Discover Secrets! Build an Observatory in Minecraft

Video Information

Hello lovely people of the internet my name is Tim sink hopefully you can see me and hear me and we are currently with cut Steam and skyo who are hopefully going to tell me if I can be seen and heard I have to I have to get into the

Thing first yeah okay that’ be useful and hello to the people in chat so we’re just going to hello guys this is cut te here and welcome to the stream thank you I okay [ __ ] it’s like sh it’s like sh Shan insert here what I know I was oh

No I know my elyra just broke oh no again Jesus it it is a staple at this point I know which direction is oh [ __ ] I’m not doing well we’ve been here for about 30 seconds anyway that’s usually what happens in your first 30 seconds I know

My first 30 seconds are always the most chaotic is this the direction I want to be it is not anyways how is everyone in chat hello Lego death Vader and hello T you can be seen and heard well thank thank you um I don’t know what I’m doing where

I’m going cuz oh I don’t have a sparrow you’re actually W I’m actually happy that you said people’s names because I was reading that completely wrong wait what don’t worry about it I am so going to die why where what I can’t get there without an

Elytra and I don’t have a bucket I don’t have a spare elytra [ __ ] it uh wait wait what oh no I can’t watch oh no I literally can’t because because I am not in I’m not on stream yet wait what you mean do you not have a water bucket

No of all the junk you have you don’t have a water bucket oh my God don’t Y I think I’ve got everything are you going to put up coocon feed or I’m going to put on a what co co feed Co coffee go again I don’t know it’s something I do for most for most of my streams is basically I stream I stream I

Stream it on Discord to to my uh to my co-s yeah uh yeah so I’m convinced that that’s going to kill my computer it worked by it it did work last time yes but I crashed twice and had a power cut last time well that’s that was due to the power

Issue maybe I don’t know I mean sometimes I crash opening a Google doc so there’s that oh I got I got more stuff done on my base by the way nice love that for you what have you got done uh finally got the gate house at at

The bridge done every single time I think you’re saying gay house every single time it’s them ears I tell you e even I think go that way I hope that the stream picked that up of my knees just cracking right there I don’t think it did oh but you cannot

Compete with me on that one listen least my likes work shut the [ __ ] up repair your elas I know I need to repair my elyas if I hear your wheel squeaking I think you might need some oil do my wheels squeak that kind of I kind of do

I mean I don’t I haven’t been hearing any squeaking so no I I did I was just being nle yeah you always are aren’t you I mean that’s a t that’s a typical cut scene thing to do yeah L I can be a little bit of an

[ __ ] to my girlfriend that’s all I’m saying I can’t believe you until she breaks up with me I’m not going to break up with you Jesus Christ also Sky just I love how I love how we announced us like two days ago and the first comment I got

About it was will you stream your wedding wait what someone asked if we’re going to stream our wedding so that happened um is is that awkward like that that was so 1 to be fair I I do know few people dead wait what what no it’s Firefox is being

Incredibly [ __ ] slow right now and so you’re like ah you’re I got changed my pants I I’m I’m just saying you’re like my phone can load this [ __ ] faster faster than my computer can that kind of sucks I what do I need I need some of I need some

S only just thought about that oops you congrats 700 subs thank you to be fair I didn’t even notice it was my chat that told me the other day that it happened what oh oh about my yeah you’re on you’re at 700 on the dot yeah I know

I want I want unsubscribe no don’t number no no no not on my PG family friendly Christian Minecraft Channel just wait wait till it gets to that number in the 700s okay just curious could I take a screenshot of like the chat like once in

A while yeah yeah of course go for it I have screenshots of oh I just I want I just want to make sure yeah yeah of course you I mean there’s a couple times like I really wish I had a screenshot of the comment a couple of comments so

During the clips I can p put put it on the damn flip if I can talk correctly uh if you’re going to put it on a clip block out the person’s name it’s going be blocked out yeah I just I actually got most most of the path done as well oh nice

Yeah oh really all really all that’s left is just uh spend side of it the F the funny the funny bit is we we at this this point we essentially just kind of uh we kind of just like combined our bases a little bit you really did didn’t you you did

What I did cop well technically I allow you to take over yeah the Sven and I do a lot do a lot of building each other we help each other out on each other’s bases and [ __ ] it was literally the first day that me and

Cut met and he was still streaming and I wasn’t and I just decided that I was going to move into his base I literally went thousands of blocks and she tried to follow me got lost several times me I became his problem which you know I technically

Still am how big of a problem oh oh very apparently now we’re together that’s how big of the problem yeah okay fair enough that that’s where the problem led to like oh great with her thank you cuz everyone wants to be called a problem by their boyfriend you already knew you were a

Problem you cause my problems exactly again there sharesa my anyways oh my God anyways how are you Sky yeah valid can’t can’t really complain to be to be fair to be fair I didn’t see you until about 20 seconds before the stream started you just kind of turned up it was

Great yeah I just kind of popped I just kind of popped in I popped in on the earth Queen on the what what the what the [ __ ] the Earth Queen I was trying to make I was trying to make an avatar joke and yeah I guess

Sorry I don’t play Avatar I’m the wrong person to make it did not hit home no I I haven’t watched Avatar in like forever I literally was I actually would just watched I was just watching Legend of cor not very long ago actually I couldn’t get into it like I

Watched the like the end of the first season and it just it just fell apart for me it doesn’t really how it how to put this it doesn’t ramp up until like the like later Seasons it doesn’t it doesn’t NE it doesn’t really it doesn’t have the same flare

That that avatar The Last Airbender does what’s the reference with the 108 not you guys I’m Jing to my chat oh oh it’s becoming night oh no now let’s get to 108 more uh get the asking so 800 oh what what you figured it out but I don’t know I

Haven’t listen I’m not saying anything until you figure it out is it something not PG 13 family friendly oh sorry 998 okay I I was I was about to say it like I feel like I know what they’re trying to type it’s like plus two a th plus eight

Th8 his brain’s going to explode if you make him do any more maths I hope you realize that so 2008 I I think I know where this is going it’s just I don’t understand yes I know what you meant please stop oh that one okay right yeah that okay I I knew what he meant soon as he was like trying to like type everything

I’m I I already knew what you meant just I was hoping you figure it out first no I did not figure that out oh boy okay I reckon I could get like a decent amount of the floor done today hopefully going to say hopefully I got to utilize the freaking

Uh the the freaking gunpowder Farm again creeper Farm why what I’m confused I’m out of I’m out of Rockets oh oh raid the farm absolutely go for it how dare you what we hav’t use that farm in like how long I know it’s just what I’m saying that he can raid the

Farm how dare you but yeah yeah you can to be fair I’m going to probably I’m going to keep the ra Farm but I’m destroying everything else I think why even my [ __ ] builds no not okay I was going to say I’m destroying things that that I can try to rebuild better like

What do not say the house are you saying you’re gonna try and rebuild the gum rebuild the creeper Farm better I might yes the cats I don’t think are really helping as much as I was like to how many cats did you put in uh three six

9 12 are we just doing is this entire stream just like maths with cut steene Len my math is hurting my brain right now your your MTH is bad I used to enjoy math I was actually the top of my class in math yes but you went to a [ __ ] school

That like 19 or 20 cats yeah you definitely don’t have enough cats that would be one why do I have 20 wait wait are inside the creeper Farm say what are you talking about inside the creeper Farm yeah I’m at I’m at foring inside um I I know what I know what

You’re doing you’re you you’re using the camera mode I I understand that just I don’t remember putting 20 cats in there I mean it’s like there’s like five in each in each quadrant essentially I put that many apparently so oh uh if you’re going there’s most definitely here why are

There no creepers spawning you got all the way up are you all the way up yeah I’m all the way up in the I’m all the way up in the uh in the top I’m all the way up in the in the Cobblestone bit okay it it should be spawning I hope

I didn’t break it for anyone who doesn’t understand the context we’re all on a Minecraft server together come Miss yeah yeah just I haven’t been streaming yet and yeah after don’t don’t I’m not say anything else I just a situation thank you I think I think you

May need more cats I told you I needed more cats I didn’t you did not tell me anything about the cats I I figur out that I need the cats you didn’t say anything okay so one one way I one way I can think of to improve this Farm make

It to where the creepers can’t go make it to where the creepers can just walk off and they can’t just like go from Quadrant to quadrant I know I saw the corner and I was trying to uh put something there but every time I put something there oh God red

Uh it just keeps [ __ ] up try to get some ender pearls oh good luck oh hey cut cut on y yeah yeah um what I’m going to do yes I already built it and Technic I do have the materials I’m just going probably I might try to just uh improve

It a little bit Yeah but instead of taking it down I think I’m just going uh probably so what’s with all the carpets in here uh so does fire stone spawn in it yeah yes the it’s actually perfectly um pattern so none of those spiders will ever spawn you so use a

Tutorial no I did not well yes and no partel partel partel yes yes we have exactly the same reaction but what also happens with a creeper Farm since um it’s not over literally anything like it’s supposed to be over a deep ocean biome it’s it’s not as is not as is in a

Um whatever the [ __ ] they’re called yeah that that I was looking I was looking right at right at you and you just fired fired a freaking Arrow right in my face wait I oh you’re watching me through the camera yeah I’m watching you through I was watching through

F4 well I’m just going to go this real quick chat what do we think of the whole thing so far with all the glass if I show you from actually why there’s carpet we got going on in a minute this will be kind of gradiented out wait is there a carpet missing

Yay is there a what now so do like that’s the thing one two three four you can see you can see how the creepers can just kind of Mosey on Mosey on along those Corners yep that’s part that’s that’s one of the things that needs to be fixed

Essentially I know but I tried to put something there and it didn’t work I can retry it’s fine thank you I just doing this well last time I did this it didn’t work like that see then they don’t get scared of the cat for whatever

Reason all they do is just they don’t go where they should did they just walk again wait what Yeah okay if I so what I was thinking like you see where you have the Deep slate Corners another like layer put two to either side maybe it’ll work well I’m going to try the outside of it and see if like the corners that might be like letting some light in

Somehow to let some light in no not to let l in but I think what’s happening too because of the mobs in the areas yes there’s a lot of mobs just like still in the bright or dark areas that also won’t help your um mob cap I

Know that’s oh my God look at me knowing something about Farms it doesn’t help when there’s a giant uh sheep and pig farm not that close are very close to okay you could move the Farms I didn’t real this where I put them I’m sorry that’s kind of my

Bad uh another thing you got caves underneath that made that also would allow for M yeah but that’s why I have it up I have it up so high that the cave Zone affect it it’s just the ground itself affects the mob like the mobs on the ground not the

Cave trust me I had that I there there’s a reason why I built even higher than there’s like two different platforms the first platform is I was too low and stuff were spawning in the caves and the other one should be too high where it shouldn’t affect

Anything so you just light up the caves and then you don’t have that issue well I yeah but then that I will have to purpose purposely go into the cave itself and try and find each freaking Cave System yep it’s a pain in the ass but you got to do it Phantoms

Yeah is didn’t I put a bed up here yeah these creepers are not going where they’re supposed to they’re stopping right on the freaking uh trap door I can try to get rid of the trap door but then they’re not going to go oh

My God one of the cre just pushed one of them out one of them off well technically that’s what the cats were supposed to do is scare them inwards but I don’t think the cats are actually scaring them because it doesn’t look like that I think you just need

More cats down here hly I have too many ingredients for the cakes as in IRL cakes or Minecraft cakes is that more cats oh no I was reading chat oh kicks kicks kicks oh cakes also it’s my birthday in like 10 days so um subscribe please and thank

You are are you going to do a birthday stream no my birthday’s on Christmas and that’s just mean no one yeah I would love to do birthday streams but um no oh you I’ve done I’ve done it before yes could don’t do on Christmas yeah but

Then it’s not a birthday stream is it it’s just a normal stream like every other day of the year 10 days wait is it 10 oh yeah it’s bang on 10 days what are you doing what am I doing oh yeah what’s oh cut okay

You will just focus on your game let me focus on what I need to do oh shut up doesn’t know [ __ ] about red on the fact that we’re doing stuff huh like let let us focus on the fact that we’re doing stuff oh no I know I’m just fully bullying

Costum yeah see I’m actually doing stuff unlik some people I’m doing [ __ ] you’re putting glass on the ground no I know that’s such a hard work oh I’m building a mega base oh yeah such a hard work for you you’re sorting out a shitty creeper farm so um [ __ ]

You yeah I’m actually doing something that I need to do it’s actually supposed to work [ __ ] you it’s supposed to work but it’s not working there’s we do have one other issue though yeah cut he’s the Enderman Farm doesn’t work anymore why like the the endermite that’s

Supposed to be that’s supposed to be there is no longer there oh they uh did something kill it finally I guess so wait the new the new what you punched it to put it in in the fire what is wrong with you I did not that’s

Um um why would you K I did not I did listen listen listen listen you do not question anything sir you are just here to observe and hope for the best so you shut it we’ll see done uh you may have punched one of the

Cats and made it go into the fire oh you’re an idiot is it one of my cats it’s in it’s one of the ones in the creeper Farm okay idiots he he punched it and it and it went it went right into the campfires you are so it it does go into the

Fire so that’s good thing bad thing is why is it the is it you know I’m going to say screw it and I don’t think they’re spread out enough what the cats yeah I don’t think the cats are spread out enough honestly I think what happened

Uh the creepers like run into the cats or when they spawn and see it doesn’t matter because everything is like underwater in the caves so it should not affect the spawn I don’t understand well some of them are you might just be missing some caves or

Something well the ones that are in the chunk it’s in water also since today is math with cut Ste listen MTH with cut scene is you don’t you don’t want to deal with it I don’t want to deal with it and we still need to finish the hole that we also dig we

Dug D dog dig dog dig dog dog D dog dog it’s the one with the slime chunk in it oh the one that was supposed to be a slime farm that never happened yes yeah but yeah um I don’t think and I don’t think the iron farm is working anymore that’s why

I want to get rid of it I’m want to make it a different yeah want to make a massive iron farm oh yeah we’ve got two one of which doesn’t quite work and the other one just doesn’t work well Tech thing one of them supposed to work the other one was just

There to capture other golems yeah other golems yeah yes one of them I made the other one that theny made but she did not add in the creeper or not the creeper not zombie and I didn’t finish it and the villagers I didn’t finish it I started and got bored so

Shush oh how original oh I I started something and I got bored of it I have ADHD shut up oh it’s not the first thing what what other projects have I abandoned wait why is there a chest here there are chests everywhere it’s usually how you store

Your stuff in Minecraft I I know why that chest is there never mind oh God it was supposed it’s supposed to be a game don’t worry about I’m just in spectator mode oh I know I know what you’re on about h H 71 yeah okay you’re freaking pullers is now

You even have one named Ken as well I have a lot of P Ken and then Carl well Ken is a damn skeleton is there a skeleton in there as well there’s a skeleton named Ken brilliant that is brilliant kill them I will kill you

Now there no way to get now there’s no way to get on on top of the thing unless I mean no what do you mean what did you do to it I’m just saying there’s no ladders on the side what are you talking about so wor you don’t need elytra to get up

There yeah you you can there should be so lers to it where the layers the oh I mean there’s there’s some ladders oh uh you okay what if you [ __ ] up shush it’s like what hasn’t you [ __ ] up bad no stop it stop it stop it stop it you I am

Not it is not my fault you two are made I did not I did not say anything I did not do anything I am fine I’m [ __ ] not wait oh I didn’t okay did you really just ask me a 10 * 11 it’s 110 T are actually easier eight confuse

Me eight confuse you a eights are double fours eights are fine no it’s not yes it is right so you do that by like timesing six by four cuz Four’s easy right and then times the entire answer by two did I just like change your life there with maths

Then no just I hate I [ __ ] hate I know times anything by eights there [ __ ] eight is just easy no it’s not it’s for my autistic brain I always confuse the numbers and I don’t like it I don’t like eights except for 8 * 8 i a

And a got second on the floor 8 * 8 is 64 the [ __ ] is that it’s a real to help me with the never I’ve never heard of that I a got SI on the floor 8 * 8 is 64 uh score size 7 seven the 49ers are playing 7 * 7 is

49 I’ve never heard of that before that’s kind of good I quite like um I am a team or hi I a teen I drive a 4×4 and I’m 16 so 4 * 4 is 16 I just knew all my square numbers as a kid cuz I had to learn

Them then the nines are easy because they’re just on your hand oh yeah my nan taught me that when I was like four and I really impressed a teacher with it actually my couple guys at work like what do you mean you do do nines on your

Hand like well they never told that I you like oh I didn’t even know about that I feel like side not I feel like everyone in my chat is just neurodiverse I just seem to attract like the neuros spicy people of the internet yes you the also the other way

To do NES is you add up like the numbers going backwards and then forwards like or forwards and backwards it depends on how you’re do it what do you mean like for the nine tables you start with nine times like one you put down um

You put down nine then eight 7 six 5 4 3 2 1 then from 10 to uh then you do the opposite way and it equals out the exact same thing oh [ __ ] I never thought of that so I think the Iron Golems are now spawning because I killed two of them

And now they’re spawning again so I think that might be a couple of the reasons did you have Golems just stuck in random places all the time Skye I’m here to save you oh I’m here to save you air Bell me [ __ ] I win what was that I didn’t I didn’t even

Know there were Phantoms out I just want you need to sleep my friend oh dude I’ve been I’ve been getting attacked by I’ve been getting attacked by fam even if I sleep when I when I sleep or if I don’t uh that’s not quite how they work but

Okay I’m not act I’m actually not joking about that I I have the same [ __ ] happened when I was building when Spen and I were working on the freaking when Spen and I were working on the fre on the uh River oh yeah I constantly had had had freaking Phantoms

On me even though I I had slept like before four even though I I had slept and I had and freaking bless you I’m want to show you my my little Pillager Outpost Farm supposed to be the farm SP and I actually saw this a while

Ago yeah I need to fix it because they keep getting stuck down there and I put a piston down there to see if it work it still didn’t work so the only other option I have is making this Center bigger so it’s a two uh

Two uh wi thing going up to a single one which that is frightening me and I kind want just doing creative because I can’t already did it in the first place and I really don’t want to deal with the poers again dang dang and dang again so I was

Going ask for people’s permission on that one English please Scott wait what oh just my chat apparently you speaking English well sometimes I just have I have a hard time speaking so I was wondering if I if I can just uh oh I can see I can see why

They’re they’re not spawning in the fre in the uh area no they’re always spawn oh oops oh who [ __ ] with this damn it who with what okay there we go cuz there’s a very high chance it’s probably me no you you didn’t have [ __ ] with us I

Know who [ __ ] with it who was it oh [ __ ] I mother you get That I’m going to take whatever that was as a no he’s just sh goodness I want to formally apologize for any headphone users uh just repone uses it’s fine all right I’m just going to fix this because I don’t want to deal with this any more than I already have yeah and I

Don’t want to have to deal with you but I do guys okay I have your permission to fix this in you can fix that it’s fine all thank you I love how he F just brushed over that what you said that you’re my issue listen that’s that’s

Again yeah fair enough listen just you tell me if it shows up tomorrow I’ll there oh yeah that oh yeah there oh I totally forgot about that I did I’m sorry oh no I I know such a hard thing to remember I’m sorry I love you I promise but I just my

Brain does not work we already know this my memory is shite well my shortterm memory is shite I think we need more chests we always need more chests where at the Enderman Farm no why like literally both chests are full perfect so I bought her flowers yeah that’s what I was getting at

Yeah he bought me like a massive bouquet of flowers bless him it sound massive it’s pretty [ __ ] big it’s a medium size whatever a medium size is for you guys it’s pretty bit and chocolates he also bought me chocol what you also B me chocolates well teally chocolates for

Free I will B I will B anyways to be fair [ __ ] thanks but I also got you a vase because you cried about you didn’t have a base either so I don’t have AE either way I pay for the chocs thank you he the M the main thing I want

Repair is the freaking Enderman Farm I can so I can finally repair my [ __ ] um it’s seaweed I’m looking for not sea grass rips of seaweed can I spawn in seaweed no do you mean KP do you mean kelp my dear you sh that you mean kelp I that’s

Really funny that’s I don’t know what you’re talk about that’s really funny uh the bubble elevator still works correct uh yes why no because I broke the bot of it I just want to make sure that the B okay sweet okay so that Works oh my God okay can we be PG-13 in chat please okay I’ve just seen that uh something was not so PG-13 in chat and and I’m going to ask for us to be a bit more PG-13 please it’s different when we say things on stream versus like chat because uh I

Don’t want YouTube to hate me I mean Fair sorry I again try that to be I’m again I’m fully not PG-13 there’s a reason why I asked you are you sure you want me in your stream yes there’s difference between like the stream and the chat because YouTube

Cares a lot more about chat being p G 13 no I me I’m I’m usually pg3 in the chat anyway so I’m not no you’re an [ __ ] exactly okay did you guys hear about about the thing that happened with TW with twitch the other day thing with their TOS [ __ ] oh that

They’re re vamping their TOS what’s that well terms of servic C aspects of the to that some PE some people have kind of Abus they they just kind of took it and ran with it right okay listen I seen some things and I really wish I didn’t see what on Twitch

Yes yeah is I I got to say it makes actually made me feel a little uncomfortable okay that takes quite a lot to do what one of them was was a uh a vtuber yes can you say it in a way that’s not going to make YouTube ha me um bad

People uh on the beach but without the beach well and without the proper wearers for it the nude beach essentially yes okay right wow wow yeah she the person literally show showed off a nude model okay right literally I mean it got really bad to be

Fair it it did like I think like five people got banned because of it well they to be fair they should since um what was It what what the uh I’m trying to think what else what else was going on oh the the tub i w the [ __ ] um it’s they they they used to do um like tub streams uh yeah I didn’t know something about that but as soon as I heard about

It I was like nope don’t want to know don’t want to be involved absolutely [ __ ] not but I mean as not only that it makes like the rest of the people that do content with makes everyone awful like listen there’s the only fans for that can we not say that word on my

YouTube please trying to not have YouTube hate me please and thank you love I did not know that I did not know that one was bad one that’s that’s a no no word that’s a no no word my bad thank you I did not know you you’re honestly

Fine to be fair it’s that thing been said so much it just yeah um oh wait where is this a damn it where is the second water thing uh what second water thing well I’m building another water slide going upwards and I don’t remember where I had and there it

Is chat right settle something for me cut won’t [ __ ] tell me what he wants for Christmas what shall I get him I thought you said you already got me something oh so you lied oh no I already have but I don’t want to get you just one

Thing you literally one thing is fine because I I know I’m still wai I I’m still trying to send you the other thing and I still haven’t got it in it yet so it’s fine I don’t know what the other you haven’t told me what you’re getting

Me for Christmas so I don’t know what that is that’s so good there’s something that you haven’t had in a while because I have no idea what you’re on about but okay it’s something that you haven’t had in a while I don’t know what that [ __ ] means it’s something that you haven’t

Had in a while it’s in pretty much in every single place but you didn’t want to do it because it was killing certain amount of things I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means but okay and I don’t know how make it aim more I don’t know how to make any more

Obvious I have no idea what about I hope I found a way to make the Enderman farm work or at least yeah a little bit just look at the end from off from off from the platform and hello aqual how we are you what does he like uh other than generic

Like I can’t tell you too much without revealing what I haven’t told him what the first present I’ve got him for Christmases I also don’t want to dox him so we we’re going to try and not do that that’d be nice yeah preferably but to be fair don’t you dare don’t you

Dare no I was going to say I do have a wish list do you you never [ __ ] that would have made my life so much easier if you [ __ ] told me that well I didn’t think it was relevant why why would why would it not

Be Sky I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him it is not relevant at this situation Jesus Christ I I don’t see the big point of it you got me one thing that’s fine yes but like I’d like to get you something else as well you literally got me flowers and

Chocolates just because like I want to get you a nice Christmas present well to be fair it wasn’t just because you yeah okay fair enough I had a [ __ ] day you had a complete meltdown I didn’t have a meltdown it was not a meltdown it was like a meltdown it was a small

Meltdown and I felt bad I felt horrible oh thank you so so of course I bought you thank you I bought you um let’s put some in there let’s see will this work oh no that’s that’s definitely not what I want to do oops that’s not what I

Want to do oops that’s not what I want to do are you good uh find good oh goodness okay yes I need the thing go this way how do I do that I just need to lower this just by a half a block so if I put actually if I grab

This sign oops okay if I grab this sign and I just could could you please just um place there or do I need another War what are you doing would that be simple or not simple if I do this maybe not bullying each other yeah bullying each other is a key

Part of our relationship I said if I stop bullying her then that I don’t like her that’s pretty much how it goes bullying each other is their favorite Pas time I know right it is it is I feel like we’re not one of those like lovey doy whatever the [ __ ] couples

We oh absolutely not and I love that F bully each other you know you see the regular couples just like oh baby and just like like no like we’re pretty much saying F you this F you that and it’s like see where this see where that it’s all good

What it’s fine though you know oh absolutely I I actually don’t want it any other way precisely I mean Spen only realized that we were together because you called me honey once in front of him wait what was that Spen one of our friends um for anyone in chat who

Doesn’t know him um he only figured out that we’re together P cuz you called me honey once in front of him he was like wait a second you guys aren’t believing each other oh wait did I actually do that yes did you not know about this no

Yeah I have zero clue yeah he oh well yeah basically when I told when I told him he was like yeah I already knew ah fair enough well yeah fair enough yeah um if I try and put that I kind concerned of what you got me oh no it’s it’s quite I’ll tell

Sky later I think Sky will I I think Sky would approve is it a wholesome thing it is actually wholesome it’s actually wholesome I did wa it’s actually wholesome I know right I mean there is sharing coming from you I know right I can do girl-friendly things sometimes

Not very often but that’s cuz I choose not to when do you do girlfriend new things girlfriend esque things girlfriend s like there there’s like an s in it girlfriend s things ask this is why you failed school I didn’t fail school okay sure I did not fail School sure actually

Graduated thank you very much just about actually is that really anything to brag about huh what honestly God in this country is that really anything to brag about though what graduating school or getting kicked out oh graduating oh it’s real it’s real it’s really nothing on you it’s it’s really uh

Yeah it’s different if cut Ste I I was about to say like if you met the people that I know they quit school oh yeah I know more people that quit school than graduate you also went to school in like not the best area it was a decent school it was not

It was a decent school to until the OT happen yeah it was a [ __ ] school honey it was not a [ __ ] school I went to [ __ ] schools and you also definitely went to a [ __ ] School no no you’re school was a [ __ ] School Timmy you need to expand lucky lookie at my

Bookie have you bought like at my bie uh my shop my book shop what books do you need like fortune and stuff uh give me a moment uh I got I got that list I got bad 5 at the moment uh just give me a

Moment I I know where it is do not go near our villagers with godamn bad oh my gosh gosh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I know Jesus I done it listen haven’t done it while I know I’ve done it before but guess what I learned no you don’t never [ __ ] you never

[ __ ] learn that’s why you near failed school I did my day school I graduated just about this is what I mean when I when I say that we do not have a wholesome relationship and a lot of people were surprised when we said that we’re together oh yeah absolutely but but at

The end I still love her simple that I love you too even though she hates me I don’t [ __ ] hate you shut up [ __ ] listen doesn’t sound like it you literally did not hear what she just said huh huh like you lit listen I had

No idea what she means by I love you I have zero clue about that you such an [ __ ] I have 16 Rockets left where are you I’m in my own world not you I [ __ ] know I’m in the nether going back to the end oh okay well if you come if you come

Meet me at my house I will let you have rockets and I will also give you are you are you talking about your are you talking about your house in Spence’s territory no no no I’m talking about we just moved into Spence the old place yeah the old place

Yes I’m right now at my rarm trying to get some levels and more oh so you can go back to the village with bad Omen like you did last time I’m killing pillagers I’m at my R Farm I’m getting real my bad Omen I know I’m taking the

Piss what are you taking up mine uh why is there lava uh going coming down coming down where where where from the top of what someone in chat said wait why wait wait wait why is um is it actually coming down though oh my God they come down oh

[ __ ] honey so I know um someone in my chat just said that we need couples counseling oh God save save it I did not realize oh God oh God what are you burning down I think it’s too late I think it’s too late it was too late by the time I

Know it what have you burnt down no he he was he was uh what did you bur out it it’s fine it’s fine I think I think it’s fine I think it might be fine do you think you can salvage this n uh pillagers [ __ ]

Off cut steam what did you what did you burn down uh don’t worry about I got it I got it I got it I got it he didn’t burn down anything I think what’s burnt down okay okay this is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what’s burnt down nothing’s this isn’t working everything

Is fine everything is fine everything is fine this isn’t working what going fine that’s all I care about at the moment if you burn down if you burn down my villager Trader he did not burn down the Villager Trader the Villager Trader is fine that took me months to build we’re

At the raid Farm you put down your own build idiots it’s fine I think oh [ __ ] that um um um um oh boy oh boy it’s on fire it’s on fire I see I see I see I see I see oh my God they’re incompetent

I see I saw it’s oh [ __ ] no you can’t you’re [ __ ] blind chat they are absolutely incom I can hear I have recording oh my God they have Target lock they have Target lock noticeable oh my God but this lava go down the thing yet Jesus Christ it’s getting there it’s getting

There it’s getting there just F oh my God I have so many po on me I have so many solders on me this is uh this is bad this is really bad this is actually bad I did not realize how bad this is um I got you just quite enjoying

Listening to the chaos not going to lie okay okay it it ended it ended there are a bunch of them in there a bunch that went down there you’re good um so side note get some Netherrack uh fences when doing this next time use Nether use NE use Nether Brick stuff not

Wood well to be fair I I wouldn’t need wood if everything was working you [ __ ] idiot did you use wood around fire uh necessarily what that’s not exactly what happened yeah but it’s it’s not what happened but kind of what happened oh my God God you’re such an

Idiot hey you listen you’re da me so yeah and I want to hear it I’m advertising for a new position of my boyfriend you’re being huh wait what are you advertising a new position for someone to be my boyfriend wow you’re welcome it’s actually understandable you know I need a new I

Know rude oh boy I hate you so much you’re calling me rude Y where the this bit of stone come from Good Question h ah [ __ ] what did you drop did you drop Stone in in your uh did you drop some Stone in your Panic um I was breaking up the stone

That was everywhere’s everywhere’s plural yes [ __ ] that’s I don’t remember where I had this water place tiet to see um that should be good I well it’s good here but it’s not here off the top of my head I playing him you guys I I should just I should

Just melt or not melt I should just get rid of the water and then just redo the water because right now the water is broken we’ve been together for six months now I think something like that couples counseling uh no we do not need couples counseling we are absolutely fine they fine fine

Shut up they are fine as is counseling I just want to say as a disclaimer like we are actually fine um he is lovely most of the time to me and I mostly lovely back for example you know he bought me flowers because I was feeling [ __ ] you literally cried and I felt

Terrible I was just like crying at him last night so um thanks for listening to me love you ah I I know sometimes what the f you’re an [ __ ] I do love you oh my God are you sure yes and after you yelling at me a couple

Of times I I’m doubting y me we also don’t seriously yell at each other we only jokingly yell at each other um I feel like my chat are actually concerned about us oh well at least they’re concerned about you oh [ __ ] off that’s fine [ __ ]

Off Hey listen long it a anything to do with me I don’t care why thank you you’re welcome it’s nice to have a caring boyfriend isn’t it I know right be also nice to have a caring girlfriend once while I am caring shut up someone tired go

Bed yes yes I’m concerned for you both we’re we’re honestly fine we’re we’re fine we’re absolutely fine it’s it’s very this is a very normal thing oh yeah we take the absolute piss out of each other all of the time Sky should again Sky knows Sky vouch for us here yeah please please

Vouch okay so I’m going I’m going to grab my little silky silk break this silky silk break this your little silky silk okay yeah my little silky silk and I am going to put this lava in this corner mayow Stone I am increasing the ra uh the B in your

Farm cut can I tell them about the pickaxes that we both have in misfer crafts well I have a pickaxe named Timmy’s boyfriend yes and I have one named costume’s girlfriend don’t don’t you have a I thought I gave you wings as a that a what what what didn’t they give you

Wings they said that I also have a pickaxe oh you yeah no it’s my wings are also called that but we both have pickaxes guy are you the one yawning who’s yawning one of you one of you two what’s this who’s yawning I know probably was me okay go

Bed God you he says that to me not mean go bed now I don’t mean go bed in Minecraft sir might go to actual bed I said go B to be fair you do that to me IRL what you do that to me IRL though that’s a thing oh yeah because I actually care care about you why thank you don’t necessar [ __ ] seem like it [ __ ] oh how much I spent on flowers to and on your headphones he spent like 40 quid on flowers for

Me thank you I love you uhuh I do shut up sure I do oh that I break the bubble El break we do not need couples counseling what you say I break the bubble elevator I can’t tell no you did not okay the bubble elevator is fine

Um oh crap they’re still getting stuck here they’re getting stuck here wait andu oh God did not realize I was in is it someone sent me a message who Could That Be here’s a fil that never fails someone just call me a see guess I’m guessing it’s some of the

Australian friends maybe cut you got a zombie in here now and where put a name tag on him call him Clive wait why is it there’s a zombie up here you’re you’re lying to me you’re lying to me you’re lying to me it’s in the section that the that the that the pillagers

Fall into why oh my God now you got a whole section of there that’s [ __ ] dark as hell and oh wait can I do this instead of that oh my God if I can oh my God can I okay maybe that will fix my problem

You have too many problems I hope that I hope that fix my problem you have a lot of them a lot of problems yeah you’re one of them that’s fair enough I asked for that is this no no no no no no no no

No I have to make this work how do I oh God that I went to did my boyfriend just turn into a chicken I think so yeah [ __ ] you get wait no I can’t tell okay so I think I’m in water so if I go like this go like

This no I did you just say you think you’re in water how do you not know I I honestly think he’s buffering I’m good oh maybe am I am I uh I don’t I oh God I just realized I think I [ __ ] up yep I might I might have [ __ ] up badly here

How so that I need to move the arum Golems about like one and a half blocks away one and a half blocks I need them move like ever so slightly okay I’m good and I I am going to try to move them didn’t actually call them I didn’t think you did without them

Going [ __ ] ballistic and covering up the area that I’m hoping that be blocked actually wait I want oh no because I need to go here so I actually need you go this way right need you be like over here I am double checking everything because soon soon as I break the block

Usually they [ __ ] escape and I don’t want that oh no no no that be that thing okay so I noticed I actually noticed something down here in the colle in the collection system what did you notice you have a still block why okay I don’t know how I have a

Still block but wait what does that mean I got water yeah you have a water you have a water source in here uh if you don’t mind could you fix that I just I see I see why I see why now [ __ ] it’s because you it’s because of where you had placed

It uh test uh oh God okay yep yep yep yep actually that that’s works that that will actually work for me perfect and now I just need to replace you with this oh that’s not perfect how the hell did you do that actually no that’s fine oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

That’s not what I wanted to do [ __ ] it’s right you good babe it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything fine everything is fine everything is lovely I’m not going to [ __ ] insane everything sounds wonderful really does H sure sure yep everything’s fine everything’s

Fine sure okay everything is O A okay I hope so I am putting some extra y c you you okay I’m dead where where were you were you down in my little dungeon that sounds not at all I I was down I was down in the collection

System trying to trying to figure out how to how to fix the problem I I know how to fix the problem it’s just I need I need space and the plers are not giving me my space that I need my space that I need needs to be like you got you

Got Source block you got Source blocks in in all in all the areas actually are you sure you’re seeing the exact same thing that I’m seeing [ __ ] oh God that’s not what I want to do that’s not what I want to do I am fine yeah you sound it so

I had already tried fixing the one that was over here okay I think everything’s fine hun did you just call Sky hun wait what did you just accidentally call Sky h no I meant to call you but apparently you weren’t paying attention to me no I thought you talking to Skye no okay

Apparently you weren’t paying attention to me well I’m [ __ ] sorry I I I I know where I stand don’t make the joke don’t make the joke what joke no joke yeah exactly what joke what joke are you talking about you know exactly I hate you so much no you don’t you love me

Reluctantly well done is he gay now kind of hope not kind of hope not oh my chat asking if you’re gay I am fine I believe I just don’t know if the pillagers are fine that’s the question that I really need to answer of was in my pillagers help not pillagers

Pillagers yes as in my pillagers you know my pet pillagers that are in the house oh I kill those a while ago [ __ ] you no you did not no I didn’t but I knew you were very concerned about them so I say things to make you know that

I’m not serious I hate you okay so if I go like this is they’re going to start going like this uh but there there is one other problem I than fact that one of your freaking uh one of your iron golems is dead that anything else that want to go wrong

Today but they’re it looks like they’re drowning as they go wait they’re drowning yeah it’s looking like they’re drowning the bubble the bubble elevator is broken oh it is broken yep more El is broken great all so do enter uh to turn no no I’m not okay wonderful love that for you

Looking for RS wasn’t I help how you spell how you spell c k e l p k e l k k e l p oh my goodness I’m [ __ ] exhausted okay I am back you okay huh yeah I’m fine mother called ah yes I bought her uh flowers for birthday and it

Wasend you too much oh okay that’s new I thought she bollock you for spending too much oh like last name yeah she she she has zero qu about that what do you mean about how much you spent on the flowers uh the flow I gave her yeah yeah she has zero clue okay

Good to be fair the flowers I gave her this year are a little cheaper than last time to be fair I think she’d kill you if you spent the same amount that you did last time no she wouldn’t kill me I don’t know I [ __ ] would it is not acceptable to spend that

Much money on flowers you have no idea what you mean Dam so what is this lava for anyway the flowers that I usually spent are usually good about a year okay that’s fine that’s fine maybe 3 months depending on the flower sometimes the flowers turns out good sometimes flowers turns out bad I

Thought you meant they were like flowers that you that lasts like a week sometimes for that much Jesus Christ yes that M Mone for a week a flower that last for a week yes oh also two Iron Golems I know it’s fine but to be fair I

Also uh I also got her flower set are supposed supposed to be uh come like every year like it’s supposed to show up like every year oh yeah I’m not sure how well it works because oh my God is this whole thing just filled with water if you just found a fat

Cave no I’m trying to fix my Ray Farm actually you want how about if I use a door instead yeah cuz then that will give you an air pocket so you don’t drown if you don’t have any potions no it’s not that I’m trying to

Get rid of the water and that’s not what I meant to put oh but that does give me an idea now how’s oh god oh hey hey hang on I think I figured something out I think figure something out okay okay oh God nope uh can I put trap doors on

There uh I need to get rid of some [ __ ] in my inventory make sure I don’t hit the delete all button just I is be really for everyone okay where is the trap doors unless cut scene stops [ __ ] punching his microphone I didn’t punch my microphone

Well whatever you did I didn’t like it it sounded not nice and I don’t like it I didn’t do nothing Sky did you do something I mean that might be my chair it was I don’t know it sounded like a mic being punched yes that stop

It that was not me oh she knows who that was so Rude stop it again oh that that was my phone on what my phone was on my desk right next to my mic and it vibrated that is disgusting that is disgusting and you blame me for doing

That it’s usually you to be fair what be to be fair you’re literally the only one that’s ever freaking complained about that am I yeah to be fair everyone else is probably a lot more used to sound than I am fair enough precisely I’m not nope nope being a good person be

A good person I am not saying nothing I am uh I don’t think you want to know what was going through my my little brain text me I think we I think we want to keep it keep it PG-13 correct yes text it to me do not say it on the

Stream but text it to me um let SC I think I’m getting there with this build to be fair it’s not gone horrendously so far sort of getting the vibe that I was hoping for I surprised you don’t have have like a collection system on thing what

Me I was talking I was talking to ah cutting his raid Farm oh yeah I’ve told him he needs one really do need a freaking collection system on this thing I’m I’m trying to typ I what what’s going on hang on what’s going on now I’m trying Ty what’s

Up complaining about the [ __ ] the [ __ ] thing on what thing the ra Farm no there’s a reason wait the ra Farm itself or this part the banner Farm wait here supposed to be the banner Farm yes this this is the banner FM don’t ask me why I don’t know and

Hello TR effect how are you also there’s a Pillager stuck up there up I just noticed him sweetie I still haven’t gotten this text sound funny it’s not me what what going to [Laughter] what who’s that that’s my stupid boyfriend right what have you done me you guys are driving me

Insane what the [ __ ] to be fair I don’t I I hardly know anything about about raid farm so something in small oh cut are you streaming am I I should be wa am I streaming uh where’s OBS it should not be okay no I’m not streaming okay why

Who said I was streaming oh no no one did I was just wandering oh oh [ __ ] you’re welcome I about say did Jesus Christ okay one thing at a time what what was I trying to type uh the thing that’s not PG family friendly I know but I don’t remember

What I was trying to type oh no that one I don’t remember if it comes to me I will I will it oh okay I was trying to work on this and you guys were telling me about my reir then I got TI track on that then

You he want me go back to that then you want me to stop what I’m doing to now figure out what’s wrong with this part that part our Iron Golems are dead this is dead things got stuck in the thing that I’m trying to figure that out where

Where’s this uh this guy got stuck are you talking about this guy getting stuck this guy is G I think my boyfriend’s okay okay I think broken your boyfriend’s somewhat broken yes wa I love how you’re not even trying to defend yourself you heard here we broke him how are

You now he’s just buffering honey did you actually [ __ ] tell me what was said no no you didn’t I don’t remember what I was talking about oh for Jesus sake [Laughter] I don’t remember I was going to I don’t remember because you guys send me [ __ ] crazy I’m trying to

Figure out what my rain farm this thing happen that thing happen no you want me to do This I don’t know I don’t know I don’t want to know cut Steam s are you okay okay no who is that that is cut steam I’m currently in a COR with cut Steam and skyo the one that’s losing his shits is cut steam I thought you said Geo oh my

God didn’t say Geo did it sound like Geo pretty sure you said Geo I’m pretty sure you said Geo good see you later see you later understandable someone hacked you what do you mean someone hacked me what what oh [ __ ] hell yeah no that is cut steam no cut steam’s

Fine okay wait I [ __ ] heart saint I nearly sh myself thank you for the slight heart attack I nearly had a heart attack right here on stream that oh my God yeah no kidding oh by the way someone hacked you what [ __ ] what by the way you got hacked wait

What that that’s not nice that’s not nice thing to say [ __ ] [ __ ] I could have been ew the weather’s icky oh it’s going to rain and snow and ah oh I don’t like hear about snow and rain right now everything is frozen oh yeah I haven’t left my house for like

I’ve been working from home I haven’t left my house for 5 days and it’s [ __ ] wonderful uh why haven’t you left your house I’ve been working from home I know but usually usually you like oh I gotta go to my friends this thing happened that thing

Happened like I’m I will talk to you later I’m not at home currently I’m staying in England I’m currently like 3 hours away from my Friends see you later no worries I need to refix the water things but that’s an later date I’m more tired of this working on this damn project that I need to re revamp how long have we been streaming for only like an hour [ __ ] half it feels like it’s been so much

Longer but I feel like I’m losing brain cells because cop steam honey you lose brain cells either way with me yeah that’s that’s kind of true actually send help no no no no oops I broke I broke the block let me I don’t know what you’re talking

About I did nothing skyo remind him of whatever the [ __ ] he said please um so he can tell me I don’t know what the heck he said I don’t even remember what was the convers I know what was the conversation I don’t remember what was I

Trying to say oh for God s seriously I don’t remember you’re [ __ ] useless [ __ ] oh listen I’m useless listen I’m like I’m I’m not yeah yeah I what was that so I can’t I can’t go home because I have bad om right now go to my re

What uh what number do you have how much bman do you have three oh perfect follow me yeah let me get to your thing yeah let me go into survival so you’re have you just been thriving in Creative I’ve been trying to fix what I broke that’s fair enough in with this

Thing because it was working then it wasn’t working now it’s working somewhat it and it’s still not working okay follow me uh do you see this little water thing that we’re coming to uh over here oh I hope I hope you started it yes I

Did I did uh okay down down here Down the Hatch Down the Hatch Down the Hatch get down arguing on my stream go I’m sorry someone was not paying attention when I said go down the hatch I noticed now this is my so this is my little dungeon this is the

Yes then ow oops did you damage yeah you you hit me by accident I got a good range on this but Yep this is the this is the actual Ray Farm you die helping me so if you want to take this as a token no right there take that as a

Token oh sweet to a totem you know as we sell totems in the shop I just steal them from your raid Farm I know technically it’s going to be my shop now yes I actually have a shop wait nor one to me what you have a

Shop yes a a crappy shop at the moment I never knew you had a shop I literally I literally just tried to make one going to pop my back what what what does that what does that mean What on earth does that mean want pop my

Back I’m I think I’m going I be I’m gonna pop back hopefully I’m going to hope that’s what was meant otherwise that’s a little concerning but yeah this is what I do I literally fly up there and then just do this then everything goes into this like

Little collection thing and then I pick up whatever I need the reason why I I just didn’t land like everything like all clutter together so I tried to keep everything separate it best that I could and if you ever have to deal with a a evoker thing the [ __ ] that summons

Those like little things just press you mean vexes and then you press it again I don’t care gonna say right now I am not a redstone though what atone is the best for Redstone I’m not either I’m so learning oh honey I would love to go back on the one

Server so I can rebuild the Bell the church bell oh yeah you told me about that yes literally I had set where all the bells rang the exact same time and them there where you were in our like little village that me and spend build you can actually hear the Bell

Oh I mean everything was perfectly timed too oh that reminds me um you know the images that I need for my video yes that you’re supposed to send me no the ones that I asked you to find for the video oh those I I forgot about those yeah thanks sorry I noticed you

Did I’ve been busy I know no I’m fine I’m taking the piss babe I’m sorry no no no I’m taking sweetie I’m taking the piss you’re absolutely fine wait what did you just say I’m taking the piss it means like I’m joking oh did you not know that was a

Thing that people say or is that just not an American thing I we say it means something different I was about to say it means that you’re going to the bathroom like no that’s I’m taking a piss not I’m taking the piss this is so confusing why can I just find American

Girl Jesus Christ I am a offended I am offended Jesus [ __ ] I’m not okay that was born and raised in that was rude you’re so rude I love you no you [ __ ] don’t I love you no you [ __ ] don’t I love you no you don’t I love you I love you too

Little [ __ ] thank you I got away oh it’s nice I just tell her I love her until she says I love you back and then I know I’m free to go oh no I hold a [ __ ] Grudge sure you do oh no I do love you I

Have a little list I love you I love you too but I have my my little list shut up I love you you’re trying to not you’re trying to get yourself out of this it’s not kill list huh my my kill list what it’s like

Is it like Verdi’s to kill list no no this is um I love you it’s a list called things my [ __ ] boyfriend has done yes he actually has a list of everything I list um in case I ever need like basically just like to save my own

Ass if he’s like oh you’ve done this um so yeah I I have that list going I a SP I thought huh I thought I heard SP I got concerned well didn’t get to I got happy it was no spend you online I thought I heard Spen that’s

The only reason why I said I thought Spen was here I was PR pretty sure sp’s working right now actually I thought Spen was right now batter is get he should be getting off sometime soon or something like that to be F I’ll text him and tell him

That he’s welcome to come over come on the stream if he wants a blackmail yes yes she she tries to Blackmail uh it does work sometimes rarely but sometimes all she has to do is start crying then they just pretty much melt okay to be fair you just stop

Functioning as a person whenever you see me cry and I I hate seeing you cry I know the thing is I never cry because of cut I just cry because of like life but then he’s just like oh let me fix it for you again you cried that no one gave her

Flowers and I no I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t cry that no one gave me I did not cry that no one gave me flowers I cried because I was on my period And I wanted to die well that too but you also cried to me saying that don’t want B me flowers

Oh no I was just like no it really wasn’t that I was hormonal and then like my sister’s girlfriend bought her like this massive bunch of flowers and I was like ah I’m unloved yeah so again I melt and went here are you actually buying me flowers

Like I was nice I I I bit my tongue I love you I I could said some things I but no I wasn’t that mean that’s wholesome it’s really not you try and live with this [ __ ] hey there you go hey you completed the challenge too look at that you’re the

Village and my and my silk touch pickaxe is finally almost fully fully done oh yeah this is a great way to level up anything that’s damag like the only thing I I asked for just leave everything in the chest please because this is this hurts my brain oh my God what is it

Oh No Just My build is hurting my brain Oh I thought you I thought you said something else I want oh okay what did you think I said text it to me I am definitely texting you this I exctly Jesus Christ do not make YouTube hate

Me speaking of which I’m I’m on three freaking Rockets right now are you good oh and I’m sorry and there you go thank you oh goodness I know oh it’s nice to see my my mending elytra fall again why do I have sugar on oh goodness what if you said I have two

Totems I thought you said that I that’s why I said what no no no no no oh my god well you just told as well no I did not tell oh okay wait what did you open oh youest I I put something in the chest what do you mean you put something

In I put a to I put a totem of undying that I just kind of collected there my goodness okay I’ve never witnessed one fly before that’s really weird I’m kind of un fortunate plus I plus I have a full inventory I literally have not taken anything these chests no you’re you’re

Fine I I was still playing stuff away like the Redstone I still I have tons of redstone on me uh which one’s the Sugar Chest this one as well this is uh pretty much like um what the witches get sweetie we need an actual storage system actually I just realized something I

[ __ ] paid T-Bone to build us a storage system I paid him for that and he never did it well you were still supposed to Finish the build which you never did either he’s got space to build it he asked for space I gave him space I know but you never fully finish

It then I don’t [ __ ] care I just want my storage system hold up let me explain no I know oh uhoh yes he he didn’t he saw us explain the problems like we were both very busy so we didn’t go on and then spend didn’t

Get on for a while so he decided to stop doing it but he was doing I still [ __ ] paid him for it oh no don’t get me wrong yes but and then and then last night Spin and I got kind got freaking uh oh God we kind we kind

Of got sidetracked and start and started started doing the gate house that doesn’t surprise me and that’s absolutely fair enough I oh [ __ ] power cup power [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I listen what you guys do in in your house that’s fine just leave don’t let me be a part of it give me two

Seconds you said let you be a part or don’t don’t don’t let me be a part of it I don’t want to know I don’t want to know what goes on between you two I mean it’s whatever okay I love it that you just agreed to it I

Think but yeah uh this is the Little Ray Farm okay um oh goodness uh if you ever in the middle if you ever need actual villagers like if you accidentally need some um I’m currently in the middle of a power cut this isn’t good oh so um in this house

Hopefully hopefully we should be fine I’ve just swapped onto my hot spot as quickly as I could hopefully streams stays alive Goa and hello Louis gaming Basics what a wonderful time you to come just point my ha right perfect disappointment was already here yeah I was about to say cut Ste is the

Disappointment here you love me it’s fine guess the [ __ ] do you mean I guess I guess I love you too thank you oh God h i husk husk I promise we do actually have a functioning relationship cut what did you do what did you do he wasn’t watching his

Aim you jumped in front of me like you jumped in front of the uh skeleton as soon as soon as I let go you jumped in Fr the SK did you justy [ __ ] idot also I need arrows where are you did you spawn up

Here yeah I did oh did which way did you go I’m back on the I’m back on the freaking better there we go why are you back up here I don’t know jees we trying find you oh [ __ ] um this looks so complicated ah because you fall in random [ __ ] gaps like

That there we go oh my God hello right I’m just going to have a fly see how it looks from a distance so you want Arrow you said oh that’s that’s all right um actually here come with me unlike spin I don’t have an Infinity but yeah I don’t have one

Either um I’m pretty sure I sell Infinity no you don’t oh I will start selling Infinity whenever the hell you’re back on the server I to be fair I will be back on the server not tomorrow day after um oh yeah C do you do you want to film the

Video with me pretty please and thank you lots of love yes I I know I got still finish up while I was supposed to oh no for you and you’re honestly fine I haven’t got around to that either I’m you’re fine buy I’ve only just finished

The video script I’ve been trying to get that one video least done and then I got sidetracked of doing my own stream then I got sidetracked Again by doing that like Farmer Boy I I just I got too much on my plate I know it’s fine you don’t

Have to it’s okay do what the video well I want to do it just I don’t think it’ be a actual mod pack just like I doing like my my CRA or something like that oh yeah no I know I’m talking about recording on Sunday on misscrafts oh SP

Yeah yeah I have no I have no problem cool we need to like have we need to have a day where we’re all on all on at once honestly on Saturday I’m working of course you are I know I shouldn’t [ __ ] be but I am why are you

Working long time no see Hi how are you uh yeah I’m working on Saturday yeah why are you working um I wasn’t supposed to but then emergency happened and they needed a de so I was like sure what you mean they needed as in like the person who was

Actually supposed to be playing is like suddenly or something I don’t know um and they were like you’re you’re actually going to be a part of a play yes that’s my job dip [ __ ] yes I I understand now my goodness I love you but my God you lack brain

Cells oh whose fault is well I obviously my fault my [ __ ] that’s my who is it to date me that you know that my brain don’t work even that sentence didn’t formulate properly but yes I know what you mean because I can translate from Cut steam into you know actual English he

Basically said that it’s my fault I’m an idiot for dating him hey you you actually understand me I’m very happy I always Jesus Christ so not always am my ohos to okay I don’t know what I forget sweetie look at the CH look at my

Chat I can make sense of what that is wait what okay hello disappointment is has arriv but long time no see one time I woke up and saw yes pretty sure you can just call those Edibles you can’t say that word on YouTube I’m surprised you can’t say that

Word on YouTube but well because it’s a regular word as well like you know you can have a crack in a wall okay there was a nasty cloud in my oh did it say cloud oh say a crack know what I’m doing there we go I actually don’t know how much more I

Have left to do oh quite a lot huh this is how to lose brain cells yeah valid I one time I woke up and saw is that say proposed yes it does to cut you I something proposed to cut who are you I’m confused do I know

You oh Hy oh my Lord is this a person that I know uh they’re in my chat quite a lot I don’t remember the proposal though who are you I think that might I think that was meant to be a joke it was it yes oh I was about to say

Like I know people said weird things while they were um not there and trust me I got Sly left some things actually scared me what people said about me or with me about me and yeah uh okay my brain still hurts are you not gonna lie no my brain hurts and like I

Chis I thought that was actually someone that I might know reason why I asked okay that’s fair enough again I know a lot of people and they have a lot of very strange Char characters characters yeah yeah cuz I know a lot of the people you

Know too and yeah I can definitely agree with that one listen that that’s endearment to everyone apparently I prefer to be wholesome no a different word to be fat out of a sky is definitely the most wholesome for now what you mean for now for now

What the [ __ ] do you mean for now I have a way with people you should know this I know it’s really weird I don’t know how you’re so good with people for someone who’s such an [ __ ] I just start laughing and people like my laugh or people hate my laugh I

It’s either you like me or you don’t like me I I was like deaf with no hearing aids when we met yeah and not necessarily I make it so you you want your no hearing back yeah okay to be fair you have made me want to take my hearing aids out quite a

Lot oh hey I fell out I fell out of the place you good I mean fell out of the place I got I fell out of the training Hall why did you fall out of the training Hall why are you in my trading Hall yes I gave him arrows oh

Okay yeah that’s that’s pretty much the only reason uh didn’t you say you want you wanted a book yeah take whatever books you want no what what me or Spen U not Spen Sky sorry Sky no not any book once I mean if I was to if I was to get any any

Freaking any enchantment it would probably be freaking Fortune this point what wait what did you just say what your mic cut out there and that was a very bad time oh did it just say take me down to the I’m reading a I’m reading a chat I’m reading a

Chat I promise I’m reading a [Laughter] chat what’s what’s going on I promised I was reading a chat I promise I was reading a chat oh my God wait wait what just happened oh [ __ ] my power’s gone again [ __ ] what the hell okay we’re fine currently what the

Hell if the stream goes down um let me know just uh stream went down did it let you know did it actually I don’t think so [ __ ] you I just repeating what I wish what you said [ __ ] it’s fine it’s fine [ __ ] you so you said well technically what I repeated stream went

Down I hate you so much like like I said if I was to get any if I was if I was to get any book it would be it would be fortune and sweeping Edge most like um I’ve got Fortune wait can you can you can you have sweeping Edge and and

Sharpness uh yes cuz I need I need to I need to do I need to do a lot of enchanting on my sword okay can we can we not promote illegal activities in chat please and please and thank you yeah my God I I wasn’t paying attention my bad you’re a [ __ ]

Mold I’m sorry that I’m doing other things besides watching your channel to be fair at least you’re talking to me so what you mean at least I’m talking we spoke for like 5 hours yesterday shut up didn’t feel like 5 hours it was like it was literally F well cuz we called

For like 3 and then I was like I’m going to bed and then I had a bad day I had a bad evening so I caught you being like I’m not okay and then we spent like two hours on phone yes you said you were having a bad day and I bought you

Flowers yeah to make you happy thank you love you you you though yes are you sure yes very POS I’m close to [ __ ] not loving you so you are not loving me no I do what are you looking for what what are you looking for

Stop I’m trying to give you stuff do you have a couple of diamonds or trade yes I do how much diamonds you have I currently have 39 on my person yeah how many how much are you trying to sell everything she literally has everything

On there for like a for like a diamond a book yeah a diamond book which I think which I think for The Mending ones you should probably yeah you you cut out cut my friend you cut out my friend you I think you should charge more for the uh for the uh mending

Books person oh uh [ __ ] you think yeah at least at least like two mending I don’t know I’ll think about it and and believe me Spen and I agree on this [ __ ] too oh do you think that The Mending do you both think that The Mending is too cheap oh [ __ ] I forgot

That I um yeah I believe both of it both him and I agree on that okay I’ll up for damn it where is got it is anybody else remember mumbo’s cheap Sate no cheap sleep oh oh wait that’s right you haven’t got you haven’t gotten to that

Is this season 9 this is actually season seven or no I think yeah I wouldn’t have watched it then yet I haven’t G there I’m still on season seven um so you want sweeping H three and P I’ll be right back two seconds I have efficiency five on both

Okay I put the wrong screen on I meant to put the B right back screen on um sorry about that but say to my who isn’t meowing right now but usually does quite a lot meow meow don’t meow back cat he’s very pissed off right now I don’t quite know why

You okay he sat on my Shoulders Okay you seem very pissed off I don’t know what’s Ru this day damn it I want to go sit in the wardrobe um damn it my cat likes to sit in the wardrobe and I don’t know why I have to open the door for him otherwise he gets really

Pissed off with me hello Astro how are you damn it I knew that was going to happen what happened I think I can get it go go go go go go go where is the the the the thing all right all right there we go oh shoot I totally forgot about this

Oh God please tell me he didn’t Escape okay he didn’t Escape oh thank God okay we’re back take never mind that’s fine stream I don’t want a copyright strike uh maybe do feather falling four I can upgrade my feather falling on my sky you just take whatever you like it’s

Fine well no I’m trying to help him out what this what you need I need can I just say my cat’s now just suling in the corner oh protection do you do you actually have does prop prop five sorry give me two seconds chat imp I don’t see any prop I see props

What’s the prop protection yeah that’s prote that’s protection normal protection that’s l oh I don’t think we have Fortune three we got Thorn they’re sweeping Edge okay I got I got swe for you four should be fine honestly uh do you know where that is yes I don’t remember what vilder that has

It uh all of the villages are labeled they all have signs on them there there are some prop for and chests as well if you want to take two prop fours and turn them into prop five you’re more than well well welcome do we not have prop

Five yeah you do have prop you do have prop but I could have swor we couldn’t turn two prop fours into prop five yeah you can I and i’ need i’ need about four to do so no four is the protect for is Max okay I just I just got it but

Anyways okay so you got prop four sweeping Ed three looting three right you want looting Fortune three fortune 3 looting looting might be a good one and you want Infinity book correct efficiency I already have so I don’t I don’t really need efficiency I didn’t say efficiency I said infinity infinity

Protect protection four sweeping Ed three looting three fortune three could be good to have do you want another protection do I want another protection yeah uh realistically I have I have prop one on my leggings and my boots currently my my hel has projectile protection though um how about this five diamonds

For six books are you selling my books I actually have no freaking space cut steam are you selling my books cut Steam and I think at that on that note I think I need to find a new girlfriend at this point why why why [ __ ] I’m so

Upset I feel disrespected by my own [ __ ] boyfriend this isn’t fair listen I’m doing your business for you fine do you know how to rep how to repair Anvil uh no I just make more I was about to say just we usually just make more um we

Do and make him stare at frog no if you want to just use it Until It Breaks you’re more than welcome to until I find another one we’ve got well we we had an iron farm we’re fine yeah IR iron farm is kind of broken I need to I have

Iron in The Iron Shop you can just take some up that get off my [ __ ] surface you furry [ __ ] oh no the cat he’s just on my computer what is the cat doing he’s on my computer hey I guess it fits on your computer okay now he’s just staring at

The window he’s fine oh my God right I love for anyone who doesn’t know I got a new cat and he’s a kitten and he’s still training and he’s a bit of a dick at the minute because he’s a kitten don’t even think about

It [ __ ] sake it’d be nice if we go on the DAT first but that’s up to you [ __ ] off so apparently she’s already looking at G Rings what no no that’s no no no no no no no no you told me what ring you did oh yeah that’s [ __ ] different you actually

You started that conversation and was like oh this is I okay so to be fair I did not mean to say it I said it you just blurted out I kind of blur it out I so my mistake instead of saying girlfriend I said my wife and then she

And this whole thing of oh now I’m looking for engagement rings no that’s absolutely not true um you were the one that bought up like what ring you’d get that’s absolute [ __ ] yes you you were like looking no no no she was looking at Rings she was looking at Rings absolutely [ __ ] [ __ ]

Absolutely [ __ ] [ __ ] you were looking at rings then she was like looking at oh look at this ring like look at that ring it’s like oh oh yeah they’re all right like well anyway she now got distracted again well she was like looking at all these Rings like yeah those look really

Nice like which ring would you get if you could get one like neither I also just want to say that I’ve been looking at buying myself a ring because I don’t wear much jeel in I want to but anyway I was thinking about getting a ring if I ever got married or

Tried to get married I know what ring I was going to get it was going to be completely no no no let’s not let’s let’s not get into this no no she she told me know I’m going to listen for once okay the little [ __ ] is scratching at my desk

Well guess what people get if people are uh get curious it’s not my fault you told me not to say anything else so aha that’s my fault fault I just to pref we do have a healthy relationship I promise oh yeah we absolutely have a healthy relationship we do I actually

Care very much for her just we’re not into that all lydy bullsh we’re not a PDA couple at all no we bully the [ __ ] out of each other to be fair we do that when we’re just like alone but we we we’re like actually healthy yes there’s a reason why I love

Him I just don’t say it very often like on stre no I I hadn’t finished my [ __ ] sentence so [ __ ] you she she she only saying that because I’m here she doesn’t actually love I do love I want to die I’m not okay I don’t like life no you’re you’re you’re not allowed

To you’re absolutely not allowed to we need a swear job yeah we do we do need a swear I’m good I’m good to be fair I think you swear more than I do not necessarily absolutely don’t get me wrong I absolutely swear except for sometimes your words sound like swear words even

Though technically they’re not swear words oh well like British swearing you mean yes yeah British saring is different British saring is proper saring no but it’s just weird because you just use British swearing as an excuse of trying get around the swearing Roll n so swe jars price swear jar prices are going

Up [ __ ] off that doesn’t help [ __ ] you how there I know I’m not helping my case at all no you’re not okay I’ve lost my okay he’s there that’s fine oh hey Play Take and me you are so behind on chat you are so behind on chat

Oh God it’s like it’s like your I’m sorry I am doing things on by side yeah Cy caning also just want to say um go and follow sky and cut Steam on all social medias everywhere thank you on now all social medias uh twitch is f yes like the

Social medias they have mainly you both have twitch you both have YouTube that sort of thing that’s what I mean yeah actually my YouTube I’m I think I like five now they’re all my friends I I lost so many because I haven’t Post in like forever to be fair you’re a twitch

Streamer you’re not a YouTube streamer so I know but I put like all my uh stupid [ __ ] that I usually do on my uh oh yeah your shorts yeah yeah I made so many shorts oh that one that one died on impact what the hell yes so anyways I made so many

Shorts that I can turn them into pants sty oh my God God I’m so [ __ ] tired what have you done are you are you just ignoring me no why is said I got so many shirts I or shorts I can turn them into pants what I do so many shorts like YouTube

Shorts they can turn them into pants you’re not funny you’re not you’re not then why are you laughing I win shut up I knew you going to saying I you’re smiling I win she she she smiles I win you so I clearly win this day I I win day such an [ __ ] I

Want to call you bad swears well you can just you you you’re no longer a Christian whatever thing that you said whatever you saidan Minecraft ever am my my yeah you’re no longer that I would also no longer be on YouTube cuz I’d get banned yeah who hasn’t me I haven’t been banned

Yet I wasn’t banned I was P oh yeah I did know about that I was very pissed about that but that’s whatever I haven’t got bad Omen yet you got to hit the ones with the banners I don’t think he’s trying to get bad Omen not many people actively try and do that

Oh that’s cuz I’m trying to activate the ra farm so I can freaking get I get level oh I didn’t oh I did not realize there a hole back there you didn’t realize there’s a what now a hole what uh back behind the uh Banner Farm

Don’t go behind the ban Farm what we have a Bano Farm yeah for B woman oh that’s what te what it’s called the Baner Farm I’ve never heard that but okay fair enough and I’m trying to remove some of the banners because I think that’s causing

Some uh issues like a timid brain cells mind she lost her third Brain Cell by watching together to say alive that sounds like the story of my [ __ ] life at the minute what you say sky sorry I got I got that two now oops what Dad damn

It well keep going because you can go up to be in five wait that’s a thing yes I did not realize there were like levels of bad Omen you could get yes the higher Omen you have the worse the rate fness pretty much is but the higher out the reward I never knew

That how do you get like really really bad bad then uh you kill the guy with the banner five times five Banner dudes yeah where the [ __ ] do you find five Banner dudes my farm don’t say don’t say a raid Farm I meant like naturally spawning no you don’t we’ been we have

Been having a lot of freaking freaking uh raids happening or Pillager oh [ __ ] recently oh yeah we got invaded with pillagers the other day when I was putting I was griefing Spen base with um I was writing my name in oh I got four now yep you’re one more was you’re one

Shy by way all Banners are selling for one uh one nugget one iron nugget one iron nugget spe why we have we have an iron farm we don’t need iron nuggets you shush you let me run my no but I have a point just just again they’re easier to

Get they’re nice Banner look look look at all the nice banners we can’t have all those for an iron nugget those are not the banners I need for my base again but that’s why there’re sell for one iron nugget I just need a nougat a nouet I need a n a n a

N okay how about this I will even do you one better a whole stack so that’s a 16 or you want a stack of 34 64 I would do it for one iron I don’t think I really I don’t think I need that an ominous Banner though oh are you selling omin banners

Yes for one iret he’s trying to sell ominous banners to me for one iron nugget that’s not that’s not the style Banner I’m looking for No One Needs ominous banners sweetie or one iron nugget that’s all I’m ask them for we really have that many banners you have no idea oh God no Idea you do not sweet you have no idea how many banners I actually have go there there are literally so many damn banners I have literally all the ones that were around the banner Farm I just Min them all because I was I think that’s causing some lag oh I also have the

Whole the all three of the ray arms that I built three Farms oh yeah okay those ones I yeah that I took I took down move it took it down move it because the raid keeps getting stuck on um random blocks and behind mountains and stuff like that

So I moved it three times and all three of them if you look like if you actually walk down there is so many banners just going down the hallways and corridors and everything else that yeah I’m pretty sure I can s have one nugget and I still can make a

Fair enough babe fair enough and the reason why I was selling for iron nugget because other than I don’t think Ang will buy it for an actual uh Diamond at all I don’t think anyone would either also if there’s any background noises cuz my cat is currently ripping the [ __ ] cardboard

Box so Sky what are you done no I’m still only at four right now no and I don’t see any any of them coming down dip [ __ ] uh they’re coming slowly but surely yes I know you’re looking at your reflection oh my God is the c cat yes

He’s he’s still he’s a very new cat and is learning things about life like mirrors exist and is like Mom what the [ __ ] is this he tried to beat himself up in a mirror the other day Mom yeah it’s a mirror what what do you want I don’t know what you

Want whoa why did all of them were you dumping stuff underr Dragon I’ve already actually killed the dragon in this world oh no dude you don’t dump them on the ground I I will I will sell up a box for it get dragon egg Dragon oh no I would

Like anyway yeah is it because they can’t see potentially I I don’t think they could see the Iron Golem man I think that will do what is it oh I’m just figuring out my base I’m fig yeah I made myself a complicated base that’s actually surprisingly really difficult to

See no I thought you said something else oh god oh [ __ ] hi Jesus he shot across the room and just landed on my lap you KY no no no I’m trying to get him to calm down Kitty gonna do Kitty things oh my God is it’s a cat it’s not it’s what

Do you expect the cat to doat things what you we go what did you just call me I want to see the cat what do you mean what did I just call you didn’t say anything to you how dare you I didn’t I didn’t say anything how dare you I didn’t say

Anything I am guing you by the way okay yes I am you’re an [ __ ] I know I am I don’t know why you fell in love with me in the first place sometimes I don’t you’re I don’t know the answer to that question either sometimes sweetie is it because it’s too

Light like if I take down some of the Torches I can’t take down too many because then the wi W start to go sorry I’m just cuddling my cat there we go bad Omen five Ray oh he’s sniffing my mic go oh sorry accidentally dro dropped him in a box I’m

Sorry wait why did you drop your key in the Box I didn’t mean to I went to put him down softly rud I went him down softly and he just like he has this frosting me to put him down so then he just like leaps I didn’t mean to drop my can of

Box yes you did no I did a I hate you so much I’m an y don’t get me copyrighted so I realized something the more like different colors you put the kind of the less opaque it is rather than three layers of the same color I do like the bottom layer of the

Color I want then like the middle layer of a different color that’s quite similar and then the top layer the color that I want and then it’s a bit kind of Fuller like that I think there it’s too bright so do I have to like get rid of

Some of the lights um are you trying to spawn things in a what’s the situation oh okay now they’re spawning okay okay no I no I was curious about the poers and my were like really spawning pill just spawn in the light anyway what pill just spawn in the light

Anyway I that’s why got discern okay you know since I already went into creative mode I’m just going to [ __ ] finish this in Creative cut steam that’s cheating oh no I’m cheating yes you are like it’s that really cheating it is I’m using the I’m just using the game command

Uh I’m trying to figure out the r heang on bring is down functioning G mechanics to my advantage there we go if the game allows me to go into creative mode finish my base I I what am I to say you I SP will take op away from

You or what what did I personally do what did I what will I personally gain from doing this I had to get us permission to use creative for video purely for camera like for other camera angles yeah but what what personally game will I get from E playing hoppers putting hoppers Down okay yeah if it’s just putting hoppers down then you should be fine and not only that it’s like I got to go under the the ra farm so I had like literally have to go and build upwards break glass I have all the material so I’m

Just I will pay whatever type of price you want me to pay for this you’re honestly fine apparently not because you yell at me for it I didn’t yell at you [ __ ] you are definitely yell you are definitely yelling at me I like hear it you might just have your mic turned up

Too loud I think you have your hearing turned down oh that’s right you can’t hear anyways oh [ __ ] you you were the reason why I take my hearing aids out oh absolutely I know that I know that glad that you’re W oh Jesus Christ okay he’s digging on the carpet

What does he have to do with anything I me the cat he scared me okay there we go now it will go right here and yes I can AC I can activate it okay I’m happy we make this rival yes technically I have all the materials so it’s just I didn’t feel

Like taking like my time and I think that’s that layer done the rest I want to go a bit more like purple I think some more of these around there maybe not there no worries I hope I’ll see you in the next one actually could I um no please

I don’t know what you’re going to ask no apparently you already told me no cool that’s fine that’s fine I don’t care enough I I see where I stand yeah Le I can actually stand [ __ ] you that was a low blow I can’t go any lower than you bud

[ __ ] off did you just just call me bud do you just call me bud do you just call me I’m your girlfriend yeah they called you bud I’m your girlfriend I know Christ but I’m running out I’m running out pet names bud is definitely not going to be one of

Them are sure they’re bud I want to die I’m not okay oh my well you’re fine sure sure I am you’re fine so Sky how’s the ra arm doing for you yeah it’s going all right it’s a little slow yeah well it would been lot slower

Of where it was the last time should put that way because the first time I built it was literally up the mountain that’s like be like if like towards it it was literally in the mountain this then the pillagers were spawning like in the cave and behind them Mountain so I moved

It to the front of it like towards the actual Village that was the second spot and that one the the uh pillagers were getting stuck behind the whole Mountain then the last one is where you’re standing at now oh God I some are you sure you just didn’t get the hero The

Village no I haven’t gotten it yet are you still killing things yeah CU I haven’t seen anything spawning and I’m in your camera mode I’m in okay can we can we just take a second to appreciate my build it’s it’s not going to it’s not going to show it because you’re you’re

Out of simulation distance essentially that kind of look I like where this is going I’m actually proud of this CH be proud of me well CH is not I am huh if chat is not I am oh thank you even though sometimes you’re paying my ass oh shut

Up oh I need I also need Rockets I didn’t even think about getting them it is why is my temperature go down all right Ra’s done done both be at 70 h on back to one disappointment oh yeah cut steene I’m a disappointment yes yeah what what oh no just you never [ __ ]

Read my chat when you’re on my streams go kill and plant get dragon egg Dragon I want to see the cat gotta go it looks really good oh thank you we’re back to one disappointment oh F the this is almost over the Bel wow ohow thanks that is

Rude sir That is rude how dare you see he stuck up for me sometimes it depends on who is like Freddy has a free pass no matter what oh yeah Freddy always has Freddy will always have a free pass to say the most unhinged [ __ ] yes Freddy’s fine I’ve known him

For so long yes I yeah certain people I have no problem with but I get to really tease you yes no else can the thing about you is like if someone actually hurts me you get so annoyed like if someone yes yeah I I actually got I guess that’s the last

Thing she said to me no I’m not saying anything just no the last person that’s like got her piss off it literally pissed me off you were so so annoyed that was not annoyed that was pissed yeah well time to head back to my place actually I can just go here

What I did not do nothing what did you do I did not send you anything you send yourself something I can see that you’re typing what are you typing uh well you got what bu chat you see it oh Jesus Christ I can’t see out loud oh God he’s eating chips not

Me I’m not eating chips you got that from I’m not saying anything I’m disappointed in you what you mean morning hunt hunting season’s over who says my friends hunting season’s over where they talk about isn’t there November oh no wow I fck that one up you could well it

Depends so you did not like what I said I’m ignoring you so you do not like why I at you is that right yes why did you not like it I’m not talking to you looks like somebody’s on the couch tonight I’m on the porch listen the the cat has the couch I

Got the porch no I’m not letting you s I’m going to be nice and cold it’s going to be downpouring at me I’m going be freezing no matter how much you piss me off I’m never letting you sleep on the porch I’m going to be on the porch no no

Honey you’re not I have a little sign that say I’m just called my girlfriend’s piss off at me I’m Co no no no don’t worry I’m not homeless just my girlfriend’s pissed off at me no I’m not pissed off with you I’m also not letting you sleep on

The oh the couch where did that come from where did it what come from who said that you’re sleeping on the couch I never said you were sleeping on the couch you did oh no Sky did my bad I was trying I was trying to make a

Joke based off of it I know you were that’s why I just went along with it there there’s a reason why I just go along with things it’s lot easier sometimes it’s a lot easier to ask for forgiveness and permission no no we no no no no that’s bad logic to go

By I I am a horrible person do not listen to a single word I said no never take life advice from him yes absolutely do not take your life advice from me she is 100% correct whatever I said just don’t do what I say pretty much yeah

He’s given me some shitty life advice before Oh to be fair what you mean to be fair to be fair what to be fair to be fair my lady be be why can’t I find this find what uh when does it end because it should ended last week yeah like dating him

Oh sweee you just got roasted by someone in my chat I’m ignoring the person just how like you ignore me I don’t ignore you to be fair I I absolutely do ignore you sometimes and you know I know you do I’m not even mad about it wait

What no ignoring you I do sometimes ignore you oh unless you’re doing Bose season maybe dark season R season I’m vegan I don’t know if she knows what we’re referencing no too young are you what you are you talking about hunting season still no kind of wait what she you you just don’t

No that’s fine what so [ __ ] you I’m not too young you so you have no idea what we’re talking about is that correct no no do you ever watch a thing called Bugs Bunny no I didn’t have TV as a kid really okay then so you don’t know what we’re talking

About no but it’s the fact that you’re like oh you must be too young to know you know what that actually started as a radio show so te wasn’t a comic first like newspaper comic I believe I believe it started out as a radio as a radio show I

Think yes hunting season’s over with so why unless oh no they’re doing Lake bow hunting that’s why okay that makes sense like no I can’t I don’t never really went for my boat I should all good but just another thing in another day to get cold no

Thanks we have being cold do I have a don’t have any a hot chocolate F I don’t want coffee well that’s unfortunate actually I do have decaf coffee o decaf is [ __ ] no decaf is a crime listen you don’t know my taste of coffee so but yeah you drink [ __ ] coffee

No I don’t I actually take I actually drink good coffee you drink [ __ ] coffee no I only drun [ __ ] coffee once because they didn’t have my coffee at Tesco exactly you drink [ __ ] coffee I actually get the coffee that I like and you take not I do drink the coffee I like it’s

Not my fault they didn’t have it in the [ __ ] shop my friend my friend said he couldn’t make it my the other friend say bang in oh that’s priceless I love it okay I’m going to have a fly there we go oh Frosty is playing some Skye what

Do we think of this chat what do we think of this so far obviously it’s not done yet it’s like I need I need okay I see how it this okay I will talk to you guys I guess I will talk to you guys later ad what you mean oh

No obiously I’m not I’m asking SK because I’m asking Sky because he’s a he’s actually walked away from his desk he’s actually walked away from his desk di [ __ ] I know you can still hear me you wearing your headphones that that does look really good thank you

Thanks Sky I’m going for kind of sci-fi sort of Galaxy rather than realistic Galaxy let’s go for somewhere like that nice thank you there we go okay and then just Chuck this in here I think building it up in like chunks is probably the easiest way to do

It cuz I haven’t tested this I was just kind of hoping for the best but I think building up in chunks is definitely the easiest way to do it how’s everyone’s dayve been yeah mine’s been all right um I just worked actually I just I did some work

On a video I finished a script that for me and cut steam that we’re going to be recording on Sunday and that video will be coming out like beginning of January it’s like January the Jesus [ __ ] Christ my just SC the living crap out of me what what and what Jesus

Christ near had heart attack on stream you you can he Sky have a good luck together guys bye guy do you know what he just said uh I can barely understand it cool not just me then I said I hope you guys have a good BL together hi you you can

Ever have I just been disowned by my boyfriend I believe so wonderful be fair is a bit of an issue anyway I’m not too fussed about it right let’s go like that I think oh my goodness anyways Sky what are you working on currently I’m working on the the little

Bit of the wall that I haven’t finished yet okay I have no idea which bit of the wall you haven’t finished yet that’s cuz you haven’t been on I have been I was on last week shut up there oh that’s purple oh so now say you I haven’t

Actually shown you what been working on lately what day is it I’ve sh I’ve shown Spen but that’s just because me me and him can’t and SP are working on it together Wait let me have a look at my calendar a second oh I have I don’t have okay I just realized something what me and C would have been dating for six months tomorrow six months yeah you know how long I’ve been with my girlfriend oh God how

Long almost four years yeah okay shut up I’m trying he’s quite difficult to put up with you know to be fair so am I you’re not as bad as cut by any means I should I should I should say I can be I don’t know hanging out with you is so much

Easier than hanging out with the cut well at the same time that’s because I actually have a a little bit you have a what un certain aspects I think your mic cut out say what I think your mic cut out I I don’t know what you said I said that’s

Most likely because I I actually your mic got out again godamn this goddamn mic do I need to do I need to adjust some stuff Christ let’s try this again you have a little bit of so I I actually have a bit of a filter my I am CU what around

Me around pretty much any around pretty much any of my friends oh wow how much of a filter do you have then uh are you just secretly B You’ never you’ve never seen me get absolutely [ __ ] liveing uh yeah no I I have been told about

That you’ve been told about it yeah I’ve been told if you’re ever angry Stay Away who told who told you about that I don’t actually know it was just something like it was just a passing comment a while ago I might have said something about it

I don’t know yeah it might have come from you to be fair I’m going to do I reckon like around anyway yeah oh [ __ ] hi it always scares me when people come into this cuz I’ve got an open VC for like my friends so literally anyone can join if they’re

Free if we were living closer there would be a cake you guys we’ve been together for like six months tomorrow for us I think that’s a [ __ ] achievement I’ve put up with you for six whole months no I P up with you for six months no I’m

I’m okay this is going to take me I think multiple prop years by the looks of it I still haven’t finished the top of this I started the interior before I finished the exterior cuz I nearly had a crisis on a call with Sky the other day

Basically being like I can’t [ __ ] do circles what do you mean you just Lo up the one break and I’m pretty sure I was trying to help on that too you were but it’s a circle and circles are Satan so I appreciate the help though you can do a your real chair shut

Up listen I don’t even have real dinner I’m eating P jelly if that makes you feel better are you actually having PB&J for dinner tonight yeah oh my God you have the diet of a toddler no Ty eats a lot better than me yeah that’s about it todlers usually

Have parents going Eat Your Greens you just have me going eat a [ __ ] s salad and I know you’re just like I see eat salad don’t [ __ ] don’t don’t don’t try and lie to me with that one [ __ ] I do no are salad salad does not constitute just lettuce in a

Bowl I don’t just have lettu in Bowl I also have celery and carot and carrot celery and carrot no no it’s not but salad you’re you’re talking somebody who can literally only ramen every day so yeah oh yeah none of our diets are particularly great I drink too much soda

Sky eats too much Ramen and cut just doesn’t eat enough i’ I’ve actually been doing a lot better about it honestly okay nice listen there’s a couple times where I have to eat popcorn so I want to hear it yeah no popcorn is more expensive than fre than freaking Ramen I’m sorry but

Jesus the popcorn been in my cupboard for years uh yeah it’s it’s old crusty popcorn it’s crusty Dusty popcorn oldn eh crusty it’s on coook shoving it in a microwave does not constitute homecooked sweetie I don’t you shove in the microwave be a lot as well so do I I

Have a I have a little popcorn maker do you actually I never knew about this I never knew about this what your popcorn maker you were there when I was making popcorn was I yes you said oh my God you’re eating popcorn again I just did not notice you were making it

A popcorn maker then no yeah I also made it for um then one day we made uh we watch a movie together oh was that when we watched um I forgot what movie we watched no I don’t know it was some Disney something but also to every the the one

With the uh snow and the ice and it’s always called Frozen 2 Frozen 2 I don’t know I all I know it looks way too cold for me no it was frozen too you know I could actually use some popcorn I could I am kind cold not going lie it

Feels like I’m freezing it’s December sweetie also you never heat up your office enough you always complain about how 7° you always complain about how cold it is and then you’re just like oh I should turn heating up And and my temperature is set to 70 I how how how high can I make this I can set it up to 90 do it go for it if you watch if you watch your freaking electric bill skyh High I know they only reason like I would love to have my

Temperature at 90 close to 100 degrees from my house I want mine subscribe to cut Steam on Twitch so he can turn his heating on well don’t do that because then I’d be Lally you would be melting no I wouldn’t I I love the heat you do not understand this ma’ I love

The heat I used to love the coal don’t get me wrong I used to love the coal I love how you just called me m’ on [Laughter] street oh that’s funny what is h listen H you have no idea oh yeah you just like you wear t-shirts in the middle of [ __ ] winter

No no no no I don’t wear t-shir shirts I am in sweaters yeah that’s I know you want to steal yes I steal all your hoodies you steal hoodies steal my sweater I do it’s a very nice sweater I like it I actually steal one piece of

Clothing from you and you get angry at me yes because my clothing is smaller than yours I know it’s like it don’t work that way around I know it doesn’t but damn it [ __ ] you I want a hoodie so so Spen Spen yesterday was overthinking his overthinking the wall that sounds so

Accurate what was he thinking about like he was trying to figure how I how I figured how I did my wall because our because our walls have are our walls have fundamentally the same like this the same like simple designu ex mine’s a little more detailed

Yeah and he couldn’t for a life of them fig figure out how to how to connect the how to connect sections that are going in diagonal to be fair that’s a pain in the and then he started going from and then he started going from the tower

Like the the the tower closer to the pond and it suddenly just clicked and I was I was like yeah sounds like it seems like you were over over it seems like you were uh overthinking it buddy oh bless to be fair walls are not easy Ah to be fair what did anyone else just hear that that was my chair don’t worry about it no not you me wait what did you doated my [ __ ] knee oh that was P yeah no it was a loud one as well I didn’t know if it was picked up on the

Mic no I will go back once you’re done then send it to me I will go back put it in the short no do not put it into a short ain’t going to be the one again you’re you’re looking at the ones that are posted and not post it you’re going

To be posting it or not posting it I can make sure about anything and it’s e and it’s going to go by you anyway anyways you’re going to look at it it’s not like it’s you know just doing it for fun well techn I am but I’m not posting

It if you like it you like it if you don’t you don’t it’s up to you I don’t care I told you this before I make your I will make your shorts all I want and you can post or that PO it thanks babe the only thing I’m not doing is to

I wasn’t going do your text because it be over two hours long no I literally started I literally started it just so you know I did try to I tried but it was like like every like 10 minutes night even day after to like

Oh I gotta go back oh clip pleas clip PA clip PE to be fair I I I’m allowed to tease her about this no hey Timmy I’m gon I’m gonna send you screenshots of of my build so far cool I won’t be able to look at them now but cool thank

You to be fair I’ll be coming onto the server on Sunday anyway on on Sunday yeah cool I’m recording a video if she remembers I will remember if you remember I will remember sure you will yes I will again if you say so love you love you

Too there she is I hate you so much how I already run out of end rods I may have a little more of a wall than Spen does at this point oh yeah um get rid of that just a little def final let I don’t know what was a little anyway to be

Fair oh spider there’s a spider somewhere I don’t like that you you’ll F you’ll find out when you see the screenshot oh okay oh I did not realize there was sound to that oops that didn’t pick up in my mic did it you guys know that I

Don’t know what you I don’t know what you’re listening to but no that’s fine everything’s fine I don’t like the sound of all of the Mobs [ __ ] keep scaring me I don’t I didn’t do nothing wrong do that day you may or may not yell at me for this one but it’s fine oh God what are you doing are you editing currently no okay I tried I tried to do it on the

Weekend because I got I tried to keep my stream the the week week days background noise if was oh no I just I won’t be able to tell between her and her when I edit what you mean like I Tred to have um two streams

Going at the exact same time then all a sudden it’s like oh you’re talking oh no no is it you fun talking or the eding video talking like I don’t know whenever editing I never listen to anything in the background I like to listen to you while I’m

Eding to be fair the amount of times we’ve just hung out while you’re editing yes we do that quite a lot to be fair it’s ni I’m not sit there bored out of my goddamn mind you you get to set the board out of your godamn mind with your

Girlfriend yes do I go more at least you make it entertaining and I can actually explain what I wanted to do versus just like oh by the way I made all these clips I’m not sure if you like them or not yes that’s a actually really good

Point if she’s there with me it’s a lot easier to explain what what’s going through my head and the process versus just like oh oh I hope you like this and good luck yeah no that makes sense to be fair and I do like video planning and stuff we

Like half of our days are just like video plans and [ __ ] it’s really quite sad actually it’s fine going be a lot sad when was the last time we sat down and watched a movie together I think that was the first month we certain oh God we watched a

Movie together for like 5 months I so sorry sweetie God God again you well St even there was both of us were very busy yeah I mean it’d be a different sory if we weren’t you know busy or espe if we’re not so far away from each other

Yeah and cuz we can only see each other like not often it’s it’s kind of different for that I guess yes also the fact that both of us work full time yes that was another reason that looks better but I finally I never seen the movie I finally watch The Mask oh yeah

Oh really yeah like it it was funny even though it was apparently a very old uming hang on I just I never seen that I heard people talking about it I can tell you exactly what I’m streaming next week I um you streaming Minecraft obviously I know I am [Laughter]

Streaming yeah I’m streaming Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday next week wait uh you you did not understand said yes no I did I was just ignoring you oh how dare you ignore me exactly what a me she is to me you’re welcome thank you you’re welcome I said thank you em oh and the

Told I still don’t understand that what like the evoker that um drops the to on ding why do thing not use it because mobs can’t use totems yeah they drop them they can’t can they yes if you give by zombie to of undying literally they will have another

Life soon as you kill them that’s I never knew that yep also and I’m not ging you either this you think I always do that yeah CU you do you do it for the shits and the giggles though I just want to preface he does it he does it to be funny he

Doesn’t actually seriously do it I tried be on my best behavior yeah you never are though are you by the way both of you um I am doing a Minecraft trivia quiz thing but like chaotic for a video would you like to be involved Spen already has agreed to it

Oh oh oh oh me and I spending time with my girlfriend uh let’s see let me think it’s either if I do it I probably give get angry she gets angry and pissed off at me because I say something stupid or I don’t do and she gets angry and

Pissed off at me so I think do I really have a CH I don’t actually get angry and pissed off with you really yes you do you do not like you just choose that to I don’t get like actually genuinely angry we just get like we argue for the sake of arguing

Cuz it’s funny so it’s not like actual arguing if that makes sense is it which part of this raid or what’s going on here all right there we go yeah come on now there you are that could work um get some of that out I guess see

I get quite a bit of um materials like lot of which stuff lot of potion ingredients while doing this you probably would oh I didn’t finish this bit so what day were you planning on doing or is there not a set day so far

Not a set date yet it’s going to be a little while because firstly we need need to get a date where we’re all together secondly I need to actually plan it well watch movie I will join if I am available cute I don’t think I have a choice in a matter no you

Don’t however Sky’s not my boyfriend so he does get a choice oh so you guys are not not dating I I can Jo so long as so long as I have dat in a time huh so so long as I have like a date in a time yeah of course I should

Be able to to be fair out of all of us you have the most time uh for now yeah for now and here and here soon I may end up being the one least time uh I will always Trump you on that one you you will never have that card yeah yeah she

Kind does can we just appreciate how my chat are currently organizing us a date night us yeah me and you why because where shits is it for shits and giggles you guys both do it on a Wednesday the movie I’m not I I’m streaming on Wednesday yeah she that while

Went um oh God damn it I gotta do [ __ ] now it’s also Christmas on Thursday I want to say so you fa we could watch like a Christmas movie together wait Thursday isn’t it well do you should have your Christmas next THS Thursday or Friday or something I don’t know you have found

The 28th no I don’t know what date it shut up leave me alone you how this when is your birthday some Christmas and you don’t know what and you don’t know what day Christmas I don’t know what day on the week it is I recall Christmas on Monday cool that’ll do

Thanks hey I’m not streaming on Saturday or Sunday this week there we go we can have date night then wait this week next week I mean I got to say chair your chair is very nice I know right my chair is very mean I know right it’s cuz I

I have this SN little girl in there you guys have chats yeah I have this SN little girl that likes to yell at me yeah in my chat that would be me also I was kind of freaking trying to make a joke on that one but okay oh sorry I’m

Sorry because I because I literally have no viewership ah sorry I well all my tools are finally fixed love that and you still don’t you don’t look at my chat that I sent you oh did you text me I sent you two sent you two different

Things oops wait where my to be fair I don’t know oh it’s there it blended into my computer tell me YouTube name and twitch um so skyo skyo on and um steam there’s your spellings skyo and cut Steam on Twitch and YouTube they both have YouTube

I don’t I don’t really post on YouTube all that often now I know but still twitch is H there’s so many iron gos outside in in the nether pretty funny uh yeah I know that’s because the portal is right next to the Villager Trader yes damn skeletons

I want to do a I might I want to doing this series of me just surviving the nether oh Jesus Christ Survival series sweetie that’s that series would last about two and a half seconds no won’t I think I can survive a lot longer I do

Not I will what I would do way to give him the vote of confidence yeah that’s not part of my job it’s fine I have oh my God we argue like children don’t we oh my God we’re children we argue like children argue like a old married couple pretty much did you sneeze BL you no I did oh I thought you sneeze no n money mine M it’s so difficult see what I have’t haven’t done

What oh me just trying to figure out my [ __ ] oh figure out your fit I’m trying it’s not easy good no it’s not the at names yeah those are the at names um cut are you in my chat currently because if you are can you put yours in

Sky’s um I guess I can do something thank you I got not I’m not doing anything important anyways oh what like being on your girlfriend screen stream I have a girlfriend oh my God he always makes the joke hey so we oh Sky am I not part of your friend

Thing what do I not have you oh s I’m sorry I don’t think I don’t think you’re following me on Twitch oh I’m sorry I don’t think I am either oh my gosh about to say like wait where are youut cut cut it’s okay I’m not following you either okay so it all

Equals out perfect you guys been friends for so long and you’re not even following each other on Twitch he who needs friends one you I always I always just forget about it every time so are you following me who is it you know you’re not on you

Don’t you don’t no but you are are you on Twitch firstly I am on Twitch I’ve never never she’s on Twitch she’s on Twitch she just doesn’t post to it yeah secondly are you subscrib to my YouTube Sky oh yes I am okay there we go thank

You wow what then didn’t ask me I know I know you’re already subscribed how rude there you there you go now now I’m following you on Twitch oh I hear in the morning thank you yeah now now I’m following you so it it all okay that’s

How you spelled it okay what were you trying to spell Sky’s name uh yes yes I did not know he had yeah my my original name the original name is actually already taken on Twitch so I had to fair enough there there you are my YouTube handle is is different

Than my twitch handle I never noticed that um here is this that I’ve been working so hard and so neat before here’s that for me and there’s that for Sky you know I never actually I never actually found I started watching gems uh gems last episode oh yeah of but I

Didn’t finish it of what series secret life oh okay oh yeah again how are people allowed to have this who do we think is going to win secret life oh per probably Pearl she had like 60 Hearts by the end huh Pearl had like 60 Hearts by the end so she’s probably

Oh is there another episode out today yeah oh I haven’t watched it I didn’t notice don’t was it the last episode yes it was the last episode je Gem’s La Jem’s last uh last task was to win secret oh my God how did my friend give 55 views what the [ __ ] wait

What exactly which friend T-Bone T-Bone I mean it’s T-Bone and I gota say what with these people on Twitch I don’t know what’s up with the people on Twitch um definitely not safe for work oh oh oh [ __ ] okay right do we have more more of

That [ __ ] now yes Christ it went from what is it the B Tubs to this now like seriously I also just want to say I actually didn’t pay attention to that actually or not I also want to say I’m so grateful that my like YouTube comments have actually cleared up now

They were very very bad for a while it was not nice I didn’t like it I want I want to be able to get to to 50 followers on Twitch at least how many do you have currently I have 36 right now oh you CL then but right now 50 is my

Milestone I still need get the average three viewers that’s all I care about to be fair I think easily what I think you’ll get that fairly easily because I every time I got so close I fall right back to one I know you get one oh wait my my last one

Was actually was actually 1.06 I no I literally got it to 2.75 average and then all of a sudden it went all the way back to like one one also can I just say that happened to me like at least four times by now it’s happened twice twice since

We’ve been together yes and twice before then you I also just want to say it’s so much more difficult to get monetized on YouTube than it is on Twitch because what the [ __ ] like why I don’t understand why they’re like this what the average no it’s the fact

That you need three average viewers on Twitch but you need [ __ ] 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers on YouTube okay so well well they want to make sure it’s real people that’s that was Maj thing I am gonna say if any spoil spoilers of uh secret life end up in the

Chat I will not read no no no no no spoilers of Secret Life please none of us have watched it yet i’ I’ve only seen part of Gem’s video I have not seen the entire thing I’m sad it was the last one but that does doesn’t surprise

Me actually this can go like all the way out I think honestly guy at this point I’m just waiting for Green’s green stuff to come out to be fair green shouldn’t have been yellow I don’t remember how green got yellow uh the we yeah with kind cheated

Him out of his life yeah I forgot about because he pressed the button and the thing took so long that it the weer killed him I said that bull and he should have been he he should have been so green I do I do understand that I’m

Just I am just put I just putting for for General reference how things are going to be well I’m just saying that he should have been so green considering I was I was replying to I was just replying to a a chat okay thanks wait is gre’s already

Out I guess so hang on hang on hang on I gotta figure this out oh that’s my clip I was more one in like 32 seconds I didn’t realize it was actually my Clips only 32 32 seconds oh my close doesn’t doesn’t uh short doesn’t shorts have like a limit

Of like I think it’s a a minute yeah like a minute okay so yeah gr’s Gran’s perspective is already out okay so I was saying 32 seconds because of the have lay lay eyes so none of us have watched the ending of Secret Life have we no not the

Ending okay so no one in chat spoil this for us but who do we think is going to win I’m I’m I’m already saying Pearl prob most likely how many hearts does Pearl have Pearl had like 60 going into it okay fair enough how the [ __ ] did she get

60 uh she took out a lot of people last episode I I was about to say uh did well you didn’t you didn’t see it so you got to go watch it how’s that no I just last EP you go watch it ah [ __ ] I’ve watched people’s in the sharp sharp

Sharp Shar pag oh sharp pagne that’s not good I’m good I think you sure oh like all a sudden there was a sharp pain in my like left shoulder oh babe that doesn’t sound great I think she I think one of your relatives come to Hart

Me okay so for context we have this joke that whenever we bring up my nan right she like just her presence I think enters because something [ __ ] weird happens so we noticed like that when we mentioned my nan I’ve got a photo of her

On my door and below that is a hook that I keep my handbag on and my handbag just like fell off the hook instantly as soon as we started talking about her yeah to be fair at first I thought she was actually completely nuts when you first

Brought this up I didn’t want to say it that oh my my n was Haunting me in this I thought you were haunting me I thought I thought you were actually kidding until I actually saw saw I saw it then I actually saw freaking out um during our video call all of a

Sudden she uh she threw her phone down and this like little ball of light I I remember seeing the little ball of light went from the middle of the screen to all a sudden like just shooting off to the left I’m went uh what I’m not even kidding

You that the like there was like a little ball of light where like right in the middle of the screen as she threw my the phone down it wasn’t there at first it was there then all sudden basically Cuts shat up by my n i don’t does that mean does she like

Me or does she hate me I don’t know I I will I will say I do know I do know a couple of I I do know a couple of the of the of them that got eliminated oh I’m not I’m not going to say

Anything to be fair half the time we do just communicate through noise we got to communicate through more Morse code actually speaking of which did oh right uh this is not 18 uh never mind um I there is a show on YouTube that I enjoy very

Much I was wondering if the episode came out which show I spent so much time on this bridge What’s happen uh it is H creepers oh that’s it has in it that doesn’t for each episode um doesn’t help sweetie the last one was about like a month ago that still doesn’t help me

Sweetie uh there’s an owl that still does not help help me sweetie um how do I put this Sky do you know what I’m talking about I’m not gonna lie I’m kind of focused on building ah or Le at least lighting up lighting up my area so I

Can um I’m not sure if you know this or not just text it to me I’m sending it through the thing jig the thing the thingy thingy the thingy the that all the thingies need to go to the thingy that Thingy the thingy with the thing the thingy with the thing the thing with most things the thing with these things yes you make my brain hurts sweetie perfect I’m doing my job listen it won’t be my job hang on you never texted it to me babe I sent

It to you with the thing the Discord thing the thing on Discord yes the thing the thing when message on Discord yes the thing the thing thing the hom thing that human thing shut up you’re hurting my brain the the W thing oh I’ve I I don’t know

Anything about it is he hurting your brain right now yeah um well I just found a thing that I think you might enjoy I’ve never seen I’m saying you I’m saying you this on Discord this is a video oh go watch that later okay is

This a show that we’re going to have to watch together got to go all the way to back to episode one but yeah we can how many watching it I like it how many episodes are there babe uh right now there Is why did do they do this H 15 now oh that’s fine how long are they each uh VAR okay well we can watch at least one tonight probably they’re about like 13 minutes to 20 we can watch like all of it tonight oh some some of them are 30

Minutes so we can watch quite a lot of it tonight though I still need to actually make food need to eat at some point but yeah I actually the last one I don’t think that in the actual episode I know that is the actual episode okay yep

So far there’s two seasons of it okay but there’s a lot more and then there’s supposed to be another one coming uh shortly on Amazon Prime it’s the start of their other show you might enjoy the other show a little bit more I don’t know I I’m a bit weird with

Shows right so I tried to watch sex education didn’t like it it was a recommendation from my mom and I was like no um I I watch a Santa Clarita diet you’d actually really like that that’s your sort of thing it’s quite it’s quite gory

Santa cl to diet oh wait s’s going on the diet no Santa diet I will send it to you or we can watch it together actually there’s quite a lot of it oh what up to you there’s like three series and every episode is so [ __ ]

Long someone just says hell no hell no is in hell no the Santa Clarita diet or the first show is there a good diet to be on no no okay right I do you want me to tell you what it’s about or do you want me to

Leave no no no no leave it blank I’m just messing with you okay o oh okay so past this I think I’m going to put another layer of like black glass and purple glass and then all of it going to go Blue so then the transition oh no

Sex oh that one yeah no I didn’t like it I’ve tried to watch it quite few times to be fair I never actually had that as in the actual education or you’ve not watched the series no the education never actually had really really that I was supposed to

Have it I was going to say that’s a legal requirement it’s not a legal requirement oh is Tech I was supposed to but never really had it oh my God that’s really bad it’s well not for nothing most people that went to my school needed the education yes

Yeah how do I word this I that’s what I’m trying to say I don’t know how to word this cut Ste went to a school where there were a lot of teen pregnancies well it wasn’t even just there it wasn’t just a it wasn’t even just there yeah just the thing in

General it was it it got bad got really bad my school wasn’t great for it we had one girl in year seven bearing in mind that’s like 11 to 12 year olds one girl in year seven got pregnant I felt so bad for her Jesus Christ I know it’s a literal

CH she kept it as well she was a literal child having to raise a child that’s a oh actually that’s what well okay no did just okay uh just random videos that popped up um so direct my YouTube recommendation shows a lot more Nast sa for work stuff yeah I yeah

I can understand that cut watch is a lot of kind of you watch a lot more horror and gory things compared to me to be fair I was actually very surprised that you were there when I showed you some yeah yeah yeah I mean I was actually very surprised I thought for

Sure I would got R You by them what [ __ ] what excuse me this was before we were dating like really it wasn’t before we were dating oh were we actually were D yeah oh we before I I forgot the website I forgot the website yep yes we

Were yeah and she was wondering like what’s wrong with me and then they showed her some of the websites that I went to oh Oh my Jesus Christ what was that a phm you forgot to sleep didn’t you I did it’s it been 3 days since you slept

Oh my goodness I scared the living crap out of me oh you got scared by Phantoms yeah that is she get scared by any little mob it attacks me it could been it could have been a sheep that just was standing in a corner and she’d be

Freaking out okay I’ve never been so personally attacked in my life but that is accurate there’s an Enderman in here go away Satan I don’t want you here it’s it’s just me like I don’t like Enderman just don’t look at it fine really and I was going to [ __ ] stare into it

Soul well technically you did last time so okay I didn’t even look at it I swear you you clearly looked at it I even slowed it down where I even slowed it down in your short and it clear it clearly shows you look directly into its

High as you I swear I didn’t flying I could swear I did not not I have the clip you even have the clip seen it doesn’t look like you even put the I you put the short time I know and you can clearly see you looked

Into it see I didn’t think that I did I didn’t think you did either but I mean I did from watching it back it didn’t look like I’d obviously St I’m I’m going to go back this I’m I’m pulling I’m pulling up I think that was like actually my very

First that was one of the first shorts you edited I think yes because I actually put in um Whatchamacallit I put in the the the to be fair it might not be an Asad folder anymore no you you post it oh yeah I have she lit just play YouTube

Yeah your cursor hit its eyes as you were following as I was no as you were flying that’s it torted right into your crosshairs and it get and it sent it so that’s just really unlucky it was very unlucky because it it put down the block that it picked up

It teleported right in front of you placed on the Block and you’re like you just so happen to hit his eyes with your crosshairs and it’s that’s so unfortunate that is the most unluckiest thing that’s so unfortunate I’m so sad yeah I can think it I can think wor

I just realized how buggy that looked what oh I didn’t not like that what’ you mean how block uh how pixel a it was that’s fine I thought I thought it’ be a lot more clearer I have no idea what you’re talking about oh the the short yeah the

Short like I’m looking at the short now I didn’t realize how bad it was what AM my bad no fine that looks horrible you’re fine oh two people comment on that no one can save you now I am so bad at actually replying to comments I feel so bad about

It well I’m not doing that for you I got enough on my plate I know I need to actually do something I got I I’m sorry I got enough on my plate as I don’t I’m not asking you to at all oh my God you actually

Wa what I got just check down my stream what wait what are you looking at the at my shorts oh your Shake coffee oh is that the one about the [ __ ] coffee yes nice would someone buy her a a good coffee I need her to work sincerely cut [Laughter] Ste I’m an

[ __ ] you are you absolutely are literally I put like little random like well not really random it’s just like what I think I should be saying to her or to her chat literally she was is drinking this [ __ ] coffee I kept forgetting I was so excited because I’d

Seen coffee on my desk and be like oh my God I forgot I made myself coffee and then I forget that it [ __ ] coffee yeah you so I wrote down someone give her some good coffee I need her to work you know I still have that coffee you know I still have that

Coffee why did you still have the coffee in case someone I don’t like comes over for coffee for to leave I guess I know what I’m drinking [ __ ] no I don’t like how I did that either you are fully critiquing yourself right now aren’t

You I I don’t like how I did some things and that’s okay why did you told me I don’t know I didn’t know what you wanted to do with the sh I well I could make I should have made this more Brier that was my problem like where you were uh flying

Underneath the build to die I should have made that area a little bit brighter I should have like increased the brightness the gamma you’re fine you you are honestly fine I mean that that looks so dark I barely could even see that I see the freaking spider’s eyes and that’s pretty

Much [ __ ] it damn it my electri durability is fine I’ve still got like 170 something oh wait is where’s some sound coming from from your face hole oh I forgot I’m still in in Minecraft oops I was like wondering like why is it so loud idiot hydrate I don’t have any

Water actually again with the the water yeah I keep forgetting to get water before my streams once if I once I get over there oh you’re I’m literally like a plan I need to be fed and watered and given sunlight I’m literally just like a dramatic house

Plant I should not have got you the house plant now I should not have bought you the flowers I don’t think you will be taking care of it I will be taking care of the flowers I take really good care of my plants I just don’t take good care of

Myself looks like the stream is op I don’t M I fall fall asleep no this man falls asleep in his streams for like multiple hours on end yeah but you said I take naps during my streams I and I say no I take full on I full I fully

Asleep well to be fair literally it was due to our armor my Arma stream or my Arma friend group oh yeah and well happens every Tuesday and this is where I was working my 12 to 8 Chef yeah so Tuesday 2 o’l my time I had to get

Up to be ready for the Arma stream yeah or really any stream is that the best stream is when he’s quiet wow wow that’s brilliant but anyways yeah I literally went to bed and I had to get up right at 2 o’clock on every Tuesday oh

Honey oh honey the day that I passed out couple of times on my stream was literally I didn’t get to bed until almost 10: and I had to get up at 2: to be fair he goes to sleep so much earlier than I do or I don’t go bed until almost

Midnight yeah and I still had to get up at two oh sweetie I like you are such a morning person and I am weirdly both like I’m either I’m in bed by 8: and awake at 4: but recently it’s been much more the other way it can

Flip either way at the moment I’ve been like going to bed at 5 a.m. and waking up at like 7 a.m. like don’t get me wrong I can go all day oh you can it’s scary I can literally go all day until maybe like 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning

Yes but you’re an [ __ ] at that point what yes but you’re an [ __ ] at that point not always yeah you are you’re Moody when you’re tired made that mood my bad yes you are well not not for nothing I like I I’m pretty sure did he just disappear give me two seconds

Oh my Discord broke oops uh oh sorry bear with me for two seconds chat um let me come back into Discord let’s just try and not dox myself you mean no text channels I have text channels okay I don’t know what’s going on there I don’t know why I lost

Them C if you’re in my chat why did I L you I’m having technical difficulties Minecraft Discord kicked out my technical support what level is this then so this is 170 so I want to come around to about here with the black glass I think it’s broken I know I will get the

Back I’m just giving Discord a couple of minutes to sort itself out don’t know why I suddenly lost them I’ve never had that issue before but then when I went to click on the server it was like oh no text channels exist I’m like no no they they they definitely do

Okay so after I’ve placed this layer of black glass some OD reason some discord’s doing something with the servers is it all of it like every server or is it just mine it might just be updating to be fair um but yeah after I’ve put the

Black glass down I’m going to layer this all in blue twice so it kind of evens out the gradient a little bit and I also going to put some black around here so then this kind of evens out a little bit more before I put some blue kind ofish around

Here so I’ll be bringing this in a little bit like that oops I have it with multiple servers okay glad that it’s not just mine here we go oh well okay when it fixes itself can you guys let me know please so then I can come back in I don’t even remember what

We were talking about just then not a clue but yeah oh well that’s quite sad um what was I going to say I’ve completely lost all train of thought now uh some servers still up yeah I noticed some of our servers are still up but not all of them

Are so yeah I don’t know I I think it should it shouldn’t take too long if Discord servers are down then they’ll get it fixed pretty quickly oh they have three loading back okay so positive progress then think this is 69 yeah so then this

Is the last layer that I can put the end rods on cuz I need two layers of glass like the top layer of glass needs to not have any end rods see how that’s kind of smooth the vibe that this is giving is like jelly or Jello or whatever you guys

Call it um when there’s things inside it because you can see things through like the kind of clearness and you can see all the shapes individually it’s really cool I’m actually I’m happy with the way that this is going I didn’t think I would be but I’m actually really happy with

It do I go purple or do I start with blue I might go might go Blue here and then do a layer of purple over that in a little bit I’m going over here so it doesn’t really matter did I miss a block I did not okay it’s

Fine so I’ll come around here I think I’m the more I’m getting used to this more the more I’m kind of working out what the gradients are plus it’s not something I person it might have been done before probably has been cuz it’s Minecraft you know but it’s not something I’ve ever seen

Before so I had no kind of tutorial no inspiration to go off I was just completely blind Wednesday night and then I’m just going to fill this in with black just need to figure out where it starts do I really just make that straight [ __ ] oh it’s cuz it’s night that’s

Fine I think having that harsh line there is kind of f i do that yeah that’s fine now hate being this side of it because that those sounds are disgusting don’t like it ah go away go go away I don’t like you I need to stop forgetting to

Sleep I a few loading back again okay don’t know what discord’s up to their server might have crashed or they’re just like restarting it I don’t know I kind of like how it looks like the blue underneath the black you can make so many different colors I kind of love

It it just makes me think of how I did the beacons if anyone’s OG they’ll remember that I basically made like 75 five beacons and made them go in like rainbow order it was kind of cute I’m actually planning on doing something like that again um fairly down like some point next

Year um with beacons on a path I’m using beacons as a decorative block well I will add haste pretty sure it’s haste I want haste is the one that makes you run fast right go so yeah I want to do that like in a bridge I think that’d be kind of

Cool I do kind of want to do more with this glass though because not not in this build but like the idea of this I don’t know what I’d do but I could definitely do something I just don’t know what basically okay have I got all of this flat I I

Have it’s so difficult to see with the black because it just kind of Blends into the black stone I want slightly less end rods on this layer cuz this is the last layer of end rods but it’s going to be the kind of the closest to the surface so it’s the more visible

Ones and I want to have loads more far away so it kind of looks a bit more like constellations in the sky I think that’s the right word for it so something along those lines sorry there we go you have your server back up is mine back up

Though oh I need to eat I have no food wonderful this is painful to be fair I can probably fly out now not have too many issues it’s not often that I run out of food which one do I want that one there we go not yet okay it’s actually starting to look

Really kind of cool this is quite a harsh line however it will be Blended out pretty soon I just need to place these end rods down then I can start blending that bit out it’s giving kind of Rick and Morty and I love that right side know I don’t really

Like Mick and Morty as a show that much it’s not my favorite it’s not my least favorite but like not my first choice however right I love the graphics the graphic design of that show is brilliant and I really want to do like a build a kind of massive space themed

Build with those Graphics like as my inspiration I think it’d be cool that’s me personally um I think that’s probably about it for end rods the massive Gap that I missed in the middle and this side now I reckon that’s probably about it put some more like over here

And then if I come up here oh turns out I missed a bit H that might not be Blended out as well as I hoped it would have a look oh [ __ ] H I’ll have a look from this side actually just might be fine up close it really doesn’t look very

Blended uh also looks very straight like that is a very kind of obviously straight line so I might actually break a few layers of glass just a second and then I put this here and then is this going to be any better with a pick doesn’t seem to be

But is this the Canan it’s not this way is the s this is the layer that I want to break just to kind of build up the gradient a little bit more and make it a lot less linear is it just this one do I think might just be this level I don’t

Know trying to figure this out isn’t the easiest I’m going to put all of these back a second cuz I did just grief my own base I’m now stuck might just be this level here that needs salting um what on Earth what on Earth what is there something going wrong

And then if I bring this around here oh I can bring that then I can kind of join it with the purple oh there we go just confused on what you’re doing oh I’m just changing the kind of shape of this line so it’s a bit less linear it gives it more Dimension

Basically oh and then I’ll come back through fill this all in again there we go hopefully that has helped apart from the fact that I haven’t done it here this is going so well what’s the tool that’s best to use for breaking glass because probably should have

Started with that figuring out what that was oops my bad um is it the next one down it’s this one we need to break down too and then also need to do that one um there we go I want to share a clip of one of my

Streams that the clip is past Discord Limit Oh Discord have limits on that makes sense what are the clips um what are the limits on Discord clips got that got that there there we go put an end rod in there there we go hopefully that should

Be a bit better still time lapsing cool love that and there’s little bits I’ve evidently forgotten to do no that’s just going to show up light I think maybe I don’t know I have a fly congratulations on you and cut were finally together thank you okay I think that looks actually a

Lot better now okay yeah that looks so much better now that it’s not just a straight line yeah the Bottom’s a little bit straight I’ll curve that out that way so that’ll be fine this might have done too many layers of purple oops oh well we’re trying do that and then I’m

Here right okay so does anyone have any ideas whatsoever that I could kind of include in this so I just have a thought why not just be in a group Co for when this stuff happens I don’t know what that coocon what’s I don’t know what cocon

Is but sure if it can be set up absolutely go for it might as well go this way first you cut steam still loves you what you means still loves me he always loved me King still there we go I’m kind of happy with this coming out the

Top I do reckon these need to be purple though instead maybe like that one as well there we go that’ll do yeah I’m happier with that yeah okay then oh this is going to take me a little while does anyone know if the server’s back up yet cuz that’ be

Great just realized I’ve been streaming for like four hours H nice okay so I’m wondering if two layers of blue isn’t going to be enough to for the gradient slightly worried that it’s not enough for the gradient because I might have just messed this up and have to

Spend another hour redoing it but it’s fine now we’re learning I guess or I might try and go around go around this in a different way so I could build up this into being pink I do need to sleep cuz this is the third night of no sleep and I don’t want

To get bit by a phantom again never mind there’s a creeper in my bed you know we I’d rather deal with with a phantom than a creeper that’s not Phantoms are fine just Scar the living crap out of me I might make the center of this just pink if the blue doesn’t necessarily

Work I don’t really know we’ll try it we’ll see what works not yet there okay have has there been any like word on what’s gone wrong with the server or just Discord in general okay so if I bring this Around I need to go get some more blue anyway in a second I think I should have used less black than I did I don’t know that’s also part of the problem with not testing things but I also like the fact that it gives me creative license when I don’t test

Things is it’s like whatever happens happens just Discord being Discord I’ve never had this issue though I’ve never been kicked out of my own server before also by the way we do have an official timid sync server um it’s pinned in my community tab if anyone wants to join you get early

Access to videos by a couple of hours um get notifications on videos you get to just kind of chill and hang out with all of us great I love the Discord never thought I’d get into a Discord but accidentally happened right is that creeper still next to my bed it is

Not it might not be the third night it might only be the second then I’m going to have a fly and see before okay that’s fine oh oops um I’ll take two just in case doubt I need two now but it’s good to have one in the inventory anyway

You’ve been streaming for 4 hours yeah that sounds about right I tend to stream for longer when I’m streaming with people though it’s like during my 24-hour stream which is happening in a few months um I will just be leaving my Discord VC open so like

Friends can come in and out and just come hang out on my stream basically oh I don’t like how close that sound is okay it’s somewhere underneath that’s fine okay I’m not going to go over too much of the pink yet going to leave that for a second this is fine to go

Over do that I’m thinking the pink in the center like that pink and purple situation I’m going to leave that for now and cover the rest in blue first then see how I want to kind of smooth that out soz I might not want to go all of it with with

Blue cuz that is isn’t the nicest gradient I didn’t quite think this through but that’s fine cuz I might just build up from like put one layer of blue then another of like purple and blue and have like a smaller squiggly thing in the middle so just going to come around this and

Outline where I’m going to be going In right got it it’s not too bad um just going to check that it should be at full there we go I reckon I’m going to be streaming for quite a while today to be fair I think it’s probably going to be like at least 5

Hours maybe like 5 and a half I don’t know it depends when I feel like stopping really if you’ve been here for 4 hours thank you okay then I’ll do that I don’t actually know what time it is for me like actual IRL I’m just going to

Check oh my God it’s half past midnight okay love that for me do that okay so I’m hoping that it won’t take too long for the Discord to come back up I didn’t anticipate that happening today to be fair um I don’t really know what that’s all

About how many servers are back up I know that Skies is back up but do we know of anyone else is that’s open again yeah here we go I’m thinking of doing like a massive blue patch maybe like over here cuz it’s yellow there some are reloading

Okay cuz it’s yellow over there I can lead that into like greens and blues very easily just going to come around here my object crushed what’s that oh here we go um once I’ve gotten around this I’m just going to send a text to cut steam so I’m

Going to have to ask you to B with me sorry be fair maybe go boom I need more inventory space inventory space is something I am lacking at the minute that’s kind of cute oh oops sorry just bear with me two seconds look it up

Later make fun of me please I won’t make fun of you at all oh my goodness no um s just bear with me two seconds sorry about that I’m back here we go okay so I thinking I’m going to for the first like three blocks in I’ll do like two

Layers of blue then I’ll do like one of blue one of purple and then in the middle go for like purpley pinky magent colors could try that hello cuts steam I’m going to assume are you and Sky still around my computer needs an update okay so I’m going to assume that um you

Won’t be around for a little bit then I’ve been putting off updating my computer my OBS I haven’t updated for 6 months at some point it’s going to crash it’s definitely going to crash at some point but that’s fine if anything that’s cut ste’s problem his technical

Support as a matter of fact I am cute Sky you streaming a all tonight to be fair I don’t know your stream schedule slash if you have a stream schedule no I did oh was in you’ve already updated it or you have to still here we go I don’t understand what’s going on

Here card steam Okay so if I what do we think of like the yellow section over there if I build that up to like green around the outsides I could go for like a pretty light blue moment I’m not streaming at this moment okay are you streaming tonight though I

Don’t see your server oh is in on Discord I go over like a pretty light blue sort of situation cuz it’s now very purple heavy cuz I’ve put a massive [ __ ] off purple blob in the middle I’ll have to go and smooth out the purple in a second but

That’s that’s fine that’s a I say in a second it’s realistically going to be like a couple of hours before I get to that bit I do quite like the whole premise of the base though I didn’t think it would turn out the way that it did open your eyes and hello

Justin um let’s try that okay I need to get rid of some stuff in my inventory my inventory is kind of dying I always say I need more inventory space I don’t I just need better Inventory management I mean more inventory space would be nice but Inventory management is a must

Cut steam seems happy to um see you there we go okay I’m going to see how I feel about this oh and then sleep okay I could do like yeah the whole thing I’m going to bring this shape round first though so I know what I’m doing and I can get a

More even gradient around I think quickly sleep so I only slept like 30 seconds ago also I know I’m doing the youtubery thing again um but i’ really appreciate it if you could like And subscribe slash turn on notifications and all that sort of thing please and thank you also

Like it’s my birthday in 10 days so kind of have to kind of have to do what I’m asking thank you very much I know you didn’t stop it what did I do I’m confused okay so going bring this just in the shape that I want

To do so I’m going to say something like that something along these lines um I don’t really know and hello Speedy the ax ltle how are you uh it’s a bit I want it to curve around a little bit more so if I bring it maybe more like that something like that maybe

Long time no see yeah I haven’t seen you for a couple of weeks in my chat how have you been oh for goodness sake okay I’m a lot happier with that shape my Electro broke brilliant fantastic I oh [ __ ] I only have two more uhoh I only need two to get there

This is going so well congrats on getting 700 subs thank you um where did I die here there we go we were on VC with cutting skyro but um that went really well when it um Discord decided to know oh my God my inventory is shocking okay while I’m here I’m going

To take this opportunity to firstly go and get more fireworks secondly shove some empty shulker boxes back this just streams they always fun and chaotic thank you I hope you’ve been well oh I did not mean to press that also I need to actually get a proper mouse pad my mouse is currently

On a bandana okay all of this I’m still using I can’t see any empty ones obviously I don’t need that that that’s not got much left in it that I don’t need the rest are just the rest are full okay that’s fine I have another solution that may

Result in home’s joining as well I don’t know what that is put those back so weird having this in the wrong place in my hot bar I need to not do that during flight why did I do that midf flight quite ill lately oh I’m really sorry that’s really

[ __ ] is there anything I can do if it’s any consolation at all I also have a permanent illness um I’m chronically ill I don’t know what yours entails and you absolutely don’t have to share anything um but I am chronically ill and I my illness will always be here

I it will never go away no matter what medications I have what surgeries I have yeah hence wheelchair so I don’t know what’s going on but I can I can relate in the sense that I’m going to be ill for the rest of my life too Merry Christmas thank

You it’s also and I’m fully plugging this like all the time it’s also um 10 days until my birthday so um you’ve got to like the stream um invite cut to my server and we could use my server since yours is down if you yeah if your server’s up can

You make another voice channel for the three of us and then we could just hop in that and I promise I won’t dox you when the W we’re not getting married we’re not getting married we’re not getting married I hope I hope cut doesn’t mind me saying this but like I’m fully aware

That he is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with I’ve taught him this but marriage is a very long way off yeah have happy birthday thank you to be fair cut steam already got me an early um early birthday present bless

Him he bought me some really really nice headphones and they’re pink and they’re really cute and they’re just like they’re so good like I can feel the vibrations of everything as well and it just gives me like death happiness are you dating cut yes yeah me and cut together

Um Sky let me know if your server’s ready slash when it’s ready if that’s the rout we’re going I don’t know I feel like mine’s going to be down for quite a while congratulations thank you yeah I mean it was kind of common knowledge that I had a boyfriend it just we never

Said who we never confirmed anything until yesterday day before she announced it on stream on the build that I’m doing currently and then for anyone who wasn’t watching the stream we just put it in the Discord as well but then um in the Discord that we’re in

Um sheep one of our friends basically put in oh congrats to um to cut Steam for having enough R to actually be able to get into a relationship and I thought that was [ __ ] hilarious go for something like that that looks kind of cute I think

I forget the end rods are a thing that I need to do they make things so much more difficult yeah I’m going to have to put a lot more end rods in the next row I completely forgot hopefully that doesn’t look chit married oh my God am I being peer pressured into getting

Married hang on oh I meant to screenshot the chat instead I turned my iPad off there we go says I don’t want to marry no I just we’ve it’s still fairly new considering we’ve only been together for six months not allow Discord how come okay this is the last one to

Have end rods I need to actually fill it with end rods then server is ready cool thank you right I am going to try so hard to not docks any of us right now sorry if I do lots of love um okay I named it okay hello I can hear

You hopefully my chat should be able to hear you guys too um chat please let us know it should if it’s set up if it’s set up the way I think it’s set up then they should hopefully thank you I love how this place is also called Timmy’s Corner um thanks for

That in ours we have C’s timeout Corner in this one we just have Timmy’s Corner hello oh I can hear myself back how about us why can I hear myself back from my stream here I can hear myself back that’s not good can you guys hear me back what what

Was that about marriage again uh yeah everyone’s Fring us getting married like well I’m not okay I understand I’m not husband material but [ __ ] come on to be fair I reckon you to be fair right this [ __ ] told me that I’m like the wife material of a broken

Dishwasher so no no no no no no no that’s at first they said she she she was she should be a broken death no we were talking about but then they said you were a mobile jit dishwasher due to your wheelchair yeah then I also ask did you

Come with a warranty just in case some breaks even more so kindly [ __ ] you um we can hear you okay cool thanks um yeah we’re not a very like lovey doy couple could tell we fully bully each other and no we do not need couples counseling we do B we actually do love

Each other we do we do just so as you guys know the only people that can see this chat are me you and are the three of us yeah I thought the three of us just the three of us just cuz there’s a lot of people in your server that I do not

Know oh a c one person in particular in this server is very cringe lovely and he tends to be quite the dick oh I think I might actually know who you’re talking about because I think I’ve seen them in chats in your Discord oh this is my first time being

In this Discord so we call him MSO MSO okay are you looking at my chat cut hi hi cut Mary Mary Mary oh my [Laughter] god um yeah Justus you can go [ __ ] yourself hey you know hey you know what he is also my friend just just to point this

Out yeah Justin is also my friend hey hey you want to know the funny thing oh yeah I have to deal with that from my partner what’ you mean like that’s that’s something my my girlfriend wants to do is get married okay fun love that you it’s been four

Years for you guys yeah that’s you however it’s been like that for the last two to be fair even if we wanted to at this moment neither of us are financially [ __ ] stable enough for that yeah pretty much Jesus I I I hate him sometimes that’s fine he’s loved on the

Server um on this channel by the way Timmy if you ever actually want to promote your promote your streams in my server you’re you’re more than welcome too thank you oh I I see I see how it is okay you obviously you two have a thing I myself out I

Literally have a channel in my in my server that is four four promotions yeah but you didn’t ask me you as to me not me you nothing to do with me apped no no it does not apply if you ask TR not me I see how our friendship

Is it should be implied that anybody can promote there nope it did not because you never to be fair I’ve been on the server for more than 2 and 1 half minutes so shut up I’ve been on the server since the first day of mine in Sky’s

Friendship to be fair she has actually that literally since the first day I asked for the link for his Discord server so sweetie shut up also T your server’s back up too tell my what your back up [ __ ] sake no that’s it’s funny thank you for setting this up for me Sky no

Problem what are friends for right I know thank you you guys should marry oh my goodness you guys should married yes I somehow congrats on 700 thank you if if we were daing for a while I have no problem yeah but it’s like we’ve only been together for 6

Months we by wait tomorrow’s our anniversary correct uh technically it’s now for me Tech because you’re not in whal so technically it’s today for me but tomorrow for you you know I you know I just had I just had had a thought oh yeah is it technically is it technically

Possible to stream on two platforms at once um so we’ve had this conversation and we don’t think it is like me and cam have I I seen people do it but I’m not sure if they’re using a separate computer or not that’s that’s possible a thing I’m not sure if they’re using a

Whole like SE separate system I mean it’ll be interesting to say the least oh that’s so sweet sorry I just read the rest of the com rest of the chat listen to this guys congrats on 700 Subs you have come a long way since I found your channel you had 400 and

Barely any views um you’re an amazing content creator an exceptional person you’ve helped me a lot with bullying and other stuff I I thank you deeply um for that keep on shining bright and never stop shining that’s so sweet thank you so much yes that is a very that is a very

Wholesome chat thank you so much that’s adorable I changed my M married I I I don’t know what to say anymore I’m done I had a thought and I would like some opinions on it so you both know like my feelings towards accepting donations and things like that

Right so I was thinking if I ever set up a twitch I’d want to set up a twitch for charity and like any money I earned from it I donate to charity what do we think about that so using twitch purely purely as a charity

Yeah yeah you can do that people do do that do they is that like a okay so it’s possible they they literally do cherry streams all the time but is it possible to have my entire Channel like everything that I earned just go to charity actually there’ be a donation I

Believe there’ be an actual donation button that they can go right to the website oh bril and they can donate right from there so it does not go to your hands to the Cherry it goes right to the Cherry brilliant yeah sometimes sometimes it’s a little iy like when

Does it like that where they donate to the person then they have to donate the money back to Cherry yes then it’s just changing hands too many times and a lot of people got caught with their hands in the cookie jar so what does that mean means they were taking money that was

Supposed to go to the donation and kept them for for themselves I don’t like that my do not give me my do do not give me your life savings no no sorry cop no that’s no that you are 100% reasonable right there no you’re not giving out your damn life savings say

Absolutely not this is why I don’t have my donations turned on on YouTube I actually turned off my donations due to uh certain events that happen recently I actually don’t know about this I’m surprised you then no you never told me that bab oh well I just so

Happened to look I mean it probably and so far it hasn’t happened to me yet I kind stopped doing my donation till I hit the affiliate yeah then I’m just going to sell bits but apparently people were doing chargebacks for from a dollar yeah yeah you did tell me about that so

Technically like there a couple people that don’t like me at the moment and probably want a little bit bit of a Revenge oh okay what they what they can do is donate a dollar at that dollar charge back then I have to pay $15 to charge back that $1 sweetie who the [ __ ]

Did you fall out with uh that uh couple of people I will tell you after the stream you you you know the person if I show you know if I give you the picture right okay yes I I personally just want to be want

To be able to to uh stream full time yes I would love to do that and not and not really have to worry too much about a lot of other stuff the thing is right I no matter what happens with content creating I will never stop doing

Music however I would love to be able to do both Len boy completely agrees on your dream thank you and if he ever doesn’t agree I’m pretty sure there more than willing to do some things to him if you no we have a conversation we would have a conversation the conversation is you’re

Going to be doing it and I’m going to shut up that’s pretty much the conversation I mean I don’t think we be in a place where we have that conversation anyway but it it will never really come up I know you like your music is that same

Thing as I like my other activities yes yeah so it it’s pretty much exact same thing it’s you enjoy it and I 100% well either I don’t think either of you have ever heard me play guitar have you I have yeah have you I don’t think

You guys heard me play guitar I have heard you play guitar sky is actually quite good I I listen I tried I my fingers can I hit the right cord at the right time because my brain my brain cannot make my fingers go in the other

Direction where it needs to go I tried to teach him I did try you did not try uh I lasted about 2 and a half minutes before you I just realized you were lost cuse babe when you said you got to turn your finger more inwards that’s where I’m

Like what do you mean and I think I got pissed off at that point and then you put the guitar down we like H so then I gave up at the same time I’ve literally been playing for over 10 years so see that makes sense uh I’m only 13

When I started I wasn’t good of course no one’s good when they start I wasn’t good in fact I was absolute shite and I was told by my teacher to quit and you know now I’m a professional working musician so she can [ __ ] herself I she what did I

Say I have this whole thing like yeah no I know shut up okay I know I know [ __ ] you um oh no no no please tell share with the class no I always like I always like the story class okay so basically firstly for a bit of context

I’m the sort of person that if you tell me that I can’t do something I will do it out of spite just cuz you tell me I can’t [ __ ] do it um so my first ever teacher that I had was I can’t really talk about it too

Much but she’s not legally allowed to be their children anymore is all I’m going to say so oh boy yeah so she was not the best teacher in the first place um just want to also preface I’m completely fine I’m okay um but she wasn’t a nice person she was

Very very shouty she’d always tell me that like I couldn’t do it I was [ __ ] at music direct quote I was like nine and she was telling me I’m [ __ ] at music I’ll never make anything of myself as a musician and I might as well just give

Up now so then I was kind of like you I was kind of like like you um and yeah so she she was slightly annoyed at the fact that this is now my full-time job and then she found out through the grap Vine about um my degree so for

Those who don’t know I got my music degree a little bit early um and she was pissed to say the least I got like really ay messages from her being like you can’t do a degree at your age like that’s really dumb and I was like No No Yeah [ __ ] no no goodbye

Yeah um but I think since then I kind of had a lot of issues with confidence for my music because you know I was told for like a solid six years of my life I stopped having a when I was like 15 but I was told for like six years of my life

That I was [ __ ] so whenever I like messed up anything at all I’d be really mad at myself and it took so long to try and get out of that um and that I was doing really well until the day before my final recital for University I was a little bit stressed

To say the least oh will I holy cow I think me and [ __ ] had been dating for about 3 days at this point and it was the first time you seen me cry wasn’t the first time but it was a major time I’m pretty sure it was when was the

First time babe uh I don’t want to say on stream yeah I don’t remember what the first time was uh you you forgot to turn off for a webcam that day did you doing that remember that day I thought you meant right now Jesus

Christ no no no no I I I would totally warn beforehand if that was the case no but it was the day that you forgot her off your webcam you were very upset oh yeah that was not a good day no it it was not a good day for anyone that

Was not a good day for anyone hey continue with your story um so yeah the day before my last recital and it was like the biggest recital of my life um because it was the last if I didn’t pass that I didn’t pass uni sort

Of thing right um and there were no kind of retakes like I’d have to retake the entire year I was very stressed I’d worked so hard it was like 3:00 in the morning and I was still practicing and cut was like stop it like you’re not doing yourself any favors um and

Basically just sat there and just told me like how good I am and how much confidence he has in me and that is the moment where I fell in love with him and I never told him that until now so you’re welcome um but yeah I was just like crying my

Eyes out being like I can’t do this I’m not good enough so yeah that’s the story basically yeah pretty much I can’t believe you fell along with me at that point that was the point because you were telling me like how much confidence you had in me and

Like things like that and I was thinking holy [ __ ] well never for nothing you could did someone just flush a toilet no that was that was one of my ticks oh I was about to say like what what’s your anyways yeah it’s like you again like I said before there

Was so much talent that people gave up because they couldn’t figure out if they girl now you actually had a talent that again I have 100% confidence that you would pass he he cut yes take a look at chat uh which chat my chat H did she

Or I beg you you must sub I did if you do SUB then leave me alone I just don’t oh no wait what I have no idea why um oh it’s fine are you sure yes is that that’s fine um yes cuz the account’s called sub to

Timid syn they’re asking for people to sub to me so that’s fine yeah but that’s a it’s fine I’m pretty sure if you say so how are you all yeah I’m good thanks it’s that was Mir me by the way yeah I know I knew oh you already knew about

This yeah I figured it out in instantly babe I’m sorry that I’m a little slow fine you’ve always been slow sweetie have been doing magent or purple I’ve been doing purple what was it oh I’m just figuring out my gradients oh no no I’m just figuring out my

Gradients I feel like you’re yelling at me I’m not yell how dare you how rude how dare how dare you thank you I was about to say don’t forget the M Mouse button the what whatever M Mouse button to click on the the next the block I forgot about that thanks

Babe I I try I can only I can only do so much if I can learn to top nice ah I [ __ ] my wrist up ow what my fractured wrist oh that was painful I don’t know what I’ve done that’s not nice [ __ ] well you did something to it it

Evidently don’t know why I just got massive like shooting pain through it I don’t like this the rain is disgusting you okay yeah uh back is getting a little sorious how my chair is at the moment uh no it’s cuz you have [ __ ] posture I’m posture is it’s sh yes your posture is

[ __ ] I’m sorry what least I at least I can actually walk oh [ __ ] off it’s your [ __ ] problem if my chair breaks and you have to carry me everywhere just saying hey I’d be fine with it not after like 20 minutes you wouldn’t be no not after 20 minutes but I can try

To make it work are you calling yourself heavy Sky no B Sky you going you go my you go into my timeout corner but like if you were carrying anyone for like 20 minutes surely you wouldn’t be okay I don’t know I haven’t carried anyone in a very long time

Considering you know wheel CH but surely Tech you can carry someone just they be pretty much on your lap oh yeah I I have done that like whenever my friends get really tired like I’m I fully let them just like sit on my lap and I will

Wield ain’t that ain’t that some crazy [ __ ] my cat has figured out that if he just sits on my lap he can sleep and still be like moved around he doesn’t have to move his lazy ass at all f a good cat he is a good cat how much cat like

That you know I would [ __ ] want another cat I hope you realize I really want another cat hey can we get a black one why a black one specifically sure but why a black one specifically yes yes okay sure I give like it we still haven’t decided what we’re getting a dog

But we haven’t decided what type of dog we’re getting yet yeah well teally a black cat means both good luck and bad luck depends on what part of the country or what country you’re in I would have no idea about mine no I’m telling you you usually when

People say Oh Black Cat walks your past usually it’s bad luck but also in like Ireland this actually means good luck if a box in front of you a so i’ be both bad lucky and good luck that looks kind of all right I think and then have like a little light blue

Moment around here and then other little small bits dotted around I think Sky what do you think you’re the expert here can I please can I buy you a cat or dog please I beg I must do something absolutely not hey what oh I’m just reading my chat

SK guy yeah but but did say I didn’t see oh um speed is asking if they can buy us a cow a dog no I I don’t know how you feel about we haven’t had this conversation but I’ve always gotten animals from shelters before like I’m very much oh yeah that’s

That’s completely fine cool thanks definitely completely fine which area were you want to do more of a blue heue for no what do you think of like this whole bit if I go for a fly what do you think of this there’s some sharp edges on it and

I don’t fig I haven’t figured out why give it a minute have quite you have quite the Steep uh you got quite the Steep uh gradient a damn it no no not not the not this I was talking about your stream delay oh so it takes a while

Right okay fair enough what do you think though what do I think I think it looks pretty nice okay thank you what can I improve um your ability to walk shut up but not now I knew I I [ __ ] knew it was coming I knew I knew it you’re an

[ __ ] like I said chat we we do I don’t off the top of my head that you can improve on on this one I don’t see anything off the top of my head at thank you yeah please don’t spam guys much appreciate it didn’t see any

To be fair I wasn’t looking at chat for that minute I was trying to not die just uh was spamming please please type thing cut will ban you he’s very happy with I already know I already know discord’s fixed we’re just going to be we’re just going to be

Most likely doing it in here for to be fair it’s probably just easier to carry on here for a little bit yeah we’re most likely just gonna end up being in here in in my server yes otherwise otherwise OBS doesn’t like it when you switch

Servers too many times does it not no it does not ites not like that one little bit it tends to be a it tends to be very very uhy yeah if you do it too many times it’s like it’s pretty much going to yell at you until like you reset it yeah okay

That’s that makes sense thanks though no it’s no problem I just I I know that for definitely from experience Sky I’m pretty sure you understand that as well I I’ve actually never I’ve never actually had that problem because I’ve never actually moved servers while I was streaming oh I

I I had to there was actually one time that someone like left uh actually cancelled the like call and stuff like that so we move into the actual server and every everyone’s character kind of bugged out on me and like I couldn’t get like anyone’s character to be fixed or their mic to

Work oh [ __ ] that was fun oh yeah cuz you have people’s like profile pictures come up on your stream when they speak yes I don’t think you’ve done anything to to Warrant a b so far oh no no no no you’re fine you’re fine no I’m just saying yeah you’re

Fine to be fair I’ve only ever banned one person actually believe it or not I’ve actually never banned a one person in my any mys fat i’ been i’ ban multiple people except for all different like people in your server in your streams though he hi what did you say

I just said that to be fair cut has different sorts of people in his streams because you know I’m a lot more family friendly compared to him I say family friendly likely well it’s not even there it’s um the Bots that come after me yeah that

Person because of the PNG and vtuber tag that I have it just get sometimes out this the the most the band wave or the hate raid that happened on Twitch uh I think like a year back yeah or a few years back now what happened was they were targeting people

That had vtuber M or a PNG M and they just sent a whole bunch of hate raid to so they can get banned that’s disgusting I I was lucky enough that uh nothing like really major happen because of couple Bots I have yeah where it automatically update to like any uh bot

Profile thing and automatically bans them good that’s that’s really lucky why does PE why do people have issues with vtubers all right no why does people have issues with anyone yeah okay valid I have issues with you because you’re an [ __ ] but like that’s fair enough oh that’s listen that’s listen

We’re we boyfriend and girlfriend I I 100% on understand thank you and if things work out you’re going to be my wife so see chat be happy you don’t have to keep telling us to get married just the ring that I want get her it’s it’s

Expensive oh I I don’t want to even look it I don’t want to think about it at the moment yeah no I know the thing is I know exactly what he wants to get me and I’m scared of the price now I want to

Say like a 300 limit but I know that you will ignore that oh absolutely [ __ ] that no he spent £40 on [ __ ] flowers the other day not that I app don’t appreciate it I really do you were crying to me and I felt so bad I know but 40

S well you also said you need a base too so I had get you a base too okay the V was like five5 yeah it was like5 on top of on top of the shipping and the chocolates it’s cute to be fair I was I was thinking

About I wasn’t quite sure about the the wine I wasn’t sure if you would like it or not I I was thinking about adding that too oh I think it was Bailey or whatever Bailey I wasn’t sure yeah oh I drink Bailey’s Bailey is my favorite

Drink Bailey yeah I wish I knew that I would bought that too sorry honey but thank you um take no keep that one don’t need these okay a I will buy a ring no you will not buy a ring no stop trying to give me your life

Savings listen the ring that I want to get is it’s going to be customly it’s beautiful it is the way I want it yes yes yes I have a certain way I don’t want that that’s going to be my official gift yeah that’s not yeah that’s not

Something you get in the way of yeah no sorry and also cuz like I’m not going to say what the ring is at all um but it is just gorgeous I Sky I’ll tell I’ll tell Sky after the stream but it is beautiful well the way I want to do it yes

Yeah PayPal no do not PayPal any money to cut sweetie now I can see why you’ve turned off your donations on Twitch oh it wasn’t even that it was the people being doing the charge back yeah no I know like don’t get me wrong

Like it’s like it be more like a uh the bits I think I’m going to probably do the bits if I have enough people bits make sense I think yes Le if it’s a charge back it’s going to be with twitch itself yeah oh [ __ ] is it oh of course it is

Yeah no that makes sense so if there’s any uh charge bag uh twitch will have today but I just don’t get as much of a donation yeah versus people actually donate and then you get the CH yeah no I don’t want that yes like fin either that doesn’t make

Sense why is glass always a pain in the ass glass is a pain in the ass and I oh [ __ ] I f up to too high oops this is the point where I’m supposed to spild up crap I’m just as wait stop why what I do I’m asking a question I’m sorry what’s

This have you guys everiss okay yeah we’re not going into anything like that um any details like that is going to stay between us what do we think of the green Andy I think if I pull the green off it could look quite good under the um the blue but I’m just I’m

Hoping do that no no it’s fine there we go you okay yeah I’m playing my game right now oh what you playing uh man go go again what the [ __ ] did you say no football oh yes okay the American Football oh American Football was [ __ ] rugby shut

Up but it’s not rugby but it is no it’s not but but it is there are subtle differences listen we don’t be each other until nearly death but that’s the fun part about rugby that’s why I got banned as a kid to be fair I would love to play it I

I used to play ice hockey ice hockey does not compare to rugby at all no rug have you ever seen rugby my brother’s a rugby player and it’s scary to be fair I think rug your yeah I think rugby would be your game it looks a lot of fun it is it absolutely

Is you just get to meet the living [ __ ] [ __ ] out of people and it’s wonderful I just want to preface I am joking please don’t beat the living [ __ ] [ __ ] out of people disclaimer over I felt like disclaimer the disclaimer of don’t [ __ ] beat the [ __ ] out of

People do what she says yeah listen to her yes she she has WR whistle that’s actually true I’m not even going to try and say anything about that out of us oh no no don’t don’t get me wrong listen I don’t listen the tick or what is it Snapchat or anything like

That I don’t know too much because I never really had a friend that does say anything like that to me with me I don’t so guess what all your little uh secret uh things that you used to do or you do to me I have no clue because I

Never had a friend that taught me anything like that okay so if anyone’s updated Snapchat recently you could now change the font sizes and have like really small or really big writing um and cut steam didn’t know that you could do that um so I just kept

Typing to him in small and I was swearing at him in small and he was so confused about how to do it and I just refused to tell him yes print until I figure out readed theine print screw you [Laughter] guy hi cut good luck with Timmy excuse

Me excuse me no no I was waiting for you I was waiting for you to get that one I’ve missed a lot of chats because I’ve been placing glass and trying to not screw up I’m sorry we’ll get to put the 12 spend cycle is that because he called me [ __ ] oh

No no no listen I I can’t I’m dead I listen not you just TR not go too much on my girlfriend please I I know you’re just trying and be funny just try not go too much okay please it kind of feels weird you’re saying like my girlfriend on stream I

Because for so long I’ve just been like walking on eggshells around it if that makes sense like we didn’t even tell a lot of our friends Spen knew TBO knew Sky didn’t know until about a week before we announced it pretty much yeah you’re fine just it’s like I didn’t want to accidentally

Say anything I was so worried about like it would have 100% no you you won’t get banned I’m just no no no you won’t you won’t yeah just don’t go too much we we’re not going to ban you anyways if cut team ever bans someone I

Can always go and unban them if I disagree with the decision so like if he ban someone it’s not the end of the world like I if I agree with the decision which I won’t for you just hypothetically if I agree with the decision then that’s

Like it will stay that way you won’t agree with your boyfriend that is sad the real the real issue would be if I start if I ended up Banning somebody honestly huh I’m I’m I’m very lenient with a lot of stuff oh yeah no if I if I ban somebody

Yeah you better have deserved it yeah thing is if I ban someone then it’s it’s really saying something if I’ve banned someone however if cut bans someone on my channel it’s a little bit different because it’s like he’s a bit protective of me just a tad just a tad it’s a little weird

Say say the least to you the best no worries um do I have any Canan I do not much what the [ __ ] was that right so I’ve got one two three four five six layers to work with I reckon I’m talking out loud so I can

Figure this out in my own head the first one’s blue second one San the third one blue and then four five and six be like dark blue my girlfriend my girlfriend had her hair died oh yeah yeah nice you just sent that to me like four minutes ago actually think about it I

Don’t think Sky I don’t think I’ve actually ever met your girlfriend no not like not nobody in Spen server has ever met her huh at least not that I know of how did you meet her if you want to talk about it if you don’t on stream that’s ABS fair

Enough we actually met through met through a Minecraft Discord server nice this soed me and C oh [ __ ] Al the the funny part is I was I was actually friends with her boy with her boyfriend at the time so gu but now here’s here’s the thing I

Didn’t actually take her from him good cuz that cuz that would be the [ __ ] that would be I I wouldn’t do [ __ ] like that no I know you wouldn’t I’ve known her for six years now okay that’s that’s fair enough the M the main thing on that one

Is basically she’s had to rather shite she’s she’s had a rather shite life Rec for the most part and yeah there’s a lot a lot of stuff then we don’t we don’t really talk about that guy anymore yeah because okay yeah a lot a lot of stuff happened bless it

They obviously they aren’t together anymore evidently considering you are oh yeah I mean I I pretty much always I’ve always pretty much been there for this in most cases yeah just like I am with all my with most of my friends actually oh yeah I

Know that if I’ve had a [ __ ] day then like I can come to anyone on the server granted whether whether one wants to accept my counsil is another story you just saw El me and tell me to go to bed earlier wait what everyone just tells me to go to bed

Earlier I say that while I streaming like listen if you’re yawning and you and I know you have to work I’m telling you go bed I know I will ignore you also also your your sleep schedule’s kind of shy my sleep schedule’s very shy we

We’re all aw yeah I I can I can guarantee that oh yeah the amount of conversations we’ve had until like 5 6 sometimes 700 a.m. is ridiculous it’s quite funny even though how many times I ask you go to bed then you yell at me one time me saying up a

Little later so I can actually speak to you and you’re like nope and you hung you hung up on me and I still didn’t go to bed just so you know I know you didn’t but it’s like I’d feel bad being the reason why you’re sleep deprived the

Next day whereas with me it’s a little bit different because I didn’t have to work massive insomnia did you not I thought you had to work no there’s a reason why s listen if I told you I was going to bed I tell I will tell you I

Need to go bed I know I thought you I work in the morning we’re just being responsible there’s a reason no that was a Friday it was a Friday oh [ __ ] sorry love honest to God I do believe I’ve been kind of messing up my own sleep schedule lately because you’re a

Streamer all streamers have really crap sleep schedules thanks for that H you’re welcome much appreciate it to be fair out of all of us you were the only person with a put together sleep schedule I try I try fall you do very well considering I try so hard but then

There’s this one person at night that I want to talk to and then just keeps me up and up and up I wonder who that is I I I I do Wonder Well here here’s the thing I usually have a pretty good sleep schedule actually yes that’s because

You’ve been dating your girlfriend for four years not it’s not even really just that cuz you usually she’s the one telling me to go to bed oh my goodness I’m trying to fill this out as much as I can so it’s quite like fairly opaque not like completely but enough

You know oh that scared me I didn’t like that I have no idea what the heck what the heck just happened oh that’s fine Satan zombie go away I don’t know where it is I don’t like this I don’t want to be here hey what please hold up what did say hey

Are you still here stupid P well thanks for checking my chat I met my friend from Minecraft the greatest thing that has ever happened to me have any of you figure out how to unmute me in Discord um Spen is probably the person that I need to speak to and

He hasn’t been around for like a week yeah pleas on me you guys um I don’t know cuz um Spence the techie one out of us really he does like mods and Bots and things for us so he’s definitely the person that I’m going to

Ask yes it again I want to go over another ammen yeah yes teching that’s that’s his kind of area of the server I can check technically I also know how to do it but like like you need to check with Spen first maybe yeah check yeah I I also don’t know what the

RO is completely about so it’s it’s up to him and why and things like that so I’ll speak to him again um I can try to message him uh I think he’s working right now oh yeah [ __ ] yeah no he’s closing tonight that’s why oh oh right started at one today yes

He’ll be out for like another four or five hours at least I reckon something like that yeah which by that point I will hope sleeping Maybe depending on what time what time uh I don’t it depends what time he started yeah I’m sorry about that bud but do I need that much

S oh oops my inventory management is crap chat moderator I think would be that’s that’s definitely decision sorry what’s this I was reading the the last one the last last chat what is it can you guys does it have to be me that makes someone a um

A mod yes yes okay because it’s your stream we don’t have power to create mods do you not I thought you would have I’ve given you both full like access it’s the same it’s I think I think it’s the same thing with Discord though well no Discord is different Discord can if the

Uh the server owner gives us full permission we actually have full permission like I there’s a reason why I could made you Junior moderator I did that for you you can do certain things yeah and there and C there were certain aspects that I actually couldn’t

Do like I couldn’t I couldn’t view the uh the hangout once could you not no the only one I could see was your time out corner you should be able to I can now because that because because Timmy actually made it made it visible for me

Oh I don’t know what on Earth I’ve done also on the Discord um can we make it so everyone can see the the the group rules because I have no idea how to do that I thought I did but apparently Sky can’t see them yeah I I I still can’t see

Yeah I don’t know how to change it because you do not have permission to view the message history I need everyone to have rules time out hold up let me see Hold Up Wait made rules everyone make Channel private only to select no worries Speedy fine that’s un that’s

Unchecked it says everyone view Channel all members to F this channel before everyone will make this channel that’s another thing I can’t I can’t do I can’t I can’t actually edit any of the channels either allow you just broke him Oh my goodness are you okay oh my god well just because just because you have a set to view Channel doesn’t mean you necessarily can the freaking okay how about that I did that instead to be fair we have a lot of things that still need to be fixed within the server that

We’re still working on behind the scenes so a lot of can you see the rules now I cannot I can I see I can see the Channel but I can’t see the message history in the channel okay can it be that you could I need it so they can see the

Message history but not be able to write any messages in it I mean in that case all you really need is basically wait how did I do I [ __ ] how did I do with time I did with my friend server I did are you okay though

Sweetie nope um I my brain is going numb so is mine and that’s your fault sounds about right okay how how did this wait wait so wait wait so do I do my cat is screaming from outside the door oh my goodness where is in he’s not supposed to be in here

That’s the thing he’s not actually allowed in the room he just like scratches everything so he’s not allowed upstairs until he learns to not scratch [ __ ] yet is it does that now work oh wait it’s this what aha are you okay that’s what no but I think I figure out

Maybe the problem okay fine maybe I don’t uh I need I need to go to this website is it this website or that website am I going to get a virus today am I getting a virus today we don’t need two of us with viruses I to get rid of that virus it

Was stressful you were at work from Freddy wasn’t around no one I knew could help me deal with this and I was having an internal crisis okay uh let me go to the rules for you I would like to copy all this um you right no had sent me a screenshot or no

No she’s she’s here screens with me uh clear username Avatar URL form of friend name oh yeah on this channel we always support small streamers and YouTubers and that sort of thing it’s very much promoted to support everyone so would that be like that then

If I do it like like that I don’t remember how I did it the last time yeah are you okay it was just really sad oh [ __ ] uh alter You Are by I love how it’s taking like what is this it’s taking about four people to try and get this server up and

Running I’m going to get rid of that and move it like think there I think all so if I go to field a field you one I think that’ll do is it like this or is it like that [ __ ] oh I I see I see I see now I see

Now under under per under permissions there’s actually a thing for read message history is there I did not see that sorry my bad turns out it’s me that’s the incompetent one we knew that already though so no surprise wait so if I delete this oh okay I did I did something I did

Something okay okay okay okay now can I delete all this just this part I just wanted to delete actually can I go here and just do it this way or do I have to no I have to do it through this way ah [ __ ] are

You okay sweetie you seem to be having a difficult time uh I just [ __ ] like I said you seem to be having a better stop calling without my permission are You to over complicating things CPP I am definitely over complicating things but it is fine it is fine it’s it’s going to be fine everything is is speckle clean going to bring the pink out a little bit I think I think that I will like to do it

Like this I’m not sure how well this will work out because I hope that I hope that this will work out how I think it will work out I’m not 100% sure how will work out but hopefully it works out the way I think it will work out from the

Sound of it you should be fine oh damn it oh yeah I deleted the wrong thing uh uh Timmy yours isn’t technically classifi as a community server in Discord is it I don’t know should it be uh mine is okay um what’s the difference well for a community server H

It has the whole the whole welcome and Rule stuff going on in the in the top it actually automatically get makes like it makes like a an announcements and welcome Channel I believe I don’t know set up for me so I don’t know okay so now do I I think I just have

To copy this right NOP wait why is this not that’s where the magenta stops so something that there we go oh wait wait so if I do this then do this like this yep yep then I do this I need put worlds around I think I’m figuring out

Again oh you doing a big brain uh small brain brain uh Stupid brain trying to figure out the uh smoke need to be put out okay okay okay you know what so I understand I I understood all of what he was trying to say bloody perfectly what am I looking for again

Wait why is this not okay I was looking for something black black and Rod oh and bir I’m good I’m good everything F uh I need to go wait is it this one wor thing is dying in the night I really don’t want to do That wait I forget what I need to do here copy TR this thing face invalid why is it inil they should not be inil why is it inil no a thing there should not be a thing you seem to be struggling sweetie what why is it wait wait wait how about this Bren

Boyfriend that makes no sense there should be that why is that not that is that not there that is that that is that that is that I don’t I don’t understand that is that that is that this I just completely forgot to message the other guy the other guy is Sky I need To r l e is that that’s not the thing though is it oh it’s not a thing why is it not why are you not doing what I want you to do you should be doing the thing I want you to do this is quality content just watching cut steam have a small

Crisis activity High activity why it I just want to say if I was if I could actually do something on that i’ probably have’t done in like I know that’s the funny thing what nothing sweetie you’re fine okay then okay then God damn it why is this this should be a thing

This not a thing bless you so sweet thank you okay I can do that that should be a thing now can you look I well I tried to figure out this other thing oh oh now I figured this out okay [ __ ] you copy this and mother I hate myself what I hate myself

What you done what happened wait why is it it should send the thing why is it not sending the thing send why is it not sending what this is going so this that that should be it that should be doing the thing why is it not doing the

Thing so I can so I can view I can view the Channel History now but there is nothing in there what do you mean there’s nothing in there there’s messages in there with like rules and [ __ ] there is a there I I am literally seeing no messages whatsoever well that sucks hush thank

You sh thank you you can’t shush me you love me why I got no [ __ ] response to that Sky no response whatsoever I feel offended what I was like you can’t shush me you love me and you just did not respond B your boyfriend to be fa really paying too much

Attention to be fair your boyfriend is trying to figure how what the [ __ ] is going on with this damn thing thank you love you see nothing oh oh my God I love you I love you I love you I love you just touch let me Focus need to focus here all I

Wanted my my love you need to let me Focus that’s not that thank you oh wait do I have to do this first I don’t remember need to do this first wait can I do this first what about this going to cut up in a bowl and cry

Yes I’m a human go are you sure that babe okay perfect I think then I go go here then hit this wa contains an error oh wait so is it wait what you don’t to me okay um I’m not going to pull up my Discord on stream um yep don’t pull it’s

Fine everything say no no no not you I’m I’m responding to a chat um your message could not be submitted because it contains the following errors I’m not going to pull up Discord on my YouTube um on my stream because I’m not going to risk stocking anyone not just you but just

Anyone um however I will let Spen deal with it um it’s his bot to sort he put it in place and the Bots are his kind of thing on the server so everything to do with that is Spence’s department and I don’t want to kind of step on

That damn it it deleted the whole thing I’m just here to keep PE can you please help him please NOP I got it I got it I got it I got it I got I got I got I got I got I got are you really being a St your me

Right now a little baby don’t say a word stupid everything’s fine I think I figure this out now okay if I don’t figure this out in this [ __ ] turn something’s not going to be very happy afterwards oh bless you and if this thing [ __ ] up one more

Time talk out to the dumpster my computer will hide that and yeah basically all of that is spend Apartments so I’m not going to step on that um he knows a lot more about it than I do and I don’t want to break any of his Bots

Either some fan mail oh that’s adorable I love getting like fan art and things like that to be fair my um okay my YouTube profile picture is actually fan art I didn’t do it myself it was sent to me m can because the contains are and forms what’s a form Chan this it

Is think about it I really should have done the light blue on the top not the dark blue why if I delete this end this and this and this then do this oh no oh yes and pace and hit that there we go there’s a tutorial and won’t break it oh trust me

I’m [ __ ] with tutorials I will break it you will find a way I genuinely I um crashed my computer by opening a Google Docs the other day seriously yeah that’s why in um sheep server I’m called Timmy the techz is because of that Jesus chist I’m not

Kidding um do you know clone the Sheep you might not know no no h they’re different guys I play with random people okay right I don’t know cut keeps introducing me to his friends and I don’t know which friends know which and yada yada yada I I know just try Stay Focus it’s

Difficult I know oh wait H if so if I do this to this okay this come like right across here I think do you have a PO Box I don’t actually I have no idea how to set one up okay how about this if I as you before I do all that yeah let me copy this open up this thing put this thing in completely R this one and file save as so I don’t lose this yep that’s fine Min my that okay so in case something happens I have a backup thing

And so should everything should be fine if everything’s fine if everything’s not fine everything’s not fine I’m going if I have to do the this and be the be fine everything should be fine everything should be are you okay sweee uh let me think let me think how I count

The ways of [ __ ] KN all right oh hey what up the screaming here soon huh I said my wholesome Budd is GNA be streaming here soon fun reaction worlds honestly spe I have no idea but it’s pretty sweet that you’re asking so if I do this there just

Curious oh and then if I do that just okay okay oh damn it this is the last of the light blue before I’ve got to go back and get some more okay there we go there we go now I’m here I’m back I’m back yeah yeah that’s that’s honestly you don’t have to

At all well fine I will leave no not you [ __ ] she she did ask me to leave correct shut up no no she did not okay now if I do this with this one I just want to see if this will do what I think it would do try at least

I’m not going to overstep Spen at all so I’m I’m not going to try it um I appreciate you sending me um the tutorial but because it it is Spence’s thing I don’t want to overstep him at all and also if I do break it I don’t want to make more work for

Him decision is wait wait how about this if I copy this and where is this number okay if I shove a bunch ofs around cuz I will Forget I someone give up so time for Plan B yes that’s really sweet Plan B time Plan B that that looks really good plan B what does sorry I said this looks this looks really good so far oh thank you I thought you were talking to

Cut this is the point where you say nah [ __ ] I was that good I know you’re not cut steam would end you if you were can I ask you a question Skye what’s up how the [ __ ] do you keep saying in your you know fouryear relationship I’ve been with C for what I

Keep saying yeah that’s the neat part huh down okay cool oh okay so I gota go here do it so I’m going to just forever be like dying inside possibly cool that’s fine okay know my future to be honest wait who’s dying me why at the same at the same

Time you learn you just kind of learn to get used to it after a while I know I love it create a Ser setting straight that’s one that’s one that’s one like I said I’ve been having to deal I’ve been having to deal with her with her issues for freaking four years now

So yeah okay f enough are you calling me the problem trial here no no no no no I was just saying how do I keep sane in our relationship I was about to say how dare you call me the problem child and I just

And I just G gave an example of my of my own St no I did yeah I can’t say anything I cried at you last night purely cuz I wanted cheese and can’t have cheese because I’m lactose intolerant I’m not kidding hey hey you know what it doesn’t stop my

He gets to deal with my like period hormones once a month for like a week so love that for you wait why do I see the rules right there copy go to here then I should be able to place it here trying to figure out it but it’s not

Little kids on Hypixel for the oh I’ve never actually played Hypixel before I I’ve seen other people play it but I’ve never played it myself am I doing the wrong color there’s a chance I’m doing wrong I do believe that is light blue yeah I say doing light blue I’ve got light blue

Okay losing my [ __ ] you must play it um yeah no [ __ ] please what oh wait how if I do it this way because technically it’s like this I don’t think SP I don’t think Spen needs needs the tutorial yeah Spen definitely does not need the tutorial Spen is absolutely

Cracked at what he is the guy he is the guy like his technical capability he will never ever tell you how good he is like he’s very humble about it but my God he’s good he fixes all of my issues within about 3 seconds save changes happy Sky did you know that

Spence’s actually a really good Trumpeter a Trumpeter yeah he plays trumpet player yeah that’s rather interesting he’s actually really he he downplays it but he’s quite good hold this this thing just teach how to destroy five be fair I’m not I’m not even really an expert guitar player though you’re good

Though you are good you downplay how good you are I get no special talents so your special talent is being my boyfriend just got to find that one no you have no special talent shut up you’re my editor you’re my editor yeah I’m a very shitty one too

You’re not a shitty editor I just looked at my other I just looked at the other ones I did yeah I’m a [ __ ] shitty ass shut up no you’re not sweeti yes I am yes there’s always room to improve but there’s room to improve in anything

You do do I know there is I’m just right now I’m a [ __ ] sh you haven’t been doing this for too long likeo nice ask them if they can unmute message I’m not good at streaming he’s currently very busy um I have sent a message though play rushy oh my God I love

Rushy okay how old us because right now it’s not doing what I wanted to do so if I do wait why this I want to create a create channel this out a little bit r l to entertain me there we go thank you cut just read read my last chat in my

Chat please I I am Focus right now please leave me a message at the don’t be okay all right God damn it cut you know that’s one of the sentences I hear the most is godamn it cut I don’t want purple do I do I do I no I want

Blue uh can you do anything in the other rule what do you mean uh can you type into it yes I yes I can no I don’t want people to type into it I are you okay sweetie on please my brain my brain it’s already on the [ __ ] floppy disc right

Now it is pushing so hard it is is literally about to melt just calm down please I am calm it’s you honey oh please please okay what do you need from me just sh I know that they’re not supposed to type I wish should try to see if he can

See it I you I’m sorry I thought you were asking if they’re supposed to be able to type no I know they’re not supposed to type I just want to see if I can he was asking me if I could okay yes which I responded Yes I can allow members to

Activate in this channel oh how the [ __ ] do I do that read message history allow members to delete message no no mention to everyone I know use I went is I think that should be fine something like that I don’t know she’s Timmy come ifmy is z Timmy is standing on an rod

And I didn’t realize that is she te allow members to delete message other members send text message know create public thread everything should be loose sorry you just sneeze okay okay at this point I’m going to pull this gradient out a little bit filling in some that’s I think the pro

Oh wait wait wait if that’s the problem which you Are thank you you’re welcome babe wow they changes and wait but you can’t watch the other one correct I can view I can view the other one now but I don’t there’s no previous messages in there yep no I just want I’m going to try it both ways I’m going to

Try this way first and then the other way the second time yes this one is already ready to go so if I do this do that CL you delete you and then copy you paste you and then everything should be good to go I’m just going to have a fly

Have a look see where I want to place the darker blocks currently this is a lot of light blue that I wasn’t intending so well I can edit the other one now okay all of this all of that round there quite this here is I think that

One’s just broken so let’s this one this one this one this one this one oh I forgot I don’t need to do that but I can just do this this this p and something like guidelines around here all right so there might be something wrong with this program that’s

Not great that’s not good I quite chunky I swear if it’s something wrong with this program and I did something wrong the whole entire time I’m going to be pissed oh okay I’ll this I will clear everything clear all since I got everything already saved now let’s go from

Top that’s right one more time from the top and don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that that and this put this in you spent I have asked Spen to unmute but Spen is busy currently looks insane thank you okay so which rules are this I should re you looking for S pits s this I’m making an error oh I’m going to assume happy cut noises cut out then oh bless him okay so now is that my problem or is that the uh problem now I got figure out if that’s another so now what I’m going to

Do make this one go this one and then the other rules right oh no wait [ __ ] it’s this rules hey did you get it I’m going to delete this one there it there be there be the there be the stuff there be I I can see okay that’s not

Good I going to sleep if you’re tired what’s going for oh just fill this in which one has the two I believe that one that’s the two so this is the point where I’m going to do you like split it into two sections and do it very separately so I can get

All both yes okay can you see the message in the other rules yes I can see the messages in both of them perfect so I am going to delete all of her messages oh why yes don’t kneel anymore oh why don’t KNE me anymore but are they written

Somewhere don’t kneel me anymore but are they written somewhere no I’m just deleting your message because no reason especially in your rules yes there’s there’s no other messages written down I’d believe that to be fair it’s you well when you have a chance go look at Discord

Um no I I trust you on it um oh no apparently you don’t no I I do no apparently you don’t [ __ ] fine I’ll check Discord then Um where the [ __ ] give me two seconds rules a brilliant thank you rules two why are the TW okay that’s fine yes I had to double check and I’m not sure if who can write in this rules one wasn’t working for me and I have created second rules to make sure

That the first rues works all right thank you honey yep so now I can delete this Cham I love you I promise I really appreciate it uh sure you do I do shut up I did all this so I actually looked a little near thank you and no absolutely

Not don’t wor don’t worry to me my my girlfriend does the same thing to me what what do you mean what am I doing wrong [ __ ] what is she doing wrong I was I was oh what is she doing wrong I didn’t say she was doing anything wrong what is

She doing wrong what am I doing doing anything wrong I was just say I was just saying my girlfriend does the does the same [ __ ] to me what [ __ ] am I doing you what oh nope you okay babe nope what’s that nope nothing don’t worry about okay don’t it’s fine I think

Okay go to bed soon if anything I was was that’s really cool I’m really glad you managed to get into that well done that’s actually a pretty [ __ ] massive achievement wait what um someone in my chat’s going to a convention to explain basically what they do gotta all right oh much

Better what you what you look what do you think about the new B I like it thank you oh why didn’t that change it should have change oh it’s changed on mine the RW uh there’s still seven of them no I mean the the spider it does what does it

Shouldn’t say uh the bot anymore or should say rule um I don’t know I haven’t checked since thank hone yeah I don’t care really it’s fine it’s working that’s all matters thank you thanks sweetie love you I love you too even though I think that’s a lot what [ __ ] you bie

Joking I know I’m always so serious I hate you so much now I can look at chat what so what’s going on in chat you’re such an [ __ ] uh let’s see how far you want me to scroll up um is you told me to look at a while um Speedy said something

Really nice about your editing all uh that’s me scroll actually oh my God you’re you’re the best and timn I found how to unmute me this is awesome timn please up sorry found ay tutorial on how to mute someone on Discord from that’s I damn you I got NE you got my message

Retracted why is this message got retracted know I actually didn’t notice that it’s just it’s just kind of been happening like what do I never upload anything thanks for oh you gave him mod yeah message retracted subscribe to cut scene and other dude I like he said the

Other dude I know I did say skyo afterwards the other guy right the one who made identity now the guy the other guy well it’s better than uh guy or what they called what did they call him oh God what did you say instead of gray I called himself something else good oh

No yes inide gr I called him something else I can’t remember what I called them oh goodness I I don’t remember that moment hey to me just look at it no cut you don’t hate yourself hate yourself no yes no I don’t care if you Dax

Me um basically that was the whole thing of like just Open disc talking in Discord can you can I send you some fan mail please to me no it’s a tutorial and it won’t break do you have a PO Box just try it these how can I send

Mail I can send you a pick I almost said a pick then the like like who’s going to send you a picture of a this is Che I also nearly done with your fan I one year it’s and literally I have been working on this so long this oh

Jeez did you get to the bit where Speedy said something really ni I will teach you how to destroy oh going s emotional damage no it might have been before uh um grave while can unmute me please ah there it is you’re a good enough header to entertain me you are

Getting their cut you are the right you’re on the right line yeah on the right track looks no it doesn’t say track so L yes but that’s what that means it says lines now track okay right fine whatever I trying it says Lin I was trying darling darling it says lines it

Doesn’t say track shut upy explain what it meant because you don’t understand jack [ __ ] Dar yes it so Lind dear I’m gonna kill you I’m going to kill you you know the more I think about it the more we are actually an old married couple exactly only looking

Epic s Anthony bless them trying to figure out for two hours oh bless you you sneeze I did sneeze been stream you have been streaming for 6 hours you and Spen is not around at the moment sir yeah Spen has life things SP is

Busy I have to go to bed soon I’m so tired I have a oh right you’re you’re doing the toy of phography yeah okay I almost said something wrong because I said oh oh you know exactly where your head is at not on my Minecraft I kind of read it that

Way too and then I then I took a second look I was like okay thank you so it’s not just me so it’s not just me I just want to point this out it’s not just me thanks the part where there isn’t Glass isn’t looks like a person flopping some flipping someone

Off that’s it well I’m laughing so hard right now okay oh does it I don’t know I just see glass I don’t know I mean same here so why over for to fly down I guess I need some ends again oh my God it actually does kind of

Look like that does it I don’t see it he’s he’s going to be facing he’s facing the left nope go back turn around every now and then what I actually I act I actually noticed that from a I just noticed that from a glance of it

Too sky can you show me what does see so it does huh what looks like someone flipping someone else off where never thought of that she’s she’s the stream’s getting to that part you’re still like 20 seconds behind me on your um on what you’re seeing so need to put in some

Purple can you see it now oh where is it are you talking about the white no it’s the it’s the the bit that doesn’t have glass part that’s not glassed over oh yes now I see it okay I’m going to bring this around here I’m hoping purple’s so live

Does not mean live got it I there’s going to be a nice little picture of that so what you mean when I go edit this going be a nice little picture no wait no no I’ve just realized what you’re doing a picture of no cut scene stop it what

Inappropriate I don’t know what you’re talking about not you said it looks like it’s flipping someone else off I never said that CH no no somebody in chat that said that yeah and so it’s going to be a club going to be next little Club

Good do I want to do purple or black I might want to do black actually black makes more sense doesn’t it black for what um for like the middle bit of the darker blue you know how I’m layering the glass I think I might have to put black layer in H

Okay I wouldn’t say fully black I say more like gray uh yeah the black glass looks really gray No No Gray looks gray black looks black but the thing is the gray is lighter than the dark blue and I need something to make it a bit darker so I’m

Going to put Blue on top of black to make it look like really dark blue blue I’m black would just make it blue no it makes it darker blue because it’s glass no no no you’re playing Blue on Black though yes so technically it be actually black I don’t [ __ ] know still

Recording yes you’re I’m just checking like my time lapse so I half an hour of this stream without the without the time lapse by accident so um no sorry hey F by me that’s work that I have to do just when it cuts to one thing to the other

It’s going to be it would literally only be like 4 seconds of a time lapse so cuz there’s like 30 hours of footage for this time lapse so far 304 I know I had to do this whole damn bill once you’re done I’m sorry I’m sorry I love

You it’s one be hard but you want me to do all these different angles I’m sorry and I don’t like it how do you not have a so touch pick go away I lost it to a zombie you don’t have another one no I used my netherite for my armor that I also

Lost oh my God I know oh my God kind of hungry my tummy’s rumbling I need to actually have dinner it’s [ __ ] like have dinner no I ended up realizing I’m not hungry and only having a stack oh my God dear I know I make bad decisions

Sweetie I yeah one of them was me apparently my foot asleep uh same but for other reasons right so you agree with me I was make I’m allowed to make wheelchair jokes about myself here we go I think this is getting there I’m going to hope this is getting there this

Should if it turns out how it looks in my head I think this should actually look kind of good hopefully um it’s in your head so I don’t know whether you’re trying to say it’s a good thing or a bad thing well it’s in your head so how R suppos

To look at it I don’t know shut up C Ste well you said it’s in your head so how are we supposed to know how we supposed to look out you’re pain in the ass how how are we suppos pain in the ass like how are we supposed to compare

It to what’s in your head you’re a pain all we see is glass you’re pain in the ass yeah but I’m yours so you got to deal with it yeah I got myself into this situation didn’t I oh you can’t always get yourself out of the situation no I like

You well I guess I got to say I like you too well [ __ ] you like you guess oh yeah then I don’t like you thank you I I I don’t really know what where we’re going with this I I said I like you and you said [ __ ]

You I I could have went some else with it list I could said something else with it but I no oh you know you know what whenever my girlfriend does that with me I literally just R yeah I I usually say a couple other things no I just it’s not a stream my

Christian Minecraft Channel sure it’s Christian Chanel right well I’m not going going to say what I’m not going to say what I say I know therefore listen I will say what I say I will say what to my brain I know you too well oh my God

That’s a lot of spiders over there I know you too well to know exactly what’s in your brain oh I know I know exactly you know what’s in my brain as well we have this weird [ __ ] like telepathy thing going on I swear sometimes sometimes you can’t read me for [ __ ] but

The other times like you know way too well if something’s wrong I know when you you need something most of the time it’s the times where I really need you to know that I need something that you don’t know [ __ ] most of the times it’s when

One of us is streaming and I can’t say anything listen I could I listen I had to restart my computer I don’t know what you want me can do it at that point I know no that’s that that’s not a specific time whatsoever bab I’m just saying in

General well I’m sorry that sometimes you mean one thing and you actually mean the other you do the same to me where you D B you absolutely do the same to me you can shut up where you d when you’re like I don’t [ __ ] know you’re just

Awkward uhuh I can’t think of a specific example but you do it oh please share with the class of what exactly you mean I can’t think of AIC example right now and it’s already [ __ ] with me do you can’t think of the example but I know you do

It I do what the thing where like you say one thing and mean another do I though or do I make you think they say that if it’s something that I know going probably make you upset I already neurodiverse I don’t need this kind of [ __ ] with my

Brain listen to be fair I do it to mess with you and it’s funny I know [ __ ] you again right there right back to square one back to square one I’m not okay list I understand sometimes I are an [ __ ] yes yeah well done you get no no rewards for save that

One well I also try you you do to make sure you’re happy you do and you do a very good job to be fair and I’m probably not the easiest person today don’t [ __ ] say anything easy to push shut the [ __ ] up such a dick such a dick last everyone no worries

Um no worries about mod um when are I streaming next I’m streaming on Monday so if you want to be around then streaming Monday and my stream schedules get posted in the community Discord that we have I thought you were streaming Sunday I was going to I’m no longer streaming

Sunday wait what’s going on Sunday work oh I’m working in the evening oh right right [ __ ] I’m not working in the afternoon so I can still work on the video but I’m working in the evening now well hopefully you have fun yeah thank you break a wheel [ __ ] you you’re not even

Funny you know you love me reluctantly I’m so sorry you have to be in the middle of the sky I’m used to it you forget I have to do a lot of the same [ __ ] with my girlfriend what what [ __ ] am I putting cut through I didn’t say you were putting

Him through anything oh the way that Cut’s being with me you have to deal with that [ __ ] from your girlfriend sometimes yeah thanks yeah but Le with her she she dishes a right back which I really do love oh yeah I ain’t letting you [ __ ] get away with

Just abusing me no no that’s that’s the reason why I fell in love with you is that the reason like the solitary reason no but just one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you go on then we the others then I’m putting you on the

[ __ ] spot here you said there’s reasons I want reasons I ha I hate being put this spot here oh my cat’s made an entrance so my give me two seconds I’m hello yeah [ __ ] hi Jesus Christ hi I’m good just my [ __ ] cat jumped on me with no

Warning I have a question for you yeah do you have your community Discord your community Discord invite as a per invite as a what what about it do you have as a permit invite I don’t know cut steam set it up for me I by they are not

Permanent brilliant I told you how to to do it no you were the one that set it up for me the invite link y cuz I originally did it wrong so you redid it for me and then I posted it in my community tab on U I was about to say

Facebook not Facebook YouTube oh why sky is it broken H somebody somebody said oh wait is everything good it’s just my brain my brain being wonky it’s nothing major c yeah I see the link the link brings me to your thing okay thanks I don’t know it’s just it’s

Just I’ve I’ve had issues with it myself is it a you issue or a me issue damn it Justin only deal with you well if it if it’s if if it act if it still works then it’s not then it’s no issue chat say hi to my cat hi hi

Cat I’m having a cuddle with little kitty C things what do you mean you message what what oh he wow he he wrot that hi he said I wrote a message in Discord what are you talking about or not not Discord [ __ ] twit [ __ ] YouTube this goddamn thing YouTube YouTube just call the

Chat I have like I have like three different chats open my bad uh it’s already 9:00 damn it oh my cat’s just thriving in a dress in my wardrobe look you damn cat can I just say the other day um I bought a fancy like evening dress sort

Of thing and I showed cut and he just went into absolute panic and I was like like are you good and he was like oh my God you’re beautiful and I was like she looked really nice in that black dress thank you it Sparkles I know it does fuing Sparkles I

Love it so much you have a ridiculous amount of photos of me in that dress now I have like three that’s a ridiculous amount of photos for me in a dress I don’t wear dresses I have three fours of you yes and that’s ridiculous for me I don’t even have the good ones

Either [ __ ] thanks no I mean it’s like it gets all pixelated and I know and my phone trying to figure out if this is going to actually work the way that I want it to it would be quite nice if it did well there’s a thing about Minecraft

You can just take it all down exactly you know it I know well if you know then I didn’t have to tell you not that oh shut up you can try but you won’t make me shut up oh people have tried lots of yep only one really should told me

To you know told me to shut up and actually made me shut up me I’ve made you shut up before no uh yes not for long no yes not for long but he permanently shut me up who did I’m confused I don’t know this story they they kicked me out of Discord oh

Out Discord CH it’s right I can’t see where I’ve placed end rods on this [ __ ] layer because it’s so difficult to see [ __ ] oh that’s why you do one layer at a time I am doing one layer at a time I can’t see the layers because it’s all glass [ __ ] I

Mean you made yeah what you what I said I said you made this bed now you got to sleep in it I know that we both have to sleep in it no that’s not what the phrase means but okay also it’s the fact that right on a Discord server that we’re both

In um he was making it out like I make him [ __ ] sleep on the porch when we have an argument we don’t even argue like we argue because it’s funny but we don’t actually seriously argue um and he made it sound like I [ __ ] make him sleep on the porch and I don’t

So um it was rainy and cold no blanket pillow such an [ __ ] she was going to make me sleep right in the POR not the cat was going to have the couch no to be fair the cat would have the couch over you see I get the porch wait sweetie you have a

Bed I I got I gotta make sure I write down a sign just in case a Cates like no I’m not homeless my girlfriend just kicked me out I just did you just make me sleep on the porch I know it’s downpouring rain it’s lightning and thundering I’m sucking going to kill

Him elra oh that’s that’s a fun thing for that’s a fun number for my elytra to be on I’m not scared at all it’s fine why what number is it 16 one 16 oh my why don’t you have M gun your D no I don’t know I also don’t have an X Farm

Anywhere [ __ ] near me to mend it well technically you do have one I know but it’s thousands of blocks away and I need to fly to get there and I can’t fly for a light truck no I was talking about I was talking about underneath your Observatory all pretty much a m

Yeah best pool oh that’s definitely a mob cap yeah that’s what I’m saying just go underneath there for like 10 seconds hey look at this all all these levels hoay everything got repaired okay time to go I would become the XP I would not survive under there I always you say survive

Underneath there quite a while I did I lasted about 15 seconds I just I just realized I should a portal I should do a monly I should do like a monthly thing for you monthly what for me it wouldn’t be a short it’d be a full video of

Just like uh like your random like moments what you mean my random moments of you forgetting like don’t like fly or you forget something just like oh so B so basically basically a full thing I’ve just heard being bad at M yes [ __ ] thanks sky but I wasn’t going to

Say that [ __ ] I want I wasn’t going to say it like that because I want to actually did you want to sleep in your bed tonight you don’t want to sleep on the sofa I also just want to preface I do not make him sleep on the

Sofa yes she does no I don’t yes she does no I I don’t she she will make me sleep on the sofa do not make him sleep on the sofa he is lying to you I say sometimes of sofa is comfortable than the bed oh yeah absolutely your sofa is well comfy mine

Is [ __ ] your sofa’s are like literally just pillow though that’s the thing whereas mine’s leather oh no oh that’s why be a suck night no I’m going to be sleeping on the ground i’ be literally if you told me to sleep in that couch or on the porch I am

Going to be taking the porch to be fair I probably I’m not going to sleep on the leather have you ever sweaten so much that the leather of anything gets stuck to you everyone asks me that never happened to me my skin literally like peeled off

Oh like it didn’t peel peel but I mean you feel that peeling of like a skin my whole arm for like red this it just like stuck to the SOA that’s not good oh no it was in this then there was the time in the car too

Where my whole back oh cars are bad like if I’m wearing shorts I will get my ass stuck to my car seat like it’s not good technically you also get stuck in the wheelchair shut up no because mine’s like a really nice fabric so shut

Up come on you still get stuck in the wheelchair [ __ ] you [ __ ] you the irony is in real life is actually very caring for me oh I’m always caring for yeah just not not while we’re not not while we’re gaming there were like once in a while

Like when we’re talking we we say things like this oh yeah but we we don’t actually me we we really do care for each other we do mostly we need not being an [ __ ] so like that I I can at least I can at least walk away okay that was a good

One I don’t know if I like it again if listen if you ever Lally okay looks better for if you ever dump me I just take one of your wheels away oh I take both of your wheels away then you have to crawl back to me [ __ ]

Oh I heard that you are awful Sky stop laughing what’s up the one scker by way you might want to check your left oh oh [ __ ] yeah I forgot that that’s on eight I do do you have enough to fly to your house to your base nope are you sure

Yep do you have a water bucket on you nope I am so confused right now my elytra is on eight durability you know I’m going to take it off for a minute so I don’t try and fly I’m procrastinating going and fixing it yeah I can

Tell because I don’t want to get there just and like die going happen the other way I know I just don’t want it to be yet I don’t want to have so much stuff in my inventory so like I’m using some of the glass you know that was a good excuse

For me to come up on the spot come on like I’m curious as to how it looks so far [ __ ] off [Laughter] Skye that’s why it’s in my inventory cuz I nearly tried to fly did you really try to fly no I nearly did Jee go away SC on oh hell that elra

Is almost dead oh I know I eight I don’t even think it has enough to actually get I don’t think it’s got enough to get me out of here oh most like most definitely not yeah thanks for that Sky oh I’m not there so I can’t catch

You if you fall yes cuz that works in Minecraft yeah definitely it does have a war bucket yes but I wouldn’t not trust you with my Minecraft life how dare you in a bit I’m going to have to go and get some food I won’t be long but I

Will you won’t be long but you will be long no I won’t I’ll literally be like 5 minutes I’ve got leftovers that I just need to Chuck in the microwave well it takes a while for you to Ser up your wheelchair so so I so I may be I may be

In two streams at once okay fun love that you okay why man why not fair enough I I just decided to turn into my turn into my whome friends uh stream oh nice oh hooray the heat kicked down um but yeah once I finished the little blue section

Um I’m going to go and grab some food and and come back but I won’t put my be back screen on because you won’t be able to hear cut in sky and then they can keep you Entertained oh I will definitely keep them no no I’ll probably just be smacked in my face all over the place that sounds about right sounds very very accurate actually I’m so [ __ ] tired how long have we been oh my God it’s been like six and a half hours

Yeah oops it’s been a while oops no this is not going to be I stream uh I need to work tomorrow what game do you have like what games do you have what me or Skye Sky I can’t I can’t tell you every single game that I got I have way too

Many on here I can tell you the three that I have I can tell you some of the ones I have installed like do you have like any of my the games that I have how is he supposed to know what you have there’s no way I can tell an

Idiot like I have I have like three I have like three Age of Empire actually no technically four Age of Empires d installed nope no wait no that no wait no I was right I was right before that was three I have two three and four uh I have Skyrim BL Tower

Defense I have all three Borderlands games technically I have I have I have prequel one two and three uh there’s Halo Samurai Warriors I got Battlefront too the OG one Battlefront uh two of the two of of the of the old school fade games which was an old Diablo Diablo

Clone type oh yep uh 100% orange juice a few Final Fantasy games I have I have elen ring but I don’t really play it damn it uh skym Fallout 4 Starfield and Kingdom Hearts I also I also have Rise of Nations as well all right so so far you have no the

Games I have perfect cut I do have GM cut you can have five guesses actually both of you can have five guesses of the three games that I own Minecraft yes one one them is Minecraft yeah uh some type of dog what like a dog game no you have Sims

Yes yes I know she has Sim you seem like the kind of person who would have Sims I do like I think like Amal crossing that’s why I was TR no so are we talking spec specifically PC gaming yeah PC do you have Call of Duty not anymore she she’s she has

No first person games what else what other game what other type of game would um let’s see let’s see what she I’m going to die now [ __ ] yeah I nearly made it I nearly made it as well oh don’t you have ROBLOX no actually I don’t I have a Roblox hat One Singular

Hat let’s see I see Sims for Sims oh there it goes and blocks Minecraft lots of Minecraft oh [ __ ] what Sammy huh sorry do you have any Final Fantasy games nope you know is it a single player game no so it’s a multiplayer game y g

Mod huh G mod nope you should really know that’s the thing because we’ve had a conversation about it very recently oh among us there we go oh right no to be to be I I still can’t believe I freaking I actually freaking got Sims

Right I knew S I feel like I give Sims Vibes oh I I just remembered the hund kid CH challenge oh yeah you were that now the only question is is is it is it one two three or four uh four SS four yeah I’m saying

You’re like maybe it’s four yeah yes you know Sims like EA just came out with merch and I really wish I could have merch however it’s like 35 for a T-shirt and I’m not dealing with that I mean it’s the thing I don’t like about

Sims I love Sims I just hate how how much DLC there is because there’s way too much it’s like the entire game is like 600 including all the DLC I want the vampire mod uh it’s not a mod it’s a game pack and it’s it’s actually one of the better ones to be

Fair yeah that’s an that’s an act that is an actual thing in Sims yeah yes like I haven’t played Sims and like cber do you still have Sims do I have Sims yeah do you still have it on your downloaded that’s not installed at all it’s literally not installed

Speaking of which I got to change my computer case why because I got a new computer case fun love that I got I got two computer cases that are both broken yes they came in broken oh so instead of seing me a third one they literally just says you

Know here’s your money back so huh yeah I love it I’m [ __ ] tired I’ll go to d b no I need to they decided to say [ __ ] it did they huh oops also cut be proud of me I [ __ ] finished that video script that I’ve been working on for [ __ ]

Days [ __ ] I’m always proud of you so shut the [ __ ] up thank you Jesus Christ be proud of me like I am proud of you I say be proud of me to my chat to my mom to everyone well it’s not just you I could

I if listen if you really want me to say what I want to think about your mom no I have no problem okay then okay then okay then say anything I I didn’t say anything I’m just saying I’m I have few words no do not use them Sky will fill you in later

Yes okay we will follow you in okay my cat is fully asleep inside a dress he’s like properly asleep as well I’m surprised that I woken up by how loud I am stop meowing at my cat no I can’t I can’t help it every time he sees the [ __ ] cat he just starts

Meowing yes to be fair I for phone I’ve started doing the same I’ve started meowing at my cat whenever he meows at me purely cuz C does it I do of habit now you’re welcome no I didn’t want this you’re welcome [ __ ] sake I’m so I don’t care if you don’t

Want it or not I made I made it happen thanks babe really appreciate it um oh I can do the thing the thing didn’t work crap again I’m not sure how long it’s going to take for to show up what you mean I’m going to try to send you

Something I’m not sure how long it’s going to take all right thank you babe but I won’t get until maybe Wednesday so I don’t know how long it will actually take wait I’m so confused I will tell you later okay to be fair I might come off stream

In a second cuz I’ve been streaming for seven hours this was only supposed to be like a 2 or three hour stream and wait what I just streamed for seven hours yeah I didn’t [ __ ] mean to it was supposed to be like two or three hours I mean it just kind of happened

That way I don’t know how I feel obviously that bit needs to be gradiented out I don’t know how I feel this guy the only reason why I was ask I was kind open that we both stream a game together oh sorry um we’d have to find we’d have to find

One but I’m sure we can I mean I’d have to look at I’d have to look at my steam library to see what I got you have Arc what happened spend up wait how do you know if spend up I’m back SP oh what oh oh he just he just messaged in the

Server oh okay um I think once the cuz the rest of it’s going to be quite like dark blue in between all of this benen has Spen is in here right in this Discord uh yes benen is not in my Discord no oh oh yeah I forget we’re not in my Discord

Sorry I can I can I can shoot him an invite real quick let me just grab if you want to if want to be a good buddy a good friend is that is that what is that what a good friend is I’m inviting inviting inviting each other to to your Discord servers

Yes oh I mean I guess I got invite you to mine guys huh I guess I got invite you to mine as Well I can’t forgot that I even have a Discord server okay I forget you have aord server hang on I gotta I got to freaking add him to the to the perms hello hey hello I can’t hear him ah there you go Ben then he’s been mean to me

What she’s been mean to me by the way I’m streaming okay you deserve it thanks oh my God I kick him while kick him while he’s down yep thanks also how is is Tanya Glover person still able to talk in your stream uh yeah someone unmuted yeah it was probably Speedy uh

No no it was me oh okay question is are they still silenced in your server yes a damn it anyway span how are you I’m good good how’s work yeah it was all right nice I I finished up that little bit of the wall by the way oh on your wall

Yeah nice I just got to figure I just got to figure out my tower design I’m going to say like come around here maybe with the glass and have all of this section in as like dark blue from all the way around here to like through here what else needs

Sting oh my goodness I’m [ __ ] exhausted right it’s what yes Jesus Jesus chist Oh my God it’s 3:00 a.m. yes oh my God okay Oops I did a bad span I’ve been streaming for seven [ __ ] hours holy sh sh I only meant to stream for like two maybe three I did bad I

Didn’t oopsy well you’re kind of four or five hours um over that go a little bit have I told you about my 24-hour stream uh no you have not okay I’m doing a 24-hour stream um in in a couple of months I’m I’m in the process of grinding for

It ah um however I’m going to have an open Discord so like you guys can come in and just like be a part of it if you want to and come and go whenever just like hang out in my stream for 24 [ __ ] hours and keep me sane not sure if I

Can oh thanks out of anyone you have to be there everyone else gets a [ __ ] choice I know oh trust me I already know sweetie you have the disadvantage of being my boyfriend I got also the I got also the advantage of walking away [ __ ] that was low Spen he made a wheelchair

Joke that’s not new I know but that was a low one listen I can’t go in lower than you well then again we can’t wait make any death jokes anymore so he still does oh I can you could it just wouldn’t be valid yeah oh it’s so valid when her

Ears die that has happened that is true I do forget that I need to actually charge my hearring sometimes Char yep you forget to charge your phone dear yeah no I forgot to charge my phone and my hearing and you know everything to be fair you are his marshmallow

[ __ ] oh wait what you little [ __ ] I can’t say that on YouTube oops believe I just I lost my filter I can’t believe I said that on YouTube did did you just say something on this on this Minecraft server oops we going ignore that yes we got her we got

Her oh that’s going to be a d short right there Oops I did a bath flip it oh know it’s Ben look look in the chat what is your birthday oh you talking about the live chat yes yeah I’ve just honestly been watching it laughing to myself oh come

On cuz I honestly I mean it doesn’t have to be me to unmute them yeah but it’s like your the person that does the Bots and [ __ ] I don’t want to step on that also I’d break the bot it’s Lally just matter removing a roll I also don’t know how to do that

Oh working boy I have tomorrow off if you’re yes the person who would like to be unmuted in the Discord server are you going to behave that essentially also like no kind of tetts listen they don’t behave we’re just going just be it’s just it’s pretty much just going to happen

All yeah well I think um there’s a difference between like like cut Spen sky with like Tourette’s comments and things like that um I’m AOW yes he has right of passage as like you know boyfriend and like I just go out my way to not do that yes yes however the few

Comments that you make about like disability and stuff is like fine because we are good friends you know so it’s it’s a little bit different cuz I have known them for quite a while that’s all yes and that the same thing with that kind of goes with Freddy as well

Wouldn’t you agree Timmy yes uh yeah Freddy has full license to say absolutely anything he wants we’ve been friends longer than I’ve known anyone here we’ve been friends that’s why I gave fre a pre pet I do love him um like he is incred

He’s fine um so he he is also kind of exempt from that as well to be fair he makes makes jokes about the fact that I’m Ginger and I’m not Ginger H which I think the I think the only one the only one that’s ever tuned into one

Of my streams actually is Spen sorry the only person the the only the only the only person in this V in this voice chat that’s actually that’s actually tuned into one of my streams is Spen I tuned into your streams you yes oh I just never chat CU it’s twitch I hate

Twitch I just oh of course you hate twitch I Haven makes you all Twitchy [ __ ] off you’re not even funny you’re smiling though I win shut up [ __ ] off I’m not oh no [ __ ] you’re you’re welcome thanks for sting that spam saying what I was talking to

Spen well fine AB conversation see your way out of it [ __ ] you she’s my girl if you give one you will your understand oh [ __ ] you that’s quite funny though sorry span but it is I I tried to make sure everything is good before saying it so there there’s a

Little bit of a pause for a reason is this all supposed to be blue oh my [ __ ] God it is oh this is why he is [ __ ] cut steam in the Discord oh yeah he’s allowed to be [ __ ] cut steam yes I am I got special permission it’s cuz he’s an [ __ ] but

He’s my [ __ ] so it’s fine that sounded really [ __ ] that’s fine it’s fine I like it we’re just going to brush over that it’s fine you’re like I love you that’s all you that’s all you need to know shut up if you’re lucky I love you

I feel like I haven’t spoken to you about this SP I feel like it’s so much easier now that we don’t have [ __ ] walk on eggshells and try really hard not to accidentally spill the fact that we’re together I bet yeah cuz if if either of

Us was going to do it it would 100% than me um I would have accidentally said something oh my gosh um you missed the point where chat today was chanting at us to get married oh yeah that did Happ huh to be fair the I was like oh yeah that did

Happen didn’t it yes the whole chat that you and cut had um the other night while I was at the bar that you told me about kind of you what’ you mean I I don’t know if you guys I don’t know which other night you’re talking about uh it was it was

Wednesday Wednesday oh yeah that was the night that we actually announced it and yet again and chat were chanting for us to get married it’s fine by me but no no it’d be funny if we were you know be a while I think we kept them happy though

Yes oh my God this is [ __ ] killing me oh God I said I was going to go get food I never got food [ __ ] oops well then how much longer are you going to be streaming for I don’t know probably another seven hours shut up can she handle that though no I can’t

Handle myself let alone me streaming and with cut on top of that I know I know I feel bad for both of us yeah valid well then again you did say it seems like that sometimes we co-parent cut so we do we absolutely [ __ ] do me and Spen [ __ ] co-parent

You okay yeah it’s true wait does that does that make me does that just make me the fun Uncle yes oh what did you what did you say T-Bone was no no no no creepy Uncle ler no no he’s not here probably at work also

Where did I put my oh it’s right there what was tone supposed to be no no what no no no no text me no text to me yes no no why why can’t you not know it’s funny okay fine I don’t exactly remember uh just let me find it

I don’t remember my exact wording or anything exact wording now I’m really concerned not 2 what do you mean not 24 four 32 okay so T-Bone is the irresponsible ant the irresponsible ant oh no it gets it gets better than that to be honest one of the words that you put in the

Message I don’t even know how to start to pronounce it so what what is it hang on spell it out for me d e l u l u dulu [ __ ] does I it means deluded but like spicy DED so basically mly deluded turns up occasionally with a new unexpected tattoo

Yeah also with at the beginning of the sentence says the single one I didn’t say that I didn’t say that I I got the receipt I didn’t cuz T-Bone’s currently pissed off with me oh Jesus okay um I can’t talk about it on stream is it is it about the the fact

That I just didn’t speak to him for like two weeks but I didn’t speak to anyone including cut for two weeks yes and I was broken and I’m sorry but he knew the reason why and still was like really mad at me for not speaking to him for like 2

Weeks although to be fair I haven’t spoken to t-bone in over a month yeah there we go I think I so oh no but he got really mad to be fair it’s keep on yes yes yeah Valid oh my God oh my God I’m getting [ __ ] I’m going to at least lay this bit of glass oh my god I’ve got sausage rolls in the fridge I’ve got V sausage oh my God there we go would you like to share what you’re singing with the class nope

I’m good I am good what was he saying I am good I am I am fine I don’t know what you’re talking about no no no no sh you sh you sh what were you singing It’s that PG friendly give me the first line have you seen the

Have you seen the latest the last the bank I actually did just watch Green’s episode don’t tell us what happened don’t don’t say anything don’t say anything none of us know I want I watched I watched most of gem stream but that’s about it we’re we’re all betting that um that Pearl is

Won but we don’t know and we don’t want to know until we watch it I mean I know who wins yes don’t [ __ ] tell us I well I’m a GRE to win but green won the first one though doubt what grean won the first season though I know I think

It’s also just about time that Pearl wins winning no he he W the first one that was that was third life wasn’t that yeah yeah it was green it was between green and Scar and they were punching each other into Cactus at the end yes oh yeah we all know Scar’s uh track

Record the second one was double life no it wasn’t the second life was uh the second one was with the Boogyman so it was last life yeah was it last life who who won that one I can’t remember that was Pearl I believe who that one I believe was Pearl has she won

One no it was Scott was SC no no Scott one no Scott one double life no Scott one last life as well which one was last life the second one last life was the second one yeah and [ __ ] really double life was season three and then you season one and third

Life was green season two was which was last life which was Scott El life was Pearl that one was all Pearl okay limited life was Martin hang on yeah I’ve got it so it’s grian then Scott then PE then Martin and then the one that you are waiting to watch the episode for

Yeah I I have it I have it currently up but I’m I’m not watching it right now the thing is right I reckon cuz Pearl’s already won one then it might not be pearl my second guess would be scar because scar oh God right think about it he’s got so many hearts going

Into that and he also doesn’t have enemies as such how does I got say you guys aren’t even mentioning gem who has over 50 at the beginning oh I know I already know what happened to J yeah I do have to say I’m actually surprised that scar did not die from the weather

Oh yeah Scott did very well to get out of that I mean that was funny as whole the weather and the and the worm like try to attack each other it was just funny how he survived I honestly don’t quite know how he survived to be honest

I have zero clue either to be fair he has some power he died we’re good I don’t I I know Pearl was was aiming to aiming to get uh BDubs to win BDubs needs to win one to be fair he does they all need win least one

Ni Jimmy needs to win one this is the first one where Jimmy hasn’t been out first I think winning is a little bit far from now no I think he well I thought he was out first no well he he was still out in like the

He was Lizzy was actually the first out I believe he was like only half an hour out from Lizzy though yeah he wasn’t the first but he was the second he was [ __ ] close but every other life he has been out first yeah which I guess you could say

The curse maybe have might have been broken broken yeah but next series we’re going to fully witness Jimmy first going to be first out next series oh yeah absolutely I love Jimmy though Jimmy’s great also the fact that grien just calls him Timmy and I don’t I know that came from Evo but

Why wait wait green calling him Timmy came from Evo no evo the server that they used to be on ohver it was preh hermitcraft like G server before hcraft I watched all of it and I think it’s because that’s why he thought his name was and nobody just nobody

Corrected him on it so he just calls him Timmy even though he knows it’s Jimmy I know yes or or it could just be a joke it’s at this point it is oh yeah it absolutely is the thing is Martin also calls him Timmy I guess it’s a similar sort of thing CU

Like my name isn’t Timothy yet Freddy calls me Timothy more than he calls me Timmy I like I like how I like how I like how the this is literally just all we we have all bonded over over hermitcraft we have we have oh then again we all play on a

Inspired um server is it her inspired I never knew that I never knew that been playing this for six months did B did in the first place Spen literally told me that that it was hermitcraft inspired no one told me that oh I’ve been playing on this server for

Months I’m sure yes we told you this no one told me yes we did I’m pretty sure I said that in the comment I left on your video no it was do you want to be on a server I’m in and I was like yeah sure not

Thinking anything would come of it and then you come on to my stream and be like the server starting in an hour and I’m like [ __ ] yeah nothing was supposed to come out of it but instead I got a girlfriend out of it yeah I’ve had I don’t I don’t

Quite know how that happened but it was a thing I I honest to God need to stream her need to stream freaking uh mcraft more often yes you do I don’t stream it nearly as much as I should it’s your [ __ ] server please help with what did you say it was my

Server yes B server it’s my server it’s not my server it’s SP server I said it’s Spence server no no you it’s server huh you said was server it’s your server I’m saying like yeah I said that to no it was Sky when I when I say that we actually

Sound Al sorry in my defense I’m still learning uh sure if you guys want call yourself s Alik yes because to me I I literally noticed it when I was watching the L his last video to me everyone with an American accent sounds very similar still cuz I’m still learning to

Distinguish the subtleties between them besides I know where I stand I know where I stand now the rest of with the rest of American okay I understand okay why can’t I find the exact video that I commented on I mean it was probably it was probably a while

Ago it was back in found it right that’s you right huh I could have swore I said something about it being hermitcraft inspired in it but I did not there we go [ __ ] and you can’t can’t SP uh blame Spen what why why can I not blame

Spen Spen was the one that didn’t [ __ ] tell me I didn’t know that I’d have to build a mega base for this SE for this series you don’t have to do nothing you didn’t have to do nothing everyone else is building [ __ ] Mega Bas literally can just be living you

Literally you and me can just be living in the zon house if you really want thanks like you have been all season yeah from day one I lived with you but then but then again now you’ve just moved into my town yes I moved into your

Town I’m trying to build the giant to and I got to do so much stuff with my base oh yeah how was your own fault with how you want to build it how’s our basement going span I have not started it cool I have a lot of projects on my

Plate right now I noticed and you can thank sky for some of them thanks Sky I mean what with that freaking joint project Sky I want a [ __ ] basement well I have a town to finish a wall to finish a river to finish I was say you also can go on the server

Yourself you should stop what should I stop who who says stop um T please help we about to do eight hours like a full-time streamer actually oh oh I am do you see what’s do you see what’s uh on GTA uh no DLC okay so that that’s one thing I

Used to have on PS4 uh what DLC is this Chop Chop okay you can actually get a cop car in GTA yeah you can they’re actually going to allow you to buy a cop car I’m actually was surprised when I saw that I immediately went on

There saw how much it was and they went [ __ ] how you used to be able to do that for free Jesus well no I mean you can actually keep it in the your garage you can actually keep it and customize it you used to be able to do that when I

Play no that’s more a freaking than a freaking uh Zen Zeno is obsolete at this point I’ll be honest you’re not wrong L cars are I’m not even sure if the Zen Turnal is even available in the shops anymore cuz they have removed a lot of the older cars

From the shops can I just say the last time I played I was seven it was on PS2 that’s how far it like back my knowledge goes it’s it’s really that would have been grand theft auto five have been four yes no I didn’t even have

Like it wasn’t 1 2 3 4 5 back then it was like San Andre and things like that oh sanre yes yes sanre you can keep the car in the garage I know which is why it’s like why do you have it is DLC now it’s GTA 5 online you know different

Game technically wait if it was 2007 that would have been VI oh no that’s PSP yeah no Vice City that was O2 wait SK how Sky I said the last time I played was when I was seven and you said oh that’s 2007 how old do you think I am

I’m was saying I’m I’m looking back at the GTA’s oh okay oh I was about to say I hope I hope you don’t really know I hope you do know what AG is making you older than what you are so I was gonna [ __ ] say that might that

Might have that might have actually been Vice City I thought Vice City was really in 2002 it was the the one that was Actually actually it might have been Liberty City store I think on it wow that that one was back in 2005 there was actually not there wasn’t one that came out in 2007 but you know what I really don’t care about the cop car as long as I have my DeLorean my Ghostbusters

Car wait I have to ask do you have a truck I do can you still at least steal helicopters to fly yes okay oh yeah you can buy helicopters too I love that you can have a hanger in the military base so you won’t get Stars when you go into

The military base H they actually added that yes yeah it’s been in the game for quite a while now I did not know that was a thing oh like two months after no just before Xbox one came I believe yeah one came out oh that was that was not a fun time

Everyone stopped playing PS2 and I had no one to play with as a kid it was sad everyone was getting like Xbox Ones and I was like still thriving with my PS1 and my PS2 I still have a PS1 mine still [ __ ] works same I have a Nintendo I have a

Nintendo 64 I have a Nintendo Entertainment System that still works I mean the oldest Nintendo thing I had was my Nintendo DS which still works I I have Nintendo Advance SP swimmers I have like 14-year-old Nintendogs that I’ve just abandoned I mean per I think a lot of

People who had a DS has nintend dogs that are just abandoned n not me oh [ __ ] zombie Satan I don’t like zombies have a fly see how much I also I also lit up my my area a little better I actually think I have made progress near my freaking house I think

You think you made progress or do you know you’ve made progress shut up I think I’ve made progress so you don’t actually know if you made progress or not Sky do you think I’ve made progress you like you’ve watched this throughout the stream progress listen you placed down

The block right yeah okay you made progress congratulations thanks okay I say you still got about another seven hours of work I know I do oh she she has a lot more than just seven oh it’s she’s got she’s got she’s got probably about another like 12 good 14 hours left on this

Thing I’m just talking about for this stream yeah I know I’m also doing the walls just just so I I put that out there I’m also doing the [ __ ] walls so uh love that for me I watched through the entire stream yet to be fair there have been some pretty good commitments in

Chat so yeah I’m I’m I’m going to bed actually no I’m having dinner and then I’m going to bed well I say that I’m going I’m having dinner then I’m going to hang out with cut until I fall asleep um so thank you another stream huh I’m probably gonna

Join another stream yeah probably yeah to be fair so thank you so much for joining the live to you know spend cut sky and thank you so much if you’ve been in chat and I hope you have a good rest of the evening and I’ll see you in the next one bye peace

This video, titled ‘Come build an observatory with me in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Timid Sink on 2023-12-16 04:07:38. It has garnered 54 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 07:49:10 or 28150 seconds.

Hi lovelies, come and build the interior of the observatory with me!

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    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK:… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More