Easy Raid Farm Tutorial | Simply Minecraft (Java Edition 1.18/1.19)

Video Information

To all the geeks and nerds out there welcome back to another episode of simply minecraft this is a series where each episode we take a look at one aspect of the game and try and make it as easy and as simple as we can today we

Are looking at a stacking raid farm so this road farm is going to be super easy to build there’s a little bit of redstone but it’s pretty easy to understand and they’re simple not too many blocks as well and as you can see here we are spawning all of the waves of

The of the road at once so all the mobs come in at one time we automatically kill the ravages and all of the all the remaining mobs will fall down into a clean area for us to chop up collect the drops and also the xp everything in this farm has been

Precisely placed so once we’ve killed all the mobs we should have bad omen and then we can drop down this shoot which will take us close to a village which is underneath we’ll then zoom back up again in this bubble column ready to uh chop up the next wave over raiders they of

Course will all spawn on the platform above all at one time all the waves together as you can see here and then yeah the process just continues as before the killing area is surrounded by a number of boats that is to protect us from the vex they don’t spawn that often

But when they do these boats will capture them and keep us safe and sound and so in this tutorial i’m going to show you exactly how this farm works i’m going to explain all of the road mechanics so if you want to build this farm for yourself you can but also it

Gives you the opportunity to modify and make it even better now of course there are much better raid farms out there don’t forget the purpose of this series is to do things pretty simply and give us the right balance between um not much effort for quite a good reward so if you

Want something that’s more overpowered than this then there are plenty around but if you want something super simple that’s good enough for your single player world that will give you you know some emeralds and a few totems on dying then this is the farm for you so first

Of all let me show you how to use this farm and explain exactly how it works and then once we’ve done that we’ll do a block blow book tutorial so if you want to build this thing for yourself then you can so i’ve got some armor on i’ve

Got my sword i’m ready to go and i found this thing this is a pillager outpost this is what you need to find in your world now the ideal one to find is if you can find one close to an ocean that would be the best thing now i’ll come on

To why that’s important a bit later on but uh if you can’t find one near an ocean that’s not that’s not the end of the world the main thing is that you need to be able to get from here to your farm and we’re going to build that in

The ocean and you need to be able to get there without going past any villages because if you do pass a village with bad omen which is what we’re going to get in a second you will spawn a raid in the wrong place so uh one way to do that

Is of course just go across the overworld and dodge any villages or keep this one close keep this outpost close to your to your farm which is in the ocean or you can go through the nether and dodge the villages that way so once you’ve found this structure we are after

A pillager wearing a banner and i did actually see one around here somewhere there is this guy this is the guy you are after so you need to come over here and kill him and once you do that you should get a new effect called bad omen

So where has he gone there he is see that guy and you’re dead and there we go i’ve got that icon in the top right that means i’ve got bad omen now we need to zoom on over to the farm which is over in the ocean in this

Direction and i’ll meet you over there we’re back at the farm with our bad omen effect and if we look underneath you can see this little fella this is our village well it’s a villager and a workstation that is all we need to count as a village and here is the raid it’s

Starting so we just need to come over here in our boat we need to come off come off a boat here and jump in this bubble column that will take us up to the killing area and as we’re traveling up you can see the raid bar is going all

The way to the end once it gets to the end then the raid will start spawning now the only place it can spawn is on the platform above we’ll talk more about details about ranges and measurements that kind of stuff in a bit as you can

See here all of the waves of the raid are all starting at the same time there’s a little trick we’ve pulled uh we’ll talk more about that in a second and you can see that after a short period uh the water streams come across push all the mobs over the ravages go

Into the lava and all the other mobs fall down here and they end up in the killing area now we just have to chop away at these mobs and yeah it won’t take very long for them to uh to die now make sure you’ve got a good sword here

You want to make sure you’ve got a sharpness you want to have looting uh mending is also good uh all the usual stuff uh sweeping edge is also really good as well so make sure you’ve got those kind of things on your sword a few clicks and everything everything dies

All of the drops goes into this hopper and then into these chests underneath you can expand that storage if you want to and then if we just look up here you can see that the water uh removes itself from the platform and then our raid bar

Says we got raid or victory and once that raid bar disappears we can jump down here you can also see we’ve got the hero of the village effect that will give us some gifts if we go near some villagers now the bar has disappeared we

Can jump down here and when we get to this uh this chest here you can see the red starts immediately and we can go back up again so basically just have to continue this cycle over and over again until you’ve had enough so that should give you plenty of drops and as you’ve

Seen this doesn’t take too long for all of the waves of the raid to spawn and for us to kill them i’m going to leave that wave in the killing area and we’re going to come up here to the spawning area and i want to explain how this part

Of the how this part of the system works and we’ll talk more about the spawning in a little bit so first of all we have this spawning platform here so this is this area here this is a 5×5 area this is where all of the raid mobs are going

To spawn we make sure we have a little bit of a gap around that to make sure that any ravages that spawn on the edge here don’t get clipped into the wall so they will have plenty of space and won’t leave the farm so that makes sure that

All the mobs stay inside this area we have the lava here so the lava is a little bit upset it’s three blocks higher so that means that any mobs that come along here any of the two mob mobs they just fall down and don’t touch any

Of the lava so we don’t lose any mobs that way and the ravages when they come along because they’re in water they jump a little bit and they always end up in the lava and get killed there’s one lava source right there so how does this thing trigger and how does the redstone

Work well over on this side we’ve got a tripwire and some string over here because there’s so many mobs in here at some point uh this this string will get a mob inside it that will trigger some redstone over here so once you get mob in there that will basically power

This block which powers this redstone which powers this block underneath it that then goes into this delay circuit so which is this is basically a whole bunch of repeaters so all these repeaters on full on full full delay comes all the way around here the signal

Comes back again to here so once we get to here we then power this block which powers this redstone which then goes into this delay circuit so this will this will trigger and then this will essentially depower this torch here which depowers all this redstone here

Which then releases the water so after a period of time essentially waiting for all of the raids uh all the waves to spawn we then release all the water the water pushes all the mobs along and then once this once this delay circuit uh finishes up we did talk about that in a

Previous episode in terms of some useful circuits so this is a really easy way to do a delay circuit once that decays all the way down to zero then the redstone over here will then power again and then the the trapdoors will come up and stop the water and then of course this

Platform is then free to spawn more mobs and it just so happens that the timing of this lines up relatively close to when the raid bar above uh empties and then we can go down for the next wave of all the raiders so that’s essentially how the redstone works you can see here

Underneath we’ve got another little water stream here so when the mobs get pushed over they go over here we’re also using stairs at the end here the reason for that is that sometimes you get mobs that kind of teeter on the edge if you have a little bit of water and they try

And walk back again so this this is a little trick you can use to make sure the mobs get pushed off and yeah they end up in this water stream over here so there we have it that is the tour of the farm now we need to talk a bit more

Details about how raid mechanics work and what makes this farm work as well so the first thing to talk about is the village so this this guy down here this solitary villager and a workstation so essentially this is all you need to count as a village in terms of raids now

What can happen here is that if you’ve got multiple villagers with multiple workstations or bells then what happens is the game will take the average of all of those and that is the center point of your village now because we’ve only got one here the center point of our village

Is this workstation so the position of this workstation is very important so wherever you build your form make sure you know the coordinates of this workstation that is the center of the village and all the other things we talk about are probably based on the position of this workstation so that is very

Important indeed if you’re interested in some of the more overpowered farms that are available what they do is they use multiple villages and workstation and move them around to move the center of the village to different places which means they can manipulate other than all of the numbers

Essentially and the ranges to make the farms uh even more powerful now of course we could do that here as well but that makes the farms a bit more a bit more complicated and that’s what i want to avoid for this this simple series so we’re just going to stick with one

Villager and one workstation and the last thing in terms of the villages make sure you avoid them when you’re cooked when you’re coming from your pillager outpost to your farm and as you can see here the only thing that counts as a village is a villager with a workstation

So make sure you avoid not only the naturally spawned villages in the world but also if you’ve got a trading hall maybe with villagers basically anywhere that where you’ve got a villager avoid don’t go near it otherwise you may will spawn a raid where you don’t want it you

Don’t want a road spawning inside your main base so yeah make sure you avoid it go through the nether or avoid the overworld that is really important as well so how do the raids actually spawn well let’s talk about that for a second now all of this is based on the center

Of the village we’ve already spoken about what that is here but in our case it’s that that composter that is the center of our village so when we want to spawn the first wave of raiders uh the game will pick a block that is 64 blocks away from the composters that is this

Outside this outside circle right here that’s 64 blocks away from the composter and once it picks a block over here it will then try and spawn a raid in this five by five area where we’re going into the positive the positive x direction this way and the positive and z

Direction that way so an additional four blocks this way and four blocks this way from the block it selects and then you’ve got this five by five area so the wave of the raid can spawn anywhere here now if there are no spawnable blocks so obviously we built our farm in the ocean

So there’s nothing here no blocks that the raid can spawn on if that fails it will then try again exactly the same thing but in this this time around it will pick a block 32 blocks away which is this circle right here again if it can’t spawn anything on this this area

Here it will then try exactly the same thing but zero distance and when i say zero distance i mean right on top of the composter so we’ll try and spawn blocks right here now of course this is not a spindle block but what it does do it tries to find the

Highest block so this is the same for all the circles it will find what’s the highest block that is at this position and if we look up from here that is the very corner of our spawning platform other of the farm above and this is that block you can see here that this

Platform extends into the positive x direction that way and the positive z direction that way in our five by five so we’re guaranteed that this is where the rays are going to spawn because it’s the only the only place that’s available and that’s that’s how we control getting

The rays to spawn inside our farm rather than anywhere else but how do we trick the farm into spawning all of the raid waves all at the same time rather than one wave at a time well that is because there’s another distance to keep in mind and

That is 112 blocks away from the center of the village and i’ve got this sphere here to show you that so this this sphere is 112 blocks away from the center of the village now if the raiders are spawned outside of this zone then the game thinks that they that you

Defeated that wave already automatically and so then it will spawn the next wave and it thinks that that wave is then defeated and so on and so on and so all the waves of the raid have been spawned so as long as this platform here is outside of this sphere this is 112

Blocks away from the composter as long as we’re outside of that range then all of the waves of the raid will spawn all at once and there is one more number to keep in mind that is how do we get bad omen because normally what happens is if

You were to fight a raid and you kill a captain as part of a raid you don’t get bad omen and that’s to make sure you don’t get raid off the road after raid during normal gameplay so how do we trick the game into that well there is a

Yet another number and that is 96. so i’ve got another sphere to show you it’s this one right here this sphere is centered on the village as we said before and this is a radius of 96 blocks and you can see here that this one just

Cuts right under here so if i’m standing here on the killing platform my feet are inside the village so that’s the range of the village and that’s why we can see the raid bar because our feet is inside that now all of the raid mobs that come

Down they don’t enter this village and so that means that if we kill mobs outside of that they don’t count as raid mobs as far as the game is concerned and so we can in fact get bad omen from these mobs so these are the numbers you

Need to think about so we’ve got let’s do a quick summary shall we the game will try to spawn raiders 64 blocks away from the center of the village then 32 and then zero on the highest block from the selected block in the positive z and

X directions it will spawn a raid in a five by five area if a wave spawns more than 112 blocks away from the center of the village then the next wave will spawn automatically and that will continue and this is how we trick the game to spawn all the waves at the same

Time the range of the village is 96 blocks so if you kill your raiders outside of that range you can get bad omen there is one more measurement to consider and that is how close to the village center do we need to be to start a raid now that’s important when we

First come in with bad omen from the uh from the outpost but also how far down from the uh the killing area do we need to drop to be in range of the composter to start the next raid once we’ve got the the bad omen so for that we need to

Turn on our trunk boundaries so press f3 and g and we can see all of our chunks here so all of the game is divided up into 16 by 16 chunks you can see we’re inside one chunk here if i go this way we’re inside a different chunk now you

Can also see a bunch of blue lines coming down segmenting this chunk so this gives us sub chunks so each of these blue lines that gives us a sub chunk so that is also 16 blocks high so a sub chunk is 16 by 16 by 16 and you

Can see that denoted by the blue line so i’m inside this sub chunk here between here and here and if i go down here i’m inside a different sub chunk so why is that important well let’s look at the sub chunk that this villager is in so

This uh this composter should i say that is inside this sub chunk here so we need to be inside a three by three sub chunks with this in the center so to kind of demonstrate imagine that this red concrete block that is the sub chunk that the composter is inside so that’s

This sub chunk we’re inside here we need to go inside a three by three sub chunks around it so each of these so these green gloss blocks that that that’s supposed to demonstrate a sub chunk so that is where we need to be so if this

Uh composter is inside this sub chunk we need we can be inside this sub chunk or the one above it and it just so happens that uh when we drop down here our feet just go inside this sub chunk so inside this blue line that is enough to start

The raid so we’re close enough to the villager there that will start the next wave of raiders and then we can walk across here into the bubble column and shoot all the way up so that is how close you need to be now you don’t have

To have this set up here if you don’t want to you could just have for example a platform here just jump down land here and then fly back up with your elytra so if you’ve got elijah already you can get rid of all the bubble columns and

Whatnot in a drop shoot you can do do this in a different way this is just something that’s a bit more convenient if you don’t have electrode just yet because not all normal players go to the end and get elytra’s so that is the last thing the last measurement that’s

Important a three by three sub chunks around the composter so what can this farm produce well i’ve done some testing and if you run this farm for an hour you’ll get over 6 000 items in total and they roughly break down like this so over 3 000 emeralds i think is probably

Important the other one that i’d say is important is also the totems so if you like to we’d like to play with some tokens for undyne then that’s also useful you get some other bits and pieces that are all so cool but i think the emeralds and the totems are the most

Important ones here’s a list of all the things you can get in an hour and so with all that said it’s very important when we do the build of this farm that you get all your measurements correct if you get things out of out of whack and

Not in the right zones then some of this farm won’t work so pay special attention when we’re placing blocks to get things all measured up and make sure you know the coordinates of your composter that is going to be super important now when it comes to finding a build site

Obviously we’ve built it out here in the in the ocean so there’s no spawnable spaces we spoke about the different ranges the 64 and the 32 so i would say if you want to build this farm find a good ocean like this where there is no spawnable blocks for let’s say 70 blocks

At least away from the composter that gives you plenty of blocks space if you’ve got more than that that’s even better another alternative if you’re feeling adventurous is to build this in the end over the void that also guarantees there are no spawnable blocks so with that said let’s get onto the

Build shall we and as usual here is a full list of materials you’re going to need we have two pages this is the first page so feel free to pause to get all the numbers and if i scroll down to the second page here it is again you can

Pause here to get all the numbers i’ll put all of this in the description below as well just for your convenience so get all the items you need and then you can build the farm up of course as usual a lot of these blocks are interchangeable

So here i’m using glass that’s because i like to see inside the farms but you can use any block here it doesn’t have to be glass just make sure that on the spawning platform at the top there’s nothing spawnable the glass has the extra benefit of that also if you’re not

Going to have the drop shoot because you’ve got a lighter and whatnot uh you don’t need that as much glass so yeah you’re going to need a lot less for that but obviously you can interchange this with any blocks you can use any kind of slab any kind of sign any kind of

Trapdoor is all good a little bit of redstone but not too bad you should be able to get that even quite early game so once you’ve got your blocks collected we can build the farm up in addition to that list you’re also going to need 14 boats of any color to protect ourselves

From the vex the first thing to do is to find the right location to build the farm here we have a nice ocean we’ve got at least 70 blocks radius around where we’re going to build the farm and the first block to place is in our case a

Composter but this could be any workstation but a compositor is pretty good so what we need to do now is once we place this down first of all look at the coordinates and i recommend using the same coordinates that i’m using here so if we press f3 you can see on the

Right hand side it says targeted block that’s the block i’m looking at where my cursor is and you can see we’re at y66 so make sure your composter or whatever workstation you use is at y66 that’s super important and then note down the other coordinates they will be different

For you um i suspect but yeah make sure your composter is at y66 then you can just add this glass around it this is for our villager then you need to boat a villager over uh over here and then let’s get him into place so just bring

Your boat over to a little temporary platform i’m using netherrack here just because i like that as my temporary block and then create a stairway up and then break the boat he will then might need a little bit of a nudge but he will see the composter and hopefully in a

Second we’ll walk up to it and there he goes walking up and he’s taking the composter you can see he’s got his farmer’s hat on so you might need to just give him a little nudge so he goes into place block him in and one on top

As well so there we go he’s now in place we can get rid of all of our temporary bits and pieces over here that’s all good and then we can move on to the next bit it’s not really important where the villager is but if you want to build

This exactly the same as me then if you press f3 you can see on the left hand side in the middle we are facing south and that is in the positive z direction you can see the villager is behind the composter so the next step is to come

Underneath your composter and place down four temporary blocks one two three and four you can get rid of these top three then you need to press your f3 screen again and make sure you’re facing in the east direction that is the positive x direction so facing this way and place

Another six temporary blocks one two three four five six and then place your soul sand next to that next we can build a little platform here to make it easy when we come out of our boat that could be made of anything and now we need to

Build a tube coming up out of our bubble column just here so we need to build this all the way up now you need to leave a two gap here place down a couple of fence gates and you can open them up and then place a glass on top of that so

We should have this one wide hole now you need to build this glass all the way up to y160 i’ve now done that and to show you let me press a little hotkey i’ve got here now i’ve got a mod in the store called mini hud that allows us to

Have this kind of more presentable debug screen where it’s easier to see what i’m looking at so i’m looking at this glass block which is at y160 now mini hud is also responsible for showing the circles and the spheres so if you want to use that as well there’s a video on my

Channel to show you how to install it and how to use it too so i’ll link that in the description below anyway once you get to here at y160 place a source of water at the top here and then come all the way down to the very bottom

Where you’ve got your soul sand you’ll have to wait for the water to flow all the way to the bottom when it does we can start placing kelp on top of the the soul sand here all the way up to the very top so just walk into the water

Place down your first kelp and then swim up holding down right click so you can place a kelp all the way up you’re gonna need a couple of stacks of kelp because we’re in the ocean already that should be quite easy to get hold of and this is

To create all the water resources we’re going to need to create the bubble column once you get to the very top you can jump down into the water you won’t die of any kind of fall damage anything like that and then come back up to the

Back up to the platform and then you can just break this very bottom kelp block just like that that will create water sources all the way up and all your kelp will flow to the very top you can test it by jumping in and you should be

Zoomed to the very top next we’re going to work on the drop shoot so on the villager side of the bubble column we just made you can see the villager here in the bubble column here we need to place a block on the side here and this

Is a y 93 if you look at that block there we go y93 then place a chest on top of this block then place some blocks around it here here and here then get yourself a bucket of water and shift and click on the on the chest that will

Water log it now we need to uh do a little bit of degree poker here so next to these two blocks add some blocks here and blocks here then we’re going to break this block and place a sign break this block and place another sign and

Then we can start building up a one by one just over here now we need to we’ll do this all the way up to the same level as that one over there just got to be an empty tube but before we go any further let’s double check things are in the

Right place so it should be as i said before this block here should be at y93 but to double check that we can press f3 and g on our keyboard and we should have the blue line here the sub chunk that should come up at this level so you see the

Blue line is just here we should have the bottom sign is underneath that blue line and so when we fall down and land on top of the chest our feet we should land in this block right here will be just below this blue line and this blue

Line should be one sub chunk if we can all the way down there’s another sub chunk here and our composter is inside this one just here once you put your drop shot all the way to the top then you start by creating a platform of slabs which is five by seven so we’ve

Got one two three four five and then by seven one two three four five six seven fit all that in obviously leaving holes for your bubble column up and your drop shoot down next come around to the opposite side from where your bubble columns are and place

A chest on the center block here just like that double chest and then you can come underneath place a double chest here and then place a hopper running into it so the only items are going to this chest will run down into this storage over here now you can expand

This down further obviously you’re going to need to give yourself some access to it what not i’ll leave that up to you you can also add some item sorters if you want as well i’ll leave that up to you as well now this block here this

Slab that you can break that that gives you easier access to this chest right here then place a hopper directly into that chest and then a carpet on the top we now need to add the drop shoot for the mobs so create a one wide hole all

The way up to y188 and then make sure you’ve left a gap here so we can get to the mobs and chop them up so yeah just bring this up all the way to y188 once you’ve done that and you’re up at y188 as you can see here we now need to look

Into the west direction so that’s the negative x and this should be the same direction as your villager is down there you can just see him just down that direction so just make sure you’re doing everything in the right direction so you should be facing west so now on this

Block here we need to add another six so one two three four five six and then add a two a two high wall all the way around all of this so do that all the way around you can get rid of the corner blocks if you want you don’t need those

And then the next thing to do is come inside of here and then place a sign just here and on top of the above the hole here that’s going to stop the water which we’re going to place on this end so water source over there should go all

The way across and the sign should stop it that’s going to push all the mobs into the killing chamber next we’re going to place down our stairs and we need to make sure we do this in the right place again so make sure you are facing north so that is the negative zed

And you can also see that we’re facing this way we’ve got the the villager underneath us and our spawning platform or our killing platform should i say is over there on the right hand side so you want to place down some blocks here so one two three four

Five six seven stairs then get yourself some slabs and then make a five by five here so one two three four five one two three four five and fill all of this in so your platform should look something like this and let’s double check everything has been done correctly

This is the moment of truth do everything does everything line up essentially this block here which is the the back of the back corner of your spawning platform this should be directly on top of your composter so that’s what we need to check so first of

All let’s just make sure that if we stand on this block and we look this way we’re looking into the south which is the positive zed and if we look this way we are facing east which is the positive x so that is correct now if we were to

Go down directly from this block so i’m just going to look down here you can obviously take your coordinates so here we’re at minus one three eight five and we’re at ninety one nine one and three six two three so if i was to break this

And fall all the way down we should land on top of our composter and we do so this is in the right place obviously breaking this block and falling down in survival will probably kill you even if you’ve got some good boots on so yeah just look at your

Coordinates here and look at the coordinates of your composter and make sure they all line up and make sure that this block is at 191 so if you’ve done that everything should be built correctly so far in terms of heights and dimensions and whatnot so now we can

Build the rest of this so follow all of this along with a row of glass all the way around just like this and then once you’ve done that we can then build a two high wall so on the side here just come up here and

Add a too high wall all the way around and that too high wall should just go around these three sides over here and you can see this is where our stairs are so just make sure you’ve got the two high wall around there now on the stairs

Side over here you’ll see there’s a gap so just fill this in with some glass blocks all the way here just fill this gap in we don’t need any of that make sure you don’t pass anything don’t place anything inside here that will block any mobs once you’ve done that then come

Around to the back and add another row of glass blocks just here just like that then get yourself a torch and place one here and one here that just makes sure this platform is lit up so we don’t get any other mob spawning on here that we

Don’t care about then grab yourself at some trapdoors place them all along here on this this glass that we’ve got here then place a block here so that could be glass and then a solid block on the top and another two glass here and here then

We get our we get our tripwire hook one here one here next to the torch and then string all the way along so the string is a bit hard to see but if you click on it here you can see that we’ve got the hitbox so just place it on the side of

The hitbox all the way along and then once you do that the tripwire hook should go down next we can open up all of these trapdoors and they should be aligned to the front just like that just make sure that is the case then we can

Add a couple of blocks here and on this side as well and then we’re going to add some solid blocks behind the trap doors so you can shift click on the trapdoors and add these solid blocks all the way along line up with the wall then add an

Extra two onto that then put some redstone dust on top of all of these solid blocks all the way along then we need to get some water and we need to water water log these uh these are these trapdoors here so you click on the glass

Here and then one there and then that will create a source in between so we can do another one and another one there so that can make sure they’re all waterlogged then get yourself some more glass and then place that along the top here that’s to make sure no mobs can

Escape through there then come around to the side here with this solid block with the tripwire hook on it and place two blocks underneath it and then we need to have a temporary block here and then one next to it get rid of the temporary block then we can add a redstone torch

On this box we just placed and then get a solid block on top of the redstone torch and then for good measure put a torch on top of that just to light up these blocks to make sure nothing spawns next come under this second block we just added and place a temporary block

Then we need to come out here and add some slabs so we need to add nine of these so that’s one two three four five six seven eight nine and this is on the same side as where the with a spawning platform is and then double this back

All the way along to here then do something similar on this side but this time we need to come out for ten blocks so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then come back this way as well fiddle along this in then you can remove your temporary block and

Just to make sure this is what you should look like should have something like that we’re almost done with the redstone all you’ve got to do now is come in here to this block that’s behind the trip by hook and place redstone dust here then get yourself your repeaters

And place them from here in this direction coming all the way along all the way along to the end but not the end ones here and then place two redstone dust on the end blocks here then turn around and then go all the way back again with your repeaters and then

You’ve got to click on all of these repeaters to make sure they’re on the maximum setting so do this for every single one once you’ve done that you can then place a redstone dust here and then get your comparators and these these have to go in the right direction so

From this redstone dust go this way all the way out and then leave the last two blocks like we did before and then place redstone dust on these two then put your comparators going back in the opposite direction all the way down until you fill in all of those blocks and you

Should look something like that the last thing to do is to add the lava to deal with the ravages so what we need to do now is come out two blocks on this side fill in all of these blocks along here and then two blocks on this side do that

For a total of four blocks so this is the first level so do another three on top of this then we need to place a roof on the top so place these over here like that that will stop the ravages escaping when they float up then on both sides come one

Block above and add an extra three blocks here that’s to make sure that no ravages can kind of escape out of the lava and kind of walk around on these blocks over here next grab your signs and come at the same level as we’ve got

This gap right here so along the top and place signs all along this back wall all the way to the other end then come to one side and one block up and on this block here place a sign and then we’ve got to place a bunch of signs all the

Way along on top of that sign so you’re gonna have to hold down shift and press on there press okay and then just do this all the way along do the same thing on the block above place a sign here and then places signs on top of those

Pressing shift all the time and do that all the way along to the very end it should look something like this now we’re going to do is add temporary blocks on top of these signs here so place them on top of the glass here so one two three four five six seven so

They’re temporary blocks we’re going to remove those in a second then come along three blocks and then on the fourth block which is the center block here add a bucket of lava on the top here and wait for it to spread all the way to the

Very end which it should do once it got once it’s got to the very end you can check that on both sides the signs are holding it in place then you can break these temporary blocks and you’ll see that the lava should fall down and then get stopped by the signs underneath with

The spawning platform done come down to the killing area and we need to add the boats to protect ourselves so first add three iron bars in front of the killing area just here then get yourself a slab and place it next to this iron bar but

On the top and then follow this all the way around just like this so do this on all the sides just like that and then it should line up here with the iron bar along the back here add another row just like this then two glass on these two

Corners here and here and then come around to the front and then we need to get some more slabs and place them here so we can just see half a block of space over here then we need to add two more gloss blocks on top of the slabs we’ve

Just placed now we’re going to place our first layer of boats so the way to do this is to come to this block right here and in this corner of the block if you right click with a boat you’ll place it here come around to this side of this

Block and do the same thing but in this corner of the block place it here and now just try and nudge these two together so when you’re in survival this is going to be a little bit difficult so obviously you might need to add some scaffolding blocks around here or you

Can get into the boat and drive them around so you’re basically going to have this on this side same on the other side and then around the back we’re going to have two but two boats facing this way so on this block here place a boat here

Another one here and again just try and nudge these towards the tools the glass as best you can or you can get on getting the boats as i said and drive them in once you’ve done that you might want to press f3 and b to get your hit

Boxes of the boats and you can see just roughly how they’re aligned so it doesn’t have to be super precise but yeah if you can get them pushed in as best you can that is what you need to do so you’ve got to have six boats on this

First layer then you need to come down and add three trapdoors here on the top and then another three on the side and another three on the back and then another three on this side as well and then on the back add another three behind those just like that and then

We’re gonna add uh boats just like we did before but on top of these trapdoors all the way around including two on the front here and with all the boats in it should look something like this now it can be a little bit tricky uh but to

Stick with it uh nudging these boats around can be a little bit frustrating but eventually you’ll get them all in place and yeah you’ll be fully protected from the vex and so let’s give this thing a try i’m in survival and i’ve given myself bad omen and i’m standing

On the uh the killing chamber here i’ve also added this chest here which is totally optional with some milk so once you’ve finished here if you want to get rid of bad omen you can drink some milk maybe even bring a cow up here if you fancy elixir challenge but yeah let’s

Jump down and see if we get a raid started we should hopefully there it goes yet the raid has started and if we come all the way up to the top we should see our mob spawning and yeah we should be able to get bad omen and keep this

Cycle going and there are the raiders i can see them spawning in they can see them through the glass so that’s good to have the glass at the bottom there and they’re coming in so if we kill this guy he’s a captain and we got bad omen yes

Okay that is awesome alright so this is working out great so now we just gotta stand here chop up all the mobs as they come along we should be able to see them falling down there we go the water’s come along pushing them all down this is

Great and we shouldn’t get uh yeah shouldn’t get attacked by the by the vex so yeah just gotta keep chopping these up until all the mobs are gone and that worked out just fine now just a little note on the the evokers and the vex the they will only summon the vex or

The fangs if they can see you or if you damage them and they don’t die so with this long drop shoot they should be a one-hit kill especially if you’ve got a reasonable sword on you and speaking of that this is the saw that i’ve got here

So you don’t need all of this stuff definitely the looting and the sweeping edge i would definitely recommend any kind of level of sharpness would also help out just in case but yeah you shouldn’t get attacked by the vex that often but yeah just in case you do that

Is the reason why now we’ve got the bad omen again we should be able to jump down here now that the bars disappeared you have to wait for them to wait for that raid bar to disappear because you can’t spawn another raid while that bar is still there now the next one is

Spawned in and if we come up here we should see more monsters spawning above are you interested in getting hold of the schematic for this farm to make building it a little easier well i’ve decided to try a new service as an experiment to see how it goes and it’s

Called buy me a coffee there’ll be a link in the description to my page and on that page i’ve added an extra for the schematic of this farm so once you go to the page you can click on it and then you can put any price you like you can

Put xero to get the schematic for free and then if you want to support the channel with a few dollars then you can put it in the in the box and that will help me buy coffee in the morning to keep me awake so i can design some more

Stuff for you so yeah just an optional extra just an experiment i thought i’d try and see what the feedback is like so if you want to help the channel out and give us some some support then that is the place to go if you enjoyed the video

I hope you did and please hit the like button and if you’re new then feel free to subscribe and if you’ve got any comments or suggestions then get in that comment section or my geeks until next time i will see you later You

This video, titled ‘Easy Raid Farm Tutorial | Simply Minecraft (Java Edition 1.18/1.19)’, was uploaded by LogicalGeekBoy on 2021-08-15 14:30:03. It has garnered 843713 views and 23721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:07 or 2047 seconds.

Today you’ll learn how to build a super easy raid farm for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19. This simple farm spawns all the raid mobs at once and provides bad omen so you can easily spawn more raids. This farm is ideal for single player worlds where you just need a few extra emeralds and totems of undying. This farm produces over 6,000 items per hour. During this tutorial I will explain all of the raid mechanics so you can improve this farm further or design your own.

Download the schematic for free or optionally help support the channel with a small donation (put £0 in the price to download for free):

★ Buy me a coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/logicalgeekboy

Material List:

★ Glass: 923 ★ Slab: 112 ★ Sign: 24 ★ Trapdoor: 22 ★ Redstone Comparator: 16 ★ Redstone Dust: 16 ★ Redstone Repeater: 16 ★ Solid Block: 15 ★ Boat: 14 ★ Stairs: 7 ★ Chest: 5 ★ String: 5 ★ Iron Bars: 3 ★ Torch: 3 ★ Hopper: 2 ★ Fence Gate: 2 ★ Tripwire Hook: 2 ★ Composter: 1 ★ Lava Bucket: 1 ★ Carpet: 1 ★ Redstone Torch: 1 ★ Soul Sand: 1

Other videos you might like:

★ Easy Guardian Farm Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QGzRyRYmoS4 ★ Easy Wheat & Beetroot Crop Farm: https://youtu.be/3XMG4PMPURw ★ 11 Easy Farms for 1.17: https://youtu.be/rPPqspS2wX0 ★ No Wither Rose Wither Skeleton Skull Farm Tutorial: https://youtu.be/JkwngsDAwKg ★ Easy Flower Farm Tutorial: https://youtu.be/ZsHU2ybe46k ★ Easy Concrete Farm: https://youtu.be/LGUL0ER3wls ★ Simple Witch Farm: https://youtu.be/pl7LGU_MO48 ★ Easy Slime Farm: https://youtu.be/XnSHyn1oNRU ★ Easy Hoglin Farm: https://youtu.be/cKoXjXFw9uA ★ Easy Gold Farm: https://youtu.be/Fu4WeUCIM5U ★ Easy Iron Farm: https://youtu.be/6EOCDu0r-h8 ★ Easy Villager Trading Hall: https://youtu.be/RDFxhpQkqww ★ Easy Infinite Villager Breeder: https://youtu.be/oeesCRfaabg ★ Easy Carrot & Potato Farm: https://youtu.be/A8DQYpk5944

If you enjoyed the video then please hit the like button and subscribe if you aren’t already! Welcome to the home of the geeks!

You can also find me on:

★ Website: https://logicalgeekboy.com ★ Patreon: https://patreon.com/logicalgeekboy ★ Buy me a coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/logicalgeekboy ★ Discord: https://discord.io/logicalgeekboy ★ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/logicalgeekboy ★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/logicalgeekboy ★ Merch: https://teespring.com/logicalgeekboy ★ Search YT for #LegacySMP

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★ Good Times Patrick Patrikios (via YouTube Audio Library)

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  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

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  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

Easy Raid Farm Tutorial | Simply Minecraft (Java Edition 1.18/1.19)