DillPickle: Ultimate Minecraft Server!

Video Information

What’s up everyone cat Jam what’s cat Jam uh let me fix my game capture cuz I think it’s on the wrong thing let’s go okay MCC actually has a Christmas Lobby now I would to use this for a video coming up I was waiting for the Hypixel

Christmas Lobby this year here to get some shots for a video coming up and then uh the Christmas Lobby this year was kind of garbage I can’t lie there wasn’t any good Christmas trees whatever okay I’m ready to war it up oh wait which haters do I have

On these could be complimentary you imagined okay they are whatever I think these are on like the high preset too let me just get into a less laggy Lobby hold on we’ll worry about that in a second we’ll figure it out trust it’s an emote on

Twitch I mean the music is a b up so all right I forgot this Lobby is like in the void so the fog is kind of crazy dude I’m almost a mo mo M how how do you pronounce it I don’t know something like that I don’t know honestly couldn’t tell

You to be honest I’m just gonna hit quick play and we’ll see what happens I may or may not watch again later but I’m going to be gone for now all right I’ll see you later let me get the stream pulled Up um hold on oh this music is Gas yeah all right all right hold on I’m just getting everything pulled up my fault I have 45 LV on right now literally like console fov bro that that’s worse than console fov bro yo the slimes are like green what hey I’m actually loving the Christmas theme on mcci this is Sick I should probably cap my Minecraft FPS cuz like my CPU is kind of prone to overheating whenever I stream so uh let’s do that and not die and honestly for most MCC games we’re probably good with an eight render distance I’m going to die whatever I don’t care it was a

Warmup it’s pronounced meon yeah I was I was basically on point don’t even worry about It let me get core temp opened up we’ll see what the CPU temps are like we’ll see what they’re like you know what they’re not even like that bad yet never mind I take that back sitting at a solid 95° don’t even worry about It what’s up with these clouds m is what I said whatever that’s like same thing like no cat I for my better Skies Cloud also why this why are the clouds down here why is this map so low I just almost died that would have been embarrassing Matrix Roo hey they look good with the explosion though look pre fire what do we not even going to cap to you dude Loki it’s been a long week at school I don’t know if I can do two more two more weeks until winter break bro I

Don’t know bro I just got so much chemistry homework for the weekend too I’m I’m not looking forward to it but whatever I was able to do a decent portion in it in class while she was yapping but like honestly didn’t make too much of a dent it’s kind of a lot of

Homework but we’ve got the same feather Cape I have all four of the beta capes Hy that fireball Saved My Life um I was lowkey dead to that wall and I win first game of this no no this is that second game of the stream first game I was changing settings that’s basically first game of the stream hold on I can even change my Cape whoops I hit the wrong

Button we got uh we could pull out a we can pull out uh e this one’s honestly the best one though this one’s pretty good I don’t like that one too much yeah whatever I’ll I’ll leave it I’ll leave it default let me let me actually look look at what my quests

Are D ball um hold in the worldall Dodger almost have already made decent progress on that hold in the worldall champion top three in two games i l just have to do that one more time I can do both a hole in the wall Quest right now another Dy ball

Destroy 1,100 blocks dur games with d ball this seems like a lot this seems like a crazy amount Punch 20 chickens in to get to other side that’s also a lot to get to the other side you know what I’m going just leave the the quests as they are Ros a gamer well I mean I want all the capes in the Discord giveaway it’s also how I

It was like a giveaway and you get all the beta capes access to the client and four invites to invite four other people to get access to the Cent to the client like but when is in a closed beta um all right uh ah whatever I’ll just do quick play

And see what I get if I get hole in the wall I get hole in the wall you know if I get whatever I’m just we’ll just do quick play for now what’s up dunck Duncan so what did you mean when you meant you finishing everyone I meant exactly what I meant I’m

Kidding or am I I know you never know bro chat but you don’t understand I have so much chemistry homework for this weekend bro I can’t even lie my chemistry teacher got me genuinely tweaking on Thursday bro she was giving this lecture right and we were supposed

To take notes I was trying to pay attention cuz I knew I knew this is going to be this is going to be important for the for the test you know I’m an honor chemistry I got to lock in right so I’m like all right I got I got

To lock in I got to focus up I got to take some notes on this lecture but I was like trying to focus I kept zoning out it was her lectures are actually so boring like I’m fine with normal lectures but this old lady is she’s so

Bad at teaching too dude I was I was genuinely tweaking I I’ve never skipped classes before but I was literally about to walk out of that class the last 15 minutes of that class got me dying it was so boring I was about to like stab my eyes

Out at least it was six per period so you know was the end of the day after that um okay that was like a 3v one what was I supposed to do I know right bro have someone’s homework exactly bro hey my soul my history

Teacher I love her bro I get so much homework on that class my history teacher is actually mommy bro oh my God she’s so chill and she’s kind of bad I can’t even lie but I mean I said nothing I said nothing but literally like every period

At the beginning of class I hate this map this map sucks way too many people just sit there and just bow you like what is this absolute Abomination bro oh my God it’s awful where’s the last guy over Here no way he wins that it’s a warmup history is not necessary history is necessary I disagree D I swear some of the teachers just suck like my history teacher while she broke a kid’s laptop in your class dang my history teacher is so chill at the beginning of every class she’ll like

Hold on I got to turn the game sound down a little bit at the beginning of every class she’ll walk in and then well she’ll walk to the front of the class you know ask how every is doing and she just talk cuz like she knows like that her lesson is

Not going to fill the whole period so she’ll just talk to us for 20 minutes like the other day she told us how she would hide a dead body cuz you know like like what kind of teacher actually talks about that she she said if she has a

Dead body next to her Barn she has like feral pigs or something and she’s going to feed it to them cuz they eat anything um but like she gives us so much free time on that class like we can literally have our phones out during the lectures actually whenever we want like she

Doesn’t even care like she’s I love her B yo same she hides dead bodies too what she was talking about a theoretical bro I I get a ton of homework done that class it’s actually awesome I love that class I mean some of the assignments in that

Class are lowkey halor some of my least favorite assignments like these mini cues but they’re like required like they’re part of our history curriculum so like nothing you can really do about it But I don’t know it’s a w class sometimes we have like 20 minutes of extra time at the end of the period And I just be one V one in people in class Royale bro and I absolutely dunk on them yeah the reticle I me that too sure

Buddy the little brother just split Sour Patch Kids sugar all over your desk damn it was my it was my uh dude why am I bugging dude my CPU is like overheating bro and anyways it was my older brother’s birthday this week right and uh uh hold on son of

A mine fourth that’s not bad I I I’ll take that for dying fourth is amazing but not going to lie you lucky you allowed to have phones during school your school forbids that passing Tech technically technically we’re not supposed to have our phone out ever but they like literally you could have like

During as long as you don’t have it out in class it more depends teacher to teacher technically we’re not supposed to have it out during passing period or whatever but look key you could have your phone out next to the principal during passing period and he wouldn’t care they don’t enforce That um but yeah it’s technically a rule like in our student handbook but my Spanish teacher gets me so mad bro I hate her I’m dude least favorite teacher by far I hate her so much she’s worse than my chemistry teacher like my chemistry teacher yaps but oh my gosh my Spanish

Teacher just gets on your nerves bro I hate her so much like bro I actually just like shut up and she gets so mad over the smallest things like like if a previous period annoyed her in the slightest way you know it’s going to be a rough period cuz

She’ll she’ll walk into class and she’ll be ranting she’ll be like yo third period was so annoying today and she’ll go in like a 10-minute rant about how bad third period was and you know it’s going to be a rough period when she does that she knows she’s going to get so mad

Like I hate her bro she’s such an attitude like sheids like hella homework for a Spanish class I can’t even lie but it’s whatever the homework’s not too difficult and you know there’s always Google translate oh um I did horrible oh my gosh seventh okay American schools I think

Are more loose than Canadian schools I might be wrong though pretty sure they’re about the same I don’t know I have an I have a Canadian friend I feel like it probably it kind of just varies from school to school like my Spanish teacher won’t allow phones my Spanish teacher is so

Strict too dude just when we’re taking a quiz we have to put everything at the front of the room we can’t even have our water bottles on our desk and she’ll wipe down everyone’s desk to make sure there’s no markings and she just and like usually our quizzes are online like

On our school laptops and so she’ll Pace at the back of the room make sure all of our laptops are bright enough where she can clearly see everyone’s screens to make sure we’re not cheating we can only have the quiz tab open like she’s way

Too strict for like a tiny quiz bro like actually crazy my birthday was yesterday are you trying to party on MCC Island Okay happy birthday here I’ll I’ll party I’ll party you I’ll party you for like for like a one game one game cify is that is that just your in game username why did that not work oh I have to do party invite I don’t know what your username

Is if I’m going to be honest but happy birthday bro hopefully your birthday was great we don’t talk about the UK schools how about how about are the UK schools oh my gosh I am bugging bro six that’s horrible Americans knowing how to speak Spanish I mean we have a lot of

Spanish speakers in our country so I we have you have to take two you have to take um you have to get two language credits uh in our high school or in our school district um and the choices in my high school are Spanish French German and

Japanese I just chose Spanish cuz it’s probably probably the most useful language for me um but honestly big biggest regret of my High School uh career choosing Spanish because all the Spanish teachers suck so much my Spanish teacher last year was worse than the one I have this year both

Times they were my least favorite teacher you never played let me boot up the game all right hold on oh my bro’s bridging to the Moon oh my yo yo yo yo yo what was that bro I couldn’t even block clutch cuz everyone’s everyone was in the way like

They’re like hit box has got in the way of me placing any blocks no that’s mine that’s mine bro yeah that’s mine that’s what I thought listen you don’t use laptops you’re legitimately having like two teachers standing next to you during a UK test it’s really awkward and the principal covers classes

Dang well iate why but Americans think French big deal since I know some French it’s like I don’t know French doesn’t seem too crazy to me but I don’t know I don’t really know anything about the language Red Light Green Light red like that’s Awful is it going to be red light like Ever ha if you punch someone during red light you can blow them up you don’t get blown up by punching or looking around but if if you punch them and they like move they get blown up oh shoot I’m doing really bad all right bro

I got to go but I hope you have a good stream all right hope you have a good day thanks for stopping by this guy’s going to punch me this guy’s my op bro I know he is yeah just give me that chicken I don’t even care if it’s red light just

Give me that chicken hold on hold on I can’t even lie I can’t even lie until I get my laptop cooler I got to disable some of these visual mods bro I’m like bugging bro like I low key don’t even need that or like yo like I don’t even need that

Honestly like I only need half of these hold on uh I’ll reenable these once I get like my laptop cooler for Christmas but like my CPU is lowkey overheating right now I don’t even need that hold on hold on I don’t need that entity coing I don’t need explosive

Enhancement that’s definitely making me bug bro I’m just going to disable any of these like mods that are making me bug bro I have a lot of visual mods in here there uh presence footsteps is really nice nice I shouldn’t need that that uh that that that um okay that should be

Good it doesn’t really make a big difference to how the game looks version 1.20.1 uh I think it’s 1.9.4 through 1.2.2 so basically any of the newer versions and you should be good all right let’s see if the game opens come on there we go working on an SMP application you

Know wait hold on you know repay mod is helping me through yeah re Mod’s a w mod Bro honestly the best mod for Content creators like it’s not even close so useful getting cinematic shots the mods bro I kept off of my FPS mods I just disabled some of these like random visual mods that I lucky don’t need that I’m making me bu

Bro hold on this main lobby is like the laggiest like game Lobby like ever whoa winter event calendar chat I got to do this every day wait what what’s wait wait wait oh I wonder what the one on Christmas is going to be but you can get elf’s hat

You can get Jolly gifts dude I want jolly gifts dude that’s so cool I Love This Server you don’t know how excited that just made me glowing was just like a few hours streaming he he streamed for an hour at like 12:30 or something I watched a little bit but

Literally like the second I joined stream he just like randomly ended bro like I didn’t know he only streamed for an hour why did he end I had the I had the audio off for a bit cuz I was I I was catching up on a little bit of YouTube before I started

Streaming cuz like usually streams for way longer than an hour like just an hour is crazy especially on a Friday Friday’s like the day I’m most hyp because it’s the first day of streaming like I feel like my streaming energy like goes down throughout the weekend I feel like the

Sunday is the more like chilled layback one well like Fridays Friday is the one where I’m hype I got so much to talk about from the entire week like All right we got fourth place we honestly chilling we doing pretty good I should be able to ring this I wish what’s this map bro I don’t know if I’ve ever done this this uh leap before I could be wrong maybe I have but not totally sure but it was it was

My brother’s birthday earlier this week and he bought a big LT desk mat like one of like the huge giant ones and like it was so big that like like he could only fit like half of it on his desk so he gave me a fourth of it and another

Fourth to my little brother so I have this giant desk mat like even a fourth of that thing is like covers like most of my desk like my keyboard or Mouse area so I have I have a giant really nice desk mat from LTT store.com I’m basically advertising another YouTuber’s

Merch bro but like that stuff is high quality bro um hold on all we made it we made it it was only an hour cuz I didn’t have any ideas of what to stream so I just did a short little stream when I don’t have ideas I just uh coin flip MCC or

Bedwars I mean that’s like every stream but I love MCC in bedw Wars so what reason not to stream them although I have been doing less bedw war bedwars just doesn’t get updates MCC does like MCC feels new and refreshing bedw Wars feels a little old and repetitive I’m

Not going to lie like I love bedw Wars but honestly it’s kind of become a more once in a while thing because of kind of how repetitive it feels play sky battle after this all right all right you’re literally waiting for LTT desk M right now yeah my older brother would have

Gotten a smaller one it just wasn’t that much more to get a huge one so he just thought he would cut it up and give some to me and honestly it’s so nice replace my old mouse pad and it’s huge you know covers it covers like three4 of my desk

The last fourth is just where my laptop is but it covers the first uh it covers like 2/3 of my desk actually the last like third of my desk is on my laptop is but it covers where my monitor keyboard and mouse are on what is this this is

Cringe oh my gosh this is actually like confusing me bro no this is this is so weird this is like this is breaking my brain I’m this this should be so easy this is the easiest parkour my life I’m would you play H High pixel Bridge

Du for a stream no that’d be way too repetitive one duel for an entire stream honestly just Duels for an entire stream is too repetitive I would have to mix in bedwars and SkyWars like bedw Wars is more teens but like duels I can I can’t

Do for 3 hours straight and entertain a stream and also I just don’t like Bridge duels that much to play for 3 hours for a stream in the middle of the blocks I know but like those those ones yeah these ones were like some of them break

Bro those are the worst worse than trapo parkour worse than chain parkour bro those suck Bro they break your brain Oh what now I don’t want to do this again let me let me do a quick play uh actually he said sky battle we’ll do a little bit of sky battle right now let me check let me check my game pass for this Lobby although I probably

Don’t have anything cuz I never keep this game yeah I’m close to SAI whatever that is I can get a paper umbrella cherry tree that’s cool o Katana that’s Cool huh I pretty freaking cool man all right let’s want some sky battle who we got who we got bro why do people wear the default hair cosmetics it looks so bad I’ve never seen a skin that it looks good on it actually just looks so bad like that’s got to be a

Joke like ain’t no way bro you actually rocking that I usually rock a bucket hat but you know I got I got the Santa hat on right now so we can’t be rocking that we got to keep up with the Christmas spirit you know how it be

Um I’m just excited for that laptop cooler man it’s only a laptop cooler but man it’ll help so much with MCC performance cuz literally like what my CPU when it’s not when it’s not like thermal throttling when it’s not too hot it’ll run at 4 GHz and I’ll get great

Performance right now it’s running at like 3 GHz and sometimes it dips down to like 2.5 and on only 4 core CPU that is no buo that is no buo let’s keep it at 4 GHz pry please unfortunately I can’t overclock my CPU so even when I get the laptop cooler

Which should drop my CPU temp by like by like 20° probably more cuz I don’t have a very high powerered laptop uh I could definitely overclock it since I have so much extra cooling capability but HP laptops don’t let you at least this one doesn’t I looked it up although

I can over overclock my GPU a little bit so that’ll be interesting but that’ll really only help like performance when I’m using like really high-end shaders when I’m not like CPU limited cuz just right now I’m hella CPU limited like my GPU ain’t doing nothing um let’s help some Let’s Help teammate

Out actually teammate is chilling bro he like that okay maybe this one Ain’t block that off that guy’s just going to run so you know whatever just let him let him have it whoops oh my God ow is my entire team just died yeah my entire team just died I’m saving up for a better graphics card I think it’ll be 30 60 nice

Ni yeah I’m a l I’m I’m on a I’m on a laptop so I can’t really upgrade it besides like putting extra storage and memory in which I already have um and of course upgrading the cooling which is I’m which is what I’m about to do but I

Can’t upgrade any of the parts obviously um but the main thing I need is a better CPU this four core laptop CPU MCC Islands while streaming bro this thing struggles and with editing bro oh my God do not edit on a four on a old

Four core CPU maybe a new one but like oh my gosh an old 4 core CPU oh my God it’s actually horrible I mean editing 1080p is sort of okay until you add like any effects but anything higher resolution oh my gosh you’re just dead you’re literally dead oh my gosh I’m also

Literally dead dead tussy what does that mean what is bro talking about what’s he talking about I don’t know Uhoh uh think I accidentally disabled Reese’s sodium options look at my settings bro they’re so Bad whatever um oh there goes my pickaxe dude someone took my pickaxe bro yo huh better hope I don’t get in a put I don’t get put in a situation where I have to break blocks um let me kill this guy give me your pickaxe do people even drop

Pickaxes what was I supposed to do big hamburger guy was on full health how am I I’m doing pretty good it was your birthday so I you get you I was going to invite you for a game hold on cify I send you a party Invite let me oh you join the party sick let me up these real quick Ultra let’s go with medium maybe we we’ll see how medium runs we can oh but this is the laggiest map this is the worst map okay let’s try let’s try because it’s this map let’s just do I guess

Low I never use BSL shaders they’re not my favorite shaders to be Honest H we’re still not getting good frames this map sucks watch me still be CPU limited oh my God it’s lit I’m literally being CPU limited right now not even the shaders that’s just running like the game physics BS but that’s crazy whatever I’m going kill this

Guy yo diamond boots give me your food thank you what only dropped two steak wait how much steak do you spawn with swear you spawn with eight Yo not flipping cool man you know BSL shaders aren’t that good did I respond to that chat message asking how am I well if I didn’t I’m doing absolutely fantastic let me try these shaders whoa what the hell let’s just try low Oh God I actually kind of like the oh what is wrong with low settings on these shaders what is that motion blur oh my o that motion blur is O I don’t know about that I don’t know about that motion BL oh oh he did join the party what’s good

Bro I didn’t even noticed I’m not going to lie okay these shaders are awful these shaders are so bad I can’t PVP dude I can’t see them like I move my camera and everything just a blur holy crap I can’t I can’t see them What are we just going to do this one these the best shaders for visuals to Performance you just can’t compete low and medium preset on this if you have a bit of a better PC low pre or bit of a better PC like you know medium preset looking look amazing good

Performance very I’m on what low right now the shadow quality isn’t the best but like you can ignore that like bro this is beautiful man medium you get a nice shadow quality bump though so uh pretty faking cool man yo why do I have a th000 ping

PC or laptop laptop pretty low-end one too honestly I can get is I’m not usually when you’re running Traders your GPU limited I I’m not even GPU limited right now my GPU isn’t even running at 100% it’s only at like 90 it’s not overheating either it’s at a good

Temperature it’s it’s still my CPU my CPU is still overheating Lally I swear I stream or record while playing MCC Island like other Minecraft servers are fine but MCC Island like it uses so much CPU usage for no reason like I don’t know Why why is why is you guys SLA me bro bro oh you blocked my view of the chest with the Flip snowballs it’s not that useful give me good loot good loot arrows isn’t that useful either I like barely ever use my B low key wait where is this Aqua guy oh my God I hear him and he just killed my teammate Um going wait for that to go off diamond sword I’m dead diamond swords are so broken what is that damage bro I he was able to heal to full health too dude diamond swords are just too good I can’t even lie they’re just too goated

Like what do we what do we flipping uh broken BR you baited me for real bro like what was he doing destroying us obviously dude after you know I’m tired of the CPU you should like why is my CPU blowing up I’m I’m in stop bro I’m

Getting rid of Windows 11 bro I’m installing I’m installing Atlas OS after this after this stream I’m I’m looking into I’m installing Atlas o bro it’s like Windows 11 but with nothing on it like no bloatware like your CPU like your your just passive CPU usage for like Windows is going to go

Down to like 0% bro you see like it’s it’s so lightweight it’s like it’s like a game it’s like basically Windows 11 but like a gaming OS I just know it’s going to be kind of a pain to install mandarins or CL ltin uh I don’t know if I’ve ever had

Either or what aren’t those just oranges with extra steps like where am I from I’m from the US uh Washington Washington State not Washington DC oh thank you teammate I love you thanks for the diamond sword I love you in a paternal way oh my God teammate you’re so cute Oh I’m going to bomb an Orphanage just kidding maybe I’m going to highly consider bombing an orphanage all right what they do to the lighting in this Lobby I guess so it’s Christmas themed everything is like green bro I guess it’s just the sky but like I feel like the this ain’t normal but I kind of I

Kind of like the vibe actually this tree is fire M mandarins or Clementine’s and yes they’re oranges is there a difference between them like in flavor or is it kind of like a caramel caramel type scenario where it’s just whatever you want to call it all right I still need D ball still

Need hole in the wall and I still need to get to the other side I still need to do all my quests but whatever I just got sky battle again whatever sky battle is my favorite game mode anyway hold I W in qes might as well

Like uh open some of this hold on do we we don’t oh I guess I have crate tokens let me just start open up these currency pouches I’m about to be rich I’ve opened up a decent portion of mine but I still have so many to open like holy

Bro I have so many why can’t I open like multiple of them at once I have 11 Smalls and 15 medium ones left like that’s crazy mandarins are sweeter but a lot softer clementines are sturdy and preferable in my opinion yeah you like it sturdy huh Pause but I know you like it Sturdy all right we got this guy who we all got in here over some W team can I open the chest bro oh My I bugging or what like team man where you going why you keep stopping where speed Bridger bro isn’t there a purple chest somewhere over here here it’s right There woo I almost fell you love it stury all right man thanks for partying with me see you next stream all right you have a good day thanks for stopping By oh my gosh he absolutely critted me out look he just got crapped on Where do we Um solders basic actually these shaders are kind of nice can I run these wait no that’s the wrong one um let’s run these ones oh these don’t look that good H these look all right they look all Right oh my God it’s Mario I don’t know if he’s supposed to be Mario but I can’t really see he just has a YouTube play button hat bro he’s got the YouTube play button beanie okay any way I’m bugging on these [ __ ] just but I wasn’t Bing on the last

Ones like bro what let just take me back to t- shaders bro um guess I’m going this way cuz like I need loot bro there we go iron sword we take that come on something good uh Cobbs are I I like never end up using them but they’re useful

Sometimes where’s this purple chest something good please that’s not bad definitely not but not everyone in the game is going to have Diamond pants I don’t know if that’s a good thing cuz like everyone’s be getting that purple chest whatever Um yo it’s Sonic bro Sonic come here Sonic dude why do you ignore me bro I hate Sonic dude that guy that Sonic guy sucks Bro definitely didn’t kill myself it’s all the Sonic guy’s fault it’s all his fault bro all right who we got we got meow snap and meow Q these guys are definitely on the same team and we got Bas bace I have no idea but he’s got a pretty fire skin

Loki actually that look could lowkey just be the Steve skin with the glasses Cosmetic yeah whatever he lowkey got a fire skin low key yo why are they bombing me bro BR I didn’t know this is the local orphanage like oh I already had Diamond pants I didn’t know that all right finished recording with replay got some clean shots W bro hey

Pro tip for getting cinematic replay shots lower your fov to like 45 makes all your shots look so much better half of these are not it for cinematic shots I mean this will look end up looking pretty good but love of these like actually make it oh my hop

Off there’s two of you I couldn’t plac any blocks he was in the way he’s so fat dude his hit box is literally bigger than my future nikocado avocado over here he’s he’s preparing for his neck for his next mukbang bro like oh my gosh I couldn’t place any blocks you have it

On 30 just makes it look so nice in my opinion 30 is just too too low like it it can end up looking pretty nice um I don’t know 45 is just a personal preference but also like with 30 fov if you’re in like a tight like if

You’re trying to like like if you have a replay shot that’s like inside like a building and it’s like a smaller building it’s kind of hard to like sometimes it’s hard to like fit everything you want to see if you only have a 30 fov I find 45 fov to be my sweet

Spot with complimentary reimagine shaders you know It oh my gosh bro I suck ooh I got a diamond sword though so like I can probably make up for my incompetence you know we got to compensate we compensate here yo dude I I almost clutched on the wall and then I would have time to eat and then

Jump down beat him with my sword save my teammates and I would be their hero sometimes I go 40 it just depends I just go 45 every time and then also when I do my intros when I just slap the air like this I also use mod cuz like I ain’t running

Shaders like that real time I’m not like that um and then I also use 45 ofv for that cuz like I don’t know 30 fov for that like you can only see like half of my my skin like my character bro but maybe that’s better I don’t know I guess I’m

Closer to the camera this way but I know I use 45 probably more of just a personal preference thing as long as you ain’t using anything over like like 60 like don’t is a high of You bro I used to use Quake Pro bro it’s actually crazy I use Quake Pro for playing as well back then which is wild like I could not play in Quake Pro today oh my god dude I have the worst bow accuracy oh my teammates where are my

Teammates the entire team was just railing me and my teammates were just up there looting the chest bro just ignoring me like okay didn’t know this was a solo game didn’t know you wanted to let me die and then take the one V and then

Take the 1v4 on your own like I don’t know that was the Strat maybe I’m just mad CU bad but like Quake Pro bro how do you even play on Quake Pro bro you can literally see behind you your fov is so High look at this bro look at this what is this bro I can see everything wait uh 85 there we go 85 is the best low Key that’s it’s a sweet spot right there oh diamond sword oh my lord lord lord I’ll re with my teammates in a second um I’m I’m here I might as well just loot this Tower there’s no one going for me so it really doesn’t really matter what do it a nether diamond sword

Bro maybe I’ll grab this for a teammate what’s up Samurai how’s it going man I almost fell lowy in the middle of saying Samurai can’t even lie fine I got a dark now although I don’t really want to use it but I guess I have it

Um Diamond pants is sick a that was a misclick I meant to equip the diamond pants well I guess I’m going up here now well I kind of just wasted my spark whatever are my teamates alive only one of them that’s not good uh whatever we’ll be be fun your is

So high it’s higher than Snoop Dog for real bro Quake Quake Pro players or something else they they different breed oh my gosh touch me bro why’ you have to Lava your stuff though that was the most useless kill cuz he just lava his stuff m Yo buddy buddy we we we sh we sh we sh we sh we got time to pop the Gap another Gap please please py please py please why did I do that do what oh my gosh no gaps The Border’s like moving in hella fast apparently this guy didn’t want me to third

Party interesting play no wait I could have killed it in time I had a diamond sword I just had to hit it three times I just started spamming clicking I’m pretty actually but I can’t crit I don’t know if I would have killed it in time you know I’m not

Sure actually let me let me let me let me do a quick play cuz I lowkey got to get these quests done I can’t just Q Sky out of the whole day I’m trying to get I’m trying to do these quests you Know oh my gosh I’m lowkey tired dude waking up at 6 for school oh my gosh it’s been a long Week only two more weeks till winter break that seems like way too long bro I don’t know if I can do it two more weeks is is to too many I made it so it sounds like you have an echo h all right to get to the other side this

Is probably this is honestly one of my favorite Maps I usually do pretty good on it I usually get top three o I don’t know about red light green light on it though that might be too much too Much oh my gosh get your block blocks out of my way I sold I sold you did not just punch me during red light no You’re how did I take that much knock back did I jump you only take that much knock back if you like midair I must have jumped that was horrible timing BR idiot wait red light hadn’t ended that was the longest red light of my life okay I said I did good on this map but I died once and then Red Light Green Light ruined me get out of here bro you are the worst player H bro why are these red lights

Lasting like so long these are the longest red lights of my life usually they’re over like instantly like bro with the flip there’s no way I got like anything good eth is horrid bro horrible that was the worst to get to the other side of Game Of My

Life of my entire career bro oh my gosh I should be disappointed myself I should uninstall the game to that one that was bad I died like eight times whatever we’ll make it back in the next one you Know we make it back we just got to get first place in the next to we can definitely make it on the leaderboards yes sir we just got to be hopeful you know I’ll cook I’ll cook don’t even worry about it I’m about to cook so Hard bro move baddest Minecraft Player bye-bye second place not bad not bad at all let’s go I’m like that yes sir yes sir baby we’re on the leader boards now after that eighth we’re now in third dude I’m I’m I’m crazy bro oh oh uh because my camera took mod when

I start flying like my head just goes off screen with this whatever I am like on the Christmas themed Maps though they’re pretty fire I don’t know what this one is it’s called Canyon the icicles are sick though low grab on this sucks I do remember that I’ve done low grab on this

Very map before and it’s probably the worst modifier you get on this map I’d rather have one life i’ actually double time is probably worse on this map although this map’s mostly bridging so it still wouldn’t be that bad but what double time is always the worst Modifier come on Fifth not horrible probably enough to stay in the leaderboards but not Amazing I just want top three baby why can’t I get top three bro with the Flip this is a cool map though it looks good I don’t know if it’s the best to get to the other side map though it’s it’s really short I don’t know it’s fine I don’t have any complaints about It oh I went I hit Q again I don’t really want to do that um I still have to punch so much more chickens in to get your other side but I’m trying to do like I’m just trying to do quick play I’ll get my quests done through random quick play

Games well be be showing don’t even worry about it parkour Warrior this isn’t even one of my quests but we’re going to do it we’re going to cook don’t even worry about it I’m about to go so crazy bro so crazy you won’t even believe it bro like on

God all right come on come on it’s like my worst game but it’s fine this is the only game mode I don’t consistently do well in well sky battle sure I don’t make it top five that often but there’s also 32 players in sky battle it’s way more than any

Other game mode so it’s just harder to do that but I still do I still get a decent amount of kills usually in sky battle I’m good at the PVP ones and even you get to the other side which is a parkour one has a lot of bridging which

I’m good at bridging I’m good at from bedw Wars so but this just straight up parkour not that good at it not going to lie not not my not my strong Suit oh my gosh this is why slime blocks are horrible oh my gosh what the flip dude pre jump all right we Shilling we we’ll make it back we’ll make it Back this one isn’t honestly on this one it’s not even like making it far it’s just about getting to the end of the leap fast iy just got 10th and 11th which is horrible I get like no points for that uh oh my gosh why do they have going to the side

As an option they not to make any jumps from there that’s just confusing map design oh I didn’t jump that’s lovely M burger burgers are delicious bro favorite food I don’t know about favorite they’re top five though I’d even say like top three I love Burgers honestly one of my

Faves I ate so many burgers when I went on a trip to Mexico cuz at the resort you’re staying at it’s like all inclusive so like you basically you know pay for the food beforehand and then like all the food is free but you pay a you pay like a

Certain amount each day for that so I just go around and eating Burgers bro around to all these different restaurants just shove them just shoving down Burgers bro and haling them and haling them like I’m cby I never really played any of the Kirby games I played a lot of Pokemon as

A kid but not really any Kirby games I played a little bit of Kirby but nothing crazy I went the wrong way I just killed myself by Mis jumping or by jumping the wrong way why would I think you’re supposed to jump there let’s not cute parkour Warrior again quick play quick

Play what are my top three favorite foods so like I said Burger is probably number three I would say I’d say number one is probably honestly like it’s kind of basic but I’d say number one is like pizza bro a good pizza like a good like my favorite pizza

Is meat lovers where just like pepperoni bacon and sausage like a good like a good one oh my gosh bro so good good pizza hits different and I feel like ice cream is got to be in my in my top three as well ice cream is so good bro especially the

Ice cream on that same Resort in Mexico they make it all homemade there and they vanilla fa like vanilla isn’t even my favorite flavor of ice cream but there it is their vanilla flavor I can’t describe it the vanilla flavor in their ice cream is so rich they make all the

Ice cream like on the resort there you know all like homemade or whatever but it’s it’s so good dude it’s so actually the best ice cream I’ve ever had nothing even compares store by ice cream does not compare at all store ice cream is still really good though

What’s your favorite flavor flavor of ice cream chat I feel like for me it’s probably got to just be like cookies and cream you can’t go wrong with cookies and cream is pretty gas it’s pretty flipping gas what way I did not do good that game I died so

Early but I wasn’t really paying attention it’s whatever I don’t care what game did I just queue 10 out of 12 yeah I it’s either to get to the other side or battle ball or not battle box hold on the wall it’s SAR you never get Battle box

From quick play that’s like the game mod you don’t get it’s like not random at all whatever good map please oh I hate this map this is might be my least favorite ticket to other side map it’s horrible it’s actually so horrible just by RNG with these doors

You can get put in like even if you’re even if you’re the best get to other side player and you’re supposed to get and you get first like almost every round right if you get unlucky with these doors you just end up with with like you won’t even be in the top five

Like it’s horrible oh my gosh I got so lucky with these doors I’m going to nut oh my gosh you can only you can only open the doors once okay well there goes my position I’m not getting anything in the top 10 yes thank you for opening and this

Water part like this isn’t even parkour what is this this is boring this is just a bad MAP I’m just ranting about the map at this point but it’s not it’s not welld designed and this is just mud I can’t even go anywhere without stepping on the mud and everyone finished before me

Bro ninth absolutely absolutely abysmal sorry this map sucks those doors are so much RNG bro RNG and then the water is horrible and then and the mud part is also horrible I don’t have fun on the map every other TI other side map is fine like this one’s good like I really don’t

Have any complaints with like literally any other TI get to the other side map except for that one I don’t know what the builders were thinking when they made that map bro whatever they were snorting I want some bro cuz like that map design is not it

Bro oh I’m not doing good I keep messing out my jumps goal is to make it on those higher layers but man I can’t I can’t hit my gumps I’m just not it this round holy we ain’t going to get top five nope not even

Close oh my God I just did so bad I didn’t realize how bad I did I just got ninth I was behind everyone I hit I hit every jump wrong that’s got to be one of the worst games I’ve gotten on this map whatever where is this last guy probably

AFK nope they’re just being stupid classic MCC Island player wi all right TNT time let’s see it where’s the TNT at bro okay it just hasn’t exploded yet it’s everywhere but I guess that’s the point of the modifier come on oh my gosh I almost about to jump fifth

Not good honestly five out of fifth out of 12 people not good oh whatever it doesn’t really matter music hitting though so like we we showing we we we pimp chimping we pimp chimping I got ninth overall that’s awful wait I was in the bottom three bottom four that’s so

Horrible that’s got to be one of the worst games to get to the other side I’ve gotone in a minute whatever my quest is just punching chickens oh I want to do quick play actually oh my gosh I need to wait for 10 seconds bro you’re you’re weird you’re Weird oh my gosh how long is oh I just can’t s q I have to wait 10 seconds again are you joking bro bro I’m leaving Bro I’m leaving bro just Q me in quick play bro y did we get Battle box for once no way um let’s go crate machine s you never get Battle box from quick But unless this is hole in the wall if this is hole in the wall I’m just disappointed I’m not going to lie select pool um what would I even want I want the topet sort of this is H uh I think I go with gadgeteer I mean an orb of harming isn’t that good I think I’d rather have the speed and the jump ah actually jump probably is going to mess up my crits never mind jump jump is crazy on this map on this map verticality is very

Important cuz you can’t even jump onto the Box normally unless you have jump boost All right oh my dude I can’t hit these guys yeah I fight back no I could have killed him I just had to swing my sword slightly earlier he was a one hit I could have like spam clicked this guy and he still would have died whatever teamm one it don’t Matter hold on hold on let let me let me change playlist yo actually let’s change to let’s change to this one let’s change to this One bro this music is so gas bro it hits different yes Sir what does Bro think he’s doing he has an iron sword we got to be careful not to hit him it’s fine we hit the combo dude except I keep getting crossbow from everywhere it’s fine teammates win teammates win surely yeah teammates I like that this guy’s good with the with his crossbow

But he ain’t he ain’t winning a 3v one with it not even close that’s what I thought Oh my gosh that bow hit did four Hearts bows in this game are broken broken I tell you no I got them both so low teammate please he’s spamming his bow you just have to hit your shots hit your bow shots please no flank them flank them from

Underneath no hit your shots no you sold they’re both so low there’s one map where you always Ace bro my favorite map is the subway map that map is so gas wait oh my gosh I keep spamming the cues I hate how when I hit it again it

Unques me cuz I was just like spam it you know oh the wall all right watch I’m about to lock in I’m about to lock in don’t even doubt about to go so crazy um cuz I basically I have to get what like top five or something for one of my

Quest top five one more time and then I also need to survive a bunch of walls so basically just need to like go crazy and do really well so I don’t know guess we just got to lock in We’re just going to literally have to go crazy um be better than everyone else in the lobby you know see we already got one person dead I mean we’re just like that we outlive them on the first two walls I mean they were definitely AFK but you

Know um these guys don’t have eyes I need to remove my my texture pack cuz I removed I removed all those mods at the beginning of stream but I still have this texture pack on that needs those mods I what I’ll worry about that later worry about that after that game I

Can’t lose because I was changing resource pack that would just be absolutely Unbelievable bad choice bad choice for what oh my gosh go over that where do we not die some people still have cobwebs that’s pretty scary please don’t cobweb me oh I didn’t expect it to be this W that was pretty scary The Middle’s going away the spiders they hit me I hate spiders

Take this off there we Go dude what the flip man what the flip dude why does spiders do that why’ I do that man we got second place so that’s like fine but like I could have gotten first if those spiders didn’t do that like I still got to survive 30 more walls on this

One what do we not flipping cool like uh what do we not even going to cap it’s fine we bet we better absolutely destroy in this guy b game don’t even wor about it about about to cook about to cook we got uh ocean is vibing wither sweat

And we got some other guy I don’t know I didn’t read his name we’ll just call him some other guy yo um we’re about to be annihilated by this team teammates okay no one push with me cuz apparently we don’t care about sorry it’s a little salty my teammate

Did nothing man I’m going to bomb an orphanage yeah what’s up Yu brother how’s it going man sorry about me yelling at my teammates you know I love my teammates actually except for when they just leave me to die and don’t push a team with me

And wait until after I’m dead to push a team like unbelievable these teammates are way better we got dance with a t Dan I don’t know we got flamee keeper YT to keeper filled with like 80 e and we got space warn it so I mean that’s a that’s a w team if

You ask me like you better absolutely pop Off like yes sir um got some Iron Pants W please something good spark I loving it loving the loot this game absolute W dude if I slap my desk enough times my water bottle will fall off it was getting pretty close where you get that music this song is from the song is by jokim kurud this playlist for I’ve been listening to a lot of Christmas music recently but I

Changed it up uh just recently but well outside of Christmas what I usually listen to is jok kurud and Lakey inspired CU they’re both copyright free their stuff doesn’t have any lyrics most of the time and it’s just beats like this you know it’s just fire beats you know like that hit

Different also another good place to get stream music uh stream Beats by Harris what’s his name stream Beats by uh hold on hold on stream oh my gosh stream Beats by Harris hel that make some good stuff yeah this is jokim Kod ooh I’ll take that that sick one of our teammates is already dead absolutely loving it Teammates come on come on come on this is really scary this is really scary is this bedwars no this is sky battle on MCC Island bedw war is old news Bro although I do love playing bedw Wars but h Um we’re not going to talk about how I miss my axe crit causing me to absolutely get destroyed if I hit that ax C that would have dropped him so low bro would have been a free fight who’s stream El it’s not oh stream elements is my bot it’s just a bot

Moderator I also use stream elements for my chat Overlay Yeah it’s a bot he’s my Bot yo Christmas hat we both rocking the Christmas hats w Massive W’s have you never seen a stream El before dude on Twitch I used to be able I used to be able to rename the stream element spot but I can’t do that on YouTube like I don’t remember what I named him I think I named him like pixel

Pickle or something cuz I couldn’t think of a name holy crap but I could give him his own custom name and it was so much cooler but on YouTube it’s just I just have to call them stream elements Lame oh Diamond pants sick hold on teammates teammates teammate Teammates teammates are dead Teammate teamate I got you I got you pooky don’t even worry about it we get third party woo they like spiked me downward bro okay they’re not chasing which means we’re going to snatch that loot wait fight Me bro not fair you have a diamond chest plate I just fought someone no you play FNAF 59 at Fridays or Friday night funkin cuz people have dude one person my chat kept saying FNAF and I thought they were talking about F I thought they were talking about Friday Nights at Freddy’s

But apparently they were talking about Friday night funkin so I I I I’ve played five nights at Freds before but I don’t I don’t play it anymore but I I’ve played it before I like I also watched the movie the movie was pretty good honestly not how they how I

Thought they would take the story but it pretty good I’m lowkey so tired I can’t even lie waking up at 6 for school bro worst bro dude in middle school I made to wake up at 7 that was so much better 7 wasn’t even that bad cuz like I basically sleep

Till 7:00 on like a weekend but like w him at 600 bro oh my gosh takes me Out no way those creepers just saved my life no way Way oh my dude I there’s they’re everywhere I literally killed two of them where did my teammates go I got you bro I saved you oh my gosh your name is lit creepy YT bro thank you bro you’re you’re a w man you’re a w man You are a creeper w i mean Creepers Are W as you can see they just saved my life bro for a short time and then I died but like they got me two kills like that was that was a 3v one situation and I almost made it out alive because of the

Creepers they just like that yeah we got Bonk provider we got Hans boy and we got xandrex or or it’s or is Xander and he put an X at the end at the end of his name to be cool probably the ladder I eat gunpowder for VE for breakfast that’s pretty weird

Man do you got a VR I do have a VR you can’t play This Server in VR though unfortunately seems like because of the weird VR movements whenever I like like in the lobby it’s fine but whenever I get into like an actual game the weird

VR movements like I I think the anti the anti-che just kicks me into the lobby I don’t know why I don’t know why buty just do that bro literally fight me stop being such a loser I got you teammate teammate is teammate don’t need me bro creepy you exploded me my 2-year

Hardcore World dang wait a minute this guy’s trying to Bow Me come on oh my gosh that was so close I almost killed that guy okay let me just get this loot low key low key but like high key just trying to get some loot man let me get some pants leather pants ain’t ain’t good ain’t good let me get

Some pants that’s not pants what absolute pots why can’t I get any pots oh that was not good we got an iron axe though what it got nine attack damage iron axe crit goes crazy it goes crazy wait a minute oh that was actually a perfect Cobweb scaffolding clutch okay going to take it safe because there’s two people there’s two people gu there’s two people praying on my downfall down here like what am I even supposed to do let me eat let me eat thank you yo why is this lowkey intense I got to

Lock in this screen hey don’t hate don’t be a hater uhoh no I sold I didn’t mean to fall I I fa my bridge doesn’t matter I could have won that what away but whatever let me let me finish up my quests I’m mad about that okay

Hold in the wall then a couple games just to get to the other side and then I for I keep forgetting I don’t even have to go to the lobby to queue I can quue from this now because I bought a $10 rank but yeah hold in the

Wall then we’ll do tiet to the other side and then we’ll do N I like this map though look y this guy’s got a cool feather cave fire although why are the clouds so low in this map like how high up are we bro we at we at 214

Bro what’s the reason for this m being so high up like Widow eggs oh my I just got to log in I have to survive like 30 walls so like the goal is to last a really long time like I don’t even care about winning as long as I just like survive a

Ton of walls especially once the walls start coming fast I’ll be surviving I’ll be I’ll go through this Quest pretty quick feeling hot what does that mean oh that’s blazes that’s fantastic um we’re going to go through this not die um you know we should

This wall good cuz I was ready for that one um okay okay okay okay we almost died we almost lost um just Crouch under that sick okay it’s this wall hey this is a long game that means I’ve survived rived a lot of walls which is good three walls at once is lowkey

Crazy um the game should uh not do that again what was the Super Speed that almost sent me off the map okay just going to be peaceful send that guy off just kidding just kidding we’re being peaceful definitely didn’t fail to send him off oh what’s this one okay this is a

Low key getting like this is getting in four walls at once dude what are these last people doing they’re nuts they’re absolutely crazy how are they still alive Four Walls of the the same time is so crazy how do you have time to react super speed is just there to troll

People for real but how do you even survive four walls at once cuz by the time the walls stop they like they stop like right at the edge of the platform you have like approximately like 2 milliseconds to react for this like wall that’s in like some like crazy like

Formations you have to find where you can even fit and then get over there in time like bro I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t know man that’s crazy I guess I should have been playing an F5 at that point then you can see basically all the walls at the same

Time F5 is just the way to go you know chat chat chat uh I’m bugging you know uh I think my Wi-Fi just went out real quick I don’t know why I disconnected that’s really weird sucks cuz I feel like I would have done really good in that game too like I

Don’t know why that happened like that’s weird yo Bob the corn what’s good bro it’s been a minute it’s good to see you though how you doing how you doing let me know why do I have any fog oh my gosh my fog is default yeah whatever I don’t

Care how how you doing how you doing you’re doing good awesome about me I’m doing absolutely fantastic I mean this this a lovely day lovely Friday you know it absolutely popping off and holding the wall so we Shilling like just got to survive like 10 walls

Or something this game and then I get my achievements I don’t even have to really last long barely have to survive any um fire that guy doesn’t matter cuz the walls are moving so slow that like you literally can’t die right now like if you die right now you’re actually just bad

Watch me die within the next like 10 seconds like the only reason why you can die is like stupid modifiers like hoglands bro hogins can absolutely send you so easily you ready for Christmas I’m 100% ready bro I need a laptop cooler so bad my cpu’s been overheating playing this server I don’t

Know why but like my CPU is just like not cooking right now I think I still get my achievement surely oh my gosh I’m three walls away are you joking you’ve got to be kidding me one more game for three more walls actually an L whatever

What oh this map is ugly I hate these indoor Factory Maps Maps or like Castle Maps I want to be able to see the outside especially when you’re using like shaders bro you get like light like actual sunlight coming in these are all closed off you can’t see

Anything what you hoping to get for Christmas Bob and Samurai what what does everyone in chat hoping they get for Christmas let me know I’m getting the laptop cooler from my grandparents I honestly don’t know what I want to get from my parents clothes honestly we’ll see um I think I’ve already survived three walls I could kill myself right now if I wanted to but I’ll just I’ll just keep

Going so whatever yeah I just I just finished the daily Quest I don’t really care what do you want except for the cool yeah I don’t know I agree blows are nice I can’t really think of anything I want an Oculus Link cable once I get the

Laptop cooler I should be able to do more VR stuff like VR Minecraft so that would be sick I have an Oculus I just need a link C to connect it to my laptop I mean the cable I have now works it’s just so short that I’m like worried about

Punching my monitor cuz I’m right next to my desk and you you also want a really fast cable cuz uh since you’re like sending video to the headset um you want to really a cable that can support a lot of bandwidth so I think the VR C would be

Nice what you what are you hoping to get for Christmas D Wait I ceed for hole in the wall down on Accident no I’m not playing hole in the wall again you want a PS5 love you hoping to play the new Spider-Man let me K so I can finish off that achievement I need to punch eight more chickens that’s that’s not too bad that’s nothing too crazy new Spider-Man hey the new

Spider-Man looks absolutely fire or a phone controller nice you do some Mobile gaming Quest scroll dude the Slime Ling would be so sick although it takes what award for completing the Mastery challenge I don’t know I don’t know what the Mastery challenge is it’s probably winning in

Hole in the wall a ton of times and I don’t play hole in the wall enough for that Loki your Mom owes you $500 how do does your mom owe you $500 what was your mom what what was your mom buying that you you gave your mom $500 for

Something or like did she like owe you that from like doing chores or do you have like an allowance or Something give me six not that good but whatever how does your mom get to owe you $500 that’s crazy in my opinion in my opinion that’s a little bit crazy oh my gosh my CPU is bugging this what I mean you see that frame rate drop bro that was

Nuts it’ll get a little Spike where it gets hot and then it like slows down hell it is bad bro n nah she said if I get uh if I get a metal hold on freaking Emoji thing is covering up part of your

Message if I if I get a metal and all a she would give me $500 and you got it what’s a met oh a metal okay a medal for what Metal’s pronoun metal is spelled with a d by the way not a t lowy just follow this guy he’s got good

Movement just follow the guys with crazy movement until they don’t have crazy movement no more and that’s when you pass them that’s when you pass them like we going crazy right now we going absolutely wild oh give me that chicken I should have gotten third there I just couldn’t punch the

Chicken for like doing good nice chat is this the best Minecraft server in my opinion I think it is well just Java’s pretty fire this is the best public Minecraft server better than Hypixel cuz they actually update their games other than Sky Block oh my God the omame Hypixel updates to

Sky Block we were promised the bedwar update in Janu wait we promised the bedwars update in the beginning of 2023 chat it’s almost 2024 and there’s still a perplexed person in front of the castle waiting for the update bro oh my god when is H highx going to update

Bedwars holy crap the only game they updated is Sky Block like who cares about Sky Block that’s dead news bro that game is literally just slave labor you just send your minions to get you stuff like how how does anybody find that enjoyable bro it’s like it’s like

Basically like a Roblox Tycoon with extra steps upgrade great your slave labor get more money I mean it’s all it is to It third not bad not bad at all never they will never update well we got half the update in January we were supposed to get the entire thing in January I’m pretty sure and now there’s just a perplexed person in the bedwars lobby and he’s like oh my God this

Castle appeared overnight I wonder what it could be and we’re waiting for the castle doors to open for this new update and it’s been like a whole year I haven’t realized how much time has flown cuz I’m pretty sure they promised more bedw war content in January of

2023 G it is 2024 bro oh my haex needs to step up their game bro update bedwars it’s the only fun game you have I mean SkyWars is pretty fun but it’s it’s hypix doesn’t have enough players like sky battle has way too many sweats like people think bedwars has a lot of

Sweats Sky battle’s only people who are absolute Gods at PVP living in their mother’s basement okay got to go see you next week all right see you I mean I’m also streaming tomorrow but I’ll see you thanks for stopping by bro o we Shing she going to smoothly go over this with

The low grav to jump too much how are people already finishing there’s no way there’s no way dog dog they got no blue raspberry I don’t think anybody’s going to understand that Meme reference they gave me no blue raspberry I will join tomorrow if I can then all

Right they gave me no blue raspberry all right let’s do this I’m about to win don’t even worry about to chat watch this oh TNT I didn’t even realize it was TNT time can’t even lie wasn’t paying attention why is bro why is bro brid to outer space why what’s what’s the need

For bridging so high like what bro chill out third ain’t bad third is not bad we got 11th the first round which is absolutely abysmal we were second to last like we might as well have been last at that point but we got third this round low grab on

That like tower map is just it’s just an L it’s just an l like nothing you can do about it but it’s it’s just an L but this map this map’s a w map like like what do we but how how some people like still haven’t even made

It bro it’s not that hard is it really is it’s really not that difficult all right oh I hate this map I’m lowkey bad at this Oh ah I just sold I just sold I’m not getting any early bird anymore oh my God let me get back up oh my God let me get back up oh my oh I just lost oh my God I’m literally getting 12th I’m getting 12th I’m getting 12th what nin

Bro that’s got to be my worst performance ever did I get the quest yet BR I’ve literally done like 80 games as a k you side it’s fine I just have to punch two chickens this game and then we’ll be chilling and then we just got this Dall Quest low key seems

Hard is 1,100 blocks a What I no actually I’m not even worried about Quest it doesn’t even give me like nothing that give me Quest Spirit F you know I don’t even care I’m just going to finish this to get to the other side quest and then and then I’m low key

Going to end stream cuz I low key have like a I have the worst headache right now I can’t even lie I’ve just been really tired today I’m going to end it an hour early like the energy honly wasn’t even here wasn’t there today I I’m tired man it

Been a long week of school a long week a long week of my campus teachers is yapping bro oh my gosh she won’t yaap she won’t stop yapping bro absolute ypp Fest like she be talking about all these like electrons and like ions and Cat I and annion like bro what does that even mean bro veence electrons like bro shut up like I ain’t trying to do all this chemistry bro I just want to do the cool Labs

Where we light stuff on fire bro we had one lab where we lit where we lit chemicals on fire and saw what and we recorded what color the fire turned that was the best lab but these lectures bro oh my gosh oh you have an H what what does an h mean oh

Oh yeah I ly do like I don’t know I’m honestly not feeling 100% right now but I’m trying to keep the energy up for this stream but like I’m lucky just going to end an hour early don’t worry I’ll get some editing done in this time or whatever but

Uh can I queue in this game though like I mean trying to talk to like fing the time but like this I’m just trying to finish my quest right right and this they won’t even kill me bro I literally had to I have to punch two more

Chickens three people four people K to get to the other side right now please please chat I need you to Q get to the other side right now go go to play. MCC is.net right now right now and I need a queue to get to the other side what is this

Q what is this oh we we got N9 out of 12 9 out of 12 yes yes yes a party joined thank the Lord I just need to punch two chickens and we done yay I’m about to pop off this is the last game of the stream we got we

Got to end on the w i want to I want to get leaderboards I want to get top five I want to cook although there’s probably a lot of good players who cuz any anybody who doesn’t really like to get to the other side is not going to

Sit in that long of a que it’s probably only going to be like crazy players I’m probably going to get destroyed actually whatever I’m just going to lock in on my jumps Here that was not locking on my jumps Oh my God I’m literally in last I’m literally in Last why can’t I make I can’t make that jump every time you need have like perfect timing to make that bro we made it up here boom boom boom boom I don’t know why I’m saying boom I’m in like last place boom Oh my gosh I fell I fell no I I no

No no no everyone just passed me bro nce what was that voice crack but I’mma leave C all right well thanks for tuning in you have a good day come on on I well whatever I just need to punch two chickens this is probably one of my least favorite Maps

Cuz it’s just so hard everyone’s just so good bro I don’t know I just need a bridging map that’s what I’m good at that bedwars I always get like top five on bridging Maps cuz like it’s it’s bed bro literally bedwars carries like all my all my bedwar experience carries for

That all right let’s let’s run it up let’s run oh my gosh I can’t Bridge let’s run it Up let’s run it up oh my gosh third place like this is what I said I always get top five on the bridging Maps bedw Wars carries look at that that was clean I just went over there and then I went all the way up and I still got the back I

Have to do all that I just skipped all that we we fifth overall right now it’s not not Bad not bad at all six overall it gets worse and worse as more people punish these chickens seventh overall oh oh my God how am I seventh of raw I just got third I got third and Ninth how does that make any sense how many sweats are in this game that got

Like second both rounds like bro this game is filled with sweats bro filled with crazy players absolutely Wild Players threeway tie for third oh that’s probably why there a whole threeway tie for through that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy uh sometimes I do really good on this map sometimes I do bad so like this is kind of 50/50 oh my gosh you literally suck you you suck

Move oh my dude everyone just got in my way everyone just gets in my way bro on my nerves on my nerves the ladder was not the way to go Move uh yeah uh okay you know what I’m going to end it off there I’m I’m going to I’m going to break my monitor like I can’t even lie I’m about to uninstall a game but I I’ll I’ll see you guys all the next

This video, titled ‘The BEST Minecraft Server?’, was uploaded by DillPickle on 2023-12-02 00:16:12. It has garnered 63 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:56 or 7556 seconds.

Playing MCC Island!

Bed-Corp (Group YT): @Bed-Corp Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hYkp5vaWZG


Saty: @satyman08 Acupofrice: @Cuhp Captaindiamoonds: @CaptainDiamoonds Mijols: @Mijols Sir_sandwish: @sir_sandwish8653 Glowingcaves: @glowingcaves

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

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  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Villager No.64 Says Farewell

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  • Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars’ Chaos

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  • 1 Hour of einfachjustus Candy Memories

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  • Lost in Space: Alien Encounter in Minecraft RTX

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  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

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  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

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  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

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  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

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  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

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  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

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  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

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  • SpiralGN

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  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

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  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

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  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

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  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More