Discovering Hidden Minecraft Secrets – Let’s Play!

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Lally have like 7 all right good evening our friends we aream is getting a boat oh that’s where my boat I just went and made up a new one I couldn’t find it I guess I died there or something we’re going back to the Jungle

Base we’re going to build a uh portal to the nether uh we’re also going to grab like uh like diamond type stuff ran out yeah we hav’t really yeah we already have usable mines at the old base anyway that we can just utilize so it didn’t make sense to

Completely start that over over here so it was our Treehouse base was going to come to an end eventually unfortunately okay yeah I kind of uh I kind of expected us to it a lot sooner than we did well it was pretty fun to build

Though cuz I was like it was um learning new things figured out that boats on Ice are like you know NOS to a racing engine so man we came like way out here now that I’m looking at this yeah I remember it being like a solid

Like 5 10 minute swim in the boat yeah cuz there’s a torch so obviously we place that there so we’ve been here before Oh and uh also uh uh I guess like probably mention it uh at the end of the stream uh Adam and I have decided what

Our next little let’s play is uh we may stay in Minecraft like one or two more streams um but we are going to be hopping to Fallout 76 which I can’t remember if we’ve ever streamed that we never streamed it we never beat it you did have an older

Video on your YouTube channel where you were showing off one of your bases that you designed so we never fall at all I I don’t know for some reason I feel like we would have streamed that but I can’t think of uh let me flip through my uhbe

Chanel I also realized I’ve got like way more subscribers on YouTube than I did on Twitch you do have a lot on YouTube I swap I swap back to YouTube Just CU like yeah I don’t know I feel like twitch just yeah after that planet coaster uh video you did um it was

Like exploded yeah it uh I mean it’s I mean look I’m a millionaire from YouTube that but got a few uh let you say that now yeah the planet coaster stream is definitely my like most uh play like long like significantly more I think people had a tough time with that game

And they were like what are these you know what’s this guy doing that’s that I’m not doing cuz I keep losing yeah it’s a it’s a very hard game uh but it’s fun too but I think like the thing about it and maybe this is just me like getting older

Um um maybe it’s just me like getting older but like I can’t replay stuff like that because it’s not as like entertaining because you’ve already done the levels yeah cuz to me it’s like you might be like this but like now it’s kind of like

I want to make like the most of like every like minute or whatever so like unless something’s like really entertaining like I’m not going to play like a game and like while I’m playing it be like man this is okay like there’s like thousands of other things that I could

Be doing that could potentially be more entertaining than I used to look at that as like a you know a willpower thing it’s like okay this isn’t the best game but it’s it’s entertaining enough and if I just like push through then maybe you know maybe it’ll get better and this and

That the other now I’m just like okay well if I’m not enjoying it why am I forcing myself to do this it’s supposed to be for fun you know and I guess it’s like the thing right is it’s like am I weak because I can’t sit myself down and

Like force myself to do something that I don’t want to do but the whole point of it is so that you have fun and you’re entertained and if you’re not fun and entertain like you know it’s not like you’re reading something for like yeah like I’m not playing video games to like

Skill build did you force yourself to sit through your uh continuing education stuff like that couldn’t have been interesting or exciting I did but like there was like an incentive behind it right which with video games like the only reason that I’m playing video games

Is like I’m not like I don’t play video games now like now like maybe when I was like in college and stuff but I don’t play video games now to like make myself a better entrepreneur or like learn more about like economics like so I think

Like the the reason behind why I play games has changed so much that it’s impacted my ability to sit through something that I’m not enjoying yeah plus the older you get and the more responsibilities you have like added on your plate you’re just like I don’t have

Enough time to uh dedicate to this yeah and so the time that I am going to use like I want it to be worth my while yeah plus video games have gotten so overly complicated now that it’s like you have to learn an entire economy and a whole like backstory other thing too

Bro that gets me is like some of these games are like hella complicated yeah and I’m like I don’t have like I don’t have like the ability to sit down and dedicate like an hour or two to just learning how to do basic things in the game yeah exactly I thought Mass Effect

Had a complicated like world and story and stuff and it did but like now it’s just no comparison and I’ll be honest like even Starfield when I first started playing Starfield was like oh wow this is like really overwhelming huh um I don’t know that

I’m going to like this and so it took me like like I would say the first 10 hours of me playing Starfield um or no that’s that’s way too generous um I would say the the first like like two or three hours of me playing Starfield I was like me like it’s

Okay um and then eventually I got like I started realizing C things I was like oh like you know if I do this this and this then I can like uh unlock like the best like ship possible and so like I had these like sub goals like while playing

Of like okay well like today I want to like increase like the cargo capacity on my uh on my ship so I can like carry more things back and forth and I have to make as many like stops at different planets to sell things yeah and then

Like there were times where it’s like okay well like I want to like get XP so I can get these like skill points that allow me to build bigger better ships so that they go faster or they look cooler um so I had like these like small like objectives to like keep me

Going um also the story is like pretty decent um oh is that that thing what it is this did it get rebuilt that’s a iller base oh it’s a new one but it’s just one I don’t see any other build buildings interesting I am not equipped

At all to fight bro I think they literally rebuilt it that’s I was looking at it’s just one massive base oh no there wasn’t water in between yeah there wasn’t water they’re all falling in the water that’s hilarious yeah we can uh we can skip

This one yeah I have aood I’m going to take a picture so I know what coordin it’s at everyone come back it’s not that far yeah I was like we will get you pillagers um so I I was watching this YouTube video apparently you can stick a

Boat in a Minecraft or mine cart yeah and you can use it on so it’s kind of like a V huh so a boat in the mine cart does it have to be on a mine track in order to be useful I don’t think so interesting oh this is that swampy area

Okay we’re getting close yeah got those weird trees may have to go on land for a minute just a shortcut trying to avoid that but here we go yeah remember this little part it’s like windy but yeah I don’t know like uh so they uh I got this new game uh on Black

Friday look really cool that rock city Prime game oh yeah it’s very mint really so like I didn’t really like get into it like I thought it but I have a lot of this like um what is that it’s another Temple looks like sorry I was like what is

This is this another one of those jungle base things yeah okay there’s some goodies in here yeah there’s usually some uh I don’t have a pickaxe might be worth exploring there were some traps in the other one but I heard that break the chain here there’s a chest over here two gold

Bars mostly gold I wish just put like oh there’s some pistons in here I know uh I wish they would uh put actual good stuff in these chests it’s like oh great gold which we technically will kind of need if we go explore the nether again just because one piece of gold armor

Keeps the piglins from attacking you I killed a skeleton earlier and got his gold pants and gold hat okay that’ll come in useful sweet yeah that I mean may not have been worth it but it didn’t take very long so short detour all right so we are going to have

To go all land but we’ll take our boats with us okay it should be like this way another thing we never did is uh tame any horses on this game um that like one time I just think horses are kind of slow yeah some of them are faster than

Others apparently you have to like take time and find it’s like Zelda or whatever you have to find the right one which is just silly to me at least we’re in the jungle biome again yeah very true like crazy have to be careful don’t do that as I fall

Down okay I see some buildings over there not sure if Village or Pillager output but there was out J oh yeah there was wasn’t yeah maybe it’s that one may burned oh no this is our base ha I see the tower oh yeah that wasn’t too bad was like this

Lighthouse is probably a waste of time no no that’s ours and we can see it from a mile away which is perfect and I think we already transported all of our diamonds and stuff from the other base yes yeah what we have at this base should be

All home sweet jungle home this place I actually really like this base yeah this is my favorite base that we’ve that we’ve made nice feels good to be back our pumpkins but it’s kind of like like the best way to describe it is it’s like your your bachelor pad like you go there

You can have some fun times but like are you really enjoying it yeah like is it GNA is she fulfill you it was an interesting diversion nothing else oh wow we had so much stuff over here we got 64 diamonds you think that’s enough H yeah that’s enough to

It’s good start of course once we start making armor out of it it’ll go pretty quick oh my gosh so many arrows oh yeah we got some more emeralds too we start stacking my uh stuff more gold snowballs I brought some of those back just in case balls di

Pickaxe with the quill with the quill oh that song you sent me so funny which one the flow ride as Christmas song yeah it’s PR good is I laughed so hard I was like I’ve got to S this to people I work with Apple Bottom Jeans yeah I don’t

Know I whyle it out so funny we have 37 blocks of obsidian up here that’s what I’m talking about all right I didn’t use all the diamonds I just okay we had some Diamond realiz there was a diamond chest plate and Diamond pair of pants in here too

Yeah I’ll use that I I think I found that somewhere like already so that saves us oh actually oh you’ll need one gold so the Hat costs the least gold and it doesn’t really matter what your gold item is yeah I’m going to make a new hat CU I

Just realized skeleton one is pretty gar oh yeah we should probably enchant these uh armors too let me see what enchantments just in case if I can get the fire resistance uh enchantment that would be fantastic I have one level so AR enchanting nothing why aren’t you enchanting

Anything oh it’s already Enchanted L oil Protection One is enchant and that has knockback so I technically cannot enchant mine but I can do yours I’ve got level six which is better than very okay okay just like my okay bear I love the sound it makes when you wear uh

The diamond stuff just makes you feel good you know okay I still don’t know how to make chain mail bane of the anthropods Unbreaking on the on the sword here you go to your Unbreaking sword I think that one was yours to help against the demons

Yes like I need to like jump off a c quick though I have feather falling four on these boots maybe that means I get fall damage protection oh yeah we’re also going to need um I need bow and AR oh Yeah oh no oh no I didn’t rest in a bed oh no oh no are you really back yeah oh gosh um I noticed it when the uh windows were a weird yellow and blue oh gosh I was expecting it to be uh whatever the color

Windows well least I still got some prep work to do because we’re going to need a bunch of food and we’re going to need like some other things I texted you the coordinates uh that’ll take you back here I didn’t even think about that I’m

Going to go ahead and do a rest in my bed real quick because okay I need to think about that all right second uh Adventure I’ll build a uh obsidian portal out here too I wonder where we should put that thing so once all your collections are like

Sold um are you just going to hold until the next bare Market or are you just kind of strategically looking for uh uh I’m kind of so my plan is to hoard like a ton of cash and then wait for the stock market to just crash yeah throw it

In there wait for it to rebound and then after that I put a pretty nice down payment on my house so there’s there is strategy behind it so you’ve gone more into like a longer game kind of thing yeah because I mean I go back and forth between like what I

Think crypto is like sustainable term or I mean like to me the only reason excuse me why crypto is like a thing right now is because of decentralization yeah and like the technology behind it in terms of like open source like you can track these transactions that are like you know

Could be private so like the transparency factor of it right there is bound to be another technology that is invented in the future that is like crypto but maybe works with the current Financial system yes that’s the thing um I just I think it’s like one of those

Asset classes that’s like a fan I really do like the more and more I think about it unbiased and objectively I feel like it’s a bad I feel like it’s going to be like okay this is great there’s not really like an amazing alternative right now

But I think like the real barrier to entry that I think crypto has is the accessibility feature mhm and if I had to guess what banks are going to do because you know a lot of banks are institutional investors in crypto space yeah if I had to guess I think they are

Going to try and count this uh full market and I think they’re going to and it’s going to take the price and then I think that they’re going to introduce a blockchain like technology that they’ve been working on this entire time that integrates with the financial system that is like open source like

Public data that you can see and stuff if you like know somebody’s like wallet address yeah while addressing quotation or quotations um I don’t know I feel like the banks are like working on something like that and I just think that there are too many tokens out there to where like

Realistically like there’s not that big of a need for like thousands of different crypto tokens yeah and I just ultimately think that a lot of them are just going to go to zero that’s going to cause a lot of panic which is going to cause people to want to

Um so I don’t know I uh that mix feelings about it the other side of it is like well like it’s revolutionary technology kind of like the internet was like back in the day and now like the entire economy is based on the internet

Put on top of it yeah I just I don’t know that because the governments can’t control it like is just open and decentralized to a certain extent I think it’s going to have a much harder time at Mass adoption because of that one specific fact because it’s like well like who are

These people you know running this blockchain and what happens they just like cease to exist one day Bitcoin will kind of always be there or will it like is it secretly centralized knows about it CU that part of the code is not open source you

Know to me I I just think there’s a lot more like the probability I guess we’ll we’ll talk in terms of probability the probability of crypto succeeding in my opinion far less than it’s succeeding say that right not succeeding not succeeding yeah it’s a much more likely case that it absolutely fa and

Becomes another like thought experiment of like oh yeah like this utopian way of thinking about such and such would be really cool but it not actually come to fruition because there are so many hurdles that you have to jump through to get anything approved in this country uh point in fact that Congress

Still hasn’t named a government agency to like regulate crypto like the just kind of stepped in like well you know like we regulate stocks and these are kind of like stocks um so I don’t know I think it’s uh I think krypto’s got a very uphill

Battle um and it’s also a really small Market too I think a lot of people forget that like it’s not like this is like some game changing technology that’s got a lot of backing like the entire crypto industry is like what like 2 trilon at yeah yeah roughly and that’s what

Some that’s all like the biggest player right in the market besides you know potentially some banks or exchanges is like El Salvador you know what I mean like it’s not there’s not this huge influx of capital that’s coming in from institutions it’s it’s simply retail which is kind of cool that it’s

Ground up but at the same time how much can you really rely on it if the big dogs aren’t in it yeah like for example like we can talk about how much like crypto is like decentralized and stuff but like something that happened with SPF where like these companies own

Significant amounts of like a certain token and if anything happens to them like they’re going to have to sell their tokens basically to kind of you know get out of bankruptcy I mean it’s just it’s kind of scary thought um where it’s like yeah the the control aspect may be

Decentralized but like the Holdings really aren’t decentralized because if it was truly decentralized it wouldn’t matter if you know an exchange like FTX went under it wouldn’t impact the price yeah people would shrug their shoulders and just say okay you know there’s a half% owner or something like that in Sal it’s not

Going to crash the market but when like FDX like went through its like scam phase like it was detrimental to salana like so went down to like $10 like in a period of like a couple days from like 30 bucks and Solana’s Peak price was 200 so like there’s obviously like some

Manipulation going on and obviously like the cryp bace itself isn’t completely um decentralized because if it was then like you know it’ be in a completely different uh oh I’m like back at like the old old base oh we’ll just take the train over then the maybe I gave the wrong

Coordinates I just realized I can’t really I just realized I can’t like make a nether portal out of crying obsidian has to be obsidian so let me fix this real quick I was going to make something that look really cool but that’s like so funny like I saw like the little bridge

And stuff I was like okay like wait a minute like wait why is there a village over here I was like oh this is like way back this lot has changed I guess the Villager just moved into our house but yeah that’s like my whole thing is it’s like the main tting point

Of crypto being decentralized isn’t even true and most likely W true ever um because of like yeah that’s true because this like second nether portal is like really close to uh yeah if you want to destroy well maybe hold on to that one then we’ll we’ll make a new one over here

We’ll see what happens because there’s got to be a way to do that um and use it for what we want to use it for I just don’t know how to do it yet cuz if we can find a way to link the portals together in a sense

Then that makes traveling through the ne the nether kind of a breeze and also there’s something called a respawn anchor that allows you to respawn in the nether if you die in a very specific location so we can build like a hub that’s safe from Monsters right when we get in the Nether

Um I saw kind of use that Beacon but then there’s also this thing called an Ender Chest so like you can put yeah and then it’s thatle oh that cool that’s like a Fallout feature so if I have an Ender Chest here and at you know the base we

Just left all the way around the world if I put like a diamond pickaxe in it I can access that diamond pickaxe from anywhere yeah like we build like of these expensive we could in the build like chest and put like our jewels and stuff

In it and uh let’s say that you we put one in that nether in that one little house that we bu the ne downstairs like in the lava hole Bas the jungle base the J or the other jungle base two jungle bases now yeah or no Forest base Tree House

Base that’s an interesting idea yeah I wonder if that works in the nether I um back when we were at our first vase um I built like a nether Highway um from our original nether portal so there’s actually a way to explore a good chunk of the nether right now um without being

On the ground yeah yeah I was I i’ got a pretty good ways into it um uh how many blocks does a nether portal make like 3 by maybe oh yeah plus when you see that Lighthouse or whatever it looks really neat let me see if this works also there

Was like 60 uh coal and uh and one of the little stations gra it oh yeah we can use that for sure never have enough coal you never have too many coal oh my gosh uh so I oh yeah like wait what in Korea uh got her like narrowed a little

Bit okay looks like very different now really uh and it’s like it’s really like like she looks very pretty oh but oh well it’s a terrible uh uh she looks very pretty I just almost question like what are you doing sort of thing like yeah she did it like for

Herself anybody else right it’s just some things she wanted done and finally had theid make sure you sleep on your bed oh yeah good idea which one is yours uh I touched this oneou um okay I just lit that nether portal so it’s ready whatever we

Are all nice let me grab some uh food CU we will definitely need some food um so I’m going to grab like three stacks of 64 arrows just cuz I feel like we’re probably going to need them yeah we’ve got so much food at this base I forgot like it’s a

Lot go enchant my yeah bow very important um I can enchant that too we’re going to get there where the heck is our Str it’s yeah it’s always better to just over prepare it’s the lesson I learned from this playthrough cuz I was like oh we got this we’re good at the

Game it doesn’t matter like the nether is not fair so blast protection I guess that could help where is our Str um I’ve got one string a good amount of we had a bunch at that other base but I think that was just from finding spidies you need Str to build a

A I’ve got one piece how many do you need I think it’s like three okay yeah I know but it’s like oh actually there’s bows down here okay I was like I don’t know maybe we made extra bows or something and we’ll need arrows like two 64 Stacks I have 64 then

I have three bows where they’re all like between 50 and 75 okay I’m also going to bring some I’ve got a good bow I don’t want to bring that seing down there um I’m going to bring some oft okay I was going to do Cobblestone torches torches yep um got a done

Coal we don’t really need flint and steel down there do we here make a of okay grab those and I can hold on to the bows and stuff I also have a boat like maybe need a okay oh yeah we can’t have beds in the nether I forgot about that they

Explode um I don’t need three iron axes get rid of those and I don’t need this fishing pole uh I’m not going to bring a flint and steel don’t see the need um I’ve got a 64 stack of beef for you too I just put in this chest

Um uh we’ll probably need to bring some chests down there so I’ll get a stack of chests and then should we bring some gold I’m thinking about making like a hub and then we can spread out from there oh we are going to need okay light I’m going to bring a couple of

Extra pieces of like gold armor um weing something going yeah I am I that okay um oh my gosh we have so much food yeah yeah I forgot how much like how many goodies we had at this base um did you say torches you already make torches yeah I put A4 St in

That gra there we go it at least you have and it’s probably good we don’t like completely like book up our inventory just in yeah we don’t lose all of this stuff um I was thinking we could build yeah build chests I’m going to bring four 64 stacks of

Cobblestone cuz cuz they’re kind of resistant to gas and stuff a little bit more um cuz I just don’t know where it’s going to spawn Us in so going to need oh do you want a shield I don’t know if you even need those or not is it useful you

Think only if you crouch um and it’s not very useful against flames and stuff so maybe not in the nether but from Project tiles it’s pretty good it doesn’t really cost an extra inventory space you hold it in your hand but it um just personal preference sure

Okay and then any wood we bring iar Shield yeah any wood we bring is just GNA off yeah and we can put our extra food in the chest and stuff oh we’ll ugly bear ugly bear oh you sold your ugliest bear uh so they pump to like 40 soul and

I sold my last one oh almost three grand and they crashed again so B another one but it was like it was like an okay bear no pun intended y it was me like but it was like okay like I can I’m okay buying this like floor Bear yeah floor

Bear so uh yeah I made a crafting table now that I have that green one oh I have nine chests by the way I have four do we need that many I’ll put my four I’ll put my for back we can we can kind of figure it out from there right

All right first order of business is definitely going to be building the the base we get there and then I put the portal over here got C right yeah I’ve got like 5 64 stacks of that yeah I found it in the chest doesn’t work yeah I brought like a ton

Of Cobble over from uh that station that you built that’s like oh yeah that’s that’s what I dipped into for that so hopefully this uh this works out let’s see what see what happens fingers crossed it’s a good place and not a death trap just never know of these things see where we’re

At okay oh oh oh uh Adam yeah oh this is that hogland Fortress that we were in hold up stay right where you at okay don’t don’t don’t attack the hoglands or whatever they shouldn’t fight you I have gold armor okay follow me this is a really good spawn point

Yeah this actually works pretty well not going to lie so this connects to the bridge that I was making actually so you’ll get to see that um so this connects all the way back to the start where we were at our original portal so if we go this way built this bridge yeah

I built a lot actually this was months ago this is like August I was tunneling and tunneling and tunel yeah it was so a very short walk takes you back to our OG base and I put up these things so we can’t get blasted by gas as long as we keep

Moving um we’ got roofs we’ve got side panels you can still see where you’re going obviously with those but you can’t fall off and then this way is our OG portal and then this is the only way down like out of the portal I haven’t built steps Enderman can’t spawn in here

Cuz I made it too low if you look up it’s just one block that’s our original portal so this is at our underground Lake base yeah and then this is our room where your bed exploded and then we have all this stuff oh oh you see what I you

See what I did here my brain exped oh yeah this nether quartz by the way you can turn the quartz block and it’s really pretty oh okay I didn’t know what you did with that honestly it’s really pretty and also there’s a t of oh yeah I brought extra in here

Apparently last time I’m just going to put stuff in this chest thease that we like or moving well so here’s the thing right so let me move out of this place here so uh I’m trying to figure out how to get um so there’s some stuff down there like straight ahead

Ah all the Ender are mad but they can’t get us so suck oh but the nether cords oh yeah the Enderman or whatever if as long as you don’t look them directly in the face like with your cross hatch or whatever then they won’t uh get you plus we can kill them and

Like get their pearls this way too it’s kind of what I was thinking but they’ll all attack you if you go down there we’ll uh we’ll let them de deescalate or whatever so I’m trying to find a uh nether fortress which is not the same as the piglin Fortress that we

Raided I went this way yeah we did the gold it’s basically just gold which is great but you know are you is your mind blowing right now okay so this is where I stopped yeah this was just like a side project it is it’s and aite it’s not

Gravel I wouldn’t do that to ourselves um so this is like where I stopped I crouched and then we’re like you know doing this Essen and this is over a lava lake so you know whatever from that but this here on the side prevent gas from doing this and then

Um like that but then you can still kind of see is the thing so I was going to go over here to this part and see what was over here and so every block that you walk on by the way is eight blocks in the Overworld is how that

Works just pretty crazy how far like you can travel doing this and then I’m always terrified I’m going to fall down though oh and lose and lose everything and blah blah blah may I have some Cobble sir actually I can go back to the other base right yeah I was like grab

What you need um we’ve got enough we don’t yeah and that’s going to be just our Hub I’m actually going to put some stuff I’m go with you and put some stuff in the chest so we can uh not lose everything if I do fall I mean we’ll obviously lose the

Armor but I might actually put some of my armor I’m actually going to put some of my armor in there too because I don’t need all of it right in a second um we’ll need it for obviously raing the Fortress but I really don’t need it

Right now so just the gold I’ll keep on um you know if an Enderman like happens to spawn up there while I’m building pushes me off or something I don’t want to have to make more armor right and then enchant it and all that crap so

If we need it we can come back for it what I’m thinking and then we can build like another base as soon as we get to like Solid Ground when I have 32 stack of gold what was that for w oh that’s make extra armor also don’t need 36 chickens okay

Let me let me split my food too cuz yeah I all but 15 stakes in my inventory yeah I’m GNA keep 16 That’s funny though and my boat don’t obviously need that so flint and steel all this other stuff we can get in the over World pretty easy

So I don’t care about losing it um definitely got to keep my bow though yes yeah this was what I was working on like sometimes when I was bored or just I was like I need a lunch break or I’m going to go crazy at work I

Would literally just sit here and do this this part honestly right here was the hardest because of the Enderman yeah this Forest they only spawn in this Forest apparently I put anti yeah bu structure and these orange glow things uh act as lanterns without having to use torches I mean you

Can use torches if you want but I think they look cooler yeah it’s in the trees in the nether yeah I ran out a cobble right here so I had to switch to andesite trying to find a good spot to like descend CU there’s going to be Enderman over here

Too because it’s still one of the forest it’s like a warped forest biome or something which they say is really good place to farm like ender pearls and things like that but yeah you can you can best believe I was clinching uh my butt through here um a little bit because

It’s just such a long way down it’s a little teas but yeah you do that so I’ll do side um apparently the in the fortresses uh nether fortress or whatever spawn on the Lava Lake which I think is what that is but we may have to get down there to actually see it

Because right now we’re kind of floating over all these like Netherrack is floating a stair haven’t figured that out yet so this is as far even though I built a lot this is as far as I’ve like explored really oh and then there’s another one

Of these on the other side so where the other Fortress is the pig one if you like keep going there’s some did I really put my pickaxe back up that was dumb yeah I think if we’re g to try to make our way down the best place to try and do it

Would probably be this like Cliff like go straight to the cliff there yeah and then build stairs down cuz it’s it’s near impossible to build stairs from this height because we can’t get under the block without falling off yeah I didn’t want to connect it yet cuz I didn’t want

An Enderman like we can’t get in here because of the oh yeah the ceiling but they can get to where you’re at they can like teleport up there they’re pretty annoying you Happ to look at them oops also like I was terrified of falling down myself and so I was just

Like this keeps me from from doing that one of the YouTubers I was watching recommended this they called it a nether Highway and as long you’re not in the forest biome here you don’t have to do the roof because nothing else is really going to get you from above like that right uh

Like even the gas are kind of from the side okay okay oh you not today and there’s no uh there’s no piglins over here either so that’s nice nobody’s Agro everybody’s just peaceful and loving and not angry at us building in their Woods really needs to be some like nether and now they swarm but they’ll like keep spawning right here because they’re stupid and so you can just get all their pearls and stuff and then once you kill them they’ll calm down they also like to burn themselves in the lake down there yeah burn

Nice yeah it’s a pretty decent little system I’m sure there’s ways to like tweak it to make it better um one of which is I’m going to add somehow a I can do this without falling nope I can’t ah I put a crafting table on the corner

Over here so we can like not have to walk all the way back do you need any more anything from back here at the chests I had to run back and grab my pickaxe I can’t think of anything I’m trying to figure out like what’s the best way

To you can also like tunnel through um the Netherrack like straight ahead if we want to do that I just don’t know what comes out the other side there oh that’s actually yeah that’s a good idea that but it’s like that’s what I did over there head

Back keep hearing all these uh Enderman just like going crazy like are you making them angry I don’t think they can open doors either so like if we wanted to build like an opening and a door here so we could explore down there if we really wanted to but like

F what I always wanted why are you hurting yourself not very impressive is going to try and build the steps like down here so we have a clear path of where we’re going in the end it’s like I I feel like I have to be quiet in real life or something

Go sounds terrible you should uh Jack’s setic I play you should uh watch that oh gotcha or maybe it was Mar oh Markiplier loves to play those like scary weird games and stuff I mean they are fun to a degree he’s feel like he’s played so many of those

He’s like desensitized to it [Laughter] now yeah and it’s it’s it’s just so annoying to me that’s funny yeah they’re nicely individual well it’s like you can hear like um it’s just like everything that okay uh we may have found a fortress at them okay coming it’s likeit

We NE you torches on the left side to show uh yes okay they’re on the right we’re on the right track okay I think it’s this fanc com oh yeah that is that F combo okay now there may be lava around the corner there so just

Beware a but uh probably are on the right track with that if I see lava I’ll just scream don’t scream at them oh yeah so if you scream you die in the game and you have to survive uh you have to survive 10 minutes in the game and it’s procedurally

Generated too it’s like every playr is different okayed what’s all this like lava blocks or whatever you think it’s down maybe I was thinking that but like oh there’s a gold uh pieces down here yeah you can get gold in the Gold’s kind of pointless now if you

Can get it in the nether too I am so scared oh all right well I didn’t see any Fortress so I’m just going to we can I was like we can just keep going straight no I I had to do that too like I uh I

Just kept digging and then if lava flows it’s slow enough you can kind of you know jump back and just plug the hole and then go around it and that’s what I had to do that was the sort of the most tedious part of that um the other option would be to go

Either up and over the hill where we went down into here um just keep going down like we were building came down a good ways until we find yeah cuz the lava it’s pry so okay so let’s see we can go up like hard to see this mountain thing as

Well but then the Enderman might attack but that’s also fine I guess o this is actually really good an let me get back down okay I got uh I got this the first piece of ancient debris okay okay like real good stuff they’re very they clear some head

Space up here wait what is it o we can use that for netherite we can uh we can upgrade our diamond armor to netherite armor I have a netherite template I didn’t expect to find gravel so that’s kind of a weird find I’d also be kind of careful yeah for the

Lava H that’s smart put the torch down oh there’s de down here oh okay I didn’t expect that where’s the uh lava so literally the lowest you can go is level five uh in the nether anyway down it’s just like you can’t go much further if because you’re going to run into all

Bedrock at some point you know we’re probably actually under that Lake that be just a oh yeah this is this be dangerous here what you’re doing it is okay sir I am a trained professional would you like me to hold your diamond armor sir mom didn’t raise no biscuit and

Scared but honestly if this brings us out on the diamond oh debris is that what that is yes that looks interesting much ancient debris possible yeah um would love to have some netherite armor it’s the best you can get in the game apparently just oh here’s a uh here’s that dark Cobble

Again yeah what is that like sort of leading us to we also have a music change too yeah we got a music change now so maybe that means we’re in a a level that oh [ __ ] oh I heard something okay okay all right okay sounds like a gas I’m

Scared not of the enemies but basically a massive pile of lava just like coming down I don’t think we’re anywhere close to Lava I’d be able to hear it oh yeah you’re right you canar was that a gas we heard okay play like Moonlight sonana

Or yeah that’s a gas which I I mean we’re above cuz they only spawn like upwards right like floating so I know this is uh this is interesting we can’t step on this mag yeah they’ll hurt you have to take them down I do really wonder what this level

Is here what does this mean I want to know what this dark Cobble of stuff is I want to know why Minecraft is playing a bet song oh oh [ __ ] back bro I like P okay all right we found we found okay so we know there is lava in

That point so on the left one if you okay so I to to stand back cuz there shouldn’t be any behind this one okay so absolutely pure panic yeah I was like just walk backwards very slowly and then get ready to place a block if you see it like yeah okay

So that might not be the a way to go may have to go like around that uh or something that’s kind of how I had to do it just like go to the side and then continue up until I found like a manageable it’s so weird yeah I’m going

To put four torches on this wall like don’t dig here danger danger thises out ofwhere that was pretty funny though now that it now the Panic is over oh this is about that level too cuz it’s got these uh these like magma cubes yeah or I think we’re under that lava lake or

Something let me see I can use the coordinates actually to figure that out so you’re at 67 minus 208 so I could go to the above place there and go to I think oh going back going back I knew I should have brought a backwards just walk backwards get

Backwards is there a for over here done this I don’t know I so most of what I did was going like under instead of up like this is tough this is hard um so it was on the right side so I think if we go left might be able to

Okay I hear a gas all right just uh that was weird I hear the L good thing is you can see it before it uh comes down here like why did they get all a I put a torch there oh lava okay come on down going

Back all right I’m going to I’m going to go to the where we were and then try to see where 70- 208 is up there cuz if it’s just plain lava lake then we’re never going to get up there we’ll have to go above of below but we we did find some ancient

Debris should have uh kind scary when you think about it yeah it’s very nerve-racking um I just took it really slow when I was doing it and I mostly went up like I started high and went low um that way if or just kind of tunneled straight through just in

Case uh Raymond that’s a good question um basically I don’t know there’s anything you can do to like prevent them from attacking you other than like shielding your eyes but one thing you can do is uh when you’re like build like a little Bridge area but make it like um

Like two of two block because are blocks tall so they like literally can’t get into a structure a little while ago they’ll get mad if you look at their face block so just not even their eyes but just their block with your cross that’s in the

Middle of your screen um if you point that at their face they all get mad all the ones in that area but if you don’t ever do that then they don’t really get mad at you but it’s kind of hard not to when there’s so many walking around in this one L area

Right so okay I’m going to make another pickaxe cuz mine okay I hear a pe oh okay there’s the sticks hell Johnny Bo we have not found netherite yet no actually there was one we did find one Ingot of netherite in the piglin Fortress um but it was just one Inland

Yeah we can smelt it with uh this ancient debris that you’re getting it’s so slow going uh in the nether you just have to be so Careful I mean maybe I’m I’m trying to get over there as quick as I can to check you hear piggies uh we’re basically just exploring the trying to find uh blaze rods uh oh did you ever make that nether for diamond armor cuz end yeah theend kind of

Sucks they just hit so hard and they have no chill like chill I I am not aan of at all I think they’re they’re like the worst en in this game to be honest the end they’re just terrible like they hit so hard it takes forever to kill

Them like if you know something like a creeper like you only need like three with a i I don’t like that they can teleport that’s the thing that gets me it’s like that’s not fair I need to be able to sort of defend myself against you like they’re all mad at me now

Yeah I can’t tell you how many uh Diamond things I I like lost very mad I get very mad like we took a break from the ne the place where we spawned is one of the fourest bi in the ne yeah the p with the Hogs was

Just yeah I mean it’s great if you need ender pearls but we were not at that point in the game yeah like we had like just started yeah we just that was our first nether portal cuz we were just like oh yeah we got to it’s like just

Because you can go the ne doesn’t learned that lesson the hard way I feel like you need like good bit of experience I feel like that’s just random lava everywhere yeah did you figure out what level that Lake was on I’m almost to the top of

This thing I I have to be careful of these freaking um then we’re walking around here need to make sure I can yeah that works I’ve got almost gone through an entire Diamond you still underground though yeah okay I’m just going to pop up so what’s the what coordinate are you at real

Quick6 76 uh 76 76 okay 76 minus what now uh 241 minus 241 yeah you should be able to dig straight up there’s a forest there like a woodsy biome here it’s kind of like our OG base area I’m just going to walk around out

Here a little bit and try not to look at any Enderman in the ey see if I can find there’s like a lava fall out here but I mean I sound like a little kid the one that sounds like the kid no that’s the gas it’s the big

Square thing that floats and shoots uh no not thing it’s different The Blaze is gold and has like little spindles that kind of flows that’s what I need I need the blaze power um yeah I hear that pig you’re talking about too but I don’t see it definely Need For okay I didn’t realize like how long I been how long youve been tunneling in there like it’s probably for a long time like like 30 40 minutes yeah and it doesn’t like take you that far or whatever why why is my diamond picka dead yeah well the netherite also um

Yeah uh yeah we just passed Bedrock okay I’m like work my way back towards our little uh okay there’s there’s the piglin over there so I found him I see who’s been oh no I hear a gas there is a end all right so this is a perfect example

Raon you see how I’m like in a uh I see your ey like to this part right here that’s so I’ve built like this over here this is how I got up there and then to the left and then this comes out up here but it’s like out in the

Open just don’t just look at the ground don’t look at any end or whatever oh no I’m going to look at yeah I’m staring at your eyes wouldn’t recommend it I’m mad at you here if you look at all of them at once they all get really mad they just keep spawning

Though we get him from over here hey easy peasy yeah we figured this little trick out um because we had a base that was in a jungle biome and it was just end everywhere yeah this is still technically that jungle biome too but we can just continue to do kind of like

What I’m doing if we don’t want to deal with them build our own little Fortress here you like to play brother okay you stuck down there you’re free um yeah I was going to go this way and see what’s up here just find like the nearest like spot that only has two build

One here’s some of that there a foress is that I don’t guess that’s anything it could have been something okay so this looks kind of like it’s made of all of that stone stuff crap that that was him I might die save my stuff when I die

Okay okay did you go the gas yeah with AOW Arrow okay Arrow so that’s to busy being on fire so yeah hi bad okay at least these guys aren’t mad at me because I’ve got gold on okay I kind of want to get over there and see there’s anything

Worth a it’s a Magma Cube thing those were in the another guas oh Nice oh yeah I forgot you could do that you can you can SWAT his uh thing back oh man oh there’s two of them not cool not cool okay let me go back cuz I’m not famar with this this might be a good place to Tunnel uh

Actually what do you get when you kill you get magma cream and I don’t know what you do with it creamy crey butter creaming I it take you yeah they have lost their minds okay so there’s gas down there honestly oh such a nasty nasty episode just a nasty show in general but

Yeah okay this one doesn’t seem to be leading there’s a bunch of piglins but I don’t see oh this leads to I you find something it’s like down I don’t it’s yeah there’s like some glow stone in there I think we can use that for crafting or something yeah it’s like a

Light like if I could just see uh I was like wait what what is that but I think that’s our Bridge we were building right there yes or that’s like part of it oh no that’s what I was building yeah that’s the other side of it so if you

Follow that straight like to the left and go that way it’ll take you to that pigl Fortress so I technically haven’t gone over here there was a bunch of gas and they kept shooting at me and so I was like screw this and started building some else

But this is probably the way we need to go honestly I just don’t see any I we could definitely build up to that bridge yeah we can connect it if you want that way we’re just all in the same we can easily get back here cuz I just don’t

Know based on what I’ve seen on the YouTubes and stuff like it’s pretty obvious when there is a nether fortress like it’s a pretty massive structure yeah that’s a little bit why I’m confused yeah and then there’s oh my gosh this music yeah it’s very strange but yeah

Hopefully there’s some gravel down there I don’t think there’s something over there you see like where at I see like gravel with some lava in the look right off that like straight and then down all right down yeah there’s like armor and stuff like down there wait where like near the lava

Oh on the ground down there yeah oh maybe I died at some point actually I did die down there I can’t believe that’s still there see look up that’s where I got exploded by a gas and then I fell and then yep so we can uh we can build our way

Down or up or whichever direction you want what is this stuff over here like BL uh yeah I don’t know I haven’t been over there I Can Build a Bridge no no you [Applause] don’t I think eventually though we’ll also need a gas tier whatever that is and however you find

One trying to make sure I like designate these so it’s like easy to see I’m using nether to yeah I’m building this out of uh Cobble so we can easily like see it and identify that this is something we built do you still have uh um obsidian no I don’t have any obsidian

But that would have been a smart thing to bring oh crap you’re I don’t know I’m out of oh bro it’s like ashy over here okay we head that way I don’t have anything important on me I don’t know why I’m being so hesitation E I just got 12 beef

But oh yeah this is like volcanic soil or something that’s strange yeah what is this mag I’m sure that’s important at some point or is it yeah this is weird it’s almost like it’s snowing but it’s not there’s lava literally everywhere like you have to really watch your step um

Yeah I don’t know it’s weird right I’m G to go over this yeah just I guess watch your step cuz I’m I keep keep hearing a freaking gas but I don’t see him anywhere ow oh oh no I didn’t have anything important though just some magma cream

So I’ll uh I’ll meet you back over there do you me to bring anything from the Overworld oh no a lot I had like arrows I had a lot of arrows and stuff you want to grab those oh Go’s so many of these mag everywh magma yeah I’ll bring some more Cobble

Um cuz we can totally you what we probably should do though where you’re at that area is build a second not base but like safe room safe house right um out of Cobble so gas can’t explode it so let me uh let me load on up all

Right oh I can uh I can build down to you from this long uh remember I said I started this a gas I forgot to put on gold armor hopefully I don’t run into Piggies were you able to grab all my stuff uh so funny story um I tried

I was being chased murdered by uh like seven of those Magma Cube yeah that’s what they stuck up on me those magma and so I just uh you know to ran away scream my stuff oh uh how about we make our little hey I I saw your hey uh there

You are right is that you no this pink never mind I’m oned that one no I a SpongeBob no this is Patrick no this is Patrick that’s fine where we saw that uh the uh glow yes okay got it I’m going to build my way back down there and connect these

Finally I can uh no I can I know where you’re at I um actually where I died I’m looking at it directly across from me uh that bridge off in the distance that I fell off of and died it’s still connected like I can just keep adding to it so I can just

Build my way down to where we were and then that way we’re fully connected and don’t have to worry about that anymore well you might be ined to know that there’s a small little Cavern inside glow area and leads us back to where we were so it’s a much safer

Option treering over straight up lava and in gas territory right also didn’t even see a uh Fortress we were looking for so that was kind of disappointing yeah yeah cuz this is near that bridge is yeah that’s uh that’s the one I’m currently like building out trying to connect them music’s

Weird all right so we need go wait where are you actually are you close making my way back yeah cuz I need I need a new pickax I’m halfway there completely useless right now this gas keeps like trying to find me he knows I’m here leave me alone leave me

Alone go fight with piglins I’m just really surprised we haven’t found another uh Fortress it’s kind of shocking almost to me have you looted any Bastion you mean Bastion from OverWatch but there is a Bastion in this game yeah we looted that one that was

The one with the pigs yeah yeah we did we um found one yeah there was one neite oh W there’s a lot of good stuff in here good okay so I’m back at the uh OG portal by the way the forest over there yeah putting a

Lot of this stuff in inventory but then I’m to go back and make another I’m actually going to go back to where you are um here didn’t want to lose like that yeah we don’t want to lose those uh ancient debris obsidian with us so we can build

Another portal yeah let me go back let me go back to where you’re at actually um are you in the chest room yes uh what is my username I think it’s just uh I’ll type it in chat whale right yeah oh yeah I’m not wearing gold I

Forgot about that piglins were mad at me okay right well hello there sounds good joh yeah you had an ender pearl too did yeah I had Pearl some of that cream and ancient debris was another reason we needing that cream and I I also had like basically 2

64 stacks of that Blackstone which I really like that yeah we can use that for uh building some stuff oh and then some of those little mag blocks so pretty decent stuff do you still want your armor you’re probably going to need it though like I put mine

In the chest and just I’m going in the nude but uh follow me yeah this right um to the left yeah so this uh we’re about to go to the first Bastion that we found yeah if you go to the right nope this is uh this is what I was

Going to show you actually real quick it’s not very far um the bastions if you keep going left this if you keep going you’ll see to the right where we were and then it’s almost connected I was going to keep working on this build some windows yeah

That’s what I was saying I I started most of this already that’s right yeah CU your stuff was like down down down yeah so this is yeah I just went back back to where that stuff was so this uh this Cobble is what I’ve been doing just

Now so like if you look there that’s where we were so my hope is to connect all this without getting blown up by a cast and then uh not also not falling down on the lava and then have stuff over there together but yeah if you go back down

The hall to the right you’ll be at the Bastion yeah I think I’m go grab I might actually make two pixes there’s one in the chest I think you need one I hate that I can’t see past these things but I can’t so yeah you was such a roundout way to get there

Yeah fortunately I had already kind of started that so this will be a lot easier and even if I die I not really wearing anything I can’t live without or make again that’s the thing you got to remind yourself got to remind yourself like we can

Always just make more of these things if we lose them portals Diamond things crossbows like we have the resources in the Overworld so we can be a little risky I just remember the pigs just like attacking us like so yeah the pig roots that are wearing like black they’ll attack you no matter

What even if you’re wearing gold so just watch out for them So Adam small issue okay uh when you exit the portal you exit to the same place wait in that dark beep Cavern oh no yeah I don’t remember get out of here don’t you can’t get out of there go back

In the portal don’t stay in there um I know how to get down there though I can destroy it and then it won’t it won’t be connected we just need to destroy that portal um honestly in the cave I’ll go in there without anything ex and a

Pickaxe and then I’ll die and it’ll be F oh also piglins will attack you if they hear you opening a chest I think we figured that out last time so I need to go to the yeah that other one takes you to our base this one you said takes you to a

Cave yeah remember was that dark cave that weo right um I like how pretty like the BL wood color is yeah this is going to take us to like yeah and then I’m going to destroy this portal here I’m going to go in now

Well oh I I can’t I have to have a diamond pickaxe never mind LOLs let me uh do that real quick uh um I don’t want to waste a diamond pickaxe though is there one that’s almost dead yeah there one that’s I think there’s one that’s like almost dead like maybe two

More I’ll just use one of those yep take a block off yeah I might even put it in a chest near there in case we like unlikely event we’re ever down there um there’s some obsidian we can build a portal really quickly I don’t know why we would need to

But since I’m here at the uh o base I’ll go in here and look in the chest oh this one’s almost dead this uh this diamond pickaxe so I’ll use that all right I’ll bring some of the string apparently string yeah yeah I had a couple I found it

There there’s a spawner for those guys in The piglin Fortress or Bastion here yep that was an achievement I was trying to get if you pick one up and put it back in there you should get it too I see this yep that’s the one I’ve been saving

That’s the only one I have um okay I’ll jle oh the ne the netherite armor trim by the way there’s only you can only get it at the Bastion and you can only ever copy the original so once you if you you use one at a smithing table when you create netherite

Armor you use it up so we’ll need to have extras of that if that makes sense okay like you have to copy that template because you burn them when you convert diamond armor to netherite armor so it’s not a reusable item and you can’t find it again so we need to save one

Somewhere special in case we like oh no we like used all our netherite templates we can just make more with the smithing table I made some extra already but just in case right to the portal I feel like I’m going on a a death Mission here and like are literally

Kamazi yeah I feel like I’m going on a comicazi to save us to save us all I guess freaking hog on the way over here oh yeah I was I was trying to make something to look nice you might want to bring some wood um into The Nether as well

Slow yeah I ran out of redstone we need to we definitely I need to upgrade the rail system and put some power rail that would make a huge difference t uh like a teleporter that’ be dope I think it’s like literally like a beam of light that’ll like teleport you to like your

Base is it a beacon or something like a homing be or something I feel like I remember seeing that it sounds like something that would all right time for my Suicide Mission I have stri all my armor believe you’re a Believer all right oh it’s like I can suddenly tell

When you go through a NE portal slightly laggy oh my gosh it’s so dark and scary now that I destroy well all right now the question is how do you how do you off yourself out um well I guess you can explore that cave yeah very turn on

My I can explore it there’s a little bit of lava light down here Mon it’s like super freaking skeleton are you going to test out the new um portal make sure it works some iron ingots over here I wonder just put us the uh chest oh I hope not that wait there’s a

Bed down here oh yeah yeah behind the portal down there respawned in I there’s a crafting table a smelter or whatever what you call furnace yeah I spent a little time down here there already explored here I forgot there wasn’t much it was useless sad all right where’s the monsters I

Need someone to kill me tired of wandering around endlessly there we go a creeper oh man you coming at all oh witch that don’t kill me you’re witch got a couple a third one grunting okay we I should have brought that NE wait are we like out of diamonds you said

Endar no I thought we should have some we now have I all I need I may starve a death down here I don’t see any there’s some Redstone ah creeper kill me creeper okay that worked nice are you yeah that worked so that um that platform

Right there like where the where it goes down with stairs or something down to the ocean level the train station there’s one in the middle of the ocean that goes down to the ocean level if you go straight down that’s where that portal was oh so it wasn’t far from here

So that’s why I’m thinking this one will link now to the correct one I hope it doesn’t send us somewhere brand new cuz that yeah but even if it does like we can always just if we had to rebuild that other one spit us out here okay

Perfect then link like we thought it would now when we go back through it should go like we want please don’t put me in the cave please don’t put me in the cave please don’t put me in the cave you’re in there I’m with you there’s a diamond pickaxe

And some Gunpowder we’re to bust our way out really hope it’s the jungle base jungle base jungle base jungle base no it’s in the cave again wait what no this was the one that I destroyed portal what you have a diamond pickaxe I do leave it is it is it about

Dead or not uh no I have three brand new diamond pickaxes well do we want to take some of this obsidian that’s free I guess because there’s some free obsidian in here that we can use actually obsidian spawn obsidian farm this is the way to do it cuz that is

True okay so if this is the case and it’s going to keep doing doing this we way to get back up to the surface yeah we just need to Tunnel upwards from here that’s so strange though that yeah I don’t know why it did that puts us at that thing you go back

Through the portal and put you way down here some free like the game would go through all of that crap to build a portal in the over world that’s five that’s like 4T away from the other one I wonder if it has something to do with like the

Relative location in the nether like maybe this is the spot for that portal and like because we’re going in through the jungle it just Auto like it’s close enough to this one you know I me but then I would think if we destroyed these it would you know

What I mean like you would think yeah yeah true that’s the part that’s really puzzling to me puzzle there’s one down here where I died a minute ago I should be able to find new one wait there’s a piglin down here how’ you get down here see him down there with the gold

Sword I guess we probably should check this place out if it’s going to keep spawning Us in here yeah what is this like it’s kind of weird down here it’s just like this weird cave structure I don’t and we’re under the ocean too which is also

Weird this did a lot of digging for us I mean in theory we could dig up and then just swim out build like a little tunnel take all the A out yeah the water I almost feel like there should be a mob spawner in here somewhere I don’t have pches don’t have here

That sound I can go down here spidery piglin the piglins tame like in the overw world that’s weird he’s not attacking me I bet he went through that portal cuz you can oh that’s why he’s a zombie the ne world yeah yeah interesting okay maybe that’s why he

Zombified CU he’s in the over world there’s a creep here all weird yeah I mean might as well explore this place should bring a bed you can’t sleep in the nether you’ll expe true tried that we had that idea good way to do some and I lost like

Free uh yeah very cheap TNT though if you need some of that in the nether yeah that’s true but you it’s like a self-destruct Mission because like oh oh the only way that uh I burned it CU it was wood I’m alive okay there’s lava right there that was

Just a big lava Pond like we don’t need anything over there some lapis I’m so disappointed that didn’t work out crap there a creeper there’s a skeleton there you’re on your own all righty that is a little he’s got enchanted bow thank you sir did you

Die yeah I got exploded but I’ll just uh I’ll just meet you back down there because I go thr his portal anyway oh yeah that’s true I may as well do it now while I don’t have anything to lose it’s just weird to me that I can

Spawn in maybe once it’s linked you can’t unlink the portal that would seem to make sense all I know is this cave is massive okay I’m back in the cave keep following my torches sir yeah I see your little thing I don’t you see mine so many

Enemies I surprised it took you a while to die down initially your no armor no weapons just you know like with as many enemies as there are down where are you your thing oh just I kept going down like you must have gone up and then going down all

Right here’s where I died got some strength there you are hello bro I think there’s a uh Mob spaw down there ah it seems like that oh my gosh gono all right need some torches for sure make sure that don’t happen again you mean to tell

Me that there just happen to be 17 skeletons in this one little place Leroy jenin nothing dead end dead end don’t even bother just leads to it then I don’t get burnt up I can go over here anything over here no just loot back around more skeletons there’s got to be a m fer yeah there’s way too many skeletons for they’re not to be a

Yeah is it up here might be up here uh maybe some day we usually just play by ourselves though um a little easier to control things I think we’ll be playing uh fallout 76 at some point though there’s iron this is close to where I died the first

Time here you made it here without dying yeah I just kind of kept bouncing around you would happen to have a tor I do not I’m out of torches I have an iron ingot that I got from somewhere do we dig up uh okay so if we do dig up I don’t

Have any tools I can’t help you much but if we do dig up we’ll need to uh create a basin for the waterfall that’s eventually going to happen to come into maybe we can do like a spiral staircase around it um all the way down

Kind of like my tower that I built but reverse and also do we want to do it here or do we want to do it closer to the actual portal because we probably don’t want to do all this walking that is true good good thinking sir although the landscape has done quite a

Bit of digging for us it seems yeah that I think it just like okay like we’re at a pretty high point but yeah you’re right it’s like right next to way easier find that yeah I guess maybe they’re truly just worth 17 skeletons having a party down

There there’s a lava pool right here that loots back to where War might some diamonds yeah we’re uh pretty close to that level what is it 60 minus 64 is cuz we’re kind of stuck down here until like I don’t know yeah I was like I don’t know what kind of tools you

Brought but I don’t have any um pickaxe or anything so I have fortunately for you sir I brought Three diamond pickaxes that might help all right I’m going to go find the Portal and then start digging upwards and see kind of how we want to do it

Did you like the spiral staircase idea yeah okay I’ll start doing that an exit is an exit I mean at least we’re getting this like deep also really like yeah come in useful getting lost uh torches on the right head yeah okay not completely on the right though

Because it seems like it goes in a circle right here oh it’s right here Adam did I like make a wrong turn no no it’s just one of the weird things about this uh uh here yeah this is where we came from yeah I know it’s super weird that’s why

Like I was like coming back up like I built all this there just lava though over here got it so we seem to be able to survive the nether like on another like as long as we follow the long as we build our little Highway oh that

Doesn’t oh up there this is like so confusing yeah that’s why I didn’t want to do it down there I was like I’m going to get lost I’m already lost okay I think it’s up here yeah yon got lot of gold down here too bad we don’t need that oh it’s up here

Probably okay random uh I think it’s this way yeah it is up here okay I know just twist turn yeah I was like you kind of dug your way down so a little bit better with no no sort of uh I was just walking around in the dark kind of thing okay so

Oh little baby Z I hate how they like seem to hit you like the hit boxes yeah yeah here is we actually might be uh yeah we were higher up than we were earlier actually yeah so this is a better okay so place this this so so

Weird I don’t know why I did that okay so let me clear out a space I guess around this thing or I feel like we’ve already mapped this out but I keep finding more and more places I also have no torches okay which I think is going to

Severely yeah we might need to grab a couple of these then let gra that one for now um okay so let’s do how wide does it need to be just one well I was thinking like if we do a spiral thing upwards then cuz you know we could build like

A a ladder but then we’re just going to fall down that it’s not going to work so like and then like onward and so forth until we get to the ceiling and then we can just kind of dig in that pattern or we can just dig

Uh this junk is igure the best way to but uh we’re under the ocean so we are eventually going to run into water water is and flood our thing so the ship isn’t tight Captain leak Bells she’s leaky sir taking on water first I saw uh the other day Hot Topics

Got a uh it’s like the SpongeBob war game yeah uh like the flying Dutchman’s treasure hunt you remember yeah I remember that the one that Mr grabs got all sweaty about yeah Mr Crabs you’re getting all sweaty again your coordinates from the original portal by a build portal

There we going to wish we some torches okay we’re back to SM yeah torches we can just move the Torches up as we work cuz that is true we could just build another nether portal but it would just put us back in the nether right yeah

It’s just going to put us right back in the that one spot I think that was the the main trouble yeah we’re trying to build like a play since apparently that uh that portal is just going to put us out yeah the linking of the portals didn’t work which I’m still confused

About because everything I’ve read seemed okay that it would so either I’m doing it wrong or that’s not possible or I just found some Diamonds by the way wait what yeah I just found the diamond block so I’m grab those sweet how many di even the right coordinates no but

Hey really I just came after the uh the iron ore and was like oh I’ll just keep digging see that’s the other thing too is like they’ll just randomly spawn sometimes uh next to stuff like that which is why I was like checking that lava yeah blame you you know if there’s

Not a diamond maybe there’s like an emerald or something how many diamonds did you uh did you get out of that by the way two I got six so we have [Applause] eight that was pretty pretty worth it for sure yeah that was nowhere near where it was supposed to

Be minec you make no sense okay we’re at 11 I wonder what height the uh the ocean is because we’re going to have to like dredge the ocean I think in order to build a Stairway out of the top right your 58 so will’ll be above sea level

Something’s attacking me oh I died look behind you no way you take my diamonds take my diamonds they are important let me come back in there with some pickaxes and stuff because it’ll take me like two seconds to get back yeah I got all your stuff don’t worry oh

Torches right you need torches yes yeah desperately need torches we got a fortune one oh man I should have brought this down well we didn’t know we’d find diamonds so what was it a fortune one pickaxe fortune favors the Bal they say have a kid they say get a dog they say

Okay don’t arrest your mom they say we will figure this out and if nothing else this base portal here is just a shortcut into The Nether even if we don’t come out right here which is unfortunate and at least then we won’t have nether like enemies spawning near our base

Although that is why I build it out over the water cuz I mean that is a really nice little shortcut there because it does save us some time yeah cuz I’m I’m almost back to where you’re at and I’m coming with more tools so that totally worked out

Totally it was so dark I almost like missed it oh yeah I had to recycle some torches oh yeah I am at dirt okay getting close to water then yeah I think because it was so dark behind me a zombie spawned on the stairs entirely possible so I’m just going to keep

Building Tores yeah all right if I give you a diamond pickaxe can you lead the way since uh your boy has Z torches uh what do you need do it just keep going so bright okay there’s a andesite so we could be coming out of the other side of the Jungle area you

Know yeah cuz this is Cobble there will be water we’re going to have to plug it up I think or figure out some way to swim up and then create a a vacuum of sorts cuz water’s okay cuz water’s going to come all the way down

Here and then wash out our torches and all that crap so um what I might do is just build a dirt block right here to block the water and then we can fill it back in before we drown be fine can also Cur that way approach oh oh I hear it

Oh let get some light and andesite stop that okay okay so we’re just gonna like at some point have to figure that part of it outz like we’re really deep down we’re under the ocean like straight no no cap okay oh you know what this is a great

You know what I am so proud of myself for bringing chests cuz now we can just this risk free oh yeah and then you know what if we make it then we can just come back here and grab all this stuff but if we don’t make

It then all of this stuff is still here yeah I’ll grab that don’t need that plus it can’t go very far because it’s just there’s this dirt block in the way so it won’t wash out our stairs um behind us is this the is this the block yeah

That’s the block up there right we can uh here we can remove it and then maybe if we can get a gap big enough to swim then why don’t you uh why don’t you build uh like it up like two from like where we are right now that way we’ll

Have like a little bit of room there’s sand there man we can hold up all right I got the sand just doing my part sir yeah we should be able to clear that oh I you make me a hole sir I will try I let me get under the freaking water so

I can do this why is it so difficult there go okay perfect we’re not drowning it’s like I need more that the one on the under it yeah good uh got it got it all right if I die go straight up my sword you’re under the oan yeah it’s

Right here yeah we just need to drain this and then Build A Stairway straight up you know what I mean really close to the base actually yeah we’re uh I had actually dug my way down there before it’s this platform right there where the stair go down this this here it’s just

Uh it was way too Steep and there was no good way to do it that’s a good word Ste so like you do with your tea you know steeping or like stair just falling down it’s so steep all right we’re going to need a lot of

Cobble I I’m already on it this nonsense I’ll go ahead and rope off like where this is going to be that want to float back up before you’re drowned wait oh seaweeds floating then once we get all this we’ll just jump back down there and get our crap

Um yeah we can do this yeah wish I had the actually can actually I can make a beac I think I have a heart of the sea and I have enough of those why I just do that we can freaking breathe underwater and make this 10 times easier I think we’re almost done

Honestly all is you four sides we’ll be done in like literally minutes well we’ll also need to fill up this um cuz we’ll need to dig up because we don’t want be fighting our drowns uh the whole time while we’re doing this there’s actually dr’s trying to get here by the way yeah

I I’ll try my gosh leave me Alone uh okay I have an idea it’s a bit unconventional okay uh we need sand and a torch so uh what I can do is go in grab some sand or gravel and place it in here but then you’re on the bottom then you just take

A torch andove it underneath it and it destroys all the blocks okay I but then when we’re digging so like here’s the problem when we’re digging a Stairway we’re it’s not going to be straight up you know what I mean unless it’s a spiral lad it will but that was the problem I

Had over there is I died I kept dying so because it was too steep so I was trying to come up with like an easy way to do it to Ste um if we make it a one two let me see okay so nine yeah we just need to fill in

These sides that we left unfilled and then we can just make a spiral staircase down and not have to deal with the ladders CU I I mean we can try it but I did not have good luck with that and I think it’s just easier and it looks

Nicer plus it’s not that far so let me grab grab this sand yeah we’ll still we’ll still need the sand predicting great success got a copper inot from one of the drown that’s weird we have so many uh Ms very useful prob should just grab a boat back over there all

Right I guess dirt would be fine I don’t know that we have enough sand then I think on the B we have a a diamond yeah I can V over there um oh yeah to do a condo we need hard uh we need prismarine have

That we prismarine but it’s not a lot by the time I get all that built we’ll be down to the the end of it yeah cuz we’re going to have trouble okay all right is like I’m trying to figure out why the ladder thing won’t work I mean it will

In theory it’s just I in my brain struggled to get it to work4 Second gravel and decide but I don’t want to make 51 and then we get there and it’s like ah we need 52 all right got two stacks of 64 Tak yeah be to I think we can both get in

It nice like the Titanic don’t don’t run us into a Iceberg sir hope there no icebergs out here so yeah yeah so that stairway right there that goes down to the water that’s originally what I was trying to do with the ladder it was just such a drop like

Straight down into the cave and all that stuff that it was like one one wrong move and you’re stuck down there and then I had to go all the way back and it was just a pain so um what was our right underneath the rail track I think uh the track

Yeah on the other side you see it in the yeah over here okay there’s also a lot of drowns over here so I was like tired of dealing with them oh I was out of air no sir it’s extremely rude to ggle like that in

Public oh no oh oh no oh oh no I was like what was happening down there oh no I couldn’t find the exit couldn’t find the exit all right so fortunately we have uh shov I’m going to ride one of these things over there I like literally couldn’t find the

Uh the place where I needed to get up and get air when I got in was so cuz it’s like so dark down there yeah cuz I I was placing dirt gotcha you should be able to hop in in there and uh Hit the Dirt though like

I dug it pretty far okay and you’ll just land in water so there’s no fall damage like by just taking this dirt block out yep there’s multiple dirt blocks though okay so you w’t me on the bottom anyway uh well it didn’t really matter um like I’m I’m literally here

Now just okay I’m going down there I was like you can also just take the shortcut by going through the Nether and get right back down there we’re doing a solo play through right now okay there’s all the stuff you want to just put the ladder in

This chest that you built down here yeah wait oh you’re literally right behind me okay I was like wait who opened the chest did you happen to find my dirt sir I’ll put a chest actually here do that easy so dirt uh ladders I got the ladders

Okay like you had any I didn’t see it I just fell down here yeah there’s less water you know we can actually probably drain this fullly there we go y there we go and then L lad all right ladder’s done Escape Route secured okay okay I was trying to find that

Again butong away just block that up all right so we have a nice uh easy well I say easy it’s not really that easy all right um I mean yeah that should work it’s actually a really good thing that you built that staircase too because it

Makes it really easy to uh get up to the thing yeah I may eventually um still build you want to hop in the boat Shore yeah let me head to shore I captain uh we uh we head over there then cuz then once we once I get all

These blocks or whatever like this then we can just dig out this middle part around and then just do like a Stairway there we go I’m in I jumped in it Victory yeah maybe we could put like a little uh some boats in that chest that’s over there yeah that’d be smart actually just have a a chest full of boats come here going need a boat and then we’ll just have like a bajillion boat bilon it’s a big

Number we have so much stuff you grab all those diamonds too yes all right sir here are your armors and then do you have pants that were gold maybe yes and a helmet I had a helmet that was gold and then you had a sword all these diamond tools this your

Bow all these chests and then your torches hey those chests came in clutch yeah that was a great move was like cuz Adam also had chest in his inventory he like I’ll put these back I was like we don’t need these chest yeah we went all the way

Through the Nether and then back out of the Nether and then into the new portal or whatever without dying I’m impressed actually I mean we have grown so much yeah I mean I think when we first started this playthrough was seven years old I mean look look what all we have

Built in in 23 years you know what’s funny um so at my uh my grandparents house my I don’t really know what she is I guess great ant whatever my grandmother’s sister is yeah I know I think it’s great aunt great aunt um she thought me and my younger brother

Who was like seven eight years younger than I am were the same age thank you sir for that massive compliment it’s a ner obviously my brother’s very upset that’s funny though we made all those pickaxes and we still have 41 diamonds nice yes I am very with

The diamonds sir although we did find eight diamonds that kind of for almost three of them which is actually how much I made a well perfect no no harm no foul free tools no fou no harm they say that’s a pretty big diamond deposit too

I want to find more of those yeah that was kind of crazy and it was it was like just around some iron it like way too high for where it supposed to be okay so so I’m G to go back to the portal downstairs so yeah oh no there you go

Okay oh no there’s so many of these I li okay this is this is what’s going on here I did that wrong does that work okay yeah send that one back and then we can run the same one just push you all I’ll just walk get that other one oh yeah I do

Have one in my inventory here we go it is pretty fun especially in the beginning like when you don’t have a oh yeah like like really crazy big builds like you guys see in the we bu this like massive uh base um in the jungle is in like a treeh

House a treeh house it’s pretty cool it’s on a different stream oh my gosh there’s so many mine carts let me fix this I’m going to put some in this chest and just keep one in the inventory okay so now that we know we we are no longer scared of the

Dark scar oh did we get uh torches you got torches uh I’ve got a 64 stack beautiful that’s only me I think too it’s just it’s such an open game and you can literally build anything I mean obviously there’s like limitations to what you can build but like

Uh yeah but there’s ways there’s ways around those limitations for the most part I mean there’s uh a lot of there’s a lot behind the curtain that you can do that kind of blows your mind especially because they keep adding new things like you were talking about

The nether quartz I don’t even know what that looks like like a quartz Block it’s beautiful it looks like uh like white marble oo that would be I saw somebody built a house with it the other day I was like oh man that look so nice it’s like the thing that you like

Most about smooth Stone yeah but it’s like really white right back into thether but yeah how long would you say we’ve done this particular world like stream it I think we I think we’re on our 14th stream we about three or four hours each so at least 40 hours I would say

Piggy I’ll wait uh I’ll wait for you you sorry I was getting beat up by a drown child really drown child yeah I’ve never seen one of those you said we’ve done 14 streams of this it’s been on for two hours and 49 minutes oh yeah before this stream

Johnny Boy like we’ve we’ve this world like 14 different times we usually okay 14 times stupid it’s probably pretty close to 50 hours I had to guess yeah uh we were doing them on Twitch so you won’t see them I think actually the first like three streams we did were on

YouTube but they’re uh they’re in my uh Channel I just got to fix them and make them look all pretty also there’s like an iron door over here this for like security yeah the pink can’t open it I built that there but I don’t I can’t

Open it either for some reason I don’t know what yeah it’s been a pretty fun world but we’re uh we’re kind of like on the tail end of it um Adam and I were talking it was today right I like text you uh likeo we should play call it 76

Again cuz I think I think we played it but we didn’t stream it yeah and about time to do like a new one they’ve added a lot to the game since play it cuz we played it at lunch Fallout 76 you know what we did building I mean it be fun we have

Ax oh I will say though uh Adam is like the server owner of this one so I know he’s put in a lot more yeah we it’s it’s probably we’re probably at 120 like all total between like myself my wife played some she did some of the mining to get some

Of the diamonds because she findes it therapeutic so like between very therapetic between all of it quite the accomplishment which is why when the file got corrupted um when we plugged in our Christmas tree I was like oh no sad moment yeah I was like unspeakably like sad I didn’t even know

What to say but then thankfully PlayStation Network or the cloud came in clutch interesting like explaining the cloud to like like my grandmother for example explain to her the CL like it’s there but it’s not like yeah where is this Cloud at like can you go to

It I guess it is kind of a difficult concept if you don’t if you don’t utilize that every day yeah my uh the day she was um weekly like clean whatever oh yeah and I was uh I was off I take a PTO for the day and I was playing like the

Old like Mario games we used to play step till like 3 4 in the morning eating ice cream you know things that you do when you’re a kid yeah the good old days I got some more of that uh quartz stuff I forgot you were actually in the nether am

In yeah I’ll meet you down there in a bit trying to grab some final things yeah seem like our favorite things to do in Minecraft just build it’s fun to design like structures to me in the piggy spawned in the tunnel oh oh the the ones with the tusks or

Whatever those things hit yeah I I had diamond sword on but yeah yeah usually they don’t spawn in there that’s weird also I feel like they’ve added a lot more drown just per enemies yeah they like drag you down when they hit you too so it’s hard to hard to get away from

Them also wonder like how big the Bastion is like does it stop like where we were yeah like the ne Fortress is pretty big on the yeah if you look them up online I mean it seems like it would be obvious where they are I mean they’ve got like a draw

Bridge and like multiple levels oh you know what I think we made this yeah we did cuz I think I was like all right I’m going to put my stuff in here just in case I die uh yeah I feel like I remember that I feel like I could take on all these

Pigs the pigs with the armor or the pigs with the tusks cuz the ones in the touch they hit like real hard joke I you’re wearing the gold armor stuff right yes I wonder if you could I guess you could there nothing to prevent it mine

Carts in the nether yeah yeah you can totally do that you like bring enemies like into the over okay I’ll bring some building materials it doesn’t really help to bring wood although I have some in my inventory yeah cuz we can uh we can get those jungle trees if we really need to

Oh I see the little mob spawner down there oh that’s spawn of those Magma Cube things yeah you’re in the Bastion yeah they spawn the magma cubes I didn’t destroy it just in case we needed magma cream but yeah all right back in the nether what was it Butter’s

Uh Butter’s Creamy Goo but Creamy Goo and you remember what didn’t Cartman like eat it or something like yeah they were they were all drinking it cuz it was like a sports drink or something that was awful I have to go back and watch that episode butter creamy

Go like so proud of it too it’s salty such a stupid episode yeah hello Adam I wish head back cuz there’s nothing down there for me chest that I saw was uh manade they didn’t see you open it did they they get mad no it was our chest

Well they’ll still get H don’t like it when you have the chest triggered would explain why he like fought me yeah hash triggered they don’t like chest opening interesting want take these lanterns from them since they’re already made like the way they look how do we get weird

Music yeah I don’t know I feel like I oh crap almost just ate the floor is this the way we to go anyway I feel like I did a pretty decent exploration of this place and there wasn’t too much here outside of the chest that we already got I was trying

To figure out how we exit oh um this way um you see the Dilemma just building like a a makeshift Bridge across there we go okay go this way yeah I tried to build little windows so we could see the different parts I also built this I don’t know if you’ve seen this

Either but oh okay cool it’s okay got it yeah that was the tunnel that the two pigs SP like the ones with the T got it well we can ignore them then yeah I didn’t finish that one I kind of kept going is that another piggy they do drop like three pork

Drops live without right us back to yeah this is back where we were over here okay so I feel like we need to go this way cuz over there is one Castle Fortress Yeah so you think it’s further this way then I mean I would think that they would spawn two NE

Fortresses in the same general area probably so us going in a completely oppos we were yeah we were already going this way anyway and I was building that bridge or whatever over to you and then to me down there was kind of a dead end but up here there was some

Potential did we fense ourselves in the creeper let me get some of these glowing uh things okay this is where we went exploring yeah I didn’t go this way though over here lava burning the more End okay hoglands with the tusks don’t want those yeah I don’t want that want none of that smoke going back yeah the forest biome isn’t terrible if you uh don’t look at any of the Ender there’s also a biome they’ve added in the nether that I’ve never seen it’s

Called soul B sand Desert Valley thing or something and there’s like you can get the blue flame um that you can craft things with gas like that Okay oh oh man I thought I fell for real okay um we can go back over there to that volcano area if we want or we can yeah you made a bridge over there yeah I was working on that I didn’t quite finish it yet so I need some materials that all right

Uh oh no he’s after you oh man did you die yeah he got me go back to the safety of okay I killed one of them I killed the one that killed you okay death has been Avenged grab that uh stuff I didn’t have much but I have some torches oh yeah I

Got your torches I’ll meet you in the nether you had a wooden sword I guess I had one I don’t know oh no my other one just broke for uh the Ender I’m not going to I got to figure out where the uh Bridge thing is here it

Is I might this is a little little whiny like some first world problems but it’s so far to walk from one end of this to the other yeah we need a rail dude have a have a m track like on one side of this and the other side’s a walking

Path we could do it I think I had a mine cart in my inventory that you may have picked up oh uh also if you stick a uh a uh boat in a mine cart you only powered rail what yeah if it’s on the tracks you only

All been doing it wrong this entire time oh hit Anam here I have your your stuff that that Dro when you die oh yeah uh wood and sword boy did you have an endar no I think you got it for killing the guy that’s is all I need I don’t really

Have anything of that important I will try I’m just here to build the bridge I don’t really I like ate some of these pork CHS give me any boost what oh I don’t know if you saw this but but uh look this way there’s like a ton of lava over

Here me get over there you want to fight okay you see over here I am it’s like all this lava H so supposedly they’re on Lava Lakes which I kind of thought that’s what below us is but maybe it’s not I mean it surely looks like it that

Is what we would call a lava lake yeah so maybe we need to get down there down to the like level of the lava and then it has to be pretty Dar close to zero right surely that’s 80 Blocks down yeah oh yeah I wonder if they spawn more

Towards some coordinates than other something all right I’m going to make a run for it and see if I can get over there to the the ashy area little end oh no get spes or uh nice oh we got another one nice got some lag going on over here I hope yours

Isn’t I uh I have three Eyes of Ender or end Pearl whatever they’re called Hold On To those murdered some end oh no I think we might lose the server Guys Adam’s internet is a little wonky yeah I feel like I need to make my well I’m still connected Adam can you hear me now yeah I can hear you okay there y I can hear you the whole time it was just like fading in and out a little bit Yeah

It sound like like we’re about to lose the server yeah we might still be I’m lagging a little bit let me get back to where you’re at just in case it kills me on or stops I need to get back course I guess it would just go to

An offline game yeah you’ll be fine since you’re the server owner and then I’ll just spawn like wherever I’m in the little tunnel of safety right now I was trying to figure out how uh how you got to that tunnel area you know what I’m talking about it’s over

There by the place yeah the tunnel not the bridge right where you died yeah over here um oh it’s just the other direction right yeah follow me it’s the other direction and you take a ride okay let me put some signs yes I know you like your signs I

Do I love some good signage all right that’s uh other base let me go put these uh things in there real quick yeah let me go make a new pickaxe too cuz I drop mine we need to make one of those end chests yeah I wonder what materials you need for that

Uh you need an Eye of Ender and obsidian so not an ender pearl like a straight up Eye of Ender yeah which you also need the eyes of end to get think there’s like a full set of diamond armor in here did you know iender oh got

It so we need blaze powder to make an iender so we got to find a blaze we got to find a fortress to find a blaze like honestly blaze powder unlocks a whole another half of the game like potions like everything and it’s so hard to find there’s so much over there yeah

T gra gra yeah I’ve been using things like tough that I wouldn’t use for anything else to make the bridges I’m GNA go back to the other side and keep working on my Bri all right we have 3 block of Quartz nice so nice can you do anything

With quartz other than just make it into blocks like is there a use for it I don’t think so I think it’s just another building use it for like countertops and stuff we should have the food we need in there now that is a good thing they’ve added

Like food to the nether in the form of pork chops from those Hogs even though they’re incredibly painful to run into like NE Bas St test out that just keep building oh you have to put it on all right where did you head to I’m finishing that bridge down to

The uh the area we were exploring before yeah like right I originally died like I’m building that out daylight sors daylight there by the Bastion you found another Bastion no it’s like the OG Bastion ah I was trying to find you in that bridge area gotcha

I’m still building my way to that bridge we Made actually if like if you uh if you go down that way the way we went before and I come this way then I think we can meet like you can build upwards cuz I can’t bu down from here you’ll see when you get here oh hello

Adam trying to build this out there’s a lot of gas around here so I’m trying to go quick they keep up here way over there here I have uh I have arrows so all all right yay I’ll build some windows or whatever after I get this complete oh hello

Pigy can I accidentally you off I can bye oh wow what was that s like a dying and wounded animal oh no connection oh no I can uh I can sign out of this and sign we can sign right back in want to try that it should just Place us right here

Yeah we try that save and quit and then we’ll just hop right back in yeah I’ll jump back in let me save it real quick I forget I named one of my world’s pam pamy pam pams all right I found it yeah I feel like it’s the server let

Me isn’t known for their great servers yeah my connection seems okay I honestly think it’s were uh using the free version of the servers probably they want me to pay for yeah they’re like oh like make them mad enough and they’ll buy reals Y and pay us what’s it like $8 or

Something like that it’s a subscription I think yeah it’s like crazy all right let me load back in loading too all right doesn’t loaded back in with you in it hopefully things are better this time know hello hello it shows your here yeah I’m right in front you yeah a gas behind

You a second he didn’t like that so all right let’s see if this works uh a little bit better um do you have any building materials that I could uh um I have some uh tough is that what we’re using that’s what I’m down to at this point I just

Use crap that I’m not going to use for anything else like for this I uh if it makes you feel any better I got a boat and a mine cart in my inventory well probably won’t need that either can’t all be WN though got tough I got uh oh gosh go

Gas I always have to hide from those things once I get this built we w’t have to deal with them it’s labor intensive but honestly makes nether exploring so much easier just to build like little highway system it’s really nice like because trying to Traverse all that stuff like all the

Jumping and everything yeah the damage you would probably take to and like even uh nether will work here for this just because there’s a gas I think he I as as I well nether explodes with gas right yeah but if they can’t see you then they won’t uh won’t shoot at

You at least for now I can replace this if we need to um it’s very little protection but it offers some I mean if we’re not worried about protction I have some oh yeah did you fall oh nice smart SM cut off the from the The Source ra no

Biscuit ain’t no biscuits around here yeah this like music is so weird it is em yeah in the weirdest area for oh my go we found the or something all right so bridge bridge okay I’m going to go back I was like for now we can just go down the

Side I’m just going to go over our little Bridge we made oh hello P that’s a very nice sword you have there sir I would hate for you though you’re a shame of somebody uh lose that sword sir oh oh we fell the lava yeah wait did

The piggies die in the lava they’re supposed to but he’s like swimming through it that’s weird feel like that’s an actual game glitch okay did you build this uh this across yes like that yeah and then we run across these wastelands and I died I wonder if this

Is this is Soul Sand I think oh this is no pretty close to it all look kind of bluish when I saw it oh wow there are some stuff back there there’s some uh nice it over here here’s where you Di right here yeah I watched your cold lifeless body I appreciate the

Uh there’s a vast nothingness over over here that’s a magma encroaching upon our position you guys just C it out we don’t want your cream calm down calm down I just don’t want him to knock me back into one of the lava pools yeah okay that’s all of them for

Now Al I can literally just fill in all you’re guest oh no this is some OG Minecraft music oh yeah this is like original nether music before they got all creepy right yeah the nether just used to sound weird I guess is the best way I can

Describe it and now it just sounds creepy a really pretty song yeah um so there is a bit of an area that looks pretty interesting we just okay fighting off a Magma Cube oh no oh no it’s just when they uh when they multiply by like that it’s just luckily we completed our bridge I am Frozen up there mag still trying what entire nation’s wrong with this server a person no it’s just slow like maybe let me get back in the nether

I’ll clear things up another I’ll just meet youge nice yeah how big even is the nether I mean I feel like it’s huge based on this we’ve only found one Bastion we found no fortresses but I mean we’ve we’ve interconnected a highway around all this one Park geography

Yeah but yeah all we need is one Fortress with a honestly just a blaze spawner because if we had a blaze spawner then we can just get as many blaze rods as we need and never have to do that again kind of my goala where are the wow are you close to

How you oh okay I was like I’m not wearing any many lesses ain’t no more cubes I mean there are some Cubes but uh D cub in a pit dead lame cub do you have any gold uh helmets or anything that I dropped boots with the fur I heard it didn’t see it

Though it’s copy a horrendous noise wish the guess would drop something useful I have okay it’s fine you can hold on to it now I’ll just uh I’m going to fill in some of this lava oh my gosh a of Mag got get so there’s the lava area that’s like

Down here it looks like there’s enough like yeah that looks like that looks promising so let’s let’s try it unless you’re afraid to lose your stuff in which case we can put it in a chest here and then uh yeah maybe let’s build little chest cuz I’m sure we’ll be back

Here have a crafting table that I think I cut from your inventory that’s fine yeah I found it down here actually I guess I had it with me last time we were exploring all rightest there’s like a freaking thank you I just going to put everything I don’t absolutely need in

Uh this thing some of this is probably yours okay well I’m I’m most likely to die at the moment because I don’t have any good armor like you’ve got all in diamond armor so I’ll put some ma Magma Cream up in here so okay good enough oh uh of I’ll

This I have building materials it keeps being this noise that sounds almost like a a guer counter or something it’s weird oh yeah same it started we got this little volcano yeah like a radioactive Wastel put a of this here Traverse this area all right yeah I’m covering up some of the lava so we don’t accidentally like dumble into it maybe this is the type of lava lake that it’s talking about I mean it would definitely sense for to be those things like walking around in

The lava down there they’re kind of goofy looking um I think you can saddle those and ride them across the lava no way and if you put if you put a warped fungus on a fishing pole and then hold it out you can pointed in a direction you wanted to

Go there’s some floating platforms up there is that it up there yeah uh what’s kind of nice is the lava’s pretty shallow so we can kind of build our own uh Bridge good have and the magma cubes stay away nether act should work though that’s pretty easy to

M oh yeah you see it yeah you can do that that’s like So Co we just need a saddle which obviously I don’t any leather yeah I I do see that floating thing over there and I did wonder if maybe that was a uh Fortress but it was too yeah this is so

Dangerous like a gas where to go yeah exactly that’s all I can think of as a gas or like a Magma Cube or something I’m trying to build them like two across there’s a Magma Cube over there squishing along okay you’re probably not wrong I mean are wor plans

Well the nether to me has no Rhyme or Reason I don’t really know a better way to do it you know I kind of wish we could build a nether portal here and then see where that brings us in the Overworld y cuz it would work that way

Like if you build a portal here we wouldn’t if we’re far enough away from the other ones it wouldn’t Auto spawn Us in that cave like I hear a I I don’t see it he’s in the laa little structure that a little it’s something for sure I mean it could just

Be you know we could even build our way up to it and like maybe it’s a better vantage point or something build as much of this end with what watch out go back go back go Back okay that’s like all I heard was explosions dang bow and arrow for the win yeah are so good like I know we were complaining uh earlier about how expensive arrows are but I get it some insanely op weapons yeah I think it would be smart to leave

Some of these columns right here okay versus tearing them down uh just to provide us with a little yeah yeah it’s almost like a little makeshift shelter oh bro there’s a there’s a fortress right there oh is that what that big Square thing is yep wait that’s huge yep

I really hope that’s foress not Just an Illusion oh it is there’s no uh generated structure in the nether that’s that big also it’s like a perfect square which isent there’s a gas by the way um that has made an appearance I’m going to get some more

Netherrack at least we uh went the right way we just got to yeah we’ve got to figure out now how to connect this easily you know to where we can just walk over here without having to deal with the cubes freaking cubes South Park references today I don’t know why such

Underrated they really hard up up up up up up up get out of here get out get out get out get out ah just jump up and down save save yourself okay try to die right where you were so you could get your stuff back no it’s all right didn’t have nothing

Any anyway all right so yep there was definitely a lava fall there I didn’t have anything to close it with um yeah came out of nowhere yeah so I wasn’t expecting that for sure um cool all right well I’ll meet you back down there that was annoying I definitely was not running

Fast enough yeah um I didn’t really give like a direction I was just like get out I was like still trying to piece together what was going on I was like oh bright shiny man it’s a lot brighter in here I’ll work on the uh I didn’t want

You to lose your armor yeah I’ll meet you down there I was afraid you’re going to lose your armor that’s why I was like well it would have like uh Fallen right well I didn’t want to fall in lava and burn oh think I saved enough of

It that’s another reason to build like a super highway down there is just you never know what’s going to happen like that yeah with like a stuff to of course there’s a freaking piglin over here A bunch of pigs I just hope this uh the same one you

Know I feel like we kind of G here round way we have there might be an easier way to get there I’m just really curious if that’s like truly where we need to go I was trying to get at least close to it I think so cuz if that’s the case

That’s fantastic news cuz you can definitely tell where we’ve been like working over there it honestly it’s not that hard to get over here now that we have it connected yeah I mean we could spend extra time like truly connecting it but I don’t think it’s necessary

It’s yeah it’s the lava we can probably build up right to get to the yeah we’re going to have to some oh you know this might be a Bastion instead of a fortress yeah that’s what I meant okay yeah the Nether Fortress Oh you get achievement for that return to Cinder yeah yeah we might need a gas like tunnel once we get there excuse me sure yeah this is that but cuz I think uh I think the nether fortress has like the nether rag uh version of this it also has a um like a

Draw bridge looking thing massive yeah on the plus here’s our uh our little uh security spot our gas proof uh Bridge yeah and we’ll come in at the bottom did I drop any gold armor by chance we make the pigs mad they’re uh okay those are the those are the the

Black oh man yeah we was um they will uh they’ll attack you regardless but they don’t respawn oh okay so if we kill them then they shouldn’t respawn again all right so uh nice I accidentally hit it I was like all right let put this way here uh here I make you

A diamond Sword I think I’ve got a sword uh somewhere around here like I’ve got all that I just chose not to bring it set That’s right brought I should have just backed away and that a well we were also kind of cornered cuz we had all that lava there I guess we could have pushed him into the lava um we’ll need to bring some more building materials down there

Too you give me a full like set of gold armor that’s funny yeah we’re going to we’re going to beat Got some dirt too might as well use that for building Materials beautiful is what it Is You got meat yeah I got I got the meat we need anything else do that yep dis 13 it’s amazing don’t burn oh that makes sense with the one that was kind of falling that be right let’s see oh yeah we needed build didn’t we

I might need your help figure out how we get back to where we just were for sure y let me finish one little thing I’ll have that yeah we’ve been having a lot of fun I think uh a lot of it just like I’m a very very small

Streamer I definitely think I had more subs would I have a lot ofun it’s always fun to do some exploring yeah so once you leave the treasure room once you get in the nether go take a left and then go down and then take a right long

Tunnel and then you’ll see the bridges we built the right dire slowly starting to figure this out and then you’re just like a hop skip and a jump away from the place we just died hopefully some of our stuff didn’t get taken by the pins or stuck in the lava yeah hope

Not but yeah Johnny I’ll try to upload the rest of the episodes of the so you start the first three I think are already on the channel under like the live section and I have I think that we yeah I like the the YouTubes I I like

Uh cuz I feel like it’s a lot more fun to interact with like people on because they have like the and everything and the nice thing about twitch is it’s like gamer Focus so like you give people like in a stream like you pretty much know that like they’re Gamers of

The yeah true okay gotcha headed down there I try to snip somebody you might can lure the piggies out and then just hit them with a bow and arrow one in a row cuz the brutes the ones with the black shirts or whatever they’re the only ones that are going to attack

You um and that’s regardless even if you have gold armor on there’s so to attack of yeah they’ll steal your stuff we’ll get it Back Vengeance many pigs yeah there’s a lot sorry sticky for that by yourself almost there I had to uh to uh start to last one there’s going to be other piglins in there too obviously but they shouldn’t attack us as long as the Ruckus dies down and we’re wearing gold

Armor oh my gosh no I’m in lava get on ground even if you die you can your St survive oh my God got the magma cubes I’m almost there stay alive all right I I think I managed munch munch on some pork chops or something and uh you

Know yeah you do that I’m I’m 34 of the way there I’m going through the ashy kind of volcano area [Applause] like I want to help I also like killing Pig Yeah they took all my stuff killed me their cousins killed me I got some of my armor back that’s good won’t have to make more the gold armor doesn’t really hold up well so it’s kind of nice to get

That back cuz I mean even though gold somewhat plentiful you can even get it in the nether it’s still a pain in the butt to have to remember to make it all the time the armor I mean all right running across the lava ignoring that gas ignoring him ignoring too

Much running gra the rest of that then I think what would probably be smart is to put some of this in that chest that’s up top yeah watch out for that gas over there by the way actually I might just make another chest and put it down here to be

Honest I think I have enough to make another chest a minute I killed a lot of the piggies though like I would say I probably killed like seven and quite a few of them were the things okay like even after you got in here you mean

Yeah yeah like just now cuz the other one should be pretty passive uh there is a brood in here I see him okay so they’re not all dead okay I see the gold in the middle of the room too yeah honestly there’s a spawner in here we can probably kill that

Thing should I do this this is a bad idea but I’m going to do it anyway it’s like there’s a brute that’s hanging out on the stack of gold let me place this bed and sleep real quick no okay okay I can commence sniping this guy

When ready can you snipe a mob spawner and it does damage I think so yeah and I am with you doing that yeah I might just kill this one no doesn’t do anything okay oh you might actually have to I think it’s a it’s an ore so you have to use a

Pickaxe so I have to get up there too it’s suspended over lava which is why I ask so it’s not going to be easy to get to um are you in the okay got it okay I won’t do anything until you get here um oh my gosh there’s so many

Mag yeah there’s magnes in here too we’re going to have to fill in some of the lob I kind of want to shoot this guy and snipe this brute cuz he’s the only one that’s going to attack me but I don’t want the rest of them all trained on me once I do

It if I wait on you I might take him out there’s two brutes I see them saw two giant magma cubes jump into the lava and they back up you’re here ready and I’ll commence the show uh here we can both I’m on the second level by the way he

Will attack you if he sees you let me try to get up to the second level with you there’s a stairway behind me you’re pretty close that way we can Target our yeah okay I’m on this side okay so there’s one on the stack of gold and

Then there’s one on this level but over there and he’ll probably run after us first but we can get him we team up ready three two how’ you get him yeah burn piggy okay hopefully that didn’t alert the others but it probably did where’s the other you talking about there’s another one

Somewhere I saw him over it that’s that was me with the arrow okay I know we were I hear them they’re mad okay uh I have an idea for this mob spawner I’m right behind you right behind you right behind you come this way y

Okay here I can uh I can hit him okay oh there’s one there they hit hard man that that hurt that that hurt okay they’re both down okay grab my stff I had a diamond sword very little Health that was bit of a risk I just went out with the diamond

Sword and it was yeah I don’t know why I kept shooting with an arrow when he was at Point like range I just sort of thought he would fall backwards into the lava but he I think the bow and AR is a really safe play because it’s like okay

You know uh you don’t have to up close first it makes sense just try to stay alive and out of sight if you have to build a little Fortress around yourself and hang out until they calm down that might work I had to really take my time like

Assassin’s Creed style when I was in there I was trying to get over there that mob spawner so I could destroy it um but then a little pigy came over so I’m going to wait till my health is full again let me get to where you’re at

Okay sweet that’s half the battle right there cuz we are we don’t need that cuz one there’s enough magma cubes around here anyway and then two um we don’t need any more cream at all no cream is needed I feel like we’ve had some really clutch moments this stream

Yeah honestly the most clutch moment was you not drowning in lava right then when I like drilled too far or whatever happened oh yeah I don’t know how I survive that I usually just completely die in moments like that yeah all right let me see if this piggy is going to attack me

Um be careful I’m actually almost there okay so everybody not wearing a black suit of armor will not attack you as long as you’re wearing gold armor except unless you start taking their gold if they hear you breaking down their gold they will attack and if they see you

Physically opening a chest they will attack lot yeah grab that if you can I’m almost back to the to the thing all right I’m tacking these uh little magnet cubes like oh man there’s a brute in here is yeah right behind Mead but he took a swing at me right

When I came in there’s another one right there I’m trying stay alive he’s after you like I was trying to distract him oh no oh no I was like we can run back in there and grab our stuff bro that was great I think we can make it in there

Without anything really cuz I I didn’t have anything on me and I totally made it inside the Fortress pretty from here yeah that’s like such it really is this completely different than what we were doing last stream we’re just like building some like tree houses

Okay oh Adam here come put on this uh armor real quick oh yeah you’re right oh yeah I forgot I put some in that chest yeah I uh I grabbed an enchanted bow just in case okay we’ll get our stuff back you just need one piece of armor on to keep the

Rest of them off of you now when you when the brutes attack everything else is going to attack you too is the problem so it’s easy to get G up on but was like a lot of like I like right this is where our mine cart would come in

Handy that’s what I’m saying if we if we did a nether portal down here then it should correspond to a brand new portal in the Overworld true and if it’s anywhere close it’s probably not but if it’s anywhere close to anything we’ve built then we can just like easily get to it

I didn’t bring anything but there’s a chest up here with some stuff in it magma most annoying enemy in the yeah like I’ll take as many gas as as as I don’t have to deal I’m just going to take this regular pickaxe and maybe sh all right most of our stuff should

Still be as be laying on the ground up there on that level uh they might yep my name is speed give back my stuff this is pretty clutch coming in at the very bottom yeah I feel like they’re all on the top too oh yeah all right okay there he is

Right there he sees me all right I will attack okay there’s the other one that’s okay let’s get that one he’s put on her emerald armor get this guy destroy oh my gosh I what a clutch moment that was buddy that’s hiding behind there okay that worked

Out he plus you get a sticker okay let’s get our our parings together okay there’s one more brute I see him over there but he doesn’t see us so as long as he doesn’t see us he can’t attack us or whatever okay would you like a diamond sword yeah that might be helpful

Would you like a diamond pickaxe that great okay um yeah let’s put on our let’s put on our armor uh I’m going to go over here and I’m going to place a chest oh yeah make sure they can’t see you open it though if you do that oh

Yeah that’s right I mean as long as they don’t see you so that they don’t see me be fine yeah yeah you’re good put good idea maybe I guess you ate all my food too yeah oh I have some food actually I think I grabbed it oh okay where’s this here go that

Is that your shot or theirs was not me oh there’s a skeleton in here what he’s not even supposed to be here he doesn’t even go here there’s one up top too the outside okay there’s the brute right there grab the treasure my God someone elide your uh place is drag r

Every night man it’s so annoying so freaking loud coule he’s up above you he’s on the level above you I just hit him with the arrow he fell down he’s down down there R so just be aware okay so I I found something out with these guys they have terrible Poise

So if you hit them they’re going to bounce up and they will not attack you so if you just keep attacking them my gosh there’s a gas in here like what is happening none of these guys are supposed to be anywhere oh gosh there’s another BR okay well we’ll get it who is

Firing oh he’s upstairs that’s who it is got him it’s the brute hey you didn’t like that did you well he wasn’t coming down here he was stuck I think also think I killed him okay I’m the second Flor okay watch your step though there’s

A lot of holes in the floor I almost fell through to the lava a second ago okay so do we go so far so good okay so about that if we go to the chest they can’t see us if we start to tear down this

Gold they will hear us and attack all at once and so uh best best thing to do is build a wall around the gold if you want that and then just take it down and they can hear you and they can’t do anything about it and then they’ll calm down and

Then you can just leave okay we just we got to be able to get it without dying obviously okay on the third level too there’s skeletons everywhere what is happening all right uh Adam I’m about to infil tree and grab the goodies just and there’s a little piggy over

Here so I’m probably going to get I’ll I’ll uh snipe from above uh okay there’s one more brute by the way he sees you there oh F I fell in the lava just swim out you got it you’re okay okay I got smithing template netherite upgrade yep that’s the one you need

Sor okay let’s get out of here I don’t think we need anything else in here unless you want the gold okay there’s that one there’s that one brute over there that keeps and there’s like skeletons up top I don’t remember those in the other Fortress so there might be good stuff up

There but I don’t I don’t imagine it’s anything we need I mean we we have heisted yes this place we came in we drilled directly into the Vault actually that netherite template is very valuable by the way nice getting good at that who is firing oh is that

You oh I think I just got a uh tiar oh sweet gas tier we need that for uh something within game I don’t know what but we’ll need it yeah hopefully we can use it to make some of that uh armor I so back to our were two in there it

So all right so going to grab all this stuff I guess like some gilded Black Stone too G oh Adam there’s gold boots in here let’s grab those they uh they still took my um yeah they uh they still took my diamond CH yeah okay got a lot of good stuff

Okay I’ll just grab everything else we should be able to make it back right I’ll leave like a helmet or something if we need it for raiding again easy everything there’s two helmets in there all right over y we got this full health full armor real and good

Yeah we like so good at the it’s like no J us uh we should just be able to go oh man that was close I will murder you gas he just destroyed our Bridge that’s okay we probably won’t need that bridge anymore yeah I don’t

Know why we would need to get back over there let that be a sign we’ve already explored this area all I hear are gas I don’t see them though our Heist is complete oh uh you remember that little totem that we got the other day when the totem of undying yeah so

Apparently you hold it in your hand like a shield mhm and if you were in a situation where you would have died it keeps you from dying and then it gives you like four extra health things because these was watching mode I would think those would be pretty

Rare I don’t know how they we got ours in a raid one of those yeah we just need to uh all you do is kill a captain like a Pillager captain and then enter a village how do we want to go this way or want to go that way

I was going to go put our stuff up that we don’t need cuz I’ve got a lot of stuff in inventory I don’t want to risk it so the only area we haven’t gone to or I haven’t gone to is like straight ahead like this way oh dang we do have uh gold

Blocks man thanks for your Pearl sir sir you like your Pearl sir like I don’t know why he came in here Rod yeah Li rods we still haven’t found a fortress you know what we do have magma cream that smithing template is uh oh snout snout armor that’s

Fun oh how did we get the gold blocks uh they were in the chest I think oh well that’s okay we also got a lot of their golden axes which nobody ever needs but yeah I actually left those in that other chest I was like that’s like the most

Use on like here I just grabbed them because not use them for something hey we got a whole chest full of goods actually a quite full of goods quartz yeah that was a great uh decision to raid oh yeah I need to give your armor back I still have on your diamond chest

Plate oh in my okay kind of consolidating everything so like all the nice so much gold what does this do uh extra damage maybe I think so yeah what these Golds can use them with watermelons and do like or a golden apple or something me I’m terrorizing the

Enderman oh give them hell out I want their pearls dark Beast Pearl BR we have so many magma blocks that would be kind of a cool like base idea like put magma blocks on the bottom and then put uh glass like an evil evil layer yeah put glass on top so like you

Look down and it’s magma blocks be dope we have tons of building mats down here I guess put this there’s a warped fungus that’s the thing that you use on the fishing pole with the guys on the lava I would be interested in uh grabbing like a saddle

At some point and uh yeah trying to ride one of those little hog things fungus yeah so the only other place we haven’t really been um is over here and then we can save that for another time I guess but um yeah I’ll be honest I’m a little little perplexed the lack

Of I would have thought we would cuz like historically when I’ve gone into The Nether The Fortress is like one of the first things that you find like yeah you know what I’m talking about though it’s that big thing with the do we want to kill this guy for his Pearl heuse

Disappear can’t SM in here now can you um so the only place we haven’t gone is like here oh yeah we got to this again that’d be funny if I made that the only place big enough for them to SP falling on top of the gate they’re just like

Burning burning their buns off Geniusly thank you pear pear so I can out you remember dark Beast Pearl right parl parl parl that was bloodborne yep yep such a great game yeah that’s part of why I want to play Li of P cuz it looks similar I feel like Li was like such a

Disappointment yeah really like don’t compare it to bloodborne cuz I think bloodborne’s like a freaking master piece U and Li of P just I mean like it’s okay but I don’t know I feel like it’s like lacking something I can’t quite put mying down on it yeah I’m looking at

You it’s like they tried to do too much of the story element or something it’s weird they said it was like pretty melodramatic oh um before you go over there I was going to show you this one area oh yeah is our so like don’t look at the end guy by

The way um stare right in the eyes don’t you do it um down here so straight down there is like this area we haven’t gone to that connects um there’s no easy way really to get down there I say we cut through um like we could use this as part of the

Bridge go all the way down and then dig our way down okay that’s probably the easiest way to go about it or we can just extend the front door right there straight or whatever and then go down yeah but this to me looks like the next

Area I mean it’s still a forest area but I wish that was like a thing where you can put your SE your seed number for the map it’s like generator like where where the ne meat yeah that’s he AG let’s aggro all the Enderman at the same time here they are any

More look at I’m going to look at you it’s like theid I’m not touching you I’m literally looking at all the Ender everywhere just what are they going to do about it most of them just keep hurting themselves by jumping in lava jump in lava you like

It it is kind of funny to mess with them cuz they just keep spawning so I guess just like and they just ye themselves off of bridges go crazy and sometimes you just get their ender pearls did you get one yeah nice have so many of those blaze

Rods yeah that honestly that’s all I need that’s all I need to some place where I can come for a literally that’s all we need oh Thank you for your Pearl sir appreciate you all right I’ll be taking that thanks for the Pearl oh fungus never mind he dropped something no pearl oh well yeah this is oh that should do it plus we have some of the Overworld yeah this is a good

Like Enderman armarm if you need their pearls just stare at them through the windows and annoy them until they like come up to you and then you can kill them stupid as much grief as end have caused us yeah I mean they they deserve it perfectly

Fine for a second there I thought that pig was like a boat I was like why the heck is there a boat on the side of the cliff right there that’d be funny but yeah I’d say that’s uh pretty successful I mean there’s plenty to do

Down here in the nether I don’t even know I feel like we could where to go next yeah we probably could honestly I just need blaz powder cuz if we had that then I can get the iender and we can open up the inal right and then we can

We can beat the Ender Dragon I mean we’ve got enough stuff just bows and arrows honestly and then we can beat the game and get to the end and get the elytra and fly around oh that’s where you get that thing think from yeah the in world I just want to

Fly yeah that looks pretty dope honestly I think it has wear and tear like regular tools though but yeah we can go pretty much any way that just takes us back to restarted yeah I’m I’m a bit perplexed at where our next little Direction needs to be could it

Spawn underground I wouldn’t think so it’s such a big structure no I think like by default it SPS out in the it’s it’s a pretty big structure so it’s got to have yeah have you seen this area over here no I haven’t really been over here looks like maybe somewh would put

Fortress that’s a dark like the blood moon9 yeah yeah I feel like it would have to be out in the open there’s no way you see anything down there uh no that’s a massive Lake there yeah I think probably maybe we just haven’t explored it enough the nether I

Mean yeah I think probably our best bet just like going down there and they just walking around I mean I know it’s like dangerous cuz of like gas and all but oh with those uh lava Walker Things yeah just yeah we can saddle up one of those like I feel like that would

Probably be like best scenario because then we could just like oh also I found like you know those gold like nuggets that you get I think you can use them to barter with the piglins oh they like that sense see if I can find one of them there were some hanging out over

Here don’t need everywhere they were right here right Pig we’d like to trade with you there like I’ve like so yeah is this like a different biome in the nether this red area has to be come here big guy let’s see if this works yeah I threw it at

Him you give me other things I it has to be a bar or BL that really start talking get a to take gold ingots not gold nuggets we got plent can try trading with this guy he seems friendly enough a pig that’s pretty much after you yeah

Um going to run on back to the to the Fort yeah I feel like it we just like continue to explore maybe like Mark areas that we’ve like fully explor I mean we’re bound to come across something unless here’s another idea okay um build Nether Portals all over

The place in the over yeah until we like we’d have to build it in the Overworld so basically we’d need to build a new portal honestly um That Base we just left the Treehouse base Tre base it’s probably far enough away it would make something it’s like 8 to one right so

Yeah pretty pretty good travel it takes like 10 minutes to get the Tre yeah and I no IDE get and that’s like going straight there so yeah we’ll have to try that and see um you want to maybe wrap it up there close to midnight over

Here I got eight pearls I’ll take one more give me the pearls yeah I think that’s a pretty uh pretty decent but we’ll probably do some more streams this I yeah we want to do 76 but I feel like also we’re pretty darn close

To the end of this game and yeah we got to be CL I mean we found just from exploring today like we literally built more of the highway in the nether we found another Bastion I mean are Ming B locator yeah so I mean I think we get one of

Those little lava pigs and just ride her around cuz I mean it looks to me it looks like that sea of lava down there just goes entirely around the ne world so theoretically if we ride enough we should be able to see an actual nether fortress I agree yeah we just look around

Enough the blaze rod yeah my think yeah I was like there’s like wither skeletons or something like that and you know maybe Enderman but definitely skeletons and blazes and crazy stuff yeah to do it for us today guys but uh stick around next uh Monday we’ll be doing another stream of Minecraft um

So we’ll continue our little journey in the Nether world to find a nether fortress and get some blaze rods and maybe even uh beat the game next thanks for uh joining we’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Crafting Chaos: Unveiling Secrets in the Depths of Minecraft! Let’s Play #XX’, was uploaded by NerdGaming_69 on 2023-12-05 05:17:50. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:23 or 17003 seconds.

Welcome to an immersive journey into the boundless world of Minecraft! Join me on an epic adventure filled with creativity, challenges, and endless possibilities in this Let’s Play series.

Embark with me as we explore the depths of this pixelated universe, crafting, building, and surviving in a realm where imagination knows no bounds. Uncover hidden treasures, conquer daring quests, and build monumental structures that defy the limits of imagination.

Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft enthusiast or a newcomer to this blocky universe, this series is crafted to entertain, inspire, and ignite the adventurer within you. From mastering survival skills to delving into the mysteries of redstone engineering, each episode promises thrilling escapades and discoveries.

With each step, we’ll delve deeper into the gameplay mechanics, unravel secrets, and share tips and tricks that make this world even more enchanting. Join our community of fellow gamers, share your thoughts, and become a part of this thrilling journey.

Get ready to be enchanted, entertained, and immersed in the captivating landscapes and endless adventures of Minecraft. Let the journey begin!

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Collaborations and Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Collaborations and Adventures! Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an immersive and thrilling gameplay experience, Minewind is the perfect place for all Minecraft enthusiasts. While you’re catching up on the latest gaming news, why not take a break and dive into the world of Minewind? Join players from around the globe on this epic server and embark on adventures like never before. Whether you’re a fan of Unity, Zelda, Nier, The Division Heartland, Assassin Creed Shadow, Alan Wake 2, Diablo 4, or Minecraft, Minewind has something for everyone…. Read More

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Mastering Trades with Fletching Table

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore!

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  • Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4

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  • Survival Base Race: Minecraft’s Wild Interior Score

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  • Block Race Trio: Minecraft’s Lucky Charm Adventure!

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  • “SE EU ADIVINHAR, VAI TER LAVA NO MINECRAFT” 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme

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  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server – Join Now!

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  • Crafty Build: Small Modern House

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  • EPIC Rocket Hatch Creation in SteamPunk Modpack!

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  • Maizem and JJ Take on a Black Hole in Minecraft

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  • Insane POV gameplay: Defeating Anti Cheat System!

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  • 🔥EnderWarriorX reveals INSANE Minecraft XP Farm!🔥

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  • Unleash the Soulless Reaper in Minecraft Bedrock NOW!

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  • Minecraft Horror: Found Scary Skeleton 😱 #shorts

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  • K_D_BROTHERS dominate PvP Arena 24/7 in Minecraft!

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  • Secrets Revealed! Playing with Benjaramire3

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  • Unbelievable Fail: Trying to Make a Penguin in Minecraft *Hilarious Outcome*

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  • Novagatos

    NovagatosNot very good. Hacks and Greifing (if not protected) allowed. DONT try to fly. Queue system coming in the future and website coming in the far future. Read More

  • Thetys SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla Bluemap

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  • Beta Gargamel World 🌍

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  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Minecraft Mayhem

    This Minecraft meme is on fire, just like the poor baby in it! Read More


    GUESS WHO'S HOT IN MINECRAFT #lit I bet I can guess your favorite game… is it Minecraft? Wow, what a wild guess! #CaptainObvious Read More

  • UnHuddableGames: Minecraft Java Survival Series

    UnHuddableGames: Minecraft Java Survival Series Welcome to the Minecraft Java Survival Series 1! Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Java with our fearless adventurer! In this series, our protagonist dives into a new survival world, ready to conquer challenges and explore the vast landscapes of this blocky universe. Building a Dark House One of the first tasks our adventurer takes on is building a dark house. This unique structure not only provides shelter but also adds a touch of mystery to the landscape. Using the resources gathered, the dark house becomes a safe haven amidst the wilderness. Exploring Different Biomes… Read More

  • Blowing Up TNT in Desert Temple WORLD RECORD!

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  • Uncover 4Chan secrets: From LVL 444 to LVL 19!

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  • Uncover Hidden Creepypasta Secrets in Minecraft

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  • NEW SG GAMER 3.0: Bedwras LIVE!!! 600 SUB GOAL

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  • “Master Your Minecraft Builds Like a Pro!” #epic #insane #gaming

    "Master Your Minecraft Builds Like a Pro!" #epic #insane #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to improve your builds in minecraft (Part 2)#viral #youtubeshorts #subscribe #5kview’, was uploaded by AR Gaming on 2023-12-22 07:21:26. It has garnered 178 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. how to improve your builds in minecraft (Part 2). how to make house how to make modern house in server series how to make house in less amount of blocks how to make modern house how to make big modern house #subscribe #viral #youtubeshorts #2k views Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft with New Epic Mace | Hoplite Pvp Battles 🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft with New Epic Mace | Hoplite Pvp Battles 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘القتال في ماينكرافت بالسلاح الجديد ممتع جداً🔥 | Minecraft Mace pvp in Hoplite duels’, was uploaded by Warden on 2024-04-22 10:30:04. It has garnered 280 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:55 or 175 seconds. القناة الأساسية: @hassanshukriKSA كلمات مفتاحية: minecraft pvp texture pack minecraft pvp arena minecraft pvp asmr minecraft pvp arena tutorial minecraft pvp bedrock minecraft pvp combo minecraft pvp clips minecraft pvp controller minecraft pvp edit minecraft pvp fps boost texture pack 1.8.9 minecraft pvp hack minecraft pvp ipad minecraft pvp java minecraft pvp jump reset minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saw Trap for JJ & Mikey! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Saw Trap for JJ & Mikey! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘SUper SAW TRAP for JJ and Mikey in minecraft Maizen Challenge’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey Minecraft on 2024-03-16 02:00:12. It has garnered 3627 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:02 or 902 seconds. SUper SAW TRAP for JJ and Mikey in minecraft Maizen Challenge Mazien Challenge Animations @maizenofficial Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Stream Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Live Stream Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spredy Live Stream MINECRAFT 10VIEWS’, was uploaded by Spredy on 2024-03-24 21:15:09. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:28 or 3028 seconds. 50 SUB Read More

  • Unbelievable 360° Smellish Experience!

    Unbelievable 360° Smellish Experience!Video Information This video, titled ‘360°, the perfect circle’, was uploaded by smellish on 2024-03-31 20:56:12. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. i love minceraft Tags Ignore: skywars,cubecraft,skywars cubecraft,minecraft skywars,cubecraft skywars,ranked skywars,cubecraft skywars gameplay,240fps,skywars montage,skywars mouse and keyboard sounds,skywars asmr,,minecraft hypixel skywars,cubecraft server,minecraft skywars jartex network,cubecraft asmr,cubecraft games,pvp skywars,cubecraft montage,cubecraft bedrock,skywars ranked,cubecraft competitive,4k skywars,drazodax skywars,autoclick skywars,hive skywars,skywars hive,jartex skywars tips,skywars chill, tommyinnit, dream, technoblade, funny moments, hive trapping bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft skywars duels keyboard and mouse asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,skywars,keyboard and mouse,keyboard and mouse asmr,mouse and… Read More

  • Shilpi Goes Viral in Mani Meraj’s Bhojpuri Comedy

    Shilpi Goes Viral in Mani Meraj's Bhojpuri ComedyVideo Information This video, titled ‘#mani merajsong#manimeraj #bhojpuri #manimerajcomedy#shilpi #minecraft #meme #manimeraj #song #mani’, was uploaded by Mani Meraj on 2024-04-15 08:16:24. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. mani merajsong#manimeraj #bhojpuri #manimerajcomedy#shilpi #minecraft #meme #manimeraj #song #mani Read More