DEWSTREAM – Ep55 Auto Sag Mills – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods nine we are of course back uh in the last episode we made a witherspooner over here um not only with the spawner but with a grinder as well so we currently have uh Constructors from um all the mods or I

Guess uh from all the mods um from refined storage um uh the add-on the cable tiers mod so they they’re there and they spawn um obviously obviously they Place uh Soul Sand and Wither Skeleton skulls I’m a little bit tongue twisted I do apologize uh once they’re spawned the

Mob fan pushes them this way then we have one at the top that pushes them down they go through this um Monster Glass that let’s um well lets them fall through um and then I’m now realizing that is that yeah I guess that is needed ah no it’s probably not needed I’m not

Actually sure what the purpose of this was if this was one way solid that would make sense but it’s currently they can fall down but they can also go up it so it doesn’t really either way it’s fine it is blast proof as well so I guess

There’s a little bit of added protection for the fan maybe that was the purpose ah yeah that makes sense and so they fall down into this room which is also pitch black because it’s all tinted glass um and then we kill them here now we had 21

Um near the stars that I just put back in the system because my microphone was recording built without like the noise special stuff and so it sounded horrible without any of like the noise filters um so we should be good now the it looks a lot less it’s not peaking it was

Peaking before and it looked a little bit scary so I I luckily I checked or else you guys would have been listening to the worst episode you’ve ever ever seen in your life um now the focus of this episode one will be to automate Soul Sand at some

Point that might not happen but we’ll see the other one is I would like to make an infinite storage part this guy here obviously accompanied with the storage disk so in an advanced storage housing I’m I want to make it it’s going to be expensive but I want to see what

We need to do in order to get it reason being is our system has an issue now sometimes it’ll be a lot more obvious than others but the issue was obviously sometimes I can take stuff out sometimes I can’t and I’m sure I’ve been trying to figure out

If there’s a specific reason for that if there’s a specific thing I’ve got connected I’m not too sure I could probably try my hardest to figure it out but regardless there’s an issue with my external storages and my storage now um if I search Iron sometimes you can

Catch the problem it’s usually with stuff that we’re getting a lot of right a lot of new items you’ll be able to notice it with and you’ll see that we’ll have raw iron here but then another new raw iron will pop up in the list and

Climb its weight at the top like a completely different stack and then this original one becomes inaccessible I’m back um I am having a few microphone issues and I hopefully not for the rest of this episode but there may be some weird cuts and edits um hopefully audio is flying throughout

I’ll just try to cut out the bad bits but it’s messing up a little and I don’t really know why um but as you saw um there was extra iron Stacks um and this happens with a few different items as well I’ve noticed like it was happening with the skulls now that could

Be two things one thing could mean that these giant sophisticated um chests that we have attached are causing the problem right sure um obviously there’s the issue of possibly being Tangled themselves being the issue um there’s various different potential issues um yeah and it could be that every single

Item because you’ll notice that like I was trying to take out upgrades you know what I mean and now upgrades aren’t stored in um um what do you call them like a special chest or anything so I I do believe that the entire system bricks itself for whatever reason

Um and so I’d like to at least try to eliminate these external storages and see if that’s the problem and so we’ll try to make an infinite storage pod this should allow us to store everything within the refined storage system within a disk and then we’ll go from there I guess at

The very least worst case we have infinite storage you know what I mean if not anything else and then at that point if we’re still having issues we’ll we’ll just make the transition to um applied energistics because I don’t believe the issue uh takes place over there

Um but once again we’ll see we’ll try to get this to work because um I do know that there’s some really fast stuff you can do with um the refined storage add-ons I’m not sure if for example there’s the import um bus oh okay yeah there’s the import bus from

Applied to Logistics I was gonna say I’m not sure if there is like a follow-up for like um I guess expanded applied synergistics this guy uses acceleration cards and a processor and then I guess he’s better at extended I was getting yeah I was gonna see if there was some really fast ones

Attended ae2 so we’ve got what extended interfaces pattern providers some buffers and stuff ingredient buffer there’s actually some really cool sound of stuff here if I hold G we’ll get an explanation which is also really cool an extended import export bus Works faster than the normal me import export

Bus default speed multiplier is eight it is configurable they also have more upgrade slots compared to the normal ones cool okay nice so there’s a bunch of stuff here all right so yeah it’s it won’t be a horrible decision if we do switch over but we’ll once again we’ll see how long

We can stick with refined storage before it becomes unbearable um so infinite storage pump um because God I’m already upset I’m I I might just we might just transition to applied energistics because I really I do like my entangled blocks I love them a lot these are all of the external

Storage entangled blocks we have and if I were to just import the stuff the problem is that we have things like oh I guess it won’t be the end of the world because we’ve got drawers right and it is nice to have the stuff in the drawer

Because if I don’t have the stuff in the drawer then there’s no point and so I guess the idea would be that I set up an importer for example on this drawer and I have it importing the undead logs and the sticks into my um refined storage system into my disk

I would then have a detector on that importer and say hey once you get you know 1 000 Undead logs stop importing them so it’ll do that and then I guess the draw will build up a buffer as well so it won’t be the end of the world

It’s just it’s a lot of extra steps whereas in theory with applied energistics I would just add that import bus Bingo banger but then on the flip side there’s channels in applied energistics now with that being said like there’s these channels like the cables have a specific amount on them

I’m just I’m curious as to whether there’s any uh what’s what I’m looking for Alternatives uh oh God I’m doing a horrible job of explaining this um let me try something um with applied energistics they’re storage cells right and so these store a specific amount of items right so I’m

Trying to find like the actual proper ones that come from the mod here we go um so this one will store 1024 bytes so it’s actually it’s not 1024 items that you can actually store I think a lot more than that in them but it will only

Store 63 types meaning if you put one Cobble in there that’s one type used if you put uh 100 Cobble in there that’s still only one type used but if you have you know a bunch of different types of items it fills up on the flip side there’s an add-on

That may not be here I thought there was an add-on in this that actually adds like um disk cells um it’s called like A2 for dummies yeah here we go storage for dummies this stuff here and so this makes a disk and these disks work exactly like refined

Storage so the 1K disk will store 1 000 items that’s simple so there is like a four dummies version but I’m wondering if there’s a four dummies cable version so this stuff’s a bit more expensive you need netherride and stuff but obviously a little bit less brain intensive um so at a

Um at things will that show me the stuff okay this guy just adds disk drives and stuff okay um yeah I was gonna see if there’s like a controller that didn’t care about channels because that would be fun like obviously it was a little bit more expensive

Um we can check the quest book does the quest book mention the for dummy stuff apparently I don’t see that storage components um bulk item storage okay aside from disk you oh sorry from disks or is it storage cell huh you can also use netherriter craft wood is effectively the complete opposite of

A disk make yourself offer bulk item storage cells um which store one item almost an infinite amount okay where does it mention discs though doesn’t mention them in here I’ll tell you what we’ll we’ll stick with refined storage I was looking through the stuff and it’s fun we’ll we’ll just stick with uh

Refined storage for now what yeah for now okay so in terms of um storage parts we have up to the 64k and so we will go onwards so the 64ks here if we right click it um we can obviously see this one here the 256k so I’ll just I guess make that recipe

And now we begin so then this guy oh if I press spacebar this guy is used in the 1024 okay that guy’s used in where is it um he’s used in either one of these this is where it can get a bit confusing because we have extra discs and extra storage

And they create the same item but from two different mods like the same texture but as you can see it’s actually two different things um they both share the exact same recipe both using extra disks what’s the difference the one from extra disks can make an extra disk storage

Part sure as well as storage blocks the one from extra storage can do the exact same thing you should this okay sure so so it doesn’t matter currently we’ve been making extra disk stuff and then this one what what am I I hate this already this can make an extra Disc One

Or I can make an extra storage one all right well we’ll just continue through anyway um I think currently we’re doing the extra discs so we’ll pretend that that makes sense oh I just but that just made an extra I don’t know I don’t think it matters I think we’re fine

But I’m a little bit scared them or not um so this becomes that obviously now we’re into with the ring processes that we need as well but we’ll continue first we’ll get the rest of the stuff made so this storage already is probably good enough to be infinite but you know you

Might as well go that extra mile um Okay cool so now we just need weathering processes these are obviously a smelting recipe and then this will be a crafting recipe using a Nether Star so a little bit expensive especially since you only get one per Pop

Um so then in here we should be able to place all of these cool um obviously the smelting recipe up there and now we can have a look infinite storage part we would need more nether stars is essentially what these uh bits mean a little bit more silicon a lot more

Lime I’m guessing that’s for slime balls yeah so we may just need well more slime balls um definitely wants a lot more silicon one of these recipes is using the wrong silicon is it uh that would be the processor I just made right that would make sense this

Raw processor I should be able to chuck this again here what silicon do we have give me okay we do have this silicon so that shouldn’t be a problem do I need to tell him though like hey by the way you can use any silicon in the world

How do I do that I can’t okay awesome that’s fine so what the hell is using the wrong silicon none of these should use silicon so it shouldn’t be a problem man what is a silicon gamer playing all right this one uses refined storage silicon so let’s go ahead and change that back

Yep this one also is using refined storage silicon I mean I don’t have it so it shouldn’t be a problem it’s just a little bit weird that it’s claiming that it’s a problem you know what I mean but nah she’ll be fine all right that’ll go there and then

We’ll just place these back wherever they go which is the thing is there okay let’s try this again how are we looking in terms of infinite storage um I still being a little silicon baby that’s fine um you’ll also need a lot more wool a lot more gold

Um he doesn’t need more irons that’s good we’ve got plenty of iron so yeah and then we’d also need yeah so slimeballs is where the dough and the lime’s coming from the ink sacks needed for the nether Stars that’s fine we’ll ignore that um a lot more Redstone a lot more yeah a

Lot more everything okay let’s let’s work down the list then let’s search part or let’s search um yeah part and we’ll go down so we can’t do infinite sure um the infinite is made up of 100 or sorry 1048 mil storage parts let’s try that can I craft one

We have enough nether Stars we would just need yeah a lot of quartz a lot of silicon a lot of redstone I mean Redstone is our main problem right because we don’t really have an easy way to get a crazy amount of that so maybe we’ll just work

Down until we can afford one so what’s this 200 whatever this guy is okay it’s a little one below him we can do so the 65 000 000. does that make sense I think that makes sense and what does that need that just needs silicon and sand okay

And currently a silicon and sand are made in here and they only store this much and then whatever else I’m taking out of it great is that great I’m so confused okay so I’ve done some planning um and I have an idea once again there may be some jumps and stuff the

Microphone’s been a bit weird um we’ve got two options that I can see and I’ve got them here so one option is that we turn our Fortune query into a silk touch query right you can do that quite easily that will mean that we’ll be getting the redstone ore Redstone or

Um if we look at it can then be sag milled where is it uh segment and obviously you get the Redstone out of it possibly some more I’m not sure you also get silicon so that might solve our Redstone problem where we need more Redstone and it may

Also solve our silicon problem just natively which is pretty good right that’s the Silicon that’s Redstone taken care of those are the two main things we needed the alternative is a little bit different but possibly better I’m not sure the second option would be a bulk

Washing setup so what we could do is if I automated um I’d have to automate sand so there’d be a lot more steps in this one I guess if I automated sand which you can do from processing down uh Cobblestone and gravel into sand we could then automate the

Um Soul Sand production and then obviously automate uh nether quartz from the bulk washing of Soul Sand obviously you get a little bit of nether quartz and then you can smell that into silicon that would solve the um silicon side of things as for Redstone if we really wanted to um

It is possible as a byproduct from washing crushed iron ore so that’s another option all of our iron could essentially be turned into that as you know we could just crush the raw iron that we’ve got into one we could do oars as well I guess yeah because if we did

The oars that’s option two so those are two options they’re not horrible it’s just sort of I don’t know and then there is another option and this is where it gets embarrassing because I was looking like oh how would we get sand you know what and then eventually I went to the

Cobblestone but we could make sand right you can craft it out of virus and some turtles and then we’d have sand awesome you get a decent amount of sand we’ve just got to grow some fire seeds and dirt seeds but then I was like okay why don’t we just do nether quartz seeds

Right because then we just get another quartz but then I was like oh why don’t we just do silicon seeds so I mean we could we could just do silicon seeds they’re only tier two we could Mass craft a bunch of silicon seeds um then if we wanted Redstone I’m pretty

Sure there’s Redstone seeds as well it would just be a matter of finding them yep Redstone seeds down here the tier three so it’d be a little bit more expensive but we could Mass do these seeds yeah what do we think one of them is a problem solved with a couple botany pots

The other one is medium effort with the sagnos in the Quarry and the segment the problem with the sagmil one is that I would also have to I mean it’s just messy either way because if I do the signal option where we get the um redstone ore everything would then be silk touched

Which means every single um ore that we have here oh no sorry every single raw piece that we have here would be in all form and then we’d have to process them individually as well or we just did the bulk washing bulk uh crushing

The SAG Mill by the way can do all of these steps as well you can sag milk gravel into sand you can sag Mill um Bubble into gravel okay I think that’s the plan I’m gonna automate sag Mills so that we can get a bunch of them and then we’re going to

Start processing sand automatically using that method because once again you could use like this but he’s a little bit too slow for my liking I’d rather just I guess he wouldn’t it’s fine we’re gonna I’m gonna stick with my guns here sag Mill um automate sand from there um automate The Haunting

The nether quartz okay yeah okay all right so signal nice this guy here custom stuff we’ll put in the recipe here now he’s gonna need Stone Gears of some sort now he can use either this gear that gear or that gear uh what’s the cheapest this one looks horrible

The stone compound would be Stone around a wooden gear or the stone and sticks that’s gonna be the easiest or there’s an infinite gear so we’re going to do uh this gear here is that there so Cobble and sticks that’s easily done um so Stone compound gear is what we

Want from this guy Stone compound yeah perfect um so what else do I need currently we have the dark still and the Pistons automated Flint we may need automated but avoid chassis is probably going to be easier um we would also need grains of Infinity

Of course there’s a seed for it we have some um you get it from burning bedrock um what’s this Flint in your offhand deep sleep or Cobble deep sleep in your main hand shift right click a block of obsidian um to produce early grains planting your off hand

Deep slate in your main hand shift right like obsidian okay how much Flint do we have a bunch so Flint um and then Cobble and then we do need a piece of obsidian so we’ll go uh you know I think we’ve got a portal somewhere Flint in the offhand come over here

And shift right click all the way around or does it have to be was it deep sleep said oh there we go okay cool so you just hold right click and you get some stuff um in terms of how many signals we’re gonna make I’m not sure I just want to

Be prepared I guess we’ll be able to make a snack after we process all this so that won’t be the end of the world if we can only make a stack s there we go put that stuff up I didn’t want to put that pattern away

Boom yeah okay this is It’s a messy episode but we’ll we’ll see how we go I’ll try my best here so I need you need you need you cool so now can I order snag Mills can I get 10 for example I awesome so let’s order 10 we’ll have to

Set up a special location for this um what feels like a nice sag Milling location we could continue up the hill there I guess we haven’t really touched that side of the ravine I don’t necessarily want to we could go over here Samuel um yeah maybe I’ll carve carve out a little

Section up here and we’ll do that stuff up here we’ll see how this goes this one might be a underground one we might not clear up the uh sky space here like we did for the uh what do you call the area I can’t even think the hold on

External storage area but honestly I mean I mean get rid of the external star Jerry so we’ll see we’ll see how this goes the external storage area might turn into an importer area that might be what happens so that’ll be fine all right so this is our new location let me turn on

Your magnet um we’ve got our signals on their way cool what’s next we’re going to need a couple of it we’re gonna I mean we’re gonna need our network over here so we’ll at least set that part up um in terms of location you can go here why not so receiver

All right so we’ve got 10 signals uh so these should be pretty good it’s gonna be cobbled to gravel so maybe I can do it um I don’t really don’t know where I’m gonna put these I reckon if we clear out this wall one further so I’ll just do this this and this

Hold on then I should be able to do one two three four five so five stag meals there that will be um what do you call it cobbled gravel then if I have them order output this will then be gravel to sand and then we have sand so for example each of these

I’ll have to open go into the config on the front I’ll need to what do I have to do right click this to push awesome and then that works perfectly so all of these open and right click to push um so I’ll do that now on top of this

Um I will need a lot more of these I’m going to need 10 total so we’ll Craft eight more uh oh we need a lot more Infinity stuff all right I do want a bunch of those so I will actually go ahead and make a bunch more um

Because I know that we have one back at the base uh we have two machines back the base I need to fix up too so I’ll quickly jump down here and process up this stuff oh I don’t have to crash door yeah yeah no I do no no just staying closer

Okay so like 10 of these let’s see yep we can order them beautiful in the meantime I guess we can start on some of these so you’ll get one of those you’ll get one of those um as for power we’ll grab out an advanced guy give him an Ender gate sure

Why not have a Nitro um so I guess I’ll Place him in the ground I don’t think there’s a reason not to so they’ll these guys will get power hopefully enough once again we’ll see um I’ll then need Cobble so what I’ll probably do is a draw

That will store the Cobble and then pipes to put them in I guess that’ll be the play um we’ve got pipes on us I do have a pipe upgrade on us too so you’ll go here you’ll then have pipe upgrades to place into all of these

Um make that extract cool this guy can actually just go away wonderful if you go there I can remove all these filters foreign first White list ignored cool that should work um let’s grab an exporter I’d probably put these external storage this away Um I don’t think we’ll need a fancy exporter I think just one of these with a stack upgrade should do the trick so we’ll test that out I guess um stack upgrade um we’ve got cables on us beautiful and this will obviously get cobblestone that we have like a couple mil of so

That’ll go there this guy should hopefully get a bunch of Cobble that will obviously then go in the systems now I could do round robin that’ll keep in equal distribution of Cobble and all the stuff as you can see this guy’s already working we’re already we actually get

Silicon from the gravel as well so arguably that’s just good enough although I don’t know why we’re getting silicon from it are we getting silicon from the Cobble it says that we’re not meant to be but oh you know what it was this guy has a sand byproduct he he

Makes two different things okay that’s a problem I will have to move these okay so let’s try this again we’re obviously going to need sagnals placed with at least one Gap in between them okay so he produces a bunch of stuff I think we’ll have like just chisel here um

Yeah that should be fine so hold on let’s grab five chests this is gonna get very messy five chess all of which and they are getting items so um these will get sand gravel and Flint I believe that’s the last piece of this puzzle um he can extract it fast enough so it

Should be fine it’ll work um this guy here you can probably get the little processor he will now need to be set to uh pull and so he’ll pull in items which will be a combination of sand and everything else there’s already just horrible isn’t it

And so then he’s gonna extract the stuff oh he’s gonna pull in the Flint and use the Flint as a as an upgrader cool I mean yeah that that works so that’s the Flint taken care of the only problem will be catching up on the gravel in the sand as that stuff happens

Um oh my God I absolutely despise these guys okay so would I then put these into chests and then pipe from the chest or do I just pipe out of these guys because they’re good to go I think I just pipe out of them because then that’s all the sand and stuff that

We can then have in our system unless um what am I gonna do because I don’t want to Flint once we have an infinite storage this will be fine but obviously at the moment we don’t let’s actually how do I solve this because I could just

Do a couple drawers but then that’s some more external storages that we’re going to end up having um we could just trash can the Flint that’s another pretty good option hmm you know what we can do I I’ve got a better idea so these guys won’t pull I’m going to leave that as

Just none so they won’t pull anything in cool what we’ll do instead is I’m gonna then import all of this stuff back into the system so I think what I’ll do is kind of do this um I guess I could go underneath if I wanted to what’s going to be the

Smartest option here I already I already hate this um I’m really over complicating this let’s get five of these let’s go snack upgrades and get like 20 of those preemptively made import import and then hook this up right I’m going to break this I’m going to

Break this that’s going to be a cable we’re then going to have a draw so we’ll get another draw once again just make a bunch get them cooked up come on don’t have all day this guy will go here we’ll get another exporter and so this guy is going to then export

With the stack upgrade of course stack upgrade beautiful he’s going to be exporting the gravel so then turn it into sand into here wonderful then this will obviously go into the rest of them so if they go to extract pipe upgrade blah blah blah get 10 of those preemptively made as well perfect

So you’ll go there you’ll be round robin as well so these will all get gravel equally distributed and we’re just going to repeat this so then this will place everything including the sand into some chests over here um obviously I’ll have to configure these guys to push out the front

Um alternatively instead of this pushing thing I could just have pipes in the front that go here and then that’s going to be that’s that’s going to make a lot more sense I apologize for what we’ve witnessed let me just rip this up okay so we’re gonna put pipes all the

Way along here these ones are going to obviously disconnect and they will go into a chest here so now I’ll set them all to extract might need to put upgrades in might not it might just be fast enough as they are we’ll see um so that stuff will go there then this

Will obviously be an importer instead so rip this guy up place the Importer um give him a stack upgrade let’s just grab all of them all of them stack upgrade in there cool so that’s stuff’s taken care of wonderful I’m gonna do the same thing over on this part

So these guys are going to obviously all extract um some of these we don’t want to connect and they’re going to do so into a chest that will have an importer with a stack upgrade so then all of these will be extracts and that’s pretty good so so far this is

Nice um let’s grab a Feral Flare Lance into have this area be a little a little bit brighter for you guys watching along at home oh God none of them what is happening what is it I’m pressing all the wrong buttons I apologize that should light up this inside hopefully

Um what’s next what are we thinking so this will now take care of sand we’ll obviously be getting Flint as well that we don’t necessarily want but it’s fine that we’re getting it I mean that’s fine right this whole system works all I need to do is put the

Capacitors in which should be crafted so grab out all of these can I just right click them in oh you can beautiful so don’t even have to open them you can obviously see they light up when they’re working and so that should be all of them lit up cool

Um there was another thing I wanted to potentially do we’ll see if I bother with it I think I will but we’ll see um so you need a capacitor you’ve got one cool um oh yeah by the way I just want to apologize for the last episode I am aware of

Um an issue that we did which was um we already had a soul binder we already did this one we already had a soul binder I made a complete new one we’ve got him over here someone allegedly what right you guys told me I have one and I believe you

Am I just blind let’s just be blind what’s going on here I swear you said at this location am I crazy well I honestly might have to check the comments to find out where this Soul binder is how blinded oh god oh this is I thought I was

Cleared up and make it less painful for you guys and yet here I am I don’t even know where the where the thing is oh oh the XP thing they’re the spawner um yeah here he is yeah so we already have one um that’s fine he’ll you know we’ll

We’ll live without it it’s okay Perfect all right so we now have this stuff somewhaled automated the other option is that obviously as you can see there was Flint going into this guy as a little add-on we can also pull something else we could pull in

Um some of the grinding balls now we have the N steel grind balls automated um or at least we can we can craft more so it would actually be pretty good to have those go into these guys as well now to do that all I need is another Barrel or

What we could do is I could search draw and we could get these ones these are double drawers this is an interesting recipe are we aware of this recipe existing why would I ever make this drawer when this drawer exists okay sure um so what I’m gonna have to do here

Um will kind of be fine I’m going to add onto this um oh God I need a lot of stuff hold on let’s go crafting upgrade I’ll need one I will need another one hopefully that guy doesn’t take too long to craft um I could also just preemptively order

Some what am I gonna need coal dust and we don’t have that automatable for some reason great nice well I’m sure that’s a recipe that’s disappeared that’s fine we’ll we’ll fix that that’s okay um crafting upgrade and you’ll get n Steel grinding ball and so will you you will get a crafting

Upgrade in steel grinding Bowl I’m going to pick up both of these guys it’s a bit of a mess that we’ve made but you’re gonna go there pick up this guy same thing you’re gonna go there um so now this guy does have some of the grinding balls I’m going to punch those

And place that there as well at least I was going to attempt to no not I guess I can’t see the face oh there we go sure that’s fine um let’s grab a tool the configuration tool to lock them I’m going to right click them to add that

Padlock at the top see that one there so they’re now locked if I remove all the stuff in them it’ll still maintain what should be in them then I should just be able to add these to extract and they should empty of most of the steel balls

You’ll get that round robin you’ll get that round robin and as we can see there’s some granny balls um now because we want them to round robin I will go ahead and try to fix that so I’ll Place five in there and then five in there and that

Should then equally distribute one in each cool and so we should get bonus stuff wonderful okay so I now need to go sort out the um whatever the issue is there with the coal dust possibly in this recipe here n Stone dark steel and obsidian dark steel uses the coal dust

Coal dust I guess no existo so cold dust um told us it is the Greg tech one that we’ve still got hold on let’s double check so and steal is made out of coal dust from grotec this coal dust we are getting somehow and I guess that’s the problem I don’t

Know where we’re pulling it from um so that’s fine you can go back in there oh um is this Auto no we don’t have that auto crafted yeah so I’m guessing whatever recipe we had uh for the coal dust doesn’t exist anymore so now I need a new recipe um

Yeah and how am I what am I gonna do to get this a mortar and some coal that’s an option otherwise I need to set up one of these we do have a forge hammer and we obviously have macerators that’s not a bad idea I could yeah block of colon a macerator

We could do that that’s a that’s a recipe I’m sure we could do block of coal maserata so then hold on if we jump to the processing place all of these are hooked up um steam alloy steam alloy steam Forge um steam alloy steam alloy steam compressor steam mace radar and steam

Extractor so this one is the mace radar he’s currently doing uh Oak planks I can now do coal dust which means if I search end steel grinding ball and order a stack it says it’s possible I can order that we can uh watch this and see if it

Processes it doesn’t take too long five seconds each and we get nine cold dust a pop that’s pretty good I will happily take that um we could benefit from a stack upgrade although by the time this guy’s done he’s already pulled out the previous recipe so

Not the end of the not the end of the world either way cool so if we fly our way over here oh God really struggling to get over here why are we struggling so much um yeah all this stuff should be working so as you can see there’s no leftover stuff

There was almost a bit there but I mean there’s not like an overly crazy amount of stuff left over like we are getting it all um this guy in terms of outputting he does have more Flint than I’d like him to have although even that somehow

He caught up so I don’t really know how that works this guy’s caught up these guys are out of their granny ball so that’s fine um they’re working too looks like they’ve got enough power it’s not full but it but it is enough they don’t have

Bonus uh stuff like left oh no not pair or it’s like it’s not we’re not losing power okay and so that is then sand um automated this stuff’s coming in not crazy fast but it you know what’s happening and also well not silicon yet I think we need another signal for the Silicon

Right is that correct I think so so we go um segment well that becomes our option right we can get silicon from um the signal by doing sand and it’s a 50 chance or so what is it either a 50 chance or we could turn each stand into Soul

Sand one to one and get nether quartz from it four nether quartz at a 12 chance that seems worse right more steps and worse so I think our play is just to do more sag Mills for the Silicon so let’s do it um I would like five more seconds

Now as it currently stands with this design is this easily expandable if I’m like I actually need a lot more you know gravel being produced from this what would I have to do I could just keep going in a straight line that’s probably the easiest we have a lot of

Mountain here to work with I could have that be a long line of stuff if I wanted to expand vertically which is usually the better option I could do that too if I just play sagnos up here they’re automatically connected to those pipes so they’ll fill

Up with Cobble and then I just need to add an extract pipes so that works too that that is an option as well yeah cool I like that um obviously we’d have to wait for stag Mills which uh currently uh I think most of the ingredients to

Make that I would imagine is crafted in this guy and his problem is he’s not that fast uh we probably do want more capacitors so it is worth exploring looking for better capacitors um because as We Know there are some other capacities you can get from Android but you need to find

Them in loot uh what can we do I’m just trying to think we could go into the end oh oh I actually have the perfect idea I don’t know if there’s point in doing it in this episode but we’ll try if we get a structures compass yeah structure Compass this will need

Some netherrite so let’s go do we not have netherrite order crafted wow interesting let’s add a recipe for that um because we’ve got ancient debris automated right so all I need to do is add this recipe I think that’s how we’re doing it cool um there’s probably better ratios to do it but

It’s fine we’re gonna pretend it’s fine anyway um structure uh if I can spell struck structures Compass yep there we go so we’ll order all of those I’ll need a new nature Compass which needs a new Compass so it’s Compass plus logs and saplings um Plus some netherites

Which should be on its way once again I’m not sure why currently we don’t have any I believe we’re currently doing it with the guy over here so with this guy or at least I thought we were no I don’t actually know where we’re getting our um netherrates grab from but

I’m assuming that’s our problem that we’re waiting on Wow hmm whenever we’re doing is slow I’ll say that yeah another I scrap is it going in here squeezer oh it’s the squeezer this guy’s doing it okay ancient debris squeezer 75 chance the bonus cool and that’s just like the best option at

The moment is it I’m guessing so yeah squeezer some combustion stuff okay how much inch into breed we have do I need to be doing this we’ve got two thousand I we probably don’t need to be doing this or at the very least I should have like a thousand

Of it kept you know what I mean so maybe maybe I’ll add that to the list we’ll we’ll add another right here so that it tries to keep a thousand of that and they’re right built um that should be pretty good in the meantime Butterbean Butterball structure

Compass so what am I going to use this guy for well if we go ahead and jump into the end and portal yeah might as well go in Portal um here we go if we jump in oh let’s go I’m a little bit scared he’s got a cool structure okay here we go

This is the End are we good all right we’re good but there is a creepy bell ringing I I’m not sure about that but I can right click the structure Compass no structure has been shipped directly boom shift right click I can search end oh I can search City

And so we’ve got Minecraft ancient city Minecraft and City I can click select and then we can right click and it will look and it will say hey um was I reckon 16 000 or 1600 blocks this way we’ll have what we want so I

Can up my compass it’s going to be a little bit of server lights or Doom rest this off camera as we’re going exploring but I’ll meet you guys there and then hopefully there’ll be loot chests hopefully um some capacitors in there that’s the plan

Oh here we go um it says 100 blocks away there’s potentially another one so we’ll loot this one and then arguably that’s another one right it is pointing at this one so maybe it’s 100 blocks if I go down oh yeah okay so it’s got y levels uh Incorporated cool

Um now there’s a few things that we should get from this once again I do apologize for the rubber banding a little bit um we can get a dragon head so that’s obviously option number one jump up here grab this guy cool um in this should also be in a lighter I believe

I’m sure that’s how this stuff works well what’s in here potions of healing um I might take those just so that we don’t have to craft them in the future if there’s something that needs them sometimes there is sometimes there’s not I guess um can you guys see stuff as well boom naked

Um there’s a shocker we’ll uh we’ll grab our looting sword I should probably transfer the enchantments at some point kill him um okay here’s our loot so if we saw this it might look a little bit nicer blast production stuff we can strip the enchants off this so that’s what we’ll

Do I’ll Chuck those in there cool um dragon scales of course there’s a diamond backpack we don’t need it I’m Gonna Leave You I don’t want to have too much stuff that I don’t need a lot of this stuff I probably will just leave because

Just can’t be bothered I mean I guess I can Chuck it all over my system like there’s not necessarily a bad like a downside to it it’s just yeah okay I I’ll do that I’m being I’m being lazy without reason okay so give me a second let’s move this around

Packing tape I don’t need that on me I don’t need that on me I don’t even need that on me okay um also I should have this guy on the hot bar so you can start charging up again that should be fine um cool so I will just take all this

Stuff and then just dump it into my into my storage yeah cool okay um so obviously we’re watching for a capacitor from Android um I feel like I’ll be able to see them I just think I will but obviously there’s a chance that we don’t and some mending and stuff

Nothing too crazy still more and then obviously the lighter on the wall that is a pretty good thing to get there we go thank you and our job here is pretty much done uh well I guess not but you know our job with that little spaceship is

Um so we’ll look through here there’s probably some loot chests in some of these structures um and yeah hopefully I’ll find something all right so that’s that City taken care of nothing in there um I should be able to right click this again and find a new

One now it’s aiming me at the same one is there a possibility let’s see when this little Region’s done let’s see am I able to ask for a new one I know I know with one of them you could but I guess this one you can’t structure selected comes pointing

Towards the structure okay I guess yeah we’re stuck finding this one okay um so I guess if I flew really far away I could probably then search for another one now I I mean I’m looking for just like luck at the moment right if we can

End uh I O and then search capacitor only shows the good ones here it doesn’t show like anything different like it doesn’t show the loop ones you get it could be worth Googling like where they come from like like where they’re actually flying them and then just look

For them that way but we’ll see like for example oh there is this down here which is a endermite spawner cool we’ve got oh I think we just had a boss spawn um oh yeah see him on the map is that oh so it’s going here let’s have a look so

What is he he’s a epic oh okay hold on I might actually I might actually want that all the modium sword real quick it’s premium worth we’ll just oh we’ve got an entity over here we’ve also got an end Spire I’m not sure what that guy will do differently but he’s there at

Least um let’s bring this out here just wait one second please good sir and I’ll quickly run under here ah there he is what we get Unbreaking mending and like featherballing and stuff I’m sure it’s great it was a waste of a Time it was a very big waste of time

Um all right I will get back to looting all right they reckon they can be found in Dungeon chess so I guess that’s what we’ve got to look for so let’s go ahead and grab our warp Stone um head back into the Overworld and then search for a dungeon structure I guess I

Mean that that that’s gonna be the play why not um so we’ll go back home give this a shot this episode did take much of a turn oh oh can’t I think I just crashed Bingo okay I I stopped recording after the game Crash but I’m back and I was

Like you know what I’ll stop recording before I open the loot chest obviously it’s yellow when it hasn’t been open before and I was like let’s look for some some loot now this is a buried treasure obviously um and it’s a vanilla thing and we’ve obviously got a Luke Master which is

Awesome we’ve also got a heart of the sea I guess we’ll grab that why not we’ve got something here called asses I don’t know what that is but we’re gonna leave that there um but this guy here that we got base modifier energy capacity modifier energy use modifier so we’ve got a few

Modifiers there now an OCTA deck uh capacitor has a base modifier of three so this modifier is lower but it also has a different use capacitor now I’ve got a Wiki up here and it has like um or at least it looked like it was going to explain to me how this works

But that hasn’t really happened I they’ve also said that you can combine these so we might have to go through a few of these uh different loots and see what there is now this is a berry treasure that had one which is awesome um I’ve just been searching like

Specifically Minecraft things we could try something else we could try like a I don’t know a pyramid or something honestly they’re actually now that I think about it um a Bastion in the nether that’s probably going to be our best case part of me is concerned that Android

Won’t have loot in there just because obviously the bastions didn’t exist before back in the day with Andrea or at least I don’t think they did um but we’ll check because at the very least we should get templates like uh smithing templates and stuff so we’ll try that out

Um so let’s try this again let’s search um uh Bastion Bastion Remnant uh select so to search I right click um and it has found one 700 blocks this way so that’s where I’ll go now the beautiful thing of loot is that if someone has found this before it’s not

The end of the world because the loot containers as long as they haven’t picked them up for some reason should still be there oh here we go so this is the structure we’re looking for I believe yep here we are and So within this there should be loot to put it plainly

Um so we will obviously see I’m trying to get defeated by all the mobs in here or swim in lava too badly the other problem is I don’t really know like obviously we’re looking for chess I don’t really I don’t know where they are I don’t know where to find them

All right while I’m in here I’m gonna take off this backpack that gives us the night vision and I’m gonna put on this backpack which if I activate it should make us fireproof because the fire burning on my face was very very annoying oh and we’ve got loot um

Already just looking at this I’m like ah We’re not gonna find any good loot in here the the fact that that was the first loot chest we’ve opened is very disheartening in terms of uh what should be to follow now we’ll rip some holes in this thing see if we can uncolor

Something that looks like better otherwise I’ll just jump back in the overboard and we’ll uh we’ll keep digging up buried treasure because I opened one and then instantly I’m like ah we’ll look somewhere else but maybe I should just stick with uh what we know

You know I’ll be honest I I don’t even know what we’re doing why why am I looking for capacitors did I did I just think I would find enough capacitors that I could put them in all my machines like sure yeah have on no you know what

Actually no it was fair enough I think I was just gonna get one really good one for our um alloy smelter down here and that makes sense that yeah I guess that is a fair reason to do it so this is the current speed that you’re looking at here

Not too bad not too crazy if we switch this out what’s the difference the difference is it is a lot slower right yeah ridiculously slow okay and so if I put that one in suddenly it’s a lot faster okay sure all right well we clearly need a

Much better loot capacitor than this one but that’s fine it’s okay is there a quest section for Android that could possibly give us some loot dudes not yet unless it’s uh you know within one of these uh part questions I’m sure there’s there’s probably more than part one I’d

Imagine maybe part one questline I don’t really know when it would unlock kill the water we killed the warden yes we gotta do it again um and the end to go to do that stuff okay okay what’s happening so we’re currently just waiting on this guy now I do have a time

And a bottle so we could speed this going up um I accidentally put him away so we’ll grab him out let’s also grab out um an upgrade indicate if all let me beautiful Chuck him there so he should be good on power you should be good on power he doesn’t seem to care

Which is a little bit odd but it should be yeah why does he not care about the fact that I’m giving him one million RF per tick regardless if I hit shift right click it should be speeding this Gap as you can see it’s a lot faster now he should

Use more power but I guess he’ll also draw more power too um cool sweet okay so what’s that that’s for the end steel grinds granny balls they’ve already been taken out so that should be happening over here I mean this is horrible this episode’s begging to end I I do apologize in

Advance all right so this guy’s full of end steel granny balls this guy is not which is a little bit I guess it’s not too unfortunate what’s he go oh okay so these all have a bunch of stuff okay all right this is fine this is everything’s fine

Um do these guys have a bunch of stuff no Okay cool so I can shift right click into each of these and that will obviously allow them to uh take this stuff out faster um cool what now great question um I guess we set up the SAG Mills for the

Other stuff so sag Mill we’ve got five sure so these guys are going to go along here um obviously I need to disconnect these because they’re just going to fill up with stuff that I don’t necessarily want um we do want sand so the fact that

There’s sand there isn’t the end of the world um cool cool cool I’m also now realizing I could instead of having insta and still grinding balls going into all of these I could just have these share you know what I mean yeah yeah okay uh how much do they store they stole 1

000 of each so this guy’s almost full and then you’ll stuff I think it’s fine actually I I think it’s okay they can both have grinding grinding balls why not um so this guy here then we’re going to get a drawer this guy will be a drawer that has an exporter for um

Watch them in columns sand so we’re going to grab exporter uh I just grabbed two exposes that’s fine um what am I looking for first of all sorry I’m looking for a two by one drawer or one by two and then I need stack upgrades that’s what I was looking for beautiful

Um and we will get a crafting upgrade because you guessed it this guy’s gonna be getting the uh steel balls as well so one by two exporter stack upgrade crafting upgrade you’ll be getting sand boom and you’ll be getting grinding Bowl boom and so what I’ll have to do is I’ll

Have to grab out some of these probably just one for now Chuck that guy in there so that at least he’s got some um we’ll grab our tool configuration tool and lock that guy beautiful okay uh I probably actually want those Pie Pop Up grids back

What a mess this is so far chest importer and we will want a stack upgrade there as well okay everyone good everyone okay nice because we need more chests uh chess no I only need one I take that back chest goes there this stuff goes here this stuff goes here these all extract

This guy extracts these all get pipe upgrades perfect this guy gets pipe upgrade too but this guy always specifically say round robin and we’re good okay everything’s good uh we will need more of the octetic uh capacitors I’m gonna need five more so we’ll get those cooked

Up once again we’ll probably take a while but that’s okay and then we’re good oh actually sorry hold on almost uh importer boom stack up all right then we’re good and so this should automate the production of silicon now this will be fully automated in terms of all of our sand will be

Going here so we want to realistically be making more sand than we’re using and it looks like we’re getting this sometimes when this processes we’re getting four sand per one gravel that is ridiculous that’s because this guy uh I guess gives you bonus stuff cool right like that’s pretty cool Sandy and

Then there’s a bonus yeah awesome um so in terms of stuff like in terms of sand we’ve got 21k already that is very very good this guy can keep up awesome um in terms of gravel go about 13k and then in terms of silicon currently we have 1.2

That should increase rapidly once we start getting these capacitors in now I do believe that we’re going to want to uh speed up this guy yeah this episode’s been messy I I do apologize mainly I don’t know if the actual episode will be messy but on the

Recording side of things it’s been very very messy so I can I’m imagining it’s horrible for you guys as well but it might not be I’m not too sure let’s speed this guy up currently what do we have one two did that work it’s hard to tell normally it’s obvious when it’s working

I guess that looks pretty good shift right click again does that look even faster it does look faster and I think we only used up like two minutes worth so that’s pretty good um this guy here could honestly benefit from you guessed it a stack upgrade boom perfect come on come on

He needs speed upgrades too that’s fine speed upgrades come on man you can do more than those God what a everything just feels so there’s so much I have to do both in terms of like making our base run better and in terms of making mine like recording experience better and even in

Terms of making the server run better I’ve got some ideas all right that should be good now so now when I search for my capacitors we’ve got five perfect all right so oh pressing all the wrong buttons you you you uh you and you they should all receive

Power from our uh Advanced guy they’ve got enough power awesome and as you can see they’re producing most of the time to Silicon pop which is pretty good sometimes a little less sometimes a little more awesome so in terms of silicon that number that 1.2 should be

Going up quite rapidly and we should hopefully be able to start upgrading towards not quite there yet but towards this guy so silicon ah can sit what’s that we just need one million ah give it a little while we’ll have one mil silicon in no time

That’s not a problem mate oh God that’s horrific um what were we looking at we’re looking at this guy and that was too much okay what were we looking at this guy yeah so this guy we just need 100 000 which is a lot but we can do it

Um some more sand and some more nether quartz as well and a little bit more wool all of this is it’s pretty much doable the Silicon I’d consider that done we’ve already gotten 2 200 since our last talked so that’s fine sure that’ll be done in a jiffy right in terms of

This guy getting us wall we’ve got a bunch of wool but currently we’re just um storing it because once again we don’t we don’t have great disc storage you know what oh god so much work to do okay I’ve got a manipulator in the ground cool

We have a 64k let’s go storage part right a 64k can upgrade it into a 256k right let’s order one okay I’m gonna just go up bit by bit and we’ll replace our discs until we get to what we want does that make sense hopefully obviously we’re going to benefit from

Massive storage regardless of whether it’s the most massive one if that makes sense all right so we need to turn this into an actual disk which apparently just needs a little bit of extra goodies um can I craft one of these I can perhaps we just craft one let’s do it why not

Why not what’s the worst that could happen so this is currently a 124k that we’re crafting this guy can be upgraded into a 4 096k I think I’m saying the wrong numbers I’m sorry listen this is the fact that these aren’t all in the right order is making this very

Confusing and the fact that they look very similar is also not helping so we have a 1024k and so a 4 000 96k can I afford that as well no but we only need a little bit more silicon like we only need about like what two thousand maybe 2 300 it looks like

2100 it looks like so it should be doable let me just keep looking so if I check that again yeah a lot less okay okay so we’ll watch this oh yeah we used a lot didn’t we that’s that’s fine hold on hmm yeah okay we’re getting there we’re getting there um

Storage Parts we’ve got this we’ve got that all right I’ve sat here waiting and we are currently catching up on the Silicon it’s going to just use the last two refined storage and it is counting Applied Energy stick silicon and endurizer silicon all within the one recipe so we’re almost there I’ve just

Been watching this one little bit slowly go um yeah cool so once we get that it is going to be ridiculous how much we store currently we can store uh what um why am I struggling to math this 128 000 um items right we can store 128 000

Items we will then be able to store four million items oh yeah no yeah four thousand thousand is a million right yeah so we’ll be able to store four million items which is a big jumper but you need to remember as well that we’re currently also storing millions of

Items within um our just uh storage guy over here the guy getting all obviously the um Quarry stuff and he’s probably the main problem honestly having that much stuff coming in probably is a problem I don’t know what the solution is I’m trying to think obviously the

Solution is just to get more stuff being able to store more stuff in our system means I’ll be able to set up more automated things without having to add extra entangled stuff we can probably also remove literally every entangled chest except for our Quarry chest and arguably

We’ll double check over here I might also be able to remove this guy because although he’s getting a lot of stuff he’s not even close to the millions yet you know I mean like where we have 200 000 um bones oh actually you know what that’s the max I think I think

The max we can store currently is 200 000 that’s why it’s maxed out there do you think that’s the issue that because when maxing this guy out is messing up a bit hmm because we could add some more stack upgrades get this guy to be able to store Millions

He’s currently obviously we’re avoiding with like the stack overflow that could be interesting because maybe maybe it’s I’m not sure I’m not sure we’ll we’ll pretend that everything’s fine all right anyway Let’s uh let’s get this thing built uh four nine six okay start craft

So it’s on its way how long will it take to craft great question I’m not sure but probably a little while it’s got a lot to craft it’s already ordered another 64k I’m gonna have to probably remove that from the requester let’s preemptively get rid of that maybe

Cancel the recipe as well so we can actually use whatever it’s using this guy as well is slowly chipping away yep he’s working on it why is this like Frozen is that just server lag or yeah it must be you know I actually have I haven’t done a profile in a while let’s

See what’s causing lag let’s hope that our sag Mills aren’t somehow causing a ridiculous amount of lag all right they’re not the most server friendly things but they’re not too bad 100 uh isn’t too bad the main problem is still I think these guys they’re in the 400s sometimes when they’re running

Properly they’re in the uh thousands as well I don’t actually know why they don’t run sometimes I’m not too sure all right but regardless hey guess what it’s done so we can now combine this with the housing and we can get a 4096k storage disk that we can then Chuck in here

What we can then do see if we can store about four mil we can then also empty everything else into the system by chucking these two guys here and so they should hopefully empty now this is an elite disk manipulator which means it should be moving the stuff as fast as

Possible it is pretty fast but honestly not as like insanely fast as I’d want it to be I am curious if we could somehow do like multiple stack upgrades if that’s a thing like if I could replace these upgrades with more stack upgrades um in terms of Creates um I was just gonna see if there was like a better speed upgrade you know what I mean um just the stack upgrade it looks like cool all right I’ll replace them all with stack upgrades and currently we are seeing and now it feels slower

What if I do a third or a fourth speed upgrade huh didn’t say that one coming did you oh I think it’s just better to have one stack upgrade in speed upgrades I did a little bit of experimenting it yeah it was it wasn’t better having all speed it wasn’t better having all

Stacked it’s everything’s fine remain calm um in terms of our quests what what have we done we’ve sort of jumped the gun here we don’t have the 16k we’ve got a four and I get or at least we had we’ve already moved that so I guess the quests are a bit broken

All right while this is happening let’s go into importers we’ll grab at least one Ultra importer let’s see if we can start removing the external storages just as our final hurray for this episode so out of this what do we have we’ve got the obsidian draw this guy is currently

Getting our subsidian awesome I’m gonna have to go back here oh okay uh you know what actually uh let’s get a floorboard let’s grab a wall board that is what it’s called yep wallboard beautiful grab one uh yeah grab one of those and let’s grab a framed door

And then let’s grab some deep slight bricks deep slight breaks beautiful um I’m gonna attempt to make like a little hidden room over here so we’re going to break this and this that will then become a door like so we’ll obviously have the wall there and the floorboard here

And that will be like that and so then that’s that’s pretty hidden I’d say it’s pretty good so then we can come back here I know it’s great try and tidy out a room over here and so what do we have what’s the deal so these are bricks oh we’ve got the

Things on the floor completely forgot about that okay so we’re going to slowly be ripping these up great all right so we’re going to want obviously importers we’re also going to want some detectors so I’m going to preemptively order 20 of them um now once again in terms of like

Importer and exporter and Ultra importers it is probably more beneficial for our server if we just use normal importers I think um with that in mind we’re still going to be using stack upgrades so I’m not too sure how the difference will be you

Know what I mean I’m not sure if it will actually be that beneficial but we’ll give it a shot anyway um detectors we’ve got our 20 detectors beautiful so obsidian for example I’m going to break this I’m going to add an importer where you’re going to set it to

Um only work without a redstone signal if I slap this guy that then connects awesome ah but I don’t know if that will work hold on So currently it’s importing obsidian if we search obsidian you can see this number going up by one at a time see that six four five six four

Six seven six four eight so what’s happening slowly but it’s happening um let’s see So currently we have 31 000. if I set this guy to B 31 000. there we go and I Dragon obsidian that should then um emit one above so it should be outputting resident signal which means

This guy shouldn’t be working which means this number shouldn’t be going up okay the number’s still going up because I’m not sure if that applies Redstone to that you know I mean having it on the ground it I feel like it wouldn’t um I can double check because I don’t

Know if we’re getting obsidian from anywhere else so we can double check our obsidian maker um is this number specifically going down it’s actually hard to tell 19k 1.93 how do I know I don’t know the exact amount of stuff we have in here I would assume it still is 1.93

Because alternatively I just placed the detector to the side of it and like that’s still pretty good oh God this episode feels like it’s gonna be the death of me still 1.93 K if I add in a stack upgrade it will obviously move stuff faster and

We might be able to notice if it’s not working 1.9 4K it’s game stuff is this number going up by a stack it’s not okay hold on so it’s still going up by one so if I up this to be um 32 000. does that then very quickly go up to 32

Yeah it does look it’s getting like Stacks at a time so then it gets to 132. and then it slows down again awesome that’s actually so good that means we can keep this design here of having the detectors on the floor um with the stuff above it awesome genuinely so good

All right wonderful so I guess it’s a matter of how much obsidian we want now I guess we’ve already got that in the system so we’ll just maintain it at that level so it’s no longer attached to an external storage our system should be slightly saved next up what do we have

Undead logs awesome so I’m going to go in here and search Undead Undead log I’m going to drag here how much under the logs do we want realistically 100 is probably fine I don’t think we’re using more than 100 so we’ll just say 100 if

We need more in the future we can change that we want to make sure we’re doing emit signal and above the limit and then this guy will be exchanged for an importer I’m so annoyed I’m gonna at some point I’m not sure when maybe even today I’m not sure I’ll

Try to no it won’t be today there’s a lot of effort involved I was gonna move the server to um Australia but I don’t know I don’t even know if there’s a point doing that um importer but yeah I’m thinking about it okay I’ve got to figure out stuff

And then have it only work without a redstone signal so when we have 100 of that in the system it outputs the signal and that should stop the stuff coming in I can obviously we’ve got a stack upgrade cool yeah that works awesome what’s this guy then this guy is squid

Stuff so we want ink snacks I believe now in terms of insects we have 160 in the system because that’s how much is in this uh chest we’ve got here it’s got a lot of stuff in it um how many exacts do we want honestly I’m probably gonna go for like 1000

Because that seems like a pretty good amount so 1000 in there I meant when above the amount and replace it so I’ll do that with the rest of these and then we’ll uh hope that our system works just a little bit better all right the water I’ll leave like this at the moment

We could change that later though I’ll leave it at the moment to just have a billion you know infinite water in there that should be fine um but we can we can cross that bridge later as well I guess so currently these are obviously you can see if it’s on see

If it’s uh we’ve got enough stuff um inksax is still filling up on um wallet still filling up on which I think we can check and then dull as well or they’re filling up um the wall should be done I’ve got him set exact mode off I thought that would

Bring in any wall but I think it’s specifically white wool so we’re getting as much gray as it’ll make and then I guess a little bit of white wall will fill up at the end that’s fine I I’m okay with that so we’ve already knocked off pretty much all of these from being

External storages um as for these top ones um I guess it’ll be pretty much the same thing so I’ll just have to go through here um and what what am I actually gonna have to break where are these where are they oh those are just panels on the back are they

No no they’re not okay um gotcha all right so what I should be able to do here is have hollow covers on the back yeah perfect okay and then we should be able to still place the detectors that should still connect and that’ll connect through there awesome

Um the only question now would be and also what’s that guy up to he’s currently doing 43 he’s actually doing a lot what does he need for the next year power wise he needs a lot more than I’ll be able to get he needs how many is that so what are we

At hold on that’s a thousand Millions billions trillions um quadrillions quintillions right nine quintillion does that make sense so we just need nine quintillion not a problem um yeah but I will obviously have to still pick up these external storages so this stuff being here is actually kind of annoying okay

Sure do I even want to do anything here storage controller um this storage controller I think I can just import all of this stuff I think I’m going to this is our storage controller with all the drawers or sorry the sophisticated chest back at the base

I’m just going to put on an ultra importer and just take care of that stuff so all of this stuff should just enter into the system um there’s obviously some tools and stuff we might be able to export them later but that should be massive for just

Cleaning out all of those chests over there we probably break the chest as well that might be good for the system and how much is that in terms of storage probably gonna be barely anything also are these done oh they are perfect so on top of that we can disassemble both of

These and at least put 264k parts back in the system for later how much silicon have we made in the meantime five thousand see we’re gonna be making a bunch how did you not use this stuff I really wanted to get rid of that stuff yeah whatever um we can come over here

And so is this guy done yet no he’s not done yet oh he might be done yeah he might I think he’s done guys so all of this is now empty cool sweet all right I mean that’s pretty good success um so arguably I don’t even need that

Anymore we may just leave it there for I don’t know memory I guess um for the rest of them what do we have we’ve got all of this stuff the um the stuff from alchem if we search um at alchem nope search chem yeah here we go

Um the most we’ve got is 44 000. of something so I’ll tell you what we can just put that in the system right I I think so I think that’s fine to put in the system so I’m gonna break this um I guess we can pick up the ultra

Importer as well and use that for the greater good all right as you can see it’s sucking all the stuff out and and boom done awesome that guy’s done I guess we’ll we’ll replace images the problem is that I’m floating that’s the massive problem we have at the moment

Here let’s just go ahead and not float so I can break blocks again all right the material stonework Factory is another one that is a little bit tricky I guess um we could benefit from detectors on this guy I’ll be honest I kind of think we just disconnect him anyway because

We’re getting sand and silicon through different methods here’s nothing for us at the moment he does nothing next up would be our mob chests um this one is a pretty good one to do the problem is I think we would need a massive system involving a bunch of detectors

Running in unison or something like that you know what I mean like I don’t want all of the stuff but I’d love to have a bit of everything if that makes sense what do we have requesters of course and then that’s it because like I’d love to keep like 1 000

Of each in the system but it’s just gonna pull it all in and I mean that’s a problem so then we’ve just got what that plus the shulker chest the shulker chest could probably just pull everything in and then logs logs as well I could probably just pull everything in I

Wouldn’t feel too guilty about that this guy’s pretty much empty so then all we’ve got in terms of external storages we have one on the mob chest we have one on nothing there’s nothing attached to that guy so that’s fine then we have one on the sink

And then we also have one directly on the um chest over in this area our mining chest so those will be the three things that currently have um external storages on them as far as I’m aware so yeah this guy here as well with so we

Need more than 25 mil storage if we want to pull all of this stuff in oh this guy’s also like filled to the brim that’s another problem okay so yeah hey another another reason why it’d be pretty good to uh you know what do you call it be able to

Store all this stuff we wouldn’t have to uh we wouldn’t have the problem with that guy being full uh so what are we thinking what’s I need more than 20 mil so if we go to parts what’s that then obviously that guy’s enough um the 256 mil is probably good enough then

So how much does that go cost what are we missing we are missing quartz the wool will be taken care of I’m not worried about that in fact we’ve got gray wool so I just have to add the recipe for the gray ball um so sand would need that’ll be easy

Silicon we need some more of silicone will take a little bit longer we’ve got six cab which is awesome but we actually need 100k so yeah silicon that’ll come with time sand that will also come with time um as for the string I can do that currently we’re making a string in this

Guy which he’s getting there but we can add that with um the wool as well okay yeah that’s that’s fine the Silicon we do need a lot of uh let me know what you guys think do we just do we expand this or at which point

Do I do it and you guys know what I’m talking about at which point do we just say enough is enough and we just start growing stuff part of me is waiting for um thermal Series so that we can get the um phytogenic insulators so that I can just grow stuff that way

But I mean we’ve got botany pods so that’s an option or whatever they’re called we’ve got those we’ve also got do we have a Hydroponics yeah we’ve got hydroponic beds that’s another option as well I guess we’ve also got creative Farm stuff what do you guys think because I could

Probably grow the Silicon so quickly like if it’s three silicones for this for a silicon would get the stuff so quick I don’t know I don’t know let me know what you think because the problem is like literally everything can just be grown which means but you don’t need anything

Like we would the series would turn into a farm do we want that right like it’s not it’s just a matter of what we want I’m not sure either I’m gonna wrap this episode up I’m gonna have to come in with some stronger game plans for the following episodes uh to be honest

Though we had a pretty good game plan I think the problem was every other factor I think I I definitely need a need to figure out what I’m doing in terms of server performance arguably I’ll just move this world into single player that that might be the play

Yeah that’ll be fine I won’t be able to do any collab stuff in terms of visually running past people’s bases but I guess we can start up the checking out server basis series again that will be fine we can do that the alternative is I try to get this

Running in a in Australia instead then we remove the Ping issues currently can I check ping if I do slash pings that a thing apparently we’ve got 200 millisecond ping so that’s like what a fifth of a fifth of a second um so that’s pretty rough

You know on top of any server lag or um yeah but then we still have server lag whereas for some reason I reckon if I do single player I won’t have that problem we’ll see either way yeah it’s fine it’s fine all that stuff I’ve gotta I’ve got to

Figure that stuff out no point making this episode longer than needs to be thank you for watching hopefully you’ve enjoyed thank you of course to our donors and channel members I’m surprised you guys are still doing that but I appreciate it you don’t need to don’t feel pressured to

Um the videos will happen regardless there’s no obligation don’t feel uh concerned um yeah I promise I do like having this server I don’t I just need a better plan I think with everything and then there’s also in terms of frame rate right we’re getting around 60 FPS

So we’re doing pretty good I could go without shaders the frame rate goes up probably about by like a little bit honestly barely any I could I could get a better computer that is an option as well and just hope that everything runs better um yeah

I think if we fix the I think if I just played locally it’ll probably solve a lot of issues won’t it because then I’ve just got to make sure I’ve got consistent backups which I can do we can set that up so I don’t lose the world because currently

It’s on a server I don’t have to worry about anything um yeah I’ll probably do that and then yeah okay that’s fine all right thanks for watching hopefully I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ep55 Auto Sag Mills – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-09-24 20:00:14. It has garnered 751 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:14 or 5234 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – Client Side Mods – (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – Playlist –

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – AzzaFortySix –

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀

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    "EPIC REACTION: Kishor finds INSANE Minecraft pickaxe!" 🤯 #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information तो हे गाइ वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल तो आज के वीडियो में हम देखने वाले हैं m में सबसे पावरफुल कौन सी पिकस है चलो चेक करते हैं भाई आज तु दिखा रहा है सबसे पावरफुल गोल्ड की पिकस है क्या आपको मालूम था कमेंट में बताए तो मिलते हैं नेक्स्ट वीडियो में तब तक के लिए बाय बाय This video, titled ‘Minecraft pickaxe ⛏️ || #minecraft #reactionvideo #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kishor on 2024-04-11 09:30:09. It has garnered 438 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #reactionvideo #shortsfeed… Read More

  • Dangerous Minecraft Mods Test #4

    Dangerous Minecraft Mods Test #4Video Information ich teste Minecraft Mods mit null Downloads und heute waren echt geile Sachen dabei bitte helft mir die 222222 Abonnenten zu erreichen abonniert den Kanal like das Video und schaut es bis zum [Musik] Ende die erste Mod die wir heute testen werden ist die spit spat Mod und sie sieht unfassbar gut aus wie sagt man so schön da steckt richtig viel Liebe zum Detail drin und das liebe ich auch also wir brauchen ein Boot und dann müssen wir auf den Ozean denn die Mod fügt einen neuen Fisch hinzu und ich weiß das hört sich… Read More

  • Chroma Noob’s Insane Play – Comment Now!

    Chroma Noob's Insane Play - Comment Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS!’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-05-08 13:00:07. It has garnered 511 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna tv,swapna tv,bangla new… Read More

  • “INSANE vs PERFECT Minecraft Door Chests 😨” #minecraft #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! We were OUTNUMBER3D in Club House SMP Ep.25

    UNBELIEVABLE! We were OUTNUMBER3D in Club House SMP Ep.25Video Information [Music] welcome back it’s that time again time to play Minecraft on the clubhouse s smpp server in this episode I want to start off by showing you some modifications that I’ve made to the nether portal near my base let’s slip out the uh back door here and fly over near our iron farm where you can see the nether portal is looking just a little bit different than it did before uh the first thing I did was I took the old portal down and I increased the size so now it is is it 4X… Read More

  • ZS’SKAYR – EPIC Minecraft Hacks: 3 Insane Builds 1.21 🔥

    ZS'SKAYR - EPIC Minecraft Hacks: 3 Insane Builds 1.21 🔥Video Information three new Mini build hacks for Minecraft 121 This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Hack: 3 Mini Builds 1.21🔥’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-08 13:23:25. It has garnered 1470 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Epic Minecraft Hack: 3 Mini Builds 1.21🔥 link in description:- search title:- minecraft, minecraft build hacks, testing minecraft build hacks, what to build in minecraft, minecraft build battle, minecraft build hacks 1.19, minecraft build tricks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft secret builds, minecraft phone, mini builds minecraft, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but, minecraft build ideas, minecraft… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft Town Destruction by Mr Beast – Insane Wealth Exposed!

    Explosive Minecraft Town Destruction by Mr Beast - Insane Wealth Exposed!Video Information going to be detonating one 50 times bigger Steve somehow you survived the last creeper this one I’m not quite sure you’re going to survive oh we don’t believe Steve’s going to make it oh heck no even though this is 50 times bigger it has 200 times the TNT bye Steve okay let’s head in the bunker by Steve let send Steve into the abyss and just so you know how big this creeper is Steve is actually taller than me we’re in the green zone this is going to be a massive explosion it’s getting closer… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Beldroth: Minecraft Trials!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Beldroth: Minecraft Trials!Video Information L man if I’m going to be honesto a whole new realm of knowledge down the forest foraging for sounds that I can rhyme with orange look I’m a simple gatherer among a world of hunters not about chasing clout I’d rather gaze at clouds and feel the Comfort uhoh on the trending tab hope this won’t be ending bad checking analytics is like working in a forensic lab oh Lord life’s getting hard I’m too young for a credit card and I crushed the very first time I drove my parents car tear drops we’ve made friends… Read More


    DARK HIDEAWAY: I PRANKED CRISTIANO RONALDO IN MINECRAFTVideo Information e um ferro [ __ ] que pariu Ué quem botou uma tocha aqui foi Biel ué essa luz aqui veio da onde veio lá de baixo né mai vontade de jogar também pô c é verdade mano Tomara que acabe logo a reforma aí para tu poder jogar né aí a gente já vem tudo nesse mundo aqui embaixo mesmo os caras já cava o caro por aqui salve Hermione das quebradas bem-vindo hermion voltei depois de tanto tempo para falar chupa Inglaterra foi da Inglaterra que o Brasil ganhou foi aí sim hein cara aí sim… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep55 Auto Sag Mills – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack