Dungeon Mayhem Live Stream with xVertrexDx

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Oh N No Oh N Hello everyone and welcome to the stream how are you all doing today welcome to the stream today is Thursday for me Pro probably Wednesday for you but Halloween has come and gone by literally one day all that two days for me but my wallpaper still not has not changed it

Is still the same with the the the scary Halloween pumpkins cow pumpkins man I actually did not do any cow pumpkins on Hypixel or even sky or zmp did I oh well missed the opportunity but hey welcome to the stream speakes and Tanner and anyone else who are in the background in

The silence in the void I hope that you’re all doing great but but despite me wishing you all the all the wonders of the world how are you how are you how are you doing today I hope you are all doing great I hope you’re all doing

Great and before we get started I actually want to check my community post my community go to my channel and in the community post I be I made a community post recently where I was asking during my live streams do you think I’m usually

A a wi awake or be very drowsy I’m glad to see 78 person with nine words saying I’m very drow y I’m glad I don’t have to make up some story say hey yeah I like everyone’s voting for a wide awake and I’m like yeah I’m wide awake I’m always

Wide awake no I’m glad people notice that I’m usually very drowsy when I’m when I’m streaming I mean it’s literally I wake up come down brush my teeth and start streaming that’s basically it uh I don’t even eat anything no breakfast no and nuts just just start streaming so and

You’re doing bad Tanner what happened what what happened why are you doing bad and well headphones AR working again are you a oh dang it hi Stephie welcome to the stream how are you today I’m all right thank you for asking I’m all right especially

Because at least my at least my faith in my community has been restored more like I I know I never lost it but this just gives me more hope more faith the fact that my guys my my my viewers or anyone who know my channel no about how I usually stream I’m

Usually very drowsy when I’m streaming so glad glad this is the case and stomach really hurts can’t focus in school uh dang it take take some medication Tanner take some medication man why is it always why is it always that hey a welcome to the stream how are

You today how’s it going how’s it been how’s it going I hope that you had a wonderful day and the wonderful night will be awaiting you wherever you are in the world I hope that everything all the all the wonders of the world will be positive for you and everyone else who

Are watching this stream you took a what sorry a Pepto Oh you mean one of those medicines that your your parents have at your house okay it might take a little bit of time to work out but I hope it works and if the pain is too severe

Tanner like I like I said force it force it with your parents and take it take it out with the hospital like the doctors like tell your doctor where the exact pain is but the thing is that depends if you’re if you meet a competent doctor

Then they’ll be able to figure out but if not then I don’t know anyway what do you mean 2 hours is are you asking how long am I going to stream today yes I will probably stream for another two two and a half hours wait why is

It why does this require me to restart I already shut down and restart the computer it still wants me to restart like one restart isn’t good enough it wants to do another restart just great oh you took it two hours ago okay all right oh speaks you can open your

Cookies and cream hasy bar and there your favorite wait what what do you mean what do you mean you can’t open them uh what do you mean you can’t open them is are the are the jars like really bit large or like are the tight too tight to

Open for you guys like I’m not saying you lack the muscles or something I’m not that’s not what I’m saying but oh oh is it more like your parents are are not letting you open them okay okay um well too many candies are not good for your stomach especially

Since candy can hurt you too much candy can hurt you I don’t know I don’t know for some reason I just suddenly remembered Dragon Ball Z’s dialogue where uh Vegeta turned like in the bus Saga when Vegeta the fused version of Goku and the kakarat or sorry wait Goku

And kakarat they’re basically the same person but uh so Goku and the Vegeta fused together to become Vegeta using the the potaro earrings and versus Majin Buu who had already AB absorbed goo go sorry Gohan and and so at that time so at that time the the best thing that

They possibly can do is you know just uh just literally beat up beat up the beat up Buu because he was Far weaker than the fusion so what Buu did was literally turn turn Vegito into into a little candy and let me turn my status into

Online because I do it all the time set myself offline and all that okay you might still have to go to school tomorrow even though you’re sick ah bummer well make sure you take care of yourself Tanner try to be safe try to be safe do your best do your best and if

The pain if the pain becomes even extreme even extreme like really massive don’t don’t bother um hiding it do do your best try to let people know try to let people know I’ll say so also I’m playing dungeons today why am I on this

Account why am I on Z oh dear this is not what I was supposed to be playing on this is what I was supposed to playing on like when I’m playing dungeons the only thing I should be focusing on is playing on the 1.8.9 because I don’t have any other any

Other access to doing that like seriously I mean maybe maybe you know what I’m just going to try play only on 1 20.1 today you know what let me let me just play it on today I I I don’t really know if that’s like a good good good idea or

Not but I should um oh space you’re eating almost a whole family siiz bag of candy what I have like 20 pieces left and was H what speak I don’t think you should be eating that much at your age I mean you’re okay I I knew it I knew it

This is what happens when you have when you eat too much un uncontrollably ah this is why I think it’s for never given given them I don’t think you should have eaten all of that speaks should have should have had self-control oh my god oh dear definitely I should have had

Self-control now you now you’re oh stomach pain pain dang it yes Tanner yes what is it oh seriously seriously just because you had like a bag of stuff like bag of um the candies doesn’t mean like you eat the whole whole stuff you still eat it ah jeez oh jeez

Well what can one say the favoritism of of candy never goes away but try not to eat too much that you know you have indigestion guys the worst that can happen is that you have to go to the ER department and and and get get that blooding sorted up because having too

Much at the same time uh like having too much in a quick succession is going to be really bad okay remember don’t don’t eat more than your body can handle because seriously you’re all you’re very young also wait what are you kidding I just is it because it still

Thinks that I’m pre I’m still playing in the previous session oh dang oh hey zat welcome to the stream how are you today oh Roblox has met the mistake of giving you the WIC future and without needing your ID now you’re raining chaos what kind of a chaos are you

Unleashing on the Roblox Community I get what kind of chaos are you unleashing on this on the Roblox Community I mean the Roblox Community is all the chaos itself so what more are you adding adding to the fuel to the fire what more adding you fuel no what more fuel are you

Adding to the Fire H now I don’t want to eat that much yes face you should definitely not eat what like in a pack of 100 only 20 left I think you should stop right now I think you should definitely stop right now eating anymore is going to be going

Stretching it a little far you know okay you can eat it tomorrow or you can eat it later later in the day don’t eat it in one go it’s not it’s not like that like candy is not easy to digest all right any any form of chocolate is not easy to

Digest so chill out I want more I have 7 more pieces no no relax chill you can eat more later you can eat more later you can eat more later oh dear all right all right I’m definitely on Hypixel now all right I’m finally on my Hypixel and now I can finally actually

Play properly um um basically yeah uh right the way I just I just noticed the the day cycle the day day night cycle is actually forced I think I think the game rule actually disabled uh Island day day night cycling so the so the the custom stuff that the

Hypixel does is forcing the daylight day night cycle in a one step two step that sort of thing okay interesting interesting but it’s laggy I don’t know I don’t know the Tanner it’s been fine so far I mean I don’t know if it’s fine on your end but

It’s been fine on my end and oh hello hello Z Cat hello okay let me put some stuff away first wait actually I can sell these right I think I can sell these it’s not lagging for me maybe it’s the Wi-Fi probably space probably proba it is as

You say sometimes it’s your internet acting up my internet definitely does does that all the time all the time so got to go do chores all right Tanner take care of yourself now thank you for coming by see you next time see you next time thank you for coming by and

So as like everyone favorite stream sniper stream helper is back at chaos once again I guess that’s I guess the saying is saying it right there there but but it won’t eat itself I know speaks but you can eat it later like come on you don’t have to like there’s there’s no

Urgency there’s no urgency that you need to eat it right now right this instance come on you don’t need to eat it right now this instance oh man oh dear okay um let me go to the hub I need to sell this stuff maybe I can make some profit out of it

Just one more piece okay just one more piece all right just one more piece hey Stephie sorry sorry I missed you I literally can’t just sell these things uh wait what I actually get 22,000 from the healing splash potion W that’s a profit that’s that’s definitely a profit wow selling healing potions the

NPC gets me a lot of coins neat okay I’m just going to see anything was sold only that many was sold ah dear fine fine whatever that’s fine I’m okay with it I’m okay with it speaks you said you could join me in Hypixel today okay sure but I’m doing

Dungeons today so I don’t know like how much you’ve been playing on on Hypixel for you to be able to join me in Dungeons and I’m the only one left on the oh wait wait what Why didn’t it show oops I left I looked on the left side

Anyway hey Stephie how are you today how’s it going welcome to Welcome to the island I guess Welcome to My Island and so I’ve decided I’m going to do more dungeoning obviously to do more Collections and I would like to part taking the dungeons again if you don’t

Mind no I’m I’m fine with it I’m fine with it you don’t have to come right up to my face and ask me Z really really you don’t have to you don’t have to all right I’m just going to invite you to like I like that

And uh 0208 all right I got the names right this time great you’re going to have to teach me so all right sure uh speaks um I don’t think today will be day for me to teach you or guide you around not that I not that I’m the

Greatest guide mind you I needed my own guidance okay I need my baby Yeti pets out and I also need to T the stuff out too mind you mind you I am working on something similar to what we have in the Hypixel Bazaar for my zmp as well

Something similar but it it won’t be the same I’m going to say because Hypixel is way more customized and way more like done by more professional programmers whereas me I’m not a professional programmer nor do I ever admit that I am a professional programmer but I got carried away I need three more

Pieces all right that’s it that’s it the end of story put it away put it away put it away I I I gave you I gave you approval for One Piece now you ate three no no that’s it that’s it that’s it put it away put it away speaks put it away

Put it away put it away it’s really eating like I like in a bag of 100 you ate like so many wow wow I cannot even imagine it’s gone now oh dear oh dear okay all right at least at least it’s gone so I’m glad hopefully

Now you won’t have to deal with you know stomach pain and all that okay let me get my equipment I put them away yesterday cuz I thought there’s no really need for it wait what hello lag lag this isn’t a GU isn’t my hello okay this isn’t good this isn’t

Good why is my inventory empty okay this is lag what happened to my what happened to my very cheap Spirit leaps okay I don’t know what happened I don’t know what really happened but okay all right I got my spirit leaps I am right here now I’m going to play Dungeons on my

This this one my 1.2.1 client with all the shaders and everything wish me Luck wish me luck and so time for energy everyone all right all are we ready now I hope we will do we will be having a great time I will be doing floor once again I’m going to be doing mostly collections as as as I saying oh Z

You’re not ready all right so almost there to go getting the bonso golden head so almost there and then keep it going to go vono staff Rec compilator 3,000 a free one nice and the Diamond bonso Head which is, collection that’s a lot now there’s

Still candy in it so I can’t eat more though because the bag’s gone either way though I’m glad that I’m glad I’m glad you don’t have you won’t be eating more than you should be speaks I’m glad you you’re not going to eat more than you should be jeez the only

Thing in your head is now candy candy candy no enough for candy enough for candy let’s go healthy jeez having having a crazy crazy shananigans about eating candy isn’t exactly well good thing having too much candy is definitely not a good thing for you I’ll I’ll say this much I’ll s this is

Spawned by zat okay forget it oh it actually says it’s who spawned it okay yesterday I didn’t I didn’t see his name okay no wonder all right where am I I’m currently the green on the green on the m map I am going somewhere right oh never mind never mind you have

So much energy indeed way too many calories where should all the calories go I don’t know do some running back and forth that’s all I can say do some back and forth running wait where am I going all right I don’t know where I’m going where I’m going but I will go somewhere Wait I just came this way jeez and uh I don’t have the stuff I need to do this uh hold on get up there if I was on my Zs like uh 1. 8.9 CL I defin can do this but okay I’m just going to fire randomly and see what happens I guess

Okay okay I don’t know what I’m doing yeah I definitely don’t think I know what I’m doing I definitely don’t think I know what I’m doing uh if only I had if only I had uh yeah I can’t do this the laser needs to hit the creeper oh

Okay all right because the 1.9 8.9 CL actually shows me how it how it does so okay uh wait where’s my arrow all right hey it’s real Mitten welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going how’s it been uh wait hold on is this how it goes okay um

Uh oh there goes my screen again this is one of the things I don’t like as I play Minecraft is that is that my my monitor tends to switch off and that causes me to have no clue what’s going on um one moment switch that off uh s that

Off uh okay that is not What’s Happening Here start off Um uh dang it how do no oh God no this is oh God yes Tanner what is it what’s happening hey Sher welcome to the stream how are you today what I’ll show you the power of 100 million stick with the diamonds on the end of it

What what what what do you mean z can’t no that’s not where it’s supposed to go it needs to hit hit this so is is no that’s not oh okay I get it now well hey Stephie I’m kind of lost I think I just slowly figured out what to do get that

Oh ha that took me so long that took me so long to do anyway glad that was oh dear glad that is all it okay let’s keep going all right let’s let’s go oh we don’t we don’t have the glass okay hey blaz D welcome to the stream how are

You doing I ended up going back to way that I came oh dear why can I see Tanner chats Tanis Tanner is thean though uh where my where’s the way this is the way left yep found it found my way finally I I can actually go somewhere hey

Wa lightning is so close that my my screen flashed all right oh you asked you asked your dad to become a member in hoping he says this oh well I mean it’s okay even if you can’t uh it’s okay I mean speak I mean like I said it’s not mandatory

But if it is if you’re only able to possibly become a member to support me or show your support for me I would really appreciate that but even if you can’t that’s all right I will still appreciate you nonetheless regardless I will still appreciate you and hey Sher

You have candy okay cool well keep your candy to yourself you don’t give it to speaks she’s already had way too way more than she should be than she should she should been having today so uh you should keep the candy to yourself do not share with the

Speaks oh Stephie you left the chat wait wait you left the party oh so sey had to go okay no worries thank you for coming by do Steepy what a recom lator oh Tanner you you say you finally found what was killing your chickens oh

What what was it is what a is it a fox what I I got a Rec compilator are you kidding like whoa I got a recom lator unbelievable that’s like holy a mink a mink what’s that do there speaks you have your candy as well

No put it away put the candy away you already ate more than you you needed today put the candy away put the candy away no no no no no no put the candy away put the candy away but but anyway it’s it’s a weasel it’s in the weasel family okay so uh so

Is there a way to like handle it like take care of it make it stop and and all that Tanner is that is that anything that you can do to stop the silly thing from like needlessly eating eating your uh food and all that eating like attacking your chickens

Jeez like put the candies away put the candies away wa there’s no need for so many candies like really all right are we ready Z good all right let’s go so I guess it’ll be just us now no longer Stephy I mean Stephy I probably had to go so that makes sense

Oh oh god oh you started with 4 chickens and now six and we killed it but but maybe meeing there might be another one oh that could be true that could be true but well while I do feel sorry for the for the like the loss of the mink but I

Gu yes there was no there wasn’t much Choice especially since you know it was eating your chickens like when it’s going to be feral and like Untamed it’s there’s nothing we can do but take take out the problem so I can understand and uh who’s going to spawn this guy deadline Cost lifter thank you this guy’s attacking me all but one hello welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going thank you for coming today and good good song for a dungeon song I I don’t know I mean I’m playing uh I’m playing the stream mat uh music in the background

Because I thought the dungeons requires energetic music and so that’s what I’m doing I am putting on some energetic music and in the meantime I’m attacking mobs that don’t even exist anymore all right let me go find something something if I can find my way zombie

Where are you going I’m over here okay let me can I find Z’s already started wait did I just kill I got the feeling I just killed bonso yeah yes what on blaz Dam and your computer is so glitchy because all the YouTubers coming with their notification of you getting so mate okay

Okay yes yes speaks what is it what is it calm down speaks calm down jeez you had way too much candy you had way too much candy for one day you need to chill don’t it candy for the rest of the day seriously you had way too much energy like Like oh Dar he is cand of dungeons oh thank you for the thank you for the two thank you so much thank you so much that was my first actually you know what that’s my first uh uh first uh what was that Super Chat guess said Thank you thank you thank you

Thank you so much okay half the chickens are our new home new ones now you need new ones ah I know I understand that feeling I understand is feeling especially since now I’m lost where am I going look okay I look at the mini map and just follow just follow the

Leader look at the mini map and go uh this isn’t the way this is the way this this is the way okay is this the way I don’t know uh okay where oh my God I give up this is the way yes finally I’m out finally I’m out and it’s this

Way yay I can finally go I finally finally go hello angry archaeologist I don’t know why you’re angry but I hope that’s all youa your anger thank you s you should donate I got I again like I said it’s not mandatory Don’t force yourself to do do

Stuff that you can’t do guys seriously don’t don’t force yourself to donate or any other that it is only I only request all right even if you can’t donate I will still I will still still be welcoming of all you okay welcoming of you all jeez my language is getting hit

With with the excitement I just got like I got the my first uh Super Chat oh thank you but what do you mean but well but anyway I’m definitely not good at dungeons I’ll say that much I will definitely say I am not good at dungeons I’m simply making byy

With with the skills that I have and hey it’s real bitten welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going I do 7 I do 7 72k and I’m not at combat fting yet yet is that good um I don’t know M if it’s a good or not

But Z what let’s do M1 it gives two confident per run I’m not good at M1 no zat no I am not doing M1 I am not doing M1 M1 was like seriously I spend most of my time dying all the one can carry

Us I mean still still the boss is L like literally I die most of the time like I die most of the time I I don’t even that’s not that’s not exactly like I I mean getting carried is one thing but not even enjoying it is another I mean like I’m like literally

Trying to run desperately for my life like a helpless little puppy that’s how bad the combat is that’s how bad my current skills are when it comes to M1 maybe if I’m like higher higher level of C comes maybe I might have better chance but not as of yet also I don’t I

Don’t think I’m good at doing this teleporter thing yep NOP I’m not going to do the teleporter thing I’m not good at it I am just not good at it wait jeez One Moment One Moment oh I got a fast dread log all right also there’s supposed to be a

Lever somewhere am I am I missing something what me and all but one can do one for you I mean okay okay but but just saying I will literally be like like literally be dying wait is this oh I summon you all right who chill chill chill chill speed it’s it’s all right

Okay I’m just going to stand still dang it please hurry thank you stupid skeleton attack me while I was defenseless okay let me go find the lever thing there supposed to be a lever thing somewhere somewhere here oh right here found it okay there must be a secret door somewhere somewhere

Um where is this oh there it is found it all right I’ll take it ow hey black the snake how are you today how’s it going how’s it been welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a wonderful day okay and it’s real M you have 2.64 million coins right now cuz

You spent it on your minions oh so so what minions did you set up what minion did you set Up what kind of what did you see it what did I see what you said that you said that your parents won’t to like donate to me that’s okay like I like I said that’s okay can I carry you in dungeons I mean sure blaz Damon although I’m

Mainly doing uh floor one for the collections so rethink one moment I’m currently in the dungeons I’m currently in the dungeons hold on also where is the boss room wait what what what did I get attacked never mind all right who do SL visit the real real Ms after you

Will see okay all right I do that I will definitely do that I will definitely come visit your Island once once I get stop once I finish the dungeons see you oh this guy is not doing anything he’s just he’s waiting for me all right okay finally sh

Oh you’re reink okay okay all right uh all right uh all right Blake no worries all right I will I will invite you to the party once I finish this um although zard is proposing that I do M1 with the all for with all but one so I will I will I

Will well not going to lie though I’m not I’m not really good at the M1 like my current skill my current catacomb level is 27 so it’s not that high it’s not that really that high 9,000 58,000 and all right I guess it’s I guess it’s back to the wooden chest one

Okay you can do m one all right all right reink no worries wait wait hold on what was the name again doy all but one all right all right Z at one moment I I’m also going to adding the oh the I spelled it wrong okay all right and so

Visit okay visiting um it’s real mitts it it I e a real M no didn’t spell it right M God chat is moving real quick mitt wait command failed okay finally found it all right okay it’s real Mitten I’m coming over to visit the island doesn’t allow

Anyone to visit okay the uh mittens I can’t visit your Island I can’t visit your Island oh The Mink ate half your new chicken so your parents have to get more soon oh okay well rip rest in peace to all your chickens rest in peace to all your chickens parties

Party wait it kicked me out like what you tried to join rejoin too quickly are you kidding me I didn’t even do it anything you quick while joining the server why hi pixel hi pixel how do I fix that um uh I think you need to go speak to Jerry and

When you speak to Jerry he has a setting in there where where it lets you fix it okay well currently currently Hypixel thought I’m I’m like throttling the commands and so I have to wait with with everyone here who’s getting spooked in please Hypixel you’re kicked by join the server are you kidding

Me I will I will visit I will visit although unfortunately now I am I am k i I’m in the lobby I actually can’t join because it’s saying that I couldn’t find the sky block server waiting for a while so come on finally finally wait 30 seconds before

Joining back okay all right glad that that worked out earlier like 5 minutes ago okay and and all but one I sort of miss your miss your message uh what was that party spinny clot friend to all right spin clot okay invite a spin clot all right visit visiting visit

Thing let me recycle through commands all right okay here I am hello hello how are you so oh so you set up uh uh an ice Min an ice minion diamonds so some Redstone cool but if you don’t have ability to fly this is a very perilous perilous

Thing to do not the best but I have tons tons to place down it’s just most Slots of course I understand makes sense makes sense makes sense chill out speaks you got way too much energy and singles for you sherow I guess you guys had too much

Candy jeez anyway this is this is this is actually a nice setup away from all the disturbance of the island I guess damn so all I had to do was Del two pounds to join I mean I mean I I mean that’s not I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that

You know the spinning clot even if you did not donate I will still I will still uh invite over but but oh you got a slime inion in here oh I almost fell into the void you chose to P I mean I don’t know if I can return the money I I don’t think YouTube has that sort of thing in its Theos but still thank you for the two Heroes slime minion Redstone minion diamonds all mixed I understand although why do you have a diamond minion not

Many used diamond minion but okay un blaz them you your sister’s crying because of your of your mother oh what happened I hope I hope that it’s nothing bad I hope it’s nothing bad and chill out chat the chat is way too excited the chat is way too excited all right all

Right this is a this is a good one this is a good Island you’re going there you’re going there real mittens you want well what is it you want to trade oh you give me an ice minion well waa oh you’re not giving me okay these are all you have nice

Nice so you got an ice minion creeper minion Cobblestone minion dark Oak bir wheat lapis zombie Diamond he Stone Oak spider minion and all that and a dark oak lapis and a rabbit and a diamond Min okay okay that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough you don’t have to give

Me okay it’s okay it’s all right wait what blaz demon oh she’s crying because your oh your mother passed away oh rest in peace to your mother rest in peace to your mother rest in peace to your mother I hope that your sister will will recover soon I hope

That everything will go well everything will you know improve and all that so and chill out spes we’re not in some sort of thing and all that wait Z you you revamped everything all right okay anyway nice Island there m this is a really nice Island I hope you improve

On it even more by the way the minions all have Enchanted lava and some Diamond spreading budget Hopper and super compactors some super compactors 3,000 oh okay okay that’s fine I think I think it’ll be a while before they actually get the point of selling actually I think it it’ll be a while

Before it gets to the point where you where it sells so so still do GG nice guy nice going you got a lot of minions ready to set down as for me I’m just going to go to zat’s Island and see what she’s done with her Island oh I was

Kicked while joining the server too quickly are you kidding me here we go again back to the lobby I go I was not even doing anything all I did was click one go like execute one command and and it automatically goes boom okay all right mittens take care now I have a

Good I have a good time eating whatever that you got to eat enjoy you’ll come back later all right thank you see you see you when you return see you when you return and now I have to wait again are you Serious yeah oh all right Shad take care now see you next time thank you for coming by I hope you have a wonderful wonderful day also what the heck why why is it Runing diamonds here W that was strange it was Runing diamonds like what bro scared you whoa hello tardy n

Welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going how’s it been and speaks again like I said do not eat candy way more than you should the energy will literally be bad for you or in digestion on all that you’re all right right I’m glad I’m

Glad you’re doing all right tardy Noob um you don’t you don’t get field trips want to you all I’m sorry I’m a Sky Block player I I’m currently trying to do dungeons where Hypixel is currently uh kicking me out thinking I’m doing way too many commands Okay visiting Zach’s

Island all right here I am what the what is yes yes reading I’m we’re going to be doing M1 pretty soon after I check out what zaka did with her Island wow what is this and the horse just vanished okay so social display okay there’s nothing to display there whoa

Can I somehow go down this is this is not the way to go down this is the entrance okay I’m stupid okay uh can’t one all right no worries that’s okay that’s all right speak if you eat too much candy you can you will hurt yourself die exactly if you’re eating too much

It’s going to hurt um zat where are you at like like where am I even where am I where am I even supposed to oh your slime minions are here in the corner five of Them anything on this corner wo for thing I was like okay they they’re going on for a while you put you put your Jerry here as well as your Sam you mix them together all right Sheriff take care now see you next time see you when you

Return see I need turn looks a little sus uh it kind of of is zat like like I don’t even know what what I’m even supposed to like see um how am I supposed to like you have different layers of stuff down here but oh okay stuff up

There oh you have this guy down about here okay and make good friends and you to stop eating candy I agree candy isn’t good for you it especially when it gives you digestion and way too much energy that you don’t know what to what to do do with all that

Energy hey aspect welcome to the stream how are you doing how’s it going how’s it been visit my Island all right re think I will visit your Island not going to lie Z this is way too spooky like way too too mysterious for you okay going to rethink the

Islands you’re okay that’s good and I’m doing all right thank you for thank you for asking I’m doing great I’m doing I’m currently visiting people’s islands at the moment for speaks what is it okay coming coming what is it an idea for zmp a portal okay

W this is a lot of slime minions how many is it 3 five 5 by 5x 5 5 five is 25 almost okay 24 slime minions wow yeah 24 wow that’s a lot of fly Minions that you got down this is a huge massive massive uh money making right

Here what gear I got I currently have a golden nekron head and and the and the nekron’s chest plate and boots I’m sorry leggings with maxos boots because I need speed that’s why 7 million a day yeah 7 million a day this is this is awesome like if I don’t have to go

Collect skills and all that I would definitely do the same thing too just put down completely all of them all of them money-making minions W and weapon I’ve got I’m you I’m using the Wither the shadow Fury thoughts on Christmas soon and my birthday uh so anyway speaks drop down

Your idea in the ideas section in the Discord and uh tell like tell me more in detail what uh you wanted to like what it wanted what you wanted to do and all that okay CU I will definitely forget it if you just let me know we chat

Here and and well read think is using a with the dark Claymore all right okay so are we ready now are we are we going to do wow this is a really nice Island setup not going to lie not going to lie I I’m guessing this has

Taken a lot of time and one time yes although like just saying I will probably die really quickly at the boss joing the boss okay Z okay okay okay um but wow this this is a really nice setup can I Jo um I think we are I I think we are

Full party right now aspect sorry but we have a full party right now but if anyone leaves you can you can join um so what’s your combat level not combat level sorry what what’s your dungeons level and all that I’m healer don’t don’t worry about dying in

The bus okay okay Albert one I like your confidence you’re 36 wow yeah I’m I’m literally just 27 oh you’re 26 aspect cool you just one one level below me that’s fine I think we can definitely handle f1s together you’re about 35 all one okay yep just getting carried here and

25 spinning cluts getting oh 35 okay wow and you made the the 45 million off of T9 you believe minions okay okay insane all right let’s walk to the Dungeons and let’s go on from there anyway let’s go cuz I just got a message in the chat someone carry

F5 actually I’m not ready I’m not the level where I can carry F5 all right uh Master mode all right are we ready let’s go I dropped the giant so yesterday and now you’re poor what how did you how did oh man rest in peace death rest in peace

Death oh my God I can’t imagine the pain I can’t imagine the pain oh man dropping a giant sword that’s that is that is that sword like 3 million 300 million or something holy wait what re think you lost your Hyperion that’s insane oh my oh why how is it that you could

Lose how is it that you can lose your Hyperion and such oh oh God I forgot that these guys have buffed up that I will die hold on I’m not I’m not strong enough to do this chest price 25 million and sell 160 mil man oh man

That’s insane but by the way just curious what does it usually mean by you dropped it I normally the the feeling that I get is you know that you were like that you actually dro the dro the item like from your inventory even though that’s I don’t think that’s the case oh oh

Boy ah okay uh wait I don’t think this I’m going to do this I’m not going to teleport it you get in the chest oh okay okay that’s what it means okay I had a like a mixed uh mixed understanding of what the when you drop an item is

Ah dang it I got I got whacked by slime jump up landed okay let’s go um where is I’m going I’m going in the wrong direction right I think so okay let’s Go no not this way where how did everyone go in what direction no I I fell again what are you doing speaks what’s with the Emojis and all that still on still getting still I’m waiting on cool down finally killed one I easy got Milestone four on

This space you’re sending all like all the different versions of uh emojis right now are you not or are you just experimenting with that but how is it that you’re able to send them so quickly is it that you you sa them up on your phone or something because that’s that’s quite

Fast experiment okay I think you should is certainly having no issues with the with chat and all that oh my Lord he’s got 200 million health I forgot how strong this guy is and the best that I can do now is escape Escape run from My Life um I wish

I can do more but I’m very weak I am very weak and if we just killed the boss already wow yep that was fast that was fast let me open that’s not a profit that’s definitely not a profit not a profit either what’s the diamond wait I got all negatives except

For the except for this one all right that’s okay oh it’s a thing with Windows okay okay no not just Windows also mobile wait wait wait it has wait the phone the phone also has that ability okay I had no idea can warp you try again later wait what I’m here though

Why I don’t know what’s doing welcome back Tanner let me first uh salvage some of the items um this it all right confirm all right cacom 52 okay who’s going to tell him Alba one is actually what no wonder what what what oh what 52

Oh 51 but not far from 52 are you in oh my God no wonder no wonder Zar was so confident in saying that we will be carried no wonder holy let me just sell um selling the candies and stuff yeah for me I go to emojis next

You send a photo all right speaks no worries um let me sell the this guy too all right hey ver welcome to the Stream how are you today how’s it going do you make money yet from YouTube um not not not as of yet wor right now I only unlock the

Early early YouTube Partner program so right now I can be donated by fans or I guess fan funding you could call it by anyone that wants to support me or become a channel member or drop any super chats super chats and all that so so those things that that can have

That that are enabl for me now so but I can’t earn anything from ad revenue or video Revenue I guess that that’s one thing that I have not unlocked yet it might take a bit of time but hopefully I’ll be able to get it soon I mean that’s the reason I mean the

Only thing that I have time for now is uh live streaming so this is what I’m this is what I’m stuck with and let’s go so yeah that’s why if any anyone wants to donate and all that that’s why I ask her kindly but it’s not it’s not a it’s

Not a it’s not it’s not a requirement it’s not a demand I’m not going to tell you guys oh I almost died killing one skeleton so jeez I almost died killing one skeleton oh god seriously they’re going to one shot me seriously heal man how is this skeleton so strong or am

I just that weak man in insane check Discord all right all right speaks uh but first I will play the game first otherwise I don’t think I’ll survive where is this guy he’s too fast okay right I want to start YouTube but one point eight is dead and that’s

Not that’s the only thing you like 1.8 Oh you mean the client version uh ver ver I hope I I I’m I hope I’m pronouncing your name right actually H come on please finally killed it you know while everyone is taking care of everything I’m I’m busy just

Killing the mobs at least get the XP get the combat XP yeah I’m going to stay away from boss I don’t think I’m strong enough to deal with anything that comes from the from the from the blood room yeah it’s a record bedw war and Sky

Block oh okay but you can play on the other other client versions though right like the one I’m playing on right now the 1.20.1 1.19 or Stu like that you know with other clients is it or is it because uh because uh but why you saying the 1.8 is

Dead people are still playing playing on the playing on them right skeleton Master armor carries you to oh okay in in F7 wow yeah I once got carried carried in F7 oh almost died oh dear oh God oh God help Jee jeez I’m not I’m not

Going to die I will not die I am determined to Live come on ph oh 1.9 will get like 100 100 100 for views okay wait so it’s like a YouTube thing wow didn’t even see that was that was didn’t even see the wi trap okay so there’s like uh okay so on

YouTube so I see one one 1.19 will get more more like more views okay 100 times more views okay are people are still using 1.19 uh I already moved on to 1.2 20.1 so yeah this got taken care of very quickly and we did it under five

Minutes we did it under five minutes I hope the day comes when I can do it that that fast too no that’s a loss that’s a loss that’s a profit obviously that’s a loss and I mean I mean I guess it’s a profit um just H let’s just open it it’s

Fine look at Discord and try after that all right all right sure sure speaks no Recon that’s okay though that’s okay speaks I will hopefully get one we already got one like literally at the start of the stream like my first run and I got recom so that’s okay that’s

All right that’s that’s all right you know that’s at least a good start that’s at least a good start to us to a great to a grand Adventure that awaits us today oh wait I can I can get of this all right okay ready I’m going to try it now oh wait I

Actually closed my Discord one moment okay Master mode one go Alba one always ready okay oh re you have M3 and F7 completions okay good for you reink good for you good for you I have much to go okay F1 is F7 is free am I supposed to care I I don’t

Know zat to be honest I don’t know but mainly I’m literally just now getting combat experience as well as cacom experience come on just die pH man half the time I’m worried I’ll end up dying and and ruining everything no I will do my best to Not oh okay okay so that’s what it is that’s what it is okay I understand speaks so in your in your keyboard option you have an option that gives you the ability to like send emo like like special test special characters Emoji kind of thing makes sense please die okay Uh heal heal I forgot I had something there oh God where is the CL where is the spooky guy he’s coming in the Spooks I got Primal Fear I got dark candy all right oh it’s a Google keyboard okay no wonder I use a Samsung keyboard so that so that that’s probably

Why I don’t see those maybe I will see if I if my phone held has that uh should I risk it should I risk going down there n you come up P skeleton I want to fight you in my own turf thank you what’s my Milestone Tre all right

I’m good I should still be a I should be definitely be able to open chest now come on now wait never mind I thought uh I just realized that Crypt was dancing I kind of I probably didn’t need to do that okay the skeleton is also dancing really these skeletons are having a

Great day right these skeletons are having a great day okay I’ll leave you alone skeleton I may have recently killed one but I’ll I’ll leave you alone okay is this going to retract no never mind already here at the boss room okay speak no worries thank you

Thank you have a good time playing Roblox in the background I mean sorry playing background and my stream in the in the background W jeez jeez that was Fast that was like insta kills with with so many high leveled like players players in the team it is definitely insta kills no profit there no profit there probably some profit nothing here and same old whatever at least it’s free so I’m fine with that all right let’s

Go why does it keep saying can’t warp you try again later uh messages odd there’s nothing for me to Recon I mean not Recon sorry there’s nothing for me to do stuff all right hold on I’m just going to sell these put these up for Sale I’m making some good decent profits from just some just selling some of these Things right sell the book which okay all right oh not ready all right Z Now worries going to wait going to wait wait for we re think to return I don’t know I don’t know they disconnected they’re back okay zat Z said not ready so just going to wait

Wait give zat a chance and yep Z is ready all right let’s go let’s go no no no no no oh oh dang it I forgot this is just regular F1 my bad warp out warp out warp out warp out warp out try that again try it

Again oh jeez thank you V one I accidentally clicked that by mistake all right M1 all right on cool down you canot create give it a minute okay give it a minute okay give it a minute give it a minute now where is I guess I’ll give it a minute no harm

Right you really don’t have to worry thank you Al one I thought I had I had I had wasted our time like accidentally going into the wrong one I’ll see one more time and let’s go at least I’m glad Hypixel decided to fix the whole issue with the like with

The like with the cool down and timing out and Etc or just leaving and then able to come back in we wo whoo whoo whoo glad I was able to do some damage there Ah sheesh all right skeleton you got it I got you you got me all right um there’s absolutely nothing here for me to do I think oh okay that was that was quick I actually Sol that without even much difficulty like what that is this a brand new map

Actually now that I think about it yeah I get a feeling this is like a brand new map oh it’s not it’s not it’s the it’s the sponge it’s it’s a sponge thing all right never mind here I thought it was a brand new map something must have been wrong with

Me it looks it looks so different wow this those guys have been taken out before they could do anything okay come on now skeleton off you go oh die die oh almost died Oh there comes another one this Guy luckily there’s nothing around anyway so car’s lifted good thank you wait what thank you why did it ask me to stand still twice that was strange this was done okay okay we just got the boss room remaining now and I have no idea where I’m

Going I I may have been I may have the Zara infliction on me always getting lost I think so I think I am definitely lost like where am I even oh okay you your fear overcame you and ran away really wait wait wait how am I supposed

To understand that oh got to go after this thank you for run yeah thank you too as well re thank you so much thank you so much and thank you for also the Super Chat I I I think that was like I mean I don’t know if you thought that in

Order to join you you have to send money and all that I mean I mean do normal you like Sky Block players do that in order to play with them do they like request you to like demand you to to send money to them really oh you’re not the one

Then someone else probably did okay oh you didn’t do that okay so it was uh oh you want the Super Chat the spinning clot okay dang I got confused I got confused okay it says click here to reue into MM catacombs um yeah I think we can go into

Recs well I’m a bounce all right zaka take care bro you keep streaming at such bad times for me ah sorry Kito and welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going and do I have Discord yes I do um the link to my Discord is in the

Description so you can come join the server where I usually at It’s usually the zmp1 so so I can contact you and give you Contra tomorrow okay no worries k no worries do no worries wait I didn’t open anything oh BND staff let’s go I’m Bondo

Staff wow nice nice I for Z gu should have seen this ah dang it it’s okay though Bonzo staff let’s go anything else in any other just I’m not expecting anything marvelous this is wonderful nice nice I don’t see your server in the description it’s in the it’s it should

Be in the description K Discord server uh in the YouTube thing Ed it in the description at the bottom it says Media Link social media links oh you got some good news okay you cheered up okay so so what happened what’s okay so what’s going on you

Cheered up so what’s going on well what good news is that if you don’t mind me knowing okay is anyone else wanting to join D join this um uh I don’t know if you’re still there aspect um but currently my party is uh we only got three members right now so

Can we still do this with with just a I mean I mean I don’t suspect we do because Alba one is literally at catacomb level 51 so she called you and said that she doesn’t want to okay well that’s well that’s good well that’s good well that’s good

Um but but the thing is it’s going to be a challenge though with her parents and all that you know it’s going to be a real challenge with with her parents watching on all that or I don’t know how it’s going to be but you’re going to wait a bit but

You’ll be but you’re so happy yes I’m glad and wait Al one why are you sad what happened what happened why are you sad you want to invite your CE oh what okay whoa get away oh my god that’s way too many that’s way too many for me alone to

Deal with I was like oh but he’s offline oh okay maybe maybe another time all by one maybe another time maybe another time when we all can get to get together he’s right now M M6 completion oh jeez just how much do you guys play play the game I suppose that you guys

Play this literally every day every breathing second man oh man I once had that kind of dedication but I thought you know since I had that dedication I should probably spend it on my own zsm and all that so I’m glad I’m glad at least it’s nothing too serious

I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I knew it I I knew it I knew it you have 6 6,614 hours at 35 minutes oh what holy that’s a lot of hours that’s a lot of hours that’s a lot of hours holy how’s myp going it’s going all right actually

It’s going it’s going great um so I’ve been recently programming this shopping shopping thing so so it’s going it’s been going okay it’s just that I I wish I can do more on it later on I I’ll be able to do more on it later but yeah for once I actually

Slept yesterday on time without feeling oh I I want to do more programming I want to do more csmp yeah I hope it works out too K thank you thank you for the well wishes thank you for the well wishes oh jeez oh jeez let’s go but yeah just out of

Curiosity just out of just out of uh curiosity Um wait how do I do that again okay anyway just out of curiosity spinning clot do usually play that do the like Sky Block players usually demand that you pay money in order to play together with them I’m just curious because um you cuz I I’m still reminded by your comment

Earlier about all it took was € to in know to join like going to a party so you hate the toxic end game players I understand I definitely agree with that one no one wants like I I don’t know if there’s anyone all that who are annoying and and and just insufferable

And all that I mean once you’re at the end game I mean how can you be so toxic and all that it’s it’s crazy oh it’s block ify is visiting me on my Island okay I’m I’m lost I’m just lost and oh K you may be able to help any funding

Needed um I mean like I like I told you yesterday I’m hoping that uh people would be able to uh donate stuff through the YouTube program it’s not because I could have created some separate PRI PayPal or patreon and gone with it I thought I thought i’ do my honest effort to try

And grow on YouTube like like how it was once because I’m I’m still I still believe myself to be still old school I still believe myself to be old school W I jumped I unexpectedly jumped High please okay man here I am struggling to kill a couple of skeletons please don’t kill me

At the same time I’m being attacked by all round oh few you took a couple too many rips of a joint and you’re so faded oh oh no oh no take care of yourself Kito take care of yourself take care of yourself don’t hurt yourself man Al look

Out I don’t even know if I did any damage to that but goodbye Z goodbye Bonzo well if you need anything let me know okay K thank you thank you thank you nothing there no good profit there decent profit in the in the wooden chest since it’s free and all that

Currently indulging in some two-minute noodles nice nice yesterday as well yesterday last night I also had a 2minute noodles although I had my wife cook it for me but it’s not exactly 2 minutes it’s more like um it’s more like how do I say it it’s more

Like uh you know you you bake it in the in this oven and stuff that sort of that sort of thing wait wait wait back Oh all but one you having a wife is more of a flex that me being good and reason not to be toxic

I guess so I guess so in a way I’m any way I am blessed with by both a good community and as well as good people to hang around with to be honest all one I’m glad that is the case and I’m glad that is the case and

Oh you can cook but you get very hungry uh when you hide so you usually put some chicken flavored stuff in the new no and just cook it okay makes sense that makes sense each everyone has their own way of uh eating their food and all that so I’m

Not going to judge I’m not going to be judge judge Fury Jud I was going to say judge and jury but I meant I said judge and fury okay all right so ready now let’s go but are you okay I oh you cook a a very mean steak what does that

Mean we’re always ready okay spinny clot thank you for that okay I don’t know normally normally I make sure that the that everyone is ready so that’s why I always say R question mark oh a good steak okay okay you mean you meant the barbecue uh is that what you meant

Also lag Mart is invisible he’s not anymore but yeah I’m actually I’ve never eaten any kind of barbecue food before um um I did go to restaurant where they served me barbecue but I’ve never actually cooked the made barbecue the food myself mainly because I don’t have the I don’t

Think I’m good at doing barbecues also I’m dying lag lag is killing Me how long have I known my wife but by the way as of this as of like as of 5 days ago 8 years so we’ve been together for 8 years and between the two of us we had we have we have a four-year-old and he’s going to be the only one for

Us we don’t we don’t want anyone else other than him we made a choice to just go with one kid now because it we die I don’t think I should really be having any other so good luck with this finny clot dang why am I lagging so

Much kto uh did you know she was the one from the start yeah actually yeah our our our match was actually sort of like an arranged marriage in a way actually so we were so at that time and it all started back in 2013 when my when my dad

When like when my mother and my dad sat me down and asked if I want to get married I told him at first flat out no I was not interested in any kind of marriage and all that so I was not interested in marriage because I had I

Had high doubts in my own ability of being a good a good husband and all that I never had a had the had the belief that I can be a good husband and I also did not want any of the dramas that people had and all that hey Crimson MC

Welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going how’s it been I hope everything’s been going all right for you and so I didn’t I never really focused on just that much I simply was I don’t know I was going to say stay Bachelor for Life there was no reason

For me to there was no reason for me to become a family me become a family have my own family and and such oh your Minecraft crashed oh okay oh oh rest in peace your Minecraft um I hope you your Minecraft uh is able to launch soon again I hope

The have nothing’s wrong oh it’s block ify okay okay oh okay oh oh you did visit my Island just earlier oh dang it I wasn’t watching I wasn’t being clear okay I I did get the notification that you were wasting my Island but I didn’t think much of it okay

Yeah okay glad that you’ve been here do glad you came came to the stream relaunching it all right cool it’s it’s wonders how the how the game crashes like that every now and then although for me it’s more or less my computer that crashes dies on me suddenly due to overheating on all

That all right let’s go collect sorry why are you sorry what happened what are you sorry about Crimson MC what are you sorry about I’m ahead off thank you so much for the runs yeah thank you so much for the runs too spinny clot thank you so much for the runs thank

You and now I guess it’s it just leaves allba one and me now all right all right I’mma do one more run and I’mma head off too all right Alba one that’s that’s fine with me I’m fine with that one more run will’ll see me through I guess let’s see selling these

Okay and ACC I don’t know what I want to do when I’m older but if I keep going at this rate I will not have to work really so so what you been what have you been doing uh kto oh you’ve been missing my missing a lot of my streams that’s okay Crimson

That’s okay you I’m pretty sure your your very busy with your own life and all that you know I always say your priority be next okay your priority me next it’ll always be that way even if I I I request you to become a channel member or drop any super chats that you

Can on my YouTube thing no oh almost died but yeah but yeah uh I hope that that it is not compulsary that you become a channel member and send me super chats and all that only if you can only if you can it’s it’s just a one way it’s just

Another way of the extra length way of saying that you support me and just show me your love and all that you know I’d appreciate it I’d appreciate whatever it is to be honest And wait what okay Kito I hope that you do not get into legal trouble with what you’re doing seriously I hope that you don’t get into legal trouble because man I can I can definitely see that happening wait is this done no no it’s not all right I I the text has confused

Me which which of the which of you have it um Ma has has the chest both of them are telling the truth also Ramsey has the reward in their chest I knew it I knew it I knew he was tricking me but dang it I fell for it I

Knew it and I still fell for it dang it when I grow up I want to be a YouTube I’m a I’m a kid nine okay no worries Crimson no worries but but remember remember remember do not completely focus on YouTube and forget your other things remember remember YouTube takes

Time to get success it it require a lot of like lot of luck and and skill and everything else you know like seriously it would require a great amount of personality and such to become great on YouTube and if definitely a luck Factor after all got to go to karate in a bit

Okay cool and yeah K you can definitely see that but the Ben fits are do good I guess so but like but still do be careful Kito do be careful I don’t want to find out one day that you ended up being in trouble because of of your of your work okay I

Hope that you take care of yourself and all by one how do I buy a personality you don’t buy personality you build one you develop one it is something that you craft over time whether it by doing good things or or bad things still because I mean look at

The look at look at what’s happening you like oh God thank god oh dang it I got attacked that was another justest all right I’m out of here I’m back in this place is there no way out oh finally yay I found my way out that’s personal to require an an

Inferno Apex to craft it requires I guess I guess in order to have a good personality you need to be you need to have I guess great me mental mentality a strong mentality I believe and K personality is my opinion is all but B experience true that is true oh

Yeah and where is everyone today um I think most of them have gone silent or afking or watching my stream right now or and doing all that or as as you and Kito are chatting with me along with Alba one who’s somehow finding a to chat with me while still doing fullon full-on

Battles jeez I’m lagging behind it’s the experience you have and how you deal with them exactly exactly that develops your personality and all that in a way in a way that’s the same goes but like experience experience makes wonders experience makes wonders and I hope I don’t die this time well I didn’t

Die any times anytime because but up until now I had three people now before I had two and now it’s one okay what I find it funny that he’s just doing all that okay Bonzo just SL just he was crawling on the on the floor like some creepy clown that he

Is and nothing there all right thank you Al one thank you for coming thank you you have you have a good night sleep well sweet dreams love you love your optis by oh thank you all one thank you really missing that in High Sky Block uh really

Okay really okay that that surprises me that the you’re missing the optimism in Sky Block I mean I don’t know I I find that that regardless of what situation that one finds themselves in you got to you got to keep yourself going and you need energy and you need to win all

Right Crimson MC take care of yourself now now that’s all right have a great time at your karate session and don’t break a leg I know a lot of people say when you’re going into doing some sort of event break a leg and all that I’m not

Going to say that I’ll just say don’t break a leg because I don’t want people I don’t want my viewers and anyone even non-viewers to getting hurt all right I want everyone to be happy cheerful and just having a great time I mean you know I don’t actually need to be optimist

Because let me show you something that might make you feel a little sad so in my recent shots let me go into my studio my YouTube Studio content so when I go here my recent or I guess my second least recent shots it’s got a very bad ratio all both

Of them in fact yesterday this was even in a worse spot than today yesterday I had like five or six likes and I had 15 dislikes but the thing is that could have made me feel sad but I thought I thought I I thought about it differently

So you see this shot was about the professor the the dungeon boss Professor disliking me so what I thought was okay those dislikes are basically saying that they dislike the fact that the professor dislikes me you get that you get that they dislike the fact that the professor

Dislikes me that’s what that’s what it is a lot of people actually not a lot of people but a couple of people have posted comments in my many shots ago saying what is the what is the point of this shot and all those things but at

The same time it has received a lot of likes as well so my thoughts are very simple I don’t I don’t have the ability that I make great shots and all that because I simply literally rip them off my stream and post them however I have

This belief that that at the very least those jots will make someone anyone even a single person smile or be happy you know or just just have a have let’s just make them feel better that from my silly antics that I get up to on on

Stream so so I so that’s that’s why I tend to not care about what kind of shots I release please as long as they’re not hurtful and all that so yeah Kor would you like me to bot your light you don’t need to you don’t have to kill it though seriously that’s

That’s way too much effort really bye sunw all right Crimson MC thank you for coming by thank you for tuning in you have a great time take care of yourself don’t get hurt in your karate session take care of well and and do your best learning those defensive

Skills or or or offensive skills whichever it is that you’re learning but karate I think karate is all about defense a defenses defens of offense I think it’s it’s a defensive offensive offensive kind of um thing I don’t know what I’m saying maybe I don’t know what

I’m saying give me one give me a minute I’ll be back okay K I don’t know what you’re doing I don’t know what you’re going to do but okay be back in a bit from Karate all right sure Crimson MC that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine have

A great day I see you when you turn and in the meantime I’m just going to sell sell these and and Shadow welcome back oh and you got a new mouse today nice nice so what kind of mouse is it I’m definitely sure it’s a I’m definitely sure definitely sure it’s a

Gaming mouse but just curious what is this and Sher you ran out of gummies gummy bears well that’s a good thing I see that as a win I see that as an absolute win now you don’t have to stuff your stomach with food and then get get stomach pain

Later really I see that as an absolute win I see that as an absolute win okay sell go back oh selling the recom which one got sold oh what wait this one got sold this one got sold this one got sold all right selling some some some stuff more to the

NPC all right time to sell the bonso staff as well I’m making decent money off of today to be honest I’m quite happy I’m quite happy to be making decent money off of today like the first run I got uh recom and then the F the

Second run I I got with with all of them with was bonso before Zat and U and they left why can’t Ender Dragon read a book uh why can’t he read a book Shadow you must you must have a you must have a a solution for that wait that’s not bonso staff that’s

An aurora staff bons those okay okay so it’s um 5 million and 150 Okay I guess I’ll I’ll place it at 5,300 cuz uh 3 million 350 I guess one moment 5 million three I hope I got my numbers right because it starts at the end because it starts at the end oh okay that’s why that’s why okay wait k you just sent you

Just sent 1,000 subscriptions they should come momentarily wait what what do what do you mean kto okay let um let me make it 24 hours I think people should buy it Anyway by then all right sell all right what what did you do what what’s that how many Subs were

You at before I’m I’m currently at before at um like 3,400 yeah 3,434 subscri subscribers I was previously at 3,434 subscribers previously yeah that’s what like what Sheriff said okay wait what Huh hello Darius wait oh Darius Darius thank you for becoming a channel member oh my God thank you for becoming a channel member wow my first ever member my first ever Channel member darus thank you wow thank you so much thank you so much here it worked oh

My God Kito I don’t know what you did but what oh wow I like wow I don’t even know how to react holy wow thank you so much oh my God how many have been supposed to react to this holy God holy God I’m I’m freaking out calm down me calm down me

Oh my God what you got me the 4K 3K thank you but what did you do what did you do I hope it’s nothing illegal I hope it doesn’t get you in trouble or me for that matter but still I hope it doesn’t get you in trouble like how did

You get that many subscribers like what how did you oh my god what and N all legal okay okay thank you Kito what holy I just got oh my Lord that’s a wow wow wait what wait what also I’m glad that the wers are still saying I’m very drowsy

I’m glad that many of my community still believes that I’m indeed very drowsy when I’m streaming but I’m wide awake right now I am wide awake this is the this is unbelievable what Okay can it tell oh my God I’m freaking out I’m freaking out but anyway

Anyway thank you Darius thank you so much for becoming becoming a channel member thank you wow wow thank you so much for becoming a channel member uh Al one hey Al welcome to the stream how are you going how’s it going and bed Subs can get you banned if you get

Flagged oh no oh no actually I just realized GTO is this Bots I don’t think that’s um um actually that just real that just made me realize oh my God if these are Bots YouTube will really oh God okay if it’s detected the subs will get revoked I guess so I guess so

But I guess so wait I have a okay holy God holy God I mean I mean I’m I’m grateful that you’re doing this but yeah yeah that’s all right then if they get removed if they’re like discovered as they bought it and now that and going to remove that’s okay

That’s all right but still K you didn’t you didn’t need to do the go so far as to do this jeez jeez jeez oh my God but I’m more I’m more shock I’m more shocked that I finally got got a my first member there he is give me

Some never seen an account banned before I guess so I guess so hopefully that nothing bad nothing terrible happens I mean I mean seriously seriously it was all done in Good Intentions and don’t I don’t know if if is if if they were detected as B bed then they would

Definitely be removed hopefully it doesn’t affect to my YouTube’s ypp because it’s not done it’s not something that I I did like I don’t encourage Bing like I say I don’t encourage Bing it’s not good especially since the YouTube’s done TOS definitely states that artificially increasing your channel

Numbers and all that are not good but hopefully nothing terrible happens hopefully nothing terrible happens and no it doesn’t affect your Channel at all okay K I will go I will trust your word for it I will definitely trust your word for it man that was a couple couple

Minutes of pure adrenaline for me oh my God like first Uh first K sends in sends in the those subs and then Darius became a channel member oh man oh man I’m just so grateful to you guys thank you so much for thank you for the continued support thank you congrats on the channel member yeah yay thank you

I thank you for Jing darus thank you I don’t know how many times I said thank you I don’t know how many times I’ve said thank you that’s to Hecker uh all right I guess it’s back to wait actually let let me just check the collection how how far have I done oh

Just one more okay let’s go just one more to do and I can get the golden head Sher believes that he’s he’s a hacker all right all right let’s go there one more and I can get the golden head Ian golden head wait oh hello hello Creepy Pasta guy one eyed guy onee

Gloom wait wait wait let me sign it jeez he was attacking me even though I was oh that didn’t do any damage but okay okay let’s go all right lost Adventure dang it I don’t like how his first attack always sends me so far away all right let’s keep going wait

That’s the wrong way I’m going to the dead end jeez all right let’s go I mean I’m more or less just just just focus on completions now so it’s fine let’s go also what’s my skill level it I don’t know and open door open sesame 10 seconds later wor is Ban come

On shut up let’s not let’s not getting let’s not get too dark about it let’s let us hope that does not happen it does not come to that let us hope it does not come to that ah okay okay too many spiders holy God holy God I’m getting way too many

Notifications the bot is having a nightmare I mean seriously like imagine trying to like getting so many subscribers so quickly ah okay oh dear oh thank you for subscribing everyone like I’m just getting a bunch of notifications right now so I can’t really call out your

Names okay I didn’t mean to come down here but I did I’m just going to I’m just going to wing it flow go I’m just I’m not even bothering with the sword just go flower the flower Tru will will free me will reveal the truth and it

Did I don’t know what what what what to expect but let we will see how things go oh dear okay let’s see oh God would 100 million Midas help me um you mean the sword or the the or the or the staff because I’m a I’m a combat I’m a

Combat guy so um definitely not definitely this the the staff will not be helpful for me because that’s for the Mages but what but I don’t know the what’s what is the Midas how it has 270 attack with 12 12 120 strength so multiplied by two

Or oh you’re going to give me the staff okay I think the staff is mainly for the for the Mages Kito unfortunately I don’t have much use for it unfortunately because I’m a I’m a combat guy I’m a I’m a I’m like a I’m just like a cross between healer and a

Berserkers oh hello you’re here to greet me well I’m here to greet you with a flower do accept my greetings I I sound stupid I know all right oh dang it all right go oh jeez I’m still I’m still getting messages of the notifications yeah I’ll find something

Else for you yeah I mean you don’t have to kit but okay Hyperion that’s way too much shut up that’s like one that’s like literally 1.8 B 1.8 billion please you don’t have to you don’t have to oh God okay oh my God all right I

Think I come with Hyperion I don’t know what even Su you must have worked really hard to you get to get Hyperion don’t just give it to me just because Sher and other people did and besides I’m just going to let you know if I were to if I

Were to ever receive a hyperon I had to First donate this to do to to two two people I I don’t know if I don’t know if I can find the other person but one of them is zat so so if so I wouldn’t be really keeping the Hyperion actually I

Would be giving it away that’s the promise I made with the with with them so so yeah ah jeez all these notifications ain’t nobody giving hype I mean I mean I would be definitely shocked if that was the case man I I cleared literally half that’s okay I’m here for the point I’m

Here for the score not the expar out the completion come on na Bonzo we chasing you he set himself on fire he set himself on fire what about giant sword I think Giants would do great actually especially that I can use it in when doing the Enderman Slayers I think it

Would it would come in handy sorry about the notifications I mean it is what it is it is what it is it is what it is notifications I mean is is what you get okay wait what 29 20 all right I guess I’ll take this that’s okay K you don’t really have to

You don’t really have to you don’t really have to oh man I don’t know I there is this feeling that I have that majority of the time my viewers tend to do all sorts of things just to get a reaction out of me just to I don’t know they they love seeing my

Reactions and such that’s what I get that’s the feeling I get that’s the feeling I get each and every time that I’m I’m receiving many donations and all that well okay sell those all right you’ll you’ll I mean I would know I would not say no to donations but but but but

Still I don’t want to I don’t want I don’t want my viewers no one no matter who it is to outstretch them beyond the the beyond their their limits and all that you know also I believe I got the collection I did let’s go bonso’s golden head I got it I got

It what about Boomerang it’s a w it’s not that I just really appreciate you and your advice uh thank you Kito thank you I’m glad that my advice is like welcome and what the there are two people here wearing the same set of armor like look they had the same set of

Armor wise Dragon stuff why is Dragon up but one is Enchanted so I guess that’s the difference not really they’re basically the same they’re both wearing the same is worth emo I’m not I’m not but back in the back in the school days everyone did have a slight

Suspicious that I was due to my hairstyle and all that but that was just my natural hairstyle because I don’t really I don’t know I was very influenced by the music of my time at that time so am I an introvert or an extrovert I am an introvert I will tell

You much though I sound confident when I’m speaking like this right now but if I in the future if I were to meet any of my viewers and all that I will be very very nervous talking to you I’ll say that much I will be extremely nervous I

May sound confident but I’m I actually more or less I’m a listener you know I’m an observer I listen more I observe more I tend to focus on on on you know just observing watching others learning Etc I rather I enjoy that the most rather than making conversation

So oh my god you’re an introvert I still have a chance what do you mean all but one Darius is your oh sorry what BBG um um what does BBG stand for they both have wor [Laughter] name oh okay wait no okay I’m besid why would I be why would

I be I like I said I already have a wife I a kid I will not be I only have one heart I I I believe in that I believe in the fact that you only have one heart and you can only give it to one person I

I’ve given mine I will not be doing any of those Shenanigans and all that hey scar welcome to the stream how are you going how’s it going oh you literally made it just just in the in the nick of time it’s almost I still have only like

24 24 minutes to go before I before I wrap up the stream so it’s no the first all right of course I remember I remember uh one moment I am currently cannot access that oh some holy look at that someone found two Recs one in the bed

One in the obsidian and one in the Red Rock Man lucky damn Okay what okay one moment here I just realized right one day strong chaps one moment I need to make a scar something wait I even have access to This n That was a wrong phone okay go here where is it where is it all right all right here we go all right all

Right well well please welcome our brand new moderator scar although scar I’m I’m hoping that that you will you will not misuse that that power and just just time out anyone and everyone okay all right please I’m trusting you to we have responsibility with the power that I just given you no wait

What nah nah I never participated in those things to be honest I just um to be perfectly honest with you I actually don’t even do those things so so it’s kind of like kind of pointless for me to even join in the first place but I guess I’m participating in a way I

Guess I am participating in a way I guess you know even though I actually don’t do it I guess I am participating in a way and you’re welcome Sky you’re welcome I’m trusting you to have have the great responsibility of what I just giv you okay let’s go and let me just check

What’s my cacom skill level at oh I’m I’m currently at 28 okay wow I didn’t even realize I I was at 28 all right bro is in fact hard is spting I mean for me for me what what really gave in is the fact that Sher has shown great Improvement in his

Behavior as of recently because up until previously it was always self-destructive but it’s it’s been good and even though he may still have those thoughts in his head he’s not bringing them out for all of us to see I’m glad that I’m glad that is the case Okay one

Moment okay I don’t know if I can actually why am I why am I bothering I’m I’m here for a collection not not to get good Score hello flower tro go flow TR go who’s not bring their thoughts out scar uh Scar Guard the one that I just recently made a moderator in today he requested that at uh you know he me made a moderator today and seeing his development I’m I feel that he defin earned the moderator

Status uh okay where to next where to next I’m not sure oh boy go attack I meant attack these guys why LOL the flower Tru didn’t want to attack them is there some some truth to them that I’m not aware of also I I do get the feeling that there’s something here

Some sort of door that I’m unable to access as of yet um oh I just came this way jeez okay keep going um yeah I’m not going to do that all right uh bye skeleton this way go through here the Vier door should be open it is and time to spam flower

Through on all of them go flower truth reveal the truth and did the blood room open no I knew it would be too easy to open FL oops I accidentally tried to place the flower through H where could it be hold on where could it be where could it be I wonder

Did I not get oh the door has opened okay I’m already here nice okay even so good luck good luck on the on the November challenge everyone seriously I don’t I always forget that no is the time when people tend to do that Oh but the question though I have a question why is it that people like why did the men come up with the with the triple n is there some sort of a reason behind it ah I mean seriously I I know I’m like literally breaching the whole familyfriendly thing

But I guess so I guess so K I guess so well all right so another word for yeah scar don’t tell me you don’t know what it is I mean sure you’re 10 years old but seriously what’s the triple the Triple R um I don’t know I the Triple R when I

Think of trip Triple R I only remember the movie The Triple R that the Indians made you know the Triple R like the like the Indian movie made like directed by um this like this person named Raj moly with actors like uh RAM turn and and people about the Indian like

Like British colonization of the of the British time or something I don’t know am I when am I going wh mod when he comes back when he joins the stream SC speaks I can’t give it to him if he’s not joining in the streams just it’s

Because I don’t know I think they need to be on the stream for me to give it to them they need to be on the stream for me to give the mod to them so yeah speak yeah I hope that whip makes to one of my streams so I can give

Him mod cuz he definitely earned it he definitely earned it but I was actually G I was actually going to give it to him even more earlier than I did for scar but yeah for like whip hasn’t been able to join but then again uh my streaming

Time hasn’t been the greatest as of recently so that makes that makes sense that makes sense why he couldn’t join my streams okay let’s see you have a colon scopy in two weeks what’s what’s what’s a colon copy I live under Rock so please please please go

Easy on me I live under I live literally under a rock Rock so please go easy on me please go easy on Me okay all right so far so good so far so good let’s keep going low one and go yay it’s where they shove a camera down your what oh okay wao that’s that sounds both nasty and I guess I mean why are you getting why are you getting that done to

You uh Kito is there like some sort of U like do you feel that there’s something wrong with your body or how it functions there must be for for you to want to oh lost Adventure no wonder I I was losing health so fast it was you hey

Cley bro welcome to the stream how’s it going wait isn’t it like very late for you right now Cliffy BR shouldn’t you really be in bed right now what are you doing all I’m just going to stay still dude start count start the Countdown um CSE lifted thank you jeez jeez I I got frozen there for quite a while ah all right is it this way yes Hello oh angry archaeologist even before you finish drinking you’re dead dang it he he managed to finish drinking okay no one but still he’s he’s gone okay is it down through here Yes oh wait it’s this Way wait did I did I did I activate it I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if I activated or not dang it time to go back and check jeez I thought I activated it but probably not oh your grandpa told you to invite your girl girlfriend over that she won’t

Come downstair at all and okay your grandpa is something else all right your grandma is all something else all right who your Grandma seems a little too King okay I don’t know some Grand some grandparents can be like that some some are not chill depends on the grandparent

That you have and I and I guess that sort of explains it I guess for you Kito hello dang it where are you I I don’t like it how his attack his first attack always launches me away he’s always got that uh knockback Power like first thing in the

First first thing thing all right you know what never mind never mind I’m here for the collection not the score let’s go Bye I’m not even bothering about these guys I’m just I’m just going to go go go okay it’s through here and is it open yes it is nice hey blaz demon welcome back how’s it going how’s it going I hope you had a fun time playing playing whatever game

You were playing at while while away hello angry oologist hello I’m no you I’m not giving you the chance to drink I’m not going to I’m not I’m not giving you the chance to drink your drugs one moment I need to go find stuff I’m glad you are kto I’m glad I

Think that’s one of the key key aspects that a lot of lot of people love in seeing younger kids younger younger people that they respect their elders and and such here I am Whater yes um cfia Pearl you want me to translate only vrex can translate this what do you want me which one um C what um oh oh God oh God God God God God um all right sh take care of yourself now I don’t know what I translate it Um okay sh okay okay sheep one one moment I’m a little busy in the middle of fighting more fighting these guys oh God I wish they could just stand still I don’t know what what uh Cliff what the CLE is trying trying to say in

That language but I will see what I will I will see I mean I mean he certainly put in a sad face So do I use hack Lines no I don’t don’t I more or less use the mods and such but never hacked lines I don’t know I I I got the feeling that that there’s a like a 50/50 chance that you would your account could be hacked if you use the

Hack lines and if the hack line is not trustworthy or if it gets you know bypassed or bed or you know rooted or something you could get your account stolen and your account details uh hacked and all that so I tend to not use use a hack Client for yeah for me English is the only language I know other language but I don’t I I don’t know how to read in it but yeah worst is the best free Java hack line this they say so they say so but I don’t want to risk it I definitely don’t

Want to risk it true W is total but I don’t think you should completely trust votal actually and wo K you can speak five languages wow that’s Amazing anyway time to see what the CL message is about Okay um okay let’s go oh okay I see I see okay I did the translation okay Cliffy I understand thank you thank you very much thank you very much is that the one you sent okay thank I guess I’ll I’ll copy the new one I

Guess is that is it yeah it’s the same one yeah thank you thank you Cay thank you so much thank you for the thank you for the word thank you for the word of confidence thank you what do you want me to tell you what

It says I just I just I just converted it I just translated it scar I know I know what I know what it means thank you thank you I hope that I hope that I hope that in the future that I can I mean I don’t know what am I

Becoming am I becoming I mean I mean you guys tell me am I becoming a YouTuber that is an influencer or am I becoming a you YouTuber that is an Entertainer what am I becoming like I don’t know what I’m becoming but you tell me what is my what

What is my what are my what is what is XX DxD becoming to you an influencer or or an Entertainer what am I becoming as because I actually in a place where I don’t even know myself which one I am becoming Entertainer okay cley pro thank you for your opinion on

That thank you both okay okay scar says have become both wow I’m I’m becoming an influence rle W okay wow I because I’ve always had this thought about how other people always do that I’m the advice guy so I guess I’m I guess I’m an influencer i I guess cuz

Influencing is basically advising but yeah people shouldn’t really do bad things but is no speaks speaks just copies and yep she just paste the translation directly on here yes F yes it does yes it does yes it does that’s what it says I no no it doesn’t okay then I guess I got

The then I guess I got the translation wrong oh wait I should have I should have re I should have repurposed the stuff ah dang oh well keep going too late I’m already in the dungeons anywhere let’s go oh wait that’s in Polish okay I did

Not I did not know what that language was actually and I did not even check what language it was you’re sad why are you sad speaks what happened what happened you were you were like happy until now you’re going to play Roblox later I’m going to play a random game

All right Blaze Diamond good luck I mean what what game you going to play now are you going to do like a coin toss and see what game comes up like or something just decide you want to play this game and that game and such dang it I still the with wither

Still did not open all right sign there go I signed it wait you didn’t get the fun dip ah w why am I wow look at that actually my my bow is doing so much damage but then again I would be I would definitely be oneshotting everyone in

This in in one in floor once because of my skill level okay let’s go um did did I get the Wither key no I did not where could the Wither key be wait where’s the door where’s the door where’s the goddamn door dang it it’s still not open okay

Let’s find Whoever has a key someone surely one of these mobs are holding the key to the V door they’re keeping me from going on to the next stage I will not be denied angry archelus you are here too bad taken out speak stop eating candy please

Please it’s going to harm you come on come on remember when whip say when Whip made you say bad words yes I remember I remember I was taken back but okay dang it where I I still don’t have the key ah it was he was right there it was all it was that

Skeleton okay I blame the skeleton it’s a skeleton’s fault it is the skeleton’s fault that I could not progress any further yes speaks what is it oh character you haven’t had any of your candy you’ve been trying to watch your weight at the moment you’re working out for sixpack and you’re getting close

Okay in that case then do your best and don’t don’t Straight From the Path K though keep going keep going man keep going don’t stay from the from your goal if that is what if that is your wish then then keep going keep going all all of my respect for

You wait where are angry I kill yes got you okay all right time for me to go back the way I came I guess cuz there’s nothing here I mean surely there’s something here but I’m like nah I’m here for the collection and wether key yes cheen out didn’t before

Anything oh you put on five kilos of muscle too so you’re qu you’re quite happy with your body nice that’s how you should be have be happy with with your body whatever whatever it is but remember your target your goals never straight from the straight from your

Target don’t have to bit okay all right jump leap of Fate lead me to Freedom let the truth be revealed plow the truth go holy God that lightning was a little too close for comfort finally the Wither key is right here that’s what come on now come on now speaks jeez

The candy is making you making you feel really really hard right now wonder what you wonder what what said I said some really stupid things that that Whip made me say that without without me realizing that’s the that’s the thing he made me say that I that I should really not be saying

But but you know the sad reality is back when I was I was still in my high school days any of what I said were like literally there was like people were like hey dude don’t say that they would like just make a joke out of it

And all that nowadays people have become literal walking talking babies I just realized in a way the internet has made the made the society become extremely very volatile because you know you know you’re in the comfort behind the screen now you’re in the comfort of your home

Or wherever you are you’re not in front of people saying those stuff and even if you are I mean seriously people are getting away with so many things like look at the the no that no oil protesters like come on like seriously if any of us would be

Doing any of those things we would literally be you know the police will be chasing us chasing after us and all that but when these guys are roaming the streets trying to block the traffic and everything they get literally almost very very kindly tell

Them to move out the way and all that I like how that being treated in Germany though I like how they’re being treated in Germany like literally put them in pain to get them off the street I like how how they’re being put in pain because seriously I understand

Their goal it’s not wrong about wanting to stop oil since it causes emissions global warming and everything else but in that case give us an alternative if you want us to stop doing something give the alternative it’s like it’s it’s like how you know you have to like kids of kids

Who are wanting to play this game wanting to do that and this and that and if you want don’t want them doing that you need to distract them same with the adults same with the adults in this in this uh current age we literally have babies for adults

Unfortunately all right all right Bonzo I’m after you speaks come on now speaks don’t don’t harm your health just because the candies are good and nice and they taste well come on now you know I won’t be happy if something happens to you or anyone else and anyone else

Anyone any of my viewers please please for my sake please stop eating candy please please oh hey bir at H I was given a bottle of beer what who gave you the bottle of beer who what unbelievable who in their right mind gives a kid beer seriously they’re messed up they’re

Messed up I’m sorry sorry but I they all messed up seriously giving a 10-year-old beer like what I mean oh my unbelievable unbelievable seriously scar who gave it to you really now who gave it to you how what in the world unbelievable like like I I I’m speechless I’m speechless seriously who

In that right mind would give a kid do like beer and all that you also going Sinker okay okay whoever gave gave you those things are literally screwed in the like they have no brain cells I’ll say that much the fact that they gave you those things and think that it’s all

Right like Are you seriously kidding me right now unbelievable unbelievable wait I’m not buying it Unbelievable oh my God bear and hit him in the head with it okay hello D YT welcome to the stream how’s it going whoa for a second I got scared just I thought that was like a lost uh Adventure there but now it was just it

Was just another player new sub oh thank you thank you for subscribing Dora Dora YT thank you thank you for subscribing thank you so much WoW today’s just been full of full of subscribers and all that and hello nashad gner welcome to the stream how are you going how’s it going how’s it

Been yes speaks yes you told me I’m so sorry for your loss but please don’t hurt yourself by eating candies and all that you you know how much I will be hurt if you and anyone else hurts get hurt please for my sake as well for my

Own sanity sake please don’t eat too many candies that are that are hurtful for you please please don’t please don’t please don’t there’s absolutely no need for you to what are you playing I know Minecraft but what oh I’m on Hypixel right now I’m playing Dungeons and I’m currently doing

Floor one collections on on this and you’re going to go run around so you have less energy uh why not uh do like skipping U speaks skipping or maybe some wall push push-ups and by wall push-ups I mean like like you know how you push yourself into the wall and then push

Yourself off the wall that sort of thing ah I mean really I don’t really know the best way to run out of energy to be honest when it comes to that I have probably have the worst idea to go by so jeez speaks relax chill out chill out

Relax relax everything will be okay I hope everything will be okay I hope everything will be okay hello Idol ail welcome to the stream how you doing how’s it going and and Scar what if you like beer scar you know you’re not at the age that you should be

Drinking those things I mean drink them when you’re an adult like when you’re 18 when you’re fully grown don’t don’t drink that stuff when you’re when your body hasn’t fully developed yet then it’s not fully matured yet I’m you’re not I’m glad scar please don’t please

Don’t please don’t I just gave you mod today please please I’m I’m expecting you like better things from you come on now come on please please the last thing I want is younger people doing things that they should not be doing because you know for the hell of it anyway nice

Gaming setup thank you DT thank thank you thank you you stoed your toe oh my God sit down sit down sit down speak sit down and just blow it blow it I I don’t know oh my God that’s going to hurt ouch I can literally feel that through this through the

Screen man I can feel I can feel speaks’ things pces speaks is pain through the screen wa ouch you’re back here welcome back oh this monster is warping around hello where did he go no you know I would have been even more scared if this guy did massive damage but he’s barely done

Anything okay any more mobs maybe here yes lots of mobs please anyone of you dropped the Wither key please dang it none of you are okay what about you guys dang it not even you come on now you’re so funny thank you D YT I do

My best to cheer everyone up by my S Antics that I’m doing on here I mean sure I I am 30 years old I have I have I am married I have a son I have a kid but you know it doesn’t it doesn’t hurt to

Be a kid at heart you know it doesn’t it definitely does not hurt to be a kid at heart and so I am a kid at heart and I still did not find the key are you kidding all right give me the key y Ares are you the one holding the

Key oh oh oh oh oh oh wo chill out chill out you’ll have your turn to attack mate not rush n need to rush that joke please I don’t think I I make that jokes I actually don’t know what kind of jokes I make to be honest with you even when I

Was a even when I was a kid myself I never understood what that jokes mean to be honest H yeah I really don’t know what that jokes mean but I definitely know one thing I live under rocks so all of my what I say can can be a little little

Oldfashioned I guess Definitely Maybe also did I get the the with key I did not where is the with key do you have the with key no I don’t you have defense who cares about defense with key where is the Wither key I need that black door open okay who

Is this guy lost Adventurer do you have the key dang it I hate it no I don’t know if I don’t know if he did have the Wither key let me try opening dang it it’s still not open okay there’s still mobs here up there how do I get up through the stairs

Yes man I’ve been exploring forever for the key it’s not letting me go is this the only game you are good at yes D um yes dyt this is the only game that not just that I’m good at but it’s just I enjoy playing the most I enjoy playing this game the most

That’s why you see me playing this oh dear and okay let’s go all right blaz Damon you’re you’re playing Roblox and watching me watch me play Minecraft that’s nice wait I but where is the key are you kidding me this is the first I actually

Don’t know what where where the key is I didn’t even receive it lost Adventure how many lost adventurers are there dang it he didn’t drop anything I mean he dropped stuff but where is the key slay I like how you say Dora okay okay you like my pronunciation okay I’m

Glad I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad I tend to try my best to pronounce anyone’s names uh to the best of my abilities so I’m glad whenever I get it right I’m glad I do I’m glad I’m glad um but I’m currently I’m not glad though because I I can’t find the

Key I can’t find the weather Key someone no someone mob any mob just drop one please I’ve killed so many mobs if you have it no oh are you kidding are you kidding me it was a mob it was literally that one mob oh you got to go please and stream

Another day all right sure Dora sure in fact I’ll be I’ll be wrapping my my stream soon anyway so so that’s okay but so thank you for coming by though thank you for coming by I stream every single day so yeah it’s so you can watch I

Understand D I understand I was I actually stream every single day except for weekends so currently it’s been 2 and 2 hours and 40 minutes since I started streaming so I normally start streaming 2 hours and 40 minutes pre before whatever that is all right now

Take care of yourself D YT thank you for joining today I wish you to have a wonderful day and a wonderful night see you next time bye and I like the music that’s playing in the background an just go you know when I start the stream I

Was very drowsy and all that but then in the in between I something event happened that caused me to become Wide Awake come on now speaks come on now the I’m sure your cat your cat doesn’t want to see you like that I’m sure your cat doesn’t want to see you like that

It’s like how it’s like how one one is that our loved ones would not want to see us feeling sad and depressed about them passing away which we must stay strong and do our best and keep doing our best and all that okay um dang it I didn’t unlock

Her I didn’t get the blood room key okay let’s keep going then the must must be other mobs that I should kill on the way maybe this maybe these were the ones maybe these maybe killing these will help me what oh I got the blood Dr key all right nice

Nice your energy is not going away um I in that case do hopping uh speaks hop like you know jump jump jump that that that sort of thing or do some kind of some kind of push-ups and all that or I don’t know do some sort of exercise like

Skipping I don’t my whenever my wife wanted to do exercise she would do skipping and all that and I also used to do skipping but then I was like oh my God I am out of it but it regardless I need to do do static exercising myself I did say that

I would start exercising from this Monday onwards but it’s been it is Thursday currently and I still haven’t done any I still haven’t started exercising oh I was so busy with the with the coding and all that that I’ve been that I never that I completely keep forgetting to

Exercise and Scar you’re saying wait what do you remember my voice when I join the VC before yes SC I I vaguely do remember I vaguely do remember it was only that one time but yeah just vaguely Remember all right come on now boss let’s go so after this I will wrap up the stream everyone because I have work to do now so still though thank you for coming by thank you for tuning in and thank you as well for my first channel

Member oh it’s amazing I actually got my first channel member today oh man today’s an eventful day today is an eventful day not going to lie today is such an eventful day today is such an eventful day I am so happy I am so grateful oh man what’s going to describe my

Happiness of of all the things that happened today any profits no it’s I guess you will Do one second I’m going to ask you to be a channel member I mean I hope that you don’t get into trouble for that speaks but I mean again it’s not mandatory but yeah uh do be careful I hope you don’t get in trouble for that

But man today is such an eventful day wow unreal and A’s joined A’s joined to make sure you’re not like 80 wait what sorry what do you what do you mean speaks what do you mean that that make sure not like 80 what does that mean scar can I get a for free

Unfortunately this SC it’s not something that I can give you for free actually it’s something that you actually pay YouTube to get and And yeah unfortunately something that you only get hey po welcome to the stream although you literally caught me as I was literally like going to wrap up the Stream literally caught me as I was about to wrap the stream because I got work soon

So I have to go to school so woke up late missed your stream so sad no worries fo no worries no worries I hope you have a wonderful day at school today take care of yourself now I wish you all the very best and study well study hard

Focus focus one day that education will really come in handy to you one day hopefully hopefully fingers crossed fingers crossed Okay so can you ask aie when his next stream is okay I will ask aie speaks is asking when your next stream is I don’t know if he’s going to

Reply because he’s I mean where is he where is he right now he’s currently in the end he’s probably mining at the moment I don’t know if he’s seen seen my messages but no he hasn’t seen my messages I think it’s better to Ping him on Discord speaks maybe that’s the best

Way to get him to reply cuz he’s he’s not he’s not replying to any of the messages so I think uh I think he’s I think the number of messages that are like hoed and on the end is making him not see the message I mean I mean

Hypixel make it so that two like the personal message is is like like better color like come on who’s going to read the who can read this this is way tooo dull gray who’s going to read it yeah who’s going to read it who’s

Going to read it if if it’s going to be like that okay let me just stash the armor stuff away anyway once again thank you to the thank you to Darius for becoming my first channel member the my first ever Channel member thank you very much much thank you very

Much thank you very much oh oh man all right okay let’s go Bey okay I’m going to wrap the stream once I put the sell all sell items all these um sell that also Salvage the dreadlord as well I know I definitely got a lot of Undead

Essence from that but man I’ve made so much progress today all right off I go to My Island away from all the all the fights and so yes it is that time of it is that time of day again everyone it is that time of day again for me to

Go yes what is this F what is it can I become op in zmp sorry speaks but no no no right now no one has op I mean I do but I’m the owner and I only use op when I’m doing server management thing apart from that I’m not using op at

All and besides it it kind of takes that away though it kind of takes the whole fun of fun away from the game if you’re like just op and all that SL up let’s go I mean first and foremost it gives you way too much power second of all I

Don’t believe if that that that one should be having that and all that so oh well what’s sry not for you then who is it for and besides uh whoever it may be I think it’ll be completely unfair for me to just give op you know literally operator power like admin like Creator

Power almost when when you know I’m trying to like it should be survival zsm is all about survival so op is literally something that really go as against that like you don’t see me using op to get stuff that are like very easily and all

That I’m more or less just the up myself all the time I mean having op like if you’re not an admin and if you’re not a not like not playing much and you have uh op yeah I guess I guess scav is meaning that don’t take it seriously SCA speaks don’t

Take it too seriously don’t take it seriously all right okay okay now remember remember remember everyone remember make sure you take take care of yourself and all that don’t forget don’t forget to take care of yourself oh boy my camera is in a suddenly weird angle today all right so

Anyway thank you for coming in everyone thank you for tuning in to all the wonderful people that I have met today thank you thank you once again to to to man now I have to go through all the list thank you once again for Darius for becoming a channel member to speak and

To scar to Kito as well as to Alpha One and to PO and and Dora YT as well as BL bless demon and on top of that on top of that the list just keeps going with um with with many others including a CL Pro who is also to sheap obviously

So thank you all and also of course do not forget zcats for coming in so to help me to this so thank you all thank you so much I I I am like I am very appreciative of all of it today everyone I am really happy today and I hope that

I wish that all of you we have a wonderful day today and tomorrow see you all next time see you see you see you next time car see you next time too speaks take care now take care yes speaks what is it but anyway after this I guess I’m

Going to take a break for a while and also just going to work as well because uh work time otherwise I would have stream a little longer but no I’ve got to work I got work to do so yes YouTu SC take care have a great night sleep well sleep have sweet dreams

And have a wonderful day tomorrow all right oh man my my streaming program is having having a having a heart attack stream at work no no I can’t unfortunately that’s that’s going to breach my privacy and speak says can you make a twitch secret Twitch account for

The for ideas like me and Scar so you don’t forget us when you’re famous and can only see our messages oh come on what what makes you think I’ll forget you guys what makes you think I will forget you guys seriously what makes you think I will

Forget no I will not forget you unlike unlike what’s happened with so many others I will not forget you come on wa come on you literally come come to my streams every day why would I forget you I will always remember you I would always remember you so thank you thank

You don’t fret everyone don’t fret you Tobe I will remember you all right you forgot a lot of stuff I know you do forget a lot of stuff but not the people that that are always there for you you know you never forget the people that are always there

For you that are cheer you cheering you on and all that you know I won’t forget you at least one thing I I I am strong about is when I when I meet someone I will and I have a great impression of them and we continue to see meet I will

Definitely remember them okay all right all right so anyway take care take care everyone make sure you do take care of yourself be safe out there and bye see you next time take Care I He Oh A E N For

This video, titled ‘Dungeon Time ★ A Hypixel Skyblock Minecraft Live Stream ★’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2023-11-01 23:49:02. It has garnered 117 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:28 or 10768 seconds.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my let’s play minecraft smp gaming livestream. I’m currently gaming on the Hypixel Skyblock. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay~! =D

Welcome to my Minecraft 1.19 Survival Livestream! Today I’ll be playing on the Hypixel Skyblock and bringing you along for the ride. Join me as I tackle this new twist and turns that exists on the Hypixel Skyblock.

Throughout the livestream, I’ll be interacting with viewers and answering any questions you may have about Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, and more. It’s always fun to play Minecraft multiplayer and I’m excited to have you all join me.

So grab some snacks, sit back, and enjoy the livestream. Don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button, and turn on notifications so you never miss a Minecraft Livestream. Let’s go!

👇 I’m usually joined and moderated by: 💠 @floody6492 💠 @Fxber0Vx 💠 @solarvoid7749 💠 @bonnie0000 💠 @Lizzy_Gamer2005 💠 @thespeaks3292

⏰ Livestreams From Monday To Friday at 10:30 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

👑 If you wish to show me your support, then please become a Channel Member 🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPg-fBBefKCaut9ip43t48A/join

📲 Social Media Links 🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/xVertrexDx 🔗 Discord: https://discord.gg/mFcFFbvPuu

🎧 Music 💠🍓 Starting Stream: {Feels Like Winning & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Be Right Back: { Bedrock & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Ending Stream: { Riverside Cottage & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠❤️ StreamBeats by Harris Heller (and his team) 💠🎵 Gameplay Relax: { Ambient, Low-key, LO-FI } by StreamBeats 💠🎵 Gameplay Energy: { EDM } by StreamBeats 💠🔗 https://www.senpai.tv/streambeats/

🌟 Server Details 💠 Platform: Minecraft Java Edition 💠 Mode: Minecraft Skyblock / Skyblock / Hypixel Skyblock / Multiplayer Skyblock

✨ Minecraft Skyblock Series Playlist 🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2cy6j4EZRhxvhEykAmHVi_7BKJzVDtkg

💖 Special thanks to these resource pack and their creators 💖 🔗 https://pastebin.com/AbVGrs0U

💖 Supreme thanks to the many of these java client mods and their amazing creators 💖 🔗 https://pastebin.com/sGLLFBa9

#minecraft #gamer #gaming #live #livestream #stream #xvertrexdx #streaming #minecraftsurvival #minecraftjava

🧑 About Me

Hi. I am Vertrex and welcome to my Minecraft YouTube Gaming Channel! 😊

The goal is share my minecraft survival / minecraft builds / minecraft gameplay / minecraft fun with everyone. My play style is casual / family friendly / funny by entertaining everyone and making you laugh when you watch my videos / shorts / streams / livestreams since some of them are hilarious! 😂

I currently am playing on the Hypixel Skyblock, so come watch me bumble my way around this interesting new playing style! 😊

I also upload YouTube Shorts with snippets / clips / skits from my minecraft livestreams / vods / stream / challenges that I do. Some of the challenges include Subs Specials which I do whenever I reach 100 or 1000 subscribers range. Their difficult usually range from Very Easy to Insanely Hard depending on my imagination! 😆

Join me for an epic Minecraft livestream as I dive into a brand new survival world on Minecraft Java 1.19! In this thrilling Minecraft survival series, we’ll be facing new challenges and pushing our skills to the limit. With exciting new features such as the dropper and dispenser, we’ll need to stay on our toes and think fast in order to survive. This is a Minecraft survival let’s play like you’ve never seen before, as we explore the depths of the world and uncover new resources while building up our base. We’ll be live streaming on the Minecraft SMP, so don’t miss out on the chance to join in on the multiplayer fun! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or a newbie looking for tips and tricks, there’s something for everyone in this Minecraft 1.19 survival livestream. So grab your pickaxe and get ready to play – it’s time to take on the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge!

Anyway, if you like my content, subscribe and hit that 🔔 icon to stay tuned for more! 😇

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    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More