DanTDM – Minecraft | THE COOKIE OF TRUTH!! | Custom Mod Adventure LIVE

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Down here from the Zhanna Minecon welcome back it’s to another minecraft video but today’s is extremely special and was taken from the insomnia gaming festival which took place last week and I was there for three days and the support was overwhelming seriously I met so many of you guys it was unreal so

Thanks to everyone who came along and also watched the stream I’m on you’re about to see is a live let’s play that I prepared which is literally like a custom mod adventure but live it’s called the cookie of truth and I just think I should be quiet and just let my

Previous self that do the talking so if you did enjoy this breeze me a big fat thumbs up it’d be great to see some support for this live action custom mod adventure I hope that you enjoy so but further ado let’s get to it Hello in so many a festival how are we today we I know he’s lunchtime you ollie and there’s a bit of a lull well that wasn’t good enough make some noise insomnia that’s why I like to hear that it’s more like it so who we hate to see good easy again

Well you guys have been extremely patient so for that we thank you I don’t think there’s anything more to say really apartment to bring him on he’s done the diamonite cards There is the man himself hello everyone oh you see on the on the couch yeah let’s do it yeah let’s do it so I think it’s your insomnia are you having a good one so far yeah it’s been really good what are the best so far

That’s good to know yeah you don’t you tired no I’m alright Greeks going there insane like so many of you come out it’s it’s going really well and they’re just so many of you it’s mind-blowing there’s anybody had been looking enough to me down at the meeting

Greece but you know way too short in the air so talk us through it’s really exciting you me up these muscles last time yeah yeah we did I’m really well kind of like a trial version last time which went out really well so if you guys watch my channel I do these things

Will custom what adventures oh those yeah and also so we’re gonna do what if those is a live version so we’re gonna have Grimm tre horas all our characters in some new characters and a bit of a storyline to go along with it so let’s

Do her so basically what you do on your channel yeah oh I’m not gonna do on this stage on the stage right now hey decisive this hasn’t been seen before on this date how exciting is that and is this something that you might put on the on your channel absolutely yeah

Definitely so if people are like watching comp watch here or you want to show your friends later I will put it on the channel later on that’s more if you want to relive the magic I guess who’s looking forward to it tell you what then I better get you a after this we’re

Gonna do a Q&A yep so if anybody’s got any questions for Dan once we’ve done the live let’s play I’ll cook luck out asking some questions okay guys okay to it okie dokie this is really awkward is anyone got the mouse but we’re doing a second guys nice one Cheers

And who’s excited exclusive exclusive today there’s so many of you having a good time that’s what I like to hear so I like here right then okay so we’re just gonna hop straight into it and you’re gonna see on the screen in a second a very familiar place a very very

Familiar place anyone guess what it is it’s the treasure room the treasure room is here so Charles buddy how you doing how you doing show us I think he’s doing okay I think he’s doing okay I think he’s a bit nervous should we give him a beverage is kind of

Help him along go Jer Troy Horace he is all right so um I think we might I don’t really know what we’re doing today I think we should go and check upstairs because there’s not much going on here it looks a similar like a state to where

We ended the last video which was possibly with this guy right here and blue a massive hole in the wall so what we’re gonna do is go upstairs see grim and see what is going on so let’s head upstairs past the holy Diamond minecart of course let’s head up here shall we

And zap there we go with Grim’s here everyone say hi to grim how you doing grim is doing good and this I think wait a second wait a second as someone rounds here simple look I can sit there yeah there he is he’s always there Craig buddy how are you doing huh

How are you doing you’re doing good I think he’s doing good did you hear that guys he’s always doing that so yeah yeah I think it’s doing good so what if you’re caught in your your hand there it’s got a I celebrating Easter celebrating Easter today but I probably

Wouldn’t accept an egg off you I’m sorry buddy I’m sorry but I’m gonna accept this off you which is a book and it’s titled Citadel troubles so greetings Squires my name is Sir Harold and I’m writing to you with a tale containing grave danger obviously not good a

Citadel is turning to ruin after we were victims of a terrible crime the sacred item that keeps the city alive was stolen from us and we have no means to get it back this is why I’m contacting you I’ve heard great things about you and your friends and you only and you

Seem to be the only hope we have what I’m asking is can you help us The Citadel is nothing about our sacred item I’ll explain what if you can accept our quest if you do we are just beyond the horizon Thank You us Harold so do you

Think we could take the song guys yeah I think we should so we will pop that back we will say quite straight yeah yeah goodbye Craig we’ll leave you there it’s okay alright let’s go back downstairs because we need to heads off somewhere but not really sure where the Citadel is

If we just head back downstairs for a second and I like the new addition of the water so I don’t hurt my legs every time but I’m sure us how you doing I need I need some help buddy I don’t know where the Citadel actually is so what do

You think okay um okay so um is that she saying that we can use the teleporter if we use some new buttons that he’s put on the back we can actually be teleported straight to the Citadel so we’re gonna do that thanks buddy I think we’re gonna leave him here though because we’ve

Already just taken Robo trails apart and we don’t want him to get all one we don’t want to explode any more holes in the side of the wall doing so oh yeah I didn’t even notice these when we came in do you see these guys I didn’t see them

So let’s press one of these shall we what nice look at this this is impressive this is really nice I don’t know how we’ve never been here before to be honest but we’re gonna explore and see what’s going on this pond and I guess we’ll find out some information about what’s going on

How you do in town maiden so hello young sir are you lost we’re actually here to see Sir Harold so um you’re the one they’ve been talking about guys they’ve been talking about us they become wise we’ve actually created legends of legend status Sahara dissing the house just behind behind the

Graveyard he believes to be expecting you enjoy your stay here okay so let’s just explore this shall we let’s go around here there’s a few different people I think we’ll go the story buddy I don’t mean to yeah I think we’ll go over to the we’d find the graveyard nez all Tastykake there’s

A few Baker’s as a which way is a marketplace around here as well there’s a grave keeper so this is definitely where the where the graveyard is where else okay let’s go around here he’s she said the house behind the graveyards right was that was that it I think it

Was yeah we got it we got it is Sir Harold so let’s see what is going on here welcome sir I can’t believe you actually traveled here regardless we desperately need your help the sacred item of the citadel has been taken we have no idea who it was

And no idea where it has been taken so we need a hero like yourself to help out what is the sacred item though so this may sound a little strange the item is the guys guys it’s called the cookie of truth the literary the strangest sacred

Item ever heard so he kid it gets us not this cookie has been passed down through many many generations and holds a power no one should ever abuse the holder of the sacred cookie a truth can pull the truth out of the greatest of liars

No secret can be hidden no lies to be told I think there’s quite an impressive cookie quite an impressive one so um as you can tell this is an almighty power to have which is why we keep it locked away and protected from anyone’s use however this also makes it a prime

Target for all evildoers they have tried and failed to steal it before but this time they have succeeded so this is the mission that we’ve been given we have to get the cookie of truth back from whoever has stolen it so we need this back soon as possible are you up to the

Task I go to the tasks coming up to toss I thought so let’s get this cookie of truth back there we go we’ve got a new quest now as well which is called the cookie truth this is great news the people who sit there will be overjoyed

I’m sure if you talk to a few of them they’ll be more than happy to help you have supplies for your quest they may ask a favor in return but they’ll sort you with only the best of weapons oh that was a lot of speaking so Harold but

Thank you so much we’re gonna go and get your um your cookie of truth right now so let’s go and have a look wait a second oh wait this is the shrine of the cookie and truth is literally a cookie jar so they keep it on a cookie jar

That’s on top of a golden block so we need to replace the cookie of truth in here so let’s go and ask some people if they know what’s going on so who should we speak to first we got Perez the tailor he trades a few things he trades

Some eggs for string you know you don’t really trade any good stuff to be honest to you so let’s go ahead and check all of the trades around here we’ve got don’t need sponge you need any of that how did you end up in there oh my goodness all right there’s another

Trader in here okay we might be on to something here I could see because we don’t have anything on us so we can maybe grab some poppies we can definitely grab that blacksmith that’s what we need here we go so we can get iron swords iron shovel we can get a

Knight’s helmet Knights leggings and a Knights chest plate so I think we should go for all of that we need lap is though as if we can grab some lapis for anyway right then wait a second he nearly Cole someone from before needed poppies for Cole so let’s grab as

Many of these poppies as we can and see if we can trade for some good things this knock this one out if you remember how many she needed for the block of coal I can’t remember eight okay so we’ve got four five that six I can’t

Even count seven and the last one is eight hopefully that person doesn’t mind that I’m kind of ruining her garden but I’m sure it’s okay uh who was it that had the tray was it you did I see the trader it was why they give me this

Block of coal please she also gave us four which is pretty good so a the blacksmith let’s trade with you we need a shovel shovel is not actually that goods though there must be another trade around here somewhere remember if she saw anyone trading for a

Shovel at all have a look yes we’ve got some eggs that we can trade for and then the eggs can be traded for string I am super confused but let’s do it anyway let’s go for get the eggs for the shovel so you can go and like use that

In your garden Perez the tailor we can trade for the string we can do that that’s pretty much all we’ve got so far we do need some lapis so let’s do a little bit of a check around here see if there’s any in Oh careful that we need

To look in here no chests at all let’s see if we can find it a chest around here somewhere there’s always one right here let’s have a look in this one okay lap is this guy literally it desperately needs lap is in there some literature quote like opposite him which is crazy

Sir I would like to buy all of your things let’s grab Sri grab a Knights helmet I think we should grab one of those we should grab Knights leggings and Knights chess play and we’ve got two to spare which is good for an iron the sword so

We’re all kitted out look at us so we look cool do an accord look ready we look ready but I think we should explore a little bit more cuz I’ve seen a few buildings around the gaol no you can’t do this to me you can’t do this to

Me I don’t need to know about that right now I do i okay here we go let’s go and explore a little bit more there’s a few I saw a building in the distance over here and over there as well so let’s head over to this building here which

Looks like a stable possibly so Leonardo how you doing buddy look at these horses beautiful horses of hello young sir I have heard who you are already I feel I am well it could help you on your quest yours help me first what do you need someone at the market has some string

That I need to type the last bales of hay for my horses if you can get me some and I may have a horse for you so we’ve let you already done this we’ve got student look we completed the quest straight away so you can you can have

Your string buddy – thanks so much feel free to rate the chest up says for supplies and select a horse to take with you good luck on your quest I’ve heard rumors that the culprit resides on the south of the Citadel so we now have a location we’re now kitted

And we can now grab a horse so he said upstairs there’s some supplies as a chest in here there ah we take the diamond Darbar I think we should take that and the saddle of course as well when it stairs stairs right now we need to pick a horse we’ve got this woman

Brown and white sports this one looks cool so we choose that one I think we should choose this one that’s so how are you doing that’s I don’t if we’re gonna get you out of here you know I’m gonna have to break you out you okay kid can

You get through you got oh oh oh oh yeah I did not mean to do that alright let’s get rid of this to fence case whoa why would they put them there they can’t the horses can’t even get out right then let’s get this guy out of

Here we need to kind of tame him first though because obviously he doesn’t know who we are and he’s what are you doing you didn’t try and eat my face here we go come on love me mr. horse go on is it gonna work quite if this works first time this is

Meant to be ah why would you do this to me anyone else thinks it’s really hard to tame a horse isn’t it really difficult I think there should be a bit more friendly I’m not sure about you but come on you don’t wanna climb the tree

Come on you can do it you could do it wanting to show me that yeah finally so now we can put on these little bits here and look at our majestic horse how cool does that look with our sword as well we’re looking like a proper Knight right

Now so let’s do another quick scan of the city or the Citadel even something like medieval times right now and there’s a guy over here who I’ve spotted who I want to take a look at right now so this is a crate at the otter how are

You doing buddy let’s talk to him welcome to the Citadel traveller this is my archery range fancy little challenge sweet fancy little challenge yes yes we do sure take a bow in a collection of arrows from the chest inside and you’ve got until you run out of arrows hit all five

Targets bring me five everyone’s the drop from the tacks and I’ve got something actually just special for you okay this is this is gonna be challenging I don’t know about you guys but I’m not the best with a bow so looks like we’ve got five targets here let’s

Try and hit this one yes there we go and emerald pops out that’s goods here we go I’ve got the second one they get more difficult though oh we’ve missed that one oh I missed that one as well and that one see I told you my aim is not good

Not good whatsoever and that one as well right let’s try this one instead there we go yes nice one oh this one is super far did we get that get we should go and check we should go check I’ll run out of arrows first then we’ll go and check

Come on let’s do this last one can we get it can we get it if not we’re gonna have to see if he’s looking or not and see we can have a sneaky cheat right there last arrow I don’t think that hit did it I think that here too let’s see

How many we get we got one two three four five we did actually get five I think five is what we need this have a quick look we do okay so we did hit all the targets that is kids you can’t see them at too far away let’s pop this back

Because we only have one arrow that’s not gonna be useful and there we go archery challenge is complete fantastic and now I mentioned I’ve got something special and that’s because I’ve heard while you’re here take this specially tempered blade I was lucky enough to come across on my own travels I hope it

Helps you bring the cookie of truth to its rightful place good luck again traveler and he has given us an ancient broadsword look at the size of this look at that oh my goodness see the largest largest minecraft weapon I’ve ever seen so it hasn’t enchantment on actually

It’s got sharpness one so it has seven and a quarter damage which is pretty impressive I think you agree so where did our POSCO here we go so I think we need to head to where we need to get to to save the cookie of truth

So we can see a set to the south like in the June’s I think you said so if we go this way on our epic course we should be able to make it through this dark tunnel and make hits here so there we go passage to the south desert let’s get

Out of here and oh the horse has followed us beautiful how you doing oh happy he is seeing that put a little smile out there for you guys now that I’m in the desert though I’m not a hundred percent sure where we need to go so I’ve never ventured this far before

But I’m feeling pretty confident what about you we’ve got like a and diamond horse an ancient broadsword and we’re doing pretty well for us up it’s actually random houses around here as well let’s go and check out these houses shall we see if there’s anything inside so anything inside here so

Stranger I can’t even get in that’s not very fair very fair at all and oh there wait a second there’s a there’s a little castle look at the size of that castle dragon that’s where we need to go yeah I think I think I think you’re right guys

I think we definitely need to head over here that is an impressive door I don’t think I’ve ever complimented anyone on their doors before but look at that that’s impressive isn’t it but we do need to be careful here look wait there’s skeletons yeah we definitely we definitely need to

Be careful look at this guy is not happy what server that’s because you’re the skeleton it’s because he’s disguised and there’s quite a few around here as well so we’re gonna have to be very very careful but let’s head inside a horse has wandered off he’s gone he’s gone

I’m sure we’re about to make them walk back unless we don’t find him and here we go this giant pair of doors whoa ah who’s this guy hello oh no no it’s coming from me guys we have to use our ancient swords he’s taken above you

Taking above let’s get him let’s get em let’s get em let’s get him you have to take him out nice one we took him out and I accidentally broke the door there we go nice let’s grab this and it looks like this is gonna be a very hostile

Place there’s another one right there let’s try and take him down take him down think about oh there’s a couple there’s a couple it looks like they’ve got we’re on the swords there we go we’re doing alright I think we’re doing okay there’s another guy around here I

Think you telling me I’ve got decent auto where did you come from they’ve got shields as well which is pretty a powerful where do we go we need to make it to the top of here no there’s a dead end around here see if we can make around here there’s no more guards

Which is goods which is goods is there any more stuff around here there’s nothing around here either we need to go I think there was a little passageway inside so let’s make it inside shall we was it oh how did I miss this there’s no doors on it either there’s another guards

There’s nothing I’ll just take this guy out as well there we go this sword is powerful what do you think super powerful there we go what’s she doing really really well with all our amazing armor and a giant sword and take you out as well get out of here

You punk oh and you as well you as well I like the little hats Oh cute nope he’s gonna knock me off the top of the castle I’m nervous guys we’ve got I don’t know what’s gonna there’s more there’s more guards of course there is there’s what

Up here as well no no no there’s three of them get outta here no no no don’t do it don’t do it we can do this we can do this oh wow that was close that was seriously close we’re gonna have to chill out a little bit I don’t know I’ve

Got an egg that’s robably why I wasn’t hitting him to be fair I’ve got an egg as my weapon right now oh this is a guy thrown out there taking the egg should have picked up a few more eggs to try and take these guys out um which way

There’s so many ways through this castle I think we should head up here so like I sense we’re close since we’re close to me goods this guy can you see this guy it’s like it’s in some kind of robes what is his name his name is the great

Wizards so we must be in his castle it’s a little bit spooky like very spooky actually what do you think we should do guys should we go and take him on I sense these quite evil take one I think so let’s see if we can have a a swift chat

First how you doing buddy what’s who you why are you here how did you get past the others well to be honest we’ve got a decent sword and your guys were very very weak I came to claim back the cookie oh well there’s no way you can

Get it he thinks he’s gonna try and defeat us he said deal with him it sounds like he’s trying to summon someone in whoa whoa oh jeez who is this soul of the sands this is worrying oh look we have this guy right we’re gonna

Have to take him down guys he is a full-on boss can you see his boss bar at the top oh jeez oh jeez let’s try and get him over here is try and get the wizard and him at the same time go on buddy ah although no that’s right knock him

Off its tried knock him off there he goes oh where did he go there’s water down there let’s go we could do this guys we do this I can’t believe I believe in ourselves let’s let’s cheer it on quick can we do this we do this let’s kill all the guy let’s

Take let’s take him down the cookie of truth is in this guy how you doing a nice swim actually I think he’s enjoying himself let’s take him down there we go he’s really really powerful look how much healthy is God and he’s knocking us back ow ow I’d ordered drown either that

Would be terrible they try and knock him into a cactus – I think I’ll be powerful out out know which is Odie’s this game close oh man I’m so glad we got this sword if we just had the iron sword will be a major trouble right now

We’re close guys we’re close we’re not doing too bad right now how are we doing there we go no go look there it is we’ve been cooking of truth we got the cookie of truth that wasn’t too bad was it we’ve actually got really really good

Equipment but um we are lost we are now very very lost what I think we should do is see if we can find our horse friend what do you think I’m not sure where he went though I’m not sure at all I think we should try and use the powers of the

Cookie of trees to try and get back so if we all say cookie or true super loud I think we might be able to make it back so are you ready three two one oh we made it guys it works hey what thanks for the help oh my

Goodness that actually worked the cookie of truth is literally the best where are we well we’re outside here again you know what guys before we go back and give this back to Harold what do you think we should do is maybe try out the cookie of

Truth he did say that it stops people lying literally makes them tell the truth so I think we should try it on a few people I saw people running around here earlier so who should we try on we’ve got Kwan or Kay Dorothy’s estranged strange names they try on this

Guy so here we go how you doing buddy welcome to the Citadel warrior okay we have the option now use the cookie of truth let’s do it sometimes I still bread from the bakers you you why would you do that quest complete as well these guys he steals bread and he’s running away

Because I know the truth now which is bad what about you sir how you doing hello there how are you should we use the cricket roof let’s do it sometimes oh oh this this is a slightly awkward he likes to sleep in pink underwear I think we should leave this guy alone we’ve

Embarrassed him enough weaverbirds Davidoff I didn’t else want to reveal their secrets anyone I saw a few people around here there was someone around here was it you was at you it was you this place is really coming along we’re small at the moment but developing fast that’s interesting but what’s more interesting

Is we could use the quickie of truth oh she likes the taste of sand you’re a strange one you are definitely a strange when you’re stuck in there now aren’t you you can’t get you don’t have any access to any more sand oh we should leave there’s

Plenty of sand where we’ve just been so she probably try out over here let’s try on the gravekeeper shall we I don’t think it’s interested I have nothing for you you are you’re angry you look like someone I know you know he looks a lot like Charles don’t you think it’s a

Little bit like him which is with blue eyes anyway I guess we should do the right thing we can’t abuse this power anymore let’s go ahead and give this back to a hair Awards my good friend how you doing buddy you sir are a legend I think we’re all legends we all helped

Out you got me back from the the craziest sand dunes this sit stood out cannot thank you enough before you’ve done if you can replace the cookie where it rightfully belongs your quest to be complete as well-liked here we’re forever in your debt sir as the guys we did it

We do that we’ve got to the cookie of truce that from that crazy guy always turn it tonight this is not good oh my goodness at least there’s a rain oh no I’m scared but anyway let’s put the cookie of truth back in his cookie jar

Let’s see how it looks look at that that’s pretty impressive what do you think look how majestic that looks but now we need to get home so churros I don’t know if you can hear me but you sent me home please I need to come back I need to put

Some stuff in the Treasury we need to add this this room to it what do you know I don’t think in here us I don’t think I’m loud enough right this work this work for the cookie of truth so we’re good have to say to try us bemis home and i think we

Might be able to complete this get home and have a good sleep because we’ve had quite to the battle today so we go three two one and then say dr. trois beam us up so you ready three two one doc Strauss beam us up where are we or in the teleporter again yes

It worked guys you are literally at the best I need to bring you guys some more adventures with me definitely right you’re us how you doing buddy how are you doing look at look at this giant sword I have look it’s absolutely massive what he says it’s not too

Impressive sometimes you like really rude to us it’s not in a good mood today guys so uh did you have anything to say it’s all these like beautiful people here huh do you do okay okay he says that you guys are legends and thanks so much for helping me out with the cookie

Of truth we are going to put all of this stuff in the treasure room in the next time that you see a custom adventures so thank you so much to join us on this adventure guys it’s been epic did you enjoy it I’m glad you did so I think

What we’re gonna do now is a little bit of a Q and a there’s so many of you oh my goodness hi I think we’re going to do a Q&A now so if I could get my my beautiful assistant out wherever he is and we’ll do a little bit of a Q&A I

Leave that up here beautiful where is my beauty are there you know there is there is two kind right okay that was amazing round of applause I think thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it I’m glad you enjoyed it you’ll really enjoy it great fun right okay so we want as many questions

As possible for Dan okay that’s what he’s here for he’s really happy to answer all your questions so I think we should crack on okay you hand up if you would love to ask the diamond minecart question I’m gonna tell you what I’m gonna do I’m

Gonna start this end and I’ll make my way across is that all right it’s a good plan it’s a good plan so hello what’s your name and some what’s your question for Dan How are the pugs is that a question they are the craziest little dog that you’ve ever met in your life I wish I could bring them here with me I could have a night sit on the sofa maybe a good time but they’re really good thank you for asking

How many pugs have you got I mean out how to names Darcy and Ellie next time I definitely yeah have their own meet-and-greet maybe right question this young man what’s your name hey then what’s your question I like you lever Jackie’s cool was that sorry no Travis

Is a legitimate villager as you can see who was in there and it was just me up there so he’s literally just chills in the lab and then cause his trouble with every down that as well so to the German villager yeah what’s your question mate

Once fired me I guess the game minecraft because you could literally make do builds record literally whatever you like in Minecraft so that inspired me to make videos and then you guys watch them which is crazy so that’s why it’s why these many videos okay next question what’s your name I’m actually question

You allow to like other games apart from Minecraft I think we’re allowed I think we allow it my favorite game I when Mario Kart came out America is a beautiful game very good game there’s a new date coming out for it soon so I’m sure I’ll get

Addicted RIA dicted to that Mario class just perfect so good yes he plays Mario Kart is the best it’s the best right sort of a question what’s your name Helen and what’s your question well we have known each other a long time I did

A video on how I met Trey Oris and that was years yeah absolutely is any it has caused me trouble most days of my life so it’s been a long a long time and if you ever seen that how I met Travis video it’s kind of the story about how

We met each other I like moved in next to him and from day one he was causing trouble so yeah we’ve known each other a long time anybody else got a question you need to ask a question no yeah yes we definitely should do we’ve been thinking about it

Because I’m not sure how many of you know but we did a husband vs. wife challenge where we literally have loads of challenges we faced off against each other which you guys seem to love and I think we should do it again it’s a highly suggested series so I definitely

Do it again who would like to see you again okay that’s that was it that sells it there’s your underdog right next question hello my friend what’s your name what’s your question dude okay that sounds a little bit strange sorry yeah it was a toy gun and I went round surprising my

Wife by shooting out of this toy gun throughout the day and the amount of people that they said that’s like the favorite video is Aquarius well explain yeah okay oh I can’t get I’m stuck oh no this is a dead end okay okay I will ask you what’s your

Name and what’s your question oh good question yeah if I have to pick another YouTube name I would have to have diamonds in it because diamonds are the best thymidine is that boring no no no go go Liz yeah what could we do the diving goggles yeah that’s a good one

Let’s go diving goggles anybody else Barney suggests yeah what Justin come on shout you out no shout out your answer what do you think you could change it sing the diamond the Diamonds dude right you mean the Bob Marley t-shirt whatever what’s your question oh that’s like that’s like asking who

You’re like you have two best friends and choosing one of them okay so Grimm is amazing but Cochise Beaufort is that cheating that’s treated isn’t it yeah I’m gonna say even though Travis is super annoying he sends us on loads of entries he’s super smart so I’m

Gonna have to choose 3 horas I’m sorry grim I’m sorry and down these guys are from Holland okay and they brought you some caramel are the waffles I know what these are yeah so do you know stroopwafel McFlurry is yeah they already do them in like in in Holland

France thing ever oh thank you there you go oh we got a little bit in our as well there you go thank you so I’ve got last done if you got what you get so much fun ah if you’ve got a wall at home that is just plastered yes

So I have when I come to these conventions you guys give me so much which I’m really grateful for so if it’s I’ve just moved offices so I have like a wall it’s gonna be covered in fan art and I’ve also got lots of pure box stuff

Still to open but it all goes even on the wall or I keep it in like about like a library of folders just full of TDF ah so you’ve been given so much just this weekend there must be Massey’s oh yeah there’s tonnes I could I put a library I

Owned by Kieffer also nasty car though really nice where I’m gonna come over here and asked you guys I’ve done side of the stage so what’s your name and watch your question sorry what was she first ever console done oh it was a TV here I don’t know you could

Play virtual a TV it was a sphere so Super Nintendo Entertainment System so his literary one not the original Mario but the one after that so I had stuff like I think the original Mario Kart was on it and then you had like Super Mario Worlds

Yeah the snares it’s a good console is a good console it’s a very good console anybody here remember the Super Nintendo the snez so parents put in their hands okay yeah okay who’s got a question on this side what’s your name and what’s your question the weirdest what’s been your

Weirdest experience in any series weirdest experience yeah weirdest yeah those one episode of diamond dimensions where I was just I was just rooting through my chest just try to find something and this creeper like comes from the ceiling for no reason it’s not even dark and it just comes from the top

Lines on my face and explodes everything literally everything and it goes everywhere if you haven’t seen that you need to check it out because it’s so weird so that is my strangest experience because there was no reason for that creeper to be there okay what’s your name mate and what’s your question That’s really cool thank you it’s like a redstone oil that’s really cool I don’t have a pen on me oh well just we’ll just do one yeah because we haven’t got enough I will be around and about the convention I will be out and around the convention after this so I’ll meet as

Many to your other can ask a few more questions shall we around like that over there who would like to quite ask the question on the stairs you sir what’s your name so many things I didn’t learn about until the video came out but you know the animation style video came out

Where we kind of tried something new in the lab we went through his old lab and he put me in this machine and I trusted him like I always do and he changed me into a chicken he changed me into a cow well so you tie me into a she

And then yeah at the end of the video he said I was fine my top half was fine and then I got home and realized I had horse legs so that’s literally the worst thing he’s done to me so you couldn’t reverse it for ages it took lots of potions to

Get rid of them it was bad it was bad right oh these are put down as well are they we’ve got you some are for the books don’t be scared not those okay I’ll be over in a second done we’ve got one more question so make

It a good one what’s your name and what is it that’s amazing thank you so Dan why do you always play Minecraft what is it about Minecraft that you love it’s like new every single time you play it so you can create all the levels you

Want play all the stories you are and you literally make the game whatever you like so you can literally do anything in my club especially with all the mods and stuff as well but it’s just fresh and new every time I play it if a new mod

Comes out and it just does something crazy it always just I’d always be like wow this game is I guess the only one it is your imagination isn’t it exactly yeah yeah exactly is that why we all love Minecraft thank you thank you the pugs are gonna be happy

Definitely okay brilliant could I do one thing before we go would you be able to take a picture of me and all these guys yes gladly gladly Wow so where’d you where where should we do this so if I stand here yeah would you guys

Take it this way no all right that’s all the safe banks for like you guys being amazing by the way you guys awesome yeah give yourselves a big round of applause I think that was the quietest the mainstage there was there was a bit a little bit bit weak when you do look

Like right everyone say Minecraft nice one thank you thanks so much for all the support today guys it’s been amazing so I’m glad you enjoyed all the custom other ventures as well so I’m gonna be out and around and about so I can beat as many of you as possible because I’m gonna

Have to go this way but um yeah that’s one say thanks they’re coming out it’s been amazing and guys we’re gonna have a little chat we’ve done in the studio right now so if you want to hear more from the Diamond minecart take a seat

And you can watch it on the screens all around here okay that’d be in about five minutes guys even amazing great questions give yourselves Pat Starbucks thank you so much we’ll see you soon bye you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | THE COOKIE OF TRUTH!! | Custom Mod Adventure LIVE’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2015-04-09 18:04:54. It has garnered 7723334 views and 111291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:13 or 2593 seconds.

► Subscribe and join TeamTDM! :: http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 ► BIG thanks to Multiplay :: https://www.youtube.com/user/Multiplay ► Follow Me on Twitter :: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart

Today brings an extremely special CUSTOM MOD ADVENTURE called The Cookie of Truth which was filmed in front of a HUGE LIVE audience! Thanks to everyone who enjoyed it live and I hope that you enjoy it just as much watching this version.. ENJOY!

► Second Channel :: http://www.youtube.com/MoreTDM

► Want To Send Me Something? :: The Diamond Minecart / DanTDM Office 34 67-68 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JY UK

► Merchandise! US: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.com UK: http://thediamondminecartuk.spreadshirt.co.uk EU: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.net

Enjoy & remember to like, favourite and subscribe to support me!

— Find Me! — Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Instagram: DanTDM Skydaz: http://www.skydaz.com — Easy Mod Installers!

— Credits — All titles and images created by TheDiamondMinecart Title song: Super Street Fighter Remix – AntoineLavenant – https://soundcloud.com/antoinelavenant Other music by Kevin MacLeod at http://www.incompetech.com

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DanTDM – Minecraft | THE COOKIE OF TRUTH!! | Custom Mod Adventure LIVE