Duncan – Unlocking Our First Mod – Pouches – MINECRAFT VAULT HUNTERS 2 SMP #18

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Let’s unlock a mod let’s unlock two things and we actually have we done the thing Ben you’ve got fortunately do you want to mine down some more uh actually give me a shot I’m doing the name tags sure you’ll just write down when you forget have a second just write

Down all of our vault or honestly we’ve got quite a lot and would you help us see where we’re actually at um then we’ll also need good old knowledge start knowledge shards which we’ve got enough four mod points which should be enough for Vault compasses and the first level in pouches nice caps

Lockers on you have mail please respond sake right death death didn’t get a name I gotta do that again so pathetic um okay Ben yeah can you mine down these Benny titles for me please and then we can just I don’t have the fortune and

Then we get four mod points and we can make some pooches I’ve been slowly breeding I don’t even noticing every soft that I’ve been running off and they’re breeding up the rabbit we’re about to use a lot of rabbit hide so do we does anyone have a looting sword I

Could have sworn we had a looting sword uh no I don’t think we did did we did I never make one I think we were gunu and then we didn’t we’re trying to chart one of these crappy Vault swords with uh definitely one of those things we’ve talked about

Let’s unlock these mods already hairy are you actually serious right now come on hold up my life but I need you to do this deep slate just like lapis as well where are you what are you doing I’m doing the first thing you asked me to do Harry yeah

I’ll do something what do you want me to do just and then we’re gonna get the knowledge Stars I need you to take this lapis you’re going to chant uh the this sword outside take that sword and grab the lapis from Ben and can you try and get looting and

Then go over to the rabbits in the animal pen breed them up one more time and then kill a couple of them and just try and get like 10 rabbit hides or something give me the belly type then you want to get looting on the sword just like looting two or three or

Whatever kill a couple rabbits from the pen I thought we actually didn’t get enough menier type bin really what do we need we’re literally one short ah right knowledge starts crafted it’s time to unlock it yay yay pouches did you guys get a little pop-up it said very hairy

Researched pouches awesome so if you just type are we still friends I hope so so patches is it yeah it’s kind of this interesting mod it unlocks and stages the Looting mods kind of all go sequentially apart from junk management so it’s pouches double pouches belts backpacks and big

Backpacks and honestly it’s actually like one of the like most well made knees mods in this entire pack like it’s really really awesome there’s loads of really awesome additions and it’s gonna be our like way of actually looting in the vault so there’s no more putting down boss crates there’s no more you

Know danks this is like danks backpacks boss crates all rolled into one um and it slowly gets better oh my gosh that sounds amazing it literally it’s amazing uh where did you have the right behind it here okay cool so we just need to do some crafting Duncan can you

Actually take the rabbit hide from that chest yep can you look up a bundle I need you to craft this let’s all try and get a pouch I think we can can you craft us three bundles oh yeah thank you I’m going to try and craft the rest of

The bits we’ve got lots of larima actually we’re doing really well for that I have three bundles nice okay cool can you toss them to me you put on his chest okay I’ll craft a pouch one pouch down two pouch down three pouch down here we go Duncan here’s your little pouch

Oh it’s lovely isn’t he so cute now before we get into any of it you can shift right click with an empty hand and you pick it up yeah I don’t have an empty hand oh god there you go that’s fine it’s fine that’s just like putting them down

Yeah we can so we can put them in our backpack spots this is only a little pouch how do I use it how do I interact with it yeah well let’s take it off of our backpack first because actually I want to show you one of my favorite bits which okay we’re

Gonna get completely distracted by and it’s not actually that important but in fact let me just cook UPS um here we go some of this and some of this in the crafting table I’m gonna make some dye you can actually dye your backpack multi-colored exactly how you want so Ben you might like

I want a blue one I added some blue with a white stripe to it oh perfect it’s very on brand uh do I throw this one back to you yeah you can go either about the other one so yeah you can dye them however you want you can like customize

It you can like mix dies you can keep dyeing it more of like one color it’s really cool I don’t know just all the dying bits of it like I’m just going to add like a little white stripe to my one how do you add a white stripe to it so

You put depending on where you put the die around oh let’s die in different areas that’s a really nice touch I wish you could do that with everything so if we just put the pouch in our hot Bar for a second we can just right click it and open up the pouch

It’s basically like a little shocker at the moment because it’s only a little baby pouch it’s not like a big backpack so sorry again you you put a pouch on our hot bars for the moment yeah and we’ll just and we’ll just right click it to open it so there’s two ways

We can open pouches which is put them on a Hotbar and right click on them actually freeways I guess we can also have them in our inventory if you put it in your inventory and then tap b on it you’ll also open it or you can put it

Into your backpack slot nice and then you can also just close out all of your inventory and press B and which everyone’s in your backpack slot will get open when you press P okay is there a way to like open it while you’re looting uh not while you’re in a chest

No that would be absolutely insane uh so if we open the pouch again whichever way you prefer on the left hand side is like little upgrade slots so if you’re just in your jei while you’re in this menu just type at soft s-o-p-h you’ll see all of the sophisticated backpack stuff so there’s

All these different upgrade cards that we can put into them pick up upgrade so that will mean you know it’s like a magnet it would automatically pick up we can get to get feeding upgrades that automatically feed us food oh restock upgrades that will automatically give you blocks back you know storage

Upgrades loads of really interesting different upgrades but pickups kind of the basic one which means whenever item gets sucked towards you or you know you pick it up it will go into your pouch first before going into your inventory oh this is really cool if you click if

You click the Cog in the top right this is loads of different settings now most of these settings aren’t really that relevant the backpack setting we can kind of ignore the no sort slot setting the a slash Z we can kind of ignore but the memory setting is really

Really cool so let’s just for example type at the Vault into jei at the underscore Vault and you can see there’s like some gemstones like some gorgeous gemstones these are no longer in the game so these are good example we can drag from Jai over into our backpack and

Pre-set up filters that we want and then right click to go right click to get rid of them so basically I can then also save my filters at the bottom of the memory setting and load them so I can set up another filters and then save

Them out into pouches for you guys or we can customize them and do whatever we want so this is amazing honestly backpacks each you could set up a shitload of filters and put give them all pick up upgrades yeah the big big backpacks are enormous so

Let’s also do this let’s sum right put a couple items in your back into your backpack so I’m just going to put in some like some random items for my inventory and then we go back into that Cog setting menu you have to leave the setting menu do that go back into the

Cog setting menu and then uh on the brain click select all slots and it will actually just bacon items that you’ve picked up so you can even do it the other way of let’s do it run a couple votes oh I want that item to actually be

In that slot and I don’t have to find it in Jai you can just tell you to learn whatever slot you put it in there I remember if you ever want to get rid of blurred slots you go to the memory bit and right click so will the pickup

Upgrade just pick stuff up that’s on the floor it will so actually if you don’t still do the whole thing with smash chess then or what you can do is have a magnet and Ctrl Q throw stuff out of chests I just wish there was a way for it just

If you open the chest it would just take everything out on its own well there’s there’s a there’s another way of looting which is I kind of like where um uh let’s say I open a chest and I take some I feel my inventory I have my hot bar

Filled but my adventure is empty of items and I fill my adventure of items I then open the backpack you can also do filtered inserts so filtered extra less cool filtered extract is banned in volts but insert is allowed so you so let’s say let’s say I had this pouch with

Pre-made Slots of stuff I want to take I just filtered it insert them back into the pouch so it’s like a shulker that you can you have to put down on the floor it’s like a shulker but so much more because of the upgrades you can get

And the size you can get to yeah so you know this is brilliant you can end up stacking stuff up to you know like danks a thousand per and okay Etc do we want to keep upgrading this or do you want to get make a few each or what

I I mean at this stage quite honestly they’re they’re pretty cheap we can actually make W2 pouches have one on our back and one pillagers going on what the are they doing what the oh we’re having a pouch tutorial day let me find you some some milk so yeah

Duncan do you want to craft us a couple more but uh things I’m gonna kill some more bunnies and I guess have you got Crystal uh oh uh yeah we’ve made loads in the Christmas chest yeah we’ve got two charged there’s a level five one oh should we do that now let’s

Get that done because I was gonna get on five out of the way all right too hard or too too easy yeah we’re level eight oh yeah I’m seven okay yeah yeah yeah we’re leveling up boys oh my god I’ve got just submit 93 chromatic iron to the table and we get a

Load of stuff we get four gold let me just get that done one sec that’s crazy crazy good I love this submit item once again do it afterwards because you’re gonna have to put all the chests my zoom and my ping are the same button I need to fix that uh

Okay what happened to our pit I’ll find two skill lessons I’m gonna re-roll he’s been getting shot by skeletons that’s why he’s injured no one’s getting in there he’s just getting shot I love that I now get bounties to get elyters God damn this game everyone else got loads of relations

From bounties early on I think there for a treat when I finish the vault uh let me shut this back and then yeah just do it no one’s forgotten anything no we’ve got food God oh no my mom’s shot okay right I can’t heal one of my hearts for some reason that’s because

You have an all the piece that’s giving you half a remember I’ll just give you individual HP not Hearts it’s very annoying that makes sense just forget about so many more Hearts than you guys yeah you got a lot hearty boy you got your new sword as well yes my healing

Sword remember so I went I went for a full item Rarity build remember yeah all right so you’re looking for you’re getting sweet loot yeah let’s do it amazing right here we go uh it’s a monolith I have the objective Hunter still so I can still I’m the monolith

We couldn’t have enough Benatar did we okay no no no we so someone needs to mine one bennia type basically I I need to find a mining room for my quest anyway remember mining is really good XP uh someone else you get this room we’re facing east facing East

Duncan do second I’ll go third Roger that plus two percent trap disarmed chance well the thing is even if it’s not a great gym we can actually always melt it down into other Jewels so like reroll your Jewels yeah Jewels my Jewels need re-rolling we’ll do that so it’s

Actually not so it’s all good stuff basically don’t worry about it um if you guys you guys find some mining stuff we’ve got some mining stuff not yet no I would like to find a mining room no I haven’t found mining I’m honestly just taking like no damage from these guys

Now I’m smashing them it’s kind of level five kind of feel bad kind of feel like they’re just suck now we bully we are be careful running through this next room Duncan there’s quite a lot of mobs I’ve just left alive because I’m all right I’m coming through now you found any

Mining p p o s’s yet it was one but it’s not really worth it it was just so many more only three llama now that’s fine just like just keep uh this next room is the final room so yeah just go north from that room one room over from your original one

Yeah go north from that room all right I’m so jealous it’s such a quality of a lot to get out on purpose it’s fine everyone is also suffering so this room’s done is it Harry yeah I go north oh nice would you notice where you’re going Ben

Uh yeah well I’m going my own way but I’m not I’m not lost we’re having flashbacks the last vote yeah that was real close it was a little bit close too close to comfort someone say okay I think I’ve set my pouch up wrong I’ve told it to like Hoover up all the

Crap but no no what you can’t Hoover up stuff about a upgrade okay it’s like a shotgun at the moment yeah until we get the pickup because you just use it like a shulker that you’d have to put down on the ground yeah so it’s quick it’s a lot quicker

I’m already loving this just go to put stuff away quickly on my bounty already nice so I don’t need to worry about looking for mining rooms now in this you know I want to you know what the mobs may be easy but baby zombies are still a pain in the ass yeah they

Will never be easy no matter what I just I just have to hit another mob near them and need I yeah I mean that that does that that is the dream isn’t it Ben it’s really nice you know Duncan over here playing basically easy mode though right

Of course of course of course wouldn’t it be nice to have chaining yeah I want to have twin t swords with chaining [Laughter] No chaining I found a weird little Crystal place oh crystal mine yeah oh be careful but that makes loads of mobs response that’s the challenge room so some of these rooms some of the rooms from 1.16 up the previous version were bought forward and into this version some of them are

Challenging so some of them are Omega room so that’s a challenge room when you go up to near the crystals it will spawn hundreds of mobs but they are ambushers so they’ll only spawn a certain amount and then once you kill them obvious you can then mine on the crystals with ease

So honestly with your crossbow you can honestly mine a lot of that Ben and you might find some really good stuff okay well it’s good to know before I just pop on I can prepare myself before I just walk into that so Omega rooms are like they’re completely spawner free they’re

Just completely free loot but that’s a challenge room so it isn’t quite as free and I’m free yeah if you want it you could honestly spend quite you could spend the final 10 minutes you’re honestly just mining that entire room I’m gonna give it a go

I I think you get quite a lot of stuff I don’t maybe this is different to the thing there’s like a there’s a terracotta dragon in here like terracotta blocks making a like a little dragon oh and there’s crystals in here but there’s not like a

Million mobs like if you found an Omega oh you no you’re saying it’s just wait what what is it just a normal room is it normal is it themed like a normal room no it’s like it’s like a normal room but in the corner there’s a bunch of like

Brightly colored jellies okay okay sorry I thought you I thought you found the uh the challenge of no that is one of the new uh that’s one of the new pois oh okay so they’ve added some new pois to the game because the current ones are kind of like it’s a standard rotation

Where you always know where the chests spawn yeah these ones are like randomized chest spawn locations and yeah they’re kind of brightly colored and they’re more like they’re much bigger and it basically it just means every time you got to it you don’t know where the chests are going to be and it

Can have a random amount of chests so those ones can spawn like if you find like an ornate one it’s really good because they can have up to like 10 ornate chests which is pretty crazy um yeah sorry I got confused no that’s right I mean Crystal’s in it’s confusing

Crystals are cool yeah there’s a little series of them that have dragons and they’re like absolutely my favorite we should honestly photograph those for the uh for the challenge oh yeah okay cool oh I didn’t bring a camera but no paper well notice it for next time sorry we haven’t given the challenge

Anyway can I just drop a pink can you see mine no I’m I’m the furthest East I’m North and furthest East and I’m going to go back and go um more North I guess no that’s closed okay I’m gonna go wasn’t exactly coming I’m in the I’m in

The Northeast then the farthest north east side okay you might want to start removing dude there’s three minutes left yeah oh oh wow okay I was not paying attention Okay I’m gonna run run home a wedding book God I thought I still had like eight minutes or something

Oh my God it’s gone I I’ve gone idle from a from an altar from those when those are nice very cool she gave me an idol out of it it’s pretty good um we should probably all have one so we’re not um at risk of a vault right yeah what do you mean

Well it saves your life doesn’t it no no no no they don’t work as I do they don’t work as um oh I got one more left okay uh no they um we don’t have time to find the other two no I’ve only look though they um yeah they don’t work as totems

Like vanilla totems however they do um they give you lots of powerful they’re kind of better late game they give you lots of powerful like passives so what I’ve got it gives me poison immunity I think yeah that’s good as soon as I just don’t care about chests being trapped

You can get ones with like speed two and haste two and stuff okay so you don’t have to choose between an extra life and a shield you just you can pick a shield yeah you can pick a shield but also I just get Mana region Idol’s late game

Are really good but Shield’s early game are probably better oh guys we need to move yeah yeah right back I don’t know the first room yeah I don’t want to make it you guys might need to dip before I die well I’m gonna do it before time

Runs I think the default was way bigger than I gave it credit I thought it was gonna be tiny right I’m gonna dip I’m sorry man uh no way wait check your inventory do you have any kiwis no no I haven’t found any nature chests to stand next to the portal and just

Keep pinging no kiwis I’m afraid this is the pain of running for the monoliths and also why we need the volt Compass yeah oh I see the pinks are seeing things no kiwis Dash 20 seconds the line for entrance between the line for the entrance picking line for the entrance

Oh my God I was heading the right way it I’m going bye oh I’m literally in the corridor can you make it can you dash oh so close I could just see the portal oh no look at this I’ll show it to you you need

Like a four seconds look how close that was like one second a kiwi would have saved me my XP that’s pretty funny yeah that was so close I have 10 987 out of 11 000. 10 000 oh wait wait wait wait wait they changed it they changed at the level

They changed how it works I don’t lose my stuff I just take durability damage oh yeah are we not on beginner’s Grace anymore yeah we are so beginner’s Grace means um you’ll keep an eventually receive a durability penalty so I just I mean I took like nothing from my channel

Yeah I just got all my loot out wow okay all right easy did he get any buns I need like two buns or One Bun it’s just filtered inside I’ll do your way let’s go this stuff in um buns buns buns let me have a look

You’ve got five buns put them in this like chest with the rabbit hide okay just level up then okay so dying is not as bad now I probably should have actually YOLO further to try and find the monolith so you guys can get the completion

Maybe no no no no either way I was gonna lose my durability right yeah uh all right so I want speed or haste let’s go haste I’m gonna get a point of haste okay so you can break spawners if you’re breaking sports yeah uh common Samurai leggings oh five armor 3D crit

Resistance five manners sounds pretty good can you ping it in chat and I can see all that buttons now team Shifty Shifty yep oh it’s got an empty prefix as well Dad we roll that that goes I guess everyone gets one Ben and by one I mean everyone gets 17 rerolls

People were laughing I won Duncan of like being a Gambling Man instantly gambled a gambling addict knows what it’s like to be a gambling addict no one knows better in fact yeah I I speak for experience it is a crippling addiction foreign we have the knowledge do you want to

Craft this up some vote uh yes I do brilliant have you learned to do it let me do the learner dating the londoning US to be had I think just a normal Compass vote come oh it’s easy it’s very easy it’s very easy okay I don’t know if we have enough never

Right though hopefully we do I got nine in that last vote oh wow okay I mean they are four each though and we should have it’s gonna use a fair few diamonds we have tons another right dude honestly we’ve got 20 volts yeah we have enough

But we need these these are very very useful so it’s a good one that’s not the mod we don’t unlock the mod then don’t make them pretty strange no it’s a really really worthwhile investment where are the Vault diamonds at anyway yeah uh good nice I’m putting some markers into my backpacks

To know what they should pick up I’m just going to see how that works the school but we’ll see what I should have done is after I got back from that Vault I should have looked at the um the loot the loot and then just I mean saved it as you said if

This worked I’ll copy this across to your guys pouches if you want it because I can always save it and then I have it in history and then I can always yeah yeah pick up your pouches God I love this mod it’s so good it’s such a well-designed well thought through mod I

Love it too good job mod making good job well done sir good modding um one two three four one two three four one two three four this is using nearly all of another we have some never right things as well right it’s okay we have three Vault compasses boom boom

Thank you for you Harry Edward for B so is another thing to keep on your hot bar quiver that’s my Hopper nice that sounds like a good hot bar so the VOC compost is above knowing I have no use outside of the Vault they are literally useless

But I’m all right with that in the vault they will always Point towards the exit portal that doesn’t mean it’s going to show you which way you need to you know the exports yeah right yeah so don’t get confused just keep running around and and you’ll and you’ll get there

Eventually it is really good though and um certainly we’ll save our lives now so how do they work they just point to the exit point to the exit portal just that simple that simple um and you can keep it obviously you don’t need it on your hot bars you can

Keep it you can’t keep it in a pouch that’s banned um because otherwise you could do some you can do some cheesing um how would you choose you save it as a memory icon and it would just point to the right direction you never need to actually uh you never actually need to

Unlock the models oh uh oh I see yep that’s quite funny uh there’s a couple of aways which don’t worry I’ve already reported all of the different ways to the mod makers oh Harry you’re such a snitch I am the most disgusting station in the world

This video, titled ‘Unlocking Our First Mod – Pouches – MINECRAFT VAULT HUNTERS 2 SMP #18’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2023-03-09 18:30:51. It has garnered 57563 views and 2625 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds.

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Vault Hunters II! We unlock our first mod – Pouches! It’s a game changer when it comes to looting Vaults!

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    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

Duncan – Unlocking Our First Mod – Pouches – MINECRAFT VAULT HUNTERS 2 SMP #18