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Wait where am I right now you’re not a speaker hacker who are you oh my love hey human we’re the speaker hacker family you’re welcome to join us on this one Chuckie what no he’s not even a hacker like us check this out and oh wait what are you doing baby stop

Punching me oh wait why’d you push me off oh my gosh good job son but let’s leave the human alone for a bit uh yeah guys come on I know I don’t have crazy hacks like you guys but I just want to get out of this place let’s start mining

Down this tree oh can I mine the tree with you yes we go and go for it oh I’ll just mine this tree thank you very much did you just find I mean you would you would hey I really wanted to mind a trip with the human why’d you do that oh well I just made it infinitely faster but here you can just wait for that one to grow if you want it’s fine well anyway speaker man what are you

Doing mining the tree what else would I be doing oh wait you have a Crossing table here let me go ahead and craft some stuff really quick no no no no no no no no what you cannot use my grafting table but why not this is for speaker

People only oh my gosh dude can you not see that we only have two trees here we don’t have that much wood we have to share resources yeah we get a speaker person tree and a human tree and you can stay on your side oh my gosh dude no

Don’t you think it’ll be a lot faster if we just share resources yeah it would be way faster if we shared we have to work together if we want to get out of here yeah VidCon I’m just using the crafting table I don’t care no I’m not sharing

With a stinky human get out of here we can talk about this you have wood from your treats craft your own crafting table and oh my gosh you’re not fine fine fine I guess I’ll craft my own but look now we have less wood but it’s fine

I guess now we have two crafting tables like you wanted I’m sorry about them they can be a little dramatic at times and yeah it’s all right at least I have this other crafting table now but here I’m just gonna go ahead and start mining

Some Stone I want to get to the next lure so we can get out of this place yeah me too I’m gonna craft the wooden pickaxe speaker woman what are you doing over there you’re supposed to be mining with us this pack of speaker people you

Know your family oh well I wanted to mine with the human right no he’s probably gonna eat you or something come over here so we can protect you what I’m not going Twilight what are you talking about oh fine oh my gosh fine whatever well let’s just all

Go ahead and mine a bunch of stones so that we can upgrade our tools and stuff all right well anyways now that I’ve got a little bit of stone let me go ahead and upgrade my tools to Stone really quick there we go and boom now that I’ve

Got a stone pickaxe let me go ahead and mine some of this iron r no you’re not getting uh wait where did all the iron go wait what I insta mined it with my hacker abilities what you just find all of the wait what in the world why because I

Didn’t want you getting any it’s not very nice speaker man we have to share I’m not sharing with the Enemy and what dude how am I the enemy I just want to get out of this place I’m in the same situation as you guys well come on we

Have to work together if we keep doing this and we’re never gonna get anywhere and yeah can you just give me some of that iron at least yeah sure I’ll give you I’ll give you let’s see three pieces that should be enough right three pieces

No that’s not gonna enough oh my gosh I need at least 30 for full iron armor and tools and all that I already that’s a big greedy don’t you think and dude you literally remind me later who’s being greedy here well I’m not being greedy I mind the entire layer

For I can provide for them why do you need 30 for yourself and dude I need 35 myself so I can craft iron armor and stuff how much do you have right now I have two and a half stacks two enough for you threes yeah yeah stock sure why not all right thank

You it’s okay human you can keep going down trust me uh okay I guess I’ll just keep digging down okay and whoa wait it looks like there’s gold down here but uh wait I don’t have a diamond pickaxe to mine it well I guess I’m just gonna have

To mind it with my stone big accent what there’s even emeralds down here and I can’t even mind this because I don’t have an iron pickaxe human oh a speaker one what’s up here you need a dirty iron right and wait you gave me three iron oh

Thank you so much much um okay yeah this is gonna be super helpful I can go craft stuff with this thanks of course anything for you let’s go now that I’ve got some iron let me go ahead and craft the furnace and boom I can start

Smelting it all right I also need a spot somewhere good thing that I give the human some I hope speaker man doesn’t find out and oh gosh yeah if he finds out he’s probably gonna get really mad at me uh let’s just keep this between me

And you here I have a little bit of extra coal I can put it in your furnace oh thank you you’re so sweet stickerman never does stuff like this all right all right and it looks like the iron is coming along pretty well I might need to

Get a little bit more what you doing over here oh hi speaker man what are you doing over here and how did you get this much higher she gave it to me what’s the problem what equipping him so he can eat us well he’s not our enemy we’re working together

We’re all a team we’re all trying to get out of here and yeah dude I don’t know what makes you think I’m your enemy I’m just trying to get out of this place just like you guys oh yeah you’ll see later on whenever he tries to eat you

And then he comes from me and the speaker baby well he’s not going to do that he’s very helpful and kind of trustworthy you just met him you don’t know nothing about this man can we just move on and get some supplies and yeah guys come on let’s just keep moving on I

Need to go get a little bit more coal for my furnaces I almost have enough to make iron armor all right and anyways now that I have a bit more coal let me come back up over here and here let me go ahead and put it in the furnaces hey

Speaker baby how are you doing I’m doing good but I don’t know why you trust that human over there what’s wrong with him you don’t like him I thought that I don’t like him but I just don’t trust him it’s weird that we just show up here

And he’s here too well I think that he’s very nice you don’t think it would be fun for him to like live with us or something I mean I guess I don’t really know I just I don’t trust him well okay maybe that’ll change later on let’s just

Keep going all right well here let’s just go ahead and grab some iron from these furnaces and let me craft some iron armor and boom I’ve got my first piece of iron armor let’s go awesome can you craft some iron armor for me here I have some ingots and oh yeah sure of

Course why not here let me go ahead and first craft the chest plate and then the pins and then the boots and the helmet and boom here you go oh thank you so much here’s the best which bigger one what are you doing over there why aren’t

You over here with us you know with your family well I just wanted to spend some time with the human what’s wrong with that nothing just the fact that he’s probably gonna eat you you know what that’s it I’m making sure you can’t cause any harm to my family what is that

I’m future proving myself making sure you can’t cause any harm to me or my family ever again no no no no dude come on you can’t do this just let me back on the truck I don’t want to fall into the void oh yeah I’ll let you back onto the

Chunk if you stop talking to my wife and leave us alone oh come on you’re being way too unreasonable just leave him alone oh my gosh dude come on just put me down I’m not doing anything wrong well he’s not listening on speaker baby you know what to do oh yeah we’re

Putting him in a prison let’s go I love this part wait wait what is that what’s going on hey don’t do that stuff oh nothing just a little cage for you so you can listen hey what no guys no gutter still let him out this is no

Come on dad let’s go get some lava to pour on the human oh actually one idea son let’s go do that oh wait what no no guys don’t pour lava on me what in the world is this hey come back here oh I’ll be back human and uh oh gosh okay but

What in the world get out of this place up can I mine out with my pickaxe come on come on and oh my gosh it’s not working I think these are like reinforced iron bars or something I can’t even break them with my pickaxe what in the world oh come on

Can I try breaking this block over here and oh my gosh I can’t break that either wait wait what about these grass blocks and oh my gosh I can’t even fit through there how am I supposed to break out of this thing you ain’t human and oh wait

Stick them on your back yeah I’m using this hugger pickaxe it should work and wait a hacker pickaxe oh but I’m so sorry that they did that to you they’re being really unfair and yeah that was pretty messed up I can’t believe I got trapped in an unbreakable

Prison that was pretty crazy yeah I was really worried about you I’m sorry they did that and yeah but wait we gotta be super careful we can’t let them see or else I don’t know what they’re gonna do they’re gonna get super mad if they see

That I broke out of the prison yeah you’re right but I have something to admit to you man it’s time for lava how did he get out and uh wait why guys what are you doing out of your cage you never listened that’s it all right

Hey stop you can’t do that I don’t think this human can lessen properly I think he’s got something in his ear so I just want to get it out for him and no no nothing can be around it I’ll I’ll stop let me back on the trunk and then we can

Talk okay no this is a perfect place to talk come on just talk to me no I was the one who broke him out okay stop you’re being ridiculous right now what you broke him out why did you do that well you guys were being extremely

Unfair and it’s not okay for you to just lock him up it’s perfectly okay for me to lock him up he’s not even a hacker he’s on this truck with our family why is he even here oh my gosh dude I have no idea why I’m here I just want to get

Out and come on dude we can just work together and get out of this place and then once we get out I’ll never see you again okay I’ll work with you on one condition and what’s that you stop flirting with my wife and leave her

Alone okay fine fine I will I will if you ever go back on that promise just take a look down and oh my gosh dude let me back on right now all right there you go but no more funny business after this we gotta keep on mining down the junk

Wait does this mean I can’t pour lava on the human no you cannot pour love on the human come on let’s go don’t pour love on me but wait let me go ahead and grab some iron from these furnaces really quick and okay perfect we should have

Enough to craft full iron armor so let me go ahead and craft that for myself really quick and boom there we go now I’ve got full iron armor and tools this is awesome all right well let’s keep mining down all right well come on guys the next layer is Diamond but we don’t

Really need those and whoa wait it looks like you guys made a lot of progress while I was locked up in that prison and oh don’t worry I got it that lava was pretty scary yeah you have to be careful I don’t want you to get hurt and

Oh gosh yeah these layers are pretty dangerous what did I just tell you dude lava yeah and I told you to leave her alone so stop talking to her and oh my gosh fine fine whatever I’ll just keep digging down okay I just want to get out

Of this place okay all right well anyways let’s just keep mining this one chunk but wait speaker one I remember you said you had something to admit to me earlier what was that about oh nothing nothing don’t worry about it wait admit something what what is he talking about oh nothing don’t worry

About it I’m going to worry about it because you two were alone and we were just talking yeah just talking about what dates You’re Gonna Play and while you’re together what no it wasn’t anything like that you know what this is all your fault get moving

What’s going on I want to know why are you keep trying to flirt with my wife trying to get with her uh guys we have a problem over here and uh wait what is it and oh wait what whoa that’s a lot of mobs yeah how are

We supposed to deal with them oh I know a way to get rid of them uh there you go up here I’m coming human oh gosh oh gosh there’s so many mobs like there’s armor in the corners quick real quick let’s go ahead and grab the armor oh god oh you’re

Right I’m grabbing it all right all right I just put on the armor and wait it gives me jump boost and speed but wait there’s also a shulker box is there a weapon or something and there’s a sword okay quick let’s take all these moms out go go go go all right I’m

Hitting them all come on don’t hurt ah there’s so many of them oh my gosh Come on speaker man speaker baby come help us oh fine I guess I’ll come down and help you but I’m not helping that human dude why didn’t you push me in here there’s

Literally so many mobs come on in okay I think that was all of them but wait there’s spawners in the corners guys quick we have to break the spawners I’m gonna use my PVP hex don’t worry and oh yeah quick use your p air baby you got this come on come on

Let’s just break all the spawners and boom there we go was that all of them oh that was really close oh my gosh yeah that was pretty intense why did you push him down that was really dangerous he almost died and so did I yes speaker

That was super messed up you didn’t even warn me or anything you just pushed me down here well I I didn’t mean to I didn’t think you would jump in after him what do you mean he didn’t mean to you literally pushed me down what else are

You expecting I will anyway I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done it but we gotta keep on running down this Challenge and yeah finally thanks for apologizing ah gee as well I do have something to admit to you Human by the way and oh you do well what

Is it well after seeing you get hurt I just well I have a crush on you okay and oh oh I see how it is oh he took that surprisingly well and yeah I thought he was gonna like get super mad and like try to push me off into the void or

Something and pick me up with that gravity Cannon thing yeah well I’m glad you didn’t do that I guess us three can stay together now all right well anyways I guess let’s just go ahead and keep digging down and uh wait what why is this next layer made out of battery wait

What is this supposed to be like this wait how did he get down that makes no sense wait yeah wait what’s going on here and uh wait what guys what’s happening and oh wait what did all the walls just turn into glass hey what’s going on hey what this

If you want to be with the human so bad then enjoy being in prison with him wait what is that you you said yeah wait stop don’t Dance Let Us out yeah we want to walk out of this place no Benny no one speaker woman I’m gonna hack you

And uh wait what’s going on cracker mode activated oh wait what is this oh no she got hacked right away must kill human oh wait what’s going on stop escaping come human I think I know how to fix this and uh well you know what do we have to do do

You have any diamonds uh diamond yeah why hero take it quick okay now I have to craft an unhacking tool just distract her for a second and uh okay okay sure craft it quick hearing mode activated must kill human and oh my gosh she really wants to kill me come on dude

Cross it quick okay okay I’m done here we go unhatching down shutting down and wait speaker one are you back to normal uh guys what happened oh my gosh so much happened that trapped us at a prison and then he hacked you and you tried to kill the human

And just speaker but he put us in this prison thing and then he attacks you and then he wanted to like try to kill me oh my gosh that’s terrible wait how are we supposed to get out of here you may have unacked speaker woman but

Good luck trying to break out of this prison and hey come on just let us know we can talk about this what no way I’m letting you out I’m just gonna fill you in on what I’m gonna be doing while you’re stuck here I’m gonna go down to

The bottom and I’m gonna escape this place and I’m Gonna Leave You here to run just like you want to you could be with your human but I’m getting out of here I’ll see you all later oh my gosh she’s gonna get out of here

And just leave us all here oh my gosh what do we do oh no we have to get out of here we can’t be stuck here forever how are we supposed to get out we can’t break through that bedrock with just a normal pickaxe oh my gosh yeah we can’t

Break through these walls either what do we do wait you’re right a normal pickaxe wouldn’t be able to break bedrock with a hacker pickaxe can oh my gosh he has a hugger because you still have that thing yeah hooray okay let me try this please work and oh

You just broke the Bedrock couldn’t even think that was possible but wait yeah there’s still one more layer hold on man speaker man really put two lyrics uh it looks like you’re gonna have to break that as well and let’s go and whoa wait what in the

World is this next layer well wait here I guess let’s hop down over here and whoa wait what in the world is this uh you guys might want to check this out this looks like it’s like cool and uh wait did you guys just shoot at the end

Portal opened up oh gosh vikramade’s going to the end we gotta be quick little what are we waiting for let’s try doing this parkour go go go go we need to hurry up and get to the bottom yeah come on go go since this armor gives us jump boost this parkour is actually

Super easy come on guys we have to keep going let’s go all right come on come on in there we go we all made it let’s go but wait where are we going now wait it looks like there’s a trap door here but wait what I need the passcode

Oh my gosh where are we supposed to find a passcode from well I don’t know maybe we can look around there could be some Clues and oh gosh wait do we have to go all the way back to the start or something oh I really hope not I don’t

Know if I can make that parkour again wait guys there’s a sign right here and wait what there isn’t oh whoa there is wait what does it say does this have the passcode on it and wait I can kind of read it it says three five six two okay

That must be the password here let me try entering it into here three five six two and oh opened up whoa wait what’s that whoa wait I think I just saw a laser and oh gosh yeah that’s what it looks like way over here let me try entering the

Passcode again and oh gosh yeah that is definitely a laser well uh who wants to go down there first I’ll do it since I’m the smallest I could probably just squeeze past that laser and oh yeah good idea here let me go ahead and enter the passcode one more time and whenever

You’re ready I’ll hit enter and it’ll open up you ready yeah I’m ready I’m ready to do it all right three two one go oh my gosh guys there’s so many lasers down here and wait you made it okay perfect uh can you disable them uh

Yeah I should be able to Great perfect thank you so much it’ll be safe to come down now it is okay perfect let me go ahead and enter the passcode one more time and boom boom and whoa yeah there was a lot of lasers down here what in the world come

On guys we have to keep going down to the bottom before he gets out and yeah come on come on we just have to keep digging down let’s go wait guys that’s a lot of noise do you hear that yeah wait that sounds pretty strange what is it

And uh wait guys I think I found out what it is I think they have multiple lives come on come on we just gotta keep hitting him come on don’t get back up no going over here and let’s go wait was that all of them yeah I think so few oh

My gosh that was pretty insensible what are we waiting for let’s keep going down come on we can’t be wasting any time let’s go wait oh gosh guys come on we gotta go build around these I am trying they’re hitting me oh gosh oh gosh there’s one

In each Corner come on come on out they’re doing a lot of damage come on come on let’s just build around these and let’s go I think we disabled all of them love you for wait guys look the end Portal’s already lit and wait guys yeah whatever we’re waiting for this is where

Speaker man what’s the month through let’s go after I defeat this Ender Dragon I’m gonna become Unstoppable and they’re gonna be stuck here forever and what in the world uh guys we have to stop it from defeating that Ender Dragon look it’s already happened oh no and look the dragon’s purse right

Now he could take it out then oh gosh right speaker man clear oh nice of you to finally join me just to watch me leave you here and hey we’ll see who’s gonna be left here come here speaker man I don’t think so you guys are going down I’m

Unstoppable let me use my PVP hacks I’m kidding him you think your hacks can do anything against me I’ve become the master hacker oh wait what is he flying oh guys what are we supposed to do oh gosh yeah wait what is he spawning in black holes inside I’m Invincible

Oh no guys he’s sitting really hard what do we do oh gosh yeah these black holes are super powerful but wait Guys menu should try opening some of these Lucky Blocks like look some of them spawned around here whoa you’re right maybe they’ll give us something good I don’t

Think you’re that lucky so I’m just gonna leave you to it while I destroy this Dragon oh gosh guys quick this one just gave me Bedrock oh gosh oh gosh this won’t give me iron armor oh my gosh wait guys there’s a green one over here maybe we should try opening these

I’m pretty sure the green ones are more powerful I think you’re a month something good all right all right guys defend me while I open it come on come on and whoa wait guys it just gave me a super rumpy sword wait how much damage is this doing it doesn’t

Mean we can one shot him and oh my gosh yeah you’re right wait speaker man where are you coming here oh what you’re man enough to finally face me I’m fine I’ll give you what you need and oh wait guys you should be able to hit him come on come on come on

No no wait we actually did it let’s go but wait guys we’re gonna take out the dragon and leave before he responds quick quick come on come on Dragon get down here come on come on come down we just need to get one more hit come on

Dragon hurry up and here we go guys I think he’s coming down here we go come on come on and boom let’s go we got him no way let’s go then we just have to go to jump through and we’ll make it back home oh let’s go all right and look the

Portal’s here let’s go and whoa guys look we made it cold no way we actually did it wait here what does that mean you’re my dad now uh that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘LOCKED on ONE HACKER CHUNK with SPEAKER FAMILY!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-09-23 13:00:20. It has garnered 275115 views and 2719 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:12 or 1212 seconds.


This video Dash is stuck on ONE HACKER CHUNK with the Speaker Family, Speaker Woman, Speaker Man and Speaker Baby in Minecraft! Will they escape? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash and Nico!

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Disclaimer: “Dash” is a parody channel that creates gameplay style videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet series. This transformative parody work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. No videos are meant to offend, harm, or upset any parties.

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; https://www.bynogame.com/tr/destekle/xmaiya ⭐️Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/one-piece-adventures-at-sea… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme

    MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize it’s just a pixelated illusion of productivity in your real life. #minecraftillusion #gamerproblems Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of thrilling Minecraft adventures? Do you enjoy exploring new mods and experiencing heart-pounding gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine delving into a world filled with mystery and danger, just like the YouTuber in the video “I NEVER Knew It Was There !!! #Minecraft #mod #modded #new #gaming #funny #scary #stalked.” With a variety of mods and gameplay options, Minewind provides endless opportunities… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Mob Tower

    Outsmarting the Mob Tower Minecraft Dungeons: Conquering the Mob Tower Zak and Zi, two brave adventurers in the world of Minecraft, found themselves deep underground in a dimly lit cave system. Armed with their swords and armor, they ventured through twisting tunnels, hearts pounding with every step. Exploring the Tower As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a gigantic tower teeming with eerie creatures. From zombies in armor to powerful bosses, the tower presented a formidable challenge. Armed with their weapons, Zak and Zi braced themselves for the battles ahead. Choosing the Right Gear Amidst the chaos, they had to make crucial decisions… Read More

  • Jerome’s Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!

    Jerome's Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!Video Information now friends this isn’t your everyday cookie Camp yeah um when you spawn in you’re going to spawn in with a class orb uh there is a shop dedicated to each class except for the last one on the right the ranger class wasn’t working for me so I just didn’t uh we’re we’re ignoring that one so once you spawn in just right click with the orb and uh pick what class you think you’d want oh what are they all mean one of them is a gun uh don’t pick the gun one that’s the one… Read More

  • The Shocking Truth About Parenting

    The Shocking Truth About ParentingVideo Information रिदेश ना अी ना भाई को थोड़ी देर देख लेना मैं काम करके आती हूं इ तो आपस में ही खेल रहा है मेरे साथ नहीं खेल रहा है क्या करर मैं मिट्टी खेल लेता हूं मिट्टी खेलना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है बेबी ये क्या कर रहा है छ छ मिट्टी क्यों खेल रहा है मैंने इन दोनों को देखने के लिए बोला था इन दोनों कहां गए तुम दोनों को भाई को देखने के लिए बोले थे ना सॉरी ममा हम लोग भूल गए थे आज के बाद भाई को देखूंगी This video, titled ‘अपने बच्चो… Read More

  • Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!

    Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!Video Information [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Brandon I’m designer/ stop doing that right now I can’t stand the sounds stop so welcome oh we’re starting a brand new an Anarchy realm and it’s going to be anarch like it’s going to be crazy so there’s going to be a safe Zone the city right there’s a spot where you can’t do anything you can’t grief you can’t steal you can’t murder but only in the only near spawn and then in the city area right anywhere else in the realm Like Anything… Read More


    AG LIVE: CRAZY MINECART MYSTERY!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information baby we built this house on memories take my picture now shake it till you see it and when your fantasies become your legacy promise me a place baby we built this house on memories This video, titled ‘where the minecart go ? 🤔 #logic #shorts’, was uploaded by AG LIVE – R on 2024-02-16 10:45:23. It has garnered 7735 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. where the minecart go ? 🤔🤔 #logic #trending #shorts #minecraft #tiktok Minecraft minecart Minecart destination Minecart track Minecart journey Exploring minecart routes Minecart transportation… Read More

  • Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3

    Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3Video Information राइट क्लिकट मात्र आ लाइ देखिए प्रॉब्लम ब लो दोस्त कैसे हैं आप लोग क पर तुम अपना घर में जाके अभी नहीं चाहिए मे को अपना में जा ले सामान वगर में [संगीत] उठा गग है तुम्हारे पास आर ग होगा तो क्या है कोडिनेट हाइड करने को नहीं चाहिए नहीं बनता आवा लाइव टेक्स्ट लगाओ कोने हाइड नहीं करना कोई मतलब नहीं है दरवाजा लगा पड़ा है मेरे को जहा तक या मेरा घर इधर ही है क्या बोल रहा क्या बोल रहा तुम य मेरा फ वगर है ये मेरा घोरा ये मेरा छगल [प्रशंसा]… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!

    Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!Video Information all right dudes welcome to Ultimate mine Steve Ultimate Chicken Steve ultimate mine chicken Steve it’s basically Ultimate Chicken horse so you see we’re building this parkour uh to get to the end and we have to go through this island I’m placing my first block right here go away I’m placing my first block right here so every round we will place new blocks to build the parkour to actually complete the map and uh then we can also add traps and things to try to stop each other you get one life per round to try… Read More

  • Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!

    Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!Video Information okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out my chat and we are going to put it into the URL spot and then YouTube open up the chat top chat live chat what’s up Noah what’s up Greninja what’s up Ender Soul how is everyone doing what’s up graned what’s up Crown uh what’s up gos let me send in the Discord @ notific there we go live now live now working on the whole once again I don’t know how to spell again I spelled it with an H again there we go… Read More

  • 🔥 ZAIDO – Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥

    🔥 ZAIDO - Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥Video Information السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير اليوم رجعنا لكم بفيديو جديد بالقناه بدايه جديده نوعا ما بلعبه ماين كرافت انا وين جاي لا تقوللي الاصفر صار عندي اه لا فكرت الاصفر نسيني حرفين يعني انا انا جنب بده واكيد شافني ودع البد يا باشا [موسيقى] ‏what h binks auf لا الجيم غريب الجيم جدا غريب اوكي يا ربموت ما مت اوك هنا انتهى الفيديو والسلام عليكم This video, titled ‘أفضل ريسورس باك بي في بي لماينكرافت 1.8.9 ! 🔥PVP’, was uploaded by ZAIDO on 2024-03-31 08:46:01. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes…. Read More

  • Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!

    Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Transformation to Abstraction in Minecraft (The Amazing Digital Circus Mod ) ADDON UPDATE’, was uploaded by Hard Craft on 2024-02-13 09:00:06. It has garnered 9292 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. #minecraft #addon Read More

  • EcoSurvival

    EcoSurvivalWelcome to EcoSurvival we are a basic survival server with a few enhancing plugins. Server IP : mc.ecosurvival.net (1.15.2) We tried to change a few things that most server do. We want a realistic economy for the server so there is no server shop the only way to get money right now is to sell stuff using a chestshop or killing mobs. mc.ecosurvival.net Read More

  • 🏔️ Highworlds SMP – CONTENT CREATOR – 18+

    Highworlds Creator Community 🔈10 Members actively looking for more 🔈 📹 Content Creators ONLY 📹 📚 Highworlds is a Hermitcraft like content creator Hybrid Survival SMP. About Highworlds: Collaborate with a welcoming community still in development. Stream and record your gameplay. Engage in weekly group sessions and creative freedom throughout the week. Craft your own story in the world. Join Us: Anchor yourself in a new world with fellow creators. Participate in community events or create your own. Experience a server with dynmap plugin, 11 datapacks, and custom Modpack with SVC. Join our Discord to connect with admin team and… Read More


    “We’re breaking the meta with this one… because we literally broke the block in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Stone Thrown, Husamettin’s Zone: Minecraft’s Mysterious Monster

    Stone Thrown, Husamettin's Zone: Minecraft's Mysterious Monster In the Minecraft world, danger lurks in the night, Endermen and monsters ready to fight. But fear not, for heroes like us are here, To face the challenges without any fear. Hüsamettin, a brave protector in our midst, Shielding us from danger with a mighty twist. Fakir freezing time, a clever move indeed, To outsmart the monsters and make them concede. But tragedy strikes, as Hüsamettin falls, A sacrifice made to protect us all. We mourn his loss, a hero so true, His bravery and courage shining through. Now we must seek the mysterious monster’s lair, To avenge Hüsamettin… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More