Deadly Quest in Agrarian Skies: EP 1 || Ultimate Minecraft Modpack

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello there Gamers Minecrafters explorers and adventurers I am the K gamer and we are here with another mod pack Series this is a classic one Agrarian Skies by jaded cat or jaded Pax it’s but the user is Jaded cat but jaded packes I guess is her team this is the original one um it doesn’t have as many downloads as the second one does but they’re they one’s a kind of like a continuation of the other as far as stories it’s a quest pack and it’s it’s labeled as one of the original quest uh Quest mod packs this goes all the way back to uh 1.6.4 for Minecraft go single player create world all right so it looks like we’ve got a classic SK Sky Block classic Sky Block card and a morvi cottage yeah so this Agrarian Skies is a sky blockish type of uh mod pack from what I understand I don’t know what the difference between classic and classic heart is going to be or morvi Cottage let’s try hard let’s let’s see what happens let’s uh can we name this something um I don’t know what to call this agory I don’t know uh with it I don’t know if this is going to put us in hardcore mode or what it’s going to do but uh we’re going to find out voxel map maintained by miiya Toro translated by such and such if this not your language help Translate Okay zoo Z is zoom m is options X toggle full screen map B quickly add a waypoint Z hide this message okay so here we are it has been a horrible 10 years code Wizards meddled in the balance of Nature and released hordes of monsters from other dimensions on an unsuspecting world not satisfied with just destroying the human life the monsters rampaged across the world eating everything they could find and leaving nothing in their win but empty void the great Mage Trio dusk viz and Scott approached you with an offer they had just enough power to protect your home and a small amount of land from the final Devastation in return for their protection you agreed to collect the materials and resources the creators would need to remake the world once the hordes retreated back to the hell Realms the great Trio cast their spell to protect you while the magician way of flowing time forced the evil armies into submission and ordered them back to their Dimensions upon waking up you find that the creators the jaded one and the cute one have left a small amount of supplies to get you started they apologize for not being able to give you more if you complete the tasks assigned you will receive more rewards to help you in your mission it is up to you to recreate the world to provide a home for the poor lonely creatures left alone and homeless to repopulate the planet to this end the jaded one has compiled a list of the many items and fluids that will be needed this book will magically update your progress as you complete quests and May at times have new quests added if she sees she miss to requirement to start punch tree get wood punch tree get wood all right lives you’re currently died zero times okay so there’s no hardcore mode on this party you’re currently not in a party learning Sky Block alas all has been lost you’re the sole survivor of this devastating tragedy now it’s up to you to rebuild the world and create a new community that can flourish once again starting with only this little Sky Block uh created by the omnipotent goddess goddesses the jaded one and the cute one who chose to abandon you after this final uh Act of Mercy well that wasn’t very nice jaded one and cute one very mean ones if you ask me um with nothing more than a book this book fill re quests to start on your journey you must first get a grasp of the basics of survival in this brand new world all right using this book you may be wondering how to use this book on the off chance that you have no idea what you are doing this very small series of quests will give you a few guidelines first off if you click right click on any page page you’ll go back to the previous page menu if the quest is dark it’s locked and you’ll need to complete one or more quest to unlock it in the first menu of this book you should have noticed several numbered sets of quests some of which are locked yada yada yada all right so we need oak wood planks and that will give us an apple and a pick and we get to pick bone meal that’s what we’re GNA want pretty darn sure that’s what we’re gonna want all right here we are out in the middle of nowhere sand well we know we can do do this and get that there we go all right claim reward we’ll pick this [Music] one okay how do we get back I forget wasn’t there a button we’re supposed to click or something in order to get back oh no I don’t know how to get back I thought there was a back oh oh here we go I hit the I I hit the right Mouse button is what I did the second type of quest is the consume Quest you want that not get the items back after turning them in they vanish all right so we got a quest delivery a hopper I think we got plenty of bone meal so let’s do apples on this [Music] one okay that’s down to the nitty-gritty down there that’s where we’re going to stop right there okay so how much do we have we got that so I’m going to make planks here in a moment Quest delivery system what is that I don’t know I want to get I want to get more to work with here before we start going anywhere the qd5 quest delivery system okay the final way of turning in quest is the quest delivery system this block will require you to send the items through a hopper or item duct attached to the block a e buses can also send items I think that’s applied engineering the mod can also send items to the quest delivery block before you send items that you need to to key the quest to the quest do so by clicking the select task button in the lower right of the task [Music] page then right click the od5 with this book and you should see a message in chat saying the quest has been assigned to the system now place the hopper on top of the block and place the requested items in the hopper okay I think I understand what it’s saying I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to make that uh we’re going to make ourselves a crafting table that is the only piece of dirt I got right there is that one all right now I’m surprised that didn’t uh completely dissipate yet okay okay so the twerking thing isn’t here but we do have the bone mail thing for okay all right we got some more uh saplings that’s good that had me go in there for a moment all right so we need to put the quest delivery system so we need to put I guess we’ll put it right there and then all right you will need to use the fluid ax to put the fluids what all right so we need to key the quest delivery uh whatever that is blocked to the quest all right select task and then rightclick the od5 with the book all right okay we bound it so now we need to shift and put that on top and we need to put one uh Oak plank in there which okay so did that work it did okay give the hopper back you don’t get to keep it make sure you break it with a pickaxe a we can’t keep that that [Music] sucks Kill the Zombies repeatable Quest killing Quest requires you to kill a certain number of mobs to complete it it may require a specific mob or mob type and may require Hostile Mobs or passive mobs this book will track mobs count towards the goal this this book is small it’s really hard to read that’s a little easier to read for a total of three well I hope that doesn’t happen anytime soon in the beginning you may have noticed you have very little to start with almost no land no food but hey you have a floor be thankful for that much now it’s up to you to rebuild the entire planet or as much as you can can before dying to start with I suggest growing some trees Oaks will supply you with apples saplings leaves and string you’ll be turning into dirt apples saplings leaves and string should be turning into dirt Place three barrels outside to collect rainwater place two barrels under cover to create a composting area once you have eight spare saplings placed in in a barrel to compost into dirt you can compost dirt compost leaves rotten flesh apples wheat and string use anyi not enough items to look up the recipes all right a task where the player needs specific items these do not have to be handed in having them in once’s inventory is enough all right this is all tinker’s construct and the crook okay that’s what we’re going to be using to get the leaves and stuff okay so we need to make uh barrels full heart so I wonder what this does consume to get an extra life all right oh so we have had like three lives and we only got one left interesting okay so not exactly hardcore but uh still going to be challenging I don’t know can I make a sword nope I’m going to have to make the thing from tinker’s constructs reward bag okay what’s in the reward bag yeah I well the Cake’s a lie apparently okay so we need to make barrels here’s the uh Oak barrels made by doing that all right fair enough let’s see there’s one we need to grow some trees Oaks will supply you with app app saplings leaves and string you’ll be turning into dirt Place three barrels outside to collect rainwater okay and then two barrels undercover so we need three barrels outside so I am going to put these over here that I was hoping we might get some music or something but doesn’t sound like we’re going to be getting any I want to try to keep some for charcoal whenever we can get uh making cobblestone okay that’s not what I wanted to do [Music] jeez eventually what I’m going to do is create a fence around everything here there’s music I wondered if we were going to have any okay so we needed three outside and three undercover well here’s the three that are going to be outside to collect rainwater and now we need three that are going to be Undercover try to figure this out here okay so this was saying three barrels outside to collect rainwater place two barrels under cover to create a composting area once you have eight spare saplings place them in a barrel to compost into dirt okay and we’ve got eight spare ones okay so let’s go ahead and let’s start I want to create something here okay that way whenever I use this um it won’t fall off to the side okay so we need eight 1 two three four five six 7 eight oh it’s composting okay for that’s right I can’t make any tools it’s tinker’s construct all right we have ourselves another thing of dirt sweet all right where we going to put it going to go ahe and do this for it’s really dark it is really dark all okay we need one of these and then we need to put this in here to get that all right and then we need that and those oh that didn’t work how about that no that didn’t work that seriously oh jeez okay at Tinker constructs all right so part Builder we need that and a log okay and the tool station got it stencil table all right well we got one of them at least there got the materials in you can see what we got so far and the crook was I can’t remember I need another one of these to station we just need to wait for those to grow okay going to goe and set that don’t want it to get in the way there so how about we put it set it right there okay so I think we’ve almost got everything here we just need that we just need to get one log wooden crook that’s what we need so where are we going to be 100 days from now that’s going to be the question all right we should now be able to put this here this here and now we’ve got that well yeah not what we wanted just yet this is an old version of tinker’s construct too so that be interesting oh we got one more thing we got the chest that we got to make is it any type of chest or is it specific to I think it’s specific uh okay all right so here’s a chest I think we need the tinker’s construct chest might be wrong might be wrong but just got a feeling it’s got to be the one specifically for tinker’s construct pattern chest I’m pretty sure that’s what it is so we got to make a chest and then okay okay for oh no it was a regular chest okay cool pan of Destiny or an axe of Despair well that that doesn’t sound what do we want we can always make an axe do we need an axe of Despair is that going to be a good weapon I I don’t know sh should I maybe we should look it up let’s look it up Destiny pan of Destiny oh no I can’t I was hoping that we’d be able to you know look at look it up and I guess they figured they were we were too smart oh well all right pan of Destiny axe of despair I don’t know what are we going to do with a pan I think it’s a weapon let’s go with ax of Despair I’m going to regret [Music] it all right we get a stone ax as a result and seeds string is the gateway to all resources fishing rods will provide food seas are used to sift dirt gravel sand and dust to obtain Stone ores other resources to get string you’ll need to break leaves with a crook until you get a silk worm right click a leaf block on a newly grown tree with the yeah we we we know about all this so uh when you have extra silk worms you can cook them for food so we’ll have to make an oak seeve of fishing rod wooden hammer and then finally a bed and what kind of seeds should we get maybe we’ll get carrot seeds I don’t know can always get I don’t know if if we get grass though we can always get these so why don’t we get carrot cotton seeds would be awesome did we not get any saplings wow we didn’t get any saplings that’s crazy huh well it’s got an attack rating I guess that’ll be our our weapon Mana War Mana War hold shift what is what is this what’s this for is it armor [Music] no I don’t know what it’s for guess I’ll just throw it in [Music] there [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we want more saplings so let’s focus on the [Music] saplings [Music] got one got another good this is good for this is where I’m going to put my Tik Tinker construct stuff is right here um now there’s a certain order this needs to go in welcome to the second edition of materials and you oh so this is this is the second time this has been released interesting we know all that Iron Stone Flint paper Stacks all right these are all the tool stations doesn’t really tell us what order to put them in that’s fine pretty sure I know what needs to go where for that’s the stencil table tool station all right okay I don’t know when those are going to grow oh wow this is yeah this is definitely different shovel axe so we want that one there sword blade okay so we don’t want we want a a sword we need a sword blade a y guard and a handle so we know we need a y guard pattern there next pattern no jeez it’s the way my hand is resting on the mouse for oh I can’t make it oh dang it I thought I might be able to make an axe out of wood I guess I can’t darn it h ax head and a handle okay so like we wanted to make uh a hatchet we need a hatchet head and a tool Rod or like a broadsword we need a sword blade tool rod and a wide guard okay so got kind of what we need but let’s look up at the wood okay so wood according to this it we should be able to use wood we should I I don’t know why it’s not letting us mining level Stone yeah it it won’t it won’t let me make a uh a wooden axe well that well how we supposed to I guess we’re just going to have to use this we’re going to have to wait until we get stone or something wow yeah let’s not make it easy no why would we want to do that well let’s look up here Oak seeve oh we need to we’re going to yeah dang it and it’s going to get to a point we’re not going to be able to I mean we’re sitting here waiting for this stuff and me I’m going to run out of bone meal here there’s not going to be much more I can really do well the sun’s coming back up maybe I should have gotten a whole bunch of bone meal instead of the apples I don’t know I think I would have ran out of stuff by now wooden Hammer that we should be able to do okay this could be a very slow process waiting for these trees to grow can I just run fast next to [Laughter] him there we go for for I’m not sure what day we’re on here I think we’re I think we’re on day four thought it might say here but yeah I don’t really see it there okay should be able to get another thing of dirt for for once I can get some more of these Farms made [Music] need another [Music] [Music] sapling [Music] this is really right now this is about all I can think of doing is expanding our our source of trees so we’ve got more uh a tree farm and stuff going because I’m going to run out of bone mail so I’m going to need to have plenty of trees so that way I only need to like work on like maybe one or two while the others are growing so that I I’m not having to sit around and stuff so probably should have gotten that other thing of bone meal I don’t know I’ve only got 10 apples left oh that one grew and right now I’m trying the reason why I am not putting these next to each other is I want to maximize my space so I want to be able to get as much leaves as I can also I don’t want them if possible the leaves not to connect to each other so that way um if I you know infect one with uh a silk worm it’s not going to infect all of them just the one tree well pretty soon I’ll be able to get another one I think we’re going on day five we can’t go too much further out otherwise we’re going to have some not so uh fun stuff spawning around here for the sky looks weird see that when you look straight up what is that for kind of thinking we should go with wheat because with wheat you can make bread and Bread’s going to be better than carrots of course if we get rainwater might build a fish in it for I’m almost out of bone meal all right that’s it that’s the end of the bone maill bone meal bone meal ba bag grows plants in a 3X3 that’s interesting huh well that’s it I mean there’s nothing we can do right now until one of these grows so it doesn’t make sense for me just to you know sit here and uh continue to record while we’re waiting for this to grow so so what we’ll do is we’ll wrap this episode up and when one of these trees grows or maybe when more of them grow uh then I’ll just pick it up from there so okay you’ll miss a little bit of it as far as the full play is concerned but I think that’s a little bit more interesting than sitting here waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for it to grow so yeah we we’ve got five saplings so after after after these grow we’ll get a whole bunch more saplings I can make more dirt and plant uh put some more dirt out there put some more saplings so that way we can start you know getting a more and more bigger source of uh wood and stuff all right well thanks for watching everyone appreciate it hope you’re enjoying uh this look back at a very classic mod pack and we will continue to do this of course see you next time have a killer awesome [Music] [Music] day for

This video, titled ‘AGRARIAN SKIES || Episode 1: “Sky Quest” || Classic Minecraft Modpack; Full Play’, was uploaded by KILRtv on 2024-05-29 08:00:07. It has garnered 39 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:00 or 4800 seconds.

We are going back to version 1.6.4 of Minecraft to the original Skyblock Quest Pack: Agrarian Skies. You’ll get to see how it all starts with the world we choose and how we progress through the quests. No cuts or fancy edits – you get to see the full play.


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Music: C418

KILR Plays Theme Song: FFX Prelude performed by Von Shep, written by Nobuo Uematsu

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    Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins Minecraft Skin Nasıl Değiştirilir | 2024 Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin nasıl değiştirilir konusunda bilgi veren bir video paylaştı. Bu makalede, Minecraft oyununun skin değiştirme özelliği hakkında daha fazla bilgi edineceksiniz. Alper TV’nin Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Videosu Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin değiştirme işlemini adım adım anlatan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, oyuncuların nasıl kendi karakterlerinin görünümünü özelleştirebileceği detaylı bir şekilde gösterildi. Bu video, Minecraft oyununu oynayanlar için oldukça faydalı bir kaynak olabilir. Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Özelliği Minecraft, oyunculara kendi karakterlerinin skinlerini özelleştirme imkanı sunar. Skinler, karakterlerin dış görünüşünü belirler ve oyuncuların oyun deneyimini kişiselleştirmesine olanak tanır. Oyuncular, Minecraft’ın skin… Read More

  • Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft

    Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ LODÓWKĘ W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular aspect of the game is building, where players can construct anything from simple houses to intricate structures. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft building and focus on a unique creation – the refrigerator. Building a Refrigerator in Minecraft Building a refrigerator in Minecraft can be a fun and challenging task. To create this modern appliance in the game, players can use a combination of blocks and items to mimic the appearance of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! IamGAMBA’s Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP Stream

    Unbelievable! IamGAMBA's Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP’, was uploaded by IamGAMBA on 2024-06-11 15:58:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixelsmp #trailsandtales #minecraft Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP As the SMP has been updated … Read More

  • Unleashing Terror: Minecraft’s Scariest Entity

    Unleashing Terror: Minecraft's Scariest EntityVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Most Terrifying Minecraft Entity… The Irritator’, was uploaded by StormWarrior14 on 2024-06-14 14:30:20. It has garnered 2033 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. #wendigos #horrorcraft #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #StormWarrior14 #minecrafthorror #newmods #silence ————————————————————————————————– MOD CREATOR GO CHECK HIM OUT Homies In da Vid- @itstterminatorr @dugz8797 ————————————————————————————————– GET IN CONTACT WITH ME TWITTER (I’m not calling it “X”): ————————————————————————————————– JOIN THE CORD – #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy ————————————————————————————————– Video Concept: There’s A New Horror Entity The Irritator ————————————————————————————————– Inspired by: @ForgeLabs @Swayle @idk_someguy @Calvin9000… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT REALM FEVER! - Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Realm Ep.1 ONE WEEK FEVER?’, was uploaded by AnipNT on 2024-05-21 10:13:11. It has garnered 130 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:19 or 21259 seconds. Bonjour! je m’appelle Anip, and yes I see you reading this, go ahead and hit that SUB button and LIKE. Quote Of The GRIND: “They Ain’t Believe In Us… BUT GOD DID” – DJ Khalid Join my discord! DISCORD LINK: Follow me in Instagram! INSTAGRAM: tags: #reddead2onlineexpglitch #reddead2onlinemoneyglitch #reddead2onlinemoney #reddead2onlineglitch #reddeadredemption #gta6 #gtavicecity #gtav #live #live #reddeadredemption2обзор #reddeadredemptionps4 #pc #mincraft #realmadrid #soccer #minecraftjava… Read More

  • My Brother Loves Minecraft… But What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    My Brother Loves Minecraft... But What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Gameplay #2 sbyr1kreay’, was uploaded by Oniichandaisuki on 2024-01-08 09:00:45. It has garnered 92 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:56 or 596 seconds. 🌍 Embark on a thrilling journey with me in this Minecraft gameplay video as we dive into the vast and captivating world of blocks, mobs, and endless possibilities! 🎮 🔍 In this episode, I explore mysterious landscapes, encounter challenging mobs, and uncover hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Join me as we navigate through dense forests, delve into treacherous… Read More

  • Mr Kuubik’s INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeeles

    Mr Kuubik's INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeelesVideo Information This video, titled ‘KES TAHAB OLLA MILJONÄÄR #eesti #eestikeeles #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by Mr Kuubik on 2024-04-06 17:50:38. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe for even better videos! Don’t forget to join the discord link is in my bio! Read More

  • ASMR Minecraft: Crazy Enchanting Setup! EP4

    ASMR Minecraft: Crazy Enchanting Setup! EP4Video Information This video, titled ‘Simple enchanting setup! Minecraft survival let’s play ep4 ASMR’, was uploaded by MilosASMR on 2024-04-16 22:34:20. It has garnered 1399 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:30 or 2490 seconds. Minecraft survival let’s play asmr *enchanting Follow me here 🍓 TikTok: milosasmr Twitch: milosasmr Email 📧 [email protected] (business inquiries only) Tags 🏷️ #asmr #mouthsounds #roblox #asmrtriggers #minecraft #minecraftseries #minecrafthardcore #minecraftasmr #survivalletsplay Read More

  • ZELS MUERTE: Hardcore Fail for the Ages! 😱 #clickbait

    ZELS MUERTE: Hardcore Fail for the Ages! 😱 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUERTE @xpayr0 CORRUPTEDHARDCORE PERSPECTIVA ZELS #fyp #directo #minecraft #twitch #creeper #fail’, was uploaded by Zels on 2024-01-16 13:00:01. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #fypシ #fyp #streamer #directo #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #twitch #videogames #hardcore #CorruptedHardcore #creeper #fail Read More

  • Terrifying bedwars moment: Srallan close call 😱

    Terrifying bedwars moment: Srallan close call 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘essa foi por pouco 💀#shorts #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bw #minecraft #hypixel’, was uploaded by Srallan on 2024-07-07 15:28:49. It has garnered 1255 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. this was close 💀#shorts #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bw #minecraft #hypixel tags ignore: #minecraft #bedwars #mushmc #minecraft #bedwars #mushmc #badlionclient #mushmc #texturepack #jckiz #hypixel #lunarclient #keyboard #client #mememinecraft #meme mushmc does not load, mushmc connection error, mushmc cookie doctor, mushmc pirate ip, skywars mushmc,1v1 mushmc,hg mushmc,bloody a91,textures,best,bedwars texture,textures,bedwars,how to make god bridge,god bridge tutorial,roids,mushmc,telly,telly bridge,minecraft,textures for bedwars,skywars,textures soundclick ,doctorbiscoito, factions op server… Read More

  • Unveiling Insane Villain Models in Minecraft 2023!

    Unveiling Insane Villain Models in Minecraft 2023!Video Information This video, titled ‘”AI” Scene & Main Villain Models – Rewind Minecraft Indonesia 2023’, was uploaded by Yanuar Mohendra on 2024-03-13 00:55:19. It has garnered 203 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. I made Death Spot Wolf form & Dragon Form models, and animated “AI” Scene (ChatGPT, Firefly, SpongeAI, Free Fire Indonesian SFX, X, Metaverse, Elon Musk VS Mark Zuckerberg, Salt Transition). Rewind Minecraft Indonesia 2023 Full Video : AI Scene Music by. Music Junkers – Tiktok – Instagram Music used in this video : – Puss… Read More


    X8Z-CRAFTPrepare yourself for an intense minecraft experience where factions rise and fall, and every corner of the map is a battleground for dominance. With a focus on brutal PvP combat and strategic faction warfare, X8Z-CRAFT delivers non-stop action and excitement around every corner. Read More

  • TownThrive SMP Whitelisted Towny Movecraft Voicechat

    TownThrive Minecraft Server Looking for a unique and fun Minecraft server? Join TownThrive today! TownThrive is always up-to-date with the latest Minecraft version and offers an Earth SMP experience with plugins like Towny, Dynmap, and Movecraft. Our server has a focus on geopolitics, diplomacy, and player interactions. We have a dedicated staff team, known as the Council, to enforce rules and resolve disputes. Our server is active with a player base ranging from 15 to 40, and we boast a 24/7 uptime with great ping. If you’re interested in joining, hop onto our Discord server to get whitelisted: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hyped for Mediocre Minecraft

    Quality may be lacking, but the excitement is top notch! Gotta love a meme with a solid 5/10 score. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Last Month: A Blocky Adventure

    Minecraft's Last Month: A Blocky Adventure Welcome, welcome, to Last Month in Minecraft’s domain, Where we dive into updates, with a rhyming refrain. Different from Monthly or Live, we bring a new twist, Late-night vibes, but safe for all, no need to resist. Want to be in the live audience, feeling the hype? Just sign up, join the fun, don’t let it slip by. And if you’re feeling generous, check out our Patreon, Support the show, help it grow, become a true fan. First episode’s coming soon, stay tuned for the date, Exciting guests, surprises, don’t be late. Join our Discord, follow us on Twitter… Read More

  • “Free Falling in Minecraft: Can You Survive the Drop?” 😂🔥

    "Free Falling in Minecraft: Can You Survive the Drop?" 😂🔥 I guess in Minecraft, the sky’s the limit… until you hit the ground and respawn! 😂 #minecraftfails Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Fresh Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Fresh Adventure! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to introduce you to the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a Minecraft gameplay video and felt inspired to join a new server and start your own adventure? Well, look no further! Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all levels. Imagine exploring vast oceans, untouched lands, and engaging in epic battles with other players. Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world full of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trivia

    Insane Minecraft Trivia The Craziest Minecraft Facts Unveiled! Welcome back to the tenth installment of our series on the craziest Minecraft facts! In this edition, we will explore some mind-blowing and surprising tidbits about the beloved sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. The Ender Dragon’s Unique Drop Did you know that the Ender Dragon, the final boss in Minecraft, is the only mob in the game that drops a dragon egg upon defeat? This rare and coveted item serves as a trophy for players who successfully conquer this formidable foe. 200 Billion Hours of Gameplay Since its release… Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT STREAM FAIL! Al ChestBreach July 13, 2024

    EPIC MINECRAFT STREAM FAIL! Al ChestBreach July 13, 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘July 13, 2024 | Minecraft | Al ChestBreach Streams’, was uploaded by Al ChestBreach Stream Archive on 2024-07-14 23:00:06. It has garnered 261 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:08 or 11528 seconds. Minecraft Goofin it up! with AltraWave7, krobb1290, and Goofy Al’s YouTube Channel – Al’s Twitch – Al’s Twitter – krobb1290 Twitch – GoofyGoo6er Twitch – AltraWave7 Twitch – This channel is run by krobb1290 You can find me on twitter at Read More