Defeating Toxic Minecraft Player

Video Information

hi right dudes welcome back to another episode of pixel mod sorry for that delay there we had some things to work on but we’re back that’s right we’re back here on the origins realm shout out to them for sponsoring this video if you guys want to play It’s the Anubis MC server all the information you need is linked in the description below it’ll give you the mod pack everything it’s a couple clicks you’re in you’re able to play once you’re on the Anubis MC server go and join the origins r one the way left and if you do/ partner space redeem space sigils you get a bunch of free starter items that’ll help you on your journey to become the very best as you guys know we’re trying to use a dragon team to conquer all of the gyms and uh today we’re working on another gym today on the agenda is the poison gym and to do the poison gym we’re going to need some reinforcements actually we’re pretty strong against the poison gym like rock and ground and if you take a look at our existing team right we have uh rock type uh Tyrantrum we have H Dr you’re not really that useful but we also have uh rock or ground type uh Garchomp which is good we also will probably swap out the dra isal for um our steel boy because that’s just excellent but I want to get one more that’s like really good against it that’s like a you know a future investment that we will use and so we’re going hunting for another special Dragon today and that means we need to go to um the Savannah Savannah that’s right we’re off to Savannah to catch a new Dragon boys if you’re excited pix Mon’s back to music paper hit the like button also hit the Subscribe button oh perfect we’re here at night time this is actually the exactly what we need bro the Savannah has not been good to me today like all I want I’m here for one Pokemon and one Pokemon only he’s not even that like unus what was that what was that I don’t know that didn’t sound right he’s not even that uncommon uh just have to a rat trat Pat trat listen Jack Pat Pat Pat I’m trying to find not you okay I’m here for dragons and Dragons only why did I do this to myself I really I really made this Pixelmon series harder than it needed to be but you know what sometimes that’s just how we like to live I guess ooh what is this uh show me this what do we got going on here sort of I love these little structures that they spawn like pixon has such dope things um oh we’re going into like a little town wait what is what is this oh hi little guy um that’s exactly what I’m looking for it’s a Trey okay um he is level 40 holy crap um well you know what we’re not messing around anymore well actually wait wait wait wait wait maybe maybe we’re messing around fast ball because I keep getting these uh master balls for defeating the gyms and it’s kind of like why not risk I don’t want to keep hunting I don’t like wasting my time okay Drey Broke Free yeah ooh a critical hit oh ow ow brother you did so much damage okay you know what you know what I have three master balls nobody Judge Me Nobody Judge Me Nobody judge me we’re not we’re not making any more mistakes okay we’re getting the dpy because Dy is a well I’ll show you let’s see okay dra you’re not going to be super useful in this fight so we’ll put you down here in the dragon row this is my basically Dragon row uh all right reepy Tada sumary he is a ghost Pokemon but ghost dragon uh which means that ghost moves are super effective against poison which is why we want to do it oh that’s quite good quick attack and a dark move oh wow he actually is not bad to start but what we need to do is start leveling up because dpy is the lowest um level of thingy thingy thingy that’s the technical term but thingy thingy thingy thingy all right take me somewhere I feel like the jungle absolutely has to have uh poison types I that just makes sense I want to I want to test him out see see how good he is uh well of course we’ll upgrade him we’ll get him his moves we’ll finish him but first we got to do the grind to level him up evolve him and get him ready for a gym battle that’s what I always say who’s gy and why are we battling I don’t know Venipede yeah you’re for sure poisonous okay so if I hit you with an astonish oh wow that did a lot of damage I mean and he flinched okay astonished not bad granted that’s a level 20 but for a 30 power move not bad okay also let’s see um have a bunch of have a bunch of these from my last gym battle here you go Dy yeah Dy Dy level 50 all right we got Dy is evolving we’re over here in the training center because I am trying to make this fast man I got work to do uh dy I forget what he turns into Derpy derp derp derp derp derp derp oh look oh dang that’s an upgrade draak oh all right let’s take a look at this guy come here dra Oak I want to see you let me see you a pretty little F wait you have a dpy that rides you now what the hello um okay yeah he sure does I didn’t this is not a I know much about um okay look at him look at him that’s sick dude we got tragl and I think actually so this Pokemon’s super weird because the third evolution is actually at level 60 so um we just we’re going to grind out and get to level 60 pretty soon I’m actually going to go to warp training two I think we’re ready oh cool it’s a Lapras yeah we’re ready Lapras um here get infested [Music] great I’m asleep oh but we hit him with infestation look at how hard that hits yeah all right uh astonish ow but you have ice Shard why did I pick an ice Pokemon I’m so stupid oh all right here we go dude this ice Zone has been annoying but we are leveling up give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me a man after midnight I don’t know what you turn into dragapult ooh Dragon Dart us your attacks twice using Dy if there are two Targets this oh wait that’s an insane Dragon specific move hello getting rid of Tak down um hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on all right let’s see what this Dragon darts can really do Walen i o uh it does a lot dude that move is sick I had no idea that there was like a custom Dragon move for this guy uh and then we’ll hit you with a little astonished because yep uh-huh I should not have done that okay and body slam doesn’t affect me because I’m a ghost type yo actually wait a minute why have you guys not been telling me the dragapult is freaking built Diffy dude um okay I actually really like this Pokemon like this might actually be a permanent member hi Nurse Joy yeah I’m back yep yep please heal thanks thanks okay um well now that we’ve got him Max Level well not max level but now we got him evolved my curiosity has been stated it’s time to go IV train first things first we’re going to go speed Eves I’mma grind up and I’ll check in with you guys in a bit taking a break from the training and the leveling to come check some moves out now as he’s been leveling up dragapult has gotten some kind of honestly Banger moves uh look at this one I don’t know if this is good but we’ve hung on to it we have dragon Dart still infestation but last resort this move can be used only after the users use all of the other moves it knows in a battle 140 power that’s lowkey kind of crazy and and I kind of want to keep it because literally I could go infestation astonish dragon and then just start slamming people and because he’s a ghost type he doesn’t take damage from certain moves that actually could work really really really well Draco meteor is really good although his special Dragon move is so good because it’s a double attack that I’m tempted to kind of just hang on hang on but also really I want to see if there’s a better ghost move than astonish or a better move than infest I really like infest just because it like one thing I haven’t found out is if it if it keeps going even after you die so like I could drop it as a final move um I could get Phantom Force the user vanishes somewhere then strikes the target the next turn this move hits even if the target protects itself wait if he vanishes like hold on actually yo that’s pretty good that’s pretty good all right we got him Phantom Force dude this Dragon pole actually kind of came out of the box pretty cracked um last thing we got to do is just get him up to level 100 and then he’s ready to take on the poison gym it is finally time to assemble the team dragapult we got him to level 100 hit the little hit the little grind spot knocked it out I’m feeling good now the decision we need to make here is uh several first of all where’s my freaking dalon there he is um thadon is steel which is exceptionally good against poison which means okay garch is Rock which is resistant to poison we’re keeping him uh Dragonite is nothing he’s just good uh Rayquaza is a legendary but also like neither weak nor strong cuum is neither weak nor strong although if they if they’re a plant type poison type that there’s a chance that uh like ice can be good against plants I believe um Tyrantrum is rock well he’s ground and rock uh which is resistant dragapult resistant so I think actually we’re going to take out if these three are all the same we might as well take out the Dragonite and put in the duraladon and um I like this order I think that’s good we’ll start with the Garchomp we’ll let him tear through and then we’ll open up and eventually we’ll drop dragapult as like a big heavy hitter it’s go time boys let’s do slash I can’t type SL gems uh let’s see where is it where is it where is it where is the poison gy ew This is a ew it’s all Mucky and ew hello Tim I’m here to challenge you this is so gross okay battle poison confirm and it’s time oh hey are you even surprised no and it it took you a while Bud it took you took you a took you a hot minute didn’t it took you took you quite a bit you know what everywhere I go you follow me and I hate it I follow you yeah man it seems like since you’re a little late here you’re following me doesn’t yeah does it is that what it seems like it does feel that way yeah it feels that way all right Biffle well all right S as you know my my dragon team and I have been getting Dragon oh yeah and we’re dragging this on so you’re playing a slow King huh uh oh cuz I am a slow King so that’s actually oddly true yeah oh wait use a dragon interesting be a shame if it got poisoned by a sledge bomb uh did you hear me I said Sledge bomb I did hear you say Sledge bomb of course you know you pick something that’s like not against any of the weaknesses I prepared that’s fine extra toxic that’s fine that’s fine do I just hit him with it I just hit him what are you going to hit me with my new child wait you you have a dragapult dragapult okay that’s a little little worry that’s a little worrying I’m not going to lie oh no not a sludge bomb oh wow oh that’s going to you’ve been poisoned are you kidding yeah are you kidding bro it’s po yeah what you I’m the poison leader okay that’s not my favorite thing that’s ever happened it’s fine it’s fine everyone’s going to get poison uh well here let me let me introduce you to Phantom Force well let me introduce you to flamethrower okay oh where’d you go I’m gone where’d you go were you trying to were you trying to where’d you go okay yep you avoided yeah hey but you’re H the poison yeah that sucks that really sucks that you started with a poison move I hate you honestly well guess what chicken butt flamethrower okay well guess what super effect oh okay that hurt a lot but guess what flamethrower mix with a little poison this really sucks I was kind of counting on this guy like a lot you had a you know poison like ability thing that helps you clear it but yes you don’t see you later loser yeah well I have about I see you later instead well I’ll see you later cuz you’re going to be coming no I’ll see you later I’ll see you later the only people getting seen later are us okay well guess what what I was a slow King now I’m a nid king what the I got all the kings baby this is what you got you’re going to die by poison anyways I know um if you try to use a different Pokemon he’s going to die anyway Dragon darts what are you going to do with me what are you doing Critical Hits ohal oh darn you’re poison Biffle okay loser loser let’s see you’re weak to water and that’s true that’s actually a lie that’s actually just propaganda oh yeah oh wait actually you’re weak to ice oh no no do you remember do you remember my my good buddy kierum yeah who you curing okay you know what your kierum is weak to poison probably so poison what stop using poison and this is the most annoying oh my gosh um hello okay whatever get out of here gone yeah gone dude this is this is a brawl I don’t like this at all you know what you know what rhymes with nid King venur it doesn’t I’m just being toxic obviously heal okay bring it loser you’re not going to one hit me so I’m going to heal that watch this no do you have gigin [Applause] gigin okay yeah what’s up and I healed didn’t do a whole lot there buddy I didn’t do but again I do it again I heal uh it’s a WT heal that heal that witty boy heal that witty boy rhymes with Venusaur beans soaped it doesn’t oh that’s also not what his name is yeah you’re I got kill you right now with aqua tail oh easy see you wasn’t very effective oh okay well8 you 8% hello this thing on oh bful B that’s it I’m Aqua tailing again you’re dead goodbye okay go to sleep all right boring oh no you took out my legendary shame you’re going to have more be shame if I had to drop a Tyrantrum on you now why is he huge cuz he’s a tyrant bigger than your forhead and that’s surprising okay first of all uh here you’re weak to rock have a rock well guess what you’re weak to water so aquata tail that’s true actually maybe this wasn’t the greatest move but here we are well guess what Pooky you’re going to die what py no I’m not you’re going to die you want to know why cuz aquata tail is going to get a critical hit ow wait did I did the med oh there it is okay yes I avoided it I avoided it just like you avoid never mind go bad no go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead aquil dude please just hit him you have okay Tyrantrum Tyrantrum please hit him you have to charge up your attack you dummy did you not read it I did it still went off you charge it up for another turn while you get hit by an aquata tail no he did in the same turn last time no he didn’t he chared oh it was double turn oh crap okay are you silly Billy it’s fine I have this is a gym battle the top of the line who what are you doing who’s gym it failed it failed uh-oh okay listen oh I came prepared I did my research yeah well I went fishing and I got this guy what ni n Lego weak to water ground psychic and steel all right well um pretty much the entire of all Pokemon yeah dude but his special attack was increased and he’s charging up okay you charge up all you want king that’s pretty good super oh was I ready for you Biffle was I too ready for you I’m a poison gym leader so I guess I have to use my Sledge wave and poison you okay oh shoot I’m poison and he’s been poisoned okay and then you die how do you feel about H how much you got left bi I have one Pokemon left or I can click run no you can’t click run no no you have to give me this badge bi no no no if I run you don’t get it if I just run away and we play hide-and-seek and you have to find me to get it’s not hide we’re not playing gem hideand-seek come on oh toxicc you know what you have some toxic PEX oh you’re weak to ground no bummer dude I haven’t even used my trump card against you okay first of all you’re annoying second of all I take it back third of all JK all right well hey uh here here’s duraladon you have Kevin duraladon I have Kevin duraladon and uh I don’t know how to tell you this but you know he’s he’s steal well guess what I’m about to steal your heart recover you have to attack first cuz I think I can heal out of this come on come on come on come on dragonclaw no please and recover all right and recover please yes you’re so annoying oh I just realized Dragon claw Dragon claw it’s almost time for Dragon claw take this doesn’t affect cuz it’s Ste doesn’t Steel’s immune to ste’s immune you think I would know that as a poison leader yeah you think you’d think you’d know that it’s a guy who always yells at me about Pokemon dude excuse me don’t ever talk to me like that Dragon claw oh this is my last Pokemon you could win this is my last Pokemon can I tell you something yeah it’s not my last Pokemon okay guess what what um it’s not my last Pokemon either it is though yeah it is I did my research the comments can’t be mad at me no why are you so smart all of a sudden I’ve been learning what all stat all stat chains were eliminated you jerk yeah okay yeah what’s up now now you’re nervous aren’t you no you should be cuz I’m about to hit you with a move you’ve never seen before is it a poison move that won’t work on me called alt 4 yeah oh no you’re going to die no you’re going to die you’re going to die Biffle not if I use recover please stop recovering this is why why did why does this exist if I out recover you all I got to do is get you low what what do you think my last Pokemon is this is it the duralon no I have another one no yeah and his name all I could use is scald on you and it does not have much his name is Rayquaza bring him out then hm bring him out I dare you yeah okay I’ll bring him out I’ll bring him out right now bring him out I dare I I’ll bring him out right now I’m at 14 HP no way it wasn’t effective yes all right well behold the sky darkens recover please before he does anything uh let’s see well your work you know we shall crunch you no no no no recover is crunch crunch going to hit first dude bi all right give me the thing give me the thing bi give me the thing really think you deserve it here clear I do I do you earned the badge but sigil this supp to be the last time don’t keep do look dude the poison badge defeated Biffle Biffle Biffle Biffle that’s right I’m just out of here smoking on BI stop giving me crystals you weirdos boys the journey continues I’m going to get all these badges I’m going to own Biffle I’m going to be the very best like no one ever was hit the like button hit the Subscribe button come play on the server we’ll see you guys in the next episode

This video, titled ‘Beating the Most Toxic Person in Minecraft’, was uploaded by SigilsTV on 2024-06-02 23:15:01. It has garnered 16545 views and 1214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds.

Today @SigilsTV gets a new legendary to use on @BiffleWiffle ▶️ Server Info:


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❗ About Minecraft Adventures Minecraft Adventures is a series where Sigils and his friends play mini games in Minecraft with custom forge mods to earn random loot and then fight to the see who the ultimate champion is!

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic…💀 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Helper n Gamer on 2024-06-20 04:39:36. It has garnered 11411 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft Logic…💀 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #trendingshorts #viral #memes There is no logic in minecraft… tags-minecraft logic,minecraft,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrun,minecraft no logic,minecraft funny,cursed minecraft,wait what minecraft,minecraft moments on 0 logic,unusual minecraft,best minecraft memes,minecraft portrayed,minecaft,minecraft bruh momment,minecraft sus,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft nether portal,minecraft race,what minecraft,minecraft what,funny minecraft,minecraft logic 2,minecraft logic 3,what how minecraft Read More


    INSANE FIND: SECRET IGLOO IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND AN IGLOO IN MINECRAFT| YOU SHOULD DO THIS IF YOU FIND ONE|’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-08-04 10:30:26. It has garnered 2949 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics Minecraft building facts,cinematic shots, drone views, adventure,how to build I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES… Read More

  • Insane 1 Year Lego MOC Timelapse Build!

    Insane 1 Year Lego MOC Timelapse Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 year building Lego Minecraft MOC Timelapse’, was uploaded by BrickMan Studios on 2024-01-14 04:05:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Gameplay: Bebebebebebe on Minecraft Multiplayer

    Unbelievable Gameplay: Bebebebebebe on Minecraft MultiplayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing multiplayer vanilla server on minecraft’, was uploaded by Bebebebebebe on 2024-05-24 05:20:19. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:09 or 5889 seconds. Read More


    EPIC LAVA MIKEY CHALLENGE: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: ESCAPE From GIANT LAVA MIKEY CHALLENGE – Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Plotcraft on 2024-04-02 13:00:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a fanmade video about the interesting and funny story of JJ and Mikey. This video is an unofficial work and is neither … Read More

  • 🔥Join Now! Minecraft Xenoverse SMP LIVE 🚀INDIA🇮🇳

    🔥Join Now! Minecraft Xenoverse SMP LIVE 🚀INDIA🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || XENOVERSE PUBLIC SMP | CRACKED JAVA + PJ | JOIN NOW!!! | MINECRAFT INDIA LIVE’, was uploaded by BeasTxHunter on 2024-03-12 18:48:33. It has garnered 154 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:42 or 14622 seconds. 🔥 Title: Minecraft 👋 Hey Gamers! Join us for an epic gaming adventure in Minecraft LIVE! 🌟 What to Expect: I play Minecraft and many other games here on live But you can also see other gameplay videos on my channel. IF Your Want To Join XENOVERSE PUBLIC SMP Fill up This… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GOAL ACHIEVED: BECAME KING!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BECAME THE KING IN MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2024-04-08 13:00:23. It has garnered 70383 views and 2780 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Pixel Town Season 2 Episode 5: RageElixir ACCIDENTALLY becomes the KING of Pixel Town.. Minecraft Pixel Town Roleplay Season 2 – BECOME A MEMBER: Follow Me: Twitter – Instagram – TikTok – Discord – Intro Song: Another Song: #RageElixir #Minecraft #RageNation Read More

  • Unveil the Secrets of Minecraft with MasilG! #gamersecrets

    Unveil the Secrets of Minecraft with MasilG! #gamersecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Hidden Secrets: Unveiled! #minecraft #gaming #shortsviral’, was uploaded by MASIL G THE RB GAMER on 2024-08-16 06:24:45. It has garnered 549 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. shorts​ #viral​ #tiktok​ hacks #minecraft​ #hacks​ #viraltiktok​ hacks #ytshorts​ #ytshortsindia​  #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023​ #2023​ #horrorgaming​ #2022​ #2024 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More


    MineWolf.deWillkommen auf, deinem neuen Heimat-Server für das ultimative Survival-Erlebnis! Wir bieten dir eine herausfordernde und zugleich spannende Minecraft-Welt, in der du dich frei entfalten kannst. Mit unserem nahtlosen Grundstückssystem sicherst du dir dein eigenes Gebiet und kannst ganz nach deinen Vorstellungen bauen. Tritt noch heute bei uns ein und werde Teil der MineWolf-Community! Read More

  • VITA MC – Vanilla 1.9+

    Vita MC – The Ultimate Minecraft Server Vita MC is the perfect Minecraft server for players seeking adventure, creativity, and community. Our custom modpack, Full Steam Ahead, and friendly international community make it a unique place to explore and create. Join us today and build your legacy! Check out our YouTube video for a glimpse of what awaits you. Features: Survival Multiplayer (SMP): Immerse yourself in a dynamic world full of unique biomes and hidden treasures. Build and thrive with friends. Custom Modpack – Full Steam Ahead: Enjoy new features, items, and mechanics designed to enhance your gameplay and creativity…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – So… creeper gonna creep!

    Looks like this meme is a real high roller, racking up that score like it’s nobody’s business! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet: Love Confession in Minecraft!

    Teacher's Pet: Love Confession in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter in every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing joy and happiness, day and night. With a channel that’s official and true, Pirated copies won’t do, that’s the clue. Every day, a new video to enjoy, Subscribe and follow, don’t be coy. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content is where it’s at. So dive into the world of MC fun, With rhymes and laughter, a job well done. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Noob Edition

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Noob Edition “When you try to impress your friends in Minecraft but end up accidentally blowing up your own house with TNT. #noobproblems” Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Comparator Tricks

    Minecraft's Sneaky Comparator Tricks The Secrets of Minecraft’s Comparator Introduction In the world of Minecraft, redstone is a crucial component for creating intricate contraptions and mechanisms. Practical Redstone Reloaded is a series dedicated to helping players learn about redstone on the latest versions of Minecraft Java. In this episode, the focus is on Redstone Repeaters and Redstone Comparators, essential tools for advanced redstone creations. Redstone Repeaters Redstone Repeaters are key components that allow for the extension of redstone signals. They can be used to delay signals, create pulse extensions, and even lock signals in place. Understanding how to utilize Redstone Repeaters effectively is… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mods – MUST WATCH!!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mods - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Best Minecraft RPG Mods (2024)’, was uploaded by ItsArenZ on 2024-07-30 15:30:02. It has garnered 61565 views and 1703 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:16 or 796 seconds. Hi everyone! Today I will show you the twenty best Minecraft RPG mods. There will be mods that bring new creatures, weapons, and other RPG features to Minecraft. I hope you will enjoy this mod list. So let’s dive for it. ——————————————————————————– 0:00 Intro Mods : 0:12 Souls-Like Universe (Forge 1.19.2 – 1.20.1) – 1:30 RPG style More Weapons! (Forge 1.18.2 – 1.20.4)… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Pixel Art MR ZAP

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Pixel Art MR ZAPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pixel Art With MAGNETIC Minecraft Blocks…’, was uploaded by The Plop on 2024-07-16 04:48:38. It has garnered 455503 views and 6287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:27 or 507 seconds. After crafting over 1,000 different colored magnetic Minecraft wool blocks, I created a ton of Pixel Art based on video games, memes, and other random things. If you would like to buy blocks like these, look at free templates, see the tools I use, and support the channel, visit my shop: Buying plastic block kits will only be available until the 1st… Read More

  • SHOCKING TRUTH: Spirit – Chorus Fruit SCAM 😱

    SHOCKING TRUTH: Spirit - Chorus Fruit SCAM 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chorus Fruit is a scam 😭’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-06-02 12:56:57. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #Minecraft, #Gaming, #VideoGames, #Gamer, #Survival, #Adventure, #Creativity, #Building, #Exploration, #Blocks, #PixelArt, #VirtualWorld, #Crafting, #OpenWorld, #Multiplayer, #Singleplayer, #Redstone, #Mods, #Modding, #Community, #OnlineGaming, #ConsoleGaming, #PCGaming, #GamingCommunity, #GamingLife, #IndieGames, #Blocky, #Mobs, #Monsters, #BuildingBlocks, #Mining, #Craft, #SurvivalMode, #CreativeMode, #Sandbox, #PixelGame, #Pixelated, #Creeper, #Enderman, #Zombie, #Skeleton, #Spider, #Cave, #Biomes, #Desert, #Forest, #Jungle, #Ocean, #Nether, #End, #Village, #Stronghold, #Castle, #Mansion, #Farming, #Animals, #Crops, #Food, #Cooking, #Hunting, #Fishing, #Enchanting, #Alchemy, #Magic,… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP: Explore Haunted Town! Join Now & Grow!

    Minecraft SMP: Explore Haunted Town! Join Now & Grow!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 71 Join Public SMP Join fast | Road To 1k #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Minecraft GG on 2024-08-10 05:23:06. It has garnered 1706 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:25 or 8185 seconds. **🔴 Live Now: Minecraft Survival – Ghost Town SMP! 🏚️👻** Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 71 Join fast #shorts Welcome to our Minecraft Survival Ghost Town SMP! Join us as we explore, build, and survive in a spooky, abandoned town filled with mysteries and challenges. JAVA IP – PE IP -… Read More

  • 💥 ULTIMATE GAMING KINGDOM – Roblox, Minecraft, PUBG, PlayStation! 👑

    💥 ULTIMATE GAMING KINGDOM - Roblox, Minecraft, PUBG, PlayStation! 👑Video Information This video, titled ‘#roblox #minecraft #gaming #pubgmobile #pubg #bgmi #automobile #playstation #brawlstars’, was uploaded by 👑BYYUCELGAMES 🎮 on 2024-07-22 13:06:48. It has garnered 8426 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More