Dungeon Farm Fiasco | Episode 25 | ⚗️Minecraft – Peculiar Potions

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Hey friends welcome back to Peculiar potions we now have both renewable mending books and an enchanting setup that should help us get whatever other enchantments we need but neither of these things are much use without a means to actually earn experience there is a skeleton farm near The Hive and

Vine Island but it’s a bit of a trip we need something a bit more local so today is about establishing a dungeon Farm here in the Hideaway to give us all the experience we’ll need so we’re back in the Hideaway here again back at home sweet home it honestly

Feels really strange to be back here again after spending so long in Treasure Toronto treasure trown I can’t words today though that’s a lot of days I suppose that’s nothing new over in Treasure town over there in fact my inventory is still pretty filled with us

Stuff from that that’s why I have a bazillion Emerald let me go ahead and sort my inventory here a little bit with things where they should be I have a whole bunch of axes and shovels with these specific enchantments because I was getting up trading levels for the

Doodles I need to get trading levels up with so I have a whole bunch of these so we’re gonna be burning through them for a little while is the case so hey at least I have like some pretty good axes and shovels now I had to do a whole

Bunch of trading for that but yeah part of me kind of wanted to stick around there a little while longer like we’ve been spending the past seven episodes working on that project there it’s strange that it’s done but the main thing that we did that project for working on getting like actual tools

That we don’t have to worry about breaking and putting more durability points into by using materials that whole thing we still have to do that we do have the Zombie Farm over there we have our mending books at the ready but in terms of a design for the high what’s up

In terms of a design I figured that we would really quickly dip on over to the skeleton Farm that’s over at the Hybrid mine Island which I have shown briefly before but I figure I’d show it in depth since this is a skeleton Farm or a

Dungeon Farm I guess that can work with in theory any mob that I have built before and I’d like to just use this same design again because it seems to work pretty darn well over there in terms of farming experience it is very quite nice what is going on over here

I swear there’s got to be like some weird gravel cave or something like that that Enderman are going a little bit crazy on all right here it is the surface entrance there is another way through a cave way over that away but this is like the most convenient entrance from The

Hideaway so here it is the Skellington Farm in the middle of this whole crazy Cave System look there are gravel Enderman let’s be very careful not to look at you oh my goodness you are zooming fast anyway give it a little bit of time since we just got here and skeletons

Should be appearing here so essentially how this works is if I go ahead and just break a block here it’s appear in this way so the actual skeleton spawner is there and that’ll be continuously spawning scaling tins and the skellingtons are going to be pushed by water no they’re gonna be pushed by

Water over into that channel there once they’re done shooting one another and stuff and uh this is going to move them across onto a water elevator over here which you can’t really see that great from here it’s been a little while since being here so I need to get my bearings

This is the uh this is the elevator over here so once again this is the actual Skellington area a little bit higher from it so it pushes them over this way it moves them over there and land using a water elevator system it shoots them up this way there’s another set of water

That moves them over this way and then they come down this way and then once they land they’re gonna take exactly the amount of damage that leaves them with like half a heart left nothing materials left over here that would be handy so soy oh no I need Soul Sand I think oh

I’m gonna yoink that don’t mind me just as I was saying I was uh out of iron and that is a lot of copper which means once they land over here you can just poop and they die and then there’s an experience orb so it’s quite a handy

Dandy system I wonder if I can uh this isn’t gonna flood this area is it hold on hold on just to make sure that doesn’t happen I want to show the insides of it a little bit here so I can just do this and you can put down signs

Stop water flowing it’s pretty handy I must say all right let’s see here okay water’s not even gonna flow through there anyway so yeah I’m thinking I’m gonna use a design like this most likely so yeah it just brings them across here brings them across that way ideally you

Could have like an ice block there or something or other whoa so they slide across a little bit better um if I get mending I could always just Harvest an ice block somewhere and then uh a little bit antsy here Harvest an ice block and put it in like the specific

Place oh this guy really wants out here I guess because I’m here so he’s like fighting it no stop my goodness so if I do that and then he just forgets that I exist and then he stops fighting whoa that ax goes fast it’ll go even faster once we deck out

Diamond tools and stuff but yeah so he gets pushed across sometimes they don’t always go across they don’t always slide across on just Cobblestone there like if you have ice that’s a better alternative but they will eventually get pushed there because other skeletons will start coming in and be pushing them across and

Then they come over here and then for the sake of this like just for the sake of sweeping here bam sometimes they die there I guess one skeleton shot another Skellington block you can literally just set up like an auto hotkey kind of clicker that just

Clicks every once in a while like set it to click once per minute or something like that and then just bam and experience and stuff and then you can get like a whole bunch of loot so uh Skellington lead is definitely really handy because you get all kinds of Bones

And arrows and all that fun stuff so I would have preferred that the spawner by The Hideaway would have been a Skellington spawner ride than a zombie one but you gotta do what you gotta do I’ll just stock up at uh this one while we’re here

So our dungeon farm setup is going to be really really convenient right next to the base here right as part of like the main setup wow okay wow okay sometimes it be like that considering it is right here again I wish it could have been skeletons rather than zombies but

What you gonna do so if I could turn it on and off that would be fantastic I’m gonna have to decide like which way this is going to flow probably whichever way is most out of the way so maybe the water will be flowing this way or

Something like that and we have our little Outpost to be smack or ruined them smacking their feet and stuff over here probably yeah something like that as for the materials that we should use I guess we’ll see what we’ve got over here and figure it out with that I guess

We can go ahead and do that since it’s been a little while since we’ve uh since we’ve been here Bam um yeah dungeon farm and then mending tools maybe that should go there at this point I don’t know but yeah where I’m we’re getting there we’re doing things

We’ve almost completely wiped off the first layer of bulletin board here let me go ahead and store these away so it is also worth noting I have been stocking up on a decent few mending books these are just like a few to Showcase like hey we have mending books

And stuff here here’s some purdish nice enchantments and here’s like some other nice enchantments but not quite as good as they could be if I recall it’s honestly been a little while I took a little bit of a a little bit of a breather since hopping into

This the last time and how I was getting experience was just with skeleton Farm there so I got a decent few books but I was like man this really sucks doing it from so far from home so let’s make something a bit more local because there

Is silk touch here I could go get ice that away I would need to figure out where a biome for that kind of thing wait no I wouldn’t I could just freeze it here I could just put out water in here and it should freeze that was a

Whole problem I ran into over there I’m silly yeah forgive me there my head’s just a little bit scrambled sometimes here all right so yeah we have a decent bit of deep slight here so I might do something similar to what we did over at the

Skeleton Farm I say we it wasn’t exactly part of this series but you know um I mean he’s been a mossy cobblestone there um oh I okay I guess I’m a little bit inconsistent there well I guess tiles are the final thing should I just do like tiles then Tiles we’re doing tiles We’ve Got Deep slight bricks at home and they’re called Deep slate tiles seems like the bamboo Farm is continuing to work swimmingly here I can just shove this into the uh free smelter that’ll use our excess bamboo oh yeah I have yeah we good there and there’s a whole

Bunch more copper yeah I’ve been uh I’ve been smelting some things wait I have the chest out here are these empty oh these are empty I can use these chests in fact maybe I’ll just like bring them closer in even I don’t need all these chests out here

It’s a good thing I have that little smidges of iron because I am going to need Hoppers for this setup but it is also occurring to me so maybe I’ll put this like somewhere off to the side where it’s clearly not gonna get in the way this is all lit right be pretty

Silly if it wasn’t here yeah we good I think oh and then this is a oh this is my storage room oh yeah it’s that my storage room that I’ve like never used some of them just really like to chill on top of rooftops for some reason

So in terms of materials that I had here here’s a little bit of redstone yeah I use a whole bunch of axes dad ax I guess I can take my copper let’s take a stack of dirt here’s some glowstone I am gonna want some Redstone I think though some Redstone would be

Nice so just let me stock up here there we go that’ll be good enough for now I wouldn’t mind some glowstone here will be nice all right you’re gonna get a level up and stuff you’re gonna get all poofy like that whoa magic and bottle of enchanting that’s pretty expensive We’re Not Gonna

Get You Know Infinite Experience this way we’re gonna get infinite experience with that mob farm because this is not an efficient way to do it it’s just a legitimate way to obtain bottles of enchanting and I already have like plenty of lapis lazulite well there’s uh most of my emeralds spent

So with all my materials gathered in at the ready it was finally time to start building the dungeon Farm what this build specifically calls for is four blocks out on every side essentially making this a 9×9 with a spawner right in the middle now one thing that I did want to do with

This build was make it actually possible to turn it on and off because if I’m harvesting wheat not all that far away I don’t want to hear the constant blargs and groans of the zombies nearby so I want to be able to turn off this farm

When I’m not actively using it so I figured that I would do that with a redstone lamp which is just a single piece of Glowstone surrounded by four pieces of redstone and I figure I’ll figure out some way to bring a redstone signal over there so I

Can create a bit of a switch to turn this on or off now I probably shouldn’t have dug down as much as I did there it was only one block down but still I made it a little bit difficult to access the ceiling so before I got down digging anymore I

Figured I would go ahead and work on the ceiling first and foremost and then it would be fair game to dig down once again I employed a very similar style to what I ended up using over in the skeleton Farm or this deep sleep becomes an integral part of the structure helping

Keep it all together gives it a look like it’s reinforcing in a decent bit and by doing this with the Deep slight it would also use about exactly the amount of deep slate that I had throughout this build so there’s that so then I started figuring out what I

Was going to do for the Redstone design here and it turns out I could actually do a really simple design and it seems like it would work A-Okay I decided to use stairs one because it would help it look a little bit better and two hopefully it would prevent any zombies

From spawning up there and being safe from the farm now that I worked on the ceilings and the shrouding walls it was finally fair game to dig down farther so that’s what I got to doing also as slow as it is to dig through with a cobblestone pickaxe I can feel

Good in knowing that this should be the last time I do a build with stone tools hopefully assuming everything goes according to plan here so once we had the elevation level set I needed to dig down a channel over here where they were actually going to fall

Into where the water was going to push them into so I had plenty of this kind of stone that I’ve been smelting over with the excess bamboo so I figured hey let’s play it into a build why not as for the water channel here I would

Need to dig down one block just to make sure that it could flow all the way across and then the zombies will be pushed into a water elevator over this way that would bring them all the way up so that they could then fall to a height

That would bring them down to half a heart ideally so I start digging it out and I start nerd pulling up which brought me up around here so I just kept digging away and working my way up there with dirt this will eventually become water and become a whole lot easier to Traverse

But for right now while we’re figuring out this build we’re going with dirt simple easy option here so ideally I wouldn’t have to go up too too high in order to give them a good drop height of whatever brings them down to half a heart the nice thing about

Being underground is that I should be able to work with whatever drop height just dig until however far I need to dig is at least what I initially thought that’ll cause a problem that will run into here shortly and then I would need to actually figure

Out how to do the drop down so I made a few spaces across and then started digging down and as you can see I once again landed in this open area here so I needed to move that staircase over a little bit because otherwise it would

Get in the way of the channel and lo and behold what is also waiting right around down here but a tiny cave system and a few baddies luckily it’s a very tiny cave so I didn’t have to dig out too much but then I thought okay I’m gonna

Need some other way to access this over here I can’t just be expected to like nerd pull down and nerd pull up every time I want to access the actual kill area so I decide to make a proper water elevator over here that would give me easy access to the Zombie Farm

Always making sure to get the most bang for my buck with my fortune pickaxe when I see things like iron there especially considering how low I am on iron after the last project of the underground Village and how many lanterns that ended up using up so I just continue to use jungle signs

Just because jungle wood is what I have the most of right now setting up the water elevator proper and then using this other kind of stone once again to Mark the edges and then I was like wait I have a bazillion copper I brought some copper

Over here let’s play it into the design a little bit so I slapped it into the floor and I figured I could knock down those torches and the lanterns should be able to stop it just fine so I did a test run there the zombie game pushed up

The water elevator and then coming down to my area there because I hadn’t finished the shoot yet so he just landed over here and he attacked me so maybe not the best time to test it so I was gonna save any further test runs until I properly finished the kill shoot So with that done I started testing it and I wanted to make sure that I calculated the height just right for what height would bring them to half a heart so I experimented here a little bit and then I ran into a bit of an issue I started to notice how the zombies

Weren’t spawning while I was down there turns out you actually need to be pretty darn close to a spawner so as I was dipping in and out of the range and spawner was turning on and off which means that this thing might not have even needed an on or off switch if

I need to be this close for it to turn on at all so that will pose a major problem because you see I can only build this up so high because if I build up more I’m gonna dig into the wheat farm area so I had two options one was to

Either take out a section my wheat farm make it all ugly and literally have zombies be rolling through the wheat farm or do the crackhead option of have the zombies go up bring them down to bring them down to half a heart and then shoot them back up again

It should be evident which of the two options I did here now I wasn’t entirely sure how to do this this is going to end up being one of the strangest mob Farms you’ll probably ever see in Minecraft in the sense that is it practical uh it

Gets the job done it fits into the space if I had realized that I was gonna do this project in this kind of way and that there was a maximum range on the mob Farms actually working on the spawners actually working that is maybe I wouldn’t have built my wheat farm

Where I did but it’s a little bit late for that now and I mean I always have the option to move it a little bit later if I so choose I could always still go with that other option but this is what I felt like doing here so I had to

Experiment with uh with figure out how the heck I was gonna get them to water elevator back up again and within such a confined space which meant that down there I would need to have them just very slightly be pushed by water if it was a longer Channel it’d be a lot

Easier but in a very confined space like there is down there it became a little bit tricky but I was like it’ll it’ll work it’ll be enough so if I really want a whole lot of experience at skeleton farm near The Hive and Vine island is still the better

Option but this is the convenient one close to home and I figured since I worked so much on the interior and since I had slime balls from the Villager project anyway when it turned out that I couldn’t even use sticky pistons for the job machine thing or Bob I was like hey

Let’s actually use them And do you know what else I should use is ice so I placed some water over in the snowy area waiting for it to freeze and figuring that I would just still touch that a little bit later so how was I also going to access this

Kill Chamber if I ever need to I initially figured a wooden door this would change to an iron door a little bit later because while the server is on normal mode right now there is a chance that it might be changed over to hard mode at some point in the future because

I know that there are advantages that come with that namely with being able to zombify and cure villagers so just to Future proof this I would later change it to the iron door design also a little bit distraught to find that you couldn’t just run Redstone into

All those pistons in a row so I had to make repeaters which was a little bit of a pain especially considering I didn’t actually have enough Redstone to do that so I kind of had to run over to the village and use most of the rest of my emeralds

Buying a redstone so that kind of sucked but I did manage to get this working I now have a lever to turn the farm on and off and a lever to get a little bit of a window inside that also can act as a maintenance hatch if we ever want to get

Proper access into there so I figured I’d pretty up this area a little bit and maybe make a little bit of a glass wall so you can actually see in to see some of the Mechanicals on how this window is working it’s a super simple Redstone design it’s not anything

Super fancy fancy but still cool to peer through the window and see Redstone I feel like and it seemed to be working so I closed it up and then I started working on the ceiling here a little bit like hey that’s not matching I better fix that up

Of course electing for lanterns rather than torches for proper light now I don’t know how much rotten flesh I’d ever want but just in case there is a series of chests under there now that will accumulate a lot a lot of rotten flesh then of course if I wanted to grab

The ice I need a silk touch pickaxe which luckily I’d want him stored away for just such an occasion having previously decided to go back to the island that I thought I might not find myself going back to After all it is quite a useful tool that would otherwise be going unused So back at the farm this gave me the ability to put down ice blocks it’s going to be extra important for them to be able to slide where they need to go when they have this crazy elaborative route that they need to Traverse to be able to get to the kill area

And it seemed to be working relatively some of them weren’t always at half a heart some of them needed some extra hits unfortunately I don’t know how some of them aren’t taking damage at the initial drop but hey I guess they take some extra smackaroos they take some

Extra smackaroos it’s not too big of a deal and of course their armor kind of screws of things a little bit as well so it also occurred to me that if any baby zombies come through here they’ll be able to sneak through a one block Gap

And that’s kind of scary so I needed to Tink around with a few designs here until I settle on something that I liked to be able to just sneak through a little Gap and be able to stabby stab them also turning off this farm would take a little bit to kick in just

Because of how much of a buffer there would be of zombies still lingering in the system and I realized that with some of the previous designs I wasn’t actually yanking The Experience orbs all the time sometimes they would get caught on the lip so I needed to do a design

Like this where they were another block off of the ground and the experience orb could just come to me without having alleged to get over while this system did basically work it would also sometimes result in Zombies drowning and turning into drown which would regenerate their health which wasn’t super great I also had to plug up the lower area because it turns out that a whole bunch of baby zombies were coming out through there and with that the build was basically done unless I later changed the design to actually build into the wheat field after all but for now this would work it

Was fine we can take this alternate path from the mine shaft to get experience here instead if it’s not ores that we’re looking for but rather experience orbs this is the place that we can come was built in functionality to be able to turn the farm on and off and be able to

Open a window slash maintenance hatch into the area with that the dungeon Farm was complete we now had access to Infinite Experience all right well that project got a lot more elaborate than initially planned it is strange having an addition to the Hideaway here that isn’t directly seen within the Hideaway being secretly

Tucked away back there in the mine shaft you wouldn’t think it but there is a but there’s Infinite Experience right there which means we did the thing that thing where Bob has done now with their powers combined of all those things we can get proper mending tools with all sorts of

Enchantments put onto it we could get mending tools before but I didn’t want to do that because I wanted to get experience first because turns out the order that you put enchantments on a tool matters a whole lot so let’s do the thing let’s go do the thing where Bob

So I’ve gotten a lot of experience since earlier because in terms of a real lifetime this is actually a few days later and I’ve been a little bit busy amassing stuff here so I’ve kinda gone through a bit over half of my lapis overall here’s about all my iron that I

Have amassed this was part that I forgot of in data in that chest that’s on the way to the underground Village there so I was like oh let’s see oink that so I actually had slightly more iron than I thought I did just in case I need to

Make another Anvil but this is basically all my iron except for a few nuggets somewhere so yeah it’d be good to uh it’d be good to deck out some tools here pretty darn soon so essentially all I did was amass a whole bunch of books here and if it seemed like something was

Really good here I would do that and if something seemed like it wasn’t so good here then I would typically just do that and then like disenchance it here and then get a little smidge of my experience back and so on so forth I should actually hold on to these books

Because I am going to need them in a little bit here so in terms of uh here’s ones that have like Max enchantments so these are like most of the ones that I held on to so there’s things like this where it’s like oh yeah look at all that

Stuff if something was like the highest level of something it could be even if it’s something I’m not gonna use then I slapped it here so I’ll just scroll through them so evidently I’ve uh I’ve been busy and kinda losing my mind and stuff so I’ve been Gathering a whole

Bunch of thingamer Bobs and look at all this stuff but I couldn’t help but notice that as I was going through a whole bunch of things here there were just some kinds of books that I wasn’t getting from the enchantment table like special super high level ones like efficiency five

Like sharpness five I got a couple efficiency five ones here I put them separately because those are from combining lower level ones where it’s just like yeah here’s a whole bunch of things that are like almost maxed out like a couple efficiency four things so

I can actually go ahead and do this for example whereas like you combine two efficiency fours into an efficiency five but it’s not as good as just using an efficiency five book straight up that was initially made as an efficiency five point because the more forging that you

Do the higher the experience cost is going to be and eventually it gets to a point that it just doesn’t allow you to combine things anymore like there’s a Max there so it’s like huh so I can use these I have them separate here on things that don’t need too too many

Enchantments but on things that I’m piling a lot a lot of stuff on that could actually be handy to have you know separate finger Bobs I never even got a I might have one sharpness for but I’m fairly certain yeah there’s a sharpness for but I think most of the

Sharpness ones I got were a sharpness three yeah there’s a couple of sharpness threes there’s a couple sharpness fours a few efficiency fours here’s all The Mending books at the top that we have amassed and stuff so I was like huh I’m starting to see the value in setting up

More villagers so that is exactly what I did here if I go to the right chest that is exactly what I did so things are a little bit more decked out in a bit of a stranger strange temporary kind of way to get a whole bunch of enchantments now

You might also be wondering where the heck did you get so many emeralds from and the answer is well I did some mining off camera now I’m joking I’m joking but where’d my mind cart go what the heck this is where my mine cart was right here well

Burn through some more iron I guess no that’s uh that’s not the real answer no the real answer is I sold my sugar cane not just some of my sugar cane literally all of it all the sugar cane that I had which was like that double chest worth

Back home because that sugarcane farm while it’s automatic it’s not super duper fast I sold off all that and you might be thinking like wait a second isn’t this dude only gonna accept so much if I can interact with them please only gonna accept like so much paper from me and

Yeah that is the case before it gets blocked off but here’s this setup over here because yeah some of these high level enchantments were a little bit tricky to get so thank goodness this Village has continued to be as insanely populated as it has I could actually go uh rest up for the

Night and one of their potential trades is also taking paper for emeralds so that is exactly what I did there unfortunately neither of my treasure enchantment Villages that are actually in the stall over there we’ll take paper for emeralds but a bunch of these guys did so that’s a that’s exactly what I

Did I can survive this fall if I go here right yeah I should not take it from this direction in the future probably not a good idea so I spent honestly more time working on this putting down lecterns and picking them up again than I did on uh than the

Acts on the actual dungeon Farm I went through a few of these axes worth of uh durability so that was a little bit painful um some of them didn’t take too long to get some of them would keep on coming up from time to time but some of the

Crazier ones so I initially started with this this was like my first stall that I made that gave me projectile protection and feather falling I was like hey there’s some uh there’s some high level things there man I gotta keep munching after that fall um then I got like this quick shot and

Multi quick charge and multi-shot thing revolved here who would later offered flame after I trade him a whole bunch of paper so some of them have like additional enchantments that’d be good to get more than just like the two initial thing with Bobs just because on

Trading the paper they would rank up end up and stuff so anyone that didn’t trade paper evidently hasn’t ranked up and it’s just I’ve just done a single bookshelf trade with you know as the case and I went across the here I got them breaking through fire protection

Four then I got efficiency 5 looting three and then yeah one of them got Infinity what was wacky here is I got efficiency five from someone here not this guy this guy for a whole stack of emeralds that’s really darn expensive and then as I continue to do this system

Over and over again I got this other villager that also had efficiency five for like way less and I was like oh oh okay so I shoved this guy in I took the guy that was offering efficiency 5 for a stack emeralds out and I was like well I

Guess you know he’ll just be wandering around the village then and then I guess that must be his job site block or something like that I can always put additional lectures in there and they’re not going to be able to get out stole in case you know others don’t

Properly have a job site Block in there if they can’t share one but anyway this guy was probably assigned to that because he came around here he came all the way around and uh this is before the setup was quite like this no I know what

He did this must be what he did he went around this way and he dipped back in there so there’s literally two people offering the same thing in the same stall one for a slightly better price and that’s the reason why and that guys kind of stuck

In the corner there and he’s a little bit difficult to uh to get to but yeah he’s the infinity guy oh he’s giving me a discount right now ah maybe I should get a looting book while I’m here in fact I think I might just do that yeah let’s

Make use of the discount there and my goodness yeah I’m gonna need a lot more emeralds than that even my goodness so I did that and I was like okay I’ve run out of space along here so then I made this and we got three dudos in here

So we have them paling this guy later offered respiration so that was pretty darn cool um we have thorns in case I want that and then we have power I have the pow and he offered a treasure Enchantment of frost watch the level one rather than

Two and over here we have good old fire aspect and punch I don’t know why they’re back there like that I just put this sign up here I was like well where the heck do I put them now I can’t just maybe I could but it’d be pretty weird

So then I started bringing them around this way so we have protection four over here like that we have piercing four over here with this guy sharpness took me quite some time to oh you’re also offering a discount oh maybe I should do that right now yeah yeah

All right yeah I should do that they’re probably offering discounts because I’ve gone ham with like giving them paper recently you know look at that nice and then finally I got blast protection over here and he also offered a little later interestingly enough and then it was only after I’m no expert

When it comes to like Minecraft enchantments this is a new territory for me if I make myself decked out of Minecraft in the past it’s usually in heavily modern Minecraft that handles its progression very differently and I never got all that involved with enchantments because it’s like why

Bother one there’s better things than mods anyway so I never actually realized that things like blast protection and regular generic protection or Mutual exclusive you can’t have them both on so I I don’t want to delve into how much time I spent here getting the last thing

Where Bob that I thought I could stack onto armor when I can’t even so whoops you know there’s that all right I’ve already spent a whole bunch of my emeralds but yeah so this can be where I get some enchantments from so We’re not gonna be able to max out our

Tools and armor and stuff like that right now technically I have the means to if I am really really patient with some of our Auto Farms but for now we can max out some tools like a pickaxe is definitely one that I want to max out and this step towards

Completely renewable tools still isn’t gonna be done yet another step that I’m gonna want to do is get some more things to trade these guys you know and there are some potentially really good trades like if I max out some of these guys or at least level them up apparently I can

Trade my dried kelp blocks that are automatically farming and another good thing that we can set up an automatic farm for which I’m gonna wait to say because this is really darn loud and another thing that should be really easy to farm is berries because I’ve

Only had like a zoom in button there’s the ones over there because you know just planting them all over the place you can Harvest them like crazy apparently how you’d automatically Harvest those is with foxes and there might be a way to set up some sort of a system and that foxy place

That I don’t know if I yeah I did add a sign for that that might well end up being the next step just because it ensures like more things to sell more emeralds that we get and then we can properly Max things out man it’s gonna be so long before we

Actually get potions the whole name of this series of peculiar potions but I want to make sure that we’re at the ready you know have super duper maxed out tools and stuff potions bam that’s the thing that’s the thing where Bob that’s all peculiar we’re gonna set up a

Potion shop and stuff around here and it’s gonna be amazing all right so first of all the pickaxe now there are two big options to slap on a pickaxe one is Fortune where you get better drops from certain ores or two is silk touch where you pick up like just

That specific ore and I wouldn’t mind getting a mending of both of these both these types of thing revolves in fact I could probably just slap Mindy onto this and have Fortune like that and then just be able to pick up the raw ores with silk touch and then bring it back home

And use it wherever and stuff huh how are you doing because this would be the easier one to invest into anyway because not only does this other pickaxe that was initially made along with this one over a year ago now geez timeshare flies huh in addition to having silk touch it

Also had a breaking put onto it like oh that uh that gets me a little bit of an extra step ahead here so that would definitely be handy so I’m thinking that we might just switch our main pickaxe to a silk touch one because it’ll be a lot

Less expensive to do so and then I can just go ahead and reinforce that a little bit better later now in terms of the optimal order to put on these enchantments for it to cost the least I actually have a website which is so dang bright that it flashbangs me

Every time I pull it up I’ll link it in the description that essentially gives me an optimal order for putting enchantments onto thingmer Bobs I could probably use one of these efficiency books that I combined even and then if I oink one of these mending books I should

Just be able to slap both of these onto here no problemo I think apparently sometimes the order that you have them on here matters okay yeah well it has to be the tool there I guess it’s just if you have like a tool there now that’s a little smidge more expensive

There but yeah so if we go ahead and do say this and then we can do this and yeah there we have it a pickaxe I’ll sort out now I wasn’t entirely sure what to call this but I very much like naming things in reference to other things and other

Inspirations of mine so I mentioned at the beginning of the series that one of the biggest Inspirations for eventually doing a series like this was series is like Survive and Thrive and you know what another word for thriving is prospering so let’s do that because I’m uncreative let’s have Prosper the

Pickaxe here like that there we go look at that look at that oh it’s snowing out sweet so we now have a tool that should be able to repair itself don’t have to worry about durability here and I can use this on projects and stuff yeah I hope

I don’t know let’s Hold On Let’s test this really quick because like I said I have not exactly tinkered around all that much with uh with enchantments before so I never even knew that mending was a thing that existed before starting this series so yeah also I’m realizing in

Hindsight that if I was gonna do a design like this where they might just get their health back from turning into drowned anyway then I may as well just make a different Kill Chamber thing like right out the bottom of it but well it’s a little bit late for that now

I could always change it later here’s a bunch of doodles it’s weird I’m getting the XP in my experience bar rather than it going into the tool all right I realized that I am probably gonna have to change the design of the Zombie Farm at some point because

It’s not quite doing the trick so to properly test let’s see here I’m not it’s not repairing I’m so confused right now so according to the Minecraft Wiki any items with mending in the player’s main hand off hand or armor slots that are not at maximum durability are repaired

By experience orbs collected from any source I thought that it just had to be in your Hotbar but I guess it needs to be in like one of your hands and then will it mend it will end it’s out of it’s okay it’s at full durability oh I know how it works now

Okay the meat alright well let’s go back home and make some more tools with what experience and emeralds I have left all right oh okay that’s fine holy crap that jump scared the crap out of me oh my goodness well I have uh I have some new things on my mental to-do list

What let’s make the Zombie Farm better at least I have Infinite Experience at home and two is probably make like some sort of a nether portal setup thinger Bob over to the Skellington Farm because even if I do make the Zombie Farm as efficient I won’t be able to get things

Like bones and uh arrows probably won’t be too important because I can trade for arrows over at the Village pretty darn easily now but the bone meal could still be handy depending on what kind of project I’m working on this time you’re not jump scaring me it ain’t happening oh come on

Well I’m just causing destruction everywhere I go anyway in terms of the next thing to enchant I’m thinking that it’s probably going to be an ax because I can only do so much right now with the with the m murals and experience that I have at the moment which is why we’re

Gonna need more emeralds as mentioned earlier so I figure because an ax can alternatively be used as a weapon to a sword it’s like hey let’s go ahead and do that first and foremost I can sort out the sword later so how about we just go ahead and do the ax for now

Because that way I have a spicy spicy weapon that I can use and then once we have the uh the means to make a sword later we can do that because then I also have the ability to harvest wood super fast all established and stuff as well

Really I haven’t slept for three nights into the match stop nice also there’s bees out here I’ve started to notice them around but I don’t know if hives can just spawn or if a wait speaking of hives I can still touch a hive I’m fairly certain I’m bringing it over huh I’m

Just now remembering this sugar cane Farm all empty of sugarcane is sad days alright so next thing is ax and then shovel and then probably armor stuff from there is probably the order that I’ll start going in assuming I have the resources to even get that far wait

For an ax I need to not be here what’s up where’s my cart what the heck well how did my cart get here I’m so confused that’s is that my weapon Smith whoa whoa wait here because one of the things that happened since last time yeah you are my

Weapon Smith my weapon Smith skedaddle so I could get 29 emeralds Diamond Ax from you and I know that there’s one over here too and they’re both kind of crap enchantment so just go with it if everyone is cheaper efficiency too all right you uh I’m getting your deal on

That in case you want to give me that diamond ax yeah let’s go ahead and use that I have less than a stack emeralds I’m not gonna be able to get a whole lot of spicy enchantments and stuff but I don’t know how the heck he got out but I

Noticed when I was coming over here as I was leveling up the weapon Smith being like Oh I can get a diamond sword from him that’s Enchanted when he’s Max and I was trading with him a whole bunch I was giving him a whole bunch of my coal kind of vanished

And I was wondering where he went but I guess he’s still around here I don’t know how he got out I didn’t think there was some way that you could parkour out of here but I guess there is I’m gonna have to review the design I mean I can leave

That open and then like you guys should both wander back in there anyway because your job site locks around oh okay but how did you get out there’s some flaw in this design I don’t know what it is but there’s some sort of flaw that I’ll have to figure out sometime later

I do really wish that there were some better enchantments initially on this diamond ax but alas what you gonna do it would be a little bit too much effort to re-roll for those villagers I’d have to trade so much coal with them and I’m running out of cool I have a decent like

Some random chests around here but not the massive massive ton so what are we gonna slap onto this so the things I’m gonna want to slap on are sharpness efficiency Fortune I don’t need to touch anything with an ax here mending and Unbreaking so I might be able to do it with the

Combined efficiency books but I might be a little bit sketched out about it so I might just go back and actually grab an efficiency book from that one uh that one villager I should be able to afford it actually I think it’s like a stack isn’t it I can uh

I can make a few more emeralds I’ll just sell some melons and some pumpkins and then I’ll have enough I’m remembering that there was one villager that had efficiency for a stack that snuck his way back in just to try to debate me with his exorbitant prices

But there was the other guy that had a had a discount alternatively no no oh come on darn you really get pranked all right give me a pure efficiency five book that hasn’t been combined with anything yeah you’re the um you’re the guy that can give me that

Unlike this Joker over here it’s like yeah a stack for efficiency five unbelievable I’m over here silently judging you so yeah sharpness efficiency I’m going to need another mending and I’m actually going to need fortune 3 I believe which I might just have around here

Oh wait no those are my uh not complete ones so it would have been in this chest I’m losing my mind there’s Fortune three oh and there’s a fortune three on its own so I can just combine that with an efficiency four as well and then we’d probably be A-Okay and

Stuff in fact maybe I should just like if I combine that with an efficiency four then it won’t count as like any extra things when you count the fact that you know Fortune’s also already on there which means that if I grab an efficiency four like this and Lan I go

Ahead and big smackaroo and big smackaroo like that then we have efficiency five and Fortune three or I can just do a standard efficiency five thing about Rob this might not be a half bad one to a hold on to yeah these efficiencies are separate for reference

There yeah maybe I’ll hold on to that for now if I have the means to do it otherwise anyway and the last one that I need is Unbreaking I’m gonna need Unbreaking three oh let’s find another efficiency four really quickly because I know I have plenty of those

Yeah I’ll have plenty enough levels for this look at that that’s pretty nice so I’ll use this if it comes down to it or otherwise I’ll find a uh Unbreaking three just like that yeah that should be uh that should be good enough here and then yeah look at these spicy things

There nice all right so efficiency five and mending I like that fortune 3 with Unbreaking like that and then we go ahead and do this so yeah look at all that sharpness on there and then we go ahead and slap this on I’m starting to dig a decent bit into

Experience levels yeah and then just like that efficiency 5 sharpness five fortune 3 on breaking three mending there I forgot to name it I could have done that all at once uh it doesn’t matter I can do it right now and as another reference this time I think I’d

Like to reference a legendary ax that is from my first ever real strategy game that I played that got me really into strategy games of course I’m talking about Fire Emblem the Blazing blade and the ax are mods there we go I am I need some more experience levels All right well I have levels again I’m ready to do some shopping over here this is the last time I’m gaining levels for doing any more stuff this session because I’m about to run out of emeralds here anyway so you know I can’t exactly keep doing this all that much longer

Let’s get a shovel let’s finish off our basic tools and then we good so in terms of toolsmith here yeah okay I have enough there that’s pretty neat can I has that shovel right there thank you yeah and then these will just go unused Maybe

So in terms of stuff to slap onto this it’s pretty much just efficiency on braking which we combined there earlier so let’s touch mending and then we good let’s go make it All right let’s see am I not even gonna need to make a new Anvil for this after all yeah so then we can go ahead and do that as already kind of expansive level wise On LAN what order do I have on mending in these ones I have them

Around the middle so let’s go ahead and do that slap on some men do okay well there’s my uh there’s my answer time to dig through a whole bunch of iron I guess if I remember the recipe for an anvil here whoa I believe it’s like this there we go

All right slap that down and finally we can go ahead and do that I have a maxed out shovel as for the name of this one yeah it’s gonna cost One More Level let’s say okay there I like to do a reference to another game that we’ve

Been doing on the channel I haven’t even beaten it yet but I’m quite intrigued by it but one of the longest dungeons I’ve ever been in in any video game I guess because it’s present throughout the whole game and features you continuously going deeper and deeper as The Story

Goes On which I figure is probably D which is probably a rather fitting for a shovel that helps you dig down I’m gonna name the shovel mementos there we go yeah I don’t have enough emeralds to do anything else here I mean unless I have

Enough books for things but I doubt it I think I’m I think I’m done for this session Okay well I looked through my books and it seems like for a chest plate I actually have everything that I would need there is technically another enchantment that you can slap on being thorns but Thorns seems like it could actively screw you from stuff that I’ve

Read up online like one if I’m actually trying to do something with a zombifying villagers to get like better discounts better trades and stuff like that and a zombie comes after me they could take damage when I don’t intend them to take damage two it eats up extra durability

Of the armor means it can potentially break without you noticing it three it’s gonna do barely any damage compared to uh like an actual dedicated weapon that you have and uh yeah it just kind of sounds like a little bit of a hassle so I can probably slap it on later if I

Want to but we can probably actually enchant a chest plate right now so according to that site the optimal order is going to be protection and then on breaking and then mending like oh I should probably figure out a name right all right in terms of a name for a Chess

Place how about I think back to the armor in a jrpg that we played on the channel a couple years ago with I rather like let’s go ahead and call it the sin Cleaver armor or just maybe sin Cleaver for short there something that you automatically get as

Part of the story in Tales of a rise it’d be a lot more fitting if it was black armor which I guess it could in theory one day be if we use netherrite but yeah there we go look at that we’re all glowy and stuff

And you know I almost had all the things that I would need for a helmet black out this book has these three enchantments that can never go on the same thing I don’t think here but unfortunately I’m missing on breaking three I can’t uh I can’t throw together anything else right now because

I’d always want to slap on breaking you know so yeah we’re uh we’re done I can buy on breaking later but I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to get some emeralds all right well we now have access to mending to holy crap oh my goodness

Um wow I guess I’m not really used to using tools like this wow I gotta be really careful there let’s go ahead and repair the bulletin board wow wow that uh that was something my goodness gracious so we’re starting to get pretty darn geared up here and stuff

We’re getting at the ready to actually be able to make that Trek and be able to actually establish a potion Brewery by Trucking into the dangerous nether there bit by bit a couple other things I want to do first and this will pertain to getting emeralds so yeah we’re getting there

We are so close now to attaining our goal and this Zombie Farm over here brings us one step closer so yeah it might not exactly be the most efficient of systems but we do have a working Zombie Farm here to give us Infinite Experience whenever we so choose

Yeah it takes them a little bit to get through the system here but eventually they come all the way through and we can get experience so I might have to figure out like a more efficient way to get over to the skeleton Farm some other way

Or just redesign this to make it a little bit more efficient sometime later down the line but for now it works at least the system is correctly uh-huh you what hold on you what now no no what up blocks blocks blocks blocks of blocks

You need to not please you oh no well I oh well there’s we’re testing the ax hi um there’s another one coming up I’m fairly certain here um huh that’s oh well I’m alive I guess that oh hi no hold on what who the heck was that wait here

Okay I can take that out hold on there is a way through this system hold on hold wow that is efficient oh crap oh The Hoppers took it oh duh I do not need zombies getting out of here oh that’s a good thing my system sucks as much as it does the heck Who the heck was you huh I didn’t think anyone else would know about this place I Stays left what does it mean

This video, titled ‘Dungeon Farm Fiasco | Episode 25 | ⚗️Minecraft – Peculiar Potions’, was uploaded by AcousticHarmonia on 2023-02-04 22:00:16. It has garnered 85 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:14 or 3254 seconds.

We spent quite a bit of time away working on the underground village project, but it’s about due time we return to the hideaway and make further progress on projects over here! ⚗️Peculiar Potions Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQtuKItcZ24pTkLoEGMZjsMl15Od-LHhq ⛏Full Minecraft Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQtuKItcZ24ruo5IUuinKFmZg2IUD9oqf 🎥Twitch Minecraft Livestreams – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1218192849?collection=MflPCZOtuxYmuA&filter=collections&sort=time

🎵Music _______________________________ On Day Patrol, Divine One? (0:39) Fire Emblem Engage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQxAqwJM7bs

The Witcher (2:30) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Mikel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1RclrZDYE

Outer Wilds (5:08) Outer Wilds Helynt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw10ffI9vfw

Northern Lights (7:21) Planet Zoo – Arctic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqYPw4VBKLs

Graze The Roof (10:46) Plants Vs. Zombies MixteryDonut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqzs55Uzk2c

Watery Graves (14:19) Plants Vs. Zombies DSC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6bXnVZDQ0w

Brainiac Maniac (17:47) Plants Vs. Zombies TheGerryRemix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9LhQ7bQqBk

Enjoy the Evening, Divine One (22:38) Fire Emblem Engage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSuVwTrFC98

Northern Lights [Dusk Haze] (25:09) Planet Zoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRkKJmGEdbg

Lappland Folkband (26:51) Planet Zoo – Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYtYVfrTQjo

Golden Wildfire Camp – Part 1 (30:28) Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMM-UJl4nYw

A Cyber’s World? (33:42) Deltarune insaneintherainmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnwuQgEjEzQ

Cynthia (40:04) Pokémon DPPt hyquo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW7HbBOK9M4

Dragonspiral Tower (45:38) Pokemon BW is awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wCMOE_NF9Y

Snowbelle City (48:58) Pokemon XY sentsinkanteun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg5K-HDZw8

🎵Opening & Closing Themes

Open Those Bright Eyes Kevin MacLeod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i47wLGSNDGQ

Theme X Xenoblade Chronicles X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O59iwBYDYcw

Rounding out Metroid Prime 3: Corruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nMFLquJeCc _______________________________

📝Minecraft Enchantment Ordering Tool https://iamcal.github.io/enchant-order/

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🎥 Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/acousticharmonia 🌐 Discord – https://discord.gg/G335hnJ 🐦 Twitter – https://twitter.com/AcoustcHarmonia #MinecraftPeculiarPotions #PeculiarPotions #Minecraft

Game: Minecraft Platform: PC (Java) Released: November 18, 2011 Developer: Mojang Publishers: Mojang, Microsoft

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    Atlas ProjectWelcome to the Atlas project. Just a Minecraft server. But without rules ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯ Pirate and Original 1.16.5 – 1.21⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣤⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠠⠐⠄⠄⠁⠄⡀⠐⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠁⢀⠈⠄⠈⠄⡀⠁⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⡀⠈⠄⡀⠄⡀⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣴⣿⣿⡿⣿⢽⣾⣽⢿⣺⡯⣷⣻⣽⣻⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⢿⡽⡯⣿⢾⣟⣿⣳⢿⡽⣾⣺⣳⣻⣺⣽⣻⡿⣿⣿⣦⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠐⠄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣯⢿⣽⣻⣽⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⢮⣗⡯⣞⡾⡹⡵⣻⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠠⠐⠄⠂⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠈⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡾⣳⢿⢿⢿⠿⠿⠟⠟⠟⠿⣯⡾⣝⣗⣯⢪⢎⢗⣯⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⢀⠠⠄⠈⠄⠄⡀⠄⠄⠂⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠠⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠋⠉⠁⠑⠁⢉⣁⡁⠁⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢉⢻⢽⣞⢾⣕⢕⢝⢎⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⡧⠠⡀⠐⠂⣸⣿⢿⢔⢔⢤⢈⠡⡱⣩⢤⢴⣞⣾⣽⢾⣽⣺⡕⡕⡕⡽⣿⣿⠟⢶⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡳⡄⡢⡂⣿⣿⢯⣫⢗⣽⣳⡣⣗⢯⣟⣿⣿⢿⡽⣳⢗⡷⣻⡎⢎⢎⣿⡇⠻⣦⠃⠄⠄⠄⡀⠂⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⡿⡝⡜⣜⣬⣿⣿⣿⣷⣯⢺⠻⡻⣜⢔⠡⢓⢝⢕⢏⢗⢏⢯⡳⡝⡸⡸⣸⣧⡀⣹⣠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⢀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣇⢪⢎⡧⡛⠛⠋⠋⠉⠙⣨⣮⣦⢅⡃⠇⡕⡌⡪⡨⢸⢨⢣⠫⡨⢪⢸⠰⣿⣇⣾⡞⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢑⡕⡵⡻⣕⠄⠄⠄⠔⡜⡗⡟⣟⢿⢮⢆⡑⢕⣕⢎⢮⡪⡎⡪⡐⢅⢇⢣⠹⡛⣿⡅⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢸⢎⠪⡊⣄⣰⣰⣵⣕⣮⣢⣳⡸⡨⠪⡨⠂⠄⠑⢏⠗⢍⠪⡢⢣⢃⠪⡂⣹⣽⣿⣷⡄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡸⠐⠝⠋⠃⠡⡕⠬⠎⠬⠩⠱⢙⣘⣑⣁⡈⠄⠄⡕⢌⢊⢪⠸⡘⡜⢌⠢⣸⣾⢿⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡎⣐⠲⢒⢚⢛⢛⢛⢛⠛⠝⡋⡫⢉⠪⡱⠡⠄⠠⢣⢑⠱⡨⡊⡎⢜⢐⠅⢼⡾⣟⣿⣿⣷⠑⠐⢆⡤⣄⠄⠄⠄⢂⠐⠐⡀⠡⠄⠅⠈⠄⠁⠄⠄⣠⡃⡢⠨⢀⢂⢐⢐⢄⠑⠌⢌⢂⠢⠡⡑⡘⢌⠠⡘⡌⢎⠜⡌⢎⠜⡌⠢⠨⡸⣿⡽⣿⣿⣿⣣⠄⢪⢪⣺⡄⠄⠄⠂⠄⡁⠄⠂⡁⠈⡀⠂⣁⢴⠋⠁⡢⡑⡨⢐⢐⢌⠢⣂⢣⠩⡂⡢⡑⡑⡌⢜⠰⡨⢪⢘⠔⡱⢘⠔⡑⠨⢈⠐⢼⡷⣿⣻⢷⢯⢂⠣⡘⠔⡢⢿⡀⠄⠅⠂⡀⠂⢁⠄⠄⢀⢎⢎⠂⠄⠄⡢⡃⡢⢊⢔⢢⠣⡪⡢⢣⠪⡢⡑⡕⡜⡜⡌⢎⢢⠱⠨⡂⡑⠨⠄⠁⡂⡨⣺⡽⡯⡫⠣⠡⠢⢑⢈⠂⠌⡆⣧⠄⠂⠁⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⢘⢜⢕⠄⠄⣰⡸⠐⠌⠆⢇⠎⡎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⠎⡎⡪⠘⠌⠂⠁⠁⠄⢀⠄⢄⢢⢚⢮⢏⠞⡨⢂⠕⠉⠌⡠⠂⠌⢌⠢⣺⠄⣀⣤⣴⣶⣶⣶⢖⡧⡑⠬⡀⢀⡯⡃⡌⠈⠈⠄⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢄⢂⢢⢱⢱⢱⠱⢡⢑⠌⢂⠡⠠⠡⠡⡂⠅⢕⢁⢊⢎⣿⣿⢿⡿⠟⠉⠄⠁⢰⢌⠪⣀⡸⠨⢂⠌⡊⢄⢂⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠠⢐⢨⣘⢔⢵⠱⡃⡃⡕⡸⠐⡁⠌⡐⡨⠨⢊⠌⡢⢑⢅⠪⡰⡱⣏⣮⣤⣤⣤⡤⠄⠮⢏⠧⣣⢣⢎⠨⠄⠄⠨⢊⢪⢪⡫⡪⡊⡐⡐⡐⡌⡬⡪⡪⣎⢗⡕⡎⡣⠃⢅⠊⠆⠡⠠⡁⠢⡑⡐⢌⢌⠢⡑⡌⢆⢎⠎⠪⠈⡿⡝⠯⢏⠓⠄⠄⢀⢐⠈⡎⡎⡎⠄⠈⠄⠡⢂⠂⡕⡕⡕⠕⢌⢌⢢⢱⢸⡸⣪⢮⡣⡓⠌⠠⢑⠡⢈⠌⢌⢂⠪⠨⡂⣊⠢⡢⢣⢱⠸⠑⠁⠄⡀⢂⠁⣈⣀⣀⣀⡀⠄⢐⠔⠐⢨⢢⢣⠊⢀⠨⠨⢐⠐⡸⡸⡪⡱⡑⡌⡆⡇⡇⣏⢮⢪⢪⠊⠄⢑⢐⠨⡐⢌⠢⡪⡘⢌⠢⡢⢣⠪⠊⠄⠄⢀⠂⠁⠄⢂⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠌⠨⠄⡣⡑⢅⠄⠄⠨⢐⠨⢰⢱⢣⢣⢪⢸⢨⡚⣞⢜⢎⢎⢎⠪⠐⠄⡆⡣⡪⡊⡪⡂⡪⡘⡌⡎⠊⠄⡐⠈⡀⢂⠈⠄⡁⡂⡟⠟⠝⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠪⠄⡣⠊⠄⣷⣄⠄⠄⠌⢸⢸⠱⡱⡡⡣⡣⡳⡕⡇⡇⡇⠥⠑⠄⢡⢑⠕⢔⢑⠔⡌⡆⠇⠁⡀⠄⠁⠄⢂⠐⠠⠈⠄⢂⠐⣠⣤⣴⣤⡤⠄⠄⠄⢐⠅⠅⡊⠌⠄⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣂⣅⣑⠰⠨⠢⢑⣕⣜⣘⣨⣦⣥⣬⠄⢐⢅⢊⢢⢡⠣⠃⠄⡐⠠⠄⡂⠡⢈⠠⠈⠄⠡⠈⠄⠨⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠢⢨⠨⠄⢹⢛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⠟⠄⢰⢰⢱⠑⠁⢀⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠐⠐⡀⠂⡁⠌⠠⠁⠌⢐⡟⠝⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠠⡑⡱⢐⠄⢸⡲⡠⠄⠉⠙⠻⠿⣿⠿⠿⢛⠫⡩⡳⣸⠾⠁⢀⢢⠣⠃⠄⠠⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠈⠄⡁⠂⠄⠡⠐⢈⠠⠁⠌⠠⠄⠄⣀⣤⣤⣀⡀⠄⠂⠄⠐⢌⠆⢕⠈⣗⢥⢣⢡⢑⢌⡢⡢⢅⢇⢇⢯⢾⡽⠃⢀⠔⡅⠁⠄⠄⠨⢀⠡⠐⠈⠄⠡⢈⠐⡀⠅⠌⠠⠁⡂⠄⠡⢈⠐⣾⣿⢿⡿⡿⠇⠄⠄⠄⡀⢀⠢⠭⢆⠦⡿⡷⡷⡵⡷⡷⣵⢽⡮⣷⢽⡽⡓⠤⠤⠕⡁⠠⠄⠅⠄⠅⠄⠂⠌⠠⠡⠈⠄⢂⠐⠠⠨⠠⠁⠄⢂⠡⠐⡈ Read More

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  • Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 ☕️

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  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

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  • Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trending

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  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

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  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

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  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

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  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc mc.avalocmc.com Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    🌟 Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! 🌟 Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: join.harmonyfallssmp.world Discord: https://discord.gg/UD59PE897s About 🌠 Harmony Falls 🌠: 😄 Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! 🏰 Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. 👥 PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. 👹 Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! 🐉 Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. 🌄 RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. 🌟 Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! 🌟… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* ✨ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe ➤ @_thejuicebox ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Support Our Community* 💕 Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/thejuicebox Patreon ➤ https://www.patreon.com/the_juicebox ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Check Out Our Channels* 🎉 Let’s Plays ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Plays Game Guides ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Guides Retrospective Podcasts ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@_thejuicecast ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • 🔥1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    🔥1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘🖤1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING 😎😎IBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT 🖤 DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ox4n8KAwm5cwOcQI4fpoUxfJ7h2MhbR 🖤KIMMIE CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-NNERYwzVpVVIdsqTpX3Q 🖤FB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091704975754 🖤FB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1834996580306653 WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eh3rTLBB3dbJ0G8UorRBJh0v95TNyPCEu9hX-qGc43I/edit?usp=sharing Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: https://discord.gg/wEAc7Fn Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/waxfraud 😀 come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! 😱🔥” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! 😱🔥" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: https://mcpedl.com/rexys-expansion-addon/ Music: Makai Symphony Website: https://makai-symphony.com/9-2/ 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More

Dungeon Farm Fiasco | Episode 25 | ⚗️Minecraft – Peculiar Potions