat wait I could make things using using just the crafting table without even right click in the crafting table that’s actually sick yeah yep we’re going yeah let’s come out he told us to come out so let’s come out what are you doing that’s a man from a fog where I wait let me go say hi Hi man how’s your day going Daniel that’s an Ender I can see a herb staring at me by the way good for him he’s not going to do anything he’s running at me bro run at me Daniel that’s siren siren head he’s existing siren head exists what siren head is existing turning off The fium Voice everything’s so dark what is this [Music] oh Daniel accept my TPA right now or else Daniel there’s a creeper look at him zombies are so fast where’s my grave Daniel look at fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] head oh I’m running I’m running El yes can you hear me Elias yeah uh all right the side too loud I ran I ran I ran TP to me what I ran away I ran away what I’m alive and healthy what was that I saw the siren head and I saw a bunch of dwellers I ran all right I made a run I I I had to run okay get [Music] wood shut the hell [Music] up running out of food though I have one uh Apple oak sapling so we can plant apples not plant apples plant tree apples apple trees tree jeez the hell is a [Music] Apple that sounds like a uh a dweller wow Daniel really I never knew that no I’m not talking to [Music] you I’m going to get stone tools that’s a dweller where I just ran onto a dweller oh he’s eating what you nope that’s a dweller right above me the dweller is eating some a mob oh that’s fine maybe you’re next maybe but right now he’s eating a mob at Le not you wa TP me TP me I’m about to get hit by a mob and uh thank you oh okay it’s there that way don’t go that way that’s where the dweller is let me go say hi don’t no sh sh sh sh so he doesn’t hear you yeah I found iron cool good for you um not good for me though there’s a dweller Shon heads bro what is man on I’m just having the time of the time of my life I can see more iron there over there I know Daniel yeah yes just there’s going to be there’s a dweller there though in case you don’t know but you probably know over there I’m going to go get that [Music] why do the wood take so long to actually mine cuz I don’t know oh he ate something y can I have a little bit of wood I don’t have wood I have four PL the cherry oak wood like like all right this is going to be our my Treehouse over here going to make more sticks pickaxe you can hear a creepy sound I hear someone laughing yeah I know hi you took damage I know oh another Village there but this time there’s copper blocks wait what there and there’s also a farm wait that might be a normal villager guy might be key word it’s snowing you good thing we don’t have uh uh freeze uh what’s that called again we mod thank God I’m getting Cobblestone all right I’m just going to mine some these things I’m going to make us little Treehouse over here while you do that I’m getting armor right now all right what is that sound what sound the sound like you not hear it [Music] like I can hear a I can’t yo Daniel look at my armor look at my armor you have full iron armor already no Cobblestone armor oh wait we should get that yeah we should make a little hole here this is our base let me go get some wood I’m going to go plant this oak sapling please do yep I that was a SC I hear a dweller nice but I don’t know where [Music] Daniel do you have food just using this uh no I barely have any wait let me make a torch Daniel here thought that was iron armor for a second it’s Cobblestone should probably make what do do you have left over irons I have 14 iron can like uh Dr rers break uh wooden doors now they can’t look they can break the door but not this door should we make iron doors I’m pretty sure uh we can make iron doors Daniel they can break iron doors as as well oh there’s no difference I have by the way if you want you have what wood can I have a oh there we go that Daniel Daniel what is that Daniel what is that suspicious we should block that for now yo why don’t you have armor make armor you idiot yeah I will I’m blocking that spot for now uh yeah do you are you lagging no not that much I’m getting I’m cuz like I’m getting 160 FPS but my game’s still like lagging a lot oh there’s a cave here there’s a hole I’m blocking that here crumbl sounds it’s probably Eden it’s probably some some guy raring Eden make armor oh thank you what else can I make with Cobblestone make an axe I’m make sword on the biomes you go blocks and items what is this I don’t know what is that what is this per pandorian axe oh we should probably make oh what the it’s a cool feature what move I’m trying to smell things why’ you steal the iron from inside acent right click bro I didn’t even steal it from inside just right click someone’s mad what do you mean do you not hear the growling and the sounds not right now nope okay turn up your MB it sounds noise thing no it’s just sometimes it’s different for us the real ones are like the ones we actually hear together oh okay so you’re saying sometimes I hear things that you don’t and you hear things that I don’t yep yeah I figured that out a long time Y block it off they can break doors I can hear that do you have do you have food uh do you have food yep um it’s gone now it’s it’s uh delers can break can break glass H yeah they can no it depends on which ones yeah but gu yep thank you for telling us so but here’s the thing I we can add we can make reinforced glass which they cannot break but rein yeah but reinforce glass NOP NOP no no nope nothing nope it’s our little base right here finally after like how many times have we played this like not even making wait I have like no durability in this this thing has like take this no it’s the same I like no I mean like I have no durability in this uh Cobblestone armor oh only have 48 does wooden armor exist oh I maybe no actually yeah it does no it doesn’t I tried making them yeah it does how you craft it you need logs not planks oh I can hear zombies what’s in there oh that’s where the sound of zombies is coming from where Daniel the zombies are down there like in that thing that we found ah okay by the do you have directional audio Unturned on sure like I have the same setting as you oh never mind okay I don’t have it now I do turn on directional audio yeah now I do dire know where things are oh my God 58 FPS isn’t that good bro I’m getting 154 yet I have the same problem as you oh Daniel I found the zombie danie he died okay I thought it was this fried I apparently not I guess it’s probably a creepy cave it’s a really creepy cave ah Hy no youan do you know simon2 yep oh wait it’s that guy with a big mouth no it’s it’s supposed to be Herobrine’s secret brother I I I already died to yeah it’s a guy with a big mouth no that’s a Steve dweller not simon2 yeah I typed it in uh no because last time like remember last time like you said look behind you and like I and it’s uh and it was a big mouth guy and I died and it says in the chat and it said today I died to simon2 that’s are they brother are they the same person but different yeah I think so I I also searched it in the in I also searched it in uh Google and it has a big mouth s underscore 12 also look at this look at oh what bro you hear that screaming look at this dab God Man Press r I pressed R nothing happened hold I turned it off in the in my settings oh you can uh go to chat and emotes you can go to chat and emotes Che shut up let me tell you something did you hear someone say come out no I I at least I don’t think so because I didn’t I was talking so well I did I that was from Simon hey so we’re we are not coming out buddy we are not coming out him never mind I saw something I don’t want to what is it I have no idea it just looked like something that isn’t in the vanilla game so let’s just not see that apples no not oh my tree grow my tree grew Daniel look where I don’t know but I made a slap so like it’s better than glass cuz like they can’t break it and they can’t get through either how about this how about this how about this uh we can see the outside world hold up hold up man do oh really bro does that work yeah let’s go that’s by the way the sound of come out oh yep I heard that you heard that yep I heard that you heard that come out tell me to come out bro why would I come out yep I heard that that one I heard okay good that one is really creepy and yeah I see a zombie wait I got keep being scary huh what yep I heard that that one I heard come out a oh that’s a cool dweller it’s like a T-Rex oh that’s the one no I I yeah that’s the right I saw earlier um he can’t get in let’s go wait wait dab on him dab on him dab dab I’m King him I thought I thought he got in I thought he got in come here let’s kill him come here let’s kill him yeah yeah just can oh El Bozo oh it’s like 1,000 H people who cares he’s at 800 now oh I got hit he still hit me somehow [Music] I guess we have two kinds of Simon one is Steve doar and one is Simon yo there’s an Ender over there oh my God just got damaged so [Music] much that’s my last food oh hell no that’s the uh oh I see I call it T-Rex that’s the one was that was eating something that’s the one that like I told you not to go near wait you’re the one who damaged me right man’s so scared of nothing can he go in no he can’t Too Tall I’m not going in there bro there are there are reasons why I can’t go in there it’s going to there are reasons why I can’t go there I bro his face is inside [Music] what bro he’s inside no you idiot what did I do you broke the door I didn’t wait so you’re saying he can break doors no I think the zombie the zombie was a baby he can’t break door yeah he the zombie broke the door I watch the replay the zombie broke the zombie that broke the door and he got in he went in first the zombie went in first all it’s going to despawn it’s going to despawn yeah better all can you invite me now oh yeah uh Henrik fuch is the one who told us dwellers can break glass Henry hen hendrik F I’m sorry if I said your name wrong he knows who Calvin is yeah I think he despawned yeah Ked me yo chat you yeah thank you oh uh hi Bobby slave Bobby slav okay um my bad bro ask this question uh yo uh chat do you know who Calvin is does anybody know who Calvin is Daniel why are you making a three blocks tall why why not because dwellers can SP where did you get these mods uh it’s uh I got it from Ellas you if I could probably uh send a mod pack if you guys want it yeah are you okay with that elas yeah it’s a really cool we just almost died earlier like this guy died I left I’m too scared uh I could I could send the mods I guess uh it’s it’s an R Mr pack it’s a mod it’s for modin launcher it’s for mod yeah it’s for modin launcher so just give another a mod folder though what just give them the mods folder yeah I could I could yeah I if you want the mods we could just just ask actually no just add add us in Discord or Daniel you locked you can add uh you can add Ellas in you uh Discord uh it’s uh what’s your what how do you spell your Discord again e y a s20 like no no no no uh profile LS 20 yeah Ellas 20 just Ellas 20 yeah I updated my username okay Daniel bye-bye can I leave just going to pin this was that always there the what what’s always there wor I’m 1 HP I’m 1 HP I’m going to start streaming too ah anyways where’s my where’s my tree no my tree I broke it I got the apples why you close on me bro why did you close on me are you still on bro we need those apples to stop you’re welcome you still found this baby cuz I left uh okay y he’s adding in Discord by the way who’s adding me uh Bob Bobby slav he uh he’s going to add you for the mod pack not the yeah the mods I sent you request okay he sent you the [Music] request I’m actually I’m not really low right now hey is this loud enough Daniel just like stop what what stop what just just stop your microphone what’s wrong with it [Music] is the is is is the mod guy if you know what I mean I am looking for food [Music] what happen that a fall damage what happened I that a fall damage how where um I’m just right outside just let me TP to you thank you don’t worry my stuff is under there I had one HP you can’t blame me at least I am the hunting of my hungered nice in bettered like I would in bettered so like yeah can’t do that oh wait I can I can wait I can I just did that for some reason wait I just I just bridged in Bedrock how how did I do that wa did you accept his request oh there’s a bridge there cute little Bridge yo I need block I am oh sure here oh that’s ni man disappeared out of nowhere no no no keep keep the door like this what didn’t do anything look so you can do this shift you know they can also yeah I know so we don’t have to break the boat the blocks and like we just uh open this oh there’s four people now there’s four people now let’s go wait wait wait stop closing instead of uh earlier was like three now it’s four y I’m proud of [Music] myself Daniel becoming famous he’s so happy no not really not not not the first one not not exactly but I’m I’m I’m bro this [Music] is Daniel come here yeah come here come here look look a what okay that this have to die I’mma help you then oh my God my game’s lagging from what this is not normal oh wait are you kidding me what is that something now TP to me no yeah I’m I just break this Daniel I need to go get my stuff break this yeah I’m going even going to close it mind if I make a no I don’t mind okay Daniel let me in you know it’s or open Where’s My Grave where’s my grave why you asking me can you please kill these things I don’t I’m making a shield I’m making [Music] shield never mind I accidentally typed that sorry oh so zombie ellias oh that’s what my stuff is that’s fun I turned into the MIM oh yeah I know what mod does that the mimer the what the mimicker [Music] I would I okay there’s a dweller on me right now please accept my request BR I’m at spawn you oh wait I’m at spawn too we’re going to lose our base I’m at spawn though hi there’s say that’s a weird dweller our base is up there yeah I found our base over there yeah let’s go you have to go fast it’s almost I I don’t think so no uh oh yeah quick quick quick I heard [Music] something I’m I’m feeling watch it’s not vment but I just feel like I’m watched oh we are feeling feeling watched again I feel very watched yeah we’re that’s a raccoon that looks like old that’s no y can we spend the night here Daniel Daniel come here let’s spend the night here oh there’s a thunderstorm there’s definitely a creeper not a creeper oh that’s a knocker that’s the knocker the knocker is watching me Daniel I have a house now the knocker is watching you nobody’s watching me they go behind you yep the knocker is watching you behind you who oh hi where’ he go where did he go disappeared I don’t know oh you’re you’re you got the blindness anyway there’s nobody near you there’s nobody near you you sure about that yep I can I’m I’m shifting right now in a corner and um I have F5 on yeah uh I don’t think this is our base bro yeah this is not our base where is our base I don’t know that’s me who fell by the way Daniel you may want to come up here look up I’m up here yeah I can see wait is it yeah just get some wood or I’ll give you some wood actually wait I think I might have found our uh our way to our home you know you know that village with the uh you know the not the village the village house over there no the village house the the one that’s looks normal it’s that way look there’s a campfire not the same one but a qu yeah no no no no the the one we see in the mountain maybe we can find our oh I saw what I okay I see him at M is it it’s it’s there we far I’m going you told me to go there so I’m going if you’re lying going to kill you I I already see the mountain that we’re supposed to go to I think it’s that way or that oh yeah me too I see it I see the mountain no way I’m just going to chill here while you theer disappeared again Yes again okay I’m the guy who’s playing very cautious you can’t swim cuz uh mobs are dumb yeah his AI is kind of broken broken what like what way ah he can’t swim oh happened I just looked at it and it just made a bunch of sounds at what what did you look at is something what something way there’s a lot of something ah he can’t swim also siren head is here I just heard what up here are you alive did you look at he’s somewhere are you still alive though yeah I’m I’m inside our base come back TP to me yep I am TP to me okay the Mob D spawn I know like a a life hack to get rid of M oh we’re in where did I die though hold up we’ll try to kill these things yes I got your stuff I did my stuff too bro what was it happened we’re feeling watched we’re getting watched ah never mind y die hold up I got to respond to a message are you kidding me Daniel accept yeah I got your stuff I got your stuff the TPA get my stuff uh I don’t I know this is mine this is mine yeah it’s [Music] a do you have a shield okay this my this is my shield cuz I know I have a shield that is bedrock Edition uh yo Bobby slab said it’s Bedrock Edition no it’s not it’s Java it’s Java look we’re playing on yeah it’s a Java give me a Bedrock oh yeah I think he means cuz like I I was Bedrock bridging ah okay now he has like a mod that makes like make it bed Bedrock bridging it’s it’s weird but it works wait so let’s ah oh wait it gave me wither wither [Music] effect ah where is the rest of my armor n that guy gave me wither effect wait I know how to get rid of that guy kill him no but not what is he doing I is Goofy bro oh I see our M uh our handmade uh random thing over there when like trying to bro what is this guy doing is he is he dancing yep I think he’s dancing yeah he’s dancing but you can I don’t know what you mean by that uh that is bedrock Edition but you can tell us you know you know you have Tre oak doors put a slab there bro what is that oh big big dude oh what just happened what just oh hi my bad I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry man really hit me my bad my bad [Music] okay I got a shield all right me too uh I need to make where my iron Pi Daniel where’s my iron pickaxe I don’t know the only thing I know is I have you got all my stuff yeah but I did that’s not like every single thing I know I have an iron pickaxe too because I made them look outside who there’s so much things oh [Music] by the way I can’t see my shield for some reason it’s not normal [Music] yes I’m killing it [Music] too what the I died TP TP please accept oh thank god let’s get this guy think I think he’s still dancing Bro think he’s still dancing try hitting him I got I got the rest of my stuff I’m going back all right he’s still dancing uh who should we we should call this guy something call him what Bob I’m thinking it Bob he’s he’s chill bro he’s chill what he gave me the W effect nice okay he’s okay now that we know he’s a little bit harmless right only if you hit him it’s called self-defense hitting him is called self-defense so check your uh friend request by the way if people gave you friend requests okay nope no friend requests okay I sent I sent Bobby the friend the mod pack [Music] nice also Daniel yeah can tell everyone like I’m also streaming on my channel this guy uh this guy this this person is called elaser is also doing his thing oh NOP no no cover that cover that oh iron what this me get rged oh okay hey Daniel look at that look look there no not that not talking that look there look at that look in that direction like look under the cliff like right there oh that’s a lot I know that’s a hoorde and I should cover this that not a hord you’re if you want a real horde you can just like wait wait and actual horde is going to spawn there’s a uh Enderman oh Bob is still dancing yep I’m calling it Bob wait what that looks like that looks so weird what happened what what looks weird this Enderman I thought uh I I swear I saw him doing a a big oh never mind I thought he has a big mouth there’s no Enderman that has a big mouth in this mon yeah maybe but there are things that scream yep I’m going to go over here I can still hear things though I know so weird and creepy I’m Bedrock bridging don’t ask where I’m going I’m just going somewhere yeah and we don’t know what somewhere is what that sound I don’t know why you asking me bro you’re the one who made this mod pack that’s cuz I made it doesn’t mean I know what I put in it you do cuz oh yeah the only vanilla thing that has like a big mouth is Endermans right yeah Enderman have big mouth right yeah only if they’re angry I see flashing lights that’s it so why is there a hole here I’m covering up the hole I’m sorry El but I’m cing up see I’m can make a hammer yo check out check out mine check out mine look I oh that’s Bedrock version I needs mods but the but look at your chat it says that’s Bedrock version I needs I needs mods uh by the way Bobby slab we are not in Bedrock I am telling you that we are not in bed rock by the way check out mine it has some Co features in mine that’s what oh that’s bed Ro version the what that’s bro I don’t know wait can people hear me uh I don’t think so I think so I mean I think so you’re saying my mic broke and here as well the quality your thing it sucks bro well I I can’t say that I can’t I can’t say this I think I take it check out mine Bro Look I have like chat in there the count my microphone isn’t broken people can hear me we using OBS not the rock check out mine check out mine check out mine your cat no not my my my game my my my stream can you send me a link to it sure n Go o you can subscribe also uh all thanks okay I see wait Daniel how do you get the overlay like where people see your chat you can see oh I I use streamlabs instead of OBS can you do that with OBS I don’t I don’t know but but I think stream Labs is so much [Music] better I’m trying see wonderful never let you go this I Bob is just there let him dance bro let him cook let Bob cook bro yeah Bob is not tressed to us anymore man just what is that oh yeah let me go say hi hold up I need blocks kind of need [Music] food it’s daytime right oh never mind Bob is a TR Bob is a TR Bob is a big trat he was just waai for the perfect moment he’s no longer dancing ah are you in the base yes all right I’m just going to TP to you Daniel Bob is just a threat to you he’s not a threat to me n oh wait hey there’s a big mob on top of me it’s the black one no no no no no no it’s the the uh you know you know what we saw earlier yeah exactly you know what we saw okay yo Bob killed me can you please uh join so I can TP to you since you are I died I died too are you kidding me but I got the OB I got the OB I got the OB I know where we go here here here take take yours take yours take yours take yours my what the coordinates follow it I see on the floor this time follow me I know where it is all right yep oh I can see yeah I know that big the big bridge you made by the way uh Bobby uh lot in the tray apples apple trees oh we should probably get that yes we should get that it’s actually good these apples are actually in reach though look yeah I wish this this feature is added to Minecraft like the vanilla one yeah it’s actually really satisfying it’s more satisfying than [Applause] berries man berries suck yeah while we’re trying to get our stuff back we’re just going to hunt for [Applause] food I’m just going to TP to you okay looks like a 2019 Minecraft skin where did I die anyway I’m going up the mountain yeah I’m checking out where I died where did Bob knock me this is JV a b way Bob Bobby I named it wait I just realized I named Bobby Bob no actually no I I named Bob near to Bob Bob is near to Bobby right what does that sound feel like it’s a Goatman even though it doesn’t exist yeah Goatman got deleted for some reason the guy who made the who made go man was like NOP deleted bye-bye it’s not even on the curse for page anymore not even modin Daniel does it [Music] ah you ran into me bro why would you go outside Daniel he despawned he’s not there what you can look at my SC My Stream if you want he’s not there okay no but the big guy though the big guy the big guy the big guy AI is just broken doesn’t have an AI no he killed me though I hear head I hear a wild siren head that I don’t want to hear yo can you help me get my stuff real quick no kind of doing some work right now yes my stuff is right there stuck get me let me in please let me in let me in my stuff is chilling over there in the bottom oh yeah it’s not that okay we’re going to block this area what oh I got food I got food I got food but I don’t have stuff though you’re going to have to help me wait why okay it’s night time bro I don’t think it’s the best time to do this but I need my stuff Bobby is the one who betrayed me bro I mean not Bobby I mean I’m sorry Bobby Bobby Bob not Bobby Bob the hell you want to call him his name is Bobby I think Bobby or Bobby BBY slap slap period oh [Music] footsteps the big guy walk over here so his AI is not broken he has like no tracking bro man what type of uh AI is this mods are broken but they’re supposed to be creepy so what I’mma look at your [Music] stream can you help me grab my stuff though wa you have a hammer let me yeah [Music] uh where are the Torches it’s in my inventory in my other stuff I’ll just make it’s ni I got my own torches it’s night time so we should probably wait till day time good idea [Music] oh I hit him no he’s not what ow how am I get spider was [Music] climbing all right [Music] my FPS is like 100 but it still [Music] sucks what was that I don’t know someone’s hungry lightning oh wait that’s got to spawn someone you already know it’s spawn Bobby once didn’t see anything so like I don’t know it spawned Bobby once I don’t know who’s going to get spawn who’s going who’s who’s he going to spawn next not Bobby okay Adrien hello Adrian how are you Adrien how are you doing Adrian come out oh it’s Simon someone said come out Simon said come out I didn’t hear anything maybe he’s telling you to come out not me cuz I’m I’m already out I am not out though Simon’s in our base not Simon there’s a dweller in our base which one is it the Steve one the Steve deller I just nope no it’s a it’s no it’s a no no it’s a big one W okay okay you made a bridge then leave it open then he just went in I hate you really bro are you serious bro I just made this bridge so I can see siren head when he whenever he spawns you made a bridge then leave it open then bro went in okay dude stop Adrien stop what are you doing look at my chat bro oh let me look at it oh hi papy I’m good papy it’s big bro no because the the doer anyways I got I got to end the thing now

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MOD PACK WARNING!!! LOUD MIC’, was uploaded by Ududez on 2024-05-26 07:19:58. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:14 or 6494 seconds.

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    Epic Fallout Civilization Simulated in Minecraft: 200 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate a FALLOUT Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-04-10 23:00:27. It has garnered 103932 views and 2347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:46 or 2266 seconds. In this “Fallout Zombie Civilization” video I had to survive Scavenge fallout cities with DeathClaws horde. Find fallout power armor to protect against DeathClaw hordes in this apocalypse. Craft fallout nuclear weapons that will bring Enclaive Armageddon , DeathClaw drones to help us scout the fallout streets of Enclaive apocalypse, vehicles to traverse the fallout apocalypse bunkers city. Build a… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Pepper Senpai – Minecraft Madness!

    Unraveling the Mystery of Pepper Senpai - Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHO IS THIS – Minecraft w/Vtuber Pepper’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2024-06-14 01:35:12. It has garnered 55 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:03 or 15183 seconds. Minecraft with Pepper is Back! Let’s return to our fantastical world of Cherbloskess! Thanks for watching, and I hope ya like! 😀 Zach’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/allofficialzach My NEW Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QBAcqU7Vfj Team VSpyre Discord: https://discord.gg/KcvNZ4jWvB —— [Rules for those in chat] – Be kind to one another – Don’t be excessively inappropriate – Don’t roleplay in chat – Have a dandy ol’ time!… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay live now! Join daKatz!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay live now! Join daKatz!Video Information This video, titled ‘🌟Minecraft – Come hang out!🌟 | !discord !donate | Minehut’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2024-06-14 12:01:59. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:05 or 3305 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/dakatz Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Monster School Story!” #gaming

    "INSANE Minecraft Monster School Story!" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Minecraft Animation Story #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #sadstatus’, was uploaded by Minecraft Video on 2024-03-24 11:57:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • MTlogic

    MTlogicWelcome to MTlogic – Custom Survival Minecraft Server! Embark on an extraordinary adventure in MTlogic, where the rules of survival are rewritten, and the possibilities are boundless! Step into a unique realm of exploration, creativity, and community, unlike any other Minecraft server you’ve encountered. Discover a Custom Survival Experience: MTlogic offers a carefully crafted custom survival experience that redefines the way you play Minecraft. Immerse yourself in a world brimming with new challenges, exclusive features, and thrilling gameplay. From the moment you log in, you’ll be captivated by the sheer diversity and excitement that awaits. Endless Exploration: Venture into vast,… Read More

  • CreeperCaverns SMP semi-vanilla 1.20.6 Java

    🌟 Creeper Caverns! 🌟 A new Minecraft SMP server offering: Spigot 1.20.6: Enjoy a smooth and feature-rich experience with the latest Spigot version. Custom Plugins: Only a few plugins are used to enhance the game experience without mods. Long-Term Server: No resets, your creations stand the test of time! 24/7 Uptime: Always-on server for anytime play. Expansive World: Discover vast landscapes, hidden treasures, and secret caverns. Active Community: Make friends, collaborate on builds, and participate in events. Survival Challenges: Test your skills against the environment and other players. New Server: Join the ambitious community and grow together. Server Address: creepercaverns.dynv6.net… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: World of AFK Farms

    It’s like they’ve turned Minecraft into “Farmville” instead of an adventure game! Read More

  • Minecraft Chaos LIVE: Jordi2001

    Minecraft Chaos LIVE: Jordi2001Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Chaos jordi2001 on 2024-07-20 10:11:53. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so if you don’t have to, don’t worry if you don’t want to and if you like this video, click on the blue thumbs up ———————————————————————————————————————————– Did you like it, I did😁 Until next time ——————————————————————————– https://twitter.com/Chaos_jordi2001 ———————————————————————————— https://progameguides.com/fortnite-shop/ item shop leaked items https://fnbr.co/upcoming game site https://itch.io/ ———————————————————————————- https://www.twitch.tv/chaos_jordi2001 —————————————————————— ip of server play.originrealms.com ip play.minewind.com my stream… Read More

  • Flat Earth Hardcore: 100 Days, Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Flat Earth Hardcore: 100 Days, Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Surviving 100 days on a flat Earth, it may seem like a dream. Eren Bilgin, the fearless explorer, takes on the challenge hardcore, Crafting, building, and mining, with skills to the core. With each passing day, the stakes grow higher, As dangers lurk, ready to set the world on fire. But Eren persists, with determination and might, Facing every obstacle, shining in the light. From crafting to battling, every moment is a thrill, As Eren’s journey unfolds, with skills that could kill. So join the adventure, in this Minecraft tale,… Read More

  • Minecraft Cheats + Troll Face = Epic Fail 😂

    Minecraft Cheats + Troll Face = Epic Fail 😂 When Minecraft starts using cheats, even the Troll face is like “I didn’t sign up for this level of chaos!” 🤯 #minecraft #memes #shorts Read More

  • Crafty AI Thumbnail Tricks

    Crafty AI Thumbnail Tricks Exploring Minecraft: A Creative Journey Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, players are constantly challenged and inspired. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft and uncover some of its most intriguing features. The Art of Thumbnail Creation One of the exciting aspects of Minecraft is the ability to create captivating thumbnails for videos and content. By using tools like Picsart, Pixellab, Capcut, and Inshot, players can enhance their visuals and make their creations stand out. These tools provide a platform… Read More

  • Unbelievable! I Created Minecraft’s Deadliest Mobs – Kipper

    Unbelievable! I Created Minecraft's Deadliest Mobs - KipperVideo Information This video, titled ‘I created Minecraft’s Deadliest Mobs’, was uploaded by Kipper on 2024-07-10 14:00:53. It has garnered 365570 views and 3981 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:33 or 1353 seconds. ✅ PLAY the Marketplace Game Gobs of Mobs [DX]! ➡️ https://cutt.ly/Gobs-of-Mobs-DX ✅ SUBSCRIBE TO Kipper ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoRDf_M8ljQq5V_rR8CSzww #minecraft #mobs #multiplayer I trapped my friends with Minecraft’s Deadliest Mobs ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator. Read More

  • Portal Gun Prank on Woman! Trap or Fun?!

    Portal Gun Prank on Woman! Trap or Fun?!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Pranked TV WOMAN with PORTAL GUN! CAN IT BE A TRAP?! Mikey and JJ in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-06-15 10:30:05. It has garnered 2091 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:14 or 1814 seconds. JJ Pranked TV WOMAN with PORTAL GUN! CAN IT BE A TRAP?! Mikey and JJ in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate… Read More

  • Uncover Top Secret STASHES on 2b2t with Wilbur Dog

    Uncover Top Secret STASHES on 2b2t with Wilbur DogVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Tutorial) How to find STASHES on 2b2t as a NEW PLAYER’, was uploaded by The Wilbur Dog on 2024-07-07 00:14:20. It has garnered 144 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. In this video i will go over my strategy i used to find my first stash on 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Song “Evolution” by Creo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95m45ozwwZw&t=0s Read More

  • EPIC Survival in Minecraft STONE CIRCLE – Maizen

    EPIC Survival in Minecraft STONE CIRCLE - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In STONE CIRCLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-23 13:00:45. It has garnered 2546 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:14 or 3614 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive In STONE CIRCLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Medieval House Build in Minecraft🏠

    🔥Insane Medieval House Build in Minecraft🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Medieval House🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-05-27 13:08:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • The Ultimate House of Nightmares $100k Minecraft VOD

    The Ultimate House of Nightmares $100k Minecraft VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘House of Nightmares $100,000 Minecraft Twitch Rivals Day 2 VOD’, was uploaded by wolfeei extras on 2024-06-06 03:38:16. It has garnered 391 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:01 or 14521 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/wolfeei Read More


    KAERA_PLAYS LIVE🔥| MINING AND CRAFTING 🌸| GIRL GAMER ❤️Video Information This video, titled ‘KAERA_PLAYS 💮| MINECRAFT LIVE🔥| MINING AND CRAFTING 🌸| GIRL GAMER ❤️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by KAERA_PLAYS on 2024-07-03 20:43:10. It has garnered 45 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:34 or 4294 seconds. Welcome to Kaera_Playz’s Stream My Social Media links :- Subscribe :- https://youtube.com/@binitadey828?si=_WXF7ofDy-COnN-w AVOID TO DO THIS THINGS OTHERWISE YOU WILL GET TIMEOUT / BAN :- 1) If you use commands within 5 minutes you will get timeout from 10-15 minutes . 2) don’t spam … keep patience you will get reply 3) don’t force for anything 4) Be… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Building Louie’s Statue!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Building Louie's Statue!Video Information This video, titled ‘YouTuber STATUE Build Challenge In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Louie’s World on 2024-06-06 11:00:39. It has garnered 53023 views and 595 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:52 or 3832 seconds. YouTuber STATUE Build Challenge In Minecraft! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie, Pip and Teddy are playing Minecraft. We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Gives OP Loot!

    Insane Minecraft Stone Gives OP Loot!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Stone Gives OP Loot…’, was uploaded by JUJU GAMING YT on 2024-01-11 04:20:07. It has garnered 250 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Minecraft But Stone Gives OP Loot… SOCIAL ACCOUNT ❤‍🔥 DISCORD LINK — https://discord.gg/9wevhU93f2 INSTAGRAM – https://instagram.com/juju_gaming_yt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= DEVICE – INFINIX x1 LAPTOP MIC – BOOYHA HP HEADPHONE – EURO GAMES ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ VIRAL- TRICKS🤣😂🤣🤣 minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft public smp, minecraft 24/7, herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft private smp, minecraft dream smp, minecraft God, minecraft god smp, minecraft official smp, denta hindustani gamer,… Read More

  • OldPast

    OldPastNova semana, nova OldPast! Retornamos com nossas atividades, com IPs de letra novos. Adicione já, e venha divertir-se com nosco! *Minecraft Java Edition 1.7-1.20* **OldPast – KitPvP raiz** IP principal: oldpast.cloudns.be IP reserva: oldpast.linkpc.net *(use se o IP principal estiver off-line)* https://www.discord.gg/MuFtdj25zx oldpast.cloudns.be Read More