Discover Atlantis in Minecraft! Life in the Woods E36

Video Information

Hello my name is hector welcome back to life in the woods renaissance yes we are back we are back how is everyone doing hope you’re having a grand all day i’m not doing too bad not doing too bad we’ll get into that in a bit so last episode

Uh we herded some animals uh some much needed animals i think um it’s nice actually to have a bit of life around here and because it was you know we had the occasional kind of you know pig and cow kind of running through the old mansion but uh

Yeah not a lot of life so it’s nice to have a bit of kind of action but anyway what we’re gonna be doing today you can see i’ve got some backpacks at the ready i’ve got my atlas here a little bit of supplies i’ve got a rubbish pickaxe just a normal pickaxe

Because we are going exploring um yes it is happening so i thought last time we kind of did this kind of loop thing and we kind of went all the way around here and then i’ve done this in in between and but i thought we’d we’d go here we go this way

Uh so i believe that is that way yes um so let’s let’s head off let let us head off let’s start the journey together and then i’ll kind of do what i did last time i’ll you know i’ll cut in between and do all that kind of stuff just to

You know make make sure we get the kind of more exciting bits more exciting bits so um last episode hasn’t come out for me yet so i’m still looking forward to kind of hearing all of your great stories about how you got into minecraft look very much looking forward to that

Um but anyway just to begin with i thought i thought i’d just tell you um it’s been it’s been raining quite heavily over the last couple of days in london here where i live just in case you didn’t know for any of you that i kind of knew

Um and man my hay fever has kicked off big time and it’s you know what it’s rubbish because i always associate hay fever with you know sunshine and kind of all of that kind of stuff but sometimes you can you can easily get it when it’s raining and it it always

Catches me off guard it always does but the past couple days man it has kicked in properly uh and it’s it’s rubbish getting it when it’s like raining as well because out out prickly lettuce i just i just i just got stabbed by lettuce that’s what happened oh look at that hey

I like that i like the fact that i can see the mansion in the distance there that is nice that is cool that is cool and oh look at that look at that let’s have a look at this mountain i still don’t really know what we can do

With the beehive i’ve kind of not properly looked into that pam’s harvest craft is such a big massive mod there’s so many kind of little bits to it um that yeah it always surprises me when there’s a new bit but yeah hatha when it’s raining is rubbish it is just

Rubbish because you don’t even get the sunshine you know that’s there’s no even kind of well at least it’s sunny nope none of that um that is so cool that is cool that is nice this very much does remind me of a stud tech i know i say this often when i am

When i kind of go exploring but it really does oh it’s just oh no that’s not exciting hey palm tree no that’s nothing exciting there some sheep there’s a lot of brown sheep in this map i feel yeah we’re going the right way we’re going the right kind of way um

A lot of ferns which is good very nice very very good to very good to see be interesting to build up there actually but i don’t know what i’d build sheep in some leaves in a bush ninja sheep uh all these parrots speak i don’t i don’t know these i don’t know

If i’ve if i’ve had these before portia paulo okay i should not have tried to read that i think i’ve got these guys those i remember kind of jungling area what is this eucalyptus forest very nice very interesting let’s have a look lobster claws i think i have some of those

Hey red sand some red sand that that looks nice we can maybe do something with that is it or is it clay i can’t actually tell i cannot actually tell but that is quite nice if it is clay um random bit of what’s it there hardened clay yeah oh okay

That’s cool that’s good to know i like clay nice and colorful let’s get up here and let’s see a bit of the light of the land and then if there’s nothing impressive look look at the views man this game i love it the forest looks quite nice as

Well it’s like less dense than the jungle which is cool um but let’s mark this on the map uh let’s mark it add marker and then play excellent excellent okay cool so you know that’s i quite like that this is looks like a quarry that’s quite cool actually um

What’s this what’s this oh it’s just acacia have i got acacia i don’t know if i do i can’t remember let’s get some anyway let’s just quickly grab some and i picked up a sapling there at least uh can i can i get you dang it come on

Let me get at least another one no wow okay well that’s fine i think this goes down quite a lot um i think i do i got three there that’s good that’s good enough that is good enough so i think the time has come for me to do some

Solo exploring and explore a little bit off camera hopefully we’ll find some cool stuff today can we get these tiny cactuses look at them oh am i am i actually picking them up no i’m not ah dang um can i share them yes i can haha let’s get some of these little little

Cacti um i like them they’re cool they’re cute all right all right all right all right calm yourself down so i’ve always liked dead wood i think it i really like the texture it’s a bit weird but i i really do um but anyway i’m gonna do a little bit

Of exploring uh without you and then hopefully when i come back we’ll well we’ll be seeing something cool or new or yeah just something something something new hopefully see in a sec right so and i left you guys just over there like maybe about 25 blocks away something like that

And i slept and then i come down here and look at this look at this we found something we found something and it looks quite quite nice uh yeah fantasy block and oh mangrove wood i have i have not seen this before i have not i have not this is new

Man my frames are taking quite a bashing i don’t know what’s happening i don’t know it’s every time i look at this uh let’s oh that’s okay okay well this is this is nice this is look this looks cool um i’m kind of a mouse i didn’t realize there were mice in this

That’s cool icon and i’ve got some flour and a pressure plate that’s nice i like that so this is like a little windmill type thing it looks like um yeah i um sit oh look there is a ladder can can i not can i not get up there

Oh oh okay i just couldn’t um no this is nothing can i not and that is the that is the top oh glowstone neon glowstone that’s exciting can i nab that without it no no i can’t but i got four back so that’s okay um ah there’s the chest there’s the chest well

This this was i mean i’ll take the burlap now these scarecrows i’ve seen yeah keeps your garden free of most creatures and i have used well i have i’ve tried these out in um in creative before because when i was having my cricket troubles someone said

Hey you know try try the scarecrow so i did let’s get come on there we go um but they freak me out they kind of freak me out because they’re they’re they’re real they’re like live um i can’t remember how you make them let’s have a quick look

So yeah not not hard to make at all um but let’s just put one down so you can see and yeah look look you just they’re kind of weird they’re kind of weird and they can they can move around like off the block they’re kind of like a snowman i kind of

I kind of don’t like them i kind of they freak me out a little bit so i didn’t i’ve never used them what are these bamboo leaves okay now this is a lovely structure and i kind of really want the wood like i really want the wood but i don’t

Read connect i don’t think we want that out can i yeah um so i don’t know what to do about this i mean the loot was a bit rubbish got to be said i know i can get i could take all that wheat as well but what i might

Do is just mark this on the map um i don’t know what to call it it’s like the wind well it’s a mill let’s just call it the mill because it kind of handles a mouse uh mill there we go so that’s not too far away really we

Could always come back in case i wanted that mangrove which i do like the look of but yeah a lot of a lot of mice around here um but that’s something that is something and now that mouse is escaping as close as all baldy no bald cyprus baldi uh restore okay well this

Is something it’s a it’s a very little thing but uh it is something so i think onwards to the next thing uh this is not that exciting but can you see that squid he’s going crazy he’s been going absolutely nuts look at him look at him

I need to be careful here for all the quicksand look look at him i’ve been absolutely absolutely nuts both of them are in fact i don’t know what’s happening here some craziness um now uh i’ve been crossing the desert for a fair while now and i come i come to this

And come to a large expanse of water by the looks of it so i don’t know don’t know what i don’t know what i should be doing maybe i should uh we should try and cross it uh so let us make ourselves a boat and i say a boat i mean about three

Boats because it’s still 1.7 boats have not been fixed in this one um bam okay uh let’s put you there you there let’s get you out and let’s get ready to sleep and i’m a bit scared actually a bit scared of going across the water because i know there’s

I know there’s whales and whatnot um and sharks and all of that kind of thing and i know i’ve heard i’ve heard stories that they’re they’re not friendly animals so i don’t know if they’ll attack a boat not sure but let’s let’s uh i’m i’m kind of

Intrigued i’ve been a while since i’ve used the boat can i there we go wow but uh yeah let’s set sail come on let’s catch up there we go and i’m gonna well i’m gonna probably do this off camera because my frames are getting killed again i don’t know what’s

Happening i don’t know if it’s because i’m loading new chunks a lot but uh struggling with frames today which is great that’s that’s exciting exciting stuff but i’m gonna set sail we’ll see where we get to hello welcome back i have found something big time um so

We were we came from that direction and i saw this so kind of you know i came in to have a little peek and it’s like a massive structure this and there’s lots of stuff look there’s loads of buildings and what looks like sharks so that’s yeah that’s that’s less fun uh but

Ah this is cool i had no idea there was stuff like this and so what we’re gonna do first is let us let us mark it on the map um and obviously i am going to call it atlantis because i mean i why would you call it anything else

Um so i’m kind of terrified of these sharks i have no idea how much damage they can do or anything like that um there we go okay okay can i oh man these i forgot how bad these boats are come on kill them he hit okay let’s just build ourselves just a little

Platform i have no idea if these sharks can get us like from up here or or what and let’s let’s just do that no oh yeah of course i can’t put it on that so there’s like a lot of buildings that’s a big building um

I don’t know i don’t know how well you can see all this where are all the sharks i’m so scared of the sharks i can’t see any i can’t see any let’s get let’s get the uh they all sold out oh i think there’s one there yeah there’s one there

And of course i’ve got a oh there’s a chest there there is a chest there okay well that’s something um hmm i’m kind of thinking what i should do let’s put that there and just kind of dive down and make myself a little kind of hidey hole

And then put a torch there so i can breathe you know that’s what i’m thinking around that chest let’s go let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it oh i’m scared i’m scared i’m scared i’m scared i’m gonna die there we go that’s giving us a little bit of

Breathing room maybe i should just oh stuff stuff i don’t know what it is but it’s stuff let’s get up there let’s get up there come on okay so the fish slayer well that sounds good sharpness five okay well that’s good flippers of speed ah now then

If i do that yeah okay so i presume what’s this helmet of breath respiration three aquafinity okay well that is excellent that is i look quite snazzy quite snazzy indeed so let’s let’s oh oh oh oh there’s a shark there there’s a shark there can i can i

Oh uh oh what i should do is i should get some food oh come on let’s get uh some food out just in case let’s put you back let’s put you back let’s put you here there we go man i’m gonna have to what i’m most scared about is it’s not

Just the the dying oh and i left my i left my bed over there look look at that man i’m not doing well under pressure um let’s just see okay so that is that is a lot better there’s a there’s a random spider there look at that where did he come from um

I’m not sure how well you guys can see underwater probably not that well i i’m just kind of terrified of these sharks to be honest um that’s something i should i should boat this i should boat this as well just as a kind of precaution can i not why man what

Why can i not get in the boat anymore i mean this is just weird this boats are so rubbish they’re so rubbish but i saw lots of and look i’ve got another boat over there because that the same thing kind of happened over there

I saw a lot of kind of neon glowstone i think that’s what it’s called let’s get this over here yeah oh yeah yeah yeah there’s definitely something here let’s have a look law fish ooh diamond potion of regen this is good anything else oh god oh god i’m gonna die i’m gonna

Die let’s get up let’s get up let’s get up come on come on where am i where am i where’s my boat oh man oh man they wow they absolutely nailed me wow wow i mean they absolutely nailed me like totally oh sharks are uh yeah they’re scary they

Are scary can i get in this yet why can i go not to get in the boat um enchanter book law law three i mean that is kind of rubbish for me because obviously i don’t fish so i feel i feel like some of these uh

The diamond axe is great i like that i like that a lot uh no no no not that uh let’s put you in let’s put you in regen potion pretty good i kind of think we might have to come back to this when maybe although i can’t i can’t do potions ah man

I don’t know i don’t know i’m not sure what to do i’m not sure what to do i don’t know how much more loot there is but i mean barring this that loot was a bit rubbish like it wasn’t that exciting there’s just so many sharks and i’m just so scared um

I might oh i’m gonna have to go sleep as well soon why like i’m stood on a boat now like i’m stood on a boat what is going on with the boats i’ve got look i know that’s the spider i’ve had three boats now my three boats not work um so

I might i might continue exploring to be honest that’s what i might do because i feel like i’m not equipped to deal with this yet i’ve got too much stuff with me to kind of lose and so i might i might continue on which is a little bit

Scary kind of me but um i think it’s also a wise decision really because i’m not like i say i’m not really equipped so i’m gonna go over there get my bed and then continue on for a little bit and we’ll see what else we come across okay

I’ll see you in a sec well now looky what we have here another structure and i love this biome what is it outback um i just think it’s really quite the colors are really nice they they’re cool i got some of the hardened sand it’s quite nice we’ve got some red sand as

Well uh which is cool but yeah it’s just really nice colors um yeah the pleasant i like them they they please me um but let’s have a look what this is this little structure very nice interesting interesting one of those oh just the lattice cyprus log cypress

Leaves fantasy blocks i see a chest up there i see a chest up there well that’s a nice little structure nice little structure obviously not as impressive as the old atlantis but uh but still nice nonetheless let’s have a look and there it is um man fish salt we’ve gone very okay seaweed

There’s a stamp which is kind of nice cranberries we’ll take that lavender i think we’ve i mean we’ve got lavender i might take these anyway just for kind of collection value um let us put you there put you there open you up let’s put you all in

Uh i don’t really want that quicksand red sand that i will that that that’s that and i think that’s about it really um let’s put you in fact oh no some more there and there we go let’s put you up here where are you there we go and i’m probably gonna dismantle this

One because i i like these cypress logs and hopefully maybe if i get some of these uh i might get i might get some um some saplings so that’s probably what i’ll do uh but i think i think we’ve kind of run out of time today

I think we’ve done really well for oh ah for getting um finance structures today i feel like we’ve done like really well in fact we came across quite a few um so yeah thank you very much for watching i hope you’ve enjoyed it i’ve really enjoyed exploring today it’s been

Good it’s been good and we are definitely going to go back to atlantis at some point and uh explore that a bit more when i don’t have like lots of stuff on me um but yeah thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you

Did a like or comment is always very much appreciated and of course make sure you are subscribed i’ve just started a new series called risen a new modpack 1.9.4 so go check it out if you’re into that sort of thing but as for me i’ve been

Active this has been life in the woods renaissance with some heavy exploration happening and i’ll i’ll see in the next one for more exploration bye

This video, titled ‘Life in the Woods Renaissance Hungry | Atlantis? | E36 | (Minecraft Mods 1.7.10 )’, was uploaded by Ector Vynk on 2016-06-02 17:30:02. It has garnered 676 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:15 or 1455 seconds.

Welcome to Life in the Woods Renaissance, a Minecraft survival, modded Let’s Play! LitWR is a Minecraft 1.7.10 modpack created by Phedran. It’s an updated version of the old Life in the Woods modpack hence, Life in the Woods Renaissance.

We are playing on hungry mode and we are playing the game as a vegetarian which means no killing animals or eating meat. The shaders are Sildur’s Vibrant shaders Extreme.

– Atlantis? –

We go exploring again and find some find some very interesting structures including what looks like Atlantis!

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Life in the Woods Renaissance (LitWR) is a 1.7.10 modpack based on survival, exploration, farming and struggling against nature whilst also trying to be at one with nature. It is entirely possible to play the pack as a vegan.

From the website:

Renaissance – a renewal of life, vigor, interest, etc.; rebirth; revival: a moral renaissance…..the activity, spirit, or time of a great revival……reactivation, rebirth, renascence, renewal, resurgence, resurrection, resuscitation, revitalization, revival, revivification.

Originally when I made the first version of Life in the Woods, I was in a very different place. I started it as a personal project, just trying to fill a need that I had but couldn’t find an answer for, and mostly just wanting to play Minecraft as vegan or vegetarian but without having to sacrifice so much of the gameplay.

Eventually it became what we know today; a new and frightening wilderness that’s filled with dangers and beauty. For me personally, it was also all about solitude, loneliness, and having to fend for yourself, with no one else to depend on. It was a work of love, but it also mirrored the mental and emotional turmoil I was struggling with in my own anxiety and depression.

Life in the Woods Renaissance is still all about survival, exploration, and beauty, and there are new dangers to face, but the focus is now more than ever on creation, personal expression and discovery, and shaping the world around you, and now with multiplayer, while still holding true to your own ideals.

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    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

    15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise! The 15th Year Anniversary of Minecraft: A Google Browser Game Surprise! As Minecraft celebrates its 15th year anniversary, Google has joined in on the festivities by launching a special surprise for fans of the beloved game. When you search for Minecraft on the Google browser, you are in for a treat – a browser game that allows you to mine blocks and collect new pickaxes by mining ore! Unleash Your Inner Miner With this new browser game, players can dive into the familiar world of Minecraft right from their web browser. The game captures the essence of Minecraft’s mining… Read More

  • BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2

    BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2Video Information hello to all our dear digital viewers just look where we are right now today together with pomy we’ve come to picnic at our amazing digital Circus by the way would you like to swim a bit yes of course I’m always up for a swim just look Jax it seems ratha is coming our way have you all gone completely mad why didn’t you invite me to the picnic with you we really wanted to invite you but you weren’t home I’ve been at home all day today why are you lying to me oh come on… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft Challenge

    100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information [Music] what a nice day let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk huh uh what are these huh uh wao what um I have no idea what’s going on run Mikey get inside let’s hide wow what what is with the puppets the puppets weren’t about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I’m going to take another look what are they doing here they’re behind the house too let’s get back inside oh man why now why here oh a news alert it’s an emergency uh… Read More

  • DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!

    DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!Video Information तो क्या हाल चाल है भाइयों और बहनों आज ये तुम्हारा भाई डेनी सरवाइव करने वाला है 50 डेज वो भी इस छोटे से वन ब्लॉक पर और मुझे सरवाइव ही नहीं करना है मुझे इसे कन्वर्ट करना है एक प्यारे से बेस में और इसे कन्वर्ट करने के साथ-साथ मुझे कुछ गोल्स भी कंप्लीट करना है पहला मुझे डायमंड का आर्मरर टूल बनाना है और दूसरा जितना हो सके उतना में इस वर्ल्ड को एक्सपें करना है और इसे एकदम अच्छे से डेकोरेट करना है और ये इतना इजी भी नहीं होने वाला है बिकॉज इसे हार्ड… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!” #MinecraftMadness

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Facts #Minecrafter#BlockCrafting#MinecraftMagic#PixelatedAdventures#MinecraftBuilders’, was uploaded by David toys review on 2023-12-19 05:21:08. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. 🔒 Ready to embark on an epic journey through the blocky realms of Minecraft like never before? 🌍✨ Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft adventure! If you’re a true Minecraft enthusiast or just getting started, this channel is your gateway to unlocking the game’s most intriguing secrets, mastering its complex mechanics, and experiencing jaw-dropping builds that will leave you in awe. 📌 What You’ll Find Here:… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱

    Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱Video Information en el video de hoy vamos a jugar hcf de los viejos tiempos sí como estás escuchando el hcf de los viejos tiempos estamos hablando de casi el hcf de 2020 o 2021 actualmente en Infinity sacaron una nueva upd cual vendría siendo el hcf viejo Así que si quieres saber cómo me fue jugando hcf de 2020 2021 por favor quédate viendo el video y suscríbete así que sin más nada que decir empecemos jugando en la nueva day de Infinity buena gente como vieron en la intro este Infinity sacó una nueva update cual vendría siendo… Read More

  • Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!

    Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!Video Information today I’ve added five brand new custom armat trims that give you upgrades and special abilities some of them being pretty op I’m going to grab some friends to try them out and see if they can help us beat the game all right boys are you ready to beat Minecraft yeah I’m ready I’m Yeah man so I’ve added some special things to this world let’s go beat Minecraft there’s a village over here is that where the cool stuff is this is where some really cool stuff is as you can see a villager ah no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed – Grotex Revealed!

    Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed - Grotex Revealed!Video Information for [Applause] This video, titled ‘The Art of Bedfight:’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-22 05:47:33. It has garnered 918 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • “INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF – VIRAL VIDEO!” #MinecraftHive #clitchng

    "INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF - VIRAL VIDEO!" #MinecraftHive #clitchngVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hive capture the flag. #minecraft #hive #clitchng #shortvideoviral #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Clitch on 2024-05-10 04:42:52. It has garnered 55 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Grandfather’s insane flashbacks! Minecraft animation

    Grandfather's insane flashbacks! Minecraft animationVideo Information мы должны лететь так быстро как можем Вы наша последняя надежда Вы точно в этом уверены внучки Ну тогда держитесь покрепче кто мечтает Быть пилотом очень смелый видно тот потому что только смелый сам полезет в самолёт потому что только Смелых уважает высота потому что в самолёте Всё зависит от вин [музыка] V [музыка] This video, titled ‘Флешбеки деда… Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #shorts #animation #майнкрафт #анимация’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 10:54:00. It has garnered 336 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Grandfather’s flashbacks… Minecraft animation Original… Read More

  • Rundown

    RundownRundown is a minecraft with custom bosses, enchants and weekly quests. Every week the boss changes There are many warps you just might get addicted to it Read More