Dangthatsalongname – Minecraft 3rd Life SMP: The Movie

Video Information

Puffer is of Peace puffer is of Peace Everybody hi guys and welcome to the start of a brand new series on my channel called thirdly now this is with a bunch of some familiar faces and some brand new people and although it might seem like a vanilla series there is a little twist but rather than me explain

It I have this handy little video done by Gan to do it for you so green take away welcome to third life an experimental Minecraft hardcore minseries with a Twist I’m joined by 13 other Minecrafters and all of us have three lives on our first life we have a

Green name and all we have to do is survive in a very small Minecraft world and have some fun fun when we die our name will change to Yellow now this is okay but we’re in hot water because if we die again we will be on our third

Life now this is where it gets interesting because if you’re on your third life your name turns red and your goal changes you then become hostile and have to take out everyone else’s lives on the server and if you die in your third life you enter spectator mode and

The series is over for you this is going to be a lot of fun so let’s jump jump in everyone just spread out okay I mean I see no one hello can you hear me hello from the other side I must have called a th

D to tell you I’m sorry no one can hear me I’m just going to I’m going to continue I’m going to forget that I don’t have my make muted and someone’s just going to walk by I can just tell this is a pretty good spawn area I’m

Already got Stone Age first on it that or achievements don’t share probably that one to be fair this isn’t a speedrun competition I just want to get enough stuff so that I don’t die to environmental causes we’re just going to grab what we can grab all of the coal

Kill some sheep kill some cows kill some pigs get some meat we’re sorted okay let’s make ourselves a sword and axe looking good already Wait I messed that coal no okay I am going to need to just like start murdering this is hard mode so I don’t want to like eventually

Starve to death plus it’s not that cute in I’m not going to live here okay I think I’ve killed enough food I don’t want to like kill everything I don’t want to take all for myself I suppose the next goal is maybe find a nice cave

To go down and then find a place to build to call home to claim set down my Foundation start a life a family maybe adopt a cat see what’s quite interesting about this series is like it is a normal Series right now like until someone is on third life this is fairly normal

There shouldn’t be any murder there shouldn’t be any death well I mean there’s going to be death just not the murder part hopefully see the thing is the world border is Tiny like Teensy tiny so the chances of like finding anything that’s not being pillaged is high at the moment but will eventually

Become much smaller I wonder if my best bet is finding an area in like a corner of the world border and like claiming that is my house area because then it’s kind of out the way so the chance of someone randomly coming along on a third

Life trying to kill me going to be lower and also can only come from two sides see I’m thinking ahead ladies and gentlemen and everything in between I’m thinking ahead but like only if it’s cute if it if it’s not cute I’d rather I’d rather live dangerously okay

Oh hello hi Jimmy oh my God of all people that I find it’s you wait am I the first person you found the first person I found oh my God all I heard was your keyboard clacking and I was like oh what wait who I just heard them

Experience I was like oh I’ve ran for like a while I got some food and I’ve just been running and I was like maybe I should build in a corner where the B is cuz it means thinking ahead when it comes to like third life it means he can

Only attack from two Saints yeah yeah that is true and I I spawn literally just over there in the little bit of desert but I was running I was running around I was like maybe I can find some people cuz I don’t want to go straight

Down into a cave but then I came across some coal and I wanted to see is there oh there is tiny bit that’s so weird literally the CH of of it being you everyone on this series it being you to be the one I run into this is not what I

Expected hey it’s fake you know come on it is fake have you to a village before the reset me Scar and impulse all started together and we were just like we’re just going to grab a few things before oh I hear someone I hear something hello

We down here help us we’re stuck St bro I’m stuck help there’s some nice iron in here yeah I’m finding tons let’s just make it so that our goal is just to get both of us like full iron yeah remember we don’t need a helmet either so oh yeah we we’re

Good with that Shield a shield is another one we need shield and a bucket this is a nice little safe spot before you go mining into this let’s just set up a little bit in here guys who smelt together um what uh they I don’t know

What do they do they try not to Mar he’s got diamonds bro what blacksmith maybe blacksmith Temple uh main shaft what big be got what right they must just be throwing the diamonds between them surely wait yeah surely they have they’re all together they’re all laughing it about it now oh wait Ren’s

There he’s literally like there Ren I’m just going to stare at him I’m just going to put a block in front of them imagine if he’s doing the same he’s just like shouting and he’s like I can’t hear I’m just putting I’m just putting

How did I I I I put a block down and he broke it and I placed it again and he broke it and he placed it again and he broke it and he doesn’t do anything what Ren dud what’s up dude we’ve been showing your name for so long I’m so I’m

So sorry B I was you know B you were mining the iron and I just kept putting the diate on top of it and you just kept breaking it and I kept put it don’t you just breaking I I was like man we got server issues today lag like I thought

You were just going to turn around and let look be like why is this backing and see me just staring at you you just never done dude you guys are geared up already man this is nice it’s a pretty big cave yeah do you guys have food I do

Do you want some three steak there you go I mean thank I I’ve got food too I was thinking about doing a train cuz you guys got iron and stuff going I do have this a rabbit fit oh yeah you know it’s rare oh that I mean I’ve already given

You three iron so whatever Jimmy can I will add two iron to the mix five iron for a rabbit fit I mean dudes that sounds like a good deal to me okay I’ll take it thank you we will name this rinse rabbit foot and we’ll be off I

Can’t die now this is pretty much a tot fun dying thank you wait what all right see we may have hit the jackpot maybe come through here um oh I’m so sorry hit the jack is my name jackpot or something like look at this oh it’s a

Ravine you think there would be a diamond here like come on maybe they don’t exist maybe the one that everyone else spawned in and we’re just not on the joke oh this is cool goes all the way around we need to make sure wait there’s a crafting table down here what

There’s a crafting table down here what who’s been here don’t tell me he’s been down here taking our diamonds isn’t it such a weird spot oh wait there’s a chest wait has it got stuff in it not a lot it’s a main wait let’s go go let’s

Go up come on we need to remember where our stuff is though cuz we live FES for stuff oh yeah we have wait how much is wait we we’re going to end up in someone’s else dude knock knock who’s there I’m so confused they wouldn’t leave a chest

Full of well they only had random stuff in there what hello there’s a really cute area this is really nice who did this I’m so conf I thought we were going to come up to like a house oh wait I see someone hello scar scar scar scar can

You hear us no no there’s two people over there let’s go look let’s be careful here we’re not on three lives Jimmy hey you you’re sound like you want to lose a life than us oh look you got a posy hello hi hello sabotaging my

Mind we went through a cave and it went on through several caves and it ended in a Ravine and then we found a hidden staircase went up to I think scar house yeah that was my old PL that was my old base goodbye guys There’s Scary Monsters

Over there goodby he’s got whose dog’s this uh mine I think one of ours yeah a I want one I want one of those who house is that there there’s two people he h look at this there’s a wholey over here hey everybody here up oh yeah is that what you used your

Diamond for this are all the cool worth it look at this squad over Hill to the east wait so scar are you not living at the place that we came up at the old mine I went down I went that I made that went down underground in oh so you’re not planning

In there no I I abanded ship oh okay I might take it cuz it was very cute 20 minutes to make that staircase I love how it is vibing in the rain like uhoh oh God oh my gosh oh my God oh my gosh oh my Lord oh my God

That’s insane I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I have never seen that many Phantoms in my life Jesus that was hard a little cramped in here but it’s fine we can wait what are you taking refugees right now it was the way they all spawn in at

Once and suddenly was just 30 F there was three Phantoms where every one of us just above us all happy music Good Times camaraderie and then death desend that was horrifying I just realized Phantoms are going to be a problem in the server cuz we’re never all going to sleep you

Can reset it just by dipping into the bed and dipping out though oh does that reset up yeah it dipping activ dipping plan UND dip oh everybody take a dip I’ve got another bed I’ve got another one I need that enchant I need that achievement I

Need way you can use the bed this has become like a little town hall sleep just a sharing beds just furnaces in the middle like hiding from Death I’m just like giggling to myself at this thought of like literally half of the server is in this one side of the map and imagine

The rest of them are all alone at the very other corner just like seeing nobody like we all just came to this one side I’m going to try to start the song again oh don’t die say a prayer good luck May the be ever in your favor you

Did it you did it I hear them swipping I hear them swipping got some fish as well oh my go has anybody not got the diamond yet oh me and Jimmy we never found any oh okay wait hey JY here just so people can’t I told you Jimmy I told you they

Were passing about Jimmy was so sure like what if they’re not and I told you you STP M for about 20 minutes and found nothing we were Wonder like all four of us got it at once and we’re like I wonder what everybody else think don’t go outside they still flying

Above so many people in this game oh my God I seen it in the corner I seen it in the corner I do have a clock scar gave me uh and it is almost gone we’re going Tov we’re going to survive this together and then the awkward then

What then we all just we just leave we don’t see anything we don’t do buys we just we never speak of this we just just shall shall we breath it look at all the amount of Noise everybody we will tack the Phantom together as a team I think we have to this is going to to lead the charge I’ve got the door’s run on one oh the door shut the door shut go go go back oh God oh my goodness too many

We got this we got this oh my who’s got a bow me I have a bow oh my there’s so many wait I’m going inside I’m on half HP do not Retreat do not retreated retreat we fight to the death oh God why so many so scary we’re all

Here I killed one one’s down two’s down two’s down three three are down I’m trapping them under the tree they’re easier to kill over here I’m doing it we’re okay you’re doing it to see I will be the magnet I have four arrows come on

You do it you can do it there’s one is above two more one in the tree is that it is there oh wait my goodness why is there so oh what this is a magical fishing pond this is just fed for days and the rain is subsided we’re

Free okay well this was eventful should we all look for this uh the village right everybody wants to go see that Village is that what oh yeah I haven’t meat to that yet let’s go to the Village oh my God a tree save

Him oh my God what you won what you w CL nearly died tree first how did you how did you survive that many Phantoms but nearly died to a tree the chances of that happening espe there’s so many perspectives of that just happening to you I do love how

Everyone just sted for a second yeah it took a minute to process what was happening I was like she’s under the dream she’s under the drink C didn’t even make a noise for the first like couple seconds I think she was processing it too where am I what

Happened have I gone into the world water accidentally oh I’m going to plant them over here now JY do you want to go back to that place cuz all our stuff is sell in that main yeah yeah yeah let’s go back there I need to grab some food on the way as

Well well this was fun I’m at least we I know roughly where you are so catch you later trip we’ll be here we’ll be ready for you next time okay do we want to just live over here cuz like over here was it was a really cute area like this

Is adorable yeah this place is nice right next to to the border is a really nice place I could clear like we could clear this out a bit and then you could have like one house here and then you could like build one like up on that

Hill or into the hill yeah do you mind not do you mind living next to each other no that’s fine I mean as long as you’re we should probably clear up the blood then seeing as no one else is going to what about if you go and try

And find all the stuff again do you remember where it is and then I can I’ll make a chest for you to dump your inventory right now this will be your chest here so if you want to dump everything into that I will get to to clearing and organizing sweet perfect

I’m back oh he’s back already I’m coming up yeah oh look at these flowers I know you already found the stuff that was quick beautiful yeah um it was like six um Iron and then 10 gold so I whack it wasn’t as much as I thought it was it’s

Still good it’s still good did you want me to clear those trees up there uh can do I mean the actual thing we need right now is just seeds cuz I have one um yeah I’ll quickly go find some wa look oh my go it’s all what the heck you guys have

Been busy look at this oh that’s R jimy live damn jy’s to get oh we only just found this Jimmy is away getting seeds for the farm have you met like Cleo and all that in impulse like me and Bigby started in the Southeastern corner like

Right in the corner and then all of a sudden everyone’s come there now and they’ve settled there they’ve put up like Signs and they’ve sheep I was only downstairs strip mining for like 5 minutes and they’ve just gone and completely done that oh oh you’re the

Worst I hate you I knew as well I knew as soon as I heard it I was like oh no I there was a slight difference to Joel stop looking through my chest I saw a stagger I saw I saw a back step Timmy will be hline Sinker for that which way

Did he go uh over that way to he’ll be coming back though he’ll be honest I’m wasting so much time doing this I’m going to go get him it’s Jimmy’s chest yeah that’s Jimmy’s chest again don’t steal from it Joel oh bees yeah leave my bees alone Joel cute leave my bees take

One with me come with me fella Joel Joel will Joel Scott see for the flow okay you could have the flowers all right I’ll leave you alone wait I’m going to look for somewhere to live i’ I’ve spent too long just wandering around I need to do something I’ll going to explore you

Stay there oh well don’t move okay there he is hello hello I didn’t find him um but I have been told to use code uh salmon pleas 123 at checkout to get uh lots of cod sorry that was one time you used cord um oh I’ll give you a

Few salmon Ang go I’m genuinely broke as a joke right now I mean you spent more of time mining I imagine oh he’s back oh hello hello hello how you doing what was that noise easy my hands were shaking my heart was going P I was going to throw up you you

Did this JY you went like this I literally I was I’ve SE literally my my arms just got goosebumps from that but Jing he got me but not nearly as aggressive as here I tell you what I’m going to go check out the other corners I’ll report back with my findings come

On oh no see you I I started breeding her bees and I got a smoker and I I got the honeycomb and there was a little baby be I’m sad though because look there’s another Hive but it’s just outside the world border that is the saddest thing

Ever it could be cute if the way we did this was like we kind of kept this area as like the communal kind of like Farm stuff like we have the chicken we’ll put other animals here put crops here and then we like built into like the

Mountains so like this hill and then the hill across a could we have a third one there look yeah you could put oh sorry we could put like our enchanting area or something over there yeah that’s a good idea that’s a really a good idea I know

I’m F of them you’re you’re full of good ideas aren’t you I try I try Okay know that’s cleared up a bit there we go look how adorable my little ring in the wind is dude this is why are you so good at building I have to be good at something

Hey you’re good at everything oh yeah you can have a look I mean it’s just a hole look at this I don’t know how you really don’t for for the for the ring I just found a picture online and just copied up oh really yeah I mean I

Changed the blocks I made it diate and I chose teal instead of green and handstone but I copied it I absolutely love it I don’t need to reinvent the wheel Jimmy literally I don’t need to reinvent a circle I need to think of some uh blocks that I’m going to put on

The front of my little wait we have we have a guest my good people I have come to spread the world world you bought you’ve bought zombies with you I know they’re part of the Entourage they’re Enchanted as well see how are you a very sophisticated train that I’m on right

Now I’ve come to spread the word of my employer is it rain come to Ren chanting today where our catchphrase is don’t be a dog be a God no yes you’ve already seen what happened by somebody who didn’t get enchanted well I’m not going

To say that it was my fault um it’s not as though I played a creeper sound a few seconds before and then GRE and lur a creeper towards the group and then got all the their guards down and then somebody died as a result but Saed my God that might have saved him

Martin my jaw dropped had to be pure Scar and now you brought Phantoms yeah they’re all part of the Entourage what’s Ren paying you then I basically got I got a full set Enchanted three are you kidding me to what run around telling people to come yeah basically I’ve now you’re looking

At you’re looking at a traveled man now you’re looking at a man who has seen the four corners of this world see I just have a hole in a mountain look at my cute little door and it just goes into a small a small square a that’s cute thank

You yeah look at cavan have fire oh my goodness he’s got fire and it’s the fancy type wa hold up who wait wait wait sorry hold up what what’s the fancy type okay wait wait wait wait you’re going to mind blown in a minute does Tim keep

Doing that thing where we just like we just hey how you doing you’re right good see you good see how you doing F and then also wait wait wait wait wait what watch this cannot understand bra but also watch this what’s happening wait you know what’s really bad is I don’t think I’ve

Ever actually seen this before what this what this I think it take the same time as a Fest but you can do like that black smoke implies that something’s not being cooked it’s being burned no no no no watching I’ve seen car exhaust with less Humes than this is

This good for the environment especially in such a small room there we go hey hey look at that pups do you want to see you want to see another cool trick yep come with me real quick you’re not going to kill me are you no no no no no no we’re

Good we’re good right here we go okay close your eyes today is going to be the start of something new I don’t like it every time you hear footsteps take a deep breath count to 10 exhale and scream I didn’t know if you were going to start getting really like sketched

Out by then I didn’t know if you’d start looking towards me thinking that I was about to try and kill you but for real though come to our enchanting today don’t be a dog be I’m com coming along I’m not coming along see lat okay I’m going to pause a bunch of

My stuff into this chest that I can and then we’re going to go on an ADV for Sprucewood and we’re going to go this way and just hope that we can find something oh wait this is the village that like me Scar and impulse all started that I don’t see anyone at it

But I do see some spr trees come here so many pumpkins just Out Of Reach that’s so sad okay I’m going to come back and grab saplings from that what I want to do is actually run over here and I’m going to grab some of the magma cubes

Here because these could be useful maybe some of the Netherrack as well to make fire oh and the gold block place is been looted right yeah you just didn’t take the gold plot interesting okay that should be enough is just so I have some options for like bubble elevators and

Things like that oh is this the enchant I mean I’ll go have a nosy dude this is a legitimate they burn down my tree Ren you think I got a soft spot for anyone right now I don’t I really don’t right who wants to go

Next you know you know I do have a flint and steel just saying and now I’m outside I’ll you now you’ve got company that’s that’s not a good deal is this the door I’m so confused no no go why are people breaking rch give me a

This is very awkward the door has very long two villagers I’m delivering one what the price ma yeah major also arrived okay well we’ve just we’ve just done one deal two villagers so you Lin buer off thanks for coming bye all right pleasure doing business with you oh my

The pleasure’s been all mine jeez man business suddenly take it off around here major you guys have a very enchanting day welcome to re enchanting major welcome hello I I was passing by I seen lots of people and decided to step up in also Martin did lots of

Promotion this is the number one enchanting facility on the server the only one and only the one and only what’s the cost for enchanting well look I I know you know this is the first 3 hours on the server people aren’t Rich they don’t have lots of stuff we are

Very much looking for sugar cane or leather those are the two things that we’re currently looking for I don’t have a lot on me but I do have a lot in my base and I could send a messenger when I return does that work y I also have honey K if

That’s yeah I’ll send the messenger with the sugar it looks delicious but you got focus on I’ll send I’ll send the I’ll send the messenger when I get back that’s you’re welcome to what I can actually get with my levels wait wait oh oh no you’re not

Meant to be here yet you’re the messenger go back and get the sugar cane go back and get the sugar cane ow ow go back and get the sugar cane wait I feel like I’m the only one on the server not Enchanted I was going to come back and

Get you and give you a lump some of sugar cane to bring back here so then you could pay for me and enchant go back go all right see you later back Enchanted day he’ll be back in like five minutes I’ll send him back he’s coming the wrong

Way he doesn’t even that direction I I’ll be I’ll send him back hold on a minute have a good game Jimmy we don’t live that way you don’t live that way hey I’m getting some Spruce this the first time I’ve seen Spruce I’m just

Going to go back to my house I got some more level en chants I’m quite happy I have plenty sugar cane so and if I come over here give the cow a smack and I give any cows I see a smack I can get some leather as well and then I can send

That on its way back with Jimmy cuz I definitely don’t want to have to make the journey so I’ll just force him to seems like a much better option for me okay now I can make the thing I was going to make and you’re probably all

Like oh my goodness this must be some like super cool amazing thing that he’s going to do it’s it’s really not you’ll see you’ll see okay so we’re going to just go up one two three pop the ladders like so trap doors like so another trapo

There with a slab going to make more trap doors and put them like so slab up there with the trap door off it slab up there and then I want to put a Elixir here and a bit case there but for the moment let’s put a chest let’s make one

Little chest to go there and then stairs like so going to put our bed up there and then we’re going to put our lantern from there and look I have a little bunk bed how cute is that it’s adorable I love it and I and the time it takes

Jimmy to be away make this look less ugly is that something I can do in time I guess we’ll find out oh my gosh oh it was too ugly I’m so sorry dude this looks amazing I was trying to finish it before you got back

I was so close oh my gosh dude thank you so much I mean it look the same on the inside but from the outside fine it looks a lot cuter a thank you there you go that’s really nice what do I owe you nothing you did the messenger system I

Also just didn’t want to live across an ugly house Jimmy I’m not really going to lie to you I appreciate that that’s very kind of you you’ve done what Callum used to do and you’ve built close enough to me with an ugly house that I will eventually redo it CH yeah the advantage

Is you’re living underground so I won’t actually see the rest but from this side fine I went over to Ren’s place and gave him the stuff and he was like well that’s for Scott where’s your payment I was like what thought that was my payment so Martin kind of like bullied

Me and he said oh if you place some signs on the way back to advertise Ren’s place I’ll give it to you so I Enchanted placed a couple signs he wasn’t happy with the placing went up to Joels left at Martin at jeles but I don’t think

Martin’s happy with me and that was kind of the story are you bringing trouble to our neighborhood jimy I am in deep trouble and I was actually thinking cuz I dipped and dived when he was at Joel’s cuz he got distracted he does that use

To be fair I was thinking I was going to be back here and he was going to be here no no he’s here he’s here he’s here Scott Scott Scott I get Scott come here Scott come here hello hi oh hi hello you okay yeah just chilling do you like what

I did Martin L I made Jim’s ugly house C A it was really ug all the complaining he was doing about your build earlier on like yeah this is quite nice that you’ve done this for him it’s just a shame he was basically just uh yeah came to the

Why do you always bring Phantoms every single time please sleep in a bed no I’ve not slept once yet look you don’t need to sleep when you got fire power look at that that’s what R chanting gets you I’ll give you I’ll give you that he’s got a diamond sword already oh

Skill died oh another one baits the dust to it is mad yeah two people are already on their second L I’m not going to lie Jimmy I think if I hadn’t found you at the very start you would have been yeah if I hadn’t brought you along with

Me for the start you probably would have been I’m going to go down to this Main and I’m going to get some diamonds that’s my only goal I would like to be able to make my own enchanting area I’ll probably have to show with Jimmy I’d

Like to be able to make some tools you know just the usual now this was obviously Scar’s place already like his M so you can see he’s like hook hold a little bit already but I think what I’m going to do is I’m just going to pick an

E up and I’m just going to dig I’m just going to ve off and just Main in a line it’ll be fine this time I’m trying to rain oh my goodness Jesus okay come through okay come through Diamondz we love to see it Four Diamonds already

Thank you I actually need five though if I want to make an enchantment table because I need a diamond pickaxe so I’d prefer if you could like do some more please thank you we’re just going to mine oh you know I said I was going to mine the game decided otherwise it said

You know what no you’re not you’re not mining and I did not bring any extra iron down here cuz I’m an idiot so we’re going to pop that and we’re just going to wait so seen any good movies lately or TV shows or you know just just

Anything no okay okay I have a new pickaxe my other one was enchanting I don’t even know with what oh I was going to stop for the call but hello okay so at least I can now make my own enchanting table and pickaxe cuz there’s

No five we take those see I think scar got very unlucky with where he placed his strip M cuz where he’s po everything is like all the diamonds I found have been just outside of it oh this was a big vein oh we love it 12 diamond and I didn’t find them with

Jimmy which means they’re all mine what is this where does this go two lava is this anything fun hello oh you’re fun what’s happening did I just turn all my luck off then I remember to turn it back on you know now this is going to be very PR

Okay I got it was that just one Diamond are you kidding me is there anything else down here hello I’ve been robbed you just gave me one Diamond I would like some more please this cave specifically just give me one game wise so far I’ve actually had quite a lot of

Luot where does this go okay so over there’s a cave with some iron little bit over here oh I’m glad to trade this small are hello okay we’re going to go over to this cave though oh God we’re just going to going to pop that on there

I’m going to eat myself a salmon okay we’re in we’re in this area okay there’s tons of stuff there’s some gold there’s some lapis there was more red stone more iron loving life wa let’s grab the rest of this iron the coal and then maybe we

Head back up to the surface because I did not bring a bucket down here and oh no I did bring a bucket okay we’re going to make ourselves a diamond pickaxe actually and I’m going to grab some obsidian first that’s a plan how many bits do we need is what I’m thinking I

Need four for the enchanting table and then if we’re going to want to go to the nether which I’m sure we will I’m going to need 10 so I’m going to need 14 in total so I may as well spend that time now getting myself my obsidian and then

I don’t need to worry about it okay woo let’s get out of here knock knock who’s there the police is a RAID why you hello like look look I’m opening it up it’s got bigger I’m about to do a um like a splitter here so like splits off the the

Um stairs down you mean a divider or a wall that’s what it’s called okay you think dark oak it looks good or do you reckon Spruce what do you think I am always a preference of spruce I am too the only thing I think with the dark oak

Is you’re also in an underground house you’re not going to have any windows so it’s going to be quite dark I had a successful mining like trip wait don’t you that out I got 19 diamonds what yeah I got very wait if I if I go mining them

Where which way did you go cuz I’ll go completely opposite way I basically just went into Scar’s M shaft and then just went down took a left and veered and then came across a lava pool so went back and then I went into a cave and then found more diamonds down there it

Was really productive I realized where scars mining thing was like all the arms I found were maybe like 12 box to the left that’s why I don’t think he had any luck but I’ll take one off your hands if you want no I don’t mind carrying them

All thanks no I I I’m okay no it’s fine it’s fine thanks by the way did you get enough obsidian to get an enchantment table I did and enough for a nether portal because we could one one I kind of want to do like a mine somewhere like

An official mine our mine but should we do like an enchanting setup there yeah I was thinking in in the middle but we’ll do something I’m on my way to go and see if I can find some cows try bring them back so yeah cuz we only got sheep and a

Chicken exactly all right cool sweet sounds good if I were a cow where would I be H I think they’re fully committed to this cause I’m very confused as to why there are so many people from the village just out and about what’s happening over there oh honestly it’s

Just a mess I’m just seeing them set green on fire he’s on fire wait who who did that Tang might himself on fire no Tango’s chasing him with a bucket of lava and green running yes I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming com coming green is dying why is green dying hold up what

Happened there I left for two seconds everything’s fine everything’s fine why do I green on fire I I tried to intimidate Tango with with lava and it didn’t work out well I wasn’t the first one to spill lava let’s just say that what I was just on adventure for K going

I come over the hell and see attempted murder it was quite drastic honestly I didn’t even do anything I just come over and I see Tango setting green on fire and green just running in yeah Tango aggress aggression will not stand here on the put lava ground um if anybody

Wants to come to the desert or needs uh sand um we are accepting food for sand what if I just want to take sand get the bucket everybody way too like area to guard that’s all I’m going to say you know full of strange properties that

Make it un okay I’m just I’ve saw some sand run run run while we can just let me grab more oh gra grab oh God he’s he’s coming he’s coming he’s run run right the thing you can’t do respect the Torches oh God run run run the torches

On to of that sand torches on top of that sand did we lose him yeah I don’t if we’ve lost him we might have just G quiet just lower that already is stuck to I mean he can’t murder us right now he’s on his third hard what’s he going

To do this is the problem right is everyone’s doing that and in fact is Timmy back at your guy’s base yeah I was on my way to look for Co that’s why I left basically I tried to have negotiations with uh with Scar and grien but they didn’t seem too receptive to it

But then I’m equally confused because two of The Village folk who sort of set themselves up as a faction now seem to have kind of abandoned the location I don’t really know what’s going on but if anything that makes the situation a little bit easier Jimmy I need you to do

Me a favor what’s that so I need a few stacks of sand um just for building purposes I’ll get you there’s a there’s a shovel um the desert’s over there if you want to just go you don’t need to go right now just like in the next morning

Or something but yeah just I got to you need to tell me why I’m doing this oh main is so that I can I’ve got a good idea I want to do for like youer glass to make like a TNT no I’m want to do it

For the enchant area why is Martin I just happen to bum I to over here for a separate reason basically I run my idea past Gan and Scar they weren’t receptive so I’m going to give you the quick elevator pitch okay the village folk disrespected us they currently have two

Villagers they’re saying that they’re going to deliver one to us but I really don’t believe them um so I was thinking of doing a little smoke and mirrors trick whereby I call the active Village folk over to Ren chanting and when they’re all there and I can I can count

Them I’m going to log off and log back in that is the signal for you guys to run into the village and find those Villages which are under a mud hill from what I can see just dig downwards you don’t have to slay them unless you felt

Like it but you can dig downwards so they go to a much lower level in the world cover back over the same block that was there previously and they’ll just and then I’m going to run into the village after you guys have cleared out and essentially they will think that

They’ve died in the raid when they haven’t and we’ll have access to the only villagers on the server oh zero risk no one will ever know it was you you don’t have to fight any raids you’re literally just going in digging a deep hole and leave it again that’s it my

Thing is I don’t know if I have the the patience or time commitment to be a father right now I’m not asking I’m asking you to be an uncle that’s it I’m going to be Daddy but then it’s a whole thing of like reading the villagers and

Saying I’d rather just wait until it was done bre them I just want to get I just want I just don’t want them to be used by somebody else what it is is if they have those villagers they are going to steamroll this server they’re going to

Get a Snowball Effect and they’re going to have all these trades all this gear all their enchants and we’ve got no chance what if we just sneak in and trade then what do you mean so we let them do the hard work of building up the Villager pop popultion setting up the

Trades and then we sneak in and trade them with them instead without them KN want to see the world burn I know help this but I mean if you do want to see the world burn just run over now and activate the rain you got it boss oh

He’s off this is Scot’s actions this is Scots doing Scots word wait do we follow him or I kind of want to see the Carnage so yeah I can see the three players over there I’m assuming that’s impulse Cleo and Tango by the looks of it yeah BB’s

Impulse and Cleo over there but they’re not oh you’ve angered it’s Jimmy it’s jimy Jimmy get under a tree watch him watch him go ma is it playing the sound it’s not me this time I promise you just wait to see if JY dies have never realized that

Going under a tree is such an overpowered strength yeah as long as long as it’s a too high block they can’t do anything I can ender pearl in now we give it to Martin and he launches in it just starts the ra like there’s no forever time the problem is now is I

Don’t want to do this anymore because if there really is only Etho there no impulse is there as well impulse is there as well but impulse and Cleon that are just there so the Chan is impulse is looking in our Direction I’m not sure if he’s seen it Tango and C Cleo have

Already said that they’ve kind of abandoned they’ve said that the village folk have like disbanded so I’m assuming that Etho is staying on top of the village stuff and they’ve gone elsewhere there Joel he’s behind us should we go to him come on come on let’s go oh jolio

Oh jolio where jolio jolio oh jolio I’m desperate for food we P to take everything that you have no I’m joking I used to have a diamond sword and scar just took that off me so why did he take it off you how I I gave it to him so why

Getting so many handouts in This Server this is mad he’s got he’s got an enchanted chest plate from Cleo a diamond sword from you is going to be stronger than anybody why did you give them your sword I’m confused uh fancied it oh did you trade a Diamond Sword for

Free rain of the desert is that what it was I trade the Diamond Sword for for saplings in the future if they find any but I know they’ve got some say hold on wait wait wait are you talking dark oak saplings yes of course okay yeah they’

Just they’ve just swindled Cleo of a enchanted chest plate that exact same offer and even then to her they were talking in hypothetical there’s a dark H Forest like right next to our house is there can we wa please can we all grab Lally yeah like Jimmy had Jimmy was like

Using it to build and we were like go grab a saing yes it’s dark H my impression Green Well if nobody can get four then uh nobody else can get dark oak we have we have total Dominion on the Ser there’s like an entire there’s literally an entire Forest me and Jeffy

I’ve never heard this before other’ been like what if all of us just run up and each of us holds one in their hand each we take their power away from them immediately that’s better than taking the villagers for me I need we just run

Up though and act chill and then we have a code word we have a code word we all just Chang be alligator oh my gosh they have no idea this is here yeah yeah oh this is so good let’s get them all oh they i’ I wait I’ve just G my in chest

Piece away my S away for nothing it’s all right you get it back later if you slaughter them during the PVP phase you’ll be fine true yeah this is why I was so confused I was like there is an entire place right next to M jimmies we could ruin their business by just

Placing dark oak trees everywhere should we just grow one right in front of their face got wait that be good we each place a sapling I have I have bords on me I have four bord on me we can do this that be really good we just tell them to

Close their eyes for a moment and when they open them okay I’ve got two saplings and five DT and bone meal so let’s go I don’t have one just yet I think it’s cuz it’s connected to the other leaves it’s not going to oh I just broke leaves until two dropped oh fair

Play like I just went on top of the tree and just started breaking lames I’ve got three who still needs one I can just give you one of I need one I really need one yeah got one yet here one Jimmy here Joel do you have one the same time yet

Okay wait Jimmy give one to Joel then we’re good so yeah we’ll just ask them to shut their eyes I’ll place down the dirt we’ll plant a tree and I’ll grow it with bone meal and then we’ll T it be like Power Rangers building a tree Power Ranger it’s the same thing

Good afternoon jeez howse we got here oh oh God we got two more hello guys we are traveling magika called solar beans M little word that’s a good name fantastic got fantastic at the end of it do you want to see magic yeah we have one show stopping trick but it does

Involve all three of you facing this way for a second I know close your eyes just we can’t we can’t no talk about pineapples turn around no pineapp turn I don’t like this at all fine it’s [Applause] Fine oh that’s a shame what’s going on that’s a shame that’s a shame stop SC oh dear oh no oh they’re burning the tree where did you get this from never you never know know you were trying to clim dominion over a type of tree cut down every tree by the mushroom

Or have the only ones on the server oh that’s a shame there was a supply you didn’t know about if only you de maybe it’s not true now we have enough saplings ourselves that no matter how many Tre you got down we will almost have having horrible flashbacks right

Now this is where we go to the FL this is where we go to like your backstory this is your origin story yeah yeah oh my goodness how much dark o clogs do you have Jesus Christ oh my God you guys suck we’ll see you later hope you

Enjoyed the show we’ll we’ll we’ll be back at some point in the future the suly beans major little wood Fantastical fantas and we go the co and away we go you see nothing I think with it being such a small area makes it difficult like we’re

Lucky that we have chickens that we were able to kind of get and start breeding more sheep and cows are going to be our next issue but maybe for now since there was nothing in this side I know it’s a desert I’m going to start heading

Towards where I know Cleo was I’ll see if I can help her out oh hi hi I thought I heard somebody over there I thought I’d seen a name and it was just inside I was like wait what you I I’m good I’m a little bit lost I

Was looking to find skizzle man’s place cuz I haven’t seen him at all since we’ve been on this server I have no idea all I know is over there is the desert which is where green and Scar are claiming the entire desert okay me and Jimmy or solidar live over that way way

I um I actually heard that uh scar has giv out some sort of like reputation points or something well I don’t know if you’ve heard about this yeah he’s he’s trading for rep points and I thought maybe it soundss like a scam to me just

Be honest but I mean what I heard was that H and green promised Joel some dark oak saplings and Joel gave him his enchanted diamond sword and he also promised Cleo dark oak saplings and Cleo gave them her chest plate because they thought they had domain on dark o

Saplings not realizing that I have a forest near my house so oops I’m we’re current I’m currently making my mission to just undermine them by going and I’m going to go give Cleo for for like an IOU favor perfect I’m taking away their power it was great you should have seen

It we did a magic trick and we told them to turn around planted one then they panicked and burnt it down nice well I just came from where Cleo and BDubs are so you’re heading the right direction for sure it’s the uh Southeast Corner basically okay absolutely perfect well I

Will go and see if I can interest her in these saplings and you have fun hopefully you find skizzle yeah yeah thanks see you see you later man see that’s the cute thing about this series is there’s lots of little fun random interactions like that you just Happ to

Stumble across someone I like this I will get the saplings you you kill him four saplings quickly I’m trying get your boy why are you doing this Martin because I’m I’m trying to decide between the lesser of two evils do I keep torturing bdub with uh with burning

The tree down or do I just run into the village with bad Omen on I’m really T I’ll be honest with you I’m bored and I want something wild to happen CLE come here minute how about we go to the nether I’m not I’m not going to no CLE

Cleo trust me just come over here minute why you trying to trying to DET me like that’s what I’m thinking I just I just slowly walk backwards ether comes back oh there was a horrible accident there you go in the bottom middle of the chest you’re a superstar thank you

You’re welcome I heard when I heard green was trying to undermine the resource not realizing that I had a forest of dark oak near my house I was like my goal is there to undermine him at every possible D that’s fine I’ve also done a little bit of my own

Undermining I’m not allowed I’m not allowed to say um let’s just say certain things have gone missing oh I like it I like it yeah look look what we’ve got BDubs oh thank you thank you so much you save the you’re welcome I don’t associate with him Martin I do he’s a

Great guy he’s bringing two Creepers over here guys Martin why why are you the way that you are I don’t know leave these poor people alone if you’re going to to this energy do it to Green that green doesn’t have a village no but he has a hell he’s protecting you and think

At night time so many creepers you could just lead up the mountain to them be like a Cavalry over the hill well either way I just wanted to make sure that you had some saplings so that green couldn’t scam anyone else I don’t know Martin was

Tormenting you you know what it is I’m bored I’m bored I just running is this just like you’re looking at something you’re not allowed to go into yet I just I really want to run in there scull I don’t have any reason to do it I would

Be absolutely hated for it but I just I think it would be really fun all right but here’s the thing again you don’t have any reason not to I know and and as much as I want the villagers as well kind of just want to watch the world

Burn tell you what how about I Go part of the way and you guys punch me the rest no it didn’t work no is that the strongest you can punch oh it wasn’t me it wasn’t me that did it it was you it was you it was you

It was me you want me to tell you something that only had a minute and a half left on it Scot I was I was faking everybody out the whole time and then I was going to run in once the timer ran out but now you’ve done

This oh no the horns of War the horns of War BL was I I was joking the whole time I’ve been eying up that timer for the longest where’s E I need to apologize to him somewhat we just need to get them in a hole Oh no just wait just get this one

And we’ll put them in a hole sir come here I’m going to pick in a hole come here sir no sir come come stop it pay attention to me we’re going in this hole we’re going in a hole fall in this hole

So bad how do I get him in a hole I just get trap doors no just fall in this this if you kill get to wave two though that’s why I’m thinking we just trap one the hole someone go punch him into the hole CLE punch him into the hole CLE go

In the back and punch him into the hole okay there it is and now we can just kill this one all right cover him up put him in the face there we go we trapped one I’m just going to build a little Dark Tower so we know where that one is

Trapped and that never gets moved that never gets moved not remove this block yeah see they seem to be doing fine right it’s fine it’s fine we we’ve trapped one in a hole there’s two in a boat over there it seems to be fine okay

I don’t know where the r are to make up the bar though that’s what’s worrying yeah we we we’ve got one over here and there’s two in a boat just here yeah I put one in a hole where you can see there’s a giant dirt pillar there’s one

Under a hole there guys hello it wasn’t me boss it wasn’t me yeah it’s fine I’m sure it wasn’t no it wasn’t it wasn’t I promise I promise I was I was stood there teasing the time I had 1 minute 30 on it and Scott pushed me in I’ve come

To help I’ve come to fight no it’s we’re done we’re done there’s only there’s one remaining and he’s in a hole where he will stay what happened Timmy it wasn’t me it wasn’t me you I stood at the threshold Who had who had the bad woman on them I had it

But I no I was stood on the edge of town there was 1 minute 30 left and then when it ran out I was going to run in and be like ha tricked you all and it’s got pushed me in oh the act the actual footage will show Martin go wait how

Close can I get what’s the thing to bring up chunks okay I think this is his closest I can get and I punch I punched him and then he was like no do it again punched do it again I was daed I was concussed I was Dazed and concussed I

Didn’t know what was going on dazed and concussed he pushed me over the edge he got the adrenaline going the blood pumping for everyone but no one was harmed oh yeah we’re just never going to we’re never we’re never going to kill the other person we wouldn’t go over

Here and down to where this and do anything no don’t do that people we wouldn’t do we that side of the forest we my first time see we just wouldn’t trapped we wouldn’t do it it’s happening all over again Martin stop we we wouldn’t we wouldn’t do this would we we wouldn’t we

Wouldn’t we wouldn’t do this no one no one do it wait we wouldn’t do this we wouldn’t do this would we stay away Martin I wouldn’t do it I Martin you would 100% become bloomed for that one into a I will murder you oh it’s why

I do don’t hit me I had nothing to do with it I leave alone this man um I’m probably going to just build into the side of that Hill there our nether portal cuz I’ve got the obsidian for it so I’ll do that sweet sweet sweet I

Think if I dig out a section here of the mountain we can put our nether portal in here you know if we just do one two one two 3 like this well I’m actually going to grab some Cobblestone or something just to you know in case I need to build

And now I go to the nether wish me luck oh you know it’s not an awful spawn there’s someone else’s portal right there I wonder where it brings me back oh at home BDubs just died oh my goodness BDubs just fell you know what screw I’m going to go properly

Adventuring but I’m going to be smart I’m going to take a pcture of my coordinates just so I can make it back okay some peggins I really just want leather I don’t know why they’re mad at me is it cuz I’m getting this gold potentially well you all need to lose

The attitude I’m literally doing it to give you gold back stop being rude oh Lether that’s what I want you five leather I can now make an enchanting table you are so aggressive I’m just going to put you in a hole Oh Martin hi hello nice meeting you here

Nice meeting you here I was about to try and get you with the creeper trick I just didn’t know how much that would like settle in even even though you’re in the nether I had seen you coming I turned around into seen you over there I

Was like oh there’s Martin oh man I I’ll be honest with you I did nearly just accidentally kill someone oh hi came through the portal I broke a block of Salan being like haha like lava’s going to get him and he was literally looking in the direction as well so I thought

He’s very clearly just going to walk away from it uh now it got him he continued to jump on it I to have a limitless moment basically place down a cauldron put water in it and that saved his life oh my God it was a real dicey

Situation by the if you ever want to trade there’s two piglins in here oh okay you just throw in gold and then depending where they throw the stuff you can send in the corners and you get the stuff obviously cuz you have no gold on

They will be angry at you I know that’s what I was thinking I might even go back to the overw and just NAB some gold there is just over here as well real quick yeah I’m just kind of doing that cuz it seems to be the only way I can

Get leather right now because there’s no cows on the server so have we got any eyes on a structure no this was a really awkward place to get to oh I see another Fortress how we talking across the giant pet we’d probably be safer just building

A bridge oh you recking a single oh okay sure like a single or a double block would we’re pretty much on height with tell you what you you build single I’ll flash it out okay this is terrifying I’m breaking in I’m just thinking because there’s weather skeletons and blazes on

Top so if we go in from inside we should be fine don’t say should be should be is always just like it’s like a a curse I can make no promises to your Mar the problem is is we don’t actually know what the the scale of nether is for this

Right yeah Green said it did have a border oh wait this will be where Nether wart is yeah down here quick yeah good stuff oh lovely lovely lovely and a little chest ah was just more obsidian and a saddle oo I’ll take it for now we can sort after there’s a big old

Staircase behind us as well that goes really far oh behind you behind you behind you uhoh Jesus we got this got it there we go teamwork yeah I was just like trying to grab the Nether wart I think you’re right if we could get all

Off it it means then if anyone wants it they’re going to have to either trade us or go really deep in oh look at this we’re at the edge of the world there we go without a yeah oh wait I see a blaze spawner okay got uh okay we should do

This we should try and try and hold it up do you have any torches uh I don’t know I’ve got wood though I’ve got wood uh I can make some real quick it’s just I’m going to try and block this in a little bit I’m just

Trying to do this so that they don’t fly up if they spawn I mean what’s the goal here how many do we need cuz we can’t get to the end can that’s not enabled on This Server I’m just thinking so we can at least make brewing stands so we need

One for a brewing stand then we need a few for B powder to fund a brewing stand I think if we maybe say aim for 10 everyone scoffed at me when I said I was coming into The Nether and look at us now I know everyone scoffed at you and I was already

Inside yeah there we the final oh nice cool do how how mean do we be do we break that spot or no no let’s not be that mean right that was fairly productive I got a bunch of stuff done don’t pull this in and I’m going to take my leather I’m going to

Take my obsidian and take two of my diamonds and now if I just do this make some prepare make some books and make myself a little enchanting table and then for now we’ll just pop that there it’s not mattering too much right the second but if at least it’s there I know

Where it is I should also while I remember grab my Soul Sand and my Nether wart and plant some you know that first episode I was like you know what I’m not taking everything I find I’m going to leave stuff for other people I’m going

To be good but then green and Scar out here trying to claim a monopoly on dark oak wood made me realize it’s that kind of game so I’m going to have that planted for now I will eventually maybe move that to a more hidden location but for now we’ll leave it foodwise we’re

Actually not too bad mean Jimmy setting up this I say mean jimy me setting up this Farm was pretty good for us because it’s meant we have like a good source of food like right off the bat and then if we just keep making sure we breed the

Sheep and the chickens we will have a good source of food look at this Kil ladia and I have a nice little view up here you can see the desert the dark oak forest Jimmy’s house Jimmy with a cow I don’t know how he’s done it but he has

Jimmy what are you making I needed a tree I needed spruce wood could you could you open yeah I’m just going to make a new pen cuz oh wait yeah yeah yeah could you make a Newen cuz this is literally the only cow on the server

Right now so where did you find them like when I seen you come around the corner with a cow I was like what I have I have been to one from one corner the furthest away Corner in fact cuz if you didn’t know in this world is a swamp

Didn’t know that yeah I’ve been all the way over there and this is the only cow so we need a name what you Reon we call it’s always Daisy isn’t it it’s always Daisy why would you announce that we have the only cow in a server where

There are no rules Jimmy oh no we might need to hide Daisy you did that I wasn’t going to tell anyone that we had a cow oh no why would you do that I don’t know um wait a minute let me make a secret place for Daisy at the back forget

Everything I just said the cow died the cow died I’ll put a lol so that they think it’s funny you’ve got them now Jimmy right yeah we need to hide this cow then right we’ll get Daisy in there it’ll be fine everything’s fine don’t panic and then I’ll put the sign as r

Rip Daisy so they think the cow’s dead okay we’ll do the sign now while I’m making this Hall okay okay okay m m m just normal at normal hello Big B big oh fell look at this man look at this man a d jeez you know what can I say check me

Out looking good looking great how are you guys what have you been up to Jimmy’s the only person I know that could manage to find the only account in the server and then kill it in the same a bunch of cows at the beginning of the series I thought they would just respawn

Infinitely if I mean I think everyone did but Jimmy’s the only one I know could get all the way over here with a cow and then have it fall into the cactus after typing I’ve got the only cow in the server it was a that cow’s

Dead yeah yeah yeah died oh my God the D I traveled with it for a good 20 minutes like we built pain for it which is why it says the only car would have lived here dais says the only cow in the world lived here rip Daisy there it is that’s

A bad time just a quick thought me and Scott have just been to the nether I’ve got an end Pearl I’ve got a blaze rod do we see whether there’s a stronghold in this in within the Border I don’t think there is I don’t know if there is smart

Idea ender chests and then put anything valuable in it because then no one can take them from your chest so even if they take you out of this world your loot is still not going to be theirs so yeah that’s that would be the treer Ender Chest has anyone got obsidian I’m

Down for making this right now and we can put some valuable stuff in let’s do it let me grab up do you have the I Ender yeah I’ll wh one together there you go thank you okay where do we want to put it put it inside this hole over

Here yeah yeah this whole my house can put it in here nice someone just runs in here do you get a lot of visitors here or a surprising amount but it’s not people looking for us purposefully like you need to be you need to be on your

Our route to come out to the back corner to find us so we’re back in our Little Flower Kingdom flower Lake Place Hermits I don’t know what we are I don’t really have a name for us other than cutest place on the server like visually at least cuz I’ve made Jimmy live

Underground so like it should it should maintain cutest place in this are for as long as I don’t let Jimmy do anything we’ll be fine also if I hold tab we can see that everyone else is on green apart from BDubs Scar and skizzle I will be

Interested to see if anyone dies and if so who I want to hollow out some more of this mountain I want to make our enchanting area in there I think I’m going to put on the other side of the nether portal and I think I’m going to

Also make the Nether Portal a little bit like more built in if that makes sense that’s the plan but I think this could be cute to build it on the other side of the nether portal so you can of go through I love there’s people out here like actually progressing doing cool

Stuff like setting up shops and I’m just like you know what I’m just going to make a really pretty house area thank you but this is the plan obviously I do have kind of dominion over potions with Martin after getting into The Nether I have five blaze rods which means I can

Make a brewing stand and quite a few potions but obviously I don’t want to do that yet I don’t really see a need at the moment but that may be something I eventually set up as like a little potion shop you know as people start getting like further into it where

They’re not wanting to die and stuff potions are going to be handy fire resistance strength all of the above now the plan is obviously dig this out into kind of a a circular shape I will go in and replace some with like andesite Cobblestone do some slabs you know the

Usual things we do to make stuff look cool okay so now I’m going to just pop in some Cobble mix in some normal Stone like so grab a little couple slabs mix in like that this a little bit more hidden and I’m going to make the little

Stepping stones that I’ve done on other cities just to make it a little bit easier to kind of jump across what you doing oh Jesus Christ I forget that like there’s just procs volum and because I haven’t heard anyone so far that caught me off guard dude that looks really cool

Thank you look that looks really nice if you follow me and you go through it that’s going to put the enchanting area gosh oh dude that’s that’s really cool now that’s good I by the way I was thinking just before this mhm work with

Me here um oh God what if because um you know everyone’s you know everyone’s taking their own sides and everyone’s doing their own thing you know with you know with the desert and stuff like that what is we surrounded our whole area here mhm into like a glass Dome and we made

Ourselves like with the bees like a like a greenhouse I was just going to do a wall oh oh right because wait a wall around the whole thing what I mean just like if you did a wall like up along the edge there down into Little Valley where

We can kind of put like a gate or something up over that over what what would be the entrance which bit that gap or the gap on the left you could put two entrances yeah yeah yeah we could do actually but do I mean you could just

Put a like a wall that kind of runs from the border up around here acoss and then down to the other side over the back of your house and then it means everyone comes in through the one place is there a name we could like not even just like

The area we could just call like this section cuz if we’re going to put up walls we we’re kind of like establishing ourselves as something do you know what I mean we need the walls mainly because we’ve got the only C at the moment that’s literally what I’m about to do by

The way I’m going to try I’m going to go back to the place where I found this cow and try and find another cow and try find cuz there was there was another one and I left him behind why would you do that because I I could only swim in my

Boat literally they’re in a swamp on an island just by themselves like okay I’m going to fit one in a boat and then come back for the other one so I’m going to go over there now and see if I can get the other one yeah you go do that then

Let me know how on because I think someone said he wanted 11 a swamp so I’m worried it’s the same one yeah yeah well it will be hope I can uh get that before them right uh which way is the swamp I think it’s just directly that way isn’t

It across I mean I have no idea right catch you a little bit luck bye bye okay now we’re going to go back to making our cute stepping stones and then maybe my best option is grabbing some Cobblestone and like marking out whever area is going to be like for the wall everyone’s

Just off to the nether today well actually speaking of nether I should probably jump back in with whatever gold I have intrigued that with the pegs I’ve got in my hole going to need my gold bits on I’ve got four gold ingot is that it that’s even enough I have a block of

Gold that’s better okay wait I think I see more I did we’re going to smelt this and then we’re going to go cuz the only way I’m going to get stuff right now is by trading it’s the only way I’m going to get leather until Jimmy maybe finds

The other cow brings it back and then we can burit it it’s going to be a while okay we have our gold let’s go see if we can trade with some peglin did I put stepping stones in then to not use them yes yes I did oh there’s so many more

Tolins now oh no that scares me you know what I might do is just make another hole here I’m going to throw another one there I didn’t really want the gravel that’s fine he’s gone in the hole perfect I’ve just been given some urgent news via text message Jimmy has asked me

To go to him and he said it will be worth it so we’re going to make our way back and see what Jimmy means oh is that Jimmy that’s green oh God hello green I was told that there was a cow here no there what used to be a c but it died

Well I heard that that was a lie no look it’s literally the only Co in the world used to live here rip D it’s Jimmy who was in charge of getting it what do you think was going to happen Joel told me it was a lie why would Joel know it was

A lie I don’t know why would a Joel know and B why would he tell you to come and look for a c that doesn’t exist we we have a lot of sheep and a lot of chickens well that’s it why would Jimmy be smart enough to put the cow somewhere

Else I mean I don’t know for all of people would come and take our cow if we did have a cow right why do you want to know anyway green you already come like with your sword out ready seems a little B no no it’s dangerous dude I came here

In the middle of the night where’s Jimmy Jimmy’s are way out looking for a cow because we’ve not been able to find cows after that one dies well I’m on the hunt for a cow as well oh well you may run into to them but sadly we don’t have a c

Here this is beautiful thank you I’m guessing you built both of these yeah I did I very much did you should have seen the first thing Jimmy built it was horrifying I was like I can’t live across from that green I couldn’t do it

I had to change it I sent him away and then changed his house while he was gone I love the fact that yours is higher up oh of course of course we got to have the hierarchy system just so he knows all right I’m I’m going on the hunt for

Cows good luck I I will find one Lu okay I believe in you Jimmy okay right to the edge here right that little Hill there yeah that spruce tree right there right that is where found the cows so I thought hey I’ll go to it finally found it now follow me I

Don’t know if he’s still in there I don’t know if he’s still in there who it’s tango I think it’s tango I think he was coming home and I quickly dived out of there okay we need to be quiet then wait I see a name it’s tangle tangle

Down there so look I made a little l oh where is it where do we just dig in yeah we’re just digging diing the a diing I’ll block up behind us get ready for it dude look at this look at this what wait wait wait get out of here my

Oh my God Tango Tango is Jeez I can’t believe this could you whole time to see here all of our meetings where we’re talking about cow server problems and you’ve got every single cow on the server get out get out I can’t believe it I got I came back to this

Exact place I came to this place got one cow and I was I’ll come back for them and I’m guessing you came to this place and we have we have a c we have AOW you have one cow that’s right I know no wonder no that spawning elsewhere I need

To like Mind Race you both right now you saw nothing wait wait wait wait tell you what tell you what if we if if we can take one cow off your hands you ruin my whole operation no no no no no wait wait no what about what about we let him keep

The cows okay but we also get access to breeding and killing them and we don’t tell anyone else about what we found here that’s just like giving you cows except I’m I’m maintaining them well see the option is then we can also tell everyone else the exact coordinates of

Where server I could work 9 to5 on Monday I could come in Monday could be an apprentice je can’t wait until I’m red until then you can’t do tangle you have a decision I can type out in the chat hey guys I think I found some cows

You are being blackmailed you you give us access to these or I have the message ready to go Tango I have he think I found some cows ready to go I had a whole operation plan you guys just come in currently me me and jimy are two for

Two in ruining server monopolies two for two if I give you one cow I’m giving you a 100 right that’s how this works yeah I see basically yeah yeah wait we can make a deal though because it means we can tell everyone that we have the only cow

It takes away any kind that you have them people will think we’re the only one with a cow but but the value is all right even if they find our cow and they kill it they’ll be like H we killed the only cow and we’ll be like oh no but we

Know we know that we still have this we know well I’m going to let you know right now this place is going to be trapped to all get up well we need to know a secret entrance then Tang tangle tangle cuz you’re forgetting the other option we have have here is we murder

Every cow in here and then they’ll spawn around the world take a cow and leave will you do want to take cow we’re taking a cow okay take one I can’t wait oh oh no they’re all following me oh my goodness we take one 100 you did this to

Yourself all right let me let me block up the the bit we won’t tell anyone we’ll be people over word we won’t tell anyone else yeah good story bro well I promise you we will not see we have we found anym we just need to make this a

Bit more open for now and then we’re going to need to not do what tangle done so I’m going to need to start digging down and I mean deep down all right he’s nearly here okay I’m starting to work on an underground bit you can start

Bringing them down I’ve made it open up enough come on cows this should hopefully be deep enough green just bred something which makes me think he has his own cows can you put um torches Stone they shouldn’t be able to get up that right but we can I think so oh no

He can he can get the we oh jeez I’ve got no wheat I’ve got it I’ve got it why are you not pay attention to me come on oh my goodness I hate this guy dude I hate it I hate it sir oh my Lord oh

They’re both trying to get I hate it Jimmy take this we I hate it come on yeah okay that should be fine can you go stand up at our base and see if you can hear them I can’t hit any cows and I’m right at the entrance and to be fair

Dude the Sheep cover the noise 100% they are L if you keep working on that I’m going to quickly pop over to Greens okay all right I’ll be a second okay well seeing as that Fiasco is now a little bit more settled what I’m going to do is

Grab a bunch of cobblestone I got my lily pads I’m going to pop the lily pads down in the river as well just to give more sort of like Parkour places just like that and now I’m going to work on a wall got to just figure out a way to

Wall off this are area see this could be a cute little to put something in so maybe I wall from back here I mean I’m not needing to do a full wall right now if I’m at least marking off like the flower Kingdom kind of area it at least

Lets people know like hey you’re now entering our area and obviously we’re not only making enemies like although we have undermined and destroyed two monopolies so far I made friends with Cleo I got them dark Orcs yeah I was undermining another Monopoly with I was

Doing it but I did it I helped Etho with the raid by trapping the pager and sure the raid wasn’t maybe wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t pushed Martin into it but I still helped for now the plan is basically I want to just make a kind

Of like mish mash of different kind of like heights of cobblestone along the outside and then probably on the inside as well it can be aing Heights it doesn’t matter too much point is I want a wall pattern that can kind of be a reg reg but still look good and then the

Trick is you just kind of go up varying Heights and alternating blocks okay something like this and then we just go in and drip every so often like that and then I also want to just grab a bunch of sticks and probably just an awkward make

Myself a bunch of fences and just put a fence on top of our them and then we’ll have something like that so this is the kind of vibe I think going for a kind of mix of like mainly wood with a little bit of stone is going to work best for

The vibe around here cuz obviously we’ve got a kind of like flower Forest little like Lake kind of rustick vibe so having giant thick like Stone Cobblestone walls isn’t going to work but I think doing something like this where it’s a little bit cuter definitely can and like I said

I can have like varying Heights it doesn’t need to be the same like cob at the same level and then from an outside perspective it looks like that so that’s the general idea that I want to go for and it’s quite good cuz it means I can

Then say to Jimmy like hey this is the material we need we’re going to need a lot of this type of wood and he’s then able to like contribute and it’s also an easy enough pattern that like if Jimmy wants to spend some time working on the

Wall he can if he doesn’t that’s fine and then the thought is we can build like a lot kind of Watchtower here so then you’re able to like look out over a and see if there are any incoming Intruders because as I said before we are definitely on Tangle hit list now

When he hits third life at all but it’s fine cuz hopefully by that point I should have my own enchanting area where we will have enough levels to make our like good enchantment stuff I think normally I would prioritize good tools but I generally think armor is going to

Be the important part armor and then maybe a pickaxe for now I’m just going to pop some torches like along the wall but once we’re done we’ll be able to like alternate some lanterns on top of the the posts and such I’m hoping that’s just not despawn I’m going to need to

Look because that’s like forest fire that could affect my now flammable wall and I have decided I know care a lot about my flammable wall this isn’t just that it hasn’t despawned this is very much in fact placed this is very intentional they’ve like surrounded it with like cacti there’s lava there’s

Enderman and bolts well this is horrifying yeah they’ve went very much down the like don’t come here Vibe compared to USS who I’m just like I’m just going to build a cute wall and please don’t come here you know I’m hoping people will respect the boundaries green and scar on the other

Hand are not giving people the option to not disrespect the boundaries okay we’re going to grab more wheat and then go breed the cows I’m trying to just like stay on top of that so that we can at least get our supply going okay there we go again More Cows

Equals more leather equals enchanting equals less death hi Joel hey Scott didn’t notice you there what’s going on how’s everything good what’s going on in here anything in here that I should see no my house got some chests that I’ve not organized um a veryan disgusting I mean I’ve got a

Chest room that I’m building do you have any cows no we couldn’t find any well I know that’s a lie how do you know that’s a lie I have my intuitions okay there’s some down here isn’t there I’ll go find them I mean it’s a STP mangel I can hear

Moo you hear B that’s true I can hear bass it’s literally bass what do you mean oh yeah it’s these sheep yeah they’re the only animal we did have sh chickens that was the one that Jimmy found and then died cuz he walked onto the cactus I’m watching you

I’m suspicious I mean what would it matter if we did have CS there would be our cows anyway yes but I could come kill them and take my leather from those cows but it wouldn’t be your leather but also if you kill them then it would be a

Short supply whereas if you left them it would be a bigger supply would that not make more sense even more sense would it not be to not do anything to the cows let me build full enchanting and then just use it and you saying you got cows

No but if I got them that’s why I was saying it would be a better option there’s lots of everyone’s so sneaky on This Server where’s Jimmy I bet he’s going to jimy gone oh where is he he disappeared I don’t know also you came over my boundary line that was rud oh

You know look I’m building a wall up there it’s just going to take a while it’s just well I’m going to go find Jimmy and I’m going to find these cows I think ran said that he has cows well he meted in chat so you could always go to

The desert I will say though they have taken a much more deadly approach than what I have for the boundry Lane so just good luck okay I’ll go have a look I do need glass as well and they’ve got a lot of sand okay have fun oh my God the

Timing of me not I just got back up from the couch Jesus that was so close Joel knows but Jimmy better not rap because then not only does someone know then also makes me a liar I mean I am a liar but Joel doesn’t know that yet okay so I have 18 bits

Which makes six bookshelves so almost halfway there come in here and we’ll just do one two 3 4 5 6 and now it goes up to level 12 I want this to be full same with that then for the rest it’s just kind of sportic kind like this and

It’s kind of cute maybe have that one come down like two over here I can have it coming down two there I can go one like that and I think does it look better stripped yes always okay cute I like that that’s cute I may eventually

Try and go above here and replace it all with like green concrete or something but for now this is what we’ve got I could also do with replacing the floor in here cuz I’ve been focusing a lot on the exterior projects like the farm the animals the enchanting area the portal

My little cave although the really cute front door was done everything else was going to left I think it’s time I give it some TLC scars just died oh no oh my goodness scars on his third life he’s on his red life which is terrifying because

It now means he can murder us well that just got a lot Spa here than I thought it was going to you know maybe reputation friend points are something we need actually okay we’re done this is the floor looks super cute I’m into it I love this little room it feels like

You’re kind of transported to like a little jungle when you go in even though it’s not jungle wood it just it just gives that vape and I’m into it I suppose the next thing is just the walls you know I need to replace the walls

With all this but I also want to get a bunch of concrete which means I need a bunch of sand which means I need to go to the desert and I only have 15 diamonds is going and stealing sand from the person who can now technically

Murder me a good idea probably no do I have another option yeah but like that I was waiting and like I’m kind of impatient and like I don’t want to do that so this just seems like a better option you know it’s fine if I come over

Here and I just have a little shift and I just skim a few layers of sand over here they’re not going to notice they’re not going to know how would they know it’s fine now we put away the shovel the evidence is gone and I just make my way

Back over to my house like nothing ever happened there we go that’s much better but this look so cute now and here’s all done I do need to do something with the walls in here it’s all coming together this is going to look so cute once it’s

Done once I’m able to get full enchanting sh’s kiss now we have sex books already so hopefully between murdering a few of these cows breeding them and kind of keeping that up we should be fight because once I’ve got the enchanting out the way I’m not as

Bored about the cows being secret if that makes sense like once we’ve got it we’ve got it it’s fine so speaking of which I’m going to breed some cows and then I’m going to do some murder some murder I think I’ve fed them all now

It’s time to do some mood this will also work for food I suppose okay I’ll leave those cows for now and they can breed and that should be fine okay so let’s grab our sugar cane that we have make some peare and then make some bookcases

Once that is done we can then work on the walls that makes sense so this will make at least three more bookcases which will put us to nine in total yeah this now gives us 18 oo now do I have any more I wonder if Jimmy just has any

Loose lather about Jimmy H do you have any loose lather can I look wait what wait hey what stop going for my what are you doing your chest are so unorganized I know I only just started organizing them um yeah you don’t have any anyway

It was just in case you had any random BS cuz I’ve made nine book shelves total that’s my first goal get full shelves and then 15 shelves and then I can like start fully enchanting stuff um what I think I’m going to start with I’m literally going to go start um grabbing

Wood and putting up the walls y cuz uh need to get that done now the Scar’s on the red name yeah just pop a chest at the top there and we’ll just start putting in whatever wood we’ve got it’s up there it’s up there oh it’s up there

Okay so yeah it’s justu show me how to get into the the cow Farm yeah is it that good that you can’t even get in I maybe so just L just break these three oh I didn’t know that you had proper proper hid it yeah of course look at

This I’ve been breeding and I murdered some but I don’t want to murder more yet until I can breed them again which I don’t think I can holy moly oh no I can someone in my comment section they asked where the original Daisy is and I’ve got

A name tag with Daisy on it so Scott could you show me which one was Daisy again cuz I completely forgot Daisy was is this one right here oh is it could you tell yeah I could tell it’s our antl AIT weird little horns there’s Daisy

There’s OG Daisy right there we will not murder Daisy it is so loud down here holy moly Jeffy oh hello yeah I just did a bad thing no you did not I just you just she moved in front of my axe I jumped and c and she walked in front of

This SC oh no wait this is the original Dey my bad sorry the spots were different we’ve even tried the wrong one but this is actually Dy are you sure yep sure I’m 100 going have to get another name tag then yeah that’s sorry at least we didn’t murder Daisy that could have

Been disastrous okay I think while I wait for obviously the cows to be actually breedable again I probably should go try and get some wood but I also definitely should make some torches and start lighting up our area so that things like that zombie you can hear doesn’t happen

Also seeing as we now have our first red heart CER I should probably explain to you all how the red heart situation works now scar being red doesn’t mean that he just gets a free kill on us and we can’t fight like to defend ourselves nothing like that it basically just

Means that scar has to be the one to initiate combat whether that is through throwing the first punch shooting the first Arrow or even just threatening you like you think you’re about to be attacked you can then self-defense obviously if he was then shouting like

No no no no no you would stop nothing we’re going to do is like going to onot him hopefully but just puts a little bit of context so that you’re all able to understand the sort of ruling with the red life situation so I can’t go and

Hunt down scar but he could hunt down me it wouldn’t end well for him but he could but I’ve seen a few people confused about like how that sort of red heart system worked and I just wanted to clarify a few things so I think if we

Light all this up it means that then inside our walls no mobs should really be spawning and the little wood wait a minute I I don’t like that let’s just get these and go hi way hi Joel how’s it going good it’s going good it’s just me no else it’s

Just you oh yeah just me that’s a funny tunnel that you have here yeah it’s quite is it can yeah you can go back you can yeah no no no no you can go back now this is definitely not where your cows are cuz these are our kills Joel aren’t

They I just bred one of those cows one of those cows is mine one of those babies is mine I created that life how that works Joel find your own cows I will I will I’ll be watching better than your cow Scot yours oh my goodness this was a terrible idea I

Cannot believe they just tried that I mean I very much can believe they just tried that but I’m just glad I caught it I don’t know what we’re going to do cuz they now know this exists which is the issue I’m not sure how we stop that

Really but I don’t know how I stop them just doing it again H let me go up and grab some wheat cuz I’m going to need to figure out where to remove these two I’m going to need to do some reshuffling I think I’m so lucky that I happened to

Just clock Martin’s name like if I hadn’t that would have been awful but to be fair my thought process is now I have a conveniently placed tunnel all the way back wherever they came from that they have so kindly left me so we can definitely make the most of that okay

Time to make a room some of the cars have already moved in that’s wonderful how do I get the attention of everything come down here okay that’s that done no I need to break this and then pop that with this do that and then I want to I think wall

Off basically all of this but I’m going to use Stone and I’m also going to block off part of this like so okay this is what we’re working with now you can kind of hear the cows here but I’m close to not needing to worry about it I also

Need to go and see if Joel and that got any because if they did I may need to have some my power one ball what are you doing here Scott what Cel Jimmy agreed to give us a cow if we played his game so I a diamond I don’t

Know what cows you mean Joel I saw the cow Scot we literally saw them with our own eyes I can tell you now Joel there there are no more cows where youing them okay but Jimmy still promised the cows so it doesn’t matter where they come

From as long as Jimmy doesn’t own the go Joel I own the go well Jim’s promised me a cow so I’m going to go he not get his Diamond if there’s no cow he doesn’t need to get his Diamond me and Martin get a cow each we’re going to breed them

It’s going to be glorious you’re not getting multiple cows for one Diamond Joel no I he Martin’s paying for his cow as well I didn’t agree with this I’ll need to speak to Jimmy first actually his all business deals are done together so I’m going to get there first I mean

He would just hand you a c k he can’t just give you one off the bat whatever he hitting me what what can I do oh Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy oh hi I don’t even know where got I’m behind you behind you I’m behind you there you are

I was lit she like there’s a voice in my head and I don’t know where oh it’s funny seeing you again Martin hello how’s it going I’m not seen you yet today not maybe you haven’t seen me but I’ve seen you today youen seen seen I’ve

Actually seen Joel and Mar today JY why is everyone over in this corner of the jimy come with me over here a minute Jimmy come over no jimy come with me over here Jimmy come with me if I don’t get that over here fore you

Any hey they they might go into the cow Farm if they’ve already tried to steal Co Jimmy I know they have I know they have I tried to play it off as I didn’t know about it but oh wait I think they’re already down there no iidea they

Went down the main but we should move I mean I moved the cows but they might have found I moved them basically under the Sheep right what do we do in this situation I don’t I don’t really I don’t want to we should go and watch them we should go and watch them

Get get out of here big want Cow Big Run distraction I’ll bring you a cow later I promise hi drown in your own Sorrows no I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking and I was off to the cow Scott I’ve one fair and square uh I don’t

Think that’s actually Jimmy’s role to make actually I tell you what I’ll give you a diamond for for a cow take the deal Scott that’s a pretty good one Jimmy you’re voice good me and Jo have one cow each Diamond F see if you maybe see if you maybe came

And asked first instead of trying to steal them but where’s the fun SC I’ll be honest I only did this because you didn’t join in my other Heist so I just wanted to do a heist of my own you know what I’ll give you two cows there you go

Wait wait wait wait we need to give cow yeah iow big needs to PE a diamond as well s give me a second JY sorry I’m sorry live us JY go away JY no go away JY how do I get out of here there is no

Way out the I’m trying to give you this diamond but there’s like 18 people let’s get let’s get let’s get the KO let’s get the KO and we dok thank you taken my diamond so I’ve got one in my chest don’t worry I will bring it to you it’s just that Jimmy

One like forced it you lost my game where have used this is not the right way out I have no idea I’m 90% sure it was just a straight line I just filled in the hole that you came in to me and moved them a little bit isn’t that the

Question we’re all asking ourselves where are we right now Jimmy how have you done this how have I done this yes Jimmy because up until today it was just us with cows oh there are okay there they are look at them good luck we we’ve done two for two you’re the kind of

People that want to help an old lady cross the road you just laugh at her and say yes you’re probably not going to make it before the red light comes on oh Joel they’re following you Joel they’re following you Joel they’re following you we need the Benny Hill

Music oh my gosh that was great good business Scott I’ll be in a second see uh chimy you can’t start making deals for were cows I didn’t even I didn’t even make a deal you did well he was like you guys have a cow farm and I went

Wait Scott has a cow farm he sco right through it and then um yeah it was it didn’t really go well so that’s our wait where’s Daisy probably in here or you might have given her away cuz you don’t care about the cows I care about the

Cows I don’t think you do The Jig was up they got us I mean I managed to thwart the escape attempt I managed to stop them and then come back to Mar stop were they they weren’t going to stop I moved them I made this whole thing I felled in

That hole no one knew really where yeah but they heard them they would have found them eventually I just needed them secret until I’d got my enchanting table then I didn’t care right I’m going to go work on on the wall okay okay well that happened we’ve managed to lose some cows

But I also got a diamond for Martin and Joel said he’s bringing me a diamond I’m not quite sure why Joel Joel’s bringing me a diamond but I’m also not going to complain about it I’ll take it because I now technically have enough to make my last three bookshelves our last three

Bookcases which are going to go one two three and that should give us 30 okay we’re in business now I should probably make some diamond tools that’s going to be our first part of call I think is a good diamond axe pickaxe good diamond

Pickaxe so I have 16 but one on the way as well cuz Joel is giving me one again I’m not sure the logistics of that but I will not complain so a diamond pickaxe and then I also I’m going to do a diamond chest plate and maybe a diamond

Axe and sword now my issue is I’m very aware that scar so far has been threatening people for their things if they’re wearing diamonds I will be wearing diamonds so I need to make sure he doesn’t do that but I also think I have made a pretty good name on the

Server of don’t mess with me it ends badly okay so let’s have a look sharpness three Unbreaking three efficiency 3 efficiency 3 Let’s do efficiency 3 Unbreaking three and self touch not great but we’ll take it and that’ll be really handy for chopping down trees so we have that pop then pop

Then fortune and Unbreaking Hollow you it wasn’t the efficiency that I wanted but I will we still take it fortune 3 pickaxe and this economy okay we’ve been growing this giant spru tree back and forth and have been collecting all of the wood up here as you can see we have

A lot of spruce a lot of Oak and a lot of dark oak I have also sort of done something with the wall here brought it down so this is where we will build up along obviously the Cobblestone sort of touches along the outside I suppose we

Could go and do that later I nearly fell down there that’s pretty much what we’re working with now jimy sort of already went around and sort of done like the layer of uh wood I might change this bit that he’s done here just to make it a

Little bit more sort of uniform like is here there’s not as high yeah you know what I’ll probably fine I’ll make it work I’ll make it work oh that’s Jimmy’s Chicken chop thing want to have a look BS placed in here this is a chicken gamble thing okay what is this giant

Will patch I’m confused oh hey hello where where oh there you go I love it that I just speak and you just like your OD reaction is you look to this okay like God I just don’t God I just don’t know in what world am I going to be

Above you that like directly above you though I don’t know I just fall from the sky you like what I’ve done it looks a lot better there’s some little bits I’ll tweak like this bit here is a bit like steep just the like seven blocks of I’ll probably yeah I’ll probably just

Terraform and bring it like so it’s maybe like two blocks and two blocks and three blocks you haven’t done the the other side yet have you no because if you come up here I’ll show you what I did I just sort of fixed this bit so it

Goes down and then up oh nice oh sweet I think we’ll build the wall first and then I can figure out where I’m putting the gate the gate is going to go in here but I can like figure that out once we’ve I can sort of terraform into that

And such but okay yeah yeah that sounds good we’ll do that fine I still can’t go over the the difference in wall from like hours which looks like this to that just the lava just the lava we need to uh go look at a board a public board

There’s a board for what yeah there’s a public board in the in the desert for the you know I got my my 25 reputation points mhm yeah apparently there’s a reputation board now so see I don’t think that would end well seeing as we undermined the Monopoly Jimmy you’ve got

Nothing have you you’ve got no points when I allowed you to live with me you’re basically were like married so if they’re your points they’re also my points it depends how they’re going to take that cuz I don’t know if they’ll take that on board or not Jimmy we’re

Married I know but we don’t share point what is this this yeah the cactus walls yeah oh my Lord they’ve not done a very good job this bit but but you know it’s like for better for worse for good for of sickness and health death and life

Sickness and health what is this this is M why is there one really tall Cactus what an a is that I don’t know C could go that high oh there’s actually if Scott oh Joel just died wait he’s try to swim in lava is he like falling in lava

But wait if he’s falling in lava he have lost all his stuff oh wait I see grien and um look SC oh my God look at that man I don’t enjoy that skin where did he die I don’t think it was here are you cosplaying as like dorine the Tin Man

I’m like is he need his oil changed or no this is this is lifeless skin lifeless it it it looks like I should be like oil changing thank you for the food I appreciate that um did you notice my short shorts I did notice your short

Shorts it was like but short even even in the afterlife even in the afterlife y Oh I thought one of you guys had died in the lava no no we came we came in that knife big bit where there is no Lava we were quite safe to just Adventure cuz he

Wanted to look at the board board’s over here the board’s over here oh my gosh look at this okay so we have small beans friend Etho friend impulse Ally Martin Most Wanted kist it’s not even spell Martin right there I am 25% see I’m not

On it I don’t know if that makes a good thing or a bad thing if I just don’t exist does that mean I’m yeah you’re not on here no no no that’s a good thing that’s a good thing if you’re not on here that’s kind of like you’re neutral

You’re like in the middle there’s no you know there’s no battle there wait I’m just realing are Cleo negative 100 reputation points yeah that’s right Cleo and vdubs are negative maybe he just forgot that was part of the magic I’ve accidentally looked at an Ender I’ve accidentally done that oh God it’s F

It’s a Bo it’s a Bo it’s on a Bo’s doing really well he’s on 100 100 reputation points so is Joel Joel was like best friend don’t break the boat sorry guys but it’s yeah I’m sorry guys not me it’s not me it’s not it’s not me it’s not me

Your di oh God oh God I don’t have diamonds than you he secured him he secured him he going wait he’s a friend we have to talk about that you shouldn’t be doing that he just tried to murder me and the only the only answer the only answer was if

You drop all your diamonds put down water no but you’re not allowed to look at you’re not allowed to look at them I didn’t intentionally look at them hey sorry about also the 10 the T man has a flint and steel it’s no giving me hole

No fish a fish actually he’s got he’s got two two fishes I’m really sorry about him I thought my flashed before my eyes what has tangle just said first so F falling four diamond boots what do you have to do for that ask what do you do

For ad oh wait maybe that was why Joel F in lava I’m not sure our luck would go well seeing as we have stolen from the man he may rig that so that we die no right I’m going are you coming sure I mean you realize we’re going to the

Person who we still coose from right yeah but now we’re about to take his feather foing four boots off him as well so it’s going to be great are you sure yeah yeah dude I did chick chants earlier got two wins one loss what does

That tell you we had to sell two cows Jimmy dude we’re feeling lucky all right okay oh hey best friend oh contestants welcome welcome welcome hold on the game’s not ready yet hold on okay this is like you know when they’re like uh you’re waiting outside a bullpit

Ready to go in except the ball Pit’s full of fiery hot death is this where Joel died is this where Joel died uh I mean it might have been yeah oh look they’re lining up I love hey hi hey how’s going big I’m only here to watch

Jimmy do it what’s the what do we do what’s the explain so this is dare to flare in the chest there is now it’s just a coupon cuz we just had an incident but there’s a coupon in there for uh feather falling four Diamond boot which impulses actively procuring this

Moment okay with buer trading so the rules are very simple if you want the boots just go get the coupon and bring it back here the rules are no block placing no water buckets no fire resistance potion all you have to do is just go over there and get that all you

Got to do all you got to do is go get the token bring it back the lava in front of us what’s happening right now is not just the only lava that’s coming down that’s same thing he said no no tricks it’s literally just a pattern you can it’s just an alternating pattern

Very simple what you see is what you get can you do first uh definitely not just think of it like a pattern look at the floor and look where the lava doer doesn’t appear That’s where you’re wanting to land take your time there’s no rush feel like there a trick there’s

No tricks I promise you I believe in you I’ve stepped in this is it now I believe in you return MCC has trained you for this moment he’s squating up to the lava he might survive he might go out can I get just go on the chest go on the

Oh oh my God he’s dead no didn’t go as planned everyone’s going for The Rush down style yeah I I literally like finesse if you just watch it you can see where the laa doer doesn’t land like it’s alternating but you can see where the lava doesn’t go

Like this is one things where it looks easier than it seems oh 100% like all carnival games I’m not stupid enough to do it I’ve got my own enchanting I’ll just figure it out but well I mean at least you kind of got some revenge on

Jimmy for taking the care phot y you got one only one left yeah but I’m not you’re not you’re not going to get me with these type of things I’m the brains of the operation you’re not going to get me with these type of things where does

Je Jimmy where did you go I was coming back to bring you your stuff um did Big B do it no we just we just watched you die and then left oh that’s quite upsetting oh no that’s mine that that’s quite upsetting then isn’t it I mean

What did you expect to happen I I didn’t don’t really know why is there just an enchanting table here oh hey why is this here I don’t know what’s happened I’m going need you to back up real quick cuz I don’t know if this is ours or if this

Belongs to somebody else I’m just need you to chill honestly way too much has been going on we’ve literally just had a what felt like a coordinated attack from Etho G green like honestly everybody Sizzle skizzle I don’t care I don’t know at this point uh I mean sky is

I can see Gan he’s top of the cookie can you can you pick this up for me and throw it to me cuz I think this might be ours no yeah you get it cuz I’ve just died and I I don’t want that to be like booby trapped or something oh what’s

That what is that I don’t know but did something and I’m leaving What’s Happening Here people it’s a it’s a scuffed TNT trap oh don’t let gooss the rail don’t let gooss the rail failed look at them up there blow wait not it’ll blow up if it gets touch don’t be

Careful if it falls it can blow up they just told me to break something over here they were trying to get you big how could you someone has to hit that off so it’s not just there wait H we might need to shoot it they Big B they’re the cookie they’re taking your

Cookie what an earth what is the chaos that is happening um what went wrong nothing we just broke it and then nothing happened I know so obviously something went wrong they’re currently trying to disarm the bomb which is the chest with the m with the mineart with the TNT in it who just

Stole my cookie yeah why did you steal his cookie no there was no we just we just watched you steal it we oh my God no no way yes I don’t believe you did not not just do that you did not just take out two of three of

Them we did it you’re a monster you’re a monster you’re chaos incar Jeffy just died once and he’s now died twice oh my goodness you monsters what do we got we got have we got three kills you got Ren skizzle and Jimmy and you put skle and JY onto

The red hearts I will say green you know have two red hearts that want your blood hey hey hey hey hey this was Scar’s kill I don’t know if it was no wait was it no I I was only talking about friendships and cartoons earlier mhm Martin and uh Ren didn’t catch him

Doing this I mean either way they’re third life so they might still want your green heart green I can’t believe you single-handedly made two red names between the two of you watch them you made look at that tab menu there were so many green names and now there’s three

Red three yellow this is the best day of the server oh God Red’s coming up you’re one of your victims scar scar incoming gentlemen hien I was nothing to do with that I I’m not associated with them not only did I die but the second TN blew up

What’s going over here all my oh dude I lost everything okay the Piston pushed but it just didn’t it didn’t get the mine carts rolling for some reason well I know what went wrong I lost everything you guys that’s the way this server Works goodness that scar scar oh

Wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa P out P out P out put him out put him out Ren got pushed by Scar and then Martin is there trying to kill scar oh Ren was so close to an instant death there I all I would see is you two mate need to what like

Get your protections bu up more Timmy hello Jimmy he’s sulking he’s suking look at his little red name he doesn’t even have bits I have never been so more surprised than when it went off because there was there was a TNT I could pick up and I didn’t know

If I stepped on the TNT it would blow up Jeffy I told you that we needed to Sho it from a Destin I was like the only way youarm that is shoting it no but I didn’t know that it would go off I I I I

I feel so bad I literally kill and ren In Cold Blood worst thing about it is that the proc chat cuts off as soon as you die so you can’t even apologize I couldn’t apologize I just understand you they gave you the loaded gun that wasn’t

You that brought it my gosh I actually I feel so bad it look I look like the villain it was just an honest mistake wel to the red desert son I was going to say what’s the plan are we swapping green and jmy no green lives here at the

FL for JY goes for scar I’ve got no intentions to kill anyone unless that’s not the point of this series hey hey you can’t kill me I’m your husband well following whatever that was going from here to Tangles thing to Jimmy dying and then trying to get Jimmy and seeing him

Run away and deciding to follow him was both the best and worst thing I have ever experienced in my life that was a lot to take in just a lot I could have died my life flashed before my eyes I need my level 30 armor Pronto because

That could have been me I am going to be focusing that now we’re going to go maining I need to get the levels to get more enchantments God knows I need there thing oh God that was terrifying oh I found a cave wait what okay this has been found by someone but

Like this is a potential XP farm right that changes the plans a little bit because I’m going to need to Jerry rig an XP farm that’s literally under their base so obviously we’re not going to be able to do like afking as such on This Server like you normally would for a

Farm but it will be handy to have to do a little bit of like farming and with us being so close I genuinely think these chunks will be loaded in when we are in our houses and at our base so it should mean that anytime we we want to come

Down for experience there should be some zombies to kill so I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to spend the next however long it takes building a sort of very simple mob grinder and I will come back to you all when I have

Something to show okay so I think it’s pretty much all set up it’s a very janky one but it works or it should the only way to test it is to start breaking things but obviously I need to try and break them without them deciding to join

Me okay there’s one he’s off I actually think the best way to get into those might be through the wall over there so I’m just going to wall that up okay and now I need to get out of here quickly and hopefully that should start spawning

Stuff and then as you can see a few zombies went down you come down here you should just be a little pale that you can just swing at I do want to actually replace that with that so that the XP comes out now you just sit and swing

Obviously I could have made it so that they’re easier to kill but this is not a super efficient one it never promised to be but that actually was pretty quick as you can see if we hop up here we have a wall the wall is now finished it’s done

It encapsulates the Bild all the way around so we’re now walled off I haven’t put the gate in yet but I just thought I’d give you a little update I stumbled across something else that’s pretty cool and it is in that box now if we head

Over here you can maybe see see him it’s a zombie villager and because I’m one of the people who has access to portions it means I can fix him but we are going to grab our fortune 3 pickaxe and we’re going to head into the main and just get

Going hope for the best pray for me I don’t know what to do like do I just pick a random tunnel in Yolo mode it like I just down here who is this why does this exist hello or coal don’t mind me I’ll take that again Coal’s always

Good just for levels see with any Redstone that I found plus I need a ton of torches to keep the flower area lit up so that mobs don’t spawn inside our walls you know I’m going to go there was a little bit of a tunnel behind the

Stairs which I dug before so let’s just head down here and we’ll just start pke calling I almost don’t want to pke Ho to that other side because I know the border is there and I’d be sad if I found some diamonds on the other side of

The border now I’m still trying to decide if I should like rent out the what you call it zombie spawner or whether I keep it for myself I think for now I’m going to keep it on the download and just keep it to me and Jimmy and

Like maybe friends until I’m sort of well protected and then we’ll see about seeing if other people need it oh diamonds okay okay okay okay I have none so let’s see how many we get for this 20 diamonds I’m sorry 20 diamonds from a little like eight bomb what I’m

Lucky I went one for forward and I mean I’m never going to need to like check all my poke holes to be like one extra what on Earth well I mean I have enough to make my armor now I just want to S keep going cuz I want to be down here

For like 5 minutes you know I was like expecting this to take it at least half an hour or so like is this the Strat is this the Strat is it like break five break one break another like what’s happening hello just little four but it was 10

Diamonds from four I’m what what you know what 30 diamonds we’re going to keep going for a little bit see if we find anything else and if not 30 diamonds is more enough the only other Hope was like maybe I would get enough to like help Jimmy so that he doesn’t

You know die but it is what it is as you can see here I managed to get a bunch of redstone a lot of coal some iron some gold some lapis and 40 diamonds 40 that was four veins that was all it was four veins of diamonds I got 40 diamonds

Fortune 3 is busted but with that we can now run in here I’ve already got my chest plate so what I want to do is make some leggings and some booies and then we’re going to head over to the enchanting table and see what we can do

Because I have 35 levels so I should be able to enchant both of these pretty well protection three depth ster three oh feather fall three could be good let’s just do protection and Unbreaking protection four let’s if I pop that in here oh it didn’t give me 30 levels back boo I’m

Sad prot four boots are good it’s annoying that that’s all they have if that makes sense that’s annoying I’m going to go grab some more levels from the mob grinder and then we will try re-enchanting again once I am at 30 okay we have 30 let’s head back up and

Enchant these pants protection three the exact same thing I I have taken the exact same thing as what I had before but ass sure it’s fine yep oh okay I’m still going to need to do some like tweaking and changing to like make this better but like for now what we

Have is protection for boots which I could do with getting Unbreaking and maybe feather falling on we have protection three and Unbreaking three leggings and we have fire protection and Unbreaking three chest plate so all in all pretty good pretty good and we have 30 diamonds left over so there’s

Definitely a lot we can do with it just going to fuel up my furnaces pop my gold and my iron to go and then empty my inventory as you do after a good days of Mining and by good days I do mean half an hour fortune 3 is busted okay so now

That we have got ourselves our armor the next Port of Call is going to be the Villager now I think I’m better curing him and then moving him because I think moving him while he’s a zombie is just going to end in him possibly dying to

The Sun so I’m going to see what I can do outside of that if do that Mak sense now I’m pretty sure yeah I already have apples so that’s the golden apple part made and done the next bit is going to be I need this for a brewing stand I’m

Going to need some Nether wart and a fermented spider eye so for that I need sugar brown mushroom and a spider ey so I have a spider eye I need sugar and I need a brown mushroom which I don’t think I have but there is the dark oak

Forest nearby so hopefully that’ll work okay we’re going to make ourselves the brewing stand I’m also going to grab one more Blaze Rod I also need some glass have I made any glass I don’t think I have I have a lot bit of sand though so

We’ll get that smelted and then I also want to grab my bucket of water and I need a cobblestone slab because I seen a cool thing I can do I’m also going to need something for a shelf while the sand smelts into glass we’re going to

Head into the dark oak forest in hopes of finding a brown mushroom so far the way I’ve been getting in and out of this place is I’ve just been like breaking my way in and out because we haven’t put a gate in yet but also I don’t really know

If I want to you know I might put some ladders on our side so there’s multiple that would be smart actually I can have some smart ideas sometimes I was going to say is there no burn mushrooms wait is this not how you get oh no that’s

Just going to I don’t don’t really want mushroom blocks actually I thought mushrooms drop mushroom blocks oh there we go oh wait though I have cell touch so I could get some of this and it would just look cute I’m not sure in what capacity but I can make it look cute

Where there’s a me there’s a way okay so fermented spider eye is just the eye the sugar and the mushroom to give me fermented spider eye and we should be good to go okay in here I want to pop down little slabs like so and I need to

Go get the glass okay we have glass I’m then going to make a handful of bottles and also do I have any slabs already I do just need a couple it was just an idea I’d seen on Tik Tok that I was like hey this could be fun to implement where

Like you break this you pop the slab down and you water log it and then it means you can take that and there’s just constant water but it’s like hidden which I thought was cute and then over here I can pop some empty bottels I

Maybe keep the blaz but now I’ll pop in here hopefully no one will come in here and steal they may cuz I mean there’s no rules but hopefully they don’t wait fermented spider I thought it was that oh wait is it just meant to be normal

Water bottles of water if I done this wrong oh I didn’t even need to use the nether wart my bad my bad how many of you were just mad in showing the comments like you don’t need that there we go weakness We’ll add the gunpowder I

Will go grab an apple and we’ll be good to go I would like to at some point move that into the sort of communal area just so Jimmy has easier access to if needs it so now we have this we should be able to come over here break in and just

Splash him and give him an apple and now I just wait I’m just going to leave him and I’m going to go work in where we’re putting him my thought process was in here if I get some stuff sort of fles out a little bit like maybe bring down

Some more of the wall and make just a little like room in here this could be cute and also because it’s only one I’m not too too worried about having to like maximize it as in like putting ELR down and trapping them in spes like I’m kind

Of happy to just let him exist cuz until we get another one there’s not much I can do with him wait what just happened oh it’s just a fake thing R was SL by wait it’s not a fake thing wait I thought it was Martin was dead but I

Realized it’s Ren that’s dead oh my goodness that’s not fake that’s not fake at all the red King has risen oh no oh no no no no no no how do I get my man’s in here let’s hop over break him out of his quarantine you look so much better

Now let’s spin and get you over here um I suppose the best way would maybe be like Drive the ball in like that okay good so yeah so you go in there okay he’s already went into the back which is nice we’ll pop the gate there

Sorted okay this is cute I like this this is adorable get some little leaves in here get some hanging lanterns will’ll be looking cute now I’d say my best betet is going to be going and making a lecturn and just kind of rotating out until I get a good enchant

Sort of my thought process I feel like an enchanting one is going to be the best use okay so we have our Le turn now we just need to go get our little man hello little man protection three for one protection three for one it’s just

Free it’s just a book it’s just a book oh oh the temptation just to take that is so high because protection three and then we could just make a ton of books would be so good I can’t take the first one I get I can’t I can’t take it I

Can’t do it to myself Cur of Van you know I’m going to pass on that one actually fire protection no quick charge no that’s just paper for emeralds no piercing no curs binding no how much about I’m not going to get anything as good as that protection loyalty I don’t have

Trident mending mending I hate having one villager mending is good for a longterm Series this is not a longterm Series so I’m not going to sharpness four sharpness five I already have sharpness 4 and it still costs 39 emeralds on a book so that’s still a lot

Which I don’t have so I’m again I’m going to say no I should have just took the protection three I should have taken it it’s not as good but wait no this one’s actually good this one’s good cuz this means I can get emeralds and it’s

Just a book and seven for protection 3 we’re doing this one he is locked in love that the other one would have been good my issue was is I didn’t have access to treading any emeralds so at least this way I do but I mean that’s

Pretty much the main goals I had like I can now put protection three and three if I make an anvil can I do that wait let’s try it and then if I do that with that that makes protection four okay yeah we’re going to take that for four

Levels which gives us prop four so we have fire protection for an Unbreaking 3 protection for an Unbreaking 3 and then just protection for bits so I don’t need any more protection you know maybe making a protection guy wasn’t the best bet actually it’ll work for Jimmy it’ll

Work for Jimmy tangle was shot by impulse wait what I don’t know what happened there but that seems spicy I love the contrast where like people are having massive Wars like people are having rivalries fighting each other mean well I live in a small flower Kingdom where I’ve sured it with cute

Wooden walls and I’ve just been kind of running around stealing little bits but even then I’m not really stealing I am using other people’s facilities without their permission but it’s not taking away from their facilities so you know if anything I’m leveling up their villagers like I’m doing them a favor

There’s just a lot going on I just see Etho I see impulse I see Tango BDubs Cleo I’m tempted to try and get closer to like listen I see a long wall I see impulse with an bone arrow I’m very confused firing arrows at someone either was shot by tangle I

Don’t know if I want to go over here it seems like some cult stuff luckily none of them seem to have noticed my existence just yet you know my outfit doesn’t really like my head doesn’t blend well with trees maybe the sky but not trees if there was just a way to get

Behind that wall i’ be able to hear what’s going on from here I can’t and I don’t think I can make it like up anywhere and down with without them seeing me maybe if I’m quick and they’re distracted you know they’re distracted they might not notice okay okay okay

We’re getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere and from here I think I need to shift Tango’s leaving okay E’s leaving it’s just impulse bdubs in Cleo I’m glad I didn’t get behind the wall yeah yeah yes yes I can just hear impulse I can’t hear Etho yes remember

The plan okay bye what plan oh no I feel like I’ve heard something I’m not meant to they’re just manling the wall so I’m glad I wasn’t behind it um I wish I’d heard more I just know that there’s a plan but I don’t know what the plan is

That scares me I need someone to relay this information to in case I a demise I don’t know he you scared the life out of me I was just nosing about and then I stumbled across the the mass murder of the greens which was very weird they

Were just like lined up against the wall and shooting them but then also so I got a little bit closer to see what I could hear and all I heard was impulse run back to Cleo and BDubs and then say something about like remember the plan

And he sounded happy and then ran away and I don’t know what the plan is and that worries me this is getting a bit scary is that that why you came here to tell me to warn me I mean I was just kind of passing and you were the first

Person I interacted with I mean you’re closest to them so the plan may affect you I don’t know well I think part of their plan is to burn my roof at some point so I’m not looking forward to that okay I’m going to head back now but I

Just wanted to let you know backel okay so I need to know what the plan is just heard impulse run by being excited about the plan I’m not sure what that is oh God hello hi major hi hello Hobbit person you’re scary now that

You’re red I am red indeed I have my own red no jimy don’t come back I’m sticking my red can beat up your red any day no but my red can beat up you probably can’t but my red your filthy heathens bu to sorry I won’t is he a pirate anyway

Your filthy hoberts we’re here for tribute excuse me I’m very clean thank you very much tribute you need to tell us what actually happened with you guys cuz all we saw was you telling you yeah him said him saying I have no choice what actually happened what is what’s

Going on here Army Lads red winter is coming and the Red King has risen no what do you intend to do as the Red King uh what your man we haven’t really figured that fit out yet what are you bringing to the table here here’s the

Deal guys okay this is the banner of the red King the banner of dog warts all right okay don’t know if you guys have noticed but we’re fully geared out in diamond and um we’re very close to shedding some blood up in this business okay okay we’re here to collect tribute

From the surrounding Kingdoms in return for tribute you guys have the protection of dog warts and well we won’t kill you today there there you go you enjy that that’s not good enough there is a very specific tribute that we’re after do you two remember first episode I gave

You a rabbit’s foot yeah I need a back let me have a look I’ll be back in a minute wait Scott wait Scott they just came into our base through our walls and you just chucking them pieces of bread you sacrific it that easy I mean they

Just want something that they gave us a while ago that I think just sat in a chest so I don’t I’m fine with it there’s more to the tribute than that gentlemen you just be hanging the banner of the king in your base oh no no no

Thank you no we can’t do that you can take that you came over our walls can’t do that you’ve seen already today that there’s been people killing one another with green names yellow names it doesn’t matter okay wa we are the only two kingdoms with walls right now youen if

You haven’t noticed yet I’m red and I’m ready to kill all we’re asking for is the rabbit foot and for you to hang the banner and we leave in peace it’s easy you gain an ally I gain a foots pretty good Monday for me to be honest it’s a

Good deal we can come to dog warts whenever Jim whenever we want red just like me we need to stick together I I agree I agree I okay listen listen guys I came in a bit hot okay look I’m a bit flustered today I came in I came in a

Bit hot mhm I’m sorry you know that felt a bit aggressive and agressive guys we’re here for an alliance basically okay okay okay cuz you’re red I’m red there’s Chaos on the server right now green look we’re we’re symmetrical we’re from the two opposite corners and we can pinch the center

Head up Joel’s already joined us we can’t pinch Joel D the banner is just to show that you guys that that together we’ve got a bit of an alliance going here The Two Reds we’re together anybody messes with either of us we come to each other’s eight that’s it easy so if we

Make a banner you’ll hang up in your place you’ll hang in dogwarts if we make a banner you’ll have to come to the altar of the black heart to discuss such an wait wait that I’m pretty sure that means sacrifices yeah not just that rabbit foot it’s a Scary Place dud to

Yeah I thought that I thought that may me stay away I don’t like your use of the word Allegiance is though you’re higher than us cuz we would it would be an alliance as an equal partnership Allegiance Alliance potatoes potatoes whatever same thing really major okay I

Don’t know if it is you know we’re we’re pretty set over here in our little kingdom you want to be the first in the book you’re going to need to like make it more like equal for us here in rather than just demanding you’ve so far asked

For the gift that you gave us in episode one which I have here as you can tell I kept it you’re getting the protection of dogwarts which is arguably the most powerful Kingdom in the server right now major okay we got the best I’m also really strong like I have prop four two

Things and prop four fire protection I also have Shar for sword unfortunately your your partner in crime not so Jimmy doesn’t but we have the abilities to do things I know what’s going to happen here all right we’re going to end up partnering up with them you’re going to

End up on the altar I’m going to be looking you in the eyes and they’re going to sacrifice you and I don’t want that all right so I’m going to light this I’m going to chut the banner in there oh you he’s himself wow I’m going

To burn that banner and we’re going to say goodbye to these fools write Us in that book go on put us in that book to be like for what was once a nice friendship I will give you the rabbit’s foot back so there you go wait wait what

They’re really you’re the only just died oh my good oh wait and he was partnered with you guys see you’re not even protecting him yeah did you protect everywhere at once don’t be so stupid well you should be you do that not worry you now because you guys have been

Messing with Joel the whole time and now he’s r no I have f i I have really strong armor maybe we’ll go over to Joel right now and convince him not to be with you guys he’s already done it Bann up got the banner outside his he’s

Already got the B should have take should have taken the banner guys sorry you’re lost let’s get out of here H okay by bye this isn’t the end you know that right this isn’t the end why why did you do that why did you do that did I go the

Direction that you thought we I was going to go or I was thinking we were just going to like bargain a little bit more until was an alliance or an allegiance you decied to go fill it was never going to be an alliance it was never going to be an alliance that’s

What negotiations were for Jimmy you see like hey let’s not do that bit but we do this bit he was basically talking about you being a sacrifice one of us being a sacrifice yeah but Jimmy I have like prop five prop four prop four like I’m

I’m fine I guarantee someone is going to die on alter I I guarantee it come with me I’ve got something to show you come with me what is in here this is Benedict um you can buy Pro three books from them for seven emeralds wait what t wait how

Am I going to get emeralds you just trade paper with them that’s amazing wait I can get like fully proed up then yeah that’s why I have for things oh my gosh wait I need to like grind paper I was going to say use your 30 levels for

Like your sword or your tools and then yeah like get by protection books oh dude yeah I’m going to do that I’m going to see what enchant I can get on my sword and then I’ll start grinding sugar canes get paper and then mhm get

Also need to what you call it uh breed cows and then get books as well but the other thing I did but I feel like I’m more able to sneakily do it was I just went and traded with the village folks villagers with we while they were gone

To get some other emeralds oh wait what they were all dealing with something so I just kind of snuck in traded and left but I’m not suggesting you do that because you’re a red name so you’re scary yeah I am I am pretty scary actually so I’m wondering if seeing as

You decided to spit in the face of dogwarts maybe we try and get an alliance with a different set of people who who else hates dogwarts they Scar and green they do so I’m think I’m thinking we maybe there are neighbors it would be it would make more sense for us

To be teamed with them should we pop over there and see what they think I mean we can when it’s not night time and you’re die I think we should do that we should at least pop and see if they’re interested so that happened you know I

Was kind of somewhat on good terms with most people because it’s me Jimmy decided to take the lead in that one not quite sure why I let that happen but I did so you know now dogwarts hates us sure I had to get the good armor out

Just to be safe which is I I mean apart from like Unbreaking I really can’t add anything else to this armor to be better like it’s already prop four I don’t think prop five exists okay so now that I have the big armor I kind of want to

Make a little armor stand to remember my old armor I also could probably do with like finishing the rest of the inside of this base you know like this is just nothing could probably do with changing those walls to something nicer I just don’t know what cuz I don’t want to do

The diorite mix I kind of want to keep that for the hallway and I’ll just pop that like so chest plate bits leggings yeah my first armor okay well I guess now the next step is just going to be taking out the walls and going from

There take out the walls in the ceiling and then decide what I’m replacing them with and then I’m going to need to do something on this side with stone okay let’s decide what we are doing for these walls I just need something I kind of want to try Granite mixed with smooth

Granite and brick okay we’ll throw all the clay in there I’ll make this into polished and I suppose we just start dotting this about okay this looks cute already and if we’re mixing in some brick Oh yeah that’s going to look super cute okay just mixing in Brick into this

Will work I think I’m going to do smooth Stone as the roof for this but just to be sort of like efficient with materials I’m just going to use stone slabs ta that’s this room done it looks super cute actually I’m quite impressed and

Now I just need to kind of break all the Torches I have in here just to see how dark it is to know where to hang the other ones I can also just hang a couple chains in here to get some torches in and now look cute this looks light

Enough so things shouldn’t spawn in here okay awesome love that I also could do with putting in a gate here I’m just trying to figure out how going need to level this out a tiny bit and also clear a little bit more away and then I

Suppose I just break a bit in the wall like so and I feel like I need to make it taller like I feel like any bit that is got the bridge under it needs to be taller okay so this is the gate I kind of want to also cover this up cuz

Currently this is the access to one of our most valuable assets that has been actually on the outside of our land or at least the access to it is ah Jimmy’s trying to come up you can come up thanks I realized that the entrance to one of our most valuable

Resources was technically outside our gate so I was like I should fill that oh hello hello Scott you didn’t even you didn’t even know you used the G yay you can come in green welcome okay I did use the gate it was it was fun I like the gate

It’s very nice gate where’s Timmy and is he out for blood there’s J are you out for blood oh you’ve changed your skin yeah I’m are you wearing a headset I’m always at no it’s going to be like a death and Decay patch I didn’t evaporating I wish I was wearing a

Headset yeah was a headset too I think he’s trying to go like Tony Stark I don’t feel so good kind of Vibes but yeah as much as no as much as a Minecraft skin can translate that did you tell them about about oh no I haven’t yeah no so uh basically dogwarts

You know your worst enemy the ones you hate to came over here demanded that we were alliances but not really Alliance more like an allegiance like they wanted to be in charge and we were like no Jimmy then decided to burn the banner in front of them that they wanted to place

Here which has ended up putting the hobbits in his little black book my thought was you don’t like them and we don’t like them now we should mutually not like them together while also kind of liking each other but they got an Etho I don’t really know why I think

Ethos crowned him like King of the server or something and he just won’t go near him and I don’t really know why see I’m not saying as much as like we should go and hunt them down but as much as I like if they come to attack you we will

Come to your raid if they come to attack us you come to cuz we’re also neighbors so it’s like a close distance I think we have all become great friends today yay and we’re just here to chitchat and provide gifts you didn’t expect the gift

Part did you no I didn’t expect the gift part so stand apart here stand apart wait what become allies with the Sam people we ask nothing of you just be on our side we we don’t we don’t want you to do anything other than accept our

Gift one diamond and one TNT I will probably I’ll give Jimmy The Diamond but the TNT he’s probably safer in my hand yeah yeah that is right I won’t make the mistake of giving him that here is a fire resist and a weakness potion this is it’s a good thing we

Stopped at these beautiful strong walls here look those look at those not not flammable at all no don’t taste it an alliance has formed scar I will I will give you the rarest item on the server puffer fish there’s only two of those in existence but yeah Green even though

You’re saying after you die you’re like I we will s support you honestly if I die I I’m going to feel so lost just don’t what if he died and I’m still out here in the L do I oh yeah of course I’m just meaning cuz he said he’s just no

It’s just cuz he said if he dies he’s out so I was like you’re still both allies even if you’re not together well my friends we are off we will see you lat we got to meet up with the skizzle man he also looks like Elvis I don’t

Know if anyone noticed that I’ll catch up with you in a second SC I’ll catch second oh oh yeah all right um I’ll just be over here fishing literally fishing I I have a rod in a reel I got a rod in a reel just over

Here don’t trust him why just just he has betrayed everyone he’s ever been friends with just be careful yeah we will it said it warmed his heart I catching up oh he’s already going to die I left you alone for two seconds I don’t know who to trust

Anymore what is I mean I feel like yes he’s betrayed everyone else that he’s been friends with but at the same time we’ve actually given them useful things I didn’t tell them about our villager I thought about it then didn’t and we also have access to the Mob Grinder which

Again is another like hey don’t do anything cuz we have that the only other people that can do potions are dog warts but also it’s Martin that’s in charge of that and he’s not the most competent at that so I think we’ve kind of got the

Lead yeah I think we’re pretty good I Enchanted another ball and I have my flame punch ball I also got Unbreaking three power four and a ball so I want to combine those two cuz that’ll be a sick Bowl but I also have 32 levels right now

Because what I want to do is enchant some books and I also want to try making some more boots I know this could be risky cuz I’ve just made the boots either way but I want to try getting feather falling on boots to combine with the boots I already have and hope that

That does something protection three feather falling 2 Smite Smite and knock back let’s do the boots at feather falling to I suppose feather falling 2 is better than nothing also a bunch of you pointed out this says puffer of Peace not puffer fish puffer is I need

To get Jimmy to scold him Jimmy hello hello can you come up here right I need to show you something really quickly come here come here come here need I know if I don’t know if you saw this by the way but um I made my own little

Secret Red Room here painting isn’t it and look we I’ve I’ve put up our enemies and our alliances right here okay I like it I like it yeah everyone else is kind of neutral SL we don’t yeah yeah yeah these are all just our our main our main

Things you know so I want to ask you something so follow me what was the one job you had to do um after green came and gave us the puffer fish what was your job what did you say did you see I know what you’re going to say I know

What you’re going to say and I’ve seen so many comments about it and I was going to I was going to tell you seen so many comments about the the puffer ish of Peace wait let me see puffer is of Peace puffer is of Peace everybody why

Didn’t you even notice that you normally notice everything I thought I could trust you with a job I just sort of looked at it flu and and moved on with my day I didn’t look I I have puff of piece like that’s fine when um R and M

Here I was like I’m going to write a list and you were like Jimmy can’t spell literally and then when green through that you like it’s fine I’ve got it I’ll name it and I was like oh God here it goes and that’s happened I’m honestly not that surprised

Why why why puffer of Peace fine fine fine it’s fine um I was thinking by the way okay um follow me follow me we’ve only got Benedict right here yep we’ve only got Benedict little little sad old Benedict just one bed by himself hear me out dog warts has literally tons of

Villagers but also I’m pretty sure you said that V the the Village People have loads of villagers yeah the Village People have loads of villagers and I knows do I think impul that has other villagers that are kind of secret hidden which I would love to get into to see

What they’ve got cuz my thought process was I’m kind of in the same wavelength was either we trade with them to get our stuff or we murder them all yeah so what what what’s the vibe what’s the route you want to go down obviously we need to

Keep keep care of me little of me because see that’s thing is so currently going towards dogwarts you are a red name they also are an enemies so they may not like that they may not yeah they may not Ed impulse isn’t always at his

Base but also isn’t an ally or an enemy so if we get caught he will become an enemy obviously he can’t kill us unless you initiate combat yeah he’s kind of like the Tang situation just go and murder them we need one we need one to

Come back here I don’t think we’re going to get one that’s my issue right if we see that like we we have the option to get one and how do you explain to me explain to me how you think you’re going to transport a Viller from that corner

Of the map to here I don’t dog warts is the closest one dogwarts is literally in that corner but to the left s like it’s not close how are we get villagers then that was because a zombie villager and I just trapped it that’s our next best bet

Is wait for a zombie villager oh my God should we just go check out impulses villagers and just see yeah I still want to do that to check anyway so I’m going to quickly turn all this into paper make some emeralds and then take them so we

Can at least see what he’s got and maybe steal a trade so impulse oh wait the chat he’s just yeah because I think he’s going to be going to the swamp so this is a perfect time for us to just get in and see what we want oh my gosh dude wait we

Timed this perfectly is anyone living with impulse no all of the Village People move to the swamp except impulse still kind of runs the village wait why wait what why did he not go because of the village yeah I think cuz the villagers okay now I think the villagers

That I found aren’t his actual villager villagers because they’re a weird combination of just like blacksmiths and Farmers see so in here there’s all of these villagers oh my gosh dude we could totally no it’ be a bit of a transport if we took one of them yeah that’s the

Thing I was thinking is it’s like really is it is did you hear someone I didn’t hear anyone I heard someone are you sure yeah I didn’t hear anything dude I swear I heard someone okup no run run run sh shh it was over there where I don’t know I just seen the

Green name wait I see him I wait wait wait check back Che back Che back shh he’s shouting zombie go he’s running he’s running away he won’t be able to hear us he’s running away this way over this way quick I see him come from over here yeah

Dude dude there’s a door there’s a metal door in the in the side look over here this door this door okay okay okay okay this there’s some oh wait what this is perfect efficiency five oh my gosh okay so he has Fletchers so we need to get fire protection three power five

Feather falling four wait the rule is we can steal right no no no no we can’t we can’t ohy stop stop just got hi CLE hey hey’s not going to do anything hey long time no see yeah I know you stealing from a birdie is your we’re not stealing

We were l looking you love a good SN no I looked I asked if you can steal I didn’t see where we wereit yeah you did just hear that conversation surely he went can we steal and I said no we’re not that’s very true he did ask and I

Said he said no do I think we are no I don’t think we are I think we are I’m not I I don’t think you are no we not allowed wait Cleo do you live here no she doesn’t in the no but but but I’ve

I’ve got I’ve got um free reign of the place oh so you can you can put the crossbow we yeah all right we kind of want to oh um Let me let me solve that issue there you go couple of there take that out of your hands all right all right nice

Sweet oh it’s fine it’s she’s got something she’s got to have I don’t have anything non oh I have the water bucket there nice nice that’s good that’s good so we kind of wanted to use these villagers here cuz we’ve only got one his name is Benedict he’s at home just

By himself he just he only has protection three books he does his best I cured him from a zombie villager like it was kind of what we had to work with and and you just trying to find a friend oh we I’m not even wanting to take one I

Was just wanting to trade Jimmy wanted to take one but I’m that’s too much work for me I I prom I didn’t want to touch any of no I didn’t I promise they’re going to stay right here look they’re not they’re not my villagers I just am

Allowed to use them mhm will you say anything if we use them only if if you end up trying to betray me oh God CLE remember I gave you those orc saplings when you need you did you did I I have no problems with your with your remember that bread

I just gave you on the floor I literally have not nothing in my inventory yeah you had to pick them back up cuz she had no space she has no space Sorry literally no space she physically can’t take the bread pick off the floor sorry sorry do you remember that bread

That I tried to give you it takes a while to get through some points I mean Reds Reds are almost dead so it’s understandable how’s that going for you by the way it’s not great I don’t like going outside anymore but what can you do this is why we’re here get better

Stff to try and stop him from just dying cuz let’s be honest the way he’s going to die is to external sources rather than a player SP yeah no I have no problems with that I appreciate you I haven’t done anything horrible to you yet I appreciate that I like the yet the

Yet was a nice statistically speaking it’s going to going go so yeah know I respect I respect the honesty honesty is what I look for but that’s fine we won’t steal anything we’ll just Tre we’ll Farm we’ll Farm some sticks and stuff we’ll go get some sticks grind up yeah I’ve

Planted a bunch of uh spruce trees along back I will replant everything yeah if you if you just want to take and replant thank you I can’t remember why I was coming here anyway I thought you just SE Oh I thought you just seen and stopped

No no no I the reason why I came in is cuz I heard you I was I was actually looking for an armor stand cuz I’ve got a power five book there it is we were like we should go over and see where impulses velders are and then Dango was

Like emal’s here now we’re like perfect he’s gone he’s gone Okay so power five bow herty arrows love that love that I don’t know how long he’s going to be over there yeah we need to go and start making I mean I mean they they tend to

Take a lot but um yeah just just go ahead just say Cleo said that you know we’re allowed okay do thank you just say I talked you down from stealing to yeah that’s it could have been worse it went from stealing to traing worse yeah yeah

And and it’ll be cool so I’m going to go see Ren and I’ll see you guys later see you bye hi that went way better than it could have hello hello I’m I’m spying CLE and is that scar that’s scar that is scar yeah CLE and Scar uh do you want to take

These and go and grab some trades the one thing I realized that we forgot to bring was books to trade um there is one in the chest take that and we can replace it I will prob actually you take everything I’m going to go run back to

The base and I’ll grab more books and I’ll meet you back here I saw that there was protection four in there which I need so I might go for those I took Infinity um from so the the Villager that’s in the sort of breeding area when you go in he sells

The one librarian he sells Infinity so I got that and then I also got feather falling four and I bought a crossbow but a crossbow was only three so okay okay right I’m going to run back and grab some books while I can I do see Tango

Over there and Scar Cleo so I’m going to run if anyone asked me were just getting wood from this and C said yes oh yes yeah uh uh right is my whole wall gone what on Earth who destroyed the wall I’m so confused someone burned down the wall

But also only half off it okay that’s really rude and disrespectful I spent ages making this wall look cute why is the we also not spreading just stop I’m so confused who would do that I mean dogwarts people maybe yeah what happened I don’t know it was on fire dude scar I

Was over there scar ran towards me he sent oh sorry um I should have told you sooner I know we’re allies but your base is on fire and then ran away it was weird though cuz it only spread to like here and then just stopped what in the

World I’m so confused did you see who it was no I’ve not seen anyone that was the thing like when I came over here it was as was already kind of burning out I’m just trying to think who would do it like dogwarts people maybe Bal I think

We need a visit over to dogwarts we just don’t know if it’s them what in the world I can’t believe that just happened that’s so weird I’m going to need to spend more time after this rebuilding it yeah oh Scar’s there Scar’s coming there

He is look at him scar now were you able to save the building because it was mean all of most of half of the wall is gone the car half of the wall this side is gone the rest is stopped spreading at the gate the gate to the other side is

Fine do do you see anyone over here was it was it Timmy was it wasn’t I left tamy here actually okay so we was sabotaged by the evil of dog we think so it’s the only people we can think of because there’s no other reason that anyone would like Cleo likes to say

Than for fire but she was here with us as well wait wait scar can you take me through your journey of coming across our base on fire and then coming to tell me can you can you tell are you ready for this y I am ready let me I started

Out with a Trilogy and it was a Trilogy of burning down eth’s base and it was like I I lit it didn’t work a second time a third time success and then I went to your base in hopes to get um look at your book collection and see if

I could check out some of your books especially ones that like are good for protection and things mhm and then as I was coming up I saw the Blaze and then I immediately be lined to Joel’s and then to here to kind of look for you guys

Because you went home I knocked on the door I I left a sticky note on the wall you know whole nine yards mhm yeah yeah I think that might have got blown up and or burned in the fire sorry the villager oh not the Villager

No oh if you want to trade with our villager you could just say that’s fine I could have I could have just said yeah you you’re you’re an ally Scar the point is that I’m used to hostility you can use what we have because you’re our Ally

That’s fine oh perfect I will let grien know you didn’t see anyone burn burn the base no but I suspect it was dogwarts it could have been Revenge it could have but for what we haven’t done into to them yet no well we have that we’re on

Their list you did burn their banners maybe they burnt or what we’re going to we’re going to do some more trading and then we’re going to go and interrogate dogwarts is the hope I would I would do that I’ll I’ll keep an eye out I’ll keep yeah okay you hear I appreciate you

Telling me I appreciate you telling me Jimmy not Jimmy oh it’s not oh Jimmy’s over there hello hello our wall got burned it got burnt well it’s just the wall but I don’t know who did it is the issue because like you like saying things in fire but you were here and

You’re our friend I I was here and I and our friend um and your friend and also also yeah I don’t actually know where you live yeah it’s pretty much like if you just hug this wall you would have came across Ross a lovely wall but now

That side of the wall is now gone but I’m not sure who it would be the only people that like were actually enemy enemies with is dogwarts but it’s bold of them to do it when we’re not there that’s the weird part yeah they they’re more they’re more kind of in your face

People yeah that’s what’s confusing so I have no idea who would burn down the wall and then scar told us about it so I don’t see being scar plus he’s our actual Ally he did tell take a while to tell you about it cuz he decided to talk

To me before he comes to you that’s true but yeah he is actually one of her like written down allies like him in the sand people in other allies yeah we’re I’m allies with him now um yay how do you feel like the CLE and and the hobbits

Form a a a a side Alliance Alliance I hear the word Alliance oh okay okay you’re really frightened about red aren’t you yeah I’m pretty s I’m pretty I’m pretty yeah see BDubs is all like I’m going to kill people so yeah whereas Jimmy’s more like a loss puy yeah no I

Agree I think an alliance between the CLE and the hobbits and then as and the S people s people seems like smart let me go name a token of our secret Alliance that’s how things get found out also he can’t spell it will be spell incorrectly most likely cuz green gave

Us a puffer fish and I was like I was like name it puffer fish of peace and he named it puffer of Peace stop don’t tell anyone I was about to misspell this one no I was about to run over there and then impulse came home oh it’s all right

It’s all right let I’ll go I’ll go speak to impulse it’s going to go bad I my on just don’t see it’s going to be fine hi hi uh just just so you know I’ve got I’ve got some information for you oh good good you found Scott hi AB hereone found

Your villagers whilst you out but Cleo said we could trade with them I’m glad I didn’t set the Trap yet see oh wait I wonder if ulse knows okay so seeing as your friends with anyone someone has done property damage and burnt down half of her wall but we don’t know who cuz

They did it when we were away have you heard anything I don’t know anything but scar just burned bur down part of the wol Fortress scar is an ally with us so I don’t think he would do it the only other people I could think would maybe

Be Ren and Martin then we’re going to need to go and ask dogwarts we we’ll be polite we’ll be polite first and then yeah yeah all right hang on there we go I’m ready are you coming with us oh yeah I’ll come with you I mean if you come

With us they’ll put you in their black book you know that right impulse I’ll just stay back and and not you can you can be on the hill just keep going just just keep running no that didn’t work oh wait I see names I see names they’re here

They’re here they’re here do they have a door or do we just bring through wall we’ll go to the door we’ll go to the door it’s here it’s here well it used to be here it’s a little bit confusing yeah I don’t think it’s here time to make a new door ah

SC wait wait right right where are they they’re over there they’re over there I feel like I shouldn’t beat here right now yeah you you have broken and ured at this point oh oh w hold on a minute what’s going meell these are enemies in enemies in the lands let’s hold fire

Everybody yeah we’re holding fire we’re on I’m just I’m here on a private investigation Mission rather than a war Mission you know I’m not no I’ve not got a weapon I’ve not got my shield I’m not trying to fight where were you approximately 10 minutes ago or 15

Minutes ago we been here we have not left the castle of dogwarts at all we have had a visitor every 2 minutes quite literally we Haven Cleo can intest to that so someone’s burnt down half of her wallet they did a bad job but we’re just trying to figure out who and obviously

For last episode you can understand why we’ come to you um that totally understandable I mean we and you didn’t the last door that you had got blown up so I knew that that wouldn’t really be a door so that’s why we just kind of made

One um yeah no I have no idea then okay you put that bow down give me a rest H you come to our water then you’re acting like we’re the ones who stepped on I’ve done it please move swiftly on okay that wasir I just wanted to make

Sure thank you for answering so nicely we can go we can go back to Future War things at some point but thank you H well we know it’s scar now surely yeah it’s got would it be I feel like the best bet then would be asking green right cuz green if scar tells

Green green will tell us yeah cuz Green’s got no no reason to betray us yeah I was going to say loyalty to scar but you know he’s wet scar but he does yeah I was going to say he always tells us not to trust him I’m just it would be

Weird for him to burn down the wall That’s the weird thing he gains nothing from it maybe he just had a lust to burn things today yeah yeah that is a thing that’s the EO thing makes sense because it’s his enemy but like we’re literally

Like we became allies at the end of last episode it makes no sense also um that’s so thank you for letting us trade there’s three more BS hey doors open you guys come in anytime you like thank you we’re going to we’re going to go find

Green we’re going to we’re going to I’m going to go I’m going to go have a look at T what they’re doing thank you see you soon split up team hello oh did you think we were enemies no no no no no no no no no did Scar ta you attack like

That so scar you said you saw our our wall basically green just to fill you in half of our wall burn down burnt down um you made a wall out of wood yeah that’s true but it was aesthetic yeah it was nice it was cool it kept what do you

Mean um so scar ran over to me he said hey by the way should have told you whether your walls burnt down and I thought what so ran home it’s gone um dogwarts didn’t do it and a lot of other people didn’t do it Scar and you’re the

Only one who saw it so yes I did see it and obviously I could never have set the fire on because I used up my flint and steel burning down ethos Castle so look my bucket is empty of lava and my flint and steel is no more it was not me I

Generally wouldn’t have burned down your base we’re friends we’re allies I know I thought that I can cooporate this if he had burned it down the first thing he would have told me was I burned down their wall he didn’t it the only other person could be Joel right skis yeah

Might be skis maybe maybe maybe I looked for skis couldn’t find them I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re using their their other guys to go after them they’re holding down the fort skid is going after them I wouldn’t have burned down an allies base that’s why I said

Yeah guys we have a new banner I don’t know if you’ve seen it oh no haven’t no in honor of piz pizza I like it that’s cute look at that put it down put it down I want to see it I want to see

It this Glory look it look it if you all want to pay respects to pizza that’s his grave up there and proud Rock oh okay okay I’m trying to figure out then am I going to need to redesign my whole wall It just fits so aesthetically I was kind

Of going for most aesthetic base which I feel like I achieved but like right yeah we need to figure out who did we need to go we’re on the mystery of the burnt wall at this point so wasn’t us okay well thank you SC here

Oh no oh no I’ll let you oh didn’t work what was meant to happen what did you wait didn’t work what was meant to happen things JY maybe you don’t going to need it Jimmy cuz you have you have a habit of activating traps yeah he’s still

Climbing I think he’s climbing away from them oh he got shot wait dude if he comes towards us do we what what do we do do we we engage oh do we help we’re allies we are we can just say hold hold off oh my God engage oh they’re telling

Us to engage engage okay quick God we’re so bad we’re all so bad okay okay IIT man they got like a 20 power bow yeah I can hear him dude that Bow’s insan give up why are we trying to murder you what you die I don’t know I

Don’t know you did something guys we got him cornered we got him cornered if you want to if you want to move in okay he must be low he must be low cut him off with the go yes King King King King K the new king oh my God dud we did it

We did it look at this TNT yo did he steal your TNT oh maybe it might have been his though right let’s put his stuff in a chest oh you’ve got one okay yeah dude that was even B cuz scy you hit it from so far so I really didn’t think that was

Going to work oh my God that was good that was a good I’m not sure why my trap didn’t work so I’m going to go and investigate that look at this is disabled is dis he tried to use my own trap against me dude he almost actually did get me going through

There that stressful so clever okay it’s primed again that’s why it didn’t work the mystery has been solved we won that fight Yar got the final shot so it makes it great cuz it was a red name oh Tango hello hey come on up here come on up

Tang on our side by are are you Ally I am an ally well that’s up to that’s up to scar here I no no no no he’s Ally Tango have you heard of anyone setting fire to our walls cuz half of our walls are just gone cuz they burnt down but

Everyone we’ve sort of asked has had Alibis or been with people so there’s only no scar is our Ally so I don’t see why scar up on eo’s castle Yeah I I’ll be honest yeah no everyone’s trying to figure it out I talked to impulse and he

Was trying to figure out who’s doing it too so we don’t it really has to be S or Joel like they’re the only two people for a while I’ve been with SK for a while Joel it has to be Joel because this is among us all over again

Literally someone’s an impostor I think Jimmy let’s go and find Joel I think Joel let us know if you need us again one type message and we will be here Balls of Fire and we’re ready to go is anything I can do provide right we’ll catch you later so yeah cuz we would

Have said it was skizz or Joel but then Tango just vouched for skiz so yeah yeah it’s also nice that Tango seems to have forgotten about the whole C Escapade so that’s good for us yeah yeah yeah yeah I thought he was going to bring it up and

He didn’t did so we’re okay we’re not going to mention we’re just going to Mo on we’re all good pretend I didn’t have all right up here he’s not here again is he no he’s not all right let’s put in chat Joel come home oh wait who’s that

Oh that’s Cleo she’s getting chased by zombies well I wonder if she has more info cuz she knows we’re up here hi Cleo hi you’re all right we have no idea who it is Joel has to literally be like the last one that or someone’s lying to us

Because Scar and green were together also there seems to be a meeting going on at Dog Wars wait there’s people pouring out of dogwarts Cleo there’s like seven of them pouring out of dogwarts what is this it looks like they’re going over towards CLE side there’s Martin rain Big B Etho I’m

Assuming Joel is in that wait is Joel there I don’t know but if they come over here what do we do they’re coming this way why is impulse with them impulse is with them but Joel isn’t there where is this man wait they’re looking at us wait

Are they coming over are they not wait whatever they’re coming around the corner to the to I can see they’re I can see them through the trees okay okay if they come for me I’m running just so you know no Cleo you signed the agreement you signed the secret Alliance we’re all

We’re R we’re running we’re all running oh we’re all running yeah there’s like six of them we can’t fight them all okay beg d e with them as well e with them hello and where is the banner of the red King what are you doing up there oh hi

Joel wait where’s we didn’t we didn’t touch the banner we were just looking for Joel we’re with you come around here bud oh my gosh why are there so many of yeah that was what was scary for us no we’re just having words with Joel that’s it

Question number one where is the banner we don’t know that was the banner wasn’t we’ve honestly we’ve not touched the banner remove my I’m arist we’re arsonists not Liars that’s true my house now also Joel speaking of burning stuff down did you happen to have a meeting

With a flint and seal on our wall uh no I saw it burning that I was walking past and I was like oh why do so many people walk past and not decide to pop a message and shat like hey by the way your walls burning twice destruction twice do you all know

How long it took me to make that wall do you know how long it took me to make this roof feels bad less than the wall less than the wall whoever when I find out whoever it was by the comment section ratting someone in you’re in for

It by the way just so whoever is aware what are you doing M I’m just trying to keep eyes me I’m not dra a bow you’re drawing a bow that easily I don’t have any allegiances I’m a free one I thought he was with you I thought I thought Joel

Was with you Martin no Joel has forsaken Us Joel let’s go I knew it jimy knowel Joel you have just been added to the book oh he took the banner down himself that’s embarrassing for you that’s so embarrassing what we do about this Jo you’re in the book ly you’re in the book

You’re you came here you gave me a banner and I said said I to swear allegiance to you scar came over to me and said he’ll fix my roof if I take down the banner so I was like you know what that’s a great deal that’s so how

Has nobody learned about scar car he’s also a great shot with the ball as Ethel can attest not one more step not one more I’m also a great shot with the bow by the way not one more step m not one more step Martin give me those arrows

You they’re Infinity arrows you don’t get them ARS I’ve been shot at we have the low ground this is a battle we cannot win yeah I don’t think this is one ends well for y all dude they’re going they’re going I know I’m just trying to hit Martin once so you

Took down your own Banner that is the TST do we want to head over to the sand people then and see let’s let’s call the alliance in oh wait I see names what’s going on here then right we we’ got our own yeah we got you guys we

Got you guys what’s going did you forget the name for friends Timmy it’s a stressful moment yeah tell me this who burned your wall I don’t know but we’re still trying to figure it out none of us know Brien and Scar don’t know Cleo doesn’t know yeah I’m starting to think it was

You sleep walk burned us a wall capable of burning a wall I saw you burn yourself when trying to burn a banner last week you’re fully capable of burning a wall even on accident I did not burn the wall not a chance there was literally one player left unaccounted

For right now and that’s Tango has anybody seen Tango today I guess that’s question number one I have I have the end the other person we thought it could have been he’s literally there look at him he’s in the tree line and that’s not even me trying to be like oh over there

Look yeah he knows who but yeah the only other person that was an accounted was skz and Joel but uh Tango accounted for skz somebody’s not fessing up yeah someone is going to geted out by are we are we all going to sit here and learn

From nothing it was scar that’s the this is not among us again just because I found a dead de body doesn’t mean I murdered them to the house here come here come here scar I left something in the house I don’t want them to get I got

To get it Go Qui he go to the house go go go grab it before they see it come on it’s 6 V4 what do you want what do you want King God they’re actually calling him King sad that’s upsetting that’s that’s really sad yall need a har come on go

Get that thing what a hob like carving holes in the side of mountains thing get the thing position Get It Go Get It a flank position one of the greens run over to scar try get them to go the house o that was rude I reckon we run

That was rid and disrespectful you reckon we go you reckon we go yeah yeah I reckon we bail let’s go let’s go you know the way out you know the way out why is impulse joined them I’m confused impulse is playing all sides that’s true go they haven’t seen us go they haven’t

Seen us go go go go go go go are we going toas go I feel bad for scar we completely bailed on him he has no idea no idea grien you’re supposed to be help car what were they saying to you before we kind of cut them off green they’d

Come for Etho stuff oh no one’s here oh wait they’re on they’re on top of the thing they’re on top of the oh they are on top of the Thing grian One spotted you he’s got his bow looking at you yeah they’re up they’re on top green they’ve

Totally taken over the base well it was meant to explode so I don’t that’s fine the one thing I’m getting from this is that dog Wars is Life currently unprotected oh yeah oh yeah that’s so true let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s wreck the place I’ve got TNT on me yes

Right watch out for the Ravine it has claimed one life we go there we go we’re good we’re good yeah they’re they’re still up there that’s fine yeah yeah we’re fine let’s just Massac we got to be very careful right let’s go in you just break your way in now there’s no

Front entrance they got rid of everything go under here go under here go under there’s underground B yeah there’s an underground B right oh wait uh there’s a pressure plate jimy you’re the worst um no no put that pressure plate back that’s what we can use okay true I

Feel like you’re the little explosive man from Atlantis the one with the dynamite like Jimmy do you want to go and watch yeah wait which way should I go just go easy does it and give give me the blocks give me the blocks give me

The blocks wait this is going to be the moment where give me the I I run back to tell you that they’re here and you’ll actually the Trap I’ll run through the door no no no no just run on top do I murder these villagers yeah go on leave

Them without resources no don’t no cuz they’ve got impulse now so they have villagers they don’t have impulse well I mean impulse was on their side ready to shoot us yeah I don’t think that means anything behind us behind us behind us what are you doing here they’re in

They’re in move move it move it move it oh my gosh that scared the life out of me oh my goodness green up here the wall now quick Get Down Off the Wall ah oh God I’m going die go sc’s really low go go keep eyes on them don’t chase

Them don’t chase them oh I’ve been burned oh my goodness how did they get behind us okay I’m still getting shot at you good you good yeah but I’m just going to kill him where’s grien I’m SC where is he R he ran oh my gosh I’m mer

With a ball why are you trying to fight me with this I’ve hit one of them for me I’ve hit two of them does he not know oh that was did a lot of damage actually we probably should go wait wait wait Green’s on this side go up this side

Yeah we should go oh my gosh that was so good right let’s get out of here yeah they’ve got high ground there’s no point taking a fight we can’t win I just want to see if he’s all right where he’s on this side I think started running back

Go go go Martin’s coming towards us go run I see R there scar there SC Scar the castle it didn’t make it oh my gosh dude did they get you all just keep running just keep running talk and run talk and move okay I I blew up our base you I set

A trap and I don’t know how we all survived there was fire and and green is probably going to be upset oh I think green was intending for the base to blow up maybe not in that way oh how did you survive is there still bad guys coming

This way yeah I think so I’ve shot Martin a couple times but he was still over wait oh my God what happened to G he ran we were trying we managed to get in and we were going to sit trap and then they came up from behind us so they

Went like long ways round how did you get out of that scar I don’t even know are we still getting shot this man is this just going to be this on repeat today oh my God need how did you not kill me is the was standing right there

They still firing us we made R of yeah they still doing this we need to head back to whatever is left of your B you want some of this Jimmy you’re going to die that we’re in yes skle we’re onle place there’s just a barrage of arrows here we

Need to go we need to go we need to go M’s moving around they’re going around the right side we need go left we we need to go we need to just leave this we need to leave there is four of us versus like seven of them let’s go this way

This way I think they’ve retreated or they’ve stopped chasing for now where’s Brien I don’t know he did start making a bunker he might bunker okay they seem to have stopped we can go Recon with green oh dude oh my gosh oh it’s not minor

Damage I don’t know how deep it went we lost all our stuff scar no wait you’ve lost everything would not be a bad time to say I got those books I need enchanting books Oh I thought you wanted to build bookshelves we lost the enchanter too we lost we

Lost got one don’t worry it was it it was a risk we have a full 30 en chant that you’re more than welcome to use I think it was worth the risk when I could have taken their their entire team out yeah yeah yeah yeah you played it well

You played it well it just didn’t green they chased us all the way to Skies yeah wow I I mean I just bailed cuz I wasn’t going to be able to I don’t know how you got out of that you just bailed and then all of a sudden they

Just started chasing us constantly and I was like they’ll give up eventually and they just didn’t okay maybe the best bit then is if you’re going to make a bunch of TNT I’ll head back home and start making some portions yeah and start working on that

I really need to enchant my stuff though uh we have the full 30 enchant a base you’re more than welcome to come and use I just don’t have any um XP at the moment um I have two protection 3 books you’re more than welcome to have as well

Oh that would be delightful yeah so when you’re ready come to our base and you can have them as well me and Jimmy I’ll head back now and do that do you guys want some milk in case do y want milk mtion I love that like that’s what the

Conversation is like green I’ve got TNT I’ve got portion tangle I’ve got milk 74 I’ve got milk you can supply the milk you can supply the milk yeah I’m helpful okay we’ll go do that guys in a bit well that was an event oh no [Laughter]

Oh jimy Jimmy oh Joel Joel beans hey Scott how’s it good you realize your trap just gave me anvils it didn’t work no because when you drop an anvil onto string it turns into the item you idiot no oh my God jimy who was it it’s Joel

Are you kidding me get him here get him here right is he gone he ran he also tried to kill me are you kid look at this we can’t put it out in time you can if you’re I’m really trying oh my gosh dude what have we done to him I don’t

Know but he tried to murder me oh my gosh I’m I’m really trying here it’s fre spreading I can’t oh you’re the worst where’s your bucket of water I’m I’m going I’m going so he also tried to murder me why what did he say no he put

Down a trap so that when I went in my base it was meant to kill me what so he set it so that there was uh trip wires and anvils but Joel being Joel meant that when I set off the anvils it fell onto the trip wire which then breaks the

Anvils and puts them back into items so I have two anvils for free oh my gosh dude we have to go to him now come on we have to we over there are we going to threaten him we need the reason why he’s done it the reason is just because it’s

Jael I don’t know what you expect what have we done to him nothing it’s Joel he’s on three lives but that’s no he’s on one life that’s what I mean he’s on third life oh right his Jo his job is to cause chos M okay how is he not here I don’t believe

It I’m stealing his iron where is this Man kill his dog don’t kill his dog this man not only burnt down her wall also is the one who tried to kill me I can’t believe this I knew he couldn’t be trusted oh wait clear is here zie behind

You so we found out who burned the house down clear who burned your house Joel Joel burned the house because not only did he burn the house he also set up a failed trap in an attempt to kill me because I went in there was trip wire it

Released a piston which dropped two anvils when anvils land on string they just turn into pickup anvils so I just got two free anvils anvils yeah but then he just burnt the bases we were leaving and then we tried we saved some think we’re just going to have to make ugly

Walls now Cleo oh no I see him I see him where is he where is he he’s down there oh he’s got a lot of explaining your dog survived just but you have a lot of explaining to do Joel so you burnt her wall down maybe I knew it was you I said

Everyone was like no it was scar I was like no it’s Joel that’s such a Joel iore and I was right why Joel why oh I just wanted someone else to burn like I did my house did and then the an thanks for the free anvils you idiot I can’t

Believe that I placed I was so I was so panicked cuz you were asking me to come home at the same time I just did it really quickly it was the way that like I was came into my house heard the and then just like backed as far in in a

Panic and then just laughed because there was just two animals in the would they have landed on you if I had I think I ran in too quick so I think I have missed it I’m sad yes well so was I when my wall was burnt to a crisp gel cuz

You’re forgetting you’ve decided to make allies of the people that do have lots of enchantments whereas you don’t that’s true but what I do have is Spirit am I right you are right no allies yeah no allies cuz you’ve angered the red the dogwarts people Joel you owe us now by

The way yeah yeah I will I’ll forgive you but you owe us there’s no more betrayal you owe us whenever we need it whenever we need it no no no cob not now they’re moving but they’re going to the CLE no they’re not no they’re not they’re going to impulses villagers

Let’s go spy on them let’s go come on team let’s go oh know your team know your team Scott you’re a green name you got a big old Target on your head talking so loud I’m more just annoyed you lied when we asked about who burned

The wall you could have just said me oh yeah it was me oh wait they’re there they’re there they’re there behind the house oh Martin spotted us already you engag straight away no suby no Joel’s not with us guys take Joel he’s not with us Joel is on a

Different team oh I just got hit by an arrow that hit me for four Hearts oh same I’m scared you guys it’s it’s Martin Splash arrows that are a pain ow ow ow owow maybe let’s not do that he’s coming up again it’s Mar he never it’s

Martin he never I hate this I hate this game I hate this game I don’t want to play anymore I don’t want any alliances no this was youel you sh we’re going to get coming coming of course they are that’s on the roof on the roof roof on

The roof on the roof on the roof I fell I’ve fallen just go just go just go Jimmy just go Jimmy we just need to run I I help then what do you mean I’m where are you I’m behind you oh how many wvs do you reckon I need to kill mine you

Need like oh my gosh look all these bad boys I can’t believe she died stop killing my dogs no Jimmy why are you killing my dogs I didn’t it was Martin it says shot by down G well stay down stay down no not the dogs this is a disaster well this is why

We said run that was so I had the water ready to go and then you hit the fence and died oh it was my fault animal cruelty guys yeah M run away I like I like that he’s calling for us they never stop that’s the issue

They’re like a bad rash it never goes away Scott come on you’re on Green Life get in there get in there oh my gosh it’s the battle of the hill so many times I I had Martin like twice he’s L they’re back off they’re back they’re back it off yeah run you

Idiots that doesn’t mean chase them Jimmy that doesn’t mean Chas I’m just making sure they go I’m making sure they going all right they’re gone they’re done they’re gone they’re gone look at them retreating whates so are we in agreement we get Martin yeah dead Martin’s the one we want dead

Got the biggest bounty on his head okay we need to go back to what we’re actually going to do before Joel tried to burn down the rest of my base we’re going to go make portions that’s the plan so everything that happened just happened there was a lot to take in but

We are done with the war the war is done we are now well I say done the war is on pause which gives me time to recoup and prepare now my bow and arrow was definitely the good showout as I said to Jimmy I think most people are going to

Prioritize protection rather than projectile protection so I definitely should be prioritizing good ranged the next thing I’m prioritizing is portions now I’m going to make a bunch of portions some swiftness portions I’m going to make some poison portions just different stuff to try and give us

Options I’ve also got to make like six of everything so that like everyone in our alliance has some type of portions I have a bunch of Nether wart on me and I’ve also got some growing in a secret location and I also have a secret chest

Where I’m putting a bunch of potions cuz I don’t want to just fill my ender chest with them also turns out it wasn’t just that side of the wall That’s burnt down this side has gone to so the only bit of the wall that still stands is from there

Then there’s a gap and then around here so I think I’m probably going to need to make it ugly I’m going to need to go in with a bunch of cobblestone and just make it ugly you know it’s going to have to be that way we have this new wall I

Replaced everything with a mix of stone Cobble and stone brick just to kind of give a little bit of breaking up of textures and I put little ladders on so we can at least like hop up onto the wall and see if there’s any incoming Intruders and such so it was a nice

Little addition I also now have two llamas don’t ask me why there was just a Wandering Trader spawned when I was doing the wall so I just I killed one put up a wall I might actually put on the right carpet and go give it back to

Scar it won’t be pizza but like it can be like a second P you know like it’s the Llama of Peace the Llama of truth I don’t know yeah I could just like put on some other carpet there okay I’ve got some white carpet I’ll go and pop that

On we’ll be good there we go sorted okay I’m going to take you to visit scar later okay yeah I spent a lot of time brewing potions and I was putting them into here I was putting them into this chest so you can see I’ve got three

Splash potions of damage but I was smart and I also built another idea where I could put the potions cuz I realized in here is probably not the best place so if we come over here go up the back of the base and I can actually show Jimmy

Cuz he’s not seen it Jimmy oh hello hello what are you looking at you just like I was I was looking at the wall on the Glorious wall that youve got I was like I you see you like just steering into the void now it’s like amazing you think that’s amazing I

Have something else I can show you you want to follow me more amazing than the wall yeah what is if you like to come down here what are you it’s definitely not a trap that’s going to kill you I promise I land on something now this is

Our secret bunker so what I spent hours brewing potions and if you have a look at like your chest you can see you have three attack potions and three health potions so there’s fire resistance health and speed also the speed is Splash so if we plan it correctly we can

Kind of all use our Splash on each other so we can all constantly have speed but yeah I’ve got one for Cleo BDubs U me Scar and green didn’t include Joel because he’s a psychopath oh yeah yeah 100% And same with Tango I’m not sure I think he’s doing an Impulse where he’s

Kind of on both sides so I don’t trust that so these are the sex people I trust I mean I’m not even sure about BDubs but he has to he’s he’s agreed to it he’s a well C agreed to the secret Alliance and he C so like hopefully I was thinking

This is what we will use if we need it for like going into a war thing I need to grab some food I might grab some wheat real quick I’ll leave you be I’m going to go do some stuff but all right all right SC oh Jesus can you like do a

Little bit gentler shout because every time you terrify me I’m so sorry right I need you I need you just for a second just for one second then I I’ll give you some peace and quiet which you love all right come with me cuz I’ve just seen

Something that I don’t know if youve put there or if someone else has and I’m just a bit confused and you’re on green life so um you can be the judge of it okay so I didn’t put this here why is there a cake I don’t know eat it no wait wait no

Wait what it’s a cake can that be a trap oh you’re you’re asking me I have no idea are you hungry no certainly not could you please eat the cake and tell me if something happens you eat the cake no Scott eat the cake you eat the cake I

Can’t eat the cake I’m not hungry look I’m collecting it and nothing’s Happ around I’m on red live you’re on green you can take these you can eat it eat it I’ll stand on it and you can eat it oh my gosh dude seriously no running and

Eat it did you put the cake here no but it’s a cake it can’t be anything it surely it can I don’t know anymore blowing myself up and two other teammates I don’t know I don’t know what is and what isn’t please can you go run

Around and eat the cake I’ll run with you we’ll we’ll do some skipping together come on come on come on let’s do some running together what are you think like what if it just blows up the entire thing like well I’ll I’ll run I’ll make sure that I’m out make sure

I’m out of the building I can eat oh God run run run run run run run run run are you being serious no wait what I fit the cake there did you yeah but I knew this would be the reaction i’ get if you par I just didn’t know if it could do

Anything or not no no it can’t I just thought it would be a fun little thing just to put a cake down randomly not tell you you are something else I can’t believe that you enjoy hello oh Jesus hi um so I um oh God it

Never starts good when you start I went over to impulses just have a little sneak peek just have a little sneak peek be dubs Cleo Tango impulse we’re at the CLE mhm okay Cleo just let’s impulse walk straight in no hesitation looks like they’re actually quite friendly so

I’m a bit concerned now then a second later Tango comes out of the CLE looks directly at me I’m quite far away at this point I’m like what is going on Martin and ether are right next to him like next to impulses Village they look

At me start chasing me a run back and um I’m just a bit concerned now with what’s what’s happened all right um have we been betrayed or was was they going in there for a chat but I feel like if you’re an alliance you don’t let someone

Like impulse in because I have no idea well we will find out I suppose I need to go up cuz I need to enchant something that’s why I was down here all right yeah I’ll I’ll um come up with you cuz I don’t really need any enchants I suppose

The other option like we need to probably tell green and scar just in case I I green just swung swung past I told him we went over the names in the alliance it’s just us lot and then and then um with Cleo and and BDubs as well

But BDubs I guess is just trying to understand everything at this point yeah he’s catch up but yeah it’s um I don’t know I I honestly I don’t know but I need to kind of get enchant I need to get better enchants and that’s why I was

Going to go over and look at impulses thing see if we can sneak in there but literally dog warts people were there so I’m guessing you know they they’ve kind of taken over that that bit uh I suppose we I want to go over to the sand people

Cuz I want to see what green thinks for the plan but I also have a present for scar so I need to grab it he came by here by the way because he had lost scar so so you don’t think he’s at the S people I don’t think he’ll be at his

Base yet so maybe we should we go impulse Direction and just yeah let just go in pulse Direction we’ll see I think we should get everyone forget it SC SC I don’t like this at all Scott I don’t like this at all what’s happening oh we’re behind us behind us hey guys we’re

Your friends yeah I think you’re the only ones we can trust I think so too we caught them conspiring I don’t think this Alliance is holding up yeah Jimmy said the same like you would’t just let them in do we trust these guys SC we trust them they give us the protection

And they promised I I have a sense that they promised to give us more let’s take them to the desert where it’s a bit safer shall we I actually have a present for scar but it’s a main but I have a present for and I’d rather you see it

First you want to go to and then you can see the present GRE it’s a present dude dude he’s got presents don’t be lured in with gifts it’s I’m genu LED I hook line in secret GRE hook line and scker it’s a good gift to be fair I trust we need to

Make sure we’re alone before we tell them what the plan is oh there’s a plan oh by the way impulse has a villager a porium and he’s got like everything over there and they’re all going over a suit up scar it doesn’t matter one of my plans was that we went in and

Murdered all of impulse as villagers to be fair I like this plan it just feels like it’s too strong an asset for the enemy to have oh wait there’s bebs and Tango they’re in the woods bebs and Tango are down there why going for your place by the way guys probably should

Get there because I don’t want this present to go to the wrong I’m not I’m not sure these alliances have held up very much scar ever has don’t blame us for other people’s lack of trust hey I built Big beans’s back so he’s on side problem is he’s

Just not here hi BBS hi Scott hi hey so nice to see you yep nice to see you too what you doing what’s going on here hi hi friends just teaming up with you as I’ve been instructed by Cleo and I’m happy to do so anyway guys we will see

You later I’m uh I’m off to get my present but but uh Scott and Jimmy had a question for you Scott and Jimmy are giving me present speed UPS I’m sure they are that’s what it takes you know the boom booms you guys have access to the to the giddy

Up stuff or what not at the moment we don’t we don’t have a lot but I do we are on a slight tight we made soon we’re on a tight like time question i’ promise a present so I need to I need to head for now we’re on a tight schedule okay

Let’s all present time yeah it is present time oh I just love presents I seen it and instantly was like I know I need to give this the scar um it was straight away was a scar written all over at present and I know

It won’t be the same but I hope hope it will still do I hope you know I have high expectations right now that’s totally fine you should have high expectations if you like to come in um someone is at our base Cleo’s here hello hi Cleo but this is for you Speedy

Presents pizza too yeah no way oh Gan it’s it’s pizza too I got you a second pizza oh I love second pizzas oh this this is leftover pizza leftover pizza leftover pizza you know what leftover pizza is sometimes better than Original Pizza know this is true mhm come on then

SC all right guys we taking pizza at least we have some friends on the server not not that way oh wait you’re okay oh go scar don’t move scar don’t move don’t move I’m going to lower you down gently that was horrifying I’m going to put back there we go hi CLE

Hi there’s an issue what’s the issue everything’s gone to hell um I don’t know where BDubs is BDubs was supposed to be going coming here yeah he was but he kind of ran into us on the way so then stopped oh okay well he’s back at

The CR right look here’s the thing team CLE is forming a third faction a third faction yeah we’ve got like four people already and I want you guys in there the team CLE is who like you impulse Tango tangle see the thing is that like we have our secret alliance with you yeah

But here’s the thing time for the secret Alliance to become the alliance it’s just I like the sand people yeah you here’s the thing you can like them as as long as long as you like buty f Jimmy you go to the sand people I’ll meet you

There um yeah they they want you there as well I’m on my way I’m on my way I’ll be there in a minut sure can we trust Cleo I’ll find out in a minute okay on you go Cleo we got eyes on you on you go

Don’t you start this I thought we got eyes on you go JY my buddies see the issue is is the very first Alliance we made was with the sand people because dog warts threatened to attack us that they are our strongest Alliance also the one with the TNT so it makes more sense

I don’t want to break that Alliance I’m not willing plan against the rire to take like most of them out in one shot what if we did your faction and our faction versus the rire alliances until the greater thre threat is dealt with speed dubs is the issue because of the

Murder and he’s kind of my ride or die that is very true here’s the thing I want you guys see I want you CU you’re trustworthy yeah that’s that’s why our biggest asset is that we’re loyal and that’s where the issue now comes in cuz we’re loyal to them but they’re not

Loyal to you they’re not loyal to anyone they are for no they are for that’s the problem you know that if it comes to it I’m going to put my life on the line for yours the thing is that like my whole goal is that eventually all the red

People who are in charge of the big factions will die and I can retire nicely to my little Walen Hobbit kingdom and have a nice time they’re not going to let you retire they’re not going to let me retire I’ll kill them before they don’t let me retire I’ve got weapons now

Come on you know this is the right play you know this is the right play I can’t you know that if it comes to you or me I’m going to go I’m G to I’m going to go down for you you know that BDubs is your Raider di jeffy’s

Mine He’s my Minecraft husband and he’s with them so I’m kind of but I don’t ever want to fight you if BDubs betrays me mhm if our husbands die yeah we’ll come together we come together yes okay widows widows widows Alliance yeah team Widow Alliance right going both die

Before 100% 100% we always out live them 100% I’m happy with that see you see you allies allies allies welcome to the sandlands be extremely careful no touchy touch we have decided that you two are the only people we can trust now everyone else is out so this is a peace

Flower where you’re standing people and this is a sign of trust where you’re standing will crash the server when it goes up the entire desert has been rigged to destroy it is this is we have an Armageddon lever okay I call it the danger sound our plan you’ve seen you’ve

Seen lure lure as many people as possible into this Zone here and pull the Armageddon lever where is the Armageddon lever in the bunker what’s the thought process for getting them here we want to try and start a fight and lead them here that’s why I was

Going to say they follow very easily they don’t glit up they let combat go on the entire map scar needs to be inside the bunker when they get here or this whole thing sort of jmy take oh I can’t guarantee that the bunker is safe oh there’s such an insane amount of

TNT that we may crash the server okay I’m genuinely a little bit worried about what we’ve created here so will it will they hear it uh it’s going to be an instant explode oh okay oh my God oh my gosh right can you tell can you tell us

How this bunker is safe it’s not it’s the most danger bunker wait I mean I’m the one asked to be in there with the with the lever and it’s dangerous I’m sure be fine wait a realiz when when this all blows all the lava’s going to flow into the bunker too

It’s going to be a hot box in there and I’m going to burn to death you f you’ve got the Escape tunnels Escape tunnel or an Ender apparel and just ye it I I don’t have an ender pearl Jimmy has one he’ll give you I got one at home one at

Home only one so I did get more info by the way from Cleo oh yes it turns out there is now a third faction forming what the CLE faction so that involves Cleo BDubs impulse and Tango I told you I I don’t trust anyone anymore that we’re back to three groups they’ve got

Their own Cleo was trying to get me and jimy to join that but I said no the best thing we could do right now is to get those two factions to fight here and then everyone’s gone yeah you’re an evil genius listen say so much it’s very important that you

Understand this is a onetime deal I have invested every single gunpowder I own into this project and I’m going to take down everyone with me included if I have to I’m in yeah I’m in I do have something else back at our base but whether that’s how we want to do it now

Or it could work in the fight leading them here actually I have a few things that could help in that how do we get them here then I honestly think attacking in general will lead them cuz you know what Martin’s like he’s like a

Dog with a bone as soon as he gets a wh off it he runs and just seeks constantly should we go over to dogwarts and initiate like an attack or is green just like evil monologuing into the distance is it oh there he is he’s

Alive okay wait Qui if we head to hours I have something quick it’s very quick to sure are you sure we can’t just lure them all here cuz I’m I’m the longer we wait the it will it will help us in bringing them here it will help our survival from

Getting there to here okay I promise it it is I’ve seen it it is a good thing it is a good thing and we live very close so we can just Sprint run it’ll be fine okay so guys the plan is at the moment try and lure

Them not too obviously back to the the bunker that’s the plan and we need to get oh we may not even have to there seems scar get in the bunker scar get in the bunker see I can okay okay did we come up with

A code word yet by the way oh God why did I put him in charge of the button bananas that could be the code word bananas I’m just firing it looks like Ren is giving some sort of attempt for speech this is not good we’re going to

Die aren’t we scar I’m coming I’m coming I’m really I’m going fast what happens what happens if this lava stands in this pressure plate by the way uh nothing okay can I go in the bunker yeah you can go in the bunker if you want Scott and I

Are dispos how do I how do how do you go in the bunker go to the barrier at the back but obviously they’re watching right now so he looks like face just griefing at his little sus eyes they are gearing up for a charge attack scar if we start fighting

Them beyond the signs you know the location you know what to do Scott there’s a good chance we go down there is but once we both lose our husbands to the war we can be free it’s just a widows Association when speed UPS goes down Scar and Jimmy me

And CLE are free I’m not quite sure sure what’s happening let’s go and meet them okay they are aware that we’re coming oh oh wo W wo whoo what’s what what’s all this then we come in do you you’ve come and put your banners on the top of the

Hell outside the L that was that was the how we just announced ourselves so that you know we’re coming with I’m going to sneak up on you guys we have some juice we got some spice to to report BDubs has joined the red team uhuh where’s Martin

Though he’s taken the red banner he’s got himself a red shield he’s part of the army people so what do you you came here to brag is that it is that all you got well we want our Shield back from scar really this is that’s what this is

It’s about a piece of fabric it’s a matter of principle people forget it Scott let’s go forget this you’re not getting B this is wasting our time they are wasting our time I don’t like the fact that we don’t know where Martin is no I don’t like that either cuz I know

What Martin’s like he’s a sneaky little man the the good thing is about the desert is that they really really can’t sneak up on us it’s impossible it falls apart as they try yeah you you can’t mine under it because otherwise the sand falls and we can tell they were honestly

Here because they want oh here green come here come here come did you tell them that the the same the red people they want your they want the banner that’s why they were here they wanted the banner tell them to come and get it we said

No tell them that tell them to come over and come get it I kid you not they want the banner and that’s it okay tell them they can have it they can have it for a power five enchanted book the one other thing is we don’t know where is

Martin’s back with them okay where has he been where’s Martin we don’t know he disappeared which was the what that wor is we wor was going to try why can’t pick up their arrows they’re Infinity yeah they’ll have Infinity Mission success success H do you have anything

Valuable at your base not anymore I’ve got all on me aside from Benedict have you got the banner you got it on your Shield yeah it had on my shield this whole time unless they were lying about the banner but I don’t know what else they could be aiming for I don’t know

What they’ve got nothing they’ve got nothing but lies yeah I’m wondering if they’re just trying to lure us out but we kind of want to be lured out cuz we want them to come back to us so should I come out of the bunker with the banner

And try to run back here you stand by the lever as I run up to the banner you pull the lever and everything goes down I can’t I can’t let you I can’t let you go like that I also don’t trust Jimmy to be theer I’m not going to lie on his own

I don’t we have to we have to leave two of the biggest baits yeah the two biggest Martin would want you did so bad but we’re going to need to go adventuring a little bit we’re going to have to go does it look funny about it

Words yeah you just see the little eyes feing wait guys they’re coming from the other side they’re not oh there they are on the right side yeah well what if you guys all right do we potion up before they come here cuz it looks like they’re

About to uh I’m going to throw our speed on us because it’s 8 minutes so I’m also going to drink my fire resist I think just to be safe uh are they going in I can’t quite take yeah Martin’s like doing some block stuff oh man careful careful Scott

Careful Scott it’s okay oh they’re really going for it they’re really going for it they’re really going for it God this is it oh my go they’re just charging you’re filthy filthy sand hippies no no oh no wait why did I spawn out here

Where am I oh no I got killed by Etho but that means oh no my stuff’s going to go my stuff’s going to go I need to be careful cuz I have no armor right now green was shot by in the little wood why isn’t it gone boom sorry sh my SK

Jimmy’s dead my husband no my husband Jimmy why isn’t G boom oh it did it just didn’t kill any oh no that’s not good that’s not good at all um I don’t know how I how I contribute to this now scar is in there with the shield I assume my

Stuff is gone I only have those potions left I better go and grab them while I have them I didn’t think I’d just get taken out so quick I suppose my one option is on my second life I just kamakazi bomb ow I’ve hit myself with poison that

Wasn’t meant to happen this was a bad idea I’ve I’ve poisoned myself I hate it here I am literally on half a heart can’t believe I just set myself with a bution of poison and my husband died I’ve not even had time to emotionally process that oh my goodness look at the

Destruction yeah I died around here so when this exploded my stuff went by back oh wait a minute much more fitting so I now have my yellow Hearts I’m not I’m really not sure what to do now Dog Works is too strong like my potions of harming

Could definitely kill them but my issue is trying to get to them to use them without just being shot I suppose I may be try and head to the remains of the bunker and just see what’s there I can’t imagine there’s anything valuable I’m just glad I put my other potions at the

Far away one but I died with like all of my potions green SC SC what happened all went horribly horribly wrong oh All Is Lost what happened to the the explosion the explosion went off but it didn’t kill anyone CLE was shot by Ren scar took his sweet time pulling the lever

Yeah what happened I thought he was going to do I was saying now now now and he didn’t pull it I mean they everyone got caught up in the explosion I didn’t actually take as much damage as I thought okay All Is Lost we must do is

There any stuff here to get back are we completely dead um I have this I I I was Smart in my excess portions I I put away well I as you can see I had a backup room yeah I I’ve still got a few diamonds of Tango was shot by Ren Ren

Killed two people Tango’s on his red oh man but CLE C’s dead as well oh man that went we my husband’s dead Timmy is dead the battle of the Battle of the Red desert is over who’s is this they left them on the hell before they came to

Combat I just took them in my way back look at this look at this crater how did this not kill I don’t understand I’m just sad cuz the CLE people went in for attack after really yeah but they were swiftly out gunned as his CLE Tangles death n this

Is a dog warts Victory look they left their Banner everywhere okay are we are we doing a really bad Counterattack I want to use my remaining TNT to see if we can trap something I have iron tools that’s it and I got some Diamond bits that were in that chest I’ve I’ve got

Nothing I’ve equally got nothing the real question is where is scar I’m what I’m surprised that he’s not dead yeah I don’t I can’t oh wait there’s people stuff here wait we can green we can use this 100% we can use this this Tango I

Don’t know cuz they said Tango was in a chest so just take what we can who is this maybe cleos the Cleo die yeah Cleo die to tango yeah I think this is possibly Cleo stuff all right that’ll do we have to get a win today this is

Possibly going to be us both on our red hearts after this I thought I thought this was wait I just remembered there’s a tunnel from Joel’s into dogwarts it goes all the way under we should use that okay we’re only trapping this place if and only if they’re not there oh 100%

And we physically can’t take another win and I shot guys I have R across this map four times Martin how did you live I don’t know how I live Martin he just won’t give us the banner all I want I give him the banner that’s all I wanted

No okay well then we’re going back to the bunker SC how did you how did you get away I I had two boats I I thrown so many potions at Martin and somehow he still lives he’s the boy who lived Martin what stop it leave Al go away I

Want the banner all is I want one Banner for one life you’ve been leaving banners all over the joint you don’t care about the banners I care about the one scar has I have two banners now because you’ve been throwing them left right and center it’s just the one from scar that

I want it’s all it’s ever been about what if we just give you another one on a shield that looks like it’s from a scar oh it’s different why is it different it has a smell on it that has sentiment that was one of the first

Shields we ever crafted oh no you don’t I’m vast outnumbered here all right here we go here we go here we go come on all right Banner is on the ground I hate this ban Martin it’s here it’s here he’s going to give you the banner if you want

It you can take it where is it let me see it it’s there he’s throwing it down why isn’t he picking it up what’s in his inventory that’s causing him to be so over encumbered right now no he just walked forward what do you mean oh from

My angle it looks like it’s no it’s literally it’s no it’s not at there’s like a block between them man I got a lot of people’s pants on me I don’t know how I have so I got pants yeah please give me give me some Diamond you killed

My husband that was me to be fair it was SK but I’ll deal with him later I only took green out because the puffer fish didn’t work and I got upset that the Strat didn’t play out I really wanted that return like to Sender you want the

Shield or not Martin I do I really want the shield Martin here we go come on come on now mister you silly goose all rightly Goose I want to go back I want to go back to the bunker and put it together you can no no put anything

Together this get your silly get your silly Banner it’s down there oh I’m out I got the banner that was after this whole time go go go oh my word I don’t know who’s behind me if anyone’s behind me please stop please stop I’m just a

Little boy who wants a banner that’s all I’ve wanted this whole time there’s mobs this way as well there’s too many of them oh jeez oh no ohy no damn oh go go go go go go oh I’ve been turned off oh my word get him get him oh no Revenge we

Need one no I’m not going out without a fight you gave me this green and I’m going to use it get him get him no oh it’s so messy oh this is so messy oh my word oh no go guys is so messy oh I’m

Going to die oh my word oh my goodness uh this is where I die isn’t it you okay uh there’s skeletons going at me and I’ve got a but I need you to kill the skeletons why you have so many skeletons on you I don’t know but I’m on half a

Heart please send help oh my going to I’m going to die what do you guys need what do you need do you need food yes yes yes I got you I got you I’ll save you I’m here to save I’m here to protect what wait Martin was shot by a skeleton

He died we need to go find we need to go get stuff we need to go get stuff we need to go get stuff this way it had to be this way it had to be this way go go go go go go go we need to get stuff oh

There’s Martin stuff there’s Martin stuff okay we need to grab what I can see why he died yeah we need to grab what we can and get out careful there careful there’s a creeper no the stuff this stuff we need to go because they’re going to come for

This they’re going to come for it we need to go now you remember in This Server had rules when explain when they oh I hope they don’t see us no they do does he have any flint and steel in here I think although dogwarts is the main capital

They have other settlements and one is a very flammable settlement that we can see from here um uh yeah about that um that’s probably burning down wait what it looks alive right now yeah it looks fine oh I burn it down I thought I mean

I have a flint and steel we could just pop over and finish the job did Etho go and put it back together yeah I think so do we want to go do that now they they know where we are I’m just saying they know where we are I I might go and do

That start it and then see if it pulls them over okay yeah go dude go I’ll go set it all I’ll be back so although I lost all my armor oh ether’s just left although I lost still my armor I got a lot back mainly cuz Martin died to mobs

Banners To dog warts perfect because Etho killed me so Etho has some paying to do and nothing says payment like arson maybe I do understand why Joel done this it’s very freeing I have burnt dogs Geraldine that’s Joel’s dog no actually you know Joel dead burned in my

Wall I didn’t do it like I didn’t intentionally do it you know I was quite good I was being nice okay that’s all I can do really because my flint and steel run out so I should probably head back to Big be’s base I got most off it just

Not all off it where are they going feel like I didn’t get invited to the party guys they’re there shoot it and see what happens okay okay and here we go yeah not too bad not too bad not too bad I don’t have a pick anymore okay

Okay yeah that’s that’s not not too bad even the Villager survived wow okay okay woo disarmed we’re lucky we’re lucky you spawned in here and came out otherwise the opposite direction that could have been lights out cuz if they were stood around dog warts and then baited us over

Towards here we pushed them off the wall and then we run inside oh no oh my word I’m sorry dude I’ve got no to fight with get him yes Victory yes guys I am going to die out I am going to die that’s really bad run away from it wait better

Armor possibly better armor it’s impulse of course arm better armor can’t they’re going to be coming back right now I need they’re going to coming back ba bail bail guys are we leaving you’re a hero you’re a king we need to leave yeah just we need to leave

Right now way way I’m going to follow you I’m out of breath gone go go go go go go go go go success absolute success counter let them know we we had their enchanter dude we we were like Navy Seals it was was like the it was the

Most awkward thing for me cuz I landed in the cow patch and couldn’t get I also did that right behind the CLE behind the CLE I also burnt down most of eth’s Castle it was also a two for one deal because I killed the dog Geraldine by accident but that was Joel there’s

Martin behind us he can’t fight us he can’t fight us oh yeah he has iron gear that’s unenchanted I have I have his iron gear do you want to just uh steal the CLE the entire thing you just want to take it I mean is it going to be bbby

Trapped as my worry right what about the CLE should we check check on this this this is this is the ultimate Redemption Arc that we’ve got going on here we to be fair dying first was great because it meant we got all everyone else’s armor when they die oh we should have just

Burnt the rest of the stuff yeah I used all my flint and steel on Burning eth’s Castle and he didn’t have anym wait was genius burn the castle pull them away Navy Seals in there who did oh oh oh oh you got you got impulse all right yeah I

Came in there I I just pounded him with his netherite sword no one there no one left on green except when he gets on next time okay I’m setting up this trap okay okay eth’s back at dogwarts he’s seen me but eth’s back at dogwarts guys

I’m setting up the Trap okay that’s fine I don’t they won’t fall for this I’m sure of it not unless they’re extremely careless Martin Ren and skz are all at uh Ren dogs so we are quite close to a bunch of them so maybe we should get

Going while we can it’s descended into pure madness Okay right let’s leave cuz I’m going to leave I’m going to leave the pressure plate here let’s go out here and then wait just go out here go here come out here here I made a hole I’ll just fill it back

In all right oh wait they’re about to fight it they’re about to fight oh let’s watch let’s watch yeah oh look Cleo’s just running in she’s going for SK she’s attacking Ren Cleo’s attacking R oh they’re trying to kill Ren Cleo’s trying to kill Ren fight fight just going fight

Fight fight fight fight fight fight Cleo’s going to die we’ve had our Fair sh of War losing today y we ended on a get a break isn’t it CLE was by SK down Cleo’s down out C Cleo is out we need to take out SK we need to take out one of

The re the re enchanting people he was a betrayer of the Tang please tango please go inang oh my goodness please Tango I’m so sorry goodbye Tango you sweet prince he can’t even figure out the door he’s done it wait what again Ken how you need to go to trap making

License what I swear I did it right I bet you put the trap door on the wrong block no I didn’t oh wait yeah I probably did oh no I keep picking up people’s poisons oh I hit Ren I hit Ren I hit Ren twice he’s low this it if we

Can get Ren he’s low I know it watch your backass I think they’re all in front of us cuz BDubs Cleo just died so I can’t see BDubs I got him I hit him oh wait they’re getting shot from behind BDubs I think is Rain Must Be Low he’s

He’s running he’s you think we can trust you think we can trust be no I don’t think we can trust anyone no but my thought is that like they’ll try and avenge Cleo right I’m so upset that I did that wrong I should have checked Tango is still in the CLE

There’s people in the crestle do we want to join the people in the CLE to take out Ren we could be honest with them like say hey we did trap it but then it didn’t go off but we’re telling you now and now we want to kill re enchanting

Together that is a nice thing to say I think dogwarts needs to die where does this tunnel from Joel’s go oh I can show you I can show you it goes right into it into the CLE or into dogart into dogwarts I need to know what went wrong

With that trap my reputation has just dis disintegrated front of my eyes the two traps that did work didn’t kill anyone except me yep true and every other trap I’ve done hasn’t worked it’s up to you where you want to go oh my goodness I’ve got the red winter is coming

Axe dude we’ve got their enchanter which is their whole livelihood you got that yeah the BDubs and Tango are still on top of the CLE yeah I don’t think they’re going to leave that CLE it’s actually like it’s gorgeous and really functional yep I really I really really

Want to know what went wrong even if nothing went wrong I want to regain my small amount of TNT I can distract if you want they’ll see me what if you just went behind and snuck in I could distract they’re not mad at me should I

Ender pearl up into the castle and see how they’re doing they will just kill you disappeared like hello I’m going to go stand at the castle and ask ask where their allegiances lie yeah okay let’s see Hello Castle people dude look at how many zombies are my goodness the zombies what the

Hell why is there so many that’s amazing wait no look look at the zombies look at the zombies going into R look at them going to dogwarts I don’t see them you don’t see them there’s like an army off them you oh well that’s that bumps out

For you guys there’s a mil that was cious that was like World War Z we’re here to ask where your allees are well we’re to know yours is yeah right now it looks like we’re fighting a two front War well if you guys want to join us because we have their enchanter their

Whole life force and and the axe yeah we do have the and I also have ranting anymore that’s true no they do need enchanting because I have we got all of their good gear truce truce I got the enchan everyone shames right now so Cleo’s dead I know Cleo

Said she was going to love you I had a Widow’s agreement with her that when our husbands died we’ go together but then she died before you yeah yeah she was she was Rogue she she foaming at the mouth and yeah I did see a words to me

When I was in distress so I’m not I’m not sad to see her goat I’ll be honest here and she didn’t respect the coffin I’ll tell you that never did I did see her try and take out rain like she went f for it we’re not we’re not Manning oh

My God bebs they’re not maning the the outlook here come come out here come here BBS as as a as a sign of of respect here here join join the coffin join the coffin here you are here you are put those on I thought impulse was on your

Team he’s supposed to be he’s supposed to be and here’s the thing we’re waiting for him to show that Alliance we got a man on the inside we we don’t have him with us unfortunately so it’s just us two and and it’d be foolish for us to go

Against you so we kind of have to team up we have to and and as soon as we do we’re bigger than them because we got a man inside there earlier this session they said that you joined them impossible I never did never want they

Said in chat they said in chat B joined no they were same I did to SK yeah just just talk and talk trying to get Cleo to susum we have we have movement guys I think I think I think a war is about to break out rening his lackies yep we

Focus ether okay we got four stories of Madness we can rain down on them we’re going to trap the entrance don’t go out the door got it do not leave the front door if there’s Felding okay so we’re going to to fire first looks like huh

Well SK is shooting at me so I’m just kind of returning it he killed me no he he killed my husband Etho killed me what is your man on the inside I don’t know I haven’t seen impulse who’s the man on the inside imp impulse oh impulse is

Coming by impulse Left Flank I don’t trust him kill him don’t do it don’t do it I’ve already killed hey do you know what it’s really nice to be on this side of this fight every time I’ve been I’ve been on the other side of the CLE Castle’s been

Intimidating this whole he’s going to his base your man on the inside is no longer on the inside he’s actually behind he went to his base he he he passed us yeah oh what the ship Mak a TNT cannon go TNT cannon oh no don’t worry it was a terrible shot again green

You have an arrow right at the top of your head retreating at this at this point I just wear it like a crown and Martin is the one I’m worried about but Martin also doesn’t have the best armor because I have his armor the issue is is I I feel

Like we need to get one of their Reds gone because CU next week BBY comes back with a green mhm Big B wins the server by not showing up yeah we to take we need to take out one of the Reds I vote skis I want skis as well Scott yeah want

To talk to you about something cuz I killed impulse yeah there’s just a little thing everything’s cool everything’s cool he’s been with me the whole time I vou for him he’s been you know just playing a little game mhm everything’s cool you sure cuz he was

With Martin who is very red when we got I needed him to I needed him to I asked him to okay we set a trap in there thanks to him he’s ready to make a stand with us will you accept yes but if I smell a sight bit of double cross he’s

Dead he’s going to kind of smell like that a little bit he smelled like that the whole time but I’ll talk I’ll tell him okay I’m I’m actually I’ve got to give it to you BDubs this CLE has been remarkably actually very very practical from from it’s not just a pretty just saying

Oh you should have seen it before it got burned to the ground this is still going on people are starting to log off and they they they’re still going I refused to go down he murdered Jimmy I’m telling them I got the red wintera they got nothing on me

Oh they’re going to know that I’m part of this oh dude they’re on the way they’re coming com they’re on their way oh sk’s quite ahead wait is he coming in the front door he’s had a thirst all day he’s not what is he doing what what he

Doing oh no oh no I’m coming oh you know what I’m doing what is going on here I can’t get through I can’t get through is he coming in is he coming in blood what are you doing behind me dude what are you doing him kill him I got him oh man oh

W w w are we still going no just don’t die I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay they’ve got the numbers on us we need to get out of here oh go back away you don’t want any more of this oh my goodness you walk

In front of my V you w in front of my vill I nearly died oh man get lost get out of here we got the power you can have the a you better run no they back off Martin oh man what do we go some stuff it’s is that it skiz is

Out yeah skiz we got one of the red I Avenged my husband oh my goodness I think they know which side I’m on now yeah that’s you had to go and make the alliance are you kidding me my trap didn’t work again why no I don’t believe

This green I’m going to sign you up for trap lessons impulse how okay tell me what’s wrong with this seriously look tell me what’s wrong with oh it did work okay okay okay no it didn’t work it didn’t work what’s wrong with that trap I don’t know it looks like it didn’t hit

It didn’t I don’t want to touch God why are you a psychopath we already got one so I am back at the hit Kingdom I returned from the CLE after everything kind of went down with skz at the end there I felt like it was just safer to kind of come

Home for now and it’s weird because I’m now alone since we started this series I’ve always had Jimmy but Jimmy’s gone the hoba Village seemed to remain fairly intact no one can have red us cuz obviously we’re over with sand castle people his little secret cake that I

Tricked him with his little Board of enemies and alliances I’m going to build him a grave because I need somewhere to remember him I think up here would be a nice little place okay I’ve got a little gravestone what I want to do is go and

Get a few of Jimmy’s things to buy and then I can say my goodbyes I I’ll take his friendship here paper is 25 reputation points that he got scammed out of first set of iron armor that he had on the server and his last Diamond

So I’ll pop in his boots and his chest plate and the helmet which I’m not sure how he had because like you never meant to wear a helmet and his leggings and his 25 reputation points and his last Diamond here lies Jimmy beloved husband

Episode 1 to episode 7 and I got a red chip to place at the bottom of his grave because red was his color I will now insert a montage of some of our best moments and memories I have with Them well Jimmy will never be forgotten his memory and the adventures we shared together wow excuse you you ma’am where did you come from I was just you can’t just show up to the funeral Uninvited Guest to a funeral what is this I was just attacked at my

I’ve lost a husband can I W or not grieve Jesus leave me be also out of respect what I will do is I’m just going to block up his door so that no one can go inside I mean I definitely make one at some point to like take some iron or

Like other things I need cuz like I don’t have lot cuz I died but that’s B the point ml out to like husband was has his man all that sort of stuff like just other people don’t we are now in the cam before the next storm you know there’s

Just like a tsunami hurricane typhoon like everything going on at once it seems I’m on my own I I don’t have Jimmy to like run up and interrupt me doing something or tell me what he’s been up to or getting into bother that I inevitably need to save him from it’s

It’s been really really weird actually not having him here I miss him but but luckily we did murder skis so he was Avenged and one thing I had not realized that a bunch of you pointed out to me was that when Martin ran away from us

When we seen him sort of stood at the edge kind of leaving he actually snuck in here and stole the puffer of Peace rude so not only did Jimmy die I lost the puffer of Peace which was one of the last few things I had that was kind of

Jimmies so I’m going to need to try and get that back now I know Ren still has it it still lives but I’m not really sure how I get it kind of thing now this is also my inventory for now I have a really good sword a really good bow and

A really good axe I also have good protection Chase plate good fire protection leggings not great boots but my thought here is that I could take my emeralds and trade for some protection three books to then kind of up my boots to kind of be on the same level

Obviously projectile protection would be ideal because you know getting three shot last time not great you work with what you’ve got and today I have protection three bits so I guess we’re just going to pop these onto the bits and hope that they kind of work now I

Have some extra diamonds to also repair my bits so if I do that with that that’s going to cost four that’s three that’s protection four oh I can’t even get them healed okay I’m going to need to get a little bit of of XP just to be able to

Repair them rather than going down to the mob spawner though I’m just going to think come out here and just kind of kill a few things I’m not going to die to just random mobs so this just feels quicker and more interesting because I have a feeling today more things are

Going to happen cuz looking at this tab menu we have Big B is the so green life he must go and then we have six red names and four yellow names now out of this list I’m on good terms with BDubs scar green impulse and kind of Joel Joel

And impulse are kind of a weird one because Joel betrayed me by burning in my wall so I kind of want to Revenge that but then I also killed impulse but in my defense we didn’t know he was a mle green did not tell us that information I just seen him with Martin

And killed honestly if I could have killed Martin I would have but here we are it’s my one and only kill of the series and I wasn’t even on red hello oh Jesus I just seen a flash of blue and was like oh God have seen scar anywhere

I’ve been out getting experience I’ve not seen him he’s gone I’m sure he’ll be back at the sand Kingdom right yeah but everyone’s out for Scar’s blood and I’m worried about him I know that I’m not his Lackey anymore but I still kind of want him to survive at this point is

It’s kind of the a principle of it I’ll come with then and we’ll see if he’s there I don’t think they would be under siege I’m this is the C before the second storm yeah the second war of third life exactly I’m hoping you’ll be be there I’ve not seen him though he’s

Definitely not came past all that I’m aware of that though is scar so you know he might not necessarily announce it he might just be there oh my God I forgot how bad this was yeah it’s not great not not great and it’s it was definitely all for nothing the spectical was there

Which was nice aesthetic wise it worked out great okay we have returned home I’ve got my seven levels that I need so we can do that and then I have said to Green I’m going to head back over to the CLE and I will meet him over there but I

Do need to just kind of chest dump a bunch of stuff I need the arrows I don’t need any of this I do want to take these portions so we have two portions of weakness and a fire resist I also then want to fix my bits and speaking of

Portions we left some right I swear me and Jimmy left some because we just didn’t have enough inventory space I think it was just one set of portions but if they’re here these would be really good to take just a bunch of stuff there okay so these are good potions these are bad

Potions okay so I still have a few potions left cuz I don’t think there was any more they were good and they definitely saved a few of our lives through different things the fire resistance one mainly and the poison was what we killed Martin with but I died

Before I got to use most of them so I think today is going to be a red day as in a lot of people making it to red or or worse you know are making it to the life past red now I’m going to head over

To the castle and I am going to take a few different flowers because I want to pay respect to Cle I’m hoping that they have a not a shrine but like a grave for me to kind of pay respect like I did for Jimmy I’m sure BDubs will have done

Something like that but I should head over there now with at least my few flowers to plant I’m trying to figure out if me going over past Joel is smart guess we’ll find out is he here I hear so many dogs hello hi Joel I came over

And was just like is Joel here oh God I hear so many dogs and I see you just staring hey I was just looking it looks like impulse is trying to do something to green and Scar over there there’s some slime and a piston I’m not sure oh

Yeah I do see that on the top of the CLE look impulse is up there I was just watching it grien and Scar down by the bottom left yeah but I mean they’re on we’re all on the same team so I just agreed to an alliance with scar oh I

Like your hair very cool oh thank you I have a little GL bets around me yeah that’s the sadness that from losing my husband you’ve got your green hair on so yes you’re aligned with scar then which means you’re aligned with me Joel yeah Scot fix my roof and I’m okay with

That Scott you know what I’m not whose’s impulses is impulse on the dog wart side no he’s with so impulse was a mall in dogwarts and then I killed him not knowing he was a mle in dogwarts but now he’s on our side but I think dogwarts

Now know he’s on our side cuz he was there when we killed skis do you know what I don’t missed what Jimmy just kidding Jimmy I love you sorry that is lit L they don’t speak all the dead do you want to see my dogs I do I did hear

Them when I came in I was like or came to the back of the house I just heard so much we got four upstairs we got a few on the stairs we got a few down here these are all my dogs just kidding come through here what you

Holy oh my goodness let’s see I want to see if they will all follow me I thought you were going to say want to see they’ll all attack you I was like no if you attack me now you probably would die I’d be careful Jesus oh it’s very hard

To get the ball to stand up Geraldine got busy before she passed yeah oh she’s passed yeah sorry you did leave her in a very flamable castle that made an enemy with me I did set the castle on fire she may have been a casualty because you

Were not on to teleport to I am going to head over to the CLE cuz I want a p of spit of CLE but I think it would be hilarious to see you come over the hill with a a thousand dogs okay so have fun I will byebye bye that man terrifies me

Sometimes that it’s a lot of dogs they’re in the nether right now so wait what if you put the if you put a block oh it’s all over if you put a block above that and then put the LA on top of that it’ll spread wider will it

Not I don’t know give it a try give it a try you’re like you go up there this is horrific we may get a lot of free kills here oh dude oh yeah this SC is a genius there we go that completely encapsulates so ruined it is so good we made an

Alliance with The Hobbit people I know what I’ve got a husband to avenge today I know what I’m doing Joel has like 500 dogs oh my goodness Joel hey what’s up what’s going on B too many do I am surrounded in puppy dogs this is the greatest thing ever oh someone

Trapped the portal nice yeah covered it in lava and surrounded it so no green now they’re going to know no they not no they not I don’t even know have have they got a different portal my Portal’s right next to that Port let’s go break it let’s go let’s go into dogwarts with

Our hot thousand worlds I don’t come on guys I think Joel goes first yeah I think you go first cuz if they hit anyone it’s you it should be you yeah oh my goodness oh God oh God oh God crosss you know we probably should split

Up somebody go do big bees somebody goes to ethos and make sure we break all their portals guys I have a portal we can go break fall Kingdom to secret tunnel secret tunnel come in secret tunnel what in the world I put I made a tunnel I made a secret tunnel I’m

Whispering down here you guys come in guns blazing I’m being all quiet you guys what what Joel’s Army of dogs are not particularly quiet well what no no reason for a secret now no it’s a good thing to have for later I have a way to

Trap the tunnel they don’t need these CS right yeah don’t see any portals it is right over here Joel your dogs are falling in a hole yeah I know I can’t help it Scott there’s too many Scott last time we were here I believe this is

The spot you killed me on and my defense green never passed on the information that you were a mle I was just left to believe that you were evil oh it’s all good it’s all good man water under the bridge my friend you’re my only server wait who disarmed that guys guys you

Know the lava trap we set up over the portal yeah it’s no longer there what the lava’s gone wait eth look eth’s on top of the sand it’s ether that’s put it out he knows eth’s on top of the thing I’m going to put it back but we need to be careful of

Etho okay I hit him a couple times Etho is not in the nether is what I found out because he put out our lava trap he’s on top of the pillar or he’s round up where the sandas I put the lava back but they know it’s there oh they do because I put

It back but Etho got rid of it so okay we need to we needed to kill Etho straight up bebs bebs hello I feel like we should take him out while everyone else is not here to defend him Etho is still on the map and yeah ether was e

Yeah he got rid of the lava I think he’s up on the the Mountain alone I was I think everyone else is there but I think they now know that we’ve done this so if anything they’re going to try and build another portal as my worry there’s Joel

Oh wait Joel I’ve got Joel We have a test for your wolves oh my goodness eth is not in the nether he is on top of that Hill somewhere last I se them cuz he put out the lava trap so I broke my portal so hopefully it won’t respawn it

And they won’t come through there I think we should take out ether while we can while we know where he’s on his own oh I 100% agree we should do we want to start hitting up there I’m going to go have a look with the wolves come on

Wolves if we have the numbers we can take them that was my watch they’ll all get out the water at the same time you ready for this it’s the greatest thing ever they shake shake oh wait there he is he’s up on top of the hill do you see him oh oh oh

There He Is We want him to H Joel We want him to hit Joel once oh he’s shooting he’s got a cat okay I’ll cut him off I’ll cut him off oh God oh my gosh he’s ran far he’s got a few wolves as well he does not as many as me

No how where did he go maybe he’s trying to lead us away from the portal where did he go he just ran off I think he might have end pear or something I can see him he’s on top of the hill over there oh so he is yeah he’s just going

Around the back I think we need a mix of like people watching the portal and then me and Joel could go after eil hey can I just say that they all just cowards and ran up to the tower for protection when we ran into battle like

Champion yeah what the heck I’m going to go and find Etho I’m not going to engage I’m just going to find okay okay my thought is I can maybe get rid of a few dogs cuz you can see a few of them coming okay yeah I’ve got I’m weakening his

Forces oh my goodness why did he move so much oh EO ow that was you’ve already sniped me like three times already today I don’t need to you got it last time I’ve got my shield so at least I’m keeping them busy I just am trying to

Get rid of the dogs which I think I did but also that bull hearts like a Bish like it was really sore I managed to clear out a good chunk of his dogs which is good know where they’re back in they’re back how do you know

They’re back I just went and had a look they’re all there I think eth’s built another portal but that’s why I felt like we needed to deal with ether when we seen them I’m a little bit apprehensive about the fact that we’ve not heard from dogwarts normally they are NE they never

Shut up but we haven’t we haven’t seen them at all they are a little bit too quiet I’m they’re up to something I’m willing to go and like try and find out what they’re up to cuz I have speed potion I have a fire resist potion I can

Try and like get in and out but if we if we’re doing this we’re we’re we’re starting we’re starting the the fight I’m going to go snip I want to know why they’re quiet and you’re sure they’re in the Overworld yeah I saw them all right

Let’s go find them Scott be quiet though oh wait impulse come here come here come here come here come here oh oh I hear them they’re inside they’re inside yeah Big B and ren are downstairs oh they are yeah they might be in your shot let’s get up onto the roof Reef

Gives us a little bit of High Ground here oh my oh that’s oh oh that’s major yeah that is Major B what way to mess last session major what are you doing rain is low but I want Big B I want Big B mhm shall we yes evacuate they’re

Leaving I wasn’t half a hot there evacuate to Big B point oh big B’s got an ender pearl uh-oh get Bigby first I want Bigby gone let me at Big B let me at him Big B come here this is definitely trapped Scott I’m very scared no I don’t think it is

Cuz it was here earlier hi big he’s dead is down he has some stuff that I want oh go get it the dogs will protect you guys Big B it’s okay don’t worry we won’t hurt you again you won’t hurt me again you promise we promise promise go get your stuffers I did

Accidentally pick up some of your stuff so there you it’s okay it’s okay the rest of your stuff is still down there I did see you tried to do a little tra though you didn’t I need to go now honest but you have fun at least you’re now in the same

Color which is fun yeah true it was nice it was it was good while it lasted yeah okay I’ll let you go back okay congratulations on the kill thank you oh wait look what’s happening uh Martin and Rainer down there they’ve seen us they have seen us they’ve definitely seen us

Oh they’re firing some arrows can I hit Ren from here I shouldn’t really initiate he did fire an arrow at me oh there they are yeah big be and ether to the left as well we also got ran down to half a heart oh there’s sh there’s sh

And his dogs Jesus they’re not all dead look at them all dead oh my to be held why is he also Spider-Man too he’s always got spiders with him wait someone’s below us someone’s below us this is our chance is this one is it one

Of USS oh it’s Joel It’s Joel yeah do not murder Joel stand off going on wa wait Martin just got shot by something you know this would be the perfect time to pener Martin and Ren and end the red Kingdom for once hear me out hit me out

Here for a second cuz um I know the I know the treachery comes later but Joel is literally right there we could just drop TNT right now you’re evil I I’m not watching an F5 I’m definitely not watching all I’m going to do is I’m

Going to put these here just in case you wanted to are we not better dealing with the red K first let’s wait let’s deal well I can’t get these back now no you can’t this bre this this there Martin and R are down there we could come up

Behind them this is where we got to get him this is where we got to get lucky boys he’s scared he is can we get a visual on on if if anyone’s getting close he’s coming oh he’s that’s right third Retreat of me though oh Joel’s going up Joel’s going towards Martin and

I feel like Joel’s had a really big brain idea with these wolves I’m not sure like anyone can really hit him that’s why I was thinking we we take him out with the D yeah I don’t do they have teeth but they also lag you out so it’s

Kind of a kind of a dual weapon he is really hunting down R and Martin but I don’t know if he can take on Ren and Martin at the same time just with his dog Army I think I will leave you two here to do with this I’ll go and see if

I can find Jo if we can take out Ren and Martin it works out I’ll leave you to do what you can with that here is another stack of blocks in case you need it I’ll go and see if I can help Joel Joel did you find them yeah they’re over there

But they’re in The High Ground my wol are ineffective do you need some support we could support I want to kill Martin can we kill Martin with with the wolf Army that would be so good yeah I think we go let’s go let’s deal with Martin it’s they’re separated we take advantage

Uh they went towards hobbiton they better not uh oh I did not set up traps because it’s my retirement plan Joel following your dogs is a pain it’s terrifying yeah I know it’s they keep getting in the way they’re kind of annoying wait over there over there over

There where down by the front of the wall they’re over here oh yeah yeah I see them oh they’re underground they’re underground okay now we need to just go we need to just go oh here they’re here they’re here they’re here go go go go go

Go go Martin no oh my word Martin you okay you okay the Red King dies tonight fellas go wolves go they’re into the sand got him I got him head no r no no no no get out of it oh no no no no I’m All Out

Of Water where’s that water from earlier oh no uhoh uh-oh I’m Mar oh run Joel’s gone impulse needs to do something I’m going to need to just run back and grab whatever stuff I can still get I suppose now it’s go time Martin was so low he was on like 10 HP those

Arrows though projectile protection really I should have taken R out when I had the chance earlier the entire Red King Revolution would have died I’m just hoping impulse was good at stopping them getting stuff but Joel’s gone which I mean he like a slight woo but at the

Same time like it’s not great I don’t know what stuff I can get here where did impulse go there’s just so many dogs now are they burning everything are they burning everything I’m not sure what I can do I don’t have arrows all of Joel’s wvs are

So sad oh wait there’s some stuff here oh Joel’s stuff is here well Joel your sacrifice won’t be in vain yeah so about that oh Jesus oh Jesus no no no no no no no no no no no no no I I can’t attack

Him until I can I I don’t know I he has to hit you first yeah I do yeah yeah I think you need to hit him first we’ll keep on your tail though dude don’t worry about it thanks Ren’s bow is a pain yeah I’m on three hearts from one

Shot I want a cuddle before you die come here we with the last two yellows can I have a cuddle no you’ve got begy now leave me hey I never wanted Jimmy to die okay I said from the get-go that SC kill oh OU I got shot by

Him my Lord this is oh no what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who where what what but I died wait this looks different what this is this is what I always wanted there to eventually look like I just ran out I’m so confused what oh you’re here

Jeffy you’re here dude this is where’s here this is it this is it this this this is the end this is it dude I was wondering when you’re going to turn up the after this this is the end it’s home home Through theere is Who We Are

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 3rd Life SMP: The Movie’, was uploaded by Dangthatsalongname on 2023-09-15 17:00:25. It has garnered 66308 views and 4142 likes. The duration of the video is 04:09:55 or 14995 seconds.

This is all of my 3rd Life POV turned into one nice big video! Easy for you to watch all at one place as a nice flow 😀

Thumbnail by – https://twitter.com/RevHD_

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    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

Dangthatsalongname – Minecraft 3rd Life SMP: The Movie