Dexbonus Minecraft DnD: Epic Adventure with The Worms! ʚɞ

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Sh He W H hello everyone welcome to Minecraft DND D an adventure for the ages okay I’m going to try to join this Discord call and not absolutely explode your guys’s ears so it should be fine it it should be be Fine let’s see here I’m going to keep it muted at first because you know cuz you know you know Why let’s See I’m unmuting H hello No oh my God the fireball audio completely blasted the game audio let’s see why can’t anybody hear you guys let’s see you will do it again don’t lie I will do it right now keep talking tell me something you ate today nothing uh I had spaghetti with sausage fantastic thanks guys and the

Sausage wasn’t good oh no the worst way for a story to end this is what I ate and it was terrible the spaghetti was great but they chopped up the sausage before they cooked it so the texture was disgusting no there’s bu and there’s talk about my my head

About bre I had to dream that she was Cottage cursed that’s very good yay it’si Cottage cursed bestie so good now we just need Tony Tony loading we’re in like an Elvin Village oh yeah Tony’s on his way Tony’s coming to ping my Discord wait don’t do

Anything I had to ping my Discord okay Tony bag pipe has joined the realm oh my god loces um hold on this the game so loud for me but not very loud for chat I love audio hor spotted horse spotted where am I oh

Wait did the where am I where am I I don’t know bud where are you oh I found it I’m I’m here I’m here okay I ended the game I guess staring off at in the distance at the edge of a cliff and I almost walked off the cliff

Like that sounds right yeah all of our new weapons and armor oh I see your name so far away oh yeah we couldn’t afford it that’s right it cost a lot to be dripped wow it cost so much to drip you have money I bought the sword and that was

It my Tony when did you get that hat what the [ __ ] uh the previous place what your skin is gone Tony oh that’s why that’s why you look weird e I’m just a help I’m going to look away I’m looking away ponon we don’t see it hold on I can fix

This I’m normal where is my friend I’m on a new computer I didn’t think that would happen who is this assistant the Tony I know I miss Tony bag pipes dude this is my Beloved if I can’t find him I’ll find a better one oh no there is no better One what did you search for before did you specifically search for a SpongeBob skin or did you stumble onto it oh no okay I found it naturally I found what oh it was Planet Minecraft that was the site all right all right hold on there’s hope um I

Don’t know how to search it’s Okay oh no but he’s not going to all he wouldn’t have I wouldn’t be able to wear armor wait link this one to you guys in Discord oh no I’m so ready oh my God what the [ __ ] is that oh my god look you’ve evolved you know you’re shiny and new it’s your

Final for yeah be who you’re meant to be Tony how texture these fish are in this bucket I had so much hope that I would be able to find it but um apparently 1,216 SpongeBob skins so I’m just going to go with that silly one and see what

Happens oh my God okay I’m ready um only got plastic surgery through the BBL yeah the BBL okay I’m going to try my Best I don’t remember how to do it in this version uh let me try to remember I might be able to help uh let’s see here dressing room when you press Escape yeah I’m in character creator classic skins own skins choose new skin Oh downloads

There’s a way to do it I’m trying to remember it let’s see yeah so chat FYI um summer has Co Breeze insides are eating her uh uh Tony’s lost his skin and um we’re suffering yeah and oh my God my child has jet lag so I don’t

We’ll see how this goes you’re invisible oh my God Tony Tony no what happens if you take off your arm take the armor off um hold on I have to scroll over the guy sorry I don’t remember how to play all of a sudden okay

Armor wait I’m sorry how do you turn how do you how how do you take it off go to the menu icon and then I think you just unclick them in the arm the red thing nine and then right click it oops get out of the way dude this is a moment

Okay my mouse doesn’t like you have to use uh wsd to oh oh wait sorry uh if you’re trying to get to the menu scroll wheel to go to it on the bottom right of your hot bar and then when it’s hovered over menu just right click and when you’re in the

Menu you can use no it okay you weren’t invisible you weren’t invisible that wasn’t the problem that’s so good God that’s so good holy legs he’s so tiny now I love his arms they’re so tril oh my God so good Tony what happened to you oh this what I thought it was going

To be wait can you take off your legs I just want to see what it looks like yeah what’s going on under there dude what’s the full effect like how long are those legs I’ll get it oh my God God he’s so leggy oh my God he so funny my God you have like Runway legs like fashion model legs oh my God oh my God throw is that you I just won’t get hit and I’ll be fine those legs gone for miles oh my

Goodness I didn’t know we were in the presence of such beauty so good oh my God your weapon is the size of your body that’s so funny holy crap who is why are you so flat is she I know side view is so funny oh my God oh my

God so textured he’s so smooth on the back oh my God true like a piece of American cheese on the back no I can at least put my boots on yeah put the boots on yes work oh put on that product girl true the Balenciaga the luou Vuittons yes of Course you look like you have two trash cans on your feet wait what if I just do the pants oh wait no that doesn’t work damn so funny it looks like you’re wearing a skirt with those P it does oh my God the boots are so funny the boots

With the fur with the fur there he is God toony that’s so good well gang shall we yes shall we I think we’re ready off to Adventure I can’t get over this so funny hello oops nope not that oh no oh God a human thank you whoever did that I must

Say that it has been some time since one of your kind ventured into our part of the forest my name is naara guard of moonvines what brings you to us I have come from mythal Hall with an Urgent Message and a letter from The King The King himself that seems excessive what

Is this message navara’s gentle expression turns Stern as she reads she begins examining the letter itself the seal the parchment it is on and there is a flash of light around her eyes as she casts a spell during the investigation wait pause um we don’t have a dragon in our brain

Anymore right oh yeah that’s right we do we do because his body was [ __ ] up remember he was having bad dreams like be in that body I have bad dreams I think bed thought I want to hide in your head a bit longer so now he

Doesn’t have a body wait so what is his body doing it’s just body it’s just like in a coma okay so we still have the bad dragon in her brains I think so okay when she is done she looks at you with none of the levity

That she greeted you with and hands the letter back H we have had some strange creatures roaming the woods but demogorgan is another mother entirely forgive me but I will have to verify this myself watch my body I must step away for a moment oh

Okay I wanted the body to raged all oh my God that would have been so funny that was not pleasant nor exactly expected all right then well in that case we have a problem on our hands aside from demagorgon you need a weapon powerful enough to harm a demon Prince

And seal him back in the abyss unfortunately we simply lack the capabilities to make anything like that even with the supposedly marvelous weapon you carry well what are we supposed to do then raise an army set a trap while both of those are decent backup options I may know a way to gain

The power needed for such an enchantment why can this never be simple there he is there is a temple deeper in these Woods one dedicated to the Moon deity salun she has the best interests of Mortals at heart and her Temple has been a sight of blessings and great workings in the past

I have a nasty suspicion there’s a nasty catch to this indeed for the temple is guarded by a sphinx she is generally good natured and does enjoy the few visitors she gets however she also has a tendency to well she is a guardian as well as a judge and if someone seeks the

Temple’s power I waiting for you to be like go on she tends to eat them oh eat me can you tell me more about the Sphinx not much I’m afraid of what little I know sphinxes are sent by their deity to guard sacred places relics Etc each is a

Creature of great Insight that bears even greater power there are stories of them making people disappear creating Illusions and even warping time gyos sphinxes those are the females are particularly associated with knowledge and the truth whether her deity has granted her additional Powers I cannot say how does she determine if one is

Worthy or not she seems partial to riddles and war games she has also been known to on occasion eat someone even if they answered her questions correctly wow what a cheater quite so do I have to kill her to get the blessing no absolutely not she is a servant of salun

And placed there by the moon Maiden herself if you harm her not only will you never receive the blessing but you risk incurring salon’s Divine wrath then how do I prove myself worthy frankly I cannot say for certain the Sphinx has always been unpredictable can’t treat

There must be some code or command that she upholds El salun would remove her provided the deity is even bothering to check in the best I can say is to venture to the temple ask her yourself and never turn your back on her and be ready to

Run like a pack of devils is on your Trail that’s not entirely encouraging but I don’t have much of a choice here I’ll try good luck what excellent news not only is making the weapon we need to save fyon more complicated thaned we have to face a temperamental monster I

Thought something was happing regardless of whether you passing tests I was like oh my God we are under attack the two of us can puzzle out our tiles together no that horse is in the water over there I am not the horses are so while I have

You here would you be willing to investigate something for me I will of course pay you for your services sure I’m going to talk to her again do we still have to talk to her looks like she’s got a side quest for us if we’d

Like I like her braid too oops it’s cute oops what do you need investigated the elves of moonvines have reported seeing strangers in purple robes traveling through the woods but avoiding other people oh the worms worms it’s the worms we have also noticed that the old abandoned Fortress of meist now

Has lights shining through its windows at night hopefully this is nothing to be alarmed about but it would ease our minds if you could determine what is happening there I can do that I’ll be back when I know more thank you be safe okay a fortress ooh o but oh yeah

This area is so cute I this is my favorite area so far yeah it’s like a little El Village yeah it’s so Cute um okay both things are that way and we can’t go in the water the no water no water no water you will walk with the block I’m glad you said that cuz I almost forgot so did I I was like we’ll just go through the water right and then I remembered Yeah but there’s a path this m oh this is what the [ __ ] is that a creature a creature missed oh my gosh we’re so strong now oh my goodness very slay is so pretty you got offro offroading with my girls ye real draft let’s go there’s gos who’s it everybody get in

My truck we’re going for [Applause] ride oh my God how fun would it be to go on like a camping trip it would be so fun IR all camping Tri what the [ __ ] are you whoa oh he’s de Stone Golem or something yeah he’s kind of

Weak no F guys come on man we killed rip Bozo there’s a thing over here there’s a damn there’s a dam where wait oh a waterfall Tony looks like there’s a secret behind that waterfall but there’s there’s a place with a bunch of Mind flare pictures on

It oh we like wait yeah there is kind of a path over there a waterfall this place is so enchanted and cute I see it guys don’t die I wonder if I can tank things as well the St call respond I was like why is the world

Shaking oh my God there is wait you can go behind it secret my God you’re so fast oh my God thank you mushrooms what is that Muss whoa It’s a baby uh if you want to run its control just to remind oh my God thank you yeah yeah yeah I was like I wonder if she remembers I’m going to tell her just in case I never do I know it’s weird cuz

Minecraft is one of the weird ones where it’s not Shi what are you guys doing baby a baby what this where’s a baby oh know you just found it I don’t see a baby this looks like there would be a sword inside it or something uh-huh kill the

Baby I like the mushrooms they’re very cute me too toad stools what’s the difference between a mushroom and a toad stool is it interchangeable I don’t know I wonder if toad stools are just big enough to hold toads you know oh that’s cute that is very cute maybe I like the literal

Interpretation that’s cute I feel like that makes sense from the name I kind of forgot that that’s literally like toad stool my brain was just like toad toad stool is like a totally different thing than those two words combined for oh Jesus Oh a crit I love getting sidetracked so much exploring Mountain o can we go up here I think so look like it oh we can actually oh there’s more people over here offroading with my girls oh he’s tanky oh God no no no no

No no no no no no no no no oh boy oh jeez yay Angy there’s a test back here what do it it nice money I take some of it a booger going take the rest I forget how to interact just right click right click yeah it took a little

Bit I will take some okay there’s still some left in there if anybody did take money take the rest I’ll take the rest yeah like how we can keep going up higher oh God be careful you respawn back there oh I’m running he’s coming for you oh my god truly should looked behind

Me oh my God back off dude go away get out of here idiot leave and never come back leave go oh look at those sunrays where’s the tonis tonis yeah oh you’re over there the other side of the mountain guys come he’s over there oh my God T I just want to go

Up where climbing this mountain we gotta go this way see you can see him over here tonis konus come back check this out can we get much higher I missed so high hardcore actually don’t think I can get you guys are now I fell no no is there fall damage in

This I can’t remember no okay good you can go all the way to the top whoa the only thing that hurts is your pride yeah I’m kinging the mountain whoa this is cool whoa oh my God we’re up really high whoa I can’t believe the game isn’t like congratulations you’ve won yeah good

Job look at all this work we did some acknowledgement please you guys are so high up I can’t see your names anymore oh my God In The Climb I’m climbing climb this is cool whoa there’s like a Kass just me and my climbing Mount Everest together I’m about to get the most epic

Picture of Dodger’s character I’m going link it in the chat oh yeah do it look that good epic let me see oh my goodness it’s like you’re on top of the world oh that’s so cool cool so cool where did our friends go good question I’m over here hi hello oh I

Seeon I see summer I see tonis tonis was on the other side of the mountain yeah behind you Tony I know but I don’t think I can get up there we can come to you we’ll come to you oh my god if we die we die together yes oh I’m surprised they let

Us up here cuz like there’s anything else to the map I’ll go down with you okay we might have to find some water to die in true that’s okay jumping with my girlies split it’s okay we’re like essentially back where we were the way that they built this middle part made me think

That that was like a pathway up to something important you can tell that we’re back because the music kicked back in oh you’re right that’s really funny ah and some water oh yes so the the place that Dodger found I think is around this water on the other side I’m pretty sure

If we go to the right from where you are Tony money whoa there’s a big guy summer behind you oh I almost one shot him is that the stone gamy looking guy yeah ah I got him he’s dead there we go Hello friends he is to respawn nice jeez I see

Him so big fire ball oh my God bre God I’m fast it was dead before I even got there oh yeah you’re right it’s right here good job yeah this is the mind fler looking place thank you sometimes sometimes it’s good perish look familiar you cannot place

Them but oh God sense of comfort to friend okay oh really the robes are what made you feel uncomfortable not the people who are trying to kill us well yes worm worm are these wormers I can’t tell um they might be I think the robe is similar isn’t it maybe they are the

Worm I guess the the picture on the flags could look like a head that’s hugging a lot of worms ah Cobalt we’re going to deor them oops there’s some guys up top oh God a lot of oh my God the Cobalts they’re so cute sorry honey going to have to die no

Beautiful oh look at this fancy little rug oh wow I kind of wish there were more enemies like different kinds of enemies variation yeah we’ll make sure that whatever we play next it satisfies your blood less Manda yes Tony Soprano needs to kill you can kill so many things I viol people are

Woring oh dear that is not good oh my God these statues I mean aside from their repeated attempts at murder Dragon Cults are almost always oriented toward the cruler vain Dragon dragony you want to talk the guy Joy or demand worship and service while we metallic dragons

Make such I’m not weird in F when a cult appears it is usually already pledge themselves to one dragon or another worst case scenario one of these Cults managed to bring Tiamat from her domain in the realm of devils she was defeated before she could be fully established in

Fyon oh my God that truly surprised me try to do the same thing jump scare big jump scare dude it is a possibility oh my God they don’t give a [ __ ] about magic please die go away all right did you all have a uh dragon phase when you were little like

Where you just got really obsessed with Dragons as a kid I was really obsessed with uh dinosaurs cuz of the Jurassic Park oh me too oh my God I had so many Jurassic Park action figures yes there’s some wolves fairy girly oh yes Fair’s good what about you Dodger

What was your hyper fixation as a kid um I had every single issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comic book series yeah and I was oh my God I was super super into it and I had many Sonic OC’s oh my God yes that was that was

Mine did it was all it was all Sonic from way too young AG I got to say I used to draw so much Sonic fan art as a kid oh my God was fairies and rocks fairies rock also really good those go hand in hand too cuz you

Can make like lore about the Rocks having to do with the fairies dude I it’s like rocks and crystals I’m still a crystal girly I’ve caught myself on crystal Tik Tok and I’ve felt the urge to buy and I’m like nope nope don’t do it that’s

Funny well it’s not going to be me going in there yeah look at all these goofy ass Dragon people I’m sorry they all look very dear the headlight up yeah oh they’re bad yeah bad I wasn’t expecting that they look good but they do They’re Out For

Blood please stop I Surrender I’ve had enough of this place and it’s not worth dying over your friends seem to think otherwise they were Fanatics not me you were in the middle of them I am sick Sait I don’t know them actually I came I came it was peer pressure guys I wasn’t

Show up in the same outfit but it’s a coincidence I don’t know them at all actually like what are what is bro saying the irony is painful then why join in the first place because I was scared I wanted to be protected from the demons when they came and this seemed my

Best option now though even if we survive the demons the endless sacrifices the violence it cannot hold so there is not even a dragon here that you serve they were here for a few days but then left and I do not think they plan to return they seem to be fleeing

The Invasion too what KRA if I might make a suggestion tell them about us and speak on my behalf tell them to find a dragonice one that would protect them there are more metallic dragons in the world than people realize and most will welcome the company oh my God that

Drawing hard to believe and sometimes I question it myself is that have the soul of the noble Golden Dragon living in my body holy crap so good oh my God the other ones that they posted too Yoshi actual Dragon to serve better yet find one that actually cares about you

And reciprocates your affection and efforts indeed especially if you really insist on this worship nonsense yes we are Vain and a inspiring shards of element not Gods the ones who want you to think that they are gods are just the dragons that will betray or use and abandon you

He says that any dragon who wants you to worship them as an actual God is the kind that will just stab you in the back when it suits them he said it in more elaborate terms than that but I honestly don’t enjoy being his mouthpiece and how

Do we know that you’ve actually got a dragon inside you this sounds particularly suspicious to me I uh is there anything we can do to prove it to them not that I can think of I think you’ll just have to take my word on it unless you want to start quizzing

Me on Dragon l or something else he might know no I don’t think I will I do have a test in mind though no that sounds too I have a bad feeling about this one even if I were to cast a detection spell on you the results won’t

Tell me much you could just be descended from a dragon or blessed by one or something else like that to give you a draconic or however there is said to be an artifact nearby one that only functions for True dragons an orb activated by their

Essence part of to help our dark lord to find it he said that many older dragons have an idea of where to find it if you really have a Dragon Whispering in your ear have him lead the way bring back the orb and activate it that actually seems

Like something we could accomplish I do remember something about a dragon I or being kept in this Forest well if not we have no reason to listen to you even if we cannot overpower you we accept we will show you a better way just wait for us to

Return of course I will keep things calm here as best I can and make sure that there are no ambushes or other traps set for you when you come back be quick though some of these people are far from the patient type I’m not really involved in all of

This but I do have the power to tell people not to do things that might hurt you but not because I was involved or or like a big part of this cult just I just want you guys to know that it’s giving it’s giving I take no responsibility

Yeah what the [ __ ] is that oh my God hello what’s happening here this seems like a glitched particle yeah ew I don’t like this this is very not slay get me out we’re using our byar vision oh is R follow the red I’m going to freaking throw up

Dude I’m glad I’m I don’t have epilepsy why are they making us do this with enemies everywhere it would be okay if it wasn’t like three frames no kidding ah which way do we need to go this way this way this way okay I’m going throw up I feel like I’m

In a bag of confetti this way oh no is our water uhoh no I don’t think so I think we’re okay Tony would be a dick move that made us walk in oh my God I know it really would be okay this way follow follow the period blood true oh

My God they knew they knew I’m on my period That’s so thoughtful of them they were like we’re going to make a story just for free getting enough of it got you hold up ow I kind of see is this a glitch I can’t tell I know it kind of feels like

A glitch right like I think it was this way I think oh it is it is I saw it okay careful there is water to our left so just be careful here mother oh it’s leading us to the stone that we were at the SW Stone my God the B Stone oh my

God oh finally the effect is fading okay oh no it’s back never mind wait C it should have been left on that pedestal I can’t see I should have sensed it as we came closer okay well what do we do now ask the ogre doesn’t seem like a terribly human do you have

Gold other shiny things him before what the [ __ ] Master turn us to Stone actually I was wondering you your friends have seen a black ball around here looks kind of glassy no you give treasure that sword shiny give us sword Maybe I tell you I

Can’t give you this sword we need it for a greater battle then we say nothing we take sword okay I’ll just make you tell me but don’t blame me when you get hurt you did this to yourself oh huh okay okay we’re attacking stop it stop

It could have just done that from the start we find cave a while ago find ball in here with treasure we bring back to master looking for more may we miss something this cave has been pretty well stripped and I doubt there are any hidden Chambers if the orb was out here

And where is your master in big treehouse lots of bridges Master live there lot of thank you for the information in Big treeh House lots ofch to visit and introduce ourselves he is not made Miss he is not made Miss Swimming in [ __ ] is that what we asked you ogre

God I love looking over at Tony humble brag I know oh yeah look he got boots with the fur he does have boots with the fur and truly the whole club cannot stop looking at her it’s impossible to stop hypnotic uh I want to see how little

Armor I can get away with so no the dangerous water path we are towards the blue I think is it the blue cuz I think gold is our main quest we also got to farm up a bunch of gold to get our new armor anyways so true true true all

Righty we go momy will be styling with the diamond boots on oh yeah do we just go around the building on the left I’m wondering if we go around or if supposed to go back inside but I don’t know that there’s a reason to go back inside we can big Bo down

Here no it seems like it’s out here for sure oh it’s over there yeah it’s like these big boys money I love the chime noises in this area it’s so cute some Wolfies this way too aoo aoo I also had a wolf face the elves claim that this part of the forest

Touches the F World allowing of other Strange Magic to pre Twilight it all started by Interview with the Vampire which my brother showed me any other and produced that the locals consider sacred I knew I was too young to watch it and then I became obsessed because cuz I was like yes and

That was back in the day of the damn yes that was also back in the day when uh an rice was like fanfiction will be prosecuted oh my God I couldn’t even like look anything up because she got rid of all that [ __ ] no no not in the water Tony

No I’m scared guys we’re having issues he’s coming guys where’d you guys go where are you I’m here I got one oh they’re way over there homies I’m trying he’s dead he’s dead oh no he spawned ow you guys are good money though ah stop smashing I think we just have to run

Somewhere there it’s spawning oh my God they keep respawning I’m are you guys just watching us yeah no we’re also fighting wolves heing God Dam it ow oh my God he’s still coming oh my God he is he needs to chill okay you’re dying for that one that was rude There’s probably um a way that’s more obvious and normal to get to wherever this thing is of course your girl bossing it it’s [Laughter] fine okay yep oh that I still yep still this way who are we going to the blue is the we’re going to BL about this small Lake puts

You at ease this part of the forest seems quiet peaceful and the animal sense it too all manner of creatures come to drink here or rest on the banks though peace in the natural world is shortlived and soon enough the visitors must leave to re-enter the a dangerous

Wilderness you cannot break blocks on these Maps now I’m click diving homie homie wait level up wait oh do we have AEV you said in the chat we did oh my God yeah yipp I’m so glad this have fall damage I know right that’s why number one cause of

Death in Minecraft I think is H damage I’m so bad about it there’s a big dragon in the middle wait I’m lost okay I’m going to level up real quick big mushrooms I know I want to level up I’m trying not to myself and out every mushroom I see but I love them

There’s dis the mushrooms I love forgot we can level up oops yeah okay oops there’s displacer Beast over here o the mush there how do I hold use item uh right click yeah hold right click I’m a wizard is a rogue yeah Amanda is a barbarian and summer is a

Paladin yeah yes I killed them a very strong palet whether these the product of the F world’s influence or whether they are simply one of this world’s many Oddities is unknown what is known though is that while various animals graze on these mushrooms you most certainly should not the results would be

Unsettling poison being the least of your Concerns oh homie place a beast come here displace this displace this dick uhoh monster did not do anything why can’t I do magic what has happened to me retro guys teleporting all right nice nice where are we supposed to be going again horse spotted wait there’s a small little

Village up here I tried to cast hold monster and now it won’t let me do any magic oh no oh no that’s weird oh my magic is grayed out why is that are you holding a monster no I mean it’s dead I’m holding the hand of I

Don’t think it I ever held it oh I wonder if it’s somehow holding yourself that’s that would be glitchy though but I’m but I’m moving yeah that’s Weird an abandoned Village well even if there was concentration I should still be able to shoot a fireball cast yeah that’s really weird hold on I’m going to try cannot open the menu while in combat it thinks I’m in combat am I in combat here hold

On there is a Cobalt chasing that I just killed hopefully it’s good now okay uh yeah I might be I might be I might be glitched should we try the uh load from recent Place debug thing oh that’s smart I forgot about that yeah hold on goodness that exists Uh I just saw your lightning in the distance I saw that to Funny Money uh money there’s a button that says die and respawn and there’s a button that says attempt Quest fix I think I’ll just die and respawn and then come back to you guys okay okay sit here we’ll stay

Here you died oh my God it just zoomed in on Bree’s face the horrors as I just watched you die um okay well I still can’t use magic oh oh do you want to try the other button and just uh we can all reset sure

Let’s see it’s not not able to use magic as a wizard was pretty not fun it’s pretty Kaka and all of us Wizards can use magic the Irony uh we found a sequence to restart from try to continue from here no it didn’t do anything shoot I might have to restart I’m sorry sorry no it’s okay I don’t mind I don’t mind either save and quit are you enjoying Minecraft no would you recommend this to a friend

No I couldn’t cast spells I could I was a wizard dude that’s my whole point luckily it didn’t boot us from the realm so oh that’s good I know yeah I’m actually surprised by that so it’s cool Tony what what you doing over here I’m making money oh true is it working it’s

Working I have my spouse again okay good good good okay I’m going to try to get back to y’all which dire I oh that oh my God I think if you follow the blue right yeah I’m next to the ogre boy so I have to like climb back over that little Hill

And get you guys more over here he’s okay just keep making money babies yeah yeah yeah believe you so much money yeah get so much money we’re going to be rich I’m juking for Days you will have even with no armor I take so so little damage that’s cuz you’re Tony bag pipes what you see those legs they can’t hit them if they tried they’re so skinny what has happened happened I’m so confused uhoh what happened okay this there has to be

Something going on here if I cast the spell it doesn’t let me cast it again oh oh no let me look at uh um what is this called again Minecraft d& dard this is my whole stick is spamming Fireball and it only lets me cast

Once I’m going to at least get closer to you guys so that I if I need to like fully restart the game uh yeah yeah yeah I’ll at least be next yeah yeah maybe if we do like a full restart it’ll help that’s such a weird glitch it’s like so specific yeah

Oh thank you for shooting me forward Wolfie ah don’t chase me I don’t have magic right now this isn’t a fair fight ah ah aha you cannot climb as I can oh my God they can’t holy [ __ ] oh my God you brought Cobalts over here what the heck sorry

Here dudes I’m going to try to come to you oh my gosh I see somebody’s name I think I know where you are yeah hi hello bre hi you’ve been through a lot to get here do so much it’s traumatizing truly I saw on your stream when you turned around

And there’s like five enemies chasing up the hill dude it’s terrifying God I was like I don’t think they can follow me up here no oh so okay should we do like a full restart to try to get your spell I think I’m going to have to yeah and just

Hope that something isn’t fully bugged with this right now I know that would be weird I don’t know okay let’s all log out everybody hop out okay I have my money I’m leaving and I will close game I lost my audio one sec no No haaa Minecraft please please fingers crossed please pretty please pretty please let me spam my spells please I love Minecraft okay hello summer hi I’m loaden all right FR yeah test your spells I’m so scared I’m in guys I think I’m broken forever oh no

Keep pressing it keep press I can’t I I am dude I I am dude chat any ideas on fixes this is very sad um okay can we restart the chapter yeah I’m wondering if there’s like a better debug let me try to join by the way one

Sec that’s what the um that’s what the quest fix is supposed to do is sort of like bring you back to a previous checkpoint um so it currently has two quests for us right there’s the the Cult of the Dragon orb thing which is what we’re on and

Then Hey Soul resistor which is the like actual Quest um I tried to fix Cult of the Dragon if I if I try to fix just the main quest thing I don’t know that it’s going to do anything but I can try it I think it’ll just bring us back to

Talking to the elf lady and that’s probably for the best I think remove it from your taskbar well it does it with all of the Spells though hold on literally every spell use it once I I can never use does it show um a cool down for Fireball when you have

Rber no magic Missile is the only one that came back but it’s the one that I start the game oh everything else is you don’t know you don’t need to rest in guys we’re at end game that’s not how the Spells work I promise hold

On can’t open the menu in combat son of a [ __ ] Fireball came back while you were browsing the menu Is what is happening so okay chat for everybody who hasn’t been with us um I’ve made my int 35 so that I can spam all of these spells they shouldn’t ever gray out really so there’s a chest cool down Zer seconds I’m trying to in the middle of a Cobalt I know Sor yeah I mean yeah that’s the true I think you guys could be Hest weird expert Quest there so fun for you I get to hang out with my buds it’s okay um I maybe if we get you the new wand it will help or reset things oh everything everything just popped back

Up Suddenly H hold on nope I don’t know things are randomly like resetting it where I get the Spells back but then they’re gray out do you want to take us back to the beginning of the chap I I will attempt a quest fix on on the

Main story Quest is that okay yeah yeah don’t have all my money how’s it missile magic Missile I can use I still can’t use Fireball H but I’ve got magic Missile so I’ll just use magic Missile it’s fine maybe they did a hot fix where like your dragon spells are the

Same cool down as ours are which is like 15 16 seconds people are saying that I might have when I leveled I might have [ __ ] it up can I Del or no can I undo my leveling I’m looking did the cool down get too short yeah that’s a good question like I broke

It not seeing a way to return points okay the cool down went so low it went into the negatives oh my God that might be the problem that’s so [Laughter] annoying I did it to myself my hubris or maybe if we level up one more time it’ll

Fix yeah let’s look I’ve got magic Missile let’s just go we got wait for Bri she’s dying we die to leave it [ __ ] up her audio oh no oh that’s okay okay then I’m going to mess with my equipment and see if I take some equipment off if that

Helps there that looks like where we might find the gyos Spinx what the what gyos spin the word for a female oops oh never mind just keep your eyes and ears sharp lest she Ambush us did I go to the store and buy my boots no this is not the store oh is

This not the okay I think I got it but isn’t the like new town on the opposite side that we were just at when we spawned in today uh no it this it respawn it spawned us like on the path to the quest so this is like where the Sphinx is in

There cuz remember the town had like a bunch of Farmland outside of it what happened to the game we go in there that’s main quest okay all right hello did we figure out the uh spell casting no but I can use magic Missile so it’s fine oh that’s so weird way L

Apparently I we think it busted after I um leveled so something something happened it’s okay oops no sorry this main quest we got to finish where’re my pathfinder isn’t working that’s fine mine never works ah oh my God oh my God the game audio is so loud say am I down God

You leave D alone it’s okay I an old wizard I used to be great you know now you can only cast magic Missile now I can only cast magic back in my day magic Missile was all you needed to take care of a displacer beast these guys are scary

Guys in solidarity of duger we got to go on a fireball ban yes I agree no no more Fireball this is it right yeah I used to be an adventurer too you know and then I met the love of my life Bertha oh she was a

Spitfire ah did she drain all your magic is that why you can only cast you drained your balls it’s the strangest thing after we fell in love I could no longer remember the longer spells ah ball oh God did you get up there I’m coming I’m too old for this someone save me I’m coming From oh thank you I save you thank you very much are you guys ready to go in there no yes okay no running around at the speed of sound got places to go got was way in down below that’s why I Wasing somebody somebody in my chat is

Like well magic is stored in the balls we all know that true pondering my orbs hello why no see that’s why if you hit 30 as a virgin you become a full-fledged wizard oh I need to go back in time and change a few [Laughter] things whoa who find the

Orb can’t I don’t know why I’m in front it’s very silly of me I’m just in a goofy mood I’m just a goofy old guy you know I’m just a Goofy Goober p is stored in the balls there a lot of guys down there going in owie chest

Anywhere don’t see one I can’t get up that way hey we should definitely go back to town after this though just to buy stuff yeah oops oops I fireballed it was uh I can’t believe you do this I’m so sorry wow Mando wow my salad are you [Laughter]

Serious it’s right next to the lightning boyet I did on accident classic mistake hi Kitty ah oh my God they’re so tanky stop oh there we go no oh Bad Kitty Bad Kitty bad bad kitty jeez but the lightning Bol only got one what the heck

Oh of course you crit on the tiny small one that’s left God damn it Sumer oh [ __ ] the games will have to end here as you’ve proven yourself a capable fighter I offer you a deal work for me as my lieutenant and bask in my glory help me

To build an army that we might claim these Woods in the surrounding lands from the rest of your lowly and ignorant race you will be respected and feared as a servant of goac I don’t think so what’s the alternative I’m in a generous mood so I

Would give you a choice of how you wish to die y would you prefer Des get that I st up your ass having the life sucked out of you I want to hello if you’re offering to sleep first as a final Mercy if you beg what the [ __ ] kind

Of what going on though he might likewise try to trick you just know that he will never give up his treasure or do anything that does not benefit him not a big fan of any of those options so I think I don’t like that we’re slowly

Zooming in on his face really have to announce that to him oh good he’s leaving then you are doomed Mr behold us sir please stop woohoo you’re doing great boys oh yeah get his ass he’s moing he really is now where did I put those magic components I know they’re in here

Somewhere magic pistol magic pistol magic pistol ow ouch G oh my god oh Jesus or Dragon to contact anyone else who possesses these ORS the ey they are in the Multiverse the maid is a way of maintaining our Empire before the small folk overthrew my kind thousands

Of years ago I suppose we had little use for them once dragons became more solitary creatures after the Empire’s collapse well it sounds like the cultists wouldn’t be able to use it for anything on their own then let’s just get it back and get this over it’s rising perfect oh okay Back to the cultist I’m jumping off wait [ __ ] there we go Yi yep yep yep yep there you Go I’m slow those stupid birds right my legs shrink my legs are so long and skinny I’m unaffected you’re so powerful so powerful SpongeBob power bottom with these legs yeah what they called me in high school cuz of my buck teeth true story true story

No how do how do we get I lost my pathfinder isn’t working we up where we going home no we got to go I’m in the water now oh no okay God I just a problem child today the water we just go through it’s made for me we go how do we do

This oh that makes sense is it a is this the castle okay so that’s on the RO there oh oh oh they fell yeah oh honey oopes oh money over here hey always look on the bright side we got wait for derer she’s exploring H wait where where wait what

Where are you guys I jump off the side which side any side you got to go where the door is I’m coming where’d you go side Grandpa you said any side you said any side dude jump off the side this way Grandpa I see your names I’m trying to get to you [Laughter]

Okay why are you why are you upy get her out [ __ ] where you going why are you walking away from us turn around can reach this way okay I’m just gonna go around this way [Laughter] Guys Y duck you all long enough I’ve been here for hours oh damn it where to are we going back in here all right this guy some of the group have been getting restless and the one who spoke against you earlier has been taking advantage of that to rock

The boat I don’t know how much longer I could have convinced them to wait for you you have the orb yes do you have the orb I have returned with the orb no demand it have you now well then give it here let us see if it is

Real not to you we will let a more neutral person identified you you do the honors let me see that come on work you know that only a dragon can use it you said so yourself then let us have your new savior try their hand at it shall we

Since they are secretly a dragon and all that well go on then this is going to take a moment now let’s see who do I know even has one of these things anymore ah is so vindra should work she’s not the type to hunt us down simply for disturbing her nap

Unlike some others I know interesting interesting I have not seen this artifact come to life in over a century who calls to me well go on say something it’s like skyp speak he sends his greetings and wishes to know if all is well Andra that stuffy stick in the mud well

That is a surprise exgirlfriend I was going to say the same thing that’s so funny wife all the gold in the divorce any Aid or advice would be fo you try to steal my own faithful away from what the hell V what happened who are we talking

To uh now I remember why we stopped using them aside from the fact that most of us do not enjoy working together Bahamut and Tiamat also had a nasty habit of EES dropping on our conversations and sometimes hijacking the orbs I will give you one guess as to

Which one of them is using the orb now Lo seems to need a demonstration of my superiority iant my favor to the one who that’s a nice detail that they added that they gave it like multiple voices has like five heads that’s cool kill thee excuse for a dragon that they

Car with them then Purge this group of doub unbel and as my Divine ladies will be done ah what is it the only one attacking them I died free Reaction Time nonexistent I’m still waiting for magic to come back really hard ow for some reason I thought that was still part of

The oh my God she hits so hard no dude oh my God oh my God hit behold holy moly either cannot Grant the power to protect you or she simply does not care enough to preserve you otherwise this man would have been unbeatable search for a worthy savior

Elsewhere that was I did not think that you could win when Tiamat intervened I thought that the both of us we would be does end Andra Grant you this power did he give you something that you could overcome one who was empowered by a deity no my strength is my own oh Gog

Made them strong still even though you have proven your point we do not have anywhere to go or anyone to guide or protect us from the tide of demons I fear for our future Katra if you could suggest something for me shid in andand drvier asked me to tell you that you

Should seek his home in the cloud Peaks he shall be restored to his body soon and regardless of whether he does so by fighting demons here or at my home he promises to do his best to protect you provided that you are willing to give up worshiping evil dragons that is

Personally I’d also suggest tidying up his lair and protecting it until he returns as a way of thanking him that seems more than fair yes yes I will do that do you hear that and then rair will return and he promises to bring us under his wing did we are willing to

His the journey to the South shall be my pilgrimage and Penance for the wrongs I have committed in tiamat’s name and I will dedicate myself to my new Lord’s teachings anyone else who will do the same is welcome and I would be glad for the company I suppose I should thank you

For this it will be a long and particularly dangerous road but it is one that I can walk with my head held high knowing that I am doing better things good luck shadin and dvir will be back shortly to meet you I promise thank you and good luck summer where you going

Did you really mean that he’s a pretty chair protect them when you get your body back well I figured that I might as well keep some staff around to help me my protection will be one of their employee privileges let’s just say you’re going soft on me I failed to see

How keeping a group of butlers who worship me in any form of weakness sure like any need Dragon who has people treating him like a God as an [ __ ] yeah yes huh hold up mirror to town to buy hold up mirror yes oh my God I have so much money

Yeah who guys are so strong yeah remember where to is I think it’s this way take a left at the Slime cubes bouncy boys yeah I keep having to clear my throat and I’m like what did I do and then every 5 seconds I’m screaming screaming tone it down Dodger nothing

Happens in unn for that is unaware God unn ever Woodland they are set to protect unicorns have some control over their you see the Unicorn they use that influence in to create hidden places like these I want to see what it looks like with SpongeBob oh my God oh my God please

Bard wait level up oh snap Go SpongeBob ride it hold on let me take my boots off for the full effect Please I’ve leveled up all right Tony Tony get on there dude please please God please is it not rable no oh no it’s not man Tony dang please if anyone was going to to be able to it would be you true they say you shall not ride the majestic

Beast it is very Majestic though that’s so sad well that’s a swamp down there maybe we didn’t come from this way I think it’s towards the direction you’re heading right now this way that way yeah yeah cuz if this is the cliff it’s probably the cliff I spawned in on where I was

Like oh my God where am I wait for them oh yeah upgrade sorry I was leveling no worries leling fix your powers no no that’s that’s okay I’ve committed to the bit now I’m old I wonder if there’s something you can get to Respec yeah I was I was wondering about

That yes back in town careful the water the water this only waste Tire we’re good okay so paranoid about it me too scary okay what do I need left for my armor let’s see put pants on I don’t have enough for shoes wait I got hello money I like that the

Implication is that your SpongeBob head is too big oops oh no that your SpongeBob head is too big for any any of the helmets to fit uh okay I look like a valkyrie uh what do you mean it’s to I should have leveled up the weapon I can

Only buy one thing yeah I don’t have enough to buy anything oh here let me give you some you can at least buy one thing I can only magic Missile it’s literally it’s that’s fine here at least come get your weapon your weapon’s over

Here I got a hood oh [ __ ] weapon I can’t afford the weapon either oopsie I know I should have bought the weapon can’t I can’t afford the weapon uh okay see yeah I could only afford the hood I feel that I’ll get some sick trouses oh yeah all righty I hope so

Is okay oh those are sick trousers are they go grand for money if we head back towards the main quest we can farm that little spot again that’s true show thing I don’t remember where it was I’m yeah I’m trying to use the thingy Pathfinder where are you I think my

Thingy is now broken too doesn’t work either okay well what direction did we come in U I think it’s a big tree thing like that direction oh okay Sure e we why is that Miss whoa you drop money over here all right we’re getting some money whoa what are these guys ew guys whoa oops oh no where did my friends go oh there hi hi Hello who he’s so fast get away from me is there a way to there we go oh that was sick there’s a big boys over here oh water careful you good magic Missile ow ow ow ow Tony where did our friends go I don’t know we’re just to the left

Of you oh God I see you guys I see you we grinded oh yeah oh my God we respawned oh the water my God oh big water um uh I believe Tony I believe uhuh nope Oh no just here just right here it’s not deep if it’s way if

It’s was high then you’re okay all righty we did it this ways oh my God little [ __ ] imps I see them and we’re displacers whoa look at that place ow do you guys see the like Castle on the other side of the thing that looks cool wonder if there’s like a bridge somewhere

Hopefully oh I do not want to get stuck down oh no um me wait I’m I want Bridge maybe it’s this way but wait but if I parkour oh they spawned I’m coming I’m going to do it guys I’m going to parkour okay tell my mom I loved her Bri I love

Listening to How fast your little hands are I know it’s so funny it’s so out of control die what why do I have to be like right next to somebody to hit them oh I’m getting out of here they keep spawning ow no they spawned again this is Hell

True guys I’ve got some bad news you stuck buddy yeah oh no died no this is respawn hell money hell oh no not these guys too I’m back by the waterfall by the waterfall mhm oh my God uhoh okay got to go summer where are you where did you re

Where did you spawn I’m in the crystals now like in the in the the area with the ding-ding feet yeah okay is this going to be a mimic it is oh God the displacers are back too oh my God Irish oh God son of a

[ __ ] oh I found a chest with money oo nice by Bren let’s stay over here yeah I guess unless we want to keep fighting them Tony oh it went in the water yuck yuck yuck but they can swim okay if we go back around the water I

Think this is more where summer is yeah no I just loop back around to the [ __ ] town again no dude wait our horse is here though yes Bard rides sorry bless you bless bless you thank you dude how come why can’t I hit [ __ ] with these magic missiles what is

Happening what is going on with me need a wizard boost I know dude what is happening to a wizard it’s not fair Um on the crystals okay let’s stay at the crystals Yeah Yeah by the dude in the water I’m going to kick your ass who I’m fine the water doesn’t kill me I’m okay oh my God place are beast you see names see names bra I see you yay hi yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ow the irony the irony of magic Missile never hitting we got what the hell of all the Spells let’s see if this thing works now nope my my compass does not work that’s weird neither does mine okay well did we go back towards where we were that seemed like we could

Walk around that area would the debug thing maybe fix the compass I don’t know if it would but maybe do you guys want me to try well before when we reset the quest thing it put us right in front of the building so we do we just want to do that I’m down

Sure oh yeah that’s uh I do have a full I have 104 coins if anyone wants to go buy something oh I have 60 something but I i’ I’d have Hood that’s oh I don’t need to buy anything else so uh I’m down to give money to whomever

Needs a piece left I can the only thing I don’t have is my boots but I can give money to anybody else who wants to get more of their stuff all right the plan Quest fix yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect and see

Puts us right in front of it oh my goodness look at that repairing sequence it says Tony Tony guys I’m in a block Guys no it’s okay it’s okay you know hold on it’s okay it’s okay Ling it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay hold on guys hold on hold on it’s okay it’s okay I can’t get out I’m here hi okay I made it it was lonely there oh

[ __ ] whoa hello look at the god Rays oh they’re gone oh never mind did they leave just so that they could do a cool entrance for us that’s really sweet actually the you don’t need to worry about her sneaking up on us hello there haven’t had a visitor in a

While my I love your person I’m the guardian of this Temple and so pleased to make your acquaintance I love her my name’s Katra slay I’ve come to ask for your help of course that’s all anyone ever wants of me in the place never mind that I might want some company on

Occasion has no one considered paying a visit just to say hi well you do have a reputation for eating your guests only those that deserved it can’t blame me for getting rid of bad house guests all right then what is it that you want fyon is about to be invaded by

An army of demons led by demogorgan oh yes heard about that through the Great Vine nasty business uh and uh uh we had hoped that you might be willing to help us get the moon maiden’s blessing to empower a weapon with the magic and strength to send demogorgan

Back into the abyss oh well that’s a reasonable and Noble request perhaps I won’t eat you right away I am rather peckish but I can wait to hunt or until you mess up my trials no chance that you’re willing to help just because the land is in Peril and both you and your

Goddess don’t want to see us all perish in flame and Madness oh no no no no chance at all nice try though okay then so what are the trials what do I have to do first you must answer my riddle I have cities but no

Houses and I have forests but no trees I have oceans and ponds and streams but no fish or at least so it seems what am I a map a map was my first thought yeah yeah H the map the map I’m in control I’m so sorry I didn’t realize oh

Excellent I rather like that one and never had a chance to ask it I’m so glad you figured it out I’d been wanting to ask that one for going on 32 years now I think I would love to continue with riddles in other games oh when I have so

Many word games we could play it seems we’re on a bit of a tight schedule wait that wasn’t part of the trial heavens above no I can tell that your request is honest the moon Maiden allows me to see into the hearts of others however I do need to test whether

You are responsible and of a sturdy Spirit can you imagine how terrible riddles would be as a test of worth the most despicable villain or a complete nink poop could walk in here answer a few word games and walk off with phenomenal cosmic power H not on my

Watch no instead we test the soul both of yours in this case excuse me oh yes I can see both of you in there well I’ve never seen a dragon soul and a human all crammed into a tiny container like that before looks uncomfortable anyhow when you are ready look deep into

My eyes and the trial will begin oh and keep in mind that I will eat you if you fail that part of the stories is true how encouraging be sure you’ve taken care of any unfinished business before you start the trials you may not be the same

Person when you walk out waa good thing we did the side quest is it going to fix the wizard spells hopefully please bro it doesn’t let me say I want to do it it made me say I’ll come backy I’ll be here when you’re ready

What did we miss once you finish the tri sorry yeah go for it oh no no sorry I was mentally reading but out loud once you finish the trials of the Soul you may not be the same but [ __ ] [ __ ] press enter press enter enter uh you may not be the same person

As when you entered this could be your last chance to take care of any unfinished business to begin the trial exit the temple okay I I have the option to start the trials oh what I wonder why come back what happened what happened crash will you come back

In um wait for you does uh getting um armor and weapons count is buiness I have so I talked to them on accident and it says I can start the trial and you don’t have all your armor I know yeah that’s what I’m asking is like do we

Want to get everybody armored up before we do the trial then I’m down to do that I’ll hit I’ll come back okay so who all do any of us have everything um I have money to give to others and I’m just going to throw it on

The floor I have just the hood of the new sets of stuff get some money I uh I bought I just have trousers I bought myself pants shoes and the head piece so I don’t need the I don’t need the chest piece because I’d rather sponge Bobby out so the only thing I’m

Missing is boots but I probably you guys should get more than one piece I can get boots last no leave us alone righty chill love you though all right we’ll have to mentally remember where this is I was going to say can we put like a be here a marker I

Know oh I know where we are um so to the top left you see like the tower roof yes I think we just go like Northeast and then that’s where the town is I trust you Tony lead us to Victory guide us oh if we get lost we’ll at least make money

Along the way yeah true so I’ve got how much money do I have I have 64 o I have 63 so how much do we need I think each of the new armor pieces are like 100 well the weapon is 120 yeah the weapons are

120 we could just stay here and grind a bit this a lot of money AR they normally displacer Beast right here yeah yeah where the enemies at I know I almost shot the horse like there it is it’s poor horse it’s quiet too too quiet quiet where are the enemies this is

Weird like we heard you’re doing end game yeah we decided to [ __ ] all done oh here’s the displacer spawn here we go wa I time or mean my one Fireball I was fighting a goblin camp this way like it gives you enough gold if you were probably just like two people doing

This but since we’re all four we have to grind a bit yeah no Tony Tony so funny oh I got turned around oops ah a Tony I got Bamboozled I got turned around that’s okay one last Fireball yeah just shooting a cheeky Fireball over your shoulder and then the crystals were this

Way we go I cryst oh the big guys here oh [ __ ] you need help there’s a boy boy there’s a boy there’s a boy I help you I help you it’s okay I got you can we walk around this yes there’s Tam right there

Yay oh uh oh I’ll sit over here so you didn’t see my name I believe laser Beast was a nasty boy yippe I remembered the way good job Tony that photographic memory all right let’s see I want to drop money in front of the store oop or whoever needs it I got

42 let’s see I have oh oh oh thank you I’ve got 80 something I think like if I just get the sword I’d be fine with that but I can’t afford it oh no Tony bagpipe left the realm uh oh tonis not Tony okay I have everything except my weapon now

Okay um I don’t have enough to get anything but this okay got any extra doer oh gosh I’m sorry oh you’re fine I was thinking about something else here tank no just kidding nerd be bullied okay I can get one piece of armor let’s see I’m going to get this one I guess

Oo fancy all right okay so you need two more pieces of armor and a weapon is that right yeah okay we don’t have to though I mean I’m okay with we should going like this we should right it didn’t take us that long we got a little lost but it didn’t take

Us that long to get enough money to like that’s true that’s true give us more stuff uh Manda yeah I think manda’s PC may be crashed because no talkie in Discord either um I guess we could just money grind in the meanwhile yes since it’s close enough to the

Town sounds good to me you guys are going in opposite direction it’s okay we just come back yeah I guess it’s okay if we we congregate with the the money Manda back hello to welcome back hello my uh my internet went out for a little bit but

It’s oh no um okay uh where we heading Bri needs two more pieces of uh armor and her weapon and I need my weapon and I think summer still needs boots question mark yes yes so we’re going to I need my weapon too okay yeah let’s

Just go let’s just go hard D let’s just kill a bunch of stuff let’s really ruin the ecosystem yeah I’m going to go back the way we just came in yeah I’m over there too okay way we came in I keep getting scared of dark areas

Cuz I’m worried that I’m going to get like blown up like vanilla Minecraft whoa die oh the money fell in I got it um should we go to that one area that had that Mega spawn of like the dis over by the lake I guess yeah’s this way I’m just farming some

Hob goblins and goblins that hog goblins hog gobs what what the hell blam I miss being a hobgoblin sometime I should I should be a hobgoblin again yeah life was simple it’s good times it was wazy right yeah yeah wazy wazy she punched things she doesn’t have

To think about stuff she just punches things that’s right it’s good oh like Dash but like Dash is too nice like mean Dash that’s what I’m saying all of Dash’s memory friends are just angry it’s true yeah if we ever wind up doing memory stuff think he’s crossed you’re right literally everybody

Else that I play well not po po is unhinged but not me Po is I stick things in my mouth yeah po ate everything why is everything not respawning now I don’t know H come back please hello look at me I’m juicy okay great there we go ah I got almost a full

Stack Yeehaw did you just whisper yee-ha to yourself yeah it’s my little uh meditative phrase what are those called my Mantra there we go my Mantra die right I almost have another full stack too got 64 so the each armor piece is 85 the weapons are 120 coins oh

No it’s okay it’s all for the these guys are just like not spawn I know yeah what’s that all about games like go do end game we’re done we’re done spawning stuff I don’t want to do it anymore too bad [ __ ] oh there’s boys ah where the heck all right slimes come here

Ah oh my goodness Tony I got it I take no damage I’m I’m trying to be useful to you I’m so sorry I’m just getting tossed around like a [ __ ] hacky Sag they just don’t die maybe I do need the weapon yeah I got one and a half safe it’s like enough for one item I got a 76 you need 120 for your weapon tonis get there ow I’m just going to throw into space yeah no the

Mnny they’re all just diving in the water come on display Place do your thing come back damn it come here I hold monster come here no my lightning what does that do what is hold monster do yeah uh it should like basically make it so that they can’t Move okay he should respawn now I missed oh my God don’t go in the water please look at this dude just like standing next to you waiting his turn ow I got first thing behind youa points ow oh God die o whoa I got almost two stacks now nice stack is what 60

644 oh nice then you definitely got enough ow I still remember that was a thing when I first played Minecraft back in the day I was always like why 64 why though I just real for real now whoa oh my God ah ohoh here we go again back in the lder

Oh we we could help Bri with some jellies for a ow change of space yeah they’re respawning really fast it’s really nice I’m about to have my third stack I’m going for it oh no All Rights yeah I’m just jumping around between like three different little

Spawn points ping me in the water uh let’s see okay I’ve got three stacks now that was a really class is bumbling love interest move of me to come over and be like I’m here to save you Bri and then and then immediately get sucked into a slime get slimed

Yeah why areen they respawning what the heck I want that three coins what the heck they were respawning every second where are they come on slimes too many of us now no I’m wondering if it does like actually gauge how many people are in the area that’d be dumb but it does

So when I’m like going between my three areas I have to get all the way back to the third before the like closest onea no don’t suck me in [Laughter] please I want Bri to think I’m cool and strong I think you’re very cool and very strong thanks die die die die die

Nice okay you be stinky slimes okay oh my God I crit them both let’s go nice hell yeah there we go SL I can see Tony’s lightning in the distance the Tony Beacon oh no no okay I almost got four Stacks I’m going to head back to the Village once I got

Four no he fell off the [ __ ] Ravine these Goblin guys aren’t spawning anymore why do I have oh I have three stacks now no my goodness it looks so funny if I can just shoot this guy out in the water okay let’s see I have almost four Stacks there’s the Tony lightning

Again it does so much damage okay it missed okay I got over four Stacks I’m going back to the Village hell yeah I see you guys there okay okay we at how much more do you need Bri um so I have four Stacks or almost four complete

Stacks so 120 for the weapon 85 I need two sets of 85 as well for the two pieces of armor I’m missing right so like 170 is that what that is I think so yeah I’ll have an extra 120 when I get back yeah I’m going to

Have a lot extra too because I only need like a stack and a half for my boots what about you Dodger what do you need left I have 50 and I just need my weapon so okay we might have enough between all of us then yeah can probably head you

Back I’m going to drink all the Elven wine without you guys a man he always falls in the water I can’t get the [ __ ] coins when he goes in the water slim spawn going crazy easy I cannot believe how rarely I don’t mean to complain but godamn I would love for

Magic Missile to hit sometimes yeah that’s so frustrating stop jumping in the water all the coins just floating in the water are so depressing like all depressing hi horsey you coming up here too die hean yes horsey okay I got four Stacks I’m running okay yeah should we we go yeah

We’re probably good dude I would have had Force backs a lot sooner if I didn’t lose like 50% to the L to the water that’s so frustrating not the water yeah a classically inaccurate spell magic Missile the music look to the sky as I send up the beacon go whoa hell [Applause] [Laughter]

Yeah all right somebody take all this money money from me don’t take all this money from me okay I got my SW bam got my pants oops I took it back got my shoes all right any I have a ton of money left over some there’s so much

Money on the floor behind you dog oh gosh oh gosh I don’t need this much I don’t think okay I’ll buy some potions yeah I was going to say we can buy the really expensive potion probably oh look at that we’re all so shiny look at us

Cool so we all have all our stuff yes nice guys we had so much extra yeah yeah that’s okay I’m buy a bunch of health potions okay perfect okay I’m ready that’s way it says yes oh it’s working again I see it’s working yay we could we could take horses there this

Time true let’s do that um wait don’t we have to do a lot of jumping true I don’t know maybe the horse over there I’m looking for horses they’re just all in the over here oh god oh there’s more over here yeah yeah I’m not going to try to get one out

Of the water yeah I’m scared to get in scared of the you take this one I go find another really quick you can probably get the ones out of the water okay I’ll try let me try there were some that were like riding around up here drift really quick skir he does not

Like this this is not working it’s hard cuz they don’t jump if they could jump out of the water then we’d be fine how do I disount there we go that’s not happening um um there were horses near the mushroom Village I think this why can’t we double

Up we should be able to dble I’m looking for more righty friends I’m also Looking just looking for horses really quick hores H come here oh I found some I found two nice hell yeah where are you I’m in like the front of the village I’m I’m why are oh my God there’s like six of them over here okay good I’m coming

Dude my weapon is so big when I ride a horse I can’t see anything I know same oh there’s plenty of horses over here all right there we go yeah woohoo we’re good all right where we got to go our wayfinder says over there look at us all decked out in our

Armor riding our Noble steeds yeah hell yeah where this jump yes whoa drift King maybe too much drift King too much drift King this is scary St [ __ ] zoom in dude oh I have to go around this thing oh God get away from me stop stop

It I will bear no bur no I’m running oh God oh God oh God there’s like eight wolves there’s eight wolves there’s eight the woles these are the woles that chased me they can climb God oh God ow where am I going oh don’t know oh God the wol

Fallowing the gold marker I found the mushroom I’m just running dude I’m just I’m just running toward the mushroom stuck I’m lost come on horsey I’m sending up the beacon I don’t see it oh I see it I don’t see it wait I see

It it wasn’t that I saw it I saw people running okay uh I have no idea where I am it oh here we go I made it I’m turning up the beacon again oh here we go yay hi hello hello yay we made it we did it we

Did all right everybody Park your horsey Park okay all right hello we are ready to be tested Etc I’m ready begin the trial Splendid now look into my eyes oh right forgot to mention that there is a bit of a cleverness test involved here but I’m sure you’ll Breeze

Through it not smart the things you’ll see they aren’t real per se but they are true I used to love puzzles like this me too RS me of Zelda I think being vague and unhelpful is part of the territory for sphinxes regardless we should begin I’m I’m a mirror possess me

Possess the mirrors I possessed a mirror that was super cool fre pointed at me everybody get in the mirror uh wait what Co POV is this not working oh it only my mirror oh okay hold on there’s one more mirror it’s the last there we go yay yay

Yi there we go we go through here teamwork miserable War has persisted I have destroyed the petty tyrants who insisted on continuing this conflict you will agree to peace and uphold it if you do not then I will what was that that was one of the first times I forged peace between two

Waring cities was a young dragon they live amicably as Neighbors now okay but did you have to start killing people to accomplish that the rulers were greedy and they tricked the common people into wanting the war stoking their hatred and bitterness it was the most expedient solution saiding enforcing the law

Myself and living there for a decade or so sounds kind of like you just replaced sir and be that’s what I’m saying perhaps but it was for the sake of the people okay oh and now done oh everybody get in the mirror okay wait I’m stuck oh I can’t move okay there

Okay why can’t I move I had to jump a bit and then it worked did we do it again oh it’s different oh I’m like perpetually stuck what if I push you yes please spam there you go God all right everybody Pick A Mir it goes this

Way wait I got this one and then I can point over to that one okay I’ll get this one oh I see that one go anywhere why is this um oh here we go there you go oh oh I think this one has to go the middle

One oh wait I think this one over here has to point this one maybe I think the one I’m in is the one that points to the door again wait what if this one hold up what if this one points does this one point to the door

Is it can it go to that one so this one only points only go to this one has to be and like only go to that one and this one points to the the door it turn doesn’t seem like it has the good angle for it can it we still

Have this one that’s back here too oh oh oh oh it’s on the door though yeah maybe we have to use all of them I think so cuz there’s still this one back here what if we do this one um uh yeah that way yeah yeah oh almost

I don’t oh there we go try that where would it oh oh we did it oh wait go nice nice please why will you not help us you are our best the yeah your concerns are not mine oh my gosh is this just a v roast Fest this whole thing the dragons

Now leave I do not like being bothered but many of us will die if we fight him and if we surrender still if you do not want to be treated like cattle do not act like cattle I will not warn you again to my God he just slept he just

Chilled yikes you let them fight a dragon by themselves Heroes eager to slay dragons appear around every tree and Hill if they could not defend themselves some mercenary or Adventurer would come and rescue them and did they beat the dragon no but as expected a group of

Cell swords came and freed them of the black dragon after a year or so after a year homie you could have saved lives you could have prevented them from living in fear and oppression it was not my place they needed to learn to defend themselves and how to establish

Themselves elves in the natural order of the world then why did you get involved with the city in the first memory we saw like I said I was a young dragon idealistic it was not until later than I realized what a colossal waste of time playing Peacekeeper had been one city

Would have conquered the other or they would have made peace once fighting became unsustainable but they didn’t fight you kept them from fighting and while I’m not sure I like how you did it you saved lives kept kept people from dying hello and kept the cities from

Growing the people in those cities might have developed new medicines or machines or other ways to approach diplomacy All Creatures learn and grow from conflict assuming they survived the conflict in the first place okay and you pop up and I just saw SpongeBob and I forgot that’s what it looked

Like here we go again hold up it takes us a minute to unstick ourselves oh there we go pop this on you oops and then this one will go to that one why does it hate me at the beginning yeah Tony right there it’s weird that the the thing doesn’t actually point

To where it needs to go that one was easier I would give you a party darkness is not my mind is my own turn your so many to dark in the sky please oh my God anchor no this Vision will break sh the vision yes no voices the darkness destroy them oh this is the vision that he lik you were a dragon your life is more important yes [ __ ] up yes you what can I do for that wasn’t an accident you chose to make me see that

Horrible Vision the one the MK man put in your head you told me it was an accident I I was not thinking clearly you knew that it would hurt me could shatter my mind and you did it anyway I was afraid and in so much pain

Gotra I’m sorry but I but what but you’re not as important as I am but you didn’t need a say in this you didn’t even think to ask before you decided to risk my life my sanity I said that I was not thinking clearly really what I saw seemed clear

Enough that wasn’t just selfish and dangerous Vier I came to help you when I could have left you in the caverns to die and you forced me to see something that even you couldn’t handle get him I thought that you could handle it with the both of us sharing oh really because

You sounded pretty uncertain in that memory and I heard a few solid arguments about keeping that nightmare to yourself instead you decided to dump it on me without warning I still get headaches when I remember that and I’m probably going to have nightmares of that thing you showed me for

Years I said that I am sorry what more do you want from me I want you to be Qui quiet okay just for a little bit let me pretend at least for a little voice popping off finger in my head that’s just using me for their own ends

Just leave me alone for a bit e that was too HD in my ears that was certainly dramatic but I think that I’ve seen enough so are you going to eat me or what no no you may have the blessing of my lady good where

Can we do this I want to get everything over with bring the Craftsman and anything else you may need back to this altar tonight we shall Grant you seun’s power under the light of her Moon Saun it’s not quite the Naruto run but it’s close it’s it’s close enough but I’m happy about

It I can see my hot bar during this cut it’s really immersion breaking so funny here is your weapon the tool that will send Dem wow I’m so glad SP a new one the moon’s bite keep it close and aim it true I have Enchanted many blades

And Oddities over the centuries this one I shall remember keenly though I should warn you the enchantment is powerful yes I didn’t realize we could just walk around it seems that salun was only willing to temporarily Grant her favor the enchantment should last through your contest against

Demogorgan after that I cannot say for how long it will remain it seems that the moon Maiden either I told you to be quiet that she is simply careful Powers she lets into our world I can respect that shut up right because it’s not your place to interfere unless you feel like

It I remember if you have any business to attend do so quickly damn get his ass KRA make Hall where your allies have gathered you can best prepare for the final battle there V Katra I would have done it you know done what I would have taken on the

Vision of demogorgan with you if you’d asked if I’d known the risks I still would have done it to help you but you made that choice for me instead I thought we’ shared something you know I thought that even more than sharing my body for so long suffering that terrifying mind-breaking experience

Together was It Felt Like We Grown together I thought it was a sign that we were there for each other that we could lean on each other to get through something like that but you didn’t trust me you didn’t share anything with me you took away my decision and used me I was

Just a means to an end and in the moment that’s all that mattered to you you were more important Katra I am sorry I truly am really every time you say that I can’t tell whether you’re trying to convince me me that you regretted what you did or whether you’re

Trying to convince yourself you got what you wanted how sorry can you really be I made a mistake in the spur of the moment and I regret what it has caused maybe you do regret it but I’m the one who has to live with the consequences anyway mythal Hall everybody

Yes if the moon goddess likes us does that make US Sailor Scouts yes what you saw in the trial that is not surprising but remember that you still have a purpose to she will never turn it back on a friend always there there to depend she is the one who wish we depend

She so good when are we starting our cover band right now truly okay we chose our Spice Girls but uh which of the Sailor Scouts would you be you can’t be Sailor Moon you have to be one of the other ones Mar [ __ ] I knew you were going to say that

Jupiter was always my fave I love so good as much as I don’t want to be Venus I feel like I’m Venus are are we choing from inner CI is that right inner or oh true fair I was I was thinking inner inner CI yeah yeah okay okay um I’m Sailor Moon

Because he me out because growing up my family called me bunny which her that’s literally her name oh God damn it it’s so true but also I’m really [ __ ] clumsy finish your business and prepare for demorgan um but I always wished I was Sailor Pluto cuz she’s really cool Sailor Pluto is super

Cool I always wanted to be Sailor Mercury cuz she’s so smart she is so smart and and I was like looking at my report cards going man if I was Amy I wouldn’t be going through this [ __ ] true oh my God she had her [ __ ] figured out

She really did what we do next we always have a crush on Sailor Neptune oh my God yes love her yes of course um we have to go to mithil Hall wherever that is um wayfinder it’s this way is that this home that’s home that’s the town I

Think y oh where go that’s where go this way here hores are hores still parked out here hores no oh I forgot oh my God it’s night time now they were like these [ __ ] aren’t coming back to the gold away YY um okay Dodger who was your favorite Sonic character oh my

God okay the the the classic answer my my favorite character that shows up in all of the [ __ ] is Knuckles but I I loved all of the chaotics I was super super big fan of likeo and mighty and all of them um and so I got really offended when they started like using

Those characters outside of like that group or just like like what the [ __ ] F how come it’s fine some of the characters they were like we’re going to pretend we never made this character I’m like Charmy we we’re going to pretend we didn’t make charm me I’m so madting very upsetting

I’m surprised you didn’t say shadow I’m going to be real Shadow I was never a shadow girly you seem like a shadow girly I know um I really loved some of my favorite um oh God there’s water everywhere uh like comic specials were the ones uh for meca Sonic the meca

Sonic stuff was really good it was and there was also there was an issue that I read so much that it was falling apart that was um uh supersonic versus Hyper Knuckles holy [ __ ] oh my God that stuff slapped it was so good you can cross but just

Right there oh no okay just right here okay there we go yeah and there are a lot of characters that people love now that weren’t like in the comics really or in the games yet when I was super into it so a lot of people love like um like Rouge the Bat

And characters like that I’m like they’re great they’re great characters but they weren’t around when I was like super into it so yeah yeah yeah excuse me sir we do need a lift please is there like armor past this diamond stuff didn’t look like it I does

Somebody have a a a list of places uh oh I do now okay okay mythal Hall despite the long demonic Invasion mithil Hall seems little different than it was the last time you visited then again considering that they were on high alert due to starborn back then perhaps a

State of emergency simply never ended for them the sense of tension among the bustling industrious dwarf certainly has not diminished at least Y all look so cute in our blue armor they make us wait in a [ __ ] Q again I swear to God oh my boy not that

Q there’s no no one in the queue we’re good we’re good we’re good oh my God the walls are still there though oh my God I had heard you were returning was your Miss successful a weapon yes though it enchantment will only last long enough to send demogorgan back to the

Abyss a shame I’d HED to study or keep it is what we need for this emergency and we could be thankful for that you have to talk see I found you to tell you that indraa your’s is both healed and wed against the you see the dragon collap in the

Background to ATT transfering andand your soul back to his body good I’m sick of sharing my head with him anyhow oh if that is how you feel then yes you want to stay in here you don’t want to stay in here well I cannot say is I blame you

Come to the arena when you’re both ready OK Arena was on the left go to baby needs a cough drop oh a dude I want a drop just tasty deal with the Halls on or the I love those you have some what the [ __ ] I teleported some more te

And formal train didn’t I’m still walking my ass in I walked all the way in you back yeah do I are you two ready no considering what happened last time but we should do it anyway and soon please yeah let’s get it over with then use the rod whenever you like all right

Goodbye well you alive did it work yes I can still remember the vision is no [Laughter] longer to bend my mind until it SNS Fireball well at least that makes one of us I am even weaker than before though or rather my body will not move as I command it to we

Were afraid that stop kissing the dragon some something influences the mind that could affect the body too it may be sometime though should be temporary at least you’ve got your body back yes will you help us fightan I do not think that would be a good idea tickle my face with your

Whiskers probably just get in your way right of course how should we prepare for this fight beyond what you’ve already done well that’s up to you though you should visit the keep before you go it seems that you have some friends who have come to us in our time of need granted they

Have a sake in this too but it is heartening to see such formidable figures standing against the darkness the spellcaster there will be able to tell you more about our battle plans oh good I was wondering if anyone would come having their help is reassuring I suppose this is goodbye then only if

You do not make it back I believe that you will you can’t blow up a guy’s head and then kiss him dude yeah mix messages Miss messages you’re the tox you want to take my fiery balls all where to now oh my God it’s your giant woman stop kissing the

Dragon oh want to do is see turn turn into a giant woman death by Sno death by s s death by snoo Sno death by Sno be a giant woman so funny damn the toes are out toes for free holy [ __ ] ma’am I’d like you to use me as a tampon my

God there’s a line that is definitely been crossed Su just [ __ ] talk to her she’s got an exclamation point my God that I convin though I will admit that the arch Mage was rather persuasive what’s that supposed to mean I don’t want to talk about it

Okay oh okay so where’s kiman I thought that he would want to come with you he could really use someone with his power he is not as strong I just like knowing we’re going to walk into this final battle and Fireball and then they’re going to be dead in two

Seconds absolutely so why isn’t he here he does not believe that we will be able to stop demogorgan here he is using the time we have left to gather allies of his own and spread the news that the other Guardian of this world may defeat the demon Prince after we fall wow

Encouraging I’m inclined to agree with him if it were not for a pact that your arch Mage associate invoked I too would be preparing a more robust defense even the extra time required would cost us thousands of lives before we were ready it would be preferable to losing

Everyone and everything in fyon should demagorgon win if you are here against your will can I trust you to fight your hardest and support the others do not mistake me child I may not think that this is the optimal use of my abilities but if my strength can buy

Kiman and the others some time then it will be worthwhile I will do everything I can in the coming battle never doubt that I’m not sure if you heard but V’s healed now or well mostly I had heard of this yes why do you feel obliged to

Inform me of the Dragon I don’t give a [ __ ] about well if it weren’t for you and the rod of alignment that you gave us he and I would still be stuck in the same body or worse it was kimmer’s decision to give you the rod if you recall I hold no love

For the dragon and would have been content to let him rot if not for my friend’s insistence but but do you love me push his fingers together still I am glad for your sake that you no longer have to share your mind with will he be

Joining us in this battle God I [ __ ] hope he can’t even lift his pinky dude no he’s still too weak and clumsy it’ll be a while before he can fight again typical Dragon selfish and cowardly in the face of real danger yeah you said it

Babe well even if it was not your idea to come I am grateful that you’re here and for helping me in ice wind Dale do not thank me for fulfilling my end of a bargain it was a simple transaction between us that being said it gladdens

Me to see how much you have accomplished since then little warrior and I am proud to have play a part she calls me her little warrior I will see you on the battlefield right every time I think one of you guys is going to say something

Wholesome I get slapped in the face with [Laughter] reality worse what I already yeah yeah it was not it wasn’t it was not nearly as bad no it’s true was it [Laughter] funny there you are I was wondering if you would show up we need our secret weapon and all that if we’re going to survive long enough to see saer true but if I’m being honest I didn’t expect the voices are crunch uh oh are they still crunchy I know

That’s me that’s my PC is someone microw bring your new computer up uh Benji came over today and got it all working so now we just need to get it up the terrifying slippery stairs and then I can use it oh God y based Benji based Benji

Okay well it goes away eventually chat so uh W welcome to the microwave here we go yes well for all my talk of running away I rather like this world besides I’m stubborn not about to let some quite literally two you’ll owe me a favor after this

Though how about we consider me being the one to send demogorgan back to the abyss as that favor fair enough anyhow tell me when you’re ready to to go and I will bring us to the battlefield uh do we want to talk to Sphinx or do we want to just go well

Wait she’s grassy Amanda peeing yeah yeah yeah yeah uh give me a sec give some time to get myself together okay I’ve been meaning to check on VI here anyhow so I’ll take care of that while you’re gone but please make it quick don’t worry about it dude I’m just going to talk

To her yeah hello sasty hello well hello again Catra didn’t expect to see me again hello my God hello why did she spin so slow I know she had to just like slowly turn her body around for me Temple yes but well guarding it seems I love she’s like hi girly

Poop or if demagorgon destroys the temple outright so here I am ready to lend a helping paw aren’t you scared a demon powerful enough to tear down mythal hall is coming not in the least you’re not worried about Dy oh I anticipate that I will almost certainly die during the fight or at

Least sustain a grievous injury or two but that’s really no big deal for me sort of like the demons you fought as long as I do not die in my native plane of existence I can be killed as many times as you’d like and simply poof back

Into existence at my lady’s side and her domain isn’t it still painful though yes horribly so you would not believe how much punishment a body can take before it finally gives up the ghost don’t none neither of you say anything does that mean you’ll help us in the

Fight I felt coming up if I speak if I speak that just great oh and she’s given me a new power to play with during the fight this is so exciting besides this is my world too for as long as I have to guard the temple GI for

You really I feel much better knowing that you’re here God you’re quite welcome still let’s hope it makes a difference it would be an awful shame for us to go just for the world to be torn to Tiny bits anyhow better get ready as best you can young one why did

You post that what is it’s so good that’s that’s what she looks like in my head that’s Big the cat and Rouge the Bat had babies and that’s what they look like as it should be I was wondering true perfect time if I’m being honest yes well for all my

You’ll owe me a favor after this how about we consider fa anyhow tell me when you’re ready to go and I will bring us to the battlefield okay I’m looking for a picture Amanda’s still gone right no I’m back ready just got back yes oh my God all right uh ready I’m ready

Whenever everyone else’s let’s go well speaking for myself I’ll never be ready but we do what we must now hope teleportation doesn’t make you crazy We oh no he’s coming get ready oh boy ready go guys I’m ready let’s do this W wo the ABS wa the arm arms world we have not seen this in quite some time not since our imprisonment and Watchers keep on I would not count that dungeon as the

Surface and I have lost track of how many centuries have passed since we last Saw green or felt the mat IAL World stone with our talents you forget the underd dark Arad and that arrogant Dr sorcerer who allowed us through to his City such a brief journey and without

Even a glimpse of sunlight for battle yes destruction you do not look like you could provide such entertainment even all together indeed not rather than die here you would be better served than joining us we will spare you if you all join us oh would you simply prefer to

Die we could even provide some options Crush you got big old titties oh that last one does sound good I’m just saying how about instead just go back to the event you came from or lie down and let you if you need some help getting home we won’t even charge you for the

Trip we tried so we did and how reasonable we were yes at least this way we do not have to wait before we start the killing oh boy you shall all suffer I crited on his butt right in the butt oh what he doing oh oh my god that hurt

I’m not really sure what this nothing not sure this spell does your resistance is pathetic o is this weapon not as strong as our main weapon oh my God fou Beast hell yeah yes girl boss get him yes oh my God [ __ ] hurts I can’t even get next to him stop tail spinning

S Me Away by the grace of salune I shall slay thee yeah Fireball let me return like how often it’s going dark oh prepare for the end of all things for Oblivion oh my God I’m dead whoa yeah get him slay finish not yet Fireballs we will fight and your descendants Damn well I think I’ve had enough of these ruins how about everyone else right then just a moment we’re saving one last teleport in case everything went pearshaped oh look there’s a potion shop over there if I’m being honest okay maybe every time one of his heads looks my way but no matter

Oh she even has a long white ponytail perfect it has been a pleasure but I will be having nightmares about that for probably the rest of my life still GL that I could be a i my G don’t look at my very large you’re like the bunny picture you’re the tiny boy bunny

The giant girl bunny giant such battle if the need arose I otherwise giant symp that will I just realized I can’t look up because I don’t have that top part I’m just looking straight really funny still feel that you have an interesting life ahead she’s looking down at me

Again as it should be the orles and divines say A Farewell CRA a I wanted to see if anyone want toyle living I’ll see you in L King three any well maybe I can get the elves to come visit me sometimes if I promise not to eat them too

Don’t you be a stranger either all right now that you’ve passed the trial to eat you I like that she’s watching Tony you seem quite exciting do you want to be my pen pal yeah all right V and what do you got to say for yourself sir yeah after all hi do you

Really he loves us love confession oh enemies to lovers being no no it was not but I prator I value well momentum only thank you you are welcome little woman a now that demogorgan has gone back to the abyss does that mean that the other demons who have come through the Rifts

Are gone too no I’m afraid not that being said he was certainly the biggest threat there was nothing else in the abyss so powerful as him and nothing else near his size and strength could have made it through whatever demons are left will cause Havoc where they can but even all

Of them together could not accomplish the destruction that demogorgan might have had so what will you do now demoran was not the only demon to come through the rift today I imagine that many will be rising from the Underdog in the coming months along with those who

Found other places in fyon where the borders between worlds thinned I will seek out my contacts old friends and allies to spread word of the danger I have been away too long as it is and should check on them but I will come back you will hear from me and

Perhaps when you have had enough Adventure I can find wherever you have settled and keep an eye on you too A A in case you ever need someone to talk to at least therapist Vier Arc aser looks at you waiting for your answer you remember everything that you have experienced

Together all that you have enured as a pair but you also cannot help remembering how hurt you felt how betrayed when you learned of V’s choice to endanger you still watching end awaits your answer the next thing you say will determine your relationship who’s got the choice who

Has the choice me what does it say what what are the options okay it’s I was too harsh leave me alone I’d like that I need Time I’m down for I’d like that or I’d need time I think both of those are are good I think I’d like that yeah what you think Manda I think I’d like that okay leave me alone yeah yeah leave me alone leave me alone the edgy Arc yeah no [ __ ] you

I really would and you’ll always have me there to listen to you too okay a thank you KRA it is strange I have never had a companion for more than a few days not in my entire life now though wow maybe you’re the problem I am starting to sound like a

Puppy that cannot stand to be without their owner how undignified oh you want to be my little puppy do you stop guys one needs a friend talk to oh my God maybe you’re right maybe that is what the younger me was missing when I made so many

Mistakes I had no one close to me to tell me that I was wrong be safe little one there is much to do but I will be back called yourself my puppy then called me little one make up your mind what are we see you soon bye like

We yippe yippe my little SpongeBob Hand the end we did it that’s aome ending yeah yeah yeah yeah am I to you a yeah what are we are we that was fun oh that was really funks I’m sad it’s over we need to find something to all play again dude yeah um

I I uh played a little bit of for the king to and it’s a four player game and it’s super fun if you guys would like to play it yeah let’s do it let’s do it I’m super I’m in awesome py pugy pugy pugy and it’ll it should satisfy manda’s

Blood lust there’s lots of different enemies in that game awesome went by Slay Slay literally slay literally slay literally oh I did I thought that that was going to end with the grandma being like thanks for playing yeah go do your homework where grandma oh here we go do

We end up back at the table end of the credits Grand um Sherlock no get off of her bed dude Sherlock no oh my God I have to go save my child what no he’s waking her up Sherlock get out of there oh no oh you psycho God damn it

Bid is he being cozy or is is I don’t I don’t know why he jumped up there she she rustled and then settled back down so I think we’re good okay dude I’ve never seen him like go in there and hop on her bed before Oh my God that’s so funny but

He’s please don’t wake her up the problem is he’s such a loud cat oh no so he wakes her up all the time just even when her door is fully shut he’ll walk around outside of her room and be like and I’m like homie stop please stop you’re ruining it ruining

Everything yeah my cat does that to me too oh my God all right thank you hey thanks so much for playing with me guys that was so fun that was fun yipp and yeah if you guys are are free next Tuesday no pressure we can talk about it

Off stream but uh you guys are are free same bat Time same bat Channel maybe we can start playing a new thing that’d be super fun I’m I’m so in thanks for having me of course thanks for inviting me yeah I’m goingon to go say bye to chat

Um have a good night y’ okay guys um amazing cute cute cute uh so so thanks so much for watching everybody that was super fun uh it took us four sessions if if this is the first one you tuned into uh we did this uh four different

Weeks um it was very fun and uh I hope that we get to play another thing after this because it’s a good group uh if you’ve never watched any of them all of them stream um manda’s an incredible artist uh breun plays a bunch of games and also does art uh summer is

Lovely um plays games does D and D it’s good it’s good they’re all great so check them out follow them and uh yeah I’m going to read off the activity feed and then I’m going to get out of here and save my child from my cat who apparently is just just needs

Chaos right now let’s see in saden thank you for the 88 months barebones thank you for the raid Bud Joseph thank you for the 84 happy seven years daylight Valentine thank you for the 66 Frank and Maul for the 68 red lips blue veins for the 34

Board geek for the 114 and a crumbling biscuit for the 74 thank you guys uh let’s see is Sam streaming he is his title is Hardcore hmbo I assume they’re playing he’s uh doing hardcore uh Warcraft I assume either way go say hi spread love spread Joy um and I’ll see you guys

Tomorrow for our normal stream we’ve been playing my time at Sandrock and it’s very fun and weird so if you’d like to tune into that feel free I’ll see you guys later bye-bye

This video, titled ‘ʚɞ Minecraft DnD w/ The Worms: summerssalt, manda and breebunn ʚɞ – 07 November 2023’, was uploaded by Dexbonus on 2023-12-31 04:21:27. It has garnered 361 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:41 or 11261 seconds.

Originally Broadcast: 07 November 2023

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  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

    Captainchu's MC Takeover Welcome to Conquerors MC [S1 EP1] Embark on a Nuclear Adventure In this exciting episode of Conquerors MC, players are introduced to a world filled with possibilities. Imagine using nuclear weapons to create chaos in an Earth SMP setting – the thrill is unmatched. Meet the Players Join @frosty_studios, @JakeyIsaac, @ZayFeeR, and @gm_tabby_cat as they dive into a world of Minecraft like never before. Together, they explore a vast world map, establish countries, recruit villagers, build colonies, and even delve into the realm of civilization. What’s Next? With so much already accomplished in this episode, one can only wonder… Read More


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  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

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  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

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  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

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  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

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  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

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  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

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  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

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  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

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  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More