Deadly Peppers Attack Epic Minecraft Base!

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ah fishing is so peaceful yep I’m fishing for Treasure oh heck yeah I bet I’m going to get a big salmon next that’s going to be my next catch come here fishy come here hi guys and what are you doing and whoa whoaa Ruby keep your voice done we’re fishing we’re trying to catch the fish you’re scaring them away by yelling uh doing the what no wait this is the park Fountain what are you trying to do again we’re fishing for fish well yeah Ruby there is actually a really good spot for fishing because nobody else fish is here so all the big fish are here uh I don’t think that there are any fish here Dash you know this water com from like the sewers right what no Ruby this water does not come from the sewers otherwise it wouldn’t be so blue and like clear if it was sewer water it would be green and disgusting I think it’s blue cuz there’s chemicals in it dude this is just normal water I know we’re fishing bro how are you going to catch anything in the park Fountain you see that big Fountain spout in the middle that’s where all the fish come out of so you just got to aim your fishing rod up there oh yes I got mine up there all right I should be getting a big fish in no time let’s go you know what I’m getting hands on with this and wao wao wao Cam’s going in Cam’s going in he’s swimming with the fish oh my gosh wait this is kind of gross actually guys why are you guys fishing in the first place well Ruby we’re hungry where else are we going to get lunch from it no wait my fishing rod just fell off from the spout oh I got to put it up there again wait what guys if you want lunch cam stop swimming in that I’m I’m I’m climbing the fountain cam wait wait you actually probably should get out of there I think you’re scaring away the fish no no I’m I’m one of the fish wait Ruby look I just caught something hey big cam uh Dash if you want lunch we can just go to the grocery store you know okay honestly I think that might be be a better idea we’ve been fishing here for like the past 2 hours and we still haven’t caught anything other than like a few coins I think let’s just go to the grocery store yeah you’ll probably get better quality fish there anyways come on all right all right yeah let’s head out what type of fish do they even have at the grocery store um they’ve got lots of different fish I’ve got the freshest frozen fish around what the freshest fish the freshest frozen fish around stop making fun of me honestly I feel like I could have caught a fresher fish from that Fountain I don’t think so but uh you can think that though and here here we are oo all right all right I think I already know what I’m going to get I’m going to get a salmon sandwich from the grocery store oh I’m going to get some puffer fish spikes oh okay let’s see if they have it here and wait where is everything and um wait Ruby there’s the grocery store right why is that everything empty on the shelves I’m not sure this is definitely the grocery store cuz this is the freezer section over here um this is kind of weird are you sure they’re not like uh sold out or anything wait wait hold on there’s one piece of meat over here waa wait this guy just took it wait what hey have to pay for that H whatever wait did he just run off without paying for that what wait why was he freaking out so bad I don’t know was that guy a thief or something that was weird I don’t think so I just seemed scared okay okay this is all kind of weird wait maybe they have some stuff in the back room over here any food back here no they literally got no food in this grocery store what Jos I’m pretty sure this room is employees only oh oh we should probably get out then but hold on hold on speaking about employees uh cashier cashier we had a question um why is there no food in the grocery store Hey listen there’s nothing left for you to steal okay just go but nothing left to steal we weren’t going to steal anything we were here to buy stuff um that’s kind of why we came to the grocery store oh what oh man uh there’s nothing left though sorry wait what why is there nothing left in the grocery store yeah isn’t your guys’s entire job to have food on the shelves there’s no food on the shelves right now this doesn’t add up well everyone freaked out about the flu so everything’s gone huh wait flu what what flu what do you mean it’s the middle of summer how can anyone catch the flu yeah what are you talking about oh you don’t know about the zombie flu wait zombie flu what’s that I’ve never heard of that so you guys don’t know about the flu um here come over here I’ll show you um all right what are you going to show us uh just watch the news breaking news there is a new virus going around known as the zombie flu the zombie flu starts like a normal flu but after 1 to two days it makes people very aggressive and act like zombies everyone is advised to stay indoors and avoid anyone who looks sick the virus is very dangerous stock up on supplies in case of a lockdown we will keep you updated stay safe and take this very seriously and that’s why there’s no food left and wait do you guys have the zombie flu um I don’t think so but what the this is horrible since when did this happen this happened last week okay back up back up back up back we don’t have the zombie flu Miss we’re we’re kind of just um we’re we’re all good yeah we literally stay inside all the time yeah I’ve never even heard of the zombie flu we don’t have it I don’t know I don’t trust it okay six blocks away at all times and well yeah yeah we’re six blocks away but uh this zombie flu thing is horrible and all that but are you sure you guys don’t have any food if everyone already took all the food then where are we going to get food from I can’t answer that you have to get your food on your own dude what anyways the store has to be closed now can you please leave and what are you really kicking us out of the grocery store we don’t have the zombie flu well we don’t have anything to sell do we and oh gosh yeah you’re kind of right all right well guys I guess we should probably leave what do we do I don’t know maybe we can go to a different store maybe they have some food yeah we need to find food from somewhere o wait guys maybe we can go back to the fishing p uh I don’t think that’s the best idea bro I’m not going to lie yeah I don’t think we’re going to catch anything there oh wait what if we go to the cafe o wait the cafe could actually be a really good idea they might still be open all right let’s head over hopefully they’re still open and all right guys here we are the cafe hopefully they’re open hopefully we can get like ooh like an egg sandwich with like uh bacon and cheese that could be really good ooh maybe maybe and oh I don’t think they’re open what what does this say close due to zombie flu what wait what are you kidding me my stomach is eating itself right now oh my gosh same here I’m not even joking my stomach literally feels like it’s going to eat itself and like turn inside out that’s literally what I just said well yeah but I said the inside out part oh gosh since one with this zombie flew such a big deal I haven’t even heard about it until like 5 minutes ago I don’t know we never watched the news so it was probably a big deal for a while yeah true we do spend a lot of time indoors just playing video games the news is so boring I’d rather watch cute animal videos okay but guys hold on we actually have a problem now what are we going to do for food if this thing has been like around for a week and everywhere is closed where are we going to get our food from I don’t think we have anything in our fridge at home wait I’ve got one idea have you guys ever heard of dumpster diving um no what’s that oh you’ve never heard of it well it’s like a thing that people do they go behind like big stores and they go inside their dumpsters and take stuff what so you’re saying we can get food from a dumpster cam I don’t think that’s a good idea I mean if you could think of a better way that we could get food dude you’re going to get the zombie food if you do that yeah dude you’re going to get even more diseases if you eat stuff from a dumpster no no there has to be a dumpster around here somewhere I’ll show you guys J we have to talk them out of this oh gosh is he really looking for the dumpster cam I don’t think this is a good idea honestly I think it’s better if we just don’t eat and dude where are you going I found it there’s a dumpster back here are you really going to the dumpster dude what the heck I’m pretty sure they hide the dumpster behind this bush on purpose um yeah cam I don’t think this is really a spot where we’re supposed to go to Oh My Gosh guys look relax we’re going to fight food here and we’re going to be fine dude it’s literally a dumpster and ooh wait there’s a few pizza boxes down here hold on you’re not actually going to dive into it and he did it Dam you can look in the dumpster I’m just going to stay up here oh guys I found some noodles wait what is wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on why would someone throw like a full cup of noodles into the dumpster and why would you take out the cup of noodles if it was already opened because I’m hungry and wait wait don’t tell me you’re actually going to eat that what if there’s like ants in that and like spiders well I’m hungry I’m going to eat it and oh go I’m going to stand back I’m going to stand back dude what did it taste like when did this thing expire two years ago are you serious what the heck cam I told you dumpster diving wasn’t a good idea yeah that’s probably not the best idea about oh my gosh okay well guys let’s get out of this place Ruby we should probably stay six blocks away from Cam he’s probably got the zombie flu at this point that was the grossest thing ever cam stay away from me damn what if one of those noodles in there was a worm don’t say that that’s gross well you’re the one who ate dumpster noodles but oh man what are we going to do now I mean we could go back to the fishing pond oh I’d rather not I don’t think I have snacks at home either oh man okay well what are we going to do we can’t go to the pond we can’t go to the cafe or even the grocery store where else are we going to get food from there’s like no places opened yeah there’s literally no other place where food comes from there has to be a way we could get food somehow and wait a minute hold on I’ve got an idea guys why don’t we go straight to the source where the food comes from why don’t we go to a farm a farm wait what we can buy food from a farm well um I don’t know if we can buy food from a farm but you know it’s just a farm we can just like go there uh pick up a few crops and surely they’re not going to notice you know they have so many crops wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you saying that we need to steal from a farm oh yeah Ruby but what else are we going to do there’s literally a zombie flu going around I don’t want to starve wait what that sounds like a horrible idea uh I think it’s our only option Ruby I’m not going to lie and yeah Ruby but what else are we going to do with it’s either that get the zombie flu or starve you’ve got to be kidding me I think that’s kind of our only choice all right you know what guys to the farm follow me well let’s go to the farm we’re going to have to do a little bit of running but I guess there’s going to be some good exercise for the feast we’re about to eat I really don’t think this is a good idea guys really what else are we going to do it’s not like we can eat that bird right there I don’t know it’s looking pretty tasty ew that bird probably has a zombie flu Oh wait what no you’re probably right let’s just go to the farm and get food guys and all right guys we finally made it to the farm all that running is about to pay off you guys ready to get our Feast oh we’re about to be feasting and it looks like it’s a full Harvest okay guys we can get enough for one piece of bread and then we can share the bread okay and what no Ruby look at how many plants they have we’re not just going to get enough for one piece of bread we got to get enough food for like um at least a week we don’t know how long this zombie flu is going to last yeah Ruby there’s enough food here to feed the entire town for months we they’ll be fine if you know we seal just a little bit Yeah plus Ruby look we can just pick up the crops and then plant them back there we go no harm done I don’t know I think there’s some harm done to who the farmer dude well yeah the farmer is going to get all of his crops back he’s probably like not even working right now cuz of the zombie flu here let’s just go ahead and plant all of the stuff that we take but ooh yeah guys we got to grab all this wheat we’re going to have a whole Feast well not all the wheat but let’s just grab a little bit of it wait we can’t just eat only wheat guys yeah true you’re right we’re going to need to have a full nutritious diet yeah you’re right all right let’s go get some carrots and yeah hold on let’s go around the rest of the Farm I’ve got 27 pieces of wheat ooh this is going to be enough for so many bread and so many donuts oh gosh I don’t like stealing guys Ruby this Farm is huge we’re going to be fine no one no one’s going to catch us and ooh guys it looks like they’ve got a lot of other plants in this Farm they’ve got some sunflowers ooh guys we can eat sunflower seeds those are like a nice snack yeah but it’s not going to fill us up let’s get something else true true true they’re a good snack I I thought you were going to say we should eat sunflowers though no wait guys there’s some potatoes over here let’s crab some of these ooh let’s go I’ve got 40 one potatoes guys imagine all the baked potatoes we’re going to have with this okay I guess I can take some potatoes and wa whoa wao C is that a poisonous potato don’t don’t drop those to me they’re going to eat you what if the poisonous potatoes caught the zombie flu what if that’s where the zombie flu came from oh relax hey I’m just being careful I don’t want to get anywhere close to this flu but anyways guys I’ve got 59 potatoes I’m guessing you guys also have some I think this should be more than enough what’s the next thing we’re getting oh there’s corn wait there is oh heck yeah I love corn corn is going to be so good I like to eat it off the Cobb can Barbe and everything it’s going to be so epic let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of corn you guys okay okay I so feel bad about this Ruby it’s fine you got to chill out it’s either we get this or we starve to death here I’m going to grab a few sunflowers too maybe we can have sunflower seeds I’ll get some carrots wait I want some carrots o yeah yeah carrots are a good idea that’s going to be very very important wait hold on what’s this over here wait guys I think this is Peppers oh you should definitely get some peppers I want some spicy food wait really you guys want Peppers all right I guess we can grab a few wo these smell smell really spicy oh you should get a lot of these I think this is Cam’s favorite oh yeah don’t worry I got you Cam all right let’s do some pepper farming let’s go and what the heck yo what is this is a giant pepper why is it chasing us why is it bouncing around ow it hurts guys guys I think we need to run and hide come to the building what the guys do you think this pepper maybe got infected with the zombie flu why is it alive I don’t know but get in the house come on I’m running I’m running where did you guys go oh you guys are in that building over there okay okay let me in let me in come on come on come on quick quick quick board it off board it off I’m trying I’m trying what the heck is that thing I don’t know it’s like a moving jumping pepper what that was one spicy pepper and it hurt did you guys get hit by it it was like punching me and I’m not kidding when I say that thing hurt really bad no it only went after you I didn’t get hit by it I got hit I think my eyes are watering it was so spicy oh gosh wait it’s bouncing around it’s bouncing around wait guys I think it’s getting closer oh oh guys it’s coming near us it’s coming near us dude was that thing infected by the zombie flu or something I think so and wao wo uh guys what did it just turn green there are green ones wait there’s a yellow one there’s a bunch of them what the heck it’s harvesting more of its friends what dude I think this entire Pepper Farm is infected with the zombie flu or something what is going on I don’t know I think the flu turned the peppers evil guys I don’t think we should stay here if we stay here any longer we might get sworn by these things oh gosh yeah you’re right guys uh look there’s literally one at the window right here there’s two of them okay we got to get out of this place um the we have to break through this window over here sorry farmer whoever owns this place but we got to go run run run oh gosh I bet the farmer that lived here was already killed there’s so many of them what the heck okay guys we got to go back to our house I think we already got enough food cim I’m sorry but we can’t get any Peppers why can’t why the big pepper I don’t think I ever want to eat a pepper ever again why the pepper angry what the heck there’s so many of them guys they’ve multiplied okay run back to our house we got to go we got to go Dash Don’t Look Back we have to go there’s so many chasing us right now there’s like a whole Army of them I think they can smell that I their brothers before I don’t think they’re happy with me we need a ride all right guys there’s our house right there are the peppers still chasing us oh they are certainly still chasing us there’s so many more of them now what the there’s even a big one D Don’t Look Back we have to go get in the house get in the house okay okay lock the doors quick and quit don’t don’t don’t open the doors don’t open the doors that was an accident oh my gosh what in the world is going on dude our entire block is filled with peppers oh this one is staring straight at me yo yo the big one is here the big one is here guys what do we do what do we do I don’t know we have to protect ourselves so we we can’t just let them take our house over okay okay well guys hold on right now this big one knows where we are what do we do um do anyone have any weapons we got to get rid of them somehow oh I’ve got one weapon I don’t think any weapon will be able to get rid of all of those Peppers no no no wait cam what is it it’s a slingshot what a slingshot okay well um I don’t know how much damage this is going to do to the peppers but it’s the best we’ve got all right take this you big fat ugly pepper boom wait guys it worked I got rid of the big pepper we got rid of the big pepper okay we can breathe for a second here one pepper down uh 50 million to go okay but I don’t think the other peppers know where we are right now yeah but wait we should probably plug up this hole in the windows and oh gosh yeah you’re right you’re right I kind of made this hole anyone got any blocks wait I’ve got this Cobblestone let me just put that there pH all right I think our house is looking a little bit safer now but oh man what do we do there’s still like 50 million peppers outside of our house when they find out what house we’re in this is not going to be good and oh gosh yeah you’re right you’re right I think right now they’re looking around to see which house we’re in what do we do I don’t know I think we need to shut ourselves in until they go away well Ruby what if they open up the doors huh look at them they’re like big walking Peppers we don’t know what these things can do you’re right what if they grow arms I have one more idea wait what is it what if we make some salsa what wait wait wait wait hold on that’s actually not a bad idea we got to turn these Peppers into salsa guys what’s a pepper biggest weakness um knives yeah yeah knives and being like cut up into salsa guys what if we build a big knife trap in front of our door to turn these Peppers into salsa and then if they try to attack our house they’re going to get destroyed how are we going to build a knife trap yeah I don’t think you could build a knife trap uh wait you could also squish Peppers why don’t we make a giant Anvil falling trap oo okay okay wait actually that’s a really good idea we can set up some sort of squishing trap for all the peppers wait wait guys let’s head out of our house real quick is there any Peppers nearby oh there’s some right over there there’s some right over there I’m going to close the door where should we build the crushing trap um maybe we we can just start from the roof yeah we could start from upstairs I think uh yeah right here’s a good spot okay okay so we’re going to have a bunch of anvils up here and then they’re just going to drop on the peppers all right I guess that could work oh gosh our beautiful house yeah hold on we kind of got to dig into the roof a little bit we got to find out where our door is oh I think our door is right over there Perfect all right this is going to be great all right here we go oh yeah this is looking good this is looking good all right so what I’m thinking we do is let’s go ahead and grab ourselves a few anvils and we can place them ooh let’s just go ahead and put down some blocks and we can place like a bunch of anvils right above it like this oh yeah this is going to look crazy that’s a lot of anvils but do you think it’ll be enough for the peppers um I don’t know as soon as the peppers go underneath our door we can break these blocks and then the anvils are going to drop through and hopefully crush the peppers hopefully hopefully we can get the peppers over here in the first placee help me help me Ruby Ruby get in get in get in dude you just broke a block right next to me oh wait a minute guys hold on we’ve kind of got a problem there’s like a million peppers and um there’s only four blocks over here for them to stand on there’s we’re going to be able to get all the peppers at once with this maybe we need to build a bridge over the peppers and do a big Anvil trap over there no R that’s a horrible idea they’re never going to go on the bridge I have a better idea though follow me a okay guys what we have to do is build a pit over here in front of our door check it out if we make ourselves a little pit over here then we can get all of the peppers trapped in here and we can have them like all squished at the bottom of the pit o h yeah yeah we could put like obsidian at the bottom and then that’s how we’re going to get salsa yep exactly by the end of this we’re going to have ourselves an epic salsa Feast it’s going to be awesome okay we’ll hurry before a pepper falls down on top of you yeah that’s a good idea all right we got to hurry up let’s make this pit pretty big though I think this should be about deep enough we should be able to fit all the peppers in here okay uh well you guys do that I’m going to go prepare the chips what wait are you really making chips for salsa okay you know what that fair enough BR we got a lot of corn I I can make some chips out of these o actually yeah that’s a good idea corn chips would be pretty good right now all right but anyways guys we’ve got this big pit but um hold on are the peppers going to just walk into this pit I feel like they’re not just going to walk into a big random black pit that they see in the ground oh yeah H how are we supposed to get them over here H wait a minute I’ve got an idea hold on hold on hold on let’s go ahead and grab a few Pistons we can make ourselves a hidden piston door over here if we just go ahead and place down a few Pistons right over here like that and then another few Pistons over here on this side all we got to do is connect all the Pistons together with some Redstone all right I’m coming over Dash all right there we go I’m coming over with some Redstone too and okay nice I think we’ve got both of the Redstone connected did now let’s go ahead and grab a lever and all we have to do is put it down here and power it and check it out it works kind of why are these two Pistons over here not powering oh there we go I got it oh wait we should probably cover all of this stuff up too what if the Peppers Breaking and oh gosh yeah you’re right this we don’t want them messing with the Redstone and stuff all right let’s go ahead and put down some blocks over here let’s cover up all of the red stone and let’s go this is looking good we’ve got the pepper crushing trap wait guys let’s test it out cam you want to stand on it uh not really not going to lie going to drop the anvils or anything it’s just a test oh okay all right all right let’s go ahead and flick the lever and it works let’s go oh heck yeah these peppers are going to get crushed I did fall but uh that doesn’t stop them from like you know just being faster and running inside and oh gosh yeah that is a good point that is a good point hold on they can just open up our wooden doors right now this is not good oh wait we need yeah stronger doors yeah true we’re going to need some stronger doors how about we just go ahead and grab some H let’s see what kind of doors can we use we could use some iron doors what if we just put them down over here like that and let’s see do we have any sort of like fancy lever wait a minute guys what about we use torch levers what are torch levers well guys guys look they kind of look like torches but whenever you hit them they act like levers and you can use it to open up doors wow Yep this is looking pretty fancy it’s going to light up our house during the night time and it’s also going to open up our door and I’m yeah I I I I want to mess with it that many times dude you’re you’re making sound what if the peppers hear you oh yeah you’re right but this is so cool yeah Ruby I’m going to have to drop them Jim get back in side come on oh he survived the Trap hey okay but guys I think our house is looking pretty good pretty defended from all of these Peppers but oh man there’s still so many of them that’s okay um let’s just start crushing them soon I think the tortilla chips are almost done wait wait wait wait hold on a minute guys I have an idea what about instead of just crushing them we blow them up what yeah yeah yeah yeah have you guys ever had exploded Peppers before it’s it’s pretty good it’s pretty good sounds like that would add a new level of spice and oh yeah it’s about to get spicy hold on hold on everyone follow me we got to go upstairs I have an idea why don’t we bu build a TNT cannon to shoot the peppers with from all the way up here that would actually be awesome wait I want to see that okay guys how about we build it in this bedroom over here we going to have just a big TNT cannon coming out of this window shooting all of the peppers okay okay wait how are we going to aim it well um I guess we can kind of just aim for the middle of the road it looks like that’s where most of them are right now okay let’s do that then how do we even do this it’s pretty simple Ruby we just got to build a TNT cannon let’s clear out all the stuff in this room let’s get rid of these plushies over here yeah can’t have plushies this is a war Yep this is the pepper battle can we keep the bathroom though yeah I guess we can keep the bathroom in case anyone gets injured by the TNT cannon maybe they can go in there and like take a shower all right well anyway how do we build this TNT cannon all right so it’s going to be pretty simple we’re going to need to set up some blocks over here like that and then let’s grab some water and we can put it down right there what’ you say nothing and then we’re also going to need a slab right over there actually I think we can have the slab there yeah that looks good that yep that looks like a slab and then we fill these with TNT right yeah yeah we got to fill all these dispensers up with a bunch of TNT and then we also got to put down one more dispenser right oh over here and all right this is looking pretty good and okay now all we got to do is grab some redstone and repeaters o all right all right let’s let this thing blue we got to put down the Redstone over there on that side and then we got to put down the repeaters over here on this side there we go this is looking pretty good and all right guys I think the TNT cannon should be ready to rip you guys ready for some exploded Peppers oh yeah and I’m ready oh yeah it’s about to get spicy in here all right guys we got to put down a button over here and I guess let’s go ahead and hit it there we go the T he is now live and active it should go ahead and hit one of those Peppers oh oh wait it hit one it hit one that was perfect wao he just took a few of them out one pepper down uh 50 to gold and well well okay we’re going again we’re going in boom Another TNT let’s go wait I don’t think that hit any of them I think all the ones that I think it already killed all the ones in that spot wait I think we can make this better instead of a slab here let’s make this a ladder what does that do I don’t think that makes any difference let’s try it again I think it makes it like shoot farther oh wait wait there’s a pepper the hole oh oh wait I did make it you further wa oh that shot so much farther that’s insane oh oh heck yeah oh heck yeah let’s go we got to take out these Peppers boom take that another round of TNT to the face let’s go wait guys we’re kind of making a big crater in the middle of the road I don’t think this is very good wait there’s another pepper in the hole there’s another pepper in the hole oh wait yeah you know what hold on it’s worth it it’s worth it we got to hit the button again take that other pepper in the hole come on come on boom Oh that got two of them those guys just got jalapeno destroyed W you got a combo bro well this works pretty well should we build another one what is that what the heck uh guys I I I I think this is like their dad or something what is this you humans have been eating my kind for way too long today that ends uh guys what do we do what do we do there’s a big giant Chili Pepper outside of our house what does he mean today that ends is he going to try to eat us we have to gear up we have to gear up to to the basement to the basement yo what hold on hold on he said you have been eating my kind for far too long today I end okay guys what do we do what do we do I don’t know we can go to the garage of the basement I don’t know where do you keep your stuff in here Dash K I don’t keep any stuff in here you know what everyone to the garage I think this is the safest place we have to escape oh wait guys the car doesn’t work I forgot that my car is still under repairs wait what you’ve got to be kidding me okay okay well you know what c I think what you said earlier was a good idea our second best bet is to Gear Up Guys everyone grab some armor and stuff I think we’re going to be going into a spicy battle wait where’s your armor in here I don’t have any armor Ruby just find something okay okay um let’s see what’s going to be the best armor to protect from a bunch of peppers uh I don’t know wait guys what’s it going to feel like to get eaten by a pepper is it going to like be really spicy and what wait cam what are you wearing that is not armor what the heck dude I’m getting geared up bro what the heck okay you know what hold on I need to go ahead and grab some netherite armor you know actually netherite is not going to be strong enough what am I doing wait a minute what about this nether right battle mage armor hold on hold on this looks promising whoa wait wait guys hold on there’s also plagued armor and Shadow Walker armor hold on you guys should take this what my armor looks so nice though yeah your armor looks horrible take this plague armor there you go I just dropped you a bunch of plague stuff Ruby do you have armor I’m I’m getting there I’m getting there buddy where are you you should hurry up cuz this pepper we don’t know how much time we have what the heck are you wearing where’s your stuff well I haven’t put it on yet but hold on a minute are you wearing like one of those hats because we’re going to turn the peppers into salsa uh yeah yeah I I already made the corn chips remember oh wait you actually made the chips yeah you want some oh um I guess so wait Guys these could be our weapons hold on everyone grab some anvils we got to give these corn chips sharpness wait what how are we going to do that I don’t think we can we’re going to make them sharper oh got guys I got these chips with sharpness five oh yeah these peppers are going to get pricked with these chips I’m ready okay and what the Kim what are you holding I’m going to use this to stir up the salsa you know we need something to stir it with long steak this is pretty good all right all right fair enough I guess that works wait Ruby why do you not have a sharpness tortilla chip take that okay okay wait I have another idea as well what is it well I can use um this to smash up the peppers with ooh that’s a good idea all right all right well guys we are kind of the salsa Squad right now it’s time for us to go put those Peppers to an end once and for all they’ve been terrorizing our house for far too long oh yeah everybody hop in I’m scared wait what kind of whip is that what the heck you really brought a pumpkin car oh also guys we can’t really get out of our house you know what I think we’re going to have to break through the windows all right well are you guys ready for the great salsa battle oh yeah I’m ready not really but uh let’s go all right let’s go oh wait there’s some peppers right here outside of our door all right beat them up beat them up yeah take that oh dude these sharpness chips are so op let’s go I’m going to use this Hammer dude I can like one shot the peppers with this oh wait okay Maybe not maybe not I can like two shot some of them this is insane take that oh guys guys the big one is coming over the big one’s coming over D look at me I’m running them over oh dude that’s a good idea you can crush them with your car oh come here I’m going to destroy you too oh gosh oh gosh Ruby watch out watch out the big Pepper’s coming for us the big Pepper’s coming for us yo did the piter just like spit on us I’m on fire now oh gosh that’s spicy that’s too spicy that’s too spicy it’s really spicy it really hurts I literally just got set on fire okay okay um let’s split up let’s split up yo it’s put like a bunch of fire everywhere Kim I think you’re going to need to run it into this big pepper with your car I’m going to try I I tried hitting him and he doesn’t take any damage oh my gosh this big pepper is op but hold on it looks like we’re doing pretty good with the smaller ones these small ones are pretty easy to take out oh yeah get destroyed take that yeah this Hammer is so useful but there’s so many of them wait guys by the time we’re killing all these guys I’m going to take a bite of this tortilla chip it’s probably going to taste so good wait don’t bite your weapon here get a hammer no Ruby I’m going to bite it when we’re done taking out all the peppers cuz we’re going to win this battle take that yeah ow ow fire spicy El that’s I see it’s in my eyes it’s in my eyes oh gosh yeah the big one’s putting a bunch of fire everywhere yo big peppermint you realize that we’re going to destroy you right you don’t stand a chance against me and my pepper Army um I don’t know about that you’re going to get turned into salsa in a moment come here yo y guys he’s like spinning stuff at us he’s spinning stuff at us I’m running over to him take this I can’t hit him he’s too big I think it’s you that doesn’t stand a chair uh uh guys there’s a bunch more Peppers there’s a bunch more Peppers here jumping all at the same time towards us what do we do wait this guy it’s fire right dash I have an idea wait what is it um your neighborhood’s not going to get me in trouble for this are they um I don’t know what’s your idea what are you going to do oh gosh you’re putting down the TNT okay hold on if you’re going to do that we need to get them all in one spot okay well that can be your job and I’ll just put this down yeah okay okay I think they’re all kind of in the same spot right now U hold on is the big one here we got to get the big one here a big ugly pepper come here I bet you’re too scared to mess with me would you call me I’m not scared of you at all oh yeah oh yeah well why don’t you try fighting me then yeah and okay um Ruby I think it’s time light the TNT light the TNT okay okay um hey big pepper guy attack me attack me I will quick light it and then everyone else we got to run we got to run go go go wait guys I don’t have a flight and steal how are you going to light the TNT then this guy spits fire remember let’s just make him mad oh big pepper oh yeah big pepper man you want to try uh fighting us yeah let’s go let’s go I’ll hold up the small ones over here Peppers don’t even taste good you guys are awful and evil yeah you guys taste bad I don’t even like Peppers oh you’re making me mad wait wait hold on he’s putting down fire he’s putting down fire everywhere this is good this is good it’s working it’s working oh gosh he just let me on fire wait did he let any of the TNT though wait what is them L go go go and oh it just all blew up wait did did it get rid of the big pepper I think it did I think it did let’s go we took out the big spicy pepper man that was crazy oh hold on guys there’s still a few more small ones over there come on take that and boom there we go let’s go guys I just got rid of the last small chili pepper I think that should be all of them now that was so difficult that was one heck of a battle but hold on a minute guys I want to try out eating this tortilla chip now is this going to be the best tortilla chip in the world wait hold up we got these from the big guy you should eat it with this and wa wait we got Peppers too all right well I guess um Bottoms Up I’m eating the tortilla chiping oh that that was actually pretty good wait here let me eat some of these Peppers now too wow yeah pretty nice pretty nice all right well I guess we have food for lunch now yeah I guess we’re only eating peppers for the next week that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘EVIL PEPPERS vs Secure House in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-07-08 13:00:32. It has garnered 145713 views and 2188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds.

EVIL PEPPERS vs Secure House in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam have to defend their house from EVIL PEPPERS THAT COME TO LIFE! Will they be able to defend their house against the spicy vegetables? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash

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  • “Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Trials” – Akira Lux

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  • Unbelievable Seaba Phantom Soakin’ in Minecraft!

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  • Introducing the Ultimate Corrosion Client: Aspw 2022

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  • Ultrakill Network

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  • Silvermoon – Modded Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 English

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  • Minecraft Memes – SMP stability is lit!

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  • Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #memes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Crafting an Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft’s Siren Head: The Ultimate Listener

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  • Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!

    Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Mikey Morph into WEREWOLF and Attack JJ in Minecraft? – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey Plotcraft on 2024-04-30 13:00:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a fanmade video about the interesting and funny story of JJ and Mikey. This video is an unofficial work and is neither … Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Security House vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-06-18 10:05:01. It has garnered 17643 views and 715 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:18 or 738 seconds. Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Cash Tagalog Clyde Security House ENTITY 303.exe Pepesan TV, OlipTV, Ar ar Playz, HabitatPH Let us Also Support OMOFAM💖 pepesan habitat olip astrea micole shane azen tankdemic esoni ararplayz mizumi shannel vic jeyjey kimmie jungkurt moira _____________________________________________ Follow me on: FACEBOOK PAGE (Let’s Reach 1,000 Followers) : TICKETS: INSTAGRAM: _____________________________________________ Possible Tags:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pe Starter House [Bangla]

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    EPIC GREEN BED GLITCH IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Green Bed In Minecraft’, was uploaded by KROOTX on 2024-06-21 14:00:13. It has garnered 8273 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Green Bed In Minecraft ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Hello everyone, this is a new Minecraft channel, support me by subscribing and like, thanks in advance. My TikTok: ___________________________________ My shaders: Complementary Shaders ___________________________________ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecraft#minecraft#minecraftbuildings#tiktokminecraft#minecraftindonesia Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Multiplayer Editz by ZEM1TH

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