My mom drive babies and story she warned me of the dangers that were laying before me to keep it interesting she would hide the lesson my direction provider guess what she was telling me when I was a teen I pretended that my demons were friends I defeated the place No and that was the case slurred speech tripping off of my face the world creeped as I slept to the awfulest place you could imagine the average things you see on assets just my granddad bloody hovering on a speaker cabinet laughing in the rats keep something tougher their Mag is for snacks on his bass with a bone I couldn’t grasp it you see the double dismount off for the couch flipped out the closest window I found in my dip down suddenly discovered little voices mumbling up in my head it had me wondering what wasn’t my Mother said back when I was younger it out my brave rag doll for the night towards a train Through the dark with the bug that wasn’t doing silhouette that got bigger as I stepped the train tracks were wet a thought I need rent from a fall like it was happy this is what he said as he started to walk past it’s a nice night For a walk would you mind if I join with you do what you want to do that’s great not to annoy you but see I really have to ask what a young dude like you is doing out by the trash business maybe you should do the same I just been a witness to something sicker statistics of Twista Li disgusting you should feel lucky you missed it easy with the judge try to listen carefully what you seem scary but nothing I could show you things to paint all your dreams on it I can make this Beautiful never I can be the bee in your body your best friend forever decent about like birds and you never have any pathetic worthless steel you know this sounds worth it then let’s make a deal all you want to light for the priciest so while the money you can Fold our that you can hold up with you’re in control only if you down the rolls down these train tracks where are we gonna go Over Don’t feel pain temple little darlin down Video Information
This video, titled ‘Devil Train (Ivypool and Hawkfrost // COMPLETE 2 WEEK MAP)’, was uploaded by Sear on 2019-08-23 20:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.
Devil Train is a map that focuses on Ivypools point of view as Hawkfrost convinces her to join the dark forest- and the …