Dream Team Wins Minecraft Championship

Video Information

We won mcc me dream stamp and bad boy halo teamed up together and won minecraft championship only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you’re not subscribed please subscribe it’s free and you can always change your mind enjoy this video george zap nap george samnap

George we’re on the same team stand up we’re going to win church slam george follow me follow me i need to take you back down memory lane i’m not we’re going to do it together george i can win it for you oh my god george we’re going to win it look at me

Look at me look at that under the tree come down to the tree with me we’re going to we’re going to win shut up sorry we’re going to win we’re going for each other for each other george we can actually win for each other let’s go let’s follow

Me follow me i need to take you to the to the secret place get to the spot to our secret love spot over here oh over there there it is our secret love spot what’s up george church that night no one will find us here i love it it’s

All of us it’s just us it’s just us anything for you for me yeah you you do anything for me chocolate milk gifted five thank you julia sabneb there’s a secret spot on the ace race course i just need to show it to you sam knapp it’s this way

I’m following you follow me i love ace race sapnap georgie have you ever heard of these have you ever heard of the house here it is here it is george hey sit on this chair george look there’s a there’s an idiot stand up sit on the chat for me look look look oh

Stop it up judge oops i tapped out stand up you’re in you’re in my you’re in the house oh george what are you doing in there i’m looking i’m on the train choo-choo look let’s go on the train let’s go on the train together let’s go oh wait no

It’s just so close it’s so close yet so far george nefound how do i get on the train george let’s play five minutes in heaven i don’t know what that means it’s like we go in a closet and we kiss a lot all the a whole bunch

Wait what do you stand up wait a second i’ll be right back okay hey hello hello hey sorry i just woke up but i’m live you’re ruining my stream you’re ruining everything you’re ruining my moment i hope i hope you have a good mp this is my moment you’re ruining it

I hope you have a good mcc i hope you uh why are you being toxic holy [ __ ] just shut the [ __ ] up and let me talk idiot hope you have a good mcc i think i think you guys are gonna do really well um yeah oh yeah well try farm some oils

Whilst you’re at it go on okay just you know what just leave just leave this [Applause] Wait i’m so lost i’m trying to make my way back to you we’re really good at this role-playing thing look look oh wait quackity look cracky just hold on look where i am hold on look where i am hold on george quackety quackity i’m streaming if you don’t know

[ __ ] georgetown bound you know what i’m saying dude someone who finally gets it look i’m on the house man sam now i hope you have a good mcc i know you’re gonna do you mean it why are you talking to practicing like that i’m gonna go i’m gonna go crazy i’m gonna

Get first last time we won last time we won sapnab it was because of you because me kiss me through the phone let’s get it [Applause] yes i’m gonna win you’re gonna [ __ ] win i’m gonna win george george hold on one second all right george i’m back george george

George talk to me george george no i’m sorry i’m sorry wasn’t meant to be this way george talk to me george okay actually like uh it’s time to go to mcc it’s three oh wait what i was thirsty okay all right guys it’s time to go to

Mcc yes it’s mcc time oh my god all right this video me and the dream team win minecraft championship and we also have this idiot named battle hill on our team because we had to have a fourth person dream team only a small position my viewers are

Actually subscribed so make sure to keep subscribing or watching or something to enjoy you didn’t know only a small percentage of people who actually watch these streams are subscribed so if you have twitch prime use that now and subscribe for free thank you and enjoy the stream all right

Burger give me burger oh burger give me a burger i’ve got a burger guys guys make sure to follow the stream immediately otherwise you’re going to perish dream dream where dream i have a spatula dream i got a burger for you dream i’ve got a spatula

He’s got a spatula and i’ve got a burger i’m spatting you give me one give me one give me one oh no no yeah wait give me a burger give me give me give me we all need to eat the burger give me the burger yes

Please give me that burger give me the burger give me you can’t can we can they not hear you wait what what wait i don’t know if my stream can hear you shut up dream they can’t hear them good i hope they can’t dream come over here guys come over here come

Over here all right come on come on he’s trying to fix the stream he’s trying to fix the they can hear you now they can hear you now guys guys we need to meet up we need to meet up for a screenshot where we do the screenshots yes [Applause] that’s probably true

We have to make it count why is bad just like immediately instead constantly locked down f5 the podium’s already at first wait look tommy are we the bad guys why is the red rabbit where is where is bad hey let me get a screening yeah let’s get the good skinny

Adjust your body dream you look dumb yeah yeah turn to the left i fixed it wait you look so dumb and stop sneaking you just look dumb dream sneaking looks terrible yeah look look pov your dream pov you dream when we’re taking screenshots with them yeah your heads are no no they’re bad

Sounds probably i want a screenshot i want a screenshot where’s bad where’s bad i don’t know god’s an f5 would be like guys guys guys we’re playing mcz all stars today scotty stop skippy uh hello guy be so much peace happy birthday happy birthday guys i’m gonna turn donations off

Because i’m going to get distracted so don’t donate hang on i’m going to turn them off i’m getting i’m getting 5k coins thank you for the five jenny thank you for the five let’s go um i might have missed some other dinners he fell here george you can get the

Screenshot wait wait oh wait over there get it get it okay wait wait hang on let’s go wait everyone start wait get rid of the burger get the burger and spatula screw the burgers stand up no sticking no sneaking sneaking is dumb boom i think i got it

I’ve been getting so many i’m getting i’m just bombing screenshots i’m following screenshots i’m bombing strangers i’m live winners pov oh my god we’re gonna flipping win let’s go all right i’m gonna go pete before the event be right back what that’s probably but it’s gonna start it’s starting one minute 50.

Is he going to make it in time to find out it takes him forever it literally takes him he’s going to need him he’s not going to he’s not going to wash his hands he’s not going to do it no that’s going to be like hey guys that’s what

Start i have to go to the bathroom and then like you know like walk his dog order a pizza and come back in like 30 minutes no bad bad does take the longest bad takes the longest i’m bad at one time in the middle of a manhunt guys listen to this chat

Bad in the middle of manhattan one time ordered a pizza and started to eat it was like guys no no no no no no no no no no that’s a lot that’s not what happened i’m going to tell the real story no i’m going to tell the real story this is what happened

He literally lied he said he was gonna go to the toilet and he came back and this is all we could hear that’s all we could hear we could hear him eating i mean like what what is that it’s bad eating and he was like no i’m not eating

And we worked out he ordered a pizza during a manhunt hungry okay oh my god it’s happening it’s happening on each other let’s go get in george tripp i can only wear two people eating their manner one was bad with ordered the pizza then the other one was george with

A pot noodle but it was like literally during a break like it was literally it was that one time the server crashed oh my god let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s like so i’m not gonna lie so i smell oh my god dreaming guys i sneak snacks and during

Manhattan like i’ll eat something without dream knowing what the oh it’s just me and puns we’re here all right that’s it this is it this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for i’m doing a pre-mcc speech everyone look at me look at george george everyone in a queue

Oh my god dude there’s no one come on on the spot we listen up we let everyone listen real quick i think that this might be our only chance to vote because we’re probably going to get dunked every time okay so why don’t we vote for parkour tag why don’t we go

For a park let’s vote for a parkour let’s go maybe we should vote for billboard wait that’s actually exciting let’s why don’t you kiss me it’s like that uh just like vienna with the river running through it oh it does is that venice venice i think he might be

I kind of have to make a poo guys what do i do what no actually i kind of actually go i can feel it in my stomach it’s a little crampy we’ll just do after this game dude after this game i’m not gonna have time dude i take long

Poos i need to then don’t then then you just have to not take why one earlier my stomach hurts now and why do you say make a poo like what what you’re not making it like it’s like it’s already there you made it a while ago you already made

It probably days ago it’s probably been sitting in there ready ready it’s been festering fermenting inside there and then for mastering in my gut for mastering look we’re already in first we’re already first we’re already guys we’re first i started the event you’re hunting yellow i don’t give i

Don’t give a fudge you’re hunting yellow um all right quick what’s the strat that’s fine what do we do how do we play this game i don’t even know what it is um oh you’re hunting what do you mean you literally just go who’s hunting after we literally just said i’m gonna hunt

Yellow oh yeah but i didn’t realize it was yellow look it’s quick s major quick quick is hunting is good quick full me where am i where am i where am i i don’t know i don’t know what to do just run oh this door opens here

I don’t hear any music do you guys hear music he’s obviously you you you bad yeah he’s right here spread out george oh fudge he got me runs out run run get away from me you’re trolling i can’t use your runner vision i see him

I see him he’s in the middle he’s in the middle he’s going after he’s going up to he’s going after you he’s not playing george i don’t know where to go just keep running keep running in a circle run towards me run towards me hold me

Back help me help me bud help me back he got stuck you’re good just keep going that path and the left i’m mocking me i died okay come on snap knob you got this i got him i don’t know i got him nice just keep going down keep going

That was close wait he’s blow oh he’s coming up oh wow he fell him out you got this you got it just keep going don’t fall don’t fall yeah just don’t fall don’t fall [Applause] okay what team is this what team is this what’s up one seam i’ll hunt them on them

We’re going to win every round let’s win every round let’s win every round wait what they’re all what are they doing Oh god i’m dead already i think highlight him oh there he is got one oh muffins oh he’s chasing his jokes after me i can’t even i don’t he’s after you george after you how the [ __ ] is she not dead about separate separate separate go go

Go go go go go that way go that way i’m just running i i don’t even know where he is why i’m chasing last person oh there he is he’s right here he got me last second oh if i survive one more second i would write more points

I got them all nice and i’ve got them all because someone’s got them all wait where’s puns we shot the lip punches after me he’s right there he’s right behind you right behind you right behind you oh he caught you up all right bad just survive run the other

Way run the other way 14 seconds just keep running straight just keep running okay just run it stay on the outskirts down the outskirts bad you’re fine again ah we won’t know we want okay we won the round yeah because i’m insane okay we’re against blue oh god yellow

Survived that round we just need to get you into the wind you want to hunt fruit who is who is that each bomber is never going to get to me okay let’s go i’m going this way i’m going this way oh god where am i do you know he’s over

Here he’s coming for you where is he he’s coming from here he’s going for you he’s going for you he’s going for you i’m coming back towards you i’m not just running dude use your runner eyes guys i’m the only one who’s following you he’s falling i think it’s george use

Your runner i got them all got them all nice he’s coming yeah he’s trying to get george keep running george he’s about oh what he got me he got george i got out like every time first this is so annoying okay um he’s coming for you bad he fell

He fell you’re good for a bit he’s coming off he’s coming up running over the other way all the way all the way what what do you mean joy he was running just keep running straight and you should be good just keep going straight i’m good easy peasy lemonade we’re winning

I’m too good i haven’t gotten even i have not even gotten tagged yet let’s go perfect that’s amazing um yeah you take them you take them we’ve got it george we can do it okay okay we got this where do i go i don’t know i

Don’t know how to how do i stop getting dead are you going are you going left right He’s coming down the middle okay he’s going back it looks like no no no he’s still over there there’s the guys over he’s over here oh that’s that by you bad i think yeah oh yeah just keep rotating keep rotating keep rotating i’m just trying to keep like optimal distance

Yeah optimal distance oh there he is i see him chasing me just keep running i fell i got them all they’re all done nice we’re all alive do we get extra points for that just keep running he’s just he’s just he’s just looping in a circle that’s fine just keep moving in circle

Yeah wait where is he bad right stay on the outside stay on the outside i had to jump in the middle because i i lost a word no one’s even dead yet you guys have got this at least two of you are surviving like just divide by surviving these five

It’s massive five seconds just keep running keep uh fudge all right it’s like we got two look at me look at me yeah let’s go mate hello let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right aqua i don’t care um i’ll hunt okay cranios is hunting dude you should take

These baby bollocks instantly literally i don’t know what the bitzel is pretty decent right guys okay so you guys i’m going right right right here’s your runner vision i’m using it i’m using it i use it all the time He’s on me like a little potato chip potato chip he’s oh he got me holy crap okay he got stabbed now who is it who is it all three he’s going towards you george you’re jack keep going just keep going just keep going he’s going up the ladder keep going keep going

I’m going is he right behind me i’m good uh no you got space he’s got some distance but he’s chasing me right he’s right he’s on your side okay i’m going he’s blown out turn up turn out he’s blowing he’s blue turn around actually no no keep going

Keep going now keep going keep coming around keep just keep going keep going he’s on the floor he’s gonna got it you got it you got it nice nice nice let’s go i got muffin in this he went after me i have to start and that’s why he lost because he trolled

He got all right green geckos oh i almost just walked into the thing by accident all right i’ll hunt i’ll have to hunt wait what time is this what team is this green it’s not a pizza yeah you hunt you hunt you’re good okay pete’s hunting us guys oh green you like

Don’t you grow up hunted I heard green likes build model muffins oh my god this is scary oh i felt right it was nighttime frizzy okay go george i’m trying is he right behind me oh he is right behind me muffin how did he cut you off like that hello

I heard you i heard you’re a drilled fan it we lost this run oh shoot this is about to happen it’s okay i don’t know i didn’t know pete was i knew pete was hunting i probably would have hunted oh my god cub fan is actually kind of insane

Come on you go you gotta go nice nice that was close but still we didn’t we need to win we need to win the rounds we’re only up by 67 points right now from second place okay we gotta win we gotta win what are we doing

What are we doing we’re going to win we’re winning but we’re going to win better we got it we’re going better we’re going by more this is unacceptable i just drink some wait what happened what why i hate it no timeouts no timeouts literally none i am in lobby don’t care

Purple pandas okay okay uh george hunt george hunt okay i’m going i’m okay let’s go i’m ready to go ready to hunt okay they’re stuck in the light to the right they’re going left now they’re going left right away i got one guys we’re all together where

Are they oh my gosh we’re all together i ran right into them he’s trying to cut you off dream but he’s come on unless he fell come here he’s back up come here oh whoever this is come here like why are we all together that oh that was terrible

Yeah all three of us were in the same place like that was really bad i got them more i got them all let’s go let’s go let’s go did you guys all die by the way you’re muted yeah we don’t yeah we can’t hear you i got them all i got them all

I got two of them so quickly yeah we died really quickly literally everyone was all the group together i don’t know why and we we all got out why did he do that just don’t know i don’t know i went i personally went the opposite way but

Then yeah i went to opposite way because he was running at me bad just didn’t run around the loop he just like stopped moving the way that i went every round oh yeah that’s not how you play um oh it’s the silly pink parrots it’s phil’s are hunting us

In minecraft it’s gonna be a tough team to hunt no tubbo like hates this game you got it where am i All right those are going after you guys oh god i’m dead oh yeah he’s coming over here just keep running keep running just waste his time keep going keep going he messed up he fell i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead oh my god i did so badly um he’s coming after you bad

He fell he’s down on the bottom oh god watch out what’s up oh fudge i hate this jump right here it’s so annoying um he’s in the middle he’s like kind of cutting you off getting across they’re owning me their own name trying to cut you off just keep surviving keep surviving

Okay control again you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re staying up there for a minute step there for a bit hang out okay go now go yep go that way he’s coming behind you he fell oh my god 10 more seconds just running keep going keep going oh yeah there’s

Like a straight you’re good you’re good you got it just hide it hide in that room and you’re good just hide in there oh no you might need to go i got him i got him nice we won we won we won let’s go let’s go let’s go um Illumina is coming after you guys illumina’s coming after you guys oh yeah um he’s right there keep running keep running keep running i don’t know he’s in the middle in the middle he’s in the middle he’s coming after you he’s falling dream he’s right behind me or below he’s right

Behind you right behind you right here going straight he’s following i got the more i got the more let’s go i’m the best i’m the best he’s opposites shut up he’s cutting through mid he’s cutting it off cutting you off turn around go back keep running just keep running the loop

You’re good it’s cutting off a little bit you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good keep running i’m the best i’m actually the best i’m the best it’s okay that was really good and it was illuminati i got them one in like 20 seconds yeah you did great you did amazing

Oh my goodness so we want we won we won we won first let’s go we won by 200 coins that’s good almost 300 that’s pretty good that’s pretty good if there’s a pretty good and the gaps behind also the gap between the next team is 200 and then it’s 100 it’s

Like we’re we’re pretty far ahead right now we did well we did good we only lost one round right wait what wait one top five players how did i do the best in the whole game wait how wait what because i think you’re 200 rounds you did good and then your

Running rounds you did wait what i didn’t even do i thought i was doing bad i go thank I don’t know i don’t think i’ve ever been first that’s epic oh my god i’m cracked i’m the best yes yeah yeah look at me hey fruit fruit i didn’t look at me turn around i don’t think look actually i did once with jordan once with george yeah let’s go so awesome

Elevator he said do you want a lollipop yes i do i do i do does he have a lollipop nothing i’m first let’s just let’s just let’s just stop let’s just end the event stop stop account stop account it’s tough to count if you want me to

Move my camera so they can see fine i will that that better Oh you can get popcorn where’s popcorn in the if you go to like the decision dome there’s a popcorn machine is it probably why they just had time i thought there was only like a minute left and now there’s a minute and twenty good job sir hey guys do you have your popcorn

I didn’t realize wait haven’t i done that every mcc like haven’t i always been in the bottom left poppy corners you guys don’t even see the point pyro popcorn oh my god in the entire game we were first and then this was in our team like we literally are the best

Insane wait there’s oh there’s like a shrek song it’s all stars tarpish stool in the shed he was looking kind of dumb and a finger man your thumb in the shape of an l on his forehead and they won’t stop coming and they won’t stop coming

Back around and i hit the ground running you just get done so much to do so much is cheating did you see that all right we vote billboard right i want ace race all right we’re gonna get you knocked out bye bye we’re not voting we’re not

Voting we’re not voting we’re not voting vote bill marvel dunk us three just three head quick throw your egg quick three egg quick what are we voting what are you ready for what are you wearing now throw it out which is right next to build mart no

Yeah but espy’s in there it’s it’s definitely going to be skybox he’s not megan he only counts one he only counts as one no he counts as a mega chicken does he know it counts as one i’m pretty sure he counts as a mega chicken i’m pretty sure he can’t

I’m pretty sure he’s gonna come to mega chicken sky battle gt and this guy all right what’s the strat what’s the strap what’s the scratch i need to stay in first place there’s stack one let’s kill everyone that’s a strat let us kill him the last time in dream teamed on this it

Was crazy well i mean that was two times ago but last time i went to the right wait you don’t even have to tower you can just get to the first one [ __ ] so maybe we should just run but the teams are going to fight so yeah

We should go to the we should go to the right we know we need to run in and go to the candy cane from the beginning yeah we should be the iron there needs to be the iron block on the right as well yeah there’s no iron block on the

Right only iron block on spawn it looks no there’s an iron block to the block i think it’s going to get rust it might be worth it for us to rush the weakest team we need to decide left or right based on who we’re next to yeah this is going to

Be a little it’s going to be a little muffin-y it is going to be a little muffin-y right off the bat do you see the chests and the candy cane yeah there’s good [ __ ] in there there’s a diamond there’s a diamond on like these these you see these middle

Towers there’s diamond blocks on them no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s a diamond are you sure yeah there’s diamond oh you spawn with the bow and arrow oh god that’s kind of scary but i think they did it because you don’t have to

Tower off a swan all right so we need to get that we need to get that diamond and the iron block over there and we need to go up the candy cane so saturn i’ll go for the diamond iron block over there and you go with the candy cane okay

Where are we going where am i going where do i go left or right there’s right here go with them but don’t fight just grab the iron block there’s two iron balls there’s two unblocks there’s two unblocks I’m going for this iron block they’re not going for it okay he ran he ran away i pushed them off of it they wait i lost the iron block i lost them there’s four fishing rods here take one take the uh iron sword we can’t go back down we

Can’t go back down another one oh [ __ ] we trolled guys get the stuff get the stuff and get over here walk down there wait the iron block’s like flying into the void okay george don’t die it’s in the void come over here yeah none of us got any of the iron blocks

I like tower down we have no iron box guys no i have i have iron blocks i have iron blocks guys we need to start towering to the middle okay there’s one right here hold on i’m gonna go with the middle guys we’re gonna go in the middle i got

Two diamonds i can make a diamond guys get over here to me wait where are you take him take him dream yeah i can’t i can’t get it in time so what do you need what armor do you need everything i only have a chest plate where do you guys go

Did you go up the candy cane yeah i’m the kind of kid i’ll just kind of up the candy cane i wouldn’t get here quickly i’m here i am one second yeah i’m just crafting oh uh someone’s saying you guys what was shooting you guys

All right here come back come back for a second i need to drop yourself drop it drop it i need to turn off auto jump all right let’s get in we gotta go we gotta go there’s stuff up here by the way nice i got some arrows some cobwebs tnt nice

Here take a fishing rod okay dad take a fishing rod i have sticks if anyone wants to make a diamond sword you can dream um i have a diamond sword i already have one okay when you start towering in or something there’s people up here we should we need to fight

Should we go up to them we have way more stuff than oh look there’s many movers here wait they’re [ __ ] me they’re kidding me i’m dying i’m almost oh my god i almost just died dreaming hit the ground too hard that was i trolled above us there’s the creepers

Yeah where are you guys he’s fighting someone nice ah that’s so frustrating oh muffins i got one you’re good son are you good i died the border is coming down yeah you want to jump down look out this bitzel and quinas right there they’re fighting the fighting they’re coming for you

Okay they they stop chasing they stop chasing george he’s right above you right now he’s right above you right up right now right now right now go up or back or george whatever down below back down go up go up back up you’re above you’re above south knop you’re below side note

Go up behind you behind you help him with elbow fight tempo stop chasing that stuff chasing stop chasing that booze the one here typos are probably one hit with the arrow tom is dead it’s fine fudge bullets all got him go positive go put snap not bad

Follow him they’re right behind you mind you muffins oh my goodness they’re dying to the zone they’re dying to the zone i think they’re jumping you’re fine you die i i got there’s a i’m gonna put a creeper all right we got a muffin around laying around the center much faster we

Need to get to the center much faster i don’t know what happened with the other two we were fine like the border was not even on us i don’t know why you’re rushing us up now because it wasn’t center center control is very important the iron blocks like right now if we

Were all alive right there we could have easily gotten center control wait what are they doing we weren’t alive we don’t need to rush like there’s a lot of loot around we need mean like i was going and collecting all the loot while you’re like come on come on like i’m getting

All the iron blocks and everything i think we should rush a team at start we can easily get like if we rush the week we might die though and like we had no armor because like we lost three iron blocks i know that’s what happens break the

Cobble wall under it before you break the iron block and that won’t happen okay okay oh all right and then go left and get the one over there wait which way do we go we’re going go left and grab the iron block right there break the cobble wall first

All right break who’s getting this one on the spawn here i’ll get this break the cobble will break the cobble wall got it i’m gonna should i go up or should i come with you here i’ll come with you here this is the destinator’s team go up sapnap why there’s nothing up

What do you mean there’s nothing i’m gonna go i’m gonna go out and then get mentioned tons of stuff oh for fishing there’s people here yeah they’re right here careful like there’s no one around me don’t waste time just staying away but don’t fight them don’t fight them don’t fight them

Don’t fight them bad come back come back come back bad come back okay i’m coming here take this i’m gonna take this i’m gonna make alma i’m gonna make i’m gonna make it leggings myself careful george guys get up wait what else should i make you guys

Just need to get okay i’m coming with i’m coming wait there’s an iron blocker right here that you guys left i can’t get it right we didn’t leave anything we only got the stuff hey guys i don’t know what we need i mean i just have i have normal

Leggings okay i’ll make you leggings wait you need leggings or you need other stuff let’s go i i i i know i don’t like it george hurry okay i’m coming we should not fight anyone then we should just chill back here for a sec yeah we don’t have armor yet

Okay guys i have the stuff for you she’s just trying to shoot us i don’t know about this oh there’s yellow right there take the cake there’s one pile of stuff and there’s another pie stuff that’s shooting awesome behind the stuff on the floor oh we’re getting shot at from behind

You’re about to die for mama i mean build a wall patrolling so easiest there are pvp team guys watch out watch out pete coming in george watch out okay i’m healed up you can dig a little hole if you need to find someone fell someone fell a dream stream tnt oh nice

I didn’t i didn’t get a fishing rod did you not give me one second no you didn’t ask i have a george careful behind you let me see it what’s up with the tnt they jumped inside there’s a [ __ ] thing in my face bro got it they’re dropping creepers in tnt be

Careful george bye do you need to go forward if i take this leggings i can’t i’m so so dumb looking so bad i dropped it we need to get cover or something oh there’s a guy here i’m going to chase him what’s up with the tnt

Sorry puffy oh fudge please tell me i got that dang it i’m dying to the zone so annoying like stop you’re not getting me oh no i just finished the void i’m an idiot ah oh my god cpk is trolling me so annoying they just sit there and

[ __ ] do the stupid fishing rod constantly oh my god this is so oh okay oh there goes another one nice [Applause] okay look i was confused what you needed and we weren’t getting a different [ __ ] tried to make a jump and i shot him in midair two hands two boots every time

We’re doing pretty good guys we’re doing pretty good okay boot so you need to make pat you didn’t even make everything oh just the boots and the helmets and helmet pants boots and helmet so you guys aren’t making anything you guys are getting ironed hey i’m gonna all right i’ll make i’ll make

Leggings for myself george okay cause i’m gonna unless i don’t get the iron i’ll tell you if i don’t okay call call out a rush if you i’m just like might rush i’m going left i just i just feel like i’m gonna make duplicate things you’re not then just listen to us just

Wait and listen to us and you’ll be fine okay these guys aren’t rushing us all right dream come take i’m leaving the fishing rod in there okay nice oh we could totally go behind these guys take this take this back nigga’s going to try and shoot you i’m making leggings for myself george

Okay okay do not make leggings from here okay okay badass go up okay i got four iron blocks that should be enough sound go up go up build like a thing here wait wait dream don’t look like a dream uh yeah i made it boots and helmet make

Make boots and helmets and leggings for some nice take this iron george take all right get in dream get in watch out watch out just give me jump the stick do the stick all right thank you build in just break the blocks alright i can do that one break face

Yeah oh what’s up hey i’m going in bad wait watch out i’m going now we should go up we should go up go up go up go up go up kill these people come back come good job i’m here okay wait we’re all together i have no armor though

We don’t let these idiots have some iron drawers i got here i got hit be careful we careful they have both they should be low oh guys i shot them so many times they should be really low i’m yoloing in oh don’t worry all right now george they should be low Let’s go go go go go go go go go go go go go go care care of a little people here but they blocked it off there’s people over here wait one purple team on the other side on the other side guys you’re good what are you straight out go straight

Out george i’m trying they’re like oh you’re all alone dream you are all alone you’re going out there i like oh they like trapped me in there with an axe that’s so creative with an axe oh yeah i got one cbk was hiding up there nice i’m full health i’m chilling we’re

Winning right now who the [ __ ] is just dropping tnt like an absolutely tell me about you let’s go let’s go over here dream up right here okay tell me he’s dropping me dropping creepers down on you oh nice oh god [ __ ] got it i was trying to split them i got so close

You got the seven you got this watch out they have fishing rods in the middle if you have tnt you can drop it in the middle build the thing to your right don’t think to your right side don’t go higher don’t go higher the borders really go lower go lower trust me go

Much lower hold on hold on dude i’m eating i gotta chill you have a creeper go you don’t have to look you don’t have much longer to go lower you’re gonna take fall damage going down all right you’re fine nice nice all right break yourself in block yourself in walk

Oh my god block it in okay after you have it hit me oh [ __ ] yourself then oh we won we won by a lot nice good job let’s go dude the axe is so op holy [ __ ] i killed so many people with that you are getting

Savage how many kills how many kills did you get how many kills you get i got seven kills let’s go let’s go you guys did amazing yeah oh my god what in the world oh my god that is insane let’s muffin and go let’s go this is happening no it’s way

Has anyone done that before where they win every game i don’t think so no way i’m in fourth i’m in fourth now second green should be in front of me this is pathetic pathetic how am i only in four epic it would have been epic if you were third who would have dude

Dude the thing is about that is like i killed like so many people back to back to back like george he was going like a killing spree it was like he was playing like dude in the second round killing everyone i got like a ridiculous number of kills in the second round i

Was like i i ran over to tommy’s team i started just bowing them and i ran over to another team i just tnt them all that i think i won before tommy like i killed tommy and then tubbo came i killed him and i killed wilbur and then phil’s that

Came and i killed him he was just back to back to back killing the whole team that’s [ __ ] crazy that strategy worked really well you’re right that was perfect oh let’s go let’s go let’s go now we’re done now that’s so funny like i i it was your time applause

I mean i i thought we’d probably pop off like i was kind of worried about it i was like oh no it worked out really well they have a team swap yeah they’re doing it craft is not on so they’re swapping somebody in oh my god we’re going to win we’re going

To win knock on wood you idiot what is your problem no george is a maniac look we’re ahead by the way we’re ahead by 1300 coins already what number are you right now bad yeah but george it’s very early no first game no we’re winning we’re winning don’t be so cocky george don’t

Be so no we’re winning why have they blocked off downstairs i want to go downstairs okay this this time of pause is ruining everything it’s ruining the vibe yeah it’s failing it’s you know divided did you know the vibes you know the vibes you know the vibes in this ain’t it

This is actually annoying i don’t like this so what do what do we have left build mart sands of time to get to this every everything except for everything except for tag battlefield which is kind of a muffin that kind of looks like a creek box we’re already a 1k gold up

On the second team that’s a lot for the second game for the second game that’s pretty good that’s what i’m saying especially because what i’ll say about that is it’s especially good because of the fact that we have bonuses and there’s no no there’s no bonus we

Haven’t even played team games yet it’s like we’re going to kill individually we’ve individually done good like we’ve no sky battle with a team game right now isn’t sky battle a team game it is but there’s no team no it’s not it’s not a team it’s a team team it’s

What i’m saying is a team coin split game okay it’s like runner and like like santa claus he has like nervous peas he’s like ooh we might win mcc and go to the toilet i’m gonna pee oh my goodness i want this how do you get one of these

George in this like when you want chicken plus big imagine you just have like six of them you just put them all over the wall yes wait look it looks like the feet from the top ones are like ears for the bottom ones oh my goodness i think i’ll take wednesday’s chicken dressing

I guess we just keep our quarterbacks played we just keep voting bill maher all right it’s gonna get played so i mean i guess no it’s gonna voting began so just be ready you ready four three two one doorbell mart go um dream miss someone is so bad in this game i missed

Somebody else’s [ __ ] mess though wait they’re they’re going but they’re moving they’re voting for all right it’s good on us even matter look at this old muffin bro it’s going to be building our last game oh grid runners perfect it’s so i’m done i remember remember we need to like

Analyze the room okay yep we all know our roles right i don’t know we got it what role roles there’s no roles that you can don’t mind dad’s bad’s a role i already i gave battle what do you mean were you not listening he wasn’t listening my nose is itchy

Okay that’s it i’m turning on my x-ray i don’t care do it i don’t care wait look we can see into the room why is there like a there’s an mcc guy with a sword in the first room what does that mean bad analysis usually that’s in the term right or no

Clean the dirt that’s clean the dirt i see i i see like gravel or something on his sword i can’t tell i think it might be clean that i don’t see any dirt though and behind that behind that behind that’s the cake one you can see

Behind that is the cake one i’m pretty sure like look behind me you can kind of see that building back there i think that’s the cake one just like no clip through the thing no clip through no clip through right here hello a lamp that was already on so if it’s

That don’t ever do that again okay i’m sorry don’t ever do that again like i made this epic parkour jump to turn on a lamp and then sound i just went and turned it off like an idiot very nice go go go go go go go go go go go go

Oh it’s cleaner clean clean clean i’m going up i’m going up you guys should go up too yeah it was right it was dirty under it yeah stone check under i’m on top i already checked on earth oh my god thank you so much for the 50 gifted uh

Thank you thank you thank you uh i don’t see any in the water hey where’s the dirt it’s just up oh it’s on top it’s on top that’s the last one probably no oh we got it we got it everyone everyone gets it okay i’m in

Dream you should go for the hard ones first i don’t see any more there’s one over here in the window we got it go go go go go it’s a split i’m going far left okay ready sheer all right all right all right who needs wool oh let me see if

Two blue one red to pink okay you need i have i need orange i need orange and green i need a lime or all right i need aqua i need alcohol these are all mine i don’t need anymore i need i don’t i need pink two pizza two

Here’s blue i need orange give me orange give me orange and green what’d you need bodybuilders one pink one blue that’s it two blue there all right i’m done i’m done with mine i’m done i’m done with mine i’m done with mine done go go go i did it

And i’m cold wine let’s okay so don’t worry about dying you have a bow and arrow if it’s if it’s useful okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go we got it go all four okay come on

We need to find a smoker cactus beehive lecter in bed smoke a blueberry i found a blueberry i got a blueberry i got the beef i got the behind i got the beehive i have a loom is that do we need the loom cactus beehive

No what else do we need i have the blue bed i have the blue black turn lectern yellow bed yellow bed yellow beds yeah sorry yellow bed smoker cactus beehive lectern yellow bed i found the yellow bed i found the yellow bed i found the yellow bed smoker smoker

We already have the cactus just look for the electrodes you can’t open this lectern uh where’s the electron electron i don’t know i’m looking for it upstairs i don’t have anything i don’t know the electron i found the electron i found the lecture everything is smokers upstairs it’s not lighting up

When i put it in oh it’s oh this is a bean it’s not a beehive smoker smoker uh oh there’s stuff around the side i’m gonna check over here i don’t see it i swear it’s all smoker uh what are we missing just we’re missing a smoker we’re missing a smoker

Are we missing cactus or something like the kitchen we’re just missing smoker no it’s both unless someone has it in their inventory we need both the cactus could be in a pump up oh there’s a room with flower pots in it it might be in there why wouldn’t you look

Oh we got yellow bed i i am hurry guys guys we need to hurry i can’t flipping here you guys look first right here how do i get down is this the cactus i found the cactus i found the cactus let’s go down here we don’t have the smoker yet what’s

The smoker look like wait what what i haven’t used the smoker is this it no no i found it okay let’s go let’s go go that one took so long no one checked the kitchen for the smoker guys come on that’s like embarrassing let’s go exit

We did really bad on that one go guys go go go coming it’s fine we did first and the other one so we come on back come on oh golf club okay dream all right hang me over to yellow i go okay i got you okay all right boost me to the red

Okay genius boy halo are you going are you hitting me i’m literally doing that all right okay good there we go go go go oh god that was done ah you’re done guys come on bad didn’t know what a smoker looked like on blaming there’s buttons on the back of these things

You got it did you get it crazy All right you got it what’s that dude i got redstone i got redstone we need to connect the redstone okay that’s the way overhead just like look it’s can you drop some do you have enough how much you have i have like one four right here i’m dropping i don’t know yeah why

Are you waiting up here wait no that one doesn’t mean you press the button press the button on that one there can we get more maybe we get more oh yeah you do just spam that [ __ ] okay keep doing it you guys do that i’ll fill this in

Just keep going just keep going george left side all right bad press the other one for me oh my god okay wait okay i’m getting the redstone okay what are we doing we have to light up all the lamps we need to light up the lights okay fine yeah it’s easy just

Keep going like this oh wait that one goes backwards oh can we flip this round no no we can’t okay wait look redstone muffins need to go in no hang on how much guys how much redstone do we have like there’s a lot anywhere i’m just saying keep getting more like

Just keep going keep going we need constantly getting more where’s the redstone where it is dropping up there george give me give me redstone connect this thing connected it can’t connect to that one i can’t connect to that one go how does it connect over there

I had to impress it we need more redstone we need a bit more what the frick i’m not hitting the button i’m throwing take the two take the two just throw it put it oh my goodness okay this one i don’t think it’s going to reach we just seen because does it raise

Just keep going just keep putting it one more one more one more there one more we don’t have one more oh my [ __ ] god we need one more just go get one more go get one more one press the button press the button green green green i missed [ __ ] my life oh

Press the button okay you got it grab the wrench right there it might not have enough i think it does though let’s get one more one hey oh my god uh i go all the way through guys i think what is this unlock continue on minecart infinite left

How does that work okay okay we need to unlock the exit by like having the minecraft complete this probably so we need to complete this somehow maybe how do you complete this there’s levers underneath there’s guys none of us are on the other side like right now all of

Us are on this side what’s over here is there anything how do we get yeah we need to go down there and get stuff yeah you guys you guys you those are we have a pickups there’s an entrance guys okay oh yeah there’s stuff down guys don’t don’t go

To the stage we got to grab we need all right so what do we need to make i’m mining the iron on mine we need to make more like uh minecart rails rails rails there’s rails down here you can just steal guys there’s really [ __ ] rails right here steal

Them and you just don’t go anymore and then just get uh some cobblestone and we need sticks we need sticks break the things with sticks that’s true okay we should be good how do we get nine iron i have nine iron how do we get back out what uh

Over here is here over here we can use we usually use the cobble you guys you can or you can just mine out you can wind up there you go it just build all right where do i smelt this can you make a bonus

I don’t think we need to make up for go up go up there here watch this move there you go that connects all right we don’t need the breath i’ll make it do you have enough cobbles george i don’t i don’t how much carbon do you have one we need

One two three we don’t need that many rails we need like we can probably make it with like one set of how many rails do you get from one they’re all quite a lot right we need one more rail right here oh god yeah it’s melting so slowly all

Right how much i made two i made two two rails or two finally i made two iron here take george what’s the crafting i don’t have the sticks i don’t have the sticks all we need is one two three we need four more who’s doing the crafting i’ll do it

How many rails do you get i got 16. out of the way the cart where do we go no you go over here go over here over here and up up the ladder yes it did oh do we need more ladders on the other wait wait no come on i got the

Key let’s get the [ __ ] out okay go all right go go go we got that in third people that one’s confusing that was good that was confusing guys look up look ahead what are you doing race to finish oh this is the last one bridge oh

I just fell in the water holy [ __ ] we’re fine there’s no one even chasing us i know but what i’m saying is that it’s time it’s the timer per room let’s go all right we did it all right we placed third but guys remember it’s time it’s

Per room so we could be higher than third oh there’s only 40 seconds oh my god oh my goodness that was stressful those are those rooms are complicated as hell yeah they really went full muffin with that last one like dang i laughed that last one was crazy there’s only 20

Seconds a lot of people aren’t finishing holy [ __ ] that was very complicated yeah it was i was different these guys don’t finish them way ahead of everyone else’s wait this purple team might not finish they have 17 seconds to get across it’s gonna be tough yeah that’s like everything if

Someone falls they they’ve lost oh rfl oh she’s taking someone to get up the ladder no she lost she lost seven seconds five oh she’s gonna get it i think wait oh my god with one second with one second finish two teams didn’t finish wow all right let’s see let’s see let’s see

All right here we go we got third for the first room okay okay we got first for the second i think oh okay we got fifth for the second room we’re in second let’s go all right first okay we’re in first right now we did back Dude that one was so bad i think we did fast on the next one though sticks for golf no cause we didn’t cause that because you fell uh okay the next one we did it fast okay okay okay we’re in third okay That’s it that’s it last time we came a second we tied for first we tied the first second wait there we go and course completion bonus so i’m never the one who jumps i’m always the one who hits people you’re always one that hits people in

Like all one time it’s been played yeah it’s been played like three times yeah we’re not the only people who struggled on the uh the minecart thing we’re the only ones in the house we were last on the house yeah like pretty much i’m fourth stop it was the

I just have a terrible like memory like i just couldn’t remember anything that was being said like i got really confused because i was putting a b hive instead of being bad changed the color of the bed like literally three times i said it was blue originally because i thought it was just

Like red so that was like the fastest way to say bed but it was yellow in the color blue is it red like it was like but the bus sound i don’t know you guys knew where smoker was and you couldn’t find it okay i found it i’m the

Savior of this team i found the smoker i found the he saved us we got we got eight and seven nine let’s go we could have gotten intense if it wasn’t for me it’s the beehive i found the beehive so we’re we’re good i didn’t find a single block guys i

Didn’t find a single block in that room what were you doing the whole time i was just running around i was like what am i looking for and i was just grabbing things like is this what i need we should have typed in chat and just spammed it yeah probably

But that would help other teams too yeah but it would still help us i’m sure i don’t know i don’t remember what i even needed like i did i would just i could only like focus on one thing at a time i’d be like okay i need this block and then i’ll

Just look for that block and i’ll just like forget everything else pretty good though no we did we did really good in that that was stressful though it was that was we got nerd though so it was way more special in the past I remember the first time i heard this it confused me so much i was like what is that noise knock screw knock screw screw there’s only this is the there’s two more games we know this is the one more game to vote before the next vote it’s

Like this is our chance to get bill morgan we can we can we can we can we get to control the next vote actually we should just make it build mart we don’t get we don’t get to control it but we have we can’t make it more no we

Basically want to control it no we can’t because they want they want they want if they want to get done the chickens can only walk like that i’ll mute too you know what i’ll meet you too i’m gonna mute and listen to music it helps me put on me

It’s a hundred percent ace race oh my god you get the stream oh man just focus don’t be talking to your chat or something he’s gonna go in at five minutes start thinking donations midday seriously you want to go 1v1 right now in ace race

All right fine all right 1v1 me ace race let’s go let’s go all right ace race 1v1 oh all right loser has to quit the game and never come back boom all right all right fine hood oh it’s on it’s on all right space you’re about to get muffin space race base race

It’s a space race george you know what it is a space race i have to really make a poo kind of bad yeah go make a poo real quick the brakes not to come up literally the brakes going to come up after this game i can like insta [ __ ] if i really need

To uh all right i’m going to mute at 45 seconds and ready myself with music all right i’m scared yeah maybe i will play music but what coffee what music could i play it’s not like copyrighted music i have a stream playlist that i already made it has a bunch of quad deck

On it because quad echo doesn’t copyright and [ __ ] so i’m a genius actually i don’t know i don’t think i practice with music i don’t even know i don’t know all right bye guys see you later bye i’m heating up bye bye okay good luck guys oh everyone

Literally everyone is muted except for me i’m all alone i’m i’m all alone i’m not alone all right ace race it’s time it’s time to race within the ace um oh interesting okay so i’m scared everyone’s left me alone normally i have someone oh i just let you change vc by accident okay

Ah all right we’re gonna have the ace race music let’s go let’s go let’s go we got this am i am i running i’m running okay let’s go am i hitting my head on Okay so i’m probably not going to say much for this ace race does that need to concentrate there’s so many people it’s hard to see okay come on let’s go let’s go let’s go all right i’m doing good what never mind i’m not doing good that’s that’s not good at all

I need to catch up i need to catch up okay i’m gonna try the skip there it is let me in let me in okay yes i nearly didn’t make it through that okay i’m in 12th Oh no i hit my head i almost over jumped that 14th okay it’s not too bad before the speed up though oh if i hit the skip like this skip the spawn skip if i hit that i’m gonna go for it because why not but if you hit it it’s like major time

Savings like it’s ridiculous okay it’s coming up go oh i’m in forth let’s go let’s go oh my god let’s go oh my heart is going now let’s go oh my god i went from like last to first okay come on i’m like so nervous

I can like hear my heartbeat right now i can literally hear it oh sun up dreams in first and sounds in third and i’m in fourth what we’re like actually doing so good oh my god this is insane look at the stars it actually looks really cool

Okay don’t care about the map i don’t care about the map i just need to go okay if i hit if i hit the skip again please please this will be like the best day ever if i get it again no ah that would have been big that’d been so big okay

Come on i’m in seven this is still very good is this the last lap what is oh that was not good that was a waste of time come on seventh okay you can do the skip again there it is how am i always so close on that like i

Messed that up every time i’m in eighth i need to overtake everyone move oh that’s not how you overtake people oh that is though okay let’s go seventh let’s go let’s go let’s go streams in first i that was like a i should have jumped like close to the pad

No puns come back punch is escaping okay my goal overtake puns come on third okay it’s half nap fourth through perry’s fifth let’s [ __ ] go i got fourth what’d you get i got first let’s go george where are you no oh i just lost like so many spaces ah i came 11th

Actually oh my god we almost got 10. you’re almost insane oh my god go oh my god wait where did he come up wait back in 7 20. wait what we okay like oh my god we did so good what i think i think at one point literally it was like dreamworks

First aluminum second jordan third and bad was fourth i was like holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] up dude i hate to skip every time everything is good i have hit it the first time and then i hit it the second time i guess i i had i have hit it both

I messed up right [Laughter] ah that was so awesome i finished like 20 seconds wait actually no it’s five seconds i don’t know why i’m saying twenty six almost six i was like at one point it said at one point it said plus twenty-eight on my side from second place twenty-eight

Seconds ahead and then i started like talking dressed like i got in front of me that i was looping i was like wow you’re getting looped in all-stars then i like started really thriving oh my god like better than like puns and cpk’s like epic ace race they had that

Was that i’m actually so nice like look at this if you look at that if you look at the timing but like i messed up rightly and i wasn’t i was in eight and then i missed the end and then look from seventh to eleventh is one point two

Five seconds that’s because i just messed up right at the end george you were right in front of me and then you messed up oh i’m so annoyed i just wish i hit the skid the second time i would have been so much further ahead i know i missed wait wait how much

Time do you think how much time does it save i think he disconnected oh he’s on a new computer that sucks who that’s how i guess we’re going to america it happens yeah that was crazy though we did so good we did insane that was awesome we got 4k

Coins and that is that multiplied or unlike that’s on multiplied that’s multiplied 4k coins that’s insane 4k coins 4k kinds can tell past michael up here who’s gonna win wait michael hit a rock oh double double finished boom boom holy [ __ ] okay where are we now lap dude yeah

George is on there oh 142. you got two of the fastest laps i got two of the fastest five laps and then we beat second by a thousand coins oh wow i thought more than about five players wow look at us whoa it’s us yeah

Wait i’ve gotten first in in i got first in sky battle third in parkour tag and then first i i i haven’t i haven’t yeah i haven’t gotten out of the top five yet yeah i don’t know we better be out alive oh my goodness oh my gosh no way

We have 10k coins four games in halfway through that’s let’s catching up he’s here now let’s go let’s go let’s go i’m right here on six look at me when you’re six are we all top secrets we’re first second fourth and sixth wait is the oh the tweet the tweets out

The tweet’s out i think oh yeah it is it is wait so wait are we do we want build mark we want build mark right it’s gonna be aborted hi guys guys guys i think that’ll be the least the most clicked one all right wait i don’t even know what to say i

Don’t know what to do no one vote yet no one vote yeah i’m spamming this you know no one no one vote whatever don’t link here don’t link it until we know it’s a vote well i linked it just do not vote for bill mark guys do not vote for build

Martial vote for anything but if you if you can wait but you can also vote for anything but build mart okay like we’re fine with any of the other three so just vote for bill mart just got a ton of uh a ton of votes like we need to out if we

Want billboard we need to like out wait wait we need to oh yeah even this way this is your goal this is your goal guys your fourth your fifth account and vote here’s the tweet i’m spamming it guys make it so build mart does not make so

Biller has the least votes guys bill has the most of him do not vote vote anything except for belmont anything make sure it has the least votes anything but bill maher make sure it has the least guys vote use all your old accounts oh my god it’s cut wait belmont has 45 percent

Guys that’s pretty much everything except for bulma why are they doing this just vote for everything except for bill maher everything like when we want bill month they don’t give it to us what is wrong with them because they’re saving it for last for a knockout blow that’s what they want so

Everyone except for us wants we’re gonna get first and bill more who cares imagine what we do that’ll be so epic at least people are waiting for you to reply i replied okay come on come on anything anything for dream anything for dreams oh wait it’s working bill mart’s the lowest oh wait

No it’s not bill for battle box vote for battlebox a bit everyone for the next if you’re voting now vote for if battlebox looking right now vote battle box battle box battle box basketball battle box battle box battle box battle bombs vote battle box then sands of time oh my god battle box

Hurray and voted that’s two minutes we need to take it over no i’m not voted it’s a flipping movement oh my goodness come on that’s it i’ve had enough you hear this check this out ready i have i have an apple slice let’s go build the lowest but what’s the lowest right now

I love muffin do not say it stop no i don’t i won’t no wait guys battle box battle box hurry no keep it for me it’s like you should vote battle box i’m looking at twitter i’m going to burp i didn’t burp i’m going to burp and i don’t burp the

Lowest one for me is battle box by quite a lot other than like bulma it goes 17 23 is the highest right now i’m telling you it’s the highest it’s 100 the highest okay fine for to get to the other side we’ll get to the side if you’re voting

Right now go to the other side quick quick chat there’s zero minutes left you have like barely any time holy [ __ ] he’s a genius he’s oh my god oh yeah um he’s he knows the twitter algorithm oh my god we actually did it i think we did it we manipulated the

Algorithm we manipulated the algorithm together wait they’re done for they’re done for it if it’s build mark they’re done it’s gg we’re going to dodgeball actually gg gg gg oh my goodness i’m powering up on apples right now everyone’s spamming it worked look at the apple wait it’s a see-through apple

I want to get my i don’t want to get my hopes up until oh it’s close it’s close i think it’s over i think it’s over but i don’t know for sure thank you twitter thank you twitter we did it i was like i’m streaming on youtube

Right now a lot of my viewers are probably techno fans do not mention that he said to vote build mart do not mention that when it’s going on i was like you muffin had bad guys do you think i’m not an idiot no you wouldn’t

I wake up our love is ten times sweeter than candy table look how much further ahead we yeah that’s true i’m warm right now i can tell i can feel it and we’re like ooh we don’t get we didn’t even even put them in my veins it’s coursing i got ice in there

[Applause] ten times sweeter than candy tin i wonder does this does that like ace race count towards like my like the actual record because that’s not that’s like an individual game like it doesn’t matter what team you’re on like do that count like or is it because it’s non-canon

I’m saying for like the fastest like your record is non-canon idiom you didn’t even get the fastest thought you didn’t even get the fastest time i’m saying fastest time fastest like time overall i don’t know what time i got compared to i think i think i probably guys this is the last time

We’ll ever team ever well that’s not true come on eventually again maybe the next all-stars it’s gonna be yeah hey guys we have a strategy too we have a strategy let’s go we’re going to win we’re going to win bill mart we’re going to win bill mart let’s go let’s

Win build mars what’s this jesse what’s the chance what’s the strategy what’s the strategy i’m getting the logs i’m getting the logs i’m getting the logs i’m getting the logs yeah southampton’s being the runner i’m the runner basically guys okay remember here i’m gonna i’m just gonna clarify the strategy guys clarify owner

He gets listen silence the runner he gets 30 of each log off a spawn everyone else picks one build off a spawn and gets all their chills for including wood don’t like not get what cause i was gonna get it sign up then prioritize the materials for gold builds if people call

Out for it and also he’s getting common blocks while he’s like during downtime well he’s not getting anything like stone iron colors whatever the biggest thing to remember is that when you complete your build look at the next build that pops up if it has parts of it

That you can already start working on like wood or something that’s in the chest already then work on what you can and tell something what you need for the rest of it so you can get it while you’re out and if there’s if you have no

Materials that you can use to build then go out and get the materials and build it yourself unless you need help as well like there’s a lot of so if you if you have a wood if you have wood on your starting build right here just get it

I’m not getting it for you if you’re starting to get whatever you need for your starting bill no matter what it is just go get it don’t ask for help let’s go i love build mods i love build mud yes my favorite my beloved i love

Belmont yes no oh my god i just love it so much you know what you know we’re gonna we’re gonna win it and then and we’re gonna win it just to say we hate it let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go guys i like

Build my shut up oh bad if you say that again i’m kicking you i’m i’m kicking you from the s p but if you say that again you’re done yeah stupid [ __ ] again i wish you would have you ever thought again yeah say it again try me try it you know

Maybe i’ll feel differently after after this we’ll see you no because you’re going to win but you’re all right hey i’m going to all right i’m going to do george i’ll do basketball i’ll do basketball george get the stone get the stuff we know this can i do buzzfeed right right all right

No bad left bad for far left okay i’m going far right wait what is this what is that i am my child with what i need i need stone orange concrete and orange glass and then polished oh my goodness where’s blackstone in never where’s blackstone stone another i think uh stone

King 30 like get the each this is mine i think it’s like fudge how do i make a chat that guy died how’d that guy die smith what’s up smell smoke stone smelt stone for smooth stone slabs melt stone three small discipline we’ll give you three smooth stone boom slap okay

That should be enough fudge flowers okay let’s go white two orange one purple wait what oh god where’s the andesite i need to site god is it in stone so i just love you yes i’m going back i’m going back that was done but all right i’ll be fine it’s okay

Because you didn’t go in did you die right how much do i need i’m gonna get a orange actually i’m gonna get more than that fudge wear orange juice these are not orange are they mad it are you [ __ ] serious i’m trying to remember no i’m like trying to remember where the

Flowers are i think that’s all i needed i think i need a blue muffins okay that should be it all right come on going back what How’s mine wrong what did i do wrong it needs to be the right orientation about it it’s the george right rotation of the trapdoor the trapdoor okay come on guys we don’t have a single build i got it i got a gold build keep going we need blocks of gold

Iron lots of gold i’ll grab it no blocks of gold blocks we need like uh i’m gonna go i’m gonna go grab blocks we need ten we also need iron how much iron how much iron how much gold uh we need i untie a cauldron it’s like just a few blocks how

Much how much gold how much gold how much gold ten ten blocks but maybe get a few more just in case we need them five six seven where’s the wood in the middle chest oh no on you now yeah do any of you guys have a stomach

Do you guys already have stone for me no breathe from the right i’m gonna get the concrete yellow white orange okay free down i need stone i need like a couple of stone george all right i need flowers thank you i need fl i need like a bunch of just

Get a bunch of flowers okay i need a bunch of flowers in the middle chest all the woods in the middle where’s the golden building i’m starting to build it we don’t have it we don’t have the concrete right i’m getting it okay right no one has that no okay

There we go oh okay holy crap we need a cauldron okay you have wood right in there in the middle okay yellow right white orange i’m getting it do we need anything else do we need the flowers so i get it now or two bring it back let’s go get stone

Get stoned you have stone do we have stone yeah i put stone in the uh in the thing another another where’s the stone i guess no i’m coming back so we can complete the yellow the gold belt okay i’m getting flowers okay yellow guys you know what flowers i need you know

Flowers i need guys put it in chat if you know what flowers on you put in chat all right guys i don’t have the white flower that i needed so do i need any other flowers i’m just grabbing a bunch of spruce okay wait the code wasn’t even placed what

Oh yeah it was okay i did it um we need we need this spruce fences and spruce blobs are you making them yeah i already have them we drop some just drop half and i’ll do the rest quickly i’m dropping half the and there’s half the slides there nose in the front

Nice we got the gold build we need butch okay uh i can make this one right right now i think i can make it make it does anyone need anything uh i don’t think so wait what is that i’m just gonna go grab scone and [ __ ] i’m

Gonna go grab stone and [ __ ] oak fence do you have ever you have all the wood you need trust me there’s a lot i’m gonna go grab stones i’m gonna go grab stone where this is what’s wrong with my build someone help me okay i’m gonna go grab stone i’m almost done

Let’s go okay oh it’s a slab oh okay it’s a slob dream yours is off one the wall needs to be moved this way towards you wait really yeah it’s got three is in the right place are these all slabs oh they are what what is this dumb build quit trolling

Wait you can use this instead of slabs oh never mind you can’t i’m gonna go help i don’t know what to do i don’t know what’s asking for anything move the flower one we need a ton of gold there’s a gold building i was helping you with your thing oh my

God that’s that’s the whole point of the strategies and focusing on how much gold how much gold are we needing how much gold how much gold how much gold i’m getting at right now how much there’s a bunch a bunch like i’m focusing the gold what else do i

Need for the gold build a bunch of gold and white what else uh black concrete okay how much gold i’m gonna grab like is 32 enough for 30 40. 30 30. see black concrete or what do you need means black concrete black how much how much i’m right by it six

So you see black concrete and that’s it and black i’ll grab concrete and what black white horse flap of course quartz and blackstone wall and yellow glass i’m gonna get the yellow glass okay so you need that concrete yeah you support where the [ __ ] is all right how much quartz here’s how much

Black concrete bad nice not a lot how much grab it grab it george what are you doing you have not completed a building so long i got iron how much iron i got iron um bad how much iron uh iron we need yellow orange and my

Bill that’s fine just get just get a um let’s get a bunch of iron just get a bunch of blocks like come on guys we need red stained glass or cauldrons red orange and yellow stained glass all right i’m coming back for the gold button coming back for the gold build

Okay i’m gonna get blackstone can someone get the the sand gloss wait i thought dream had black stone for your gold building did you get black i have a black i have eight blackstone is that enough is a blackstone enough okay i’m on my way back

Yeah you need 15 walls you need walls over here take this black concrete take it i dropped it i dropped the block i’m dropping mine i dropped it it’s in the corner it’s i dropped it quite fast or whatever and we need smooth stone slab did he like a

Black stone no go iron or no okay i put this stuff in wait what where did you give me iron or nose oh my goodness yeah here we go do we have cold we have called the blackstone go grab the black stone guys we have coal wait we have

Black and we have blocks yeah you have blackstone put it in there do we have coal no we don’t do we have coal anyone i don’t know wait i can make one shut up you guys suck for him do we have do you have yellow yellow [ __ ] hoppers how do i make

How do you make coppers how do you make coppers iron and uh uh a chest hopper it’s it’s chest it’s just chest in the middle an iron around it except for the bottom left bottom bottom top middle holy [ __ ] we’re in ninth what the [ __ ] we’re doing fine

I need yellowstone bad oh my god did anyone get is anyone getting i mean i’ll work on my build is anyone getting the yellow stuff i need i need yellow glass i know i i’m coming yellow orange and red stained glass i’m just going to get it

I need to i need smooth stone i need smooth stone do we have smooth stone oh we didn’t yeah we should have it there okay hit the yellow card get this and get the [ __ ] over here i stun oh where’s quartz i i threw it somewhere where’s the course who has the quartz

It’s right here uh put it put it put it put it a minute left guys here uh where’s george missing we got it nice i need the glass i’m coming back with it though what is sand we need sand and oh what there’s some wood so i’m

Gonna start building the wood oak is this over one minute we need some no it’s birch it’s birch i’m building it orange concrete i’m gonna help you i got it i got it i’m gonna help you again oh god why did i do that which color is this one yellow okay

Yellow goes down here guys that’s right you troll okay that is right you’re right guys i need help doing this i think what do you need is that in the right place we need to place the red one there’s third one there’s the one it’s on ground

Where do we place it where is it i got it i got it where is it it’s like no it’s like it’s like right right here break the wood break the wood i don’t think you got it now it’s in the wrong place you need to go left one all right

Move move place a place to place it okay break the stuff nice oh we got it just in time right it’s okay so all things being equal [ __ ] bill that’s good look look we played it early which is really good that’s why that’s the biggest reason why there’s a there’s like a

But like we weren’t that far behind like that was a close build map like no one just like no one went crazy that was a competitive billboard and i threw i threw i threw really badly one of my builds i built completely wrong dream said before like i always just

Throw every every single one time in both just stop throwing why do you always throw i don’t know i don’t know i always just killed him we did good we did good we actually really good that was a really competitive billboard that was really cool that was good i’ll hate build more

But now there’s no bone marrow there’s no more build mods design the game it sucks remove it anyway back to me back to back to your ear i’m gonna eat an apple regular scheduled program i’m still fourth how are you i’m just fourth consonant i’m first second and you’re fourth

And then bad bad’s 10th we’re all top 10 right now all right what were you playing next i don’t know well now now the games that we wanted i literally want to play the rest of these games wait we won every game right except for this one oh no we didn’t

It was three wins and then it was uh we had three three with three one and two we didn’t yeah but one of them became top three though yeah pathetic that’s good i mean we could have like i don’t know if i didn’t throw that bill we probably would have

Gotten you know higher five oh nice nice one dream nice one dream good job anyone could have made that mistake okay mister well yeah but i’m just saying i was just specifically take some of the heat off me i thought hey we all made mistakes that round i’m sure when we reviewed

Them that was a clue we got eighth and we were only 1k behind like that’s kind of yeah it was a yeah every team did really good in that i think what do we do better than like how did we possibly do better than somebody i don’t know yeah we wait

How can we possibly be better than anyone let’s go all right we’re good i don’t care what happens now like whatever it is i won’t hold on i want to hold on to the world chickens i kind of want hole in the wall well hold on there’s one where we can

Get [ __ ] to be fair i guess are the ones that are out of the ones that are left i guess the other time is the worst that yeah i’d probably prefer to either skip hole in the wall or stand the time like but but i feel like neither of those are

Going to get skipped there’s basketball hole in the walls let’s go battle block let’s go battle box oh let’s go muffins we got pranked gabby pranked me and dunked me you get dunked anything you can like there’s like glasses you can see where people are going yeah i don’t know

What’s happening maybe we don’t need the battle box i think battle box is winning oh no the pink chicken is going to fall on the wall in the woods hole in the hole in the wall hole in the wall i think battle box won or maybe to get to

The other side i can’t tell you you know what i’m i’m happy with the battle box i want to redeem myself from los angeles i want battle box i want battle box please i don’t think you don’t okay fine okay i’m redeeming myself last battle box i sucked this one i’m gonna

Be insane i’ve had enough whoa yeah i mean they i just hope as long as we don’t as long as yes we don’t have crosstalk we can build we can build we have we have the elite oh what all right so be careful you can play you can place leaving you

Can build with leaves yeah so you can like run around the walls and be crazy what’s our strap for this can you put the leaves in your hand do whatever you want don’t let them feel me and dream are going rogue yeah we’re going rogue you and george

Batter are you saying i think that’s the strategy the strat was that like it doesn’t really matter like dreaming something like if dreams sticks are just going to try and flinch and then you guys are you guys can just do whatever yeah two flankers is tough to deal with like they’re gonna like

They’re gonna expect the only one we can just get completely muffin like if you just don’t kill them and they kill you then we’re screwed yeah yeah yeah obviously but we’re not i’m not gonna jump into a 3d one like i’m only i know leaves to block and then like fill it in

Real quick oh there’s chairs also that you can use to destroy the leaves you have shears yeah yeah if someone’s tearing up you can just bring them back down back here if there’s a stone sword i call dibs to be clear if there’s a stone sword i got

Dubs oh there’s potions of homies on the side look you have to jump for them you see the hummings you have to like jump to them yeah you have to build to them they’d be a great this is an interesting map this is kind of an interesting map i

Kind of like it we’ll see if i like it i feel like i like it now but as soon as the first round i’m gonna hate it that’s how i feel all right let’s see what the kits are all right right away oh there’s a punch one though oh it’s

Like a boost you can boost people off a spot off in the middle bad with that so just all right let’s see i mean like They’re rushing the middle they’re rushing middle guys they’re rushing meadows we’re good we’re good we’re fine we’re so what oh my goodness here it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] off that’s so cheap there’s like three of us here what do you mean there was like three i told you that russian

Yeah we heard you doors we’re all there was three of us in the middle what do you mean we you told us well you’re like you were saying it was fine and it wasn’t fine you the only person not in the middle was you how me bad and tired

Were all in them i didn’t even get that you ran out of the ladder no no they weren’t just straight across we towered that that that thing is troll that is so true why wasn’t bad like shooting with the punch bowl shooting them what are you doing

Yeah and i if i hit people it either didn’t knock him back far enough to knock him off but i hit a couple people okay this is easy to plank on you just all you have to do to flank if they go off the middle there is just run around

The side and do place one like one leaf block and like neat you know like jump parkour jump across you know what i mean it takes a lot of leaves to get up wait how oh you mean up from the left to the thing yeah yeah it takes a lot of leaves

To get up no you just go around if they’re up there then they they went up oh we’re in a different spot oh wait never mind okay oh whoops i just messed up fins on left one person above sapping up i got you oh you’re under attack george

Sat nap you’re down i died defense on two low aluminum is really low i’m getting killed dream oh bad bad don’t fill in the middle don’t fill in the middle don’t fill it in the aluminum is low limit is low oh nothing sorry sorry i’m sorry just killed like all of us

Often we should get kills like i kill i killed silvia did no one wait who killed several killed jordan come on get some kills george and bat are [ __ ] trolling how did george standing at spawn coming you guys need to stay together and stop eating they’re getting killed and run away they’re getting

Toxic i don’t know where george ram i’ll just follow him but we need to throw another one again i’m having jordan what is george doing how did you i just i just went over i got hit by a bone in like four hearts don’t rush over cut then don’t rub her

Where i am why are you rushing me and sacrifice i tried it okay i tried to tower towards the middle and then i was using blocks instead of leaves why are you towering towards the middle i don’t know what am i meant to do stop shoot with your bow yeah

But shoot with your bow or or try and engage by going like i don’t know left or right i’ll kill them right now i’m fine fine i need a kill get a single kill fine i will fine come on we’re owen too yeah this is like embarrassing that’s fine we got this I think they’re going for them we’re going for mid go go go go go they’re blocking us off don’t get out that whole dream are you bad i know i’m staying in it wait we lost why is everyone just walling oh my gosh guys whenever people are willing to

Place a [ __ ] block in the quickest thing i could do was i had i had a leaf in my office i was like trying to play i was like uh i was an idiot i should have switched to my i should have like but that one was too late

I’m not putting my leave in my off hand we need a more decisive strategy should we decide we just need to not be idiots we got [ __ ] other idiots we didn’t get a single like how did they rush the middle we got like did we kill them no i killed

Someone i killed two more just stick with them they’re [ __ ] idiots they need you all right fine no that it’s dumb that’s it it’s not even dumb that’s it is them because i can’t get to the middle quicker i can get them quicker going around i’ve gotten there first every

Time okay let’s see we’re good we’re fine shut up i put wool in my muffin [ __ ] [ __ ] you language good no not good come on guys we can’t be toxic let’s do this no they’re going to rule us they’re going to will us they’re not yeah they’re splitting they’re not going to mid

Oh my [ __ ] oh one went for harming hit one the health pots don’t really like already dead i need a health pod dream me too i already use them i already use them both yeah they don’t do much wait there’s someone above us cp guys above can you just incidentally rush

I’m dead eyes got sniped so much wow they’re just [ __ ] destroying us actually chill out they’ll be negative they’re just running outside this is a powerful team though sir that’s more expected we’re living in last place right now guys we haven’t won a single round we’re over four what

Guys we need we need just to be decisive we’re like trying to be decisive i think we would be doing better if we just rush them in well we don’t we don’t need to rush mid like we’re better than all these we might be doing better if we just did that

Because every other day right at this point we’d probably be doing better if we did that but that’s that’s very like hindsight but then it’s done like do we continue doing that but now we need to if you want to even have a chance we need to get kills because

Otherwise we we literally need kills otherwise we’re just going to lose this game so bad okay so we’re down by one point six km right now okay everyone just rushed everyone’s rushed nearly everyone rushed george george with me right bad goes with left okay i don’t need action choose your kit

Okay let’s go I’m gonna go what’s up oh they’re shooting oh well yeah the [ __ ] dad’s dead girls is fine oh my god i’m getting shot by two people should have called for health nice stepping in the foot again then you’re done nearly done two more blocks one more block they got it

Like why teams are just filling it in to troll us yeah but how are me and sarah the only one alive like i don’t understand i don’t know i don’t get it because they understand right off smart i just died i don’t know what you want

Listen george i didn’t call for a health pot or anything i don’t know i forgot you were stan we went together together and you just died like how i don’t even understand like i rushed and was fighting them and how did you die if you’re getting shot george then hide hide use cover

Holy [ __ ] this is really bad this is embarrassing ah okay we’re like intent by far all right whatever let’s just let’s just not win around let’s just look on purpose tell us what to do all right i’ll follow you dream let’s go i’ll call off the healthcare in the

Middle because if we go in the middle then they’re just gonna snipe us anyway oh i just fell why are you like i’m running in there i just kind of damaged a ton of damage just fine i’m just [ __ ] such a [ __ ] oh my god how did we not get a pill how

Did we not get a kill fill it in bed fill it in i can’t fill him anymore all right at least we gotta kill bob i don’t understand look at their health i created somebody to three health and then george brandon right after me and then he ran in like he ran

Into a throughout me from the back like why did he run into a 4v1 because you were when how is it for going when our star was we go together george how are you saying how do you run into a 4v1 that’s your fault if i ran into a 4v1

Well why would we run into two before then george george there i was behind two of them i got like three major critics falling apart we have 300 coins holy [ __ ] we have like two muffin idiots yeah we do like they’re [ __ ] trolling you guys are being way too toxic

Yeah then do better oh yeah exactly give us a strategy and we’ll do it what so we’re doing a strategy and that is running the middle they’re running in the middle of the running you’re following south map and me and george are following each other all right that’s it we’re winning right now

They’re in the middle they’re in the middle these muffin idiots are in the middle they’re definitely we’re dead we lose oh my god this is [ __ ] embarrassing this is kind of awesome this is kind of awesome let’s just lose them all on purpose and still win and then it’s like kind of

Like cool like how the [ __ ] is this happening i don’t understand what’s going on this map is like horrible i hate this one let’s just all go to the middle but then they just sit back and spam when we do it like do you have to do that do you

Want to try i don’t i feel like bad bad is like shooting no arrows or something like actually just like how how they get into the middle you can just shoot them yeah you just shoot them i hate you guys i hate all of you this

Is so bad we’re actually not going to but the thing is this state the only reason i’m so mad is this same exact thing happened last tournament exactly what are we doing are you rushing in the middle i wasn’t even mad last time i’m mad now because they’re watching the

Middle and after that see how i shot that idiot yeah i shot that idiot again yeah i just died okay well bad move you idiot i was literally doing it what all right we’re gonna win this round nice nice there’s one person left sound sound cam cam cam cam cam just can’t

Till you’re here george get them george rush them rush them their middle third middle they’re in the middle like hill [ __ ] up no no phone and fill it up [Applause] just sit in the middle and shoot them they trying to go there like uh i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i hope you lose it yeah you’re way too toxic this clock system that you’ve played minecraft for 10 years you are being toxic

Good good snap out of it we’re gonna run towards the middle they are going to run towards the middle they’re already prepping oh god i what the did i have they’re my offhand they’re mid they’re mid come up kill them there’s one more

Nice that’s it oh we did it i did it it was only there we go we needed to get in the middle but whatever too late holy [ __ ] that was the worst battle box ever we got eight though all right look we’re about to pass by 2 100 coins yeah

What that is actually so ridiculous All right look that game sucked we’re doing better next game that game actually sucked we’re doing better next game and then it was just ridiculous i might be did i even get a kill i don’t know if i got a kill honestly that was horrible i got 600 coins isn’t

Even that bad surprisingly i think we’re still first we’re still fast we’re still make it worse be more toxic yeah we’ll make it work i will make it double down double down i ate your dog bad dad i hate your dog your dog is stupid i hate it

The problem was no one was going in the middle like i i like no i know i’m gonna call it out the problem was dream dream was the problem like dream was just making a bad decision about the bad decisions george got in the last place this battle box

And last battle box and he’s a minecraft pvp he mained mcpb for like 10 years how is he how did he get last into a pvp based game there you go you wanna be toxic backdoors let’s fight let’s fight all right let’s fall apart let’s leave let’s just lose

I’m quitting i’m quitting fine i’m quitting i don’t even care i don’t even catch us all luke i don’t care we don’t even care anymore whatever i don’t care i’m just going to leave i’m just going to go i’m just going to stream dream s p

Law i’m going to play crab games i’m playing by killing the ender dragon on the sp i don’t you think i care what you do stop me you’re gonna log out to stop me no you’re not idiot i’m still in first in the event how i

Did so bad that was such a bad battle box that battle box map was just very like awkward too like wait what is this music what is this i don’t hear any music oh my god that was horrible that is it like one of my worst experiences and that was bad

Actually that was [ __ ] i would if i if you had if you had asked me before this event what our best game was i might have said battle box i just don’t know how that happened i look the problem was bad and george weren’t defending the middle enough

I’m going middle i’m not like because like they would just run to the middle and i just saw bad george would just miss their shots and they wouldn’t knock them off with the bow and i was like all right look that map was like that’s never happened in battle box before

That’s like such a unique map so there’s not you can’t really predict that so yeah all right hold on i’m no honorable now let’s go no i want to get to the other side there’s literally zero votes on on the wall to get to the other side wait it could

Be sound of time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s gonna be santa’s time actually it could be it is it’s santa time it’s santa time one two three four yeah it’s another time all right here we go sand keeper dream of all sand keep your dreams up let’s go

Sounds like if you [ __ ] get lost divorce ark if i get lost then what are do what are you gonna do all right listen up guys you know what i’ll be saying keeper oh wow really he’s so brave he’s so brave i’ll be thank you very much actually

Actually all right where’s the red puzzle room tell me okay you see under there you see that little tunnel you swim through but look look you see a little hole swim down there grab the bouquet and then look for the blue wall now it’s not it’s it’s the dark bluish color but it’s

Not like these are the blue ones i’m going to listen bad listen to me listen listen you see the blue bricks it’s not that it’s not that do not pay attention to that at all on the walls it’s the blue stripes one of those tunnels probably i’ll look oh you have to find

The the red uh george i don’t see it did anyone see the red puzzle i’m saying okay does anyone see the red puzzle i don’t see it i think it might be on the far right like way over there on the farm actually i don’t know i’ve never

Just find it bro it’s simple just for me i want to get i’m going to get this all right i’m getting this rusty key in the middle that’s mine all right go left george i’ll go right and i’ll tell you if it’s right okay all right re everyone

Re-until yourselves this is a brand new game oh we’re good yeah we’re good we’re all we’re good we should be good at it stay away from my rusty keyboard that’s mine no i need that one i needed that i know i need that one he actually he actually might need it

You can get the other keys look calm down dream hate’s bad we get it okay they hate each other toxic no who cares about it like we look we hate each other this is actually we’re breaking up right now all four of us we hate each other all over

It’s over because off camera we actually like we just we’re just like let’s literally got this we didn’t want this team but we were forced into it by doing amazing here let’s do amazing let’s go ready team nothing yes team muffins shut up bad with a muffin tears let’s go muffin

Tears let’s just go but this might have five dreams dreams should get every single [ __ ] sand like known to man in this beginning room if you miss a scene yeah yeah yeah don’t get should we get yeah Okay let’s go let’s go damage that’s mine mine idiot mine is mine all right where is this book do you see it dream can it be on the bottom floor i’m checking this one i’ll leave that watch out for those [ __ ] launch that creeper at me i actually don’t see the red room

I thought wait oh [ __ ] no that’s not right did you did you look left i think so i went everywhere oh i don’t think this is right but okay what have they changed in there isn’t it’s not a spawner oh i found it i found it i found it i

Found it what’s the muffin is that it okay i think that’s it okay well that was interesting how much time is those i don’t know i don’t know the sounds yet so okay there’s plenty of check the other side spider-man this is gonna do something just watch out there’s mom’s in mid guy

Just avoid them just avoid them i’m checking the opposite side this is a little troll here dude hmm slot no come on guys sas slow skeleton skeletons are so toxic wind dude i don’t wanna do that actually wait what wait what i can’t tell if they’re staying down there what the little muffins

What’s this one down here guys how much time do we have plenty of time okay i’m like about it i’m in deep wherever the [ __ ] i’m at oh what the [ __ ] there’s nothing on the other side of this wait there’s a i need an arrow i could use some arrows actually

I don’t hear anything oh up here tail oh no no no no no what’s in there what is it okay nah forget this what is this okay so nothing i need i need arrows there’s like a yeah i’m coming to spawn there’s this cool thing i don’t know

What it’s going to do if i shoot with arrow but i think it’ll be pretty good all right here take some arrows next time i have the red does anyone know where where the red tunnel is here i’m dropping ours over here you need to mark we do i see george

Where’s the red tunnel right here i’m dropping a rusty key i’m jumping i found the right tunnel nice i gave you some sand there’s some sand all around here too but i’m sure you know okay i’m grabbing i’m grabbing it i’ll go down there next it’s not worth trying to get this gold

Oh wait i missed some gold right do here i want to see what this does if i shoot it off okay nine sand and the timer is full i’m gonna get more so we’ll find i’m just letting you guys know what this does oh does it drop more

No offense it drops too soon that’s useless okay we’ll go see what’s blowing oh they turn into gurglers that’s kind of cute not going in that [ __ ] thing what is that do you need more sand dream nope well i mean i i do but like i don’t like this dude don’t come back

Yep oh i didn’t is this hey i went up there there’s nothing i think i found blue vault okay kidding what kidding no no no not not you oh i think i i do i could use some sand guys if you have any sand i have fine entertainment tell me why the hallways

By the way what okay yeah i’ll look around i look around okay i’ve completed this whole area right here i need a new area to go where can i go hmm oh god no bad’s over here won’t go over here i don’t have much then i’m going to go

Back and then i’ll come back here we’re not finding any balls do you guys have where does do you do you have anyone else does anyone have sand i have five times i can run back if you guys um real quick come bring me son okay it’s over here

Um oh someone would definitely meet me too or should i yeah george can you come back and give me something uh right now right he just found the i just down the road the red vote let me get it quickly what do we need right now what the bro

Someone is not marking their [ __ ] guys i got the ball i got the vote no it kind of needs stand okay i’m running back today i only have ten though that’s a lot okay that’s fine that’s that’s a lot what do you only have oh [ __ ] i found a lot of sand

All right okay bring bring it back i think i think i found the blue vault oh not yet really i think it’s leading to the blue vault wait you haven’t even found the blue tunnel yet bad no no no i’m in the blue tunnel i just

Found the gold key i found the gold keys where are you i don’t know i didn’t i’m following the blue ball area give dream sand okay i’m going back to give dream sand guys i’m trying to head back okay i have no snap guys okay i’m coming i’m coming down i’ve noticed

Like i have 11. all right drop it right right wait i’m saying i’m saying i threw it it sounds like there’s sand right up here i’ll grab it i’ll grab it i’ll grab it should i go for the gold key it’s like slightly risky parkour or do you see any there no

No we don’t we don’t even have a we don’t even have the gold tunnel do you see the vault there i’m getting close i think i don’t see it yet wait that’s not the blue no that’s not it oh god this is bad i’m gonna die don’t die

Just like don’t i’m going to die i’m going to die i’m going to die don’t die just oh what is this did i come this is easy get all the little muffins over here i think i found blue ball by the way maybe no nevermind

Did you guys give a dream sand dream how much time are you working with ah i’m the best i’m literally the best oh oh my god how did i do that i’m gonna okay um oh my god it’s over here it’s right here the blue falls right here okay i’m

Coming come over here zombies jesus christ open the whole [ __ ] and go you don’t need just damn to him what are you doing he has plenty of good give me the sand is being so dumb give me the scent okay dream dream shut up i have sunday idiots where

Are you dream just feeling in the middle all right you’re an idiot you guys can’t be trusted everyone shut up all the way okay i’m drunk did you feel it yeah i dropped it on it you placed it i filled it that i dropped to myself

Give me keys give me keys give me the keys the gold key is down here i didn’t get it yet but it’s down drop it just drop it there drop it there drop it there i’ll grab it all right i’m dropping i’m going back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Oh my god that is that is the biggest troll ever oh my goodness stop now i don’t know what you were doing i could care less is there more [ __ ] over here ben uh i don’t know just open all the doors yeah there’s there’s snapping see oh well i do the

Same thing again there’s right here i’m heading back to respawn i’ll try i have three rusty keys yeah it’s over there let me go through let me go through here i think this one’s actually done um i’m sure yeah i was running back now it might not be go ahead and check it

You left [ __ ] uh are you down right right now george yeah i have nope i have 12 sand and the timer’s full all right we’re good we’re chilling just make sure you guys can get back yeah i think i got everything huh all right okay i got everything see

These little noobs later ah oh this place was definitely not done bad there’s so like it’s like chain parkour it’s like it’s just lines of chains i’m just scared i found the gold i found the gold like tunnel area if you do you want to come to the

Parkour you want to come do the parkour i’m just getting there i don’t well he doesn’t have a lot of coins loki might be worth how many coins do you have i have 600 i have 613. do i want to do this what if you die what if you let a mob

Kill you and we pick up your [ __ ] no there’s 20 tax i have three rusty keys is there a place where where are you guys come down the road come down the road i’ll show you where it is wait where’s the rusty keyland i need anything

I need to take over i need you to trade with me a scent keeper okay all right i see where you were george okay here i just dropped the sand down the tunnel just just grab it for now okay okay what do i do i just put sand in it every

Night have you done everything in the area yeah do you even you’re not gonna know where to go though it’s like it’s not that far i saw where you were running from it’s it’s not that far right it’s not that far if you see the the red vote it’s like the opposite

Way you have to go past the big circle like hole in the ground yeah and then how much i’m not sure where we have george uh we got it’s full it’s full how much sand do you have i have three i have three

Did you see it do you see it is it even worth me getting the gold keys done i don’t know oh we’re not gonna go down and get a parkour however you do this parkour spawn dream there’s nothing even down there so i just come back like i don’t even know

I’m looking is there a place for these guys is there any place that needs rusty keys uh i have three rusty keys bro and i’m just i’m going down the corridor the thing’s full i’m coming with you i have a sand why come with me don’t come with me don’t

Come in there um because i want to check yeah this hasn’t been literally let me run it here stay here george take the sand go back okay this is thank you right now george these aren’t coming back i got the key and i got the the stuff i’m coming back

Just go somewhere i’ll break this stuff how much time george it’s like yeah it’s like mostly it’s like at least a minute parkour back well do you have a stand though fill it in i have one sound okay fill it in um okay there’s 17 80 seconds now 80.

I just come back i’m kind of i’m not super deep but i mean i have the gold key to give to someone if they want to run on the gold tunnel i think you should do it but do we have time i’m not going to run down the goal i found the goal

I found the gold vault you did where yeah it’s up here um go back go to bed i have one second that can help okay bad bad is this guy up here right all right fill it in bad how close is it how close is it

Give me that give me something okay dad just go go back go back go back get stand up get started you understand go back back go back i have the goalkeeper just go back go back go back bring the side back okay okay here i have two eyes too okay is it

Forward or left or right bad do you know uh it’s just go through and then it’s like to the left i found it i found it we got it let’s go i think we’re good now we just leave should we just leave no no i we have more sand just look

Around 50 seconds right now i need to get out so bad bad what are you doing in here what are you doing in here come on no i know the way back it’s fine guys we have 50 40 seconds handed did you put 20 seconds 40 seconds 40 seconds 4-0

Not much time guys i’ve i’ve seen i’ve stand guys how much i have four sand i have four sand okay i don’t even know where else to go like i don’t know where else to go or okay okay all right i have no more sand though guys no more

Sand i’ve filled in the floor how much time do we have not a lot so don’t go over there a minute 10 seconds i don’t really see i feel like we should just leave i feel like we should just leave we got the gold we got three volts

Maybe everyone did though because it was easy no we should leave we should dip we should dip we should push it up i think it’s safe all right let’s just dip [ __ ] all right everything else the exit at the exit right no the entrance the entrance the

Entrance i know the exit you mine it’s all going together 5k coins is quite a bit of coins we had another minute but here’s everything let’s just leave goodbye everyone i’m going to stay i’m going to stay i’m going to stay i’m staying i’m saying look i’m not leaving i’m not leaving

I’m not leaving i’m not leaving no oh we did the best we did the best let’s go you know that massive hole that you i went in and i was completely muffined like completely but i just kept running like i was like dodging weaving i somehow survived okay what’s the event

Standings now we’re still five let’s go let’s go obviously fourth now somehow okay we’re up by two okay we’re playing 3k now as long as we don’t throw we’re in for the final game look the final game the fight i feel like i feel like we can’t there’s not even there can’t

Even be a 2k differential on either the final if they go crazy if they go [ __ ] nuts you have to have two teams go nuts and we’d have to we and we’d have to literally get no points like and even then i don’t even know if they’d get 2k

Like i don’t even know if they get two i think we’re in dodgeball i think we’re in dodgeball oh that was oh my god dream beat me dream beat me by ten coins good job team wait wait did i have the most coins yeah yeah you you had 1453.

1443 then bad one one seven three and then some had exactly a thousand it was an awesome team effort i was like we did really good but bad didn’t get 1500 we had a bet on it no it was it was 2k well that was 2k but oh is to get 2k points

I’m oh i’m top ten i’m right here yeah he’s tenth he’s ten oh he’s tense with the muffin we’re first second second tenth let’s go wait is it the last oh it’s the last game last game one game left yeah and we’re ahead by 2.4k points imagine wait wait wait points

We’d have if we didn’t troll battles with 3 100 points ahead of third can we even lose can we lose what i just said that’s what i just said i said i i don’t think that i don’t even i think if all of us afk like we might still win but should we

Just leave should we leave that would be so good that’d be so good i didn’t play the last game mcc and won yellow ones hole in the wall let’s not give it though i i i kind of want it like hollow is so good with the difference

Is so small right again i think i’d rather go against yellow than lime no you’re trolling i’d rather go against lime illumina is like a dodgeball aluminum is like dodgeball well listen guys guys guys hole in the wall has such small differential right yeah i guess

I guess yeah we should just vote for the other side screw it it’s fine it’s more fun like okay guys let’s just go for whatever we have more fun at we’ll have more fun it’s either side right yeah but isn’t it risky it’s riskier it’s riskier

It is it’s way risky i’ll vote for what i want you in georgia both like all top holding wall players have not it’s not that i think i think we should do hole in the wrong hole in the wall i feel like it’s a guarantee let’s just literally let’s

Just play what’s more fun i vote for to either side i think it’s more fun for me i think you should get yeah i want to get the others honestly i feel like i would have i don’t know if i do wedding haul on the wall i’m gonna

Have more fun at home no more but let’s see let’s just see what people are doing let’s just see what people are doing let’s see what we’re doing all right it’s probably going to need to get the other side like finster is good at dodgeball aluminum adoptable sps all right fine

I’m going to get to the other side so we did pretty it looks like it’s going to get the other side okay no one wants something he wants it wants to get oh no i got skipped that’s kind of epic like it’s kind of epic oh [ __ ] he almost got knocked out all

Right let’s go we got this i feel like there’s a chance like there’s a chance we can lose but with hole in the wall like there’s no way unless we all just lose at the beginning which won’t happen i i agree but i think that it’s like i i

Don’t even think i just think basically let’s go in let’s just win let’s just win let’s just come first i don’t care yeah let’s get first and take it to the side come on all right look i have look at this ready i have oh my god tara

Swoop forest i have six grapes okay all right did you eat them all i don’t know but just no oh i hate it eat another one put another one in your mouth for me go i only had six i only had six pop it in your mouth i only had six what

Do you pop it in my mouth again i’m doing again i don’t have more let’s go i mean again all right look the grapes have just powered me up now i’m gonna now i’m gonna win i’m gonna you know i’m drinking two energy drinks you know what you know what guess

What i’m gonna come seventh in this exact round right now i’m gonna come seventh i’m gonna come forth no you’re not where am i going to come third this one this one is sketchy this tunnel is actually kind of sketchy i like to just like get like a like just complete

It the first try all right fine completely the first try then see if i can like we don’t need to go crazy we just need to do like eh yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go guys all we have to do is get if we can

Successfully get to the other side we win if we can get to the other side we get the dodgeball that’s all we have to do is get to the other side all we have to do is it’s it’s it’s simple it’s just get to dodgeball get this get it this is

Get the doors targeted what’s good about this yeah you can’t you can’t get targeted that is a good point just you can not not on this one it doesn’t matter we wouldn’t it wasn’t have you done this one before yeah but i hate it i can’t just take your time just take

Your time i’m telling you all right let’s go let’s get them good score if you finish first like first try a lot of people crash even good players so just take your time and get through it here we go it’s opening up honest it’s opening up open open open sesame oh hello

At the same time three two one muffin yo holy [ __ ] i cannot see it i’m in oh no people are just dying all around me that’s my strat chat oh god i don’t care i don’t care what place i’m in all that matters is just finishing this look all these muffin heads

Overtaking me i don’t care i don’t care all i care about is finishing oh god i can’t see oh [ __ ] i made it wait not yet i think i made it i see the end i made it i got it i came eight that was one off what i said

I’m in i made it i mean i got 13 wait are you in dreams who is that dream finish finished do you see the stairs do you see the stairs at the very front like not not where you walk in behind that like no there’s more in the front at that big

Circle the stairs right there i landed right there i thought i was gonna die oh you’re an idiot you’re actually an idiot i hate you something up i hate you yes oh my god let’s go we did it wait how are we not [ __ ] how are we not first

Or something or like first and third like phil’s probably got first and foremost wait they also got first oh and wilbur got fourth yeah so they got bonuses for that and then came 17th we they all did really well but then like how do they get so many more points is

It that oh i like this one to the left everyone to the left i like to go to the right you guys do what you want i’m going to the right left that’s fine i just think he’s better than us let’s go oh i hit the wall i can’t even see oh god

I can’t even see you though don’t punch don’t punch don’t punch don’t punch don’t punch i’m getting punched by people people are very rude and hashtag not nice holy [ __ ] we’re about to get like no hi tommy muffins go dream go i’m behind right behind you i got first

Told me he’s an idiot nice i got six i got 11. oh about is getting mad it’s okay bad just take your time let’s go go we can still get the first team boats just jumps and we get the team bonus come on nice nice run running bonus hit something nice

Again nice we’re in first we’re in first round [Applause] person who jumped in was an npc oh my goodness you’re an npc you’re an npc that is literally an npc to be what we mean ham sandwich I got first two mcc’s in a row and i’m at that’s epic oh great this one okay that’s it i’m coming first i don’t care i’m coming third i don’t care shut up get out my way okay get out my way shut up i’m throwing these snowballs shut up everyone snowballs

Okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Oh dreamy just yeah you muffin man oh my god behind you i hit him off i hit him off oh my god i got reset i got seven all right just go through george just go through you got it they almost killed me again they’re trying to kill toxic

They’re toxic just go george just take your time you got it no there’s someone’s far behind you you’re fine yeah all right we’re gonna get your third team bonus i almost suspect i almost just fell i almost fell george i was trying to tell you to take your time

All leave and say don’t pause the time we’re just busy with something we have to go record a dream short no no you stay out we don’t want to play dodgeball it’s fine and they just win by default imagine it’s talking like this and we somehow don’t get to dodgeball

I think it’s impossible i think it is impossible wait no no let’s pretend that it is possible that we can lose it’s like increased retention possible it is yeah like guys we can lose like the orange ocelots like wins every round first place yeah exactly oh god where are we going

Oh the lobby wait there’s ladders on the side we go through the middle of the side of the middle you have to go through the side you have to go to the sides i think you can go to the middle there’s blocks you can build you can

Build yeah okay i’ll follow dream i’m going to follow dream building so we can follow you quick build in the middle so we can follow you i’m just going to try i’m trying to do a quick build i might get punched off oh oh someone punched boosting me go dream

Go dream i’m behind you i’m behind you i’ll i’ll block this off so no one else can join go dream go dream go i’ll block it off ah there they are there they are dream oh they boosted me build build build you might be able to jump you can jump yes nice

Nice job wait what i got reset to the beginning take your time holy [ __ ] dream we had synergy i was like blocking people off so no one could get to you know that person just boosted you go george go george go i know you got resets at the beginning i fell oh guys

All right well you can still get a third team bonus we could we could just run just run as fast as that’s messed up run on the right side or on the right we’re gonna kill i want to kill someone i want to kill somebody don’t get no

Just get the bonus give me the money get the bonus gun yet get it nice 14 bonuses fourth team bonus that’s good that’s still good i’m upset we’re a thousand up a second i’m upset fifty thousand on your head first and second yeah i was like defending you i was made

Up so no one catch you then build it i fell ahead i fell here i was like literally like just like literally two more seconds of surviving i would have made it we would honestly bro if we had like done good in battle box we would have broken the point record for sure

That was troll i don’t know how that went so bad how did that go so bad i think you’re supposed to drink did that work we’re doing really good it could have been too fair i was getting frustrated but it’s also like it was frustrating because it’s happened twice

All of us work together to protect the tower don’t let the little muffins up the little muffins come okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Dream go oh i’m in the i’m gonna do that i didn’t get a boost yeah oh god i’m getting literally muffin i can’t see anything i just clutched so hard i’m good i’m right behind you huh low just fell on the web god go

Dream go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go towel tower tower my way set up your puns hit me to you it wasn’t me defend the tower defend the

Tower come up here in the tower defend the tower go by go just go just go right here you can just jump you can jump you can jump go go finish finish finish guys let’s go oh my god we’re ahead by a thousand coins i caught so hard it’s done guys I got knocked aside i did like a two block like saving clutch like where are you why are you talking about skeppy so much no that’s at the very end they put uh they put like youtubers at the end so yeah you put people who haven’t won mcc yeah

Everybody’s back here i love skippy i love skippy we’re ahead by a thousand muffins we’re doing please if we can pull it off guys come left just you got this just [ __ ] dude this is going to be epic if this works oh it didn’t work you punched my tongue muffins

All right we can still do it we can still do it people are punching why is everyone so people are punching people are toxic little muffins aren’t they [Applause] ah oh my goodness no some idiots hit me off i hate people who punch people who punch are evil oh

And i just punched someone i don’t care hey idiot who hit dang it me hit me i hate people no i’m just griefing i’m griefing i’m griefing you go away who can i grieve i want to that’s what i deserve i deserve that i was being evil

What people are blocking off the center so you can’t get out what the muffin is don’t punch just go just go i’m punching i’m trolling someone who’s being trolled nailed it i’m in all right we need team bonus what’s up we almost got team bonus

Every time oh my god scion what the [ __ ] how they get 4k i’m waiting to troll i’m trolling i’m trolling i’m trolling george finish let me get ahead of you george just hit it george just hit i hit a player george we just sacrificed so many places so just not

Yeah just hit it george i did so many clutch things that was epic let’s go i’m out here amazing facing who are we facing yellow facing yellow yellow is kind of scary honestly all right what’s the strat for dodgeball what are we doing funnel to me we’re wait i’m seventh

I forgot about my individual points i mean we all got tagged let’s go oh i wanna i wonder if i were taking part dream nap dream nap let’s go let’s go all right it’s time to dream dream we’re supreme sap rheem oh my god supreme white supreme supreme where’s no way

Muffin muffin yeah we fudge muffins up yeah get out of our screenshot bad it’s really cool people on the screen shot everybody wait let’s get everyone to line up everyone line up screenshot line up hey line up here we want to get this in the background

All right move move move move you two move quick quick quick quick yeah move move dream this is the first time i’ve been to dodgeball in so long focus focus look there’s a goat george there’s a girl george do you see them guys remember do not do

Not grab the arrow off a spawn just do not go for it where’s the girl george i see them crazy mia oh my god are we going to win who who are against double cpk’s major and quick okay we have to win we have to win there’s no other way let’s go

Let’s go all right do i have time no you got time go just run just run i’m jumping i’m good i’m good i’m good you sure don’t be having a piss in the middle of it i will piss my pants away off too clear do it just do it right now

Just do it it’s gonna give you extra power right so it’s us versus the yellow yeah yeah yeah i mean yellow is scary but like yeah that was scary but like scary wait i just realized i just realized we can lose we can’t this yeah it’s kind of pretty appreciated

Guys remember we make them shoot first do not go for the arrow well i might grab it after a while no no do not i have imitations do not please don’t be an idiot yes i’m not going to be an idiot you know what fine i’ll grab the arrow

Let’s go no george no one grabbed the arrow no one grabbed a blade From my first win to the all-stars one wait here was the arrow it’s major i think oh yeah it’s me he’s out he’s aiming i’m dead i’m just dead he’s going to kill me why is he aiming at me he missed nice all right dream here’s an arrow funnel versus anti-funders come on

But dream let me give them the arrows are you you want to have it george you sure you want to have one hour one hour if i miss if i miss while i funnel to you if i miss i’ll find out george no give him let’s go get quick at all cost

Oh come on okay fine i’ll find off on final fantasy george fine george’s i don’t no you you allowed it you’re an idiot i just wanted a shot i wanted to show it too much to ask for you’ll get a shot you’ll definitely get a shot nice like

We’re going to go with the whole thing they missed all right all right fine let me have one more let me have my mom go no shut the [ __ ] up okay i was joking i was trolling i was trolling i actually can’t even i know hey man just jump off jump off

You’re fine he literally can’t i’ll come you can’t now you can’t know all right boys i’m gonna have to do this i don’t go next all right fine i’ll do it i don’t like the flavors they missed i don’t like the particles wait nice let’s go get him get him right

Nice nice one more boom i got this i saw the opportunity and i went still lose be careful just miss just miss the arena is really small guys miss trouble mess mess yes in spain dodge yes let me end it let me end it you got

It let’s go you guys got this go let’s go let’s go let’s go i said feed him no he what he said what did he say tell me they’re going to target me now the cpa has the arrow cbk has it he’s not a tunnel vision again

I just saw him like tunnel visioning and i was like oh that’s a free kill and i just went and got the air and yoinked him i’m a genius i’m a genius i’m ahead of my time i died get a mess all right okay come on nice nice good hit

Oh nice try nice try come on sign up come on nice they missed you missed uh cpk how’s it cbk has it i don’t he has it likes to be aiming at bad yeah now dream or sound nap just keep eating around there you go you missed you got it come on

Okay nice one more one more boom there it is nice all right come on okay this is it oh you can’t all die well you can you can fall off oh my god he missed it all right give him the dream this is it let’s go Okay one more one more one more oh my gosh one more one more remember we can still get a lot we can still lose we can still lose we can still lose weight i’ll grab the arrow spawn and hold it for the whole round shut up

Shouldn’t even run for it well i did i did i could have i could have baited them oh it went right through me i’m a genius all right we got this we got this pov cpa has the error and someone else struggle i think we’re bunching we’re bunching

It’s fine it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter nice nice i’m on i’m on i’m on keep letting me keep kill them kill them i’m fine kill i’m trying them play my role oh that’s off all right bob’s up next okay it’s okay no he’s doing good you’re doing great killing it

You thought you thought hey pika shoot me okay boom i got him again with the same meme one of them has an arrow one of them has a narrow house yeah wait yeah yeah yeah yeah okay guys let me get this is it dude this is it this is this

Is it i have the perfect ring side view for this finish there’s an arrow to your side or is that this one is that glitch okay let’s go sound up oh [ __ ] troll okay 1v3 i have the perfect little ringside if you just screwed us you’re an idiot i hate you

By being cocky that’s okay we’re good now all right it’s seamless no no just get him just get him oh my god what are you doing bad take the last shot no it’s just [Applause] that was fun don’t jump at the podium Wait wait for the coin and and wait wait i’m gonna be oh my god let’s go let’s go oh my god oh my goodness we won we did it we’re the best that was fun it was all for techno let’s go oh i can’t spell oh my god

Oh my god cynthia thanks for the gifted thank you what do we do now what do we do now i don’t know what do we do actually that’s kind of a good question all right so if you guys want to stream on another game or something like whatever let’s go play crab game

Mcc crap game level mcc that’s my first win in like a year we actually did amazing good job team that’s my first one in a couple months that’s my i’m a back-to-back winner baby but not canon but just like it doesn’t come back that was intense that was intense let’s go yeah

That is epic that is epic we did we did it my title was actually accurate my title is yeah dream team wins mcc mine is dream team will win mcc my dodgeball was crazy what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] oh my goodness this this is insane that was awesome

We did it let’s go we won by 4 000 coins like we won by 4 000 coins i didn’t get hit one time in dodgeball i lived again all the way through seven just keeps going up wait is that my best performance george not found what’s it called mcc

Okay i’m on the mcc wiki my best one was wait individual result two five seven nine that was my best result ever two six seven seven and i trolled at the end as well i could have got more i could have got more yeah we had a horrible battle box and we

Had a terrible battle box that was epic that was epic well now i get a season two coin oh no i don’t think you get a coin for this one you do you sure i thought they said this one doesn’t go into the rankings if you

Don’t if you don’t have a season two coin you you get another i don’t have a season two coin guys you guys did so well thank you what are you eating carrots let’s go carrots expanded who cares you’re not a red rabbit yeah we’re the rabbit’s weak eating carrots four i was

Rooting for you guys eating carrots for we did it we did it we did it all four you guys got top 10. yeah that’s crazy and we trolled battlebox so hard uh you did you guys we muted me and dream have yet to lose a single round in dodgeball when we’re together

It’s kind of crazy oh my goodness congratulations thank you look there’s no dogs yeah it was really super close you guys you guys must have been sweating we were getting very hard seeing how seeing how much how far back dream dream and three dodgeballs when we’re together we haven’t lost this thing around

Oh thank you for the raid wilbur where did you come wilbur i don’t know where are you 15. i think i think i’m 15. you came six you did well well i thought that was your favorite game you guys kept it pretty thank you for the raid warbler let’s go let’s go

Listen i i only i only tweeted to vote build mart because i was trying to preserve your guys’s momentum battle box all right oh that’s true you gotta believe me it might have worked it might have worked before our morale went in the toilet and then we were like we were all fighting

Oh my god that that battle box was like really cringe i don’t know how that we had 300 coins on like the second to last round you guys came back what happened to you guys like how did was the map just bad for you guys i

Think this is all i think people filled in the middle every time pretty much honestly they just rushed the middle and field and we couldn’t stop them yeah yeah i think i think i think i i was i i was because i’m not used to the mapping in the middle i was just

Assuming oh well bad and george are both like super super good and so they can just you know they should be able to defend themselves which would happen if on like a normal map but on that map it’s like i guess i was just going right

So i never can’t get up here i never experienced like from the beginning and so like i didn’t i was just thinking they were being idiots and then like then i was like wait okay well it’s kind of it’s kind of annoying like we kind of have to

Go in the middle and do something dumb but yeah and they can like wall you off for arrows you can’t get to the middle fast which is true like the second round fruit berries team like they literally rush mid and like they all just built a [ __ ] blockade and we couldn’t we

Couldn’t like do anything about it yeah i agree oh yeah the people who did that strat were popping off but like it’s like this like that grid of a strike for like points because you don’t kill anyone they just forget the walls but it worked out if they avoided dying

Well it worked out but they don’t it’s like low risk low reward kind of i don’t know well the thing is once you control middle you can just it’s over it’s over yeah that’s also true controlling middles we should we should we should have controlled the middle that we’ve i

Think better was saying that we were calling him like an idiot but like but but to be fair i was assuming like we should have just we were flanking and i was like how are they how are they getting like nothing the map was really bad for flanking i

Think because like you can’t like actually flank you have to like build and [ __ ] and you only get eight like like uh what’s up yeah so i saw you trying to flank and i was crouching above you when you were against us and you just ran by me i don’t even know how

You like go up there like how much like it costs like four it costs like three to four leaves to get up yeah like that’s like half your leaves bro yeah i know i did it every round though i did the rich get rich i couldn’t afford the leaves

The dream team was smurfing in dodgeball jim’s like already on the reddit hasn’t even ended his stream on reddit i ended my stream i don’t know my stream oh okay they’re all coming to me they should come to me instead they should come that their predictions were wrong

Honestly i bet a lot of people got the predictions right like literally every single one of them had the yes no everyone was predicting i played thank you very much yes you’re a sand keeper i thought it was you guys owned in that didn’t you like five coins

Gold is the best we somehow didn’t get the greenville and we still won by like a thousand coins that’s actually fair dream kept us in there for so long we were just like in there right like like i never felt like we were going to die ever like he was

Like oh yeah it’s a dimer swoon and i have 15 sand in my pocket and i’m like i think he’s getting sand in my pocket like i would fill the timer up and then i’d be like as much like balls dude i would be deep in a tunnel

Deep in the tunnel like literally like i’m like 40 seconds into a tunnel like just killing mobs and collecting sand and like breaking [ __ ] and then i just run out and it’d be like 30 seconds left in the timer and i just fill it in whenever we left we’re just like we saw

Like a minute left on the clock we’re like everything’s like too deep to like really go it’s kind of risky so we just went blue vault path this one i went on bad one what time i got first after you were playing on my account i forgot about that that’s true that’s true

I’m not gonna say anything because i get paid so much money too it’s like no straighten but for mine that’s fine it’s fine the secret’s out it’s fine everyone knows everyone knows it’s out that’s that’s why i haven’t been playing in mcc actually you have to you you’ve secretly been playing for money

It’s more profitable [Laughter] crab game for like three hours no no no not three hours three days four days actually four days straight like like 12 hour plus per day isn’t that fun how many hours do you have on crab game right now jim go check your steam how many hours

I like sky battle sky battle is epic it needs to be played more that map was good that was pretty good yeah how many interesting hours you go to steam and then click on the game and it says like hours played right there also i think the border was

Shrinking a lot it’s actually going to be like 19. no i would have thought it would be more than that is it more i’ve only played like five days like that’s like 48 hours that’s like 10 hours a day i liked build battle i thought build battle was the

Funny thing is techno that you mentioned that before when i was practicing yesterday every time i i went to go sprint my sprint key is e in crowd game is i went to go sprint and i would open my inventory and i’m like oh my god like

What am i doing i’m gonna throw tomorrow he’s a crab game youtuber now just make a crap game channel you should i think screw it yeah and then like crap game manhunt oh my god wait that’d be kind of cool actually it’s like we’re just making like a massive map

Like because of the mechanics it’s kind of cool like you can like slide around and stuff yeah okay when when’s the christmas all i mean christmas mcc go next gg go next true no they’re announcing the one that’s in a week tomorrow you forgot i think it’s me puns dream and

Technology i don’t know what is the team that would get the most retweets that’s the question me and then anyone else techno tommy dream and like george or something maybe i’m skeptical i think we shouldn’t underestimate rambo here but actually that’s true rainbow is it but who would you want rambo

Who gets the most retweets who’s gonna win hi grant did i just like summon him i just say his name wait what did that happen yes he was talking really bad about you no that’s not that’s kind of that’s not true that is not true what would be like the most uh retweeted

Team ever and i was like korean green was on a team like me techno either rambu tommy graham the epic that’s happened the tech partner guys i’m gonna call skippy you didn’t have to tell us that listen to this yesterday we were we were going over our santa time strategy and

That is like typing like furiously and i really like and really he’s not paying attention he was like the most important one because i’ve never done this strategy with him and then i’m like bad are you listening he’s like yeah yeah and then we’re like we all start

Laughing it’s like bad you’re not listening we hear you typing and he’s like i’m taking notes yeah we’re like you’re not taking notes man we’re like all right did you take he was typing put sand in the middle and we’re like we just all started like dying of laughter

And then he was like fine i was nesting scappy i was nesting scabby like well we’re literally trying to flipping practice congratulations thank you i can’t believe we won 100k each this one yeah all stars had a cash prize yeah from dream because he was going to

Give it for a voting belt mark that’s fine that’s fine with me where’s the cash yeah dream um my paypal had a good giggle but you’re a little like it’s been fun bye this season i’m just like you’re like thank you for the gift thank you and then he shot the arrows

He shot up in the air and then he and then he missed his shot and he had like wait for it to come down to grab the airplane he’s doing the errors like we’re shooting there and it was like watch out and it’s like i know it’s on his side

That was like oh i want to i wanted to because i do that on the practice overall i have two arrows i’ll just shoot it up in the air and then shoot shoot them with the other one yeah here’s something interesting scott always i played i sand keeper inside the timeline keeper

You were sand daddy person keeper is now a verb keeper is now an effective strategy confirmed because i had the most i had the most coins on the team and also we got first by a thousand if you’re just not the best player so basically were you just getting all the balls

I was like running into tunnels while like i was just filling up the middle and then literally going and running into tunnels at all costs just in time but most people don’t take the risk because if your time runs out you ruin four streams i wasn’t going deep into tunnels like i

Mean i was going deeper fp goes thanks for the stuff as well thank you like the testers do we’re gonna touch the little ones but no one else does it at the very end i i swear i switched with sand keeper to go and do like the the gold

Parkour got the gold key and then and then it was good there so scott i got a season two coin right awesome oh yeah george does yes a season two coin two skirt i will get you sylvia i’m just going to like it’s the time we won was like i’m

Still like boxies in my house so i will get yours i’m gonna post that out this weekend can you ship me a box of them no just one box i drew you a cat in your envelope last time and that was i want another drawing

Wait i want to draw i want i want another drawer as like a uh no no no i don’t i get only i get the drawings this one is apparently the only person i’ve ever done a drawing for okay and i expect it and i expect another drawing that i don’t

I still have it i don’t have it with me though but i do still have it i’ve got something so uh so deal turkeys teal turkeys for christmas mcc yeah wait running back the coral carolers whoa yeah i want to i want to run it back with

Them oh muffin i’m not even thinking about you did it amazing also you can kill turquoise let’s go the coral carolers can i can’t even remember what that team was that was me can’t like team with the team that’s like won before we didn’t win teams one side wait what about what about

Ncc7 purple pandas can we do that we never won please no which one was that that was solely something up dreaming george there was a lot of crap that happened during that one it was really bad okay i think we’re done we won we won we won

I think i’m going to end up my stream wait hold up what george george i literally just won fcc how did he win i don’t know i guess it’s because it’s my birthday or something i don’t know but why no way i literally wanted that’s awesome congrats you did it

Thank you uh i guess you didn’t do that well that’s fine george i literally won on my birthday how cool is that 13th of november is your birthday it’s my birthday [Applause] all right guys thanks for watching follow the stream follow the stream now i want you if you’re not following

Follow what are you doing

This video, titled ‘Dream Team Wins Minecraft Championship’, was uploaded by GeorgeNotFound Streams on 2021-11-14 07:51:17. It has garnered 1265686 views and 36273 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:51 or 11151 seconds.

Dream Team Wins Minecraft Championship. THIS WAS EPIC George plays in Minecraft Championship (MCC) All Stars with Dream, Sapnap and BadBoyHalo! Watch GeorgeNotFound live at: https://www.twitch.tv/GeorgeNotFound

Follow my socials ↓↓↓ Twitch/Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound

Merch: https://georgenotfound.shop

GeorgeNotFound: @GeorgeNotFound Dream: @dream Sapnap: @Sapnap BadBoyHalo: @thesaintsofgames

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:12 Pre-MCC memes 17:26 Parkour Tag 37:26 Sky Battle 57:04 Grid Runners 1:15:25 Ace Race 1:33:14 Build Mart 1:49:50 Battle Box 2:07:55 Sands of Time 2:27:26 TGTTOSAWAMCCPWHNWAEY 2:41:36 Dodgebolt 2:50:00 Post-MCC memes

Minecraft Championship is a monthly tournament with streamers and youtubers. There are 10 teams of 4 players and they must battle it out across 8 unique games. The 2 teams with the most points have a final battle to decide the winner!

This was a special Minecraft Championship called Minecraft Championship All Stars. All the players participating in the event have won at least one Minecraft Championship before

This was a lot of fun 🙂

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    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

Dream Team Wins Minecraft Championship