DylanHD – 100 Days in Minecraft… You Won’t Believe What Happened!

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Today I want to craft the rarest armor in Minecraft but what is the rarest armor anyway out of the six material options we have to craft armor only one can be crafted and you probably thought netherite armor is the rarest but in reality it’s very popular you can come

To this conclusion just by seeing other players on This Server I haven’t seen anyone wearing different armor so it’s because of these two things that I’ve come to the conclusion that chain mail armor is the rarest but we can make this armor even rarer than it already is

That’s why to complete this whole Adventure I need to complete six more missions with five of them just to make the armor even rarer and our sixth goal is to build a super secure base to protect this item from being stolen since you can’t craft chain mail armor

We have three ways to get it let’s test the first method here which is killing mobs that spawn wearing it but you need a lot of luck for these items to drop after 10 minutes of searching and using up more than a stack of rockets I found

The mobs I found two skeletons with a complete armor set but I didn’t get this until time maybe we’ll have better luck in the nether that’s because you can also find this armor in chests in some structures like fortresses but this method is also very difficult to get a

Complete set of armor and the third option will only be easy thanks to this farm that has already been built on the server look at all these emeralds we have here I’m going to need a lot of emeralds to trade with the Villagers but don’t think it’ll be easy because each

Villager will only trade one part of the armor it’s very rare to get a complete set from one villager after spending some time trading I managed to get the helmet pants and chest plate our first mission was completed which was to get a complete set of chain mail armor and for

Sure this took a lot of work but to get the rarest armor in Minecraft we still need to complete five more challenges with the next one being to try to get the rarest blueprint of all there’s less than 1% chance of this item appearing in the chests of ancient cities and as

Preparation for our adventure I took some totems of undying because these will will be important to prevent us from dying I also got some sugar cane and gunpowder to make fireworks and fly as far as possible to find ancient cities after finding the coordinates I started digging down very carefully to

Avoid falling and taking fall damage well being careful didn’t help at all but now let’s start opening all these chests to find that rare blueprint guys I was hopeful it would be on the first try I started opening all these chests in the ancient city but I was a bit

Distracted and I didn’t notice that a bunch of wardens were spawning so you know I almost died several times guys just one heart help this took a while so to speed things up I’ll complete the next challenge which is to try to get all possible enchantments to put on

Armor that’s because one of my goals here is also to make god tier armor and for that we need all the enchantments so I got our armor threw it on the enchantment table and tried to get as many enchantments as this table could give us unfortunately it’s not much guys

But it will help okay I’m going down to vigil’s base because he had a bunch of enchanted books and I’m going to grab as many as possible to speed up the process then I started mixing all the possible books on the Anvil until our XP ran out

And after all that work we didn’t even get half of the enchantments we needed so I’ll have to look for other ways to get these enchanted books and I know the best option for sure is with the Villagers but unfortunately all of these here already have professions and we’re

Already traded with them so I flew out to find a village when I got there I started placing Lac turns on the ground so they would start trading enchanted books but here the villagers also trade enchantments that we don’t need but dealing with it here is much easier you

Just have to break the workstation and place it again and they’ll reset the trade I killed a villager no no no after accidentally killing a villager I decided to look for another Village so the trades wouldn’t get to expensive and since this new Village had a lot more

Villagers it was much easier to get the enchantments I’ll need three of these books here and after a lot of work trading with these villagers we’re finally just missing one more protection book to put on the armor pieces look this one sells it we’re so lucky so I

Picked all the books that are possible in this version and to make the god tier armored there’s still one thing missing but now I’m going to show you how our exploration in the ancient cities is going I decided to switched to a different ancient city and that was

Definitely the best decision I made oh my God this this chest was loaded wow there were two golden apples and also the silence blueprint since we had a blueprint I needed some diamonds and also some slate stones to be able to multiply it on the crafting table now if

You think we can just come here and combine the two pieces you’re wrong because we need to choose an ore and among the nine ore options we have to put in this armor the hardest one to get is netherite for sure so these items right here I got them in the challenge

Where I also got this signal so now we come out out here in the desert and use this Cactus to get rid of these duplicated items and to do the new netherite mining I had to stay at the mob trap I got a bunch of gunpowder sand

And crafted TNTs for us to mine because our goal now is to get 16 ancient debris this place right here must have been fully explored so here’s the plan I’ll move far from here so we can mine and create the biggest Minecraft explosion I’ll explode a pack of TNT all at once

Guys and this part isn’t too complicated we just need to dig a tunnel with two blocks of height and then place the TNTs skipping two or three blocks while jumping are you ready for the biggest explosion on This Server I hope it doesn’t crash because if it does the

Folks will be pretty upset with me but here we go it’s starting oh it went so wrong wow I miscalculated only four TNTs exploded let’s pretend like nothing happened now here goes a pack of TNT exploding nope not again I’ll just blow everything up all at once let’s get out

Of here since my plan didn’t work out so well I decided to ignite all the TNTs at once yeah great our whole Adventure in the nether only yielded eight debris I had to go through the whole process again being AFK at the farm and now if I

Don’t get the rest of the debris I’ll go crazy crafting TNT blowing up the Nether and collecting everything we need it’s no use having such a rare item to keep it in the end chest so I’m going to create a super secure base for it wow I’m taking damage from the

Armor that’s crazy I just want to break this thing there we go I did it I dug 50 blocks to the side so we can stay far away from our base I broke the beacon and also went to the iron farm to get more ore to set up the beacon somewhere

Else I started digging a space to create a super secure room to store our armor now here’s the deal I want to line everything with obsidian the good news is that I won’t have to gather all this obsidian by mining it because right here there’s a chest full of obsid obsidian I

Started by placing obsidian on the floor ceiling and walls with a double layer this is to ensure that no one will enter our base but of course just using obsidian isn’t enough that’s why I need to get one more thing to increase the protection of this place for now this is

Just a bubble elevator creating the teleporter is easy put a trapo a redstone wire connected to a button now throw an ender pearl down here and when you press this button we’ll be teleported connected to this button here I’ll create the same system so we can

Exit this room but our work is it done yet this is the ceiling of our room and now I want to dig a space to put an Elder Guardian look if it goes straight in this direction about 500 blocks or so there’s an ocean Temple so just build a

Huge bridge and a mega rail it was actually pretty quick because the temple is really close to my base and it’s a straight shot to make it even easier we’re getting there to our base I’m happy because the creature is coming oh my God I fell off the bridge it worked

On the first try nice I just want to test something see if the slowness effect happens when we’re here no it doesn’t detect us from this distance so our base is secure another objective completed and now it’s time to upgrade the Rarity level of our armor to make it

God tier my first step was to leave an elytra at the map spawn returning to my base I stored all the items in the chests I left the server and then had to download this map to put it on my PC great now I just have to log in because

We’ll have to play a bit in single player mode now I realize it might have been easier to leave these items at the spawn but oh well I had to go to our XP farm because the goal now is to try to get 100 Levels this Farm worked quite

Well because in just 40 minutes we reached 100 Levels I thought it would take much longer so now we’re going to take a little trip back in time and for that I’ll remove all the items from the newer versions of my inventory I’ll only take the enchanted books and the armor

That we are going to transform into the Forbidden armor of the game now your next step is to enter version 1.14.2 and create a new map if you don’t already have one then you’ll need to open the folder for the 1.20 world which contains all our items next to it open the folder

For the world we just created in version 1.14.2 we’re going to copy that level.dat file from the 1.20 world to the 1.14.2 world you’ll notice that the 1.14.2 world is now showing as if it’s from 1.20 but don’t worry that’s a good sign it means it worked and you can now

Enter your map and now that we are in the right version I can craft the god tier armor to do that we have had to combine multiple enchanted books into the piece of armor we want but the more enchantments you put on a book or a piece of armor more expensive it

Becomes guys the XP wasn’t enough so I’ll have to go back to version 1.14 returning is easy just copy that file from 1.14 to 1.20 okay the 1.20 items are still here but we have a little problem we couldn’t combine everything the boots are Godly but we could only

Make those with 100 Levels since we messed up I had to go back back to the XP farm and get a bunch of levels to finish the rest of the armor but this time I’ll be careful not to have to keep going back all the time let’s time

Travel by transferring the 1.20 file to version 1.14 this time I got 130 XP levels to avoid going back all the time because that’s too much work and look we finally have here the god tier armor I transferred the files again and I spawned underground now the mission is

To take this armor to the server and to do that I’ll build a nether portal put the shulker box there with all the items we want to transfer I’ll transfer the nether from the single player world to the server there’s a pickaxe I dropped here and the shulker Box we left with

The god tier armor okay it worked folks oh I’m happy dude now it’s time to make our god tier armor even rarer I came here to this table put the template also put the armor here and finally we got the achievement of making this armor and

Look at this this armor is very very beautiful oh my God it may not be the strongest but it’s the rarest of them all who’s crazy enough to make armor like this only me and now comes the test god tier chain mail armor versus full netherite armor let’s have a PVP match

To see if our armor can win the rules are as follows stop hitting when the opponent’s totem breaks no Golden Apple allowed just the totem and the sword let me put on my armor here that’s it 3 2 1 let’s go I swear the result of this armor surprised Me what if we are using this armor the only way to beat someone with netherite armor is if the person is without a chest plate but then the protections will be the same that’s how I got the rarest armor in Minecraft I’m going to revamp Minecraft biomes because Mojang

Hasn’t updated them in over 8 years these guys are so lazy of course for a biome to be in Minecraft it needs to have terrain vegetation and structures and the first biome picked was Desert I just had a perfect idea for this biome I want to build an oasis which is the only

Place in the desert that has water well at least it should be that way in Minecraft too let’s pretend that all this water you’re seeing here is toxic only the Oasis water is clean after planning everything out I started digging and creating Our Lake using ice

To start filling it with water I’m also going to make a secret biome for a Minecraft mob and the winner is you’ll find out in a moment now what I’m going to do is change the entire border of this Lake by adding dirt and grass to

Make it stand on from the regular Desert and give a highlight to the build but we have a problem my tools are almost broken and I only have one diamond shovel but of course that didn’t stop from starting our project as soon as possible to add more to this biome I’m

Going to build some rocks like this perfect our biome is taking shape to make it even better I started building several of these rocks scattered around the lake the materials to build the structure are already in my inventory and from what I grabbed you might have a little idea of what I’m

Going to build okay if you don’t understand that’s okay I’m going to create a small shop to put a villager inside who will sell food since he can’t get any food in the desert wonderful the first biome has been revamped if you liked it subscribe to the channel now my

Idea is to divide this entire desert into several parts to rebuild Minecraft’s improved biomes and the next winner was the band land biome perfect now we need the blocks to improve this biome let’s start assembling the beacon okay breaking things quickly is very satisfying and to give you an idea

Of the project size I’ve already marked the next biome but of course collecting all these terracotta blocks is not enough since the ground of our biome is made with this red sand here but collecting it with my shovel won’t work very well that’s why I looked for a

Stronghold I started making a sand farm so that we could duplicate these items with the farm ready it was easy to get all the blocks we need and after spending 1 hour just on the ground of our biome I realized I went overboard with the project size for visitors sake

I thought about making some petrified trees in this biome I’m building these Stone trees because my idea is to create a mega volcano in this bio I roughly marked the volcano shape and I I must admit I didn’t like it much without wasting time I grabbed the materials and

Started building our volcano and of course to be a volcano it has to have a lot of lava to make our work easier for the volcano I decided to build a lava farm so guys we’re still missing a material which is this dripstone here as

It is essential for our farm to work to make this look like a real volcano I’m going to have these lava flows that the farm has already produced flowing down here in the volcano this actually looks pretty cool the structure for this this biome is going to be an ultra reinforced

Bunker inside this Ultra reinforced bunker we’re going to dig a hole all the way down to build the place where these folks are going to live but while I clear space to make the underground construction I’m going to start on the next biome with you the next winner was

The jungle biome and instead of continuing to build here I’m going to take advantage of this piece of the jungle biome right next to the desert we’ve got a piece of the jungle biome right here and to start I’m going to clear all these trees and also level the

Terrain to the height of of this hole which is the entrance to my base unlike the other biomes this one am going to start by creating the structure for me this is the most beautiful and complete biome in Minecraft but honestly not everything is perfect especially because

Of the structure of this biome which is small ugly cluttered and you can barely tell it’s a temple so I decided to make my own jungle temple trying to make it roughly the same size with the same features now we need to set up the environment in this place look at this

Awesome jungle temple I think our biome is a bit empty so that’s why I’m going to build some trees it’s super easy to build these I just had to grab 23 packs of jungle wood and 37 packs of jungle leaves and spend 2 hours trying to make

This tree look even better but you know there are still some things to tweak inside our Temple like these secret passages here and we also need to try to set up some traps of course the secret passage won’t have a treasure chest because after all the treasure in our

Temple we’ll be finding a secret base full of beacons especially this netherite one what someone stole my netherite I have to make the secret passage I had to change the inside of the temple completely and create a massive Redstone system of course the jungle biome has bamboo so I decided to

Do some interior decorating with these items these levers you see as soon as you enter the temple are also a trap I hadn’t even noticed it would be a trap I also left several hidden buttons inside the temple that do absolutely nothing but only one of them opens a secret

Passage in the floor now that the jungle biome is even more perfect let’s draw the next one and the winner chosen by the ray was the swamp biome this here is the swamp biome biome honestly it’s a kind of weird biome and it even has a structure in this biome which is the

Witch hut which I believe is the smallest structure in Minecraft so that’s why for our improved biome I’m going to revamp this hun and to make this biome I’ll need to gather some materials this lily pad and instead of using grass which will have this ugly

Color I’m going to use Moss block for the ground and luckily under that tree there we’ll find it for those who don’t know when you come across an Aela tree randomly placed on your map all you have to do is dig down here to find the cave

Now that we have the Moss block some problems have Arisen if we try to grow the Moss block here in the middle of the sand absolutely nothing will happen so the first construction step for this biome was to Mark its size and then replace it with blocks that the Moss can

Transform into so while we were placing blocks I also had to set up a bone meal Farm I found a mob spawner nearby and started the transformation by building a super simple bone meal Farm one of those you make in the early game and our work

Just got a whole lot easier because we can start putting moss on the ground and spread it as much as possible and the best part is that when we reach this edge here it won’t go past the Mark we made since the sand isn’t affected after infecting the entire biome with moss

Blocks I started placing buckets on the ground to remove the grass that had grown and I also took the opportunity to make a stream run through the middle of the biome then I planted some trees but of course the biome structure was still missing now let’s renovate The Witch’s

Hut which will be ready in the blink of an eye didn’t work I’m made a small Hut but from a distance you can tell it’s a witch’s place and you’d better not get too close to truly turn it into a swamp biome a few details are missing like

Putting vines on the trees and placing these lily pads in the middle of the water other missing details include getting cobweb to put in the house and we also need to put a guinea pig in there which is a villager no with a villager trapped I decided to add

Another detail which is to scatter dry mud in this biome since there’s so much water here so there should be mud blocks with that the swamp biome is ready and now I’m going to reveal the next two biomes to you because we’re going to build both of them at the same time the

First one is the sniffer biome the mob you’ve all been waiting for and I need to build it with the mob’s colors I also need to bring the mob to live in this biome not to mention that we also need to build a giant statue of course we’ll

Also create some Ambience for the biome I’m also going to revamp the Birch biome which is this one totally ugly and lifeless and to build a new biome I need to destroy one to gather resources of course after collecting all the blocks I Mark the area for our project and got a

Little carried away again all those shulker boxes full of materials we had are running out out because we’ve done a lot of building today I think to get started we will have to destroy a piece of this biome here gather a lot of saplings and also wood to make custom

Trees I also need to think of some structure to put in this Forest since Mojang didn’t create any and relax I didn’t forget the sniffer biome I was in concrete form getting green and red concrete and with the materials in the inventory I started marking our Mega sniffer project this is definitely going

To be the biggest Construction in the video and for the Birch biome we’re going to start by making custom trees and look this is much better than the ugly Minecraft trees my goodness afterward I just took the leaves and started putting them on the tree and

Look it looks much better than the one Minecraft built there’s no comparison I’m going to remove this ugly thing here so we can build more beautiful trees and look the magic will be ready in 3 2 1 and it’s done wow look at all the trees

We built here and this empty space right in the middle that’s where we’re going to build a structure of this place to make the structure I’m thinking of I need a a lot of wool but it would take forever to collect it from those mobs fortunately a few hours ago I asked my

Friend to build a great mob trap here on the map because with these lines we can turn everything into wool so I don’t need a wool farm right now the structure I chose to build in this biome will be kind of a campsite instead of a village

With houses it will have wool tents I made the ground a bit higher to make it look like this bed is a new type of item for you to sleep on like at campsites you know the sniffer biome was already full of green and now we’re going to

Build some red mountains to give it a highlight and match its colors those shulker boxes were useless man I’ll need about 20 of red concrete to help me build this thing that helps me wet concrete much faster of course I also made a lot of progress in the Birch

Biome it looks pretty good now imagine having a giant bear that attacks the campers but that’s up to Mojang look this Birch Forest looks beautiful as we progress with the sniffer project I’m going to draw another biome to build along with it the Lucky Draw this time

Is Savannah of course I Mark the area again and fill the with grass and since the Savannah Biome is entirely this color literally it will fit perfectly with our project to do this Savannah project we’ll need wood but I’ll use jungle wood to build the tree because I

Think it’s prettier I know it will take more materials but I want to build the tree with this wood which has bark on all four sides oak leaves Oak fences and some stumps then I just put it all together and made a small tree that resembles the Savannah but much more

Beautiful wow I’m getting good at building trees in Minecraft seriously I decided to further expand the giant sniffer project and of course we need to get a sniffer to live in this biome so that was my next mission to get the sniffer we need a feather it didn’t drop

A feather cover it then we combine all these ingredients in the crafting table and we have a brush now I’m going to fly towards the ocean biomes because our mission now is to find those ocean structures made of sand is this an ocean ruin wow it was well hidden now I just

Need to dig up this suspicious sand and hope to find the sniffer today was my lucky day because look I dug up the first one and when I went to the second one we found it seriously I only dug up two suspicious areas and there we got it

The sniffer this was the easiest task in this video I arrived in the biome put moss on the ground and place the sniffer egg on top while it doesn’t hatch I’ll try to finish both biomes at the same time since the Savannah is kind of dangerous instead of building a

Structure for people to live in I decided to create natural structures like some rocks and a little pond in the middle as it’s a biome with very muted colors I decided to make a dry tree that has lost all its leaves I didn’t like it

It’s better to break it this is just too ugly I decided to make several trees following the same style as the first one I made and the result was incredible just spread bone meal around to make the biome look more beautiful and in Minecraft it’s not just about structures

Here we also need to add some mobs and for the Savannah I had some ideas in 3 2 1 a cow look at this I added a lion and an elephant since it’s the Savannah Biome that’s right Minecraft needs both peaceful and aggressive mobs the game needs challenges and much more life of

Course I named a sign with a subscriber name from the channel and placed a witch that appeared while I was building I took the opportunity to put another subscriber’s name on the sniffer for the vegetation in this biome I decided to make some mushrooms using red and green

Concrete oh and of course I filled the volcano with lava and added more flowing lava to make it look nicer inside our bunker the result looks like this the civilization has everything it needs to survive in it and that’s the day I renovated Minecraft biomes there are 29

Structures in Minecraft and today I’m going to renovate eight of them ranging from the most recent to the oldest which practically only changed the texture wow now that’s what I call time travel the first structure on our list is the Pillager post I realize that it is

Divided into two parts the base which is ultra reinforced and the tower part and this here is the basis that I imagine for this construction a small Ultra reinforced wall using the same materials as the original construction and with all this protection the door here in

This building will be be made of wood because after all they’re not very intelligent this way at least it looks like a more reinforced base inside here you have an enchantment table a room with chests furnaces this will be the bedroom a prison with some cells for the

LA and iron golems to be trapped I’ll just need to go to the stone Farm get some materials and also go to the dark oak wood forest so we can cut down some trees and also take the opportunity to collect some leaves gathering all the materials I started building our Tower

And I did didn’t want to make it too high so it wouldn’t look too different from the original and our improved Tower looks like this for now but I think there are some details missing I even picked up some dark oak leaves here but I forgot that here in the desert they

Completely lose their color and that’s why I decided to get some aelia leaves here and now I’m going to start decorating it all putting this leaf that is very green to highlight this construction and everything will be ready in three 2 1 and that’s the PSE to

Minecraft looters of 5 out of 10 and this here is the reform structure that I made with you I would give it an 8 out of 10 and now we move on to the next structure on our list which is the igloo and this wheel here will Define the

Style of our construction and the winner was hastle oh my God guys how am I going to turn this into a castle and this IG glue here hides a secret if you go down the stairs you will find a small laboratory I’m going to try to add all

These features to our new igloo and even turn it into a castle I already had a little idea of what to do in this direction here that has a snow biome I’m going to do this construction there because I think it will make more sense

The biome is not that big but it is enough for us to build I had to make the ground a little fatter since our building is going to be a little big I will get almost all the materials to make this construction with this snowman here wow if everything was this easy

Right oh what what is this after getting the materials I had to Rack my brains to think how am I going to make an igloo and a castle at the same time look guys I built the shape of an igloo here and I’ve already left the markings to make

Some Castle Towers so we will mix these two constructions and create the style that the wheel decided on and I accidentally killed our assistant here not intentionally the structure looks like this the only problem is that it is 100% White and the only block that I believe gives a nice highlight and makes

Sense is to use the ice block exactly I’m going to get these IES From Below no one will notice I had a cool idea I’m going to take these ice blocks and try to make some spikes like the ones we have here in the Minecraft biome wow these turned out better than I

Thought okay I really liked it now just replicate this from here in all these other towers with that external part we are doing very well but in addition to making these towers I need to add more details to make it look even more like a castle and also build the internal part

Now we need to do the internal part here I’m going to take more or less the middle of this entire iGo and now we’re going to have to make a small staircase going down a little bit to create the laboratory that exists in the original

Egloo I came here to the end to get some concrete black and yellow concrete materials and taking advantage of the fact that I’m here I’m going to a city at the end to get those sticks at the end here in the middle of the room I’m

Going to place this Atrium and also a nice book this is the mad scientist book where he writes down all the experiments and their results I’m going to put a chest full of gold and golden apples like what we find in the iglo and our prisoners here instead of villagers I’m

Going to put some snowmen this one will be headless and the other one will be with aead I started by covering the holes in the floor because now I’m going to do the internal decoration like the original igloo inside there’s a bed a furnace and a secret passage that leads

To the laboratory and we’re going to do all that here too this here is the igloo that we created I think it was an 8 and 1/2 out of 10 and this here is the inside of our Igloo the next structure on our list is the abandoned portal and

The building style drawn was amethyst so our construction will be a bit of a mix of two structures well at least the materials are very easy for us to get I’m going to get these crystals here 80% of the material atal to make this construction are in

Here now I just need some gold but I looked in my chest and I literally only have these 10 bars or [Laughter] not the plates I want to build is right up front and this is the last time this portal will be this ugly I will need you

My dear who is angry with me come here look I have Quality Gold I only need obsidian and weeping obsidian exactly this item here now here I want to make an amethyst Geo but it won’t be round like in Minecraft I’m going to make it a

Little flat but it will remind me a lot of an amethyst geode from Minecraft it will look cool problem is that I don’t think it will fit perfectly here on this mountain but we will solve one problem at a time wow placing these blocks is so satisfying they make a really nice

Noise now all we need to do is get back here and access this portal also with these remaining amethysts I’m going to cover this back part here so we don’t go straight through you get out of here creeper I just built this business here this here was my nether portal before my

Transformation a zero out of 10 and this one is a renovated portal that I made here with you a 9 out of 10 I thought this was very beautiful and the next structure on our list is the desert pyramid I want to do this construction literally here in the desert which is

Next to spawn and also next to the first structure that we renovated here in this video and of course to build this construction I will need a lot of sandstone and luckily I have already planned a desert and this chest is full of sand now as there will be a space

Between the building and the ground I’m going to make a well decorated wall here I didn’t Define the pattern well but I thought of something more or less in this style I have already created a base so far construction and in front of it I will build two sphinxes and they will

Have the face of a villager that is they will have a giant nose And with all those materials from the chest we literally managed to do almost the entire construction wow every project should be that easy my sandstones are gone the good thing about this is that I already have a form of sand here we just need to replace these

Blocks with sand we still need to build a wall to make this beautiful with a large staircase and also the internal part of this Temple while I finish this structure let’s move on to the next one in our list which which is these sunken boats no it’s not this one guys I made

This one it’s Noah’s Ark I’m talking about these abandoned boats here that are sometimes so destroyed that they don’t even resemble a boat but they do have some chests and sometimes a cool treasure comes along which wasn’t the case here these abandoned Boats were once entire boats used by some looters

So I’m going to build a brand new version it’s right here in this little Lake I want to build a pirate ship as if it were heading towards the map’s spawn willing to destroy literally everything and I’m going to remove this little Island from here because it’s interfering with my workspace and the

Wood I’m going to use to make this boat will be whatever wood is available here on this Farm there aren’t any so there won’t be a boat relax I’m joking I took the farm and collected two types of wood Pine and also Oak I started building the

Boat but then I forgot to record again and I had to do a time lapse in creativo this is a copy of the map this is the original server guys you thought I was using ativo right now what’s missing here is for us to finish this boat and

Make the sails and the closest thing we have to that here in Minecraft is wool but I don’t have a wool Farm I just have a super efficient mob trap that has threads and with these lines we can craft wool I spent a while in our mob

Trap to get the thread and turn it into wool but that wasn’t enough I went to my chest room took some red wool that I had and managed to paint it white with these materials I was able to make the boat sail which made our construction very

Beautiful so I went to the Pillager Outpost that is close to my base took a Pillager and put it inside the boat then I bought some labels with the villages but the names of those registered and then put them on the pillagers that are inside the boat furthermore I also

Finished the construction of the pyramid wall and the interior decoration our pyramid scored 9 and 1/2 out of 10 I found it very beautiful and our pirate ship was a 9 out of 10 and with that the next structure on our list is spawner and of course I’m not going to reform

Any spawner here on the map I’m going to choose exactly this one which is the only XP farm I have here yet and one thing I’m going to improve here is this entrance which takes us almost a minute to get down here and then when you get here everything is very cramped and

Small and the spawner is well hdden back here the style of construction that we are going to do in this place is that of a dungeon inspired by those Minecraft mods but to carry out this renovation I will need to dig a large space here and

That will take a while while I’m digging the space to make this dungeon I’m going to try to advance the next structure on our list which is the abandoned mines and as incredible as it may seem this one was one of the few structures recently renovated by Mojang and I kind

Of liked it because there are several of these Bridges hanging here by these iron chains and there are also some supports with this raw wood the renovation was small but I think it looks really nice despite the renovation the structure presents a major problem the difficulty

Of finding it so that’s why I decided to make a custom entrance for this abandoned mine here to make it easier for us to find it I thought about making a mixture of Sand and Stone as if the stone was consuming this place I’m going to leave a chest here full of carts

There will be some rails here that I’m going to lay now then I’m going to take the cart we’re going to get down here and here I’m already dug a hole to the cave wow we take fall damage what the hell and when you get here you can

Already see the mine that I’m going to connect some paths to up there after you get to this part you’ll get off the cart and you’ll have to walk because after all the tracks here don’t need to work because the mine is abandoned so getting in here now is

Pretty easy to get out my friend if you don’t have an elytra you’re screwed I started by decorating the lower part of the mine which will indicate that there is a structure there this would make our first Explorations much easier Mojang should definitely add this to the game I

Think someone got stuck in the cart right I just saw that the gravel here didn’t look so good it would have been better if if we had placed Stones okay I’ll Sol this in 3 2 1 this is the entrance to the mine that we created I

Would give it a 7 out of 10 rating Pew after a long time I got the space for us to create the dungeon and decorate the spawner I already started decorating the spawner because I couldn’t bear to take any more arrows from these skeletons that ended up being spawned one

Important thing that we need to fix is the entrance to this place which I’m going to do right here I’m going to dig a 3X3 tunnel up there I’m always in favor of identifying underground structures and here in the mob spawner project it will be no different up here

I want to build some ruins and down here I even made some changes there’s a bubble elevator here to help you get out of there for those who don’t have elytra and here is the slaughterhouse with the chests wow finally the dungeon was ready but it was very big with many empty

Spaces so I want you to comment here what I can build in this room to complement the decor and making this ruin was the easiest thing in the world since I have a Stone and wood Farm look these ruins here look really cool and I was a little inspired by those mod packs

That have these towers ruins dungeons Now we move on to the next structure on our list which is the Witch’s House I’ve even renovated a witch’s house here in Minecraft and it’s right here in front of me but it was very different from the style of the original witch’s house here

In the game so that’s why I’m going to fly in that direction and head to the nearest swamp to build a Minecraft style witch house but I’ll do it much better great we are already in a gigantic swamp and just to remember and see the shape

The Witch’s House is very small and only uses three different materials I made the Witch’s House more or less the size of the original but I decided to add some more materials to create details and that’s how I improved eight structures here in Minecraft see Mojang

Learn with me today I want to build a massive Arc to trap all the mobs in Minecraft and of course I’m not just going to capture the mobs here in the Overworld like these cows for example I’m going to try to capture mobs from all three dimensions off the game to

Bring them all here to to our Ark so get your snacks ready cuz we’re going to have to travel through all the biomes to collect these mobs our little project is 150 blocks long 38 blocks wide and 34 blocks high and that’s because each mob’s cage is going to be customized

According to the biome they live in and now I realize I’m building an ark way bigger than Noah’s in the Project D I can’t live it man I did to in you’re going to kill me stop stop you are Ming up my video I was just getting wood to

Build Arc I have a chest full of wood right there stop it my friend threatened to blow up my whole project but don’t worry I’ll explain everything in a bit of course to make our job easier our goal is to build some Farms to move this project forward I’m going to also have

To gather resources to bring the mobs and explore all the biomes it was time for us to make a small aquarium we just filled it with water then added sand and some corals underneath the ark there’s the coral biome where we find these fish so catching them will be really easy and

We could spend a lot of time here that’s because there are thousands of these tropical fish in Minecraft so we’ll only catch the ones I come across here I found seven different types of tropical fish actually it was six types and the puffer fish these little guys here that

Can poison you ouch we’re heading to the cold ocean biome because here we find Cod and salmon and the video just cut out of the game I’ll use this time to get a head start on the arc and I’ll explain everything to you in a bit I

Went to the jungle biome and captured two ocelots I also found a red parrot and then a blue one and in the swamp biome I gathered the block to build a custom enclosure because in this biome we’ll be able to use them we’ll need slime balls to breed them all right now

That they’ve laid their eggs here we have to wait for these creatures to turn into Tad paes since the ark is right next to us I’ll take these creatures over there to make it easier easier not at all I’ve been trying for 20 minutes to get this frog into this enclosure but

It keeps jumping out I waited a long time for these Tad poles to hatch and now it’s just a matter of scooping them up with a bucket if we put one frog in the snow and the other in the plain biome they’ll be born in different colors after a long wait the frogs

Started to hatch and they really came out in different colors this is crazy I also need to collect these snow blocks to make the custom enclosure for the mountain biome in the mountain biome we also find goats so I took the opportunity to grab two and bring them

To our Ark of course we can’t make a mountain here so I’ll add some ice and snow I think it’s turned out perfect the goat jumps really high so I’ll put a fence down here and tie them up I think that should be enough to keep them from

Escaping the enclosure I’ll have to do the same thing with these frogs look at how many there are I also created the custom desert enclosure and of course we can’t forget these dry bushes in our desert using the elytra I bought over the rabbits and unfortunately the biomes

Nearby are already running out there are five types of rabbits and I only managed to catch two types so we need to go after the others too here’s me building a village house then it’s time to bring these big noosed guys over so I’ll put

Both of them on this boat now I’m going to craft a fishing rod and I’ll put the boat with it that’s much faster but hold on I had another idea I’ll put the fishing rod on the boat now I’ll stack a bunch of blocks and try to pull it up

Onto the ark oh my goodness it went flying that was awesome and the part that went all wrong was when my friend decided to spy on me and steal my project I didn’t even know where this was you are going to make a custom biome just like I am doing here whoever

Finishes first can destroy the other’s project I don’t back down from a challenge so I accept while I was explaining the project for the video he was spying on me and stole my idea before I even started it I’m going to make a zo with custo enclosur and then fight the

H what a sneaky guy he’s also building a custom enclosure for the mob I can’t believe this great he just left the game so I’ll take this time to upgrade my arc and now I’ve started building the walls of the Ark because we’re going to start building the second floor which will be

Reserved for storing all the Minecraft monsters because after all they’re also mobs so let’s capture them all the only problem with all all of this is that aggressive mobs catch fire when morning comes so the solution is that I’ve already built the next floor to have a

Roof here so they don’t die I build the walls of the Ark and also the floor of the third floor that I won’t reveal yet what kind of mob we’re going to trap here and the burning question how did I get so much material to make this project we’re going to need two

Materials in large quantities Stone to make the Custom Enclosures and also a lot of wood to make the ark and the decorations inside it I chose this desert here build one for next to the other it’s good that I’ll be able to farm two materials at the same time to

Speed up the process I already placed all the materials inside so we can start building I placed chests Hoppers and then started making a giant platform to collect all the blocks now is the moment of truth I’m going to climb up on the farm and pull this lever to see if the

System will work and okay seems to be all good no TNT blew up the entire Redstone system I’m pretty happy about that the wind storage system was pretty bad because the farm produces a lot of blocks so I tried to improve it by increasing the number of chests now

About here I want to build a wood Farm to build the ark because we’re going to need a lot of it and the next two mobs are the easiest of all because we can just put them in the enclosure I swear guys all mobs could be like this and the

Tree farm I want to build has to be able to farm both oak wood and Spruce Wood I got the tutorial for this Farm on YouTube and I’ll give credit at the end of the video for anyone who wants to build it to make it work we need to fill

All the empty slots in our inventory with any block and the first slot of the hot bar we’ll put bone meal and in the second hand we’ll put the saplings and the person who made this Farm also taught a really cool way to make it work automatically you just need to right

Click and then press f3t then the game will reload the textures and magically the farm works on its own now that you know where all this material is coming from I want to build a cave here because we’re going to put the bat which is the only peaceful mob that lives inside

Caves I’ll even decorated by placing some ores this is the only cage I’m going to do this for I’m going to do a kind kind of decoration here on the wall I’ll put glass up here that’s because the bat flies and I don’t want it to get

Out of our capsule but the bat is an extremely annoying mob to put in this cage I’ll need to dig a tunnel down connecting this cage to a cave where bats spawn that’s because the bat is the buggiest mob in the game we can’t catch

It with a leash we can’t put it in a boat and we also can’t reel it in with a fishing rod so I’ll have to come here in this cave and try to lure these bats into the tube we built and the only way to do that is by placing a block in

Front of them all right it works they’re starting to climb now I mean if we keep placing blocks here the problem is this creature has a totally crazy behavior and believe it or not such a small mob is giving us so much trouble this here is my bat progress bar in the meantime

We’ll try to capture other mobs it was time to also build the cages on the second floor for the monsters to spawn like a creeper here I might even rename it wonderful now I think we’re missing some ores so I came here in this cave to

Grab some and since all the mobs live in the cave I’m going to try to represent various types of caves in each small cage we buil remove all these torches here so the creatures can spawn and I managed to capture two zombies that were born here inside I can’t believe it

We’re at 30% progress with the bat this is going to take forever I’ve been here for 30 minutes and we haven’t even reached halfway yet I just built this bridge here in the ark to make it easier to bring land animals I also built the beacon there because now inside the ark

I’m going to do a small renovation I decided to break the middle cages so we have a mega Corridor where you can see all the mobs side by side I also started building a staircase to connect the two floors since the only way to get in here

Before was to break the ark and to be able to see into all the cages I added a glass panel in front and to make our Ark even more beautiful I decided to build some bridges over the cages this is the most beautiful floor this renovation

Definitely did a lot of good here the problem is that there are still a lot of empty cages because we’re missing a lot of peaceful mobs that we need to catch and my friends after doing all this we were finally bringing the bats into their cages we made it we made it wow

Where’s the other one oh there it is I need to craft some leashes here because I saw that in this Savannah Biome several types of cats have been born we’ll catch this one and also this one I’ve already captured four different cats here but our goal is to catch 11

Types so this is not going to be easy either my goodness why do I have these ideas since I found these cats in a savannah Mountain I decided to build several mini Savannah biomes to put them inside the ark since they’re not tamed I’m going to leave them locked up here

For now until I get the Cod to tame them so I’m bringing in two more types of mob which are the sheep and the chickens I can cover it up and you guys can roam free I don’t think you’ll be able to escape now leaving the first floor of

The Ark and going to the second we need to work here because we’re missing a lot of aggressive mobs I use a strategy of removing all the lighting to make a bunch of mobs spawn inside the cages it worked now we just need to rename these creatures very

Carefully of course dealing with these aggressive mobs is not easy but after a lot of struggle I managed to trap the spiders in the right cage how could I forget when I went to get the bat I said it was the only peaceful mob that lives in caves but actually there are also

Axolot we already have the brown variation here which is the Channel’s pet we also have the yellow variation here which by the way this one is a little baby it’s actually rare to get baby mobs and we also have the pink Axel and we can still find two more colors

Which are blue and purple but I think they didn’t spawn in this cave this time I built the biome for the Axel lles which is the Lush cave all right now our Axel lles are protected after that I took the opportunity to renovate the monster floor to make it look as nice as

The first floor we made I also started building two staircases so we can go up to the bridges and see the cages from above now after the renovation the second floor looks much better and since there’s more space left here I even managed to build a little staircase on

Both sides but of course this side of the Ark here is all empty that’s because we’re going to use it to put the nether mobs here too while I synchronized the portals to try to bring in the nether mobs we’ll be able to to get other easy

To catch mobs from the Overworld heading in this direction I think there’s a Pillager Outpost and if I’m not mistaken there are some pillagers trapped right there I’ll grab these two alleys and start pulling them so if I start flying they’ll come with me great where’s their cage I made a

Special cage for them right here wow but I made a really silly mistake I forgot to cover the top part they’re flying mobs how could I forget that okay stay in there please don’t escape okay I went back to the Jungle next to the ark because there are still some mobs

Missing from this biome pandas are born here in this biome and we might find some here problem is that it’s very hard to see because this biome is kind of clutter I started by creating a customized cage for the panda putting pots and grass and also bamboo on the

Ground the coolest thing is that I managed to bring two pandas at once I steered the boat for one and started pulling the other with a fishing rod if I say that I caught two pandas today nobody will believe me with that one more mob is trapped in our Ark I got two

More more types of parrots and put them in the cage with a panda another mob that’s nearby are the squids and I still haven’t caught them so I’ll make a special cage here as a bonus we got two dolphins and with that we captured two more types of mobs back here there’s a

Village and look a camel was born right in front of us I’m just going to go into the village to see if there’s another camel for us to capture and maybe some other type of can look at that I don’t have time to see you rest I took the

Opportunity to build a cage and then trap the camel inside right behind the ark we find a pl’s biome where there are some mobs that we still haven’t captured and also this donkey the coolest thing is that if we feed the horse and the donkey using a golden apple we’ll get a

New type of mob too and then I’ll put them in a cage next to here because that one is already pretty full now we’re only missing a few cages on the first floor to complete them on the first floor there are only five empty cages that I’ll decorate now and we built the

Biomes for TAA snowy Taiga normal tigga and also ice biome this place we found is perfect because it has the ice biome and right in front there’s a whole family of polar bears that we haven’t captured yet I grabbed the Cubs because they’re not aggressive I took the two

Polar bears to the Nether and they bought them to the portal where our tree is it was a long journey I know but now you’re here in your new home I also managed to capture the white fox and the orange Fox I also went to a mushroom

Island to get three mushrooms now we’re going to need to capture several cave mops for this I dug a hole in the ground and then built a bridge connecting this hole to our Ark to bring the mobs I’m going to use the bubble elevator so I started filling this whole tube with

Water that’s because we need to capture the glow squid which only spawns in these completely dark caves and let me tell you it wasn’t an easy task because the squid is very glitchy and it just moves in whatever Direction it wants even when we’re pulling it with a leash

Perfect now the glow squids are trapped let me just cover this floor here so they don’t escape we also need to bring in these slimes but I’ll just kill them here leave them tiny because the small ones don’t hit us I threw some slimes into the bubble elevator we build after

They went up it was easy because I had built the bridge which helped a lot but these creatures are really slow I think even the turtle is faster in 10 hours we decide how the winner of this competion is what only 3 hours okay I’ll hurry

Then 3 hours from now starting now to help trap the right aggressive mobs I created a bow to be able to kill the useless mobs from a distance for that I used the skeleton Farm we have I know it’s not very good but it was enough and

To get four types of mobs we’ll need a trident and I was very lucky and got it on the first try wow I almost died this creature is really strong I went to the XP farm because we need to add the channeling enchantment to releasee lightning when we throw this trident the

Enchantment I need came through I added The Mending enchantment and then went back to the farm to repair the Trident 100% so there’s no chance of it breaking wow I almost died now we’re going to trap the drowned for this I built a mini ocean biome and then lured two zombies

In there that’s because the zombie can’t swim and ends up drowning and turning into a drown and look at this husk he decided to come to our Noah’s Arc all by himself I swear I didn’t expect expect this so there’s no cage prepared yet I’ll have to keep building while he

Keeps hitting me hey guys it started raining could it be a thunderstorm I think the Trident only summons lightning if we hit a mob right Ah that’s right okay so it’s a thunderstorm I need to make the most of this bro I’m going up to the ark because there are some mobs

We can get with this rain the first mob that needs rain is down here all right I turn the two villagers into witches oh my god it worked right we have two charge creepers these creatures can’t explode at all because otherwise the damage will be massive oh the cow died

Okay but at least we still have one I took the mushroom cow inside the ark today in Minecraft some special mobs spawn that only appear once a year every October 31st they show up on the maps now it was time to trap as many pumpkin-headed mobs as possible especially the glowing ones because

They’re a bit rarer we made huge progress because I trapped Phantoms and a lot of pumpkin headed mobs and glowing pumpkin headed mobs we got about nine of them here I even made another protective grid because there’s a risk of these creatures here exploding especially these ones which have a much bigger

Explosion so it’s best not to get too close and since we had only one more hour available I farmed some wood and finished our Ark I found the video again and we went to his Sue to count how many mobs he had hey Virgil by my count there

Were 38 mobs is that right that’s right just by the size of the project you can tell we won I trapped over 60 mobs inside this Ark goodbye this right here is the Channel’s pet for over a year and he’s really special to me so today I

Decided to build a nice and secure base for him the only problem is that my enemy just stole him from inside the last construction I made here on the map Noah’s Ark Vero what are you doing here where’s a cholado you just steal him come back here he’s my pet what do you

Want to do with him why did you want to kill my little pet it doesn’t make sense and this Chase lasted about 5 minutes and what happened you’ll find soon the important thing is that 24 hours before I Was preparing for this whole War okay just found the perfect place to build

Our pets space unfortunately I have to travel 20,000 blocks to get here under that mountain we have this gigantic cave here I’m going to build a base for my pet but to make this place safe we’ll have to set up some security systems yeah don’t think it’s going to be that

Easy to reach my K that’s because there will be several secret passages and the first one I’m going to make is using powder snow all right now we’ll need leather boots the best way to find powder snow is to walk over this mountain without the leather boots oh I

Just found it here look see we’re all free now our goal is to build a fake base to make him think I’m hiding some rare item inside I even brought something in the shulker box that we’re going to place here to serve as a distraction just like

This base this armor is also fake of course I’m not going to put the rare armor here easy to find and with that we created the first fake base to fool my enemy now I’m going to build two more rooms below this one to serve as a

Distraction until we reach the real Axel autle BAS hey don’t tell anyone but I’m going to put the trap in the middle of the path but to get to the next room we’re going to build a password protected door for that I’ll open up some space here for us to build a system

Wow I just remembered a problem I didn’t bring Redstone to make the system I’m trying not to cry yeah I had to walk over 20,000 blocks just to go back to my base and get more items but when I got to my base I had a surprise my enemy was

There waiting for me but that’s not important right now because you need to know how that chase ended oh my God you are electr broke you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to die I just won my pet perfect he really didn’t give up searching for my pet he

Continued looking for my Axel lottle everywhere but what are you going to do in my base to ensure that my enemy won’t find the location of my base I brw some invisibility potions I brewed some invisibility potions went back there to set up the Redstone system that will

Take us to the next room and this is the coolest system I’ve ever seen it’s an automatic door with a password so only I will be able to open it and the editor too right and to set the password for this system I need to rename an item and

Put it here in this first slot and I took a little time to open up the space for the next room which is going to be much larger than the first I started digging a hole in the middle of the room and also enlarging its size because this

Is going to be our next security system another thing we’ll need is to get two more Axel preferably two little brown ones the color of the channels bad now I’m going to need these tropical fish to breed the axelos all of this is because in the middle of this room I want to

Build a top full of round Axel modles making our pet much safer and I know I could rename these Axel modles on the Anvil I could rename these Axel on the Anvil but since our XP farm is far away I’ll just use the name tag for now to

Enter the base you need to come through this soft snow slide down here and you land right on this water block so looking around the room you won’t find anything suspicious there are just some chests with the items I left here but in this Barrel if you put a bunch of items

You can put anything here nothing will literally happen but this little piece of paper in my inventory is a password I created the editor will blur it out so you can’t see and when I put it in there a secret passage will open here this is the

Second secret passage we created and if you notice we ended up in another passage full of buttons most of them do nothing but two of them work but if you press the right button that will open and you’ll end up in this fake aelott

Room yes and now for this room I want to build a giant brown Axel on the wall so I had to collect some materials wool for making string cocoa beans to make brown dye to color the wool I also needed some plain terracotta brown mushrooms and to

Disguise it I also built a small chest room the idea is to deceive our enemy so my next step here is to build a secret passage but it has to be very easy for him to pass because instead of leading to the Axel cave it will lead straight

To a trap in the corner of the room I’ll Place some buttons most of them won’t do anything but one of them will work and open a secret passage right here so now I just need need to dig a tunnel great this tunnel is already perfect but we need to dig about 70

Blocks deep that’s because the creature we’re going to put here for the Trap is kind of noisy and it’s so loud that you need to be 70 blocks away to not hear it after it falls into the hole it will be too late to escape and our trap will

Surely work very well now I prepared my Redstone skills to make a super compact automatic door here I’ll have to find a way to hide it because the whole system will literally be in the wall row so I’ll have to add some detail on this

Side and also on that side and it’s very easy to make this door I just have to dig about three blocks down here and all the materials are right here in my inventory it’s literally that simple the system isn’t that difficult but I spent a good amount of time because Redstone

Isn’t really my strong suit I I think it’s not working there we go I tried to figure out how to disguise the system without it looking too weird and what if I told you that in this room there’s a secret passage and then you’ll guess what it is

Anyone would walk into this room see all the decorative buttons here and start pressing them but only one of them actually works so I found the secret passage that’s not impossible after a few seconds if you press the right button a secret passage will open on one

Side then you just got to run out of here I made it through I almost didn’t make it finding this place is super easy tunnel her will take me straight to a trap thought I was going to die huh now down here I’m setting up a trap but I

Need to clear some space so I grab my pickaxe and start digging but then a problem pops up my tools are almost broken so I had to leave where I was and fly to the map spawn to go to our XP farm and try to fix everything okay look

We’re getting into a familiar area there’s my building and over here is our farm I have to be really careful because darn I’m down to half a heart no no no no my elytra broke no no no you can’t can’t get it I logged out of the game

Okay no one’s on the server it’s a great time for us to log back in my God I almost died to him we need to be very careful he really is angry and wants to kill my pet at all costs so we need to protect him really well I repaired all

My tools and my elytra and I went to my chest room to get some invisibility potions immortality totems food boss block and also bone because there are still two objectives left for us to accomplish in this video the warden’s room which is a distraction trap and

Also my Pet’s true base where he’ll be safe so let’s get started let’s transform this cave into our Axel secret lir and for the secret cave to be safe the only way to get in here has to be through the secret passage that’s why I’m going to build several walls of red

Concrete here this way my enemy will be sure that this is a protected area and they won’t be able to break any blocks to get in or else they’d be breaking the server rules and I could ban them now that I’ve sealed off all the entrances

I’ll take bone meal and Moss block place them on the ground and turn this entire ire biome into a lush cave and I need to light it up too right because these creatures hitting me won’t work out I started spreading Moss throughout the entire cave since Axel live in Lush cave

I wanted to make this one a bit more similar to this bio my idea is to build a big Pyramid inside this cave and the materials I’ll need are Redstone bricks Cobblestone moss and sight this is a cobblestone Farm but I also need stone bricks and smooth Stone so I’ll have to

Smelt them let’s build an industrial furnace here well I created this machine based on my Redstone knowledge so maybe this isn’t the best way to do it the only issue here would be the fuel right if we fly in this direction we’ll meet the map spawn and exactly there in that volcano

I built a lava Farm all right now we just need to fill this chest with lava and the fuel won’t run out anytime soon I can’t believe it with this Mega automatic furnace we just need to turn on the farm and our materials are ready great now that

Everything is sealed here I’ll grab the shulker box and start building my Axel’s true base actually it’s going to be a really beautiful pyramid so I’ll start marking the square here I won’t go breaking the cave to make it flat for construction I’ll fit the building in

The middle of this cave and do you remember this Corridor in one of these walls I’ll create a secret passage to go to the Axel A’s cave there will also be an option to go down here through this hole that leads straight to a trap I’ve already opened up the space to create

The room where we’ll set up this TR graap let me tell you something building here with these creatures is extremely annoying while I’m placing blocks switches and creepers keep showing up they even destroyed part of the bio seriously this is so frustrating to solve this problem once and for all I’ll

Place a bunch of torches here to light it up torches will solve our problem can’t believe mobs are still spawning here and I decided to speed up building this place because our enemy found the first secret base he might have found the first secret passage here but the

Thing is he doesn’t know how to get through here yet actually not sure if he even suspects my Axel is here so we just need to enter the password go in hit the right button pass through the secret passage and now hit the right button again now in this Corridor I’ll create

Another secret passage to reach Axel’s real base because next to it I’m making a lava curtain I’m also replacing all this floor with stone to make it look better putting rails and a mine cart on the bottom if I put the lava here our secret passage will be hidden look in

The right place right click and I can cross the lava without taking damage I headed to the cave coordinates and started digging a giant tunnel after a long tunnel we’ll Reach This cave not to mention when he dies he’ll have a dozen monsters waiting to kill him just like

I’m about to die help but the important thing is right here I’ll hide a button that will activate a redstone system to take us down ow ow oh oh oh oh oh help and down here I’ll build that good old teleporter because it’s a great way to

Enter a place with no Door the real way to enter Axel aut’s cave is by pressing this button I disguised in the middle of the cave and after a while we’re teleported inside the pyramid since everything here is literally closed he won’t get in without breaking a server

Rule and of course I didn’t forget my trap I set up the warden’s room then just brought them here but it was definitely a tough Mission wow just realized I’m without the immortality totem luckily I kill the spawn inside the fake Axel AAL cave okay

It won’t be that hard to get down there now I just need to descend without taking damage nice did the MLG and hope my items haven’t disappeared or I’ll cry I see something ahead my items the bad news is the warden is gone I’ll have to

Go get another one man we were almost here but at least I didn’t lose anything I think now it’s going to work guys run no no no no no I’m almost there we made it we made it now what I need to do before the warden gets here is dig down

Place The Observer like this now Place Another Observer like this eat the apple help run now that these wardens are stuck here we can finally put my pet in its safe place oh forgot to show you how the pyramids turned out and look at this

Tried to make it look like an axel AAL face on top to represent that this is my pet’s base even if my enemy gets into this part where I am there’s no entrance inside only using the teleporter so I need to leave this cave and go to where

The button is and now my pet now has a safe place to live today I’m going to hunt down all the Minecraft bosses here in the end but if the dragon is alive we can’t use this portal to get out of here okay that’s going to be a problem how

Did you figure out the dragon and the portal are connected down there everyone knows that when we spawn the Ender Dragon the portal is sealed so I had no other option but to use my smarts how can I keep the end portal active with the dragon alive the important thing is

That I found a bug that will make it possible and the first boss we’re going to catch is the Wither boss to get it I’m going to need three Wither Skeleton skulls and check this out I just killed two here and none of them dropped heads but on this server we’ve got something

That can help me look at the size of this Farm it’s insane for those who don’t know this here is a skeleton skulls Farm I’m going to tackle the bosses from easiest to hardest and for us it’s going to be easy look at all the mobs here while I’m here killing wither

Skeletons to get the first boss I need to address another issue to learn the item I’m going to need some materials like obsidian a stone cutter and a water bucket oh my God a pack of Wither Skeleton skulls our problem solved so I don’t recommend doing it near buildings

That can be broken first you’re going to place obsidian on the ground in a little square in the middle you’ll put the stone cutter then go up five blocks and put a head upside down it should be about three blocks away then you’ll put some glass like this it’s also a good

Idea to break this bridge so these Endermen don’t teleport here because if they catch the Wither’s attention it’ll cause a lot of problems then you’ll pull nine blocks to the side and start making a square of Soul Sand you’ll create a small platform to trap an iron golem and

Now we’re going to turn that Soul Sand into a giant pool now the idea is to summon the wither here here and hope everything goes right after you spawn the wither you need to quickly put a water bucket on its head in my case I don’t do it and our first attempt failed

Just don’t mess it up because it’ll work I even made an obsidian cage to make it really look like he’s trapped without affecting the whole system here the Golem’s there looking good and now we have to be super quick to spawn this creature and run away so we put the

Blocks here the most awaited moment of all subscribe to the channel to help the Wither stay trapped perfect we can even remove the water bucket there you go I’m going to rename the Wither with the name of a random commenter on the Channel with this our first boss is trapped now

I want to trap the warden in the direction of this portal here so I started building the bridge the problem is that I had to descend a few blocks so I kind of had to dive into the void using the elytra to place a block under

The bridge I’ll try to make the cage somewhat similar to what we have for the Wither and bro look at this Zoom now I need some iron bars luckily there’s this Mega Farm here so it’s easy to get them now that I have a million iron bars

It’ll be easy to do this I started making the cake to keep the creature trapped I’ve even separated the items inside this red shulker box so we can create a system that keeps the warden from disappearing basically we’ll put an observer looking at each other like this

Piston here pointed upwards so now I have to fly around here and find some deep dark to bring the warden to be honest I know a place that’s full of wardens which is this chest room here apparently vigil hasn’t taken any of them out yes I’m going to find a way to

Attract a warden out here I think to make it easier what I’m going to do is dig down here of course we can’t forget the water bucket here and from what I saw in the coordinates if we go straight in this direction we’ll reach the stronghold since the tunnel has been dug

We got to throw warden in here to do that I’m going to make a tunnel here three blocks high and put a trap door on this block so he can’t fall I think the plan is perfect the plan was good but Wen is a super annoying creature so he

Kept killing me several times I mean I only didn’t die because of the totem but after a while I got it since Warden was in the hall we dug it was easy he followed follow me I walked forward until I reached the stronghold it wasn’t easy actually because I spent a long

Time trying to get warded inside the gate I even used up all my totems of undying and I had to go to the raid Farm to get more totem but then just when I was about to give up this happened oh I swear I was so afraid of the warden

Falling off that bridge because I forgot to make it a bit wider but luckily this creature is incredibly smart and we managed to trap him now I’m going to pick another subscriber’s name to put on Warden the next mission is to rename this Warden without him noticing I’m

Going to sneak up quietly here in the shift this is kind of tough one more boss is trapped and now we’re off to the next one but before we trap our next boss there I’ll have to break this whole Bridge so they won’t bother Warden otherwise they’ll keep teleporting a

Bunch of Endermen here and it’ll be a mess I started building the bridge to bring the Elder Guardian look there’s obsidian in these chests which will be really useful for making the next cages I returned to the Overworld because the goal now was to get the Elder Guardian

But when I look at the end portal I noticed there’s a warden there did Warden duplicate when when he fell into the portal please die there the idea was to stand there until Warden disappeared so he could bring the next boss but then a participant tried to go to the end and

Came face to face with the warden and he almost died we have an unexplored ocean Temple so I can bring this creature here I had to build the Elder Guardian cage in the end following the same pattern iron bars and obsidian then I had to fill it with water since the guardian

Lives in the water to transport the Elder Guardian we’ll need some items like regular rails powered rails detector rails levers and mine CS Parts the Ocean Temple is in that direction so I’ll have to start making a massive rail system to connect everything thought I was going to speed

Things up well it’s so easy when things are sped up after finishing the rail path I started making a protection so the guardian Falls right into the portal I also use the detector Rail and activator rail to make a system for it to automatically exit the mine cart I

Flew to the Ocean Temple and used TNT to get inside and here comes the tricky part putting this creature in the mine cart pushing it onto the rails it took a long time guys it’s worth working finally after a while cart ride I was really excited that things were going

Well but then everything went wrong push it good it gained speed no it still dropped the thing bro to make it even more secure I made a tube that drops down to the portal and I also made a capsule for it to be trapped after it leaves the minecart now there’s

No way it can go wrong to make sure it won’t take any fall damage I’m going to put water here then I remembered the small detail that I hadn’t made the rail in the end so I’m back at the temple and the struggle continues let’s put another Guardian in

The minecart ah oh my goodness it works the creature stayed inside I’m a Minecraft genius I placed it in the mine cart now I just have to push it onto the rails after a lot of effort I was happy because I finally made it to the end

With this creature but then the joy was shortlived I think I might cry I won’t cry just yet because we still have the last Elder Guardian from this Temple if it dies it’s over I’ll have to find another Temple far away my goodness please let it work okay it passed again

Let’s not celebrate yet I’ll only celebrate when it’s inside the cage I Clos the top of the cage to ensure it won’t Escape Midway another name tag with another subscriber’s name and with great care I rename this creature done another boss is captured and now we’re off to the Ender Dragon

The biggest challenge of this video this is the regular end of any survival map and this is the end of the server what a mess is this this end is all messed up I want to clear it completely lead to exploit the dragon glitch it’ll be much harder with all these blocks lying

Around so it’s better to break everything now to make all these changes in the end I’ll need a beacon first now I’ll head to the iron farm to gather a bunch of iron and craft the blocks my goodness what a racket those Golems are making and of course I can’t forget to

Grab some sponges so I’ll explore this Temple real quick I used TNT to clear a path and since we were slowness in effect I had to use TNT to break trees too then I crafted a bucket drank milk to get rid of the effect got some wood

Wood crafted doors and that’s when we could finally explore and defeat the bosses in this Temple to get the sponges so after getting all the materials I set up the beacon and started breaking all these loose blocks here in the middle of nowhere oh guys I had an idea I want you

To comment on what I can build here in the end since there won’t be any construction here the subscriber with the best idea will appear in my next video after breaking all the blocks I started drying up all this water who came up with this idea by goodness thankfully there’s no more

Water in the end now everything’s normal here and the mission is to break all this stuff this was the worst part of all because breaking glass in Minecraft is quite challenging it takes a long time and even with haste we can’t break it faster before Reviving The Dragon I

Decided to build the cage first because doing it with the dragon alive would be much harder you know materials weren’t a problem because here we have an iron farm and someone kindly broke several obsidian Towers the first step to doing the dragon glitch is to place a a bunch

Of blocks at height 200 exactly at these coordinates and the pattern will look something like this I got it wrong actually I was supposed to use a block that the dragon can’t break now that I’ve placed the concrete it’ll stay like this ready we can respawn the dragon you

Have to place all the blocks at these exact coordinates if you mess up one the glitch won’t work the goal now is to break all the crystals leaving only one and we’ll avoid damaging the dragon all right and once I break the last Crystal the dragon will simply

Freeze to make our job easier I’ll wait for it to fly near one of the n city portals so we can break it this glitch is really cool and the best part is that it works on a server so if you want to do it with your friends there’s no

Problem if it doesn’t freeze instantly just wait a little eventually it will now the goal is to throw this Dragon into the n city portal to move it believe it or not we’re going to use pistons and blocks just that if you have plenty of slime on your map you can also

Make a flying machine be careful not to get too close to the dragon it can still damage you we froze it but it’s still angry this Dragon glitch may seem seems super difficult but it’s actually quite simple it just takes a long time to do and to understand the tutorial I spent a

Long time trying to do this on the test map you saw that the glitch Dragon disappeared now we’ll hang around here until another Dragon spawns in the game it’ll take about 2 or 3 minutes to realize that the Ender Dragon is no longer on this island and when it

Figures that out it’ll spawn another dragon look it just spawned our difficult Mission will be to defeat this creature my goodness this Ender Dragon Here Also Froze that wasn’t supposed to happen anyway the important thing is that we need to defeat it I’ll Stand down here and it bugged so it’s even

Easier this way and we beat Minecraft Let’s enter the portal where we toss the dragon I’m not sure if it’s this or this one eh I’ll try this one it’s this one indeed look our dragon is here now it’s going to try to return to its Island so you’ll

Have to follow it flying with your elytra don’t get too close or it’ll damage you luckily the island is pretty close the dragon is already heading back and notice how it always comes down here that’s normal if your end is normal if it’s not broken like this it’ll take a

Few minutes for it to be able to ascend oops it’s working the dragon is going to be bugged there indefinitely nice one guys now that the dragon is 100% inside our cage I need to block this water here so it doesn’t flow down below how did

You learn about the dragon and why is the portal still open down there oh that’s a long story The today I’m going to create the villages that Minecraft left out of the game or rather they never created each Village will have its own special touch that I’ll add because

Villages change the layout that’s what I’m going to do too because if Mojang did it why shouldn’t I be lazy guys I’m going to build a big circle here in the middle of this ocean we’re only going to rebuild eight Villages that Minecraft didn’t create and of course it’ll all be

Decided by this Ray wheel that’s showing up here on my side I started opening all the chests in my base to gather as much Stone as possible for us to do this project I made the skeleton of the circle which was definitely the hardest part after that it was just closing it

All up with stone The Next Step was dividing our giant tub into eight slices like pizza now I need to remove all this water from inside the construction area to make the process easier I’ll divide it into several corridors all made of sand and about three or four blocks wide

To make drying everything with sponges easier the whole time for this whole thing was about 8 hours to make the circle and full dry it so we can start the construction but things got a little bit more complicated for me because someone showed up challenging me to

Complete this project in just 12 hours or else you’d steal my rarest item the God Armor at first I didn’t accept the challenge but he kept following me and trying to kill me while I was AFK so I decided to accept it we’ll try to build eight villages in just 12 hours I’m

Happy he issued this challenge after I made this giant pizza or else there wouldn’t be enough time 12 hours is way too little and now let’s draw the first biome to find out which Village will be in this slice the first winner was the jungle to build all this I’d need some

Essential materials from the jungle bio starting with grass I took the opportunity to create the terrain in our pizza slice it’ll be slightly inclined and sloped down gradually I also hope to gather some wood to build the houses on top of the trees the rest of the

Materials were just for making the trees grow so I could build on them one small detail is that everything here will be Hollow because I want to save time collecting materials the problem is that a bunch of creatures are spawning and they might blow everything up just let

Me know if these creatures break the blocks I decided to make a circular house under the jungle tree leaves it’s not very big but there’s enough space to fit everything that exists in Minecraft villages and to connect these houses I thought about making some bridges with campfires and also with jungle wood this

Part was a bit tricky since I had to take damage from the campfires but after a while the result turned out pretty cool the only thing I’m going to do here to complete the biome is to place some bone meal on the ground to give it a bit

More texture now inside the houses I’ll put crafting tables and workbenches now we just need to bring the villagers because a village without vill Villers doesn’t make any sense and the coolest thing is that there’s a special jungle Village I even have one here I think

It’ll be better to place it in the middle of the ocean in our new Village I put him in a boat and I threw the boat into the water it won’t be hard to transport the villagers to this place since our construction is right in the

Middle of the ocean I started making a bamboo too because here I’m going to create a bubble elevator to transport the villagers up to the trees and leave them inside the houses and to make the elevator go faster I use some algae to turn everything into Infinite water and

If you like the first Village subscribe to the channel and comment which Village you’d like to have on your map now just push the Villager back to his home and the next randomly selected biome was bandland biome I literally don’t have any blocks for this biome so I’ll need a

Beacon to help me out and if I were to try to get another Beacon today I definitely wouldn’t be able to complete the village challenge but I know there’s a beacon around here somewhere look I’ve even got the effect already I literally won’t steal this just borrowing this

Beacon probably belongs to Nan so as soon as he joins the server I’ll give it back to him I’m going to set up the beacon around this height because I’ll be able to gather all the blocks we need from Sant to Carlo terracotta I’ll set a goal of 40 minutes

To gather materials and then we’ll head to construction so we won’t be lacking anything everything here needs to be timed so we won’t have enough time to complete our challenge so I’m back to our Giant Pizza I started creating the relief of this biome I’m going to face

The ch challenge of building a mountain here since the biome is somewhat mountainous my idea for the village is this we’ll have some square houses not too big to follow the Minecraft pattern I’ll use the blocks from the biome itself to build a village and then to

Add some details I’ll use Oak log okay I confess I didn’t like that house I made so I decided to start another one from scratch using more sandstone and the orange terracotta that’s typical of the biome I added some details like hay blocks and also some crops beside the

House all right this looks really nice I outdid myself in this little village okay I admit the houses are kind of roofless I’ve already placed two villagers here and I’ve lit up this area well to avoid any risk of creature spawning now let’s draw for the next

Village and the winner is the cherry blossom biome I didn’t have any blocks from this biome so I had to go and get some saplings these new flowers and of course plenty of wood to build the houses the grass was left over from the other biomes I had already built so I

Didn’t need to gather more I also had the idea of making the terrain uneven but not as much as the bad land biome after placing the soil in this whole area I started planting some trees and scattering some flowers but then I realized this tree is a bit crooked so

Instead of planting them all I decided to start building the cherry blossom houses and then count the trees in the remaining spaces I know I’m a genius thank you very much all right I might be exaggerating the size of these houses here but trust me they’re going to turn

Out really nice after about 50 minutes of work in this cherry blossom Village we managed to get it to look like this it’s really beautiful and we didn’t take as much time as I thought but let’s hustle there’s a lot to be done done today I went to try again and this time

The winner was the mangrove swamp biome which was recently added to Minecraft I had a bit of trouble finding this biome so it took me a little while to get there I collected all the available blocks the muds saplings wood and dried leaves I picked some wheat so we could

Make dried mud that’s the block I decided to use for the houses in this biome I made some markings with grass and also created some little ponds then covered everything with mud since that’s the ground in this bio instead of making them grow with bone meal I decided to

Start building the mangrove Swamp House I’m pretty sure it’s going to turn out nice because I’ve always wanted to build with these blocks I put a lot of effort into it and honestly I think this one is the most beautiful house we’ve built so far I’ve made considerable progress here

In the mangrove swamp Village I went a bit overboard with the size of this house so these other two will be smaller to make it a village because a village with just one house doesn’t exist guys I had to build the houses quite close to the wall because of the space so you’ll

Only have a rough idea of what the entrance would look like the mangrove swamp Village turned out like this and now now that this one’s complete I drew again from the next biome and the winner was the Birch Forest it’s a bit of a challenge I just have to clear out my

Inventory and shulker boxes to be honest I’ve never built with this type of wood before so it’ll be a challenge even for me I had to gather a lot of birch log since we’ll use it for practically the entire Village consumption after getting plenty of wood I came to the conclusion

That the deide block would complement this type of wood perfectly so I went into the caves to pick some stone for contrast in these constructions I started the biome by placing grass on the ground I planted some birch trees and then I decided to begin building the

Houses for me it was a big challenge to build using these blocks because in all my Years playing Minecraft I never built anything with them this one turned out really well this Village looks really beautiful it just needs a bit more lighting I remember that some Villages

Have these lightning posts so I decided to make my version of it using these new signs and these lamps this Village is really cute it turned out amazing now we’ll have to create a village for the mushroom Fields biome after quite some some time flying I finally managed to

Find a mushroom Island I hadn’t been to this biome on the server yet I only came here because of this block because you can get the mushrooms in another biome if it weren’t for my mycelium block I would have already started building the village I grabbed about eight stacks of

This block then I took the opportunity to grab some brown and red mushrooms for building the houses unlike the other biomes this one will be completely flat so we can make the most of it and build a village I filled everything with this block which honestly I don’t even know

How to pronounce then it was time for to start building but I had a big doubt I’m not really sure what to build here on this island because every time I searched on Google for Mushroom House all that comes up is literally a mushroom with a door and I didn’t want

To make something like that I wanted to make a giant mushroom and try to fit a house in it kind of like a treehouse but on a mushroom but it might look a bit weird to be honest yeah break it all and start over it looks awful what I decided

In the end was to make a house like the ones in the other biomes we’ve built but use the mushroom blocks for their root to be honest this wasn’t my best construction but I ended up running out of ideas I ended up breaking and redoing this house several times until I found a

Shape that somewhat matched what I wanted for each Village I don’t know if you noticed I tried to improvise two types of houses one larger and one very small but always keeping the same theme after a long time of work this was the result of our mushroom Village I tried

To make some houses with brown roofs and others with Red Roofs after that I drew for the next two biomes that we have to build here today the next biome is called Stone Shore anyway I have a really cool idea that I think will go perfectly with this ugly biome guess

What I didn’t have any stone to build this biome so I had to set up the beacon and dig a cave to get a block since I used all my stone blocks to make the tub to build a Villages and here’s me putting down lots of grass even though

The biome is literally all Stone I only realized this after I’d finished putting down all the grass now that I fixed my mistake I’ll start the construction here I’m thinking of making something like a pyramid but it can’t be too big because we don’t have that much space I think

It’s going to be a construction with Cobblestone stone brick and mossy stone brick it’ll look cool so my idea was to have a village made up of several tiny pyramids but since the space we chose for construction is small we couldn’t build more than one pyramid but let’s

Pretend there are a lot of pyramids here forming a really unique Village the idea was to have some libraries in here chests with good items beds and also to have some or blocks in the structure for building this terrain here I have a big idea you might find it strange but I’m

Going to recreate another jungle but this time with the new items from version 1.20 in this version they put a lot of different items that we can craft with bamboo thanks to one of the participants we have a super efficient Farm here with the help of a crafting

Table we can make bamboo planks this wood has planks that can be used to make slabs stairs and everything you can make with regular wood I decided to use my creativity I didn’t look up any references anywhere and I just started building until I could turn this bunch

Of blocks into a beautiful house for a village if someone wants to give some building lessons I think I’m open to it because guys I don’t know what I’m doing but I’ll get there this place will become a house someday I made a master move here and added a detail to the

Front that means an internal space just got bigger so the houses won’t be so tiny inside of course to be a jungle it needs some trees so I’ll plant them in the remaining spaces well there’s not much left guys I still need to do a lot of construction here to fill in this

Pizza slice the best news is that we completed this Challenge and still have 40 minutes left thanks to that I won’t lose my God deer armor that that’s here all intact yeah pokero if you want this armor you’ll have to get it another way for someone who didn’t know so much

About buildings this Village turned out pretty nice but in your opinion what kind of Village do you think Minecraft should add comment below leave your like and goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by DylanHD on 2023-12-15 15:00:05. It has garnered 4156 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:39 or 5199 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE] I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

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  • “DEADLY MOVE to End Portal – Minecraft SMP 45” 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortal

    "DEADLY MOVE to End Portal - Minecraft SMP 45" 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortalVideo Information [音楽] Y This video, titled ‘Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-04-25 15:02:00. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sachinverma11748 business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING REVELATION: Jiri Mokaro's BRAIN INFECTED in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello con JY hello hello hello hello hello hello hello welcome hello oh my God it’s so late for you guys go to sleep good night hello welcome ony hello I wait for you guys oh my God OMG it’s the jry V it’s me it’s me cheer j i r i m o k a R oh y we’re playing Minecraft today y I’m so excited I did some playing off stream and I’ve got some stuff to show you guys my yeah… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft’s Ultimate Sleep Hack Revealed

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft's Ultimate Sleep Hack RevealedVideo Information [音楽] OG OG T OG 皆さんお待たせしましたようこそなしクエ 湯原あマウスが行かれた泉ですよろしくお 願いします [音楽] ばということで始まりましたマクト深夜の 眠れるマイクラスリーピングマクトで ございます イエーイ1年頑張ってくれたマウス君 が壊れちっ た行かれちった うん去年バロとかやってたからさ結構 マウスの消費が激しかったんやけどついに いかりちまいまし たえそうなんかさえこれ泉の使い方が悪い んかなマウスってこんなに壊れるもんなん かなと思って780円のマウスを2年 ぐらい23年ぐらい使っててで去年初めて めちゃくちゃいいマウスに変えたんよ 1万円ぐらいのゲーミングマウスに変えた んよで1年でぶっ壊れて嘘やろと思っ てえそんなもんて思ったけどなん結構 FPSやってる人たちあるあるらしいよね え 嘘えやだ [音楽] うんクリック部分はクリック回数で消耗 するまそうなんやろねなんかあのセンター のグリグリてあるところ あそこが完全に行かれちまって よクリックの圧が強すぎるんかもしれん ピンさしすぎなんかもしれ んなんそう値段関係ないらし結構おお全然 それぐらいっすよみたいな感じやったええ 嘘なので急遽あの交換する前のね今 780円のマウスを急遽使っており ますうん今日APEXのエペ祭りの カスタム練習に急遽参加させていただいて そうなんかねランク体がね高すぎるとダメ らしいよねそうチームバランス的にランク が高すぎるとだめだからシルバーゴールド くらい湯原泉ってなったらしくて ありがたいことにお声がけいただき参加し てきましたチャンポンは取れ ずチャンポンは取れずでしたか楽しかっ ためちゃ楽しかった明日ゆさんはね別の チームやけど参加されるみたいなのでぜひ ぜひエマエペ祭りなんやゴールド ラッシュゴールド ラッシュゴールドラッシュをぜひ明日の8 時かららしいのでぜひぜひご覧ください うん耳寄りな情報を聞いたいよねちなみに 明日の大会あのこあの明日の大会1 チャンポン取ると30万もらえるらしいす 5回線あって1チャンポン取ると30万 もらえるらしいっすゆげさんが1 チャンポン取っ たらご飯ねだりに行こうと 思うはは送金小額なんと500万 オーバー 行くしかねえなこれこれ行くしかねえな ああ明日今回お世話になったパター クッキーさん織田のぶさんのチームかゆ さんがチャンポン取っ たらすかさずえおめでとうございますて チャット送ろうと思ってる [音楽] うすかさずね行こうと思っ てる いやすごいね高い肉食いに行く ぞ高い魚でもいいぞ回線でもいい ぞよしということで今日は久々のマイクラ をやっていきたいと思います こちら 前回でも言うて2週間ぐらい前かあれ ちゃうわもうちょっとかなあれ1ヶ月 ぐらい空いてるもしかしてマイクラ1ヶ月 は開いてないはずあ開いてるかも うん奢らないよって言われたらどうする またまたそんなええおめでとうございます すっていう賞金おめでとうございますて いくあやだ泉みったら財布はあったのに 財布にお金入れてくるの忘れちゃっ た ゴミそう前回ねねこの場を作ってたんや けど素材が全然足りひんてそう素材が全然 足りひくて素材集めをしようと思っていた ままあのハネる牌やったりとか色々 ね よいしょちょっと別のことでバタバタして たので よいしょまだ素材を集め切れておりません 今今日は建築っていう素材集めかな多分あ 3月10日かじゃきり1ヶ月空いてへん… Read More

  • Ultimate Black Texture Pack for PVP in Bedrock 1.19+!

    Ultimate Black Texture Pack for PVP in Bedrock 1.19+!Video Information This video, titled ‘CryClan [128x] – El Mejor Texture Pack BLACK para PVP – Minecraft Bedrock 1.19+ SKYWARS’, was uploaded by IANMMMXDYT on 2024-03-23 16:33:38. It has garnered 185 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ 🚀 | TXT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xkvsbbpn2gbvusf/CryClan_%255B128x%255D.mcpack/file ————————————————————— 🌟| Server | Cubecraft ————————————————————— 🚨 tags ignorar 🚨 #minecrafthacks #MinecraftHCF #OwnerAbuse #comojugarhcf #spreen #qsmp #skywars #quackity #vegetta777 #roier #spreendmc #InfinityHCF #servertop #FactionMillonaria #ownerseries #HCF #TopSevers #PartnerItem #ServerBedrock #MejoresServers #OwnerAbuse… Read More

  • PPL Request: Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!

    PPL Request: Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,605’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:33:04. It has garnered 150 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,605 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Marthia Nations – Semi-Vanilla, Crossplay, Dynmap, Movecraft.

    Join Marthia Nations Today! Are you ready to join a nation or create your own in Marthia Nations? Whether you’re a diplomatic mastermind, warmongering conqueror, or just a chill builder, there’s something for everyone! Marthia Nations keeps it “Vanilla+” with plugins like Brewery, Movecraft, Dynmap, HeadsPlus, and more to enhance your gameplay without changing the vanilla Minecraft feel. Join now: Discord Server Java Edition Server IP: Bedrock Edition Server IP: Port: 25603 Read More

  • oak town | survival

    oak town | survivalonly ruleNO CHEATINGwe have recently remade our server so we our welcoming new people to join! join our discord as we have a chat relay! https://discord.gg/VVdNUUXhtM note if the world looks off the server has terra on it 🙂 also if you kill dotheboogey67 he will take the stuff you stole from him back lol Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it worth the risk?

    Minecraft Memes - Is it worth the risk?I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of Minecraft! Read More

  • Outsmart the 1% in 진루 Game

    Outsmart the 1% in 진루 GameVideo Information 대충 목숨 세 개이고 철 블록 위에 흑암 [음악] [음악] 버튼일세 님들 띵하고 한 거니 니니 [음악] 킹 봤네 아니 개빡치네 진짜 진짜 제대로 방금 뭐야 엄 아 잠깐만 엄 아 아니 어 진짜 개빡치네 아니 효감 두 개랑 이거 불러 하얀색으로 바뀌는게 진짜 개 질이라는 맵 너무 잘만드셨어요 제작대 님 This video, titled ‘상위 99%가 속는 게임’, was uploaded by 진루 on 2024-05-16 10:13:47. It has garnered 543 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft This is the channel of 100,000 YouTubers of the future. You can become… Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1) In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With duellers and mods, the story molds. Kazutto, the hero, faces fears with grace, Surviving the night, in this eerie place. From One Block Skyblock, the adventure begins, With creatures lurking, as the darkness spins. The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker too, Each mod brings terror, a chilling debut. The Mimic Dweller, The Goatman’s call, Eyes In The Darkness, beware them all. In this world of horror, Kazutto stands tall, Crafting his way, through the night’s thrall. With wit and humor, he faces his fears, Building his world, amidst… Read More

  • Zombie IQ Test Gone Wrong!

    Zombie IQ Test Gone Wrong! Why take a regular IQ test when you can take a mutant zombie IQ test in Minecraft? Just make sure you don’t accidentally eat the brains of the test proctor. Read More

  • VR Bro Joins New Minecraft SMP!

    VR Bro Joins New Minecraft SMP! Welcome to the Newly Joined Minecraft SMP! Exploring a New World Joining a new Minecraft server is always an exciting adventure. The newly joined Minecraft SMP promises a fresh start and endless possibilities for players. With features like hardcore mode, challenging gameplay, and unique mods, this server offers a unique gaming experience. Engaging Gameplay From survival challenges to intense PvP battles, the Minecraft SMP brings together players from all over the world to test their skills and creativity. With weekly events and exciting quests, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic gaming community. Meet the Players Joining the… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video discussing the top 5 best secret texture packs for Minecraft. While texture packs can enhance your gaming experience, have you ever considered taking it a step further by joining a unique Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With its intense survival mode, player-driven economy, and thrilling PvP battles, Minewind is the perfect place to put your newly discovered texture packs to the test. So, why not take your Minecraft adventures to the next level and join the Minewind… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, this game offers a truly immersive experience for players of all ages. The Excitement of Minecraft Shorts One of the most popular trends in the Minecraft community is the creation of shorts – bite-sized videos that showcase the best moments from gameplay. Whether it’s a thrilling battle with a boss or a hilarious mishap, these shorts capture the essence of Minecraft in a fun and engaging way…. Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Mutant Creatures MOD!! 😱

    INSANE MCPE Mutant Creatures MOD!! 😱Video Information [Applause] BL the kill the so know [Music] theat that so high I’m going to [Music] kill [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] he [Music] n [Music] This video, titled ‘Mutant Creatures Addon for Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by MCPE Mods on 2024-03-07 15:02:21. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. Addon Name: Mutant Creatures Tags: Minecraft, Pocket Edition, gaming, sandbox, building, exploration, crafting, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, game modification, game customization, virtual world, block-based, survival, creative mode, adventure, multiplayer, redstone, mining, architecture, pixel art…. Read More

  • OMG! Real Life Ghost Ninja?! RIP Legendary Hero!

    OMG! Real Life Ghost Ninja?! RIP Legendary Hero!Video Information This video, titled ‘R.I.P Legend’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 14:05:06. It has garnered 8 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/ccvKRy4UU4 Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of… Read More

  • The Ultimate Modern House in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    The Ultimate Modern House in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by TU TU GAMING MAX on 2024-01-12 06:03:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Modern House #shorts #tu #2023 #modernhouse #house #minecraftbuild #tu tu gaming max #minecraft #gaming … Read More

  • Join the BEST SMP – Ghoul SMP Applications Open! #strengthsmp #clownpierce #awakensmp

    Join the BEST SMP - Ghoul SMP Applications Open! #strengthsmp #clownpierce #awakensmpVideo Information have you ever wanted to be a God and being an S SMP but most of them are just copies of other with a new wave of content creators calls for new servers that’s why go SMP applications are now open our plugin has five different blood swords that all have their own special abilities like the Scythe where you get strength to and every five hits there’s a chant that you Pro slowness and poison so if this server has sparked your interest go to the description and join the Discord we’re only accep an Ops for… Read More


    INSANE DEMON SUMMONED IN MINECRAFT!! 😱 #VOL乛8ヤ #viralVideo Information [Music] the Str [Music] feel us tell me treat tell we This video, titled ‘#trending #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VOL乛8ヤDEMON on 2024-01-14 03:57:37. It has garnered 2997 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥EXPLODING Nether + Netherite Upgrade Grind!【HC Minecraft】

    🔥EXPLODING Nether + Netherite Upgrade Grind!【HC Minecraft】Video Information for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi everyone hello hello hello hi so I wasn’t I swear the entire time I wasn’t just looking at Charles fan out I was um I was also looking at uh the group chat anyway we have some fun collabs next week hello everyone I mean this week I mean this week the the group chat for the stard valley gang is um it’s going crazy so yeah so yeah so yeah welcome in everyone I hope… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Moments: InfernoX2’s Epic Scraped Vid

    Insane Gaming Moments: InfernoX2's Epic Scraped VidVideo Information what do all three of these instances have in common me getting hunted down no me getting jumped no me getting killed no so then what is the repeated occurrence well that is that this player is always near or by my side coincidence I think not but in order to understand what’s happening you need to understand who this player is his name is crimson and he’s mid at PVP he’s a decent grinder but what strikes me most about him is that he’s a tier one liar now that you know a little bit about him… Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE - BUILD THE ULTIMATE FARMVideo Information [Musik] Halo tes Cuy ada suara enggak oke halo teman-teman Kembali lagi bersama aku di channel Saiful 220 dan sekarang ya kita akan bermain Minecraft lagi coy ya Minecraft online kita lanjutin yang kemarin coy karena yang kemarin malah ini hilang ya Eh ini mana sih komentarnya malah hilang Cuy itunya live-nya ya dikarenakan banjir ini ada kita ada di kandang Alwi lagi coy di kandang lagi ya Eh Yang mana sih Oh RPG cuy lah eh cuy lebih rame yang mix loh kok Lebih ramai yang mix ya 44 16 kok Lebih ramai yang mix ya Coba… Read More

  • LumaMC SMP – Survival, Towny, Jobs, mcMMO, QuickShop – New Server – 1.20+

    Welcome to LumaMC! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server that offers a unique experience? Join LumaMC for exciting features, custom plugins, and a vibrant community! Features: Towny: Establish your town, form alliances, and build a community. mcMMO: Level up your skills to become a master. Custom Items: Special items with unique skills. Player-Based Economy: Engage in resource gathering, production, and trade. Hoarder Plugin: Sell bulk items for extra cash. Ranks System: Climb the ranks for titles and abilities. Artmap Plugin: Express your creativity with map designs. Dynamic Seasons World: Experience world transformations based on the season. Fishing Competitions… Read More

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) KANTO 1997 GEN 1 PLUS – LOOKING FOR GLS!

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) KANTO 1997 GEN 1 PLUS - LOOKING FOR GLS!SERVER IP: play.enemycrab.comCURRENT SERVER VERSION: Minecraft: 1.12.2 (Forge Pixelmon: 8.4.3 This is the Kanto Pokemon League!Welcome to the Official Discord of the Kanto 1997 Pokemon League! Here we will outline what our server is about and what you can expect upon joining:A 4×1 Scale Recreation of Kanto from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow!All Pokemon, NPCs, trainers and items from the gen 1 games in their respective positions!NO LEVEL LIMIT! NO LEVEL CAPS! (I will explain below)NO Pay 2 Win featuresPlayer Ranks!Minecraft Survival World (kept apart from Pokemon)Player Driven Pokemon League! (8 Gym Leaders, Elite 4 and Champion)In-game economy and player marketSKYBLOCK!Survival Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Grindin’ in Minecraft Again”

    Minecraft Memes - "Grindin' in Minecraft Again"Looks like someone’s really sowing the seeds of success in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft Read More

  • Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2

    Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2 Minecraft Survival Multiplayer: Borion SMP Episode 2 Exploring the World of Mining in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, mining is a crucial activity that players engage in to gather resources, craft tools, and explore the depths of the game’s vast landscapes. In this episode of Borion SMP, our protagonist embarks on a mining adventure filled with unexpected encounters and thrilling discoveries. Preparing for the Journey Before delving into the depths of the earth, our player takes the necessary precautions by crafting essential items such as a bed and storing valuable resources in a chest. Equipped with a new… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series with a twist? Do you enjoy the thrill of horror mods and the adrenaline rush of facing terrifying creatures in the game? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server! In a recent YouTube video featuring Minecraft One Block Skyblock with DWELLERS and TERROR MODS, the player Kazuto embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with spine-chilling mods like The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker, The Mimic Dweller, and many more. The video showcases the intense gameplay and heart-pounding moments that will keep you on the edge… Read More

  • Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure

    Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure The Chaotic Adventure of Minecraft Mods Day 13: Diagonal Fences and Golden Launcher On day 13, our Minecraft adventurer discovered the ability to craft diagonal fences, a game-changer in their construction endeavors. Additionally, they upgraded their launcher to gold, providing a thrilling yet risky escape route from a ravine. The stakes were high as missing the jump meant a perilous fall with only one heart left. Day 15: Sharp Carrot and Obsidian Tools Day 15 brought about the creation of a sharp carrot, a unique weapon choice against the undead. The adventurer also delved into the realm of obsidian… Read More