Dish VODs Gaming Showdown at 4pm PST

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You are fine waho you are fine pogas we are so back we are so back from Christmas from From I’ll be home from Christmas we are so so back what’s up guys happy um second day of what’s going on because I feel like December December 27th through December 30th is just like a limbo like what actually is happening nothing exactly so basically do whatever you want we are so

Back um I hope you guys are doing well I hope you had a lovely Christmas wait a minute testing testing testing oh there we go sorry my mic was like peeking really bad um it’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings to oh my gosh that’s crazy me and my parents and my sister would always watch Lord of the Rings uh on New Year’s Eve we’d like

Watch it all day how funny no sound try to refresh refresh yeah it was nice we we had a short trip um my extended family lives in driving distance so hi dish I hope you’ve had a Merry Christmas forward to watching more of your streams in

2024 good to see you thank you it’s good to see you I hope you’re doing well and better um thank you for the for the 16 months classic n thank you for the six sa rism thank you for the 10 mm do you think of the four months um happy 16

Months SK think of the I hope you had a lovely Christmas imish blush I did I did it was quick that was a a lot of driving honestly but worth it value value um got to see my grandparents my un Uncle my cousins um yeah it was great I’m drowning in

Finals you still have finals on Sunday is that a is that legal is that legal I thought you I thought school had to be done at like at before Christmas nobody’s thank you so much for the raid we had a good stream what’s up yeah we had we ate we had

Um all the classics if you’re from an Italian family you probably know we had IO you which it oh close something I wasn’t trying to close anyway um which is like a water oil it’s a really simple recipe but it’s like a waterbased it’s almost like a like a

Pasta soup but it’s just like spicy and garlicky and yeah it’s mostly garlic and oil and then red pepper yeah so good simple had that had like big lasagna and uh bread bread crumb stuffed artichokes and stuffed mushrooms and uh lots of bread anast it had like a

Big anast meat platter all the all the Classics for Italian watch the Christmas exchange video for to and my heart grew like 10 times the size oh yeah I couldn’t resist I’m sorry I watched uh I watched the secret Santa video uh while I on my own but yeah the

Christmas gift exchange came out on Jake’s Channel if you haven’t watch it you should watch it um I’ll probably watch it a couple more times to see what I missed but yeah he did a good job with him they made me tear up me too me too Hoy Hoy thank you

Have you ever tried tears of the Kingdom no I haven’t it’s on my very long list of games I’m interested in I cried yeah I cried a lot that weekend all right so my plan for today was to do to get on early and play through the new

Genin event or at least part of it but you see I started enchanting like hardcore enchanting stuff on Minecraft and I just kind of sat here like this for um like two hours and then I realized it was almost two so we’re just play Ed for a little bit um try to

Bomb from mavia and then we’re fighting the Ender Dragon at 4 so about 30 minutes Minecraft grind posture yeah yeah my neck has been hurting for always being so cozy always my favorite comfort streamer Mish love Ender Dragon yeah yeah I think I think I’m decently geared

Up for it we switched the server to hard mode so TBD yeah I’m just going to be bridging a lot I’m not going to use a lot of Ender Pearls the ender dragon fight itself should be fine I’m more worried about the uh searching for Elis that’s going

To be copium I’ve been loving watching the 7h hour Minecraft vs um a I’m going to make a Minecraft series on YouTube by the way it’s coming I I’ve I’ve locked in an editor for it so just need to like map out the episodes and get

Started love the coach bag you gave gift thank you I was so happy when I found it it was perfect perfect for her Minecraft VMAs I’ve never beat the Ender Dragon before I’ve never beat the ender dragon by myself only on um only on servers like I’ve never I’ve

Never like completed a Minecraft world before what time is it for me uh 3323 so I have a little bit more than 40 minutes before ender dragon fight what kind of Minecraft player are you it’s a good question I don’t know I like to have really strong gear but not necessarily to

Like try hard mostly just because I hate dying and I hate getting lost and I hate losing my stuff so I really enjoy the grind aspect of like enchanting stuff but I am hesitant with like dangerous Expeditions and stuff level 90 Navia yes no I didn’t I thought I did um Oh no I forgot I totally should have by now she’s a builder I bet I do I am working on a house I could show you I I haven’t I’ve been playing a lot offline hey Queen girl you have done it again constantly raising the bar for us all

And doing it flawlessly I’d say I’m surprised but I know who you are I’ve seen it up close and personal you make me so proud happy 30 months Merry Christmas and happy New Year slay thank you so much for your acknowledgements thank you process for the 29

Months she has three I have three cats surely I can friendship team this no problem yeah I think I think the main thing is I’m like a social player so I enjoy the like let the world let’s begin I enjoy the uh I enjoy like Expeditions with

Groups oh you can’t get Stacks in that help sand off from the with love a proper sand off can you com man Gio is actually back this is so exciting Gio is so back yeah this team is not at all what I mean it’s uh I have three DPSS on this

Team for no reason my friendship team okay all right it has a purpose I want to pull nav so bad but I need to hold out for my first Ryan that’s worth definitely worth um oh I have to ask you guys something I almost forgot I can’t tell you what the reason is

For it’s for future content down the question is actually I need to frame it I need to say that better guys I I have a question what are some of your wor what are some of your worst renter stories like if you rent which most of you who are adults have

Rent and have landlords what’s like the worst experience you’ve had with a landlord I’m so curious H bad landlord experiences let me type this out one second yeah yeah yeah take your time wait no take your time you run you won bye congratulations diary I won my

Ruan May 5050 W you could tell other people’s stories too your landlord is a nice grandma wow you’re blessed you are blessed this realm is she took the door off my bedroom it’s my mother in her house sorry if you don’t pay rent doesn’t count them selling the house in the

Middle of Co mine called my sister-in-law fat to her face I moved into apartment above uh the prime I baby or the wait I moved to an apartment above the family I babysit for because they asked me to be pseudo Liv and Nanny the day I moved out and after

The day I moved in they fired me that’s that is crazy you pay your parents rent that’s sweet well unless it’s not sweet I hope it’s sweet s months let’s go and Dish wiggle hope you and everyone had a wonderful a wonderful you too thank you for the seven

Months my landlord doesn’t give a crap as as long as I pay up and it’s in contract cuzz she has no time for me my landlord was racist also since my aunt was our landlord she could do whatever she wanted in our backyard and we couldn’t complain about the noise she never fixed

Our plumbing or heat we had to DIY it yeah we had a weird we had a weird plumber at one point who just like kind of ref like whenever we would need repairs which was often cuz it was like a it was kind of an old

Apartment the uh we always felt like we were kind of inconveniencing the guy and he didn’t have a cell phone didn’t text so the only way to call him was on a landline when he was home he also didn’t have an answering machine set up so he just had to like catch

Him you are fine late merry kmas happy New Year pre your tickets for shenyun here have a great strish thanks Mojo thank you for the 31 months GM happy 42 months happy 42 months when my man when my landlord refused to believe I had mold in my apartment despite showing them pictures

In person and getting a note from the doctor for mold related Health complications no way no way I was in college living with some older friends in the house and that one of their ants owned and one day it was found out that the shower head was leaking and it caused the entire

Wall it was connected to the bathroom and the master bedroom to be covered in mold and then she blamed us she claimed that it happened because one of us changed the shower head which did not happen and would come over every other day to harass us and to to tell us to

Tell her who did it and we had to pay $2,500 to get it fixed I’d take it if I were you oh my God I’m sure it’ll in handy that’s so ridiculous that’s so ridiculous even if it’s because you changed the shower head changing the showerhead is something you should be

Able to do at a at a rental I’m like pretty certain that’s just that’s like one of the things you can change I went to a beautiful masonet apartment with high ceilings and arcs in a beautiful area was a rather old house tldr my roof had a big family of D

Mouses living in it which which I found out after 6 months of finding seeds hidden in my shoes sweaters and jackets the L refused to fix it because it meant we would have to fix the entire roof of the house I swear lers forget that they like own the house when they’re when

They’re renting it like this is your house just cuz you’re not living in it like it’s your responsibility that’s crazy when I moved in a shared apartment I needed to clean everything the previous rench I left a huge mess behind thought it was because thought though after I was done and

Now Alo oh Merry Christmas dish and chat I hope you all are having a lovely holiday season love thanks no I think of 14 months mer Christmas is a huge mess behind thought after that I was done but now I have a mold growing in all my

Drains are clogged so yeah I’m moving Alo everyone are you finishing your quest and exploration we are now in theow slow parts of that patch is a perfect time to cut down on your quests so you are not so far behind next region people talk I should just get in the

Habit of doing that dear diary surely all these stories happen in America right probably cuz I’m fortunate enough to have an apartment where my landlord pays the water bill and I pay for everything else that’s nice yeah I think we had an apartment where we didn’t have

To pay water which was nice I and I take a lot of baths so think of the 100 R even thinking for 17 months there was an unknown absolutely wretched stench wafting through the hallways outright vomit deing workers in hbat suits were seen in the building and management said

Absolutely nothing about what was going on extremely sus that sounds like it must have been something that like you could have sued for if they didn’t make an announcement moved into my first apartment and they hadn’t picked up after the people before at all dots could be worse a 100 100% happy 22

Month 22 month a friend lived in a little farm Cottage found mold in the walls L refused to do anything about it and told them they just needed to move out instead we begged them to fix our drive for months they only did something when I complained in front of someone who

Wanted to get an apartment there ooh you said if if you go low I go lower I didn’t have an land until I was out on my own as an adult when I was a kid our water pipes stopped working in the bathroom we asked for it to work to him

To work on it to get it turned back on they went on for a month until he evicted us for asking him to fix it for the hundredth time your Lor gives you food sometimes and they are so kind we need to need good we need needed a pet

Cleanser yeah American landlords are actual nightmares my landlord didn’t even kick us out even though my ex had a debt with him of 2,000 I ended up using it to my savings paid off some LS are beyond amazing I’m grateful for that guy my dad’s landlord never put our

Payments through to the credit company for 10 years so we lived there so he never built up any credit and he couldn’t find anywhere else to live because they evicted us these are like these are like life altering choices these stories sound illegal well they are they are my sister oh my

Gosh was killed at her apartment complex the same week and changed her name in the apartment compli Med so it would be related to the new stories gosh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry yeah landlords have a lot of protection in the US and renters have like almost none depending on what state

You’re in so like people get I mean yeah mold is a big one especially if you’re living in kind of like a like a mo like a damp area mold can be like a serious problem coming at you and landlords will just like gasl you into thinking that it’s like your fault

Or that it’s not their Responsibility coming at you not kind of crazy coming at you not in California wrench wrenches of all the power really well that’s good I guess can you die please I’m out I’m proud of this coming at you don’t hit her a moment please oh good night Risley that’s

Good yeah wh why why is that way I don’t actually know much about that the shield [Laughter] L coming at you perhaps I bring healer next time perhaps H I moved into the apartment above people I Babys sat for to basically be a living in and they

Fired me after I moved in I moved out at the end of the week and they tried to sue me there was no that’s crazy it’s good to document anything so when you first move in so you can protect your security posit yeah you should take photos of

Any you should take photos of any that is broken any any stain on like the like a countertop anything that’s chipped because some landlords will take advantage of of like that and the lack of evidence and will make and will like retract your security deposit um if you yeah if you if you

Uh can’t provide evidence that it wasn’t you who caused it so like take photos and email them to your landlord so that there’s evidence why is mold such a big and dangerous thing in the US I don’t know why it’s I don’t know

Why it’s big here we get a lot of mold I guess and some mold can like some mold can give youas than I mean some C certain types of mold can like kind of make you go crazy so if you don’t know what’s there can like mess up your long-term

Health yeah you can also die black mold is the big one they told us we had to professionally clean the carpets when we moved out or we wouldn’t get our deposit back we never did and we still got the d h i don’t know how it works cu

I think I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure that the place we live intends to replace the carpet when we move out regardless of the state it’s in unfortunately our cats have caused some destruction to the carpets so I’m I need to figure out how that works because I

Could definitely see them not giving us their security deposit back because of that be which is not that much but still like I can avoid it we were not allowed animals but the landlord accused me of having a dog due to poop found in the yard so I set up a

Camera which proved it was our neighbor’s dog coming to but then he said that that wasn’t our Pro that was our problem to fix so it’s your problem so it’s your problem and your responsibility at any given point yeah yes some llers have all the power dear diary well on the bright side

Guys it was first time renting and my landlord owned the apartment before she is a young mother and she was sick of male coming to her because of her moving out so she wants me to stay in the apartment as much as possible so she doesn’t have to do paperwork also she

Helped me with tips and trick on reducing costs and gave me all the links to set up my bills easily good landlord exist y don’t lose hope they do exist they do exist we uh our first landlord when we were kind of poor we found them through our church

So the landlord himself was very cool the the handyman was kind of questionable but the landlord was very cool he never raised a rent on us even though I know we were paying less we were definitely paying less than others were and um he would like give us gifts on Christmas

Yeah we lived there I think almost 3 years and and the rent was already low to begin with and never raised it bless you actually do dailies um sometimes if I don’t have any other way to get XP yeah you don’t you don’t do dailies also make sure that you know the

Rules because a lot of landlords will try to get things Cal say unrated but can you give us an updated gear list gear list on who specifically C because I don’t have I changed my my uh oh are you talking about wait are you talking about um like my PC and

Stuff cuz I honestly don’t know we need to scope it out yes um I can but not right now I think what ises it what does it say now PC oh yeah I do have a update one oh yeah okay yeah I can uh update

The parts list on my PC now but not right now later is 7tv down again I don’t think so I don’t think so yeah make sure you know like what is allowed so you don’t end up paying extra or losing your security deposit when you’re like legally owed it back skill issue I

Think I am saving for a cloud retainer and by Saving I mean I have three wishes but you know you got to start Somewhere okay I need I still haven’t gotten a good artifact set for her I want the four piece four piece chicken nugget I keep using the wrong sprint button keep using the Minecraft sprint button I have Minecraft brain rock well never owned a rented and I’m a

Bit of young in if if I want to rent an apartment in a years what should I know or how to how should I begin to know um well man it’s kind of annoying no matter how you slice it we kind of got lucky on all of our

Apartments the first two definitely CU they’re people that we knew like we rented from people who our friends rented from what am I doing what she cooking I’ll lead the way uh no way come back come back make sure you know like what the what the laws are around renting

Like specifically about raising the rent and if there’s like renter caps uh so you make sure that you’re finding a place that you can stay in for the long term yeah honestly the best way to rent is to talk to your friends that rent and

See if you can like see if the the their how they feel about theirl Lord and if they have any like recommendations for you good list of non-negotiables true true very true you got a side job yes it is it’s um wild fig I love gosier silence T the season I hey

There coming at you gooss glossier next sponsor I hope so I really do hope that I can secure a gloss like a real glossier sponsor at some point you’re about to P purchase some glassier for the first time ever well if you need product recommendations let me

Know cuz I can tell you what products that I’m like die to die for and which ones that I think you can probably find dupes for or go without dream sponsors um New Balance would be a dream sponsor glossier dream sponsor like um Warby Parker would be awesome I would

Love to work with them uh um I actually have a list of dream sponsors somewhere but those are the big ones M the arazm says I’ve spent the last few days watching your 7-hour Minecraft M dish I simply must know did you and Jake ever find the Mesa by

Own um well great news about that I bet at 7 right thank you for completing I woke up to messages in our Discord server that alerted me that Don had already found a Mesa biome and had told us about it in the in the chat but we didn’t see

It um which is our own fault so and and it wasn’t that far from Spawn so we didn’t even need to go okay it was so fun the adventure of it all thank you for sharing your landlord stories I appreciate it I did get totem true which I will take to the end

Today I will take wow I only have 15 minutes L yeah I got two totems I guess I should bring both I honestly feel like the ender dragon fight is going to be fine unless you get cornered by the ender dragon or get like stuck in the like the dragon vomit or

Whatever you’re fine I got my my weapon stuff is okay the purple stuff that they like put on the floor coming to be strike a p going in do you guys have any favorite Christmas candy that’s out com at you oh wa is that 156,000 hey there that was

170,000 m is actually so says I expect that a sponsor will bring you down to Middle Earth by next year Armageddon Expo cough Oakland cough New Zealand dhings are waiting for you gosh I would love to I really would oh wait I’m in the wrong I’m literally in the wrong

Domain aren’t I I love gingerbread everything York mince I can’t get on board with York mince cuz it’s too mintty in comparison to the chocolate but I you know what I did try for the first time Trader Joe’s peppermint covered um peppermint covered JoJo which I thought I would hate

Because I’m really hesitant about first forth feel this ancient power shower me with praise time to shine about uh everybody stand back about chocolate and mint things combin but man it was so good hey there hey there so you can get three okay you hay Jojo Jojo from from Trader

Joe’s they’re like thick Thin Mints yeah exactly exactly wow time really flew today it’s my own fault I shouldn’t have played Minecraft before I should have just started stream teamwork is anent power out should have just Minecraft on stre but I I I didn’t I swear I log on to Minecraft

And the time just disappears everybody stand back moment of birth Jackal Lan and JoJo oh do sound cute I love holiday theme snacks I love Minecraft I do I do mint and mint flavoring after I co my taste book change taste bus Chang and now mint taste

Bad I think I would have like an a full on identity crisis if that happened strike a I somehow got lucky I got Co I don’t think I ever tested positive for Co but I had I had Co before the test Existed when he advice was just like stay home I had it like at the very beginning um and I had all the symptoms B the flu with like the respiratory issues can’t breathe you know shower me with down that’s um but I did not lose my sense of

Taste you had to stay home on Christmas day no h what do you think you got it Joshua had it he he got it right literally right as the lockdown happened like when it first started feel this ancient power hey there and then I got

It right after him it was really quick I was over it quickly but teamw is true com to be winess um my oo Bill using a hey there what was that coming at you he’s using the cinar bindle with four piece husk priority on defense and crit for some reason I have

Like a moderate amount of crit on him Too um I do want to try the set the two-piece Elemental skill bonus on him but I have not gotten around to f for him yet yeah he was my first limited five star a AO yeah our last not last Christmas but two Christmases ago no one want to give

Me no one want to give me G on things we uh we had to cancel our like Christmas gathering because my cousin got Co right before he came home from college and instead of staying at College he came home and infected his family this realm silly kid

Child stay at school he could have isolated so easily he was like the last one there but he traveled home if you ever had unbelievable you forar to lock the flower from the first round honestly I don’t even remember the flower was it good I want to make a joke so bad but

It’s a bad joke what kind of bad like is it like I’m going to time you out bad or is it like edgy I’m sorry everyone who got Co or is going to get sick from holidays like or like Sino bad well I will let you take the risk if

You want you can make that decision okay we’ll see if it was worth it I miss breathing out of my nose whatever flu that I had I my throat is still messed up from it like I wake up I think I have some kind of

Like I don’t know if leion is the right word it’s what it feels like that I wake up and it hurts so bad pre-ban it ended right before Christmas oh well at least you bringing Co home takes keeping it in the family to a whole new level indish P

Flower no that was funny that was funny I respect your joke worth the risk well that wasn’t even bad how much damage Cann be reach I don’t know to be honest cuz I haven’t gotten her to like a high level yet uh we’re not close enough to as send

Today no let’s just keep going for artifa she’s definitely not maxed out because I don’t have her signature I don’t have her signature see she is c z he’s level 80 and and she doesn’t have her best four piece set so I’m sure I’m missing a lot of damage but the most

Mine has reached was I think like 10 minutes ago which is 170,000 Angel feathers thank you so much for the tier one em girl thank you for the 26 months appreciate it I appreciate it dear diary did you know diarrhea is hereditary yeah it runs ey your jeans jeans indish k first Boo that one was not worth it certainly wasn’t worth the 100 bits that you spent Bo hey there I’m also still trying to figure out what my optimal team is for her cuz I’m trying to figure out if the benefit of Bennett buff outweighs the like Non non off field incremental healing for sake of finina but I think it probably just depends on his build okay banned for etern eternity oh brother this guy stinks they’re good PS that was a good P what geoc comp with her yeah I I think I would also consider

Kokomi for this but as the tale is old this time says I don’t have COC everybody stand I keep skipping her for some reason let the world coming at you coming at you a proper send up I really do like these like B cam effects team

Is like that you can see the frame of like a character’s old a nice nice new Dynamic that uh we got in like late late Fontaine or late Su still within my me with early Fontaine Soo was a word oh no didn’t we get it with Ryden a little

Bit I can’t remember but sin’s the first one I remember that had like an overlay on the screen with Navia use yon o I can see that H where are my artifacts Mo does she have a full screen effect official strong Ling and Gene oh yeah that makes sense that would totally

Work I really like my Navia official Bennett cook team yeah that sounds really good too I honestly I still haven’t watched any guides for some reason for her I should don’t know why I haven’t what time is it it’s 4 well well people it’s time to fight the Ender

Dragon I can’t be late cuz I will if I get left behind I will cry I will cry I’ll cry bitter tears bitter tears braber was supposed to be a five star uh maybe I’m not 100% sure y hello hello hello that and oh hello dis welcome hello hello Gamers sup

[ __ ] damn what should I bring to this fight uh a bow is all you need okay my almost Bow’s about to die so it’s perfect okay I give how much would it cost to fuse it too expensive says the table it’s j yeah I have to

Make a whole new bow after you trolled bro men’s the way yeah it’s fine men is the way crazy oh it’s un unrepairable I’ve repaired it too many times now even if you use like a a regular I yeah I tried although I haven’t tried like there’s one thing I haven’t

Tried check if it works I was hesitant to join the call but then I saw you joined so came back what the [ __ ] where are you I want to show you something I’m logging in right now we’ll remember this Dawn okay and I’ll remember this oh

[ __ ] I’m [ __ ] stop swearing in my ear thank you okay I’m [ __ ] sorry sorry I’m sorry [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m sorry I will not curse the rest of the stre liar where should I go after that uh so I sent coordinates to you you should be

Able to follow the path out like okay straight okay are we doing uh Ender Dragon and elytras today yeah n city as well oh wow City like expire portal really what do we need non-negotiables food sneaking who wants to collude oh my God you’re Apple 25 carrots an enchanted

Golden apple I should be good right dude you do not need all that stuff you can the and a regular non enchanted bow and then you’re another waterfall it’s like it’s you go up a small waterfall and then you go up an even bigger one and then you should see

The crater opening you the should I bring my totem of on okay I see water are you meeting at Christmas base meet at Bas Bas I think so small one and then she said there’s a bigger one I sords um that the Cs that I sent

Is like the area and then there should be like waterfalls coming from the sky uh there are two of them I believe that can take you up to a path that can take you up to another path I see are really close you guys are really close to it it’s like

Amethyst are you guys bringing swords too what you mean or just sure here what I have 39 where’s my sword oh what do you need to fight the Ender Dragon is there anything special you need just a bow water think you as well would be nice anyone got lapis auli all right

There you go I have a billion blocks I have 96 blocks of L you good s yeah Don and slice uh what are the quarts to your home base uh you go to the Christmas house just go straight I’m going to drop some water

For you come up in the no I’m up wait no no behind you behind you did uh quick question did anyone pay a visit to my house in the last like hour I don’t know where your house is I am missing a sword what a sword I’m missing a sword

That I spent quite a while on today failing amongus server that’s kind of su man that’s kind of sus man is it in your end chest I don’t have an Ender Chest no oh I found it no I just misplaced it definely knew that was I didn’t

Accuse anyone I was asking she she didn’t accuse to be fair she didn’t accuse than you thank you I didn’t what if Us in Minecraft I’m going to tell you right now we will not be friends after among us what we could get through anything no

No I I listen I’ve seen what we’re capable of and it’s not among us what does that mean is that a good or bad it means many it means great things it means great things are you guys bringing one or multiple totems of undying so here’s the thing about the

End the end has the void so if you fall into the void it doesn’t matter if you have a totem you’re [ __ ] it’s over all your items are gone so if you die you die in the end yeah well void unless you die if you fall it’s

Over [ __ ] CS are [ __ ] fall it’s over [ __ ] Cals CS CS yeah if you fall it’s over so it’s only valuable if you die to something like if you die to well then I don’t so then maybe not worth it went the wrong way so we’re supposed

To wear our best armor and best weapons and everything written risk losing at all is that what you’re saying yeah yeah oh yeah you have to play Minecraft the final I need bending need to get some mending books okay how about this how about this everything all right everyone listen to

Me this is the recommended loot I solo bring only iron armor okay and your best sword and best bow okay slay that is it slay iron armor your best sword ideally should have looting three because after we kill the dragon we’re all going to hunt for end cities and let’s make a

Rule that none of us can use in a lightra until everyone has an elytra oh yeah that means good that way we can all go find for uh find for everyone and then once all of us have an elytra we can all fly around everywhere and use um

I collected one additional sneak three book that I there there was some oh oh okay thank you okay so once you are prepared go back to the uh home based base Christmas house okay nice it’s not Christmas anymore lagging for every anybody yeah I just lagged yeah I lagged wait fa you

Said our house looks nice no no I haven’t been there I worked all this on Enchanted armor I’m going to go with iron you can bring it if you want this recommend no I don’t want to lose it I’ll the real question is Ed what are

You bringing I’m bringing all my [ __ ] if I die I quit do that same oh my God so the way you would lose everything is when you basically have to be knocked back and get unlucky and be flung into the void which is like a big have you guys heard of a

Gargoyle no no so to answer your question ATU the only way you can uh fall into the void is one careless or the end dragon fight the Ender Dragon does have a possibility of pushing you into the end because when it flies in and attacks you it can knock you out

Okay I’m going to bring my good chance that you could die but most of our fighting is going to be in the center of the island so you should have at least one you know buffer welcome no I a [ __ ] D I’m going in oh she’s in she’s in Minecraft I’m bringing nine

Beds why to trap the dragon yeah you have to trap to trap the dragon yeah in a bed bed beds don’t do anything in the end they do no that’s the that’s the nether that is the exploding talking explode in the in the end people use

That as a speedrun trap to kill it yeah oh really yeah yeah you can’t sleep enough I didn’t know that [ __ ] is what have you done to your home man I really want I kind of want feather falling main Base main base do we need like torches or anything we have a

Feather falling FEA falling just bring it and food do is there like a surplus of food in the uh in the nether once we after we kill the Ender Dragon yes there’ll be a surplus of food oh really there’s food in it in the yes so there’ll be coar fruit stocks which can

Drop what about pickaxe what about pickaxe pickaxe you should bring a pickaxe that you are okay with losing if you fall into the end silk touch or no I’m not okay with losing either of them listen man I do it all again i’ do it all again are are we

Up to the yeah hurry Up’s waiting hold hold on silk touch or no and you want to make a shulker farm somebody answer me sure I don’t know how to do that E I don’t either all right is are people coming back to the base or not we’re coming okay I’m I’m putting

Away silk touch on the on pickax or no dragon so we get not necessary okay sorry that took so long it’s okay busy comms not really okay how about everyone mute mute and we talk in game the end game isim goodbye now I’m Alone all right all right I’m going uh do I want to enchant anything I don’t think so hey I had oh there they are protection protection aqua affinity I don’t need that okay maybe I’ll bring some diamonds too I do I do feel like it is possible I could die in the end

So think I’m just going to air on the side of caution um bring that you ever do that guys you ever air on the side of caution that is crazy look at vb’s build okay let’s go snow base I just have 43 baked potatoes you think that’s

Enough no one will die I don’t think I died the last time I went to the end the only thing I’m worried about is not having feather falling because I’ve definitely died in the end from like a big fall from like the Ender City so I’m I almost

Feel like I should bring my Ender my feather falling boots but I don’t want to lose them do I risk it do I risk it for the biscuit I’m equidistant from my house to the snow base you know what I worked on them all day but it’s not like I can’t get

Another pair we’ll just take some more time and that’s lowkey part of the fun so freak it I’m going to bring my feather falling boots I take you to the fin and I freak it I hav’t made my mind I should I keep it sorry did you bring a water bucket in

Case you fall what does the water bucket do all right will dish die with the feather falling boots nobody knows they see their title this cost me 51 enchant levels water bucket trick I never heard about that just one water no fall damage oh true that’s wise that’s very wise okay I’m

Coming I’m coming sorry guys I’m not going to fall I’m just going to hold shift that would what is that I do have 27 levels though I wonder if I wonder if there’s a book down here I could I could yoink sharpness and lore channeling I didn’t know books could

Have multiple to be honest no no no one don’t want it I’m not going to die I refuse YOLO ah see if I don’t bring my best armor aside from my helmet which I left I’m just planning to die you know but if I bring my best armor I’m banking on myself

Living could you play some music not at this moment but soon burn idiot stop elytra hun in coming What potions are you making F uh slow falling whoa I will trade you some ender pearls for that it’s time to game boys are we going in full netherite I am oh [ __ ] yeah let’s

Go we are falling void team exactly Seline gaming yeah I mean if I die and lose everything I just just die and lose everything yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying just gives us more reason to go back down and do that destruction mining no if I lose everything I’m just going

To play bare bone and I’m going to just play with my fists and I’m going to play with my fist for the rest of the game but I’m with doing that too I don’t think we need torches what’s ad gion games coming back auuu is genin games coming back don’t speak English I need some food is that far huh how’ you make the slow falling potion uh F Phantom membrane and water bottle I think I was damn I should have should have made those I think so know was that easy oh wait never mind okay guys I’ll trade you I’ll trade you a

Stack of Ender Pearls for two potions dear we might have to order food tonight um hello everyone that right now wow look at all of us assembled oh sorry let me talk quieter I guess no no I might have you turned up hold no I don’t know why for some reason I have

Atus 80% volume yeah you a hell I don’t know why for just particularly this I’m very boosted uh does anyone need golden apples I have 30 of them uh oh never I need Nether wart I think we’re chilling oh wait D I think I know why uh in your

Settings what is your microphone amplification turn up to where’s another one wait can you can you B these oh 48% just down to like 20% 20% is that better yeah okay that is better okay I put nether W in the brewing stand I am level 52 maybe I

Should enchant something first is there anything you need like a shovel or a hoe or something no so does anyone need something Enchanted um maybe let me see or anything repaired oh yeah I do I want my shovel to become efficiency 5 can you enchant a shovel for me for efficiency

4 let me see if I can make one really quick I don’t have any diamonds here uh-oh I have 12 if you need some can I have one please oh just one yeah yeah thank you what potions are you making boys y it yeah yo who’s cooking right now who

I’m cooking I cooked I I brought two Phantom membranes what do wait what do those make wait Phantom membranes are used to repair elytras but we’re all making a gentleman’s agreement and none of us use elytras until everyone has one enchant my diamond I mean you need fireworks anyway hope can efficiency for

And then I com even without fireworks it’ll make it really convenient to find are we on a Lapis here too what the heck others behind U Bob I gave you the 10 Stacks you can oh okay oh you only got on it I have I have too many too many Jibber jabbers

Too much Jibber jabbering I need a moment the voices the yappers I got 50 bottles Ed okay dang it wait where’s the other you picked up the other shovel I need to go back to my house oh true water buckets would be very useful so fortune 3 efficiency 5

Unbreaking three mending oh perfect that’s the god shovel okay I need to go back to my house wonder what Don wants to shovel for like if I’m going to go I’m going to bring my good stuff I should bring my good stuff I have three water bottles

And I have some Phantom memores I think it’s a short walk anyways we will defeat the Ender Dragon with the power of yappers I understand how I feel I just get what the freak hello I just get really bad like sensory overload with like L of talking which is

Nobody’s fault it’s just it just is how did I not know this was here literally right next to my house Um which is why sometime which is why I don’t have like music on sometimes or sometimes I’m like really particular about what music is playing listen I don’t want to die okay but if I have to rear it’ll be fine I will just rear okay Phantom membrane Coco that’s it I have

Five but I’ve killed so many and then my water water bottles honestly I had no idea the enchanting was so so Swift or the that it was so easy to make potions I Will Survive and I will not fall off and if I do I will cry but

It’ll be good content right guys right right right I brought my looting sword rather than I that’s one thing I am saving though I have a looting sword that I’m going to use rather than uh like my my one I was working on today I was I was grinding

Grinding and I have my bow but my bow doesn’t have mending on it so it’s going to it has a a limited lifespan anyways it’s content guys content wait don’t leave me no you know [ __ ] I’m going to poo shut the [ __ ] up all right I got I got five

Splash potions of slow falling that are red dusted so they last 4 minutes so once we uh get in there I’ll just splash us and then we should be good if like nobody should fall off surely nobody should item HPP ER oh I mean is the fight going to last longer than 4

Minutes I doubt that honestly someone’s going to run the [ __ ] out of it how do you make what the freak how do you make this I don’t know anything about Brewing actually yeah I don’t know jack [ __ ] either I asking my chat how to do it how do you make a feather fall

I I have all the potions uh dish so I just splash it on us so all right once saki is here I will hold a briefing to make sure everyone is aware and then we will March okay let’s go okay all right so to go over in terms of

Preparation you will likely die because there is a chance that cannot be stopped of the Dragon pushing you into the void if that happens you are [ __ ] wait even with slow falling slow falling um I’m not sure but you can try okay cuz I’m splashing us with slow falling at the

Beginning okay interesting but anyways um so bring materials that you’re okay with losing however if you are going to bring op stuff would highly recommend looting three feather falling four and a good bow that’s exactly what I have epic extra tools that will help you are a water bucket which will prevent Enderman

From attacking you and food and blocks and ender pearls I think that’s it yeah I need Ender pearlers can anyone want to share ender pearls here uh take half of mine that came from U there’s still something in this chest below the uh BR stand if people need more ender pearls

The players with looting three will Farm the Enderman to get more ender pearls for others so that’s me I’m not um outside of that if we spawn as soon as we spawn uh we will prioritize getting to the island first there’s a small chance that the our

Spawn is away from the island that may be dangerous so we all need to prioritize building your bridge over to the island once we get there if you’re scared of dying stay near the center of the island do not go out uh do not go on the outskirts cuz then if the dragon

Pushes you you will at least have like one chance before you get knocked into the void I’m getting so nervous all I know no no no we got we got potions of slow falling you won’t fall trust me the dragon but I have them I have them I have them

If you’re sure here you can have one I made five and five lasts us like 25 minutes or 20 minutes didn’t get it someone else got it uh here here here all right splash potions yeah that’s why I said I’m going to Splash this all in the beginning so oh oh okay

Keep but let me wait we I want to splash him when we get to the middle of the island what are you doing I’m showing excitement oh is that how you show excitement huh yeah I start twerking do you want some bottles to collect Dragon Breath I I got

I got 14 H it’s all good yeah I don’t really need these give me what you do aoll call she moving we should all do a roll call let’s go let’s go go okay everyone march to my base totem okay everyone this let’s go D

Jak wait Seline do you not have a weapon woman I do woman okay I can’t turn oh my God so loud I can’t turn off sticky keys this is going to be the death of me I’m going to die this way Omega I can’t figure out how to turn off sticky

Keys for end where is everyone going oh we need shitty blocks on us yeah we do bro bro down this way this way this way this way come back come back down here okay o where I don’t know we have being left behind epic oh down here here I

Think there huh huh where’d you go oh yeah we just zoom here oh I think it’s here I see someone my gosh let’s go scky key is killing my vibe bro are you nervous are I hope it’s this way I don’t see anyone anymore let me

Check the map oh no there yeah it’s this way I see them on the map am I nervous uh no I’m nervous oh my gosh where are we going uh just straight just straight down the torch you were being okay all right sorry oh the lag we got left

Behind you can blame the sticky keys I will thanks for not leaving me though no of course straight North just keep going in this direction down right DN this is a long yeah I think so oh I see someone oh what the heck oh so easy to fall that no Mom is

Way okay in here I think yep mobs here to like all right control gives you a status effect why is there ra going on I’m I’m going to why isn’t there a I Spy I Spy no this is not the end this is the portal

Wait did you not the end sorry did you find the end portal and just make a base around it Ed yeah he did okay wow made en seen someone do that okay Lucky Gold you’re taking you’re taking the zie with you do you have water somewhere uh do you need a water bucket

Yeah okay I’ll grab my friend I brought a bucket I just don’t have water oh unprepared and I’m going to borrow a block a stack of shitty blocks from you I just wait so you can use a water bucket in the end everyone take everyone take a stack of

Blocks they haven’t got one shot a shot we not have a bed here to set our spawn point for oh okay yes that’s a good idea I’ll make a bed real quick okay okay in your home put a bed down yeah we can just all right okay everyone set your spawn at this

Bed right click this bed I dropped it someone dropped an old golden over here you want more there’s more oh Don I have your ho I have plenty of golden app uh not right now okay wait I can’t get out of here oh oh no you’re

Good you’re good how do we enter this is everyone ready I’m going to activate the portal soon is anyone BR in the chest all right I have an Ender Chest okay okay okay once we spawn once we spawn in first priority is the bridge over into the end

If not already then uh uh after that it is to [ __ ] we have to destroy the uh the things on top of the towers you see what I there are obsidian towers and we’ll have to destroy when we get to the center I’ll splash us with the break the reason our fearless

Leader all right good luck guys let’s go let’s do it everyone first one to die is a rotten egg my god oh wait we’re underw we literally out here whoa can we can we put dig up dig up dig up dig up dig up okay I’m just going

To all right this a pretty white block end thanks I don’t think everyone was to the CER everyone oh I see the dragon I see the dragon at the center [ __ ] oh my God bro this slow falling is wi destroy destroy all right got one already there’s one already watch out on to

Aggro the end all right I was dead [ __ ] that oh my gosh oh my gosh ah the Enderman are whispering in my they’re whispering in my ear make it stopa I’m about to build a little a little thing right here yes the crystals what are we meant to be

Doing what are we meant to be doing oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I need to fight the Ender Dragon and yet I’m here just fighting Ender [ __ ] I’m being aggroed by everyone alive all right you can’t

He almost dead I want to get a h almost dead got to get a hit in I got to get a hit in going to do it we going to do it yeah we did it let’s go wait the breath the breath you bre no D

Died W he Mega XP oh [ __ ] yo get some XP get picked upu wait for to come back my XP no everybody I’m going to I’m going to splash us with feather falling right before it’s in what a fight that was crazy I get the dragon fire the dragon eat my

Ass here’s your helmet and then and then saki has here I’m going to stand come here come here come here Ed what did you do ow ow ow ow ow oh my gosh chill oh my gosh help somebody um gowhere what the [ __ ] did I pick up yeah

Okay dud there are awesome can I have my stuff back if you guys took my stuff what stuff is it it’s probably m i is that yours pleas drop okay pleas give me my gear bag sorry the most important thing is she gets her armor back and

Tools tools some all right I will be right back I’m just going to grab my ender chest cuz I forgot oh there we go my Chun do you need one I have wait if I have if I have everything ready could I just go we should wait no go together I’m

Also ready to go who who took my pants wait can I collect this let’s see I have a helmet I have pants I have the fire aspect is making this so annoying give it back to me yeah fire aspect is not the best this that should be enough if

You guys would like to leave the end now jump in through this portal in the center otherwise you would like to go end City exploration you need at least one ender pearl okay I have okay I do babe I have some for you come come come

Do you want to you want to come and City exploring or uh probably to Traverse wait how long does it take though come back come back I can it takes a while cuz we have to it’s kind of a rare spawn to an end City who did this and you can’t leave it

After I mean you can Tak a while to get back almost die yes because oh my God saki just hit the Enderman that’s hitting you stop trying to run from it no someone was stuck behind me I would have hit them too them just hit them you know what

You’re right if you’re my way they don’t take we don’t take Dam this fine no you’re and trust me that sword is probably not uh D are you battling this Army what is going on why are they all after you cuz I looked at them my I’m farming I’m

Farming I’m farming out here wait I have do you have looting on your sword okay they can’t I’m Lally farming right now come back I need to I’m going to get left behind if I don’t get over there right now can you just like finally jeez no no no can’t get left

Behind must live what is that thing up there yay yes the only way to get into it is using an ender pearl so if you do not have an end PE damn y all really are staring at these guys who’s it targeting I don’t know how people are agoing

Them people like looking at them does anyone need more ender pearls I’m good I am good for now need more blocks actually so pretty here wait [ __ ] oh my God I can see how many times you used a a totem saki really why oh wait two above your name oh that’s sick what

Mod is that it’s called the skill issue mod damn no not call a skillers you wait call skill still messed up messed up are you here here like jittery can’t kill them because I have don’t don’t be sad yeah got you blocks so I can’t kill them come over

Here they’ll teleport away and they come back to you e no your pants have probably freaking do you guys need more blocks I one no we’re good we’re good I have a spare helmet but it’s not Enchanted or anything just bro is crying about not having her Swift sneak and I’m

Offering to give it to her hey man really messed up that was SOC they are probably so [ __ ] up oh the lag what do we so all right you know what be really [ __ ] up if someone just like was sweeping and knock back just push every all I did was build an

Umbrella and then it was dead yeah all I did was just like dragon’s breath this is yeah okay so we throw the Pearl into this yes scoop if you guys are ready send your endar into the void bye leave what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I messed

Up imagine you miss wait it for me I’m missing couple times I think it’s cuz I slow falling does oh slow falling [ __ ] it up no way what a waste we got to was we got to Waites wait what how do you get in I don’t get it wait it’s not working I’m

Taking damage how do you get in I don’t know understand how to get in someone says swim instead wait hold on hold on I can’t even swim um no we do this hold on make a trap door maybe oh no but I got in oh what the [ __ ] I got

In did you just fine oh oh yeah you just throw it straight I’m go I’m going I’m going I mean what yeah I gave us snow fall slow falling you can just do crazy [ __ ] with this run out mid good luck you [ __ ] I’m scared Mar your coordinates

Right now as well this is also what we’ll have to get out exit through if uh you don’t find another one okay okay picture taken I’m nervous I’m nervous no it’s fine I’m I’m brave thanks bab oh Cor my dad is trying to F play Minecraft wait what I hear someone screaming so

Wait where how did he work oh my God no way what is going on oh she’s going to be upset all right I think needs a totem of to yeah just what do we don’t Agro the end of it we okay I have I have her her her feet her

Feet my dad is my God wait are we on normal mode right now I swear we’re on normal mode no we’re back on hard mode oh okay okay okay all right then it’s a bit more excusable I Meanful yeah I I yeah I haven’t aged a single end I that oh someone has on a whoa oh I forgot the fruit makes you TP a bit eat it I’m going way eat it eat it eat it while standing on the edge yeah yeah okay bro that’s actually like 50/50

Be a little bit of a thrill 5050 hit it hit it hit it f hell no I a I ain’t going to the edge and doing it here take a slow falling have an ender pearl ready and then take it n no no no no I ain’t [ __ ] with

That uh-uh I’m just kidding oh apparently it only TPS you on land it doesn’t take you off oh okay okay okay it be which way are we going that’d be crazy South I don’t know I think we’re still trying to figure out how to get

Dawn her stuff back yeah we got to wait for Don oh no don’t want to leave down behind well I’m going to farm Enderman facts no not like that yo y’all got Fortune three though on your axe [ __ ] go crazy no looting on my sword though worth it for these

Fruit oh my my aess forun three oo that’s cool oh course fruit send you take send you straight to the ground if you get S flying no way I know that you want to test it that’s okay if you get set up in the sky like a scul or something if you

Like what the it it teleports you to the ground oh oh they can hit me from right there oh no look at them don’t look at them then ow ow but so so I’m looking down is that what you do no just look fors just don’t look at them you you yeah chorus

Flow a hey oh they’re up there let’s go let’s go don’t where Bing Bong did we find a Mesa biome yes or no well we didn’t find it we certainly didn’t we didn’t it’s basically just another biome we have like there is a city here that uh somebody did you call

It Misa biome no you’re hearing things you’re hear no you didn’t no you didn’t he’s lying way you’re making stuff up right now no no no no I’m no no you’re you’re hearing things am I going insane am I crazy been crazy being crazy whoow I like that

Sound one of these wait is Don back I don’t know wait why are we leaving oh I don’t know we shouldn’t leave them guys who’s gone slicing ATU and oh not ATU Ed and Dawn okay I’m I’m Team Wave for Ed and them separate groupes yeah I don’t want to leave anybody

Behind I don’t want to hang out with Dawn and slice anyways what huh I said I want to I said I want to hang out with Don and slice anyway so I’m Oh I thought you said I didn’t want to hang out with anyways I was like oh my

God I was like yo look at the Enderman all standing right there they were all looking in this direction they just ganging bro just mind my business excuse me ah excuse me I’m just I we just wait right here and farm yeah yeah okay do it aggro then all right I’ll stare at

Them bues oh he did not like that he [ __ ] to weak he is to weak noted Enderman did not like to be cat called hey ugly do like that either thank you ah crazy Farm Very Hightech very it’s very human likee what the fck hey guys hey welcome

Back you guys made it yay fre drive you our group what grou yeah we waited for you yeah wait for us that’s so nice yeah yeah really yes really nice come over here little little go in any direction that is farther away here it seems like you need more food

Sor oh the carrots wow is that enough right I see you standing over there by yourself shorty come here come here give me a kiss and I have your golden carrots I had these two things welcome back you have no my pickax there probably Ender’s basically the

Bracken no wait is it this one I have it oh yay y yay I have everything again thank you you got the pickaxe yeah okay we have the pickaxe I feel I did I did I did oh thank you Seline coming back all right let’s go explore boys

Gamers okay so we will go west for a little bit until we find the next Island and then we’ll go a different direction Since U went there yeah we’ll start off we need blocks don’t we I have a [ __ ] ton of blocks so okay oh yeah you gave

Me a I’m just going to throw blocks everywhere if you need blocks just pick up one stack I have so much think I’m okay for now I came back with expectation of of um of making my own little bridge to you guys that’s no fun I didn’t think you’d

Come back for me no Don we didn’t want to leave no Don no fun no although although they said [ __ ] it let’s leave I was I will be honest I was almost very tempted to leave but then a w appreciate you coming back for me okay

Guys here’s the deal I will lead the I will lead the bridge you guys reinforce the bridge how about that it epic oh I heard an echo turns out there’s actually stuff over in this direction Echo that looks like a tower over e or over North the end looks so [ __ ] pretty

Man wait I got to take a photo guys we’re going Northwest okay Northwest everyone actually scares me so bad I hate it okay it is a scary thing it I feel like it looks scarier in vanilla than without shaders true I sent a screenshot mine looks really pretty I would totally di to

That this needs to be one you would let yourself become one with the void no no no honey I need to be one more block to this side bro I I am not breaking any blocks my pickax is going to break the whole thing oh this is Netherrack oh my

God I didn’t mean to do that I’m staying behind I’m staying behind you guys by the way just like wait wait wait I D I think that we need to build it a a little bit more to the side to properly reinforce this one build it more to the

Side yeah cuz you can’t really walk yeah it has to be like this much skir I see what you mean safe everything reminds your oh I see what you mean oh dear hello was Ed the one bridging um thank you for the tip Alex I appreciate it we just got here can you

Walk through that I mean yeah it’s like a little rickety but it’s like getting like smoothed back and forth but it’s not that bad but I see what you’re mean about is making a bridge ASU is making a bridge all the way down

South oh I I I see where the end city is I think is there one Elantra per n city I can’t remember uh I I see where the nend city is on the map sorry Chad a bit oh gosh this is giving a skirk this is giving oh I don’t have

Any blocks left that’s why [ __ ] I really hate the being on the I really hate this shed I’m shifting so hard right now oh my gosh forever it actually like makes my stomach drob looking down this is right direction we need to find one NC before we can before my strap will

Work oh are they like particular like bro I hate this good morning guys good okay it should be wide enough for everyone to just sprin up okay okay oh yeah just don’t just don’t fall off okay I’m not falling I’m not falling I’m not falling honey you have to keep

Walking if I run into you I get scared I wouldn’t be scared in the Overworld I’m only scared because it’s the nether I mean because it’s the end hold on let’s connect this I feel like I can’t breathe okay I feel like I can’t breathe oh Jes I breath as

Well you’ll have to get used to that uh Which Way Ed North West where is Jake uh yes let’s continue going more North that sounds like a you problem bro that is not an excuse oh [ __ ] what’s up guys pinkish purple man there’s so many Endermen byy excuse

Me can’t you see I’m a bit busy 14 14 16 how many end Pearls do you guys have I can we I can I can kill my I got uh 27 27 saki what about you oh how do you how many end pears you have are you

Muted oh my God sorry I was muted on accident I have 23 okay and Jake I’m sure you’re stacked okay sorry 25 Bridges like this I think we’re safe to just ender pearl across to make it faster what oh okay what are you eating I’m drinking um a 64 fluid ounce bottle

Of apple juice how about you 64 yeah I got to stay hydrated so how did you throw that wait how are you supposed to throw it what’s the button uh right click oh right dude it’s so I hate it look what am I looking at oh n city yay that’s what we’re looking

For wait wait it has an elytra that’s one elytra that’s one elytra how do you know because do you see that ship do you see a ship that’s just floating separated from the n city yes and elytra always spawns there oh um I would recommend having chorus

Fruit handy in case you get hit by one of those uh the shulker boxes make it makes you descend to the ground so if you get hit by those like Shuler box guys they’ll make you float and you can you can take pretty bad fall damage so

Just get some fruit to like bring you back down it’s also really annoying so is this good to have I don’t know what you just said okay just have just have chorus fruit leave her alone that will shoot you you want to get hit by them you do

You do want to get hit by them because they give you a levitation that can be a good and a bad thing yeah it can makes it easier for you to go upwards we want that ship right has a lot of verticality but it can be bad if you keep going up

And up and up and then die from Fall damage yeah if you don’t have falling make sure you have end Pearl up there what is that not worth it hell no you can reliably rely on the shulkers to hit you enough time so that you have levitation to the end

City oh [ __ ] there he goes Uh can we break these no no no don’t break them oh [ __ ] I’m going to go inside it uh purple the things City at the end of the game kill this [ __ ] oh my God this glass is let me in let me in it is really cute let’s make our way

Up all right wa there are Sher boxes inside as well wait don’t break too much of the the footing let’s start from the top and break our way down what the fre what the freak oh sorry I love bad [ __ ] problem I love bad [ __ ] than [ __ ] how the

[ __ ] you get up this oh there one more uh all right who wants to who wants to take their stab at getting the uh the elytra I am already on my way up so just need to make sure that you don’t die um it looks like it’s partially over

The void so if you want to all right hopefully just make sure you’re hovering over something okay you want I want that Banner I’m going bye guys off theedge that good oh my God I said hey little guy oh no no thank you no no no I don’t want it stop

No hurts I’m gonna kill you make sure you always get the the shells I got it I got a skuller shell okay ow shells are basically extra backpacks backpacks that you can put within the oh my gosh I did not mean to do that holy crap they are very good they very good

Where are you guys I’m I’m kind of stuck ah I’m coming back down stop stop stop stop you can press shift and lean up against the second one and then just like jump onto it whoa I didn’t know did that I want this Banner how y you got

It uh one piss off an end I’m col these no you no you you basically do a lot of stuff there’s like no real way to explain it besides you just do a lot of stuff uh where are you guys are you upstairs I’m upstairs I’m mining this

House Jak is getting the uh the elytra okay wow first elytra very epic damn this place is tall oh this is a small City oh this is relatively small yeah I want some of this stuff too block is gorgeous plenty to go around I’m going to be mining this whole

Thing all day enjoy your elytra I’m here to just mine the block I still can’t believe how fast the Ender Dragon died this like so silly I didn’t even do anything I don’t I think I maybe hit it once I hit I don’t know if I even hit it

Twice and then I died and I got sad but I mean we killed it that’s what that matter I died too Didu get the elytra U was the first person to get the elytra wow did you Jak did you get it yay did you get it oh I’m muted yes congratulations on your

Lra how come got achievement Jake didn’t maybe oh no no I’m pretty sure he did no he got it first was the first shut the [ __ ] up oh she bar sex okay make sure I don’t break stair nice work Gamers every single one of these shers because we want the

Boxes what the [ __ ] okay we want the shells all right okay ow bro my ankles I almost always fall to die what die to fall damage so I’m just really paranoid with the Shuler boxes oh honey you’re breaking the block up huh you’re breaking the block cuz I

Said I wanted it oh someone there end growing right now I thought you would want you see him Jake kill that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that sound he’s the Ender Enderman I think oh I’ll kill it where are they you water boarded him oh yeah I forgot they don’t like water

Like so you can so uh if you have a a silk touch pickaxe can you put down your ender chest honey if you have a silk touch pickaxe you can mine these Co fruit heads and those are basically like seeds you can keep growing these really are what you

Use to make the per the perper blocks oh oh I see yes so silk touch a couple of these so I okay got it oh dish you have to mind the the flower specifically with silk touch I have my oh I don’t have silk touch oh

Yeah I wasn’t ready oh oh thank you admir it only grows on endstone so make sure you grab some endstone too okay got it I will okay you can and mine it now thank you fall to die damage yeah that happens to me sometimes all right we have two down and

We have one 2 three four five 6 Seven 8 N9 10 nine more to go let’s go I mean pretty good have two so this so the way the n city spawn is always on a grid so if we go in a straight direction from any direction from here we should be

Able to find another one okay really so if we go stra let’s just keep going north north okay M here you go what and do you need multiple skulker shells to turn it into the fancy thing for the end oh thank you so much so here here’s a

Crafting table here’s a chest Place one shulker shell above it and one below it and that should make a uh oh I I don’t have any a Shuler box oh here’s two oh thank you you’re so kind wait I to make that thing where do we get it oh soer

Ballers here take two of them very poggers very my gosh in it items in it and then mine it oh with anything any tool you put anything oh it like holds things in there exactly and you can now imagine you can put Shuler boxes inside end

Chest and you could have oh my God you would never need to have a base anywhere ever again you and you can dye them different colors as well so you into colors that’s genius how do I open the box okay so here make a chest using this

Wood and then put the chest in the middle and the shells above and below it oh yeah so cool I’m going to put all this deep slate that I have and you don’t need to silk touch this no oh my gosh that’s so cool make a chest and

What uh put the chest in the middle and then the uh the Sher shell above and below it what are you doing this this is so epic man nothing this is so POG all right now that we game it’s time to make pixel art on the server now

That’s only one if you want more you have to kill more shulkers what are shulkers shers are the things that goes like and they SP the thing oh the boxes yep I see all right are you guys ready to raid the new one yeah ready go Jake did you grab the dragon

Head did you did you you were the one at the ship there was a dragon head oh yeah the dragon head grab it oh I totally forgot about that part wait no it’s usually sitting there would it be in the uh chest it’s on the edge here I’ll show

You uh you got uh the rest of you guys go [ __ ] I forgot all right we’re going oh [ __ ] I forgot like it’s like actually on the ship I only went inside is everyone here I trolled let’s go girlies where’s slice a she bar me and my gires

Me and my gires we go party till it’s early got me feeling overly tonight oh he’s already North who be staring at the Enderman oh my they’re very unhappy with us I see slice come here come here meow oh my gosh he’s after you saki sorry hi honey we’re going to go north

Because Ed that they spawn on on lines okay he’s not listening to me oh already went up here so we need to build more North I could I couldn’t tell if you heard me or not I’m coming are you taking a lot of damage because you’re in silver or iron rather

Yeah I should have brought like um extra Diamond gear I have more pork chop if you need it I have 43 oh my okay well yeah thank you if somehow you still need it just let me know all right this time I’m I’m on

Duty no I don’t I have an idea so I’ll do this one and then someone do the left one and someone do the right one okay I can do um I’ll do left there we go okay just breathe just breathe and hold shift as long as we

Hold down shift we’ll be fine and don’t push each other and don’t push each other uh he said he’d catch up if I am getting too close to someone just let me know well we can’t push each other off a shift can we no it’s just kind of spooky it’s just

Scary we do it I don’t have any blocks Don’t Look Down Don’t Look Down okay toggle it’s kind of soothing not going to lie my pinky is going to cramp up I think oh do toggle I’m out of blocks do the toggle how do you do that yeah so

Everybody stop while we teach dish how to toggle okay how to do it to your controls and then um it’s in that menu so options controls and then there’s one called sneak oops sneak wait how come I can’t access my deep do okay and then what what do you

Do with sneak run out of toggle and it’s on hold so change it to toggle uh I don’t see a button that gives me the ability to toggle it in your controls no in key bindes no get out of there yeah okay okay not in keybind okay okay I like that thank

You thank you mhm I found out oh my God my heart rate is so high doing this baby how I do it I’ll do I can’t fall what is that sound maybe go go go go in front no no no let me use up all my blocks first and then

And then we’ll swap oh sorry I’m going to break it with another rock because it’s I think it’s nether underneath using Netherrack yeah Netherrack sorry it will like break with one hit from a pickaxe oh not worth the risk I don’t like using Netherrack Netherrack scares me

Cobblestone North can you say North I’m going to go get them oh oh we kind of left them oopsie you still going what you do yeah well we just I will p over we just prepared a path for them okay it’s a nice thing that we

Did panicking dude I got you I got you oh you got me I’m so scared of this yay we made it across it helps help I’m completing it for you I guess you can just run across walk yep totally walking be braii walk forward I don’t like

It how are y’all feeling I’m going to be honest my heart rate is high um the palpitations are coming back scared it is it is you’re fine you’re fine look at me look at me oh wait I want to put my sneak in my Ender Bo what the freak is

That what the [ __ ] you look great F you do that like clipped into my vision and I just saw black I thought you I thought you ended me for a second okay please nobody AR heading north from this direction okay Ed I don’t have any blocks I got a mine

Blocks oh wait hold up I have blocks wait wait I have blocks oh my [ __ ] God okay okay okay okay okay I don’t want okay you ready B yeah ready let’s do this I’m not scared I’m not scared we’re Brave we’re powerful what the [ __ ] you picked up

Again and part of being brave is facing your fears yes wait no put it above that means your conne prior oh I forgot you have Swift sneak so you’re like faster how does one do this I got a slow sneak all right guys either I hit this

Pearl I lose all my [ __ ] don’t do that I don’t know that’s a wise idea I think that it would be really awesome if we had you at the end with us he made it he made it okay he’s like a truce thrill seeker okay we’re

Good I’m sure we can make it from here okay go for saki okay Jake’s being suspiciously quiet are you muted no why am I suspicious cuz you’re never quiet you’re really quiet you gets all quiet and you think I’m up to no good huh yep that’s exactly oh so sorry I did

Not mean to do that why was very risky I think oh my God it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah I wasn’t going to I wasn’t going to and there’s no floor benath it oh I trust the game too much to be doing this I’m coming there’s a freaking End that

End is on there’s a freaking Enderman on a path he’s coming he’s coming okay okay okay bro and I I trust the game too much with this sneaking [ __ ] I just like it’s all void down there I be sneaking like my life depends on it okay this there’s going to be a turn

Coming up okay you’re ready for okay I’m ready and I’m breathing and I’m and I’m Breathing and I’m breathing I am breathing deep breaths okay I’m really scared of heights okay we made it I am almost out of blocks forgot we have to get back too wait oh North not okay no more sneak maybe the she’s so brave he’s well behave thank you she is not really

Afraid oh no it’s 5 it’s 5 already what’s that mean I need to prepare dinner prepare what do you want to get reject dinner only Minecraft eat a snack eat some cheese and crackers eat some cheese and crackers yeah eat Christmas candy and chocolate you want your

Falafel salad okay I guess we can have Mediterranean food tonight yummy I love Mediterranean I need more of this stuff I love I’m AFK then okay I protect you you guys are going to AFK him oh no he’s AFK for a moment he’s or oh okay we’ll mine for a bit while he’s

Doing that do should we get more um should we get more of the flowers um you can I’m just protecting slice he’s ordering dinner oh oh my God they’re jking my arrow shots they’re so powerful only people umbrella all right come at me [ __ ] yeah I know you want this

Smack you with my don’t look at me Ender stop I didn’t even look at one oh [ __ ] I was muted again what up what he suspiciously quiet dude I’m talking to my chat man about very important matters like such as can you shut up endan like why

Why like do it fart tell me why why dude’s fart is that what you said why do it who’s do it what who’s do it why why do you said why do it fart who’s do it fart I’m going to explore the rest of this island all

Right all right good luck Ed wait there’s an island up north to us it seems what is bro saying West reject dinner Embrace takeout yeah I’m doing takeout tonight don’t poke take out fish fish fish oh my goodness the end cool it it’s pretty cool yeah sucks that

The bow is basically useless after the Ender Dragon is dead yeah you can’t use it for anything useless lament okay I’m back welcome I I hear the screams of dead Enderman as I return yes I’ve been what is going on I was protecting okay I see do you need uh poo

Poo blocks in my Sher box I put a bunch wait what how did you get a Sher box um Ed made it for me how do you make it with the Sher shells from the uh the dudes who spit out the stuff F got one

So we got to get some more wait so if I let me see I have I have two shulker shells is that enough yeah then yeah you can make one then chest make a regular chest and then you have to combine the two yay let’s go wait I have to make a

Regular chest yeah I have to make a normal chest so I need a crafting table I got c table here I got I got I got it’s all in my hold on okay so and then the Sher on the top and bottom middle wait chest in the middle and the

Shuler on oh I have to make a chest first I was just putting planks everywhere I’m okay okay okay so a chest in the middle Shuler box in the top and bottom oo Sher box I realized I missed what is this do I have to silk touch this no

Nope he said you can use it is it another backpack then yeah you can put it in your Ender Chest oh [ __ ] I’ll just put all the I’ll put all the ender stuff that we got I’m outgrowing a ton of them watch out guys oh my God

What are you doing I’m farming I’m farming ah it’s okay I’ll take my I just want wait is it is it like the ender chest is it like a shared inventory it’s individual no no it’s shared I can access no it’s not did you put some

Stuff in here that you didn’t want me to specific yeah oh honey what’s in your Sher box you uh purple blocks oh I’ll combine mine with with yours then I’ll put yours down I’m not kid I’ll put all my purple stuff in yours are you guys ready what do you

Mean where’ we go we’re in the same place he went to the I left him by the end end City I told you guys oh oh okay I’m ready to go so he’s waiting for y’all all right sorry sorry I was just all good take your box okay let’s go

Let’s go wait someone has my Ender Chest I do I dropped it she’s not a let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s get our elytras wait we should totally play like modded Minecraft after this oh you guys want to play rlcraft rlcraft that one too difficult is it is

The most popular mod pack made by my friend shaxi is a mod pack about dying it’s a oh I mean honestly I’m still pretty committed to This Server yeah I don’t know how much I like dying I’m going to be honest there’s an exit portal over there if anyone wants to

Leave now by the way can we can we portal or ender pearl over you can he just did oh my gosh I hope this makes it good nice job I ha it I I hate it I’m Not Afraid though wait what is oh that’s the that’s the portal literally not

Scared home oh I we can just right yeah yeah exactly and portal all right just in case we need is the portal here right here right here right here in the in the sky oh I stared an end as a result oh good where’d it go it will come

Back all right I see an enti guys I see one oh I see it too oh yes yes it’s two our left you see it get there what’s up oh this oh huge are we peing we need a pearl over again Dam big all right watch this guys it’s so scary

Every trippy bro God damn you probably feel something off of that holy [ __ ] oh no it’s just it oh it’s big bro that’s terrifying wait we P up this one right my stomy it’s going to give me a tummy egg no I didn’t even look at you okay maybe

I did maybe I did maybe I did are where these [ __ ] at I did not even look at you bro okay maybe I didare noers can we be done actually did you get the Sher stop it dude I’m low Hearts you can kind of dig through I

Need to hide I’m getting I’m getting aggroed I will consume all right guys this time I’m going to do it be brave I’m no little [ __ ] um I think it’s this way uh oh there that one up there I see it there’s telor on yeah it’s over there

Dear spit at me one more time [ __ ] I swear to God I will freaking make you should go oh you going up saki I got one shell oh my God how much you going to levitate me buddy go through walls if you want you can uh ender pearl up crazy oh I guess

This kind of actually comes to my advantage wait what’s the chance they drop a shell Enchanted what what is a chance they drop a shell oh I forgot not bad only Dro one though like the ma bro yeah stop keep smack stop two I’ll be floating I be floating put

Me down let me down oh to oh now I’m nervous now I’m nervous now my Palms are getting of sweaty okay can I down can I drop now can I drop End Rod oh my it’s okay if you die you only lose that [ __ ] oh my

Gosh what do you mean I have good stuff on oh come on let’s go saki you got this four Sher shells no no no ohop baby y are you above me the ladder is like a really FY block so you can actually stand on it wait where are you

Like so like if you hover over it you should be able to see it hit box can you like put me down so get to the top of the ladder stand on this little tin and then jump over oh sorry how do you kill the shulker boxes is it just with like a

Pickaxe or do you hit it with a sword hit it with a sword it’s a monster okay oh I didn’t know that sorry where are you I’m so bad where is it oh there you are I got this also if you hold shift on a ladder you won’t move you won’t go up

Or down so get while you’re climbing how is the one still hitting me I got a Sher shell mean I’m floating up so I can’t freaking get it but wait that was mine Ed would you mind giving me back that one yes thank you I’m very poor get me

Sorry I’m oh no it’s okay it’s okay it wasn’t your fault you got oh wait I think you got my inventory was full I’m sorry nice to see you back M love I hope you had a wonderful C thank you for the karaoke stream a few days ago P cute so

Happy six months floweri thank you for the thank you for the six months and thank you for thank you for uh for watching and for enjoying it I appreciate it a lot great is is this going to be YouTube video it is but probably not for a while

Cuz I have a long series to to work on but yes I have someone who is a lotted to what working on the Minecraft series so there will be a Minecraft series on okay so that’s funny they do that on purpose how’ you find ah okay I give up I’m done um I’m

Going where where are you guys you guys Up I’m getting skill issues so hard right Miss B did it she did it okay well I’ll just steal you on from down here Woo you didn’t miss peeee okay she did I’m going down to the the Ground Send Me On My Way send me on my way why is this blocked off like that I think they’re all in there okay next time I’m for sure getting up there what are you magine I’m not looking at you stop get away from

Me I got your back I got your back Miss peee from over here way over here from right here who I see them on my mini map who okay next one I will make it up there for sure for sure for sure sure and I will be fine I have feather

Falling I’m not I’m not I will not fall off I’m so scared of accidentally throwing an ender pearl I honestly should take it out of my of my like quick menu yay I need optify I can’t zoom in either we got I think we have a total of four or five electras

Now dang it I agroed one I agroed one I agroed one I agroed one I Agro one I agroed one I agroed one I agroed one stop stop stop stop stop stop stop Chad these these like lights are so pretty I’m sorry I didn’t mean to oh there’s another sh come here

[ __ ] oh sh accient oh [ __ ] [ __ ] catness said sorry about that guys oh my God D this is what’s happening down here I’m sry yeah girl is actually just murdering Enderman holy [ __ ] yeah there is no end to this yeah I’m murdering them not the other way around can you dodge these

Things where did my Sher okay anyways oh they don’t always drop there’s a chance that they don’t drop oh God damn it I literally just got down this [ __ ] where is he take me back oh that is um I’m going to I’m going to patch

That back up up we’re not going to go down that way God I’m killing Enderman okay okay a girl have hobbies where is everybody I am waiting to go to the next city same it’s a massacre all right here dear do you have Sher shells uh yeah you can make more uh Sher

Boxes sure I have one here can you put down your box as well so I can wait who has my ender chest uh I don’t have your Ender Chest did you put it in your box check if you put in your box is everyone done with the city

Yeah yeah uh does anyone have an Ender Chest oh God where is mine where I do not oh my God no where I an extra Ender Chest maybe you put it in an Ender Chest Ed can you put your down yeah is it in that endest earli no no there’s no way I

Can put it inside it’s like impossible for me to put inside it’s not impossible I did it earlier well cuz you used someone else’s yeah um not mine it I’m going to go back in and try to find it oh no do you remember when you put it down

Nope it’s okay we can make another one right yeah yeah but it’s just more convenient to have your own whose suer box is this sakis oh that’s mine oh that’s it okay I’ll open mine right here hell yeah all right is everyone done with the Ender Chest yeah I’m done with It all right go next uh look oh right we have to wait for slice real quick yeah we should wait for slice uh take the flower yes Sir when I’m not his end what does that supposed to mean that’s what my chat PID when I’m not his end oh like you’re not end game for him feels bad yeah I think that’s bro wait what the don’t know wait you can shoot the flower

Really what oh did they drop when you shoot them yeah they do what a sec Minecraft W oh they do oh my what the H makes a lot easier to get backfire oh my God W that’s really cool that’s C nice target practice I Agro one I agroed one I’m sorry where are

You oh chat you saw that nice thank you four for four baby that’s call me catniss ever I love The Hunger Games me too me too Mr slice he’s all the way back at the elytra area it seems ohill it do you want to wear my elyra up there to look for him

Oh I should have just given my elas to them so they can look for it it’s okay they wouldn’t have been able to use them without uh Rockets oh you can’t use them yet no you need you need to like propel them I mean it’s kind of helpful you can float down

But not much more than that I to want those Chad it don’t listen to anything he’s saying apparently so dog frog bod frog bod [Laughter] Cod my God Tonto fish frog oh why are you mad out a second Oh oh oh really like This we’re waiting you have to enchant the durability of the glass this good one guys okay I didn’t find it it’s okay oh no okay Mr slice what if like you mined it and you didn’t pick it up and it despawned that’s fine we just need uh we just need

A we can just make another one it’s not a big deal oh my God what are you doing make my chest oh no no no no how does an Ender Chest work does anyone have a crafting table I want to make another Sher box it’s bound to player so when you open an

Ender Chest all the contents inside se you CRA table open will be oh wow that’s cool oh wait I have a crafting table I’m trolling epic I just want to make another yes it does thank you Ender Chest oh I don’t think I have un hand are not bound to

The player so anyone can I have ass too fat oh [ __ ] my I was muted I’m sorry I’m so sorry okay talking to my chat no way that was on purpose too fat no it’s okay don’t worry thank you for being so kind sure are in there already it’s fine M I

Have Sher boxes to store everything yeah I I just I wanted to make another Shuler box so it’s fine oh do you want to make another Shuler box no I just made one that’s what I just that’s what I just did all right let’s go dear can you put

Down your Shuler box with the purple stuff sagy are you having fun okay I am however why why is there an iron sword with Unbreaking three in here get bro’s been awake too long what next one you you got to you got to go get your light chest and go to bed

Yeah yeah yeah yeah next one’s your saki next next one’s yours saki saki go next saki go next let’s go let’s find scary fun uh which direction are we going again North Wa aren’t you could go north or west from here West better it’s all the same uh D you killed

A billion Enderman right let’s go west I killed a moderate amount can I have West we’re going west we’re going west we’re going west west we’re going west we’re going west I have 32 why this is West I started walking East why would you throw one to travel fast why would you use

That right now this dude he can ask me for pearls and then just just wasted them right in front of me how your hard earned PE let me piss them away girl you guys wearing your regular like full armor I’m wearing random shitty armor cuz I’m too scared of dying yeah me

Too I’m just determined to live side I’m determined but I’m also accepted of my lack of her better word skill issue skill issue me too yeah I have boots that I’ve spent like over 50 levels on partially cuz I made a mistake but I don’t want to die so Merry

Christmas Christmas tree light brown skin which island guys the bottom or the usually qu Danny thank you for the resub thank for the prime uh Dre thank you for the three gifted Subs I sorry I totally forgot to say thank you for that Kum for

6 months iumi thank you for the 31 D thank you for the up to straight hope you’re still here I’m sorry bottom one the one down here then which which uh Island you want to go to we just go to either one it’s fine I Mar the

We Wily I just [ __ ] myself Wily I’m so eepy stinky stinky did you stay up all night saki does ender pearl go this far yeah hey who wants to jump off and throw it with me you’re going to hold hands don’t look at me don’t look at me what good is your

What good is your totem going to do bro if you fall the vo it’s over oh yeah true don’t make going to help at all like good luck you’re holding it for comfort recover it oh please tell me I make his voice just cut out listen no I no build

Across I almost there I am going to not use my ender pearl I’m going to ER on the side of caution watch out is water behind you watch out why would you guys put that there my B what do we why would you do that what the

Hell okay just kidding uh no lethal company uh we uh I’ll inst stream whenever for dinner going to I’ve never played Lethal company a tournament in two days oh I didn’t know that a tournament [ __ ] a [ __ ] a [ __ ] ah [ __ ] yeah iron Mouse is hosting like some thank you that’s so exciting

Honestly you can pick it up really easy just if you play like a couple rounds of people who know what they’re doing you’ll be fine okay bug we can give you a crash course on it yeah are you uh actually wait time to Pearl again it

Seems yes it is time to Pearl a again we’re getting really lucky with uh with a end Island spawn wait usually stared that Enderman right in the eyes let me get let me come back here nerd I know you want me who who why are the end mad cuz I looked one

Right in its eyes all good all good oh no oh no oh no oh no that wasn’t me what the [ __ ] was that why are they here don’t look at them guys cuz you could get knocked off them can you get off of our path please you don’t need it the the the

Bridgekeeper oh my oh my almost There where are you guys guys lowy I’m oh oh oh thank you I’m kind of Happy we didn’t explore with a cuz I feel like he could totally grief us so hard here yeah true we made it Across all right let’s keep our uh our Z coordinate at around 9ga 918 okay yes sir Z you sound you’re like yes sir I’m so tired it like really hit me I think you should maybe be careful why because uh drowsiness and sleep deprivation can cause motor function mistakes and you

Might I don’t want to anything [ __ ] true oh yeah sleep deoration can also make you really sick make get some rest don’t get sick okay Ed I’m in the 500 now New Year’s Eve soon you know sick and something bad happening to you guys hey dude are you going to that that

Thing yes I think so sick oh thank God I thought I was going to be the only one is Ed not going I don’t know we don’t he’s in he’s in Japan you get a lot of sleep and it like uh do do we have the address yet

Dehd I only saw the city that it’s in I didn’t sign up what do you mean you didn’t sign do do itz just VP you don’t have to go you can like change your mind true anded what happens when you the guest list is massive so the side of

The you better hope that there’ss underneath it to save you I see local Brewery you think my ender pearl will make this I’m not scared I’m not scared I’m not scared oh I didn’t mean to put that there I am not scar no no we’re not [ __ ] we’re not [ __ ] got this

Why do I keep whis clicking did he no scream he tried jumping over the block as I broke no who agroed one oh I didn’t the [ __ ] is that uh oh what was that the boys are yeah eating yeah pass pass oh how many times they do realize that

If they don’t build a path they’re going to have to Y their way back onto the path right right yeah I’ll pass on that my God I feel like they’re just going to find a new portal I don’t have the yagi in my soul okay um but I am running out of cobblestone

So oh wait I have the end dragon heads on the ship dirt or whatever I’m I’m assuming Ed probably got them both and Stor okay COC I’ve been listening to that song you sent me Don oh yeah list yeah I’m gonna try to learn it why are you so [ __ ] far next

Karoke they’re under pearling their way away from us it’s a good I don’t want to waste mine yeah say that’s what I keep saying I’m producing uh The Black Parade oh my God that’s Ed likeor karaoke song he’s so good at boy my Mother DN just like that I was to this there’s another exit portal if anyone wants oh y s would you like to okay how many times um IR but I want to go to another one well okay so mark it Mark where it is on your map and then hopefully we’ll

Find one soon and then you can just leave from there okay where is the portal uh I don’t know yet actually where’s the portal where’s the portal I don’t see it I don’t even see them oh I see it it’s uh it’s straight North it’s basically W straight west kind of

Northwest where they are lost in the end lost in the end please move please move please move is everyone here you have right oh yeah I do it’s in my goodbye D goodbye miss PE I need to rest my eyes too much video game does anyone need

Anything it seems like I proed an Ender here I’m going to get okay goodbye miss P good night bye Don bye goodbye Don by bye bye there she goes that was freaking sick I want to explore one more and then I’ll go okay did you mark it on your map

Actually I’m going to yeah yeah Mark the mark the way point on your map we don’t know when Bing bing bong bing bong what the freak why are you yelling yappers in chat y way oh yeah I did um all right let’s continue on okay do control still make you faster is

Or is this en enchantment just make you one speed what what enchantment uh Swift sneak what oh no that’s for crouching oh does it is there control still make us faster yeah or you can uh just toggle it’s only when you’re sneaking oh oh this is a really long Gap damn

Where are they I am not enderling across that yeah I don’t think you can make that uh let’s take a detour around the left I think it wraps around oh okay I need Anitra I swear I’m going to accidentally throw an ender pearl I’m just moving it out of my

Inventory oh I don’t like it I don’t like it don’t like it one bit they’re like brackens yeah they like brackens yeah the Prototype oh I’m bind need to stop I need to stop need to fix my posture my shoulders get so tense oh my God me

Too I ordered a headrest because I my neck’s running I I just want to explore this area Miss PE thank you for the raid welcome guys oh there’s another exit Port swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp SW is telling us the GTFO swamp swamp swamp swamp congrats on your Elum

Missp Don’s saki’s got to get one and then I think slice has to get one and then I have to get one not as big as my ass though did you hear that did you hear that what no way did I say it in your ear shot and you heard it

That’s so crazy how is it so close to you how do you hear that I you were right behind me you’re were like less than 10 blocks away no way that was there shut up where are we going oh my gosh sorry guys I was I thought I was

Muted um they’re right here I think oh yeah see how she bullies me guys when doesn’t seem to you say the M was actually honest swear on your life I swear on my life okay I believe you no way Chad help me it’s a Canon experience older siblings have to bully a little

Bit it’s training damn he threw that [ __ ] all what the [ __ ] barely landed on the edge oh my okay I’m Not Afraid please tell me I was going to make I mean the end ready ender pearl oh okay wait I’m going to go right here and ender pearl from there oh you

Right listen I understand taking risks but I’m not going to be stupid not here to be stupid if you jump and run then it sends it farther oh wooo cuz the ender pearl is influenced by your player’s trajectory what like throwing a walk backwards and you throw it it’ll be like slower

Okay good to know I kind of don’t really understand the Arc of it and how fast it travels so I just air on the side of CAU yeah makes sense oh good beep in our journey continues mhm this place is so much more pleasant than the nether true I

I prefer this over the nether in the ne if you fall you will die a very slow yeah agonizing death in the end you will die a very fast but very frightening death you just want become one with Oblivion not that bad I think that’s a great

Death oh my God who still needs an elytra you just slice you still need one right all right three more listen man all I’m saying is there’s a type of thrill you get When jumping and also throwing an ender pearl off a cliff dude he said to jump and run forward and

I did that I almost fell off the dear diary we need an ER on the side of caution counter for this stream M what I do now I am on the side of caution it’s a personality trait it’s a gimmick that song cautious man Bruce Springsteen that’s me that’s literally me wait where’s

Who where’s Ed Edward let’s do a ritual what the what’s the ritual one uh any any fact for the counter any fact Checkers yeah n cities are supposed TOA spawn in the grid like Nether fortresses I think oh I’m sure we won’t travel 30,000 blocks don’t even would say

That I’m still recovering from my sleep loss from that you guys saw a lot of cool things yeah we did it was it was fun it was fun yeah we burned down a a forest and house yeah that was was I want to one of those

Mansions I want to do one again on hard mode true was pretty easy to not going to lie can one of you guys explore to the right until the Y Island ends okay I’ll go north I will go with you after I eat food uh I don’t see anything maybe on the neighboring

Islands I don’t see any anything no me neither just going to go to the end so I can see if there’s anything uh cross away nothing rendering in though NP it’s nothing May petition to add the following emotes people mine and people sit nerd uh yeah yeah I can do that of

Course next time we get to an Ender an end City I will do that anything no nothing nothing rendered in the distance either Oh no it’s okay you can ask I honestly just want more things boxes yes elytra is so fun though once you have it it’s like oh man I can’t wait to use it for my house to the snow base you don’t know what it is oh they’re like wings who wants to

Make an airport with me an airport yeah I’m going to LAX oh no not LAX something better LAX put a raid mob in it you are not funny you know you almost got halfway through that block where you stopped go ahead go ahead wait really

Yeah no oh Dam it did yeah it did I know go ahead go ahead so it’s okay it’s okay I won’t do anything I won’t do anything promise promise promise I will stand all the way back here going to do something now I’m paranoid I’m paranoid what Jake try to kill me oh

Real what’s new not again what is that I funny why do you have so many on you I don’t know man where did they go [ __ ] off what did you do Only oh I’m an idiot that one was not aggro [ __ ] ah oh sorry sorry sorry sorry dude stop wait I might die please help me what was that my totem oh you’re totem yeah dang rip totem number three honestly I think a shield is actually not that bad for the

End I’ve been carrying the totem my hand because you told me to good job no he’s swearing in in Kanan really there’s another end City kill this end before we go yeah do not Agro on the bridge that is like goodbye where’ dis go I’m here right here I’m

Walking oh why does it cut off like this mom yeah yeah you know I will say cheeks this is quite thr come I’m not a [ __ ] I’m not a [ __ ] I’m not a [ __ ] I’m not a [ __ ] what are you laughing about come I bet he didn’t mean for us

To hear that one either I thought you were far enough I’m talking to my chat man I was on the other side of the bridge why is it so sensitive man I’m just I’m just going to mute next time D no I enjoy it I enjoy it to the um

Ship yeah this one’s for second it was fade I will say unless zece do you have to go soon Mr spice wait I’ve been muted this whole time yeah I thought you were like [ __ ] holy [ __ ] were you lucked out on this one boys oh wait is it a double oh

[ __ ] no I don’t have to go anytime soon I can always I can always come back and get one hey are they getting aggro on you I think they like me yeah s they don’t like to be stared at oh she’s already going to left one

Okay I’ll go with her just in cas away from me I’m begging at this point Who’s going where all right I go right bro this this [ __ ] fruit is some teleporting [ __ ] man D slice honestly I kind of forgot you were with us cuz you were so quiet

Oh that’s okay that usually happens no it’s not what that meant cuz you weren’t talking no what I meant is I’m mus quiet are you AG gring me [ __ ] oh wait he dropped a bow wait whose bow is this oh I dropped a bow oh that’s your

Bow I was like H what’s going on oh please you’re going to kill me I’m so hungry you need food ah need this end I have two hearts I have two hearts I have two hearts I have two hearts open up yes yummy Oh wait [ __ ] I should kill him with

Looting I will stand here and start eating food what is fro oh I actually made the jump wow oh this [ __ ] bright bro oh my God I can’t see anything I do need another Sher box though well there’s one right here you can pick that up as I fly into

Oblivion I’ll why are there so many yeah I don’t know I kind of need some help to be honest I’m waiting for one to hit me no none of them are aggro on me it it don’t stop it don’t stop all these balls are hitting me oh here chest okay I got

One go on hit me again ah ow okay okay okay okay all right I get it I get it I get it dude yeah trying to kill some okay I get it you’ll never catch me alive Batman I I get it I get it guys that you they are so

Annoying are you making that noise that’s me that’s both probably dude I I could not I going insane stop do not kick me out I fell all the way to the bottom ah are you good my life flash before my eyes no big deal um I have collected half a Sher

Box I’ve that’s it let me let me I’ll pass you some don’t worry there are more where are they there’s one outside here of course I fell like straight to the bottom not again not again oh I found one oh where is it you leave me to it okay great thank

You oh my God it’s [ __ ] aim Labs all over again oh she [ __ ] hello this [ __ ] sucks there’s a there’s another Sher box if you want to pick that up in front of me oh no I’m going to die oh [ __ ] wa I’m actually going to die don’t do that oh

You no no you no you no you why am I burning to death dish do not fly too high otherwise you will die just heads up got it thank you there’s another drop put me down thank you dude I got a good impression oh [ __ ] I’m trying to see them before

They I don’t know how I got set on fire actually this you’re getting the enrod too oh there you are Ow okay so that’s awesome this the sound is freaking me out something [ __ ] died here what the hell okay I think I got them all oh Jesus oh my God you this is a [ __ ] murder room oh my Lord yeah that’s right so give my Sher boxes holy [ __ ] Jesus I

Mean am I still oh I’m oh you man you can have some too that was kind of scary not going to lie what are the en rods for kind of don’t remember they’re a light source and they’re decoration pretty yeah uh let’s see saki got hers and then

Mr slice hasn’t gotten his yet oh yeah you put him on a piston really yeah is that right yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen it on videos you’ve seen it on YouTube yeah yeah mhm um oh oh my oh my gosh there’s bunch of diamond stuff in here finally I can make teleporting treasure

Chests that was not the Teleporting Treasure Chest are you talking about Sher boxes yeah I me I meant like I can finally make portable chest so I don’t have to go back to like my house and then to my building every time to build true uh do you have a a crafting table on you by

Chance yes I do actually I always carry one well you are true crafter then yeah I play Minecraft by you play Minecraft that’s Great I was making fun of my ywn shulker box yay that’s Mine that’s like so epic why I look like that so I can take this with me wow that’s great I love n cities X XC what did you say huh nothing I I misspelled yeah trying who talking now huh now now I caught you slack it’s not

The same thing at all what did you think I said huh now I nothing what do you think I said no what did nothing yeah that’s what I thought we are not the same D watch this I’m going to do a trick shot I just fell

I just fell you just fell wait uh the greatest trick I make this guys I die wait I’m coming up okay I’m literally coming up right now he left wow it’s so cringe where did he go whoa look at those Enderman right there did he did he ender pearl to right

There wow what a trick shot I’m back oh what what the how’d you get there that was very close I was very close to missing woo hey no don’t I think not oh I can make multiple Sher boxes Epic on the road again ow oh those those those come back to hit

You what what does the banner look like if not rendering Let Me In what resource I need to tell you about your car’s extended warranty stop I don’t have a texture pack stop stop your warranty is about to expire there we go not put me down no no no you

You oh I should have healed actually that was dumb it’s fine you see a ship anywhere oh oh a ship no I don’t uh is there a ship if you flip the PE upside down and ship you can spell dish if you move some other letters or something I think that just spells

Shade oh no but then like move the other letters ah it’s really insightful can’t believe I didn’t notice that before how did that hit me from where okay D oh you can I’m I’m having I did not know that you ah that you could uh you could like [ __ ] oh my

God you could uh what what am I trying to say right now you can attack the uh little stars that make you float I did not realize that is that the ship no is there no ship on this one I didn’t even look oh am I muted

Wait yeah you were muted oh uh I don’t think anything spawned here or no ships oh [ __ ] there we go no again right as I die I mean right as I you want to play games huh oh drop one oh my God is there anything else up there hey

There should be one more Shuler dude unless I killed him on that last shot uh okay I hear it does that make it no no do not start a new do not start a new fan name for that that’s not that is not what you are never oh I got it no

Oh if I get any higher I think I’d die yeah and that you heard it smoking is very bad guys who said that you said it ah I did yeah cuz you said if you get any higher you’ll die oh my God this is a PSA don’t do drugs kids especially

Smoking can I talk about wait yeah you can right well I’m always confused about how the LW works on like like marijuana because it’s legal in this in some states but not in the not like federally so I’m like how much can you talk about it on like how does

Endorsing of it of it work medical marijuana has its uses guys that’s all I’m going to say let me tell you something what I’m waiting for you to tell us something no I’m just I just like saying that let me tell you so do drugs

That is not what I said that is not what I said at all don’t take notes you know take notes whoa whoa whoa that’s scary hello don’t be scared hello do not be afraid [ __ ] see that’s what happened to me wait what the hell happened to my

Water all right Gamers did you get elyra yes y congrats okay do you are you going to go back to the end portal from here do you want an escort um you you put it on your map right I I I can go dis look behind you

There’s a a shell yo what the what oh hello you looking at my stuff hey can you give me one choker shell yes you tried to Y it and then you’re gon to ask me wild yeah that’s that’s after I gave her you’re welcome shut the [ __ ] up did you guys

Already Farm all the the Sher shells yeah we did we killed him shut the [ __ ] up that’s our new saying shut the fucku I did not say that but I would never to be regulated Statewide so places legal can only take cash for tax purposes cannot confirm or deny

Yep not good for men this message today women I’m screenshot that I want diamonds what the f okay okay one more okay business where’s Ed Ed lead me to my elytra please where is he going did he go up hey where the [ __ ] oh he’s up

There so so did you just think we were ignoring you that whole time what dude do you just think we were ignoring you that whole time I’m sorry that must have sucked that must have sucked that’s fine you guys I respond and then you guys just walked away I’m like okay oh

No that would that is hard for me to tell that is upsetting okay that’s life Edward that’s life that’s life that’s life one more n guys um that’s my turn uh does Ed have an elytra yet oh oh maybe he doesn’t does Ed have an elytra we still

Need three but you know it’s oh you didn’t get one right slice it’s okay I can always explore at by myself at night no no it’s because I forgot that this didn’t have a ship no no no we’re getting every yeah this was um this was unlucky it would have been

So nice if they there were two shifts imagine guys guys you want to know how to make a Enderman tweak tweak out look at this [ __ ] twe what are you going to do I want to see you better freak my [ __ ] crazy style come on do the

Thing oh it didn’t work usually what was the US different reaction you see cool did not work that was unsuccessful attempt you didn’t miss anything he was trying to make uh the end dance why am I glowing what am I carrying what’s happening what’s the glowy stuff what’s my Apple where go

Edward I’m hungry me too I’m getting hungry I’m going to pass out these [ __ ] cor are so sick what let me let me tell you something the the fruit from these trees when you eat them they teleport you spoiler alert he’s not going to tell you

Something okay I’m just I’m I should get more then all right are you guys ready oh we need to find Saki and exit portal now yeah there’s one marked on the map but it is we could just keep exploring until the next one that’s true let see if there’s any nearby did

You light this tree on fire oh my God you can commit arson in the end wait what are you trying to do s saki did you bring your fire aspect sword uh Fab is here he’s with us but he’s um he’s with a different group we we split

Up to maximize our n city Discovery for fruits are Minecraft what you just give me that’s crazy dude it’s crazy how you just break the whole thing drop a million of them wait can you give it to me again sorry are you trying to get fruit this

Sword no love here some fruit slice do you have a iron sword in your inventory with looting three I I have looting three I have looting three sword did I scare you on accident sorry sorry sorry have it oh it’s okay these are easy okay all right

Let’s go should I be killing the end if you want more pear up to three pearls I think oh my God I almost died holy wait really oh [ __ ] you too hard the [ __ ] all right let’s go let’s go we run it back I’m never going to do that again

When I come back here I hey do you have an elra temporary diamond armor I’m going to make sure you you guys get your elytra first yeah it’ll be good use for like a like a set that isn’t that great that’s like good enough but yeah not

Epic I need to make a diamond set hopefully we don’t have to travel like a thousand blocks again don’t even speak it jinx it I hope we don’t have to travel we are going to you are fine yeah I flowers wait I do for the record I do not enjoy

That I do not enjoy that name what the yes we are in the end Highlands what do that me I didn’t know there were different areas I didn’t know that either me neither oh yeah oh I’m saying it says for me I’m in the Midlands and Midlands Midlands this is all his

Fault oh another one h oh that’s dishes no ship right or is there a ship where did they they ender portal ender pearl over wait where did Jake go that’s kind of a small area bro Jake don’t Jake you guys go to the n city

I’ll go find them I think it does have yeah it has a it has a ship Epic I’ll go back and find them I do not see the ship on my screen I see it it’s uh in the back it’s way back yeah yeah augers it’s dishes elytra or Mr slice’s

Elytra no it’s yours why it’s yours it’s yours it’s yours okay this dish there’s zero risk let’s ender pearl up dots zero risk how do you figure I’m going to [ __ ] Chuck it up there and there’s only land below us so if we fall you have feather falling

Four I have feather falling three that should be good enough let me let me let me Chuck it I guess if I guess oh H well yeah okay let’s maybe up on this I’m scared yeah I don’t know I I don’t know about this I got

You where are you where did you go are you down there I did not quite make it ah I guess this doesn’t really there’s an exit portal oh perfect we I’m just going to climb it yeah okay I want to explore this too oh you explore this and then I’ll go oo

Seven Sher shells oh my gosh is that with the Looting oh I didn’t know you got more I’ve been killing him with the oh I don’t think I get more I think there’s just a higher chance of drops yes that’s correct oh oh okay great it goes to 10%

Um hello oh my God I’m inside hello can you person at a time no no we will scrunch together I’m going to go get my lra to go get go get your she’s going to go get her okay so I’m going to wait till everyone’s done getting up cuz I’m tired of

This all right Shuler [ __ ] over there okay me and me going to the ship I might I might I might be experiencing some performance anxiety no it’s okay D you got this you got this I’m see I keep falling for no reason I did it’s okay I did I lit what

The how am I why am I this you got this wait you should get Ed to help you help me yeah he like guided me how to like get there properly okay D you want to bridge across yourself oh goodbye I can help you I’m going up it’s

Right here it’s over here oh Uh okay I just don’t want to fall you know okay what is that static noise oh I killed the two shers already I already killed the shers oh so but they’re more inside right huh they’re more inside right yeah but there’s none on the outside that can make you

Levitate so it’ll only H let me get some building blocks you want to build it yourself I will watch okay yes I do I’m going to this is your this is your journey oh are you okay oh God I forgot I had toggle oh my I forgot I had

Toggle it’s okay I’ll wait I I’ll wait for you to come back up I’m on my way bro I was so scared cuz if you dropped and it was in the void uh no it’s not over the void thank God but how did that happen I forgot that I had

I can’t believe that that’s so funny see performance anxiety okay well I fell from that distance and I only took like four Hearts so it should be okay so I’m safe so I should just not panic simple got this oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

That from where the [ __ ] is that one from you’re okay but where uh I don’t know honestly oh it’s from the top I got it I’m getting it I’m getting it I can hit it if it comes toward me I’m falling [ __ ] if it comes toward me I can at

Least hit it just going to be away from it I’m going to be cautious [ __ ] God I am still falling oh you got me oh no no no it’s okay it’s okay I I want it to hit me so I can kill it come dish are you already over

There what yeah you can end Pearl to it oh I’m kind of scared to cuz if I miss if I miss go into the void then it won’t teleport okay it’s dead hit something and then you teleport there and then you fall really yes to use it eventually I don’t even know

So that’s actually kind of safer is there a ledge like if I hit the the side is there a ledge right there uh if you hit the side you fall oh okay I am going to well I shot it from below so all right you can block up now oh I what oh

Oh yeah oh are you above me or am I good to break it yeah you’re good okay here we go oh there’s nothing up there oh I thought oh oh this is a ship yeah okay woo wo My Last Enemy there are there’s a fortune Unbreaking Unbreaking three efficiency for Diamond

Shoveler three boots protection for mending Diamond chest plate that’s pretty that’s really good oh wow oh my gosh actually need mending I will take The Mending one um I’ll take this shovel cuz I actually don’t have shov sh of fire too oh my gosh but I I you guys can take anything

Else that you want good w right do you know where the dragon head is uh no actually is it under it’s right here wow you can just mine it with anything oh sorry I it almost scooted off to the to the edge your head is so [ __ ] big

Yeah now look who’s talking I’m the Ender Dragon now thank you for your help guys of course I appreciate it oh I can make more Sher boxes yeah that’s why I’ve been mining all the all the chests I will do that um I do not have a crafting table though and we’ll be

Good yay I got a nro who the yapper now me what’s that Enderman doing right there see I don’t know how he’s just [ __ ] over there you need a giant like oh [ __ ] Goodbye Oh no he didn’t fall into the void did he should I just just ender pearl

Down oh I’ve got some agros okay I’m going to try to bridge across am I I am I’ve got a bunch of AG on me that’s so funny if I fall I will live we have already determined this shut up Enderman no yapping allow stop how are there two they’re having a date

Hello I think he’s muted again can you yeah I was can you see out of that I can doesn’t restrict my vision at all what the I forgot I was wearing it actually wearing what watch out watch out watch out watch out wearing This wearing this where saki wearing that key where are they epic [ __ ] at will do anything but grow sugar canes oh that is hilarious oh I’m going to be Aur when I get to the bottom I just realized yeah I’m cheing oh hello [ __ ] what’s up are you are you good yeah

Good all right would anyone like to leave the end now yeah Ed do you have one do you have a elytra what the [ __ ] no I don’t have I don’t have a yet I can always get one but we should you know get one for

Everyone I have no food it’s all good I just want out of food too I mean I would be sad to die with an elytra but you can wear it yeah oh yeah holy [ __ ] can I put that on an armor stand yes I think Bob has three elytras what a hoe

Smile that’s crazy bro flying and Timothy thank you for leave now there is a exit portal well are you guys are we all leaving uh you’re not leaving are you Ed I’m not leaving I needra leav I’m not leaving till everyone hasra solo so like no no

I’m not leaving till everyone has one I would stay if I hadn’t stayed up all night yeah that that it’s fine saki you should sleep I’m well rested and woked Fage um I need to order dinner though I should this dinner I need to sit down

For a I was trying to make a staircase and failed miserably oh my God God damn it why can’t I make a stair case and I was a bit confused by this what’s up um in the beginning so like I like I I wasted a couple pearls just

Throwing it in and then I just like trial and ered and then I got in how are you supposed to do it so the objective is to teleport your player into touching this block yeah so throw it directly you your body needs to touch this block but it’s

Surrounded by Bedrock so how can you get your body to touch it using CR course am I touching it no because the Bedrock is blocking it oh how do I touch it I don’t know you have an ender pearl that could help okay if this works bye guys it was

Fun bye Zaki thank you she figured it out yay nice teaching Ed can you wait for me like 30 seconds so I can bro this this this PO is kind of crazy that momy Mommy they yapping we’re driving this it’s okay I was the one agroing them the whole time before wait where

The [ __ ] did I get tpd probably just a couple blocks away where did you go why are you underground [ __ ] oh it’s cuz you eat the the chorus fruit and there’s ground underneath it’ll take you to the lowest possible ground Oh I thought it takes you to the

To anything within the five block radius oh well slice just got Ted straight down so I don’t know wait no actually though what what if I what if I jump off and eat it you might not make it no then you get sucked down into the void would it TP me

It’s j I don’t think so Jake it’s it’s too scary if there no if there are no applicable blocks then it won’t TP you at all so you’ll just really don’t test it don’t test it I’m about to freak my [ __ ] no no he’s going to throw jump off

And need a course fruit I swear wait that’d be crazy wait that’s crazy Hold Up Wait I’m not oh my [ __ ] God wait actually [ __ ] do it wait wait wait wait wait wait you’re going to throw it up right and then you’re going to jump off and

Eat the fruit does anyone have Soul Sand on them no I don’t we can levitate a pearl have him throw it into the into the like Soul Sand pool to levitate it and when he wants to teleport back we can turn it off and let let the pearl land why are

We testing this after many of us have a why are you looking at me sand uh you know how Soul Sand underwater will like push it push things up right yeah yeah we’ll basically do that stop oh my gosh all right let’s keep going if nobody else is yeah ready ready ready oh

My gosh North or South I’m going west I think we’ve been going west most of the time watch out for holes who wants to Pearl onto those platforms absolutely not you only you are you trapped you hit the side I’m going to give a blo the cord to the portal okay purple purple

Block purple block Oh I thought I lost my should block don’t like getting wet I did wet okay we are bridging um over here I think would be prudent what the freak why I have 24 dirt guys I have a moderate amount of I know I thinke oh there they go okay

That is so [ __ ] up I’m very scared I’m going to forget that I have shift toggled and I’m going to un toogle it at a very inopportune moment I am frightened of this maybe I should leave oh hello I don’t like this I don’t like it Either can what is it Enderman doing right there move did he hello we have a we have a visitor on the bridge which is fun I got it so got it do not Agro it do not Agro it I got it Jake why you just scooched around this so

Funny excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse Me Ed is nuts Ed is actually nuts they want to look at chat so bad but I’m not going to it’s not worth the risk I swear I don’t breathe when I’m walking on these so what are we eating um I got oh I’m actually running

Out of food I got cooked pork chop I got steak I got uh one oh you’re talking about in real life aren’t you yeah I was I I was like damn that’s an order I’m getting uh fair enough I’m getting poke fair enough br oh I’m still wearing

This did I lose my actual helmet no call the void is I didn’t right I brought this one janky one low key feel like I should have left with the with saki but I will not lose composure absolutely not surely we’ll find an n city soon and I can just like chill

Out excuse me excuse me excuse me where did they go um oh he went around oh yeah not me I didn’t need to do it I swear I swear man where is the oh what’s that oh I think I see one yep there’s one right

There how the [ __ ] can you even see that it’s right there uh uh Southeast I have my render distance up oh mine’s 12 what’s the max uh I don’t know oh it’s more wait what’s the server is it 14 bro where’s Ed 16 where did Ed go I think it’s 16 holy

[ __ ] I didn’t even know it’s 16 Ed Ma am I being ignored I am I don’t know man where do you don’t know where that is no and Mr oh they they bridged oh they went more West they didn’t see this one right here I’m let me see if there’s a

Uh I mean it’s still worth going too even if there’s not a ship but let me see I see one that kind of get a good look I can’t get a good look not feel good to me oh my God she’s doing it you got it just don’t let

Go I don’t have enough blocks for this actually uh do you have blocks Jake oh I was using it I got it yes I got you switch switch I’ll do it oh I mean if you insist how do you see that so [ __ ] yeah it’s pretty distinct it’s like up in the air

Oh nice does not seem to be a ship unfortunately but SK but this Sher be like sh be like Sher moments make do the thing do the thing how do you do that just do it believe that you can how how do you do that believe that you can and you will I’m

Good come here nerd need to tell you about your car’s extended warranty ow girl noise yeah that’s a girl noise no it’s not oh does this one have no uh oh they’re already here the ship yeah I don’t think so oh hi it just me no I don’t think it has

One a lot of I will keep scouting okay how dude okay I’m just going sounds good some nice KATU Curry man you know that does sound good you know what also sounds good Costco pizza no not the no Am I Wrong mother round two you will not get the

Better best of me Shuler man skuller yes that’s right I’d be skulling yeah why is this here he me the if in the air dam what was that there let me tell you that is messed up I’m afraid I panicked oh no oh no I keep

Falling mean when I mean when I keep falling so tired did you sleep decently like 9 and I woke up at 4 oh I see then I hopped on the craft then I got crafting and then I freaked it watch me not fall guys watch me not fall I was on the

Ground trying so hard to understand understand why this would be there oh maybe to jump on next what of you oh goodbye well that’s it folks oh take to my doesn’t it freaky D no luck find a ship right now what happened 9 a.m. p.m. p.m. do you have

A crafting table on you right now you do can you please place down a crafting table um need more sh box okay guess where did it go oh I put my shulker shells in the Shuler box silly me you freaked it I freaked it I haven’t made my mind up should I keep

It um you know I’ve do you know any rap verse by heart uh probably at one point I knew the baby rap verse but probably not anymore all right I definitely also knew an eminem1 at one point but it’s gone probably no it’ll come back I could even

Tell you what song it is oh maybe the liquid luck could The liquid luck just took me a second 15 months yippee first s of college has kept me busy happy to get cozy dish streams again keep it no no no no it’s okay it’s yours nope it’s all yours take it but it’s literally not no you’re going to lose it oh no

Oh um I’m trying to see if we missed any on like the edge of their I’d rather be dreaming floating while sleeping seven different ways can you so back growing them thanks I’m not ow oh I did that I I didn’t even know I did that it was

Me Miss St back what is we doing what is we doing out here me personally getting hungry personally I wouldn’t let that slide personally if I had to answer that question for myself I would not let that slide uh where did they go I’m at F not youu where Ed where slice bir

By no a part of me thinks Bop could recreate that sound really well I could see that he seems like someone that would be good at impressions well I’m going to farm and get some of this stuff true for bridging since we lost them apparently Focus where are they If I fall it’s been great no no why would you say that I lose it all maybe do not say that huh stupid hey why don’t we get the end credits when we beat the Ender Dragon you get it when you go back to home I think I will listen to the whole

Thing or when you take the portal out from the yeah the thing the big thing I wonder if the M the genin music mod will mess with it dude mine was bugging out I had to disable it oh really in the end oh server lagged just

Now did you you like my my mining pattern I made what do it what does it remind I don’t know it’s it’s kind of sus it’s a it’s a average zenone zero snake game yeah in a million years I would have never guessed that get my food oh I’m scared of that he

Right oh oops that is not how I trained you guys to refer to yourselves scatter you learned it no you didn’t no this is fire I am back what happened to them I don’t know going have to find more structures I’ll Scout a couple more then return later wow I mean wow

Wow you left us behind not epic I want Pokey get some po maybe do it what are you get what fish uh I’m a salmon guy I always get salmon is the best salmon 99% of the time I get all salmon but this time I got one scoop of Alor salmon raw salmon

Is good and buttery no I swear no other fish Compares except maybe like a mackerel but it has to be like the super fatty mackerel or the blue fin tuna which you can’t get it was going to say blue fin tuna blue fin tuna Toro T Yummies

Dude this enemy was looking at you funny it was kind of in my space fatty salmon oh Man Omega 3 True guys I can see my mic activating for every time I chew stop as long as it’s not escalar what is that for those of us who don’t know not me of course grun what are we doing should we just go back deep Brown dark brown oily

Fish hey boss is what’s wrong with it it looks kind of good um I’m so like what are we doing we could go back I don’t know how far they are from us we could film a Minecraft parkour video oh yeah I’m not getting genin music I’m getting Minecraft music oh oh

Just kidding it’s stuttering like crazy yeah it like freaks out oh they did not do the end right did not like that we need a good Reddit story and to make a parkour okay thing um I will start the parkour track okay um okay I’ll think of a story okay think think

Fast [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what kind of story is this like a horror story or like Creepy Pasta story or funny story whatever your heart tells you um okay um okay okay okay ready all right there once was a babysitter and she would babysit her

Neighbor’s kids while they went away for either a night out or vacation one night the babysitter had a young child to babysit as she walked out the parents as they left for dinner she closed the door and locked it and this is at night and they had to

Make sure to lock all the doors so no spooky people get in of course of course the parents would be back in approximately 3 to 4 hours so they had time to kill and chill that rhymed and so the babysitter took the child to the living room to watch TV 1 hour goes

By and the child says I’m hungry and the babysitter says okay I’ll make you a sandwich and so the babysitter goes into the B basement where the kitchen is the babysitter walks up to the sink washes her hands she opens the fridge gets ingredients for a small sandwich for the

Child I need to eat that one was too high she brings out a knife and she begins putting a sandwich together mhm she cuts the sandwich mhm as she cuts the sandwich in front of the sink she looks out the window and sees another person outside staring in to the

Kitchen also holding a knife the babysitter is scared how curious she quickly runs back up with the food to give it to the child however she does not call 911 she is in shock oh my what was she thinking not calling the police every door is locked and so she

Thinks to herself maybe I was just seeing things and goes back into the kitchen to check the window again no one is there that time she brushes it off thinking it was just her brain Playing Tricks on her she then goes upstairs to check on the child to see if the child finished

The sandwich as she walks into the living room she hears a scream and the child is dead on the floor Blood on the ground and a knife laying next to the body the baby sitter shrieks and screams in disbelief shock and fear she immediately this time trusts what she sees obviously if you

See a dead child and she calls 911 I’m going to end up like a child we’re not going to take a break from the story want please enjoy the sponsor did she eat the child no she didn’t eat the child she calls 911 wait till the end of the Reddit story why

Can’t we kill this thing oh she’ll be the prime suspect oh my gosh that is exactly what she thinks the babysitter is scared the police will think it was her oh I’m so sorry so sorry die I’m sorry I’m sorry get this thing off me okay anyways what the

[ __ ] so anyways Jesus Christ anyway yes the babysitter terrified calls the police knowing that she would be the prime suspect she had to figure out a way to convince the police that it wasn’t her it could never have been I complet the course she loved the child anyways um yes the police show

Up and the parents show up as well crying sobbing outside the house they can’t bear to see the sight of Their Own Child deceased the police police investigate the house the babysitter letting them know everything was locked but she did mention she saw someone she thought she saw someone

Outside the window while making a sandwich the police investigated the living room the kitchen and every other room in the house confirmed every door did oh okay Mama Mia Mama M sick I have three hearts I have three hearts confirmed everything [ __ ] I’m telling a story

Okay as I was saying the police checked every lock and they confirmed everything was locked they checked outside they didn’t see anything suspicious lastly they checked the living room and kitchen again and when the babysitter reminded them that she saw someone outside the kitchen window the police said there was no

Window it was only a mirror that literally knocked me off the track I couldn’t believe it wow it was in the basement that’s a catch shat wow [Laughter] wow wow I’m thoroughly spooked well great job thanks I hope you enjoyed that completely peaceful professional Minecraft uh parkour horror Reddit story creepy pasta

With no falling or intermissions involved of course she killed a child she was a killer right so what are we doing now now that we check that very important the out of here I’m going home dude this is uh we could make our way back to the

Oh it’s so far it’s not that bad it’s kind of far what if there’s like one nearby why did she call the cops on herself though I don’t know she’s [ __ ] sick dude she killed a kid she didn’t know she was she didn’t know she

Was in she was like she has like she’s like jaal and hide or something all right we’re going to make a nice safe trip back yep for sure Safety First everyone she got scared by her own reflection no no no no guys you don’t get it she she like forgot

Her that she killed the child she has like she’s like jackeline hide who was the phone then who who was the phone who was the phone the [ __ ] what do you mean she’s just crazy okay that’s it that’s the answer she’s crazy unreliable narrator unreliable main character

Rather it’s a creepy pasta okay don’t don’t overthink it don’t overthink it Embrace pasta off the top of dr’s head come on now get him a slack um the St made the girl in the window wasn’t it her alter Alter Ego correct or something along those lines yeah they should takey [Laughter]

Skitso what is the symbolism of this uh Creepy Pasta Reddit the symbolism is uh you are not who you truly think you are that’s true and uh you might kill someone but don’t do that uh not sure if it’s that last part but don’t do that Minecraft pasta sauce

Tearless people not knowing the then who was phone meme I don’t know it I don’t know that’s a meme who’s the phone meme who’s the phone I never heard about that do not the cat sounds the same then who was phone oh wait is that like a stupid text

Post the symbolism is your mom there you go that’s what I’m talking about oh Bridge right here you symbolism is your mother idiot I’m jumping she what was the name of the story again uh the girl in the mirror something like that in the window get memes from TV commercials l

Let me tell you something I just casually jumped over that and I barely made it over God all right get me out of here I need to leave with my elytra oh my mama oh my gosh oh my heart just stopped beating for a couple seconds what the heck is this

Who builds like this don’t worry about It hey yo uh vixella thank you so much for the raid welcome guys we raiding y’all thank you I am fearfully walking through the end after I’ve retrieved my elytra you are fine and trying to just make it home because if I fall which I won’t of course but in the alternate reality

Where it’s possible that I could fall that would just be really hard for me to stomach you know so thank you so much for the ra and wish me luck that I can get home how was your stream what were you up to why you quiet bro you’re scared me

Sorry I talking to my chat give me all right your turn tell a story tell a story yeah um okay I just like gave the best story of my life was that really off the top of your head off the Dome no well it was deep in my memory deep in

Your memory my favorite one was a was a Disneyland one it was like kind of my first exposure to Creepy Pasta so I didn’t know that like people made it up and I just thought that they were like paranormal stories that people told and I was at Disney World when we read it

It’s it’s the one about small world have we heard that one nope tell me about it okay um tell me something so let me tell there was a guy who worked in security at Disneyland oh my God just like me really you relate to our main character yeah I also work I work

Sometimes um let’s see so he is responsible for basically watching the what is it that it’s like a like a pass that hey hey hey hey not telling stories on single block Bridges I I ran out of blocks well I ran out of story oh [ __ ] you got me

Guys I more actually have Sher box oh this a sus I would do a dramatic reading of the story honestly but remembering off the top of my head I’m just going to butcher him I’m scared great well my work is done Wow look at him go I’m [ __ ] he building he’s literally building I heard something very creepy you did probably just like ambient sounds right do you have those enabled oh you’re probably right I’m tweaking that’s why I turn those off I do not like it story time or sorry no time

Yeah I I keep [ __ ] up I just assume you’re doing it on purpose honestly uh okay we have not made it that far but it’s fine we’ll just keep walking I wonder if there’s another one we didn’t mark I’m going to look at the map real quick

It’s like kind of shows up like a dark gray on the map I see I see nothing I see nothing portal only 2,000 blocks that’s like nothing wait dude the Portal’s right here oh oh great well it’s been see litty oh wait what come oh right I

Forgot thought it didn’t work and I just got like Rando spawned into somewhere else in the end I was going to fre I was going to freak out honestly it’s time to eat this delete this Papito boom Oh no I have the music turned off can I play it on YouTube or

Something I want to listen to it I’ve never actually listened to this whole thing Is this going to make me cry Chat I can’t believe I’ve never read that before Oh my God gosh what a beautiful Poemo wow wowo and the emotional swells in that music was crazy h I can’t talk about it I can’t talk about it I can’t talk about it cuz because then I will cry more wow wow wow I’ve never read that before this is not the first time that I’ve beat the

Ender Dragon so I must have just skipped it last time okay uh so that’s interesting I didn’t know Minecraft has an end in now you skipping it yeah I guess I mean I’ve never read it before so I have to assume I skipped it in the past I

Didn’t know that it was going to be a poem wow wow Minecraft is a story game Minecraft is a story game the story of you story of you you well let’s see can I skip this part there one more bit at the end I think like a dedication or

Something I wonder where I am like my I wonder if I’m just like not spawned anywhere the pH makes me feel tiny yeah like small but also important and takes you home I’m just wondering where I physically Am like am I still technically in the in the end or am I back at home you are the universe I’m drifting in The Ether that would be my uh that would be my guess wow that was cool glad we got to watch that de Your Spawn oh no like original

Spawn the UN when the universe loves you it’s so interesting the things that humans say and write to like understand the world everybody wants Answers wait this is this is Animal Crossing stop I don’t know actually how to skip it to be honest you be spawned on the bed you touched at EDS oh right of course I wonder if Jake skipped it not Animal Crossing okay let me see if there’s anything else actually at the end he most likely skipped I don’t

Know like maybe he he didn’t oh there’s a quote at the end 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do so throw off the B bow lines sail away from the Safe Harbor catch the trade wins in your saes

Explore dream discover and we’re back let’s find out if you read or not uh this is my bed actually but I’ll leave it cuz I think other the people set that as their spawn what is this it was cute Bob said it was cute it’s cute oh I I I found it gut-wrenching

Actually Uh oh I don’t remember how to get up from Here I think if I remember correctly the stairs up are over here but I also kind of just remember traveling straight entrance okay I’m going go this way no that’s not it I’m lost other side of the portal oh really what the freak it was at the top wasn’t it like right

Here I can just go straight and turn um I’m lost I’m just trying to go home I don’t think it’s this way oh heck I don’t know where I don’t know where it is I’m literally lost dude how how does this always happen to me I don’t have any food left either I

Guess I can eat the CH fruit but that’s not going to send me back is it entrance entrance to what who wrote that oh entrance up oh oh oh okay this is where it came from so other side of the portal oh I hate the nether where am

I we’re not even that far from home oh 2,600 M yes I am all right let’s try that again other side of the portal not this side but up the stairs I can shoot that right just need it to be dead oh yes I remember traversing up

This that’s not going to light me on fire is it I’m so paranoid now I’m so paranoid now I’m actually so paranoid now no what if that guy shoots me with his crossbow I will just keep moving just keep moving I will just keep moving Ender pearl up yeah I guess I could have done that what the what the freak is this oh I’m not going to get lost I’m going to make it home and I’m going to put my elytra in my chest until I can get mending on it and I’m breaking but mostly mending hello

ATU are you still streaming or are you done you are the player wow B said the poem was cute I thought it was gut-wrenching and beautiful devastating in this in a sort of way see like what’s this this type of building is just designed to give me a panic and a

Headache I haven’t streamed for like 3 days Oh I thought you were streaming this I figured you would since it’s like a big organized event thank you God thank you God home thank you God I’m home I’m home I’m literally home all right I’m going back to my

House house actually who’s still here oh just a three of us dang actually while we’re sitting here in this beautiful snow while we are just you know sitting here have I mentioned to you oh I forgot to have the emotes wait Nala what emotes did you

Want or what new emotes did you guys want M donkey there’s that yeah what was the other one we used to have it I thought we still did cat eating corn is it the one with the mustache love BPA lick no no no people oh yeah people B

Cute people sit nerd sounds useful very useful love and nerd that will come in handy um actually um actually have you you guys feel like it’s been a minute since I’ve told you about the the incredible gaming power of HDMI if you run any sort of gaming console you know that

HDMI literally makes the world go around you cannot you cannot use a lot of the most incredible consoles and and uh with your TV without h HDMI uh thank you so much HDMI I’m literally using HDMI right now impressive yes HDMI 2.1b gear such as PS5 Xbox series X and

PC you know with high powerered graphics card connect all to the latest HDMI 4K TVs did you know HDMI was a brand I didn’t I thought HDMI was was like a was just was just the category but but HDMI is to the display port as is like kleenexes to

Tissue it is a brand not just the cord um oh um I’m literally talking about HDMI right now what if I begged I could do that oh just hissed at me got you thought HDMI was just a HDMI no way well let me freaking tell you um

Many of the latest HDMI 4K TVs have exam uh Advanced gaming features like vrr and auto low latency mode for the best gaming experience you don’t have to sacrifice any uh of the of the fast speeds you might get on a PC on your TV that’s literally

Insane um it’s after Christmas which I feel like everyone is there someone approaching me just going to mute just in case that’s freak crazy yes I do think TVs sometimes go on sale during Christmas time but a lot of TVs you know January is when companies

Are like we got to start selling um no one’s in the stores because we all they all spent on Christmas so you might be able to find a really good deal on a new TV and TVs are I feel like Target Best Buy you can find some pretty good deals

And Amazon too end of year sales kind of Epic January sales kind of Epic because nobody’s purchasing in January so you could purchase and get a really good deal New Year’s gift to yourself or to your family you know can game on the big screen for everybody um now that HDMI 4K TVs

Support gaming features Gamers have a lot more flexibility on screen size and price and in many cases the TVs are less Conant than monitors that is true that is true man that is so true 240 HZ monitors are crazy even 144 HZ refresh rate can be really expensive um Ultra highs speed HDMI

Cables support 48 GB bandwidth and all of the 2.1b advanced gaming features like variable refresh rate and auto low latency mode with 4K TVs so this is just a shout out to HDMI thanks for making the the gaming world go around and um forun I’m not offering everyone free HDMI cables but honestly

You will get one if you buy a TV or any kind so thanks HDMI you’re cool maybe time for a new TV also PSA turn off motion blur on your TV that like frame interpolation that makes everything look like a soap opera I know some of you had to deal with it

When you were at your grandparents house um um do yourself a favor and disable that disable that um that situation thank you HDMI for sponsoring me this month too that is very Cash Money of you if I do say so myself very Cash Money okay soon I’m going to fly like

You guys cuz now I have an elytra just got to save up for our mending book should be pretty easy I can get one from Janet’s villagers and then I can fly around like everybody what do you want on elyra just mending and Unbreaking right oh where is she going walking to

Her death I think ah stop you are so quing oh no are you stuck you stuck I’ll never be going the right way I withholding my celebration until I get to my house CU I can’t say I truly have an elytra until it’s safe in a chest at my house Phantoms are the

Worst they are wor HDMI is like the Catholic Bible in every hotel in of cables cuz theyd be everywhere Catholic Bible our hotels do not have Catholic Bibles they have they usually have nasb oh man thank you for the the 10 gifted Subs wait oh wait you didn’t owe me 10 gifted

Subs Joey did but still thank you hi [ __ ] did you get home safe assumably you did thanks for the 10 gifties um me and Mel and Joey made a stupid game haven’t we had enough haven’t I had enough haven’t we had enough of the Enderman I’ve had

Enough it’s just tweaking because of the rain okay people we are placing the elytra in the chest yeah ah I made it in and out of the end without dying this is actually a huge feat for me to be honest actually a huge feat I think

Every time that I’ve gone to the end I have died oh I don’t like that these okay these little these little berries are kind of unpredictable aren’t they Mel yeah we me and Mel made up this little game me and Mel Jo laid up the game where oh let me reset my spawn

Point listen I know you’re tweaking because of the rain but like I’ve had enough of the Enderman for one day where we would um basically try to take turns blowing out the candle that was in between us at the dinner table it was kind of like a chick game of chicken where

Uh you could you could get penalized for not giving like a bold enough blow um so H I beat oh I think I beat both of them actually bro I’m just putting everything in there everything off my and the Sher boxes place that down there down right there end of I of

Ender oh dang I didn’t have very many just said one yeah it was pretty fun but yeah we put me and Joey put 10 gifted Subs on it me and Mel didn’t but she still gave me T oh great great display um I guess I could put this die

Yet and put the Shuler boxes in Shuler shells in there too for now cor R fruit I don’t know where to put you yeah you could get like yeah it was a dumb little game but I liked it and a commemoration of us going to the end

Ders have you the sister just played Minecraft together we haven’t we keep saying we need to play lethal company together um so maybe we’ll set up a Lobby soon okay guys GG’s was fun for me A lot of people are saying to like switch to a different server after

This but like or like a different type of server but I’m just getting started honestly my house is done like the end getting an elytra that just makes things easier although we kind of need a witch Farm now D collab how do you have a map on top right it’s a mod

A look at that look at that dude Bob’s Tower I do not know how he buil this so fast genuinely I don’t know ow okay guys well this has been another episode of uh the Boos expansion pack Minecraft server and I hope you guys enjoyed I’m going to come come over and

Install opine because I can’t look at the glass any longer what’s wrong with the glass looks normal to me I have lots of shaders and mods and stuff BOS expansion pack yeah because it’s more than just the uh it’s more than just the original B of server like from 20 not

2021 but like I really have a name for the new one so it’s just it’s not yeah okay send me link I do want optify because I missed the zoom feature Boos DLC exactly install Better shaders I like these shaders actually I sers is my favorite I just don’t want to like build

Something in shaders and be like wow this looks so good but then it doesn’t look that good to everybody else you know what I’m saying in B of server we definitely did not go to the end complimentary is pretty good what’s that try putting the head on renstone

And see what happens that sounds like you know what happens and I’m scared of it so I I do I should display it though can you place it oh my gosh let me out can I just like put it nice I love that yeah I mean I have a lot more to do

Why is there a chain is that chain right here what is that did someone put a someone put a trip wire at my house yeah I need I still have a lot to do so I need to finish the window panes and then do the all the

Roofing and build out this part and like build the moat around it so we got a ways we got a ways to go the end is not the end I did do some building off stream someone Tri my have we watched sticker Santa video I ended up watching it offline I watched

It on Christmas day so dude look at that to Crazy um so yeah I would say you guys just uh watch it on your own mostly just the stairs is all I did but I’ve been focusing mostly on enchantments and stuff it is definitely giving me uh like

Destroyed ruins Vibe was going for because not finished all right Gamers I’m going to end here and go chill out um thanks for watching Minecraft series will be happening on YouTube I just need to coate with my editor a bit more probably stream tomorrow most likely during the day Merry

Gmas hun hobit thank you for the 13 months Dan Dan thank you for the 17 months um let’s see who’s still live on what oh I just realized the Jeff wasn’t with us what the heck what the heck Man he’s streaming too literally he could have gone to the end with us okay thank you for hanging out uh go say hi to B and where my chat dog sorry having some tech issues okay see you see you soon and a happy New Year bye

This video, titled ‘back home gaming!!! genshin – minecraft ender dragon at 4pm pst teehee !hdmi #ad’, was uploaded by Dish VODs on 2024-01-08 09:47:45. It has garnered 470 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 04:50:45 or 17445 seconds.

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    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans

    Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures in Stardew Valley Exploring the Mines and Making Friends In this episode of Stardew Valley, our protagonist embarks on a journey to the mines while engaging in fun discussions about Minecraft and Pokemon. As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter various challenges and monsters, showcasing the thrill of exploration and combat in the game. The protagonist interacts with the villagers, gifting them items like cauliflower and cookies to build relationships and earn their favor. From Jody to Emily, each character has unique preferences, adding depth to the social aspect of the game. Crowd Control Chaos… Read More

  • Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer

    Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup with Crafty Controller on Portainer Imagine being able to set up your own Minecraft server quickly, easily, and without extensive IT knowledge! In this video, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to set up your own Minecraft server using Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer. Whether for Java or Bedrock, this guide covers everything you need to know! Key Steps: Opening Portainer and setting up Stacks Inserting Docker Compose code Creating directories on the server Starting and configuring the Crafty container Configuring and starting the Bedrock server Adjusting server settings and adding players Highlights: Easy… Read More

  • Bedwars Shenanigans

    Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars Adventure with BlueLedYT and WeebRed Software and Equipment Used: For this epic Minecraft Bedwars adventure, the team utilized: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Capcut They also had the following hardware: Keyboard: Random Logitech keyboard Mouse: Bloody A60 Mic: Portal 7.1 HG28 (headphones mic) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 RAM: 16GB Resource Pack: The team played with the Bombies 180k resource pack by Tory, adding a unique visual flair to their gameplay. Subscribe to BlueLedYT and WeebRed: If you enjoyed the gameplay, make sure to subscribe to their channels: BlueLedYT WeebRed Highlights from the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: Twitter: Cryptic: YouTube: Pug: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Muzz: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More