DudeDragon’s Crazy Skywars Adventure! Watch Now!

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I’m a little late I need to fix up a couple different things let me open up chat so I can say hello to everyone who has joined Mr Malamar Devastation I don’t know what name I should put here hello everyone I need to finish promoting this I just

Didn’t want everyone just to sit there and do nothing for a long while let me uh promote this in Hive real quick uh cannot be posted because it contains content all right I have to post it with that’s new okay oh I can’t post that still all right that’s

Great oh I can’t use spamming messages okay all right that’s wonderful all right we’re going to start up let’s minimize Discord see hello everyone welcome to the stream we’re going to be doing what we normally do let me open up this real quick that should have

Everyone here uh let me unmute the chat box maybe the chat box will be open and good um let’s open up the text go 500 we’re so close and all right that’s good all right I’m going to go shut my door I’ll be right back I’m back all right so we’re going

To hop right into the game we’re going to do what we normally do every week we know what we do hello everyone welcome to the stream that’s a lot of people hello all right this going to be good this going to be good Mad Dog Reaper welcome uh hello welcome

Everyone all right here we go oh it’s talking about the plush thing I got here’s a really good thing look at this I got my dragon hat look how cool that looks though let’s see also got the uh new pack that they released here so now I oh I don’t have

Enough for room that was not even a good thing all right now I can do this Up and Away look at this this is great though I got me a helicopter I also can I have my Planet I can sum my Planet guy I haven’t

Named him yet so I’m going to set that up to a poll later maybe in this stream we got um our bee hat which we normally wear but we can wear my Black Crown for now it’ll look great I have my helicopter helicopter away all right uh let’s hop into a game of

SkyWars kits like we always do to start out the day I’ve been trying to change up my settings so uh the stream isn’t laggy but I can still play without the game crashing you know uh Minnie says call um once the first CS is done then I will

Just remind me once the first CS is done see quacking says uh helicopter helicopter yes all right we’ve got my favorite map everyone doesn’t like volcano I don’t understand them and I will never understand them because it’s the easiest map to get to Mid easiest map to trap at

Least in my view and everything it about it is just good uh let’s see I need to grab that I can grab that extra instead how many many seconds do I have I have 12 wow going to grab that going to grab that grab that sword that is that’s a

Wonderful if you haven’t already seen my video about doing um Hive SkyWars and winning without my keyboard it is amazing youall should go check it out after the stream obviously or whenever you all have to hop off see we’re going to grab that volcano is trash how dare

You volcano is the best map by far nobody can be dissing all right I need a come here you you almost tried to come here that you don’t deserve you you tried I give you that oh thank you he helped me out right there your option is not valid how dare

You all right there we go got him down does he have anything useful yes he does have something useful that’s a good that’s a good thing see volcano is the best map for trap yes you can trap people just really easily just in lava and if they don’t have fire protection

Pants it’s just great let’s see because as do dragon colors yes that’s a great reason let’s beat up this guy oh never mind he’s going to do that I have to get warmed up because I don’t want to get too destroyed by y’all in the cs’s so you know how it

Is I’m getting way too close to people come on I why did I hit Q I don’t know how I hit Q this man you’re not allowed to clutch it’s it’s something you are not allowed to do let him run over here I’m going to grab these extra Hearts while he’s

Running away over there is he underground I think he had to go AFK for a little bit let’s kill clown Pierce okay going to 2v one these people knock that guy I was hit by slow blast why are these lobbies starting to get good usually my lobbies are bad at the first

Game a dang it all right see if you don’t use a fire Trail book and don’t use en lava no damage yeah that is right that’s right um all right we’re going to do SkyWars CS just for the heck of it it’s going to be great let’s see

Solos let’s open it up so everyone who’s new there’s a certain pattern I do things in so don’t get upset when I do it so we’re going to start out by going to preset safe preset Sky op confirm and when that is confirmed we’re going to go and set max players 30

Then we’re going to go to um access permissions invite players invite friends invite all and then we’re going to wait a little bit for friends to join so I can get more people on the live stream it’s um someone’s calling me hey man there we go can you hear

Me yes I can hear you can you hear me yeah I can hear you okay okay just wondering because let’s set it to code my volume was down I turn it up so we could hear you I am a golden hamburger golden hamburger all right everyone code’s up

On stream join if you want to it’s right above the hot bar it’s going to be good the opposite of McDonald’s the opposite of McDonald’s let’s see um person says live no keyboard match I we’ll see we’ll see it’s kind of crazy um Shadow what’s up that would be the longest stream ever

To get one kill that would be so oh with yeah one kill out of everyone round see Shadow says do dragon I feel ignored why do you feel ignored let’s see chicken man says person human thing don’t don’t you have an S&P to go play ooh shots fired

CH yeah there’s a been a problem with this guy and he’s thrown up a lot of security alerts in my thing by sending dmms to all my uh people that are in my SMP and trying to convince them to join um theirs so since everyone’s done that I’m

Going to basically ban everyone who is in my SMP that went and joined theirs so all the subs that were um going to join the SMP today if they were in that um that in the other SMP then I’m just going to kick him and just ban them from

The place what S&P is it what is it called it’s called Phoenix SMP started by some random kid that joined and then just decided to spam invite everyone in DMS and it uh sent a security aler I banned them earlier today all right okay let’s see how many

People we have in the game we have 1 two 3 4 5 six do we get anyone else in the game oh by the way um yeah this one there’s another golden hamburger we need a golden hamburger Squad dude dragon look up here look up here you can see two dancing hamburgers

Gosh I do see the two Dan the opposite McDonald’s let’s see person says why can I not be a part of multiple smps it’s just because I there’s another golden hamburger there’s another golden hamburger another one there’s another I don’t want to promote the fact that oh

You can just join my thing and then steal all my people and it’ll be a okay that’s that’s why if it was you’re already a part of one and you want to join mine then I’ll be fine but I just want people to put the most effort into

Mine if that makes sense and I don’t want people just trying to Ste my inner hamburger yes your inner golden hamburger everyone put on their hamburger costumes I don’t have the hamburger costumes if it’s gold you’re a king I don’t well you’re not part of us anymore I run this channel now

Oh let’s see what costumes do I have I’ve got pirate skeleton elf uh replay raccoon and uh hoodie be oh everybody be replay raccoon be the replay raccoon wait a minute I’ll be the replay raccoon this time let’s see Slash costume replay raccoon there we go we’re the replay

Raccoon look I am too wait where are you I’m uh over here go back go back to the spawn all right you should go back to spawn hello if you have a replay uh raccoon costume get it I got a replay raccoon with a crown this is um I all right

We’re going to start up the game it’s going to be great all right let’s see I don’t know why but my skin is seven eight people uh I don’t know how to pronounce your name but that’s a lot of emojis I can’t read whatever uh language that is

It kind of looks like Arabic just call him Emoji man yeah I’m just going to call him Emoji man Emoji man hello welcome uh thank you for all the Emojis I guess all right we’re going to Emoji yeah the Emojis Emoji man see I need diamond

Shoes it’s not giving me diamond shoes I don’t have diamond sword either I need shoes this has never happened to you where you’re trying to get like you’re trying to get like a diamond chest plate yet all you get is diamond boots yeah my inventory becomes full I got diamond boots diamond

Boots now I just need a sword because all I have is Stone I’m still the uh whatever you don’t need you get yeah that’s exactly what happens uh there we go Dr I’m briding over to all right I got an icy bridge over there watch okay nice okay Shadow says please make sure

To like and sub it is a w yes all right I’m going double IC double IC I’m just going to MJ over here what there’s no point in that you can double icy it’s way more fun I’m beating up a golden hamburger no not my people your people don’t hurt my

People quit bullying them I’m bullying them no my people are R trained me hi people I wish I had a bow hello no it’s me it’s me just th 15 more subs before dragon can receive donations yes well then I have to have the 3,000 watch hours which I’m at um I’m halfway

There wait you only need 500 Subs I need 500 subs and 3,000 watch hours to receive donations from people Oh I thought it was only I thought it was a thousand it it’s a th uh and four it’s 1,000 subs and 4,000 watch hours to get

Uh ads to run and that’s where the bulk of the money comes from but you get fan funding when you get to 500 3,000 watch hours so I just need to stream a lot more often if I want to get there Dr donor welcome back to the

Streams I deleted all my streams except for one to keep the stream tag tab open and for some reason I just kept the Java one and uh for some reason I have a well I have a custom rank on lifebo I’m the only player on the server with a custom

Uh Rank and uh Lifeboat decid to one of the admins or one of the staff members randomly gave me operator oh I got you should make a video with that quote unquote hacking you got banned for hacking you had operator well it was I didn’t get

Banished it’s I got kicked because uh I could fly so they were you just SL game mode one step Member yeah it’s basically the technoblade video but it’s Bedrock yeah you should have made and you don’t just get did you make that a video I was recording with well I wasn’t recording

With uh I was recording and I was with my brother I was in a call with my brother that would have been a really good video yeah let’s see jig man says I never delete any videos no matter how bad same same same so I need all the watch

Time because getting paid would be amazing just doing this and I just love doing this speaking of I have I don’t have it in the link in the description if y’all really want some I have merch and a Dono link so if y’all really get a

Black mouse pad get a black mouse I tried to it was only it was only available uh to make it in white sadly if I if I could make it with my colors it would be good I just got a pretty cool combo it lasted a while yeah oh no oh

Wait no let’s see yeah like like you what CS is next uh probably sumo Jack official welcome to the stream we’re just beating up children in a bot game and you can be a part of the mass murder if you want to that or I can be

As well because this guy’s good ah dang it I was in a CS with um I was doing cs’s with Danny is the bomb in thereo and then I saw you I bailed on Danny for you I got someone with the boom box yes I got I regained my health because I

Blew someone off with a boom box see can next be midf fights uh sure we’ll see what the vote can be and I might actually I’m going to I might get hired for well kind of hired kind of not but um just for building for some YouTubers

I’m I make some money for that because I I’m a good Builder I build for a few servers not really many but I still build for a few build for a few I mean a few is pretty good if you you get paid for

It I don’t get paid for it it’s just I might get paid it’s because the Surfers uh they one is Java and a few others are Bedrock oh I didn’t get it I was getting Shad says oh it’s magic I know that guy yeah yeah yeah let’s see I need

To get blocks no way I need to get blocks I’m kind of broke at the moment I’m collecting we’ll send it to free shop midf fights if that’s what yall want to do wait dude Dragon I’m going to get you some blocks all right I’ll give you three stacks

Three Stacks holy crap doesn’t kill him I just got a stack but I mean oh no I don’t no oh I should have clutched that that was that’s my how did I how bro how okay how did I how that makes no Sense bro oh thank goodness I’m Not Dead Forever I need projectiles I don’t have nothing are you still broke are you still uh broke on blocks yes I do I mean I have 57 got they’re trying to kill me cuz I’m giving you blocks no get away from

Me okay there we go here we go here’s some blocks that’s not enough here’s more okay here we go see is that Bedrock R grap I don’t even know thank you for the blocks what wait who do they say that about uh the guy whose name looks like Bedrock R oh Pop you Off got an extra hit on me come on mag a bit weird no don’t die don’t die don’t die no I died oh I’m alive again I’m kind of at like eight hearts so I’m at all how many am I at just got to combo this guy

First I block trapped myself cuz I spam too hard I spam get away get away from me get away from me all right so please don’t forget to like the stream to make cs’s bigger yes shadow gets it shadow gets it I did it again

Bro I just walked in the void I was standing press a button oh yeah I do that in head hitters I did that in my um we got 30 seconds do we want to make midf fights let’s see spam ones for midf fights spam Twos for uh sumos six

Likes W yes that’s good that’s good been streaming for 20 minutes so wait um I’m going to need you to take me through ending guide barely know I just got Adobe Express because my uh my school is uh my uh technology teacher is teaching editing yet he’s really bad at it but he

Uh gave us Adobe Express oh that’s good I’m just awful at Adobe in general the yeah this and Adobe is really bad I thought like I know you use cap cut and what El do you use again uh I just use um capap cut right now choose server

Okay treasure Wars oh got out treasure how do you find all your like um images like the PNG images of like people stuff like that um what do you mean of people you just um yeah like characters stuff like that you ask for their skin and

Then uh where you find their skin online and then you just wear it and then pose with it it looks like there’s more ones than anything so we’re going to go with uh midf fights got lost so we’re going to go manage preset presets free shop confirm and then we’re going to go

Game maximum players 30 then access permissions invite players my friends invite all see if the friends join and then we’ll set it to code like we normally do first let’s go first I’m first I was first let’s go let’s go all right it doesn’t look like anyone

Else so we’re going to go let’s make code all right code’s up right above the hot bar it’s going to be great okay wait um let’s do this let’s make a carango line come on everyone to make a Caro line wait get get right next I’m just in

Third person no ban him for saying that that horrible the illegal word looking uh rep um codes right above the hot bar all right here we go we got got the code is up all right we got four people in the game we’re going to wait for eight see what happens

B you we shall ban you ban with two m the emphasis the emphasis on the ban on the I like sitting here so nobody can just try to get over here and get me that guys are Prestige wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you like

Sitting you like sitting at your chair so nobody in person can get you and steal you and put them in their and put you in their white van with tinted windows what no I’m like sitting in this secret spot where it’s really difficult for people who haven’t gotten there

Before to get to it so I I’m just looking at these people right here they’re just sitting there they’re trying so hard to get into this spot I’ve seen um let’s see how people can people get over all right Minnie can you do it I I’ve never done this all right hey okay

First TR I have never done that ever in my life I’ve never like I’ve only SE we got uh from many people um pumpkin says can I can I not be banned please uh why are you in the other guyp though why are you in the

Other guy’s SMP though let’s see what if I said something illegal um I trust you more than that how did I how did I unshift how did I unshift I didn’t even life makes no sense right we can all agree on that all right here we go we’re going to

How am I doing this we’re going to start I’m doing this every single time I’ve done I’ve never done Oh I thought it was a teammate with you let’s uh let’s all right not I didn’t set it to Pirates dang it I didn’t I meant to set it to Pirates let me warm

Up I haven’t let me I’m a weak all right okay I get you I get you I haven’t played in just a bit so I’m Shadow don’t say that I haven’t I haven’t played we’re going to get some Auto Bridgers we’re going to get our diamond armor we’re going to get yeah you’re

Going to get some Auto cers you mean Auto Bridgers bro you youill no you auto click I remember I know what I know how I I know what I heard I heard no mouse at all okay hello did you watch the video did you watch the video where I

Actually sat there yeah but I things with the hand yeah that was just one video that was just one video bro chill out why spend money on oh yeah you did have the mouse and you scroll clicked no wonder I did not scroll click I know how to but I did

Not let’s see pickax normally go there there going to sit that there but that in my off hand dude Dragon I’m going to get some I’m going to get some wait no that wait no that’s not you that’s not you that’s not you first I thought it was you no all right let’s

Head over to Mid and we can start beating up people I’m going to go over there I’m going to iy over okay come here no I died H wait so your keyboard the one you threw in the beginning of that video um did you like does it sound faky or no

It’s clicky it’s very clicky oh yeah now now I remember now I remember uh we uh when we were confusing um rainbow that was fun he was like I use a laptop don’t expect anything see it looks like ly YT I don’t know you have one of those sweat names so you’re that

Means you’re good at the game let’s see I left Breezy for this so be grateful all right I’m grateful thank you is Breezy streaming if he’s streaming we need to uh get him the call and do some stuff um see Jeff welcome to the stream

Hey I left I left uh Danny as the bomb stream and I was playing with him cuz he was doing cs’s where is my sword okay yeah I’ve lost this this guy’s actually got me all right oh the C that was so weird oh I escaped did you hear that

No you didn’t hear the death spam no I didn’t oh this guy was good this guy was good let’s see I was saying oh I’m a pro yeah I I was doing that because I killed three people in a row uh and um I got them in a really good combo yet

Then I failed the one block drum oh my goodness we’re going to get some of this why does everyone know me it’s because I’m a small streamer and if you join once everybody knows you it’s just it’s just one of those fun things you know all right and we’re going to set my

Golden apple here all right can you double r do you know how to double Bridge um no I do not try to Bridge I can double bridge why was there a hole in my bridge right there that makes zero sense I just got eight blocks I just got a eight block long with

Double bridge nice do you know what double bridging is uh I’ve seen double bridging but I just can’t do it yeah it’s really hard it took me a We someone’s trying to shoot me and I do not appreciate it I have not even Master it yet oh thank goodness you’re bro it’s going to think I’m hacking bro see 10th like w cuz you are hacking is that no hurt cam what all right um no I died you died again yeah

Iwit all right let’s see we’re this doesn’t have just get the 500 CPS Auto clicker out you’ll be fine okay okay actually it clicks 1,000 oh okay my bad my bad I can make it click uh I can make it click every MC it’s called op Auto

Clicker Mom it’s meant to be used Whoa whoa whoa I’m going to all right we’re going to grab blocks and I’m going to cover up that hole that’s just right there hidden it really makes me mad just to buy all this crap in the inventory I don’t like the people that do that I hate it when that happens

No it’s not like anyone did it to me I just fell no they bro are are we supposed oh yeah puff welcome to the stream I’m doing good I’m just are we supposed to break beds are we supposed to break beds no you’re not this one uh this one guy broke my

Bed H who is it who was it um r two like 200,000 oh rep up yeah 200,000 all right yeah my bed I’m just going to cover up that it’s covered up I’m fine see like two times we don’t we don’t talk about that chat I’m going an icy Bridge even though

My bed’s destroyed okay that was very all right we’re going to go after Dy can I show what he can click he can click Dylan can click no way I’ve thought wanted to learn how to do that yeah it’s a really difficult skill oh hi mini wait wait tell them not

To hurt me tell them not to hurt me no my bed’s destroyed please no that’s why I’m trying to kill Dyan what your teammate’s hurting me youings he hurted ified me that makes sense I was H he Hur defied you let’s see do One V ones on zeka um this isn’t

A zaka stream though I mean I can sometimes do those but I’m not doing those right now I’m just better at just be the guy come on rip the dragon’s teammate how is that noise I don’t even know I don’t know what that noise was Dragon oh I’m lag

You’re being comboed by my teammate well he’s trying he’s trying to and I’m low so I don’t want to be in line of anything okay I’m dead my brother’s going to watch a movie and now I’m I’m smelling popcorn I’m hungry now dude dragon come here I need to test

Something on you all right let me get some blocks just in case you do something dumb okay okay okay see I need to try it combo on land I’m not going to get you in the void okay you’re going to want to combo me so you can put me in a montage

Or something look I’ll take yeah yeah I just want you for Content that’ll be that’ll be a okay see look see look here you go wait I’m taking off my armor you can take this okay come on take all the stuff I okay no I need to I need no no no why

Would you do this to me bro get oh you said you wouldn’t hit me off um it’s not my fault how how’s it not your fault because life doesn’t make sense wait there we go you have to drag click your right click no because my hands are greasy oh

Well then they you can’t do that you have to have everything you need saying um it takes like a it takes a while for it to dry if you like it takes a while for people to eat hamburgers that’s very odd I I’m going to get some cool shots and

Make and put on a texture wait no can you put on my skin and uh change your Minecraft account name to mini Tas Manion with a lowercase M no and it’s with two eyes and two eyes so I can can make a montage of you uh playing for me

Oh yeah that makes that makes sense or you can just give me the password to your account oh yeah your email and password okay all right just an easy easy thing to ask for just DM me and I’ll I’ll get you some clips with your skin and

You no I’m going to record you doing it yeah I know I’m going to do all the clips for you just have to give me your account so are you willing to change your Minecraft name just for one day no because that cost like 10

Bucks uh well what I wanted to do is change my name to your name so you can’t have it back no no I I didn’t I didn’t mean to say that that was H it was a joke it a joke joke yeah yeah I was just saying what I

Could do which was a joke yeah and it totally can’t be done right what’s the point of changing your name I find no um well no benefit in changing your name there’s I mean if you want to change it like if I want to change it to do dragon

YT then I can do that or if you want to flex if you want to flex on your friends and you say well the two-year-olds and say I spent $10 a Mone craft yeah I spent even a penny is a lot I just spent five I SP no

Money what’s a bit odd is if I count my wait a minute if you count your whole setup how much would that add to just MoneyWise you yeah do you play anything else besides Minecraft not really where is everyone I only play m I never play any other games all I play is

Minecraft so let’s see Minecraft itself cost $30 um then there’s these lights I have on my desktop that are $10 each so that’s 50 my microphone is 308 so that would equal 80 my monitor was 40 so a $40 monitor yeah 120 yes it’s very very bad

120 um $120 the PC cost $300 so um 100 okay so that’ be 420 um this light costed 35 so um so that’ be a 300 $355 so far then there’s the um three key keyboards one cost 180 so that’ be um I’m 20 okay

So I didn’t and my other keyboard to out so 210 so I’m just going to mute so I can do the math I ran out of pearls dang it all right pearls are don’t know all right um we’re going to grab that um it’s around $1,000 actually just

To just to play Minecraft how much was the uh yeah $300 it’s an office tower um oh and I can’t I can’t forget the laptop and the PS4 oh yeah and how much it cost to play those on that piece on each device I don’t uh yeah oh there no blue

Guy no don’t fall no you had it for a second I’m I’m starting to wonder the little timmies that play Minecraft on their mom’s phone um and their mom has like a iPhone 14 or like something way better oh he died di of fall damage when that you know I died

Of emotional damage emotional damage very effective yeah why did you die of emotional damage it’s kind of sad because I was it’s because um my bed was broken uh by this one teddy bear my teddy bear um broke my bed because it was so heavy I don’t know

Why I’m saying this I don’t know either this is very I just say very random things at very random moment yes you do go get that yellow guy go get that random yellow guy smack him with your sword I’m trying um if that one guy that broke my

Uh that broke my treasure last well this round if he joins next round can you just uh pick him again um uh shocker 121 welcome to the stream uh Jeff the dude says why did you quit your YouTube channel with 4K Subs because all it had was YouTube

Short I was uh were posting a lot yes I was and it really when I didn’t make uh a whole bunch of when I made long form content because I wanted to go with long form content a new channel would get more views than a Channel with 4K Subs

That didn’t care about anything and the YouTube algorithm wouldn’t push it so I just well let’s restart and it’s been a great thing ever since yeah he’s he I realized you’re doing way better on that channel than the other one I yes for some reason I have seen your other channel before but

I didn’t even think about it when I found this channel yeah then I realized yeah then you realized wait a minute who are you no I’m getting double team I need to kill this guy um I can show you some uh I can show you some uh that Danny is

The bomb is gonna he’s he’s going to let me make a video uh with him and a call with me and I’m going to just ask him questions he doesn’t know one’s coming oh just that’s the most out of pocket things oh what’s my client I’m playing on onx

Oh he’s playing on this cool hacking CL um called uh God him I win I win these there’s this cool hacking client called Vape that he uses no I do not use Vape right right yes all right let’s see what do we want to play

Next H um we want to play Minecraft next no fortnite fortnite sucks all right we’re going to play you know what let’s play bridge we’re going to play some Bridge see we’re going to go the bridge solos see we’re going to go maximum players to eight and then we’re going to

Maxim invite my friends list let’s go wait for y’all to join up first I’m first I’m get best and then we’re going to how many players can there be many we’re going change access mode to code only all right code’s up two people get to join because I didn’t

Realize that five people many people live wow Wow live recording I’m going to record this for no reason yeah is it going to be so weird my mic stand broke so if I accidentally get muted uh when I’m uh saying something uh please be confused be confused and and tell me because my mic stand broke so I’m

Just letting it sit down on the desk and it’s right NE since my desk is so small uh my hand is right next to the keyboard and sometimes it moves to the side when I’m trying to like type and it hits um the microphone we need one more player we

Need one more player chat y’all can join y’all can join if y’all want to it will be great it’ll be fun it’s not a was time even if you don’t want to it’s time well spent I’d rather play with dude Dragon than go to Disney let’s see where is another person

I have a bunch of people in the Stream but I can’t people we need another person tell them wait tell them they’ll be put into child labor what okay uh there we go there’s eight people and start game all right I’m on a team with

Jeff and on FX on FX is really good at this game so I’m not scared we’re going to win I am scared mini Tasmanian 20203 almost 2024 I need brain you need brain oh red scored I was trying to catch myself all right we got this we

Got this team we got this no you don’t I messed up that jump that’s a great start I miss no all right we got we got to be good chat we got to be good come on I’m yeah be good be good nope no let me in let me in all right

There we go on FX got it that was actually a good that was so close I you almost got him but I’ll stop you cuz I’m the best yeah but on FX made it so I mean it is what it is hey tied it up tied it up we got this

We got this team we got this we got got to be no you got to beat um the one random kid no we got to meet mini Tasmanian mini Tasmanian yes we win let’s go no let’s go Dragon so did you see my uh my keyboard video like the uh just plastic

One with the the AO V3 cream boost which is mhm uh did that keyboard sound good it did sound good but it was very light and I honestly if I had the choice I wouldn’t use it I I decided to do something very weird I got I made a Lego

Case made sounds leg keyboard case manage presets no I don’t want to say preset I’m very po nope it fell out it fell out I need to stop tipping it upside down let’s see settings max players 30 okay we’re going to access permissions invite players invite friends inv all

Invite friends let’s go I’m going to be first in I got come on come on nope you weren’t first speed running getting CS speed running getting to csth you’re fourth no I was moving my mouse around so much my mouse s to do is so high we’re going to wait for a couple

More friends to join you’re Dragon yeah yeah yeah um my cousin really my cousin started judging me because he came over to my house like to practice some like fencing with my brother Jack so um then uh he he plays lots of java and he uh decided to play some Bedrock Edition no

On my computer and he realized my sensitivity was so low I don’t judge me don’t make don’t make fun of me for this but I was used to playing on 30 sensitivity okay I mean I play on 12 sensitivity no I don’t believe that I really don’t play on 12 sensitivity 900

DPI all right wait so like in your mouse yeah the DPI in my mouse all right oh I’m talking about I’m talking about like uh if you go into settings yeah I know my Minecraft is 12 I’m Heine at 81 see open the code all right code

Everyone Jo is that sensitive is that really sensitive yeah let me go to my settings uh keyboard mouse oh never mind it’s 13 it’s 13 I’m going to try that okay I’m going to do the same as you this hurts this hurts this hurts just like delayed I mean if you’re uh

Sens it depends what your DPI is if you got on the a 600 DPI then you’re going to look like you’re going in slow motion see Jeff the dude says can I be on your friends list uh I have 150 friends so I can’t add anymore but I

Tried to delete the people who haven’t been on in a month so I need have my Mo this is going to be a challenge for me I’m I wait I’m going to turn out the lowest sensitivity oh my goodness all right are we good to start chat I think we’re

Going to be good to start yeah I’m going to try an icy Bridge like this this will be really hard oh actually know uh chat tell me who if yall use Spotify tell me what your top artist was because the Spotify rap came out earlier this week now since

I use Spotify for streaming music mine was all screwed up but I’ve learned I’m in the top 0.3% of uh Toby Fox listeners so it actually is pretty cool top 0.3 in the you how to make world see your audio is repeating what you mean like I have nothing else running in the

Background wait do you make any uh music do you make songs at all no I don’t I got 10 concurrence 11 likes everyone like the stream if you can all right let’s look how many Subs we have like we’ve at 488 more subs than I have yeah more sub

Away that’s good 12 away more sub than I have all right here we go technically I’ve only been doing YouTube for four months I’ve been doing it for about six is my mic sounding getting a bit weird here we go grab these diamonds I’m going to get a new

Mic at first you have something else um a a $30 one so it’s really bad um I have like a $50 one and I actually really like it if you want to get a good USB plug and play um Mike get the uh hyperx um what’s it called hyperx solo

Cast if you get the solo cast it actually is pretty good ah I almost died I got a icy um no my oh why why I just turned down my sensitivity to one and now this feels like Sensi like all the way up to

100 I’m going to turn it down to like oh no your muscle memor is going to be destroyed okay oh why like I do that it still feels weird I turn it down by 20 oh you’re going to just mess up everything that you’ve ever done

All let’s see I’ve what have I done what have you done you’ve messed up everything you’re never going to be good at the game anymore what do you mean Hello Hello friends this a chest plate a really useful one uh behind you ah no you have become what you

Destroy wait dude Dragon I’m the kill leader now let’s go wait dude Dragon yeah I remember there was this one stream you said I’m going to kill the kill leader you said that you’ll become exactly what you swarm to destroy no I’m your friend remember I’m the kill leader

Yay ah no I’m going to kill myself I should I do Star Wars weapons is sure why not am i g actually never mind all because I can’t I can’t really think of a good one right and that ah I’m dying of fire I love fire fire hurt

I’m dying of fire I make so much sense sense is what Yoda says oh my gosh I am just comboing the crap out of that guy you know I’m just going to clip that real quick all right it’s Basics welcome to the stream okay your mic’s lagging how is it

Lagging I have a stone sword that means I’m very op now I have Diamond SW that means I’m very op op no BR went to the moon he went to the moon in back no I went to Marsen bag do you know where to find brain cells um On Target

Okay I’m actually just go and try I’m look some up on eBay brain cells on eBay there’s going to be something on there I bet make a video about finding things on wish.com buying brain cells on teu I’m just better owie you can’t hit me though EXP

Expion all right I’m going to grab some more Hearts heart heart heart and heart okay never mind I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry who’s killing you I just comboed this one guy and now he’s mad cuz I’m better even with the really weird

Sensitivity fall in fire yes he fell in fire fall in fire again don’t remind me of that word I’m making him die of fire no no all right no bro is just dying over here come on all right you’re not supposed to do that why am I just dropping keyboard switches on the

M so do you have Blue switches in your keyboard uh it’s pre-made razor one so it’s not like I made them okay oh yeah yeah I keep for I keep forgetting yesterday when we were just confusing the heck out of um there we go rainbow

Oh yeah we were just he was like it was so funny he was saying uh you can’t expect me to know anything about this I use I use a laptop I didn’t even know he used a laptop yeah he plays a laptop the whole time yeah he’s actually pretty

Good at it bro’s trying to box me like a fish and it won’t work you’re a fish get him he’s trying to he’s trying to box you like orange nipp what yeah orange nipples the fish oh I don’t know why but I have a skin pack on H interesting I won’t I crafty

Pie hate Dragon do you remember me I think I do it’s just I get a lot of new people um I get I remember a lot of people Danny is the bomb is alive he’s alive tell him to raid me okay that’ll be nice I’m should I message him that in

Discord he probably won’t like me after that I I DM him quite a lot dude dragon please because I voted for you I voted for the yeah I voted for tell I voted for him as well um H WS yeah the hi WS I wasn’t in the hi WS so I was

Sad um heos wasn’t in there as well so he begged me to he begged me to do that so I did he wants a hive award oh do you know what he looks like have you seen his face reveal yes I have let’s see okay well guess what I hit 500

Subs yesterday W hopefully I can hit 500 subs today or tomorrow that’s the goal I hit yesterday you hit yesterday yes I hit yesterday guess what I hit yesterday oh 130 and then I lost one because because um my ALT account got signed out because I need that one

Alt account we need the alt accounts don’t tell anyone about it okay I mean you told like 12 people in the live stream but I mean that’ll be fine nobody will notice just so wait um I’m already at 521 nice what video what video did you post did you post something and it

Just blow up come on no FX I know you’re good at this video game but I need to be better never mind I’m not better all right Escape combo him I got him for a little bit I think my combo is over now I need the end I need the endle

Thingy just to sell on eBay a dang it more money be worth bro said Minecraft was 3D ter Tera who are you what who says Minecraft is 3D Terraria oh my gosh 3D Terraria that is the first time I’ve heard that I’ve been sticking around your channel for a long

Time for a decently long time decently long time oh did you hear the news what news recp quit the life steal SMP why it made him tons of money and plus it probably still make him a ton of money what else is he going to do with his

Life oh he’s going to um let me think real quick he’s going to qu why is he quitting speed running it’s literally he’s going to quit Minecraft what is he going to do play fortnite he’s going to play Roblox with the twoy olds he he becomes a Roblox person imagine that

Though there’s this one YouTuber that went from posting SpongeBob edits uh that got um to be the second most popular Hive YouTuber yes well second most popular well most subscribed Hive YouTuber P evident P um he’s actually on the third most subscribed H YouTuber the other ones they’re not they have more

Subscribers I know ignasio but he quit I mean he like disappeared yeah did you see um evident found him playing and we got in the call with him no that was a joke oh wait a minute what yeah that was a joke wait a minute I’m confuzzled you’re

Confuzzled yes my my friend says it my friend is directly related to a hamburger oh oh let’s see um what do we want to do next chat J was that surprising that was a joke because Life’s a big joke to me Life’s a big joke tell me what youall want in the

Chat and then we’ll do that dude Dragon yeah um dude Dragon I’m stuck in a hole why I’m stuck in a hole in a tree why are you stuck in a hole um wait did you start a new CS yet no I’m waiting for someone to say what they want to do

Oh I’m gonna it’s totally not me saying anything just pull it’s cheating for you to put something in I oh someone says let’s do survival games all right bet yay I got three stars all right let’s see we’re going to go slcs then we’re going to go create server and we want to

Do H where’s Survival Games there it is let’s see survival uh we’re going to do solos here we go Survival Games we’re going to invite players invite friends invite all let people join up it’s going to be good uh Sumo yeah we’ll do Sumo next I’ll just get

Destroyed cuz I play SkyWars not Sumo all right see there’s those five people are like I’m looking at your stream they said L well you just did as well bro just all right code is up everyone join up join up join up I was just telling them oh you still said it though

So is that what I should do I should Blacklist that word what’s the code what’s the code oh you didn’t um on it’s nacore 39 39 capital k k uh seven there we going M and capital Y no there’s people spamming it in the chat hello welcome to the stream though

Welcome to the stream this is a brand new world I wait what Lobby is this survival games this oh yeah this Survival Games I’ve never been I’ve never done surviv cornbread gummy bear G uh gbg welcome gummy bear welome more characters in the name all right um we’re going to wait

Wait who’s that wait who said uh who said Sumo again um what’s his name again I don’t know is it her or whatever it is I’m going to look at it Bo G Adventures people are saying a woo in the chat no jig man says should I join

If you want to let’s see Jeff dude the first Hive YouTuber I watched was rainbow he kept popping up up and recommended that’s good that’s good at least he’s popping up and recommended you popped up and recommended rainbow you did um I did uh Z wants to

Play Sumo so he can just destroy me but um it’ll be good I’m not recommended to humans oh what’s uh flash CS what’s the code again um did you not join no I did it’s just it kicked me for some unreason right when we started that’s that’s actually

Sad what you started yeah it started I am just I’m gripping on things really hard right now why why because I started right when you said all right do we have something I’m like um no people are spamming it in chat though I can’t believe y’all all right grace period over let’s

Grab some food Let’s see we need to get as much gear as we can possibly get chat and not get stream sniped all right um oh don’t worry it’s going to happen oh it’s going to happen we know that it’s a fact I just jumped off a c see stop or the

Nature Valley bar gets open on your bed that is awful that is awful all right I need to find a chest I’m never I should have memorized this place see can I get re added to uh the dragon NEP maybe after the stream but you did join another SMP that wasn’t

Mine um yeah why would you do that why would you join another smpp definitely the guy who just Spam DMS and caused a whole bunch of uh uh suspicious activity on my other thing and it literally Auto mod sent stuff to me see activity tracker I need a sword said I need a

Sword it says multiple DMS in 21 hours yeah don’t test me Buckaroo oh no what bro says don’t test me Buckaroo why did they say that you know I don’t know is that uh see why says I left it all right I’ll add you after uh

The stream’s done boy see why see why your father is proud yes I’m proud what what all right why would you I didn’t mean for you to say that it just played Just right though that just it adds extra flavor to the aniet flavor extra flavor wild because kids have no Mumy

Delivering extra emotional damage I need very effective just cubed welcome to the stream we’re going we’re playing it’s a cube I love cubes you love cubes love cubes let’s see stone sword iron axe does the same amount of damage okay see bro said Phantom tacks all right I’m want to grab

This there we go that’s actually really good grab these diamond boots I’m rich now all right activity tracker poison boom box we’re going to grab that going to grab my bow and that would be good there we got some extra food but I really need more food than

That see Square Box hamburger what wait what happened people in chat are being crazy Guinea Adventures welcome to the stream all right um wait isn’t he the guy that said a woo uh he said it let me um let’s see Square Box hamburger these people are wild

He oh here’s a ender chest okay we’re going to be good here uh iron sword does more damage we’re going to grab that pumpkin pies that’s great pumpkin pie I got okay don’t say it in that Mo that kind of sounded kind of weird all right

Um people saying Sumo me Sumo me we’re going to do Sumo here in a little bit and I’m going to get destroyed by a ton of people so that’s does that by the way the mic does that sometimes it like the mic has a built-in voice changer oh let

Easy and I’m spamming buttons on them spamming buttons cor says that’s oh I’m not even going to repeat that okay repeat insane that’s wild bro says AO pause okay uh no no no no no no don’t do that Supply CR is being called all right I’m getting a whole

Bunch of good stuff but I need more I need to be full diamond bro say sussy St stop bro see uh guy says I’ll Wombo Combo you every day I don’t doubt it um we’re going to more pumpkin pies more that that’s going to be that’s good that’s

Good we’re going to go up here and see see um fishy says yo sup uh can I play yes after this CS we’re going to have a Sumo and you can join by using the code let’s see is that world Bard yeah that’s World board what’s a world border

This isn’t fortnite bro if what there’s a difference between a world border and the storm storm the storm’s see the storm I got cooked CH no chimpin yes I did get cooked chicken I’m going to make a compilation of me saying chimin I do not want to fight this guy

He has a diamond sword oh okay I died I didn’t have brains I couldn’t eat so I had nothing that’s sad dang it that’s why you go to your Pantry that’s how you eat did you know that I know but still I went to eat and this guy just came out of nowhere where then why didn’t you eat I don’t even know wait so there is this one kidnapper that came by you and he killed

You no this guy just randomly showed up and then while I was getting in thing no at the game jeez all right Death Match sadly I didn’t make it to death match I’m going to clip that bro has um full iron armor diamond sword everything

Um bro has no brain cell that’s why I have no brain cell I have no brain C I need to work on my brain cells do you agree that brain cells are hard to find brain cells are hard to find sure why not well I’m going to right now I’m

Actually going to go on eBay and look for brain Cells ebay.com all right let’s see we got four people in Death Match let’s see how we do we we got boom boxes Throne lots of Cobble um cob there’s a bunch of 300 brain cells Bal Meer welcome to the stream there’s a box of 300 brain cells on eBay and it’s

$30 actually send me the link I’m going to go on wish no because then I’m going no because all right we got top three right here on FX clutch with cobwebs that’s actually insane oh that’s easy uh bu he missed there he goes on FX is gone finally wow that’s actually a

Really cool dad thing this guy plays for a while because he it says he control all deleted someone do you know how to make someone uh wait do you have a full size keyboard uh yes I do okay press control uh press control scroll lock scroll

Lock actually don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it why um it it’s a blue screen no it causes a blue screen but all you need to do is restart the PC and then it works no I’m not going to do that it’ll end my

Stream but it’s funny let’s do so no one can do that I’m happy I I have a 60% keyboard and two 100% keyboards and I use the 60% mini a welcome to the stream wait AE I just had a fortune cookie what does it what does

The Note say again what is the note uh let’s see man presets say presets don’t judge me don’t judge you so it says you will make you will make a change for the better Panda Express 2024 Panda Express they have every they can tell the future

That’s what they can do um there’s gave my friend fore cookie I gave Spanish don’t question pleas don’t question I question you a lot oh that’s normal yeah so I gave my friend uh I randomly gave him uh um a fortune cookie and he did not like by the modle plush and you get a back bling is this fortnite do it please

Pleas please please please yes it’s fortnite now is this fortnite see 500 Subs soon yes who is streaming me Rob I’m I’m streaming do you know like all I’m streaming and uh mini Tasmanian is in the call what’s a mini Tasmanian what who no now that is you don’t start the

Cs yet don’t start the Cs yet I’m not I’m sing the code um why oh it’s not code right now press the button okay um CS um uh invite me again invite you again all yeah invite players invite friends invite all let’s go see fishy says code um fishy yeah I’m

Going to set the code real quick all right let’s see mini joined all right all right code’s up right above the hot bar y’all can join it’s going to be fun it’s going to be great let’s see I can’t wait to see you fly I’m probably am

Going to do so I’m really bad at sumo sad uh so like I don’t know who my first subscriber is I I never knew who they were because um let’s just say they didn’t have their not they didn’t have a thing on where like it uh

Where you can open up your um you can open up your uh STS of the channel and see who your subscribers are yeah you can only see the public subscribers yeah let’s see Min a says I thought the guy who younger was streaming no Minnie isn’t streaming I’m here I’m the one

Streaming why is your friend fishy I don’t know fishy name bro all right we got 14 people in the game that’s insane do mushroom for Sumo map let’s see do I have mushroom because this is a solo I’ve gone crazy right now so be aware I I am for some reason acting like

A two Bad Coffee uh he Minnie says uh this guy says it’s me I’m your first sub unfortunately what what why why why why why why what why would you say unfortunately why would it be unfortunately I will go over to your house what I will find you

It’s like one of rainbow streams it’s like we’re all friends here I will find where you live yeah I got that from him buddy let’s see yeah so I gave him the address of the White House hi can I fight you I’m going to fight whoever I

See first honestly usually when I Sumo there’s like four people trying to Sumo me at once and it’s kind of crazy um I think we’re going to be good uh let’s see no breaking Treasures face yet no people ask me why I didn’t face reveal yet but it’s Pro it’s just

Because I’m not going to face reveal until I have money to buy a webcam oh okay yeah that that makes sense actually really good one a really good one because kids have no m i mean all you need is a good uh why why is my dog working my dog is being

Loud Doge yeah the doge is being loud dog can you please be quiet hello hello why why are you punching me don’t punch me yet I don’t even have armor okay I’ll make you a bad defense okay am I am I kind yes you are kind all right we’re going to head to

Red so we can set up all the stuff so you can steal up their so you can steal their blocks because you need you need red if only there’s black team in this let’s see W dog for barking okay he likes barking okay my dog snorts s sounds like

A pig he snorts at you that’s kind of concerning you think about it um well it’s CU of her breed oh she’s old though oh she’s older than me Mom go for the dog good life for yeah long live the dog spam long live the dogs in chat just for

The heck of it all right um I ran out of goodbye no no no no no no please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me please no I just I’m going to pretend I just want an icy bridge now oh no don’t um man trying to kill you see Sumo rules no

People guys putting Sumo rules in chat I think we know them by now yeah maybe just maybe maybe but I mean for some for the people who don’t for the people who don’t I guess do you know how to do you know how to zigzag bridge I love zigzag bridging it’s my

Favorite brid oh no I can MJ bridge and I’m fine with just MJ bridging I’m not I need to I need to do more like I need to double bridge minel doing long live the dogs yes minia Accel Min wa who’s going to be the who’s

Going to be the middle who’s going to be the mini the real mini I oh know I’m I’m when I’m trying to place things he just can you stop punching me No all I’m trying to do is place things down but bro just make living off of Life all I’m trying to do is place blocks down to finish off this island and guy just wants to punch me cuz he’s a pro we don’t I see Bridge here we know stra

Iy yes we know strafe iy do you know what no straing oh well you do it I do it I don’t straight like you can do for like 20 block you can do it like 20 blocks you said yeah 20 30 somewhere in there depends on the day that’s good

That’s good yeah it depends on the day for me I can only like icy like around 100 when it’s a decent day but I do strafe still I always strafe I just can’t can’t strafe when I I see it’s just I learned it no strafe just watch a tutal watch a tutorial I

Watch tutorials about no ST strafe and I’ve learned it that way and I just don’t want to try to learn it the other way why does this man not get comboed I cuz hacks remember oh like um my brother hacks turns out oh good for him no because like um

He was playing he was playing SkyWars with me the other day and uh we were doing that lifebook cuz that’s the only server he likes which means that’s kind of weird yeah that that means he’s boring right I mean it’s just weird because nobody really plays Lifeboat yeah more like dead boat yeah

It’s kind of dead I mean supposedly it was really good uh a while back but I’ll believe it when I see it there are lots of noobs there literally I haven’t seen a single person on it besides me and my brother that can jump Bridge oh that’s

Kind of that’s kind of sad and I had a five Monon win streak everyone there is bad five months if you then I’ll be depressed people no I keep doing that mistake over and over now I’m going to have to make it so my sensitivity is lower and I’m going to

Ruin my I have to remember my timing because I used to be able to do a whole bunch of stuff I used to do 360 on people when we play yeah I I forgot how to do that because I turned my sensitivity up and I removed my and I removed my mouse pad

All these people fight me as well I just wanted to do things can we just no can we just stop please please just be friend be nice don’t I hate when people do this and just I just want to sit down and organize my inventory stop you know what

You can’t you can’t sit down on Minecraft just so you know fixed it uh do you play controller no it’s just my uh keyboard I mean my texture pack makes it look that way finally now I can actually have a clear inventory and I can look good

There okay now I can fight people and people can actually be respectful um actually it’s impossible for them to be respectful let me take a um flight on uh SS uh z s s s s SSS s because Z will take me on flight definitely because this guy helped

Him all right people are very respectful during Sumo you got to understand definitely this I hate people who do this most people most people are respect butterfly click yes a butterfly click sadly butterfly clicking will not help me break out of this stupid box that people put box like a fish bro

No they spawn trap and it’s very annoying I wish I can just I’m opening up everyone’s bed just kidding I’m that I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I wouldn’t you wouldn’t do that don’t worry I replaced it I replaced it you replaced it oh this is sad I just have to sit

Here oh going to die this is this this is sad all right now we can grab blocks like we used to have okay see can I just go up I can’t build here okay you can build it just said you can’t build here bro oh did the like playing with me

Just I just made a big mistake wait a minute I didn’t make a big mistake this guy is spamming like every single Emoji very exciting gameplay I know right it’s amazing game play but now we’re going back to the game where we can actually play Let’s see you don’t

I’m so sorry you I’m so so sorry I’m going to give you my diamond and they put me back who did this is it c y I think it’s c y here you go you see is the only one over here I’m breaking you out all right I’m going to ban see why

Like I had to do on my SMP I don’t know I’m probably going to keep him banned honestly forever probably let’s bro oop sorry here’s some diamonds by way don’t ban him forever he’s my teammate are you going to find me a better well make sure it’s a good

Player I’m trying to get us out of here I wish I can I place blocks here no I can’t I sacrifice my life just to go I need hi plus yes everyone needs highve plus to make it so you can become a streamer and you don’t just make like two CS

Yeah make two cs’s and go well that’s the stream everyone thanks for joining see can I ban see why because he’s being annoying oh I’ve already banned them so I ban from I Bann people you ban people yeah sadly so I uh see why says I didn’t

Do it you were the only one there who was it then see why who was it alive you the only one over there exactly I know you’re my my teammate it’s just you’re not the best PVP I need your play just kidding see why that was a

Joke that was a joke it wasn’t a joke it was a joke still I like how there’s two people pvping him it’s McDonald Steve hello McDonald Steve yo mcon McDonald speed no Mi stuns so I’m the best uh Brier in the world as you know right see you know

That right you spawned on the other spot there’s not more than one spot though it was the same place just covered up I know because there was the same hole okay I iing over to your base what you see okay no people are placing blocks and

Pressing s when I combo people mix Steve yes it’s mix Steve mi mi Steve imagine going to the mix Steves uh do you want to um if you’re going to die uh I want to show you something at your base I’m going to I’m getting double teamed I got to

Love that I just did a I just did a um Telly no Z really when one guy hits the other guy must also hit so true I’m adding on to your bed defense like a pro it looks it looks so good it looks good at least good I only inone

Mini well you inst stoned me as well wait he only end stoned many did he say yeah he said he only uh end stoned you he didn’t endstone me I mean you did yeah don’t go for me please he didn’t end me at all okay see

Wa you’re on Duos there’s two spots okay but this is solos and I’m back over here all block blocks blocks blocks right wait wait dud dragon look see I want to show you something come watch watch this icy bridge I’m okay so um I’m tempted to left click um I’m tempted

No really really there is no way well I do I’m sorry run away run away run away run away I’m the fastest briger in the world a got him you’re mean you’re really mean wait did he say I what thank goodness thank goodness he

Didn’t do me I was see when it’s a solo and you have a Duo and your Duo is left I don’t have a Duo though I’m the only blue person what I think I’m the only guy that is on Blue Team why why are you blue blue is not good to

Eat did you say colors aren’t good to eat what’s the difference let’s see HBC says I’m Miss Shadow yeah poor Shadow poor Shadow I a shadow Too who wants copyright music I’m just kidding I don’t do copyright music I don’t have any box okay let’s see where is your friend saying he is the best come to me McDonald Steve and bring your friend okay I’ll come I’ll challenges you McDonald’s mix stks I love mixs

Mixs where’s mix star oh oh well where’s he hid my thing just to try to kill me where’s munks where’s munks come on see I used to be the mod on his channel then he quit yeah come on Z I’m going to I’m going to get a mouse

Where I can drag click so I can just like speed like get the bloody a7x I’m getting the model um it’s not as good at drag clicking no people say it’s really good at drag clicking I’ve watched uh it’s not as good as the bloody A7 yeah but I

Just don’t like the look of the bloody a70 though it looks good you can customize it all you want is there an app for that well not like you can you can actually use sandpaper to make the LEDs go through the whole thing yeah I’ve seen people do that

Yeah it’s just um it’s just you can make it so it doesn’t have the crack looking things don’t take that out of context H say that I’m a mid say to your friend I’m in mid yes uh at I’m you got to fight him he’s at Mid in now I’m trying

To hit oh did you die yes oh this one haer killed me his name is dude dragon oh I didn’t kill you though uh yes you did you whacked me into the void that was before your treasure broke exactly but you killed me what yeah and you never mind if you’re

In spectator then you died because your treasure broke yeah but I died because I died what can you hear this yes I can hear that so you Jitter click no I butterfly click come on I click I click what is a hamburger click this is hamburger clicking just

Let me let my no okay he got me wait can you hear that kind of yeah I can hear that very well all right we got a couple minutes we’re going to already start and look at what’s yes we should make we got a couple things so we’re going to wait for

Someone see there’s my plane I don’t I don’t know what to name them you know what I’m actually going to name them let’s see we’re going to rename see rename pass I have one rename pass so we we can only name them once so this guy is

There we go oh I found it I found the fastest names can only include letters number spaces do you want to do a really fast I can’t uh name them with um I don’t idea good idea rename I have a good idea for me and

You um so next CS let’s do there we go it’s Mr worldwide look at him I should have named with that thing to make him look red I don’t know if you can do that here let’s do something you can Bridge uh we can bridge on uh for the next CS

Because I have not and make sure me and you are on the same team because you can do that like you can control who like who’s on what team all right um what game should we do next uh do CS free shop all right slcs server treasure Wars squads do you

Know how to make um do you know how to like um let me think of it again I’m stretching right now CU my back hurts oh um save presets free shop confirm sucked but um uh can you make it so me and you are

On the same team once I join uh I could do that all right because I want I want to dood with you like it’s fast for the bottom player bro spaming Capture the Flag we can do Capture the Flag after this one um this one we’re going to play free

Shop and you can break Treasures so just keep that in mind Treasures you can break so if someone breaks your treasure don’t get mad all right um I giv permissions invite player invite friends invite all I think about it it’s not it’s not as fast because the bottom

Player is going faster than the top player so they can’t catch up so close dude Dragon H I’m following you cuz I’m that one creepy guy um Axel says do code I will right after some of these people join I’m going to mute for a sec all right it’s

Just me and you chat all right we’re going to set code because none of my friends are joining at the speed that they were earlier so uh change EX Mode code only all right here we go let’s look at some uh analytics while uh people put in the code here you know I

Will leave it up for just a second so people don’t have to pause the stream uh there we go and let’s look at some analytics we are at 12 concurrence 14 likes let’s see if we can get 15 likes that’ll be really nice helps bring more people in you know then we

Got 489 Subs we’re 11 away from 500 that would be great can me and Owen join VC last time that went really terrible all right let’s see we have 15 likes W let’s go I’m alive I think you’re live in real life I might be alive I might be dead I don’t know

Oh let’s see please we be good you said that last time McDonald mcdonal he wants to fight you um reset the default go to my hamburger skin have McDonald’s skin on with this other McDon guy all right let’s see unban me unban me unban me unban me unban me stop

Spamming or actually ban all right it’s not like I can ban you from the cs’s I just kicked you look there’s no like Banning features look I go kick player and I can kick a player but I Can’t Ban a player so you can join again I can um I can tap

On the player I think maybe no this one this one um um look at this guy wait what is your um fov at uh 90 um can you mute Discord real quick wait a minute wait a minute just let me check it Qui why should I mute

Discord okay never mind never mind never mind never mind like on the stream never mind it’s the same as it’s almost the same as yours it’s only six above oh okay my appv used to be at Max no yes and I was used to it it’s because

It helped with icy bridging oh okay it actually is really good for what was the Elmo that’s kind Of all right see we’re good before we join please not no not this time Z no all right it’s probably going to be an uneven amount of players unless if one more person joins after this game I’m going to grab some electri tricle tape for my mouse to

Drag click better L8 65km coming on right now all right Dina join I’m practicing chy bridging right now so do you know like uh some people practice toy bridging like in the lobbies even though you can’t place blocks like to practice the movement that’s what I’m

Doing I can do like two Tellies in a row let’s see Elliot 65k says when you going to kick and active people from the P I’ve already kicked them from the Discord and then I’m going to uh ban them from the server after the stream I won’t become inactive because well the

Only reason I will become inactive I will inform you about it but it’s for eding yeah and for recording like Hive cuz I need to keep up with Hive content to um be able to kind of make it in a high Community like that let see people

Are saying can we start we need one more all right when are you GNA do when are you GNA come out with your episode um um once the end fight comes out since that’ll be an interesting event then we’re going to do that uh I’m not really ready for it all Right I feel like it’s unhealthy to talk to me it’s unhealthy to talk to you yeah that was the most random thing i’ see Oro gaming um yeah you can join here in a minute once this game is done and then you can hop into the Cs see since it’s a fours

We don’t get rushed right at the beginning which is we’re we’re on the same team right I don’t think we are but we might are you on Green Team I’m on yellow team no I trusted you sorry that’s all you say say sorry here I’ll make it up to

You I’ll make it up to you where are you by hurting me no I won’t hurt you Ah that’s what they all say the ones that aren’t going to hurt you tell you they’re going to hurt you on FX is here so this might not be good no I failed to

Jump no there’s that right there there’s that’s no fair no you’re going to break my bed I was coming over to say hi but your friends wanted to beat me up okay oh okay don’t break my bed please wait are we allowed to break beds yes that’s why I was coming over there

You you naughty little hamburger man what yeah you’re the hamburger man and I’m the Nacho Man all right we’re going to place that there place that in our off hand we need to grab some more explosives explosives yeah we need to have a talk about your explosive Obsession my

Explosive Obsession I mean I don’t have an explosive obsession uhh no Z is going to break my treasure that’s no funy these people are annoying dude Dragon why would you do this to me why did you break my bed I didn’t break your bed your team broke my bed you tried

Wait they did well don’t hurt me not my fault not my fault it wasn’t me it in all the it was oh no oh no dragon how do I join the Dragon s I’m a sub right now well you also joined another SMP so I’m took you out of the

Uh poll so just keep that in mind I didn’t even know the SMP existed and I want have joined it anyway because I need way more time for the dragon smpp because the dragon smpp is 10 times better yeah did you do the live fortnite

Live event no I did not my brother did though um wait does he have a YouTube channel my brother no he doesn’t care about it oh I probably it just did I buy bombs I told you have an explosive obession see I told you you have an obsession you have a very unhealthy

Obsession with explosives I do and I told you before and you didn’t see wait why am I not a sub anymore because you joined uh the Phoenix SMP or whatever it is and someone like caused suspicious activity like that’s what the auto bot X queenly you are going to

Die I’m trying to stay alive right now and it’s really dang difficult I’m going to make a Christmas keyboard just because I want to nice I have Dan ra dank gr W oh dark raid dark raid why did I say that all right hello dark is here welcome welcome

To the stream I watch him you watch him nice oh no not oh I first I thought was this other dark no it’s a dark is dark is here William Thompson SkyWars CS yes we can do SkyWars CS next I wish uh let’s see do we have no we’re sold out

Of we’re sold out we don’t need to be sold out I’m sold out of hamburger no see are you sad can I ask your friend if he could play CS with so we can do a little bit of uh Bridge B I mean he’s probably going to uh do this

With me but during the skywar Cs y’all two can One V one at Mid see dark is here I’m here W what’s a friend making the high fun again JY is the bomb no here random I’m going to drop some team are winners no wait do you think if I drop the

Switches on the mic it’ll go through and come to you see Dragon if I get accepted but I I would have only played cuz I would only post content on that okay a region na we’re playing on na um we can do um SkyWars CU I don’t like capture the flag that

Much um see anywhere H anyways have a good stream thank you thank you thank you for the raid um let’s see we’re going to go uh manage preset save preset Sky op confirm then we’re going to go to game settings 30 players then we’re going to go to access permissions invite

Player and my friends and then we’ll set it the code once like four people join let’s see skywar CS skywar CS I’m doing a skywar CS I’m in here okay see we got Z Minnie are you in the game wait no I’m I’m you need to join the game I invited

You there you go all right and then we’ll set it to code only all right everyone join up code is right above the hot bar it looks good and join up if you want to it’s going to be great yes uh William the code is right above the hot

Bar all right join up join up let me look at uh analytics cuz we want to get to 20 likes let’s see how close we are we’re at 17 let’s see if we can get to 20 let’s see how many let’s see how much Subs we’re at we’re still at 489 let’s

See if we can make it to 500 that’ be really nice bro can you can we stop can we no no do not do not do that guys one more one more thing I’m going to do it on my Al on my just kidding I’m not all your alt accounts

There we go that’s 20 likes people are weird get away from me that’s 20 likes there you got 20 likes congrats I got 20 likes W all right join up everyone this is going to be good we want volcano see as McDonald uh do I see you

As no there’s so many people chasing me I’m from Asia no no uh Ora gaming can I join yes uh put in the code right above the hot bar it’ss put in the code and you’ll be good to go these people keep on chasing me

All right I’m going to do parkour and if they can’t complete the parkour they can’t get to me that means that’s how good of a YouTuber you are no I think they’re just trying to do some other things all right wait no they’re still here no worries friend from Dragon I’m joining all

Right boom all right we got 13 players I think that’s all we can get in the game so we’re going to start so Little Mac knows evidence Little Mac yes only because his um editing is as is better than evidence let’s see we’re going to grab our diamonds diamond diamond

Diamond that’s more diamonds and not brain cells wow not Al present why do I say that like almost every stream just every stream it’s like you know I don’t have any brain cells it’ll be fine okay there’s a bowly shaming myself nfield welcome to the stream thanks for joining

Child a child join the stream no don’t offend people all right I’m need to grab Parts no let’s see I got a helmet helmet wow that means What Z is beating up innocent people and I don’t like I don’t I like beating up innocent people because it’s fun no why did I just jump on the void on totally on purpose oh yeah it was on purpose right we all know was right say

Yes say yes okay chill many all right come on people Z is way too good at this game and there’s just no reason he’s this good at this game that’s is oh I killed him though never mind I call it Minecraft that’s why I play Minecraft if I kill this guy I’m kill

Leader I got extra XP for uh killing the kill leader which is z for obvious reasons cuz Z is insane at the game no he got the extra hits you do not need extra hits bro he had extra Hearts Let’s go just better I’m just better

I don’t like him I don’t like him I don’t like you see I forgot to say dark ra I’m so mad at myself well HBC you did good you did good you’re still here though that’s what matters all right I didn’t die should I

I don’t die should i r you by the way I’m streaming right now oh you are streaming then why why stop streaming um should I uh should I um raid you uh I mean why would you end your stream I didn’t I totally didn’t I’m not

Streaming I never was oh then sure raid me with your zero viewers see can you do gravity next I don’t think gravity CSS would be any fun sadly yeah I don’t really like gravity gravity sucks on um theit no in the I believe the world is FL

What how do you yes oh thank you we going to get that here isn’t is it okay if I jump in lava sure oh this lava is Real This lava is real wait what I can’t see anything that’s what I hate about fire right that’s why I put on your texture

Pack yeah for the small fire yeah and I but I forgot to because I was recording a minute ago I got you I got you Sam me please they’re bullying me oh I fell dang it I got you in my back of course z got

Me Z just third partied the heck out of everyone what just happened to me I just did like something crazy bo bo I got a brain cell I gained a brain cell talking to you nice first brain cell of a year oh do you know how to work with negative brain cells uh

No well you know how negative uh times a negative equals positive right sure do you see where I’m going here if you have more than -2 well if you have less than -2 brain cells uh then you can uh you can multiply them together and you can technically gain

Brain cells if you have negative brain cells cuz if you take away a negative if you subtract a negative uh it goes up higher see what I mean okay see you can just take away some of your negative brain cells then you’ll get smarter I solved you solved I just saw I

Just I saw brain damage yeah you solved everything the world will never be the same I solved how to you agree with me Society has fallen apart um not all the wayb well do you agree people have gotten a lot like worse the people have gotten pretty dumb yes weirder like very weird

Yes people have gotten very weird songs just give any toilet song Especially oh especially yeah why who made that and why did they make it why did I I pressed like every other key bind except uh the ender pearl the 2-year-old’s not watching this that love this toilet that L toilet

I can’t stop thinking of there one me POV you tell preschooler skib toilet isn’t funny and it shows this one guy being like crowded by little kids and being chased oh my gosh come on on yeah so has Danny the bot ever replied to one of your um one of your uh

DMS on Discord yeah you replies to all of mine oh he too also um I’m going to torture him for a video oh that’s fun yeah he he actually he actually agreed to recording sometime once uh like his like he had family over uh so he

Couldn’t do it at that time uh so I had to tell him and he said I have to take care of my dog also oh yeah he makes up a lot of just the excuses though yeah it’s just why my inventory is not set up how I

Want it to be set up and I refuse to battle anyone that I do not have my thing set up for come on just let me set up my blocks wa do you think fine I’ll just punch you okay it be fine um do you

Think that um D is the bom chrisan do you think that do I think what now uh do you think that Danny is the bom is Christian uh I don’t even know I think he might be he doesn’t ever he doesn’t really see the war campaign well he’s also being family

Friendly so yeah yeah so he Pro he probably is cuz like cuz literally most non persons say it so Bo I’m cold you’re cold then unold yourself okay um I’m going to get wait a minute I broke a block around the lava where is

It um I broke a glass block above lava I need to find it I need to get warm if only this was Minecraft VR and you fell imagine playing Minecraft VR and you had the most realistic mods and texture packs uh to make R the make it like literally look like real

Life I wonder if there’s mods and texture packs uh that you could put together to make it look like real life and your computer people made things like that it’ll just explodes your computer I’m going to try that the newest nuke oh yeah it it will destroy your computer School Chromebook versus um

Versus highest person Minecraft’s biggest texture pack it wouldn’t even be able to register anything these so good people will say oh 60 FPS that’s so good it’s literally Minecraft did you see the graphics yet all right I’m all right game’s done let’s see Elliot 65k says is there any

Chance I could get sub roll back I promise I’ll only play Dragon smpp and I’ll post good quality content if you Jo if you leave the other one then sure sending you back up all right what should we play next what should we play next let’s play guinea pig on guinea pig

There isn’t a guinea pig I just game mode why not you can just ask spuder about her whatever his name is uh there’s this Ser there’s a server with guinea pig games why it’s for people obsessed with guinea pigs I don’t know why you no I fell okay

I give up all right you want me to show you the name of the server do do I leave the Discord you leave uh the leave their let’s see Capture the Flag you said you do Capture the Flag all right I’ll do Capture the Flag all right slash yes Capture the

Flag free shops are insanely crazy so I’m just going to do normal normal Capture the Flag like nothing changed with it well will it send me to it send me there we go all right um we’ll go game settings max players to 30 and that’s the only thing

I’m going to change invite players my friends invite them all right friends are invited I’m not in yet I’m going in I’m going in I’m in all right Perfect all right totally first let them know that I’m totally first how much CPU uh CPS you get in between like

13ish I get I get around like 50ish lucky like when I dag lucky I’m poor because I spent so much money on this Mouse oh let’s see let me do this real quick I’m so poor I had to buy a $20 keyboard but it’s still mechanical and hot swappable that’s what’s good about

It oh it’s just I don’t like 60% it’s 60% set code access permissions change this mode code only all right code’s up everyone join up with everybody Crow to Dragon crowd to Dragon wants you join do what now no let’s not crowd me no yeah there’s a nether eight

Block see I get uh 12 to 14 and 15 to 25 in Java nice nice nice nice wait um can you give me like um wait how long will it be until you start the thing do you think um like do you think four or three minutes I don’t know it depends

How fast people join cuz we’ve got five people in the Cs right now and I won’t really join I won’t really start things until we get to around like 8ish 10 so probably like 2 minutes or so okay I’ll grab something all right since he’s left hopefully no one just sits there and

Tries to like swarm me uh there’s a person there I’ll do the Parkour let’s go we got 10 people in the game so we’re going to wait for Minnie to come back and once Minnie comes back then we will start up the capture the flag bo bo boing Bo boing Bo all right perfect never mind I can’t we ran out of

Electrical tape already oh oh the McDonald’s guy is asking me to uh to like um start moving around because we both have McDonald’s skins on oh McDonald’s all right let’s see we got 12 people in the game so let me look at um anal and then we’ll start we’re at 490

Subs we’re 10 away from where we need to be let’s see we’re at nine cont we’re at 22 likes let me uh let me remind my um let me remind my stream real quick I mean my uh Discord server we’re going to go no we don’t want to full screen we

Just want to be here all right we’re going to reply at everyone still live by the way all right there we go we have let them know the situation all right here we go and start game all right hey Minnie we’re on the same team

MH all right here we go team we have to destroy the red team you got pinged by the way you got pinged I got pinged by I have like 20 pings right now but well on my Ser well on my Discord server oh okay because you’re the only one that

Joined it because it’s literally unknown it’s unknown because my it’s hidden in my channel because it’s hidden behind my twitch but I don’t even use anymore which I might use it and now I’m depressed I I’m we have to kill full screen no wonder you double

What why am I just going to icy right here I just going to randomly icy we have to get the blue flag better we have to get it back if you know how to icy Bri that means you’re just better just means you’re good do you agree are you there D

Dragon yeah I’m here I’m here I just couldn’t hear you you weren’t talking oh I’m dead I got swarm chicken man I got swarmed by people oh I I solemnly swear I will never eat chicken ever again on the dragon smpp I solemnly swear what what’s wrong with it all right

Um they’re going to hurt me they’re hurting me that’s illegal it’s not illegal assault mhm okay I have so much money do you have money not a lot I’m more M than most peoples cuz guinea pig because guinea pig oh man yeah that’s my only that’s the reason why I’m so watch this

See all right I’m going to go see if I can get our flag back I’m going to see if I can capture the flag games take forever yeah and they are a bit boring to Me people do you agree it’s Christmas time it is Christmas time it is it is finally December so it we can call it Christmas time okay I need to set my uh bow in one spot and my bow has to be in that one spot because if I I personally

Think after Halloween right after Halloween it’s Christmas time no no no no you’re awful awful person no no you are a disgrace all right we need to get our flag back so the other guy can put it back in the slot oh I almost died I almost died no I

Need to get bombs because bombs are just insane I told you you have such a you have a a well you have a really unhealthy Obsession I don’t it’s not unhealthy get some it’s just very delicious no people that makes laugh the way you just said no people

People they swarm around me I need to kill this guy hey watch it I’m at 156 coins we need to get more coins this is totally my stream no this is totally my stream why don’t you stream um it’s because like my other streams it’s because like um I’m going

To have to stream more and it’s easier to record than it is to stream for like me because in stream in streaming if you make a mistake like best thing I have they’re all running I have I have streamed before leave me alone guys let me get back to my

Bridge no that’s not good did you see the bridge I made in the place you’re not supposed to go I don’t know but no this ain’t good I just have to make it there no no people jeez I hate this game this is why we don’t play this game this game is

Annoying this is why we don’t like people people it’s all the people why does this take so long because this game is annoying oh I only have 400 coins hello love berries love berries hate freaking cap flag I let’s say that never happened right I hate capture a flag we are never playing

Capture a flag again um announcement to the stream that never happened wait just let me turn my volume up to make it here okay that never happened by the way okay guys my volume’s going back down there we go there we go that can we all right manage presets

Presets uh we’re going to set Shadow Nemo y was that very loud uh yes that was very loud good all right I think they heard it just maybe just maybe all right let’s see we’re going to go with all right max players we’re going to set 30 and then we’re going to go

With access permissions invite player invite friends by know oh like for the pumpkin hunt I was only one away from getting the whole thing my brother is insane like well he’s not insane I’m not saying he’s good or anything cuz that’s the opposite he’s just crazy yes he’s

Yes crazy crazy is the word yes I’m in a call I’m are you playing yes I’m playing with my friend I um you’re going to have to do something code is up everyone join up join up join up it’s going to be fun it’s going to be great code is right

Above the hot bar and you can join up it’s going to be good let’s see this is power up uh this is called Shadows Nemo Power Up game so basically Nemo spawn every everywhere and it’s basically just kill each other as much times as possible let’s see interval Vault yeah that’s that right

All right see what’s the code the code is right above the hot bar you can join up that way all right there’s Elliot 65k there’s everyone joining this game is actually really fun so if you don’t join because it’s not a PVP game shame on

You guys this is a PVP version of this game we’re going to do bridge after this because I just like Bridge my brother is being bar he’s being very dumb oh okay good for him he’s grabbing more nerf bullets he’s grabbing more bullets wait no Jack stop no that’s my

Microphone another name dropped oh my gosh he’s confused why it’s made he’s confused because it’s made of metal but I thought it was made in China no this wasn’t made in China this was made in uh this was made in Russia but at this point everything is made in

China he’s got a point he’s got a point but this one this microphone was made in Russia it doesn’t feel like it’s it doesn’t feel expensive enough to be made in China it was made in It’s Made in Russia bro all right here we go made from

UK what is happening excuse me is this is this m Russian I’m live Jacob I know not Jacob your name is not Jacob I keep forgetting because I call my friend Jacob well his name is Jacob so your cousin yes now that’s very odd because your

Name does start the J I call my C I call my friend Jacob oh wait his name is Jacob wait a minute that I do know I do know that your name show to J because one of your videos like it showed your account Julio is he Spanish

Not I got no he’s not Spanish bro no he said he’s not he said he’s not this is weird wait do dragon do dragon look behind you get like a fish what are you kidding me who is that and why are they flying it’s because this is leak we have leak

Hats right we’re bunny hopping we’re bunny hopping yeah oh I see you guys do you see me what is happening in the Background I’m just going to we’re just going to kill everyone in here we got Le left it’s going to be good save me from this misery all right I’ve been just wasting my stuff we’re just going to collect all of this and we’re going to hunt this man Down got him okay my brother’s not gone it’s just he’s singing oh he’s singing all right that’s probably not a good thing it’s not copyrighted by the way yeah but it’s just it’s a song I randomly made up in my stupid head in the crazy head up okay

It can’t be copyrighted unless I copyright it which I might because then then everyone that uses it can get in trouble because they would never use it because it is a song that is yeah we call him motor M we call him mot mou for a good reason I’m just opening up my Rubik Cube what I’m just jaing why is he doing that I’m opening up my I’m opening up my Rubik’s Cube and jabbing my space bar to it why why would you do that I don’t know cuz it

Yes why did I do That here we go I got a cou I’ve got 18 fish so I’m good 19 I’m at 20 fish where are you there’s more Everyone what how did I oh my gosh my thing messed up let’s do this again this is fun this is fun this is really fun that one was fun I found butter pow butter butter boy the microwave are you the arsonist or is the old the AR what

Okay that’s a good question let’s see o you only got 15 out of 25 get 30 to 60 bro do SkyWars okay we do SkyWars again is still the background no I want to do black party no not black party not black party the black J if you start

A does it look like I’m having the force that’s that’s or is the force or are the trees that’s carrying the the fire to one another make yourself all right we’re going to wait until the that uh gets crazy accept my friend request okay um I have like a million friend

Requests I might do it here in a sec uh let’s load preset save preset Sky op confirm once that’s confirmed we can go here here there and we can go access permissions invite player invite friends all right there we go everyone is invited Minnie is the first

In we’re going to wait for a couple more people to join let’s see Yo please add Elliot 65 I’m at my full 150 but if you uh friend me first I’ll uh friend you uh when someone gets offline for a while all right here we go change access mode

Code only code’s up on the stream everyone join up join up it’s right above the hot bar it’s going to be a good game of SkyWars uh op so it’s going to be fun it’s going to be great there we go now we’re getting the call

Back okay I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back I have 27 pings on Discord you good um I have uh 500 mate are you good are you okay no okay well he shoo so I knocked him out with the baseball my hands he shot my hands with a really strong Nerf

Gun oh it wasn’t me it was the other guy all right we’re going to wait for everyone to join up it’s going to be good I’m look at analytics here in a second first I thought the name of a place was toilet keep what all right let me look

At analytics we’ve got six concurrence I that’s not good um are s tier we need I’m still at 490 let’s see if we I might have to have you started on the have you started on the 500 sub texture pack yet uh me and see why are

Working on it I can help with it I’m good to texture packs see I that can you see people 15 minutes ago so I can’t ping them I can’t ping people right now but I need to probably send out another wave of promos through self promos and like the 30 channels I’m

In all right how many people are in I think that’s the most 30 yeah I’m in like 30 or 40 different uh Discord servers ow why is your brother killing you okay no stop okay I’m going to mute all right at least he muted all right um we’re going

To grab we already have Boots I’m just probably going to stream for a long while and that’s going to be what makes up for things let’s see H we going to grab these blocks here gra this um we need to get better at this game I just feel off today for no reason whatsoever okay grab

That that gra that grab that okay my brother he’s crawling under my desk why that’s weird he’s grabbing Nerf bullets he’s weird he shot me in the head and then my uh then I I mov my head my headphones flung okay help me please all right once you get him s he’s grabbing

Them all okay that ain’t happening anytime soon Buddy stop I accidentally jumped in the void because of him he’s making to jump in the void like please call me back once he stops being crazy all I don’t think youall want to hear every his family problems or whatever he’s having right

Now oh hello hello Sky should I say that sky land rush okay to head over here okay come on peoples we’re not doing this we’re not doing this anymore come on it won’t let me place blocks all he just call me back but I’m in the

Middle of a fight okay I died oh he’s at 15 hearts okay uh let’s see I achieved Eternal peace you achieved Eternal peace good for you Eternal all right I need to get I need to get more stuff oh he’s back yeah he gave me well oh shut

Up okay I’m going to grab all this stuff here and then we’re going to head over we’re not going to mess with their fight over there we’re going to head back over here please fight in Minecraft don’t hit he hit my headphones and then it record whipped into my

Neck did you just see me do that no he’s trying to hurt me he’s trying to hurt you again it’s a crisis that my it seems like it come on he me die like 12 times why you let do this I do need a gaming room a gaming room wouldn’t help that

Much because he would just knock on door walk in no because even if it was lock he would just knock on the door and scream hello hello you have zero privacy I can’t wait until I get to go to college no no all right um he’s got the strongest Nerf gun with him

No just rip it out of his hands take it back and shoot him I’m going to be back in a sec all all right it’s just me and you again chat we’re trying to fight uh skyish got him you know why not steal this kill why not steal this

Kill I’m sorry fat chicken man he’s trying to box me up I could have boxed him up there if I was smart enough I’m back did you achieve peace I think you think all thatat chicken man where what are you doing chimpin yeah chimpin man why am I just contining bro that was

Like so long ago Carl Hansen says penguin raid W penguin raid we got K the penguin Carl got multiple raids to stream yeah I got two raids to stream this is actually amazing thanks for joining everyone this game’s almost over and we can do another SkyWars CS or another

CS penguin raid penguin raid thank you for joining everyone thank you penguin for the raid we’re doing some more Hive live stuff if yall want to keep on playing the game we are we’re in a skywar CS right now where is Jeff I don’t know where Jeff

Is Jeff was in the Stream earlier though he said bra yes okay I’m back nice nice nice question how do I survive that I don’t know but at least if you heard any if you heard any screams That’s A Life Lesson it like somehow he gave me a

Wel I’m a leg he hit you he shot you with that Nerf gun shot me in the face with the hardest Nerf gun and I and I put my head to the side so I wouldn’t get hit in the eye and my Headphone set flung to the side with

It like but it flung off see I’m see I thought I gave you mod let’s see I need mod Venture how did Jeff eat a shoe wait what let’s see wait what let’s see didn’t get mod okay we’ll do it next stream good for him he gets

Mod I can’t wait till I get mod I I would give you mod but it just won’t allow me for some reason so specifically me no it won’t allow you or any other person I try it just won’t allow me to save it so if there’s any more mods that become

Inactive just like you can take it away I can take it away and then I don’t have a bow I just have arrows I need to get a bow what a Combo we’re just going to save that one if it’ll allow me to save it um I’ll be gone for only five minutes so I’ll be off the stream and a few other things like I’ll be no longer in the call I have to restart like the internet oh that’s

Weird all right when he’s restarting his internet we’re going to uh win this recording isn’t working that’s weird okay I can’t clip things I don’t know why this type of skin is getting so popular this like uh 3D cartoonish looking skin but I might retexture my

Skin to kind of look somewhat similar to something like that because they’ve gotten really popular oh game over let’s see I have a goofy IGN in nice all right we’re going to play what game should we play next should we redo SkyWars but what game should we we do next

Chat while I do the parkour yall decide what game first person to say something will be the person we play the game you got to be double clicking I’m not double clicking see look I can turn hand cam on I can just cuz I’m just clicking uh around 12 15

CPS it just um pretty fast see Dragon VC uh mini will be back here in a little little Bit and he asked First let’s see that’s 2809 see death tag all right we can do death tag SL CS create server uh we can do Sky kits all right I’ll have to set it up manually so I’ll uh invite people first submit invite invite players invite friends invite all all right we’re going to wait for

Friends to join and then we will set it up to code and then we should be good see we’re going to wait for since no one else is joining I’m going to set the code real quick change access mode code only mode all right code’s up everyone

Join up join up it’s going to be good all right so code’s up let me set up all the uh crazy stuff we’re going to go let’s see see Max health is going to be one we’re going to go um respawn five extra lives keep inventory we’re going to

Set chest settings no Ender Chest no no no uh no mystery chest submit and then we’re going to go with death crates are good or weit um going to only have this resource or we’re going to have health or off spell or off diamond ore off enchant ore

Off uh lucky ore off so that’s going to be just that all right submit and then or random um see I don’t know what this one is H see how we’re randomized by default all war drops are fully random equal random players gives all players the

Same random if they mine the same Wars and how they are equal randoms like player but all right I don’t get this all right I’m just going to all random all right um I think that’s going to be it uh Health on kill we’re going to give

Health on kill because why not all right this is death tag join up everyone see how many people we have on we only have this many I might just ping my Discord because this is we only have we have 10 concurrence uh make sure to like the stream if you haven’t already we’re

Going to see what we can do we’re at 490 Subs still I want to just sit here and um no I’m going to I’m going to Ping this server at Everyone and everyone still live by the way see how many people I get from that and I might want to just go through and selfpromo everything again like just go through here and just copy that and then go to advertise and just advertise some of this let’s

See let’s see it won’t let me send stuff all we’re going to go and redo some of this um where is me media there oh I can’t do it there that would be kind of stupid all right mini CCC um you know what we’ll just keep it

How it is we’ll keep it how it is and let’s start start game all right here we go it’s going to be good I only have a couple people in the game game so we’ll see how it goes I set myself as void Walker no

That’s not good I need to set myself as the invis forgot to do that that’s not going to be good um hello hey man there we go it world peace has been achieved nice I’m just sitting here getting some stuff so I can survive this death tag that I I have

Um I basically messed myself up on because I didn’t select the right kit so I’m um so I’m void Walker so I’m going to like die instantly so we’re playing death tag you know we’re going to um we’re going to play over here and then no we’re going to head this

Way head this way there’s this man over here he’ll never see me coming you know it’s very I have this well um I’m exactly 20 away uh subscribers well 20 subscribers away from my goal and you’re 10 11 years but um for me right now I’m

Like no I died I gained subscribers way slower than you L remember when you said um you’re used to like gaining 15 Subs a day like for stream no I’m not uh for streams I used to get 10 Subs I used to get 10 Subs every stream what happens

Like now how many do you get on average now probably around sevenish was that still better than me um I gained around like four a day I literally fell off FP oh yeah I void walk okay so I’m good yeah let’s go void are you subscribed are you subscribbled what are you

Subscribble no because I’m not a pencil I got him he even had a shield and I got him hello hello welcome to the stream everyone welcome to the stream this is where depression and um this is where oh I was too busy reading chat because it was in Spanish I’d barely

Understand Spanish I’m I uh what did what did they say Let me let me check I don’t know that’s the problem let me see Right no you still doing cs’s yes I’m okay so they said um they said hello how are you friend oh okay say that I finally got I had to do a few things oh where did that guy come from he fell and died of fall damage oh my

Gosh that’s not Spanish yes it is I don’t even know I’m bad is it is Spanish it is Spanish oh this is my last life that’s that’s kind of sad you can also tell it Spanish by seeing it’s Amigo at the end oh yeah true let’s see I’m going to stay around

This area and if anyone comes over hello how are you my friend no jeez these people do you know like those players in the hive Lobby that like drop a gift yeah and then pick it up again Aiden skills Wier pack it’s Ember Thorn 16x V2 this chest is

Floating it’s just floating hey hot dog guy welcome back to the streams hot dog hot dog man I love myself a hot dog it’s hot dog man all right let’s see this is the final fight here we’ve got gray versus orange let’s see oh gray wins that tag is kind of crazy

Though all right that was a fun game let’s see I’m trying to think what else should we what else have we not done let’s see H we can do what should we do we can do a good old death run because why not look at my Planet I love

My plan I’m waiting for you to start the Cs all right we can do a death run let’s see death run all right here we go game settings maximum players 30 let’s see what else fun stuff should I get invite players invite wait Runner Liv did you invite

Friends 10 lives not yet I’m going through some stuff leap cool down we’re going to set leap cool down to 5 seconds and we’re going to amount of deaths we’re going to choose four deaths and then game Run time 30 minutes all right we we should be good

Let’s see there and access permissions access all right there we go invite friends invite all there we go invited friends we’re going to wait until a couple of them join and then we’re going to set up the code for everyone else there’s three people Tracy welcome to the stream see

Mossio add him tried to invite me to party I’m not sure if he knows that I’m streaming let’s see how close are we to 30 likes chat how close are we um see I can’t join what’s the code I’m about to set the code you’re 25 25

All right nice nice nice how many concurrent do I have um nope son son unliked oh see aspect YT hi I have to go but hopefully you can get 500 Subs by yeah hopefully I can get it but thanks for joining the stream uh the code is up everyone you

Can join up it’s going to be a fun game of death run we’re going to see what happens all right let’s go to the end of the map here 26 46 you have 26 likes now nice nice nice I got to pause the stream 25 cuz these people are just not very nice

All right we’ve got nine people in the game let’s look at the analytics by aspect thanks for joining Let’s see we got a lot of DMs I have to look at after stream um we’ve got 490 subs and we’ve got 24 likes and 15 concurrence let’s hope we

Can stay at 15 concurrence and just stay there for a good while all right we got 11 people in the game we’re going to wait until a couple more people join or once it hits one more minute once one more minute hits I have a challenge for you I have a

Challenge for you all right um wait um uh later you should try um you should try doing a stream um streaming until your stream dies and gets to one viewer until one viewer or I can just do a um stream withon where I can’t stop streaming until the time runs down that

Would be insane during Christmas break that would what is subathon uh where if people subscribe it adds a amount of time to uh how much you have to left to stream and then once time runs out then time’s done so I can do like playing Hive and subathon or something like that

All right it’s that time never why says what’s the code it’s here on the screen but it’s not here anymore I’m going to go down some all right we got four deaths and I am one of them all right this is my trap all right this one shoots the log

Over here all right here comes all the little peoples L there we go I shot him I shot him down let’s see let’s see if I can get all these people I have six seconds here five four 3 two one I’m just going to do

NEOS along this one I’m not going to try and do the red ones I’m just going to do NEOS cuz I can do NEOS did did you see that dude Dragon see all I did is NEOS all you did NEOS y BR was go back watch me do NE

Wait okay here we go I got this I’m just getting the people in the middle and not the people in the front what am I doing I should be able to make all pleas NEOS where are the people you died now spectating why did I

Do that why did I die so much because I’m times already because I it’s because I was trying NEOS oh people are coming around What oh got him all right Here Comes people back around oh got him all right I should be good if I just stay here because I’ve got some of the other people in front here see oh he still fell no there he goes hey I think I’ve joined your one All there he goes killed him this is actually fun just sitting here killing all these people oh there he goes again what who’s calling me say that one more time oh someone fell did you say it’s kind of fun watching all these people die Yeah he just jumped right in all right please call me I really need to know oh game over we only got first place and second place we don’t even have a third place we killed them all all right this guy’s done really good it’s like bro dot dot Dot all right let’s see what should we do next uh let’s do uh free shots let’s do the block drop block drop the block drop one do you think everyone’s going to like the block drop one yeah that’s fun all we can do the black drop one all

Right this is the PVP block drop and it is really really fun oh this is not block drop okay CS create server block drop all right we’re going to go save presets uh Shadow Nemo confirm all right then we’re going to go game settings max players 30 and invite my friends invite players

Invite invite friends invite all see free shop or Sumo we’ll do free shop after this one because I do like a good free shop all right me you going to join Minnie you there am I still in the call with him okay okay yeah my mic was muted I

Was choking on popcorn I was choking on popcorn again I 31 pings bro 31 I go live and 31 pings wait is that is that a lot to you that is a lot to me uh at least in like two hours it’s a lot decent to me decent to me is

200 um let’s see just kidding extra J I came to say hi about to go play some soccer and football all nice nice nice well good luck good luck to you code’s up on stream everyone you can join up it’s going to be fun we basically the the uh key to this

Game is when someone comes across you just have to hit them with Nemos until they run out of leaps because you have 64 leaps but you have basically infinite Nemos if you get all the powerups so it’s going to be a lot but it’s going to be fun it’s going to be really

Fun this little Zoom thing is underrated I love this thing okay boing boing here we go let’s see we got 10 players in the game okay I’m back I was gone for a sec yeah all right code’s up it’s going to be good no rep uh red tap is going to tap sabotage

Me why is he going to sabotage you you would not know what happened before all right uh you know what why not let’s start all right here we go here is our circle of people wait Jake I know why do I keep saying jakeob I’m so used to S my that okay

Um um do dragon look do dragon look I Believe I Can Fly oh my goodness you’re going to waste all your leaves no no it’s using them wisely oh okay I just Eed this guy no no okay I Fell all right we’re down to the second layer no we have a fish and I’m not afraid to use my my fish I love fish my fish fish is my friend fish fish in a Bucket why did I just mess up that jump oh you missed you just fell please don’t let me die please don’t let me die please don’t I don’t want to die I’m Too Young To Die did you fall off no I didn’t die yet better yeah so do you do you know like

Jerk uh two y like that like that guy no I managed to kill myself because I was fell in a one by one hole at the bottom you’re a hacker I’m not a hacker yes you are you use SP no I don’t yes you do cuz it’s the most popular hacking

Clim it’s not the most popular why not I’m just going to stop trying to use my LEAP wait a minute how would oh my go bro how would you know it’s not the most popular I don’t know I’ve not we don’t oh my gosh stupid leaps I couldn’t land to save my

Life I love them that’s why I love using those right leaps they’re fun let’s see we got 14 concurrence 24 likes let’s see if we can get to 30 so close let’s see how close are we to our 150 we’re still 10 away we need to get to our 500 Subs

It would be amazing to get it today see Dragon check Discord DM next possible I got like 500 okay what 500 no I’ve got thousands of stupid DM things all uh yeah I saw your uh DM and you’re good you’re good see see our Rex’s stream is being rude

Oh I okay um so is Little Mac like your kind of your friend oh he’s not on my level he just sees me as someone that does videos like once or twice but um I wouldn’t say we’re friends we’re acquaintances because I would see friend

As being like we just sit there and do content together all the time but um if we can if I can get to the point where I can edit as well as he can life will be great um I will basically never I don’t care here’s a different I don’t care

Here’s a different stream free shop all right we can yeah free shop I like free shop um um later treas solos how much longer until you end the stream do you think I’m really not sure like at six I know not six that’ be five for you um no I’ll probably

End at like um I’ll probably like have a little bit of a pause and then go until like 10ish see did you know Little Mac use cap cut I do I do that’s why I started using cap cut all right we’re going to set can you teach me how to use cap cut

Later uh yeah later change access mod wait is it easy to you okay manage presets save presets free shop confirm go here go back out go to game settings go to maximum go to 30 go out of 30 go to access permissions invite player invite friends there we go

Finally okay there we go now I can invite friends see Dominos Source wck stream being rude until I got banned there but I don’t care it’s a different streamer and if it’s different stream and streamer here yeah I wonder why he just sat there and banned you that’s kind of weird why

Isn’t anyone joining why isn’t anyone joining it’s just me and you okay never mind this is uh I just invited friends and then we’re going to go to I change to code all right join up with the code it’s going to be fun here we go wait so

I’m being accepted to the dragon SMP I’m I didn’t say that I’m going to look at the poles if the poles have you there then yes but if not then no what the heck that um Bo boink that guy scares me bro who scares you um the guy you just passed in parkour

Oh he look like it looked kind of like a weird fortnite dance oh this this thing yeah that what they’re doing what did you see did you see that yeah it looks like there a mix between the clap emote and the other emote it’s kind of weird and fortnite

Emotes yeah fortnite em I don’t play fortnite I play fortnite sometimes fortnite sucks see Elliot says can I vote for yourself I mean everyone else did yo I’m yo um what yo am I on the dragon SMP uh if people voted for you but I don’t know

Let’s see uh we got seven people in the game if we get seven people consistently I’ll just play the bridge next uh let me look at uh analytics we got 15 13 concurrence um 24 likes we need to get to the 25th one all right

Um let’s see and then we’re still at 490 all right bet we got 11 people in the game and like two more alts to encourage them to encourage them I mean if you’re not going to watch with those alts then don’t do anything with alts that’s what I

Say um let’s see we’re going to go and start the game I forgot what I set this one to be oh I set this one to the free shop okay you can break once say that everyone’s going to like Rush after Me and it’s going to be the one thing I don’t like about fre top is people can break Beds which can get very annoying it can get very annoying but it gets very competitive and that’s the fun part okay let’s cover up my bed before anything crazy happens

And we’re not going to just sit there and Sprint after people at the beginning like I usually do we’re going to just uh we’re going to be peaceful at the beginning and I don’t know why people say you’re bad at Minecraft it’s very dumb you’re to me you’re really good oh

I’m to most everyone I’m pretty bad I’m really bad at Minecraft well I’m bad at Hive I’m good at some other servers like Lifeboat you want me to share my stream to my Discord it has 100 plus members sure if you can do that that’ll be

Great um let see more members than brain cells why do you make that joke every time I don’t I don’t know you just don’t know you just make the joke cuz why the heck not we’re just going to cover up this sides here if it hurts my feelings then yes do

It just go for it just go for it nobody cares about you mate there we go let’s build this up it’s not going to harm you Min nobody likes you anyway what that’s what I’m just like that’s what my brain tells me we’re going to build out here we

Should be good see all right I will also 27 likes W that is actually really lik not have brain cells no what every time it’s just the brain cells J why are you laughing why am I laughing why not there we go I’ve set up a good I’ve

Set up a good defense and nobody’s just rushing me right off the start which I kind of like I kind of like it when people like hit me I don’t know why I said that that was very random oh okay um if only there was obsid if only obsidian was a was a

Block for the bed oh yeah that would be annoying all right um that’ be so fun see I’m gold team so I’m I’m good right here so we’re going to go and see how many people we can kill want to be friends want to be friends it looks like

This it looks like this guy wants to come no no no he blew up my perfectly good treasure defense I Dr toast I Dr to I can’t speak you have to I just choked I I just choked on more popcorn and somebody’s hacking somebody’s hacking how do you know they’re

Hacking they jumped all like like 20 blocks up which doesn’t seem possible to me what am I doing I meant to put freaking okay that grab my sword grab that grab a couple arrows then grab my ender pearls grab my snowballs gra my explosives no no no

No you have the right to say it now the right to say what why is my freaking have obsession with explosives you have obsession with freaking explosives it’s a very unhealthy Obsession someday you’re going to use you’re in front of a yellow wool wait no you’re behind a yellow

Wool is that no I was like is that you over there way over there I am I’m way over there oh see no people stop doing this thing to my base Red’s trying to attack and kill me are you good at hacking what do you know how to hack others

People other people’s accounts we’re learning that in technology oh that’s fun if only if only Russia bew every day in r 24 hours in the uh 24 hours in the life of a Russian Student all right I need to kill all these people they broke my base so I kill all of them let’s see where’s Red Team so also just me and Red Team Little Mac also knows fresh the pig why yeah he does no I thought you said uh Lil Mac

Also known as I’m like what oh Oh I thought you I thought like where is this guy but need to kill this guy like it’s weird how he know how does he know all these people yeah he’s really small because his editing skills have gotten good and he’s gotten some really good

Connection his first video was like his oldest video that you can find on his Channel right now is very very odd um but I mean he does pretty good content bro says ow man all uh I think I was chosen randomly by that guy all right um

Where oh there he is there he is there he is I like how on your channel I’m not really known at all all I’m known is that one kid uh tell that one your one friend uh that’s in a call with you like unknown as that one that’s in a

Call Green scappy or mini Tasmanian or mini Taz or mini or Tasman it’s mini greeny I am Mini U mini Tas Manan AKA green sky yeah Green Sky man where is this guy is just running dark 24 do you know dark 24 YT uh dark 24 YT no yeah

He’s a YouTuber sounds like it he’s a well he’s a mobile player oh okay he has uh 1,000 Subs nice he is I don’t know how you manage to to get 1 th000 Subs as a mobile player besides if you’re the best mobile player right that are your personality

Is good this guy come back it’s just like the controls of the the controls just take up most of the screen he’s at one heart if he keeps on throwing pearls like that no no no no no no no we don’t do that over here no F do

What all right that guy ran away from me so all right going to eat our golden apple and find him again where did he go there he went We’re just bow fighting the on your stream see oh it kicked me the final fight got him I win let’s go see his palms are sweaty knees weak arms heavy GG’s GG’s I win let’s see what should we just typing on a Lego keyboard right now can

You hear this um can you hear this no I can’t hear it oh now I can hear it let’s see let’s do yeah I don’t know why I just pulled out my Lego keyboard cuz I need to mod it even more oh okay let’s do I love Legos I I got to

Put up your put on your texture pack hold on let’s do everybody needs to learn it’s the best texture pack right it’s the best create server too many rounds played how is there too many rounds played did they Nerf it down there’s no such thing they nerfed it

Down chat they nerfed it they nerfed it down wait the thing yeah so they can’t move you can’t do any more cs’s yeah it won’t let me do any more cs’s oh that’s kind of sad editing guide time uh see you wait wait wait a minute I can I can start a I

Can do two more cs’s for you all right uh you want to do that and then yeah you can decide yeah you decide okay slcs create a server um what do they want to do they want to do Sumo they want to do Sumo okay so treasure Wars yeah treasure Wars solos

Uh should I do should I do okay solos actually yes CL I was just thinking I to do so um all um once you get me there invite me inite friend invite to Dragon I’m should how do I give you up can I give

You up yes you can just go to um access permissions scroll all the way down and uh change permissions I think is what it’s called and then click me and set set operator there we go give you here we go you have two more one more save presets

Sumo confirm all right Sumo is confirmed then we need to go to access permissions invite player invite friends invite all yeah wait for one or two friends to join and then we are going to invite everyone see there’s our third person remember I’m in control you are in

Control all right we’re going to go access permission change access mode code only all right cod’s up everyone join up join up join up right above the hot bar it’s going to be fun let me look at some analytics real quick we are still at 490

Subs we’ve only gained five Subs this if anyone says aoo in the game chat they’re getting kicked oh my gosh let’s see we’re at 181 views on U my latest video so once we’re done I’m going to like spam my video link in the chat and then hopefully all of you all

Go and watch it because it’s a great video so the newest the newest video once this stream is done all right wait just wait just wait I got to kick this guy I got to K click the back the lobby button can you tell me what

The code is I kicked this guy off cuz he said a wo oh can you tell me what the code is me yeah okay um Na or should I just it’s nacore all right SB tell me when things are capital so SB I know I know capital S all right Capital

C capital N again capital a lower case M lowercase M okay that’s all right there we go I’m in bro why did I get kicked I didn’t say that word are you up I don’t know are you up yeah I’m still up okay um by the way I uh I kicked this

One guy that gaming raid let’s go wait server’s here server Gaming’s here let’s go hi server this is crazy welcome to the stream everyone we’re just about to start a Sumo game so all of y’all can join up on hive this is great server server gaming welcome so everyone y’all can still join

Let’s see if we can fill up this CS raid raids raids let’s go hi server server server remember me from your stream I’m mini Tasmanian see can you refresh code why do you want me to refresh the code oh so you can join because you were kicked

Okay that’s why you want me to refresh it uh no no no no no no he said oo he deserves to be kicked oh oh and there’s a fish gang member there’s a fish gang member right there okay see guys most important question for a sub to do you know uh whyt just

Mon is 59 Subs away from 1,000 wow I’m 10 Subs away from 500 and that would be a great thing that I could have 500 Subs that would be amazing I’m 20 away 20 away from um I’m 20 away from 100 uh 150 nice so pretty close hey we got a

Public Sub thank you gaming J for subscribing publicly you get one of those things that pops up on stream so it looks cool thank you for subbing we are close to our 500 wolf Miner says I’m actually a wolf wow that is insane isn’t wolf Miner wait do you know

Wolf Miner was a no it’s just someone in chat it’s a wolf Miner I’m actually a wolf isn’t isn’t wolf Miner like from server do you think I don’t know yeah yeah he’s from server he’s from server gaming he donates a lot to well he

Donated to him and he also did a video donation oh if I had Don in the usually I don’t have my Dono Link in my um description because nobody does that how do you how do you get people like do donos uh it’s a thing in streamlabs uh

You just the button and then you do it through PayPal let’s see okay so you don’t need to have any specific stats or anything no I don’t let’s see okay so server gaming says he rememb do you have to paper it okay good yeah and yes this is what I sound

Like all right it says that’s wild it may sound a bit weird because my micophone of people this talking on popcorn all right here we go let’s go there’s so many people hey thank you gu more people than our brain cells there’s even more people than our brain

Cells yeah so no breaking no no breaking or Treasures whatever you want to call it all right get all the IC bridge if you want to flex see I’m the server’s biggest donor nice yeah I mean if you donot to me you would be the biggest even if you donated

A penny so that would be oh no that’s me that’s me I’m ain’t going to do that I’m going to get that I probably need just to go wolf Miner wolf Miner I will see I can put my link in the chat I mean no no

No no no I want to be the one I want I mean I can put I mean if you join my Discord it has it in there along it’s the same as my merch link and the same as my patreon link you know what I’m

Just going to go I’m just going to do this because why the heck not you know yeah why not let’s see donate there we go here we go and then we can copy I don’t want to say I don’t want to say the thing I we 28 likes let’s see if we

Can get to 30 we got 20 concurr which is insane to 30 get to 30 likes because that’s more likes than our brain cells already but we need even more again with the brain cell jokes all right I need to pin that comment just sec let me get all these

Auto Bridgers all right let me pin it see auto you you ha I told you it’s an auto Bridger not an auto clicker bro chill out all right everyone’s building over here instead of red but I mean that works I guess Ser here I don’t know servers in there but

I’m guessing since he raided he’s finished up his live stream so he’s I love this texture pack your texture pack is the best nice thank you say really good wait um server gaming when he’s GNA do a face reveal oh wolf Miner said he

Did a face reveal oh did he did he do it already I don’t know oh okay here we go we’re going to place that down this is actually Sumo platform is server gaming still in the chat is he still in the chat I don’t know I’m not

Sure if he is I’m so sorry no people don’t hit me right now I’m trying finish it’s not me I’m trying oh same but they won’t let me there we go stop coming me person really likes server gaming yes all right here we go let’s see who

Do I need to fight just me IC just let me IC you need to fight this one game is getting laggy oh the Cs is I need to iy no let me icy bridge I am totally got ice totally this is one of the most amount of people I’ve had in the

Cs all right here we go yeah I did it a day ago nice nice nice oh he’s good he’s trying to style on me while I’m reading chat that’s a great person um his name is B Dillard or something like that I’m I’m just rexing

On everyone else by Ice but this one guy keeps hitting me off my tower so I can’t iy he’s got the old Breezy skin I remember when Breezy used to have this skin and this used to be his skin the St a crown back in the good old days see says

Dragon I have a question what’s your question oh I can’t no straight let me get up don’t hit me at all or I hit you or I will hit you oh this guy’s good I’m not paying attention but wait I need to get those diamonds because everyone knows diamonds give you

Reach that or just gives me extra confidence I’ll help you D Dragon okay see I got to go have a good day thank you thank you all right here we go wait it’s corruption corruption’s here wait what actually yeah corruption you have a pvper with three ends on the end of the

Name yeah there ain’t no way let me tab in the alternate universe he is okay you make me get sit on a flight because I’m checking the amount of people on the game yeah I know I wish I I want to PVP corruption because so you you want to be taken on a

Flight yes I am I on corruption air corruption Airlines if I ever get to own an airline I’m just going to call it corruption Airlines just just for the heck of it let’s see why is he why getting unbanned cuz he got weak banned and today’s the end well he’s on another

Server and I’m just haven’t done it yet I was going to do it but then uh I started a stream I’m not going to just leave Hive after there’s one the orange nibbles people what do you know about the orange nibbles fish gang no I do not do you

Know who orange nipples is no oh he’s a hive YouTuber with a thousand Subs that’s cool server gaming knows him hi dude dragon look behind you don’t whack my friend oh I’ll whack wait we’re friends we’re friends we’re friends I’m getting way too close I need to I’m

Practicing I need to know my distancing and you’re easier to combo than these uh sweats over here hey you’re mean how am I mean you call me bad I did not which I am B oh the 360s the 360s uh I’m better at Zea um hit sinking

Wait let me combo on you let me combo you let me combo you want to put me in a video get up here get no I’m not recording mhm because then I would have my mic on and I can’t I don’t want to have my mic on in a in a video

Oh see when I’m going this guy I like the last time when you did it every time so all right let me combo you I’m like all right and then throw snowballs at you every time you get me into like a one hit combo bro one hit combo equal success

Success I combo D Dragon for2 seconds hooray I comboed you for uh 5 million 5 million 5 million um millisecond 5 million seconds what stop whacking me I got this guy who’s hitting me he insane finally finally blocks at last I’m just better no someone spam blocks in front of me that’s no

Fun my server I can’t all right here we go go I got this i got this can I join next CS yet you can join next CS there’s only one more CS buddy we might just I’m not sure what we’re going to do after this I think well maybe we could do

Party yeah but I can’t party with 20 people that would be insane though but no like a party with like four or even more the four lucky people the four lucky people the four lucky people are going to be the only ones who watch the stream I’ve learned that from

Experience Life’s a big joke what okay it is to me it is I’m just going to is server gaming still here I don’t think he is I think he left but I don’t blame him once he’s done what a meanie what a meanie what a meanie once this stream’s done you feel

Tired so I mean the viewers aren’t tired obviously but not me I feel crazy cuz I I act like a 2-year-old that Dr so much coffee nice but I don’t drink any caffeine like I haven’t drank caffeine ever I have before clearly was like clearly it was a

Bit it was it was a little bit it it was it might been a gallon or two but it’ll be fine nobody will know my heart was on the verge of exploding but I mean it’ll be fine my heart was on the verge of exploding when

I uh when I have a ketchup I have a ketchup Obsession and I keep coughing whenever I eat ketchup are you allergic to ketchup no I don’t think you might want to consult a doctor my heart gets like it feels like warm what but I still myself

No you will not hit me I Refuse um did anyone see that did anyone see me do that I don’t think so no this man no I’m just going to iy back this is so useless I just icy to the base and now I’m icing back to the mid you’re just icing around oh I just

See this whole section that you’ve done let’s see if I can pull off one I don’t think I can just right now just on command right now sweaty hands oh I did it for a little bit but usually a little bit is fine in Skywars no not to

Me to me I’m like uh go 80 Blocks go bigger gold but I think I do it faster than you strafing uh yes unless I bro I can Sprint do it I can Sprint and do it okay should I Sprint and do it should I Sprint do it Sprint want to

Race come to my base silly green ninja let’s see what what what base my teammate um I’m gold you’re at Gold should we meet up with blue oh I caught that that’s actually cool um let’s see my teammate he’s also icy bridging which is he’s not really good

At gaming J can Icy Bridge insane like he can Sprint do it wait who no that was embarrassing okay uh let’s see what base should we uh go to Red base go to Red base okay it’s right by uh spawn no my spot is red is trying to

Combo me this isn’t super Sumo this isn’t Sumo this is icy practice what do you mean yeah yeah see it’s icy practice this is why we want to make the flat map sharkbait is clickbait he gave me diamonds that’s actually really nice thank you thank you thank you a silly

Green ninja says uh I’m on controller buddy see the crazy guy why do we want to kick you know since multiple people are saying that controls kick player what is his name crazy Cosmo crazy guy all right all right I’m at here I’m at Red um I’m going I need to wait for

You Cosmo crazy finally what okay where are you at he’s icy bridging like crazy oh my goodness who this guy who just plays Sado Bridger all right where you at I’m on my way you’re all right it’s 2 minutes till sudden death so I mean we can race and whoever Falls first I

Guess where are you I’m at red I can’t find red it’s the one with the big red circle over it the only big red circle there is what’s a circle a circle it’s it’s a circle wait what I thought we play Minecraft it’s it’s circle is it’s a

Square yeah I’m just going to we have 20 seconds left so why not just sit here and oh I got too far away the more I do it it uh around let’s see finally have a good stream bye all right bye oh my gosh I don’t understand

People why do people having clutch so much oh well you know what since I’m stuck in here I’m just going to end for this all right we’re going to um go out of this game slash C SL SL oh dang it that was so all right I’m back in wait a

Minute uh well the game didn’t end yet yeah but people trapped me in um in stone I just yeah but I mean let’s go up to the castle you know what we’re going to get my helicopter and then cheat on helicopter helicopter helicopter helicopter helic Up and Away here we

Go we’re going to go to the end of this parkour because I like spend money on games uh I don’t like it when Gamers say like a PC players say I don’t spend money on games what did you do for the PC right yeah true how many of the uh

Things have I I think I claimed all of them my mom and my mom my dad and my grandma spend money on games I went out of the world border how because I was icy bridging so it made my blocks disappear oh should I start a new CS uh yeah you can

Choose CS create server I’m I’m in charge of this stream now yeah you’re in charge at least for a little bit I can just fly around and explore the place um up it’s like the anime Thing come on all right here we go flash CS uh invitees mini tasan all right here we we go um some permissions here we go all right here we go this want to do the um PVP block drop so I go to um you go to access

Permissions then then to the very bottom okay there we go there we go there we go there we go see manage presets save presets I just started I just started doing cs’s like a week ago yeah let’s see the one thing I don’t there’s actually only one thing I don’t like

About this texture pack what it’s the like um the and aite like it looks good it’s just like when yeah it’s just like when you when it’s just not when you’re bridging like it’s just red all over the place yeah like for builds like the ground all right nobody’s joining

Through friends so we’re going to go permission my eyes hurt when I look at this my eyes actually hurt because how bright this is oh cuz it’s 12:00 all right we are at we’re at the code let’s see if anyone joins up with the code right above my hot bar it’s

Going to be good it’s going to be great join up this is actually a really fun game if you think that this isn’t pppp you’re wrong because you smack people off with a fish it’s basically that fish why are you smacking people I’m hitting

Them with a fish so it’s a lot more fun see we’re at 10 concurrence all the raids have really worn off we’re at 33 likes though which is insane let’s see how many Subs have brain cells we’re likes to have brain cells we’re four Subs away from 500 what

There oh make a sub well make a montage I’m I’ve made Montes I don’t have enough Clips to make another Montage without reusing get you some let’s switch names no no let’s go on Lifeboat I’ll play for you nah I’m good uh wait um I’ll go I’ll find your

House and then we I can play on your PC and oh no no all right yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what that’s what we’re going to do yeah that’s what we’re going to do yeah toally toally ping my server again they’re going to hate me let’s go you’re hating no you’re getting hated

Yes you’re hating your viewers let’s see I haven’t pinged them in a good two hours so I haven’t pinged my Discord server in H my dog’s barking again good for it it yeah good for it let’s see I don’t know edits what’s the code it’s right above my hot bar na

Aore 4 capital r b capital S capital D Capital here we go this is actually a really fun PVP game we only have three people in so we’re just going to sit and wait I guess why not there we go we got four people in we’re going to wait for more people

Hopefully more people than that join cuz Let’s see we got seven concurrence 34 likes so we’re losing a lot lot of people let’s see it’ll be fine you might you might be pinged a bit more just a bit more a little bit if you look at my server look

At my server 61 look at 36 pings bro holy crap all right I got rid of the 36 is live okay we’re going to just we’re just going to wait okay that was weird I don’t know why I did that all right let’s see it’s saying it’s expired what region do you playing

On I’m playing on na if it says it’s expired let me reset the code see regenerate access code all right can you hear my mouse not very well I don’t think but that was just uh that’s just the that’s just what I do when I double bridge um

Um it’s crazy how evident can like oh well double icy bridge I mean yeah double icy is just it’s a bit easy like it’s really slow it’s easy really slow on Soul Sand while sneaking it’s easy no no like I’m talking about like when you’re just walking and doing

Got normal blocks it’s easy oh okay we’re just going to go with these six people and we’re going to just be good with what we have do we have all the things make me fly yes you I like flying take the fish take the fish get smacked

Imagine being smack smack him with the fish get box like a fish get smacked with a fish how dare you why would you say such a Thing Sorry it won’t let me go up up up life equal big br we can all agree on that right agree with what uh a life equals big real moment what no I’m just going to walk around just I’m going to be good walking there’s someone on my level and I do not like

That I don’t like this I’m very much scared of the fish gang the fish all right the one guy retreated off the top so we’re going to be good nope there’s someone left on the top all right there we go oh I clutched that I clutch

That here we go what how did that happen on the top I’m on the top all right here we go knock back Nemo knock back Nemo yeah once the stream ends which it will a minute um do you think you could show me like take me through a guide on

Editing I mean I’m going to stream probably until 10: my time how are you going to if you can’t do any more cs’s I’ll figure out something taking advantage of your uh of your viewers just they can watch something I guess I won’t have as many viewers I got 16 fish on me my dog keeps Barking we can get a stack of fish this game yeah I wish I had a fish in real life my dog whack my dog into the void what that’s evil that is evil my dog won’t stop working I’m going to whack him into the void with a fish of all things with a

Fish going to smack bro with a fish ni my level is about to fall I don’t know how to download clients like that’s the thing I’ve been signing in it’s just it just doesn’t work do you want access to my Minecraft account yeah just give me your username

Password email address and we should be fine yeah yeah just DM me stay tuned for more videos stay tuned for more passwords so um wait let me think again um I keep making excuses like I said I’m going to face reveal at 100 Subs I reached 100 Subs really quickly and I

Was like no I didn’t buy a webcam so I said never mind I’m going to do it at 1,000 but then I decided no because that would be too long and I’m going to try at 200 all right 200 how many Subs do you wait no you just did oh you just did

Zero Subs and you face your real your old Channel for my old Channel it was 100 wait cuz your oldest video has a face reveal well it doesn’t have a space Reve it was just your oldest video my oldest video did but then I stopped it

For a while and then because I had no way to do with it there we go I fell so that’s just the oldest video you kept yeah that’s the oldest video that I’ve ever that’s the first video ever of all time your face revealed in your first video yeah

It’s not like I wanted to hide my face for whatever reason I don’t understand why people want to yeah it’s just it’s just uh to like keep viewers going like keep uh giving subscribers to be like like cuz people for some odd reason they like face reveal they for some reason

Want to look at your face for some reason we’re at 30 five we’re at 34 lik I can turn on uh FaceCam if we hit 35 likes or one like away from pulling an ALT pulling an ALT I can do it without hit 35 likes 35

Likes there’s 35 likes no I only see 34 on my side um reload it no it’s not like I reloaded it’s the YouTube analytics Studio it’s not like I okay got to 36 got to 36 now 36 yep there’s 35 are you pulling out all the

Counts no I’m not you’re pulling out all the counts no I didn’t okay video capture device a hamburger device hamburger device what the heck is a hamburger device you know I’m going to try to move my camera cuz my camera’s in a weird spot there it is without a hat that’s

Actually finding finding face on video where is it where is it let where face where is dine face let’s see I need to get it to the right spot so it looks good there we go so now it’s there transition me without a hat it’s my camera’s weird out of position

Because it’s in a weird spot oh well the dang camera can be leaned that way just for whatever the heck reason it’s deciding to be my mic is bad I need a new mic yeah I’m need a new mic as well see I’m going to put something something what can I put there

Make this okay I see face see face of yours you see face of where is get him to 40 likes to get him not hatless we we need him to have a hat you need me to have that all right my camera is just broken you know what I’m

Going to stick camera here oh no my camera it’s broken no hey my my monitor doesn’t even have a camera it’s not like it my monitor has one it’s just a webcam I got think myself does your monitor have one at all no it doesn’t there we go do most do you

Think see swap over do most I don’t even know all right see I got to go thank you for joining you connect it with a USB uh yeah I connected with USB Ro in a story book in The Hive chat holy crap um who did some random person all

Right I’m at uh six con currents I’m kind of my stream’s kind of dead so I mean I might just in stream just because my how many um watch hours do you think like 30,000 of viewes um I don’t know like but um we are we’re pretty good right

Now I’m almost at 300 views this one stream six people watching that is a bit dead see no more dead than me inside I’m at three I’m at six concurrent so I mean it’s not like I have a ton of I’m at six brains uh let’s see it’s

Unicorns can I join Tex welcome to the stream I’m out of cs’s and um so is my friend so I might just I don’t have the high plus High plus plus yeah I wish there was a high Plus+ I would get it yeah plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus

I don’t even know what do I what should we do let’s see just in case if something shows up you know we’re going to just grab my favorite helicopter and just soar away and then we’re going to look at this I might just start grinding wait you’re at 499 Subs I’m at 49

9 yeah 499 yes I’m at 499 we need one more sub one more guys we need to get it also join my Discord Link in the description yeah if you don’t sub whoever is here who’s unsub sub now that was very random it is very random all right we need one more person

But I’m just going to play how did you manage to get two subs so quickly I don’t know oh wait are you alting no all good cuz I don’t want any alts because they will just delete right after the stream all right we’re going to play

This game of SkyWars kits just I’m going to just sit here and grind levels like I do oh I’m watching you on two devices I did oh he did his all accounts okay I mean if you’re going to watch on two devices that’s great let’s see here we

Go it’s going to be good grab that gra grab grab there here we go good music playing right now the music yeah see we’re going to grab this there’s leggings I need a good chest plate you’re playing a game I am playing a game oh but I’m can’t play any cs’s so

I’m just playing uh SkyWars kits like I always do I’ll invite you to a party after this okay people are already heading over here so I’m going to see how fast I can grab stuff I need chest plate and I need pair of leggings and I can grab these snowballs

Need that um um one thing quick one thing quick so you know Guinea Adventures right that one guy uh no he’s my ALT oh really yeah actually okay yeah I unsubscribed on him dang everyone’s dying like in2 seconds how are they doing that yeah never look at my Guinea Adventures Channel never do

Please actually don’t you know what just because you said that we’re going to look out we’re going to look at it on stream it’s the face reveal we’re going to look at it on stream today no please no please no pleas pleas pleas pleas no it was me

Two years years ago bro two years ago yeah was bad why wait no it was one year ago don’t do so everyone just go up in the chat find it and watch it see it’s unicorn said no I’m not saying that ha you can’t find it you

Can’t find it you can’t find it oh you deleted all of it that’s kind of an L where is where are these people let’s go you can’t find me you’re never going to find my thing that channel is Now hidden you the channel yeah hit it find

It I need to learn English do you speak speak English a little bit but not a lot do you speak do you speak English or English or anglish all three I speak ungus m ungus c welcome back to the stream crafty no I should have jumped off the

Cliff crafty P see if you do I will sub no I’ll get someone else too uh reload please say you’re at 500 no let’s see how close are we to 500 we’re at still 499 why did I refresh that page it’s probably not good to refresh yeah you

Should have jumped off the cliff you really should have jumped off I should have jumped off the cliff yeah I got 11 concurrence 35 likes let’s see if we can get to 40 that would actually be insane um I need to go grab my hat I really

Do see L just joins and says Jeff Jeff I got a crown all here we go I’m just slamming one of my keyboard switches because why not because it’s a red switch it’s a red switch on my screen you have 490 uh if you refresh the page you should see the new

Things it’s unicorns I subed you nine Subs behind bro I mean that means he’s been watching a long time so that’s a good thing right that’s a good thing good boy good boy Whoa chill who good point chill chill chill chill all right uh let’s grab this grab this grab this bam grab

That there we go see congratulations on 52 yes I did nice um let’s see grab this are you questioning what that was uh no do you know what can you hear anything I can hear a lot of smacking on the ground smacking on the ground no it’s

My it’s my Mouse hitting my um my mic oh I’m set as kill leader D Dragon eal capital and capital double wo oh the dogs the dogs the does the does the four dogs the four does should we do like uh should I just like um do some Icy working we can try

An icy together all right do you want to try I mean we can do do here in a sec yeah but I don’t know I barely know how to no strife I can no strafe decently uh do you want me to teach you how to how to

Strafe no because I think my way I can do pretty decent no I died fall Dam better this way is better this way is way better let’s see let check my way more we got six I know once I start doing regular games I go down to six

Concurrence and I’m gonna be stuck at$ 4.99 if someone doesn’t show up no let’s see no my alts will show up no do not get your alts because they will delete themselves after a little bit oh no I can get my dad’s channel I mean if your dad watches every single

Video um um you know what let me uh invite I’ve actually watched every single video on your channel I have watched every single one every single one yes on your new channel not your old Channel your old Channel um yeah don’t watch all my videos on my old Channel

Yeah we don’t Tommy in it eats techno blade what yeah see I started my YT 5 months ago I started this channel six or seven months ago all right I invited you to the party four months ago okay I just got to get to it okay I accepted it all right here we

Go I can’t wait to prank a few people I’m going to I’m going to have um should I bring my fulls sizee keyboard to my um to like school and then uh plug it in and just tell my teachers I type better with this I type better with my custom

Keyboard my custom loud Lego keyboard and just like clinch the keyboard no not the Lego keyboard that one it’s a bit too heavy oh um maybe I should try like doing my 60% no I would have to do my 100% keyboard that’s probably not good because scroll lock I can use scroll

Lock and is it possible blue screen a uh laptop do you think like I mean if it runs off the same l should be fine a Chrome laptop oh it’s not the same OS so I don’t know oh oh Doge doggy hi hi what’s up why am Doge

Doggy let’s see I need to actually get a chest plate or something all right chest plates are just such as blocks I need blocks wait I’m confused with this T so this is iron y That’s iron okay I just get conf I just e get confused confuzzled confuzzled confuzed

Every time I just get stupid um arrows time I just get brain cells I’m I have nothing I am broke wait wait watch watch watch see I’m a pro a pro oh a pro totally totally what I went Uh okay I forgot this is this is well yeah this is owie they’re hitting me they’re hitting me this is please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me I want to be your friend I want all I wanted to do was be their friend yeah they don’t do that Here I feel like whacking this gnome like whacking a gnome what yeah see what’s your Minecraft name uh craft DP my my name is uh chicken nugget man 2 chicken nuget chicken nugget man 254 uh my mic fell my mic hand fell three times to

That makes for let’s see uh guy with a really sweaty name says hello I sub W that should be your the 500th sub which would be insane let me check here in a little bit once I beat up all these people that’s 500 Subs that is it’s 500 Subs let’s go

That’s actually that’s going to be great oh don’t knock me off with a fish this man’s trying to hit me with a fish while I’m celebrating imagine getting I’m at 500 Subs we just need a couple watch hours and we can get Dons and all the how hours do you need I

Need about 1,500 more yeah more oh I don’t know how many hours I have I have well over like 500 yeah I have 1,00 or something yeah I got double team there we got 500 Subs chat let’s go count 500 and you’re about to get 500 pings for the celebration yeah 500

Pings let’s check let’s check 500 Subs let’s take a screenshot screenshot of 500 so I can post it let’s go 500 subs for me and I get a new rank in one of the servers I’m in this is going to be great this is going to be great let’s go everyone it’s

Z all right I’m I’m pinging you 500 times you’re pinging me 500 times I only got 44 pings yeah but I’m still working on it buddy oh that’s not good what happened that that’s not good what happened I think I heard a Windows um okay um what what happened we’re going to

H see what game should we I’m just going to play another kits Duos and then once uh six o’clock I’m going to end just because just because I’m out of cs’s and I might um yeah after this I’m going to hop off for like an hour maybe stream uh dragon

SMP after this uh in about hour what are you going to do in that hour do what like like do you think you’ll have like dinner at the time just wondering yeah I’m going to uh get off at 6 eat at 6 and then get back on at seven RoR rcky

Ricky my dog RoR RoR the dog wait no he’s yeah he’s not really our dog just we’re watching him oh all right here we go it’s me and you it’s me and you Minnie it’s going to be good all right let’s see yeah and you

Need to teach meing how do you do it so well with C uh I just it’s just a lot of um just experimenting cuz that’s all I did with my latest video just me trying did you see the try thing did you see my um my

Dragon smpp video did you see the whole thing yeah I saw the whole thing was it pretty did you like the spot where like it cut out the music when I asked for food yeah I mean that’s always a good effect to have that there yeah I just

Did I just thought that would sound good yeah uh do you want uh diamond boots just wait I got a icy over there oh fine I void Walker I void Walker all right let me throw you my boots there’s boots and I need to mine to get blocks I don’t have really

Anything yeah I’m broke oh there’s this that’s I don’t have a chest plate and I don’t have leggings and this guy’s chasing me I got him I got him I got him and I killed myself oh because you know like when you’re trying to clutch but then you go on the

Side of the bridge each side right yeah like and you have to clutch like 20 times and then when you fail the last one I don’t know why I tried these guys this happens to me all the time and I’m like I made it I made the last one and then I walk

Off all right void let’s go void all right we’re half hearts that doesn’t matter let’s see uh VC at Dragon um no I’m still on a call with mini but uh once I get on the S SMP later tonight then yeah oh okay yeah that was that was

Bound to happen all right do you think when you’re doing uh like around uh like in between the streams you could show me a bit of editing I mean I don’t really know what to show you how to do the zoom how you know how to how to do a zoom

That’s called uh key framing so if you uh key frame things and um okay and once you hit that then you should be able to just zooming at a certain spot yeah it can zoom at a certain spot it can zoom in out all that and then you got different effects that

You can do stuff like that with okay I don’t know like and maybe later you could give me like a list of uh of images like of your skin stuff like well of certain like YouTuber skins I I’ll send you uh if you remind me I’ll send you an invite to uh

Three different four different servers that will have stuff for you okay I’ll try to remember yeah they’re going crazy over the dogs right now oh okay noises in the background Skull emoji the noises I have to mine blocks to get full iron at least I think I’m

Iron yeah I’m iron nice hard to tell with this texture pack when you’re not used to it right but it still works it’s still good un cracked un cracked un cracked this guy sucks all right there we go we’re good just take him on a flight we’ll be good

You need a diamond helmet I believe yeah have this diamond helmet that was very weird I’m gra I’m officially you I’m you yeah no that was my that was so good that stuff that stuff the uh iron the iron pant I mean the iron shoes were nice look get in here get in

Here no get in here yeah why not because no all right I don’t know what name I should put just in’s dot I’m just casually practicing I’m supering up here well you casually can help me yeah I’m dead just because I’m not just because you didn’t help

Me but you should be very low or you can just run away all right nope oh dang it dang it I I threw my Pearl I my and I I have void Walker do you does this ever happen to you where you throw your Pearl up and

Then your Void Walker activates and you get T it sucks I don’t know why they that it just keeps the same things all right here we go all right I’m going to have this as the last game so yeah just because why not so after the stream ends you’re going to you’re

Going to show me the the thing I mean the servers yeah I’ll send you the invites to all the servers and then I need to go eat yeah cuz I have to eat yum yum food food tastes good right yes some food does some food most food all right kind of most

Barely not really I’m changing my mind now is it kind of psychological that I think teile switches go faster like when I’m gaming or like like when I’m gaming like I feel faster I feel faster when I use like sound yeah like you’re like I’m a

Pro see I need to actually just mine the ground to get freaking blocks soz I just can’t get blocks know 32 Unbreak um the stupid crumbling blocks I’ll just use those is that enough to get over yes that is okay I made it over I did a full

Icy over there look ni come look I’m I’m getting stuff I’m trying not to get killed at the moment see that’s crazy I didn’t even like that was only one try only one try that’s actually sorry one try I didn’t even I didn’t even stop once okay I’m bailing you’re bailing

I’m scared I’m scared of these people these people really do scare me I’m going to beat up [Applause] this I love how you can scare people by Icy bridging right yeah just because they think you have some sort of advantage on I’m just barely in reach like

You I and people probably think that a level six is icy vering I’m a level six a level six this guy picked up this guy’s stuff which is what level are you I’m uh level 28 I’m sad well I just that to play this game a bunch I almost never play

High there we go got him there’s one is trying to icy bridge but he’s shifting dang imagine shifting imagine couldn’t be me like I used to I used to actually shift but then I realized oh I’m just going to icy so I tried icy one day and then I mastered it that first

Day that’s insane yes that’s how it went for me it took me a while to just be able to Walk so this guy apparently does not like me beating him up and I don’t like the fact I’m going to need you and see y to help me make a texture pack for 150 Subs all I think C would be happy to help you because he his whole thing is

Um texture pack making did he make the ores yeah he made the yours oh well they’re decent like it’s just the one thing rainbow says yo congrats on 500 thank you I’m I’m actually I was also I was technically a 500 sub I subbed out Al

But then uh I unsub oh am I still at 500 King Burger King I who’s saying something about Burger King in the background for you come here um my brothers are just talking about like Wendy’s tweets oh okay um they ask for make a refund it’s evil it’s the person behind

The Wendy’s tweets is just evil he said what do you want from McDonald’s a MC refund a MC refund fun it’s a good one though like uh it showed people taking out the trash uh and then uh Wy what do you think they’re doing and then it said taking their Order yeah and someone was saying um uh someone said uh Wendy’s you should uh end the square Burger because it well the the a square hamburger patty because it’s too unnatural and then they said yeah like just like the very natural um shape that uh that um McDonald’s

Hamburger is coming oh my gosh see snowy owl are you doing any more cs’s I would if I could because I’m out my friend’s out but if you can make any then we could do some with you I should I would if I could but I think this is going to

Be my last game of the night well at least for Hive and then I’ll join the S&P for a new stream in about an hour uh I haven’t been able to like stream until 150 Subs because like it’s not super duper uh duper quiet in the

House oh okay so it’s way harder yeah like when you need it bit quiet that’s why that’s why gaming rooms are very helpful right yeah most people have them these days yeah I’m just in my room like my bedroom yeah that’s what I want but my parents were like oh no because doctors

Say it’s not good for them to be alone oh my goodness no why because it’s yeah it’s exactly the same as just doing not do YouTube of course clearly they’re not on YouTube they’re just like Dr Mike oh my gosh guy just fell off on his own six kill you know like Dr

Dr Mike right that guy uh I think so like uh 10 million Subs he’s the doctor oh okay he has his own recording room good for him contradicts all right that’s going to be my last game of the day everyone let’s go over to all right that’s going to be my last

Game I’m going to be back maybe with some uhp content but if you haven’t already subscribed we’ve hit our goal of 500 it’s going to be insane thanks for joining and I’ll see y’all in the next one don’t forget to sub to me I don’t know why I did that in the

End got to throw in the quick selfpromo all right see y’all Shameless selfpromo for

This video, titled ‘🔴 Hive Live | Hive CS’s And Skywars With YOU! Road To 500!’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2023-12-03 00:14:01. It has garnered 378 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:57 or 16077 seconds.

I’m Live With Hive Live With Yall On Minecraft Bedrock Editions Server the Hive! This video was made on The Hive, the best minecraft bedrock pvp server! The Hive Bedrock has games like Hive Treasure Wars, Hive Skywars, CTF, Survival Games, The Bridge, Hive Capture The Flag, and Hive Bedwars! My content is similar to those of Evident, Dannyisdahbomb, Hikqrii and many more, so I’m here to help revive the hive and show that the hive isnt dying! You can play on the hive live with me on mobile ( mcpe ), Xbox, PS5, Nintendo Switch, And Windows 10! The Hive Is Known For Its Combos And Clutches Too! I Usally Go Live With Hive Live! Cs And Parties And Custom Games With YOU! Im Also Using The Best FPS Boost MCPE Texture Pack On The Minecraft Marketplace! Thanks For Watching! Subscribe! Can We Get To 500 Subs??? _____________________________________________________________ 💬 Discord Channel! https://discord.gg/xRJFWXb2Qy

//Alternative Titles: – Hive Live Customs with viewers – Minecraft bedrock livestream WITH YOU! – Hive Live! | Public games, You can join! _____________________________________________________________ #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp #hivetreasurewars #hive #hiveprestige #hivecommentary #hivepvp #hivecombos #hiveskywars #zeqa #pvp #livestream hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot pvp packs,best packs for hive networkpot pvp packs forhivevasarpot pvpmistahive pack folder for hivepacks for hivebest marketplace packsminecraft bedrock market place pvp packspvp packs minecraft market place,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, how to get custom texture packs on ps4, how to get custom texture packs on Nintendo switch, how to get custom texture packs on xbox, best marketplace packs for hive, marketplace pvp packs, PVP packs on the marketplacehive pack folder, pack folder mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,pack folder hive,pvp texture pack mcpe 1.18,mcpe texture packs,mcpe pvp pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,mcpe pvp packs,pack folder,best hive pack folder,cranexe pack folder,pvp pack mcpe,mcpe packs,hive texture pack,mcpe pack,texture pack pvp mcpe,mista,texture pack minecraft pe 1.18 pvp,minecraft pe pvp texture pack,pack pvp minecraft pe 1.18,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, best potpvp packs, potpvp, marketplace packs,minecraft texture pack, bedwars texture pack, realistic minecraft texture pack, texture pack, minecraft realistic texture pack, pvp texture pack mcpe, minecraft trailer texture pack, best minecraft texture pack, how to make a texture pack in minecraft, pvp texture pack hive skywars, hive skywars pack folder, hive skywars packs, hive scrims packs, hive scrims, hive scrims pack folder, hive sumo, hive sumo packs, hive sumo pack folder, best skywars packs, best pack folder, hive sumo pack folder, hive scrim pack folder, hive skywars release,hivemc,hivenetwork,hivepe,hivebedrock,hivetw,hivesw,hivesg,sg,tw,swmcpe, mcpe live, minecraft, minecraft live, mcpe hive, mcpe hive live, mcpe hive server, mcpe livestream, mcpe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcpe skywars, mcpe skywars live, mcpe treasure wars, mcpe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcpe the hive, voice reveal, mcpe voice reveal, mcpe stream, minecraft stream, mcpe cs live, mcpe custom game live, custom games with viewers,mcbe hive live, mcbe hive server, mcbe livestream, mcbe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcbe skywars, mcbe skywars live, mcbe treasure wars, mcbe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcbe the hive, voice reveal, mcbe voice reveal, mcbe stream, minecraft stream, mcbe cs live, mcbe custom game live, custom games with viewers, thehivelive, minecraft stream, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pocket edition, dipsler

  • Bedwars Shenanigans

    Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars Adventure with BlueLedYT and WeebRed Software and Equipment Used: For this epic Minecraft Bedwars adventure, the team utilized: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Capcut They also had the following hardware: Keyboard: Random Logitech keyboard Mouse: Bloody A60 Mic: Portal 7.1 HG28 (headphones mic) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 RAM: 16GB Resource Pack: The team played with the Bombies 180k resource pack by Tory, adding a unique visual flair to their gameplay. Subscribe to BlueLedYT and WeebRed: If you enjoyed the gameplay, make sure to subscribe to their channels: BlueLedYT WeebRed Highlights from the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Telepathy Challenges!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Telepathy Challenges! Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft challenges and testing your skills with friends? If so, you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With an exciting and vibrant community of players, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and compete in various challenges. Imagine the thrill of participating in telepathy challenges like the one you saw in the YouTube video. At Minewind, you can take part in similar challenges and see how well you and your friends know each other. It’s a fun and engaging way to bond with your friends while enjoying… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore

    Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore Welcome back to the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are stacked and the adventures never lack. Last month was a whirlwind, with updates galore, New mobs, new blocks, and so much more. You asked, we answered, in Part 2 of our Q&A, So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the fray. From Discord to Patreon, we’ve got links to share, Join the community, show us you care. Shoutout to Gnocchi for the awesome skins, And to Planetgirl for the voiceovers that always win. So keep those questions coming, don’t be shy, We’ll keep spinning rhymes, reaching for… Read More

  • Secret Quarry for Cobble Generator in Minecraft

    Secret Quarry for Cobble Generator in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft: Building a Quarry to Hide a Cobble Generator Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular project among players is building a quarry to hide a cobble generator. Let’s delve into this exciting endeavor and discover the magic of Minecraft! The Cobble Generator Before diving into the quarry, let’s understand the cobble generator. This ingenious contraption automatically generates cobblestone, a versatile building material in Minecraft. Players can use this generator to gather resources efficiently and build magnificent structures. Building the Quarry Now, onto the quarry! Players can construct a quarry to… Read More

  • Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft’s Fastest Flow – Tutorial!

    Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft's Fastest Flow - Tutorial! In Minecraft’s world, a Shulker Box Loader shines bright, Tileable and fast, a true delight. Crafted with care, expandable and neat, Sorting systems rejoice, it’s a feat. Java edition only, this design will thrive, Easy to build, cheap to derive. Fully automatic, turn on and off, For all your storage needs, it’s a true payoff. Join the Discord, for files to download, The original design, by @TheySix, bold and proud. With shaders and mods, the game comes alive, Replay Mod, Optifine, let your creativity thrive. In chapters we go, from intro to end, Building, using, a message to send…. Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s Top Level Plan

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's Top Level Plan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a delightful dream. With humor and joy, each video brings a smile, Capturing the essence of gaming in style. From funny moments to classroom scenes, Every detail is crafted with care, it seems. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. With each new update, a story to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity dwells. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, And let the truth of gaming take wing. Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Part 1

    Surviving Minecraft: Part 1 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a game that offers players a unique experience in a world made up of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities. Whether you enjoy reshaping the world around you or embarking on epic adventures, Minecraft has something for everyone. The Basics of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can use blocks to build structures, mine resources, and interact with a variety of creatures. From battling monsters to befriending animals, the game offers a wide range of activities to suit different playstyles. Exploring the World As players navigate through the vast world of Minecraft, they… Read More

  • Steve’s Prime Time: Aman’s Minecraft Rhyme

    Steve's Prime Time: Aman's Minecraft Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, a hero’s tale, PRIME STEVE’s journey, we unveil. Outlawed from his village, a pillage boy, Seeking redemption, his heart full of joy. Animated by Aman Singh, with skill and grace, Each frame a masterpiece, in every place. Edited with care, by the same talented hand, Bringing PRIME STEVE to life, across the land. Sound effects by FreshManSound, a true delight, Adding depth and emotion, to every fight. Map designed by 2DAY STUDIO, a visual treat, Creating a world where PRIME STEVE can compete. So join us on YouTube, for this epic tale, PRIME STEVE’s… Read More

  • Villager Kidnapping for Profit!

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  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: https://streamlabs.com/noahw-UAckAH/tip like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks https://www.youtube.com/@cubus_maximus Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CubusMaximus https://www.lumenscript.com http://www.animationgenie.com https://animationgenie.artstation.com https://www.cubusmaximus.com I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. www.com Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More