disruptive builds – I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #3

Video Information

Gamers welcome back to the third installment in the road to A Thousand Days survived in my hardcore world this video consists of episodes 15 to 21 in my hardcore series and I’ll be releasing the next one once enough episodes are created also feel free to leave this

Video running in the background if you don’t feel like watching all of it as it greatly helps the channel and also like And subscribe yada yada let’s get into episode 15. Gamers my favorite biome in Minecraft is Believe It or Not the ocean and we haven’t built anything in it so

Today I’m going to create an underwater city with bases tunnels pipes and more let’s get started step one Gamers is of course to obtain the relevant materials we’ll be going for a block palette of quartz blocks blue concrete and glass for our underwater houses so let’s first

Get the concrete of which I have no idea how to make okay after a quick Wiki search Gathering of some sand gravel and Lapis for the dye we can now make some blue concrete powder trying to make the die first Jesus and there we go there’s the powder that should uh definitely be

Enough I think and I also just realized we don’t need to place these in water to make them into like you know regular concrete because we’re going to be placing them in water anyway hell yeah the next resource we’ll be needing is quartz and thankfully we do have a

Little bit left over from the previous video but uh yeah it’s definitely not gonna be enough so it’s time to head to the Nether and get some more foreign [Applause] There we go that should hopefully be enough we got all of this plus a little bit more here as well we also ended up finding an extra piece of ancient debris while I was mining this stuff which is pretty good and uh yeah so hopefully this will be enough if not I’ll just

Come back and get some more next it’s on to Glass we’ll be needing a lot of it so it’s back off to the beach bitter digging bit of smelting and bang we’re done and now for the final item I want some copper to make some nice underwater

Pipes and then I’m going to simply just craft it into some blocks uh clearly I’ve never made it before there we go geez that’s going to be a bit expensive also I might have lied that is not our final block we need to go back to the

Nether and get some Crimson wood for some Crimson trap doors I feel like that’s going to be a very nice detailing block for our pipes I’m going to add it to like the base of the pipes and stuff and just kind of along them so yeah I’m

Gonna head back to the nether try and find a Crimson Forest well there we go there’s one I’m going to hopefully not not die you know trying to get down here grab a bunch of this good stuff and then yeah I’ll head back yeah now it’s time

For step two which is to actually find a location now thanks to our elytra we can uh you know now just fly around and find locations easily instead of having a bloody walk around everywhere now I know there is an ocean out this way past this jungle but yeah here is the nearest

Ocean to our base so I think this is gonna be a pretty good spot let’s dive in and just have a quick look and after swimming around and scouting out some locations I ended up finding this spot here which is absolutely perfect for step three I want to build a little bit

Of a dock that allows you to go you know to and fro the bottom of the ocean I know it’s not really that far down but uh yeah I feel like it’s definitely going to be a nice thing to add that dolphin is trying to steal my block hey

That’s mine what the hell are they doing I’m actually like swimming with the dolphins can I pick this block up thank you Jesus okay so we’ll make this block here the actual elevator down and now let’s surround this with some quartz blocks like so and then I think let’s

Place in some of these blocks here so that we can actually turn them into concrete great so that we can place them on these blocks here there we go actually we don’t need to place them in all of those blocks now let’s go up again with the

Quartz here and now all around this I want to add some Spruce Wood And then stemming off from each of these little entrances that we’re going to have I want to have a little dock of its own [Applause] All right and there we go there’s all of our docks added in and now I want this little elevator building to be pretty simplistic so let’s just raise these up once again all right now let’s Chuck our stairs in these blocks here and then Up on the Roof let’s just make like a

Little plus shape like that I think that’s going to look pretty nice and simple now I think I want to add some fences to the actual dock here just to add a little bit of detail okay and now let’s whack our fences here let’s Chuck some fence gates in the middle of that

[Laughter] Thank you okay there we go there’s all the fences and fence gates added on let’s play some lanterns around the place as well I think maybe on these Corner blocks here will probably look the best now let’s make a couple of boats and Chuck those in just for some

Added detail as well and there we go I think that’s looking pretty good we’ve got a nice entrance down to our city then I went ahead and grabbed some glass and started building the little tube that would take you down to the ocean floor I also made sure to add a nice

Little entrance for down here too making sure it’s in a similar style and so now we have a nice little Central Point for our underwater city and that leads us on to step four creating the city okay just before we can start building our village uh it turns out I actually completely

Forgot about one block for our block palette which is deep slate so I’m going to go ahead and mine a bunch of that and uh I’ll be back once again thank you holy did you guys see that I didn’t think a creeper could do that much

Damage to us still even with all of this armor I guess I don’t have my chest plate on but Jesus dude that was so close well on the bright side we have gotten a whole bunch of cobbled deep slate which we will be turning into polish deep slate for our blocks uh

Hopefully this is going to be enough probably not I will end up just probably coming back and getting some more when we need it so yeah now it’s time to get back to the spot okay we’re back at the dock uh entrance thing let’s head down

And yeah so now it’s time to find a suitable location for our first base and this spot right here looks pretty cool so let’s head over here and start placing some blocks and yeah so all of these builds are going to be in kind of like a subnautica style base if you’ve

Seen that game before I’m probably showing a picture of it here yeah we’ll be going for a base kind of in that style this is going to be very annoying having to go up for air every five seconds actually maybe if we place a door down I think that’ll work we might

As well just place the actual door down for the base so let’s Chuck that in there and we can use that for air hell yeah that’s so good okay along the sides here let’s add in our quartz blocks like so and then above the door of course

We’re gonna play some stairs like this then beside those I went ahead and added some glass in for the front windows and also our blue concrete for on the corners to add some color to our pretty monochrome block palette then I crafted up some Polish deep slate walls to add

This nice little detail into the corners and I also added another layer of deep slate along the top of the walls and so on the sides of the build here we’re obviously not going to be having another door so let’s place in our blocks like that and then we’re actually going to be

Doing something different let’s place in some glass blocks like this and then in the middle here let’s Place uh give me a second uh yeah in the middles here we’re going to be placing some glass panes like that and then followed by some more glass blocks and finally another strip

Of blue concrete like so then for the back here so we actually have room to you know Place stuff on the inside and not have it all be taken up by Windows let’s just place in some solid quartz like this and then we’ll once again transition back to our blue concrete

Blocks on the corners now on this side we’re once again just going to repeat what we did on that side oh and I just realized sponge just would be a very very handy for this because I completely forgot we need to clear out the freaking inside of the water here well let’s

Craft up a bunch of slabs here for the roof of the build and so coming away from all of these we’re going to place in a deep slate slab like so and then we’re pretty much just going to fill in the entire roof here with some more deep

Slate slabs I definitely didn’t make enough let’s go make some more oh and another block that I need to get is sea lanterns as well that’ll definitely spruce up the builds here it’ll make it nice and bright as well I don’t actually remember how to get them I think they’re

From like uh those underwater things I can’t remember the freaking cold man and yeah so there we go there’s our first basic house done actually we need to add in this wall design as well into all the corners uh yeah so sorry once again I have lied now you might be asking how

Are we actually going to get inside our base here and to answer your question I have no idea and so what I ended up doing to solve this problem was to actually move the door in by two blocks Place some blocks to get rid of the

Water and then add a button next to the door so we can actually open it okay now before we continue I want to see if I can go ahead and find an ocean Monument somewhere so that we can actually get some sea lanterns for our houses because

That yeah they look kind of dull and boring right now and while I was scouting the ocean area here I believe I did spot one I’m not exactly sure if it was one oh Jesus okay we’ve got the dolphins with us thanks guys oh yeah

Here it is okay I I’m not gonna lie I’ve never actually you know explored one of these before in survival I don’t actually think this is an ocean Monument I think this is just some like underwater ruins or something it’s kind of embarrassing how little I know of

This game uh yeah let’s uh get rid of some of these guys this guy’s got one of those Nautilus shells as well hell yeah I think that’s for like conduits or something like that oh my god dude go get away from me yeah here it is here’s

The sea lanterns that we need let’s make sure we use our silk touch pickaxe because I believe they do break uh if you don’t use the silk touch pickaxe okay there’s a grand total of two it’s not the greatest hopefully we can find some more oh there’s a chest there oh my

Goodness I wonder what’s gonna be in that I actually have no clue okay luck of the sea one Emerald then some coal uh I’m not even gonna grab the weight cool dude well it looks like that was it for the sea lanterns unfortunately we’ve got another chest though with another Enchanted fishing

Rod okay oh there’s another chest buried treasure map okay that’s kind of cool but oh yeah that kind of sucks in terms of uh you know not finding any sea lanterns so yeah I might go exploring this ocean a little bit more and hopefully we can find some more and

After searching for what felt like um yeah probably like 10 minutes we finally found one oh yes is that what I think it is it looks like it oh there’s even more down there oh my God okay this might actually be the proper Temple yeah it

Looks like it oh my God there’s the Guardians dude I just got goosebumps I know they freaking jump scare you in this goddamn game dude and I honestly don’t know how to deal with them I’m kind of scared right now oh my God okay this thing is huge I’m not gonna lie

Let’s just send it okay I was thinking I’m gonna look up a freaking tutorial video on how to deal with these guys but we’re just gonna we’re just gonna gun it in come here mate okay they don’t really do that much damage you’re gonna like

Die though like holy mother of God oh my god dude how many are they and they take so many hits to oh see yeah that thing dude oh my God that is scary as ball sack okay we’re getting kind of we’re getting kind of overrun here uh time to

Run time to run boys holy crap okay uh I wonder what the practical way is of dealing with those guys because that’s kind of scary but I really want those freaking sea lanterns man should we just try sending it V2 all right and we get boys just kind of ignore them okay we’re

Getting beamed oh no we’re getting Mega beamed okay no no no no no no no that’s gonna do a lot of damage oh my goodness what does that do to us mining fatigue for four minutes are you kidding me man now I can’t freaking oh dude now look at

That are you kidding me now we can’t get the sea lanterns actually I just came up with an idea this might work theoretically if we build like just a tunnel that leads us all the way to there unseen by the Guardians we should be able to just mine them now that means

Of course we’re gonna need a bunch of blocks and thankfully there’s a little grass Island here so let’s just um no well we’re gonna I have to wait for this mining fatigue um just give me a second I’m gonna wait that out right here sometimes all I think about is poo

What the hell oh my God the icon it’s strobing that means we’re almost done yes there we go now we can officially start mining some blocks hell yeah Okay now that we have our blocks let’s start our tunnel maybe like Over Yonder oh my God what is he beaming he’s beaming a squid what the that’s so rude oh my god oh don’t come near me holy crap dude they’re just out here literally slaughtering the wildlife

That’s so mean dude okay I wonder if we can just make like a bridge like this above the water I wonder if they can actually attack us outside of the water I don’t know if that’s oh my god dude and we you are you kidding me I just waited

Here for five minutes and it just it literally just jump scared me I made possibly the saddest jump scare noise I’ve ever made in my life and you know of course man we’re gonna have to go get like buckets of milk if we want to do this literally I just suck down

Literally I just sucked down a bucket of milk so that I could go and get these sea lanterns so let’s just build this tunnel all the way out of here and see if they can keep doing it oh my god get away from me stop dude you’re actually

Gross like stop touching me with your beams okay here we go we are above the absolute treasure that we need yeah I think this should work because they’re not gonna be able to see us hopefully God damn it I need more blocks okay give me a second think about his pill uh late

Nights in them oh my God I just realized I cannot get the blocks because of this man this is so this is actually really frustrating dude I just want lights for my freaking Village why is it so hard all right we’ve got more dirt okay we

Have no you prick God damn it another five minutes okay at least that allows us to just kind of go willy-nilly so let’s place all of these and then we’ll have this like kind of be the access down to the actual area okay and now as for the tunnel down let’s build this

Down this way we’re just gonna surround everything here with our blocks foreign there we go we should have our mission impossible setup completed here I’m praying that this is going to work uh if it doesn’t I’m going to be pretty upset and now I think I want to make a tunnel

Down to these ones as well because that’s like another eight how many eight yeah dude that’s gonna be pretty good so let’s Branch off our tunnel here and make a secondary tunnel oh my god get away dude you’re actually I’m sorry you’re feral dude this tunnel must look

So weird from like far away like what the hell is this and once again I’m going to run out of dirt that’s kind of annoying let’s just extend this over this way and then we’re gonna go down from here [Applause] Once again we’re about to run out of blocks so we need to just like grab a whole freaking load or something I swear dude okay they’re actually doing some damage here I’m going to retreat back up to the surface okay and once again I’m gonna wait out this mining fatigue and

Uh we’ll grab a few more blocks and uh yeah we’ll see how our tunnel fares okay that should be all the dirt we’ll need hopefully we should be able to get those first four sea lanterns without any troubles so uh let’s uh grab those oh God there’s a hole there oh man okay

There we go we’ve got our first four so let’s once again extend our tunnel down we’re going to probably yep there it is how’s it going buddy let’s extend our tunnel down Christ oh no I misclicked God freaking damn it how am I gonna do this now okay we’re just gonna leave that

There and we’ll destroy it when we come back to the tunnel Okay let’s get a roof it’s got the roof oh my god dude it’s time to go oh my god dude if I put this on we’ll literally take less damage why didn’t I think of that earlier mining fatigue’s got two minutes left we need to get this done before that goes

Away so that we don’t get reset and have to wait another five minutes you know what I’m saying if you if I’m making weird noises that’s how you know I’m in danger honestly Okay I cannot seal myself in because I would actually probably die so let’s do that Jesus dude if I actually didn’t think of that then we would have drowned because I can’t actually mine blocks okay once again we’re gonna wait out this mining fatigue and then we should

Be able to get the rest of those blocks hopefully okay Gamers we’re fully reset let’s get back in there and get the rest of those freaking thingamajigs down we go we’re gonna have to dig this dirt okay there it goes oh my God I didn’t connect it up no

Get in there get in there get in there get it oh oh my god dude I forgot to connect it up you idiot I’m gonna leave that open just in case if they somehow freaking give that effect to us again and we’re stuck here okay let’s get all of them oh

My God don’t come through there yes give it to me give it to me okay that sounds kind of weird what I think that’s the last one yes 14 that should be enough hopefully okay yeah I don’t even care about you we got what we needed we’re

Out of here thanks dolphin guy off we go oh hell yeah straight back to the freaking thing okay Gamers we are back at the underwater city it’s time to go back down and add in some of our details oh my God okay thank you Mr dolphin but

We don’t really need it right now so firstly a nice spot to add in our sea lanterns we’re gonna just probably do one for each base because like I said before we don’t have a lot of uh you know of them and yeah I think that’s a

Nice looking spot right above the door as well the next detail I want to add is going to be our pipes uh of which we need to get more copper we probably will have to go back to base and grab the rest of the stuff that we smelted but

Yeah I want to add some little details kind of like this maybe on this side let’s just add a single pipe that will theoretically run underwater like that and then at the base of the pipe here let’s add these trapdoors around to kind of look like you know I don’t know

Something and I think what I might do to actually make this look a little bit more like it’s actually going into the ground is uh let’s remove some of these blocks here so that we can actually Place another one like that and there we go now it kind of gives a better

Illusion of it actually going into the ground and yeah so that just about does it for our first little house here and now I want to go ahead and add in something a little a little bit bigger a little bit better maybe over in this area over here but before that I’m going

To quickly fly back to base to get more of our copper blocks so uh yeah just give me a second and I’ll be right back foreign Okay and we’re back now let’s get started on our larger house so for this larger house we once again started off by creating the base then I added the door frame side wall back wall and the other side wall and you might be wondering why there’s a gap here and

We’ll get back to that don’t you worry and instead of adding a roof this time we’re raising it up to be two stories tall and so after adding on all of those walls then we slapped on our roof okay and there we go there’s that part of the

Base done I actually have something kind of cool that I want to add right here so on this face here of the wall we’re gonna raise these blocks out like so then let’s add some stairs in all of the corners uh well not like that what the

Hell now in front of this right in the middle let’s place a block of copper and then we’re going to add some lightning rods all the way around this and uh yeah there we go that’s the design there it’s kind of like a vault like underwater

Door thing I don’t really know how to explain it but yeah looks kind of cool now one thing I also want to check does this look cooler having the trap door in front of it yes it does that looks so much better holy crap let’s do the same

Over here bam hell yeah that looks awesome now as for this air area over here this is where we’re going to be adding in our little tunnel design so let’s Branch this over this way like so we might actually even go up as well over here like this now at the ends

Let’s add in some quartz blocks like this okay and now as for the roof of this we’re going to add some stairs in like this and uh this might end up looking kind of weird so uh yeah I’m not exactly sure what I’m gonna do here and

What I ended up doing to fix this was actually adding in Pillars to separate the windows I wanted to add in and this just made it way easier to line everything up together and there we go there it is added with the roof as well

And yeah so now this tunnel is going to lead over to another base pretty much you know exactly the same as that one so yeah once again let’s get started foreign Okay and there we go there’s our secondary little house done I decided to make this one into like a bit of an observatory kind of thing where we have like this nice glass Dome of a roof and then all the walls as well and you know

Nice and glossy so you can see under the ocean now it’s time to go around and add in all of the details and I just realized this is going to look weird because I made these into slabs um that’s all right it doesn’t look too bad

We can do that yeah so I’m going to add all of these to all of the corners and then I’ll go ahead and add in some copper Piper details as well oh my god dude Jesus this guy’s just throwing at me what the hell all right that’s it

Come here absolute little prick Oh Oh I thought he dropped a trident then but it was just the one that he’s throwing God damn it that would have been so cool Okay and for the Final Touch of this base here I think adding a sea lantern onto this spot right here will look kind of nice so let’s surround that with some trap doors as well and yeah that’s all right it’s kind of the best spot that we

Can actually add it in just because the roof is a little bit different oh dude this is already looking awesome just swimming into this area this looks so nice but something as well that’s going to tie it in nicely as well is adding a pathway that leads between all of their

Houses and I just thought of the idea of using sand for the pathway because it’s going to uh you know contrast nice from the gravel that everything’s situated on and also it was nice and easy to get just over there now I of course want it

To start off from our elevator over here and I think I want the main Pathway to be three blocks wide and then all of the pathways that Branch off to the houses are going to be one block wide just to make it you know kind of I don’t know

How to explain it okay just shut up okay we’ll just leave it there for now let’s fill all of these in with some sand blocks as well and yeah just looking at that like that is the best pathway block we could have chosen for this it looks

So nice dude okay so there’s the main pathway added in so far now let’s Branch it off to all of the actual houses There we go the perfect amount of sand I mean we’re of course gonna have to go get more because we’re going to be adding more houses in of course all right now for our next build I’m thinking a nice underwater Greenhouse maybe in this area here will look pretty

Nice so let’s get started foreign Okay there we go there’s the exterior of our underwater Greenhouse all done now it’s time to head inside and get rid of all of the water this is going to be uh yeah an absolute pain in the ass oh yeah so we’ll just be using sand to fill up

Everything and yeah give me a second I’ll get this done oh and just before I forget let’s actually add in our sea lantern here as well I just thought of that hell yeah that looks awesome all right back in we get Oh my Jesus Christ okay settle down Thunder all right now

It is time to start decorating the inside of our Greenhouse here starting off with a lantern at the top and now let’s just sprinkle in a bunch of all the random blocks that I grabbed from the surface just before so we’ve got a bunch of grass to break up the uh you

Know repetition of the flowers and then of course let’s just start adding in our flowers making sure to add in all of the variety into every single one and there we go that’s a nice looking underwater Greenhouse one extra thing that I thought I might try is that you know we

Got an egg here from a chicken oh dude and no way I’m thinking like there’s no chance this guy’s gonna hatch but there we go we now have a little chicken boy in here hell yeah that’s awesome all right now let’s fix up our door let’s

Add our button in here as well uh okay yeah we’re not gonna talk about that just forget that’s there and I almost forgot we actually have some oak leaves as well I forgot to add these in so maybe we can actually cover up that block there hell yeah now let’s add some

In in the roof as well this will definitely look nice from the inside and the outside as well and now that we’re all done with our underwater Greenhouse it’s time to go ahead and just you know add in a whole bunch more of these standard houses around the place as well

And so I’m just going to be doing that as a very quick time lapse starting right now foreign All right and so with our village now done that just about concludes this video Gamers I have an immense fear of heights which is why I’ve never created a tree house over hundreds of builds Okay I lied that’s not the real reason it’s actually because I suck at them so this

Episode I’ll be creating a giant Treehouse Village in the jungle to improve my skills let’s get started okay first up we are actually not Gathering blocks surprisingly enough I’m actually very low on fireworks as you can see I only have 10 left and I’ve utilized all of my gunpowder already on said

Fireworks so we’re gonna head down into our cave here and uh you know just Farm up a bunch of creepers uh so yeah let’s get started thank you no are you absolute prick God holy jackpot look at all those green boys over there

Oh do you see that oh we got a disc the skeleton finished him off and we got a freaking disc that is awesome what one did we get 13 ah of course it’s the freaking creepy one why man God damn it that would’ve been so cool if it was

Actually like cat or something all right well we’ve escaped with 22 thanks to our uh looting threes oh looting two sword over here sorry so let’s head back up to base and make a bunch of fireworks all right and there we go there’s a whole bunch of fireworks hell yeah that is

Awesome okay and now starting off with getting the resources uh yeah thankfully we don’t have to get any we harvested all of this jungle wood from uh the end episode I’m glad all of these logs actually came into use so yeah we’re already set and now it’s straight on to

Step two which is finding a location now I know there is a jungle over this way but I have kind of mutilated it a bit let me just start turn up my render distance real quick yeah as you can see where is it there it is I’ve kind of

Messed it up so yeah also I’m wanting a whole bunch of like these tall trees to be pretty close together but yeah I do want to check out the jungle kind of behind our farm base over this way so let’s take to the skies and have a

Little bit of a goose oh actually while I’m up here let’s finally get rid of this because I must have missed a freaking piece of wood up here yeah there it is see you later buddy all right let’s turn the render distance up even higher it might be a bit laggy but

That’s okay all right so we’ve got this jungle over the oh my God that is actually so bad my computer can’t handle that much uh Power yeah we’ve got this jungle over here and it doesn’t look like there’s that many tall trees we’ve got like a couple over this way but you

Know it’s not the greatest let’s have a look a little further in maybe and yeah they’re all just very spread apart which isn’t what I want I know I can just play some but it’s going to be a pain in the ass and I’d rather just find a spot that

Actually has them so it looks like we’ve got like a sparse jungle over this way which is pretty cool oh and this actually leads over to a bamboo jungle hell yeah that is awesome let’s see if there’s any good spots here that we could utilize oh dude that actually is

Nice look at all of that there we could connect all of those up I don’t know how far we’re gonna like spread everything apart but that actually looks really nice this spot right here oh yeah that is perfect okay guys I think location has been found all right I think this is

A pretty decent tree to start off with I think it’s the tallest one in the area so let’s grab out our ladders here and let’s slap a ladder on here all the way up to the top all right so starting off up here let’s just make like I don’t know a tree house

Like you know maybe the town center of the thing I don’t know so I want the leaves to be the roof of the actual house thing so let’s maybe count down like four blocks here so we can give ourselves enough room and then let’s start the platform here on this block oh

Man I really wish I freaking grabbed some shears oh I’ve got some what the hell yeah awesome now I can just easily clear all of these freaking leaves out of the way Thank you All right that’s a pretty nice looking platform right there now I want a way to connect it up to the oh my god of course has to go dark right now man yeah now I want to add in some kind of like walls or some windows or something like that

And so I actually have a pretty nice idea that might actually work let’s jump back over and uh give it a go okay so my idea involves placing a temporary block here so we can place them upside down stairs then let’s add some slabs like so and then Place uh you know another

Temporary block here so we can place some more stairs here now let’s remove those blocks and now I want to connect this up to the top of the tree here with some stripped logs now we will have to add in a couple of leaves here to make

It actually connect up because uh yeah those leaves naturally aren’t there so let’s actually just quickly add all of those around here as well now let’s connect these up to the top let’s strip all of those as well and then I think for the top part here let’s add some

More upside down stairs like that now let’s take another quick from over here and yeah that is looking awesome I love that I don’t know if I want to put anything in the actual window I think I just want to leave it open I really like

That like just open look I guess oh my God Jesus the hell can I climb man okay so with that design uh solidified let’s go ahead and add this onto every single side Okay there’s all of our sides added on and now I want to go ahead and you know maybe add in a little bit of a safety railing along here and I’m thinking of just doing that with some basic fences so let’s just connect those up like that

And then maybe we can actually add some along the roof as well so let’s do the same on this side and actually take a look from our platform over there and yes dude that is looking awesome I’ve literally never made a treehouse in my life before in Minecraft and I think

This is turning out pretty well actually I don’t know if I like those fences along with there I reckon we need to do maybe slabs and maybe another pillar or something like that let’s just go back up and try something else because I’m not sure if I’m happy with that the

Man why can’t I climb this goddamn ladder okay so let’s try removing all of these and now let’s try slabs across here let’s add a slab like that and then connect the fences up here as well I think that should look pretty cool let’s once again go take a quick look I don’t

Know okay one more idea to fix this up but give me a second yeah I don’t know it’s just not working I think we’ll just go back to the fences across there God damn it I don’t know it’s just not looking good man why does it not look

Good and so after trying a bunch of different combinations I ended up settling on this design here as I think it’s probably the best one that we could have come up with okay now with that done it’s time for a little bit of interior design uh obviously we don’t

Have quite a lot of area to work with here pretty much just like against the tree here is where we can add stuff so I’m thinking maybe on the sides let’s add in some chests like this and then some barrels at the top and maybe let’s

Put some stairs under those as they sort of shelf and then let’s maybe just do the same thing on the other side over here yeah that’s pretty cool and maybe on the back let’s add in like two crafting tables and maybe the same Barrel design as well and yeah that’s

Looking pretty nice actually really like that and now the last thing that we need to add to this is of course some lanterns and I think in this spot right here on all of these Corner blocks are going to probably be the best spot maybe let’s add one on top of the crafting

Table as well back here now let’s take one final step back and take a look at our beautiful tree house we’ve even got the god Rays coming through here God that looks nice oh actually one more thing that I think we need is like some bracing supports that actually look like

It’s you know holding it up instead of just kind of floating here so let’s grab some stairs and some slabs uh and actually before we do this I’m going to quickly go back and get my freaking scaffolding because it’s going to be an absolute pain in the ass without it Where would I have put it veget and one of these freaking shulkers isn’t it where did I put it Oh you’re kidding me this whole time the scaffolding was right here are you serious dude how did I not see it well cool dude that was an absolute waste of time let’s go back after returning to our Treehouse I began constructing the support pillars they were a bit tricky to get looking right

But after settling on a design they were all done okay so there’s all our supports on I decided to just leave this like this because it kind of already looks like the tree is like supporting this side which is pretty cool and so now with our first tree house officially

Done it’s time to start creating some more and so I want to intertwine all of these tree houses with a nice little like kind of rope or like suspending Bridge or something so what I might do is just go down our ladder here and create a secondary platform okay so this

Platform isn’t going to be anything too special it’s going to be a pretty small one as well it’s mainly just meant to you know serve the function of getting to another platform what the hell is going on here dude this floating Vines how’s that even possible now let’s make

Another platform at the same height on this tree here me dude okay and now let’s attempt to make a little bit of like a suspension bridge kind of connecting these two up oh my god dude I don’t know what I was trying to do there to be honest so I think

Let’s add a couple of slabs here that’ll allow us to place a slab there then let’s grab out the jungle trap doors here and maybe place two like that let’s Place some more trapdoors like that let’s quickly hit the hay because we’re sleepy sleepy boys out here okay there

We go let’s add in a another slab like that it’s more trapped up well dude I I honestly can’t believe I did that you have got to be kidding me after that epic fail I then just you know went ahead and completed the rest of the bridge here and now this gives us

Perfect access over to this tree as well so what I think I’m gonna do is just pretty much repeat what I’ve done with this tree here where we have this platform and then that leads us up to another tree house so yeah let’s get started All right Okay so there’s our first two tree houses completed we’ve also added in a nice little bridge that connects them up too now it’s time to Branch off to some different trees and get it Branch my god dude what the and yeah it’s time to create some different style tree houses

Over on these ones so yeah let’s get started with those okay so we’re back at our first tree house here on the bottom platform and I think we’re gonna next head over to this tree so let’s make our way over there and for these next tree houses I’m wanting to make oh okay

Thankfully I’ve got my hoe with me always keep my hoe with me nearby at all times and yes I want to make these platforms a little bit more open I don’t want to have them so enclosed I just want these like massive platforms maybe like a couple of stories as well so

Let’s maybe have these go out by four blocks Okay so here’s our first platform let’s also go ahead and add some trap doors along the edges of this as well that’s just going to add a nice little touch of detail let’s also surround this with some fences as well okay and there we go there’s our big platform created now

Let’s work on the bridge that’s going to connect it up over to this side foreign dude why do I keep doing that Okay and there we go there’s our Bridge completed I know it’s not perfect it is kind of hard to make a bridge like that but yeah and I actually just came up with another idea which would be kind of cool let’s have a bridge kind of Branch

Off this bridge and spiral down to another platform below this one I think that would be pretty cool Okay Gamers and there we go this tree is now fully completed instead of branching the bridge over this way I decided to do it this way uh for some reason but yeah down here I decided to leave in this like natural Bush I feel like it was a

You know a nice accent and then I just added in a bunch of stuff as well and now I actually have a really cool idea for our next platform I think I want to Branch off over to this one so let’s get started creating the bridge real quick here

I feel like there are way too many time lapses in this video but uh oh well so yeah after creating the bridge we started creating the platform and then I had another idea oh actually and I didn’t even notice there’s another tree here we can actually connect it to both

Of these why the hell not that would look awesome actually and so I connected the platform up to both trees shocker I know okay so now with our platform added on what I actually want to do here is um yeah I just realized I need to actually

Remove uh most of what I just did God oh man I’m actually an idiot like I swear dude okay there we go there’s the outline now next what I want to do is just add some trap doors all the way around this just to expand our pathway

Out here it’ll kind of make sense in a minute just give me a second okay okay there we go that’s looking pretty good now what we need to go ahead and do is head down and grab a bunch of grass now unfortunately I don’t have a silk touch

Shovel yet so um yeah I do have it on my pickaxe though so uh yeah we’re gonna be doing this all right now let’s go see if this is enough grass uh hopefully it is it was not let’s go get some more okay if my calculations are correct this

Should be enough grass right there there we go hell yeah now with that done you might be asking what are we going to be planting here disruptive builds that’s so weird I don’t think I’ve ever actually said my like username in a video before um yeah we’re gonna be planting in some

Bamboo I think that’s gonna look kind of cool and it’s not gonna be just bamboo by itself I actually have an idea I don’t exactly know if it’s gonna work but we’re gonna see okay that should be plenty of bamboo there uh okay wow that is uh definitely not going to be enough

Bamboo I didn’t realize how expensive this actually was to make well given that bamboo does grow pretty quick so I guess it’s not expensive but uh yeah let’s go get some more okay and now with a bunch of bamboo let’s go ahead and see

If my idea is going to work so we’re of course just going to be planting a whole bunch of bamboo on this platform here and I thought the idea of adding in these bamboo fences to kind of break up you know the repetition of the regular bamboo might look cool you know like

Thicker stalks of bamboo we need one of these to freaking Grow there we go oh it’s yeah the color is just too different isn’t it I think we’ll just leave in maybe a couple of these yeah I mean from a distance it does look kind of cool they’re like you know just

Thicker different kind of stalks of bamboo or something okay and there we go that’s looking pretty good now I think we do need a couple of Lights in this bad boy so uh yeah well we could try adding the lanterns on top of these fences I don’t know if that would just

Look weird actually no I think that’s gonna look kind of cool to be honest it might you know maybe break the illusion that we’re trying to give where these are different kinds of bamboo but I don’t know I feel like it’s just gonna look cool once everything’s actually

Grown yeah I think that’s gonna look awesome once it actually grows in now I want to go quickly back to base to get some shears so we can actually Place some grass in these blank spots that I’ve left there so uh give me a second let’s fly back right now actually we

Don’t even have to go all the way back to base we can fly straight to the source of the iron the iron farm I don’t know how we’ve got a couple of blokes out here but um oh well still getting plenty of iron so that’s all good with

Me let’s make some shears and head back okay now that we’re back let’s add in some of this grass just to break up you know the uh boringness well not boringness but you know the repetition I guess of the bamboo okay now just for some added detail why don’t we just add

Like a couple of little bamboo piles around the place maybe some barrels or chests next to those two just to look like some storage or something maybe back here as well and let’s add another one maybe over on this side here and actually maybe instead of a chest Let’s

Do A Barrel just to keep the variety going you know and hell yeah there we go we’ve got like a nice little bamboo farming platform it’s kind of cool I don’t think I’ve ever seen a build like this before uh yeah kind of unique and original I guess but yeah this is how

Our tree house is looking so far I mean I didn’t really pick the best weather to Showcase it did I but at least the lights kind of uh you know make it stand out a bit nicer but yeah I think I want to Branch over this way we need to like

Lengthen it up a bit so I think it’s time to Branch over to maybe these three or these two trees and yeah so let’s get started Thank you okay and there’s our two new platforms added in with a nice like y separated bridge I think that’s pretty cool now over for this one let’s add in like something like this maybe like a big supporting pillar on the corner here and let’s do the same on the other Corners

As well I also decided to leave this nice Branch here just because I think it looks nice Definitely when you’re like walking past the bridge here just having like this Leaf Edge really close to you I don’t know it feels cool okay don’t question it okay now I want to see if

There’s a log in here I don’t think that is so what I want to do is maybe replace this Leaf here with a log and then let’s place a lantern on that hell yeah we got a nice little hanging Lantern there that’s awesome I feel like it isn’t far

Away enough from the ledge uh oh well we’re just gonna leave it okay now for this platform let’s add in a another couple of chests here then maybe let’s have two sets of shelves with the top here let’s add in a another set of chests like that and then maybe for the

Middle one let’s add in some barrels like that that looks kind of cool okay and then maybe on this side here let’s just add in another little mini bamboo Farm maybe just in this area here let’s slap our grass in that I just went ahead and grabbed before and now let’s just

Add in a bunch of our bamboo here oh my God that grew quickly what the hell and yeah that’ll look pretty nice once that’s fully grown in Jesus dude settle down this thing’s freaking grown like crazy oh and I think something else that might actually look

Nice maybe let’s add in like a little bracing kind of support like that on the top of the leaves here it also gives us a nice spot to maybe hang a lantern or two on as well okay and now as for our second platform over here honestly let’s

Just do another bamboo Farm I think we need a full one for over on this side as our other ones all the way over there and it’s just nice to have that like lushness you know add it in everywhere hell yeah that is looking awesome that’s

Gonna look so good when that grows in as well all right now I realize we’re lacking in you know the bed Department this isn’t going to be much of a village without any beds to sleep in so let’s quickly head back to base and get a couple of beds Okay now that we have a bunch of beds let’s go find some spots to add these in oh under here would definitely be a really nice spot for a couple of beds hell yeah oh yeah maybe on the side here maybe two like that yeah that looks nice

As now let’s just jump down to our second one over here maybe let’s add the beds on this side this time let’s go over to our newly created platform let’s find a spot hmm oh I know a cool spot let’s add one up here hell yeah that

Would be awesome and maybe let’s add some more under here as well oh yeah this is a nice little Lush spot for a bed or two hell yeah now I did manage to pick up six more eggs as well so let’s see if we can get another Chicken Boy

Here oh there we go we got one chicken boy V2 how’s it going man I don’t know how long he’s gonna stay up here for but um yeah all right and I think let’s add another platform going over to this tree as well the hell oh my God that scared

Me I’m like what the hell is spinning down there let’s go see what this guy has it’s probably pure trash oh he’s got slime balls uh other than that yeah sorry mate you’ve got Pure trash I don’t know what’s going on with this guy hey

What the hell dude uh yeah like I was about to say uh let’s actually create a new platform over on this tree over here so yeah let’s get started okay there’s our platform done and actually just came up with a really cool idea for this one

Uh which involves me flying back to the iron farm once again okay and I was thinking maybe like a water collector kind of tree would look cool you know a village has to have water somehow okay let’s just make a quick little infinite water source here let’s fill up all of

Our cauldrons here with some water of course and then let’s see if this works I want to remove some of the leaves above here and then I want to quickly place in some water and then the leaves and then hopefully that’s gonna drip come on drip you prick oh come on God

Damn it I thought that would drip through the leaves and look cool was that water in there it might have been in there oh there it is the drips yes okay I just placed the water inside the leaf instead of above the leaf oh my god

I’m an idiot Jesus Christ man there we go we got the cool drips there goes like all of the grass down below me God damn it but hell yeah we’ve got drips dripping into our dripper later hell yeah that looks so awesome now it looks like this is actually like you know

Collecting rain droplets through the leaves that is so cool dude now let’s just add this on to every single cauldron hell yeah that is awesome dude look at that okay and so with that our Treetop Village is now fully completed Gamers the new 1.20 update brings with it a

Brand new cherry blossom biome which I’m sure you already know about and in this episode we’re going to be building a village in one but first we need to find the biome itself now I have a couple of things I want to grab before we head off

On our journey with the first being some Crimson wood it pairs very nicely with the new cherry wood that we’ll also be using in our block palette so I want to bring a bunch of it with us oh [Applause] Jesus Christ dude oh my god dude I’m just here literally straight vibing I’ve

Never been jump scared worse than that in this goddamn game dude I’m not even kidding dude I swear what the hell did they actually finally fix this bug I had to come back just to check it out but let’s go through and look at this dude the portal doesn’t

Start waving in your face again when you come back what did they actually fix this that is insane dude I don’t know why I’m freaking out over such a small detail but dude that’s been in the game for so long man okay now that we have a

Whole crapload of this stuff it’s now time to stock up on fireworks for our journey as you can see I only have 38 left and I have no idea how long it’s going to take to find a cherry blossom biome so let’s head into the cave where

Creepers just love to seem spawning for some reason holy did you guys see that and let’s slaughter a bunch of them oh what the hell are the diamonds here I don’t even see that before oh yeah Four Diamonds can’t go wrong with that I haven’t seen a slime down here in a

Long time oh this actually gives me an idea for a build maybe in the future Dude I didn’t even know this but our whole massive cave area here actually goes down again into another massive cave dude look at the size of this thing oh yeah there’s definitely nothing of value down there so I’m not even gonna bother okay now with a crapload of fireworks uh

Hopefully that’s going to be enough all the blocks that we should need once again hopefully it’s gonna be enough we are now ready to start exploring and searching for the new cherry blossom biome and of course here’s the rain right on cue to make visibility even worse Actually I just came up with an idea that might work I have not done this in oh God knows how long I am very prepared to puke oh my god wow I can’t believe how bad this game looks by itself that is insane but at least it runs a whole

Lot better and we should be able to run it nice and smoothly with uh you know the max chunk render distance well hopefully that aids in US finding this freaking biome sooner I’ve been searching for literally like maybe one minute now you can you can tell how impatient I’m getting ready

Oh my god there it is I didn’t even realize dude it literally took only like a couple of minutes to find it what the hell I was expecting it to take so much longer oh my God it looks so much better with the shaders on dude Jesus remind me

Never to turn the shaders off ever again well hell yeah that honestly didn’t even take that long that took like only a couple minutes to find and we pretty much just went in a straight line from our base so it should be easy enough getting to and fro the base and here if

We need to get any extra resources and well now with the biome found now it’s time to scout out a nice location to uh you know build the village okay after flying up to this Vantage Point here I have decided where I want to build our cherry blossom Village and that’s what’s

Gonna be right here it’s a nice like you know semi-flat kind of area I think it’s going to work well and we can spread it up to the size if we want to or we can even just fill in a whole bunch more cherry trees along the sides there and

We’ve got a nice Vantage Point up here to check our placement and stuff so yeah location found now it’s time to start building or actually before we can start building we need to harvest some cherry trees because that’s going to be our main block for the actual houses of

Course so yeah let’s start actually you know chopping down some of these trees foreign chopped down I’ve gone ahead and just cleared out this area dude oh my God I swear the saplings for these trees are like increased drop rate or something because dude I think I chopped down

Maybe like six or seven trees and we have literally 50 saplings and I also planted all of these everywhere as well I don’t know if that’s bugged or I’m just like you know losing my mind but that’s kind of crazy like oh my god dude

Look at all of it over here as well well at least we don’t have to worry about saplings thankfully but yeah so like I was saying we cleared this area here so of course start building our first house and so this one is going to be our most

Basic and simple one so yeah let’s get started so this one’s going to be a simple five by five house here that’s not five by five there we go that’s how it should be and I will just say while I’m building this my good friend and expert Builder extra builds actually

Helped me come up with the designs for these bases so yeah credit goes to him as well alright so there’s the pillars added in and now let’s add in our front wall design here which is going to consist of some more logs and we’re actually going to be stripping these oh

Yeah that is a nice block dude that looks so good let’s go ahead and slap an upside down stair block there and we actually need to go ahead and also craft a door and let’s slap that on there now as for the roof it’s going to be this

Layer here and we’re actually going to be using our Crimson wood for the trim of these Rubes okay so there’s the roof done and for this build we’re actually going to be needing a special block yeah so we’re going to be using a pink stained glass panes for this which is

Going to look pretty nice uh hopefully let’s Chuck in the rest of our blocks here and then up here we’re also going to place them upside down stairs like so let’s also go ahead and strip those and there we go there’s our front wall done looking pretty nice I think we also will

Go ahead and hang some lanterns on the corners of all of these uh trims here for the roof and now let’s go ahead and add in all of our walls And hell yeah there we go there’s the exterior for our first little base pretty much done now let’s quickly head on to the inside and just add in a cute quick little interior here let’s just add in a nice floor and unfortunately I don’t have any wool for some beds let’s

See if we can share any of the local wildlife okay there we go we’ve got a couple of beds now let’s head back to our interior maybe let’s add the bed right in the middle here then beside it let’s place a furnace and then a chest maybe on top of

The Furnace let’s add in a lantern as well and yeah there’s nothing really too much that we can do on the interior here because it is so small so we’re probably just going to leave it at that and yeah there we go there’s our first most basic

House completed okay and now with a bunch more trees chopped down and a whole bunch more wood oh it’s actually yeah really not that much it’s time to start building our next house design and I will just quickly say the more that we Harvest these trees the more you know

Saplings I’m going to replant and yeah this whole biome should start looking a whole lot nicer the more trees that we chop down because I’m gonna make it you know a bit more of a dense forest honestly I don’t know how I feel about the vanilla Cherry biome Forest because

I don’t know it just feels too sparse like the trees are just too far apart I don’t know if that’s like you know accurate to the real life you know variant of this tree I don’t know dude but yeah so I’m just going to slowly carve the biome into something that I

Like which is you know a bit more of a densely populated Forest okay now let’s actually get started on our next house design which I think I might put maybe right here let’s clear out all of this grass here to make it a little bit flatter because this house is going to

Be a little bit longer than that one as well so we need a little bit more of an area foreign just before I start I completely forgot about this extra little detail that I was meant to add around the leaves here just to make them feel like they’re a little bit more contained

And hell yeah that’s looking so much nicer dude look at that just look at it okay now it’s time to actually start our next house so let’s start off of course with the pillars here actually I think I’m going to shift this over a little bit like that there we go let’s raise

These bad boys up and I may as well slap the roof on here as well while we’re at it Okay there’s our roof done we also added in this nice little section here which we’ll actually be doing something kind of cool with once we’ve gotten the walls done uh speaking of which uh let’s build them okay and there’s all of the exterior done except for a couple of

Little details that I want to add the first one of which we’re going to need to find some iron for so yeah give me a second oh there we go there’s some iron hell yeah okay let’s go grab that smelt it up and I’ll be back okay there we go

There’s our hanging signs created and so we’re actually going to head up here and place this right in this spot here uh what should we name this like humble abode oh my god dude they’re so small you currently fit a lot of text on them eh and something cool is you can

Actually put stuff on top of them oh okay okay I forgot you can edit them yeah you can actually put stuff on top of them like a lantern if I can place it there we go and yeah how cool does that look we’ve got a nice little Lantern on

Top of our sign there that is so cool okay now as for the interior let’s once again just replace all over the floor here with some slabs on this wall here let’s add our bed in and then maybe let’s put a chest and a barrel beside

That and let’s Chuck our Lantern on top of that Barrel as well and then maybe over here in this side let’s place in a furnace I think I want to get a couple more so let’s go find some readily available Stone over here okay now that

We have a couple of furnaces let’s go ahead and place these in here I think three is a decent amount there and yeah there we go there’s our pretty simple interior done I mean I’m not gonna go too crazy with the Interiors because we’re literally probably never going to

Be seeing these again but oh yeah there we go all done now with our two houses created let’s actually start making the pathway for our village and so this pathway is actually going to be a little bit different I was inspired by the flowers here and so we’re actually going

To be using these flowers to line our pathway and let’s just do a first little test in between these two houses because I don’t know how it’s actually going to look I think it would look nice with some coarse dirt in there as well I might end up actually finding some

Gravel nearby and uh just making some coarse dirt out of that but yeah that’s the basic idea behind our pathway okay there we go there’s our path actually done I actually just went ahead and grabbed some gravel from a nearby cave to make the course dirt and yeah

Actually think this pathway looks a whole lot better than just simply grass but yeah now with our pathway done it’s time to start building our next house design and I’ve basically run out of wood again so I’m gonna have to go ahead and just Harvest a bunch more trees so

Yeah just give me a second and I’ll be right back okay Gamers we’re back with a bunch more wood and it’s now time to start building our next house which I actually think I want to build up here so I’m going to quickly remove all of these uh saplings that I’ve planted

Before they actually grow into trees because yeah I feel like this is going to be a nice spot up here for this base or house I should say so yeah let’s flatten off this area real quick Okay and let’s start off by of course placing the pillars foreign and after placing in all of the pillars it was onto adding in all the wall designs I mean they’re pretty much the same as all the other houses we also got the roof added on this one having two

Separate roofs which I really love the look of Okay and there we go there’s the exterior of the house fully completed I accidentally made this uh top area one block Too Tall but uh yeah we’re just not gonna talk about it and so the final little addition here is just slapping on another hanging sign onto this block

Here what should we call this one I don’t know maybe DD’s Shack oh yeah that looks nice now once again as for the interior Outlets of course just go ahead and clear out the floor here replace it with some slabs now let’s Chuck our bed in right here beside that let’s place a

Crafting table maybe a chest as well and then over on this side let’s just place in our three furnaces with maybe a chest beside that and a lantern there too oh and I almost forgot we need to put our Lantern on this block of the house here

I don’t know what made me remember that but uh yeah there we go oh and that one as well what the hell how did I miss that too Jesus Christ man bang There we go okay so there’s our third house all done but you know I’ve kind of showed

You all the different house designs here so now I think I’m gonna go ahead and just do a time lapse for the rest of all of the houses that we’re gonna add in honestly don’t know how far we’re gonna go but uh yeah we’ll see so yeah let’s

Get started with the time lapse right now Thank you okay Gamers and there’s our town coming along nicely so far now it’s time to add in a few little details that I want to add in starting off over here at this nice little spot right here I want to add in a little bit of a pond design so

Let’s get started firstly I’m going to make a quick little infinite water source right here then I actually want to go ahead and remove all of the bottom blocks here and replace them with some sand because I feel like that’s going to look like a nice kind of like ground for

Our pond I don’t know it might end up looking weird but we’ll see Foreign I feel like we need a little secondary like kind of dip down into the pond here so let’s do maybe that maybe a little bigger yeah that looks nice now let’s start filling it up with some water All right and there we go there’s our pond filled up with water now it’s time to start adding in a couple of little decorations uh of which I need to grab another one just give me a second here of course when it starts raining it looks like it’s time for another

Building in the rain with disruptive segment that’s right at least it fits the theme of the build you know rain and water equals the same you know all right so the first detail we’re going to add around here is just a couple of stone slabs just for some nice extra little

Detail I guess now I have some seagrass as well let’s just scatter those around kind of in like clumps maybe along the edges I feel like that’ll look nice maybe in the middle here as well that’s actually bone Mill maybe two pieces because it definitely looks nice having

Them you know like touching the surface I would love to have lily pads but I have no idea where a swamp is uh so yeah that’s okay and now let’s just add some sugar canes around this as well just kind of evenly spaced apart and yeah I

Think that looks good and now for the Final Touch let’s add some flowers around all of this as well just kind of broken up oh also that reminds me I feel like I should probably mention this but I decided to change the pathway instead of making it you know just solid flowers

Literally along all of the sides which I didn’t really like the look at that very much I decided to actually break it up and make those flowers a little bit more like kind of scattered and randomly placed I feel like that looks a lot nicer instead of just you know a

Freaking float of flowers everywhere man so I’m going to do kind of the same thing with the pond here and I also want to have a pathway that leads into our pond maybe like to this area of it so let’s actually start adding that in real

Quick right now okay maybe not the whole pond because it’s going to kind of link up to this pathway and just kind of look weird so I just kind of ended it off over there oh and actually I just came up with a really neat idea for an extra

Little detail which I think will look nice I need a couple of grass blocks so uh yeah let’s grab those now in the middle right here let’s create another little island like this just something super small like that and then let’s actually go ahead and make a tiny little

Custom tree here I think this is going to look pretty cool okay so there’s our branches pretty small and here’s our handy dandy Pro tip as well whenever you’re building like a custom tree like this the easiest way to make it look nice is pretty much just cover every

Single face of the branch here with some leaves that’s like my hidden tactic for building any kind of custom tree the easiest way possible literally just cover every single exposed face of the branches and then you’re pretty much golden mate okay and that is looking pretty good but I think it’s a little

Bit too bushy so I think I’m gonna remove some of these bottom ones like this and that’ll also allow us to hang a lantern underneath that too maybe let’s add one on this side as well actually I think that’s too many let’s get rid of that one and hell yeah that’s looking

Awesome we got a nice custom little Cherry a blossom tree in here now another thing I want to add real quick is just like a custom small little bench at the end of this pathway let’s just grab some signs and add those on here too actually I think this will look

Better if it’s actually like you know facing the pond instead of the pathway hell yeah that’s awesome when this just gave me another little idea as well let’s actually add in a very small dock here let’s actually have this final one be like that and so it dips down into

The water yeah I think that looks better all right well we can actually use these fences to just add some quick little lamp posts around the sides of this as well just to brighten up the area I think it’s going to look quite nice let’s add one over here this side the

Bench too oh yeah now we have a nice little kind of town center area which looks really nice okay and for the next detail I want to add some little market stalls up here in this blank area so let’s maybe start off with a actual Market stall over on this side here

Let’s actually make that a little bit smaller we’re going to add a bit of a table in here then let’s have some fences that come up and we’ll add some more fences on the back here as well then let’s jump up here and add on some stairs like this let’s maybe have slabs

In between those and then more stairs on top of here and then let’s maybe do that and leave like a little Gap in the roof does that look weird let’s see yeah it kind of does actually and I think we need to get our trim Block in there as

Well our same block that we used the Crimson wood that’s what it’s called let me go grab some of that okay let’s replace this with our Crimson wood and see how it looks all right let’s take a step back once again and uh wow it looks somehow worse wow I was not expecting

That okay that’s better but it’s still kind of looking weird why does it look so weird guys tell me now please help me okay let’s try replacing these fences with some logs oh my God even just everything I do is making it worse man what the hell is happening come here in

Okay let’s try the let’s try the leaves with the old roof design oh my God this is frustrating me man that just does not work what is going on okay there we go there’s the design that I ended up settling on here so I ended up stripping

All of this wood and changing all of this back just to the regular cherry wood just because the colors were clashing a little bit too much and also added the leaves back in here as well I think that looks pretty good now let’s go ahead and repeat that design maybe

Over here I don’t think I want to have too many of these and I think I want to mainly have like these tables let’s uh add in a design just for reference just like that and let’s connect them up with some slabs and then we’ll add some

Little decorations on top of there of which I of course do not have any so we’re gonna have to go probably mine some clay I might actually go do that uh real quick right now okay now we’re back with some decorative blocks let’s go ahead and start adding

In some stuff here let’s start off with a cherry sapling inside of a pot and then beside that let’s place an extinguished campfire now over here on this table let’s maybe add in a couple of pot plants this time let’s change it up let’s maybe Chuck it as your blue it

In that one and an oxide Daisy over here let’s actually remove this block here and replace it with a barrel and let’s Chuck a lantern on top of that as well that’s going to look nice now over here in this little Gap let’s add in a little

Bit of a barrel kind of like storage pile thing yeah that looks nice I think it needs an extra chest maybe there yeah okay and a campfire let’s Chuck another it’s like another another campfire there okay that’s looking good now let’s just add similar things like that into a

Couple of other strategically placed locations like maybe over here let’s just add something super simple like that and let’s also actually Branch off our pathway here and add one in to all of the market here so let’s Branch it off over here and maybe bring it over

This way and let’s also just add in a little bit of some a light flowering around this area as well well and yeah that’s looking nice let’s maybe add in a little bit of a lamp post here as well so let’s actually do this and strip that

Up here let’s add in a slab and then some trap doors coming away from those and then let’s add some lanterns on top of that oh yeah that’s looking nice oh actually I completely forgot to add a detail onto here as well let’s add our last flower pot here with an oxide Daisy

Inside hell yeah and then around this I think I want to add in some flowers like that I think that looks pretty nice now I feel like we just have too many flowers around the place here let’s maybe cut down on the flowerage a little

Bit all right and so there we go that pretty much does it for the entire Village and this episode Gamers I’m most on my Jesus Christ dude get away from me you little gremlin ah Gamers I’m most known for my underground bass designs I mean I’ve made what like 10 tutorials at this

Point just shut up I like them okay so today I’m going to create a brand new secret underground base design with a trading Hall massive storage areas a secret entrance and more let’s get started alright so first up I need to figure out the location for this base

And I was thinking I kind of want it to be an extension of my main base here so why not just make it directly under this and so that means I’ll need to find a secret entrance spot to uh you know get down into the base so let’s hunt around

For a couple of potential spots now we could do something here like maybe like it reveals like a whole big staircase down but I honestly I have no idea how to do something that complex so maybe over here in this spot we could maybe make some of these get pulled back by

Pistons and maybe it like reveals a ladder down there or something that’d be kind of cool so yeah I think we’re gonna make probably this spot right here as our secret entrance so let’s actually make a couple of sticky pistons real quick while I’m making those Pistons I

Just wanted to quickly mention my wife has now started a YouTube channel Go show her some support link is in the description alright back to the video now let’s actually go ahead and just remove some of these blocks here and see what we’re working with well actually so

Our Pistons are going to have to be on this block so what we might have to do is actually Maybe cover up this block as well because this is going to be a piston right here so let’s actually maybe grab another composter real quick now I know we don’t really need to make

Any of this hidden I just kind of like doing it I do like making Redstone stuff from scratch I find it to be you know pretty fun so you know why the hell not okay now with our repeater and our torch let’s go ahead and place a block here

And oh actually what if we do this instead let’s do that and see that should power both of them yes it does awesome now we just need to figure out a way to toggle these pistons on and off that isn’t like the most obvious thing

You know like a button just out in the middle of nowhere oh actually I just had an idea let’s try this actually let’s grab some trap doors and let’s make a lever as well okay let’s go ahead and replace these blocks here oops Jesus okay I did not mean to destroy that

Let’s replace the ground blocks here with some trap doors so it kind of just looks like normal ground we’ll go ahead and actually replace this side as well just so it matches and so in here we’ll actually be able to access our lever so that we can toggle the Pistons on and

Off I think that’ll work nicely and hell yeah so that works perfectly if we just flick this lever to turn it on or to turn it off rather so now it’s back in its normal position and then we flick the lever again and it opens it up and

We’ll have a ladder that leads down here into our secret base hell yeah all right so let’s grab a bunch of ladders and start adding them in here so we can actually get down and what I think I might do as well is actually reveal some

Blocks here so that we can access the lever from this side and close it back up if we wanted to and I need to figure out where the lever is okay and of course it was on the Block I just destroyed and I messed everything up that is awesome dude let’s place that

Back on there and let’s get our lever back as well now once we come down the ladder we can just easily come over here and close it back up behind us even though you know no one’s in this world to come down and follow me but uh it’s

The thought that counts you know alright so yeah now let’s keep going down with our ladder I don’t know exactly how far down I want to go with this and yeah that seems good and so now it is time to start Excavating a massive area that

We’ll need for the base of course so yeah roll the time lapse Okay Gamers I’ve just gone ahead and grabbed a whole bunch of stuff that we’re going to be using to fill up all of our newly excavated interior here and so first up I actually want to grab these Spruce trap doors and start removing these blocks here and actually

Replacing them with some Spruce trap doors now unfortunately you can’t do this on Bedrock which kind of sucks but I’m going to be utilizing it because I’m on the absolute Chad Java version here and now yeah that’s just like a nice looking ladder it also takes up a little

Less room as well and yeah so now it is time to start with one of our rooms and I think I want to start with the uh the loot or the treasure room which is where all of these blocks are going to come into play so let’s start off by grabbing

Out some of our spruce logs here and I will just say I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to lay out any of this because I haven’t done any pre-planning whatsoever usually I would do a little bit of pre-planning and just have a

General idea of what I want to do but uh yeah that is not the case here today okay so yeah starting off we’re going to be placing all of these pillars around everywhere this is just something that I love doing in pretty much all of my underground bases as it’s a really nice

And easy way to kind of lay out things we’re also going to place in this nice little Arch design as well in between our pillars here just to link them together we also need to figure out how we want to do our lights I do have a

Couple of shrim lights that I got from the previous episode and I think something that could be cool is just placing them in the middle of the room here in the ceiling like this and I think to make them look nicer I’m going to quickly head back up and grab some

Stone real quick okay and I just went ahead and made some Stone stairs and I’m going to try adding these in on kind of the ends like this maybe let’s also expose these sides and do the same and maybe even the corners too let’s see how

That looks and yeah I think that looks pretty cool I kind of like that design let’s go ahead and just add this to the other light as well and hell yeah that looks pretty cool it just exposes more of the light and it looks kind of cool

Okay so now let’s grab some of our detailing blocks here so starting off right here at the back let’s place in three stairs like this let’s actually make these end ones kind of curved so they uh you know look like that let’s grab some of our armor stands and place

Those in now I just want to grab some of our random pieces of armor oh okay that did not do what I wanted it to do there we go let’s just Place some of those on randomly like that and that pretty much does it for all of our Enchanted armor

That we had next I think in these sections to the sides here let’s just place in some chests like this let’s do the same on this side as well and yeah so let’s uh Place some item frames on the front of all of these chests and put

Some of these into them and yeah now in these ones let’s maybe just add in some of our blocks that we have here let’s go with maybe a couple of iron blocks let’s go with some gold ones maybe a diamond one up here and let’s Chuck two Emerald

Ones in there too and then I actually saved these ones because I think maybe let’s add some over here next to our armor stands that’s kind of cool I actually like that that’s all right I feel like we need a helmet we need one of those to have a helmet let’s just go

In chain one real quick and yeah let’s just Chuck that on the middle one there that looks pretty nice and yeah so there we go that’s our kind of loot room I think what I want to do now is actually add a checkered pattern into the floor

Of this whole place probably just to kind of be like a pathway that kind of lines the place I think it’ll look nice Okay and there we go there’s our checkered floor added in I think that looks pretty nice and it also kind of renders the factor that I spent like 20 minutes freaking getting all of this carpet I don’t know why I thought I was going to use carpet but uh yeah oh well

And yeah so there we go that pretty much marks our loot room all done I think it looks pretty nice we’ve got like the blocks that kind of showcase our worth you know and then we have our armor showcase as well and I will just say

This loot room was inspired by a loot room created by extra builds in his survival world I thought it looked pretty nice and it inspired me to make this whole video actually okay now for the next section let’s start working on our massive R storage area so once again

We’re going to add in the same pillar design to keep the design consistent across all of the different areas of the base here what the hell did you see it there’s a man in my house get out of here mate get out get out oh Jesus

Christ okay settle down okay and so yeah for this area we’re actually gonna have to excavate a couple more blocks in here for each section as we’re of course going to be adding in a bunch of chests now I don’t really have a use for any of

These uh chests you know I haven’t even used like half of the ones that are upstairs uh but you know when the time comes we’ll have the extra storage readily available all right and there we go then we’ll just go ahead and slap our top little design on here and yes I’m

Pretty much just going to repeat this exact thing in every single section all right and there we go there’s all of our chests added in and that leads us to the back wall here of which I want to add in my signature Leaf design um oh wow give me a second let’s improve

This real quick there we go much better oh actually I just realized this isn’t going to work I wanted to add a table here but this is going to be too close to the table so that we can’t actually place things on it because I want to add

This surrounding you know design that I always do so hmm we need to figure something else out oh and I actually just got a pretty cool idea grab out the shears so that we can remove these and actually go craft something real quick that should work we’re going to grab two

Of these bad boys place them in the corners here and then let’s place the oak leaves like this and that way it kind of looks like some house plants hell yeah that’s kind of cool now as for our table let’s actually mimic the same one that we did over here and then on

Here I just want to go ahead and add on a bunch of flower pots and some flowers in all of those of course although I feel like it’s lacking up here we definitely need something up here let’s maybe try adding in some barrels like that and then let’s also Place through

Slab like that and then some Spruce trap doors coming away from that and hell yeah that looks awesome I love the way that looks nice and Lush kind of looks like a little mini like Greenhouse kind of area even but yeah there we go there’s our storage wing of the secret

Underground base all done all right so once again turning to the left to our third section we’re going to be adding in a villager trading haul in this one because I have not really set up anything like that yet in my area and it would definitely be very helpful so

Let’s just kind of lay in a bit of a framework here for the trading kind of stalls I guess and we might even be able to make this two stories high if we needed to but I think I’ll just leave it as one story for now and we’ll make it

Two stories in the future if we need to so yeah let’s uh dig these out each in by one block like this so that the you know the villagers can actually sit in there and then for now I think a nice design for the top area is placing in

Some stairs like this and then let’s Place some more logs up here and actually strip all of those I think that’s a nice little design to add in let’s also go ahead and add in our light designs oh my god dude that scared the crap out

Of me why do I I dude I swear I get jump scared and every single one of these videos I make like oh my God there’s more spawning I don’t know why that just gave me goosebumps dude why do I keep getting Goosebumps so much like this

Game isn’t even supposed to be scary and I’m out here getting scared like man I’m I’m a full grown man and I’m getting scared in like a literal children’s video game dude what is wrong with me okay there’s our lights added in you might be able to hear my cat meowing in

The background but uh you know should be right and yeah so now this is pretty much ready to bring all of our villagers down that we want and we can just block them in by placing their job site block right here and then we’ll be able to

Trade with each one of those I think I’ll go ahead and probably do that as a time lapse at the end of this video just because uh you know I’m in a building mood I don’t feel like karting Villages at the moment and I just want to get our

Last section done and also these Corner areas as well I don’t know what I’m gonna do in these probably just something decorative but uh you know I’ll figure that out and yeah so now moving on to our final section over here let’s once again of course add in our

Pillar designs and I think for this side what I have in mind is actually actually just doing these Corner pillars like this because I want to actually just add in a giant smelting area over here just something like this and I feel like just having that open like this will look

Pretty nice now let’s add in a supporting shelf design under these we’ll just alternate between slabs and trap doors like so and then we’ll of course need to add in a whole bunch of decorative things on top of all of these furnaces so let’s just place in a couple

Of pots like that and I think even a nice detail to add to here would be a stone button on top of that not there what the hell on top of the Furnace there oh okay dude this cat I swear to God look guys okay I’ll let him in right

Now I’m going to record it as well on my phones give me a second all right guys here we are peep this set up boys okay we’ve got the triple wide monitor set up here we’ve got my professional layout for the base that we’re currently making

See we got the loot room the chest the trading Hall and the crafting and smelting area under this just turned into a whole setup tour now yeah we’ve got the main monitor right here and then the Discord I’m probably gonna have to blur that because

Um yeah I don’t want to leak stuff okay over here we’ve got the mic set up this thing’s pretty good very expensive I must I might add over here we’ve got the Crusty headphones that are you know peeling it’s just the way it is we’ve got the empty bottle of milk for the

Baby we’ve got the tissues okay they said I was jerking off with this that’s not the case okay and I actually thought that this was lotion but it’s actually hand sanitizer so shut up and uh yeah it is very messy don’t judge me okay also back here we’ve got our you know sound

Dampening foam we’ve got curtains as well to make the audio even better there we go I can kind of zoom out there so you can see the scale of the curtains let’s uh open this bad boy up we’ve got my absolutely goated plaque here okay and then the cat should still be here

Let’s see yep there he is hey big kitty how’s it going now see I’ll let him in and if I close this door and go back to recording he’ll want to go straight back out I’m just going to sit here and wait for that to happen Okay okay we’re back and I

Completely forgot what I was doing I think I was adding lights in yes yep and there is I don’t know if you can hear him but he already wants to go back out oh my God he’s at the door right now I’m gonna let him back out God damn it man

This cat and I just opened the door and then he comes back in I swear to he cats man I just I don’t understand him sometimes you know how it is okay there’s our lights added in let’s go ahead and start adding in our crafting stuff over on this side so

Firstly I think I’m going to want to add some barrels in the tops here it’s a nice way to take up space and then down below I think I want to add in you know our crafting blocks of which I don’t really have many of so let’s grab a

Crafting table over here beside that maybe let’s place in a grindstone and face it the right way and I think a stone cutter beside that is going to look pretty nice so let’s go up and make one of those real quick Okay there we go there’s our stone cutter let’s whack that in hell yeah now let’s also add in a bit of a supporting shelf here I think I might actually make it closely match the one over there just so it matches and now in here I want to

Add in a uh a bit of a what is it Brewing area that’s it let’s place in our table designs first of which we’re gonna have to do something like that so there we go now unfortunately I only have one brewing stand I’m pretty sure I

Got more I just don’t know where they are they’re in something somewhere in here like probably in my other base or something I don’t know I’ll find the other one and put it in here later don’t even worry about it I mean let’s be real I’m gonna forget and now instead of

Putting a cauldron which I like a lot of people do for some reason uh we’re instead just gonna put in a water source like this that way it never runs out it doesn’t look as good but you know at least it’s more functional okay and now

For the back area here I think I want to do something kind of like that but something different and killing that Enderman before actually just gave me an idea okay and here’s my idea we’re gonna place in a grass block with an azalea on it okay hell yeah and now just for some

More decorations for this area I think maybe some cherry leaves up here could look kind of nice maybe I don’t know or they even make this little effect dude I didn’t even know that what the hell that’s so cool now I don’t actually know

What I want to do in these other areas I think probably The Logical idea is just to place some more grass blocks with some flowers and stuff so let’s go back up to the surface and get a couple more grass blocks okay let’s add those in here let’s also cover up the exposed

Little dirt part of the grass block here with some trap doors just to make it look a little nicer and then let’s grab our grass pieces here just to add those in and then a corn flour and a dandelion over there although I think a little bit

Of just some extra stuff is needed here just to make it look a little less Bland like a lantern there maybe behind it let’s add in a textured pattern of stone bricks and yeah just that simple checkered pattern of stone bricks makes it look a little bit more interesting

And I think this area looks pretty nice now and as for this area I think we need another pot plant on top of that crafting table let’s Chuck that in and add in a dandelion to that and then let’s also add another checkered pattern behind here and also over here as well

Just because I feel like it needs it and hell yeah there we go we’re now done with our four main sections of the base well except for this one um yeah once again we’ll get to that at the end of the video and now it’s just time for

These Corner areas over here of which I think I’m gonna first add in a pillar like this and that’ll allow us just to play some things beside that then I think maybe on this side here let’s place a jukebox here we can play our one

Disc that we have that is yeah this crap God damn it man oh what the hell since when do jukeboxes like you know make this little animation what the hell that’s kind of cool uh yeah okay let’s stop playing that let’s maybe make a another chest real quick so that we can

Store our uh music at discs hopefully we do get more of those in the future and now maybe on this side here let’s just add in a little table design like that and I think something that’s going to look really nice is just adding leaves

In the tops of all of these areas and I think oak leaves is gonna look the best which means I need to go get some because I have none so give me a second and I’ll be right back okay now I do need some more pot plants for this part

So I just went ahead and got some clay here and I’m just gonna smelt this up real quick over here now while we’re waiting for that we might as well just start on our next areas oh also I forgot I got the oak leaves let’s add those in

To every section I think that’s going to look pretty nice oh my god of course we are for short God damn it man and there we go okay now for our next area over here let’s go ahead and replace these four blocks here with some grass blocks then let’s grab our water

Buckets damn it I forgot to use the other one okay let’s go back up and get some freaking water it is nearest water source you little little bastard okay let’s just make a quick and dirty uh infinite little water source over here and then behind here let’s actually

Place in some water and that will allow us to place some sugar cane on these blocks and these will grow up and just perfectly cover up this entire wall and I think that’s gonna look pretty cool now in the opposite corner we’re going to do a pretty similar thing so let’s

Replace these blocks here with some more grass blocks wherever they have gone there they are this time we won’t be needing any water because we’re going to be planting some bamboo there instead yes that’s gonna look cool and now as for our final little corner over here I

Think we’ll just do another simple little table design like this and then we’ll just put some random stuff on there maybe like some extinguished campfires let’s do one there now let’s uh grab out some of our bricks here and actually make some more pot plants now let’s just place in some random flower

Pots everywhere hell yeah that looks nice and now the last thing that I think we need in here is just some more lights in this area just to brighten everything up a little more so I’m just going to go ahead and quickly add those in right now

Okay and there we go there’s all of our lights added in hell yeah that looks awesome dude and yeah so there we go that pretty much does it for everything down here that I wanted to add in of course except for our Villages which I think I’ll just go ahead and bring them

All down here right now okay so what I’ve actually gone ahead and done is just gotten two Villages from our existing Village up over there and I’ve just brought them down here and kind of enclosed them in this area and so I’m just gonna Chuck a bunch of beds down in

Here so that they can breed and I will eventually just you know sort them out and put them into their things so yeah don’t worry about that I’ll get that done probably just in my own time because you know it’s probably the most boring thing you could ever watch Gamers

Living on an island is one of the most luxurious things you can do it means you have a house lots of money and time all of which I don’t have so let’s pretend we do by Transforming Our very own Island in Minecraft now Gamers you’ll be delighted to hear that I’m trying a

Completely different theme of building for this video I do have a tiny bit of experience with this theme but it will still pose quite the challenge which should make things uh interesting but that also means we need some different kinds of blocks to build with sandstone and Bricks so let’s get harvesting Okay and now with all of our stuff finally obtained in these shulker boxes here I also just grabbed a bunch of dirt just in case if I need to expand the island or anything like that I’ve also repaired some of my tools and you know we’ve got the fireworks we’ve got

Everything we should hopefully need to find a suitable Island to build on and transform so yeah it is time to take to the skies and find the perfect Island let’s get started Oh okay I think this one is it this one looks perfect it’s a pretty decent size I should be able to fit the uh quite a large build that I want to put on this bad boy so yeah I think location has been found Hell yeah all right and so

Now it is time to terraform the island and a it up a little bit we’re also gonna have to trim back a bunch of these trees so yeah let’s get started doing that right now After trimming away all those trees I then flattened and prepared the area for our build and then I just dived right into building so right now I’m laying out all of the pillars first and you might be able to tell that this will be a bit of a complex build and then I

Started raising up all of the pillars and adding our wall designs in between some of those as well next it was on to adding in the side roof designs which is where the bricks come in and I also added in a central balcony to break up

The roofs a bit heading up a bit higher I added in some more pillars and created the topmost roof and finally I added in the rest of the roof around the back of the build and also added some finishing touches like buttons and Archway designs okay and

There we go that pretty much marks the completion of the exterior of the house obviously we do have the interior to work on but I’m going to get back to this a little bit later because I want to start creating uh you know the rest of the stuff for the island the first

Thing of which is going to be kind of like a supporting wall that’s going to run like maybe along this way I’m not exactly sure how I want to lay it out but uh yeah we’re pretty much just gonna figure it out so yeah I’m thinking we uh

Just extend the dirt out like this and so along the sides here we’ll have like these pillars we’ll repeat a similar kind of Archway design that we’ve employed at there like that maybe or actually we might even do that a little bit lower so that we can cover up the

Dirt so the inside of all the dirt here I think might be Sandstone I think that’s going to look pretty nice and then above that let’s put some more cut sandstone and then I’ll probably put Spruce fences and fence gates in between that I think that’ll look pretty nice

And then yeah so I’m thinking all of this dirt is actually going to be Sandstone so yeah we’ll probably start the dock actually here and we’ll just continue it out this way maybe like out one more like that and then for the end here let’s just add in some more pillars

Like this I have it nice and wide like that that’s pretty nice and then yeah we’ll raise all that up to be the same height there and then we’ll continue the wall over down this way and we’ll maybe even add in a staircase and uh yeah so

Once again I’m gonna do that as a time lapse right now so firstly I raised everything up to the correct height and you might be able to tell what I’m going for here which is like a Spanish style Harbor kind of thing I then extended the

Pillars and walls off to the right just behind the little beach thing we’ve got going on here and I also expanded that beach a little bit as well and then it was onto adding in details like lanterns and fences and fence gates Now heading on to this area over here I cleared out the area and replaced the ground with stone and yeah I have no idea what I’m gonna do here to be honest and finally I added some finishing details everywhere like barrels and chests okay and there we go there’s a lot of

The exterior done and actually taking a look at this from over here this looks awesome dude I don’t know about you guys but this looks really good like it’s been a while since I’ve built in like a completely different style and I’m very glad I have done that because yeah it

Looks awesome so yeah we added in this massive like Harbor kind of style thing where it’s like supporting the island or whatever I also went ahead and added in a bunch of these decorations everywhere in these little archways it just looks really nice having like you know barrels

And logs and stuff in there just adds a little bit of liveliness but yeah I do have a bunch of ideas for some other things that I want to add to this island uh and yeah we’re gonna have to go back to base to grab some items so yeah let’s

Quickly head back to base oh Sunday it will something something I don’t know the words to the song God damn it yeah boys out of jungle wood we’re gonna have to go get some jungle wood Even Flow thoughts around Foreigners now that we’re back at the island I think what I want to go ahead and do next is uh probably just clear out all of the trees and crap from this area and turn this into a nice crop farm so yeah let’s Once Again Begin removing

A whole bunch of trees well right on cue just as I get started uh planning to do a time lapse here’s the rain to uh Mega visibility 100 times worse we’ll probably just do one of those time lapses where I’m you know cutting between dropping down different trees you know what I’m saying

Oh my you piece of command all right now with our area cleared out let’s go ahead and add a pathway that will run through our Fields over this way and so I think I want this to maybe stem from this path here I think that’ll look pretty nice all right so let’s

Start our path here we’re going to have slabs that come down and we’ll have our life pathway uh maybe let’s actually bring this around and we’ll make that into sandstone just like that that’s pretty good and yeah now we’re pretty much just going to continue this path uh

Maybe over to the right this way and then we’ll come down here and probably end it somewhere over there uh so yeah I’m just gonna do that real quick right now all right and there’s the pathway added in just start you know a super simple pathway nothing too crazy going

On here and yeah now I’m pretty much just going to fill up all of the sides here with some crops so yeah let’s do that right now as well oh my God what is that brother is that an invisible spider dude I remember this from like one of my

Other videos what the hell is that dude what the f that is so weird All right and there’s our big sprawling crop Farm added in and now I want to go ahead and just add in a few little details like some barrels and composters around the place I think a really nice spot for one would be down here maybe in this little in Cove thing let’s remove

Those and then place in some barrels and a composter might as well also Chuck in a lantern on top of that bad boy as well now let’s maybe head around over this way over Yonder maybe let’s remove these ones and do the same thing right here

Smack a lantern on oh that’s not a lantern what the hell it’s Maca Lantern on that bad boy and maybe let’s add one up here as well oh yeah that looks awesome all right well yeah there’s our farm done we pretty much just need to wait for this to grow so it actually

Looks nice and now it’s time to move on to the next thing that being some palm trees let’s go ahead and add a couple of those around the island I think it’ll help make it look uh extra nice so I think for the first one let’s just add

It maybe right I don’t know let’s actually get a bit of an aerial shot here just to see where it would look nice yeah probably right about here let’s just do it there okay let’s get rid of that bad boy and let’s start adding on our jungle logs like this now

Palm trees can be pretty hard to do and uh get looking right so yeah I’ll kind of make this a little tutorial as I go why not yeah we’re adding in like a bit of a leaning kind of shaped tree here and we’re going to add some leaves on

Like this then let’s extend it off in the uh in each Direction here and then on the corners let’s make them uh you know just like that I don’t really know how to explain it to be honest then stemming away from all of these we’re

Going to add in some leaves kind of like this now right now it does look kind of weird um Jesus Christ okay I think we need to change this a little probably make that like kind of join a little bit higher up there I’m gonna trample my goddamn crops

God now we need to crack out the old scaffolding okay and now from here we’re going to add in a leaf like that and we’re going to do the same thing and this time this one’s gonna go down by two blocks like that and uh yeah now

We’re just going to do the same thing on every single side here okay so there’s all of our like straight ones now we need to add in some diagonal ones and so those are simply going to be placed like this we’re going to remove those ones

And then they’re just going to go down like that and that’s pretty much it so yeah let’s slap those onto every single section all right and there we go there’s our completed palm tree I will just say it does look way better with the better leaves add-on there we go so

That’s with the add-on on it yeah the joins look a little bit more connected you know because it’s got the big bushy leaves so it just it looks way better with the leaf add-on and yeah so there we go there’s our first palm tree I might go around and just maybe add some

Along here and of course I’ll do that as a time lapse so yeah let’s get started right bloody now light All right next what I think I’m gonna do is actually get rid of these details that I’ve added in this area because I’ve come up with a bit of a different idea and that idea is to add some table and chairs into this area I don’t know

What it’s meant to be maybe like I don’t know like a dining area and maybe this is like a big restaurant or something honestly I have no idea what I’m even building at this point so just don’t ask okay so these are going to be the chairs here they’re just simply some slabs

Surrounded by some signs like this and then smack bang in the middle let’s add in um how are we going to do a table maybe let’s do a fence with a uh maybe a pressure plate on top I think that’s probably going to look the best and then

I want to have kind of like a cover over this I don’t know exactly uh you know I don’t seem to know a lot about this build okay but yeah I just want like a nice kind of like leafy coverage of this I don’t know how to explain it and I

Don’t know how I’m gonna build it so yeah let’s just start slapping some fences down like this actually I want to use Oak fences just to differentiate from the table and chairs well actually maybe something like this could oh it’s gonna join up God damn it you little

Prick well never mind I can’t do that let’s try something like this at the back here foreign that was my cat he wants to get out God damn it all right I’m coming cat I’m letting you out I’ll give him five minutes and he’ll be screaming at the

Door wanting to come back in I guarantee it okay continuing on let’s head up here up our scaffolding and add a bit of like a leaf roof to this thing now the only thing I don’t really like is how much area one seating thing takes up but I

Think it looks pretty nice I actually do like the look of that but something that I feel like it needs is maybe some like kind of uh containment of the leaves so let’s try surrounding it with some trap doors and some signs as well and yeah that’s looking pretty cool I really like

That one thing that we do need though is maybe to remove this and replace it with something else or even maybe if we do that that would look cool and put a lantern on that bad boy hell yeah that is awesome dude I really like that and

So yeah I there we go I guess that’s our first seating area done now I’m just gonna pretty much repeat this same design in a bunch of other places and so yeah let’s uh let’s just do that right now oh God damn it I’m an idiot oh well

All right so yeah I think just two covered areas like that will look nice and then maybe over here we can just have some uncovered areas okay there we go there’s our seating area all done I don’t know exactly what I’m gonna do maybe down here it’s a very challenging

Build uh definitely when you don’t have any experience really building something quite in this style also I think what’ll look nice is that continuing this Sandstone path throughout the stone I think that’s definitely going to look great so let’s quickly add that in as well yeah just something super simple

Like that just continuing the pathway on it definitely kind of keeps the consistency going I guess all right now what I think this is lacking in is just a little bit of extra decoration I think we need to add some little things in between all of these maybe some barrels

And I have a little bit of an interesting idea for something I don’t know if it’s going to look good but let’s just try and then we’ll put some water in there and it’s just kind of like a I don’t know some water I don’t

Know what it’s meant to be but I think it looks cool and then maybe over here let’s put a barrel and a composter maybe to look like you know an empty version of that water thing you know it’s just a big bucket we’ll slap a lantern on that

Bad boy too all right next I think we need like a fence that kind of encompasses this area I don’t know it feels just too like open and uh yeah so I think some Oak fences will look good for this just to contrast all of the spruce that we’ve been using and yeah

There we go just something like that just kind of contains the area a little better I’m happy with leaving it open over there just because I don’t want it to be too contained you know and yeah now I don’t know I feel like we need like a dock down here or something that

Extends out a little further I don’t know if it’s going to be too much because we already kind of have this dock here so maybe let’s just experiment with the idea and see how it looks alright so starting off let’s head down here I think this is going to be a

Pretty small Dock and I want it to be in line with the water here so let’s start adding it in like this and then let’s make the classic u-shape that I always add in for like my boat docks maybe let’s cap off the ends with some trap

Doors instead just to make it look a little more interesting and yeah literally just something super simple like that let’s go make a quick little Oak to put there as well Oh my Jesus Christ what is okay settle down mate let’s Chuck the oak boat in

There and uh yeah let’s fly up and have a little look-see at our area so far and yeah that’s looking awesome I really like that little like pop of wood that’s there oh my god dude I can’t fly and I need to increase the render distance

Okay there we go now we can actually see it I think there’s too many trees here as well yeah we definitely need to get rid of the trees that are in there but our island is looking awesome so far dude especially with all the crops over

Here slowly growing in so yeah now I’m just going to quickly remove a bunch of these trees I might keep maybe a couple of oak trees in here but uh yeah let’s get started all right yeah there we go that’s looking better already I’ve also gone ahead and just planted a bunch of

Saplings around the place as well all around here and I might even add some more around on this side too while I’m at it okay and now with that all done I think it’s time to finally tackle our interior here and uh yeah once again Ride On Cue it’s time for the rain

Yeah so let’s get on to this interior Foreign [Applause] now with all of our floor done it’s time to start decorating the interior for this of which you can kind of see it’s a little bit crazy at the moment now I’m just gonna quickly say I have literally zero experience with these kinds of builds I think I’ve already said that

Before but uh yeah so we’re just gonna see how we go don’t expect something uh you know spectacular but so what I’m going to do here is use our wall blocks here which is this just standard sandstone and we’re going to fill in some of these gaps here and that’ll give

Us a kind of face to work with here and place some stuff on so I think firstly for this one here let’s have a bit of a storage wall like that let’s do something like that for that side and then we’ll just kind of mirror it on

That side and of course I need to make some more chests okay there we go that is looking awesome hell yeah and yeah so it’s gonna be very difficult to kind of decorate these areas so I think what I’m gonna do is just kind of add a bunch of

Little details around the place like this kind of stuff all right so right here is actually I think going to be a nice spot for a bit of a staircase so let’s start it off right here and then it’s going to go back into a staircase

That’ll lead all the way up to the roof and yeah so now we can use this staircase to of course head up to the second floor of which um what can we add up here man God this is so difficult okay I think what’ll look cool is maybe

Let’s just have a whole bunch of this design repeating across and uh yeah I guess we don’t really need to go all the way down to the end it might look kind of weird if we do so let’s just do that now let’s maybe add like a central

Little Island thing here honestly I kind of want to leave up here a little bit more kind of sparsely placed uh just because I don’t want to you know cram it with crap and it might end up looking weird that’s definitely not an excuse for me not knowing what to do for up

Here actually over in this area we could probably add some stuff maybe like a barrel and yeah we’ll just leave that like that just a nice little detail to add there is always uh nice okay and now back down to the bottom floor for this area maybe let’s add in another little

Island thing this time let’s have something like this okay that’s a nice little detail and now I think we need like a bit of direction to the ground here so let’s actually remove some of these slabs and start replacing them with some Spruce ones as a bit of like a

Pathway that leads you throughout the house all right and there we go there’s the floor all done that’s looking pretty cool I just got some inspiration for this area here I think something that could look cool is like a bit of a wine uh like Cellar kind of design like this

Usually I do it on like a flat kind of wall but I think it looks pretty cool diagonal as well now we are lacking a lot of the details that I usually add into this like pot plants and stuff but I think even like fences like that that

Looks really cool I actually really like that I honestly don’t know how I just came up with that but uh yeah that’s pretty cool maybe let’s find another spot over here to add it in if we can yeah not really there’s not really any spots anywhere else we could add that I

Don’t think maybe in this corner we can do something on a smaller scale like that and just have fences there yeah that’s really cool all right and honestly I think that is sufficiently detailed I do want it to be more of like an open kind of build once again not an

Excuse okay shut up oh and yeah there we go with all of our trees grown in this is going to look awesome from an aerial view a crops should be sufficiently grown as well oh that looks so good let’s get a quick aerial view of this

Bad boy oh dude that I I honestly I don’t know if I can say that’s my nicest build yet but that is looking so good oh my God I did not dude honestly I said this like almost every episode now but I’m I’ve gotten Goosebumps this time not

From being scared but from making a quite a nice looking build I might say not to you know toot my own horn but I think I’ve done a pretty decent job with this one boys and girls and uh just doing that flyby has actually given me

An idea for another thing that we could quickly add that’ll definitely add a little bit of detail and that is putting some buttons on all of these little cross sections around the place here all right now with all those buttons added on let’s take another final look here of

Our Island and hell yeah those just add in a nice little bit of detail and it matches our house up there as well that’s awesome dude deep within the jungle of my hardcore World their lies a quite unique area I spotted it while I was creating my jungle Village just over

The Treetops upon Discovery I noted down the coordinates and promptly forgot about it until now I’m gonna dedicate an entire week to making this the best build I’ve created so far on this world so starting off on day one let’s get started before I made my way over to the

Spot I needed to get a couple quick things done with the first being grabbing these Shockers with some items from the previous episode next I made my way over to my automatic melon farm to get some XP to repair my shovel and elytra because we’ll definitely be

Needing them and finally I needed more fireworks so I made my way down to my giant cave to kill some creepers for gunpowder And after that absolute Slaughter of me getting exploded like three times we ended up with a bunch of fireworks and then I made my way over to the build location now if memory serves right it should be just here yes here it is hell yeah dude Meanwhile my computer is

Freaking exploding man Jesus Christ I think it’s time for an upgrade boys the old 2080 TI just isn’t cutting it anymore I think it’s time to go to the 40 90. you know what I’m saying but yeah here’s the area it’s looking uh pretty cool dude honestly I don’t know what it

Is about it it just looks so cool like it’s like a giant zen garden almost like in the middle of this massive jungle it’s pretty cool and so I think to get started the first thing I’m going to go ahead and do is just terraform this and

Smoothen everything off a little bit so let’s get started right now foreign Holy mother of God that took way too long I mean it really wasn’t that long it was like maybe two hours I think not too bad but yeah now it is time to get started filling up our Oasis with some water yeah I don’t want this whole Oasis

To just be one block deep so I think I’m going to maybe add like a secondary Circle in here so just give me a second and I’ll add that in real quick okay there we go there’s our oh what the did I just say there’s our Oasis done

And I just realized it probably would have been easier if I had added the water first because yeah now it’s gonna do this crap um well you live and you learn I guess uh but yeah now it is time to add in the water so uh yeah once again let’s just

Do another real quick time lapse with the Oasis completely filled with water I then went on to adding some palm tree designs surrounding the Oasis and I also added some bushes between them too and with all of that done that marks the end of day one hey that rhymed starting

Off day two we’re doing some bowling with the boys what do you say about that mate yeah let’s get going do you guys want to see my balls my bowling balls that is let’s take a look if you can kind of see me in there don’t look at

That here we’ve got the super grippy boy then we’ve got the medium grip and then the spare ball grip and then over here we’ve got the low grippy boy as well uh yeah that’s the grand tour of my balls alright we’re strapped in ready to go let’s get this show on the road

Ah yeah don’t worry about that it’s all good Friday I boys off we go All right Gamers we’re here let’s get bowling Foreign that was a good day of bowling wasn’t it mister time to head back home and uh continue building once I returned home from that epic bowling session it was time to begin creating some of the house designs for our village I started off with the most

Basic house design a pretty small 5×5 house I ended up with this design for the walls here and then I finished off the rest of the house then as for the interior I went with something super basic just a bed with a chest and a furnace and that’s it for the most basic

House design now with a general idea of how I want to make these houses I laid out the pillars for a bit of a larger one once I was happy with the layout it was time to add in all of the walls So at this point it’s coming along quite nicely but it definitely needed a bit more verticality so I started adding in an extra top section and once that was done I finished off the house by adding in the rest of all of the details then it was of course onto the interior I

Added a staircase to get up to the second floor and just some random details as well and now with these two builds done I’m just gonna do the rest of what I’ll be able to do today as a time lapse so let’s get started With the first lot of houses now Dana added in a circular pathway Made of Stone gravel and andersite and Link those up to each house and that’s everything I managed to get done on the second day starting off day three this is how our village is looking so far

It’s coming along quite nicely however it’s definitely lacking some life and decorations right now it’s just a bunch of houses so for our first decoration I’m starting with something pretty generic that I use in basically every one of my Villages a barrel pile and with that first one done I went around

And added a whole bunch more everywhere okay now with all of those added in it’s time to start off with another detail that I want to add which is going to be some little water Channel River things I don’t really know how to explain it but

I think it’s going to look pretty cool so we’re going to start off with something like that I need to go and grab my freaking water buckets give me a second okay there we go now we can actually Place some water in these stairs here and yeah these are just

Going to kind of look like little water channels that are going to run throughout the area and then as we transition to this part in the pathway I think it’d be cool to have like a little Bridge thing I guess it might actually look better if we actually remove these

Blocks here and then we’re going to have it go back to the stairs here and let’s maybe just curve it around over this way and end it over here and yeah that’s pretty cool just like a nice little river then we can just kind of add these

Around the place just to add a little bit of water and uh you know lushness to the Village next I decided to add some details to the buildings to make them stand out a bit more from each other because right now they all look very similar so the first detail I added was

This the Gazebo roof design thing made of trap doors and slabs the next detail I added to this building is some very small custom tree designs as if they’re being grown on these rooftops or something like that then for the next one I went with some loose bushes on the

Rooftops that drape down the sides of the walls these are meant to be sort of roof plants that have gotten a bit overgrown and are starting to take over the building and so with those three rooftop designs done I went ahead and repeated them on the rest of most of the

Roofs okay and now with all of those little additions our town is starting to look awesome dude this thing looks so nice like I would honestly I would not hesitate to live here in real life I swear to God now if you couldn’t tell by my inventory I have another idea for a

Pretty nice addition to this area which would be some Farms I think adding some in like these little areas in front of the houses and stuff would look awesome so yeah I’m just going to start adding those in and once again this is probably going to be another time lapse starting right now Thank you to start off day four I think what I want to do is differentiate all of the houses even further by making some of them into profession buildings uh if that makes any sense you know like uh starting off maybe with a blacksmith on this building right here so what I want

To do for this one is make sort of like a roofed area here we’re gonna have to remove some of these details that we added before and then let’s add some supports on the ends here with just some Spruce fences like so next I want to add

Like a forgery kind of area well not forgery but like a forge I don’t know okay shut the hell up and uh honestly I have no idea how I’m gonna do this so I’m kind of winging it right now let’s make this like a solid back here and

Then we’ll put our lava bucket in there oh my god dude almost just fell in that freaking hey what am I doing brother and hell yeah that’s looking awesome I really like the look of that it’s like a nice kind of Blocky design hell yeah that’s looking awesome I really like

That for our next profession I want to go over to this building over here let’s actually remove this uh Barrel pile that we added in here and so this one’s going to be our wood cutting uh profession building I don’t know what to call it dude freaking hell and so what I’m

Thinking is we have maybe a gap of three and then we’ll add in a plot of dirt this is going to be sort of like a growing area for trees of course there we go and that should look pretty nice once those have grown in and of course

Here’s the rain ride on Q oh my god dude and now beside the house like between the house and the growing area I think what would look nice is like a whole bunch of log piles around here so first up let’s do something like this with some extinguished campfires on top and

Uh in front as well and then maybe even on the right side as well over here let’s add another little log pile too and hell yeah that’s looking awesome we’ll come back to this and just get a quick little look once the trees have actually grown in here now for the next

House I want to make it into a potion shop I’m not sure which one yet but we’re gonna have to go back to the Nether and get some blaze rods so that we can make some Brewing stands so let’s quickly head to the nether foreign Fortress here I’ve got my extra armor on

Just so I don’t freaking die let’s go ahead and just slaughter a whole bunch of these Blazers so that we can make a bunch of Brewing stands okay I just remembered that Brewing stands only need one uh freaking Blaze Rod so we definitely have more than

Enough here let’s get out of this hell hole and back to oh my God I forgot I had I forgot Jesus Christ man well there’s the Goosebumps for the episode I completely forgot I did not have my elytra on it Jesus Christ dude the Goosebumps are flowing throughout my freaking body

Right now man we need to be more careful dude okay now let’s fly back to the Village Okay this house looks pretty good for a potion shop takeover let’s head on inside and make the interior real quick so I think what would definitely look nice is maybe having a table like this with some Brewing stands on there I just realized I wanted to add a shelf above

This but oh actually I might be able to because this area actually goes up hell yeah we can do that let’s add a shelf above this with another three Brewing stands like so then I think what we need here is actually a ladder let me go grab

Some real quick there we go let’s add those on hell yeah and let’s also add like another table down here and add a lantern on there as well let’s add that in right in the corner here and put some water in there too that looks awesome

Hell yeah okay I’m back with some more stuff I also just went ahead and grabbed some bone meal to grow the rest of these trees just to see how it’ll look and of course I ran out on the bloody last one but yeah that’s kind of the general look

That we’ll have I think some fences in all of the corners with a lantern on would look awesome let’s add those in sorry I’m kind of getting sidetracked here but yeah there we go that’s how the awkward uh not awkward but like tree farm is gonna look that’s pretty cool

Let’s go back to the potion shop now and now for some final things for the interior I think a couple of barrels along here would look nice now for the final thing for the potion shop Let’s head outside and I’ve actually gone ahead and grabbed some Soul Sand and

Nether warts and we’re gonna replace this wheat farm that we’ve added in instead with another Ward Farm see I thought that was a nice addition because most of the potion shop is like you know on the interior so I think some exterior indication that this is a potion shop is

Uh pretty cool for the final Village profession building today I decided on creating a Fletcher slash archery range in this building here first I began removing this section of the wall for the archery range I then replaced the ground with dirt added some archery targets in and added some grass and

Extinguished campfires onto the ground and to finish up this area I added in some ceiling lanterns for the interior I added some Fletching blocks with the table and some other decorations and in the corner a barrel with a couple of chests for some finishing touches I

Added a chest here with a bow and some arrows inside and I added some slabs here so you don’t have to jump up to reach the archery range and so with all of that done that concludes day four after loading in the world today I took

A look at the whole village and decided that it needs more houses so I began adding in some more in places that I could with some new designs too for this one here I decided to add an exterior staircase that leads up to the second floor instead of an interior one just to

Add some variety for the next house I added a big balcony area off to the side with some random stuff underneath it to make it a workshop of sorts then that gave me the idea to make a sort of Village storage area so I fenced off

This section and filled it with a bunch of barrels and chests and then I just went on to filling up the rest of the available space we have with a variety of house designs L-shaped t-shaped u-shaped z-shaped okay probably not the Zed shaped but yeah you name it and it’s probably in there Thank you Gamers it’s the second last day I have to work on this and I still feel like it needs more houses but we don’t have any area to work with so my plan is to terraform the entire surrounding area and expand into the jungle as much as I

Can today because we’re running out of time let’s get started the first area I began working on is this big section here just to the right of the woodcutting building Then I moved to this area here which was an absolute pain in the ass because it was mostly Stone so it took forever at this point I decided I wanted the city to be more circular so I busted out the old Circle generator counted the size

We’d need and then I used that to outline our area so it’d be a perfect circle this also meant more excavation of course and all up this Excavating took about three hours to do but it was definitely worth it Gamers I’m freaking out it’s the final day we don’t have a lot of time and we have a lot of work to do we need to fill up this entire area that we terraformed yesterday with buildings so let’s get into it first I wanted to create an

Animal Barn of sorts I didn’t really know how to make one in this style but I think it turned out pretty good next it was onto a giant mansion building which could serve as a town hall or just someone in the village that lives luxuriously

And then I went on to just filling up the rest of the village with a variety of different house designs and while I’m building these I just wanted to mention I’m gonna start creating Builds on a much larger scale in this series starting obviously with this episode previously I’ve been spending around a

Week give or take per episode but now with larger scale builds I’ll be dialing back on the upload frequency in exchange for some much higher quality videos so I really hope you enjoy this style of hardcore video I know it’s still not as crazy of a project as some other

YouTubers but I’m trying my best out here most of you probably don’t know but I’ve still got a full-time job on top of being a parent so I don’t have a lot of free time but I’m not trying to make excuses overall YouTube is my absolute passion and always will be until I

It so I’m sorry for the long-winded talk but in summary less frequent uploads higher quality videos oh all right and so that just about concludes my absolute biggest project and video yet on my channel if you want to download this Village and explore it for yourself it’s available on my

Patreon along with every other build I’ve ever created my hardcore world is lacking in a few areas to say the least but instead of upgrading just those builds I decided to go on a journey to every single build I’ve created in this world and upgrade all of them let’s get

Started so on my giant list of things to upgrade our first one involves adding some detailed Pathways to connect our main villagers and builds together here’s an extremely high quality sketch of my idea so yeah with that done let’s get started so first up I linked up my

Current base to my old base and the other entrance to our main village here I also planted a bunch of trees along the path too and added some lanterns and big lamp posts as well next I continued this path all the way down to our fishing Village over here and then I

Finally connected this pathway up to the entrance of the village next up I link this new pathway up over to our farming Village as well and as for some of the details Towers along the path we have this simple little bench design then keeping it simple I also made a barrel

Pile next it was onto a bit of a wagon design as if someone had left it abandoned alongside the path or something like that and finally I added this small pond design just outside my main base too now with all of our Pathways finally done our area is

Looking so much better everything is connected and it’s actually looking like a proper Village this was definitely a well overdue so I’m very glad we finally got this done for those of you that are interested in downloading and exploring my builds every single one I’ll be upgrading in this video is available to

Download right now on my patreon alright back to the video you probably know by now that the way I’ve been getting gunpowder for fireworks is by flying into the big cave and slaughtering creepers and almost dying to them too but we uh yeah we don’t talk about that

So it’s time to make a creeper Farm once we arrived at a spot I lacked in the ocean I started building the collection platform which just consists of a bunch of Hoppers and some double chests next I went on to creating the creeper collection area which consists of some

Open fan skates here to stop the water that I then also placed down the water being of course to push the creepers down into the hot air area once that was done I built the area that’ll hold the snow golems and we need them to attract

The creepers down into the holes here I also added some open trap doors along those holes so that the creepers think those are full blocks then I of course created all of the Golems eight in total and punched them into their positions and with all of the technical stuff now

Done it’s time to create the spawning platform foreign [Applause] Next I created a giant pillar to AFK on so that the creepers only spawn in our farm and once that was done I let the farm run for about 30 minutes to see how much gunpowder we’d get all right it’s been about 30 minutes let’s jump down

And check out how much we got alright at least we know it’s working it’s going good let’s check the chests chest number one holy crap okay we’ve got two stacks and 14. oh my God I did not expect that much holy crap and the last chest okay

Not as many that’s okay dude that is a lot I’m gonna quickly uh calculate how much this is real quick all right so that right there is 716 gunpowder if my uh calculations are correct that is honestly amazing I’m so glad we never have to worry about fireworks again and

Like literally almost dying to creepers and yeah so now with the creeper Farm all done let’s head back home and get started on the next upgrade uh I don’t remember the way home God all this upgrading is making your boy hungry I think it’s time for a healthy and

Balanced dinner alright Gamers here we are in my kitchen with all of the needed ingredients here to make a fully balanced uh Australian dinner okay so the first thing we’re going to do is just go ahead and grab out some of our bread here we’re going to Chuck those into the

Toaster One’s Gonna Have Vegemite cheesy Vegemite specifically and we’re gonna put some cheese on that bad boy too and then the other piece is gonna have avocado and egg and cheese so uh yeah let’s cut up a few slices of cheese okay there we go you always got to cut off a

Piece for yourself it’s so good okay the egg is coming along nicely check that out oh okay so there’s the butter uh it’s definitely a generous amount of butter okay that’s the way I like it shut up now we’re going to apply the uh good old cheesy Vegemite because this this honestly I’m

Sorry but this is busting literally now we’re gonna Chuck our cheese pieces onto that bad boy making sure to choose the thickest pieces because we’re going to be melting this in the grill now it’s time to butter the next piece of toast once again A Generous heaping of avocado

Here I’m also going to apply our cheese slices to this and now it’s time to apply our egg to said toast I’m looking through the camera so that made that really difficult I trust me I’m way more coordinated I swear there we go there’s our first piece uh well it’s not done

Yet we’ve got to get the salt yes and some pepper um yeah I can’t do this with one hand so yeah get some ASMR sounds so there’s our first piece done you’ve got to take a complimentary bite of course I might put too much pepper on up

That’s pretty good though now we just have to wait for our last piece that’s in the grill okay give me a second also uh don’t forget to turn the hot plate off okay um I’ve done that before maybe more than once oh and buy golly G mate check that

Bad boy out we’re gonna slide that straight onto the plate now I’m gonna go take this to the room and absolutely devour this and uh we’ll get straight back into some upgrading just give me a second now that we’re all full and ready to continue gaming let’s move on to

Upgrading our main village here it’s the first one we built in this world and it definitely needs a bit of love let’s get started now the first thing I thought we should add is some more trees because there really aren’t many in this Village there’s only some around the big cave

Entrance in the middle then I went on to adding some more details around the place like some of these wagon designs they’re a great decoration for any sort of medieval village and I felt they would fit right in next up we of course need more houses there’s quite a few

Gaps around the place especially up here near the nether portal so I added a few of these smaller house designs here foreign I found a great spot for a bit of a longer house so I began adding one in right here I then went around and added

A bunch more smaller houses around in some spots I could and finished up with an L-shaped one back near the Nether Portal and so with all those upgrades done this Village is looking so much better now on to the next thing I want to upgrade which is actually over this way that

Being our two Iron Golem starter Farms now I’m not really talking about upgrading the efficiency of these I mean I’ve got enough iron to last a bloody lifetime across these two so I mainly want to improve the looks of this and just add a nice little cover over this

And I’ll also chip away at some of the land here to hopefully stop at these guys from spawning out here as well first off I started removing a whole bunch of this land around here to hopefully increase the spawn rate and then I started adding in this nice cover

Consisting of some Spruce Wood and some glass as well and then I of course just repeated that same design over on the other farm and then I just removed a whole bunch more dirt around this one too I’m so glad we finally got this done

I’ve been meaning to do this for quite a long time now and I’m very glad that we finally have a nice little cover over these hell yeah next let’s head on over to our farming village now I really like this main area here it’s got a bunch of

Houses and even a market area as well but once you take the bridge over to the second area it’s a little bit lackluster there’s only three houses here so to upgrade this Village I’m gonna add a few more houses in here and I also think the entire Village needs a wall surrounding

It as well so yeah let’s get started so the first thing I did was of course just build a whole bunch of these standard house designs in this little area just to expand it a bit because it is a little bit too small of an area in my opinion And so with those new houses added in I then started building a wall around this area consisting of stone and stone bricks alternating between the two and once that was done I started adding in that same wool design across the bigger area as well Thank you and with the walls done I brought some villagers over to inhabit the newly upgraded Village and there we go there’s our fully upgraded farming Village it’s looking super nice with the walls added on um this one is definitely a little bit oddly shaped if you saw that um yeah

I didn’t really think of that yeah we’ve got our Villages added in over there they’re already starting a nice little family I’ll eventually Branch them off over into this Village as well to fill this one up but yeah that just about does it for our farming Village upgrades

Next up it’s time to upgrade the jungle Village here it is as you can see it is a pretty small I didn’t have a lot of time to work on this at the time I’m still really happy with the way it turned out but it could definitely be

Expanded quite a bit so yeah I’m gonna crack out the old jungle wood and get started expanding this Village alright so for the first upgrade we’re headed over to the left side of the village to add a bunch more new platforms I expanded to pretty much as many trees as

I could over here connecting them all up with Bridges and ladders I also added a bed chests crafting tables and barrels to every platform too to make it look like more of a of sorts That’s the left side of the village done now let’s head towards the right side and add a few more Platforms in this area too Thank you and now with all our expansions done at Treetop Village is looking awesome it almost looks like a tree topper City now which is pretty cool next up it’s under something that’s been bugging me for a long time now I honestly don’t really like using

Cobblestone in my builds but I had to for this base as it was my starter base I didn’t have a lot of time and resources but now I do and it’s time to fix it let’s get started so my replacement blocks of choice for this wall ended up being some stone for the

Main wall and then I capped it off with some stone brick slabs I feel like it’s a nice combination and looks way better and like a more established type of wall after that was all done I also finally filled in the rest of our Farms here and

I also went around and fixed up all the patches made by uh who knows what and there we go just a quick little upgrade but it makes the whole build look so much better on to the next one the way I’ve been repairing my tools is getting

XP from selling melons to my farming Villages now I don’t have to tell you that that method kind of sucks so let’s upgrade by building an XP farm so first I of course needed to find a spawner so I flew into the giant cave and scoured

The place after a few minutes I found a spider spawner which I just could not be bothered dealing with I then traveled into this mine shaft found another spider spawner which I destroyed and after a few minutes of some more exploring I found this zombie spawner

Now with the spawner located it was onto Excavating a large area around it to improve the spawn rates I then began Excavating a second area and also dug up to the surface which happened to be right next to the Farmhouse how lucky is that heading back down I began

Construction on the zombie collection and slaughtering area with some Hoppers and chests to collect the items I also created the mechanism to bring the zombies from the spawner to the collection area and then created the big tunnel to zombies will travel down and after digging the wrong way it was all

Done I then built the glass tube to see the zombies going through the system and filled it with water then it was on to testing and unfortunately I had made it one block Too Tall and after lowering the whole thing it was working perfectly and to finish up down here I just

Changed all the blocks to Stone onto the exterior I decided to upgrade it from a simple hole in the ground to this little hunt design I also made sure to connect down your heart up to the pathway as well and here it is in action working

Perfectly I’m so glad I can now just easily come down here to repair my tools and armor hell yeah next up the desert village from the previous episode now I already spent a week on this build so there isn’t really anything I could think of to upgrade except the fact that

I completely forgot to add villages to it so I flew to the farming Village picked out two candidates to start the new desert family and carted them through the planes and the dancehouse jungle all the way into our desert village now of course they need food to

Breed so let’s quickly go get some carrots Foreign they also need beds so uh yeah let’s go make some of those and uh wow I think I’m brain dead or something they need houses too and well there’s houses around here so I just added a bunch of beds in those and fenced off a little

Neighborhood and so I’ve just come back after giving them a bunch of time to breed and yeah here we go we’ve got a whole bunch of villagers and now I’m gonna set them free to roam in their new giant village here off you go fellas go

Explore make some new friends uh yeah on to the next upgrade the underwater Village is among one of my most favorite builds I’ve created in this world however it could definitely do with a little bit of expanding thankfully I have a heap of leftover resources from building this Village so let’s expand it

And add some other interesting things too for the first build I created a submarine Bay a building high up on stilts that it have enough clearance for a Little Submarine to dock underneath then it was onto creating said submarine I wanted it to be floating in the water

Here as if it had just departed onto an ocean adventure and now I just wanted to expand the village a bit more by adding some extra house designs I already feel like this Village is pretty large so I kept the expansions on the smaller side it’s definitely not because I ran out of

Resources I then added some more detail to the submarine Bay because I felt it looked a little bit weird I also built one more house to the left of the submarine Bay to fill in this empty space Finally I added in some Pathways and also added some sand underneath the submarine Bay too and there we go our underwater Village is now looking way bigger and way better on to the next upgrade okay let’s take a look at the map and see what we’ve

Upgraded so far so we’ve done the desert village Jungle Village farming Village I’m gonna leave out the island upgrade because honestly I don’t know what I’d upgrade and I think it looks pretty good already we’ve also upgraded the underwater Village built a creeper farm and coming back to the main area we’ve

Added in a pathway upgraded the main village Farmhouse and iron farm and we also built an XP farm so next I think we should upgrade our main base here now I already have sort of upgraded this base in a previous episode where I built it the secret underground base but if we

Take a look upstairs this picture is empty so let’s fill it with so first off I headed to the left side and added in a big sprawling Brewing area I made sure to add heaps of barrels to this area for storage as well then in this area I

Built a netherwart farm so whenever I need them they’re right there I also made this cute little thing with some chests and also added some lights around too then heading over to the opposite side of the base I wanted to make an indoor Greenhouse of sorts so I created a big

Table filled with pot plants and a bunch of grass blocks with various plants I also added some of these house plant designs around as well and yeah that’s it for the upgrade to my main base here I’m glad we’ve finally filled up this second floor and it’s

Looking amazing on to the next one the fishing Village is one of my favorites I love fishing dock builds and turning one into a whole village is just awesome but this one suffers the same problem as the others it’s not as big as I wanted it to

Be so the first thing I did was expand by adding a whole extra row of houses behind the original ones I added a couple L-shaped buildings and a bunch of smaller ones as they’re able to fit in some of these harder to build locations like up here on the hillside Thank you To finish up the buildings I added a big t-shaped one here as well and then heading over to the dock I added in this big crane design and filled the entire dock up with some nice decorations as well all right and there we go there’s the finished fishing Village a little bit of

Expanding done we’ve added a whole bunch of houses around here and adding this little crane design as well just ties it all together and we also added a whole bunch of details onto this dock which was definitely needed so yeah fishing village now done let’s move on to the

Next upgrade for the next upgrade we need to head all the way over to our Cherry Village which is a couple thousand blocks in this direction so uh yeah let’s head over there right now oh my god did you see that dude I just realized my elytra is about to break oh

My God I thought I was gonna die then and there was what that was so lucky dude holy crap well yeah that kind of sucks but we’re almost there I think uh I’m gonna have to figure out how to repair this because I do not want to

Have to walk all the way back I might just wait for night time and maybe slaughter a whole bunch of mobs or something but yeah that was uh very scary so I’m probably just gonna walk the rest of the way to the village and here we are at the Cherry Village

Once again it’s a bit on the small side so let’s add some more buildings and I want to change a few other things too so the first thing I did was flatten off some land here and then I started adding in some Moy house designs this area specifically definitely needed some

Houses so I concentrated my efforts mostly here Then heading a bit further up into the hillside I found a nice spot to add a longer style of house and I finished up at the far right of the village with a nice L-shaped building and a smaller house too now with all of our houses done I

Decided to replace all of our coarse dirt and dirt path with some Stone and stone bricks as I felt it would look much better which I definitely think it does alright and that just about covers every single build in my world upgraded just as a reminder every single build we

Upgraded this episode is available to download on my patreon so go check it out all right and that just about does it for episodes 15 to 21 in my hardcore series if you want to keep watching the next episode is right here if it’s uploaded yet otherwise just watch

Whatever’s there it’s a good video I promise thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #3’, was uploaded by disruptive builds on 2023-09-13 06:35:51. It has garnered 19970 views and 547 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:48 or 8268 seconds.

This is the road to 1000 days survived in my Hardcore Minecraft world compilation/full movie! This third instalment consists of episodes 15-21 of my Hardcore series. (I decided to do it this way or else the full compilation would be like a 20 hour video…)

Part 1: https://youtu.be/q_u32dBxVKQ Part 2: https://youtu.be/v170Cv8shlU

If you want to continue watching, here’s the next episode in the series: N/A

— s o c i a l s —

🏰Check out my Patreon for build downloads & more benefits! ❤️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/disruptivebuilds 👕Merch: https://disruptive-builds-shop.fourthwall.com/ 📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disruptive_yt/ 🔷Discord: https://discord.gg/QbDhscExU7 🐔Twitter: https://twitter.com/disruptive_blds 🔴Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLu3lbamoD8-w1stjIpd8Kw

☀️Want my shaders/settings? Tutorial here: https://youtu.be/xVbdxg-pox4

— m u s i c —

All music is from Old School Runescape & Banjo Kazooie

#Minecraft​ #MinecraftHardcore​ #minecraftsurvival #minecraft1000days

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  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎ

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : ๐Ÿ˜„ Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! ๐Ÿ”ฅ, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚ And share my channel with your game friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ See you on my… Read More

disruptive builds – I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #3