Dc45 sings while mining BRUTAL LEGENDS

Video Information

Gua ng Anjir ap aman streamingnya cek cek cek cek halo cek cek cek [Musik] cek Apakah ak aman halo halo hal Halo cuy coba komen coba komen di layar gua tidak Aku gak tahu sih entah atau engak aman Oke aman ya diikadik Oke aman ya aman aman

Aman gua ng tes keyboard gua ya oke masih sama hab habis kena air hujan jongkok Halo Bang hal juga jongkok oke Oke sip suara gua Kedengaran kan oke ya oke ya server sahif server brutal Legends yang gua buat pada turu cuk memnya pada turu tadi 10 orang yang jonjok RAM tadi

Enggak sebar k Iya privat privat inip-nya privat nanti malam ada Rp cuy nanti malam ada video gua Rp senjata legendnya lsal ya entah gue yang dapat intinya nanti malam ada ya Kita ngobrol-ngobrol dikit dulu anj Sudah gak ng Bro servernya Bro sekian apaingguuhak lah bukannya lu waktu itu di dalam ya Oke

Bro gu mau ke b gua dulu guys Pak ada Bera ada join dong Bro waduhnya privat Bang adajata Legend k ada dong nanti malam ada rp-nya nanti malam ada rp-nya cuk sabar ini yang siapa saja sih Aduh yang lain udah pada turu habising tadi mcp mcp lah gua belum masuk grup baru lu

Kocak Ini grup brutal Legends yang lama kocak di mana Bang privat privat Bang lautan dapat member dari dapat member dari mana member [Musik] apaember jangan bilang Bang Bang bang bang bang anjing gu dikasih Trap Bang k gu gua belum apa-apa bangsit bangsit tapi gue gak bisa gue pengen

Buatatan gak ada server buat member kah gak ada Cu ini Ini udah server buat member cuk member gua yang dulu yang yang subscribe gua dari dulu sih Gua kira itu tadi gak [Musik] Anjing gua rada jeleknya guys sor guys Alah siapa yang ngeng P tadi gua tah ngapain Pak Halo Bang Halo

Jugaa Pak aja lumayan cuy buat bikin FK fishing begitukah manis Iya nanti malam ada Rp tuh tanya aja Bang Halo juga gua dari fase Du gimana nih pas BH wkwk Anjas adauhuh ngikutin Gua dari dulu ada se ngikutin Gua ini yang masang TR di sini siapa kocak Min UN

Kita kita kita tutup aja [Musik] ya kita tutupin aja kasih Nanti kalau ada yang jatuh lagi map map dari mcp langsung dari plugin map mcp langsung map mcp langsung yaah cuk Bang itu BR bck only nanti malam coy nanti malam nanti malam ada live Cu eh eh lah kek gua ke situ cuk

Eh What the cek gua Bang dapat barang Wah pickx gua cuk gak bisa cuk mati gua cuk pickx gua cuk Bang pick gua Bang Astaga Bang Pek gua cuk Oh ini apa Pek gua ini yang masang Trap ginian siapa cuk Bang gak muncul i gak muncul gua gak ngerti car munculinnya Emang

Kahang ada yang k Bang itu server publik apa kagak soalnya gu join gakak ini gak publikak publik privat iniivat prat gu butuh portal sih buat cari buka membership Nanti gua dikit lagi monetisasi sabar ya makanya tonton sampai habis biar aku bisa buka membership yaah itu ada siapa saja si siapa Buset yang

21ih anjing orang Jawa adaudah udah join nih tahak siapa sepuh sepuh Bang nernya apa ni gitunya ya guys Gua Coba keluar dulu ya aku mau masang sesuatu 2 apa tuh bagi shader bang di videoudah ada kak hilang cuk tadi aku donasi enggak muncul iya kah gua cek dah gua cek coba gua

Cek sabar cuk privasi dulu ya guys kar guys katanya ada yang donasi cuk gua cek dulu cuk aduhuh Iya anjing ada yang donasi C dari Lana anjing Makasih Lana 2000-nya Bang ad kapan Nanti gua gua gua beri saran sama Yuda ya nanti ya gua beri saran

Sama Yuda ya nanti nanti guys nanti guys anjing Makasih yang sudahudah donasi ya makasih banyak sabar ini shernya nih new [Musik] bagnya privat privat ya [Musik] privat ipnya privaty nanti malam sih gua bakal ada Rp sih senjatanya u [Musik] sih nanti malam ada Rp senjatanya UI kita tunggu saja

Coy Bang biar tambah rame udah rame udah hampir mau 100 ini buka Wa gak Ma gak mau gua gak mau buka Wa Bang nanti for Bang nanti [Musik] foroseah udahakj gua harus ini sih [Musik] Bang chatu tadi sudah dibaca belum chat yang mana yang [Musik] manace Bole minusiak minta solusinya Bang cobaet HP

Ya memorinya langsung bersih apa [Musik] ini Bang ak ak 2 juta Ak udahulang ini asli k kwi ini k anya ya [Musik] guys bang lihat tab t apa apa apa portal gak ada portal adik-adiken kah Bang Emangnya malam Rp senjata Legend Iya aku Rp senjata Legend

Tapi gak gak di gak di gak di di video Nantilah Tunggu saja Rp senjata legendnya ubi ya itu spoiler sih kena gua gua cari tempat aman dulu lah Cari tempat aman dulu guys ini [Musik] Aman bikin FK fishing cocok sih Abang spoiler bangar teman Lanang tidak terus-terusan menjadi caranya ton aja

Di AN diasih Gusti gu senj Legend itu [Musik] si bisa tunggu fase dua ya tunggu fase dua cuk sabar cuk the gua mau masuk dong Yuda Bang pakai HP apa HP gua Hp gua hp sih Cuy mana elsnya Bang di mana aja brutal Legend mana Jer gak Ada LS Jerry cuk ini

Brutal KW cuk brutal KW C ini cuk ini tuh brutal KW guys Aduh gua suka kebuang ya 1 2 3 sama pakai HP oke mantap cuy gua HP tapi cuman pakai keyboard anjing malah dianggap serius anggap serius apa [Musik] Cuk 1 2 3 4 begini ya ah tinggal korek sih Halo Bang lu

Juga enteh Ayo guys like dulu guys like dulu guys 30 like sih bisa sih kata gua ya Setuju gak guys kalau udah monetisasi kita open open membership guys Setuju gak m Aku mau cari sabar sab setujuak Guys kita open membersip Oke kita cari n ya kita cari n setuju banget gua mah

Tapi tunggu monetisasi dulu bentar lagi kok bentar lagi Halo Bang lu [Musik] juga Bang Bang matiin Bang kalau di sini hati-hati Bang gua pegangan halo Bang Bang kapanut Legend Tunggu saja si ya Halo Bang Bang ada juga Tika ih [Musik] aku aku mau cari Nether Bang ngapain lagi mau cari Nether

Cu lagi mau cari Nether ngek kah ngelag kah ngelag kah cuy ngelag kah Cuk besok gua Mungkin live lagi tapi nanti malam ada video gak bukan nanti malam atau enggak besok ya tuh di kedalaman Sabar gua catat koordinat dulu screenshot [Musik] screhot tuh emang gua rada

Ngag ne tuh di kedalaman 19 gakah Bang youtuberer gak dilanjutin Bang YouTube Legend udah hilang sih gua soalnya udah dikeluarin dari perjati Buset [Musik] anjingb Totem sedikit ya harusnya kita gring Totem tapi enak cari n dulu sih kedalaman berapa ya 19 ya kayaknya 19 [Musik] berarti kita minging santai ya [Musik]

Oke gua kira m m kedalamannya ini tinggi banget ya tempat guadi [Musik] ya Yah Mal gu Bang lagi ngapain cari Wah anjing reflek anjing Wah gak jelas guys versi berapa ini ini ini gak publik guys ini ini gak publik gak publik gak publik sih privat privat ini

Coy Mau dipanggil coy at G aja gua Kalau G rada kaku coy mending coy aja gak sih kedalaman 19 atau enggak 15 intinya sekitaran situ nanti berteoriah gua L tanpa b gak masalah coy gu tanpa bet yaah Oke ini udah kedalaman segini Harusnya harusnya Harusnya 37 harusnya di kedalaman segini udah adaak

Gua mau lihat Bedrock B tuh dalam berapa sih Oh ini udah sampai Bedrock yaadi udah bener sih sini si gua Sabar Sabar [Musik] Sabar nyari Bang iya iya nyari itu berb Berti gua coba coba lurus dua eh lima lah sabar 1 2 3 4 5 Halo Bang lu juga ih keren Bang

Grupya Kak bisa dipencat udah bisa udah bisa udah bisa Oke belok sini kita coba-coba saja Ya siapa tahu dapat Ah gila sih tapi ini susah banget sih nya y 14 ini udah sih udah Malah 11 malah tapi gua ada TNT ngapain gak dipakai ya [Musik] huhu halo Bang Bang masukin bln Apa itu

Halo juga nih rulsan ya namanya keren-keren yaan P [Musik] [Musik] Oke masih punya TNT ya maju ke ketujuh maju tujuh kanan 10 kali oke Ya gua coba ya Ke mana nih cuk tadi gua kali ke mana Oh ya ke sini ni berarti tu the sabar guys sabar guys Gua lupa [Musik]

C apaaku Bang hal agusanto Anjay namanya Bang nama lagunya apa 30 30 NP Nah itu Wi jalan keluarnya Aku kok lupa ya [Musik] Aduh tersesat Bang Min refle Pak keyb susahle gua belum [Musik] terbiasam Nah itu tu tuh bangya prat [Musik] prat Jan balik gua tadi mana Cuk Rp bisu

Kagak enak cuy Rasanya nanti malam yuk Nanti malam yuk bukan rp-nya bukan live streaming gua rp-nya bukan gua live streaming Bang siapa Aku nursan Halo nursan udah coy Halo Bang Halo juga gua Oh ini apa Oh ini apa Jalan baliknya udah sih tadi tujuh kan lu dengin lagunya dari mana Dari aplikasi

G gbe tadi maju ya ke sana tu ya 1 2 3 4 5 [Musik] 6 Tunya pas di sini sih Iya tunggu aja entar malam iya tuh benar tuh Bang kalauin situ Adanya dari 10 kali 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 itu nyal gak tahu 6 7 8 9 10 mana

Cuk mana kata en the BRIS anjing penipu anjing pengunjung baru bangah Makasih dan dan makasihnya Guys tembusin 50 guys kalau bisa saar ya pengin dop pengin dop apa tuh Ini tren gakak gak guna-guna amat ya bang mau join Beneran tuh Tu tu tuh tuh tu tuh tadi yang requestusi kalau gak salah tadi

Anjing it it si anjing c itu langsung diundang ke servernya undang gimana cuk ini ini brutal KW bukan asli bral Aning S Anjing Legend bang bang bang gue mauin boleh gak tunggu Ik ikran [Musik] GG tunggu fase du ya dikasih siapa bang ip-nya privat geng kita ke sinilah ya kita naruh TNT berteori

Lagi bingung kalau n teor gua [Musik] [Musik] nih kaburang Bang Bang gua lagi bikin gu lagiu car ada super chat asaga dikit lagi dikit lagi to aku samp Akir ya biar bisa hoki gak hoki gak hoki gak Bang maju du turun 12 kocak anjing orang ketinggian kedalaman berapa

Cuk Ya elah mau bilangoki cuman dapat satu bang lurus lalu kiri lalu kasih TN Ma sabar sabar aku lurus kiri dulu ya Sabar cuy satusatu cuk lurus lalu kiri mana Gak dapat guys guys paling dapat lava dong langung byak berteori bang Maju 10 kiri Del Oke

10 10 dari sini dari sini 1 2 3 4 Baru 4 l 6 7 8 9 10 Oke 10 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 89 sini tiga ya tiga TNT berarti kasih jarak kasih jarak Oke uh kabur cuk itu adminnya siapa adminnya tiga sih kasih

TNT kocak Oh iya kasih TNT ya sabar sabar sabar aku lihat dulu ini dapat tidak [Musik] c z guys guys guys kasih du Kabur Kabur Kabur Kabur kabur dapat gak wahak anjing Bang Bang siapa Aku halo dan itu MCPE Bang iya MCPE mati malam ada Rp adik-adik jangan lupa ditonton ya video

Aku Rp senjatanya ubi baju 13 5 kanan 25 kiri Bu 13 anjing banyak banget cuk Halo oi penonton baru nih weh Makasih y tanya Google tanya Google maju 13 1 2 3 4 5 berarti l 1 2 3 4 l itu udah 5 1 2

3 3 5 2 3 4 5 25 1 2 goblok lav C tipu tipu nama lagu 3.50p 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 14 15 16 baringi 25 ya Bang Boleh gabung Enggak tunggu fase dua guys tunggu fase dua tunggu fase dua mana Cuk enggak ada

Cuk Bang Mabar y Mabar apa tuh wah wah mana Cuk enggak ada cuk enggak ada [Musik] Cu gua lah kanan kanan dua kiri lurus loh Gim gimana teori yang sangat bermanfaat maju 12 terus ke kanan 12 Coba ya 1 2 3 4 5 6 ini 6 7 8 9 10 S du

Du Wah Gravel semua ya Ya elah gravelah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 siapa Aning ke bawah ke bawah udah gak ada ke bawahudah gak salah sih ya Uh mantap coy si tadi siapa tuh suaranya GG gaming coy MC lu siapac MC sabar aku baca komennya satu-satu guys anjingennya udah 52

Bar ya aku buang-buang hitam dulu ya aku [Musik] bang sabar sabar [Musik] sabar kita buang hitam yangak lumayan berguna ya minta itu di buudin minta diudin diudin Atak [Musik] ituak dant apa enggak iya sih tergantung atau enggaknya cuk nah kembali-kembali mulu Buset lagi buangin [Musik] lah lah suara apa Cuk ini

Cuk Wih copy gak anjing bagus takut gua copy sih usah bangama gua [Musik] iniah Halo Bang Wi lari lari lari lari Wi lap Wi lap Wi Wah aningapa cuk tu aku aku jalan pulang kanan delapan kiri tujuh itu sama aja cuk balik lagi Bang yang dapat senjata legendar siapa

Belum belum Nanti malam Nanti malam rp-nya gua OTW OTW apa [Musik] tuhw apa tuh lah Bang sini Bang Soalnya di buat jaga-jaga nanti siapa yang dapat itu senjata legendnya cuk sakit banget soalnya hati-hati Bang iya hati-hati banget Aku cari buat hati-hati nanti kalau ada orang yang yang udah megang senjatanya ubi ngi [Musik]

Banget Oke ini S [Musik] du Wah gua teori gua sendiri kok gak dapat-dapat y bisa nih 60ak teori gua G Aning Wah anjing guai gua tidak tidak Bang lu juga Bang gabung Bang gak manuk Kak lu dapat catat Golden Dari mana aja dari kit dari [Musik] kitu masuk dapat

K server mana cuy server BL blkw blkw Bang kapan RPG sabar guys lagi dikerjain sama teman gua PvP Bang PvP gua gak bisa kalau PvP enaknya di Java Anjay cuman satu doang Alah cuk Rid lagi gak apa-apa kita ambil berarti harus Butuh empat ya berarti ini baru bisa buat dua mau masuk

Gak Bang bang coba mancing di Lava anda pintar sekali k off lah lu lu lu apa namanya lu apa versi berapa versi berapa Nal guis tiktok Anjas tiktok Aku juga pernah Tapi cepat panas pasangnya jadiis aja ya sebelumnya Iya habis magrib aja habis magrib soalnya rp-nya jam habis

Tunggu aja L intinya ada Rp senjata Nantilah di video gua l at gak di videonya ya itu masukin yang Ben ipnya [Musik] dikripi Oke nanti ya nanti gua bikin konten ya b Pak cara ini kanan ter [Musik] ah benar gak bisa coba tanya di bisa [Musik] itu kanan kiri TNT ya Kanan cob

Armor kita protection Kapan senjata aku ikut nanti malam nanti malam nanti malam ternyata Z guys itu armnya Pakak ini cumannya jadi cocok banget buat [Musik] sabar nih armornya nih ini cuman resource pack doang sih cuman doang hilangak dapat nanti nantiy nanti habis live streaming habis live streamingaming Aduh capek gua ngantuk juga

Sih atau balik dulu ya balik ke b du [Musik] ya tur sabar guys ah mau balik dulu mau balik dulu balik dulu Oke oke Udah udah udah aku udah udah cek koordinatnya tadi Min 191 276 ya segitulah ya Min 191 habis tuh Tu tu tuh saya bisa join gak sernya privat minus

791 eh 191 habis 276 oke oke Ya itu jalan portal Wih anj sudah 60 like lagi tu [Musik] udah 60 aja Oh dari tadi kita jalan di tempat ternyata [Musik] mana [Musik] [Musik] boungu [Musik] aalul salah salahah berarti balik sana dong jangan sayang Wah ada ada guys ada orang guys ada orang 276

276 276u bangu jug [Musik] gak boleh stream snap dong busat lu [Musik] ini apa tadi gak kebaca gak Kalau Mas aku boleh ikut gak tunggu P2 tunggu tunggu P2 astaga tunggu tunggu ya Allah ya Allah ya Allah ya allahang tolong bukan ada Bukannya [Musik] ada Oh ya ampun ternyata atas ya ampun Terata

Anjing [Musik] Wah tadi guaing selama ini di bawahuk haloo [Musik] jugaak Gimana Bang Ang ini [Musik] 100k auto join yang [Musik] gak Kagak udah 72 Oh gak tahu cara naikin [Musik] resolusinyah Bang Bang Bang ini kenapa l Bang Bang aku kok merasa culun banget Bang ini gnya Semangat Bang buat videonya bang

Oke skill isu SK isu naik aduh Aduh gua pakai ke c c gua lagi latihan cara gak ada tombol gitu gimana pakai keyboard pakai [Musik] keyboard pakaibard coy sabar sabar ada gak l gak bahaya t bahaya bahaya banget Wir bahaya banget sih [Musik] Wir Bang pakai versi berapa 240 2040 [Musik]

2040 Wah ini jelnya terlalu cepat gak sih kalau Don muncul Del engak Bang gak muncul tapi kalau lu D bilang aja nanti gua lihat kok gua gak ngerti cara munculinnya orang jawa pertanyaan [Musik] jaanguh Bang asamikumum yaah Lagian tujuan gua masih di atas sana Wah lah [Tepuk tangan] lah [Musik] SK runtuh runuh

Lah lahah the runtuh semua Aning eh bekas ada orang dong bekas siapa [Musik] ini bang buatin sabar guys itu udah dibuatin sama R lah bisa detack bisa detack gituang bisa ya ya uh gak ada S speed gua oha Oh Mya Oh Mya Oh Mya Bang udah Bang Bang udah

Bang Bang udah Bang woi cakep ini berapa orangang sapnya udah rame Si ini sih 72 orang sih Bang udah Bang lu napok napok apa [Musik] Cuk b b gua masih jauh lagi astaga tadi gua jalan jauh banget ya versi berapa Bang gak dengar tadi pas 20 40 2040 20

40 semangat Bang oke siap bos [Musik] Jalan PR prat 276 276ak dapat apa [Musik] 276 Oh nih nih Sudah nih Sudah nih gu lagi gua tadi screot7 di bawah Untung tadi gu oh nih lah kalau mau gabung dipilih nanti nanti dipilih [Musik] dipilih alamak si udah udah ngbil ternyata lah lah oh ini

Diailih cara apa tuh nantian diilih di lah kayaknya nya ditanyain lah Yang pastinya yang nanyain bukan gua ya [Musik] y ini nih buat ditanyain seberapa tahu server ini berapa tahu Tahu Yang bukannya yang [Musik] dimakanoga disapa0 [Musik] udah tuh ya go gimana C oh ini dia

Emang fase du Kapan gak tahu sih Gua tunggu saja ya oke iklan apa tuh Bang iklan pakai Bang pakai [Musik] HP ah malas banget [Musik] gua admin bukan lu gua si adminadmin bukan sih yang admin di kokti Abang gak HS hbs gua kering banget [Musik] [Musik] siap gu am am [Musik] banget [Musik]

Gak ada kahya [Musik] kecil Bang ada discord gak ada ada ada gu ada discord mau mau discordu join GR discord kah Ayo guys0 guys mau join grup discord kah Bang barusan ya bangudah berapa nihbar Guek udah hampir jam Guam anj sudah 70 like guys Makasih oke ya nanti live besok gue bakal kasih

Discord aku ya Aduh suara gua banget udah baru diantarin masih dalam perjalanan masih dalam perjalanan [Musik] sabar cuy itu server BPK atau privat privat privat privat [Musik] privatal akhirnya sabar sabar sabar Aduh cap kali gua habis sambil nunggu panggangan Gua tinggal ambil minum ya Halo Bang hal juga Halo Bang juga Halo

Ini ngapain aja Bang Cum itu sesai apa Ses judul ses [Musik] judulangver Sabar ya aku bakar ini dulu gua Gua tinggal ambil ini dulu gua tinggal ambil Gua tinggal ambil itu [Musik] ya [Musik] oke oke udah udah apa tadi lah boleh pakai neer boleh sih soalnya ini kan gak

Ada skill-nya kan Makanya boleh pakai Nether kalau ada skillnya enggak boleh pakai Nether Soalnya ini enggak ada skillnya jadi gitu Soalnya ini enggak ada skillnya coy Mak boleh pak ya terkenalas terkenal gaming bisa bisa ini gua Pak gua Pak [Musik] ini punya bagi [Musik] du [Musik] Temp lah samp keienganat [Musik] itu B

Lebih bakal katanya [Musik] bakalianat bakalat Lumayan lah ne lah cara ikut gimana Tunggu fase du Astaga Bang suara gua ser Bang uh rame banget gila Bang kasih template ne Bang siapun yang punya mcp Iya MCPE [Musik] Bang [Musik] Bang gua gua template Bang siapa [Musik]

Aja tolong Bang lu main di apa di Hp di Hp Bang tolong Bang Bang tolongin Gua bang bang to Bang Belin gak Astaga tunggu fase dua guys tunggu fase dua guys eh setuju gak sih aku aktifin membership Kalau setuju klik satu eh tulis sat tulis sat Kalau setuju membership lama gak lama [Musik]

Apay kan Soalnya ada suara krecek-rek k f f g f mode tu bang udah Bang udah gak lanjut lagi astaga kenapa tuh aduh Bang jangan tanya gitu lagi Bang tunggu fase du ya yang bagi mau join Astaga Bang mau joinvernya tapi harus ngomong gak gak perlu ngomong gak apaapa mod boleh

Aja boleh aja [Musik] ya [Musik] [Musik] sama Bang Astaga Bang prat Bang bangih tah Bang Bang kasih tahu Bang sini Bang lu komen Bang Bang sini Bang lu komen Bang nanti gua PIN komenmu Bang sini Bang komen Bang kasih tahu Bang tuh tuh teman gue juga live

Streaming tuh dia juga live streaming di brutal komen Bang Bagi yang mau yang mau join itu Bang sini Bang [Musik] Kom bang ini bang Gua tunggu Bang nanti gua pin pesanmu Bang [Musik] tolong Bang Kok gak dibaca Dibaca kocak itu udah gua baca [Musik] tuhang Bang Bang Bang jelasin Bang

Anj udah mau 80 c b fase bagi cara masuknya nunggu fase du nungu Open member nungu member Oke tuh si udah tuh siap Sudah [Musik] geng PIN pesan Mana PIN pesan Buka channel laporkan sembunyikan gak di PIN Oh ini pengen ikut udah tuh udah gua

Pin si Aning gu ikutah itu baca yang gua pin aduh suara gu Aning entah Nanti malam bisa Rp atau tidak menunggu templlate ada bangl bangl amat amat [Musik] Mat yang mau join tunggu fase du nah ras mantap R mataku mau mau kelihatan Ireng Mat mataku mau kelihatan Ireng selamat 2024

Astaga Aduh Mat Kamu jangan bohong main Po Bang gak enak grafik gua grafik Oke tunggu oke okeah Mas itu bang baca Bang berapa akuudahudah mau berap [Musik] jamasaekangobaoba lihat [Musik] itu ini kah topengnya Maji kah ini sen [Musik] sama nah udah tuhudah gu udah gua keringin coy sudah gua keringin malam

R di Dar per jadi kira-kira apa ga-gira gua diajak Kab enggak mau sih udah y udah gua keringin kan tadi minta dikeriringin [Musik] cuk 1 Titi 20.41 Bang kapan apa Member Aduh baca cukung fase du [Musik] cuk Aduh enaknya ngapain guys Gua udah mulai capek cuk punggung gua sakit-sakit gimana gitu

Anjing nanti malam ya jangan lupa ditonton adik-adik Aku mau live streaming bukan live streaming sih ada Rp senjata 2040 20 40 doang bukan 42 bukan 42 bukan ituu berapa orang rame lumayan sih gak gak engak 3 456 78 atau udah ada ada 10 mungkin gu mau join Nantilah mungkin nantian nanti [Musik]

Nanti ya Bisa gak gak bisa Gak bisa jam berapa cuk mata gua ngantuk banget sumpah banget gua gak bohong [Musik] terus cara ngomongnya gimana ya nanti aja lihat nanti aja lihat aku bakal Rp Rp Okelah mungkin kita main lancar banget Bang lancar [Musik] lancar mati l oke Ya mungkin cuman sampai sini kita

Kayak elestial ya biar kayak elestial kita tarik sisut di sini oke bye bye gua punggung gua sakit cuk apa namanya udah 1 jam Gak kerasa Oke intinya nanti malam ada Rp senjata elestial ya jangan lupa ditonton nanti malam Rp senjata Rp senjata Lal HD bye bye

This video, titled ‘BRUTAL LEGENDS MINING #1’, was uploaded by Sing dc45 on 2023-12-10 20:11:06. It has garnered 1660 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:25 or 3625 seconds.

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    Storm Enchantment: Level 100 Hammer Havoc! In Minecraft 1.21, the heavy hammer’s storm enchantment is a game-changer, But at level 100, the disadvantages are stranger. The power is immense, but the drawbacks are vast, So think twice before equipping it fast. In this short survival episode, we dive deep, Exploring the world, where secrets we keep. City Pop theme music sets the tone just right, As we journey through day and night. Join Tianxuan’s Discord club, don’t be shy, For more Minecraft fun, come on by. The video clips and thumbnails, all made with care, By Tianxuan himself, a creator rare. So subscribe, like, and… Read More

  • Ghastly Fun: 1 Minecraft Tag, German Trendsetter!

    Ghastly Fun: 1 Minecraft Tag, German Trendsetter! In the Nether’s fiery depths, a Ghast did roam, I followed its path, in search of a home. For 24 hours, I watched its every move, In the world of Minecraft, where mobs groove. It floated and wailed, with a haunting cry, A creature of mystery, soaring high. Through lava lakes and darkened skies, The Ghast’s presence, a sight for sore eyes. So if you have an idea, for the next mob to track, Drop a comment below, let’s stay on track. For in the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every mob has a tale, waiting to be… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling adventures of Efekan in his latest YouTube video. In this video, Efekan transforms into a superhero to rescue Esra from the clutches of the bad guys. The action-packed scenes and heart-pounding moments will leave you on the edge of your seat! But why stop at just watching Minecraft adventures when you can be a part of one yourself? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server and immerse yourself in a world where… Read More

  • Crafty Reactions: Minecraft Movie Trailer

    Crafty Reactions: Minecraft Movie Trailer In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, A movie trailer dropped, a gamer’s dream. But alas, the characters seemed out of place, Animated figures could better embrace. Warner Bros and Microsoft, a powerful pair, But the fans were left with a feeling of despair. The setup may not be the best, it’s true, But with support, the channel can grow and renew. CoffeeBrandCoffee, a tasty delight, Use code “clifton3D” for a discount, just right. And don’t forget “Serge Quadrado Music” in the mix, For a soundtrack that will surely fix. Fair use is key, for commentary and… Read More

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail Compilation

    EPIC Minecraft Fail Compilation The World of Minecraft: A Creative Adventure Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building towering structures to surviving the dangers of the night, players are immersed in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Exploring Minecraft Shorts With the rise of #shorts on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, Minecraft shorts have become a popular way to showcase the game’s humor, challenges, and creativity in bite-sized videos. Whether it’s a funny moment, a speedrun challenge, or a unique seed discovery, Minecraft shorts offer a quick… Read More

  • Unknown Love: Minecraft Yaoi Part 23 – Chasing the Beat

    Unknown Love: Minecraft Yaoi Part 23 - Chasing the Beat In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Our hero embarks on a quest to survive. With each step he takes, a new story unfolds, In a world of pixels, where legends are told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Our hero’s adventures never feel like a chore. With friends by his side, they conquer each task, In a world where anything is possible, no need to ask. But danger lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike, Our hero must be brave, must be ready to fight. With sword in hand and armor gleaming bright, He… Read More

  • Master’s Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21

    Master's Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) Overview The Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) has recently been updated with four new structures: Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town. This update brings exciting new elements to the game, allowing players to explore and interact with these new locations. Features of the Addon The Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) introduces several key features: New Structures: Players can now discover and explore Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town within the game. Update Phases: The update is divided into different segments,… Read More

  • Mad Minecraft Builds: 3 Famous Structures

    Mad Minecraft Builds: 3 Famous Structures Exploring Famous Structures in Minecraft Join the adventure as our Minecraft builder takes on the challenge of recreating three iconic structures in the virtual world. From the leaning Tower of Pisa to the majestic Statue of Liberty, get ready to be amazed by the attention to detail and creativity in these builds. Building the Tower of Pisa Our builder starts off by tackling the famous Tower of Pisa, known for its distinctive tilt. Using a combination of blocks and precise measurements, they carefully recreate the unique architecture of this Italian landmark. The end result is a stunning replica that… Read More

  • Mining Madness: Jack Black’s Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Jack Black's Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and leaks are like a gamer’s dream. Jack Black’s in the mix, bringing laughs and fun, With rhymes and jokes, the adventure’s just begun. Join the discord server, share your thoughts and more, Let’s keep the Minecraft community soar. Family-friendly content, for all to enjoy, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity deploys. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let’s keep the Minecraft news, shining in the light. Stay tuned for updates, in every rhyme, Minecraft fans, it’s our time to shine! Read More

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

    Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet! Join fleetbhai as he navigates through various adventures, challenges, and humorous moments in this popular gaming realm. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights of this gaming universe. GamerFleet’s Minecraft Universe GamerFleet, led by fleetbhai, takes players on a rollercoaster ride through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From exploring new terrains to battling formidable foes, the GamerFleet community thrives on excitement and camaraderie. Key Features: fleetbhai’s Adventures: Watch fleetbhai tackle challenges, interact with villagers, and unleash his creativity in building magnificent… Read More

  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21! Transforme Seu Minecraft com o Ray Tracing! O Ray Tracing chegou ao Minecraft e está revolucionando a forma como vemos o jogo! Com gráficos impressionantes, reflexos realistas, sombras detalhadas e iluminação global, essa tecnologia leva a experiência de jogo a um novo nível. Neste artigo, vamos explorar como ativar o Ray Tracing em qualquer mundo no seu Minecraft 1.21! Passo a Passo para Ativar o Ray Tracing Ativar o Ray Tracing no seu Minecraft é mais simples do que você imagina. Siga este passo a passo rápido e fácil para transformar seus gráficos: Passo 1: Baixe e instale o… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-05-13 16:30:07. It has garnered 108715 views and 1728 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:29 or 4889 seconds. Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft! 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

    Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch’, was uploaded by Plafi gaming on 2024-03-18 02:28:45. It has garnered 459 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch Most Dangerous Elevator Minecraft’s new OVERPOWERED Weapon… I Survived 100 Days On a DIAMOND RAFT In Deep Ocean i. IFound Minecraft’s RAREST Armor in Hardcore! (Hindi) 50+ New Things Added to Minecraft 1.21 (Update) DUPING CRATE KEYS on a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server Why Scary KRASUE ATTACK HOUSE At Night in Minecraft? How This SWORD Made… Read More

  • Monkey Jungle Madness – Minecraft ROBLOX Animation

    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More