Duncan – Duncan’s Insane Build – MINECRAFT VAULT HUNTERS 2 SMP #82

Video Information

All right I’ve made the train station I think if I can put that on the tracks and Ben’s uh yeah let’s have a look got a good amount of space down here all right so I put it next to the track just just that for the moment which is beautiful oh

We have a we have a station okay so that means you should be able to create a train right I can put a train on it assemble train and then you put a Blobby down and it should give it Wheels this bit is weird I can’t remember use train casings on highlighted tracks

To create bogeys if you’ve got any holiday tracks yes [ __ ] full of potions and dump these potions somewhere just want everyone to be safe underground guys it’s fear I’m good I’m gonna put these poses to the computer oh the highlighted track for me is only one next to it Duncan there’s only one you can do it on well I tried

Using it was highlighted oh something happened how did you do that wait it’s where it told me to put it I told you to put it here it just [ __ ] does this well some of us are made born to make trains okay so wait give me another I should be able to make

Another bogey um okay but we need to put bits on it to actually make it a train yay we’ve got a train we will need an engine we’ll need we need lots of things we need a seat but wow what it’s going to look like it’s cool isn’t it

It’s [ __ ] so cute I love creating it is really cute can we put a drill on front I don’t know I think they were right to put that on a minecart assembler yeah and can we have a Wallace and Gromit style track laying device yeah it lays

Tracks as it runs no we’re not sure if we can lay this track that again that might need to be Minecart but we can make the train run behind it pretty [ __ ] cool though we can just we can lay the track ourselves because you can do it all in one go yeah all

Right let’s do a vote that’s right I love it I can’t wait for the next step everyone ready everyone got their voting stuff I haven’t got a bounty oh we’re doing an Elixir by the way because it’s mining okay I haven’t tried uh my new building so it might be shared

Okay well let’s find out that’s ominous uh we’re hunting for mining rooms it should be a nice chill one beautiful chill room there’s a little Shield of legendary resist this actually might be someone’s Shield oh that’s my shield Yeah like you’re putting gear everywhere temporarily but anyways you didn’t want us to find it in your hoarding box is that why oh all right get in there then come on let’s go all right I’m I’m going in I guess yeah let’s go okay nice we got trapped

Nice it’s [ __ ] good because we’re mining all oh yeah Ben They see me mining so the idea of doing an elixir with a mining vote is that hopefully the ore will give you lots of elixir because we don’t need we don’t need to complete a scav then my pink blocks are not very obvious in this in the steam

Wow that’s some good mining down here oh this is not a mining room I’m gonna wait for my fault to load and I’m getting decent law from it too amazing nice as long as one of us gets decent blocked and we ship you right wow I finished gather already I haven’t

Found my first room I haven’t found it might hear me either mainly because the vault’s loading still but yeah same I’ve only done two pois and I’m like 20 done lovely well we really need this menu type we are like those mods are getting real [ __ ] expensive now and actually

This is the last of our plentiful crystals oh [ __ ] so we can’t force any more big mining rooms so we need to make make this really worth it it’s gonna be a minute till we get some more it smells fun until their deaths on me amazing oh yeah

What should you what shouldn’t you build then we’re archons whenever someone hits me or touches me they take like 400 damage that’s pretty sick is that more Mana efficient because you’re not constantly like wasting manner doing nothing seems to be I I haven’t gone very low

Um I thought this was going to be a mining room I guess you need to be careful because actually if you’re killing stuff too quickly then you’re not getting the opportunity to Lucky hit Mana steal it doesn’t look like I just I just kill a fat zombie in like

Half a second just by walking into it and just dies oh my God you’ve just gone for the passive murder build I don’t have to do anything I just hold my pickaxe I mean you’re both kind of that right like the uh I’ve got the Thorns which is similar

Horns yeah although I do have to take damage for mine to work I’ll take a little bit damage but I can just run to them and they can’t hit that fast as I can finding a little larimar I’m not finding much Benny attack dammit you guys in a single [ __ ] mining room no

I’m finding a bunch of any mining was also a good XP so this is helping us push for 65. that’s true I finished ages ago by the way um yeah I’m nearly there as well keep going I keep going I have nowhere near close to finishing

Oh this one I’m nearly mobs you should be helping us slip in right oh yeah yeah I’m already on assist I’m already um like two-thirds of the way through assist your allies oh it’s this room this is an interesting looking room it’s like a kind of Chrisley cave oh it’s got

Some oh the Crystal Cave yeah mine the crystals and that works with plentiful as well nice you’ll get um they’ll be more flush with Crystal River or wish we had lasers though oh I know once you get once you get a hammer it’s very much like having a

Laser but I mean I can’t reach them oh yeah I mean reach is also very nice reaching is you’re talking about right Ben uh no no is it gonna break it’s on 436. oh there’s plenty it just looks like like three percent of its Health Plan

Oh I must have had a lot to start with that’s enough for a bit God I got a uh I got us one of those Omega pylons sometimes you find like pylons there’s particles coming out of them oh yeah they just gave me speed free for five

Minutes and just like this wow the perfect pylon for our hunting like so good boom I can’t love this build man it’s so funny they’re just dying it’s going in that room there’s a lot of mobs in that room as well actually yeah that’s fine should

I just stand there in mind and they just kill them make sure to check up and down there’s lots of crystals that hide really far that wallow the thing I love about doing this is like we’re hunting benyattai and that’s the thing we actually care about right but actually

We’re getting a lot of pogs we’re getting like we’re getting so many other things which I mean we’re just like it’s saving us in in so many other grinds and I just I love that like the fact we’re doing other things that we’re not gonna need in the future yeah I mean

Just ticking up those rare Roars is always useful isn’t it okay black opal for black chromatic and stuff Joe I mean there’s just so many little bits that we’re getting that means we don’t have to worry about in the future just feels good president oh I’ve got a

A yellow oh it’s a dungeon difficulty hard it’s probably not worth me doing this because we’re not gonna get any orders are we and sadly dungeon dinosaurs yeah I mean you can do it if you want to I don’t have one who but I should probably stay on target Are You On

Target I think just because we don’t have any plentiful catalysts left we can’t force make any more mining for quite a bit so we should get our value yeah get our values working now yeah you can always do dungeons yeah there’ll be more dungeons oh where’s my dungeons

Wow okay we all finished that didn’t take long that was very that is why you make elixirs when you’re doing this like when we did it with scab it was like well my gosh we’re never finishing yeah I wish I’d taken in power speed there’s an ability that just you can just press

And it just drains your Mana in exchange for giving you speed oh it’s just perfect for doing this would run yeah running through a million rooms because you’re just like cool I don’t care and you don’t you know don’t really need lots of Mana when you’re doing this this

Mining Strat it’s not worth me doing Wild West Town is it it’s so funny when there’s a creeper I just have a Sprint towards it before it pops see how they like it I’ve got to get through it really quick otherwise it blows up it might be worth you dunking if you’re

Going for this build just thinking about getting some crit resistance just if you’re purposely taking hits like I don’t want you to suddenly get like no if you suddenly get a triple crit then actually you might just die if I just put the ability power and and um like defense basically well crit

Resistance is the implicit that takes over from ability pass you need to juggle it a little bit right but I’d go like at least one one piece of gear I’d say has like having none it just means I’d say you might just [ __ ] because every piece of ability power I get is is

All doubled how did it work on ranged mobs I have to touch them that’s how it works you have to physically oh oh yeah it’s not they hit you you physically interact with them which means that which is good because I can hit them a lot more

Because they can hit like one of wait do you go Dash bullet there’s a specialization on dash where you do damage if you dash through things no I want to have the dash on the lowest cooldowns possible really might be quite low on it still because

That’s how I get to um if I get to see a range form I just Dash it in it yeah it cool down is quite long for dash bullet Matt I’ve been using this on volara’s petal trinket that just constantly gives me regen I honestly think it saved my

Life more times than I even know really every like every two seconds just regening half the heart is just so much very good man I know when you change trinkets you’ll just be like never healing yourself so you’ve got six uses left and I’m like please stay a little longer

Please stay a little longer and craft it again all right I think I probably shouldn’t be relying on it it’s making me quite lazy I’m just getting hit by mobs and I’m like it’s fine I’m healing oh I just got I got a pylon for a 100 durability damage reduction for two

Minutes that’d be really good on you guys probably one thing that I’m gonna actually is durability reduction yeah does the ability give you durability reduction no there’s one of them that does wait maybe it does yeah if you get he went into porcupine or quill they give you 30 durability directions

Replace the whole room not just this one POI and uh fingers crossed are you guys starting to recognize rooms I’m interested you’ve played quite a lot now uh there’s a couple of rooms and I’m like oh yeah I know this one with the bridges over the middle and stuff yeah

The bridges one’s quite iconic you know anything with an obvious thing you know um but whereas if it’s just like a slight variation on a standard room yeah really paying attention to that hmm some of them because that is just a that’s what portion of you know I run

Into the room and I’m already running straight to places where I know where chests spawn I’m already saving like five seconds of just orientation that doesn’t happen to me no I’m not doing that I’m looking oh excellent he’s in some [ __ ] mining pois really yeah I just got like four laminar Why did I even have to fight mobs for that it’s the [ __ ] worst man something I wish they would do in um an elixirs once you’ve completed and like we’ve got to this point I wish you would just give me a number of how much Globe I’ve collected yeah so that I

Could just like just just for the dumbness of seeing how much I could get you know I mean like yeah I like I like those like kind of self I like to measure yeah I like to measure myself basically that’s what I’m saying and just check check if everything’s the same should

Get more XP based on how much Globe you pick up after we’ve finished yeah I feel like getting like going super super crazy and getting tons should be like rewarded more obviously some some people are staying longer and they’re getting more should give you more XP I don’t I’ll honestly

Take like another bar like give me and like give me an option to like double down Overkill bar kind of thing yeah like you can’t complete I mean it looks you out of completing anything because I think I take that guy almost every time every time

If you finish like maybe if it like it also changes changes the glow yeah it changes the globe rolls it as well okay my children should have broken but now it’s on full health again what I just have a refreshed full health mining tool weird that’s very strange I

Don’t know what happened tools won’t break they don’t snap they like go to zero HP no this one’s just full can you use it does it work yeah it’s working I can’t really explain what happened there really [ __ ] weird okay you’ve got a bug or did I have like

An item we didn’t know about no I’ve between us a bug I’m doing this Exmark room and then I think I’m gonna dip because I don’t have many rooms left you guys got exits I have also got a bit lost because I just did another oh

Geometry kiwi before I leave me uh if you just hang around for a minute and then maybe kiwi back to back egg smog rooms being trapped feels bad Feels pretty bad man I’m ready to exit oh my God so there was a champion trance zombie three seconds yeah I’ve actually I’ve just got no way of remembering where those exits were I’ve passed like six of them but why don’t you mark them when you need to go

Past them well I just I don’t really know where I am anymore can you go back to like the start and then find one of your original exits I’m gonna try I think I know if I find a room now I don’t really have time to

Mine It Anyways no I say start heading okay okay yeah managed to do it managed to do a hard dungeon in this time for you guys trying to find exits take that as a cheeky little bit of bonus loot at the end very nice okay [ __ ] behind the exit

Um yeah it doesn’t matter no but I know where there is one in relationship that’s fine you’ve got more than enough time you’ve got more than enough time no need to panic I’m going to Kiwi there’s not much I can do I’m gonna keep it down and then I’ll I’ll accept

So you’re gonna get like another minute and a bit there you go thank you I am out oh 171 Benny a type not bad 55 000 experience Jesus like half a level just right up would you love to see it you do you find one yeah

Ben no yeah went through a factory room kiwi up as well you wouldn’t mind why is our computer off here we go thank you why is your computer off our computer is off because maybe it’s because I ended to have a crafting grid Renault power I

Think it was draining it yeah I’m just gonna break the cable to it can I see how much I mined oh [ __ ] what I think I didn’t have spare infantry for my crate no no your crate spawns afterwards oh okay Chuck something will be on the floor right near you all right

Um uh Duncan you’ll need to reconnect that computer we’ve got we need to use it okay I got one Echo wall nice I only got two pretty good zero upalean why does it even tell me that just brags at you LOL you got none LOL Duncan you might have got my reward crate

Oh yes I did have that hand Duncan give me my [ __ ] record crate what the [ __ ] dealing nope what’s the right button nope if we go towards the house we should put a d-mag over there number pad five thank you oh I got a lemon my reward great completed our vault oh I

We needed to kill one more dweller no I got 25 out of 26. oh so something they added and one of the mods um one developers messaging me about to remind me because I’ve forgotten um we can press tab now in scavs and see each other Sky items that we need oh oh

Wow it’s handy it’s big which is really cool I’ve got an argument for spring oh nice I I like that theme I enjoyed it I would I would do it again I would do it again I would do it again Barry’s review is yes it was a theme good happy with that theme

There we go I got 24 rare rules and 85 Benny not [ __ ] bad boys not [ __ ] bad that hopefully I mean we won’t know until we mine it all down because honestly I can’t be bothered to calculate it but hopefully that’s going to be enough to get us these mods I mean

We’re gonna need to run some living next time get some burgers and get some more knowledge but that should be us covered on the all front and if it isn’t it’s not much you can [ __ ] do but I’ve run more votes so fingers crossed I think it’s [ __ ]

Crossed the fingers crossed the belly pile is good to us I got 51 many um the whole place but it was quite a good one but it had a little bit it had a lot of like name doors in it I mean honestly getting the pogs whilst

It is a side thing really it’s the main thing like yeah it’s always good it’s always really nice just not having to worry about pogs so we can just do fundamentals to make gear better is really really really really Pleasant it’s such like a different murder game right where we’re like oh

The implicits are bad it’s getting banned and now it’s like the implicitous are bad does it matter like you just fix it like yeah that switch so happens like so so suddenly oh Duncan Duncan this might this might convince you to use your old one I have a scrappy King

For you are you ready yeah look at that Scrappy King oh my god dude that’s so much lucky hit that’s that’s what we’ve been our team at legendary but it’s just such a terrible [ __ ] wand that’s a scrappy King dude I think I’m not gonna lie I

Would take that lucky hit over your increasability power anymore though I’m not even using my sword well in fact someone should use this because that one is crazy getting lucky hit legendaries is really big does it work for raps as well I can’t remember if he’s using it he might be yeah

I think I’ll keep it in Duncan’s special chest so it can get lost in time we’ll find it 10 levels time and then delete it keep it in the hoarders chest perfect perfect it’s exactly where all good things go to die hahaha that that is crazy that’s enough that’s

Enough to make it lucky but like like a hit build it’s what you really need is legendaries I might do up these legs see everyone’s want those next time then that ones yeah we’ll continue I’ve found a new build that I don’t need lucky hit for now so I might just take

It off and like oh yeah that’s more more points right more more skill points as well more things to do more build fiddling fun times um right we’re about to stop there but thank you very much for watching everyone see you again Soon bye

This video, titled ‘Duncan’s Insane Build – MINECRAFT VAULT HUNTERS 2 SMP #82’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2023-09-22 17:30:01. It has garnered 23784 views and 1381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds.

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Minecraft Vault Hunters II! With the Train Station in place it’s time to do a vault and we need some mining POI’s! My insane new build is making short work of any mobs!

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    Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrendsVideo Information ‏ag [موسيقى] v This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack🔥||#gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-20 15:51:47. It has garnered 8157 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft TIK TOK BILD HACK 😈#shorts I am a Minecraft video creator My YouTube channel name is BignnerYT so, Please check My channel if You like then subscribe minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorialminecraft pocket edition survival series, minecraft pocket edition download, minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95

    UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95Video Information तो गाइस मैं सोच रहा था बहुत दिन से मैंने कुछ धासू कुछ कुछ हट के कुछ नेक्स्ट लेवल मैंने कुछ अभी तक किया नहीं है तो मैं आज आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आ चुका हूं कुछ ऐसे टी एनटी और कैनन चस्ट को देखने के बाद आप लोग के रोंग खड़ हो जाएंगे य देख फायर क्रैकर्स और भी बहुत कुछ है तो सबसे पहला हमारे पास ये क्या है रॉकेट लांचर इसको हम ट्राई करेंगे कहां ट्राई करें मुझे कुछ ध्यान नहीं आ रहा किसके घर प करू मैं किसके घर पर करू इस वाले… Read More

  • Unearthed

    UnearthedWelcome to Unearthed, a friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft! This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, optional PvP, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience. We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable… Read More

  • New Beginnings Modded Factions Roleplay Whitelist NaEast 1.20.1 +18

    Dimensional Adventures Modpack Ever dreamed of building your own kingdom, braving monster-infested dungeons, or becoming a master of the arcane? The Dimensional Adventures modpack lets you do it all! Features: Forge a realm! Band together with friends and establish your own epic kingdom or cozy village. Delve into the depths! Explore sprawling dungeons, unearth hidden treasures, and conquer the darkness! Embrace the Machine Age! Build a wondrous steampunk paradise filled with innovative contraptions. Unleash your inner magic! Master the arcane arts with a variety of exciting magic mods. The possibilities are endless! To make your adventure even smoother, extra quality-of-life… Read More

  • DeathReaper

    DeathReaper🎮 Welcome to play.DeathReaper.org! 🎮🌟 Your Gateway to Adventure! 🌟Join our vibrant community for an unforgettable Minecraft experience featuring a dynamic blend of our popular games: Op Factions and Survival⚔️ Op Factions: Conquer the realm of factions! Build your forces, seize territories, and clash with rivals in a quest for dominance. With robust economies and unique features, Op Factions delivers endless gameplay excitement.Why Join Us?🌟 Engaging Community: Join a friendly and active community of players from around the world. Our Discord server is bustling with activity, providing real-time communication, event announcements, and community discussions.🎉 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Melon Madness Highway

    Minecraft Memes - Melon Madness HighwayWhy did the watermelon cross the road? To get to the juicy side of the highway! Read More

  • Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check!

    Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check! In the world of Minecraft, cheats are a sin, But some players just can’t help but give in. They burned a player with cheats, what a shame, But justice was served, they got banned from the game. The server admin caught them in the act, Flying around, breaking the pact. They were building a beautiful home, But cheating in Minecraft, they should’ve known. The admin called them out, asked for an explanation, But the player refused, faced with termination. They were banned from the server, a fitting end, Cheating in Minecraft, they couldn’t defend. So remember, dear players, play… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch! Minecraft: The Journey – Exploring Bow Enchantments In the latest episode of Minecraft: The Journey, bugmancx delves into the world of bow enchantments. From Power to Flame, Punch, and Infinity, the new enchantments offer exciting possibilities for survival in the game. Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I Bugmancx crafts multiple bows and heads to the enchanting table to discover the enchantments awaiting him. With Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I, he creates the ultimate bow for his adventures. The combination of these enchantments provides him with a powerful weapon to combat the mobs… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Looking for a new and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment that will keep you coming back for more. Just like the “Important Button” map, Minewind features a variety of challenges and adventures for players of all skill levels. With different biomes to explore and conquer, you’ll never run out of things to do on our server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Our server is designed to be both challenging and accessible, ensuring that you’ll always… Read More

  • Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑

    Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑 Minecraft Server Promotion: Build Your Own Kingdom! 👑 Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the exciting server where you can create your own kingdom and rule over your domain! Explore new lands, gather resources, and build magnificent structures to establish your reign. Server Details: 🌐 Server IP: play.ronemacraft.com 1.16.5-1.17 📢 Server Discord: discord.gg/skyblocktc Features: 🏝️ Skyblock: Test your survival skills on a floating island and thrive in a challenging environment. ⚔️ Survival: Brave the wilderness, fend off monsters, and build a thriving community with fellow players. 🏘️ Towny: Join forces… Read More

  • EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!

    EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!Video Information This video, titled ’24MAR24. Mage Tower Décor. Work on Outer Walls’, was uploaded by swpatterson on 2024-03-25 02:36:25. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:27 or 7527 seconds. mc.hydalehollow.com MineCraft Java 1.20.1 SMP — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/swpatterson69 Read More

  • Exploring Haunted House Challenge

    Exploring Haunted House ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Masuk Rumah Hantu ‼️#shorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #minecraft #dafugboom’, was uploaded by VelynsTV on 2024-03-21 11:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!

    SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Live | JAVA | Public SMP’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-22 05:57:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAVA + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.8 – 1.20.4 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; https://www.bynogame.com/tr/destekle/xmaiya ⭐️Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/one-piece-adventures-at-sea… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More