Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry’s Skibidi Toilet Escapades

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most of my people strugg stress political corruption SK the toilet hey hey Chloe Rogue thank you very much for the two months in the show or IRL I think in the show I don’t know I saw a tweet I saw a tweet exod think for the 10 months as well you like the shirt Chad do you like the shirt do you like the shirt it’s like towel oh I don’t know why I went there to rub it it’s like a towel towel material guys my Raven cosplay came today does anybody want to see it does anybody want to see it um I will be wearing this out in public I’ll be going on the Saturday the 25th of May it’s my birthday on the 24 we’re going in Cosplay on the Saturday doing an IRL stream there by the way chat Danny thank you very much for the five months holy holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] uh okay chat let me let me I’m going to draw over it a bit I’m going to draw over it a bit hold on just for for the dude I didn’t tuck and Max agrees it needs some drawing over chat wait okay I it kind of eat though right you’re is pulling it down it’s not terrible dude it’s not terrible it’s Onika Burger this is Onika burger right this is this is uh this is uh they didn’t scam off the website it needs some coverage and I need a a full body wax too I will be shaving my legs did you show your parents no and I don’t plan on it I don’t plan I told my dad I was going as Raven from Teen Titans that was it I didn’t tell him who Raven was I didn’t tell him I didn’t tell him anything I said I’m going is RA from te Titans and he went oh who’s that and I go it’s this girl uh cuz we’re doing like a me and my mp are like crossdressing and he went oh that’s cool that’s it I’m not I will not be showing it uh to uh him at all okay but this with your black jeans would do just fine no that ruins the cosplay are you going to wear underwear maybe well chat my biggest fit Max has seen it from the back dude it’s so tight on the back I’m scared when I take it off there’s going to be uh like brown stains it’s like a it’s like a dude Max Max you I can show the picture of it from behind no no it actually might be to but you going to flash someone no I’ll be tucking I think that changes it right right um You probably can on Twitch no just to be safe I won’t ARA AR I’m sorry you came into this thank you for your thank you for the four months oh my God wait you eating that’s what I was saying kayak that’s dude the leg days have finally paid off please wear some tights uh does Raven wear tights guys this is a comic accurate cosplay come on who the hell do you think I am that’s fail RP that’s fail RP I’m not going to wear tights wear white tights what’s the fun in that what’s the fun I can’t show off my massive F if I wear white tights chat Raven legs a lot no I’m doing the I’m doing the yes he does yes he does that’s like a whole thing right right there’s probably some variation of Raven where T dude there’s a just cuz there’s variations doesn’t mean I need to I need to do that one this is my own one chat where’s the belt do I not have the belt on in that picture I do right right I’m serving a bit what did your girlfriend say about this Fiasco we won’t get into that won’t get into that but she’s still she’s still down to uh to wax my ass for it is wait CH is my body Tea do you think my body is tea chat I think it is do I have tea body yes body is so tea do I say that fits up your bum you need a waxing to be fair Max the what I sent to you I did pull it up I uh oh my God low it what’s with G man in chat already ain’t even been live for like 10 minutes um bro is never getting that Brazilian CH you know what scares me about the Brazilian is it’s the Bulls I do not have 10 the balls okay that will hurt you need ticking tucking tips from Trinity the tuck what is that is that a tongue twister no Travis will teach me how to tuck MP MP said he’ll show me but that okay that sounds bad that sounds that sounds that sounds like that like he’ll do it for me um but uh um boyfriend lover be honest do you horse gal I think that’s horse gal I’ll be honest your thighs might start chafing is the only reason I’d wear tights dude chat when I wear jeans my thighs chafe okay I’m just big I’m just a big guy all right there uh I I wear like [ __ ] tracks bottoms and I and I ca I don’t think there’s anything I can wear and my fires don’t CA God I love going live and the Sun is up now oh you know what I watched CH I’ve never watched a planet of the H movies I watched two of them last night why did no one tell me how good they were why did everyone tell me how good they were I watched rise of the pl the Apes and I watched Dawn of the Planet of thees I thought it was like a shitty Blockbuster about like monkeys hanging out they’re [ __ ] awesome they’re [ __ ] sick Bro they’re so sick they’re so they’re actually really good films and they’ve got silly cheeky monkeys wait really yeah haha look at Twitter good one Sarah Simons [ __ ] sake dude you know how proud she is of this joke so you know how proud she is she texted Tom the exact same thing this morning and then Tom sent it to me so so she was she was uh she was on it she was on it I no I do I love Sarah that’s actually the goat that is actually the goat man what are we putting on clad do you remember this [Music] song I give you something to do please tell me you remember this visualize it not again dude I love this song visualize it visualize it alien [Music] dude what a tune is it the peanut butter Jone yes it is this in a field dude this in a field with like when when I was listen this music is when I would get absolutely [ __ ] wankered of like two ciders I need to go back to that I might Chad I might have an alcohol tolerance break um no that’s a lie I’m not doing do that I’m not doing that [ __ ] that you like 10 yeah no I U the only reason why I’m like I have alcohol toic break is cuz Tom didn’t drink for like five months so when I saw him he had one cider and got plattered off of it and I’m like dude that’s the move that’s the move that is the [ __ ] move your track R to good those anyway what tolerance breaks he is oh to be fair he’s a lightweight he is a proper lightweight oh also cat guess who got approved for that Esther guess who’s officially going to [ __ ] America I’ve got the flights in the hotel now God speed God speed California I’m coming I’m coming California um the bad news is chat I um I don’t think probably could probably could are you going to VidCon yeah Tom’s taking me um um I uh so I pled my a was like you won’t be doing any the a thing was like you won’t me do any work out there will you and I’m like no so I don’t know if I’ll be able to stream but also I don’t know if um they care I right right I might be have to sneak one in I might sneak one in but even if I don’t chat I’m going straight from America to Amsterdam um I’m s America’s Amsterdam so uh you guys can get we have like a a 10 person Airbnb and Amsterdam I’m pretty sure we’re going to have and I’ll do a couple I’ll do a couple ones there I’ll do a couple ones there oh chat the return of average Harry YouTube is uh is happening I filmed a new video today I filmed a new video today I um over there’s this inel 4chan dating website which I went Undercover on and oh my [ __ ] god that dude oh I won’t even spoil spoil I w’t even spoil i w even spoil i w even spoil it but yeah no there’s like a a bunch of cool [ __ ] is this the fem cell dating website yeah docious um what do you mean I’m undercover like I set up like an Insel profile well yeah undercover dude I’m not an Insel Chad I one inside if you’re a woman one inside if you’re a woman respect see would an inel do that would an incel do that exactly exactly exactly make you an in why cuz they like hate women I think you R of a sexist though no Adrina he’s only sexist to you there’s a difference there’s a difference ad you know who was actually really scared when you were saying I my chat I think I think I think me and me and MP and zo both have like uh no I think I I’m scared of zo’s chat and uh MP scared of my chat which I don’t know why you guys are nice right you guys are nice right what’s up Timothy’s gaming portal I think I’m always scared with chats explain this you [ __ ] live what is this oh my God wait my Firs are sticking out live here on my alt to chat like just to talk and have fun and I have like 70 to 100 views at night you being sexist on your old no I wasn’t you’re [ __ ] mod is an absolute [ __ ] Adrina said you’re being sexist no I was not I’m not sexist I am not sexist only towards her true but she deserves it at this point now that’s yeah honestly true I would never true true wait true that’s so true wait yes yes yes yes I think he’s sexist guys I’m not I love having sex Zing let’s get some omega LS in the chat I’m going to switch my hat out what ha should I put on let me think oh guys I found the perfect one I’ve joined mispits no I’m joking I’m joking I’m [Music] joking guys I’ve joined Miss Misfits gaming who’s excited who’s excited for a Misfits average Harry and I’ll be doing content with what was in there what the [ __ ] was dude there are bits of who the hell is calling me there are bits of like prawn in the misfit’s Hat what what the [ __ ] Max dude Max you’re FaceTiming me in my old iPhone 7 guys it’s Misfits prawn day what do you want Max hey chat you can talk to him so I was looking my okay I [ __ ] hate this dude I [ __ ] hate this [Music] dude guys I’m going to Salt I’m going to saltburn everywhere D I picked up and you put the phone down oh my god dude just call me on Discord I beg I beg I beg I actually bag guess I won’t show you my pride flag wait no look at umph what happened oh you unmodded yourself arrina wait I can’t mod on chat arino hold on C say pop friend Adrina POG welcome to the moderator Team guys for anyone who missed it by the way my chat’s basically like uh you can do whatever you want because uh Crips has been Perma banned they Perma banned uh cp’s account for saying you wanted to send an explosive to my house and uh now head mod crypticism is gone um I think he’s trying to peel it though but um what I going to say oh I’m going to be doing a birthday stream I’m sorry Adrina Adrina I’m sorry I’m going to be doing a birthday stream chat um with like everyone at Toby’s office like all the streamer men will be there um and it’ll be uh very fun and we can dance and get silly you lose head mod you’re being sexist to your temp head mod dude I’m not Adrina POG I apologize for my [Music] sexism like a SM boat on the ocean sending big waves into motion like out a single H can make a heart open this is what the suffer gets fought for and all those things I didn’t say the wrecking balls inside my brain I will see it’s loud night this is my fight song Take Back My Life song wow wow hope you guys like that I hope you guys like that a lot Kafka exe thanks so much for the prime chat do you guys ever think that my uh streams are quite Kafkaesque do you guys think that I think they’re quite CF my streams are very cfaes and uh yes that’s what I was thinking right they are they are uh I need the song today I just won in court today so that song is my song today what did you what happened don’t unless it’s really sad uh most of this Chad is Googling right now you have a very Kafkaesque Vibe Chad I have a very Kafkaesque Vibe that’s what I think I think that too is that where the word kek came from what Kafkaesque no kek came from foran cfes came from the dude who wrote metamorphosis hi Izzy you were close though you were very close close of course you would know yeah you guys know me guys I love for clam hey what should I name my new cat I’m thinking a human name I’m thinking um [ __ ] I think you should call him [ __ ] Insel dating side for Chan interesting dude shut up shut up shut the hell up what should we do we’re going to game I think think I’m doing an early stream cuz I have uh uh so I can poach with the max GG’s viewers and cuz I have something to do it like 10ish um so uh how do we know the guy who wrote Metamorphoses wasn’t on forchan wait true actually true dude it’s so hot in this room I’m going to should I get naked maybe wa Maybe maybe yes Max that’s all get the Raven suit on dude if I put that Raven suit on it’s like so tight I’m I’d be sweating like a dyslexic on countdown bro you know how PE that would be absolutely not absolutely not no chance there’s no way I can put that on and I’m not doing a stream I’m not doing a stream with it on um until um uh ComiCon until ComiCon like a what a dyslexic on countdown why is like a they’ll be sweating they’ll be stressed man hi Ty hi Ty hi when is ComiCon um the 24th the 25th and the 26th AR did you get a wig do you think I should get a wig do you think I should do you think I should good doing ComiCon with Raven bro what is that supposed to mean yes I get paid tomorrow I might get a wig I’ll get a wig CH also I um I’m so I’ve realized the reason why I’m so not productive most of the time because I spend 90% of my time not at my house and I all I can do when I’m not away from my house is stream so I’m going to buy a uh a a a portable computer we going to buy a portable computer um so I can edit and [ __ ] while I’m down in Brighton so and I want to do weekly videos don’t hold me to that don’t hold me to that don’t hold me to that but yes there’s um there’s so much [ __ ] I’m involved in which I can’t talk about by the way there’s so much cool stuff happening a laptop close it’s not a laptop it’s like a it’s like a PC um but it’s like it folds up and you can take it with you uh can you tell me no cuz I think it’s an NDA thing um you look like anything for views dude if you say that again I will kill myself I’m serious don’t say that again Max Max Max Max can you remember our interaction with uh Chad anything for views can I tell the story please can I tell it I’m going to do it anyway call me yo yo I was just here to assist you with your story okay goodbye kayin bye um okay chat basically this was 2021 right uh yeah it would have been 2021 because we were just so stupid we so so it was 2021 when around Twitter spaces first came out me and Max used to do spaces every night and also do you remember when I fell asleep on one yeah that was I fell asleep on a space apparently I think I was uh I’m pretty sure I fell asleep on space down in Brighton um I think Percy was uh was one of the was one of like the hosts but anyway me and Max were doing a a Twitter space and for reference the the the 2021 Minecraft scene was very like uh intense right it well you if you’ve been around long enough you know what it was like but also you have to you have to remember that like back in the day had there was a lot more people with a lot of followers if that makes sense you you had like Stan accounts of like 50k followers our our spaces had like like hundreds of people in them for no reason yeah and in the viewer list I think it was me you R gmcw and like j a right and then Chad anything for views comes in in the viewer list and requests and the way I treat Twitter spaces whenever you get some of enough followers in there the vi account just triples okay and we were both like 16 who was who we saw big numbers and went yes yes yes Chad came up I think he was only allowed to be a speaker for about a minute and I think he dropped about five different slurs in that and and he was like and he was like he was like really drunk and he was like he was like dude he was like dude I want to beat my girlfriend so bad but he was like completely serious we were like what the [ __ ] dude and it was like I have never okay wait sorry just have to make sure I don’t know if it was his girlfriend just want to make sure I don’t get some sort of this catches up to me and I I’m accusing him he wanted to beat girls though that’s what he did say though I I was going to say I only remember him dropping crazy crazy uh crazy slurs um and I was like holy [ __ ] did we get in trouble for it no because we were we sounded so scared we like kicked him up like I’m really sorry guys I’m really sorry God yeah oh yeah he used to pay stone par to let him say the AR and Sh used to gift him 20 Subs so he could say it per stream how crazy is that I don’t even I don’t even remember him like I don’t even remember what we used to do with like on stream with him with who Stone par yeah we used we I I just the only thing I I remember is when we did that [ __ ] sponsored stream for him and I’m not even going to lie the game was so fun dude I love that game I give it want to get a back stock of it the one time that’s great dude well St B he like works at Disney now doesn’t he I don’t [ __ ] know only my dude imagine how dude imagine how terrified you’d be going into Disney and you see him imagine he plays um one of the characters did Stone just disappear yes that’s what happened he just yeah he disappear decided to quit that was it that was it um um wait um I about M sorry do you remember when he said you’re 14 I’m continuing this conversation what he said he said that in my chat because I asked him if he’ ever if he’d lost his virginity and he meant to say you’re 14 I’m not continuing this conversation but he didn’t type it right that was like uh who was it in M was it kayak who put the uh put an emote of a cat and said can we get an emote of this guy blowing you and blow up that was so [ __ ] good that was so good it was that one can we get an emote of him blowing [Laughter] you I think D I think the one of the worst streams I’ve done chat does anyone remember the April 21st stream what was it um where I went live the day after 420 for about an hour and a half and then I realized holy [ __ ] I’m still [ __ ] dude the pictures I have with you on 420 is so fun bro it was like I you know I’ve I’ve seen my fair share of people hi I have never seen someone like you on that it was a thousand it was a thousand milligrams which ones do you have um just like there’s like hold on I’ll send them to you but bro Harry was we were like sitting in a group of six in a circle were you there yeah oh was that oh my God yeah you were yeah you said that like I wasn’t meant to no I I I can’t remember you being there did we so yeah a lot um so we’re sitting like a okay I’ll I can show the one on the right so I don’t want to in criminate anyone else hold on I need to censor something though um so we’re we’re sitting in like a circle group of six and Harry’s trying to tell a joke and he’s like but he’s like his eyes are so squinty doesn’t know what’s going on he starts talking to someone someone else in the group and uh and he goes oh my God this is just like Lego fortnite you look just like Lego fortnite and then he starts laughing is’s like I can see Lego fortnite dude I could I actually could I was witnessing Lego fortnite like it was like it looked identical to Lego fortnite like I no I remember that part so vividly this is such a powerful image D I love the first one oh I I love that one too but I can’t show it you know he uh just sat there and you kept falling asleep on top of not like falling asleep like closing your eyes on top of him and like shaking with laughter and I don’t remember a time in the night where I wasn’t laughing it was like a constant like like a constant there’s not a time where I remember not laughing was a good what the [ __ ] is Lego fortnite they’ve added to fortnite a Lego mode where it’s all Lego and it looked just like that no but it did and you won’t believe me No One Believes Me but it looked identical Lego for SP as F I’ve never played it is that actually good is it good what did like everyone everything everything looked like Lego fortnite but it looked like I was watching a let’s play do you see what I mean CH you would just say the these kinds of sentences for like hours dude it was awesome I’m oh I’m so excited for Amsterdam I’m so excited visit you one of the days really yeah we booked the Airbnb uh when are you leaving the 4th oh I come visit you one day say hi Oh my girlfriend will be there too so no I’ll have met her by then it’s okay no yes no I’m meeting her a week and a half you’re not invited to my birthday yes I am you invited me yourself no you’re not I’m I’m retracting the invite I don’t want you trying to I don’t want you trying to get with my girlfriend Max so I know what you’re like [ __ ] I was really hoping to get with her but now yeah I know that for God’s sakes man what you most excited for Amsterdam in USA um Amsterdam uh the uh architecture and USA just being there how long you go to the US for 3 Days yeah I think it’s something like that stinky rat boy I know you thank you very much for the tier one no dude I’m not like I I’m not like uh oh hold [Laughter] on sorry I just got to DM I got to DM uh I can’t I can’t show you I’m on strict role you going to the USA that’s rough what have for Americans dude I’m so excited I’m actually so excited you can’t drink in America wait true true three days no drinking no but I can drink on the flight I can and aren’t the drinks complimentary uh depends what what who are you flying with I know I know I’m they put me in economy first CL I’m in economy F but I’m I’m surely you can get his ass going to cry CU he can’t drink I will find a way to drink legally I’ll find a legal way what’s the drinking agent Canada Calamity thanks for the gift I saw the DM that Jina sent that’s awesome how how what’s the drinking age in Canada I can go to I can do a day trip to Canada right yeah you can go to the six oh scared of the six harms are edit do you know it I think so I saw it today I think CH what do you guys know about the scared of the six Hamza edit hi Harry say hi back hello Dumbo twitch guys let me put on the scared of the six hser edit God I just got jump scared by that picture of me in the ra cosplay dude I should wear CH should I wear the Raven cosplay on Halloween is it this one one in CL if you’re scared of the six oh my god do you see Kendrick dropped no he didn’t he did he literally dropped [ __ ] Alum last night shut the [ __ ] it’s called to pimp a butterfly oh yeah did you guys see Kendrick dropped listen look listen to this [ __ ] listen party all right let’s see if he disses Drake C let’s see if he disses Drake hey S turn this [ __ ] up [ __ ] turn this [ __ ] up [Music] what you see Kendrick just Dro man what did you what did you say what is this you know the goat You Drake um versus um who the [ __ ] is that one guy everybody taging he’s so ass he can’t W [ __ ] garbage tagging is the [Music] [ __ ] Dr Lamar Kendrick Lamar Drake dude we need beef we need beef to not just be a rapping thing imagine if all artists had beef I need I need some Fiona Apple bork beef how crazy would that be right that would be a movie we need uh we need some of that you know miles won the beef chat CH if I got involved I would have won the beef that’s all I’m saying all right I heard you on the cipher yeah you heard it I have I might uh why is why it’s called beef just a thought dude Jack films would love that for your grammar sucks episode that was such a nce joke that was not oh [ __ ] man it sounds like you and Corby be best friends in Middle School you’re always pitting two queens against each other hash misogyny okay fine we need um what other beef do we need who’s who’s uh a dude I don’t know many male artists chat because I only listen to women because I’m a feminist josier versus Ed Sheron dude Ed Sharon would sweep that man let’s be honest Alex the Viking thank you very much for the prime do I say I love I love I love that sh I love that man the name feminist literature that you’ve read yeah Harry he coming to me I’ve read uh Dorian Gray is that a I read over Wimpy Kid Dog Days I read Alfie days the pointless book oh family girl online by Zoella a yeah Tracy Beaker um those fairies I’ve read uh Icebreaker chat Let’s do an icebreaker listen along Icebreaker book by she twists in Ryan’s arms and uses the back of her hands to wipe the tears from her eyes a you lie to me again see this that shows um The Suffering women go through 26 Nathan pinch of saffron no a pinch why is this what is who is the dude reading this he ignores my question quirks an eyebrow huh the porn dude the PN dude I love the who’s this is ass put on Twilight what is Icebreaker even about Joe Arena 2 is out of action for the foreseeable visitor list give his name to the guy in the lobby it works and thankfully he doesn’t ask one which is the moment I realize there is absolutely no way it will fit in my mouth you think you read it in one all I’m not going to we’re not going to carry on playing those we’re not going to we’re not going to carry on we’re wait what was it I didn’t know where did it go from here or anywhere else for that matter okay that’s where it goes from there guys they were talking about a hamburger they were they were talking they were talking about a hamburger do you like hamburgers Max uh yeah do you know why they’re called that uh they were were they made in Hamburg no close it was made by putting ham in a burger bun oh well how do they name burger buns Jonathan burger oh okay he came up with them I believe you no I might invent my own food we can we still invent food or you think we’ve done it all this is the thing I was trying to think of a new color it’s just like you can’t do it no okay I’m going to make a new color I think I can make a new color quite easily actually yeah yeah I’m going to call this color um black pink oh yes I st is that good cat is that good Ace kid thank you so much for the prime is that good wait I actually can you do reck you can make a new color in paint no this one add to custom colors this one’s called Harry Green you use every bodly fluid in your body you can make a new color but you only have like two bodily fluids don’t you blood and [ __ ] and blood and [ __ ] look very similar oh I think you need to visit a doctor Chad imagine how dude imag how crazy be if your [ __ ] was like uh like white like something which isn’t red wait your C’s red dude my com’s like like green I I shoot like slimy ropes e e e I realized it sounded much worse they love you over at Nickelodeon e e it’s called the kids’s Choice Awards Harry I can’t do that but they don’t slime kids they slime like Taylor Swift okay that sounds horrible guys I’m a feminist that’s not what that’s I really should have thought that Harry Megan bitchell tweeted something girl who says guy who says needs to blow off steam and then goes to Disney World that’s not true that’s that’s not me that’s not me that’s Stone do you just call Megan a [ __ ] no that’s her name you know what I wasn’t going to drink this is driven me to Resort of alcohol dude where is it wait have you seen my uh my new tweet wait I actually look like an alcoholic just having these ha put them back what’s your new tweet we need to actually have a conversation about that can we can can we can we have a talk hello what’s with the m the Phantom tax emag cuz this is well drawn art you they be mad if I stole it and tweeted it at you no I maybe I don’t know they never they never got mad at mopa bot for doing that chat oh my God open there recent oh my [ __ ] god [Laughter] J M prag what do you think it’s like an actell wait wait wait wait wait he actually called me as you said that dude this is do you think what are their likes I wonder know if it’s all they do is like like mine and Max’s tweets I put Harry art on Twitter just got gay porn that tends to be what happens that tends to be what happens sorry I was wondering if you wanted to hang in a minute but but I realized that I’ve actually been caught in a do you know have you John have you heard of emag yeah unfortunately would you how would you feel if you got empeg art made of you um I’d be disappointed I wouldn’t even be angry me and ma ma have bad news are you [ __ ] serious Max send it did you make it did you commiss someone no no this is a fan art dude he’s he he’s gone silent I think he’s killed himself Johnny Johnny Johnny hello [ __ ] oh oh my Lord hello hello I think he’s mad what do you think hello hello I’ve I’ve just come back what the [ __ ] is that do you like it a pregnancy is a beautiful thing dude I can’t even get pregnant well have you I just said dude I shouldn’t said that so loud have you tried uh no not yet I haven’t well then we don’t know I I can’t I can’t say this out loud the whole family just walked past me I turned around and all they were all staring at me kids included show show the parents show the parents the emag No it’s it’s been too long I can’t run back and and uh and call them over and say hey look at this look at this man that’s pregnant that’s you this is absurd yeah I know but you I’ve got to make it a bit more you know more secretive it’ be weird if if some guy just came up to me with a picture of himself pregnant if you yell the word EG or gift you a sub y yeah y oh I’m yeah L you’re not getting a sub you’re not getting a sub someone in har chat give me a sub instead no absolutely not thank you guys remember what your parents told you about not trusting people on the internet that’s what that’s I’m TR you for four [ __ ] years too long I don’t know what to tell you shouldn’t have you’re not getting a sub mate no chance someone from your chat will will do it you know I’m doing a picnic stream today are you what time in about 20 minutes maybe thanks for the selfpromo you prick if anyone if you want to shout me out uh but what are you up to uh kicking you out the call okay I don’t be I I need to go because I should Max Max Max Max what’s the shape of Italy uh a boots you kick him yeah see you bye never Kitty thank you for the four months thank you for the four months oh little sing song that was a little sing song that was a little sing song sing song Oh someone sample that someone get Fred again to sample that that was powerful [ __ ] all right let’s game you gay as [ __ ] I’m not gay I’m not gay reply to my tweet whenever haha hype shy what did you tweet at me [ __ ] off [ __ ] off do I love I think I leaked do I just leak a notification Tom message group like what’s everyone doing tonight and Freddy was like I’m going to chess club I love that man I love that man wait dude I should become real EG do I have a condom okay like to like to blow it up so I can look uh so I can look pregnant I don’t think I do [ __ ] no CH you know where like I give myself boobs I going to do like that bit where I made myself pregnant right all right what do we want to play what do we want to play I have lethal company think I can get a lethal company Lobby I bought it and never played it pegle anyone have any pegas any pegas any pegas in chat oh zoy and everyone are doing [ __ ] sponsored streams right now they’re playing Guns and wheels you this looks awesome I want to do that all right guys show of hands if you want a if you want to if you want to if you’re a peger we’re on clar we’ll do um tomorrow we well we might we can probably do both actually I want to play uh the convenience store and I want to play the anomaly one want to play the the anomaly one please not pegle are you not a pegala are you not a pegler are you serious D I saw uh I met I met uh I saw Sarah the other day Sarah Simons before she went away all of stream men were around we uh we instead of sitting having a nice conversation we sat and played pegel and uh pass the controller around and we all played you should play Tetris wait what games do I have wait Chad do you want to play poo Island I never dude there are so many games we were playing on the on the on the twitch thing and we just never like finished them all right poo Island one in chat for poo Island what’s poo Island it’s a platform again but you guys play as well every time you type in chat a little small poo version of you comes in and tries to kill me it’s awesome it’s awesome as [ __ ] oh wait do you think uh go back to sh ditch what was that what the hell are you talking about I’ve never I’ve never I’ve never even lived there wait chat do you think I’m going to have to like restart it cuz I beat most of it at Toby office I’m Francis Francis B you got the wrong I’m I’m you’re close close but I think you got me mixed up with my other friend please tell me oh which no also going to say it took me like 50 minutes to get to where you are in poo Island will you no that’s not that’s not true chat don’t believe that Ty is lying okay hold on oh wa I think I need to connect to Twitch connect to Twitch connected hold we’re connected we’re so back we’re so back okay let me update my settings oh you come already spawning man I need to set everything to all right we set a 20 second uh hold guys you can’t even see it stop typing please please okay okay it’s time watch this I think I’m back at this level but I know how to do it now so it’s easy [ __ ] off Adrina POG all right watch this I know what I’m working with now wait it’s so laggy all right chill chill chill I forget uh I forget Toby’s PC I was playing on I had like an I9 and a f90 and I have like a I have like a 1660 and like an i1 okay Bang Bang all right mandom allow it allow it allow it it allow it oh my God there we go yeah then [ __ ] off man we’re so cute why does he kill us you guys are evil you guys are evil that’s [Music] why whoa get G briefcase juice the [ __ ] goat thank you oh hold [Music] on low it low it preising Chat predis thing hey have a nice day you too I I I I I hope you’re doing well I don’t see you as much but thank you so much for the 18 months I hope you’re th then all right let’s all uh stop talking chat that was my bad you know what that one was my bad yeah I’ve got hops mandom I got hops don’t trat to me [Music] I’m so calm though like I’m actually like I’m sick allow it allow it dude I do an elder ring stream where I where I do a shot every time I die I’ve never played Elden ring right okay I need to I need to time that jump better is Elden ring hard I like to think I’m quite good at video games did you do GTA chaos mod oh my God wait it actually might work now now that I’ve [ __ ] like reset my PC and [ __ ] [Music] [Music] if it works Adrina [Music] yeah dude the game is so laggy I actually I cannot run poo Island a [ __ ] [Music] off oh I might be the goat all right mandam [Music] dude I’m so chill I’m so chill why is someone who the hell in my CH just quoting Invincible hello you’re doing great I know watch this what the [ __ ] what what is your FPS dude no my game is just uh act my my PC is just garbage I just have garbage [Music] PC oh my God hi [ __ ] chat new person Crypt you know what I feel like being really nice today and giving a new chat the moderator role OG cryp welcome welcome to the channel and um OG Crypts there you go o Crips guys new head mod Oly Crips everyone beat oh my God [Music] hello I can’t run it dude okay no we’re [Music] good we’re good we’re so back we’re so back we’re so back [ __ ] my life we’re so back [Music] yeah what’s your relationship with religion it’s gel but I’m uh not for [Music] me I know I’m like uh I’m going I’m Ronnie you piece of [ __ ] [Music] I’m like it religion having I’m really interested in but there’s not anything I’d ever do like I just think it’s a cool thing right oh hold we’re good [Music] okay M I’m [Music] locking oh yeah okay no no no no [Music] are we freaky guys one gifted sub I’ll get freaky can you look at the pin message I’m on chat Arena what is it it doesn’t it doesn’t show me I can’t use my like OBS plugin cuz I’m running off the Cloud Server it doesn’t work I want to eat some oysters with a gay man in Cape Town wait true sirious not a turtle thank you for the one all right after this death guys I’m going to get free key that was it that was it I’ve just got freaky dude gray sweatpants and a Lea chair in this heat you guys should be lucky you guys can’t smell me through this stream I got a serious case of swamp he my mates bye Calamity have fun I’m eating dinner okay guys I’m going to be nice and friendly because because SE third head mod Rosy posy is eating dinner chat no profanity what the sigma what the sigma dude am I do I just suck har can I be head VIP uh Rony can you get a [ __ ] job [ __ ] off Ronnie [Music] [Music] I’m locked in I’m locked in I’m locked in you hate autistic people not true autistic people are uh awesome anyone inide autistic what what am I [ __ ] all oh I’m the goat chat we’re so back chat we’re so back look at this little [Music] thing L it [Music] see my update sent you in [Music] DMS let’s [Music] see no well cryp it’s a good thing Krypto G is your first account [Music] right Chad have you ever seen any want check called Crips before I [Music] haven’t I haven’t yeah exactly I don’t even know who that is and then pre this little thing I’m getting better at the froze though [Music] okay maybe I spoke too soon there bang this be a per name sounded similar yeah yeah I know the perver you’re talking about but that’s a completely different [Music] person yeah I want to do a saon in July are you mad I wonder do SUB one in July cuz I’m going to have to take like uh from like very end of June to very start of July I’m going to have to take a bit of time off just like traveling and [ __ ] but I’d like to do uh a saon and I’ll have my Cloud Server for it and uh Toby probably let me borrow his actual backpack so uh we can do so much cool IRL [ __ ] it’ll be awesome OB call thank you for the 12 months guys opart you know I think you’re my favorite chatter if your baby takes 12 month there’s something wrong dude I was born after 6 months I was incredibly premature Is that real yeah you guys do you guys know about the helmet stuff everyone um I most of stream men didn’t know I told them and BR doesn’t know how to wear a helmet for about a year growing up uh cuz I was born with a [ __ ] up P um I had to wear a helmet 23 hours a day I could only take it off to clean it but whenever I tell people to get made fun of they go that makes sense I go good [Music] one all all right the poos can spawn here so I need to be locked in [ __ ] off oh why can I not run poo Island dud I should play choice chamber I should play choice chamber I think choice chamber could be the move [Music] instead unoptimized game hi Skylock Skylock I don’t know if I made it up at like 4:00 a.m. last night I could have sworn I saw a video of you on Twitter like like in your car outside like a Tesco singing Life By the Sea but I don’t know if I imagined that but I’m like nine times sure I saw that wait dude am I going to have to start from the beginning because I oh wait we’re connected with chat wait chat type chat say yo hell yeah dude I think I’m going to have to start oh it doesn’t remember from when I hit Level 25 and unlocked the whole like separate area [ __ ] my [ __ ] life [ __ ] my [ __ ] life oh my my God oh my God oh my God oh my God [ __ ] all right everyone vote for anyone could we play GTA chaos mode if it works we’ll try it after this yeah chat um basically the way the game works if you haven’t seen me play it before comes up there you type in chat to decide uh how I play so if you were good you give me a bow but I hate you guys can you play getting over at chaos mod they did that I was really good at getting over it to be honest like I was [ __ ] sick 10 viewers who raid it all right watch this I’m so locked in I’m so locked in like the game gets so much more fun once you get to level 25 and unlock all the new [ __ ] so I’m just going to get there instantly I made it but I forgot how you install it [ __ ] me CH if you say double give you VIP true actually true dude it’s so it’s not even sunny today it’s just so hot I love it I actually love it it’s true look I have VIP exactly Percy has VIP thank you thank you bang suck your mom all right say pick me for a chance to become the room Captain but only do it if you’re nice I don’t want any mean people that [ __ ] sucks oh dude it smells like poo what is that I need to close my window I think someone’s [ __ ] himself outside my house so as I poo from a bum tiny enemies kitot kitn can you say heart kit can you say heart can you say heart please thank you oh and it’s gold we’re so back okay come on on put one through 10 thank you bro oh no no guys put a really yes yes oh we’re so back suck your mom suck your mom suck your mom suck your mom oh also chat you know a thank you oh you know with the shop it turns out when you break it like I always do it just means um uh it you never get the shop again apparently the Shop’s actually really useful that’s what I found out oh give me give me give me give me give me give me a man after midnight I’ll never get I went to the aboy AR where they basically uh there it’s an ABAC coner it’s all like Holograms and [ __ ] you know what I was disappointed about C you think with Holograms that’ uh do something cool they’d make them fly I was I wanted to see Abba flying they didn’t they just stood there and sung like it was cool but like could have made him fly a bit right or like do some other [ __ ] is that stupid what game is this choice chamber no I loved it it was great I took uh I got my one of my friend’s really big aan I got it for a birthday oh slot chat everyone say slot please please please please hi St how are you goat if I say that does it just oh gosh kit not say heart kitn not say [Music] heart I love you oh I went through twin oh I missed the stream no don’t worry I’m I’m never live at this time anyway Warp Zone Time Warp Zone time man them just give me six and above now you’re older and More in Dept for taxes what the hell is it your birthday happy birthday St CH more than six there’s no way I can kill the boss with just a sword I’ll be honest at Le for F what game is this this is called uh choice chamber and you guys in chat help [Music] me oh [Music] wait that works JS I’ll take that I’ll take that help you guys help me right you guys help me see okay that counts as hell I’m counting out his he we can get to we can beat room 25 I believe cuz then it means we can start from room 25 and I get a [ __ ] Boomerang K not say h oh no wait you’ve already given me that this game is so much more fun to play now compared to when I had like 10 viewers oh oh my God I love you oh so there’s a draft oh I can jump huge low low are you mad are you mad are you mad summon the Gizmo chat say Gizmo chat say Gizmo chat say Gizmo oh my God kit I love you this is the run this is the [Music] Run holy [ __ ] this is the Run oh my God wait am I cooked we’re so back yeah this game’s old as hell I used to play this no dashing you voted for none are you serious I got a gizmo what the [ __ ] was that oh my God I’m invisible I’m going to ask for another slot where am I wait he picked me up your big ass wig cam covering like half the game okay now I’m in secure [Music] Axel I’ll take that I’ll take that how are you Axel Axel I miss you I got husky enemies I’m still I killed myself what the [ __ ] dude I’m not touching anything where am hello dude I’m not touching anything what is going on hello it’s windy yeah upwards [Music] I’m going to kill myself I’m serious chat I’ll do it let me lower the the duration chat you guys got to be quick now let me make my [ __ ] full [Music] screen there we go I’m back now I’m back now I’m back now I’m back now all I’m going to go oh actually you guys can just vote Bellow Bellow Bellow intergalactic intergalactic intergalactic inter do you guys see what I put on my uh you guys see what I put in my story as [ __ ] now it’s sunny outside everyone wants to drink where were you in November when the vodka is my only warmth in those cold Woods where were you in February when the rain beat on the empty beer cans that lay on the Park Bench next to me but here you stand in May apparently a proud outside Drinker ready to crack open a can sickening true actually true give me a bow oh is this going to be one of the is this going to be one of the runs where you guys are nice to me oh everyone guessed my vape flavor and if you win I’ll give you nothing all right chat say double say double say double and Percy Percy will give you $100 show me it that’s what you’re getting wait I want to be room Captain just to be safe all right please please please please please thank you that’s nice Greece can you say gold thank you see this this is how you get in my good books and when I write my suicide note I won’t put your name in it everyone who’s a room Captain and is mean to me I’m going to write your name in Black Blood on the wall when I uh eventually take my own life can you put mine in there Ronnie you just want attention sorry that was horrible I didn’t mean that we’re so back we’re so back stronger tiny enemies yeah you man sucku one l l l l l bang you know who I love okay any Ray William Johnson fans in here I [ __ ] love that d i was watching you when I was like 10 and now I still watch him I used to love equals 3 and now he does those Tik toks all right say strength say strength say strength say strength dude equal true is awesome I’ll never forget when they got us that new guest that like [ __ ] blonde dude and then the blonde dude stepped down they got the W and everyone hated it because it was [ __ ] YouTube in like 2015 20 30 everyone just like hated women not me though I think women are awesome some of my favorite people are women like um Bluey got stronger tiny rooms this is big oh okay wait chat say say say lightning chat say [Music] lightning what what does a diamond heart do yes dude I might become the best player at this by um uh [ __ ] um creating an ALT account where it’s just me and I just type in my chat and give myself all the good stuff low key okay Warp Zone everyone lock in everyone lock in we need to lock in come on come on [Music] ple ple ple ple PL hold [Music] slow oh my God Jake s we’re so back we’re so back [ __ ] off my bad please be a heart oh grease child what’s that one I love you I love you I love have your that’s me right now say Gizmo say Gizmo say Gizmo and hopefully won’t be a [ __ ] one no way I didn’t get it I didn’t get enough [Music] I didn’t get enough for the Gizmo this so humiliating this so humiliating did I fall off oh a graphine yes wait no slot slot [Music] slot can I get a heart can I get a heart I didn’t want one anyway thanks thanks thanks oh we’re so back it’s spiky okay I need to time this [Music] [ __ ] me can I get a heart please can I get a heart please can I get a heart please can I get a heart where is it where is it [Music] okay every time I jump it I Want To Bra brao [Music] dude I’m so stressed dude Chad I’ll say it I’m so [ __ ] stressed [Music] should I kill myself do I do it if I had that Gizmo I would have been okay that’s all I’m saying guys if I had that Gizmo life would be sunshine and rainbows right now [Music] we’ll do one last run last run this is the run I’m going to go get some water hi hi hi hi hi nios thank you for the ra goat hope you had a great stream oh water you know apparently water doesn’t actually hydrate you I saw a tweet I’ll take a bow I’ll take a bow I’ll take a bow apparently water doesn’t hydrate you unless you add [ __ ] to it I also saw that was on Twitter so I don’t know if I believe that does anybody have a source on there remember chat [ __ ] options don’t do that brother it’s true I know that I’m going to get on my electrolyte business worst one’s possible guys doesn’t matter if you give me the worst On’s possible I’m still going to win there some class A in that water and your hydrated for the day true I’m going to start drinking uh I’m going to start drinking Molly water every day and see see how long it takes for my dopamine receptor to be completely fried [Music] that’s what I’m talking about it doesn’t matter you l oh let’s give him a bow let’s give him Pogo jump let’s make him tiny does not matter bro always Emily let me get a gold see thank you always Emily I knew I could trust you always bomb him everyone report that chat message everybody report that chat message for threatening terrorism let’s get a report on Rosie posy we managed to get cped out of here let’s get Rosie gone as well can we report you for that for what where’s Skiby toilet he’s coming we’re doing an interview of Skiby toilet later chat by the way oh I’ll take that this what I’m talking about it doesn’t matter how bad what we got there thank you it doesn’t matter how bad you guys make it for me I’m still going to [ __ ] [ __ ] up oh from the on it’s okay you only need to give me heart and gold that’s all man don’t worry all right let me get oh c let me get ice let me get ice say ice and I’ll VIP you chat say ice and I’ll VIP you slash gen SL gen SL gen you know what Adrina Adrina out of Spike cuz I know you did this I’m not going to play GTA chaos mode after this cuz I know you wanted this run to be so bad just so I can do GTA chos afterwards and because you’re being a prick in my chat I’m not going to do it you brought this aot you brought this to yourself could I know damn well you’re the one behind this [Music] Adena that was Ro idea yeah B excuses why you being mean to Adrina Adrina is being mean to me it was Ronnie bad I’m hearing bad names being thrown around I don’t why you guys are trying to blame the transgender person I’m just saying it’s not a good luck that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying Adrina I don’t know why I don’t know I don’t know why you’re trying to trying to put the blame on the trans mask guy [Music] there’s some underlying biases at hand here uh always Emily can I get a heart can I get a heart when you banned running for modcast yeah cuz he’s like 15 thank you Emily [Music] come on mandam [ __ ] my [ __ ] life you mention Ronny Rosie dead I’m just saying I don’t stand I need to restart it I don’t stand for uh transphobia in the average Harry chat [Music] that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I didn’t know there was one down there [Music] [ __ ] what is this [Music] oh Kass you made Adrina unod bber at least we fix the TR trans phobia problem in the average Harry chat finally God I think it was starting to become really serious oh that was close chat that was close by [ __ ] off you’re sick sick agender blame Adrina blame Adrina pog you play an innocent woman not true I would never I would never Harry why are you weaponizing real issues don’t twist this on me Ronnie I was backing you up I was backing you up Ronnie don’t twist this on me come on C help me out here CH help me out here CH help me out here I feel there’s a lot of tension feel there’s a lot of tension happening right there in the average Harry [Music] chat even mention Ronnie I mess I’m messing around by the way this is a classic average Harry joke I like to do classic little average Harry joke you guys have all been pranked the way you said you weren’t sexist earlier but are targeting the G mods do I have guy mods apart from B and crypt I’m employing women bang you don’t get us you don’t that’s how that works employing you don’t even pay them you put it on your CV Maybe you know you don’t need you don’t need to be uh paid to be employed I don’t think I maybe dude the one time I get Midas is when I can’t get the shop again well you’re not paying women hey I’m not paying anyone let’s make that clear if I put a carry mod on my CV I’ll be put on a list okay true the little definition of employment is paid work but uh if you well it depends what dictionary you use to be honest cuz you have the Oxford one one and then you have the other like the urban one it depends which one you look at right you have yeah you have Webster so I like to think you guys are employed but you just have horrible working conditions a bit like that SMP that’s a joke that’s a joke Twitter that’s a joke I silencing women’s voices I’m louding them I’m louding them rooms are now flaming I’m invisible I can’t Dash they go down I’m still Pogo and the enemies are tiny thanks guys please be a heart eat [ __ ] eat [ __ ] louding B uplifting all right one in CL if you want me to uplift your voice I’ll up I’ll uplift some voices [Music] um do it after this I’ll do it uh I’ll do it after this run guys two in chat if you think a dreames poliy Adrina I apologize was that was that a w [Music] apology was that a w apology now remod Adrina Adrina Adrina quit on her if if Adrina wants to be REM moded she can ask but Adrina quit on her own I’m not going to force her into employment that would be I would argue that would be more sexist right give me money for stream battle I basically worked a full-time job dude I think my chat’s frozen I can’t read any messages I don’t know why I can’t see any can you guys see chat my chat’s like uh I don’t see any messages being sent in there for some reason I don’t know why yeah no I can’t I think it’s Choice Cham I think choice chamber is broken at I think choice chamber is broken oh wait I can I can see one message hi Emy what the hell did you get banned for wait clat say Gizmo clat say Gizmo clat say Gizmo I can see you guys now clat say Gizmo cuz TW thinks I’m under 13 are you surely you can just appeal it by sending in your ID [ __ ] my life [ __ ] my [ __ ] life [ __ ] my [ __ ] life [ __ ] my [ __ ] life ah all right I’m going to end stream guys hope everyone had a good time and uh I’ll be live tomorrow I’ll be live tomorrow [Music] bye we hope you enjoy your [Music] stay it’s good to have you with us even if it’s just for the day we hope you enjoy your stay guys who enjoyed this day out sun is shin seems like heaven away guys one CH you enjoyed your style to you us even if it’s just for the day oh lot of ones I’m seeing a lot of ones in chat I’m seeing a lot of ones thanks guys it’s nice to have such a supportive Community this is awesome this is [ __ ] jet should we see if GTA Kos mod will work let me check let me check let me check cuz I think my [ __ ] is bugged I’ll be honest it depends if I can uh launch the thing depends if I can launch the thing my boyfriend I what bow is there I think he’s traumatized I’m barow remod me Adrina you need to live with your own choices this is uh hold on I will let me I’m trying to figure out if the um GTA thing works hello Harry hi hi browse local files one minute will it launch will it launch should I kill myself I think I should har heard some universities interesing in esport Sports degree that includes live streaming next year wait maybe I should go to UNI that’s huge wait which ones it’s not working it’s not working I can download a different chaos mod though they do a bunch right they do a bunch they have a Minecraft one don’t they I’m graduating with a major and live streaming a minor and ton wait Shame Shame does the Minecraft one still have twitch integration twitch integration Jus Jake we’re so [ __ ] back we’re so [ __ ] back that’s big that’s so big that’s so [ __ ] big um we’ll have to do this then we’ll have to do this what version is it on 1.9.4 uh oh I need to do it through fabric can I not just run it through like [ __ ] curse oh no I can do it I can do it hold on chat hold on chat I about a few days a pcture in Cas did want to go to UNI guys if I ever fall off I’m going to go to the live streaming uni course who’s excited who’s excited do you think they’d let me give lectures can you give me mod these guys not doing their jobs ad I was G until until you ask someone to pin a message and make it one of my view count Adrina you’re on another two minute timeout that hurt my feelings hold on chaos mod [ __ ] it I quit I going to start streaming amen amen dude the live streaming course would stink I’ll say that [ __ ] would smell so bad that [ __ ] would smell so bad hold on guys I’m downloading the mod I actually don’t know how wait is Adrina timed out don’t time out Adrina that’s mean wait God I’m trying to figure out how to download a mod give me a minute normally I get Tommy in it to do it for me download fabric hold on chat fabric create dude does anyone know how this works how do I add add mod add more content not even close entropy chaos am I stupid am I stupid hold on Dro I’ll remod you one I’ll do it now guys everybody give a warm welcome let’s get a pop for friend cuz Adrina POG has now joined the mod team add more content hey yeah good I’m live how was work yeah good am I stupid oh I am I am what version hold on this is taking 1.9.4 we’re so back we’re so back we’re so back hold on what’s it called inro and tropy Escape isn’t here for months of help please the silly I’m going to cry dude those four this probably been the first the best four months of your life right download the forge file I have downloaded the forge file hold on download oh wait wait hold on dude just how do I change it to not being fabric oh here we go just like this do I just do it like this do I just do it like this yes download file this they’re all the same great chaos open modding folder and then I assume I put the mod chat do I put the mod in here do I put the mod in here I only have ever worked with mod packs not single mod mods in instances oh and then I go chaos mods huge okay maybe it’s the other one called chaos we’re so back what the hell do you mean what the hell does that mean will it launch hold with the same version oh it’s it’s cuz it’s 1.2.6 isn’t it it’s cuz it’s 1.2.6 no cuz I this the one I downloaded I didn’t download fabric though I downloaded for this the mod I’m downloading it off curse Forge oh God take that [ __ ] take that [ __ ] to the filter chat [Music] okay okay hold on hold on guys 1.9.4 chaos mod and I do fabric create all right I’m ready and then I redownload the [Music] mod and I Chang it to fabric 1.9.4 [Music] we’re so back we’re so back we’re so back and then instances chaos mod mods hold on oh I don’t care ID Gaff ID Gaff it Gaff okay hold come with ball I got this own don’t worry this is the most bow loving community on Twitch you’re welcome here [Music] who is this little freak play I think it works I think it works I think it works I have belief that it works b b Ben Ben my name is Walter Hardwell white Minecraft Chaos mod hold press enter to enable the narrator I don’t want the [ __ ] [Music] narrator entr tropy settings oh oh we’re so back okay chat basically it’s a bit like choice chamber where like every 10 or something seconds you guys can vote on doing [ __ ] to me but you can’t get freaky they this isn’t the freaky Minecraft uh you can only do normal things to me no like tickling or anything cuz that count as freaky Minecraft okay hold on let’s say I need to go back into in tropy settings uh Integrations platform [Music] integration I just need to get my or token I need to get my or token guys you can generate your or token here yes client secret and client ID what what does this mean hello I you my token if possible don’t show oh my bad my bad my bad oh wa I have a client ID do I not need to have my own one uh Crypt or can I just use yours and put my channel the plan is I want to beat the game I’ve never beaten a game before I’ve never beaten Minecraft before and that’s true that’s actually a fun that’s a true average Harry themed fact um I’ve never beat in Minecraft um ever um which is a bit humiliating but I believe cuz you guys are nice to me what you this all right chat don’t leak this screen zoomed in as how oh I need to fix that hold on zo and the miners true um How do I transform is this better chat oh we’re so back whoa what new world survival can I put it in easy no we’ll do normal chaos mod okay let’s see if this works hold please ple ple ple ple I want some garage all right is my face cam whoa oh my face Cam’s in the wrong place oh wait cryp you say it in chat is it laggy for you guys or is it just laggy on my OBS so you guys can vote by saying 5 six s or eight for [ __ ] basically little bit okay you can handle it but I’m ballow guys I’ll love me and the bees will love each other that’s the nice thing about being bow I have a connection with bees a very loving connection and I’ll uh okay well let’s be nice actually how do I fix my fov I don’t know how do I change my gooey what’s it called gooey where’s my what is it called video settings oh oh there we go oh that’s nicer oh thanks chat no this actually really nice this actually really nice no I actually really appreciate this oh give me an MLG water bucket free water I can hear those [ __ ] bees yeah suck just suck you manam just suck you man’ just suck your mom low it low it content warning chaos mod wait huge okay what do I get where’s my where’s my uh Where’s my water bucket oh does it follow me watch this oh wait huge hold on I’m going to make it uh [ __ ] so I don’t think you have to say it in chat every time oh is it annoying for you guys or is it just annoying for me I think it’s just I think I’m just being uh annoy I think I’m being a piece of [ __ ] no okay oh we’re so back I’m on my meaty [Music] [ __ ] that’s I’m chill dude I’m chill I’m chill I’m so chill I’m so chill I’m so chill about this right now I’m so I remember where it is now though I think it was this way it was this way okay no we’re back I just got to get my wood on I just got to get my wood on can we do like a nice one like the give Harry Di’s one right that would be fun or the wait I can travel with this wait this is huge give me m just touch give me mest touch mest touch that midus touch mest touch midus touch cuz if you do all the [ __ ] ones now it’s not fun cuz I can’t even get any progress think about that it would actually piss me off more if you gave me the good ones now have you consider that really makes you think thank you thank you what am I get ads in French oh it’s CU I’m streaming oh this is actually annoying as [ __ ] where I take it back but let me oh is that all I got I can work with that I can work with that low it low it CH I can see you lot voting deep pit by the way and I’ll juk it cuz I know it will spawn right here and I’ll do hops I’ve got hops I’ve got hops watch this I thought it would be a different spawn just kill me just [ __ ] kill me wait wait holy [ __ ] there’s a creeper isn’t I saw that little prick this is big I take back what I said let me get some [ __ ] in what was that oh okay let’s let’s relax let’s chill let’s chill out guys let’s calm down Let’s uh okay [Music] okay okay oh we got a gapo and some glowberries we’re back we’re so back that’s a spawner oh go on guys give me a bit of speed sounds like I’m in a rave saying that not that I do that but if I did I think I’d say something like that then they go [ __ ] off do I know you and I go sorry I’m only four oh where is my jungle table what’s not jungle table crafting table I can we’re so back we’re so back let’s not give me only sideways movement now how about that how about we give me give me something nice like five gifted it’s proportional voting so 6 of chat vote for something it has a 60% chance of happening well so far absolutely everything has happened [ __ ] off guys how about you vote to hi to oh wait that’s huge that’s actually big cuz I can do this yeah Mand Don’t Clap to me we’re so back we are so back we are so back har check what what whoa wait what is that clip I’m trying to figure out to do this [ __ ] there we go oh my God [ __ ] stop spamming [ __ ] stop spamming forward mod wall mod wall mod wall oh oh diamonds diamonds where diamonds where diamonds where diamonds where where where okay don’t I see him Chad I see him Chad I see him they’re down there they’re down there I know where to go I know where to go you’re blind you w past like two diamonds that was lapis laul ey diamonds don’t spawn this this low this high do they what did I get oh my God it’s Oppenheimer [ __ ] they put me in Oppenheimer all right let’s relax man then a oh did they change for Diamond texture dude I haven’t played like this version of Minecraft since like the modded SMP I’ll be honest it’s been a minute I thought that was sand oh a dungeon all right I’m locked in how do I oh and now I’m going on an underground Mission what have I got absorption did you guys give me absorption oh does anyone know where can anyone see any oh whoa hello hello you have torches oh I do I did didn’t I I’m calm I’m so calm I’m so chill right now I’m so chill right now you guys know tell you guys know I was uh before going stream I was going to kill myself but I chose not to cuz I’m like my chat so nice my chat is so nice to me you’ve just killed a bird you guys are horrible look at him he was probably lovely let me get my things back and now I know where I’m going I think I think I know where I’m going what is vertical screen what does that even look like oh I got entity magnet oh oh that’s great going into a cave I actually really like that no thanks guys no I dude I’m so chill any I didn’t like I dude I didn’t even I didn’t even want to live then like I didn’t even want to I [ __ ] dude I there’s nothing I hate when I’m when I’m uh like when I make progress in a game it’s so annoying dude it’s so annoying give me a flying machine ple ple cuz the angry beas will just one shot me but I can fly over there that’s what I’m thinking is that a different Vape nope flying machine make me fly oh [ __ ] no dude come back [ __ ] oh was that you guys or was that me that was you that was you guys right oh man you guys did the full damage one I knew it I hate when you guys do that uh mods mod spam weird champ what is Herobrine removed okay let me just get my let me just get my things up real quick what’s herob removed hello that that did not remove him I would argue that did the opposite of removing him I feel unsafe right now I feel very unsafe wait I’m Jing I’m Jing you’re so back dude are we just finished playing choice chamber this okay are these glowberries food we got food we got food we have food we’re back we are officially back all right let’s remember [ __ ] me [ __ ] me don’t poo clap at that oh is it going to hit corner it didn’t was it here where was the [Music] dungeon can’t remember let me make my little sword my pickaxe I man oh this is nice that’s a zombie oh [ __ ] that was closer than I thought oh [ __ ] all right let me get my [ __ ] dungeon where is it [ __ ] [ __ ] wait wait give me a bed give me a bed give me a bed just give me a bed just give me a bed just give me a bed [ __ ] off we’re back we’re so back we’re so back we are the most back I would argue we have ever oh my God we’re so back holy [ __ ] L saddle bread this is actually really hard to make out that’s the B oh my god dude that random location teleport is the best [ __ ] to ever happened to me all oh where’s the pig oh where am I am I in water oh I don’t like this one a I see him I don’t care about dying now cuz I’ve got my bed this is my new base camp this is my base camp wait give me a slime paraman oh I can make sticky pistons now oh it’s a whole sheep family I think do I have an I don’t have anything for a furnace we get a furnace we could we could get a world record here we could get a world record are we on world record Pace pop friend where’s my stone [Applause] [ __ ] my life yes yes yes and then what am I doing cooking food I need some planks all right I see that spawn TNT one Mand I’m ready to run don’t worry I’m locked in don’t think I’m an idiot part from you guys are fools you lot of fools and I got free Cobblestone Who’s Laughing Now Who’s Laughing Now you all look so silly you look all so silly cheat it is not cheating I don’t think it’s called taking advantage anage of the situation at hand that’s what Aaron bur said where can I get a chest anyone have a chest got a chest oh blacksmith oh this one will have a chest you have nice carpet now wait this is big I’ll take a bit of Sky Block I’ll take a bit of Sky Block with a lava bucket I can get to the nether I can get to the nether see everyone doubted me and I got wood and you know what for next time I come back here I’m going to plant another sapling next time I come back here do you think I’m actually high up in the world I am I am well we got the answer we got the answer all right now let me get my meat man do I love meat in my mouth um um bro that was sus uh that was so cringe uh okay oh Adrina thank you for connecting oh wait what you you meant to kill the guy right I’m going to kill the guy and use it to make an iron pickaxe so I can get diamonds holy [ __ ] I’m the goat let me get a sword L it yeah you silly prick oh [ __ ] how many three three so back we’re so back we are so [ __ ] back what was that there Pokemon’s birthday what did you get her uh I’m going around I’m going around hers later I’ll give her a present then a a what does killing them actually do all right I think we’re good whoa someone laced my [ __ ] all right we got to go mining we got to go mining one in ch if you’re a miner like in the the game I do I’m going to get my wood up and then we’re going to mine wait no I want that W I’ll make a bed I’ll make a bed for when I know I’m going to die I’ll quickly set my spawn holy [ __ ] and then I use the last iron to make a shield I need more wood [ __ ] you guys smart right right you know how Kon doing the not ending till he beats uh [ __ ] you till he beats uh Elden ring stream I should do it not ending till I beat Minecraft Chaos mod cuz eventually you guys will get so bored it will just be one person in chat and it’ll be me huh hello oh my God I can’t interact with a crafting table is that right yeah I’m back on my [ __ ] I’m officially back on my [ __ ] what was that oh did Stone paw play it all right let’s go mining let me just get some bit of wood first I’m at a point where I’m not raging cuz I don’t have much to lose right now you get me y GM wait you know what I should do there’ll be a ship rack oh I’m interacting with everything that’s great that’s actually really sick oh I had to place it can I have coal please B B [Music] [Applause] B I see Iron there we go torches I’ll do you guys one better there you go isn’t Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a song give me that one chat give me that one I want Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds I swear that’s a song right I need to I I’ve wasted so much [ __ ] making so many new crafting tables I need to stop doing that that’s my downfall that are my huge penis okay well don’t do that please uh [ __ ] stop spamming please yeah I see you man teleport nor nearby identities I’m ready brav I am ready [Music] ah I wasn’t ready it turns out you know who is this little [ __ ] in my bed yeah you know it turns out I wasn’t ready but I need to go and get all my [ __ ] does anyone know where my [ __ ] was down here do you think they’re all there still I’m constantly attacking hello I meant to be attacking oh they’re not aggressive what have I got what am I left with [ __ ] all actually [ __ ] all wait the explosive what is that noise oh I’ve got low pitch explosive pickaxe could actually be huge what the [ __ ] cuz it means I can mine fast but what do the explosions damage me whoa wait why am I going deeper into the cave I have nothing I can even mine with need to go get all my [ __ ] back oh I had Iron Man I had iron I had so much [Music] food [ __ ] my life whoa wait wait yes yes this is huge all right now I’m going to kill myself wait I get to keep the randomized armor I’m not killing myself I take it back dude I have never R chat [ __ ] never never right with fire protection don’t spawn the killer bunny don’t no no we’re all friends here we’re all friends here guys remember when I gave you guys a week’s worth of content nonstop how fun was that oh he died no nope that’s the killer bunny but when I [ __ ] hell allow it man allow it there are monsters nearby Force has a gunpoint and you watched that was fun we had so much fun I need a wood house this has this this this yard’s got wood in it oh [ __ ] me how we kill the orang Golem dude cat you told me to no you didn’t but it’s that’s what everyone does I think you should fling all entities oh so the way it works is it goes off the highest per that makes sense so there’s a 6% of flinging lenties and 81% of riding closest M I didn’t get what they meant when someone said that in chat earlier but I get it now whoa am I a pervert I think I’m a pervert oh my God I apologize I think I oh my Lord guys it’s not what it looks like Chad I promise you it’s not what it looks like don’t sound the alarm you don’t need to do that yeah come and kill me bro allow it give me your pears guys jump scare is so [ __ ] it just puts a garden in front of my face free food L it l it that’s what I thought bra that’s what I thought don’t chat to me don’t chat to me and now it’s day I had my little furnace with my food in there hi Talia how are you iron sword from where wait this is massive look at me right now holy [ __ ] I have that [ __ ] on ash baby Ash [Music] baby XP rain oh yeah oh yeah wait this is big all right now guys give me an enchanting table or some [ __ ] and I’ll get a bit more munch [Music] this one’s called what is happening Nothing by the looks of it that [ __ ] good thing I have all of my [ __ ] food level 20 yeah Don’t Clap to me this is the Run zero deaths chat zero deaths oh that’s horrid that’s dude that’s [ __ ] horrid hey how long do I can be streaming for uh like another hour I think I think I had a thing at like 10: let me double check hold on yeah I think I’ve got I think like another hour teleport all nearby entities to player is he mine cat it’s Milo everyone say hello to Milo I just got to get my iron up 30 wood should be good hello [Music] hello dude it got rid of my neite [ __ ] my [ __ ] life [ __ ] my my [ __ ] life man that’s okay that’s okay I’m okay with that I got diamonds let’s go back into the cave we have food we have wood we’re good willow thanks much for the prime and no no I thought I thought Milo was going to get hit oh we’re so back we’re so back I cannot stress enough how back we are don’t do drop inventory that’s mean oh wait I can’t remember where I was going oh it was back here I did my little hole right okay this I’m going to call this one twink hole no I’m not that’s foul it didn’t even make me drop inventory what’s hitting me why am I poisoned what’s in here [ __ ] all Iron oh oh we’re back I’m just going to sit here I’m just going to sit here till it runs out I’m just going to sit till it runs out all this is unplayable you brought bad content upon yourself we’re back CER what else do you want me oh h do I feel like I’m playing on my laptop again we’re back hi Isa guys doesn’t to the Moon Just Launch me really high up you know I’m just in a cave right you guys know that right what is that block what is that wait okay I can water bucket clutch with an ender pearl I think is it just going to is this going to go away will it teleport me back down a I [ __ ] I got him I got him I got him CH I handle that I handled that oh they Inked on me actually I’m just going to we don’t we have iron let’s just explore we’ll find like a let’s find a ship rack are you winning yes pondway right chat let’s get a shipwreck what’s number four random event I can handle that I love random chat this is random naral bacon LOL LOL LOL I see a shipwreck I think I think that’s one there ow what the [ __ ] yo chill chill holy [ __ ] chill I see a SHP Breck we’re so back we’re so [Applause] back don’t do meteor rain I don’t know what it is but I don’t [ __ ] like the sound of that and it won’t even work cuz I’m in water W Ship Wreck oh never mind don’t tell me it broke the chest don’t tell me it broke the [ __ ] chest L shipwreck that is not an L ship all shipwrecks are W shipwrecks this guy doesn’t know a shipwrecks chat that’s that wasn’t even the right hole that wasn’t even the right hole how do you get in here oh oh my god dude I think I just sped a little I’m so serious I actually think I did I think I’ve got a creamy tip holy [ __ ] Glo you heard me you heard me is there a bit up on the upper deck bit on the upper decky we’ll do the berry treasure map flying machine chat say five chat say five chat say five now I’m motion sick wait w cinematics [ __ ] me oh we’re on an island C they brought back the Billo [Music] smpp [ __ ] [ __ ] am I cooked you guys can’t even vote fast enough for the timer speed what I’m do explosive pickaxe that makes sense whoa my controls are inverted [ __ ] [ __ ] my controls are inverted [Music] [ __ ] oh it ran out okay then we’re good we’re so back oh free gunpowder let’s get some uh pigs I just want to be teleported somewhere random I can fly oh this is big oh this is so big what is that down there [ __ ] okay I shouldn’t have just gone over the ocean but that works I’m going to get this thing there’s a shipwreck too there guys don’t put number seven your summon horse Cal oh a can horses swim mending fishing rot oh I can’t get off dude I could have Dr oh this sucks can I get off now thank you rip horow you would love Donald Trump dude rest in peace horow I miss her every day oh eat [ __ ] am I actually upside down I am let me get on land oh wait I’m not just me being stupid okay we’re back we’re so back oh we are so back I’ll get a couple emeralds too waa is that just a no is that I thought those were Angels dropping on me go I started tweaking a little [Music] bit hey you guys did that to yourself let me build a boat to you don’t worry Str hello who there are a lot of ooes lot of scary mandem luring it’s croon [Music] true what if I got death sign oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I need to run to the cave I’m just going to kill as many man as possible creatures reveal yourself emeralds oh I should prob make an iron PE with all the iron I have all the iron I have it’s it’s the obvious thing to do I’m working on new voices CH what do you think of this one yeah was that a w low it bro pissing me off I haven’t died in a while though oh I got frost Walker that’s not bad [ __ ] me [ __ ] me that’s annoying I can’t even tell that’s a big drop or not it okay wasn’t oh that was very pathetic I didn’t realize how shallow this was Calamity thank you very much for the gifted you are the goat top 10 underrated goats of the average Harry chat oh bom clot oh [ __ ] let’s go hey yo what’s up Molly oh we’re so back what is even in this biome is there anything cool I can get here oh my God low it allow it we need to go to the nether give me some [ __ ] lava bro we’re so back what is that why is that break W [ __ ] do I have explosive pickaxe wait this is big this is big I have so much Pro explosive protection it doesn’t even hurt me [Music] oh my god let’s wait for the explosive pickaxe to go oh [ __ ] it let me get that yes man whoa oh good one whoa hello he he so remember the cords dude we beat the game chat we beat the game we beat the game do I have any of my [ __ ] today I have a dandelion you know what I’m happy I have a dandelion and my best friend Milo that’s all that’s all a man needs I’ll plant it this is all this is all a man needs oh my God oh my God oh my God come to the water come to the water Milo come to the water Milo come to the water Milo Milo no okay we’re so back we’re so back see you guys thought you were being annoying I just got some wood I just got some wood and Milo got in the water I didn’t realize there was some there dude what do I even do now what do I even do I’m just going to run feed dog he only has meat doesn’t he yeah I don’t have meat I had bottom surgery LOL let’s go some omega Los in chat running for that one chat guys find big cave big caves system there’s something down there there’s a thing Chad did you see that thing looks like a [ __ ] faction base it’s like over here and like dig straight down CH it’s over there chat do you see that that’s what I’m going to do my bad my bad my bad my bad no Sarah thank you for the seven months thank you very much for the seven months course go she crying he hor go is crying because of the results of the election that’s why it’s not because of not because of the Minecraft horse dying it’s cuz Trump will end up losing again she can’t handle it hi every pony this is my impression of quby hi every pony and someone says something goes what what dude I cannot believe she made an abortion point then linked me a Caitlyn Bennett Tik Tok dude can you guys say one [ __ ] him up dog [ __ ] him up good dog good Milo [ __ ] him up Milo who’s a good boy who’s a good boy My Oh I thought they killed him no way no shot no shots oh what a good boy what do I get remove heart thanks guys thanks guys CH can we get an emote of him blowing me guys it’s a reference so how was mean I’m going to start being nice to my chat say one and I’ll give you a compliment P archley I love your username Adrina POG insane moan I I did a really good bit with you on stream once I think people o I love your username I’ll cry oh no sag mil sustenance dude Milo’s good the best way to train your dog is to hit them Bad Milo see what was that oh um I could do have some more food but I I have faith I can find some down here whoa I don’t think I’m going to find food down here guys let me get my health up let me get my health up [ __ ] hell hey hey M oh Milo get him get him Milo see he’s good guys he’s immune to that sort of [ __ ] I just need to find food can this dude stop [ __ ] whimpering I didn’t know my dog was a [ __ ] I’m ADV I’m in adventure mode I’m in adventure mode that’s sick that is I’m glad have pets IR out I do but I I don’t I don’t hit them much l no I don’t have pets I don’t have pets I got diamonds though check this out okay you guys might think I’m bad for this Chad I think hitting your dog is like bad I think hitting pets you should not do that and that might be like controvers but I think that [ __ ] wrong wait is it even giving me diamonds did I just waste them [ __ ] me oh my God [ __ ] me where’s my iron where did I even put my furnace I’ll stop whimpering what oh [ __ ] oh I can just do that just so back a [Music] please tell me there’s one more oh [ __ ] my life what the [ __ ] oh wait this is big void site is big no everyone have a fun stream we’ll have fun today we’ll have fun today guys we’ll have fun today rage quitting I am not rage quitting I’m not rage quitting that’s not true that’s not true goodbye we hope you enjoy your stay sorry um no we let’s we won’t we won’t we won’t let’s do Instagram reals I need to I have about uh 20 minutes I think um because I need to do some [ __ ] but I think I have about I have about 20 minutes it’s about 10ish let’s do Instagram Reales I think I’m gonna get some good [ __ ] on here guys kids getting hurt who runs this page 6.9 million followers hello hello what sort of sick and twisted individual hold on let me shut down Minecraft so the bot doesn’t keep going in chat you have moots wait do I oh I Shadow Minecraft who are my moots Billy Shadow apples Josh manifold Josh Josh manifold what the hell are you doing oh why are they all just kids getting hurt Mom I’m progressing with my guitar what’s that Mom oh well done I can have a biscuit Mom I’m progressing with my guitar Omega L I think I just Omega LED I think that I think I just did that I think I just did that magma 17 months is crazy thank you very [Music] much Ethan London this is like a this is like the streamer man in an alternate universe well instead of instead of playing Minecraft we all learn Chinese this is evil what the [ __ ] dude hello it is bloodly lovely L it 18 like bro as an entrepreneur how much money do you make I make 12,570 a year D I think I make that as a twitch streamer all the entrepreneurs come on I’m broke baby what do you mean can’t say all the entrepreneurs know at the end that no money that was very specific yeah it’s oh cuz that’s the tax write off that’s the that’s he jack he’s doing tax avoidance he’s doing tax avoidance that’s that’s how much Jack manifold makes every year guys I solve world hunger do it then do it I’m [ __ ] fried I’m dude he had the th000 mgram edible chair you look lonely I can fix [Music] that do you think they just hire a cosplayer to sit in the window [ __ ] that Mouse I’m an is that Tom Holland is that a Tom Holland deep [Music] fake that’s not his [Music] face C look his face glitches that’s not his face this is a deep fake five things you can’t live without one um me PS me so you guys red carpet for my queen we’re about to get on the plane and join the M high club you heard that’s how wait pilot Tony good morning love cloud is this an actual thing where you can just pay to [ __ ] in a plane it’s going to take real good cares that’s like a mattress on the floor all right see y’all later what the [ __ ] oh my this guy’s so cold he’s going to put [ __ ] [Music] on holy [ __ ] kitty [Music] kitty I’m in The Suicide Squad oh [Music] the I’m suicide oh man we need him blowing you true that little I got to keep [Music] [Applause] myp don’t be sh you can meis worse gagged gagged gagged do I attract you do I you with my squee smile am I too dirty am I too flirty do I like what you like yeah I could be wholesome I could be loome I’m a little right wait that’s literally me hi [Music] that’s put it down that’s uh uh someone shoot it what you know I’ve been looking for some lemonade all day you know where I can find yeah happened to my friend once do you know there’s Tope of Ste that can blow its nose up like a balloon to attract m thanks I can do that as well is he eating peas is that a duck eating peas It’s currently 2:00 in the morning and while my friends are out getting drunk and partying I’ve been working oh shoot wait I’ve been working on my business and I just landed 15 new clients what they don’t realize is that in 2 months I’m going to be in Dubai in a penthouse and they’re going to be in a lame home follow to see more of my journey surely this is ironic none of the videos [Music] work the psychology of [Music] money I Spiderman this is day 14 ofic vs today I made a total of0 dude I’m like you know what if a kid wants to do this sure but just know that they I know when they grow up they’re just going to be miserable not having the experience of being a teenager this is of project vs guys I Lally couldn’t be more thankful for our support recently like I’ve basically got three 3,000 followers in the last not even two weeks okay wait he’s doing better than me he’s doing better than me that’s literally me chat not [Music] [Applause] friend I can’t form thoughts anymore I can’t I can’t even say a sentence that’s longer than than the sentence then the sentence is [ __ ] I can’t yeah hi Glory I want [Music] toide down I find say share [Music] I this ow little French dog can I hit the neck no why do you want to hit it I just want to hit it man okay dude if any of you [ __ ] try this to me at twitchcon I’m getting I’m getting you I’m getting you kicked out of the convention center no don’t go don’t don’t hey hey bro don’t do that hey very bad going to get some chicken wings that [ __ ] going to taste good too all that was the the average gay little dog was it people are going crazy for our Burgers come to smack shooting today now what like actually with me or wa where’s his vibranium okay this is one thing I have problem you know it was like the big thing uh in like spiderverse where they’re like why do they call it chai tea chai means tea why they call it black panther that the Panthers are only black I won the senior declamation prize I won the rugby player of the year I won the dond Das C I won the rugby sevens car they have disabled Pink Panther yeah but he’s not real [Music] certified loveable guys I’m just wondering does anybody do henna in OC that is available in charala on Sunday guys I’m just wondering does [Music] any Panther and cougars and Mountain lines are all the same thing no they aren’t that’s not true [Music] [Applause] [Applause] TW guys hot take but I think isas is one of the best Slip Knot songs it’s just the drums in it like the intro is just so good try the best handm non indal or yeah look at all this wild garlic there so much Wild [Music] Garlic I need to message her until her was on stream I need to I’m going to unsend it I need to unsend that I need to unsend that okay oh KY oh do the thug shake the what Shake do the thug Shake what’s that the thug Shake I don’t know what that is tearing it up out in nature with the misses really gets you thinking Life is Beautiful why were we here what were we put for on this planet do you know why um tearing it up out in okay four likes what animal even is that super glue super glue super glue hi Ruby Diamond hi sad die [Music] dude zo’s cat attacked me in my sleep I had I was having a recurring nightmare I genuinely screamed only way I didn’t scream I was sleeping in the same room as EMP I um why do cats go after toes I I was having this recurring Nightmare and I woke up to me being touched okay wait hold on wait that was a okay bad wording I had a recurring Nightmare and I was constantly waking up and I would normally wake up at the time where I was being ran at by my sister but one time I woke up early cuz something touched my shoulder I wake up it’s zo’s cat he’s literally Shad I kid you not he’s like this staring at my feet and I’m like all right dude [ __ ] chill out and I must have been scared because of my nightmare like moving my toes in my feet and he launches himself out at full speed and I’m like it was terrifying it was terrifying man [Music] take that Tower stance put your arms up out your side do the tilted tower dance go tilted go tilted go tilted go tilted go tilted take that Tower put your is zo’s cat what were you expecting dude his cat is the sweetest thing [Music] ever which one chat chat which one [Music] four I can see that it’s the [Music] hair he’s going to eat sh [ __ ] Z oh my God Kitty that’s not a kitty that’s another creature God I think if I had to be in this room i’ blow my brains out I couldn’t think of anything worse than giving a talk at eaten come on guys wake the [ __ ] up okay never mind that they could be chill want to be toxic next time they try starting some goofy argument about you goofy you’re being so goofy dude I hate when people start a goofy ey argument with me [Music] I’m Dax flame and today I’m going to do a tickle challenge I have an emote for him comedy cat comedy I think I added it with the stranger so I’m here with Caleb and we’re going to take turns tickling each other and whoever laughs first loses yes so go wait what is this okay and then uh okay so one last try and if I don’t do it it’s a tie okay that was fun to try and also that was like a little outside of my comfort zone for sure and but I’m like glad we tried it it was kind of fun made my trip to Target to interact with somebody so it’s fun thank you I’m Dex dude the goat of what what has he done other more tickling challenges oh he did stand up break beef lately the beef is actually crazy and no I’m not talking about his penis um that wait that’s good was a leaked video of his penis um but I’m actually talking about the beef between him and Kendrick Lamar in my opinion I think that Kendrick Lamar is winning um and I so basically they’ve been just releasing a bunch of songs back and forth and I I think that um it’s it’s been interesting because a lot of people thought that Kendrick was losing because he had to take a long break but then he came back with all these songs in just a matter of a few days um so I’m excited to see what happens next thank you [Laughter] for wait wait dud this what it’s like watching Tom do up watching and have an awesome day has anyone been following today I’m going to hide money in a grocery store let’s do this wait camera [Music] work dude no one would even find that no one drinks lroy Everyone likes finding money so this is is just a fun way to brighten people’s day oh this guy loves a pool noodle wait it’s $1 he’s hiding $1 and now the last thing I’ll hide is My Autograph just in case any fan watching wants to try to find it a so that was super fun and I hope it brightens a few people’s days when they find it have an awesome day thank [Music] you thanks for watching and have an awesome day the double outro have you seen this guy I’m Bob fire and today we’re going to see if we can make a stranger life so let’s go can I try to make you laugh today sure okay um feeling a little hungry I could maybe go for some noodles but do you know where we would find any noodles would be over in the dry section well maybe you come with me comate all right good good luck with that oh so uh did did I make you laugh today you did make me laugh today okay have fun all right so uh we uh dude I [ __ ] love Dax flame it’s funny this is so well organized I would never call it messy so I filmed that a few days ago and I just now rewatched it and while I was watching it I had the thought that wow I’m terrible at making jokes and I’m not a good comedian so if you have any thoughts please share them thank you oh he’s going to mess them up yes what I thought I was supposed to make it messy Omega can we just agree that cats are the funniest animal sometimes I watch cat videos and I just think like what’s going on in their head or is there even anything going on in their head and why do cats have nine lives if I had nine lives that would be insane uh if I had nine lives the first thing I would do would be to jump off a bridge and just to show people who said if you jumped off a if your friends jumped off a bridge would you I’d jump off the bridge and i’ be like okay I lived Told You So when secretly I’m really thinking okay guess I just have eight lives left yeah and um so oh yeah I know how to a couple months ago my ex-girlfriend asked me to pick up some litter on the way home from work and I was like but I’ve already been doing so much work why do I need to just pick up litter and she was like please it’s necessary so I went picked up some litter brought it home off the side of the road picked it up brought it home to show it to her and she’s like no kitty litter I was not expecting thank you that was a pretty funny joke thank you mhm here’s my autograph if you’d like oh thank and you want hear some money also oh thank dude this is a character this is a charact he that he could have not been a character until he started doing the autograph B he I would have fallen for it hit me stop calling her EG here well I know you freaking uh hi how you look rough today you guys are you guys sitting in a [ __ ] Discord call making fun of me aren’t you are you in the server are you in that gay little server [ __ ] hate both of you never step foing Brien again Axel get a knuckle sandwich please like my brother you know how brothers are dude it’s not who is that a deep fakeer wait have you seen this yes cuz it was originally Superman Goes to School wait until so long in the afternoon to do this because I think he’s genuinely just been committed to the bet the his entire life he has to pick up oh yo what’s up you guys having fun harassing me a miner huh huh harassing miners me coming to my chat making fun of me you are not a minor anymore yes I am bro bro you pushing 20 not true what are you guys getting where is my birthday in like a week what’s everyone getting me I see crow’s feet next to your eyes right now you got to get that checked out no that’s my uh sepsis man you always got these goofy ass Vapes yeah what the [ __ ] is that it’s [ __ ] Expo marker no look it’s four different flavors look you change it [ __ ] there’s four different flavors it’s awesome kids go from color changing pens to color changing Vapes bro we’re cooked you should cooked that’s a good tweet send that one to preo what are you what are you doing on this stream uh a whole bunch of stuff man I’ve been uh played some games mhm mhm uh uh what’s some Instagram reals yeah just hanging out with my lovely Community a who’s your who’s the who’s your favorite member of your community let me oh I can tell you my favorite person in chat but one if you’re in chat right now okay let’s see well nobody’s here I guess no hey that’s a delay [Music] um none of my Oilers are here um probably taking you a while i’ would go for um favorite my not Adrina Park fair enough adren Park’s been very rude to me today Adrina P got banned in pres chat yesterday what being rude yeah Adrina Adrina was very rude to me today they started an uprising is Adrina your least favorite chat member no no no there’s there’s probably some annoying people in here like the the ones called like like Blue Fox 12 who who’ve been following me for like two days for after after I got like raided by like Tommy and no someone like a username like that we had uh horse girl but we horse girl got Perma banned horse we had this one person who was always very annoying in chat and we ban them and uh we was thought just a character they were playing with they were being annoying on purpose until uh they were like oh yeah I’m 20 whenever I do viewer calling it’s like go I want to join but I don’t have Discord do you have zoom So eventually I end up doing a twitch guest dance with her and it turns out she’s not a character but she is incredibly Republican and and and started linking me Caitlyn Bennett YouTube real so she’s now gone gone for good now wait this a real person like all the way there’s like an interview cuz as a joke I was uh people in chat were like what where do you stand politically and she was like Republican and we always thought it was a joke and we brought it up and she was like no don’t Donald Trump all the way and I was like What policies do you support she’s like mainly abortion and it started linking me like Caitlyn Bennett abortion tick talks how the [ __ ] did she find you in the Stream she’s I think she found me through tubo tubo what you got going on over there but she was such a weird character no matter what chat I’d go into she was there like I go into like one of my friends who average like 30 viewers she’s there like hi Harry and I’m like I don’t understand it was like he was hunting me down I that reminds me of I used to have this girl in my Discord where um she was always very polite like whenever I’d see her message I’d be like that’s a very polite person very like lowkey she was like a very wholesome member of the community and then one day there was an abortion debate in the Discord no all I remember happening was that she got banned because she said like if I ever see any of you in real life I’m going to make sure that it’s the last [ __ ] Breath You Take you useless pieces of [ __ ] dude it was hor Scout it was she actually found me for your community I mean this was like four years ago if if the same person is still still that’s still going with her that’s crazy yeah I also I I think it was also like she ended up like whipping out some like slurs in the middle of that [ __ ] too it was it was insane well it started as an abortion debate and then Max Max was there like oh what’s your opinion why do you like Donald Trump and she says and I quote Donald Trump is building the wall to keep oh no I’m not going to actually quote that Jack manold Jack manifold thank you for the raid oh my God Jack manifold thank you very much I’m here I’m here with my friends axu Al and 24 frames of Nick so so wait wait wait wait wait what was it that you liked about Trump again that’s no no that I didn’t I didn’t that you C was building the wall or something that you really like no that is not what I was saying you invited us to a call and started like talking politics no okay okay hold on hold on I’m deafening I need to give context Jack you raided me thank you very much for the tier one you raided me at the time we had this crazy person in my chat who we always thought was a character it turns out they were actually real we got them in for an interview they were extremely extremely Republican and we’re talking about how they loved Trump building the wall um and then said something incredibly horrible afterwards and I was about to I was about to say all of that but mids sentence you raided me um no Axel Nick that’s not true that’s not true Jack manifold thank you for the raid um I hope you go got no I’m going have a panic attack I hope you had fun with your stream he sounds so guilty no I don’t no I don’t okay are you guys going to be normal now we were fine and we were normal man it’s all you you really Jack manifold wants to join we can I can put him in here you a really good liar man I got to hand it to you that’s not that’s not true that’s not hey Jacky Jack what we saying about Trump yeah Jack are you aware of who you’re rating no no yeah I I thought I was and here I am and he’s he’s talking about this war D Harry only he only had like a 100 viewers so he’s like I’m just l out I’m going just all my [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s not true that’s not that’s not even that’s not what happened I can link you guys I’m getting a call hold on wait hello it’s me Donald Trump it’s me person I’m such a big fan hey it’s me thank you so much for endorsing me on your Twitch stream it’s frankly it’s incredible thank you very much can you can you come on fireable Friday I will happily come on Fireball Friday the great Fireball Friday what they’re calling it and they’re saying that I’m going to say many great things I’m going to be revealing all my new policies that I’m going to be what can you give us can you give us a hint get into office in front of sleepy Joe which we’re going to do by the way we’re winning in many states very bigly very bigly can you give us a hint of one of your new policies Donald J Trump uh yeah I could tell you all about them we’re going to be what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be enforcing that in every school for an hour every single day every much much skib toilet they’re going to learn about skib toilet RZ so that they can R up GS like nobody’s ever seen n this is not the real Trum I don’t believe it anymore is his Phantom will Phantom tax be though my friend are Afra 24 frames of Nick that’s many frames they’re saying how does he have so many frames he can’t have that many that’s true that’s true you have too many way too many too many only I have that many frames I have to work very hard for it I think you’re lazy you’re frankly a slob you can’t who hey what did I do to you thank you I stand with you Trump no no okay no yo clip that wait I I have a question why do you have Jack manifolds number let me just say this I I I got in touch with some very high up people and they they gave me this great number I I don’t even know the guy too well I we disagree on many things so I heard you agree a lot you I came down to Bri the other day I said I said Jack tell you that we agree on lots of things and it’s not true I came down to I came down to Brien two days ago I messaged Jack Trump I said I said hey do you want to grab lunch said no I’m getting dinner with Donald Trump okay well Trump would never be in Brighton are you kidding me he’s actually at home with his family spending family time he would never be hanging out with the like of you or me because he’s hanging out with greater people that’s true I think Jack man is the greatest person to ever live I think so too it’s a shame he doesn’t think the same about me but that’s okay he told me he did well when when I Trump when I stated when I stayed at Jack’s Place I actually I opened up there’s one door I’d never opened it there was a shrine to Donald J Trump this getting emotional what that was a big Shrine he had he had a he had a make America greater again cap collection wow I did this is the first time I’m hearing this this is the first time I’ve ever heard this wow you should talk to him Trump you should talk to Jack yeah you should talk to Jack I’m G to give him a call after this stream I’m going to call him back and I’m going to say wow I didn’t know you felt like that you should go on you should go on you you lose Trump it’s been my dream it’s the only way I’m going to take the presidency it’s the only way be the third person be the third person to ever beat him I just don’t know if I can do it I love the W you do let’s let’s hear a hearty chucko you slipped into anyway I’ve got to go I’ve got to go do more campaigning I’ve got to go beat sleepy and that fraud RFK can’t even win the presidency I love you Trump goodbye much 24 frames of Nick I tolerate you no it’s really sorry I wasn’t listening did he hang up yeah he’s a really sweet guy actually dud I told him about that Shrine what [ __ ] off what you talking about what are you talking about in your Gaff what do you mean the Shrine in my GFF oh I was the one who set that up sorry [ __ ] oh [ __ ] out well now he’s going to get his Ops up isn’t he it’s still there fake in your boiler room mate oh for [ __ ] sake yeah now my landlord’s going to kick me out no he’s a landlord he definitely likes him yeah oh well a ga huh it’s a gaff like a house like a place yeah a place of residence dude never use Gaff around Americans I learned that the H ga oh Omega LOL H GA Omega LOL Nick get some omega LS in the chat this let’s get some omega LS running that was a great bit guys 10 out of this chat still when incredible what what were you guys calling about before harassing me a minor talking I was just you know I was making my rounds around twitch you never why do you never call me Axel what do you mean you never go harried do you want to talk we’ve done it like once yeah how many times you done it with neck get your [ __ ] toes out of the frame that was disgusting I hated that have you guys watched have you guys watched Planet the Apes I watched it last night dude it was so great I I hav’t watched a new one I watched rise and Dawn oh for the first time I always thought they were stupid monkey movies they’re not they’re awesome why does everyone think that man I keep hearing that I keep knowing I thought these movies were stupid [ __ ] movies they’re [ __ ] they’re they’ve always been good they’ve always been good since 1968 they were good movies especially the Tim Burton one that’s just a bad one that’s one yeah with with marberg oh god oh J yeah yeah I got to get on was he wearing Municipal is that his brand I don’t know it’s just he I just keep seeing him on Instagram like check out the drip and he’s just wearing full Municipal fit oh I’ve seen that yeah stay prayed up stay prayed up stay prayed up yeah he does stay PR up out here yeah he does other stuff we we should watch Transformers War right now which one’s that the one with Mark Walberg aren’t they all with Mark Walberg no no sh buff man yeah bro it’s sh in the first three movies it’s Shia then it becomes Mark for two I really like the newest Transformers oh yeah you would cuz you’re a child well I didn’t realize at the end there’s like a I watched the post credit scene but I didn’t get it they’re setting up a GI Joe crossover oh yeah that shit’s crazy GI J joke oh my God Mark wolberg slapped Chris Rock wait no Chris Rock Chris that would be the first time he he a minority Chris Ross just punched Chris Ross in the penis that did happen wa never remind you guys see The Simpsons they did that the European song Joke thing oh yeah that was really funny they did it just in time while the while the song was still popular yeah see Jack the planet of the base yeah they did that they had them on you know the song no yeah you do what what do you got sing it for us here go all of the dreams what does it mean how does it me the river is the space and the planet of the base and it goes dance I never lie rhythm is my favorite guy no you know it I’m all right they’re in the mall Jack open up my stream I have got it open look this let me see your beautiful you know it oh this meme dude I sung the whole thing yeah but I your rendition was was not I wouldn’t call it accurate I would call it accurate was on uh on The Simpsons last name dude they predicted they predicted it wow oh my God you seen The Simpsons predicted that Jack Manvel is going to get shot in the head tomorrow what is wrong with you I’m worried what’s happening with Mark Gro The Simpsons man who predicted that Mark groin is that his what’s his name something like that [ __ ] wait you talking about [ __ ] Matt grin what did I call him Mark Gro dude he drew you getting shot in the head and it said it said 15th of May 2024 be careful tomor I’ll be careful on the train tomorrow yeah where are you getting the train to what train London got to go to London I’m coming too what all right aren you in London yeah isn’t that your residence yeah but I’ve got you want find my iPhone I’ll be coming all right you wait no you don’t you me find my iPhone you you don’t know but I I don’t have okay I don’t have your find my iPhone but when you were sleeping in the 24-hour stream I slipped an air tag in your [ __ ] so I uh I can track you that way I would feel it I have a sensitive [ __ ] yeah I’d know I you wouldn’t be able to get it past the rim I have a loose one but I don’t think it’s sens dude I think it’s consider loose because I when I told St stream I thought it was weird when I had a really wet poo and accidentally fingered my bum cuz I Dudez cuz I that and I said like that’s not right yeah cuz I I think I have a loose [ __ ] it sounds like you’re loose Yeahs you just lost like 60 [Laughter] viewers no dude speaking of which by the way Kai Sen’s live so I’ve got to run as well but I mean it’s been real guys have a good night bye bye bye Jack thank God he’s gone I need startop playing music there’s too many awkward silences I don’t like this I need to go in like 5 minutes anyway where you going I have to do stuff do what what I’m not telling you it’s a secret why what if you’re going to hunt me down what I I don’t think we care enough to do that well you say that you you showed up my doorstep at 6:00 a.m. when I was staying down in Bri AEL I I literally never visited I never visited I don’t want to air your business out on stream but that that was weird we saw each other like twice three times oh wow and one of them was you [ __ ] following me around it was an accident that was live on that was live on stream people didn’t know people people could tell that was an accident yo people people were on Twitter saying I don’t like how he’s harassing my comfort Creator that’s that’s what that’s what it was like with you you were weird following me around I’m only 14 what following you you’re not 14 either you’re you’re pushing 20 man what are you is getting me for my birthday it’s your birthday in like a week I’ll get you like another like bomb to suck out of dude you have James Franco in the chat yeah from uh from planet the Apes where and from when he slept with his students yeah where’s James Franco he’s in right you see him he’s a good chatter I love James frankco oh yeah why do you love why do you love James Franco so much the actor yeah yeah cuz I loved him he’s really hot James Franco is really hot yeah he used to be now he’s just kind of like an old man old creepy man yeah [Music] James have you SE Nick I’m going to be in America soon get C get ready wait why where right oh he is ugly now uh I’m going uh vidcom ah it’s nowhere near me but my parents are going to Florida this year be careful oh I’m going to meet up with them we going to become great friends with your parents yeah that’s normal that’s a normal thing to say I’m not even going to tell him that I know you I’m just going to just going to start talking you want me to tell you what hotel room they’re staying in and you could you can oh you can pretend to be the room service they go they go to the pool I go to the pool I say hey what’s up you guys hey your average har Dad I’m friends with him on the internet and they go what the [ __ ] go I hate that I hate that kid they hate that jit no they won’t can I say that word no you’re not from Florida oh is it is it a [ __ ] no no every time Nick says that word my heart drops dude I don’t like that I don’t like look it up on Google pull up the definition can I type it yeah it is not a a just making that [ __ ] up just in time inventory system it’s a management strategy what Str strategy that has a company oh my God oh my God that has a company receive Goods as close as possible to when they are needed wow wow yeah you shouldn’t be you shouldn’t be saying that man yeah well I did economics in school [ __ ] loser hey I got to B it was oh it’s a oh a a juvenile in training from South Florida that’s me you’re juvenile in training I’m I’m a juvenile in training I think I would hold up well in prison no I think I would turn into you you would turn into the prison Jester real fast but I would be good at but like they never attack the jester no they they probably will at one point You’ be like the guy they make an example out of you’ll call you’ll call like the wrong guy bald and then he’ll just shank you in the shower or something well at least it’s in the shower yeah E’s your clean up I guess exactly have you guys seen my my uh cosplay what’s your cosplay so this I’m going I’m going to Comic-Con next week is it PG keep PG yeah Chad is PG right I don’t like what’s coming I don’t I don’t feel comfortable I think I think Chad it’s PJ sure sure is not a good enough answer in those I’m wearing that to ComiCon doing an IRL stream oh my God what the [ __ ] my God delete that dude I don’t want to look at that what the [ __ ] what why did you send that to me why did you send that to me delete this [ __ ] man dude how do I delete my how do I I’m going to report the message don’t report it oh my God and you’re showing it this is a picture you put out in the public that’s an awesome [ __ ] thank you Brighton moment that’s rude that’s homophobic that is I don’t want to see that bro put pants on oh that’s genuinely disgusting Nick you know we did that really nice five years tweet I I I thought she died yeah did so many people thought she died you you posted your 5year anniversary tweet like it was like a memorial dude I was like Jesus [ __ ] Christ shave your legs man I will shave them I’m going to do a full uh my girlfriend’s got very excited cuz she’s going to wax my ass so so uh I’m going to do a full wax do you guys want to see what it looks like from behind no no no no no if you said that [ __ ] I’m leaving I think yeah guys it’s good I don’t don’t don’t pull out your phone like you’re searching for it dude like we’re genuine right now don’t don’t behind I don’t I don’t want to see it I’m not there not a bit I don’t want to see this [ __ ] I won’t I won’t can you be the first person to make it clap without a shaved hole no I’ve already done that with a shaved hole I’ll Make It Clap don’t worry you know that I’ve seen too many clips of you doing that bit I think I’m going to be the first person to make it clap on a cool with axelent neck [ __ ] no no no no I I got to wait for the stream delay to know what’s happening oh oh oh God I think I am has anyone ever made a clap with no hands on a call with you guys before I don’t know Nick so I’m the first probably Nick has Nick could easily I’ve done it yeah here’s my cosplay for ComicCon that is literally a picture of kis good good one dude Omega long oh that’s that’s really that’s really good you got some good Chatters in here dude no I have funny I have my Chatters are funny guys everyone say put a funny joke say the funniest thing you’ve ever said in your life yeah come on guys oh can I tell you guys my Wing Stop CL oh no dude no I I heard this I saw the Roblox stream with zoy the other day I went to Wing Stop I got the spicy wings man those wings were so hot I had to say Wing Stop you realize how nobody in your chat [ __ ] up the ass your dude your voice thing [ __ ] up just wing top Wings Stop oh wait have I told you The Oasis story where my dad went to go see Oasis what happened so it was like 15 years ago my dad went to go see Asis with his best mate um and there was one guy that was there who was absolutely [ __ ] bladdered about two rows behind my dad okay and he was absolutely pissed um clear had too much to drink and he had a he had a pint of beIN he tried to throw it uh on the stage right but missed hit my dad right in the back of the head my dad turns around glares at them my dad’s mate turns around to him and says BR Don’t Look Back in [Music] Anger h i get it actually [ __ ] yeah I get it it’s [ __ ] was it good no well you got you guys tell a joke then if you think they don’t even get it l oh my God they don’t get the joke about the [ __ ] Underground band Oasis they’re so underground no nobody’s ever heard of Oasis this is a very this is a very Niche group do you think they named after the drink um what do you think the drink was named after them is a drink I’ll tell you though the drink is good yeah perfect if you’re on a long C you need to pee it’s the perfect one to pee because it has a really big Lip lip yeah wait no Nick tell me a joke if you think you’re so funny I’m not funny yeah you kept talking how funny you are go tell me a joke joke boy when did they say that don’t call him joke boy call don’t call me joke boy don’t joke Boy tell us another joke he’s mly boy I’ll start calling you jit again no don’t cuz I don’t like when you say that it’s crazy how nobody ever likes when he says it I I’ve never heard him say it in a room and not have people go like oh I don’t know man all right ax will you tell a joke no yeah that’s what I thought I mean if you if you think you you have the upper ground here because you told those jokes that’s just not the case okay well what is the case a suitcase zing and I mute it what’s the grasshopper one grasshopper walks into a bar bartender looks at him and goes oh we’ve got a drink named after you grasshopper goes you’ve got a drink named Jonathan you should have zoy more on your streams he’s funnier okay that’s not that’s don’t no that’s that’s don’t laugh at that guys dude was that like charity or something was what zo being on your stream no I’m going to ComiCon with him he’s also going as Raven really no he’s not he’s going as some anime [ __ ] I think it’s one piece what about me when I me me am I am I keeping you up Axel no I’m going to go live soon when if you go live in the next five minutes I’ll raid you I know you need it Zing dude I I think it’s so funny because I think you I think for for a moment you felt really good about getting more views than me but it’s just not happening anymore is it [Music] dang just wait dude just wait till I get Tom on my stream more just you wait you wait good luck just just just you wait yeah can you play chillers game today yeah I probably will okay uh not [ __ ] adreno p uh the thing is it is what better the they okay I I I need to go now guys okay buddy Goodbye Oh my God a a mod spam weird champ mod wall the mod Wall’s back let’s [ __ ] go weird champ oh this is great stuff okay goodbye man goodbye love you how do I ring him [ __ ] pick up what do you want love you God damn it what love you [ __ ] you no that was rude I’m sorry say it back man no man remember when I bought you dinner [ __ ] that guy chat hope you all enjoyed the stream I uh will be live tomorrow at a normal time not this early I will not be live this early we’ll send a raid uh oh Crow’s live chat we send a raid to Crow go show Crow some love live tomorrow love you I don’t know if I’ll leave be here or Toby’s office even for one oh oh

This video, titled ‘skibidi toilet i love skibidi toilet | AverageArchive’, was uploaded by AverageHarry Archive on 2024-05-15 19:10:14. It has garnered 694 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:58 or 15418 seconds.

things and minecraft chaos mod

14th May 2024

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  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update

    CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft Survival! Exploring the New 1.21 Update In the latest episode of the GAMERKSB07 channel’s Minecraft Survival series, Episode 8 takes us on a thrilling journey into the newly released 1.21 update. This update is not just about adding a few new features; it introduces a mysterious curse that adds a whole new level of danger and excitement to the game. Building a Nether Portal One of the main highlights of this episode is the daring mission to build a Nether Portal. Viewers get to witness the resource gathering, crafting process, and the… Read More

  • Renaming My Minecraft Character!

    Renaming My Minecraft Character! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain expert in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for engaging Minecraft content. From daily original videos to hilarious animations, 方块轩’s channel promises a steady stream of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. By subscribing to 方块轩’s channel,… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to UzeMing Exe 2024 in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to UzeMing Exe 2024 in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal. This portal promises exciting new realms and challenges for players to conquer. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this intriguing portal. Unveiling the Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal The Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal is a gateway to a dimension filled with unique landscapes, creatures, and resources. Players can craft this portal using rare materials and harness its power to explore uncharted territories. Once activated, the portal opens a passage to… Read More

  • Stealing Elytra in Minecraft SMP

    Stealing Elytra in Minecraft SMP Exploring the World of Minecraft SMP @shayanbhattiGaming Embark on a thrilling journey through the Minecraft SMP @shayanbhattiGaming server, where players delve into exciting adventures and uncover hidden treasures. Among the many discoveries, one player stumbled upon an illegal Elytra, sparking intrigue and excitement within the community. Unveiling the Illegal Elytra Within the vast landscapes of the Minecraft SMP @shayanbhattiGaming server, players have the opportunity to stumble upon rare and forbidden items. The illegal Elytra, a coveted treasure, offers players enhanced abilities and a unique advantage in their gameplay. Features of the Illegal Elytra The illegal Elytra grants players the… Read More

  • Crafting & Survival in 2024

    Crafting & Survival in 2024 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series in 2024! Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft in the year 2024 with RoboticGamer2014’s Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series. Join the adventure as we delve into the realms of crafting, building, and survival like never before. Get ready to test your skills, explore new challenges, and dominate the game! Mastering Crafting and Building One of the key elements of Minecraft is crafting, where players can create tools, weapons, and structures to aid in their survival. In this series, you will learn the art of crafting and building, from basic… Read More

  • Tiny House Build Guide | Minecraft

    Tiny House Build Guide | Minecraft The Beautiful Smallest Starter House in Minecraft Are you looking to build a functional yet compact starter house in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases how to construct the beautiful smallest starter house in Minecraft. Let’s delve into the details of this impressive build. About the House The smallest starter house is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. Despite its simplicity, this house includes essential features such as a chest, a stove, storage space, a mini farm, and lighting. The best part? It only takes about 1 minute to build! Its compact size… Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Waterbucket Madness!

    MLG Minecraft Waterbucket Madness! In Minecraft, the waterbucket MLG is key, Insane moves that make us all scream with glee. Dream and TechnoGamerz, masters of the game, Their skills and tricks, they never tame. YesSmartyPie, with updates so fine, Bringing us news in every line. Subscribe to their channel, don’t miss a beat, For viral videos, they can’t be beat. Gamerfleet, with insane MLG, Their gameplay sets our hearts free. In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, With every move, they make it last. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In Minecraft world, let your words take flight. Crafting news with… Read More

  • Coal Speedrun Chaos

    Coal Speedrun Chaos Minecraft Speedrunning: The Quest for Coal Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you race against the clock to obtain the precious resource of coal. In this high-speed challenge, every second counts as you navigate through the blocky landscapes in search of this essential material. The Journey Begins Our intrepid player starts by swiftly gathering resources, starting with a tree to craft basic tools. With tools in hand, they dash towards a nearby cave, the potential source of the coveted coal. The clock is ticking, and the pressure is on to secure the coal in… Read More

  • Crafted Rejects: Minecraft’s Suggestions Deflect

    Crafted Rejects: Minecraft's Suggestions Deflect In this video, I coded with all my might, Suggestions rejected by Mojang, out of sight. Creating a mod with features new, Join my discord server, the link is true. On Twitter and Instagram, I share my game, Bringing Minecraft mods, never the same. All my links in one place, easy to find, Intro music by Holfix, a melody so kind. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ve only just begun. Coding and crafting, a creative spree, With rejected suggestions, come and see. Read More

  • “Flaming Hot Minecraft Memes” 🔥😂

    "Flaming Hot Minecraft Memes" 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaming #meme Read More

  • Core Keeper: Minecraft Clone?

    Core Keeper: Minecraft Clone? Welcome to the Enchanting World of ‘Core Keeper’ by Pugstorm Exploring the Depths of ‘Core Keeper’ Delve deep into the underground world of ‘Core Keeper’ by Pugstorm, where mysteries await at every turn. From fishing in mysterious waters to taking on challenging boss fights, this game offers a diverse range of mechanics to keep players engaged. The Aesthetic: A Visual Feast The aesthetic of ‘Core Keeper’ is a visual feast for the eyes. The pixel art style brings the underground world to life, with vibrant colors and intricate details that make exploration a delight. The Combat: Mastering the Art… Read More

  • “Richjturn’s Secret Riches in Nations & Nobles!” #Minecraft

    "Richjturn's Secret Riches in Nations & Nobles!" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nations and Nobles! #minecraft #server’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-06-05 17:45:57. It has garnered 170 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:27 or 11727 seconds. Welcome to Nations and Nobles! A bunch of YouTubers playing on a lore driven server! Family friendly and no swearing 🙂 Be sure to check out the Nations and Nobles community discord to keep up with current server activities and interact with the Nobles! Check out the other Nations and Nobles guys! Beardo – like – DotJay –… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Pack: Louder Than Ever!

    Minecraft Horror Pack: Louder Than Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANOTHER MINECRAFT HORROR PACK WARNING LOUD’, was uploaded by Ududez on 2024-05-27 02:43:59. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:26 or 3206 seconds. A professional mistake maker and cursed of finding diamonds…..sometimes roblox profile: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Adventure! – To The Sky! 🚀

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Adventure! - To The Sky! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9: To The Sky! A Brand New Modded Minecraft Adventure! [ EnVtuber Live ]’, was uploaded by TheWoodsmanJack on 2024-06-04 08:51:01. It has garnered 31 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:43 or 11083 seconds. Hey, Jack here, and thanks for joining into my stream on YouTube or on Kick. Here’s a link to my Kick, come and join the community Instagram: Twitter/X: Discord: #minecraft #moddedminecraft #skyblock Read More


    INSANE MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING ON OUR MUSHROOM ISLAND – MINECRAFT WITH ITSJIRAGE!’, was uploaded by JkabaK on 2024-02-11 03:05:14. It has garnered 116 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:15 or 9615 seconds. 😎Community😎 Want to join the community on discord? ❤️Support❤️ Want to support the stream? Completely not necessary but I appreciate anything it all goes to making stream better! Thank you! 🤩Loyalty Store🤩 COLLECT POINTS AKA BISCUITS BY CHATTING AND HANGING OUT IN STREAM! Want to redeem those biscuits? or type these: !redeem… Read More

  • Get Me to 250K Subs in Minecraft! #shorts #live

    Get Me to 250K Subs in Minecraft! #shorts #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Road to 250,000 Subs! Help Me Build In Minecraft! #shorts #short #live’, was uploaded by EZ Gaming on 2024-05-03 19:51:31. It has garnered 124379 views and 855 likes. The duration of the video is 06:13:41 or 22421 seconds. We’re so close to the Goal! #trending #trynottolaugh #gaming Become A Member to support the Channel and get customized perks like Priority Replies, Shout-Outs, Custom Emotes, and more: EZ Gaming Merchandise: Amazon Wishlist: Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Oh You Playing Minecraft Hive Part 1!💯’, was uploaded by Saucari Live on 2024-02-29 20:57:24. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Follow the Twitch, Tik tok and Instagram! Minecraft hive live. Ignore tags some are there to reach a broader audience hive minecraft, minecraft the hive,minecraft,hive,hive skywars,minecraft the hive,the hive minecraft,the hive,minecraft bedrock,hive bedrock,minecraft hive treasure wars,minecraft the hive treasure wars,the hive bedrock,minecraft skywars,hive treasure wars,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft the hive skywars,the hive treasure wars,hive trapping,minecraft hive skywars,hive minecraft server,hive minecraft bedrock,minecraft server,hive minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft HAHAHA Madness: Hamza Craft #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft HAHAHA Madness: Hamza Craft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HAHAHA #shorts #x danger r’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:30. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘💢Minecraft – LIVE – Learning w/ the Bro @MrEntari’, was uploaded by Zhe Gaming on 2024-06-07 11:37:41. It has garnered 74 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:21:24 or 26484 seconds. ㊙Join the Club: YouTube: TikTok: Instagram: Discord: *Be Weird Get Kicked*⚽ ——————————————PC SPEC UPGRADES——————————————————- ➡ Went from a GTX 1650 to a RX 6600 ⬅ → Went from a Ryzen 5 3600 to a Ryzen 7 5800 ← If you enjoy the content be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE – HIT THAT NOTIFICATION BELL SO… Read More

  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

    Insane ASMR Gaming Updates - Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Gaming News Fortnite Season 3, XDefiant, Marvel Rivals, Zelda LEGO, Minecraft + more (437)’, was uploaded by ASMR Gaming News on 2024-05-31 20:03:16. It has garnered 2755 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds. 💎 Use Fortnite Creator Code in Item Shop: asmrgaming 🍀 ASMR Lucky Girl’s Channel: 👍 Help the Channel on Patreon 👕 NEW Merch 💰 Paypal Donations ➡️️🌠 🐦 Twitter 🕹️ Twitch 📸 Instagram 🎵 TikTok 🎙️ Weekly Podcast Show: Coming Soon ➡️️🎮 Add me… Read More

  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

    Join the Ultimate Chaos at our Anarchy Minecraft PvP Server! If you crave unbridled freedom and intense battles, this is the place for you. With no rules and no limits, you can build, destroy, and fight to your heart’s content. Our server features a unique lifesteal mechanic, adding an extra layer of strategy and intensity to your combat. Forge alliances or betray your closest friends in a world where anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a cunning strategist, our server offers the perfect arena for you to test your skills and unleash your creativity. Experience the raw, unfiltered… Read More

  • CosineCraft

    CosineCraft is a server that I have created to have a traditional style smp fell to it a server where anyone is welcome and can do as they please (within the range of the rules) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme, must have some serious crafting skills! Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

    Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol The frog boss in Minecraft must be feeling pretty hoppy to take on all those golems! I guess you could say he’s really ribbiting off more than he can chew. #minecraftbossbattle #ribbitingfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → Bedrock IP And Port → | 19132 Website And Store → Discord Server → minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ ► Twitter ➜ ► Instagram ➜ ► Twitch ➜ ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD- In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More