Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 3 – Discovering New Dimensions!

Video Information

Hello my fellow citizens of this 10th universe my name is pat blade too if you wish to be a specific and welcome back to another episode Oh dragon bloxy shattered Dimensions episode 3 yes this is episode 3 now of dragon block see shattered Dimensions hope you guys are

Enjoying the series as much as I am providing it to you guys she’s just so weird go die copies look up and there’s just butterflies and birds flying around it’s so freakin cool I like it but I was I’m on commies tower here because I wanted to show you guys that I’m going

To get I want to get everything out so we’re going to get potential actually and realize how much uh these are like how much they cost so I’m going to show you I only have like 198 so I guess I’m going to go with a potential unlock and

Endurance and then I’m gonna bump up the my potential unlock a little bit as high as it goes 6 5 that’s good enough for me sweet so that means we can go up to like 75 percent now and the lap bar yes pretty nice our guys getting ridiculously strong

We’re finally becoming somewhat what we were previously but anyways but anyways I wanted to first go back over to the arm to the base so let’s type in the coordinates here’s took the 468 2 and there we go hello mob base this is not conspicuous or anything freeze is never

Gonna find this hello Manti hopefully won’t report back that I’m here maybe the Mantis will just be by himself so I think trunks will be in the cafeteria so let’s go figure it out shall we let’s go find a freakin slob alright where the heck is he hello everybody how you doing

Hi hi I’m back I’m back ok he’s not here have you seen trunks oh I’m sorry lady just like looked up your skirt really sorry okay oh hello link how you doing um I guess I’m gonna go over maybe to my room maybe he’s chillin over there for some

Reason knowing that I would go over there maybe so let’s run over there and let’s see everybody’s still here everybody’s swarming my room God everybody just it’s a freaking party in here Jesus all right doctor tell me what’s going on all right I have a voice room this time oh hello

There again Patrick hope the recovery process is going well you’re probably looking for drugs aren’t you um he’s currently off doing something that can help us it’s what he told me um in the chest there’s no for you so too much you have to do next okay all right

Well thank you doctor your freedom’ weird all right oh look at that we got more sensors cuz I’m in dire need whoo mama chainmaille I’m gonna put this on before I even read it cuz I’m a greedy bastard I’m much better ha it looks hilarious the frickin

Head the hair it’s gonna funny though um crap I hit the Run button previously all right so what does the note saying you get get away from me I want you to read over my note let me go into corner here right hello there Patrick if you’re

Reading this this means I’m already on a mission I wanted to talk to you about the plan the plan what I plan to do to help these people out just like in your universe there are Dragon Balls scattered about unlike your universe however the Dragon Balls are not scattered around this world they’re

Scattered around different dimensions lovely very lovely um you see before a Frieza took over the people here will free the travel to different dimensions that’s why there’s so much diversity and the people you see Frieza did unfortunately find out about these dimensions and hid them thinking

That no one would be able to leave his rule I managed to track down the different portals it’s gonna sound we sound weird to you when I tell you Frieza has hit the entrance to dimensions in ants why why don’t ask me why he did this maybe maybe no one would suspect

Back there or something especially something that small all you have to do is go up to one of these ants and you’ll be teleported to new dimension it’s going to be strange at first but you’ll get used to it now that direct now that dragonball radar should take you the

Exact coordinates of the dimensions Dragonball it shouldn’t be too hard but in case I provide you a new set of armor to protect you it’s nothing that will make you invincible but it is distort see when you have the Dragonball trunks okay so throw the note back here cuz I

Pretty sure I need that I’m actually gonna throw some stuff I’m gonna throw everything back in here I don’t need this I don’t need that I fortunately don’t need that poisonous sword umm don’t need those and crap online so much me I don’t need you and put you there to actually know

Take this pic that because this type of food actually is these builders give you like full bar and stuff I guess so you know what I’m gonna do that I don’t need strawberries and might as well keep the golden apples not you go get some fine

Nimbus I’m sorry I don’t need you right now your service is not needed alright so that further ado I guess we got to go track down an ant as weird as this soon’s we gotta go track down ants alright so hello everybody I sorry I

Have to leave because I need to go do things so bye hmm Julie sorry I’m I’m gonna be a Patrick video it wouldn’t be a player to video if I wasn’t caught yawning cuz for some things I’m always tired also because I just woke up and I wasn’t planning recording this episode

Today but I realized that half of my recordings failed so I was like okay well I gotta make sure I post something today and I’ve got an hour before I leave for college so let’s go dragon blocks east and also because you guys are wanting it no you guys are crazy you

Guys like really really like this series which I am in your humble Jarrod’s the ants well you guys are freaking awesome but this is the ant that I want we want to go into regular ant I mention that’s where I think I need to go alright so

This is okay wait for the world to actually render and remember their ever being mountains in this dimension that’s really weird I think they’re supposed to be mountains in this dimension oh my God look at these treat Jesus oh yeah I made it so I could actually like fly now so it’s actually

Like it’s actually like nice actually fly alright so let me see if I’m dragon radar unfortunately I’m just gonna spoil it right now fortunately I did place the dragon ball in this dimension because obviously dragon balls got spawn it um like naturally in these other dimensions so I place it

Dragonball for some reason Dragonball Rita that’s working so or nope this definitely wouldn’t work alright so um but the good thing is if I can bring this up but now is that I actually have the coordinates of where it is so it’s negative one for 313 and 148 so uh I

Want to get the Z right first oh right and nope wrong way this way alright so let’s go down this way and hopefully hopefully it brings me to the right place cuz I’d never know with these dimensions if something random will happen alright so yeah I’ve taken some

Time to what that crap is this thing I do not approve of this random stick in the air this is so freaking weird tree if I had that mod that takes down the all bought all these blocks in one go it would crash my minecraft because of just

How big this alright so it should be coming up very very soon I’m actually getting kind of worried here and to that further ado okay so fun sorry it doesn’t actually bring me to the where I thought it would because there would be there’s tons of

Stuff in this arm where I left a dragon oh so I guess I’m gonna go around and figure out to where the heck to go for this Dragon Ball but anyways we could be like were roaming around this world cuz I don’t know anything about this world

So it could be a big adventure for Lulu loose as right now doesn’t seem to too hostile I mean might as well train a tiny tiny bit oh yeah and I’d have enough I have enough damage now so I can just wipe these guys out in one punch in its fantastic

Doggy pace I’m sorry I Peter will hate me being a late mate why don’t you hate alright thank you right how much does that bring Jesus already up to 28 all right um might as well bring up the spiritual control in limits cuz limits is always nice where I

Can have more ki but my plan for this episode was well first to find what a frickin Dragon Ball was that’s great that I can’t fight it anymore but Oh what the heck is this I guess I can have it cuz it’s definitely up here just oh I

Thought a peach it’s a peach tree a lot of features cool the leaves um yeah I don’t know why you guys let me know if like for some reason every single time you go into one of these dimensions it just changes randomly because I should

Have found the place by now and also I don’t remember it being this bumpy anyways we’re just gonna roam around seeing if there is anything for us to explore slash purify because I don’t know like we just like roping around and it looks like the Sun is about to go

Down here in this dimension which is weird and don’t think the Sun actually ever goes down I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Sun go down I’m actually kind of worried of how this will turn out okay there look let me grab oh Jesus what it look unstable and I don’t think

Oh wait wait wait wait trying to think here that I click on answer I click on unstable ants I don’t think I clicked on unstable ants kind of fun thing let me grab one of these and see if where are you unstable and might have I might have

Clicked on unstable now they think about it yeah that clicking on it yes I did click on an unstable alright that’s better now we’re in the right dimension where the heck are we okay we’re not that far away oh thank okay so we gotta go same coordinates

What the crap is that thing what the crap is that thing yeah oh my god alright alright oh okay get the frak away from me you creep of nature oh okay yeah this is definitely the met dimension that I thought I found oh Jesus okay so sheesh hello leaf

Monster I still don’t like you alright so no we’re good okay so Z is 140 okay who the heck is this who the heck are you and why the heck are you attacking me I will murder you do you know who I am I will murder you I

Have a Z sort there you go take that you got nothing on me boy oh my god that’s a big thing why are you so big oh right yeah so the unstable ant to mention who God dang this is awk I don’t run away yeah I hope he one-shotted me he oneshot

In me oh my god alright and now my server is crashing dang it is not good hopefully this means a kid did you go in one second everybody okay so – I got back oh Jesus I lost everything I did lose everything god I forgot to put the

On key ball item stuff so we lost their Z source we lost our all at food we lost all their Senzu beans and I don’t know where they get those all right this is gonna be fun alright Jesus Christ first time set day let there be light God um

Alright and let’s bring back their coordinates for the base 60 54 68 295 oh no way I forgot to put TP first and when idiot I’m just not having a good day today I did not realize that these freaking nightmares or whatever the heck those were call I think there are

Nightmares would actually one-shot me so it’s a good thing I kept my poison toy so I’m gonna go back I’m gonna go grab my poison sword it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be good happy fun time so apparently I need to train more and also I need better armor

Because as you saw clearly I have 332 health right now a nightmare should not be able to one-shots me but you guys were saying so you’re like you guys were like saying stuff that it does affect my dragon block see health indeed it does affect okay I guess I’m

Gonna grab my old stuff again indeed it does affect my dragon block see health but first it affects minecraft hearts because the update there has been an update for it yet unfortunately I’m still waiting gin where’s my update I’m skidding Jen is Jen’s the only reason why that I’m currently still living off

I mean I’m still like do we do too because you guys freaking love it so let’s all thank Jen all together even though I’m waiting for his mod to show up jeez I’m a mean person alright good now throw that there perfect alright so now we have a poison

Sword and the animation actually looks a lot leaner so that’s that’s always that’s always a plus I’m looking at the positives okay we gonna fly up here and apparently we still need to train or I need to grow them around and find better so Jesus get away from me you creep get

Away how the heck are you even over here I don’t even see a hornet’s nest anywhere oh good alright so actually I kind of want to go back to the dimension because um I want to go back to the unstable dimension because maybe I can start farming because I know okay get

Away from me you know way nobody likes you oh oh look at you you don’t oh god see ya at least poison like goes away after like two seconds because of the oh you got nothing mr. P who got Milton who got nothing Jesus yeah so um fun story got trained more

Apparently I can’t even kill a bee and do you know what the sad thing is um the what the heck did you drop you dropped butter candy flowers sugar and gold nuggets well I don’t need the flowers so I guess I’ll go grab more gold nuggets

But the fun thing is um the place where I placed the place where I placed all of the UH where the Dragon Ball is the funny thing is there’s tons of bees there be spawners there’s like seven be small nurse I thought I would be able to take them apparently I can’t

So before I kill this ant it’s coming to this dimension okay we’re back home oh Jesus oh well welcome what the heck are you what the heck are you Creek how much do I have all right strike Jesus all right my thing is that hopefully we could find

Where we died which is very unlikely doesn’t want to get my stuff I’ve got my foot sorry I was trying to move over and uh my foot hurts okay Apple oh god don’t look at it a kid sense fear and trust me oh I’m noticing there’s a lot of gold blocks laid around

Here where the heck are we oh god is it where I think is yeah we’re near where I place the Dragon Ball so I might as well show you guys where I place this dang thing so I could show you just how hard it’s going to be to grab this Dragon

Ball all right one second one second where is it it should be around either I don’t want the server of the crash on me it’s freakin buggin out on me already should be around here oh I hear you warping at me interesting I don’t know hmm

Oh it’s – not I’m an idiot I am an idiot I apologize I am painters that did not cut prepared for this episode I was kidding no it’s just I wasn’t planning and releasing this episode so early actually I wasn’t playing and recording it till tomorrow but half of my recordings failed

Apparently oh yeah and this is the place where the Dragon Ball is kept I’m actually gonna cheat for a quick second so I could show you guys game mode see and just so I can show you guys what the heck this thing is you see that that is

A scorpion spawner I look on top of the scorpion spider it’s a dragon ball isn’t that lovely oh good alright so go back to game mode s run like a freaking baby oh Jesus looks like so like a bee died here well I’ll take the golden blocks thank you

Alright let’s uh so that we know where that is I kind of wanted there’s rocks everywhere these are small rocks I don’t like the rocks I don’t know what the rocks are for I probably will know at some point what the heck is this found bricks ha ha

You stupid shark thingies I will kill all of you I’m going to kill every single water get get away from it get away from me I will kill all of you I will kill every single one of you yeah the only problem is with with a dragon

Boxy punching is that there is no freaking um what’s it called there is no uh knock back I mean I’m distance there’s no distance like so like when I’m trying to punch something I it has to be literally right next to me for the work and then there’s a chance it will

Work because of the the one damage sake okay I don’t know what you are except you’re pooping emeralds its pooping emeralds it’s making fart noises ha ha ha it’s making frigate bird noises ohh – stinky come on keep forward Emeralds what did you just poop out it’s a titanium nugget

It is a titanium nugget the heck are you there’s another stinky there Stinky’s everywhere I kinda want to punch up because there you know what seem to attack Oh what the heck are you you are a crystal stinky I don’t approve okay they are healing up which is actually

Kind of cool because they you use them as punching bags except I can’t seem to punches one okay so that one I guess poops out freaking um whatever it’s called string this is uranium nuggets now sheesh I’m getting loaded there’s a lot of these things I’ve been realizing

Let’s go flying goldfish you another stinky you are another stinky what do you poop out put your buh buh alright so I’m really upset that like there’s no dinosaur meat anymore so I can’t heal up on the dinosaur meats and also I cannot I don’t have any sense of beans because

I lost them all so I’m gonna have to do something here hey this is it my blue flower yes I’m just happy because I’ve been looking for a bot that provides a blue flower I finally did because Gary always has blue flowers if you know new Gary is he is

The the skin that I’m using if you want to say alright I want to cut it is this thing oh I know what this thing is and it’s really scare and I don’t want to actually go in it but I’m going to because it’s fine I don’t think yeah

Bravo snipers I know there’s tons of these oh holy crap alright yeah there’s tons of these things guy I just realized – we don’t have our oh sweet and also we get the charges alright so now I can start shooting them with this the only thing

Is that I don’t have my pickaxe anymore so we have to actually have to go out and try to find her pickaxe oh I see you over there you little bastard I’m going to punch you get over here I’m gonna punch you so you don’t like me and I

Don’t like you so get over here oh god I am I am I am dying slowly die AHA how does that make you feel okay punch punch and physical strength cuz we need more health that is something we definitely need all right hello everybody yeah there’s a lot of these things and

There’s spawners and stuff like that so I don’t want to actually go in there because I don’t have a pickaxe I should have prepared before coming here you know I thought it’d be simpler actually fun thing let’s go over see if we could um what kind of spawners this it’s an

Unstable plant stuff start making ants for me please please make its please it’s about to be it’s about to be freaking us nighttime and there’s stuff there’s day it’s okay let’s leave yeah okay so where the heck are we oh we’re actually we’re we kind of started

Because the house yep it’s over there alright so I kind of want to go what’s going to the original ants not the oh there’s rainbow lights I don’t want to go in the rainbow lamp dimension because that’s saved for something else so go into the normal ant dimension if it

Would it that to me and also one of them spawns Thank You normal ants let’s do this kind of want to roam around cuz I know that this dimension has a lot of trees it’s not really like high in mobs but it’s high in trees so and knowing

That this mod was not made for people like me who could fly diamond well see if there’s anything on top of this tree that has the that it’s like extremely freakin tall no it’s just what the heck is this what kind of tree is this who makes trees like this I mean

Nobody but come on what kind of random generated trees that um I guess I’m what I’m gonna do is that I’m gonna wrap up this episode here because I’m really not sure of how long this episode’s been going and I don’t want to like have the whole episode of me exploring but the

Thing is I’m going to look around this biome and if I find anything that’s where I’ll start off for the next episode so this has been an interesting episode of Dragon Luxy didn’t really go as planned but I mean it’s still it was still kind of exciting cuz I died I was

Awesome thank God that the sort of the thought of it got the meta on Otherworld still sort of works I mean he crashed on me but hopefully that part didn’t die on me hopefully that recording did die but I hope you guys did enjoy and I’ll be seeing you guys later

This video, titled ‘Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 3 – Discovering New Dimensions!’, was uploaded by owTreyalP – Dragon Ball Z, Anime, and More! on 2015-04-08 14:41:49. It has garnered 72293 views and 1110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:08 or 1568 seconds.

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 3 – Discovering New Dimensions!

As our hero continue to trains to his original power, he is informed that Trunks has a mission for him. What is this new mission? Where will it take our hero? Will he succeed? Find out in the brand new episode of…..DRAGON BLOCK C: SHATTERED DIMENSIONS!

Can We Get 15 Likes for this Video?!? Thanks you guys! 😀

Got ideas for the next video? Message me on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox! Excited to hear your responses!! 😀

Subscribe: || www.youtube.com/user/owTreyalP Facebook: || www.facebook.com/owTreyalP Twitter: || www.twitter.com/owTreyalP Tumblr: || melody-by-midnight.tumblr.com

♫ Music Peoplezz! ♫

Intro Music: Natural High – Tobu Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WGcZ7Ih_nU&list=WLg3xKI-Eoa_tioDyET8IAN2PdEiuRHWlZ Artist’s YouTube: http://youtube.com/tobuofficial

In-Game Music: 305 – Approaching Nirvana Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tXv7W6XNXQ&list=FL6cTBSaAcWciALEhGBJS7ig&index=3 Artist’s YouTube: http://bit.ly/xAHDbz


Thank you for watching!! And don’t forget to

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Thank you and have a great rest of your day!


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    Looks like the stakes are high in this Minecraft Hunger Games! Will it be the Creeper, Enderman, or Sheep that gets voted off the island? Tune in next time on Mob Battle Royale! Read More

  • Farmers’ Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem

    Farmers' Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a mod takes flight, Farmer’s Delight, a culinary delight. New foods and crops, from onions to tomatoes, And blocks like stoves and pots, for cooking bravados. With tatami mats to sit and relax, The Farmer’s Delight mod brings new tracks. So dive into the game, with a hunger so real, And cook up a storm, with crops to peel. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Moments 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Moments 🔥😂 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. #minecraftfails #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you tired of constantly being attacked by baby zombies in Minecraft? Looking for a server where you can hone your survival skills and conquer any challenge that comes your way? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a community of dedicated players and a variety of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your next Minecraft adventure. Survive the baby zombies, explore new worlds, and make lasting memories… Read More

  • Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 – Java Edition

    Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 - Java Edition Exploring the Minecraft Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20 Embark on an exciting adventure in Minecraft with the Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20! This unique seed offers players the opportunity to explore a survival island with a taiga village, making it one of the best seeds for those seeking a challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience. Discover the Taiga Village Located at coordinates x: (0) y: (70) z: (0), the taiga village in this seed serves as a central hub for players to interact with villagers, trade resources, and embark on quests. The village adds a dynamic element to the gameplay,… Read More

  • Wild Pickle Power in Minecraft: Unbelievable Chaos!

    Wild Pickle Power in Minecraft: Unbelievable Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘They Couldn’t Handle Us as Animals in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CheapPickle on 2024-03-01 19:12:50. It has garnered 768495 views and 28390 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:12 or 732 seconds. Me, Tucker, And Estabr0k a few Minecraft noobs played mob hunt. Go to https://1shotenergy.com/?ref=CheapPickle and use code CheapPickle for 10% off your order! Where one person would be the seeker and the others are the hiders. We could turn into any mob we wanted and we tried our best to hide from the seeker. MERCH: https://cheappickle.com/ Friends: @tinymacdude @estabr0kmc @Datboyashy @smirk01_ @l21saac… Read More

  • Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny Moments

    Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘G tag #music #halloween #edm #scary #strangerthings #ilovedonuts #fnaf #funny #donuts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Goo202 on 2024-03-23 04:34:01. It has garnered 422 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #short

    EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Defense Tower İn Minecraft 2 #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Draki Mine on 2024-01-16 00:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’ve constructed a new defense tower in Minecraft! In my video, I guide you step by step through this magnificent structure. Read More

  • Shockingly EPIC updates on Frozen 3, Minecraft Movie & Sonic 3!

    Shockingly EPIC updates on Frozen 3, Minecraft Movie & Sonic 3!Video Information [Music] Frozen is a worldwide phenomenon the two movies are among Disney’s biggest hits and are loved by all age groups the first Frozen movie was released 10 years ago and dominated at the box office as well as with the song Let It Go the sequel Frozen 2 was just as successful in 2019 of course this raises one question in particular when will Frozen 3 be released production is already in full swing and there is currently a good chance that Frozen 3 will hit theaters in 2025 find out all the latest details about the… Read More

  • Naruto_Lord The GOD of Lifesteal SMP – EPIC Server Shenanigans LIVE #19

    Naruto_Lord The GOD of Lifesteal SMP - EPIC Server Shenanigans LIVE #19Video Information को भी मतलब इसको भी पूछ लो ये क्या नाम है इसका पीके को ए पीके पीके क्या भैया बोलना आगे उसको बोलो दे ना पीके जल्दी कर ब्रो प भा उसको बो पास गल है भाई अकेले के पास इन सबके पास गड एपल है हां भाई उनको गड एप्पल किधर से मिले क्या मालूम करलू पास है कोई तो सप्लायर है फ्रें ना इधर आ ग लाइव स्ट्रीम तो कर लाइव स्ट्रीम तो एक बहाना है हमसे तुमको हमको तुमसे मिलना है इसलिए क्या वो रहता है कौन सी शायरी है वो है होए शकर लोग… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Mob Edit!! 🤫 Watch for Despacito Twist!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Mob Edit!! 🤫 Watch for Despacito Twist!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft mob edit x 🤫 despacito edit #minecraft #mcpe #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by ALsee Playz on 2024-02-28 09:47:48. It has garnered 518 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. mincraft mob edit x 🤫 despacito edit #minecraft #mcpe #gaming #viral Tags minecraft mob edit, minecraft mob editor, minecraft mob editing, minecraft mob editor app android, minecraft mob editor download, minecraft mob editor app, minecraft mob farm bedrock edition, minecraft mob farm bedrock edition 1.20, minecraft pocket edition mob farm, minecraft guess who mob edition part 2, minecraft… Read More

  • Joji & Mimi in TNT Trap – Secret TV Woman in Minecraft?!🤯

    Joji & Mimi in TNT Trap - Secret TV Woman in Minecraft?!🤯Video Information [Music] like the video if you like me subscribe if you like me [Music] more excellent day today we are together with tvom let’s go on a date we’ll go eat cake yes this is the coolest confectionary shop we have in the city and today they make a giant cake for us and here is your cake where’s your girlfriend friend she will come soon really where is she I hope she won’t be late it’s time for me to go out what who are you you will come with us we are taking you hostage JJ… Read More

  • $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft Factions

    $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft FactionsVideo Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the faction series here on royal. mia.com of course if you guys want to come check out the faction server please consider using that custom IP because whenever you guys do it does directly support me and the channel so I greatly appreciate it and if you guys want to support me and support yourselves even further hop on and do/ redeem Royal I believe you can do this redeem code on literally any realm on Madia for sure Pixelmon as well… Read More

  • Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shorts

    Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shortsVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit the same since I does that I to retire and now I have the power… Read More

  • Mad Minds: Battle Realm – Factions PvP Modded

    Mad Minds: Battle Realm Space war with factions {java} {modded} If you want to explore different planets or build a space station, this molded server is perfect for you. The main focus is on tech and war, with a touch of magic. Take over galaxies and engage in faction wars. Quests coming soon. Custom modpack and 24/7 lag-free server available. Server launch on Thursday or Friday. Join the discord for current updates. Read More

  • NightCraft Central Europe Edition

    NightCraft Central Europe EditionHello!How nice that you want to join the NightCraft Central Europe Edition. This server is based on a 38000 x 26000 block map of Central Europe. The server is a Geopol / Roleplay server with mods such as Create, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, Farmers Delight, Nuclear Science etc.The server also includes Simple Voice Chat so that you don’t have to sit in Discord if you want to talk to the others on the server.Since the server is a Geopol / Roleplay server there will be things like regular elections, private companies, economy based on a coin mod and more.We are currently… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: lmao, spicy edition

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: lmao, spicy editionLooks like this meme is really making the grade in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest! Minecraft: Defeating the First Boss of the Twilight Forest Welcome to a channel dedicated to the incredible world of Minecraft! In this video, we will explore all the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your own virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a Circle Survival Base Tutorial using Minecraft build. While the video itself was engaging and informative, it got us thinking about the importance of finding the right Minecraft server to truly unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned builder looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn and explore, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • OMG! Lifeguard Falls for Me | Gracie’s Love Story

    OMG! Lifeguard Falls for Me | Gracie's Love StoryVideo Information are you ready for the slidee parkour yes I’m so ready to learn W help me bro what is that oh crazy there’s somebody out there in the water surrounded by sharks oh no we have to save him I’m going oh good luck I’m going to stay here wait a second guys I have some weapons I can help fend off the Sharks oh no there’s so many of them oh let’s get the Sharks help me help me I don’t want to be eating today don’t worry I’m getting the Sharks I’m getting the sharks okay… Read More

  • Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!

    Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] H hello hi happy Friday it’s it’s the Friday yep end of the week are you ready for one last swim maybe long stream maybe short stream probably short stream uh probably wel good in everyone how are we all doing today hello hello hello hello shut up hello m f mom Pizza hi hello Mr z i do mon devil I said helloo M thank you so much for the I really really appreciate it thank you thank you I appreciate it uh thank you SK wait thank you thank you skull… Read More

  • 👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbait

    👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying Tiktok viral Hacks ! 😱🔥 #realisticprince #minecraftshorts #minecraft #hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by Realistic Prince on 2024-01-05 12:19:08. It has garnered 2037 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 3 – Discovering New Dimensions!