DEWSTREAM – Ep14 Enchantment Table – Minecraft RLCraft Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to rl craft um this episode i’ve got a few different goals um the first thing is we can now finally i think it’s down in this chest we can now finally place down our equipment infuser we have building level 12 and magic level 12. um

So we’ll be able to check this out see how it works that sort of thing another thing i want to do is try and set up an enchantment room i’m thinking possibly up here i feel like this is a nice area for it or even maybe i don’t know we could rip

Apart this wall and possibly put it up here somewhere i’m not entirely sure um and the other thing well there’s a few other things um is we can finally wear some armor so i’m not gonna use these diamond boots because as you can see their quality is crumbling

Which means they’re they’re pretty bad they’re pretty bad for diamond boots they’re still if we look at like chain boots for instance chain boots have six locational armor this guy has even though it’s a bit even though it’s worse this has seven locational oh no sorry it has

18 locational armor and seven locational armor toughness so even with the bad quality they’re still pretty good but i’m going to use this one which is tough so it has an extra armor toughness so i’m going to put those boots on then we have this diamond chest plate

Which it’s dented so it has one less armor but once again it’s still pretty good um and that’s all we have at the moment so as you can see currently we’ve got iron boots iron leggings an iron helmet and a silver chest plate which isn’t as good but it has protection three

Enchanted on it so we can take this off we can actually have a look at the bottom so this is where it goes up to it’s you know two and a half um armor points from the end we can take this off put on the diamond chest plate and it’s

Now two from the end so it’s gone up by half a little armor bar there but we also have a full on the thing of um toughness which which i think means we take less damage as well as taking less damage i’m not a doctor i have no idea what i’m talking about

But anyway we’ll put on the diamond boots too that gives us a little bit of extra toughness and an extra half um so we should be stronger i’ll put this stuff away i would like to have a full set of diamond armor if i’m going to be wearing um armor

Or diamond armor but we only have two diamonds so we can’t really um and on top of that our legs have a warming so i kind of want to keep that another thing is it is winter or at least it is as cold as winter we can check the season clock

It is the middle of winter that definitely adds up um another thing real quick is i’m currently wearing a beanie in real life um with my headset that has my microphone over the top of it so i’m hoping the audio in this video is fine um in previous videos i’ve taken my

Beating off but it’s pretty cold this morning and i kind of want to keep it on so if the audio sounds the same that is perfect that means that i can you know keep my beauty on that that doesn’t really affect you guys unless it sounds a bit weird in which

Case i’ll have to toughen up but yeah so it’s winter here so if we wanted once again we can make these different liners which essentially keep us warm we can also make coils heating coils but the problem again is we need magma shards or if we want the warming liner which essentially

Makes our armor keep us warm we need these warming liner materials which need heating goo which need magma blocks and that’s what i’m missing i’m missing the magma blocks i don’t i don’t have the stuff to get them um so they’re gonna have to wait because

Well i don’t really have a choice um with that being said we do have blaze powder we have um i thought we had slime balls yeah we have slime balls in here and i believe if i’m not mistaken we can craft magma blocks using magma cream

So that is an option although i don’t think it’s worth it um we get too it could be worth it maybe but oh i don’t think it is um once again hypothermia we are we’re freezing and now i’m on fire well you know it it’s not a good time and that’s going

Out okay well we might just end up dying and that is exactly what happened i died um i just put some stuff to get cooked because i was hoping maybe that would keep me nice and uh warm um it wasn’t quick enough though okay um so let’s go ahead and place this

Equipment infuser and check out how its interface looks and see exactly how it works i guess i’ll place it here oh it looks pretty cool it’s got a nice diamond on it let’s open this guy up um so i guess this is where you put in equipment

Um and i guess you’d put a charge in some other spot i’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen here um i believe they have to be like and i items um all leica knight tools we can try i guess to put like a normal pickaxe no that doesn’t work

Um so should we make a leica knight tool i mean i guess we could there’s no real harm in doing it i think um we might even have a piece that we can use there’s a guard in here what is this slot type head no we’ve got a head um

I’m not sure what we need let me figure it out off camera all right um i’m going to use a wooden axle head not because it’s well worth using but because i i don’t really want to use iron because i’m not sure if i want to use this

Um so i believe it’s a pickaxe an axe and a shovel and then before we start freezing you place these guys in here you get the paxil head let me drop back down and get some more heat i also slept to make it day so that two things could possibly happen maybe

We skip forward in the seasons a little bit and hopefully the sun warms us up a bit as well um so yeah what’s holding us back in terms of seasons and surviving them is pretty much we need magma magma blocks that’s what we’re looking for and the

Rumor to be down in that dungeon we’re trying to get through which is why we’re obviously trying to armor up so we can go in the dungeon so that we can hopefully get these magma blocks so that we can you know do stuff right and also there’s like a

Bunch of loot also for some reason every time i exit my inventory whether it’s a chest or whether it’s my inventory the game completely freezes as you can see not sure why not a clue but it wants to do it oh my god this winter is pretty ruthless um

Even with these warming legs and the rest of the armor we have on all right we’re back up at the top and here is oh here is how the tool is made right we place all the bits in here so the base the head and then the blade

And we get a cool tool and it definitely is cool it looks pretty sweet i like it um but what we want to do i believe is actually pull these parts out and we want to upgrade them specifically um can i how do i get this guy working i thought

You put sticks on it but because we have a claiming thing the sticks loads up the claim so i don’t actually know how to power this um this campfire up again and honestly i might just oh my god what i’m gonna do is i’m going to maybe bring

A furnace up top to smelt some stuff just so i can stay warm all right you know what i’m using a wall we’re just going to make um some wool armor for when we’re just sitting in our base not exploring that i can wear um can i right click these and will it

Switch it between what i’m wearing no okay we gotta manually do it okay okay okay that should give us all my surely these warm leggings work as well so i’ll keep those on um we should hopefully be good now though hopefully okay back to what we were doing um with

These individual parts i believe we put them in the um in this guy here so i’ve looked in this argus tail uses the charge element chaos and that’s what these kale solves are and then if we look at the darkling scale this uses either shadow or void and these spectral bolts

Have the element phase and shadow so we should be able to we place them on one side there we go and then we can place these charges in and it charges it up so i believe that was five and it got it to be at 250 xp okay um i believe as well

Um i’m not sure can you use these to charge up um pets yes they can be used to level up pets and equipment parts with matching elements so maybe that’s what we want to do rather than upgrading the equipment i don’t really know um we’ll put these things back for now

Um should we look at the pets oh alright so we can look in here and we can see the elements so this guy’s element void um we can go to the avian and check this guy element order the venter raptor is air and order um what else do we have we have a

Aquatic guy we have the strider this is the element water so in terms of elements we don’t really have any of these that can charge pets so i feel like we can safely you know use these nine specter bolts to upgrade this let’s see what one does though

Just to see the charge so zero zero xp that goes to 50. okay so they do 50 xp each so we’re going to need pretty much more of those um and we’re going to have to be making sure that we pick them up when we do find them

Um so that should be fine obviously we’ve got a bunch of other stuff here fire acid fae arbor air oh we actually do have some air okay um uh yeah i’m just double checking everything okay um let’s try and try and level up our pet a little bit so

That was the roc i believe so let’s open up the menu let’s summon the roc make sure he’s teleported here and let’s see how this goes do i just right click him with the charge yep yep okay that’s going in now that’s put them to 150 xp now i’m a

Little concerned that when they die that’s gonna disappear and we essentially wasted those charges the reason i suspect that is because when we first get a pet they’re level one and these guys are already level three so in order for them to get to level three they had to have earned experience

And leveled up but then like they’re all empty because i guess they died i’m not too short to be completely honest i guess we’ll find out um as we keep playing um so what’s next we’ve done a little bit of enchanting that’s pretty cool we set this guy down

Let’s do some vanilla enchanting um so i’m gonna go ahead and actually put my armor away if i remember where it goes uh yeah you know what because it’s winter i am um it’s gonna be two we’re just gonna constantly die if we try to do anything else um

Make sure i put the stuff away where it’s meant to go this is actually cooked food so we can eat that when we want to um i’m gonna take an axe with me it’s not the best axe but it’ll get the job done and i’m going to go and probably butcher um

The library place that we have um another thing is i have turned off a texture pack because i wasn’t sure if maybe that was causing the lag and on top of that i downloaded the one for version 1.16 thinking it would work for this version because that’s what

Happened that’s how shaders work but i’m assuming the texture packs are maybe different um so yeah if things look slightly different i don’t think the textbook changed too much but things definitely do look different um i was just trying to get a little bit of performance without

You know turning off the shaders um i think when i played without shaders there was still a little bit of lag i i’m definitely gonna have to mess around with stuff though um we we did have the like fixed at one point like death is not healthy yeah yeah yeah like

We are getting 60 frames around about that 70 frames at some points that’s pretty good it’s just the lag spikes that i’m gonna have to uh figure out how to deal with um that usually has to do with uh ram from my experience okay so this

Is the library we still have our wool armor on but it is we’re still freezing which is pretty bad um so as you can see lots of books um which ones do i want to steal i’m thinking i take the ones from up here um and we keep down

At the bottom you know looking like a library still i think that’s fine oh my god we are we’re already freezing you know what it’s fine i’m just gonna keep chopping them um judging by how this pack works i wouldn’t be surprised if by breaking books uh

I didn’t know this was here okay yeah that works i think i need can i line up with this we’re about to find out yeah awesome um i’m not going to leave the enchantment table in here though because i don’t want to run here every time i want to enchant like

This is a pretty far run so i’m gonna pick this stuff up um we can leave some of this stuff here um i guess i mean i don’t really have a use for two enchantment tables uh you know what in the future once we’re a bit more set

Up maybe we can turn this room back into an enchantment room right but like at the moment i don’t think it’s worth doing um if we do die by the way it’s fine we can just run back here i think hopefully it will be somewhat safe with

That being said of course it’s night time all right i’m gonna run back um and then i’m gonna plan where i’m gonna put it and try and like figure out all the all the rooming that we’re gonna need all right i think i’m gonna chop up this area

Um once again of course we are freezing it to death that’s a classic classic part of this uh series um but i think this area looks pretty good we can break some of this stuff uh relocate some of these uh chunks we have we probably will need some testing

Happening up here um we could probably do crates but i mean since we have the chest i guess we might as well use them um how exactly do i want to do this as well i feel like we can do a little bit of remodeling um

Either i leave this as one staircase or i could have a ladder go up on this side and have one staircase here or like a double stick sorry have this open up we could even take this door um and i think this should look fine we can have the two doors there

Set the wood up like that that should be fine um this is a little bit off but i can probably actually break this pick it up pick this up and switch it up like that that looks a little bit more natural then we can squeeze the enchantment table over on the right side

And it might not look too bad um it’s going to be not even though unless i place it say here and i put bookshelves around like that even on the wall there like replace this glass maybe um with wood i think that could work once again we’re obviously dying

I think the quicker we set this up though we might get lucky and get the warming enchantment on the armor that we have which would be pretty good because then you know would hopefully be a bit warmer um but yeah this this is a ruthless season um

Let’s see um not the clock the season clock are we any further through no we’re still midwinter um okay that’s fine though um so what i need now is a bunch of planks probably more than this so we’re gonna have to grab the oak wood we’re gonna have to grab

Our um iron saw and what we need to do is turn all these into planks and try to make as many bookshelves as we can which i believe like this so we have four beautiful um i’m gonna have to go chopping which is a little bit annoying because that

Means out in the cold but it should go well we obviously have some bookshelves up here too but they can probably stay there i don’t think there’s any harm in them being there and i don’t think we need max levels because when was the last time we were

At level 30 like i’m honestly probably going to enchant the armor with a lower level um and worst case scenario we just um what am i trying to say here worst case scenario we just use a grindstone and we get rid of it i’m gonna put the books in here because

I’m gonna be using them to build um eventually the books will be up in that uh other room though okay i put the axe away why why would i put the axe away what is going on here okay here we go i’m gonna go chop some trees i will be

Back oh you know what actually i believe these trees are the ones we planted yeah they’re not fully grown yet but they’re getting there they are pretty big but obviously the ones that have been here since the dawn of time are a lot bigger and i assume we get a

Lot more wood from them so um yeah i’m gonna have to remember to actually be planting things while we’re out here by the way let me make sure that i have my guy summoned yeah so he can do stuff like that where he just runs off and protects me

From things that i didn’t even know existed um which i assume that’s what just happened another thing i’m a bit curious about is is there a way to have my pet or or some sort of animal that um picks up dropped items for me for instance like when this guy goes out

And defeats a mob is there a way for him to also collect the loot is there like maybe a perk i can get for him some sort of enchant um or another tool some other some sort of item a bauble i put on him or something

Um i’m not too sure but i i think that would be a cool feature um oh is there anything mushrooms i’m scared of mushrooms that’s what that’s what we’ve resorted to this is such a crazy way to get wood though like i i’m a big fan of this whole tree system

Where the trees actually have branches they fall down and you get all the stuff um i think the falling animation could be a little bit better um in terms of like i don’t know a little bit less just like i don’t know it feels very disconnected from the rest of the game

Because like it just falls and then out pops the items it’s very strange um but but i do really like it i think that’s probably the most realistic part of the pack um oh yep lots lots of live spikes um hopefully it’s not too bad to watch

When these like spikes do happen because on my end when i’m playing it doesn’t it’s not that bad like i don’t i barely notice it but then when i’m watching while i’m editing i’m like oh god like that’s that’s not good um oh i didn’t mean to jump down here but i’m

Here now um and there’s a lot of stuff down here alrighty i am back home at the base let’s go ahead and turn some of this wood into planks like so this saw lasts a very long time by the way very cool um then we’re going to go ahead and make

Some bookshelves with the books that i didn’t bring with me um classic classic moment right there grab the books there we go oh i forgot to plant the acorns i’m gonna have to do that uh when i remember which hopefully i do remember it might happen off camera though

Um bookshelves then we can paste it in like so all right we still need some more you know we do have enough wood but i want to see exactly how many bookshelves we need because honestly we might have made too many already i’m suspecting that we may have

But anyway let’s place these down let’s keep an eye on what level we’re getting at level 12 that’s not too bad what is versatility versatility let’s see we can actually search these up and then hold shift and see what they do slightly increases mining speed on all blocks okay very interesting and

So this is obviously for the pickaxe what i should probably be doing is checking out the different uh enchants for my chest piece um so protection magic protection one all sort of level ones which i don’t necessarily i mean i kind of want a higher level is i guess what i’m getting at

Um let’s tear down this wall here like so um i don’t think we want the crafting table there i think the crafting table lowers the max level i’m not too sure like having any block within this area um so bookshelves yep they’re here they sort of look like our logs bookshelves like that

What level are we up to now level 24. um i think i’m happy with that if we managed to get to level 24 that that’ll probably be pretty good um and we can start enchanting if anything i might end up using like these smaller levels um just because it seems a little bit

Better lesser bane of arthropods five okay difficulties in endowment um in the element endowment endowment endowment increases or decreases your damage based on your world’s difficulty oh okay um what did you do to the server on hard okay that that might actually be worth getting on a on a sword

Um preferably a sword that isn’t um you know the sword a stone one um oh it’s not even a good stone one um okay what is the next step what are we feeling do i try and get some more levels happening i’m thinking maybe i’m thinking i’ll empty my inventory a little bit

Um with some of this junk and i don’t know yeah i’m not sure maybe i’ll do some farming all right i’m going to do a little bit stuff in a little bit of things in regards to farming and that is i’m going to make a few more of these glowy torches

So charcoal surrounded by glowstone like that gives you glowstone crystals you place these on top of sticks and you get torches that never go out um the reason why these are sort of important at the moment is we can chuck them over by this water

And it will never turn into ice as you can see here though this one torch i believe is keeping both of these um as liquids and obviously we could probably do this a little bit more efficiently yeah so i’m going to place this here and that should hopefully turn both of these

Um bits into yeah it’s working so i can use not as many torches to get the same job done um so i can place this torch here and then break these ones and it should keep them nice and gone the ice definitely slides it along

We can place this torch here if it lets us boom and boom and then we want to place the torch here so we can pick this torch back up and that should be good what that means is we can get the um sugarcane growing again in these different spots

Um we can even have some on this side um albeit not as many um and the reason why that’s good is previously i was going to use the paper for lighting these torches because you can make a matchbook using paper but i’ve also found you can actually

Make if we search at first aid first aid you can actually make these things using plant string and paper or just you know string and paper and these heal you up and those ones heal you in this menu so you can actually click on what specific piece you want to get healed

Um so it’s pretty cool all right here’s something i’ve noticed um some of these are still turning back into um water so it didn’t really work the way i wanted it to so i think what i am going to have to do is every single one

Has these torches if i wanted to be perfect um the problem we then get is these torches are only getting one um sugarcane made so in theory the better option is to do neither this nor that but place a torch here and then place two bits of dirt here

Oh there and there i think let’s let’s see and then these can still go here but now these torches apply there right i think this is the better way to do it so now one torch is allowing for three and we’re dead um oh i don’t i didn’t use the xp um

Winter sucks you know winter definitely sucks what i might do is i might go into the um into the mine oh it’s gonna be rough uh i wanna go in there and grab a bucket of lava and see if maybe i can integrate that into my base

How much xp do i get back 11 so we lost what five levels uh i think part of the problem as well while we’re here is that i keep walking into the water i think if i don’t go in the water we won’t get as cold i think so i’m

Gonna try to not do that um i keep trying to like shift to pick up stuff when i should just be right clicking um especially when the alternative is going in water um yeah i definitely think this is the strategy um torches here and then we do the gaps and

Whatnot um so yeah let me go ahead and pick this stuff up all right i’m under attack by voldemort currently i did manage to kill him but it was still scary i think it was a reaper um going through the walls trying to get me

Um so i went down there it was a horrible experience i died i didn’t even get i didn’t even pick up my bucket again um yeah just just all round a bad experience um i mean i brought this stuff back i guess i guess that sort of helps me um

We’re close to another heart crystal which is good we only need a few more of these um shards to get a to get another container so yeah that that’s a thing um but that’s about it all right you know what we have a lot of bottles of enchanting i reckon we give

Them a shot all right can we try to enchant these um we try to see what level we can get to and possibly even um let’s grab this possibly even up our max level of enchants to 30 because we might be able to go up there

Um if we have enough bottles um so let’s see how many 15 we’ll do actually wait let’s do this a little bit more uh sensical let’s do eight let’s see exactly how much xp we get from eight bottles all right so we’re from level 12 to level 13 uh level 15 sorry

Um so we got three levels that’s not too bad um first off let’s see what enchants we could get we could get projectile protection four that’s pretty good fire protection two and protection one aria can we go for that all right can we get the the level 24 unless there’s a

Better thing on the boots oh normal protection is pretty good um i think that’s fine then what about swords like is there a really cool sword thing the difficulty thing is all right i guess um let’s go to 24 or you know see if we can um because it’s possible

That we don’t have enough experience although it looks like we’re getting there 22 23 24 okay beautiful let’s chuck this in um i forgot the lapis let’s bring that up all righty i brought three lapis we have our chest plate we have level four for protective protection now

I don’t know if this is the play the reason i say i don’t know is that we sort of just need protection don’t we like it’s only protection three and it’s only on boots but i think this might be better like projectile protection is good because the arrows do a lot of damage

But if anything we need projectile protection on a hat but we don’t even have a hat so you know what i’ve changed my mind we’re going for three let’s click it okay it only has three as well i was hoping that maybe it would have um you know some extra enchants on it

That didn’t yeah that only uses three levels oh yeah we probably could have done level 30. oh wait wait hold on hold on i i know what we need i know what we need first things first we need to come down here and hopefully warm up a bit um can i

Maybe smelt some stuff what can i smell what do i have to smell i don’t have anything to smell all right i put a log in there um charcoal for longer it’ll keep burning that should be good um i believe we can make an xp book

Um an xp is it this an xp tome so it’s four ender pills in a book we can make that really easily um if you don’t have end pills in a book and you want that just a little plug here you can type slash buy and then clicking on this chest

You can then buy um an xp book and it’s actually got 30 levels in it if you want that um it’s for two dollars and that helps the server out so it helps us run it so if you do want that please do consider um going for that route um

It helps us out quite a bit so all i need is four ender pills which we have plenty of thankfully and a book which we have plenty of and i can go ahead and make myself a book um by the way i might even um show off this whole buy thing in another

Episode um just to show you how it works um because i mean i need experience i also the problem is i don’t really want to use it to get ahead of where i’m at just because of the way i play the game um so sneak and right click stores as much xp

As possible and then right click retrieves all the xp so shift right click stores it all instantly and then right click brings it back instantly so this allows us to say store these levels and then i now how does it work does it store the actual xp

Values i think it does because i believe your levels get exponentially higher like um you need more and more and more and more xp to get there so like see that we got up to level 10 with barely any um bottles but if i store these and then open it

Again we’re only at level 23. it’s like it only went up a little bit due to how the way xp works so we’re level 24 now um i did not bring lapis with let’s go and uh grab more of that we don’t have much lapis we do have some blocks though so

It’s sort of okay um let’s head back up though back up to the top okay what is it offering us unbreaking three you know what i might do i might do that enchant but before we do that let me search for um a grindstone isn’t that what it’s

Called or is that not in the pack yet is that not in this version of minecraft oh it might not be it it really might not be that is not good um because in the in the current versions of minecraft we have that grindstone which it allows you to take the enchants

Off of an item but if that’s not in this version of minecraft we can’t just enchant things and then be like oh well you know we can change it later oh i really didn’t think about that yeah i don’t i don’t think we have it

Um i can do hashtag enchant and we can see a bunch of enchantment books you can see different things here and we can see if there’s something that says like disenchant but it doesn’t look like it okay um yeah we’re gonna have to be a little bit more careful when we

Do things like this i vote that we actually take this up to level 30. now that we have this book that we can store our stuff in and keep it safe i reckon we have a book that’s like level 30 constantly and yeah that sounds like a really good idea um

So what i need though is an axe which we don’t actually have believe it or not believe it or not we don’t have an axe uh i’ll make it out of iron because uh yeah i’ll make it out of iron um we use axes quite often so here we go

We’ve made it what quality is it it’s a keen one so it’s gonna swing a little bit faster i think maybe maybe um we have the bookshelves on us um yeah this should be fine let’s break this break this break this break this um we’ll just break the glass

With an axe and probably just use our fist save some durability i guess um so there we go break this stuff place down our bookshelves like so and let’s see what level we’re at we’re at level 30. now this is still on breaking three

Do i risk it i think i do let’s first see let’s double check that we have enough i don’t think we do actually what does this get us to this gets us to level 27 so it’s pretty close it’s pretty close what were the other options i’m breaking one and fire protection one

Okay um for the swords uh they’ve changed a little bit for the axe is there anything cool not not particularly not particularly um because what we could do actually is we could enchant books maybe that’s the smarter thing um until we get a good um enchantment option available to us so for instance

If i bring the book i’m going to bring all the lapis we don’t have any more enchantment bottles um i’m also scared to lose all this experience now um we can head back in here chuck the book in and what’s it offering inhumane diffusing edge and sharpness let’s see what these are

Diffusing edge um so this guy no description found really no description found diffusing edge not a clue then okay um what about inhumane inhumane and this is the level two enchant um attacks deal extra damage against illegals okay we really don’t need that um so what i’m gonna do

Is i’m gonna put in these uh lapis lazulis um and i kind of only want to use one level but here’s where my problem is now one of these levels like if i use this if i use one of these levels like this level 27 so i go down to level 26

That is incredibly not worth it that uses so much more xp than if i was just say level one so what i’m going to do is i’m going to put the book away there and i might go like farm something just real quick um i really don’t want to die with this stuff

Um i might go farm something just so that i get to level um you know the right level now this stuff doesn’t grow during winter which is what i’ve realized so it’s kind of useless to us but um i could look around and we might have another another thing somewhere another

I don’t know farm or what i could do is i could try and kill these guys and they should drop experience hopefully yep i’m a level two how cool is that so i’m gonna head back over hopefully not die um and we should be good to go alrighty

We’re back up let’s chuck this in um it’s not even letting us do this level requirement seven oh that’s that’s why um How do i wanna do this hmm you know what i have an idea ladies and gentlemen check out this smart idea i have a chest here where i can keep some goodies but if i just pick this guy up with the pickaxe and place him over here now suddenly we

Hypothermia oh you know i i cannot wait until winter is gone okay it’s all right we at least oh we’re actually level three how are we level three how did we get more experience from dying than we started with because that’s what just happened right i’m not i’m not crazy

I think that’s what i might be crazy that’s always an option but i feel like i’m not um so we can put the book in and now we can put in these things short cast penetration two what does that do i imagine that goes through armor and that might actually be pretty good

Um penetration two is there different mods to do this no penetration here we go damage dubbed by the item partially ignores armor that honestly seems pretty good then we have what we have lesser sharpness and then short cast short cast let’s see what this does um fishing rod can be

Casted closer okay so i guess that’s better for fishing and stuff um We’ll go for this top one just so it only uses one level okay so we got that book that reset or should in theory have reset the different enchantment options so what we can now do place this guy back um if i go and grab the armor

Which of course this maze of a house that’s a little bit difficult to do but you know we can actually keep this armor up the top right in this room until we’re using it that’s probably a better idea what do we have now now we have protection for

How smart is that so protection 4 for level 30 that sounds pretty good to me i’m gonna save up for that um so i can keep this in here keep the book in there keep the lapis in there that seems maybe even the bookshelves and the pickaxe so that we can pick that

Guy up beautiful i i’m actually i’m really happy with that um so now all we need is to put this stuff away now the other thing that we need is a few more levels because i believe our book currently is what’s it at right like 27 right

Boom 27 so we need some more experience so what i’m probably gonna do is i might take off this armor and just put on some normal armor and we’re gonna go down into the cave and we’re gonna have some fun so i don’t really have proper armor do i

I got these boots that’ll work and should i bring these uh we’ve already got those uh chess piece the silver one sure sure thing so let’s do this put these on put the wool away so that i can wear that later and i’m gonna go down into

The mine and just try and get some levels um i’m gonna play safe down there what i actually really need to do before we do that is i want to bring doors down there just for that extra protection so we actually do have some doors

I only need two of them and i think this will be good and i’ll show you the plan oh another thing i was told actually before we go because i keep getting distracted is um i think we might need handles stone spears are apparently pretty good now there’s ones from spartan weaponry and

There’s ones from just better survival um i don’t know which were the ones to use honestly though these ones look pretty good it’s just two sticks and some cobble like this and look at how many we’re gonna get okay yeah yeah i i like that i like that

I’m gonna keep them in here um i know that’s not the spot for them but it’s just a little bit easier to access so let’s quickly run down hopefully now i don’t know why but i’m hoping that it’ll be warmer down here i’m starting to realize that that’s

Probably a really really dumb assumption of me to have but we’re down here let’s see press b teleport and teleport okay both of our guys are down here let’s make sure they’re down here properly and out in the open and off they go they’re going to deal

Some damage let’s up our render distance a bit so we can sort of see what we’re dealing with can you not stand in fire all the time dude my vent raptor he’s on a mission to die do you see how fast the spear shot oh oh yeah

Look at this oh no i didn’t wanna i didn’t want to be on you hello i i mean i i can’t win i can’t win i do everything perfectly and i happen to mount my my my pet and it it just all goes downhill and now because it’s dead i’m not going

To be able to get my stuff back because it’s gonna be spawn camped by all these mobs my god i can’t win i need to just ah i need to play this so safe that like i’m not even playing it you know what i mean

Like look at this can i at least pick this stuff back up i can okay we might be fine we might be fine we it looks like we’re fine so i’m just gonna pretend that we’re fine for a real real hot second all right

We at least got the arm back we have a bucket um we have a sword we have the spear still i think we’re good i think we’re good uh we have the doors even beautiful let’s go ahead and place a door here um that doesn’t really help us

No that that sort of made things worse i i as much as i despise those head crabs that jump on you they get you an end a pill and experience they’re actually they’re honestly they’re pretty good um as you can see lots of experience as well as what i can

Only describe as death itself um let’s see okay that reaches oh my god oh my god you were absolutely horrifying you were you was really something else aren’t you this is a shade i can hit him from here and he can’t get in here because he’s too tall

There we go there you have it ladies and gentlemen um down there we have some skeletons so i don’t particularly want to go down there just yet let’s see can this reach oh how far does this spear go it’s just falling in front of me okay um

I really want to go and grab that xp i don’t know if xp despawns but i would prefer to pick it all up to be honest let’s just run whoa what is happening do you guys see that there’s like static why is there static when i go over there

Oh it’s the enderman i think he works like slenderman yeah yeah he works like um slenderman cool i actually that’s pretty cool i like that um now we do have an enchantment table on us with sharpness one enchantment book sorry not entirely sure how that happened but

It did um so i guess that’s cool we also got a chain helmet um chain helmet is actually identical to our iron helmet believe it or not um interesting i mean we obviously have a protective iron helmet so it’s a little bit better but yeah very interesting i’m going to place the doors

Like so i think that’ll be fine and i actually want to build this up a little bit and make it a little bit safer um so in theory now if i do something like this boom boom boom um boom we should be safer um obviously one by one mobs like baby zombies and

The little head crab things they can get through but nothing else can really get through obviously once again um zombies can break down the door but it’s just that little bit of extra defense that i think will definitely come in handy in the future so let’s also use some of this to get

Some healing happening alrighty sure enough these guys are able to be summoned um i summoned this guy but sadly i what i need to do teleport this guy yep here they are i can open that door and there they go how cool is that and now he’s gonna go down there oh my

God he’s even getting the enderman but the enderman is angry at me he’s angry that my guys are good now can you not fit through the doors no i don’t think you can okay so i’ve gotta walk out here press b click you click teleport and now

You should be good to go did you not okay he might have died he might have suffocated um accidentally um so how’s this guy going he’s cleaning up well i want to make sure he gets the skeleton specifically before i go and get the loot and there’s the skeleton gone and

Let’s just run through here we’re already at level 14 gonna pick up some lava while i’m down here beautiful some more xp oh for me you shouldn’t have okay now the problem is getting back to the other side before a super scary mob spawns and and kills me which is what wait why

Didn’t i have a library in my in my bucket oh god this is where it goes downhill this is where it goes downhill lava bucket got the achievement i have it in my hand let’s run back let’s run back let’s run back let’s run back okay you stay up there

And you protect me i think we’re good though i actually i think we’re good so what i’m going to do is pick up um some of this important stuff and head back up to the top yeah i think yeah that was success that’s that’s one of the first times we’ve gone down here

And it’s been a success he’s currently he’s currently in the battle of his life fighting demons but he got them and now i think he’s got the little dude on him so let’s teleport him here he still died oh these little crab guys though i actually despise them okay we have an in

Yep yep you can try you can try but you just can’t do it um i’m gonna run out here possibly the worst decision i’ve ever made pick up all this experience run back pick up the slime ball run back pick up the ender pill run back and lock

It and we’re good we’re going back up to the top baby oh yeah so ladies and gentlemen that is how it’s done one of the first times that has been completely successful that was good i like it i like it we have a bucket of lava

We have the levels i’m going to enchant my chest plate and i think and you guys let me know if i’m if i’m wrong but i think we might be good to try out the dungeon again the problem is if i die i’m going to be losing

Like if i die and can’t get my stuff back i’m going to be losing a diamond chest plate chest plate and boots which honestly that’s going to be horrible all right let’s see exactly how much we can store so we can store everything but 14 levels and now if i right click it

We have 32 levels total how cool is that so as you can see this is this is a prime example of how the xp exponentially changes in minecraft so we have 32 levels if i store 30 levels in this tome we now still have 14 levels left over that’s how

Strange it is so it’s much better to use like literally one level of enchant if you’re enchanting level one because it’s it’s worth nothing let me empty my inventory and enchant the stuff alrighty i am back up at the top we can put this book away let’s grab the chest please

Um three lapis lazuli let’s give ourselves the 30 levels there we go chest plate in lapis in protection for now this kind of it’s not good as well doing it like this because we’re going to be using essentially like those 14 levels like um you know when we shouldn’t have um so

Protection 4 there we go it only gave us protection 4. um that kind of that’s i mean it’s obviously good because it’s protection four but i was hoping we’d get some extra perks on there as well um but we just simply didn’t um i’m gonna have to put on my

Good armor again my my warm armor before i die enchanted book magnetic catch more loot as opposed to fish that’s pretty cool we can put that on a fishing rod if we get an anvil and then we’ll get less fish and we’ll get more loot which sounds pretty cool that’s for aquaculture

We also have an efficiency 4 book over here this freezing enchant is pretty cool um inc applies a guaranteed slowness and mining fatigue potion effect on each hit each hit also increases the amplifier of the potion effect and if it reaches what’s that six seven eight

There’s a chance that the mob will be encased in frozen ice that’s pretty cool and then evasion there’s a chance that when we get attacked we just dodge it um yeah the magnetic thing looks pretty cool um so let’s store the rest of these levels because i almost died and i

Completely forgot about it um we put these away okay so what is next honestly i’m not too sure i i guess what we can actually do is we can probably enchant this our fishing rod should i do that i feel like i should um durability 36 out of 50 what does a

Normal fishing rod have 36 out of 15. okay i’m reading yeah i’m reading yeah i reckon how can we do it how can we go up here and do it once again hopefully we don’t die when we’re enchanting and lose all these levels but i’m hoping we don’t and and that counts

For something right one two three let’s also get a book just to see what that offers the book we get lightweight lightweight or projectile protection don’t really care for those the fishing rod long cast unbreaking heavy line we’re going to do that um let’s do it quickly i’m not

I’m not over 30. i’m not level 30. i’m level 29 um so we’re not going to do that i’m going to put this stuff away though because i plan to do it in the future i’m pretty happy i think we can wrap this episode up um somewhat nicely what i will say is

Yeah that’s what i’m gonna say i’m gonna say yeah oh we have a little dude out here who’s gonna protect me and heal me um yeah and we’re probably just gonna die to be honest because we don’t have the the heat required to live but but that’s fine that’s fine sure

Enough we did die there’s also some bats out there i think i’m not sure if they’re my bats or not but they’re out there they’re doing bad things over in that direction they don’t look to be mine um so we might be able to check that out we did die

But why was there an explosion um but as i was going to say i hope we don’t get our base blown up um we didn’t lose any xp so it wasn’t really that bad of a thing um i’m a little scared of what that explosion i assume that was my pet attacking something

Right that’s that’s a safe assumption shall we walk outside and see what happened if anything okay there is an enderman which i probably want to go on attack to be honest i don’t see anything that has exploded at least not on my base so i feel a little bit safer

Um okay there’s zombies and stuff not sure where my pets are to be honest ah okay um this guy’s here so he can help me but the venta raptor’s respawning sure um yeah and he hasn’t lost his experience as well so that’s good to know i’m gonna head back up here because

There were some mobs i don’t know if they still are up here um they don’t appear to be i assume they died okay all right um i’m in a chicken area we have a lot of eggs we have a lot of chickens i’m going to kill all these chickens and then

Hope that we get you know i’ll keep like one or two chickens um but i’m gonna hope that we get enough uh what am i trying to say here chickens from the eggs to make up for it um this obviously gets us a bunch of experience

It also has a chance of spawning some mobs because whenever you kill something it has a chance to spawn a mob um but there we go bunch of chicken um we got some levels possibly enough to to do what we wanted to do um enchant the fishing rod

But we’re pretty much done we’re pretty much oh did i lose a chicken no he’s in here we’re pretty much at the point where we can wrap up the episode um we did what we wanted to do we did a little bit extra i think so what was that the infuser we checked

That out we haven’t leveled anything up yet but we we tried um and then the actual enchantment table and the xp tone which works really well should have done that a lot earlier to be completely honest with you guys um because i have been told to i just keep forgetting um

I believe that’s it oh we’re getting a lot of chickens beautiful um yeah might do some fishing off camera maybe just to see exactly how it worked probably not though to be completely honest spiders and scary as per usual and yeah thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed the video please do

Consider subscribing it helps out my channel quite a bit um i don’t know where the cobblestone went that was used to cover this up um that’s up there okay there we go um yeah if you enjoyed the video please do consider subscribing uh if you want to play on the server you

Can join the discord that linked in the description if you want to support the server financially um and help us keep it up and running there’s a donation link in the description or you can hop on the server and slash buy and you can buy some of these

Perks and it helps us keep the server up and running and you get some goodies which is pretty cool um so yeah thank you guys for watching and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Ep14 Enchantment Table – Minecraft RLCraft Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-07-27 14:11:41. It has garnered 517 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:42 or 3042 seconds.

This is a series on the RLCraft Minecraft modpack! This modpack has been around for quite a while, and it is as real as Minecraft gets. You spawn in random locations everytime, you have to right click blocks to pick them up, it’s quite unique!


Modpack – Shaders – Resource Pack –


We have setup an RLCraft SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the RLCraft modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: and private message the RLCraft Chatbot (in the list of Discord members) with /whitelist username (For example I would do /whitelist DEWSTREAM_).

Then if you go into the Welcome channel in discord (the top channel) there should be a text link called “server-ips” click that and at the top will be a list of all our hosted servers, as well as RLCraft with the ip written beside it. Now you should be able to join and play RLCraft with us 😀

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 2300 subs by the end of the month! 😀

#RLCraft #RLCraftMinecraft #ModdedMinecraft

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – AzzaFortySix –

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  • Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!

    Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!Video Information तो आज हम वो कर रहे हैं नया अकाउंट बनाते हैं ये क्या करते हैं क्या पता 303 करते है ड [संगीत] अकाउट देखो तोय बेडकम य यह वा नलाइन करते आईडी वो हो जाएगी तेरी म तेरी आईडी की मजी बेबी ते इतनी गंदी सा ले र है गवा आदमी पागल ये देख रिफर क्या है नहीं भाई ये कमेंट रूल्स के मुताबिक य जीरी मैं तुम्ह खत्म कर दूंगा रुको मैं एकदम ठीक हूं अब मैं क्या करू तो मेमो मैं ता मुझे मजा आता है धो [संगीत] लेता भाई वट द वाला होता है ठीक… Read More

  • 🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fyp

    🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fypVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server(Balkna) CookieVanilla starter 🌆bases🌆 showoff #minecraft #fyp #shorts’, was uploaded by KUMKA on 2024-01-08 01:13:40. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. If you want to join us, go to our discord and fill out the application for the whitelist Discord link: Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE now

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE nowVideo Information सो हे गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी के क्या हाल चाल भाई साहब सभी बढ़िया होंगे आई गेस सो कैसे हैं सभी यार मेरे ख्याल से बढ़िया ही होंगे और मेरी थोड़ी सी तबीयत खराब है बाकी तो सब सही चल रहा है बस थोड़ा बहुत हेडेक है थोड़ी थोड़ी दिमाग खराब हुआ बहुदा तो अगर कुछ गलत या सही बोल दूं तो भाई माफ करना कुछ खतरनाक बोल दूं तो दिमाग खराब हो जाएगा आपका तो भैया थोड़ा काबू में रहे और हमें भी काबू में रहने दे समझ रहे और बताइए सब लोग क्या हाल चाल… Read More

  • AngelCv3

    AngelCv3Survival MC Server! You can claim your land of course! But you can also buy a plot at the new city UPDATE! SELL to earn money, with it BUY, from stores.. or from players! Work with others or alone. This server is new so there is A LOT of land still left and unexplored ruins and dimensions! Enjoy~ fun fact I made the banner in 2 minutes soo.. yeaah THERE WILL BE A PROPER TRAILER SOON! Read More

  • Survivemc RP – Roleplay, Modded, SMP – Whitelist, 16+, 1.20.1

    Welcome to SurviveMC RP! SurviveMC RP is a new rp-based server with a growing community. Experience intense zombie survival with immersive mods and challenging gameplay. The world is unforgiving, with NPCs to trade with and a life steal mechanic adding to the difficulty. Features: Custom zombie skins and behavior Performance-based mods for smooth gameplay In-game character creation and unique world map Permanent death mechanic for added challenge If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds like “The Last of Us” or “The Walking Dead,” this server is for you. Join us on our Discord to start your adventure: Join Discord We… Read More

  • War kingdom

    Dive into a world of endless possibilities and adventure on our Minecraft server! Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or just starting your journey, there’s something for everyone here.Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe who share your passion for Minecraft. Make friends, team up on epic builds, or compete in friendly competitions. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pick Your Minecraft Bae:

    Why choose a Minecraft waifu when you can just mine for diamonds instead? Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!

    Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!Video Information [Music] miss my [Music] I This video, titled ‘Watch Until the End! Minecraft Trap! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-27 18:15:12. It has garnered 3 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Join for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a fun Minecraft video like “Minecraft:疾跑奶奶!《方块轩热梗合集》”, you might be inspired to dive into the Minecraft universe yourself. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a focus on providing a safe and enjoyable environment for players of all ages, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures…. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft Building the Ultimate Survival House in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft survival game to the next level? Building the ultimate survival house is key to thriving in the game. Let’s dive into the essential steps to create a sturdy and functional shelter in the world of Minecraft. Gathering Resources Before you start building your survival house, you’ll need to gather essential resources. Make sure to collect wood, stone, and other materials to construct your shelter. Explore the world around you to find the necessary items to build a strong foundation for your house. Choosing a Location… Read More

  • STOP wasting money on Minecraft Add-ons! Watch this NOW!

    STOP wasting money on Minecraft Add-ons! Watch this NOW!Video Information hello everyone we are back here once again if you haven’t seen the last video we are checking out more Minecraft add-ons this time we’re checking out the paid ones if you haven’t seen the last episode or the first one I guess whatever I checked out all the free ones so if you want free ones and don’t want to spend money go check that out otherwise I’m going to review some of the paid ones here now I just want to quickly clarify something so during last episode at the time there was about eight paid… Read More

  • Discover The Terrifying Mod I Found in Minecraft

    Discover The Terrifying Mod I Found in MinecraftVideo Information wait he just opened the door he just opened the [ __ ] door get me out of here no no oh my God oh my God what what is happening what is happening no no no no go go go go go go go go go Rie chill Rie chill Rie chill no Ry don’t what the [ __ ] hey guys what up it’s your boy squirrels and welcome back to the video this video is going to be a lot different from a lot of the other videos that I’ve ever done on my channel uh this is actually… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!

    Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adrenalinbox slander pt3’, was uploaded by Zickerss on 2024-04-12 23:14:46. It has garnered 298 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:44 or 164 seconds. ghostcrit made me do this for monkey tage plz give me media + eggo Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp…. Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif Gaming

    Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif GamingVideo Information welcome to another video all of the things so let’s start first is the camel camel Spa next second is the [Music] sniffer Tor and picture flowers [Music] SE not beuty flowers next is theel not [Music] protection next the many types of hanging sign hanging sign next is the deor [Music] useless so next next is the suspicious sand suspicious sand on suspicious s desert temple desert whe ocean ruin suspicious gravel part of ocean ruins newly added Trail ruins diamonds Emerald dead boost crafting next is the cated SK sensor next is the m normal planket… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!Video Information [संगीत] कर दिया देखता जल्दी कीजिए चालू कीजिए स्म लगा के सो जाएंगे दिया चालू कीजिए जल्दी चालू कीजिए कर [संगीत] दिया [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] वड क्या खबर अरे यार नास भाई य लोग फसा दे रहे मैं कैसे खेल यार हेलो कैसे खेल या यह खेल रहे जो उमी और ये लोग कुछ नहीं बस एगजाम था आज बताओ ना यार लटका दिया हा कैसे खेलू उसम देखो तुमको एकय आएगा बलू टीम और रेड टीम का एक नोटिफिकेशन आएगा इन गेम चट में आया हां हां हां किसी एक टीम में सेट करो गया गया… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep14 Enchantment Table – Minecraft RLCraft Modpack