Drawing more Minecraft skins 👻 Vibing 👻 Ghost Vtuber 👻

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Foreign red Rock hey how’s it going I had a short work shift today and I’ve got more Minecraft skins I need to draw a couple people left so it made it easier on me damn what what do you mean exposed yeah you heard me go

In 4k I purposely was a [ __ ] so like they would leave less work to do I would never uh that’s funny definitely wasn’t trying to read out weed out people who were uptight or anything definitely didn’t want to see if you could handle me I think the uh it’s just

Me too you seem uptight but okay I hate it [ __ ] repeating myself every [ __ ] yeah there again it was again like come on man I answered like the same question like five times like I’m learning the windups yeah you’re going for Nova whatever the [ __ ] it is Nova is not that high

Gordon it was just slightly above silver or is it plat what are you going for the best ranked is globally but no I’m not going for any of that I just I’m tired of people being like this is why we’re stuck in silver oh because you don’t know lineups yeah that’s funny

Obviously you gotta learn lineups clearly I’m like why would you not learn lineups to be fair I do have I have I have one serious lineup that I got and I have warned that’s a joke that I can smoke my own team at home that’s funny I got a

Line up where I can throw a smoke you like my smoke and train or I just yeed it down the hallway yeah that was funny isn’t that a good one though wasn’t that oh they could still peek you if you were throwing it too hard so you need to aim lower

And it would have been good yeah all right so don’t throw it as far I got it yeah because it was just skins it was just hitting the wall uh I thought I was like blocking off that corner hey baby hey baby how’s it going

Yeah I I I forgot it already but I checked and I was aiming like perfectly at like this building off the map that was like perfectly lined up to smoke itself and I was like oh nice very smart hello my love how you doing I’m doing okay how about you I’m all

Right I’m a little like I’m sorry but good we are busy now it’s that time of year again oh yeah I feel like the whole like time I was there pretty much except for right now towards the end I was pretty much busy and all this stuff yeah when I was

Texting you I was on like a little break because the manager that was there likes me so nice I uh oh my god did I do it what do you do what oh my God I have a stairs line up look at me go I also have a lineup for uh

CT on Mirage oh yeah oh look at me go I’m gonna completely forget these lineups when I’m actually in a game but hey I tried it’s a habit thing right so you gotta get used to using the lineups yeah I’m gonna laugh because I like give up on the game after

Learning these stuff oh yeah I’m preemptively applying diclofenac gel oh yeah foreign lately I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain while drawing oh like even like just like an hour you know oh no yeah I’m sorry I mean I know like eventually I’m gonna have to get like the surgery your [ __ ] tunnel

But I’ve heard it’s gotten a lot better it used to be like they would clip it the the nerve or the tendon or whatever and then like moved it and re-staple it um but now they make a smaller incision and like stick a little robot thing in

There to like carve away some stuff or whatever oh wow yeah carpal tunnel happens because of inflammation in the wrist the pinches the nerve the medial nerve that runs down it comes from like your elbow and then it like goes around your arm slightly under to your wrist

And when I’m having pain from it it goes all the way up to my elbow it’s progressed that bad for some people it’s just in their fingers it starts off and their fingers is like a numb sensation like when you’re writing a lot um after it progresses from there it

Becomes a burning stabbing sensation and it at the worse it gets the further up your arm it goes oh yeah so mine’s going all the way up to my elbow so I uh preemptively put some stuff on I just took my meds and I just took some um Tylenol as well

No cannabutter yet though but okay whatever it was get into drawing we left off yesterday working on Monty’s drawing oh yeah he’s like a femboy cat Revolutionary War outfit of money so oh I’m aiming at the wrong spot oh don’t oh I [ __ ] it up still I thought the

Revolutionary War outfit was red but his is more purple um but I still need to get a reference image I think of British and before Um yeah I think I I think that’s the effort I just full sent one across the whole map if Canadians because these from Canada so maybe it’s a Canadian thing oh no it looks like the British one okay yeah because the Canadian one the American Continental oh it’s the same

Thing yeah it’s British it’s so good it’s the British ah okay I mean they’re still owned by Britain so come on they have their freedom but their currency and everything is still you know yeah still that uh yeah someone brought up a funny thing uh uh pointing out the fact that they

Canceled the announcement trailer for tears of the kingdom when the queen died oh yeah that’s funny and then they launched the game the same week that the king got like crowned and all that so they’re like I we can’t write a better script all right well I know three a lineups

That’s cool for Mirage no I forgot the other map I have a lineup on holy oh no he’s already forgetting everything no I got it I got it inferno’s lineups we got boots on I think I need to make this leg a little thicker so let’s do that that’s funny

Okay voice pack has been downloaded and installed hey and then the only other thing if I have this right is the the paint one right the texture pack okay yeah yeah currently I don’t think there’s anything else okay yeah because that’s the only thing I could find of the things that I could

Find yeah okay I should be all set then oh yeah so yeah I I I may play tomorrow it just I guess it’ll depend on how how tired I am after work right yeah I don’t want you to like overdo it yeah I still want to play though I know it’s Got like a Ruffles man uniforms used to look so cool now they’re all like tactical and [ __ ] yeah we used to have like fashion what happened I have fashion that’s funny you used to get to look good while you killed each other get buried in your battle uniform

I didn’t want to do lineups anymore and then I can close CS go and I was like I want to learn more lives addicted addicted I don’t want to play csgo I am getting addicted to csgo again yeah I [ __ ] knew it I’m addicted the last six matches have been a 50-50

Win loss that’s a little bit better huh no I was on like a five win streak uh oh yeah it was valorent that you were just red red red red whoa what’s mean what I honestly can’t be bothered to learn any more lineups maybe we should just play a real game

Learn it off of like while in game yeah so I know this is ranked but like can you still have the lineup can I do this lineup like I love it look it up many buttons on this outfit they really like buttons yeah they can afford Metals yet so it was

Just some more buttons you had the higher you were looks like metals are buttons I know it’s British isn’t it yeah hello Governor hello governor how many buttons it’s like one two three four five six buttons let’s check that later I’m gonna do five if it’s nice

Like I don’t remember that I’m not allowed to swear around f oh right yeah nobody else has said anything yet okay so far the only person I’m not allowed to swear around is f of x okay I’ll try to remember that too yeah I’m fine with like I mean I mean I’m

Just starting my channel so I don’t kind of I don’t want to like shy people away from it with Swang so understandable so you’re saying you also don’t want me to swear on you I mean personally I don’t care but for the stream I do care

So like if I’m if I’m recording like I’ll tell you if I’m recording and then I’ll just like cut that out like me recording or saying that or I’ll just like cut out the swaying Parts you know so what are you guys doing right now oh wait yeah you’re doing yesterday yeah

I might stream I just want to get everything ready for first yeah I’m setting up all the streamer streaming stuff I went out of OBS I wasn’t able to figure out the uh the the camera thing for like time lapse and stuff because like literally like I download file and

Then like there there wouldn’t be a Ziploc file it would just be a regular file okay now the Revolutionary outfit do you want me to do the red like the British or do you want me to make it that purpley color it’s up to you I mean are you just is it

Is that just for like art and stuff hold on let me take a look at your stream it’s for the server yeah so like it’s uh like your skin is more purple but I know you said your outfit was like based off of like a revolutionary outfit so yeah

Basically it was a modded server and there were like guns of stuff and you know it was actually a different server owner made it at like just like like the fit the whole theme and everything you know yeah this is what I’ve got that’s nice that looks really good yeah

Yeah you’re you have a talent and it’s wow you you have a real palette I feel like you should have more followers than you do I’ve gotten that a lot actually I love lunches wow I’m like wow today my manager told me that fluoride is used as a depressant and that it’s

Not just for your teeth so the government puts fluoride in the water to try to control people and she was like it affects the pride pituitary gland you could have been even more creative than you are but the government if that’s the case why are I happy true

It’s like I am and I was like Sarah it’s not that I don’t believe you but I need some proof for this I’m a scientific kind of person I need to see the data sheet that’s not just like some dude from Texas you know right foreign

I keep forgetting my login for twitch so it’s just all joined uh all like or I’ll log in and I’ll sign up or like and I’ll like follow and then I might like forget my login oh my gosh what’s up yeah no I saved the password but sometimes I

Just like clear the cookies I regret this instantly well you’re playing rank no I’m playing casual so instead of a 5v5 it’s a 10 V10 with open mics on both teams yeah that sounds litty there’s just someone that’s like some like Chinese inspirational speech on

Their mic I’m just like oh f of x you excited for the server tomorrow yeah he’s like no I actually hate it he’s like I just need content like I can’t wait for it to end actually [Laughter] I think it’s gonna be I think we’re gonna have a good time I’m not worried

All right cool I get a mute your stream while I watch it in the background okay I am actually finishing up some uh some interior designs on the base the starter base I plan on building rips is it weird that I’m not pre-planning my builds is it weird that

I just kind of like do it like like Bob Ross you could just I mean I want to learn how to use schematics so I don’t have to like like improvise like I because because sometimes I’ll make a build like a really big build and it might be

Lopsided on one side and I’ll be like oh my God I have to redo all that yeah I go with the flow I do some asymmetrical stuff and stuff like that because like I don’t build often but when I do build it’s maybe like it may

Be like a 600 by 600 structure or something massive right yeah I I need like yeah go ahead as you can say I don’t like do that usually it’s like sometimes I do big builds but like I just make cute little houses and stuff and then I do a lot Underground

Like I’ll do like a cute house on pop and then it’s huge underneath actually I will share my screen and oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] game disconnect I’m better than everyone in that Lobby okay oh yeah so here’s like here’s the front right got this nice big Majestic door

Let me go inside you want me to tell you what my first thought was when I saw that house you sure I thought one of those like I know the Vikings made those like those sort of like those it looks like that that like roof on like a

Viking house you know but like it’s really colorful yeah I wanted to make use of some of the newer blocks because I really haven’t um used any of them so I like those with those shutters with the windows I really like it thank you yeah I actually um saw this building technique on

Um Hypixel what the [ __ ] did I just go into is that just this massive door here looks like I’m not gonna be able to have that um all right and you come inside and there’s here’s like the kitchen area I’m so gonna decorate you know what you could do because sometimes because I

Know like the pressure plate might like screw it up you could have a lever on their knees and just lock it yeah because like sometimes Redstone might be confusing or it might cause problems yeah I just like leave like a lever on or something

No but it has to be on the bottom of the block like like oh yeah like let’s get the shin on me but like flip the lever that flip the trap door down like oh [ __ ] okay um so originally this floor design was quartz and Blackstone which I realized

If the nether is going to be locked I won’t be able to make my floor so uh instead I opted for smooth stage you just make a witch Farm just make a witch Farm if you need Goldstone I said Blackstone oh yeah Blackstone as well but like glowstone for like my red

Lamps and stuff you know smooth Stone in Blast furnaces because they both have a nice smooth top texture and they also have a lot of iron Stone um outline to them so probably the merchant skill will probably help you with their iron the medicine we have a Merchants Guild oh I’ve I’ve already

Organized a group what you’re pre-organizing your stuff we’re pre-organizing groups or like because like we want to get started right away like but it will there will be like more and stuff but it’s be less like one in our house well I guess we can take the word improv out of our server

It’s going to be a lot there’s gonna be involved because like because like with regards to like the like hits and like talking about stuff you know I guess no there will still be in part people outside of the group like let’s say because it’s it’s just three people oh

But there’s like there’s like 18 people on the server 17 what not and there will be like uh Bargains and stuff outside but you know also thank you Era for posting those videos those really helped thank you so on the top level you got um kind of like the living area

And yeah I was wondering what all those particles were from here is a it was an accident but honestly I like the way it looks so I’m keeping it but um you kind of like this nice like base in here and you might notice that it’s pretty well lit but there’s very

Few visible light sources oh you have looms for the top I noticed all those Loom blocks yeah they are okay so there’s actually a lot of hidden light sources everywhere so there’s torches under here that provide light to this Central Area and then just some like more non-intrusive ones like lanterns and candles

Uh down here has hidden lanterns and these pillars and then over here in the kitchen area there’s some more hidden lanterns in the corners yeah you’re really you’re like you’re a master class for like building like that like I’ve never seen building techniques like this even though it doesn’t look very lit you

Can see that it’s got a light level of two so nothing can spawn here so yeah I I remembered the update where they changed it for because it had to have like seven or less to spawn now it has to actually have like zero yeah and also

But I still I still I Still Play Store just like a madman look okay so I was actually a little bit curious about this um custom terrain generation you guys were talking about yesterday I saw it in the video like there was like is there like blocks and stuff uh

Blocks and stuff wow in my Minecraft block game Minecraft you know I think those uh I think those cubes really accentuate the uh the other cubes I was thinking really complement the other cubes in the game quite nicely oh cubes would be a little more fitting for Minecraft uh yeah

I’m glad you guys like sort of like I know like I wouldn’t I I would you call that like sort of teasing or like what would you call it yeah teasing Panthers yeah I I don’t mind that as long as it’s not like uh like bad yeah I forgot to stop saying like

Like probably filler words bad I do that all the time though um the Amazon gonna say right in the in like that trailer video that you guys made I did notice that the mine shafts were from Young’s better mine shaft mod are they looked like it

A lot of people are like a swimming thing I mean it’s only natural for people to assume that’s our nature well it’s it’s also like uh what was that I remember what the [ __ ] it’s not plug-ins it’s data packs how many data packs do we have on the server

I don’t keep track of that okay all right wow I don’t think we were planning on like telling everybody and none of this info is necessary for the server art you’re making is insane I uh thank you and you really like are you doing that

With a pen or are you doing that with your mouse like uh I have an intuos Wacom tablet please don’t hit me wondering how amazing that is just wow yeah I can’t do it I can’t do that Detail no you penis I don’t you should I can’t you could no yeah

I said I can’t therefore I can’t I did say I was uh like I did say I was gonna and I did start but it’s like you know yeah we’ll do a practice yeah everybody hates it but it really does come down to that like I would

Recommend like an hour a day yeah well no I don’t wanna the amount you will improve in just one year by doing it like an hour a day will be insane nope as the Buddhists say or the monks you gotta dedicate all your time for a month I mean you could yeah

I was debating on testing that like it’s all about self-restraint really yeah yeah if you really want something you will do it exactly you want things with zero effort well then I win zero effort life yeah I made an effort to start like doing YouTube and like you know

He’s in the bathroom oh is that Ian what’s up how you doing I said Ian oh my God who’s excited for tears of the Kingdom I’m excited to watch G minus one hour or some [ __ ] like that I don’t know what time it is I’m just guessing it’s

10 30. you got an hour and a half hour and a half oh hi how you doing I hope you’re doing well are my gaming Tick Tock hit 800 followers I didn’t have a goal set for the head so 100 that’s still yeah people what yeah yeah

That was weird I think the art one is getting close to 1200 too look at you I’m doing it doing it Mom thanks yeah [ __ ] idiot I like how I got the streaming of it like thing and then like never did it oh it’s like you tried once and I don’t

Maybe like maybe it just didn’t like it uh oh I’m getting I thought about doing it again actually here let me [ __ ] turn my phone on let me just stream My Stream [Laughter] I’ll set my phone up okay I’m gonna go live on Tick Tock as well yeah I’m drawing Minecraft skins for

People I’m gonna be playing with in another SMP gonna be great it’s gonna be Improv I went somewhere to ask the question what oh no and I don’t think I think they know you never know oh my God hold on not my camera my screen go live Brad look at this

Composter doesn’t have a solid top but you can still place things on it so you can wow wow cutting board with a knife on it oh bloggers it’s actually like so cool that’s actually insane what oh you’re [ __ ] serious no worries zadian we I miss you I hate this game

I started the tick tock stream so now we go back to drawing If you guys want to hear audio and stuff go to my twitch that’s where the good stuff is yeah I should like I should have like oh I should do the thing where I put the Navigator over here make it all big and then I’ll just write like

I’ll just point it more I’ll point it more no you’re not joining my live stop um I’ll put it over here and I’ll write like twitch Glory doodles you know thanks I hope they like it too they’re here oh my God I’m so excited can we put that

On some layer so I don’t interfere with other things okay burgundy sweater or Supernatural hoodie whatever you want if you want to wear the burgundy sweater that’s fine I was like I wanna I want both both yeah I had it at an angle um but I fixed it so now it’s more

Square on I was responding to tick tock chat yeah if I’m ever talking to somebody and you don’t know who I’m talking to people on Tick Tock I’m talking to Twitch people on Twitch I’m talking to tick tock okay can we get some likes guys oh yeah on

Twitch you will hear the people I’m talking to in Discord because I am in a call if you want to hear the Discord call go to Twitch you like be like no no don’t send me a Galaxy Guys if you send a Galaxy right now I’ll delete my whole drawing I don’t care about my viewers as much them enough for that you know what I mean I’m not gonna make them delete [ __ ] like okay yeah to get out of contacts no everybody here knows that I need chat

More than chat will ever need me I’m the one who’s parasocial to them it’s weird no no I’m like Yo dude who gave me two bits why didn’t I get an invite to your birthday party what kind of weird bro like what can we get some more likes thank you

Um sorry I what I’ve only dreamed so much I’m talking to everybody not just you okay God okay I see how important we are to you [Laughter] thank you Mitchy I appreciate it oh you cannot join my live okay um people keep trying to join my live

Stream on Tick Tock and I’m like [ __ ] off okay next on your stream no it means they clicked on my stream no that’s different what you see in chat is different than what I see a pop-up comes up and it says someone’s trying to joining your live stream again today

Except them or deny them if I accept them then they pop up on my screen and we can talk to each other like FaceTime um so I had sorry I had let me turn my headphones down I’m trying to also talk loud enough so that like Tick Tock hears me and the

Mic’s right in front of me oh okay anyway I forgot what I was saying yeah people are trying to join my thing and I was like no I don’t need okay but the way I built this house I don’t need like a storage room because there are barrels absolutely everywhere so I have

As much storage as I’m gonna need maybe more just hide stuff in plain sight you know yeah pretty much you could build your whole house of barrels and someone wants to like look for something like let’s see you hit like an item they wouldn’t be able to find that so I’m

Gonna break into your house and look through every barrel in the world edit um let me cracking other people’s videos or does everything have to be word based like we’re not allowed looking at other people’s content um I I would say probably give like a weak buffer between videos accidentally spoil something for

Yourself yeah good morning you know you may be right civilized don’t you let’s let’s store that area there there’s 31 Barrels in that make up this house yeah so Monty you joined a group with some people or something oh uh what do you mean uh you know oh

Yeah yeah okay so you’re not gonna follow me around anymore that’s that’s okay I mean it’s we I mean we’ll generally be in one area but we might go around you know yeah that’s okay you can you can break off it’s okay I’ll just do what I was gonna do anyway I mean

Make that 32 I can make a compromise it’s okay you don’t have to follow me you can just go with the people that you plan something with yeah I mean I’ll follow you I definitely would like to do that okay okay you could be like those people on Rust

Who like live in the walls or something yeah she can have a big bedroom it kind of fits anyway with my thing you know yeah yeah we should build across from each other be like neighbors you know I just stopped by your house like all

The time and just like man it’s easy to get like dump all this stuff I don’t want in your chest what’s up how are you hello hello yeah Kuro do you want to get married in Minecraft yes yes wrong kind of role play what your Twitch

Erp sorry what did you say Erie my twitch is what the twitch name is cut off on the live stream oh [ __ ] it says Aura Doodles which there you go you ready is that better there we go twitch it’s twitch twitch.tv slash and Lord doodles almost there almost there

Yeah are you like buying likes for her or some [ __ ] no I uh you can spam it you can like yeah yeah that’s gross you or you like botting no oh no legs are different on Twitch than they are in like other things they’re like yeah you can like multiple times

You can sit there and just double tap the screen for as long as you want yeah there’s actually a meter there’s like a bar you can fill up and the better the more Lakes you get the higher up it goes yeah like so if people if people

Constantly spam my likes then I’ll go further up and be more viewed on the live stream thing so that’s why you might see Tick Tock streamers being like hey can we get some more likes up in here hey what’s up how’s it going like you know guys I am about to reveal where

The hidden fourth item is at but only if we can get 6 000 likes right now if you think this drawing is cute please like you know stuff like that gee my my yeah shit’s buzzing Um yo Monty is this skin color good for you or do you want me to change it at all oh no it’s fine it’s fine it’s I mean it’s up to you well what color are you I’m highlights where it’s just all your Clips taken out of context Because currently this seems more like a Pacific Islander or Indonesia Maori or the Polynesians Maori foreign mix I’m a human yeah I am anishinaabe native yes oh I’ll pretend like I know what that word means it means North Midwest area native American right with the United States yeah paper machine

So it’s different than like Navajo which you might have heard of which is famous that’s more Southwest so I’m more like Northeast the only thing I know Southwest prefer is food yeah his Pan’s a little bit brighter I don’t like how they’re like green what are your hobbies you guys because I

I know I know you I know you like uh art um those pants were Gray they were greenish toned colored yeah I know you a Laura are Graham you like uh art but like what’s everyone’s like sort of hobbies and stuff like I can give my hobby I’m I’m a

History buff so I like stuff that’s like history like like for example Civ was like history it’s like a sort of his create your own version of History you know like everything’s like everything’s based off of reality you know it’s like science fiction stuff so

Right my God I love Gandhi and his nukes bro that’s my favorite yeah yeah that’s my favorite part about Civ um I like I like art do a little bit of animation uh really enjoy making music yeah it’s so cool I need to do that I think you’d like my

Friend Coba he also makes music yeah yeah so if you guys hear some weird sounds for me I just say some popcorn and I just I can feel a lot of corn kernels just way in the back of my throat I don’t care I mean as long as

You don’t deep throat us I think we’ll be fine oh is that too far I can’t say deep throat no that’s beautiful [Laughter] Oh gosh what was that what was that excuse me following my mic I’m like I can’t hear you are you okay turn the game all the way up for that too I heard Deep Throat I’m down well if you’re down to deep throat then you should put your phone number on the

Inside of an airport bathroom stall and then you’ll get plenty of calls we’re the ones that have um holes in them yeah yeah yeah yeah you should volunteer for Thursdays oh God I don’t know what’s happening oh deep throat taken away whoa I like how the tick tock chat has like

No idea what the [ __ ] is happening right now it’s like well if you want to know you know where you need to go yeah you have neighbors for easy access all right I didn’t know you shared Tom’s wife damn no dude Tick Tock chat it’s just like what the [ __ ] is going on

I know right Get in the chat get in the chat yeah get off the ticky tacky and get in twitch Tick Tock is great for getting your stuff seen but not good for making money so oh [ __ ] I’m actually looking for my stream got taken down Why did it get taken down because I said I said oh most likely suppression again it’s because she said uh bad words against twit or Tick Tock yeah and then you see those ads on that Tick Tock or like YouTube so they killed her it said that my

Access will be restored at 10 58. what wow whole ten minute band it said 10 58 on the 11th that’s like 10 minutes from now that’s so funny holy [ __ ] I think this happened the last time or or some somehow your stream got taken down for for some reason violation

Reason you’re live access was suspended for violating our twitch Community Islands yeah yeah yeah it won’t tell me which one yeah yeah I’m too I’m too uh I’m too much for tick tock this is my second live band okay that means you’re doing something right yeah

Yeah you can go live as a host uh starting on May 11th my access to live studio yeah May 11th what yeah in 10 minutes they said all right calm down come back in 10 minutes they said [ __ ] off for 10 minutes I’m gonna plug my phone in so I can charge

Some more because live streaming kills it skill issue yo what’s with like this half a heart icon I have next to my name and twitch chat oh uh uh a um a gifted sub so you can now use her emotes like I was I was thinking you in twitch

Chat yesterday I didn’t realize it was like you yeah yeah that’s my girlfriend yeah the blue violet bro that’s purple and that is my color s yeah okay Why do I have a Discord ping oh yeah yeah um thank you Mitchy for another subscriber I have it automatically but yeah so a year and a half wow no two and two and a half years damn bro damn bro that is a long time

Yeah who you uh whoa voice crack who you drawing next uh I don’t know I haven’t planned that far okay if Minecraft doesn’t crash on me this time I would appreciate that how do people be like painting their naked bodies on Tick Tock a nugget band but I

Say the word deep throat it’s too much for them because that’s all yeah really for real because the tick tock mods like they they pay attention to audio and they don’t care about individually you know a good job whatever you want uh like why if you see something no I got banned

Before because they thought my drawing was naked but it was just a sketch and I hadn’t put the clothes on it yet and I had to explain that I was in the middle of drawing and it doesn’t have any clothes because I didn’t get that far yet

And then they they took it back they let me stream again but my stuff was all suppressed for like three months or something like that like when I usually get like two to three hundred views per video or more um I was getting like four views like

They hard suppressed me it was really sad so then I focus more on YouTube for a little while than they just you got an only fan self I tell everybody is that your fiance she doesn’t need it Did not need to know about that okay okay I got it where I get my money from is nobody else is concerned understood have a nice day get that bag boy get the bag I may or may not pose as a female online to get money from desperate men on Discord yeah okay

Do you know about the Opera GX Twitter account yes yeah okay so so I sent them a DM on Twitter saying I found your feet finder account oh my god did they respond they haven’t yet but I’m really hoping that they do look at it and respond that’d be great dude I

Love it I love when brands are unhinged and it’s like they got like an actual like younger person running it yeah like it’s like yeah it’s not just an account like it’s not just a brand it’s like it feels like a person yeah we can relate to the people running

Like waifu or whatnot yeah bro since since I saw like their Twitter activity I actually that seeing their Twitter account made me switch over to using Opera GX as my own browser I’ve been using it for a little while now already just because it’s nice yeah are you yeah

I like that every time you open it back up like all your tabs just immediately restore yeah it’s like my favorite feature no no no no no I wish Opera sponsor me I’ll draw you femboys George off femboy I’ll draw a femboy Opera GX protogen and make an outfit inspired by the theme

I like to use on the browser yo I could have sworn that PewDiePie had like an opera GX theme yes but then I went to look for it and I couldn’t find it and it was like from two years ago so you missed it really yeah damn yeah you

Missed out bro you’re two years late I thought I was just going crazy and then I tried looking for it on YouTube and I just couldn’t find it I was like am I just tripping or what no you just they’re all just behind us all unfortunately it’s okay

Yeah I’ve been watching PewDiePie since like he did those funny montage videos it’s same I feel like I grew up with him to a certain extent like and like like the fact that he’s like having a kid now and stuff and I’m like oh my God so proud

He’s grown a lot as a person um PewDiePie Markiplier yeah I’ve been watching all of them since I was in Middle School yeah and I am 21 now so yeah I’m crazy dude see how they’ve been around for so long and they’re still doing it honestly they gotta learn to adapt yeah

I’m not gonna lie yeah he’s awesome I can’t wait to see the movie what’s it called the was it the long iron lung or whatever yes yeah the one with Mark that Markiplier directed yeah I think he’s acting in it as well oh really yes nice yeah the question

I’m just thinking about Markiplier and then there’s oh there’s memes that are like the Reddit green text and it’s like I’m not gay but gayest [ __ ] you’ve ever read yeah yeah I mean I don’t know I was gonna say who hates mic or play but I know there are people who hate Markiplier yeah and I was like what what can you hate about him he’s like a puppy he does so much [ __ ] charity all the time

I mean they can hate someone for like having a lot of attention Markiplier oh my music is way too loud hold on is that like the hate me because you ain’t me kind of thing This Is Why I’m Hot mad cause bad yo one of my favorite memes from like 2013 iFunny

Who doesn’t uh most people part of the crew you know I’ve already broken the Golden Rule I’m talking about iFunny outside of iFunny dude if they found my account and they like found this they would hate me for it I’m more of an immature person what

You know I really like uh the America’s funniest pictures app is that right no Although I know there is this like one eye funny clone but it’s like literally all just soft core porn oh God oh wow oh the one thing I am kind of sad about is that they are removing mature content from mature now so I guess I will be leaving them now yes okay

All right then what somewhat so I have seen I have seen porn I have seen Gore okay um you’re never gonna get the same thing never two at once it’s just one or the other although actually never mind that’s a lie is it the rat

I mean there was no oh are you talking about the one that white James Rose you talking about the white one yeah Reggie not Reggie okay not Reggie okay who are we talking about every so often this memo this quote-unquote meme will return to iFunny where it’s um

A video of a dude [ __ ] a rat uh oh gosh I hope it’s dead it is yeah I was gonna say if it’s not that it’s going to die yeah I didn’t even think I’m the impalement but it is one of the most awful things ever yeah straight up beastiality

Yeah I won this reported a Discord server because they had a video of someone young doing something to a chicken yeah yeah like a minor type young yeah yeah you did good yeah Discord mods I yeah I’ve been banned from servers for for like uh for like calling people out on stuff yeah

Oh if we’re gonna like if you’re gonna post something that’s like illegal I’m going to report you yeah oh yeah yeah I don’t I don’t like that that’s really bad comfortable don’t do that yeah yeah oh yeah I see you shading actually so I wanted to ask um

What what do you do to your layer for shading do you have it on like multiply or burn or it depends but right now I am using multiply because it’s just fast and easy but sometimes I do shading just by like picking the colors myself okay multiply looks kind of flat right

But like um yeah you know just and I like to like spin it around the color wheel like most of the time people say to go to like blue or purple for like shading but sometimes I like to use like pink I mix like a really nice color on like certain skin tones

Did I hate color theory [Applause] So my I I’ve shown you pictures of of my cat yeah right so on my PC his hair is like um a very desaturated light brown but when I look at the same images on my phone or like on something else it’s gray so that means the saturation

On your monitor is higher than it should be so you’re seeing things more saturated than they actually are also if you’re saving things as JPEG that’s why it loses information you need to save as PNG as PNG recently yeah so get rid of the jpegs try to mess with your monitor to make

Sure that your settings are correct there’s like Nvidia stuff that you can use to help that you can find like tutorials and stuff online um and the colors will be different on like every screen because the screen settings are different Also I suggest you use CMYK instead of RGB okay

So yeah I thought it was because um my monitors have like a higher color range than my phone which could only make maybe it’s ever so slightly but if it’s like a huge difference then it’s probably your your monitor probably has the saturation like bumped up you know

Um because it should subtle differences are normal but if it’s like brown and then gray that’s a huge difference you know Yeah like I said on my monitor it’s a very like desaturated like yeah or light brown okay yeah I tried bumping up the saturation yeah here when I open it let me open it on my monitor and I can tell you thank you yeah so on my monitor I guess

It’s like right on the cusp of Gray it’s like I can tell that it’s brown but it’s like right on the cusp of Gray oh let me try to pull my stream back up let me let me go live okay so the other thing might be because I have the word

Twitch on the screen because that might be against the rules too so let me let me see if I can let me just read the entirety of tick tock’s TOS again I know I know I know right so let me get rid of the words just immediately say deep throat just to

Make sure that it was twitch [Laughter] like that 52 minutes hmm do you think that counts do you think that’s good enough I’ll be right back hey I will still pick up on that um oh what if I do a twitch logo hey one second I think I have a twitch look

On my computer if I do that oh I could also I think I have a screenshot of like my my twitch username like with my icon and stuff but people might people might not uh recognize um the the website just from that little screenshot though uh because if there are people who don’t

Know what twitch is which I’m sure that exists I’m sure there are people who don’t know it’s like yeah it’s like oh before I started streaming like I was aware of what twitch was but I never really went to the website until recently I have been involved with twitch before it was twitch

Like I was on Justin TV hmm All right we’re gonna try this we’re gonna put the twitch logo my own drawing of a twitch logo there yeah I’m gonna try to be good this time I gotta you can now receive guests okay there you go I gotta be nice to people maybe somebody who deported me because I

Didn’t let them join my thing you know what I mean oh what kind of trash bag does that people who are entitled you know yeah yeah my best behavior hello everybody on Tick Tock I am currently live somewhere else if you’d like to hear the people I’m

Talking to in chat or my music and stuff if not you can just hang out here that’s perfectly fine thank you so much I’m just drawing some Minecraft skins go over on the another SMP feel free to hang out like share copy the share link if you don’t want to actually share it

Oh hello Wako how you doing today yeah bro did I accept this person who wants to no no no no no no no asking for someone to say something I know yeah for my own safety I don’t think we’re gonna do that Rocco asked how is everybody doing pretty good you know having a good night for a little bit but we’re chilling yeah when did you go uh like 10 minutes ago oh okay yeah sorry I thought I said I was going live sorry I might not have heard you you

Said you would go along and say you started you said you’re setting up you never actually announced that you hit the line oh oops yeah okay yeah I went live let’s get scared I would have died again we needed to force people to set up Fuji texts you know what I mean yeah

But the reactive images because like we have like a few nice ones and then we have all right so we have squares no you don’t have to pay for it yeah icons oh oh okay I might make them free icons or like the Minecraft ones they can use

Just so that we don’t have less solid squares Yeah because I want my stream to look nice you know awkward this shouldn’t really be that much opportunities for you guys to be in Discord together if you’re on the server at least I mean we’re gonna hang out too we’re not just gonna play together fail now no strictly business it’s a hangout

In the Minecraft server Minecraft server only on the Minecraft server I’m gonna lose my mind [ __ ] friends if he catches you anywhere else other than in the Minecraft server yeah if I see you guys on a different server besides mine I’m kicking you guys it’s like if I hop on Hypixel and you’re

There there should only be the S P’s Discord linked oh God no you don’t want me to send a uh a screenshot of my 88 uh Discord server garbage is 100 what yeah yeah we can hear your background who’s ready for a d-ring game Have you guys been able to hear the background the entire time yes I didn’t really notice it much until like right recently when this the TV I don’t know was it on the whole time yeah yeah uh I was waiting for like one of the streamers to actually [ __ ] that’s

Like I did notice it a little bit before I’ve got music really loud in my ears and stuff so um let’s see we’ll go to a voice and video and then oh my God they’re awesome okay there’s a lot of them oh the Roses aren’t stopping the Roses What the [ __ ] that’s so many I mean they’re only Ascent yeah true yeah oh my God my understanding yeah yeah yeah thank you so much sorry guys I’m not gonna be accepting people joining oh my God I’m so good oh my God I’m gonna give it to you so you can use

It also wow that’s that’s that’s you you deserve more for all of it like subscribers and all that stuff but cute it’s honestly it’s like a shame I know right I’m underrated yeah you’re you’re I mean you’re you’re beekeeper I don’t know like you you’re the under ghost that okay

Chaotic for real MVP [ __ ] hate me [ __ ] Hoppers [ __ ] you that sounded like a slurry dude you gotta be careful yeah I’d say a slur no Sunday there you go Monty feel free to use it bro you guys know what Fuji Tech is oh my God they’re so blind

You know about the reactive images like on my stream how your icons are there oh uh does mine anime because I have Nitro well the thing is is that if you how I’ll find a website that I can give you so you can set custom stuff if you have

Any transparent pngs move you fat [ __ ] that you can use for that that’d be good you could you could just set my into the art you just did did you have to do it you have to log in yeah you have for you well I could like it yeah all right

Yeah yeah I’ll send you the link I’ll send it to f as well if you could please use some sort of transparent PNG for that I appreciate it that way we just don’t have squares on there and anybody else is using Fuji check reactive images as well it should

Be saved like that so any stream you hop into yeah it just makes the stream look nice yeah what are we talking about this yeah Fuji checked reactive image is what I use on my stream for you guys to pop up in the voice chat where you like um

You know when you’re talking and stuff I was asking if you guys could um do like transparent pngs it’s like you can change it to the model drawing I do when I do it or whatever but um I just was wondering if that’s possible please but I can’t do it for you you

Have to log in and do it because I I can’t like oh my [ __ ] god chill bro it’s just a question all right next we’re gonna be doing one for Sam all right let me post this on Twitter as well nice big brain that’s I just changed my Discord

Uh thing to a big red arrow what the [ __ ] no food yeah the reason I want you to do a Fuji check is because it doesn’t affect your Discord icon oh okay okay I see I see yeah yeah sorry I was just being [ __ ] no oh nice

It took me a second to to figure out fujitec as well but like once we figured it out it makes our streams look so much better this uh just another thing you can’t say the r word uh what okay no you can’t yeah it’s considerably like straight up

Yeah oh that’s [ __ ] oh my God Harry that’s the last one purposefully you know sometimes it just comes out like the animals that’s a joke that’s a joke yes they’re all intense instances intents and purposes it’s a joke for legal reasons that’s a joke exactly very funny I’m gonna take a break okay

Yes please that’ll be awesome like the one that Aries using I drew and the one that mitchie’s using I drew my bikes is there like a limit for how big these images can be uh mine are a thousand by a thousand I think okay I don’t want to draw that big

All right I’ll be back I’m gonna BRB all right I gotta figure out how to use fire alpaca it’s not wow another recipe is just another SMP let’s just get a Twitter handle because another recipe was taken okay I guess I will use draw pile one top tons

I believe he has a knob oh dead God I’m so [ __ ] good at this game babe I need my tablet okay I guess I’ll grab it I mean maybe if I’d have to edit it in paint yeah probably because that’s all right Italy’s belly The bestest three times Elora is the bestest artist oh that sucks okay hold on I’ll I’ll stream this so you guys can watch my totally amazing art skills somewhere there’s like this weird text bubble up we can only add more we can only add more

Like for real I don’t know how to get rid of this thing oh I’ll just minimize it as small as possible there off the canvas not my problem I killed mid I’m flashing oh another one mid great come on get the shape right this game’s cringe

I’m still a god what can I say oh damn something good happen my teammate just flicked and headshot the enemy with a starter pistol too that art is amazing apparently I hit him but didn’t get the kill I can’t keep up with that that’s ridiculous I mean I’m in awe okay nice

This game’s so dumb people may call it dumb other people just call it strategy let’s see we have the enemy orange oh okay yeah yeah I should probably yeah I’ll set that up at some point Wako probably tomorrow wacko welcome Waco taco yeah yeah he’s one of my viewers I’ve almost got elora’s

Tick Tock to 2 000 likes my hand kind of hurts wow this game’s doo doo me when I’m bouncing off the walls of anger hahaha moving I get needed here all right and then and then for them because that’s going to be the only thing to change

You’re welcome yeah I can’t see I can my only reference is the chat that’s on the screen because mine is my whole chat is Spam Booth welcome to the chat welcome to the chat it’s just like yeah I mean that’s just me it might also be my VPN long last one long

Very nice okay goodbye oh um yes a nice deep red color for the because I have red hair but I wish I had brown hair really yeah I’m a ginger it’s it’s not like stupid white or red got like this nice um varnished copper color hair you know like a dirty penny

Hey peeker dogs howling in the background yeah oh it’s pretty good they’re pugs and Mom just got home so they’re like screaming oh sorry I don’t like people oofa girl what she says versus what she wants to say it is a bit like it’s bits like so it’s

You it’s like a donation but it’s not like direct money yeah unless you’ve drawn us pick up an acre and just leave that’s not an AKA there you go nope okay boom save as and then we’ll do my down for this and then it’ll be closed oh Barrel that’s crunches good morning

Good morning it’s 11 30 P.M all right oh now that y’all got to watch me make that beautiful heart here we go Oh goodness inactive open save save boom let’s go that that skin tone I chose is very pale but whatever apple pie it’s hot they have an OP 1B that’s not what no I saved it as a PNG that my oh [ __ ] you know what that might be because my

Background layer is set to a color so close slowly figuring it out okay I didn’t I didn’t say I was an art professional well okay all right delete those oh my God I actually got an ad on Twitch I got through my ad blocker let’s see not long ago a YouTuber I

Watched made a plug-in for OBS to stream on Tick Tock no I got idea how good it is haven’t tried it tiktok does have their own um own OBS kind of are you yeah are you serious seems so [ __ ] bad it’s insane yeah um Okay all right let’s try this again that looks so much better save save so now yeah now my mouth opens whenever I talk yay oh there we go oh my God the more I look at that art you drew the more I feel more privileged to be in this community

Yeah of my skin I just I look at it and it’s like oh my God my [ __ ] flashes I’m so [ __ ] trashed at this game okay ooh spooky bee tuber ghost ah bro imagine accidentally leaking your IP address oh God so did you draw like everyone’s like character like including Aries yeah yeah

If you drew Aries like because like I can see this thing on that on the Stream yep and she do mine too oh right she’s amazing right okay well obviously she’s not drawing me right now but I hope she does soon yeah totally not saving me for last

Yeah gonna get out of that private tab do you guys know why what the real reason why there’s there’s two-factor Authentication to prevent hackers it’s not that it’s the train AI to recognize stuff that’s why there’s so much of it but and that’s why AI has exploded and like its

Intelligence because like people have done like all the captions and stuff it’s to train AI recognition why the [ __ ] do I get the [ __ ] on my team I do that okay oh my God because you kind of you kind of said two-factor authentication I was like um

I don’t think AI really needs my like six randomly generated I know everybody’s numbers it seems simple but it gets more and more advanced because that translates to uh like identifying different stuff I I learned about this on like an AI podcast and it’s like yeah

It may seem silly but it’s it can translate to like different things all right I’m back guys what I miss okay because I know the eventual plan is like sort of uh that use that sort of method uh methodology of identification they want to use use it for like military

Purposes like using like missile systems and such so like that’s the eventual goal for like to be smart enough to use like but it’s all baby steps oh yeah I remember seeing that was that on Reddit or YouTube was it like daily dose of Internet all right he’s actually appreciated like for being

Like at the like most people to play but he actually links the content like like other people just watching you draw is mesmerizing because it’s like oh my God right does it take yeah okay well I was going to go to the bathroom but but yeah

Oh sorry I did I missed all your your comments I’m sorry about that so I said I guess I’ll just bless everybody’s ears well it’s like I I’m trying to watch everybody else’s dream it’s like I can you guys hear that so I got my Discord voice yeah on computer nose powder

TV show you know what I totally could uh I just don’t feel like going through the headache of setting that input up understandable because you know I’d have to plug it in and then I’d have to fiddle around in my Discord settings and just keep pressing

The same piano key over and over until it finally is like ah yes that’s the right input I remember when my parents had me do piano and I’d go to like I’d play it like a concert or whatnot and I I’d be like super like embarrassed and you know

It was like kind of cute little me doing piano and stuff and there was violin and my fingers were always bleeding because of how like the strings and stuff the yeah I used to go to singing competitions it’s like I’ve lost my talent that I

Used to have back then but I could still sing a little bit Unity well it’s not Talent it’s you haven’t lost your talent you’re just out of practice that’s all everyone has talent and they never lose power hey oh I just like I don’t I feel like like

Skill is like a mix of talent and practice I feel like I’ve met I’ve lost my talent part is what I was saying like doing an activity you don’t earn uh Talent it’s sort of doing a like different activities and may be able to reveal the whole the talent you have

Sort of I don’t really believe that doing something over and over will make you more talented about it it’s it’s sort of like all these different tasks will reveal your talent and I could see from Allura or which is a war or grim uh yeah so I repeat I see you’re extremely talented

You’re extremely talented it’s like excuses you could probably make a bank if you did it if you did it like I understand you could probably get make Banks so yeah oh so if I start like talking and I interrupt somebody my dad I’m just not able to hear Discord in real time okay

Anybody in the back disease is a microphone input green why only a few people would get even there thank you Oh I’m in complete awe yeah as you should be yes you deserve nothing less you deserve all the praise I wonder if on the server like people build like a shrine here or something like oh I just like me yes I don’t know you’d be like you’d be like

The separate mascot or something yeah you’d be like the symbol of the server I don’t know find out some some serpenters do that like I know had this one server that was like it was a modded like magic server and we had this one person who like

It would be like a blessing like it’s like him That this whole drawing stream has made fun Um and then is there ever such thing as like giving too much praise no no the answer is no I mean yeah I give praise on a regular basis if if she was annoyed by that I I think she would have told me yeah yes exactly zombie

F of x what grade are you in terms of piano I mean it’s a grade eight but that would say it oh yeah it’s Okay I’m back next okay I have no clue how that sounded because I couldn’t hear it um yeah and maybe maybe another day then when you know my room isn’t already loud enough yeah it’s fun it it brings us together yeah so I guess uh I I’ll say this as a

Warning so outside of the Minecraft server I get very very lovey-dovey and sappy just so you guys know oh that’s so cute okay well hopefully somebody’s out of the bathroom man I could finally use it [Laughter] I’m on a quest afternoon [Laughter] much to my dismay there’s still somebody bathroom no

Yep it pains me to announce somebody is still in there it has been a sad day May America hopefully be able to recover from this tragedy thank you uh you know what you know what I think I figured out why my you guys couldn’t hear the piano very well

It’s because I had the voice levels set to 50. so it at least had to Peak higher than that to be able to yeah I always be out of that my voices to 200 because I can barely hear anyone but just set my voice to like 50 because I’m loud as hell yeah

Okay so you you use a um a fifien or if I find microphone right oh me too me too exactly yeah I started out with like the simple like 20 dollar amazon one that was like just on the teeny little tripod and I wrote that for a long time and then I um

Like last Christmas or something I got a it it’s essentially the same exact microphone but instead of a teeny little tripod it’s got a whole microphone arm um and like one of those little I don’t know what they’re called but um it’s on a it’s on a little disc right

Yeah the shock mount okay that’s what it’s called um yeah it’s got the XLR in into the microphone does it say on it or something oh I know I think that [ __ ] out all right actually no it’s not on XLR it’s just um it’s USB mine

Yeah mine is just USB to USB type A which like be the USB type A has become like so commonplace that no here I’ll I’ll send um I’ll find an image of the different USB types and I’ll send it into general or something or off topic no no we’re not saying that

Okay so if you look if you look an off topic um the part that plugs into my microphone is USB type B and uh and on the other end it has USB type A which plugs into my PC okay thank you toes oh nice I think I posted it like just saying bye

With and all attack stream and then going back to my stream just whatever I’m feeling oh like a zoink scoob yo what’s what’s with that gear icon with the mountain on it on your Twitch yeah my beautiful face isn’t on there oh hold on Twitch delay there I am yay yay

Yeah so totally flat drawing I I do not fit in with the others you’re just like it’s like all the others they got nice detail and shading put into them and then there’s just me like totally flat 128 by 120. that’s the important part I’m I mean we want it to look nice

Yes I mean mine’s just a modified that emote yeah um if you want to I I don’t really have a lot of money right now though yo The Perks of being friends with artists is they’ll just give you free art willingly that’s not the reason I’m her friend though all right

I’m gonna be honest those motives may or may not have been the reason I tried to befriend a lot of artists on Instagram I mean as long as you support them in other ways you know but you know but then it’s like first I I become their friend just for the free

Art and then eventually like you know three weeks later boom we’re like actually friends foreign how that happened with us yeah our actual meeting that’s another story now that’s just the story I tell people yeah wait what yeah it’s it’s pretty funny so um we met

In University I I was sitting at a lunch table by myself and uh here comes up this person and my first thought was oh God an intro an extrovert somebody who wants to talk to me yes and then we we basically just got to talking and

Um we were friends for a few years but then we both kind of lost contact for another couple of years and then when I started v-tubing I looked back at her to get assets and then one thing led to another What’s up shoddy how you doing hey pity mama let me whisper in your ear real estate I love you oh you’re great [Laughter] and now oh yes yes and I do plan on hanging out with another friend in an hour which I was a little bit worried I was a

Little bit worried about because um uh just like oh I wanted to join I wanted to join a Laura’s stream tonight but then he said oh no I’m three hours behind you so he doesn’t get off work until like 1am our time which I’m pretty sure I will still be awake yo

Yeah I have a request for when you get to mine um could you draw me holding a flower pot with an azalea bush in it oh that sounds cute I like that so I figured it would um fit the skin and the whole idea I have for uh my character in the server No he’s got those pis oh gosh okay for at first I thought I made my Minecraft character’s eyes brown and I was like oh I’m not ready I remember they’re purple like how like almost none of these Minecraft characters have like realistic colored eyes so far think era is like the most yeah

Oh and actually uh yeah uh cross said he would help me um turning your glasses into uh um uh into actual eyes yes because he it might not be for a while because cross is very busy but he is v-roid Sensei so I trust him yeah yeah yeah

Yes help me fix my car what happened to your car like that is none of your business not yours don’t worry about it a bunch of people are streaming it now streaming what uh oh yeah the the um the new the new game that came out yeah

Dude I I saw the news about like somebody leaked the game it was like that’s crazy yeah hmm nah flip your phone 180 degrees no no no no hold on um set set it in front of a mirror that is reflecting it from oh hey you almost oh they’re there yes

It’s okay you’re doing great sweetheart oh geez go away zombie I don’t want you the Enderman Enderman you’re okay just don’t just don’t look me in the eye oh what do I want I’m not buying it I don’t got money for that nope we don’t need poison no no no no no

No no no okay it didn’t last very long we’re okay we’re okay it’s like I love spiders but not when they hurt me are you on part six of Tears of the Kingdom if it just came out 13 minutes ago finally the little boys room was available yay

You know what I thought that [ __ ] would be funnier but nobody left no I’m sorry [Laughter] bruh I’ve got a world called vanilla-ish what is that supposed to mean thank you I guess I’ll uh load it up and find out as I was like playing like uh all the

Mods inside Lobo world and there’s like half the biomes don’t exist anymore well then hmm oh um okay first off I’m seeing a lot of bedrock and a lot of wool um something tells me that I might have been playing with lucky blocks there’s a glowing uh there’s a glowing zombie in full

Diamond armor and it’s name tagged Herobrine I’m in a server with 14 YouTubers that play Minecraft I could finally do the lucky block videos and wait you need a certain number of people in order to use the lucky blocks no but it’s it’s just yeah it’s more fun

When you’ve got multiple people playing it versus just yourself ah yeah understandable yeah there’s nothing else in this world other than the Carnage left behind by Lucky Blocks yeah so I’ve got the remnants of a double rainbow there’s lava everywhere a um totally incomplete tic-tac-toe Board of bedrock uh and a Jeb sheep

And of course the Herobrine but you know whatever excuse me would would a Jeb sheep be a Jeep that’s what I said what the [ __ ] thank you who steals your joke and passes it off as original oh nice joke this is mine now this is mine I made this

So I guess I can delete that world because I’m like the whole reason I’ve been watching the Stream [Laughter] laughs yes exactly the free art um yeah you gotta look it up I mean I could do it if you want me to yes yes you’re getting free stuff do it yourself

Oh if I do it myself hold on okay yeah yeah I’m getting it right now you’re like I’m not gonna be able to do much with this so so do you want like kind of like a three-quarters View okay gosh I wish that Mordecai skin did make a [ __ ] appearance BRB

I like seeing my little stream Avatar icon walk across on your Tick Tock too thank you Yay okay there I gave Allura all of my Tick Tock roses did you at least give her a Galaxy I didn’t have enough for that I’m broke yes at least for the next week it was a joke oh so actually I have a um I have an Oculus I’ve got a quest too

So I have a survival world where I’ve literally played only in VR and um you know you get you get pretty used to playing Minecraft and like how small the blocks are um but then you pop into VR and those blocks are massive perhaps one day I’ll I’ll take a look at that

Like so if you if you stand up IRL right in game the top of a block is like pretty much um write just like right above your hip hmm oh so then if you make that a cue but they’re like pretty decently you know um wide as well so like

What would be a small house in Minecraft when you go into VR it’s like massive oh somebody followed yay cool and now time to buy a subscription for them like you always do maybe next week okay so there’s this thing in chat that says only visible to you turn off

Shaders and textures with your 1200 Yeah if she if she was playing Minecraft she um so she would turn off the shaders and such in in the game um sorry what is the what is the point just to make it fun like give interactions with viewers and such so then someone else could like pay to

Put them back on um I don’t think so yeah I guess I guess I just have to be there for it yeah experience it so I took it you’re more of a YouTuber than a twitch player yes ah okay I am the opposite I don’t really do YouTube except to post stuff

Post edited stuff like really the only thing I’ve ever used twitch for is I think a few fortnite streams in the past and then or no Call of Duty streams and then I changed my name to prod f of x and so that I um I just used twitch for uh making music

I just kind of stream as I produce music yeah yeah I mean I don’t know so something I’ve noticed is like a lot of people will use um different names for different things so like here on Twitch you know it’s a Laura Doodles but on Discord um it’s grim

M yeah that’s just more of like uh us trying to get into like our role play stuff hmm yeah I just use the name f of x for everything hey that’s okay too and uh if it’s taken I’ll usually just throw in an extra X because uh wow unsurprisingly you know I

Am not the first person in the past 20 something years to use the name f of x I mean you know I just I just couldn’t get access to the internet fast enough well unintentionally I made it back to my house lucky you know you guys ever tried G fuel before

Actually yes I have I actually have some in my water bottle now oh what flavor uh cotton candy so Ninja okay okay how many how many have you tried uh like two water bottle holes so about 40 ounces of it well is it like just that one flavor is

That like the only one you’ve ever had or yeah that’s the only one I’ve tried oh okay um you’re drinking ninja slurp juice I guess arzel thank you for the bottle yay they’re one of the people from this River they’re the one that made them okay of uh what’s his face final yeah

Um oh yes thank you damn I forgot what I was saying sorry yeah thanks for coming back to your stream you totally threw me off the track I didn’t mean to how dare you I’m so sorry um right okay I uh I got G feel when they were having

That buy one get one sale because I noticed like she feels pretty expensive for just one tub but when they had the buy one get one I was like you know what that’s a pretty good deal actually yeah that that is what I did too I just haven’t broken into it yet I

Did um the cotton candy and the watermelon Okay I uh I got Cutie Pies flavor which is uh lingenberry it’s a I think Scandinavian sounds yummy yeah um it is super good very delicious 10 out of 10 I would recommend buying them um and then I got the raspberry iced tea

Which isn’t as good if anyone that wants to order g-filled for me go for it but I’m not going to I’m not gonna directly Say by me G feel but if you want to it’s an option oh yeah let me give a azalea bush picture the blooming is flowering Azalea yeah

Yeah because those ones are pretty Marvel’s like azaleas just Rand random fact yeah yeah [Laughter] morphos yeah so nobody can see them right now because there’s um construction going on on the pathway but yeah so there’s only two chrysalises left that have not emerged

Yo can I get a head start in the story room like just slide me the IP real quick everybody’s gonna log on and I’m gonna be there like with full iron armor already Like an inventory full of diamonds but nobody can do anything yeah we don’t want people speed running we want the server to last for a while yeah I think we want the beginning to be kind of chill I guess and that means I can’t do any enchanting yep

You’re gonna have to just play and talk for a little bit and maybe build like a dirt Hut you’re just you’re just gonna see like a bunch of f of x died in chat because I won’t have any protection enchantments who do you think it’s gonna be the first one probably me

No me I’m I’m not good at this game I don’t know about that I’ll pretend I’m good at this game but I’m really not uh I’m willing to bet I’ll be the first person to get uh the uh get diamonds achievement yes I got useless blue rocks are your

Clothes made out of leaves and leather um yes although I think um because I just I just got these textures from a texture pack that I like to use and that was one of the uh renameable armor set okay so I am going to guess that it’s leather

And then obviously vines on the legs and then either grass or Moss is the precision I’ll make this thinner it’s too thick making like a nice little valves for you okay yeah so the um the shoulder like the sleeve areas the tilt skirt whatever that would be called

Uh we’re probably going to be made out of Ma We have a little sprout okay I’m focusing if you want to buy me a Crunchwrap really if you want to buy me anything I have an Amazon my mom came in the room she’s like I’m going to Taco Bell and I whip around I’m like yeah

If you want to get me a Crunchwrap that would be amazing me too I used to mix like Baja Blast and UV Blue or like just regular Mountain Dew maybe to make it taste like Baja Blast crunch she never finishes the nachos listen she’s not like your mom where

She’s gonna be like where’s the money at don’t cost that much you got money for Taco Bell yeah no thank you no no no no no no I accidentally lit my house on fire no no no no no what did I put it up oh no poor baby

What happened I lit yeah it’s just like I had flint and steel and I accidentally right clicked the Pyro in her heart said let me out so another question how um how custom is the terrain is it like wildly different from vanilla or is it like

It just looks a lot better it’s slightly more realistic it’s not super insane it just it trust okay no it definitely is insane okay well I like it I think it’s good the whole server is built around the Amplified world type there might be some mountains but I

Don’t think everything is like a mountain at least last time on a server it wasn’t like super bad what about cubes I I no I guess I can just wait and find out tomorrow yeah one more day one more day it’s not what about capes don’t worry about it I’ll wait until

Tomorrow it’s fine shut up it’s okay I don’t even know how I would control capes oh yeah true sure capes is that not what you said sure I said capes right apparently caves caves they look cooler they’re bigger they’re better yeah okay only a corner of my house perished

Sorry am I not being helpful speak up I said that they’re bigger not you not you I said I’ll wait till tomorrow [Laughter] I’m fine oh sure they’re squeezing uh yo okay back on the topic of G fuel from like 20 minutes ago oh yeah um I would definitely recommend getting

Like a bottle of Sprite or some of their lemon lime soda yeah and then um putting your mix in there and then obviously being careful like put the cap back on and then Shake It Up um it won’t totally like take all the carbonation out especially if you put the cap back on

Because it’ll just like you know build pressure up and then once it gets up to pressure again it’s not gonna lose any more carbonation than that Mitchy do you have a Sodastream I do not uh or you could also do that I didn’t think about that I haven’t had it Soda Stream

Since middle school yeah just like do that I totally forgot those existed I know yeah my poor house how much damage was done uh just one of the corners and part of my wheat farm um so we yeah it’s my own fault it’s just like I made another portal

But at the cost of destroying part of my house got everything I want but at what cost it doesn’t even matter I’ve so I’m loading into some Old Worlds that I have yeah and um I loaded into a survival world and the generation isn’t half bad

And I have a little bit of progress I’ve got a crafting table four o’clocks a brand new wooden pickaxe two dirt six sticks and 37 Oak planks e and then I logged out and never logged back in anyways time to log out again and never log back in again

I delete my words if I don’t play on them for a while yeah just like I did to that one oops I’ve got a hardcore world that I started playing on a snapshot and by the looks of it I was in a desert hmm I like how you got like this Druid vibe

That’s um that’s what the armor set is it’s the Druid armor set [Laughter] so uh yeah you’ve got it spot on [Laughter] foreign I actually have like a lot of world downloads um I’ve got a hermitcraft season seven and season 8 world downloads dude I felt so out of the loop I’m I’ve

Never watched a hermitcraft well and then everybody like pretty much everyone that joined is like a hermitcraft fanboy and I’m like what the [ __ ] I know you guys are like stop comparing it to that we’re not gonna be like that but like no you know it’s like it’s the only SMP

That I can think of where they’re like you know vanilla and not modded or outrageous spin-offs of you know something we’re like please for the love of God one meme worth like please just shut the [ __ ] up I’m like guys guys please I’m like no we’re doing our own thing please

Now the vines do you want them in the shape of like a garter or do you want them like just wrapping around your legs just I’m just wrapping them around please don’t make it really feminine okay I was worried I’m like dude these look kind of like fishnets or something

I know that’s why I was like so you want them like you know and so like what’s the deal here you put it fruity or not yeah yeah yeah no I can just wait I mean I almost automatically assume anybody who draws like Freya is a little fruity but um

That is a totally untrue stereotype Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you’re right I am like a special exception to that I do not represent the entire fandom you’re like please no be like are you a furry yes so you must be a little bit fruity then yes but not for that reason no not

Because I’m afraid no you’re a furry because you’re fruity obviously like that’s how that’s weird I guess I’m a furry I don’t have any fursuits or anything like that I do think it’d be fun to go to an attention either but like yeah you have to remember 70 of mine I was

Like I was Hardcore gatekeeped when I first started looking into like furry stuff I was told that you’re not afraid unless you actually have like the suit or like you know I don’t know I guess like a [ __ ] ton of art of your Sona or something like

Uh yeah I only just recently got a Sona like I adopted this that cat character like almost a year ago and I finally just now started drawing it and I I gave him a name and his name is tuna tuna oh that’s so cute oh I have a cat oh see named Kaz

That’s just like a tabby cat but it’s all purple Shades I can show you some time okay emo is based off with him here let me find it yeah uh my mouse is not responding come on come on wait we just kind of you know no it’s just uh because it’s

Bluetooth or whatever sometimes I feel like click and like yeah yeah thank you you use a Bluetooth mouse yeah it’s the um basilisk X hypersuit okay is this like a kind of Bluetooth where like you go into your computer settings and Link it or does it have

Like a little tiny thing that plugs into your PC oh yeah because I was like if it’s one of those ones where you have to plug in a tiny little like antenna thing might as well just have a wired one yeah that USB space anyways all right so the reason

Why I got a wireless one is because I have anger issues when it comes to games sometimes um and I would like slam the mouse and like yank it like I once flipped my whole desk what the [ __ ] I was moved from here DM me if there’s if you need help

Violating Community guidance how do I yeah I don’t think I got I don’t know we haven’t been very vulgar why isn’t this working excuse you [ __ ] I want my [ __ ] to look nice oh yeah I don’t believe John I’ll be right back should be a violation it talks just hating on you because

You’re trying to be a successful artist maybe maybe I didn’t moderate my chat like maybe people were talking in chat or something I don’t man who gives a [ __ ] maybe people are like like I’m appealing it respectfully who cares it’s tick tock true I have a bunch of viewers a bunch of

Likes a bunch of diamonds like I don’t understand diamonds hey those are supposed to be locked you can get diamonds they’re just not craftable I don’t think you can craft diamonds in the first place phone tried for a little bit goodbye Who you calling a good boy I don’t thank us anybody

You know what guys I made a dollar eighty one on Tick Tock whoa I don’t know what’s breaking the [ __ ] queen or something for that yeah I don’t know why I just want to use them Among Us tweaks man I just want to tweak oh my God now

I’m banned until May 19th yes I didn’t even do bad this time I was like behaving I was behaving All right create a new world we’re gonna call this I didn’t do anything one should have thought about that black at a and um I don’t understand Tick Tock bro yeah I’m gonna be doing a complete playthrough of one block at a time where I’m gonna kill the Ender Dragon

Right here in Discord and I wanted to use some like vanilla tweaks resource packs but it breaks the [ __ ] custom paintings Um is there going to be like a resource pack that we have to use if you want to see the custom paintings you okay with paintings I’m fine with I just I don’t really literally it doesn’t take over anything else you can literally use whatever resource pack you want it just

Changes because I’m lighting I’m super picky with texture packs you know you can use whatever resource pack you want you just need that one above it so you can see the custom ones I plan on using the custom paintings that I’ve been making and uh it looks pretty nice the only

Thing I can’t figure out how to fix is that for some reason like the with the typeface um a lot of them are fine other than the actual space so if I just like if I like get a block right oh right I can’t open my inventory

Whatever the uh the space character is like half as wide as it’s supposed to be so most of the time you can’t tell that there’s a space in between words weird [ __ ] man I got silk touch my fingers are enchanted how are you doing last year’s April fools yeah

I’m gonna try and build a house or something oh yeah this this is one of the biggest changes to the texture um improved dirt and lower grass and I kind of figured people were going to have that so I was gonna oh so you can see the dirt texture is

Different but I think it looks nicer all right time to launch the server it’s technically Friday maybe for you dude it’s still it’s only 9.50 for me oh do you want to be on the server or not yes exactly oh I hate this having to clear out an area of grass like this

But you gotta I just gotta pick it up and throw it somewhere else manual lawn mowing just pick up your grass and please just say somewhere else oh God it’s like a punishment go out with a pair of scissors you gotta pick up in the grass and place it in your neighbor’s yard

Sod a be turfing everything oh um [ __ ] there’s ways to make a crafting table how do you do that is there a way to do it outside of your inventory they made a a special way to do it in this version I forget how I think you throw it up in your ear

Oh nope that just makes me wear it right now new recipes unlocked oh throw another one I don’t I don’t know how to get it off this is not the time babe no no now I’m almost dead do it again maybe it’ll work this time I’m just gonna kill myself surprisingly Not Dead

You’re rude Channing there you go the f of x was pummeled by f of x oh can I wear grass oh my God yes okay now I’m back oh my God I got rated yeah let’s go who do I think for the oh a flame drone that girl flame drone

Thank you there’s a village over here and also my Game just crashed no no it’s just like right as that happened ah bruh what how is the chicken texture this messed up I can’t believe this oh I wasn’t expecting that thank you Mitchell oh welcome all the Raiders how are you

I’m throwing skins so I can watch you um how did you make that much progress are you are you guys on the SMP no I’m watching her stream um but I had Discord open for like a couple minutes and then I she’s like oh I’m

Back and then I’d go back to her stream and like all the flowers are in place and she’s already like working on the face and and stuff and I’m like it’s fine we’re back like two seconds ago no that was Mitchy yeah that was me yeah

Like I got raided my game crashed and I decided you know I should that’s probably a sign that I need to read or in my own stream oh can I wear this no I found it I found a thing throw it on you probably I’m gonna make this go more like that

Close enough I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to wear leggings but I’ve still got the enchant uh advancement for suit up what is happening what taking damage from an iron sword yeah I think there’s a nine sword underneath the iron or is it the torch him uh-huh

And why are you screaming Maybe what the [ __ ] how no go on the stack I’m angry about The Tick Tock thing oh I’m sorry sweetheart it’s whatever appeal update okay well whatever it was it’s not hurting me anymore they determined that I did violate them somehow oh I don’t know how

But yeah that’s the thing like if if you violated something they need to tell you what what you violated so you don’t yeah doesn’t like to actually give you reasons I responded by saying I don’t agree with the appeal result just keep saying [ __ ] you no yeah no you’re wrong

I like didn’t say anything about that big guy I can pick up big guy it’s like unless something was said bad while I was gone see what happens I don’t yeah I don’t think so well Tick Tock can’t hear us so I mean well earlier when I was gone I turned up my

Headphones and like left them by the phone so they could oh so what did she say why am I banned on tick-tocks they won’t hurt creepers what if I go up to this guy no Mariah yeah yeah get him he’s right here hey I’m gonna be honest I have no clue how

To play this update you need a crafting table huh there’s a a creeper exploded so there’s Cobblestone stairs and a slap interesting go back to Village and grab a crafting table that works too I guess there’s no way up I’m not gonna remember how I got there I think I went this way

Dead nice weather having a hey look at this clear skies all around very nice I’m gonna pick up a flower yeah I’m gonna wear the flower you should totally add a poppy to the top of my head you want the puppy you have to move everything down

I like how fluffy you made my hair foofy we are here for the floof please give more no yeah they’re gonna screenshot if I could uh me just kind of like wondering if I can pick up um liquids and instead of trying to pick up

Water first I pick and try to pick up lava oh God oh I wonder if I can hold the liquids it goes from lava instead of the safe option it’s like I I don’t think you’re a water bender or a Firebender double tall grass oh it’s great so I see you

See youth baby doing whoa he’s crawling underneath his Rock and he looked at me for a second oh I guess slithering is more the correct word yeah he wishes he had legs right I gotta get wood day two I still haven’t gotten anyone hello hello hey what’s up welcome back welcome back

You’re holding a block yes I am and I’m trying to find a crafting table so I gotta sculpt one out of that block why don’t I just craft one yeah what a great idea here hold on let me put this one down real quick I know

Puts it down to only break it then put it back out again pick it up back up again let me wear it what that just almost killed you what Why didn’t it put it on my head please don’t kill me you’re dead okay there we go I’m a pro Minecrafter oh yeah

You know technoblade never dies but it’s uh but it’s me I thought I was going in a completely different direction you’re about to bring out some PTSD there man uh I cried for like a week a mistake though conspiracy theory he’s still alive but just wanted to quit and one of his

Parents to have more money so now his dad just Cooks on his channel oh dude does this Village have no crafting tables I don’t know a full High year of using putting a magnet log into a craft table because this is the one block at a time update I don’t have an inventory

Oh okay and I don’t think this Village has a single crafting table oh bro Mo Yang why because I like to see you suffer obviously I gotta go try and find another Village sadist although they keep adding these step like textures into the April fools update

Like this one the last one the voting update had it oh my God okay you’re gonna play some CS go again it was early yeah I bet you were [ __ ] [Laughter] on last night I mean he had 375 exactly I don’t think is you know laughs

Yeah I got banned on Tick Tock again yeah until the 19th they didn’t tell me why the first time because I said the word deep throat and I got a warning and then the second time I didn’t do anything wrong I actually behaved like I made

Sure I didn’t do anything wrong and I’ve just been like drawing and stuff and I got another like somebody somebody else no I haven’t been doing anything bad you somebody I was good no you plugged the patreon what if it was the twitch thing that’s the thing I took I took the

Twitch word away and I just put like this logo you have the logo yeah is that not good enough is that bannable just like referencing a different application might be it’s not even the actual logo it’s like a shitty one that I sketched out that’s why that’s that must be why it

Was a purple app when they reference like yeah going live on the purple lab maybe maybe the logo is too recognizable I didn’t draw it shitty enough no you gotta add a smiley face on it and be like that’s not the Twitch app logo look it’s got a mouth

Maybe Congress on this will grab a tick tock maybe that’s what it is can Tick-Tock or can twitch access my Wi-Fi [Laughter] movies I peeled it they determined there’s another SMP to have access to my home Wi-Fi network they said your appeal wasn’t good because you said I disagree isn’t that coming

Agree with us then why would you give me the option yeah they it’s a drop down menu you don’t get to say whatever you want they make you choose like a thing do it again I can’t they locked it I tried I tried bitching I’m like I know I’m Gonna Keep

Bitching until you unban me and it was like no you’re just spammed and tell them for her asking them on Twitter yeah yeah let’s get your whole account banned so for like a whole week on Twitter I would uh um ask like I would directly make a

Tweet adding Elon Musk to give me verification without having to pay for Twitter for a Twitter blue I did it for like seven days when I gave up yeah uh you gotta keep up man can’t give up perseverance is how you get things a second village and all that they have

Is a smithing table what are these houses are these houses on so I’ve never seen these for The Villages uh like the one next year up above that one to the left the one I was just in no yeah oh I’ve never seen them well obviously you don’t explore Villages very often

I’m a pro gamer upper second area with doors and it’s doors you said a useless balcony doors wow oh what the [ __ ] dead that is an unfair death oh that is Collision yep [Laughter] I love that uh that I love the drawing of Monty this is a disco pose oh Sam if you want to go into Fuji Tech and change your uh reactive image oh yeah so that yeah yeah change it to uh uh the uh the Minecraft one the uh Grim

Made you or any other transparent PNG just so that I don’t have like the Box all right I’m gonna see if I can recreate that yeah I changed it a little bit I made uh the inactive one and the Minecraft one the active one well

Yeah I came down on top of me and then you what knocked me around and then I was standing inside of it and then it just launched me way up in the air but it keeps knocking me like too far away the second time so I’d like can’t get inside of it

I hope my lurkers are having a great night I appreciate it that was terrible we appreciate you all right let’s try it uh a different one okay what understandable have a nice night what did you want it to be there no that’s fine it is funny where did that come from I

Look over at twitch chat and it just says [ __ ] you I love you too guys love you too they’re like shut up and draw them like okay hear what you have to say drawer lady shut the [ __ ] up we just want you to Glow pretty and draw things [Laughter]

ASMR eating now noises huh do you want that I need some more eating there you go no more of that side all the way up real quick oh you want it up again Oh God here wait hold on I apologize chat no more suppression okay Hey how’s it going everybody Stop no no no no no no no no no and a death inside [Laughter] is it safe come on man [Laughter] I was like man it got awfully quiet did they remove me did we all like [ __ ] deafen I moved him into a different channel oh I definitely I was like

It was like putting my noise suppression back on and all that getting it back to normal wow it’s uh awfully quiet didn’t hear all of a sudden and you’re like oh I just exit my settings and I’m like oh okay like I see how it is okay that’s who you guys are cast

To you guys I’m going into a different VCU screw you guys I’m gonna be so scared Is this is this F right now let’s draw yes Loving it loving it hell yeah I love the like what was it again true advise the Druid um you’re definitely a DND player I’ve never played DND really wow you’re missing out Honestly though I have commitment issues so I can’t I just never met anybody that wanted to teach me

I like one shots all right here’s the one I was looking for the 3D shareware one shot didn’t work I just can’t guarantee that every Friday I’ll want to be there oh yeah the commitment’s not that great yeah right time to start streaming on Discord again

Oh no here we go yeah I’m fairly anti-social you might not be able to tell but I am I like piano gameplay with people piano tile gameplay sorry I’ve been so quiet I was just like super focused on like the game I was playing games I love drawing people from another SMP

People I’m gonna be playing with and stuff like that sorry I’ve been waiting for someone to make the joke and we’re gonna have a great time I’m already like love and chilling with you guys these guys is great yeah it’s nice I like it I’m Jedis you’re driving right now

That’s me that’s me right there he’s so cute look at him yeah why am I staring so menacingly at the azalea bush though is this medicine I’m like thinking evil thoughts to this azalea bush okay I’m sorry let me you’re like I love plants I really really slow plants

I think I’m saying exactly what you think I’m saying why are you acting surprised I know you just met me but I thought I left a pretty good impression well I didn’t get the gist apparently I still want you to have like the cute eyes like that it’s gonna have those anime eyes

Oh yeah you know she’s [ __ ] making glittery as [ __ ] make him overly powered questions thank you how you doing yo F whatever if yeah um makes music as well like naive now yeah [Laughter] just like Monty is now Moon Moon I’m thinking of the perfect reaction image but I don’t have it

Hold on yeah it’s gotta be that furry meme of like the towel with the water and he’s like I just pee on it and it’s just like you being like no I’m not eating [Laughter] hold on I can’t get this reaction image fast enough didn’t react fast enough dubstep median guy oh

My mouth cover how do you describe the music you make dubstep thank you I mean okay I posted it in general look at your reaction it’s like my mouse same Vibe yes I love it I’m like okay if oh yfo like where’d your name come from so funny story yeah that was um

I was at High School yeah I think like my freshman year okay sitting in my math class bored as hell boy yeah this guy because I hate math right okay so my math teacher is going on about different like formulas right and he starts teaching us about um the

F of x equation yeah so it’s like f and then or like quotations f equals X or something like that yeah and so I was thinking about it was like f of x f of x no that that kind of sounds like a cool name because at the time I was going by

Toxic cookie toxic cookie yeah which is like really cringe and I was like I need to I need a new internet name nice so then I came up uh with f of x oh yeah Laura is my real name yeah yeah so I suppose probably seen my uh my

Real name before yeah it’s just like in Michie is my real name too man y’all just doxing yourselves for free six months ago e I’m gonna put that Taco Bell wrapper with all the others where’s my old IGN used to be sorcia Leora which was my head Twins name and

Mine mixed together a dead twin is sorsha my name is Laura so I did search Leora oh um don’t don’t worry about it don’t think too deeply about it I never knew okay I’m gonna be honest I kind of like this version of Minecraft like this April Fool’s update um

The player is you and then knee deep in lava not just the Enderman removing Herobrine and then all these worlds are yours except ooh difficulty hello noobville filthy casual lemon Curry lemon extreme to the max and then I love that obligatory nightmare mode oh yeah we’re going nightmare mode boys

Welcome back welcome back oh wait is this just gonna be hardcore difficulty probably I’m gonna open a chest it’s gonna explode and be like oh that’s it it’s like end of the series I did a hardcore series that lasted like two months and I got bored so I just

Like jumped off a cliff for my time oh my God oh my God open registration format actually opens up like a text notepad oh yeah that’s whoa hold on what well what is all this I’ve never seen this before Minecraft 3D and deeper and darker Reaper and evil groom two that’s crepa

Yo can you pass that prepper salt and crapper his extra spicy foreign obviously freshly cracked peppercorn oh my gosh I forgot how much I like those chocolates which ones the roaches Minecraft okay Mark all the items you wish to order I’ve got a doobie immersive virtual reality mining simulation with

Intense crafting capability by hand our freshest and radicalist game Minecraft 3D deeper and darker three new oars seven new weapons and 11 new enemy variants and evil shrimp too Minecraft 3D minds of North Pole obligatory holiday map pack ideal for Xmas 94. the strategy guide only the hottest of

Tips guides and sheets mandatory for every pickaxe maniac the themed PC speaker set collector’s item guarantees best sound experience stick it that okay better than nothing ideal for your younger siblings coming soon with the two ends uh action figurines that you have to acquire them all Minecraft two oh my God guys Minecraft

Two yes classic 2D Minecraft experience if you haven’t played it yet Minecraft 2 Swedish parliaminary election set Edition finally the expansion pack you’ve been waiting for and then all the guns enough said America fermented Herring simulator um I’m almost at the bottom okay why do you keep asking for this uh

Herring simulator VI thorium pack no really stop and then um scratch and sniff and then their other game doomed to completely not related to other gay games named Doom this one it’s about gardening okay oh yeah very good the fact hey impression person right yeah Tate impersonator

My friend is actually on his way home so I’ll I I’m gonna drop off for now okay Yeah see you later guys my brother apparently had no idea I was gay I’m taking damage how did your brother take it oh was he like what I had no idea crazy convo on the way home after going to pick up Zelda game from GameStop uh

He didn’t care but he was like huh yeah cool that’s cute kids don’t you yeah what is this you just start randomly taking damage yeah I think he makes it really is Nightmare love you sweetheart maybe see you tomorrow You were like I’m a [ __ ] and our sister I’ve been talking about it loudly in front of you for years yeah true how did they not pick up on this how am I supposed I can’t get too soft I really am too soft nightmare mode is not for me uh

What we’ll do we’ll do extreme to the max instead yeah there you go you want your poppy to be red yes please try pressing a instead Hi how are you doing I’m feeling well you’ve been looking full totally forgot the color of the face hello you’re Exchange clearly based oops there we go

Yo what is that finally on your PC oh hell yeah I believe it’s flaming barrels yeah there’s just random barrels on fire everywhere hold on they’re actually like everywhere it’s extreme okay I hate this about the vignette if you like if you’re under something it just slowly comes in

And if you go out it just slowly like retreats Anyways let’s see what these uh flaming barrels are about this is actually annoying oh what whoa cool oh sweet I like the emo the knife they explode yeah yeah Okay red key uh no oh okay foreign That’s a skill issue in my part oh wait Zelda I just realized I’ve never played a Zoe game to be honest I also don’t think um Wild on my switch and I played it for like 20 minutes before I uh I haven’t touched my switch in a long time

I played Hyrule and then that was about it like once you know what’s better than Hyrule stardew Valley false Do you have a Let’s Play of Saudi Valley Erica no honest no you should n’t started let’s play ew bro look at the mobs they’re like they’re flat flat ew let’s play Roblox hurricane yeah yeah you guys should play Roblox if there’s anything I learned from Roblox is it’s absolute garbage

In the facts yeah it’s extremely pay to win and the games are not even games you thought about it for years but you were on the fence of leaving the country but by my 30s I’m set to try and get out of here you know you’d be planning it out for

Many years seems crazy and kind of delusional but it’s been a thought since like 2018 and as time goes on it only gives me more and more reasons no I don’t think you’re wrong at all for that I think many people have been thinking about that I was actually talking with a

Co-worker who was like I think I’m better off instead of going to college here she’s going to go get a work visa and move to um New Zealand and try to get a job there I’ll post this when it’s done you’ll see all right why did Rick change from Rick Roll to XX

I heard of seeing Rick Astley every time I post an application so you’re not gonna question the genital jousting at the bottom I didn’t say that where is that well hold on right hold on no we don’t talk about that I can’t move it off my screen weird

I’ve never played that game before Erica yeah don’t check my steam profile thank you I’ve never played a single minute of that game ever has a thousand hours in the game Monty’s uh perfect games are questionable yeah now they’re fun I gotta share the best part about this this um pack this whatever

You start playing some music oh that’s lame boom boom he’s reactive trap music I am trap I know you no what the interview is the Sound Beats yeah all right well I’ll see y’all tomorrow hopefully Erica oh okay thank you you’re welcome there’s not really any features then we’re gonna be used but

Okay I can make emails for the server they’re gonna make 100 emotes for the server oh no 100 of them I mean I don’t know I can try I mean I can we can upload both of our emails the saltgravity waits for everyone’s channels the first option countries Australia and

New Zealand and then Canada yeah yeah no my co-workers usually saying that she’s going to New Zealand so wasn’t there someone’s not gonna ask me any question before they [ __ ] someone left oh yeah oh Sam wanted to see your background my background yeah yeah he refuses yeah

You know what you gotta know from that oh there’s like a little pixels missing that I don’t think you’ll even be able to tell if I’m looking at it but I can let’s get them gotta make this [ __ ] high quality professional art the people who left the server missed out wait what happened

Uh there’s two people who left the city so we have like 16 really yeah yeah I didn’t like how how much of a [ __ ] I was Um corpse uh they couldn’t handle me I’m too I’m too did I say anything before I left or oh yeah they complained about me it was great or at least Xena did yeah right it’s okay I have two uptight people you know I must have missed a lot while I

Was gone no not really it was just like in DMs oh okay I think he mistook my regular language and texting for being super aggressive and weird when like I just I’ve always talk like that so he was like reading into it too deep he couldn’t handle the fact that I said

[ __ ] Jesus Christ I know I’m an evil mean I can’t say that on my Christian Minecraft server yeah and I was like you know what I think I’m glad that seemed like xenocops was probably gonna be trouble on the server or can we go on quick yeah I mean their

Status was I’m lagging for like four days straight so no um Oh that reminds me I gotta remove I gotta remove them off the white list yeah you should probably do that they just show up anyway I mean they don’t have the address so it doesn’t matter it’s like someone’s gonna leak it they’re gonna leak it that’s why I’m making a [ __ ] sub

Domain for to get out yeah I’ve realized I am not going to give people IP probably smoke goodbye Saving counselor I guess I can seem a little intense for people who don’t know me at all I don’t really think about that kind of stuff though like actively you know like I forgot that I’m like not allowed to like just be myself you know yeah you gotta be professional

Gotta be a professional twitch streamer yeah literally I’m just gonna like be my Strictly Business myself and if they don’t like it they can leave like they did I lose nothing I’d lose a lot what do you lose my reputation as a follower well on YouTube or tick tock

What reputation on like YouTube or Tick Tock talking about running smps oh running okay I mean I can say you’re doing really well that’s a reputation plus one so this is my [ __ ] reputation you understand oh I got this together pog see look you already don’t care that the

Gun you made it let’s go they never unsubscribed oh cool never mind that they also said they’re gonna watch the series to see how it goes so maybe they’re gonna hardcore regret leaving and then I’m gonna be like oh bad good you join someone’s like private server complications for like what

Did you just say gen chat no oh Sam [Laughter] never mind Aries right appreciation over anything what’s my reputation guys a raging [ __ ] [Laughter] no foreign I think everyone’s nice I I don’t like to pick biases thank you [ __ ] you that’s how he says thank you he doesn’t take affection anyway

[ __ ] yeah I know you don’t mean that he’s a cinder right dude I have no idea what you’re talking about he’s a student anyway I’m one subscriber away from having my three digits back that’s cool it’s weird that it doesn’t show my third digit for my [ __ ] sub count thank you I’m like

You are better You’re better though I’m better yeah you’re better I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s okay who on Twitch yeah I know I only have 38. only I mean it’s not a lot compared to like you know like big famous I’m very thankful though

She’s most of it well if I have 2.7 k m Why aren’t you in the call wait what the [ __ ] he left because he has to go to bed and he’s like on this phone or something I had to just go to my uh on my browser as well because I was like you know I’m

Just trying to sign back in for like the authorization that look at the same I’m not trying to get kicked on the SMP I’m sorry is it he subscribed to my twitch oh Um trying to be a good boy at least for now it’s okay to be a little bit no I was talking about like because it abbreviates your sub count I’ve been stuck at the same number for over two and a half years and I finally started getting Subs

That’s good and it it works weird now yeah it it looks weird I’m like wait what it’s great you’re watching this evening yeah that’s what everyone should do follow efo’s way you take me to bed with you and you watch will you sleep who’s excited for the weekend when I do

My Pocky art giveaway for the subscribers that’s Pocky it’s a Japanese snack it’s like a thin cookie stick with like dips and chocolate or something that’s a Trope and mango with like they share of hockey so they get really close but don’t kiss I’m gonna do a drawing like that for one

Of my subscribers I’m gonna do an in chat giveaway because we hit the 40 sub Point goal that’s right so who’s on the end of the other end of it my ghost character me whoever wins all right dude give me the game I’ll even let the winner choose the

Color of Pocky because they have multiple kinds I like the chocolate strawberry and matcha ones I haven’t had any the cookie and creams is mid hmm you got them cheer and Paul Garmin huh naughty let me in Copa you know like I have a chat debate over who gets to win

Oh my god oh yeah I decided also that for 400 followers on Twitter I’m gonna do a giveaway of a body pillow design because I think that’d be fun you’re not just subscribe and saying I have to this video is only first available to the subscribers now gift a

Gift did I gift a sub or no you’re subscribed you might have to refresh the page okay they return oh those ones okay cute yeah there’s spam a little bit and get them for use frequently hell yeah go for it you can spam emails as much as you’d like nice

Look how cute he is work on these lines a little bit oh I’m back welcome back my silent boy I’m a ninja I’m going like the wind that I farted What do you need eh okay wait does someone shares the same name as you Erica yeah I think there is another person that uses that name live did you sub to the other one no no okay okay I’m like that’d be like kind of funny oh my God damn it

Look now if you sub to the guy that only plays Final Fantasy wow I think we need a little bit of a highlight on his hair still foreign what do we do now I’m still swimming I don’t know what to do well you could play a game with Sam

Because he clearly wanted to play with you who I dare you I’m listening to you rage Erica that’s great yeah I’m just watching Eclipse Of You rage I love it he used to dash oh no he does that a lot we like Dash into battle and then he doesn’t have enough

Time to play he pre-used it before around oh no yeah that’s probably mix Valor and CS go let’s explore f why is this clip called pew pew pew because that’s why I titled My Stream oh okay I was just wondering if you know I can make it it’s like a threat

Subscriber pew pew pew um here we go f of x complete post that in the server esp2a EST I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight you know that right it’s like Christmas A little bit of exaggeration okay no it’s true I won’t be able to why I never had a Christmas but I don’t think this was this would uh match the Erica Santa easy oh no yeah let’s draw that and draw you draw that I mean I usually drama as an elf actually

Oh I’m definitely more of an elf yeah if you look at his thumbnails I’ve pretty much try on a lot of them all right I need to take another break because I’ve been streaming for almost four hours now yeah I’m gonna make you guys a little bit smaller because now that the cheese

Is gone it’s different size let me put you back in the corner like the good little boys you are little Oh yeah are you a big boy huh a big boy no no no [Laughter] nope is she home okay sorry I’m Gonna Leave that’s an awesome drawing that looks really cool the FR one oh I didn’t even realize you did Sam as well oh my gosh you’re on the grind foreign

I gotta go to bed all right Monty no no one make sure you guys sleep oh I got this new anime plot basically there’s this high school girl except she’s got huge boobs I mean serious a real set up a donkeys packing some dope on hunkeros massive the hunka Bank a

Loose big old tongue hunger raccoon even bigger bug Hanukkah Hoops humongous hung alongis do do you what up everyone Jack how you going uh I’m Sam hi uh you guys don’t know me wow what do you guys like to do for uh for fun on the Laura’s Channel so I can cause mischief

Guys do we do we prank them what do we do for a prank what do you reckon yes when I say small topics simple change yeah yeah oh no can’t do that not loud you got to give me a pretty warning first before you do that and spammy notes yeah yeah that’s one

Way to do it we can all just Spam emails they’re both gone right now so we need a course in mischief get banned before this ever restarts that’s why I reckon but uh how’s everyone’s day been I just came home from work and uh joined the VC

And I’m feeling pretty tired but I’m excited I’m excited to see what tomorrow’s gonna have in store for me and the rest of the Serpa and I hope to see you all there on either a Laura’s Channel or anyone else’s channel that streams I think everyone’s on edge personally

Just remember what I’ve seen but I think once we’re once we’re all settled in the nerves will uh calm down and could be fun I like to pop in every once in a while it’s a fairly calm environment it feels almost therapeutic oh like your uh Comfort streamers yeah yeah

I get what you mean it’s a long break that’s world is a break though to be honest these guys have been working hard and I’d hate to see them you know tie themselves out before this all even starts my favorite thing is working watching Elora work on her oh it’s pretty damn

Top-notch stuff her attention to details amazing it is it actually is I did not expect like just in general a real true like good artist on the server you know what I mean like um I don’t find many artists nowadays because they’re all top gamers it feels like a nice way to Showcase

Your talent and mix up the entertainment pool yeah it is it honestly is and you can uh like the thing about this server is you can make a lot of connections like just in general um uh like a make your own network in terms of uh collaboration and whatnot

Oh sorry guys I’m back again um I think I’m starting in my own stream that I might try and make uh regular but I’m mostly around to support yeah uh that sounds awesome to be honest you do you um are you personally oh what’s that sorry oh no I thought you

Were talking never mind go ahead you’re fine first of all I am psychotic so I always talk to myself second of all I’m talking to the chat I’m just trying to keep her Laura’s stream entertained ah you do chips fedora I’ll see myself out thanks honestly just follow your passions you know

Sorry I lost my train of thought and it’s Eric came back oh that that hurts Maybe but why Erica yep why well studying hey your favorite thing is watching me make art damn thank you oh yeah I got a little bit of food you’re back from the gym you’re weak

Dude yeah I’ve been making sure I get between like six and to 10K what steps a day you didn’t scare me no honey have them then then I mean I almost died Sometimes they used to scare me more I had them like super loud and chat didn’t like it because

They were too loud but like I was like hey if I’m gonna get scared you also get the chance to get scared okay you should have like the uh the FNAF green I have one sound I have two sounds that are kind of want actually that are like

A minute 30. they’re like a little bit more expensive but sometimes when I’m focusing on it I get kind of quiet so it’s nice to have a thing I got traditional anime basically this is high school girl except she’s got huge boobs I mean some serious hunkers a real setup of donkeys

Packing some dolbon hunkeros massive dog what happens next you know lose like yeah I’m gonna put Pringles on my reheated can of butter make a chicken I need to make more cannabutter I just use the last of it I’ve got enough clippings to do like one more batch

Next one I’m definitely gonna do for like at least eight hours four hours was good but not like not the same what kind of stuff do you like to do the gyms at him and your mom my mom doesn’t go to it I forgot my water one sec my humor is broken um

I got my water would you be willing to to like touch up my skin I don’t want to touch her is good [Laughter] can you make it look a little bit better I can’t make Minecraft skins all your skins I can draw but I can’t do pixel art

It was better with the lower uh the lower the lower res I’m like I draw I’m like an A4 all the time you know like movie poster sizes you need to start working on cardio they’ve been doing mostly upper body stuff I want to bench more and eventually do unassisted pull-up hell yeah

I can’t do a pull-up um I haven’t been to the gym in a bit I’ve just been like walking but um I can’t do anything I used to do like an hour on the treadmill and then I would go to different weight machines like uh like I

Forget what they’re called but like I do legs first and then I do arms um and then I was too afraid to go near the weight stuff a lot because there’s a bunch of dudes hovering so I was too shy to like go over and pick some up because

I didn’t want to deal with them it’s really uncomfortable when you’re at the gym as a chick and then you try to like do stuff and they’re just [ __ ] looking at you especially if you’re like larger you know it’s like constantly being judged I do want to get back into like the

Weight stuff though weight lifting I’ve lost 16 pounds in the last month Pogo yeah I had a slightly high blood pressure but that’s because my diet [ __ ] I work at McDonald’s and like yeah 16 pounds hell yeah thank you I’ll just go [ __ ] myself then that’s what else on my try to be

Encouraging to you I didn’t hear you what did you say I said Pogo I was thinking fog before he said that as well though I don’t know if she wants my encouragement or not yeah no encouragement definitely helps me more than criticism oh let’s get it yeah thank you

I’m like oh I’m seeing good progress let’s keep going yeah on the grind I’ve seen zero progress in me yeah I think I’ve seen progress in here You just gotta go a little more intense then [ __ ] you oh don’t talk Chinese vertical Clips POG I have access to the [ __ ] vertical Clips feature wow yeah twitch add a little Editor to make tick tocks yeah you can uh you can use if you’re like streaming valorant you

Can use eclipse.gg which will turn your virtual format maintaining a weight is still good you know what I mean oh that’s cool they have like three sets yeah you can uh you can automatically I was interviewed in 2016 so it’s really hard for me to like do as much as I used

To do no they’re called clipstones I’ll send it to you okay with pain meds and a good amount of motivation yeah oh eclipse I want to get a tractor tire like one of those like 200 pound ones or whatever and just like flip it around and try to run with it and [ __ ]

Discover stream Highlands within oh I’ve got a really [ __ ] metabolism I think I used this at one point it makes me more work to lose weight than it would usually take a lady to lose it was getting clips from my stream of my friends clutches and like Aces and

Chips and I hated it yeah I was like where are mine I’ve been popping off as well I didn’t find a single one there’s probably 40 clips of him put it in the backyard I think man I [ __ ] what that sounds sick as hell go for it that’s around a tractor tire yeah

I want to take it down to the beach and do it in the sand to make it extra hard could you imagine I could probably pick up some dudes doing that the gym I go to has those big tires you can play with I’m super tempted yeah it’s great

I like cat like I usually like calisthenics which is when you use your own body weight to work out but eventually you need to go beyond that if you’re gonna like I don’t know bulk or whatever um because of the way my body works the best way for me to continue losing

Weight is to gain more muscle my doctor told me that due to my hormonal problems my best shot at losing like extra fat is to get ripped like [ __ ] shredded like weight lifter [ __ ] what so I’m like all right let’s do it I’m gonna be that buff chick s packing um

So I have a fat tummy but the doctor my physical drainage person told me that I have a really good core he was like if all the fat disappeared you would definitely have a six-pack right now sorry I build yeah you right sorry I build I’ve lifted some of my male co-workers just to show them I can spawn time picking up the boys you know he’s exploring the house look at us I gotta I got the neighborhood cat in here better she was like rubbing up on me and like she’s like sniffing around the kitchen

She’s like walking around the living room number one Victory right now I think I’m gonna let her back outside the run-based love to say that all right now when I do wishes skin should I make him extremely Derpy yes yes no objections all right okay how about the Stray out no thory’s being

Super vocal all right let’s get into it again what’s up come here I let the girl cat out and he started to let like uh not laughing yelling or whatever a little laughing yeah he was like l hmm so what are you boys up to um being a stalker again I don’t know

Why I’m sorry Erica and she’s looking at it I’m I’m plugging the viewers you know I’m just grinding the beers just make sure you don’t have an ad block going on give a [ __ ] give me the address hold on let me turn that off yeah

On the page to block I don’t want to block it just let me unblock it I want him to look directly compared to everybody because his skin is soapy so I’m just gonna use like the box tool I just heard a loud bang what was that the cat

I didn’t hear I have a headphones on no did my grandfather fall out of bed not really funny I have my headphones on oh I don’t know if this is a weird thing to bring up but I have commissioned a notice to work on a V2 model and a

Little partner so I can okay I have a cool thing to stream eventually it was wondering if I could commission me to look at the finished product maybe do some cool portrait stuff you could show off does that seem okay yeah of course you just want like a portrait of the YouTuber

Based off of the model that they create I’m open I’m open for commissions like yeah I do if it is commercial though like if it’s for commercial use I do have a 30 commercial fee but yeah I am down for that Oh [ __ ] these aren’t Vector layers I need a vector layer what defines a neighbor well next to you Erica what defines a neighbor what do you mean I’m just Jerry Christmas video kinda maybe like some cool action thing that shows my neighbor is a member of your neighborhood I’m going for a Gotham

Detective sort of thing oh hell yeah I am so down you just asked you just asked the audience what defines a neighbor oh yeah what legally defines a neighbor yeah next door no that’s your next door neighbor they’re in your neighborhood they’re on your boat what what part of

The neighborhood then yeah so at what point does a neighborhood become not an arrowhead part of a different neighborhood two roads two roads away it’s on the same road as here this is science yeah that’s when it’s no longer a neighbor so like across the street your neighbor

Right next to you your neighbor two streets away not your neighbor I don’t know where the distance is relative what if Einstein got it wrong it wasn’t time that was relative what if it was distance super relative everything what if anyone who’s in France right now

Is my neighbor I mean you could say the whole world’s your neighbor and I’d be like yeah exactly because they share the same Earth as me yeah yeah one world one people one world so neighborhood is a district yeah it was a district of your town or whatever District 12. yeah totally

Is that Detroit same thing instead the entire District in Hungarian so just a neighborhood yeah yeah so just rival neighborhood neighborhoods you want a sequel to the stickman all right let’s grab wishes blue is wait let me look at the wish.com W is that the same though God I don’t remember this movie no you should make it though that’d be funny it’s just facebook.com I just feel like we uh got this YouTuber off of wish we found this one it looks the same it is I’m gonna add him and photos yeah this is you

I think it’s smaller so oh wow it really is huh yeah he he literally is the wish guy oh his color’s slightly different let me make it match there we go oh God I need it to stay in the Border please there we go [Laughter] like really shitty just like

It’s like why is everyone’s else’s skin great but mine sucks since like because your skin sucks because you got your skin off wish that’s why I wanna hear when I hear yeah Gap in his teeth there you go I really need that darker color I really

Want this to be a plot point on the server now but he’s we just bought him off of wish no I’m good you feel sad where it’s uh I can’t sell your emeralds but here’s green dye ah laughs you guys like it [Laughter] looks like he’s missing a [ __ ] tooth

Yes and his thing and it’s reference that’s so dumb I hate it Pogo this is what happens when you give me bad references I don’t even try oh no everyone’s got these high res you did this Ms page it would be funny if you don’t even like

In that one Adam you feel like if you change your skin let me know if if you add him don’t even remove the don’t even have a transparent leave the background right he has a bunch of hot tub streams yeah oh my God he’s like a rich kid or something

Scale it down and lower the bit rate the DPI to like two that’s funny I’m gonna say if you change your skin let me know it’s a little [ __ ] does this feel like targeted harassment yes [ __ ] God damn it am I doing it again Eric yeah [ __ ] but it’s too late now I

Second this the collage is gonna be great next we have uh what’s his name I can’t remember how to say their name root water line Oops next is root blah it makes another [ __ ] memory [Laughter] well I think I’d end up with a different video I’d be like hello everyone’s another SMP it’s hmm man it’s just like a furry mask on a dude’s head I think so like though where’s Wally huh you know sweater where American it’s

Waldo I don’t care I thought you were gonna draw a group portrait where everyone grouped together in front of another s p logo yay wolf boy I’m gonna collage them together I’m drawing everyone individually and then putting them together I’m making assets for Stuff would just be and never

But like which one another like what’s the name of the s p another man I really want to [ __ ] follow this SMP but they won’t tell me the [ __ ] name of it yeah I just keep saying it’s another SMP another SMP I felt like um when a Regular Show first came out it’s

The regulation it’s just a regular show it’s just a regular showroom very regularly it was on first what are you drawing now uh ruptar are you crypto it’s like R age okay yeah got it got it or is it did I say wrong is it root plur

It reminds me of the scene from did you where’s my car Regular Show anything but I love Regular Show I’ve I’ve watched Regular Show but you think wish is gonna be mad you think I don’t actually want to like upset him upset him you know what I mean

It’s just all I’m like good fun or whatever you said he could handle jokes yeah he said that in his application I think you’re talking about me nah I wish now we watched twitch play like uh getting over it and stuff and it seemed pretty chill so totally great show I’m not familiar

You mentioned my application the other uh I think it was yesterday Erica yeah and I was like how do you remember that how do you remember what was in my application because I don’t know you don’t remember what you said yeah you said we could make fun of your accent oh yeah

A regular show you mean oh yeah I’ve watched a lot of it posture check oh God g’day mate well not really but yeah yeah I know right I’m like two and a half gays I know I am like my sexuality is I don’t care it’s just if you’re a chill person

That’s it that’s the only requirement and being alive that usually helps had to throw in them what I’m not funny I mean I’m a ghost so but I prefer no I am a ghost I [ __ ] humans as a ghost [ __ ] no Apostles are quite a good standing I don’t know

I mean it’s not like the only requirement don’t get here but what are you now in for I drunk the water good job thank you it’s got ice cubes in it it’s really nice if your guys’s water have fluoride in it no okay wasn’t that thing like World War II or

Something I think our water still has fluoride in it probably had it like um radiation it’s not no actually no not radiation um I can’t remember we had like a it was like a military base near this town and they were just fire like blanks and all

That and that those blanks would end up in like the water supply of the town oh so you get like sulfur and stuff yeah like black I know and I was giving them all cancer fun yeah Carson engines let’s go oh no yeah like tap water I thought that

Was something to help with strengthened teeth yeah I thought so too but according to my manager it’s supposed to um make people more docile and easier to control by the government yeah yeah yeah um and apparently it affects your pituitary gland it makes you less creative it was

Supposed to stop people from rioting or something that’s what she said oh good look good I know it didn’t work or maybe it would have been worse without it I don’t know or maybe I have the opposite effect maybe riots in Ukraine Now isn’t it I mean they’re still under attack I

Think no not for that like um I think it was like slavery they have slaves in Ukraine I’m not sure I get weird I didn’t hear about that I get weird talk tick tocks man I don’t want to talk about it I mean I think Dubai is more of a slave problem Maybe

Wait really I thought that was a thing I mentioned in the most recent Godzilla oh maybe for the slaves kind of hilarious that simulation already has a SM uh another SMP playlist on this channel oh yeah yeah just like that and he would never shut

The [ __ ] up that is a joke why does that uh I don’t think Floyd does that I think that my manager is a little wacko she’s like also anti-backs and stuff like that the thing is though she can be so nice and intelligent so when she says stuff like that I’m like okay

And then I was like not to like say I don’t believe you but I am more of a scientific person I need to see like studies and not just some dude in his backyard you know like and she was like yeah no I totally get

That it’s good to be skeptic and I was like um yep yeah that’s fun no I think fluoride is supposed to like clean your teeth here let me Google if fluoride affects your pituitary gland it’s probably like a concentration thing everything’s Explorer everything is a cancer in Florida I mean

That Florida in California I do also live in an area where um we have a lot of fresh water though so like well water and [ __ ] like that it’s pretty clean all right the impact of fluoride on neurological development in children um for years Health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in

The drinking water may be toxic to developing human brains extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults and negative impact impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies but little is known about the substance impact in children’s neurodevelopment in meta-analysis researchers from Harvard

School of Public Health and China Medical University of Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies found strong indications that fluoride May adversely affect cognitive development in children based on the fightings the authors say the risk should not be ignored and that more research on fluoride’s impact in developing brain is warranted oh

Okay researchers conducted systematic review of studies almost all of which were from China where risk of four light are well established fluoride is naturally occurring substance in groundwater and exposures to chemical increased in some parts in China virtually no human studies in this field have been conducted in the U.S

Said author and Choi research scientist at the department of environmental health so there you go it can be harmful in high like doses um but mostly just to young children so buy your little kids bottled water and if you’re an adult it won’t hurt you peer-reviewed stuff is good to question

Stuff make sure you research things they seem iffy and all just power yeah exactly that’s why I look for like Harvard Universities not just my my boss who I guess is kind of correct in this instance maybe not specifically like the pituitary gland creativity thing but like the yeah it

Can be harmful to a children at least used to know this guy whose name was cobblestone’s theme your Steve your favorite joke to make was Chicago on Steve’s Steve Stone no she’s a couple of my stone till I steam what that is pretty funny it’s great did you guys like the educational portion

[ __ ] you [ __ ] talking over me I can hear you maybe maybe I should turn you up it’s like the third time I haven’t been able to hear you it’s on purpose it really is I’m turning them up what was he saying [ __ ] you sorry do you want me to mute

It was cool to practice different languages that one time Japanese and German Deutsch an edition of twitch okay anyway oh foreign he’s just a holler body no it’s a mask he Sparks he’s just like [Laughter] it’s fun okay so this is lightly colored and this is lightly colored

And then the inside of the ears no no it’s just marking out the different areas like on the mask probably is it different because he’s got like four different Shades of Gray or something it looks like a mix between like a wolf and like a husky you know night bugs good night F4

Fun fact thank you for leaving it on he’s like what everyone call me thanks yes Eve I’ve already made an enemy of the server let’s go he hates me already I think you are great you’re just nice thank you hell yeah the sweater is pretty easy

Uh he’s gonna be mad if I don’t give him three stripes I feel proud protocol I think he prefers earlier he explained that his name was from f equals x the equation so maybe you should call him f equals X pind for it yeah what’s up f equals X yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh yeah I think you can also never mind I was like let’s let’s just like there are apparently musical bands named that apparently there’s like a K-pop band named FX or something like that uh it’s sin that’s what it is do you remember sin caused and tangent oh trigonometry no

Yes God because you make music yeah yeah trigonometry so it’s prude f of x anyways night for real this time good night ethical sucks I appreciate you not Eve good night youth he’s like man [ __ ] you [Laughter] no I’ve been loving chilling with you guys it’s super fun I’m gonna make the

Nails bigger maybe I’ll make it round I’ll tune in maybe somewhere in the middle yeah dog big dog nose maybe we should give him a little like cute mouth my friends are all stuck playing OverWatch so I wanted to get find a group at least that would um at least

You know I want to play with me and also play Minecraft at the same time you know I’m like a huge loner yeah good job that is a big nose I know I’m like no that we’re gonna make it small too big I’ll expect something

That’s the thing is like I like to like uh like make stuff kind of like a character you know like emotional over the edge or whatever just like make it pop or whatever but like sometimes it just looks dumb it’s very stuck a few things I think I’ll make some like

Brown human hair pop out behind the back so it doesn’t look like it’s like just the hollow face you’re gonna play some Minecraft with some friends will it keep the stream going have an awesome night good night everyone thank you for stopping by study and I appreciate you I look forward to

Talking to you more about the Commission in the future and I hope you have fun with fun with your friends there we go I hope you have friends hope you have fun with your friends goddammit peeking is hard hey I talk at work I talk here like oh thank you anytime

You said I know you don’t have friends oh no the dude has to have friends he’s super kind and he’s got a great voice and you know and she’s like it wouldn’t make any sense if we didn’t have friends yeah I can’t really hmm you know me raging [ __ ] nah

Why are you calling yourself an [ __ ] Larry no you said and he has a nice voice and he’s super kind there’s no way he doesn’t have friends here I am apparently not those with no friends uh I am your friend Mitchy is your friend and she’s not my friend yes she is

She is share with your friend was is he the keyword was I mean he just got he got a little toxic and he had to back off that’s okay you know it happens um Xena is your friend no no no no no no no no no no no Shay

Now yeah xeno’s your best friend you guys are going to do great together um no uh yeah you have friends you’re caring about you are loved okay man did wish reply no no uh God damn it it’s online no no no is he not oh he was earlier he

Went offline shortly after I posted it so he either looked at it and went hell no and logged off and went to bed or he didn’t even look at it I’m not sure which one he might have just gone to bed around the same time that I posted it

I like how geek word is the only one online she has not touched the servers since she got accepted not what she wants she got to see what the data packs were and said I’m done I don’t need to talk to these people anymore she told me that she wants to keep her

Lower Secret that’s completely exactly what I wanted yeah I don’t want people to [ __ ] be setting up plans beforehand yeah I got really mad at Monty when he told me he did that I was like you [ __ ] what I was like nah you’re not hanging out with me anymore

Well he already made other plans so it’s not like he needs destroy that community foreign Yeah I talked more with Mitchy about how she was being anxious and then when she joined us in college she was like yo this is great you know um I talked to her the reason I wanted her to join the smps of that is because I knew that she would have that like

Weird anxious thing where like um she would get fomo from not being a part of it and I didn’t want her to feel left out I wanted her to have a good time you know I wanted to have like the opportunity to do this with me um so even though she’s kind of

Reluctant I’m glad that she did agree because I think she might have a good experience and I think we might have a good time together and she might make some more friends you know I cannot find them okay I thought it would be good for her okay I don’t care

Uh well she cares about you is that Curry Necker yeah zombie has a knockback times five thousand nice I should give myself an awkward ten stick yeah yeah be alone dude yeah someone tries to fight me and I’m just like Punk and they just go flying you’re like deflect yeah I feel like

I’ll see you next week when you come back to me they just keep running up and then you’re like yes thank all right everyone vote on whether Eric Gets the dark back sick I know I know it’s not a democracy my look at his sick jeans boy and I can’t

Wait for how scuffed of a launch it’s gonna be nice it goes fine I’m not setting up the talent show I wouldn’t seem too scared to do it I didn’t want anyone to know of it if I was gonna do it uh kind of defeats the purpose of some

People well I think we’re gonna do one anyway like a week later we’re gonna prepare we’re actually gonna bring [ __ ] with us kind of defeats the purpose yeah me doing one then well that’s because they were like oh I think day one isn’t good we need to establish our characters

First and then do the talent show while in character I think it’s because you wanted to be one of the talents right Erica My performance was the intro that’s that was the whole bit was you guys are making me stand up on stage and welcome you guys to the SMP and explain what’s going on so I was gonna make you guys also go on stage and perform

Yeah I can do that it was supposed to be a give and take type of deal I give you guys an intro you guys give me content I could have done that yeah I had like two bits in mind already I was gonna try to write some stand-ups on it oh boy yeah

Sorry I was gonna go I had a bit where I was gonna get a Discord and just go on my face a webcam and just chug a bottle of water and see if I can do it without doing it everywhere I just picture it just just like 30 seconds of silence and

It’s just [Laughter] sounds like the grapefruit technique that’s that’s the content right there yeah that would be content I would gladly add that to my videos I just start trying I just I just screenshot oh boy I just play Pictionary with the crowd [ __ ] old man yeah

I hadn’t I had another bit where I was gonna do like a play that’s gonna be like Goldilocks and the Three Bears and it just ends with Goldilocks getting like slaughtered by like three bears and netherite armor yeah I ask people at work this and they uh

They said that one was better but I think the chugging water sounds better we’re doable yeah you know let me just set something up you guys reminded me of this now I need to set it up what’s up no nether no that’s already disabled no speed running gotta be yeah no speed

Running no dragon for the human no dragon fruit you when we do open that up though it might be fun everybody’s like come on this nose is just not not it uh so how on the fence are you about me making a drug cartel I am against it

All right all right okay all right I’ll allow it if you allude to it you can’t be like I’m selling cocaine it has to be like magic sugar or you know oh yeah yeah yeah okay don’t just be like I’m making meth yeah okay yeah I gotta go you mean

I’m so 100 do that yeah oh my God I’m not even my chat open God damn it but look at a Discord I forgot a streaming mitchie’s gonna sing yeah ballad hell yeah hi baby sorry I didn’t mean to ignore you like I felt a disturbance in the force and was like ah

My chat My Views my beautiful views you’re also beautiful so handsome oh the best people in the world actually though I do I do really like my community I kind of like curate it I like ban anyone I don’t Vibe with like Xena yeah I know I am

I definitely curate it you know it’s like if they say something that’s like sus like a little too out there whatever I don’t even ask questions I have band requests I had like one from the bot Commander root and I had one from another guy who got banned because he

Made the mistake of his intro to my channel being hacker man gonna hack you now right after we had some problems with ddosing on our on a different Minecraft server um and I went no and I spent and the band request was like yeah I probably shouldn’t have just said that

For my first I didn’t know about this and I’m like yeah and I think I Aries admitted it for me and I think I told him to say be funny it’s great no but they’re all super kind and smart and sweet I don’t know how I actually I

Was talking to them while you’re on break yeah they’re great I love them so much maybe it is because I curated so hard I don’t know um maybe my community knows that they can’t uh they can’t be mean at all or else I get rid of them you know

Oh yeah if like if somebody tries like backseat me I just [ __ ] lay into them like that’s the one time they’re allowed to be mean dude I I have issues okay I’ve got a few of them um you know I’m medicated but I still have anger issues I can confidently say

I haven’t been in a physical fight since I was like 17 and I’m 26 now so that’s good but like I get I do get quite upset I like competitive games so like Fallon you know CS Go stuff like that I get ragiel like hit my desk and I’ll like

Throw my my mouse I’ll like flip one time I completely flipped my table in a broken Monitor and I punched the monitor I punched the Monitor and then flipped the desk that’s what happened in the model oh gosh like when you turn it on you see the

Giant green hand like shape with like the Shadows how old are we at the time I’m punching it this is like a few months ago the mouse I have now michy Pockets I broke my elbow that would have been awkward to tell me oh no she knows yeah I just punched my

Monitor and yeah I should say you’re gonna buy me a new one with those subs cribe yeah she knows about all my issues I’m very open with it she’s very kind and understanding you know she helps me a lot um [ __ ] why was I saying this what

No it like led into it somehow [ __ ] why no yeah so yeah I curate my community I lose my [ __ ] sometimes um I have serial tolerance with chat um at a rage you know and that’s that’s just the way to do it right it’s content oh yeah no I was gonna go

To the next part where like the funniest part about that was me angrily picking everything up and putting it back and having to explain to my grandfather what just happened because he ran out and I’m like oh what happened are you okay and I’m just like like I’m literally seething I’m like

Shaking and I’m like I got mad and I flipped my desk and he’s like what and I said I got mad and I flipped my desk and then I started putting stuff back on the desk and he walks away I was like Arie was on the couch laughing at my dumbass

Dumb little [ __ ] yeah you just [ __ ] watching me pick up my [ __ ] like that and like I wanted to murder him but you know she wanted a Meda airing yeah foreign I’m lucky if I can kill him like once or twice when we play and he’s like 13 and knowing me keep it fair he does have over a thousand hours and I have a hundred he watches like a major ton of guards before he plays a new game I’m guessing no no

Let me just jump into it I don’t do that because of content ah all right you’re just living for the content yeah it’s it’s all life you know it’s volleyball our early purpose on the s p is to provide content yes yes that’s why it’s him from

You only exist because I want you to kind of you’re in my world actually you don’t know how right you are okay all right um you’re gonna spoil something but I’m trying to figure out how to how to break this I’m trying to add a custom music disc

You’re gonna walk into your house and it’s gonna trigger a music thing that’s gonna go I I I I’m trying to figure out how to do it but it doesn’t seem to be working I’m gonna I’m gonna [ __ ] scare people it’s gonna be great good night baby I love you

Why did I send it to you Erica yeah I was sending it to my friend you send them like a thigh pick or something no I said him to go on Twitch you’re like hey you should check this out yeah oh yeah having a great time I’ve been live now

For over five hours how long do you like to stream Sam um back when my setup was really bad like laptop bad I would stream for like six hours on end but now I stream for like hours and I don’t know why and I have a better setup and like my shame

Can actually handle it so that doesn’t make sense it really is like true I will think I will honestly force myself on the server yeah yeah [ __ ] I’m gonna be on a lot um you hear my content [Laughter] yeah yeah player unleashes mine [Laughter] oh hi Grandpa

That might be too hot I don’t know I’m in the living have I had content and he came running grandpa I hope to make contact my videos people pay me money I don’t think you understand yeah I love that emo I love it boom goes the dynamite [ __ ]

Bought it for me it’s like the only emo I didn’t make on this whole thing oh Erica are you streaming on the server or are you just like doing recording my I’m unsure yet I was originally gonna stream it and then make videos out of it

Oh yeah like the words and like just do highlights there but it might be better as a recorded series I’ll probably stream yeah because everyone’s [ __ ] making it into a hermitcraft so I might as well actually make [ __ ] my chat will gladly watch me dig a hole for six hours

And say the same I’m sorry in fact I think it’s excited nice you should be Cowboy gaytime have good fun time yes oh I know what to build then no God damn it I I hate this server already what I’m a comedic genius don’t argue what what other people tell me I’m funny

Just because you don’t think I’m funny don’t mean I’m not funny that’s exactly what that means no yeah it means you don’t think I’m funny other people think I’m funny I’m not helping anyone set up their [ __ ] mods do it yourself that’s the theme of the server two years yeah literally [Laughter]

No it’s another simple day I’m gonna watch everyone [ __ ] [ __ ] and moon in general chat or I guess it’ll be in the support chat last minute yeah they’re gonna be like why can’t I join the server because I have a set so you have to have the mod

In order to join the server yeah I keep getting kicked why am I getting kicked I hope people don’t say the announcements I hope people have it open and only mute when they need to um they should they can stay muted they can un they just should be unmuting when

Someone comes up to them well hope proximity that’s the whole [ __ ] point the whole point is to talk in game it doesn’t have to you can be the one that’s [ __ ] getting exposed yeah I’ll be hot miking it all the time most completely fine I’m not gonna make it a

Rule that everyone has to haul Mike hey I’m gonna talk all the time yeah I am right now I was like I thought that was like a point is that like you’d have to be quiet and sneaky no that’s when it becomes an anarchy server you wanted to avoid that remember through pranking

It’s like apparently a month he wants to put pumpkins on people’s heads so Laura that was his entirely working I don’t know his plan he didn’t actually tell me his plan plan just like some stuff here for fun someone said yeah we’re just gonna have a lord dude

And she totally look out for it another s p I’m gonna be launching tomorrow it’s gonna be great be here or be square that’s all I’m saying I think it’s gonna be like 8 P.M or some [ __ ] like that so when I [ __ ] on you’re playing CS no no no we just got

Here at like Tourette’s you know T-Rex Tourette’s T-Rex we got Tyrion [ __ ] dude English is hard I’m so happy I don’t work today oh my God launch yeah it works unfortunately I was launching uh eight I think I’m gonna say people are gonna struggle and we’re actually not gonna watch

Tonight I’m launching and starting at seven okay I’m not helping anyone I understand that yeah I know but like they may need that’s a them problem there’s Google well it’s not that hard to drag and drop a file into their [ __ ] mods folder I agree successfully did it herself I think they

Should be able to okay huh can I get light Medical uh go for it you just can’t use the auto printer the audio what’s up I don’t know what that feature is so when it do you open the like uh resource like list there’s like a button that you can push that

Will like automatically place the blocks for you oh that sounds that sounds really bad like just like not worth it like in terms of like you earned building that you know I mean sounds like the create mod when the Canon can like fire schematics yeah it’s literally that but you have to walk

Around and place it yourself you get to be in range for it to work just a feature that like where like it shows you with like where to place is fine or yeah the the holographic so you know where to place this one yeah foreign Have you uh tested the voice chat as well yeah yep cool now if you installed the mod you should be fine I will say um you might want to go in beforehand or whatever and hit V it’ll open up the voice chat settings then go into settings and you can change

The um activation type yep to like voice yeah you can have voice activated um everything else should be fine for the most part and then Ms to Mu or you can use V and toggle it yourself you can also record this those features you can look into it yourself if you

Want just make sure you don’t push uh press to disable all voice chat sounds because you won’t really won’t show a mute button oh yes I will no no you should be fine you just won’t be able to hear people yeah I have mine voice activated just

Muted and then I’ll just press M to unmute whenever need to be is that the hotkey for yeah m is to unmute unmute cool and then I was gonna have mine always on and only me when I need to talk to just chat that’s fun

I think by I think by default it will have you hot miked like once you turn on voice activation you won’t be muted you have to toggle it yourself to mute yourself regardless there’s an indication uh indicator at the bottom left of your screen you’ll be able to know if you’re

Muted or not unless you hide it in that case that’s a you brother Let It Be I gave her my grandmother because she wants to use it Sam have you seen the Grim marble great model um yes your other one I think yeah the blue hair one yep

Oh you need a resource pack all right suspectful what the auto the uh custom voice box if you see any other ghost version me yeah uh I think so no like this one I saw I saw a picture of a YouTuber model use and I can’t remember where that was

Oh they switch it to the other one oh I haven’t seen no I know that’s awesome yeah this one was textured by my friend Umi and that is literally amazing I could not do that I’ve seen that they go for about three thousand dollars that’s what I was saying on tick tock

Well it’s made in Freud and then just re-textured right yeah that has like oh yeah I tried to use it couldn’t use it uh yeah so Umi textured this one my eyes appear to be broken I’m not that artistically talented almost like a statistical person e and then

We have some other stuff like we have like a dude version like my my bro gue and and I have some models that were like tests or in between so they’re like not super great like this is like a practice model [Laughter] um so I really want the hair to be a lot

More fluffier right like I want the hair to be more like uh the one I usually use which is this one you know it’s like also the cat ears aren’t necessarily part of the sauna I just like having them on my YouTuber and it looks nice

Yeah and they’re like a reference to my my other character I have which is a fursona which is a Kaz which is why they ears are tipped purple because of the cast colors and that’s like I have a couple emails referencing cows they’re awesome

And then ah Wham it’s a close I have the Minecraft version of me I can see all cutie um and guess how much money I’ve spent on all these how much [ __ ] nothing because me and my girlfriend and my friends made them I wish I had those kind of connections

I know right okay but instead I joined these like you know this uh this I think it’s like this s p it’s like yeah oh God I’m the connection you hear Erica and background go [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Sitting in the ground [ __ ] yeah that would be funny all right come on um I’m gonna I’m gonna go guys because my friends are bugging me to go play pulsar and they need a fifth person I will definitely be on time for tomorrow though don’t worry Erica and I will

Actually provide a tutorial if you want me to for the or other people or you can just have the content of them trying to get it all started booted oh we won’t be able to hear them if they’re not in the game yeah so is that the content

The game is the content oh I thought the struggle would be the content as well no no we’re not recording that we’re literally just going in game they should be hilarious living hilarious hearing Erica just screaming the entire time yeah we’re not going to be into this grid call at all

You dumb [ __ ] download the mods get on the server provide me content it’s that simple I’ll see you guys later so yeah make sure you guys go to sleep oh yeah good night I think I’m gonna add little eyes like little red eyes just yeah yeah how about that

Maybe like a little white people in the middle of them too hey let me export this I’m gonna get this apartment room R I think there we go and I’ve been streaming for like five and a half hours so I think I’m actually gonna call it here

We got a decent amount of work done today I want to thank all the Liquors all the Raiders all the sets all the people who gave Bitties and interacted and was here today I appreciate each and every one of you I encourage you to follow and come back next time

This video, titled ‘Drawing more Minecraft skins 👻 Vibing 👻 Ghost Vtuber 👻’, was uploaded by EloraDoodles VODS on 2023-05-12 09:27:57. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:41 or 19661 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/eloradoodles

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  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More

Drawing more Minecraft skins 👻 Vibing  👻 Ghost Vtuber 👻