Diving into the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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So um I was AFK farming at the um the copper Farm hold on one second got to do the usual where I uh wait for it to pop up on my uh YouTube thing and then oh boy oh boy okay so I was waiting at my um

There you go okay I was waiting at my copper Farm I was I was working with it for a little bit uh just trying to see if it works and it does work we only have one issue though and that issue is pretty freaking simple it’s literally

The fact that whenever the whenever the baby zombies fall through the cobwebs they have nowhere to go and sometimes they just try and attack our um Snow Golems up here which is not what we want want uh cuz baby zombies can do quite a bit of

Damage and when I try to get rid of them sometimes I can sweeping Edge the Golems I’m saying this because it did happen so so um yeah this is just uh great I need to close a couple of tabs I realized that I left a couple of

Couple of tabs open um so I’m going to close some of these tabs here um uh like I literally just had a bunch of tabs open taking up space I really only want Minecraft OBS and Cookie Clicker up yes I I’m still playing Cookie Clicker I was playing it yesterday on

Stream but um I’m going to check up on it every once in a while on this stream as well just because it’s Cookie Clicker and I got to check up on it I’m really just an achievement collector aren’t I okay so um while while I was afking I also had to place a

Couple of these just in case mobs would make their way down from the place above here uh so how it is that I’m planning to get rid of the baby zombies um it’s by simply placing um it’s by simply placing a hole in which they can all kind of get out from

There so the only other issue I really have is that we can only do this if I restart the farm not from the beginning I mean like reset it as in like reset the the zombie spawns and and prevent the zombies from spawning in um I did

Also get a crap ton of XP uh who would have known that this is a great XP farm as well uh I’m going to go this is how much we got off of Just Like Me grinding grinding it for about an hour which doesn’t seem like a lot but I

Mean it’s a lot more than if we were to actually do some Hands-On digging in in mines and stuff um here’s the top side of the island it looks pretty nice the rest of the world is trying to load in so it’s a little laggy I also kept my computer on

Overnight which is kind of a problem and I’m uploading yesterday’s VOD um which is due to be uploaded today um I was I was uploading it yesterday but sometimes um since I use Microsoft Edge like a loser um which I really need to switch by the way

Um I had it on and then sometimes it turns off uh the tabs and puts them into sleep mode hi Clement welcome um it puts your tabs into sleep mode automatically which is not good we don’t need that yo GT got to say hi to spingo as well spingo is the other way

We got to go got to sleep and then I got to go um shingo’s upstairs spingo likes the this new spot come with me spingo I kind of want to bring you to the other side of the house I don’t know if you’ll move along no I don’t know yes it’s too it’s

Too close to spingo doesn’t want to move spring relax this new spot all right okay so um nice World thanks man it’s uh I I appreciate it I’ve been working on it since February so it’s almost been a whole year since I started this world which is kind of crazy to think about

I’ve done a lot of iterations this Fortress was the the newest building entirely here so or I guess the islands over here were the newest buildings but H whatever so for this island specifically this one up here um I think I may have despawned all

The zombies which is good kind of of the point of why I left and wanted to reenter it today we’re probably going to be working a bit on uh trying to make sure that the islands um are perfect and and they don’t have any flaws of any kind um some baby zombies apparently

Survived or apparently all of them did okay cool um I’m just going to carefully get rid of the baby zombies here and then uh I’m going to try to find a way to get in there usually what I did was well I didn’t have these slabs here

Like these ones here I didn’t have them here but now I do so I’m going to probably have to dig around a little bit and then uh head right under here oops let me try to get this ready hold on I can do it MyCraft God not yet but maybe someday

So the way we’re going to be able to get rid of the baby zombies is simply by removing these carpets so that they can pathfind off of this like block here cuz for some reason they don’t do that and then we have them drop into the abyss uh

Which this isn’t the abyss it’s just a cloud which I should probably turn off the clouds for let me just turn it off right no wrong place uh off let’s turn the clouds off so I can see better um just got to dig them into a hole here so

That they fall to their deaths below I’m okay with having this like irregularly shaped hole here I just have to kind of wedge myself into here and uh get ready to drop the zombies into here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa damn it my computer’s lagging a bit so not

Not not a good thing to be doing something so treacherous I’m just trying to look above to see if there’s like anything specific I can patch up okay we have to do this all during the daytime and we have to do it before any zombies get

Into the farm itself so that I can you know troubleshoot this now and not have to worry about mobs spawning while I do it uh and we also have to do it on the other side too so we have quite a bit of I guess I like like I said

Troubleshooting to do um so we’re going to just do that and it’s this is like the the lava launching area um what we could do is just build around this like this and break this guy right here and kind of just patch this up like this so that

Um the zombies can fall down without getting caught by something um chances are if they’re falling they won’t get caught in here and if they will chances are they will also just go into the lava um but they probably won’t path find they probably won’t pathfind into here because oh I

Could just close this and then they won’t be able to pathfind into here that’s perfect okay awesome awesome yeah I don’t know why I didn’t just think of that okay uh do that and that uh do oops this and this and then break this and that okay perfect

So we did that first side now we have uh three more sides to go I just want to get rid of all of these problems right away so that I don’t have to deal with them later or else these baby zombies are going to make sure that nothing else can spawn

Except for the baby zombies we want to make sure that that is not the case all right let’s uh patch this up like I did before let’s try the other side now one two perfect some reason there was like XP here okay um got to break this layer

Here then break this and we got to break it until it basically goes down to the bottom of the island like so except this part right here is usually the toughest so we have to wedge ourselves in here and kind of stay in between two blocks uh and make sure that everything

Is mostly safe up to standard got to okay yep and then over here there’s just this part right here then what we have to do is sort of uh build over here until it seems correct and we’re probably going have to rebuild a lot of this but this should be

Fine um if I open these who what did I do I just placed a block above me I think did not mean to do that if I do this and this um mobs won’t be able to come here anyways so I think that that still makes the whole farm work does

Make the inside a little uglier but I think we can go to the underside and build around it I’ve been playing on this world since February um probably around March actually like end of February beginning of March I started of this year so it’s almost been a whole

Year that I’ve been working on this world um some weeks I would play almost every day other weeks I would play maybe once a week and uh sometimes I take longer breaks when necessary um just because you know breaks are necessary at times from video games and

Stuff um anyways uh yeah I’ve been playing on this world for a while and I’ve been enjoying it this entire time so I’m not planning to stop just need to dig into here I think I’m going to do something like this and now we have to careful carefully make

Our way across to the other side and make the holes on the other side as well so let’s just go and do that real quick I’m going to uh okay over here want to dig in oh damn baby zombies see this is why we want to get rid of

These ow dude also got to be careful cuz sweeping Edge is well it can really reach some of these see some of the Golems died there’s golems that died here because the zombies could reach them from the corner anywhere else not not really that bad but um I see what the problem here

Is it’s that it’s the terrain here is a little bit we weird we want to be able to let’s just get rid of this entire line here and uh we want to silk touch it cuz uh that way we can uh all right see there’s magma there so we got to be

Really careful about what we choose to destroy we don’t want to destroy the farm itself we just want to be able to uh make the zombies fall to their death whenever they die or whenever they they uh spawn and uh get out of here so alternatively what I could do is to

Prevent them from going into here I could just board this all up specifically here I just do this and that hopefully that doesn’t mess up the farm and then go down and come back up and then do the exact same thing we just did but go to the other side go to the

Opposite side all right got my hearts back see that part right there is going to be very treacherous cuz look how many zombies are just look how many baby zombies are still there we need to be really careful about how we’re going to build that all right I have an idea

Let’s just get through here patch this up let’s go through here next patch this up I do have resistance so I will have less of a hard time maybe fighting those zombies that are in here um but we’re going to have to check first if it’s possible to dig in

Here are the baby zombies going to uhoh I didn’t know that they dropped rotten flesh as babies I don’t know why I didn’t know that all right let’s go through here let’s Dig Down by one let’s Dig Down by another this one seems to be very very simple up until

Here of course of course okay let’s wedge ourselves between two blocks at the same time that’s void and that’s that’s void so to ensure that the zombies don’t break into here somehow I’m going to patch all this up seems like all of these are solid blocks they won’t be

Able to wedge themselves into the farm or anything um and now I can do this and uh now the baby zombies should all drop to their deaths the only thing that I need to do is make a crap ton of scaffolds uh cuz I really need those um I really want

To use scaffolds to be able to uh to be able to make more sorry yeah to be able to get up here and work on the side the underside so that I can kind of make like a a more natural way of for the baby zombies to fall down so um

We’re going to go down we’re going to grab the bamboo I think I have a crap ton of it somewhere yeah I do I have it in my like bamboo chest I have like a whole bamboo farming area it’s an automatic bamboo Farm it just produces a small amount as

I’m doing other things which is perfect for me honestly so um yeah I just have a crap ton of bamboo in here although I also have a lot of garbage in my inventory so I’m going to drop it all off on the ground here what else do I need to drop out my

Inventory the uh this maybe the gunpowder as well and then instead of all of that I’ll just pick up all this bamboo um which I believe that we’re like at a big surplus of bamboo I might need to extend these chests out how would I do this how would I how

Would I extend these chests out well maybe we can have a hopper going into this way having a dropper over here that moves it into a water stream that distributes it to a bunch of chests or I might have to redo the whole bamb uh sorry the the whole um Hopper

System here I’d have to redo it um I think that the second option is uh a little more feasible what about over here we have a bunch of sugar cane and we also have a bunch of cacti so this entire building is just my cacti bamboo

Um sugar cane farm and you can tell which part of the farm is which because I put like decorations based on what build it is on the top of it so it’s very easy to to tell what it is that I’m farming at any given spot all right so let’s go

To the storage area because here’s where I have all my string for now I could just do that and oh dude you know what I did I forgot to replace the Cobblestone up there so I need to go back and redo that okay I have to I have to have to

Redo that okay um I’ll I’ll let you know what I mean by that in a second I just need to make these first I just want to use up a whole stack of this and Then and then we should be good this is half a stack this is the other half of the stack here we are there you go perfect it’s a little too much bamboo but right that scaffold but I think we can put the rest of these in building

Blocks um and then keep maybe about three stacks of it with me and then that way I’m uh I’m prepared to work on the UPS the the the the island the underside of the island uh besides that I do need to go to sleep so that the mobs don’t

Spawn like crazy while I’m up there because they really do spawn very often if I just leave them to do that okay I do need to turn on well I do want to turn on block sounds but the reason I turn them off is because the farm is

Very loud when it comes to block sounds so I was thinking maybe I could place a scaffold around on the side here but I don’t think I can now that I think about it scaffold are such a different type of block that like they have their own set of rules which is so

Weird it’s kind of crazy okay um let’s break through here using the silk touch so that I can uh put these back uh and now I need to break through here I don’t know why I broke that with silk touch it doesn’t really matter but sometimes my brain doesn’t make the

Extra calculations necessary to do many of the things that I usually do okay going to move back this way see yeah I forgot to replace these that’s why I was back here all right now I can just fall down using this hole or maybe n no no maybe wait wait wait wait

Maybe what I can do is place down some dirt here and drop down Place another piece of dirt down there drop down and kind of make my way down to the bottom using like dirt parkour okay I think this is the furthest down I can go no there’s one

More right down here we could just do that break this so maybe I have a better angle I could probably attach myself to another piece here break that break this and that maybe I can go down even further like this will I be able to make it onto that

Block yes I will have to to stop crouching there just that I could now that I’m at the bottom of the island I can actually build like a scaffold layer I’m hoping hopefully that works out um starting here we can kind of start a scaffold right on here right on this

Block kind of make our way outward like this uh it’s going to drop off that’s going to drop off Okay cool so I guess we have our little scaffold r and it’s going to be kind of circular or I guess pyramidic that’s even a way to describe

That this is our little uh scaffold thing um welcome the3 chilled I may not speak Spanish but my content is pretty awesome all right uh the way I’m going to build this is a little complicated but let’s hope we can do it we kind of want to go up this way and I

Want to see if I can build upward with this yeah I can so if I do this I can just kind of make my way up and then go like this uh oh we’re running out of uh scaffold space all right let me just

Maybe can I go this way no I can’t it just drop off I can go this way this is like a whole puzzle of its own just trying to figure out how the hell to build this we can go this way and then kind of

Just taper it off like I usually do I just need to get a little closer there you go can I build another one right up there I can’t I can however do this and then make it a little higher so that I can actually reach the block

There and then over here we can kind of just duplicate the design sort of a bit uh can I place a block right right here yeah I probably can like that yeah I just wanted to place a block there okay we can break most of this it’s me the same guy flames games

And yet I don’t speak Spanish neither I just know a few cuss words doesn’t everybody doesn’t everybody know a few cuss words uh those are always the most exciting to learn aren’t they all right um yeah so many so many of my viewers change their name very often so I

Apologize if I don’t recognize you right away um have you guys watched the lethal Company videos on my channel oh man those are hilarious those were really fun to make and they’re even more fun to watch trust me they are such wonderful videos I made with uh my brother and his

Friends such such good videos uh I know Russian fluently I’m from there that’s pretty cool cuz I also know Russian fluently sort of fluently like I’m I’m Russian so like it kind of makes sense as to why I would know the language but um I’m also Canadian so

Like I’m fluent in English I don’t know a lot of people that speak Russian and English fluently except for like my friends but it’s very rare to find somebody that speaks both languages fluently so yeah me personally I speak enough to get through like a professional conversation

Considering my job requires that I speak to a lot of Russian guests and that um so yeah that’s that all right um to break all these scaffolds I don’t know if that’s a good idea but um let me just build around with a couple of pieces of dirt

I just need to go a little lower here and go to the other side of the island so I can continue building the island from this side here yeah and and from here I could probably just Place scaffolds going upward and then I can uh continue building the underside

Here damn it okay we have to go this way like that I was born in Russia but I live in Israel things got quite effed in the last time 70 plus days of War yeah I hope that you’re I hope that you’re safe and uh um I hope that everything’s okay

And uh that you aren’t in uh danger at the moment because if you are you shouldn’t be watching me unless you unless you’re looking to uh feel a little more comfortable I mean I can I can try my best to make you feel comfortable yeah it’s it’s uh the

World’s a scary place and I I just hope that everything’s all right uh and that you weren’t in danger and that your loved ones aren’t in danger either all right so there’s a bit of a stinky here I just place a block there so there isn’t a stinky and over over this

Way gladly I’m not in the attacked places north and south I’m in the Central District um yeah it’s good that you’re quite fortunate um damn dude it’s kind of crazy I thought like I keep forgetting that I that you know in this world there there exists

War like War happens all the time you know cuz I live in like such an like such a part of the world that just you know it’s kind of like we don’t have to think about that we have the luxury of not being able to think about that so

Sometimes it’s easy to just forget that not everybody has the luxury of just being safe at home so um cuz a lot of people here like I live in a in a very like uh I guess a very Jewish area and we have a lot of uh Jewish people that live here so

Um we have a lot of talk about um families in Israel uh suffering because of the whole uh war and everything I’m not here to make any political statements though I’m I’m just here to say that the war is bad cuz what can I do about it besides um donate to any causes

That contribute to helping people in the war I I I assume you in Canada aren’t you yeah I’m in I’m I’m a Canadian yeah I’m in Canada right now all right if I destroy this block look how much oh my God so crazy and then that part right there I feel like

I’ve done enough work on the underside on this edge here um I will leave this block here just so that I can come back and perch on top of it and I need to just drop down and uh pick up all the scaffolds that I used

Up hopefully not too many of them fell into the water elevator cuz that would be a little funny uhoh I’m breaking dirt now the French speaking areas such as Quebec are more English places I’m in the I’m in an English I’m in the English I’m in Ontario so um most people here

Speak English we have a few frankophone people but they’re they’re pretty rare like I had to learn French in school and um it was like pretty I don’t know how to describe it like I don’t know our version of the French language is so universally hated even more than Quebec

French I feel like Quebec speaking like French speaking people hate Ontarian French more than anything cuz our French just sounds like us trying to stumble through a conversation I guess that’s how you know like how that works how old am I that’s a very good

Question but I I’ll let you I’ll let you guess I’ll let you guess how much and I won’t even tell you if you’re right or wrong I’ll just let you guess I’ll just let you sit there and guess yeah I I have a lot of uh younger viewers

So yeah makes a lot of sense that’s a pretty good guess actually oh shoot yeah I think I have to perch myself onto this block right here and then I have to work on the underside for a bit what you assume you assume that I’m around 15 to 17 you’re thinking little

Little too young I’m in I’m in second year of college so that’s a little like um that’s a little um what’s it called uh I guess it’s a a hint like a clue I think on this side I need to like make it a little more dipped down well

Then 18 to 20 that’s a good guess yeah I I used to like I say my age all the time time it’s just whenever people ask me the question of like how old are you I always like to make them guess and never tell them the right answer got to do

Your own research I guess good luck this island seems very uh rippled but I think that I can kind of try to make it a little more natural looking I just need to think a bit on how I’m going to actually get this done I haven’t restarted my computer since

Yesterday so it’s a little laggy and it’s kind of pissing me off but it’s okay I think I’ll manage eventually I’m going to leave that whole thing up there I need to get more Cobblestone or just Stone in general I do want to put efficiency five on my

Silk touch pickaxe so that I can just excavate Stone without having to run it through the smelter is that a creeper okay that’s great news all right um let’s take a stack of this cuz I’m out of food and I also need to put more stone in

There also going to drop off my shulker boxes at home cuz I keep I keep forgetting to like I keep having like a cled inventory your world looks beautiful at night oh man it’s even more beautiful when you put on the Moody um when you put on Moody brightness hold on let me

Just do that when you put on Moody brightness it looks so beautiful like let’s just do a little fly around when it’s Moody like look how nice it looks I kind of really want to keep my brightness down at this just because it looks so nice when it’s Moody

Brightness like it looks so so nice I just like turn this off and minus the creeper it looks really nice minus the creeper that wants to really kill me right now just excited to blow up I you love this yeah me too man I I’m

Just I I have a very very good time looking at this world when it’s like Moody lighting it’s very very pretty I think I might keep it like this cuz it’s just so goodl looking like I just love how it looks um I also want to turn up my hostile

Creatures sound back to 40 my block sounds back to 100 it makes everything just kind of like give off noise which is good which is what I need all right okay so um let’s do a bit of depositing I do have a bit of like extra stuff in my inventory we got to

Put the Coors dirt Here regular dirt goes into the dirt one chest Cobblestone do we have any stone and Cobblestone yes we do we have a stack of it um I want to see if I can get efficiency 5 on compared to the shaders

I used uh I use which is Seuss ptgi if you guys don’t know what that is that’s like a ray tracing one I believe it’s a Shader for Minecraft that makes it look really pretty um these settings could be used could be good for much lower NPCs

Yeah I’m sure that soers shaders also work very well with lower NPCs um considering that sers shaders are the most basic one I’d say they’re I don’t know if they’re the most basic one but I would say that they have a lot of low-end um options for users that prefer well that

Have like a a much weaker system you know what I mean Let’s uh take some potatoes and smelt them smelt them uh put them in the smelter so that they can the super the super furnace so that they can uh they can be used one two three four five six

Seven all right so we’re going to have a bunch of potato smelting so that I don’t have to do that for quite a while okay um what did I want to do I wanted to go to my villager area which I’ve revamped a while ago um totally

Forgot that I did not include an entrance from that side at least I have an entrance from this side here okay so uh this place here um pretty cool um I do use uh a lot of hold on I do use a lot of um Masons because they like

To they like to sell emeralds for clay balls and it’s really really good I’ve got a PC containing a bunch of like really high-end specs uh maybe plan to be replaced with even more high-end specs in more time later depends on budget and money and 32 gab of ram this

Computer is really really weak compared to my best setup that I have it’s at the other location uh because I live in I live in two houses um and uh this one is my weaker setup but I’m planning to upgrade it very soon I’m just going to straight up get a

Pre-built PC but I’m going to give it you know I’m going to get like a a PC that that I’m able to change myself on the Fly because I was thinking of maybe giving myself 32 gigs of RAM a like five years ago ask anybody

About 32 gigs of RAM and they’d be like that’s a bit overkill for gaming and and and now it’s like a standard a lot of games are I mean I also I don’t I don’t also just play games I also do other stuff on my computer so

Um so yeah that’s that like hold on I need to like all right I also uh edit videos on my computer I do school work on my computer I I I’m a game developer and I develop games on my computer um let me drop this off here is

This one empty uh yeah sort of kind of I guess that works yeah I don’t know I feel like I feel like that much is overkill I feel like that a lot of it’s kind of like a waste of money if you if you go for a PC

That big I mean at the same time it kind of isn’t cuz it’s more longterm but then again a lot of games are not running on higher end systems because they’re just not optimized very well so there’s no point for me to go above like a 30

60 that’s what I’m going for this this this holiday season or maybe my birthday I I have a B I have a bit of money saved up but I don’t it’s not enough yet I I’ll keep saving though uh okay so Cherry sapling in there we’ll put the spruce sapling in

There too bone meal can go back into Bones come on dude come come on i’ kind of agree but he has a plan he has plans to get a 4090 4090 is just crazy dude crazy crazy it’s also crazy expensive they’re going to start on the 50

Series as soon as as soon as I get like 40 series if I if I ever get around to that they’re already going to have like the 50 Series or 60 series or something always going to be one step above me kind of uh kind of um frustrating that they’re always one step

Ahead whenever I catch up so 15 emeralds is not going to be enough I think I need to go and collect a lot of clay I do have like a designated clay area so I’m going to go there right now yeah I really like the Moody

Brightness I feel like it’s a lot better for mod packs I remember I always use Moody brightness because it makes a lot of the new biomes that they add in like a lot more um a lot more fun to explore at night um yeah whatever it’s harder to see blah

Blah blah like yeah but that’s like boring when it’s like when it’s like not harder to see it’s a little boring what you think ow oh my God this guy’s good call him a real player call it like a dark souls Invader cuz that guy was really good at hurting you with those

Arrows hello fishies do I have elytra yes I do let’s go over here and and mine out this entire area here the only issue I have with this specifically is that there’s a lot of water there’s a creeper here as well it’s okay I’m pretty good at dispatching of those creatures

Uhoh all right what I’m going to do is break a lot of these leaves so that it’s easier to kind of I could also use them in other builds that I I have these like drip leaves I did want to make like a really cool themed parkour where it

Kind of goes through like all of the different Minecraft biomes including like the Nether and uh and stuff like that I keep forgetting that they changed the bat texture I’m like what is that thing flying and it’s just the bats they changed the texture for them I don’t think that’s a bad

Decision but I feel like a lot of Minecraft was kind of carried by I I just watched like a documentary I guess or like a short video about like c41 18’s contribution to Minecraft itself and I was just like yeah these guys are right without C418 music like Minecraft

Would just not be the same so when they started introducing new music to Minecraft it kind of fell off in a lot of people’s minds so and it makes a lot of sense as to why it did because I guess like c41 18’s music literally carried the game if c48 just

Kept adding more music to the game and again it’s not his fault that he isn’t doing that it’s mostly Microsoft’s fault um but yeah um if C418 just like kept making music for the game a lot of people would still be on the Minecraft as awesome Trend or um

Hype train cuz nobody complained about update aquatic cuz update aquatic like like that was still C418 like C418 still made the soundtrack for that and uh nobody complained about it from what I understood like from what I got from it like nobody complained about it and the

Main reason why uh the C418 worked on it nobody complains when c48 is involved too bad uh now even if they try to hire him he’s ch chances are he’s probably working on other projects now so um but I mean like if he had the opportunity to work on Minecraft again

He probably would also I’m pretty sure that the reason why he didn’t want to do it is because Microsoft tried to Crunch him to release one whole album for Minecraft in like a very very short amount of time and he’s very much against crunch I am too I I think that

Creativity comes from when you’re able to really just sit down and think about things and you’re not like trying to make things on the Fly and and a lot of the gaming industry now they just kind of like solidified that fact cuz you look at games like Modern Warfare 3 a

Game that only had one year to be done and you’re like okay this is just DLC like this is just this is garbage this is just like glorified Modern Warfare 2 DLC with the story of Modern Warfare 3 and it’s like so bad cuz they took like what what used

To be a pretty good villain and they turned him into like an absolute like I don’t know he doesn’t even like he doesn’t look threatening at all he doesn’t have a threatening presence he’s he’s got like this double standard or I mean like there’s a double

Standard for him of some sort I guess that’s the wrong word to use I feel like it’s more of like a you have like a there’s like a double narrative with him he supposed to be this like smart and calculated villain then he just kind of

Crashes a car in a certain part of the game and and it’s like why would you crash that car I thought you were like a cold calculated villain that knows everything he’s doing that that calculates every move make sure that everything goes according to plan you know backup plan for your backup plan

Type of guy you know but then he kind of just like gets downgraded to this like kind of like the game itself game itself also kind of got downgraded like crazy so [Applause] I don’t want to like unsupport the new creators of the music but they did it for money so C418 made

An amazing job but these guys they kind of just like were called on to the project to do the music and I have a feeling that um I need to I need to I need to check if there’s like this specific thing wait

Hold on if I go to I I installed a a um a resource pack today or I believe it’s a resource pack if I’m correct it is um I need to go to resource pack and in resource packs I should have something called the alpha music pack and all it is

Is just a resource pack that changes the music to basically be hold on changes all the music to be here I think it’s here yeah incompatible made for a ver older version of Minecraft may not work oh damn damn I’m still going to put it on let’s see if this breaks my

Game it’s probably not but it’s going to remove all the M new music but I think all the new new music it’s going to keep in the game I just got to like see which songs stay in the game and if it works at all cuz it might not even

Work I love just going into this Lush caves biome and just collecting literally all the clay I can in the world all right I think I’m out of space I guess I’m almost out of space but we’re getting there uh throw this out

And now how much am I at 52 so I can just like break like three of these and then I’m at 64 all right let’s get out of here usually the way I get out of here is just through this uhoh uh oh also what games do you play accept of

Minecraft um recently I finished Resident Evil 7 I’m playing through all the DLC cuz there’s a lot of DLC for Resident Evil 7 um the game itself is pretty nice um I played through all the other Resident Evils except for five and six CU those don’t have remakes um I

Played the the first one as well even though that one doesn’t have like a modern remake it just has like a semi modern remake I guess you could call it like a GameCube era remake um but yeah that’s that’s something that I I’ve been doing a lot playing a lot of Resident

Evil I’ve been really liking it it’s been something really enjoyable started Dave the diver a couple days ago really also enjoying that game um it was kind of praised as being like a really really good game like it has like a 98% on Steam uh like a review

Rate like being positive is yeah it’s just it’s got very positive review rates is what I’m trying to say and um that’s always awesome to hear that a game is that good and um I will say the game is really good and it’s really fun at first

I was um kind of skeptical that the game would be something that I would personally enjoy but I always really like those games games that are kind of like you have a bunch of things to do at the same time and you got to kind of

Like manage everything um and uh I love just getting lost in games like that that’s just something really really good I usually play Minecraft Arsenal I know Arsenal I used to play a lot of it actually um also I’m thinking of trying CS2 because I can communicate there due

To Russian population yeah um if you’re playing on European servers you can to find a lot of Russians on there um sometimes I pull out my Russian just to troll with American or um Canadian teammates just cuz sometimes I just like turn on my Russian accent just cuz I

Know what it sounds like and I’ve been like hearing it all my life I can kind of like replicate it pretty nicely so I I do it all the time just to you know F around with people online um which I think is fun and then I’m just like N I speak

Perfect English and they’re just like what i’ it’s happened before it’s really fun really really fun I think I can get like quite a bit I just want to sell pretty much all of it and then put all the rest of it into here so that I don’t have any of it

In my inventory okay so now I have to find the efficiency 5 villager that’s all that’s all I’m looking for right now fortune 3 aquafinity we have uh these two villagers in the same place so usually when there’s two of them I kind of just push them away from each other

Efficiency 5 here he is so I wanted to get efficiency 5 well not only speaking but I’d rather speak to them with the ear rap mic yeah that is that’s such a that’s such a classic csgo moment CS2 is pretty I don’t know I I feel like it’s a lot better now than

It was a couple months ago but um yeah I do have a lot of hostages um I mean personally they I think that they like it in there but that’s just something I say to myself to make myself feel better about enslaving an entire freaking

Race damn it that sounded bad I could I wish I could take that back but you know what I can’t I’m just going to let it simmer someday somebody’s gonna come back what the hell he freaking said that that’s that’s preposterous spingo thanks for distracting the

Viewers so um we got efficiency 5 on the uh silk touch pickaxe the only other thing I really need is to get an efficiency no an Unbreaking three villager which has been kind of something I’ve wanted to do for a while now and I need to get electr to make

That work but for electron I need a book and I have a book right here um I need three books actually which is perfect because I have just enough so now I need to put this in here oh good thing I don’t even need a go

Anywhere I could just do it here and then make the slabs put them like this make the LEC turn and then I would need to theoretically lead one of these villagers into like a little cage or something either that or I can let this one guy roam free I’m okay with that

Honestly oh okay okay okay okay okay I can lower him into here actually right into here and then he’ll go there and I can lock him in I’m going to lock you in you’re going to uhoh please go to like s s bed oh okay yeah it

Worked I’m back at last hey welcome back jaob nice to see you again I hope I pronounced your name correctly this entire time CU if I didn’t that would be one really hilarious and two very embarrassing at the very at the very exact same time okay so now this guy is

Like you know we can just place it down and we can lock him in there uh lore three and and now what we can also do is kind of just like keep Reinventing his his profession as he sleeping away just have to get into here and uh kind of uh do this whole

Thing since you’re sleeping I have to wake you up wait for you to get your profession hello no doesn’t want it you don’t want it you don’t want to you don’t want to get a profession oh you don’t like this one you don’t like it don’t need to persuade you a little Bit maybe this guy will go for this one no yeah yeah no I did have hostages in an S SMP server in Bedrock and I mostly refer myself as a caveman because I usually dig my house underground and make tunnels so I can get into checkpoints that’s pretty cool

Actually see that’s the best part about Minecraft everybody’s got such a different experience from each other me personally I just love to create cottages and lodges and stuff like that for some reason I have no idea why but I just do I’m just trying to like free up

This place so that this villager can actually get a job here but unfortunately the Villager does not want to get a job maybe I need to move it down this way and then the Villager will spawn in and take that profession or maybe because it’s night time he won’t

Listen to me so maybe we’ll have to wait until morning and the easiest way to do that is to just sleep like sleep just sleep what do you do Sil touch okay jao that’s actually pretty freaking awesome that is such a a better way of saying it I don’t know why I didn’t

Like did I did Joo or is it jako like like like the first one or the second one jako or ja jao this villager is the definition of someone’s dad sitting on couch 247 yeah pretty much someone doesn’t want to get a job um hold on hold on hold on I want to

Put the drip leaves away and I also wanted to go to sleep um this goes into CRA no it goes into flowers flowers yeah big drip Leaf counts as flowers pardon I don’t know how long I’m going to stream for today but I’m going to try

To see if I can do four hours I want to try to catch up on my streaming uh yesterday I finished my semester of school I have like three weeks of break then I get back into sorry I get back into school which is like great and stuff no is I’m very

Scared um stone bricks I don’t need this money I need to figure something out here I need to get an Unbreaking three villager yeah this one this one does not want to have a job does he let me see if I can actually do that though let me see

If I can actually get him to have a job you yes you do have a job projectile protection 4 pretty good but I I’d rather have either fire protection four uhoh can you give me my block back please can I thank you um uh Bane of Arthropods 4 not good it’s

Really hard to to build in here I think I’m going to take away the bed temporarily so I can um actually place this down sharpness 4 or nope beat him and he’ll have a job no I feel like that’ll make things worse let me just free up this inventory space

Here so that I have a faster switch punch two not bad but I can do better aquafinity already have that fortune 2 we have something better than that tied one nothing again I I I really just hated doing this back in the day a lot of my f

Like early streams of this world were just me doing this like me just doing this over over and over this dude doesn’t give better things I see yeah he yeah he doesn’t he’s really bad at giving like proper enchantments that I that I want it’s like literally wait hold on sharpness

One sweeping Edge two nope Smite two nope fire ASP one nope try to pronounce my last name braen camp or is it Breeden comp uh feather falling four but we already have a feather falling villager I’m pretty sure and it sells for way better than that

All right what about you po nope we want to just get Unbreaking three why is Unbreaking three so hard to get respiration three I think I already have that though protection three nope I get protection four but I wouldn’t get protection three Unbreaking two H we’re so close I could

Just get Unbreaking three come on Thorns one nope nope uh come on low two three nope sh three nope oh it’s a Bray not is it Bray or is it Bri it’s like oh fire protection 3 for what 40 ew that means I’d have to pay 80 M’s for fire

Protection four that’s disgusting that’s a disgusting price why would you ever in a million years give me that price Frost Walker 2 nope worst enchantment in the game do you want the worst enchantment in the game for 50 emeralds sharpness for nope man this guy does not

Want to give me Unbreaking three or fire protection four just doesn’t want to oh like bread yeah okay I see that’s very interesting See Fire Protection 2 for 32 emeralds are you kidding me that’s terrible you have any Wonder Traders among those hostages nope no I do

Not I’m pretty sure those guys despawn anyways on Java at least I don’t know about anything else but I’m pretty sure they despawn after a certain amount of time so you can’t even have them in here lur nope fck at the seat nope are we getting all fishing rod related ones sweeping Edge

Dope channeling nope Fire Protection One for five emeralds that means fire protection two is 10 emeralds fire protection three is 20 emeralds fire protection four is 40 emeralds with this with this trade here except you have to go through like you have to go through four wait you have to

Go through two four eight books eight books and 40 emeralds I don’t know if that’s worth it I think I’d actually just go for uh some other enchantment not that one that’s quite a bit of books kind of reliable because they are giving me useless they’re giving useless

Things because one time I saw a wanding Trader he offered me one gunpowder for 10 emeralds it’s crazy actually I’ve never seen that trade before usually wandering Traders give you like coral and stuff I like to collect that stuff sometimes but besides collecting it I don’t know if they gave

Out frog lights I’d buy them at the like in massive amounts I just buy like a whole chunk of can you not do that please impaling to nope turn forun three nope nope back to nope welcome back CL nope frost Walker nope man this is this is just the most unlucky

Villager I don’t think I’ve ever spent this much time with one V actually no I have definitely definitely have I definitely spent like a whole stream just on one villager before so this is this is not something new this has happened before blast protection 3443 nope not worth it quick charge

Nope nope got to keep going Mo about at this spot this is the lecturn spot protection two nope are you going to do something like the best of 2023 or something yes but it’s going to come out in January probably I’m going to try to do for

January um if you guys want to there’s a couple of videos that I released on the channel literally at just like in this month alone it’s funny because last year I made a joke about in my 2022 best of video I made a I made a joke about how

Maybe I’ll post more than twice this year and I posted only twice as of now but this entire year I hadn’t posted a single thing I had so many wonderful video ideas I wanted to start doing video essays cuz those are just a type of content that I really like and and

Unfortunately I never got around to it um because they’re just so ambitious and I have so many other things to worry about like school and stuff so I never got around to it they just take a lot of work I have so many scripts that just lie

Unfinished I was thinking of maybe doing like a whole video where I explore like what games I played in 2023 so I might do a best of 2023 video but I also might do a video where I just like rate games that I played in 2023 and just like be

Like this year I played these games and they were pretty good and this one was bad and I didn’t get through it or I don’t know something like that protection 4 for 24 emeralds I really want to take that enchantment wait let me see if I can read the chest yes I can

I’m just out of books okay I think that that’s Josh him I think that what I’m going to do is um I’m going to move you to okay well I guess I’d have to play no wait hold on I can’t place the bed there and this villager is just in the corner he

Doesn’t want to move oh now he now he wants to move let’s move you here pal I just want to place oh my God can can you stop moving or else I might actually get a like a freaking migraine my brain might explode oh my God God I was just

Trying to place a bed down here but like it wouldn’t place okay you want to move to this spot right here please move there and then move over here please no sorry this is getting a little frustrating for me if you can’t tell okay I need to be really fast for this what

This I need to be quick with it and then do that oh see you want to get right out as soon as I did that no can you move over this way all right I just need to wait for that villager to move to another spot because

I want him to take this bed location here yes move further down that way I if I like why are you looking at me like that sorry whenever a Golem walks towards me very menacingly I’m just going to place it that way I don’t care anymore but when a when

A when a Golem walks towards me like that I just get so scared for no reason even if it’s like slow because usually they run after you but damn they’re so scary sometimes I don’t know if you guys would enjoy like a video where I just talk

About the games that I played this year and like what games I enjoyed what games I didn’t enjoy as much I don’t know I don’t know at all we’ll see how it goes though okay what am I looking for I’m looking for leather and paper so

For leather we need to just get it out of here I want to make like a stack of books parkour uh yeah we’re good let’s walk into here and um we need paper right so we need to get the sugar cane from here going to need three stacks of that by the

Way boom we do that and then that perfect we got a whole stack of books some extra paper that I can throw out now that I have whole stack of books I don’t have to worry about books for a very very long time like a very long

Time all right let’s go down see fall from there one heart of damage however if I start flying with an elytra from that island and I like slow down when I reach the ground somehow instantly die don’t know how it works but’s pissing me off pissing me

Off um okay so the rest of the books can go into here but I’m going to need to take three to make aurn and I’m going to need one to get the enchantment down and I’m probably going to need um another like I’ll just I’ll just bring six just

In case and then the rest of them can go into the enchantments chest now I need some wood wood is here um just need to grab like just a couple planks here and then do this make a bookshelf then I need to do this um make the Le turn here

Perfect and now I can go ow I can go into here it’s night time so maybe right next to this villager I’ll place this and maybe he’ll like it will you like this job will you prefer to okay I guess not okay do not like it it does not like it

It’s not like the job okay I think we have to sleep so I think I’ll steal his bed just Sleep I’m so funny for that where are you going pal there’s there’s a wonderful job just waiting for you right here okay it’s right here you got out of your thing because oh damn it that sucks so much at least now I can actually replace the bed

Down and um the Villager will actually spawn correctly now I just have to do this and then replace this and then have it be like a side entrance I have to stay here so that the Villager doesn’t leave this was a novice one I need to lock him in first

So let’s lock him in um and this one is a power one we don’t want Power one we just want happiness and rainbows and stuff Um I did already put efficiency 5 on this I did not remember putting efficiency 5 on it and then as soon as I saw it I just like remembered that I did put it on after all just want to put the Le in here so that I can uh have this villager

Take that profession take a look at what he wants nope we want either fire protection 4 or Unbreaking three ending it’s going to take a lot longer because this guy likes to wander okay blush keep going Kate D protection 4 this one is wait are you

Kidding me hold on no thought both of them were protection four for the exact same price cuz I wasn’t looking at like the bar on the top usually I don’t ever look there where are you going what what profession are you looking for now what do you want now

He’s like I now entered my house I opened and closed this door and now I’m in my house it’s kind of how villagers work kind of flame nope can you come back here see he’s going to I’m going to enter my house now through the front

Door I feel like best of 2023 should have a lot of clips from my streams but the thing is so many of these streams are so insanely long I actually do have all the raw footage for all of these streams but they’re all so insanely like

Long it’s going to take a really long time to get through all of them Lord two we do want uh okay it’s either fire protection four Unbreaking three that’s all we’re looking for blast protection three for 39 not worth it if it costs more than a stack

To get full n it’s not worth it at all oh man he changed they changed profession spots dude come in here can you pathfind a little better to this thing oh my gosh you’re annoying oh my gosh you’re annoying how do they just change professions all of a

Sudden I don’t understand okay Multi Shot maybe I can lock you in here so that it’s a lot easier for me to kind of just like work with this let me just place this above my head I guess I can’t cuz there’s a torch here maybe I could just place the torch

Uh like I don’t know temporarily here or something and then where is it there it is uhoh can you go there please I want to I want to just like keep keep my my space here look at the SE nope should see four oh my God you’re annoying

I’m breaking three for 37 I don’t know if that’s really a good deal but um I can most certainly try to get it we can most certainly try Okay so uh the way we’re going to try is just literally getting the emeralds as fast as possible which is

Talking to all their Masons and getting rid of our clay balls oh you still do not you still have not gotten your job thing I need to place another uh stone cutter there that means I can do that can I I don’t have iron in my inventory but I do have it

Like nearby somewhere one two three and um one two and three hooray a okay so now I can lock this Unbreaking villager Ino Unbreaking three what do we need Unbreaking three on we need it on two things actually we technically need it on a bunch of things so having it be

That expensive is not the greatest idea ever that I’ve ever had in my life however um we do just have a lot of a lot of clay balls that we can use to make emeralds so as long as these guys are looking for more work I can always provide more clay

Balls I do want to find a way it if there even is one to get like an automatic clay Farm I might have to search that up if that’s even possible uh who knows Raz Works probably has some complicated video where he doesn’t actually show you how to build it but he

Shows you exactly how it was built H those videos are quite complicated I still do not know how to like he’s like and then you do a t flip flop over here and I’m just like what the what is a t flip-flop I now know what that is but I

Forget sometimes you know how I am all right you’re my protection four you’re my protection four man we need a lot of different enchantments actually I just realized how much we genuinely need we need we need protection four on all the armor that doesn’t have it so if I look at the

Chest plate it has projectile protection three I don’t know if that’ll go on it projectile protection two protection three I don’t know I I’ll try to see if I can get protection four on all the things that don’t have protection three on it yeah I’ll just do

Thato I do need more books I think I’ll take half of the stacks of books that I have in my storage system I’m going to just move them to the Villager area Jesus okay let’s take half of it and just like move it to the Village

Area because we’re going to just need it there how much time have I spent on this one damn just about just over an hour see like just flopped towards the ground four hearts of damage I was pretty high up that time just saying um we do want I need like one

More Emerald like just one more um okay there you go there you go there you go there you go there you go Adam Sandler are you kidding me right now I just bought a bunch of bricks a damn it I didn’t mean to do that why does there enchantment have to

Be that first dude damn I just have a bunch of bricks lying around and I don’t know what to do with them I’ll turn them I I’ll turn them into uh brick blocks yeah that’s what they won’t know would hit them at least with these I can make

Flower pots which I really do like those I do like flower pots all right um what about you pal still don’t don’t have anything yeah that’s right I needed iron I need one piece of iron so let’s go and grab that I love how like just like I don’t

Know like 10 15 streams ago this entire place looked pretty Barren and empty and now it’s like the most beautiful most Serene area in the entire game except for this cage here we just have like a cage just cuz just cuz I thought it would be cool to have

One what the hell is this I didn’t know that there was like a little Gap there what do we have here it’s pretty full so is this like I really don’t need that much iron anymore I’m also pretty sure no more iron golems are spawning because the entire thing is broken but it’s

Okay I promise it’s okay I’m just going to grab one of these nope go still spawn okay cool that’s nice to know drop the poppies in there Golem still spawn but none of the iron goes into the actual Farm cuz I’ll simply put there’s just not enough space in the chest

Might need to do like a little space upgrade all right I’m going to put another um stone cutter here we just do one then one two three and then go over here and then put that stone cutter right over here right behind this fine gentleman and now he’s able to do his

Job perfect now we’re going to move on we’re going to take all the clay balls I have and we’re going to I’m going to just Chuck them in Chuck them in to these fellas over here that are trying to get a nice little shot eye tonight yes that’s

Right okay is it good is my accent cool did you were you guys fooled for a second I I’m pretty sure I have more stone masons there’s this one over here that I’ve not used all day all right how about you did you you restock nope not

Yet okay yeah cool I’m just like really upset at you but like that’s fine I’ve almost spent all my clay balls which is kind of sad and then she Bo longus how about you nope still no okay how about you no okay how about you no okay yep all right that’s

Fine with you we can buy Unbreaking again and again and I’m out I’m out of I’m out of stuff see threw the rest of the books in here uh we’re going to try to get Unbreaking three on the shovel and the and the silk touch pickaxe because those are important

Objects to have that on important tools that we do not need breaking oh and since wait I have how many Unbreaking three ones I have I have three Unbreaking threes I think yeah I have three Unbreaking threes so the third one can go to the elytra right

Away I just like just put it right on the elytra um do that Unbreaking three perfect now we take the uh this one put Unbreaking three on Ito and splingo and then splingo right onto here we got Unbreaking three on this as well um switch places and then we need

Protection four on I got to check out which one’s need it I think the chest plate and the leggings I’ll put Unbreak a protection four on those uh and it won’t work because of the fact that it already has protect protection 3 on it damn it God damn

It God God damn it it’s all right I think then what I can do is put it on the other two articles of armor that I do wear all the time that do already have protection three on it I just upgrade protection four there you go and

There you go and there you go protection four on all these and uh that just UPS our protection value a little more you know what I mean all right so we did a bit of the side quest today of of upgrading my armor a little bit more and

Getting the extra enchantments that I was missing earlier wanted to get fire protection but now that I understand that I I would need to disenchant all my armor before I reenchant it again it’s going to seemly it’s going to be a bit of a problem we’re going to need to get

A lot of mending books again so that we can reenchant the armor from the from the beginning so I can get protection four on all the articles of armor although I really really want fire protection like really badly and I want it on the chest plate so that I guess it

Affects me more I don’t know um the ideal thing would have been to put a different type of protection on every different article of clothing but I don’t know how possible that’s going to be so I’m just happy that my shovel has uh Unbreaking on it now because I would

Always have to go to the end farm to uh get the durability back up so um to continue what we were working on before um we need to sleep first I know it’s very pretty at night but we need to sleep first and um I need to uh what’s it called hi yogurt

Yogurt all right I’d love to get shingo and Girt to um to make babies I know canonically both spingo and Girt are male but that’s that’s totally that’s totally fine there’s nothing wrong with this cuz then we’d have like a i’ I’d call the baby spinger that would be so perfect oh my

Gosh now I want to feed them both fish and get them to create the B BBE I don’t know where to put the flower pot but I think the flower pots but I think I’ll put them on um what’s it called I’m going to put them on uh in in

The miscellaneous chest over here cuz there’s such a miscellaneous type of block to build with okay so for the next part of the build uh I wanted to ow I wanted to right I wanted to go and check up on the smelter although I didn’t I didn’t smelt any

Stone the entire time the reason I was doing this was so that I could dig into the mountain and carve out like an entire tunnel to the opposite end of the Mountain uh which is something that I’ve been planning on doing for a while now see like over here I have this whole

Like dug in hole and I just wanted to dig all the way to the end of the tunnel like this and kind of like keep going until I just have a bunch of stone in my inventory just cuz it’s a valuable resource and I want it a lot and I don’t

Have to use a lot of coal up anymore considering that this pickaxe now has as good as good efficiency as the other one oh plus I can get some nice copper out of this as well I always need copper because I’m going to be doing a lot of copper based builds later

On we just going to dig forwards like the oh my God we’re in a cave I did not know that this was going to pop up right into the cave this is a completely new cave is this isn’t it isn’t this isn’t it it’s really dark in here by the way

Like I can’t see this is why I turn off so why I turn on um uh the the lighting brightness settings and I turn them up because it’s impossible to see anything yeah see now now I can see like properly but damn the fact that we need to dig

Through an entire uh Cave System there it’s going to be a bit of an issue however it’s going to be a nice cool challenge because then I can do like a cave based build inside of the dripstone caves we can have like a secret civilization that that lives inside the

Mountain which is really cool which is something I’ve wanted to do um for a while it’s just been an idea in my head but I never got around to it until now see I can’t I can’t do that now I got to be I got to be under the influence of the

Beacon oh that gives me an idea we can cut a hole in the mountain like a big crater kind of and at the center of it there’ll be just a big Beacon or at the bottom of it there will be just a big Beacon and the beacon will fire up into

The sky and uh it’ll be awesome I mean okay have some coal what else do we have that I need to get rid of H blue carpet don’t need there just a huge entrance into this cave it’s pretty awesome actually and and it looks it’s really unexplored

So I’m kind of excited to kind of build in there because I don’t really think I want to explore the caves I just want to like build in it very interesting how things just turn out sometimes now now to figure out how to pick up all those pieces um throw the

Gun I just I have enough and I have a whole Farm to produce gunpowder I might actually upgrade that farm very soon I already did with like the big island but I’m thinking that on top of the island I uh I might oh on top of the island I

Might just uh add on um like a couple layers to the actual creeper Farm since all I have to do is just copy the bottom layers I don’t think it’ll be too difficult it wasn’t that complicated or anything I kind of don’t want to throw out the

Spruce slabs for some reason but I’ll do it anyway all right I think I gotten I’ve gotten enough uh Stone here to work a bit more on the underside of that Island there um that’s good this over here is not going to be an entrance to some sort of a cave

Tunnel we’re just going to go back up and I’m going to go right to where uhoh that is a zombie all right that was pretty good pretty sure the zombie just fell off nope he’s still down there okay so over here is where I need to just turn down the block sounds

Again um it’s going to be a little quiet and like nothing that I hit is going to make noise or break or anything um it’s just not going to make noise which is going to be a little weird weird it’s okay it’s all worth it later on it’ll

It’ll all pay off I promise um I think we need to move over that way a little bit so I’ll use the dirt that I have instead of the scaffolds because the scaffolds are just so hard to use most of the time let me just do this and

That and I think I’ll just like extend it a little bit over here as well I think this is good enough for this under side over here I think I could actually connect it over to this piece here and then build over this way a little

More like that and then now I can just there you go perfect oh I’m so like distracted by this building right now hold on heart heart heart heart heart got it in terms of this entire section here this straight part right here I want to make it a little more not

That I me I’m really I’m really good at describing this although I’m going to need a bunch more like placeholder pieces or also enough to build with uh Stone which is not exactly ideal all right let’s go back down and I’m going to perch back up on the there once I get more

Dirt dirt should be in here just going to pick up a stack of coar dirt I think that’s just enough let’s go back up oh damn I’m running out of rockets I also I got to replace those no let’s move around let’s try this again let’s try this

Again I landed on the island and now I must build on it all right we got to build from all four sides so we’re going to be using quite a bit of dirt up I think um after I used up the dirt I might have to destroy it and then go

Down pick it up and then use it again and again and again okay I think this is good enough um from here I got to just build like a block up maybe wherever it is that I want to just continue building something and whenever there’s like a big chunk like

This what I can do is I think I’m going to need a lot of dirt still but um right for now what I can do is just do something like this and use up a bit of coarse dirt just to get it to be the way

That I want it to be like uh we could start up here and then do that and then go over here and then build a bit here and here and here and here and then we got to like tape rate off that way like

Right there so it got to be like a maybe maybe even more this way and then that and then that and then can I place a block right there yes I can perfect sniped sniped at absolutely sniped and do that and then that and then break this pick it up yes awesome and

Then we got to do the same thing with the stone layer except make it like a bit smaller like this whoops can I just do that and then do this go back do that go here do that break all of this for now it’s going to get really complicated very

Quickly all right now that this is kind of just that we can also do that and at the very bottom we can carefully place just a couple of blocks um I don’t know if that’s enough but I think I actually you know what I’m

Going to keep it the way it is just like that and then maybe we can extend it out like this just to give it some layering I guess I don’t know if that’s how I put it but I think I just did so I think that’s too much let’s break this

And this and then this and this and I think uh let’s let’s replace the well I I’m going to need the shovel so let’s replace this with scaffolding and let’s build up a little bit so I can get that nice angle here I always fall off my own builds

Especially when I’m building high up in the sky I get like very nervous and I start moving off automatically just something that happens oh what’s really cool is that the the petals from the cherry tree are falling down like quite a bit it’s pretty nice actually all

Right let’s take this hopefully I can pick it all up yes I can yes yes okay so that places it towards you okay I got to keep remembering all these like different methods here I need more dirt I used up like literally all my

Dirt to do that oh my God the amount of mobs that spawned here it’s crazy okay uh to get more dirt I don’t really know what what I can do besides like mine uh oh you know what in that hole that I mined out with all the

Stone there was like this patch here but I want to see if there’s another one even further in I know it’s a little dangerous going there so I think we’re just going to go with this patch right here it’s so quiet cuz turn off all the block noises that’s a

Stack it’s about to be two mark my words damn it it’s it’s one and a half it’s close we almost got there I could just uh use Stone to replace this and this and this yeah perfect we’re going to need to cut out this entire section here as well that spider

Is going to try to find a way to me I guess not I can throw out this like tiny stack all right I think I have enough for now I’m just going to that’s satisfying I do need to also go get more I need to get more uh

Rockets So to do that I need to go to my here whatever here is and uh let’s let’s throw the coal ore into here what else do I have copper ore ow over here all I need is 21 so I can there go and then all I need to do is throw this

Into here throw that there throw that there perfect we’re back at 64 was that exactly a stack holy crap that’s crazy holy crap that is crazy that is absolutely phenomenal all right I got to go up here and I got to check up on the time check up on the time real quick

Okay we’re good for another like 25 minutes and then using this we can kind of model the the stone area around this kind of like something like this kind of going up like that and we can go down by one break this and even go down that much uh do that go down

Again and again I guess cuz from here it’s probably going to be just a lot easier to work on it like this over here that’s kind of the yeah I think we’re good now yeah seems about right looks pretty nice yeah the underside is probably the most complicated part about this build uhoh

I need to build over break this and then go back oh I fell off again I keep falling off ow got to love their little their little shtick that they do all the time okay there’s another piece of it over here um and I think the proper way to deal with

It would be to make it more rounded at the top so let’s go move a little bit over this way go a bit up and then round it off a little bit bit um maybe like this and then over here we can do this and then that this

And then that this and then that and go back down and over here we just add these and that perfect we’ve done this and I think um I could start moving onto the other side just have to be careful about it but that’s about it um just want to make the underside of

This island look like appe appealing to look at considering that’s one that’s the one part of it that I’m going to be looking at the most considering I’m right down there most of the time so um it would be it would make a lot of sense

For me to do the things I am doing hold on let me just okay so now I need to just expand this part out this way maybe we’ll have it go down earlier here and then it’ll taper off right there I just got to build it all in

All right now we can go down a level and inwards so that I can actually reach this part right here we just got to copy the design sort of we’ have to go down this way as well so I can reach these parts here maybe over here I’ll destroy this

Oopsy Daisy I keep forgetting that my pickaxe is relatively fast let’s go down a level maybe from here I can actually just put it up the old fashioned way like this is that my last stack of dirt yes it is just like that it’s all

Gone over here we want to kind of do that perfect perfect now it’s looking a lot more natural we can also extend this part out here yep looking good let’s break this and this as well and let’s dig down this way or build down this way sorry when is the next Ripple right

There it’s a pretty large one too would have been easier to work on this from the bottom side up but the way that I had built the island was like early on was kind of like not that so there you go that’s the issue all

Right there you go I think over this way we can put this here and that there okay those footsteps are definitely the footsteps of a creeper just want to let you guys know that I’m I’m just a bit scared um kind of want to go in this direction just so that I can

Um reach this right here hold on one second guys sorry about this whoops when I tried to M my mic I made it louder by accident so I need to like figure out where it is that the the the gain used to be hold

On it yeah it had a it had a rewind feature you could have just like do that okay cool we’re good we’re back sorry so here we go just got to keep going this way that’s good let’s go back this way think we got to put some more

Scaffold going in this direction jump on top move it this way and then do this sort of a taper yep cool and then over here I believe what I can do is something like this this now I can break this and I can break that and all of them are going to

Fall down below that’s fine let’s go down a little bit two three four I think this the last of my dirt damn kind of crazy used up so much of it okay now I can go this way five blocks and then this way five blocks is that five six that’s six six

Seven okay seven is the Seven’s the limit here just got to be careful when I build this damn I still haven’t run out of stone I’m not used to this I’m not used to having so much Stone this is awesome I’m not complaining I’m I’m just I’m just

Making I’m just being aware of something and I just got to place this here and here and here just got to keep going this way okay now I got to go down a little lower for I think that’s good I think that works out although I think that maybe if I

Could I’d Place Another block right there and another block right there all right get rid of all this I got to go back down to the bottom and uh pick up all the blocks that haven’t despawned yet oh okay I guess this is a good excuse to do it whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh it’s like a there’s just so much oh my gosh accidentally broke the ground I’m in pain yeah sometimes I love it how like for I think the past 60 streams my space bar has just been not working half the time

I press it my space bar has like a 50% chance of just not working when I press it this entire this entire time like this entire world for almost a whole year this has been a problem that’s plagued me right oh boy got to go over here I did

Pick up a lot of extra dirt um we’re only half done with the bottom side of the island but it is starting to look a lot better like a lot better I do need to test something out I was trying to land there but unfortunately did not work um I need to

I need to like check something out I need to do a little test okay I need to find my string and I need to find my glowberries I think I have quite a bit I know I only have just one whoops Okie doie um and I

Need to do a little test I need it I need to stand the test of time let’s see if when you place a glow Berry on the the ceiling of something well first off we need to test out this we need to test out yes you can place

You can place string above yes you can place string suspended in the air can you do it completely suspended in the air yes you can it’s still here it’s very hard to see but it is there and so if if I am capable of placing this string

Down right above a piece of glow Berry right around here for example over time it’ll grow and I need to check if it’ll reach this spot right here and whether it will break the string some mind bending glitch will happen or if it’ll just stay there and

It won’t go further than this point here because if that’s the case using this method I can make Vines and and glowberries that actually stay at a certain place in midair meaning that when I’m building the sides of these islands making them look much better and

Making them look you know uh I don’t know have a better pattern or whatever I can have string placed right under them on any potential point that the The Vines could grow down on and and while it grows I could also patch it up uh if

It if it reaches a certain point where it keeps growing and it keeps going down below and I missed a spot somewhere I could always just keep looking around trying to place more string around and crop it essentially um but um yeah that way I can actually have like a a finite amount

Of vines suspended in a build and just like chilling up here which is really good that’s just something that I’ve always wanted to do I do need more dirt and the amount of time that I have left is right around 10 minutes so I think that the

Last thing or one of the last things I’ll do today is collect this dirt and then try to place it down and I want to do it right here so the dirt actually or sorry that the glowberries actually grow to that point that I wanted it

No that was the most quiet explosion of all time and oh there’s another one I do like I can’t take another explosion right now I will die if I do all right let me just I thank you very much okay all right I’m just going to look for like

Little dirt spots underground cuz I really do not want to do some terraforming right now I like the way that my area looks and the factory area does not really need a lot of terraforming I guess I don’t need to like flatten out ground at the moment oh

Man it’s another cave within this cave that’s crazy it’s a ravine dripstone ravine all right I actually have more dirt this time than I did last time so this is good but then again I’m also using the stack from before want to pick up these pieces

Too there’s dirt on the ceiling but I don’t know it looks pretty nice there don’t want to change that too much let’s go back up back up whoa oh that’s a very subtle Sopranos reference by the way is there a zombie in there no those are just the the fence

Gates that I put earlier okay so this side of the the thing is done I got to go to the other side uh and uh with that I need to like use up a whole stack of just having to go to the other side and placing down

The dirt on that side so that I can uh build on it yeah I’m going to be using like basically a whole stack of dirt just to like get myself right under here we’re almost at the end here just have to extend it out this way a little bit okay perfect

All right yeah so the plan here is to go up two three four five and over here we’re just going to expand it out like this and I think we’re going to have to move a little bit over to the side as well me just do this I think that’s good

Enough just need to do this and then now we got to take out the stone all right let’s go this way whoops let’s go this way and let’s place it all down like starting there oops do that that that that that and there let try to get that exact

Placement there whoa see space bar just doesn’t work sometimes I was want I just wanted to jump to that piece but I couldn’t got to jump regularly without squatting just wanted to check up on that creeper I know he’s there I see him okay yeah we’re

Good uh do something like this and make it up here and do that I think we can actually get rid of this right here yeah I guess that looks fine now going to go over this way and do the exact same thing except make it a little

Inset this is like so tedious to build je like I didn’t even know that I was going to fall off there like I I just did a regular jump I thought I was going to land right on the right on the the blocks again but you

Know I can’t have nice things in this world it seems all right let’s just go over here then let’s do that and let’s go back and and now to do the very bottom layer like right here and then I guess we can actually go deeper into the underside of it and

Plays down a couple blocks here just for bonuses sake like so all right now got to get rid of all this and we got to move in this way all right let’s go out by two up by I don’t know five or something and then do something like

This we’re going to need a lot of space for this one was that the no it wasn’t there was a whole stack left thank God I was getting worried damn it damn it you can’t just do the one thing you were designed to do just place the blocks freaking

Properly all right there you go this was a fairly long chunk so I think we’re going to have to stay on this level what the MLG strats yeah I may have just ruined your entire life ended your career freaking awesome I’d say I’m proud of myself I

Don’t know personally that was one of my best achievements in life yeah that’s right move along pal want to do something like this and then have it extend out here like that and then just get rid of this I need to go down I need to go

Down uh do something like this and then like that now I can start here yeah dude terraforming is a hard job especially when you’re doing it on like in the most inefficient way possible all right let me just move over this way so that I can place some extra

Blocks I need to also probably prong it out here as well oh my god look how many mobs are just chilling down there because they see me well the zombies definitely see me everything else down there is doesn’t really say me but by chance it just happens so to be there

All right so that’s that I think that from this point on I need to check if there’s any other places and it doesn’t seem like there is so we can go right under here just build to the other side wherever there are these like big mounds sticking

Out um over here what I can do is when I’m done with this other side I’m going to uh hold on I might need to use scaffolds from this point on but at the same time I just need more dirt I think I can like recollect some of the dirt

Here okay um and then this we don’t need anymore we’re not going to be using this side anymore so I can just break it all down this I’m not going to need oh man all the zombies are coming there’s a zombie on my oh wow spiders just made it their way

Made their way all the way up there it’s pretty nice actually it’s more cool than it is nice but you oh what the hell there’s like 60 of you guys where’ you guys all come from you guys are all going to drown oh when they drown they’re going to turn

Into drown that’s not good all right I got to do is collect all these pieces of dirt I got like a whole almost an entire stack off of that and there’s like one piece right here I see I’m going to go all the way back up

Might do a little bit of overtime on this stream I just want to get this bottom side finished by today um I’m okay with the a little bit of overtime I’ve been cutting all my streams relatively on time recently so it’d be pretty cool if I could just

Stream just a tiny bit more you know I don’t think it’d hurt we also need to do a bit of terraforming on that edge there and I think there’s also the edge across from there as well maybe maybe not we’ll have to see okay so that’s that got to move in a

Little bit maybe I’ll place a block up here and I need to kind of carefully do something like this oh man we’re almost out of stone never thought I’d see the day anyways yes more c48 music gosh you got to love it you gotta love it when that

Stuff comes on it’s just pure Bliss Nostalgia okay I was getting a little too ahead of myself I started mining right under me whoopsies all right we got to go over there now there’s a large section here that’s pretty straight I don’t know if I’ll do anything about that honestly I feel like

Nature has its way of surprising people and creating very non-natural formations so I’m going to use that as my my Prime argument when people tell me to to to make it less straight more curved or uh more irregularly shaped I’m going to need some extra dirt to

Fill that up although now I’m asking myself if I even need dirt at all yes I do what am I even saying um use coarse dirt and if you use Coors dirt if you use a if you use a hoe you can actually just turn it into

Regular dirt I’m pretty sure was it it wasn’t a hoe it was a shovel oh I guess I guess you can’t do what what it is that I thought you could do because apparently I’m like stupid or something that’s okay let’s get rid of the coarse

Dirt and let’s let’s pick up some dirt that I don’t use maybe um so over here the the terraforming is fine but on the other side ow on the other side it’s how did you get there how did you manage to spawn like right there

I’m just trying to kill him but he’s not moving he’s not budging he’s going to fire an arrow right at me no need to go up here and then get him like this got him a I just need to like terraform everything around here okay there you go PVP Pro I

Guess so I guess I am one I guess I guess that’s true don’t want to toot my my own horn too much but I think but I think I think yeah that’s pretty warranted judging by how good I am how much how much time I’ve spent learning this

Game all right I I’m definitely just going to go back down and grab some more dirt from like a cave or something I see like a little cave entrance over here is it the same one I guess not I would I’ll never know yeah I feel like the most the

Easiest way for me to get dirt is just making new cave formations with them just removing all the dirt from a cave just kind of seems like a very easy way for me to get dirt without actually harming any of the actual builds above or any of the and preserving the land

Above I mean this is going to be the biggest freaking Mount of dirt you’ve ever seen you never seen a big one okay I think um I can continue this now how much time do we have left sitting about 204 so we’re we’re going a

Bit over time I don’t want to spend too much time on this but I got other things to do today and I got Cookie Clicker which I have not checked I’ve not checked that G I need to I need to check it all right let’s build this inside Area here this

Seems to be the very corner of it too so I don’t I don’t think that we have much left to build after this and I think that it’s a good place to end just after I built this there’s only only one other thing that really just kind of like ticks me

Off a bit about the build and it’s that that middle section right there look how much like look how much like moss is hanging off the side I want that to not happen so I think right before I go I’ll see if I have enough time to do that and

I’ll just do it why not I like to keep all my streams at either two to four hours because I want to be able to gauge exactly how many hours I’ve spent um because each day counts as 2 hours essentially I want to be able to like kind of

Like essentially what I want to do is I want to make sure that all the hours count up to 2,400 which I think is 100 days if I’m correct and the way that I do that is by splitting off each recording into two hours each so that it’s easier to be

Able to find that out I think over here what I can do is instead of falling off to my death I can kind of like do something like this to make it more irregularly shaped you know what I mean now over here I can destroy this

And then go down a layer or maybe down two and then kind of just build inside like this and do something like this perfect I just got to keep doing this and then now I think that the bottom side of the island I’m ready to kind of like work with it work with

It the underside of the island we’ll have sort of this sort of this and uh I am on my last stack of stone this is kind of crazy guys we’ve made it so far the whole building process process that my Stone’s disappearing all right there you go let’s just keep this

Clean destroy all this extra stuff let’s go back I do I do want to like finish this part over here before I go it’s just a bit of overtime guys I think I’m more concerned about the overtime than you guys are so I think um just going to build up until right

There yeah keep going I do have enough dirt to fix it all up so I’m just going to do that all right we got to start like right around here we’re going to go up three four and then kind of just for you’re really good with the detail thanks man I appreciate hearing

That it is fun watching you build thanks I usually think this the most it’s the most boring part and I just have to do so much of it as of recently so I apologize all the time for it but um I’m glad to hear that at least somebody’s enjoying enjoying

It all right over here I just need to use my last stack very wisely I think we’re just going to do a bit of an irregular build here I’m running out very very quickly all right I think we’re basically done with the underside I’m going to do one

Final look at it in just a second I do need to get rid of all this dirt oh that was so close that was so close I was just I was just about to fall off all right um I just need to get rid of this entire dirt thing here to be

Really careful when I’m doing it too all right we’re good let’s keep going way I’m probably going to try to see if I can pick up most of the dirt no no no no no all right well we can look at it from the underside now and it looks a lot

Better like it looks a lot more detailed which I I really like um yeah I’m good with this I’m I’m very good with this yeah it looks a lot more like natural except for that corner right there but but besides that I think I think we’re we’re we’re we’re pretty

Much done with this entire Island build finally there’s also that area right there I don’t know if you guys can see that it’s like right practically the that part that’s visible up in the sky I tried to like make the fov kind of like move in

So that you guys can see it better cuz I don’t have OptiFine installed um right that one piece of the sky island that’s visible on the screen right now um that part is hanging out too far but I think that I’ll keep it the way it is just cuz

I don’t really care that much anymore I think I’ve done enough enough with this build so yeah I think I’m going to end it here um but before I do that I’m probably going to do a bit more um a bit more what’s it called uh copper farming

Up there cuz I really do want to uh Farm some copper and now that I’ve troubl shooted troubles shot troubl shot the the problem of the baby zombies early on in this stream um I feel like now I can uh now I can safely use use it or I

Guess more safely use it um anyways besides that uh thank you guys for tuning in again um thanks to all the new viewers today um if you are new and you’d like to see more of this uh subscribe feel free to subscribe I release uh content sort of I I stream

Regularly and I release content semi-regularly I mean I try to at least so um if you’d like to do that you should go ahead and do that uh I promise you won’t regret it it’ll be a really nice time and here’s how I set up my copper

Farm to work hold on that’s one I can probably do a second one can I come on I’m just trying to get this zombie in there and he’s just not listening all right well I punched him to death same same thing all right and now that I push the zombie in I can

Now wait for this one zombie to die right do I play online yeah sometimes depends on what game all right yeah the farm should work now I can probably just sign off at night thank you so much everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bucket List VOD #66’, was uploaded by Desmae Dump on 2023-12-18 23:00:01. It has garnered 331 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:21 or 8001 seconds.

In this stream, I do some tinkering around with the large island in the sky, as well as getting some long awaited upgrades to my tools and armor that speed a couple things up and make things a lot easier in the long run.

Here is the raw unedited footage of my Minecraft Bucket List session. If you aren’t aware of Minecraft Bucket List, here’s a quick rundown:

I have almost 100 challenges to complete in Minecraft, ranging from making a quaint little cottage to beating the Ender Dragon 20 times, to bringing the Warden to the Nether. Really crazy stuff. The VODs are created for people who come across my videos and want something quieter and chill to create occasional noise, to fall asleep to, or to binge because you’re insane.

This is the 66th VOD. Here is the full list of challenges I intend to complete. They will be regularly updated and changed. Some of them I’ve already completed. https://pastebin.com/KNYBcBEb

Here is the world seed: 4728364592320653013

The edited videos are planned to be released occasionally on my main channel, Desmae. For now, enjoy the raw footage as it’s released.

Fun fact: I was streaming this live on my main channel @desmae . Subscribe to both channels if you’d like ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Are You Like This Too? Funny Gamer Moments Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast blocky worlds, build intricate structures, and embark on exciting quests. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft! Exploration and Building In Minecraft, players have the freedom to explore endless worlds filled with diverse landscapes, from lush forests to towering mountains. The game’s iconic blocky graphics give it a charming and distinctive look. Players can gather resources like wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build shelters, and create elaborate structures. Key features:… Read More

  • Mischief in Modded Minecraft – Ep. 2

    Mischief in Modded Minecraft - Ep. 2 Exploring the World of Modded Minecraft Episode #2 of the Let’s Play Modded Minecraft series takes players on an exciting journey through a world filled with surprises and treasures. As our protagonist delves deeper into the game, they stumble upon remarkable discoveries that enhance their gameplay experience. Unveiling Hidden Gems With a stroke of luck, our player uncovers rare items and resources scattered throughout the landscape. From valuable ores to mysterious artifacts, each find adds a new layer of excitement to the adventure. The thrill of exploration is heightened as they stumble upon hidden dungeons and secret passages, unlocking… Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones โ€“ Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • Blaze Gear Mod Showcase

    Blaze Gear Mod Showcase Exploring the Blaze Gear Mod in Minecraft Step into the world of Minecraft with the Blaze Gear mod, a thrilling addition that brings a new material to the game – the Brimsteel Ingot. This powerful material opens up a world of crafting possibilities, allowing players to create the formidable Blaze Armor set and other related items. Discovering the Brimsteel Ingot The Brimsteel Ingot is at the heart of the Blaze Gear mod, offering players a new resource to mine, smelt, and craft with. This versatile material serves as the foundation for creating a range of powerful items that can… Read More

  • Secrets to Pro Minecraft Thumbnails Revealed! | LisicOfficial

    Secrets to Pro Minecraft Thumbnails Revealed! | LisicOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Minecraft Thumbnails Like @PSD1 @SenpaiSpider |LisicOfficial’, was uploaded by LisicOfficial on 2024-05-06 12:30:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How To Make Thumbnails like @PSD1 @SenpaiSpider … Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Summer Festival Prep with Himemiya Rie

    Secrets Revealed: Summer Festival Prep with Himemiya RieVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใ€Minecraftใ€‘ๅค็ฅญใ‚Šใซๅ‘ใ‘ใฆๆบ–ๅ‚™็ถ™็ถšไธญ๏ผLet’s prepare for the festival~ใ€#้ตๅฅณใ€‘’, was uploaded by Himemiya Rie on 2024-08-17 18:37:55. It has garnered 2950 views and 443 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:42 or 8802 seconds. Kagimiya Ciel and the Fun Girls, or #Kagijo for short. A hectic Minecraft life for about two weeks.[Participating members]โ– Kagimiya Ciel Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyD-4021fig0lxKSYK9DL-g YoutubeURL๏ผšhttps://www.youtube.com/@Ciel.ASMRChannel URL:https://x.com/Kagimiya_ciel โ– Shizuki Rupi Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/@Shinotsuki_Lupi URL:https://x.com/Shinotsuki_Lupi โ– Tsuki Nawa no Ai Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4QTXCtC8veRQ3NXYREdgog YoutubeURL2๏ผšhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqdRl31WCjTloKvlAx02ojQ TwitchURL๏ผšhttps://www.twitch.tv/tsukinowa_noa URL:https://x.com/Tsukinowa_Noa โ– Starlight Lapis XURL:https://twitter.com/HoshikageLapis YoutubeURL๏ผšhttps://www.youtube.com/@HoshikageLapis โ– Rie Himemiya Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/@HimemiyaRie URL:https://x.com/HimemiyaRie โ– Sayaki Hisori Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/@Sasayaki_Hisori URL:https://x.com/Sasayaki_Hisori โ– Ferisia Youtube URL:https://www.youtube.com/@FeliciaLulufleur URL:https://x.com/FeliciaFleur โ– Hinamori Aminsu Youtube URL:https://youtube.com/@HinamoriAnthea / YoutubeURL๏ผšhttps://www.youtube.com/@HinamoriAntheaASMR URL:https://x.com/hinamori_anthea โ– Ravka… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Snow World! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    INSANE Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Snow World! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore’da KAR Dรผnyasฤฑnda 100 Gรผn Hayatta Kalmak…’, was uploaded by Bugra Sbbh on 2024-08-17 07:01:57. It has garnered 2546 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. Surviving 100 Days in a Snow World in Minecraft Hardcore… -Hello friends, I’m BuฤŸra ร–zcan, I’m 22 years old, from Ankara, I’m here to shoot fun and funny videos. To support me, *-Subscribe to my channel *-Like the video *-Do not withhold your nice comments -Thank you. Also, to be informed about the videos I upload, if you select all by… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Survival: Minecraft’s Disturbing Mods for 100 Days!

    Insane Hardcore Survival: Minecraft's Disturbing Mods for 100 Days!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Most Disturbing Mods For 100 Days in Hardcore 3’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-08-20 15:49:47. It has garnered 1593957 views and 31304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:28 or 3388 seconds. The cartoon cat and now the goatman have joined my hardcore world alongside The man from the fog and herobrine. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most… Read More

  • Toby builds epic farm in Minecraft!!๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Toby builds epic farm in Minecraft!!๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGERFARM TEIL 1/4๐Ÿ˜„mehr in der Folge๐Ÿค๐Ÿผ#minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Toby on 2024-01-04 15:15:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Universe Secrets LIVE ๐Ÿš€ | New 1.21 Save | Minecraft

    Unbelievable Universe Secrets LIVE ๐Ÿš€ | New 1.21 Save | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดLIVE | ะะพะฒั‹ะน ัะตะนะฒ 1.21 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Freakster Universe on 2024-08-15 03:09:40. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:40 or 5020 seconds. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1984190/Genopanic/ Throw some money to the streamer for food – https://new.donatepay.ru/@31740 Discord server (if the link does not work, write in the chat) – https://discord.gg/6wSqHbVfq5 There are streams here too – https://www.twitch.tv/freaksterun #live #stream #minecraft Additional tags Don’t Starve, Together, Genshin Impact, The binding of Isaac, roguelike, Sekiro, Walkthrough, beginning, survival, TOP, Bosses, Boss, Boss, Bosses, Achievements, HD, DLC, training, guide, walkthrough,… Read More

  • 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as Saturo Gojo?!? EPIC Survival Challenge!

    100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as Saturo Gojo?!? EPIC Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft as SATURO GOJO?!?..’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-08-13 17:00:18. It has garnered 158111 views and 5031 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:19 or 3199 seconds. I’m finally caught up with Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) & I haven’t done a 100 days in awhile… You know what that means right? TODAY we are going to be trying to survive 100 days as Gojo from JJK using the Project JJK mod… Will this be a challenge or an absolute cake walk!?! Let’s find out!!! ๐Ÿ’› – Subscribe for More:… Read More

  • INSANE NEW UPDATE: Gengar vs Dragon Ball in Minecraft 2

    INSANE NEW UPDATE: Gengar vs Dragon Ball in Minecraft 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Dragon Ball Minecraft Update 2’, was uploaded by Gengar on 2024-07-28 19:33:20. It has garnered 2433 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. **This is a Minecraft Dragon Block Server** – 100+ Missions: Engage in a variety of exciting missions. – 11 Races: Choose from seven unique races. – Customization: Extensive customization options for a personalized experience. – And Much More: Additional features and enhancements to explore. **Compatibility: Minecraft** **Compatible with [1.21.2].** **Download Link:** https://discord.gg/pWyrbBXHhF Website: https://dbmm.yolasite.com/ Server Information: IP: Port: :19134 #dragonball #minecraft #addon #showcase #fyp #shorts… Read More


    INSANE SJ DULLVA PRANK!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ#aphmau#aphmaucrew #minecraft#aphmaukissed#minecraftanimation#aphmaucosplay #animation#subscribe’, was uploaded by ๐’๐‰ ๐‡๐ฎ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š ๐ƒ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฏ๐š on 2024-03-25 04:01:02. It has garnered 7386 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Modern Vanilla

    Modern VanillaHello, welcome to Modern Vanilla! This is a Semi-Vanilla SMP server, hosted by two passionate owners, Shinkaii_Rin and RivsLive. Modern Vanilla has multiple QOL features that aims to provide all players that enjoy multiplayer Minecraft the best experience possible! The server uses diamonds as the primary currency, so NO pay to win happens on the server! Hope you enjoy your time here ๐Ÿ™‚ modern-vanilla.com Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware, 3 Years Old, No map resets, 21+, RPG-inspired, Claims, Dynmap, Discord-MC chat

    Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that’s been public for over two years, and we’re excited to welcome you to your new home! Where to Find us: IP: HomesteadCraft.mcserver.us Live Map Discord As an RPG-based server, we’ve got a unique game-play experience that’s tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Our community is made up of players from all over the world, and we’ve got a large number of regular players who enjoy playing together. Our main goal is to provide a fun environment with an old-school feel,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sonic’s Minecraft Spicy Blend

    Why does Sonic look like he’s about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2021 in Minecraft? Read More

  • Crafty Sphere: Minecraft’s Epic Adventure

    Crafty Sphere: Minecraft's Epic Adventure In the Minecraft world, events are a blast, Minigames galore, each one a contrast. From parkour to PvP, the fun never ends, With friends by your side, you’ll make amends. The Event Sphere, a hub of delight, Where players unite, ready to fight. Compete for rewards, in challenges grand, In this virtual world, where creativity stands. So hop on in, and join the fun, In Minecraft events, victory can be won. With skills and strategy, you’ll rise to the top, And in the end, you’ll never want to stop. So gather your friends, and gear up for the game,… Read More

  • Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure! “Why do Minecraft players make terrible archaeologists? Because they can never resist digging straight down!” #minecraftdigging #watchoutforlava Read More

  • Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island

    Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island Surviving 100 Days on a Mysterious Island in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft as you find yourself stranded on a mysterious and challenging island. In this thrilling video, you will test your survival skills to endure 100 days of adventure. Accompanied by helpful villagers offering advice, you must explore the terrain for resources, build secure shelters, and confront dangerous enemies. Get ready for an action-packed challenge that will push your Minecraft prowess to the limit! Exploration and Resource Gathering As you navigate the island, be on the lookout for valuable resources such as wood, stone, and… Read More

  • INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in Minecraft

    INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Castle in Minecraft and asked my Friends to Break In’, was uploaded by Grian on 2024-09-22 17:00:08. It has garnered 846576 views and 63837 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:11 or 2111 seconds. MINECRAFT: CASTLE CRASHERS! Today we have a special video where we all make a castle or fort full of defences then invite our friends to break in within a time limit to win. Check out the other participants to see what castle they made! Read More

  • Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!

    Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Tech with Games on 2024-04-07 11:30:24. It has garnered 489 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending Read More

  • INSANE – Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    INSANE - Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore 6/117 | TAG 1 [YT&TTV]’, was uploaded by IstDasGeisteskrank on 2024-07-17 02:28:55. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:13 or 3133 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMP

    Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GMR SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-04-15 21:49:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEdition

    Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering Ancient Debris: New Tricks in Minecraft Potato Edition! #PotatoEdition #ancientdebris’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-04 02:38:20. It has garnered 363 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Unearth the secrets of ancient debris with our latest tricks and tips tailored for Minecraft Potato Edition! Join us as we delve into innovative methods to uncover this elusive resource, essential for crafting powerful Netherite gear. From strategic mining techniques to utilizing specialized tools, we’ll guide you through the process of locating ancient debris efficiently and maximizing… Read More

  • EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons ๐Ÿ•น

    EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons ๐Ÿ•นVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft โญ GT New Horizons ๐Ÿ•น S2.1.054 ๐ŸŽฎMassenverarbeitung’, was uploaded by DragScorpion on 2024-05-10 09:00:17. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:15 or 3795 seconds. #Minecraft A complete world made of blocks that can be designed however you like. Whether you’re creative and build buildings, cities or whatever takes your fancy. As an adventurer you roam the world, dungeons or caves or as a survivor you craft your way through Minecraft life. There are no limits here. #GTNewHorizons If the Minecraft technology packs aren’t too demanding for… Read More

  • ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OP

    ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Bedwars Solo as Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #bedwars #minecraft #cubecraft #itachiuchiha’, was uploaded by FT BROTHERS on 2024-09-07 17:04:32. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Watch as I take on Bedwars solo in Cubecraft, channeling the power of Itachi Uchiha! From epic plays to intense battles, I dominate the game with strategy and skill, showing off my prowess with every move. Whether it’s clutch moments or outsmarting opponents, this match is a showcase of true ninja mastery. Donโ€™t miss out on the… Read More

  • EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with Celestee

    EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with CelesteeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stardew Valley into some Minecraft Co-op’, was uploaded by Celestee on 2024-08-06 02:13:48. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:53 or 18293 seconds. Welcome, welcome. It’s Monday. Time to get the Wizard to love me! Pray for me. These mobs are gonna kill me XD Be sure to check my channel description to find the Discord! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/celestee_the_kitsune/tip Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #minecraftmemes

    "EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t mess with me & my dog โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ก #minecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Minecraft moments on 2024-08-12 00:00:00. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft story mode, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft ambience, minecraft addons, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft player… Read More

  • LifeBound SMP

    LifeBound SMPLifeBound SMP is a brand new Lifesteal server that combines elements of RPG and Survival to offer a unique experience. Players can level up various skills to enhance their abilities, whether in combat, resource gathering, or exploration. With an amazing Quest System, there are always exciting challenges to complete and rewards to earn. The server also features a Playtime Rank System, where players are rewarded with ranks and perks based on their dedication and time spent in-game. Crafting is taken to the next level with Custom Recipe Items that allow for the creation of powerful and useful tools. For those… Read More

  • Phoenix Semi-Vanilla Server

    Phoenix Phoenix is a technical server with experimental features where we aim to create the biggest perimeter in Minecraft. Join us for original designs and a fun technical experience! Server Features: 1k2 spawn perimeter Chronos V3 raid farm New main storage in progress Complete demibolt + pearl cannon + pearl stasis network 150k iron farm 600k shulker farm Current Goal: We are aiming for a massive perimeter size of 5,000 x 1,000! Join us in our quest to beat the current records! Join Us! We welcome players of all skill levels who are interested in learning and building. No cracked… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The true meme story

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: The true meme storyI guess it’s safe to say that the real Minecraft Movie is a blockbuster hit! Read More

  • Rhyming Withered Animatronics in Gmod: A Memeworthy FNAF Short!

    Rhyming Withered Animatronics in Gmod: A Memeworthy FNAF Short! In Garry’s Mod, withered animatronics come alive, In memes and FNAF, they strive to survive. Rafael’s channel, filled with Minecraft and more, Soccer and gaming, a fun galore. Subscribe and like, to support his craft, With every video, a new laugh. TikTok link shared, for more fun to find, In the world of gaming, let’s all unwind. Read More