Dytolan’s heart rate spikes playing MINECRAFT ClubSMP LIVE! #shorts

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I got to change my I stay at the factory I stay at the factory aado wait is it up no [Laughter] [ __ ] I’m GNA fight someone my skin works I’m not paying attention I’m I’m trying to go things one at a time at Le she think I don’t [ __ ] care anymore I’m stupid I’m just going to like upload my skin and I can load this is the most scuffed scuffed SMP launch I’ve ever had after the you’re the oneus to download was so much smoother well that’s vanilla yeah real um you’re fault instructions were not not clear at all instructions not clear my dick is stuck in a blender there were there were like 13 download buttons how was I supposed to know which one I had to choose the one that didn’t say PC Gamers app I’m also blind but I am a PC Gamer so like it it funny I’m I’m crying it was the biggest one on the screen so I pressed it just bigger don’t better sh I mean some you can’t handle itop oh my God so is the server up yet or let me get on my Chrome that’s not Yahoo holy [ __ ] e oh my God I’m on light theme how long do you want to run for tonight uh as long as I take Ser up oh my God I don’t know if my skin updated did g when you changed your skin did did it fully change in your I had to change it I changed it on vanilla Minecraft um and then I opened solo world uh and just to check and make sure and it was fine okay okay so it looks like the head part of your skin stays on but the the body disappears so blue boy is I mean this is this should be a different skin yeah this is a new skin what the heck yeah oh my god oh it keeps the I [ __ ] my skin yeah you look normal you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me I got to see this now at me he looks so flat oh my God you’re critting me what what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening he’s looking [Music] him water why do you have a six Billy is shaved her head to like a number two I’m going to share my screen and you can see what I can see um um oh God the water it’s ugly again do you have the texture pack oh that’s what I didn’t put question mark it’s the second thing in the um downloads you can download if you want but um to if you look at my stream you’ll see the what do I do I do with it um do you want the texture pack yeah so download the zip and then extract it into texture pack folder you can get there from going to your options menu and then pressing was it video settings and then texture packs um now you went so fast options video settings texture packs bottom left hold on let me extract it first all uh while sh does that welcome to the newest the latest the scuffed SMP you’ve ever seen in your life it’s the club SMP where our main goal is to this [ __ ] is ruining my moment um our goal is to create the gayest Club you’ve ever seen in your life including many beverages um and we’ll all live in the back rooms sound good sure no no well you can leave it is Whit listed joking that’s what I need not that one all right oh n just gone but I canot find apparently I’ve gone even though I’m [ __ ] this music how you doing n Java runtime environment 1.8 you need a new version of java who n um oh next you’re in the Northern Territory what are you doing what do I look like I’ve got my Cape as well can you guys see my cap oh sh disconnected I couldn’t see [ __ ] wait where are you I’m oh wait no I see your cape but you’re wearing a white shirt yeah I took my my suit off oh okay [ __ ] the music um oh I turned the music all the way off to get rid of the weird um like bird noises that you’re hearing cuz cuz I sh was that again sick just yeah turn that off yeah I should say stopped oh G died no I thinkig it would be easier to make sure it’s all done properly not in the game we close the game just load it back up hello blue boy um sh house connecting um open what’s wrong with the texture pack shop no I’m getting there trust I’m I’m getting there I’m trusting she installed another virus so what think that so when you open it are you supposed to see all these little men these little men I see little men yes okay um so I’m just going to set the time to zero um no more pool maybe don’t go kingish I dip in the pool I trip to this bar um who’s streaming or is it just me uh I was thinking about going live it is kind of late but I you know what [ __ ] it I’ll go live no I’m I’m going to be in before I yeah happy birthday G only have an hour left of being 500 yeah oh my God this is so old need the texture pack it’s up to you it just looks nice okay good it’s the old Minecraft yeah this is version 1.2.5 we’re playing in techic classic um oh yeah I need turn down my sounds uh press F7 what’s F7 while in the game it should say Matt MOS stopped or something mat MOS stop yeah that’ll get rid of all the weird bird noises where’s my Sprint there is Sprint there’s no Sprint oh you you have to double tap it’s fixed it’s fixed double tap what double tap W oh L all right you guys don’t do that am I just weird maybe um there is no grass this is really weird grass right here like barely any I’m just a girl uh F5 yeah there is um oh yeah so I don’t like first day I guess we get get wol for beds don’t we’re doing the making a gay club SMP how do can I make the the UI Spa um yes it’ll be in your video settings no like the man you know when you press e all the items are on the side can I um I don’t think so also don’t press the items because it’ll get sent to your inventory um you can press the R button to see the recipe you’re welcome thank for Lu cat my sensitivity is way too high holy [ __ ] um that’s better wait can you guys see the forest over here uh no he don’t jump all over here yeah um do you mean on the map oh yeah can you see the the mini map yes yeah I can see that it’s too tiny though are we just going to get period key which one’s the period key let’s get wood so we can make house real quick which which one’s my period key again um period period it’s the full stop next to the question mark okay tell it to work you better work you better work what the [ __ ] um gex where are you I haven’t moved because apparently my OBS has forgotten me again maybe I just [ __ ] this I’m going to deal with this when I get back from holidays real um I’ve made the achievement getting big caves anymore yeah I love the old caves do you want a stone axe yeah oh yeah yeah which direction did you use head uh to the forest there’s no double clicking get anything there no double clicking um can you give me some Stone so I can get pickaxe I gave you a stone axe I can um out of my way pickaxe here is some stone g three that’s all that I mind yipp um okay so te only has like 40 mods in it but they’re pretty big um what do we got uh we got industrial craft we got build craft we got Equivalent Exchange um what we’re really looking for is industrial craft and red Power we’ll be using it’s not the old um it’s not the new Killing thing where you have to wait yeah it’s you can spam click but that also means that axes do nothing yeah I found that out the hard way um does someone want to go get wool from she shift dragging I I have got one wol I got one you have five wool um wa let’s uh I will set up a basis for a shack do we want the club to be like right here it’s pretty flat I mean SP small uh spawn would be a good idea to have just live at if people new people want to come play they don’t need to go far um all right yall I need more Cobblestone more Stone I got you I’m building a little Shack the brightness there there are so many blocks we can build what is this not in here marble yeah marble it looks pretty good with the texture pack yeah looks pretty without the texture pack it does look a bit gross you have is also quite good yeah so make sure you get the texture pack if you want to look at good things I reckon we use um balt basal has a nice like it’s kind of like black concrete mixed with quartz I’d say I think opening the texture pack is going to crash there it is oh no it takes a minute to load oh okay it though what the [ __ ] is that is it the house um is it a creeper creeper um that’s just a regular creeper why is it red um because the texture pack gives us um a bunch of M mob variations what is this why are you at oh okay got it [ __ ] you [ __ ] they just look like they’re different but they’re the same it makes it a bit spicy spicy so like skeletons can spawn with like leather armor looking things but they just they’re naked they’re skeletons yeah NY um oh my God I might turn off this music um drag me or we’re not friends wait NY I thought you were somewhere else can someone drag NY in I maybe no one have rides don’t what n’s Minecraft username I can’t I no yeah we can’t move in here I can drag wait I’ll give next the right to where are they where are they what do you mean where are they I have creepers I almost died oh my god um so who has all the wool I have five would you like to throw it in the house all right let me just finish getting all this Co oh I need wood how much Cobble do you need um not much I was just doing it as the like base like a stack um I kind of already got it uh does anyone have mind well Cobble is used for tools all right I’m going to go kill some sheepies sheepies I’m killing sheepies right now you want shears instead of killing them no okay oh yeah we can make machines to double our our ores um yeah so you can turn iron ore into iron and dust which can then turn into iron ingots oh there’s a lot of what is the the marble [ __ ] here where’s cting tables um they should have been over here did someone steal like crafting tables both of them oh yeah why did you take both of them I picked them both up to move them over near the Clos to the house I forgot to yeah but you’re not going there like didn’t even put inside I forgot leave me alone I will I can’t change the difficulty it’s meant to be hard mode so we can stop to death um uh is your wool can I have wood as well I have eight wood to my name okay this feels like this feels like Xbox 360 Minecraft Xbox 360 I’m not joking oh my God like 4J Studios that that’s what I started Minecraft on yeah that was hey do you still have a stone axe or do you need another one yeah no I have one okay let’s cut down trees oh [ __ ] the sun’s coming down let’s I got a bunch I’ve got a bunch of sheep on me everyone get your wall and get to the house oh no yeah Emerald Sapphire rubies everything’s here I have to you need iron to get them yeah they have the same trueability as Diamond but they have the mining level of um Iron so they’re very good this this is copper or um so we’re playing on the yogs cast seed because of course we are um yes I I love it it’s very it’s very nice it’s I found copper or I don’t know what it’s used in though um used a lot Copp a lot of things copper in regular Minecraft is trash and I can hear every machine batteries battery box Cricket I’ll press F7 to get rid of the sounds and oh God I need to get to the house uh gex we should go back to the house we absolutely should I’m going to start making way back there now making my way down have you seen any flowers there’s only one next you have the right to get in here by the way why did you flowers there’s only one no there there’s multiple buds on them they’re flowers how many beds do we have already over there um one we need more I can make three more uh how many do you have I will be over in a minute um so do yall have food or uh no apparently I don’t none of those animals dropped food yeah she dropped food that’s dumb um blue where are you over the hill towards the river oh there we go we we just need one more bed for whoever wants There’s a Zombie do you have any wall uh I have one oh no G got ited uh I’ll spam with g oh my god get in the beds get in the bed it’s my birthday yeah you should put a door up well just come join hello puffer man brings me back yeah say come this way come this way quick the front door that has no door that’s how you get in there’s your door wait is there a bed for me oh my oh my God I’m isn’t it we didn’t get mured that is beautiful have myn we can get my yeah let’s get seeds to get wool oh there’s two skeletons over there so be careful got a bit of coal the doors don’t stand we can get seed made a furnace okay I am on two bars of hunger much have my coal have my iron down bye I need food give me seeds grass um let’s go get seeds sh um you can punch the doors to open them that’s really weird the skeletons over here in the trees I got seeds oh there’s a swamp here we can get mushrooms mushroom stew mushroom here oh you hear what I found I found some steak on the floor some steak that’s Rong flesh oh that’s rot in flesh I’m mad about it I’ve been scammed from a dead zombie or something oh you’re not whisted sugar SL whist add next year got to find did just die no I’m here I can’t remember are there villages in this um what do you mean did I die um there are villagers yes oh [ __ ] I know where villagers um [ __ ] I play this like somewhat recently oh gex just died oh you didn’t die though but you left my pumpkin um could you make a crafting table I’m going stay near the base he yeah holy [ __ ] what is wrong with you what do you mean by that wrong with me you need crafting table I just realized we can’t we don’t have shields just threw up on me that was disgusting I’m sorry they call me um what whatever her name is from Pitch perect Aubrey oh my god there you go um oh thank you okay let’s head to that Village and then we’ll just loot the entire thing is there a way to make the map bigger uh I don’t think so oh I accidentally just made a thing um okay because it says period to make uh you can menu but you can it’s not working for it’s not working for me I’m pressing it and then it gives me a an option oh um oh yeah it comes up with a whole bunch of stuff yeah yeah it works where’ you go boost Keys oh your net died O Come on sh I’m coming why is this so ugly what the [ __ ] yeah but regular Minecraft squids are ugly as well but that one’s green and it looks like an old person all old people look like squid sh beud that’s why ug so um I guess first up don’t cook up the ores that you find um late please save them why um because you can double them um you see these trees sh yeah these are rubber trees um come over to the side IR am on oh wait is H they got like little nipples on them yeah um how do you get them up so you make a tree tap make a gun in the crafting table a gun so uh with wood wood so the middle row is a slab there’s one on the bottom left and then there’s one on the very top du wait chicken sorry out of wood wait how do so I guess I’ll explain it so the first one’s blank I’ll go left to right yeah left uh blank wood blank wood wood wood wood blank blank and then you right click on the nipples with it wow spider I need you it just pissed on the floor and then you can do it until it goes missing um and that’s how we get get resin which is used for cables which is used for the machines we want it does make a really weird noise though go gold um once we’re done we’ll cut them down and come back for the saplings all right um give me a chicken oh oh I found chickens uh I might need to cut down the swamp tree as well um don’t to how cut down trees just like the the stems um awesome do they make good planks um no they don’t but you have to to get planks from it you smell them and then it turns into jungle wood oh so they’re really just like kind of decorative um all right oh is that that’s an oak sapling oh there’s one right here oh okay we got one we’ll come back later um head with this way I got one nice come to the desert desort the desort deser I need more spiders there it is what the village where is it I’m back hopefully welcome back sorry I’m missing my chat I’m gonna take some can you grab some Cactus yeah that’s what I’m doing let’s go sheep do we need more wool oh there’s oil here um we should be fine if you can kidnap a sheep oh my God there’s Farms I don’t currently have who uh take the take the weed that is like fully grown they’re like orange yeah like don’t Harvest unless you’re short cuz you’ll know you’ll know when you know um holy [ __ ] it’s an Old Blacksmith it is uh I guess let’s Harvest and then head over to the Smith yep there’s more over here no that’s sheep oh there’s bookshelves um so oh what happened what is that is that just not loaded properly y wait Ting we I mean you could replant but we could also take the seeds back with us okay maybe we just Rob them water black like fully that’s oil don’t fall in just kill these CS instead then let’s just take it all well they’re definely pillage time um wait shall look at me one two buckle my shoe three four buckle some more five six nine key kicks we should not be the combo is too strong don’t let oh no bye somebody like singing yeah he didn’t want to buckle the sho I’m still in these books oh you already what the yeah that’s where I got the sho from you’re scary oh I’m going to steal this the furnaces good idea um sha I’m going to teach you in the ways of alchemy Alchemy I’ve decided to am I going to be a purple ttch ttch doesn’t do alchemy she does other things oh she’s um oh [ __ ] what is it called she’s a different kind of Witchcraft um what are we doing we’re just going to L all this um and then we’ll head back to the base oh I want to kill those Piggies wait is there there’s a giant CM where the oil is by the way oh Legend is there a holy [ __ ] sh come over here it’s almost night time by the way oh there’s over there there’s no bed villagers oh I’m coming back there’s sheep around I’m this that’s a dungeon oh let’s go down oh no there’s a Skelly okay should we go down yeah let’s I’m going to make a stair SK this drop if I break that no um um which direction was that Village like which direction did you just go from the swamp um we went to the desert we did just loot the entire thing though give the C cords uh oh oh yeah 539 144 oh um is that going to mean it’s going to spawn now not anymore um they’ll spawn on low light levels oh no the wrong direction let’s just do that so like oh no night time am I lost yeah there is a bunch of sheep here I’m going to I’ll kill some sheep real quick and if you can run to us that’d be legendary there’s some sheep here too oh my God I found the chest I’m in the wrong SP nice um there are three Saddles yes um [ __ ] I had to put the ball away um sha can you grab some stuff there’s balls inside the chest I got six bll for us oh uh do you need wood I have wood we just need to get into like the houses yeah sorry I’m trying to find the rest of the chests I’m looting a blue creeper holy [ __ ] that was really close why are youan I’m here um maybe do you need food that way uh no sorry no not that way did I throw something at you just then no oh no I just deleted 16 mushrooms don’t drag things over to the right side of your inventory you’ll just full delete them out of existence oh there’s an end up there let’s go into a does everyone have beds hello uh I have the ability to make beds if everyone can get into a bed my table I’m almost home I’m almost home how close are you um if I could run I’d be there by now oh hi X hello um over here there’s a zombie breaking to that house next door they break yeah how’d you go with the skel you good sleepover if you want to make a shield that is oh no I took the iron we can make Shields Shields aren’t real Shields aren’t real okay oh that’s a later can you guys hop in a bed please this version of Minecraft is 10 years ago is in bed awesome let’s take these then um oh my God there’s aom eting Nitro it’s cooking Nitro is muted by the way son of a [ __ ] I’ve been talking this whole time um is that why it’s running so [ __ ] um it might also be running [ __ ] cuz we’re hosting from me hold on does anyone need food uh like drastically I just made mus mushro like 10 cows so me and Nitro are good for a little bit o I’m almost dead don’t hit me kill me kill me I want to go Hungary set instead of doing that I was already five Hearts so I don’t care bucket I want the bucket I took the bucket you want the bucket I got it um oh no anything else we another chest maybe we’re just going to have to take out the sand oh wait just do every second one no uh yeah I guess feathers iron leather and the Egg and some of the coal is there only one chest in here it looks like it cuz they’re only on the surrounding right uh I think it depends sometimes it could be internal um yeah I think there’s only one dang that’s crazy um well we did get to AO um it might be your internet in general though um that is not the way to the base I know what is this P food oh this is a random Minecraft spawn thing well it’s been here for I got n string was added later do Wells are old um let’s head back to the base and I can start teaching you Al can I grab this oil um in a bucket yeah but we can use a pump for it um and we can pump oil and then you know don’t take it uh no I’ll leave it we’ll pollute the air later um later back to the place fing G you know the way back home right I’m following you guys awesome um why are there hols [ __ ] weird yeah this is the old um old Minecraft generation I can’t remember okay I like how quick he was oh it’s the old fish oh my God bring you back um I think if we just head straight across without going near the beach we should be on a straight line there may have lost you guys just keep heading to the West [Music] I think I found the river yes this is the place I made it oh hi I see you there hey Nitro um oh you’re fishing like old Minecraft fishing I feel just expected to swim like 1.20 uh G is here where’s sh she was just a little bit behind to the left there’s G is she at the swamp I forgot wheat in this old version doesn’t drop the seeds with it it does it does but not all the time yeah [Music] um I see she’s on IID and I’ve got think oh let’s go um um okay okay guys Blue Boy what have you mined up so far just some iron and some copper no red stone no I haven’t had Redstone yet okay um one Emerald that I found but I haven’t yet can you get those furnaces furnaces to come back so I can get an iron pickaxe there okay um can you make a charal here’s wood do you just do you just want coal in there n um I’m making child do it did I take some wood cuz you’re becoming my my Apprentice my dark Apprentice well Blue Boy Jimmy took it from me in the top furnace top F you oh my God we have so many beds we might need to make a bedro so make two charcoal or one one charcoal um you cook a log cook a log the hell’s that for can I just do that marble what’s marble it’s Marble Marble is Marble Marble I know it’s Marble but it’s like quartz charcoal oh my God this taking that furnace you have cobblestone on I already cooked food yes I have Cobblestone um so using that Cobblestone um go to the sorry I’m going to I’ll do it with you cuz I’m quy like that uh I’m make noises oh we need to make a farm as well um we need to do plant breeding to get hops to make oh my God there’s a lot there’s a lot we need to do um okay so you got cobblestone on you how much 12 perfect go to the crafting table I will go to the crafting table in a second I am at the crafting table so put in eight Cobblestone anywhere and then put a charcoal in anywhere yeah put the charcoal in covalence dust that is calance dust so using calance dust um there’s three different types this is the most basic version you can use them to repair your tools so if you put your tool in your crafting space you can put a few in and they’ll up the durability um you have to fill it with three um wow yeah so each one does a different level um and then eventually we can get a bunch of other magical things um yes surveillance dust good um holy [ __ ] lot of marble here I guess what else um we should probably go mining we need Redstone then we need diamonds we need a lot um I’m currently mining I’m Oh yay okay me an iron sword I don’t I’ll take it did you go oh Rubble wood okay oh there you are so if I do this has someone made a a farming area yet Nitro did it by okay um I hear I’m going to get to work crossbreeding crops are you actually do I need to crossbreed wheed I don’t think so um I have 64 seeds oh no I have 128 seeds oh have seven there’s more seeds in the thing um I need a SC thing oh lava just find a couple of things here and there um red mushrooms red stone no but like do we want red mushrooms yeah red mushrooms are are good okay yeah um so this is oh God scaffold I’m going to put this on the side of the house oh kind of just oh oh so oh that’s like a ladder normal SC um from our base right and slightly over the river no not slightly over the river and you’ll see a cave section I’m in there eventually we’ll get sort of like the top of the little Hill that’s there motherucker eventually we’ll get the resources to turn this into beer I am I’m at the top of the cave so like I’m probably lost how do we set the way point sorry there’s people talking um press the the button to the left of period also know as the comma apostrophe even is it comma what is that comma comma sorry apostrophe is above but um so you can Bruin the game and it it takes real time the strongest you can make is like 12 hours um wait what do you mean comma can’t like to start a make a way point oh yeah yeah what was asking oh never mind I’m getting confused here yeah so we’re going to we’re going to be Brewing eventually I to it’s night time yeah um oh oh jeez I should have brought a bed with me um yeah I guess do you have wall on you cuz I can make it no I don’t okay I’ll just dig up a little little bit and kill some sheep yeah we should probably start getting ready making machines and stuff um yeah so blue boy what do you have on you like after mining um I currently have just a bit of copper that’s all I’ve done I’m trying to find the Redstone but I haven’t gotten deep enough yet you know what uh I guess we don’t need to sleep tonight cuz there’s no Phantoms um pickaxes we’re going to go into the caves what’s that make an iron pickaxe um no I think it’s good to have you don’t want one just in case we find diamonds so I have an IR pickaxe from a chest I have I got an iron pickaxe so when we go down there as soon as we find sappire emeralds will convert the sappire emeralds rubies into pickaxes and then you can use those to M diamonds um I’ve got a little bit of wood with me um that should be enough if we need to make more [ __ ] um I’m coming back to you Bo boy I guess does anyone have torches and I have a lot of shoot shoot I ran into three skellies do I it’s up to you I’m not here skellies you didn’t see me um I guess what do we wanted what if we just dig a St down I there’s a ravine under here it’s pretty big no no no no don’t bur me out no um although maybe we do a staircase let’s run over here oh there’s no second hand yeah to early version wait where did he go over to the riv um who’s digging down there there’s the skell we are I see blue dig in a tunnel get what’s on the opposite side of the world from Australia yeah I see your name tag I’m right above you is that like the UK we’re digging to the queen that’s not the opposite side that’s the middle go lower I’m just we’re digging uping B who who di I I have six wool on me so I when I get to Blue Boy I can technically make them B um all the Torches oh there a k k don’t go that way would you like to Chu a torch down oh my God jeez hi zombie oh what’s that ttic Tacs this is come look at this it’s you it’s a radioactive not um yes I found it does anyone have I have what a crafting table I got one at least I make one I how was it I supposed uh how am I supposed to do this uh make more [ __ ] again how what do I need to do that again just mine the all bring it back yeah I got an emerald I don’t want to run all the way back right well you’re going have to wait um smel it if you need to but only the amount that’s a pickax fucha oh no that’s not use it now that’s a UR you can use the oh that that’s fine yeah you can mine it it has the durability of diamond I think okay so it’s it’s what is EMC so EMC is the Alchemy modifier oh so you can ex eventually you’ll be able to exchange things by EMC pricing oh uh okay we found somewhere oh that’s copper and iron and me and some lava oh you’re up there the top of the lava there will be something that looks like diamond hello it’s called Nite there should be a little lava pool I went past that and then there was a hole that I dug to a pond of water that I just dropped into so you should be able to come to should I be getting copper yeah uh yes copper is very EAS your way down to you yeah this a lot I’m just trying to keep my to say okay have you got an iron pickaxe I have a iron sword and an iron pickaxe cuz the the zombie I killed just dropped the sword oh there’s tin right there I made a like a better way move to that you see that block that’s like slightly lower this one here underneath that’s 10 are you able to mine that um hang on let me pull up blocks uranium have one Cobblestone hang on uh oh that was Emerald am I going to fall if I’m crouching okay thank you Ro so I want to go down Eminem from te sorry I need to screenshot that one with a free Rose toy from te oh can I can I get this with stone yes I just tested it um sh where are you at okay maybe not though I went down the other I find that Skelly for the right to go up there or should I fight oh no he’s coming he’s coming do you want to explore the ravine do you have any torches I do all right I’ll let you Ravine I’ll continue through this this way okay and then n did you come down back I can’t see I went back up I went back up though yeah I spell or if you really need to I smelted some iron so I can get iron picka okay umy I’m sorry I didn’t look at you I didn’t look at you andyman yeah Andy man who drag name shiv B maybe we could get the drag queens to perform at the club yes our first gig I can’t believe patuna Pond is performing at the club oh you you guys didn’t see the name I put in name you found silver was good I I have come up with other drag names but I could not remember them so I was just like Mr E Mr E oh yeah get L yeah instead of Mr E it’s m might be Sapphire M Tera e oh uh I can’t get sapphires with this pickaxe I’m guessing I can make you an emerald pickaxe I keep finding emeralds it’s green gang over here I’m between uranium andal yeah I am with the two green ones we got the par ofm on our side um I love p uh gex you down here uh still in the hole yes awesome oh your tin still there that is sapphire this one okay yeah diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds oh creep creeps creep creep is it diamonds or is it Nicol I’ll find out when I can mine them okay creepers where are you when you get edged uh that’s iron you have the texture p on guys down there yes so things that look like Tic Tacs are either Ruby Sapphire Emerald or tungsten I got oh I don’t know damn it it’s nikol yeah [ __ ] nikol there’s cover everywhere but nite’s pretty good EMC wise and I think we need nickolite for the dance floor there’s lava underneath the nickolite yeah not to that blue boy I need help I can’t help you I’m down here I just got jump scared by my holy [ __ ] down from where you were I’m on two hearts with a skeleton on the other side of my walls also I’m making obsidian no you of really close to me oh that means blue Bo the forest in terms of caving oh there’s silver here I am at plus 216 and plus 105 oh I found some lapis what the is that lapis or Sapphire no lapis I found some purple stuff purple stuff amethyst there is no amethyst ish Mike I’m so sorry it’s closep it looks purple on my b computer filters are on he’s got the bgo filter on um okay iron I do um once we get back I’ll get each of you to craft something mod related we’ll probably make a m first oh yes Redstone going to get to it without thunder into the water [Music] um that looks more like diamonds where’s cave oh U is it forther back or above yeah no was further back and above okay really good I come find sh hey don’t J oh my God I can explosing like loudly I forgot all Minecraft water sounds were [Applause] everywhere um I want to put myself in a hole real quick all good there was nothing left anyone have any food oh here I got some I’m super far from you um oh you are yeah approaching sha right now oh okay diamonds yes oh there’s oh there’s emeralds and sapphires and a zombie oh my God he dropped an iron sword yeah yeah mine did too holy [ __ ] oh my God upgrade time okay so there’s more zombies coming I know there is a dungeon nearby is um I have enough redone I think it’s a zombie dungeon I’ve come back to a zombie stering me down in my um yeah there’s a bunch of zombies three skeletons in a row do you have any food come on down L’s Toy Barn I’m very close to you um I want that Ruby Ruby Ruby Ru that’s [Music] Co that is uranium Uranus 63 Earth inside Uranus true or false [ __ ] almost jumped into the lava you need food uh yeah all right here where are you oh gex is here with me okay just kidding oh thank you for the mushrooms what did I just find drop that one too uranium yeah uranium is good for EMC it’s 4,000 it’s a half a diamondy be they’re Ruby jelly beans oh there’s a bunch between where we were standing before before well these are shiny yeah they do Sparkle if you look at the ORS long enough you’ll see them like sparkling with Co and stuff don’t come up don’t come up Skelly don’t you oh what you okay uh I’m one and a half hearts same I had oh my God I found a dungeon I found a zombie dungeon nice we can turn oh no blue you need blue up do you know where you died no wait I’ve got my coordinates 23355 oh my God I found Redstone do you get to my stuff uh where’s your stuff uh 2011 I just heard a very close explosion on I was in a fight with a [ __ ] skeleton and then a creeper spawned literally to my side and then blew up that’s crazy did I just see I did see a slim um so you went down down there so get to it quickly I’ll please kill the Slime find that’s where Shard died oh Blue Boy where did you die uh 233 and 55 almost down holy [ __ ] yeah I have it now hey sh were you fighting these guys I didn’t I I don’t I don’t know it was a fair way down but oh yeah got it you found it you found it was just so slow a whole bunch of stuff on the ground there’s a whole bunch of gems and then my iron tools okay where did sh go down um I luckily died far enough away from the lava that nothing should have fallen in yeah I see a slime I was on spiders the left to a waterfall to try and get back up but that didn’t happen I got most of your loot uh I threw out like just normal dirt and gravel andu I see down there there’s um a bunch of spiders over here if you get down here I’ll like Drop most of holy [ __ ] you take fall damage if you fall in water skeleton at the me again I can get in um I’m trying to get to you sh I’m also trying to get to this slime zombies zombies no zombies no organize all my [ __ ] again I is broken oh oh my God it’s slime ball holy [ __ ] we can recreate that in the EMC machine o I need to wait for my [ __ ] to just regenerate uh oh what’s wrong um old Minecraft is so much scarier was that you or that was me it wasn’t me how close was that to you I heard it oh is so [ __ ] loud the sphing wait so water doesn’t negate fall damage water does not negate fall damage the zie two block water should ow that hurt oh [ __ ] I’m on the wrong side okay I found an emerald though you doing Tech light I got a bunch of sapphires I’m getting all out of food I’m all outow of torches oh breaking my ankles here what’s up I’m just I’m just down here collecting a lot more did you get your stuff back I thought Nitro got it I got it all okay he he would have been near you cuz I died here oh you died here I didn’t see it I found gold um did you get did you get diamonds yeah there was there’s three diamonds on me oh there was four who was that that sounded bador one of those that was sorry uh bo do you have a pickaxe to M [ __ ] or are you just in the nothing I was hoping to get back to Nitro but I couldn’t find you um I think we should I’m like still where you died I think we should head back to the surface to be completely honest I think we should sh’s further down you found sh oh um there’s Emerald on me if you want to come to me if you can see me yeah wait CH is that you you coming up oh my God CH hey my friends okay I got more diamonds you got a diamond I mean not a diamond um a iron pick yeah I got your oh that work holy [ __ ] okay there’s Nikolai down there with a bunch of creepers some XP oh I see someone’s name whose name’s there uranium um I can’t see from that far away I think someone’s been here before yeaha it’s a it’s a short name so that would have been Me Oh Me want going to make a way down oh up if I had D stream open I could have a look at it and tell him if it was me um over here sh huh what’s up this is where D went this way he went up here I think wait did you go up yeah I think he going to look through here on me you want to die oh my God I got a skeleton to kill a creeper music disc uh I think it’s cat yay nice it’s the good one call me my brother the way I’m yeah how you not you not say what as if you didn’t send me a freaking link that was normalized say me out when you don’t have anything to say did you send it to your brother more diamonds did thank you um all right Nitro once you get those diamonds you want to head back to the surface but I have a lot more or um how much food do you have uh nine nine nine what steak that’s [ __ ] where did you get these cows where did you get those cows over the forest oh don’t mind blocks with arrows far away mother ducks said quack sorry quack wait did you go down sh did you follow the Torches or did you stay on the other side uh I went the way you saw me going oh who the [ __ ] went Kaboom that was me sorry I busted okay okay okay I think she makes me bust Atomic I call her my you went back out [ __ ] hey wait I thought that was you I’m somewhere fighting spiders or something sounds I can hear a bunch of like zombies in water is that gigs hello like this way yeah that’s you you’re above me near under the house holy [ __ ] there’s lava down there oh hi look out the that hole goes a long way down wait where are a whole stack of oh really I um also it needs to be said please do not make a diamond pickaxe yeah there’s two rubies down there I don’t know if I want to go get them oh no no I’ve got rubies on Me In by on me I mean Nitro has them what did you say please do not make diamond pickaxes why would I do that cuz diamonds it’s a good question why would you um oh gold I’m trying to get to the surface holy [ __ ] this a nightmare for real I’m die Christ how are you going to die what do you need food this water is too shallow and I have one heart Lady Gag food hang on and po one block so I can’t do much with it I may have taken all the steak that was in the furnace are you upstairs now sure no okay we’re going deep I’m trying to get out yeah we need we need to start doubling some ores it’s it’s not worth gra no no no grab grab’s pretty good like in terms of EMC and stuff there’s a Skelly further up the CM just say Hi and then leave it won’t hurt you oh I made obsidian as well but I haven’t been able to mine it yet um do we need I found a water so I just at the this and make it yeah there’s some um redone underneath oh that’s all n that’s Redstone y that there and then there’s one here underneath the Cobblestone sh BW up up my main goal is to blow up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I S lav you guys you guys you please go there heard in the respawn thing and you guys just need to go forward be careful there is the river yep go on oh there is uh lava by that Cobblestone I don’t know where any of you guys I’m so sick of walking through water can any of you guys see the um the house on the map keep going I see you guys uh no I will respawn in a second you’re up there well luckily I had an empty inventory so I everything everything except for the dead stuff down the bottom there yeah empty else died and down like the hole in real I’m at home I’ll get it um you need the coordinates please what happened running and all of a sudden the skeleton skeleton and a freaking um zombie spawned in front of my eyes oh my fellas oh Lord famous thing you see them see my friends they can be only one trying to break in he’s shess sorry not shess men trying to break into your house unsolicited oh my god um Diamond ding my entire inventory into this chest is that a can you guys come back with my all right sure gold here as well if you want the gold um here here is a redstone wait do I have combine that in a crafting table oh yeah I’ve got the emerald one I can mine [ __ ] with my sh excuse me oh this is the level two that’s the level two conveyance dust oh I can’t M anything something’s um and you can save that wherever you like I think I might make a chest for when I mine a block it just respawns Oh no you’re lagged disconnect reconnect yeah different oh we need organization I think we might need to make like a storage shed or something yeah mother said what the heck is oh sickles I’m currently digging my way out now oh my God itsy bitsy itsy bitsy reveal that’s a drag name itsy bitsy reveal I anything they reveal that they have a legs oh my God all right uh have a look how deep that is not it’s too deep okay um zombie okay how many diamonds did you mine collectively who has the diamonds I have a singular diamond out of the tunnel right digging out now okay I have 12 on me if you want to know I was wondering when it was going to show up all right buddy let’s go oh my God nice sword it suits you real um here I forgot you can do yeah you can block I can do it yeah um I say no to drugs give it to me I want a bad no Jessica say no to drugs it’s too late her no she’s a naughty girl bad habit bad habit for drugs on Lane um two Diamond okay sh [ __ ] [ __ ] spider spider spider you don’t need to get to the surface come back with my stuff I’m coming I it’s okay it she’s broke Mr Blue Boy jimothy where’d you go what’s the lava all right come back this way let’s go up you’re back up yeah give sh’s stuff back sing me a song like mine and yeah everyone can collectively swap their stuffs I don’t know which way to go oh God I don’t have another made the base is at 159 159 we could just dig up can I look at the crafting yes you press R when you hop over it man what the but make sure you click out of the uh search bar these are the gold that don’t how do I like check um the [ __ ] what things can be made from it uh you you for use oh that doesn’t mine either and there all right this way oh my God my ey I found our way out wait back this way she’s a NAU a quick bad habit [ __ ] ecstasy ecstasy oh no I can’t there’s a creeper outside the house you get up um ignore that he busted fill your creeper holes in do you have any dirt um okay figured it out figured it out oh surface if you guys can make it to the house pressure that’ll tick tick tick the [ __ ] just try to snipe me I got him why am I waiting to kill you um did you have the dirt oh I put in the two pieces you only had two yeah there’s only two pieces in the St um oh yeah if you double click the search bar it turns yellow and you can type up like was it I think you can type like what an item is and then it’ll highlight in the inventory we are now I bet we got to go back down to go back up got can someone please answer what base cords are 159 159 uh I don’t like that I it sounds like it’s Dy in lava that’s fine she’s a nauy girl [ __ ] I’m so sorry with a bad [ __ ] a bad [ __ ] when dick cheese oh my God I see their names look in the ground wait hello you guys are really close to the tunnel to get out do you want me to come down to the bottom of it oh there’s a spider just watching if you look up do you see my name no Str I am to the southeast of you like this is the I’m coming over the Ravine I’m running I’m at the Ravine oh blue come this way I’m just digging my way no do not [ __ ] up my Surface Blue Boy we got one tunnel to the surface and that’s enough I don’t need to waste that wait is it plus in is it okay wait so we have to go down I Plus in One Direction and minus in the other direction it’s positive positive could have told me that the first time oh I did um no you didn’t you said you all you I said 59 that’s what you said yeah 159 is a positive number I’m going 40s um to left G oh okay L I hope you’re looking after yourself I would have just gone straight up I wouldn’t have made spirals but that works too this is a staircase of convenience yeah um gex can I steal that diamond from you yeah um you go no no oh all right uh sh I’m going to teach you how to make something I I’ll show my chat first so you put a diamond on the coal in and it makes this all right shall worry um ow did you make a blow dart [ __ ] grab that on the ground I’m going to die touch the bed hi team can you welcome back make a new cillan dust using the diamond of the call I just gave you sorry yeah yeah that was just too fighting [ __ ] so now you have the the highest tier of conveyance dust Big Y so you can use that to create an alchemical chest it’s a gigantic chest um oh wait what sorry alchemical chest um Al toy welcome toy um so you see what the recipe is yeah I need an so you need iron you need Stone you need the dust and you need the chest and a diamond I need another Diamond can someone get I’ll come back I’ll come back later did you put your away is high so I’m like okay I’ll come back later give me my back if you want to dump your dump your stuff in the chest Prett much it go put in this one I’m going to make one chest it’s fine just uh leave it wherever so can we sword yeah leave all your ores and gems in the chest and well there is a sword there is um yes it’s the top corner it has the Z the Lions they organize everything do that that’s everything disappeared no they’re all organized they’re all organized um there you go Blue Boy your sword and pickax uh in there I mostly dropped the uh stone tools because you can easily get those back okay sh do you still need a diamond or you good um Nitro can I put you on a mission group so uh depends what the mission is but what um you need to go back to the caves um what’s the mission I it’s going to take a while but we need I made a diamond pickaxe by the way because I realized that we didn’t have enough um could you get us 18 obsidian you need a water bucket can I punch you good sir sure holy [ __ ] I’m on two hearts are I’m need all the food no why you running why are you running um how close you to get that chemical chest sh you dropped all the conveyance dust on the ground Diamond a to get obsidian I gave the diamond pickax to Nitro all right I know where to find obsidian let’s go no follow me follow me follow me you can put that down I already made a pool of obsidian so like we’ll pick it up eventually um look at that inventory space I don’t need your wow so that’s not its main feature um if you search up uh what’s it called Energy condenser two words my Sprint keeps turning off which is annoying um and then look at the resources for that condenser yeah oh I need to fix my key so using that we can convert things into the emc’s but um before we do that we’re need more for that I need I need five diamonds we have much diamonds but um the boys are getting obsidian for us to go to the Nether um cuz need glowstone um and once we have this takes us all the way down to where you died by the way that’s nice there’s a whole bunch of or down this way what’ you say Sean the duplication yeah so we’re able to duplicate things using this um but that’s not the that’s not the I should have made three um I guess gex do you want to learn how to make some machines yeah the or dup yeah we can do the or the or duplication um we want to do um so only cook as much as you need of things um just so we don’t sh can I get you making a generator generator um it should generator 246 that’s what it should say guess what guess what guess what Y and then gex can I get you making a murator m you BL that RoR is there a way to save thank you um just like write it down a notepad um um how much obsidian 18 um on mass wait how do you it m a c e r a t o r yeah do you have that I can make one oh cool make one okay yeah right um sh when you make a generator um can you use um wait how do I get refined iron dust so to get refined iron you smel iron the best four iron you ever given me I need anyway y so you need four three same amount oh you’re trying to Ste back the waterfall yeah how do I get an re battery um you’ll have to search it up cuz it’s a different one that’ll work okay um I’ll work on the other ones battery okay put um if you search it up it’s the one without the little bar of cave yeah okay just like get block off the rest of the water there basically oh i s we had what the [ __ ] um did you acally spawn into inventory I need three copper cables sh also copper cables good enough for you you want so um I suggest throwing in six copper to smell in the meantime as well as six res I want to try and grab as much as we need just so we don’t need to worry um sh what are you doing what are what are you currently doing just cuz this cross all right gex can you put you’re currently my monster protect you want me to do the copper C okay yeah could you do the copper cables um so that’s six copper res I see it and I think we have all the resin yeah me and Sh got that earlier oh yeah it’s just copper and rubber yeah give me some give me on a t in a plate please um sh could you also make a um extra refined iron for gex uh yeah I’ll need um 12 got him 12 um I need to make the um the machine block yeah the machine block yeah wait how many so gex needs nine help much nine ref iron yeah okay uh and two for hey double the copper you need so 12 copper and 12 sticky resin and just smel those up um I think Char’s got the furnaces at the moment so you’ll have to wait on that that’s all right um all right what do you need just turn them over to me um well where’s the there’s one Flint there so stick how much Copp do you need sh I don’t know she needs um counted it it’s 12 between both of you 12 for cuz they’re both for cables um okay um here’s the sticky res I’ll just thr okay um Che I can get to work on making gravel okay I’m back sorry my dead came in my room look charging bench or it just needs to cook into rubber okay are there furnace upgrades or anything hey my dude all right what’ you say have you got yes yes I do do you want to mine like the ex 4 how many was it or 12 I just got deal I need extra there’s a skeleton up there too hang on do you need to help the skeleton do we have I’m just going to hope it doesn’t see me and 10 I need one for the so machine block is eight refined iron I don’t think this and you need one for the um circuit underneath yeah so that’s nine no you’re good that’s I gave him 10 oh y that was Ur oh no it’s in there that’s good good okay um oh and there’s a bunch of what are you both missing in terms of your recipes um just the rubber at the moment I think which we’re waiting on um did you give that to sha yes sorry yeah we just need 12 in 12 12 yep I could gave me 19 you just gave you everything that we have oh [ __ ] there’s an end kill him yeah I’m going to try and all right look him dead in the eyes [ __ ] he didn’t drop his ender pearl she’s a naughty girl he’s gone again okay um I’m wondering where we should put the machines to be honest we need a bigger area yeah I think either we turn this into the machine room or the the bedroom we make the bedroom a separate like area like attached to the side yeah oh yeah um I guess I can get started on that gex could you go find gravel cuz we only have one flint and zero gravel oh uh there’s a bunch of gravel um with us gck if you want to come to us do you have any more cactuses yeah we should have four more okay do you want to F those when you’re free someone just taken all of them I took one I made blow darts and then I planted the cactus over there so it’s going to make more I just use gravel to block off all the skeletons and everything were over there over in that direction where those skeletons are why have you put it so far cuz I didn’t have sand on me so do we want I’m going to die the chest is so organized oh sh good luck yeah all right get back get back get back get back get back uh uh does anyone have planks because I’ve just built a staircase up to the house R you oh my god oh skeleton skeleton oh he’s coming around to the front door oh oh God on me [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh I die no got him yeah do we have any Oak should I forg we can spam we can SP I got a stack don’t worry oh um okay he spy you coming down okay see me if you can get some Flint that’d be amazing G your rubber thank you no you don’t want to come hey there’s a um Z zom Z he’s doing zumba zumba got me into Mr saxo be and I will never forgive well at least you didn’t die oh it exposed Redstone yep that that’s a good find how’s obsidian finding feel uh don’t great they’re like oh that’s right obsidian do you have any yeah 28 oh can you bring that back uh I’m going to mine a bit more we need it in the future because knowing you we’re going to need it in the future [ __ ] we want that now I just got roasted um can we do we have any Mel wrong yes yeah I I I got a bunch of it let’s send the floor into marble oh 64 there’s a whole stack 64 64 64 zo L um where is the I’ll get it eventually can I oh sorry I’m that’s the gold where’s all the wood I took it all I’m so sorry what do you need it for I need sticks oh I can I can get that I have two pieces uh I want those Ries oh okay thank you how much Flint do you have G um I have two and there was one in this chest oh I got it um do you have all the materials for M now I need one more plant I sent it to you I sent it to you I threw it at you are you did too oh I think there’s a Skelly all right um oh that’s not good oh my God I love the way of shoveling H what oh no it’s near me it’s okay you’re fine I heard a zombie more yeah I hear a zombie near can you do the door area first think I can where are I’m getting too far I’m coming I can’t hear it I just don’t I’m not over making I hear it too I think it’s above you myy as well g i I can if you want hang on cuz I need I you think you have the stuff you gave me everything for it all right uh re battery here you need the water copper wire as well or whatever it is yeah Sean needs one copper copper cable for an re battery only one yeah well you need to make them six at a time yeah okay I need 10 Redstone in the coer cable um there’s Redstone in this chest over here and there’s also 10 or the bigest um I’ll start getting do you have the marble oh it’s in the chest uh in that one there top one thank he could you get out of the floor I just don’t want to use my IR a for coal oh my God I feel like my just got so much brighter I can see now my room has been lit do you know the video of the cat like setting up OBS and they turn it to light mode oh my God are you okay no oh you have the diamond pickaxe didn’t you we’ve just lost everything didn’t you have the 28 obsidian oh no it’s all gone [ __ ] I look away for second why you you know come home uh blue boy I’ll be trusting you with the next diamond pickaxe oh my my bed was destroyed don’t [ __ ] it up uh oh yeah sh and G get in the beds over here or at least right click them uh which one you opening [Music] Mr any you say straight into straight into the brain yeah I mean Mr SE is pretty good hello oh you got the generator uh would you like to put it where this chest was no not stole my chest I didn’t oh I took it I stole it are you sure about that um 100% okay oh I did it could you grab oh you got a Mador masor Chuck it to the there right there yeah okay um we need a bunch of oak wood Nitro if you want to go make a pickaxe um I don’t have an axe actually an ax axe not a pickaxe goofy um I got a bunch of cobblestone in my inventory um I’ll reorganize these chests I guess wait so are Ruby emerald and sappire are all the same they’re all the same okay okay um Bluey where are you which one is more like easier to find they’re all the same same yeah at the bottom of the well I want a green ax so I’m going to make myself a green ax still at the bottom of cave I could go back there but I’m not okay blue boy I will give you the next diamond pickaxe um can we upgrade our furnaces take blue boy and I’ll I’ll let him yeah take that to Blue Boy I can’t haha tried to make something out of uranium I see the Uranium on the ground man said yeah I’m just going to hold like a uranium pickaxe just in my hands need food in these chests any oh yeah Sasha s sh um I just type sh in the oh my [ __ ] god furnace you good so there are upgraded furnaces um SP does anyone have any food they uh a lot of food or I have rotten flesh if you want it no no no I I pulled out all of the mushrooms um he pulled out the mushroom he pulled out his mushroom make some mushroom soup um how was I doing uh sh do you have that axe yeah um you want to go cut down some trees Nitro he’s taking the pickaxe to Blue Boy I got take pickax to Blue Boy oh we should probably replant trees maybe oh sh did you grab the rubber saplings from the trees that we destroyed yeah oh Legend well I got two or we have two I’m on my way back blue boy should I plant them uh I guess plant them separately to the rest of the trees cuz what we’ll do is we’ll cut off all the leaves except for the top ones and make them like fall just erect one way to kill creepers just throw them at each other and then we can just grab resin off the sides um so now we have a generator and a Mercator we’ll fill the generator with planks and then put ore in and use we’ll double the ores and then we can smell the ores nope I’m not here I’m not here sh if you want a electric furnace um if you want to start making that I guess um need to get I’m cutting down trees as well so do not worry too much there should be um extra cables that gex made uh yes I have five extra on you yep um hang on I’ll bring them back take them a sh ow ow Nitro almost died help come back I’m on my way and g once we’re finished cutting down the trees could you make um two Redstone engines yep I’ve got enough cave exploring to know to bring food with me a little bit glass so electric furnace redstone engine yeah two of them it should just be two gears two Pistons two glass and then six W I’m not an idiot uh yes I okay truth be told actually I know what I can do you know how people have like thousands of hours in dead by daylight I have thousands of hours in this like this specific mod pack why I mean child that’s awesome uh listen I had a problem we can tell [Applause] [Laughter] well gum style okay on my way back here I made the tunnel a little deeper oh well that didn’t work out for I I need one more no I one that’s your death hole over there what do you need more more of I could tell the cable no more c yeah how about you take I thought you had enough I have five it on you if you need it yeah electric first yeah so you’ll need to three copper six res although you can add rubber to you can add rubber to cables one by one I’m sending The Creep by making non insulated cables I’m just making more C I’ll scre this I’m not going sure it eventually I don’t know if we have enough resin for full insulation there is over there oh wait just over here way we have one more um resin left over okay this smack me the skeleton right over this smacked you um and then are you still getting on trees or are you making the Redstone no I’m getting trees after I get this tree I’ll go make that how my ankles um we might need to send blue boy back to the mine after we get the diamonds and the obsidian back to get redstone I thought we had a bunch of red stone we have a little bit we can energy condense some but have a St I I took two stacks over there when I went over when I came back from the mining first there was a lot of redstone oh I guess I just missed it then yeah there I only found 12 there’s a torch up here I can take yeah that should be enough then um is it really worth yeah we have three stacks yes yes um okay sh how’s the furnace here come um I’m just waiting for things to melt okay so there are two what the [ __ ] is that what there n won’t get up me did you play at flax I did why I’m just looking at it Flex a string is paint what is it yeah didn’t know that um’s all theed oh Legend I wish I had Diamond ax as well it’s fine okay hey zombie come on wait who has the diamond pickaxe right now uh me um me yeah I yeah yeah blue have the obsidian I’m getting okay yeah we’re fine um I see the sapling you put on that Hill I was like what the [ __ ] is that two of them um what do you think of this blue boy out the water okay um gex once you make the Redstone engines you want to come do that now yeah um after you do that do you want to make a solar it’s called solar panel um not the first one the one that’s called 2463 it has like cust and stuff solar panel 246 3 246 six three sure yeah and Sh once you’re done making the electric furnace do you want to make a bat box I think that’s what it’s called bat box yeah bat box I will get more resin for you guys cuz we’re going to need that um also dump a bunch of wood in this chest so I can stack in a bit mhm um once the boys are back we’ll be able to energy condense a bunch of materal so we don’t have to worry too much but this is this how Teek begins um my God this cave and then we need need had to grab water real quick that I’m going to make you both settle the machine as well oh blue boy [Music] you’re get all this put this in here lava rip so men lava for the next hour I will you give me flashback to that text message in chat with the diamond pickaxe involved in an accident shut that never happened I think it did an accident because we’re down six diamonds now you in trouble why can’t sh be in trouble why am I in trouble never sh hasn’t done anything wrong I have made so much for this community totally boa what you mean totally waiting for a [ __ ] miracle strengthen our guidance in our community I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m oh God don’t talk to me I I’ve told sh please make this and then sha does everything she’s doing more than I am I’m the manager I’m the manager of this establishment right there on the ground this [ __ ] house Nikki did you [ __ ] okay you picked it up good uh um what did I pick up you still want me around oh you put that in a real bad spot the ground don’t mind it don’t mind it don’t mind it don’t mind it don’t do it okay here is a lesson in machines you can’t pick up machines without a wrench you can come back drop those off since sh made the mistake she has to make the wrench I don’t see any I will Mo the [ __ ] good don’t even worry about it so do you know the steps wait it’s not copper oh hello end hey Budd you got a way point back to the base right oh you need the um haven’t made a way point no not the not the BuildCraft one the uh thee one do is make a way point at the top of the tunnel and then do not walk outside get back to the base what’s out there you he’s coming around oh my God what is that what is that get the Blart I don’t have enough ammo for it uh I made okay he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone he lit went back into the cave did they see through doors or something no we jumped and they saw sh was like I’m coming um so gex have you made those engines that’s the thing with this version once a mob sees you they still come through you come okay hold on wait I’m a bit confused now how do I make the wrench um so as you can see you need bronze no change the tab from shapeless crafting to shaped ic2 crafting at the top wait where so you see the how the recipes there’s like bars at the top that like the arrows oh yes yeah if the recipe if there’s no recipe you can do yeah so you need bronze to get bronze you need bronze dust and to get bronze dust you need to combine copper dust and Tin dust yes and to get copper and Tin dust you need to power the generator and then put in Copper and Tin ores into the Mercator why have I been given blow [ __ ] off no we asked for them remember when the creeper was coming yeah but then it wasn’t either so don’t dump it on me anyways um I think he threw it at you when we was screaming better in your hands than mine I’m sorry Jesus I blew up some train so we need two than me dying and Los all the Oban six of those which means oh my God that boy get in the house three you didn’t see anything Mr creeper get him get get him put the diamond pickaxe in a chest and never touch it again yeah sure I’ll do that yeah sure you can do that okay obsidian in there by no please put the diamond pickaxe in oh my god did you use it only for the obsidian that that I’ve got some more this I got some sapphires you missed the notif what’s happening I’m teaching everyone how to play te it um that is okay where’s the diamond pickaxe Blue Boy Blue Boy God damn it I don’t have it blue boy where is the diamond pickaxe I have it Nitro no no it’s we’re not it’s oh my God anyways CH anyways so how do I I’m going to pause so actually yeah do the so add wood to the generator the bottom slot I’m going back to protect so planks I just gave you a I worry about water which is the good thing oo roasty toasty so get the ores mhm and then Chuck them in the top slot of the Mader you can start with 10 I put a at the base you’ll need cuz it’s I have a rough idea where it is it’s two tin the one tin to two bronze dust so you’ll need um uh three I just put awesome you’ll need more copper than that I think oh what yeah you’ll need um justy to nine is it I don’t know yeah yeah because one makes two pieces you put n in that was fast oh damn it well in the meantime well you can just Chuck copper in cuz we’re going to mate It Anyways um I need I think I need one yeah I do yeah when the pipes happen we’re getting to the pipes um sure I’m going to give you the alchemical chest back there a whole Chasm like halfway down I had to Mur would you like to make an energy condenser oh hi to be doing all right I haven’t needed a worry water lately since it just keeps it’s all me over the wall we need Cobblestone right now we need to make the stones the walls bigger top chest um oh hey cre uh does anyone have planks Charles got the planks no I have I have dirt uh you have the planks you have a heap of planks you pick them all up the generator we’re burning them I them I have more I have more I have moreall calm down oh my God more oh my God that sorry the wall exploded right next to the chest I heard something K ground I need more dirt hopefully the boys have some I think we just line and then condenser right yeah2 in my inventory again I need to convert that diamond pickaxe into the pure diamonds from please do not use that diamond pickaxe by the way I I I haven’t even us I haven’t even used all I haven’t even gotten like one bar on the diamond pickaxe they good please just don’t mine anything with it less you mine the more expensive it is all it down over here where in the same spot as before yeah yeah oh I heard something um I’m going to give you two worthless things just to demonstrate it’s like constant drops and five saplings here is 30 cobone it’s not an actual spaw it’s just he keeps spawning at the top of those blocks down so the top left is what you’re turning things into before we go I’m going to have a and then the rest is the what comes out of it and things that you put in to turn it into the into thing so put cobblestone on top left okay Co and then put the saplings I gave you into the middle what I might do is I might mine so the EMC can converts right seven eight here and then we can go back look he’s dead again and that’s how you do oh my God so we just do that with the iron or and the diamond you can’t do with you can do it with the bars though what am I getting I’m starving no oh my God you’re making me eat piggy piggy I’m sorry sorry I’m so sorry once we’re done here we should probably get some wheat and leave some um animals back to our base yeah that’s next job you guys bring in animals back to us to make a generator yeah come back um so that’s how the energy conductor works it would be nice to have another we can we’re going to hold those for a minute keep them on you the wait keep the engines that you’re holding on you um oh how many do how many do you want two two bet um I’ll make pipes cuz they’re not too difficult to make um do you have any glass no I’ll just make one some sand oh and then we can energy condense sand sand uh oh my God we got a lot of sand you’re welcome okay let’s go Bluey so we yeah you can if you have one of something you can make tons of it so this is one of the strongest things um there is something that creates EMC out of sunlight um it’s a very it’s a very fun thing um so we’ll get to that eventually there’s glass in this energy condenser G okay I’m back we can go I’ll take some of that let’s go I like that we now have a swimming pool we do I need one we don’t need to worry about hting our heads up now as well I just want you to know I am only on for another half hour all good rip um when you get off please dump your inventory in a chest no no no I’ll take it with me [ __ ] where’s some lava sh are you live yeah what’s up how’s wrench making I’m just waiting for the bronze to at least it’s not as traumatizing as running all the way back and then when you get it despawns yeah that [ __ ] kills me okay so there is a chance that when you wrench things it’ll turn into a machine block um let’s hope that doesn’t happen fingers cross okay in hey sheepy I would kill you but you’re not worth it okay imagine not being worth killing how do I just so Crouch and then right click on it I’m so used to furn um can you do it with these two as well these two yeah we have wheed at the moment we have we we do have some please put the diamond pickaxe into the energy condenser and where’s that uh next to G oh [ __ ] it’s [Music] seeds in that slot okay oh [ __ ] you used it a bit didn’t you the evidence is right here it’s only it’s still on green it didn’t even make three diamonds we getting scammed oh um we have a bunch of obsidian to last us a while we have 4 uh 58 you didn’t need to mine that much with you we did well we can oh I’ve got 32 um I put it in this chest over here by the door thank you um sh the bat box that’s what it was got little bit distracted on that and what was gex doing okay let’s go oh solar panel that’s what he was doing um what I was but you told me to I are you making redstone engine yeah now I can’t make a piston apparently what the [ __ ] a pen first that might be a good idea um let’s grab some wood I know kill whoever just dumped all of this [ __ ] in the chest I organized this to make it all ores and someone put lot of different [ __ ] in here I can take stuff out that’s all Cobblestone Cobblestone can go in there cobblestone in there all right everything else get the [ __ ] out there sticks okay got it oh there’s bones and mushrooms organized um gex do you have the Redstone engines uh I will in just one second okay um sure did I F did I put this iron ing in the furnace or someone else uh who knows it might be G I did yeah um I thought it was pointless what the [ __ ] is that that’s a redstone engine so that that ranch uh no you can mine that that’s just m that okay so I see two things are the machines um Redstone engines are BuildCraft um where are the copper cables I’m just going to put them in a chest so I don’t accidentally place them again there there’s only one left over I’m currently uh need them oh okay will they have EMC we going to build over here or like closer to the close but far at the same time I would say here would be holding on to right here or maybe where Sor not I think yeah about here I’ll make a crafting table quick wait how do you make coal dust you mate coal so I’ll we’ll get that get that ready you at that stage yet or are you still doing other things um no well I need to make the generator okay I was just like the all right okay I just need a normal furnace don’t not an iron furnace that sounds silly yeah well what are you you’re making a generator um I’d say use a iron furnace because it means you need less refined iron oh do not use n yeah an iron furnace needs n IR no please use five furn and then five yeah so use the furnace and then you make like the upside down I see I see all right I got you I’m lagging just don’t um three four five six seven eight so you have that redstone engine now there um and sh’s making that bat box oh um I don’t okay there’s that sh how close are you to making that um oh I need one more iron you give me got one God damn it yeah we’re just opening and closing oh awesome uh could you put that down I just need to figure out how it works real quick just Chuck on the ground anyway do I get enough do do I have to Wren it uh damn so I’m just taking a look um okay I think I understand how this goes um we’ll figure it out um do you want to wrench that oh right click it like just standing yeah okay maybe it’s just a there you go I just had to get in the right um okay so look in this chest J mhm there should be everything you need um pull out everything everything everything everything how do you make a battery um you need four tin two Redstone and a copper cable on top you like make the sorry um um from top to bottom there’s only one copper cable at the very top and then there’s 10 uh middle and bottom left and right sides all Redstone expecting the battery um okay so I’m just trying to think of the space if uh need yeah I’m thinking about space uh so furnace merat merat generator okay um I’m going to M out the floor for you um do we want pumpkins okay we want to make put the marble under uh I can do that so um we’re going to put cables down here um hey doing moon crab have you heard this Chappelle Rowan yet I think she be I’m so confused I don’t know um how you doing okay so could you put copper cables um to straighten the hole and then on the left put the generator here yeah and then masat merat yeah and then could you in the wall put the a redstone engine actually not yet I lie um so in front of the hole in the wall on top of this cable could you put a wooden pipe wooden transport pipe yeah it’s like like which which way uh just Chuck it down on that that and then add the engine in the wall and then put like a lever on the wall up here and then flip it ignore whatever the [ __ ] going on on the [Music] wall I should call him when do you get pumped could you put a cobblestone pipe right here Cobblestone and then next to that put the uh electric furnace electric furnace and then um is that the right way around yeah in the ground here could you put the Redstone um engine in the ground in the ground do we have a marble uh no you won’t be able to see it oh never mind yeah and then a wooden transport pipe on top we’re going to have to swap out each of these chest oh wait like that yep um and then I’m going to have to break this chest it’s going to explode that’s fine um that’s the new Metals Metals ingots chest okay um oh you know whatever [ __ ] oh okay um can I have that lever I’m playing a risky game here okay damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn itam what does chat chat does this guy know how to craft sound off in the comments below [ __ ] what HMC said what am I watching I could sit on the redstone engine for days holy [ __ ] um s uh let’s gex do you need the cold dust or you still good uh I will need it eventually all right Shan do you want to flick the lever on the um the engine right there um and put wood inside the generator and three coal inside the murator wood in the generator yeah wood planks in the generator and then three cold dust in the Mador okay and then three coal Coal y one two three qu qu qu qu and then I thought it was the flick flick the beat no it’s flick the lever if it’s big oh my God ding dog you know those things on the door like the like the knocking thing that’s what mine looks like d my my clus um we got one cold dust he gex your cold dust is in the murator there’s just one coming um uh I need copper cables oh we are out but can we is that something we can repli uh so here is some resin yeah do we need these two oh you can give those the G oh oh thanks uh I just deleted it out of the world give me a second uhoh I can get more no I got it don’t worry I just summoned it in he’s cheating I deleted it whoops what if I were to do this what did you get never mind what did you get you went straight back to 99 okay um all right uh let’s flick that onck for you too Sky no did I make the right battery it should be an re battery re battery yeah I did yeah what do you mean you can’t see the door it’s coming to the door he’s out I’m gonna I’m gonna sacrifice myself come on don’t hit it towards the house I am the Savior oh my God blue boy is hurting oh my god there with what spiders behind you side behind you right to your left and right um get guys I’m going to deal with these end as well oh there’s Enders up on the hill don’t look up there yeah I want to get them [ __ ] okay come back what [ __ ] um oh [ __ ] there’s a third one there’s a one on me yeah in the house do I have any need blocks um I’m just going to hit this guy then sha help kill him please oh [ __ ] um stay away [ __ ] want to bring him here come here come here okay he’s behind you he’s behind me isn’t he man was holding flowers let him in if you’re cold he’s cold he’s coming look at his legs SC he has teeth man needs to get some dental holy [ __ ] what oh no oh my God we needed that all right let’s head back to the house um well now that g has got his coal did I just leave that yeah there you want to see something magical magical come to the generator help help help I’m stuck in the pit there’s too many animals H you’re fine there’s a skeleton trying to kill every oh [ __ ] you’re good oh I may have killed one of your uh anyways there’s a creeper coming to the farm creeper at the house [ __ ] off [ __ ] off wait I’m going to try and lead him into a hole wait where’s the creeper I’ll get the creeper come with me come come I’m going lure him into this hole just that there’s a second okay I need you I killed them don’t worry you’re good I need you I just need the two CS I don’t care about anything else come on guys um you know I would really help you give me a second torches come on yeah those are Australian spiders I’m back I’m back sorry welcome back um what did I miss CH look him in look in look in hold on hold on Chief all right everyone is now banned from cooking ores G wait a sec get to the house I’m coming you did it without me I’m sorry blue boy so you have the copper on was a struggle I way you get some or in your inventory I got a phone call from my D I’m sorry there is three copper which is exactly how much I need for one ohow holy Australia PV get in the house I found him in my shoe yes um gex can you throw the nine copper into the Mador I have I have wait I have like just three copper The Ore like all of the oh the all of the ore into the Mador which one’s that uh it’s this one on the left uh on the top yeah everyone watch the masar don’t look inside of it but look outside of it watch it from the outside guys you’re in the freaking way I’m I’m sorry it’s the best you need to be looking at heit what are we looking at I don’t know [ __ ] [ __ ] no one’s home oh it’s going it’s going oh my God [ __ ] it’s a p it’s taking the poopy it’s going there oh it’s broken it just went straight into the wrong side copper dust um oh oh can I have the shot do you have the transport pipe which one Cobblestone uh yeah Co no it’s gone no oh the C I need more than one come with me if you want to leave um there’s a tree tap in that hole now it’s fine um there’s too many creepers around you need you need a PIN come on let’s go okay I got two sheep now it’s electric furnac I’m not she oh he went for you okay yours now and then it’s going to splur it’s spurting oh and the chest oh no oh that’s amazing why is there a creeper out there don’t say that what do you mean people oh man he’s a fair way away oh he’s gone now [ __ ] okay so now we can double out ORS think you the Sheep we have sheep you ain’t even the F why you on a on mode you ain’t even famous yeah they occasionally pushed everything I need a bunch ofed wait how do I feed them you I can get that for you um you have to SM it tce how much find do you need no idea uh I need to make two feed the animals or do they just breed normally uh I I only need two oh you I only need one I have one oh you have one mhm you I’d say just cuz it’s one is working wait do you have an iron ingot on you no refined yeah you can’t EMC a refined iron sadly I’ll just cook up uh top furnace one iron um noise hey D do you need you throw me three more uh logs um I’ll EMC some Ain no [ __ ] away what you what you wanted more what do you want for me so [ __ ] goofy I just placed that too um well we now have have uh 256 logs so feel happy um I’ll replace that corner as well no don’t don’t worry I’m fixing the corners anyways oh there’s one in the house what do you mean there’s one in the house TR to close the door send you a song Oh bet I bet um has everyone slept in their beds in the back room back room the back room oh my God I can’t believe we got a we got our first machine up that’s crazy and then we’re just waiting on gex um oh that bat box do you have that sha do you want to move all the ores and ingots into the chest down here not the ores uh the like gems and stuff where did you go I’m in the ocean now oh he’s a fish why are you in the ocean I don’t know I just felt like exploring real you didn’t ask me to come you were like AFK just standing there so he’s not wrong all right solar panel 2 46.3 let’s go left I hope I made the right one um yeah you made the right one do not worry uh do you have any copper cables one uh we are out of resin we need to duplicate some resin if you can I got some resin on me see um okay here’s some copper ingots um oh [ __ ] uh what do I want these for to make more copper cables copper you the co to make more copper cables I need rubber um there’s resin in the energy condenser back rolls um once we get that the energy con once we get that solar panel we’ll be able to um I have here it’s here and a third pey oh yeah can you pass the solar panel on your cable oh uh the one C uh sh do you have that bad box and the wrench pgy piggy I have we oh I think she’s FK she might be eating she was honestly she ate telling people to get her food before I think yeah back rolls back rolls um are you struggling to breathe what are you struggling to bre you struggling to breathe now I’m taking them through the water okay over here him when he chokes me what are you struggling to breede now there was a buddy on the end there but back of mountains I see I see uh come on guys let’s go I’ve got a pen for you um you might need a bigger pen we making some iron um that or we just kill all the Sheep one of the two yeah I think sh has the bat box on her we don’t need the Sheep so we can get rid of them uh possibly yeah I need to get that bat box I’ll go kill the sh well what is the next thing you you want me to make real quick if I can make it could you go to the Nether and get close no um I don’t think I make it to the nether in 5 minutes that’s all I’m thinking I can make us a portal yeah if you could make a portal like on the hill maybe where the rubber trees are um what are we really looking for if you want to make the portal over here another oh Shaz here oh she gave me the bat box um can I have the wrench wait do I need the wrench give me a sec come on Piggies let’s go up the hill we clim hi where’s the robber TR I don’t know what side the bat box like sends energ okay thank you oops if you want to put like the portal here would be on the hill okay yeah up on the hill uh okay um yellow diamonds do you like Fanboys I am a fanboy what do you mean this close a bit further out what are you Reon uh maybe here like right here block off the tree n okay this will do yeah that’ll do and now we should be solar paneling the whole house thanks for the power of G you’re welcome um awesome so might not even need a gener anymore lying about being a fanboy am I I feel like I’m closer to a f boy than I am to anything else you just no I’m not going to go into that conversation what do you think I am no aren’t you a boy boy twink yeah sh you’re on you’re on point there but Fanboys are crossed over with twins that’s the thing Fanboys are twins it’s a matter of I guess just how feminine you are yeah which category you’re falling into yeah oh [ __ ] the Portal’s up no not I not me please oh my God it’s # lit fam in here no down guys oh my God supposed to light D on fire [ __ ] you’re fine twank definitely not a TW I’m gaining I’m gaining weight I’m about to become a tws [Laughter] is it a tws or is it a Twinkie a twink I’m not filled with cream right now [Music] so sh oh my God what were Twinkies originally filled with why aren’t they coming in get in the P um I want be have a pig get Pig Sol panel providing enough energy probably not yeah I think we might need more um Mor Mory don’t be shy have some Mar piggy piggy look at me oh it’s also cuz the Sun is going down that might be why oh yeah oh yeah it’s out out of power she having a breakdown oh yeah um where’s Blue Boy fre blue boy stop trying to [ __ ] the Sheep I’m not from tmania I’m in New Zealand same they’re Islands do you want to give me Wool Wool I I give up I give up that one can just in the P we’ve got two sheep two cows two pigs yeah we’re fine yeah there’s enough we need to get home everyone get into to your bunk bed I’ll take top about blue boy blue boy took Sha’s bed oh I’m sorry you get that whole bunk bed to yourself [ __ ] off Daren [ __ ] off Darren we all know his name is [Applause] James get up wait you talking about me no oh my God I can’t see do you want me to build a roof for this house um we’ll get to it I kind of like the open open plan open air kind of vibe we got going on I’m just putting all my stuff in this chest right here at the bottom aome I will turn on the generator I think we need more solar panels um sh I’ll wait for you to finish food don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry um there’s one mushroom St left that’s the only food I had other than those apples but all gr yep that’s me catch you later G see you tomorrow yeah disconnect you Richard I do play fortnite white screen all right good night everybody good I just ate someone’s chicken that they gave me what’s like Minecraft bar food like a loaf of bread is that what what you call bar food my [ __ ] [ __ ] what anyways there’s bread in the energy condenser is there nuts in the game um trail mix no nut pee no um baked there’s no potatoes there’s no carrots um oh wait I need gold not uh cookies Jaffer cakes we should really get into the Brewing um I can make coffee don’t they just breed don’t um Blue Boy what uh how do we get coffee powder Coffee Bean beans how do we get coffee beans I’m going to find a way to get coffee beans oh oops actually no never mind that I about to make gold stuff so I can I see two coffee beans I think we’ve got to breed them they’re a tier 7 crop [ __ ] we’ve got to grow them all right time to get farming I’m already working on that um it’s a different kind of farming [Music] so we need to get oh [ __ ] I guess we need to get hops for alcohol okay cool it’s not right next to me um we need Nether wart and stick read stick read is from let’s see here did I bring enough cross breeding okay so we need to breed sugar cane with itself until we get sticky reads plus most people have had a live stream a few hundred so Shar today I’s say today right now it’s a new day um we’re going to be breeding plants um is any a bucket why do I have fish on me that’s why my coochie smell come on down to the butter Barn put the tin is that tin dust um uh 1.2.5 okay I need it for bronze wait what do you need for bronze oh the tin there’s a tin dust in the metals chest um yeah do you play on PC I do um I need to make a hoe never waste your diamonds on a hoe oh someone gave me a ho what the [ __ ] where this come from um oh girly no don’t start that okay um do we have any sugarcane in any of the chests yeah we do awesome we have sugarcane growing and blue boy it found me um what did you lose hopefully nothing okay um waste them on twins never waste your diamond ho um I don’t think we should have the farm here I mean you can continue if it’s for like food related things I’ll do cross breing things over here don’t worry yeah um sh wants to go the ne if you want to grab yourself come back and then go with sha don’t mind the nether ores I completely forgot to say do not mind the ores in the nether why do you not find um because Zombie Pigman and get very angry and I think some of them explode help did you mind the ne or I can’t fight this big are you getting attacked by G all right I’m on my way I can’t leave the island without it trying to kill me so uh do you want an iron sword I have an arm sword but I’m not skilled enough that’s why I died the first time all right let’s go so we need glow stone for a philosopher stone oh my God is that a Magma Cube holy [ __ ] could you kill that Magma Cube for me that was me nice um okay could you get the glow stone over there then since it’s right there how did that hit me you son of a [ __ ] um don’t touch the nether ORS please um not on fire anymore it’s okay okay I did bring a bucket with me which is a bad idea but um actually do you want to head back cuz I’ll need to send you and Sh on a quest in the Nether um to get to another Fortress where I I do know where it is I think holy [ __ ] I’m on fire is it the armor I never met nobody like you yeah once Char gets back from om Noms um I’ll send you guys off there is a zombie under me could someone light up the caves in front of the house I can do that in a minute yeah I’m just finish this farming quick I made it across is that the um having a breakdown right now sure I like you set up thank you okay um if you ever want dust out of the Mador and not um smelt it you can flick the lever next to the iron furnace and it won’t get sucked up into the pipes okay um okay coming down here never going to let you cry oh cry oh cry I feel I need to go up okay oh no I think I [ __ ] that up don’t tell me you br Jesus [ __ ] Christ bro good no I was farming I was like oh shs come up to help I look up it’s a creeper like in the middle of the farm I saw green tootsies and I was like oh she’s she’s here to see what’s up hey buddy I’m just going to sneak past you is that a weed I think that’s a weed I want the GL too close to it I do America actually maybe I I can hear an Ender um oh I think sh picked up my coal I needed okay they just like netherite versions of everything is there oh my God NE doesn’t can you can’t can you Cal be on if they just nether verions of everything yeah don’t touch the ne ores they’re not worth the time cuz you’ll get attacked by um Pigman um e what the [ __ ] I want to see if there’s anything nearby oh my God please stop I’m so sick of these weeds um I don’t mean cover them up I mean like light them up I am lighting them up they are they are being lit up and then covered okay I I I I know what I’m doing if I’m in the house oh my god did you not close the door I think I closed it I’m pretty sure I feel like you didn’t I’m fixing that sorry oh oh she fixed it for me never mind there’s a bunch of marble down here that we can mine I’m going to leave this one did you touch the other ORS I don’t know what I did to piss them off good luck yeah um hey Skelly wait what were you doing in the nether just running around oh my God was fly in the kitchen where the creeper came up wait there’s a creeper um sh are you back or at the farm oh was fully in the kitchen where the creeper came up I See I’m stupid do not worry oh there’s a zoom button when you press control that jump scared me yeah uh I have it set to see cuz it’s my normal Zone yeah my inventory button is c yeah you’re weird sir no it’s just easy to use mine’s e mine’s default I don’t like changing yeah I got the TTT controls okay there’s so much marble down here if we ever need a mine I think there’s a fully grown now possibly can do things just not talk um the hell would you like to make sure that you’ve got a clear inventory and then go to the nether with blue boy um cuz I need you two to get back glow stone and one Blaze Rod how you don’t blue Bo okay for the two seconds that I’m going to be alive real okay no I’m good got my [ __ ] back now I just got to kill the pig that wants me dead oh my God he’s dead now I’m safe I did lose a couple of things but nothing important that’s good I buy a couple of things I mean the food that will keep me alive oh we have no food I have some food do you want um three steaks and five loaves of bread that’s I was the guy that that story was about do you know the one in the the Bibble the three steaks and the five breads me started on the bi feeding the 5,000 yeah that’s the one is actually feeding the 69 cuz there was no way that was going to get spread around you’re Jes yeah gazers from the bble I would if you just Market the bi and then it’s just do you see what I do um we need it to be daytime I can come to B um no I believe in the nether so it’s not going to work out um we’re going have to fight our way to the PO I thought cross Dimensions always make people sleep it’s 1.2.5 that’s happen me uh no no no you’re good okay I’m currently just mining Mar I’m currently mining gold there we go all right up to the portal is there someone under the ground yes okay look at there is a blue creeper coming um I don’t see let’s get to another sh I’ve pissed off a lot of pigs apparently I’m just going to mine all this marble up so that we have it whenever we need it he sure all right so there is another foress over this way wait you’re in here no I just know where it is well we’re in the nether right now yeah but which direction uh from the portal like why did you not mine up this glow stone when I asked you specifically for glow stone I don’t know which one you talking about but I have some oh okay’s got it awesome I get GL I’m not just walking around doing nothing you did I did ask you what you’re doing like I’m walking around my trying I’m trying to find [ __ ] in here okay I don’t I don’t know my way around unlike you can you get to the portal not if I’m dead yeah [ __ ] pigs okay find your find your loot um okay there is the Fortress there’s nice pigs and then there’s just pigs that are just aggressive um yeah they don’t like it when you m St how are we going to get there um maybe we dig through this like chunk herey [ __ ] my frames are disappearing frames on stream fine you why do I have two wooden pickaxes still oh my God is this Goji gibby gibby love G did you go south or north um East oh wait no not East uh we went South and then South East yeah that’s give me give me love did you go up or did you go around the corner more we’ve dug a tunnel okay Co so I have to go up that’s how I’m situated at the okay um okay so we need to get nether wart and a blaze rod that’s how you just threw our [ __ ] 55 cubic M of stone in my face yeah um just judging by there’s a blaz spawner there that’s not very safe um I think our best BET’s there oh there’s a slime give me give me love up Miss thing I’m on fire bro oh don’t BR me looks like a little Skelly on a boat I’m just boring stupid you guys didn’t see me you didn’t see we know hi slimy okay um do you have a pickaxe for chance oh no don’t worry I’ve got one I got two actually take your take your green I did go into lava yeah I’m I was just role playing as Lava Girl okay come on um am I water boy it’s Shark Boy are you talking about um was it fire girl and water boy um Okay lava mol tuna tunnel don’t talk about my T tunnel like that oh I’m lost oh maybe the best way to get up is from here more glow stone I am so long I don’t know where you guys are I’m going back to where I was yeah if you can get your [ __ ] back um I got my [ __ ] back already I just don’t know where you guys oh thanks sure one okay so I am going in the right direction but you want to go up okay I’ll see if I can get up and around might use my Cobblestone pickaxe on this why did it just sound like someone broke their legs what is that noise sh are you hearing that there’s a demon there’s a guy next to me he’s a guy what about him red stone oh GL Stone what’s wrong with the guy is he being weird don’t you attack me Piggies did he say something to you no you would he want you for real classic man okay only want one thing that’s my [Music] busy okay now I thought we already discussed this oh yeah they W what was the what do see say it was public public masturbation oh my god um o I can’t get down se you do I have an A yes I have oh my God I see a blaze boy I’m on the main Fortress now oh did the piggy just kill itself oh my God there’s a man he’s mad at me I got a blaze rod okay um sh where are you um sh you know where we dug up so there’s like a tunnel and there’s Cobblestone wow you’ve caught the rare smelly Jupiter with the nickname smelly and Jupiter and they are silly little goobers they’re like cars are cats I like cats too cats are cute um holy [ __ ] there’s giant magma cubes oh my god there you are um we need to find nether wart um this a way down this is’s head this way I guess is totally death this is oh oh my God CH there’s a man and not the fun kind oh my God he shot you I didn’t see a death marker so sh are you okay I’ve been shot um are there chests in the Nether fortresses in this version or no probably not okay we got the nether w we got the Soul Sand Shan we need to get out Miss thing we got to go around I think I made it around sh there are two Angry Men outside oh [ __ ] no I didn’t it’s getting heavy West Coast these are the girls I love the most wait I’m going to beat them up did you get over there oh another one go around the l oh my God he went through the wall okay we need to get out 3:00 a.m. holy [ __ ] oh my God my frames are going someone’s breaking their legs it ain’t me I think mango joined the game I can hear [Music] him you should Waypoint wayo this I mean it’s just outside the portal but um for tress wait The Fortress is just outside the portal dude have I gone way I’m wrong I’m lost just get back to the portal we’re on our way back um oh my God I don’t think I can anymore it’s 13 oh we can give you the the coordinates oh no uh why does that look like a construct cuz it is okay I found something is it the another Fortress possibly my legs it’s a huge and it’s over lava yep found it we’re just leaving now side all [Music] right oh my God they keep breaking their legs 128 let’s go oh my God pancake you can DM bot now is anyone else like stuttering real bad on their frames sometimes but not all the time another gy boy maybe I reset it holy [ __ ] sh they just killed me um oh you say like hey D bot and then question he’ll be like what’s up oh my God there’s the there’s the portal I found it oh my God how do we get down there feel like we’ve gone the wrong way where’s the tuna tunnel it’s going to be easier to get this way maybe further down this way yeah oh found it and then I jump into here which is into a fortress put cobblestone on it and then I completely blind so I need to put up a torch you found a song Let’s go I think you need to say hey doot like in chat like um oh sh I found a blaze I don’t have armor I don’t feel safe watch it be like I don’t know I can’t answer I’m angry oh traditional Mexican dish consisting of folded or rolled TOA filled with various ingredients not going that way the GH Torch from Portal lead to awesome okay Miss Thing we got to get out we want the the red stuff that you oh the red stuff you mean Netherrack not the not the mining one um the the weed thing yeah w we got that well I’ll grab some more then okay you doing cookie um I see you arriving back to base okay so that’s so now they’re starting to crossbreed I’m hoping that we get the special sugarcane from it so you came this far I have a feeling this guy doesn’t like me leave a chill and smelly he’s fine dang you got let down easy pancake like oh I I’m sorry I can’t but I could Google something for you um oh I see how to get out of this Fortress at least the way you came I don’t oh there’s a torch and a staircase like pleas I’m sorry if I disappointed you oh no what’s happening blue boy I’m lost and there’s places sh you want to find the coordinates of the portal for him I feel like these pressure plates are such a bad idea but it’s going to be fine no pressure plates I can wait for a creeper to like walk in and be like oh it looks like you blocked off some lav pressure plate yeah it did what’s s doing down here it was F C blaze in the world what what are you doing down here Nitro uh mining what are you mining up marble oh I see you know we could just energy condens marble it has an EMC of one H you know the energy connetor the thing that we sent you to get diamonds for not diamonds obsidian for and then he died with a diamond pickaxe that never happened I think it did but um we can energy condense Marvel there’s a lot of this so I’m just mining it all this way I mean that that iron right there that’s worth each individual one is worth 256 marel okay can I can I hit you now mother just runs off he just runs off oh my God uranium just on the wall to uranium I haven’t made it that far we will not be having a nuclear reactor she’s going to stab someone yes Queen sh you want some more Alchemy lessons I so don’t know how to get out of here H me with the word goodbye geranium fever oh no there’s a blaz there too I me a gas lost in the ne forever I got the taco box from Taco Bell it has three tacos I saved one for a midnight snack and my mom ate it knowing it was M [ __ ] [ __ ] kill her no um sue her in court okay how how long are you up doing this St for um I woke up at 6:00 p.m. so I’m going to be up a while you’re going to be on the server for quite a while all night baby [Music] um all right I’ll wait for sh to get back to the voice chat cuz she’s should get oh my God turning rotten rotten flesh into bread amazing scrumptious so what did I need need to Coffee Beans I for Gore uh I think I found it I think I found your way out oh that’s go y so to make hops we should combine Nether wart Nether wart I just had to find the spiral staircase that you car into the side no um would you like to grab out of the chests um one Diamond four iron four iron four glowstone and four Redstone wait one Diamond four glow stone four Redstone four oh four Redstone yeah four Redstone for glow stone yeah uh let me go it’s called the project table heyy can you make me five more um St picka give me a quick second is that stone I don’t have stone there’s a lot of cool chicks out there if you want you can come help me mine this no you don’t B don’t you dare blow this up blow it up what if I do what if my main goes to blow up there was a gas back at the rotten flesh bread upu what do you need me to do with you um I’m just about to make a new crafting table it’s called a project table I think it means that we’ll be able to see each other’s like crafting um oh my God uh andest so I just got an achievement Gordo mango Gordo mango okay let’s see what happens when we put this down can you see the dirt in there in the project table yep okay um put a diamond in the middle uh can you put in the corners either glowstone or Redstone but only one specific yep um and then the rest is glow stone that’s a philosopher stone philosopher oh yeah so using the philosopher stone you can do a bunch of things you can turn animals into creepers all that fun stuff um I do you have any Redstone or glowstone on you I can get it out here was it just Stone pickaxes you wanted uh maybe just like have two redstone on you two Redstone um right come out here what uh right click the ground with your stone are you over at the M no I’m you turn it back the try the Cobblestone hole that we keep that’s interesting one uh I don’t know what happens with wood oh Spruce just like a Stairway yeah CH everything but um yeah it’s a hole Yeah you have to use coal red stone I dropped in with or um glowstone or Klein Star as the back into your inventory good so as the you need a fuel source to do it otherwise won’t work I did have one more but I think you have to press r with it you also ran out of glow stone no I have enough room I do okay yeah you did cuz you know try rck the ground you might need more up any you might need more energy you want to drop on the ground I got more for you I had red no I had two glowstone in my inventory and it just ate it up trying to get in and kill me no spider’s trying to get me okay no not not was what what does the [ __ ] say what [ __ ] there’s a bunch of marble in this chest here Legend um you know what we’re going to do turn it all into iron legs and dairy thank you for L pancake um so AR so the philosopher stone can be used to make a transmutation tablet which is an energy condenser except you don’t need an item in like um you don’t need an item in the top left corner so really you put everything that you have in the in the transmutation tablet and it remember it um so if you run out of something you can be like oh [ __ ] I’ll I’ll make some more what time do you call this young man T which we’re doing magic we’re doing Alchemy I know it’s not your type of Witchcraft but I hope you understand um is she more deiling curses uh I think she’s only cursed one person but that’s a that’s a story for t to tell it’s called stick read just one if I could turn lead into gold I would leave my damn job you need a philos of stone for that that’s highend Alchemy okay yeah oh also do we have any food here no I’ve been growing some but it hasn’t been growing fast enough magic at night time yeah witching hour it’s 140 specifically um not the 120 I mean not the 120 the 420 that was yesterday 420 is such a busy day for me cuz it’s steam’s birthday as well as like Patty’s Wild stream um what I doing I got that wasn’t in there originally I transform something into a pig I think yeah oh my God is that a javelin no oh my God have you seen the muskets yeah yeah I do want to make oh you can also get the iron knife really yeah half the kitchen at work was so [ __ ] for 420 at work was kind of awful yesterday we had um was it the Broncos versus the Raiders was that what’s happening on on Friday Sunday I can not tell you there some big spotting thing little bit of a nightm for every single place everywhere the mod witches have [ __ ] to do and needs sleep real they got nine to fives um okay so I got the extra Pig in had to kill a sheep to do it but that’s fine what we need is hydration cells I guess hydration cell fing so I can fish will that get me food Brewing okay I need water cells oh oh I’m hungry okay just dying every here boy I’m on my last pick I can’t help you I’m literally dying of hunger yeah here okay so we need to analyze the seeds I guess um jeez I’ve never done this unlike gxs or onions night shades maybe no they’re they’re tubers or no they are because you can no potatoes are I think it’s potatoes cuz you can grow tomatoes out of potatoes which is a bit odd like you can you can splice like you get the Tomato stem and you attach it to the potato like in the ground and they grow together um oh um harvesting crossbreeding alternative crossbreeding weeds cross breeding tools fertilizer crop rron hydration coolant cells contr F analyzer you can’t feed the leaves to rabbits really crop noyer sure do you want to make me a calyer yeah sure it’s a bit bit of a weird ask um oh that bat box is going to be full isn’t it one second oh that’s still charging up uh all the gold oh we didn’t did you need Gold Dust no did you put the ores in the um in the Ingot chest was that someone else wasn’t me okay oh there’s no hoppers in this game is there no [Music] um sounds like what a company would call a flower waterer to make the job sound more important yeah for my birthday I want a crop analizer so oh you can scroll wheel on things in your inventory to move them across that’s really weird like between stacks um okay I think I need tin a little bit we haven’t made it into actually like tin it’s just the O did you make yourself a philosopher stone with all our diamonds what it’s just one Diamond did you make a philosopher stone he did why did you make one I don’t know it sounded cool so I wanted one it’s in cool oh wait that’s right I got to please look at what the use of it is it’s for turning coal into more coal good I like coal oh my God sure we’re going to create an energy collector after you get the crop naizer done and um sorry but how am I me to fish I have not caught a fish with a fishing oh [ __ ] philosopher Stones don’t have EMC and we need diamonds wait do they have to actually have fish around is that the problem um what do you mean no it’s it is not like moded Minecraft now I’m so sorry a small Victorian child would die at the side of the chest organization [Music] yes okay I will be making a transmutation tablet okay here is a let’s not put that there yes I A fish woo why is sh giggling did she say w What in the W Luigi so what did you do oh my God you’ve been doing Forge micro blocks oh my God we’re going to be using those for like a pool table oh I do um how’s the croper going croper crop anal croper oh crap no we don’t do anal we do null that’s when the ass is gone all right [Music] um okay so um oh need to okay awesome I know I was broken um a p I’m going to have to convert these um I don’t it’s fine shot doesn’t need to learn the recipe for a energy collector is fine that’s pretty basic [Music] um where’s the glowstone okay the or chest the [ __ ] no the [ __ ] are laughing the [ __ ] are laughing Peter the horse is here [ __ ] I don’t know why but the horse just gets me Peter I just called the Hot Topic achievement um oh my God I’m so glad we have an extra crafting table now because if you run out of things to put in like if you have a recipe that you’re making and you’re like oh [ __ ] I missed something you can just go to the next one okay energy collector um and now it is gaining EMC and we’ll be creating things over time look at that in the energy condenser is it just doing it by itself it’s powered by light AK the sun can we do like I was doing something that we put inside the generator cuz that’ll help with the yours oh oh oh you want Ender Pearls end pears have a very high EMC they’re so hot just kidding no it’s best doing something that we have the time and money for okay what was I doing oh I was waiting for the cropal lier that’s what it was um and I wanted to make more crop sticks T which I’d force you to join us but um two people downloaded viruses trying to play this’s fault it is kind of funny though um oh [ __ ] weeds you were almost not breathing from laughter it was hilarious and I was not breathing from crying basically download it at your own risk I’m just surprised that your antivirus didn’t like um wasn’t chill with it oh hey Shan I’m going to need that chizer stat I’m [ __ ] working on it [ __ ] come again she said [ __ ] oh my God aome green or I’m thinking it’s uranium down here if someone want to come M that uh uranium doesn’t look like Tic Tacs I don’t know what all that is I us um you using spax as a texture pack no okay um yeah I can’t help with you that where are you D toland I’m over by the cross breeding Farm I have it for you I’m getting fishing rotted that physically hurt me it did that I’m sorry if someone has a I’m just going to hope it won’t crash it again oh um um can you put in a chest put in aest there’s a chest over here wait so you tried dropping it and then it yeah you want to try are you live by the way no okay good I’m scared oh are you left I am did it send you to the multiplayer screen or or to the front screen I can’t remember want me to try it again sure I was like weighing the wrists it’s um you crash and then it I see you do go back to the title screen so you’ll be right next minute quick open oh my God give me a sec chat that’s so weird you know what I would find funny is if D linked his leaked his own server oh [ __ ] okay um uh H okay now it’s gone um the IP appears in the chat when you reconnect um but it talks about way points so maybe I’ll just get rid of my way points maybe uh how do you what is the waypoints thing the waypoints of the like the things no but like the menu uh full stop period period period [ __ ] um I going to leave home whatever okay so I’m going to analyze these seeds so the calyer is going to let me look at what this is oh I need a battery [ __ ] I’ll go make one yeah can you make an AR battery yes um I guess I’ll have to charge it in the um [Music] um in the little yeah it right there I’d be as helpful as a glory hole in a glass door holy [ __ ] I mean it’s all about the the suck right doesn’t matter who’s on the other side of it or is it the illusion is that what people like about it who here would have been to a glory Hall Blue Boy that wasn’t sound I am offended no blue I feel like out of everyone I’m probably most likely to go to a glory Hall to be completely honest I have not done a glory Hall thank you only one I’ve never seen one you haven’t been on um oh that’s a lie yes yes I have seen them on grinder you’re right not in person yeah not in person not in person but they’re always like the I got my own personal Glory it’s just like a curtain yeah like this is not the glory Hall experience people actually want I don’t think I don’t know that anyone really wants oh is it on yeah it was on would rather go dogging dogging isn’t like raw dogging or back rolls back rolls a shovel oh yeah that’s right the skeleton drop the shovel the skeleton drops the what a skeleton dropped a shovel an iron shovel okay ask questions how’s battery making I’m for the right now oh is that an end hey you going to come over play you play game hey you angry at me no oh no okay he he didn’t come say hi he’s playing with a spider instead oh sorry that is not a bad put a inside my phone Dro myat um oh can we sleep okay I’ll sleep before I make this thing end aggressive this that’s a transportation tablet is that um so you put things in and it learns them um I don’t know if it’s shared between everyone butn my bread you can you ever run out of something you can put things in a with an equal um EMC value all right bedtime I don’t know whatever I love that the chat comes up and the first thing I see is Taco Bell the chat came up and my microphone is exact same height to block out the [ __ ] server IP holy [ __ ] you’re so lucky Shan can you spam the chat uh hold on can everyone SP the chat okay that should hopefully be enough uh maybe a little bit more if you open chat can you see the no you’re good as long as you don’t scroll up you’re good okay awesome um it’s taking a while to disaar I got a bunch of to get rid of okay time to crop my lies hey Spidey I’m coming to murder you and your mate other Spidey so I put the I don’t have a I need a battery on my hot bar that’s what I need so that’s powered and then I put in the unknown seeds the’re read seeds Okay why are you using a diamond pickaxe is it oh wait no that’s it’s green yep from for a second that I thought it was wait I can keep I can keep researching them okay that’s interesting me with this what why are you mining this I was mining all this you guys don’t need to mine up the marble we could just make more using the energy condenser my marble I just wanted to stack he’s doing it just letting I am doing my own thing he is feeling attacked for no [ __ ] reason jeez not everything’s about you Nitro damn think said ditro D Nitro baby that’ be one [ __ ] up kid wow there wouldn’t be okay so my battery is now full so use the croper give me the battery um this that’s a tier two seed that’s a tier 2 seed okay what’s this tier two tier two again t to again okay so these are all the same thing do they stack no what kind of seed is this read tat read okay they’re all just basic reads okay oh unknown seeds please be something I want read tto still met reads um can I just want to grab all the unknown seeds cuz maybe they’ll give me something different tier two that’s oil yeah we don’t that yeah we not doing oil yet tier two tier two tier two t two again okay so they’re all they’re all just T twos um what was I needing to I don’t remember um can I have a chest down here like more I need more oh that’s right we stole um oh there’s a chest awesome the [ __ ] needs more okay well you may not be wrong but doesn’t make it hurt less H it didn’t like that I was standing it pigs I need your meat no you didn’t drop me to drop me it’s a little bit I’m back welcome back I got some ice cream so oh what kind of what kind of ice cream drumsticks drumsticks original uh I think these uh these are the caramel nuts caramel not I should call him I got two of them as well what’s going on down here double nut double nut double homicide I’m sorry oh no it’s okay if you’re onun ladders there’s in the energy condenser I forgot how to climb ladders go up you just walk up to them okay so we’re combining Nether wart together so we can get Hops and we’ll be using the Hops to ferment beer and using the beer we’ll start up the D Club SL it’s probably going to be the do Tavern at first we’re not putting it here are we I mean the house will have to go I think it’s going to be a mega Club it’s going to be huge can we just move the clubs somewhere else but this is so flat and nice we can build the club like over there but not on the hill not on the hill but like lower on the hill oh sorry I was I was oh my God I’m getting abused oh my God maybe across the river oh yeah I could build a bridge going across the river maybe nothing think about it we can flatten all that out technically if we want yeah um hey what the [ __ ] I’m going to set myself up to watch you build whatever you’re building about it okay I’m in the think I’ve just cheated a enchanted item into the game we just throw that away I don’t know how I did that gra you want me to grab flint and steel um oh yeah so Shar could you make if you’re doing something unimportant um if you are enjoying what you’re doing don’t need to um I’ll do it up could we get some solar panels uh do I make that the one that’s a full block not the one that’s a slab it’ll have cold dust a generator glass and two electronic circuits wait the one that’s a full block you said yeah um it should be called solar panel 2 463 it’s made with a generator 2 4 six three is there an energy Link in this energy okay let’s see what do I need that is awesome um three [Music] CL Nitro cover up your damn hole but that’s where the stairs are a a Smurf came out Smurf came out when I say Smurf I mean a blue creeper um where did you go Blue Boy wouldn’t you like to know what are you doing blue ey he’s gone to make his own house a no way I ain’t here no more blue boy wait actually I was lying Blue Boy missed the what thep was I’m not making my own [ __ ] anywhere else I’m just seeing if there’s anything else around but they oh you’re just exploring yeah there’s I mean there might be a volcano V but the villagers do much um yeah this mod doesn’t add this mod doesn’t add too much like there’s volcanoes but they’re kind of pitiful oh that’s sad Smurf fet was such a troll trollop beeping with Smurf at I was like a troll like can’t stop the feeling does trolip even mean bro BR what the [ __ ] did smurfit do to you too many things for Smurf it traa DN I feel like the out show must have been traing no SM was incredibly serious what do you mean garage that blond bimbo trol up is a [ __ ] she is though she do she was like oh my God she never turned any man down I thought she did did she I thought she was like m so she was like the classic 19 I thought she was classic 1980s woman from media I don’t I don’t think so like who couldn’t possibly ever say no to a man but since there’s like 100 other ones they’re all just like incredibly mad at her mad at her in love with her Smurf madly in love with her is that what you’re going for yeah that’s the one Smurf Fett was [ __ ] up by the plot she should have had the agency to be able to consent to things real totally snow biome I me totally you don’t think women should have rights what sorry so conf honestly I’m not focusing I’m too busy eating ice cream I can barely even hear you have you know that women didn’t have ice cream until the ear 2000s do you think that’s why are you fuing on the women from that time how dare you she’s the only girl in a plethora of men and she flirted like a doc wench that’s my new title dog winch do winch jeez oh I see what you’re doing um just a Comm i’ say make a destruction catalyst but I that’s a bad idea what am I making um the solar panel that’s what you’re making yeah yeah have you found anything nice blue boy no nothing nice found some skellies though good luck they’re not friendly Dam no way I’m surviving on pork chops at the moment pork dot chops oh there there’s another scaly to this day I hate pork chops you need did one right one solar panel um uh maybe like three actually seven seven seven solar panels seven seven for real for real for real friends I was waiting for him [ __ ] stop slapping me I’m beefing I’m also sucking the juice out of a solar panel seven [ __ ] Enderman don’t see you from like this far as they normally do be right at him so I need or don’t you shot coming up over the house four [Music] times Nitro [ __ ] when I first saw you um she total of 24 yeah I did kind of mansplain creating a solar panel please tell me you made it less yeah okay I’m not an idiot I made it what uh no Nitro I was worried that he um just like put a top layer my dad heard me say I’m not an idiot and then he walks in my room I’m saying that’s dang when he so real ouch father when can I leave to be on my own I got the whole world to see no you don’t um she came at me like a boomerang see karma’s a [ __ ] I have K as a [ __ ] from the original the original woman who made the um don’t ask why I know I love that joa has jump slotted This Woman’s career that shit’s crazy and then she’s posting on every she like thank you guys so much for charting my song uh have you seen the [ __ ] who is Who is the judge on Dance Moms not the judge the uh coach she’s pretty much a judge Abby Lee Miller Abby Lee Miller Have You Seen Her Like reacting to Jojo SE world no is she actually it’s so funny I think it’s her she looks completely different I don’t know if it’s like actually her or just someone pretending to be heard but they look like her what’s this Cobblestone building that you’re making right now I’m making a chest area since our chest area is already getting too big yeah that your chest area is too big have you ever thought that maybe I oh yeah sh’s doing it what down there yeah yeah that’s what nothing just said did go on I’m out of are you telling a woman that she’s wrong all I was going to say is it’s a bit small are you telling a woman that she’s small you telling her that she’s petite I thought we had a lot more dirt Darren stop telling me how small my hands are what do you mean it’s a bit small we don’t need much it’s all just getting turned into wood planks the energy condenser will fix all our issues I have a lot um do you need help mining this out no no no that’s good that’s I I’ll I’m just Oh I thought it was you getting attacked no the f i gasped in shock that a spider was attacking is way we can make this any fast who doesn’t want a big chest area I a lot of girls I met in high school a lot of girls like breast reduction yeah like they’re like oh I don’t want my University paid for I want a breast reduction yeah I think they should be free it it can severely um scoliosis the [ __ ] are those dildos what Rose toys those are the rubber trees oh I’m going sit on him anything dild try hard enough and thinks a rose toy if you put a vibrator inside this is taking up so much resources it’s not even funny what is your solar panels um yeah it’s just taking a lot of time to be honest it’s just the time actually I can get on to 3 * 6 what the heck was that that was a yawn your mom in the other room how would even know what was that new song by Billy Isis that she leaked lunch what I can take her out for lunch while she’s sitting on my tongue anyways have you not heard a new song away from the house and the farm anyways um so is there a way we can make this masterer faster or um yes um you see the slots on the side those are for overclocking upgrades what is that what is that what is that got the overclocker upgrade you have the transform upgrade you have the energy storage upgrade and the range upgrade you want the overclocker one which is made from three coolant Cells Two copper cables one elect electronic circuit a coolant cell is made from an extractor with a water cell um you’re going to be very be further Advanced from that it’s a bit Advanced okay I’ll wait for that then um really the m is being held off by energy um but also if you need things like mated SL if you need ingots you can just use the energy condenser like that’s fine I might swap these planks out for logs in the condenser just cuz it’s four times the density um I don’t know we have enough resources to make dark matter yet um um okay so who is left in the Big Brother house it is sha subar piggy Mera Shivers and blur yes we um had a cliffhanger last episode do you count as an episode it was like half episode yeah’s a [ __ ] I love how he changed the challenge so that sub wouldn’t be 100% chance of winning and then sub won the challenge anyway wait what do you mean so it was a parkour challenge originally for the head of house yeah but then it was a bit biased towards sub cuz is clearly the best parkourist and we already just had a parkour challenge excuse me what do you mean we had the best parkour challenge we had the best we had a parkour challenge like the challenge before not even like the session before so it felt a bit unfair that sub was like going into a challenge you to say he’s he’s the best huh well you wouldn’t have won because you were head of house the previous week yeah but you can’t say he’s the best I feel like everyone knows this available option everyone knows the that’s too bad is good but having the maze challenge was a bit more fair on every every angle fair for me but you just not good at mazes no I went first and then everyone just memorized where I went the [ __ ] do you mean they did take the slower PA though like if they went a different way they would have gone faster yeah but everyone was like oh this just [Music] sure I’ll Do Your Dirty Work Well um I feel like there’s something wrong with these Nether Warts because they’re not growing um dark place okay are they on soulan um no they don’t need to be they don’t um okay recommended crossbreeding I thought it was application s but okay okay all right we’re back in the desert another tier five plant um um yes I I just I don’t think they’re growing or they might be I don’t I don’t know cuz we need these to crossbreed into hops that’s my only only problem going on um uh not going back into the jungle okay I think I’m just coming back at this point okay um 5 * 630 and then eight times s um okay breing um what am I Nether wart oh a little mini volcano maybe they’re just taking ages I guess I’ll also start breeding the um what’s the word we need stick reads so um it’s me secure I’m fine cuz we already have an energy condenser that gives us infinite stuff anyway so in a legitimate way hey sh yeah could you I don’t know what you’re doing oh no you’re making cell panels H I’m no I got stuck inside a door that was the most traumatizing experience of my life D versus door the dorm one dle came out pregnant oh Lord Oh Lord yeah I found some volcanoes but they’re not worth it yeah you want to come back to us I’m coming back man I was going to come back and then I saw the volcano so just have a visit okay I am taking some of the B cobblestone in case we want to oh yeah best cobblestone looks amazing in SPS um is there a certain amount we need to duplicate it or any okay cool I’ve got 18 I’m coming back dang it all right oh oh is that a baby leopard baby leopard yeah like a tiny little leopard thing what are you talking about oh ocelots yeah oh yeah guess tiny leopard that’s what it looks like my brain just melted you should be able to tame him in this version uh yeah with fish raw fish I think it was raw fish yeah but they’re a bit finicky cuz you’ve got to crouch and wait for them to walk to you you could also just Chase they they need to be conf you to do it yeah let me get some more sugar cane or you know what no I lied I’m a liar I was a liar you’re a liar oh no into the fire I knew I should have thought it at least I’m being honest cuz one last time I need the one who takes you home home if you could say something to Arena Grande what would you say that Adriana vente break up with your boyfriend yeah yeah CU I’m bored that was break up with your girlfriend there’s a where it’s like surely you know more maths why did you choose 34 plus 35 out of all the combinations oh my God they start listing all of the [ __ ] combinations I thought he was saying was like a 50/50 thing well she was saying I’m I’m good I’m my good come on no one heard that noise I heard everything oh that’s my coochi flaps you doing blazing I don’t know how to get out I love how it’s us do [ __ ] and blue boy trying to tame a cat yeah I I am taming a cat I have it I just got to get it home oh it’ll teleport uh but if you run out of range from it it won’t don’t tell him that they’ll take longer um let’s go I’m sorry there’s only water through here you’re going to have to swim well out of the way K waiting for these crops to grow the heck hit me oh nothing hit me into the food I’m hungry that it’s hungry okay that’s for oh no anyy place a crop on the North southeast west [Music] directions so need you don’t should kid I might have a slight problem that doesn’t sound slight by your turn of voice I might be trapped in the nether did you break the portal not me you’re gas one I knew it I knew it sure I’m going to go rescue never mind why you on 65 BPM cuz I’m relatively calm why are in the nether because I was making a safe space in the nether for our portal I don’t think it has any trauma what a gas is constantly shooting at it what do you mean it doesn’t have yeah time I’m did you get that or I I didn’t get it either sorry I no they got it they just countered it safe space see tile please get on board sorry I I don’t have a set space have you noticed that the Nether wart looks like I I oh are you [Music] good what does it look like what does it look like T can we have a clip when he’s broken y watch me dissolve slowly I’m already there before you thank you I’m going to have to help the straight man give me a minute not the streight did she get in the boat man no yeah I know wait for me ah wait for me [Music] um SI oh um the nether portal is covered monsters they’re back after me again how did you get in uh I ran in while they were while the monsters were going for you I’m dead again I haven’t been able to grab my stuff in like the past few minutes now I mean he died like how long ago not too long ago not long yeah I think I have an issue you call out blue boy for something I did was that you yeah oh my God I’m going wait for you to go in this time I’m not about to die to the mobs here all these skeletons are fighting each other get in the boat fine Portal’s all clear you can basically I got a music disc what one did you get uh far not clear I accidentally just blew up the bort on this side [ __ ] get the FL steel cameras got the cameras dead ass dead ass shush did you just shush me yes I’m part of the lgbtq community already have you know I’m rolling with the LGBT who the [ __ ] do you think you are I’m nro I see proceed name troper oh oh you’re a treer part of the military where was your military during World War II are are you still going to come help me uh no I’m I lost my sword um he sure are there any like emeralds or anything oh there’s sapphires oh my God [ __ ] spider want I want to watch where is it I think he might have died to lose all my stuff here in a minute hey why don’t you sleep in the bed yeah what the heck [ __ ] is lagging it to Nowhere hey there’s a spider coming for you thank you you’re welcome oh oh my God I don’t need these skeletons standing on my farm cuz they’re breaking it oh I’m pissed um go fence him yeah F boy was at the house um I’m going back in they’re still pissed at me I wonder why apparently they can hit me from a free Block how can we get a death counter open your um open your eyes stats no way stats open your stats right now no I don’t think stats exist they do they do alwaysed not always well early release like the first three releases they didn’t I think [ __ ] I didn’t mean to harvest that what is [Music] happening oh my God I’m so sick of skeletons you sorry creeper oh man blue boy how close you the house not pry be not don’t say I’m too far away why am I hearing cant explosions because they’re trying to get my farm pleas I just need believe want to sleep holy [ __ ] oh you just need me to sleep well nit in NE um it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen anymore I was near sheep I could have just killed two and made a bit I’ve never been more Angry than I am right now can’t you see I’m completely engulfed you need to calm down someone else was engulfed I give up man I’m going to go to bed did you get your stuff no I think it’s all despawned did you have the philosopher stone on you huh you know the thing that you spent that diamond on I thought I put it I thought that I thought I put that in a chest I put one in the chest if you find two in the chest you’re free that one oh I thought I this chest with all the marble that I M someone’s you do that you go to bed have a good night no not mad don’t worry I’ve been up since like 10 I think I work up today excuses excuses yes 10 in the AM that guy has never pulled an all nine I have actually I’ve stayed up for 48 hours once that but that was back when I was a kid once haven’t you done things once child and then never done them again because of how horrible it was yes oh is that what we’re calling it horrible yes it 48 hours I say that’s horrible sometimes you get used to it yeah it’s too oh god oh yeah getting my job is M night I’m going to go to bed living it’s the worst good night I don’t know if these are fully grown yet shock how the Sal panels I’m waiting for things to smell I sorry I’m sorry um is anyone Blue Boy probably is um at least I think I do um okay what the [ __ ] is that scary noise I’m not playing a horror game Minecraft shut the [ __ ] up this ain’t Five Nights at Freddy’s I’m not on the clock right [Applause] now or or or smash past chica of the chicken CH cake what you pleas [Music] expect cheek is cake which version um the glamrock one the new one oh my God Kentucky Fried Chicken allow chica oh oh God I’m so sick of weeds if we ever tried ecstasy ecstasy oh my God we’ve cross spread something but it’s something new and I don’t know what it is I just need something new and unexpected something I just made something unexpected something new something um hey sh oh you know the micro blocks yes um do you want to make like Cobblestone rods rods like yeah is that a mango what’s my son doing here Gordo mango Gordo mango what are you doing here little man why isn’t he coming in uh because he wants to hang out with me when you’re not cool enough don’t let him in the chest oh I can’t open it there we go where did my thing go good thing where are my testicles somewhere oh it’s in the um thing isn’t it we’ve got wait do I need to uh name tag it so that it’s name tags don’t exist okay cool it could just sit there wait do you have it the um it here the no yeah where the [ __ ] did my saw I thought it was inside the um crafting table [Music] so s dud so oh my God I think we made pumpkins then mind I killed it I full stepped on it and died that’s hilarious what there might have been melon please don’t sit on my CRS I have one I have one pumpkin in this thing I think someone’s taken off with my [ __ ] Sal what if it was Nitro and he died wait why you have you done the yellow text Bar Method yeah I did it’s no way comes back and he I’m going to kill [Music] someone I think it’s full gone whatever I’ll make a new one then [ __ ] um I got my cat back safely so I am going to head off for tonight have a good night I also have work oh good luck yeah it’s going to be fun see life jumps on it me after I gave birth just full stomp no don’t don’t do that um right good night good night this is this waet do you want I need you to look at things do you want cover strips slab strips let me at my cover St panel strips or slab strips strips um cover strip or maybe panel strip panel yeah you can combine them if they’re too big anyway too small that’s why miss me something new and unexpected oh wait [ __ ] how do i r you’re making rice or yum what if I made wheat out of sugarcane I’m kind of into the crossbreeding stuff like the farming in this is fun mhm but you wanted panel strips right uh yeah holy [ __ ] um [Music] [ __ ] the weeds just made me kill another plant I’m pissed thought everything has to [ __ ] with each other to make something Doo that’s the only way I know how you know when I need to mix pain I stick my dick in that is that not how you make orange you ever think before you say anything no yeah it’s evident all right ship could you also make um crops what you oh my God this is amazing oh not like that though um oh just kidding no it’s not uh actually no yeah no can I have them you want it on oh you just oh where did they go you broke it yeah can I can you drop them on the ground and could you oh I definitely need more than that um yes as well as could you make crops um they look like two sticks crops yeah called crop sticks oh okay oh why are these not vertical oh [ __ ] okay I see I’m G to have a fun time his filter burned out a long time ago yeah I don’t know I don’t remember if T which was there during the 2 hours of family friendly before swearing time oh my God it’s GOI is this what you want yep I need a lot um let me just check if all my stuff is ready oh sorry man just feed you I’m kind of loving that though um when he’s loving it never talk to me know who you are show the Sheep what he end up on the [Laughter] menu hey mango how you doing um can I have the soul you got to just put it in the inventory you put it in the uh chest inventory oh sorry yeah there you go thank is that a diamond Handa not Sapphire it’s a glimpse of us that’s what’s playing cuz sometimes I look in her eyes it’s where I find of us ad on blend when I went to the Joi concert and everyone was crying around me the Irish Concept when the exact same thing happened n the Bish concept was like super high energy un like all the depressing Joi St no me and my brother C sometimes oh I think I [ __ ] up he don’t [ __ ] up did what did you need um covers oh sorry no crops crops yes all right do you not approach my farm how you doing cth I really hope Nitro lit up his marble tunnel that he made well if you didn’t uh I be f are we surprised oh my God but I genuinely thought you were excc for a second give me a second no one delete that comment I need to add another one to [Music] my um oh my God I’m dropping you crops on you I don’t know if you need more thank you so so much let me know if you need more I’m looking for the section on my Discord where is it okay here is the um yo Eminem from teu that one remember that one and now let’s get the this one I hope you’re doing good C this is for my compilation who do I look like have you seen the um oh [ __ ] when people think they look like a celebrity but they really don’t y everyone just says they look like James B I don’t I don’t like I don’t see it do you see it no oh oh oh my God everyone says I can sing but like I I don’t think I do I don’t want to laugh for Christmas there is just one Sage you do like XC for real from teu from te te I think my favorite one was um not was it depressed excy it was a depressed lwig it was one of them right though red to filth uhoh uh uhoh uh oh hey there’s someone shooting at you well the American role play can stop he’s American Do You Want To Be An American Idiot no I thought not okay I want you just need to take several seats C shade never made anybody less gay this [ __ ] zombie the Super Sentai season I don’t know what that is who talking about Sentai what’s that it’s uh the original Power rang like um the Japanese version oh shout out to the power amaz if you were a power anger which which P don’t say it I know what you’re going to do come on just go on which Power Ranger would you be they call me a nerd um the pirate ones this pirate Power Rangers yeah they did for the 10 I think 10 or 15th year sent AF forgot which I think it’s the 10th Year sorry sent to Africa what huh what’ you say what did you say sent to Africa what no what did you say I don’t know I don’t know what like what you’re referring to no what you just said that I’m being G lit no no no I generally don’t know which one your like that’s the 35th Anniversary Sentai oh yeah yeah yeah okay it’s my favorite um the opening I think the opening is the best opening out of all of them they have like anime openings yes some of them have dances too oh me and the gay brother have learned the dance it’s to you didn’t even need to put gay before that I I knew I think do they have a black Power Ranger um it depends on what season like do they replace each what’s the deal what what do you mean like what are the power like are they so they usually have always have like yellow so it’s it’s different so there’s like always a red usually I think there’s like like only very few which don’t have a red but with red usually there’s just whatever [ __ ] col colors to be honest but they’ll always have a different theme about them so there’s pirate there’s cars there’s robots yeah there’s one that was like about countries that’s halalia yeah that’s right I know what Italia is nope no please no I feel like Italia has a lot of trauma for people it’s fun to bring out that’s where shipping began there were two Endy men over there Battle Fever J what yes that is the country on how many seasons are there a lot there’s one every year and the one that came out for the 35th year was in like 2012 something like that when the world ended real 47 Jesus yeah who is this person um and can they DM me can you show me your power ranger pictures me can you like Pro to me you’re a big you know Cai fan show me what STI written on your face I have a Senai tattoo you don’t do you no I don’t you have any tattoos no I can see your tto want to get matching maybe oh i’ think about it do not touch my crops you [ __ ] is crotch you [ __ ] that sounds too close yeah sorry that was a creeper on my CRS I was one year off Mega Force Dino Thunder so do they all they Powers combin right that’s the they the powers combin do they have powers what’s the deal they don’t they have the Giga robot or is that Voltron that’s um their mechs yeah the mech is the mech always like the same or wall uh it’s different okay for example the the one that we’re talking about the pirate one yeah their one was their also their mode of Transport which was the gokai gion which was their pirate ship which turned into the little Mech bot team okay it’s like it’s a whole big franchise yeah holy [ __ ] I will not put crops down until I know the crops are fully grown holy [ __ ] when the part come the party don’t start till I walk in when I leave brush my teeth with the bottle of Jack bottle of Jack I ain’t coming back Pedic is on my toes oh [ __ ] I’m going to get so drunk tomorrow I’m so excited no haven’t I haven’t been drinking in a very long time Monday yeah g on a Monday we’re going to the gay club on a Monday oh when his F don’t know and I’m having dinner at 6 um I’ll get a tattoo with sha would you get a a Power Rangers tattoo with sha what would you if we had a shed tattoo what would it be I don’t know what we need something like how Goose St characters electric chair that’s the same thing as putting a [ __ ] semicolon semicolons have meaning though I mean gd’s trauma I do you think the semicolon lost its meaning in terms of people get them and don’t actually know what they’re for yeah they like people just get them cuz they oh you know just a small cute tattoo this girl that’s about ending your [ __ ] life Google before you do it they’re like it’s just a trend huh damn 13 reasons why I did change the world real bring back 100% was 13 Reasons Why as well cuz like he gets a semicolon tattoo season 2 MH you want to know how spoilers for 13 Reasons Why um one of the characters gets brain damage turns gay are we surprised no um oh go there’s an even worse one um makes sense yeah that’s what happened to me fell down a slide you know the video of the cop falling down the that was me and then I was gay um that is so real and then oh my god oh it gets so much worse um the last season I know that um specific character dies from like out of nowhere after just getting AIDS cuz they’re like oh he uh had gay sex on the streets now he’s dead and they just killed him off we want to start a conversation about what lobotomize your gaze what’s hello Selena Gomez I’m coming for your ass that’s right is it big one two three four I know you just moved on from that you moved on from worse be real with yourself that I hate so right get Selena Gomez’s name ouch your mouth get my wife your [ __ ] mouth do you like the um the little fence that I made oh come look look let me have a look s I’ll Sayo mangle can they jump up this though uh I don’t know we’ll see I feel like they could I don’t think they could pathfind over it cuz they are kind of just like funky little blocks what do you think these some of these crops are like the the weird gray ones I’m really hoping they’re Pops Pops hops the um you know Pops from um Regular Show that one like you see here like this green one I think this might be hops like we might be able to make beer tonight like don’t stand on don’t stand on she just stomped on my baby oh my God oh my God cat can you CLP that I think T is gone at the moment holy [ __ ] she just stomped on I was like oh my God with this we can make she was like no she’s trying not to enable me that’s oh my God there’s another one it’s fine there’s a second one it’s okay thought it was like you will only trample if you jump on it no they’re really finicky like apparently if you just walk on them they’ll die I’m so sorry that shit’s so funny holy [ __ ] oh my God God just curb stomped my crops right as I say don’t don’t do [Music] it oh my God he on HMC sh just stomped on my baby do you like what I’ve done to the front door huh maybe I should change it with um like the oak logs what do you mean before skating oh have fun oh it’s cute yeah I think it should be the logs I think we could use these to make signs like for the club we could we definitely could my pickax the [ __ ] what oh my God my game broken your game bro what what do you mean was as soon as I broke them yes is it just not responding like it it like glitched like it flashed like some weird thing I oh okay whatever and then it just was permanently um it was permanently like um what’s that one hack um where you can see all the ores [Laughter] um and then I just couldn’t leave and I force quit it that’s wild okay let’s turn that into panels oh that’s all good thank you so much the clip title baby title baby she said I don’t think gay people should have kids and then I lost it oh my God this looks pretty nice I kind of like it a bit thinner I thought it said bobie I just can’t read Barbie barie it’s the queen I killed the I can’t believe he stoed on the queen like that I thought J schlatt did it but it was you all along I was gonna say that oh one I sorry oh God damn I think it’s a hop I hope it is hop I said I said a boom cha boom I said a boom don’t actually know the words you know boom chicka rocket chicka rocket chicka boom getting drunk tonight oh let’s go M jealous I was thinking about drinking tonight but then sh got a virus that [ __ ] is so funny to me bringing it back don’t need tell anyone it’s your fault your oh my God at least you’ve got a ad blocker that is real now hey twin hey Miss thing I can’t open the game what do you mean pressing play it’s not play um maybe just close the launcher just close everything down oh that’s not good this is Joey he’s my ba I a boom choom what is this Cobblestone post uh okay I might have to restart my PC your py good look all right she said a Boom Chick AB boom I meant you guys in game I don’t drink much actually you went to your first drag last week oh I’m jealous I really hope there’s a a drag queen on when gex is here although it’ll I don’t think it’d be busy because it’s never too busy on the weeks but like don’t need GS getting hit on by Too Many Men it’ be funny but I don’t need to put him through that trauma enjoy the drag show I’m exited I think Nitro is also coming so it’s Me krono Maybe lucky as the gays trying to guide the straight men um can’t really want these hops to grow at least I hope that hops going to be many coming out then oh my God I I need to give them a debrief beforehand that they’re going to be respectful and [ __ ] not cuz I think they would I just think that there’s a right way to turn someone down if they hit on you like gex is a pretty introverted person I don’t think he’s going to be going crazy and I think nacho is as well like they’re not going to be like make causing a scene or anything they’re the straight friends that you want to bring to a gayar um zombie there okay time to see if they can climb the fence no do not do not do not I found out how they can do it oh my God that blew up his body yeah those are the best ones [ __ ] nitro’s busy hole that he mined out um busy hole [ __ ] hole my kles shaved join the game you see me is that shave vichu no what is it um you wouldn’t get it is it a BTS thing close twice it’s just cop just kop in general yeah just cop very tortured that’s right I know what they do the Kpop Stars I know their schedules I know what your stands have been doing to them anyways I know who had that car accident and then the fans covered it up twice I don’t think twice has had any car accidents um no they have not I love how you know this no it’s my full-time job who if you if you want to try that again thing is I don’t know why what I’m going to try again that’s rir like I just forgot you know fire for Gore I for Gore oh we’re about to get a pumpkin or a melon dang it okay oh that makes more [Music] sense I haven’t got any seeds that I need to caliz which is interesting I guess maybe I’ve already gone these before so much weed going to get high tonight maybe just a little bit no that’s not ready look what I have for you where you sure it’s break to you you gave me solar panels during the [ __ ] middle of the night well I gave them to you fine it’s fine it’s fine can you get some copper cables no Copp cables isn’t even that hard how many do you need uh seven seven hello can I have a pickaxe over the wall hello why I I got Cobblestone and cable thank you yeah what the [ __ ] was going to throw in the bedroom wait you need seven right yeah cstone that’s you have a kidney stone but doesn’t come out the normal way oh Oh e that sounds [ __ ] painful have you seen the [ __ ] Pearl tweet no maybe what he was it um the [ __ ] when he CED his kidney stone into me that’s my [ __ ] P now damn I love how you didn’t give me any cover cables I’m smelting oh smelting I see I see um I’m so sorry what There Was rubber in a chest huh hi mango where uh it was the chest um oh that’s fine where’s the energy condenser it’s not fine okay we need to get new one before anyone finds out let’s just do this first a in so much trouble how do we make the energy is that with the diamond and obsidian yes that was like five diamonds this is worse than the picka holy [ __ ] no one can know anything to all the other members holy [ __ ] I’m going back down in the hole [ __ ] hell oh my god um someone’s in trouble um okay uh okay um I can fix this I I can fix this um I hope silver I have so much wood to much wood um holy [ __ ] um this is actually horrible this has pushed us back really far um okay we do we not have any diamonds excuse me okay um surely we do somewhere we have no diamonds okay floser Stone go mine we have one okay what we can do with this is we can convert iron into gold gold into diamonds we need five diamonds um okay can you change like iron blocks uh no okay um okay I have five diamonds um we have a lot less gold um we can make gold yes um where are the calance dusts awesome um holy [ __ ] Nitro should never hear about this this is I really hope someone CLI that holy [ __ ] we don’t have any start I need to use the transmutation tablet like a ple holy [ __ ] don’t me out you mango um okay okay uh Alchemy okay uh can I have iron ingots how many uh like two and can I have obsidian as well fully P my face uh four okay um hold on one second oh I got obsidian obsidian okay okay okay it’s fine it’s fine we got it no one no they know hey do you have the saw um yeah do you want to put the wood inside the engine condenser again nothing I’m making that um so I’m just putting uh here’s the saw can we repair this uh yeah using conve dust if you like um although you could use a Talisman of repair which I think does it over time which is likeing kind of um although I do think it might use up Redstone and stuff in your inventory but I can make a talsman right now um maybe we just wait for that God um need the blue one can I have three of the blue one yeah just put them in put in the chest all right okay so if I make paper that was a long meow okay actually I don’t think we can it’s not repairing um it’s a three right this um you dropped it has a repeal let me just throw calance dust to you is everything repairing or all your tools repaired no um what if you hold it like in your hand directly okay we have no weeds awesome why was there creepy Minecraft music I don’t like that turn down your music how do you are you sure this is how you use this um you might have to put it in a chest I know it works with um alchemical bags but oh chest I don’t know what you mean like in a chest you put the tag in the chest uh could you make two doors no know what you mean by that H yeah so the house of repair um make three doors what the [ __ ] I just made Blaze P awesome okay um wait hops apparently look like wheat and this weird wheat looking thing has grown with the no way no way there’s some cross breeding Shenanigans zero chance stand right in front of me look at you look at you look at me okay okay damn these things grow really fast the sugarcane m I think they’re pretty good for EMC they give you like 32 each oh nice did you just make like a patio outside um not on purpose kind of kind of maybe why don’t you make mobble slabs and then put them on the ceiling huh like you can just make mobile panels and then put on the ceiling so you don’t ruin the floor outside but that would bring the thing down by one oh you make it um what they call covers okay okay pass the S over oh it’s in a chest upstairs I can get it um what did you am I stupid um it looks like the Talisman isn’t doing too much we’ll see uh maybe I just put here um now uh so if I turn this into covers and that’s the furthest I can go awesome so this is one 16th I think like come down here and look at the panel difference oh I can yeah put on the roof um I need a pickaxe um I might need you to oh no out oh pickax yeah if you make covers you can uh um here’s marble here is your sword and here is your pickaxe I will make some tools for myself what I grab marble I think I’ll um attempt to wait panels right covers oh covers yeah it’s one step further than panel one more okay thank you you know I think the problem was the pressure plate no with the door why is it open again I don’t like that hello fuzzy meow meow cuz the thing is even if it’s closed even if we’re here they’re going to go even so this just [ __ ] sucks how strong is this bat box it’s constantly using stuff awesome am I able to use these solar panels to set up a quarry which uh Cy automatically digs out things undergr maybe yeah that’ be good oh it made wheat [ __ ] you what dude um the sugar cane it cross-pollinated to create wheat instead of um hops so I’m frustrated uh yes mango okay yes M what’s up bubs you good I’m back and I bought food yeah let’s go who that uh pancake what’ you get for what food arm which arm you get um yeah that’s we fit so right wait no don’t add crops until I need to get rid of these fosta I think you can flood them H Saturday Sun what’s your opinions on Vance Joy homemade chicken burger oh I’m jealous music makes good music what’s your opinions on Riptide yep oh my God I think I [ __ ] up what do you mean I didn’t Pro we got melons oh my God come over come come don’t stand on it though there’s like a little pathway there need to pict Sure hold on let me open up my calyer hello I’m a bit stupid okay yeah is that the melon yeah I’m going to I’m going to harvest them I got a melon I is that the green ones yeah no that’s not the green ones uh that was the orange one uh no what the fck boo okay can I chaliz this as well [ __ ] I hear a skeleton oh um all right I’m going to put this over here but I hope you doing amazing pancake what a small world is that the the dude that paty plays with every so often the the really funny dude that was very non-specific I should people know who I’m talking about um oh my God mango you scared me you little pooper I’m going to put a stack of iron in the meridor that could be anyone um he had that really weird story about sing his grandma’s cooci I think guess that’s game one okay so that’s a new crop and I need something that has higher charge sounds like him um battery maybe there’s something better I can do with the crop maker yes mango I know okay so the best seeds are clearly these ones maybe I just breed the specific good ones although that one’s got really [ __ ] resistances but this one overall is just trash so I’m going to bin this guy um goodbye okay do you know where your little kitty cat is he’s um he literally just brushed up against me I forgot to put water in here and Li them on stream I I think I know who I think that’s I think that’s the one um okay should me these Reed seeds is he a good little guy he’s he’s a he’s 50/50 sometimes he’s normal sometimes he’s a felon just like his father yeah crop noizer oh can we sleep yeah yeah I need power for my cral lier he’s so not 5050 do you think he what do you think he is pancake cuz he’s pretty chill most of the time 75 25 like I don’t know maybe 75 25 oh my God Mar beat he’s like 80% mean let’s see if I can find him mle I love you why is a good boy today table time this oh [ __ ] okay so a batpack a lab a lap pack or an energy Crystal um okay so mining laser holy [ __ ] that’s kind of cool um it’s a charging bench [Music] oh okay oh he’s loed up on his cat tower um okay I was meaning to thank you so it looks like I need a a lap pack is that what I need okay so you’re trash as well awesome good to know [ __ ] sorry for the bucket hello do you want it back no I’m good um do you want these seeds oh you can D them in lava Sor put in oh I can’t go in there just kidding wrench uh I don’t know going to put in the cactus oh Cactus good idea sh yo what’s could you make a batpack a bat pack yeah I don’t know what you’re doing right now sorry if I’m [ __ ] style NOP you’re good six re batteries yeah what the [ __ ] okay oh my God weeds are growing um okay well well then I need four times oh I have a lot [Music] um hey sha can you find that melon in the chest oh wait what sorry melon can you find that yeah the melon melon or pumpkin uh both actually pumpkin melon cuz I might start crossbreeding melons with each other to get like super melon you know that melon game this a game we playing oh my God that game is such a scam real or we just suck real um okay two melons down and then pumpkin I’m going to have to watch these really close to make sure do we have any more rubber cooked rubber um cooked rubber I don’t have any on me um I’m going to cook all of this we don’t have a lot of rubber uh what am I looking for resin yeah I’m going to I might go around and get some more uh I think we might make a quarry [Music] um cuz it seems like we might have the power for it in terms of solar panels um just thinking uh te it energy link okay what does EU to MJ become [Music] where okay what the conversion though uh take it uh what’s it called EU to MJ okay so 2.5 okay all right all right all right over white so if I jeez I don’t even know um need to make sure that there’s no weed spreading yeah I see it’s 3:44 a.m. waking up in the morning thinking about so many things wake up in the morning PE didy no we’re not we do not wake up in the morning feeling like py um I guess maybe I maybe I wait for everything to fully grown then I start replacing you’re not tired yet no I woke up at uh 6 um my uple night I I have a night I have a night shift schedule so I’m I’m normally up until 6:00 in the morning like working so I’m it’s just like the middle of the day for me right now uh I got a lot of panel Stripes what’s up back oh thank you welcome um uh would you like a free AR battery I know not really good gift sure um I was going to say oh um maybe I should eat some more butter chicken that’s what I’m thinking of I thought you were going to say something Minecraft related maybe I should eat this cat oh I can’t say that [ __ ] oh there’s no item frames yet no [ __ ] stupid um hey so this cat is um getting a bit quirky T night the cat does get a bit croaky at night oh time for eage don’t need the push tile you’re gay remember have you seen the what’s the you’re vegan you’re gay you’re gay yeah [ __ ] love that video I forgot his whole identity oh my God it’s just a gay dude like he’s like drunk as [ __ ] and he’s eating like a cake and then he cases the girl next to him and they’re all screaming oh my God can I not put signs on chests nope actually yeah you should be able to or maybe you can’t can you not Crouch no you have to do it beside oh miss thing I’m annoyed what is this hers uneven um you just put like crafting tables and furnaces here and just put things that you know don’t need a lot of space maybe make them sideways like in the wall I don’t know um please I need to see it let me uh let me look is it this one no he’s gay yeah that’s the one oh my god there you go There’s the link oh my God is that Me Oh no you’re vegan he’s gay oh [ __ ] you meant to be crossbreed I wonder what’s crossbreeding with these Nether Warts Cal down what’s that the what’s it call it Mercator is going ham yeah if I mix netherwart with sugarcane allegedly it might have a high chance of doing the thing I want to so I’ll I guess I’ll try and uh try to do that next like once I clear out one of these fields right um I guess we need some high EMC yeah mango I know did you change these furnaces into iron furnaces maybe it might have been pissing me off a bit do you don’t like the regular furnaces or were they just too slow they’re just so [ __ ] slow yeah and this is quite slow too um we can make an industrial furnace induction furnace you need Advanced machine block electric furnace and copper Advanced machine block requires oh god um I mean if you want to you can make a compressor um you’ll need a compressor to do it yeah it’s not signalum it’s a mixed outo inot that’s what you need signalum is something completely different um okay maybe we make an infinite EMC machine eventually yes mango what’s going on maybe you tired you tired baby oh you don’t like that I’m sorry I’ll stop I’ll stop babying you [ __ ] off Dad he had like his little tide eyes and then as soon as I started doing that he looked at me like pure hate going crossbreed with each other me and de when we get into farming Stu was in the only Valley I’ll beeding she’s all the way there oh my God he’s gate no you’re [Music] vegan oh um okay I’m just thinking um holy [ __ ] a quarry needs 11 diamonds oh if we didn’t lose all the diamonds that we lost we would have been able to make some right now um can we not duplicate diamond uh no we did not um can we not I can make one now but the philosopher what’ you say can we or can we not not what I I made a diamond with a philosopher stone so we can duplicate it now lost yeah we we lost it what do you mean um okay so now there’s five diamonds in here now what if I take half the silver that we have you know nicolite is never going to get used fam was last words [ __ ] Nikolai what do we use it for I don’t know we might actually it might be red power so we’ll use that for the dance floor at the the club itself um it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we’ll get we’ll get back the cost okay what um whatever I’m going to make the Quarry okay um and then we need to use this to make is it a landmark is that what it’s called okay where should we destroy nature not sure what if we did it under the house what if we just made like a giant chasm under the house yeah know you sure you don’t want to just hollow out the Earth underneath where we live no like just a full sinkhole I don’t know something about that sounds that’s the part of the at Freddy’s a giant s Gregory pretty F pizza isn’t the same anymore Gregory I [ __ ] up the Cobblestone oh my God please forgive me Gregory I [ __ ] up the cobblestone generator big gaping Hall I think it’d be funny if we did it and hold no one we when nitro goes to M Mar he just disappears imagine we like mine the floor underne and they just B um okay so we need seven iron gears four gold gears okay um I might take out gems that’s fine big gaping hole that’s my drag name oh my god oh this just what you have stop my booty hole is it’s tight it’s petite in your dreams they look at me and say wow was that an allen head screwdriver wake the [ __ ] up it’s time to wake up I finger bang myself with chopsticks cuz it’s the only thing that’ll fit a pin wouldn’t even fit you know the be movy how he’s got like the pit on his ass the Stinger not like when he get when he um when he stings the dude in court oh yeah and gets the aesthetic Stinger yes that’s me they inherited from their mom the chasm you opened my book it took a while but you opened it oh wait are these all someone’s stuff where in here um I don’t know cuz I’ve just been dumping things in there me too you should be fine I think it was someone’s stuff at one point oh well they can look for it yeah not my problem would you put where would you put torches in the wooden stuff or in like I don’t know I think it’ be tools tools yeah I thought so too do we have enough iron this is definitely like Nitros or blue Bo cuz I just found the fences I might just have to um yeah let’s M right the iron Let’s uh um that’s a lot iron was that the one lost outside or was that you what sry outside the house that was you okay sorry I didn’t Clos it all um yeah I’ll close it soon mhm mhm creeper walks in blows up energy condenser pleas I’m so glad that I now know that energy condensers aren’t Immortal well I I think it was just they made of obsidian plac they was just bad placement yeah that was there was a new Under of there there are nukes in this by the way um I don’t know how you make them your song is a banger I will find a way I recently discovered a song I think I sent it to you sh Lon lemonade holy [ __ ] that one’s good I did listen to it I it was on at work and I was like what the [ __ ] is this and I was sitting like I was I was working and I was like trying to remember the lyrics as hard as I could that I like remembered you know when you do that when you’re like I need to remember H okay people are going to get on the server and it’s going to be like the so I did some work offline I did some work off stream and now there’s a giant hole into the house I have the Quarry I think I’m going to put it under the house like full just we’re going to dig out underneath the house do we want to put all ores just in this chest um maybe we put it on the chest we put a chest on top of the mider I you do like we could also like pump out the when the ORS are done we can pump them out into the chest downstairs like this yeah the I sent you I was meaning to look at that I’ve been added in a stream of Discord what is going on who added me oh my God this is the one that that’s the one that HMC sent lgbtq you know I can I can see why you don’t want me listening to it um okay the max size is 64x 64 um I need a pickaxe um i w make a green one cuz I don’t want to steal from you I’ve already condensed a bunch of green gems into diamonds yeah I got got a sappire one they’re purple or no what they’re purple or no it’s red blue green sappi emerald um do you have any ladders bun I have like three left over oh I have two left over down here okay um need a little more oh no don’t worry I got a bunch of wood all right I might energy condens them cuz they’re just such a pain to craft yeah I’m just going to energy condense it FR Jaan not the F how dare you what oh my god um how big is the um can you lock the door oh my God if you fell down this hole with me we would have been stuck no um oh right would be okay I can move this up by one um okay so that goes there um do you have a shovel yes can I have it just throw down the hole um hold on oh don’t worry huh whichit I got a flint first try okay watch it intersect with the leg no um I need a redstone torch no never mind I think the amount of covalence you need is depending on what the tool is right uh depending on the durability that’s required to um so the the charcoal Cobble one is the weakest followed by the iron redstone followed by the diamond coal one so why what can I not prepare my hands off I think it’s just different mod that’s why it’s not being happy but has an e doesn’t the EMC thing matter I don’t know crazy um what do you mean I have to make another one okay so I’m at 60 what’s 160 + 63 160 + 63 223 [Music] okay I can hear fapping huh h Clos Lo’s door oh my God she went there damn I know I’d walk over there I’d start soing dramatically ruin the mood sor playing like kids music kidsbop kids Bob version of my kids are listening to kidsbop they can’t hear you where the [ __ ] is I write my name on the test why is there a hole in my swallowed a fly I my question why is there a hole in my floor um what do you mean there’s a hole in my floor because of you I think you’re being traumatic I am just asking you a [ __ ] question no one would believe you you’re crazy no um I’m building a quy underneath the house see another w why is it not working now okay okay could you create something called an energy link I think that’s what it’s called this is way too complicated are you making the compressor or are you still doing Storage storage sorry did you ask me to make a compressor I it was just an if you want it oh I don’t know what that floor was I can’t it um let me look at the energy L the compressor was for oh faster furnaces that’s what you wanted compressor yeah oh I need a compressor compressor or Singularity compressor um just a regular compressor compressor 2 yeah 2.50 yeah it’s just stone machine block and electronic circuit that n okay um [Music] okay um okay of the things you’re [ __ ] with now oh my God it’s loud in here Jesus Christ that’s what I want Redstone where you at um oh I might need more stone is this what I think it is did I just make the wrong thing yeah I know mango calm down oh yeah I made the wrong thing that’s embarrassing well um yeah that’s why I need it um well ignore the fact that we have seven computers in the chest uh sorry seven computers in the CH have you listen that was my fault it ain’t my fault it’s not my fault you’re like in love with me have you seen the um somebody is getting fired yes I love the video go Beyonce yes myo oh [ __ ] we got melons oh this is not what I thought it would be what I just got ink from unknown seeds there’s another one over here ink you can see it in here like it’s that black thing is that the green thing that’s a lot of ink that’s really good um sorry I need to we don’t have to kill the squids yeah I will uh break these real quick um I was going to show you something um and I was going to show you chat also um okay let’s see here and then go one Higher is it invalid side um is this one I need okay oh sh get out of here right now what do you mean what do you mean out of where get outside outside get outside look at look at this TV uh give me a sec I’m among us you’ll see billboard oh nitro’s GNA love this it’s the whole movie yeah that just going to love this can I make it go faster um I don’t think so this is like the the beginning bit wait um give me a sec so it is a TV it’s a computer oh my God it’s it’s the ships you you could put that up your thing I mean what be the besties oh my God look at him waving his hand oh he dead oh oh my God no one SP their time doing this oh I think I might have made the screen too small oh yeah where had you be secret what plan what a plan oh my God let me see if I can find what screen size it needs to be going I go back and finish myself yeah so um that’s the that’s the secret thing wow I make the screen bigger right that means you’re having a Star Wars movie night if I add more screens to it do you think it’ll stretch probably watch should be like no you need to stop oh okay I can make it bigger by one I need food Jesus Christ yeah someone made it in askot which is crazy okay here we go four more no I think I’ve I think it’s full screen now oh been not watching it in windowed um oh my God RTD2 oh my God it’s that’s Princess Leia look at her she has legs like purple man IM Max Edition enabled bring her back yeah we got Star Wars plan [ __ ] oh the Dr yes you’re right I’m so sorry I don’t know the Star Wars law OB what who no oh where have you put um my calyer no I don’t I don’t have it it might be in your chest outside you’re right you’re right oh someone died St was getting intense I have a compressor on me did you give this to me yeah I did you asked for it that was for you oh it was for you I don’t know what to do with that um we can use it later once we get things set up yeah um oh we need the energy length that’s what we needed okay um I’m gonna I’m about to about to com bust about to get on the bus um okay signs let me know what you need oh [ __ ] I am loing it did I put the cropal lier inside of itself I just have to make a new one that’s frustrating oh my God where’s my back where’d you put everything why’s my backpack oh my backpack’s in here but where’s my I’m losing it oh sorry I’m making ladders that’s not what we want what are you looking for I’m looking for my um my calyer I don’t know if I’m just stupid I don’t know if I um cuz I can’t find it in any of these chests like I just checked um can you open your inventory yeah on stream I to catch up hold on I used the search feature it’s not there where’ it go I don’t know do you want to make me a new one yeah I’ll make you a new one no that’s frustrating um do you need it right now right now um not really but um where’s our dump chest uh you can dump it um in one of the top singles that um yeah sure I don’t even use arrows there’s a skeleton waiting outside oh he’s watching Star Wars he’s really invested I know it’s an old movie but like Jesus Pills and [Music] Potions they’re over potion I’m angry but I still love y that’s really frustrating okay so energy link I need wooden conductive pipe defense Ally which is mixed Metal Ingot oh God do we have any bronze nope [ __ ] do you have an chest or are we keeping the an chest as the top one I think we’re going to move it down Okay um what was my energy link 310 three bombs three refined iron okay need that oh do you need this iron should I oh yeah I need that iron I’m so sorry no no no I’ll put in I’m so sorry you killed I was talking about the you take off your socks why did you take it off for me no oh my God that poor that poor woman was doing her job why didn’t you take it off for me I’m so sorry I I hate that girl prison you should she was out there just doing your feet and you were yelling at her doing your feet doing your feet she was she was doing your feet and you had the audacity the caucacity to beef with her that’s not how this works um okay let me turn that back on bronze dust if there was a child right in front of you what would you do I can see Star Wars through the door it’s still going let me I’ll let you know what bit they’re up to uh but he can your destiny Lie Part the force will be with you always oh my God is that Han Solo Ben is a great man what is it he s says he’s found a and repeating she’s here well who who is he found Princess Leia the princess she’s here oh way his eyes lit up I’m afraid she’s scheduled for termination oh this is where they find princess ler I think this is pre- trash compactor let me know in chat if I’m right okay energy link needs put conductive pip okay that’s not too bad um is there transport pipes in here no they’re in um important okay I love how important is just modded blocks I didn’t know where to put in real okay I might need copper cables in here no oh uh Star Wars spoilers I have the last I have four I can spare you oh I got one copper cable all right good I need I need to go run and get some can you see when I accidentally spawn things in Noe okay I don’t think I have um um might have to deal myself to stop that from happening but then don’t you need one person to me on yeah you’re right um what was I doing with this oh yeah I was playing God and digging out an entire hole um where you at uh I’m upstairs check your feet oh thank you I have to figure out what happened to the last one yeah look back at the V yeah just got like full scammed real um okay what the [ __ ] can chest only stack up to six I’m going to count down until you figure out what’s wrong what can you what’s wrong oh try to place a block against the roof what do you mean like try and put something against the roof anything on the roof what do you see where it it landed yeah it’s not touching the roof then the’re cover blocks yeah you can’t put a chest inside a cover block that’s not what I’m talking about you said that they were limited no that come here what was your problem try and do chests only stack until 6 huh that is my my no that’s whatever you I can put them inside of each other oh but then they’ll do that did it just duplicate no wait then give me a second wait what I think it’s a bugged item and I’m just going to convert it in the energy condenser um so we never have to touch them and then I’ll make you more yeah if something starts doing that St way slowly um here is 32 chest for you huh I I I didn’t need that didn’t need it well why are you complaining jeez all [Music] right jeez okay stop Ying or did you just say hi white boy hey white boy anyways anyway she said anyways anyways so um anyways so real is the resin trees um in the swamp just in the swamp yeah there’s a few you also put some on the hill yeah they spawn about everywhere SP everywhere yeah there’s also giant rubber trees that exist but they’re not the same rubber trees oh but3 wide they’re crazy um I don’t know I don’t think so I think that might be different mod oh okay okay Star Wars finished that was a quick [ __ ] movie yeah I’m trying to swim I cannot swim I can’t swim I can’t swim Evacuate the Dance Floor I love that song okay I wonder where you got that song from the internet oh really [ __ ] are you not on the internet sh’s lying she’s hiding something stole that from my playlist I did I also stole a bunch of white girl music from one of your friends wild yeah oh my God you found them yeah Evacuate the Dance Floor when he’s not original can’t believe it how we surprised do you have any resin I’m getting some right now I thought we had like one we have like two in the chest oh we can just convert them in the engine condenser you’re so right I’m coming back with my 19 wait can we can we do the cooked one rubber just rubber straight rubber no no you can’t do Straight rubber they they thought about it and the gate rubber yeah you can’t do find either can’t do what sorry can’t do refined iron these [ __ ] thought about it yeah do you have any marble covers left marble covers yeah I have five um is that enough yeah any more um do you have the resin I do I can put it in right now yeah legendary what are you doing um well I got to power the Quarry you want to put it in right now um oh God sh it’s fine it’s only temporary um what did you do what do you mean what do you mean what did I do you you made like a a noise no I’ll put this in the electric furnace oh my God I’m going to put some food in the microwave okay mango Cordo mango why you putting the rub in there oh the rubers is coming out how that works okay cool Co did I just get hit well that was me taking fall damage oh oh my hair is my hair is died my roots are very visible are we surprised or what’s that supposed to mean nothing no explain no CH are you suggesting a harmful stereotype stereotype your hair was green that one time it’s not a stereotype if it was real I wonder oh something seems like it’s not like the other oh wait it’s done something it shouldn’t have what have you done nothing I’ll have you dead oh I’m going to replace that that’s bugging me excuse me I’m sick of you get her I want that woman obliterated um oh [ __ ] it’s um sh come down here H it’s not the right size but it’s doing it um down here oh um could you make some Cobblestone pipes after it starts working you’ll see what’s about to happen oh I to my torch Cobblestone pipes oh it’s taking a minute all right let’s go sleep real quick cobone pipes uh yeah how do I make that um can I duplicate them no use glass and Cobblestone for it though right can I do glass um where do you want the stuff coming up from up to uh do you have those chests extra ones 32 y yeah in one um okay so it should be coming up through here my floor do you have any more covers I can make more um you got the uh things oh my is ready have a good EP good night much looking for do we not it broke what do you mean it broke I saw it broke oh um I make another one actually it’s fine we don’t need it anymore [ __ ] what um I realiz I was being stupid I I just ah I’m going to make it anyways uh do you know where the glass is um we don’t have glass yeah we do sorry my G crazy right now I’m going to have to go get my food um if you want to get in bed I’ll be there in a sec and then run down to the basement and see what’s going on with the um the Quarry make get in bed they get in bed uh over here he Richard my favorite fortnite skin is probably that don’t I if they add Billy is to the game I’ll play Billy ish buy yeah I I play Levi but um if Billy comes out I’d play Billy okay like the weekend skin Oh God not the weekend skin sorry my microwave is screaming at me I need to go get my food go ahead come down to the basement I will soon mango my God she b a drill where’s the drill at oh it’s going holy [ __ ] Sean you’re missing this hold on oh my God it’s going ow hello more sols we get the faster we get oh look a lot oh for Sol panels um is this enough what do you mean is this enough um oh um yeah I’m so sorry but I made a few but you can see they’re coming up and they’re going to be put into these chests all bet these where um you can see behind there’s a they’re coming up do the pipes where do they go in first I know I think they just go a bit random they are random I see one cobblestone in the bottom and then three at the I don’t know do you want me to make more solar panels I just inhaled rice real then coughed it up that was disgusting you eating bricks no I’m eating fried rice fried rice more panels yeah I think that’s first order business I’ll be back in SEC all right we where [Music] I walked out into the hallway mango is face to wall staring at it like not even like a distance away he’s just sitting he’s like his hands are against it and he’s just looking like oh my God man’s a psycho well he’s your son yeah [Music] well that’s funny the cat is in game what’s up did you just turn it all into resin no I used like some resin to get some [Music] beef found a loophole infinite f um what am I doing oh we have any High EMC stuff EMC stuff uh uranium uh the gems are also pretty expensive you doing Sora Sora did you ever watch um Digimon no my my brother did though straight one G one oh Black Thorn seeds okay we got the worst Black Thorn seeds in the world zero growth one gain zero resistance um what’s the second one zero everything okay well and this nether W is coming [ __ ] as well I think I might need to make like a separate area for like these kinds of how many solar panels do you think we would need four just how many um how many to start you know what if we make 32 and then we convert four of them into we convert them all into um medium strength C pels so we upgrade it again cuz you can combine them into more so we make 32 we make 32 and then they become four separate ones like coming them again so Sol becomes a low voltage solar array okay anything we could like what are you wanting tover like high MC yeah um something upsid the high as tools um ingots um yeah maybe just go mining for a bit um let’s see I guess I’ll check out what we GRE okay unknown seeds that’s wheat with shitty stats see the pumpkin stats that’s all right one to three one to three oh my god when you harvest these things to give you more than they should that’s perfect um did I do good winked is forever in my mind in my heart I just got rid of melon seeds it’s fine I got a bunch of melons anyway [Music] um oh there’s a bunch of EMC stor in there turning books yes looks not bad give me a sec I want to get you a lot of EMC um holy [ __ ] okay yo pink is actually great musician oh as much as she’s like m music y she’s got bangers well think she adop me she lives near De like he drives past her place like a few times every month it’s crazy he’s like oh yeah that’s Pink’s house the [ __ ] um all right bunch of Nether wart um okay so I got readed seeds awesome I’m sick of my cap damn he leaves pieces of himself everywhere like his leg I’m he’s just out here real holy [ __ ] it’s still going I’m just going to hold it for a sec um and see if I can oh it’s not how you doing DJ this is going to take a while what 30 two solar panels yeah I mean we C them as big guy really yeah yeah May there a tutorial for it okay I don’t need a tutorial on how to yeah okay that’s what I need sorry I ped the Quarry so dark in here so is it only going what’s in the square right at the moment go like this okay I think I figured it out it’s just a little bit frustrating okay um maybe I do Rito mango Rito mango these chests oh my God how about are they there’s just things in every single one of them that’s not what I wanted let’s just go faster if I put coal in it what the generator uh yeah maybe prob be something worth Googling really possibly [ __ ] it looks like how far back is this going to go it did go over here awesome okay all right um okay so the cor is going to be bigger now but it’s going to dig out a different area mhm um let’s check the energy link down oh she’s going oh she’s building is she going uh misss sure on so it’s only doing half of it that first yeah going to be going toward the right oh uhoh I already got the frame kind of done where’s it going okay what do you need for solar panels I’ll help with this all right guess our biggest [Music] problem is that we need electronic circuits yeah which take up six copper cables the [ __ ] so we need [ __ ] jumped that crazy so we need resin really uh we have a like this is enough what we have there yeah um it’s just having to cook them all and stuff well let’s cheuck it in this iron furnace real quick um oh there’s 53 in this chest and [Music] and we’re going to need a lot of cables yeah there’s that [Music] and we’re going to need [Music] quite a bit of 10 as well so which bit do you want me to focus on cuz how many generators do you have zero okay let’s start small um cuz I am doing the coal at the moment yeah so we need 64+ 32 so that’s not too bad on coal um one and a half yeah it’s it’s going right now it’s cooking yeah so ah it’s the problem electonic circuits for the same yeah and generators and it’s oh no it’s only two Electronics circuits okay um but then we also need spare one like 32 more cables because of the battery that needs yeah in the generator I can do the re batteries mhm oh maybe I can just focus on the generators like overall it shouldn’t be too and you want me to do the circuits uh yeah if you want um do that uh we’re going to need 64 iron which we don’t have there’s iron outside in the chest as well I just didn’t bring it inside so I need that’s good then good okay oh [ __ ] I’m going to need um a lot of iron yep that’s that’s an issue uh I know there’s raw iron um but I we need the coal to finish do you want to pause the coal and we send a stack of iron in because while the iron’s cooking we can also M out the coal what sorry so it’ll be faster if we put the iron in first because we can cook the iron at the same time as the CO’s masting um let me what’s the resources in aerator can we just make another one um machine Block Flint and Cobblestone electronic circuit it’s not too bad but I mean if you want to make that on the side it’s up to you um uh I I’m going to die with this electronic [ __ ] circus yeah I love the electronic you need the iron I’m going to die okay there’s um a bunch of uninsulated cables here how many cbles you need how many copper cables do you need cuz I got 48 copper cables yeah four I need can you give me six uh sure I’ll give you 16 I just need 32 for my AR batteries yep I can get AR Batteries Now um did you just take out the Redstone oh yeah you’re good we good um light that’s all right um so I’m just going to take from the energy condenser did you take all the yeah I did I’m so sorry what do you need I just took one okay um so thinking about it that’s the am of T I need awesome um oh I’m going to need a chest to hold all these batteries I know when they empty the the small what when they’re empty they they stuck to 16 um okay so generator oh my [ __ ] god no that’s a scam what happened it teleported the re battery into my hand and I clicked into the creative menu and it just deleted it bring it back yeah I brought it back um bring that [ __ ] back scam today that’s probably what happened to my crop analyzer probably here’s the Mercator thank you sh thank you T oh thanks for the Mercator um I guess if you want call Master can go on the floor MH um here’s the coal I got it there you are it’s in there now um Okay so okay um do not look at the chat why not um [Music] generator are you kidding install it again don’t type in the thing the um you know what it is cu it’ll just send it to the the thing okay give me AR battery okay um so I need holy [ __ ] like 256 iron yeah I’m going to mines into the caves that’s not enough is it no um I’m going to put all my resources for this inside the um project table um okay uh a [ __ ] they creating dirt where did all our Redstone go um I turned it all into batteries except there’s six left yeah we got to go mining I think it’s unavoid unavoidable mining yeah we just go mining yeah the game but if I don’t no want I need a bucket [Music] um I don’t think that’s anything else we can really do unless we use the EMC we get from things in the Quarry like full just send everything from the Cory straight into an energy condenser which that I know but okay that’s um all right uh what do we what do we need um okay I think we make alchemical bags which is an alchemical chest but you just have a backpack how many diamonds does an alchemical chest need chemical chest alchemical chest holy [ __ ] you have 64 refined iron right there yeah I need that crazy um alchemical chest uh Al Alchemy bag um yeah Alchemy bag unless way you mine together um although splitting apart will be best for getting stuff I’m just going to do you have any food cuz I need a lot hey infinite food glitch infinite food glitch um okay I’m going to grab a stack of wood and then cave all right um torches I got a stack of torches um uh I want to take this I think this is gex’s pickaxe I’m going to take that all right um oh maybe we sleep just so we get more all solar panel power into the um into the Quarry it close the doors we going to addict to this song oh my God please calm down on the beat let me go get some of our wood jeez oh the sun is powering them now I think yeah it’s just catching up wait what this yeah Tru wood in there oh wait I’m not doing anything yeah it just takes a minute in the morning for it to power everything up yeah all right we should be good to go um should I have armor uh it’s up to you um I no whatever do you want to mine here or do we want to go a bit further let’s go somewhere else let’s head over SS Co huh oh this so lore about this map is that we’re building on the foundations of the Jaffa Factory which is one of the first ever Minecraft smps um it’s the first one that um I guess first kind of second um s smps that created law so this is the precursor of the dream SMP and every S&P sense um and pretty much they role playay different companies so we’re currently on jaff cake CL where they made a whole Factory to create jaff cakes um and then over this way is CSCO which manufactures dirt oh yep real um and then uh Ryan and Zoe are and he are somewhere else I’m not sure where they where they did their things um it was a big old server I remember this there might be a dungeon on the side on one of the walls there where on the left you can tell my [ __ ] n cuz that’s like episode seven [ __ ] right there you see the dungeon in the wall oh yes um we can’t jump down cuz the water will kill us Ruby down there I mean you can jump into like the thick water but not like the the skinny you want to try yeah I’ll do it okay that’s safe oh Miss Thing talk about the first I made only thing that mattered I made it um all right [ __ ] off C okay I don’t do the you know oh lapis lapis no this a sapphire Sapphire this is Black Diamond she is the most powerful Diamond okay let’s stick in from the side reckon can’t we do that thing hold on where we just find the chest there you go see problem is this gravel yeah just uh holy [ __ ] how much gravel do you need uh oh coco beans um is there another one yeah there’s got to be another one there’s always two other I found them and the chest oh he’s coming up um it’s pink sorry I just you oh mostly Cobblestone is pretty expensive it’s 145 oh holy [ __ ] there’s a man here he dropped a helmet do you want to get the Cobblestone yeah get the mossy um okay going ha this gravel yeah oh IR there’s a man why did your eggs get here to toori oh my God the your ex being toori meme is so leash it’s giving my birthday oh my God I CED down your EG oh my God [Music] God all right I think that’s all um no one else would get back uh [Music] so oh don’t do that did you hear my legs holy [ __ ] I watch like he’s not he he doesn’t know what he’s doing does he I just let it straight in the water I miss old Minecraft water logic like there’s something about the realism that gets me like yeah it does make sense that you can’t stop a fall from a billion blocks with a single Pixel oh there’s oil here yeah yeah don’t [ __ ] with it I think it’s really flammable as well going to get the Robby Roby over here oh an emerald yeah these gems are worth a fair bit they’re like a th000 each don’t do what I did what did you do did you just throw it into the oil no oh you can’t swim in oil by the way I think you sink damn yes a dead sentence yeah I have ideas oh my God you evil [Laughter] [ __ ] let’s check it out be make them G oh no you can swim in oil this different oil to what I’m used to I think it’s the galactic CFT oil that’s the scary one hey you won’t shoot me will you he walks away visiting America for the first time you won’t shoot me right no but then they would yeah so was not am um okay [ __ ] there’s a there’s another one hold on I’m not mentally prepared for you okay I’ll let the don’t let the creeper dude explode The Sapphires I’ll let him explode you she smacked My Ass Like A Drum thought you would have not Theon I noticed that it hit me in a completely different direction than the skeleton was it’s crazy that happened after it died the re of my cheeks no oh oh oh uranium that’s pretty good Uranus how many Earths Uranus 63 crazy Mt it’s one off a stack um okay um so we’ve gotten tugon before I don’t know if you were the one who found it but um it has an memc of 16,000 tungsten no I do not have it it has zero uses um except for being ANC battery yeah it looks like um Ruby sappire Emerald but it’s black this is Minecraft is it this no this is or coal yes coal I’m a liar to the fire um I know we came here to get EMC for iron but we should also mine iron like the Tic Tac shape you have spax on right yeah yeah yeah yeah makes sense cuz you like what the marel looks like howy doing Chad you should see marble without the texture pack it is disgusting you know like it’s like that add white dye to like vomit is it like dite no it’s more like a a sickly pale skin like skin color I say skin color my skin color like I think skin color pencil oh more white though oh my God you know what’s so funny so you know how I got H and CES from my brother yeah oh no we made it and he he gave the prom skin color and I got it on the dot what was the color give me the letter the number it was like it was like it was like either it’s our skin color or like the yeah and I did the pencil and he was like I was like so are you going to give me a two word h or he was like no no I was like oh why did I get on like yeah I was like should I be concerned oh my God I think the SK the skin color pencil is my least favorite color pencil like yellow like yellow is ugly to me I don’t like yellow sh the girl who has that yellow obsession like she could never be yes like honestly she’s she’s actually saving the environment from these yellow crayons like it’s quiry and the environment is getting safe like where are those crowns going to go landfill no straight to her cupboard like she uses them as well I’m the kind of hoer that doesn’t use things real like I’m the type of hoer like I could use this for something and never yeah but then it’s like I don’t want to throw it away cuz what if I do I don’t I’m that video gameer where like if I get like a potion or something in Pokemon I will never use it even after the game is like done I just why don’t you use a potion to heal no the [ __ ] no I’d rather die full restore my entirety no illegal what do you mean I ain’t no [ __ ] actually I am I’m saving them for a bigger fight later down the line that never happens fight in my brain oh my God fighting my demons Pokemon potion demons like it’s it’s such a weird psych like psychological thing cuz like I I’m aware that I’m never going to use it maybe it’s the precursor to something that’s a mental illness sh you would not believe the [ __ ] that I in what did what happened why did I hear a loud Kaboom I did a clip holy [ __ ] I fell into a hole there’s a creeper and I was like okay damn I got to run turns around skeleton three zombies in water oh my God they’re all fighting each other now that was horrific I need a clip oh my God is there anyone to clip where’s purple mil witch oh she’s Ling she yeah um oh my God there’s a lot of redstone and Lapis here this is pretty good actually holy [ __ ] how many skeletons do you need please shoot each other holy [ __ ] there’s a skeleton that’s bugged to the world okay holy [ __ ] um where are you at I’m I don’t [ __ ] know oh my God I feel like this mining session is so much calmer than Nitro blue boy falling into lava with the only diamond pickaxe we had don’t say holy [ __ ] what did you do what happened I lied not Cal what happened do leaper don’t talk to me um if you find nikoli it looks like silver but blue I’m going to die where you at can you box yourself in I’m underneath the forest on the mini map God jump scare [ __ ] what happened a skeleton dropped on my [ __ ] face and then shot me and I was on the edge of [ __ ] Glory cuz there was a big hole behind me that’s [ __ ] guess what was below it lava lava holy [ __ ] y jeez and he still you’re going to die by my hands adrenaline pumping adrenaline DVD can’t believe Meg Thomas stole out energy condenser like that all your crop my crop Eliza I’m mad about that you’re like it’s so peaceful and then boom not peaceful I lied skeleton said where Siri you’re not safe oh uranium Ur I hear a skeleton as I’m beside two patches of lava it’s coming for you say that don’t you [ __ ] shut your whole mouth shut your gum I’m [ __ ] it’s getting louder oh my God the skeleton’s going to kill me in fortnite Dan it’s on my body I can feel it okay oh this bridge feels safe okay rubies my God I keep getting distracted by so many ores so in order of EMC values I think it’s like gold silver iron the gems are above silver below gold we are the Crystal Gems always save the day did you watch that no why not oh my God I walked into a family and they all have anger management issues oh are they Asian Filipino specifically did they explode call Atomic oh my God I accidentally got uranium up my coochie my Atomic flaps oh my goodness even how full is your inventory not at all [ __ ] really yeah dang I might have to share Stacks with you that’s fine H should have given us flying rings I say given us made us Swift running Gale is amazing so what’s the difference between tin and silver so tin is used in bronze and I think Silver’s used in higher high level Machinery or might be no Silver’s from Red Power too I mean like H like or wise silver looks like Nite and Tin looks like copper and iron H it’ll look like circles oh tin is circles no tin is pentagons oh to pentagons with iron and diamond and gold and you know those other ones coal okay and so silver circles silver is like little circles like little pearls all right cool I need to go back anyone this gold finding like caves that are like oh it’s going to go down yeah and then they don’t no and then they go back [ __ ] up if I back it up is it fat enough [ __ ] I imagine Freddy faz’s ears like going up [Music] back like it’s like a tilted head oh my God [ __ ] oh sco Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] oh my God a creeper came up behind me oh and then blow up a hole directly into lava oh my God they’re getting ready to emote on you yeah he is oh my God not my heart rate jumping like 10 10 levels holy [ __ ] so what makes your heart rate Spike creepers tarm man okay there’s sapphires there but I don’t know if it’s worth it do not come across this bridge what oh my God the creeper came across my single block Cobblestone bridge over lava while I was on it damn oh my God I’m in a room full of lava you burn if we burn you burn with us the capital did [Music] this oh my God so why what are you like this asking why the capital did this like they’re evil no why are you like this how much longer games too many times I got the hung games brain rot oh I just lost silver to Lava I should I’m like in Diamond level oh is that diamonds no it’s 10 10 being so similar to Diamonds real M about it wait what’s this oh Redstone yeah Redstone is like baby coal it’s very dark yeah PE what the [ __ ] just crowd me sorry Pooky I couldn’t control it alphalpha little rascal my oh my God what is I just got eight Diamonds oh slay yeah calling Rich um How do I make Minecraft my real life are you sure you want to be square call me Steve they call me Ste back home call me Minecraft Steve cuz my dick got cubic Dimension oh diamond no it’s 10 have you seen the could this can a woman feel my erection through a piggy back did you see that hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on everyone hold hold on whatever you said hold on more di hold on what did you find what were you saying what you saying to me um sorry um the dude who posted a Reddit post asking if someone could feel an erection during a piggy bank ride why are you erected at the first it was a hot girl that he liked and he gave his dick dimensions and one of my streamer friends was like why does he have like width measurements is it a cube holy [ __ ] it was like 5 I think it was like 5.3 long 5.5 girth which is like that is a square well like GTH is like circumference yeah but like I think that’s is that the definition of a Chad when it’s like the length and the length and GTH are like kind of equal yeah I think so 5.5 is pretty I’ve got a take measure somewhere where is it it’s somewhere in this room I know cuz I used it to measure my boobs that one time the boobs my boob measurements now do you have the tape measure just for the boobs I’ll use them for my cheeks next um valid answer cannot find it that’s deeply frustrating there’s a spider very close to me oh I found a spawner what kind zombie we’ only been finding zombie spawners um I’m actually very happy about that yeah I mean spiders be easy to deal with only one chest though not no second no nothing really useful um what are your coordinates uh or low here you go I’m going to get see cobone actually I did see Di so we like 100 something blocks away from each other is that diamond or is that 10 I again is it blue or is it not blue it’s white you’re going to be so proud of me unless I die thank you bman a high chance now you’re fine Roman Roman gladiator no I was thinking um Nikki n of r [Music] h that’s the one put him in a dungeon under under bch is ain’t need they die from Hunger that’s what you get for pudding you disrespect nikim now I’m the bad guy oh oh my God thank you Mr creeper did you hear that no okay so we’re a bit too far to be hearing each other then [ __ ] jump scared myself I looked at the spawner and you know how it spins like oh my god what the [ __ ] was is it real I need to repair my pickax I hope your heartbe gets 69 it was that earlier if I calm it down just a little bit calm down you need to calm down can I no Roman I cannot you I found tongue there is 69 let’s go I I forcly just made my hobby 169 no 169 just 69 that was crazy [ __ ] list of unique skills I have making my heart rate 69 hey that’s not normal the power of that to tell you but that’s not normal just like calmed my breathing don’t normally have chat on screen no I used to not anymore just cuz YouTube chat gets like really weird um but also I I kind of missed having no chat on screen it makes me feel worse when I go through vods and nothing’s happening like on screen like if I if I’m like oh I want to see what happens in half an hour and the chat is like the same I’m like crying internally not that people are lurking it’s just the fact that I I don’t think I’ve done anything worthy enough of people talking to me about it’s an ego thing I 100% recognize that I’m delusional I mean at least he knows I should have brought the energy condenser down here at least like the Alchemy bag there is a creeper running towards me he said put him in a dungeon I’m saying that what I just had an explosion oh that was nearby oh you here with me see streamers are yeah I’m dead I saw what that happened I’m going to your stuff there’s lava near oh my God I see it how many creepers were there one okay I found a green one um I’m sending him into lava I think the diamonds are you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you fell from a high place yeah but there’s lava near me you’re fine I see it I see your stuff I see your stuff okay um I’m going have to be real careful with this [ __ ] are they gone I don’t see them oh my God that would be actually so [ __ ] funny if everything survived by the Diamonds oh the tungsten’s here uh I’m going to put a chest down and then just stack everything inside okay um I realize it’s a really bad idea that I just put a chest over a pocket of lava um oh you don’t say oh my God I think they’re gone yeah they’re gone I had like I had like 20 something oh dang it’s fine we’ll live oh [ __ ] um do you have the way point of where you died no um I’ll give you the coed what nothing [Music] um okay I saw that fire on the [ __ ] stream 20 diamonds lost none found um it’s night time right now I can’t get there that’s so good um do I want to leave this here with the coordinates for you um actually I’m going to I don’t know I don’t know or do you want me to come back with the loot can you combine all the stuff or um can I use Nikolai to create something because it’s really just like it’s a good EMC yeah cuz it’s 128 per thing double Redstone I’ll grab all the expensive [ __ ] I can um my tungen yeah tungsten stand with us um I literally was thinking maybe I should go back into pause all of this cuz I feel I’m going to die oh the mossy Stone [ __ ] we need keep the coco beans cuz it’s coco beans um uh just you can put one of the pickaxes away yeah but they’re P EMC that’s my only that’s my hang up um torches maybe can you make the powder into no or or no no no the Redstone into blocks no redstone blocks don’t exist yeah make blocks um yeah I can’t turn them into no blocks um just drop a bucket but they’re expansive that’s why I was caring yeah I mean I just swapped one for triple the price um yeah [ __ ] oh wait there’s a whole other stack um oh my God Mossy Stone so expensive greed okay cuz the worst we lost 20 diamonds just just put um put the 12 ni yeah it’s what slightly less um unless I no I wouldn’t you wouldn’t no how is like 64 do I get rid of the steak you could we can just always just make more yeah all right it’s just a bucket it’s more than a bucket to me it’s more than a bucket um I’ll grab this nickolite and then did you come from this way yeah please be careful yeah I’ll be safe so mad I’m so mad I knew it I felt it in my bones I was like oh I’m safe I already killed one [ __ ] creeper no landed on my head I’m so glad you w watching stream for that what did you nearly fall in no what’ you do maybe a little bit oh Ruby hey did you like uranium did you break all your crops yes cuz um if I leave them on they’ll um getting eat up by weeds weeds are the worst weed is is the spawn of Satan for20 is a holiday for Satanist oh slay I don’t know why the [ __ ] I hit I hit that that was really weird um I want those emeralds that would have been so that would have been so funny as well though uh byebye shovel mining trip turned into nothing oh that’s true it’s also de’s birthday so um I think deams is more important yeah totally wait do you see what’s in chat yep I’ll go back in time and hold him in longer hold him in longer him um let’s see I’m being a risky little [ __ ] um oh you haven’t gone this way I know I should leave oh Ur ranium [ __ ] said I know I should leave but uranium uh fix the lighting ARA oh my God you said you would be safe I did I need to find a ruby um kind of just looking for caves that go upwards mhm gold so FBI identify that noise was it an alien are the ancient aliens real was the pyramid really made by madon from the future oh my God I’m like why does it keep closing every time I press R I’m pressing no my Sapphire and I all I think about is you okay I’m getting close to the surface now nice sh shovel Arrow you just there in the dark can you see the screen it’s very dark I do have giant LEDs in front of my my [ __ ] my he waves being faking me out at night all I think about is you I can but only just y me to oh my god I’ve been meaning to make a new alert what the [ __ ] what with that noise there’s a spider up breaking each of its legs one by one jeez what is going on what is going on oh I was like one block below the surface okay where am I I think I know where I am what mod do you have on we’re playing te I found someone’s crafting table is there a nerd pole over there Sharm I’m home I got all your [ __ ] oh I do please dump it in the outside chest and I will sort through it has the EMC see going on oh um madting copper sick is that all I’ll throw some in um oh I put your tools in there I got all the ORS and stuff I was going to start uh the buckets unless you want those what is the use of tungston you do literally nothing with that oh oh tungsten [ __ ] you nickolite I hate nickolite damn wait I’m going to keep some Emerald oh we have a few in there just having one of each is fine what you saying about the new alert oh yeah it’s um let me see if I can find it it was one of those like Discord voice memos that you can send let me where is it hi I’m your month old spaghetti noodle hidden in the back of the fridge calling with your month- old spaghetti noodle hidden in the back of the fridge and I’m calling because your month- old spaghetti noodle is hidden in the back of the fridge it just H I can’t even I don’t know if we need all of this red stone it’s a month old spaghetti noodle in the back of the fridge um did I close it I don’t know it was um I was trying to what was it from I said I literally typed that in the it was like those spam emails like the high I’m X from X calling about X so it said replace x with the spaghetti n in the back of your fridge and then it turn into a a voice memo um I’ll put the ores in here as well you have a lot of iron um musy cobblestone oh [ __ ] I’m going to take some of this iron oh wait why don’t I just convert some of this Redstone into iron can you do that yeah um don’t cover it all of it I grabed a stack out don’t worry um calling about the month old spaghetti noodle in the back of your your fridge okay so now I just need a stack and 32 refined iron do you have any iron furnaces what’s right at the bottom two at the bottom one at the top I just made 32 iron furnaces oh nice sorry actually can I make a ignore the beating [Music] wall POV your computer cches fire real um down here oh it is down there what is down there the zombie come down that don’t come down here it’s it’s completely safe all the way down oh oh that’s fine holy [ __ ] never mind Sean go up go up go up go go go go go he’s getting sucked up glitching to the roof the creepers the creeper oh man come up come up come up close it close it off do something no I don’t know what to do anyways I’m just um I saw nothing I need pickaxe whoa what where are you all these yeah he’s gone oh this is gone he’s gone oh used a sickle yeah cool I did do it onto the house that was a bit of a mistake in hindsight I wonder it’s almost if someone warned you I think it’s fine I mean nothing bad is happened yet like properly bad no it’ll never happen Never Say Never okay Justin you know what video Lov watching the everyone’s boyfriend sleeps like a Victorian oh my God mine sleeps like blank I like the Victorian child running away I feel like that the funny as [ __ ] like I saw one earlier today um and it was just like your boyfriend s like a Victorian child of mine seems like he’s keeping an eye out for SEL had an eye open oh my god um okay if you look in the project table um it has everything that we have currently so it’s looking like the hell what what do you mean what the hell apparently the animals are escaping because they’re climbing on top of each other oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that’s not how it’s supposed to go well oh [ __ ] I’m starving do you have any food um hold on I’m I’m working on it okay it’s so good I’m quite literally starving to death right now um watermelon I ate one slice I’m I’m full I can’t eat anymore oh my God please get in the pen I’m going to talk to Blue Boy about I’m going be like your farm [ __ ] failure sorry Jesus that’s mean that be true oh my god oh I just realized that I shouldn’t have done that well we have tons arti of copper cable and what don’t worry you have a ton uh kind of uh I don’t think that’s a ton we we need six Stacks yeah well goldes I used them to make generators oh we now have 32 generators oh okay yeah was the bucket worth it it was it was oh they’re gone now we used them the buckets were worth it um going to use a stack of the iron to do this so not shh shut your Gob you were literally starving I can’t eat a bucket can I you’re right I didn’t try it hard enough he die door what’s up my what’s good uh looking in the crafting table oh my God the bucket saved out Bacon pancake look it’s steak I’m eating the bucket oh I’ve got a bucket on me look at all the steak thank you for the steak welcome oh my God one steak turns into x amount of steak x amount of staks oh night time’s coming I’m going to try and defend the basement um don’t [ __ ] it up was a spider I will fight you um do you have any like blocks what do you want Oh [ __ ] Stone uh do you have a do you have a pickaxe or do you have a shovel oh it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I got it I got it I got it now they can’t get us uh if a creeper comes we are not the safest bye a creeper won’t come there’s a creeper coming he’s fine oh my God this [ __ ] skeleton get that [ __ ] I want that twinkle bitat come get me Ho Holy [ __ ] don’t fall what sh get back get back they’re glitching off punch punch him in the hole punch him in the hole holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] was that noise okay you’re going to die oh my God they’re all there’s a dud they’re coming for you okay oh a free iron sword I’m coming close the hole oh my God the creeper climbing they’re evolving holy [ __ ] we’re not going we’re going to go back down there later holy [ __ ] no that’ll be tomorrow’s problem we we need to make sure no one goes down there until like oh my God why don’t we make some like solar panels while we can like with the amount we have cuz we don’t need to wait we could why am I stacking them you know I’m just going to make it you have to take things out yeah um you spider this would be fine if You’ done it outside but like how do we power it from home that underneath our house listen Cino was the perfect place that’s what they did in kto they had a giant qu underneath that’s why it fell apart is cracking and you B Bell I don’t know why you weren’t giving a gift I don’t know why you w give it a quarry oh my God I was so worried I made it wrong but it’s just the glass and the call had to be flipped should we let’s go to eer sleepers yeah e sleepy time you should replant your stuff yeah I’m just going to Chu this in there um could you put resin in this oh wait is there no power we we have to sleep sorry I am putting stuff in the this generator right here and then let’s sleep sleep it’s funny for sure yeah I’m loving it I’m loving the basement Hall once we get the club set up we’ll um we’ll be inviting people on the server today to drink kid drunk kid Tron on Minecraft did you want to like our main goal be like making the club and then from there we build a town I reckon what if we made like a supermarket with every food I I I’m owning it you’re owning Supermarket yeah frogs are I make banners I can be a chef still you can’t do carpenters though you know what I’m going to be Queen whatever I want to be the least evil queen you’ve ever met I forgot their name you know how we’re watching Gumball oh my God Larry yes that’s the one not lazy Larry okay me he’s lazy until he gets his [ __ ] started now that’s me oh my God lazy Larry holy [ __ ] I love how they destroy everything he loves and then he to show up right [ __ ] wild um could oh you know what we need to make what um we forgot this step uh to you we need a LV Transformer do Transformer [Laughter] [Music] Race c teaching assistant not even that funny My Lou Bon what out super oh my God ding dong um nice girl blush okay I think I can make the um Lois vegan Vuitton vegan you’re vegan he’s gay he’s oh my God so stupid I don’t know why that video gets me okay L voled solar array we got one um y could you do you have the wrench the wrench is down here could you wrench up the Sol panel from outside can I oh have a good sleep pancake I love you oh wait do you know there’s a bunch of rubber down here there’s 32 bring her around wait what’s the Wren ring okay who the [ __ ] are you uh Ellen to jealous [Music] oh thank you mango shut your go what about John Grant did you throw a Crossing table at me no this cat won’t stop meowing hey tior what here are your Lou Vons thank you welcome oh yeah here’s the wrench as well I am so sorry but I already made two wait did I make two no you made one oh [ __ ] you’re going to be really mad wrong thing we need um three extra resources that aren’t a generator because three of them turned into into regular generators yeah seey [ __ ] yeah it’s fine though I have got everything I wanted now what you think okay now we got two solar panels up how the machine’s going how’s the Quarry going cuz we just double out no Creeper down there I don’t think so looks fine for the most part yo they’re on a [ __ ] mission I see one coming up holy [ __ ] this spider she’s keeping an eye out holy [ __ ] I think we just dug into nitro’s cave what oh my god look how fast it’s going on the ceiling oh what the jump [ __ ] scared jeez stupid skeleton you stupid [ __ ] dinosaur stupid dinosaur bringing your friend over sh sh please me and my friend we won in I was really hoping the zombie would push him in he’s down imagine imagine you fell in not into the creeper hole still chasing you he wants you for real oh my God skeleton jump scare Jesus oh I can’t hit him now what if I already hit you in right here right there don’t do it you are the Imposter we need to V you out oh my God the impostor the virus holy [ __ ] we found the monst that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny oh my God uh we need more coal um oh we only got 32 I’m have to make other into the dust I want to put this guy in there and then we need nine extras can you get nine extra glass no well time to [Music] execute oh my God my throat bro been too been doing too much suing yep where Gojo what’s Gojo been doing breaking B oh my god um sorry I’m so petite be [ __ ] for real how you doing Bachelor [ __ ] I made copper nuggets bro Bachelor oh my God that poor woman The Bachelor girl youing Cloud how your day not Bachelor I got you Mr girl girl actually you know what I’m do thanks oh no not sickness just like holy [ __ ] these machines are crazy loud uh yes little [ __ ] um how are you not done yet Jesus Christ let’s put in some wood um oh there’s rubber in here as well rubber [ __ ] everywhere except for the places we need them yeah okay was there none [Music] none okay oh my God this project table is amazing um okay what’s the sun going down e time so there’s an item that we could use I think it’s called a watch of FL flowing time um it’s probably very expensive you can speed up time with it but I don’t know what that does to machines they going to jump in bed with me or take me out of dinner first hey yo baby take me out to dinner what would you say that your Byron right now he me out of [Music] dinner daytime so it’s called a watch so we need dark matter [ __ ] and dark matter is made with a lot of at fuel easier because I don’t have any armor um uh can you give me that energy collector I don’t have one I throw it at you I don’t have one you do it’s made of glow stone I don’t have one sure please what do you want I just need it oh my God don’t [ __ ] with me like that it’s funny I would have cried yeah so funny I laugh at your tears I’m converting half your emeralds no they’re gone now is that all of our iron uh not all of it I still have a stack so all of it okay so now we have three energy collectors time we get double the passive suck suck you feel me no so it should be like Triple H speed [Music] um you know maybe I can make a mock too um I think one may be in front of the door but I don’t [Laughter] know sh your gob oh my God my spelling is horrible I just I don’t know there’s something about it something’s telling me [ __ ] just ate all my glowstone H I’m be all good no good do we don’t have any gold or okay so I need oreven and then Chuck the iron in okay awesome and then I need how much Co do we have hold on um I kissed the gor no you didn’t I Kissed A you’re vegan he’s gay oh my [Music] god do you think it was still G after that I think he does multiple other like fake gay straight things um guess what what don’t me I’m in love tonight um we have um a hate crime waiting to happen where is my robber okay that I was about to do what oh no why did I make that I don’t even need to all right I’ll check this extra one outside now I kissed a girl and I liked it sure I miss her so much did she just fall like out she died oh she’s still in Discord I think she might have died or free okay yeah I realized that we didn’t have enough resin hello hello what [ __ ] died yeah nowhere what the hell but after I said I was going to commit a hate crime I was like oh she’s trying to escape um I think there’s a skeleton trying to shoot how are you down there I don’t know um you know I actually started panicking so hard why so it was still saying I was doing things in the Minecraft right M I went down I was like oh I wonder what’s happening down there yeah and I was like I don’t see any mobs and then I broke the block and the game just died that’s so funny the block just didn’t I I thought the block fell into the actual thing and I was like oh no I need I need to get another block before before a creeper comes no blocks were happening oh no okay 18 o fuel you been me see me in your fantasy okay so I need to make dark matter oh um do you have any diamonds here or no we do there’s one yeah make some um that was 18 hour fuel it’s a condensed coal okay did you take the diamonds out no put him back you’re away [Music] kleptomaniac put it back I need this to make more energy condensers um is that all we got okay I’m G to have to put this in there all right um what is [ __ ] creepy what you’re ugly no you heard me he looks like he’s permanently Going H H anyways we’ve just made dark matter um I want to go exploring do you yeah what do you want to explore I don’t know the B’s a scary place mother knows best men with pointy teeth finally be able to Father why can I leave to be on my own cat please shut your C I’m sick of the noises you’re making don’t do it the cat murder is illegal is it now yeah Mom I’m a [Laughter] criminal oh my God Mama I’m a criminal Mama sent me to prison sitting in the living room all alone I need three more refined iron because of the incident the incident the um the wrench incident yeah yep y oh you have [ __ ] in there um [ __ ] in there as well I’ll go down okay all right it’ll be done in a second how’s the Quarry doing like how fast is it um I’m not sure I’m going to put on more wood any scary oh it started mining holy [ __ ] look at the Cobblestone oh let me look in the chest whole bunch of nothing I have an idea me okay Cobblestone transport why are there hundreds um that’s a you okay I know there’s a clean way of doing this but at the moment I just want to done when the moon where have you been where have you been nobody knows me like you do um oh look at that oh energy condenser town here we come it rises do a leaper with a baby let’s chuck all the stuff in these chests into the energy condenser um maybe leave the coal no we can make coal I have it in the transmutation tablet all right bet we can also make them out of um redstone H okay we got a lot of rubber yes mango okay um oh okay so we can make another array um we have a low voltage solar I’m going to check it outside oh it’s night time let’s uh let’s head back to the beds eepy sleepy baby boy time all the mango you going to jump in bed hold on I want the quy to zoom okay yeah the B box is still using all the power um yes mango I think we should make more project tables oh sorry Le you got to you got to do something else to find out follow age uh more project tables yeah yeah cuz um not the watch time at zero did you change your username uh okay I think I need one more refined iron um I’ll just smelt it and something I in here okay okay oh my God you ate the Mayo that’s pretty it’s pretty slay ain’t no [ __ ] way ain’t no way you ate the mayor right in front of my salad uh how many every time I do that I hate myself just a little more um I just got the refined iron um okay I think we’re nearly there how many tables do you need um I think like two two two more it’s just so like if I’m running between recipes it’s not going to be like a nightmare holy [ __ ] we one electronic circuit away from never mind I’m actually an idiot um okay I need a lot more refined iron than I thought um I need five refined iron let’s make some more um 1 two three four five okay um okay I teach you how to swim um oh sticky resin perfect can you put rubber into a compressor or resin rather no all right come on give me the iron what do you want them where do I want the um tables uh yeah probably um I might move the energy condenser or at least like the door is just going to be blocked for a minute um yeah until we get this out we’ll we’ll keep it like this we could just take this away true statement I think it’s a pickax yeah oh yeah uh I don’t think we can move mango he’s got a really chunky hit box let’s see if I can fall on him hold on oh he’s pushed off never mind he’s not pushed off now I’m going fishing for mango you cat abuser yeah you’ll be fine let’s not not put him in the Cory Hall I’ll try and take him to the bedroom no just putting it away the fish um to the bedroom okay you walk it off he’s not chilling the bed okay [ __ ] it it’s fine yes I know that he’s my ex I only see at the door the front door yeah cuz you know they SC they scare creepers yeah I don’t think they do in this version do they not I thought that was like a really new feature added in the like beginning of cats maybe I don’t [Music] know smileing sure I’ve seen why um okay so I need to get more copper uh throw a bunch of has this stopped smel I’m going to split it between two um then it’s a bad idea right [ __ ] it it’s fine it’s brutal out here it’s it’s so BR out here oh my God the biggest lie I ever said I only see him as a friend I tripped and fell into his bed yes I know that he’s my ex biggest lie I ever said [Music] or crispy flap crispy FL okay the resin is resining oh my God that’s the second time tonight what the fox played this playlist has 556 songs uh oh there’s something wrong I think someone’s [ __ ] with me H someone’s hacked my Spotify and all they’re doing is playing what Does the Fox Say oh my God I’m so close holy [ __ ] I think we got it okay and then okay and then oh my God wait for us to want to try and get a high voltage solar panel it’ll just be that again but let me count how many we have 24 more solar panels yeah oh we ain’t doing that no maybe when we can when we have more people we can make our minions yeah I think the bat box is full which is wild I’m worried that it’s going to explode cuz these machines do sometimes explode come on is full and we’re safe oh my God I think the mob cap is used up entirely down here um have you seen what’s in the hole no every monster in the game is down there oh no way uh cable I think we need try and get like a higher voltage cable that that needs refined iron um wa let’s see here [Music] [Music] um I want to replace the bat box with um H I want to replace the bat box with just the cable but maybe it’s fine maybe um oh it’s night time let’s uh eage all right bet last Friday night okay um holy [ __ ] um we got a bunch of resin let’s put that away and then maybe I don’t know what should we start condensing I don’t know maybe just like generic iron maybe I start using my C have you checked out the speed of the Quarry nope it’s getting faster yes it’s full digging now holy [ __ ] you seeing that creeper levitate Yep this is wild oh it’s so fast I want to see if I can find the claw the claw that’s spider oh yeah it’s going I don’t have anything to clog this up so if something comes at me um yeah you should be fine I’ll run over Creeper’s giving me the heie does yeah they’re a lot scarier in this ver right oh lad physics and people physics not good mhm uh where’s the uh there’s the hoe oh back look in the mirror and I see it all clearer me before my Monster High transformation if you were Monster High what was what would your monster be I I don’t know them mine would be a YouTuber scariest monster [Music] oh I think I know why it’s catching up with itself it’s because it has 32 out but we have five solar panels that each sent out eight EU I think oh voltage solar array say oh girl sh me like electric eel baby girl turn me on with your electric field oh my God we could have made ultra low current cables that’s crazy what are those we could have used them originally for the old solers cuz it they’re made of 10 it’s like copper um there’s windmills windmills are the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life um all right we got a lot of gold coming in which is good uh let’s get to cropping oh you alive or you eering oh seeds unknown seeds unknown seeds unn unknown unnown unknown unnown mother fuer unknown unknown un unkn unn unn unn getting all these unknown seeds okay okay growth one resist two okay show me what you got okay you’re already the best one you are kind of trash but also better than this one okay you’re the worst just going to throw my bad ones in a hole [ __ ] I can only do a few analyzing at once okay you by for the best okay d2a kind of bad um time to put this in the bat box again steal the power oh how’s the energy condenser going pretty good all right what’s your mission she just dips she’s like I’m out there monsters in the basement and I don’t want to deal with them oh gain three was that a sneeze what I have a toy what did you make is it a musket no what it show me where is it there something wrong with my fist going to see you she just crashed it works I swear what the [ __ ] wait did it destroy oh [ __ ] it’s a bit finicky every time you reload ites like oh [ __ ] you blew up the side of this hill took out the Sheep where’s the second time you hit been like over herish please don’t fire at me it won’t let me on anymore it won’t let you on anymore oh wait now will let’s see what is it called a cannon it’s holy [ __ ] oh my God you made canall as well yeah I have made a whole stack can you shoot this tree hold on you give me a moment H it’s a bit finicky yeah hold on I need to um you need to do this and this there it’s pretty easy to make as well whether I should have this amount of power I [ __ ] know okay what am I hearing what are you doing nothing yes it does destroy [ __ ] how’s the aiming oh it’s point I’d use it but I don’t want to crash that’s a that’s an all right one anyways this is going back in the Box oh my God it does sound a bit busted it is the controls are also just very weird yeah um okay I guess we should sleep D that day went really fast it feels like um did for me like y got stuck in a cannon help me step KN I’m stuck in the cannon you can call me Atomic you shot your Cannon I told you not going to open the tool why the [ __ ] is there a Canon and I’m like don’t try it don’t don’t touch it oh my God maybe we should get mining Turtles what is that um they like dig for you you can like code them to like do things oh yeah that’s where it’s the same thing as the Star Wars um watch me finish analyzing these crops and check out the basement and it’s just like gone cool oh that’s pretty good 0 2 one yeah I think this is just genuinely the best one all right time for more crop analyzing [ __ ] I can I do like four at a time and then recharge um not I just deleted pile of dirt that’s an electric furnace just full put my battery inside of a furnace nice have you seen the video of the girl putting her phone in the [ __ ] microwave no she’s like oh I I didn’t think it had foil in it [ __ ] it’s a phone yeah some people are born stupid evidently okay who said that so what the [ __ ] is this block that’s wool I was like what is this what come out come out to the farm it’s like right next to it I was like what is that there’s something broken what is that who the hell are you going to put your seeds or no I am I’m going to analyze my seeds to get the best one and then we’ll start uh what’s the word send it him cuz really I just need like strong ones now so that we can get Hops and then once we get hops we can get like super level Hops uh the cizer is actually the worst thing in the world oh my God I get like five five full scans and then it’s like recharge I need to recharge maybe I upgrade the backpack again need an advanced circuit which requires a regular circuit watch the change not even be that much um you think a pack of batteries would do [ __ ] you know oh my God I actually just wasted it on one I’ve already scanned before I’ve never been so angry damn oh my God we only three years [Music] thank you so much how’s your how’s your sleep even you’re beautiful get a room I’m going to kiss you in front of sh to make her sad that she’s lonely oh you’re you’re with your mom how are the the nieces and the ne you Mama deem mama I think Mama deem doesn’t understand how that relationship works I think most of his family doesn’t understand like oh we met over the Internet got a bunch of cute vids and pics oh did you send them I have to look at them we’re doing good here we have been it’s been an eventful night both and gex got viruses I had to save the day um very funny it was hilarious um for him it was [ __ ] half of my family I don’t think understand that it’s real people that I’m talking to do they think you’re talking to robots is that what’s like going on okay have I feeling that most of these are just pretty all right H oh my God Lock’s up so I’m going to say I’m going to say high and checking what he’s doing today oh he’s working it’s a Monday Jesus oh my God I’ll say bye when he’s leaving then and then tell him about dinner plant they just don’t believe you can form real friendships and relationships without being with them IRL I mean that is fairly reasonable like sometimes you really just don’t know who you’re talking to like I never told you but I’m a murderer play exactly um holy [ __ ] this B backpack is the worst second of it sounds fun to me all right well would you help me bury the body the body being Sha of course it’s pronoun the body all [Music] right I’m roll with LGBT they also tell me that my idea of fun being online gaming into Discord and stuff doesn’t actually make me happy so that’s fun they just see you being happy they’re like that’s not real n of course that help you what the [ __ ] is this he got you a SE Ste it looks just like you I can’t believe you you got me a a David body pillow that’s crazy oh my God electric chair he’s fully customizable he looks like it yeah um his third leg looks a lot bigger than the rest of the other two that’s all that matters FBI this one yeah I don’t know how to get rid of it can you not what is it called oh I got it put it the room room where whoever goes in the room oh my God get out the floor it’s not what you’re supposed to be I think you meant to shift right click [Music] oh um what me eat it mango eight he does he is such a kibble Gremlin oh my [ __ ] god me buy him all this premium food he’s either kibble or hand fed oh my god really like I’m eating chicken nuggets he like reaches up grabs my hand and brings it to his face so he can eat like okay that’s cute gets like expensive premium chicken n kibble time and like we have to leave him without kibble so he eats the other food it’s ridiculous I guess I’ll eat this like my parents hate me they’re starving me like sha mango believe that right in front of the very expensive chicken that your nuggets are made from like oh my God I think he’s just maybe a little bit stupid looks like his father yeah oh my God he’s always watching what iing what do you mean I’m scared so why would you be scared what do you mean he’s here you know he’s just there to give you a hug I you can barely get in the he was like he just stove me oh I’m stuck maybe he goes into the floor maybe it’s the beds he needs like a 3X3 space yeah looks like it wait why don’t we just can you get rid of the [Music] no oh that’s kind of menacing oh my God if you sleep on the top that’s kind of bad oh oh you [ __ ] up I can’t believe it can’t believe you did that to Dave he’s at your head don’t look up don’t look like that movie with Jennifer Lawrence yeah oh my God he pushed me out of bed oh my God he was like spooning me you freaking spawn like a me he’s like hello good morning good morning how you doing Al um okay so my plan is um alternate Reed crops with netherwart crops so be like man that won’t work H how would I make it so it combines just those two I don’t think that’s possible unless I do rose something he’s here what do you mean P the oh I I see him P Rose he rose to a leaper on the fifth day he rose again on the fifth day do a leapa okay there we go I think that’s good unless he [ __ ] Rises up again I swear to God You Raise Me Up okay so I can stand on mountains there’s already weeds growing on this oh my God that’s so huge what that’s what she saying the Quarry the Quarry as it dug out more I well I don’t know I haven’t been down here in a while should have oh you know what maybe I fill up two fields um can you grab sugar crane out of the chest all right wait which chest any just normal sugarcane yeah how many uh H it’s like a stack so apparently breeding sugar cane and um Nether wart mhm will get us hops H so that’s the plan all right make sure can it what uh Nether wart oh So the plan is sugarcane Nether wart in both the Farms mhm and then we Harvest I mean we’ll be able to see if it’s um hops cuz apparently hops looks like wheat and I don’t think nether W crossb sugarcane makes wheat mhm holy [ __ ] stop turning weeds grow so fast oh my God like the little green squiggly thing oh [ __ ] I hate when I accidentally stand on the nether W and it just kills itself yeah I mean at least we know you didn’t kill the Hops that one time yeah J say [ __ ] hope they didn’t that [ __ ] was funny as [ __ ] you were so Fu I was inside I was so bad like this [ __ ] like I just created a baby and you like slowly placed it on the ground and then took a big step like oh my God through your baby right when I said don’t stand on it that’s the funniest bit though you should have said it before uh I’m not used to the old Minecraft this is not all Minecraft this is just moded [ __ ] um okay so um we wait for them to grow and then we add the crop sticks that’s my current plan you’re um unless um when crops are fully grown you can Harvest them in their products which will R them into an early stage of growth um okay so we need um [ __ ] like a recycler we need a recycler for fertilizer actually no I mean we could get a recycler but where just uh happens okay so I’ve got my cross breeding sticks [Music] out damn these sugarcan grow really fast yeah um I’m just worried the nether W’s going to take years um but with the recycler we can make fertilizer which is bone meal for this I say bone meal it just makes it go faster but not in the normal way y um this looks so weird good morning gex when’s your flight oh good morning gex we did some mining off camera yeah we’re still up we are addicted I should go to bed are you though she’s thinking about it oh I we already got weeds growing [ __ ] weed [ __ ] [Music] um I’m going to need to make more crops okay I saw using a coal still was like there’s no [ __ ] way there is there is it’s me and Sh alone at night you know what’s going to happen it happens every time we are friends because of one night on fortnite one night at forite okay this song sh huh the lead singer in the song kind of sounds like the blur in what um the song I’m listening to right now I think it’s oh hold on feates what like water slides beaches swings and water slides that’s the one the name is Viola Beach that’s the band I’m out here I guess it’s real wait what’s the song called um swings and water slides by Viola Beach yeah I love Viola Beach rest in peace I think um oh [ __ ] when they died um was it Coldplay cplay played one of their songs um hello what just happened um you can hear it I I hear it maybe we’ll have to convince the BL to recover do we contemplating getting a coffee or sleeping on the plane it’s up to you um flight isn’t end until 9: um Wednesday mayy Got Back Baby Got Back miss m is munching oh my God mango shut your Gob I love how this random slabs and [ __ ] in that room how’s the yeah it’s doing good awesome okay sh wearing a full space she’s just wearing iron armor [ __ ] we’re not sending out of space just yet the wrong mod pack to the Jesus oh my God is this oh my god get inside the get inside the fence what look um he can’t get me I stood on the crop if he jumps over let me know cuz I’ve got my back to him what do you mean what was all that under the base um there was a a land mine I want you a whole what’s it called when a hole appears is just in the ground a sinkhole appeared onto the house um you have another one yeah they can deal with it um yeah yeah Party in the USA USA they’re so unhappy with you just smacked him in the face can you give me a musk or something no they like s Valley no um nervous do we have an extractor um what do you mean an extractor an extractor uh we don’t have one now oh you want it for rubber uh no what do you want the extractor for extra reason yeah it’s a rubber thing what are you trying to extract nothing don’t worry about it I’m scared by what sh’s doing you better be ripe and ready for dinner will be cuz I I’ll sleep during the day and then wake up around 6ish and then I’ll have to keep all the men off you it’s going to be a lot of effort she’s extracting she’s exfoliating she got that blackhead extraction error sorry do we have we have one of those blackhead extractors it is not as satisfying as you think it’d be real it’s not worth it Z it I feel like cross breing is definitely only happening when they’re fully grown I’m just going to cun down the middle yeah st stop the blackhead extractor things yeah they ain’t worth it I need to talk to Loy about um Tuesday Tu um cuz everyone’s coming back here like work was like oh we might have a shift for you IDI like I was like oh I’m not sure what I’m doing Tuesday cuz like they want me to do night shift and like if everyone comes and leaves it like nine I can get to work easy problem is I don’t know if they want me cuz ione’s texted me yet at Le I don’t think I could check these creepers are very determined real holy [ __ ] I Spider-Man in and they’re destroying all my crops creep [ __ ] my life I hate everyone and everything to ever [ __ ] Grace the Earth no he’s triing my crops it’s fine yeah t Team I’m so pissed I when he’s pissed do not get out of my pen do not [ __ ] on my crops don’t you [ __ ] dare crop trampling little [ __ ] I might have to make like a spider net have a good day at work bye-bye you say take anything back I’m not crying ni [ __ ] I hope I didn’t get rid of any of my good my good ones could you get me some um Cobblestone panel thing Bobs what are they called Cobblestone panel strip mother spiders are the worst genuinely I don’t I don’t know how it took me so long to realize panel strip uh panel strip yes Cobblestone if I told you it was going to hurt that the fire is going to burn do it all with the name of or in the name I don’t really the Name of Love leave me even when you’re blind in the middle of the night I could pretty much just harvest the sugar cane right now oh it’s like I mean we’re waiting for the nether W to grow right [ __ ] I’m have to break this I’m genuinely so mad I could drop kick muffin right now h Huh there’s a andyman outside that’s a Lego shop at the airport I knew it there’s always a Lego shop at the airport real um how many strips do you have I dropped them all uh oh thank you um could you bring some dirt out as well oh my God can I get a please please please ma’am don’t even Mame momy have you seen that the [ __ ] was it Steve Javi yes no Mom me what comes before pork you Pine pork you what oh my God I can I have some more like just do on hand this man just threw up on me she’s playing the plague Mommy Mommy I’m in my upchuck era okay I’ll be back in a cheeky second e make up it Dan I’m sorry this is a closed smpp my dude um what is something that would stop a lier I didn’t even know it’s going to say web but already have those Madam web it’s webbing time you ever been webbed on by spider no and I’d rather not you don’t be webbed no You’ don’t be here with the Madam web no no I know big surprise I for what I’m shocked no way oh my God the Krypton came down the ladder is there another Endy man in here [ __ ] that’s a lot of monsters down there they try and come up I dare you um yeah it’s looking like it’ll take a while still but it’s pretty fast what are you there’s no cable under that extractor ma’am let go I’m working on it I dare you to check snap when you get the SEC you have the wrench uh I have to break for a wrench yeah you have to can I have the wrench please I don’t need it wait sorry I’ve got a bunch of okay oh no you’ll be proud that I didn’t buy anything I’m PR I don’t have the wrench on May I oh yeah I found it oh my god did it turn into a machine block it did dude no I’m kidding the way you turn to me are you going to extract things mang luy just left a Mango’s [Music] screaming yes little man you don’t need to be screaming all the time what are you doing those water cells what you what are you doing with those those water cells don’t worry about it go away go away what the [ __ ] go away I know you’re I knew you going to snoo I wait for you to move over upgrade okay is you is that all you wanted yeah that’s not even that bad I want you to know um it’s funny having you worry I was scared um you never know what I’ll pull we need to make coffee beans how do we make that um coffee beans uh they’re a tier two crop um H the recommended cross breing combos are Aurelia and Fu but red fu yeah we need red Fu um a really is a tier eight crop um it can only be obtained by crossbreeding it is a white and green plant um recommended crossbreeding combos are fu fu and coffee coffee so we need fu fu is um fre mail yield you small iron dust oh so you can get iron dust from F oh Fu means Fu as in like iron so we can grow iron yes F Hunger Games oh my God F what the [ __ ] is that say the symbols no it says feru like the pl that’s what it’s called f e r r u yeah not like Fus um know okay no so to get Fu either need stick read or Terror wart and Terror wart is recommended crossbreeding with Rose and Rose or stick stick read with stick read or Nether wart with Nether wart may we I guess we could do two fields of um we do like a field of sugarcane to get stick Reed and then a field of Nether wart to get you know one um I another one what’s happing what are we doing I’m talking about getting um coffee cuz we’re going to have to crossbreed a bunch of plants these two fields are probably not enough [Music] um we’re actually doing full Star Valley right now oh my God how long we live for um what time do we start um we’ve been going for 9 hours okay um okay using the seed bags will get better yields you go down just like holy Mary um okay Sky noodle I realized that I just got to replant these cuz like I can’t just take them away from their natural environment it’s the natural environment cuz I haven’t gotten extra ones that’s just me stealing so I’m not I got the seeds back but I didn’t get any extras oh Marana oh why did I left click that oh the song was I used the song in an animatic I say antic I had a I got a bunch of animators together for like a project and sadly it it fell through but um the song was the uh the song for it I do have a bunch of steals from it though I say a bunch of steals I got a few few images that are really good um mango please stop screaming he’s going crazy can we sleep um yeah okay oh hey [Music] you I go say meow meow my heart rate is 69 67 I lied who’s a liar girl was Li to team just sent me a video of him and his nephew doing a werewolf filter dog no it’s so crazy like his um his sister had a kid and this kid looks like him like it freaks me out um how long I’ve left uh I’ll Le before 12 hours but like all the guys in his family look the same it’s really weird like he looks exactly like his dad when the jeans are St yeah um okay do we want to get some more Black Thorn I feel like someone’s going to have to take a role of being a fun arm fuel supermarket and it looks like it might be me judging by how much I’m [ __ ] breeding plants um okay there is a creeper outside the house and it’s coming to the front door close the door the door is closed oh my God like did I leave and leave the door open oh my God wait okay um I need wood and a refined iron do we have any iron going on right now no it’s in the thing in the special them or there’s a lot of monsters getting angry right now Let’s Get Loud James cordone James cordone James cordone don’t stop do not go on don’t don’t stop oh this Redstone is illegal to combine allegedly think that uh do we have any copper cables I got some don’t wor tell me what you got to [Music] do okay there’s some whatchacallit down here some Whatchamacallit uh three refined iron all I got it don’t worry yeah shot come [Music] outside you think you’re really funny you’re not that funny at the end of the day it’s not that funny [Music] how do you spell how do you pronounce the name m a r a apparently I can upgrade into something else better um so I will get that right now um I need the flowers that we have here uh James cordone did I get you [ __ ] off did that scare you [ __ ] oh it did she’s setting up the cannon outside okay so I need to make orange dy I don’t know why this changes what it is this one’s called an industrial alarm I need reinforced glass which needs a mixed alloy in you know what [ __ ] it Lisa Eminem I am going to make a mixed all Ingot just for this uh where’s the three refined iron you’re talking about at the bottom in the furnace in the where furnace in the furnace oh thank you okay and now I need [Music] bronze and then I need one more tin bleeded me dry like a goddamn vampire okay mix Ingot looks like something I’d eat massat compressor you said it was true love oh my god do you remember the video of the stand the [ __ ] Nikki stand brunning in the [ __ ] the park yes got his ass holy [ __ ] wild shall I be the daily fact hell what’s the daily fact hello [Music] the voice actors of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got married in real life that’s crazy good for them congrats on marriage toodles me at the funeral okay let’s see what this industrial Al sounds like what the is that the same [Music] I’m just going to hide that somewhere and you won’t know until you stand on it so stupid you should do it at the bottom of the ladder oh my God I kind of like it being the house in case like a creeper comes by or something um do you have a compressor H yes a compressor up here it’s the far right one on the floor this one yeah oh how how the overclocking machines gone are we overclocked I think yes and then we just need or to put in uh I got iron let’s go let’s mate you took out the I’m oh she’s compressing compressor what are you doing with the what are you what are you doing with the plant bowls y making compressed plants which are used for Bio cells which are used in extractors for biofuel and that’s it um well I’m so concerned with what is going on with here don’t worry but uh [Music] um she’s making a car to run you over after the alarm yeah maybe what they [ __ ] know um when when I need the rubber what was that me no is that you no put the [Laughter] bottom [ __ ] classic oh my God oh my God there’s a time card holy [ __ ] working in Minecraft what reactor sensor location card energy sensor location card mfsu Minecart batbox Minecart punch you in for a shift yeah that’s wild um y I think I can start cross breing some of these now oh my God guess what’s playing what’s after like y Yi [Music] what’s [Music] after yeah yeah yeah feel like that’s the only words you know oh my God [Music] in no way my iy resorted to doing the [Laughter] instrument real n hey D Crim okay do oh we need um we need to sleep why because um we can’t merate or anything while it’s night time and we can’t Quarry while it’s night time even worse not [Music] Quarry but coach buzzer died [Music] oh oh how the [ __ ] is it standing up oh my God that I swear is the overclocking upgrade going faster why don’t you just get an industrial not industrial not industrial furnace it’s a murator a rotary murator it’s just an advanced machine block a massat and a refined iron I say air ref ion seven oh I Advanced machine blockers carbon plates and mix ingots yeah good luck um I’m going to stick with trying to make alcohol what’s after like what does after like even mean what’s after like yeah just what’s after like I don’t know I assume it’s like a what’s like afterlife but it’s what what’s after like I don’t know gex I don’t know that’s why I’m asking no one gets anywhere in the world without asking questions look at CH exactly you know the the cat on the stairs that’s like coughing that’s the face I thought of how a you with the eyes I need a volunteer how about you with the ey shout out to the people with eyes um real you’re the realest yeah you’re so real for singing Suddenly I See don’t worry I can’t hear so like we know that’s why we make such a good god together we’re one functioning human not really m I don’t know she’s so stupid self-inflicted though I don’t know maybe sha stayed up at the Sun for too long she kind of gives the Vibes least I didn’t put a [ __ ] skewer in my ear oh my God they’re jumping the fences oh where that’s what I’m saying that’s crazy oh my God a baby just spawned in the air like full dual leaper Jesus returning down to the Earth what the heck will this work let’s just going to hope it’s going to work doesn’t well cry okay maybe I should have got rid that I think it would have been a pretty good thing to grow [ __ ] I got our first crossb but it was just another sugarcane oh [ __ ] weeds I’m sick of it but I got rid of it but I realized that it would have been a stronger sugarcane so I should have left it sugar in my lemonade can I have the wrench please uh sure it is just about dead though um okay can I repair it uh you might be able to no I don’t think so get the T of repair out and then some conance St with you what is this canning machine found out doesn’t work there oh what are he trying to can I don’t know but I don’t know if I’m it’s powered is it are you sure it I’m looking at the powered symbol now it’s next to a cable you were probably trying to do it at night you know when there was no power Oh my legs what’s after hospital bill ooh oh oh my God there’s something new growing and I have zero clue what it is it looks like a pumpkin or a melon but I don’t know because that’s a weird combo okay scary Minecraft noise get it I guess oh we got more of that um the ink stuff um yeah so few of our cross breeds have been good well we got more Nether wart as a cross braed weak knees are you trying to figure out how to use the cing machine Maybe um do you really still need um iron or am I good to convert all into something else we good um what are we missing up that oh my God there’s a bunch of silver or Jesus what’s after like what’s after like okay uh we now have two Mark toos um and I got some more gold that’s a lot of gold let’s hope we get some diamonds out of this Quarry oh my god oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ the [ __ ] alarm you should see how many spiders are down here um I kind of want to grab this uranium but I know it’s a really bad idea okay there we are s I’m coming up I like your laugh um I’m going a fat bit of EMC I want to check on my plant boys oh is that one ready to stop breeding let’s guy it’s so exciting these are my children oh we got another either a pumpkin or a melon I think we have both um one’s green one’s orange so that’s looking good um we just got a new sugarcane as well wait for that to fully grow before I start beating it up uh um is that a new one it is okay me trying to make sure I don’t oh double Nether wart okay I don’t want to trample anything uh okay it’s all looking good okay checking at 2: p.m. or what are you going to to do before then what time do you get here I’d invite you over but I’m definitely going to be asleep so unless you want to watch me sleep um I’ll join in I like your laugh um giving me some good options don’t ever wink at me again that g want to sleep with me yeah taking him to the gay club hopefully you get someone I say hopefully it might happen we’ll find gex’s true love it’ll be some twink named Daniel damn Danel I can see it now the Gau Ender being worked on me bro the Gau Ender is you’re making it you are the G agend you made the gay agenda don’t you remember you hosted the meeting Justin Bieber he don’t Goku oh I’m going have to wait for that sugar cane to go before I even think about cross breing with that is that a weed yeah it’s a weed holy [ __ ] all my crops are growing really fast right now I need sleep you need sleep yep all right get some eers and some no I mean in game oh I’m coming mango please he just jumped on me please give me a sec I am I’m running Mongol what are you doing oh do you want um soorry I can’t see he’s like yes keep going go around is that a [Music] weed have you seen my butthole today he really wanted to show it off now he was I think he’s running away from my wife damn she is a zoom today ah just remember the [ __ ] gex recreating the girl hitting her back against the bed holy [ __ ] [Music] um I just want to be part of your syy okay the pumpkins are growing quick that is a weed um I make good funny sometimes sometimes I’ll give you that I’m gonna crop caliz hello to you too hello sister so what’s the canning machine for your mom um what’s your highest live number today I I don’t know I don’t I don’t look cuz it stresses me out that’s for losers Soha what’s yours Theo that you oh yeah cuz you streaming today say that is a lie [ __ ] lied to me holy [ __ ] this read has a growth of five I let him grow there um do you have a bucket of water that you could give me or just a bucket I can give you a bucket all my tear have been used up are you on another live um I’m over by my farm um uh where are you at Alla mango at your farm thank you this is not a trap and stop you need to [Laughter] stop I can s but I really think so what do you everyone tells me I can I can sleep I I don’t I don’t I I don’t believe it I don’t know sing my talent is singing My Heart Will Go On byly day on a very hard song but you know I actually can’t sing it that well so you know don’t judge me freak number TR one Bang bang into the room bang bang all over you how you doing Chase I let you have right oh my God we got a lot of random cross braids this time like there’s pumpkins there’s melons I think there’s wheat or hops I’m hoping it’s hops but it’s probably going to be wheat um a lot of sugarcane and a lot of another what so my cat is just roaming you good come on hey you want up hi Ivy come on come on another love oh I think those pumpkins are about to be fully gr no he’s he’s walking off he’s walking off mate what was that melons more melons or love or my teres I cannot understand the lights you were spreading to my face you say baby I’m hurting oh is that fully growing dang but you want to complete me do I have enough battery growth to resistance that’s a bit [ __ ] isn’t it I I’ll crossbreed with you scared the [ __ ] out of me dude come oh my God he jumped on me I [ __ ] mango just fell oh my God come on hey Dart what’s up at me is that a jetpack maybe oh my God you ran out of juice please don’t fly of my crops there’s a much better way to fly um and I’m so sorry we haven’t done it yet oh please don’t land on the farm um no I have a lot of treasure but um it’s called Swift wol friend and Gale it is a ring that allows you to have creative mode flight what’s it called Swift wolf ring Gale but it’s very expensive it’s a yeah I was looking at those next PATH of alchemy that’s I don’t have a block of diamond yeah so this is this is got to do for now bye guys got to go got to go so apparently electric backpack electric jetpack different from jetpack can’t fuel them same way yeah you got to use a um either bat box or charging bench yeah yeah can’t use fuel canning machine useless wait so what we using the canning machine for the canning machine is to get fuel for the normal jet pack the normal jet pack yeah oh you were trying to can fuel yeah you need to um what’s the one if you’re canning Machining you’re probably going to be using actual fuel um no you can you can make biofuel and coal fuel oh so you were trying to use biofuel for it yeah I try to make CO as I was like oh hold on wait wait a minute something seems a beit off here wait a minute I step on any of these crops me I’m going to die what do you mean no I’m good um okay oh my I’m so jealous of my jet pack I am major jealous of your jetp pack I need to charge up my um my seed Searcher also known as grinder huh my seed Searcher your seed Searcher my what is what’s on the floor is that a charging bench yeah the my Shing bench soorry I’m taking all the power out from the source huh you can put your thing in the battery box what’s up where is it in the wall underneath that if you put it in the top slot at all um hold on oh growth of four it’s all right okay Cory 3 resistance three it’s not too bad oh don’t pick up my seeds can I have a seed peek peek what does it work you just said vagina Filipino I’m joking I’m not I’m being thank you for this knowledge up I will use this power um in some kind of way um I oh my God shot from above is that pumpkin uh don’t touch it I’m don’t do it w do it how not to be dramatic or anything but ow I’m hurt that was so overly dramatic holy [ __ ] [Music] ow w w a dog statue or okay oh uh okay so pumpkins have grown um sugarcane has grown Everything Has Changed I can hear that over here did you bring it here what what where are you no [Music] way I feel like I’m going [Music] crazy is that coach buzzer the seed for my peg pack [ __ ] oh thank God wait oh my God oh my God sh what I think we have it don’t stand on it where are you please stop come look com up why is there two spiders at our [ __ ] house I they AR them all right come here what and then Crouch no play you see that that green one don’t s the [ __ ] um you see that really green one oh yes like the green blue one that’s what we want to save hipop hipop okay can get out now sorry I’ll go from from above [ __ ] clumsy Smurf over here you could have just let you know this would have been easier for me what going up well being like Oh can you look at this from above I would have expected you to just ground pound it nope like he did to my first baby well that one was I didn’t know why that was it’s a collision [ __ ] my ass just then that was crazy did you like it or uh no oh oh I’ve run out of crops there’s a creep behind the house by the way there I saw him with my pter vision open the door get on the was it you that was watching that movie with me which one the MCH verus machines yeah I was there yeah like my pterodactyl also not there you were not there for some of it I went to go play uh fortnite with my brother what do you mean huh huh was so funny [ __ ] [ __ ] she didn’t even notice wait no what you full collided with me and I is that the creeper I told you was there I’m I was C out sorry my cat just jumped on me um yo I’m sorry I’m going have to play PC tower defense against my cat right now where is the zombie something here every day that’s my guard you good little man sorry he’s going crazy on the mic are you good oh he’s very determined to fight that robot he’s he’s gone crazy control oh is it oops my bad sorry okay um can I have some crops oh my God it gave us back every single one that we lost scarfield appeared I bet you’re from Florida um yeah I’m not that far north um which is kind of shocking cuz Florida’s like part of the South I think um Florida man FL fluida so many girls of here where do I begin so many girls of here where some [Music] girls what was the the song that they remix with that could not tell you I’m flying to [Music] Florida FL Rider I just reminded myself that hog rider exists and I am scared I’m not scared of being a lonely man or even dying let it die let it die sh up oh we lost some sugarcane in the walls okay we’ll see is that [Music] sugarcane grow three what are you grow three resist four oh easy K blam you can choke um okay yes mango are you wanting to jump up again please tell me before you do what [ __ ] meow dad he he came up and tapped me what’s up you going out okay father he’s being really weird like he just came up and tapped me ling up to Bo the plane oh good luck y yeah that one that guy you remember him no not really I for Gore for ever since the accident that’s accident in Spanish and um accidente y oh no looks like boots had an [Music] accidente will you help pay the funeral costs I can’t hear you no you’re lying you’re broke do you know how to say broke holy if you even think about touching some of these crops they will melt please do not go anywhere near that crop cuz I am killing crops I’m not even touching um don’t you dare go hit the Papyrus noise she said oh the m is gone what there’s a creeper oh man out here you want to deal with him comes near me mama was a saint and daddy was a criminal did you um fill in the hole beside the house yeah slay we’re going to have to fill in these creeper holes holy [ __ ] um I need to put this in the bad box wait so did the bat box work more than the um the thing huh did the bat box work oh yeah definitely more than charging M holy [ __ ] what are you are what are you using with with the charging bench I was charging on my batpack but since the um bat box has charge saved in it it’s much better to take charge out of wait give me show me I already did it that sucked all out use it and then give it back to me when you need to charge it uh read growth four to that let me check this guy okay so it’s the seed oh my God we got stick reads holy [ __ ] this is what we wanted I [ __ ] stood up to stretch and then you start streaming I got so scared holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] jum this is the stuff we’ve been wanting um oh the stick reads do not touch this crop I stop moving I st moving iar so this is stick read um just a security yes but it is special because it’ll give us um who the [ __ ] knows um it’ll give us good stuff which is very exciting um oh please don’t go in there I’m scared I’m grow no it’s not grown yet these melons here have my melons down here did that Jesus who the [ __ ] stepped on the alarm oh lot of progress it’s going I have to come look yeah they there also a lot of [ __ ] friends jeez come on spider friends to be fair I’m zooming I’m not even on that ladder I’m just going up my Jetpack don’t have to deal with it anymore okay that’s 100% hops there’s no way it isn’t I’m surprised we got alcohol before we got coffee H uh I guess coffee is just a rare thing um okay that’s a t for read that’s a read that’s another read sad we’re not getting any anything crazy out of this more reads okay yeah looks like these are all raids oh my God please stop giving me random weeds I’m not into it okay read seeds read seeds read seeds read seeds unknown unknown did you end up making all all those solar panels yeah where they at um they’re at the back of the house I combine them into um Sol R oh yeah yeah yeah okay um [ __ ] Young Money Nicki Minaj Justin show you off tonight I’m going to show you off yeah yeah yeah what you got a billion could have never bought okay I don’t know if it’s ready yet it doesn’t look tall enough I mean if I okay yeah it’s too small it’s a bey and a Beat about [Music] you okay did you just grow again or my crazy buns out wiener but I got to keep an eye up for selenar okay this looks kind of identical to the other sugarcane which is kind of upsetting um H sorry I [Music] am okay okay kind I can’t figure out what seeds these are Mango’s loed up at the top of his cat tower a big S Justin Bieber you with the ether buns out weener but I gotta keep an eye for Seline or where’s the sticky ra isn’t it this yeah I’m adding another one to crossbreed it is the same thing yeah if you use the default texture pack it’ll be like orange oh um it’s a beauty and a be okay oh my God no you can see it now oh it’s different yeah it’s like gunked up that is disgusting let’s go that someone gunkle over that re so I guess it doesn’t matter what the sugar canane looks like cuz we’ll know if it’s the good one yeah what the [ __ ] do you mean a mob spawned there quar to four um my jaw on the floor goes again here it goes again okay let me check out the Cory all right I’m not moving at the [Music] moment I it’s still going oh maybe a little bitart [Music] yeah cuz that’s how that works yeah your head just you know carries a whole mother [ __ ] person yeah gravity you see that movie with a c bu is that the one was it yeah I think that was that close the doors open your purse me on the battlefield why are they going to how are they going to have purses open your purse I need ammo let’s sleep um we at sleepy you be sleepy hours when you try to recharge your thing did you just put it in there and wait yeah put it in the top of the bat box yeah no in the charging station um I did but um the bad box is faster to charge cuz it has all the solar panel is going directly into it and this thing is limited to 32 EU per second because the bat boxes are similar to the 32 EU I found my pack I’ll just if I just click out of it it recharges it fine maybe I just fully grew wheat believing it was hops this entire time oh um not going to be sad about it I will be wait what do you mean the [ __ ] we you know I’m sexy oh don’t call just text me were you like with the talking I TG i r l you know I am that girl girl hi TG i r l you know I am that girl yeah it’s looking like that W be hops um which I’m kind of mad about girl wheat yeah I think it’s just wheat can you right click it and will you will something happen or I tried um oh what about the that one sticky this uh it’ll just give me sugarcane if it’s not ready ugly [ __ ] hate me and while you I’m flying across the country to be in vog [ __ ] you already know uh okay let me get these crops I’m the IG G IG DL hello you know I am that girl oh my God sh you’re scaring me you’re the one who push me what on youel I run [ __ ] everyone going to come back here and be like what the [ __ ] is this what have feel done what’s happening oh my God I think it’s just waai and I’m mad about it no does hops look like weat yeah yeah but more green apparently oh bye gex bye don’t kiss and tell um I TG i r l you know I am that girl okay I think I’m going to make a few crops okay um yeah I think I’m just going to add crops and I think that’s it for me yeah I’m done y EP have a good eidge thank you for chilling it’s been a good first day we a lot too much even oh my God is weit I know it opening this game again the virus oh don’t remind me um okay bye-bye sha bye-bye okay that’s what we want okay [Music] um okay how many crops do I have it looks like they’re all pretty much good to go all right oh oh my God I am addicted to farming and it needs to stop okay all right oh my my God my eyes all right I need to close this thank you for chilling I’ll be back to not tomorrow maybe the day afterwards I think about it yeah I’ll I’ll see you all goodbye goodbye now let’s find a let’s let’s find a friend do we have anyone online that I know if not I’m just going straight to bed um yeah yeah I’ll be seeing you all later bye boy F goodbye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ClubSMP w/ heart rate tracker LIVE! #shorts stream’, was uploaded by Dytolan on 2024-04-21 23:09:46. It has garnered 575 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 10:09:14 or 36554 seconds.

Welcome to the Twitch Live restream on youtube!

I am a variety streamer who loves playing games with chat viewers! We currently play Among Us, Goose Goose Duck, Dead By Daylight, Marbles and a bunch of other random things. Just search me up at Dytolan.

Content you’ll find here: – Minecraft – PlateUp! + Speedruns – Jigsaw Puzzles – Among Us – Goose Goose Duck – Elden Ring – Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy – Only Up! – Pico Park – Project Winter – Gartic Phone – Pokemon – Spotify things – Five Nights At Freddy’s (FNAF) – Choo Choo Charles – Gary’s Mod TTT – Portal + Portal 2 – Dead By Daylight – Overcooked – Stray – The Quarry – Jackbox

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  • CraftNation – SMP, PVP, Semi-Anarchy, Land Claims, Realistic Seasons, Gold-based Economy, McMMO, Mob Levels, Waypoints, Wild Regen, Temp Stat, Advanced Survival

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    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcases a fun spot-the-difference quiz within the Minecraft world. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and adventure that aligns perfectly with the experience you can have on Minewind. Imagine exploring a vast, ever-changing world where every corner holds a new surprise. That’s the essence of Minewind – a unique Minecraft server that offers a dynamic and engaging environment for players… Read More

  • Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft

    Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft The Tiny World of Micro Houses in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players have found joy in creating intricate structures, from towering castles to underground lairs. However, a new trend has emerged – the rise of micro houses in Minecraft. What are Micro Houses? Micro houses are tiny, compact structures designed to maximize space efficiency while maintaining functionality. These miniature dwellings often feature clever design elements and utilize every block available to create a cozy living space. Key Features of Micro Houses: Compact Size: Micro houses are typically small in size, making them perfect for players looking… Read More

  • Unspeakable Horror Unleashed in Minecraft Dungeon!

    Unspeakable Horror Unleashed in Minecraft Dungeon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons | No Mooshrooms Were Harmed During This Video! [Part 7]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 4 on 2024-05-12 06:42:45. It has garnered 739 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:19 or 20239 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_Minecraft Dungeons!_* https://store.steampowered.com/app/1672970/Minecraft_Dungeons/ *_Friends!_* @AsenEye @AshyBoio @CFMeibo @ConnerTheFozhead @HamzahKhan323 *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7232 @Xman7233 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCcthU-g69nEHQpNxfHEyizg/join #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Insane Minecraft RTX 3060 Ti Benchmark – 1080p HD

    Insane Minecraft RTX 3060 Ti Benchmark - 1080p HDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX 3060 Tİ – 1080p High,’, was uploaded by ByArdanTR Benchmark on 2024-02-27 16:16:47. It has garnered 16 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. Minecraft RTX 3060 Tİ – 1080p High, ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Start: 0:00 1080p High: 0:05 🔧SPECS🔧 ◾️İNTEL İ5 10400F ◾️Gainward GEFORCE RTX 3060 Tİ Ghost 8GB GDDR6 256bit DX12 ◾️RAM 16GB DDR4 2666MHZ (2x8GB CL16) ◾️Motherboard – Asus Ex-h410m-v3 1200p ◾️OS – Windows 10 Pro ◾️M2.SSD1:240GB (Windows) ◾️M2.SSD2:2TB (Games) ✦Without Video Recording +3 FPS ✦Don’t forget to subscribe for support!🥰 ✦https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjCuVoItkpqM5Sf_FVfJSSKfoZWzJsopW ✦https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjCuVoItkpqNxsmcTR7UH4FDRFYehEXcH ✦https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjCuVoItkpqPK-lLFEROxftwAonXlPk5w Read More

  • The STRANGEST NETHER PORTAL in Hardcore Mode! #MinecraftMadness

    The STRANGEST NETHER PORTAL in Hardcore Mode! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘I MADE EPIC NETHER PORTAL IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE | #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #survival’, was uploaded by MR STRANGE on 2024-05-06 13:28:35. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. I MADE EPIC NETHER PORTAL IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE —————————————– ———————————————————— ————————————– hello friends video now you will also like it and your friends. Please share it also. , , , And friends if you want to talk to me too follow me in Instagram my insta: https://www.instagram.com/vipin__69_/ Edting Software : Climpchamp Recording With : Windows(in pc) •PvP… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets in Hindi

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets in HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crazy Mincraft fact’s You didn’t know | Minecraft facts in hindi |Amazing Minecraft facts Invincible’, was uploaded by INVINCIBLE on 2023-12-16 00:30:00. It has garnered 3497 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Crazy Mincraft fact’s You didn’t know | Minecraft facts in hindi |Amazing Minecraft facts Invincible _________________________________________________ Minecraft, Minecraft In hindi, Minecraft short mincraft animation, Minecraft new update, how to download Minecraft, Minecraft apk download, invincible, invincible yt, invincible short,shots, Minecraft facts, amazing Minecraft shorts, Minecraft facts you didn’t know about, amazing Minecraft facts ,Minecraft new… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Minecraft V-Collection Server Ep.1!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Minecraft V-Collection Server Ep.1!Video Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] สร้างบ้าน สร้างตำนาน!~ | Minecraft เซิฟรวมวี Ep.1’, was uploaded by Sivla | AcastledProject on 2024-03-13 10:24:17. It has garnered 1290 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:26 or 9086 seconds. [LIVE] Build a house, create a legend!~ | Minecraft V-Collection Server Ep.1 Server : @PuipuiMemory Support here (minimum 10 baht): https://tipme.in.th/sivla01 The minimum donation to display a message is 10 baht * Pay with PromptPay and no fees will be deducted ❤️✨ Rules for viewing ‼️🙏 1. You can do whatever you want. You must not crowd others and do not… Read More

  • Insane gaming compilation ft. Bowmasters, Scary Teacher 3D, Minecraft & more!

    Insane gaming compilation ft. Bowmasters, Scary Teacher 3D, Minecraft & more!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bowmasters,Scary Teacher 3D,Dye Hard,Plants vs Zombies 2,Kick The Buddy,Dinosaur Rampage,Minecraft’, was uploaded by MrPGA Play on 2024-02-27 17:48:24. It has garnered 1338 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. https://youtu.be/7c1B3BYjRxU #MrPGAplay Read More

  • Ultimate MLG Pro in Minecraft?! 🔥

    Ultimate MLG Pro in Minecraft?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Yesmartypie Best MLG🍷 In Minecraft ☠️#viral#freefire#shortvideos#ajjubhaifacereveal’, was uploaded by H90 Gaming on 2024-03-14 05:25:14. It has garnered 10743 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Description AJJUBHAI FACE REVEAL | TOTAL GAMING Total Gaming 2.6M Likes 21,607,016 Views 30 Dec 2023 #TotalGamingFaceReveal #MegaReveal #collab Today marks a significant moment as I,AJJUBHAI FACE REVEAL | TOTAL GAMINGAJJUBHAI FACE REVEAL | TOTAL GAMINGhttps://youtu.be/dPQHxM3ugl0?si=cM2oA9AR5NRr18hl Ajendra Variya, reveal my face in this video. I’m taking you on a journey through my gaming world. Your support has meant everything to me, and I couldn’t… Read More

  • EPIC NEW Nether Portal Design!! 😱🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC NEW Nether Portal Design!! 😱🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Design! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-01-12 10:34:32. It has garnered 2464 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftTutorial How To Build Minecraft Build Hacks, Minecraft Build Ideas, Simple Minecraft Builds, Easy Minecraft Builds. If you enjoy my Video’s/Short’s please make sure to like,comment,share and subscribe. Thanks! Read More


    🔥IMPOSTER'S TOP 3 EPIC FARMS IN MINECRAFT 1.20!🔥  | BEDROCK EDITION | TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP 3 EASY FARM TO BUILD IN MINECRAFT 1.20 | BEDROCK EDITION | TUTORIAL |’, was uploaded by Imposter on 2024-01-07 11:30:10. It has garnered 1300 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:16 or 556 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftfarm #minecrafttutorial #bedrock #farm In this video I will be showcasing 3 farms you should definitely have in your Survival world. In this video you will learn to make an sugarcane farm, a wool farm & bamboo farm . If you enjoyed this video, help grow the video and my channel! Hit the like… Read More

  • TicinoCraft

    TicinoCraftTicinoCraft is a brand new medieval-themed server. The gameplay is focused on creating factions and, when you are big enough, fighting with others to become the best one in the world! Main features are: – Faction, MCMMO, NPCs with a quest system and rewards and a creative world. We are constantly updating the server with new funny features! TicinoCraft is owned by TicinoGame (www.ticinogame.ch), a new company which goal is to create a big network where gamers can meet themselves and play games together. mc.ticinocraft.ch Read More