Drivr3joe – 🔴 LIVE Answering Questions & Building LEGO Minecraft Set!

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What’s up guys drive to joe here welcome back to another live stream it’s good to actually do a live stream for my own home it’s been like what a couple weeks now yeah like i said um when i went to texas on my trip a couple weeks ago that what was the last

Stream i did well i did it one stream while i was out in the middle of nowhere on my rv on my way back but on the last stream i did i don’t know it might have been the jack box one i think it was oh yeah let me fix the

Chat it’s frozen okay that should fix that now we’re good so i have once again another lego set i’m gonna i’m gonna it’s not really focused on this i’m just here to hang out with you guys and answer questions and stuff but i’m going to be doing this in the

Meantime because it gives me something to do anyway before i do start that though let me read some questions well i mean i’ll be doing that the entire stream but you know now i don’t know how long i’ll be here my stomach’s actually not feeling well

So i could be here an hour or i could be here 30 minutes so just it depends on how i feel but um i didn’t want to cancel the stream because you guys are very important and i want to make sure i get a stream in so um

Good to see you guys let me turn this down a little bit all right ah let’s read some comments christopher will you go to north carolina um no plans to anytime soon unless there’s a reason for me to go there um why’d you react to the grubhub ad because content and

It was stupid and crazy enough to do a reaction to it uh falcon hello um do you want to see the hedgehog we talking about sonic here what how jack are we talking about uh jacob jones hello wolf man hello we go on the polar express again grand

Gand grand canyon railway um you know i never went to it so i don’t know uh tony made it on time congratulations um uh davey hello have you ever seen monkey jump but no i have not um would you rather listen to michael brandon or alec baldwin’s narrations alec

Like anytime i listen to him i was just annoyed by his voice i don’t know what it was alec baldwin never got sick of and obviously george is my favorite so um that’s well known um well you guys know george is my favorite i’ve always said george was my favorite

Uh so anyway this set this set shouldn’t take me too long to build like i said i don’t know if i finished it because like i said i’m really not feeling well um but like i said i’ll stream for as long as i have to

Uh you know i actually don’t have a lot of lego sets anymore because i really haven’t had much place to build it although once i get out of here soon maybe i’ll eventually i’ll have a place or i’ll have a room to myself where i can finally

Put all my crap trains legos whatever pissed me off a little bit not gonna lie uh do i remember thomas in the royal engine well yeah it’s the flight’s like the first thing i reacted to um was it was one of the first thomas things i reacted and i was doing other

Reactive stuff at some point but i remember it was one of the first things i uh um well it’s kind of what started the thomas reaction videos right oh yeah thomas hd classics let me tell you something about that i don’t know what mattel’s problem is

Um they really screwed up this one i that was a good channel to go to to just relax and watch videos and just basically just calm down um so to see it gone that really hurts and a lot of people enjoyed it and it was crisp quality they were crisp quality

And i think it’s just some plot with mattel to entirely shut out the good era of the show and in my opinion the only good i have a screwdriver here because i don’t think i can open this i don’t have a piece of scissors with me

Okay i might have to go grab a knife if i can’t get this usually i have something sharp around here but this time i don’t it’s time i don’t i don’t really feel like getting them because like i said i ain’t feel i ain’t feeling good i don’t want to get up but

I’m gonna have to right at some point i mean i was just getting over a sinus infection but it’s like now my stomach’s bothering me today and it’s like really you have to pick today to do it huh figure it out although let me see what the yankees are doing

Because i know they’re playing right now but i know they’re losing and uh really don’t care for it actually i really don’t anymore let’s see scores let’s score mlb okay and yeah they’re still losing so that’s nice that’s that’s just great oh well i don’t really care

Will you show me one of your cats yeah as soon as one of them like to come in here they really don’t i don’t know i mean they come in here all the time but they don’t stay they’re very um shy well one of them’s shy the other one not so much

Ah let’s see ruth hello that’s great let me check one more thing i’m not into tugs because i mean i’m not i can’t say i’m not into it because i’ve never actually watched it i just remember theater i talked about when i was a kid joe’s 80 feet tall wide no idea um

What’s up uh favorite beatles song i don’t know i only really like a few yellow submarine bops i don’t know was it really like a huge beatles fan even though i love classic rock and all that and oh wait mr ryan’s here i just noticed that i gotta scroll oh wait i

Can’t scroll up this chat i gotta read the other one otherwise it’ll screw it up on screen all right um will you make a ytp no i don’t i don’t have that type of editing skills to make ytp so um that’s kind of unfortunate oh good number nine

Means nine it’s gonna be different good i can’t wait it’s been a while since we got a meme video so yeah we definitely need to get one of those on there uh do you watch special agent also no i did not or no because i really would have no reason to be there

So yeah really no reason to be there anyway guys i’m gonna go grab a knife for this stuff so i’ll be back in like 20 seconds be back knife now i can open this thing let me fix the chat okay now that’s a nice smooth transition what do we got here

All right instruction manual need that obviously one Two backs all right so like the last set i did have like 800 pieces this has like 200 so i might actually be able to do it um yeah uh paulo let me see your comment i love your videos so much do you know the lost masterpiece the thief in the cup you

Know i heard of it but i’ve never seen it um yeah uh there’s an eight-year-old i know who likes the reboot well i’m sorry to hear that um what if mattel made new motorized trackmaster oliver it would look like [ __ ] because the new models don’t even look that good

What’s your favorite ytp i don’t know there’s so many i can’t really be selective on that there’s been way too many good ones anyway this really doesn’t look too bad i might be able to actually knock this out um i don’t know which one i get to build

First do i get to build the enderman first or is that later on okay so this is just gonna be okay so bag number two is the ender dragon so we might not get to that today um but we’ll definitely be able to get one of the towers made and the other

Stuff so um What if they made thomas and friends video game for switch i don’t even think mattel would even go to that market because they have no idea how to market the show properly and it probably wouldn’t be any good why did mattel ban thomas i real i don’t know the reason but

I know it’s a very shitty situation regarding them um yeah joe you’re the reason i watch ytps well good thing i guess let me uh okay well might as well just start right tell me i don’t have to put stickers on this damn thing like why can’t they just make this [ __ ] pre-stickered

Okay i’ll build the minifigure last apparently there’s a oh that’s the enderman body apparently all right so we start with that you need some tiny pieces i know there’s probably a bag here somewhere yeah open that up it’s a nice day and buster’s bag in the

Back yeah i know it’s got my prizes in it still that i haven’t opened actually you know what no i did open one prize i got it because it was fun i don’t really i mean i’m hardly ever going to use it but it’s a megaphone

How can you go wrong with a megaphone right does all kinds of cool things want to see sorry for the ear rape everybody it’s gonna be that loud but yeah it’s got a siren all right and then you can just speak speak like this

I can make it louder i can make it even louder oh yeah everybody sorry for the earrape i apologize um this you know i don’t really have any reason to use this i just got it anyway because when i just do a whole stream like this right i’ll just talk into the megaphone

You know you know save its battery now why did i i didn’t want to do that okay make sure the volume is down all the way before turning it off all right i just killed everybody’s ears i’m sorry uh do you like green day not really he’s never really into them uh

Where’s the enderman’s head it’s supposed to have a head need its head obviously so where is my friend dave which by the way i have a running joke and a little inside joke that the enderman’s name is dave they’re all dave so this we’re building dave the enderman

Only i could find his head there’s dave there’s dave’s head all right how i do this now so his head will go like that pretty hard to put his head on and then i need two little tiny pieces okay i need one of those to go right there

Another one i go right there because we’re going to have to lock his arms in at some point and one go there and this goes there all right now let’s get dave’s oh we’re not building his arms first oh i see what we’re building here okay okay i got it i see you

I’m gonna build his first arm and he’s gonna be holding a little block because that’s what okay i gotta dump this out i can’t see anything now i’m gonna lose everything i actually did i think i lost a piece before last time all right take one of those take two of these

We’re gonna put that there plug it in there plug it in there all right and i guess we’re doing another one what do you think of american steam angel obviously i love american steam engines considering i’m american right i would have to but the british steam engines are pretty cool as we know

Um is that it is that all we’re doing i guess that’s it oops i did it upside down so basically i just have to get another arm he’s coming together all right where’s his other arm dave needs another arm okay connect it and i now have my own personal enderman aka dave that’s

We’re gonna call him stay with his little box don’t look don’t look don’t look at him he’s looking at you he’s gonna he’s gonna kill you now you’re all staring into his eyes uh no i answered that before i don’t like michael brandon’s narration i just didn’t like him all right

So we’ll put dave off to the side here he doesn’t even stand okay well he has to sit on a platform to stand i guess well i might need those pieces so i’ll just just lay him here on the hard drive all right you can do something with that uh

James jenkins welcome back that’s a really odd combination all right here comes the big thing now let’s see how fast we can actually build this see how bad i can build this so there there goes there another one of these and another one of these go here right oh i’m screwing up already

Wait wait a minute wait did i grab the right piece hold on that doesn’t even make any sense uh oh supposed to put okay it’s an extension now i see where it goes okay i get it i get you i get you hopefully that’s it this thing is really

Bright i got all over the exposure now the lights coming in more let me just fix that there that’s a little better okay bats better go that way or i’m not going to be happy all right big block where’s the big block oh there’s a couple pieces left over in here

That could have potentially screwed me over okay big block oh wait it’s got lettering on it is this a factory error you see that oh i know what that is is that one of those free codes i might just give that away because i don’t have the bedrock version of minecraft

Is that what they do they hide a code on the bra on the block huh interesting uh there’s no flying scots in visit america yes like back in the 70s i think i saw something on twitter um do you have tomi murdoch yes but he’s put away focus joe focus i’m planning to

Have you been to other countries no solar engineer hello can you watch hotel transylvania 2 at some point um yeah oh maybe i’ll give the code away we’ll see but right now i’m just going to place it um there do that there another big base connect it all right looking good so far

Oh guys my stomach is really starting to kill me around i don’t know if we’ll finish it but i’ll try because it’s like really killing me right now hopefully i can continue this stream you know like i said i’m trying my best here but no guarantee i might make it through

Like i said we’ll be here an hour we could be here 30 minutes but i got to do this for everybody because i like to stream for you guys because you deserve it um Let’s see i need three of those where’s my third piece there you are oh shoot there we go all right and then i need a flat right i stack those there Okay take another base small set isn’t it yeah i mean it looks like it’s a small set i mean there’s not a whole lot of pieces here so i’ll probably finish this part i don’t know if i’ll get to the end of dragon on the stream though because i’m

Just i’m not feeling too well um but moving as quickly as i can here oh you’re making me do this mind over matter [ __ ] i gotta figure out where it goes on here um let me flip that around just so i can see the code later um okay i have to like

Figure something out here how is this gonna go like that looks right um welcome back jack aaron making a thomas movie awesome um simpsons are family guy well i never really watched the simpsons so i’ll go a family guy on that one do you believe in the two henry’s theory

I don’t know i never really like to believe in that no no just didn’t oh hopefully i got this thing right okay we’re we’re making progress here can i shut my shades anymore killing me today i gotta start figuring out a different time to stream during the afternoon see

I don’t want to lower that anymore than i have to hmm oh well just so bright pieces always the way it is have you seen have you ever played minecraft yes that’s why i have these legos that’s why i have this lego set i wouldn’t have bought this i never

Played minecraft that’s one thing okay corner Um Two of these okay you’re getting really difficult on me now i hate when things turn i assume that fits like that and this one fits like that right yeah and then this goes like that cool all right so that goes like that done more corners yay i love corners i’m all about corners

Hmm one more piece where’d you go there you are all right okay so that’s the base for that thing do you know the baby yeah i don’t get the whole meme around it somebody will have to explain like i don’t know who the guy is or why he’s

Popular or funny his name sounds stupid whatever it is i’m gonna need some context some people like ringo better i can see that you know because being a beatles and obviously the first narrator of thomas and being from the uk you know obviously a lot of people would like ringo better

Even when you come to america though i mean george it makes it very hard to decide between the two but i usually lean with george anyway because i first heard him like when i was little he was like the first one i heard and uh

I remember i had a vhs tape for some reason there was a vhs tape i had ringo on it i heard him in the first time i was like oh who’s this guy i hate this voice i mean obviously later on i grew up to appreciate it but like back then i was

Like i don’t like ringo now i respect him obviously tremendously but george still remains my favorite all right it’s done okay we’re starting to get a little complicated here what are we doing what are we doing two of those one of those okay i see what we’re doing do that do that

Take one of these stick it on through or no i gotta stick it no this way that’s not gonna stay do i have the right piece in there yeah that’s gonna slide right out unless we’re well obviously we’re building something up to it but okay yeah it’s starting to get

Complicated i think that we’re building this shooty thingy all right so i need one of these right yeah it’s a weird piece need one of those i need one of those where is oh got it this is a weird ass piece i’ve never seen one of these before

But i’ll put it here anyway okay and that oh i see where it goes that’s a weird piece i guess it snaps in here if i got it in the right way or else this thing is not coming out all right now you take turn it sideways that’s that right

That’s right i got it okay [ __ ] really crosses you up sometimes okay flip it over Wait i’m building this totally wrong no i’m not never mind i was i’m an idiot okay so that’s gonna lock this in place interesting isn’t it why don’t i feel like i didn’t do that right no i had to yeah i did i got it right um yeah oh the chat’s frozen again

There we go oh god it’s all coming away now all right you can ask me anything it’s a live stream that’s what we do what i do here is this chat fixed yeah it’s fixed it’s working is that a lionel thomas behind you yes it is i’ve had that

Literally since i was really really little um i’m gonna grab a soda guys you know what no i can’t drink soda i need water i’ll be right back i’ll go grab a water all right back with my water sorry guys well this might be tmi but i went to the

Bathroom too so case anybody needed to know that i’m not going to give you specifics but yes that’s what happened anyway i’m back like i said my stomach’s not feeling too well guys i don’t know i don’t really know what the deal is but it’s just not feeling too good

But yeah water usually helps so just drink lots of water best thing i can do yeah best thing i can do for myself right now it’s homie oliver curse how well do you think holy fell right away doing the model letter if they introduced you know i didn’t read much

Of the railway series so i don’t know much about them but it probably would have made for some good storylines you know kind of how the scarlet really worked out right hey yes do you like minecraft yes that’s why i’m building this set hey stone tank what’s up

Would you rather watch chuggington or all engines go probably chuggington because anything’s better than all engines go i think we can agree on that right right anything uh solar engineer hello oh is my stuff still working yeah it is um okay building pillar thingies let’s see

You know they also had a pillager set that i should have bought but you want legos have gotten so expensive all right one goes there one goes there and one goes there and one go this is starting to take shape at least yeah huh all right

Where did you go okay you go here finally covering this up right okay that goes there another one of these how many of these i got geez you know what’s funny years ago when minecraft legos first came out i was like what is the point it’s just all blocks

How creative could they possibly get with it well they prove they’re wrong on that one hair halo lined okay so that’s that take some more purple thingies put those here okay put one there how is this thing gonna shoot like what the hell are we like i’m looking at the

Pieces i have here what else is this thing gonna do two littles like i’m trying to figure out what the hell this thing’s gonna do there like generally i’m like how’s this gonna work sometimes you do that when you’re building through legos you just you wonder how the hell is this going to

Work and then it’s like oh i see i guess i kind of see all right you know this is literally just like a transparent head all right so we’re making a potion bottle is that what that is they’re so cool that’s what it looks like all right so that goes there

Freaking hair everywhere all right that goes on the end like that um now we’re building a light thingy here i haven’t played this part of minecraft in a long time so i forget the actual terminology for these things all right take that take one of those take one of these

Take one of those put one of those on here there we go then we’re going to take that i’m going to put that here i’m going to put that right here there we go is that going to shoot the thing is that the plan i don’t know

Why am i talking like this we have to see okay so you push this from the back what’s this going to do oh so that’s what it does it just pops off so my whole concept of how this would have worked uh is totally different that’s cool though okay

I’m probably never going to do that again though so it’s the display piece all right now i can put the minifigure together dude this little enchanted crossbow here or arrow thing whatever all right we’ll just sit them there we’ll put dave here and there we go the first part of the set

Looking good that was very easy that was easy oh all right oh let me read some comments i’m here hey first super chat today thanks andrew excuse me let me see how am i good am i good body can i can i talk okay um misty island rescue or marvelous machinery

That’s a hard choice my friend Don’t make me choose don’t make me choose really gonna make me choose misty island i guess because marvelous machinery was literally just trash bottom line trash uh what happened to the doge lego speaking of doge i gotta check my [ __ ] i couldn’t get in earlier it’s supposed to be really rich tonight

Hopefully i am because we’re all relying on elon here to mention dogecoin on snl and the app is down are you kidding me i got money here come on okay well it hasn’t moved that much keep watching oh my stomach is really really killing me

Hmm do i want to build the second one that’s the ender dragon i don’t know guys i might have to save that one joe has an iphone oh hell no i got an android i’ll never get an iphone i hate iphones i know that was very aggressive but yeah i hate iphone

Oh what’s left here to build the dragon yeah there’s a lot of pieces here and a lot of like complicated pieces i don’t think we’re gonna finish it today yeah i’m not feeling too good so i’ll stream for just a little while longer but that’s about it i’ll answer some questions oh

I’m watching this in a samsung galaxy s10 good actually i don’t really care what phone anyone has if you have your own choice of phones mark yes hello hello hello uh bootleg tommy oliver has escaped the void the world’s in danger somebody needs to make a fan series of that why not

Not me i’m not that good at that [ __ ] but you know uh do you think ringo doesn’t provide proper voices i mean some of them i guess i can’t really think of anyone now i’m gonna have to go back and watch because i really didn’t watch a lot of ringo

Which company did you want to take over thomas in the new season fails it’s hard to say i mean somebody who hasn’t someone who doesn’t have a reputation for screwing [ __ ] up i don’t know i mean hasbro maybe that that’s like maybe but i don’t know i can’t really think of a company

What if lego made a toy line out of you what would it be just me and my desk and a computer i don’t really do any videos outside of here i really have to a lot of hasbro bra hit entertainment set of mattel hmm probably would probably have been better

Off i don’t think it would have been as bad do a vlog yeah i think i don’t know what vlogs i get there’s like i don’t know like i can make vlogs i just i don’t have anything to block like like i don’t do anything interesting

I’ll do maybe we’ll just do a car vlog one day everybody loves to see the challenger well maybe we’ll do that one day i heard you should start reacting to unlucky tug videos you know i do i’ll probably ask to make sure i can watch one um bmw m5 fan hello oh stomach

Um that’s so weird it’s like it’s not like i’m getting sick like i don’t feel nauseous at all it’s just like a little pain i’m getting we’ll stream for a little while longer here but as for the lego portion that’s really it for now i’ll finish that at another time

What’s up percy engine productions but yeah we’ll do a car vlog at some point um yeah do me a favor like the stream please um let’s get 100 likes i don’t know what we’re at how many do we have i don’t know just like the stream for me

I don’t know if we’ll get a hundred but it’s worth a shot right like it sudren fleet hello i missed much did i well you missed the first part of the build but that might be my only part of the day because i don’t think i’m going to continue

I’m going to get some rest after this so i’m not feeling too well stomach wise do you have a gaming pc yeah and it also benefits me for editing as well move this up now i’m gonna leave it there why not and i also forgot

I have the other little set i built here i bought two this little one i forgot about it’s been on my floor got a fox and a wolf here you know this should be an easy set you know we’ll do one more we’ll build this we’re going to save the ender dragon

That’ll be in later time for me we’ll build we’ll build this little one we can do that i’ll do that for you guys and then i’ll go yeah it’s pre-built because i don’t know computer stuff but i mean i want to get some upgrades for it but some parts are really expensive

Right now i can’t open the box oh my thumb dude look at this the thing won’t the seal won’t break come on man do i have to like do this a little bit to get you to bulge ah see if that helps there we go that did

It yeah let’s get 100 likes here let’s do it all right so this should be a quick easy build right i hope and it’s what how many pieces 74 yeah we could knock that out easily minecraft what was that noise i don’t know but you know what go ahead make a

Ytp out of it i told you i give you guys the material i give you guys all the material all right let’s build steve here why not and the skeleton so we’ll do one there and we will i can move this back down i guess a little bit there we go

Oh this has a lot of little pieces in it so we have to be careful not to lose any of these okay now you know what no minifigures last that’s my rule i always do minifigures last all right looks like we’re building the wolf first okay so take one of those

Take one of these take one of take one come on where’s the piece we losing stuff already is that how this is gonna be we’re just gonna lose [ __ ] already no there we’re going to speed run we’re going to try and build these as fast as i can

Which i can do if i pay attention so i’m going to try it okay i mean this shouldn’t take long to build them all they’re small Uh tail put the tail in there all right now we’re making the head does already give me that oh it does it’s the wolf head things are getting bright again oh well all right so i guess i just put the head there and is it done all right it’s done one happy wolf

That easy you can hang out with dave over there in the in the end okay now we’re building the fox all right so put one fox here oh that’s a score update did the yankees win or lose hey they tied the game i might have to actually put it on now they’re actually

Worth watching all right i’m gonna build this fox stomach stop it wow all right put one there put one there all right oh wait could they walk the game off right now is it the ninth oh what’s the ninth thing they can win this game right here right now

Turn that up a little bit hopefully that’s not too loud for you guys but i gotta hear it oh yeah they could win this [ __ ] right now this is gonna be one of those now where i’m even more distracted all right first and second one out yeah i just need a base hit

Are you capable of doing that oh wait that wasn’t a strike i’ll take it come on guys please win this game you need to win now and we gave houston a good beating but come on houston cheaters come on swing the bat watching the yankees game because it’s tied

Apparently and they can win the game literally right at this moment but they’re taking they’re not doing it mystery man you’re late it’s okay all right let’s build the fox tail i guess he’s struck out you [ __ ] oh now they deserve to lose so anyway in

The meantime there’s a fox one happy fox you can go hang out in the end too oh okay yeah i’m a little busy now i’m building legos i’m hanging out with my favorite people here and i’m watching the yankees suck that’s great all right let’s build the rest of this

Thing so a base big brown piece on the corner take one of these put it there oh the worst hitter is up to go take a miracle to win this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you can’t lose this game you just can’t [Applause] if he strikes out i’m turning this [ __ ]

Off because i know we’re not gonna win this is literally your chance to win the ball game that’s fine it’s just fine this is fine i don’t really care that much it’s only baseball right yeah he’s not hitting he’s not getting a hit this set’s actually coming together pretty quickly

Where’s this gonna go though oh we’re going up here with it okay what the hell oh okay i guess that’s gonna pop off oh i get it because it’s gonna have tnt that’s why makes sense are you gonna win it he’s hanging in there but i don’t see anything happening um

Amazing gamer just thought i’d swing by after binge watching your reaction the train boys videos i think i only watched one didn’t i i think i watched one of his videos i’m writing a story while watching this that’s cool joe maybe you should find a better baseball team i wish but

It’s a love you guys suck sorry they’re gonna lose now it’s extra innings [Applause] all right looks like we’re making flowers wow commercials loud holy [ __ ] damn but commercials aren’t allowed to be that loud anymore seriously there needs to be something there uh whatever we’re just making flowers

Maybe the making flowers will make me happy uh he did the pog face yeah i probably did but that didn’t go anywhere did it because they suck so bad ah how the hell these flowers work is that how these work you just put them on like that

I’ve never built lego flowers before so never built lego minecraft flowers before are they supposed to stick out differently i guess so all right whatever those can go there then oh i gotta build two of them more flowers yay i’m so mad right now i’ve almost dropped the stud

Why don’t you like stickers because they’re a pain in the ass to put on and if you don’t put them on right then they don’t look right that’s my biggest pet peeve with stickers but i don’t have any stickers for this set hopefully that actually no i would have

Would have saw the sheet so i don’t all right i don’t mind putting these flowers together though they’re fine yeah all right there we go put one there i guess that’s how they go right why not all right two panels one panel goes here one panel goes

There we’re almost done with this i think all right okay and this connects with that holy [ __ ] what is this oh it’s a fire it’s already pre-built that’s a first that’s interesting all right put that there okay that’s that’s there and now we’re going to build tnt oh this just got exciting

Please don’t tell me no it can’t be a sticker there’s no sticker sheet ah yes tnt my favorite i built a whole underground tnt factory once on minecraft keyword once okay so the tnt sits there i guess tnt baby wait is that the set okay wait is this gonna set the tnt off

Wow that was anti-climactic but all right good enough all right let’s build steve now and the skelet the skelly call him a skelly they’re skellies so i got the suggestion before would you guys like if i started a minecraft survival series on you on obviously on youtube

I don’t know how often i would upload it but i don’t know see what you guys would think i guess i gotta like bring some gaming videos back to my channel because i did used to do that you know mix some of that in with my reaction stuff alright let’s build the skelly

Give him his legs he needs his legs yes totally do that the only thing is i’m not like a funny person like the bigger youtubers that do it you know all right so that’s the skeleton and steve so i’ll put you there and i’ll put you steve on the end here and uh

Oh wait wolf in the fox we’ll put them uh here put you there put you there why not here we go so there’s a little set get a good view of it kind of sorta at least i got that one put together but yeah the end of dragon i’ll build on

My own time when i’m feeling a little better um so anyway yeah i’ll keep those ideas in mind like once again do me a favor leave a like on this stream i want to get to 100 likes if we haven’t done it by now do it do it all right

I’m going to the flea market tomorrow last time i got a box set of ertl thomas toys for 60 dollars i’m going there again to get the other two boxes cool very cool your new york central number three joe yeah you know if i ever had some type of

Train oc would have to be an american thing right but i’m like no expert why is the game blacked out i literally have the network do i really have to go to mlb network to watch this [ __ ] i don’t want to they’re about to lose just like i predicted whatever

Just what i need to aggravate me more and put this on i have any plans reacting to some of likeity’s ytps uh not sure who that is but no plans at this time but maybe i have to look him up all right guys well i’m gonna watch the rest of this game

Um you’re not gonna get a rage reaction on screen but um yeah so maybe next time my stream will do a jack box thing i gotta go lay down guys my stomach’s just murdering me right now and i’ll hang out for a couple more minutes but jose t twice before you go tt

Titty ha ha you’re so funny not even close all right this game’s over this game’s over yes i suigee stupid [ __ ] why do i waste my time rooting for a team that makes me so mad and happy at the same time i’ll truly never know well i

Yeah i’m focusing on the stream we’ll do it for a few more minutes i’m good so a few more questions and keep it going no they didn’t win they lost otherwise i’d be jumping with joy right now yeah it is a good question it really is i

Don’t know why i put myself through that type of pain in misery every single damn time favorite bob the builder character um you know it’s something i never really thought about it’s been such a long time since i actually watched the show i don’t really know who my favorite character would be

It’s a hard one let me move this up there we go kristen ortiz hello ram the polar express of the drift to sprint drift express so i like that video the dank express i think cause who hasn’t seen that video by now oh look at all this other cool minecraft stuff

Yeah these were the sets i saw what other ones can i buy so that would be a cool village ooh the iron golem too there’s some cool sets it was also the um one of the What do you call it um another forest i think except that they made that i saw i don’t know if it’s part of the set but or the series or whatever duplo thomas is a thing it is and you know what i actually remember when they used to sell those

I didn’t like it i never think i actually bought a set because obviously duplo was for little kids do you know what victor tanzig is yes i’ve heard of them but i haven’t watched anything though um you’re involved happy birthday to your grandma have fun with that

Uh who’s the f every word bot one of my favorite accounts to follow it’s super hilarious uh tell me oliver he’s i don’t really feel like getting up because like my stomach’s killing me yeah favorite diesel d199 short i don’t know goes way back in the day not the animated ones um

I forget but there was a lot of there’s a lot of real funny ones back in the day i remember i used to watch a lot do you know who sidekick jason is yes i think i follow them on twitter have you traveled to canada no i’ve actually never left the country i’ve

Never left the mainland the united states oh that’s one place i would really like to go one day well the one place i really want to travel to is japan that’s one of the really cool places i’d like to go to do you know big fill animations no

Need to clean up your room well good luck with that bun cleaning up room is never fun oh why do i have to feel like absolute dog [ __ ] today sucks oh well at least i made it through the live stream without dying you know um yeah magic rail was gonna be called the

Rainbow railway rainbow railway sounds just like rainbow road oh ds gaming i love watching ytv i didn’t know you stream yeah i stream every now and then i try to stream like i don’t know once or twice a month keep it often i need to do another mcdonald’s stream

That’s what i need to do right guys how many were there that day it was a day i got my braces off i did a live stream going through the drive-through and then just eating in my car who was there for that i know there was

Quite a few you that were there that day we’ll just do like a series of doing live streams going out and eating yeah yeah i wasted my time with five minutes of the yankees and they killed me that’s fine now i feel like playing mario kart yeah i have so i have my

Switch somewhere where’d it go i always lose it i really do where it gets taken by my sister she plays it too um i was there to hear the huge burp yeah although my stomach’s like killing me right now and the think about any like fat junk food is making me want to

Puke so that’s not gonna happen today um maybe watch a japanese tub at thomas i have not jane brady thanks for the super chat did you hear what happened to thomas hd classic yeah i talked about this before is disgusting what mattel is doing it really is but mattel’s gonna mattel right

It’s i guess it’s their time of the month again but they’re just going after you like i was gonna do some more reactions to episodes but i don’t even know if i want to do that now because they might strike me and take them down so gotta put a hold on that

I mean i was gonna i was gonna you know go back because there’s a bunch of the season 24 i didn’t watch it i was gonna you know finally start doing a couple of those again but i don’t know now so that’s it that’s the deal oh

The show got worse and worse and worse all right guys well i’m gonna go lay down and relax you guys have a great day hopefully better day than i’m having and we’ll do this again sometime this month i don’t know when but we’ll get it done and uh

See you guys next time so once again leave a like on the stream if you haven’t um keep an eye on future uploads streams everything posts everything i do join the membership program get some exclusive emotes uh if the members if there’s any members in the chat show me your emotes everybody

And uh other exclusive parks click the join button they could be a part of that and we’ll see you guys next time have a great day stay safe peace out everybody we will catch you next time hopefully i can do this out show right because i screw this up all the damn time

This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE Answering Questions & Building LEGO Minecraft Set!’, was uploaded by Drivr3joe on 2021-05-08 22:57:08. It has garnered 1751 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:47 or 4367 seconds.

Just a chill stream talking and answering question while building a Minecraft LEGO set. Doesn’t get more simpler than that.

Support the channel by becoming a member for as low as $1.99 💛 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu4M3b2dh9T9QmXeW0TNzLw/join

Support the stream via SuperChat or here ► https://streamlabs.com/drivr3joe

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STREAM RULES: 1. No spamming. (ex. if you keep repeating questions, it will not be answered.) 2. No disrespecting moderators. 3. No advertising without asking for permission first. 4. No attacking, bullying, or harassing other viewers. 5. Enjoy!

My second channel for the upcoming virtual world, Box Critters ► https://www.youtube.com/boxcritterslive

#Livestream #LEGO #Minecraft

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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

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  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

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  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

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  • Gaupa

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  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

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  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

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    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

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  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

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  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

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  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

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  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

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  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

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  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2

    Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Horror Project pt 2’, was uploaded by Crisis on 2024-04-22 21:36:16. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:45 or 2385 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viral

    Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fact 💯 #shorts #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by (RANA) Gamer 64 on 2024-04-19 13:13:54. It has garnered 10728 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

Drivr3joe – 🔴 LIVE Answering Questions & Building LEGO Minecraft Set!