Death awaits in this Hardcore Minecraft world! Go Shizo now!

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Hey folks remember me I’m the Shasta one and I and once again for the first time in months probably for the last time in months let’s be real I’m playing hardcore Minecraft on stream I missed it a little bit I may have been a little guilt tripped on my Discord recently as

Well that maybe I should play a little more Minecraft so I decided you know I I I haven’t even been playing Minecraft off camera I I’ve been playing a little bit of the Master Chief Collection been playing a lot of lethal company with friends recently actually following the

Trend of the week for once I know I know I don’t even know myself anymore but over the past few nights I’ve been like I wonder if I would still enjoy Minecraft because it’s been a long time it’s been a long time since I even

Played and um as I tend to do when I first get back into Minecraft I um started a brand new world so this this is not regular viewers know that I just name my worlds hardcore world 1 2 3 4 hardcore World 11 lasted over a year

Before I got bored with it um we had 12 and 13 this one is just called well I I’ll show you what it’s called because like this was supposed to be a one-off thing this wasn’t supposed to be like a regular world that I was going to be

Playing on long term so this one’s just called ye it’s got eight E I know that because I had to um change the name name of the world in my little python script that updates the um the onscreen counter of how long I’ve survived in each world so

Because this was not intended to be a stream world it’s already started um I’m about three and three and a half hours into this world I think I’m having a bit of a python issue on my PC right now so you don’t see that nice counter up above

My head like there usually is so I think that my first order of business back on the online twitch world I don’t even I’m not sure where that sense was going I was trying to prettyat up a little bit and I just I just had nothing I’m I’m I’m still knocking the rest

Off but uh yeah the first order of business is just to give a nice little tour of this world that I’m working in actually maybe the first is yeah getting rid of the nighttime that’s up there up there waiting for me I don’t want no part of

That already got myself a blue bed already got myself diamond stuff for my first stream on this world world what happened what happened I’ll I’ll catch you up in a second give give me give me give just give me just a little bit I don’t even have stairs on this thing I I

Cut this staircase down to bedrock on the last stream or the last playthrough before I decide to stream on this world so um it’s it’s not exactly well put together yet this is very much in its infancy so anyway the world so I don’t have enchantments yet but I’m

I’m working on harvesting enough sugarcane for those bookcases fam and here’s the quaint little world I found this quaint little town isn’t that nice beautiful layout and of course with the sense of um you know place that these villagers have they decide to put it next to a massive

Freaking cave you know they like to live on the edge literally and figuratively speaking yeah zombies baddies they all come out of that cave at night you know maybe they Spawn from the darkness if that that guy with the blue shirt shows up we’ll be fine it’ll buff

Out some of the villagers may die but that’s a risk that we’re willing to take here what’s up beses might be some great great assets for the company in that cave I’m going to go explore it I’ve been playing a lot of lethal company with beavs here lately I I may stream

One of those I don’t know I’m always leery about streaming with friends I feel like I put them on the spot cuz I’m not online enough so anytime that I’m hanging out with friends it’s like I just want to be offline and catching [Laughter] up and the second greatest mod on my Mod

Squad Kevin Montana what’s up man did you enjoy that that that NBA game and shat toown USA that I didn’t get to catch up with you at I I could I can’t even catch up with my friends in real life right now man this is this is where I’m

At anyway back in game this is literally where I’m at I don’t even have a house dude like this is home right here why is this home six chests and all that crap well I got a boat somewhere around here I can’t run around like a lunatic quite

Yet because my my food situation is still you know being worked on I think the boat’s down this way I think I just saw it yeah so where this world started for the first 3 hours of the 3 and a half hours that I’ve been playing on this world I

Was playing on this Coast right over here does that look lovely from a distance some nice jungle vines a lava fall going right into the sea a picturesque island with a single tree sitting on it ample amounts of beach for all the glass I could want doesn’t that

Look nice and that’s why I was like I don’t even need to go explore boring I’m all set right here I’m going to build my crap right on this cliff and you know it wouldn’t be a a initial Shasta settlement if it didn’t have An Extremely Loud and clicky pit absolutely full of

Chickens that was my food source still kind of is I got to be honest they’re still right here in the the hot bar slot number seven I got worried though because one of those you know fairly recent Minecraft Mechanics for the past few years is that you can only have 24

Entities CR red within a single block before things start dying and things can include me and I like jumping down into like these animal MH pits that I create you know these Abominations these these animal cruelty AXS that I’m know that I’m known to do and I think they might

Kill me and I can’t risk that nice I should actually fancy yeah know fancy fancy [ __ ] so fancy [ __ ] Micah ilbery as I tend to do on these very very infrequent streams I have to say I am not worthy of your subscription but I am thankful for it

Anyway thank you very much neighbor when’s the last time that you have had a big old bowl of wolf brand chili it’s been too long it’s been too long I know I know I know actually um Zeta was just showing me a fantastic little I think it

Was an Instagram clip today where people like rolled cheese into one of those like um party party noise makers you know they un they unfurl when you blow air into them what are those things called whatever I don’t party that often not not with those things anyway I’m more of

A cardboard cone hat kind of guy but yeah they just filled it filled that with like little shredded cheese and then just blew it into the chili and just like blew the cheese all over the place there’s going to be a better way to describe that act anyway I chuckle

And it’s it’s um it’s chili related a peeves Kevin Micah welcome everybody Welcome this is a new world I didn’t die I just worlds 12 and 13 just kind of didn’t capture my attention clearly I wasn’t streaming anymore so yeah this world is not World 14 it’s

Called yay because I didn’t think I was going to stream this world and then this world happened to capture my imagination a little bit so we’re rolling baby yeah I’m glad that you guys got out of here Kevin before all the snow folks I have been snowed in for the past week

Against my will the weather has been holding me hostage with a little icicle knife to my neck it’s not even that bad in fact my other life as a running YouTuber I just posted a new running video on the exact same channel that I post all these vods

And um uh probably not my most interesting video but are are you detecting a trend here no but we’ve been snowed in we got 6 in of snow um last Sunday SL Monday a week ago that’s about 15 cm for those of you across the pond

And that’s enough to shut down my entire city in the American South like we just kind of give up on traveling anywhere um I’m from the north I pride myself in my winter running winter running my winter driving skills I picked up some winter running skills the

Thing is I don’t trust the other drivers in my city so to preserve my my own Flawless Insurance record um I just wouldn’t get to go out driving in it as often so yeah almost a complete shutdown here anyway yeah the there wasn’t too much going on at this original base this

Is pretty basic but I did get a little bougie and I made stairs all the way down to bedrock for this m shaft I didn’t find a single Diamond I found a few pieces of coal a few pieces of iron and as soon as I laid down these steps I

Was like I I want to build a boat and just see what’s over there and just out of frame swear to God is the village that we just left and the village where I’ve set up shop right now so I I I even labeled my separate M

Shafts cuz you know in this everything post like 1.18 I think you know you can’t just go down to bedrock anymore and just mine for diamonds and find everything else like I think this is the iron level 16 yeah yeah y equal 16 is for iron -16 is for gold we got some

Uh I think it’s all the way down at Bedrock like the ideal diamond and Redstone height is like 57 through 59 look at these labels my God planning responsibility labels I don’t even know myself anymore sha Snowden yes snow didn’t I see what you

Did there I see what you did there I was like did I ever leak Minecraft documents not yet I keep them hidden they’re encrypted I’ll let you know when I leak those Shasta leaks Kevin says I thought we were finally freeing at ice today double secret trapped deep underneath the

Ice yeah I saw that that area that part of the country got a got a lot of ice which is funny cuz for for me just a few hours south today is uh the first day that we are above freezing and staying above freezing in well about a week so

It’s it’s we’re just getting the the regular old rain up here basically like the the rain’s just batting against my office window and I just figured that this is just nice atmosphere for um an infrequent Minecraft stream yo I was about to head back to town but I saw

Some magma down here and we’re about to get those magma blocks because forget staircases your boy wants an elevator the It Go was that one of those like perfect little gaps there they are how far down are they is that going to kill me let’s find out oh my

God yeah we’re good I just need one of them is this a shovel thing or a pick thing it’s a pick thing okay mic got a pure sheet of ice going on there Kim showed him a video of the City’s Fire dude i’ i’ that video’s gone

Viral outside of your your local area the video of the City’s Fire Department the fire truck was like a full 360 out of control and smashed into a car in a house at speed yeah that video is nuts my favorite part of that video is how at

The end the fir truck just settles in alongside the house like it meant to park there like if that blue sedan didn’t happen to be in the way so rude this fire truck would have just slid perfectly into place parked next to this house like it meant to do it it just

Looked like something I I would want to execute on Tony ha’s Pro Skater or something it was it was it was nice it was 75 3 days ago in Arizona yeah but but what happened after those three days did it get colder or did it get warmer I feel like it got

Colder 75 still seems like a a pretty a pretty toasty winter day for Arizona you know the part of Arizona that’s not like up in the mountains yeah but look at this I’m going I’m going to take a screenshot of that cuz I’m you know you know

Me I’ll take two just I think I took three a bit colder cloudy and rainy I guess we’re all in like a rainy day Vibe today maybe if our um our Scandinavian contingent of regulars comes back in maybe they’ll also tell us that it’s raining raining over there as

Well so the name of the game right now is I I want to sleep as often as possible and also work outside this Village when it’s even possibly nighttime because I have no fences up and um it’s not well lit I don’t have my torch grid up yet this one of those

Things I’ll probably do off stream because no one wants to see me be all just anal about tossing down a Flawless grid of torches like I’m known to do I did tame a cat we need to name the cat though the cat does not have a

Name and it’s very upset it’s very upset about not having a name but listen cat I don’t even have a house which means you don’t even have a house so I don’t understand why you’re so upset it looked like it was the person’s RV just parking its normal spot right draus

My boy dude it has been a long while I was actually just just thinking about you last month happy happy belated birthday by the way I know I’m like it’s I think it’s I think it’s almost two months but I haven’t seen you in so long that’s a creeper over there how you

Doing man speaking of Arizona folks you’re you’re down there as well right oh this is just a stone sword I can’t just do that yeah all right I still got it I still got it that was almost a disaster I was running around for so long without any

Armor at all I finally got to the point where I had enough armor where I felt comfortable just you know getting some clothes iron is I I I think Iron’s the biggest casualty of the the great ore the Minecraft ore shift of the past few years it’s

Actually a little harder than it used to be to get iron cuz usually I just got iron like accidentally looking for diamonds Now you kind of have to seek it out a little bit at least until we put these villagers to work fully exploit them and um uh you know genocide a bunch

Of iron golems then we’ll be Gucci but until then this is my favorite part of the Minecraft Gameplay Loop though you know the the the tech tree is the more accurate term beans right here at the very beginning we’re still Gathering all this Ben hanging in there I feel that actually

December is just a hard month I think that you know Christmas and the new year and Hanukkah like all the holidays the end of the year the the whole pressure to like oh my God is want I end this year right and just build myself into a

New person in 20124 like that’s just so much pressure and even if you get along with your family like there there’s also that additional aspect of it of like oh God I see the family maybe there’s some some beefs but this is the thing that’s bringing us back together like it’s I I

I got to buy presents I want my family to be happy with the presents that I that I get them or will I have enough in my budget to get the presents I want to get for the family it’s it’s just a it’s a stressful time it’s a stressful time

So tough month we made it through name the cat Goblin done the cat is Goblin if only I had a name tag I’m gonna have to like have to make a note of that I have a page in here called Minecraft notes oh I’ll pause it so I don’t die named brown cat

Goblin absent cson what’s up how have you been I I know that this is this this may just be one of those streams where I just have to to catch up with everybody see just how everyone’s been doing run around break some grass let’s drop off some crap oh that’s

Another wild cat the cats just keep spawning this is great I’m going to be creeper free from here on out oh I just heard that guy scribbling and um kind of spooked me a little bit oh God look at this mess I got to organize this at some point that that

This is causing me physical pain Redstone goes up there where my iron used to be this is where I put my iron if I had any let me see let me see so these four diamonds here are the first diamonds that I found on this world that I mined

On this world the two that you see here plus the three that are my diamond pickaxe I found them in this Village which was just across the way from where I had set up camp for the opening 3 hours of this world it was just out of

Sight I could have started with diamonds I didn’t even have to make a wooden pickaxe if I had just gone a little bit across the ocean and found this world but we can’t all be that lucky huh quanon what’s up bud oh we got we the the crews the crews coming

Back I I I appreciate you all stopping by even though like I am the worst I’m just the worst I don’t even have to qualify the rest of that statement I’m just the worst so it’s good to see everyone dang oh yeah now I can put those diamonds in with the

Rest Still rocking a stone sword that’s how that’s how early we are into this this play through into this world God nothing is organized I do I just waste time on that no you’re right Kitty um I want those I should probably take some some Woods some Z Woods yes quite

The lack of Minecraft has been aging me maybe it’s just my life no I think that it’s like your early to mid-30s is where everything just falls apart i’ I’ve I’m I’m losing my youthful glow I’m also spending a lot of time running and maybe that maybe that’s

Doing it to me too also the camera’s a little closer to my face than it used to be so I’m I’m I’m High Fidelity now you get to see like every uncomfortable pour on my face but who knows maybe playing Minecraft is the key to eternal life no one’s ever

Done it no one’s ever tried it that would truly be um random s dream I think just um the the Eternal the Eternal Minecraft stream he’s been trying to look out for me this entire time and I’ve just been like just got to at least end the stream so like eight hours

Man I’m building stairs I I can’t H wait but I just picked up that magma but then I have to I still have to get to the nether to make the other half of the elevator right yeah they make the important half the elevator so I’m going to make

Stairs it’s be maybe it is because I’m not wearing a hat I’ve actually the hats are not above my desk anymore I turned I decided during my December that um I wanted to you know rearrange the office a little bit and my desk is now at like

A 90° angle from where it used to be which is why like this this looks different um my green screen is actually on the ground for once instead of lofted up on an ottoman so that that part’s that part’s nice but yeah all my hats are now behind the green screen so

They’re a little harder to get to than they used to be little boring inside baseball were are you yes the Minecraft Purgatory will keep your soul fully intact but if it’s Minecraft Purgatory that just means like oh what’s up dolphin means I’m just like stuck stuck somewhere in

Between how do you get out of Minecraft Purgatory isn’t like the whole idea of the Purgatory like you know once once your soul is like pure enough or something you you get upstairs you’re you’re out of the awkward second floor oh of course I I was wondering if

Someone might do with that absent crafts okay okay okay I feel kind of how’s that how’s that is it casting Shadows on my eyes do I look Shady now these are the things that come with these new setups but this is a new hat I I I went

All the way to Japan for this hat actually I don’t think I’ve streamed since I’ve gone to Japan since we went to Japan me and Zeta went I went for a couple weeks and she had a little extra vacation so she went for three and um I’ve actually got a a nice little

Blog that is still incomplete about my uh experience in Japan I I had so much fun over there part of it was just having two weeks off having two weeks off was really nice not having to think about work none of that stress God that is so much sugarcane I

Think we probably have enough that next time no I’m planting no more sugarcane I’m just harvesting from here on out three iron golems keep in mind one of my hardcore worlds ended when I accidentally punched one of those guys so that that might not actually be a good thing I was making

Stairs we’ll do two of these yeah two stacks two stacks that’ll be good oh my God Japan was so much fun so our approach to Japan which is it’s very much in mine and zeta’s wheelhouse for the most part we kind of avoided all the touristy things we we basically got

To we basically got to live the Japanese life in um three three cities basically over the course of the trip like we stayed I think the longest we stayed in one like hostile SL Hotel was um 4 days usually it was like one or two days we were just like hopping from neighborhood

To Neighborhood City to city oh my God the food so much good food oh there’s I’m not even a Ramen guy you know some people are ramen guys they’re based the whole personality around Ramen like man this wake up in the morning open up the top of the coffee maker and there’s

Noodles inside one of those people I’m not that guy I think ramen’s i’ I’ve always been kind of annoyed by Ramen because it takes so long to eat it starts out so hot there’s so many pieces in there I just want to inhale it I just

Want to dump the whole thing in a thermos and throw it back then eat one of those one of those hardboiled eggs afterwards anyway I’m getting sidetracked here but I still think about that Ramen that we had in this particular place in Osaka cuz we we started out in Tokyo we

Went down spent 4 days in Osaka 4 and a half and then um oh look at that wow I feel so popular we’re getting spam again actually Kevin are you still in the chat do you want to Nuke this guy yeah I got mods in the chat Baby

W let my mods do the honors feels good and then we did a day trip up to uh kiyoto and uh we mostly stayed out of like downtown kiyota and we just stayed like by the river up in the hills God just beautiful the I just I was torn you know

Because I spent so much time documenting this trip like it’s I I I wrote down every single place that we visited in this notebook that I kept in one of the back pockets of my pants and um and then like when I had a little

Downtime I would just like sit on the a porch of wherever we were staying just like overlooking the street or some like dramatic scene and I would just sit there with my little Bluetooth keyboard just te typing away some rough notes just so I can remember things in a

Little more detail so I was constantly split between wanting to document the experience and wanting to live the experience and I think that I was able to walk that Middle Road pretty well I think um the Buddha would have been proud of that uh that Middle Road that I

Was walking but the food the shrines just just the difference of the culture itself was um was so nice like just being being in a place where you know you can’t always assume that the person is going to understand English which I don’t prior to this I’d

Only been to Mexico and Canada and those are pretty brief foray and being in like border towns everyone knows English so being in Japan especially in Osaka where unlike Tokyo you can’t really assume that the average person speaks a little English was it was a a great experience

It’s just so cool seeing how other people live their lives you know like um we all have the same basic human needs and just seeing how different cultures address those needs in different ways is just that’ll be endlessly fascinating to me so I I just kept on writing I think

My my unrefined rough notes were like 13 th000 words and I’ve been slowly but surely um putting them together into a big just blog so uh shastar runs. if you really want the multimedia Shasta experience oh I’ll throw it out there um have have an ad

Blocker I I I never see my website with ads and I never see my twitch with ads and I was told by someone that like the default WordPress ads are just freaking weird so I I I think that’s it I think that’s me so that’s about three quarters the

Way through the Japan trip and I also write about my runs on there because you know Shasta runs I’m not talking about diarrhea so I think that has an RSS feed as well just automatically built in because WordPress ABS craft is made worry when traveling is food because she doesn’t

Eat meat and it could be very restrictive yeah I think that you’d be able to get along pretty well at least in the the major cities that that we visited in Japan gluten-free I feel like that’d be tough because of like you know all the noodles oh my God I didn’t pause my

Game I gota get used to playing hardcore again let alone just regular old Minecraft but what else we were over there for Halloween so there was a big Halloween party at our hostel in Osaka and I I got to say that I I I’ve told this to everyone I think I I liked

Osaka quite a bit more than Tokyo it’s Tokyo is in a tough spot because it is truly a world city so you can you can just rub shoulders with people from all around the world in Tokyo and it’s a very accommodating city as a result like that City will take

Care of you in a very professional way where um it’s it’s never people won’t talk about their lives you know like like Americans are so so quick to do where Osaka Osaka felt very like screw you this is exactly the way that we live take it or leave it we really

Don’t care this is good life for us and I love that because that’s like the same energy as the city where I currently live so that was that was dope as soon as I stepped off the train we took one of those highspeed 200 m per hour bullet

Trains down to Osaka from Tokyo and as soon as we stepped off the train it was just like I I feel like I’m at home it’s like I never left now that now that no one’s viewing the stream because everyone’s checking out that WordPress I can say whatever I want it’s just me

Here no I don’t know why I can’t just pick a medium I I well you know I might just be a little attention deficit I just like I just like making things I guess writing is nice it’s it’s like writing and streaming occupy the two opposite ends of that creation process

Where this is entirely improv and writing is like very deliberate and I I have you know very deliberate word choices describing my experience and all that where this is just like just overflowing just [ __ ] it’s not great but I enjoy it oh that’s interesting that does make

Sense abs eats gluten their main issue is with meat is the smell and texture so like the meat broth would probably be fine as long as there’s no actual meat Parts in it that does make sense oh that’s that that roof is way too low we got to fix this

Fam oh but the Halloween party at this this hostel we were staying at in Osaka I think there were probably like at least seven different countries represented there I mean we let me see we had Germany we had Canada we had um oh he was from Norway we didn’t we

Didn’t oh no we we did have someone from Sweden there and there was a guy from Norway as well I believe it’s all run together I have to check my notes I mostly talk to the German guys and the um Canadian but uh gosh that that party was

So much fun we showed up with um they were they were hell Kitty hats that we found the local Don kot which is like a twostory Walmart slash it’s more like a it’s it’s like a imagine a dollar store but with like the scale of a supermarket

Like like Walmart like a super super center it’s huge this one that we went into was and we got these Hello Kitty hats and those were our little uh Halloween that sound was scary those were our little Halloween costumes we brought a little Japanese beer and just had a big like Multicultural

Experience right there in the lobby the hotel with like guests and the uh the staff it was nice it’s those like improvisational like happen stance meetings with strangers that I like so much with travel which is funny because like I’m just incredibly introverted but that’s that’s the magic

Of travel I guess it’s like you have to throw yourself out there a little bit and you’re meeting people who also throw themselves out there because the introverted Japanese people and there are many were not just exactly running up to me to say

Hi it was a great visit I I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t live in Japan but like I would recommend visiting it it immediately at the drop of the Hat I it was incredible did I link that right hopefully I gave you guys the right link let me check hey yeah that’s me

Cool probably should have checked that five minutes ago okay this is much better I I can I can deal with this now double checking that it’s not night time eventually I’m going to widen this out or not I’ll probably just have the elevator and like fill this in at some

Point maybe since you guys are here I’m going to check out that massive cave cuz I haven’t even touched that huge cave yet that looked way too spooky for me also the reason why my M shaft is so far away from the village is again spawning zombies um don’t want that

Village to be overrun while I’m down in the mines so all my M shaft tunnels are facing away from the village as well I guess away from the village yeah let’s go uh let’s let’s make a new let’s make a new sword and put it to the test shall

We oh nice if you want the RSS you can add a slash feed forward slash feed to the end of the URL handy Absa crabs and going to France this summer with the boyfriend hell yeah France is also one of those places like I I know that it’s a popular like

Tourist destination but I I would like to see France part partly because like all the all like the ultra Runners that I follow you know a lot of a lot of the Premier Ultra Runners are from France at the moment and of course like around the shaman area you have the big

UTMB tour Ultra tour zat Blanc which is like the world series of uh ultra running that would be super cool as I get deeper into the the ultra running world I was going to make a new do I want to no I don’t want to use the diamonds they’re they’re they’re too

Precious I still don’t even have a bow I haven’t killed enough spiders yet do I need the axe I don’t really need the axe I don’t need the stone sword either if this thing breaks then I’m fighting too many things already and I’m just boned do you have certain plans in

France absent crabon that that you can share at least like uh what what what’s your ideal France trip look like just because as someone who doesn’t travel too often outside of crazy impulsive fairly impulsive trips to Japan oh hello black cat I’m really not too much of a a world

Traveler yet I’m not sure when I when I actually cross that um that line when do I become a world traveler how many trips does it take I think I need more than one anyway oh yeah this is a great idea yeah this is great get on down there now fellas

Uh-huh there you go there you go oh [ __ ] okay this G be I wish I had a bow I need to kill some spiders man make sure another one’s not sneaking up on me oh that’s a music disc it’s a broken disc also I’m taking damage man

Stress is that a true gamer guy in the chat hang on let me make sure I’m not going to die dang going going by car dude Europe by car now that’ be cool I remember you you mentioning your parents had a summer house in the south of

France oh that’s awesome that’s gonna be a great trip Mike is working on building his RSS collection trying to be more connected to the small web my man RSS feeds small small independent size personal blogs working on a rewrite of his site to be more personal and I want to try blogging

Again hell yeah I’ve really enjoyed it I I I can I feel that I’m super Rusty because I used to write every day in in high school and then I just I just gave it all up I gave it all up so I it’s weird feeling like I know there’s a word

That I’m reaching for and I can’t quite get it I’m getting there I’m get it’s I’m I’m getting more practiced of course as I get more practiced wow what a statement what a statement and true gamer guy the OG what is up dude man I’m doing pretty pretty

Good feels good to be streaming again it’s been it’s been a few months just doing a lot of running trying to keep warm I I think it’s probably a little little warmer up here than it is up by you hope you’re not like buried in snow

Up there oh my God don’t die don’t die dude that GTA 6 trailer looks so dope like I’m I’m I’m getting it of course I’m getting it I’m gonna be I’m gonna be streaming that game I I I’m going back to my roots before I was before I was a

Minecraft streamer going back to the Grand Theft Auto days no I’m super curious to see like this is the first game without like the Hower Brothers doing the the writing and executive producing so I’m going to be really curious to see how the writing comes out like how the story comes out

Without them at the helm I think it’s it’s certainly possible I I don’t know what Rockstar looks like you know 10 years after releasing Grand Theft Auto 5 which I was relatively lukewarm on so I I’m just taking a wait and see kind of approach to GTA 6 the trailer looks promising though

Bro these giant like slice caves they look nice but they are not easy for me to navigate right now back back demon he trying to get the trying to get the angles on me trying to work the angles oh God everything’s fine no nope everything’s not fine hang on oh [ __ ] they’re both

Shooting at me okay I need a bow [Laughter] Man so AB crabs since been to France several times been to Paris two times which is very fun but very different from being in the southern parts of it oh I’m I I can only imagine even though I hate going to the beach it’s very nice

And so fun the most enjoyable things to do visiting smaller cities and towns yes and going hiking to see the countryside yes that’s what it’s all about that’s what it’s all about and oh why is it so difficult to save money felt so mic’s probably going to end up

Traveling for work more this year nice want to do some personal travel but that’s going to be more difficult because Kim and I are trying to save money pretty aggressively trying to reach some bigger goals hell yeah did remind so frequently why I’m doing it I have to give myself hey

That and you know man that discipline pays off you’re going to be so grateful when you have that that money set aside for a little bit of travel whatever you desire that’s what it’s about look at those smug little buttheads walking around with their bow and arrows thinking there’s something which they are

Man God he’s a sniper I need to kill a spider okay Reckless activity number two I’m going to head over here to the West all right I’m going to get far far away from the village and we’re going to go wandering around it wandering around I

Got marbles in my mouth going to go wandering around at night until I find a spider or at least enough spiders that will um you know do me a solid and give me some string I’m also going to just collect some wild leather and beef cuz my own cow Farm is still pretty

Pretty light got to get that that cow orgy pit going it’s it exists it’s here of course it does but it’s very very light on the beef this is this is reckless I don’t even have that much food on me all right come on out spiders I have a

Blade with your name on it there’s a some Lord of the Rings references I can make here okay that was a creeper back there more creepers up here no just grass he’s a zombie villager yo look at all these zombies what the Hell all right so lot of zombies there’s some spider eyes let’s go what’s up what’s up yeah woo how much was that was that three just two I’m not even sure if a spider drops three okay that’s another massive cave Checko okay I don’t want to deal with the skeletons I just really would like a spider is that is that is that too much ask just one more I saw red and I got excited but it was just those flowers oh I hear it I see

It yeah get out here in the open make sure I’m not getting ambushed they neither of those dropped a string oh God I see a spider and a creeper we’re good a spider eye I just threw my sword I just threw my sword are you serious

String we got it let’s get out of here let’s get out of here woo boy that wasn’t great yes this is this is good it’s it’s so rude the Q button’s right there it’s actually like my my throw button is mouse button number five so it’s like right it’s sitting right above

My thumb if you can see that wow it looks gnarly with the green screen the chroma key so it probably shouldn’t be that close to like where my hands are performing crucial tasks like navigating my character and yet that’s how I’ve always played it’s right next to my

Check inventory button which is also on the mouse The Habit goes back to 2010 God I’m old but we survived and actually I’m going to kill that skeleton because there’s only one of him now and your boy is going to need arrows I think I only have two burn baby burn just go

Inferno I was about to say I hear another one yeah boy how many does that give me dude he dropped a bow shibby all right I think that gives me Five Arrows total yeah it’s my um it’s my very look at that little little little skeleton filter going

On yeah my uh my webcam captures x-rays it’s actually radiating the [ __ ] out of my face right now whoops I did have a little more iron in there and some free sticks yeah let’s go ahead and cook up that beef all right so there’s some arrows check

Maybe why do I do this to myself so I’m gonna no but what if it breaks I’m debating whether to turn this string into a fishing rod now but no okay I’m making making hey buddy I am making a bow don’t missclick around him because that bow is pretty

Busted and this will be the backup bow yeah I think streaming Minecraft would make me the opposite of Eternal in this case I’m just getting blasted with x-rays right now yeah the uh the US Surgeon General and the state of California have determined that streaming Minecraft actively causes cancer to the

Face don’t do it all right so what’s my what’s my next thing I got the bow I was looking for got a creepy music disc definitely need to feed those cows more and I can’t can provide that’s right the Mumy milking Temple is back let’s get this pow pow

This cow MH pit going how would that sentence even end this cow Kosh pit yes yes that’s what I was looking for all right now just going to you know double you your population in size maybe five more times and uh we’ll be good yeah die from radiation poisoning

Instead mic says seeing that mxm S2 Mouse reminds me I found an alternative I’m trying out M was annoyed with logitech’s pulling rate and the lack of USBC dongle so I’m trying out the Kyron M6 the same people that made the keyboard that you built for me very cool

I didn’t even know they made I didn’t know they made custom mice like that Micah likes it so far but he’s only had a week or two with it unsure about the uh long term go to the nether ABS crabs do you just want to see this world end I’m so

Happy with this world right off the bat ABS crab’s like put it to the test put it to the test you won’t do it you won’t do it the first time I went to the new nether that was what 1.6 that was chuma WBA yeah I I remember exactly where that

God do I still have that map on here or did I archive it I think I archived it why is this taking so long to save should I be worried should I be scared just filling time here no I don’t have it on here back to ye but yeah that was overwhelming and

Scary like the nether felt scary for the first time since it was like introduced back in 2011 got a old anyway so actually we could so I would have to find a lot of lava cuz I got my water bucket and I got my diamond pick so I basically have

Everything I need to go to the nether so I just need to find the lava for obsidian to make the um make the frame for the portal it was it three and a half years Time Keeps On Slipping spping spping God that doesn’t feel like that

Long ago but it really was it’s it’s 2024 folks we’re almost a month into it I’m I’m really connecting to the youth with my um 1976 Steve Miller Band references yeah that’s good and we got 14 leather so we are onethird of the way there towards having enough for a

Um what do you call that the spell spell table enchanting table my God it’s been so long June 2020 welcome back draus dude that’s cool that you could be that friend for a friend the listening ear yeah yeah fill me in about uh about last month sometime man I will listen as

Well that’s right that’s right ABS cson gosh May 2020 it was like right after I discovered right after I started that world I think chumba WBA I was like well yeah I’m going to I’m going to make a whole city I’ll start with the sewers and I’ll just cover the entire world with

Concrete a flat layer of concrete so I can just keep building things on top of it that’s the key to making these Mega structures in Minecraft it wasn’t I made the sewers still very proud of those sewers made like four buildings on top of it and then I lost

Interest ain’t that the way it goes I just I’m suffering from success at this game that’s what it feels like sometimes just getting too far ahead you’re not the one who has aged it’s me I think we’re all just kind of moving along at the same rate unless

Your unless your webcam is blasting X-rays at you hey but that’s the name of the game you know when when I turned 30 this one of those things I’ve said at least once on on stream before when I turned 30 my older sister I I was joking

About how old I am and she was like you know but it’s actually pretty cool you know the way I think about it it’s just cool to to make it this far every day’s a gift that’s the idea of what she was trying to tell me that’s

That’s how I’ve kind of thought about it ever since it’s just kind of neat to have made it this far I like it even the gray hairs yeah dude even my grandma called me out this Christmas I had seen her in a while I walked in the

Door for Christmas Grandma hey so good to see you she’s like oh Shasta wow you got some Grays no that was at Thanksgiving it doesn’t matter she still called me out yeah yeah you see I’m I’m I’m still but a a young precious baby compared to draus

F41 no like I keep thinking about you know I’m I’m next year I think next year I’m going to be closer to 40 than I am to 30 and I feel like I just turned 30 time flies time flies when you spend a lot of time playing Minecraft I tell you

30 look at the little baby man what’s up GR box coming in hot what was that command to see how long you’ve been here oh wow you’re quizzing me on my own channel and I don’t really remember it was like um it wasn’t uptime it was like rank

Maybe forward slash oh I got all these commands bam unban all is it followed like follow date something like that oh now I’m curious I’m gonna look this up it’s on my um streamlabs it’s true yeah we became rocket League friends like when when rocket League was like first becoming a

Thing draus is one of those one of those rare just absolute happen stance just internet friends like oh follow age that’s it what what if what oh the API is deprecated what uh well anyway I’m going to leave that for someone else to fix

But yeah ABS K says um 24 this year my twin sister’s already going gray I have no idea how my hair is doing because I keep dying it hey ignorance is bliss no I think I found my first gray hair when I was like 26 and I was like oh how

Nov the onward March towards death nah but yeah I think Grays are like pretty common to start coming in in your mid 20s unless he’s unless you diet like I I know quite a few people who diet and mik’s outlived nightbot oh rip nightbot what what a

What a lovely little thing now we’ll never know when everyone when everyone followed am I just I’m not just rambling into the mic thinking pleasant thoughts and just not doing anything Minecraft again I’m accidentally one of those streamers where it’s like hey they a little building off camera because every

Time off on camera it’s just like want to turn it into a talk show got to rain this [ __ ] in whoa oh boy I gotta Oh yeah I I’ll I’ll read I’ll read that off stream that that seems like a that seems like a DM so I feel like look at all those things look at all those evil things just sitting around waiting to kill me so here’s my thoughts I’m going to

Find some obsidian deep deep in the Min shaft that I already dug where the claustrophobic tunnels actually work to my benefit so I can only take on one monster at at a time I’ll be like all those uh all those Spartans with the 12pack ABS in 300 you

Know yeah you can fight me but you got to squeeze through this little tunnel and also um I’ve been doing a lot of situps Steve lifts up his blue shirt and he’s just ripped or uh you know the the cactus man lifts up his spiky green exterior and he’s he’s ripped this is

Sparter oh I entertain myself sometimes not as often as I should be able to I Knew neither of those eggs are going to be a chicken got to empty out this inventory bro okay we’re going digging first for diamonds but secondly for obsidian we’re looking for lava we’re praying for

Lava strange thing to pray for on a hardcore World Micah says I’m actually dying my hair gray I’m just accepting fate and bean it to the punch that’s actually great and also I feel like people who dye their hair gray young that that that also kind of just like hides the aging

Process it’s like being a bald man like once you’re a bald man you’re just 40 for the rest of your life from the ages of like 20 to 75 you’re just 40 because you’re you’re just Bal Patrick Stewart great example of that Kim says hello she can occasionally

Hear you from the other room excellent hi Kim that’s from abson crabs and as well so mic dying Ash Gray with dark roots and purple highlights okay that’s sick that is sick yeah Kevin can confirm the bald part basically yeah I’m just gonna keep aging and Kevin’s just gonna look the

Same into like the 2060s yes oh same dude reeducation I’m still so miffed I was not able to see them when they came into town when they came to shatown USA a few years ago I think about that more probably more often than I should because God that has to be a great

Show so this is as far as I dug in my diamond M shafts I I dug very far in this direction this like one of the leader tunnels you know but the uh the in between tunnels I got this far until I found my first diamonds I felt uh I

Felt very blessed and I’d like to thank the academy for this opportunity no I was very happy with it yeah gray and purple sounds sick like that’s that’s great that that sounds like royalty to me you know the gray is I I imagine like Knights armor with the

Purple Royal Sash on top of it that just sounds that sounds Majestic dude oh I missed my enchantments so much but I’m not going to complain because not even 30 minutes before the start of this stream I didn’t have diamonds to work with at all and um I was working with

Iron down here so yeah should be I should be grateful for how slow this is painfully slow but folks this is what it takes to get to the nether one step at a time I’m digging forward with purpose also I thought there was like the warden down here why is that guy not

Like got gotten on to me draus saw so many concerts last year nice have a few lined up at the beginning of this year but no o Killy dokilly quite yet do I have any lined up I don’t think I do I saw part of it is like I I as as I

As I age further into my 30s as I add more gray hairs to my head I’m getting just like less hip with the scene that’s part of it another part of it is just like I love live music I don’t like strangers crowds or loud noises and I’ve accepted this about

Myself I’m I’m kind of I’m kind of cool with it it’s just a shame that going to live concerts just like combines all the things I’m just like I’m just really not big on that you see strangers in Japan was great because like it was it was nice

And open you know lots of venues of Escape when I’m just crowded in there shoulder-to-shoulder with a bunch of people watching a watching a show I can’t escape I don’t like it there’s two more diamonds for my collection could that not have been a bigger Pocket Minecraft really Nota to

Show me some love returning to you for the first time in months but yes the the Ned Flanders metal band o Killy dokilly duus treated as best e to suffocation for 40th and it was an amazing show I just need to I just need to like get over myself and go man it’s

Crazy cuz you know I I I played I played live shows for years I like playing live shows more than I like going to them I think I’m just a you know a mediocre performer at heart but yeah I just need to get over myself and go hit up my local my local

Middle emo punk bar cuz we get some pretty good X I miss it too man um my buddy with the the project that I provided drums for over the past three years he’s finally getting into live shows so maybe I’ll play live at some point fairly

Soon but I I played drums a little bit recently and my God now I’m getting all the diamonds you guys are my good luck charm tonight good Lord but I can feel how Rusty I am on drums like I’m more Rusty on drums than I am on on writing

Blogs and I was pretty rust I was pretty bloody Rusty at writing blogs I said oh no I wasn’t even about to say bloody I’m not even sure why I started that that word with a B I just rolled with it that’s the magic of

It it really is the best feeling in the world like I am literally at my happiest when I’m on stage playing drums like I get this big stupid grin on my face and it just stays there the entire show it doesn’t matter if the show is an

Absolute disaster I’ll still be like I want to be experiencing This Disaster more than just anything else in the world dude yeah keep me keep me in the loop brick slamson like like Brock Samson but brick slamson sounds even more metal hell yeah

I need to get back on drums I mean do I I got too many it’s like I got too many hobbies man and I feel like I have a decent amount of free time like I’m not someone who’s completely wrapped up in their their work it’s just

Too many too much to do not enough time that’s probably why my twitch output is slowed down too oh for the record 30-day challenge for this month been dry been off the booze and it’s been um I mean it’s easy you know I usually take about a month off every

Year basically like I was I was throwing down pretty hard during December just like going up to the the Christmas holiday just like okay I need to need to put the breaks on this again it’s nice being able to to you know reestablish your relationship with alcohol like that or just like the

Things that you casually have in your life I may keep it going into February I have a bourbon tasting in Breen Ridge Colorado in mid-February that I’ll be uh breaking this alcohol fast for because I already paid for it and bourbon’s delicious and I have not even established a 30-day challenge for next

Month I got to start thinking about that slam is a genre of metal see I’m I’m just enough outside of the metal sphere that I would not have known that off the top of my head but I definitely recognize it since you say it I couldn’t

Tell you what it is neighbor how long’s it been since you had a big th steaming bowl of wol BR chili well that’s too long kilberry who I have never met before and who’s never followed me ever ever ever um yeah I would just like to

Welcome you to the the onean Croy pack yeah I’m trying to get a sponsorship for lacroy specifically the berry flavor of it um so get the word out but thank you for helping me on my journey to become the lroy spokesman lroy it almost tastes like

Something was that good was that good I got got wild with it twitch deleted your account how is that even a thing how but you’re still you it didn’t even give me a follow account created one minute ago but it’s still the same account that is crazy well welcome back welcome

Back mic has been rocking the painted nails and eyeliner now that I’m old enough to not give a [ __ ] about what people think hell yeah sorry if the little man’s watching threw that out there um realize anyone who would hate on what I look like are probably the

People you don’t want to associate with anyway yes yes yes these are messages I need to keep like reinforcing into my own brain and just like you know I’ve I’ve I’ve I’ve become a a lot more comfortable being myself these past few years I I’ll definitely say

That still got work to do but hey that’s life joas is enjoying a VOD Coda with the Tios oh my God never forget some that’s some rocket League [Laughter] fuel it’s just caring about what people think get wait I I could dwell on that for a little bit while I’m mining for more

Diamonds even though I’m sitting on a whopping eight already and dude digging into that rock just now totally sounded like a creeper about to go off to me I don’t know why it’s just a little whispery like that like the little fuse I had a small heart attack in the middle of that

Sentence that I was saying holy cowo but yeah you know it’s it’s hardwired into our DNA that we are we are social animals and there was a point in time when it was kind of important to like you know be accepted into the group so you don’t get cast off into the

Winter into the winter cold and left to die alone you know these social aspects of you know wanting to blend in were um heavily enforced and in some of us they still speak in a very loud voice although they don’t need to necessarily be that loud shoulders going up so

Yeah be it’s I it’s so easy and yet so difficult why do it got to be so difficult to just like be yourself you know instead of like putting on putting on a masacre an act anyway I I wish I had that realization when I was younger but I

Think that a lot of people do all I can do is the best I I can with the the day I’ve been given cuz like when I was younger I was I I I kind of acted out in an exaggerated version of myself I I went the opposite direction actually like I

Was I was super loud super um just would you say not trying to blend in trying to stand out more than blend in and then College I shifted to more of like a blend in kind of role and I’ve kind of been there ever since if I just uh just generally Trend somewhere

Between those where I can just hey go out and be me but also not be not be to penguin of Doom you know like LOL so Random I don’t really want that either again life is all about those middle roads that we try to find ABS crabs says life gets so much

Easier as soon as people stop carrying about what others thinks I’m always the happiest when I get to express myself however I like preach sister preach draa said if it wasn’t me if I wasn’t me then who would I be yeah right yeah Michel says I’m making a goal to

Get better at being who I want to be and express myself how I want trying to get more comfortable with being myself always same dude same love that these These are messages that I need like reinforce for myself it’s always great to hear about hear them from other

People see that little that little bit of dig there just sounded like a creeper to me maybe it’s because I have the headphones on I don’t know so I don’t have a 30-day challenge for February and I really need to get that knocked out what am I going to be doing next

Month I don’t know I just have my running goals lined up I went through them with a lot of heavy breathing on that last YouTube video I dropped um yeah two days ago 48 hours ago something like that but um yeah last year I ran 2,200 miles

So I want to do 2400 this year not bump it up by a lot but I want to average 200 miles a month on foot I’m pretty close to that already I just want to keep that momentum going because I got some big running goals this

Year I want to do a sub2 minute 5K so 5 km in under 20 minutes I’m currently 49 seconds seconds away as of November so hopefully I can get that time down a little bit and I got a um my second 50 kilometer race coming up at the end of

March and my sibling is running it with me it will be their first ultra marathon and I’m stoked because they eat up Trails like you wouldn’t believe like I’m I have more experience with like the marathon and ultramarathon distance but I am genuinely concerned that they are

Just going to kick my butt and I’m excited for it because I feel like they’re just a natural on the trails and my first 50 mile and I told someone recklessly last November that I would run a 100 mile event later in the year

If they did with me and um that’s I left it in their hands they’ve Run 100 miles before so they could they could do it again but really my big goal is a 50 mile race this year towards the end of this year draa says I went back to Alaska

Last summer and stayed with ilar for five months whoa lost 10 pounds just from all the walking dude I love that that is badass dude five months with your friend up in Alaska that’s sick dude that’s that’s part of why I’m doing the running thing is cuz like I was I

Was starting to pack on the pounds and it’s it’s just a it’s an easy way for me to you know keep in control of my weight without following what I eat too much CU I immedately like will get off my diet plan and then the moment

I I get off it a little bit I just crash and burn I’m I just go straight to McDonald’s and now I still go straight to McDonald’s but then I just run it off it’s great awesome yeah dude say hi for me I I haven’t talked toar in so long well if

I haven’t talked to you in so long geez it’s been a while for me and him as KRA says I got the dress how I want part down but I’m working on being myself yeah I’ve been masking my entire life and ever since got diagnosed I’ve had to

Break down every part of what I thought was me to reconstruct it all again and learn how to live my life my authentic self instead of how I was conditioned to be yes yes I feel that that that’s definitely something that I I still struggle with at the at

The age that I’m at and I I’ve said this before but it’s it’s incredible like how how mindful how mindful you are of all this at the age that you’re at because I wish I was that mindful of it when I was your age so that’s that’s just badass I

Really admire you for it MC McDonald’s is less than tort I I I had I had two toras this weekend it was great don’t look at me like that I had backtack long runs like I had to fuel myself somehow I needed I needed a big old Tor to Cubana times

Two and I had a big Mexican Coke after each one it was not great because I had the caffeine at like 2 in the afternoon and I could not sleep and I can always sleep nowadays so I I was staying up till like 2: in the morning because I was so

Caffeinated I am in that Discord aar’s birthday is tomorrow you’re watching the 1986 Transformers movie I didn’t even know that was a thing dude what do I got going on tomorrow I might hop in for that that’d be fun I think I’m free oh yeah let’s feed the cows while we’re Here dude 14 diamonds I could probably I I can make a shovel here bang the original Transformers movie around 7:30 Alaska time okay yeah I I saw m recently and M mic’s looking good but now he’s lost the weight he needs to get more physically healthy not

Just smaller I’m afraid of losing some muscle with this weight and that’s not what I was going for because I had not much muscle to begin with yeah I mean there are so I’m I’m a terrible person to ask about this because I I try to build muscle like I

Try to do like upper body work to um you know upper body core arms essentially because I think my legs are covered um but I can never stick with lifting routines and um I know that the body weight Fitness subreddit body weight Fitness that’s all one word on a Reddit

They have a fantastic like intro routine in their sidebar that you can get started with absolutely no weights just like in a room in your house and it eases you into it and I just finish my runs and I just don’t feel like lifting so I

Don’t but that is an option if you want to look into it mic if if you haven’t before that is didn’t I say I was going to feed those cows I never fit the cows come on I’m just lost in thought talk talking to all you this is fantastic ftic catching up with

Everybody felt like Jimmy from South Park there what what a beautiful audience okay what’s up cowes hey the cowes what’s what’s up with You here we are yes I think we have an odd number of adult cows Maybe hydrate kilberry you don’t have enough points kilberry is irritated you don’t have enough irritated you don’t have enough points it’s like I should have read the line exactly above it ilar says high back nice I will

Hydrate oh and abs of cson Cheers on kill’s behalf y’all I can’t believe I got an hour and a half into the stream without letting you know I got a creeper fridge for Christmas did did I I don’t did I post this in the Discord I don’t think I did um it is

Probably about two and a half feet high not quite a meter tall but it’s a large fridge that holds like 12 cans and it’s it’s a creeper it’s in my office now I’m a grown man with a creeper fridge and it’s fantastic I I’ll have to post a picture

Later but since um our town is under a boil order right now because um some of the pipes crack CED with this big freeze we’ve had going on this past week so this is one of the rare times you’ll actually see me drinking bottled water do you think maybe it’s a we’re talking

About gems and how how scary they are which I I I can definitely understand that but do you think it’s a matter of just finding the right gym maybe finding a gym that’s just you know has an atmosphere that makes you more comfortable free string what’s up I’ll

Take that little concerned how I got here but you know cuz I think like everyone’s a little a little leery of you know a a gym is like a vulnerable place you know don’t want people like like hitting on you or offering unsolicited advice on your form or just you

Know I feel like that’s that’s kind of what makes uh gyms a little a little scary it’s hard to be a noob and you know a gym like has its own culture and you don’t know if you you know get a gel with it oh dude if you if you have weights at

Home then you’re you’re already uh you’re already one step ahead of the game you just got to pick him up and put him down a bunch of times oh yeah uh yeah I’m a I’m a I’m a yoga Dojo just kind of a kind of a pro I’m a black belt Grandmaster of

Laser seven level seven laser Lotus of yoga that’s me I I I I could show you the ropes yeah well no I’m I’m a level seven a guy a guy that I was a um laser Lotus with Pierce Hawthorne he I as I recall he was a level [Laughter]

Five I’m glad you got I’m glad you got that reference that’s a community reference for uh those of you following along at home go if if kilberry goes she puts in earbuds just don’t talk and make eye contact with anyone go to a treadmill yeah why make your mental health worse

To get physically stronger yeah that’s true like all things in life it really is just a matter of finding what works for you that’s that’s why I’m theoretically a proponent of that body weight Fitness cuz as long as you’ve like a room that you could shut the door

And be by yourself like you can just knock out that those workouts without much equipment or with equipment that you can find around the house it’s theoretically a nice starter but getting started you know that’s that’s hard part well I’m I’m here for a draus good to see you too man

That was definitely part of the draw from running for me like I I still I still have a hard time explaining exactly why I run which seems crazy considering like how deep I’ve gotten into it these these recent years with the thanks of uh kilberry of course

Getting me getting me back off the couch and and doing half marathons again but part of it definitely is like oh now he’s stuck in there forever see you part of it definitely is just getting outside getting a little sun on my face because otherwise I would just

Like hide in this office and play Minecraft the entire course of my day and you know it’s like I’m getting out among people but I have an excuse not to socialize with people and sometimes I do anyway oh gosh I feel like I I can only

Imagine how how difficult that is up in Scandinavia going walk going on walks for the majority of the year when it’s it’s so cold all right well good to see you draus I I might join you for Transformers tomorrow maybe maybe send me a message when that gets going

Let’s see how long this tunnel is maybe it’s long enough it’s long enough wow this just keeps going I will say because I yeah it’s long enough because you know I I do have this just dedicated relationship with running despite the fact that we got

Like I know I know only 15 cm only 6 in of snow over here I did not miss a single run this past week while we were snowed in mostly because I had trail shoes and trail shoes are they have little studs at the BT bottom they’re like off-road

Tires instead of like your uh standard radial with the Treads so I was able to navigate snow without slipping whatsoever with those um once the snow froze over or refroze and became ice then I had to go to the trails to get grip again because even

With the trail shoes I was sliding all over the place on our sidewalks but yeah did not miss a single mile the ice the ice in my beard makes me feel like such a badass and I know like saying that out loud takes significant badass points off of it but

It is what it is like if I if I’m out for a long enough run like ice just gathers along my beard and it just makes me feel like yeah I’m I’m the I’m that guy I’m out here baby knocking it out it’s like a little a little point of pride I thirst

But you know I was just thinking I I really should get on why I need more than strength training is Hill workouts cuz shasat toown USA is as flat as a table and this next 50k event that I’m doing in March it includes a mile of vertical climbing and a mile descent

So what’s that like 1.6 kilm of vertical um and then another 1.6 down and most of that is you’re climbing like up a small mountain or a hill a large Hill it’s somewhere in between like a Foothill in the Great Smokies like that it’s a climb all at once

Basically so I really need to work on Hill workouts cuz that’s a lot that’s a lot more than my last 50K but pushing myself just a little bit harder that’s what all those events are all about just like seeing how far I can take this crazy thing in a literal

Sense how far literally not not literally crazy there’s definitely a there’s definitely a limit like there are some people you know who do like the 200 mile 200 plus mile Ultras I could never see myself doing any of those cuz it just takes up too much

Time I want to run one hundo dude I want to do a single hundred mile race almost four marathons back to back to back to back that that’s that’s my bucket list it’s one of those things where like from the beginning as soon as like I started thinking a little bit farther

Than the marathon like like what if I did that 50k last October I was like how far would I ever want to take this thing and I feel like the 100 is just like the Mark it’s the century mark oh zeta’s in the chat saying skip hundo and do

250 but that’s not fair because Zeta just says everything and so when I finally do do something she’s like I told you I’m like you told me everything else too that’s not fair no I can’t see myself doing 250 kilberry and sated we be cheering at Mile 69 nice

Dang kilberry like at least at least my my insomnia last night was self-inflicted with that late caffeine I slept like crap so it’s it’s really it’s probably because I didn’t run today Mondays are my off day that I had energy to stream maybe that’ll be my thing Monday’s just like a designated

Streaming day no no no no no we’re not going to make promises we can’t keep let’s let’s let’s try to get a consistent amount of stream’s going first before to promise anything like that just a thought just a thought wow so we got super lucky with all those those diamonds that we found

On our way uh out here digging our way back not so much but as long as we make three or more diamonds per pickaxe we’re coming out ahead right so this diamond pickaxe is already more than earned its keep but if we can just find one more vein I wouldn’t be complaining

While still frustrating at least that’s like an interesting problem how many how much CO2 emissions can I cancel out if I plant a tree in the backyard me it’s like [ __ ] I got work in six hours [ __ ] I got work in 5 hours [ __ ] I got work in four hours I I should

Really sleep why am I not sleeping I I skipped i i i my eyes just skipped over mic’s message there but yeah that’s a I think ABS C and that’s a great way to frame that you weren’t supposed to have the weight in the first place and the weight that you dropped

Was you know just you supposed to drop in the first place we’re supposed to not have in the first place I should say yeah we it’s like M and I are traveling on on similar arcs like I I didn’t I didn’t appreciate decaf at all until I decided

Back in June last June that I was just going to go on a big caffeine Fest and there goes the diamond pick before that I was literally like why would anyone ever want to drink decaf that just ruins the that that just ruins coffee the whole idea is to be a

Drug to get my brain moving a little bit faster but then after I gave up caffeine I just sometimes I just miss the taste of coffee sometimes I want to have something warm in my hands on cold winter mornings caffeine’s got his place or deca’s got his place

Man I know Michael Lo’s making coffee the hard thing has been the quality of decaf so I’ve just convince myself I need to roast my own Decap so if it sucks I’m the one to blame caffeine doesn’t affect absent crabs in I I have a friend I have a friend who’s

Uh who’s like that as well could just like throw back a cup of coffee right before bed and just pass out it’s it’s the addiction that gets me like I don’t want to be compelled to do something because I’ve done something to my brain that just suddenly that craves this thing

I want to be in control of my life and that’s really I I think that’s that’s just the eventual Arc of my life with like these 30-day challenges is just slowly but surely dropping all the just unnecessary habits out of my life until I’m just like some I’m G I’m G to

Be Krillin just going to be going to be the strongest human going to be a a bald Buddhist monk I don’t know I don’t know where that where that ends you know because I also want to enjoy life and caffeine does make life pretty damn enjoyable

Sometimes I I think I’ve kind of nailed it right now where it’s like maybe once I have caffeine as part of my long runs and it works extremely well because I’m not consuming caffeine in any other part of my life and then like if I’m hanging out with friends casually you know we

All get sodas or something I’ll have caffeine then it’s long it’s not like a big regular habit that’s that’s been really easy to maintain honestly as a crabon used to drink energy drinks every day someday one day she’s like nah I don’t like them anymore haven’t felt the urge to drink one since

That was over a year ago nice man I know some people they tended to be younger but like dropping one or two energy drinks a day like 32 ounces of energy drinks that just seems like so much to me and I’m one of those people where

Like I like the taste of of some energy drinks that tastes good NOS like I could I could I could do a NOS right now man but yeah I just didn’t like its hold on me if I got the if I got the same effect of caffeine but it wasn’t addictive that’

Be like yeah i’ [ __ ] with that I would drink that every day if it wasn’t addictive ah sorry okay kitty you’re right while I’m here what I do with all that straw there it is oh God no hang on come back there we go all right everyone satisfied

Yes M says I think that decaf gets a bad rap cu the death before decaf crowd yeah decaf drinkers might be the purest coffee drinkers because they drink it for the taste alone and even more so they do it even though decaf is usually not given the care same care as

Caffeinated coffee so it’s worse and they put up with it that’s true and actually Micah You’ be proud of me I was watching idly watching is it a James Hoffman video the other day on YouTube silver-haired coffee guy and he he was saying something something along those

Lines too it’s like yeah they’re they’re drinking it just for the taste and not for the effect so these are the real coffee people I found out about the three primary ways to extract caffeine from coffee beans um one of which involved Benzene which is pretty pretty

Metal I guess that was the original way to do it it was pretty interesting I had on in the background while I was um playing this Minecraft world so I’m sure I didn’t pick up everything that he was saying but I did find it pretty fascinating oh my God look at all this

Sugar cane we we finally made it on the sugar can front now we just need my cows to catch up so I can get that leather make that enchanting room a latte and two energy drinks just today hey man yeah if what you need to get through Micah had six of six hours

Of meetings today a I know it’s necessary that’s right oh here it’s a Monday morning standup here’s what we expect from you this week gu that’s what it is for me sometimes ABS crafts used drink coffee every morning for years because when I lived at home my parents make coffee

Every morning yeah I go weeks without drinking coffee sometimes months not a single side effect or urge to consume oh my God so I re you mentioned the hour tracker is not working I I thought I hid the hour tracker and instead all I did was hide the

Background because I now have a two screen setup instead of three and it’s like over here and it’s it’s a 32-in monitor and it’s it’s all the way over there I I need a I need a bigger desk or I need to take this Monitor and mount it

On top of this one because it’s just so far away it’s up in the top right cor top left corner of that screen so I never saw that I was broadcasting a broken hours clock this entire time my bad we’ll get that working soon oh my God I just checked I just checked

The Discord so Micah got abs and crabs in here today excellent very nice and welcome to the flavor quadrant my god when you open up the pantry bay door to see a can of wolf brand chili I guess I got to throw it up there now instead of meming with that lroy can

Awesome ah okay now we finally got it cleaned up thank you abson crabon James Hoffman he is the goat of coffee and that was a great video that happened to come out as I was talking about decaf on my Mastadon funny coincidence nice attakus update he got better when

We were when we switched his food and he doesn’t love his fish food but he was eating it he started vomiting it up pretty regularly and licking again oh my God so I bought a different food to start the process over again oh man I hope he lands on something that works for

Him poor Kitty I need to actually need to harvest more grain soon there we go have a critical mass of seeds just going to replace all these potatoes beets carrots just going to replace it all with wheat so I can feed those cows sorry Farmer John are you trampling your own crops

Sir you’re responsible how we doing now back up to 34 that’s not too Shabby special snowflake was considered a bad word oh my oh twitch what is you doing you know what I’m going back to the cave again I could be a little I could be a little more scared I’m taking the cooked Cod I’m actually going to take more food so I can just

Get a little reckless also that noise kind of sounded like a llama hey first time I saw the traveler here the traitor sorry H your deals are trash sir but I want your leads yep I know oh [ __ ] I just okay I wondered if maybe the llamas were considered part of

The village I just had a thought that maybe an iron golem was sprinting at me because I started killing those llamas look man I need the leads and I need the leather I’m pragmatist at the end of the day see yeah tell me about the skateboarding

Lessons because I was hyped to see that picture of them on the skateboard of course I was I was a skate Punk for a good long time one of my many one of my many hobbies and man I just I I still I still love skateboarding I don’t do it as much

Hardly at all haven’t really skated in the past few years because well it’s um kind of antithetical to my little running so God okay I just need to get down here and light this up okay there are three skeletons out here those are fighting each other which is great

I knew there was a creeper sneaking up on me oh [ __ ] that still exploded well more iron for me I guess oh there there are arrows down here was that another bow maybe oh Christ why are there so many skeletons down here man little stressed oh and now it’s night

Time wo yeah I just got some casual arrows sticking out of me no no big deal oh good lord okay let’s light this is up we will never have this problem again that’s the idea anyway Micah’s brother got him balers Gate 3 for Christmas haven’t played it

Yet because I don’t have the four plus three hours to devote to creating my character wow the only way absent crafts has ever gotten leads in Minecraft is from killing the wandering Traders it’s just so easy I actually me too I’m I’m trying to remember it’s like string

And what there slime involved with making a lead I don’t know so Mike and kilberry kiddo is doing great at skateboarding the coach says he shows natural talent because the first lesson he already had the correct form and could stand on the board he’s not going to push [ __ ] he has the correct

Form oh that’s beautiful that’s beautiful and he could stand on the board they’ve started on ramps already he’s had two lessons so far thater loves it he’s even falling a few times and if he didn’t like it he would have been done instead of getting back on yeah

Yeah that’s the first trick you learn in skateboarding that’s what I like to say is how to fall and if you get back on I remember the first time I fell on a skateboard I was trying to roll in to a bowl concrete I I was probably about I

Was I was a little older than Thatcher but yeah I I didn’t Lean Forward enough which is a classic rookie mistake on the skateboard but like I fell backwards and fell fell onto my hip and it hurt bad like the bruise was the size of a like

An orange you know diameter wise and I still decided to try it again fell one more time on the same spot which hurt and then rolled back in the third time and got it and like the the rest was history I was addicted ever since oh my God so many I’m just giving

Up on Minecraft there’s so many great talking points M start playing D and D with some co-workers and he loves it yes feel like years of my life were wasted not playing it and yes balers Gate 3 I also have heard it’s basically D and D the video game awesome I’ve been I’ve

Been playing DN D again since um December and yeah it’s it’s been a lot of fun for me I’m playing a warlock for the first time basically I made a deal with some Demon who I’m not quite sure who it is yet um I just

Referred to it by like a a name that it gave me and I’m I’m like a a hero For Hire I’m very I’m a halfling warlock that’s very Money Motivated so I kind of have the personality of a used car salesman I’m just enjoying it a

Lot wellow balers gate has a bunch of hot men in it hey you know got something for everybody look out M’s a little jealous cuz he always wish he could skateboard but it never happened yeah the man that car accident didn’t didn’t it did you no favors on that

Front but isn’t that that’s also kind of cool though you know to see your kid going out and doing doing things that you just didn’t have a natural like propensity for a natural Talent like that’s got to be pretty dope that’s a proud parent moment right there for sure right there for

Sure back foul Beast there we go shoot each other thank goodness how’s my shield doing not great I have been using a lot I am a pin cushion right now okay this is fine yeah yeah once you uh there comes a certain age where you just stop

Bouncing and um I don’t know like the last time I dropped into a pool cuz I was mostly a bull skater the last time I dropped into a pool was probably five years ago and it’ been like five years before that I did that like the the last time I

Dropped in before that was like 5 years before that so um I still feel like I could but yeah the moment I slam the first time I feel like it’s going to be bad I don’t bounce like I used to now this it’s turning into a properly lit up

Cave oh there you um kill berries in the chat there some lapies laula give me that lazuli yes the blue the orur is Blue oh sounds at skeletons time to leave where you at Show Yourself foul creature how am I doing on arrows I only have seven arrows after all that I didn’t use that many maybe I did oh there’s the zombie horde where we at mic is playing a cha

Chaotic neutral which of course is the the most fun alignment Rogue high elf with a tragic backstory basically I’m looking out for Numero Uno but as my character has some growth and sticks with a party they’re going a little soft that’s a good one kill Barry’s nie in gymnastics she

Went to do a flip youed be able to nail and fell right down yep man I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to put off the inevitable with all this all this running I think that I could still maybe I could still do like little flip like that I think I

Can still skateboard decently well with all this like work on my legs little like handstands the flips like that though these noodle arms I don’t know I think after the age of like 32 you start losing like 1% of your muscle mass every year and so it’s just a matter of like preserving

That is this a whole thing of look at this this is like a raw copper beans BL block bro I didn’t even know blocks of raw copper spawned in Minecraft what is this yeah and now you need to stretch for 30 minutes first every time you go

For a walk for the rest of your life H oh it’s true if we’re not there yet it’s coming I got to find the skeleton because like I want to explore this part but I also don’t want to deal with skeletons and water well if you can’t find the skeleton I

Guess I got a block to deal with a whoa he’s up there he’s got to be up there stretching sounds a lot like yoga that’s why I ain’t doing it where are you he shot at me come on you bum this this could be a disaster it’s not even anything useful up

Here ABS crafts and stop I can’t take it Yoga Yoga sh do yoga no no no no no no no no no can’t do it hard pass this goes all the way up to the surface doesn’t it oh wow I I don’t know how that gravel didn’t collapse

Wow I see you I see you Micah ilbery you with your okay thing is I really needed to stretch oh I’ve got to yawn all right all right all right I hope you’re satisfied sir I hope you’re all satisfied ah it’s like it’s like I never left the trolling Shasta is back

Baby so now that I am on the verge of death or have cheated death I suppose back to feeding Cows who wants some wheat woo Oh yeah soon soon we’ll have the leather that I Need oh that’s getting there oh man I just left this guy I don’t want to attack him though because I feel like you should just like abandon the Traer robes bro yeah just become a villager is that a iron golem inside this house what the hell okay are there more like that I

Wonder sad that it isn’t an island of cows I stretch M says I stretched with you and both my elbows popped now I’m broken Karma a Bish that’s a great feeling doc like I can straighten out my elbows like this and pop them that’s like the first

Thing I do when I wake up in the morning and that that feels so good I’m all About That Elbow popping elbows and wrists I don’t pop my fingers anymore that’s that’s a habit that I broke thanks to a 30-day challenge when upon a time but still the elbows and

Wrists Once Upon a Time only my right wrist popped after a skateboarding accident but then I was like I should also abuse the left wrist as well and turn that around I should even this out oh let’s go ahead and drop off some of these items before we go back in that

Cave this is pretty low-fi compared to uh World 11 huh don’t have all those Farms still have some villagers I got to consolidate these yes sir gorgeous blue block I had some iron yes I had some iron col around tell you what let’s put it is still a moop

Pit we got that going for us I think uh I think booty comrade is still the uh the cow orgy Pope on the official Shasta one Discord oh the lore that this channel has spawned my God it’s a nice duck oddly mostly Turf and not wood but fair

Yes first black Inc I’m well on my way to becoming a published author in Minecraft and folks this is where I will wrap it up for the day so it has been fantastic catching up with all of you pre-roll ads are on what does that mean get out of here

It’s been fantastic catching up with all of you and I should probably do this again more recently than um you know measuring in the span of months but we’ll see I got to go have some dinner I feel like zeta’s waiting so always good to hear from you glad that everyone

Seems to be doing pretty well taking care of themselves at least and um yeah all I guys say is my usual sign off which is take care of yourselves love one another and I’ll catch you next time I’m the Sha one

This video, titled ‘[Hardcore Minecraft] A new world, full of promise, possibility, and imminent death!’, was uploaded by TheShasta1 on 2024-01-25 19:02:46. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:57 or 8037 seconds.

Shasta starts a new world for the heck of it, and catches up with like 5 months worth of conversation with the regulars. Fun episode! — Watch live at

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    Insane PVP TEXTURE PACKS for Max FPS Boost!Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST MINECRAFT PVP TEXTURE PACKS! (FPS BOOST!)’, was uploaded by Irrational on 2024-06-15 11:05:14. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. DOWNLOADS – Pack 1 – Pack 2 – Tags : hive skywars,keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft bedrock edition,sepper,sepper hive,hive skywars,keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft bedrock edition,hive skywars,hive treasure wars,hive skywars combos,ignacio blades,ignacioblades,ignacioblades texture pack,treasure wars,bedrock edition,diecies treasure wars,diecies,diecies texture pack,ignacio blades,ignacioblades,ignacioblades texture pack,treasure wars,bedrock edition,diecies treasure wars,cranexe,cranexe pack folder,cranexe 30k pack,hive treasure wars,the hive,hive bedrock,cranexe,cranexe pack folder,cranexe 30k pack,minecraft bedrock,minecraft pvp,minecraft bedrock pvp,evident,evidently… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV Girl

    Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV GirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Sad Story with TV GIRL in Village! Mikey Tru to SAVE Camera WOMAN in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-02 11:30:28. It has garnered 447763 views and 8460 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:35 or 3755 seconds. JJ Sad Story with TV GIRL in Village! Mikey Tru to SAVE Camera WOMAN in Minecraft! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!

    Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!Video Information This video, titled ‘13.1.24 | xioonae | guess who just got affiliated! WOOHOOO!!!’, was uploaded by xioonae on 2024-01-18 12:44:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, Xioon’s here ^^ I’m your daily dose of mostly chilled out streams, consisting mainly of Euro Truck Simulator 2, Minecraft and … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!

    Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘🎈🐷 Sky-High Fun: Ultimate Minecraft Piggy Balloon Build Tutorial! 🏗️✨’, was uploaded by VoxelVenturer Dennis on 2024-06-09 16:27:52. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Join me on an adventure as we soar to new heights in Minecraft with this step-by-step guide to building the cutest piggy balloon ever! Perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts and creative builders looking to add a touch of whimsy to their world. 🌍✨ 🔨 What You’ll Learn: Crafting the perfect piggy shape with precision blocks Selecting the best materials for… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

    INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper full 3D making video by hak3d’, was uploaded by hak3d on 2024-04-01 17:17:47. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:39 or 11139 seconds. Minecraft creeper full 3D making video by hak3d Made at Bambulab P1S Combo printer You can find model here: Filament type unbrand, luminous Intro music by Alex Grohl: Stomping Rock (Four Shouts) Read More

  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord:— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂I guess the meme is only worth a 14 out of 100, just like my mining skills in Minecraft! 😂 Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = DISCORD LINK = Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : Ko-Fi : ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) Read More