DashPum4 – Talking about Minecraft Live in Hardcore Minecraft! 🔴

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All right we are live and my freaking hold on I’m so blurry apply okay okay there we go all right watch party has Begun um let me just pop out the chat so that I can get it over here I love these animations they’re so cool um YouTube chat there we go what’s up firework how’s it going welcome to the stream everyone cool that they’re using like the pedals ooh

Ooh they’re doing end stuff maybe maybe we’re finally going to get an end update that would be cool what’s up Jonathan what’s up lrom oh gosh I hope we don’t get more archaeology stuff like I I don’t mind the archaeology but it’s just not nearly as

Like good as anything else what is the new animal it hasn’t been announced yet so we don’t know but look it’s kind of crazy but like every single message in here is stop the mob vote except for this guy do the mob vote hello and welcome to

Minecraft live 2023 that’s a really cool story for moang St no that is just a green screen right that’s cool that they like put her in Minecraft and we want to take this time to have some fun together today we jump into the game and

Celebrate All of You our let let me send out the notification to the Discord our show is packed with all things my real people in Minecraft how it is a green screen yeah it’s still really cool though last year they had like a set and the set M your favorite creators and we

End with a special musical performance it’s going to Beal musical performance and I can’t wait to get started if I don’t get copyright stricken the mob vote probably won’t get canceled I doubt it but I I just think it’s cool how the entire mob vote is just

And I’m here to guide you through this year’s mob vote but in case you’ve never heard of a mob vote and are they doing it first mobs you would even be voting on well you’re in luck I’m basically a genius in mobs for the past years I

Minecraft live you at home have had the ability to cast a vote that chooses a new mob that will add to Minecraft our developers have come up with amazing early Concepts 4,000 people watching CH which one gets to move into development and go from concept to feature and be added to the

Game okay yeah it does not sound like they’re stopping it right now let’s talk about the who who are these I’m not going to be shocked at all if they don’t stop you let’s review your choices first up we have the crab crabs live in main

Put them all on the screen oh that’s cool what is happening are you seeing this The Claw is very handy for players who like building because they allow players to place blocks further away what is even going on it’s definitely not it’s definitely not going to uh so

Next we have the armadillo break live in warm places like the armadillo drop skew which can armor for your armadillo the way will give your favorite four-legged friend some extra defense against hostile mobs and finally we have look how cute the armadillo is armad way cuter than the

Other options and they’re super friendly so don’t be scared if they come up to say hello smash smash on land but they are elegant har Penguins can also help your boat travel why don’t we just go one block further to place it yeah I agree pay attention to this The Show

Must Go On do I really need to finish this segment I’m getting kind of distracted okay hopefully you can decide which mob is your favorite how do you vot in the Minecraft launcher or you can also join like a Minecraft server and vote there and we’ll be cling in around

10 minutes if you haven’t voted yet don’t worry it’s so easy that even I managed to do it just before the show which means it’s pretty easy what did he vote for head to minecraft.net he voted for in with your Minecraft account and click the mob you want to win alternatively

You can jump right into the M it’s that simple get in and choose which of these wonderful little mobs will join you in the game for now they’re so cute dude honestly all of them but look at the little armadillo he just doing his thing he vibing oh my gosh

I swear I can’t wait to watch two hours of nothing for the actual update to come out I don’t have normal Minecraft launcher or or Bedrock Edition then you might not be able to vote what is this oh that’s cool they made like a real chest

H let what is going on this doesn’t look like Minecraft he’s like look ma here’s somebody that look like usest that makes me me oh this is just like is that a bamboo nether portal Crazy I love how no one cares at all about what’s going on on the screen just stop the M vote like this is a pretty cool animation right now what’s up he said he W he wore a Minecraft shirt on the first day of school that’s

What I did too in like in like first grade or Something dude people people need to acknowledge like the fact that oh my why does it w that’s cool oh why do they have a tail gross Happy Trails and tals everyone like I people need to acknowledge the other stuff going on aside from the mob boat dude what I wonder if they go

Through with the mob vote hey Craig hi Lydia they go through with the mob Vote or I wonder if everyone’s just going to continue tying stop the vote those piglins are a huge problem I know right those evil little piggies it must be so cool to finally release this game you’ve

Been working on for so long I know the team’s worked so hard and it’s finally out and we’re really thankful to the amazing Community playing Legends we’ been so happy that so many people have loved playing the game since it came out in April but stop Minecraft Legends

Really great feedback and so we’ve been listening to the community of you know what stopping the vote we stopped the crab and the Penguin and we just add the armadillo but we don’t vote on ited the new thing oh all oh the me it’s time for you to jump who voted the armadillo

Let’s go I did I can’t vote but armadilla best Dangerous world of Minecraft Legends Minecraft Legends look so cool continuing efforts of the pig to it has like shaders and stuff lots of fun new ways to play you can never I’ve never played it but it looks

Cool I’m going to vote with all three accounts yeah I did that too pigs what is the point of dog armor keep your dog safe your friends are even better at fting and so you can actually bring your dog with you it’s soce that the creep I

Nearly voted the crab but I voted armadillo good as you should good job discover a different way to play Legends with that just like start Ling I like to turn and launch those little piggies into the sun no one uses dogs dogs are pretty dope man and no one uses

Dogs because they die so easily challes leg but also I just like armadillo the most design wise um in terms of where it will be added you’ll see it a lot more than all the other mobs Stony Shore biomes and mangr swamps are way more rare and small than S an

Biomes have I mentioned you can pet the animals so cute they’re like petting it from like 2T away first look at new things coming in our second update they aren’t quite finished yet but we couldn’t wait to the dog doesn’t have to be Invincible for it

To be for you to have for dog armor to be useful and friend the Frog like you can just if it’s less likely to die you can just BR it with you and let it fight for you and Stu along aure that will blow you away

The air Chopper oh that’s cool huh but you’ll be able to take them on with the brand new furn friend the witch I haven’t watched like anything one who of course equipped with lots of potions build witches cauldrons to share bubbly power with your other allies H oh you can like use

Leg do we get crab meat probably not yeah I agree Galaxy bolt no one cares if they’re harder to find chunk bait always exists who dude don’t use chunk base come on now just go find stuff and also I’m not saying like I’m saying like you can

Bring them back to your base that’s fine but like once you but like once you have them at your base you’ll see them but like just go like when you’re exploring you’ll actually see aradillas aradillas will add life to a lifeless biome the other two biomes are fine they don’t need they

Don’t need anything added look at chat please cut the stream for the first time let’s go I want dark so I can have shiny dog with diamond for real I use chunk base cuz I’m lazy chunk base should be endgame only yeah I agree I don’t even use chunk base very

Often I’ve used it before but very often often or not very often the animations for Minecraft live are so good man hottest Minecraft Announcer which one the the one that was just there I don’t know man I think uh I think Vu is his name Vu He’s the hottest Minecraft announcer it’s armadillo dog armor not Diamond dog armor yeah I mean there’s a chance they said in the Chinese mob vote

That there would be multiple dog armors and also that you would that they would look cool so you might be able to dye them and um and you ALS or you might be able to add trims to them but it sounds seem like based on the Chinese mob

Vote um that there will definitely be more than just like a plain set of armor K Dash bom falling for Vu I don’t know maybe hottest Minecraft mob Blaze dang poor llama bro oh my gosh that llama’s so dead or camel I mean shorthaired Minecraft announcer not really my not really my type I I’m more of a Vu fan oh my gosh sniffer taking a ride that’s crazy someone just say this is a is this

Real chat is this real can the llamas really do this or the camels I mean Looney Tuna did the did the camel just bust down the camel just twerk that poor camel yeah oh my gosh dude this is what your dog’s going to be like once if if wolf armer gets added to the game your dog’s going to be like this camel able to survive anything Magma

Cube Blaze I feel like Blaze might be hotter though maybe magma though yeah cuz Blaze is on fire magma is like lava and lava’s really hot yeah you’re probably right I said blaze just as a joke because you know cuz it’s like a physically hot mob but you’re probably

Right about the Magma Cube being Hotter I want to just start typing in chat # mobbo just because it’s like it’s not stop the mob Vote or don’t stop the mob vote just mob Vote here I have a better idea there we go # add none of them can we guys we need to get can everyone go in chat and start start writing # add none of Them that’d be so funny we got to that would be so funny to get like if like Cam man 18 just got his all of his viewers to go start typing # add none of them if you saw don’t worry the fun isn’t over just yet the live vote

Experience on Bedrock will still be open for another day join tiny Agnes tiny y tiny mischevous tiny Vu and play games earn iname rewards and explore little secrets I heard that tiny Vu isting imagine dude it would be so funny MOJ ignores all the people saying stop

The mob vote and listens to the the people who say add none of them first M that was voted out and after that the winner okay I really need to focus and these cuties are just too distracting I’m supposed to be chatting with an old friend right now I’m really sorry about

This but oh no oh no you got him hey R2 what it’s nice to see you too hey I was hoping you’d tell our viewers all about the Minecraft Star Wars path of the Jedi release what why is Star Wars in this I mean yeah I gu I can explain the know that

Players will get to play as and train to strange dude this this really got the some of the people are just saying what I’m lost like this is the first thing that has slowed down the mob vote the stop the mob vote hashtags cuz everyone’s like half

The a quarter this is a distraction don’t fall for it a quarter of the people are just like what is going on no it’s okay R2 you just got excited sorry I was late no worries well that was a better introduction than I could have done myself the mob boat is

Done they aren’t stopping it yeah that’s what I figured whoa he just fart on us dang that’s very rude of him oh my gosh Yoda this better have baby Yoda in it that actually is a pretty cool expansion it’s just crazy cuz I’m sure modders did this and it’s I’m sure that

There are like modders who have made something like this and it’s probably better and it’s probably free meanwhile you’re going to have to spend like $20 to get this said wolf armor not dog armor as soon as you tame it the AR disappears wolves are never actually

Called dogs I’m pretty sure wolves are just it’s just a tamed wolf it doesn’t become a dog when yous they they timed me up for spamming ad none of them really we go behind the that’s probably just automatic you got burning Minecraft questions we give all the answers

Seriously and we make very serious shows slow mode is on topics like this one right here look at that Huh so for even more mft # add none of them add none of them hey L yes you’re finally here I really want to see someone else join in the Chant I’m just looking in chat trying to find one other person saying add none of theme

It’s a I’m pretty sure it’s a shortcut okay well I actually I mean Agnes is supposed to be there I need to meet her so if you’re you’re sure it’s a short yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely I’m pretty sure yeah yeah I’m sure think that Minecraft deserves to dieet but if

It did I wouldn’t care it has is on its downfall it’s going to die soon I don’t think so I think the mob vote is not going to kill Minecraft or even come close to it it might stop a couple people from playing but when Minecraft adds another big update people will

Start playing again I think hopefully next year they don’t do the mob vote mine carts move faster oh that’ be crazy Place wow that would make me happy dude that’s a waterfall # fever dream oh no # make Minecarts moveth faster I’m just reading chat ah I gosh don’t worry there’s some

Power none of them no meden add numen what does that even mean like either one we vote will we’ll eventually forget it either way yeah I think so make Minecarts teleport I got don’t add any mobs I dude I hope by next year I’m verified so when

I type # add none of them it will actually show up and people will notice it that’d be so funny yes what’s right hi welcome to the Lego Minecraft block and brick challenge two worlds two creators an infinite amount of possible builds I’m Hannah Rose I’m a Minecraft

Content creator and streamer no one cares about this bu here’s how it works each Creator was challenged to build their ultimate Minecraft Hideaway they were both sent Lego Minecraft chest toide their build but slow mode is so annoying how you become verified you have to have like 100,000 Subs I think

They’ll have to the other clues about what they built and then at the end we’ll see how similar or incredibly different their builds turned out Hannah Rose was given the first prompt in round one I forgot about her existence Cherry what happened to Hannah Rose I’m going to go now have a good

Stream all right see you later Lookout and of course no home is complete without a crafting table to start my building process you have to find the best biome dud why are we watching Hannah Rose make a tutorial on how to build a farm for how to

Build are elevated pink and she sto posting did she oh elev off the ground wonder how T I’m going to have to make it okay Tristan time for you to open your chest and get your prompt I’m watching your gold farm right now building it in my hardcore world let’s

Go enjoy the ride there’s another way to get verified isn’t it like being a politician laying out the over idea consisted of I’ve never really watched but still each have their own story to tell she’s pretty good at Minecraft though likeed and stuff put un TST on it

You’re going to have to build something that’s round seasonal with an animated expression and ride along good luck when do you think of Minecraft you think of blocks so this is going to be kind of hard for me to build and when I think of seasonal I think of Halloween so I

Thought it would be really interesting to build that’s that’s actually a pretty cool build we are back now with what country you from the United States into your Abode I’m building a big bee that can travel from one biome to another okay Hannah Rose now why using few clues

About your build my build includes an energy source and has elements that are Industrial futuristic and multifunctional I know just the parts to use for that it’s finale time for the of our Minecraft creations set me on slow mode no hey welcome hi thanks for coming all

This way to Lego HQ yeah it was an easy trip just jumping through another portal cool how did you do all of this I took movement literally no way wow the eyes are literally moving that’s so cool this is great I try to yeah it and it’s the front door you

Can actually go inside yep now let me show you what I made that’s awesome is that a giant bee that is a giant B can get verified yeah meated expression just search up on YouTube how to get verified without a th000 sub ctage under here you need 100,000 Subs I thought Lookout

Point they should have invited a dash hope like it looks awesome I don’t I’m not going to do that right now now that we’ve seen what our creators can do we hope you’re inspired to think like a mraf when you’re building your party see I noticed their message cuz they have

The little tick next to their name I need that so that I can say add none of Them okay Jeff could you please very gently add tiny yens and Tiny Vu and Tiny Agnes to Minecraft he needs to set them free again they should do that next year’s amount of votes many of you voted this year and so many of you joined our live server event

To cast those votes but the mob who received the least amount of those votes the penguin don’t feel too bad for scre you penguin remember our little frog friends didn’t win the vote either but they still managed to hop their way into the game so we still have two amazing mobs left

Which one will win no seriously I’m asking cuz I haven’t told me yet anyone bro is going to donate hash add none of them but there are no donations no I was inspired to be imagine just started TTS at heart I’m an artist and the opportunity to share my art with a

World they did imply that they might add the penguin when the game was in sounds like they might add them eventually anyway I was inspired to start creating seeing things other people were making for the marketplace that’s the uh anything that I could imagine whether the response to the stop the mob

V movement I think my absolute favorite piece of content that I made was pendulum my favorite piece of content is called spell Rune it’s a spellcrafting experience that uses the new scripting API to just do complete magic my favorite piece of content is my long it

Was the first time that i’ done so it was really nice to have something that was quite pleased with at the end of it prob I don’t think so why are they showing the pronoun why not to the ni it has got to be my ooo

Skin pack it’s a bundle of color and silliness everything I want to see in Minecraft my favorite are about all of the projects we’ve done for crafting which is one of our YouTube channels my favorite piece of content was a skin I made myself of the Zulu the Zulu is a

Community from South Africa they are well know all over the world for bring great warriors and great hunters it definitely has to be M if one of our latest pieces in the Minecraft Marketplace it allows you to morph into mobs and Tool them that’s definitely really cool something truly magical

About watching someone else enjoy something that you put tender loving care into I love that you could customize so much and how malleable the game itself is we can reimagine things to help you see the game in a way that you never thought you could I still get

An absolute Buzz out of it and I don’t think it’s ever going to get old I don’t think that’ll ever change a is can they show actual Minecraft things yeah I know dude they just really want to plug their Marketplace it’s fine and don’t give up whatever that is I literally

Just want to see what the next update is that’s all I Flyn how’s it going to make whatever it is you’re wanting to make dude what is taking so long play and that you can’t yet play if you keep pushing yourself in this space I promise you there’s nothing you can accomplish all

Right I’m going to do a poll in chat and it can do the For I’m back at where we started I’m doing a poll guys be that’s actually a really cool thing that they like how did they make that effect or that’s like pretty impressive I mean I can understand how they made it but that’s impressive they’re biting their

Time that’s a cool effect to like make Jeb’s real life person build that that’s pretty cool perfect Minecraft is adding mountains to the game the BBC Studios Natural History unit has pushed cretive and Technical boundaries to bring us incredible stories are they about to add like a Marketplace uh BBC planet Earth um

Marketplace DLC yeah of course of course they collaboration between BBC Earth and Minecraft education redefined how these stories could be experienced wonder what the new update called probably the nothingness and inclusive of players across the globe to step into our fragile Frozen e system why does that

Cheetah look like that inhab these mobs look terrible they don’t look like Minecraft mobs at all research and unexpected gameplay they quickly became some of the most downloaded educational DLCs in Minecraft you see that that seal just flipping oh my gosh they added like they added like birds eating animals to

The to the DLC expor think it’s a biome update Maybe this is a this is a very cool like DLC oh look at that cool wolf thing through the power of play bro it looks like a 2009 mod it looks pretty cool it looks a little too they look too

Detailed I think though coming to and Minecraft education in 2024 hopefully they update the end yeah I feel like the update for this year needs to be good or else Mojang is going to be in some trouble what do you think you did such an amazing job it’s beautiful it’s really

Cozy right I love it oh hello everyone so lovely to see you what inside Minecraft to see it we’re all in Hy Agnes is winning right now so Agnes tiny Agnes and Tiny Vu are are tied oh that’s so cute well that’s what we get for being in a cave love

So you and the team really really you decided to present things in a very different way yes see this set is like some physical stuff which is really cool decided to only show part of the trails and tales update and then throughout the development process we could announce

More features like archaeology the armor treams cherry blossoms yes and the very precious cherry blossoms and we actually really like that because it enabled us to be creative and we could collaborate with the community and we also saw a lot of excitement in the community throughout the full development process

I want a chair that looks like that in real life that would be so cool I really have got to be uncomfortable though so what’s the Minecraft game team up to well we actually doing quite many things so for example we have some amazing developers working on tools for us to

Make our development process more efficient and more joyful oh that’s so good it is I’m I’m very very thankful for that and another thing I I would love to mention is that this week uh we released to snapshots betas and preview a no a new really cute feature and that

Is that you can put items inside decorated pots I love that so you’ll revisit some older features yes so we want to have like a good balance between things and also going back and improving existing things didn’t spend money in displ education Edition anyway we are

Working on a new update coming next year new upate I think we all want you to tell about that well then so you know long term we want to evolve Minecraft for everyone and in the recent years we focus a lot on creativity and exploration so for this year it’s time

To focus more on like combat adventures and on tinkering my time has finally come I am an ADV okay so the copper leaks are probably going to be true and next year Minecraft turns 15 years old wow dang it’s really precious wouldn’t it be quite cool that

After 15 years of Minecraft it’s time to test your skills in some new trials trials yes trials new dungeons we are adding a new big multiple room structure called the trial Chambers oo cool and these trial Chambers consist of like multiple new features and they also have

A unique visual Style so it’s like when you are inside those chambers it really feels like you’re in a place you never seen in Minecraft before they’re amazing and I think you need to show everyone yes come join me to my realm and we can

Meet some of the team members we can see part of the new features coming to that’s pry cool trial Chambers good luck that’s cool that’s a cool little animation hi Mo I see you found something rather epic here new copper things I’ve been digging around our caves and I found a trial

Chamber cool lovely a big part of this update is that we oh those are new block add new adventures for players and the Chamber certainly includes some exciting challenges so what we’re looking at here in the center of everything those are dope is the corridor those are cool structures the corridor leads to

Different rooms and it can lead to supply chests you can find things that’ll challenge you but also things that’ll help you the shame bears are new structures that are combined of lots of different rooms they are procedurally regenerated so there is a lot of variation and like it’s so fun that

Because each time we play tested it felt like finding a new shamber it was exciting each time so there’s a lot of replayability there are a lot of cool blocks that it looks like it looks like copper copper door I really really like the like the unique visual style we made

In this getting a lot of new functions wanted to achieve when you as a player find those chambers you know you found something special that’s cool Sarah oh hey there Agnes we are surrounded by so many beautiful new decorative blocks yeah I think the tough

Blocks that will be a lot of fun to build with because ofal design that’s cool tough blocks copper gets more T really didn’t have uses the copper set we wanted to introduce a tinkered kind of feel and the new copper bulbs give players a fun way to light up their

Builds nice we actually just used some of them in our village and it created such a cozy feeling I’m honestly so excited to see what people build with these new blocks I’m just going to take a couple of these grates what do the grates do are they just decorative to create exciting

Experiences but then also all of you amazing players can just be like super creative and Tinker with these blocks to build like anything you can imagine is this going to be Redstone Related oh Supply so the leaks were right hi Brandon you can change the light you’re making it brighter in here yeah these copper bulbs when they get oxidized they get quite dim but with this axe I can actually scrape off the oxidation and make it brighter

Again I love that mechanic so much that like the more oxidized the copper bulbs are the more dim the light will be I think it’s super interesting for storytelling definely I don’t even need to bring torches anymore to the trial Chambers I just bring an Axe and light my way through that’s pretty

Cool a trial spawner time for a combat challenge yay okay I see ice blocks around thep of SP definely spawning Strays what’s our plan well I will go ahead and SCP up some oxidation so we can see I’ll just head in straight for the fight you ready yes does he have netherite boots

On oh new particles too oh oh no so many stays I’ll take this one nice one Agnes yes ah he got me the like acting in this is kind of hilarious we’re covered in arrows yay Victory oh that’s cool you get items for defeating it a stray spawner really spw it’s

Actually a new variant of spawners which adapts based on the amount of players that join the fight it actually spawns a limited amount of mobs compared to a normal spawner that’s cool yeah we really wanted this to be a fun challenge both in single player and in multiplayer

And this is also why we both got some nice loot that’s see the smoke coming out of the trial spawner that actually means that it’s on cool down so we can come back later and play this all again that’s actually really cool you can play it again break it wait renewable

Diamonds to play the combat challenge renewable diamonds want to go to another room we saw diamonds come out of but first I’m going to go to the Village but you go ahead people are totally going to make farms for renewable diamonds that’s cool I Vibe with renewable diamonds wow good Luck yeah I can’t wait for the Farms an Exel of course I want it thank you yeah the renewable the diamond farm is going to be crazy a that’s so pink and so cute the world could always use more color that’s lovely these new blocks are really good

Looking too trap doors as well hey wait autocrafting autocrafting is happening that’s got to be an autocrafting machine hi oh my gosh it’s Auto a crafter here yes with a crafter you can automate crafting with redstone yo it’s pretty similar to a crafting table except instead of pulling the item that’s aw

You can use a redstone pools to get it out that’s awesome make hanging signs everyone can decorate the village with them that’s really cool and let’s place a button here and I’ll press the button and again that’s dope lots of hanging signs that is really that’s awesome

Okay I like this update now cuz autocrafting is so cool that’s that’s a feature that’s we’ve wanted for a while I hope so too thought they were going to introduce something to like you’ve been busy yes I’ve been building an automated sword crafter but instead of pressing a button

It just keeps on Crafting infinitely we used to new toggleable slots to make sure that the Hoppers Place items where we want them oh cool that’s so cool that’s that’s that’s that’s so cool the crafter is so precious because you can both do these like really Advanced Contraptions but it’s also very

Welcoming so we hope that it will be interesting that they need so many swords like Redstone beginners and Redstone experts that’s awesome I can’t wait to have autocrafting systems for my gold farm and stuff yeah that’s perfect we’re about to head down to the trial chambers that is awesome

Sham oh that’s cool it autoc crafted them armor and stuff now this will be a breeze pretty neat and there’s another trial chamber for the inmates to fight to death ready to fight the I did go live early the breeze New Mob I’ll let them take care of that oh

What is that breeze is a playful hostile mob that jumps around and uses wind to provide a combat ENC cter unlike any other in Minecraft that’s cool I just got hit by the wind charge a burst of energy from the re the wind charge doesn’t deal any damage when it

Bursts and blows things away but it does deal damage when it collides directly with something that’s that’s a cool looking me he’ll be fine Cory the wind burst doesn’t only knock things back it also interacts with certain blocks oh that’s cool ooh farming opport with that I can see

Uses combat encounters with the breeze when you stumble across them in the new trial chers it’s grumpy and cute but also really I can see uses for the breeze in like farms and stuff I think that’s pretty cool wa that was like a really fight it

Was what I just loved seeing all of you play together on the realm and like letting everyone get to meet more of the development team yes it was so fun and I Think Like A really lovely thing with this fun single but we have also put a

Lot of effort in uring very fun in multiplayer too I can’t wait to play with all of my friends and the trial chamber the first time I saw them my mind was blown yes like I love the unique visual style we created with like the new decorative blogs and also we

Just showed like a few of the rooms so I’m really looking forward to like when all of you get to explore the trial Chambers and find all the things we didn’t show there’s a room that I love so much and I can’t wait for everyone to like finally get to see

It when I saw the trial the is in an hour and 15 minutes of the first time I found a spawner it’s so cool to see yes we’re doing a Minecraft live stream so lovely cuz it’s actually really 15 year anniversary coming up next year

It felt so good that like the main thing with the update the trial Chambers they are actually Ned to very classic feature the monster rooms and what do you think the community is going to do with the imag I think that’s not true but I us very very much to seeing it like

Everything for we’ve not had a good redone update in a hot minute crafter is pretty good between and I also think it’s really nice with the crafter because it I so well to the more like tinkery side of this update it really gives you a chance to like mess around

With the features that you all added in a new way yeah and we cannot forget a very grumpy New Mob the breeze he has this little Whirlwind with the most like epic eyebrows ever how will you streaming the you cuz it’s actually quite challenging to find looks like

Tiny Agnes is winning the PO love with fighting the breeze is that since it activates Contraptions in the room like get added to mcra shoting arrows for example it means that it’s not only fighting the breeze because the environment part of the fight as well which is like it’s a complete new kind

Of combat Challenge and I like it’s very playful and I really like that it is playful it’s playful combat which I really love and precious I know I’m not the only one but like when can we play it well actually quite soon so the features we have shown

Today will come to Beta previews and snapshots in the coming weeks and then just like last year we will announce some more features throughout the development process that’s amazing we need to head to the Cherry growth yes I think we should go through nether for some fast traveling perfect idea unfortunately I feel

Like I feel like it’s unfortunate but is finally here um ging me this fancy envelope with the name of the because they don’t announce the whole updates now I have to say this didn’t announce amazed paration in the mob vote we’ve never had so many votes your passion and

Energy Inspire us to keep building okay so I can’t wait to see who it is let’s get right to it because no one wants they’re going for these kinds of things which reminds me of a story it all started back when was just a young boy I

Knew he was going to do that sorry so unprofessional tiny ends hey the middle of Minecraft live no I I know I’m just telling this story it sets the scene no I understand very weird ringtail I keep almost sounds like it was edited in sorry um wrong number

So yes soon to join Minecraft the winning mob for the 2023 Minecraft live m is the armadillo wait really yo let’s go let’s go I didn’t think the armadillo was winning I’m so excited to see that little cutie in the game it’s hard to believe but next year is the aniversary

Of Minecraft go it’s going to be a year full of fun and surprises another year of my winning the vote Journey Through the past present and look to the future of Minecraft there are lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2024 this

Is like the what fourth year of my or I don’t know third or fourth year of my vote winning of their favorite music it’s always been a wish of ours huge W guys huge W song and turn it into a Minecraft parody today that wish comes

True I’m I take full credit for the armadillo winning my Tik toks did that an incredible musician Alec Benjamin What I know this artist but why is he here this is a good song but why is he Here you why is Alec Benjamin in the in Minecraft did people know that I didn’t know That you made it a Minecraft Parody you knew he was going to be on I did not know that and I why aren’t the parrots dancing he’s he’s making music shouldn’t they be dancing they don’t like his music I guess who is this armadillo W let go they are dancing like Barely look at the fish in the background I like the fish they dance slow because it’s slow music yeah that makes sense I guess that was amazing Alex thank you no they’re like still just moving you know I think that’s just them moving that’s just their Idol animation from all of usang Studios

Thank you and bye bye byebye oh is that the whole thing was Minecraft live like really short this year Minecraft light Minecraft live was like like really short this year unless there’s more yeah that was it I’m no I don’t care I’m happy that it was short I don’t

Care about the other stuff I would much rather it be short than too long last year it was like an hour and a half long and it was like oh my gosh why is it so long you know because everyone wants them to stop the mob Vote oh dude I’m so happy I did not not think that the armadillo was going to win I 100% didn’t think the armadillo was winning I was pretty positive that the crab was going to win maybe the mvo was riged cuz from every poll that I saw

Would have the crab in the lead by like a large margin too armadillo is my second choice yeah I honestly wouldn’t have been mad with the crab either I would have I would have been fine with the crab I would have been fine with the armadillo or I would have

Been very happy with the armadillo well I am very happy with the armadillo are you going to do hardcore I am going to just do hardcore for for a bit because um I don’t know how long I’ve been streaming but not not the full not a 2hour stream and I’m not going to

Stream later I’m just going to stream now I’ve been going for an hour or for 51 minutes crab was kind of dumb I agree all right gang I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick and then I will be back and then we’ll get to hardcore br br BRB

All right gang I am back my headphones are very low on battery for some reason even though I plugged them in last night so I guess I have to wire my headphones today okay now I think they’re charging Dash you agreed to this you said you would get my dog’s armor if it

Won I do not remember agreeing to that at all to be honest with you guys um let’s go that’s so hype Let’s Go Gang you know yeah I’m I’m happy with that guys you want to see something amazing I got this extension for for for Google Chrome it’s a pretty good extension

Um if I do this it just adds Mr BEAST’s face to every thumbnail it just puts Mr Beast in everything isn’t that beautiful isn’t that such a good such a good extension I now can look at Mr Beast every in every single thumbnail isn’t it wonderful yeah um oh wait it’s not up

There it’s right here yeah it’s a pretty it’s a pretty great extension though if I do say so myself Dash looks like Mr Beast like that is that a good uh good face good Mr Beast face all right let’s put on some music wow the Minecraft live this year

Was really short you know it starts in like 5 minutes that I’m going to be doing well I’m going to be doing it just automatically cuz I’m going to be streaming but uh Community Day in Minecraft starts or in uh Pokemon go starts in a couple minutes so I’m going to

Be well I’ll be doing that after stream as well # vote armadillo the vote already happened you should watch Dad for sure it would be cool if armor trims could be applied to dog armor they might be able to who knows um okay let me change the the title and thumbnail um

Talking talking about Minecraft live live in Hardcore Minecraft there we go so we’re going to just be playing Minecraft and and we will talk about you know the how the mob vote went and whatnot watch out for those creepers thank you it was too short I actually

Really liked the conciseness I think in the past years it’s been really long and they’ve been they’ve just spent like 30 minutes talking about like stuff I didn’t care about so to be fair it was a lot it was long because there was like a 30 minute pre-show but I didn’t even

Realize that there was going to be a pre-show so I didn’t I got back back to my room I was out and then I got back to my room and I was like oh they’ve been live for 30 minutes did I miss it and then it was just the pre-show so I like

Got back and didn’t waste my time watching the pre-show which is good I’m glad I didn’t I am quite happy about the armadillo though armadillo was the Clear Choice well not to a lot of people but armadillo Loki the mob vote may have been rigged I I I will admit that that

The the mob vote might have been rigged because I think if it was not rigged the crab would have won but it was rigged to give the it was rigged to make the mob that I wanted to win win so I don’t so like you know rig the mob vote all you

Want as long as the mob that I want to win wins you know as long as as long as my vote wins you can rig the mob vote okay that’s that’s cool with me I voted penguin they lowkey did penguin dirty n penguin deserved to lose so I

Don’t really think they did it dirty I think the penguin I think the penguin was the weakest choice and it was it it was pretty it was pretty clear that the penguin was the weakest choice so I’m not surprised that the penguin didn’t win so we’re just going to be working on

We’re going to be working on this working on making our making the lava look really nice for the next like hour penguin definitely deserved to lose now I mean the way they said the penguin was out really did they I didn’t I didn’t think it was all that I didn’t think it was

Anything crazy seemed like a normal way to do it what is the 1.21 update about they didn’t even so it seems as though they are done announcing names for the Minecraft updates I think they just don’t they’re not going to do that anymore um if I were to guess at least

It seems like they’re done announcing names for Minecraft updates so this update appears to be about it appears to be about um hold on I want to make I want to stop the flow of lava to the side and I think that this might help

I think that they need to be like on the same level yeah the penguin was my dad’s favorite dang you have so much pumpkins people are just stupid for voting for not the armadillo or for voting for crab or no for for voting armadillo I think

Armadillo is the best option and I you know I’m going to just take I’m just going to go ahead and take full credit for the armadillo winning um it is is entirely my doing my two videos about which mob should be voted into the game are the reason that the armadilla one

And if you disagree um you’re wrong okay anyways I need to go get some magma blocks so we’re going to stop this where you don’t even take your dogs into combat unless you’re insane but with armor you could that’s the beauty of the armor also also the other thing is that

Armadillo scoot it’s like horse armor isn’t farmable right but armadillo dog armor will be farmable so you could create if if you are like me and like to create an army of dogs to fight off the bad guys you can now do that but on a

Much larger or on a much um more powerful scale because you now all of your dogs can have this nice armor and do and take even less damage did you finish your build no not even close um I finished covering it in Blackstone though if you disagree you’re wrong yes this

Guy thinks he swayed everybody’s opinion to vote the armadillo yep I did it was all my doing all the armadillo voters um can thank me for getting everyone else to vote for armadillo cuz I’m just awesome and I just swayed every single person’s opinion I’m so happy armadillo one yeah

Armadillo one dude that’s that’s like an upset I think like I feel like I feel like most people thought crab was going to win that’s got to be that’s got to be the biggest upset in Minecraft in Minecraft mob vote history what mod is that that allows you

To see what’s in the Sher box without opening it I think it’s mini HUD that does that oh is it taroo it might be taroo it pro I think I think you’re right though I think it is tweo there are mods other than taroo though that let you do that I’m pretty

Sure I think there are I think there are mods for both okay so someone was saying someone was saying use magma blocks oh these do not blend in at all I really thought that these were going to blend better with this I mean with lava

Next to it it might look fine I’m back welcome back what’s up SE Ceviche crab and penguin were pointless so I’m glad we weren’t screwed over this time I don’t think we’ve been screwed over in the past um except for glow squid it’s interesting how many people I

Now hear like hate on the uh hate on the sniffer even though the other two options were even more pointless than the sniffer like I voted sniffer because it was even though it was pointless it was the least pointless of the options why do I feel like this is going to flow

Down this way oh that’s fine though I’m okay with it flowing this way I just don’t want it to flow off this block and I think it won’t yes now can I break that okay and it doesn’t flow okay perfect this is too wide now and it’s going to make its way down

Here and um right here it might spread I’m not actually sure we’re going to see oh it spread up here oh I forgot I don’t have fire resistance on me do or I don’t have I’m not currently resistant to fire let’s go ahead and do that the crab

Was bad yeah whatever armadilla most useless crab wasn’t bad just wasn’t wasn’t great oh interesting okay so maybe down here I should let is this going to flow okay it is how do I not let this flow and now I break it you break okay you break top then bottom

Um I think because this goes down like that I’m going to actually yeah I I don’t mind it flowing down like that that’s fine we just don’t want it to flow ugly ugly towards the ground that’s good okay the crab is rare and useless yeah I

Agree if it’s just diamond or iron armor for wolves though then it will not make wolves viable diamond armor will definitely make wolves a lot less likely to die and who knows maybe they add maybe they add enchantments to wolves uh to Wolf armor like we don’t know what they’re going to

Do but depending on what they do it could make wolves totally viable we just don’t necessarily know if that’s what they will choose to do you know um okay that lava stream looks pretty dang good the armadilla will be too Comm common and more laggy they’ll probably make it

Like the sniffer AKA massive no the armadillo is not going to be massive why would the armadillos in real life are not massive so I I really doubt they’re going to make the armadillo all that large oh interesting that this doesn’t flow more I’ll just let that go like that

I’m thinking it would be cool for this lava to flow a little bit further oh I forgot that I am resistant to fire right now I’m thinking it would be neat to have this lava flow and meet up with this one having Fire Res is actually very

Nice whoever suggests Ed that I get fire as was a smart a smart fell there we go um spiders am I a joke to you true join back Pioneers before you regret uh probably not why is there a rabbit on your screen it’s my totem oh you’re joking okay how how is

Pioneers going uh Cho salot anyone making good videos on it or anyone Mak any good videos on it so far yeah Cho salal was a Pioneers member or I think still is a Pioneers member I’m I’m interested see cuz I know there’s a chance like I’ve known going

Into it that there’s a chance that I do regret leaving Pioneers um because maybe maybe it will it’ll become the next big SMP but we’ll see I’m that’s that’s my thing it’s like it’s like a risk that I took because I just don’t have the time

To be playing on the SMP so I’m interested to see where it goes you know oh we don’t want that there okay we’re going to go ahead and bucket this we’re going to go ahead and do that oh Lordy Lord can I stop this please don’t go

Over all right I stopped the lava good um what is Pioneers Pioneers was a SMP that I was on thoughts on this here’s Minecraft live I liked how short it was I like autocrafting a lot um I like armadillo can’t wait to make an auto pumpkin pie farm you monster why would

You do that to my family they will be like sniffers if they could spawn naturally uh I really don’t think they’re going to be that big though I feel like I feel like it would just be odd if the armadillos were huge I think armadillos are going to be

Like um maybe like a little larger than wolves like wolf size BR did you not see spiders yeah but I don’t I just don’t think they’re going to add I think real life mobs are usually pretty real life size except for spiders but spiders were added way before the other real life

Mobs so it makes sense Dash have you ever joined stres strandy nuts in your face or something no no way we have more people watching the stream than the entire Minecraft fan base what opinion on not all three mobs being added I personally wanted wanted Mojang to stop the mob

Vote and add none of them I think it would have been really funny so I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t go with that option um overall I’m I’m fine with them not adding all three of them especially since they said they said that that it just that what it

Means is that they are going to add them later and I’m I’m okay with that I’m cool with them adding the mobs down the road cuz it appears that that’s what’s going to happen according to what they said about how the Frog got added it sounds like they’re going to add the

Other mobs just later down the road and I’m okay with that strange as Minecraft server I’ve never heard of that how do you get the armor the armadillo armor wolf armor might be useless but it’s more useful than being able to reach a little bit further being able to reach a little bit

Further is like wow crazy stuff guys revolutionary stuff um you will be able to reach slightly further and will not have to walk one block forwards anymore in order to uh reach what ever you’re building it’s going to be crazy I know crazy revolutionary stuff like I

Said bro why do you need reach when it’s given to why do you need take reach when it’s given to you take reach my grandparents are here I’ll see you later see you later Harris I thought you meant your grandparents were at stream and I was like why are your

Grandparents watching this kid’s Minecraft stream oh we doing Mouse Okay One Moment One Moment Harris using Mouse and then leaving goodbye Harris wheel of names.com wolf arm is more useful than not wanting to walk one block forwards yeah they said they were going to add the bundle

Like four years ago that’s true I still don’t understand why they ever mentioned that and then didn’t add it but you know what I don’t know it is what it is wait you’re a kid I’m not a kid I’m just like relative to a grandparent I’m

A kid I am a grown adult I am fully fully above you know above 18 and stuff so armadillo win no n armadillo won yay I think you mean I think I think this guy must have had a little spelling error when he wrote no he meant to click y AA you know

Yay accidental spelling error you know it’s a it’s a common mistake understandable mistake I also really want an inventory update I agree inventory update is really important that they need to do soon but I don’t know if they’re going to I think they might just be like ah I don’t

Care oh yeah car Mouse heck yeah car Mouse I just started the timer how old are you I’m 20 years old okay I should be able to break this oh what what oh maybe it’s that it needs to not think it has anywhere to go interesting interesting

Okay if I break that is it going to start flowing no okay this mouse is take so much work okay you are still a kid kid bro 20 years old is not a kid anymore I mean I’m not saying I’m like an old man but wouldn’t say I’m a

Kid they didn’t add bundles because they didn’t know how to let Pocket Edition players use it yeah that’s fair people who wanted a crab were lazy and didn’t want to walk one block I mean or they were like technical players cuz there is definitely there is definitely

A use case for technical players because technical players can totally avoid um technical players can get some better rates for farms and such so like I get it I get it from the technical standpoint don’t I feel like otherwise yeah I would probably agree that they

Might just be like lazy and not feel like getting uh not feel like moving a block closer I mean like it’ll def it would definitely be helpful but just I feel like it’s not anything that can’t be done otherwise that’s my thing it’s like you can you can pretty easily uh do

You can pretty easily have something else do that you know okay that one worked see okay so it’s like it’s like after it updates you have to like break this it doesn’t think it has anywhere to go and then you break that once it has once it is done

Updating and this one thinks it can get to there so we need to stop the lava then we break these two now we’re chilling now we’re good I figured out how lava works very cool we’re can I get the texture pack if you do ex if you uh

You can’t get my exact texture pack cuz it’s a compiled texture pack but if you do a bunch of tech if you just download all the texture packs that I mention in the texture pack video um you can just put them in your folder and stuff

And you guys hate PVP and reach for free the crab would have won if they made a reach farther in my opinion oh yeah if they made if they made reach the entire reach further I think it would have been more worth it but just placing blocks isn’t really

Isn’t really enough in my opinion like it’s nice but it’s it’s a very minor it’s a very minuscule thing oh I need to do that break that it it it knows it doesn’t have anywhere to go I think I’m actually going to let the lava spread a little bit here like that

Um spread like that and then break this and it’s not going cool okay nice another lava flow accomplished look at that isn’t that gorgeous Isn’t that cool looking so I am curious how it would look if I added like veins of magma blocks down here we shall

See I’m just eating fries so it’ll be hard for me to type right now okay word good to know I’m supposed to be hanging out with my friends I’ll be back in a bit see you later I so basically I need to know if like the magma blocks will stand out too

Much against the uh against the Blackstone from far away I think they do they don’t like blend in as much with them as I thought they did but if I like I mean this is very rough I would add them one block further down but I’m curious how they’ll

Look given I added a bunch of veins of magma blocks throughout the thing oh I forgot I have fire resistance so it’s not going to they’re not going to do damage to me all right let’s see how that looks oh from up high that actually might look pretty

Good it it will look like dried lava like there will be there can be some lava but it’ll look like dried lava I think which is really cool so I think we will do that what are you making that’s this big uh we’re making a whole volcano so I think that will look

Cool and I think um yeah I think that’s I think that’s a good idea oh you know I did just realize that um some of for some of these so I want the volcano to have some lava streams some lava streams might be constant but others are going to like flow down the

Mountain every once in a while but the some of them because I’m manually putting them up they’re not going to be able to snake the way that I want them to so I think I’m going to have to figure that out um how big is this going to be it’s

Already pretty large um it’s just this size the the size that it currently is is about the size that we’re going to make it which you can see it’s a pretty big mountain pretty big area that I have covered in Blackstone man I can’t believe I did this whole thing we need

To make the center of this have lava I think that will tie things together better than anything else will maybe we’ll do that today instead of working on the lava dried lava isn’t that called obsidian well magma magma is like lava before it fully dries dried lava is

Obsidian yes but then like fully dried LA or like partially dried lava is magma obsidian is is different okay so we’re going to move all of these chests and stuff and we’re going to bring them outside of the center of the volcano or M I’m trying to think where can I put

Them that’s like a convenient spot but not not super far away I think I’m just going to put them like kind of near the nether portal cuz we’re the reason I’m moving this is because this entrance right now is going to be much much larger so I’ll

Show you what I think I want to do so we’re going to have to do some editing to this but this hole right here for the middle is going to be like like way bigger we’re going to make it like a much larger volcano um you know so what do you think

About tun to tun to Matan I do not know who that is I wasn’t surprised that penguin got out immediately yeah why not great white sharks what’s up what’s up sponge um I don’t know on top of the volcano yeah I could just temporarily put my chests up here

But I just don’t want them to burn or anything I am thinking the Strat I’m thinking I might just put them right over here near my nether portal cuz it’s my nether portal is like pretty easy to access it’s not super far away I think I’m just going to put them over Here bam Bam oh I kind of want this one on me I kind of want to oh I’m going to actually just leave this here for now I’m putting two there autocrafting is going to be such a huge thing dude it’s going to be so good Dash I said the

Vid that you play bedwar in school yeah good video right can you shout out my friend Sonnie no no show on Discord show what the the mods no just do exclamation point mods in chat and it’ll give you a list of the mods I use all right we got to go with this

Wait hold on actually I’m going to bring a double chest over there so I can just put stuff into the double chest cuz we are moving all of this cuz it’s about to be we’re basically something that I’m planning that I’m thinking about doing is I think I might

Raise this volcano a bit in terms of oh I can stop using this mouse very nice in terms of uh this m this uh volcano is really deep right now I think I am going to make the volcano like the lava will be a bit higher up in it so it’ll be

Like rather than lava being all the way down there it might be like at this level something like that he’s like making the world’s largest Mega base who oh tun tunon or whatever that’s Cool you should make a oops autoc crafting yeah autocrafting is going to be sick I’m pretty sure that was leaked too if it seems like the leaks this year I mean per usual were credible cuz that I remember that being leaked that it was going to be autocrafting and it did in

Fact happen so hold on I’m getting more fireworks also I’m getting my bed oh there’s my Bed you should make a rabbit statue eh I could I don’t think I’m going to at least right now I’m going to make a auto golden carrot Farm in my hardcore world when the update comes out dude I can’t wait to just have an auto gold block crafting system at my gold Farm oh my gosh dude

It’s going to compact holy crap it’s going to make it’s going to make um it’s going to make it’s going to make a huge difference for for um for storage at like at like a gold Farm like mine right it’s going to be crazy and the reason

It’s going to be crazy is because you’re going to be able to you’re going to be able to just um to just get rid of like rather than needing 100 something shulker boxes you need like wait what do you need like 180 shulker boxes of uh shulker boxes per

Hour to store all the gold nuggets that are produced by my gold Farm instead of that you’re going to need um like three because you just craft everything into gold blocks and then for you and then it’ll be like three Shuler boxes per hour that’s going to be amazing that’s

Going to be so good oh I’m so excited for that that’s awesome what a what a good update like and I’m sure it’s going to have more too I mean I know some people are going to be like wow autocrafting what a what a shock they could have added that years

Ago but at least they added it I’m I’m cool with it because at least they finally got around adding it even though maybe uh maybe they’re right it could have been added a while ago but I am glad it eventually got added nonetheless Das what is the easiest way

To find diamonds um easiest way uh mining in water caves probably the way that I usually prefer is uh is by I usually prefer to freaking go to go and get some villagers and just trade for it or go exploring for it but that’s up to

You kind of sad we probably won’t get an end update yeah well not this update but I’m sure we will eventually I I really don’t think that the end is all that bad unpopular opinion but I don’t think the end is all that in need of an update it’s not like

A biome that you have to visit very often which is why I don’t think it really needs an end update as badly as people say like it’s it’s a place that you that you visit once and then you are not going to visit it and then you don’t

Need to visit it again for a while the nether I feel like was in need of an update a lot more than the end was because you do visit the nether a lot you go to the nether anytime you want to travel to another place that’s far away

You use Nether travel um blade like fortresses are so are such a large part of the game um you know Wither Skeleton Farms like you’re in the nether a lot I haven’t been in the end in a hot minute you know and like I get that I get that

Adding making an end update with would make players in the end more but it’s like it’s kind of like that where it’s like I’m not in the end enough for it to really be a thing that I care about all that much I wouldn’t be opposed to an

End update I would rather an inventory management update though before that I don’t like that the nether has the strongest armor instead of going to the end for armor I hope they don’t add end armor I think it I think that adding new armors to the game doesn’t actually add

All that much content it’s like there are the reason that Mojang is better than modders at making at making updates for the game is because Mojang actually a lot of the time adds stuff that will add real play time to the game modders just add like new ores and it’s like you

Get to get another couple sets of armor and it adds like a little bit of time to your playthrough of the game but not all that much I feel like Mojang is pretty good good about like about adding stuff that really is going to is going to not only

Take a bunch of extra time but be fun to do like exploration of the new biomes and building most of all building is like they add a lot of good blocks every time I’m really excited for the tough blocks they look super cool my favorite streamer yo what’s

Up the sky is so empty there’s only Phantoms we need an end update what does the sky have to do is that a joke are you saying because the end is in the sky or something or is or that might just be a joke that I’m a little too stupid to

Get I Dash do you remember me I do what’s up player one could gain 100 but player two loses 100 or vice Versa what are you talking about Jordan you talking about how gamble Works 1.7 the update with inventory management is that when they added shulker boxes the adventure update is that 1.7 no 1.9 was the adventure update right okay so here’s what we’re going to do gang we are going to start covering

We’re going to start making the we’re going to start making our our thing um actually I’m just going to put these in here we’re going to start making the hole wider and filling it with lava the making of the ho wider is pretty easy honestly yeah someone found my base in

Strand is SMP and I have no loot what can I do go get more loot I would think um one two 3 four okay we need a circle circle Minecraft circle uh generator whatever pixel Circle generator okay so we’re going to go for a width of about 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 right now I’m thinking we want to maybe triple that maybe no I think double that is fine so 11 so we go to 22 so so the width is going to be 22 is that from the center I don’t know if

That’s including from the center or cuz we want I think that’s not including from the center is it one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yeah that’s definitely not from the center so 44 then there we go what mod were you rooting for armadil

Did the mob get chosen yet it did the the Minecraft live is actually over and the armadillo won huge dub 1.7 was inventory stuff was it we don’t need an end update because it’s not necessary but there’s no content in the sky maybe floating islands or something I think

The sky is fine to not have content in it um I think it might be nice to get a sky update but I don’t know was adventuring stuff in inventory what did they change in 1.7 though is my question I want to see the um see I want to I

Want them to show me what the middle is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh is it it’s only 10 45 oh there’s the middle okay you could shift click items in 1.7 wow that’s crazy the Discord link expired it did which one does this one not

Work I thought it worked what’s up render how’s it going looks like it works which one are you talking about is there one like in the description or something that’s not working okay okay um here’s what I need you guys to help me with oh hold on my

Minecraft I think is unpaused right now let’s not un let’s not leave it unpaused 1.22 might be the end update wait now it works okay no worries um I need you guys to help me okay so can you guys type in chat then actually no I’m

Just going to do it I just realized I if you guys all type it in chat it’ll just be a mess so it’s going to be um it’s going to be four then five then five then three then three three three three three two two two two two

Two two how many twos is that that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 twos 2 * seven I’m going to go play hardcore now see you later s twos then a three then a three then a three then a five three three 5 3 three five and then four

Again okay I’m going to copy that and now I go into Minecraft and bam okay so we are going to go out um by 45 blocks and hopefully this will work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 one oh wait no sorry I’m stupid we’re supposed to go we’re doubling it I’m quadrupling it right now it’s 44 total with not 44 I’m actually dumb

Sorry this is this is going to like go out of the mountain I think I just realized okay cuz this is 11 it’s supposed to be 22 with thanks Jordan um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 22 yeah okay so here is where we would stop right there and that would be a lot larger of a volcano hole there’s a chance that we still want it to be bigger but I’m going to start it with this and then we’ll see how it

Goes bless me all right one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 wait hold on 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I need to sleep it’s becoming night time can Billy my villager please come home he runs off into the forces for like five Minecraft days then r comes back dash am I allowed to leave stream no you are locked here forever if you leave stream you

Die I need my shovel because I’m getting I’m getting a decent bit of uh yeah I’m getting a decent bit of grass that I want to get rid of so I need to get my shovel oh come on I want to leave no not allowed I’m tired of doing math what are

You doing math For I feel like you should be able to hatch the dragon egg that would be cool if they added if they do an end update that would be a solid thing to do make it so that I don’t know you can hatch the dragon egg and

Like make it make a have a dragon pet that would be really cool actually um oh I needed my shovel that’s what I came here for where is my shovel it’s probably in one of these Shuler boxes Taha okay I maybe lost my netherite shovel I have that

One but I can’t seem to oh there it is I’m actually just stupid okay it’s right there I’m just blind so I have to miss that Dash I love your vids more than I love my country though I think you mean the other way around but I don’t know

What’s up Dusty nuts how’s it going great name you got there um all right yeah we’re just going to tear down a little bit of this actually I think what I might do because I’m planning on raising this anyway maybe I’ll just go up here right

And we’ll go okay this is the center one 2 3 4 then 1 2 3 4 5 then one one 2 3 then 1 2 3 I do believe that these that this way was the way that they were done then uh what’s the Y level of this 135 there we Go um I kind of feel like I should make it out of a not Blackstone block because it’s far too easy or it’s I’m going to get them confused with the other blocks I really don’t know what other blocks I have though that I can build it with

Collecting all armor trims and putting it on diamond armor very cool no Anna you’re not going to get me with that one it’s too easy it’s too easy for me to know for me to know what uh what it is you got to you got to try a little bit harder than that

Dang it bro yeah your L mod has a garbage sleep schedule nah you’re good bro bro missed Minecraft live though tragic imagine missing Minecraft live I would never wouldn’t miss it for the world you know all right one one two 3 4 One 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2

3 and now 2 * 7 1 2 one two one two one two that’s four one two that’s five one two that’s six one two that’s seven okay I’m just going to build this out of this for now and then we’re going to destroy everything within it and then

We’re going to make the lava flow or we’re going to this is going to be the entrance it’s going to be double the size of the old one so why did I get so little slime oh yeah armadillo one that message the Discord bot just

Said Has the wrong link oh it does I thought I changed that okay thank you for letting me know I oh I changed the command but that bot gives the wrong link okay thank you for letting me know that I didn’t realize okay so commands if I go to

Custom and then I copy that link and then I go to timers I have a Discord I have a a timer that tells me to that tells you to join the Discord and now it is updated to the right link there we go thank you for telling me now it’s

Fixed that was what I was talking about earlier yeah I see I see 1 2 3 4 one two three four five I wanted the crab to win I didn’t 1 2 3 1 two 3 one two 2 two 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2

72 and then we do and then we do three I mean I I’ll just count out honestly we’re trying to make this this is going to be much larger 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 so then 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 there we go okay cool nice what was the structure people were talking about so they’re adding trial ruins which will have spawners that are on cooldowns and they give you

Better loot so basically um it seems like diamonds will be renewable which would will be pretty cool um I mean it’ll be bad for like the economy in terms of now netherite will have to be the thing that you sell because diamonds will be renewable but

It’ll be cool at least we get a Brazilian mob today yeah that’s pretty cool 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 dude the main thing that I care about though is autocrafting autocrafting is so

Sick getting the crafter block is is dope um 1 2 3 4 5 about to dupe those diamonds yeah I got to rewatch the entire Minecraft live hope they didn’t bombard it with Minecraft Legends ads that’s exactly what like most of it was Minecraft live was really short this

Year though and I’m very happy about that cuz I didn’t want to watch two hours of Minecraft live ads two 22 32 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 one two three I’m out of crap I’m on the wrong y

Level I might have to I might make this higher up anyway but I am on the wrong y level that’s the Y level I should be at I also need more slime blocks so that’s fine I think I think my music stopped didn’t it it did hold on there we go now it’s

Back this update is going to make copper useful as a decorating block yeah I thought I heard so the only thing that wasn’t right I think I heard leaks about copper getting more utility the only extra utility that Copper got is decorational and now you have variable

Lights variable lighting is kind of cool honestly I do like the idea that like you can depending on the oxidization it makes the room brighter or less bright I think that’s neat I do not think it’s crazy though like it’s not it’s not anything that we’ve never seen before or

It’s you know it’s cool it’s cool it’s not crazy though what are you building we’re building a volcano right now a very nice volcano and we’re working on the the like Center area where um you know all the lava is stored and yeah and it’s going to be

Great honestly a good update to be yeah I like it can’t wait to see cam complain I can’t wait to make a video talking about how awesome it is that the that the armadillo won and I’m going to make everyone mad again and it’s going to be

Great everyone’s going to be like crab deserve to win we got robbed and I’m going to be like he hooo loser I can’t believe that I that I’ve still yet to yet to be on the losing team of mob vote 22 32 42 52 62 72 I really really thought that crab was

Going to win like I I probably would have put money on crab winning because it just seemed like from it seemed like the clear like the clear winner seemed like I would see polls where people would be like who are you voting for and it would be like 40% crab 25% armadillo

And then like and then like you know what’s the remaining percentages no it’ be like 45% crab 20% armadillo I don’t think this math is adding up and then penguin would be even lower I’m not going to try and make it a perfect circle you get the point though

Like crab in all of those poles crab would be winning by like a hefty margin I thought in the ones that I saw one two three four five one two 3 1 2 3 1 two 3 I voted Rascal last time really armadilla one let’s go in my

Opinion Phantom is a good mob that’s crazy no penguin was usually in last place whenever I would see poles I’m but like it so so I just think I didn’t do the percentages right cuz penguin would wind up being higher than Armadillo in my in the pole example that I was

Giving 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 two 2 two 3 2 4 2 52 62 72 how is that for the center of the volcano how big is that and is that a good size we honestly might want to go even a bit

Wider I still think that’s too I still think that’s too small I think we want to go wider I think we want to go maybe another 10 blocks wider honestly and make it go like not see before I was going 40 blocks I think 30 blocks is going to be

The sweet spot where it’s going to go like up to like there and it’s going to be like a huge amount of lava that we have to fill in and it’s going to be really annoying but it’s going to be worth it once it looks really cool nice

Are we doing hardcore right now yeah we are we’re just talking about the mob boat and stuff okay well I can at least for now I can just start by clearing out this area because we’re going to have to dig like a lot we’re going to be digging

Out um this area at some point anyway and replacing it with lava and stuff oh so might as well make this area flat cuz we are going to be we’re going to be um we’re going to be digging this down since the actual base is going to be all

Like pretty much all the the way underground so you know we can just go ahead and mine out this oh man I covered this and now I’m uncovering it unfortunate I don’t really care about any of these materials I think as much as I like picking them up I’m just going

To ignore them because I think it will take me forever if I try to pick them all up I hate that sentiment adding things to Minecraft is pretty is pretty difficult we shouldn’t have a m a mob Bo well they can’t add them all if there is no mob vote because

It’s just going to if they add them all then then there wouldn’t be a mob vote you know I think they shouldn’t even I think they should just like stop doing the mob vote and just add the mobs that they think think will be a good addition to Minecraft whatever I personally think

That whatever Mojang thinks is going to be the best fit for Minecraft is probably they’re probably right and it probably would be the best fit for Minecraft um so we’re going to go one we’re going to go to y27 and just dig out this area 27 there we go

All right so we have a lot of digging to do fortunately it’s not that deep Bam Bam actually maybe I will take these blocks cuz they are these blocks kind of are like useful and like they’re colorful and nice for building with and stuff so there maybe I will start

Storing these blocks away because honestly they’re kind of nice I’m going to grab some some Shuler boxes where am I going down here yeah if I grab these we’ll be good I love I love your rabbit totem thank you I do too my rabbit totem is pretty dope

Um okay do we have do I have Shuler boxes anywhere in here no I don’t okay I guess we’re just going to use chests then do chests even burn I don’t think chests burn so I think they can explode but I don’t think they’re able to to burn did they update the Sakura

Biome the the cherry blossom biome no they didn’t were you hoping they would I feel like my thing is I don’t care I don’t really want them to update biomes that just got updated or just got added to the game feel like some people like that’s why I didn’t want the crab cuz

The crab is just like just updating a mob that or updating a biome that we just got added like I feel like I feel like it doesn’t need it really doesn’t need an update already I don’t think any I don’t think people are like bored of the biome

Already people have been bored of Savannah biomes for years you know so Savannah biomes have been kind of underdeveloped for years so developing them out a bit more will be dope what do you prefer I preferred the armadillo as I was I was pretty vocal about that like I was saying before I

Single-handedly got the armadillo to win because I made so many videos about how the armadillo should win and it won and that’s all my doing pretty much pretty much entirely my doing so if so just everyone go ahead and thank me you know um did you know coal blocks burn I did know

That um yeah I did know that that’s it’s not common knowledge but if you play Minecraft a lot you probably knew that bam bam bam if you you know if you play Minecraft as much as me there’s not a lot of things that I learn about

Minecraft and I’m like wao I had no idea about that most of the time I did in fact have an idea about that like I did know I like this part cuz I don’t even have to do anything oops Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam all right there we go um penguin

Should spawn in ice spikes oceans ice Spike oceans yeah I think I think another thing that would have helped Penguins actually get more votes is if they spawned in more than just the Stony Shore biomes they just spawned anywhere that it was cold it would have been

Fine or it would have been a little Better but Mojang wanted to make make them spawn I’m guessing because they don’t want the polar bears they don’t they didn’t want to make Minecraft polar bears eat Minecraft Penguins um they put them separately however I think they should have just made Minecraft polar bears and Minecraft Penguins you know eat each

Other or well Penguins wouldn’t eat polar bears I think they should have just made them made one eat the other though I’m not going to be going back to my base anytime soon am I can I just kill these guys and I can get milk I

Feel like I’m not going to be heading back there so I can probably just kill them and not have to worry about it hopefully I won’t accidentally start a raid if I if I try to go somewhere though guys remind me to drink milk before I go okay you guys have been have

An important job and it’s don’t let me accidentally start a raid in my Village there’s another one of you what the freak dude what are you doing here what an idiot most penguins are actually warm climate Penguins really huh I always think of penguins as as cold boys cold little guys you

Know never never thought of them as warm boys I’m just kind of believing you on that though I don’t feel like researching on my own so I’m going to trust that what you’re telling me is true what hot keys do you use not many I’m not great at hot keying I’m not

Great about hot keying I use um I use my mouse buttons to get around and then other than that I sometimes use my number Keys other than that though I I don’t I don’t use a ton of hocks see this is going to have to get

Done at some point anyway so you know might as well do it now just destroying all of this and fortunately it’s all of this is is insta minable which is very nice not a huge amount of effort because it’s all insta minable so definitely definitely adds some niceness oh I just realized

Community Day started and I never even I never did anything hold on I have an auto catcher I’m just going to put that guy on let it do its thing and I’m going to pop an incense as well bam word I’m hoping for a mob vote with just

Golems dude that would be even worse I think I think I think people would get even more upset about the mob vote if they did a mob vote with just Golems I think there’s a solid chance that the next that there is no mob vote next year I think there’s a solid chance

That they listen to the community feedback but just for next year I really I I was pretty positive going into this um mob vote that they were not going to stop the mob vote because of the community feedback and add them all I was pretty sure they were

Going to ignore the community um but I think there’s a I think there’s a much higher chance that if the Mojang if the Minecraft Community especially if they continue complaining about the mob vote for a while um I think that people I think that it will potentially

Work I think that there’s a better chance that no mob vote happens next year than trying to stop it the year that it trying to stop it while like once it’s already began once the Minecraft machine was in motion it was I feel like it became a lot harder became

A lot harder to try and stop it at that point Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam like that and we’re almost getting around I’m going to get killed by like a mob from down here I’m pretty sure that would be very unfortunate though please leave me alone mobs

Um what y level is this we want to go to like here I think I mean this side kind of doesn’t matter as much yeah this side this side we can just destroy all of this and it’ll be beautiful I mean well so it doesn’t matter to it doesn’t I I’m being precise

Because I’m a little OCD but it really doesn’t matter the Precision of my of my mining purely because um I’m I’m going to wind up I’m going to wind up mining even more later because I’m expanding this circle cuz we’re trying to go for 30 Block width so it’ll be like a 60

Block wide hole in the volcano for the lava and that we fly through the diameter is or the C the radius is going to be like um 30 32 blocks or something I think I think 32 block Circle will be better do you vape no who started the

Mob vot Wars like who started I don’t know I wonder who the first person was to be like what if we didn’t have a Mobb this year like they must be they must feel like they must be like dang I really did something crazy you know excuse

Me he was holding my Blackstone give me my Blackstone back loser dude why no need to be mean to them they’re just capitalizing their letters okay fine it ain’t that big of a deal oh I didn’t do this side yet I just realized oh I didn’t do this

Side see okay you know what we’re going to do let’s go ahead and we’re going to lower this by one block cuz we did want to do that in the first place oh I never even I never hit this side either okay we got to hit this side

Oh I think that I can’t actually reach it very well from there so we’re going to go up by one block oh uh and then we’re going forward place that back and then we’re going 1 2 3 4 five there we go all right cool guys I’m

Black I played scribbly with them was fun how was Minecraft live Minecraft live was pretty great um I enjoyed it I yeah I don’t know I liked Minecraft live this year I think it was nice it was nice and brief that’s my favorite thing that they did this year

Differently than they did in other years it was a lot less Long some some years man they really just drone on and on about Minecraft Legends and stuff and I’m quite glad that they didn’t do that this year cuz I personally do not care about Minecraft Legends

And and I don’t know I don’t know though it might not it might have not been any longer than the other ones last year I definitely watched the pre-show and the pre-show was the pre-show I don’t care about at all but I definitely watched it

So that might be why it felt so much longer because I just cuz I freaking um cuz I watched the pre-show last year and the pre-show was very long the pre-show was like the entire size of the show I think feel like the the length of

The pre-show was like the same as the length of the actual show so that’s not great but you know it is what it is I hate this dirt here because it makes it so much harder to mine because I have to keep switching my Tools anyways I just need my computer I thought the BBC Earth collab was super cool yeah I think it’s pretty pretty cool I think I think Mojang like I don’t love how Minecraft live now is just like plugging their other games for like a while it’s like a lot of them just like

Promoting the other games that they have and the and the marketplace stuff that they made which is kind of you know it’s it’s fine but it’s just not my cup of tea because I don’t even play Bedrock Edition so the marketplace doesn’t apply to me at all and like the Minecraft creator

Interviews and stuff are kind of neat but I don’t know uh I don’t know how much I don’t know how much I care about thema I’m just going to cover up this hole because it looks really bad right now and it’s annoying for me to fall into

It um yeah that’s good okay now we can start destroying this stuff and then I am going to have to end the stream even though I haven’t played hardcore that for that long because I do have homework to do so I’m going to have

To go in a minute um but I’m just going to finish I’m going to finish cleaning up this hole and then and then I’ll peace out what time is it yeah it’s 3:07 I have somewhere to be at like 3:30 so dude I nearly drowned under ice in my

Hardcore world one time I nearly drowned because I got mining fatigue and I I thought that boxing myself in would get rid of the water that was drowning me or that or I thought it would it would get rid of the water so I’d be able to mine

Into an ocean monument and I forgot that it was all Source blocks so I had to I had to use my Notch Apple that I had on me in order to save myself because without it I would have just died I have no idea if I have a

Clip of that I hope I do somewhere just cuz it was a funny moment I don’t know if I ever even like I don’t know if I even made like a video about it or anything like that you know it was a very stupid near-death but

I did almost die due to drowning in one of my hardcore worlds this was not this hardcore world this was a while back I’m interested to see the backlash to to Minecraft not uh to Minecraft not canceling the mob vote it’s it’s going to be it’s going to

Be interesting seeing people you know cry on the internet about how their mob didn’t get added we’ll see though maybe maybe because Minecraft said that there’s like still a chance that the mobs get added they the people won’t cry as much about the mob vote not getting

Canceled yeah it makes sense that they didn’t cancel it though I think it would have taken a lot more than people spamming # stop the mob vote for the mob vote to actually get stopped would have taken like some like like hordes of people showing up to the

Mojang offices or whatever and and chanting outside like so loudly that like during the mob vote that you could hear people like screaming like stop the vote stop the vote and like I know I know no one was going to do that I also don’t think that they they probably have

Like a a studio that would have been hard to it would have been hard to figure out where the mob vote was you know or where the Minecraft live was taking place so I don’t know if I don’t know if anything would have been able to stop them you

Know Mojang all they had to do was just ignore all the comments know dude it would have been crazy imagine Mojang had just like made imagine they had just like remove like made a a uh made it so that you can’t type in the words like # stopthe mob vote in chat so

That like they just like filtered out all of those comments stop the mob vote yeah we really should we should undo the mob vote hash Ash goack in time and undo the mob vote did that happen when you were streaming on Twitch yeah I’m starting a wheat farm so my

Villagers can breed so I can make a creeper Farm oh nice wait why do you need villagers for a creeper Farm people were just doing it cuz they thought it was funny I don’t think anyone was serious oh no there were definitely people who were serious

I don’t I think the majority of people were serious about wanting the vote to stop I don’t think I don’t think they were I think I think you’re underestimating how many people um like genuinely wanted the mob vote to end I think I think you’re really underestimating these people this is armadillo

Gang we are not going to take it # stupid armadillo # epic armadillo # we love armadillo # I’m so happy that the armadillo got added thank goodness that’s a really long hashtag but you know what you get the point nobody was ever hurt by a long hashtag unfortunately we can’t add

Termites cuz they’re a little too scary for little kids they I think they’re going to add termites they mentioned adding termites in uh in the savannah update I don’t think I don’t think termites are too scary for kids I think I think if they were worried about scaring kids they wouldn’t have added

The warden the warden is definitely scarier than termites would be how do you stay motivated I I don’t know I just like playing the game and I like having PE I like I have people to talk to which helps streaming streaming what you’re doing is cool cuz you get people to talk

To you build up a community and stuff if I was just doing this on my own that’s actually the the reason that I don’t that I do everything on stream is just cuz it’s more fun for me some people some people um you know they don’t stream everything and those people the a

Some some people stream because they want to be able to like verifiably prove that they’re not cheating you know cuz it’s like I’m look I’m streaming how could I be cheating in my hardcore world you’re seeing me do the whole thing but I stream because it’s more fun and cuz I

If when I’m not streaming I get bored like I can like watch a show on my second monitor or something but like I run out of shows and you know it’s I just think streaming is more fun so that helps me all right so this is the this is the

Current size of the thing we’re going to make it bigger in the next stream um yeah we’re going to make this bad boy a bit bigger tomorrow but for now this is the size we’ve about doubled it I do still think yeah I still think

Tripling it will be the way to go and we’re going to move it up a bit higher or not trip yeah yeah tripling it yeah we’re going to make it from 22 blocks right now 22 block radius to 33 I think and then it will be you know

It’ll be it’ll be very it’ll be more like more like one of these I feel like I feel like the actual hole with the lava in it just needs to be it needs to be a larger portion of the mountain you know this is too small

So I’m thinking if we go out by another 10ish blocks it will be good maybe I won’t even do a perfect circle and I’ll just make it make it like here that actually might be better if I don’t try and make it a perfect circle if I just

Make it where I think it makes sense for it to be like that’s a little bit further away that might be what I do as well I imagine volcanoes are probably not perfect circle so I do like Perfect Circle just because then the Hub area that I’m going to build would look nicer

But that’s that’s a that I don’t really care that much about all right anyways guys I do have to I do have to go though thank you guys for hanging out I will see you guys tomorrow bye everyone see you guys

This video, titled ‘Talking about Minecraft Live in Hardcore Minecraft! 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-10-15 22:19:56. It has garnered 1287 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:44 or 8144 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdl7HxFZzN658UU_S0c5yxnl Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdnaFMkOzGS68tz1s0VWM3TP

Discord: https://discord.gg/CcApfmMvcH TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashpum4

Texture packs: https://youtube.com/shorts/a4gKguilceQ?feature=share

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    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Welcome to Boubou’s Minecraft Community Server! Boubou invites players to join the Minecraft community server, regardless of whether they play Java or Bedrock. The server is running on version 1.20.4 for Java and 1.20.71 for Bedrock to accommodate all players. To join, players must sign up through Boubou’s channel membership Level 2 on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and then join the Discord server to accept the rules and provide their in-game names with ‘J’ for Java or ‘B’ for Bedrock. Once completed, players will receive the IP address and be whitelisted. This is a token of appreciation for the amazing support… Read More

  • Minecraft Redstone Tricks

    Minecraft Redstone Tricks Exploring Useful Redstone Builds in Minecraft Embark on a journey of creativity and innovation with these two useful Redstone builds in Minecraft. Dive into the world of possibilities and let your imagination run wild as you discover the power of Redstone in this popular sandbox game. Useful Redstone Build 1 Witness the magic of Redstone as you delve into the intricacies of building a functional contraption that will elevate your gameplay experience. Learn how to manipulate Redstone components to create a mechanism that serves a practical purpose within the game. Unleash your engineering skills and watch as your creation… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta The Iron Age Unveiled: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey with Ruthenic as he delves into the depths of Minecraft in The Beta Experience. From spelunking to constructing a windmill-turned-storage silo, this episode is packed with excitement and creativity. Spelunking Adventures Ruthenic’s exploration takes him deep underground, where he uncovers hidden treasures and battles formidable foes. The thrill of discovering new caves and resources adds an element of mystery and danger to his adventure. Building a Windmill Storage Silo Witness Ruthenic’s ingenuity as he transforms a humble windmill into a functional storage silo. The meticulous planning and… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a dynamic LCD table in a regular village in Minecraft. It got us thinking – what other amazing surprises are out there waiting to be discovered in the vast world of Minecraft? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience like no other. From epic battles to creative building projects, there’s always something new and exciting happening on Minewind. So why… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The two sides of every player…

    “Ah, the duality of man – one side wants to build an epic castle in Minecraft, the other side gets distracted mining for hours on end. But hey, at least they’re both scoring high in the game of life…and apparently memes too.” Read More

  • Wolves vs Sheep in Minecraft Showdown

    Wolves vs Sheep in Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wolves Try To Catch The Sheep #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Bored are you? well then see below! Join Dragon.minewind.com for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: Minecraft hahaha #shortsbeta#Shorts#shortvideo #technogamerz#arishkhan#akworld#ujjwal#myphat#liveinsaan#8bit#mortal#rebel#soul#ajgaming#smartypieMine craft HAA HAA #Shorts #shortvideoyoutube shorts,short video,shorts,how to use youtube shorts,how to make youtube shorts,youtube shorts beta,minecraft shorts,minecraft short,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft short video,mine craft,minecraft survival,tik tok,minecraft live,minecraft music,minecraft hacks,minecraft house,tik tok songs,minecraft… Read More

  • “Crafting up a storm in Minecraft, hotter than a blaze!” #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting up a storm in Minecraft, hotter than a blaze!" #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gaming #lol Read More

  • Minecraft: In Search of the Cow

    Minecraft: In Search of the Cow Minecraft: In Search of the Cow in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with S5João as he searches for a cow in this thrilling gameplay video. Join the adventure, explore the vast landscapes, and uncover the mysteries that await in this popular sandbox game. Exploration and Adventure Await With Minecraft’s endless possibilities, players like S5João can immerse themselves in a world of creativity and exploration. From building magnificent structures to surviving the dangers of the wilderness, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and wonder. Building and Survival One of the key aspects… Read More

  • Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and thrilling experience, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a vast and dynamic environment filled with endless possibilities. That’s exactly what Minewind offers to its players. With a dedicated community of gamers from all around the world, you’ll never… Read More

  • Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Spot the Differences

    Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Spot the Differences Minecraft Java vs. Bedrock Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players often find themselves debating between the Java Edition and the Bedrock Edition. Both versions offer unique features and gameplay experiences that cater to different preferences. Let’s delve into the key differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition to help you decide which one suits your gaming style best. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Java Edition: Known for its flexibility and mod support, Minecraft Java Edition allows players to customize their gameplay experience with a wide range of mods and shaders. However, Java Edition may require… Read More


    SHOCKING: MINECRAFT's End Update REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘What Will MINECRAFTS End Update Look Like?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-04-30 18:00:17. It has garnered 17807 views and 981 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:13 or 613 seconds. Today I go in-depth on what an End Update could actually look like for MINECRAFT!!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 2k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! Every Update We NEED In Minecraft:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnlP90B6bwk WHY Minecraft 1.21 Is Pretty Great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSpaLHvoovk Is Minecraft Getting To Easy?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5jYcr3H1lI Why… Read More

  • Shulky’s Hardcore Minecraft World Catastrophe!

    Shulky's Hardcore Minecraft World Catastrophe!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I LOST MY “OLD” HARDCORE MINECRAFT WORLD I #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-07 11:43:46. It has garnered 11683 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore hardcore hardcore minecraft funny shorts prank lost hardcore world lost world 100 days april fools sb sb737 minecraft but minecraft mod gaming twitch minecraft base memes minecraft 100 days finnacraft viral lost world #minecraftharcore #videos trending minecraft hardcore deaths hardcore deaths 100 days on one block acookiegod one block one block minecraft acookiegod series we have… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Adventure! 🔥 #ftypシ

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Adventure! 🔥 #ftypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixel | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #ftypシ’, was uploaded by conmc on 2024-04-11 21:58:53. It has garnered 417 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft House Build – SECRET Features! 🔥 #shorts

    ULTIMATE Minecraft House Build - SECRET Features! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-25 16:00:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Coolment’s Origin Realms

    Secrets Revealed: Coolment's Origin RealmsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Origin Realms: Plotting and Planning’, was uploaded by Coolment on 2024-02-07 14:49:31. It has garnered 690 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:54 or 6174 seconds. Today I am exploring ORIGIN REALMS! A vanilla MINECRAFT server with a ton of tweaks and new additions to make the game absolutely crazy! IP: play.originrealms.com Please Join The Discord! — Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coolmentions Twitter: https://twitter.com/Coolmentions Discord: https://discord.gg/Coolment TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coolment?lang=en Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft – Insane Enhancements w/ Friends!

    Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft - Insane Enhancements w/ Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Enhancements ft. Fig, Icy, & Twoki | #4 (Minecraft Hardcore Stream)’, was uploaded by Itz_Shota on 2024-03-17 06:28:27. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:21:16 or 15676 seconds. Just playing around with my homies trying not to die! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/eVcNDfMT3s Read More


    😱ULTIMATE SCARY MINECRAFT SEEDS! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 || MINECRAFT HORROR 😯 ||’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-16 08:30:00. It has garnered 1710 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod… Read More

  • Ladizlove: CHOOSE your DESTINY! Minecraft vs. Roblox

    Ladizlove: CHOOSE your DESTINY! Minecraft vs. RobloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Сделай ВЫБОР! #shorts #мем #юмор #смех #опрос #shorts #minecraft #roblox #cats(2) #владбумага #подп’, was uploaded by ladizlove on 2024-04-15 09:14:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make a CHOICE! #shorts #meme #humor #laughter #poll #shorts #minecraft #roblox #cats (2) #vladpaper #subscribe. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Seeds ACTUALLY Haunted! 🎮💀” #PrestonPlayz #Minecraft #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft Seeds ACTUALLY Haunted! 🎮💀" #PrestonPlayz #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds That Are Actually True. #prestonplayz #Minecraft #videogames #streamer’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayzShorts on 2024-01-11 13:40:00. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Welcome to My YouTube channel, a delightful parody tribute to the renowned gamer and content creator PrestonPlayz t’s all in good spirits, and we hope to bring a smile to both longtime fans of Preston and newcomers alike, offering a lighthearted take on the gaming world we all know and love. Read More

  • SlickMC SMP with towny, custom datapacks, Streamers, dedicated, via version, 1.20x

    Welcome to SlickMC! SlickMC is a brand new custom SMP focused on building a dedicated fanbase with quality features for long-term play. Features: Custom generated worlds with deep lore, custom items, and bosses Races and classes system – be a dwarf, demon, or even a kitten Towny nations for various war types and player-led nations Dedicated staff and active player base Server Details: IP: slickmc.com Bedrock Port: 40138 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft 5 acquired 🔥

    Wow, Minecraft 5? Is that the one where Steve finally learns how to use indoor plumbing? Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mastery: Smiles and Domineering Delight

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mastery: Smiles and Domineering Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With animations so funny, and memes that delight, Every video is a treasure, shining bright. From classroom series to song adaptations, Cube Xuan’s creativity sparks sensations. Each video a masterpiece, a work of art, Capturing the essence of Minecraft, straight from the heart. So join the fun, and hit that subscribe, For Cube Xuan’s content will surely revive. In the realm of gaming, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan’s channel is where joy arrives. Read More

  • Minecraft: Hotspot Blaze #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Hotspot Blaze #minecraft #meme When your blaze has better Wi-Fi than you do, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet plan. #minecraftproblems #blazinfastwifi Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More


    EPIC 50% OFF MINECRAFT 15TH BIRTHDAY SALE! Minecraft Celebrates 15 Years with a Massive Sale! Today is a special day for all Minecraft fans as the game celebrates its 15th anniversary on May 17th. And what better way to mark this occasion than with a whopping 50% discount on the game itself! If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to grab a copy and dive into the blocky world of Minecraft. New Snapshot Update: 24w20a Alongside the anniversary celebrations, Minecraft has also released a new snapshot update, 24w20a, packed with exciting features and improvements. One notable change is the enhancement to witches, making them… Read More

  • EPIC Adventures in Creothina – ATM9 Stream 8!

    EPIC Adventures in Creothina - ATM9 Stream 8!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 8 (More Adventures!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-05 11:46:16. It has garnered 921 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:38 or 20258 seconds. Hey everyone! So we’re live a few hours earlier due to my sleep getting messed up BUT I’m excited to continue on our stream world adventure. We have so many things to get up to and I’m sure it’ll be a mix of chaos and fun….see you there! Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mistry Of Steve In Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by Duplesi FF on 2024-02-08 03:55:00. It has garnered 38 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft myths,minecraft video,minecraft hindi,minecraft mysteries,scary minecraft,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft myths,minecraft horror,minecraft scary,minecraft herobrine,minecraft mystery,scary minecraft stories,scary minecraft seeds,minecraft scary myths,scary minecraft facts,minecraft secrets,scariest minecraft facts,scary minecraft mysteries,minecraft phone,minecraft horror facts,solving minecraft mysteriesminecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft video,minecraft scary,minecraft myths,minecraft hindi,minecraft herobrine,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft facts,scariest minecraft facts,minecraft horror facts,minecraft horror,minecraft secrets,minecraft 1.20,minecraft mysteries,minecraft scary myths,minecraft scary build hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft build hacks,minecraft new update,scary minecraft myths,minecraft creepypasta,minecraft 1.21… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!

    EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!Video Information This video, titled ‘JAKIEGO BLOKU W MINECRAFT JEST NAJWIĘCEJ?’, was uploaded by Jam jest Jakub on 2024-04-21 11:37:06. It has garnered 194085 views and 10984 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. WHAT BLOCK IS THE MOST IN MINECRAFT? The best Minecraft server: N1MC.pl ✅ discord: https://discord.gg/n1mc ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE CHAIR BUILDING TIPS 😱🪑 | N.K Nikhil GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by N.K NIKHIL GAMER on 2023-12-24 04:30:05. It has garnered 5000 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadness

    Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Invading Minecraft’s Oldest Civilization Server! #minecraft#stoneworks’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-16 22:02:15. It has garnered 3314 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:36 or 276 seconds. IP: play.stoneworks.gg #citybuilding #minecraft #minecraftcivilization Our discord: https://discord.gg/HnJ7cGKKPY Read More


    🔥JOIN ME LIVE: STARTING MINECRAFT CULT!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | STARTING THE GREATEST MINECRAFT CULT’, was uploaded by Bloomscorch on 2024-03-16 20:29:27. It has garnered 97 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:16 or 18616 seconds. Happiness, camaraderie and togetherness. Definitely NO brainwashing! The fun cult activities are taking place on ➤ play.hylexmc.net Want to be a part of a great community? Go join our Discord server! 100% not a cult! – https://discord.gg/kXYTKDZ5gP ─────────────────────────────────────── #minecraft #communityevent #multiplayer #minecraftserver #building #survival Read More

  • Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!

    Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft yapping session!’, was uploaded by Hollow200 on 2024-03-10 16:05:51. It has garnered 2529 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. Drop a sub if you minecraft cows! Read More