Video Information

Hai senyum-senyum oke teman-teman balik lagi ditunggu SW semen nah hari ini kita bakalan bermain Minecraft lagi teman-teman dan hari ini kita bakalan bermain Bentar dulu Koni ada Odo Creator doa lu ganti anak orang ini ya Eh emang tempat aku yang benar kocak lu kagak bikin diancurin patung orang ini ya Oh

Ya udah Jangan judge ya bisa digotong begitu anak orang bodo amat lah kita jadi kreator tmn tmn bodo amat Ok hari ini kita bermain game judulnya selain doa orangnya Jangan lupa bawa bawa itu kocak warhamha ya ampun bisa dikantongin ibu nggak bodo amatlah Ok hari ini kita main slime Woi

Jadi seperti biasa dipencet dulu temen-temen tombol likenya dan belum subscribe bolehlah ya di subscribe dulu okee Slam World ut yang waktu itu kita pernah mainin doa gituan Hole in the wall weel ini Taro dulu apa ngalangin kocak Skin baru Apaan tuh balikin balikin Bisa dibalikin ngasih tidak bisa

Dibalikin yang satu belum lihat Gus gimana coba kg meluncur in eh pembuatnya ada woodball dan juga ender-3 oke kita langsung mulai saja masuk sini do tuh dua chigga [Musik] Waduh musiknya teman-teman copy rek agaknya masalahnya nih hai hai Hai hebat 321 bokek ini bisa smule kocak ini mah gampang

Ini kita bisa jorok-jorokan apa ya enggak bisa tim inti Line nggak tahu nanti kita coba setting-setting untuk awal-awal kita coba pakai yang biasa dulu teman-teman Aduh gimana nih sini kah sering ah doa kocak lu bisa lewat situ [Musik] ya udahlah Ya namanya juga gak tau gue update baru The Gaming

Tuh bisa begitu tuh gua kira harus melompat gitukan coba lagi coba lagi serius ini buahnya Kenapa ini mati mulu temen-temen harus fans person kali at present Iya Nya Hai kayaknya Begini lebih bagus temen-temen ini bisa nih tanduk Kijang Putih full kocak bisa Oke udah paham nih gua nih harus nunduk nunduk temen-temen

Selanjutnya gampang loncat nih Om kering lalu izini masih lubang kunci.doc tengah-tengah Teknika disini teman-teman trick eye mau disitu kocak Aduh ini apaan kok kedap-kedip [Musik] serem Ah nggak bisa kocak kehilangan Wow itu gimana tadi kok kedap-kedip dia Yaya [Musik] juga ya udahlah Ma tiga kosong sih baru nyoba-nyoba itu udah gawing

Hitung skor nih Dah ngerti gua nih tadi baru nyoba-nyoba temen-temen kok susah ya gua kira ganteng kayak waktu itu Coy gimana kirimin Neng Jadi gimana kocak Ah itu gimana teman-teman kamu coba setting Dead respon-respon ini nggak salah ya cuma dipakai terus sering eh kita coba ditelepon Edo Siapa yang mati paling banyak diangkatlah

Lahir Invisible Moses kringking platforms Oke game Mod superstar superstar nanti deh kok susah ya atau kitanya aja yang penuh udah lu masa begituan kau chat kayak gini Kayak Disini tim-tim in ada loncat loncat disini bisa Bimbim Bimbim oke mantap bukan nggak bisa nih pasti Gampang teman-teman Oke

Aduh akan satu doang nih loncat nih Kenapa tengahnya bolong sih ngeselin banget seri bkoke penumpang Hai terus aduh aduh hitam Jule seri pke nih lama-lama menghilang teman-teman pinggirannya Aduh ada dua dong Ada dua hal ada Dwi gimana ini memang satu kosong yang paling banyak gede yang kalo temen-temen sudah satu saya masih kosong

Dengan Thailand nah kok diem eh di belakang ah ah kocak di belakang ternyata ditipu gua kurang ajar kau boleh ya satu semen ada dua ternyata harus lihat dulu keliling-keliling tim inti Win gimana oke kita lompat sini aja aku lompat satu hilang.doc Keh nego disini Via Hai aku cakep2 sama

Lu kocak aduh aduh ini gimana-gimana ey bisa tentu saja temen-temen lama-lama menipis lama-lama menu ipus Oke Mantap #kocak kalau satu udah masuk sudah oh ya ya Ah Emangnya maripi dewa21 bolehlah ah kecap 329 D1000 seru ah kok gue tetep tas lagi kok susah tim Twin kerap berapa tadi doa

Udahlah ya kau salah ya Izzy gaming Coba kita tambah mode itu ada mode Superstar wong atau akan teman-teman ini kenapa tengahnya bolong dah lu coba lewat tengahnya doa masuk apa kagak engga dihitung Ohh Iya tetep mati ya udahlah Kenapa tangannya bolong gitu kan aduh serip oh komentar wajar Winter apa ini

Hei tangganya Nggak bolong akhirnya temen-temen online platform to normal apa tuh balik lagi Balik lagi [Musik] Ayo loncat nih Om teringat atau gosong random event lagi nih Aduh gelap-gelap tolong-tolong elektro login ke tak tonggak hampir hampir si satu kosong.doc mana lagi nih Aduh gimana nih bocah dikeluarin bohong itu kagebunshin

Jadi gimana nih Kok tidak kelihatan temen-temen ilang Ayang mana ya iya iya iya bodo amat lah Kagak Dok lagi jatuh ya udah satu sama sesama santuy Mbak tipu-tipu itu gimana caranya sih Keder bisa balik lagi poni Frozen mulu ya Oh ya tadi beliin stick Pro Aduh lengket tolong mafren

Wah kocak gua enggak bisa nunduk ah bodo amat tuh dua Salwa kek mantap selanjutnya ada web-web aduh puyeng puyeng I love you menghadapmu youngie Aduh sama-sama mati teman-teman masih dua sama tapi kepala saya puyang Bilangnya sih dua sama [Musik] ya masih lengket pecah Gimana caranya ini tengah-tengah tengah-tengah ah kocak lu

Gue tetep pernah sih ya udah abis kayak gua kalah mulu nih ah nih kagak bakat gue emang do kalian bikin lu marah nggak pacak gue yang menang Marine kanan kepencet pencet pencet untuk lima santuy random event Aduh buta lagi bahaya intim pingin [Musik] #kocak aduh hampir saja itu ada yang item Damas ada

Tipu-tipu tim-tim ini Ken Harusnya kita lompat oke satu kosong hahahay Aduh pusing minta bantuan serap hati-hati [Musik] masih satu kosong ngenteni kayak gua bakalan menang ngeronda ini Aduh ditipu saya teman-teman nampaknya kg itu nggak jatuh gua [Musik] ratupoker88.com doa ih kok lu kagak jatuh sih udah betul2 sama [Musik] strip qe2

121.com aneh lagi [Musik] kek santuy speed Aduh ini Cepet nih cepet intimin aduh penyadapan eh oh oh ya awam korane temen-temen kalah mulu gimana ini tim-tim in Oke sudah mati 32 masih bisa nih comeback comeback ke ini kenapa udah di belakang kocak dijorokin gua gua udah siap-siap yang depan Hai pembentukan

Wah kocak kita ditipu mulut labels personal Lah kok jadi cepet [Musik] asli ini [Musik] terus kesini serit Hai lanjut selanjutnya mana nih ya salah lagi dong gua Yaelah kok kalau mau kayak gue salah pilih mini-game teman-teman Oke kita bakalan lain Hole in the wall tapi di Roblox terakhirnya Joni durasi kecepetan kali ini

Kita pindah game di tengah hai minum kapal tube muka Apa itu teman-teman bete kita beda tim dan sekolah sama temen-temen gue tim biru ya bye biru tim biru mana kocak lah gue sendiri apa ini ayo tim biru Kamu pasti bisa Gampang itu ini tidak bisa melompat doang itu tinggal

Lompat doang long kering Nah lo jago juga tuh bocah nah gantian nih gua nih Ini gimana tim-tim [Musik] Hei hei bolehlah ya Wah jauh banget skornya gameover tim biru memang teman-teman dadadadada kita coba Dri awal terus sudah terakhir dah kek disini kau bisa menang temen-temen eh gantian putih merk

Mesin hidup Nah lo Impossible nah lho gimana nih bocah pinggir Umam Om sering ah ah Hai selesai Ganing [Musik] sekarang timer ah good time Rokan Ayo Kakashi namanya siapa Kakak high Kakashi Aduh susah juga ini susah juga Apakah dia bisa countering eye 10 kosong biru gagalnya mamam mamam susah kue Wow

Om ring eye boleh juga nih si Eneng Iya inikah politehnica ganteng-ganteng Gampang itu Nik Kamu pasti bisa terlalu jago Yah kok hilang udah nggak di hilang tangan dengan langsung keluar dong nah [Musik] Halo gampang Gan Yaelah kok begini dapatnya Ya ampun dibalik motornya keren teh mantap juga tuh bocah

Kagak tahu dong emang gue nentuin selanjutnya siapa nih Bianca yudianta ini Kadus lompat doang gampang sih Harusnya dengan zaman mpring uh How tembus sedang kalikat kelihatannya kayak gini tim biru kayaknya sih Pak dan gagal terlalu gampang sini cuy saya gue ngetiknya iya nih gua gak main-main dah sedih banget Teteh

Langsung rame-rame ini gua enggak ada yang sendiri lagi Aduh Neng hahaha gimana ini Pimpin tolong-tolong ah ah kita besar kecilnya Gimana caranya itu kocak bener-bener Panggil terus tidur kayak Sido tidak pasti bawah kayaknya rame-rame nih gampang-gampang tutorial hidup ngikut mulu tutorial hidup ow kering tim gua ya timbul jatuh Yah elah tim gua

Dan jatuh temen-temen imo.im Hai tetap nyanyi ini aku mah kontak kita lihat nah lo paling Halo nasi kagak bisa kocak yang paling atas kagak bisa kan gue bilang Nah jemur semuanya ya seri tapi Dogs Korea Iyalah teman-teman kayak mungkin segini aja 2010 ini sampai jumpa di next video

Bye bye silakan dipencet kita tombol like dan yang belum subscribe langsung di subscribe sekarang juga thank you yang sudah nonton bye close the

This video, titled ‘DUO KOCAK MAIN HOLE IN THE WALL DI MINECRAFT !!’, was uploaded by Stresmen on 2021-10-09 09:45:54. It has garnered 1064320 views and 35680 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:24 or 1104 seconds.

Stresmen playing MINECRAFT – Subscribe guys – Don’t forget to Like – Watch until it’s finished !!! email : [email protected] —————————————– ———————————————- Follow my social media Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/spelemen/ ————————————————————-

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    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

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  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

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  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

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  • Determinacy

    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – https://streamelements.com/bygonearchive/tip Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ByGone_ Discord – https://discord.gg/K8xGYAeKUu Merch – https://bygone.printify.me/products Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101 ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/hqR4uR3f Instagram :- instagram.com/barytekken Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More