DanoDiggle – Insane Diamonds Challenge in 3 Hours!! πŸ€‘ #minecraft

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Hey besties it’s Tuesday what is it’s the 9th and it’s Tuesday how exciting is that oh uh I wanted to get the Dynam map out because I’m going on a little adventure and I don’t want to get lost I mean maybe we should get lost it could be more

Interesting you never know but I don’t think I want to do that now I’m going caving this so hello how are you doing how is your day going off camera I kind of like organized uh my storage so this is like weapons and armor this is like blocks

And ores and stuff this is random and then this one is like trees saplings flowers mushroom seeds and wood things you’re good I’m glad you’re doing good thle I’m glad you’re doing good and then I also I think I bought a few more uh what are these Sher

Boxes why do I have bones in here I don’t know but I bought a few Sher boxes and they’re empty and they’re they’re ready to have stuff in them you know and I can’t wait I’m going to just try and focus on the diamonds today you know that’s what I want to do

Oh wait where did I put my bones oh they’re in here okay I put them in the wrong chest no wonder why I can’t find them you’re staying home from school because you’re dizzy well I hope you feel better soon I hate being like dizzy and nauseous it’s

The worst for me I don’t know why I just like it’s just the worst oh I have dirt and stuff okay I think we’re ready to go I’ve got food do I have food let me actually just double check also should I put my shaders on should I not put my shaders

On what are we thinking what are we thinking today boom and just in case I do put my shaders on and I want to place torches and stuff Let’s Get Some Coal that’s kind of Handy you know kind of Handy kind of nice to have oh I also have a random potato I’m

Going to put that in here I don’t I got it from I think I killed like a zombie or something and it dropped a potato and I was like you know what actually slay kind of love that for me potatoes are great also I should be using my elytra

You know I don’t know why I’m trying to play Minecraft and not be efficient but that’s what I’m trying to do right now let’s get my elytra and actually more Rockets because one is not going to get me to where I need to go I’m just going to half the

Stack like that and then then we’re slaying honestly why do I have two flint and Ste you know I’m not going to question it and I’m also going to put my flowers in here because I forgot I had flowers I don’t know yeah I forgot I had those but it’s

Okay now we should be ready to go I think hopefully can these stack yes okay yay now we’re ready okay jump and we’re off let’s go wait don’t zombies only drop poisonous potatoes I could be very wrong uh I have no idea but I’m I’m trying to think like what other mob it

Could have been but it was from killing some like hostile mob and I want to say it was a zombie but I might be wrong I’m not too sure varis hello how is your day going 3 hours you’re killing me here you have how’s the painting how first of all

How is your day going second of all how is the tunnel ball that’s not an actual tunnel ball going you know how is that is it okay is it doing what it needs to do also oh my goodness why H these trunks aren’t loading in that is so did I please I

Want it back there we go okay yeah we’re going Northeast today cuz a lot of people oh you never saw that I can use my elytra I know how to fly you never saw that but a lot of people haven’t gone Northeast yet so I’m thinking that’s might be where the good

Caves are so that’s the way we’re going oh wait a village wait I think I might have already been to that Village not too sure I also so where is my oh there it is my directions West Northeast I’m going the wrong way oopsie my day is going slow it’s half

Built hey something is better than nothing even if you’ve only got half of it it’s better than it’s better than nothing I very much believe how about you oh my redeems okay my redeems are off today because they’re under maintenance they’re kind of struggling at the moment uh there’s a

Few things I need to fix and change uh one of them is the volumes like some of them need to be turned up and then I think some of them need to be turned down they’re at really like random volumes and some of them are really soft

And then others are loud so I need to work on that and then the pictures are supposed to be pgs and I found out the other day that they’re not so I need to work on that as well so for now my redeems are under maintenance um which is sad but you know

It is what it is so I don’t have my redeems on right now yeah exactly insert the noise you can just imagine it you know be creative use your imaginative skills and why don’t I have a bucket I’ve lost my bucket um do I have iron in here somewhere I don’t think

So insert Phantom noise exactly exactly you get the vibes okay so apparently I’ve lost my bucket but that’s okay um little fall damage never hurt nobody it’s okay oh actually you know what I’m wearing my elra I can just uh try and oh that wasn’t too smooth but you know it’s

Okay um you said how about me my day it’s gone great you know honestly I slept terribly last night absolutely terribly and I had this weird dream and I want you guys to tell me what you think this dream means cuz you know how some people are like you know dreams

Kind of have something to do with your personal life or whatever I cannot for the life of me figure out what this dream means so if you have any clues and ideas please let me know but basically I had this stream that I was sleeping on the edge of a cliff but

It was very very Misty and so I couldn’t see where the edge was and then off the edge was this big drop and I didn’t want to go to sleep cuz I was worried that I would fall off the cliff and die so what you think that dream means

But anyways I took a great nap I was only supposed to sleep for like 1 hour and I think it ended up being like a 3H hour that but you know it is what it is it you know at least I’m not tired anymore at least I’m not tied anymore so it’s

Fine switch back to chest plate when entering the caves neat freeze so true so very very true how do I turn the light thingy oh I did it okay I did it absolute slay I’m supposed to be yes going this way okay knowing me I would

Forget that and then I would die and not be able to get my stuff back so thank you for the reminder neat freeze cuz I do be needing that oh no um I just realized I have a 6,000 word story during Friday so bye this all good luck good luck keep

Slaying have an amazing rest rest of your day yeah good luck 6,000 words is quite quite a large amount of words but you got it I believe this all you can do it keep slaying let me ask the AI ooh yes okay ask the robots what I know it’s not

Actually a robot but you know ask the robots what my dream means cuz it was I was literally like my bed was on the side of a cliff and then there was like this big drop and it was so Misty that I couldn’t see where the edge of the cliff was but

Then no it was a weird dream it was a very very weird dream also there’s a portal here so I’m like is someone’s Mega base going to be somewhere here I don’t know hopefully I don’t want to you know destroy any caves that shouldn’t be destroyed but I think it’s

Fine I think it’s okay we just got to go this way a little longer and then we should be fine also obsidian you know what it’s it’s two but I’m going to take it oh and the Flint and the flint and steel what is this cursive Vanishing

Fortune I’m going to take the iron nuggets as well do I need it not particularly but you know I’m going to I’m going to take it it’s okay also I’m kind of going am I going the yeah this is the way I need to be going about your dream okay ooh I’m so

Interested to know AI said dreams can be tricky to interpret but this one might suggest a fear or hesitation in taking a risk or approaching the unknown ah okay your subconscious Could Be cautioning You To Tread carefully in a situation that feels precarious oh Okay H okay fear or hesitation in taking a risk or approaching the unknown also maybe I should consider sleeping where’s it here there’s no mobs over here this is a good spot I think the zombes coming through towards me oh my gosh right here you can see

It please don’t attack me what did I do to you oh yeah no okay never mind I was going to say attack the skeleton but that didn’t last Long are you the only one online no painting and Minion are online as well but I think minion is afking so I don’t think he’s actually online if that makes sense but no there’s there’s people also I think painting’s in a cave so if you’re wondering why no one was sleeping I

Think minions AFK and I think painting’s in a cave so wait can you please drop some chain mail armor actually I don’t know why but I’m trying to collect chain mail armor um wish I knew oh that critical hit work I don’t know how or

Why but it seemed to work so okay I’ll accept it I will join later Slay Slay That’s so exciting that is very very Exciting okay 10 out of 10 you know as always random you’re just having a 10 out of 10 time you know that does that rhyme oh also uh I don’t think I can do any filming this week Randon uh I’ve been meaning to message on the Discord but I don’t think

I can do any filming this week cuz normally Thursdays work really well for me but Thursday I’m busy it’s my friend’s birthday we’re going out for dinner it’s a fun time um yeah so I don’t think I can do this week I’m trying to think about the

Weekend and stuff yeah I don’t think I can do this week unfortunately oh okay now we’re in Uncharted territories okay apparently no one’s been here before so let’s try find a good hole in the ground but how is your day going random is it 10 out of 10 rate your day out of

10 how is it 10 is it eight she’s ditching us I’m not I’m I’m a busy person I’m not you know what a lot of my oh wait I got a chain mail helmet okay that’s exciting a lot of my friends birthdays are in the first half of the year like

I’ve got uh two in January and one’s the 6th and one’s the 11th so that’s like they’re very close to each other and then I’ve got one in February three in March if you include my brother and then I don’t know about April and May I have

To consult my calendar but no I have all my friends birthdays are like in the beginning of the year and I’m like what is why and then the second half of the year is my family’s birthday that’s when it’s like my mom’s birthday my dad’s birthday my Grandma’s birthday my other

Grandma’s birthday yeah so it’s just a a bit of a busy time you know okay I’m not going to put my chest plate play it on just yet cuz I don’t know if this is a good cave or not I might be getting the col and leaving we’ll

See we will see it’s okay Okay but I’m going to this place called The Waterfront which is pretty cool um and you should definitely Google The Waterfront Cape Town because it looks pretty and then you can see some nice pretty pictures you know I spilled coffee right after I sent that so I missed 100% of everything you said oh my goodness not the spilled coffee not the spilled coffee I don’t know if you can hear it but my door is like bangging because it’s very windy and I don’t know how to fix it

Because it is closed but it’s still like banging so I don’t yeah don’t know how to really fix that but it’s okay what I said okay this is what I said is that basically what did I say oh I can’t do any filming this week cuz I’m busy and I

Said that Thursdays normally work very well for me But what that was so unexpected I did not hear that creeper at all yes clip it random that’s a great clip oh my goodness oh wow that was a wild time I was where’s my where’s the portal I need is it this one wow that gave me a heart attack that

Came out of nowhere I really just like maybe I’m just not with it today but I just could not for the life of me hear that creeper but it’s okay we can fly back luckily I’m prepared for situations like this I’ve got a spare elytra so I can get there

Quickly uh I don’t even you know do I have spare food I don’t know but I’m going to say I Do uh if I had food it would be in here okay I don’t really have food what I’m going to do is I’m going to take actually I don’t know I will take a slice of melon that will do it that will do it a melon

Slice there we are that will work oh shade is really loaded Okay wow that was quite quite a wild Time where was I anyways what I’m saying is Thursdays normally work really well but this Thursday I’m busy and I can’t and the rest of the week I’m also just this week’s a bit busy a bit crazy so fortunately I can’t do this week for

Filming I need to go see you in a few goodbye neat freeze keep slinging live laugh love and I’ll see you soon T reschedules with random and immediately blows up that’s comment isn’t it it’s just com it’s like you this is what you get for trying to reschedule with

Me I have so much footage okay cool I’m sending you your footage today it’s uploading now s y That’s amazing oh wait no I’m not close it’s still this way luckily I’ve also got the Dynam map open so I’m not that looks like a good

Cave wait I kind of want to come back for that cave although it was dripstone and I don’t know how I feel about dripstone caves I don’t really Vibe with them that much to be honest sad but true oh this also looks like a okay maybe we have to Circle back

Because I was going so far out but I think some of these caves in here are actually kind of nice so maybe I have to come back a bit I don’t know we’ll see that cave is 10 out of 10 oh dripstone are 4 out of 10 I know

Right I don’t know what it is about dripstone but I don’t really like dripstone caves uh why is this taking so long to load in I don’t want to crash in the mountain please I really don’t want to crash into a mountain if I die a second time then

There is no ways I can get my stuff back Because you know then I have no spare alyra I mean I can I just have to Journey pretty far I just have to Journey pretty far which I can do you know it’s a possibility okay oh I’m going the wrong way I need to go this way North

Okay it’s pointy death this it really is you you can get way too much damage from dripstone it’s way too scary way too much damage please just load for me oh that looks like a good cave where were these caves where I was looking earlier that’s what what I want

To know where were they because I don’t remember seeing them okay it was in the side of a mountain I think was it here somewhere ah I think I died somewhere here okay H I think I know exactly it was in here wasn’t it oh sad times but it’s okay because my

Stuff should be right here no hold on where’s my stuff where does it be where do my stuff be is it down here uh okay okay let’s go no it wasn’t in here and then I was like oh let’s go around the mountain right and

Then did I not go go up here oh goodness this is how can I not remember like I should remember you know do you remember oh wait wait wait I think it’s yeah it’s right here never mind oh why is there still a creeper okay I’m going to just try lure

It out of the cave and then no wait no don’t explode my stuff please please don’t explode my stuff please I can get colds one sec no it’s okay I got it don’t worry but thank you okay I don’t think my stuff was damaged from that creeper so I think

It’s okay I think my stuff is all still just chilling here I hope now wow now I’m going to be like very paranoid about my surroundings but you know it’s probably for the best it is probably for the best you know you got to learn somehow oh thank you painting

Wow you’re both on it today you are both on it that’s so slay oh let me use my half-broken elytra to travel around uh I need to Sol my inventory a bit it’s a bit of a mess but I’m pretty sure that’s all my stuff let me just double

Check there’s nothing here I was mining in this AA this I don’t think anything fell down here okay yeah I think we’re doing fabulous honestly I think we’re kind of doing fabulous so then we can put my spare elytra away and I’m going to keep these Rockets

Actually and then chain mail I want to keep but um not going to put that in there I have that my pickaxe and then all I’m missing oh I’ve got my torches my food and my bow and my arrows slay we’re actually slaying besties we are actually kind of slaying

I’m not going to lie not going to lie at all okay put that in there and we’re we’re back we’re back to living our best lives maybe we should sleep a little bit you know another creeper oh my goodness if I got BL up game right now that would be

Tragic I mean it’d be fine but that would be kind of tragic you know that would be so bad I know right that would be so bad so terrible so tragic I just wanted to get the coal and the creeper was like no you can’t take my

Coal but I’m going to take the coal anyways it just is what it is okay I’m just going to look around the corner make sure I don’t see anything scary over there you know it’s okay should be at least it should be okay and then we’re getting coal

Housle got to love coal you’ve got to love coal and then we have the coal from okay let me check around the corner you know got to got to know you got to check all angles all Corners all everything you got to Just know these things it’s just important okay we get some coal ooh wait no that goes nowhere okay so like I said earlier I think I’m honestly going to circle back a bit because I saw so many caves okay well it wasn’t I was going the wrong way when I saw those

Caves but maybe like I just go back that way I don’t know I don’t truly know what to do I think I might do that you know we might have a little fly moment I’m like a bird I always Fly Away honestly slay song would recommend would oh

Chickens I would recommend for sure wait a minute is this a cave no it’s a water thing okay am I going the right no I’m going the wrong I’m supposed to be going south this way okay I just knew I was going the wrong way you know

Something deep within me was like no this is not the way I just knew you know oh there’s a massive Mountain I don’t want to crash in the mountain let’s go up up a little bit okay then we can go forward okay okay I’m kind of not really oh wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold the horses what is this I was going to say I’m not really vibing with the Mesa but look at this no I think we found something besties uh now how did I go from wait a minute I was going on a about how I

Didn’t have a bucket I can literally make one where’s my crafting table I just need to whip out my crafting table quick and then this should be able to give me yes an Ingot and then I make bucket absolute slay and while we are doing our thing

Let’s put my chest plate on let’s not make any silly goofy mistakes you know let’s try be smart let’s try make good mistakes no good choices not good is there such a thing as a good mistake I don’t think so I really don’t think so okay that’s a stick I thought it was

A creeper for a second don’t know why but I did I’m going to take the iron over here so slave like it really just wow love that for me we got that okay gold I don’t want the copper I don’t want we can take some

More coal although by now I think yeah I have almost two stacks which is kind of more than enough but like also coal you know like coal I just Coal’s great got to love coal Shan hello unfortunately my redeems are under maintenance at the moment so they are not turned on

Because there’s a a lot of settings and stuff I need to change but it won’t be for long Sean I promise it will not be for long okay uh critical hit no critical Okay one day one day I’ll get better okay we’ve got no way I want that the I don’t need the zombie meat I don’t want I’ll take the wheat and honestly I don’t want the horse armor what is this oh a name tag I love name tags like

They’re just great I just want to name everything to be Honest maybe I leave the wheat behind cuz realistically you can’t make bread with one wheat and I think I have this music disc so we’re going to leave the rest is what it is there wasn’t n’t too very much there but you know it’s okay o that looks like it goes

Down where does this go nowhere okay it actually does very much go nowhere maybe you could do the cow sounds instead you are so right random cow we cow okay you know what I will if you if people redeem things I’ll try to my very best to impersonate the redeems and make it

Sound like the redeems I will do my very best we’ll see how that goes Flint can Go I don’t know I don’t know you know I like my Flint I don’t know why but I feel like Flint is hard to find it’s definitely not but it I don’t know that’s just how my brain works okay wee critic cool hit I think actually I don’t think it was but

That’s okay it still worked it still did what it needed to do so that’s why okay it’s fine they’re dead oh I need to get back up there before M spawn so I can no there is more okay I just need to put a torch here okay slay I love

Shields go we cow exactly we love the co cow best part is they are all free today that’s so true exactly it’s actually good there’s a sale they’re all free yeah it’s a fun time see I didn’t actually need to make that bucket cuzz now I have one but it’s

Okay yeah and then I don’t think I need a saddle so I’m going to take the iron though okay and then I want to see is there anything interesting over here more iron you know what I’ll take it I will take it guess I’m in my iron error okay 23 that’s

Okay and then that’s that there’s gold coal here some iron we love it okay I think we might yes we’re going down to the Deep slate territory look at that that’s deep slate if I’ve ever seen it oh and some lapis I do I do love me some

Lapis uh I will get rid of five iron nuggets what am I going to do with that actually you know what I think you can make the iron chain thingies with them but like when am I going to need chains you know so wao whoa whoa whoa big cave alert oh there’s some

Dripstone how did I get that damage what happened I don’t think anything was attacking me but okay waa cave alert cave alert okay this isn’t really deep slate though so I’m wondering if I should even check this out because to be honest I don’t really need any ores and I think

I would find a better deep slate cave if I went this way not too sure though oh full damage things beave alert exactly maybe I should make that a redeem at this point I’m just making everything a redeem I’m like yes that can be a redeem this can

Be let’s make just a thousand redeems why not YOLO you know why not absolutely YOLO let’s just have too many redeems so many that you can’t count them you know so many that it takes up all the space in my description more lapis oh I don’t have

Space I kind of want to get rid of the obsidian but I know that obsidian is hard to mine oh you know what I can do I can just combine the bows there we go okay that works got some copper but I don’t need that let’s

Go this way we’re going left oh there’s a zombie okay critical hit time come right here bestie it’s my moment wao no that didn’t work oh I think that one worked Absolut slay oh where does this go okay no let me back let me back in this way okay I’m

Going to get the lapis unless it decides to fall hold the front door you know I’m kind of thinking do I have my Hostile Mobs turned down hostile creatures are turned down let’s turn that back up to like 50 I’m not hearing these creepers and it’s a little

Problematic I don’t want to die a second time what is my death count 23 okay that’s not too bad oh wait I’m also collecting red stone I did forget about that one we need Redstone as well you know what random you’re right I’ll get rid of the Flint you are right

I don’t need the Flint anymore we can get rid of that one and then I was up here wasn’t I let’s go back up only 23 I know right I’m slacking I’m slacking am I not you’ve literally got 115 it’s going up wow no yeah I’m slacking in in the death department but

It’s okay you know we can’t all slay in the death Department if you will So there’s deep dark down here no um I don’t know if I want to go down here anymore no if you knock me off the edge okay this zombie dude I don’t like you I don’t like exactly you die that’s what you deserve wow knocked me off the edge how crazy is that

One okay so there’s only a little bit of deep dark so I’m a little confused I’m not under a snowy Peak so there shouldn’t be what are those things called ancient city there shouldn’t be an ancient city so it should actually be pretty much okay oh why am I

Struggling uh there we go okay appears we have to go back up because apparently there’s nothing down here um and I took all that fall damage for no reason but you know I had to find out that there was nothing down here somehow so at least we

We figured that out we came down we investigated all that great stuff oh oh I don’t want to fall no no I don’t want to fall please uh there should be oh is it down here wait no am I lost yes why wouldn’t I be actually that’s a silly

Question when do I not get lost ooh Some Redstone okay well so far this actually hasn’t gone well cuz where’s the diamonds you know like where hello are you there where are the diamonds would love to know so yeah so far we’re not oh my goodness but you know

What hold on hold on okay wait no we have to go about the Ender Chest I literally don’t have the space for this we can put it in here why not we can just put all my ores I guess cuz right now I have too many the Flint that one that that that’s

Good that is good that’s a very much a sleigh and then I actually think I kind of want to make a spare iron pickaxe because my Sil touch one is going to die and I don’t want it to die you know like I don’t want that so I might just switch

To an iron one at some point we’ll see cuz I was supposed to go mend it and then I forgot so you know is what it is but now we have water we have a bucket of water honestly best thing ever got to love it water is just kind of

Great this is oh stay hydrated besties if you haven’t had water today this is your sign go have water stay hydrated it’s apparently good for you oh and this is my third dungeon what is happening why are there so many dungeons oh my goodness I’m getting caught in the crossfire

Ooh Why did the creeper explode when it I don’t think it saw me but okay whatever whatever please oh oh oh okay let’s see what is in this chest hopefully something nice oh oh my goodness wait this is amazing okay I was like hopefully something nice ooh okay I

Got something kind of fabulous uh I don’t want the zombie meat uh I’ve got two enchanted golden apples are you koning me right now this is ridiculous I need to put this in my Ender Chest ASAP like right now okay little that one we put it in here and then now I have

Four am I ever going to eat them probably not but now I have four it’s a fun time it’s a fun I have four enchanted golden apples AKA God apples it’s a great fun time oh what is here okay wait hold oh not me trying to use my sword for that

One we don’t talk about it we do not talk about that One oh that’s where I just was okay um there’s a bit of a lack of cave here you know um where’s the cuz I’m only at1 where’s the big deep State cave with all the diamonds that I’m searching for you know where is it cuz I

Can’t seem to find it is this maybe I just picked the wrong cave maybe this just isn’t the cave for me and that’s okay you know not everything is for everyone there we go the skeleton is gone but now how did I get here like I

Need to try to figure out how I’m getting back oh it was right up here okay I remember okay there was copper but we we don’t need that okay I don’t think I went this way yet so maybe there’s some okay it’s a dead end with a zombie okay yeah nothing really interesting

Over here let’s go I guess right back to the very beginning where it all started now I sound like I’m telling a little Story Once Upon a Time let’s have a little story time once upon a time there was a TV girl called Doo she went caving and was looking for diamonds but

She was struggling to find some then she turned the corner and found a billion Diamonds the end and that’s on manifestation see I’m trying to manifest me finding lots of diamonds will it work I don’t think so but you know we can try we you can try

Your best you really just oh I do have the ink sacks I was like where did that go okay this is pretty deep this is what -19 I can kind of work with this you know can kind of work with this one and then and okay this seems to be

Very small and it only has Redstone so maybe I can’t work with this what a beautiful I don’t know how to spelled that word beautiful well you’re actually almost right it’s just missing an a I think that word is hard to spell there’s so many letters that just don’t make

Sense in it but you know here what it is story no I know right it’s such a beautiful story it’s so beautiful it’s an amazing story it really just is maybe I should enter my author era should I imagine I released much but it’s just a book maybe I will maybe I

Will you never know o okay I really misjudged this but it’s Okay okay okay uh this aha we made it you know I’m kind of thinking we need to find a new cave cuz so far this one has been a little disappointing you know I’m not trying to be mean you know about the cave but I’m trying to be

Honest and honesty is the best policy and this cave just isn’t It yet maybe things will change you never know maybe the things will okay why are you attacking me critical hit I’m coming for you boom exactly that’s what you get when you attack me a critical hit and um you don’t want that trust me there’s lots of creepers but it’s

Okay I’m just you know running past they don’t exist in my mind they don’t exist I can’t see them and if I can’t see them they’re not there that actually kind of worked none of them are after me anymore okay slay oh this way was okay we’re

Going to have to go to the dripstone part because I think this might be where the Diamonds though I don’t know we it looks like we’re going to have to go this way after all is what it is you know what Minecraft should add Auto no not auto correct but like that

Thing was like oh you’re trying to spell this word this is how you spell it is that it’s not like maybe that no maybe that is auto correct what is it called I don’t know it should help you spell Minecraft chat should help you spell Minecraft um you

Want to add that or um no let me know please I’m kind of dying to know okay there’s lava but I don’t want that is this a dead end really wow this cave really is just not a cave it’s not a great cave I don’t

Know it’s not a good what is okay you know what we can take the lapis no zombie man you’re not attacking me today I refuse actually you don’t going to do that you do not actually get to why are there three Enderman I have to take this while I’m

Here quick not me finding more deep slate coal what is this about what is this okay no did you just blow up the Deep State coal no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness no absolutely not oh my goodness that was so scary that was so scary where is it okay

Stop hitting me bestie I’m sorry I was trying to hit the spider not you it was a mistake okay I think I think we’re good to come out now wow not the Creeper following me in and then blowing up my little wall what was that about what was that about should I

Take I don’t know what you can do with ender pearls but I’ll just take some oh my goodness guys no why are there three no what are you guys doing what is happened no now there’s a fourth one no I don’t like this cave there’s no diamonds and the mobs terrible absolutely

Terrible critical hit exactly that’s what you get okay wow that was quite the journey we just went on you know um quite the journey but it’s okay we’re still alive we’re kind of slaying I guess yes it’s all okay and I got 11 deep slate coal let’s

Put this in my Ender Chest now I’ve got 26 I thought this was rare but I’ve been finding a lot of it recently don’t really know why to be okay I’m not looking at you guys I promise not looking at you Mr Enderman really I’m not I Promise how do I what okay no it’s fine we’re all fine I made it ooh wait wasn’t I literally just here wait there’s only oh no what that’s a no that’s a zombie isn’t it oh my goodness where are they coming from guys absolutely no go away exactly go away

Uh I could recognize it if I saw the skull but I can’t see any skull so I don’t know if that is where I just was but I’m potentially walking in a big circle oh I think that is where I was this looks very familiar am I going in a circle am I

Actually hold on hold on right now I’m literally going in a circle okay I’m going to just find okay this is 10 the highest points I can and then we’re going to staircase up and go home Because this cave ain’t it well we okay we’re not going home actually maybe we should go to the end because my pickaxe do be dying um I’m very worried about my pickaxe and I also don’t feel like caving with an iron one so maybe we take a little trip home and then come

Back I don’t know oh I don’t want to go oh oh the end though no it’s fine the end’s a nice place it’s a nice place the void doesn’t exist what void there’s a void no there’s actually not it’s all a lie Minecraft is lying to you there’s actually no void it doesn’t

Exist fun fact your fun fact of the day voids don’t exist actually but anyways I’m going to go back there now and I want to make the the little leaf bridge two blocks wide instead of the one block just for me because I get so nervous every time I

Walk across that bridge you know you know there’s just a big void beneath me like one wrong step and I’m gone and all my stuff is gone like just one little wrong step and it’s all gone and that’s just a sad time jump in the void is fun no absolutely not it’s

Terrifying it’s nightmare fuel it’s scary it is not fun it’s not fun at all I must be close I think I’m maybe mining into a mountain why is my y 64 and I haven’t reached the surface what is happening where am I am I in a mountain I must be that’s the only

Explanation I have for this I must be in a mountain right now what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way oh my goodness I don’t want to think about my knees bending the other way that is oh no oh no how are you doing bad I hope

You’re doing good though oh my goodness no knees bending the it would be like a little a little hole that you just sit in cuz your body would make like a kind of a square kind of the three walls of no that’s not a square okay I don’t know my shapes guys I

Don’t I don’t know my shapes but I don’t want to think about that that’s wow that is quite something your knees but also what if your elbows bent the other way no this nothing no this is scary that’s kind of scary would you rather bleed out or be set on

Fire I think bleeding out would be less painful you know I think Burning Alive would be pretty painful and not slay but I think bleeding out is like you just slowly die but I don’t think it’s that painful so I would say bleed out I would have to go with bleed Out the surface my beloved friend okay I was kind of going in a mountain how lovely it is to see you oh my goodness we found the surface besties we did it okay uh one two three like I was never there oh I was a butterfly but I don’t have my

Elyra on so let’s maybe not do that let’s maybe not do that and then I’m actually going to throw some stuff away that I don’t need because like wait there’s a broken portal thing have a no I don’t think I’ve been to this one have you ever had the urge to jump

In front of a car uh yes but I think that’s just like intrusive thoughts you know it’s the same as when you’re like high up and you want to jump off the edge of a cliff like that’s just intrusive thoughts and you know you’re like lowkey not going to

Do it but like your brain is just being a nuisance to be honest you know what what am I going to do with ender pearls let’s be real here blast protection I don’t need gold armor either slay we got what we need we have got

What we need okay to go home I need to go Southwest which is this way okay Take Me Home Country Roads to the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama oh s uh 24 out of 30 what did does that mean 24 out of 30 cow cow exactly let’s insert the co cow

Shall we I think we shall I think we shall I don’t know what you mean by 24 out of 30 now you’re like doing some maps some fractions I don’t know what’s happening oh stream is asked oh are you going around and asking streamers this okay good luck keep slaying I hope they

Give you some great fun interesting answers you know some fun entertaining answers and you’re almost at 30 which is kind of slay bestie not going to lie we oh my goodness am I about to fly into a tree am I um maybe we have a little Landing moment uh oh when it’s

Also night time okay maybe we don’t land because then stuff’s going to start spawning you know and I don’t know if that’s something I want okay uh we’re going to jump off the tree and away we go okay I can still fly this is good we oh a little village oh so

Cute uh I need to go where is it West this way and then my house should be like right here it should be basically here oh my goodness why is this mountain so high up okay and now I’m out of rockets so we’re just going to have to hope for the best

Here but I’m very close to home we should be able to just drift the rest of the way home for the most part that’s a big mountain wow oh someone said I need therapy I think we all do I think you know what everyone can benefit from a bit of

Therapy even if you don’t think there’s anything like even if you don’t think you’re having issues with anything or you don’t have any mental illnesses anyone could benefit from therapy it’s a great fun time would recommend direct how are you doing UK you’re leaking your cords right oh you

Know why was why did I read that as UK um I am very much aware very much aware um yeah I like being able to see my codes pretty quickly because I always get lost oh my goodness I’m going the the absolute wrong way okay see I oh I’m

Actually what am I doing it’s fine how is your day going direct you subbed thank you bad I appreciate it thank you so much good luck with the questions I believe though you got it in the bag I very much believe am I going the right way now

Yes I am okay oh wait you have chain mail armor give it to me give it to me please drop it please or not that’s fine I guess is what it Is aren’t other people on the S SMP going to find your base if they see your stream yes we all actually have based in a very similar area we all have kind of made mini bases around spawn and then I think some people are starting to build their Mega bases and they’re

Pretty close to spawn as well so we all kind of know where we live so it’s okay the calls don’t really matter am I going the right way okay I kind of need to go a bit more South I think also I’m having a good day how

About you I’m glad you’re having a good day I’m having a great day too I took like it was like three or 4our nap it was great I was tired this morning I woke up for work and I just I was like I can’t do this you know I just how am I

Going to make it through the day and then I was like you know what I’m just going to take a nap and I did and now I’m chilling my profile picture is a deformed version of scout from TF you probably don’t know what TF2 is is fine

Though yeah I do not know what TF2 is I’m assuming it’s some sort of video game but I have no idea I have 5,500 of playtime on TF2 what is T can someone explain what is it is it like some sort of like first person

Shoot a game is it like what’s the goal of the game I would love love to know we’re almost home besties oh more chain maill please drop it I don’t know why but I just really want to get chain mail armor right now oh my gosh maybe I run away maybe we

Should not be doing this oh it’s a shooter game okay so it’s kind of like Call of Duty what’s the other one valerent fortnite it’s like similar to that I guess oh it’s like valerent but different okay okay I see that’s very very Slay uh where oh I’m trying to go in the on the nether roof okay I got jumped by three guys today at College I knocked two out and then my friends saw me 3B oneing and knock the other what that’s like a fever dream what kind

Of college do you go to why are people attacking each other what is happening that’s a wild time that is a wild time right there okay oh I ran out of rockets it’s okay we can walk to the end it is okay A little walking never hurt

Nobody I very much believe that you know very much believe it hello lightning how is your day going how are you doing it’s cuz I formatted someone’s pe oh oh okay I see why did you do that though why did you do that like I that’s interesting and funny

But what was the reason oh this is not where oh no this is where I want to be never mind yeah no I want to go down here okay uh oh can you please move off the passway besty yeah just I want to go past please thanks yeah don’t mind me

Excuse me yeah I just yeah thanks it’s good slay them I’m glad your day is going good I reached 253 absolute slay bestie you’re killing it that’s so slay because I was bored okay so you’re bored and you’re just like okay yeah let’s just format someone’s PC real quick

Okay doesn’t that require a lot of coding like I could not do that I don’t know how to code to be honest subscribers slay can you give me a good idea for a Minecraft video speedrun the game try speedrun the game and see how that goes I don’t

Know also we kind of need to turn down the Hostile creatures because Endermen are so loud for what why I would love to know why they’re so loud because they really just do be like that oh nice sleigh you can speedrun Minecraft that’ll be a sleigh time I believe

I very much believe that okay I’m going to take this why do I have so much random stuff that I don’t need on me like what is what’s going on with my inventory right now I actually maybe don’t want to know maybe I don’t want to know

Okay uh I’m going to put my beloved silk touch pickaxe is the whole reason why we came here so let’s try M that does it even have mending hold on no it does we’re chilling oh you want to start a series what S&P is this it’s igniter SMP

It’s a bunch of amazing small Minecraft content creators or everyone’s links down below the link to our website is also down below I would highly recommend checking that all out because if I you know maybe I’m biased but if I do say so myself we’re a lovely community and we

We have a great Discord and yeah no I really love Al community so would recommend what version this is 1.20.1 yeah 1.20.1 and it’s Java okay wait are we done my sword doesn’t have mending okay we need to fix that at some point but it’s okay for now okay uh it’s home

Time what is this Infinity okay I’m not going to question that okay it’s home time now oh my goodness this I just the end just terrifies me like one wrong step and you fall in the void and lose all your stuff like no thank you no actually thank you I don’t

Want that no no actually thank you do something extreme that always does well yes that is very true listen to NE freze also fun fact NE freze is a fellow igniter member so if you want to check out her videos you definitely should she’s a really cool person H

Idea H an extreme idea where’s the end thing oh here it is an extreme idea I would Say uh oh you know what you should do okay so if you go down below you’ll find someone’s link called Zer hours and recently he uploaded a video where he crashed the server by breing like like thousands of cows and you should try and crash Minecraft by breeding too many

Cows that’s what I think you should do lightning Dy join let’s go how to make your own texture pack wait that’s a good idea cuz I actually don’t know how like I would watch that cuz I don’t know how texture packs work to be honest is that embarrassing should I

Know how they work I don’t know exactly exactly the breeding cows on the server that was really funny so go check out his video down below and then see if you want to do something similar I’m wait slaying oh no salting no I’m not salting I’m slaying how are you

Okay I’m going to buy some Rockets because I think I only have a stack yeah I only have a stack and I would like more than a stack so let’s see how expensive are they one diamond for three stacks okay are you still streaming I am alive somehow mood painting absolute

Mood oh I feel that did be left okay bye dippy what you edit with we use yes we use the Vinci resolve would highly recommend actually really like it ooh a hardcore series with your friends that sounds great oh I don’t have the inventory space for this this is kind of terrible

Okay uh I can put this stuff there the Watermelons the glow ink that I don’t Need okay now I have a little bit more space to work with that should be okay and then I could can get one two three four five six Stacks absolute sleigh now I’m sorted for a while cuz I honestly don’t fly often so this is going to last me a good amount of Time and then we’re going to fly back to where I was and and you looking for diamonds cuz so far I haven’t found any how long have I been streaming for too long and I haven’t found any diamonds like today is not my day but it’s okay

You know it is what it is dippy hello how’s your day going how are you [Applause] doing oh you also got Bedrock s yeah you are missing out on the warden I’m going to be honest oh you’re very is so old wow 1.6.4 can’t go up that okay need to look with OBS studio now on launcher oh okay I see a donut SMP series on Bedrock s that

Sounds good is this the right I want to go more East I think who made you a texture pack painting which is also another ignited remember the the dude in the middle um yeah painting thing down below check out his videos they’re really really cool if you need some

Extreme video content ideas check his out cuz he is always doing like big crazy fun builds and farms and everything it’s amazing good good slay I had to answer the door slay oh what is this what is this hold on a second what am I what did I

Find oh live stream is well nice live stream is is very fun I would recommend it I’m back welcome back I don’t know what I just found but I’m I’m not really going to question it you know oh and also I’m supposed to be going this way actually though no why

Can’t I use my elytra why I struggle why do I Struggle machine is almost done so if the game lag soon you know why okay very slay painting I will know very much why am I going the right way I am okay I’m just going to say slay as I do you know oh you need a texture pack I don’t

Know how to make those to be honest don’t really know how those are made I’m not the right person to Ask ask him if he can make you a texture pack I don’t know he might be able to but I think he’s also very busy at the moment so I’m not sure work but I will ask him and I will get back to you can you ask painting I will

Uh oh you’re going to hop on in 30 minutes slay that’s Zen cops his base build okay H I was I was a bit confused I’m not going to lie was a little bit confused that means he is is going to gain on me oh that’s true wait that’s

True thank you anytime any time how old are you I’m 21 21 uh is this the right I’m very I’m feeling very discombobulated right now I just don’t know where I’m going to be honest but that’s the fun of going caving you know you just end up somewhere random and that’s very slay yes wait DIY how is the doggo how is the doggo

Doing what 21 you sound like you’re 18 or 16 NOP 21 um yeah no I’m 21 is what it is if you mean like my voice is high I am a girly I am a woman I am the girly pops you know but I don’t know what you mean by but no I’m

21 nice your 16 slay I need a mic honestly same right now I’m using the one that’s on my headphones um and it’s actually doing like a okay job you know it’s okay it’s kind of L but I think if I got a better mic it would be better you

Know not so good in a lot of pain after his operation was he sent home with like pain medicine or something a that’s sad though for video don’t use mic in any video now oh I see okay do you not have one oh I guess not

All headphones come with a mic on it if that makes sense slay exactly Absolut slay start a survival series in 1.17.1 with my friends ooh that sounds very fun that sounds very very fun be right back go live your best life neat freeze where am

I um and where are the caves because I’m not really seeing any right now he’s doped up to his eyeballs very sad doggo a or doggo that’s so sad I hope he gets better soon I’m sure he will but I hope he gets better soon it is sad isn’t

It uh you or friends yes dippy’s on igniter as well dippy’s another igniter member knee Freez is on igniter paintings on ignit n um links down below lightning would highly recommend you check them out they make great videos um so yes we are we’re all besties where am I going

Um I don’t know sure later okay slay very very slay this is like a small island M no cuz I want to go south and South is this way didn’t I just come from South I don’t know it’s fine though but Bedrock you know yeah I know what you mean see I

Don’t know if you get many Bedrock smps but maybe you do I have no idea you kind of need to just like search and like research and Google and maybe you’ll find a SMP that does red redb I mean Bedrock but I don’t know I don’t even know what if you

Googled it or like went on YouTube and were like Bedrock spps you might be able to find something something that could interest you something that might be a fun little Bedrock Type S SMP thing for Content slay what type of content do you want to make on an SMP

Like say you found a Bedrock SMP and you joined and it was a slight time what kind of content would you make okay let me fly again because survival sleigh yeah this is also survival survival you can’t go wrong with the good old little survival you know it’s

You do be kind of slave kind of love it oh okay why is this not holding in wow I’m really just not finding the caves today I’m going to get in my boat and go I don’t know where I’m going to go you’re going to search right now

Slay very slay okay I’m just going to go this way I think I actually just flew from this direction but you know actually no I didn’t no I did not okay we’re going this way and maybe there’s a nice cave maybe there isn’t time will tell time will tell there’s some

Turtles that’s so s wait is this a desert did I just to be honest I don’t really like deserts but did I just find a desert May oh maybe I can find a desert temple wait actually I take that back maybe I do want to find a desert

You found it it’s been a month are you saying you’ve been looking for a Bedrock SMP for a month or did you lose something I I lose things sometimes and they’re always like the thing I’ve lost always ends up being in a place I checked like multiple

Times and for some reason I just didn’t see it those multiple times you know no I found a video saying it oh okay Slay Slay that’s great okay we’ve got some horses some sheep do I still okay my light is still on so I’m just going to run jump

Slay no because I’m literally in the middle of nowhere where’s the land I want to go north now where’s the land where’s the caves what is actually happening like where am I going oh my Goodness ooh hold on a second hold on a second I think I just found a cave okay we’re going to enter from the other way and I also want to put my chest plate on before I go because we have to be kind of careful here you

Know there we go Absolut slay okay we’re ready to go okay I’m going to go around over here I think this looks like it’s it’s a like a big cave please going to be a big cave please that would be so nice oh oh it looks like it ends oh wait no

No no there might be something over here that goes to deep slate please yes I see some deep slate in this direction okay yes I see some deep slate we might have found a decent cave besties just maybe oh you’re back welcome back welcome back neat freeze I’m trying to find it you

Got it I believe lightning you got it this one was posted 3 weeks ago can I get it you can I believe I very much believe you can get it oh no okay there’s diamonds there okay that looks like a deep end but I did okay I’m seeing some diamonds okay

First I’m going to H which way do I go first let’s mine these first I guess absolute slay NE freeze we’re two diamonds richer we are two diamonds richer absolute slay finally I found some diamonds okay now I’m going to go this way and get these diamonds and then we’re going to continue

Searching slay exactly the biggest Sligh of all time honestly yay slay exactly dippy exactly we’re doing it we’re finding diamonds oh wow this is a big strain that was what like six seven diamonds wow that was Nice NE freeze wait no I’ll say Howdy okay yeah I think that’s it so I’m going to H do I continue this way I’ll continue this way wait there’s a m shaft that’s a m shaft okay okay interesting you found one talking to them right now oh slay that’s quick absolute sleigh okay red stone okay

Okay interesting this I think goes back up to Cobblestone so I don’t want to go there I don’t want to go too high up because then there is basically a zero chance of there being diamonds so don’t want to really do that do I oh nice very

Nice very very nice dippy no what happened neat freeze what happened what happened neat freeze what went wrong are you okay my first Ender Chest this season neat freeze neat freeze no no no what did I join I don’t know you tell me you’re the one who joined it wait no oh my

Goodness that is so tragic neat freeze that’s so tragic no oh my goodness well I guess now you’ve got some obsidian I guess now you’ve got some obsidian so that’s I mean I don’t know if you need obsidian but if you you did now you’ve got it ooh another enchanted golden apple

And a bucket oh my goodness I do be kind of slay okay let’s go this way oh yeah this way looks like there’s going to be diamonds for sure wee wee is a Minecraft Bedrock smpp utilizing the rayons okay I don’t know what that is but Java comback add-on and

A custom coded add-on that adds over five you just game this is one weird it sounds interesting it sounds like it could be a fun time it sounds like it could be a fun time do the people seem nice like do the people on the S&P seem nice though

That’s a diamond I don’t know there’s not oh they’re not telling any anything okay I see hello oh my goodness I’m being attacked I am being attacked Critical Hits Critical Hits Critical Hits wait no Okay oh my goodness what is it with me and creepers today I literally just don’t hear them don’t hear them don’t see them they don’t exist they’re saying swear wordss oh so they’re not family friendly Okay I I don’t know what to do that I don’t know like you know in this situation I guess it’s like if you make familyfriendly content then obviously the S&P is not for you but if that’s not something that matters to you then maybe you do want to join I don’t know you

Know it all depends on what you think will work best for you H is this an underwater cave are there potentially diamonds down here any diamonds please yeah there’s no diamonds wait oh that goes okay that’s like a surface thing there okay okay where’s the hole here it is okay

Interesting you got to go goodbye lightning I hope you have a great rest of your day keep slaying good luck with finding a Bedrock S&P you got it I believe thank you for watching I appreciate it uh yeah no there’s could to be more diamonds in this direction my my diamond senses are

Tingling watch there be no diamonds now oh am I jinxing myself am I jinxing myself please no please I don’t want to be doing that I do not want to be doing that okay there’s not really much there there’s di right but like don’t really need

That how many diamonds have I got 12 okay we’re getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere that’s for sure oh my goodness why a creep is so scary why tell me why ain’t nothing but a heart that should be one of my redeems actually I might consider making that a

Redeem you never ever know never ever uh no I don’t want to go down here no thank you and then let’s check what’s around the corner kind of nothing hello Okay yeah no I’m pretty sure that’s a dead end let’s turn around this is an interesting crevice a very I’m still in my crevice era it would appear but you know it’s just a great descriptive word you know there’s nothing quite like the word crevice nothing quite like the word

Crevice those are diamonds okay and those are more diamonds okay I really don’t want the creepers to blow up the diamonds so I have to be careful about how I do this cuz for some reason there’s like five creepers over there don’t know why it’s kind of rude to be

Honest but like whatever is what it is I guess oh oh oh wait where am I going Uh that got rid of most of them Absolute slay I was hoping it would okay let’s get this skeleton dude go in the lava yes no wait no land in the yes go in the lava exactly exactly oh there’s more diamonds over here oh my goodness I’m finding so

Many diamonds I’m actually kind of living my best life right now except for the creepers but it’s okay you know you can’t always be slaying can’t always be slaying if I’ve learned anything in my lifetime I’ve learned That wait am I about to potentially get another music disc hold the front door guys wait a minute no maybe I’m not maybe this is a bad idea especially since my spawn is very far away and I’m all by myself you know like maybe we don’t do this I don’t

Know like maybe we do maybe we don’t couldn’t really tell you there okay there’s three skeletons you have to get one of these creepers Surely oh come on how are you missing the creeper how are you guys actually missing the creepers wow okay well I tried you know I I tried didn’t really work out it’s okay oh critical hit things boom okay slay now let’s get this one shame the zombie there we go slay

Okay just got to check the back alleys for diamonds you already know yeah I don’t want to explore this too much cuz I don’t want to lose the main cave that I was just in cuz it’s a big cave and I already saw three diamonds at least in there

So I kind of want to go back and mine those diamonds you know would be nice would be fun do I want to try to see what’s over here lava okay let’s not go that way okay there’s no diamonds over here so what I’m going to do is go back this

Way M those two diamonds and then I need a circle back around there cuz there’s a diamond down there but that’s easy I can do that okay Diamond things and skeleton things oh wait no my critical hit skills are not really slaying where did I M that

Diamond where oh it was right here okay cuz you know you got to mind in the area see if there’s more exactly see normally there’s a little extra one hiding and you just got to find It okay then okay Redstone we don’t need that more diamonds as we honestly kind of should at this Point uh okay I’m really paranoid about these creepers trying to attack me but for now they seem a bit preoccupied so that’s good boom boom okay absolute slave well let me check what’s over here what is going on with this little crevice okay I think it kind of just goes in a

Circle back to the rest of the cave that was there okay I don’t think this goes anywhere interesting there’s some gold but that’s not what we’re looking for today you know that’s not what we’re searching for boom and then I run away and then Boom boom okay slay uh nothing over Here let me go around this corner I think it’s like a little oh wait it’s not actually a dead end okay okay okay interesting ooh oh I see a dungeon I see a dungeon my besties where did I see it though up there somewhere Okay where’s your friend gone apparently okay was like up here somewhere I’m pretty sure oh and a diamond right by the dungeon absolute slay honestly absolute Slay are there any extra ones there is another one Absolut slay absolute yes I’m actually kind of living loving laughing right now you know and that’s what we should all try and attempt to do because why wouldn’t you okay I did not know the spider was here but

Okay let’s look at what’s in the chest okay oh another name tag I’ll take that bread I’ll take that gunpowder I’ll take that the wheat honestly I don’t think I’m going to take the coal I’ll take gunpowder I’ll take sleigh okay now we’re chilling now we be out here

Chilling I saw more diamonds I think over here yes was it this one or am I missing some diamonds I think it was yeah I think it was these ones over here that I saw boom Nicola hello how is your day going how are you doing how’s it going

Bestie when did you start cooking oh also bestie I’ve got some very sad news so I’ve ordered your birthday gift but I’m not going to be able to actually give it to you on Thursday because it’s taking up to it says 14 to 16 you know I

Ordered it I was like oh it probably take a week whatever and then it said 14 to 16 business days so your birthday present is going to be a bit delayed I’m not going to be able to give you your present on your birthday but you are getting a present

Don’t worry it’s just you know it’s in the mail it’s doing its thing I don’t know why it’s going to take so long to get here but you know whatever as long as it gets here that’s all that really matters is as long as it gets here wait

Have I asked how you have asked how your day is going don’t stress about it okay slay I was thinking yeah no it’s just not going to come in time but that’s okay you know is what it is but I’m looking forward to Thursday it’s going to be like the highlight of

My week you know I’m very much looking forward to it my dad’s Christmas present still hasn’t arrived can you tell me what you got him can you spill the tea what did you get him cuz he you know he won’t he won’t see this he won’t know but that’s sleigh

That doy slay I have bad news and I thought much worse things than a delayed gift well yeah I was a bit over dramatic but you know it’s not necessarily happy news either so I had to say bad news you know I just feel like that really just explained it a bit

Better it’s not happy okay you know what maybe it’s okay news it’s not bad news it’s not good news it’s just okay news maybe I don’t know massive sleigh book on like every guitar that’s ever been made oh my goodness absolute slave besy every guitar that’s whoa I can’t imagine how many pages

That’s much have in it because I just feel like there’s lots of guitars out there you know like wow now must be a big book like if someone breaks in grab the book and hit them with it cuz it will knock them out you know like that’s sounds like a heavy thick

Book but that’s slay okay that’s very slay okay let me no please there we go we got a diamond two Diamond now we’ve got 21 we’re doing okay neat freeze we’re doing okay 23 was there another one that I didn’t pick up I swear maybe not I’m not too

Sure we’re doing kind of great right now okay I got to dig more in this direction actually just to double check yeah okay so there’s nothing there we’re slaying we’ve got a decent amount of diamonds we’re kind of doing great right now oh my goodness gracious me

Huh you know what loky I kind of want to go this way I just feel like there would be diamonds here you know and maybe there aren’t and I’m making things up but I feel like there might be diamonds this way I don’t know you know falling in love is not

Really the best thing to do so obviously I’m going to try my best not to do that but I do also kind of just want want to go this way and see what is here your days been CH slay played some V absolutely slay some genin

Slay watch some Tik toks and lost my mind okay but in a good way okay okay that’s very slave bestie very very slay very slay sounds like a nice chill day okay uh Are we almost there I think we’re almost there I’m very much adventuring out of

My comfort zone right now look at This it’s a wild time we’re almost close to the other side we have almost made it I’ve actually been losing my mind since Sunday night all about the same stuff ooh okay okay what do you want to share do you want to Spill the thesis what’s been going on would love to

Know how far are you into your tree your your 3our timer M I don’t know 2 hours I think no wait hold on a Minute 3 hours how long have I been live for I can’t tell hold on why is my thing kind of broken please let me know let me know okay yes we I think we have an hour left I’m like just under 2 hours in we have like 1 hour left we’re doing

Great we’re doing really great okay slay tell me about it tell me about it we’re very much slaying right now okay not seeing any diamonds here yet ke oh never mind turn the whoa and there’s more okay never mind I’m glad I came this way this is nice this is very much

Nice I love it here actually wow why do you have gold armor what are you doing what are you doing okay okay okay that’s two major Slay turn the corner and there’s another one another one just like that okay nice let’s go kind of thing I usually lose my mind over I’m sure you can connect oh yeah no I can connect the dots I very much can okay that’s very slay that’s very slay Bestie ooh more one two three four okay please be more please be more please or not you know Four’s a decent amount I’m happy with four you know that’s pretty slay we’re at 30 we’re almost at half a stack we’re so close to why are there so

Many zombies down here we’re so close to half a stack we really do be slaying right now we really do be slaying is this a dead okay it’s a dead end I thought it would be a bit more promising but alas here we are and it’s a dead

End uh is there anything up here there might actually be there might actually be a little something something ooh okay we have a little bit of a lava moment okay okay okay very Interesting okay let’s go back this is a dead end this is not a slate we go back this I might be a little lost no me get lost never sorry bestie if I had the potions I would cure you but I don’t have the potions so you know like what am I

Supposed to do in such a situation all I can do is Apologize okay I’m pretty sure I went this way oh no that’s the dead end never mind never mind that’s the dead end that I must have come from up here somewhere yes I it was kind of like a dwood spiral I remember this now I do be Remembering okay but now I’m lost oh no no no no no wait now I don’t I think I might I came from this way though right yes because Okay jump scare and a half that was not necessary besy not necessary at all but Okay if you look at my Discord you’ll see one of examples causing my current state of insanity ooh look at the Discord okay say less bestie say less I will look at the Discord where are You oh I’m looking in the complete wrong spot oh absolute slay is that turtleneck oh absolute slay absolute slay bestie oh you don’t have to do it now okay well okay I just meant like well you know the curiosity killed the cat I kind of had to look now

I was I was I had to I was just in it I just had to I was very curious oh wait no hold on I don’t think I’ve been up here oh no but this does that actually go up to the sky wait hold on is this a potential way out oh my

Goodness it actually goes up to the sky I think Okay no are you guys seeing what I’m seeing it’s a total nick absolute Slay are you guys seeing what I’m seeing a ho witch a whole witch what are you doing here I just realized oh you only going to drop some sticks okay fine be like that I just realized I went to the end and turned my Hostile Mobs down because of the Ender

Being too loud and then I forgot to turn it back up so there we go we fixed that now it is now fixed oh wait where did I come from was it over here No I do be kind of lost right now okay do I maybe just go this way this might just be the way I don’t really it is a busy evening you can say that again you can say that one again you really just can where did I come

From maybe I just go down here this seems like a great place to go to be honest okay interesting a lava pool that’s a whole witch exactly exactly you get the Vibes a whole witch honestly nightmare you’re right there I you know I’m trying to go back

The way that I came from but right now I do not know the way that I came from so is this okay it’s a dead end yeah I don’t really know which direction to be going in but that’s okay you know we just here for the Vibes and right now I’m rning running

Away as I should to be honest as I should what else would I be doing not running away why not run away when you could run away quote of the day quote of the day another spawner this is like my sixth spawner of the stream oh my goodness

Wow I really got to work on my Critical Hits okay let’s see okay some bread gun powder honestly I don’t want to take the gun powder and the bones cuz I already have a lot of that and like I’m not using it for anything so it’s kind of just going to

Sit there and collect dust so we’re not getting that how is your day being great I woke up you know did work I was really really tired but then I took this amazing 3-hour nap and I’m feeling fabulous cuz last night I slept terribly I

Did yeah I probably got like an hour of sleep I had one of the worst nights of sleep this year actually yeah we’re nine days in the year and it was probably my worst night of sleep this year kind of wild okay bye little zombie man why little zombie

Man I think this just goes in a circle right I think so oh my goodness love to see it was not expecting such amazing things down here but here we are oh not me trying to mine with my my torch wow wow wow Wow okay we’re now at 32 we’re at half a stack okay know I was hoping to get multiple Stacks but you know I’m also just going to take what I can get you know I’m a grateful I’m a grateful human being I’m going to take what I can get

And I’m going to love live La it oh that is some lava right there that is some lava also I’m getting a bit lost at this point I think we need a backtrack cuz I lost where I came from and honestly I don’t think that’s very

Slay inrix hello how are you doing it’s been so long yo I thought you died me no I would never do that but you know what this is something I actually think about a lot I don’t know it’s it might be kind of funny I don’t know

Maybe you can relate but I think about this all the time I’m like if I die how are my online friends going to know I’ve died they’re going to think I’ve just ghosted them and like I’m ignoring them and stuff how are they going to know if I’ve died or

Not you know like who’s going to tell them I can’t you know is that something you guys ever think about cuz I do be thinking about that I do be thinking about that one but no I’m not dead I’m very much alive unless this is my ghost

But lowy I don’t think ghost exists I don’t know so no I’m very much alive how have you been I’m doing great how have you been how was your holidays you know did you have a fun holidays how was your New Year how have you been probably not oh

Yeah you probably just haven’t seen the streams I don’t know I’m not too sure you’re doing good I’m glad you’re doing good I’m glad uh I’m a bit lost right now you know not going to lie okay copper don’t need that neat freeze is gone okay bye-bye

Neat freeze oh I know exactly where I am never mind I lied I actually have a great oh she’s back I have an fabulous sense of direction I actually know exactly where I am we’re going okay I was going to say we’re going home but we’re we’re not going home we’re just

Going back to where I came from this way no holidays mostly just admissions to colleges ooh how has that been like is there a specific College you really want to go to do you not really mind and you’ve applied to like a bunch like are you going if you in I

Don’t know if you are from America but if you are in America are you going to a college in state or out of state like is it very far from your house like how’s it wow you know I would love to go to college out of state cuz then it’s like

You you’re spreading your wings you know you’re moving away spreading your wings it’s kind of a fun time but I don’t live in America reminds me Mr Bean I like it I love Mr Bean he’s so funny like that’s my type of humor right there I actually love Mr Bean I should make a Mr Bean redeem that kind of Rhymes but yeah no I I do be I do be a big fan of Mr

Bean I found where I wanted to go look here I found a diamond I spoke about like 20 minutes ago absolute slay oh K say Okay Slay Slay wait what where did it oh here it Is admitting to colleges in the US currently and waiting for my UK IV wait what UK i v i e LTS ukat okay that’s a long wow results so I can admit to UK unit ooh absolute slay that sounds very fun would you prefer to

Go to the the us or the UK like which one would you prefer to go to a woman of culture I really am interx you know what you’re talking about I really do be a woman of culture like Mr Bean best man to ever exist to be honest

He’s just so he’s so funny I actually can’t he’s just great got to love It ah being all the way wow shees you’re really just going for it that’s lay though ah it depends on the city okay okay you know what I would love actually maybe I wouldn’t actually love this but I would love to go to like America but the middle of nowhere so like where

There’s like tons of corn fields there’s like a very small town I feel like that would be a fun experience I don’t know why but I just I think it would be fun I would choose Chicago okay over everything but other than that mostly the UK

Okay you know my godmother lives in the UK and I I mean I do want to go visit the UK at some point but I’m definitely not going anytime soon but when I do I’m definitely going to hit her up and be like hey can I stay with

You cuz I know she has a spare bedroom I know she does she is a business girly she’s a girl boss she makes the money she’s got children I she lives in like a big house I know she’s got a spare bedroom so if she declines me I’m going to be heart

Broken like does my godmother not actually like me blood twist the diggle of the dino is epic you know the the forture of the Sha is epic that’s what I’m saying where are you from me or sha I don’t know me South Africa sha Canada I would not coming I would not

Recommend coming to a college in South Africa though don’t do it save yourself why you still can um I think I’ve kind of have found all the diamonds in this cave unless I’m just like not seeing any you know unless I’m just not really seeing any okay okay interesting um hello and I

Run okay it goes back to here okay yeah I’m kind of going in circles at this point okay I need to go back this way and figure out how I actually got here that would be that would be a good idea I think I don’t know if I’ve been up here

Yet but if I haven’t then there might be some diamonds okay that’s some lava right there oh Enchanted leather armor this is a fancy skeleton say less you know what I would love to see a skeleton and netherite attacking me that would be a sight for so eyes it really would Be bro slaying who is who is bro but bro is slaying whoever you mean by bro bro bro is kind of slay not going to lie don’t know who bro is but bro be slay okay I’m running away current plans are to get a college from outside my

Country to accept me so I can rent an apartment there oh my goodness absolute slay buy a PC with my life savings and just game create content for fun and study computer science honestly that sounds like such a great plan like that sounds solid that sounds amazing like I would

Love to go to university somewhere else in the world and get an apartment and stuff I think it would be very fun don’t know oh didn’t know there was a limit to words on YouTube there is I don’t know why but there is and I don’t know what it is cuz it’s

Been a while since I tried to type a long comment on something but there do be a a word limit there really do be please don’t knock me in this pit I don’t want to be in there please and thanks ooh oh wait there’s some lot okay

Mhm I know I’ve been okay this is the way I came from I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure this is the way I came From okay no this is not really going to work no please okay we’re just going to go around as if nothing is happening no one’s attacking me why would they do that you know oh this is a dead end okay uh maybe I do be a little

Lost do I no cuz that’s just lava oh I’m not lost this is where I want to go I wanted to find somewhere with the m shaft and the screw dreams M shaft to me so we’re actually going to the absolute right way you went to college no I have not

Gone to college uh I might but I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and what I would study if I went to college and all that stuff and you know I don’t want to go there and then study something that I don’t end up

Using because college is expensive so I want to make sure that when I do go to college I’m going to study something that I am very interested in so I haven’t gone yet but I might in the future you know colleges I do but like I have never been to

One the hard part currently is getting acceptance from the top 200 colleges in the whole world oh my goodness top 200 you’re reaching for the Stars bestie but you got it I believe you’re you’re ambitious and that’s great so I can money from the government it’s nice when the government gives you

Money it is very nice I mean they’ve never given me money before but I can only imagine it must be Nice take as much time as you want it’s full theed at trust that’s what everyone is telling me you know which you know initially I was a bit concerned that maybe I wasn’t making the right decision but everyone I’ve spoken to about it is like yeah

It’s best that you wait and actually you know figure things out before you just go to college so very slay very very slay okay 34 we okay so we found the M shaft which is what I wanted to find so we’re actually doing kind of not the not the cave spider no absolutely not okay you know what um this is where we whip out the torture so I can see where I’ve been

There okay is this a dead end it is a dead end okay there requirements to get money for the government is to get acceptance from the top 200 college and even then some of them AR accepted ooh well I hope you get into the one of the top 200 colleges and I

Hope that you do get accepted by the government cuz that would be very nice taking a couple of months or years is for the better yeah I’m on the your part you know I’ve been out of school now for if I’m 21 and I matriculated when I

Was 3 years it’s been 3 years so it’s been a while but you know I’m trying to not rush life you know I’m just trying to take it slow really just try to figure things out I’m really trying to not stress myself out too much

Because I used to do that and it’s not the funnest thing on this planet would not really recommend so yeah obviously it’s great to have dreams and Ambitions but don’t stress yourself out too much you know cuz at the end of the day it’s not that deep you’re going to die no

One’s going to remember you like you Know the fact that you’re happy is one of the most important things I’m having a bit of an inspirational moment I guess for example I was forced to get into college by my parents as soon as I finished high school I’m so glad my parents didn’t force me to do

That cuz by now I would have a degree that I’m not interested in and that would just be a waste of money I didn’t know and guess what happened at this college I didn’t even try makes sense cuz you won’t you know feel like if you choose to do something

Then you’re more likely to put in effort and be committed you know then if you’re forced to do something then you’re just like why am I even doing this this is getting very philosophical I know right it really is it to be getting very philosophical I almost said

Sople that’s not really a word is it sosal it sounds you know what that sounds like an extinct dinosaur species or something like so the fosle that sounds like I can’t why am I finding this so funny it sounds like a dinosaur it’s still a fosle oh you’re absolutely right slay dippy Slay

Slay it’s good to know that I’m making the right decisions you know Force subjects and I failed all of them I think because I just didn’t even read a single word yeah you know that makes sense remember when I talked about me getting injuries all the time guess what I just

Finished surgery like a week ago let’s go how did it go are you doing okay are you recovering well like how are you doing are you doing okay that’s really good though than dark you’re so funny Slay esophagal Slay esophagal I can’t sophical I love that how are you doing

Doc how’s your day going how are you doing I hope you’re doing Well F foso saurus philosophos saurus is that an actual dinosaur name cuz that does sound like dinosaur I feel like that would be a dinosaur philosophos orus yes that’s giving me dinosaur Vibes oh why are there two Creepers I was not expecting that oh my Goodness oh my goodness oh okay well is what it is sophical I love it slay sophical I am going to if I ever invent a word it’s going to be that word I don’t know what the meaning is going to be just yet but that’s the word I did no surgery couldn’t breathe

Through it all that well slay how is the breathing going now is it better I mean you’re still recovering so maybe you won’t notice anything yet because you know it takes a while to recover Sometimes uh there we go I don’t need a a whole stack of deep slate I really don’t like what am I going to do with that I’m not too sure oh there’s some water here do I need water I no I don’t okay oh not me being stuck in a cobweb

Okay there we go okay okay in oh there’s a spawner down here okay I see diamonds as well oh my goodness absolute slay absolute slay oh oh my goodness please don’t attack me please what did I ever do to you okay let’s get these diamonds shall we let’s get these Diamonds oh okay

Boom okay that’s two three diamonds richer 40 Diamonds oh I am actually making bank right now wow I’m getting the bread as the youth would say I’m getting the bread got any goals for 2024 that’s actually a great question also if you have goals and you want to share in be my

Guest I I don’t really have goals um I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions I don’t know why I just have never really made any normally when like I decide I want to do something I start like that day so when it comes to New Year’s there’s

Not really anything that I want to do if that makes sense cuz I’m already doing it does that make sense I think so I don’t know yeah I’ve just never really had us resolutions but I guess this year in general I guess if I had to like piix

Some New Year’s resolutions I say I’m just trying to be more I’m trying to put less well not less pressure on myself but I’m trying to make sure I get enough rest you know that I get enough sleep that I don’t get too stressed about small things you know that kind of stuff

But that stuff I’m always working on you know that’s stuff that I will forever be working on but it’s a slate time okay what is up here something fabulous no okay ooh Corner wait wait wait there was a cave here and I didn’t actually look okay there isn’t diamonds here so

It’s I’m not really missing out on Anything I want to do more things this year Absolut slay get out of the house take life a bit less serious exactly as you should cuz life is just a silly goofy time you know it is not that serious oh Wait there’s two Minecraft chest these so close to each other did I say Minecraft I mean Minecart chest things you know what I mean okay now we have four bread a golden apple okay name tag more torches I need that okay I don’t think I’m going to take the

Glowberries don’t think I need those I don’t no oh learn how to cook that’s something I actually need to work on is I would like to have some Like I don’t know some like you know I know how to cook and if I get given like a recipe book easy peasy I can make anything in a recipe book you know if I’m given it well okay not like a five star Chef recipe book but I can you know

What I mean I can can make basic things if I get given a recipe book however and the recipes but I would like to learn like a a handful of basic easy but also like nutritious meals that I can just make that I don’t have to have a recipe

For that I can just like you know some great go-to easy meals that I can just yeah I don’t know but that’s slay learn more computer science slay try to get a job so I can start collecting experience that’s a good that’s a good one I have a job currently which is very

Slay also I would like to learn how to edit videos absolute slay that I didn’t find editing video is very fun cuz you can get so creative with it oh oh oh that’s very fun I need to get my health in check this year too yeah honestly same like one thing I

Actually need to do is spend more time in the sun cuz I don’t get enough Sunshine um I was taking some vitamin D supplements but it was only I only got it the prescription for 6 months and then I stopped taking it so I now I’m need to kind of make the

Effort to be in the sun more cuz normally even if I’m in my room the curtains are closed and I have like blackout curtain like even if I’m inside I normally am still in like a dark shaded area don’t know why just um so I need to work on

That just being in the sunshine those are diamonds absolutely no ways those are diamonds okay absolute slaying at half maybe get good at Minecraft PVP as well actually that should be one of my goals as well cuz I’m not good at PVP also want to get better at Redstone actually

But right now I’m focusing on PvP with hos style mobs you know and just trying to like kill mobs in the best most efficient way possible when I’m caving and stuff like that you know so that’s what I’m trying to do at the moment repetition is the key so true

Do something enough like cooking certain recipes and they just stick exactly see that’s what I want to do getting sunlight is very important I know right it is we’re lowy like plants you know you know when you’re like in school when you learn about if you ever

Take biology I don’t know if you if any of you have ever taken Biology but I took biology and then you know you learn about plants and photosynthesis we’re Loki plants besties like we lowkey need sunshine too you know like not as much as plants but we’re lowkey

Plants if you if you’re going to take anything away from stream today we are plants humans equals plants and um slay sophical is is a new word I’m inventing soon don’t you worry those are the main key takeaways okay there’s no diamonds no diamonds we’re High key plants exactly

Doc exactly we do be highy plants we are we really are just plants which is really fun and fresh oops oopsy also it’s summer now for me so if I want to you know spend lots of time in the sunshine now’s kind of my moment because in a few months it’s

Going to get a lot more cloudy and I mean there’s still going to be some but just not as much so now is my moment ooh another Diamond say less say less okay I actually actually wrote something in one of my essays for colleges about plants and humans oh that sounds so Interesting oh that sounds really interesting watch me like maybe next time not next time but maybe at some point in the future I will watch a documentary on how important Sunshine is for Humans because now I’m just a bit fascinated you know but also don’t burn see that’s true I do burn very easily I do be a pale Queen so that is something I need to be careful of but I’m thinking like 10 20 minute increments of sunshine could be

Could be good for me okay maybe we’re not supposed to go that way you know I was going to try but maybe we’re not supposed to go that way we just bought a sad seasonal affected disorder lamp I’ve heard about those oh what do you do like do you

Think it’s worth it what are your thoughts cuz I’ve heard about those and they sound really Interesting gets dark in Canada that makes sense cuz it must be like very cloudy and stuff wow that’s really Cool okay let me not go this way actually I don’t think I’ve been here yet but no I don’t want to go that way Either I think I have maybe gone everywhere I have no idea I think I have but I remember down here seeing more yes there’s more over here I just need to get there there we go a little Bridge moment it was along the line that we

Were like a rose seed yet to bloom and we Bloom with the already bloomed Rose’s help oh that’s so slay okay okay where I the student am the seed and the professors are the bloom the Roses something like that ooh that sounds really interesting be right back go live your best life

INX go live your best life that sounds so interesting I’ve always been someone that’s very interested in biology and how plants and humans work and stuff yeah I did like a research paper for school about the appendex and it was really interesting and I really enjoyed it actually I was dreading this research

Paper because you literally take like 6 months to do the research paper and yeah you do it over the course of like 6 months and it’s like long and it has you have to site all the sources and it’s like this like a proper research paper

And why is there a child attacking me please don’t do that And anyways I was dreading it everyone you know when they do the research paper are like oh my goodness this sucks so much so I was expecting to really just not enjoy my time however okay oh however I actually really enjoyed it and I researched the

Appendix and whether it was a well or whether it is a vestigal organ cuz actually fun little fact it was widely believed that the appendix was a vestigal organ a few years ago before medicine and that kind of stuff has advanced to where it is now

Now it’s like an immune system for your gut but a while ago it was believed to be a vdal organ yeah no it was a lot of fun I’m not going to lie one day in feel more awake but it can take time apparently okay okay Slay

Slay nice so you literally like just got it then ooh just set it up in front of your face where you have breakfast every morning okay and then like if you work from home can you put it on your desk or is that not how it works Works wow I’m a porcupine right now I do be a porcupine 47 diamonds okay that’s not a bad amount of diamonds we’re doing pretty well we’re doing pretty well there we go okay let’s go this way cuz I don’t think I’ve been over here yet and I’m pretty sure I’m done with

The m Sho ooh see I’m so glad I went this way there’s a whole diamond right here just waiting for me yay okay now we’re at 48 now we’re at 48 that’s really nice oh another child no there’s two children no no no no no um sorry but no

Thanks what do you guys want from me okay what do you want from me cuz I don’t have it I don’t have it guys I promise depends on the strength of the light you buy okay recommended time for hours is 30 minutes okay yeah so then you just chill while you have

Breakfast oh now I want to research these sad lamps cuz they sound so interesting and like I vaguely know of them but I don’t know too much about them so maybe I should do some more research could be fun okay bye-bye skeletons bye-bye goodbye bye-bye skeletons okay now we’re going this Way this way okay actually you know what I’m going very high up which means I’m kind of going away from the diamonds however you know I think I’ve kind of got all the diamonds in this cave I think we either go home or find a new cave cuz I have very thoroughly explored

This cave which is very slay we’ve got 48 diamonds and potentially counting if we get more you Know you never know South Africa is a pretty sunny place you can get it for free by going outside you can you can get it for free it is a very like Sunny kind of I guess you could say tropical place it’s kind it’s not it’s not tropical but it’s like

Kind of tropical like it’s hot in summer it’s humid a lot um and then in Winter we basically just get like rain and if there’s a storm we sometimes get like thunder lightning heavy rain and then like some hectic winds but that’s about it you know I would say it’s kind of

Tropical but yes sunshine is free here how fun is that it’s free you just have to go outside and stand there for a few seconds and next thing you know boom hopefully you’ve got some vitamin D you know and it’s very very slay oh oh that’s glow liing okay never mind I

Thought I found more Diamonds oh a spawner okay wow I feel like this is my seventh or eighth one I found today I have found so many dungeons today but that’s really fun okay bye-bye spider I’m Sorry I’ve already got that but I’m going to take the golden apple and the bread sleigh that is great that’s kind of fabulous put my stone down and then let’s go down here it’s probably a dead end but okay called it I called it it’s a dead

End what I think I’m going to do is go up this way and then I’m going to try to get as high as I can inside the cave and then we’re going to staircase up cuz I think my 3 hours is done let me check apparently I still have half an

Hour so maybe we just find another cave I don’t know no I think maybe we find another cave cuz this cave is this Cave’s done you know there’s no diamonds here it’s Doo ified if that makes any sense okay I was just here what I’m going to

Do is try and get up here to where it actually goes to Cobblestone and then This is requiring some parkour and it’s never really been one of my strengths there we go there we oh the gravel there’s some gravel it’s the gravel for me see what is this y 23 24 we’re getting somewhere besties okay and then I want to go south south is the

Way okay so let’s stare up in this direction this is so slay I think I might be beneath a jungle I have no idea actually no I think it might be Badlands or Mesa what is it called now I know the name changed but I can’t remember what changed to what if that

Makes sense oh no is it tiger is it called tiger now I have no idea the thing with the Terra Cotta the biome with all the Terra Cotta that one that’s the one I’m thinking of no I don’t have space for the coal okay Um I’ll get rid of the deeps later I think I already have a few blocks of deep sleep and realistically I’m not going to use them for anything so I’m not going to keep them unnecessarily oh my goodness was that gravel that was gravel where am I I just like entered a

Little cave okay oh wait no this is where I m the coal I’m just a little disorientated okay no we’re going up okay H goodness gracious Me there we go I think now we’re done with the gravel that’s kind of fabulous and I’m going to get more coal because there’s just something about Coal you know imagine all the buckets no all the iron I could smelt with this coal and then all the buckets I could make with that iron and then all the ax lles I can get with those buckets see kind of slay what is your timer wait no wait is

Your timer up already no I think I have 30 minutes left I didn’t actually set a timer so I’m just going like I’m just streaming for 3 hours and according to YouTube I’ve been live for 2 and 1 half hours so technically I have like another half an

Hour but I haven’t actually set a timer is it raining it’s raining wow I must be oh was that a bird trapping am I close that close to the surface I must be surely footsteps oh those on mine never mind the outside World going to get rid of that and that we’re going to pick these up a little bit of torch there oh is that is it thundering okay then boom like I was never there and I said I wanted to go South so this way okay let’s go

Southward and let’s see if we can find anything and then is this a village oh my goodness we found a village okay this is exciting I love me a good Village you know oh and then it’s like a mini cave slay we’ve got some chickens got a love

It okay this looks like a bit of a small village yellow bed okay nice standard house never mind this is where the party is okay this person I get it they don’t really like people they’re away from the the main attraction and that’s okay I get that where’s the oh here’s the

Door there’s a child okay mhm see I love these houses a bedroom we’ve got even got a dining table the carpet Second Story beautiful view out the balcony that’s partially blocked by a tree but it’s fine we’re not going to deduct points for that it’s okay

And yeah no that’s a great one okay we’ve got the IM oh I also there’s a cat I’m so far away from home right now I don’t I’m not going to bring it home but it’s a cat I also like these ones oh my goodness I love these houses which

It’s like two in one cuz then you have a roommate oh my goodness oh there’s bread you know what I’m going to give them my bread cuz I actually don’t really need it so I’ll just give it to That ooh a Tall Tree okay slay Slle what is this oh it’s the butcher I think okay some crops we’ve got some cows you know I think this is accidental but let’s just say they made a pond and it looks great that gives them some points oh my goodness my favorite house of all time where you get four

Roommates absolute Sligh and then the nice view of the yes I actually really like this Village okay what is in here another standard house okay ooh this is the map dude okay a cartographer I’m not sure and even a waterfall they even have a waterfall I actually I’m going to give

This villager an eight out of 10 I actually really like it they’ve got cat all three of my favorite houses no I really like it here I’m going to give this Village 8 out of 10 anyways we got to continue South although it looks like there’s nothing here except water but you

Know you don’t know until you actually look so you’re back welcome back INX I was just looking at this amazing Village behind me it’s really nice it’s got some great houses in it it’s got a child but um you know I’m not really going to deduct some points for that it’s

Okay the children can children J joined oh my caps is on hey maybe there’s some like fun underwater caves we can go in cuz I do have aqua affinity and respiration 3 I don’t know which one is the one that helps me breathe under water but you know I’ve got that so it’s

Okay why did that sound so wrong I don’t know I wish I knew I wish I knew but I don’t know also I’ve got a pink boat I’m actually kind of slaying okay now little jungle moment you know I find jungles very hard to navigate because the terrain is very Uneven if that makes Sense do I need cocoa beans what is this I’m going to take it just in case you know I don’t think I need it but like just in case you never know I’ll take some it’s good to be prepared you know oh a creeper no way of there full

Creepers be right back just feel like watching some vids I uploaded on YouTube like years ago okay slay go live your best life go reminisce have a little bit of a nostalgic moment that’s so slay I love that for you oh okay ooh it’s not actually a dead end okay okay absolutely

Not I was just talking about axles and now I found a lush cave absolutely not I’ve actually just found a lush cave wow wow wow wow uh okay go away go away okay some lapis some Vines you know what I should actually get some Vines cuz I lowkey

Like to decorate with them oh didn’t I want to put some on my tree okay hold on a second I think I was going to add Vines to my tree I’m pretty sure I was was I need to put some stuff away though okay so we can put the coal away the

Cocoa beans the apples no wait those apples go somewhere else actually the string you know I don’t need the string so I’m not going to put it in my inventory and then hopefully I can get rid of it somewhere I’m sure I can okay put the

Apples away I’m going to keep all the apples I mean no all the diamonds I’ve got so far over here just so we can keep count because I want to know exactly how many diamonds I have you know I just want to keep count I want to

Know it’s a slate time I’m going to watch because the machine is ready to run but I’m going to make sure if it is on beforehand yes that’s probably a good idea no Jame I don’t think he even tried to attack me but you know children children these

Days is this a dead end no because where’s the actual Lush cave oh is it this way wait I think I might have found it is it this way whoa hold on a second this actually looks beautiful okay what I’m going to do yes that looks beautiful we got to

Take a screenshot of this besties I’m in my David Aden era that’s beautiful in certain not the children exactly exactly not the children never the children never ever wee okay down here is where we enter deep slate so there might be diamonds and also might be some accidents you never ever

Know although it actually looks like this is this a dead end wait hold on a second what is going on here what is going on here this is such like a cramped cave never mind look what we found here it opens up to this wow okay

Wee look at look at these Diamonds oh my goodness we actually we hit the jackpot cave wise you know we we really did and you know I wasn’t going to check out the crevice because I was like I’m wasting my time there’s not going to be anything

Interesting down there is there ax lle not yet but there are diamonds so you know got to take what you you can get got to take what you can get but hopefully I find a few cuz right now I actually don’t have that many and

That is sad you know cuz last season I had like four sugar boxes full of aelott So I need more actually okay we got five absolutely I just want to see there is more I knew it I actually knew it okay that goes nowhere I really want to make sure I’m not leaving any behind you know cuz diamonds do be kind of slay going to

Lie this is so fun look how pretty this is I’m loving this okay uh ooh skeletons taking a swimm okay that’s fun love that for of skeleton that’s a great time wow so we already have six diamonds from this cave this is great okay this is a dead end but this F

Actually I think this might be a dead end but I’m okay with it because we found the water cave and we got some diamonds so like I’m more than okay that this is a dead end you know this is wow could not have been better could

Not oh there’s even more and I didn’t see how did I not see this one how did I not see this WOW glad I came back in here glad I came back in because wow that would have been so sad you know I wouldn’t have known that I missed the

Diamond so I wouldn’t you know there wouldn’t have actually been anything to be sad about but still you know would have been sad and tragic that’s an Axel I’m stuck down here please yes okay thank you there’s two okay oh wait no there’s more okay I’m going to go see if I can get some tropical fish I don’t know if there are any but I’m going to see and then maybe we can get a baby ax

Aot could be SL I think there was someone here when I came down but they no they’ve probably despawned it’s okay I’m just going to get those I can breing them another time or something yay ax exactly there’s three house slay is this okay my first

One let me get rid of these things oh oh oh no what am I doing okay where’s the other one here you are oh so cute okay okay okay and then the third one where did it go uh it was in here where is it petunia where did you go petunia oh

Petunia hi bestie absolutely got to love it now I’ve got three I feel like you know we need to put these in a safe space I cannot lose these right now that is just a no from me and there should be some space yes okay now I don’t have a bucket but you

Know I’m fine with that I don’t need a bucket so it’s okay anything for the axotal anything for the axotal the llamas would love some Axel company oh my goodness yes we should put some axotal in the Llama enclosure that would be so cute that would be so

Cute okay glowberries there’s a blossom spool Thing this is a dead end is it I don’t think it is is wait hold on ooh oh this actually kind of does look like a dead end but wait no if you go around the corner wait a minute it’s not a dead end okay Okay okay ooh okay red Stone some glowberries ooh we found the cave part we found where the knce cave is this is so fun okay and run okay hit it and run okay there was oh yeah right here I want to see what’s over here because maybe there’s something no it’s a dead end

Okay I was going to say maybe there’s something fun but you know I wouldn’t call a dead end fun maybe some of you would but it’s just not fun for me me and oh I see a diamond I see a diamond I see a diamond oh my

Goodness why am I struggling so very much okay let me use my bow slay one hit okay let’s go up here down here oh I did not mean to fall just yet I do want to go down there but not right now not when there’s a diamond to be oh two

Diamonds to be mined four okay okay I see this is kind of fabulous I think that’s it but those were a fabulous Four Diamonds you know those were kind of fabulous and then I think this might be a dead end pretty sure it is yes but we found four diamonds from this little

Cave it dubiously and then wait wait wait wait no I want it to go down here there’s some lava and some okay no it’s just a dead end oh wait hold on let me swim there we go Redstone yeah no I think this goes up to kind of nowhere okay this was a nice one this was I swear for a second I saw a name tag but anyways I’m not going to question it you know I I don’t think someone is here I think

I think my eyes are just getting a little tired oh wait is this a little cave have I already been down here was this the dead end no oh that’s a skeleton okay bestie I can’t fight you yet this is not fair Okay yeah I feel like this okay you know what maybe there are diamonds Never Say Never if Justin Bieber has taught me anything he taught me to Never Say Never oh my goodness there are diamonds see Justin Bieber is right never say never you never know maybe there will be

Diamonds right around the corner you just have to go check for yourself and see okay eight we’re doing kind of fabulous I’m I think I might actually have a stack if not I’m very close to having a stack which is very very Nice uh okay go up here up there there’s some gold no that’s just some glowberries never Mind where am I I feel like I do be in the middle of no at but it’s a fun time ooh yeah I don’t really want to go down there that’s a no from me you know don’t swim in the lava as you will as you already know it’s just a

Thing that you don’t do you know it’s like mining straight down mining straight up what else is there is that it I feel like there’s More I feel like there is more okay what I’m going to do is is an attempt at okay no it’s not going to work the parkour life is not for me you know oh there we go we’re fine it’s all fine we’re all okay there’s

Lapis you know what I will go down here why not oh see Never Say Never oh now me trying to m with my bow you never saw that is this another child oh my goodness bestie oh no it’s not a child okay that’s good don’t know why I

Thought it was I’m I think my eyes are just tired you know so much so much screen so much blue light okay we’ve got like the the river of lava over here there’s another zombie but where where is it ah dead end love to see it oh here it is bye-bye

Okay uh this might go somewhere cool oh not a creeper I see a diamond she’s a runner she’s a track star Okay I need to go back before I get too distracted because there was a diamond There she says going somewhere completely different okay no we have to go back this way for the diamond for the diamond just cried LOL why did you cry what happened what happened I’m back slay welcome back well welcome back the soul not really but did have fun okay

I’m glad you had fun that’s all that matters that is all that matters why are there creepers so many three okay let’s go down here because there’s no hello ah they’re all gone nice okay I just really didn’t want them to blow up the diamonds you Know yay 12 I love getting Nostalgia I know right like nostalgic things are so fun sometimes they really are like the other day I was I found this hard drive with a bunch of pictures on it that I forgot existed and there were so many pictures

Of like young me there like there was a picture of my first day of school and stuff and I was like oh my goodness like I don’t even remember this picture being taken but it’s just a wild time like I used to be young once like I used to be a child

Can you believe it it’s wild yeah I had a little bit of a nostalgic moment okay Cy ooh a diamond I love to see it I’m seeing so many I’m loving living laughing I really am okay there we go and then we ooh boom boom okay don’t know if either of

Those no none of those were a critical hit I’m pretty sure but it’s okay honestly watching my vids felt like I was reading a picture book of my past and childhood yeah you know I feel like it’s so important to take pictures and like Capture Moments even if you think

They’re boring or unimportant because one day it’s going to be nostalgic and one day you’re going to look back and be like wow I’m glad I took these photos I’m glad I have these to look back on and remember and stuff ah Nostalgia Nostalgia what a fun

Thing to experience a little bit of nostalgia every now and then a child go away please go away go away please go okay there we go honestly gives me another reason to upload content exactly cuz why not you know YOLO do it for the vine for the

Nostalgia why do you have gold armor okay a dungeon oh wow this is like my 10th D dungeon I almost said Diamond my 10th dungeon I’m just finding so many I’m in my dungeon era okay let’s see what is inside spiders no because are there actually no chests in here there’s no

Chests and I don’t have a torch so I’m actually just going to leave yeah try get me no you can’t exactly have fun besties wow wow wow wow okay let’s we’re going to try to find more diamonds I can’t believe that dungeon didn’t have any chests though that’s kind of

Sad but it is what it is we move we absolutely move okay oh yes okay how do I get up there okay we’re going to go up here like this another one another three oh yeah okay another three Absolutely wow you know in the beginning of the stream I really just wasn’t thriving wasn’t finding the diamonds I was in a not slay cave but now everything has changed that song by Taylor Swift um I think it’s called how you get the girl so underrated No always that love story which one is the one I’m thinking of Everything Has Changed it’s a love story I think no it’s Everything Has Changed sorry it’s literally the name of the song is in the lyrics it’s everything has changed the one with Ed sharing absolutely absolute

Slave and then obviously we’ve got the the love story and the how you get the girl those slate as well like all Taylor Swift songs just hit so different wait a minute what is around the oh no it’s Glo Len okay okay I was just here I’m kind of

Going around in circles at this point I need to find my way out or figure out how I got in here so I can leave you know like how did I oh you know what maybe I supposed to go up another level like this right and then where’s where’s the big cave

Where’s the outside where is it where is it oh hello oh okay wait hold on hold on hold on hold on okay this might be somewhere we might be getting somewhere I don’t really recognize this but like we might be going Somewhere we might be going Somewhere I’m going to Go up here and see what I can find boom please please don’t attack me okay whoa oh it’s a dead end okay oh where’s the skeleton oh hey guys oh I wish I could kill you but I don’t have the potions bestie where am I I’m hearing these

Skeletons going at it with one another where are they I don’t really know ooh maybe did I come from over here maybe I’m just lost at this point I think I’m just completely lost and there there’s nothing we can do you know I think I’m just lost you know what we could

Do we oh okay okay I wanted to see if there was diamonds up there but since the gravel was covering the area up I can’t see so we just will never know let’s not go there hey dude okay was that a critical hit no oh no it

Was I think it was am I getting better maybe okay uh oh no I was suppos to surprises at you what are you Doing oh my goodness Okay no I do be very lost okay what happened to the beautiful Lush cave I was in where did it go where did you come from where did you go where did you come from G night Joe oh that needs to be a redeem that needs to be a redeem that

Would be such a fun Redeem ooh you have a fun enchanted bow slay no okay I’m definitely walking in circles just want to go I don’t know somewhere out of here I want to get out of here where is the way out though there’s a spider what I think I’m just going to

Do and this has never failed me is have a fun little staircase up moment you know it has never failed me and I doubt it ever will it’s just a classic although what’s around the corner nothing okay uh I want to go west west we’re going to go west this is the

Way okay am I in the tunnels where I just was oh my goodness it’s like a maze Ooh we kind of made it back to the Lush cave moment okay okay and there’s whoa okay I’m actually kind of slaying those diamonds right here wow fadora my goodness Okay I don’t think I’m being attacked I think I’m good for now y okay ooh you have a bow if you would drop that kind sir I would love to pick it up if only you would drop thine I got it okay oh you know what we

Can do if we come combine these two together boom we have a bow we have a second bow now a spare Bow yay two more diamonds just like that okay 19 and then I can’t remember how much is already in my Ender Chest but there was a decent amount in there so like 19 plus 50 something is this leading me back to the tunnel I was just in cuz if it

Is I might lose the plot you know I might just have to lose the plot is this a big big cave big deep cave I see a diamond down there how do I get down there okay whoa okay this is a nice cave this is a really oh see wee

So fun I love doing that it’s lowy very very fun okay here a diamond another one oh three absolutely we got three so far okay now we’re fine now we’re fine we’re doing Okay this is actually a very small area it’s kind of like a bit of a dead end however I just want a block I can cross the river with okay um I will cross over here where did the creeper go cuz I know there’s a creeper around the corner

I know there’s one around oh there it is oh it’s going down the water oh my goodness oh my goodness that was a bit scary I was so close and I was like oh my goodness it’s going to explode I’m so close this might be it this might be How It Ends but

No everything is okay was there only one Diamond I you know what I thought this cave was bigger and I thought there be more diamonds never mind there is just one however you know what actually I do want to go up in this water and see what is up here because

Don’t think I’ve been up here yet might be something fun you never ever truly oh some glow squid things okay some lava over here Okay okay interesting uh I’m just going to go up here so we can okay you know what it would just be easier to take the water okay nothing up here yeah nothing up there I think I don’t think there’s anything over here either Ooh there’s oh a Child No oh my goodness boom okay where’s the child I can take you one Now why is your hit box so small why why is it so small okay we did it besties we did it okay inter oh I’m so glad I didn’t fall down there so glad I did not fall down there cuz I easily could have that’s not very Dino proof oh wait

Iron okay nice I can make another bucket and then I can have my water bucket wait we should definitely do that let’s make a bucket quick there we go and then I just need to find some water somewhere like a some still water and then we’re chilling

Hello give me my my crafting table please okay now where’s the Still Water if I was right here right around the corner okay okay that’s really Nice okay Well wait a minute there TR fish and there’s some ax Doles you know what this means one hey tactical fishy things tactical fishy things okay let’s hit the pink one let’s see what child are you going to give me hey I’m going to say thank thank you

Oh wait I didn’t see oh is it a little baby white one okay that’s cute that’s cute okay now the problem is I don’t have enough buckets for all of this um and I maybe should have thought about that before I um decided to breed a ton of ax Doles

But you know you know I only bred one it’s not really that many but you know oh there’s a creeper right down there so Close ha get that creeper get it that’s what you deserve to be honest you just you really just make my life difficult for no reason one two okay so there’s three wait no no no there’s more okay which ones have I not bred we got to figure this out now this one okay

Okay where’s another fishy don’t tell me they’re all gone now there’s another Fishy I just need one more fishy are they up here Maybe fishy fishy no wait no wait wait wait fishy okay let’s see which one have I not tried to breed yet this one no wait no give it back to me give it back wait okay oh that was a bit of a panic moment a that one

Okay now you must find the other one right or no did I give the same the fish to the same one I don’t Know I’m not too sure at this point not really don’t really know what’s happening it’s fine why are you looking up there bestie what what do you want never in my life have I seen a vertical axelo are you okay what is that was so weird Okay um sure I’m going to

Make I think I need four buckets so we’re going to smelt some iron and make some buckets oh there’s a drown down there oh my goodness oh My yeah anyways let’s not get too distracted here we’re on a mission we’ve got this one and have I lost my furnace hold on I’ve lost my furnace okay uh I need fortune and I need how many eights we put this here open this one get the fortune okay make the

Furnace wait a minute wait a minute okay place the furnace and then we’re going to get my fortune mine some iron Beautiful okay how much do I have 21 should should do it that should be enough uh put like four in there actually Four’s too much three I’ll go with three three should do it nice now we can put my fortune back because I think we’re

Sorted we go we can take my actually you know what let’s put my diamonds back oh I’ve got a stack and 14 okay okay okay a stack and 14 is not bad and then I’ve got a lot of bows actually do I have space in

Here I kind of want to put the full axles in here so I want put my bows in there actually kind of change my mind about that one okay get some water hey besties it’s it’s time it’s time to adopt you to relocate you it’s just time there we go there’s

One we just need two more come on I believe furnace you know what I should have a blast furnace in my Ender Chest that might be useful I’m not I don’t know that could be kind of useful I’m just going to use this one so long okay uh how do I get up

Here oh I just jumped maybe okay another one yay we got another pink one I think we have two pink ones now so that’s exciting and then we can get another one we’re actually slaying like okay get that one boom wait no I did not mean to pay it put it down okay

There we go another one and then it’s just the last one that we need unless more have spawned but I don’t think so I do not think so there we go oh wait I still need to turn it into a bucket okay I’m getting a bit ahead of

Myself yay more Axel I know right more how fabulous now I think it’s just the little baby left okay you’re so hard to catch you are so hard to catch never mind you’re not that hard to catch okay yay that’s amazing I’m just going to

Check this Li more and then we can back up my stuff there is more okay how many more just One okay I think there’s just one more okay never mind F alarm there’s more where are you uh I am in a cave pretty far from Spawn I feel like that describes it well enough uh there we go we can make another bucket oh no there we are and now this should be

The last one okay wait no this requires some Parkour there we go okay besty it’s home time it is actually home to the time home okay wait I don’t have I’ll put my I’ll keep my uh my coal in my inventory like that and then look

How nice I don’t know why I have seeds and I have so much random stuff I don’t need but you know is what it Is hello ah there we go put that away we could take this then I did put my fortune away right I’m pretty sure I did get three of these okay I’m going to make another bucket in the meantime so I have my bucket of water we know

How important that is you know it do be kind of important to me boom and then I just want to one more check make sure this no I hear more I swear I hear more but where maybe I don’t oh no I think I heard a bat actually wait a

Minute I think I heard a bat never mind I think that was a Bat yeah I think we’re good I think we’re good with can pack up go home also how has it been my 3 hours yet how long has it been oh it’s been over 3 hours 3 and a half hours we’re chilling okay okay it’s home time

Um uh let me tell dppy that I’m coming home um I will be coming back to SP now we’ll be coming back to spawn now Um though I don’t know how do you communicate with people you know like how how do you do that I don’t know you know I try but it’s hard sometimes guys it is okay I don’t want that don’t want there we go some crafting to the table slate oh painting have you started

Your machine thing yet or is the server just dying the server might be any yes I found eight wait I found eight it’s so exciting zle of the tuno is epic at Minecraft Sean do you play Minecraft I don’t think I’ve actually ever asked you

This before I feel like you do I don’t know though but Sha of the forture you know you’re pretty good at um at what you call it you’re pretty good at Minecraft yourself Sean like to live at the Llama Center um they would love

To oh my goodness wait no how does my oh my goodness I forgotten how to use a keyboard they would love to I can give them to dippy house late cuz you know what to be honest I don’t actually have storage space for them to be honest blame neat fre and her sorting

System what did her sorting no no no what did her sorting system ever do to you I think the sorting system is kind of fabulous I’m not going to lie I think it’s great no I don’t oh you used to okay nice nice painting thing exactly painting is in the

Building painting is in the building how exciting and slay is that how’s I dude doing oh you know to be honest I haven’t seen Iron dude in a long time but I’m pretty sure he’s doing really well I’m pretty sure he’s doing good he’s slaying yeah I’m pretty sure also I did

See the diamonds back there don’t panic I’m going back I just had to check over here rightfully so cuz there are some diamonds over here I just need to make sure it’s the right pillar I think it’s this one it lagged the the Ser did it actually did it Actually that’s definitely a child where is that coming from is that a witch and a child what a terrible Duo what a terrible Duo honestly where is that coming from no no no No where is it wait hold on no I think it’s down here somewhere is It where is it I don’t know maybe it’s for the best that I don’t know you know a whole witch I know right a whole witch H it’s it’s the second one w i t c h the second one but I like how you tried a lot of different options you know you

Really did not give up oh my goodness no I don’t have a Tor hold on hold on hold on hold on boom I can’t believe one didn’t spawn but okay okay I’ll take the coal yeah I don’t really need any of that okay a ho witch it was in the wall as

Well isn’t that kind of creepy like it was just chilling in the wall what was it doing I don’t know don’t want to know that’s scary nightmare stuff right there okay Now we got to go back this way for more Diamonds oh and there’s some Spiders what are these blue bubbles what does that mean hey besti oh I think that’s when they take damage okay makes sense makes sense ooh a glow Squid Ink thingy say less do I have inventory space I don’t there we go I don’t know why there

Was one stick when it could have been added to the stack but you know we’re not going to ask too many questions cuz that’s when things just go crazy okay I don’t think there’s diamonds there the diamonds that I did see are right over here right around this corner I saw

Two there they are in all their Glory you know I was leaving the cave and I’m definitely getting very much distracted but it’s for such a good cause I’m finding more diamonds it’s literally such a good cause anyways um oh there’s even more okay whoa

This is I like it here I do kind of like it here not going to lie this is kind of nice okay there’s nothing there I must also check the ceiling that’s important mustn’t forget to do that one okay one two how many five absolutely living loving laughing I really am

Wow okay let’s carry on in this direction this direction am I crouching what was that about this direction seems to be good this seems to be a decent amount of diamonds in this ooh there’s a lot of coal as well I mean Iron but I don’t need

Iron also there appears to be a lava lake above here very interesting not scary at all let’s let’s see yep Lava Lake Things okay so that means that up actually I don’t know where it is never mind you can’t actually see the Lava Lake wow five diamonds Richer okay oh no why are there full creepers I think it is now time to leave for sure it’s now definitely leaving time it’s time to evacuate the premises mission accomplished Mission achieved it’s now time to leave but it was fun while it lasted oh there’s a whole M shaft in here

Wa do I go check it out no there won’t be diamonds in the wasall because it’s Cobblestone and there might be like a few stones in the oh more deep slate coal why am I finding so much of this there might be some stones in the no where did it

Go where did oh absolutely not you are not blowing up my deep State coal I actually refuse grass Goblin is what you are you’re a grass Goblin oh you can’t jump Shane okay oh I missed okay now where is my deep sleep oh here it is here it is don’t panic

Besties do okay I don’t need the bones there we go don’t panic Don’t Panic there should be two though shouldn’t there I’m I I’m missing one oh no I’m not it’s just stuck up here okay okay okay yes oh I love live laugh this I really

Do I’m having a great time if you can’t tell having kind of a fabulous time oh we haven’t been no I’m sorry I know I’m getting distracted but we have to check over here no not seeing diamonds okay this home time it is home time it’s home time we’re going home get

That in your hedge down or we’re going home it’s home time now don’t get distracted again please you know there’s that song that’s like I’m coming home coming home tell the world that I’m coming home let the rain wash away why do I know the lyrics oh the pain from

Yesterday something my kingdom awaits something by forgiving my mistakes I’m coming home did you know that one you probably don’t I don’t know I feel like I didn’t do it much justice but it’s okay we’re going home that’s literally the important thing here that’s what we need to focus on that’s what

Matters okay oh I did not want to fall down here though I really did not want to do that but okay okay fine uh I want to find this back and go back where am I trying to go actually I must ask myself this question uh you know what I am going to

Do going to go up here boom across I think I have a lot of random like stacks of deep SL and Cobblestone and stuff so we’re Now’s the Time to use it you know we’re going to put it to use as we should back back back okay

I Discovery Houston Press to you know I said I wasn’t going to go to the m shaft But you got to do what you got to do okay we’re going to go back this way wow I’m like drawing over here Minecraft but I draw that doesn’t make much sense that would not be a good video idea oh child why know yeah you guys attack each other

Would recommend would recommend okay I’m going to just oh there’s nothing over here I’ll put a torch there though get it yes fight okay of course the one in the gold armor one who’s surprised not me okay nothing oh absolutely not absolutely okay such a jump

Scare does this go down oh no there’s just okay that’s very random just a little bit of water nothing much that goes somewhere fun and this goes to a dead end okay let’s go the fun way then oh oh there’s an upstairs okay okay okay oh yes there’s a mine cart

Chest thingy what’s in here lapis okay name tag yes lapis yes bread yes I’ll take that there we go torches yes a gold bar I will leave at that one I’m going to have to leave that one don’t really need It wow this is a very Interesting M shaft the layout is just quite something see look how cool this is this a big open area it’s pretty cool Wow ooh ooh ooh absolute late okay where was I going to go now somewhere this oh wait no straight through here okay wait hold on hold on hold on I’m looking at designer bags please tell me why they’re so expensive I would love to know too to be honest cuz they seem pretty

Regular so I don’t I don’t really know why but why are you looking at designer bags yeah I can’t really answer that question unfortunately I’m still trying to figure out the answer to that myself and maybe one day I will someday I might uh some iron what’s down here

Literally oh wait is this another room a room within a room oh no that’s where I just came from I’m literally so lost NE freeze hello NE freze can I show you quickly how many diamonds I have for us for you they’re for you look here a stack and

19 I’m going to leave them at the mini base in a in a chest or something you want one wow maybe after checking the price you will have changed your mind I don’t know but they’re so expensive but not for these prices exactly see it’s the prices for

Me that’s so good I know right it’s so good we’re doing great NE freeze we’re slaying we’re doing amazing but I think it’s actually home time now I just have to figure out how no oh witch get away what are you doing here no disappear red stone all of that and you

Drop red stone Redstone you don’t know your target audience I’m not a red ster okay uh I do be kind of close to the surface though apparently so that’s kind of nice kind of Fun no not the whole witch exactly tell me why there’s a whole witch okay I want to go west which is this way we’re going to go this Way oh wait wait wait wait wait you know what else I need to put in here my deep St Cobblestone yes okay now let’s Proceed wait you know what before we proceed over the edge I’m just going to throw stuff I don’t need so that I don’t want don’t want the string don’t want the Deep Sleep is that it I feel like there’s more I’m supposed to be getting rid of maybe the arrows I don’t know

There you go now my inventory is oh it’s going to it’s about to get full with stone but it’s okay it’s okay uh yes I’m going back to spawn and I’m pretty sure that’s where dippy is so I’m going to go to dippy and then I’ll drop off the diamonds at the money

Base but first i’m going to do di time and end stream and then then I will drop everything off you know run some errand you’re signing off tired and my hubby still wants to watch a movie together Slay Slay Slay I hope you get a lot of

Rest tonight neat freeze rest well rest easy what do they say just get a lot of rest you know rest is good try get some of that I hope you sleep well have a fun rest of your stream I will thank you so much N I hope you have

An amazing rest of your day stay well and thank you for watching I really appreciate it keep slaying tomorrow is Wednesday besties and then that means we’re like halfway through the week which is kind of nice you know it’s kind of nice oh does this mean we’re close to the Surface I think this means we close to the surface it definitely Does the surface wow okay what I need to do oh oh no I’m struggling a bit too much right now okay here we got three of these we’re just going to place it one two three like I was never there like I was never there Okay and then we have to go this way wait which way I don’t even know west southwest this way that way we go that way to go home I just need to get my elytra and then it’s home Time there we go got my Ender Chest we got some rockets and we’re going to go wee yay it’s home time I’m so excited to be going home oh we might have to take a slower uh a slower fly if that makes sense because apparently the server is not doing too

Great but that’s okay we it can be nice and Scenic you know like wow do be kind of slate oh I could have gone into one of those trees let’s go as high as we can right and Then should be fine right should be fine wow these are some tall trees these are some tall jungle trees they’re almost like reaching the cloud what is Happening we’re getting close to home though we’re on our way we’re on our way oh that is okay that is that’s some uh some trees that do be some Trees Just blue and some clouds this is actually very pretty you know it’s very Scenic got to love it got to love it ow I just hit my knee on my table my desk thing Ow okay we’re close we’re very very close oh my goodness is this a broken portal on the side of a a mountain hold on I got to check it out whoo okay Okay oh in’s Christmas present why is it Here maybe he already has it and he left it there I don’t okay that’s interesting we maybe it’s like a uh what you call it what are those things where you have to go find it treasure hunt and maybe that’s the Final Destination oh V’s house the rocket I’m

So close let’s go I’m home let’s go I like home home is nice home fun oh okay now it’s diary time besties and then then stream is over can you believe it oh let’s put my chest no I don’t need my chest plate actually let’s do diary time actually first let’s put these Away Bread I’ll put in there why not why not okay my diary I love this thing let’s see page eight okay deer diary and it’s the 9th of the first 2023 no it’s 2024 sorry guys sorry false alarm false alarm not me saying 2023 what am I on about sorry okay wow let’s [Applause] See today I Tried tried no it’s like this yes like that I tried to find as many diamonds as I can in 3 hours then I died from a Sur surprise creeper and then found out that my hostile mob sounds were low uh first cave was bad Um the final two were nice wait no hold on we good I guess and then axo Lord Tools chat later Doo XOXO there we have it hello dippy hello no I can see I can see her name I’m in my basement Tippy here are the a not talking to me can you not hear me wait hello hello hello oh hello can you hear me

Bye Jay was that you it wasn’t me I swear it wasn’t me wait TIY TIY bye bye dides she not need the ax okay oh my goodness it wasn’t me I swear I promise you Dan I was okay oh my good he started ouch he started it I just face plant it into

Your bushes oh did he give it to you no no I tried no no he tried to give it to me okaying my okay he tried to give it to me but it happened to be so I had been going on about how my intro even inventory was completely full for

Like the last 5 minutes and that I couldn’t pick up anything but he still tried to throw that thing at me so I was like ha haa and then we walked over to well we went over to his base he showed me around and and then he threw it at knat freeze and

Knat freze was really quick she’s got reflexes like oh my God lightning reflexes right so she picked it up went like oh damn and then just threw it at me and by that time I had a slot and I just was like I was just a spectating

All of this oh wow I mean honestly like lightning that woman reacted so fast I was so impressed was it it was so quick she picked it up and went like bam and I was like what but just how w wow okay okay nice nice so yeah sorry

Sorry D sorry D okay I’m trying to think go away from I’m trying to plan who I’m going to give it to but you got J Jay’s right here I mean no no I’m going to try plan it more I’m going to try and do like a plan or something she’s she’s

Scheming she’s yeah I am scheming I am scheming I like I like I like a scheme no I just you know I I yeah SN I just I just not is so funny it’s so funny you definitely got to get painted you’ve got to get painting oh yeah oh yeah you get

Technically if you if you if you get painting right yes then it slows him down on the whole Diamond thing because he have to get rid of the S sabotage you twoo are such schemers that is genius fainting says I’m watching stream you know oh oops okay right I’m I’m I’m

Going to I’m going to anyway um yeah I’m going to go okay okay I’m I’m I’m I’m going to go too guys uh have fun with a snotty snot um it t uh give it a lick it’s it’s I think it’s a it’s a mint flavor at once ooh okay okay I don’t

Know if I am going to do that but okay honestly believe me it’s it’s very nice bye okay bye see you why okay thanks for the cop Goodbye oh my goodness that was really funny wow wow wow wow they really got me okay um well now I’ve got the snotty snot I don’t know I’m kind of scheming I think I know who I’m going to give it to not painting but someone else I just have to devise a clever

Way of getting it in their inventory cuz I don’t know yeah I got to see okay anyway wow that was so funny uh let’s see my diary yeah okay we finished my entry so that’s stream besties I’ll keep you updated on the snotty snot but for now that’s stream that is

It I’m going to log off right here besties wow it was a great stream it was also really long like how long was it almost 4 hours slay absolute slle almost 4 hours it was a fun time what do I normally say when I end stream I hope you all have an amazing

Rest of your day cuz you should drink water if you haven’t already it’s good for you go stand in the sunshine we lowkey plants actually highkey we plants um slay Esopus is now a new word SL no Slay sopis Slay sophical Slay sophical sophical is now a new word yep that took

Me a bit way too long but it’s okay it’s fine what else oh thank you for watching thank you to everyone who watched I really appreciate it keep slaying besties I’m going to go have dinner and lowy sleep cuz I’m still really tired and I still want to get a good

Night’s rest the machine is being turned on absolute slate okay goodbye Besties

This video, titled ‘How many diamonds can I get in 3 hours?? IgnitorSMP #minecraft #survival #smp’, was uploaded by DanoDiggle on 2024-01-09 21:01:10. It has garnered 55 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:19 or 14119 seconds.

Hey Besties!

My Discord Server = https://discord.gg/HpkZYtndUb Igniter Discord Server = https://discord.gg/xgb6xEkr

Website Link = https://ignitorsmp.com/

*check out the other Ignitor members (a group of lovely Minecraft content creators)*

0_hours = https://www.youtube.com/@0_hours https://www.twitch.tv/0_hours BlackShadowHRD = https://www.youtube.com/@UCxpKJR0p_aPsjvJ16IqD_aA CountMonte = https://www.youtube.com/ @CountMonteMinecraft Darkejon = https://www.youtube.com/@UCbTxDIpMV42Fx7j9fJdjX1w DippyBlether = https://www.youtube.com/@UCI_jxoGNmI0jOgS0cCT-7xQ FedoraMaster219 = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZbP81BFzksZfjTH3IPIZVg Ganxol = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqeTym2zi–7qB9VVpmyOWQ GGJay = https://www.youtube.com/@ggjaymc IndialienJones = https://www.youtube.com/@IndialienJones Ironite64 = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3xinvamr1gXFO8NV5fuOg https://www.twitch.tv/ironite64 MinionTG = https://www.youtube.com/@UCFgT1R2_psuPjRcWPBKUozA Nonfreeze = https://www.youtube.com/user/nietvries ONYXX_ = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxE5VUF6smhKXn_VCMhrz_A https://www.twitch.tv/onyxx_mc_ PaintingThing = https://www.youtube.com/@UCihKKPmQTp6KFdehxnlXjFQ skunkmunkee = https://www.youtube.com/skunkmunkee https://www.twitch.tv/skunkmunkee Star_M = https://www.youtube.com/c/StarMYT VidMC = https://www.youtube.com/VidMCU https://www.twitch.tv/vid_mc

Redeems = !witch (that’s a whole witch) !cow (cowee cow) !creeper !lava (lava is not for swimming) !live (live laugh love) !phantom !sad (sad titanic flute) !slay !trackstar !children (not the children)

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  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: β€’ Custom currency system for trading β€’ Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity β€’ Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace πŸ”₯ #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace πŸ”₯ #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- πŸ“ŒYour Queries :- πŸ‘‰πŸ»How to Respawn Ender Dragon πŸ‘‰πŸ»Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ ——————- πŸ™ ●WELCOME● ꜱΙͺΚ™Ιͺα΄€ α΄Šα΄€κœ± is HERE ●——————————————————● β˜…β˜…———————————————–β˜…β˜… Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● πŸ“Œβ˜…β˜…β˜… Business Enquiries β˜…β˜…β˜…πŸ“Œ Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎡{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal πŸ”₯

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄LIVEπŸ”΄ Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft πŸ‘ FOLLOW ME! β–Ί TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode β–Ί Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv β–Ί Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt πŸ“Ί MY OTHER CHANNELS β–Ί Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv β–Ί DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More