Danny GAMEzalez – i am going to SPEEDRUN minecraft

Video Information

All right uh welcome welcome everybody am I live I’m not sure how to do this uh okay here we go um okay not sure if I’m live and also the chat is not loading or changing at all so that makes me think I’m not um oh wait no okay I am hell yeah

I’m live baby let me share this on Twitter let me uh yeah I’m gonna tweet this out um apologies uh it’s gonna take me a second to get started here because I don’t know how to stream on YouTube and and I’m nervous so just give me a minute um

Also why is nobody commenting in the chat why isn’t it I guess I haven’t it’s actually really strange of me to say because I haven’t posted on this channel in like a year why isn’t anyone here wait maybe people are here can I just not see it

Oh okay wait no I see people now strange all right gang oh wait okay here we go here we go okay now I can see the chat what’s up Chet how we doing all right um thank you for joining today today’s a very special day

Um because I’m going to try to Speed Run Minecraft um I’ve I’ve never attempted a speed run Minecraft before I have actually no idea how to speedrun Minecraft um but that’s that’s my plan for today is to figure it out um so let me go ahead and tweet this

Stream just so people know what’s happening okay now everybody go like this tweet please I’m tweeting that I’m streaming and I’m tweeting it now okay what’s going on everybody okay this is sick you know what I think that I think that I think that YouTube is really a better

Place to stream for me because uh I have a I have YouTube channels and so why would I not stream on here okay there’s a lot of people in the chat right now this is a little tricky to read um yo you’re gonna speed run so hard Dan

Thank you thank you for saying that I missed your streams thank you thank you for saying that um did anybody train you for this run or is it blind okay so okay so here’s the deal let me let me now that we have enough people in here oh damn there’s

Like 2 000 people in here let’s go okay so here’s the deal here’s the deal um I have a video idea that is like a tentative video idea so I’m not sure if I’m gonna do it yet and that’s what we’re gonna figure out today

Um I have a fun idea where I like try to learn how to speedrun Minecraft um because I want to like you know the the premise is like I’ve never been good at a video game before so I want to get like really good at one game and so

That game is gonna be Minecraft and that the skill is going to be speed running so I’m going to try to learn how to speedrun and you guys will see the beginning of that Journey right now because I’ve never actually tried to do it before so this is like

Kind of me figuring out uh if this is gonna be possible for me and like what the steps are and all that so maybe Chad can help me um can I put chat on the screen by the way let me see if I can do that real quick

Or is that annoying because it is right under the video so maybe I shouldn’t do that um let’s see let’s see here um widgets and I want to do oh chat okay chat box add source and a new source okay I think uh uh Queen okay you know what I’m gonna have to

Oh wait is it working okay here we go okay there might actually be [ __ ] I was okay the chat might actually be moving too fast and it might just be kind of crazy and not uh not okay um yeah so okay some people asking why my face look so white uh

Uh I don’t know I have I have this webcam and I have a light in front of me that’s turned down like most of the way let me turn it down some more like I need some light in here so I’m not just like sitting in pitch black darkness

But for some reason no matter okay okay that’s better I was just about to say no matter how far I turn it down I look like a ghost but I’m not a ghost anymore I’m back okay slow mode Danny okay all right how do I turn on slow mode

And one of you losers tell me how to turn on slow mode I’m serious let’s see let’s see if I just type slow mode and chat does that work setting someone says okay stream settings let’s see here yes all right sorry this is gonna take me a second to just get used to

Um I’m uh I’ve streamed on YouTube like once or twice before and it was like a long ass time ago so I don’t really know how to do this okay let me just Google it how to turn on slow mode in chat on YouTube live the live stream Pam of YouTube Studio

Click edits edit uh customization slow mode Let’s go here we go slow mode activated figured it out okay so oh okay YouTube studio is giving me like little tips on the screen right now to like for like how to run the stream and it said now would be a good time to

Insert ads it says that on my screen right now creators earn more money inserting ads the more viewers that are watching give it a try oh should we insert an ad right now guys let’s go should I send you guys all into an ad right now who wants an ad

You know what we are uh I’m having a feeling that I’m we’re super delayed because I’m getting comments maybe like a minute or two after uh after I say something okay I’m not actually gonna play an ad don’t worry I was just kind of I was just kind of joking around

I was just kind of goofing um no no ads don’t worry I’m not gonna do that because we have a serious mission here today we’re gonna we’re trying to Speed Run Minecraft all right so uh let me start up Minecraft and then we’ll get the show on the road

Can we get a quick uh oh can I make like a poll or something all right yeah let’s start off with a poll who thinks I’m gonna be able to do it who think oops who thinks oh no I’ll just say will I be able to do it on my first try

Yes or no okay okay the way I’m defining speedrun and maybe you can maybe you can maybe you might take issue with this definition but I I want to just be able to beat it in one sitting without dying and without like exiting the game or

Anything so I have to do it in one sitting with out dying I’m gonna actually put it on Hardcore so I can’t die no matter what so um okay I’m gonna put yeah I’m gonna put a poll will I be able to do it on my first try

Let us know what you think here comes the bowl and uh I wonder if can I vote as well oh I accidentally clicked no accidentally voted no on my own poll okay we’re hovering around 40 60. oh okay 40 60 60 says no yeah we’re doing this on Hardcore too I

Forgot I don’t know if I said that but I want okay the whole point of the video is that I want to get good at a game all right I want to get like Godly levels of good at a game so yeah keep in mind that this is hardcore mode when you vote

Sorry I have zero faith I know you invented Minecraft and are super good at it but I doubt you’ll make it the first time wait I can’t even see the pull that might be that might be a you issue I’m sorry Danny but it’s hard as [ __ ]

Okay but it does okay what but like I could take like an hour to do it it doesn’t have to be like a world record time because I think the world record time’s like seven minutes so look it’s not about being the best in the world

Let me see let me Google the definition of speedrun what is a speed run actually here let me do it on screen so you guys can see how about that how about that okay uh here we go okay look I downloaded this special gaming uh the special gaming web browser because

I’m a gamer and uh oh yeah looks like I was just Googling Minecraft to figure out what Minecraft is uh okay what is a speed run okay um an instance of completing a video game or level of a game as fast as possible okay honestly that’s oh [ __ ] you can’t see it sorry

My face is fully in the way that’s so cool just move my little self down here okay okay an instance of completing a video game or level as fast as possible whoa up in there uh so that’s honestly like more lenient of a definition than I was gonna get it I

Thought it had to be like in one sitting or something but this is just as fast as possible so technically when I beat Minecraft the first time and I like uh killed the Dragon I did Speed Run Minecraft because I completed it as fast as I

Possibly could it just took months to do it all right okay so uh look up synonyms someone said okay um find Speed Run synonym blow boast brag arcness I’m about to blow Minecraft that doesn’t make any sense this is but it’s from thesaurus.net so I guess maybe that’s is that true um okay

All right well let’s get into it guys let’s start and by start I mean we’re gonna first things first let’s Okay first things first this is gonna be Raw I’m gonna raw dog it all right the first thing I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go into

Minecraft I’m gonna try to beat the game right now in hardcore mode without knowing anything about how to speed run how about that except for like YouTube videos that I’ve seen of other people so I haven’t looked up the steps I’ve looked up anything this will give us a

Good idea of my starting place my strengths my weaknesses and what I need to work on okay that’ll that’ll give us a good place to start and then we can assess from there and you guys can give me little tips and tricks along the way um okay so this is a little bit

Embarrassing that you can see the worlds that I have been creating and that I have tried to beat Minecraft on Hardcore Mode several times uh okay yeah just don’t okay so while this will give you a good visual history of my of my relationship with Minecraft I guess

Um let’s see about it over a year ago I created this hardcore world called I will never die I did die in that um so then I created this world called No More hardcore worlds and uh then I got bored of that and I said you know what [ __ ] it hardcore mode

Uh played that and then I died then I made another one that I died then I made another one I died and then I made a just a regular Survivor world and uh and I don’t think there’s too much going on in that one okay so

How many whoa how many people are in here dude this poll has 3 000 votes how many people are in here watching me play Minecraft thirty seven thousand okay all right uh take it easy Danny it’s okay no pressure everybody thinks you’re gonna do just fine

Hey 42 of the 3 000 people in here think you’re gonna do just fine all right Okay so I’m gonna create new world we’re gonna call it we’re gonna call it Speed Run attempt number one and and let’s get into it all right this is

Oh wait I have to change it to hardcore this is my first attempt at speedrunning Minecraft in hardcore mode can I get some good lucks in the chat please okay bring the bring in the good lucks thank you I’m scared dude it is so it is lagging so behind

The chat I’m I’m not even seeing okay there’s the good looks thank you let’s go thank you ottery thank you chip thank you River thank you Lola all right let’s go that’s all I needed I was just waiting for Lola and hopefully you guys can hear this too

It’s been a long ass time since I streamed and I was trying to make sure everything was set up properly so hopefully I can uh hear the game and whatnot okay I can hear the game can you let me know if you guys can hear the game please okay [ __ ] I got okay

Forgot I’m supposed to be speed running this so I’m gonna try to do it fast okay I know what I have to do I think here’s my idea of what I have to do beat the Ender Dragon that much we know in order to get there I have to get to the end

Okay with some weapons in order to do that I have to get to the nether because I need um what are they what are they called I need oh [ __ ] I can’t think and talk at the same time uh I need I need uh

Oh God I need what do I need I need ender pearls and also I need blaze rods that’s right sorry I’m also a little rusty um with my Minecraft lore and whatnot uh so let me get some so I think what I need to do is get some iron I’ve always

Seen speed Runners they go and get iron first for some reason something in their sick little heads tells them that tells them that they need iron so that’s what I’m gonna do first and then uh Then I then Danny’s gotta go well I’m gonna go over there and get

Some Stone first that way I can get stone tools that probably seems important um I think that they want Iron because they need to make a flint and steel so that they can make a nether portal and get to the nether and also they need a

Buck you need a bucket and also I’m gonna kill these sheep so I can make a bed let me know if you guys can hear the game all right where’s the timer I need a timer oh [ __ ] uh [ __ ] what um okay hold on hold on pausing is allowed

Did I say that was allowed it is all right uh okay can is there any way I can just kind of like add a wait can I add a timer in streamlabs is there like a timer widget there’s got to be a timer widget dude with the amount of speedrunners in the community

I think we can all agree there should be a timer widget whoa zero check everybody say hi to zero High zero hi good boy okay this this speed runs already off to a pretty good start I would say oh wait okay hold on there’s some helpful

Comments in here get iron find a lava pool go to Nether kill blazes kill Enderman come back into Overworld go to the ending color Dragon yes okay okay you know what here’s here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna set it up like this I’m gonna google timer

Oop no we want stopwatch okay and then we’re gonna turn we’re gonna turn this to video settings and we’re going to say we want this in uh this in windowed mode where is that we want this we don’t want it full screen baby we want it in Window mode

Something someone said don’t make anything ugly it scares me okay I don’t really think I’m gonna have time to even make like a house or anything I’m speed running the game usually they don’t even make a house so that I honestly find that kind of offensive that you thought I would even

Make something actually even if I was gonna build a house I would find that a little bit offensive oh here we go okay look at this okay now I’m on my mark get set do I have to make a new world are you guys gonna be

Are you guys gonna be cool about this if I just turn on the timer right now I basically done nothing you guys are gonna be cool about it there’s too long of a delay to actually read your comments but I think you guys are going to be cool about it we’re

Starting the timer right now and I’m on my Merry Little way and I was gonna go get some of this beautiful stone okay hey this streaming thing is kind of fun I forgot I kind of like streaming all right we’re back in it oh my god oh people are saying that

They’re not cool about it okay hold on all right okay hold on stop everybody stop I’m gonna make a poll uh new world new timer question mark and we’re gonna make it a poll oh I have to end this poll first okay hold on start a poll new world okay everybody vote

I don’t realize everybody was gonna be okay all right I see what’s happening okay everybody’s saying yes okay look I thought we were all gonna be cool here but I guess I got a bunch of uh sticklers for the rules in my in my chat hey but 43 seconds that’s pretty good

I made it 43 seconds without dying all right well now I gotta call this one speed run attempt number two okay game mode hardcore and I’m gonna click I’m gonna click create new world and we’re gonna start the timer the second I load into this thing

Honey Mark get set go okay here we go foreign well I hope everybody’s having a great day a great Monday um let’s see what have I been up to today um I uh had a couple meetings this morning I filmed an intro for this video again I’m not sure if I’m actually gonna

Make this video because it kind of depends on whether or not I can actually do this because if I just like if I like spend like a month on this and I’m just like failing at Minecraft for a month it’s not going to be a very

Exciting video so this is kind of like this whole stream in a way is kind of determining whether or not I make this video so your thoughts and prayers are appreciated during this time uh when I need it when I need the most holy [ __ ] there’s a Pillager thing right here

Should I chance it or would that be insane yep no okay I’m not gonna chance it not gonna chance it actually that would be a horrible idea dude we have 5 000 viewers in here see I knew that streaming on YouTube would be better because this channel already has a bunch of subscribers

Did I oh my God he’s still following me no this is gonna ruin my chances is he still following me oh my god dude get a life we can all agree these pillagers need to get a hobby right okay dude okay now this is gonna be a

Speed run dude there’s a village over there all right let me go over to the Village oh wait hold on I I saw I saw a comment that I want to get that I want to read um tips for Danny bring gold to the nether not sleeping spawns flying enemies

Called Phantoms cats scare away creepers and Phantoms gold pickaxes cannot mine diamond good luck all right thanks dude that was nice okay pausing is allowed I think pausing is allowed even in a regular speed run I wouldn’t really hate on someone for pausing the game per se

Because that because the time my timer’s still running so it’s like you know it’s only hurting me really in a sense I guess you could say so someone said fart reveal dude [ __ ] off all right yeah someone said that it was really nice how it was rewarded for restarting

By being put right next to a Pillager Tower that’s sick guess that’s what I get for trying to be fair and uh okay now I got some meat that’s good that’ll be good I’ll eat that later maybe I’ll eat it right now who knows okay who’s this guy

Okay so oh I know okay I remember what I’m supposed to be doing here I have to get I’ve seen speedrunners and you know what they do they find the Iron Giant and they kill his ass dude I might as well take this bread and honestly the leather armor too

I don’t know if I’ll really have time to make non-leather armor I’ll kill a chicken as well how far are we into the okay we’re four minutes into the speed run guys and I think uh yeah I think I probably only need like three more minutes and I

Should be and I should have beaten the game okay where’s this Iron Golem guy oh there he is okay now okay I think I just have to build three blocks high and then I kill him and I’ve seen people do this oh what the [ __ ] okay I could have sworn I had seen

Speedrunners do that before I could have sworn I’d seen speedrunners kill the Iron Golem like that does anybody can anybody provide a someone said assassinated uh you have to hit the legs trust me okay can anyone provide any insight as to why that happened does it need to be four blocks tall okay

How to kill iron golem hit the Iron Golem and run away quickly dig down three blocks with your shovel hit the Iron Golem Dig Down uh stacking up okay please note this method is recommended for Minecraft job Minecraft hit the Iron Golem and run away quickly ensure you have three blocks in your

Inventory find a flat piece of land and stack up three blocks make sure okay that’s what I did that’s what I did okay hold on what are the people saying Danny I’m a Minecraft Youtuber trust you have to go to the Nether and beat the Ender Dragon I know that

I have a bunch of stuff to do first that’s because the ground next to it was one block up oh did he get up on there I didn’t even notice that happened because you hit him well how am I how else am I supposed to kill him dog

It’s three you were just too close to the edge oh okay all right well let’s try again I mean let’s I’m not gonna write off all of speed running just because of one bad one bad uh experience let’s get our stopwatch going again stopwatch single player and we’re gonna do Minecraft speed run

Attempt number three okay you know what before we do that I’m we let’s just look up the steps that way I have everything I need to know in my head and in my knowledge base so that I this you know I don’t make any silly mistakes and I have guidance okay

How to speed run Minecraft gather basic supplies chop some trees and mine some Stone then craft a stone ax and a stone pickaxe okay I know that find the village uh once you have an ax and pickaxe look for a village near your spawn location okay

To progress sorry if you can hear my dogs barking to progress to the next phase you will need four iron ingots so you can kill the Iron Golem find the desert temple and open the treasure chest at the bottom craft a bucket and find a lava pool

Once you have the iron ingots craft and iron bucket the bucket is needed to carry lava and water make another portal okay I’ve seen people do that not exactly sure how that whole thing works that seems kind of tricky stay hydrated thanks gang I’ve got a Lacroix here a good sparkling water

Um crack One open at home if you’re uh if you’re feeling parched okay go to the nether find another Fortress and gather blaze rods just gotta run the nether till you find a fortress in addition to containing chess with valuable items another Fortress can have oh whoa it’s Sunday and zero

They’re they’re kind of upset right now because there’s a dog barking outside they’ll be okay Danny’s studying for his big test uh okay craft Eyes of Ender use them prepare for the end fight go to okay well that oh my god dude how do people do this in seven minutes what is a

What is the world record Minecraft speed run new Minecraft speed run world record 745. it’s 7 45 okay okay you know what we can do it it’s just going to take longer than seven minutes and that’s okay it’s like would you would you run a mile for your own satisfaction even if you

Knew you weren’t gonna run it faster than Usain Bolt would you should I make a poll no we don’t need we don’t need to pull we all know okay all right let’s change this to hardcore let’s create a new world let’s click Start oh wait nope not yet nope not yet

A new market set go okay let’s whoa am I right next to a village again let’s go dude there’s a village right here this is easy peasy okay did I put this on Hardcore motor easy peasy mode it is on Hardcore Mode just so you guys

Know that was a joke it’s just a joke it’s not easy PC mode foreign get to the Village we’re gonna need some wood we’re gonna need some Stone and we’re gonna need some iron and this time we’re not gonna have any funny business with the iron golem we’re gonna We’re

Not gonna take [ __ ] from him we’re gonna take this and we’re gonna take this and what the hell we’re gonna take this too and we’re not goofing around this time no goofing around allowed and I’m gonna make some stick okay and put that down and I’m gonna I’m

Gonna oh dude I’m kind of speeding through this right now this is kind of insane I feel like this is gonna be my my shot I think it’s gonna happen for me this time okay and you know what what the heck I’ll mine this Stone too and then I’ll have stone

Danny get the wheat for bread oh I should also collect all these beds right don’t people put beds next to the dragon to blow his ass up all right did I do that when I beat the dragon I forget how I did it honestly I think I’ve beaten Minecraft twice

Because I did it once by myself and then once with Curtis and to this day I don’t think I remember how I did it um I should probably go back and maybe figure that out maybe go back and watch those videos okay let’s make

An a wooden ax and a wooden or a Stone ax and a stone pickaxe okay now I’m ready to kill The Iron Giant where doth he lurk there he doth okay so I gotta lure him somewhere where he can’t get up onto a ledge or something

Well I guess I can just go right here okay okay I’m building up four blocks and we’re just gonna see what happens with that okay I can’t seem to quite swipe him from here can’t quite seem to swipe him from here so inside I need a sword

Oh here it comes nope he doesn’t he doesn’t come okay I just craft a sword while I’m standing here does the sword have longer reach is that the deal ha a vast hell yeah dude all right let’s go yes yes I’m doing it I’m speed running I’m doing it

And just like that three iron ingots all right let’s get some of this hay for bread as well uh am I crazy or did I see oh oh and there’s some more iron on the ceiling dude this is my chance what’s that song from Hamilton I’m not gonna give up my chance

That’s a good musical everybody loves it okay well with that now I’ve got more than enough iron I just have to throw it in a furnace right quick there’s got to be a furnace in here somewhere you think what is this guy got nope okay maybe I’ll just make one because

I’m wasting precious time so I was trying to read chat and do this at the same time someone said adopt me okay not gonna read chat anymore for a little bit uh and then I need this and I’m gonna make a little guy and I’m gonna make a little guy okay

Here goes this and here goes this and here goes this and here goes this and oh I saw some I saw some coal somewhere all right thank you guys for joining me today on on today of all days um It’s actually kind of sick that I can

Just randomly hop on here and there’s like 7 000 people watching this is kind of an epic gamer moment am I there’s crazy to just um oh I think I need Flint too and I need to I get that by destroying gravel is that correct maybe

I need a shovel to do that properly I’m not not sure about that okay get the beds yeah okay let me go let me get the beds whilst I wait for the iron to cook I’ll take all these villagers beds doesn’t that like kill the Villager when you take their bed

Doesn’t that like make it so they don’t they can’t exist anymore okay we got beds and we got iron all right let’s go dude we’ve got seven iron ingots that’s enough to kill the Ender Dragon twice and we have four white beds and we’re gonna make bread

We’re gonna make 21 breads four white beds and 21 breads okay okay you can do it Dan Dan thanks kyria it’s already seven minutes in [ __ ] [ __ ] oh damn it I missed that was worth a shot uh uh okay I think part of the reason I’m so bad at

Video games I think I’m gonna talk about this in the video but like does anyone else just get like flustered whenever that whenever they’re in danger I think I have band had a bad hand-eye coordination and then on top of that I just get like overwhelmed anytime I’m in

Danger and it makes me make even worse decisions like I don’t I can’t perform Under Pressure so to speak okay so now The Next Step was to uh I think go find a nether portal right or make one I have to like go find the lava pool and make a

Ender portal another portal yes okay okay well that’s good to know that other people experience that same thing foreign but that is all going to end today because I’m if if this goes well then I can commit to like practicing for like weeks and then I’m gonna actually be good I

Decided I’m gonna be good at Minecraft okay I might need to make a boat so that I can actually go because I don’t okay so I need a I think I need to find a lava pool which who knows where that might be isn’t there like nether ruins with half

Nether Portals yeah there are um but oh [ __ ] whoops uh but I think you just have to stumble upon those by chance uh yeah it’s crazy they added Chance the Rapper into this game and uh he’s always standing next to like a half destroyed nether portal

And he’s when you find him he says Ah okay okay and it’s getting dark out someone said no curvature what does that mean did I violate some kind of game rule that you I’m not aware of he’s disqualified curvature bro I don’t even know what that means all right

Okay I need to find a uh a lava pool or a nether portal or something oh might as well kill some sheep while I’m here uh where are lava pools are they like usually in the desert or what it’s a flat earther thing oh were they like looking around my

Minecraft world and saw that uh there was no curvature on the Earth it’s a good point I’ve been up pretty high in the Minecraft world and I’ve never seen the curvature of the Minecraft Earth I’m starting to think the Earth might be flat after all underground lava pools are commonly

Found in deserts or underwater okay so I gotta find a desert then do I maybe I should go up high gosh so you really gotta luck out excuse me um you really have to luck out if you’re doing a speed run and just hope you get spawned into like the most beautiful world

Where you’re right next to a village and a lava pool and you’re pretty close to the stronghold is that what that thing that’s that’s the place where the portal is I do believe iron bucket is a must uh yes it is and lucky for me I have

Many ingots I actually have so many that you would be sick if you saw how many I have so don’t ask again unless you want to spend the whole night in the ER you have to dream all right I’m guessing speedrunners don’t often look at their chat while they’re doing

It as well it seems like that would be kind of uh a hindrance to the concentration that is required honestly I’ve made it pretty far without dying though I mean like this when I played Minecraft before I feel like I would have I probably would have died by

Now but I feel like because it’s hardcore mode I I’m being a lot more careful and a lot more like preemptive uh and look here we found a uh there’s another portal thing here so Chance the Rapper should be lurking around here somewhere okay Okay so interesting okay usually there’s like a

Chest with some good stuff some of that good stuff oh and a flint and steel look at that look at that Daddio I don’t even need to use my iron for that now but okay here’s the issue is that here’s the issue is that I do think that I want a subsidian

But I don’t think that I can pick it up because I don’t have a um a diamond pickaxe unless a gold pickaxe can mine it do you think it can as I try to hit it with a stick I don’t think it can and we’re gonna test real quick because

It’s okay if I break this and I don’t get it because honestly I’m not gonna find I’m not gonna get a diamond pickaxe right now okay and I just broke it and that was a waste of time okay cool but what we do have here folks is a lava

Pool and if there’s one thing I know about Minecraft it’s that you want to find a lava pool we got one here and it is beautiful looking folks and and look over another one over here folks okay now all I have to do is figure out what I’m supposed to do with this

Uh uh uh uh uh uh okay I make a little crafting table so that I can make a bucket okay and I want water second chest someone said is there another chest I see this chest um not seeing another one gang I think that was kind of a I think that

Was a hoax I think that was another liberal media hoax gang pour water on it okay it’s not a bad idea okay like I’m gonna pause which is allowed we we all agreed earlier and I’m gonna google how to make Nether and and the the timer is still running okay so

How to make nether portal with lava pool um here’s a tutorial for the nether portal technique speedrunners are always doing yes okay whoa he’s going fast he’s speed running this tutorial oh my God he’s going so fast holy cow he said if you want to learn how to

Speedrun Minecraft you have to Speed Run learning first you have to be an insanely fast learner okay so what I’m getting so far is that he put a block in the lava I mean I can do that [ __ ] you’re allowed to pause the timer when you pause the game people are saying

I don’t know sounded like there were some serious sticklers in here I don’t know if I want to risk it could I could get my speed running title taken away or or anyone to find out so so uh okay so just keep keep procrastinating and keep uh

Putting it off because I don’t know how to do it okay so oh interesting so so I put a block in the lobby you say how about right there how’s that sound and then I and then I put ooh I put water next to the block was not expecting that oh and

Hey what gives that only made one obsidian make another one whoa uh oh uh oh guys I uh there’s not enough lava Danny no it’s not a pool what it looked like a pool to me dude I guess I don’t know what a pool is no

You guys are right I don’t know what a pool is oh silly me I saw lava pooling together and I thought it was some kind of lava pool all right I’ll go somewhere else then I don’t know I I okay I gotta go I think I gotta go to the

Desert oh let me get the uh let me get the timer back up on the screen that way we can see how oh yeah Sunday check Sunday check okay you can’t see her I swear to God she’s there the cord the chord on my webcam doesn’t stretch far enough to do

A Sunday check okay you guys are gonna have to take my word that Sunday’s there someone said average Illinois pool yeah we but that’s just how we grew up you know around here that’s just like what we called pools it’s just like little holes with lava in them in the ground

We didn’t really think anything of it when we were kids okay I think that this actually isn’t a good world for speedrunning because I can’t find because I can’t because I can’t find a lava pool so that’s gonna be it’s gonna be in another another annoying aspect to this

Is I’m gonna have to like keep leaving worlds and going back into them if I actually want to like do a good speed run time okay uh is is turning on cheats and teleporting generally allowed in a in a speed run in like a official speed run everyone’s saying yes dude that’s crazy

Well why don’t I just do that I can just teleport right to the Dragon you should find a desert for lava pools yeah that’s kind of what I’m trying to do right now though it might not look like it I think I’m pretty close to finding a desert

Imagine how imagine how much everyone would respect me if I if I got a good speed run time you know that’s kind of kind of what I’m hoping for here like how cool would it be if like if everybody just respected me all of a sudden everyone’s saying no in the chat about

The cheats thing now guys I think I know what I’m talking about you’re allowed to use cheats I think I think I can teleport straight to the straight to the stronghold and just cut to the chase I don’t know why more people don’t do that but stuck in the past I guess

Manifesting a god seed for you Danny I think the expression is God’s speed but thank you I appreciate that oh whoa what the hell ah no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don’t want to die right now uh oh a lava pool oh no okay all right

Why was there a skeleton in the middle of the day oh I don’t have any [ __ ] where’d he go I don’t have any any uh armor okay looks like he’s gone okay look at this now this has got to be a lava pool and if you say it’s not then

Now I know you’re lying all right so congratulations if you’re trying to tell me this is not a lava pool you just outed yourself you’re a liar mods ban them forgot I don’t have any mods right now because I’m not on Twitch okay if you lied to me ban yourself please okay

Let’s get to work guys now if you were paying attention to the tutorial you would remember that the very first thing you do is Place one block any old block right here good as bad as any I would say and then I reckon I put water right there let’s go dude okay now

We’re talking not a lava pool [ __ ] off whoever said that Chad scrolled away too fast for me to see but you should be ashamed of yourself because I know it’s I know it’s a lava pool right I know I may come off kind of fun and innocent but I’m crazy and I

And also smart I know what I’m talking about all right okay so okay I did that and then oh and then you delete that block okay can do okay oh and now now I create some kind of strange structure okay so okay so it’s three blocks high and then it juts

Out one block and it’s here one uh two a three and then it juts at one and then uh maybe do I want to delete all these blocks around it because there’s no other blocks around it just to be safe let’s go ahead and do that okay

Guys I I think I’m going I think I’m about to go to the nether is this real when did he last upload to the channel and now he’s streaming it’s real baby and You’re Not Gonna Wanna Miss what I do next because I’m going to the nether okay oh and two blocks go

Uh right right there right there okay wait okay so oh right there and right there and then okay it’s okay so then I put the water uh wait wasn’t on the I think it was right here okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa I think that was not supposed to happen I’m I’m uh

For some reason that was not supposed to I don’t think that was supposed to happen yeah it looks a little different in his version thank you whoa what the heck why did I okay I had it did I not do the exact same thing dude that’s literally what I did oh my God

Oh that okay you just made me mad whoever made this tutorial it’s official then it is still lava I know I know I’ll go use it over here just get like it’s kind of [ __ ] up of them lie to me like that and I feel like I gotta

I mean what do I do what did I do wrong water flowed okay so okay so I think what happened is that water came and when it gets back here it was supposed to disperse like just kind of go but instead it flowed along this channel and like so so that was wrong

I made a severe and continuous lapse in judgment and I trusted some [ __ ] on Reddit calm down Danny calm down it’s okay just put the timer back on the screen you’re doing fine you’re good bestie okay well I kind of have to like carve out this place now because I feel like I

Wanna go like right over here right or maybe right here this yeah this seems like a good spot actually right here how am I doing on time 30 minutes I bet there’s been slower speed runs honestly like I bet I’m not doing the worst anyone’s ever done and that you know

That’s enough to kind of keep you going in a lot of circumstances [Applause] keep using the other one someone said what do you mean there’s no love over there okay oh wait okay hold on one second okay so maybe I can just keep using this uh

This okay I see what you guys are saying look at that okay all right I get it okay so what do you do sorry about uh totally going uh Rogue there for a second I guess he puts it here on the left on the left on the right on the right

Up top up top on the left on the left on the right on the right up top on the left on the left on the right on the right dude I’m actually doing this right now this is crazy up top up top did I just do it wait

There’s not 11 on there is this supposed to be is there supposed to be obsidian down there guys why isn’t there obsidian down there what happened can I just if I just put lava there we’ll turn into obsidian it will all right looks like I know a thing or two about

Games after all let’s go dude we’re going to the nether let’s [ __ ] go can we get some can we get some uh some kind of celebration in the chat please I I honestly need it after all that that was a big to do quite honestly someone said Danny stopped lying to

Yourself you are delusional might be the meanest thing anyone’s ever said to me okay let’s keep rocking and rolling wait what am I supposed to do in another I have to go find a nether fortress and gather blaze rods yes sir oh okay you know what I should probably

Do is type down the coordinates of my freaking portal so that I don’t lose it in case I get lost yes okay remember to wear gold oh [ __ ] I forgot oh [ __ ] um I don’t build guys oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I’m going back through oh no

Go back go go go go please please please please please please go go go go go go go go go run now run guys I forgot gold I forgot gold armor I don’t have any oh and it’s getting to be dark out okay whoa zero moment here’s his butt okay okay

All right guys honestly this is going pretty good like can we all agree that we didn’t think I was gonna get this far like this is actually pretty insane um that being said though where the [ __ ] am I supposed to get gold can you mine gold with a stone pickaxe it uh okay

Crap dude does that mean oh wait but I already have a bucket and I already have the flint and steel so I could use these to make a yeah okay okay I can use the iron that I have to make a uh pickaxe and then maybe I can just kind of dig around

In the nether underground because there is a lot of gold in there right oh wait how much gold how much is this worth how do can’t you make it into like a Ingot or something okay I think the pig is biased against poor people kind of suspicious they only like

You with gold on yeah I’ve seen it kind of I’ve seen a couple of YouTube pranks that are just like this actually it’s like a guy and he tries to hang out with a girl and she doesn’t want to at first until she finds out he has a golden Lamborghini

And then she wants oh [ __ ] for oh my God okay okay what if I just dig into the ground and never come back okay so now that I’m safe in theory I should find gold eventually right if I just do this just end up in a cliff it’s kind of POG as well

Okay as far as practices go I’m still I’m still feeling pretty good about this like I definitely feel like there’s a path for me to improve get better figure it out oh guys if you could see Zero right now he’s being pretty damn cute he’s just laying on the ground

He’s gonna die to Lava so fast you don’t know what you’re talking about dude you have no clue I actually kind of thought that I would have found gold by now I thought the nether was like full of gold isn’t that the whole thing they’re like little pieces of Gold

Everywhere You can just pick up and have foreign okay I’m let me just poke my head back up real quick because this is honestly not very Speed Run of me right now I think I’ll have to be a little bit more Brazen than this oh and just when I decided to be Brazen

Oh those guys often what I’m about to do what’s happening oh get out of here oh oh god well I was stuck between a rock and a hard place what was I supposed to do ah damn what a world it was you have no home or charge to respawn anchor or okay

Damn dude [ __ ] that was so [ __ ] up and also I woke up zero he was asleep and now he’s not wait where is he there he is he didn’t like my screams wow that was kind of an epic sad moment I guess I can stop the Old Timer there

Let me look at chat for a minute here um I kept seeing your update needed icon on the bottom right and thinking my computer needs an update even though I did it earlier oh is that what that means [ __ ] I guess my computer needs an update um so like are you gonna restart

Someone said I should change the title to I am not gonna speedrun Minecraft nice try you’re not gonna break my spirit that easy excuse me excuse M1 get a shield next time all right Um let’s see do I have time for one more try again these are all just practices so it’s you know it’s no biggie I’m learning I’m learning what I need to practice exactly and I do think I probably need to practice my combat skills I think we all saw me get flustered like

I was alluding to earlier I got flustered and I got scared and then when it when push came to shove I I panicked and that that didn’t help obviously so okay um okay give me uh give me a give me a minute I’m gonna go to the

Bathroom and then I’m gonna do another uh one I’m gonna try again uh I don’t have like a I I’m sorry I just faded to Black uh I’m gonna I’m just gonna go to the bathroom and I’ll be right back I’m gonna make a like a scene that says BRB

All right I’m back hey we lost a thousand viewers while I was gone I think it’s because I put that ad that’s kind of funny whoops sorry for trying to make a bag real quick I just thought it would be funny I won’t do that anymore Uh uh oh my God what the hell I had it open on my phone so I could see the ad okay um let’s go let’s get back into it I think we got time for one more practice depending on how long it is obviously um but let hold on let me let me fix one thing real quick

And then we’ll get back into it gang all right all right geez we’ve lost 2 000 viewers now almost because I peed and because of the ad you guys don’t care about me at all do you can’t take a little piss in a little ad I’m just kidding all right let’s do it

Again uh okay Minecraft speed run wait why did I put Minecraft in the title of this it should have just been Speed Run attempt number three it’s obviously Minecraft okay speed run attempt number four game mode hardcore okay really I should be calling you speed run practice like I don’t actually think I’m

I’m gonna unless I do you know okay create new world reset let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go look let’s go let’s go and okay starting the timer and here we go show me where the village is baby I’m gonna go up high because really

Really that’s what I need to do I just need to find a village immediately then I need to find a lava pool immediately and it would be nice if I could find some gold along the way am I right fellas oh you guys can’t see it that’s so funny I was

That’s that’s so funny okay my bad I uh wow I’m so dumb I was I was talking about how I uh I named that one that that world and you guys had no clue what I was talking about the entire time that’s so sick yes I think I’m bad at streaming honestly

I don’t know if I’m cut out for this hello oops ow ouchy LG okay this world sucks actually can’t find a village I’ve been in here a minute and 30 seconds and I haven’t found a village yet definitely feel like I should have found one by now watch out in the snow

Do I is this no bad do you sink into it is that what happens I think I was sinking into it before hmm okay if I don’t find a village in the next minute then it’s official I’m moving on to a different oh okay what the heck I understand what that person was

Talking about now oh oh what the heck ah ah what’s going on oh my God ah dude Geez Louise okay no okay we’re gonna start a new world that world sucked it was full of snow Speed Run attempt attempty number five we can all agree that world sucked and

It’s not fun to watch somebody try to do a bad world no there’s iron right there I should probably take advantage of that let me see if I can gather enough wood and stone to make a thingy and get that iron just to have you know it’d probably be good to have

I don’t even know what was happening in that snow if I’m being honest like was I drowning I don’t know to this day but I I’ll promise you this I’m going to avoid that stuff from now on I’ll tell you that right now someone said Danny I loved that world

Like my own child you are an idiot sorry I’m just kidding I’m just kidding you’re just kidding we’re all just kidding uh no that world was heinous for real though that world was awful there’s one iron it’s cool I’m not mad is that a village in the distance no is it no

No I don’t think it is it looked kind of like like the the roof of a building but uh I think it was it was kind of just dirt and stuff oh I wish I had on that that plug-in that lets you zoom in

Is that uh is that allowed in um are you allowed to use like a texture pack that lets you like zoom in and stuff when you speed run or do you have to do like totally like uh unmodified Minecraft because being able to zoom seems like like in Advantage but like an acceptable

One you know someone said no mods oh is that oh it’s Village time let’s go I’ve got a good feeling about this world gang I’ve got a good feeling oh sometimes I get a good feeling get a feeling that I’m gonna destroy this villager’s entire house and they’re gonna go bankrupt yeah

Okay okay very cool I’m fairly certain zooming is allowed ooh some leather armor that could come in handy sometimes when I go into the my inventory and I like click on things real fast I feel like I’m a speedrunner like when I go in and I’m like

Like it’s kind of hard not to feel like a badass common Danny W I would say yeah paper okay what am I doing here I want to kill the Iron Golem that’s right all right where is the little bugger come get some oh there he is okay come get some

Could you just come get some real quick oh oh come get some oh sometimes you’re gonna come get some yeah you idiot you have no clue what’s going on you can’t even fight back and how many I whoa five iron ingots yes this is the best day of my life okay

And I’ll be taking that and I’ll be taking all this and goodbye speed money speed money it’s gonna say speed running Minecraft is kind of like uh colonialism when you think about it you spawn into a new world and you steal a villager’s resources steal all their beds kill their iron golem

And then uh and then leave pretty [ __ ] up if you ask me if I didn’t know any better I think the guy who made this game was a Nazi okay uh uh now I need to find a lava pool okay someone said I just finished my essay let’s go

Can you type it into the chat we’ll review it we got time just go ahead and type the whole thing into the chat essay check oh that was a that was a mistake let’s get a lava pool we’ll have a pool come on show me the lava pool

Okay I’m searching far and wide for a lava pool right under you someone said you’re trying to Gaslight me I think I did not see a lava pool right under me that’s false information ban yourself someone said I don’t think you would have survived the plague wacky insults

Not sure what to make of that one ooh okay well this is uh this is something maybe there will be gold armor in here that would be that would be so Divine if I could find oh wait but there’s oh wait there’s Gold Blocks there those are probably oh oh yes

Oh yes oh yes oh goodbye stinky leather armor it’s time for stinky gold armor okay and me thinks that I could probably use these uh Gold Blocks too right oh wait oh I don’t have an iron pickaxe and I can’t I don’t have enough to do that okay never mind cursive binding

What does that mean who cares what does that mean what does that mean who cares cursorbinding is an enchantment that prevents the removal of a cursed item oh okay I’m going to be wearing those for the rest of my life I see I see what all the Hub was about

No that makes sense bread I guess I got a little ahead of myself okay I shouldn’t have I was just so excited I mean I had to put one of them on because I need the gold armor anyway it doesn’t matter yeah that’s what I’m saying we’re gonna be fine all right nobody

Panic so what are we thinking is this a lava pool it kind of okay am I crazy for thinking that this one kind of is a lava pool it’s like standing lava is that I mean what do we think lava pool or not this is looking like a lava pool to me

All my friends think this is a lava pool I might have just made it not a lava pool by doing that it could work okay okay okay okay all right well let’s just try I mean what might as well try right there’s no harm in trying pinky bonky Binky bonky okay

Let me go get some water I’m getting kind of mixed responses about uh whether or not this is a lava pool it’s actually it seems to be a point of contention another person said average pool in Illinois which is true okay so uh okay um [ __ ] I forget what I’m supposed to do

Uh what am I supposed to do I think it goes a little something like this [ __ ] okay I can’t I don’t I don’t know how to do it uh I [ __ ] up thought that was right rats how about there we go okay no I think I’m on the right track now and

Believe that oh wait but that’s but I think that’s supposed to be right there okay uh okay what if I let me freestyle for a second I think I can figure this out uh I can just take that lava and put it there and then

Oh wait no oh [ __ ] I wanted to be there okay that’s all right let me freestyle for a second nothing better than freestyle Minecraft let me put her there yes guys I think I might be smart okay guys I think I’m doing it because check this out

Now I know I need to make one two am I smart chat someone said oh no not freestyle Danny what the hell are you doing you guys don’t see the vision let me cook oh not that kind of pick please okay just like so and uh just like so

I am worried about something happening to that lava it would be a shame if anything were to happen to all that lava is it okay oh it’s okay all right oh yeah okay yes yes dude okay I think it’s safe to say the freestyling Works um I want a list of everyone that

Doubted me in the chat and we’re gonna kill him all right thank you let that be a lesson don’t ever doubt me okay dude this is fantastic this is this has got to be the fastest I’ve ever gotten in another that was way faster than last time Oh wait [ __ ]

Okay spoke too soon I need a flint and steel but that I mean come on dude that was pretty good someone said couldn’t you have just used the abandoned portal yeah okay dude no obviously I don’t know how okay now in one of these there’s gonna be Flint I think is that right

Yes okay okay here we go okay 17 minutes in to a grueling probably hour-long speed run but I’m feeling better than ever okay we have this and we have actually gold armor on so this is gonna I think this is gonna be okay guys let’s go

I’m not gonna get attacked by a piggy this time at the very least Danny are you feeling mischievous honestly yeah I kind of am oh someone said make a shield Not a bad idea chat Shield okay so I’ve spawned into some sort of hellscape uh let me put my coordinates in here Okay negative 47. negative 83. okay let’s get to work gang now I need to what the heck okay I need to find a fortress and get some blaze rods

Where am I I don’t like this what I mean what the [ __ ] where am I what is this what is this Blaze worst biome to spawn in well because sometimes you just get lucky be careful King thank you I will an unfortunate twerking on that yeah I am

I’m twerking timidly right now for sure so I was kind of hoping I could just tunnel out of this situation that seems to be taking quite a bit let’s dig up and see what happens oh oh whoa sorry zero so you guys could see Zero right now he’s looking at me with quite

Confused expression he doesn’t really get Minecraft so done hold it against him what would you guys recommend I do here I mean like I mean like what what would I actually what should I do seems like worst case scenario I mean this is definitely going to ruin my time

Someone said bro why did you use wood I had to think quick it was the only thing I had like quickly available and I’d say it worked pretty well because I’m Not Dead I would uh actually gotta hand it to myself I think I actually handled that one not half bad

I will have to replay you know I will have to watch the replay to know if I was screaming that whole time or not I think I might have been but someone said jump Danny jump seems like the worst advice you could give right now

I’m just gonna make a path out of here I’ll find a different biome eventually oh God did it dude why why oh my God I’m so pissed dude it was a slip of the finger it was a slip of the finger oh that is so ice cold

Okay but think about it this way wasn’t the last one like 40 minutes it took me that long to get into The Nether and die this time it only took me 23 minutes and I had gold armor so I think it’s safe to say I’m improving already I think everybody is

Everybody is impressed at the end of the day yeah that sucks guys I’m sorry I hate to let the fam down um let’s see how long have I been live for hour 55 okay yeah I think it’s probably time to call it two hours is a good amount of practice um

I’ll probably I’m thinking after this I mean that was all pretty good uh the combat is really the stuff I’m worried about and that stuff I did that I didn’t even get to that yet unfortunately but maybe I need to get better also at just respawning and respawning until I

Find a good world because there was a lot going again like there was a lot going against me in that world like I spawned into the worst place I could have in the nether right so if I just get more comfortable doing that and just making new worlds and making new worlds

I think I could actually do it but I gotta prep I gotta practice like fighting blazes and stuff I’m just in my head trying to decide if I actually want to pursue making this video and spending like a couple of weeks on it or not but uh

Yeah we’ll see we’ll see I’ll think it over um all right well regardless thank you guys for watching um and uh yeah this was really fun I uh I want to do more live streaming stuff regardless so uh either on this channel or a different channel so stay posted for that

Um I’ll see you guys next

This video, titled ‘i am going to SPEEDRUN minecraft’, was uploaded by Danny GAMEzalez on 2023-05-16 01:31:37. It has garnered 732132 views and 28159 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:51 or 6951 seconds.

i am going to speedrun minecraft

video chapters 00:00:00 intro 00:18:51 first attempt 00:30:07 first death 00:36:28 second attempt 1:17:29 second death 1:25:55 third attempt 1:28:00 this world sucks 1:29:40 fourth attempt 1:51:59 fourth death

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    Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information oh what is this Mikey where are we I don’t know but it looks like a bed one of mud and one of diamonds wow what are they for I wonder and look we have a tape measure that says mud and a block of diamond ha I think this is a challenge they prepared for us there’s a diamond bed and a mud bed and whoever gets what from the tape measure will survive on that bed I think it’s interesting yeah so let’s spin the roulette wheel for you first and what you get Yahoo I… Read More

  • Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shorts

    Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Zoxtic Gamerz on 2024-04-07 19:36:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More

  • Cosmic Network

    Cosmic NetworkCosmic Network is a new network which was originally created to promote the idea of skyblock, we feature alot of features including – PvP – Bosses – Custom Recipes – Crop based Economy – $30 Paypal Payouts! and so much more to discover. CosmicSKB.minehut.gg CosmicSKB.minehut.gg Read More

  • Mystic Dominions Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.4 Geopolitical Lands

    Welcome to Mystic Dominions – Where Legends Are Forged! Embark on an epic journey into a world where imagination knows no bounds! Welcome to Mystic Dominions, the ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity takes centre stage. Forge Your Legacy: Craft your own unique story in a world shaped by your imagination. Mystic Dominions offers limitless possibilities to carve out your place in history. Forge Nations: Take the reins of destiny and establish your own mighty nation. Lead with wisdom, strength, and diplomacy as you shape the course of history. Create Guilds: Unite with like-minded adventurers and form powerful guilds that… Read More

  • Attack On Titan Roleplay Server

    Attack On Titan Roleplay Serverattack on titan minecraft server Made By Skele Animates Join Noww!!!! This Server is for 1.16.5 This Is A interesting Server Go Join Now This Is A anime Roleplay Server Attack On Titan Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minechesty Goodness

    Minecraft Memes - Minechesty GoodnessI guess you could say this Minecraft meme is a “block-buster” with a score of 4! Read More

  • “Farm life: where cows do the grind” 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    "Farm life: where cows do the grind" 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Who needs a gym membership when you can just play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and work on your virtual farm all day? #FarmFit” Read More

  • ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans

    ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a Minecraft Adventure Brothers Ian and Ethan dive into the virtual world of Minecraft, ready to conquer challenges and unravel mysteries. Their journey is filled with excitement and unexpected twists as they navigate through different scenarios. Unveiling the Gameplay In Minecraft, the brothers encounter various roles like murder, sheriff, and innocent. Each role presents unique challenges and opportunities for them to showcase their skills. From strategizing to quick reflexes, every moment is a test of their gaming prowess. Thrilling Moments and Hilarious Mishaps As they progress through the game, Ian and Ethan… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2

    EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2Video Information hello there everyone the andrada here and welcome back to episode 15 of our FTB Skies let’s play series and it’s a long one today we got a lot of stuff that we got going on uh a lot of big changes or or big improvements to our setup and everything uh so get started sorry for the length hopefully you’re okay with it um but yeah let’s dive in welcome back my friends to another wonderful day here in the world of the andrada uh where I have a couple things that I would like to work… Read More

  • Becoming Ghosts in Minecraft

    Becoming Ghosts in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizen JJ & Mikey on 2024-01-13 20:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved … Read More

  • Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viral

    Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viralVideo Information Minecraft но вы управляете кругом Оу Нет я застрял в этом крошечном Круге Стоп А что если просто выйти из него что происходит э когда кто-то ставит лайк Круг становится больше Стоп А что если кто-то подпишется серьёзно вы уже открыли шахту и прямо там разрушенный портал вы открыли Уже половину Моего Мира продолжайте ставить лайки и кстати моя цель – это открыть мир на 100% было бы намного проще если бы он перестал уменьшаться ээ что эти железные блоки могут остановить уменьшение Круга я собрал абсолютно все самые прочные блоки в игре Так что Круг не сможет… Read More

  • Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!

    Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!Video Information [Music] all right am i y yep we’re ready okay it’s the temp number 12 here we go right are we recording yes yes yes yes okay uh yeah this is attempt number 12 of the decked out to survival escape challenge thank whatever we’re calling oh wait I should have wait don’t close the door I don’t know why I thought that door closed it doesn’t all right we got a Escape Decked Out by building another portal and we got got to Traverse through the nether build a second nether portal to escape into the Overworld… Read More

  • Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information I might go back to UNI and study cuz I feel like my brain is just like shrinking I was going to study cyber security computer science I don’t know I feel like it’s a lot of dedication I want to do it that’ be the best thing for your fual life yeah the other month I wanted to do [Music] marketing This video, titled ‘i’m becoming a hacker #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by thepizzawaffle on 2024-03-11 06:58:45. It has garnered 2595 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7

    SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7Video Information minecra se va a quedar siendo igual de [ __ ] pero es que la gente está tan acostumbrada a la [ __ ] que te saca una Maza y bro que es una Maza tío dilo tú bro dilo tú no no dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú vale lo digo lo digo dilo dilo dil ahí te saldrá Bienvenidos a todos los orbit culaciones a este nuevo orbis podcast nuevo episodio nuevo domingo estamos a domingo efectivamente en el día de hoy estamos con nuestro compañero nuestro brother con el bro nerw qué tal nerw Bienvenido al podcast… Read More

  • Insane Transformation! Kc’s New vs Old Minecraft Skin

    Insane Transformation! Kc's New vs Old Minecraft SkinVideo Information it’s out with the old and in with the new goodbye clouds of gray hello Skies of Blue This video, titled ‘Kc new vs old minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:24:46. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider – Sonoyuncu Titanyum

    INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider - Sonoyuncu TitanyumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Karpuz Oynatıyoz – Sonoyuncu Titanyum’, was uploaded by ghostrider titanyum on 2024-02-11 03:28:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!

    Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We Can Draw Anything!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-04-17 09:00:38. It has garnered 40192 views and 1370 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:13 or 1873 seconds. for sponsorship: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Watching videos PepeSan TV, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute BGM Yummy Flavor: https://youtu.be/tAaFg2u-i2c?si=icGKBkZINB3RrFOJ Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft Tagalog, Oneblock, Minecraft but,… Read More

  • Bushi Craft

    Bushi CraftBushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new. bushi.my.pebble.host Read More

  • AtlasSMP – SMP Vanilla

    Welcome to Atlas SMP Java Server! Are you looking for a new vanilla SMP to join on Java? Atlas SMP has just recently restarted and is looking for new members to join! You can expect a small group of active members that are online everyday. In Atlas SMP you can be yourself, whether it be grinding, making friends or even just building. There is something on atlas for everyone. If this sounds like you, follow the link below to start your application! If your discord friend request is on private, please send me a request on Shyy1707 Click here to… Read More

  • QenCraft Bangladesh

    RULES FOLLOW THE RULES:-Be respectful. This means no mean, rude, or harassing comments. …No inappropriate language. …No spamming. …No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material. …No advertisements. …No offensive names and profile pictures. …Server raiding. …Threats are forbidden and Hacking…[12:24 AM]SERVER RULES1.No Griefing2.No Spamming3.No Advertising4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing5.No Trolling/Flaming6.No Banned Items(Tekkit Rule)7.No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items8.Respect all Players9.Obey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/Hacks12.No Full Caps Messages13.No Builds Near Spawn14.No 1×1 TowersMod/Admin Rules:15.Be Responsible with the privileges you are given as a Builder/Mod16.Do not spawn blocks or items for other players17.When Trading, only buy and sell legit items18.Only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Like, Just Report: Minecraft Bot Jokes

    I guess this little twitter bot is feeling a bit insecure about its meme game! But hey, 1883 is a pretty solid score, so maybe it should just embrace the likes instead of fearing them. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts

    Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Shorts: Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Update Introduction The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over the latest mod update inspired by the popular Japanese manga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. Created by manga artist Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha, this mod brings characters from the manga to life in the Minecraft world. Features of the Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Jujutsu Kaisen mod introduces various characters from the manga, allowing players to interact with them in the game. From powerful sorcerers to cursed spirits, the mod adds a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Fans of the anime… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic builds to intense PvP battles, there’s… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft The Hive with ZACK!! Just like old times’, was uploaded by 🧩Jishy🧩 on 2024-04-02 00:13:27. It has garnered 45 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:46 or 9466 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io If youd like to donate, you can here – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JishyYT Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/qyVfRNzmqN Go sub to Jamzy 🙂 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEex8sFVvFb4EWU4uR8qoCA Friends – Tokisku – https://www.youtube.com/@Tokisku6644 Zack – https://www.youtube.com/@zacksmtbadventure Undead Legends – https://www.youtube.com/@UndeadLegends Sauce Daddy – https://www.youtube.com/@SauceisDaddy Omarow – https://www.youtube.com/@_Omarow_ Simon – https://www.youtube.com/@simaun. Kainimations – https://www.youtube.com/@kainimations Lemon Experience – https://www.youtube.com/@lemonexperience Aspect – https://www.youtube.com/@AspekEosin ctrlZ -… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Highest Pit

    Exploring Minecraft's Highest PitVideo Information Farm the tallest pits in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you guys what do you think is the tallest thing on the planet probably these pits look I am somewhere in the sky there is only one sky around me and you can’t see the Earth at all it is somewhere in the distance well we have these giant round pits today very tall lots of different interesting characters look here we have the lady speaker for woman next up an orange rainbow friend kind minion T showing us… Read More

Danny GAMEzalez – i am going to SPEEDRUN minecraft