Daxx’s World: Shocking REAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

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Today we’re having babies in Minecraft what we’re having babies how yeah Zoe we’re having babies look all I have to do is hit this button right here oh my goodness Zoe look at this I have a little Dax baby a the Zoe baby is so cute she’s even wearing a little diaper

Oh my gosh okay that is absolutely adorable but Zoe at some point we’re going to get attacked by a bunch of skiy characters and we really don’t know when so we’re going to have to build our babies the safest house we can yeah we have to protect them okay I think the

First thing I kind of want to do is put my baby in a little Safe House how does that sound to you that sounds good to me too okay how about we come over here and break out some glass and then we’ll get like some reinforced glass that way we

Can actually still see them but they’ll be trapped inside and nothing can hurt them perfect okay let me go ahead and place down a bit of glass like this and I’ll extend it out in this direction okay and then let me go ahead and stack up these Corners over here because we

Want them have a little bit of space right Zoe yep that looks perfect and on the inside Zoe I’m also thinking I’ll give your baby a purple couch since you love purple so much and I’ll give mine a nice lime green couch a that’s so nice

Of you Dax okay let’s go ahead and fill in the rest of this glass and then I’m going go ahead and get a door here but I should probably get an extra special door not a normal door yeah something like special or maybe more safe yeah so

Let’s go ahead and throw it in a bunker door and oh wait a second it didn’t even work what the heck happened let me go ahead and try a different one and oh my gosh look at this zo we have a bunker door this is so cool they’re going to

Love it okay so this is super secure so obviously nothing get in there now all I need to do is go back to my little baby over here pick him up and then I can go ahead and throw him inside of his room a

He is so cute and perfect zo now both of our babies are inside this super secure glass thing so now we can go ahead and close the bunker door and no one’s going to be able to hurt them a they look like they’re having so much fun yeah they do

Look like they’re having a ton of fun but we need to go ahead and start building our house of Zoe because we never know when those skiy toilets are going to attack us okay let’s do this what are you starting with h I’m thinking the first thing I want to do is

Make like a big lava boat around my house that way it’ll be difficult for any of those toilets to get inside that sounds awesome I’m going to do something similar oh that’s such a good idea okay let me go ahead and break out all these line blocks of the the corner just like

This and then I can go ahead and grab some lava buckets and just fill it all in okay let me start filling all this in with lava and wao Zoe this lava looks so realistic this is awesome that’s awesome Dax I think that I’m going to use this

Oil bucket that I found wait a second wait did you say you found an oil bucket yep it says it’s supposed to be super hot uh okay well I want to see what it looks like so let me S over here and look go ahead and put it down and wao

That looks super cool yeah doesn’t it look kind of spooky with the purple yeah it does look kind of spooky let me go and walk into it and oh my gosh Zoe look at this what is the de it makes you super slow you know how lava hurts you

And stuff this one makes you all slow that’s awesome okay that is such a genius idea it’s going to be super difficult for a little skim TS to get through now okay let me go ahead and finish out the rest of my lava and then I can start working on my actual base

But I think I’m going have like two different entrances to my base two different entrances that’s crazy yeah the first one’s going to have a super cool door so let me go ahead and get some lime concrete since obviously I want my build to be made out of lime

Since it’s like the best color ever oh Zoe and I think I want to use this thing called a hanger door this sounds super cool that does sound super cool okay let me go ahead and build it out and then maybe you can come over and check it out

Okay sounds good let’s go ahead and place it down right here I think and oh my goodness Zoe this thing looks awesome come look at it come look at it okay I’m coming I’m coming look at this super awesome thing so whenever you got to go

Inside you have to right click on it and oh Zoe be careful there’s a lot of lava there yeah Dax I saw okay so what you have to do is right click on it and look how it opens up that is so fancy that is super fancy okay that’s going to be like

The perfect first entrance but past that I’m going to have like another door but we’re going to save that for a little bit later what do you think I should do for my door H I don’t know maybe you should also use some type of hker to I

Mean they do look pretty cool there’s also one that goes down apparently so maybe you can grab the down one okay I’ll do that okay let me start building my actual base and actually I think a sky base would be a super good idea that

Is a really good idea okay so like I said I’m going to have two different entrances so let me keep this one part open over here but once you get to the back is where we’re going to have that sky base part let me go ahead and use my

My magic wand to stack something up super high maybe like uh let’s start off with like 50 blocks and wo this already is so much higher than it was before okay now I’m going to have to grab myself some ladders so let’s just grab some normal ladders and we can start

Placing them all the way to the top okay and the sky base portion is looking pretty good now up here was where I want to build my first room but hm what do I even want to do maybe I should just start with the floor let me get like

Some Oak planks so I can actually look nice okay let’s replace all of this lime over here for a bunch of these wooden planks and then I have to extend it to the front because I want this to go all the way around and be super super cool

For my baby okay and wo Zoe I see you’re adding in like something similar to me this looks pretty cool yep I’m super proud of it so far let’s see what this one does and wo this one does go down okay that is actually pretty awesome I

Can’t even lie yeah I think the down door is better than the upo what Zoe the’re literally the same thing how could it be any better that doesn’t make any sense it’s just my opinion Dax whatever Zoe I bet my baby’s going to like my door better than your baby likes

Your door whatever I seriously doubt that okay let me go ahead and throw it this side and then I’m have to build out some walls and whoa I think I’m actually going to make an arcade room for my baby that’s such a great idea okay now that I

Go ahead and have my little wood up here let’s start building the first room which I said is going to be an arcade room and the first thing I do is make some nice green Walls let me go ahead and stack them all the way around and

Once I have that I can use my ultra magic wand and click on each of these corners and I’m thinking I’m going to stack it like uh four blocks high let’s go ahead and see what that looks like and perfect this looks really good now

Let me go ahead and throw myself on a roof and Mano it is so crazy how realistic these blocks look yeah is super crazy and perfect the first part of my base is built in oh gosh it is so dark in here maybe I should grab like some glowstone or something to brighten

It up a little bit that’s a good idea let me go ahead and put some glowstone each one of these corners and I probably also need glass it is crazy how dark it is in here okay let me go ahead and break these blocks out like this and

Then I can throw in a bit of glass okay let’s keep adding in a bit of glass like that I want to make sure it’s even on both sides I can’t have uneven glass that’ll just look ugly okay I’ll go ahead and stack it on this side and let

Me go ahead and do the back as well and then I should have enough light I think I don’t know it gets really dark in here sometimes it’s actually kind of scary I don’t want my baby to get all freaked out and get scared of the dark like me

Dex you’re scared of the dark what are you talking about uh yeah I actually am straight of the dark that’s like one of my biggest secrets so you cannot tell anyone otherwise I’ll be really embarrassed uh okay I won’t tell anyone here is the first part of the room and

Like I said I wanted to make this an arcade so let me see I should have some arcade machines somewhere and oh perfect look at this here are the arcade machines okay let me go ahead and grab one of each and zo I think actually some

Of these work like normal games so we might be able to play something ooh the kids they’re going to love games I know okay let me go ahead and put these ones over here and then I’ll grab some of these and put them over here and man

There are literally so many uh Zoe you probably get some too they look pretty cool yeah I’ll definitely include some of those okay let me see I put them all in the corners like this and well wait you actually can play and what the heck

Zoe I can play Pac-Man no way I love Pac-Man oh my God I literally playing Pac-Man right now wait a second I don’t know how to move around and oh gosh there I go I got this come on come on oh God the red cloes is getting so close to

Me oh God oh God oh God I went the wrong way oh my gosh the red literally just ate me Zoe I kind of lost oh man sorry Dax yeah but it was a lot of fun though so I’m not even mad okay and let’s see I

Need to build more room so how about I actually break out this corner here so I can actually build in more directions like this okay let’s go ahead and Sack this up and since I said this is going to go higher and be another room I

Probably need to get rid of this glass right here Dex I keep trying to make a ceiling but it keeps falling uh Zoe what are you talking about let me see what is your ceiling doing look come here uh okay and uh Zoe this is cuz you’re using

Concrete powder seriously what else am I supposed to use well instead of concrete powder you could probably grabb like normal purple concrete actually let’s go ahead and replace all of your walls because if you’re using powder they can actually break into your base super easy and then your baby’s going to get hurt

No way yeah so let me go ahead and help you replace all of these walls and wo this looks so much cooler with concrete already yeah it does look super cool it perfect so this looks so much cool with all the concrete okay this actually is

Pretty cool I got to start upping my base a little bit thanks Dex I’m super proud of it so far okay the next thing I kind of want to do is build like a petting zoo don’t you think my little baby would love that yeah that would be

So cool okay let me go ahead and start breaking up some ladders over here and then I can make the whole petting zoo on the second floor and I’m have like a bunch of floors on a bunch of different stuff in it I want this to be like the

Coolest house ever yeah I think I’m going to do something similar oh you’re also going to make a petting zoo maybe not a petting zoo but something similar okay well let me go ahead and build up these walls like I was just talking about like this and then of course I’m

Going to need a bunch of glass it’s going to be a petting zoo because I don’t want my kids to go in the petting zoo and get like eaten by a monkey or something yeah that would be pretty bad okay let’s go ahead and grab ourselves some normal glass like this I’ll go

Ahead and extend this ceiling a little bit that way the animals can actually walk around a decent amount cuz like we don’t want them trapped in a little enclosure that’d be kind of messed up now I’ll go ahead and build out the walls in this direction and then I can

Start building the actual pedig zoo portion Okay and like I said this is where I’m going to go ahead and add my Zoo so let me grab a bit of glass like this and I should probably change the for to be like some type of grass

Because I need to walk on grass and like they have to use the bathroom or something it’s probably better they have grass instead of wood yeah that’s probably a good idea so let me grab some grass like this I’ll place it all down over here and then I can use my super

Magic one and stack it out into a direction over there like uh let’s say like five and up that’s not far enough let’s go like eight and perfect all my glasses basically made but now that I’m seeing it I’m probably going to need to make this room a little bit bigger cuz

It is kind of short right now so let’s go ahead and take both of these over here and then we can stack it up kind of high like uh three more blocks maybe and perfect this looks really good I’ll probably make the roof out of glass just

So the animals can actually see the Sun and stuff because it wouldn’t also be good if we didn’t allow them to see the sun that’d be pretty messed up that would be pretty messed up okay and inside of my Zoo I’m going to have like

A little spot for water so that way they can actually drink whenever they want and I’m going to have some grass down here I should probably make myself a little tree let’s grab like some oak wood and then we can grab some leaves like this now I can start building up a

Little tree and let’s go ahead and make it tall like this and wow this actually looks really good in here I would honestly be jealous of these pets let’s go ahead and fill in the rest with grass and then I’ll spawn in a couple bees and

Probably I should give them a beest too like that and then also spawn in a couple pigs and wao my pedig zoo is looking super super cool okay let me make sure they stay in there there we go oh I want to check out the petting zoo

Oh zo okay I’ll beet you at the blast door at the bottom of my base since you have to come in the proper way right now seriously yeah you have to come in the proper way I mean would you want people to go through your blast door too yeah

Probably so okay Zoe so all we got to do is open the blast door like that and make sure to jump over The Lava and then you can go all the way on these ladders to get up to my first room wow my fort looks so good from over here what the

Heck you’re talking about your place when you have my place right here that looks ultra awesome yeah but your place looks pretty good too yeah I know look at all these arcade machines you can like play anything you want it like this one’s Pac-Man right here ooh I want to

Play Pac-Man yeah go ahead okay you play Pac-Man on this one and I’ll play a game of Pac-man on this one and I’m going to start right now I got this and oh man I wonder who’s actually going to lose first I bet it’s going to be you I’m so

Much better at Pac-Man yeah I seriously doubt at that CU you’re not very good at video games oh gosh I’m getting chased by the Red Ghost right now stay away stay away oh I got the little ball thing I’m going to eat him oh no I got one of

The ghosts woohoo oh you got one of the ghost and wait what I just got taken out by the pink ghost what the heck sorry Dax oh my gosh okay you might have won that round Z but it’s whatever a man the Red Ghost got me a the Red Ghost got you

How many tickets did you get though I got like a million what the heck you did not get a million tell me how many you actually got I got 12 you got 12 what I only got five sorry Dax you need to get better whatever okay just come up here

So you can see my little petting zoo okay all right inside of my petting zoo I have a bunch of pigs and oh wait I had bees but I don’t know where the bees went a I love bees yeah maybe they’re inside like their beest or something but

I have these nice pigs and I have a nice little place where they could drink water it’s pretty nice that is pretty cool and if anything ever happens to your food supply you could always cook the pigs for bacon what the Zoe I’m not going to cook my pets what’s wrong with

You where do you think bacon comes from Dax Zoe I do not eat bacon especially not the bacon of my pigs okay now that I got this room basically built out let me go ahead and add some glass to the ceiling like this and what could I build

Next and oh maybe I should put like some lasers on the outside of my base that would be pretty cool yeah lasers are super protective and no one’s going to want to run through a laser to get to me so that would totally secure my base all

I have to do are use these things called Shield pads let me go ahead and grab some of this lime wool and then I’ll probably go ahead and place them on the floor all the way around my Bas and oh my gosh these things are literally so

Hard to place for no reason let’s go ahead and stack them all all the way around and then I can put the actual lasers on them okay now that I have all the shield pads down let me go ahead and grab some lasers and what the heck

They’re connecting all weird what in the world is going on with these things uh they’re like all going to one Central thing I don’t even want to do that it looks really really weird what in the world is wrong with this thing oh and wait a second I think I might know what

I have to do I think I have to like click on one here and then put it up like that and oh my gosh it’s going to make me click on every single one individually this is so dumb and perfect all my lasers are practically built out

The outside is looking so cool look at all this wow that looks super protective yeah it’s going to be extremely difficult for any of those ski TS to get through it w Waits I thought of one thing better that I can actually do what is it okay come look at this real quick

If I go ahead and grab myself out a turret I can also grab like the base of a turret and let’s see what do I want to use oh I’m going to grab this laser rifle okay basically if I go ahead and put a turret down like this and click

Inside of it oh my gosh I actually have a laser turret wow that is super cool can I have one of those uh yeah I mean you can have one if you want to I guess let me go ahead and place these all the way around the build and can I just copy

It like this let’s see if that actually works and oh my gosh this is literally so awesome okay but now I need to power them so let me go ahead and grab myself a power core this is going to power everything so I’m going to need to hide

This somewhere inside of my base let’s see maybe I should just actually put it in the back right about there that looks pretty cool and then we have to connect all of these with a bunch of tubes so let me grab one of these things right

Here and I can start building up all the way around our base and after I connect all these Zoe I’m going to show you what they do cuz they are actually really really cool and oh wait second instead of adding in all these random tubes why

Don’t I just go ahead and put like one of these cubes right here that actually Powers them and oh my gosh look at that it’s actually active in wo it’s staring at me that’s kind of creepy okay after I put all the power cubes in I’m going to

Go ahead and test them out what should we test them out on like a skeleton or something skeleton would be awesome okay now I have a skeleton spaic let’s go ahead and place him down and oh my goodness did you see that wao that was super deadly okay let’s go ahead and

Spawn in a bunch of them and oh my gosh they are all getting destroyed by these laser turrets yikes they won’t even stand a chain CH no way they’re just like catching on fire which is totally awesome they definitely don’t stand a chance versus these turrets okay now

That I have the little petting zoo area done what’s the next thing I want to add in for my baby and wa what if I have like a little bumper car room bumper cars that sounds really fun yeah it should be really fun okay let me go

Ahead and take this and maybe I should build it out in a different direction just so I don’t build over the petting zoo that would be kind of messed up that would be pretty messed up okay let me get the ladders extended all the way to

The top and then I can start make a little buer car area actually I think I’m going to make all the buer cars lime green since obviously that is my favorite color but that’s like the worst color what the heck Zoe green is literally the best color ever you know

What you’re talking about if you want my baby to play with your baby then you better add some purple cars the heck wait a second your baby literally isn’t going to play with mine unless I added some stupid purple cars oh my gosh that is literally so dumb but uh whatever Zoe

I guess I can add in a few of those okay let me start off by adding in some of this and I’ll throw some venes that way you actually have to go through a gate to get through cuz I don’t want anyone to get hit by a bumper car that’d be

Kind of bad yeah that would be kind of bad okay let me keep adding in all this concrete and man this looks super super cool it’s like all shiny and realistic and stuff okay let me go ahead and stack it okay I guess we have to do like eight

And perfect it’s all filled in oh wait a second I have all these holes we don’t want anyone to fall through that’d be bad let’s go ahead and chop up these holes right here and perfect the next thing I probably should do is build out some walls just in case any of the

Bumper Cards start going crazy so let me add in one section of those okay now we’ll go ahead and replace this front part with an actual fence gate that way anyone that wants to get through can get through and perfect okay let me go ahead and get some of those bumper cards and

Like I said I guess I’ll make a couple of them purple for your baby so fun okay perfect I went ahead and have some of the bumper cars in here now let me just throw a good amount of them in and then I have the spray can so let me make a

Couple of them green like this and then I’ll make a couple of them purple for your baby here we go okay I made three of them purple and three of them green now no one should have issues with the color of them at all a I want to play

Bumper cars oh come over here Zoe we can actually test out the bumper cars okay and like I said you have the purple ones I’ll use these green ones and now we can go ahead and dry the rub and let’s see how much fun we have this is so much fun

But I’m stuck yeah these things are kind of weird to dry but they are super super bumpy and wo I am just like bumping you around I’m bumping you around no you’re not my bumper car is way better than your bumper car Dex both of these bumper

Cars are the same their colors are just different what the heck no they’re not the same they’re completely different colors yeah but mine’s the better color what the you literally just said they were like the same thing Zoe so now you’re lying well you’re the one that

Said they were different so I’m just agreeing with you whatever and look at that I got you bumped into a corner I the bumper car winner whatever Dex okay actually let me spice up this bumper car Arena a little bit by adding in some of these and whoa wait a second I have

Another great idea Zoe what is the Dax what if I go ahead and make our babies a little racetrack a racetrack that sounds awesome okay and actually I could probably build it down here since I haven’t done anything with this area so let me go ahead and break out some space

And then I can start building some more walls where I have all of the race cars inside of let me go ahead and make that a little bit closer and then I’ll close it off over here and every RAC track is like black and yellow basically so let

Me grab some of these black concrete blocks and I’ll also grab some yellow ones that way I can actually make the RAC tracks now let’s go ahead and change out the floor inside of here since it can’t be green obviously it has to be the nice color of the track so let me

Build that out and perfect this part looks pretty good okay but it’s going to have to go a lot higher so it’s going have to go over these turrets so let me go ahead and cover some of this stuff up so I can go higher up and man it is

Super dark in here I guess I’m going to need a lot more glowstone if I actually want this to work right maybe like every few blocks I’ll just grab some glow stone and place it down like that and a perfect this is already looking so much better it is making the track look

Really pretty and so after I make this big track we can have like a super awesome race to see the better driver is oh that sounds so much fun okay now that I got this built out over here let me start curving the racetrack off in this

Direction and man this is going to be super super fun but I totally am going to beat you in this race Zoe yeah I seriously doubt it Dax you are not that fast what you actually think you’re a better driver than me Zoe there’s absolutely no way you really think that

Of course I’m a better driver than you Dex oh my goodness you actually have no idea what you’re talking about I’m totally going to crush you how about you put like a stack of diamonds on the race a stack of diamonds really that’s it Dax

Uh what do you mean that’s like my whole life savings what are you talking about that’s nothing you must be kind of poor oh my God so you literally cannot call me poor that is so mean why oh my gosh whatever I guess if the shoe fits the

Shoe fits right yeah if the shoe fits it’s definitely fitting you but I’m totally going to win this race and I’m going to take your stack of diamonds and I’m going to be like double rich and you’re going to be like super poor okay Dax whatever you say okay let me go

Ahead and curve the racetrack off and I’m probably going to make it a little bit skinnier that way you have to actually be a good driver if you want to make it up let me go ahead and stack it up in this direction and that’ll add in

Some crazy turns and where do I want to end this at maybe I should end it like right above the petting zoo that’d be kind of cool and perfect this spot up here could be where the ending is let me just go ahead and add in some caret

Right here and I’ll stack it out in a direction like eight and then I can go ahead and build some walls like I said this is going to be the end so there doesn’t be too much in it I’ll just go ahead and build the walls that are green

Since it is my favorite color and my whole base is basically made out of green so I wanted to look really really cool okay let me just go back and add a little bit of light like this and then I have to pick up the vehicle we should

Race with but honestly right now I have no idea what I want to use o what if we use a shopping cart uh wait a second did you just say a shopping cart yep wouldn’t that be crazy uh is that is that even a real thing can you even race

With that yeah I think you can uh let me go ahead and see I’ll type in shopping cart and what the heck there literally is a shopping cart that’s so crazy see I told you I was right okay let me go ahead and try this out and oh my gosh

You can drive a shopping cart this is literally the coolest thing ever you’re welcome Dax okay let me go ahead and see if this course is doable and perfect it made it all the way to the top that was kind of fun okay let me go back there

And added a bunch of shopping carts that way we can actually have a raise and perfect okay we have four shopping carts now let me go back up to the top and I can add in where the is going to be we’ll throw in a couple diamond swords

Just like that and then let me grab some nice golden apples that I can put down and wait a second I just found like the weirdest thing ever what is it XX if I pull out like one of these normal apples oh my gosh it gets so bright why in the

World is this Apple so shiny that is super crazy I’ve never heard of a shiny Apple yeah it’s like not even like an enchanted golden apple it’s just a normal Apple but it’s like super shiny which is really weird that is super weird okay and also throw out some

Golden apples and perfect okay the winner is going to get two diamond swords and three golden apples how does that sound Zoe that sounds perfect okay go ahead and meet me in the front of my base and we can have this super awesome race to see who the best is okay see you

There okay Zoe go ahead and come in my super awesome blast door and then you can see where the shopping carts are sweet and we just hop in one of these yeah go ahead and hop in the front one that way we can actually race let’s do this oh wait what you’re already

Starting zo what the heck yep I’m starting no wait look I’m already ahead of you you’re totally getting dusted oh no Dex I already fell wa you fell off the edge which means I’m the winner I already made it up to the top haha you lost whatever this isn’t fair you extra

Practice how the heck did I get extra practice you want to go again yeah let’s go again and I’m going to destroy you okay Zoe we’ll see about that one okay go ahead and hop in your shopping cart and actually so I’ll give you a little

Bit of Head Start go go go okay I’m going and I’m going to catch up with you and what the heck you just glitched through the floor oh no oh my good I can’t even tell where you are right now but I think I’m still going to beat you

You’ll never guess where I ended up and up perfect I made it to the top and Zoe why are you on top of a turet I don’t know I’m stuck oh my goodness okay let me go ahead and go break your shopping cart since you obviously do not know how

To drive one of those things dang that’s not nice Dax well I guess I get the victory which means I get to keep these diamond swords and golden apples nice try whatever I can just take one of these golden apples you just broke it you didn’t even take it it’s mine now oh

My God so get out of here go back to your base wow you’re pretty fisty and actually seeing this part over here with the barber car is going to me another great idea zo I think I’m going to build my baby out a bouncy castle area seriously a bouncy castle Yeah exactly

Don’t you think that’d be so much fun that would be fun okay let me go ahead and add some wood to the outside like this and then I can actually have a normal floor and I can have like a bunch of different directions and one of them

Is going to be the Bounty Castle which is going to be super super cool let’s go ahead and break out this part right here and okay now I need to start building the bouncy castle area let’s see there should be like bouncy castle stuff somewhere ah and perfect okay there’s

Some netting right here and then I’ll get some lime green stuff and actually I think I would make half of it purple cuz I bet you would like that wouldn’t you that would be pretty cool okay let me go ahead and start building out in One Direction here and then I’ll go ahead

And make the other side out of purple and I wanted to be a really big bouncy castle since I never had a bouncy castle as a kid mean neither what the heck you didn’t have one either why not I don’t know my parents just wouldn’t get me one

Well the one time I got a one I actually like broke my foot in half so I don’t think I’m ever going to get on one again broke your foot in half how is that even possible I don’t know I fell out and then I like tripped and then I stumbled

Again and then I fell again and then my foot like split in half it was crazy okay now that I have this I need to build out the sides of my bounty Castle let me go ahead and extend it like this and I’ll add some green to be the

Pillars but I’ll make all the purple the connecting pieces now let’s go ahead and connect the top with a different color like this and I’ll make half of this site green and make the other half purple since we both would to have part of this right Zoe yeah that would be

Pretty cool okay I’ll make this side purple here add in a bit more purple and then we’ll go ahead and close it off with some green and perfect okay now I need to add in all the netting just to make sure none of our babies fall out

Cuz that would be really bad that would be crazy bad and perfect I think my bouncy house is basically complete let me go ahead and test this out and oh my gosh this is literally the coolest thing ever oh my gosh I want to come check it

Out okay Zoe welcome to my super awesome bouncy house all you have to do is jump inside and look at this I can go so high wao this is so fun I know this is so much fun our babies are going to love this so much unless one of them like

Flies over the edge that would probably be kind of bad yeah maybe you should put a net on the top part of it yeah I just thought about that let’s go ahead and add in a net to the top cuz I one our babies would flying off the top uh yeah

I don’t know if they would survive this drop that would be very bad and perfect this looks pretty good now I just probably should add in a little roof just to make sure no one goes flying off like this and then this is going to be pretty much good for our bouncy house

This is so much fun I never want to leave yeah honestly I don’t want to leave either this is like super super cool okay let me go ahead and stack it one more block out and perfect and go and oh gosh wait it’s kind of dark in

Here maybe I should get some glow stone that like brighten it up a little bit let me just go to the corners like this smack in the glowstone and this has to be the craziest bouncy house I’ve ever seen in my life I’ve never seen one this

Cool yeah it is super cool okay and there’s the glowstone and perfect the bouncy house is basically built now what do I want to build in this direction over here oh what if I built like a super awesome pool room that’d be so cool wo I’m so jealous that sounds so

Much fun yeah a por is going to be so much fun okay let me go ahead and build it out here and oh gosh wait this is getting really close to your base uh do you mind if I’m kind of like in this area yeah it’s fine maybe at some point

We can connect them oh if we connected our bases that’ be so awesome that our babies would have two ultra giant bases exactly okay let me go ahead and close this s off cuz this is where the deep end is going to be but for the first

Part I’m going to go ahead and make the nice Normal area let me go ahead and fill up all the sides with a bunch of wood and then I can grab myself some water and fill in the floor and actually I should probably make sure that nothing

Get out so let me go ahead and break all of these blocks here and I’m probably going to put like some slabs that way it can actually kind of look like a beach or something let’s just smack some of these down right here and now none of

The water should be able to escape once I put it down let me just go ahead and test it out and perfect none of the water could Escape down and wo this water looks super cool this is like some of the most realistic water I have like

Ever seen in my life the babies are totally going to love this Zoe wao you have a swimming pool yep I have a swimming pool I’m also going to build a deep end which is for the adults like me and you ooh that’s going to be be so

Much fun okay now I should probably make like a little tiny diving board even though it might be a little bit dangerous I think it’s okay let’s just stack it up like right about here and oh gosh wait a second I’m going to need to

Go ahead and add in some land over here that they can actually walk through so let me go ahead and get some slabs oh gosh wait a second the water’s falling from the sky are you serious de oh gosh please don’t break anything please don’t

Break anything oh my gosh it is like all the way on the oh my gosh it’s like all the way on the floor but wait a second it looks like your oil doesn’t get affected by it so I think we’re all okay that’s good maybe you should include a

Waterfall a waterfall ooh that could be really good if we like needed to escape or get somewhere really fast but it can also be really dangerous for the baby so we have to be super careful if we build one yeah or maybe it could just be for

Fun yeah it could be for fun okay I’m probably going to build one okay now that I have this little section built out let me go ahead and get myself some fetes that way no I can actually fall off and then I can finish out the awesome diving board let’s just grab

Ourself a couple ladders and then I should have some type of diving board in my inventory let me go ahead and see if I have any of those and oh my gosh yes we have two diving boards I think this one’s probably the cool let me go ahead

And place it down and see what it looks like and maybe it should be a bit above the water like that and wo this is literally so awesome okay zo you should probably come check this out okay I’m coming okay Zoe so this is my pool right

Here like I was talking about but now in order to get to the diving board you climb up those little ladders right here and then you can jump on it and then like 360 into the water wo not a 360 yeah I know this is so cool and the

Water looks so nice and realistic doesn’t it it looks super realistic and it’s so refreshing yeah it is super refreshing okay let me go ahead and add a bit of glow stone just to make sure there’s some more light in this area and then I can to start building out the

Super awesome deep end and of course I should probably go ahead and separate the deep end with some of these slabs so let me go ahead and make a little bit of a floor right here and then going to start breaking apart all of this and then getting the Sandstone slabs and now

We’re going to be building the Deep part of the pool so let me go ahead and first build ourself out a little wall something like this and I’ll go ahead and connect it to this side over here and then we’re going to go ahead and stack it down let’s say like uh Ted

Blocks and perfect okay this looks super good now let me go ahead and build oursel out the floor and probably some of it should be add a glowstone that way there’s light down here and perfect now all I have to do is fill this up with

Water so let me go ahead and select one side over there one side over here and I can set all of this to be some super awesome water and wo the deep end looks so cool wo Dax this deep end is awesome I love swimming yeah I know and this is

For adults only so we have to make sure none of our babies get in here cuz they might not be able to swim too much hey Dex do you want to come check out my build oh yeah I actually haven’t really seen the inside of your build let me go

Ahead and head down and I can check it all out okay I’ll meet you at the okay Zoe I’m all way at the front can you open the blast door and oh my gosh that is honestly the coolest thing ever yep and it’s super safe nobody’s getting in

Here yeah definitely know what’s getting in here but uh what is this first room supposed to be Zoe I don’t know I think I’m going to make it like a kitchen or like a lounge area just you can cook something if you want to if you want to

Sit around just to relax really okay that sounds pretty cool and okay you have a couple little stairs here and wao is this a really secure a there’s a bunch of Bedrock everywhere yep it is super secure I’m going to put like an Armory room in here wo what Army room I

Honestly haven’t even thought about that I probably added one too yeah probably so okay and what is this next room supposed to be Zoe it’s an aquarium an aquarium wow you’re actually such a good Builder I see all the fish all around here in the water this is really really

Cool yep don’t they look happy they do look super happy a they’re so adorable and then we can go up here oh what is this room going to be yeah this is going to be my archery Tower it’s going to be super big so we can see everyone on the

Ground wo this is going to be super cool we can find off all those skiy toilet up here exactly we can throw TNT we can shoot arrows it’s going to be super cool this is such a good build way okay I totally love this thanks I also have one

More room but I haven’t built any stairs yet uh okay what is this next room supposed to be and wo there’s another blast door here yep if you come on in this is going to be where the babies will be oh the babies room is going to

Be inside of here I Haven even thought about that yet yep I know it’s a little small but the babies are pretty small so they’ll fit perfect yeah I guess that makes sense well okay I should probably go ahead and build my own baby room yeah you probably should good luck okay so

Zoe did have a baby room and I honestly haven’t even made one of those yet let’s see where could I probably put a baby room where is a good spot and oh maybe I should like Build It Off from the arcade somewhere maybe if I go ahead and break

Inside of this direction I can build a baby room right over here that’d be super super cool we do have to be a little bit careful cuz the racetrack is right here but uh I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a deal and

Honestly if it comes down to it I can just move the RAC trck a little bit like I can just break this little section over here and then I can build it out into this direction that way it never interferes with the baby’s room now let’s go ahead and build our baby out

Some walls that way no one on the outside can get in perfect let’s go ahead and add in a bit of Glowstone all the way around like this and I can start building out the room actually I should probably add in a really cool door too

Maybe I can even grab like a scanner door that would honestly probably be the best thing we could do okay all I have to do in order for this to work is put down an iron door like this and then on one side I can go ahead and put a

Scanner now whenever I recognizes my face it’ll open up the door and anyone can go inside okay perfect now that we’re inside let me go ahead and add some pressure plates that way you can actually get back outside and then I can start decorating the baby’s room let’s

Go ahead and find some really cool stuff that we could use okay I think I want to go ahead and add the bed right here into the middle perfect we can also throw it like a really cool drum set in the corner and honestly I should probably

Also get some glass that way the baby can see outside we don’t want to be like stuck inside all day that’d be kind of weird okay now that all that is built out let me go ahead and add a little railing system because I want there to

Be like a little mine cart that he can constantly go around on I’ll just carve it back in this direction here throw in some more powered rails and perfect now I can be all connected let me just grab a mine cart and perfect now that can

Always be going around so if the baby wants to hop on it they can I’m also throw in a baby stroller over here and then maybe I can throw in like a few baby bottles and perfect I think my baby room honestly looks pretty cool I don’t

Know how much else I want to do to it maybe I could added a bit more glowstone like that and actually I should probably go ahead and grab my baby he’s been stuck in that glass for a long time and now that he has a room I can just move

Him up here let me go ahead and open this super secure door now I can just pick him up and let’s take him to his room and perfect now my little cute baby is all in the room and let’s see I kind of didn’t add some walls to this so

Maybe I could go down here and finish off this fort let me just build like a little Roofing around this okay perfect that’s looking pretty good let me go ahead and add in a bit of reinforced glass that way no I can break it from the top and I should probably go ahead

And add it going all the way up so let me go ahead and select these two sides and then I can stack it up like eight and perfect that looks super super secure now so now let me go ahead and do a whole little tour of my base I’ll open

This super cool blast door here and I have a nice little Racetrack and oh I should probably spot in those shopping carts just in case anyone wants to race again there we go I put both of them now anyone could race on the racetrack and

Then if you want to get up all the rooms I have these super awesome ladders here where the arcade is and actually I kind of want to play packman again let me see if I can win this come on I can totally do this I got a lot better since the

Last time I’m sure I can win okay there’s the pink ghost let me go away from there and oh gosh I can go wait no God no no no no no come on go down go down go down go down go out oh gosh they’re right behind me please please

Please let me out let me out let me out all I have to do is grab the little orbit Perfect come on get over here and Bop got one of them let me go ahead and get this guy up here bpop I got two of

Them I’m doing so good this time okay I got another one of those little orbs let me eat this one and wait a second why the Pico not blue what the heck let me grab that and come on Picos get over here oh my gosh I’m literally at my high

Score right now I have never done this good and what the heck the orange ghost just changed oh my gosh whatever okay I got a bunch of tickets so that’s kind of cool and then I have my super awesome baby room over here with dax’s baby

Right there and there’s the bed with the drum kit I don’t really know why I put in some drums I don’t think he can even sit on the seat he’s way too small either way let’s go ahead and check out what else we got on this next floor over

Here is the super cool petting zoo where we have our nice little pigs and uh I still have no idea where the bees went they kind of just left but on the third floor is where the coolest thing is we have our ultra awesome Bounty house that

I can just jump on forever then we also have these super cool bumper cars over here along with a super big pool where we have a super cool deep end actually it’s probably a pretty good idea if I grab one of these cameras and I put

These in the baby room that way I can actually watch the baby at any time in case anything bad happens let me just go down here use my scanner door and then I can go ahead and put one camera in the corner there and I can put one camera in

The corner on this side and perfect now I can go ahead and look through these monitors whatever I want just to make sure the baby okay and wait what the heck why is there something like behind me what in the world is that and wao

That was super scary let me go ahead and look again and what the heck there’s like a body behind me okay that is totally freaky I don’t like that I’m getting out of here and oh wait a second zo did mention an armor group so I probably should build that before those

Skipping toilets come because they might destroy me if I have absolutely nothing and I guess I can just build it right here this looks like a pretty good spot let me build it out over here okay let me go ahead and add in a bit of glass in

Here just so it’s not all sad because it looks really really dark and sad in here and maybe this is also where I could to Zoe’s base cuz look her baby room is right there so maybe I can make like a little bridge over there now we’ll go

Ahead and add in some glow stone to each one of the corners perfect and actually I should proba go ahead and put one of those other blast doors right here so let me just smack it down on the floor there and now once I open it up perfect

You jum into the Armory room now I actually need to figure out what type of armor I’m going to get so let me grab an armor stand where I can put two of them like this and let’s see what armor do I want to use and whoa there’s emerald

Armor since my favorite color is green I definitely have to use this let me just go ahead and throw it on the armor St just like that and wo this armor looks so cool I also want to put a little chest next to it where I can have a

Bunch of cool stuff let me just grab myself some golden apples and also get myself a really cool shield and I should probably grab a bow and arrow and wao there’s an electric bow I totally want to use that let me just go ahead and throw the apples all over here and then

I’ll throw my bow inside and I’ll throw a bunch of arrows as well and perfect my Armory room looks pretty good I think this whole entire baby house looks awesome Dex before the monsters come we should totally check out each other’s builds oh that’s a great idea okay Zoe

Let’s go ahead and check out your build first okay come on over okay Zoe I’m super excited to see your build let me go ahead and open up this super cool door in wao what is this room this is the kitchen in the lounge area duh oh my

Gosh there is literally so much cake I can eat all of this and you can if you want what is the okay I’m going to go ahead and take one of these cakes for myself and perfect look at that now I have a cake in my hand fun okay let’s go

Upstairs uh wait a second zo before we go upstairs can you tell me what this ladder is going to oh don’t worry about it right now I’ll show you later uh okay let’s go ahead and go up the stairs and wo is this your Armory room yep and each

Trunk is filled with super important things this is literally so cool and wo there’s golden apples and there’s a bunch of potions inside yep and then this side has weapons O Let’s see what you got oh a bunch of uh wooden swords and uh gold swords Zoe why do you have

Wooden swords because what if we run out of our diamond and our golden swords uh there’s like 100 swords in there I don’t think you’re going to run out of any but uh sure do you I guess it’s just in case Stacks okay well let’s go ahead and see

It wo this is the aquarium right yep take a seat and look around oh this is so cool you have so many different types of fish that’s like a goldfish and that’s like a puffer fish and uh I don’t know what these ones are but they look really cool they’re tropical fish oh

They’re tropical fish you’re fancy okay and if you follow me up these ladders this is my archery Tower wo perfect W you have a bunch of bow and arrows that way you can snipe all the Skiby toilets from up here yep and it’s going to be super awesome when they come because I’m

Super good at archery yeah you are really good at archery this is totally cool Zoe yep I know no I’m a super good Builder and then you can just follow me up this ladder to the final level oh this is where the baby’s room is right

Yep sure is and it’s the most top part of my build which means it’s the safest yeah it definitely is the safest and wao this is such a cool baby room right it’s so cool she’s going to have so much fun exactly you have the baby bottles you

Have the beds you even have a tent this is awesome Zoe thanks de and actually I was thinking of one thing this is like a really cool part of both of our builds so why don’t we have it like connecting right here ooh I had such a good idea

About that earlier let’s do it okay let me go ahead and do this and how about instead of using both our colors we just add like wood so it can be neutral sounds good to me okay let me go ahead and build it over here and I should

Probably grab some fences just to make sure no one falls off and we definitely don’t want our babies to fall off so yeah let me added some more fences I’ll just connect them in the corner here and let’s go ahead and get these fences going around here and perfect look at

That both of our builds are now connected this is awesome but Zoe I actually want to go look at that ladder thing from earlier so can we go back down to the bottom so you can show me sure let’s go all righty follow me this

Way okay let’s see and why did you end up making down here Zoe why does it have to be so secretive because I don’t want anyone to find it duh uh okay and what the heck wait Zoe what is this this is a nuke room that way if it looks like

We’re losing the battle we can just blow everything up a nuk room Zoe are you insane um kind of what the heck what if this blows up early then our babies get blown up it won’t I built it super super safe uh okay that does seem a little bit

Dangerous maybe we should have a way out from down out here oh yeah what do you want to do with that M how about we build like a little roller coaster going to the outside that would be really fun that does sound fun okay let me go ahead

And dig out some area over here and I should probably also grab a bit of glow stone that way we can actually see and we can put a whole micart system down here and perfect this takes us all the way to the surface now we just need to

Go ahead and added a bunch of my carts on it okay perfect all the railing is in now let me go ahead and get ourself a chest with a bunch of my carts just in case we do have to leave at some point okay now that we check out your entire

Base do you want to go check out my base yes let’s do it okay so of course you have to go through this super cool hanger door right here but make sure to jump over The Lava you totally don’t want to fall in yep I did it and then

Here is where I beat you earlier in that shopping cart race which was super fun but uh yeah you’re not very good at shopping cart races I know it’s hard to steer them yeah it is kind of hard but let’s go ahead and go to the actual base

Where my baby lives over here I have a bunch of reinforced glass so it’s super hard for anyone to get in wow that sounds super safe this is where you were earlier this is my arcade room where you can play a bunch of different games and

Wao wait this one’s Tetris Tetris I love Tetris how in the world do you even play Tetris you’re just supposed to like build the highest tower right you’re actually supposed to build the highest tower that’s how it works uh okay let me go ahead and see it wait what I lost ha

I tricked you that’s not actually how you play Tetris wait what the heck how do you even play Tetris then you’re supposed to get a whole bunch of blocks to fit into one area when you hit the top that’s when you lose okay Zoe and

After you go to the arcade room this is actually my baby’s room and and since I trust you I’m actually going to put down a scanner door for you fun that means I get to go in there whenever I want exactly let me go ahead and put one in

The corner over there and actually wait I can’t even place it down you’re going to have to place it down so take that scanner St it right there and put it there and perfect look at that now you can go in whatever you want sweet and there’s your baby yeah look it’s a

Little Dax baby and I have a nice little bed for him hey get off his bed why because it’s not your bed it’s my baby’s bed what the heck Dax I really don’t see the big deal at all it’s not like your baby’s even using it what the heck he’s

Literally just relaxing on the floor right now zo I’m sure you can do something else like uh yeah play with his little mine cart system wao this thing’s super fun do you see how fast I’m going you are going super fast it’s supposed to be a lot better for him cuz

He’s tiny but it looks like you’re having a lot of fun yeah but I’m getting kind of dizzy that was kind of giving me a stomach ache yeah it’s meant for a baby not for a whole Zoe so yeah you probably shouldn’t go on it whatever

Okay let’s go to the next floor and this is the fun for why I have the super cool petting zoo and look I have a bunch of pigs here petting zoos but do you have bees uh no Zoe I don’t have any bees I don’t know where they went they kind of

Just escaped what the heck what’s a petting zoo without any bees yeah yeah I know I know it kind of sucks but whatever but hey this is where the Armory room is where both of our bases now connect very cool look we can just hop on over to my side exactly and as

You see I have this super cool emerald armor that is super cool and your trunks are filled with all sorts of goodies yep I have an electro bow and I also have a bunch of enchanted golden apples there’s no way those Skiby toilets are going to

Beat us true okay let’s go on to the next floor where I have a bunch of super cool stuff like the bouncy castle and the bumper cars ooh bouncy castle Yep this is where the bumper cars are and obviously you were here earlier cuz we

Got to play on them yeah this one’s not moving very fast hey let me go ahead and break a few of these just so it’s R2 let me go ahead and do this and perfect okay now we can go again Zoe nothing’s in the way now

Come on my bumper car is totally better let’s go in this direction and boom I just bumped you whatever Dax see look you’re stuck in the corner now zo you can’t even get out and wait a second you’re pushing me what the heck I’m getting out just fine come on come on

Let me push you in the corner and perfect I think I’m winning whatever there’s no winning in bumper cars Dex what there is winning it’s whoever bumps the most okay but this next part is a super fun part that you at earlier this is the ultra awesome bouncy castle and

Now there’s no way for our babies to fall out we I could be here all day yeah I know this is like an ultra fun bouncy castle and our babies are to toally going to love it yeah they really will okay if you come over here this is where

The nice little kitty pool is and I don’t know why I decided to add it in a diving board for a kitty pool but I did yeah that’s not really a smart idea yeah but I’m sure they have fun look at this all I got to do is bounce on this and

Wao look at that and boom I fell straight in the water they’re going to go so high yeah they are but hey this is the adult area so none of the kids are allowed in here but this is the deep end ooh I love swimming yeah swimming is so

Much fun this is honestly really cool uh wait a second zo do you hear all those noises yeah in Dex we’re in survival what the heck and oh my gosh there’s a bunch of skin to us outside my lasers are fir at them this is not good okay so

Make sure to get to your arm room get back to your base and defend your kid wait butex my kid is still down in the glass below what the heck your kid’s still down there Zoe you never grabbed him no I thought you would grab her when

You grabbed yours oh my gosh okay let me go ahead and grab my armor quick I have to be super fast come on come this way way this is where the Armory room is let me go ahead and grab my emerald armor just like this and then I got to go get

Some golden apples I’m going to go down and get her zo don’t even worry I am going to have to steal one of your swords though cuz I kind of forgot to get myself one okay steal one of the wooden ones one of the wooden ones no

I’m taking one of the diamond ones let me just run down here and let’s see the diamond sword should be over here and perfect okay now I can definitely beat up all those toilets okay let me just go ahead and open the blast door oh my gosh

There’s so many skiing toilet wait wait they’re all outside where your baby is this is not good you have to save her okay let me go ahead and drag all these toilets out in this direction and come over here guys come on I have to get the

Kid out of there perfect okay now I’m going to go ahead and run around them oh my gosh there is literally so many this is insane let me go ahead and open up the door quick I got the kid Zoe I’m coming hurry Dex oh my gosh I am

Literally running for my life what in the heck I can’t believe we left her out here yeah I can’t believe you left her out there what are you even thinking what the heck Zoe this is your kid and oh my gosh Zoe look at that now you’re

Baby’s here a and she’s so cute and oh gosh wait a second to I have to go get my baby uh Dex he’s right behind you wait what do you mean and what the heck how the world did he get here he’s a sneaky little fella uh okay well I guess

We’re going to have to figure out something to do about all these Skiby to cuz there is a lot of them outside yeah this is not good and wait a second zo do you have any water bottles I completely forgot to make some no I don’t have any

Water bottles why do we need them uh yeah look we have like a water bar and I’m sure if our water bar gets too low we’re actually going to start dehydrating this is not good okay let me go ahead and get some of this and maybe

Go to your little archery area so we can start sniping all the skiy toilets that’s a perfect idea all right here we go and wait a second where in the world are they oh gosh a bunch of them are stuck in that oil perfect my oil works

Yeah I guess your oil did work it oh my gosh I am sniping all of them this is so easy awesome and oh wait a second I think some of my lasers actually stopped working oh gosh there might have been too many of them that is not good yeah I

Know oh my gosh I probably should have had more ammo okay maybe I should go down there and just start beating them all up that’ll probably be a lot quicker let me go ahead and splash this strength potion all myself and also take this swiftness and I’m going to run down

There Zoe good luck Dax okay let me go ahead and open up the blast door and oh my gosh there are so many and they are so creepy they are super creepy but I got him from up here yeah this is such a good idea that you add in all this oil

It’s like it’s super difficult for them to move around I can just hit them all super easily this is such a good idea I’m so smart yeah I know you are smart this was like the best build ever and oh my gosh I am completely crushing these

Guys this strength potion is so op good job and actually I don’t even think I need to charge up my swings I can just start smacking them with this diamond sword look at this I’m just destroying all of them okay and there’s only a few left and then I think we’re going to

Actually win and oh my gosh my water is getting so low seriously do you want to steal some of the water from my fish uh no wait I’m not going to steal any of the water from your fish and wait a second I don’t see any more of the skimy

Toils you see anything no I don’t see anything at all you fools think you’ve won uh wait a second Zoe who in the world was that I have no clue but it didn’t sound good I’m already at your guys ground base wait what the heck so I

Look it’s the Gman down there what the heck this is not good you two have 5 minutes before I summoned my whole Army and completely destroy all of you wait what the heck he said he only had giv us 5 minutes wait he’s going to spawn in an

Army what is he even talking about I have no clue Dax uh okay well why he’s just talking nonsense maybe we should grab some water that way we can actually fight them all off okay let’s just go into this chest and then we can grab some of this purified water and I have

No idea what that g is talking about zo but I’m pretty sure we can still beat him up yeah I think so too just make sure to drink as much water as you can because we were super low last time okay Zoe now that we have all our water back

Up let’s go ahead and check what that GED was talking about I really doubt there’s that many people in what the heck zo there’s so many gmen oh no this is not good zo way I don’t even think we fight them I think we take our babies

And get out of here seriously you want to hit the self-destruct button yeah come on let’s go I don’t want to be here any longer this is way too dangerous for them okay let’s go okay we got to run down the stairs like this and then we

Have to go ahead and hop in those my carts way and I’ll go ahead hit the butt you can go ahead and hop on the my car and leave do you have your baby with you uh yeah he’s following me don’t worry okay there’s the Dax baby right there go

Ahead and hop on the myart and I’ll meet you out there Zoe hurry Dax all I have to do is go inside of this and then I should be able to activate it and oh gosh so we don’t have that much time quick okay let me go ahead and hop in a

My car and come on come on I got to be super fast friend de and perfect so okay we made it out now the nuke should be dropping any second now come on come on this is going to be so crazy so we’re probably back up a little bit more I

Have no idea how destructive it’s going to be and oh my go so I think everything just blew up over there are you serious should we go check it out yeah let’s go see how the damage is looking oh my goodness Zoe literally everything is completely destroyed that TNT was crazy

Oh no do you think my fish are alive uh no I think none of your fish are alive actually your whole aquarium is like totally blown up what the heck those poor fish well what type of ski kids are we going to have well what if we’re

Press this button right here it’s going to spawn a skib baby so let me go ahead and press it first and see what I get oh my goodness look at that I actually have my skib kid hi Dad hi Dad hi Dad oh wait a second kid stop breaking stuff what in

The world is wrong with you hi Dad I’m so glad to be here hi Dad hi Dad uh okay I’m going to press this button so this guy goes away what in the world that kid was so crazy that kid was super crazy but he is your kid after all what the

Heck I don’t want to be a kid with the speaker that should be like your kid or something no he looks more like your kid not me wait what the heck you think he looks like me he literally looks exactly like you with a speaker head except he

Was like blue or something and you’re like red whatever guys well anyways we’re going to have like 20 minutes to build our old skib family base and I think I’m going to build right here on this nice green side where do you think you’re going to build Zoe obviously I’m

Going to build on the purple side because purple’s the best color ever in correct red is definitely the best color I’m going to hop over on this side and Destroy y’all’s buildings what the heck wait this guy actually thinks red is the best color ever I might admit I don’t

Really like purple and I don’t really like red either but you both are totally going down okay and since I obviously have like the speaker man I think I’m going to go ahead and make like a tight speaker man head for my build that would be totally cool so the first thing I’m

Going to do is build out a little base of the head and I probably should have it touch the walls just like this oh man this is already looking so good I bet you’re not going to build anything like mine Zoe yeah right Dax I’m going to

Build the TV woman head and she’s going to look so much better than your speaker Man head what wait you’re going to build the TV woman head that actually sounds so cool but what if you end up not getting the TV Woman as a baby um I just

Have a strong feeling that I will uh okay I guess we’ll see about that what do you think you’re going to build speaker man I’m building a cake Mansion uh why are you build building a cake Mansion this is a skibby build challenge because it’s cooler than anything you

Guys can make obviously uh okay that doesn’t really make any sense but I guess if you want to make a cake Mansion you can go for it I’m not really going to stop you or anything okay let me continue building the walls out of my speaker bed like this and I probably

Should stack it up pretty high but he also has like a weird little piece in the middle and I honestly have no idea how I’m going to build something like that okay I think this looks like pretty good for the base of the speaker but now

I have to bid that middle section I was talking about so what if I stack it around just like this and oh man this is already looking so good and maybe I could even have like a little arcade room here or something or maybe like a little Watchtower with like Archer bows

And stuff that’ be so cool let me go ahead and stack this like 10 blocks up into the sky and that’s looking pretty perfect but the next thing I need to do is add in a bunch of those speakers so let me go ahead and break up some of

These quarters over here and just throw in some red dots and I think he only has like three of them and maybe like a little white dot in the middle I honestly don’t really remember how he looks that much okay let me go ahead and break that right there and then I can

Add in three more of those red blocks and this is looking pretty much perfect already and wao Zoe wait your team head’s actually coming together pretty nicely so far thanks STX but I did tell you that it was going to turn out amazing yeah you did tell me that but I

Think you’re missing a little bit of something what am I missing what if I just select over here and then click over on this side and then I just set all of this to be ultra awesome lava lava what the heck uh yeah I’m trying to

Like defend your skiy Bas at wo your character is like freaking out for a second there wait are you serious but honestly the lava looks super cool yeah I told you it was going to look pretty cool I made it so that you’d actually have a nice defended house zo I I’m

Looking up for you thanks de and whoa look at this your Cake’s actually coming together pretty nicely speaker man I know that and wait a second what in the world is even in your hand right now what are you holding I I’m holding a hanger door I’m going to put that on

Here so basically I can bring in as many people as I want cuz everybody’s going to want to come over here wait what in the world is a hanger door I’ve never even heard of that before yeah well only the cool people know about that what the

Heck okay Zoe you don’t need to make fun of me too but wao this thing looks so cool it looks super secure but wait I can just open it cuz I’m super strong and cool I’m I’m going to make something even better to defend all this don’t you

Worry about that I seriously doubt that speaker man but I’m going to go ahead and go back to my little speaker over here and let’s see I should probably added one of those top red pieces and I think below that is like another little one of those white pieces and then I

Should be pretty much done with the outside of this let me just go ahead and fill this up with some red right about here and then I got to add one of those white pieces at the bottom and perfect I think the outside of this speaker B head

Actually looks really really good but now I need to go ahead and add stuff for the inside but actually I made Zoe a nice little lava mode so what if I do the same thing for my side all I have to do is click in one corner over here fly

All the way to the other side and then I can use that same command to make the outside all lava what the heck Dex you’re copying my build wait no Zoe I literally made that for you how am I copying it for you if I literally made

That for you because I had it first that means you’re copying that literally makes no sense at all Zoe but either way maybe I can change up to be something else okay let me go ahead and get rid of all of this and then maybe I’ll add an

Extra special bucket let’s see what I even have in here and whoa wait a second there’s something called oil that I think I can use oil what is oil going to do I I honestly have no idea but I’m going to go ahead and fill up the

Outside of this and actually it Blended pretty well with the speaker head so maybe will end up being pretty cool well that’s good at least let me just finish all of this inside of here only a few more left and then I can test it out and

Actually see what this oil does let me just go ahead and hop inside of it and oh my gosh it makes you go so slow that’s crazy W that is so useful okay but let me see I actually like that door that the speaker bed had so what if I

Just walk over here and then I click on it to steal the door and then I got my side wao whoa waa what’s going on over here uh nothing I was just uh looking at your door and admiring it there was nothing suspicious going on at all Dex

Are you stealing again no I’m not stealing from anyone I’m using my own creative ideas look at this so oh wait a second it says a hanger door maybe there’s like another version of The Hanger door and look there’s one going down look at this I have a hanger door

That’s going down he has one that’s going up so mine’s way cooler I don’t know about that but we’ll see at the very end okay let me go ahead and put that back up and then maybe I should added a few little stairs right here just so you can actually walk up let’s

See what type of stairs do I want to grab there’s a bunch of cool ones and whoa maybe I should use some brick ones because the red let me just smack those right there and then of course you’re going to have to jump over this little

Area if you want to make it inside if you can’t do that you honestly don’t deserve to be inside of our house but this is looking pretty perfect this is going to be the first room and let’s see what should I add in here maybe I could

Add like a little kitchen on this side and like a little living room over here so of course since I’m building like the speaker man let me go ahead and grab some red and actually wait a second I’m doing the Titan so yeah a bunch of red

Will be nice and I’m going to grab some couches and maybe like a TV or something let me just put down three of these Red Blocks where I can smack a TV on top and oh wait a second it’s too small right here what have I just break it out right

Here and then I fill this up with some blocks yeah no one will ever notice that it’s offc centered let me just smack the TV in there and then I can go ahead and put a red couch down here and wa this looks so cool okay let me add some

Decorations on this side too maybe I could just go ahead and grab some nice little oak leaves and I’ll put a l on the bottom here and stack it up like this perfect it’s looking so good maybe I’ll also add in a few different paintings let’s see which one can I even

Put here and H I don’t really like how that one looks too much what if I get another one that’s really cool and wo that one looks perfect okay and I did say I was going to add some kitchen stuff to the other side so let’s see

What type of kitchen stuff I even have and wo there’s a bunch of kitchen stuff inside of here okay let me go ahead and get some red stuff and I guess I can get in an oven and like the fridge and stuff and wo they even have like trash cans

That’s so cool okay I’ll get some red kitchen cabinets like this and I’ll get some floating ones and now I can start building out the base of the kitchen let me just go ahead and add a fridge in the corner over here and then I can throw in

My oven and I can also throw in a few different cabinets I can also add in the trash can and let’s see where should I put that maybe just like right there looks pretty good I’ll also add in a nice little microwave that I can add in

Some top cabinet just in case you want to store anything and finally I think I’m going to add like some cookies on top of the counters just in case anyone gets hungry while they’re making food and want to have like more food and lastly I think I should add in some

Carpet so let me go ahead and get a bit of red that I can put on the floor right over here and it might be a little weird to have carpet inside of the kitchen I don’t really know though uh Dax carpet inside of a kitchen that’s not a great

Idea wait why is it a great idea I thought that was like the most perfect idea ever what’s wrong with it because what if you make a mess in the kitchen and then the carpet gets ruined uh well I won’t make a mess because I’m like the

Most professional chef of all time yeah I’ve had your cooking before and it is not very good what the heck you don’t think my cooking is good Zoe you told me it was great last time yeah I lied oh my gosh that is so mean what do you think

Of my cooking speaker man um it’s okay let’s leave the cooking to the professionals over here at the Cake House okay what the heck you literally don’t think it’s good either and wait I bet your cake doesn’t even look good let me see the progress that you made and

Wao this actually does look kind of good I can’t even lie to you told you what the heck wait I want a cake house can I like copy your build or something uh no only cool people like I said only cool people what in the world wait he said

Only cool people that means I can do it uh I don’t think so what the heck K Zoe he said you’re not cool either now you’re a loser just like me shut up Dax who you can’t tell me to shut up that’s not very nice well I just did and what

Are you going to do about it honestly I’m going to do nothing right now but whenever you see how cool my build is compared to yours you’re going to be like super sad and probably cry or something yeah I seriously doubt that I haven’t cried in like a day so I

Probably won’t cry anytime soon wait you said you haven’t cried in a day Zoe that’s like pretty bad shut up decks uh okay whatever I’m just going to get back to my build and I think I’m going to add in a super cool arcade room and let’s

See what type of arcade machines do I have in whoa I have so many I have Pac-Man I also have snake and I have Tetris too this is so cool and wait a second I have pong uh do either one of you know what pong is it’s a video game

Well yeah I get it’s a video game I’m making an arcade but what does it even mean I actually have no clue what the heck you have no clue uh speaker man do you have any idea what pong means of course I know what pong means it’s one

Of the most famous games ever made dude well then what is it um well it’s a game obviously right but it’s like a super old one and because I’m so hip and cool I wouldn’t know that what you literally don’t know either you know I’m just going to look at it for

Myself said literally either what have you know you both are just big Liars oh my gosh he is so grouchy speaker man why do we even hang out with him I don’t know he’s throwing insults left and right I just don’t appreciate it oh wait a second guys I know exactly what this

Is this is like table tennis basically oh yeah it’s table tennis that’s what I was just about to say wait a second I play against that’s like some AI or something and I think I’m actually winning right now and oh my gosh wait he

Scored a point on me a I want to come play a game well this is like a single player game so I don’t know how you’re going to play do you have multiple games it’s supposed to be an arcade isn’t it uh yeah I have like Pac-Man and stuff or

If you feel like playing pong I guess you can play Pong too oo I want to play Pac-Man can I come over uh yeah sure but let me come down there so I can open up the door for you cuz I don’t want like any random strangers coming inside of

Here let me go down to the bottom of my base and then I can open up this super secure door and what the heck are you doing here speaker man I thought you said you wanted cool people over uh yeah I mean you’re not cool but I yes you can

Come inside too oh okay well I’m stuck in the oil how do I get out of here you’re stuck in the oil you can literally just play Up Speaker man you’re in creative mode oh okay and Zoe you didn’t even admire the first floor of my house I have like a super cool

Kitchen and a TV you just went straight up to the games that’s because I’m doing what matters oh my gosh whatever well you two can both play some games if you want to this one’s I think is Tetris and I think this is pong over here I’m not

Really sure while you guys are doing that I’m going to start building out to my second floor actually maybe I should even add some glass into this build let me just get some stained glass I can put all the way around I don’t want to brag but I’m doing super super good at

Pac-Man wait are you doing super good can I like watch the game from the inside oh no I can’t watch the game I wish I could watch to see how you’re doing dang I’m doing so good I’m like a Pac-Man Champion a Pac-Man Champion there’s no way I literally don’t believe

You at all Zoe you’re going to be so surprised when you see all the tickets that I get well we’ll see at the end how many tickets you get I bet you’re not going to get more than like five more than five a man I just died oh how many

Tickets did you get well I still have one more life left but you have one more life left how many lives did you start off with you always get three in Pacman have you never played before uh well obviously not that’s why I asked the question Zoe you’re a silly goose well

I’ve never played Pacman before so why would I know oh no the ghosts are about to get me oh yeah you’re going to lose and then you’re only going to have like four tickets I’m not going to have four tickets Dak stop saying that I bet you

Are but I guess we’ll see whenever you lose this last life a man I just died H well how many tickets did you get Zoe um 33 dacks what the heck no you did not Zoe yeah I did go ahead and count him you bozo oh my goodness you have so many

Tickets how in the world do you even get this many you do have 33 because I did amazing at Pac-Man maybe you should practice well you know what I think about your stupid tickets I’m just going to throw them all in the lava what the

Heck you can’t throw them in the lava I earned those well guess what you gave them to me and I decided I didn’t need them any longer so now they’re in the lava that was so not cool I’m going back to my base whatever I don’t even care

I’m about to start building my baby’s room out it’s going to be so much cooler than anything you’ve built and actually I think I’m going to extend this room one more over here just so I can even it out a little bit so let me go ahead and

Set all of this area to zero and once I’m done with that I can set all this down here to be Oak PL so now it’s all even again and wao wait a second speaker are you adding like candles on top of your cake this looks so cool it’s a cake

Candles go on cake why wouldn’t there be candles what candles go on cake let me see let me just go ahead and grab a cake inside of my inventory and let’s see and I see no candles on this cake what do you even talking about that must be from

A mod I don’t know that must be not a normal cake what the heck it literally is a normal cake let me see do I have any other cakes and waa wait a second we have so many cakes I didn’t even realize and wait this one actually has candles

On top of it look at that okay well that’s just like a faulty cake or something but yeah your base is looking pretty cool I got to admit it thank you very much and actually let me go ahead and even out this other side over here so it doesn’t look weird whenever you

Look at it from the front and uh zo are you like spelling your name over here or what is this supposed to be yeah I’m spelling my name but I’m having some trouble yeah it looks like two x’s and like a c that doesn’t look like your

Name at all two x’s what are you talking about well I mean this looks like an X over here and this looks like a combination of the X it’s like really hard to see but I guess this could be an O if you like do that or something but

Yeah it looks like the E is coming out a little bit weird Zoe whatever deck stop judging my builds okay let me go back to building by baby’s room before you get mad and like try to hurt me or something let’s see I got to get some red stuff

Since this is a baby’s room and what do I even have inside of here I probably could get a bed and then maybe I could get like some TNT or something I think TNT would be good for a baby’s room yeah that’s perfect for a baby’s room what

Could go wrong no Zoe it was just a test I’m not putting TNT inside of a baby’s room are you crazy or something oh yeah me neither wait are you actually putting TNT inside of your baby’s room no I’m removing TNT from my baby’s room what in

The world you literally had TNT inside of there Zoe you’re crazy yeah I know let me go ahead and add some stuff and wo I can even add in like a drum set let’s see where do I even want to add that and perfect that looks like the

Perfect place maybe I could get like some ceiling fans too and like some radios and I could build out like a little desk because you know every baby loves desk right I don’t know play games or something okay whatever you say and also I want my baby to be like super super

Smart so what if I get like some bookshelves and throw them all inside of here ooh that’s such a good idea I’m going to do that too but you can’t copy my idea Zoe why not uh because it’s my idea and I came up with it so you can’t

Be a dirty cheater and copy me well you’re just going to have to get over it oh my gosh whatever you know it doesn’t make a difference cuz my baby’s going to be way smarter than yours yeah I seriously doubt that me too uh your baby

Is probably going to be the dumbest of them all speaker man I don’t think so my baby’s going to be a genius we’ll see about that I’m probably going to put like a quiz in here for your baby and we’re going to see how smart he is a

He’s going to destroy that quiz just like I’m destroying in this challenge I really doubt you are but we’ll see at the end let me go ahead and add in a couple lights to the roof over here and how in the world do I even turn these

Things on what if I just like click on it and no that doesn’t work is there like a light switch or something and whoa there is a light switch okay how do I even work this what do I put it there and whoa that’s so cool I have a light

Switch I bet neither one of you guys have that I have a light switch I put it in like 10 minutes ago you put in the light switch 10 minutes ago are you serious yep so that just means you’re slow uh okay whatever I bet my light

Swich are still better okay perfect the light switch is looking pretty good let me add in a bit of carpet and what else can I even throw in a baby’s room Zoe do you have any good ideas um how about you give them like a pet a pet wo a pet

Would be a great idea why should I give him like a dog or something yeah Mr doggy oh w be perfect okay after I put in some glass I’m going to go ahead and grab a dog and I’m going to call him Mr doggy he’s going to be the coolest thing

Ever let me just throw in some red glass all around this and perfect this is looking so good I’ll throw some in the back area over here as well and wo I can even see your base over here my base is so much taller than your Zoe are you

Serious well I am going underground You’re Going Underground wait why are you going underground for because I have to have multiple floors uh okay and I think the last thing I’m actually going to do for my baby room is throw like a couple posters so let me get like a

Batman poster and I can get like a dinosaur poster okay I think these are the perfect posters let me just put one in the corner over here wait a second I can’t put it down anywhere what in the world is wrong with this maybe I can put

It like above the bed and no maybe I’ll just put it over here oh yeah that looks pretty good and perfect I think my baby’s room is basically complete it’s looking really really nice right now but should I add anything to the outside oh wait a second I actually have a really

Good idea just to defend my b a little bit on the outside I think I’m going to grab some super cool lasers ooh lasers that sounds awesome yeah it’s going to be the best thing ever so let me go ahead and put down a few lasers and then

I can go ahead and make a row up here so the lasers can actually connect and all I have to do is click on one of these Shield pads down here and click on the roof and perfect I have super cool lasers no one’s going to be able to get

Inside of here unless I let them actually I want to add in a bit more touch here so what if I go ahead and make this whole wall right here white and yeah that looks a whole lot better let me just take a look at the outside

Of my base and this is like the coolest speaker B head I’ve ever seen in my life and since I added in lasers on that side maybe I should also add in some lasers to the back over here just to make sure no I can break it from the back either

Hey Dax I’m done over here I bet you it’s a million times better than yours what you already done with your build but I bet your build is nowhere near as good as mine how about I come over and check out your side real quick yeah you

Better okay let me just go down here and then I can open my super cool hanger door that totally wasn’t original blow and then I can come over to your side and what the heck who is this Dad let me in let me in hi Dad hi Dad who the heck

Is this speaker man is this your baby yes my baby dad who is this weird guy I don’t know it’s some weirdo that steals things you got to better be careful H you’re a stealer that’s so lame what the heck ooh there’s cake over here this is

Awesome what in the world is wrong with your baby this thing is absolutely crazy and it’s breaking all of your cake cake cake is awesome what the heck this baby is literally insane but uh wait this cake inside of here kind of looks cool speaker bad oh I know it’s double decker

Chocolate going down the sides I put up all these pings cuz they are basically of Cakes as well it looks really cool in here un like probably the other two places around the neighborhood but we’ll see about that um Dad I’m suck in the licing uhoh better hop on out of there

Uh yeah I think your kid’s drowning It Up Wait no there they go wait did you say this was icing or what is this stuff supposed to be that’s chocolate syrup that’s chocolate syrup you have chocolate syrup inside your house that’s kind of disgusting uh okay whatever well

I mean this is kind of a cool build I thought you would added in more stuff this is a little bit lame uh we’ll see about that let’s check the downstairs as I said it’s double decker oh wait you did say double decker so you have a

Downstairs too and wao this is so cool down here what the heck well you have a nice little couch and you also have a little speaker for your baby and oh I see why you did that cuz it’s a speaker band over here that makes perfect sense

This is my favorite room of the house this is so awesome what the heck this is so cool and well you have a lot more chocolate syrup down here you just love chocolate syrup don’t you the baby loves chocolate syrup uh is that true little baby do you love chocolate syrup I love

Chocolate syrup H okay I think your kid is a little crazy but I still think my base is a little bit better than yours but before we go check out my side I kind of want to check out Zoe’s side first all right I bet you it’s not going

To be as good as mine but go ahead and check it out and let me know how good mine is after okay Zoe I think it’s time to check out your super cool bill can I get a whole tour of this place yep come on over let’s see it wao those doors are

So cool right it’s so awesome wa wait a second is this your baby over here is that the TV woman yep isn’t she super cute yeah I’m the TV baby what the heck wait you sound so weird why do you sound like that that’s just how I talk why

Does this sound weird uh I don’t know uh Zoe your baby’s weird Dax you can’t say that about a baby uh okay I’m sorry baby you don’t sound weird you just uh no you do sound weird I’m not even sorry what the heck you sound like a weirdo you

Sound like a weirdo H okay whatever Zoe just give me a tour of your house I don’t want to talk to your baby anymore it’s weird Okay first we’ll leave my baby alone then I’ll give you a tour okay fine I’ll leave your little baby alone so over here underneath my baby

You can see I have a big purple bed with a nightstand and we have like a million TVs in here wao wait you do have so many TVs and wo you have a lot of books are you like a baby nerd or something yes she’s a super genius what in the world

Okay if you’re a Super Genius answer this one question for me what is 1+ one uh two two what the wait your baby is a genius I told you Dax she’s like super smart wao that is so cool I hope my baby’s is that smart yeah it probably

Won’t be what the heck Zoe that’s so mean come on down here okay whatever it doesn’t even matter and wo why do you have so many cakes down here actually I think the speaker man came over and decided to play a prank on me but me and

My baby love cakes so this is actually such a win for us wa there is so much cake and wo wait you have lava behind the glass this looks so cool thanks and we put this purple glass in front of it so it makes it purple this is totally

Awesome and wo you have like a nice little sink you have a blender what do you even have a table what if I just broke this table though cuz I don’t like it d are you serious look look Zoe okay I’m going to go ahead and fix her for

You just give me like 1 second okay fine let me just go inside of here and look at this perfect I can put down some super nice green tables no I hate the color green and so does my baby wa wait baby do you actually hate the color

Green yeah Green’s my favorite wait what did you just say greens are favorite let’s go see your baby even likes green baby TV woman what the heck is wrong with you our favorite color is purple so cool go your baby loves green I knew you were awesome Dex you were just talking

Mad mess about my baby 2 seconds ago well now your baby likes the color green I think it’s the coolest baby ever besides my baby uh sorry little TV woman baby uh we’ll find out about that okay whatever but anyways I think the green adds a lot of touch to this room it

Looks so much better Zoe honestly I’m going to leave the green table just because it makes my baby happy yeah let’s go well I think it’s time for you to come check out my super awesome speaker Man head okay show me the way okay zo welcome to my super awesome

Tight speaker B baby house and as you can see I have a whole bunch of security off this place wo this is really awesome and it looks super secure yeah look I added in lasers to the front I also added in lasers to the back and yeah

This is just super secure I also have oil on the outside so if anyone steps at it they go super super slow which means they can’t get inside easily wow that’s super cool I mean not as cool as lava but still pretty cool I think it’s as

Cool as lava but let’s go ahead and go inside and what the heck speaker baby you’re already in here Su dad what the heck wait why is your voice so deep who’s the girl uh this is uh Zoe this is my friend but why is your voice so deep

Uh I always sound like a what in the world okay this is a little bit creepy Zoe I’m sorry I didn’t think he was going to be that weird Dax your baby is really freaking me out yeah I’m sorry but hey let’s just go ahead and get a

Little tour of the house off as you can see he’s sitting in the living room right now and he’s watching TV but uh speaker baby you didn’t even turn on the TV what are you doing uh I just like looking at it uh okay that’s a little

Bit weird but look over here I have a super awesome kitchen and since it’s obviously the speaker baby and there’s a bunch of red I decided to throw in a bunch of red and I also added in cookies a little microwave a nice little fridge

And a trash can which I think I could probably throw the speaker B’s baby in this is awesome hey don’t put a baby in there but uh Dax your baby is really freaking me out why does it keep looking at me I don’t know he just likes looking

At people hey speaker baby can you stop staring at people please uh no uh okay yeah he said no let’s go upstairs I don’t want to be near him for another minute okay Zoe well this next room down here is my little arcade room and actually you were here earlier you PA a

Little bit of Pacman and oh gosh wait I guess you guys are just going up to the top floor get down here stop skipping rooms I’m sorry Dax I just got up the ladder too quickly but yeah I have Pac-Man in here and I also have this

Really cool Tetris and then I have pong on the very end they’re all really fun games to play well considering I already kicked butt at Pac-Man I’m going to kick butt at Tetris uh no you’re not cuz I just broke it no I’m playing it right

Now how are you playing it I literally just broke the machine I don’t know deck uh okay well let me just put the machine back then oh man I lost well good job Zoe I’ve bet you tried your best but this is a pretty cool room you just want

To come here and relax and have fun yeah I’ll definitely be coming back here oh there’s your baby yeah he is a little bit weird but hey this is the final room actually let me go ahead and Tel all the lights in the fans wow the fans are a

Nice touch da yeah I told you it’s like the coolest room ever and I have a super awesome bed it’s a nice red carpet and I even added a nice drums so my baby can play the drums I bet you the baby loves that I do yeah see he said he loves the

Drums he’s so cool yeah he’s something and also added in these super cool posters over here I have Batman right here and I also have a dinosaur poster right here it says he loves dinosaurs isn’t that right speaker baby I love dinos yeah see look he loves dinosaurs

That is awesome uh and wait a second Zoe did you just hear someone open up the door yeah I hear someone coming up the ladder who is it wait you guys are starting without me uh yeah we already started without you we actually checked out each other’s builds and we all agree

That mine is the best right Zoe um what we never agreed on that well we literally agreed mine is literally the best look just come outside let’s look at everything from the outside I have a super awesome speaker bed head and your guys isn’t nearly as cool except wait

What the heck are these on your build oh my gosh are those candles yeah they’re candles but what in the world are these things speaker man uh that’s my tower defense you know in case anybody that tries to come over and eat the cake who

Isn’t me and or my baby well uh what in the world does this thing even do all right I’m going to spawn a skeleton and show you guys how these things work uh okay and what is the skeleton even supposed to do right now oh my gosh what

The heck it literally just got destroyed by the rocket that thing’s insane what in the world wait what if you spawning like another one over here is that one going to shoot as well let’s see what it does oh my gosh the skeleton just got destroyed honestly I have no

Idea whose base is the best we all have pretty good builds honestly my base is the best because it’s purple and it represents the TV woman and the TV woman is like the best scab character uh it’s okay but yours isn’t a cake that you can actually eat and it doesn’t have rocket

Launchers on it mine’s clearly the best out of all wa but I have super cool lasers and mine’s like multi Flor I even have this super cool door in the front with a bunch of cool stuff I think my base is obviously the best well why

Don’t we leave it up to the comments to decide whose build was the best fine I guess we’ll see who everyone thinks had the best build um Dax we actually have to have a popular family now because I just got a Tik Tok and I have over a

Million followers wait why you going to Tik Tok and over a million followers Zoe I don’t believe you at all you’re like one of the lamest people I know lamest yeah right you better watch yourself you’re talking to a celebrity and uh wait a second Zoe why are your kids on

Like the diamond and the gold side and my kids are like on the grass side what is that about well Dax it’s actually super easy my kids are super rich because their mom’s a celebrity and your kids are poor because their parent is a you wait what what in the world are you

Calling my kids poor Zoe I’m not necessarily calling them poor I’m calling you poor well whatever look at this our neighbors have this giant normous house over here and we have nothing on our lands away so we’re going to have to build something super super cool yeah we have to build something for

A celebrity like me uh okay so why don’t we build like a dirt Shack or something no Dex we can’t build anything out of dirt we have to build like an awesome Treehouse like theirs except better well I mean their Treehouse is pretty big Zoe I don’t know if we can make anything

That cool I mean look how ginormous it is we can do this easy peasy you’re working with a celebrity after all uh okay whatever you say well maybe the first thing we should do is like build the actual house to The Treehouse and then we can add the tree afterwards okay

Well get to work oh wait a second are you not going to help me at all Zoe Dax I have to keep making Tik toks so I can get famous oh my gosh Zoe what in the world is wrong with you in this talk TI I’ve never even heard of that before

Seriously that’s why you’re not famous what in the world that is literally so beans zoy but I guess the first thing I can do is start building out like the base of our house and I guess this is going to be a treeh house we can just

Use a bunch of different types of wood to make it right yeah that makes sense okay so let me go ahead and extend this and maybe we should make it like all the way around our little Arena that way we have like a super super big treehouse

That’s way bigger than our neighbors yep we need a treehouse Mansion oh a treehouse Mansion this is going to be so cool okay let me go ahead and build the top part like this and I can go ahead and stack the block so I get this

Direction and then then we can like fill it all way with a bunch of planks okay now that I have mosted this built out let me just go ahead and add a few pieces to the corners and then I guess we can fill it in the floor with a bunch

Of Oak planks by we you mean you right uh so you got to help me Subway what are you been talking about I don’t care if you have like 100 followers or something you’re not that cool Dex I have a million followers and I’m trying to supply for our family I’m making some

Cash oh my gosh well you keep making your Tik Tok thing or whatever you’re talking about I’m going to build a super cool house okay let me just go ahead and connect all of these pillars over here then I can start filling it in and woah

What if we make like a bunch of the walls out of glass that would look really nice that would look super nice okay now let me go ahead and added this floor and oh my gosh so way this literally takes so long can you get like

Some of your Tik Tok flowers to help us out please sure I’ll see if I can ask them in the comments okay please go ahead and do that cuz I’m like placing all these blocks and you’re just standing over there doing absolutely nothing I don’t even know where you are

Right now I’m entertaining Dax somebody has to do it and wait why are you standing up so tall like you’re the king or something get down here and help me I’m a queen not a king oh my gosh this is absolutely ridiculous okay perfect now we have the base of our treeh house

Done and I guess we can start building in some of the walls and after that maybe we throw in some of the glass ooh the glass is going to look so nice that is so rich yeah it is pretty rich and honestly looking at our neighbors house

I kind of like how their stuff has some angles to it maybe we should add some angles to our top floors or something yeah but we need to be more organized with our angles theirs are kind of all over the place yeah that’s kind of true

We’ll do a better job than they can okay so I actually want to get some more ideas from the neighor so I’m actually going to sneak over to their house real quick make sure not to tell them okay sounds good have fun broke boy what in

The world you literally can’t call me a broke boy but let’s see what in the world are they building over here it looks like they have a bunch of like little tree stubs going down and I can just walk into their base that’s a bit weird on the inside it looks like they

Don’t have that many cool stuff in here wow they must be like super super poor they do have a nice balcony I definitely want to throw in something like that okay I think I got basically what I want from their house let’s go ahead back so we can start building Arch tree house

Okay come on let’s get back I have so many cool ideas and uh Zoe what the what is this thing oh hey Dax some of my followers came and they helped me build this treehouse doesn’t it look so good what the heck you actually got some of

Your followers to build this for us yep I sure did there’s benefits to being popular wo this is so cool and it’s already so much bigger than the neighbors this is going to be totally awesome Yep now we have to go inside and check it out yeah let’s go ahead and

Check it out and a there’s a bunch of stairs Zoe this is so slow stairs what’s the matter with you we need to get our steps in oh my gosh okay it looks like there’s like some more stairs up here that lead to the top or something that

Maybe we could have like rooms come off of this or something that’s a good idea exactly what I was thinking and let’s see this is pretty high up here it wo there’s like a little viewing area it looks like there’s like a library here but I can’t read you’re a nerd so you

Could probably read yep I’m super smart so I have already read all of these books what the heck you’ve read this red book right here too yep sure have wa you’re so smart okay let’s go ahead and check out the rest of the treeh house

Let’s do it uh and I don’t think there’s anything left in the treehouse Zoe it looks like just a bunch of leaves and like nothing was built here yet then we’ll just have to build our own stuff yeah I guess we are going to have to

Build our own stuff but I I think the first thing we should do is change out some of these fences cuz honestly this oasia fence is like super super ugly fine change it to something cute like me uh okay let’s see what can we change it

To Zoe can we just like replace all this AAA stuff to be like dark oak I think that looks much cooler I think that would look super good very elegant yeah I think it is super super fancy as long as it meets your standards I guess we’re

Okay yeah because my standards are all that matters okay it looks like we have all the dark fences added in the next thing we need to do is add in all of these dark oak slabs yeah I was just about to say the acacia wood slabs are

Not looking cute yeah I think orange might be one of my least favorite colors ever it’s just ugly and there’s like nothing cool about it yep orange is almost as bad as yellow and yellows is almost as bad as green what the heck are you saying Green’s worse than everything

Zoe um yes that’s exactly what I’m saying oh my gosh you’re so mean sorry Dex I’m just being honest okay Zoe perfect I think we’re pretty much able to change out everything I think one of the last things we need to do for this part is just make all the stairs out of

These super cool orange stairs Dax those are ugly as can be do not place any more of those we’re going to use these modern stairs wait you want to use these modern stairs uh Zoe what’s the point of that because they’re modern and they’re elegant like me uh okay I mean I guess

We can use the modern stairs it doesn’t really hurt okay and there’s the last stair perfect honestly these modern stairs do look really cool that was a great idea Zoe thanks Dex but I am always right so I don’t know why you question me uh I don’t think you’re

Always right but you are right some of the time so I’ll give you that okay but let’s think Zoe we need to add in some rooms so what would be the first room we could add down here well Dax you’re going to have to start cooking for me if

I need to make all my Tik toks so you’re going to need to make a kitchen wait I’m going to need to make a kitchen and wait why do I have to cook for you because I’m making all the money so you have to cook for me oh my gosh Sil whatever I

Guess we can can build out our kitchen and maybe we can put it on this forth floor right here that looks like a pretty good spot that does sound like a good spot and how about we make all of the kitchen out of quartz since that’s a

Super fancy block that sounds like such a good idea and it’s going to be so modern okay I’m going to go ahead and start building out the outside of it and then maybe you can go ahead and fill in all the inside so we can actually have a

Nice kitchen sure I can do that okay let me just stack a few more blocks out in this direction and then I can curve it over here and perfect pretty much connected now I can add in some of the walls but since it still is a treehouse

I think I want to make some of the walls out of oak logs like this yeah we need to be keeping the Treehouse Vibe okay let me go ahead stack a few more of these and then I can build those pillars like this and then we can just fill it

With a bunch of Oak planks and probably towards the end we’re going to need to add in more leaves that way it looks even more like a treehouse okay now that we have most of this based on this is where we should add in some of that

Super super cool glass this is going to look so good and I’m going to start placing kitchen appliances because interior design is like my forte uh is it Zoe I heard that you’re not a good interior designer who told you that I have a whole page on it well I guess

We’ll see once you start placing stuff down okay let me go ahead and add another wall over here and I guess I can add in like one more layer of glass this is going to be so cool okay and we also probably need some doors for this so why

Don’t add in some really cool modern sliding doors wow Dax that is such a good idea sliding doors are so elegant yeah they are super cool but oh my gosh these are super super hard to place down way I have no idea how to do this do you

Need my help uh no I can figure it out and perfect just like that I was able to add in these super fancy modern sliding doors now we can actually start building all the kitchen stuff I’m already building a DEX wo and this is so cool you have like countertops and you have

Like stoves and stuff and wo you have two refrigerators yeah because we both eat a lot so we need lots of food I guess that makes sense but I could never afford two refrigerators how did you even do that because I’m rich duh yeah I kind of forgot you said you have like

100,000 followers or something is that right Zoe I have like a 100 million wait you have a 100 million are you serious yes I keep telling you I’m kind of a big deal wao you’re so cool this is actually looking pretty cool Zoe but I do have a

One question what is a DEX why is everything so purple inside of here Dex I usually believe that there’s no such thing as a wrong question but that one was just dumb well uh can you answer it for me purple’s my favorite color so obviously the kitchen had to be purple

All the rooms are going to be purple well I guess that makes sense but can’t we have a little bit of green or something Zoe I guess go ahead and put a little lime green wherever you’d like okay what if I just throw that one of these super cool lime chairs like right

There no that doesn’t look good there uh okay well maybe I can add like a table lamp on top of our table right about here no no not there uh okay well maybe I could added one of these lime bar STS or something you know that’s not bad but

Still no what the heck Zoe you’re not letting me add in anything you know what on second thought green just doesn’t go that well with purple what the heck so wait I can’t add in any green no you can’t but I’ll still let you hang out in

My house oh what whatever I guess it doesn’t even really matter okay Zoe I think the kitchen actually looks pretty good maybe we should move on to the next room yep let’s go it’s time to build my bedroom oh what bedroom will be super super cool let’s go let’s see how high

Do you want to build this up do you want to have like it going off the stairs or do you want to have it at this top section what are you thinking Zoe I need it on the tip top of this building because it’s going to be the penthouse

Suite okay well I mean this is pretty high up so do you want to build it like out through the leaves or something sure that will work for me okay so let’s go ahead and maybe break out some of the leaves right here and then we can start

Building out in the direction where your room’s going to be okay Zoe and for your room what if we throw in like a bunch of Oak planks do you think that’ll look nice no Oak isn’t too cute uh okay well then what type of blocks do you want to

Use H we need something that’s going to protect me like indestructible okay well what are you thinking then Dex I think that we need to use obsidian because it’s super strong and it’s purple uh I mean I guess we can use obsidian Zoe are you sure about this yes I’m positive

Okay well let me go ahead and start building out the frame of your bedroom and you want like a super super big bedroom don’t you like the biggest room in the house okay so let me go ahead and extend it like all the way over here or

Something and I can extend it super far this way and then I can connect it all the way back to the tree and this should be the biggest room of the house already this is going to be so cool okay it perfect Zoe this is actually looking

Pretty cool and then I guess since it is a treehouse we should probably make the walls out of Oak and stuff yeah that sounds like a good idea and it’ll looks super good okay let me start connecting all of the wall pillars right here and why don’t you start adding in the stuff

For your room sure I’ll start decorating cuz you know I’m really good at that yeah I guess we’ll see about that I thought the kitchen was just okay what do you mean just okay that was like some of my best work well I thought it was

Just okay I thought you could do better honestly oh Zoe and actually I was going to throw some normal glass up here but why not throw some purple stained glass is that’s like your favorite color that is going to look so good that might be

One of your best ideas yet okay let me go ahead and fill it a bunch of these walls with this super cool purple stained glass it already looks really cool honestly okay let me just find a few random places where I can put some more this purple stay glass and wo zo

You making a huge bed yep well really the center one is for me cuz I need to be super comfortable when I sleep and then all the other ones are for my guests wo this is like so fancy Zoe thanks stack I’m trying super hard okay

It perfect I just added the last few pieces of glass now I think I’m going to add you a super cool door to the front that is going to look so good it waits away I think I found the perfect door for you what is it Dex since you’re like

Super rich and famous what have I put your room behind this super cool gold vault oh my gosh this is perfect it fits my personality to a tea it is so fancy that’s like one of the perfect additions to your room that might be your best

Idea okay now let’s go ahead and start decorating your room and I think I’m going to add in some purple carpet all the way around that’ll be so cute okay let me just add a few more pieces close to your bed and honestly zo I actually

Have another idea what is it de what if we put like some lava pillars down next to your bed it won’t catch you on fire or anything but it’ll look really cool yeah I’m not so sure about that it sounds like I’m going to catch on fire

What okay fine well what if we used like water or something I think I could get behind water seems like less danger okay so let me go ahead and break one of the quarters here and then I can fill it in with some obsidian like this and then

All I have to do is break one of the parts on the roof and just put some water in and then perfect you’ll have a super awesome water fountain going down ooh a water fountain that is so Chic wow that is so fancy exactly what every

Famous person needs yeah I agree it does look super super cool and perfect Zoe I think your room actually came together very nicely thanks STX I appreciate all of your hard work you’re going to be getting a Christmas bonus W I’m going to get a Christmas bonus what am I going to

Get you’re going to be able to live in my Treehouse oh well I guess that’s pretty cool well if I can live in your treeh house can I make my own room or something we’ll see it depends how good your work is throughout the day okay

Well let’s see Zoe what’s the next room we can actually build out for you I think we need to build like a living room so we can watch TV wao wait that’s that’s a really good idea should we have it on the same floor right here yeah

That sounds like a good idea so it’s not too much of a walk if I get tired okay well how about we start building in this direction over here that looks like a good place for a living room that does look like a good idea and since this is

Just a living room and it’s not the fanciest room in the whole place we should probably make the floor out of Oak planks yeah you’re probably right about that okay so let me go ahead and build up the outside of where the living room is going to be and then we can

Start filling it all in and wo so can we have like a super big flat screen TV obviously we need at least five of those wo five TVs in a living room I’ve never even heard of anything like that before well you’ve never been rich and famous

Like me well yeah Zoe I’m super poor we’ve already been over this well I’m going to help you Dax we’re going to be rich and famous together I guess zo we’ll see okay and actually for this rooms way why do we make some of the

Pillars out of this dark oak it looks so nice ooh that does look super nice very moody yeah it’s super super cool it’s like the perfect thing for a living room yep and that means it’s going to get super dark and we can watch movies wo

This is going to be so much fun Okay so now that we have this super cool space we can actually start adding the little TV area this is going to be so cool I’m going to make a giant L couch wo that’s going to be totally awesome okay while

You’re adding in like the couch and stuff I’m going to start adding in super cool TVs super cool TVs well you know we need like a bunch of them yeah I know we need a bunch of them but look at this is the first one and this one looks really

Cool let me see let me see wo this thing is huge yeah but you said you want like five of them so maybe we can add some on the top right here oh my gosh this is going to be awesome we’re going to have our own personal movie theater and then

Maybe I’ll throw a TV over on this quarter and I’ll throw a TV over there and perfect this is looking pretty cool and now we have five TVs in here but we have to decorate the rest of it I know I’m placing down a carpet just so our

Feet don’t get cold and oh wait a second I actually forgot to added the door to the front so maybe I can also grab a really cool door for this maybe you can get one that comes from the ceiling wao wait what comes from the ceiling like a

Hanger door yeah wouldn’t that be super cool that would be super awesome okay I think we need to expand this like one more block out and one more block high and then I can go ahead and add it in this is going to look awesome let me

Just smack it right there on the bottom and now as soon as I press this wo that is so awesome wow we are super rich who else has a hanger door uh no one because we’re like the richest people ever exactly let’s see and oh wait so I

Actually have one other idea we can have for this little TV area what is it Dax what if I make like a little spot that has lava dripping behind it that would look so awesome oh my gosh that would look super cool okay let me go ahead and

Start building this out and then I can filled it with a bunch of lava and then we can just let it drip down it’ll be like the coolest living room ever but is it going to burn our TVs no it’s not going to burn anything Zoe I have super

Safe lava okay I’ve never heard of super safe lava see Zoe it says super safe lava it looks like lava but it actually doesn’t burn anything wao this is so cool yeah I know it’s pretty awesome but look this is what I’m going to do I’m

Just going to smack in some lava like that and then I’ll start going down and wo this is such a cool living room honestly I could just sit on the couch and watch the lava it’s so relaxing yeah I completely agree with you this thing is totally cool okay and maybe we can

Also throw in like a pool table over here and like a mini football table like right next to it this is going to be the coolest little gaming room ever yep I even added some arcade games it’s going to be so cool wait you added arcade

Games and wo these are so cool what type of games are in these there’s snake I’m playing Tetris right now there should be Pac-Man and a few others wait I found Pac-Man oh my gosh I’m about to play Pac-Man a I love Pac-Man let’s see if I can last super super long there’s

Actually a lot of ghosts that they’re kind of scary yeah I doubt you can last super long you’re not very good at games well just wait I got one of those super cool balls and now I’m going to eat a bunch of the ghosts okay Dax whatever

You say oh gosh I wait thought ghost aren’t ghost anym come on anymore those balls yes perfect I’m getting all this stuff you got this come on come on and wo there’s cherries I love cherries come on let me go ahead and get those all I

Have to do is Dodge The Ghost and oh no the pink ghost is chasing me Zoe hurry Dax hurry oh gosh oh gosh I’m getting surrounded oh no this isn’t looking good for me come on I have to get away somehow hurry Dax you got this come on

Come on I can’t get away that fast come on come on oh my gosh I’m barely dodging them but a the Red Ghost just ate me Zoe oh that is not good but hey look I got 10 tickets out of that so that’s pretty cool only 10 tickets that’s not a lot

Dax well I thought it was a lot well I’m playing Tetris right now and I’m sure I’m going to get way more tickets than you what the heck I only got six H you only got six Zoe you suck you’re a loser Dax I am this close from kicking you out

Of my house W wo don’t kick me out of the tree house come on I love this place I’m sure you do so you need to be nice to me in order to stay here okay fine I’ll start being nice and Zoe look at this I added in a super cool fish tank

Our living room looks awesome a I love fish tanks okay Zoe I think the living room looks pretty cool what’s the next thing we should probably add into our super awesome Tree House well every popular girl needs a pool to Lounge in during the day wait that’s actually a

Really good idea a pool would be awesome but uh Zoe where do we even build that at well we need it on the top of the tree so it’s like a sky pool oh wait that’s a great idea okay let’s go ahead and get to the top of this and then

Maybe after we can add in like some ladders to get up here this is going to be so perfect I’m going to be having so much fun relaxing up here and you said you wanted like a huge pool right so we have to make it like ginormous yep we

Sure do almost as big as this entire tree and wait a second why do we make the floor of the pool out of glass that way you can actually see around when you’re swimming that’s going to be so beautiful and maybe what we could even

Do is just add it so that the pool goes all the way around the Treehouse that sounds so sick okay perfect now we have a bunch of glass let’s go ahead and add some slaps to the outside that way no one actually falls off yeah like our family yeah that probably wouldn’t be

Pretty good if they fell off speaking of our family where have they been this whole time oh honestly they should still be backed out here let’s see yeah look all our kids are just hanging back where we actually left them they’re so well behaved yeah they are super well behaved

We don’t even have to watch them yeah I know they can just do whatever they want cuz they’re probably like Ultra Mega Geniuses just like me they’re probably Ultra Mega Geniuses and super popular like me what how can they be popular Zoe they’re like 1 years old because I’ve

Already made them Instagram accounts and they are blowing up what the heck you already made them Instagram accounts Zoe are you crazy yeah I am a little crazy because you have to be at least a little crazy in order to be famous uh okay I guess that makes sense okay perfect Zoe

And now the basic base of our pool is now complete so the last thing we have to do is get a bunch of water and just fill up our entire pool with it ooh can I fill it with water I love this job yeah go ahead and fill it with water we

Have to be super super fast this is going to be awesome I want to relax in it today and perfect zo this is basically all complete but I feel like we could do a couple extra things with this to make it cool what do you want to

Do what if we had like an area that acted like a beach so basically we could have like sand over here and we can have like sand castles and stuff on it oh my gosh that sounds so cool do you know if we can make palm trees I don’t know

Maybe we can but I’m sure we can’t since you’re super rich right exactly I definitely am okay zo I’m going to go ahead and added some purple chair since this is your beach after all and you probably want the color purple like everywhere I sure do that’s going to

Look so awesome let me just go ahead and throw down a few random chairs across and that can also throw in these super cool umbrellas at the top just to make sure you don’t get burned by anything that’s a good idea very considerate Dax Okay and like you said earlier we need

To added some palm trees so let’s go ahead and start building some of those as well I’m already on it this is going to be like the coolest pool area ever I bet our neighbors have nothing like this yeah they’re going to be super jealous okay and I think these pop trees are

Actually coming together pretty nicely Zoe let me go ahead and check out yours and uh what is this block it says green crystals what is that yep isn’t it fabulous uh zo you know you’re supposed to use like leaves for trees right not for me because I’m super famous and I

Need Crystal trees I don’t even know that makes any sense but uh sure whatever you say Zoe I think our beach is looking so cool actually there’s one more thing I think we could add in Zoe what is it Dex what if we added like a super awesome Mega diving board ooh a

Diving board you know I’m like the world’s best diver uh are you the world’s best diver cuz I thought I was the world’s best diver yeah that’s just not the truth Dax I think you’re the world’s second best what the heck well I guess we’ll see once I put all these

Diving boards down we can test out who the real best one is let me just go ahead and throw that a few different diving boards and okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can go up there we can test out who the best is okay are we

Going to do it at the same time or one at a time yeah we can do it at the same time okay let’s do this okay let’s go in three 2 1 360 w that was so fun but I think that I did a 361 what the heck even is a 361

Zoe it’s one more degree than 360 so technically I beat you what the heck I thought mine was cooler no it wasn’t you didn’t stick The Landing like I did you know what let’s just ask everyone watching who do you guys thinks what’s cooler mine or Zoe’s pick me pick me and

Wait a second Zoe we kind of forgot to add a way to get it here so what if we make some stairs going from the back that sounds like a great idea so let’s just go ahead and get some dark oak planks and then we can wind stairs all

The way back around to where the tree was we also have to to make sure to added the safety rules just in case any of our kids try to go to the pool we don’t want them to fall off that would be really really bad yeah they’re kind

Of dumb like that what no my kids are super jetas he would never fall in probably just your kid no my kids have an IQ of like a 100 100 isn’t even that high Zoe what IQ do your kids have uh like a 3,000 3,000 yeah right with you

As their dad what the heck Zoe that’s literally so mean you can’t talk about me like that I know I’m just kidding Dax I think you’re super smart okay whatever you say and perfect Zoe I think our staircase looks pretty cool and the pool honestly looks even cooler we did a

Great job with this treehouse yeah we did do a super good job but I still think we need one more thing uh okay zo wait what’s that one more thing you’re thinking of we need a garage to hold all my sports cars wao wait a garage would

Me totally awesome but I’m guessing if we’re having garage we probably need to build it somewhere underneath the Treehouse yeah that’s what I was thinking too that way so we can drive on the ground okay let’s go ahead and head all the way to the bottom of our

Treehouse and then we can start building one underground okay zo and I actually think we should start building the garage off in this direction and we can have it go underground like we talked about earlier this is going to be so cool and you know I have like eight cars

What you have eight cars Zoe I don’t even have one car seriously I’ll let you borrow one of mine a sweet which one can I borrow can I do like the Lamborghini or the Ferrari what can I use maybe like the Smart Car wait the Smart car what

Are you serious yeah either that or the golf cart what the heck so I can’t get something cool we’ll see okay now that we’re all the way down here we have to carve out a really big area so let me use my super awesome magic wand I can

Create this like huge space this is going to be so cool and perfect so way this is the ginormous garage there’s so much space in here there is so much space and we have to make good use of it so what are we going to do first in

Order to build all this probably what we should start doing is adding in a bunch of stone bricks since they do look the coolest yeah that just screams garage okay perfect now the next thing we should probably add in is some gray concrete since that looks like the base

Of most garages yeah that’s going to look super good and perfect zo I think this garage is looking pretty good now we can add in a bunch of cars ooh what cars are we going to add let’s see what type of cars we even have and wao zo

Look at this there’s so many cars now yeah these look awesome my favorite is this purple Beauty right here wo that one is pretty cool I think I like this blue one right here it looks really fancy a and there’s no green ones for

You are you so sad yeah I know what in the worldall why are there no green ones that’s so messed up sorry Dex maybe on your next paycheck you can buy one and perfect Zoe I think the Treehouse is basically all done we should give our

Kids a grand tour that would be awesome let’s go get those little stinkers okay guys come on we’re going to get a grand tour of our ginormous Treehouse come on children follow Mumsy okay so all we have to do in order to enter is actually

Wait why do we look at the garage verus that’s like one of the coolest parts that we just added in yeah they’re going to love all of our cars okay guys you are not old enough to drive these cars yet but there are a bunch of super fancy

Cars down here um Mommy what’s that car over there um that’s my purple car it’s cuz mom is so popular she has so so many but Mommy why isn’t Dad so popular what the heck wait your kid’s bullying me too Zoe she’s your kid too Dax and it’s not

My fault she’s honest what in the world uh dad where’s your car at uh I actually don’t have any cars because your mom wouldn’t let me get any of them wait why is mom so mean to you well son she actually has like a Tik Tok or something

Like that and she’s like super famous and she makes fun of me cuz I have like no followers so Dax Jr just remember this grow up to be just like your mommy and not like your dad what the he Zoe you are so beat okay let’s get out of

The garage and let’s go ahead and show them the rest of our Treehouse let’s do this okay so we have to go up a whole bunch of different stairs in order to get to The Treehouse part so be super careful and make sure to not fall off DE

I don’t know if our kids can go up that H ways uh I mean they’re right behind us zo so I think they can but they’re breathing super hard I bet you they’re so tired well they’re fun good thing that we came to the kitchen where

There’s a bunch of cake eat up kids this is going to be so fun oh my gosh I love cake yay mommy you made us cake uh do you think it’s a good thing that they’re eating this much cake Zoe yeah I’m sure it’s fine this is a special occasion

After all okay well maybe we can go on to the next room and uh Zoe all the cake is gone what in the world they ate all of it that is awesome what the heck is wrong with you guys I wanted a piece of cake a DEX I’ll make you your own cake

Someday whatever let’s just move on to the next floor and wo this is where all the cool stuff is Zoe my gosh is this our arcade yep we have arcade we have our living room which one should we even show them first let’s show them the

Living room first so we can play some games okay if we go through here we have our super awesome Liv room we have super nice couches and a bunch of TVs and we even have a fish T in the wall and out wait a second where is your brother at

Oh my gosh Dax Jr is always getting lost oh Dax junor he fell off a cliff wait what did you say he fell off a cliff what in the world oh my gosh I have to go get him oh my gosh Dax Junior what in the world are you doing down here you

Fell so far H I’m sorry Dad I lost my balance oh my gosh Zoe these kids are so dumb honestly my kid didn’t fall it was just your kid well yeah but he has um what’s it called little stubby leg so I made it hard for him well he gets them

From you so I’m sure he’ll be fine okay well whatever I guess the next thing we can look at is the bedroom come on kids come look at my bedroom it’s awesome wo this is so much cooler see it the second time there’s so much purple everywhere

Sure is and I have this super cool bed and then their beds are over here we can have a giant slumber party it’s is totally awesome and wo you have so many books Zoe yep and I’ve read every single one of them wow you are such a genius

But hey the next coolest part is our super awesome pool should we show that to them yep let’s go and perfect guys this is the pool area there’s a bunch of lounge chairs and there’s even a super cool diving board and there’s a bunch of cool trees you kids be careful and wait

15 minutes so you don’t get a cramp uh Zoe is that even a real thing well they did eat like six cakes so they probably should rest a little bit yeah I guess they did eat six cakes and wait a second Zoe I have a great idea what is it deck

While they’re actually waiting for their food to settle what if you pulled a prank on our neighbors what is it let’s go fill the whole house up with TNT and blow it up let’s do it okay zo what we’re going to do is place this super

Cool TNT Time 200 in the middle of their base it just light it off this is going to be so cool are we going to watch by the pool uh yeah we’re going to watch by the pool okay Zoe I’m going to light off I’ll beat you over there okay okay I’m

Flying up okay I’m about to go ahead and light it off Zoe this is going to be so cool run D oh gosh okay let me go ahead light up and let’s run and now we get to watch the whole thing explode it oh my my gosh everything’s blowing up wao this

Is so laggy oh my it oh wait a second so wa it hit our tree house so way my house what the heck we literally just blew up our treeh housee this is perfect I can make a Tik Tok and become even more famous what the heck is wrong with you

Yay Dax I can’t wait to have a Lego family with you I know and wait Zoe why’ you punch me off Zoe what is the world why would you punch me off the cliff that wasn’t very nice at all okay okay I’m sorry but we have to have a family

So what can we do well let’s see there’s a whole bunch of trees around us so I guess we can start breaking out some of the wood to we have a nice little family house that’s a great idea let me start bringing the wood over here okay and

While you’re doing that I’m going to break this tree over here and we can have like an Ultra Mega Mansion it’s going to be the coolest thing ever Zoe ooh a mansion that sounds awesome okay but we have to make sure as soon as we break all these pieces of wood we grab

The saplings so we can plant more trees and we can have an even bigger house that is such a good idea okay let me just finish breaking the last few pieces of this wood like this and then I can start breaking of these little leaves

And wao wait a second where in the world did I fall I don’t know I fell somewhere too is it gray uh yeah it’s a little bit gray but honestly this is kind of creepy Zoe I think I’m going to go back up to the surface yeah I’m going to do the

Same okay perfect and look at that we already have six pieces of oak logs how many pieces of oak logs that you have Zoe honestly I had to use my oak logs in order to get out of the hole oh my gosh well whatever as long as you can break

More trees we should be good eventually and whoa wait this tree was like missing a piece of wood that was kind of weird yeah that’s kind of messed up I know I’ve never even heard of a tree just missing like a middle of a log that’s just so freaky that is pretty freaky

Okay but let me go ahead and break these last two and then once we get all these we can be in the middle and see how much we got okay perfect Zoe I got ourself five saplings and I also got 16 pieces of oak logs how much did you get oh good

Job I only have four oak logs what you have four oak logs Zoe there were so many trees how did you even only get four well I kind of lost some of them because they kept falling into holes oh well I guess that is a little bit of a

Problem well it’s okay I still have five saplings so I guess I can go around and start placing a few more trees that we’re going to use eventually great idea okay let me just put a have these down and now that we have all this wood we

Should probably get a crafting table so we can start building out our first house ooh a crafting table what are we going to make first well let’s see what should we make first and wao wait this crafting table actually looks really cool it looks just like a Lego yeah this

Looks awesome but okay if we are going to build a house I think the first thing we should make is like the base of the house so why don’t we make like a little like 5×5 Cube or something that sounds like a good idea but do we have enough

Logs oh yeah I think we have enough and actually let me go ahead and split some of this with you so you can place that logs as well sweet thanks Dex and honestly hm I I think 5×5 would be a little bit too small for our family so

Maybe we should do like 10x 10 what do you think that’s a good idea okay so let me start extending all of it this way and then we can start building out of that direction Zoe you can just leave that there we’re going to have to fill

It in eventually anyways oh okay that sounds good and actually while I’m doing the outside of this do you want to go ahead and start filling in the hole inside sure I can do that and wait so you know how we fell inside of those holes earlier right yep I really

Remember well honestly that’s a little bit dangerous for our kids look at this we just have a bunch of random holes across our whole platform oh no I can’t imagine our kids falling down one of those holes it’s so dark yeah maybe we should fill it up H let’s see maybe once

We get some more of these trees to grow we can start planting a bunch of stuff to cover it all up but for now zo way make sure to not step inside of there otherwise it’s going to be bad okay I’ll try not to and uh wait a second Zoe do

You see where it says creative 10 minutes y that means we have to take advantage of this let’s build an awesome house wa wait that’s so awesome okay if I put us in Creative that we can actually fly around and grab any of the blocks we want to so maybe we could grab

Some more oak logs and we can start building out the pillars of our base and we should grab some beds and stuff for the inside of our base oh that’s a great idea and actually Zo can do me a little favor while I’m building the outside of

This what is De can you go ahead and fill up some of these holes that have a bunch of random spots with like grass or something that way our kids don’t fall inside of them sure I can do that okay while you’re doing that let me go ahead

And build all the corner with some of these oak logs and honestly this is a little bit hard to tell the difference from maybe I should grab a different type of log that’s a good idea maybe one that’s a better color oh wait what about this darker jungle log what do you think

About this Zoe let me see wo that looks super good okay let’s go ahead and keep these as the border of our base since they do look a lot better okay now that I have that I can go ahead and connect them all at the top and wo this is kind

Of weird seeing the bottom of the Lego I’ve never seen something this before in Minecraft seriously you’ve never seen the bottom of the Lego uh not in Minecraft Zoe have you seen one of these in Minecraft before well obviously all the cool people have what the heck wait

So I’m not cool no not really a man well I guess it’s okay whenever I have this super big mansion all of you guys are going to be jealous well Dax we’re sharing the Mansion oh yeah I guess we are sharing the Mansion okay the next

Thing I want to do is add in a bit of glass and wo wait this glass actually looks a little bit weird as a Lego wait let me see wo that does look super weird yeah it’s like really really transparent I know you can see through glass and

Everything but that just looks kind of spooky hey Dax I’m going to build a fence so that means our kids won’t fall off the island oh wait a second adding a fence in is actually a really good idea good job Zoe thanks Dex and while you’re building that fence I’m going to go

Ahead and build the rest of the back of our base and then I guess we can start building all this stuff on the inside and oh I see what you’re doing zo you’re building a fence around the whole entire Island honestly that’s really smart I didn’t even think about something like

That than de I’ve been really trying to get more clever yeah you’re like an Ultra Mega genius a that’s so nice of you to say okay and now that we have this I should probably build us a nice little roof so let me go ahead and throw

In a bunch of these Oak planks and maybe I can throw in like Lego stairs at the edge that would look kind of nice yeah that would look really nice okay let me go ahead and finish up the last few bits of this and Oh wait we’re probably going

To need something to like this so why don’t we grab some awesome Lego torches too ooh the Torches that’s going to be so medieval yeah honestly they look really really cool let me just go ahead and pull one of these guys out and I can

Just put it over here as a demo in front of our base and wo look how cool this Lego torch looks Zoe let me see let me see where are you I’m right at the front of our base Zoe look right up here it’s a Lego torch wo that’s awesome but uh

Where’s the fire uh the fire’s at the very top Zoe can you not see it it’s like right in your face no I don’t see any fire are you sure this torch Works uh Zoe I might have bad news for you if you can’t see the fire oh no what is it

I think you might be color blind seriously that is not good does that mean I have to go to the doctor yeah you’re probably going to have to go to the doctor Zoe I hate to break the news to you this is such an awful day okay

And for the roof I think I’m going to add in all of these dark oak stairs this thing look the best in look just like the jungle one I used earlier okay just a few more blocks on the top in perfect zo the outside of our Lego house is

Basically complete wow this looks really good now can I start decorating the inside yeah I guess we can start through the inside how about we do it together and wait zo I have one condition if we’re going to live in this house together what is it de we should have

Like a super awesome fire chimney over here a fire chimney that sounds awesome yeah but we’re going to have to be a little bit careful since our entire house is basically made out of wood if we light it on fire everything’s going to burn down yeah that’s a good thing to

Consider but why do you want to fire chimney so bad I don’t know I just think they look cool don’t you yeah they look all right but with it being a wooden house it’s a little scary yeah but I guess it’s going to be okay zo don’t

Worry about I have like super ultra Mega awesome fire and it doesn’t even light everything on fire so we’re going to be perfectly safe okay and actually while you’re building that stuff on the inside I’m going to go ahead and make us a little porsch on the outside that’d be

Really nice for our guests to see whenever they come to see us okay I’ll put down this nice Lego door and perfect that looks really really good and wo this door is like super super thick Zoe look at this let me see look how thick this door is dang that door is thick

What in the world why does the door look like this that is pretty crazy but you know it’s going to protect us really well I mean I guess it’s going to protect us but it still looks really weird I don’t really like it that much

Are you okay yeah I guess I’m okay we have to have a door so it’s kind of whatever exactly okay let me go ahead and place some stairs on the outside of our little house like this and this is actually coming together way nicer than I thought Zoe how’s the inside looking

It’s looking good I’ve already put our beds down and now I’m just making a little living room W you put our beds down where’s my bed where’s my bed and wao look at this is a super awesome green bed uh Zoe wait I have a question

Though what is it DX why aren’t the beds even what’s wrong with you what do you mean why aren’t they even look at this your bed’s all the way against the wall like that and it looks super cool and my bed isn’t all the way against the wall

It’s to give us all some room what the heck no I want my bed right here Zoe okay well you can move them if you’d like and actually I feel like your bed should be like this too perfect look at this now we have like the same looking

Beds good job DX let me go ahead and add in a few different Lego torches around the sides of our house and maybe I can throw a couple on top of the doors like this and since you are making Liv room I guess we’re going to need something to

Like watch TV on or something right yep I’m already grabbing a TV stand oh perfect okay while you’re doing that I’m going to go ahead and lay us down some carpet that’s such a good idea it’s going to be so homey in here exactly and since your favorite color is purple of

Course I’m going to make your side out a purple carpet and I’m going to make my side out a Green carpet this is going to be awesome okay and actually we both probably need chest so why don’t I put some chest right next to our beds that

Sounds like a super good idea let’s see what’s the we can probably use oh wait maybe I can fill them up with a bunch of these oak logs that would actually be really useful what are we going to use the oak logs for well eventually Zoe

We’re never going to have a bigger house we can use it to expand it that’s going to be awesome oh wait a second maybe we should also have like a diamond sword or something in each one of our chests just in case we eventually get attacked

That’s a good idea okay let me go ahead and throw that in and W zo is this the living room yep doesn’t it look super good honestly it does look pretty good but I feel like we’re still missing a little bit of something what if I added a couple paintings around that sounds

Good I’m also going to add a fridge so we can stock it with food oh wait a fridge not super cool okay while you’re adding it that type of stuff I’m going to go ahead and add some painting store house and uh wait a second zo what does

New Island spawn mean I have no idea but do you think we should go check it out yeah maybe we should go check it out and wait a second so it put us back in survival oh no that means we can’t get any more cool stuff oh this totally

Sucks but let’s see where is this new island and wo Zoe wait I think I see it all the way over there wao how are we supposed to get over there well I guess it’s a good thing I had all those extra oak logs now we can use them to across

Good job Dex okay let me go ahead and turn some of these jungle logs and D planks and perfect now we can Bridge our way over there but we’re going have to be super super careful cuz it’s probably dangerous this is going to be awesome we’re going on an adventure oh and wait

A second so you might also want to grab that diamond sword I put in your chest for you okay I’ll go grab it okay perfect Zoe now that we have our diamond swords let’s head over to the island over there this is going to be so much

Fun this is going to be awesome hey you have to break my fence well yeah we have no other way to get through zo how else did you want to get through the fence it’s like super ultra indestructible well I built it so we can protect the

Kids well I mean I still have the fence so look I can just run back here and I can just throw back there and see look now the kids are protected once again Sweet hey Dax you have to be careful you almost pushed me off okay well as long

As you crouch you’re not going to fall off the edge or anything what the heck okay and perfect so we’re almost to the island this is going to be so much fun and maybe there’ll be a bunch of cool stuff over there hopefully there’s treats uh Dax I see some Lego Skeletons

Over there wait Lego Skeletons zo what are you talking about and wa what the heck those are Lego Skeletons do you think they’re friendly uh probably not Zo they’re skeletons and skeletons always hurt you oh no this is not going to be good we’ll just have to defeat

Them in order to get all the goods on the island exactly and I guess it’s a good thing we have those diamond swords cuz we can actually fight them off a little bit this was such a good idea Dex good job okay perfect we’re already almost to the island and whenever you’re

Ready so we have to jump over there and start fighting all these skeletons and ow they already shot me with arrows go Dex oh gosh we’re jumping on the island come on so we can beat them all up wo I’m underwater Oh my gosh so come on we

Have to beat them all up be super fast there’s so many of them oh no I fell in the water come on so there’s only one more left come on I only have a couple of Hearts can you take them out please I’m trying oh my gosh I am so low on

Health and I’m scared and they’re running after me come back here skeleton stop running away come on Zoe beat them up beat them up are there still more oh wait no I think you might have taken the last one if that was it good job Zoe woohoo I told you I’m a skilled

Swordswoman yeah you are so good and wao look Zoe there’s a chest here seriously is there anything good in it ow and I just ran into the cactus I don’t know let me go ahead and see what’s inside this chest come on and waa what is this

Thing what is it Dax it says creative mode for 10 minutes wait we’re going to get creative mode back Zoe sweet that means we can build an even bigger house okay so I’m going to go ahead and throw it on us in 3 2 1 and wo zo look at that

Now we’re creative mode this is perfect this is awesome I honestly love being in creative mode yeah I know this is totally awesome and uh wait a second so wait there’s a sign back here oh no what does it say it says your Lego family is

Doomed in 15 minutes we’ll come for you wait we’re going to get attacked 15 minutes Zoe are you sure this is for us yeah Zoe I mean it’s literally on the island right across from us of course it’s for us oh no then maybe we should

Go put up some defenses okay quick come on let’s get back to the house okay zo we’re back to our house and it said there’s like 15 minutes before we’re going to get attacked we’re going to have to make our base a whole lot stronger okay what should we start with

Well I think the first thing we should probably do is get rid of some of these trees because honestly they’re just a little bit annoying out here oh no our trees but they’re so beautiful I know they are super nice but if we had added some cool stuff they’re kind of in the

Way right now okay well let’s just start breaking okay come on let’s go ahead and break all these trees apart and I guess we’re going to also have to replace the Frets wherever we break the trees at yeah that’s true my poor fence okay and perfect I broke all the trees on this

Side and I think right here is the last tree that we actually have to do okay perfect now we have all the trees out let’s probably get rid of these leaves as well that way we can actually start building some defenses in that’s a good idea I’ll start doing the same okay and

While we’re at it I’m also going to extend this fence out a little bit that way it actually touches the end of our Island and not just the inner part that’s a good idea okay perfect now that all the trees are done Zoe I think the

First thing we should add in is like a super cool lava mode on the outside that is such a good idea do you mean like on the inside of the fence yeah on the inside of the fence that’ be super cool but actually I think I’m going to extend

The fence out a little bit more so we have even more space to add in cool stuff that’s a good idea okay so now that we have basically all the fence added in let’s go ahead and start building out a lava boat okay so should we just start digging around our base

And then filling it with lava yeah I guess that’s a pretty good idea and I think like two blocks deep is probably good for a lava boat what do you think I think that’s perfect okay I’m going to go ahead and break this side over here

And Zoe I bet I can get around to the back way faster than you can yeah I don’t think you can you’re kind of a Slowpoke uh Zoe I’m literally already in the back what are you talking about are you serious wow Dax you are super fast

Now that we have basically all this filled out we can go ahead and add this lava in wo wait the lava actually looks kind of cool seriously I’m so excited to start pouring lava it’s like one of my favorite things to do yeah it looks like

Lego Lava or something I don’t know but it definitely looks way different than normal lava wo it’s like super bright yeah no it’s extremely glowy I bet nothing’s going be able to break through this I kind of love it I wish we could have stuff like this all the time ah a

Fire oh man that was way too close hopefully the Fire doesn’t like spread everywhere else that would be really bad for us that would be super bad and it almost burned my baby oh gosh you know was your baby to get burned so you got to be a better mother are you serious

You’re calling me a bad mom in front of my baby uh I mean if she almost lit on fire then yeah but you are the one pouring the lava so maybe you should watch it I mean I guess that’s fair enough okay perfect I think the lava

Layer is based basically done let’s see what’s the next thing we could add in do we have any type of lasers in W zo we do have lasers Lego lasers no way that sounds perfect okay so in order to add in lasers basically all we have to do is

Put down a laser block like this and then stack a few blocks high and then place out another laser block and then it connects a laser look at this wao that is actually so cool and how do I do that I just Place one of those down

Stack up the blocks and then Place another one exactly that’s all you have to do to place that lasers it’s like super easy wow that does sound super easy okay but we need to go ahead and place these all the way around our base and since I said it’s going to be like

One block away from the lava we probably need to put the fence a little bit further back yeah that’s true but I hate to keep messing up my fence yeah I know but hey we’re in Creative modes we have like unlimited fences and oh wait a second we only have creative mode for

Like five more bited zo we have to hurry up well maybe we should hurry up with the lasers maybe don’t worry about the fence and perfect zo all our lasers are basically added in our base is looking so good this is so awesome there’s no way that they’re going to be able to

Come at our base exactly but oh wait a second zo just in case they do come for our base maybe we should have an area with some armor that sounds like a good idea like an Armory chest exactly let’s go ahead build something right underneath our base that would be

Perfect wao this is going to be so cool it’s like we’re spies and oh wait a second there’s like a little cave underneath our base wo this is kind of cool this is super cool and wait a sec is that a chest oh yeah it looks like

There is a chest over here let’s see what’s inside of it and wao wait there’s like a bunch of different purple and green blocks what the heck it’s like they knew we were coming yeah that’s a little bit strange okay let’s go ahead and stop focusing on that and we can

Build a ladder down here so we can have our nice little Armory room okay perfect I went ahead and added all the ladders and now we need to have a place where our armor can go so why don’t we get some armor stands that’s a good idea can

You place my armor stand down I’m too busy putting up torches uh Zoe why are you putting up torches everywhere we can literally see everything perfectly fine it’s still a little too dark for my liking okay whatever well what type of armor do you want I think I’m going to

Go with some oh why don’t I go with some netherite armor that looks really cool Man netherite armor is my favorite and you knew that oh fine whatever Zoe I guess I can pick a different type of armor and wo I want to use gold armor

Since it’s super shiny good job dck you can choose that one I like the netherite armor cuz it’s kind of purple and next I want to get myself a chest and maybe get like some golden apples and maybe like a shield in there as well what about some

Weapons oh yeah I guess we also do need weapons huh where can we put the weapons at and oh wait I guess we can just throw in there too right exactly Dex and I’m guessing since you have netherite armor you’re probably going to want a netherite sword and I’ll use a diamond

Sword just I diamond armor perfect this is going to be so much fun and oh wait a second why did I literally say diamond armor wait this is gold right am I color blind you are color blind we both need to go to the doctor what the heck this

Is literally horrible okay so I have one more idea before we get attacked what is a DEX well just in case we do end up losing we don’t want any of those things to take over our base so why do we have a little self-destruct button that is

Such a good idea and you know how much I love pushing buttons exactly but okay I think I’m going to put a button right over here somewhere and we’re also going to need a little Escape rout so why don’t I build this a place that we can

Have planes on ooh planes I’m not a very good pilot well I guess you’re going to have to figure it out zo if you want to survive otherwise you’re going to fall straight into the void wow you would really let that happen to me well I

Can’t control it if you fall in what do you mean I’m your girlfriend you’re supposed to take care of me and what about our babies uh they can hop in the ples for themselves they’re super smart especially mine he’s way smarter than yours yeah I saw him eating glue earlier

What the heck what glue is his favorite food that’s not very smart to eat glue I think it hurts your stomach well either way if it hurts your stomach all right it doesn’t I’m still going to added these planes to the end so whenever I do hit this eventual button Zoe you’re

Going to have to hop on this plate over here okay this is going to be awesome okay now I need to go ahead and add on that button so let’s go ahead and grab us a nice little panic button and I can get us some super awesome TNT that we’re

Going to light off o I want to push the button early no Zoe you cannot push the button early if you push up early we’re all going to blow up including our babies wao baby where did you come from okay let me just go ahead and put the

TNT there and perfect zo whenever we’re going to leave I’ll hit that button and then we can blow everything up sounds good to me but can I hit the button uh sure sure I guess if you want to hit it sweet I can hit the button and uh wait a

Second zo it says zombies are here what in the world does that mean I’m going to take it as the zombies are here and we need to go fight them what the heck okay so quick make sure to grab all of your armor and then we can go check out

What’s going on up there okay I’m trying to hurry and make sure to grab your netherite sword I’m going to grab the golden apples and also my shield we got this okay come on we have to go up the ladders and let’s see what’s going on outside okay let’s just go ahead and

Open up the back door and oh my go so there’s so many zombies oh no we have to fight them hurry close the door so they don’t get the children oh my goodness zo there’s L like a trillion of them outside our base this is horrible this

Is horrible why do they keep attacking us I have no idea make sure to eat as many golden apples as you can so we can take them out I’m just pushing them right into the lava and it seems to be working oh perfect I hit them in the

Void but oh wait a second zo they had me trapped on the bridge I have to run to the other Island oh my gosh DX I wonder where they were going I thought that maybe they were retreating oh gosh this is a good all oh wait a second they

Can’t actually get to me and look they’re pushing each other off this is perfect so should I come over there no Zoe you should not come over here you’re going to fall off okay I think since they’re all lined up all I have to do is

Like punch them all off this should be pretty easy come on come on yes I’m punching all the baby zombies in the void not the babies what the heck zo they’re literally still zombies it doesn’t make a difference if they’re babies or not I know I just feel bad

Okay come on let me go ahead and break a few more pieces of dirt and then I can keep punching more of them off Zoe how many of them are outside of our base right now I don’t know I’m in the basement what the heck what are you

Doing in the basement you’re supposed to be helping me I’m trying I’m just getting some more supplies oh my gosh why are you getting supplies I’m literally fighting for my life out here first there’s like a trillion zombies are you okay uh no I’m not okay cuz I’m

Fighting for my life I’m sure you’re fine oh my goodness wait so wa I can see you get out here and help me I know I can’t get out okay wait I think this might be the last little zombie in this area come on zo help me punch him off we

Have to get him off into the void and perfect look we punched them in the void we did it Dax we’re awesome oh wait a second there’s still a few more of them in the lava is like come on we can punch these guys out and then I think there’s

One more guy in the lava there let’s go get him real quick you would think that the lava would take him out yeah you would think it would take him out but somehow he’s still alive come on Stupid Zombie get out of here I got him come on

You stupid zombie oh gosh wait it looks like he just died sweet that means we’re the winner exactly we defended our base and oh wait a second so it says wave two wave two does that mean there’s more zombies coming wait so wait there’s also creepers here now what the heck is this

This is not good but I’m not scared of any stinking creepers Zoe we’re not going to be able to take out creepers I think we have to get out of here seriously it’s time for the button oh my gosh Zoe quick I’m getting down the

Ladders oh my gosh we have to go where are our babies I don’t know but they should follow us zo just get down here I’m going okay zo I’m going to go ahead and out my plane and you said you hit the button so you have to press it as

Soon as you get down here okay I’m about to press a DEX okay quick I’m hopping my plane come on zo we have to go I’m going wa wait zo do you hear that sound oh no this is not going to be good this is going to be so coet bet everything’s

Going to get destroyed seriously what about our babies oh gosh wait I completely forgot about them and oh my gosh a Laser’s coming down oh no the entire building was just destroyed what in the world Zoe not our babies maybe they’re on the plane with us maybe

They’re just in the back uh no Zoe they’re not in the play with us at all oh no Zoe this is horrible I know we’re like the worst parents ever what in the world oh wait a second so I see something on the island no way I’m about to crash into the island

Oh gosh wait I’m coming right behind you oh my gosh DX it’s our children what in the world they survived that means we won woohoo this is a great day to be us wo Dax look I’m Batman wo you’re Batman and wo look at this it looks like I’m

Spider-Man you look so cool yeah you look super cool too but let’s go a and hit this spawn hero baby thing and see what our babies look like and wo look at this Zoe I have a Dax spider baby and I have a Zoe Batman baby oh my gosh they

Are so cute okay okay Zoe while we’re making our superhero builds we should probably put them in a really secure place that way nothing happens to them yeah that’s a really good idea are you going to build something yeah let me go ahead and get something super strong

Like some reinforced glass that would be super cool okay so the first thing I’m going to do is build out some walls like this I’ll cover it all in the Middle with reinforced glass and if you didn’t know you really can’t break this with anything like even a nuclear bom can’t

Break reinforced glass are you serious I had no idea yeah it is like super super strong let me go ahead and finish this out so I can build up both their rooms okay now that I have this huge enclosure let me go ahead and place down some bunker doors which means it’s super

Super hard to get inside and then how about I keep each one of them a couch I’ll give mine a lime couch and I’ll give yours a purple couch since that’s your favorite color perfect all right I’ll put the green couch on this side the purple couch on that side and now

Let’s go ahead and grab our babies and put the both inside of here all I have to do is pick up this little guy and perfect let’s go throw them inside and perfect now that both our babies are inside of there let’s go ahead and close

Our doors and then we got still building our super awesome sides and since I’m Spider-Man I think it’ be a super good idea if I buil like a huge City over here that sounds so awesome and since I’m Batman I think I need to do a batcave wao a batcave would be super

Awesome okay good luck with that zo I’m going to start building my city okay but just make sure there’s no Intruders that come into my base I think the first thing I’m going to do is make a big lava boat around the outside of my city just

To make it super difficult for anyone to get inside ooh I think for my Batcave I’m going to do a secret underground tunnel wao a secret underground tunnel how are you even going to do that Zoe I think I’m going to build it with some

Red stone wo that would be super cool I can’t wait to see what it looks like okay this is going to be the entrance to my city right here and on the outside I’m going to go ahead and build a big Bedrock wall just to make it impossible

For anyone to get inside okay the Bedrock wall is looking pretty good and then I got to stack it up like four blocks in the sky just to make it hard and also to make it super impossible for anyone to get inside I’m going to add a huge bunker door and basically this

Thing is like impossible to open you’re going to have to either have the seek or passord or be super strong to do that now I can start building the buildings and I think going to add in let’s say like four different buildings let’s go ahead and start on the first one which I

Think I’m going to make like an arcade and a game area let me just go ahead and grab some Oak planks like this and then I can start stacking it up super high in the sky okay I’ll add one building to that side over there I’ll have a little

Space in the middle and then I’ll go ahead and build the other one right about here Dex I think I’m done with my secret tunnel oh are you can I come check it out yeah come on over okay let me open up my super big blast door like

That and perfect and uh Zoe wait a second where in the world is your secret underground base yeah it’s secret for a reason you can’t see it right away uh okay and wait what does this lever do go ahead and flick it okay let’s see it wao

Wait did this open an underground floor yep it sure did oh my gosh is that where you going to build all the Batcave stuff yep isn’t it awesome that is so cool so once I press it again it like closes up and oh my Go ZO that is so cool how’ you

Even do that I’m just super talented deck what in the world you literally got the smarts of Batman with your superhero Powers that’s so cool thanks Dex okay well somebody’s base is already looking super cool let me go ahead and catch up and I think the first thing I need to do

Is make some big pillars for my building let me go ahead and click one corner here one one quarter over here and then we can stack it super high and I’m thinking something like 50 blocks in the sky and wo that looks so cool okay let

Me get a bunch of Oak planks so I can stack those up as well and man this is already looking super cool let me go ahead and see what it looks like from the outside and man this building is absolutely ginormous okay since this building is made out of oak logs and Oak

Planks maybe I should make the other one out of green since that is my favorite color we’ll make all the pillars out of these lime concrete blocks on the inside will’ll make it out of lime wool just to be extra special ooh I think I’m going to start working on the bat kitchen

First uh wait a second zo what in the world is a bat kitchen I swear I’ve never heard of that before don’t worry about it Dax uh okay well I’m making super tall buildings and they honestly look pretty cool right now I think you’re going to be a little bit jealous

You think so do you yeah but you’re going to have to see it whenever you come back out here since you’re all the way in the ground now okay let me go ahead and add us sub doors for each one of these sides and perfect which one do

I want to start in first though maybe I start this side and I can go ahead and build a few different rooms we’re definitely going to need oursel a lot of ladders if we’re going to get up between floors and I said I wanted to make an

Arcade so let’s go ahead and build arcade on the first floor which is going to be right here let me just grab all the arcade machines I need and wo these ones look super cool I should also probably grab some glass just so it’s not all depressing and dark inside of

Here let’s go ahead and light up all these walls with glass something like this and oh my gosh I lit have the perfect view of just a lime block right outside my window that’s how big the other building is okay like I said now I need to go ahead and add in these

Machines this one is pong I also have a Pac-Man machine and I have a Tetris machine and I also have a snake machine I kind of want to play one of these let’s see which one do I want to use and the pack did look cool but I also kind

Of want to play Snake let’s see how fun this is okay here we go I think you play Snake by collecting the little Cube and then your snake gets bigger let’s see it oh my gosh look at that it got bigger let’s go ahead and see how big of a

Snake we can make and man I’ve barely been playing but look how big my snake is already getting this is kind of crazy it it’s getting a lot faster too oh gosh I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do this for and this one’s also super super

Low to the edge okay I got to be really careful let’s turn to the left and perfect oh man this one is right next to the edge let me see if I can do this come on come on come on I’m super good I’m super good and wao look at that I

Made it right on the edge I am like super talented at this my score is already 20 okay I have another one pretty close to the wall let me see come on I’m sure I can do this it oh my gosh I hit the wall I only had a score of 23

That’s so lame I only got like two tickets well I guess the arcade room is already looking pretty good I’m going to have to build a whole lot of Flo since I made this like 50 blocks tall I should make this next FL the petting zoo that

Would be so awesome okay let’s go ahead and added some blocks here and I’m definitely going to have to extend the building out in a couple directions if I want a petting zoo and in order to make this petting zoo we’re going to need a

Bit of grass so let me go ahead and get that and then I’ll stack it let’s say like uh 10 blocks in that direction and wo this is going to be such a big zoo let’s go ahead and build out our walls next I’ll also go ahead and make the

Roof out of this out of glass just so the animals can actually see outside because we don’t want them to feel like they’re in captivity or something even though they kind of are what the heck Dax you’re putting animals in cages uh Zoe I’m making a zoo so I kind of have

To put the animals in cages but I’m giving them a lot of space don’t worry okay just treat them very good oh don’t worry I am going to treat them super good let me just go ahead and throw in some water so they have a bunch of of

Stuff to drink and then I’m probably going to need to get some bone meal that way I can put grass everywhere and don’t worry they’re going to have so much stuff this probably going to be way better than nature now let me go ahead and add in a couple trees and of course

I have to kind of build these out cuz this is a little bit of a tight space and oh gosh maybe I should make the roof a bit taller there we go that’s looking a lot better okay let me go ahead and raise this tree up a little bit like

That and perfect now I can make like a fulls size tree now I need to go ahead and add glass to the front just to make sure that the animals Escape something just like that and perfect and I guess for the petting zoo we can get like some

Pigs and we can get some cows and just throw them all in here and actually I think I’m going to name this one Pig Bob cuz he’s going to be like the extra special animal a bob what a cute name yeah he’s like a super super cute Pig

Zoe you actually want to come check out my little Zoo yep that sounds awesome okay Zoe let me let you inside of my awesome gate light there and boom look at those blasto it’s super hard to get in if you don’t have like a passcode or

Anyone inside to help you wao those are super cool and on one side I have my super big greed building and on the other side I have the other like Oak building and this is where the petting zo in the arcade is fun what animals do

You you have I have pigs and I have cows and look at this this is the arcade room there’s a bunch of different games if you wanted to play anything ooh this one’s snake yeah snake is super fun but it’s really really long it’s super difficult I think while you’re playing

Snake I might actually play some Pac-Man I’m going to play Tetris okay let’s see who can survive longest even though they’re completely different games it’s probably going to be me you’re not very good at games no way I am super good look at this I’ve already eatting a

Bunch of ghosts I’ve eaten like two different ghosts already every you say Dax there goes two ghost now I’m going on oh gosh wait a second they’re catching up to me oh God the pink ghost is getting close it’s perfect got one of those little ball things and wait what

The heck the S ghost is coming at me oh no Zoe this is not looking good I’m getting trapped into a corner you okay no I’m trying my best oh perfect I got another one of those balls let me go eat more ghosts punch buch buch B Bunch I’m

Eating all this is so easy Zoe oh gosh wait a second they turn they turned back oh no I’m getting trapped I’m getting trapped and oh The Blue Ghost took me out okay you might have been right you might have lasted longer than me yeah

I’m not surprised a dang it I lost wait how many tickets did you get though Zoe only two you only got two tickets hot I got like 12 tickets look at that no thanks I don’t want your ticket uh fine I’ll just keep all the tickets for

Myself then let’s just move on to the little petting zoo woohoo petting zoo okay I might have said petting zoo but you’re not allowed to pet any of the animals they are like totally sensitive what the heck I wanted to feed them no you can’t feed them only I can feed them

But look at this I have a cow I have a pig and then I have another pig named Bob back there a hi Bob yeah he’s super adorable but this is basically my base so far what have you added yet um I’ve added a kitchen I’ve added a baby room

I’ve added an archery station wait what the heck you added in so much stuff I want to go check it out okay so all we have to do is flick this little lever down here and perfect now I can drop into the Batcave and wao this is so cool

Down here thanks Dax it’s not completely finished yet but I can show you the kitchen okay let’s go ahead and check out the kitchen and wo it is super dark in here Zoe you need like some torches or something let me get you some nice glowstone yeah that’s probably a good

Idea I’ll just smack some glow stone here and some glow stone here and why there a bunch of like scary rugs on the floor this is kind of freaking me out they’re cute uh I don’t really think they’re cute they’re kind of horrifying but hey your kitchen looks pretty cool

Thanks STX it has everything you could possibly need yeah you have a nice little sink a blender a radio another blender and a bunch of cabins okay this is pretty sick and wool you even have ceiling fans yep just so the air circulation is pretty good down here wo

Your bat cave is literally looking so cool okay have you built anything else yet um not really okay well let me go check out you have like a bunch of doors and a bunch of sides let’s see oh you have a bat roller coaster that’s coming

Bat parkour a bat room a bat cave and a bat Archer wow there’s a bunch of cool stuff that you’re going to make thanks Stacks but I have to get back to work cuz I want to finish in time okay okay let me go back to my b so we can start

Building and uh I’m going to go ahead and cover it up okay okay sounds good wo that is such a cool mechanism that she can just hide her base okay now I’m super inspired let me go ahead and added some more stuff let me make sure to

Throw in a bit of glass so it doesn’t look all depressing and sad inside if you’re too okay let’s go ahead and added a bit more ladder so I can move on to the next floor and let’s see what do I want to build next Zoe did have like an

Archer area I guess she’s having like a little training area for her baby so what if I do the same thing it also build out an archery area over here okay let’s start by making a big floor like this and then I’m going to stack it out

Pretty far the next thing we should probably do is build in some walls and perfect I’ll make this Archer area super tall and let’s go ahead and add glass to the top since I like adding glass cuz you can see like the weather and stuff now that I have all the glass installed

Let’s go ahead and add in some fence where basically all the archery is going to start at and we should probably also get a chest with a bow and arrow in it next up we can get some archery targets let’s go ahead and place these all

Around the room in a bunch of different spots and we’re also going to put some of them kind of high up just to make it super super challenging okay we’ll just go ahead and add in a few more and perfect my Archer room is actually looking pretty cool right out and man

This looks really difficult let me go ahead and try it out real quick okay I’ll take the Archer bow like this and boom look at that I’m hitting all the targets man I am so good at archery Zoe I’m way better archery than you yeah I seriously doubt that I’m practically a

Pro what the heck I bet I can hit more of them faster than you can hit more of them I don’t think so at all you are not very good at archery we come over here let’s have a challenge okay Zoe how about you go first and I’ll keep a timer

To see how fast you went sounds good okay go ahead and start shooting you have a bunch of targets to hit and I’m sure I can do it faster cuz you have 10 and I don’t think you can do in wo you’re already hitting the target so

Quick yeah I’m really good at this Dex I don’t know why you even doubt me what the heck how are you so good with a bow and arrow this doesn’t even make any sense that’s just who I am it’s in my blood okay you only have three targets

Left and oh my goodness you literally haven’t even missed yet and oh my gosh you hit them all in like 15 seconds yeah what were you saying Dax okay don’t worry I can do even better watch this Zoe okay good luck 3 2 1 go go go go

Watch how fast I can go come on come on come on I have to do this and man yours might be a lot faster than mine but mine are super super accurate yikes you are really slow what the heck I literally just finished and I swear I finished

Like a second faster than you no you finished in like 20 seconds but I finished in 15 what the heck a fine okay I’m going to keep practicing I’m going to get a lot better okay Dax good luck okay now that my archery room is done

Let’s go ahead and add another floor I think for this next room I want to add like a super cool pool that’d be really fun so let me go ahead and grab some blocks and let’s see what do I want to make it out of oh let’s go ahead and use

Diamonds just to show everyone that I’m like super super rich we’ll go ahead and curve out the pool and I kind of don’t want to go over the archery area so let’s kind of make sure it’s away from it like that okay let me just fill in a

Few more sections and I also don’t want to go too far where it hits the Green Building since I want the Green Building to also be pretty cool now let’s go ahead and grab ourselves some nice slabs and I think I’m going to use Sandstone

Slabs cuz it kind of reminds me of the beach all we have to do is fill this up all the way on the outside and then we can place all our water in it since we have these our water won’t actually leak out let’s also make sure to grab oursel

A Fed skate that way the water doesn’t leak out over here and then we can just open those and cover whatever they want now we can just fill all this up with water and perfect our pool looks pretty good but I kind of want to add one more

Section that I think I’m going to have a lot of glass in let’s go ahead and build another platform right over here like I said it’s going to be made of All Glass so that way you just see down and look over everything now all we have to do is

Add in some Sandstone slabs like this and then we can just add in a bit more water like this and honestly I should probably Brak apart all this Sandstone right here I also want people to know that the floor is actually switching so I think I’m going to add in some red

Right here that way people could actually see it and notice that the floor is going to change oh gosh I have all the water leaking now oh gosh this isn’t good hopefully it doesn’t land in any of my lava let’s see how far is this

Going to go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh and oh thank good said to go in my lava that would have been bad okay let’s fly back up here and then we can finish up this carpet and perfect our little po air is actually looking pretty good our little

Spiderman base is looking so cool and actually since I buil a little pull out why don’t I build a water slide at the top of this one let’s go ahead and cover all this flooring up and then I got to get some stuff to make the slide let’s

Get ourselves some fed gate just to make sure no one can fall off and then I think I’m going make the slide out of dark oak just so it’s a little bit different than everything else but I’m going to want this to make a lot of

Really cool loops and make a lot of cool turs I want to go all the way down to the bottom of our base and Hey Zoe how’s your little Batcave going it’s going really good oh what are you working on right now I’m working on the baby’s room

Oh the baby’s room wait I haven’t even built the baby’s room that’s probably a good idea since this house is like meant for my baby uh yeah that would be a good idea Dex maybe I’ll go ahead and work on that next maybe I’ll actually put all

That type of stuff in the Green Building since that’s my favorite color and it matches that’s a good idea but for now I’m going to go ahead and keep finishing out my water slide this is going to be like the most epic water slide you’ve

Ever seen in your life Zoe uh okay I’ll be the judge of that okay now I just have to curve it a little bit more so I can end and perfect I can have my water slide Ed like right over here this looks like a good spot now I need to go back

And added a bunch of side really just so none the water leaks out okay now that all the side reing is it let me go ahead and slap in some water so the super awesome slide can be built and oh gosh it’s already going over the edge okay I

Completely messed up some parts of this slide this is not looking good already there we go now this is looking a lot better let me go ahead and wrap the water down over here and perfect I think my water slide looks really awesome and wo this first building is literally the

Coolest thing ever but thinking about it I don’t think I added any defenses maybe I should add in a few different lasers to the outside let’s go ahead and grab some bedrock and then I can line it up all the way across the walls okay perfect now that I have all the Bedrock

Added all I need to do is put one of these Shield pads down put a laser on top and look at that now we have a bunch of lasers let’s go ahead and put these Shield pads all the way around and then I’ll go back and add a bunch of lasers

In okay now that I have all the shield pads down let me go ahead and start smacking all these lasers and my base is going to be super super secure and perfect now I have all the lasers added my base looks Ultra Ultra cool but I

Still do have to build this big green side which I think I’m going to add like the baby’s room in and a couple other things where I can actually get the baby to be a Spiderman let me also add in a pathway since I haven’t done that yet I

Don’t want to just use normal grass that’s kind of boring I also want to add in a bit of post where I can put glow stone just like that just like some nice little lamps Hey Zoe I’m done with like my first huge build do you want to check

Out my side real quick yeah that sounds like so much fun I’ll be right over okay let me go ahead and give you a huge short and why are you breaking my grass I didn’t mean to oh my gosh you just got to my base and you’re already destroying

It I’m sorry okay look come inside of here and I’ll give you a nice tour right now I don’t have anything in the green side so we’re going to go on the nice Oak plank side ooh this is very snazzy something I’ve never seen before okay

Okay I know you saw the arcade room and I know you saw the petting room so we’re going to go past those cuz they’re kind of boring right now not boring I’ve just already seen them yeah you have already seen them and I guess you already saw

The archer tower too oh man we have to go to like the fourth floor okay DX come on show me the good stuff okay zo this is where I have my huge pool and I have one part that was over here that’s like coverage and stuff but on the other side

I have a bunch of glass so you can see all the way down while you’re swimming wow that is so cool and you know how much I love swimming exactly it is so much fun honestly I’m thinking about putting in like a deep end what do you

Think that would be such a good idea and you should make the deep end made out of glass oh the deep end out of glass would be super cool okay maybe I can actually make that real quick all I have to do is select two sides over here and then I

Think I just have to like stack it downward and perfect look at that okay now we have a bunch of glass so all I need to do is carve out the inside of this and I think I can do that with a little basic command and boom look at

That zo now we have a deepend that’s made entirely out of glass this is beyond cool yeah that was honestly such a great idea good job Zoe thanks St okay now let me go ahead and show you the next part where I actually have my super awesome water slide that gets you down

To the bottom ooh a water slide that sounds like so much fun okay whenever you’re ready you can just hop on the water slide and go all the way down it’s actually super fun ooh this is awesome yep and it’s super fast and even in the

Middle of it it goes between my two buildings which I thought was pretty cool that is super cool and like I said this takes you all the way down to the bottom so you have to worry about taking like boring ladders or anything you can have fun going down a water slide every

Time why can’t every place has this I know it was such a great idea and Boop there’s the ending right there you can just jump over and now you’re back on the floor sweet well way what do you think about my build so far it is super

Awesome and I can’t wait to see what you did with the green side but do you want to come check out my base yeah I’m definitely going to make the green side super cool but I would love to check out your base and see what you’ve added

Let’s go okay Zoe we’re back down in your little Batcave so what have you done so far well first you have to come check out the kitchen cuz I switched it up a little bit wao look at this you made the walls all cool and stuff okay

This does look a lot better now yep and it’s pretty lit yeah you addited a bunch of Glowstone so now I can actually see inside of here sweet I’m so glad you liked it now follow me this way okay what’s the next thing you did come with

Me to the batro wo the batro and wo is this supposed to be your kidss room Yep this is where they’re going to play honestly this does look super super cool but wait a second why is this tent black because I’m Batman Oh I thought you were

Making one for my kid too oh man I thought our kids were going to have like a play date or something well they can still play it’s just following the scheme of Zoe as a Batman okay I definitely understand that I also started on some Parkour wait you started

On parkour and what the heck wait why do you have parkour inside of your base it’s going to be like a training center so I can train my baby what the so you’re going to train your baby yep and she’s going to do so good oh my gosh

Okay your back cave is totally crazy I’m going to go back to my little Spider-Man build Zoe did add in a bunch of cool stuff and she I gave me some motivation to add some training stuff for my kids so why do I added a bit of cool stuff to

My green side I think the first thing I’m going to add in is a bit of parkour and we’re going to go ahead and make like a big spiral so the kid has to practice now let’s go ahead and get some ladder so he has to do ladder parkour

ADM ladder parkour is honestly some of like the most difficult parkour I’m not even good at it let me just add in a few more jumps like this and then I’ll go ahead and end it off with some glowstone right about here let’s also go ahead and

Cover in a bit of this I can’t cover in all of it because there some of this stuff here and it probably wouldn’t work out very well but I think most of that stuff right there could get covered in I think the next thing I want to build out

Is like a battle arena where my kid’s going to have to practice fighting and perfect okay I’m at a really big hallway let’s go ahead and get some glass just kind of spice it up a little bit and my idea for this is I’m going to have dispensers back there that shoot out

Like a bunch of crazy creatures that the kid’s going to have to practice again let’s make sure to grab oursel a nice little fence and we’ll also put a gated area in the middle like that next up let’s go ahead and grab some dispensers and this is where I’m going to put a

Bunch of mobs inside and I’m thinking for this I want to add in some skeletons and perfect that should be good now let’s go ahead and get some Redstone so I can connect everything also make sure to add an armor stand that way the kid actually has armor to fight with

Otherwise it would be super difficult and wao this sword looks super cool it’s called The End Crystal Sword okay I’m definitely going to go ahead and throw that in there so they can practice with it now I said I need to go ahead and run

The Redstone and let me get a sign that says this releases the mob so no one accidentally presses it and now that I have this let me go ahead and rub the Redstone all the way to the back where the dispensers are all I have to do is

Route it back in this direction like this and perfect that should run pretty well let me go ahead and test this all I have to do is press this lever in oh my gosh look at that a bunch of different skeletons spawned and if I was actually

Fighting them I could take this super cool sword and just open this and then beat all of them up and they’re so easy to feet cuz I’m super strong but I think this will be a good amount of training since we want they K to be Spider-Man

After all and what the heck that skeleton just blew up oh my gosh it just blew up this entire thing and I have to build it again okay those skeletons are super super dangerous I have to be a lot more careful next time okay last have to

Add in the Redstone again like that and now I think everything should work again I am definitely not spotting in more skeletons right now though cuz they just completely blew everything up okay well now that that is done let’s go ahead and build the next part of this and of

Course in order to get up there we’re going to have more parkour since this is trading after all let’s just throw on some pretty easy parkour jumps and up here is actually where I’m thinking I’m going to build a baby’s bedroom at they’re going to have to do good and do

All the parkour if they want to make it up and perfect this looks like a pretty good spot how about we build the baby room right here and perfect okay the room is basically built out let’s go ahead and get a bunch of stuff that we

Would have use and of course I’m going to grab a bunch of lime stuff I’m going to go ahead and put the bed in the corner right over here also want to throw on some fun stuff let’s go ahead and add like a drum kit right over here

And also add like a nice big couch inside of here I can also probably go ahead and add a sink and a little dresser with a nice alarm clock on top of it maybe I should extend this out a little bit just so there’s a bit more

Room for like the drum set and stuff perfect that’s looking really good let’s see what else can I throw in for the Bab baby room oh yeah it’s probably a good idea if I throw in like a nice little stroller over here and probably some baby bottles okay now that that’s built

Out let’s go ahead and go up to the last part which is going to be a huge race area let’s go ahead and throw in some more parkour that the baby’s going to have to do if they want to be a professional Spider-Man just like me

Okay I think we just have a few more jumps and yeah we’re almost already to the top okay this is perfect and boom just like that we made it all the way up to the top let’s go ahead and cover in some of this area over here up here is

What I want to build that big racetrack so let’s go ahead and get some black concrete and probably some yellow concrete as well we’re going to build a RAC trck that goes all the way to the bottom whatever is the fastest is like the best driver ever and man this is

Honestly looking a little bit similar to the water slide hopefully it isn’t too fast and like all the race cars go flying off everywhere but once I’m done making this big RAC trck area I’m going to go ahead and add in some right I’m going to go ahead and add in some side

Rails just to make sure no one falls off because that would be super bad Okay and like the water slide we’re also going to end it at the bottom over here so let’s go ahead and add that part and perfect that looks pretty good let’s go back and

Add some of the yellow concrete and perfect okay I added a bunch of walls into the racetrack now everything should be good let me go ahead and grab a c race cars okay I’ll just add in a bit of fent and then I have a couple go-karts

Let me go ahead and test out this R track and see actually how hard it is and oh gosh wa this is already super difficult I already fell off the bummers oh my goodness this is so hard and oh God I flew off completely okay that is

Going to be extremely difficult I don’t even know who’s good enough to do that looking at my entire base this thing looks super super cool and I think I might have one of the best superhero builds ever let me go ahead and make one of the cars green and one of them purple

This is like the perfect base ever okay Zoe me and you have built like the coolest superhero bases first and I think it’s time to check out and see who’s actually best this is going to be awesome who are we seeing first let’s go ahead and check out mine since mine’s on

The surface and it’s probably the easiest to look at okay sounds good all right well if you come over this way and make sure to be super careful with your baby cuz there’s a bunch of like dangerous lasers and stuff okay let’s do it all you have to do is walk through

This bunker door and boom you’re on to your first part and actually which building do you want to check out first the Oak Side or the live side well considering I’ve seen the Oak Side a lot let’s see the green side okay come on over to the green side and this is

Actually trading for my kid there’s a bunch of Parkour that he’s going to have to do do if he wants to actually become Spider-Man like me this is going to be awesome yeah the parkour is super super difficult but after you get all the training done you should be pretty much

Good to go and oh gosh I already messed up one of the jumps I’m not even Spider-Man what’s going on Dex you’re not setting a good example for your baby okay look let me just try it again I think I just missed the jump and oh my

Gosh my head literally just hit this thing that’s why I messed up that wasn’t even my fault Zoe you’re such a silly goose but also you’re the one who built it so it kind of is your fault yeah I guess I am the one that built it but

Okay look at this part this next part is a little trading area actually let me go ahead and go to survival so I can show you all you have to do is go ahead into this chest grab some golden apples and I’m not even going to put the armor

Since I’m so confident okay good luck all I have to do is grab this sword here flick this lever and boom look a bunch of skeletons spawned whoa be careful Dax you’re getting hit with arrows oh my gosh wait okay there’s a lot of skeletons and they have a bunch of

Arrows come on come on come on I can do this I can do this and man their arrows are super powerful use your sword Dax that’s what I’m trying to do and what the heck they just blew up yikes Dax it ruins some of your builds uh I have no

Idea what happened and I have no idea why that skeleton blew up but uh yeah that was supposed to be a trading area well I got some golden apples when you exploded well I guess that’s pretty cool let’s just move on to the next one and

What the heck wa baby Dax is down oh no your baby died wait a second where did he go he must went somewhere he must have respawned oh my gosh look he’s right back see nothing even bad happen well that’s good at least okay the next

Part if you want to do you have to do a bunch of Parkour in order to get up and like I said I’m had to get a bunch of Parkour because if my baby wants to be Spider-Man he’s going to have to be like a professional all this stuff yeah but

Since I’m Batman I can just fly what the heck so I know you can’t fly you’re just missing the room room what room there’s a baby room right here that you totally just passed up this is where my baby lives aw this is super cute but uh what

If he falls uh he won’t fall because he’s Spider-Man duh oh okay yep I have a couch for I have a nice little drum set I even have a really cool bed and I also have this alarm clock here o I love drum set yeah it is pretty cool but okay come

Up here Zoe this is where the most fun part of this whole build is if you fly up to the top I actually have a race course that me and you’re going to compete on ooh a race course that sounds so much fun yep and I gave you a purple

Go-kart and I have a green one and then we can both ride them to see who is the best this is going to be awesome but yours is already in the front that’s not fair okay fine then you can go ahead and oh my God so you just drove off okay I

Beat you to the bottom what the heck you can’t do that Zoe that’s literally cheating how you have to complete that course legitimately like I am I did oh my gosh you literally just flew off Z way that is complete cheating just say that you’re not a daredevil like me what

The heck okay you know what I’m going to beat this course fair and square and look at you you’re already riding around on the bottom this is just ridiculous yay Dax look I’m doing donuts oh my goodness I can’t believe you actually cheated but look I made down to the

Bottom legitly so that means I won good job Dax okay Zoe well now it’s time for us to check out your Batman build let’s go see what everything looks like down there okay let’s go of course you have to hit that lever and wao that is so

Cool come with me this way okay let’s see it okay we have the bat kitchen first let me see if you made any changes here yeah I made one change let’s go ahead and see it wo you added like a big lava F at the end of the kitchen that is

Really cool yeah it is super cool and we can use it to cook it’s also a little dangerous though what if like one of the babies Falls in there they won’t and if they do natural selection what the heck that is so messed up okay and now here

Is the bat Archer room okay the bat Archer room wait this one says level one oh my gosh you have a bunch of targets set up and why is my baby over there uh I guess she was practicing or something I don’t know oh she’s a hard worker okay

Let me go ahead and try level one I’ll just shoot that one and boom that was way too easy level one sucks well that’s why it’s level one Dex it’s supposed to be super easy okay let’s see what level two looks like and wo these are a lot

Further but don’t worry I’m a professional since I am Spider-Man I can take these all out with no problems settle good job Dax you are killing it okay let’s see what this final level looks like and oh my gosh this one is a lot harder because they’re all hidden

Yep it is super crazy but that’s the whole point let me see can I hit the one in the back perfect I only have two left and perfect I only have one left let me see if I can do it and oh no I missed

The last one a that means you stink okay look but then I went ahead and hit it so there we go I’m the best I wouldn’t say that but you did your best okay let’s head on to the next room come with me this way to the bat parkour room wao

Batour is this a bunch of like training that the bat baby has to do yep it’s going to be super crazy oh my gosh STX you’re already doing it yep I’m actually doing it let’s see if I can make it all the way across and Perfect Since I’m

Spider-Man I’m like the best at Parkour ever I wouldn’t say that and wo this one you have to go all the way to the bottom okay that is kind of challenging yeah it is super challenging let me see and wait I’m in career mode I can literally just

Fly down like this and perfect I beat your little parkour course good job Dax now we have to go up this ladder to go back up and uh Zoe wait what is this bat roller coaster over here well go in and see let’s see and wo you actually built

A whole roller coaster in here yep isn’t that super fun the kids are going to love it okay I want to try it first let’s see and wao this is super cool and wait it goes over lava Zoe that’s dangerous no they’ll be fine oh my goodness okay let’s see where is this

Taking me what the heck zo literally the void is below me isn’t that awesome uh it is cool but wait a second this literally just goes straight into the baby’s bedroom are you sure that’s safe that’s super safe how are they supposed to get there in a quick way uh okay I

Don’t know that’s super safe but sure that was pretty cool thanks STX I tried super hard and now you can see my face favorite room the best part of the whole place wo this is the Batcave I can’t wait to see what’s down here let’s go

Ahead and jump into the water and wao wait there’s a plane down here Yep this is like an Escape Route oh can I go ahead and try it out do it Dex let’s see and I’m pretty good with flying play Oh My Gosh wait this is actually super

Difficult come on come on and wo I have to go up super fast what the heck I’m literally flying out of the back cave now that was so much fun awesome I’m glad you like it wo this is so cool okay Zoe your back cave was like one of the

Coolest things ever thank you so much oh wait a second where in the world am I and wa wait who are you hey TV man look you woke up ah you’re finally awake good morning my children wait who in the world are you and wo why are you so tall

And wait a second why am I so short and wo who am I I am the Titan TV man your father and this is your sister TV woman you’re in our family home wait what in the world are we even doing here wait I don’t have a sister I swear I don’t even

Look like this hi isn’t this going to be exciting we’re going to learn so much from Dad wait what do you mean we’re going to learn so much for Dad I honestly have no idea who you even are you both have much to learn to become

True Titan TV beings but be cautious the world outside is not always safe Beware of the skibby toilets lurking around wait did you say there’s skibby toilets outside uh I don’t really see anything can I just go outside and explore for a little bit I would be careful okay let

Me just go outside and wo it’s so nice outside there’s so many bushes and there’s a bunch of nice trees and oh my gosh there’s a bunch of skimy toilets outside what in the world oh gosh oh gosh there’s too many of them oh and uh

Wait a second are you actually Sav me from all of them yeah I told you to be careful waa wait do you have like a laser gun that is so cool ow you shot me I wouldn’t have shot you if you didn’t try to leave the house what in the world

Okay well I saw a bunch of toilets and they all did a bunch of damage to me so I promise I’m not going to run away anymore but wait you said we have to do some stuff in order to become a true Titan TV what does that even mean to

Become a true Titan like me you and your sister must complete five trials these will test your strength intelligence and courage wait we’re going to have to complete five trials wait that sounds super difficult do you think we can actually do that yep and we can do this

Together uh oh okay well TV man what’s the first challenge we’re going to have to do the first challenge you’ll have to complete is the parkour challenge wo parkour sounds like so much fun and I’m like basically like a parkour Pro so this is going to be so easy I bet I can

Beat it faster than you yeah I bet you can too because I’m absolutely horrible at parkour okay well just go ahead and take us over there so we can see the whole challenge all right let’s go and waa wait is this the parkour course you were talking about yeah this is the

First challenge this course will assess your agility and precision let’s see how well you can manage these jumps what in the world wait manage these jumps so wait what do we have to do to try to find your way up to the top w we have to

Find our way all the way up there but that’s so high up well if you want to become a Titan TV like me you need to get it done don’t worry we could do this uh okay well we have to find our way up to the top so let’s go ahead and see

Where can I start it and I guess there’s ladders right here so maybe I can just jump on the ladders and we can start like that wait are you already trying to beat me up the ladders yeah this is a race after all well it looks like I

Already got the head start on you come on I can totally do this and let’s go I’m pretty high up but wo there’s so many jumps left I don’t think I can do all this you’re going to have to do this if you want to become a true through

Titan TV man oh my gosh this is so difficult but as long as I’m ahead of the TV woman I think I’m doing pretty good and wait a second you’re actually catching up right now yep I’m catching up to you and you’re totally going to lose this parkour challenge no way I’m

Already up to this weird green section and wao there are a bunch of ladders over here this looks super super difficult okay let me go ahead and walk to the edge over here and let’s see must jump around and look there’s another ladder over here and perfect m to the

Back of this I’m totally destroying you TV woman whatever I’m going to catch up to you no shot I’m going as fast as I can come on come on come on and uh TV man how much do I even have left you’re almost done you only have a few jumps

Left to make it to the end oh gosh come on I can totally do this and how far is the T one behind and well I don’t even see you T but you be like really bad at parkour hey you need to be nice to me I’m trying my best well you’re trying

Your best but you’re still losing cuz it looks like I’m going to win this first challenge okay let’s see I made it all the way up to the yellow and wait what is that sign in the middle that sign is where you’re supposed to finish the challenge oh that’s the Finish Line okay

Let me go ahead and jump on this blue right here and then I can just do a few more jumps and perfect I made it all the way to the end congratulations you completed the first challenge oh wait a second why do I look different now and

Wao wait I look like the TV man every challenge you complete you’ll upgrade into a new TV character what in the world that is so cool and hot since you’re lost you have to stay as a baby TV but that must suck for you what the heck but I actually completed the

Parkour yeah but you didn’t beat me I got first place and you got second place which means you got last what the heck I tried so hard though well you said there’s five total challenge we have to do so we already did the parkour one what’s the second one the next challenge

Is a redstone door challenge wait a redstone door challenge that sounds super cool art take us over there and whoo wait is this the next challenge area it sure is and wait you said this is a red stone door Challenge and wo there’s a bunch of stairs down here and

Wait there’s like a super big door down here am I allowed to go inside yeah here follow me okay and wo that door looks super cool and wait what is this thing right here this is the Redstone door that you’re going to have to try to replicate wait this is the Redstone door

That I have to try and replicate let me go ahead and hop up here so I can see it okay it looks like there’s a little trip white here and then once I step on it what even happens I don’t think anything happened in wo the door just opened up

And once I step on this side I guess it closes up and wo that’s so cool but wait you said we have to replicate it yeah that’s correct you and your sister are going to have 5 minutes to replicate this door wait we’re going to have 5

Minutes to build this door oh gosh this is going to be super tough but I think we can do it yeah we’ve got this okay well if we have to copy this door basically one for one we should probably start grabbing a bunch of these materials so I’m going to grab all the

Redstone and the Pistons okay I’ll grab all of the wood and let’s see so it starts off with one little wood plate like this with a torch on top and what’s next to it it looks like there’s a repeater going to a piston oh my gosh this is already so complicated okay now

We have to stack up another block with a sticky piston is what it looks like so let we go ahead and place two blocks like this with a piston like that and then I think I have to run a redstone signal into that with other torch and

Yeah it looks like there’s a torch on top of it okay let me go ahead and place the block down and then I guess I can put this torch down and wao look at that we’re already building this thing out this is awesome you’re doing a great job

Okay so maybe we to build the frame of this whole thing first and then maybe we can go back and add in the Redstone that seems like the simplest way to do it yeah that sounds like a good plan okay so let me go ahead and throw in some

Wood plank so I can add another sticky piston and then basically we just have to copy the design from over there so let me go ahead and stack the wood up and it looks like it’s almost three blocks over and then I can go a few

Blocks black like this okay T well do you think you can help me by building like the frame of this door while I build out all the little Redstone pieces yep I can do that okay so let me go ahead and start adding on a bunch of

This Redstone let me go ahead and connect it to the back like this and yeah that looks pretty good next thing I guess I need to do is run all the wire up all of these planks and maybe I can build up the right side of this thing as

Well let’s see how many blocks does this go back it looks like it goes back three blocks let me go ahead and stack it in this direction okay then after this it looks like it turns back in the other direction with one more wire and finally

I think it just has a little redstone block and yeah that’s looking pretty good and wow you are building this so fast what in the world I didn’t know you could do that TV woman yeah I’ve been practicing my building skills okay while you’re doing that let me go ahead and

Build the base of the Redstone which I think is right around here so this one over here goes two blocks deep and then it turns three blocks and I guess it just goes up a little further okay and once it turns oh my gosh it looks like

It was do a bunch more pisses this is so C complicated you only have 2 minutes left you better hurry up wait we only have 2 minutes left oh gosh T one come on we have to hurry up okay I’m hurrying okay looks like there’s a redstone torch

Above this and then right behind this little door there’s another torch and this one should be deactivated oh gosh wait a second why does that work maybe I like put them in the wrong order or something let me go ahead and test this out again and yeah there we go that’s

Perfect okay now that we have all the outside basically lighted up let’s go ahead and add some trip wires and then I think all we have to do is just add in the doors right here in the middle okay let’s go ahead and add on the final

String and then we can test out the door come on come on does it work and yes it looks like it works TV woman perfect we did it oh my gosh that door was so complicated okay uh TV man can you go ahead and check out our whole build just

Make sure everything works right yeah let me check it out the Redstone wiring looks like it’s in place the Torches look fine all these Pistons look good the trip wires it seem to work well I think you got this door right oh my gosh we actually built a door perfectly this

Is so cool does this mean we actually passed a second trial yeah that means you pass a second trial woohoo we did it and wait since we beat the challenge does that mean we changed and oh my gosh wait I look like the big TV man and wao

You turned into the TV woman we look so cool oh my gosh we are getting so much closer to being Titans yeah this is awesome what’s the next challenge the next challenge is a car race challenge oh a car race challenge this like so much fun and I’m a way better driver

Than you I know this is not going to be good for me and wao wait is this the racetrack TV man yes it is wo this looks so cool and wait are these race cars yeah you each have to hop in a race car and then go to the starting line oh gosh

This sounds like so much fun okay I want this race car right here since it’s in the middle what the heck that was the one I wanted well I wanted it more so haha you’re going to lose whatever I’m going to win okay you said we have to

Get to the starting line right over here and then what are you going to do like count us down so we can go wait what the heck t woman you literally started early that’s cheating it’s not cheating you could have done that what in the world

Oh my gosh I’m stuck on one of these stupid blocks and yes there we go now I’m going super fast I’m stuck too how do I get out uh you have to go around in TV you have to be a good driver driver I am a good driver well obviously not if

You got stuck come on come on I’m going super fast wao wait what is this next part supposed to be TV man on this part you have to hop out of your car and do the parkour wait I have to hop out of my car and do the parkour okay let me go

Ahead and grab my car and then I guess I can do this parkour and wa this is super crazy and wait you just fell right in the ditch TV woman how about mind your business TV man oh my gosh we totally getting smoked right now I think I’m

Actually going to win this yeah I seriously doubt that okay let me go ahead and hop back in my car and come on come on I can gr on these shortcuts I’m going so fast let’s see and there’s two options to pick from I think I’m going

To go with the left side come on come on come on I bet you’re so far behind I can’t even see you when I turn around how about shut up oh my gosh that’s not nice at all you just going to let her say that TV man yeah she can say

Whatever she wants it doesn’t matter to me what in the world that’s totally messed up since I completely destroy her in this race okay come on there’s just a bunch of parkour and no I fell I have to go back to the start okay let me go

Ahead and try this parkour again come on come on come on I don’t even know how far down the TV woman is and wait what the heck you’re like right behind me yep I’m right behind you I finally caught up what in the world come on let me go

Ahead and hop back in my go-kart and I have to keep going super fast how much of this course is even left okay come on let me go ahead and pick my go-kart up again and there’s a little bit more parkour after me as fast as possible and

Wo wait there’s power ramps over here this looks super cool and wo I just went super far okay I think these might be like the final steps come on come on come on I feel like I’m super close and oh my gosh there’s even more parkour TV

Man how much parkour you put in this it’s a challenge to be a Titan so there’s going to be a lot what in the world this is so dumb but hey as long as I beat the T but it really doesn’t matter that much to me okay I don’t

Think I can go in that corner here so let me go ahead and drive or run some of these blocks and perfect I made it all the way to the end does that mean I win yes it does congratulations and wait what the heck did I even transform into

It wa what is this guy you just transformed and now you’re almost a Titan what in the world this guy looks totally messed up and wait look the t’s almost here and she’s just cheating she’s just running through no I’m not I’m literally looking at you right now

Look at you I just broke my car I just finished the race what the heck are you well the TV man said this is like the final before before I can become a true tight so I guess I’m like all mutated and stuff yeah you look real ugly oh man

That’s not nice at all TV woman all right children settle down we have to go to the next challenge which is teleportation wo teleportation sounds like so much fun okay you’re definitely going down TV woman no way you’re going down and wao wait a second is this a

Teleportation area that it is in this challenge you’re going to have to grab the ender pearls out of the chest and throw them through the holes wait we’re going to have to grab the ender pearls out of the chest and throw them to the holes that sounds kind of difficult it

Wouldn’t be a challenge if it wasn’t difficult uh okay whatever but I’m totally going to destroy you with this T but I’m already almost all the way to the upgraded Titan TV so there’s no way you can beat me whatever I’m super good at this well get your big face out of

The hole I’m trying to do it there we go I already made through the first one and what in the world you’re already catching up yep I did it too oh my gosh wait you’re actually good at this come on I have to beat this and you got out

The way again you’re in my way no you were in my way cuz I was here first come on one more one more and wait I think I can just jump over this and perfect I made it through woohoo I made it through too oh my gosh what in the world and

Wait what in the world is this next challenge it looks like there’s some doors with some water and some lava I guess we have to pick like the right side or something well it’s obviously not going to be the lava side yeah so let’s go ahead and go into the water yay

And oh wait the water’s hurting the water’s poisonous what the heck I died yeah that was fake water you’re going to have to be more careful when you go through this challenge what in the world that was fake water well I guess that means the lava might be fake lava or

Something what do you think TV woman yeah it’s probably safe oh gosh let’s go ahead and jump into together and oh look at that we can actually go through and look there’s doors oh perfect okay let’s go ahead and see what this next one is and oh look there’s water and there’s

Lava but we already know that’s fake water so we can just jump on the lava yep you’re right let’s go and ow wait the lava’s hurting no you both fall for the easiest traps I don’t know if you’re ready to become Titans yet wait a second

Just give us another try I’m sure we could do this yeah we can definitely do this give us another chance all right fine this is your final chance Make It Count oh gosh okay let’s see well we just fill in the lava so I guess we can

Jump in the water then let me go ahead and test it out and oh my gosh perfect we can just go in now yay we didn’t get burned that time okay but there is still more lava and more water on this side which one do you think we have to do M

Maybe the lava this time okay let’s go ahead and try the lava together and let’s see and oh my gosh perfect we made it through and wait this looks like the end yes we did it oh my gosh this is perfect and wo wait a second we both

Look like Titans Now does that mean we beat everything you might look like Titans but you don’t have the full powers we still have one challenge left wait what we don’t have the full Powers yet well what do we have to do for this final challenge you’re going to have to

Survive the night against a bunch of skibby toilets what in the world that sounds so scary no get it together this is not going to be scary at all we’ve got this okay let’s go ahead and do this okay now that we’re back at the house

What do we have to do to survive the night you need to grab all the gear you need and try to survive until morning wo all of the gear okay let me go ahead and look inside of this chest and wao there’s a bunch of diamond swords and

Armor okay let me go ahead and grab all this stuff and I guess I could go ahead and throw all this diamond armor and wo I even have this super cool diamond sword I’m definitely going to win yeah we totally got this okay T man well

Where do we have to get started and oh no it looks like he already disappeared oh no that means it’s about to get started okay quick let’s go ahead and go outside and let’s see come on are there any skiy toilets out here I don’t see

Any and oh my gosh there’s a bunch of them on the hill Oh no this is not good they’re coming down to our house come on come on we can totally beat them up if we want the Titan Powers we’re going to have to keep fting them off oh my gosh

There’s like 20 of them around me come on come on we can totally do this oh gosh wait a second I’m going to back up a little bit and just get ready come on TV1 we can do this and wao wait are they taking out your armor no I’m still doing

Okay okay come on there’s only a few left and perfect we took out a bunch of them we took out a bunch of them I did all the work what the heck no I did a bunch of work too I didn’t see you kill one of them what the heck I literally

Took out a bunch of them what are you even talking about I didn’t see you take out one of them oh my gosh oh no it looks look like there’s a bunch more spawning in TV woman and wao these look like rocket toilets okay well let’s get

To it come on we can definitely beat all these guys up keep swinging on them you better be working W I think these guys are a lot stronger than the last guys we had to fight yeah they are way stronger come on we have to do this if we want

Our Titan powers to activate oh my gosh there’s so many of them yeah I’ve already taken out like a 100 I bet you’ve like taken out none of them since I’m a better fighter than you 100 you yeah right you’re terrible at fighting well I already took out all the people

On me so I’m coming back to help you since obviously still fighting them but see look I took out the last two of them whatever I was the one that took them out it wa it looks like they upgraded again TV woman there’s so many of them

This is not good we have to get them who in the world they have like swords of them and a bunch of rocket launchers why do they getting so much stronger I have no clue well I guess this is is like our final challenge I guess we have to take

Them all out even if they are getting stronger that’s the way to become a true Titan they pushed me into the lava oh God how are you doing on health TV woman I’m doing fine I’m still okay okay okay as long as we’re still surviving it’s

All good come on come on there’s this last group here come on okay and perfect I think we took a all of that group man we are doing so good yep we’re killing it well I guess we just have to wait until the next round comes and oh look

The TV man’s back hey did we finally win you guys have been doing great on these last three waves however there’s one wave left you have to beat the Gman wait what we have to beat the Gman that guy’s super strong I know but we’ve got this

We’ve made it this far and oh my gosh look how many gmen there are oh my God gosh this is not good oh wait he said this is the final wave if we can just end up beating all of these guys we’re totally become full Titans we’ve got

This we have to work super hard then come on there’s only a few of them left keep taking them out these diamond swords are so strong they are super strong and our armor is still holding up yeah this is so good wait there’s only a

Few of them left come on I’m helping you real quick ow you hit me with your diamond sword well how about get out of my way I’m trying to help you take out all the gmen what are you even talking about what do you mean you’re helping me

We’re supposed to be doing this together well I literally just helped you and took out those f guys but wait I don’t even see any more G around do you think we won it must be that we won you two have just beat the final waves of the

Skibby army you are now full Titans yay let’s go we’re full Titans Now woohoo we did it and that was a super crazy video if you guys want to watch another one make sure to click the video on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘Having a REALISTIC FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-01 15:18:36. It has garnered 1133 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:04 or 10084 seconds.

Having a REALISTIC FAMILY in Minecraft!

More Daxx Videos!

I Hired UPGRADED CAMERAMAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQv8HpglFM

I Hired SPEAKERBABY In A SKIBIDI TOILET BUILD CHALLENGE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oj39j30dEY

I CHEATED IN A YOUTUBER SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxQ8MUfXeZI

I CHEATED IN A SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng7h2TrvA5A

I Hired UPGRADED TV MAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ74wFJwCSY

#minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

  • Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore

    Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore Welcome back to the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are stacked and the adventures never lack. Last month was a whirlwind, with updates galore, New mobs, new blocks, and so much more. You asked, we answered, in Part 2 of our Q&A, So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the fray. From Discord to Patreon, we’ve got links to share, Join the community, show us you care. Shoutout to Gnocchi for the awesome skins, And to Planetgirl for the voiceovers that always win. So keep those questions coming, don’t be shy, We’ll keep spinning rhymes, reaching for… Read More

  • Kaela’s Coal Conundrum: Turn-based Minecraft Master

    Kaela's Coal Conundrum: Turn-based Minecraft Master In the world of Minecraft, Kaela reigns supreme, Master of turn-based gameplay, living the dream. Facing challenges with wit and skill, Crafting strategies, each move a thrill. From finding coal to battling spiders, Every turn, every twist, she’s a fighter. Practice makes perfect, she never backs down, In the realm of Minecraft, she wears the crown. With quick reflexes and a sharp mind, Kaela navigates dangers of every kind. From poison to fire, she faces it all, In the game of survival, she stands tall. So here’s to Kaela, the Minecraft queen, In her world of blocks, she’s a… Read More

  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition estรก repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiรชncia ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivรชncia sรฃo a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecรขnicas e emoรงรตes para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descriรงรฃo: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratรฉgias de sobrevivรชncia. Adiรงรฃo de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saรบde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ” Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for showโ€”it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the latest update from Minecraft Danger Company? It’s truly mind-blowing! While watching their recent video, it’s clear that the excitement and thrill of exploring new features in the game are unparalleled. But why stop there when you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a world where the possibilities are endless, where you can engage with a vibrant community of players who share your passion for creativity and adventure. That world exists at Minewind Minecraft Server! Join us at Minewind and immerse yourself in a dynamic and thrilling gameplay… Read More


    LAVA TSUNAMI in MINECRAFT! Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Giant Lava Tsunami Emerges! Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Welcome to Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Recently, a spectacular event unfolded in the Minecraft community – the appearance of a giant lava tsunami! Let’s dive into this extraordinary occurrence and uncover the wonders of Minecraft. The Phenomenon of the Giant Lava Tsunami In the vast and ever-changing world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and unexpected events. The emergence… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce monsters, players are constantly immersed in a world of excitement and wonder. Exploring New Horizons One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the vast open world waiting to be explored. Players can traverse through lush forests, treacherous mountains, and mysterious caves, each offering unique challenges and rewards. Whether mining for precious resources or taming wild creatures, there is always something new to discover. Building Masterpieces With a wide array of blocks… Read More

  • Griefers Beware: Minecraft’s Battle Roar

    Griefers Beware: Minecraft's Battle Roar In the world of Minecraft, a war has begun, Socktopia versus Lilybayou, who will be the one? M1lkys and T3SS, the biggest griefers around, Their reign of chaos, will it be bound? The battle rages on, with blocks and swords, Socktopia fights back, with all their chords. The tension mounts, as the two sides clash, In this epic showdown, who will have the last laugh? Stay tuned to see, the outcome unfold, In this Minecraft tale, so thrilling and bold. The music sets the mood, as the story unfolds, With twists and turns, as the plot beholds. So join… Read More

  • Underwater Farming Madness!

    Underwater Farming Madness! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Mystical Agriculture Infusion Altar Welcome to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on a unique underwater adventure. In this immersive world, players are submerged from the overworld into the depths of the ocean, the nether, and beyond. Starting in a small room under the sea, players must navigate the challenges of this oceanic world to survive and thrive. Customized World and Unique Features Seaopolis Submerged features a completely customized world filled with various mobs and structures that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. From the thermal series to opolis… Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: https://discord.gg/fabulous Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.๐Ÿ”จ Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?๐Ÿ‘พ Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest ๐Ÿ˜‚ #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Hรฉroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK ๐Ÿ˜Ž: https://www.instagram.com/elsaibort90/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D OTROS LINKS: โœ…comic Building๐Ÿ˜Ž: https://www.webtoons.com/es/challenge/building-/list?title_no=542809 โ˜‘๏ธcomic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ั„ะฐั‚ ะกะตะนั‡ะฐั ะฟะพะบะฐะถัƒ #viral #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis โžœ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com โžœ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyoneโ€™s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/rcgamesss Discord – https://www.discord.gg/3TaHuKN TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@rcgamesss Become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6TG2eCuSPxEbDqNFMEGjDw Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More