Deadly Minecraft Factions Adventure!

Video Information

Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the factions episode but stuff like video job oh my god yes I wanted to see if you already dude that’s awesome always I’m always ready so holy ladies and gentlemen we hope you enjoyed the last few days of factions episode they

Have been crazy we did the biggest most epic raid ever that we had to split up into two episodes it was so awesome but we were challenged by the head admin of our server who has a bounty of ten million dollars and Robin and now by the

Way both have a pen so much I think I million I’m ten point two million and oh actually your 11.11 boy was so we have a lot of work to do now we’ve been challenged before we do anything if you guys have not watched the last episodes

We got oh geez where is the IG oh I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got it’s right here so we actually got two but we gave the pro 421 because he helped us with the raid and it’s only fair that we split the loot and he also gonna place water oh

Look this looks so big in my hand I don’t know about you but it’s like purple black it’s got the weird like it actually looks normal for me but I know exactly what that normally looks like yes don’t like my daughter body we don’t have time unfortunate setup a full IG

Spawner right now and we want to wait because with this duel if we win we will both make well the the poofles team make ten million dollars but there’s a catch-22 Robert what’s the catch a catch-22 is she is hiring the two most powerful lackeys she can find to fight

Us so it’s gonna be two versus two duel she’s gonna be up in her throne I guarantee you we got to get a new Arena built because two versus two is huge the battlefield is gonna be intense Rob and I gonna do commander spirit link we’re

Gonna need to get those allied type and chance going in rockin and rollin and that’s we’re doing today’s episode we are gonna prepare for the battle that is before us and we have to make sure that we can fight her two lackeys and then only then can we slay our head admin and

Take over 10-million and then also obviously if we win or lose will depend greatly on how big we build the spawner err room for the hiring : yeah cuz we win ten million we’re buying five iron gold anime just say just dropping it all on the iron dome 10 G’s boom will try

The auction house but yeah I think I think that’s pretty much the plan that makes sense I mean we’ll save a little bit maybe we’ll do like four I’d and keep two mil but what have in your hand is $600,000 uh Jamie Jamie Jamie up well actually just grabbed it Dean why

To fern it yeah it’s been saved but I’m a go-go there we go now it’s now it’s dehydrator a tree up you little cactus Jones why you had the up no I know but I’m gonna give you one I have to I have

To oh oh oh we get to eat oh yeah for that all for that much absolutely how do you do da alright let’s open these up okay three two one did it Oh what guys but my way I’m sorry one like on the video goes one legendary blast pain

Let’s do this four corners four cores four quarters for e to the 4 corners choo which means any to abort i mornin commenters Oh double comment on the four corners it’s not gosh dang oh wait oh I think I like this Jess late but I can’t

Tell mmm this is hard this is hard what is it I got three altra rares by the way so I got a legendary I got I got you I got three ultra rares you so much okay so oh oh I did get guardians eight poison for gears two boots

Oh no way now that’s pretty good now okay it is really good joob guardians eight is amazing boys got legendary and it all yeah as Robert would you get all I know the common wasn’t something good the rare was something you Hardin three death bringer two thorns three death

Bridge and the legendary is spawn a prince place man oh yeah that’s man okay it’s a Rob chestplate though we’re talking about enlightened three over Lou two armored five and sell strike two but then the spirit links one so its weak but for one verse one PvP I think

Armored five and enlightened three is sick it’s really good yeah yeah it’s really broad legendary DPS legendary DPS alright I’m ready for corner right well I say four down in the middle just you’re bad I did the four corners all right let’s do is gonna win I gotta call this OH

Legendary double legendary high double-edged eteri Heights okay my comment was crap the legendary was another envoy stick no and mad yeah I’ve got two of them and then the green are the comment uncommon was a white scroll right oh really – yeah alright I’m about to open up a

Legendary ready I thought you already did is with it no no no no my legendary pain oh yeah what is the read to one cosmic envoy oh my dude should we just like what do we do with these do we should we should we use them like this

Is actually not a bad time for us to use them this is right now yet it’s 5:30 in the morning est we could easily go I don’t know do actually at the same time let me just do slash out real quick uh let me to slash that’s like no it’s

Like 1400 players on this is like the jungles full lives it you got certain twenty players on if we do the envoy that’s 320 people spawning in the warps to come tell us man it’s time to sell it we have to sell it for people who can

Actually use it because if people see us use it we get absolutely wrecked Oh we’ll chain a chat that were using it yeah it says TB and our frags or what all right that’s what I’m gonna try to sell mine for 750 K I’m going I’m going low

Slimy open aah sell 750 yeah 900 voyages I just listed 750 K 750 because I tried selling my other one for a million for quite some time and I got I didn’t really get any bites on it it was pretty bad okay I’m trying to sell mine for 740

Are you actually you freaking pleb whoa do I take a song for you though by the way what you get here and I’m gonna just do a trade you might want to use it on me see a train it’s uh it’s okay no it’s not it’s not great but hold on to it

Anyways because just the case yeah you might just want to use it I mean it’s not bad oh oh oh I love this is too loose I like the Death Bringer 3 and the DI which the deep wounds is higher yeah the deeper was higher be worth it

But it’s like okay so I did get an MCN overture though which I’m gonna use it was always get seven credits you all I know right i dude I have 98 credits okay I’m putting it straight to my axe like actually let me see what my credits are

I’ve got 22 okay I’m actually gonna do slash was it / redeem and then got slash redeem this little number I’ll redeem swords and then for me to boom now let’s see what my MC moas stats my swords I thinking about to break 706 87

So I’m getting up there I know I know you’re like max yeah but we’ll set max action 1100 whenever you breaks the max it’s gonna be crazy okay so now we literally have to go through about a bajillion like Peavey’s worth of gear this is gonna take us so

Long but it’s gonna be so worth it no so so worth I’m throwing everything in my chest like all the decent stuff like hardened three blah blah blah like oh would you find something mmm gears chew enlighten three boots Oh gears to enlighten three that’s good that’s

Pretty flippin good I would use that like heck yeah dude am i I might give those to you cuz like I have like a lot of really good boots so you could use it if you want I know so cuz like let’s go through our gear cuz like we have no

Idea what we have right now so literally I’m gonna start by just organizing all the chest plates like there’s like all my PVS are like cool cheese yeah let’s go it’s gonna tell you I’m gonna trap eveyone okay there’s more I think got some custom books too but I can’t tell

What they are because they rename them Oh guess what I got a Valor three enchant book Valor hot what’s the what’s the destruction rate it’s really 97% okay so pretty much you got to use a white scroll for that is what you’re trying to tell then even if you use the

White scroll it’s like still because if you know it like if you use white scroll something guys and you put the in champ book and it doesn’t succeed the white scroll effect is gone so basically you’d waste 250k yeah you you’re wasting a white skull cuz it yeah the white skull

But yeah but it could still work though I mean it’s 8% it’s not the worst it’s not the word it’s a roll okay what is the chance that a person like me a dumb knucklehead B could could become a youtuber alright probably very low exactly so I think the

Odds are on my side hmm alright well I get a lot of like you slit item I can really almost have all of this I am I’m like 11 items away from having a double chest of legendary and mythical chest plates oh my god feels dude – feels over good so yeah

Anything that’s mediocre if you put it into a chest I’ll actually come over whoa guardians 10 word and three languages you don’t look at your gear either did both of us just like just basically skip out on it from last raid oh yeah dude I haven’t looked at it yet

All oh my gosh yeah so we got we got a lot of stuff to go through so anything that’s like mediocre dude feel free to send my way and all salvage it oh you’re just like the salvage ray yeah yeah dude I got you I got you covered

I mean if you want none of that mess bro mess with you relax but yeah it’s okay as long as I get to keep some of the diamonds that’s all I’m all good you all get to keep some the diamonds don’t worry you and your diamonds I’m not even selling it tonight

Literally I just want to fill up I just want to fill up this chest you know I mean it’s so green I wanna fill it up not greedy just MLG come on ladies pshhh pshhh nothing big a big difference all right tv5 all right so how many how many

Peopie’s do you have a full stuff that’s the Oh many oh my god oh we just became an enemy of I like turtles oh god I’ve got four D be back yet we’re about to get rekt may be aware Robert dude a little okay I have I actually

Have too much um legendary helmets I can’t fit anymore in my yep I live in your double chest yep I’m in helmet full I need helmets I’m literally full what the heck I need helmets you need help Oh drama oh I’m covered to the club sir what we

Could we could do the trades you want to do this rates yeah I’m down I’m down for doing some trades for helmets I’m just gonna find some poop once and just yeah like implants one enlightened two for on they’ll ever examine um I’m just gonna gonna rip everything it’s crap like

Thorns three nutrition to that you’re just not even worth a mythical yeah tier four to tier 4 come on get rid of those really isn’t like worth honestly I’m putting those like in the bottom of these chests my poop chest yeah poop poop poop on them I’ve got Guardian sin

Boots and feather falling for that’s not bad I mean man I need I need helmets that’s what I want I’m like okay well now that I’ve got I think I’ve got all I’ve got nearly all my Peavey’s like organized again just got a little bit of straggler gear and then we can finally

Get down to some like appropriate trades sorry you have all of your PB he’s done almost almost yeah I don’t I think you got more gear than me I’ve got so much Brigid golden apples is actually making me sick I’m getting golden apples sicknesses from looking at them oh no

What would he do oh my god I almost mmm well I was salvaging I was salvaging and I almost salvaged my brand flood eggs Robert never set dude take that out yeah yeah I took I took my good stuff out I’m just taking it out yeah 100%

Never salvage your brand my Jebus not mr. magic did you’ve imagined if you salvage a brand no literally it would be dead my brand would be dead gosh right upper stuff you would have said so many people that would not have been fun oh no I would not have been fun G buzz

Okay almost done almost done Valda three I’m gonna put like all my custom and sham bucks you go PV one you guys are special shot means five book DV 7 audio I have so much gear that all my peepees are empty got just a random in blue

Preston you want to come over and do some fun stuff why just come over here real quick what do you have and open up this bottom right chest when you get over here by my to my lady did you did you fill it all

Up um I got some stuff for you this one oh wait oh you’re not you’re okay here ready so mine is this almighty cell from the raid yep sell it all oh my god 650 grand 43k doing unbelievable there’s so much money I think I found

That in my I kept I kept it in my pvdyck Rob focus focus focus focus I’ve got all my stuff organized so I’m gonna start reading off some helmets to see if you can use them um what are you looking for at the moment and gentlement

Know I can’t lie and I know what do you mean you know I literally have I need your help dude I have one two three four Peavey’s filled with stuff 5pv still the suck what you gotta tell me what you need when it comes to your helmet bro oh

My god I got seven Peavey’s filled with stuff can can we like can you come over here and like help me or something what do i do just like just like sit over there and I just motivation yeah what what I’ll do is I’ll take all of it out

And I’ll just like bring some chests over and I’ll fill up chests you know to me and then you can I got you can go ahead and help me like sort through the match stuff dude I’m the loo doing the exact same thing right now I’m just hovering above

It you like do you fill up all your chance already no no no it’s all stuff it’s also my peepees cheese I’m just I’m gonna go ahead and give you a little bit of a bad thing I’ve got no good helmets out of that raid right I think I was wrong about all

The helmets as well like they’re mythical and like they’re decent but they’re not like really really super crazy tiered stuff all right let me look at let me look at the helmets that I got you know what enrolled you let me just drag out all the best stuff from these

PVS and I’ll go through it all later yeah that’s what I’ll do I just cuz I didn’t get as much stuff as you so I just put it all in like all in one chest okay so I’m gonna go through all my best stuff here and all if it’s if it’s

Amazing all like stop and hammertime I kinda wanna I kind of just like honestly for a kid like just we’re self-destructing a 2v2 so if we die they can’t get it dude that’s a legit strap oh my god dude all of these swords that I got are named the cutest names like

What give me give you some examples Medusa’s head Chipotle mister stealing what mister steal your life mister steal your life gank it’s got life still on it obviously it’s adorable they’re all so cute I’m just gonna go and say that like whatever chess player using has to have

Enlighten on it like just just yes well you need to have a lot of enlightened like that’s for sure like just I mean it’s it’s just like a Tijuana you can’t you can’t not use that to your one read enlighten three poison three chest plate

Mmm that’s pretty I like I just I think that one of us having poison would be really really good one of us should have poison one of us should have with her you know or should we both go with spear link type stuff that’s wrong thinking

Cuz I’m okay so like right now for spirit link stuff I’ve got a spirit link yeah I I feel like spirit link would be hype like I’ve got armored for mmm yeah this dad this right here this is this okay bra this is enlightened 3 overload two armored for self-destruct one in

Spirit link 3 wow it sounds really nice so I’m gonna say that I’m gonna go with that for the battle for sure alright I’ve got I’ve got my my chest plate picked out now I think I was actually I think this is the one that I use

Lightweight I use this one in the previous one oh no I didn’t the one I use in the previous one was more centered oh this is really good one because I actually got that from the legend hsk onto the leggings do you have any really

Good leggings I do I do I have a tank five enlightened tube hair that I just got from this raid actually they’ll go ahead and I’m gonna let me just put them all into my chest I have like all these things right here that I just grabbed

And then you can come on over to my office and actually just look through my stuff yeah doll yeah I got the I got these leggings are called pantaloons I got some good swords if you want like knife better than Platt Slayer like I’m like talking yeah what life still is pops

There have four it’s hard to be I know they mean the only thing that beat is is that I should have Kevin dude I should have kept that guy’s brought that sword from the one view wanna gave it back in good faith whoa these leggings are wither five poison three wither five

Poison three yeah I feel like I can’t pass up on those I feel like kind of filthy cuz then I have because I’ve got armored and I’ve got my overload and I’ve got my light and I got poison I got withered so like the thing is like if we

Stack D buffs on them then we’re gonna have a major advantage like if you have some curse gear that would be really sick I would really rate some curse gear if you have uh yeah I got some curse gear that’s for sure out but I put on

Some curse care put on some curse gave you can alright so yeah let’s build let’s build our best set so I’ve kind of gone through all the oh yeah wow look at this yep there it is would you fight like a spy for no swiping I mean I just have so

Much gear just like stuck I’m gonna push er miss some really good things but I just got some poison for over the three leggings of a Gerst it’s so high dude let me know if you find dude let me know if you find gears boots cuz that’s rum

I’m really in the dire need for right now as gears three boots gears but I have I don’t know if I’ve gears three let me check he’s like the best I have right now is enlightened three Death Bringer two boots or I can go gears one enlighten

Three but I think that’s bring her to Allah enlightened three’s much oh my oh my god I thought I was done I have like two more three more people I found but oh my god dude I don’t know how you got so much gear from that God because while

You were Canada remember I was doing like some I was doing some reading oh yeah yes that’s true all right let me see here Wow Wow okay that was actually nothing that amazing in this PV just a good any any guess and it gets swords or no swords yeah I got

Some pretty good oh there’s the chest plates Oh yep there it is hello Oh what is it what is it does bring her three cursed you overload – yeah that’s 43 Moulton for budge is that custom made yeah yeah massive eight I mean armor debt no these are all decent enlightened

To shockwave five little Rob I’ve got a minor I’ve got a minor I don’t know if you need I would love it my minor is believed five blast three what is bless do bless it takes off negative be buffs negative you might want this does your

Axe have that cuz like if they’re if they’re running a high because like the cool thing about cosmic is that there’s so many different sets you can run so if they’re running a debuff set or like a curse set that could really fudge you up and I could save you right there that

Act ya know that’s for sure okay so ooh tank for okay those are all the chest plates I’ve gone through I’ve got so bitty bows I mean really that like that I think the Tier one bow enchants is like probably venom and Pierce yep you’re seeing is like absolutely nicer

You have to have a high level of piercing and then afterwards piercing I would say I don’t explosive is good because it Withers and so is Calif occasion cuz also wears yeah do you actually have a piercing v book I don’t even I do I do have a piercing v book

Dude this okay if I have that I’ll have a venom two piercing v explosive three book I just don’t know if the piercing fiber works with explosive if it does then do like all all power to you okay so just come over to come over to my

Base real quick and you could take a look at my stuff and see if there’s anything that you need okay let me see yeah I’m right now okay so right now I basically got ohad I really use these boots that battle gears to overload three that’s terrible okay so where’s

Your Peavey’s or was your um your gear uh Mikey its these are all my good son this is so that’s decent that’s all the really good stuff on the left so you really you really want to go yeah so these boots let me see here we don’t

Have a Gears three hard to right there dude where we where a third from the third on the left on the top I’m just gonna go and say this we’re not finding in a big open area so I don’t even think that gears is gonna come in super big handiness so I’m gonna

Come I’m gonna say I’m gonna say that I’ll stay away from gears for now all right all right all right okay and then and then leggings like ah these are this is a really old plague carrier is that what else is that is that what clears up

When you’re when you’re low no when you’re low play carrier spawns a whole bunch of creepers that like wreck face but it’s like when you’re at half a heart so if you’re a half a heart in a 2v2 oh yeah you’re gonna die Rob Lee already

Not looking good for you these legs are decent I have some hold on I think I have some better stuff here that you might want to use no I don’t really have much uh I want to take a look at your swords I just can’t believe for all

Alleged okay Rob so ivory we’re buying two more legendary DPS nope haven’t happening it’s happening yeah – I’m bonus – more each you’re crazy man I got lots of money I’m sorry Robert and I’m ready to blow it can I have the could have the dippy uh yes

Y’all actually you don’t wanna do I’m just gonna pay a random person on the server cuz they’re handsome like that just hold the Tablas and stop boom boom Hey oh it’s blocked so I oh yeah it worked oh I paid some guy HD s8 congratulations on the standard guys

Known as easy what’s his name oh dude name was uh HD s8 he has he literally is 600 K right now he had a hundred and twenty dollars no way he had $120 so I was pretty much like made his day the day he literally went from $0 to

$600,000 randomly it’s so so great TV and our frags that’s honestly hilarious okay yep see one negative it’s so addictive oh I can’t oh no I can’t okay you can’t put both I can’t my god yeah she’ll take four all right except the traitor back oh what if he scams me uh

Uh uh scare me please no yeah you know I’m a good friend don’t worry money in the auction house we find something oh that’s where we should be looking dude how am I not looking in the Aqua what is water worker the heck I’m what are you some water look it’s a book

At it’s called water worker dude oh that’s what are the under yeah they have weird names that’s not aquatic it’s the the basic vanilla enchant Oh ASA boop boop fudge that doesn’t want it oh this TNT on here Oh headless King spawning 1.7 million keg not worth not

Worth my face yeah like this guy’s name is skull a skull of TB and our fragged hahaha not the real one ghetto ghetto fudge Oh 190 K but this chest plate is enlightened oh it’s enlightened – its Bentley 5 though not worth nothing I know but it’s it’s that curse 5 on this

Chest plate Podge come on ok ok open open open yeah open these bad boys all right 4 corners here we go give me a lot it’s all about the it’s all about the randoms the random uncommon ultra rare yeah oh god yeah I’m getting mad right Oh nope legendary on

The last row I gotta love it oh dude okay okay oh I got I got bad stuff oh my god wait never mind never freaking mind Oh Jonas plate mail of AG’s the protector in line three overload two armored five self destruct and spirit link yeah that’s exactly what I got dude

We’ve got yet now we’ve got the same hair train me look look train me oh my god do we actually just get the same thing from this is this a very common from the DP but see this is the one I’m gonna be using oh yeah they’re like is

Higher I kind of like that I like that one alone yeah your spirit link is kind of low unfortunately it’s yeah this one’s even higher if you are murders my are murders high yeah yeah this bear link the one I linked on the right is

Spirit link 5 but the cool thing is if we both have spirit link it’s gonna help us out it’d be nice if we could get commander cuz that also gives bus as well yeah okay ready okay go good go good I’ll do random oh my god I was

Going that word me oh I got an ultra rare ultra rare I get an ultra an uncommon I can’t no I got no I got I got nothing oh I got sooth zulu sword at all I got a legendary sword but it sucks well actually not really it’s definitely

Three ah but deep wounds one thunder blows it we’re stopped laughing uh really not nice then play Oh 89 MC mm Oh credit voucher whoo please can I have no food now you fudge and loss mate enlighten three poison for armor for pants what yeah I don’t know if armored

Stacks but if it doesn’t I might actually say fudge the chest plate that I just actually like put up towards you I know is what I could do is I could wear the armored one but spare like four versus the armored four but spent like three

That way you have better spirit link and it’s got self destruct three so I dude I can take one out with me hold on no no okay yeah there’s a really good chest plate in the H right now though what is that what is it it’s enlighten to you overload three armor

Three self-destruct three spirit link five that’s like really sauce about man oh it’s alright it’s like it’s not bad but I am redeeming this credits by the way which is like was it boom redeemed swords 89 wait question down just joined the 750 plus swords club she unlocked

Something really sick just by getting that okay sorry sorry we’re able to get addiction at yeah I did get an envoy stick did I ever mention uh so now I got I’ve got more history ever sell ours no I didn’t sell dude I didn’t sell I’ve

Got like I’ve got so many Envoy sticks a one-day so my soul ever don’t know it’s probably in your auctions yeah mine solely mine sold why my I can bias I can buy us some DPS that’s so crap yes we do it through the defeats we need we need

We need come on so so withdraw 600,000 oh my gosh so honestly HL I’m gonna try to sell mine again for 600 K oh my drum so poor you buy a bike a Bible like what I’ll just put this year I don’t pay to pay to somebody paid somebody just

Random it no it’s okay Oh DP v 1 to 300 separate separate them separate it yeah train me up oh my gosh we have such an addiction this is terrible way to addicted man alright ready go go go three do you want go Google I’m doing

The four corners this time dude John is about the random self hold on rare common ultra rare ultra I got alt rare and rare nice dude this old Troy was terrible it’s a legendary bow but it’s look I just got really good boots well we got em cima mode credits hey I envy

What you get life still five what’s on an on a sword yeah train me up train me let me see this and this is this the next Club Slayer train map yep yep it is the Brep Slayer is just a new one oh and it’s got vampire one and blind one

I just don’t know because mine’s got double strike three on it uh here take it take it cuz i don’t use swords but that’s a really sick sword though yeah I’m good I’m doing the four corners it’s outside I go go go go alone

– the name – common oh god I’m gonna get four comments I’m gonna get four comments oh well I didn’t see I didn’t see I was I was mess with my keys was fidgeting one oh my god two of my clicks were one off legend both off legendaries

I just got rekted i just got absolutely absolutely wrecked three I got three uncommons hmm Guardians eight Death Bringer three chestplate who could save that for future stuff that’s actually really high yeah but oh I guess I keep getting all these credit vouchers dude honestly right now for me credit

Vouchers is where it’s at because I can just do I can just redeem it for like mad amounts of swords no no it’s it’s easily the best thing so alright uh okay so much my swords are at what is it at 948 840 dude rolls at that 1k I’ll get

You don’t wonder I wanna like I want to fight you dude I want to know what it’s like I think it’d be a really good test I don’t know we can’t do that now obviously but it’d be a really good thing to technically could we could battle if you want it well we

Technically could I mean if you want to I’m down to battle I’m just sayin oh but I think some I bought my own voice Nick oh really which is bad for us because so this guy seems for 500k and somebody bought mine for 600 I rate that

I mean if your might you might as well spend the extra 100k you know what I mean yeah I mean like is how you get the X – better it’s like patent-protected so what I’m looking for is better boots and a better helmet and I don’t need

Overload and I don’t know that’s it so I don’t need overload I’m actually gonna go and chance some stuff just for justjust – Jan what do you think that’s not a bad idea I mean cuz like I don’t know if I want to get rid of my helmet

Because it’s got valor three overload three internship – I don’t know how I feel about valor I like malar because it’s basically a massive counter to axis it is a huge counter to axis it basically it basically can put your resistance up and above a god Apple yeah but only when you’re

Low health yeah but if you’re really low healthy of life still then it’s it’s the clutch moment because then you get that lifestyle headset and you get your HP backup I guess so yeah you’d be right you’re right I could go for I could go for some different

Enchants but for the for the boots sake so for the boots sakes I think I’m pretty much set on boots let me go check at my home home again this is such a fun episode as going through gear creation like it’s um it’s so addictive like I

Could do this for hours I don’t think I’m having a really hard time with my helmet I really don’t think I have a good helmet what is it I don’t have anything good I really don’t have anything good I might just do a Death Bringer 3 helmet yummy that’s yeah like

If you have something in terms of helmets I would love because I literally don’t have anything um and I’m I’m looking I mean I could do poison for Endor shift – that’s not bad oh man let me know if you find any good helmets dude yeah I’m lacking okay so

For my helmets I’ve got rights now I’ve got enlighten three helmets David do you have a light I mean just a basic a light and three with that work that would be actually really good gonna top look at it look at the top one the top one yeah

It’s all it’s all of oh here protection for enlighten three yeah it’s a lot so I would say I mean if you don’t have anything else then just go with that because that’s gonna be better than nothing enlighten three helmet you’ve I mean what do you think about a line

Three helmets are not bad they’re actually quite good yeah no that’s good that’s like this year yeah tier one enchant you know just it’s a little all March to go organize watch the gorgonites mm I cuz I gotta make sure I have an obsidian you can use the March

To the gory goodbyes Elvin I could be salty I might actually take of their take up their actually just mad banter what are you using for boots are held up for helmet told you do the moist pickle Ballard 383 inner shift to I mean not

Going right is he sick of that it but I’m telling you valor is life-saving plus it’s got the overload nothing else has overloaded on it but my chest plate which is one yeah you need one thing with over though that’s the thing right now I’ve got the perfect I’ve got five

Levels in armored because it doesn’t stack past that so I’ve got the perfect amount armor and then I’ve got Death Bringer and then I’ve got what else and I’ve got four levels in spirit link and then I’ve got poisoned mmm okay this is interesting yeah I’d like to get some

This is actually really good you want to see let’s go to let’s do such straighten look at each other sets and see what can use some work okay alright / trade at TV on our frags I show you the pleb Slayer haha yeah put your ax in there though your your sword

In there for sure yeah Amy Jamie up X is I don’t wait hold up I don’t have my good acts on me give me a second mmm I’m gonna sell this I’m gonna sell this off voice like a good sell or H sell cific so four seven 3k oh nevermind

Like envoy Rob envoy right now yeah I say we go for it like ASAP with our good stuff on yeah do do were stacked right now come on we’re gonna die you kidding me that’s true okay PV for I got a lot of health potions yeah yeah yeah I’ve got

I’ve got my golden apples inside of here uh gonna chomp on these actually dude / feed cuz I’m a high enough rate for that final yeah yeah I’ve finally dude okay actually oh I should probably get out my gear stuff instead and then i’ve got

We’ve got a strength pot k you ready to go uh yeah I need one apples or what warp uh let’s just go and pick one a like you want to do ice that’s we gotta do fast yeah here just go war just do ice okay ice yeah yeah I see planes go

Go go dip independent bin I’m gonna go and going on then here I’m here I’m here I a divided conquer divide and conquer yeah / sure sure sure sure sure if you see someone I’ll just TPD you immediately listen listen for the sounds listen for the sense yeah ooh and I’m

Chasing I also look for players because typically players are going towards them oh yeah I’m with you I’m with you I wanna oh oh is it some of the he’s naked he’s not even gonna know Oh God their humanity oh this guy this guy is bamboo it’s a bamboo with 36 a trees

Nice let’s do it oh yeah I’m dead this is this is how we test out the new sets Rob yeah yeah I’m gonna drink I’m gonna drink my potion oh dude him in a dirt him in a derp o.o you in a prole the inner pearl yeah oh

Man I’m after my master him same-same oh he’s right there cheer laugh choices oh dieter prohl again no I didn’t know he didn’t he didn’t oh dude hes getting rekt yo what’s this shun wave away TP d TP somebody else right he’s right behind you doing him this literally is at a

Jazz jazz yeah jazz watch I ain’t even his friend and though he TP is friended that’s fine that’s fine watch out before dude its friend is no no no retreat retreat would shoot more friend oh no no dude what if she’s letting them there’s almost telling them

My hosts not to break dude is it already from what yeah I could slash fixed to hold on yeah yeah cuz I’m actually slaying these guys I just need some backup sauce I did give you some backup oh yeah I’m cry back my back I’ve come back come

Back I’m fighting I’m basically fighting to be one right now one’s got an axe he’s got my school like God will get this everybody song I run it to someone else oh wow oh my god I like three shot him oh there’s a lot of people do I really

Don’t know how I feel that no I’m dude I’m 3d warning and I’ve got to be wanting these down to 48 where where are you what’s your coordinates same spot same spot lender pulled out um okay my coordinates are 2 1 1 4 4 3 2 1 1 yeah

Hit a roll away in a 2v1 hand Interpol way nice I’m tearing these guys up there get over here what’s yours what’s yours at 4 1 3 yeah for four are just four four four four four four straight down the line cool he’s almost dead he’s

Almost dead like he’s dying I get over how 3b warning these guys come over here bro I’m trying to always see you I see you I see you yeah I’m like I’m gonna get a massive skirmish oh my legs are getting kind of low okay go for this guy

At the tropical army man he’s really yeah he’s just always dead oh he’s dead nice take it up oh we got a we got I said we got his head okay do me this were the part to be retreat or do we stay on these guys I think we retreat

Dude I think we just read add there’s too many there’s too many I didn’t can’t even find one on void chest dude bull shrimp about the contract avoid sickness so I’ve got to get out I’m in a cave I’m gonna cave I don’t know if that’s a good idea

No I’m trying to get out oh they’re chasing me from behind you know don’t you need help you guys think right behind you pineapple just what right over there yeah I’m about I’m about to get out of combat so I’m gonna be do

What do we do do I want to get out yeah I’m just gonna I’m just gonna slash home bolt like easy peasy right when my at my other collar should be out of combat by now I know it’s it buffed to 15 seconds but I’ve been literally running around for

30 seconds and a portal and oh he hits I literally just got him oh you owe me they come help you I’m um I got gears on I’m just gonna outrun these guys I think yeah I backed out it back down I got all

That guys gear by the way hey like we do we got two of his skulls what nice oh yeah Rob you got the kill on it because it says it was killed by waffles when I’ve already finished him off actually at home volt yeah I got my gear stream just way too fast

Um he actually had some not bad stuff he had gears 3 overload 300 gears 3 overload 3 boots nice to get enlightened three freakin break here’s three overload three buttons bad really good then frozen three shockwave three leggings I can see dido for sure this sword was double

Strike – yes it wasn’t super old but he had a commander five shock wave four curse three um a nurse a legendary chest plate that’s not bad dude we got out with some pretty good loot right there honest like worth it I was sick so we

Just basically did a did a real life testing of our gear and I’m just gonna go and say but I raided eight out of hamate like that I want to I want it just real quick before we end this cuz I’m pretty sure that’s all the time we

Have for ten coming over your office do a slash trade I want to see I want to see your stuff but I got our mind like actual gear your your GG gear hey we didn’t do that we never chance kiss the on boy oh yeah yeah I’ll give you it since I

Got two helmets I don’t know how we got two of his goals I think I might have been a glitch but like it I’ll give you one say me thanks dude trade TBN ah well either way trade no matter what show me your gear but yeah there you go let me

Get this yeah took me to buy waffles awesome buy my no no don’t accept you know I don’t write okay like I see alright yeah okay ho let me just put my stuff in here yeah I wanna take a look at this stuff who your party pants are good I like the

Death finger three yeah Death Bringer three and I need those are my overloads I don’t need overload or anywhere else my brand is my best thing hands down look at that it’s so crazy yeah your brand is definitely the best it’s so beast and I found that helmet not bad

Tank one Death Bringer three Guardians three yeah or three is what saves it the death finger three would say yeah feel like you don’t have enough in light in there dude like you know you only have one enlightened piece against me because if you ever get in a pinch like the good

Thing is you’ve got gears three so you can run away but yes like I could learn like an ender pearl I mean well well maybe I’ll do a little bit more looking and see if I can find better boots I’d love to get gears three in lane three

That would be just GG what do you think about my set though uh yeah let me take a look so your march of the Gorga mites mold head were enlightened three Death Bringer two boots those are filthy that is so good chess plate beautiful enlighten three like you’re

Just tanky dude like yeah I’m going for the enlightened life skill combo so basically I’m again and then the Valor so yeah I’m going for basically but you can’t kill me if you watch your 1v1 you notice that you drop like five hearts and just immediately heal it like for me

I just I don’t really drop hearts like a little bit tanker but you just you’re down up down up down up down you can never get you below like thirty hell that’s crazy I’m I’m still kind of scared I don’t know I was scared for my 1v1 okay bye take your

Stuff out I’ll give you his skull yo self-service for mine as well no you can’t sell that oh I’m gonna put it on my wall though yeah I’ll put a mine right here but everybody think it’s my head oh it’s not people who watch the series they know sexy kind of dead and

My god press his head yeah alright well ladies and gentlemen this was our preparation episode in the very next episode you guys gonna see myself and mr. wuffles take on it’s a very handsome man it’s gonna be a scary battle but I’m ready and if you guys are ready to make

Sure you leave a like down below and subscribe to both of our channels for future factions content it is gonna be awesome and we’ll see you guys tomorrow for the 2v2 I’m nervous man hold me never Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft FACTIONS #82 “PREPARING FOR DEATH!” w/PrestonPlayz & MrWoofless’, was uploaded by Preston on 2015-06-01 16:30:01. It has garnered 371194 views and 14873 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds.

Server: – Shop: ♥ ● “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT FACTIONS! 😀 ● Click to never miss an episode! —————————————————————————————— MrWoofless: ● —————————————————————————————— My Other Channel! Mainly Call of Duty: ► —————————————————————————————— Bird Me, Like Me & Group Me… OH BABY: ► —————————————————————————————— Watch Me Live On Cam, I’ll Love You: ►

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  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

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  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

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  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

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  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

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  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

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  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

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  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

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  • VeneziaMC

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  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

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  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link:افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK] 【1ST STEP GOODS】 Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: ・Overlays: ・Schedule: ・Mira Emotes: ・Shonkey Emotes: ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More