Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.26 – chat teaches me how to play minecraft

Video Information

Stream gonna start hello everyone happy monday how is everybody doing what is good okay welcome to the stream i hope everybody is having a good monday um it is a lovely day out here in illinois it was like almost 80 degrees here today so yeah honestly not too bad um so

Thank you thank you thank you thank you um i don’t really know um so i i don’t really know if i should wait until more people are in here but i just like something just came up when i was um on twitter like right before i got on here and i don’t

Um i feel like i should address it right now i was i was going to on twitter but i was like about to go on stream anyway so i just want to talk about it um so uh i’m actually i’m gonna turn off my chat on here for a second because it’s

Gonna distract me um so and this too um so a couple weeks ago i um got a dm from somebody that uh was about one of my videos that i posted a few years ago it was a youtube rewind um video that i made i made a video about

The youtube rewind in 2017 so i made it in 2018. and um in the video i used a racial slur for um mexican people the beesler at the um sorry i’m trying to like stay on my train of thought um i i like i totally forgot about that video

And like if you a a few a few weeks ago told me that i said that i i like would not have believed you because i do not i like honestly do not remember saying that in the video um a few weeks ago somebody dm me this uh a clip from that video

And uh i was like shocked at first and then and then i took down the video and i apologize to the person i’m i was kind of surprised that between like 2018 and now nobody else had said anything um because i should not be using that word um

And uh so yeah so i took down the the video and um and then uh today i saw a few other people posting the video on um on twitter and so i just want to address it to to more than one person because originally i just um dm’d back the

Person that sent me the video and said it made them uncomfortable and i apologized um but if if anybody else saw that video and was uncomfortable by it i’m very sorry i should not have been using that word um i saw a few i mean i’m

Obviously not the one who gets to decide who gets to say that word or not but um i don’t feel like i should have used that word and um i for for context it was um in the video i was talking about jake paul who had recently come under fire for

Calling two of the mexican members of the team 10 house that word so i was saying this is jake paul the guy who used that word against those people so that is the context i used it in um i’ve seen people on twitter sort of um i was just on twitter um

Looking at people talking about it i was i saw people saying sort of both sides some people saying it was okay in the context i used some people saying it was okay because i have like mexican ancestry some people saying that it’s not okay because i am white

And and no matter what context you use it and it’s not okay um i i mean i can’t say whether or not it’s okay for me to use all i can say is that i yes i do have mexican ancestry i personally don’t feel comfortable

Saying that word i don’t know why i did at the time i like i said i don’t remember saying it um i don’t even remember thinking that it was okay to say that word like if i thought back to 2018 i wouldn’t think that i thought it was okay

But i guess i did um i mean but for the record i like i am white i don’t consider myself mexican i do have mexican ancestry my grandpa is um mexican so that’s why i have the last name gonzalez but i don’t um i’m white i’m i’m like the whitest looking person

I’ve never been called that name um that slur in any sort of serious way um so i i don’t when if i were to say it now it would feel wrong so i don’t think that i sh i should have said that word i apologize for saying it um and yeah so um

Yeah i’m sorry i shouldn’t have said it i i should have addressed it when it when the first person dm’d me i i guess i was just surprised that only one person out of like however many people have seen it since i posted in 2018 had

Um come forward about it so i was like okay i guess just one person is upset about this that’s weird but it’s it’s not right i shouldn’t have said it so i’m sorry and uh yeah i i mean i don’t i don’t want to contribute to normalizing

Any words like that and i’m just worried that people seeing a white person saying that word um and not getting any backlash for it would think that oh it’s it’s okay to use it even like in any context i don’t want people to think that um

I don’t want yeah i think that uh yeah so anyway uh i don’t really know how to continue on with the stream um i should say that um please listen to people when they say they’re uncomfortable by things um if you’re doing something and it’s making a group of people uncomfortable

Then you should stop and uh think about what you’re doing and you should probably rethink what you’re doing it’s um there’s probably a reason that you’re making people uncomfortable um yeah i can say from experi or not experience sorry but this is not related to this situation at all um

But i mean you just you don’t have you don’t know how your words affect other people you can never really know how your words actually affect other people so just pick you know be considerate when people tell you um that you are making them uncomfortable uh okay sorry oh okay i’m sorry um

Again i’m sorry and if um if i do anything that makes you uncomfortable please tell me because uh i don’t sure uh i don’t want to hurt people okay so i’m sorry um i feel i feel like a doofus crying because i it’s not um not about me uh so

Don’t feel bad for me um okay i’m gonna stop making this about this now um if you want to dm me and talk about it you can’t um okay sorry i’m gonna turn the chat back on now okay here we go thank you um sorry if that was a bummer

Uh i don’t really know how to transition out of that but um i guess we can still play minecraft uh okay um uh yeah i guess let’s just uh let’s let’s get ready to play minecraft um i’ll start stop trying to i’ll try to stop being a baby i’m saying

Okay i’ll start talking about minecraft now um i did a lot since the last time i played um i let me bring up the world and i will show you why wait uh one second thank you mods for uh moderating this by the way um okay why can’t i hear this

Sorry one second bear with me now now of course i’m gonna have a [ __ ] ton of technical issues and it’s gonna make it even harder to get back into the game why do i not have this plugged in properly anyway um yeah yeah probably i guess

Yeah okay i don’t know why i can’t hear my gaming computer right now but let me just let me just open minecraft and see if that helps uh i will turn it to my gaming pc oh wait okay well then maybe that’s part of the issue is that this whole thing isn’t working

Okay one second let me do a little unpluggy plug okay maybe now it will work okay anyway all right we are now gonna be doing the most uh seamless transition from my that apology to playing minecraft uh oh i guess i should i i usually give updates at the beginning of my stream

About what i’ve been up to um what have i been up to i um had a big weekend actually i planted uh some plants in my garden i actually built a raised garden bed that i got from amazon i went to uh i had like a real suburban dad weekend i went to

Three different uh three different hardware stores in one day looking for soil and uh looking for soil and vegetables vegetable plants um so yeah my saturday was just sort of me driving around looking for soil and plants and i planted a bunch of my garden i’ve got tomatoes and peppers and carrots

And broccoli i think that’s everything and i planted those in my garden and uh and then today it was nice out took my dog for a nice walk i also worked on a video that uh hopefully will come out this week um i should be reading my donors and

Last year i asked you for what my senior quote should be and you said gooby and my school didn’t use it are they allowed to do that i thought that you just i thought when you i thought when you put a senior quote they have to use it they’re allowed to just say

No i did not know that they could even do it’s not like you said something offensive you just said gooby that’s weird okay anyway um and also i’m getting my second vaccine dose uh on wednesday so your boy’s gonna be all vexed up and ready to go on wednesday

Uh okay so what did i oh okay there’s one there’s one exciting thing that i wanted to show you so if you don’t remember last time um i found the end portal and uh that was like the the very end of the stream so since then i have um oh shoot also

Look at what level i am i’m level 32 right now uh i spent a good amount of time at the mob farm which has actually been working really well oh wait i guess the first update i should give is on the mob farm so check this thing out uh

I i made the mob farm double decker so i did i took like the exact same floor plan and just made it uh one level higher so that the if you if you saw the other one how there’s trap doors that the mobs fall into they just fall two levels down now

Into the water that takes them so uh i guess you can’t see it from up here but it’s like it’s working like twice as what what the hell why is there a spider in here okay sorry i i don’t know how a spider got in here though am i still on hard mode

Was that does anyone remember if i changed it from hard mode at the end of the last or at the beginning of the last stream did i go through the whole last stream in hard mode i think i might have uh that would that probably made things a lot more

Unnecessarily difficult but yeah this is working like a charm as you can see mobs are spawning like crazy and i’m getting lots of nice xp from it and if i mean if i sit up there for like five minutes it’s really something special uh okay the other thing that i did was

This because i don’t want to have to worry about walking yeah i think i might i think i might be an idiot um okay i think that i did have it on hard okay i’m gonna take it off hard mode right now we’re gonna go back to normal

Because i don’t really want to die at this point when i have this much xp okay so check this out so that was my base now watch this this is gonna take a second but when i get there you’re gonna think danny maybe you’re not so dumb after all

This took a very long time i’ve also uh been enchanting a lot of stuff i’ve got do i okay i guess i just have enchanted pants and unchanted pickaxe on me right now but uh i’ve got i made this very long tunnel and i had to use

Um a lot of pickaxes so i had a lot of like efficiency pickaxes and unbreaking pickaxes and rest assured it was pretty pog whoa yo oh sheesh there’s two um okay i thought this might be the end of the tunnel but it keeps going

I did this like a many days ago so i kind of forgot how long this tunnel is might take it oh yeah happy uh lesbian visibility day is it week or day i saw some people saying day and some people saying weak but at any rate happy visibility time

Lesbians uh i see you okay well this is a really long tunnel and i feel like i should just spoil it and say uh it’s a portal to the end i made i made a tunnel to the end portal when i get there you’ll see it goes

Right there so i don’t have to worry about finding it anymore where’d that image come from wait how did it how did you ever donate or just send an image um i’m gonna i’m gonna i can’t see your donation yet i’m gonna wait until it uh

Shows up in my feed to read it but i did i never do they always have that when a donation comes was that a picture of mary kate and ashley olsen i’d never seen that before somebody someone said jump to sprint faster oh it’s an option for donations

Okay yeah i didn’t know that for some reason um okay i still can’t see that donation i see one from cats hey danny i can’t donate too much because of moving expenses but honestly please take care i don’t know you personally but please take care of

Yourself and do your best because we see your efforts thank you for the laughs thank you cats i hope moving goes well thank you um okay this is a long tunnel so my my initial plan okay so people are saying sprint and jump okay i’m sprinting i’m jumping

Is this making me go faster kind of it actually does kind of seem like it um some people were or the reason that i built this tunnel initially is because i had like a really big brained idea um to put like powered rails in this tunnel

And then i would just be able to like sit in a mine cart and it would take me all the way there but then i i think i calculated it out and i forget exactly but it was like i would need like more than a thousand rails and i was

Trying to figure out like how much iron i would need for that and it was like a thousand i don’t even know it was a lot of iron so i ended up not doing that yet maybe i will do that at some point but i’m kind of hoping that it i

I mean i’m kind of hoping it doesn’t take me that long to beat the game i don’t really know i don’t really know how to beat the game i had a dream you had a meet and greet and you got mad at me so you threw a bottle at me

I’m sorry i’m sorry but that wasn’t a dream that happened you must uh you must have forgotten because of the bottle i threw at your head but that was real i did that okay how long is this tunnel i’m trying to remember where i think i might be getting close i’m

Trying to remember what the coordinates were i think this just might be my best dream yet start off the stream by crying and then walk through a tunnel for two hours not bad danny wait han what did lexi just say you should make an ice pathway and use boats

Wait how does that work would that be can you ride a boat on ice i didn’t even think you could do that okay here i am here we go you guys are you ready for a pog let’s take a look look at that there it is actually i

Should probably just block off this area because there were like little those little silverfish things coming in all right and look at that we have ourselves a pog one genuine pog thank you curtis and red for the donation thank you bento bun for the donation and thank you for saying kind things uh

Okay so yeah i have a nice long tunnel you know what i was gonna i was i felt like when i got here i was gonna be able to brag like look at how how quick that was my tunnel it was way quicker than just walking on the ground

But i i actually think it would have been faster to just walk on the ground because i could have gone diagonally but this way i me i mean i made it like because it was like 800 up and a thousand over and i didn’t

Make it diagonal i made it 800 up in a thousand over so i think it was significantly longer uh to go this way i just thought it would be quicker because there wouldn’t be any bad guys in my tunnel but there actually were bad guys also

Anyway i’m gonna go back um because i think that what i want to do now is first off i have to research how to beat this dragon when i get there and then i also have to enchant my armor and i’m not exactly sure what i enchant it with yet

What the best thing would be i’ve seen videos of the ender dragon and it looks like he shoots fire so maybe i want to do um fire resistance is that an enchantment i think i saw also thank you to everyone commenting on the the glass bottle coke

I did was that steak that i just picked up did i throw steak i guess i just threw some steak in my tunnel and i just picked it back up uh i did have panda express for dinner today i did and i did get a coke with my dinner

It’s just on days when i stream i kind of i i kind of give myself a little treat by having by having an uh a fast food meal or just an eating out meal okay what did lexi say now bestie fire protection bad regular protection good okay maybe i just want regular protection

I’ve also seen people say that i want to make potions which is unfortunate because that is a whole other thing that i haven’t even looked into yet um i don’t i don’t know how to do that at all i think that it has something to do with

The brewing stand but i don’t even oh someone asked if i got pfizer or moderna i got pfizer my card is right here i was about to show it but now i know i actually don’t know if i should show this i kind of feel like it might have

Like information on it that i don’t want to be well not really i don’t know there’s just one number on it but i can probably just hold no well then there’s no point in even showing it i got pfizer um but i’ll look into i’ll look into

Potions and see what i can do and maybe i should whoa oh shoot okay hold up guys i know how to beat a creeper now look at this look at this this is someone who knows what they’re doing yes dude could that be the second creeper i’ve ever killed or

Maybe third because i think i killed them with curtis the other day look at that i think i just saw did i see someone say how tall are you or just how are you i don’t if it was just how are you i don’t know

Why i read it is how tall are you it’s a weird question to ask right now but i am 510 thank you for asking wait am i getting i already saw that donation does it come into my little minifeed before it comes up on the screen i thought it came after whoops

Okay that’s my bad so if i if i see them in the mini feed they haven’t even come up on the stream yet okay that’s interesting um yeah so okay now people are commenting about how tall i am it’s kind of interesting uh i have some people are seem surprised that i’m

That tall some people seem surprised that i’m that short it is kind of interesting um people had that same reaction like meeting us on tour too um some people saying that drew and not because drew and i are meet and greet was together obviously um some people saying we were

Taller than they expected uh a few people said that they were that we were shorter than they expected um but i’ve definitely had that experience meeting people online like every time you go to like vidcon or anything like that you always meet a bunch of creators that you only ever see like

This and up and it’s weird seeing people in 3d like their full body when you’re just used to seeing their chest and up in videos oh my gosh dude i should have put more torches in this tunnel oh any blew up whoops um it’s not even a height thing either

It’s just like seeing them in 3d like they have a back and like a posture about that like they stand a certain way it’s always really weird like i guess not always sometimes people are like exactly what you thought but it’s weird sometimes seeing people and you’re like

That’s what you look like in person i mean like i get it that you’re not 2d anymore but it’s like it’s not even that they look different it’s just that they look more real and it’s kind of freaky sometimes should get a shield you’re right whoever just commented that

Hello mitch909 thank you for the donation am i going the wrong way no no someone just said best the wrong way i think no this is the right way don’t worry i’m going back home okay so i’m level 32 now i kind of i think that that might be

High enough level to start enchanting some to do some serious enchanting i’m gonna make all diamond armor and then i’m gonna deck it out with the second sickest enchantments possible um so let’s do that that’s gonna be my goal right now because i know that that’s the first thing i need to do

Before i uh actually fight the ender baddie or i guess before i become the ender baddie so i already have diamond leggings diamond helmet and diamond chest plate question do i want to um do i want to bring gold boots to the end or is that just another thing are

There gonna be pig people there no okay so i can be all diamond out okay oh people someone asked for a fit check yeah i didn’t do that today here you go um this is uh eddie burback yikes merch oh dude he just sent me uh his yikes merch that he just launched

His spring edition and uh it’s very cool i should have worn it and i got on the black jeans and i got on some green socks uh the brand is bomb boss bon they’re very nice warm socks and i don’t have the slippers on today because as i said

It was a bit of a it was a bit of a beautiful day outside today yeah they’re very soft socks and very warm too i would recommend i think like my aunt got them for me for christmas one year or something um someone said please pick the oh

Please fix the greg sign my bad i don’t know i don’t know how that happened i don’t remember doing that i guess i probably set something on there um oh i got a donation that i suppose will appear on the screen in a few minutes that said uh wait

Uh uh uh uh uh when i met sean mendes i was in awe he looked like a wax figure his forehead was sweaty but otherwise just as handsome as he was in the pictures did you meet did you meet him by chance at uh madame trusodes or whatever it’s called

Because if you did i think i know why he might have looked like a wax figure uh danny you didn’t say anything about my 10 gift subs angry face sorry super big monkey uh thank you for the ten gifts oh yeah there you are i see

You on my stream manager thank you for the ten gifted subs i hope whoever got them enjoyed it okay so i have protection one on this chest plate i have nothing on the legs i have projectile protection and i’m breaking on the that okay let me let’s make some

Diamond boots as well look at how many diamonds i have also do i have exactly 64 okay that i i know that seems kind of sus that i have exactly 64 diamonds i swear that happened naturally i did not give myself diamonds that is kind of weird though i swear i

Did not cheat uh okay um boots there we go okay so that’s all that let’s get some lapis lazul la pete wait what is it lapis lazuli let’s go see if there’s any bad guys down here to kill real quick aha i nicked my ankle i’ll kill that bad guys

Oh what if there’s armor in here that i could just like use mobs don’t ever have like diamond armor on do they i have never seen that alright let’s go to the battle room and do this thing um okay so do you think i can enchant this again

No all right let’s start with the legs unbreaking well okay will projectile protection work or do i want just straight up protection oh protection three okay i’ll pick that for sure um and then on the legs okay this is still like that i think i can enchant some

I can enchant things to reset it right no no okay i only want protection how do i get that though maybe i can enchant a book with protection let me go let me see if i can make some books what do i have i got leather i can make

I can go get paper in my little sugarcane farm okay okeydoke let’s see now i gotta replant all that probably so people before were saying that i can only plant these sugar canes on sand but that never turned out to be true so i guess that was a haze moment when i

First planted these did they grow better on sand or something or was that just always an epic haze sand grows faster okay well considering i only need to harvest this like once every once every time i’ve played this game uh then i think i’m good all right let’s go make some paper is

There anything in here a boat and a frame and a flint and steel it’s a common misconception wait oh oh oh what did the mod say best to get a grindstone what does a grindstone do Okay let’s turn all this into paper then let’s figure out what the hell a grindstone is i can’t uh oh time to go on google okay google what is grindstone um oh christina says i was the one who made the gift show up or jiff i never know how to pronounce it um

Apparently it didn’t show my donation just wanted to say i appreciate you and can’t wait for the lightning nutcracker sweatshirt to ship pog thank you christina and thank you for sending the thank you for sending uh michelle from full house all right uh we’re finding out about grindstones tonight baby

Okay can you guys see this maybe i should make it bigger okay when used a gui is displayed with two input slots in one output slot placing one enchanted item wait okay hold on let me go a grindstone is a block that repairs items and tools as well as removing enchantments from them

Oh so you want me to use this to remove the enchantments from them i see i see i see okay okay how do i make it i need wood stick and slab why didn’t i have this recipe if it’s just wood stick and slab hold that um

Do i have any wood am i out of wood oh wait here’s wood do i have stick and slab wait what kind of slab was it a stone slab okay um do i have stone is this this is all cobblestone let me make some more

There we go and i will go get some okay i’m gonna let me just put all this precious diamond armor and diamond back in here for now because apparently i’m not going to be using that yet let me go chop down some trees is it still nighttime

It is okay we’re going to go to sleep and then we’re gonna do it best do you have sticks and i have stone slabs is that real is that true i have smooth stone slabs do i have stone slabs guys those are smooth stone i mean maybe that’ll work i don’t know

But i also do have sticks you’re right okay what do i need to make this okay so it turns out i might have had everything i need so it’s two stones like this uh two sticks and then that no okay far left am i still missing it is it over here

That’s a stone pressure plate is that what you guys were talking about yeah that is unfortunately not a stone slab okay hold on just don’t i’m looking as hard as i can yeah okay uh i don’t yeah i all right i don’t i don’t know if i have

It okay i’m just gonna make more i’m so confused this is the one thing i don’t like playing in front of people this is the one reason i don’t like playing in front of people is because uh because when i miss things they call me out on it

And it makes me feel like a dumb dumb okay let’s try this again there we go okay let’s bring this to the battle room okay so you’re telling me i mean what happens if i just aha okay interesting so if i put an enchanted thing in there

It will be not so enchanted anymore all right let’s bring all this what is this that is soul speed what is this bottle of enchanting what does that do what is a what’s a bottle of enchanting uh hey bestie i donated 21 last friday for my birthday i gave

That much to curtis too wanted to make sure you saw that thank you uh eternity oh wait was that for your 21st birthday you donated 21 dollars i remember that thank you um i’m sorry that i didn’t see that um that is my bad but i see this now so thank you

Um i’m gonna turn on my text-to-speech for a second and just see what that does because i don’t want to miss those uh don’t use it don’t use it it’s rare okay it gives you oh it gives you xp okay well that’s kind of kind of scares me

So i’m gonna do this first okay well okay that that has protection one should i okay this just has projectile protection on breaking so we’re gonna un hello daniel oh hello mitch wait see do you guys remember when i said hello mitch 909 like 10 minutes ago that’s when it showed up

In my minifeed so these donations when they come up on there they’re from like a long time ago because i already said hi hi mitch sleepy bear tattoo i’m conflicted about that because apparently the guys who made that tea are in a cult or own occult okay i’m gonna get rid of

Protection one then so now wait did i do something stupid peanut check also you could have make another portal to the stronghold oh another portal okay so did i oh people are talking about the colts um yeah okay when i first brought the okay for those of you who weren’t here one

Time i said that if i was going to get a tattoo the thing i would want to get would be this the sleepytime tea bear i’d probably get it like on my arm or something or i was also thinking it might be cool i don’t know if this

What did they say british check uh i was also thinking it might be kind of cool to get like a tattoo on my finger or on my hand or something of maybe just his head as if in case you don’t know what a head is i highlight it

Um but it turns out that the people who owned that tea company or founded it uh had started a cult or something so i don’t know if that’s true you are doing good thank you madison i hope you’re doing as as good as me i hope you’re doing good

Uh i started that sentence without knowing what i was gonna say i hope you’re doing as good i hope you’re doing as good as you think is you want me to be doing okay did i no okay these okay this has these are good these have protection three

These need to be enchanted still on your armor if you can i’ve never even seen that high of protection protection four okay that’s fire protection which people said is not important that’s unbreaking danny thank you for making me laugh and that’s unbreaking you are the best you’re welcome thank you

Blast protection unbreaking oh dude none of these are gonna have what i want what should i do danny i love your back tattoo smiling face super cute um you can try unbreaking for a little gamble moment okay wait so just try just let’s go lesbians let’s go all right let’s go

Okay if i just use one enchantment level on some unbreaking that’s probably fine and then we’ll get new stuff right please fix the greg’s sing in the back it says ray see i already did that that was like 10 minutes ago dude oh wait i forgot about making enchantment books okay

But right now i can’t okay i need to get more xp anyway oh my gosh dude this is a process i hope we’re having a good day today i thought that i was gonna be able to do this so lickety-split man oh man this is becoming a whole ordeal all right let’s see

Oh my gosh even the books aren’t going to cooperate right now all right let me see i’m going to go up to my uh tower and i’m going to wait there for a few minutes and see how much he looked like a wax figure his forehead was sweaty but otherwise

Just as handsome as he is in pictures see dude i did not realize this it’s so delayed why does it take so long that’s really strange all right i’m gonna vibe up here let’s set it let’s you know what let’s set a timer for five minutes set a timer for five minutes

Danny you didn’t say anything about my ten gift subs angry face all right maybe i shouldn’t have turned on text-to-speech because now we’re literally hearing all the ones that i already responded to um bestie i found out that curtis is older than you by a month and i was shook because

He seems so much younger that’s like the only time i’ve ever heard someone say this is going to sound so dumb this is going to sound so dumb but this that’s like the only time i’ve ever heard somebody say uh that i was older fanny what’s her favorite than they thought

That’s like the only time that i’ve heard someone say wait danny is younger than this person that’s a surprise uh but it’s just by a month like curtis and i are basically the same age does curtis really i mean does curtis look younger than me because people always say i look really Young a bow and arrows to the end and a water bucket and food yes cobblestone i will take a bow and arrow for sure so i can shoot the things on top of the tower i’ve seen that whoa no i’m not i’m honestly not someone said he’s offended i’m not offended i

Um i always get told i look young so it’s kind of refreshing to hear that maybe for a change i don’t look as young as somebody that’s my age thanks for the content purple hard purple heart you’re welcome wait you both look young you’re just married

You look like a teen i look like a teen it’s okay we fooled these adults bestie you look 15. curtis has a young vibe you act like a dad okay so maybe it’s just curtis’s demeanor you look young in your face but he looks young in his style

Yeah curtis does look pretty young style-wise he’s always wearing like little suspenders and a like a rainbow cap with a propeller on it this is for nick only three oh well nick’s not here okay well i mean we’ve got like a few minutes when could we

We got like three minutes we could do like a story time we could do a guitar moment is there any is there any stories that you want to hear i guess i like you you wouldn’t know the stories from my life until i told you them so i guess that doesn’t really make

Sense um guitar how’d you meet your wife i gotta be honest it’s a nice no uh sorry uh that’s i mean it’s a nice story but it’s not very exciting we met in high school we both did uh the plays and um musicals in high school so i mean neither of us actually

Remember meeting each other but that’s just like how we know knew each other um we knew each other for like a while before we started dating so we’d collaborating with cody co we all both have such great humor i think i’d be a twerk worthy collab

Not sure if y’all have before but i think i’d be amazing we have uh i was enchanted i was on his podcast and uh with drew and i was also in some of his vlogs when he vlogged and stuff but national day chat can you say happy birthday to tyler plz

Is it rambu’s birthday uh happy birthday if it is ed sheeran asked a pet my dog and he’s so much shorter than me lmao i am 510 and he’s 58. i’m 510. ed sheeran has to pet my dog but i’m 510 feet tall that little pip squeak with a grindstone

And re-enchanted with a level 30 enchant table and it will be way better uh favorite movie uh star wars it’s always star wars um oh shoot you owning up to your words meant a lot to me as a woc also this is my second time donating 40 dollars to you

I deserve a muffin thanks bestie yo thank you miss huntley i will look for you dm thank you so much uh hold on sorry i’m trying to i think i’m okay i think i think i might i think i might need to turn off text-to-speech for now uh that was sorry

I think that i might i think i might have made a mistake turning that on i’m turning it off temporarily okay let’s go back down there sorry that was like a very hectic moment i got very scatterbrained uh i accidentally hit repeat on the timer so i was trying to find the thing

To turn it off and then also that bible thump one thing sorry i’ll turn it i’ll turn it back on in a little bit it was just i it was like a little bit overload for a second all right we’re getting our xp back up this is excellent look at this dude

Honestly not as much xp as i would have hoped for what was i on before was i in level 29 i only get one level from this i should have turned it back to hard mode when i went up there oh epic fail wait a spider was there and he just

Crawled back up i see are you spider are you gonna be blocking the way for other people coming down okay why don’t you guys buzz off how about you guys get a life how about that all right well i guess i have enough to enchant one thing but

It’s less effective at night yeah that makes sense i probably should have gone to sleep uh thank you for i forgot to properly thank the person who sent 40 that’s awesome thank you um okay yeah thank you okay let’s see can i do anything here

How about with a book what can i get what even is sweeping edge what even is that these are fine this i need to fire protection protection is protection too okay can i get by with protection too it’s for your sword but do i really want

To waste that right now i’m trying to do my armor sweeping edges epic people are saying all right oh wait i have a bow but i don’t okay hold on that bow is almost broken i i do probably want to enchant a bow though that’s that’s a good point

So let me see if i can make another bow bow is just sticking string right bow is the weapon that i’ve used the least in this game so i’m definitely not yet totally comfortable with using a bow i didn’t even know i had arrows with i guess i only had one

Okay okay uh let’s see what i can do here i’m breaking power and can some can someone help me sort out this situation why is why are both of these power one but one of them cost two enchantment levels are they trying to scam me or what

What’s going on with this scam alert [ __ ] danny wants the pronouns he him thank you scam scam darn it dude nothing okay but actually i can make a i probably want to make a sword anyway i can just do that real quick make a diamond sword see if i can enchant that

For god’s sakes they got to give me one good enchantment here right uh there okay this better be good or i swear to god come on what even is that bane of arthropods was that spiders kill spiders good how does that help bad ah

What do i do what do i do in this situation where none of the enchantments are good i don’t understand add bookcases so uh let me see what lexi said bestie the poll says to get the protection too okay all right okay well okay which what thing had that protection one

Protection two okay we’re doing protection too um let’s try the chest plate again protection two protection four yo oh i got a 15 donation thank you uh let me see if i can find it here real quick to see what you said i but it looks like i gotta go back up

To the top of the old tower um okay for some reason i’m not finding this donation why am i not seeing this oh hey danny i’ve been watching you for a long time and thank you for making my days more bearable you’re so incredibly funny and i appreciate how you’re able to take

Responsibility for your actions thank you thank you i don’t i think that was the person who just donated thank you so much i appreciate it i just got a discord notification is that what that sound was uh okay so i’m gonna go back up to the top of the tower to get

To level 30 again and then i can get a level four protection that’s gonna be a pog dude i’m so nervous that like i’m gonna spend all this time enchanting this armor and then the second i get to the end i’m gonna die and it’s gonna all break and get lost

Didn’t that is isn’t that what happened when i went to the nether that time oh yeah we’re going hard mode thank you for reminding me um someone said dan man why don’t you have a discord server uh i’ve got a pleasant surprise for you if you type exclamation point discord in the chat

You’re gonna you’re gonna find a nifty little life hack um what was i saying oh yeah did isn’t that isn’t that what happened when i went to the nether before i like enchanted all diamond armor or maybe it was just iron but i think i lost all of it

Uh okay set a timer for five minutes okay we got five minutes i’ll get the guitar what do you say wait okay hold on maybe i can do something even more special But this might take five minutes and it’s in and of itself let’s see hold the phone we’re making big moves we’re bringing over the whole kitten caboodle all right that was already one minute wasted um actually where do i wanna i’ll plug this in oh actually i’ll plug this in here okay

And then this can go here yeah all right all right we’re getting electric today enough with the acoustic stuff dude we’re going hard all right it’s a pog See Oh Okay let’s do it what should i play actually i’ve been trying to do do something cool the past few days let me see if i can get this to be good because i’m not very good at it yet especially when i’m live i’m probably going to be nervous and i’m going to

Not be on time very well okay yeah this is my favorite preset it sounds kind of like beachy Okay i’ve been doing something kind of fun lately where how much time do i left two minutes um i’ve been making little loops and then playing over them and let me see if i can do it yeah i don’t have great rhythm um so that’s a loop and then i can overdub

It again in a second let me Okay oh wait nope wrong i have really bad rhythm a lot of time especially when i’m Nervous Okay because i was trying to play like a live version of this song that i could do on myself ready So Hmm Do Do So It’s kids by mgmt if you didn’t know Do i was just like messing around one time and i played this chord progression i was like [ __ ] that sounds just like kids by mgmt and then i was like and then i figured out actually how to actually play it by just messing around because i knew a kia was in

And i know the one thing i learned from guitar lessons is like how to play around in any key so i knew it was in the key of uh the key of a so But Um all right done we’re done end how do i wait what did i just do done the timer went off Okay thank you everyone that’s like uh that’s probably the best i’ve ever played through that honestly that’s like the longest i’ve i’ve played through that without messing up holy sheesh dude um and i can’t believe it was live let’s go down and see if there’s any bad guys waiting for me

Oh yeah here we go is this it come on man is it because it became nighttime okay here comes some oh if i could get to level 30 right now that would be so sick thank you thank you for the nice comments um i i knew that i had to get on here

At some point and play my new guitar because i’ve been playing it a lot it’s just not as easy to log over here because i have it plugged in uh in my nice little window crevice over there okay i guess that’s about it but hey we’re up to level 30.

Whoa look at the baby oh my gosh look at the fit dude look at this little baby this little baby fit this is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen i’ve never seen a little baby one wearing armor before look at him he’s so cute hello little that little guy all right

Wait we’re not going to beat it uneasy we’re going to be in a normal mode all right let’s see what we can do we have one thing that we can enchant i know i think it was the chest plate right i’m gonna bring oh i might as well bring

Everything else too because i just want to see what i can get wait wait i already have a diamond sword with sharpness too that’s pretty good right isn’t that pretty good oh disenchant the armor that mobs dropped to get xp dude that’s the smartest thing i’ve ever heard

Oh my god i’ve got so much enchanted stuff that the mobs dropped that’s honestly low-key genius you guys come up with some clever ideas i really have to say i wonder how much xp this will really get me i’m kind of i’m a little skeptical but we’ll see you’re getting hazed

All right let’s see okay that did not give me any xp in fact this is not giving me any okay so far i’ve received none guys this is uh this is not pog someone just commented pre-recorded stream am i doing that good that the only explanation for this is that

Oh it’s sitting right there whoa holy [ __ ] it was sitting there in the little crevice oh my god it wasn’t a haze moment at all it was a genius moment it was a gene it was a chat is the genius moment and danny’s a big danny’s a big dumb idiot

Dude that was so silly it was all just like tucked in this little corner okay is that everything no i still got more dude this i mean that is pog i have to say okay this goes in here protection 4. baddie alert double haze okay uh let’s check out that pants situation

Oh wait they already have enchantments is everything protected now oh but the these only have on breaking so we want to un do that protection protection protection the pants have unbreaking which i don’t really care for okay pants plus that equals protection one come on man power four dude i can get

Power four sounds pretty good on the on that right i should i should get back up to level 30 real quick and do and do power level four that sounds pretty good i’m gonna want to do that all right let me put all this stuff okay now i’ve got all this

Zombie armor that i don’t really want because it’s all gold but i guess i’ll just put it in there all right back up to the top of the tower we go and we’re gonna go on hard mode disenchant the stuff you’re wearing uh i think this is okay i have one enchanted thing

That i’m wearing that is kind of a good idea i don’t know why i set my respawn point right there not necessary set a timer for five minutes use the xp bottle hold up someone said i should get more bookcases oh i’ll turn on text-to-speech okay

Um i have 15 i thought that was the max amount that could uh help hey bestie if you want better enchantments add more bookshelves having it three bookshelves paul is peak really i thought one more layer oh okay wait oh okay let me just i think 15 is the max i don’t know

Though okay hold on i’m just gonna google it real quick i’m gonna um max number of bookshelves for i’m googling this on my other computer that’s why you can’t see it because i don’t want to pause this game for enchanting minecraft this message was sent at 7 57 eastern

Standard time let’s see when it shows up 7 57 that was a half an hour ago oh my god there must be 15 bookshelves around in 2010 maximum channel okay yeah 15. people are google says 15. you can build an archery range at some point and practice shooting things from really far

Oh that’s not a bad idea all right um is there anything else that i’ve been practicing on guitar i don’t really know shout out to uk eu folk hey in the uk law whoa thank you for watching anyway um i lived in uh hailing island in the uk for two

Years a pink moon tonight cool um oh wait why didn’t i just learn how to play i just learned i met you volunteer in cleveland and i wanted you guys to sign my disney signature book but the ppl there said you couldn’t make me next time

Join cody and noelle in oh i’m sorry the that tour was weird because uh like we didn’t have like traveling security with us so we were just had like security for uh we just used the venue security and they all had different protocols i just learned stacy’s mom but i forgot

It on i can look up the chords milk drippy to become a horse stacy’s mom cords sing in love with a creeper lie i don’t even know the chords to love with a creeper Um okay let’s see is this going to be correct oh it is hey easy um stacy can i stacy can i come over after school after school You know um not the little boy that i used to be i’m i’m all grown up now still baby can’t you see oh i need a better it may be too late by the time you get this but bring a water bucket to the end bc the whoa you had really high hopes

For when i was gonna get to the end dude i’m still sitting on top of the xp tower stacy’s mom has got it okay stacy’s [Applause] uh stacy can’t you see you’re just uh oh you’re just no you’re just not the girl i know it might be wrong but i’m in love with stacy’s mom all right i that song kind of goes hard i was playing i was playing it a few nights ago

I was just playing the guitar and i was like messing around and uh i like started playing something that sounded like it and laura was like that sounds like stacy’s mom so then i looked up the chords and it kind of was stacy’s mom so then i learned it

And then i forgot it let’s go see oh look at this dude i’m so happy that i made this oh is someone asking about my favorite star wars movie um it’s probably empire strikes back honestly the classic thank you and she was actually a grade older than me

21 so people think i am 15. okay oh if i could get up to level 32 right now that’d be so pog because then i could do two things you did it well i guess oh you sent bits um uh somewhere on my wait how do you find it somehow you can

Find my donation i actually don’t remember how to find it is it do you ask the nightbot oh yeah yeah lexi okay if you type exclamation point donate then you can do it i was not expecting us to go from kids to stacey’s mom but i’m not complaining

But use the gunpowder to make firework rockets before going to the end if you get lucky when it comes in the end they will be more useful than you think that’s kind of cool um oh someone okay somebody asked this is a donation that i can see in my

Minifee that will show up in a half an hour asked if i’m planning on incorporating guitar into any of my songs um so i feel like you ever consider playing skyrim when you be at minecraft maybe i feel like i would be so bad at that game that it wouldn’t

Be fun to watch or maybe it would because i’d be so bad at it but that seems like a game where you actually really have to fight people um what i was going to say is i’m not sure if like people really know this but i

Like i don’t produce most of the songs that i release like on my spotify i buy beats from producers that’s why they sound so good so i don’t really like if i was gonna put guitar in a song then i would have to produce it myself which i i’ve done i have done

But just like lately i’ve been all of the enchanted items not producing them myself anything you got from your mob spawner and use them on your grindstone you’ll get a decent amount of xp yes um what was i saying um but i made a song today using the guitar that i’m going to

Use in this stream i forgot to play it today i was going to play it today next time i go back up to the top of the mob farm i’ll show you it um it’s just a little it’s just a little ditty it’s nothing crazy okay well i don’t even know what i’m

Gonna put things in and out of your inventory faster it is so useful three thank you kristin i did already know that was i not doing that i guess i’m doing this yeah uh okay yeah i don’t really have anything that i can do now

But i guess i might as well just go back up there to get first i’m gonna go to bed so like when are you going to the end whenever i can get everything enchanted i’m pretty close look i’ve got this the only thing i need to do now is my

Sword in my pants but i just need to get good enchantments on them you should cover derek gerard in another video i used to watch him when i was younger derek jordan i realized just how creepy and sexual his vids were mostly kids in his audience yikes derek gerard i’ve never heard of

Him before okay let me see if i can play how can i play the song on here can i do this what will happen if i do this um okay hold on i think i’m bringing it up in my music making software and will you be able to hear it

That is another question um hey danny just wanted to let you know that you’ve been a big inspiration for me over there yours helped me get the courage to start composing my own music and helped me get out a depressive episode by inspiring me to set up a twitch

Thanks so much whoa that’s cool thank you i’m glad that i could help um that’s awesome yeah making music is really fun it’s like the it’s like my favorite hobby uh okay can you guys hear um this wait i press the wrong button gonna start yes you can i think you can

Can you hear that please stop making me laugh so hard it hurts my stomach hard heart heart yes okay uh can i show my screen let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see does that show okay this is my whole screen and is this okay to be showing

I don’t really know all right let’s uh okay this is the song dream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon

Stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon

Stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon Okay it just loops like that that was the end so it just loops like that am i still live i don’t see any comments okay there we go i switched back to my to this view for a second there were no comments i guess the chat which is empty

Yeah so that’s the new song i don’t have a visual to go along with it so i didn’t boy will you ever play some sport that’s why i didn’t make the uh that’s what i didn’t make at the beginning today i had to have some visual to go along

With it maybe i could just have the same video playing but have that song in the background i don’t know but yeah yeah that was my that was your stream while writing the most boring 15-page paper thanks for making it you’re welcome yeah more bearable so that

Thank you uh so that was my guitar in there thanks for modeling how to own up and grow up by being real you’re welcome um yeah i hope that uh yeah the stream gonna start soon song is banging thank you better tv emotes to your twitch so we can jam out with emotes

Like cat jam heart oh i think my mods told me to do that i gotta figure out how to do that someone said the visual should be you flossing uh yeah totally dude yes dude let’s get up to 31. let’s go twerking so hard and i think i might

Have dislocated my spine too but it’s fine since i was young for a good reason they said they almost legitimately listened to your songs if you made more like that you went hard almost pooped their pants from twerking so hard i think you might be i don’t say this a

Lot and i don’t like to judge how you know how you want to twerk but i feel like you might be twerking wrong any old mario games um i you know what i’m gonna start soon gonna be stuck in my head it would be fun to do like uh like mario kart

I know that’s not really probably what you were meaning but that could be fun piercing being of arthropods oh my god what do i do here now should i do the old protection one gamble i’m doing it now let’s try with the sword sweeping edge what’s the difference between

Sharpness and sweeping edge can someone riddle me that fire aspect is good really what does fire aspect do fire aspect is good okay okay i’ll do that thank you so now these have protection one so we just want to get that maybe up higher i gotta be honest that is pretty low on

My priorities list just because uh just because i’m kind of trying to beat the ender dragon right now wait so can you do a weezer cover i’ll are you telling me that if i hit somebody with this now they’re going to set on fire oh yeah there they go whoa okay

I’m not going to use that but that’s crazy that’s kind of with vidcon like four years ago cool wait four years ago wow huh well wonder what i what what i would have been doing together by greg’s maybe a contest which top donators and mods what would i have been doing at vidcon

Four years ago 2017 or maybe 2016 or 2018. danny good job major epic work moment um i mean if it was like 2017 i probably didn’t have that much going on at the moment that that would be interesting because like vine would have ended you have a lot of greg’s who could make

It happen do you say animated i was thinking that that would be cool just kill some cows real quick very talented thank you that’s very nice um i really like having hobbies i think uh 100 just for you to say hi best be back hi bestie

Um yeah i just really like having a lot of hobbies i mean maybe not a lot just like a few that i really enjoy if if i could give people advice one of my biggest pieces of advice would be like have hobbies that you can do by yourself like

Playing guitar wait i already have this oh i forgot about this sword it’s already got good stuff well i guess i got two now um yeah just have [ __ ] that you can do by yourself make music play guitar friggin draw because uh yeah can you please give us a great

If you’ve got stuff that you can do by yourself then you’ll never really be bored um but they are huge time sucks and distractions sometimes so [ __ ] i don’t know uh danny your sword is so good it has looting and sharpness sharpness five and looting three are best on a sword oh [ __ ]

You won on breaking three and mending on all your items too do i have the best sword in the game is that for real danny and shanna book and put it on the armor on an anvil to get multiple enchantments sir level up the enchant oh okay yeah

That makes sense so you can use enchantment books to get multiple okay sorry lexi was telling me to use my fire sword on the cows oh did they give me cooked steak dude they did dude that’s sick wow okay that is a really that is a really pog

Thing right there i gotta be honest i won’t lie that is a pretty pog thing um yeah me i i was thinking uh once whenever i beat minecraft which is imminent um i want to do more streams that are cut that are just like thank you uh that are just like different

Stuff not necessarily gaming although i’ll play some other games but like uh actually i was thinking mario kart nice my best friend streams them on twitch yeah i would do mario kart that’d be fun yeah i was thinking like i did that one video on my second channel where i made that

Uh someone already asked but would you ever play sims 4 for a video yeah i think so um i did that one second channel video where i made a remix of that steven sharer song you’ll see this but i’m a very small artist and i would literally

Love to do a small animation for your stream song i love you a bunch it would be an honor that would be cool um helped me be a legit poger person used to say very unpop stuff because of my friend group but you guys were a big part of

Making me who i am now also oh cool very queer meet my guy can you say hi sonny hi sonny hello i’m going to turn i’m going to turn off alert box for a second because i was getting scatterbrained uh uh oh i made that video where i did the

Remix of the stephen chair song i was thinking it’d be fun to like do something like that on stream where i just like can like mess around and make a song or like do like a parody of a song or like um do like a remix of a song like that i

Think that’d be kind of fun because i always get comments from people asking like how i make music and stuff and like what software i use so i feel like that would be pretty cool for people to see and i feel like it’s pretty fun plus if i’ve got chat to help

Me come up with ideas for lyrics that could be kind of cool too so yeah i think that’d be pretty fun um yeah sorry it’s just there were so many people sending in messages which i really appreciate but i also like i feel like i’m scatterbrained enough when i’m

Just when i’m on stream because i’m like trying to be entertaining and uh play the game and pay attention to comments at the same time but then when i can like also hear someone talking in my head it’s kind of hard um maybe i’ll stream with laura at some point

Um i was thinking of something that would be fun to do with her she has been i don’t know if i mentioned this she’s been playing minecraft a little bit i made a little server with my uh with like my brother and his wife and uh two of my friends from high school

Uh because we’re all friends and we’ve been playing on there so we have our own little world on there so she’s been playing a little bit the only thing that she does is farm uh because she just like and mine she farms in mines but we’re sort of like preparing in there

Also to beat the ender dragon so we’re kind of like we’re like one step behind where i am in this stream on there um Oh my gosh look at this uh but she is like not really interested in any of that and she’s just farming and mining so she has like she has so much diamond and like a million cows and chickens and sheep and she’s honestly straight-up vibin dude this was like the most xp i’ve

Gotten yet from this thing i feel like oh shoot that was close to that guy blowing up that’s not good all right wow all right so i’m still hopefully trying to get that guy up a little bit better a fixed sword is that going to take

Okay so i can’t do that right now can i maybe make a what can i do here well i can take the protection off of this for a little xp because really i want better than protection one and then i can maybe make use a book and some lapis lazul

And i guess i can just put efficiency on it uh okay i’ll turn the texas speech back on real quick thank you for the constant good quality content you’re welcome thank you protection three let’s go dude you got looting on your sword that gives you more drops from mobs

Okay all right look at this protection 4 protection 3 protection 2 protection 3. dude i think that’s pretty much you make me want to play minecraft all i gotta do ah dude i gotta take a look at myself decked out right now let’s go dude look at this

Danny can you say hi christine it would make my day yo hi christine drippy this this right here this is the face of someone who’s about to kill the ender dragon all right let me watch a quick video about about um killing the ender dragon how to kill the

Oh no my camera died one second danny don’t listen to chat you have a sharp three and a sharp two sword so combining them would do nothing uh okay hold on i’m gonna get a new battery then i’m gonna watch this video can i create an art thing for the

Beginning of your stream you can give me a deadline my contact is faith underscore gerwig45 on instagram hey man you should play rust am i back he’s back all right let’s see three glass bottles and fill them up with water and then also put those in the brew

Okay this is going to be like a ah whoa groupon yo what is this now information out there about just what to bring to kill the ender dragon so i wanted to make my own guide this guide will have several different sections all detailing different aspects of the enderdragon fight

That you have to prepare for and if you want to find a specific section feel free to go down to the description i put all of the times down there okay he’s got the times he’s got the little stampy stamps finding the dragon get started first

Things first i’m going to show you how to unlock the ender dragon fight the first thing you’re going to need if you want to fight the enemy okay i already know all about this ender pearls blaze rods eyes of ender finding the portal activating the portal

Okay not yet now we’re going to go over the gear you need to bring for the ender dragon fight what you’re looking at on screen now thank you uh the ender dragon fight the first time i okay this looks like a lot of stuff that i don’t have

Oh no and you can tell that i was pretty prepared but this is also equipment from like 13 different guides out there and a lot of it was unnecessary so i’m going to be gearing up in creative mode just to show you the perfect loadout for fighting

You don’t need all that that’s extra no my sister kelsey smells like cabbage tell her to stop people are saying no need huh don’t listen to this guy he’s too extreme what do i need what do i need okay i’ll find a different video how to slay the ender dragon

Maybe that’s what i need i don’t want to just kill him i want to slay him danny i may be wrong but i think you can set a minimum bits donation then you won’t get so many and be overwhelmed you know what that’s kind of smart i wonder if i can do that

Um i’ll probably have to figure that out later that sounds complicated okay all right how’d it be what the hell why am i getting discord messages hey dude who are you what this what’s going on here danny why are you used in a shane dawson video from four years ago

Turn off all notifications oh i think i know what i think i know what you’re talking about um i i finally figured it out okay one of my oh is that the person who said they didn’t know how to donate before um one of uh

Okay the place i used to work like four years ago was like a youtube channel um and uh did i leak my discord as i was saying i think my discord is public because i have a discord no no no no no no no my discord was already public

It’s not it’s okay for it to leak right i think um yeah people know my discord because i’m yeah my discord’s public uh anyway the place i used to work for was i like helped make sketches for this youtube channel and one of them was like a fake fidget spinner

Uh conspiracy video or something it’s like a fake commercial for no it’s a fake commercial for fidget spinners and then shane dawson like used it in a conspiracy video about fidget spinners he just used a clip of it because we were playing with fidget spinners so that’s

That’s what the person is talking about um okay how to beat the ender dragon easy did you see the super moon tonight the moon do be looking like a snack tonight i didn’t should i go look at it which way is the moon from here i don’t

Know i’ll look at it after the stream hey the doctor all right i feel like i’ve watched this guy before please my sister kelsey smells like cabbage yo kelsey why do you smell like cabbage dude take a bath and some salad dressing daniel’s then you’ll be a whole salad smp

Also eddie is streaming right now so you could read the eddie after you’re done ooh um yes yeah curtis and i were talking about when we want to add other people i think we’re going to try to stream we just finished minecraft sorry i think we’re going to try to beat the uh

Um enderdragon on there before we let other people in because i’ve had a few interested parties and we are interested as well but we i think we want to do just uh a little duo beating the enderdragon and then we’ll let as many people in as we want

All right a whole lot better any kind of health potion is also a good call water health potion suddenly bring a water bucket a water bucket you can use this water bucket to keep both endermen and fall damage away building blocks bring at least three stacks of building blocks with you into

The end could be literally anything but building blocks definitely you have some on hand and then finally the last two supplies that i recommend bringing with you into the end are both optional glass bottles if you want to bring dragon’s breath back home with you then maybe uh consider bringing some glass dragons

This is the only way i’m about to and then uh actually kind of embarrassingly the final supply which i didn’t want to have anyways pog congrats dude that’s awesome if you’re afraid laura’s graduating uh this weekend as well pumpkin helmet now uh big downside to the pumpkin

It puts a big giant like blur it’s supposed to be pink all right i’ll go look at it right now one sec i’m gonna see if i can see it from my window i’m not sure if i will be able to one sec all right i saw it i did see it

It looked pretty big um but it did not look it did not look that pink to me it kind of just looked normal i mean it looked like yellowish but not pink technically you could cheap out on the up-close weapon you could take out the dragon without landing a single up-close hit

And that’s actually usually how i do it so if you don’t want to take the time to build a really good sword just get a really really good boat like we’re talking about even better than this bring a mining tool into the end with you big bonus points if the minecraft is

Sped up there’s obsidian in the end and just blocks the dragon is going to be attacking you at all times so if you mine a little bit faster definitely a good thing bring it back but don’t take the bed into the end you’re going to want to put the bed

Inside of the stronghold and set your spawn if something bad happens which nothing will happen to us but if something bad did happen and you were already at the stronghold you could jump right back into the action potions totally optional but if you want to be over prepared

Potions now if you’re going to only bring one type of potion i highly recommend the potion of slow falling if you drink this thing you will fall slower and be immune to fall damage that is huge in the dragon fight potions of strength might also help

And night vision potions so you can see a whole lot better any kind of health potion is also a good call water bucket definitely bring a water bucket i don’t know anything about potions so that is kind of scaring me you can use this water bucket to keep

Hold on y’all don’t need this okay what do i need i just want to okay i just want to watch somebody beat the ender dragon that’s really what i want to know now we can see a whole lot all right let’s play a silver fish spawner take it

Out if you want or keep it if you want i like to keep spotter so i’m going to keep it if you keep it they’re going to be annoying so move fast fill in your portal let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go i don’t want to bring that with

Me so we’re going to go ahead and leave that there and now it’s time now we need to be ready to move right off the bat if we get unlucky we’re going to be over the board let’s get lucky oh we’re lucky okay nice so two options here

Option number one you end up getting he’s gonna be when i break his freaking neck to take on the dragon dig up option number two if you’re unlucky you’re out over the void if you’re over the void you know you need to build right away get over to the island asap don’t stand

On this platform if you’re in the void but we’re not out of the void we got so lucky so let’s go ahead and start things off with a potion of night vision now we can see a whole lot more clearly we’ll have the glass bottles ready

We need to dodge the enderman don’t look at them and move inside of the pillars okay i’m not a noob dude i know not to look at the enderman the pillars are those things right there thank you stay inside of there 69. on the outside of the end island and

Yeah inside of the pillars usually you’re farther away from the void if you fall into the void everything is wrong you’ve lost it all you’re done for the day don’t fall into the boy no the dragon fight has two phases in phase number one we need to take these

Crystals out so the dragon can’t heal itself after phase number one we need to take the dragon out but the dragon has landed already we’re gonna go ahead and just free up all the laughs you’re welcome we’ll go on i miss something phase number one we need to take these crystals out

Take the crystals maybe these are healing crystals and the dragon is using them amethyst perhaps i graduate high school next month hell yeah we need to take the drive congrats but the dragon has landed already we’re gonna go ahead and just preemptively drink this thing after the dragon lands every time

It will charge you and when it charges you sometimes you’re thrown into the air potion of slow falling makes it easy we don’t take any fall damage perfect so uh like i said phase one we need to take out the regen crystals the end crystals yeah take out those crystals dude

Them out with a boat just shoot the crystals out all you need to do is hit the crystal once and it explodes if the dragon is here the dragon will take some damage which is pretty cool and crystal number one boom there will be a crystal on top of every single pillar

Now the dragon will be shooting at you while you’re doing this his breath is terrible dragon’s breath right here if you want to bring this stuff home my donation danny it’s important i didn’t see it sorry hold on i’m gonna i have to turn off

This because i want to be able to hear this video i’m sorry uh okay you pick it up just like this no uh this is the only way to get what does dragon’s breath do why is it people are saying that maybe i want to pick that up

Is that true do i want to pick that up for potions okay so maybe i want that and maybe i don’t really care so if you want it think about it get it now we don’t have any use for it though so we don’t need to keep it on the hot

Bar stop shooting at me dragon stop shooting at me one more bottle thank you very much there will be a crystal on top of every single obsidian pillar you need to take out every single crystal otherwise you’re gonna have a hard time also don’t look at the enderman avoid

The enderman’s eyes at all cost uh hi crystal can you what do these crystals do why are they just keeping are they helping keep him alive or something or they’re healing him oh crystal i know you’re hiding up there let’s go did he already say that it’s healing

Then perfect next one this one right there almost so close so close let’s go away always heals him okay keep tabs on it always know where the dragon is at all times you need to know if the dragon’s in the middle because of the dragons in the middle that means the

Charge is next no uh two of your crystals will be caged in boxed in to take the crystals out you’re either going to need to a have like crazy aim and hit a really really tight angle uh you can actually shoot in here or just climb up here

Take out the iron bars now it sounds like the dragon is actually landing so we’re gonna go ahead and jump off of that whoa dude that is just floating down to the ground whoa that yo that dragon was going kind of crazy did you see him oh sorry her

And go back look at it she was like she’s kind of dancing look at that why did i take damage that was weird all right any minute here let’s go let’s go let’s go we dodged the dragon oh okay it doesn’t matter now if i didn’t have the potion of slow falling water

Right there enderman’s mad at me dump water down stand in the water and take the enderman out come on over here enderman let’s go let’s go fight me bite me what’s wrong enderman you don’t like the water oh that’s for you poor you you don’t like

Water that’s too bad oh yeah my sword has fire aspect so the end of it’s not burning great oy buddy you want to leave me alone you want to leave me alone i’m trying to get stuff done here leave me alone ederman let’s go let’s go

Uh who’s mad at me is it just you i think it’s just you and the dragons landed okay we need to eat actually we can’t have our health that low when the dragon charges me water come back with me enderman not a problem dragon little problem oh thanks for taking that

Out dragon you’re you’re my best friend hey anyways so back to this crystal let’s get rid of that boom there we go any iron bars free iron bars please uh okay it doesn’t look like it no iron bars that’s fine not a big deal this guy’s very angry

You’re high up yeah he does it does kind of seem like he thinks he’s a little hot shot i have one over there on that one uh not anymore and now it’s just that one okay perfect i feel like he’s taking a really long time to get rid of all these crystals right

The faster this is going to go yeah let’s make this go fast dude and just break a couple iron bars on the corner and then we’ll jump down and shoot this crystal it’ll be gone then the dragon will basically be gone too here we go take two out two is always my

Secret we land over here and boom amanda boom i meant boom what are you doing come on look at this noob you can’t even take out the crystals nice dodge though come on dragon you’re better than that i think an enderman is mad at me again though maybe

Um okay maybe not but anyways impressively all of the crystals i think are actually now gone which means dragon fight phase two goodbye either a shoot the dragon with your bow if you’re going to do that lead your shots off or b wait for the dragon to land

Run up to it and hit it with your sword many many times the dragon will take off again this is not even using the bed method every every speed runner uses the bed method dude is this guy an uber what simply just repeat the process over and over and over again

Now when the dragon does land in the middle be careful don’t get too close to it it deals a lot of damage also bow doesn’t work while it’s in the middle so i i want to show you another way to dodge the dragon really quick we’re

Going to back off and wait for the dragon to realize that we’re standing around over here come on dragon come on come on come on i’m not doing anything i’m just standing out in the open oh no all right so post of the soul following actually ran out we’ll drink

That just in case but watch this ender pearl dodge the dragon uh don’t throw it ahead of enderman though that was a little bit of a fail admittedly that didn’t go as planned me and you enderman let’s go get back over here what’s wrong with the water every time

You charge the water you teleport okay all right come on are you gonna kill this guy or what let’s let’s see it dude let’s go dragon all right here we are the fight dude the speedrunners make it look so fast this guy’s taking a long time

Did he kill him wow no way that’s great experience run around and pick up that okay he killed him what’s happened come on i’m standing right by the portal right in the center come on and i’m not even hitting you these are all warning shots dragon

I warn you these are all warning shots oh where’d you go come on come on not out of render distance no let’s go dragon right to the middle someone said i thought danny was defeating the dragon right now yeah this is me dude i’m doing it come

On bro come on little dragon guy come on bro i would never definitely wouldn’t run up here behind the dragon just jump up and whoa he’s hitting him right in the way right in the bottle her sorry hitting her right in the bottle that’s not the case here that’s nothing wait what’s happening

What’s happening what’s happening oh under it come on this is like a really bad time that was meant to be a special moment come on like seriously well look at all that xp in that moment i don’t get that moment back that was like really no just go yeah

Just fight the dragon already i don’t want it because i know i’m gonna lose that’s why i’ve been stalling this whole time don’t you get it i’m gonna lose he’s gonna beat me i’m gonna die let me see how many arrows i have seems like you need a lot of arrows for

This what do i got here nine twelve twelve arrows that is that’s it what’s that all about i thought i had more arrows than that um let me see if i got any in here oh okay we got arrows we got arrows look at this okay we got lots actually

Yo this is this mob spawner is good for lots of stuff isn’t it look at all these arrows look at all that you can put infinity on a bow and you only need one arrow okay dude good luck good luck with that as if i’ll ever get infinity

To show up in here well it’s not even i can’t even get it to show up at all yeah that’s not gonna happen no way jose all right let’s see okay he said i should bring stacks i’ll cook this meat i’ll put some of the armor away

Um all this stuff that i don’t need oh i do want a bucket okay am i gonna am i really gonna do this right now how long am i gonna stay on stream for maybe 17 minutes do you think i could beat him in 17 minutes

All right i’ll try i gotta go get water wait i have an infinite water source right there that was done all right no i got it am i on hard mode should definitely turn that off before i go to the dragon i should bring milk shouldn’t i

I think i should bring milk i think i should bring beds all right one second let me get some do i have any buckets there’s a bucket any buckets you don’t need milk what if i get cursed or something isn’t it can’t that happen is there any beds there’s a bed and

Here is a uh wait there’s a bed over here oh wait there’s not a bit over here um let me go to sleep real quick then i can go to the village and maybe take all their beds maybe go to village and take all their beds

Or maybe i can just make some do i got i got some wool gray wall do i even have wood okay i don’t really know how many beds i’m gonna be able to bring getting i gotta be honest here shield okay that’s kind of smart smart moment okay

Let’s make some beds wait was there a bed in here no bed okay now i have two beds is that enough turn string into wool oh i forgot about that string can make wool how maybe like this well make more bets hmm now i got four beds is that enough

You need 50 beds wait did i just get raided why are there 17 000 people in here did i get raided i didn’t see yes raid there was 20k did i just pay attention it said it told me that there were 20 12k people in here who did like

I don’t understand all right all right all right i’m gonna go beat him i’m gonna go beat the dragon okay capisce does anyone know who i was rated by oh wait hold on let me see kit boga kit kitbaga thank you thank you for the raid if you’re watching very sweet

Alright because of that raid i’m going to the end i got everything a boy could ever need to kill this [ __ ] he’s an awesome streamer all right thank you must be pretty awesome if you’re raiding me well i’m danny for everyone who’s new here i uh don’t know how to beat the ender

Dragon and i’m gonna go beat the ender dragon i’ve never done it before but i’m going to go do it now did you make a shield no uh i might have i might have iron over there i might be able to make a shield when i get there

I think i can do it do you have wood on you yes i do so if i’ve got iron there i can make a shield i’m so nervous should i do this i don’t know maybe i should just wait until next time i only have 10 minutes left

Should i do this i don’t know uh we’re gonna find out when we get there if i’m gonna do it we’ll see people some people are saying do it some people are saying don’t i don’t know who to trust anymore get golden apples don’t even i don’t even know what that is

How do i do that do i just mix gold with apples do a poll um all right after this after the hype train can can you do a pull at the same time as the hype train if i should go fight the ender dragon right now

We love you please don’t come on if i can make a shield you don’t think i got what it takes you think i should go in with nothing on me but i’ll lose all my xp i worked really hard to get up to level 28. wait till next time

All right yeah we got a pole gun all right everybody oh it’s a tight race it’s gonna be a close one uh-oh it looks like i might be going all right well we’ll see what the we’ll see what that poll ends up with but it’s kind of seeming like i might be going

I kind of hate this tunnel it all kind of blows honestly it’s taking a really long time danny you’ll lose everything hmm that might be true i might lose everything you know i should go in with no stuff first i’ve decided i’m gonna go in with no stuff first because

It doesn’t matter anyway i already have all my stuff enchanted it doesn’t matter if i die i can get back up to level 30 or whatever i just it’ll just take a while at the xp farm it’s fine i’m going to go in with no stuff first all right so this will

Okay is there iron here huh well look it i had a book with enchanting or with a protection through this whole time okay there is no iron here but i think that there actually might be some in the place where i was before where is that hold on let me take a look

Uh or is that in here ah okay that was close okay here wait Here oh okay there’s no iron here either but there is a bed and i will be taking it all right someone said what is the point of going in with nothing first uh it’s to scope out the joint maybe ever heard of it am i still live i’m not seeing any

Comments right now that’s kind of weird am i lagging what’s going on here why aren’t i seeing anything in my chat this is weird hold up i need to get to the bottom of this why aren’t i seeing anything in my chat oh wait i am now okay

All right you know what i’m not i’m not gonna i’m gonna place one bed here and i’m gonna sleep okay now i’m going to go and make a chest i’m gonna put all my stuff in the chest this is what i’m gonna do okay and there’s no stopping me i’m gonna go in

With nothing just because i wanna see what it’s like i wanna see where i’m gonna spawn i wanna case the joint i wanna check it out see what it’s gonna be like and that’s gonna be the end of the stream then next time for sure i’m gonna kill the ender dragon okay

Take blocks okay fine i’ll take some blocks ready here i go oh i have all my armor on okay all right all right all right you guys are so smart dude i’m i’m not so smart okay there we go there we go all right i’m doing it i’m doing it

Here i go into the end [ __ ] huh okay so this kind of looks like what he was talking about void wise um let me take a look real quick and uh fog okay fog is off but maybe i just want to turn off the shader altogether

Is that gonna is that gonna make it easier to see maybe oh that’s so much easier to see okay all right here we go am i gonna make it over there i kind of think i’m not oh 10. am i gonna make it i don’t think i am guys

Uh oh might have made a big mistake mode uh oh oh no oh these rats dude i’m so close yet so far go to the side oh do you think i can make it over there oh but oh i’m not gonna be able to get this now [ __ ]

I wasted my whole first trip to the end didn’t i rats well the good news is i can just diet i’d say that was a successful let’s say that was a successful trip first trip all right let me get let me bring more i’m going to bring 63

Blocks this time and this time we’re going to go to the side okay then i’m gonna end my stream rip to those 28 levels yeah actually i don’t need to go to the side now i can just go this way there’s no point sheesh okay let’s go let’s go dude

Dude it doesn’t matter i don’t need the xp because now your boys already got all enchanted diamond armor i don’t even need to do it anymore okay this stuff is kinda i thought this is gonna be like sand this stuff has kind of taken a while to

Break am i even gonna get it no all right so i’m gonna need to build stairs kinda oh oh oh i’m dead whoops okay that was my bad that was a lapse in judgment i’m gonna go finish the staircase and then the stream will be over

Okay that kind of feel like i don’t want to go in there right is that gonna hurt me is that gonna be there forever how long is it gonna be there for it will hurt ouchy magic okay oh there we go all right all right all right all right here we go

All right we’re there look at that i do think i kind of want to make these like stairs though that way it’s easy for me to get up next time okay there we go hahaha i’m here i’m in the end i’m ready to fight dude what if i just beat him with no

Armor right now all right [ __ ] you ready to go let’s go we got this bro come down here i’m going to kick your butt come down here dude it’s crystal time do you think i could go up there and get one of those crystals how

How high is this there’s no way i could go up there i only have 11 blocks will he ever come down someone said shoot the crystals with a bow and arrow yeah do you think one of these you think one of the enderman has one that i could borrow or what

I’m not on hard mode no i’m on normal mode don’t worry when is this is this dragon ever gonna dock all right well uh seems like there’s not too much for me to do here right now let’s see here okay this was part of the tutorial he wanted me to do this

So this is a good first step oh no all right that’s it that’s enough honestly that’s fine we’re we’re gonna be done today that’s enough okay um thank you guys for watching the stream um you guys are the best i’m gonna figure out how to raid um yeah next time for sure

I think i’m gonna kill i think i’m gonna kill the poor sap uh we’re gonna rate eddie let’s do it all right thank you guys for a fun stream i had fun and uh yep be nice to your grandparents everybody have a good time bye

This video, titled ‘Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.26 – chat teaches me how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-27 17:48:40. It has garnered 113578 views and 1292 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:20 or 9020 seconds.


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    🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip: KitPvP.world’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: KitPvP.world 🌍 Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. 🏙️ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: https://youtu.be/z-elPMvTpEc . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day 🙂 I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ルイ姉の笑い声がドラえもんのサブタイトルにしか聴こえない’, was uploaded by カラコット on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/EnH0m9-i… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More


    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos 😉 minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More

  • Forest Grove SMP Creative Roleplay PvP

    Come join the adventure with us at Forest Grove! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Region: USA Forest Grove offers a diamond-based economy with player warps, spawners, and player shops. PvP is enabled with opportunities to acquire cool loot through crates, events, and other fun server features! Features: Diamond Economy Discord server Geyser/ViaVersions supported Spawners Ranks PvP enabled Land Claiming via grief protection Skills Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RABBIT TWERKIN’ IN MINECRAFT 😳

    Minecraft Memes - RABBIT TWERKIN' IN MINECRAFT 😳Well, at least the rabbit has some killer moves to show off in the Minecraft world! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEMES I STOLE ONLINE PART 11: HOT DIGGITY DOG! “I tried to come up with an original Minecraft meme, but then I realized I’m just not that crafty.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮

    Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine exploring a world filled with secrets and mysteries, just like in the YouTube video “Descubriendo los secretos de las Papas papas 😱🥔 || Minecraft.” Spark embarks on an adventure that leads him to discover new and exciting things in the world of Minecraft. Similarly, when you join Minewind, you’ll… Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE – Minecraft Modpack EP18

    EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE - Minecraft Modpack EP18Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 18’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-23 02:20:35. It has garnered 32 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:51 or 7311 seconds. Adventure Time – Immersive Aircraft airship adventure! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Build hack for your minecraft world #gaming’, was uploaded by MINE BOSS on 2024-01-05 11:46:58. It has garnered 2547 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s 200 IQ Test…’, was uploaded by mini on 2024-02-24 12:15:06. It has garnered 10198 views and 822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. recently my friend ClownPierce posted a video where he called me the worst player in Minecraft, well it’s time to prove him wrong! ● JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/g9m5mJqeAG ● SUBSCRIBE TO @ClownPierce Read More

  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

    Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Illegal build troll face 💀 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Casyrant on 2024-01-07 07:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Gear up for thrilling survival challenges as we face off against menacing mobs and conquer the perilous landscapes of the Nether … Read More

  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: kenomc.online VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: https://discord.gg/nRuDVVFkfV Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! https://www.twitch.tv/cijogacomigo Join my discord Server https://discord.gg/TACYenMh8m Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 https://www.youtube.com/live/m8LYR7xjV_Y?si=MTutx5k4IbQsfUI_ 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba (https://twitter.com/AmoebaLe) BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.26 – chat teaches me how to play minecraft