Date the QUEEN BEE in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

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And stay out guys what’s going on if you won’t tell us then you get out of here tell you what what are you guys kicking me out bro where are my all my items don’t act like you don’t know he’s acting like he doesn’t know don’t act

Like you don’t know he doesn’t know don’t know what better not see you here ever again you hear me but but that’s my home find a new one come on Frank why is Daisy kicking me out of the village what did I even do what is going on over here

Bear oh oh shoot hold up hey hey hey what are you doing hey hey Mr bear get out of here go look I don’t need to deal with this right now go g off shoot man first thing I have to deal with the village and I got to deal with whatever

This be B thank you so much for saving me I thought I was lost there uh oh you must be something more than just a worker be to have such chivalry to defend me this fairy dust is making me trip I think I’m going crazy uh this

You’re not a real person right I is a thing you must be more than something than just a knight in shining armor surely could you be the one with such chivalry perhaps the next king of the hive the king of the what yes after everything that you’ve done for me

Really you saved me and all of my worker bees us what are you what the oh hey look Little Bees these are my people and you have saved both them and myself oh wow well I mean I I it’s no problem you know it’s all good but um as the queen

Of The Hive you must be the king of the hive with me and we can live together and have such a wonderful life together what wait okay hold on calm down lady I I’ve only known you for like 5 Seconds okay I’m flattered I’m flattered by this

All but um I kind of have my own thing right now bro I I got kicked out of my Village you know I I think I need to deal with that first before I make any promises what do you mean kicked out of your village after such nobility and

Such kindness well I mean long story short my little sister and Frank they kick me out I don’t even know what for they just told me they did they just threw me out of bed they picked me up they threw me out here they took all my

Items too bro I don’t know what’s happening but I’m going to get to the bottom of it okay so that’s what I’m going to do for someone as kind and sweet as you surely something like that does not deserve to happen to you if you

Need my help with any of this I am more than happy to bestow my powers and my strength to you strength Powers wait that sounds kind of cool but I mean what do these bees supposed to do I mean I appreciate that but I I don’t we need to

Well as the new king of the hive they can help you and along with that you can have wings wings I don’t know what the where did these grow my what what’s happening who who who who what the W wo wo did I did I just fly huh you did as

The king of the hive it is part of the power that belongs to you now it’s getting itchy how do you scratch these man very gently oh okay well I mean these are nice and wait so you can give me powers like these of course and this is

Just the beginning if this is enough for now then perhaps it will be enough but if not come back to me and I will be happy to help you okay I mean I I guess you could tag along sure I mean well just be careful okay I don’t want them

To hurt you too I don’t know what they’re doing in the in the hub area but I guess we can investigate whoa what the heck you can turn into a be H what am I saying you were just a bee just now all right well I guess we just get going

Okay hold on stay quiet okay we don’t want to get hurt now um oh they’re right there look look look they’re over there okay you understand the plans right yes ma’am Peach okay go search you if any of you find it I’ll give you 100 diamonds

Go go go 100 diamonds pay off my house mortgage what the heck are they doing to the they’re looking for something what are they looking for it’s not like anything I have that’s of value this is getting weird okay hold on wait you can fly too right okay we should probably

Sneak in let’s go to the top of my house right here come on who stay still oh my gosh okay okay also why are you in B form right now oh you’re trying to hide your identity okay Bet okay well I think you’re fine up here right now

You should be fine no one can see you what what what’s going oh shoot there’s two people inside wait I can see them right now H did you find anything nope not yet let’s keep looking okay um listen Queen like do queen be I I look

Do can you give me any of those speci Powers we need to fight them I don’t have anything on me I just have be poop and where did I get this from be poop and steak I don’t think that who my goodness what is all this wait hold on

Step over here it’s safe for here wait they can’t see you from here what is all this be leggings be boots a blade what the oh okay what are all these these are very powerful items that can help defend you oh okay I just put

Them on I guess oh my gosh dude this is sick yo hey look we’re matching well I’m very flatter to match with you and you are very sweet after all wo wo wo okay calm down calm down all right we just met all right let’s let’s let’s go down

Here real quick let me fly oh shoot almost fell down okay okay I’m going to take off my wings for a second oh thank God okay okay all right I’m going I’m going to use a sword how strong is this sword is it good enough to kill these

People me it smells really sweet okay don’t make any buzzing noise now we don’t want them to know we’re here uh okay I think they’re oh there’s one upstairs okay okay we’re doing this ready hey who are you I’m your worst di oh my God m m you get over

Here get him get him get him what the heck it’s taking D oh who are you uh get him get him get him get him get him get out of my car no no no taking so much oh okay ow you p me poison for 20 seconds oh oh gosh I’m

So sorry I didn’t mean to poison you what was that spear you didn’t tell me you had that ow that’s only for very rare occasions rare occasions something you might notice about the bees is they only have one stinger and when they use it then that’s it for them that’s fair

Enough well then how how come you haven’t died yet then well Queens are a little bit special and I mean you’re special as well being the king of the hive as well well if I’m so special then don’t you think I should have something

Like that to I suppose I can give it to you but with great power comes great responsibility so please use it wisely okay bet bet bet all right we got the spear dang this K’s poison too that’s crazy okay well we cleared out the people around here that’s good but I

Mean we don’t really know anything that’s going on wait I just realized if Frank was with them that means he might know what’s going on okay I say we go out the back we go around the Frank’s house and we see what’s going on all right all right sounds good okay I don’t

Think there’s anybody here hopefully I’m Looking Through the Windows it doesn’t look like anyone’s there right now maybe we’re okay maybe we can just go in right now oh no wait uh all right boys you want some to or anything I haven’t had anything to eat in so long okay um great

Frank has some of his minions there too what are we supposed to do well we have some of my minions minions to help oh just just one one minion oh no two minions hello my queen I mean I I appreciate this queen but don’t you think these two little bees are going to

Die instantly when they’re fighting get diamond armor brutes well we can use the bees as summons and they can help I mean they don’t look that strong are you sure about this I’m certain okay well all right you guys come with me I don’t know

About this I mean if you say so I don’t really have a lot of faith in this best of luck King of The Hive okay all right you guys tell me you have like some trick up your sleeve this is not enough to fight these guys what the heck what what the freak

You’re human now what uh uh oh okay um okay okay okay all right let’s do this come on come on come on hide hide so uh aren’t you supposed to be finding something uh we’re taking a little break a little Hiatus you know okay ready 3 2

1 go go go go go get in there get over here get him get him kill him I’ll use a spear I’ll use spear you’re poison now get the other one get the other one kill him kill him we got the other wait there’s one upstairs there’s one

Upstairs let get upair all right let’s get it you Frank look how the tables have turned surround him surround him don’t let him Escape yes act like if I did anything what what do you mean you kicked me out of the village all right and yeah and I didn’t really appreciate

It luckily I brought some of my minions with me with the queen who I think is somewhere but so what are you a new mafia boss or something to take care of yeah maybe we are maybe we are you know bees you know I bet your chickens don’t

Have amazing swords and drip like this you have no idea what you’re talking about yeah yeah ow ow ow you see that that’s poison well Frank as you can see this Poison’s going to last for a bit and it’s going to put you on half a heart now let’s talk

Business why did you do that tell us what is going on on This Server why is Daisy rallying the entire server around the like around this area you two of all people no I don’t want to no you want me to hit you with the spear again I’ll do

It you’re trying to kill me oh yeah you want me to do it again yeah you like that poison you like that am I doing this right am I doing this right you are but be gentle but yes you’re doing wonderfully it’s AUP all right Frank I’m going to give

You one last chance and the next hit is going to prove fatal now tell me what is Daisy doing on the server she’s trying to find your your stupid bucket my my my what your your bucket okay guards go outside hold on this has to be A Private

Matter get outside go yes sir sir protect the area what do you mean my bucket your bucket like you know she’s looking for that yeah she’s I don’t know why but she why does she need that I I don’t know I just I was like okay

Whatever but why did she need to kick me out of the whole entire L to point that at me all right so like I said why is she doing this uh it’s just like something that I guess something important but she never really gave me much of the detail interesting so she’s

Looking for my bucket so okay that makes more sense all right well that’s the case then maybe we can use you as Ransom to make her stop all this how much you paying huh what do you mean me paying how much you paying what do you mean me

Paying you’re the payment well what no no nuh no I need payment I need payment this is the reason why I joined you want your payment you want your oh oh shoot I got a little angry uh all right come on we should hide we should hide get up

Here get up here okay okay so what happened uh long story short he died of a heart attack uh it sounds like my little sister is rallying the entire server to get um what am I um my my family my family heirloom that’s what it is that’s what it is your family

Heirloom yeah why would they want that from you um she’s evil she’s the she’s The Reincarnation of the devil that’s what it is dude she wants she probably wants to use that to take control over me no no no I will not let that happen absolutely not yeah me neither here I

Say we rally against her look all right you know what I say we two 2v one Daisy dude she’s not going to last against the both of us man it’ll be a piece of okay and they’re outside of my house oh gosh they’re surrounding the place what are

They doing there’s so many how do you think we can go up against them I don’t think think Frank would give us a raise he like two diamonds oh this isn’t good this is good I mean maybe we can go up against I don’t know can you take on two

People armored perhaps but if I die then who will look over the bees oh good point be able to look over them uh I’m not committing to anything yet uh uh look we do you have another blessing I could use anything maybe a bow and arrow

Maybe like I don’t know like a hammer I do have one more spear but that’s all that I have left unless we want to get really drastic I I think that this time calls for it Queen please give us something well the one thing I do have

Or one of the things I have left is a a summon a bazooka a what okay sorry it’s a bazooka uh I I I think I’m tripping I thought I heard you say bazooka yes that’s exactly what the freak is this ain’t no way wait wait what the ain’t no

Way this is real wait is this what I think it is it can summon the bees and they can help Okay Okay uh uh uh open the door say hello to my little friend oh my gosh they do so much damage wait there’s what I see you Jen I

See you I’m not here I’m not here I’m underpaid get over over here where you going hey where are you going oh but uh we lost a lot of stuff uh well like I said I I did say it was drastic no kidding I didn’t think you made a whole freaking bazooka well

Surprise okay I mean it did work it definitely worked but we got to go come on we got to go around to Daisy’s house uh maybe we should circle on the other way hold up I don’t I don’t feel you truly are a noble Defender oh thank you

I appreciate that that’s what my mom calls me of course you’re so sweet I’m so glad that you’re mine all right sh sh okay what is this you are telling me that you were defeated by a bee in full diamond armor you were in full diamond and you got

Beat listen they had mods they had mods they using be armor oh I see mods okay okay I just asked you to find a bucket and you can’t even do something that simple okay I’m I listen I got this job because you offered me three dirt blocks

I know we’ve had our differences but right now we need to lock in okay um look they have full netherite I I don’t think the rocket launcher is going to work against these guys they’re going to they’re not going to be like they’re going to kill us it’s a two it’s a 3v2

Okay I don’t think it’s going to work well there’s one last resort that I have that I’ve been waiting to use yes anything bro bro give me the freaking AK b47 what is this that’s a remote and it will summon something very special it’s very destructive but it’s the best that

I have to offer and as the king of the hive and as the queen of the hive you deserve such responsibility okay thank you for trusting me with this uh so I just right click it and then it’ll summon whatever yes okay uh wish me luck uh Hey

Daisy what do you think you’re doing hey hey stay back stay back I told you to not enter this Village anyway I know your game you’re trying to look for my bucket aren’t you you’re trying to get more power over me is that toast anyway forget about that you you

Think you’re so cool and you can rally the whole server against me huh you think you’re so special yeah I do actually because guess what that bucket is smelly no one likes it and everyone wants it to burn all right well I disagree first of all what what’ you say

I never seen it but I don’t want it either what I’ve seen it you can’t my friend PS you guys are judging me I swear anyway anyway you know what that’s how it is I’ll fight all of you yeah I’ll do it I’ll definitely do it

Oh you you try try try your best who’s that uh uh the thing what is this what is this what the heck right what the heck what is this what is this queen what is this I don’t I don’t know about this just use the remote and you’ll be

Able to fire at them like this oh my gosh yeah destroying the entire ah get back oh oh I got him I got him you’re destroying the entire server you can’t do this got it it’s just you now Daisy what do you think you’re going

To do yeah yeah what are you going to do oh my gosh it’s so hard to see yeah yeah get out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh this is perfect yo summon the rest of the bees we can surround our house right now come on come on come on

Please come forth okay okay surround the house surround the house surround it my gosh this is perfect we have recordered oh my gosh Queen this is amazing Daisy Daisy get out of here right now we’re dealing with this right now where are you what the no listen to me so if you

Try to kill me I’ll blow up this entire Village I have a self-destruct button and if I go down you go down with me like you have TNT on you I didn’t see you T with TNT at all today man she’s bluffing guys she’s bluffing don’t listen to her don’t listen to her

Prepare to ra her house yes s you’re sure you sh know what inde this is e though you know what this can do guys guys that’s a 50k that’s a 50k TNT right 50 I don’t know I don’t know it seems a bit more powerful than that don’t you think Etho

Oh good point 50k plus 50k is 100k I learned that in school today oh guys calm down Cal down don’t do it don’t do it you want to make a new server you know this one’s a been boring Daisy listen we can stop this okay look around

Look at all the destruction we’ve Frank you destroyed my house again forget about that forget about that look at all the destruction this is all over a stupid little bucket do you think this is all worth it you give me that bucket and I won’t blow up anything no you know

What Daisy how would you feel if I went into your house and stole your favorite cookies and used it against you huh just cuz they were smelly they’re old too you know that oh well at least I don’t profusely use the bucket to eat clean shower you’re look listen we’re going to

Deescalate this right now I will get rid of all my weapons okay I’ll get rid of all the Beast stuff I’ll tell them to go away we’ll sort this out but you need to leave my bucket alone understand you give me that bucket you’re a queen right

You know politics maybe you can tell her something they’ll make her cry or something I do but perhaps you’re right she really is the embodiment of evil yes that’s what I’m telling you you try negotiating with her what you must let this go you can’t do this to him he’s

Been nothing but sweet he’s defended so many people Daisy think about it if you get rid of the bucket and me who’s going to be able to buy all your cookies who’s going to defend you when you do mess up with a prank huh who’s going to be there

Dais you wouldn’t do this to the king of the hive would you oh I would he’s been so Noble and chivalrous have you been lying to her Ean no what are you talking about give you one last chance Daisy we’re going to end it right here right

Now okay if you if you shoot that let’s deescalate it if you shoot that this will blow up too okay fine you know what here get break the TNT first I’m not I’m not giving you to until you break it get down here right now you’re not going to kill me are you

No you want the bucket or not I already pulled it out swear swear on the queen swear on the queen uh I swear on the queen I swear on the queen okay now throw all your netherite into the ground what do it I’m he swore on me so he won’t

Good okay here you go there you happy yeah I got what I wanted Frank come on at it hold on hold on hold on um this is the payment of my house fine let’s go well I mean it didn’t end how I wanted it but at least the server is safe now my

Bucket thank you so much and I’m so thankful that I could help you you with this now we can go back to the hive the the what the what we can go back to the hive why as you’re the king of the hive and I’m the queen of the hive you’ve

Saved me and I’ve saved you now it’s only proper that we go back together uh well I uh um I I I I like you know like these things take time you know maybe maybe ask me out for dinner first uh guys what are you doing um guys come on

Sire let’s go wait what wait I didn’t agree to this we’re going to have a lovely dinner with lovely music playing by the way do you like jazz come with me wait there’s a guy at the tank wait wait Jen how much is this worth uh that’s not

For sale I’m selling it anyway what uh-oh hey Jen J oh let’s go sire keep moving no no another dinner together not another one

This video, titled ‘Dating the QUEEN BEE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ethobot on 2024-02-19 22:00:06. It has garnered 1319887 views and 28827 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds.

Dating the QUEEN BEE in Minecraft!

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Etho was KICKED OUT of his home by Daisy?!? But while living in EXILE, he saves the QUEEN BEE and they begin DATING?!? Now blessed with the Queen Bee’s powers, he must go against his little sister and find out what she’s planning!

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  • 🦊 Fox Nikeron BUYS NURIK?! Insane Software MINECRAFT Gameplay!

    🦊 Fox Nikeron BUYS NURIK?! Insane Software MINECRAFT Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Купил нурик.играем с софтами.MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Fox Nikeron on 2024-02-23 04:32:04. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:11 or 2591 seconds. 🎸Prices: ✨Moder-100 ✨Gl.Moder-250 ✨Screamer-560 🎁Donat-… 🔵My Telegram Channel- 🖤Discord Server- теги не читать! minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft but, shorts, shorts minecraft, camman18, minecraft animation, funny, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft speedrun, camman18 minecraft, minecraft manhunt, camman18 shorts, minecraft but you cant touch the color, minecraft funny, gaming, minecraft but i cant touch grass, minecraft but challenge, canman, beating minecraft, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft memes, 100… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft FPS Boost Mod 1.21.1 – Click Here!

    Insane Minecraft FPS Boost Mod 1.21.1 - Click Here!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pojav Launcher Fps Boost mod 1.21.1’, was uploaded by SD MAPS on 2024-08-22 13:30:05. It has garnered 490 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Minecraft Pojav Launcher 😱 Fps Boost mod#minecraft 1.21.1 #nitentsmp #smp #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftforever #minecraftserver #lapatasmp #lifestealsmp #minecraftsmp #texturepack #drdonut #minecraftpvp #crystalpvp #minutetech #donutsmp #smp #shield #pvp #axe #crystalpvp #crystal #mod 1.19 1.19.2 texturepacks texturepack pvp minecraft minecraftpvp edit minecraft edit editing pack free best texturepacks 1.18.2 1.18 1.17 minecraftedit zotticraft pvplegacy pvp 1.19 texture packs clownpierce clown pierce sword netherite crystal vanilla… Read More

  • “ScootGaming – Jazzghost’s Secret Minecraft Creation” #shorts

    "ScootGaming - Jazzghost's Secret Minecraft Creation" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ser Jazzghost tivesse criado o Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #jazzghost’, was uploaded by ScootGaming on 2024-05-06 01:10:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If Jazzghost had created Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #jazzghostminecraft shorts,shorts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft,minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING Mihyn Content Warning Highlights!

    SHOCKING Mihyn Content Warning Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШЫЕ МОМЕНТЫ В CONTENT WARNING’, was uploaded by Mihyn on 2024-05-11 13:23:08. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:53 or 113 seconds. COOL MOMENTS IN CONTENT WARNING ==COOL STREAMING ON MINECRAFT AND MANY OTHER GAMES== Twitch night_sculptor: Twitch profile: ==================🔥ПОДПИШИСЬ/SUBSCRIBE🔥================ Ключевые слова-теги: content warning, content warning game, content warning funny moments, content warning gameplay, funny moments, content warning monsters, content warning funny, content warning all monsters, gameplay, funny, warning, content, content warning horror game, gaming, content warning landfall, content warning jumpscare, content warning update, content… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Battling Minecraft’s Top Cheater

    Ultimate Showdown: Battling Minecraft's Top CheaterVideo Information This video, titled ‘I fought minecraft’s best cheater’, was uploaded by Darkcocacla on 2024-04-07 17:30:02. It has garnered 4733 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:42 or 582 seconds. @dnalol probably one of the best players even whitout cheats currently no longer a cheater tho he’s banned on tierlist. Quack + Bep = Darkcocacla Join my Discord: (get og pizza role lmfao) Join lenda’s discord: Join the SMP testing discord: Subscribeeeee! Ignore these: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft 1.20, minecraft armor trims, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft parody, a minecraft mod review,… Read More

  • INSANE! Building House in One Block Map – AKTI GAMER

    INSANE! Building House in One Block Map - AKTI GAMERVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building my first house in one block map minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-18 10:44:41. It has garnered 116 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:51 or 2511 seconds. minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More


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  • TerraTrove SMP Vanilla 18+

    Welcome to TerraTrove Minecraft Community! We are a small community catering to adults only who enjoy playing vanilla Minecraft. Our server is Java and Bedrock compatible, offering a pure gaming experience without any teleports or pay-to-win plugins. Come join us to make new friends in a non-toxic environment and explore the latest 1.21 update together. Our whitelisted server ensures a mature player base, so apply on our Discord for fast review. If you’re interested, reach out on Discord at kyronix or visit We look forward to welcoming you soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inventory overflow? Try this one-block fix!

    Minecraft Memes - Inventory overflow? Try this one-block fix!Looks like someone finally found the “cheat code” for Minecraft inventory management! Read More

  • Internet Mocked, Joker 2 Destroyed, Jenna Ortega’s Shorts Anger

    Internet Mocked, Joker 2 Destroyed, Jenna Ortega's Shorts Anger In the world of showbiz, news is the game, Joker 2 reviews, not much acclaim. Jenna Ortega speaks out, demanding more, Women-led films, a call to explore. Minecraft movie, a million dislikes, No one wants to see, critics take strikes. Josh Brolin in talks, Green Lantern role, New DC universe, under James Gunn’s control. Stay tuned for more, in the world of fame, Where news and rhymes, are one and the same. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Gone: Mob Vote in Minecraft

    Gone: Mob Vote in Minecraft Minecraft Updates: The End of the Mob Vote? Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game has retired the Minecraft Mob Vote and is gearing up for some major changes in future updates. Let’s dive into the details of what’s to come in the Minecraft universe. Retirement of the Mob Vote One of the biggest changes in the Minecraft world is the retirement of the Mob Vote. This event, which allowed players to vote on new mobs to be added to the game, has been a staple of Minecraft updates for some time. While the Mob Vote will be… Read More

  • INSANE Sonic Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Maizen!

    INSANE Sonic Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Build SONIC : NOOB vs PRO Battle in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ Builder on 2024-07-16 13:00:10. It has garnered 14954 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:04 or 604 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Build SONIC : NOOB vs PRO Battle in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • Monster House vs House Head Build Battle – Noob vs Pro Challenge

    Monster House vs House Head Build Battle - Noob vs Pro ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MONSTER HOUSE VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-09-15 09:00:36. It has garnered 4343 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:15 or 1215 seconds. In this thrilling episode, JJ and Mikey face off against two of the most formidable foes in the world of animated horror: Monster House and House Head! As tensions rise and chaos unfolds, our dynamic duo must navigate the eerie, ever-shifting halls and rooms of Monster House, battling its creepy animated… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Warden Fight + Insane Builds & Memes!

    EPIC Minecraft Warden Fight + Insane Builds & Memes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft starting #trendingvideo #minecraft #wardenfight #minecraftbuilding #memes’, was uploaded by Raftpro Gamer on 2024-07-13 12:07:49. It has garnered 10097 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. this is the world of minecraft and pvp plz like and subscribe the video and my chennel and hit the bell icon for more videos and short… Read More

  • Insane twists in Minecraft survival world!

    Insane twists in Minecraft survival world!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Survival world’, was uploaded by Emerald & Gaming on 2024-04-23 22:56:55. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:50 or 170 seconds. * Welcome to Emerald Gaming, the ultimate destination for all your gaming needs on YouTube! Get ready to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of gaming with our channel. *From action-packed adventures to heart-pounding battles, we bring you the latest and greatest games across various genres. * Join our passionate community of gamers as we explore new releases, uncover hidden gems, and share… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Base Transformation OMG!

    Insane Minecraft Base Transformation OMG!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Vault Hunters SMP #13: I Got Fully Roofed! :D’, was uploaded by Ito Plays Create on 2024-04-08 16:00:29. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:16 or 1336 seconds. Modded Minecraft! Episode 13 of my journey on the SMP for the Vault Hunters 3 modpack (1.18.2) were we managed to complete the Roof for all the 3 main buildings (including the long awaited Velara’s Spawner)! Hope you enjoy :3! If you’re interested in the modpack, check! I don’t have permission to include people on the… Read More

  • INSANE 24HR Cartoon Crab TRAP in Minecraft!

    INSANE 24HR Cartoon Crab TRAP in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ’24 Hours TRAPPED inside RANDOMIZER SURVIVAL!!’, was uploaded by Cartoon Crab | Minecraft on 2024-05-25 01:51:28. It has garnered 108912 views and 898 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:34 or 934 seconds. 24 HOURS RANDOMIZER SURVIVAL!! Today in Minecraft Blue and his Rainbow Friends are TRAPPED inside a World of RANDOM!! This Minecraft World is completely scrambled and cursed where nothing makes any sense. Blue and his friends need to survive 24 hours trapped in this cursed minecraft world. 🡆 BUY MY NEW SHIRT: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Social Media▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ ● My Merch: ● Fan… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 20 NEW Minecraft Wolves ADDED!

    UNBELIEVABLE! 20 NEW Minecraft Wolves ADDED!Video Information This video, titled ’20 NEW Wolves You Wish Minecraft ADDED (Wolves PLUS Addon)’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-09-11 16:15:01. It has garnered 11268 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:28 or 1528 seconds. What if your Wolf in Minecraft could Fly? be ridden? or Even grow or even learn special skill… well now they can! ✅Become Official Member: HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Twitch: ► Discord: ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Book Me! Elemental Ecko’s – Downloads:… Read More

  • Unravel Herobrine’s Secret Santa Art Challenge! 🎨🎅🎮 #minecraft

    Unravel Herobrine's Secret Santa Art Challenge! 🎨🎅🎮 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHECK MY BIO 🎁🤫 HELP Herobrine DRAW Santa Claus Challenge #minecraft #Herobrine #xmas #shorts’, was uploaded by Shadow Gamer 07 on 2024-09-27 16:33:48. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. CHECK MY BIO 🎁🤫 HELP Herobrine DRAW Santa Claus Challenge #minecraft #Herobrine #xmas #shorts minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft funny minecraft memes minecraft challenge camman18 minecraft meme shorts crave shorts mcyt funny minecraft shorts crave funny shorts minecraftcrave shorts minecraft mod minecraftcrave minecraft update mc minecraft tiktok minecraft speedrun canman minecraft 1.20 minecraft… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Chase with Herobrine in Normal Speed! 🤯” #viral #shorts #meme

    "Insane Minecraft Chase with Herobrine in Normal Speed! 🤯" #viral #shorts #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Mister Fantastic normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-15 06:30:03. It has garnered 3554 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Mister Fantastic normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New… Read More