Daz Man’s EPIC Jolicraft HD Texture Pack Review!

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I have to admit to being very very happy on today’s throwback Thursday some people may even say that I’m feeling a little bit Jolly and the texture pack we’re going to be reviewing on today’s throwback birthday is Jolly craft HD by Jolly craft it’s currently rated 3.5 out of five stars from 914 reviews it costs 990 M tokens which is equivalent to £499 in my local currency and it says

Let me tell you A Tale of a magnificent camel tail I saw on the Cherry Blossom Trail handdrawn HD textures Critters creepies blocks items UI everything includes 128x HD textures 64x textures for mid-range devices and original 16x classic Jolly craft complete trials and tales update for Jolly craft HD all

Resolutions let’s get this texture pack reviewed so we’re going to do something a little bit different in today’s video to start us off and I’m going to show you guys how to access the different types of textures so you saw it said 16x 64x and 128x so to get the different one

You have to go to Jolly craft HD in your global resources press activate then go up to your active packs click on it and go to this little Cog wheel right here and you can then change between 16 64 and 128 and then hopefully that will make

Some changes what we’ll do now is I’ll just go and have a look at a pig in 16 64 and 128 so you guys can see the difference so this is a pig in 128x this is a pig in 64 4X how you doing buddy and this is a pig in the

Classic 16x which seems to have the biggest difference to be honest but let’s get back to the main review format so after seeing the free comparisons of the resolutions what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to do the texture pack review in 128 there

Wasn’t too much of a difference between 128 and 64 from what I could tell maybe one of you guys saw something different so hopefully you’ll be able to downgrade and not see too much of a difference there was a massive difference between 16 and 128 and I just want to see it in

It all its Glory I paid for it I want to see it in all its Glory so let’s go and get this set up and have a little look immediately I’m seeing a very colorful very cartoonish style splash screen I like the multicolored Minecraft that’s

Very nice I like the little face on the be that is nice it’s a very nice button color as well the UI looks very nice and welcoming let’s load up into this and what I wanted to say while we’re loading into the game now just a massive thank

You to everybody the channel support has been amazing the blow up the glow up thank you so much we hit today on day of recording we hit 1,800 subscribers and that’s all down to you guys so thank you so much for all of the support it really does mean a lot

You’re probably all tired of hearing me say thank you so much or reading it on the community tabs I’m not tired of saying it so thank you so much and what we’ve been doing recently as well is we keep kind of crawling upwards we hit 1,700 the target becomes 1750 we hit

1750 the target becomes 1,800 I’m not going to do that this time I’m going to set a long-term Target so for 2024 by December 31st can we hit 2,000 subscribers I think you guys can do it if I keep putting out the content that you like some of the content that you

Don’t like hopefully we’ll be able to do it I would greatly appreciate it if you could hit the subscribe subcribe button if you haven’t already and if you enjoy these texture packs make sure you leave a like make sure you drop comments I’m always looking at the feedback but

That’s not why you’re here you’re here to see the world and in object of being or in in hopes of being completely transparent this is twice now I’ve loaded into the world on 128x Textures and twice it’s crashed my PlayStation 5 so if it crashes it again I might have

To downgrade to 64 maybe it can’t handle it but I just wanted to let you guys know that if you’re looking at this and you want to run 128x textures be prepared it might affect some of the playability I’m liking the colors straight away though these colors look

Very very nice the greens the kind of light green light yellow the orange it’s very nice the ocean texture looks nice as well I do like how it’s very clear this is good ocean you don’t get this ocean anywhere near the UK and then just

Having a look at the Sand and it’s nice man the colors just pop amazingly to be honest with you now remember the seeds or the seed is down in the description if you want to play on this world if you see something you like you can see the

Coordinates on the top left of the screen as well you will obviously need this texture pack to make the world look like this and I do buy these texture packs with my own money so that I can give you my honest opinion and I will always attempt to be as honest as

Possible with that being said let’s find out what the passive look Like so we’re going to come down here to this very soft pastel colors it feels it feels very pastely we’ve already seen a pig but let’s get a nice closer look now this pig is happy he has been a pig in mck look at the little wispy tail down

There he’s got mud all over him he is loving it I’m very interested to see what the textures all look like they’re supposed to ly hand drawn which is just wow if they really are all hand drawn that is amazing you got some artists sitting on Jolly craft I don’t know why

This pack is only rated 3.5 maybe it’s because of the the um the issues the accessibility issues of 128x I don’t know I feel like that would be harsh to mark it down for that though do we have any sheeps or cows I am very nervous that it’s going to crash again

If it does crash again I’ll let you know as well and we’ll downgrade to 64 we do have a cow here this is a very nice cow I like the art style it’s almost cartoony I do like it I don’t know if Jolly craft is supposed to be jolly as

In happy like I said in the intro but it’s making me happy I like the speckled the black and white daisy right there that is so nice so far this artwork is really looking nice to me it’s just ticking all the right boxes it’s making

Me me feel happy it was 990 mine coins so you are paying quite a bit for it but so far I feel like it money well spent and hopefully I mean it’s early days right hopefully we’re going to see a lot of good stuff we’re looking now for a

Sheep and a chicken oh we seem to have a chicken over here we’ve got a black chicken hello almost a raven almost obviously you can’t get rid of those feet right there but then I suppose Ravens no Ravens don’t have feet like that they don’t really have padly feet

They have more like Claws and Talons this does feel kind of reny though I like it though look at the the tonal shift very nice is this what I think this is It’s a lily of the valley okay do like the old lily of the

Valley I am prone to a lily of the valley very very nice that is a very Sleek chicken right there very happy I hope you can’t hear my dog snoring in the background I don’t really want to interrupt him again so if he is snoring in the background and he snores

Throughout the whole video I do apologize guys headphone users don’t have such good headphones you know that’s the way to do it and then we have this sheep here it’s a very wooly sheep okay all right maybe the blandest face going for wow look at that sun that’s like a mesmerizing hypnotic sun

Right there um one of the blandest faces of the mob so far and sheep very hard to make detailed I do like the the ruffled kind of woolly effect there though that is very very nice I do like these if they are all hand drawn there is a

Really really good amount of Talent on Jolly craft for artwork I’m very happy with this the Raven SL chicken was very very nice as well but I think the cow takes it for me to be the best and with that being said I’m going to quickly set

It back to daytime so we don’t get any mob spoilers at least hostile mob spoilers and then we’re going to go and find a village and see what Villages look like and I’m happy to report that not too far away from Spawn we do have ourselves a village just over here with

What looks like two churches very nice I’m immediately taken back by the pier what is this is this Oak it is Oak okay oh wow look at that’s actually really detailed look at that level of detail right there where you can see the tree lines oh wow okay that is nice from far

Back like from over here I was going to say it looks like chocolate not going to lie to you that’s what I was going to say but then as you get closer and you see this detail wow okay this is like a revelation for me when I saw uh 3D

Textures for the first time and now I’ve seen 128x textures this is so nice oh wow he just okay he’s going on the r you’re all right mate why are you going Hood up he’s a gangster don’t don’t do that mate what are you you’re a cleric

Okay well I was going to look at his face he’s got a massive nose it’s just sticking out there how you doing a beard because he’s wise all right I like the outfit though very very nice let’s go see if we can find some more what else do we have lying around

Here got a little baby Daisy over there we got a little kid here as well look at a little smirk on his face okay A little smirk on his face he knows he knows he’s happy he knows he’s in for it okay very nice the face is very nice nice as well

That is really well drawn okay I really like that we got another cleric there that might be the same cleric do we have anyone else do we have any diversity you know it ticks all the boxes for me if you get diversity in here makes me very very

Happy okay look how happy this guy is oh wow look at the hair he’s rocking that kind of 80s emo but not quite cuz he’s DED his hair a brighter color okay look at you you they’re so wholesome that is so nice I have spotted as well the Iron

Golem down here as well we’ve got a checkerboard Iron Golem quite a basic face trying not to convey too much emotion I like that though that is it’s very stripped back minimalistic how you doing Mr raven could have done with a little bit more detail in my opinion but I’m not

Sad at it at all very nice no diversity so far though in The Villages that is very upsetting hopefully we’ll keep an eye out for another Village as we go around and if we can see another Village we’ll see if there’s any diversity across the biomes diversity is key though man you

Need diversity in games it’s 2024 this just get diversity everybody is always welcome okay but as we’re going around yeah these are nice artworks man I really do like these artworks have a look at a cat as well oh the cat’s got scary eyes one eye is bigger than the other oh

Okay yeah I like it what is it is that a stone wait Cobblestone so the Iron Golem actually looks like a cobblestone Golem that’s an interesting choice that’s supposed to be Iron H I am one for like thinking about why decisions are made I don’t know why you

Would make an iron golem look like Cobblestone hopefully somebody can explain that to me maybe Jolly craft if you see that I’ve done a throwback Thursday be like the good creators and comment down below let me know why did you make the iron golem look like a cobblestone Golem be interesting to find

Out and while we wait to see if that happens let’s turn it to nighttime now and let’s find out what the Hostile Mobs look like and as the mesmerizing sun sets on us now we get to see what the Moon looks like it’s a half cresant moon or

Somebody’s taken a massive bite out of it that’s very interesting while we wait for this to come up as well let me just say another big thank you to everybody who suggested that I do this pack wait that that the sun just changed size there that was crazy okay um thank you

To everybody who commented this I’m sure I saw the comment more than once so thank you very much I’m enjoying this so far let’s have a look and see now if we can get any Hostile Mobs to SP born we’ve got a spider okay it’s a yellow belly spider

Does that mean he’s got poison I don’t know that is a waa that is a scary face that is a very unique art style of a face right there something like I would expect to see from like little nightmares or something s similar look at the teeth as well okay the art style

Is definitely unique though and it adds so much character to the faces of the mobs now we’re going to have a look at this zombie as well yeah they’ve really gone for like a I don’t want to say a cute nastiness but this is definit there’s definitely character here you

Know look at that nose that’s how I draw my noses yeah I I could never make a nose look good but oh wait a minute so zombies have a flat face flat nose I’m guessing you’re a zombie villager yeah because he’s got the frey wamp nosy

Right there okay so we’ve got ways to distinguish the two there very very nice do we have any skeletons and creepers there’s a creeper over here let’s have a little look there was something on his face he’s holding Dynamite so just in case you didn’t know this creeper has arms very weird Choice

There I’m not sure I 100% like that creeper with arms bit weird bit weird kind of changing the Mythos a little bit there very nice face though give the face to you and he’s holding Dynamite so if you didn’t know that creepers blow up you’re going to know now right because

He’s basically coming with a special delivery I’m not 100% sure I like giving him hands though that’s just me though man I like my creepers without hands I like my story that a creeper just wants a hug and can’t hug that’s my story that’s my background check for

Creepers I don’t want my creepers to have hands but I like that creeper nonetheless and then if we go over here oh this one works we’ve got a skeleton I love oh wow there are a lot of things I love here I love the crack on his skull

He definitely had head trauma I love the two different sized eyes buddy I need to look at you I need to look at you the people need to see what you look like and I love that he’s missing his lower part of his jaw he is just all over by

And then look at the transparency on him that is very very nice look at the feet there as well that is very nice indeed I actually really do like like that these have been some very good hostile Ms so good in fact that my character wanted to

Keep his eyes closed but there we go he’s opened his eyes now these are some very very good Hostile Mobs I think my favorite would have been the skeleton thinking about it yeah I think it’s the skeleton my least favorite is the creeper just cuz I don’t want my

Creepers to have hands but do feel like you can let me know in the comments what your favorite was we’re going to head over to the Armory now we’re going to see what armors and weapons look like hopefully it won’t crash so we’re at the Armory now and

We’re looking at how the world generates nothing too crazy going on here with the generation it’s just kind of there you know and being 100% transparent like I said so the game did crash when I loaded up the Armory it seems to me that you get one load of a world absolutely fine

If you back out of that world and then try to load into the world again or load into another world then it crashes on 128x I’m going to try and carry on pushing through with the 128x I feel like we started we need to finish it but if it does continue and

It’s difficult then we will pull out but I would recommend maybe playing this on 64x unless you have a beasty machine just because it seems to be very very stuttery or I mean it’s not reliable when you’re loading in but the problems do seem to just occur when you’re

Loading in but anyways with that said we’re here now we can have a look at the leather armor it’s a very small understated leather armor I like the bandana obviously we’ve got them into different colors here as well you can see them in yellow and in red the colors

Are nice the colors are very very nice I really like the art design and I’m going to say it a lot I really do like the art style as we have a look at the wooden tools as well very very rustic very kind of amateur tool that is

Very nice I just love the way it catches the different types of wood grain and stuff it’s so nice so we have a little look over here this is chain mail wow this looks like something kind of South Park to me look at this it’s less chain

Mail and more just iron bits iron bits of scrap okay I mean I like my chain mail to be chain mail so it’s like a box with some holes in for eyes as well but I can respect this this looks very very nice and then over here looking at the stone

Tools now okay it’s the same shapes the same Shades although the iron sword looks like it’s a bit bigger a bit thicker than the stone than the the stone sword looks a bit thicker than the wood sword sorry stumbling over my words as we come

Here for the iron now I like how it’s all just kind of held together okay it’s very nice it’s very kind of scraps what kids would build but then obviously out of iron and stuff this feels like it’s inspired by some form of South Park to be honest it’s the

Same weapon sets coming through again which is a bit disappointing haven’t noticed any big change across the three different types other than the fact that this is held together here by rope this is as well I guess so maybe that’s not completely no these are all held

Together by rope yeah they are the same gold oh my Lord you might as well be naked what is this gold is very understated I don’t like that I genuinely do not like that and then we’re here at the tools as well okay it’s still the same it’s just

Different color shading all right so not 100% enjoying this to be honest Diamond now I don’t know why Diamond are two different color sets again you might as well be naked here if I’ve gone and got diamond armor I want to be showing it off I don’t want to be showing off my

Stomach especially not this soon after Christmas and then the diamond weapons look more like iron weapons just obviously with like little Diamond gem in there not sure I like this never never Stone never right cuz cuz it looks red looks like red stone never right oh I mean it’s just a

Reton reton chain mail I don’t like it I do not like this at all I mean some of this looks like love hearts it is close to Valentine’s Day I guess and then again the weapons all just the same I’m not the biggest fan of

This and I feel like I’m not going to be the biggest fan of the next section either because we’re going to go and have a look at the armor trims now okay so we’re here at the armor trims and all right well obviously we’re showing it

With the gold base armor the trims they don’t blend in at all to be honest with you they’re not part of it like this is just very weird how this has kind of come through but it does make the armor a bit more but this just looks like nativity play style

Outfits here yeah I don’t like this at all this would look nice this one here what is this one this is wayfinder if it was on a better armor base and I don’t think any of those armor bases I’ve shown you would look good with this yeah these

Just look like amalg of color oh I like that that’s a nice little table there it’s a smithing table yeah that’s a nice little smiing table I like the detail of the bag I really shouldn’t be looking at the smithing table when I’m looking at Armor trims though this is very much a

Disappointment here for me that looks like a sad face that’s kind of how I feel yeah I didn’t like the armors in this I see the choices they’re creative choices they’re unique choices I can respect that thank you for giving giving your own interpretation to it but I

Don’t like it I have to admit I don’t like the way they look I don’t have a favorite eye uh I don’t have a favorite weapon set I don’t have a favorite armor set if you do let me know but let’s head over to the Red Zone and let’s see what

The redstone blocks look Like so I don’t really know what to expect here normally the Red Zone doesn’t look that great we do have a nice redstone block this is very nice I like that little detail of the glisten as well that is a nice block Redstone Dust looking more like wires which kind

Of makes sense to be honest with you comparators bit boring over here the hopper and the piston and the not comparator that’s a repeater isn’t it the hopper the piston and the comparator looking a little bit boring as well that’s a nice detail there though to have the um the cable

Between the three but I’m stretching here for nice thing things we’ve got the rails smooth The Observer dropper dispenser again I like the art style I do they’re happy faces it’s very weird blocks then we’ve got the target block I’m a big I I like this I do like this I

Can’t lie to you I like this little design this is very very nice and then the daylight sensor and night sensor they’re okay I like the way they’ve made it glisten the art is not what’s letting this down it’s just some stuff just a little bit I’m not the biggest fan of the

Decision that was made but the art does look good and I can’t deny it I’m going to risk another crash I’m going to head back to the main save and go to the ne so I’ll see you there okay so we’re heading into The Nether now and immediately there was

Some stuff I didn’t like and mainly it’s this nether portal I don’t like static portals I like obviously the effect that’s coming into it but I feel like that’s just the portal itself but this needs to be animated I’m sorry it really does need to be animated and also shock

And horror but yeah carrying on the trend every second world that I load crashes the game but we can still carry on cuz I shouldn’t have to load the world anymore I do like the obsidian the kind of red with the black tones very

Very nice and now we are in the ne and immediately we’re looking at never W block they went heavy on the warts didn’t they it’s not bad at all though I do like it and it’s consistent going in through here with the Weeping Vines I like the Crimson stem as well with the

Kind of the wiry stuff going through it the veins I can’t tell is it animated it is animated in the sense that it lights and darkens so that’s nice the mushroom carrying on the theme of the warts as well and then the Crimson nyum is very

Nice again I just really like the art style and I I’m not going to say sorry for that I really do like the art style we’ve got piglins over here rolling with a a mohawk SL pigtail I don’t even know what’s going on there he’s got a bit of

A hairy chest there as well how you guys doing you guys right you guys are a little bit cannibalistic I love the I love the art man I’m sorry I really do the 3D nature as well very very nice very basic very kind of stripped down but it is nice

Nonetheless having a little look around here I think we’ve got a hoglin over here maybe yes we do we’ve got two they seem to be getting to know each other that face the face has way too many characteristics well not too many it’s not a bad thing there are a lot of

Characteristics here that detail is great in my opinion and I love the Mohawk there as well very very nice right let’s see if we can find ourselves a bit of an open area see if we can find some ghs I’m looking forward to seeing a ghast please don’t let me down lava

Looking quite Magmar nevera very vibrant in the red that is nice we’ve got zombie pigman here I believe yeah he’s got he’s got a bone foot and demonic eyes I like the detail on the hands there as well that was nice what we got going on over here is

Is that a Magma Cube yes we got magma cubes oh wow Striders looking molten that’s nice man oops that is very nice the blue eyes that change to red depending on whether or not they’re in lava as well is a very nice touch but come on I’m looking for a ghast here ghs

You guys are the main attraction in the ne where are you oh I heard one I know I heard one one there he is what is that on his back H look at the legs look at the legs just dangling oh my God it’s an eyeball

It’s an eyeball I’ve seen this in a different texture pack I can’t remember not this exact same texture but definitely this concept of just an eyeball and it is it’s just a floating eye this is supposed to be like the irises and stuff isn’t it h that’s

Nasty that is nasty it’s so Polished in it art style as well I don’t know if I like this as a as a ghast I definitely like the art style you have to balance it so delicately here he’s not turning around for me can you show me your eye mate I’m following

You and you’re not letting me see oh you knew I was overtaken there everybody’s so shy for the camera yeah that is a Mad Eye right there oh wow could you imagine trapping one of these in like a 100t tall build I suppose you need two for a

F face but yeah that’s kind of mad um let me go and find a fortress and let’s see what the rest of the ne mobs look like right so you’ll be happy to hear that while I’ve been flying through the ne in creative mode I’ve been loading a

Lot of chunks I’ve been loading a lot of areas it hasn’t crashed so that’s good it seems to just be on load but we found a fortress now and this is going to be interesting to see how blazes look how the wither skeleton looks I’m hoping I’m

Hoping for some good stuff here the for itself looking very kind of jigsa also cartoon bricky and that’s not a bad thing again I really do like this art style man I’ve probably said that so much I might put that in the thumbnail to be honest I like this art style if I

Can remember to do that then I think I will we’ve just got skeletons here this is nice we’ve got chests that chest was facing the wrong way do we have anything there’s another chest there hello oh I didn’t like that hang on I did not not like that for a golden chest

Plate now I know this is handrawn but wow that was that was a bit considering how good this stuff looks that was very very bad for the chest kind of 2D Sprite so we going to keep having a little look around can’t see to find any Blaze Spawners or wither skeletons I

Think I just thought I thought that was a wither skeleton there I thought I was going to be perfectly timed what’s that is that a wither skeleton it is a wither skeleton okay so it’s not a retextured skeleton that is scary oh wow all right so you get points for it

Not just being a retextured skeleton but what the what are you supposed to be oh my Lord looks nice just creepy and now we’ve got a blaze here as well oh I really like that that is clean I really like that that’s almost elegant I really do like that that is so

Nice I can’t get past this Wither Skeleton though I don’t know what you’re supposed to look like like the Raggedy toys or something that’s mental I think there’s definitely a lot more good than bad there’s definitely some bad throughout this texture pack but there’s definitely

A lot more good than bad so far let’s go back to the Overworld find a stronghold head to the end and see what the dragon looks like so I can give you guys the opportunity to see how the world’s spawning here as we float high above a stronghold it’s an ocean stronghold we

Seem to be in a warm ocean as well like tropical because I believe we’ve got all of the tropical blocks underneath the ocean this is a very nice ocean texture especially a warm ocean texture and then you can see the sand linking to the Mesa biome with the Terra Cotta and the Red

Sand and carrying on over there it’s very nice now if we head straight down into the ocean somewhere deep down below if we can get there quickly enough is going to be the stronghold can you see that could you see the Creeper face through there that

Was crazy let’s get to some light up area I like this the yellow for the mossy cobblestone is so dirty and Oozy it reminds me of the war area in the ne just like popped WS I don’t know if that’s what they were going for we’ve got the book shelves looking very messy

Very crazy looking it’s kind of just how this whole textures really look to be honest with you as we carry on going through it’s definitely got a charm in a character how you doing Mr creeper so we’re going to just keep on looking getting a bit of lag which seems

To always happen when I come to the stronghold I don’t know why it’s quite dark let me see if I can find the frames and then as we come through here the iron bars look very nice as well and now we’re here at the end portal frame this

Guy looking dangerous and violent as ever we’ve got the lava here looking very Magmar very mol and hot and then we’ve got the portal frames itself looking kind of like a mixture between a spil paint bucket and a full moon in a night sky very very interesting I just I

Yeah this art style is just talking to me I just really like this art style where is the ey of Ender there it is that’s very interesting I of Ender it’s almost like what I’m expecting the Ender’s face to look like we seem to be putting two eyes in

Here as we get a changed void as well very Anarchy style void okay it’s like scribblings to be honest I do like this end block this is very nice nice and look at the obsidian the obsidian is just popping man that is very nice as we

Come up here do we have any Enderman we do we do okay they look more like prisoners in Old prison outfits or even Hospital outfits okay and it is their head okay look at the red velvety obsidian as well that is so nice these guys here they look like dolls

Those from like an old Tim Burton animation that’s showing my age right there and now as we come in here we’ve got the Ender Dragon she’s kind of Violet in color okay not too many all my days moments really but just the a a knowing respect

From me I kind I really do like it the colors the art you’re probably bored of hearing it what have we got going on here that is a massive eye I can’t say I like that this okay that is a very crazy pair of eyes on the Ender Dragon I don’t think I

Like that to be honest can we get to come back down again she’s kind of a pasty pink bit of a violet very nice but understated again that’s been a theme as well some of these textures have been very understated fire looks nice the purple

Beam looks nice that eyes is just yeah I mean her eyes are too big for her head they need to do more with her mouth or something it’s just yeah that’s a little bit wacky a little bit too wacky for me there in all honesty but we’ve got one

More section to go and have a look at so let’s get back to the Overworld and let’s see what the ancient city and the Wen look like so just to give you guys another opportunity to see the world generation we seem to be in a spruce forest with

Also a hint of a flower biome I don’t really know the names to be honest and we just got colors mountains the way this is all generating and it’s very very pretty if you can put up with the crashes every time you load in and out

And load back into a world then 128 will be for you if not I think 64 is fine but somewhere down here should be the ancient city there it is and okay we’ve got purple skull immediately this shine some light on this I was ready this time

Yeah we’ve got purple skull very nice it’s an animated Mystic purple skull as well I need to remember that I burped there I hope you guys didn’t hear it and then as we’re looking around I yeah the art the way the it’s kind of like a jigsaw all of the bricks is very

Jigsaw piecy it’s very nice look at this purple is just mesmerizing to look at though it’s so nice to look at I hope it’s not just me that think so let’s get the warden SP spawned in here we go we’ve got the warden spawning in he’s Perle he’s manic I love

That climbing animation just in general like the warden is so good look at that oh I liked it right up until he turned his head that was such a nice horror effect with the massive mouth the flashing eyes but the the fact that the mouth is built

Into the chest oh that turn just ruined it like if he looks at me are you going to look at me the way he turns but half of his jaw doesn’t oh that just took me straight out of it that did other than that it looks so nice look at the

Hands the kind of the way the skull is like paint on him ah just that the way he turned those face and the mouth stayed still or at least the bottom half of the jaw stayed still really took me out of it there for a minute I don’t know guys I mean I’ve

Been playing a number in my head for this entire review and I was going to say an eight but the Ender Dragon and then the warden I think it’s going to be a seven you know I really do think it’s going to be a seven I was willing to

Forgive the armors because I liked the art style so much I like the colors I like the drawings they were so good and then I saw the ender dragon’s eyes that was just too prominent the ghast eye was a little bit too prominent and then the warden I love the massive mouth

But he turned his head I wasn’t ready for him to turn his head I think a seven is fair seven feels good but let me say I love this art style if they’re handdrawn Jolly craft you’re artists my friend you are absolutely artists it’s got a 3.5 rating out of five so seven

Feels like it’s right with the masses nearly a th000 reviews I was really trying to get it an eight though I really was but I think seven is going to be fair let me know down in the comments what you guys think about this review let me know what you guys think about

This texture pack please like the video If you enjoyed this review and if you’re new to the Channel please do hit the Subscribe button and let me tell you as an example I said at the beginning of the video that you guys are giving the channel momentum you guys are giving the

Channel will glow up that we only just hit 1,800 subscribers well in the better part of an hour that has taking me to record this we’re now on 1,812 subscribers I’m just in shock and all thank you so much I’m incredibly overwhelmed but I’m going to keep this

Going thank you so much have a great one I’ll see you on Sunday for the next texture pack review and if you’re bored on on Saturday I’ll see you 4 p.m. UK time for a stream I’m sure thanks for watching everybody peace a

This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Jolicraft HD Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-01-11 18:00:05. It has garnered 436 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:59 or 2339 seconds.

Nothing like a bit of hand drawn art to Throwback Thursday with Jolicraft HD, available in the Minecraft Markplace!

⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join

The Jolicraft HD Texture pack brings a really polished, hand drawn art style in to Minecraft Bedrock! With three different resolutions (16x, 64x and 128x), theres something for all systems with Jolicraft HD Texture Pack, released on July 13th 2021 and is available for 990 minecoins.

Is the Jolicraft HD Texture Pack as magnificent on Minecraft Bedrock as a camel tail on a cherry blossom trail?

The Link to the Jolicraft HD Texture Pack: https://www.bedrockexplorer.com/@jolicraft/jolicraft-hd

The Link to more from Jolicraft: https://www.bedrockexplorer.com/@jolicraft/

Minecraft World Seed: -843183348005955444

The Link to all my Minecraft Texture Pack Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO8lIscapi6agg5-KZNOFr0GF4_4mLiZB

#Minecraft #Minecraftbedrock #JolicraftHD


00:00 Start 00:16 Texture Pack Info 01:11 Review Begins 05:31 Passive Mobs 08:55 Villagers and Villages 11:51 Hostile Mobs 16:30 The Armoury 22:16 The Redzone 23:44 Nether 30:22 The End 34:40 The Warden

Massive THANK YOU to Channel Members for helping to make all this possible! Members Include:

• Lord Vader • flyguyraisin • Yopi • 𝗦𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳 ⚙️☄️ • Déraciné • Deathboard • Rodrigo Ejaed Gamboa Garcia • Ecto • Nguyen Anh • Elemental • ABDUL RAHMAN _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Enquiries: [email protected]

Support outside of Youtube (if you cant use Youtube, or just dont want to): Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheDazMan Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/dazman2/tip

Creator Codes: Fortnite Creator Code – DazManGamingYT – In connection with Epic Games’ Support-A-Creator Program, I may receive a commission from certain in-game purchases.

AFFILIATE LINKS: TUBEBUDDY – https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=DAZMAN – Use TubeBuddy to help with growing your Youtube channel

OTHER CHANNEL LINKS Fifa Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@DazManFootball Wrestling Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@DazManWrestling

SOCIAL LINKS: Instagram – www.Instagram.com/DazManGaming Discord – https://discord.com/invite/GqrEZ2HeVF

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

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  • Fox Geopolitics

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  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

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  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

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  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

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  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

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  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

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  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More