Delving Into Malum: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #3

Video Information

Hello again welcome back to asgard and welcome back to atm spellbound uh so since the last episode uh i have basically just come out mining since the last you know the last cut of the last episode i was doing some mining and i died i decided uh right back here

Right here i decided that i was gonna jump over the lava instead of dropping my water jump over the lava to mine some gold and i made it but the jump back killed me i fell in love and i couldn’t get out we cannot mind that yet but we do need

To bear in mind that there is a stellar arcanum right here but it’s really easy to find and we might actually get to where we can mine those today but back in here i did want to pop you guys in because i have found one of the things well i was

Really just mining for just general resources for the most part but right here there’s there’s actually a spawner right there and there’s another one over there and so i’m kind of weary a little bit but we do get we do have diamonds so we actually got our very first we got

10 diamonds from that also right in here you’ll notice that there are some more diamonds so i’m going to go ahead and grab those and uh there’s there’s i think a mine shaft up there i’m not brave enough to mess with that right now because of uh

Cave spiders but also right here there are more diamonds that’s all the diamonds i have that’s all the diamonds i found but uh we actually have 23 diamonds at the moment at this point i am going to warp home i mean i didn’t fill up my inventory i was just basically caving

But that’s that’s all i had set out to do is just get a little bit of resources uh and kind of look around for diamonds maybe we could find some so actually real quick i’m gonna go ahead and move these down because we’re going to be

Using these a bit today also our bed just kind of for the time being we’re going to set our respawn here but i do have something else i want to show you guys here in just a moment i did get a honing uh let’s see i’m trying to buff up durability

Yeah i can still do this it requires the tier two hammer i’m gonna have to upgrade that hammer fairly soon but let’s go ahead let’s upgrade our hammer first and foremost uh we do have a honing but i need a hammer to hone it we’re gonna go ahead and upgrade the

Iron hammer real fast to an iron hammer there we go so now we have an uh an iron hammer and i’m just going to put this one into there uh and that way we can upgrade our pick at this point uh because i want to go ahead and

Upgrade it to a diamond pick that and we’re going to do both sides of course so there we go but that way at least we can mine the stella arcanums uh toss that into there and before i forget exactly where that location is i’m just gonna pop in and go ahead and mine

That stella arcanum and it is important of course whenever you mine stellar cannon um you do want to mine them anytime you see them because they are fairly rare and they are extremely useful uh but also make sure that you’re not standing near them because they’re going to deal some

Damage because they will go boom there’s a monster box there i was debating about trying to take it on and i was like nah i think i’m going to play it safe and uh not mess with it at the moment but uh we will just not right yet

So we’re going to pretty much stand back as far as possible from this because whenever it does get mined of course it’s going to go boom there we go but we got a piece of stellarite uh let’s see the eternal stella within this pack is x-petrified is neum star metal tara steel soul

Stained steel engine of the skies and una rift uh so we’re actually gonna have to pull from quite a few different things in order to get that but that’s fine uh none of that stuff is terrible to get it’s just a lot of different mods that we’re gonna have to get

Basically ranked up in in order to do that so and real quick i don’t see any diamonds like just right there or nothing that’s fine we’re gonna go ahead and warp on home then and i want to take you guys down below and show you something that i came across

While i was working on the last episode but show you something down here because i was digging this out because of course we needed more lunar stone while i was working on the build and ended up going ahead and just mining a little like mine shaft down

For the time being and we have found our first kind of like deep underground cavern down here so we’re actually going to open this up and let’s i hear something let’s just go ahead and light this up as best we can there is cinder stone we’re not going to step on that

But i want to make sure that this place is safe the nice thing is we’re not going to run across like skeletons and stuff down here of course beetles uh are terrible but i don’t think that they are going to spawn down here either i believe it’s just those uh big

Creepy crawly bugs actually i think i see one right over there almost went right into that stuff and if i recall that sets you on fire and that’s like the worst thing i actually see a chest back in there as well though here is some ac och white so we’re gonna

Go ahead and take that how deep okay i can stand on this there we go uh quite a bit of moonstone i probably will end up getting that i wonder if that has a spawner in it to be honest and we’re going to grab the emerald door oh it is a spawner

We’re going to go ahead ah it doesn’t shut it down though all right so we’re going to have to actually break that spawner if we want them to stop spawning uh should be actually fairly easy though because they they’re not gonna be able to handle the water there we go

That’s how we beat the one above ground actually if you recall this does like no damage to him uh this sword isn’t much better actually our enchanted sword is a lot better but since i don’t have a way to repair that i’m trying to take care of that sword as best i can

At least until we get a way to repair it or we find a better sword because it is really good and it’s really good against like strong mobs and things like that we got another one coming down i don’t think he’ll be able to really mess with us though so

Beetles are by far the most dangerous thing i think uh that i’ve seen within this dimension so the nice thing is what’s funny is if they attack me while i’m working on the the building uh actually what i found works extremely well on them is they will tend to get stuck on

Framed blocks and so you can just kind of hide behind a frame block in order to beat them it’s really really cheesy but it works so what about our other chest up here oh we got uh slayer one increased damage against monsters and we have wrath one increased damage against everything but

Only for the trident on the the wrath another pyro pic and aquatic gemstone so we’ll take those uh there’s also some more act white over here and i do want to mine that real quick i believe this is the same cave though i was trying to mine kind of in the

Direction of the cave that we kind of uncovered uh in the last episode oh beetles do spawn down here oh he’s way over there though and i wish i had a bow okay well i’ll tell you what since he’s not really interested in us uh can we come around this way ish I don’t think so actually i don’t think it connects into that cavern but i think it’s the uh the stalagmites and stalactites in these caves or something but it makes them like kind of spooky a little bit oh i see cobwebs come on oh gosh ah no he’s so hard to hit

Oh that’s terrible too because that’s a really long run down there i almost ran off that thinking i had the bunny slippers on it is that cave that we had tapped into because i can see a torch down below oh man well i mean i could run for it

He might be kind of stuck back in there so i’m going to run for it it’s actually terrifying by the way all right i think we still have there we go i think we saw our ghost shape up all right but we got uh diopside we’re going to go ahead and grab that

Also the emeralds here and i’m curious about the quality of the horizon gear it’s only five yeah that’s actually just on par with uh our default stuff is there something i quite as a little bit better and also need to look and see what the damage on the sword is as well

Okay so now this is just a anyhow this is just a spawner there’s just a lot of spiders in there and i feel like extremely weak yeah they’re shooting at me right now uh we’re gonna come underneath here i’ll take these emeralds thank you uh should be

No i’m one block off that’s okay i can get it from here there we go okay now clearing out the spider nest is going to be a little bit tougher probably the easiest way is going to be to just try to pull them over yeah there we go there’s one down hello

There we go there’s another one down i think they’re still yeah they’re still one over there he’s shooting at me come on let me let me top off because my health isn’t great i should have been doing that this whole time actually he might come over here hello

I should have brought more food with me because i thought we were just going to come down here and check out that one little section and then okay oh he got me that’s okay poison doesn’t last but for like a couple seconds so it does deal a decent amount of damage but

Oh actually uh diopside is really good armor oh my gosh okay there we go okay and there is a loot box in here that’s great i hear another one but i think yeah they’re just all around here oh there’s actually two loot boxes in this uh close quarters what’s that

Open 25 instance per player loot boxes And oh what do we got here protection one and impaling one let me just dump this stuff off and some pyro pickaxes we got a horo horizonite ingot okay and we cleared that out that’s great i’m going to head back up at this point i think i feel accomplished and i need food

Because i don’t have any okay it’s been a little bit since the last cut i’ve actually come out mining and i was doing some building and stuff a couple things to note my picks did just break so i’m gonna have to head back up but um a

Couple things to note here uh you can see i’ve gotten a lot of materials here i was actually down here mainly looking for lappies uh because we actually didn’t have any it took me forever to find lappies and i did find a mine shaft here that does have weathered

Limestone is a lot of the walls um unfortunately my picks were about to break by the time i found it but i i was able to find that uh but something interesting i did kill a couple endermen just by having you know a two uh a space that was only two blocks high

And pulling them over uh by kind of aggroing them they are aggressive on site uh so it does make me really weary of the end uh when that time comes uh but a couple things to note enderman can drop eyes of ender i think it probably has to do with

The cursed ring because it does say it gives them unique drops but we are able to get eyes of ender uh off of enderman uh so that was actually kind of a really nice find to be honest uh but let’s go ahead let’s pop back home real quick

And uh you can see how most of this is empty now and you can see here that the base has begun expanding now this is all just kind of mostly just structure laid out with the weathered limestone but you could see a lot of different stairs and things and

The start of some rooms coming together but a lot of blocks are missing because i’m just kind of sketching out a plan here and worth noting there is like kind of a little stay or what’s going to be a staircase that comes down that’s where

Our cave section is as well also we do have a decent amount of blood in the blood extraction blood extractor so we will probably be starting some evil crap before too long however uh we’ve got a lot of mods available to us at the get-go and i was kind of debating

You know do i want to start with storage and get into occultism first thing not really i mean i don’t have that many items truth be told uh item logistics with botania and blood magic um as as far as our two primary things we could get into that but i don’t really

Feel like i need item logistics right now but something i do need right now is gear and just kind of a lot of uh some a mod that’s easily accessible for us at the moment and has a lot of uh utility and what we’re going to be starting into first and foremost

Is malum i do believe because there’s actually a block i need for decoration as well so it’s kind of like a it’s kind of like a a win-win there so we’re going to go ahead and just take this malom is a very very straightforward very simple mod there’s

Not a ton to it but what it does have is actually uh in my opinion very well implemented uh you can kind of think of it i think of it kind of as if if you kind of mixed thom craft sort of uh with the way that

Uh you know kind of like essential work sort of like loosely uh kind of mixed with almost like blood magic sort of in a weird sort of way uh but the very first thing that we’re going to need is going to be soul stone i can do this in

That that’s perfect and of course we could push for ore doubling too there’s a lot of options for ore doubling within this pack um we will push for it but not just yet i don’t think i’m going to go ahead and just cook up really i don’t need this much let’s just

Go with like uh we’ll just go with 16. let me just go ahead and more back up a little bit quicker that way and this is my method for smelting now because i could smell pretty much everything this way so it just kind of saves me fuel

Uh this little create setup is proven to be extremely valuable not just for the building blocks but just kind of all around so that’s going to complete a quest for us no reward for that and the next thing we need to do is make the crude scythe here actually yeah in that

Case i’m going to go ahead and just throw a little bit of this in there because that’s one thing i don’t like being out of iron but as you can see smelting that way it’s a whole lot faster than using those uh dinky furnaces what do i need oh just sticks

Um but okay so we got our crude scythe and you can actually see just at a glance the damage on this is pretty good i mean the speed is a little bit slow uh it’s not it’s probably not going to be as powerful as this due to the vorpal

And the cold damage the fire damage uh but it will be stronger actually than our our default iron sword though a bit slower actually coming out to be less dps but that’s okay uh now before we actually set out to use this and let me say i don’t think i have

Any roon wood we’re going to have to go looking for that which is fine but before we set out to use this let’s pop through really really fast i need to get a little bit of obsidian real quick but the way the crude scythe is going to

Work it’s yet another weapon i need to carry honestly i’m probably not going to carry the pie rope sore because i find that it does substantially less damage than this sword and barely more damage than this sword um i don’t know if that’s has to do with uh

I was thinking it was more it was more nerfed for a normal weaponry uh but it either maybe has something to do with tetra or maybe it just has something to do with uh just the straight out damage resistance that the mobs have um within this pack it could be that you

Know but let’s go ahead and just vein mine ourselves out a bit of obsidian real quick there we go and 40 that sounds good and then we’ll just walk back home real quick and we’re going to go ahead and get ourselves an enchanting table to start things off and then let’s also

Go ahead get ourselves some bookcases and they’re going to be mahogany for now i will probably change those down the road but for now mahogany’s fine let me get our lapis and we’re going to enchant this scythe first and foremost because there is quite a few enchantments for the scythe

Similar to uh you know whenever you go out wheel hunting with uh with blood magic it’s kind of like that you’ll want to enchant this just like you would your sword to go ahead and get additional in this case additional souls per kill and for right now i’m just going to set

Up our enchanting table this is actually the site of what’s going to be the library uh but it is probably going to see some adjustments i don’t think the enchanting table will necessarily stay here and chances are by the time we’re done we’ll have a few enchanting setups i imagine but

But let’s go ahead and throw this in and we have a smite five or knockback two instead of doing that let’s actually enchant this diamond pick because i don’t see what i’m actually after at the moment we’ve got plenty of xp oh this is a level 40 inching that’s fine uh

Efficiency five that’s pretty awesome so we got efficiency five uh fire aspect two and smite five on a diamond pick okay we have a damage pick i suppose uh throw this back in here and we have slayer five slayer though is increased damage against monsters which could

Actually be pretty good uh all things considered good because slayer five it’s gonna make up for the low damage because of course we’re dealing less damage to mobs let’s go ahead and go for it that’s slayer five and knock back two and i think what

We’re going to do is just in we’re gonna make another one there we go because getting a really good scythe right out the gate is going to make our lives a whole lot easier now later on we will be able to get the sacrificial dagger it’s all right but

I do like the scythe a lot personally uh we’ve got an unbreaking four one let’s try for that uh and we got spirit plunder three okay not the best possible spirit plunder but it’s not bad plus it does have bane of arthropods five that will be sufficient i think we’ll

Start with that uh and so then what we’re going to do is let’s get ourselves an anvil and we’ll have to smelt up a little bit more iron but that’s fine but i figured we should go ahead and start melon because i need the decorative blocks malam has amazing armor

That’s very very accessible uh early into the pack i don’t believe it would require us to actually go to the end going to the end would help i think but i don’t believe that it’s going to require us going to the end to access it

So okay so that would be five levels or twelve levels let’s go with this one so we would end up with unbreaking four spirit blender three bane of arthropods five and knock back two oh wait a second can i get one with slayer five knock back two and breaking four

And spirit plunder three that’s what i want i guess slayer and bane of arthropods won’t work together that’s fine uh we want the slayer five definitely so let’s go ahead and take that oh man the knock back on this is uh something else man i should have just ran for the water

I’m gonna die okay that was my fault i was getting a bit gritty in those those beetles actually with the uh i don’t know if they’re actually gonna drop anything for us though and we can block those attacks but i tend to get just a bit too greedy

Uh it looks like the beetles don’t actually drop anything okay and the sad thing is i hadn’t i hadn’t died actually between cots so i don’t believe i don’t remember dying between cuts but but anyways with our new scythe and hand what we can do is we can kill various different mobs

I don’t know if there’s going to be a note about it kind of uh sacred spirits from farm animals or the piglens or hoglands eldritch come from enderman mites and shulkers these are going to be the most rare for us so it is important that anytime we see endermen uh that we

Kill them however once we get into occultism there’s actually the ability to summon what is endermites and i believe those would probably still drop our eldritch shellards so that’s one way that we could farm those once we start into occultism i think um aerial spirits uh phantoms

Is gonna be the best method but you can see there’s all these different spirits that we’re gonna have to try to collect uh from the malam mod and it’s probably going to be just hunting the overworld to be honest um because it does seem like at least some of the uh

Modded mobs and potentially most of them are not going to have uh spirits defined so we go and you can see whenever i killed that skeleton there uh he dropped two wicked spirits and three arcane now normally if we didn’t have this enchanted with spirit plunder we would

Maybe get like two spirits you know uh but having spirit plunder three it’s going to increase the amount of spirits that we get by a fair amount i’m going to give up chasing that ocelot we can just run out and find ourselves some some cows or something like that

But generally these spirits are going to relate to i wonder if we should i’m gonna i’m gonna save that because i’ll remember where it’s at it’s right outside our little thing but uh generally the spirits are going to kind of relate to the type of mom mob right like really those fish back

There i should have killed because they could have given us aquatic but aquatic tends to be fairly easy there we go villager and he’s going to drop a few spirits as well uh wicked and arcane also and i believe creepers actually this weapon’s gonna be great for creepers

Yeah creepers are going to drop us the the one that’s kind of tied to nature the earthen as well as the infernal spirits as you can see we’ve already gotten four once again the eldritch is definitely going to be the hardest to obtain due to the simple fact that

We’re pretty much going to have to kill enderman for that but that’s one reason i want to get this started because i know that we are going to need uh for what i want quite a bit of the eldritch quite a bit of the eldritch spirits and

I wanted to go ahead and get farming up for those this is a mod that is great to start up pretty quickly uh due to the fact that you are going to be killing and farming a little bit kind of like the for the same reason i

Started evil craft uh fairly early on and got us set up so we could start farming up blood so uh but you can see we get sacred spirits from killing basically just passive mobs things like pigs and stuff so it is important that we kill those on site i’m gonna kill this

Donkey in hopes that uh we get some leather man these take a lot of hits uh and you can see we got air oh aerial spirits from donkeys probably because they can jump i imagine horses too oh yeah yeah we got uh what was that sacred earthen and ariel i believe

Uh but at the moment the only spirits that we are currently missing are aquatic and eldritch and once again eldritch it’s basically going to come down to luck when i’m mining and stuff like that no there’s a waste stone hey can i uh these are harvestable in this uh

In this pack i’m actually going to keep this one though and we’re going to call it like structures and planes because there are a lot of structures here and that is our first whey stone and then we have a uh a library of sorts here

Oh i do want this this will be useful later also the obsidian might as well take that uh iron chest plate yeah just because it’s a little bit better than pie rope just leave that behind i really need it rip beloved wife and we got oh superstitious hat applies

An extra level of looting to kill entities that is actually extremely nice and we can wear that on our head slot dwarven anvil from the feywild okay but it doesn’t look like there’s any npc here well back to killing all the things and what’s nice is we can

Farm spirits and blood kind of at the same time for evil craft now it is worth noting that you don’t really have to spend a whole lot of time initially farming oh and here’s a waste stone that we can actually take with us that’s perfect the community library now there is a witch

Somewheres she’s got to be underground here it’s not a big deal because i believe witches are like arcane spirits and we do already have those so i’m not that worried about them uh but let’s go to the river and see if we can find some fish before it gets dark so we

Can at least get some aquatic spirits and then we’ll try to find enderman as time goes on there’s actually a structure down there i’ve noticed there’s structures spawning all over the place on here which is fine by me i enjoy it because it seems like every time i go out i find something

To explore so and do uh squid squid would be a great place to get aquatic there we go and we’ll go ahead and just get a few of these and then the only one that we’ll be missing then is of course the eldritch which that one we’re just gonna

Have to get lucky and come across really at this point anyways but like i said there is going to be some methods that we can use to farm those later on uh if we do happen to find a spawner that will be great i know some of these structures will

Potentially have enderman spawners in them and then once we get to the end of course and you will notice that these shards kind of shoot out uh upon kills there is ways to kind of give yourself a magnet effect for those later on uh but we got 43 aquatics so let’s go

Ahead and just warp on home and let me jump off some of this stuff real quick and the sun’s back up i got my inventory all cleared out but we are going to set out in search of some rune wood uh now it is possible in this pack to

Craft the runewood sapling using the alchemy table from blue skies um but to get that of course we are going to have to kill a boss uh the alchemist boss in uh actually in the dimension that we live in but i don’t think i’m ready uh

To partake in that just yet so i’m gonna i’m gonna hold off on that for right now okay that way we got some watermelons and let’s say we actually i think passed up one of the ringwood spots actually a couple times i just didn’t grab i didn’t have to grab it

When we were going through i actually think we just passed one a minute ago if i recall well actually we’ll just cut through here and go out to the planes on the other side i remember seeing one and it was i was out of it i was focusing on mobs

Killing mobs and didn’t think about it but yeah i do wish i had gotten the scythe before the last cut because i did run into those endermen but that’s okay uh you know we’ll run into them again so it’s not that big of a deal but uh

Getting that scythe up and going and enchanted as soon as possible it does help out quite a bit uh just so that you can go ahead and start generating some of those spirits um we should also probably just break some grass while we’re out because we’re going to be starting into

A bit of farming here soon and uh yeah here’s one i was thinking it seemed like the uh the cascading wood from ours generates right up near uh the trees in this pack so if you see the cascading wood uh a pretty good chance you’re gonna find the mallam roon wood

Nearby as well so let’s go ahead and just chop this whole tree down to the best of our ability anyhow that’s completed and task completed then we got a bunch more tasks completed because we’ve gotten uh quite a bit of the spirits thus far okay yeah we actually got

A decent amount of saplings no reward for that uh now in order to actually progress the quest we are going to have to get an eldritch spirit which is unfortunate however realistically we could go ahead and continue on with the mod without actually finishing out the quest at the moment

I don’t know if this is actually going to drop any spirits off of him though oh he does what does he drop it looks like wicked and i think ariel because he flies we’ll go ahead and take that ah we have pig man it’s gonna take me all day to kill this

Guy though and i have a sneaking suspicion that if he does get a hit in on us it’s gonna hurt extremely bad uh probably here probably better to use this sword because it can actually pump out just a little bit extra damage and then we’ll finish him off with a scythe

We are almost there we go be awesome if that was uh arcane i don’t think it is though i think that’s wicked uh we got dick von mons reinforced ironclad gemstone helmet with the cult version 3 insight 7 unbreaking 6 soul bound 3 armor or plus 3 armor plus 1.56 toughness wow okay

That’s going to be like massive oh do we want to use that it’s got plenty of durability at the moment so i’m gonna go ahead and throw it on because if worse comes to worse i can repair that so uh what did we get out of here warp scroll

We got a couple tattered tomes i’m gonna put these i think in the library so i’ve been holding on to them uh now that we’ve got space and we’ve got a home um so we’re just gonna go ahead and pop these real quick mana regen name tag music disc manuscripts

Uh we got riptide which of course those books allow you to go over the maximum value for an enchantment by like one point uh howling blade pumpkin pies i haven’t eaten those yet i want to actually have not eaten rotten flesh yet but the next thing that we’re going to

Want to do is we’re going to want to make some roomwood item pedestals and we are also going to want to make the altar so let’s go ahead get that now i don’t believe uh so there’s those and then the spirit alter now i don’t think we actually necessarily need six i

Don’t recall there ever really being anything that takes more than like five item pedestals as you see right there but i think we could we could work with six you can have as many or as little as you want as long as you have enough to fulfill the

Uh the recipe requirements the quest does call for six but uh we’re not actually gonna need that many but uh let’s go ahead then and get this there we go there’s our spirit altar okay i came back out i was just curious if i could maybe come across an enderman

You know just running around at night the sun just came up and i did come across this structure and i’m actually ah this is those mushroom guys again okay they look like they drop the same as like piglin type drops okay so i’m going to leave that be

I guess that’s some sort of uh nether style mushroom i did come across a few of these so there’s a pretty good chance we will find the aquamarine portal uh probably be in this building which it looks like it’s been destroyed well maybe maybe it could be

In this one i’m starting to notice a lot of white stones sitting around uh i did grab a sandstone one when i went through the desert i’m gonna take uh actually i might leave this one and we’ll just remove these once we’re kind of done exploring these little areas

But yeah like i said i was just having a peek around to see if i could find maybe an enderman during the night which i didn’t find any but i did get a bunch of spirits by the way the ariel uh you can get those very very commonly off of spiders in fact

But i was just hoping maybe i could come across one but no luck that’s fine uh we will after some time i’m sure we’ll come across one but anyhow what we’re going to do is we’re going to set up our altar uh and like i said you really only need

Like five of these item pedestals so you don’t really have to go above that if you don’t want to and they just have to be placed somewhere close to the spirit altar layout actually doesn’t matter much uh what we’re going to do is have a spirit ultra set up here and i’ll

Probably put carpet down below it and then we’re going to go ahead and put down our item pedestals then let’s see we’ll probably put the other one here because then we’re going to mirror this same setup on the other side and then have it laid out uh so we’ll

Actually have like two altars i may adjust for their place but i think this will be pretty good uh there is one other thing that ties into altars which we’ll get into that later but we don’t actually need it today and what i would like to make uh if you

Take a look here there is a bunch of decorative blocks the cleanse rock the purified rock the eroded rock twisted rock tainted rock uh that you can make through this mod there’s also a bunch of stuff coming up which we’ll get into next episode a bunch of stuff down here

That’s gonna be really extremely beneficial to us uh but if we take a look at for example the twisted rock um this right here if we take arcane spirit into wicked spirit with 16 cobblestone we get 16 twisted rock so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take um let’s see

Let me get a full stack we’re going to put our cobblestone in right there and then it is the arcane and the wicked so what we’re going to do then is put in arcane and we’re going to put in wicked and you can put your full stacks and

Then then we can take them out after and this is going to take a little bit to craft i’m not for sure what the default recipe is for hexage gunpowder with arcane spirit okay we can make some of this stuff and it will make stuff craft a lot faster like

I think it’s instant if i recall but you can see our first bits of twisted rock just got crafted and they kind of get just tossed out of the altar and depending on the recipe certain things are going to take longer certain things are going to take shorter i think

Hex ash is actually pretty quick to craft we will be crafting some of that later on uh because i think i’ve got yeah i’ve got a ton of gunpowder that’s the thing with having this like innate fortune and then on top of that having gotten the superstitious hat today

Uh we actually get a ton of drops so but you can see that we now have a full stack of twisted rock and if we want to we can just pull out uh our spirits by right clicking there and that’s going to pull those out so anytime that you see like a spirit

Requirement on a recipe that just you just click onto the spirit altar but for example if we take a look at this and you see this kind of recipe these five items are going to have to get placed onto the roon wood item pedestals and then your spirits

Then we’ll go into the altar but what i’m after today primarily is twisted rock because we are going to be using this and turning it into the tile version and that way i can actually start this is the other decorative block i decided that i’m going to use

That way i can start actually running out this area because i think i’m going to do the dark purple kind of purplish themed build going on especially for a lot of this area not maybe not so much for like the undergarden and stuff but uh so we’ll

Have something like that it’s gonna take a bunch of this but luckily this stuff is excessively cheap and it uses two of the most common um types of souls that we’re going to get which is the wicked and the arcane which we’re going to get from killing

Just any kind of undead pretty much i guess we could get into nature’s aura to start spawning endermen as well and endermites uh so that is an option also but we’re going to get ourselves an ender hopper go ahead and get this just because it’s going to help us out quite a bit

With our stuff today and actually spirit jars are fairly cheap we’ll probably get into those next episode as well we got quite a bit to get into next episode it’s fine what we’re going to do here is let’s put down a hopper and you’ll notice that if i put cobblestone to

There it’ll get dropped into this so we’ll just kind of have that feeding in and we can dump in our cobblestone as we get it uh into here and that way we kind of have an altar that’s kind of semi-automated for the time being and then we’re going to throw in our

Arcane and our wicked that way it can start crafting for us and then what we’ll do is we’ll just have a chest here with our ender hopper for now we’ll probably end up refining this later i mean for this setup really we could not have any of the item pedestals

And have this set up in a corner just pumping out the the twisted rock as needed but you can see it just crafted some and that got picked up and dumped into here that way i can kind of keep this running and uh we’ll probably at this point go ahead

Grab all of that and claim or chunk load this for the time being and that way i can kind of keep running and that way i can at least get the building material going and then uh i’m going to try to find an enderman maybe if i do i’ll probably

Pop you guys in between recordings but that way i can actually start working on you know some of the spice and getting some of the floors ran and this will be kind of the exterior floors for areas that are open um to the outside that way we kind of have

A little bit different texture here for these spaces so of course we still have a lot of detail work and stuff but i’m just trying to get the blocks in place that we’re going to need for our build uh but then come next episode we are going to pick back

Up with malam because as mentioned there’s still a lot of really good things and we’re going to be getting a lot of equipment from this mod come next episode so it has some great baubles that are very accessible early on uh that will help out with the ring uh that we’re using

The cursed ring and then it also has some really good armor that we can work towards now to get the top to your armor we are going to have to get quite a few eldritch spirits and we’re going to have to go to the nether but we’ll potentially work on that next episode

Because it’s actually not that bad to get to so we’ll see how things go uh but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the episode i don’t know it’s about wrapping up points so we’re gonna wrap it up here if you guys enjoyed it be sure and hit that like button and go

Ahead and subscribe if you’re not already stay updated with when new videos come out and i hope to see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe and i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Delving Into Malum: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #3’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2021-11-22 19:02:30. It has garnered 15352 views and 344 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:13 or 2653 seconds.

Today we start off the episode by doing a little cavern exploring in order to check out a few things uncovered while mining below. Then after a short cut, we come back in order to turn our attention over to the Malum mod as we start delving into it in order to get some great armor, decorations, and various useful features. —————————————————————

Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————–

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: ————————————————————————— If you find yourself in need of a server of your own for anything you may need for minecraft or beyond, you can go to and use the code “ToAsgaard” to get 25% off your first purchase ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.

#ATM #Minecraft #AllTheMods #Spellbound

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  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

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  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

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  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

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  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

Delving Into Malum: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #3