DanTDM – Minecraft | THE ETERNAL FROST! (NEW Dimension, Mobs & More!) | Mod Showcase [1.5.1]

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You truly are the most beautiful spider queen I’ve ever seen it’s beautiful hey everyone down here from the Diamond minecart and welcome to another minecraft mod review where today I’m going to be showcasing the eternal frost mod which adds in a complete brand new dimension into your

Minecraft game designed to act as the complete opposite to the nether so all items in the overworld have been transformed into their frozen selves and there are slew of new items mobs dungeons and bosses to get to as well so let’s see how you can craft this amazing

Portal and get to this amazing new world with snow pouring out the portal there so to make this you’re going to need some ice obsidian for the portal frame now for this you’re going to need for snow and a single obsidian in this pattern here to make one ice obsidian so

You’re going to need the same amount of obsidian as you’re going to need for a normal portal you can obviously make it in the other shape as well about the corners but I’ve just made it like this because I don’t really know why but I have and then you’re going to need

Something special to light it which is the Flint and diamond rather than the traditional flint and steel and for that you’re just going to need to replace at the traditional iron in a flint and steel recipe with the diamonds you need one Flint one diamond to create this cool blue

Looking flint and steel so what you’re going to need to do is create a normal nether portal frame out of ice obsidian and then light it with the Flint and diamond to be able to create this amazing new dimension snow particles pour out of it so it’s going to be damn

Chilly so let’s go straight into the portal yeah so welcome everyone to the eternal Frost and it’s looking simply amazing it’s looking really really cool it’s got all these amazing looking like caves and it’s got just loads of different levels to it loads of cliffs loads of fire

Loads of ice and loads of really cool stuff so this is looking really really amazing it’s just got so many new things and you’ve got a little preview of all the new mobs so we’re going to take a look at in a bit and we’ve also got a

Host of new items which I’m going to get to now so the first bit is a couple of new ores we’ve got about four new ores in this land which you can’t find in the overworld and they create all of these different items we’ve got new swords new

Pickaxes new items of armor new sets of our mothers I think there’s four complete sets of new armor which have different kind of armor properties we’ve got new blaze rods glowstone dust which is completely different then we’ve got some crystals we’ve got some new foods as well we got frozen

Meat frozen pears frozen milk frozen strawberry pie now who’s not going to like that I mean come on and then we’ve got frozen cheese as well so there’s this is just a small selection of the new items that you can get and I just don’t want to show you all of them

Because I don’t want to spoil my other mod but you’ve also got a whole host of new items and blocks that you can put down so over here we’ve got doors we’ve got bricks we’ve got stairs we’ve got loads of frozen different stuff and here I believe this is a guide glowstone lamp

You got glowstone redstone lamp over there got bookshelves this is the frozen obsidian which looks really really cool it’s got the kind of enchantment particles going around it we’ve got ice TNT we’ve got enchanting tables that look completely different and the textures a little bit broken there we’ll

Just ignore that bit does look amazing everywhere else and then we’ve got this amazing looking crafting table so imagine crafting this out of the wood that you can find here and taking it back to your overworld house it’s just going to look incredible so you’ve got

Stuff like chests as well we’ve got all these amazing torches that we’ve got around here too there this is one of the kind of torches and there’s another one over just over here so it’s looking really cool and crafts so many different things all the normal vanilla stuff you

Can craft in its frozen forms here’s a chest here it works as normal it’s called snow bark chest and it’s all looking purple and cool so now I’m going to move on to some of the mobs that you can find over here and there are quite a

Lot there’s the hosts of frozen style vanilla mobs so I’m going to go over some of them now so we’ve got all of these let me just grab all of these ones and then we’ll start off with the Scarab now the Scarab is just like a tiny

Little beetle I’m not sure if it attacks you or not but it just takes a swift swipe and it will drop little frozen seeds which you can use for later then we’ve got the snow owl which is very cute look at this guy he’s looking awesome so this is just flies around

Your world you can kill him for feathers which is cool and then we’ve also got the cold creeper which obviously will explode on contact he’s looking well quite cold really so just kind of like a pale doubt creeper and he will just you know explode as you would expect so and

We’ve also got over here we’ve got the frostbite spider which is like a re textured spider is looking really really awesome with those really nice blue eyes let’s get him out of here we drops the appropriate frozen eye and then we’ve also got a furry ball which is like the

Pig of the frozen dimension the eternal frost dimension he’s looking cool come here come piggy come on there we go he’s looking really cool nice and derpy as we like him and then yeah that’s pretty much it about the frozen ball so we’ve also got

The ice pigs on B so this is kind of like the eternal frost version of the nether zombies so he’s looking just a bit more blue a bit more cold and he’s just going to aggro as normal in groups we’ve also got the snow glace which is a

Version of the blaze so we’re just gonna get rid of him get get out of here sir get out of here before you blood everything and he drops the frozen blaze rods which he saw earlier then we’ve also got the ice cube which is like a slime and he’s just looking really cold

And just derpy as hell so let’s get him out of here because I look all this good easy drops he drops that blue redstone dust and he also drops some of those new gems early so they’re actually going to be worth killing for once then we get

Rid I’m gonna leave those there and then we’re going to grab some of the more new mobs let’s get over to this chest over here drop these ones in and then grab the new ones so got four more to look at but these aren’t all of the mobs I’m

Gonna show you even more of them later the more awesome ones we’ve got a horned goat which is kind of like the frozen version of a sheep which has a really cool-looking model with little horns and is looking happy as hell so let’s just kill him and then it take his wolves he

Dropped wool as normal then we’ve got the normal goats so this goat has tiny horns I think this is the version of the baby sheep I’m not too sure but let’s see what he drops he also drops a wool then we’ve got the woolly mammoth which

Is one of my favorite models in this whole mod yes he’s pretty big and his face is incredible look at this guy oh my oh my god he’s easily the favorite mob in this mod look at him ah yes I don’t know what he drops those let’s

Just take him out I think it’s got more health than normal because this is a diamond sword remember and I’m trying to take him out it’s taking a lot of hits and he drops some nice new food so we’ve got Pelt here I know that’s like her

Skin and then we’ve got a lot of pork chops so definitely a nice way to get food and then we’ve got the Yeti which is like the zombie of the frozen overworld he’s holding a snowball I don’t think he froze the snowballs but he’s going to get pretty aggressive at

You and I think the skin is very nice so what we’re going to move on to next are a couple of the dungeons that are in this mod so I’m going to switch over to it in a second show you how to find the dungeons first off and then show you

What’s inside the dungeons I’ll be back in a second and actually before I go over to show you the dungeons I need to show you one of the most important things in this mod which is that bar that is above my hunger bar and that is called the hyperthermia bar so

As you can see it’s empty at the moment and it’s actually hurting me I’m actually regaining health because I got for hunger but I am losing health every now and then kind of like drowning but that is because I am really really cold so now I need to move over to these blue

Flames to fill it back up so I don’t go into the flame because they will hurt you but if you stand near a flame like this it will start to fill back up again and I won’t get hurt anymore so that is a really cool feature just adds an extra

Little thing to the dimension that a bit more of a challenge and you can see it’s full now and another thing to note is that you don’t want to swim in this dimension if is look if I go into this water here I will start to get hurt so

Definitely do not go into the water and make sure that you fill up or make sure you have at least one of these fires near your homes so that you don’t get hypothermia and die so now I will move on to the dungeons rather than suing this more dungeons

Work a little bit differently and you’ve got to actually go through your overworld or it through your eternal frost dimension and find one of these which is called a dungeon block now this will spawn one of two different dungeons one of them I have spawned in over there

So what you do to spawn them is just hit them and they will start to spawn this amazing looking structure so if we go into this structure this is one of the first ones I’ll forgive the lag there and getting a few lag spikes because it’s the spawning loads of stuff and

Then you’ve got all of these mobs in here which are looking crazy and you’re gonna have to make your way into here and try and get what’s inside so this is the second one I believe so we’ve gotta do in here it smash all of the spawns

And it will spawn in a brand new block so I’ve got rid of those and you can see it’s got this with spades on it and you actually have to break this and when you break that you will have a bit of a a bit of a chest come up here with some

Goodies in it like frozen pears and some nice water here and then you’ve got this amazing new room open so it’s very very clever in the way that it works so make sure you just disable all the spawns get rid of them you’ve got some spiders some

Blazes and that to get through so if we walk through here or fly through here you’ve got kind of like a library and you’re going to be faced with a boss very very soon so this is the second the second stage of it you can have to get

Rid of the spawn again and dig this so let’s just go over here get rid of all the spawner and then we’ll have to hit the final block so if we just go over here and hit this it will spawn in the new guys – where are you where are you guy

And it looks like it’s missing a texture right now so that’s not good that is not good at all where are you right then so unfortunately the cold night did actually like my game so I’m not gonna be able to show him but do go and try

Out this mod and find them for yourself because yeah it is really awesome it did just lag my game to crashing but anyway I’m going to show you the next one which is the Queen spider as you can see on the top of my screen and you can

Actually spawn him and it will create this huge castle so this one is a lot bigger and a lot tougher and yeah let’s just go into the beginning which presents you with a ton of spiders a ton of spawns and some goodies as well so it’s not all bad we’ve got some wild

Balls in here too we’ve also got some chests and they’ve got some decent stuff in some decent food to keep you on top of these spawn answers about what there’s like seven spawn is in here and there’s actually many levels to this so if we go out the outside and then see

All the windows so if we punch through here you can actually see that there’s more stuff inside there’s like a mini library with loads more saunas and then when you get to the top you’ll be presented with this spiderweb maze where you have to find the Queen spider so

We’re just going to bash through it you can imagine in survival this is incredibly hard because you’ve just got loads of mobs trying to attack you there’s yetis that spawn in here as well and you’ve got to try and get through this spiderweb maze to meet her Holiness

The Queen spider she’s like a spider with an amazing crown on her head and you’re gonna have to kill her to get some of the amazing new items now I’m not going to kill her right now I’m going to show you the items in a second

But this is the Queen spiders castle I really really like it and I’ve got them stuck in a web now so I really really like this one I think is my favorite one out of the two but yeah it’s looking really really cool and now we’re going

To get onto some of the items that spawn when you kill these bosses so when you’ve actually killed one of the two bosses in this mod you will actually get some very very nice drops and in the I guess the warmness of the overworld snow biome we will figure out what they are

So we’ve got all of these amazing new items we’ve got Thor’s hammer we’ve got ice balls stuff we’ve got Hermes boots Poseidon crown ring of teleportation Aries armor snow blower which is yeah I think you will agree it is from The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap that little

Sprite there and then you’ve got the ice rod Odin Greaves Satan helm Hades loke boots bezel buff leggings which i think is to do if the devil but anyway you’ve got the magical hop as well so there’s a spawn some of these in here and we’ll show you what you do

So the thought hammer were actually on a right-click spawn some lightning in here which looks amazing so we’ll just throw it to the ground and you be able to hit stuff and then you’ve got the ice ball stuff which fires out a nice born where actually explodes oh my god I didn’t

Expect it to do that much damn whoof that is pretty powerful and then you’ve got the Hermes boots so if you right click you will have to equip them and you get speed 3 which is cool just take them off and now then we’ve also got the Poseidon crown which will give you

Nothing at the minute which is unfortunate the ring of teleportation which is just like an ender pearl for free which is cool and you actually get these in a quite a high number when you destroy one of the bosses then we’ve also got the Aries armor which will give

You strength while you wear it we’ve also got the snow blow which actually just blows snowballs which is it’s cool I guess and then you’ve got the ice rod which actually does spawn in ice so if you right-click the ground it will spawn in a nice block of ice you can trap enemies

Within it and stuff then we have the Odin Greaves and when you wear them they don’t do anything at the moment just yet so we’re just going to get rid of all of these move on to the next set of items so we’ve got all of these so let’s go

For the Satan helmet actually give you strength to while you wear it the Hades arm will give you fire resistance too and the Loki boots are pretty interesting you wear them and you’re actually spawn fire when you walk what the wall nerf what on earth so she’s

Walk around you will spawn fire which isn’t too Pleasant in the forest biomes let’s take these off and put out this fire put at it it’s such a fire hazard but pretty cool pretty cool must admit and then you’ve got the bezel buff leggings which I don’t believe do

Anything right now and finally you’ve got the magical heart which works just like a bow and you can fire up musical notes so that is nice and cute and I’m not sure how much damage they do I’m sorry wolf oh but that’s pretty powerful so one-shots wolves so it is

Decent enough and i think that is pretty much what this mod has to offer it is a pretty amazing mod it’s got a massive new dimension the works really well as one of the new mobs the new dungeons and everything and I think you should go

Explore what I didn’t show you so yeah definitely go and check it out and if you did happen to enjoy this video and comment eat them please do hit that subscribe button for daily minecraft videos and also the link for the mod this amazing eternal frost mod will be in the

Description below and also a like and a favor will be greatly appreciated too if you did enjoy the video that is so I think that’s pretty much it from me and the eternal frost mod so for me it is goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | THE ETERNAL FROST! (NEW Dimension, Mobs & More!) | Mod Showcase [1.5.1]’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2013-04-18 19:00:29. It has garnered 1719835 views and 11067 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:50 or 830 seconds.

“IT’S SO COOOOLD!!” ► Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MoGt0b_kBM&list=PL59D2793D426CE49C&index=100 ► Previous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBDuFS2xo-A&list=PL59D2793D426CE49C&index=98 — SUBSCRIBE! — http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 ► Mod Showcases Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v039OOikj9s&list=PL59D2793D426CE49C&index=1

Dan from The Diamond Minecart demonstrates the Eternal Frost Mod which adds a whole new dimension into your Minecraft world claiming to be the exact opposite of the Nether. I take you through how to get there and also how tackle the cold so you don’t perish from hyperthermia!

Get the Eternal Frost Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1218565-ssp-smp-151-the-eternal-frost-would-you-like-to-see-the-inverse-of-the-nether-a-new-dimension-new-mobs-and-mores-v16b1/

Enjoy & remember to like, favourite and subscribe to support me!

— Find Me! — Twitter: @DiamondMinecart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Skydaz: http://www.skydaz.com — Easy Mod Installers!

— Credits — All titles and images created by TheDiamondMinecart Title song: Super Street Fighter Remix – AntoineLavenant – https://soundcloud.com/antoinelavenant Quiet Tune: Deliberate Thought – Kevin Macleod – http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?genre=Electronica

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    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More