Eco Ep 1: BUILDING A COMMUNITY – Multiplayer – Voxel Builder/RPG – Let’s Play

Video Information

Greetings and welcome to eco I’m Katherine of sky and I am joined by so many people on the kos eco server that I’ll read all their names in chat we’ve got all-new Lana aardwolf Marvin clay DD or die die maybe Eli Phineas crush Rhonda McGrath mr. Mandor stick Terran

OS and the Ontario gardener and there are more people even on the server i’m city would remember how many people were on when we started when you got on really like seventeen people on here at the same time when i just logged in there was seventeen seventeen Wow and

Right now I’m gonna zoom in on the map you can see everybody has properties everywhere we’re all walking around doing stuff so this is just gonna be kind of a snapshot series of where the server is at any one given time I think the server is what two or three or four

Days old something like that and already everybody is having specialties they’re doing stuff building roads across continents and oceans this road I got to show this one off when I get there but yeah this is gonna be maybe more like a livestream series than a regular directed series so what we’re gonna do

Is we’re just gonna play and talk about trading and all that kind of stuff so I hope you enjoy this all right let’s go I need to go and cut some logs at the moment so because where everybody is in dire need of lumber yeah I wouldn’t mind

At some point there’s a lot of logs not too far away that need to be hauled over okay where are you mr. Mandor can you post your coordinates in the Eco chat the discord please called–or as long as well nice welcome Cala darn and we just started recording just popping in to

Take a look and say hello hello to shortcut for posting where you are you just have to type it in I think you just type it in we’re working on getting the bot that links Eko the game with Some pieces fella oh my god it kicked me off caught exception oh my goodness oh this is this is really there are there words I don’t understand here right I can probably make at least a little bit of sense out of it if you no no no that’s okay I’ve already I’ve already

Cancelled it was just embarrassing okay so yeah we were just discussing our issues with food if anyone wants to rehash that tell people about that that was funny I’m starving my entire sock shop sold out and everyone was hungry and people only wanted to eat the beans were they were people buying

Anything else than beans beans nearby anything yeah I had five food items on him or for sale on my show I ran out of three of them Wow yeah I think it was the campfire beans the boiled shoots and something else I don’t remember the tomatoes oh no there

Were still corn and Commerce Pope’s but update for people who visit clays edibles there is a new item ready to come on the menu ooh fiddle-de-dee salad ooh I’m never try that out I’ll 225 meters away and I’m making my way there now there isn’t any it they’re currently on

The campfires getting made so it’ll be a little while because they’re a bit more complicated the price is four credits per salad whoa what’s nutrition the nutrition in these weather bring it up fiddleheads solids is 970 calories and the nutrition is five carbs six protein and twelve vitamins

Wow take the place of the shoots for sure I just blinked the fiddlehead salad even the general chat if anyone wants to mouse over that and take a look yourself ah yes that’s another option it’s I just shaped the fire there there’s some chopped tomato is just finishing on that

Count fire and then the the federal heads will be what the salads will be and getting made although they are very slow process to make is five minutes per salad Wow cuz that’s in the advanced campfire cooking not the basic one so I don’t have my efficiencies for time run

Up in that one yet that’s a fancy salad oh that’s one of the problems I always found with cooking when I was playing in single-player is every different type of cooking you had to redo the efficiencies and the speeds on them mm-hmm [Applause] yeah cooking is efficient is almost

Better done by multiple people there’s just so many parts parts involved with it I think clay is running out of beans there is more beans on the fires but they are going fast you guys seem to absolutely love the beans I meant the Robbie’s just don’t visit my

House I love them oh that’s that’s because I picked up a whole bunch of Roe beans so I can plant a good farm ah I see so right now I’ve got a hundred of them in my inventory but if you want to wander in the forest and pick them up

Please feel free I just give you a hundred and forty six so he was knocked out for a bit I’ve actually got 200 that I bought off as somebody who was trying to sell them to you see but you couldn’t take any more uh okay I’ll need to up my numbers

The the the workshops for mine and Catherine’s place is gonna get reworked we’re gonna just know we’ve got a kitchen under sawmill in the same building so we’re gonna be worked out a little bit I don’t know it’d be worth actually setting up your campfires or

Whatever to just crank out a whole bunch of campfire beans while you’re out and paint to the even if you don’t have the raw beans to submit to it just that when we sell off the beans to you your campfires automatically make some more campfire beans yeah I forgot to do that

When I logged off it it didn’t cross my mind so I’ll be doing that when I log off this time so there will be automatic production where I’m offline much obliged I’m so excited that the economy has developed so well and we’re all trading with each other it’s kind of cool to see

That happen hey I have some beans I’ve gathered I’m looking forward to getting some iron tools going mm-hmm wonder who makes those is it the smelting person uh yeah that Opie uh mullerian once she gets he’s smelting up but it’s gonna be a slow process until we get the blast

Furnaces on up and running yeah I noticed that mullerian had a stove earlier but I guess somebody bought it uh I’ve got the stove oh good good I’m glad you got it yes I can’t use it yet but probably tomorrow I’ll be able to get some skill points done preventer

That using it as mostly to get on to the next thing right yeah but there is is used to make some components that you can make sugar with it it’s got one of the prerequisites for yeast and yeast so there’s a pretty sure there’s a research that needs some yeast

So just throwing it out there I think we need helicopters you like that idea yes hey I’d be happy for the boats that are coming in one of the new patches out settle for boats all right I’ll settle for boats yeah but with boats you can shout get to

The job ah ah stick thank you so much for the plant fibers I’m gonna cook those up right now do you need more tailoring tables by the way I could use one more okay I’m not sure if I have any extras I might might do I thought I saw

Two in there all right Kate tree you’re in the middle of the road it’s an inconvenient spot for us you’re gonna go oh well I wasn’t paying attention to my weight it’s a good thing that furniture doesn’t have any weight to them I think once it gets light again I’m gonna go

And kind of go on a tour and look at everybody’s houses just show people cuz I guess where most of us I guess we’re all still in the beginning base stage right for a roof mullerian house however is a thing to be seen now it is very impressive yes and there’s somebody who

Built-in in our tunnel what it built in the tunnel okay interesting I’m gonna go check that out nice is you know I made that contract to have it widened he’s the guy who started widening it and then got really tired and needed a place to sleep so I was wondering why his he’d

Claimed some territory in the idea is that because he just claimed to stuff in say the tunnel he was using um actually he had already claimed a plot like halfway across the world but he decided to move here after having gone partway through the tunnel and gotten gotten

Exhausted with it is almost complete I wish I could say that about mine mmm oh I need to go and let’s see look on the map where you are then again I’m just completely I’m going straight to you know stone road rather than doing it with just the road

Building tool oh wow really that’s impressive that’s very impressive a lot of work you are in the middle of the ocean well I’m on the other side of the ocean there a couple nice islands in the middle but they’re mostly devoid of life right now

I see your road wow you have a very interestingly shaped property are you bringing are you making a particle detector no that’s just clay that’s just claiming down my mine shaft right now oh I see I see interesting because need a lot of stone I had a couple of people

Climbing around me I wanted to make sure I could still mine in my mind nice Wow that is a very impressive road already so you’re gonna go along the coast toward um there’s whiskey Nick over there and we’ve got malaria –nz property I think and there’s not honest

Yep yeah my idea is just to run a coastal road right along there just catch by a couple people’s property so they can connect to if they want to and then take it into malaria’s place which is going to be the base jumping-off point to getting to the people of sky

Land ranch as I’ve been calling it you have all those fields just out there so it’s kind of a ranch it’s just until we can actually you know do the animal husbandry mm-hmm oh that there’s not that many animals here I tend to go running after them with a bow and arrow

It’s like they released the information saying that one of the patches down the road they’re putting in boats they’re putting in a better like actual vehicle like that looks like more like a truck and on my own pretty interesting mining machine one of the other things they’re

Planning on doing is actually adding the ability to tame certain animals excellent good or at least that is in the planned features but it hasn’t really gotten any deaf work on yet I was hoping they were working on it directly well it still it’s in the works

Very exciting cat just for you to know I asked maryam priests and he asked me be sorry he asked me to be another lumber like you okay so I’m planning to do a my lumber camp near here but before I can get enough skills for the the farmer I

Don’t want to screw off all the forest around it so I will probably get off for now and come back tomorrow with my gathering skill healthy updated okay sounds great at the moment the trees seem to be responding really really well just on their own even without seeds but

They do take a long time to grow kind of a while yeah but I saw that some have a the gathering skills so I’m buying some seed if people’s are good too good are you asking people to chop all the leaves off the trees yeah all the lower branch it’s gone yeah it’s

Fine doesn’t cut the tree down to that that’s how you get seeds for trees is you chop the the leaves not the branches but the leaves with a sigh no with it with an axe okay I wish you luck with that because I’ve tried it on about a half dozen trees I

Think I’ve gotten one or two seeds yeah the Gabonese building is you the gathering school is I was the lumberjack for the test server once you get the galleries scale up you get six seeds every time that you successfully harvest so once you get a few of those going

It’s and you can really replace the forest I either did something smart for me or very stupid but I went ahead and just bought the digging skill because of the amount of Earth I’m gonna need to move as part of the building this road but now if I want to specialize in

Anything else it’s up to 50 skill points just to start the specialization that doesn’t include buying any of the skills inside that specialization good yeah you can remember you can refund it half the points back so if there’s stuff like that you’re not needing anymore like once you finally

Get a road to people who can cook you could probably give away your cooking skills or give refund it I don’t think I have any cooking skills oh I see okay or whatever you don’t need i’ve been dependent on a wild growth and running over to them running over with an

Armload of like mortared stone or something every now and then to be able to buy food from clays shop yeah that that’s why mortared stone is a bit higher price and than everything else in my store because I know that you’ll be running over with just our armful and

We’ll need to get you your best bang for your buck see and that’s that’s why we have the national anthem for our server that we do yep yep there is a national yes it’s pinned in the eco chat channel absolutely mm-hmm that’s that’s the Eco chat channel in discord yeah woody tell

Them to have any thing to do with the Soviet national anthem of course it does also your economist here we help each other out okay the road to southern whatever this world is called is complete and if anyone wants some bricks I’m willing to start calling them up

Oh you’re the brick person um where is your location really far south just follow the new where didi and I are going right now you’ll pass Dee Dee’s farm and keep going okay ah okay so your ass Mandor right okay gotcha yep Oh new voice 200 as matter I can bring you stone

I like bricks the pretty yes don’t I’m constantly naming discord mister Mandar here as Mandar on alright there we go you’re confusing me that could actually be a good idea if you guys had your in-game name in brackets after your disco Nick yes so it’s easier to tell who’s who

He used to do that with factorial so it could be a good idea to do here as well do I need to put the the in brackets online no no your name is is very recognizable I think if you say so Oh whatever go I see your

Road it’s very straight which is great for the powered carts haul these home okay didi I will I’ll go there I thought we did that room anyone ever figure out whether or not the that physics simulation was actually quiet sign I’m guessing it is because when I was running across that wonderful South

You know Atlantic bridge that we’ve created I all sudden felt through the middle of it I think because the client didn’t load it I think I’m gonna leave my cart here and then go run and show some of the houses that are in the world all right turn on

The maps see where I am I’ll say my house looks like crap but I’m more proud of the road but the Sun is just rising so we have lots of light left yeah this road is one that I built actually and I’m happy that it hasn’t been totally

Overgrown with jungle but there are these major chasms here to cross lots of canyons and stuff as Amanda do you have brick production I do I’ve got it tuned there are my efficiencies at two and I’m about to move to 300 a few minutes I cuz I’m

Gonna be needing a quantity of bricks to get the baking and advanced baking skill books on the go yeah you are you our number one priority for getting those bricks – we were talking about that oh right okay brilliant thank you yeah if was it Snoop Dogg

Can’t get it for you I definitely can so snap duck stop dick is on vacation just now so he’s not gonna be on for lo well I guess it’s all me then I better kick up my production we’re counting on that no rush no do you need slush for it I

Seem to be out of stone at the moment yes we know someone we um yeah the CMA stockpiles are we up to what two three that’s cute just to let everyone know this is malaria ng’s house which is enormous he’s also dug down to bedrock to store the tailings

Way way way down in the mind so it’s it’s huge his place sorry go ahead oh my god this is funny he’s got this butchery table I guess this is his kitchen room but he’s got all these chairs lined up like he’s teaching a class on a butchery

That’s good and he recently covered his stockpiles downstairs in here okay who else can we find who lives down there okay Ted on those I’m going to visit your lumber camp now very nice cool Okay who else is along this road we can visit it is whiskey Nick on I don’t think so it’s here – jolly duck oh yes and then we have cush over here should I come and visit you cush what do you think it’s worth the trek oh sure

Formal Aryans follow the coast north and it will then she hit my road and just follow the road on in cool all right it’s gonna be a trick through the wilderness see you soon all right bison I’m gonna race you cuz I forgot the Bowen arrows whoops okay so

This house is belonging to this is whiskey Nicks how that’s interesting fight since this went behind me it’s very audible is there some visual bug with the shop and I go to play shop and try to sell tomatoes it says that he doesn’t want any more Tomatoes but the

Shop says he wants 527 uh let me check that that’s not saying the shop has 527 is it I know in the buying site I’ve ordered 500 but I already have 527 so I can’t high anymore ok so the number actually shows how many you have in the shop yes

That’s confusing yeah sir me also I wish would show the limit of how much people were buying as well oh that’s it oh this is a beach dwelling who lives here you find out Oh recipe ok cool don’t think I’ve met recipe yet and then somebody

Switches lives up the road or up the coast you know if you look into the community tab on Y it does tell you how many they want but it doesn’t also tell you how many they have it’s interesting it seems like some of the tabs are just kind of

Like missing information one of the things that I wish that I could see is like you know when you bring up who’s online like if it would show there their location where they are over there where they’re living presumably that would be really nice actually on the the economy

Fewer with why the wanted number is how much you can sell to the store so it doesn’t matter how much they have this is telling you how many that they can actually sell because if you look at my store it’s saying wanted three to eight for commerce Falls thanks that means you

Can sell me 328 cameras pulse so that’s a more accurate description of what you can actually sell to a store what I wish it had is a list of how many open slots the person has in their chests or their you know any because I went to sell something the other day and

She definitely was taking it but she didn’t have any room mmm ah yes that’s and I had to run across country without roads that’s why I made the roads specifically for that that that’s why underneath my my shop there is a 3×3 stack of chess so that’s got plenty of

Space for things to come in I did roughly the same thing just made a stack of three chests that were just there for taking and incoming stuff no I haven’t had many people buy because I am almost literally on the other side of the world

From you all well you have a very nice house though I’m here greetings uh yep running over carrying armloads of mortared stone over at a time to get furnishings for the house cool you’re almost there you’re almost very very closely connected there I have a mud hut cool there’s cat burglars

This infernals friends okay who has my name address okay where are you living should I come and visit you once it’s just sure I see my wheat farms where do you live can you post your coordinates in in chat please here you can post them in discord do you know do

You know how to find your coordinates yeah I can do that I think okay okay this is Deana nod its Jamie here lots of people so many people were joined today this is fantastic it’s collab Ian who is also building a transoceanic Road I should go up to UM

Oh what is his name it’s a very funny name yes Polito I should go and show his road it’s funny alright I say I do have to give him points on just being efficient on getting a road bill quickly mmm-hmm okay so 16 22 by 14 55 kind of

Near you someone kind of near me somewhere okay least I run over here claimed lands everyone’s smile oh nice did you come in via the road Road Catherine I did I’d say do you think the switchback will handle the powered carts I was very impressed but with the

Switchback um I I’m guessing it might I hope so I’ll take a look at it again when I go back but you know what is it’s like four ramps wide was it I think I thought I did it three but I might have done it four I don’t know sometimes I go

I think it’s just three wide but I tried to make sure that they you only ever had 90-degree turns on it because if you have 180s I think that’s gonna be a little tight even with that going three wide yeah even even ninety degrees are really tight have you used one of those

Currents before I played around with it a little bit on a single player mostly up on the single player though I got my excavator going and I know it could clear this the cards are interesting I don’t know think of the cars what I kind of worked

Out was that he needs a seventh I’ll swing to make a right on a right angle turn awesome on in the middle of play yeah I just found it my color dogs just don’t we discover that I had had some chests and stock bells said to public by mistake Wow

And also I looks like ice boxes default to public when you place them down so if any was written down ice boxes check your permissions money could you they do get linked to any benches that produce things so you may end up with some public stuff that you don’t want public

That’s very good advice Wow so Thank You Khalid or indeed no problem there is still one ice box that I can access but I have no idea where it is might even be mine in my house don’t know where you are in the house that may be because I just changed all three

They’re in the workshop oh I need to rebuild the workshop for my my room scores it is clay Reynolds’s ice box and it is only visible from the furnishings chest so it’s got to be somewhat out of the way oh that’s the one round in my house hmm

They also like this water wheel which is turning around all by itself yes it’s water wheels are powered by early access and rocks it would seem since it’s moving through blocks yes it’s I was like oh I need to dig this out no not really don’t really need to dig it out

He goes anyway but no I don’t have one him I don’t have an ice box in my house because that’s a kitchen item and that would meet her to have two kitchens hmm so I don’t have that it contains 12 fiddleheads salads 38 charge cameras bulbs 16 beans and 17

Beets just so you know what’s inside if that helps oh that’s that the new premier item do it upstairs did you put $1 no oh my gosh boss just should be here no one’s empty oh this one so to change that no that’s inherited permissions you shouldn’t be able to see that well

That’s the strange thing because I’m not able to see it if I go to the shop but I am able to see it if I go to the chests we’re just seeing it or are you interacting with it like can you take stuff out of it no now I’m not able to

I’m just just seeing it now so that’s that’s better earlier I could take things out of it that also means that that campfire is putting out into a box that is our range of my shop yep that is not useful why is it doing that because every other storage box ahead of

It in the list is full derpy derpy derpy let’s change that up to this it’s a good thing I came online it would seem yes always are you finding a place to settle down yet I’m still trying to learn the game in basic single-player no cooperation

Mode so 76 skill points after three days is like uh-huh yeah I don’t know what I would do at the moment so yeah well you’re wide open speaking of one at a time mm-hmm what did you say clay oh sorry your options are wide open so far I’ve just been enjoying the map

Teleporting around yeah this map is just has amazing amazing views like how many times have you fell into the river of Catherine not that many actually just a few I noticed I noticed it was a new handy staircase running at the hillside of one of the

Mesas I’ve ever okay there was a couple fallings into the river and after I did it I thought this needs a staircase it’s extremely convenient to climb out naturally I was yeah I was going to ask for more less of um how many times did she fall him but how

Many times did she knock her cart into the rivers oh that’s a more interesting question on this server no I think I didn’t seem to clear ones and stress server once um slight confession my Catherine and I may have used a couple admin teleports to get out of the river

When we were setting this place up me have used is to keep it maybe I’m not confirming it but you are tonight so you have too much wood again not not too much I’m not complaining about too much wood world you give us more but I

Could do more I like how you’re the names of meteor yep we’ve sort of voted on that in a very non communist fashion but yeah Cobalt um I names for the meteor we’re just getting bonded about so I just went Bob and then everyone just went I vote Bob

I’ve Oh Bob I vote Bob everyone suddenly voted Bob so the meteor is now named Bob that makes perfect sense to me does that mean that the meteors real name is actually Robert by the way I don’t know if we’ve asked hmm usually what’s a priest role I would like that run around

Blessing people and chanting oh and hey interesting okay does anyone else need lumber by the way I do oh okay I have no idea how much number I spent on the single-player game it’s actually not a single pair but dual player game but it’s quite a bit um given well I was

The the lumber guy in the test server and given how many times I ran out especially given that I was building my house out of lumber and it took me three or four days to actually finish it because I kept running out of lumber because in a good communist society

Everyone was taking the lumber only because you told us to take it no I’m not building my house right now go ahead and take it I need to check how many stores I’m selling did you just say that you have to check how many store she or something yes that’s correct

Oh clay check furniture storage one I’m running downstairs right there second um I don’t think I have the the items for the other rooms to balance out okay it’s gonna throw my room score really off to whack if I have some items was okay that’s hard to build it

Oh hello soil samplers right I have now a couple of them that I’m gonna sell oh I’ll take both of them because I can move the rugs about jabal and so the extra two point items that will work just sell sampler I have did you get yours clay uh I have

No okay yeah I have one currently in stock and I’m gonna make more for cheap to make they just take forever oh I have another one cool or two alright let me just put for sale in the shop for how much they’re gonna be cheap see they’re for boards worse so like um

Like four credits my god I’m so lot of boards – it’s a lot of everything good gracious okay just make sure you coordinate because I only have two I would cuz I like one myself what is this thing I’ve never seen this store give me a third thingy for plus – oh so

You can set it that if you’re buying a tool you can set that the tool has to be at full durability or you can set it at minimum because I’m buying back road bank road tools so I can repair them okay okay right oh and we need more dirt

Ramps if anybody has dirt ramps I’ll put them in the shop for free just so people can get them Oh any beds need to make it oh I need to make so carts I don’t have any carts but mullerian can make the better carts the bigger carts do you

Guys still want any small Kurt’s I can set them up for sale if you do I would like to big cart but the problem is I don’t have enough to actually sell to get a big cart okay if you can just bring me some wood I can make you some

This is cush again I didn’t bring anything to sell I have no credits who’s that that’s my growth I came over to Catherine storm here let me just let me just put it in the box for you did you make this one public clay the one in the outside should be public yeah

Okay I see there we go I will put it in the in the box for you so you don’t have to I don’t know how far you live but you can bring something next time if you want okay thank you cue our National Anthem dude dude dude

Dude dude dude dude who was looking for the larger cart hi stick a stick if you want to come um I have one actually in there I can go ahead and give you I’ll go ahead and give you that one I’m just gathering up some of this random wood

That has been left around my base by somebody and I’ll use that to make another one further my sail why is it taking five minutes to make a door jeez I wouldn’t mind a car too but well if you have it however much you charge for

It oh I’m only charging the amount of credits I am because I’m charting the equivalent amount of what I’m buying boards for I’m gonna bring back some logs I mean yeah I mean at this point I’d say bring me an armload of logs and I think I have enough spare right now

Plus the birch forest is finally starting to regrow bout up here so I’ll be able to get plenty more wood here shortly okay thanks Katherine I’m only like 180 meters from your store nice that’s cool I need to look around for where you are so due to a slight mistake

In chests allocation the federal head solids are now available at clays edibles I almost like home I have to come back and get this you should just grab them up bring them down to my store and take the breaks just bring a big cart with you so it turns out I actually don’t

Have 20 vlogs okay it would still count to cush but it’s more of the just needing the wood to actually make the carts oh oh yeah I’m making 20 stores oh nice um by the way we have so much wood pulp where we’re just like standing in it up

To our ankles to our knees so if anyone wants to buy wood pulp we have lots of it and the price on the wood pulp is zero you can take all of it up take all you want it’s all good stuff if I wasn’t sitting on almost 1,500 pitch I’d

Probably be over there right now to get that well yeah because I get similar pitch issue over here so I don’t need well it’s because I got to the point where I could turn sand into pitch and I’m building my Road across beaches where I’m digging out the sand to place

The roads down so I’m just turning that sand back into pitch Wow and with the max efficiency it’s like I’m turning a cartload of sand into like 400 pitch at a time by some iron bars I think mullerian is the only one making iron right is he selling anything I don’t know

Oh I should check yep I have in the off chance that he was gonna come back up with some iron bars I put some in mine so he could trade them for food but yeah I was gonna get some to trade for so we can make a you a kitchen because I can

Make that item for you if I get sick slash Mars I can’t use the kitchen until I get the research for okay cuz the cooking skill is still waiting for 20 iron bars and there is no iron bars for sale when he gets back on we’re gonna

Need to bug him relentlessly yes good night everyone good night good night good night kept I’m asking what do you need to make a bed um a bed I mean just look how quick the fancy beds you’re talking about that I heard this is Shirley oh the regular

Beds you can trade if are you talking about trading or you want to make it yourself I can’t make it yet okay so if you want to trade just bring some logs and sell them to my store and they I’m buying logs at one and the bed cost nine point four

So currently crafting those and I did it on spreadsheet so it’s just kind of what it cost to make okay needle and Alana is doing the fence you want know I’m doing the fancy ones too okay she does the couches and and sofas and things and rugs yes I don’t think

She has that skill Lana do you have that skill to make the beds no that doesn’t come with tailoring okay and you just start up a spreadsheet or cut prices missing logs it’s mom’s coming with them oh nice ha ha wonderful all right what area can

I go and hunt for logs and maybe down here I have 40 Wow 40 logs fantastic yeah you can buy all kinds of furniture for that good stuff today we are limiting use of blue Murray’s until we can get blast furnaces to replace them hopefully we’ll be able to get those blast furnaces

Tomorrow once we get the research for that or the skill points yeah mullerian is currently working tonight he’s been doing smelting with blue Murray’s because he’s very good at hiding the pollution for it in fact if you look at the the ground pollution you can’t actually tell that he’s apparently got

Two stockpiles worth sitting buried underneath his house nope he does have two two stockpiles worse but Wow completely in business yep he was doing the end will previously yes he has produced a couple angles but I don’t think he’s got any distributed yet so was somebody working in this forest

Here because I don’t want to take anybody’s logs of fewer if you were collecting them looks like wind strike was here claiming some property for something maybe a farm or something ohdon’t beside the road yes I see what you mean that woods I think it’s the beginning of a house possibly with dirt

Walls okay and now to make this women to purchase place yeah it’s been interesting seems like a lot of us have just settled in very very disparate parts of the world oh yes I see so um I think um actually I was about to say it looks like you don’t actually burn

Calories when you swim but now that I look at it that’s not the case oh you definitely do yeah yeah there’s a lotta calories burnt when you swim it’s nice that it’s so fast though swimming when I last swam over to pushes place I didn’t actually burn any calories so

Early access sure whatever oh wow did you cut your way through this dirt area to create this nice little archway it was a hell very nice nice effect especially when it’s just sitting at the top with these rounds I gotta come down that way haven’t been there yet and this

Is officially the longest downhill section of ramps I have ever seen in this game so far usually not been in my mind okay I haven’t been in your mind but the length of this ramp is enough that the curvature of the world affects it the vision the visibility of it same

Thing in my mind cool if you weren’t so far away I might come and visit you but oh hey Troy DD I will come back nice just um I just want to see that what’s the end of the road here and I’ll come right back all the way don’t ask my undersized this

Is gonna be a nice easy run when we get power part cars and I was just thinking Oh Lana’s left her car down here when Lana runs out the store yes I’m selling my stone oh I should have brushed on down here cool nice we hope you’ve got a

Little and in the hill workshop yeah it’s a little more than that ooh Catherine you gotta come down here I’m going for a reverse skyscraper first skyscraper Wow oh my gosh you already have stockpiles dug out double Wow for this what is this okay then this may set a

New WoW record because Wow cool yet that just keeps going down are you oh my god there’s more yeah the upper stock piles and there’s like all of these rooms stairwells going all the way down to height 41 oh my god this is like the Winchester house yeah there’s nothing

Down there except your stand of the stairs but Wow Wow very nice oh and somebody invested in stair construction I see stone construction I think you’re the owner arson who has that Wow pretty cool very very cool doesn’t this count just giving you multiple kitchens so it hurts your Harrison score

I shouldn’t have multiple hits and persons that one because the mill is a kitchen yes my kitchen so that’s your kitchen but isn’t oh is that a brick kiln oh yeah I can’t make the other one until I get iron so I’m waiting for that everybody’s waiting for

Our oh just stock files I hadn’t seen this this is impressive I’m getting ready to add two more stock piles down here your paints a little small our bedrooms a little small yeah that I haven’t I haven’t dug out another room for it yet I just dug out the bathroom

So my bedrooms nice okay this is this is very impressive okay TV I am here do you have some honey get into your house don’t there’s stuff downstairs you guys brought a large cart with you I can load you up on some breaks um I just

Run down with her a car because I thought well just see what the road looks like up the hill I shall run back up I will load my car top with stone and come back down and get some breaks of you how many of each would you like

DeeDee okay a hundred of hewn logs okay oh I’m such a tarp I’m the cook I’m not even eating my best product it’s thick yeah the cart is in the bottom chest there I gave you permission so you can just grab it out okay it’ll take 16

Minutes to complete there we go should be pretty fast didn’t you want the locks ah yes let me open up this one stockpile lumber okay do you have a drop them in there please thank you I’m looking for it Oh Bruce thank you oh nice great when

You have a mill – very nice okay I do have a second large cart in the cook on the cook right now I just to let you know I don’t have a very good efficiency with lumber yet because I don’t have enough points so each piece costs five

Wood is that Alright okay let’s use all the rest of the logs now here’s a question where is my car disappeared – you can use the echolocator yeah I’m graph – to go all the way back into my house to get it up here I have already some rugs so I’m

Walking down my mine shaft and it’s far enough away that the end of the world is not spawned in for my rendering and I see Bob and my tunnel of my mining tunnel the hub is in the tunnel excellent this is a bow now my cart is

Up the mountain yeah I was wondering clay cuz every time I pass by your your frontage with my cart in tow I fall through the world and have to let go of my cart really yeah I was wondering if there was a glitchy spot cuz my car was

Parked at my front but there’s no up the mountain I have to go all the way up the mountain to get it it’s oh it’s on its side and did anyone cut a tree down up the mountain cause rain beside make my carps there is a

Giant log I didn’t cut one there but I cut one earlier and the whole log disappeared it was nowhere near that no I think it has materialized is is that where the black up here the world sort of dumps things it might be it’s uh it’s

Appeared right next to my car just no okay I see oh I need to go and show the public library I forgot about that okay I’ll go up there and collect that log then and this is gonna be interesting I’m gonna get down mm-hmm yeah but you

Work for current Rescue Services right I am recovery services so it’s no problem for you that’s a nation dorm endorsement from my number one customer yes I’m very good at getting cards an inconvenient spot I agree okay I’m just gonna go the you might want to to watch this because

This is gonna be derpy okay um I’m nowhere near you okay I’ll leave my current here and then I’ll run up the mountain to watch you know you can watch me from the library because I’m looking at the library right now I have to come up there I’m hurryin

Mm-hmm this is gonna be good I bet this this is gonna be dirty to the max oh wait that here I can see you coming along there okay we have the entry to the library on the sky people but oh my god right yeah this is worth videoing

Let me turn up the brightness hold on the Sun is setting there we go this is gonna be full-on der penis this is gonna probably a disaster but strip let the dirt begin with the cart oh no are you okay hey Kurt cover eServices how can we help get in the car Oh

Derp good night DD come on derby car – come on I don’t need a wheel chock I need to take my cart away there we go and I’m still stuck oh I can see that the contortions of your character are most bendy and haha there

You go over my field of a weed fire weed and down another drop here we go now that and I need to fix this last bet road I don’t like that oh you know I’ve noticed that the road is just being overgrown with grass on the actual road itself

Yeah yeah every now and again it deteriorates and that this stuff starts growing on it well that’s not good mm-hmm I guess it’s an impetus to build stone or asphalt roads working on it it’s just taking a while to build a road to get the stuff to you to build your

Road the road so we rewrote the road with Road we know how customer okay so I did not leave my cart in this position are you I’m just of our property just do the Aged yeah next to that interesting dirt building the new one Oh next to

Yeah just a few mera kaam is way I left the cart sitting normally on the road not in any danger of anything I do not see any wild bears that might have come through here um can you release the car to me please obvious of course pardon me

There’s so many people on the server dang alright okay the card has been oh is that easy shoot I should have done that yeah sorry I thought it was gonna be lots of diggy company oh man no I’ve done that before and I learned that trick after I’d uh

Rated three carts by digging hmm Wow that’s a lot of experience with this yes I have I am I am an expert in derpy cars very cool we should get another run carpentry table because a lot of those things are taking a long time to craft and I have like max drafting especially

Doors which don’t seem to have any crafting efficiency on them or a speed yeah I think that’s a door for the developers on the plus side i’ve just loaded up a full cart with stone to get rid of some of their stolen and I stopped well

Thanks I made you the same I just you know um I was just thinking I could take it down are we are we’re gonna bite bricks with the stone or we’re gonna trade the brick the stone for bricks for bricks the King sounds good cuz then we get to build

Some nice fancy buildings well nice fancy buildings was to two objects does anyone have construction skills yet I have thick mortar construction skills I can make stairs and I think Doug ah so no nobody specializing in building construction yet then will go on furniture do I put on furniture yeah

What are you asking me I’m sorry I understand meaning that will you work on doing stuff doing the furniture for everyone or yes yes I’m happy to do furniture for everyone yep as soon as I I mean I’m already selling stuff in the store and as soon

As I get my lumber skills higher I’m gonna sell the beds and stuff okay so bargain oh you have a spare carpentry table awesome are you near my shop okay fantastic thank you I’ll be awesome now I found I queued up a whole bunch of stuff at the carpentry table

And I put the doors first and they take five minutes each to do you can slide the other things in front of the doors oh yes I did I did I just if I want to have I think would be still good to have two tables just to get throughput going

On factorial all the way you know I need some nice boxes I was gonna say yeah throughput that’s all oh yeah surprise nice oh you need tailoring tables I’m so sorry I kind of forgot about them hey I can wait I’ve got to well I have two more if you want them

Yeah I can take one off your hands I don’t know it’s because I know that DeeDee is also doing tailoring so I don’t know if she’s gonna want one okay well I can always make more as well so okay I just wanted to share and share

Alike oh of course of course yeah I have I have all the woodworking skills so I’m happy to make anything that we need because you know in keeping with our anthem I really can’t have them all hey we can make more your productive society here good gracious I have arrived at

Reminders ah you beat me Oh Marvin I can give you stuff cuz you’re gonna give me that table right well what else would you like I need to adjust my store prices my my stuff was based off of when I actually needed mortar and just don’t anymore okay let’s

See I’m gonna put it in this public chest in the front of the store here do you need any doors I just bring down oh wait did you want to bed or did you want instead general some Victor’s okay yeah they do clay gonna let you know I have 200 in my

Thing right here but I’m sure as thank you for mr. Mandor sorry no go ahead go ahead sorry I asked as Amanda you don’t have enough space in your stockpiles to take all the stone that I’m trying to deliver just take the brick I don’t have

Space in my cart can you give rings access to your cart and all transfer the stuff um I kind of dirt and I have the wrong deed in my inventory give me a minute I was just trying to set up another stop file hold on does anybody need some cart transport

Services do you want to come down there and help you with throughput um do you know that you’re both buying unsealing logs yeah cuz I don’t need as many and there’s so much lumber around so I don’t mind people buying it but also if they

Want to give it to me then they get some points that’s fine too but I went one time I used a lot of logs I just don’t use them as much anymore and I know that like especially now that Catherine needs tons of logs let’s get

Them out of here and get some lumber um right okay in that case I might just take it take a little logs up instead and save the bricks for later right now let me see if I can do it in small watches another stockpile doh okay I can

Sell it as small watch their bricks what are they stocking team I think 15 for me ah but breaks a place right so I need to say it sell a lot more stone to get bricks um you started a pitch project in our on our mortaring table ma you never

Collected it so I can’t move the table so when you come up here next time would you mind just either picking up the order or canceling it please okay see if you can sell no okay space deficiency it must not have had a destination probably not yeah but I can’t cancel it

And I can’t pick it up so whenever you’re buying next time it’s not an emergency or anything I’ll probably buy with some more more mortared stone once I get a little bit hungrier room and destination inventory for a low on the sale even worth taking some of the the

Lumber off here are the logs although I’m selling 194 stone to get 48 logs oh yeah I see id valued stone what I should find devalue the logs – there’s a time but again I have not gone over my prices oh yeah my clays edibles prices take nothing into account regarding

Number of follow you I mean lately oh there we go yeah they go that should give you a one-to-one ratio clay so I picked up here yeah my big thing is make sure that I’m getting an income of what I need to build what I need that’s my thing with like putting

Example the bricks or Spencer do they take well yeah ooh trying to scrolls of the trade menu and it’s scrolling through all my stuff all right that should be note that the salad is worth a lot o the fiddlehead salad worth six times you know it wouldn’t

Sell at least yeah I need to work prices because I haven’t worked the fiddleheads individual item price compared to everything else so I need to wait what is this scene I’m doing trade no room in Destrehan I could use this game why you do this yeah there should be a

Whole empty stockpile um okay let me try oh right it’s trying to transfer to my cart first and then transfer away from my car that’s what it’s doing it’s been a derp there we go that worked they stored 25th that’s good so kilograms I can take you there 50

Okay a single unit of stone is lighter than a single unit of log out here nice and in log stack up to 20 and stone note it yes don’t factor typically two they both start to 20 but logs have a weight of 10 kilograms and stone as a way of

Seven kilograms see so you cannot get a same quantity of wood in your cart that you can’t stone I would have thought that stone would have been denser so you could have more weight it must all be like really solid oakerson and you’re dealing with pumice I guess

Oh well I guess I’ve I have more credit than for when I come back later yeah and we need to get you that Britain go we need to get that break for the sea that’s though going to yeah I don’t have to I’m still waiting or getting iron

That’s that’s the big hold up for absolutely everyone right now get in the iron because I need 20 iron to complete the cooking skill work which will then let me start the baking skill work in the baking totally Bert yeah baking yeah because once I don’t need the cooking

The bricks until we can actually get the research done for the baking let’s do some more soil analyzers I will definitely have bricks by then oh um clay do you need more seeds cuz I could potentially make some oh no nevermind I said here what is in the UM

Oh no nevermind farming tree I thought it was in the fertilizer tree that’s right it’s gonna calculate the price of the chests is there a reason why your food score would decrease if you have more of a balanced diet if you’re bouncing it with lower quality foods so like stuff you

Just harvest isn’t gonna get your score as high as stuff that’s cooked so if you’re bouncing yours with stuff that’s from both your support can go down a lot also I’m guessing that that fiddlehead salad is worth more so utilizing it will cause your score to go up bouncing out

With pike how’s your score to go down yeah that’s why I’m trying to make some more advanced I have cooking recipes yeah I went from eating just raw I started eating some of the cooked Tomatoes and my score went down I don’t know maybe there’s something else too

Having paid attention to its also balanced you know everything that is currently in your stomach so if you look at if you hover over your pie chart for that they’ll tell you what’s in your stomach everything in your stomach is being used as part of the calculation

And if you’ve got anything of low quality in there he’s waiting 24 hours for it to drop on your stomach or you can puke up you can do that yes the four slash moment command there are an amazing number of chat commands us for sure yeah most of our admin commands

But that is one of the readily available every player command no I just charted and said I don’t know permission to do it listed as a regular command it’s weird yeah I just did a slash help to try and look at the usage of it and it’s

Not showing up on my list we found it on the wiki so maybe they changed it oh the wiki’s been updated it’s been moved into how many commands okay vomiting does exist it’s just writing permission like there’s a different error message for trying to invoke vomit versus just something random

Please sir can I vomit now I’m just having flashbacks to Futurama with the one scene of when they turn bender and a human he’s like what else can this body to do and he starts throwing up all over the floor I forgot about that episode I think I’d rather forget about that

Episode yes I would probably would have rather kept that lost from my memory I need you I need you start making something that will use up these freakin huckleberries I would condense it down a bit I don’t go on one of the other things further down for huckleberries is making sugar which you

Then need to use to make yeast and if I remember correctly you need up but ton of it mm-hmm yeah there’s a bunch of stuff you can use to make yeast hey it’s all good this is this is the multiplayer server it’s right what tons of stuff so

It’s a good unit of measurement yes yes my favorite unit of measurement it’s more it’s more PC than the other alternative to that one and hey if you join the server you two can join in on this fun well I’m using some of it in the fiddlehead salads but it’s only for Prasad

My way to load I’m ordered stone my hold up in that one right now his beats I don’t know if the beats to do it yeah we’re gonna need a lot of beats there they’re a very efficient way of making sugar for the east oh yeah do you have

Any more soil samplers available I just cute some I think there might be one in their house cuz there are a couple good places to plant a couple things like wheat and stuff around my base I figured I’d just if I could take one of those so

I can at least keep an eye on what’s working where mm-hmm I can only start planting some of those odds and ends to bring over instead of just bringing over a load of mortared stone cuz I can carry a heck of a lot more things like beets

Then I can mortared stone in a trip right now oh absolutely if you check the overlay that will give you a really good indication of where to put stuff I mean I have soil samples queued there just they take ten minutes each so um when I

Get back to the base I can tell you if I have any for sure or not so wouldn’t want you to make the trip without having stuffed again well I was bringing mortared stone to get food and to clear out the pitch crafting if out

Of your one table oh cool cool Oh cuz I died Stan you’ve been you’ve been rearranging the workshop a little bit very little I’m saving a lot of space I didn’t want to miss your stuff because of the kitchen scores so I’m just putting it where we can yeah I think

It’s I just queued up another 400 and some pieces of road now it’s probably gonna call it a night and come back in the morning when that’s done and continue working on the road sounds good might want to put another stock or storage yard thing down to before I

Could have bed otherwise them they were gonna be able to empty it nice they need to start building out a new store I’m not you store a new workshop this is gonna be a new kitchen workshop I’m excited to see the new thing it’s gonna be neat to kind of get

To like the mid-game building thing or we can actually make functional buildings rather than make do ones yeah the only thing is I need to make sure the way I do this I don’t break the current workshop is that will be bad for all our stuff to stop well it depends

What part you’re working on but it wouldn’t matter if it stopped for just a few minutes almost four cards that’s will be hit for me for today so I good night everyone all right good night tonight next next hall if you start manipulating the water does that how long does that take before

The like the soil near it to register moisture or doesn’t it work that way there’s no implementation in the game so far like for the moisture yeah they had it water good water flow mechanics are also borked so Heron today had water in the game like watering stuff and aqueducts

But it was glitchy so they took it out for a while until they could fix it so you can’t actually change moisture yeah that’s a goer oh no I keep forgetting that unities collision restitution system is a little weird when stuff appears under a falling object anything remembers everything

From the bottom oh yes yes you can start finding loose bits of stone and some pretty random places once you once the bones of fake accent I’ve got the point where if I’m running a long way for logs I will chop up the entire tree and lay

The logs out on the ground because I come back when it refreshes the area it throws it up in the air and I can’t lose it when I was doing forestry if I didn’t know I have enough room in my car for the the logs I’d just start stacking it

Up so that when I came back it was all nascent and stacked up in a in a pile because if you’d do it that way then instead of considering our loose elements it’s a fixed world object yeah that’s what I yeah that’s why stacked everything I think your campfires are done yes they

Are I’m working in another project right now there’s a lot of food in there mmm no I’m just mentioning it this one now did anyone actually leave me any of my federal hit solids there is okay let’s see what clique in one of these twos right now much 44.1 oh it’s sending me

The wrong way I need to teach something else we need to excessive air too much vitamins there and you need to figure out something to balance I it was I was coming down to almost just eating charred meat because it was mostly the fats and proteins that were messing me up

The the combination of boiled shoots and campfire beans is very well balanced for early game the only thing he’s got slight lacking of is carbs yeah I’m throwing him that tomato other odd tomato now and then in that and what’s that someone needs to make a spreadsheet of all the different foods

And how the best balanced now I’ll work on that I’ll be working on that so that I can be the cook and nutritional expert for some strange reason I have the urge to make up some sort of application that takes in the list of all the foods in there

Nutrients it’s not the best combination to eat one bare supreme one elk taco and I can’t remember what the third one was and you have to have a big stomach rank 5ll tacos I am not making them because the sheer amount of ingredients that you need for an elk taco is pretty much

Every single harvestable crop in the game all its yes all of it in fact el taco is pretty much every harvestable edible thing in the game combined into one and you have to go through your process of nine different recipes just to make the el taco so what you’re

Saying is if I were to make up such an application I’d also want to have a difficulty to make as a bouncing point well they did say that they you know that’s what I’m making all the mass harvesting and and all equipment it’s because you need they can be put the

Amount of stuff needed to make the high level stuff the problem right now is there’s not the tools to make that oh I might have boiled shoots in my shop just here buying you out okay sorry guys you can paint blame Koosh for me being a

Stalker stuff hey I only bought out the shoots and you almost bought out the federal head silos – yeah but you are only taking 14 mortar instead of 15 I’m using up the mortar stone right now if you wanted to go back and you I already

Sold it the Kos I was trying to get enough to buy one of the soil samplers so I can kind of figure out where stuff strong best for me I was just gonna go out and do some quick harvesting of plant fiber here let me get just put it

In the chest for you hey clay um put bricks up and I’ll bring you I’ll bring the bricks to you Coosh are you still here yeah I’m just heading back right now like I said I was going on outside your zone area so I could harvest plant

Fiber oh okay yeah it’s in the it’s in the public chest in the front thank you I’m gonna sell you the plant fibers I found at least them and maybe I can get another piece of furniture for the house if anybody can make a butcher table one

Would be extremely handy for me what’s your table okay who was that saying that hard wolf aardwolf okay I have one in production sweet thank you into tailoring or cooking hunting and butchering yes I like you he’s actually my husband and as of you told me what I

Had to do I I like you both kinda as of monday we will be married for 12 years Oh congratulations congratulations section our art will where do you live Columbus Ohio good I meant in the game do you live near Lana oh yes you do I

See all right I will bring your table I’m pretty much right on top of her I see those two stone stockpiles got moved which don’t stop there were a couple stone stockpiles to the west of Alana’s place okay I’ve seen no scratch that I think I see them now yeah they’re

Still here it just was between the two of them now that’s my privacy fence all right I’m making my way to your place with the betray table I’m just gonna sit here and buy you out of the boiled shoots as you make them for a bit I’m gonna need to put another

Way I said I was only gonna I was just trying to grab enough to put me up above about 30 of each I’d found some wild wheat on my way over here and harvest it and sold it to you good good okay I now have three count fires working on boiled

Shoes and since everyone seems to label my beans okay some of those going like I said those two and the occasional like charred tomato or something thrown in work out fairly nice for um keeping your balance actually bollocks would know I don’t banish we don’t say that we bet

Five Vanek aren’t they just almost straight carbs uh cars protein and fat I think they’re pretty expensive to make though uh hello art wolf I have your retreat Abel fantastic fine I just need tallow I don’t want to use that much Tyler this early oh I can just put it

Down I think great uh yeah you can drop it anywhere I’ll move around okay oh one second if some very nice rooms Are you should have permission yeah I dropped it in the middle of the room which is probably the worst place to put it but here it is it’s unclear which will be the living room and which will be the workshop at this point so it’s all good thank you okay just following

Along the road that we have so far at least going from land of the sky people down to my lorian’s place if I went I should say not if but when I get this far putting road down I’m gonna have to vary it a little bit around people’s

Property unless I can get permissions to build on their stuff I’m sure that can be arranged for getting the roads done yeah I mean mostly the idea is anywhere that I find where people have done the road tool or dirt ramps I will start replacing those with at least the stone

Road when I get to them if we’re not up to asphalt by that point yeah for me just feel free to give them to me and all the place there’s only a little bit of land that’s covered by road for me that’s right at the end so nobody’s

Gonna care I forgot where we’re gonna put advertisements in the tall stuff like Bob will only be here for a short time don’t forget to get your photos with him I think more don’t let Bob hit before you’ve tried our I do have to say sometimes when your videos

Post they’re just like completely random times like 2 a.m. really you know why they post it to a.m. because I’ve been playing eco forget to schedule them because I tend to schedule them like in the evening time but they’re supposed to post at midnight my time factorio anyway

But yeah if it’s any non-zero number like 153 or 742 yeah that would be eco causing that issue I was sitting here and all the sudden that notice came up that episode 35 of piranha Don read hit oh yeah that was scheduled I c-can’t let earlier today it’s actually European

Morning time right now it’s 8 o’clock in Central Europe so it’s like breakfast entertainment I will say a lot of the mornings I get up and I see the video I’ll usually watch it before I go to work or while I’m eating breakfast see there you go that’s exactly what it’s for

And then I have some posting at morning time in the the Americas so so everybody gets fresh videos to start the day well the part and for me in the morning is it’s um contending between your videos or um the other one that I really watch fairly religiously is a

Direwolf twenties minecraft stuff because that’s what really got me on YouTube watching videos in the first place hashtag blame Sauron let’s play some feed the beast earlier today well it goes back to the thing is dire wolf 20 has kept me playing Minecraft and Katherine’s kept me playing factorio

Sounds pretty dangerous and now you’ve got me playing Eko oh dear that’s exactly why I downloaded it one does Eko get the conveyor belt I hope soon I say wait for the mods if you want a mash-up of factorial and minecraft slash Eko try fortress craft evolved if you like dealing with bugs

Can I help you clean up I am just taking down this wall because this is these a nice little expansion speaking of the fortress craft evolved I’ve tried it my computer hates it I don’t know what it is I’ve tried messing with the settings it just does not look

Right it lags the screen out I get tearing everything ooh okay but like Eko runs perfectly fine I’m sitting at about 50 frames a second right now so I don’t know what’s going on with that that it’s causing such issues for me well I gotta head off it’s basically

Morning here already so I’ll see you guys tomorrow all right good night have a good night good night plane um clay I was wondering do you want to make either the floor or the ceiling out of lumber so we have tier two materials you’re gonna need those for some of the

Kitchen things yeah I’m gonna be adjusting things as I get the better stuff right now I’m just going for the simple get it get it built mm-hmm and I will modify I’m probably actually um I’ll eventually replace all of the dirt walls with another material okay cool so

It’s a nice dance yeah cuz first take no doing is gonna keep these chests here and start setting up all my new kitchen stuff in here nice and I can keep this and basically kind of put a dividing wall to debate the the sawmill workshop mm-hm and the kitchen area okay and what

I could do is take right here there’s a lot of space over this side and we can extend the workshop this way to give you more space for the sawmills and stuff that’s a great idea we can use those these stock piles upstairs as well you know on the roof

Instead it’ll also get some more space oops I appear to have a hole into early access to mention I’ve got a missing single quad of dirt tile that lets me see into the entire mesh that is this mountain yeah that happens sometimes if you fall through it it’ll just deposit you at the

Highest point above you ah it’s a ceiling tile well no no danger falling through it then I think I’ll do that would you be happy with the stockpiles moving up to the roof yeah stop else can go out the top because that would actually if the

Stockpiles are up up in the roof that would save having to stretch the workshop over that way because then you could treat your sawmills and stuff in the middle area mm-hmm and like in the middle here and then I would let them access all the Dastak whales for logs and lumber and whatnot

Oh my god they fit perfectly uh-huh excellent stop go full read wraps oh you’re making stores you’re making all the stores mm-hmm feel free to queue anything you want in front of it cuz there’s just queuing it behind it makes the dark can really disappear and not

Appear for a while it sounds good okay nice now to transfer stuff I shouldn’t stand on top of it to transfer there we’d end up asti let’s just make this stuff disappear into that crafting bench wonderful wonderful this is what happened I appear to have an excess of copper okay that’ll happen

Find somewhere to stash up you you will make plenty use of it in the late game like I almost have a full stock pile is Dawson okay it will go fast in the late game trust me I have a entire stock full a stockpile full of gold on my property

So I feel yes I don’t think that goes very fast unless the currency really really heats it up uh gold flakes will eat a pile of gold I can’t recall when I was making gold flakes that you got for from one processing of it so I mean even

If you’re making like a ton of things that require it it don’t only heats up a fairly minimal amount compared to like iron this game is kind of like factorio where iron is everything okay cool stockpiles are gone right I can’t do as it was my cast-iron stove until I get cooking

Whoo house is up to 16.2 nice i was able to pick up another large rug so I’m balancing out my two bonus items Catherine do you want to dig dig the whole level down one more layer just to give us a would you like that I was

Gonna just even it out but yeah we can dig it – down we take it down it’ll give us a five tiles high for the mmm for this moving stuff though plus I’ve just discovered in to actually dig this out for my my stove anywhere I need the tier

Two material for the stove mm-hmm okay I’ve got to soil samplers in stock if anyone’s interested or needing some back I’m coming I think we should we could rearrange these storage chests in the middle as well yeah I’m thinking kind of split it because for the area that you have is

Your workbench I was gonna turn it over to you mm-hmm or just so that the the two workshops storages aren’t automatically linked to each other mm-hmm and I end up with food all the way over your chest and you end up with wood pulp all fill in my chest makes

Sense so we’re going here I like the wood pulp is set in here mm-hmm can anyone who is currently online convert wood part wood pulp into pitch yeah yes at max efficiency Sam does we have a lot of wood pulp and even if you don’t take the picture we can you just

Convert it to pitch so that it’s taking up less space in our inventories yeah I need to find fuel for my fire I’m using so long we have clay would be happy if the happy display was coal I really should find a source of coal here soon considering as soon as these

Listen metrics we start up and eat that given that my house is literally dug into a big a big coal vein I can keep you supplied with that I believe a run down to your house was cold say don’t make that promise you’re 15 well hey at

Least it’s a nice road now because if you’re using up Cole I mean I have a stockpile of it sitting in front of my house right now because like how many deep is that us at its thickest point it is five deep you’ve got almost uh what a

Full stockpile or more of it alright how much you forgot right there The awkward fourth part right now is officers build a temporary bridge over to my Island I’ve got just under a hundred cold in my stockpile right there the blast furnaces will burn through that in no time yes

What furnace near you definitely keep it up there um try this – think it’s not a small coal thing there maybe keep me going for now I’m gonna get my fire going back up yeah I can start putting up that all by wood pulp even if people

Want to bring it down here okay I will Karzai unfit up that your bike cold cuz I will cart it down to you just give your extra supply especially when powered cars come along because then I will just take full powered cars full down to you now when

We get that to that point by then all the road should be built by then at the rate I’m going I think once I make this next turn I’ll be it to about the halfway point and then once we get powered carts I’ll probably have to go back through and reevaluate sections of

The road so that powered carts can navigate them oh I know that pain all too well um that’s why I built the switchback as large as I did is because I was hoping that it would be large enough to handle the carts it’ll be interesting to see how they fare I mean

Worst case scenario I build it out to eight wide which brings up the next good question of you know if when when and if we do get to that point we’ll need to find good places for oil that’s a long way off up the screwball part I was noticing

In my single-player is it didn’t really matter where I put the oil pump it still took the same amount of time still produce the same amount of yield regardless of whether I placed it on a place that said it was rich in oil or not interesting um I just put the oil

Overlay on finding oil sports isn’t no gonna be difficult in the slightest are you still running ramp projects for dirt put some more dirt in the roof one storage stockpile get to that one that one that projects got all the dirt that needs you’ve still got 13 stores

Crafting okay which is currently in front of it okay the store set to receive the stuff of course I know I’m having to wait for it to create the chest so that I can actually store the stuff it’s well we’re doing some renovations right now so yes we’re experiencing serious derpy physics

Here but yeah we are kind of ripping out an entire floor but the tables still work which was interesting huh magic levitating tables as long as you don’t have any massive holes that turn it into not a room it’s still a room could create like a magician’s workshop

That way just have everything levitating that’s too bad it’s too bad you can only rotate on the flat if you could rotate him so they weren’t upside-down just put them all on the ceiling what the hell did Barbarin just sell me that I could that he can buy so much right

Oh so that’s where all those beans came from beans nice now we are growing being right we’re not just pulling them out of the environment oh yeah I have a huge bean farm on the go right now besides beans are all over this forest yeah I get a lot of mums wondering if

They they grow like everything else because I could see with how many people keep coming in complaining about finding food and how many people keep dumping him on you wondering if we’re deforesting the bean population I have some beans as well At least beans you just plant the bean itself I need to have a safer stock for for the seeds yeah I like that better I think than the other things because one thing I found on the test server is that when I had full harvesting capabilities

And I was growing a lot of wheat I had chests and chests full of wheat seeds just way way too much and can’t use it for anything um didi I don’t know if there’s a way to link location just typing all you have to do is just type open paren ex corde

Comma Y quark-gluon oh okay that’s cool okay okay that’s easy I might have to make this part of the road wider to make it Katherine proof want you driving a cart into the ocean now eat eat it looks very peculiar these things just hanging in midair Transfer

Oh my god done going somewhere if only we knew someone who is buying stone plus I’ve still got my massive pile of stone oh the tree died or did you chop it down me there was a tree here where are you I didn’t chop anything near our base

Where all the trees died then we go look where you are I’m over here oh no I didn’t chop anything here because this see this hole right here oh there’s a tree here shoot yeah I’ve been leaving the trees by our base up and I haven’t

Chopped any of them none of them cuz I don’t have to grow trees around here this this is my almost nice to make a full stockpile with just piling stuff up I’m not using an official stockpile oh that goes at all many nice well I think the

Stockpile is better for your frame rates though in the area it is but right all that stuff’s gonna be shifted from the contracts are actually not too bad you just choose what you want to have happen like if you want an item usually the put item in chest section is good for that

And then you can make contracts with other things as well um I don’t think Dean’s own moisture Oh nope unless use a different name wouldn’t surprise me if these couple people that have settled near me have settled near me because they have access to the road already

Um that’s probably I mean that is why a lot of people’s build houses in real life is like oh there’s a road let’s build the house accessibility is really important and the next fun part is I’m looking at how I want to plot this next area of the road to kind of thread

Between a couple people here where are you oh okay super yarn hire and there are a lot of people near you they downside is I haven’t seen any of them on so I haven’t been able to you know see what they’re doing what they’re looking for or anything like that they

Sent you the best thing I have going for them right now is if they want to sell me some of the basic campfire food stuff I’m offering uh the stone mortar to build homes with so sir did you say that you’re gonna run it right down to melons that’s my plan

So far is continue along the coast like I am I’m probably gonna have to go behind whoever’s fishing shack that is just pretty much bring it out and bring it to like straight down then come by past looks like whiskey Nicks might dig a tunnel or might go up and around not

Sure yet then down towards meloria now one time to me Laurie and I’m gonna keep going and expand the road that they have and work on this eventually bringing that up along the path that’s already been plotted up to the people of the Skylands Ranch all right okay I mean

It’s gonna be a hell of a lot of road and it’s gonna take some time but that’s my plan right now I mean if I wanted to cheese it I could have just built the massive road across the ocean but I just I that just doesn’t sit well with me

Every time I see Polly chose Road on the map it crashed me up cuz it’s just this long road across the ocean I can’t actually go look at that I haven’t been to see that yet you should is it very funny it’s just made of ramps that go up and down oh my

God it’s so long I want to go take a look at that right now sounds like a fun diversion I meant to look at it when I went up to Alana’s place I didn’t forgot sorry go ahead oh I was just gonna say it’s one of

Those I give him ingenuity for you know taking the least amount of materials to cover the most amount of distance sure enough I’m having a little quandary I’m looking at the economy viewer and I’m noticing that somebody else is using my credit as their currency for buying

Things yes isn’t that interesting we saw that earlier today he’s got a little bit of your credit so he’s obviously been selling stuff to you but I’m not sure how it’s gonna work when he runs out unless he’s just gonna keep selling you stuff to to trade on uh TG Scrolls and

Needs our Jonesy Niner nine one one store do you think another white meat there’s two other people that are using your credit yeah Wow I’m gonna take over the world currency aren’t you it’s not my plan really so there’s a nice and ramps ramps and ran balram’s we down

Here okay you see or any other mismatches well no one really has the opportunity was mine because every time they they sell soft stuff to me it they just spend all their money buying my food now you can see if you go to currencies you can

See what’s in circulation if you sort by circulation you’ll see that Lana’s by far the most circulated credit that’s because my credit and the Geiger who is the the one was using your your credit any store has good the most after you yeah I mean it’s

Not like I’ve quartered the market I do have competition and she’s on the same you know confident maybe he’s just thinking right okay Lana’s credit is being used well quite a lot for quite valuable stuff so but then there’s to fight that a lot gesture can I make way

A bit for some good stuff over Lana so I have to ask is this going to be against several rules to be using someone else’s credit um no why would I be if I don’t know if this is actually something Alana wants well not something that I can

Prevent I think it also means that by him using ah her credit it makes it easier for other people to go up and buy her promos I went out and sold some stuff to him and I I think he thought that if he said that but I don’t know I’m not sure what

He thought I’m confused this is a very pretty property up here lovely Kevin or sky do you still have a soil that should be yeah oh no I bought two already a public chest I’ve got some dirt ramps that I can’t use and people are coming to you to get them yes you

Can put them in the chest out out in front of the store that one’s the public chest thank you yeah we just decided to put one up top because telling people yeah go inside and go to the the three by three wall and go to the middle one

On the left was a bit too complicated but a nice simple visible more accessible we appreciate that it also safe stop having people having to go all the way into our but just to come back out for this for what they want it’s a bit of a jungle in there at the moment

Looks like just seems though if you keep going north in the end you just end up up at those guys to the south of us manda mmm-hmm you can see someone over to the east think someone at least nope it’s just a mop being derpy this is gonna be a huge

World it is but you having the amount of people of come on mmm I notice you posted in chapters about 50 to 60 world population that’s pretty darn impressive just a quick refresh on the stats page that should give us an accurate number of people who have ever been on which is

62 Wow nice does this show how many people are on right now 11 Wow it’s still good um yeah it’s getting around nope almost well it’s 12:40 my time in the US so and then tomorrow’s a Friday wait tomorrow’s a Friday Saturday is it a Saturday already Wow yeah right oh

Dear tomorrow’s a Saturday oh my goodness all right I have some things I gotta do we might be having a stream tomorrow oh that’s the sheer cliff here mm-hmm this is the the adventure for getting back up you’re just like okay where’s clay going there he is Oh didi okay I’ll

Come down and get the location that’s so weird because I did link it to your stockpile okay I’ll go down real quick and get that sorted really tomorrow’s Saturday oh my god well I actually given that his daily side for me already it’s Saturday I haven’t gotten back up

It’s not Saturday yet yes that is my my thinking exactly my my T’s are for when I could sleep because I sometime I work at a late chef so I’m finishing at 1:00 a.m. and if I’m working on late to do some extra extra work I sometimes see

That the morning guys come in and he’s talking about it being today I said no no that’s tomorrow [Laughter] and he’s like no I just got up so it’s today I says no no I haven’t been to bed yet so it’s tomorrow that’s how I function though I can’t be asked to have

Midnight be the next day forget it hey clay have you uh you should add bricks or buying bricks so I can have a good currency to use don’t get food oh yes bricks yes fresh need of value and so stars if you’re not already doing so

Oh yes I can do that right I’m a Dee Dee’s house now let’s drop in I really need to start spreadsheet of values of stuff oh there goes okay that’s what the mistake was I didn’t specify a storage chest because it has wood pulp I forgot about that this is all sorted now

Yeah yeah right the main thing I need to make sure is that my oak tree chess for the campfire are all in range of the store If I should grab some more lumber think is it well oh not without my car I want q like ten of these to go ten more soil samplers alright we have utter chaos in here yeah HS so cool yeah we can replace all the dirt with proper walls

Okay two storage chests have a radius range of 10 blocks right that’s good yes I’m reading the wiki oh it’s not I I think it might be seven blocks I know stockpiles are only seven side-to-side it’s a radius of 10 so in a diagonal path it’s only seven well when I tested

It it was seven straight inched a straightedge yeah well when I tested stock piles I didn’t test chests they could be different our stock piles are taking the central square as being this so like set chest being smaller let me go check to make sure because if you

Think about stock piles the central point you’ve then got one two already still in this in the stock pile eight nine and ten okay I have chests ten squares away and they do not link see nine squares okay nine squares between I thought it was nine squares yeah

Straight straight line nine squares away they linked is that nine squares in between the chests that’s right so sue the other chest is on the 10 square mm-hmm so it’s ten squares I am too hungry to dismantle my campfire going Chuck repair bench will not feed

Me food yeah see the repair Bunch only repairs tools not people alrighty I think I’m getting really tired so I’m going to head off for the night so I’m gonna stop the recording but I just want to thank you everyone for for coming and playing and having a nice time and I’ll

See you guys tomorrow have a great night good night

This video, titled ‘Eco Ep 1: BUILDING A COMMUNITY – Multiplayer – Voxel Builder/RPG – Let’s Play’, was uploaded by KatherineOfSky on 2018-03-25 14:00:00. It has garnered 13445 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:43 or 9643 seconds.

We’re here in Land of the Sky People! KoS’s public server is online and we’re banding together to create a thriving community!

Eco is a unique RPG/building game where we must stop a meteor from hitting the planet, building our skills and technologies, and hopefully not destroying the planet in the process to get there! Think Minecraft with environmental consequences!

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A huge thank you to Strange Loop Games for providing me with a game key!


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Check out these other fun series: Staxel (Early Access): My Time at Portia (Early Access):


About Eco: All of the world’s resources originate from its environment, which is affected by your actions. While a meteor looms over head — set to strike the planet in thirty days — a more subtle threat grows from player-interaction with the environment. Without careful attention, ecological destruction can destroy civilization before the meteor even strikes. To ultimately succeed, you and your community will need to use the tools of government and economy to find a balance between progress and protection.

Included Features – Online Multiplayer – Collaborate online with a community of players. – Local Singleplayer – Build your own world, with the option to invite friends. – Dedicated Server Included – Host your own Eco worlds. – Over 30 different craft tables, with hundreds of recipes. – Hundreds of items, skills, craft tables, and building blocks. – A simulated ecosystem with dozens of unique species. – With limited carrying capacity, players must create vehicles and networks of roads to transport materials. – Create your own backed or fiat currencies, using them as a means of exchange in the economy. – Build stores where you can sell your excess items for a profit. – Eat varied and nutritious food and build ever larger homes to increase your skills. – Create contracts for jobs that you would like players with different skill-specialties to accomplish for you. Take on contracts from other players that need the skills you possess. – Design laws using programmable template system to protect your world or increase your profits, enforced by the game if ratified by the population. – Run for election and make decisions that affect the globe. – View and compile rich data from the simulation and use it to argue for group decisions. – Claim land as your own property, and share access rights. – Give and remove reputation from other players. – Find a balance between progress and protection, between individual needs and those of the group, succeeding or failing together.

Buy on Steam: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Discord: #EcoGame

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  • Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!

    Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!Video Information This video, titled ‘13.1.24 | xioonae | guess who just got affiliated! WOOHOOO!!!’, was uploaded by xioonae on 2024-01-18 12:44:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, Xioon’s here ^^ I’m your daily dose of mostly chilled out streams, consisting mainly of Euro Truck Simulator 2, Minecraft and … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!

    Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘🎈🐷 Sky-High Fun: Ultimate Minecraft Piggy Balloon Build Tutorial! 🏗️✨’, was uploaded by VoxelVenturer Dennis on 2024-06-09 16:27:52. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Join me on an adventure as we soar to new heights in Minecraft with this step-by-step guide to building the cutest piggy balloon ever! Perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts and creative builders looking to add a touch of whimsy to their world. 🌍✨ 🔨 What You’ll Learn: Crafting the perfect piggy shape with precision blocks Selecting the best materials for… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

    INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper full 3D making video by hak3d’, was uploaded by hak3d on 2024-04-01 17:17:47. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:39 or 11139 seconds. Minecraft creeper full 3D making video by hak3d Made at Bambulab P1S Combo printer You can find model here: Filament type unbrand, luminous Intro music by Alex Grohl: Stomping Rock (Four Shouts) Read More

  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord:— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂I guess the meme is only worth a 14 out of 100, just like my mining skills in Minecraft! 😂 Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

    Bandit Adventure Life - Episode 33 Bandit Adventure Life: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “YOU ARE NOT READY! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 33,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Senior Hunters and the Chosen One. This Minecraft Animation marks the beginning of a new arc in the Pro Life Season 3 series. Round 2: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One The episode features a thrilling battle between the seasoned Senior Hunters and the formidable Chosen One. As the two sides clash, the stakes are high, and the action is non-stop…. Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = DISCORD LINK = Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : Ko-Fi : ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

Eco Ep 1: BUILDING A COMMUNITY – Multiplayer – Voxel Builder/RPG – Let’s Play